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admin Active Users Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/active-users-ww.md
For example, you can use the **Active Users** report to find out how many produc
You can view active users in the Office 365 report by choosing the **Active users** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Office 365 active users.](../../media/56fe2e54-76ad-49e5-886f-1344c2697258.png) -- The Active Users report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you view a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
+The **Active Users** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you view a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours.
-- The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours.
+The **Users** chart shows you daily active users in the reporting period separated by product.
-- The Users chart shows you daily active users in the reporting period separated by product.
-The Activity chart shows you daily activity count in the reporting period separated by product.
-The Services chart shows you count of users by activity type and Service.
+The **Activity** chart shows you daily activity count in the reporting period separated by product.
-- On the Users chart, the x axis shows the selected reporting time period and the y axis displays the daily active users separated and color coded by license type.
+The **Services** chart shows you count of users by activity type and Service.
+On the Users chart, the x axis shows the selected reporting time period and the y axis displays the daily active users separated and color coded by license type.
On the Activity chart, the x axis shows the selected reporting time period and the y axis displays the daily activity count separated and color coded by license type. On the Services activity chart, the X axis displays the individual services your users are enabled for in the given time period and the Y axis is the Count of users by activity status, color coded by activity status. -- You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. Changing this selection doesn't change the info in the grid table.
+You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. Changing this selection doesn't change the info in the grid table.
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the Export link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
-- You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the Export link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+You can change what information is displayed in the grid table with column controls.
-- You can change what information is displayed in the grid table with column controls. If your subscription is operated by 21Vianet, then you will not see Yammer. If your organization's policies prevents you from viewing reports where user information is identifiable, you can change the privacy setting for all these reports. Check out the **How do I hide user level details?** section in [Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center](activity-reports.md).
admin Browser Usage Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/browser-usage-report.md
The **Microsoft browser usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7
The **Daily active users** chart shows you the daily user count for Microsoft Edge when used to access to Microsoft 365 services.
-The **Active Users** chart shows you the total number of users using Microsoft Edge when used to access to Microsoft 365 services over the selected time period.
+The **Active Users** chart shows you the total number of users accessing Microsoft 365 services while using Microsoft Edge over the selected time period.
The table shows you a breakdown of data at the per-user level. You can add or remove columns from the table. |Item|Description| |:--|:--| |**Username** | The email address of the user who connected to Microsoft 365 services using Microsoft Edge.|
-| **Used Microsoft Edge**| Displays tick mark if the user used Microsoft Edge to connect to Microsoft 365 services.|
+| **Used Microsoft Edge**| DDisplays a tick mark if the Microsoft 365 services user connected with Microsoft Edge.|
Select the **Choose columns** icon to add or remove columns from the report.
admin Email Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/email-activity-ww.md
For example, you can get a high level view of email traffic within your organiza
You can get a view into your user's email activity by looking at the **Activity** and **Users** charts. ![Email activity report.](../../media/5eb1d9e9-8106-4843-acb7-c0238c0da816.png)+
+The **Email activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours.
+The **Activity** chart enables you to understand the trend of the amount of email activity going on in your organization. You can understand the split of email send, email read, email received, meeting created, or meeting interacted activities.
+The **User** chart enables you to understand the trend of the number of unique users who are generating the email activities. You can look at the trend of users performing email sending, email reading, email receiving, meeting creating, or meeting interacting activities.
+On the Activity chart, the Y axis is the count of activity of the type email sent, email received, email read, meeting created, and meeting interacted.
+On the Users activity chart, the Y axis is the user's performing activity of the type email sent, email received, email read, meeting created, or meeting interacted.
+The X axis on both charts is the selected date range for this specific report.
+You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend.
+ The table shows you a breakdown of the email activities at the per-user level. This shows all users that have an Exchange product assigned to them and their email activities.
+ |Item|Description| |:--|:--|
-|1. <br/> |The **Email activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). <br/> |
-|2. <br/> |The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours. <br/> |
-|3. <br/> |The **Activity** chart enables you to understand the trend of the amount of email activity going on in your organization. You can understand the split of email send, email read, email received, meeting created, or meeting interacted activities. <br/> |
-|4. <br/> |The **User** chart enables you to understand the trend of the amount of unique users who are generating the email activities. You can look at the trend of users performing email sending, email reading, email receiving, meeting creating, or meeting interacting activities. <br/> |
-|5. <br/> | On the **Activity** chart, the Y axis is the count of activity of the type email sent, email received, email read, meeting created, and meeting interacted. <br/> On the **Users** activity chart, the Y axis is the user's performing activity of the type email sent, email received, email read, meeting created, or meeting interacted. <br/> The X axis on both charts is the selected date range for this specific report. <br/> |
-|6. <br/> |You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. <br/> |
-|7. <br/> | The table shows you a breakdown of the email activities at the per-user level. This shows all users that have an Exchange product assigned to them and their email activities. <br/> <br/> **Username** is the email address of the user. <br/> **Display name** is the full name if the user. <br/> **Deleted** refers to the user whose current state is deleted, but was active during some part of the reporting period of the report. <br/> **Deleted date** is the date the user was deleted. <br/> **Last activity date** refers to the last time the user performed a read or send email activity. <br/> **Send actions** is the number of times an email send action was recorded for the user. <br/> **Receive actions** is the number of times an email received action was recorded for the user. <br/> **Read actions** is the number of times an email read action was recorded for the user. <br/> **Meeting created actions** is the number of times a meeting request send action was recorded for the user. <br/> **Meeting interacted actions** is the number of times a meeting request accept, tentative, decline, or cancel action was recorded for the user. <br/> **Product assigned** is the products that are assigned to this user. <br/> If your organization's policies prevents you from viewing reports where user information is identifiable, you can change the privacy setting for all these reports. Check out the **How do I hide user level details?** section in the [Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center](activity-reports.md). <br/> |
-|8. <br/> |Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Email activity report - choose columns.](../../media/80ffa0ad-61c5-4a6f-8a1d-5f6730ff7da9.png)|
-|9. <br/> |You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data. <br/> |
+|Username |The email address of the user. |
+|Display name |The full name of the user. |
+|Deleted |Refers to the user whose current state is deleted, but was active during some part of the reporting period of the report. |
+|Deleted date |The date the user was deleted. |
+|Last activity date | The last time the user performed a read or send email activity. |
+|Send actions |The number of times an email send action was recorded for the user. |
+|Receive actions |The number of times an email received action was recorded for the user. |
+|Read actions |The number of times an email read action was recorded for the user. |
+|Meeting created actions |The number of times a meeting request send action was recorded for the user. |
+|Meeting interacted actions |The number of times a meeting request accept, tentative, decline, or cancel action was recorded for the user. |
+|Product assigned |The products that are assigned to this user. |
+If your organization's policies prevents you from viewing reports where user information is identifiable, you can change the privacy setting for all these reports. Check out the **How do I hide user level details?** section in the [Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center](activity-reports.md).
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
+![Email activity report - choose columns.](../../media/80ffa0ad-61c5-4a6f-8a1d-5f6730ff7da9.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
> [!NOTE] > The Email activity report is only available for mailboxes that are associated with users who have licenses.
admin Email Apps Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/email-apps-usage-ww.md
The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the p
You can get a view into email apps activity by looking at the **Users** and **Clients** charts. ![Email clients used.](../../media/d78af7db-2b41-4d37-8b6e-bc7e47edd1dd.png)
+The **Email apps usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours.
+The **Users** view shows you the number of unique users that connected to Exchange Online using any email app.
+The **Apps** view shows you the number of unique users by app over the selected time period.
+The **Versions** view shows you the number of unique users for each version of Outlook in Windows.
+On the Users chart, the Y axis is the total count of unique users that connected to an app on any day of the reporting period. And the X axis is number of unique users that used the app for that reporting period.
+On the Apps chart, the Y axis is the total count of unique users who used a specific app during the reporting period. And the X axis is the list of apps in your organization.
+On the Versions chart, the Y axis is the total count of unique users using a specific version of Outlook desktop. If the report can't resolve the version number of Outlook, the quantity will show as **Undetermined**. And the X axis is the list of apps in your organization.
+You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. You might not see all the items in the list below in the columns until you add them.
|Item|Description| |:--|:--|
-|1. <br/> |The **Email apps usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). <br/> |
-|2. <br/> |The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours. <br/> |
-|3. <br/> |The **Users** view shows you the number of unique users that connected to Exchange Online using any email app. <br/> |
-|4. <br/> |The **Apps** view shows you the number of unique users by app over the selected time period. <br/> |
-|5. <br/> |The **Versions** view shows you the number of unique users for each version of Outlook in Windows. <br/> |
-|6. <br/> | On the **Users** chart, the Y axis is the total count of unique users that connected to an app on any day of the reporting period. <br/> On the **Users** chart, the X axis is number of unique users that used the app for that reporting period. <br/> On the **Apps** chart, the Y axis is the total count of unique users who used a specific app during the reporting period. <br/> On the **Apps** chart, the X axis is the list of apps in your organization. <br/> On the **Versions** chart, the Y axis is the total count of unique users using a specific version of Outlook desktop. If the report can't resolve the version number of Outlook, the quantity will show as **Undetermined**. <br/> On the **Versions** chart, the X axis is the list of apps in your organization. <br/> |
-|7. <br/> |You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. <br/> |
-|8. <br/> | You might not see all the items in the list below in the columns until you add them.<br/> **Username** is the name of the email app's owner. <br/> **Last activity date** is the latest date the user read or sent an email message. <br/> **Mac mail**, **Mac Outlook** and **Outlook**, **Outlook mobile** and **Outlook on the web** are examples of email apps you may have in your organization. <br/> If your organization's policies prevents you from viewing reports where user information is identifiable, you can change the privacy setting for all these reports. Check out the **How do I hide user level details?** section in the [Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center](activity-reports.md). <br/> |
-|9. <br/> |Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Email apps usage report - choose columns.](../../media/041bd6ff-27e8-409d-9608-282edcfa2316.png)|
-|10. <br/> |You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data. <br/> |
+|Username | The name of the email app's owner. |
+|Last activity date | The latest date the user read or sent an email message. |
+|Mac mail, Mac Outlook, Outlook, Outlook mobile, and Outlook on the web | Examples of email apps you may have in your organization. |
+If your organization's policies prevents you from viewing reports where user information is identifiable, you can change the privacy setting for all these reports. Check out the **How do I hide user level details?** section in the [Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center](activity-reports.md).
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
+![Email apps usage report - choose columns.](../../media/041bd6ff-27e8-409d-9608-282edcfa2316.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
admin Forms Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/forms-activity-ww.md
For example, you can understand the activity of every user licensed to use Micro
## How to get to the Forms activity report
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Forms card. ## Interpret the Forms activity report
-You can view the activities in the Forms report by choosing the **Activity** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Forms activity report.](../../media/275fb0a1-b9d9-4233-8aaf-e7df73cc705f.png)
+You can view the activities in the Forms report by choosing the **Activity** tab.
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Forms activity report - choose columns.](../../media/0c9b0b69-5dc7-43ea-8e2c-54407b6ce2ab.png)
+![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Forms activity report.](../../media/275fb0a1-b9d9-4233-8aaf-e7df73cc705f.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
+![Forms activity report - choose columns.](../../media/0c9b0b69-5dc7-43ea-8e2c-54407b6ce2ab.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **Forms activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). |Item|Description| |:--|:--|
-|Username <br/> |The email address of the user who performed the activity on Microsoft Forms. <br/> |
-|Last activity date (UTC) <br/> |The latest date a form activity was performed by the user for the selected date range. To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart.<br/><br/>This will filter the table to display file activity data only for users who performed the activity on that specific day. <br/> |
-|Number of forms created <br/> |The number of forms that the user created. <br/> |
-|Number of forms responded <br/> |The number of forms that the user has submitted responses to.|
+|Username |The email address of the user who performed the activity on Microsoft Forms. |
+|Last activity date (UTC) |The latest date a form activity was performed by the user for the selected date range. To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart.<br/><br/>This will filter the table to display file activity data only for users who performed the activity on that specific day. |
+|Number of forms created |The number of forms that the user created. |
+|Number of forms responded |The number of forms that the user has submitted responses to.|
admin Forms Pro Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/forms-pro-activity-ww.md
For example, you can understand the activity of every user licensed to use Micro
## How to get to the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity report
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice card. ## Interpret the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity report
-You can view the activities in the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice report by choosing the **Activity** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity report.](../../media/a7e57d18-1ac8-4d4b-bd70-83361505dc3e.png)
+You can view the activities in the Dynamics 365 Customer Voice report by choosing the **Activity** tab.
+![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity report.](../../media/a7e57d18-1ac8-4d4b-bd70-83361505dc3e.png)
Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity report - choose columns.](../../media/5ab66f4b-32eb-4c9b-9683-1157ae9e2c0a.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you'll need to export the data.
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **Dynamics 365 Customer Voice activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). |Item|Description| |:--|:--|
-|Username <br/> |The email address of the user who performed the activity on Microsoft Forms. <br/> |
-|Last activity date (UTC) <br/> |The latest date a form activity was performed by the user for the selected date range. To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart.<br/>This will filter the table to display file activity data only for users who performed the activity on that specific day. <br/> |
-|Number of surveys created <br/> |The number of surveys that the user created. <br/> |
-|Number of survey responses <br/> |The number of responses from responders to whom the survey was distributed.|
+|Username |The email address of the user who performed the activity on Microsoft Forms. |
+|Last activity date (UTC) |The latest date a form activity was performed by the user for the selected date range. To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart.<br/>This will filter the table to display file activity data only for users who performed the activity on that specific day. |
+|Number of surveys created |The number of surveys that the user created. |
+|Number of survey responses |The number of responses from responders to whom the survey was distributed.|
admin Mailbox Usage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/mailbox-usage.md
You can get a view into your organization's **Mailbox usage** by looking at the
:::image type="content" alt-text="Mailbox usage report." source="../../media/9f610e91-cbc1-4e59-b824-7b1ddd84b738.png" lightbox="../../media/9f610e91-cbc1-4e59-b824-7b1ddd84b738.png":::
+The **Mailbox usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours.
+The **Mailbox** chart shows you the total number of user mailbox in your organization, and the total number that are active on any given day of the reporting period. A user mailbox is considered active if it had an email send, read, create appointment, send meeting, accept meeting, decline meeting and cancel meeting activity.
+The **Storage** chart shows you amount of storage used in your organization. Storage Chart doesn't include archive mailboxes. For more information about auto-expanding archiving, see [Overview of auto-expanding archiving in Microsoft 365](../../compliance/autoexpanding-archiving.md).
+The **Quota** chart shows you the number of user mailboxes in each quota category. There are four quota categories:
+- Good: The number of users whose storage used is below the "issue warning" quota.
+- Warning: The number of users whose storage used is at or above the "issue warning" quota, but below the "prohibit send" quota.
+- Can't send: The number of users whose storage used is at or above the prohibit send quota, but below the prohibit send/receive quota.
+- Can't send/receive: The number of users whose storage used is at or above the "prohibit send/receive" quota.
+On the Mailbox chart, the Y axis is the count of user mailboxes.
+On the Storage chart, the Y axis is the amount of storage being used by user mailboxes in your organization.
+The X axis on the Mailbox and Storage charts is the selected date range for this specific report.
+On the Quota chart, the Y axis is the number of user mailboxes in each storage quota. And the X axis is the quota category.
+You can filter charts you see by selecting an item in the legend.
+The table shows you a breakdown of mailbox usage at the per-user level. You can add additional columns to the table.
