Updates from: 08/13/2024 01:06:25
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admin Transfer A Domain From Microsoft To Another Host https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/transfer-a-domain-from-microsoft-to-another-host.md
Previously updated : 08/06/2020 Last updated : 08/07/2024 audience: Admin
admin What Is A Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/what-is-a-domain.md
Previously updated : 07/11/2024 Last updated : 08/12/2024 audience: Admin
If you already own a domain like *you@yourcompany.<span>com* you can add it an
You can use a Microsoft domain like *yourcompany.onmicrosoft.<span>com* to sign in for now and add a custom domain later. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> If you select this option, the name you enter for your .onmicrosoft.com domain will be used in all your SharePoint and OneDrive URLs. You might not be able to change this name, so make sure it's spelled correctly is the name you want to use from a branding perspective.
+> If you select this option, the name you enter for your .onmicrosoft.com domain will be used in all your SharePoint and OneDrive URLs. You might not be able to change this name, so make sure it's spelled correctly if it's the name you want to use from a branding perspective.
## Feeling stuck?
admin Deploy Addins For Gcch https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/deploy-addins-for-gcch.md
+ Title: "Deploy Office Add-ins in Government Community Cloud High (GCC High) environments"
+++ Last updated : 08/12/2024
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- Adm_TOC
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: "Deploy Office Add-ins in Microsoft 365 GCC High environments."
+# Deploy Office Add-ins in Government Community Cloud High (GCC High) environments
+This article was written by [Eric Splichal](https://social.technet.microsoft.com/profile/Splic-MSFT), Sr. Support Escalation Engineer.
+Centralized deployment for Office Add-ins can be managed at an administrative level in Microsoft 365 for Business. Since Government Community Cloud High (GCC High) tenants do not have access to the Office store, you will need to deploy Office Add-ins through the following process.
+1. In your browser, go to <b>appsource.microsoft.com</b>.
+2. Click on the tile of the add-in you want to deploy (do not click the <b>Get it now</b> button). This will open the details page for the add-in.
+3. In the URL for the details page, find and copy the AssetID value. For example, if the URL is "<b>https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-US/product/office/WA1234567989?tab=Overview</b>", the AssetID value is <b>WA1234567989</b>.
+4. Paste the AssetID value to the following URL: "<b>https://store.office.com/app/download?assetid=value&cmu=en-001</b>". For example, using the example AssetID value from the previous step, the URL would need to be updated to "<b>https://store.office.com/app/download?assetid=WA1234567989&cmu=en-001</b>".
+5. In your browser, go to <b>admin.microsoft.com</b> to open the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+6. In the left pane, select <b>Show all</b> to expand the menu. Then select <b>Settings</b>, then <b>Add-ins</b>.
+7. On the <b>Add-ins</b> page, select <b>Deploy Add-in</b>.
+8. On the <b>Deploy a new add-in</b> page, select <b>Next</b>.
+9. Under <b>Deploy a custom add-in</b>, select <b>Upload custom apps</b>.
+10. Select <b>I have a URL for the manifest file</b>, and then enter the URL you updated that includes your AssetID for your add-in.
+11. Select <b>Upload</b>.
+12. On the <b>Configure add-in</b> page, choose the users you want to have access to the add-in, then select <b>Deploy</b>.
admin Set Up Dns Records Vsb https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/set-up-dns-records-vsb.md
Previously updated : 12/11/2020 Last updated : 08/01/2024 audience: Admin
admin Add Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/add-domain.md
Previously updated : 09/22/2023 Last updated : 08/11/2024 audience: Admin
Your company might need multiple domain names for different purposes. For exampl
> Where possible, we recommend that your organization use a custom domain name, as it can enhance your email's appearance and improve it's reputation. 1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, choose <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2171997" target="_blank">**Setup**</a>.
-1. Under **Get your custom domain set up**, select **View** > **Manage** > **Add domain**.
+1. Select **Get your custom domain set up**, then **Get Started** > **Add domain**.
1. Enter the new domain name that you want to add, and then select **Next**. 1. Sign in to your domain registrar, and then select **Next**. 1. Choose the services for your new domain.
Follow these steps to add, set up, or continue setting up a domain.
::: moniker range="o365-worldwide"
-1. Go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a>.
- 1. Go to the admin center at <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=850627" target="_blank">https://portal.partner.microsoftonline.cn</a>.
