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admin Capabilities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/basic-mobility-security/capabilities.md
The following sections list the policy settings you can use to help secure and m
|Setting name|iOS|Android|Samsung Knox| |||||
-|Require a password|Yes|Yes|Yes|
+|Require a password|Yes|No|No|
|Prevent simple password|Yes|No|No| |Require an alphanumeric password|Yes|No|No| |Minimum password length|Yes|Yes|Yes|
The following option can block users from accessing their Microsoft 365 email if
|Setting name|iOS|Android|Samsung Knox| ||||| |Require encrypted backup|Yes|No|No|
-|Block cloud backup|Yes|No|No|
-|Block document synchronization|Yes|No|No|
+|Block cloud backup<sup>1</sup>|Yes|No|No|
+|Block document synchronization<sup>1</sup>|Yes|No|No|
|Block photo synchronization|Yes|No|No| |Allow Google backup|N/A|No|Yes| |Allow Google account auto sync|N/A|No|Yes|
+<sup>1</sup>To function, these settings require supervised iOS devices.
+ ## System settings |Setting name|iOS|Android|Samsung Knox|
The following option can block users from accessing their Microsoft 365 email if
|Setting name|iOS|Android|Samsung Knox| |||||
-|Block video conferences on device|Yes|No|No|
-|Block access to application store|Yes|No|Yes|
+|Block video conferences on device<sup>1</sup>|Yes|No|No|
+|Block access to application store<sup>1</sup>|Yes|No|Yes|
|Require password when accessing application store|No|Yes|Yes|
+<sup>1</sup>To function, these settings require supervised iOS devices.
+ ## Device capabilities settings |Setting name|iOS|Android|Samsung Knox| |||||
-|Block connection with removable storage|Yes|Yes|No|
-|Block Bluetooth connection|Yes|Yes|No|
+|Block connection with removable storage|No|No|Yes|
+|Block Bluetooth connection|No|No|Yes|
## Additional settings
compliance Communication Compliance Solution Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-solution-overview.md
Title: Communication compliance
description: Learn how to configure communication compliance in Microsoft Purview. keywords: Microsoft 365, insider risk, compliance ms.localizationpriority: medium- + f1.keywords: - NOCSH
compliance Content Search https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/content-search.md
After you run a search, the number of content locations and an estimated number
5. On the **Locations** page, choose the content locations that you want to search. You can search mailboxes, sites, and public folders.
- ![Choose the content locations to place on hold.](../media/ContentSearchLocations.png)
+ ![Choose the content locations to search.](../media/ContentSearchLocations.png)
- 1. **Exchange mailboxes**: Set the toggle to **On** and then click **Choose users, groups, or teams** to specify the mailboxes to place on hold. Use the search box to find user mailboxes and distribution groups. You can also search the mailbox associated with a Microsoft Team (for channel messages), Office 365 Group, and Yammer Group. For more information about the application data stored in mailboxes, see [Content stored in mailboxes for eDiscovery](what-is-stored-in-exo-mailbox.md).
+ 1. **Exchange mailboxes**: Set the toggle to **On** and then click **Choose users, groups, or teams** to specify the mailboxes to search. Use the search box to find user mailboxes and distribution groups. You can also search the mailbox associated with a Microsoft Team (for channel messages), Office 365 Group, and Yammer Group. For more information about the application data stored in mailboxes, see [Content stored in mailboxes for eDiscovery](what-is-stored-in-exo-mailbox.md).
- 2. **SharePoint sites**: Set the toggle to **On** and then click **Choose sites** to specify SharePoint sites and OneDrive accounts to place on hold. Type the URL for each site that you want to place on hold. You can also add the URL for the SharePoint site for a Microsoft Team, Office 365 Group, or Yammer Group.
+ 2. **SharePoint sites**: Set the toggle to **On** and then click **Choose sites** to specify SharePoint sites and OneDrive accounts to search. Type the URL for each site that you want to search. You can also add the URL for the SharePoint site for a Microsoft Team, Office 365 Group, or Yammer Group.
- 3. **Exchange public folders**: Set the toggle to **On** to put all public folders in your Exchange Online organization on hold. You can't choose specific public folders to put on hold. Leave the toggle switch off if you don't want to put a hold on public folders.
+ 3. **Exchange public folders**: Set the toggle to **On** to search public folders in your Exchange Online organization. You can't choose specific public folders to search. Leave the toggle switch off if you don't want search public folders.
4. Keep this checkbox selected to search for Teams content for on-premises users. For example, if you search all Exchange mailboxes in the organization and this checkbox is selected, the cloud-based storage used to store Teams chat data for on-premises users will be included in the scope of the search. For more information, see [Search for Teams chat data for on-premises users](search-cloud-based-mailboxes-for-on-premises-users.md).
compliance Enhancing Mail Flow With Mta Sts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/enhancing-mail-flow-with-mta-sts.md
Once MTA-STS is set up for your domain, any messages sent from senders who suppo
## How To Adopt MTA-STS
-MTA-STS allows a domain to declare support for TLS and communicate the MX record and destination certificate to expect. It also indicates what a sending server should do if there's a problem. This is done through a combination of a DNS TXT record and a policy file that's published as an HTTPS web page. The HTTPS-protected policy introduces another security protection that attackers must overcome.
+MTA-STS allows a domain to declare support for TLS and communicate the MX record and destination certificate to expect. It also indicates what a sending server must do if there's a problem. This communication is done through a combination of a DNS TXT record and a policy file that's published as an HTTPS webpage. The HTTPS-protected policy introduces another security protection that attackers must overcome.
A domain's MTA-STS TXT record indicates MTA-STS support to a sender, after which the domain's HTTPS-based MTA-STS policy is retrieved by the sender. The following TXT record is an example that declares support for MTA-STS:
max_age: 604800
Any customer whose MX records point directly to Exchange Online can specify in their own policy, with the same values that are shown above in the microsoft.com policy. The unique required information in the policy is the MX record that points to Exchange Online (`*`.mail.protection.outlook.com), and the same certificate is shared by all Exchange Online customers. It's possible to publish your policy in *test* mode to ensure it's valid before changing it to *enforce* mode. There are third-party validation tools out there that can check your configuration.
-These policies aren't something that Exchange Online can host on behalf of customers and customers should make use of the web hosting service they use. The policy needs to be protected by HTTPS with a certificate for the subdomain `mta-sts.<domain name>`. There are alternatives to hosting a policy including [this solution](https://github.com/jpawlowski/mta-sts.template) that uses GitHub Pages to host it.
+These policies aren't something that Exchange Online can host on behalf of customers, so customers must configure their domain's STS policy using the services they prefer. Azure services can be easily used for policy hosting and there's a configuration walk-through later in this article. The policy needs to be protected by HTTPS with a certificate for the subdomain `mta-sts.<domain name>`.
-Once the DNS TXT domain record is created and the policy file is available at the required HTTPS URL, the domain will be protected by MTA-STS. Details about MTA-STS are available in [RFC 8461](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8461).
+Once the DNS TXT record is created and the policy file is available at the required HTTPS URL, the domain will be protected by MTA-STS. Details about MTA-STS are available in [RFC 8461](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8461).
+### Configuring Inbound MTA-STS with Azure Services
+> [!NOTE]
+> These configuration flows were developed to help Microsoft Exchange Online customers host their MTA-STS policy using Azure resources. This configuration flow assumes that you're an Exchange Online customer who is aware of how MTA-STS works and its requirements. For more information about the protocol beyond this topic, see [RFC8461](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8461.html).
+There are two Azure resources that can be used to host the MTA-STS policy: [Azure Static Web App](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/app-service/static/) and [Azure Functions](/azure/azure-functions/functions-overview). Although this article describes how to deploy the policy using both the resources, the recommended method is [Azure Static Web App](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/app-service/static/) as itΓÇÖs designed for hosting static pages such as the STS policy, and Azure simplifies the configuration by providing a TLS certificate for the MTA-STS webpage out of the box, without requiring more configuration. If you aren't able to use [Azure Static Web App](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/app-service/static/), you can also host your policy as serverless code using [Azure Functions](/azure/azure-functions/functions-overview). This approach isn't the preferred method because Azure Function is a feature designed for other scenarios and it doesnΓÇÖt issue a TLS certificate automatically, unlike Azure Static Web Apps. So using [Azure Functions](/azure/azure-functions/functions-overview) for MTA-STS requires that you issue your own ΓÇ£mta-sts.[your domain]ΓÇ¥ certificate and bind it to the function.
+Regardless of which approach you've taken, we encourage you to validate that your policy is properly configured and the response time is acceptable ΓÇô timeout per RFC guidance is 60 seconds.
+These configuration flows are intended to provide only technical information about Azure features that can be used to host the MTA-STS policy and doesn't provide any information about Azure featuresΓÇÖ charging or costs. If you want to know Azure feature costs, use the Azure [Pricing Calculator](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/calculator/).
+#### Option 1 (RECOMMENDED): Azure Static Web App
+1. Create an Azure DevOps organization or use an organization that already exists. In this example, an organization called ΓÇ£ContosoCorporationΓÇ¥ will be used to host the MTA-STS policy.
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/projects-tab.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the projects tab." lightbox="../media/projects-tab.png":::
+2. In **Repos > Files**, clone your repository in any IDE that you prefer. In this example, the repo will be cloned in Visual Studio.
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/clone-to-vs-code.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows an example of cloning to visual studio code." lightbox="../media/clone-to-vs-code.png":::
+3. Once the repo is cloned, create the following folder path: `home\.well-known\`. Then, create the following files:
+ - File 1: home\.well-known\mta-sts.txt
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > This configuration allows only Exchange Online to receive messages on behalf of your domain. If you're using multiple email providers, you need to reference MX hosts for those other providers' domains as well. Wildcards or ΓÇÿ*ΓÇÖ must not be used as the MX prefix in all MTA-STS scenarios; the settings below are specific to Exchange Online only and must NOT be used as general guidance for configuring MTA-STS.
+ 1. Input the following text into the mta-sts.txt file:
+ ```powershell
+ version: STSv1
+ mode: testing
+ mx: *.mail.protection.outlook.com
+ max_age: 604800
+ ```
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > It's recommended that the policy mode be initially set as ΓÇÿtestingΓÇÖ. Then, at the end of the configuration and after validating that the policy is working as expected, update the mta-sts.txt file such that the mode is ΓÇÿenforceΓÇÖ.
+ The file must only contain the content as shown in the following screenshot:
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/contents-of-file1.png" alt-text="The screenshot that displays the contents of File1." lightbox="../media/contents-of-file1.png":::
+ - File 2: home\https://docsupdatetracker.net/index.html
+ 1. Create an https://docsupdatetracker.net/index.html file and input the following code into it:
+ ```powershell
+ <!DOCTYPE html>
+ <html lang="en">
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="UTF-8">
+ <title>MTA-STS</title>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>MTA-STS Static Website index</h1>
+ </body>
+ </html>
+ ```
+ The file must only contain the content as shown in the following screenshot:
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/contents-of-file2.png" alt-text="The screenshot that displays the contents of File2." lightbox="../media/contents-of-file2.png":::
+ Once the folder path and files are created, donΓÇÖt forget to commit the changes and push them into your main branch.
+4. Create a new Azure Static Web App with the following configuration:
+ - **Name**: MTA-STS-StaticWebApp
+ - **Plan type**: Standard
+ - **Deployment Details**: Azure DevOps
+ - **Organization**: ContosoCorporation
+ - **Project**: MTA-STS_Project
+ - **Repository**: MTA-STS_Project
+ - **Branch**: master
+ - **Build Presets**: Angular
+ - **App Location**: /home
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/new-app-with-details.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows a newly created Azure Static Web App with its information." lightbox="../media/new-app-with-details.png":::
+5. Once the Static Web App creation is done and the resource is provisioned, go to **Overview > Manage deployment token**; then copy the token as it will be used in the next step.
+6. Go to **Pipelines > Create Pipeline > Azure Repos Git > MTA-STS_Project**, and perform the following subtasks:
+ 1. Go to **Variables > New Variable** and type the following:
+ 1. **Name**: token
+ 1. **Value**: (paste the token that you previously copied)
+ 1. Once the variable is saved, return to **Review your pipeline YAML** and paste the following yml, save and run.
+ ```powershell
+ trigger:
+ - main
+ pool:
+ vmImage: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - checkout: self
+ submodules: true
+ - task: AzureStaticWebApp@0
+ inputs:
+ app_location: '/home'
+ azure_static_web_apps_api_token: $(token)
+ ```
+ In Azure DevOps, during deployment, if you experience the error **No hosted parallelism has been purchased or granted**, either request through this [form](https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=v4j5cvGGr0GRqy180BHbR63mUWPlq7NEsFZhkyH8jChUMlM3QzdDMFZOMkVBWU5BWFM3SDI2QlRBSC4u) or implement a configuration through **Organization Settings > Parallel jobs > Microsoft Hosted > Change > Paid Parallel jobs** such that ΓÇ£Paid parallel jobsΓÇ¥ are allowed.