+ |Item|Description| |:--|:--|
-|1. |The **Mailbox usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). |
-|2. |The data in each report usually covers up to the last 24 to 48 hours. |
-|3. |The Mailbox chart shows you the total number of user mailbox in your organization, and the total number that are active on any given day of the reporting period. A user mailbox is considered active if it had an email send, read, create appointment, send meeting, accept meeting, decline meeting and cancel meeting activity. |
-|4. |The **Storage** chart shows you amount of storage used in your organization. Storage Chart doesn't include archive mailboxes. For more information about auto-expanding archiving, see [Overview of auto-expanding archiving in Microsoft 365](../../compliance/autoexpanding-archiving.md). |
-|5. | The **Quota** chart shows you the number of user mailboxes in each quota category. There are four quota categories: <br/> Good - number of users whose storage used is below the issue warning quota. <br/> Warning - number of users whose storage used is at or above issue warning, but below prohibit send quota <br/> Can't send - number of users whose storage used is at or above the prohibit send quota, but below prohibit send/receive quota <br/> Can't send/receive - number of users whose storage used is at or above prohibit send/receive quota |
-|6. | On the **Mailbox** chart, the Y axis is the count of user mailboxes. <br/> On the **Storage** chart, the Y axis is the amount of storage being used by user mailboxes in your organization. <br/> On the **Quota** chart, the Y axis is the number of user mailboxes in each storage quota. <br/> The X axis on the Mailbox and Storage charts is the selected date range for this specific report. <br/> The X axis on the Quota charts is the quota category. |
-|7. |You can filter charts you see by selecting an item in the legend. |
-|8. | The table shows you a breakdown of mailbox usage at the per-user level. You can add additional columns to the table. <br/> **User name** is the email address of the user. <br/> **Display Name** is the full name if the user. <br/> **Deleted** refers to the mailbox whose current state is deleted, but was active during some part of the reporting period of the report. <br/> **Deleted date** is the date the mailbox was deleted. <br/> **Create date** is the date the mailbox was created. <br/> **Last activity date** refers to the date the mailbox had an email send or read activity. <br/> **Item count** refers to the total number of items in the mailbox. <br/> **Storage used (MB)** refers to the total storage used. <br/> **Deleted Item Count** refers to the total number of deleted items in the mailbox. <br/> **Deleted Item Size (MB)** refers to the total size of all deleted items in the mailbox. <br/> **Issue warning quota (MB)** refers to the storage limit when the mailbox owner will receive a warning that it's about to hit the storage quota. <br/> **Prohibit send quota (MB)** refers to the storage limit when the mailbox can no longer send emails. <br/> **Prohibit send receive quota (MB)** refers to the storage limit when the mailbox can no longer send or receive emails. <br/> **Recoverable Item Quota (MB)** refers to the storage limit for recoverable (deleted) items in the mailbox when the mailbox can no longer delete emails. <br/> **Has Archive** shows if the mailbox has an online archive enabled. <br/> If your organization's policies prevents you from viewing reports where user information is identifiable, you can change the privacy setting for all these reports. Check out the **Hide user details in the reports** section in the [Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center](activity-reports.md). |
-|9. |Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> :::image type="content" alt-text="Mailbox usage report - choose columns." source="../../media/ea3d0b18-6ac6-41b0-9bb9-4844f040ea75.png":::|
-|10. |You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the **Export** link. |
+|User name |The email address of the user. |
+|Display Name |The full name of the user. |
+|Deleted |The mailbox whose current state is deleted, but was active during some part of the reporting period of the report.|
+|Deleted date |The date the mailbox was deleted. |
+|Create date | The date the mailbox was created. |
+|Last activity date | The date the mailbox last had an email send or read activity. |
+|Item count|The total number of items in the mailbox. |
+|Storage used (MB)|The total storage used. |
+|Deleted Item Count|The total number of deleted items in the mailbox. |
+|Deleted Item Size (MB)|The total size of all deleted items in the mailbox. |
+|Issue warning quota (MB)|The storage limit when the mailbox owner will receive a warning that it's about to hit the storage quota. |
+|Prohibit send quota (MB)|The storage limit when the mailbox can no longer send emails. |
+|Prohibit send receive quota (MB)|The storage limit when the mailbox can no longer send or receive emails. |
+|Recoverable Item Quota (MB)|The storage limit for recoverable (deleted) items in the mailbox when the mailbox can no longer delete emails. |
+|Has Archive|Shows if the mailbox has an online archive enabled. |
+If your organization's policies prevents you from viewing reports where user information is identifiable, you can change the privacy setting for all these reports. Check out the **Hide user details in the reports** section in the [Activity Reports in the Microsoft 365 admin center](activity-reports.md.
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> :::image type="content" alt-text="Mailbox usage report - choose columns." source="../../media/ea3d0b18-6ac6-41b0-9bb9-4844f040ea75.png":::
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file, by selecting the **Export** link.
admin Microsoft Office Activations Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-office-activations-ww.md
The Office Activation report gives you a view of which users have activated thei
You can view the activations in the Office 365 report by choosing the **Activations** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Office 365 activation.](../../media/e1df82a2-3336-4b38-b66c-b286c44b82ee.png)
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Office 365 activations report - choose columns.](../../media/d11a0efa-a067-4440-a4f3-71b618a90301.png)
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+![Office 365 activations report - choose columns.](../../media/d11a0efa-a067-4440-a4f3-71b618a90301.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
|Item|Description| |:--|:--|
admin Microsoft Teams Device Usage Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-device-usage-preview.md
The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the p
You can view the device use in the Teams report by choosing the **Device usage** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Teams device usage.](../../media/e46c7f7c-8371-4a20-ae82-b20df64b0205.png)
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Teams user device report - choose columns.](../../media/3358d5d9-931b-4d30-931f-450b2f5717da.png)
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+![Teams user device report - choose columns.](../../media/3358d5d9-931b-4d30-931f-450b2f5717da.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **Microsoft Teams device usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Microsoft Teams Usage Activity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-usage-activity.md
The brand-new **Teams usage report** gives you an overview of the usage activity
## How to get to the Microsoft Teams usage activity report
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the **Microsoft Teams activity** card. ![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Teams activity card.](../../media/teams-usage-card.png)<br/>
In the table, select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report
![Teams usage activity report - choose columns.](../../media/teams-usage-columns.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data. The exported format for **audio time**, **video time**, and **screen share time** follows ISO8601 duration format.
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. The exported format for **audio time**, **video time**, and **screen share time** follows ISO8601 duration format.
The **Microsoft Teams usage activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Microsoft Teams User Activity Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-user-activity-preview.md
The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the p
## How to get to the Microsoft Teams user activity report
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Microsoft Teams activity card.
The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the p
You can view the user activity in the Teams report by choosing the **User activity** tab. <br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Teams user activity.](../../media/user-activity-charts.png)
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Teams user activity report - choose columns.](../../media/user-activity-columns.png)
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you'll need to export the data. The exported format for **audio time**, **video time**, and **screen share time** follows ISO8601 duration format.
+![Teams user activity report - choose columns.](../../media/user-activity-columns.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. The exported format for **audio time**, **video time**, and **screen share time** follows ISO8601 duration format.
The **Microsoft Teams user activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Microsoft365 Apps Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft365-apps-usage-ww.md
You can get a view into your user's Microsoft 365 Apps activity by looking at th
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![Microsoft 365 Apps usage report.](../../media/0bcf67e6-a6e4-4109-a215-369f9f20ad84.png)
+The **Microsoft 365 Apps usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
+The data in each report usually covers up to the last two days. Every six days, we will refresh the report with minor updates to ensure data quality.
+The **Users** view shows the trend in the number of active users for each app ΓÇô Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Teams. "Active users" are any who perform any intentional actions within these apps.
+The **Platforms** view shows the trend of active users across all apps for each platform ΓÇô Windows, Mac, Web, and Mobile.
+On the Users chart, the Y-axis is the number of unique active users for the respective app. On the Platforms chart, the Y-axis is the number of unique users for the respective platform. The X-axis on both charts is the date on which an app was used on a given platform.
+You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. For example, on the Users chart, select Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, or Teams to see only the info related to each one. Changing this selection doesn't change the info in the grid table below it.
+The table shows you a breakdown of data at the per-user level. You can add or remove columns from the table.
++ |Item|Description| |||
-|1.|The **Microsoft 365 Apps usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).|
-|2.|The data in each report usually covers up to the last two days. Every six day, we will refresh the report with minor updates to ensure data quality.|
-|3.|The **Users** view shows the trend in the number of active users for each app ΓÇô Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Teams. "Active users" are any who perform any intentional actions within these apps.|
-|4.|The **Platforms** view shows the trend of active users across all apps for each platform ΓÇô Windows, Mac, Web, and Mobile.|
-|5.|On the **Users** chart, the Y-axis is the number of unique active users for the respective app. On the **Platforms** chart, the Y-axis is the number of unique users for the respective platform. The X-axis on both charts is the date on which an app was used on a given platform.|
- 6.|You can filter the series you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. For example, on the **Users** chart, select Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, or Teams to see only the info related to each one. Changing this selection doesn't change the info in the grid table below it.|
-|7.|The table shows you a breakdown of data at the per-user level. You can add or remove columns from the table. <br/><br/>**Username** is the email address of the user who performed the activity on Microsoft Apps.<br><br/>**Last activation date (UTC)** is the latest date on which the user activated their Microsoft 365 Apps subscription on a machine or logs on shared computer and starts the app with their account. <br/><br/>**Last activity date (UTC)** is the latest date an intentional activity was performed by the user. To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart.<br/><br/>The other columns identify if the user was active on that platform for that app (within Microsoft 365 Apps) in the period selected.|
-|8.|Select the **Choose columns** icon to add or remove columns from the report.|
-|9.|You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data for all users and enables you to do simple aggregation, sorting, and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 100 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 100 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.|
+|Username|The email address of the user who performed the activity on Microsoft Apps.|
+|Last activation date (UTC)|The latest date on which the user activated their Microsoft 365 Apps subscription on a machine or logs on shared computer and starts the app with their account.|
+|Last activity date (UTC)|The latest date an intentional activity was performed by the user. To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart.|
+The other columns identify if the user was active on that platform for that app (within Microsoft 365 Apps) in the period selected.
+Select the **Choose columns** icon to add or remove columns from the report.
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data for all users and enables you to do simple aggregation, sorting, and filtering for further analysis.
admin Office 365 Groups Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/office-365-groups-ww.md
Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
:::image type="content" alt-text="Office 365 groups activity report - choose columns." source="../../media/1600556a-f5f1-47d9-b325-cd77c78f4004.png":::
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you'll need to export the data.
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **groups** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Onedrive For Business Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/onedrive-for-business-activity-ww.md
You can view the activities in the OneDrive report by choosing the **Activity**
Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![OneDrive activity report - choose columns.](../../media/252f311f-ffde-4e5a-9158-2b822bf86964.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **OneDrive for Business activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
The **OneDrive for Business activity** report can be viewed for trends over the
|:--|:--| |**Metric**|**Definition**| |Username <br/> |The user name of the owner of the OneDrive account. <br/> |
-|Last activity date (UTC) <br/> |The latest date a file activity was performed on the OneDrive account for the selected date range. . To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart. <br/> |
+|Last activity date (UTC) <br/> |The most recent day file activity occurred on the OneDrive account for the selected date range. To see activity that occurred on a specific date, select the date directly in the chart. <br/> |
|Files viewed or edited <br/> |The number of files that the user uploaded, downloaded, modified, or viewed. <br/> | |Files synced <br/> |The number of files that have been synced from a user's local device to the OneDrive account. <br/> | |Files shared internally <br/> | The number of files that have been shared with users within the organization, or with users within groups (that might include external users). <br/> |
admin Onedrive For Business Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/onedrive-for-business-usage-ww.md
For example, the OneDrive card on the dashboard gives you a high-level view of t
## How do I get to the OneDrive usage report?
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, and then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the OneDrive card. ## Interpret the OneDrive usage report
-You can view the usage in the OneDrive report by choosing the **Usage** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft OneDrive usage report.](../../media/3cdaf2fb-1817-479b-a0e1-2afa228690cf.png)
+You can view the usage in the OneDrive report by choosing the **Usage** tab.
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![OneDrive usage report - choose columns.](../../media/9ee80f25-cfe3-411d-8e31-08f1507d18c1.png)
+![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft OneDrive usage report.](../../media/3cdaf2fb-1817-479b-a0e1-2afa228690cf.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
+![OneDrive usage report - choose columns.](../../media/9ee80f25-cfe3-411d-8e31-08f1507d18c1.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **OneDrive for Business usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Sharepoint Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/sharepoint-activity-ww.md
For example, you can understand the activity of every user licensed to use Share
You can view the activities in the SharePoint report by choosing the **Activity** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft SharePoint activity report.](../../media/5a0a96f-0e4f-4fb9-8baa-3262275b3d1f.png)
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![SharePoint activity report - choose columns.](../../media/3c396cd1-9701-4712-8eaa-eb7bba702aa8.png)
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you'll need to export the data.
+![SharePoint activity report - choose columns.](../../media/3c396cd1-9701-4712-8eaa-eb7bba702aa8.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **SharePoint activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Sharepoint Site Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/sharepoint-site-usage-ww.md
Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
:::image type="content" alt-text="SharePoint site usage report - choose columns." source="../../media/71ac3195-c494-40c1-9346-a858125ef6df.png":::
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **SharePoint site usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Viva Insights Activity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/viva-insights-activity.md
For example, you can understand the adoption of Viva Insights by looking at the
## How do I get to the to the Viva Insights activity report?
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, and then select **Usage**.
2. Find **Viva Insights activity**. ## Interpret the Microsoft 365 Apps usage report You can get a view into your user's Viva Insights activity by looking at the **Active users chart**. The Viva Insights active user chart can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days.
-> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
-> ![Microsoft 365 Apps usage report with Viva Insights.](../../media/viva-insights-chart.png)
+![Microsoft 365 Apps usage report with Viva Insights.](../../media/viva-insights-chart.png)
**Active users** are users that have engaged with at least one Viva Insights feature that day. This includes dwelling for more than 20 seconds on any Viva Insight email, clicking or taking an action on any Insights surfacing, or visiting the Viva Insights app in Teams, Outlook add-in, or web dashboards.
admin Yammer Activity Report Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/yammer-activity-report-ww.md
As Microsoft 365 admin, the Reports dashboard shows you data on the usage of the
## How do I get to the Yammer activity report?
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, and then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Yammer card. ## Interpret the Yammer activity report
-You can view the activities in the Yammer report by choosing the **Activity** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Yammer activity report.](../../media/9b251183-c2b3-430c-ab2d-58bf11e7e3ae.png)
+You can view the activities in the Yammer report by choosing the **Activity** tab.
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Yammer activity report - choose columns.](../../media/7ef6351d-f7e9-4504-913d-2c2df9062bf6.png)
+![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Yammer activity report.](../../media/9b251183-c2b3-430c-ab2d-58bf11e7e3ae.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
+![Yammer activity report - choose columns.](../../media/7ef6351d-f7e9-4504-913d-2c2df9062bf6.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **Yammer activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Yammer Device Usage Report Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/yammer-device-usage-report-ww.md
The Yammer device usage reports give you information about which devices your us
## How do I get to the Yammer device usage report?
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, and then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Yammer card. ## Interpret the Yammer device usage report
-You can view the usage in the OneDrive report by choosing the **Device usage** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Yammer device usage report.](../../media/e21af4c0-0ad2-4485-8ab1-2f82d7dfa90e.png)
+You can view the usage in the OneDrive report by choosing the **Device usage** tab.
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Yammer device usage report - choose columns.](../../media/fc1fc8db-e197-4878-85c7-7ba0d67b9379.png)
+![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Yammer device usage report.](../../media/e21af4c0-0ad2-4485-8ab1-2f82d7dfa90e.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you will need to export the data.
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
+![Yammer device usage report - choose columns.](../../media/fc1fc8db-e197-4878-85c7-7ba0d67b9379.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **Yammer device usage** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated).
admin Yammer Groups Activity Report Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/yammer-groups-activity-report-ww.md
The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the p
## How do I get to the Yammer groups activity report?
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports**, then select **Usage**.