Follow these steps to add, set up, or continue setting up a domain.
5. Choose how you want to verify that you own the domain. 1. If your domain registrar uses [Domain Connect](#domain-connect-registrars-integrating-with-microsoft-365), Microsoft [will set up your records automatically](../get-help-with-domains/domain-connect.md) by having you sign in to your registrar and confirm the connection to Microsoft 365. You are returned to the admin center and Microsoft automatically verifies your domain.
- 2. You can use a TXT record to verify your domain. Select this and select **Next** to see instructions for how to add this DNS record to your registrar's website. It can take up to 30 minutes to verify after you add the record.
- 3. You can add a text file to your domain's website. Select and download the .txt file from the setup wizard, then upload the file to your website's top level folder. The path to the file should look similar to: `http://mydomain.com/ms39978200.txt`. We confirm you own the domain by finding the file on your website.
+ 2. You can use a TXT record to verify your domain. Select this and select **Next** to see instructions for how to add this DNS record to your registrar's website. It can take up to 10 minutes to verify after you add the record although some DNS hosting providers require up to 48 hours.
+ 3. You can add a text file to your domain's website. **Select** and download the .txt file from the setup wizard, then **upload** the file to your website's top level folder. The path to the file should look similar to: `http://mydomain.com/ms39978200.txt`. We confirm you own the domain by finding the file on your website.
6. Choose how you want to make the DNS changes required for Microsoft to use your domain.
Follow these steps to add, set up, or continue setting up a domain.
If you don't know the DNS hosting provider or domain registrar for your domain, see [Find your domain registrar or DNS hosting provider](../get-help-with-domains/find-your-domain-registrar.md).
- If you want to wait for later, either unselect all the services and select **Continue**, or in the previous domain connection step choose **More Options** and select **Skip this for now**.
+ If you want to wait for later, either unselect all the services and select **Continue**, or in the previous domain connection step, choose **More Options** and select **Skip this for now**.
8. Select **Finish** - you're done!
Follow these steps to add a custom record for a website or third party service.
[Domain Connect](https://www.domainconnect.org/) enabled registrars let you add your domain to Microsoft 365 in a three-step process that takes minutes.
-In the wizard, we confirm that you own the domain, and then automatically set up your domain's records, so email comes to Microsoft 365 and other Microsoft 365 services, like Teams, work with your domain.
+In the wizard, we confirm that you own the domain, and then automatically set up your domain's records, so that email comes to Microsoft 365 and other Microsoft 365 services, like Teams, work with your domain.
> [!NOTE] > Make sure you disable any popup blockers in your browser before you start the setup wizard. ### Domain Connect registrars integrating with Microsoft 365-
+- [Aruba.it](https://www.aruba.it/home.aspx)
- [IONOS](https://www.1and1.com/) - [EuroDNS](https://www.eurodns.com/) - [Cloudflare](https://www.cloudflare.com/)-- [GoDaddy](https://www.godaddy.com/)
+- [GoDaddy (_Media Temple_)](https://www.godaddy.com/)
- [WordPress.com](https://wordpress.com/) - [Plesk](https://www.plesk.com/)-- [MediaTemple](https://mediatemple.net/) - SecureServer or WildWestDomains (GoDaddy resellers using SecureServer DNS hosting) - Examples: - [DomainsPricedRight](https://www.domainspricedright.com/products/domain-registration)
To add an onmicrosoft.com domain:
3. On the **Overview** tab, select **Add onmicrosoft.com domain**.
- ![Screenshot of domain properties.](../../media/add-onmicrosoft-domain-link.png)
+ ![Screenshot of domain properties.](../../mediomain.png)
4. On the **Add onmicrosoft domain** page, in the **Domain name** box, enter the name for your new onmicrosoft.com domain.
backup Backup 3P Lifecycle https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/backup/storage/backup-3p-lifecycle.md
Once your Microsoft 365 Backup Storage application is given consent to execute i
4. [Enable your Billing Policy in the Consuming Tenant](#step-4-enable-your-billing-policy-in-the-consuming-tenant).