+7. Once the job finishes successfully, you can validate the deployment through the Azure portal by going to **Azure Static Web App > Environment > Browser**. You must see the https://docsupdatetracker.net/index.html file's content.
+8. Add your vanity domain in **Azure Static Web App > Custom domains > Add**. You'll be required to create a **CNAME** record through your DNS provider (for example, GoDaddy) to validate that the zone belongs to you. Once the validation is finished, Azure will issue a certificate and bind it to your Static Web App automatically.
+9. Validate that your MTA-STS policy is published through: https://mta-sts.[your domain]/.well-known/mta-sts.txt.
+10. Create the MTA-STS TXT DNS record through your DNS provider. The format is as follows:
+ ```powershell
+ Hostname: _mta-sts.<domain name>
+ TTL: 3600 (recommended)
+ Type: TXT
+ Text: v=STSv1; id=<ID unique for your domainΓÇÖs STS policy>Z;
+ ```
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > An example MTA-STS TXT record can be found in [How To Adopt MTA-STS](#how-to-adopt-mta-sts).
+11. Once the TXT record is available in DNS, validate your MTA-STS configuration. Once the configuration has been successfully validated, update the mta-sts.txt file so that the policy mode is ΓÇÿenforceΓÇÖ; then update your policy ID in the TXT record.
+#### Option 2: Azure Function
+1. Create a new Azure Function App with the following configuration:
+ - **Function App name**: [As your choice]
+ - **Publish**: Code
+ - **Runtime stack**: .NET
+ - **Version**: 6
+ - **Operating System**: Windows
+ - **Plan Type**: [As your choice]
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/new-azure-function-app.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the configurations of a new Azure Function app." lightbox="../media/new-azure-function-app.png":::
+2. Add your custom domain to the Function App. You'll be required to create a **CNAME** record to validate that the domain belongs to you.
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/custom-domain-to-add.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the custom domain to be added to the Function App." lightbox="../media/custom-domain-to-add.png":::
+3. Bind your mta-sts.[your domain] to the Function App.
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/binding-to-function-app.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the process of binding the domain to the Function App." lightbox="../media/binding-to-function-app.png":::
+4. In **App File**, add the following extension to the host.json of your Function App to eliminate the routePrefix. This addition is necessary to remove the /api from the function URL.
+ ```powershell
+ "extensions": {
+ "http": {
+ "routePrefix": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/extension-added-to-app-file.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the extension being added to the app file." lightbox="../media/extension-added-to-app-file.png":::
+5. In your Function App, go to **Functions > Create** and configure the following parameters:
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Although this example describes the function development through the portal, you're free to use VS Code, or any other tool that you prefer.
+ - **Development environment**: [As your choice, this example will use ΓÇ£Develop in PortalΓÇ¥]
+ - **Select a template**: HTTP trigger
+ - **New Function**: [As your choice]
+ - **Authorization level**: Anonymous
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/create-function-screen.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the Create function page." lightbox="../media/create-function-screen.png":::
+6. Once the function is created, open **Code + Test** and develop in C# a simple async HTTP response that will be your MTA-STS policy. The following example indicates that Exchange Online is expected to receive emails:
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > It's recommended that the policy mode be initially set as ΓÇÿtestingΓÇÖ. Then, at the end of the configuration and after validating that the policy is working as expected, update the mta-sts.txt file such that the mode is ΓÇÿenforceΓÇÖ.
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/mta-sts-policy.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the mta-sts policy that's developed." lightbox="../media/mta-sts-policy.png":::
+7. In **Integration > HTTP (req)**, edit the trigger to the following values:
+ - **Route Template**: .well-known/mta-sts.txt
+ - **Selected HTTP methods**: GET
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/edit-trigger-screen.png" alt-text="The screenshot that shows the Edit trigger page." lightbox="../media/edit-trigger-screen.png":::
+8. Validate that your MTA-STS policy is published through: https://mta-sts.[your domain]/.well-known/mta-sts.txt.
+9. Create the MTA-STS TXT DNS record through your DNS provider in the following format:
+ ```powershell
+ Hostname: _mta-sts.<domain name>
+ TTL: 3600 (recommended)
+ Type: TXT
+ Text: v=STSv1; id=<ID unique for your domainΓÇÖs STS policy>Z;
+ ```
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > An example MTA-STS TXT record can be found in [How To Adopt MTA-STS](#how-to-adopt-mta-sts).
+10. Once the TXT record is available in DNS, validate your MTA-STS configuration. Once the configuration has been successfully validated, update the mta-sts.txt file such that the policy mode is ΓÇÿenforceΓÇÖ; then update your policy ID in the TXT record.
compliance Get Started With Service Trust Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-with-service-trust-portal.md
Title: "Get started with the Microsoft Service Trust Portal" f1.keywords: - NOCSH--++ audience: Admin
description: Learn how to access and use the Microsoft Service Trust Portal to h
# Get started with Microsoft Service Trust Portal
-The Microsoft Service Trust Portal provides a variety of content, tools, and other resources about Microsoft security, privacy, and compliance practices.
+The Microsoft Service Trust Portal provides a variety of content, tools, and other resources about how Microsoft cloud services protect your data, and how you can manage cloud data security and compliance for your organization.
## Accessing the Service Trust Portal
-The Service Trust Portal contains details about Microsoft's implementation of controls and processes that protect our cloud services and the customer data therein. To access some of the resources on the Service Trust Portal, you must log in as an authenticated user with your Microsoft cloud services account (Azure Active Directory organization account) and review and accept the Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement for Compliance Materials.
+The Service Trust Portal is Microsoft's public site for publishing audit reports and other compliance-related information associated with MicrosoftΓÇÖs cloud services. STP users can download audit reports produced by external auditors and gain insight from Microsoft-authored whitepapers that provide details on how Microsoft cloud services protect your data, and how you can manage cloud data security and compliance for your organization. To access some of the resources on the Service Trust Portal, you must log in as an authenticated user with your Microsoft cloud services account (Azure Active Directory organization account) and review and accept the Microsoft Non-Disclosure Agreement for Compliance Materials.
### Existing customers
When you sign up for either a free trial, or a subscription, you must enable Azu
The Service Trust Portal features and content are accessible from the main menu.
-![Service Trust Portal menu.](../media/STPMenus1.png)
+![Service Trust Portal - Service Trust Portal main menu.](../media/86b754e1-c63c-4514-89ac-d014bf334140-2.png)
The following sections describe each item in the main menu.
The following sections describe each item in the main menu.
The **Service Trust Portal** link displays the home page. It provides a quick way to get back to the home page.
-### Compliance Manager
+### Certifications, Regulations and Standards
-> Compliance Manager has moved from the Service Trust Portal to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077149" target="_blank">Microsoft Purview compliance portal</a>. All customer data has been moved over to the new location, so you can continue using Compliance Manager without interruption. Refer to the [Compliance Manager documentation](compliance-manager.md) for setup information and to learn about new features.
+Provides a wealth of security implementation and design information with the goal of making it easier for you to meet regulatory compliance objectives by understanding how Microsoft Cloud services keep your data secure. To review content, select one of the following tiles.
-### Trust Documents
+- **ISO/IEC** - International Organization for Standardization (ISO) / International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
+- **SOC** - System and Organization Controls (SOC) 1, 2, and 3 Reports
+- **GDPR** - General Data Protection Regulation
+- **FedRAMP** - Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program
+- **PCI** - Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standards (DSS)
+- **CSA Star** - Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Security, Trust and Assurance Registry (STAR)
+- **Australia IRAP** - Australia Information Security Registered Assesors Program (IRAP)
+- **Singapore MTCS** - Multi-Tier Cloud Security (MTCS) Singapore Standard
+- **Spain ENS** - Spain Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS)
-Provides a wealth of security implementation and design information with the goal of making it easier for you to meet regulatory compliance objectives by understanding how Microsoft Cloud services keep your data secure. To review content, select one of the following options on the **Trust Documents** pull-down menu.
+### Reports, Whitepapers, and Artifacts
-- **Audit Reports:** A list of independent audit and assessment reports on Microsoft's Cloud services is displayed. These reports provide information about Microsoft Cloud services compliance with data protection standards and regulatory requirements, such as:
- - International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
- - Service Organization Controls (SOC)
- - National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
- - Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP)
- - General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
-- **Data Protection:** Contains a wealth of resources such as audited controls, white papers, FAQs, penetration tests, risk assessment tools, and compliance guides.-- **Azure Security and Compliance Blueprints:** Resources that help you build secure and compliant cloud-based applications. This area contain blueprint-guidance for government, finance, healthcare, and retail verticals.
+General documents relating to the following categories:
-### Industries & Regions
+- **BCP and DR** - Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
+- **Pen Test and Security Assessments** - Attestation of Penetration tests and security assessments conducted by third parties
+- **Privacy and Data Protection** - Privacy and Data Protection Resources
+- **FAQ and Whitepapers** - Whitepapers and answers to frequently asked questions
-Provides industry- and region-specific compliance information about Microsoft Cloud services.
+### Industry and Regional Resources
-- **Industries:** At this time, this page provides an industry-specific landing page the for the Financial Services industry. This contains information such as compliance offerings, FAQs, and success stories. Resources for more industries will be released in the future, however you can find resources for more industries by going to the **Trust Documents > Data Protection** page in the STP.-- **Regions:** Provides legal opinions on Microsoft Cloud services compliance with various the laws of various countries. Specific countries include Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
+Documents the apply to the following industries and regions:
-### Trust Center
+- **Financial Services** - Resources elaborating regulatory compliance guidance for FSI (by country)
+- **Healthcare and Life Sciences** - Capabilities offered by Microsoft for Healthcare Industry
+- **Media and Entertainment** - Media and Entertainment Industry Resources
+- **United States Government** - Resources exclusively for US Government customers
+- **Regional Resources** - Documents describing compliance of Microsoft's online services with various regional policies and regulations
-Links to the [Microsoft Trust Center](https://www.microsoft.com/trust-center), which provides more information about security, compliance, and privacy in the Microsoft Cloud. This includes information about the capabilities in Microsoft Cloud services that you can use to address specific requirements of the GDPR, documentation helpful to your GDPR accountability and to your understanding of the technical and organizational measures Microsoft has taken to support the GDPR.
+### Resources for your Organization
-### My Library
+Documents applying to your organization (restricted by tenant).
-This feature lets you save (or *pin*) documents so that you can quickly access them on your My Library page. You can also set up notifications so that Microsoft sends you an email message when documents in your My Library are updated. For more information, see the [My Library](#my-library-1) section in this article.
+- **Resources for your Organization** - Documents based on your organizationΓÇÖs subscription and permissions
-### More
+Resources with the series check mark indicate that the document has multiple versions, which can be viewed once you click on the document and click ΓÇ£view all versionsΓÇ¥ on the download page.
-Go to **More > Admin** to access administrative functions that are only available to the global administrator account. This option is visible only when you are signed in as a global administrator. There are two options in the **Admin** pull-down menu:
-- **Settings:** This page lets you assign user roles for Compliance Manager (classic).-- **User Privacy Settings:** This page lets you export a report that contains action item assignments in Compliance Manager (classic) for a specific user. You can also reassign all action items to a different user and remove any assigned action item from the specified user.
+Filter by date and cloud service - When viewing the available documents, you can filter the results by date range by selecting **Dates** and then selecting the range you want to use.
-### Search
+Document download view - When viewing the available documents, you can filter the results by the applicable **Cloud Service**.
-By default, the search returns document results. You can filter the results by using the dropdown lists to refine the list of documents displayed. You can use multiple filters to narrow the list of documents. Filters include the specific cloud services, categories of compliance or security practices, regions, and industries. Click the document name link to download the document.
> [!NOTE]
-> Service Trust Portal reports and documents are available to download for at least 12 months after publishing or until a new version of document becomes available.
+> Many of the files on the STP require acceptance of a license agreement. Some browser-based PDF viewers do not allow Javascript to run, which prevents the license agreement from being displayed and the file from opening.
-## My Library
+### All Documents
-Use the My Library feature to add documents and resources on the Service Trust Portal to your My Library page. This lets you access documents that are relevant to you in a single place. To add a document to your My Library, click the **...** menu to the right of a document and then select **Save to library**. You can add multiple documents to your My Library by clicking the checkbox next to one or more documents, and then clicking **Save to library** at the top of the page.
+This section displays all available documents. Select the documents to save into your My Library section. Documents are sorted under the same categories shown under Certifications, Standards, Regulations, and Industry Resources. To view all resources for a particular cloud service use the **Cloud Service** filter.
-Additionally, the notifications feature lets you configure your My Library so that an email message is sent to you whenever Microsoft updates a document that you've added to your My Library. To set up notifications, go to your My Library and click **Notification Settings**. You can choose the frequency of notifications and specify an email address in your organization to send notifications to. Email notifications include links to the documents that have been updated and a brief description of the update.