2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Yammer card. ## Interpret the Yammer groups activity report
-You can view the groups activities in the Yammer report by choosing the **Groups activity** tab.<br/>![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Yammer groups activity report.](../../media/3afdafe5-9269-402e-8264-c7695ceb227d.png)
+You can view the groups activities in the Yammer report by choosing the **Groups activity** tab.
-Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report. <br/> ![Yammer groups activity report - choose columns.](../../media/54744932-34fe-48c3-9779-1d10c3f05be1.png)
+![Microsoft 365 reports - Microsoft Yammer groups activity report.](../../media/3afdafe5-9269-402e-8264-c7695ceb227d.png)
-You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis. If you have less than 2000 users, you can sort and filter within the table in the report itself. If you have more than 2000 users, in order to filter and sort, you'll need to export the data.
+Select **Choose columns** to add or remove columns from the report.
+![Yammer groups activity report - choose columns.](../../media/54744932-34fe-48c3-9779-1d10c3f05be1.png)
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link. This exports data of all users and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
The **Yammer groups activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. However, if you select a particular day in the report, the table will show data for up to 28 days from the current date (not the date the report was generated). |Item|Description| |:--|:--| |**Metric**|**Definition**|
-|Group name <br/> |The name of the group. <br/> |
-|Group admin <br/> |The name of the group administrator, or owner. <br/> |
-|Deleted <br/> |The number of deleted Yammer groups. If the group is deleted, but had activity in the reporting period it will show up in the grid with this flag set to true. <br/> |
-|Type <br/> |The type of group, public or private. <br/> |
-|Connected to Office 365 <br/> |Indicates whether the Yammer group is also a Microsoft 365 group. <br/> |
-|Last activity date (UTC) <br/> | The latest date a message was read, posted or liked by the group. <br/> |
-|Members <br/> | The number of members in the group. <br/> |
-|Posted <br/> |The number of messages posted in the Yammer group over the reporting period. <br/>|
-|Read <br/> |The number of conversations read in the Yammer group over the reporting period. <br/> |
-|Liked <br/> |The number of messages liked in the Yammer group over the reporting period. <br/>|
-|Network name <br/> |The full name of the network that the group belongs to. |
+|Group name |The name of the group. |
+|Group admin |The name of the group administrator, or owner. |
+|Deleted |The number of deleted Yammer groups. If the group is deleted, but had activity in the reporting period it will show up in the grid with this flag set to true. |
+|Type |The type of group, public or private. |
+|Connected to Office 365 |Indicates whether the Yammer group is also a Microsoft 365 group. |
+|Last activity date (UTC) | The latest date a message was read, posted or liked by the group. |
+|Members | The number of members in the group. |
+|Posted |The number of messages posted in the Yammer group over the reporting period. |
+|Read |The number of conversations read in the Yammer group over the reporting period. |
+|Liked |The number of messages liked in the Yammer group over the reporting period. |
+|Network name |The full name of the network that the group belongs to. |
admin M365 Feature Descriptions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/m365-feature-descriptions.md
+ Title: "Microsoft 365 feature descriptions"
+audience: ITPro
+- 'microsoft-365-and-office-365-general-information'
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Adm_ServiceDesc
+- Adm_ServiceDesc_top
+ms.assetid: 721676a0-5108-488e-ae0c-7316617d0006
+description: "Learn about the information available for Microsoft 365 feature descriptions."
+# Microsoft 365 feature descriptions
+# [**User account management**](#tab/User-account-management)
+## User account management
+Microsoft supports the following methods for creating, managing, and authenticating users. However, this topic doesn't include information about security features that allow or prohibit access to individual Microsoft resources (for example, role-based access control in Microsoft Exchange Online or configuring security in Microsoft SharePoint Online). For details about these features, see the [**Exchange Online service description**](/office365/servicedescriptions/exchange-online-service-description/exchange-online-service-description) and the [**SharePoint Online service description**](/office365/servicedescriptions/sharepoint-online-service-description/sharepoint-online-service-description). If you need information about tools that can help you perform administrative tasks, see [Tools to manage Microsoft accounts](/office365/enterprise/manage-office-365-accounts). To learn how to perform day-to-day management tasks, see [Common management tasks](/office365/admin/manage/manage).
+**Need help with signing in, installing or uninstalling, or canceling your subscription?:** Get help with: [signing in](https://support.office.com/article/where-to-sign-in-to-office-365-for-business-e9eb7d51-5430-4929-91ab-6157c5a050b4) | [Installing or uninstalling Office](https://support.office.com/article/download-and-install-or-reinstall-office-365-or-office-2019-on-a-pc-or-mac-4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658) | [Canceling Office 365](https://support.office.com/article/Cancel-Office-365-for-business-b1bc0bef-4608-4601-813a-cdd9f746709a)
+For other issues, visit the [Microsoft support center](https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/). To get support for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China, contact the [21Vianet support team](https://support.office.com/article/Get-technical-billing-and-subscription-support-for-Office-365-operated-by-21Vianet-671FB12E-F5D8-4CDF-B3E9-E8068A9AA496).
+**Sign-in options:** Microsoft has two systems that can be used for user identities: **Work or school account (cloud identity)** and **Federated account (federated identity)**. The type of identity affects the user experience and user account management options, as well as hardware and software requirements and other deployment considerations.
+**Work or school account (cloud identity)** - Users receive Azure Active Directory cloud credentialsΓÇöseparate from other desktop or corporate credentialsΓÇöfor signing into Microsoft cloud services. This is the default identity, and is recommended in order to minimize deployment complexity. Passwords for work or school accounts use the Azure Active Directory [password policy](/previous-versions/azure/jj943764(v=azure.100)).
+**Federated account (federated identity)** - For all subscriptions in organizations with on-premises Active Directory that use single sign-on (SSO), users can sign into Microsoft services by using their Active Directory credentials. The corporate Active Directory stores and controls the password policy. For information about SSO, see [Single sign-on roadmap](/previous-versions/azure/azure-services/hh967643(v=azure.100)).
+**Single sign-on:** For organizations using single sign-on, all users on a domain must use the same identity system: either cloud identity or federated identity. For example, you could have one group of users that only needs a cloud identity because they don't access on-premises systems, and another group of users who use Microsoft and on-premises systems. You would add two domains to Office 365, such as **contractors.contoso.com** and **staff.contoso.com**, and only set up SSO for one of them. An entire domain can be converted from cloud identity to federated identity, or from federated identity to cloud identity.
+**Authentication:** Except for Internet sites for anonymous access created with SharePoint Online, users must be authenticated when accessing Microsoft services. **Modern authentication**, **Cloud identity authentication**, and **Federated identity authentication**. Microsoft uses forms-based authentication, and authentication traffic over the network is always encrypted with TLS/SSL using port 443. Authentication traffic uses a negligible percentage of bandwidth for Microsoft services.
+**Modern authentication** - Modern authentication brings Microsoft Authentication Library-based sign-in to Office client apps across platforms. This enables sign-in features such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), SAML-based third-party identity providers with Office client applications, and smart card and certificate-based authentication. It also removes the need for Microsoft Outlook to use the basic authentication protocol. For more information, including the availability of modern authentication across Office applications, see [How modern authentication works for Office 2013 and Office 2016 client apps](/office365/enterprise/modern-auth-for-office-2013-and-2016). Modern authentication is turned on by default for Exchange Online. To learn how to turn it on or off, see [Enable modern authentication in Exchange Online](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/enable-or-disable-modern-authentication-in-exchange-online).
+**Cloud identity authentication** - Users with cloud identities are authenticated using traditional challenge/response. The web browser is redirected to the Microsoft sign-in service, where you type the user name and password for your work or school account. The sign-in service authenticates your credentials and generates a service token, which the web browser posts to the requested service and logs you in.
+**Federated identity authentication** - Users with federated identities are authenticated using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) 2.0 or other Security Token Services. The web browser is redirected to the Microsoft sign-in service, where you type your corporate ID in the form a user principal name (UPN), for example: _isabel@contoso.com_. The sign-in service determines that you're part of a federated domain and offers to redirect you to the on-premises Federation Server for authentication. If you're logged on to the desktop (domain joined), you're authenticated (using Kerberos or NTLMv2) and the on-premises Security Token Service generates a logon token, which the web browser posts to the Microsoft sign-in service. Using the logon token, the sign-in service generates a service token that the web browser posts to the requested service and logs you in. For a list of available Security Token Services available, see [Single sign-on roadmap](/previous-versions/azure/azure-services/hh967643(v=azure.100)).
+**Multi-Factor Authentication:** With Multi-Factor Authentication, users are required to acknowledge a phone call, text message, or an app notification on their smartphone after correctly entering their password. Only after this second authentication can the user sign in. Microsoft administrators can enroll users for multi-factor authentication in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Learn more about [Multi-Factor Authentication](/office365/admin/security-and-compliance/set-up-multi-factor-authentication).
+**Rich client authentication:** For rich clients such as Microsoft Office desktop applications, authentication can occur in two ways: **Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant** and **Basic/proxy authentication over SSL**. To ensure proper discovery and authentication of Microsoft services, administrators must apply a set of components and updates to each workstation that uses rich clients (such as Microsoft Office 2010) and connects to Office 365. Desktop setup is an automated tool to configure workstations with the required updates. For more information, see [Use my current Office desktop apps](https://support.office.com/article/3324b8b8-dceb-45e2-ac24-c642720108f7).
+**Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant** - The Sign-in assistant, which is installed by desktop setup, contains a client service that obtains a service token from the sign-in service and returns it to the rich client. If you have a cloud identity, you receive a prompt for credentials, which the client service sends to the sign-in service for authentication (using WS-Trust). If you have a federated identity, the client service first contacts the AD FS 2.0 server to authenticate the credentials (using Kerberos or NTLMv2) and obtain a logon token that is sent to the sign-in service (using WS-Federation and WS-Trust).
+**Basic/proxy authentication over SSL** - The Outlook client passes basic authentication credentials over SSL to Exchange Online. Exchange Online proxies the authentication request to the identity platform, and then to on-premises Active Directory Federation Server (for SSO).
+**Sign-in experience:** The sign-in experience changes depending on the type of identity in use:
+| Service | Cloud identity | Federated identity |
+| Outlook 2016 |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>2</sup> |
+| Outlook 2013 |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>2</sup> |
+| Outlook 2010 or Office 2007 on Windows 7 |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>2</sup> |
+| Outlook 2010 or Office Outlook 2007 on Windows Vista |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>2</sup> |
+| Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>2</sup> |
+| POP, IMAP, Outlook for Mac |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>2</sup> |
+| Web experiences: Microsoft 365 admin center/Outlook on the web/SharePoint Online/Office for the web |Sign in each browser session<sup>4</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>3</sup> |
+| Office 2010 or Office 2007 using SharePoint Online |Sign in each SharePoint Online session <sup>4</sup> |Sign in each SharePoint Online session<sup>3</sup> |
+| Skype for Business Online |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |No prompt |
+| Outlook for Mac |Sign in each session <sup>1</sup> |Sign in each session <sup>2</sup> |
+<sup>1</sup> When first prompted, you can save your password for future use. You won't receive another prompt until you change the password. <br/>
+<sup>2</sup> You enter your corporate credentials. You can save your password and won't be prompted again until your password changes. <br/>
+<sup>3</sup> All apps require you to enter or select your username to sign in. You aren't prompted for your password if your computer is joined to the domain. If you select **Keep me signed in** you won't be prompted again until you sign out. <br/>
+<sup>4</sup> If you select **Keep me signed in** you won't be prompted again until you sign out.
+**Create user accounts:** There are multiple ways for you to add users. To learn more, see [Add users individually or in bulk - Admin Help](/office365/admin/add-users/add-users) and [Add users and assign licenses - Microsoft 365 admin | Microsoft Docs](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/add-users). If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China, see [Create or edit user accounts in Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Admin Help](/office365/admin/add-users/add-users).
+**Delete user accounts:** How you delete accounts depends on whether or not you're using directory synchronization. If you aren't using directory synchronization, accounts can be deleted by using the admin page or by using Windows PowerShell. If you're using directory synchronization, you must delete users from the local Active Directory, rather than from Office 365.
+**Deleted accounts:** When an account is deleted, it becomes inactive. For approximately 30 days after having deleted it, you can restore the account. For more information about deleting and restoring accounts, see [Delete users](/office365/admin/add-users/delete-a-user) and [Restore users](/office365/admin/add-users/restore-user) or, if you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China, see [Create or edit user accounts in Office 365 operated by 21Vianet - Admin Help](/office365/admin/add-users/add-users).
+**Password management:** The policies and procedures for password management depend on the identity system.
+**Cloud identity password management:** When using cloud identities, passwords are automatically generated when the account is created. For cloud identity password strength requirements, see [password policy](/previous-versions/azure/jj943764(v=azure.100)). To increase security, users must change their passwords when they first access Microsoft services. As a result, before users can access Microsoft services, they must sign into the Microsoft 365 admin center, where they're prompted to change their passwords. Admins can set the password expiration policy. For more information, see [Set a user's password expiration policy](/office365/admin/manage/set-password-expiration-policy).
+**Cloud identity password reset:** There are several tools for resetting passwords for users with cloud identities: **Admin resets password,** **User changes passwords with Outlook on the web**, **Role-based reset password rights**, and **Reset passwords using Windows PowerShell**.
+**Admin resets password** - If users lose or forget their passwords, admins can reset users' passwords in the admin center or by using Windows PowerShell. Users can only change their own password if they know their existing password. For enterprise plans, if administrators lose or forget their passwords, a different administrator with the Global Administrator role can reset administrators' passwords in the Microsoft 365 admin center or by using Windows PowerShell. For more information, see [Reset passwords for admins](/office365/admin/add-users/reset-passwords). If you're working in Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China, see [Change or reset passwords in Office 365 operated by 21Vianet](https://support.office.com/article/change-or-reset-your-password-in-office-365-operated-by-21vianet-d8eb5b62-9d0e-4267-a9bf-2aa491ee6d0b).
+**User changes passwords with Outlook on the web** - The Outlook on the web options page includes a Change password hyperlink, which redirects users to the **Change Password** page. The user must know their previous password. For more information, see [Change password](https://support.office.com/article/change-password-in-outlook-web-app-50bb1309-6f53-4c24-8bfd-ed24ca9e872c). If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China, see [Change or reset passwords in Office 365 operated by 21Vianet](https://support.office.com/article/change-or-reset-your-password-in-office-365-operated-by-21vianet-d8eb5b62-9d0e-4267-a9bf-2aa491ee6d0b).
+**Role-based reset password rights** - For enterprise plans, authorized users such as helpdesk staff can be assigned the **Reset Password** user right and the right to change passwords by using predefined or custom roles without becoming full services administrators. By default in enterprise plans, admins with the Global Administrator, Password Administrator, or User Management Administrator role can change passwords. For more information, see [Assigning admin roles](/office365/admin/add-users/assign-admin-roles).
+**Reset passwords using Windows PowerShell** - Service administrators can use Windows PowerShell to reset passwords.
+**Federated identity password management:** When using federated identities, passwords are managed in Active Directory. The on-premises Security Token Service negotiates the authentication with Federation Gateway without passing users' local Active Directory passwords over the internet to Office 365. Local password policies are used, or, for web clients, two-factor identification. Outlook on the web doesn't include a Change Password hyperlink. Users change their passwords using standard, on-premises tools or through their desktop PC logon options.
+**Directory Sync:** If you have [Directory Sync with single sign-on (SSO)](/previous-versions/azure/azure-services/dn441213(v=azure.100)) enabled in your organization environment and there is an outage that impacts your federated identity provider, Password Sync Backup for Federated Sign-in provides the option to manually switch your domain to Password Sync. Using Password Sync will allow your users access while the outage is fixed. Learn [how to switch from Single Sign-On to Password Sync](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=509832).