-After your application is registered, you can always check the state of your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller by executing the [Get serviceApp](/graph/api/serviceapp-get?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+After your application is registered, you can always check the state of your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller by executing the [Get serviceApp](/graph/api/serviceapp-get) API:
```http GET /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId} ``` ### Step 1: Register your application as a Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller
-To register your application to be a Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller, you first need to register your application by executing the [Create service App](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-post-serviceapps?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+To register your application to be a Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller, you first need to register your application by executing the [Create service App](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-post-serviceapps) API:
```http POST /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/ ```
If your application was successfully registered, it has a state of **inactive**.
### Step 2: Check if the Microsoft 365 Backup Service is enabled in the Consuming Tenant
-To check if the Microsoft 365 Backup Service is enabled in the Consuming Tenant, your application needs to execute the [Get backupRestoreRoot](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-get?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+To check if the Microsoft 365 Backup Service is enabled in the Consuming Tenant, your application needs to execute the [Get backupRestoreRoot](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-get) API:
```http GET /solutions/backupRestore/ ```
To activate your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller depe
#### No existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller
-If there's no existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller, then you can immediately activate your application as the Controller. To do this step, you execute the [serviceApp: activate](/graph/api/serviceapp-activate?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+If there's no existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller, then you can immediately activate your application as the Controller. To do this step, you execute the [serviceApp: activate](/graph/api/serviceapp-activate) API:
```http POST /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}/activate ```
If your application was immediately activated successfully, it has a state of **
If there's an existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller, then when activating your application as the Controller you need to specify a date/time as to when the change is effective. The date/time needs to be at least 7-days in the future, but not greater than 30-days.
-To activate your application, you need to execute the [serviceApp: activate](/graph/api/serviceapp-activate?view=graph-rest-beta) API specifying the effective date/time in the Request JSON body:
+To activate your application, you need to execute the [serviceApp: activate](/graph/api/serviceapp-activate) API specifying the effective date/time in the Request JSON body:
```http POST /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}/activate ```
If there was an existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller when you activa
- Your application has a state of **pendingActive**. - Your application has read-only access to any existing Protection Policies. Your application won't be able to change or create Protection Policies or perform any Restores. - The Consuming Tenant Backup Admin can cancel the pending change of the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller and revert back to original state.-- Your application can cancel the pending change of the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller and revert back to original state by executing the [serviceApp: deactivate](/graph/api/serviceapp-deactivate?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+- Your application can cancel the pending change of the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller and revert back to original state by executing the [serviceApp: deactivate](/graph/api/serviceapp-deactivate) API:
```http POST /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}/deactivate ```-- Your application can check the state of your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller by executing the [Get serviceApp](/graph/api/serviceapp-get?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+- Your application can check the state of your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller by executing the [Get serviceApp](/graph/api/serviceapp-get) API:
```http GET /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId} ```
GET /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}
### Step 4: Enable your Billing Policy in the Consuming Tenant
-Once your application has a status of active, you need to enable your Billing Policy in the Consuming Tenant. This step is performed by executing the [backupRestoreRoot: enable](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-enable?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+Once your application has a status of active, you need to enable your Billing Policy in the Consuming Tenant. This step is performed by executing the [backupRestoreRoot: enable](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-enable) API:
```http POST /solutions/backupRestore/enable ```
After you enable the Billing Policy, your application will be the Microsoft 365
If your application is the active Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller, it's possible that another application (first-party or third-party) can also be activated as per the onboarding process defined in [Existing-Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller](#existing-microsoft-365-backup-storage-controller) and [Existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller Grace Period](#existing-microsoft-365-backup-storage-controller-grace-period). If this event occurs, your application won't be explicitly notified. However, the state of your application becomes **pendingInactive**. T
-o get the state of your application being the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller your application can execute the [Get serviceApp](/graph/api/serviceapp-get?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+o get the state of your application being the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller your application can execute the [Get serviceApp](/graph/api/serviceapp-get) API:
```http GET /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId} ```
GET /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}
### Deactivate your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller
-To deactivate your application from being the Microsoft 365 Backup Service in the Consuming Tenant, your application needs to execute the [serviceApp: deactivate](/graph/api/serviceapp-deactivate?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+To deactivate your application from being the Microsoft 365 Backup Service in the Consuming Tenant, your application needs to execute the [serviceApp: deactivate](/graph/api/serviceapp-deactivate) API:
```http POST /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId}/deactivate ```
To deactivate your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller, e
### Unregister your application as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller
-To unregister your application from being the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller in the Consuming Tenant, your application needs to execute the [Delete serviceApp](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-delete-serviceapps?view=graph-rest-beta) API:
+To unregister your application from being the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller in the Consuming Tenant, your application needs to execute the [Delete serviceApp](/graph/api/backuprestoreroot-delete-serviceapps) API:
```http DELETE /solutions/backupRestore/serviceApps/{serviceAppId} ```
Unregistering your application that has a state of **active** automatically init
> [!WARNING] > If your application is the active Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller when you unregister it, you are potentially responsible for an additional 37 days (7 days plus 30 days) for the Microsoft 365 Backup pay-as-you-go billing in the Consuming Tenant.+
+## Application Lifecycle States
+Onboarding and offboarding a Microsoft 365 Backup application requires the application to go through a number of different states. The state changes are initiated by:
+- An application invoking specific APIs;
+- The consequence of another application invoking specific APIs; and/or
+- The system waiting for a period of time to pass.