+### Search
-Also note that we identify any documents in your My Library that have been updated within the last 30 days, regardless of whether or not you turn on notifications. A brief description of the update is also displayed in a tool tip.
+Click the magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner of the Service Trust Portal page to expand the box, enter your search terms, and press **Enter**. The **Search** page is displayed, with the search term displayed in the search box and the search results listed below.
-## Starter packs
-Starter packs are a Microsoft-curated set of documentation about Microsoft Cloud services for specific industries. Currently, the Service Trust Portal offers the following three starter packs for financial services organizations. These starter packs help organizations evaluate and assess security, compliance, and privacy in the Microsoft Cloud and provide guidance to help implement Microsoft Cloud services in the highly regulated financial services industry.
+By default, the search returns document results. You can filter the results by using the dropdown lists to refine the list of documents displayed. You can use multiple filters to narrow the list of documents. Filters include the specific cloud services, and regions. Click the document name link to download the document.
-- **Evaluation Starter Pack:** Use for early evaluation of the Microsoft cloud for financial services organizations.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Service Trust Portal reports and documents are available to download for at least 12 months after publishing or until a new version of document becomes available.
+## My Library
+Use the My Library feature to add documents and resources on the Service Trust Portal to your My Library page. This lets you access documents that are relevant to you in a single place. To add a document to your My Library, click the elipsis (**...**) menu to the right of a document and then select **Save to library**. You can add multiple documents to your My Library by clicking the checkbox next to one or more documents, and then clicking **Save to library** at the top of the page.
-- **Assessment Starter Pack:** After evaluation, use the checklists and other guidance in this starter pack to help your organization assess risks related to security, compliance, and privacy.
+Additionally, the notifications feature lets you configure your My Library so that an email message is sent to you whenever Microsoft updates a document that you've added to your My Library. To set up notifications, go to your My Library and click **Notification Settings**. You can choose the frequency of notifications and specify an email address in your organization to send notifications to. Email notifications include links to the documents that have been updated and a brief description of the update.
-- **Audit Starter Pack:** User this starter pack for guidance on using auditing controls and other tool to help guide your implementation of Microsoft Cloud services in a way that helps reduce your organization's exposure to risk.
+If a document is part of a series, you will be subscribed to the series and will receive notifications when there is an update to that series. You can view the individual documents and Series documents that you have subscribed to, in 2 sections as shown below:
-To access these starter packs, go to **Service Trust Portal > Industries & Regions > Industry Solutions > Financial Services**. You can open or a download documents from a starter pack or save them to your My Library.
## Localization support
compliance Search The Audit Log In Security And Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance.md
Here's the process for searching the audit log in Microsoft 365.
- Click **Clear** to clear the current search criteria. The date range returns to the default of the last seven days. You can also click **Clear all to show results for all activities** to cancel all selected activities. -- If 50,000 results are found, you can probably assume that there are more than 50,000 events that met the search criteria. You can either refine the search criteria and rerun the search to return fewer results, or you can export all of the search results by selecting **Export results** \> **Download all results**.
+- If 50,000 results are found, you can probably assume that there are more than 50,000 events that met the search criteria. You can either refine the search criteria and rerun the search to return fewer results, or you can export the 50,000 search results by selecting **Export results** \> **Download all results**.
### Step 2: View the search results
compliance Set Up An Archive And Deletion Policy For Mailboxes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/set-up-an-archive-and-deletion-policy-for-mailboxes.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium -- Strat_O365_IP - M365-security-compliance search.appverid: - MOE150
description: "How to create a custom messaging records management (MRM) archivin
# Customize an archive and deletion policy for mailboxes in your organization
-Microsoft Purview admins can create an archiving and deletion policy that automatically moves items to a user's [archive mailbox](archive-mailboxes.md) and automatically deletes items from the mailbox.
+To retain and delete emails, we recommend you use [Microsoft 365 retention policies and retention labels](retention.md) rather than the older messaging records management (MRM) from Exchange Online. However, a valid reason to still use this older feature is to automatically move emails from a user's primary mailbox to their [archive mailbox](archive-mailboxes.md). You might also need to use MRM to apply retention and deletion settings to specific folders in the mailbox, rather than the entire mailbox.
-You do this by creating a messaging records management (MRM) retention policy that you then assign to mailboxes. This policy moves items to a user's archive mailbox after a specified period of time and also deletes items from the mailbox after they reach a certain age limit.
+Use this article as an example deployment for these two valid reasons to use MRM retention policies and retention tags. For all other retention and deletion scenarios, use Microsoft 365 retention policies and retention labels.
+The configuration requires you to create an MRM retention policy that you then assign to mailboxes. This policy moves items to a user's archive mailbox after a specified period of time and also deletes items from the Deleted items folder after they reach a specific age limit.
The actual rules that determine what items are moved or deleted and when that happens are called retention tags. Retention tags are linked to an MRM retention policy, that in turn is assigned to a user's mailbox. A retention tag applies retention settings to individual messages and folders in a user's mailbox. It defines how long a message remains in the mailbox and what action is taken when the message reaches the specified retention age. When a message reaches its retention age, it's either moved to the user's archive mailbox or it's deleted.
The steps in this article set up an archiving and retention policy for a fictiti
- Enable an archive mailbox for every user in the organization. This procedure gives users more mailbox storage, and is required so that a retention policy can automatically move items to the archive mailbox. A user can also manually move items to their archive mailbox for archival storage. -- Create three custom retention tags to do the following actions:-
- - Automatically move items that are 3 years old to the user's archive mailbox. Moving items to the archive mailbox frees up space in a user's primary mailbox.
- - Automatically delete items that are 5 years old from the Deleted Items folder. This also frees up space in the user's primary mailbox. User's will have the opportunity to recover these items if necessary. See the footnote in the [More information](#more-information) section for more details.
- - Automatically (and permanently) delete items that are 7 years old from both the primary and archive mailbox. Because of compliance regulations, some organization's are required to retain email for a specific period of time. When this time period expires, an organization might want to permanently remove these items from user mailboxes.
+- Create two custom retention tags to do the following actions:
+ - Automatically move items that are 3 years old to the user's archive mailbox. Moving items to the archive mailbox frees up space in a user's primary mailbox.
+ - Automatically delete items that are 5 years old from the Deleted Items folder. This also frees up space in the user's primary mailbox. User's will have the opportunity to recover these items if necessary. See the footnote in the [More information](#more-information) section for more details.
-- Create a new retention policy and adding the new custom retention tags to it. Additionally, you'll also add built-in retention tags to the new retention policy. This includes personal tags that users can assign to items in their mailbox. You'll also add a retention tag that moves items from the Recoverable Items folder in the user's primary mailbox to the Recoverable Items folder in their archive mailbox. This action helps free up space in a user's Recoverable Items folder when their mailbox is placed on hold.
+- Create a new retention policy and add the new custom retention tags to it. Additionally, you'll add a built-in retention tag that can't be achieved with a recommended Microsoft 365 retention label because it also moves items to the archive mailbox. It's a personal tag for archiving after 1 year that users can assign to items in their mailbox when they want a shorter archive period than their default of 3 years.
You can follow some or all of the steps in this article to set up an archive and deletion policy for mailboxes in your own organization. We recommend that you test this process on a few mailboxes before implementing it on all mailboxes in your organization.
For instructions to enable archive mailboxes, see [Enable archive mailboxes in M
## Step 2: Create new retention tags for the archive and deletion policies
-In this step, you'll create the three custom retention tags that were previously described.
+In this step, you'll create the two custom retention tags that were previously described.
- Alpine House 3 Year Move to Archive (custom archive policy) -- Alpine House 7 Year Permanently Delete (custom deletion policy)- - Alpine House Deleted Items 5 Years Delete and Allow Recovery (custom tag for the Deleted Items folder) To create new retention tags, you'll use the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center.md).
First, you'll create a custom archive default policy tag (DPT) that will move it
The new archive DPT is displayed in the list of retention tags.
-### Create a custom deletion default policy tag
-Next, you'll create another custom DPT but this one will be a deletion policy that permanently deletes items after 7 years.
-1. Back on the **MRM Retention tags** page, select **+ New tag**, and on the **Name your tag** page, type a name for the new retention tag, and an optional description that explains the purpose of the custom retention tag.
- For our example scenario, we'll name this tag "Alpine House 7 Year Permanently Delete".
-2. then on the **Define how the tag will be applied** page, select **Automatically to entire mailbox (default)** again.
-3. On the **Define retention settings** page, complete the following fields:
- 1. **When items reaches the following age (in days)** Enter the duration of the retention period. For this scenario, items will be purged after 2555 days (7 years).
- 2. For the **Retention Action** Select **Permanently delete** to purge items from the mailbox when the retention period expires.
-4. Select **Next**, and then review and submit to create the custom deletion DPT.
-The new deletion DPT is displayed in the list of retention tags.
- ### Create a custom retention policy tag for the Deleted Items folder
-The last retention tag to create is a custom retention policy tag (RPT) for the Deleted Items folder. This tag will delete items in the Deleted Items folder after 5 years, and provides a recovery period when users can use the Recover Deleted Items tool to recover an item.
+The second retention tag to create is a custom retention policy tag (RPT) for the Deleted Items folder. This tag will delete items in the Deleted Items folder after 5 years, and provides a recovery period when users can use the Recover Deleted Items tool to recover an item.
1. Back on the **MRM Retention tags** page, select **+ New tag**, and on the **Name your tag** page, type a name for the new retention tag, and an optional description that explains the purpose of the custom retention tag.
The new RPT is displayed in the list of retention tags.
## Step 3: Create a new retention policy
-After you create the custom retention tags, the next step is to create a new retention policy and add the retention tags. You'll add the three custom retention tags that you created in Step 2, and the built-in tags that were mentioned in the first section. In Step 4, you'll assign this new retention policy to user mailboxes.
+After you create the custom retention tags, the next step is to create a new retention policy and add the retention tags. You'll add the two custom retention tags that you created in Step 2, and the built-in tags that were mentioned in the first section. In Step 4, you'll assign this new retention policy to user mailboxes.
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com/), go to **Data lifecycle management** \> **Exchange (legacy)** > **MRM Retention policies**.
After you create the custom retention tags, the next step is to create a new ret
A list of the retention tags in your organization is displayed, which includes the custom tags that you created in Step 2.
-5. Add the 9 retention tags that are described in more detail in the [More information](#more-information) section:
+5. Add the 3 retention tags that are described in more detail in the [More information](#more-information) section:
- **Alpine House 3 Year Move to Archive** - the custom archive default policy tag created in step 2 of these instructions
- - **Alpine House 7 Year Permanently Delete** - the custom deletion tag created in step 2 of these instructions
- **Alpine House Deleted Items 5 Years Delete and Allow Recovery** - the custom tag for the Deleted Items folder created in step 2 of these instructions
- - **Recoverable Items 14 days Move to Archive**
- - **Junk Email**
- - **1 Month Delete**
- - **1 Year Delete**
- - **Never Delete**
- - **Personal 1 year move to archive**
+ - **Personal 1 year move to archive** - a built-in tag that's preconfigured
To add these retention tags, select them, and then select **Add**.