+**License management:** A license gives a user access to a set of Microsoft services. An administrator assigns a license to each user for the service they need access to. For example, you can assign a user access to Skype for Business Online, but not SharePoint Online.
+**Billing:** Microsoft billing admins can make changes to subscription details like the number of user licenses and number of additional services your company uses. Check out [Assign or remove a license](/office365/admin/subscriptions-and-billing/assign-licenses-to-users). If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see [Assign or remove licenses in Office 365 operated by 21Vianet](/office365/admin/subscriptions-and-billing/assign-licenses-to-users).
+**Group management:** Security groups are used in SharePoint Online to control access to sites. Security groups can be created in the Microsoft 365 admin center. For more information about security groups, see [Create, edit, or delete a security group](/office365/admin/email/create-edit-or-delete-a-security-group).
+**Azure Active Directory
+# [**Service health and continuity**](#tab/Service-health-and-continuity)
+## Service health and continuity
+Microsoft admins can view the status of services and find out when maintenance is scheduled. Service health information is available at any time by signing in. If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, some of the information below might not apply. Instead, see the [**21Vianet service level agreement**](https://www.21vbluecloud.com/office365/O365-SLA/).
+**View status of
+**Service incidents:** A service incident is an event that affects the delivery of a service. Service incidents may be caused by hardware or software failure in the Microsoft data center, a faulty network connection due to a change made by Microsoft, or a major data center challenge such as fire, flood, or regional catastrophe. Interruptions caused by third party service providers, or changes made within customer managed environment, aren't considered service incidents. Most service incidents can be addressed using Microsoft technology and process solutions and are resolved within a short time. However, some service incidents are more serious and can lead to longer term outages.
+**Service notifications:** There are two types of notifications about times when services may not be available: **Planned maintenance events** and **Unplanned downtime.**
+**Planned maintenance events:** Planned maintenance is regular Microsoft-initiated service updates to the infrastructure and software applications. Planned maintenance notifications inform customers about service work that might affect the functionality of a Microsoft service. Customers are notified no later than five days in advance of all planned maintenance through Message center on the Microsoft 365 admin center. Microsoft typically plans maintenance for times when service usage is historically at its lowest based on regional time zones.
+**Unplanned downtime:** Unplanned service incidents occur when one of the services is unavailable or unresponsive due to a failure within the Microsoft managed environment. Customers are notified of known service incidents through Service health on the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+**Recent worldwide uptimes:** Moving to a cloud service shouldn't mean losing the ability to know what's going on. With Microsoft 365, it doesn't. We aim to be transparent in our operations so you can monitor the state of your service, track issues, and have a historical view of availability. The following tables show recent worldwide uptime data.
+| Years| Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 |
+| 2022 | | | | |
+| 2021 | 99.97% | 99.98% | 99.99% | 99.98%|
+| 2020 | 99.98% | 99.99% | 99.97% | 99.97%|
+| 2019 | 99.97% | 99.97% | 99.98% | 99.98%|
+| 2018 | 99.99% | 99.98% | 99.97% | 99.98%|
+| 2017 | 99.99% | 99.97% | 99.98% | 99.99%|
+**Notification policy:** When a service incident occurs, Microsoft recognizes that timely, targeted, and accurate communications are critical for customers. Microsoft notifies administrators by communicating directly to impacted customers via Service health on the Microsoft 365 admin center. Service incident updates are provided on an hourly cadence or, if a different cadence is required, it will be stated in the SHD communication posting.
+**Service health communication channels --** **Admin App:** The Admin App for organization administrators gives you the ability to connect with your organization's Microsoft service status on the go. Microsoft administrators will have the ability to view service health information and maintenance status updates from their mobile devices. For more information, visit the [Admin App FAQ](/office365/admin/admin-overview/admin-mobile-app).
+**Microsoft 365 Management Pack for Microsoft System Center Operations
+**Microsoft 365 Service Communications API in Graph:** The Microsoft 365 Service Communications API lets you access service communications the way you want. With this API, you can create or connect your tools to service communications, potentially simplifying how you monitor your environment. The Service Communications API lets you monitor the following items your environment: Real-time service health and Message Center communications. For more information, see the [Microsoft 365 Service Communications API reference](/graph/api/resources/service-communications-api-overview).
+**Post-incident reviews:** Microsoft's commitment to continuous improvement involves analysis of unplanned customer-impacting service incidents to minimize future recurrence. Unplanned service incidents are defined as multi-tenant service disruptions that impact service usage as defined by our service-level agreements (SLAs), and have been declared as such through Service health on Microsoft 365 admin center. For unplanned customer-impacting service incidents in which there was broad and noticeable impact across a large number of organizations, a preliminary post-incident review (PIR) will be delivered via your Service health within 48 hours of incident resolution, followed by a final PIR within five business days.
+**PIR report:** The detailed PIR report includes: User experience and customer impact, Incident start and end date/time, Detailed timeline of impact and resolution measures, and Root cause analysis and actions being taken for continuous improvement. For all other service incidents, the Service health page on Microsoft 365 admin center will provide an incident closure summary including a final summary of the event, root cause, start and end times, and information detailing next steps. For this category of service incident, a PIR won't be generated.
+**Service continuity:** Microsoft offerings are delivered by highly resilient systems that help to maintain peak service performance. Service continuity provisions are part of the system design. These provisions enable Microsoft to recover quickly from unexpected events such as hardware or application failure, data corruption, or other incidents that affect users. These service continuity solutions also apply during catastrophic outages (for example, natural disasters or an incident within a Microsoft data center that renders the entire data center inoperable).
+**Outage recovery:** After recovery from catastrophic outages, there may be a period of time before full data center redundancy is restored for the service. For example, if Data Center 1 fails, services are restored by resources in Data Center 2. However, there may be a period of time until services in Data Center 2 have service continuity support either by restored resources in Data Center 1, or new resources in Data Center 3. The Microsoft [Service Level Agreement](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/service-level-agreement) (SLA) applies during this time. Office 365 operated by 21Vianet has a different SLA. For more information, see the [21Vianet site](https://www.21vbluecloud.com/office365/O365-SLA/).
+**Ensuring data availability:** Microsoft ensures that customer data is available whenever it's needed through the following features: **Data storage and redundancy, Data monitoring,** and **Completing preventative maintenance.**
+**Data storage and redundancy:** Customer data is stored in a redundant environment with robust data protection capabilities to enable availability, business continuity, and rapid recovery. Multiple levels of data redundancy are implemented, ranging from redundant disks to guard against local disk failure to continuous, full data replication to a geographically diverse data center.
+**Data monitoring:** Microsoft services maintain high levels of performance by monitoring: Databases, Blocked processes, Packet loss, Queued processes, and Query latency.
+**Completing preventative maintenance:** Preventative maintenance includes database consistency checks, periodic data compression, and error log reviews.
+**Reports:** Administrators of Microsoft can view reports showing how your organization is using Microsoft services. You can use these reports to identify issues, filter data, and download data to Microsoft Excel. You can also create your own reports using the Microsoft 365 reporting web services. Exchange Online and Exchange Online Protection (EOP) administrators can [use mail protection reports to view data about malware, spam, and rule detections](/exchange/monitoring/use-mail-protection-reports). For more information, see [View and download reports about service usage](/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/activity-reports). For Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see [View and download reports for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet](/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/activity-reports).
+# [**Support, help, and training**](#tab/Support)
+## Support
+With every Microsoft 365 and Office 365 subscription for enterprise, business, frontline, education, and government, Microsoft Support provides global technical, pre-sales, billing, and subscription support. Support is available both online through the Microsoft 365 admin center and by telephone for both paid and trial subscriptions. For more information, see [Microsoft Support Options](/Office365/Admin/contact-support-for-business-products). To contact technical support, see: [**Contact Microsoft 365 for business support**](/Office365/Admin/contact-support-for-business-products). Technical Support doesn't include troubleshooting third-party services or add-ins. Learn about finding answers from other customers in the [**Microsoft Community**](https://answers.microsoft.com/).
+**Support:** The Microsoft development and operations teams are complemented by a dedicated support organization, which plays an important role in providing customers with business continuity. Support staff has a deep knowledge of the service and its associated applications as well as direct access to Microsoft experts in architecture, development, and testing. The support organization closely aligns with operations and product development, offers fast resolution times and provides a channel for customers' voices to be heard. Feedback from customers provides input to the planning, development, and operations processes. For more information about support, see the [Support](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/support) article.
+**Support for Online issue tracking:** Customers need to know that their issues are being addressed, and they need to be able to track timely resolution. The Microsoft 365 admin center provides a single web-based interface for support. Customers can use the portal to add and monitor service requests and receive feedback from Microsoft support teams.
+**Support for Self-help, backed by continuous staff support:** Microsoft offers a wide range of self-help resources and tools that can help customers to resolve service-related issues without requiring Microsoft support. Before customers enter service requests, they can access knowledge base articles and FAQs that provide immediate help with the most common problems. These resources are continually updated with the latest information, which helps avoid delays by providing solutions to known issues. However, when an issue arises that needs the help of a support professional; staff members are available for immediate assistance by telephone and through the administration portal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
+**Administrator support:** Authorized administrators can use the Microsoft 365 admin center to submit service requests online, access support telephone numbers, and view all open and recently closed service requests. Service requests submitted in the admin center can be reopened for up to 14 days after the request has been closed. For instructions, see [Contact Microsoft 365 for business support](/Office365/Admin/contact-support-for-business-products).
+**Microsoft 365 support:** The Microsoft 365 technical support team troubleshoots only those issues that are related to Microsoft 365 and Office 365. Issues that originate in customer networks fall outside of the support boundaries, and in these cases, customers must either work with their networking team or engage the [Microsoft Networking team](https://support.microsoft.com/gp/contactus81?Audience=Commercial) for assistance.
+**Community and self-service support options:** Self-service support is available for all plans, and includes troubleshooting tools and videos, help articles and videos, as well as forums and wikis in the [Microsoft 365 community](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=279811). For more information about self-service support resources, see the [Help and training](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/help-and-training) service description.
+**Pre-sales support:** Pre-sales support provides assistance on subscription features and benefits, plan comparisons, pricing and licensing, and helps to identify the right solution to meet your business needs. In addition, pre-sales support can help you find a Partner, and purchase and sign up for a trial. You can call during local business hours, Monday through Friday. Pre-sales support can be accessed using the same phone number as with technical support. The support telephone number can be found on the admin center of the free trial. For instructions, see [Contact Microsoft 365 for business support](/Office365/Admin/contact-support-for-business-products).
+**Billing and subscription management support:** Assistance for billing and subscription management issues is available online or by telephone during local business hours, Monday through Friday. Billing and subscription management support can be accessed using the same phone number and online service request process as with technical support. The support telephone number can be found on the admin center. For instructions, see [Contact Microsoft 365 for business support](/Office365/Admin/contact-support-for-business-products). Here are some examples of billing and subscription management issues: Signing up for a trial or purchasing a subscription, Converting from a trial subscription to a paid subscription, Understanding the bill, Renewing a subscription, Adding or removing licenses, and Canceling a paid subscription.
+**Technical support:** Technical support for Microsoft 365 subscriptions provides assistance with basic installation, setup, and general technical usage. Some examples of these issues are listed in the following table.
+| Support category | Examples |
+|Installation and setup <br/> | Exchange Online: <br/> Mailbox migration <br/> Recipient configuration (mailbox permissions, configuring mail forwarding, configuring shared mailbox) <br/> Autodiscover configuration <br/> SharePoint Online: <br/> Permissions and user groups <br/> Configuration of guests <br/> Skype for Business Online: <br/> Installation and creating contacts <br/> Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise: Installation and setup assistance <br/> |
+|Configuration <br/> | Service configuration failure issues <br/> Provisioning issues <br/> Domain setup and re-delegation <br/> Service configuration issues <br/> Single sign-on (SSO) <br/> Active Directory synchronization <br/> |
+**Technical support case handling:** Microsoft assigns a severity level to a case when it is opened, based on an assessment of the issue type and customer impact. Examples of issue types and severity levels are shown in the following table.
+| Severity level | Operations and support description | Examples |
+|Sev A (Critical) <br/> |One or more services aren't accessible or are unusable. Production, operations, or deployment deadlines are severely affected, or there will be a severe impact on production or profitability. Multiple users or services are affected. <br/> | Widespread problems sending or receiving mail. <br/> SharePoint site down. <br/> All users can't send instant messages, join or schedule Skype for Business Meetings, or make Skype for Business calls. <br/> |
+|Sev B (High) <br/> |The service is usable but in an impaired fashion. The situation has moderate business impact and can be dealt with during business hours. A single user, customer, or service is partially affected. <br/> | Send button in Outlook is garbled. <br/> Setting is impossible from EAC (Exchange Admin Center) but possible in PowerShell. <br/> |
+|Sev C (Non-critical) <br/> |The situation has minimal business impact. The issue is important but doesn't have a significant current service or productivity impact for the customer. A single user is experiencing partial disruption, but an acceptable workaround exists. <br/> | How to set user password that never expires. <br/> User can't delete contact information in Exchange Online. <br/> |
+**Technical support initial response times:** Initial response time is based on the severity levels described above and the type of subscription. The response time objectives are described in the following table.
+| Severity level | Microsoft 365 Business Basic<sup>1</sup><br> Microsoft 365 Apps for business<sup>1</sup><br> Microsoft 365 Business Standard<sup>1</sup><br> Microsoft 365 Business Premium<sup>1</sup> | All Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Enterprise (E),<br/> Frontline (F),<br/> Government (G), and<br/> Education (A) plans | Elevated support options<sup>3</sup> |
+| Sev A (Critical) <br/> |Available: 24/7<sup>4</sup> <br/> Response time: one hour <br/> |Available: 24/7<sup>4</sup> <br/> Response time: one hour <br/> |Available: 24/7<sup>4</sup> <br/> Response time: one hour <br/> |
+|Sev B (High) <br/> |Available: business hours <br/> Response time: no commitment <br/> |Available: 24/7<sup>4</sup> <br/> Response time: next day <br/> |Available: 24/7<sup>4</sup> <br/> Response time: 2 hours <br/> |
+|Sev C (Medium) <br/> |Available: business hours <br/> Response time: no commitment <br/> |Available: 24/7<sup>4</sup> <br/> Response time: no commitment <br/> |Available: 24/7<sup>4</sup> <br/> Response time: 4 hours <br/> |
+<sup>1</sup> Business plans include business hours support for all non-critical issues and 24/7 phone support from Microsoft.<br/>
+<sup>2</sup> Enterprise plans include 24/7 phone support from Microsoft for all issues.<br/>
+<sup>3</sup> For descriptions of the elevated support options, see [Additional support options](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/microsoft-365-office-365-general-information?tabs=Support).<br/>
+<sup>4</sup> Calls and service requests are handled 24 hours a day, seven days a week in most countries and regions.
+**Support for standalone plans:** Support for paid standalone plans is handled with the same level of support and response time objectives as plans in the Enterprise service family. For a list of standalone plans, see [Standalone services](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/office-365-plan-options#standalone-services).
+**Technical support languages:** Depending on the location and language, support engineers are available during most regional business hours and, in several cases, on a 24-hour basis. For more information, see [International Phone Numbers](/Office365/Admin/contact-support-for-business-products) and [Microsoft Support Options](https://products.office.com/business/office-365-for-business-support-options). If additional translation assistance is required, support engineers can remain on the line and arrange for a translator to join the call.
+**Business Assist for Microsoft 365:** Business Assist for Microsoft 365 is designed for small businesses to give you and your employees around-the-clock access to small business specialists as you grow your business, from onboarding to everyday use. Learn more at [Business Assist for Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/misc/business-assist).