+ ![Diagram showing the application lifecycle states.](../../media/m365-backup/backup-lifecycle-states.png)
+The above diagram outlines the states and the gestures that can cause a transition between them:
+1. [Register your application as a Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller](#step-1-register-your-application-as-a-microsoft-365-backup-storage-controller)
+2. [Activate your application to be the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller with no existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller](#no-existing-microsoft-365-backup-storage-controller)
+3. [Activate your application to be the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller with an Existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller](#existing-microsoft-365-backup-storage-controller) and [Another application is Activated as the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller when your application is the Active Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller](#another-application-is-activated-as-the-microsoft-365-backup-storage-controller)
+4. [The Existing Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller Grace Period completes](#existing-microsoft-365-backup-storage-controller-grace-period)
+5. [Deactivate your application to be the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller with current state of pendingActive](#deactivating-with-current-state-of-pendingactive)
+6. [Unregister your application to be the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller with current state of inactive](#unregistering-with-current-state-of-inactive)
+7. [Unregister your application to be the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller with current state of pendingActive](#unregistering-with-current-state-of-pendingactive)
+8. [Unregister your application to be the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller with current state of active](#unregistering-with-current-state-of-active)
bookings Create A Manual Booking https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/create-a-manual-booking.md
Bookings can be scheduled and staffed in two different ways. The first way is by
1. Select the staff member to provide the service. The list of staff members shown is based on what you set up on the services page.
- :::image type="content" alt-text="Image of staff list UI." source="../media/bookings-staff-list.png" lightbox="../media/bookings-staff-list.png":::
+ :::image type="content" alt-text="Image of staff list UI." source="../media/bookings-staff-list.png":::
1. Enter the service details, including date, time, location, and other relevant information. Once you enter a valid email address for the customer, you'll see a note telling you that a confirmation will be sent to the customer. The customer confirmation includes an attachment for them to add to their calendar. Selected staff members will also receive meeting invitations with the appointment information so they can add it to their personal calendars.
bookings Define Service Offerings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/define-service-offerings.md
The number of services should be limited to 50.
**Maximum attendees per event**: This setting allows you to create services that require the ability for multiple people to book the same appointment time and the same staff (such as a fitness class). The appointment time slot for the selected service, staff, and time will be available to book until the maximum number of attendees, specified by you, has been reached. Current appointment capacity and attendees can be viewed in the Calendar tab in the Bookings Web app. We refer to this as a 1:N booking service.
- :::image type="content" source="media/bookings-maximum-attendees.jpg" alt-text="Example of setting maximum attendees in Bookings" lightbox="media/bookings-maximum-attendees.jpg":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/bookings-maximum-attendees.jpg" alt-text="Example of setting maximum attendees in Bookings." lightbox="media/bookings-maximum-attendees.jpg":::
**Language**: Select the default language for the booking from the drop-down list.
bookings Enter Business Information https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/enter-business-information.md
On the home page of Bookings, navigate to the Shared Bookings section and select
5. Select **Create** to finish setting up your booking page. If you quit at this stage, your progress will not be saved.
- :::image type="content" source="../media/booking-page-done.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the loading screen for creating a shared booking page in Microsoft Bookings":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/booking-page-done.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the loading screen for creating a shared booking page in Microsoft Bookings" lightbox="../media/booking-page-done.png":::
6. Once your shared booking page is set up, you can share it or configure it further. Select **Get Started** to tailor your shared booking page to meet your business requirements.