You do this by using Exchange Online PowerShell to update your organization's de
| Retention tag | What this tag does | Built-in or custom? | Type | |:--|:--|:--|:--| |Alpine House 3 Year Move to Archive <br/> |Moves items that are 1095 days (3 years) old to the archive mailbox. <br/> |Custom (See [Step 2: Create new retention tags for the archive and deletion policies](#step-2-create-new-retention-tags-for-the-archive-and-deletion-policies)) <br/> |Default Policy Tag (archive); this tag is automatically applied to the entire mailbox. <br/> |
- |Alpine House 7 Year Permanently Delete <br/> |Permanently deletes items in the primary mailbox or the archive mailbox when they're 7 years old. <br/> |Custom (See [Step 2: Create new retention tags for the archive and deletion policies](#step-2-create-new-retention-tags-for-the-archive-and-deletion-policies)) <br/> |Default Policy Tag (deletion); this tag is automatically applied to the entire mailbox. <br/> |
- |Alpine House Deleted Items 5 Years Delete and Allow Recovery <br/> |Deletes items from the Deleted Items folder that are 5 years old. Users can recover these items for up 14 days after they're deleted.<sup>\*</sup> <br/> |Custom (See [Step 2: Create new retention tags for the archive and deletion policies](#step-2-create-new-retention-tags-for-the-archive-and-deletion-policies)) <br/> |Retention Policy Tag (Deleted Items); this tag is automatically applied to items in the Deleted items folder. <br/> |
- |Recoverable Items 14 days Move to Archive <br/> |Moves items that have been in the Recoverable Items folder for 14 days to the Recoverable Items folder in the archive mailbox. <br/> |Built-in <br/> |Retention Policy Tag (Recoverable Items); this tag is automatically applied to items in the Recoverable Items folder. <br/> |
- |Junk Email <br/> |Permanently deletes items that have been in the Junk Email folder for 30 days. Users can recover these items for up 14 days after they're deleted.<sup>\*</sup> <br/> |Built-in <br/> |Retention Policy Tag (Junk Email); this tag is automatically applied to items in Junk Email folder. <br/> |
- |1 Month Delete <br/> |Permanently deletes items that are 30 days old. Users can recover these items for up 14 days after they're deleted.<sup>\*</sup> <br/> |Built-in <br/> |Personal; this tag can be applied by users. <br/> |
- |1 Year Delete <br/> |Permanently deletes items that are 365 days old. Users can recover these items for up 14 days after they're deleted.<sup>\*</sup> <br/> |Built-in <br/> |Personal; this tag can be applied by users. <br/> |
- |Never Delete <br/> |This tag prevents items from being deleted by a retention policy. <br/> |Built-in <br/> |Personal; this tag can be applied by users. |
+ |Alpine House Deleted Items 5 Years Delete and Allow Recovery <br/> |Deletes items from the Deleted Items folder that are 5 years old. Users can recover these items for up 14 days after they're deleted. See the next list entry for more information. <br/> |Custom (See [Step 2: Create new retention tags for the archive and deletion policies](#step-2-create-new-retention-tags-for-the-archive-and-deletion-policies)) <br/> |Retention Policy Tag (Deleted Items); this tag is automatically applied to items in the Deleted items folder. <br/> |
|Personal 1 year move to archive <br/> |Moves items to the archive mailbox after 1 year. <br/> |Built-in <br/> |Personal; this tag can be applied by users. |--
-><sup>*</sup>Users can use the Recover Deleted Items tool in Outlook and Outlook on the web (formerly known as Outlook Web App) to recover a deleted item within the deleted item retention period, which by default is 14 days in Exchange Online. An administrator can use Exchange Online PowerShell to increase the deleted item retention period to a maximum of 30 days. For more information, see: [Recover deleted items in Outlook for Windows](https://support.office.com/article/49e81f3c-c8f4-4426-a0b9-c0fd751d48ce) and [Change the deleted item retention period for a mailbox in Exchange Online](/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/manage-user-mailboxes/change-deleted-item-retention).
+- Users can use the Recover Deleted Items tool in Outlook and Outlook on the web (formerly known as Outlook Web App) to recover a deleted item within the deleted item retention period, which by default is 14 days in Exchange Online. An administrator can use Exchange Online PowerShell to increase the deleted item retention period to a maximum of 30 days. For more information, see: [Recover deleted items in Outlook for Windows](https://support.office.com/article/49e81f3c-c8f4-4426-a0b9-c0fd751d48ce) and [Change the deleted item retention period for a mailbox in Exchange Online](/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/manage-user-mailboxes/change-deleted-item-retention).
-- Using the **Recoverable Items 14 days Move to Archive** retention tag helps free up storage space in the Recoverable Items folder in the user's primary mailbox. This is useful when a user's mailbox is placed on hold or has a retention policy applied that retains items. Both configurations prevent emails from being permanently deleted from the user's mailbox. Without moving items to the archive mailbox, it's possible the storage quota for the Recoverable Items folder in the primary mailbox will be reached. For more information about this scenario, see [Increase the Recoverable Items quota for mailboxes on hold](./increase-the-recoverable-quota-for-mailboxes-on-hold.md).
compliance Sit Create Edm Sit Unified Ux Schema Rule Package https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-create-edm-sit-unified-ux-schema-rule-package.md
If you are not familiar with EDM based SITS or their implementation, it is essen
> [!TIP] > - Select primary elements whose values make that row unique in the table. For example, don't pick fields like *FirstName* or *DateOfBirth* as there will most likely be many duplications of first names or dates of birth in your actual sensitive data file. Instead pick things like *Social Security Number* and *BankAccountNumber* whose value will be unique in your table and therefore make the row unique in the table.
-> - You must pick one primary element but no more than five primary elements. If you have a multi-token corroborative data field, you should map that to a base SIT as well. The more you can pick that have values that are unique in your actual sensitive data table, the better the accuracy of your EDM SIT will be. It will also improve performance and avoid timeouts caused by process overloading.
+> - You must pick one primary element but no more than ten primary elements. If you have a multi-token corroborative data field, you should map that to a base SIT as well. The more you can pick that have values that are unique in your actual sensitive data table, the better the accuracy of your EDM SIT will be. It will also improve performance and avoid timeouts caused by process overloading.
> - Select a sensitive information type that closely matches the format of the content you want to find. Selecting a SIT that matches unnecessary content, like one that matches all text strings, or all numbers can cause excessive load in the system which could result in sensitive information being missed. 9. On the **Configure settings for data fields** you can tell set how EDM treats case and which delimiters to ignore. You can set this for the values for all elements values or specify the settings for each element individually. Choose **Next**.
compliance Sit Get Started Exact Data Match Create Schema https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-get-started-exact-data-match-create-schema.md
You can use this wizard to help simplify the schema file creation process.
1. **Enter custom delimiters and punctuation for this field** > [!IMPORTANT]
- > At least one, but no more than five of your schema fields must be designated as searchable.
+ > At least one, but no more than ten of your schema fields must be designated as searchable.
7. Choose **Save**. Your schema will now be listed and available for use.
security Microsoft 365 Zero Trust https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/Microsoft-365-zero-trust.md
audience: Admin description: Learn how to deploy Microsoft 365 Zero Trust security into your environment to defend against threats and protect sensitive data. - ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
security TOC https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/TOC.md
## [Investigate and respond to threats]() ### [Endpoint detection and response]() #### [Endpoint detection and response overview](overview-endpoint-detection-response.md)
-#### [Security operations dashboard](security-operations-dashboard.md)
#### [Submit files](admin-submissions-mde.md) #### [Incidents queue]() ##### [View and organize the Incidents queue](view-incidents-queue.md)
security Advanced Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/advanced-features.md
Keep tamper protection turned on to prevent unwanted changes to your security so
Turn on this feature so that you can see user details stored in Azure Active Directory. Details include a user's picture, name, title, and department information when investigating user account entities. You can find user account information in the following views: -- Security operations dashboard - Alert queue - Device details page
security Apis Intro https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/apis-intro.md
Title: Access the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs
description: Learn how you can use APIs to automate workflows and innovate based on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities keywords: apis, api, wdatp, open api, microsoft defender for endpoint api, microsoft defender atp, public api, supported apis, alerts, device, user, domain, ip, file, advanced hunting, query-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
security Application Deployment Via Mecm https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/application-deployment-via-mecm.md
Title: Migrating servers from Microsoft Monitoring Agent to the unified solution
description: Learn how to migrate down-level servers from Microsoft Monitoring Agent to the new unified solution step-by-step from this article. keywords: migrate server, server, 2012r2, 2016, server migration onboard Microsoft Defender for Endpoint servers, MECM, Microsoft Monitoring Agent, MMA, downlevel server, unified solution, UA search.appverid: met150-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
security Assign Portal Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/assign-portal-access.md
description: Assign read and write or read only access to the Microsoft Defender
keywords: assign user roles, assign read and write access, assign read only access, user, user roles, roles search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
security Attack Simulations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-simulations.md
description: Run the provided attack scenario simulations to experience how Micr
keywords: test, scenario, attack, simulation, simulated, diy, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Implement https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md
Title: Enable attack surface reduction (ASR) rules
description: Provides guidance to implement your attack surface reduction rules deployment. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Operationalize https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize.md
Title: Operationalize attack surface reduction (ASR) rules
description: Provides guidance to operationalize your attack surface reduction rules deployment. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-plan.md
Title: Plan attack surface reduction (ASR) rules deployment
description: Provides guidance to plan your attack surface reduction (ASR) rules deployment. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Test https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md
Title: Test attack surface reduction (ASR) rules
description: Provides guidance to test your attack surface reduction (ASR) rules deployment. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md
Title: Attack surface reduction (ASR) rules deployment overview
description: Provides overview and prerequisite guidance about deploying attack surface reduction (ASR) rules. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md
Title: Attack surface reduction rules reference description: Lists details about attack surface reduction rules on a per-rule basis. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules, ASR, asr rules, hips, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, antiexploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules, ASR rule description-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-report.md
Title: Attack surface reduction (ASR) rules reporting description: Provides information about attack surface reduction (ASR) rules detections, configuration, block threats, and methods to enable three standard rules and exclusions. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules, ASR, asr rules, hips, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, antiexploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules, ASR rule description-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Attack Surface Reduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction.md
Title: Use attack surface reduction rules to prevent malware infection description: Attack surface reduction rules can help prevent exploits from using apps and scripts to infect devices with malware. keywords: Attack surface reduction rules, asr, hips, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit, antiexploit, exploit, infection prevention, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint-- ms.mktglfcycl: manage ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Auto Investigation Action Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/auto-investigation-action-center.md
Title: Visit the Action center to see remediation actions description: Use the action center to view details and results following an automated investigation keywords: action, center, autoir, automated, investigation, response, remediation-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium
security Autoir Investigation Results https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/autoir-investigation-results.md
Title: View the details and results of an automated investigation
description: During and after an automated investigation, you can view the results and key findings keywords: automated, investigation, results, analyze, details, remediation, autoair search.appverid: met150-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
- NOCSH ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Automated Investigations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automated-investigations.md
Title: Use automated investigations to investigate and remediate threats description: Understand the automated investigation flow in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. keywords: automated, investigation, detection, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium
security Automation Levels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automation-levels.md
Title: Automation levels in automated investigation and remediation description: Get an overview of automation levels and how they work in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint keywords: automated, investigation, level, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium Last updated 08/22/2022
security Azure Server Integration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/azure-server-integration.md
description: Learn about Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Micros
keywords: integration, server, azure, 2012r2, 2016, 2019, server onboarding, device management, configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint servers, onboard Microsoft Defender for Endpoint servers, onboard Microsoft Defender for Endpoint servers search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
security Basic Permissions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/basic-permissions.md
Title: Use basic permissions to access Microsoft Defender Security Center description: Learn how to use basic permissions to access the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint portal. keywords: assign user roles, assign read and write access, assign read only access, user, user roles, roles-- ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security ms.localizationpriority: medium
security Check Sensor Status https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/check-sensor-status.md
search.appverid: met150
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-checksensor-abovefoldlink)
-The **Devices with sensor issues** tile is found on the Security Operations dashboard. This tile provides information on the individual device's ability to provide sensor data and communicate with the Defender for Endpoint service. It reports how many devices require attention and helps you identify problematic devices and take action to correct known issues.
+The **Devices with sensor issues** tile provides information on the individual device's ability to provide sensor data and communicate with the Defender for Endpoint service. It reports how many devices require attention and helps you identify problematic devices and take action to correct known issues.
There are two status indicators on the tile that provide information on the number of devices that aren't reporting properly to the service:
security Defender Endpoint False Positives Negatives https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md
You can get help if you still have issues with false positives/negatives after p
If you see an [alert](alerts.md) that was triggered because something was detected as malicious or suspicious that should not have been, you can suppress the alert for that entity. You can also suppress alerts that are not necessarily false positives, but are unimportant. We recommend that you classify alerts as well.
-Managing your alerts and classifying true/false positives helps to train your threat protection solution and can reduce the number of false positives or false negatives over time. Taking these steps also helps reduce noise in your security operations dashboard so that your security team can focus on higher priority work items.
+Managing your alerts and classifying true/false positives helps to train your threat protection solution and can reduce the number of false positives or false negatives over time. Taking these steps also helps reduce noise in your queue so that your security team can focus on higher priority work items.
### Determine whether an alert is accurate
Alerts can be classified as false positives or true positives in Microsoft 365 D
### Suppress an alert
-If you have alerts that are either false positives or that are true positives but for unimportant events, you can suppress those alerts in Microsoft 365 Defender. Suppressing alerts helps reduce noise in your security operations dashboard.
+If you have alerts that are either false positives or that are true positives but for unimportant events, you can suppress those alerts in Microsoft 365 Defender. Suppressing alerts helps reduce noise in your queue.
1. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)) and sign in.
security Deploy Manage Removable Storage Intune https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deploy-manage-removable-storage-intune.md
Go to Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center (<https://endpoint.microsoft.com/>
You can set the default access (Deny or Allow) for all Device Control features (`RemovableMediaDevices`, `CdRomDevices`, `WpdDevices`, `PrinterDevices`).
+ To block a specific removable storage class but allow specific media, you can use ΓÇÿ`IncludedIdList` a group through `PrimaryId` and `ExcludedIDList` a group through `DeviceId`/`HardwareId`/etc.ΓÇÖ For additional details, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Removable Storage Access Control](device-control-removable-storage-access-control.md).