+**Shared support responsibilities:** Microsoft understands that receiving timely technical support from qualified professionals is a key aspect of cloud services. Equally important is the critical role that the customer's IT department plays in the support of its users.
+**Administrator responsibilities:** People with Microsoft administrator roles are the only ones in the customer's organization authorized to access the **Admin** section of the admin center, and to submit service requests to Microsoft, communicating directly with Microsoft about service requests. With Office 365 for enterprise and Microsoft 365 Apps Plan, you can designate several types of administrators who serve different functions. This service description uses the generic title administrator to refer to all categories of administrators. For more information about the types of administrator roles, see [Assigning admin roles](/office365/admin/add-users/assign-admin-roles).
+**Administrator role**: The administrator is the primary contact that sets up and supports each service user. The administrator is responsible for service administration and account maintenance and provides user account setup and configuration to allow users access to the services, address client connectivity, client software, and mobility installation issues, address service availability issues within the customer's organizational span of control, use Microsoft's self-service support resources to resolve support issues. The administrator is expected to provide initial assistance for the customer's users. However, if the administrator is unable to resolve issues with the help of self-service support resources, they should contact [Technical support](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/support#technical-support).
+Office 365 for enterprise follows a role-based access control (RBAC) model: permissions and capabilities are defined by management roles. The person who signs up for Office 365 for his or her organization automatically becomes a global administrator, or top-level administrator. There are five administrator roles: global administrator, billing administrator, password administrator, service administrator, and user management administrator. For more information about administrator roles in Office 365 for enterprise, including how they apply to Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Skype for Business Online administration, see [Assigning administrator roles](/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-R2-and-2012/jj878348(v=ws.11)). If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China, see [Assign admin roles in Office 365 for business](/office365/admin/add-users/assign-admin-roles).
+**Delegated administration and support for partners:** Partners can be authorized to administer accounts on behalf of customers. The customer doesn't require a user account for the partners use and doesn't consume a license when granting delegated administration authority. Partners can assign full or limited access to users within their organization. Limited access includes rights to reset passwords, manage service requests, and monitor service health (ability to use and specify a partner as a delegated administrator varies by region).
+**Microsoft support role:** Microsoft support's role is to Troubleshoot and provide technical guidance for customer issues and escalations, gather and validate information related to specific service requests, provide issue coordination and resolution management, maintain communication with the administrators to help ensure that issues are addressed on an ongoing basis, provide assistance with licensing, invoicing, and subscription inquiries, provide assistance with purchasing and trial inquiries, and continually gather customer feedback on how to improve the service through surveys.
+**Elevated support options:** While the support services included with Microsoft meet the needs of many customers, customers with more advanced requirements or complex environments should consider paid support options from Microsoft. These elevated support offers include quicker response objectives, the ability to set issue severity level, and access to additional technical resources and support account management. Examples of elevated support include: Service update management; end-to-end support for clients and services; reactive and advisory services from advanced engineers; and incident management and on-site workshops.
+**Additional support
+**Partners:** You can select a Microsoft partner and delegate administrative functions, including creating service request tickets. For more information, see the [Partners](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/partners) service description and [Add, change, or delete a subscription advisor partner](/office365/admin/misc/add-partner).
+**Developers:** Developers can learn more about developing Office and SharePoint applications at the [MSDN Microsoft Developer Network](https://developer.microsoft.com/office/docs). Developer Support is available through online blogs and forums in the developer community, through Premier or Partner support resources, or directly through Microsoft. For links to Developer Support options, see [Support Resources](https://developer.microsoft.com/office/docs).
+**Volume licensing**: If you have already purchased licenses from Microsoft under a volume licensing program, here's where to go for support: For support related to licenses and locating keys, go to the [Volume Licensing Service Center](https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/servicecenter/default.aspx); for technical support, see [Technical support](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/support#technical-support); for billing questions, see [Billing and subscription management support](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/support#billing-and-subscription-management-support); for general information about volume licensing, go to [Volume Licensing](https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/default).
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft team does not support scripts (for example, scripting techniques like JavaScript, VBScript, and so on, or VBA). If you need assistance with scripts, contact [**Microsoft Support**](https://support.microsoft.com/). For Office applications usage support, see [**Support options for Microsoft Office application issues for subscribers**](https://support.office.com/article/support-options-for-microsoft-office-application-issues-for-office-365-subscribers-0a02cd18-19be-4cfa-b430-3b53ea26920f).
+## Help and training
+Microsoft Office 365 provides the following help and training resources. Community resources apply to worldwide versions of Office 365. If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, you can use WeChat. See [**Get technical, billing, and subscription support for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet**](/microsoft-365/admin/contact-support-for-business-products) and scroll to the bottom of the page for a QR code.
+**Online help:** Help articles and videos are available from any inline help link in the service, including the help icon in the top navigation bar of the Office 365 portal and Microsoft 365 admin center. You can also search all Office 365 help on [https://office.microsoft.com](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=272056).
+**Training:** Training is available through videos, recorded live events, and classes leading to certification. For more information, see [Microsoft 365 basics video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-365-basics-video-training-396b8d9e-e118-42d0-8a0d-87d1f2f055fb), [Microsoft 365 Training](https://support.microsoft.com/training), [for admins and IT Pros](/learn/m365/), [for small businesses](/microsoft-365/admin/admin-video-library), [browse the full learning catalog](/learn/browse/), [become Microsoft certified](/learn/certifications/), [browse all learning options](/learn/browse/), and [watch live and recorded events](/learn/tv/).
+**Community:** The Office 365 Community is a single destination for self-help support information. It has the latest information to help customers find answers to a variety of technical, billing, and service questions through support forums, wikis, and blogs. The support forums are staffed and moderated by Microsoft Support agents. From the Office 365 Community home page, customers can access the following resources: Forums, Wikis, Blogs. For more information, visit the [Office 365 community](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/).
+**Forums:** Forums are intended to provide community participants with an online destination where they can post technical support questions and discuss topics related to the Office 365 services. Here are the forums that are available: Deploy Office 365, Directory integration services, Domains in Office 365, Downloads, Email and calendar, IM, meetings and conferencing, Manage Office 365, Manage projects, Mobile access, Office 365 for Mac, Office apps, Sites and document sharing, Trust Center documents, Upgrade to Office 365, Yammer
+**Wikis:** Wikis include wiki pages created by Microsoft employees and authenticated community members. This collaborative site encompasses the latest collective content about specific Office 365 technical scenarios. Each individual wiki page typically includes links to websites, webcasts, troubleshooting videos, FAQ pages, documents, and downloads about that specific technical scenario. Historical tracking of every revision date and author alias is provided along with the ability to compare versions.
+**Blogs**: The Office 365 Technical Blog is a good resource for obtaining current information about Office 365 online services and for learning about the benefits of Office 365 features and functions. Topics include product insights, new product announcements, customer interviews, and a guest blog series.
+**Manage Office 365 guidance:** IT professionals of large organizations can visit the Manage Office 365 documentation home page. This page provides links to complex deployment guidance intended for large organizations. For more information, visit [Manage Office 365](/Office365/).
+**Other self-help resources:** In addition to the Office 365 Community and online help, Office 365 includes the following self-help resources: Troubleshooting tool for Office 365, Technical support videos, Social media
+**Troubleshooting tool for Office 365** After answering a series of short questions about your issue, the Troubleshooting tool for Office 365 suggests helpful tools and information based on your answers. To use the tool, go to the [Office troubleshooting for admins and IT professionals](/office365/troubleshoot/) page of the Office 365 Community.
+**Technical support videos** English language-only instructional troubleshooting videos have been developed based on the most commonly asked questions from customers. There are more than 35 individual videos and more coming every week. Topics range from an overview of the BlackBerry® Administration Center to activating and migrating directory synchronization. To view these videos, go to the Office 365 Community site and search for videos. Customers are encouraged to submit a request for a video through the community portal. Customers can also navigate to the [Office 365 YouTube](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=272059) and [Showcase](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-service-descriptions-technet-library) channels.
+**Social media** Following Office 365 on [Facebook](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=272061), [Twitter](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=272062), and [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/Microsoft-Office-365-3724282?itemaction=mclk&anetid=3724282&impid=&pgkey=anet_search_results&actpref=anetsrch_name&trk=anetsrch_name&goback=%2Egdr_1307137875158_1) provides a way for customers and partners to become more educated about Office 365. This fast and easy way of learning about Office 365 allows customers to listen to what others are saying and be able to add their own comments and tweets. Microsoft support professionals monitor the Microsoft-related Facebook and Twitter activity to assist with any support-related inquiries. To find the most current Facebook feeds along with the most recent tweets, go to the bottom of the Office 365 Community homepage to hear the daily discussions among customers and partners.
+**Languages:** Online Help Articles, Wikis and Blogs, Forums, Tech Centers, and Troubleshooting are available in various languages.
+**Languages for Online Help Articles:** Bulgarian, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese-Brazil, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Ukrainian.
+**Languages for Wikis and Blogs:** Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.
+**Languages for Forums:** Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, and Spanish.
+**Languages for Tech Center:** Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, and Spanish.
+**Languages for Troubleshooting:** Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese-Brazil, Russian, and Spanish.
+# [**Domains, networks, partners, S&C, and SLA**](#tab/Domains)
+## Domains
+**Domains**: When you add a domain, a step-by-step wizard helps you add users and convert your email addresses and other services to your business name. After you complete the wizard, your business email starts coming to Microsoft instead of going to your current email provider. To learn more, see [Add your users and domains to Microsoft](https://support.office.com/article/6383f56d-3d09-4dcb-9b41-b5f5a5efd611). If you use Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see [Verify your domain](/office365/admin/setup/add-domain).
+**Custom domains:** You can add up to 5000 domains to your subscription (including subdomains). You can't add a domain to Microsoft 365 that you're already using in another Microsoft cloud service. This restriction also means the same domain can't be added to multiple subscriptions. For more information, see [Domains FAQ](https://support.office.com/article/Domains-FAQ-1272bad0-4bd4-4796-8005-67d6fb3afc5a).
+When you create a new user, the user's sign-in name and email address are assigned to the default domain as set in the Microsoft 365 admin center. To learn more, see [Add your users and domain](https://support.office.com/article/Add-your-users-and-domain-to-Office-365-6383f56d-3d09-4dcb-9b41-b5f5a5efd611). By default, the subscription uses the <*company name*>**.onmicrosoft.com** domain that was created with the account. For more information about domains in Office 365, see the [Domains](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/domains) service description. If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet in China, the default domain is <*companyname*>**.onmsChina.cn**.
+**Adding domains:** You can add one or more custom domains to Microsoft rather than retaining the **onmicrosoft.com** domain and can assign users to sign in with any of the validated domains. Each user's assigned domain is the email address that will appear on sent and received email messages. You can host up to 900 registered internet domains, each represented by a different namespace.
+**Second and third-level domains:** With Office 365 Enterprise and Microsoft 365 Apps for business, you can add any level domain, including third-level domains such as marketing.contoso.com. See [Add custom subdomains or multiple domains to Microsoft](/office365/admin/setup/domains-faq). If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see [Add custom subdomains or multiple domains to Office 365 operated by 21Vianet](/office365/admin/setup/domains-faq).
+**Domain verification DNS records:** With Microsoft 365, you can manage all your DNS records at your DNS hosting provider, or opt to have Microsoft set up and manage your domain's DNS records for you. If you continue to manage the records, you change specific records to point to Microsoft services as needed. If Microsoft manages your domain's DNS records for you, you first must switch your domain's nameserver records to point to Microsoft and then Microsoft sets up your services and then your domain's DNS records are managed at Microsoft.
+**Domain registrars:** For a list of domain registrars for which we provide step-by-step directions for adding the records, including the specific values to use for each record, see [Create DNS records](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider) or, if you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see Create DNS records at any provider for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet. If your domain is registered at GoDaddy, Microsoft can create the required records for you at GoDaddy.
+**Managing DNS records:** No matter where your DNS records are hosted, you can set up the DNS records to use your domain for the URL for a public website hosted on Microsoft or with a different hosting provider. Microsoft proactively checks your DNS records to find and help fix DNS issues. If your DNS records don't match what we expect them to be, you'll receive a notification in the Microsoft 365 admin center, along with information that tells you how to fix the possible issues that have been identified. For more information, see [How Microsoft manages DNS records](/office365/admin/setup/domains-faq) or, for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see [Create DNS records for Office 365 when you manage your DNS records](/office365/admin/services-in-china/create-dns-records-when-you-manage-your-dns-records).
+**Sharing a domain:** You can pilot some email addresses for a domain on Microsoft, and some on your previous email provider. This is recommended only for use during a pilot, because it requires additional setup steps and has some limitations for Microsoft services. For more information, see: [Pilot Microsoft 365 for a small business](https://support.office.com/article/39cee536-6a03-40cf-b9c1-f301bb6001d7) and [Eligibility - FastTrack ΓÇô Microsoft 365](/fasttrack/eligibility).
+## Networking
+Microsoft supports the following networking features.
+**Ports, protocols, and IP addresses:** Microsoft uses IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Use of IPv6 addressing is optional and not required for connectivity with Office 365. Not all Microsoft 365 features are fully enabled using IPv6. For more information about Ipv6 support, see [IPv6 support in Microsoft services](/office365/enterprise/ipv6-support).
+**IP addresses:** Microsoft maintains a list of allowed IP addresses in Microsoft help. For more information, see [URLs and IP address ranges](/office365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges). For Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see [URLs and IP Addresses for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet](/office365/enterprise/managing-office-365-endpoints).
+> We strongly recommend that you enable routing to the root domain names listed in the articles above (such as *.Outlook.com, *.MicrosoftOnline.com and *.SharePoint.com) instead of routing to specific IP address subnets. Relying on IP address subnets runs the risk of outages for your users as changes are made.
+**Bandwidth requirements:** For information on bandwidth requirements, see [Internet bandwidth planning](/office365/enterprise/network-planning-and-performance).
+**Connecting to Microsoft:** All Connections to Microsoft are done over the public internet or over a private Azure ExpressRoute connection, and are secured by SSL as appropriate. Azure ExpressRoute allows connecting directly to the global Microsoft network, bypassing the internet. A Microsoft networking partner provides connectivity to the global Microsoft network. For more information about Azure ExpressRoute, see [Azure ExpressRoute for Office 365](/microsoft-365/enterprise/azure-expressroute).
+**WAN accelerators:** Microsoft doesn't provide support for customer-owned WAN acceleration and caching devices with Office 365. If you decide to use a WAN optimization controller to improve performance under conditions of high latency or low bandwidth, you'll need to disable it while troubleshooting service requests with Microsoft, and work with your device vendor for device support. For more information, see [WAN Acceleration and caching devices with Office 365](https://support.microsoft.com/help/2690045/using-third-party-network-devices-or-solutions-with-office-365).
+**Microsoft Global Network:** The Microsoft networking infrastructure consists of a large global portfolio of data centers, servers, content distribution networks, edge computing nodes, and fiber optic networks to provide global distribution of services. Sophisticated service instrumentation and monitoring integrate at the deepest levels with each component, giving visibility into the data center, network backbone, internet exchanges and beyond, to help spot, diagnose and manage the cause of disruptions that arise. The network is built to maintain sufficient capacity even for large scale network interruptions without degradation of performance. For more information, see [Microsoft Global Network](/azure/networking/microsoft-global-network).
+**Consumer services networks:** To maintain the confidentiality and integrity of customer data, Microsoft keeps consumer services networks separate from Microsoft networks. Multiple techniques are used to control information flows, including but not limited to physical separation, logical separation, Firewalls, and protocol restrictions. For more information, see the [Office 365 Trust Center](https://www.microsoft.com/trust-center).