- :::image type="content" source="../media/booking-page-share.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the option to share your shared booking page in Microsoft Bookings":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/booking-page-share.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the option to share your shared booking page in Microsoft Bookings" lightbox="../media/booking-page-share.png":::
## Enter your business information in Microsoft Bookings
bookings Schedule Closures Time Off Vacation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/schedule-closures-time-off-vacation.md
Schedule business closures or employee off.
When a customer attempts to schedule service on a day the office is closed, they'll see a message on the booking page.
- :::image type="content" alt-text="Image of example message that customer sees when trying to book during time off." source="../media/bookings-timeoff-message.png" lightbox="../media/bookings-timeoff-message.png":::
+ :::image type="content" alt-text="Image of example message that customer sees when trying to book during time off." source="../media/bookings-timeoff-message.png":::
## Schedule employee time off
syntex Requirements And Limitations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/syntex/requirements-and-limitations.md
Previously updated : 01/29/2024 Last updated : 08/12/2024 audience: admin
Prebuilt models:
| Icon | Description | | - | - | | ![Files symbol.](/office/medi, .msg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .rtf, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .xls, and .xlsx ( formulas in .xls and .xlsx files are not run).|
-| ![Conversation symbol.](/office/media/icons/chat-room-conversation-blue.png) | **Supported languages** <br><br>This model supports the following languages: see [supported languages](/ai-builder/form-processing-model-requirements#model-for-unstructured-and-free-form-documents). |
+| ![Conversation symbol.](/office/media/icons/chat-room-conversation-blue.png) | **Supported languages** <br>This model supports all of the Latin-based languages, including: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. |
| ![Paragraph symbol.](/office/media/icons/paragraph-writing-blue.png) | **OCR considerations** <br>This model uses optical character recognition (OCR) technology to scan .pdf files, image files, and .tiff files. OCR processing works best on documents that meet the following requirements: <br> - File format of .jpg, .png, or .pdf (text or scanned). Text-embedded .pdf files are better, because there won't be any errors in character extraction and location. <br> - If your .pdf files are password-locked, you must remove the lock before submitting them. <br> - The combined file size of the documents used for training per collection must not exceed 50 MB, and PDF documents shouldn't have more than 500 pages. <br> - For images, dimensions must be between 50 x 50 and 10,000 x 10,000 pixels. Images that are very wide or have odd dimensions (for example, floor plans) might get truncated in the OCR process and lose accuracy. <br> - For .pdf files, dimensions must be at most 11 x 17 inches, corresponding to Legal or A3 paper sizes and smaller. <br> - If scanned from paper documents, scans should be high-quality images. <br> - Must use the Latin alphabet (English characters). <br> Note the following differences about Microsoft Office text-based files and OCR-scanned files (.pdf, image, or .tiff): <br> - All files: Truncated at 64,000 characters (in training and when run against files in a document library). <br> - OCR-scanned files: There's a 500-page limit. Only PDF and image file types are processed by OCR. | | ![Globe symbol.](/office/media/icons/globe-internet.png) | **Multi-Geo environments** <br>When setting up Syntex in a [Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo](/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-multi-geo) environment, you can only configure it to use the model type in the central location. If you want to use this model type in a satellite location, contact Microsoft support. | | ![Objects symbol.](/office/media/icons/objects-blue.png) | **Multi-model libraries** <br>If two or more trained models are applied to the same library, the file is classified using the model that has the highest average confidence score. The extracted entities will be from the applied model only. |
whiteboard Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/whiteboard/index.md
The resources in this section help you learn more about what Microsoft Whiteboar
|:--|:--| |Learn how to get Microsoft Whiteboard|[Microsoft Whiteboard product page](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/microsoft-whiteboard/digital-whiteboard-app)| |Find resources in the Microsoft Tech Community Resource Center|[Microsoft 365 Whiteboard blog](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/bg-p/microsoft_365blog/label-name/Microsoft%20Whiteboard)|
-|Watch videos to explore helpful tips|[Microsoft Whiteboard YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/c/MicrosoftWhiteboard/videos/Microsoft%20Whiteboard)|
|Find Microsoft Whiteboard guidance for end users|[Microsoft Whiteboard help center](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-whiteboard-help-d236aef8-fcdf-4b5e-b5d7-7f157461e920)| ## Setup and management