+ For example, you can have either a **Deny** or an **Allow** policy for `RemovableMediaDevices`, but not for `CdRomDevices` or `WpdDevices`. You can set **Default Deny** through this policy, then Read/Write/Execute access to `CdRomDevices` or `WpdDevices` will be blocked. If you only want to manage storage, make sure to create an **Allow** policy for your printer; otherwise, this default enforcement will be applied to printers as well. - In the **Add Row** pane, specify the following settings:
security Device Control Removable Storage Access Control https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-control-removable-storage-access-control.md
Deploy Removable Storage Access Control on Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices tha
The Removable Storage Access Control includes Removable storage group creation and access policy rule creation:
- - Removable storage group allows you to create group. For example, authorized USB group or encrypted USB group.
- - Access policy rule allows you to create policy to restrict each removable storage group. For example, only allow authorized user to Write access-authorized USB group.
+- Removable storage group allows you to create group. For example, authorized USB group or encrypted USB group.
+- Access policy rule allows you to create policy to restrict each removable storage group. For example, only allow authorized user to Write access-authorized USB group.
+- To block a specific removable storage class but allow specific media, you can use ΓÇÿ`IncludedIdList` a group through `PrimaryId` and `ExcludedIDList` a group through `DeviceId`\/`HardwareId`/etc.` For additional guidance, see [Deploy Removable Storage Access Control by using Intune OMA-URI](deploy-manage-removable-storage-intune.md#deploy-removable-storage-access-control-by-using-intune-oma-uri).
Here are the properties you can use when you create the group and policy XML files.
You can use the following properties to create the access control policy:
| **ExcludedIDList** | The group(s) that the policy won't be applied to. | The Group ID/GUID must be used at this instance. | | **Entry Id** | One PolicyRule can have multiple entries; each entry with a unique GUID tells Device Control one restriction.| | | **Type** | Defines the action for the removable storage groups in IncludedIDList. <p>Enforcement: Allow or Deny <p>Audit: AuditAllowed or AuditDenied<p> | Allow<p>Deny <p>AuditAllowed: Defines notification and event when access is allowed <p>AuditDenied: Defines notification and event when access is denied; has to work together with **Deny** entry.<p> When there are conflict types for the same media, the system will apply the first one in the policy. An example of a conflict type is **Allow** and **Deny**. |
-| **Sid** | Local user Sid or user Sid group or the Sid of the AD object, defines whether to apply this policy over a specific user or user group. One entry can have a maximum of one Sid and an entry without any Sid means applying the policy over the machine. | |
-| **ComputerSid** | Local computer Sid or computer Sid group or the Sid of the AD object, defines whether to apply this policy over a specific machine or machine group. One entry can have a maximum of one ComputerSid and an entry without any ComputerSid means applying the policy over the machine. If you want to apply an Entry to a specific user and specific machine, add both Sid and ComputerSid into the same Entry. | |
+| **SID** | Local user SID or user SID group or the SID of the AD object, defines whether to apply this policy over a specific user or user group. One entry can have a maximum of one SID and an entry without any SID means applying the policy over the machine. | |
+| **ComputerSID** | Local computer SID or computer SID group or the SID of the AD object, defines whether to apply this policy over a specific machine or machine group. One entry can have a maximum of one ComputerSID and an entry without any ComputerSID means applying the policy over the machine. If you want to apply an Entry to a specific user and specific machine, add both SID and ComputerSID into the same Entry. | |
| **Options** | Defines whether to display notification or not |**When Type Allow is selected**: <p>0: nothing<p>4: disable **AuditAllowed** and **AuditDenied** for this Entry. Even if **Allow** happens and the AuditAllowed is setting configured, the system won't send event. <p>8: capture file information and have a copy of the file as evidence for Write access. <p>16: capture file information for Write access. <p>**When Type Deny is selected**: <p>0: nothing<p>4: disable **AuditDenied** for this Entry. Even if **Block** happens and the AuditDenied is setting configured, the system won't show notification. <p>**When Type **AuditAllowed** is selected**: <p>0: nothing <p>1: nothing <p>2: send event<p> **When Type **AuditDenied** is selected**: <p>0: nothing <p>1: show notification <p>2: send event<p>3: show notification and send event | |AccessMask|Defines the access. | **Disk level access**: <p>1: Read <p>2: Write <p>4: Execute <p>**File system level access**: <p>8: File system Read <p>16: File system Write <p>32: File system Execute <p><p>You can have multiple access by performing binary OR operation, for example, the AccessMask for Read and Write and Execute will be 7; the AccessMask for Read and Write will be 3.|
security Investigate Machines https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-machines.md
You can click on affected devices whenever you see them in the portal to open a
- [Devices list](investigate-machines.md) - [Alerts queue](alerts-queue.md)-- [Security operations dashboard](security-operations-dashboard.md) - Any individual alert - Any individual file details view - Any IP address or domain details view
security Linux Static Proxy Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-static-proxy-configuration.md
After modifying `mdatp.service`, save the file and restart the service so the ch
```bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload; sudo systemctl restart mdatp ```
+> [!NOTE]
+> To remove any additions you might have made before uninstalling `mdatp`, delete the custom file from `/etc/systemd/system`.
security Linux Whatsnew https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-whatsnew.md
This article is updated frequently to let you know what's new in the latest rele
**What's new** - Fixes a kernel hang observed on select customer workloads running mdatp version 101.75.43. After RCA this was attributed to a race condition while releasing the ownership of a sensor file descriptor. The race condition was exposed due to a recent product change in the shutdown path. Customers on newer Kernel versions (5.1+) are not impacted by this issue.+
+- When upgrading from mdatp version 101.75.43, run the following commands before attempting to upgrade to version 101.80.97
+sudo mdatp config real-time-protection --value=disabled
+sudo systemctl disable mdatp
</br> <br/><br/>
security Machine Groups https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/machine-groups.md
As part of the process of creating a device group, you'll:
## Manage device groups
-You can promote or demote the rank of a device group so that it's given higher or lower priority during matching. When a device is matched to more than one group, it's added only to the highest ranked group. You can also edit and delete groups.
+You can promote or demote the rank of a device group so that it's given higher or lower priority during matching. A device group with a rank of 1 is the highest ranked group. When a device is matched to more than one group, it's added only to the highest ranked group. You can also edit and delete groups.
> [!WARNING] > Deleting a device group may affect email notification rules. If a device group is configured under an email notification rule, it will be removed from that rule. If the device group is the only group configured for an email notification, that email notification rule will be deleted along with the device group.
security Machine Tags https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/machine-tags.md
To add device tags using API, see [Add or remove device tags API](add-or-remove-
1. Select the device that you want to manage tags on. You can select or search for a device from any of the following views:
- - **Security operations dashboard** - Select the device name from the Top devices with active alerts section.
- **Alerts queue** - Select the device name beside the device icon from the alerts queue. - **Devices inventory** - Select the device name from the list of devices. - **Search box** - Select Device from the drop-down menu and enter the device name.
security Manage Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-alerts.md
search.appverid: met150
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-managealerts-abovefoldlink)
-Defender for Endpoint notifies you of possible malicious events, attributes, and contextual information through alerts. A summary of new alerts is displayed in the **Security operations dashboard**, and you can access all alerts in the **Alerts queue**.
+Defender for Endpoint notifies you of possible malicious events, attributes, and contextual information through alerts. A summary of new alerts is displayed and you can access all alerts in the **Alerts queue**.
You can manage alerts by selecting an alert in the **Alerts queue**, or the **Alerts** tab of the Device page for an individual device.
security Manage Mde Post Migration Configuration Manager https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-mde-post-migration-configuration-manager.md
If you haven't already done so, configure your Microsoft 365 Defender portal to
## Next steps - [Get an overview of Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/next-gen-threat-and-vuln-mgt)-- [Visit the Microsoft 365 Defender portal security operations dashboard](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/security-operations-dashboard) - [Manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Intune](manage-mde-post-migration-intune.md)
security Manage Mde Post Migration Group Policy Objects https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-mde-post-migration-group-policy-objects.md
If you haven't already done so, configure your Microsoft 365 Defender portal to
## Next steps - [Get an overview of Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/next-gen-threat-and-vuln-mgt)-- [Visit the Microsoft 365 Defender portal security operations dashboard](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/security-operations-dashboard) - [Manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Intune](manage-mde-post-migration-intune.md)
security Manage Mde Post Migration Intune https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-mde-post-migration-intune.md
If you haven't already done so, configure your Microsoft 365 Defender portal to
## Next steps - [Get an overview of Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/next-gen-threat-and-vuln-mgt)-- [Visit the Microsoft 365 Defender portal security operations dashboard](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/security-operations-dashboard)+
security Manage Mde Post Migration Other Tools https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-mde-post-migration-other-tools.md
You can also configure whether and what features end users can see in the Micros
## Next steps - [Get an overview of Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/next-gen-threat-and-vuln-mgt)-- [Visit the Microsoft Defender Security Center security operations dashboard](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/security-operations-dashboard) - [Manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Intune](manage-mde-post-migration-intune.md)
security Network Protection Linux https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection-linux.md
Network protection helps reduce the attack surface of your devices from Internet
- exploits - other malicious content on the Internet
-Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft Defender [SmartScreen](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/microsoft-defender-smartscreen-overview.md) to block all outbound HTTP(s) traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. The blocks on outbound HTTP(s) traffic is based on the domain or hostname.
+Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft Defender [SmartScreen](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/microsoft-defender-smartscreen-overview.md) to block all outbound HTTP(s) traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. The blocks on outbound HTTP(s) traffic are based on the domain or hostname.
## Web content filtering for Linux
sudo python3 MicrosoftDefenderATPOnboardingLinuxServer.py
### Manually enable network protection
-1. Turn on the ΓÇ£networkProtectionΓÇ¥ feature, edit the ΓÇ£/etc/opt/microsoft/mdatp/wdacfgΓÇ¥ and set **networkProtection** to **enabled**.
+1. Turn on the ΓÇ£networkProtectionΓÇ¥ feature, edit the ΓÇ£/etc/opt/microsoft/mdatp/wdavcfgΓÇ¥ and set **networkProtection** to **enabled**.
2. Restart the mdatp service by running the following command: ```bash
security Overview Endpoint Detection Response https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/overview-endpoint-detection-response.md
The response capabilities give you the power to promptly remediate threats by ac
## Related topics -- [Security operations dashboard](security-operations-dashboard.md) - [Incidents queue](view-incidents-queue.md) - [Alerts queue](alerts-queue.md) - [Devices list](machines-view-overview.md)
security Respond Machine Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/respond-machine-alerts.md
Response actions run along the top of a specific device page and include:
You can find device pages from any of the following views: -- **Security operations dashboard** - Select a device name from the Devices at risk card. - **Alerts queue** - Select the device name beside the device icon from the alerts queue. - **Devices list** - Select the heading of the device name from the devices list. - **Search box** - Select Device from the drop-down menu and enter the device name.
security Security Operations Dashboard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/security-operations-dashboard.md
- Title: Microsoft Defender Security Center Security operations dashboard
-description: Use the dashboard to identify devices at risk, keep track of the status of the service, and see statistics and information about devices and alerts.
-keywords: dashboard, alerts, new, in progress, resolved, risk, devices at risk, infections, reporting, statistics, charts, graphs, health, active malware detections, threat category, categories, password stealer, ransomware, exploit, threat, low severity, active malware
-ms.sitesec: library
-ms.pagetype: security
-# Microsoft Defender Security Center Security operations dashboard
-**Applies to:**
-- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2154037)-
-> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-secopsdashboard-abovefoldlink)
-The **Security operations dashboard** is where the endpoint detection and response capabilities are surfaced. It provides a high level overview of where detections were seen and highlights where response actions are needed.
-The dashboard displays a snapshot of:
--- Active alerts-- Devices at risk-- Sensor health-- Service health-- Daily devices reporting-- Active automated investigations-- Automated investigations statistics-- Users at risk-- Suspicious activities--
-You can explore and investigate alerts and devices to quickly determine if, where, and when suspicious activities occurred in your network to help you understand the context they appeared in.
-From the **Security operations dashboard** you will see aggregated events to facilitate the identification of significant events or behaviors on a device. You can also drill down into granular events and low-level indicators.
-It also has clickable tiles that give visual cues on the overall health state of your organization. Each tile opens a detailed view of the corresponding overview.
-## Active alerts
-You can view the overall number of active alerts from the last 30 days in your network from the tile. Alerts are grouped into **New** and **In progress**.
-Each group is further sub-categorized into their corresponding alert severity levels. Click the number of alerts inside each alert ring to see a sorted view of that category's queue (**New** or **In progress**).
-For more information see, [Alerts overview](alerts-queue.md).
-Each row includes an alert severity category and a short description of the alert. You can click an alert to see its detailed view. For more information see, [Investigate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts](investigate-alerts.md) and [Alerts overview](alerts-queue.md).
-## Devices at risk
-This tile shows you a list of devices with the highest number of active alerts. The total number of alerts for each device is shown in a circle next to the device name, and then further categorized by severity levels at the far end of the tile (hover over each severity bar to see its label).