+**Physical separation:** Network segments are physically separated by routers that are configured to prevent specific communication patterns.
+**Logical separation:** Virtual LAN (VLAN) technology is used to further separate communications.
+**Firewalls:** Firewalls and other network security enforcement points are used to limit data exchanges with systems that are exposed to the internet, and to isolate systems from back-end systems managed by Microsoft.
+## Partners
+As an authorized Microsoft partner, Microsoft Office 365 offers you an opportunity to grow your customer base and create lasting relationships with them. For a monthly or annual fee paid to you, your customers can use cloud-based services so they don't have to manage data backups, server hardware, and server updates. The services available to you depend on the types of services you're authorized to provide.
+**Partner features:** For more information on how to use partner features, see [**Build your business and administer your Office 365 partner subscription**](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=271614&clcid=0x409) and review the partner features presentation. To receive access to the partner features, you can join Cloud Essentials by signing the [**Microsoft Online Services Partner Agreement**](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=285473).
+> [!NOTE]
+> Partner features as described below are not yet available in Office 365 operated by 21Vianet.
+**Create trial invitations and purchase orders:** You can create and send trial invitations to your customers so they can try Office 365 by using the **Partner overview** page in Office 365. The invitation can contain one or more services, depending on the offer. If you're certified to offer delegated administration, you can add an option to the trial invitation that allows you to administer the account on behalf of your customer. This makes it easier for your customer to try Office 365.
+**Trial invitation:** After you've sent a trial invitation for Office 365 to a customer, you can follow up by creating and sending a purchase offer that's customized to fit the needs of your customer including the specific services and the number of licenses your customer needs. If you're certified to offer delegated administration, you can add the option to the purchase offer that allows you to administer the account on behalf of your customer.
+**Provide delegated administration:** Delegated administration allows a partner to have full administrative access to all the customer's services and subscriptions. This means you can perform administrative tasks on behalf of customers (including setting up mailboxes, adding or removing users and groups, data migration, and submitting service requests to Microsoft Customer Service and Support). Delegated administration capability is offered exclusively for partners who are enrolled in Cloud Essentials, Cloud Accelerate or the Cloud Deployment programs.
+**Delegated administrator:** Before you can start administering a customer's account, the customer must authorize you as a delegated administrator. To get customer approval, you send them an offer for delegated administration, which you can include with a trial invitation or purchase offer. The customer authorizes a Delegated Administration partner by responding to the partner's invitational email. Even when a customer has authorized a partner to perform administrative tasks on its behalf, the customer can still contact Microsoft support directly and submit service requests.
+**Delegated partner:** Each customer is entitled to have one delegated administration partner. This partner can also be a customer's Partner of Record (POR) but doesn't need to be. The roles of POR and delegated administration partners are separate, and the customer designates them separately. This lets a customer choose one partner for purchase advice and another partner for implementation or managed services. It also lets partners choose whether to build a business with a specialty in one or both of these roles.
+**Connect with customers and other partners in the Office 365 Marketplace:** Office 365 Marketplace offers customers the opportunity to find partner services and expertise. For more information, see [Connect with customers through record or up next widget](/dynamics365/sales/connect-with-customers) and [Work with other partners - Partner Center](/partner-center/work-with-other-partners).
+**Microsoft partner network:** The Microsoft Partner Network is committed to serving the needs of our partners. To join the network, and to see how Microsoft serves its partners, see [Microsoft Partner Network](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=272021&clcid=0x409).
+## Privacy, security, and transparency
+Microsoft values the partnerships we have with our customers and places great emphasis on protecting the privacy and security of customer data. For more information, see the [Microsoft Trust Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=717951&clcid=0x409). The information in this article applies to worldwide versions of Office 365. If you're using a national cloud instance of Office 365, including Office 365 U.S. Government, and Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, see [**Microsoft National Clouds**](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=841582).
+**Privacy:** To learn about how Microsoft Office 365 protects the privacy of your data, see the [Privacy](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=717953&clcid=0x409) page. On specific steps for admins to take to configure Office 365 privacy settings for Enterprise, Business, Government, and Education, see [Advanced Privacy Options for Administrators](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=285202).
+**Security and privacy for other
+**Security:** To learn how Microsoft delivers Office 365 services securely and reliably, see [Security](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=717954&clcid=0x409).
+**Transparency:** As a customer, you can find out where your data resides, who at Microsoft can access it, and what we do with that information internally. For more information, see [Transparency](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=717955&clcid=0x409).
+**Advanced eDiscovery:** Electronic discovery, or eDiscovery, is the process of identifying and delivering electronic information that can be used as evidence in legal cases. Advanced eDiscovery builds on the existing set of eDiscovery capabilities in Office 365, allowing you to analyze large, unstructured data sets and reduce the amount of data that's relevant to a legal case. You can use the Search feature in the Office 365 Compliance Center to perform an initial search of all the content sources in your organization to identify and collect the data that might be relevant to a specific legal case. You can then analyze that data by applying the text analytics, machine learning, and relevance/predictive coding capabilities of Advanced eDiscovery. For more information, see [Advanced eDiscovery](/microsoft-365/compliance/overview-ediscovery-20).
+**Customer Lockbox:** As a Microsoft admin, you can use Customer Lockbox to control how a Microsoft support engineer accesses your data during a help session. In cases where the engineer requires access to your data to troubleshoot and fix an issue, Customer Lockbox allows you to approve or reject the access request. If you approve it, the engineer is able to access the data. Each request has an expiration time, and once the issue is resolved, the request is closed and access is revoked. Customer Lockbox is included in the Office 365 Enterprise 5 plan, or you can purchase a separate subscription with any other Office 365 Enterprise plan. For more information, see [Office 365 Customer Lockbox Requests](/microsoft-365/compliance/customer-lockbox-requests).
+**Microsoft Defender for Office 365:** Defender for Office 365 helps protect your organization against malware and viruses. Defender for Office 365 includes [Safe Links](/office365/securitycompliance/atp-safe-links), [Safe Attachments](/office365/securitycompliance/atp-safe-attachments), [Anti-phishing](/office365/securitycompliance/atp-anti-phishing), and [Spoof intelligence](/office365/securitycompliance/learn-about-spoof-intelligence) features. For more information about Defender for Office 365, see [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-advanced-threat-protection-service-description).
+[**Safe Links**](/office365/securitycompliance/atp-safe-links) **and** [**Safe Attachments**](/office365/securitycompliance/atp-safe-attachments)**:** Safe Links proactively protects your users from malicious hyperlinks in a message, providing protection every time the link is selected. Safe Attachments protects against unknown malware and viruses, routing all messages and attachments that don't have a known virus/malware signature to a special environment where Defender for Office 365 can detect malicious intent.
+## Product use rights
+**Microsoft Online Services product use rights:** If you comply with your Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement, you may use the online services and related software as expressly permitted under [Licensing Resources and Documents](https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/docs).
+**Office 365 operated by 21Vianet product use rights:** See the [21Vianet Service Level Agreement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=846729), [Online Services Standard Agreement](https://www.21vbluecloud.com/office365/O365-AgreeWebDir/), and [Terms of Use](https://www.21vbluecloud.com/office365/O365-TOU/) for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet. Office 365 operated by 21Vianet is a service offered and operated only in China. This service is powered by technology that Microsoft has licensed to 21Vianet. For more information, see [**Learn about Office 365 operated by 21Vianet**](/microsoft-365/admin/services-in-china/services-in-china?viewFallbackFrom=o365-worldwide).
+**Licensing:** To learn about licensing programs for your organization, see [Volume Licensing](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=393693).
+## Service level agreement
+**Microsoft Online Services Level Agreement:** We provide financial backing to our commitment to achieve and maintain the service levels for each service. If we don't achieve and maintain the service levels for each service as described in the Service Level Agreement, then you might be eligible for a credit towards a portion of your monthly service fees. To learn more about our Service Level Agreements for the services, download the [Service Level Agreement for Microsoft Online Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=272026). For overview information about system uptimes, as well as security, privacy, and compliance information, see [Transparent operations from Office 365](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/service-health-and-continuity).
+**Service updates:** Updates and upgrades are rolled out to customers based on many factors, such as geography, language, data center, and subscription. This means that not all updates are available immediately to existing customers. To find out about features that have just released, or are about to be released, check out the [Microsoft 365 Roadmap](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=509914). This topic doesn't apply to Office 365 operated by 21Vianet. To learn about service updates, see [**Get technical, billing, and subscription support for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet**](/microsoft-365/admin/contact-support-for-business-products).
+**Targeted release:** With Targeted release, your organization or a set of your users receives a select set of service updates approximately one week before we begin our standard release process. To learn more, see [Microsoft release options](/office365/admin/manage/release-options-in-office-365).
+**Update notifications:** Microsoft strives to notify customers in advance of any change that requires the administrator to take action to keep the service functioning normally. Unless otherwise noted, Microsoft will provide a minimum of 30 days advanced notification via [Message Center](/office365/admin/manage/message-center) when an update may require admin action. Most service updates are bug fixes, performance improvements, and security updates that require zero action on behalf of the customer. New and improved features are found on the [Microsoft 365 for business roadmap](https://roadmap.office.com/). Microsoft follows the [Online Lifecycle Policy](https://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle#gp/osslpolicy).
+**Feature availability:** To view feature availability across plans, see [Microsoft 365 and Office 365 platform service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/office-365-platform-service-description).
admin Remove Licenses From Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/remove-licenses-from-users.md
When you use the **Active users** page to unassign licenses, you unassign produc
## Next steps
-If youΓÇÖre not going to [reassign the unused licenses to other users](../../managed-desktop/get-started/assign-licenses.md), consider [removing the licenses from your subscription](../../commerce/licenses/buy-licenses.md) so that youΓÇÖre not paying for more licenses than you need.
+If youΓÇÖre not going to [reassign the unused licenses to other users](assign-licenses-to-users.md), consider [removing the licenses from your subscription](../../commerce/licenses/buy-licenses.md) so that youΓÇÖre not paying for more licenses than you need.
## Related content
business-premium Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/index.md
The task before you is thisΓÇölet Microsoft 365 Business Premium help secure you
Completing all the missions is the most effective way to thwart hackers, protect against ransomware, and help ensure your organizationΓÇÖs future is safeguarded with the best cybersecurity defenses. Let's get started.
-Use the following tabs to learn about each mission and how to set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium security.
-## [**Fortify your environment**](#tab/Fortify)
- ## Fortify your environment In these first missions, you sign in and set up your initial walls of defense, starting with account access protections.
In these first missions, you sign in and set up your initial walls of defense, s
2. [**Bump up cybersecurity protections**](m365bp-security-overview.md). Set up critical front-line security measures to prevent cyberattacks.
-[:::image type="content" source="medi)
-## Cybersecurity playbook
-The guidance in these missions is based upon the zero trust methodology and helps your business achieve the goals described in the Harvard Kennedy School [Cybersecurity Campaign Playbook](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2015598). A summary is available for you to download.
-Click (or tap) the infographic to see a larger version, or [Download a copy of the Cybersecurity playbook poster](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf)!
-[Get the PDF](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf).
-## How Microsoft 365 Business Premium helps your business
-Microsoft 365 Business Premium is a comprehensive security and collaboration solution for small and medium businesses. [Learn more about the benefits of Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365bp-secure-users.md).
-## Next steps
-Now, let's [fortify your environment against cyberattackers](m365bp-setup-overview.md)!
-> [!NOTE]
-> When a term or directive is unclear, you can find definitions in the [glossary of terms](m365bp-glossary.yml).
-## [**Train your team**](#tab/Train)
+[:::image type="content" source="medi)
## Train your team
We've included a set of missions here with some objectives that need to be compl
3. [**Collaborate and share securely**](m365bp-collaborate-share-securely.md). The objectives of this mission require you to set up secure file sharing for all members of the organization.
-[:::image type="content" source="medi)
-## Cybersecurity playbook
-The guidance in these missions is based upon the zero trust methodology and helps your business achieve the goals described in the Harvard Kennedy School [Cybersecurity Campaign Playbook](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2015598). A summary is available for you to download.
-Click (or tap) the infographic to see a larger version, or [Download a copy of the Cybersecurity playbook poster](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf)!
-[Get the PDF](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf).
-## How Microsoft 365 Business Premium helps your business
-Microsoft 365 Business Premium is a comprehensive security and collaboration solution for small and medium businesses. [Learn more about the benefits of Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365bp-secure-users.md).
-## Next steps
-Now, let's [fortify your environment against cyberattackers](m365bp-setup-overview.md)!
-> [!NOTE]
-> If a term or directive is unclear, see the [glossary of terms](m365bp-glossary.yml).
-## [**Safeguard managed devices**](#tab/Safeguard)
+[:::image type="content" source="medi)
## Safeguard managed devices
Managed devices are safer because they are monitored for threat detections. In t
- [**Set up and secure managed devices**](m365bp-protect-devices.md). Take the steps to secure those devices so they are monitored and protected by the organization!
-[:::image type="content" source="medi)
+[:::image type="content" source="medi)
## Cybersecurity playbook
Click (or tap) the infographic to see a larger version, or [Download a copy of t
[Get the PDF](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf).
-## How Microsoft 365 Business Premium helps your business
+## Learn more about how Microsoft 365 Business Premium helps your business
Microsoft 365 Business Premium is a comprehensive security and collaboration solution for small and medium businesses. [Learn more about the benefits of Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365bp-secure-users.md).
commerce Manage Billing Profiles https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/manage-billing-profiles.md
Last updated 04/02/2021
# Understand billing profiles
-A billing profile contains a payment method, Bill-to information, and other invoice settings, such as purchase order number and email invoice preference. You use a billing profile to pay for the products that you buy from Microsoft. A billing profile is automatically created when a user makes a self-service purchase. Each billing profile is invoiced separately.
+A billing profile contains a payment method, Bill-to information, and other invoice settings, such as purchase order number and email invoice preference. You use a billing profile to pay for the products that you buy from Microsoft. Billing profiles are automatically created, and each are invoiced separately.
> [!NOTE] >
-> Billing profiles are not available to customers who buy products and services from Microsoft.com or on the **Purchase services** page of the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+> Not all accounts have a billing profile. If you're not sure if you have a one, you can [view a list of your billing profiles]
## What are billing profile roles?
commerce Pay For Subscription Billing Profile https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/pay-for-subscription-billing-profile.md
As of 1 October 2021, automatic payments in India might block some credit card t
[Learn more about the Reserve Bank of India regulation for recurring payments](https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=11668&Mode=0).
-On 1 July 2022, Microsoft and other online merchants will no longer store credit card information. To comply with this regulation, Microsoft will remove all stored card details from the Microsoft 365 admin center. To avoid service interruption, you must add a payment method and make a one-time payment for all subscriptions and billing profiles.
+On 30 September 2022, Microsoft and other online merchants will no longer store credit card information. To comply with this regulation, Microsoft will remove all stored card details from the Microsoft 365 admin center. To avoid service interruption, you must add a payment method and make a one-time payment for all subscriptions and billing profiles.
[Learn about the Reserve Bank of India regulation for card storage](https://www.rbi.org.in/Scripts/NotificationUser.aspx?Id=12211).
compliance Apply Sensitivity Label Automatically https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md
For built-in labeling in Office apps, check the [minimum versions required](sens
The Azure Information Protection unified labeling client supports automatic labeling only for built-in and custom sensitive info types, and doesn't support trainable classifiers or sensitive info types that use Exact Data Match (EDM) or named entities.