-Click the name of the device to see details about that device. For more information see, [Investigate devices in the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Devices list](investigate-machines.md).
-You can also click **Devices list** at the top of the tile to go directly to the **Devices list**, sorted by the number of active alerts. For more information see, [Investigate devices in the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Devices list](investigate-machines.md).
-## Devices with sensor issues
-The **Devices with sensor issues** tile provides information on the individual device's ability to provide sensor data to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service. It reports how many devices require attention and helps you identify problematic devices.
-There are two status indicators that provide information on the number of devices that are not reporting properly to the service:
--- **Misconfigured**: These devices might partially be reporting sensor data to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service and might have configuration errors that need to be corrected.-- **Inactive**: Devices that have stopped reporting to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service for more than seven days in the past month.-
-When you click any of the groups, you'll be directed to devices list, filtered according to your choice. For more information, see [Check sensor state](check-sensor-status.md) and [Investigate devices](investigate-machines.md).
-## Service health
-The **Service health** tile informs you if the service is active or if there are issues.
-For more information on the service health, see [Check the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service health](service-status.md).
-## Daily devices reporting
-The **Daily devices reporting** tile shows a bar graph that represents the number of devices reporting daily in the last 30 days. Hover over individual bars on the graph to see the exact number of devices reporting in each day.
-## Active automated investigations
-You can view the overall number of automated investigations from the last 30 days in your network from the **Active automated investigations** tile. Investigations are grouped into **Pending action**, **Waiting for device**, and **Running**.
-## Automated investigations statistics
-This tile shows statistics related to automated investigations in the last seven days. It shows the number of investigations completed, the number of successfully remediated investigations, the average pending time it takes for an investigation to be initiated, the average time it takes to remediate an alert, the number of alerts investigated, and the number of hours of automation saved from a typical manual investigation.
-You can click on **Automated investigations**, **Remediated investigations**, and **Alerts investigated** to navigate to the **Investigations** page, filtered by the appropriate category. This lets you see a detailed breakdown of investigations in context.
-## Users at risk
-The tile shows you a list of user accounts with the most active alerts and the number of alerts seen on high, medium, or low alerts.
-Click the user account to see details about the user account. For more information see [Investigate a user account](investigate-user.md).
-> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-secopsdashboard-belowfoldlink)
-## Related topics
--- [Understand the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint portal](use.md)-- [Portal overview](portal-overview.md)-- [View the Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management dashboard](tvm-dashboard-insights.md)-- [View the Threat analytics dashboard and take recommended mitigation actions](threat-analytics.md)
security Switch To Mde Phase 3 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/switch-to-mde-phase-3.md
To learn more, see [Device inventory](machines-view-overview.md).
**Congratulations**! You have completed your [migration to Defender for Endpoint](switch-to-mde-overview.md#the-migration-process)! -- [Visit your security operations dashboard](security-operations-dashboard.md) in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)). - [Manage Defender for Endpoint, post migration](manage-mde-post-migration.md).
security Eval Defender Office 365 Architecture https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-office-365-architecture.md
On-premises integration is common but optional. If your environment is cloud-onl
## Understand key concepts
-The following table identified key concepts that are important to understand when evaluating, configuring, and deploying MDO.
+The following table identified key concepts that are important to understand when evaluating, configuring, and deploying Defender for Office 365.
|Concept|Description|More information| ||||
-|Exchange Online Protection|Exchange Online Protection (EOP) is the cloud-based filtering service that helps protect your organization against spam and malware emails. EOP is included in all Microsoft 365 licenses that include Exchange Online.|[Exchange Online Protection overview](../office-365-security/exchange-online-protection-overview.md)|
-|Anti-malware protection|Organizations with mailboxes in EXO are automatically protected against malware.|[Anti-malware protection in EOP](../office-365-security/anti-malware-protection.md)|
-|Anti-spam protection|Organizations with mailboxes in EXO are automatically protected against junk mail and spam policies.|[Anti-spam protection in EOP](../office-365-security/anti-spam-protection.md)|
-|Anti-phishing protection|MDO offers more advanced anti-phishing protection related to spear phishing, whaling, ransomware, and other malicious activities.|[Extra anti-phishing protection in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/anti-phishing-protection.md)|
+|Exchange Online Protection|Exchange Online Protection (EOP) is the cloud-based filtering service that helps protect your organization against spam and malware in email. EOP is included in all Microsoft 365 licenses that include Exchange Online.|[Exchange Online Protection overview](../office-365-security/exchange-online-protection-overview.md)|
+|Anti-malware protection|Organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online are automatically protected against malware.|[Anti-malware protection in EOP](../office-365-security/anti-malware-protection.md)|
+|Anti-spam protection|Organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online are automatically protected against junk mail and spam.|[Anti-spam protection in EOP](../office-365-security/anti-spam-protection.md)|
+|Anti-phishing protection|Defender for Office 365 offers more advanced anti-phishing protection related to spear phishing, whaling, ransomware, and other malicious activities.|[Extra anti-phishing protection in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/anti-phishing-protection.md)|
|Anti-spoofing protection|EOP includes features to help protect your organization from spoofed (forged) senders.|[Anti-spoofing protection in EOP](../office-365-security/anti-spoofing-protection.md)|
-|Safe Attachments|Safe Attachments provides an extra layer of protection by using a virtual environment to check and "detonate" attachments in email messages before they are delivered.|[Safe Attachments in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/safe-attachments.md)|
+|Safe Attachments|Safe Attachments provides an extra layer of protection by using a virtual environment to check and "detonate" attachments in email messages before they're delivered.|[Safe Attachments in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/safe-attachments.md)|
|Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams|In addition, Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams offers an extra layer of protection for files that have been uploaded to cloud storage repositories.|[Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams](../office-365-security/mdo-for-spo-odb-and-teams.md)| |Safe Links|Safe Links is a feature that provides URL scanning and rewriting within inbound email messages and offers verification of those links before they are delivered or clicked.|[Safe Links in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/safe-links.md)|
For more detailed information about the capabilities included with Microsoft Def
## Review architecture requirements
-A successful MDO evaluation or production pilot assumes the following pre-requisites:
+A successful Defender for Office 365 evaluation or production pilot assumes the following pre-requisites:
- All your recipient mailboxes are currently in Exchange Online. - Your public MX record resolves directly to EOP or a third-party SMTP gateway that then relays inbound external email directly to EOP.
security Eval Defender Office 365 Pilot https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-office-365-pilot.md
Use the following steps to set up and configure the pilot for Microsoft Defender
- [Step 2: Configure protection](#step-2-configure-protection) - [Step 3: Try out capabilities ΓÇö Get familiar with simulation, monitoring, and metrics](#step-3-try-out-capabilities-and-get-familiar-with-simulation-monitoring-and-metrics)
-When you evaluate Microsoft Defender for Office 365, you may choose to pilot specific users before enabling and enforcing policies for your entire organization. Creating distribution groups can help manage the deployment processes. For example, create groups such as *Defender for Office 365 Users - Standard Protection*, *Defender for Office 365 Users - Strict Protection*, *Defender for Office 365 Users - Custom Protection*, or *Defender for Office 365 Users - Exceptions*.
+When you evaluate Microsoft Defender for Office 365, you might choose to pilot specific users before enabling and enforcing policies for your entire organization. Creating distribution groups can help manage the deployment processes. For example, create groups such as *Defender for Office 365 Users - Standard Protection*, *Defender for Office 365 Users - Strict Protection*, *Defender for Office 365 Users - Custom Protection*, or *Defender for Office 365 Users - Exceptions*.
-It may not be evident why 'Standard' and 'Strict' are the terms used for these groups, but that will become clear when you explore more about Defender for Office 365 security presets. Naming groups 'custom' and 'exceptions' speak for themselves, and though most of your users should fall under *standard* and *strict*, custom and exception groups will collect valuable data for you regarding managing risk.
+It might not be evident why 'Standard' and 'Strict' are the terms used for these groups, but that will become clear when you explore more about Defender for Office 365 security presets. Naming groups 'custom' and 'exceptions' speak for themselves, and though most of your users should fall under *standard* and *strict*, custom and exception groups will collect valuable data for you regarding managing risk.
## Step 1: Create pilot groups Distribution groups can be created and defined directly in Exchange Online or synchronized from on-premises Active Directory.
-1. Sign in to the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) using an account that has been granted Recipient Administrator role or been delegated group management permissions.
-2. From the navigation menu, expand *Recipients* and select *Groups*.
+1. Sign in to the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) at <https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com> using an account that has been granted Recipient Administrator role or been delegated group management permissions.
+2. Go to **Recipients** \> **Groups**.
:::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot.png":::
-3. From the Groups dashboard, select "Add a group".
+3. On the **Groups** page, select ![Add a group icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-add-internal-icon.png) **Add a group**.
:::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-add-group.png":::
-4. For group type, select *Distribution* and click Next.
+4. For group type, select **Distribution**, and then click **Next**.
:::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-group-type.png":::
-5. Give the group a name and description and then click Next.
+5. Give the group a **Name** and and optional **Description**, and then click Next.
:::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-set-up-basics.png":::
+6. On the remaining pages, assign an owner, add members to the group, set the email address, join-depart restrictions, and other settings.
+ ## Step 2: Configure protection
-Some capabilities in Defender for Office 365 are configured and turned on by default, but security operations may want to raise the level of protection from the default.
+Some capabilities in Defender for Office 365 are configured and turned on by default, but security operations might want to raise the level of protection from the default.
+Some capabilities are *not yet* configured. You have the following options for configuring protection:
+- **Assign users to preset security policies**: [Preset security policies](../office-365-security/preset-security-policies.md) are provided as a method to quickly assign a uniform level of protection across all of the capabilities. You can choose from **Standard** or **Strict** protection. The advantage here is that you protect groups of users as quickly as possible. This disadvantage here is that you can't customize most of the settings in preset security policies (for example, you can't change an action from **Deliver to recipients' Junk Email folders** to **Quarantine** or vice-versa). Also keep in mind that preset security policies are *always* applied before custom policies. So, if you want to create and use any custom policies, you'll need to exclude users in those custom policies from preset security policies.
-Some capabilities are *not yet* configured. You have three options for configuring protection:
+- **Configure *custom* protection policies**: If you prefer to configure the environment yourself, you can quickly achieve a *baseline* of protection by following the guidance in [Protect against threats](../office-365-security/protect-against-threats.md). With this approach, you get to learn more about the settings that are configurable. And, you can fine-tune the policies later.
+ You can also build and assign custom protection policies as part of your evaluation. Before you start customizing policies, it's important to understand the precedence in which these protection policies are applied and enforced. Security operations will need to create and/or configure some policies, even if when the preset is applied.
- **Assign preset security policies automatically**: [Preset security policies](../office-365-security/preset-security-policies.md) are provided as a method to quickly assign a uniform level of protection across all of the capabilities. You can choose from ***Standard*** or ***Strict***. A good approach is to start with preset security policies and then fine-tune the policies as you learn more about the capabilities and your own unique threat environment. The advantage here is that you protect groups of users as quickly as possible, with the ability to tweak protection afterward. (This method is recommended.) - **Configure baseline protection manually**: If you prefer to configure the environment yourself, you can quickly achieve a *baseline* of protection by following the guidance in [Protect against threats](../office-365-security/protect-against-threats.md). With this approach, you get to learn more about the settings that are configurable. And, you can fine-tune the policies later.
Some capabilities are *not yet* configured. You have three options for configuri
### Assign preset security policies
-It's recommended you begin with the *recommended baseline policies* when evaluating MDO and then refine them as needed over the course of your evaluation period.
-You can enable recommended EOP and Defender for Office 365 protection policies fast, and assign them to specific pilot users or defined groups as part of your evaluation. Preset policies offer a baseline **Standard** protection template or a more aggressive **Strict** protection template, which can be assigned independently, or combined.
-Here is the [Preset security policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/preset-security-policies.md) article outlining the steps.
-1. Log on to your Microsoft 365 tenant. Use an account with access to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, added to Organization Management role in Office 365, or Security Administrator role in Microsoft 365.
-2. From the navigation menu, select *Polices & Rules* under Email & Collaboration.
- :::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-policies.png":::
-3. On the Policy & Rules dashboard, click *Threat Policies*.
- :::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-threat-policies.png":::
-4. From the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, expand Threat Management from the navigation menu and then select Policy from the submenu.
-5. On the Policy dashboard, click *Preset security policies*.
- :::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-template-policies.png":::
-6. Click *Edit* to configure and assign the Standard policy and/or Strict policy.
- :::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-preset.png":::
-7. Add conditions to apply baseline ***EOP*** protections to specific pilot users, or groups of users, as needed, and select *Next* to continue.
- Example, a Defender for Office 365 condition for pilot evaluations could be applied if the recipients are *members* of a defined *Defender for Office 365 Standard Protection* group, and then managed by adding accounts to, or removing account from, the group.
- :::image type="content" source="../../medio-eval-pilot-eop-protections.png":::
-8. Add conditions to apply baseline ***MDO*** protections to specific pilot users, or groups of users, as needed. Click *Next* to continue.
+We recommended you begin with the *recommended baseline policies* when evaluating MDO and then refine them as needed over the course of your evaluation period.
- For example, a Defender for Office 365 condition for pilot evaluations could be applied if the recipients are *members* of a defined *Defender for Office 365 Standard Protection* group and then managed by adding / removing accounts via the group.
+You can enable preset security policies in EOP and Defender for Office 365 fast, and assign them to specific pilot users or defined groups as part of your evaluation. Preset policies offer a baseline **Standard** protection template or a more aggressive **Strict** protection template, which can be assigned independently.
- :::image type="content" source="../../medio-protections.png":::
+For example, an EOP condition for pilot evaluations could be applied if the recipients are *members* of a defined *EOP Standard Protection* group, and then managed by adding accounts to, or removing account from, the group.
-9. Review and confirm your changes for assigning preset security policies.
+Likewise, a Defender for Office 365 condition for pilot evaluations could be applied if the recipients are *members* of a defined *Defender for Office 365 Standard Protection* group and then managed by adding / removing accounts via the group.
-10. Preset protection policies can be managed (reconfigured, re-applied, disabled, etc.) by returning to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal > Policies & rules > Threat Policies > and clicking the *Preset security policies* tile.
+For complete instructions, see [Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to assign Standard and Strict preset security policies to users](../office-365-security/preset-security-policies.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-assign-standard-and-strict-preset-security-policies-to-users).
### Configure custom protection policies The pre-defined *Standard* or *Strict* Defender for Office 365 policy templates give your pilot users the recommended baseline protection. However, you can also build and assign custom protection policies as part of your evaluation.
-It's *important* to be aware of the precedence these protection policies take when applied and enforced, as [Order and precedence of email protection - Office 365](../office-365-security/how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md) explains.
+It's *important* to be aware of the precedence these protection policies take when applied and enforced, as explained in [Order and precedence of email protection - Office 365](../office-365-security/how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md) and [Order of precedence for preset security policies and other policies](../office-365-security/preset-security-policies.md#order-of-precedence-for-preset-security-policies-and-other-policies).
The table below provides references and more guidance for configuring and assigning custom protection policies:
-|Connection filtering|Identify good or bad source email servers by their IP addresses.|[Configure the default connection filter policy in EOP](../office-365-security/configure-the-connection-filter-policy.md)|
-|Anti-malware|Protect users from email malware including what actions to take and who to notify if malware is detected.|[Configure anti-malware policies in EOP](../office-365-security/configure-anti-malware-policies.md)|
-|Anti-spoofing|Protect users from spoofing attempts using spoof intelligence and spoof intelligence insights.|[Configure spoof intelligence in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/learn-about-spoof-intelligence.md)|
-|Anti-spam|Protect users from email spam including what actions to take if spam is detected.|[Configure anti-spam policies in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/configure-your-spam-filter-policies.md)|
-|Anti-phishing|Protect users from phishing attacks and configure safety tips on suspicious messages|[Configure anti-phishing policies in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/configure-mdo-anti-phishing-policies.md)|
-|Safe Attachments|Protect users from malicious content in email attachments and files in SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams.|[Set up safe attachment policies in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/set-up-safe-attachments-policies.md)|
-|Safe Links|Protect users from opening and sharing malicious links in email messages or Office desktop apps.|[Set up safe links policies in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/set-up-safe-links-policies.md)|
+|Policy|Description|Included in preset<br>security policies?|Default policy<br>available?|Reference|
+|Connection filter policies|Identify good or bad source email servers by IP address.|No|Yes|[Configure the default connection filter policy in EOP](../office-365-security/configure-the-connection-filter-policy.md)|
+|Outbound spam filter policies|Specify outbound message rate limits and control external email forwarding.|No|Yes|[Configure outbound spam filtering in EOP](../office-365-security/configure-the-outbound-spam-policy.md)|
+|Anti-malware policies|Protect users from email malware including what actions to take and who to notify if malware is detected.|Yes|Yes|[Configure anti-malware policies in EOP](../office-365-security/configure-anti-malware-policies.md)|
+|Anti-spam policies|Protect users from email spam including what actions to take if spam is detected.|Yes|Yes|[Configure anti-spam policies in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/configure-your-spam-filter-policies.md)|
+|Anti-spoofing protection|Protect users from spoofing attempts using spoof intelligence and spoof intelligence insights.|Yes|Yes|[Configure spoof intelligence in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/learn-about-spoof-intelligence.md) <br><br> [Configure anti-phishing policies in EOP](../office-365-security/configure-anti-phishing-policies-eop.md)|
+|Impersonation protection|Protect users from phishing attacks and configure safety tips on suspicious messages|Yes, but some configuration required.|Yes, but some configuration required.|[Impersonation settings in anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/set-up-anti-phishing-policies.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365) <br><br> [Impersonation insight in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/impersonation-insight.md) <br><br> [Configure anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/configure-mdo-anti-phishing-policies.md)|
+|Safe Attachments policies|Protect users from malicious content in email attachments and files in SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams.|Yes|Effectively, via Built-in protection|[Set up Safe Attachment policies in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/set-up-safe-attachments-policies.md)|
+|Safe Links policies|Protect users from opening and sharing malicious links in email messages or supported Office apps.|Yes|Effectively, via Built-in protection|[Set up Safe Links policies in Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/set-up-safe-links-policies.md)|
## Step 3: Try out capabilities and get familiar with simulation, monitoring, and metrics
Now that your pilot is set up and configured, it's helpful to become familiar wi
|||| |Threat Explorer|Threat Explorer is a powerful near real-time tool to help Security Operations teams investigate and respond to threats and displays information about suspected malware and phish in email and files in Office 365, as well as other security threats and risks to your organization.|[Views in Threat Explorer and real-time detections](../office-365-security/threat-explorer-views.md)| |Attack simulation training|You can use Attack simulation training in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to run realistic attack scenarios in your organization, which help you identify and find vulnerable users before a real attack impacts your environment.|[Get started using Attack simulation training](../office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-get-started.md)|
-|Reports dashboard|On the left navigation menu, click Reports and expand the Email & collaboration heading. The Email & collaboration reports are about spotting security trends some of which will allow you to take action (through buttons like 'Go to submissions'), and others that will show trends, like Mailflow status summary, Top Malware, Spoof detections, Compromised users, Mail latency, Safe Links, and Safe attachments reports. These metrics are generated automatically.|[View Reports](../office-365-security/view-email-security-reports.md)|
+|Reports dashboard|On the left navigation menu, click Reports and expand the Email & collaboration heading. The Email & collaboration reports are about spotting security trends some of which will allow you to take action (through buttons like 'Go to submissions'), and others that will show trends. These metrics are generated automatically.|[View email security reports in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](../office-365-security/view-email-security-reports.md) <br><br> [View Defender for Office 365 reports in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](../office-365-security/view-reports-for-mdo.md)|
## Next steps
security Eval Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-overview.md
In this illustration an attack is underway. Phishing email arrives at the Inbox
In the illustration: -- **Exchange Online Protection**, part of Microsoft Defender for Office 365, can detect the phishing email and use mail flow rules to make certain it never arrives in the Inbox.-- **Defender for Office 365** safe attachments tests the attachment and determines it is harmful, so the mail that arrives either isn't actionable by the user, or policies prevent the mail from arriving at all.
+- **Exchange Online Protection**, part of Microsoft Defender for Office 365, can detect the phishing email and use mail flow rules (also known as transport rules) to make certain it never arrives in the Inbox.
+- **Defender for Office 365** uses Safe Attachments to test the attachment and determine that it's harmful, so the mail that arrives either isn't actionable by the user, or policies prevent the mail from arriving at all.
- **Defender for Endpoint** manages devices that connect to the corporate network and detect device and network vulnerabilities that might otherwise be exploited. - **Defender for Identity** takes note of sudden account changes like privilege escalation, or high-risk lateral movement. It also reports on easily exploited identity issues like unconstrained Kerberos delegation, for correction by the security team. - **Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps** notices anomalous behavior like impossible-travel, credential access, and unusual download, file share, or mail forwarding activity and reports these to the security team.
Microsoft 365 Defender is made up of these security technologies, operating in t
|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is a unified platform for device protection, post-breach detection, automated investigation, and recommended response.|[Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Windows security](../defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-endpoint.md)| |Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps|Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps is a comprehensive cross-SaaS solution bringing deep visibility, strong data controls, and enhanced threat protection to your cloud apps.|[What is Defender for Cloud Apps?](/cloud-app-security/what-is-cloud-app-security)| |Azure AD Identity Protection|Azure AD Identity Protection evaluates risk data from billions of sign-in attempts and uses this data to evaluate the risk of each sign-in to your environment. This data is used by Azure AD to allow or prevent account access, depending on how Conditional Access policies are configured. Azure AD Identity Protection is licensed separately from Microsoft 365 Defender. It is included with Azure Active Directory Premium P2.|[What is Identity Protection?](/azure/active-directory/identity-protection/overview-identity-protection)|
## Microsoft 365 Defender architecture
The diagram below illustrates high-level architecture for key Microsoft 365 Defe
In this illustration: - Microsoft 365 Defender combines the signals from all of the Defender components to provide extended detection and response (XDR) across domains. This includes a unified incident queue, automated response to stop attacks, self-healing (for compromised devices, user identities, and mailboxes), cross-threat hunting, and threat analytics.-- Microsoft Defender for Office 365 safeguards your organization against malicious threats posed by email messages, links (URLs), and collaboration tools. It shares signals resulting from these activities with Microsoft 365 Defender. Exchange Online Protection (EOP) is integrated to provide end-to-end protection for incoming emails and attachments.
+- Microsoft Defender for Office 365 safeguards your organization against malicious threats posed by email messages, links (URLs), and collaboration tools. It shares signals resulting from these activities with Microsoft 365 Defender. Exchange Online Protection (EOP) is integrated to provide end-to-end protection for incoming email and attachments.
- Microsoft Defender for Identity gathers signals from servers running Active Directory Federated Services (AD FS) and on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). It uses these signals to protect your hybrid identity environment, including protecting against hackers that use compromised accounts to move laterally across workstations in the on-premises environment. - Microsoft Defender for Endpoint gathers signals from and protects devices used by your organization. - Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps gathers signals from your organization's use of cloud apps and protects data flowing between your environment and these apps, including both sanctioned and unsanctioned cloud apps.
Microsoft recommends enabling the components of Microsoft 365 in the order illus
The following table describes this illustration.
-| Serial Number |Step |Description |
-|1 | [Create the evaluation environment](eval-create-eval-environment.md) |This step ensures you have the trial license for Microsoft 365 Defender. |
-|2 | [Enable Defender for Identity](eval-defender-identity-overview.md) | Review the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and walk through tutorials for identifying and remediating different attack types. |
-|3 | [Enable Defender for Office 365 ](eval-defender-office-365-overview.md) | Ensure you meet the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and then create the pilot environment. This component includes Exchange Online Protection and so you will actually evaluate *both* here. |
-|4 | [Enable Defender for Endpoint ](eval-defender-endpoint-overview.md) | Ensure you meet the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and then create the pilot environment. |
-|5 | [Enable Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps](eval-defender-mcas-overview.md) | Ensure you meet the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and then create the pilot environment. |
-|6 | [Investigate and respond to threats](eval-defender-investigate-respond.md) | Simulate an attack and begin using incident response capabilities. |
-|7 | [Promote the trial to production](eval-defender-promote-to-production.md) | Promote the Microsoft 365 components to production one-by-one. |
-This is a commonly recommended order designed to leverage the value of the capabilities quickly based on how much effort is typically required to deploy and configure the capabilities. For example, Defender for Office 365 can be configured in less time than it takes to enroll devices in Defender for Endpoint. Of course, you should prioritize the components to meet your business needs, and can enable these in a different order.
+|Serial Number|Step|Description|
+|1|[Create the evaluation environment](eval-create-eval-environment.md)|This step ensures you have the trial license for Microsoft 365 Defender.|
+|2|[Enable Defender for Identity](eval-defender-identity-overview.md)|Review the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and walk through tutorials for identifying and remediating different attack types.|
+|3|[Enable Defender for Office 365](eval-defender-office-365-overview.md)|Ensure you meet the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and then create the pilot environment. This component includes Exchange Online Protection and so you will actually evaluate *both* here.|
+|4|[Enable Defender for Endpoint](eval-defender-endpoint-overview.md)|Ensure you meet the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and then create the pilot environment.|
+|5|[Enable Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps](eval-defender-mcas-overview.md)|Ensure you meet the architecture requirements, enable the evaluation, and then create the pilot environment.|
+|6|[Investigate and respond to threats](eval-defender-investigate-respond.md)|Simulate an attack and begin using incident response capabilities.|
+|7|[Promote the trial to production](eval-defender-promote-to-production.md)|Promote the Microsoft 365 components to production one-by-one.|
+This order is commonly recommended and designed to leverage the value of the capabilities quickly based on how much effort is typically required to deploy and configure the capabilities. For example, Defender for Office 365 can be configured in less time than it takes to enroll devices in Defender for Endpoint. Of course, you should prioritize the components to meet your business needs, and can enable these in a different order.