-The auto-labeling settings for Office apps are available when you [create or edit a sensitivity label](create-sensitivity-labels.md). Make sure **Files & emails** is selected for the label's scope:
+The auto-labeling settings for Office apps are available when you [create or edit a sensitivity label](create-sensitivity-labels.md). Make sure **Items** is selected for the label's scope:
![Sensitivity label scope options for files and emails.](../media/filesandemails-scope-options-sensitivity-label.png)
compliance Create Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/create-sensitivity-labels.md
The global admin for your organization has full permissions to create and manage
2. On the **Labels** page, select **+ Create a label** to start the new sensitivity label configuration:
- ![Create a sensitivity label.](../media/create-sensitivity-label-full.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/create-sensitivity-label-full.png" alt-text="Create a sensitivity label." lightbox="../media/create-sensitivity-label-full.png":::
> [!NOTE] > By default, tenants don't have any labels and you must create them. The labels in the example picture show default labels that were [migrated from Azure Information Protection](/azure/information-protection/configure-policy-migrate-labels).
The global admin for your organization has full permissions to create and manage
![Scopes for sensitivity labels.](../media/sensitivity-labels-scopes.png)
- - If **Files & emails** is selected, you can configure settings that apply to apps that support sensitivity labels, such as Office Word and Outlook. If this option isn't selected, you see the first page of these settings but you can't configure them and the labels won't be available for users to select in these apps.
+ - If **Items** is selected, you can configure settings that apply to apps that support sensitivity labels, such as Office Word and Outlook. If this option isn't selected, you see the first page of these settings but you can't configure them and the labels won't be available for users to select in these apps.
- If **Groups & sites** is selected, you can configure settings that apply to Microsoft 365 groups, and sites for Teams and SharePoint. If this option isn't selected, you see the first page of these settings but you can't configure them and the labels won't be available for users to select for groups and site.
To check your label's configuration, including advanced settings, use the follow
2. On the **Label policies** page, select **Publish label** to start the **Create policy** configuration:
- ![Publish labels.](../media/publish-sensitivity-labels-full.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/publish-sensitivity-labels-full.png" alt-text="Publish labels." lightbox="../media/publish-sensitivity-labels-full.png":::
> [!NOTE] > By default, tenants don't have any label policies and you must create them.
To check your label's configuration, including advanced settings, use the follow
5. Follow the prompts to configure the policy settings.
- The policy settings that you see match the scope of the labels that you selected. For example, if you selected labels that have just the **Files & emails** scope, you don't see the policy settings **Apply this label by default to groups and sites** and **Require users to apply a label to their groups and sites**.
+ The policy settings that you see match the scope of the labels that you selected. For example, if you selected labels that have just the **Items** scope, you don't see the policy settings **Apply this label by default to groups and sites** and **Require users to apply a label to their groups and sites**.
For more information about these settings, see [What label policies can do](sensitivity-labels.md#what-label-policies-can-do) from the overview information and use the help in the UI for individual settings.
compliance Encryption Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md
Before you can use encryption, you might need to do some configuration tasks. Wh
## How to configure a label for encryption
-1. Follow the general instructions to [create or edit a sensitivity label](create-sensitivity-labels.md#create-and-configure-sensitivity-labels) and make sure **Files & emails** is selected for the label's scope:
+1. Follow the general instructions to [create or edit a sensitivity label](create-sensitivity-labels.md#create-and-configure-sensitivity-labels) and make sure **Items** is selected for the label's scope:
![Sensitivity label scope options for files and emails.](../media/filesandemails-scope-options-sensitivity-label.png)
-2. Then, on the **Choose protection settings for files and emails** page, make sure you select **Encrypt files and emails**
+2. Then, on the **Choose protection settings for labeled items** page, make sure you select **Encrypt items**
- ![Sensitivity label protection options for files and emails.](../media/protection-options-sensitivity-label.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/protection-options-sensitivity-label.png" alt-text="Sensitivity label protection options for items." Lightbox="../media/protection-options-sensitivity-label.png":::
4. On the **Encryption** page, select one of the following options:
Before you can use encryption, you might need to do some configuration tasks. Wh
- **Configure encryption settings**: Turns on encryption and makes the encryption settings visible:
- ![Sensitivity label options for encryption.](../media/encrytion-options-sensitivity-label.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/encrytion-options-sensitivity-label.png" alt-text="Sensitivity label options for encryption. "lightbox="../media/encrytion-options-sensitivity-label.png":::
Instructions for these settings are in the following [Configure encryption settings](#configure-encryption-settings) section.
The new users that you add will be able open documents and emails that have alre
This configuration has the advantage that you don't need to specify users, groups, or domains to encrypt an email or document. The content will still be encrypted and you can still specify usage rights, an expiry date, and offline access.
-Use this configuration only when you don't need to restrict who can open the protected document or email. [More information about this setting](#requirements-and-limitations-for-add-any-authenticated-users)
+Use this configuration only when you don't need to restrict who can open the protected document or email. See [more information about this setting](#requirements-and-limitations-for-add-any-authenticated-users).
1. On the **Encryption** page: For **Assign permissions now or let users decide?** make sure **Assign permissions now** is selected.
compliance Mip Easy Trials https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/mip-easy-trials.md
When you don't have sensitivity labels that are published, we'll create the foll
|Label name|Label description for users|Settings| |-||--|
-|Personal|Non-business data, for personal use only.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|Public|Business data that is specifically prepared and approved for public consumption.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|General|Business data that is not intended for public consumption. However, this can be shared with external partners, as required. Examples include a company internal telephone directory, organizational charts, internal standards, and most internal communication.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|General <br /> \ Anyone (unrestricted)|Organization data that isnΓÇÖt intended for public consumption but can be shared with external partners if appropriate. Examples include customer conversations that donΓÇÖt include sensitive info or released marketing materials.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|General <br /> \ All Employees (unrestricted)|Organization data that isnΓÇÖt intended for public consumption. If you need to share this content with external partners, confirm with other data owners that it's OK to share and then change the label to General \ Anyone (unrestricted) . Examples include a company internal telephone directory, organizational charts, internal standards, and most internal communication.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|Confidential|Sensitive business data that could cause damage to the business if shared with unauthorized people. Examples include contracts, security reports, forecast summaries, and sales account data.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|Confidential <br /> \ Anyone (unrestricted)|Confidential data that doesnΓÇÖt need to be encrypted. Use this option with care and appropriate business justification.|This label is selected for [client-side auto-labeling](#client-side-auto-labeling) and [service-side auto-labeling](#service-side-auto-labeling).<br /><br /> **Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: Recommend that users apply the label <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|Confidential <br /> \ All Employees|Confidential data that requires protection, which allows all employees full permissions. Data owners can track and revoke content.|This label is selected for [client-side auto-labeling](#client-side-auto-labeling) and [service-side auto-labeling](#service-side-auto-labeling).<br /><br /> **Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Encryption**: All users and groups in the org: Co-Author<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: Recommend that users apply the label <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None |
-|Confidential <br /> \ Trusted People|Confidential data that can be shared with trusted people inside and outside your organization. These people can also reshare the data as needed.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Encryption**: Let users assign permissions: <br /> - Encrypt-Only for Outlook <br />- Prompt users in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|Highly Confidential|Very sensitive business data that would cause damage to the business if it was shared with unauthorized people. Examples include employee and customer information, passwords, source code, and pre-announced financial reports.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Content marking**: Watermark: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|Highly Confidential <br /> \ All Employees|Highly confidential data that allows all employees view, edit, and reply permissions to this content. Data owners can track and revoke content.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Encryption**: All users and groups in the org: Co-Author<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Highly Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
-|Highly Confidential <br /> \ Specific People |Highly confidential data that requires protection and can be viewed only by people you specify and with the permission level you choose.|**Scope**: File, Email <br /><br />**Encryption**: Let users assign permissions: <br />- Do Not Forward for Outlook <br />- Prompt users in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Highly Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Personal|Non-business data, for personal use only.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Public|Business data that is specifically prepared and approved for public consumption.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|General|Business data that is not intended for public consumption. However, this can be shared with external partners, as required. Examples include a company internal telephone directory, organizational charts, internal standards, and most internal communication.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|General <br /> \ Anyone (unrestricted)|Organization data that isnΓÇÖt intended for public consumption but can be shared with external partners if appropriate. Examples include customer conversations that donΓÇÖt include sensitive info or released marketing materials.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|General <br /> \ All Employees (unrestricted)|Organization data that isnΓÇÖt intended for public consumption. If you need to share this content with external partners, confirm with other data owners that it's OK to share and then change the label to General \ Anyone (unrestricted) . Examples include a company internal telephone directory, organizational charts, internal standards, and most internal communication.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Confidential|Sensitive business data that could cause damage to the business if shared with unauthorized people. Examples include contracts, security reports, forecast summaries, and sales account data.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: No<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Confidential <br /> \ Anyone (unrestricted)|Confidential data that doesnΓÇÖt need to be encrypted. Use this option with care and appropriate business justification.|This label is selected for [client-side auto-labeling](#client-side-auto-labeling) and [service-side auto-labeling](#service-side-auto-labeling).<br /><br /> **Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: Recommend that users apply the label <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Confidential <br /> \ All Employees|Confidential data that requires protection, which allows all employees full permissions. Data owners can track and revoke content.|This label is selected for [client-side auto-labeling](#client-side-auto-labeling) and [service-side auto-labeling](#service-side-auto-labeling).<br /><br /> **Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Encryption**: All users and groups in the org: Co-Author<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: Recommend that users apply the label <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None |
+|Confidential <br /> \ Trusted People|Confidential data that can be shared with trusted people inside and outside your organization. These people can also reshare the data as needed.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Encryption**: Let users assign permissions: <br /> - Encrypt-Only for Outlook <br />- Prompt users in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Highly Confidential|Very sensitive business data that would cause damage to the business if it was shared with unauthorized people. Examples include employee and customer information, passwords, source code, and pre-announced financial reports.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Content marking**: Watermark: HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Highly Confidential <br /> \ All Employees|Highly confidential data that allows all employees view, edit, and reply permissions to this content. Data owners can track and revoke content.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Encryption**: All users and groups in the org: Co-Author<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Highly Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
+|Highly Confidential <br /> \ Specific People |Highly confidential data that requires protection and can be viewed only by people you specify and with the permission level you choose.|**Scope**: Items (File, Email) <br /><br />**Encryption**: Let users assign permissions: <br />- Do Not Forward for Outlook <br />- Prompt users in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel<br /><br />**Content marking**: Footer: Classified as Highly Confidential<br /><br />**Auto-labeling**: No <br /><br />**Group settings**: No<br /><br />**Site settings**: No <br /><br />**Auto-labeling for database columns**: None|
> [!NOTE] > The label names and descriptions are automatically available for the following locales: US English, Chinese Simplified and Traditional, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese Brazilian, Russian, and Spanish.
compliance Sensitivity Labels Default Sharing Link https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-default-sharing-link.md
PowerShell examples, where the sensitivity label GUID is **8faca7b8-8d20-48a3-8e
For more help to specify PowerShell advanced settings, see [PowerShell tips for specifying the advanced settings](create-sensitivity-labels.md#powershell-tips-for-specifying-the-advanced-settings).
-To configure the settings for the default sharing link type for a site, the [scope of the sensitivity label](sensitivity-labels.md#label-scopes) must include **Groups & sites** when you create the sensitivity label in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. After it's created, you see this displayed as **Site, UnifiedGroup** in the **Scope** column on the **Labels** page, and the PowerShell *ContentType* setting also displays this same value. For documents, the scope must include **Files & emails**, which displays as **File, Email**. Then:
+To configure the settings for the default sharing link type for a site, the [scope of the sensitivity label](sensitivity-labels.md#label-scopes) must include **Groups & sites** when you create the sensitivity label in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. After it's created, you see this displayed as **Site, UnifiedGroup** in the **Scope** column on the **Labels** page, and the PowerShell *ContentType* setting also displays this same value. For documents, the scope must include **Items**, which displays as **File, Email**. Then:
- When the scope includes **Groups & sites**, you can apply the label to a site, which sets the default sharing link type for that site. For information how to apply a sensitivity label to a site, see [How to apply sensitivity labels to containers](sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md#how-to-apply-sensitivity-labels-to-containers). -- When the scope of the sensitivity label includes **Files & emails**, you can apply the label to documents, which sets the default sharing link type for that document. The label can be applied [manually](https://support.microsoft.com/office/apply-sensitivity-labels-to-your-files-and-email-in-office-2f96e7cd-d5a4-403b-8bd7-4cc636bae0f9) or [automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md).
+- When the scope of the sensitivity label includes **Items**, you can apply the label to documents, which sets the default sharing link type for that document. The label can be applied [manually](https://support.microsoft.com/office/apply-sensitivity-labels-to-your-files-and-email-in-office-2f96e7cd-d5a4-403b-8bd7-4cc636bae0f9) or [automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md).
> [!TIP] > You can also specify that the label is the default sensitivity label to be applied for new sites or new documents, as a [label policy setting](sensitivity-labels.md#what-label-policies-can-do).
compliance Sensitivity Labels Teams Groups Sites https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md
Content in these containers however, do not inherit the labels for the classific
Before you enable sensitivity labels for containers and configure sensitivity labels for the new settings, users can see and apply sensitivity labels in their apps. For example, from Word:
-![A sensitivity label displayed in the Word desktop app.](../media/sensitivity-label-word.png)
After you enable and configure sensitivity labels for containers, users can additionally see and apply sensitivity labels to Microsoft team sites, Microsoft 365 groups, and SharePoint sites. For example, when you create a new team site from SharePoint:
The dropdown box displays the label names for the selection, and the help icon d
When the label is applied, and users browse to the site, they see the name of the label and applied policies. For example, this site has been labeled as **Confidential**, and the privacy setting is set to **Private**:
-![A site that has a sensitivity label applied.](../media/sensitivity-label-site.png)
### Use PowerShell to apply a sensitivity label to multiple sites
This series of commands lets you label multiple sites across your tenant with th
To view, sort, and search the applied sensitivity labels, use <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2185220" target="_blank">**Active sites**</a> in the new SharePoint admin center. You might need to first add the **Sensitivity** column:
-![The Sensitivity column on the Active sites page.](../media/manage-site-sensitivity-labels.png)
For more information about managing sites from the Active sites page, including how to add a column, see [Manage sites in the new SharePoint admin center](/sharepoint/manage-sites-in-new-admin-center).
To help you manage the coexistence of sensitivity labels and Azure AD classifica
## Auditing sensitivity label activities > [!IMPORTANT]
-> If you use label separation by selecting just the **Groups & sites** scope for labels that protect containers: Because of the **Detected document sensitivity mismatch** audit event and email described in this section, consider [ordering labels](sensitivity-labels.md#label-priority-order-matters) before labels that have a scope for **Files & emails**.
+> If you use label separation by selecting just the **Groups & sites** scope for labels that protect containers: Because of the **Detected document sensitivity mismatch** audit event and email described in this section, consider [ordering labels](sensitivity-labels.md#label-priority-order-matters) before labels that have a scope for **Items**.
If somebody uploads a document to a site that's protected with a sensitivity label and their document has a [higher priority](sensitivity-labels.md#label-priority-order-matters) sensitivity label than the sensitivity label applied to the site, this action isn't blocked. For example, you've applied the **General** label to a SharePoint site, and somebody uploads to this site a document labeled **Confidential**. Because a sensitivity label with a higher priority identifies content that is more sensitivity than content that has a lower priority order, this situation could be a security concern.
compliance Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels.md
This scope configuration lets you have sensitivity labels that are just for docu
![Scope options for sensitivity labels.](../media/sensitivity-labels-scopes.png)
-By default, the **Files & emails** scope is always selected. The other scopes are selected by default when the features are enabled for your tenant:
+By default, the **Items** scope is always selected. The other scopes are selected by default when the features are enabled for your tenant:
- **Groups & sites**: [Enable sensitivity labels for containers and synchronize labels](sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md#how-to-enable-sensitivity-labels-for-containers-and-synchronize-labels) - **Schematized data assets**: [Automatically label your content in Microsoft Purview Data Map](/azure/purview/create-sensitivity-label)
-If you change the defaults so not all scopes are selected, you see the first page of the configuration settings for scopes you haven't selected, but you can't configure the settings. For example, if the scope for files and emails is not selected, you can't select the options on the next page:
+If you change the defaults so not all scopes are selected, you see the first page of the configuration settings for scopes you haven't selected, but you can't configure the settings. For example, if the scope for items isn't selected, you can't select the options on the next page:
![Unavailable options for sensitivity labels.](../media/sensitivity-labels-unavailable-settings.png)
For these pages that have unavailable options, select **Next** to continue. Or,
### Label priority (order matters)
-When you create your sensitivity labels in your admin center, they appear in a list on the **Sensitivity** tab on the **Labels** page. In this list, the order of the labels is important because it reflects their priority. You want your most restrictive sensitivity label, such as Highly Confidential, to appear at the **bottom** of the list, and your least restrictive sensitivity label, such as Public, to appear at the **top**.