## Go to the Next Step
security Anti Malware Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/anti-malware-protection.md
Anti-malware policies control the settings and notification options for malware
- **Enable the common attachments filter**: There are certain types of files that you really shouldn't send via email (for example, executable files). Why bother scanning these types of files for malware, when you should probably block them all, anyway? That's where the common attachments filter comes in. The file types you specify are automatically treated as malware.
- - The default file types: `ace, ani, apk, app, appx, arj, bat, cmd, com, deb, dex, dll, docm, elf, exe, hta, img, jar, kext, lha, lib, library, lnk, lzh, macho, msc, msi, msix, msp, mst, pif, ppa, ppam, reg, rev, scf, scr, sct, sys, uif, vb, vbe, vbs, vxd, wsc, wsf, wsh, xll, xz, z`.
+ - The default file types: `ace, apk, app, appx, ani, arj, bat, cab, cmd,com, deb, dex, dll, docm, elf, exe, hta, img, iso, jar, jnlp, kext, lha, lib, library, lnk, lzh, macho, msc, msi, msix, msp, mst, pif, ppa, ppam, reg, rev, scf, scr, sct, sys, uif, vb, vbe, vbs, vxd, wsc, wsf, wsh, xll, xz, z`.
- Additional file types that you can select from in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal<sup>\*</sup>: `7z, 7zip, a, accdb, accde, action, ade, adp, appxbundle, asf, asp, aspx, avi, bin, bundle, bz, bz2, bzip2, cab, caction, cer, chm, command, cpl, crt, csh, css, der, dgz, dmg, doc, docx, dot, dotm, dtox, dylib, font, gz, gzip, hlp, htm, html, imp, inf, ins, ipa, iso, isp, its, jnlp, js, jse, ksh, lqy, mad, maf, mag, mam, maq, mar, mas, mat, mav, maw, mda, mdb, mde, mdt, mdw, mdz, mht, mhtml, mscompress, msh, msh1, msh1xml, msh2, msh2xml, mshxml, msixbundle, o, obj, odp, ods, odt, one, onenote, ops, package, pages, pbix, pdb, pdf, php, pkg, plugin, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, prf, prg, ps1, ps1xml, ps2, ps2xml, psc1, psc2, pst, pub, py, rar, rpm, rtf, scpt, service, sh, shb, shtm, shx, so, tar, tarz, terminal, tgz, tool, url, vhd, vsd, vsdm, vsdx, vsmacros, vss, vssx, vst, vstm, vstx, vsw, workflow, ws, xhtml, xla, xlam, xls, xlsb, xlsm, xlsx, xlt, xltm, xltx, zi, zip, zipx`. <sup>\*</sup> You can enter any text value using the _FileTypes_ parameter in the [New-MalwareFilterPolicy](/powershell/module/exchange/new-malwarefilterpolicy) or [Set-MalwareFilterPolicy](/powershell/module/exchange/set-malwarefilterpolicy) cmdlets in Exchange Online PowerShell.
security Find And Release Quarantined Messages As A User https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/find-and-release-quarantined-messages-as-a-user.md
The following actions are available after you click ![More actions icon.](../../
- ![Remove from quarantine icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png) **Remove from quarantine**: After you click **Yes** in the warning that appears, the message is immediately deleted without being sent to the original recipients. -- ![Download email icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png) **Download email**: In the flyout that appears, select **I understand the risks from downloading this message**, and then click **Download** to save a local copy of the message in .eml format.
+- ![Download email icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png) **Download email**: In the flyout that appears, configure the following settings:
+ - **Reason for downloading file**: Enter descriptive text.
+ - **Create password** and **Confirm password**: Enter a password that's required to open the downloaded message file.
+ When you're finished, click **Download**, and then **Done** to save a local copy of the message. The .eml message file is save in a compressed file named Quarantined Messages.zip in your **Downloads** folder. If the .zip file already exists, a number is appended to the filename (for example, Quarantined Messages(1).zip).
- ![Block sender icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-block-sender-icon.png) **Block sender**: Add the sender to the Blocked Senders list in **your** mailbox. For more information, see [Block a mail sender](https://support.microsoft.com/office/b29fd867-cac9-40d8-aed1-659e06a706e4).
security Manage Quarantined Messages And Files https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/manage-quarantined-messages-and-files.md
The following actions are available after you click ![More actions icon.](../../
- ![Delete from quarantine icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png) **Delete from quarantine**: After you click **Yes** in the warning that appears, the message is immediately deleted without being sent to the original recipients. -- ![Download email icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png) **Download email**: In the flyout that appears, select **I understand the risks from downloading this message**, and then click **Download** to save a local copy of the message in .eml format.
+- ![Download email icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png) **Download email**: In the flyout that appears, configure the following settings:
+ - **Reason for downloading file**: Enter descriptive text.
+ - **Create password** and **Confirm password**: Enter a password that's required to open the downloaded message file.
+ When you're finished, click **Download**, and then **Done** to save a local copy of the message. The .eml message file is save in a compressed file named Quarantined Messages.zip in your **Downloads** folder. If the .zip file already exists, a number is appended to the filename (for example, Quarantined Messages(1).zip).
- ![Block sender icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-block-sender-icon.png) **Block sender**: Add the sender to the Blocked Senders list in **your** mailbox. For more information, see [Block a mail sender](https://support.microsoft.com/office/b29fd867-cac9-40d8-aed1-659e06a706e4).
security Assess The Impact Of Security Configuration Changes With Explorer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/assess-the-impact-of-security-configuration-changes-with-explorer.md
Title: Assess the impact of security configuration changes with Explorer
description: Examples and walkthrough of using Explorer to determine the impact of a security control (configuration) change in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 search.product: + ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
audience: ITPro - search.appverid: met150
security Connect Microsoft Defender For Office 365 To Microsoft Sentinel https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/connect-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-to-microsoft-sentinel.md
Title: Connect Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to Microsoft Sentinel
description: The steps to connect Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to Sentinel. Add your Microsoft Defender for Office 365 data (*and* data from the rest of the Microsoft 365 Defender suite), including incidents, to Microsoft Sentinel for a single pane of glass into your security. search.product: + ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
audience: ITPro - search.appverid: met150
Take advantage of rich security information events management (SIEM) combined wi
- Sufficient permissions (Security Administrator in M365 & Read / Write permissions in Sentinel). ## Add the Microsoft 365 Defender Connector
-1. [Login to the Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com) and navigate to **Microsoft Sentinel** > Pick the relevant workspace to intergrate with Microsoft 365 Defender
+1. [Login to the Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com) and navigate to **Microsoft Sentinel** > Pick the relevant workspace to integrate with Microsoft 365 Defender
1. On the left-hand navigation menu underneath the heading **Configuration** > choose **Data connectors**. 2. When the page loads, **search for** Microsoft 365 Defender **and select the Microsoft 365 Defender (preview) connector**. 3. On the right-hand flyout, select **Open Connector Page**.
security Defense In Depth Guide https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/defense-in-depth-guide.md
Title: Getting started with defense in-depth configuration for email security
description: Step-by-step configuration guidance on how to get security value from Microsoft Defender for Office 365 when you have third party email filtering. search.product: + ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
audience: ITPro - search.appverid: met150
security Deploy And Configure The Report Message Add In https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/deploy-and-configure-the-report-message-add-in.md
Title: How-to deploy and configure the report message add-in
description: The steps to deploy and configure Microsoft's phish reporting add-in(s) aimed at security administrators. search.product: + ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security
audience: ITPro - search.appverid: met150
Depending on whether you are licensed for Defender for Office 365, you'll also g
## What you'll need - Exchange Online Protection (some features require Defender for Office 365 Plan 2)-- Sufficient permissions (Global admin for add-in deployment, security admin for customisation)
+- Sufficient permissions (Global admin for add-in deployment, security admin for customization)
- 5-10 minutes to perform the steps below ## Deploy the add-in for users
Depending on whether you are licensed for Defender for Office 365, you'll also g
1. On the page that loads, press **Get Apps**. 1. In the page that appears, in the top right Search box, enter **Report Message** or **Report Phishing**, and then select **Search**. 1. Press **Get it now** on your chosen app within the search results (publisher is **Microsoft Corporation**).
-1. On the flyout that appears, select who to deploy the add-in to. If testing you may wish to use a specific group, otherwise configure it for the **entire organisation** ΓÇô when you've made a selection press **Next**.
+1. On the flyout that appears, select who to deploy the add-in to. If testing you may wish to use a specific group, otherwise configure it for the **entire organization** ΓÇô when you've made a selection press **Next**.
1. Review the permissions, information and capabilities then press **Next**. 1. Press **Finish deployment** (it can take 12-24 hours for the add-in to appear automatically in Outlook clients).
Depending on whether you are licensed for Defender for Office 365, you'll also g
## Optional steps ΓÇô configure notifications 1. On the configuration page from the earlier steps, underneath the **User reporting experience**, configure the before and after reporting pop-ups title and body if desired. The end users will see the before reporting pop up if **Ask me before reporting** is also enabled.
-2. If you wish for notifications to come from an internal organisational mailbox, select **Specify Office 365 email address to use as sender** and search for a valid mailbox in your organisation to send the notifications from.
+2. If you wish for notifications to come from an internal organizational mailbox, select **Specify Office 365 email address to use as sender** and search for a valid mailbox in your organization to send the notifications from.
3. Press **Customize notifications** to set up the text sent to reporting users after admin reviews a reported message using Mark & Notify, configure the **Phishing**, **Junk** & **No threats** found options.
-4. On the **Footer** tab, select the global footer to be sent for notifications, along with your organisation's logo if appropriate.
+4. On the **Footer** tab, select the global footer to be sent for notifications, along with your organization's logo if appropriate.
### Further reading
security Trial Playbook Defender For Office 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/trial-playbook-defender-for-office-365.md
Watch this video to learn more: [Learn how to use the Submissions portal to subm
Use the reporting capabilities in Defender for Office 365 to get more details about your environment. -- The [Evaluation dashboard](try-microsoft-defender-for-office-365.md#reports-for-audit-mode-only) provides an easy view of the threats detected by Defender for Office 365 during evaluation.
+- The [Evaluation dashboard](try-microsoft-defender-for-office-365.md#reports-for-audit-mode) provides an easy view of the threats detected by Defender for Office 365 during evaluation.
- Understand threats received in email and collaboration tools with the [Threat protection status report](view-email-security-reports.md#threat-protection-status-report). ### Step 2: Intermediate steps in auditing mode
security Try Microsoft Defender For Office 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/try-microsoft-defender-for-office-365.md
After you set up your evaluation or trial in audit mode or blocking mode, the **
## Reports for your evaluation or trial of Defender for Office 365
-In **audit mode** or **blocking mode**, the following reports show detections by Defender for Office 365:
+This section describes the reports that are available in audit mode and blocking mode.
+### Reports for blocking mode
+In **blocking mode**, the following reports show detections by Defender for Office 365:
- The [Mailflow view for the Mailflow status report](view-email-security-reports.md#mailflow-view-for-the-mailflow-status-report):
In **audit mode** or **blocking mode**, the following reports show detections by
- The [URL protection report](view-reports-for-mdo.md#url-protection-report)
-### Reports for audit mode only
+### Reports for audit mode
+In **audit mode**, the following reports show detections by Defender for Office 365:
+- The [Threat protection status report](view-email-security-reports.md#threat-protection-status-report) has **Evaluation: Yes/No** as a filterable property in the following views:
+ - [View data by Email \> Phish and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology](view-email-security-reports.md#view-data-by-email--phish-and-chart-breakdown-by-detection-technology)
+ - [View data by Email \> Malware and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology](view-email-security-reports.md#view-data-by-email--malware-and-chart-breakdown-by-detection-technology)
+ - [View data by Email \> Spam and Chart breakdown by Detection Technology](view-email-security-reports.md#view-data-by-email--spam-and-chart-breakdown-by-detection-technology)
-In [Threat Explorer](threat-explorer.md), messages that were detected by the Defender for Office 365 evaluation show the following banner in the details of the entry:
+- [Threat Explorer](threat-explorer.md) shows the following banner in message detection details on the **Analysis** tab for **Bad attachment**, **spam url + malware**, **Phish url**, and **impersonation** messages that were detected by the Defender for Office 365 evaluation show the following banner in the details of the entry:
![Notification banner in message details that the Defender for Office 365 evaluation detected a malicious email message.](../../media/evalv2-detection-banner.png)
security Top Security Tasks For Remote Work https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/top-security-tasks-for-remote-work.md
audience: Admin - ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150