+When you create your sensitivity labels in the Microsoft Purview compliance center, they appear in a list on the **Sensitivity** tab on the **Labels** page. In this list, the order of the labels is important because it reflects their priority. You want your most restrictive sensitivity label, such as Highly Confidential, to appear at the **bottom** of the list, and your least restrictive sensitivity label, such as Public, to appear at the **top**.
You can apply just one sensitivity label to an item such as a document, email, or container. If you set an option that requires your users to provide a justification for changing a label to a lower classification, the order of this list identifies the lower classifications. However, this option does not apply to sublabels that share the priority of their parent label.
security Mdb View Tvm Dashboard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-view-tvm-dashboard.md
-# Use your Threat & Vulnerability Management dashboard in Microsoft Defender for Business
+# Use your vulnerability management dashboard in Microsoft Defender for Business
-Microsoft Defender for Business includes a Threat & Vulnerability Management dashboard that is designed to save your security team time and effort. In addition to providing an exposure score, you can also view information about exposed devices and security recommendations. You can use your Threat & Vulnerability Management dashboard to:
+Microsoft Defender for Business includes a vulnerability management dashboard that is designed to save your security team time and effort. In addition to providing an exposure score, you can also view information about exposed devices and security recommendations. You can use your threat & vulnerability management dashboard to:
- View your exposure score, which is associated with devices in your company - View your top security recommendations, such as addressing impaired communications with devices, turning on firewall protection, or updating Microsoft Defender Antivirus definitions - View remediation activities, such as any files that were sent to quarantine, or vulnerabilities found on devices
-Want to see how it works? Watch this video, which describes [Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management](../defender-vulnerability-management/defender-vulnerability-management.md).
-> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4Y1FX]
- [Learn more about Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management](../defender-vulnerability-management/defender-vulnerability-management.md). - ## Next steps - [Tutorials and simulations in Microsoft Defender for Business](mdb-tutorials.md)
security Mac Whatsnew https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-whatsnew.md
ms.technology: mde
> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-exposedapis-abovefoldlink)
+## 101.71.18 (20.122052.17118.0)
+- `mdatp connectivity test` was extended with an extra URL that the product requires to function correctly. The new URL is [https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2144709](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2144709).
+- Up until now, the product log level wasn't persisted between product restarts. Starting from this version, there's a new command-line tool switch that persists the log level. The new command is `mdatp log level persist --level <level>`.
+- Fixed a bug in the product installation package that in rare cases could lead a loss of product state during updates
+- Performance improvements for file copy operations and built-in macOS applications
+- Bug fixes
+ ## 101.70.19 (20.122051.17019.0) - Fixed a bug where threat-related notifications were not always presented to the end user.
security Tamperprotection Macos https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tamperprotection-macos.md
You can configure the tamper protection mode by providing the mode name as enfor
## Before you begin -- Supported macOS versions: Monterey (12), Big Sur (11), Catalina (10.15+)-- Minimum required version for Defender for Endpoint: 101.49.25
+- Supported macOS versions: Monterey (12), Big Sur (11), Catalina (10.15+).
+- Minimum required version for Defender for Endpoint: 101.70.19.
+- You must be on a non-Production update channel ([either Preview or Beta](/deployoffice/office-insider/deploy/microsoft-autoupdate)), while the Tamper Protection feature is in preview. If you are on Production channel, configured tamper protection mode will ignored.
**Highly recommended settings:**
There are several ways you can configure tamper protection:
### Before you begin
-Verify that "tamper_protection" is set to "disabled" to observe the state change.
+Verify that "tamper_protection" is set to "disabled" or "audit" to observe the state change.
+Also, make sure that "release_ring" does not report "Production".
-![Image of command line with tamper protection in disable mode](images/verify-tp.png)
+mdatp health
+healthy : true
+health_issues : []
+licensed : true
+engine_version : "1.1.19300.3"
+app_version : "1.0.0"
+org_id : "..."
+log_level : "info"
+machine_guid : "..."
+release_ring : "InsiderFast"
+product_expiration : Dec 29, 2022 at 09:48:37 PM
+cloud_enabled : true
+cloud_automatic_sample_submission_consent : "safe"
+cloud_diagnostic_enabled : false
+passive_mode_enabled : false
+real_time_protection_enabled : true
+real_time_protection_available : true
+real_time_protection_subsystem : "endpoint_security_extension"
+network_events_subsystem : "network_filter_extension"
+device_control_enforcement_level : "audit"
+tamper_protection : "audit"
+automatic_definition_update_enabled : true
+definitions_updated : Jul 06, 2022 at 01:57:03 PM
+definitions_updated_minutes_ago : 5
+definitions_version : "1.369.896.0"
+definitions_status : "up_to_date"
+edr_early_preview_enabled : "disabled"
+edr_device_tags : []
+edr_group_ids : ""
+edr_configuration_version : "20.199999.main.2022.07.05.02-ac10b0623fd381e28133debe14b39bb2dc5b61af"
+edr_machine_id : "6fe9fd3dad788fc600504cd12cd91b1965477de5"
+conflicting_applications : []
+network_protection_status : "stopped"
+data_loss_prevention_status : "disabled"
+full_disk_access_enabled : true
### Manual configuration
Verify that "tamper_protection" is set to "disabled" to observe the state change
2. Verify the result.
- ![Image of result of manual configuration command](images/result-manual-config.png)
+ ```bash
+ mdatp health
+ ```
+ ```console
+ healthy : true
+ health_issues : []
+ licensed : true
+ engine_version : "1.1.19300.3"
+ app_version : "1.0.0"
+ org_id : "..."
+ log_level : "info"
+ machine_guid : "..."
+ release_ring : "InsiderFast"
+ product_expiration : Dec 29, 2022 at 09:48:37 PM
+ cloud_enabled : true
+ cloud_automatic_sample_submission_consent : "safe"
+ cloud_diagnostic_enabled : false
+ passive_mode_enabled : false
+ real_time_protection_enabled : true
+ real_time_protection_available : true
+ real_time_protection_subsystem : "endpoint_security_extension"
+ network_events_subsystem : "network_filter_extension"
+ device_control_enforcement_level : "audit"
+ tamper_protection : "block"
+ automatic_definition_update_enabled : true
+ definitions_updated : Jul 06, 2022 at 01:57:03 PM
+ definitions_updated_minutes_ago : 5
+ definitions_version : "1.369.896.0"
+ definitions_status : "up_to_date"
+ edr_early_preview_enabled : "disabled"
+ edr_device_tags : []
+ edr_group_ids : ""
+ edr_configuration_version : "20.199999.main.2022.07.05.02-ac10b0623fd381e28133debe14b39bb2dc5b61af"
+ edr_machine_id : "6fe9fd3dad788fc600504cd12cd91b1965477de5"
+ conflicting_applications : []
+ network_protection_status : "stopped"
+ data_loss_prevention_status : "disabled"
+ full_disk_access_enabled : true
+ ```
Notice that the "tamper_protection" is now set to "block".
The result will show "block" if tamper protection is on:
![Image of tamper protection in block mode](images/tp-block-mode.png)
-You can also run full `mdatp health` and look for the "tamper_protection" in the output:
-![Image of tamper protection when in block mode](images/health-tp-audit.png)
+You can also run full `mdatp health` and look for the "tamper_protection" in the output
## Verify tamper protection preventive capabilities
security Investigate Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/investigate-alerts.md
The **Recommendations** tab provides next-step actions and advice for investigat
:::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/alerts-ss-alerts-recommendations-example.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/alerts-ss-alerts-recommendations-example.png" alt-text="Example of alert recommendations":::
+## Suppress an alert
+As a security operations center (SOC) analyst, one of the top issues is triaging the sheer number of alerts that are triggered daily. For lower priority alerts, an analyst is still required to triage and resolve the alert which tends to be a manual process. A SOC analystΓÇÖs time is valuable, wanting to focus only on high severity and high priority alerts.
+Alert suppression provides the ability to tune and manage alerts in advance. This streamlines the alert queue and saves triage time by hiding or resolving alerts automatically, each time a certain expected organizational behavior occurs, and rule conditions are met.
+You can create rule conditions based on ΓÇÿevidence typesΓÇÖ such as files, processes, scheduled tasks, and many other evidence types that trigger the alert. After creating the rule, user can apply the rule on the selected alert or any alert type that meets the rule conditions to suppress the alert.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Suppression of alerts is not recommended. However in certain situations, a known internal business application or security tests trigger an expected activity and you don't want to see these alerts. So, you can create a suppression rule for the alert.
+### Create rule conditions to suppress alerts
+To create a suppression rule for alerts:
+1. Select the investigated alert. In the main alert page, select **Create suppression rule** in the summary details section of the alert page.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-click.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-click.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Create separation rule action.":::
+2. In the **Create suppression rule** pane, select **Only this alert type** to apply the rule on the selected alert.
+ However, to apply the rule on any alert type that meets rule conditions select **Any alert type based on IOC conditions**.
+ IOCs are indicators such as files, processes, scheduled tasks, and other evidence types that trigger the alert.
+3. In the **IOCs** section, select **Any IOC** to suppress the alert no matter what 'evidence' has caused the alert.
+ To set multiple rule conditions, select **Choose IOCs**. Use **AND**, **OR** and grouping options to build relationship between these multiple 'evidence types' that cause the alert.
+ 1. For example, in the **Conditions** section, select the triggering evidence **Entity Role: Triggering**, **Equals** and select the evidence type from the drop-down list.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/evidence-types-drop-down-list.png" alt-text="Screenshot of evidence types drop-down list." lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/evidence-types-drop-down-list.png":::
+ 2. All the properties of this 'evidence' will auto populate as a new subgroup in the respective fields below.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/properties-evidence.png" alt-text="Screenshot of properties of evidence auto-populating." lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/properties-evidence.png" :::
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Condition values are not case sensitive.
+ 3. You can edit and/or delete properties of this 'evidence' as per your requirement (using wildcards, when supported).
+ 4. Other than files and processes, AMSI script, WMI event, and scheduled tasks are some of the newly added evidence types that you can select from the evidence types drop-down list.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/other-evidence-types.png" alt-text="Screenshot of other types of evidence." lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/other-evidence-types.png":::
+ 5. To add another IOC, click **Add filter**.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Adding at least one IOC to the rule condition is required to suppress any alert type.
+4. Alternatively, you can select **Auto fill all alert 7 related IOCs** in the **IOC** section to add all alert related evidence types and their properties at once in the **Conditions** section.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/autofill-iocs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of auto fill all alert related IOCs." lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/autofill-iocs.png":::
+5. In the **Scope** section, set the Scope in the **Conditions** sub-section by selecting specific device, multiple devices, device groups, the entire organization or by user.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > You must have Admin permission when the **Scope** is set only for **User**. Admin permission is not required when the **Scope** is set for **User** together with **Device**, **Device groups**.
+6. In the **Action** section, take the appropriate action of either **Hide alert** or **Resolve alert**.
+ Enter **Name**, **Comment**, and click **Save**.
+7. **Prevent the IOCs from being blocked in the future:**<br>
+Once you save the suppression rule, in the **Successful suppression rule creation** page that appears, you can add the selected IOCs as indicators to the ΓÇ£allow listΓÇ¥ and prevent them from being blocked in the future. <br>
+All alert-related IOCs will be shown in the list. <br>
+IOCs that were selected in the suppression conditions will be selected by default.
+ 1. For example, you can add files to be allowed to the **Select evidence (IOC) to allow**. By default the file that triggered the alert is selected.
+ 1. Enter the scope to the **Select scope to apply to**. By default scope for the related alert is selected.
+ 1. Click **Save**. Now the file is not blocked as it is in the allow list.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-2-choose-iocs.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-2-choose-iocs.png" alt-text="Screenshot of successful suppression rule creation. ":::
+8. The new suppression alert functionality is available by default. <br> However, you can switch back to the previous experience in Microsoft 365 Defender portal by navigating to **Settings > Endpoints > Alert suppression**, then switch off the **New suppression rules creation enabled** toggle.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-toggle.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-toggle.png" alt-text="Screenshot of toggle for turning on/off the suppression rule creation feature.":::
+9. **Edit existing rules:** <br> You can always add or change rule conditions and scope of new or existing rules in Microsoft Defender portal, by selecting the relevant rule and clicking **Edit rule**.
+ To edit existing rules, ensure that the **New suppression rules creation enabled** toggle is enabled.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-toggle-on-edit.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/suppression-toggle-on-edit.png" alt-text="Screenshot of edit suppression rule.":::
## Resolve an alert Once you're done analyzing an alert and it can be resolved, go to the **Manage alert** pane for the alert or similar alerts and mark the status as **Resolved** and then classify it as a **True positive** with a type of threat, an **Informational, expected activity** with a type of activity, or a **False positive**.
security Report Junk Email Messages To Microsoft https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/report-junk-email-messages-to-microsoft.md
ms.prod: m365-security
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md) In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, users and admins have several different methods for reporting email messages, URLs, and email attachments to Microsoft. -
In addition, Microsoft 365 organizations with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint admins also have several methods for reporting files.
+Watch this video that shows more information about the unified submissions experience.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RE50HhM]
+ |Method|Description| ||| |[Use the Submissions portal to submit suspected spam, phish, URLs, and email attachments to Microsoft](admin-submission.md)|The recommended reporting method for admins in organizations with Exchange Online mailboxes (not available in standalone EOP).|
security Use Dmarc To Validate Email https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/use-dmarc-to-validate-email.md
You don't have to do a thing to set up DMARC for mail that you receive in Micros
## Set up DMARC for outbound mail from Microsoft 365
-If you use Microsoft 365 but you aren't using a custom domain (you use onmicrosoft.com), you don't need to do anything else. SPF is already set up for you, and Microsoft 365 automatically generates a DKIM signature for your outgoing mail. There is nothing more to do to configure DMARC for your organization. For more information about this signature, see [Default behavior for DKIM and Microsoft 365](use-dkim-to-validate-outbound-email.md#DefaultDKIMbehavior).
+If you use Microsoft 365 but you aren't using a custom domain (you use onmicrosoft.com), SPF is already set up for you and Microsoft 365 automatically generates a DKIM signature for your outgoing mail (for more information about this signature, see [Default behavior for DKIM and Microsoft 365](use-dkim-to-validate-outbound-email.md#DefaultDKIMbehavior)). To set up DMARC for your organization, you need to [Form the DMARC TXT record](#step-4-form-the-dmarc-txt-record-for-your-domain) for the onmicrosoft.com domain and publish it to DNS via [Office 365 Admin Center](https://admin.microsoft.com) > Settings > Domains > click on onmicrosoft.com domain > Add record.
If you have a custom domain or are using on-premises Exchange servers along with Microsoft 365, you need to manually set up DMARC for your outbound mail. Setting up DMARC for your custom domain includes these steps:
Want more information about DMARC? These resources can help.
[**Use DKIM to validate outbound email sent from your custom domain in Microsoft 365**](use-dkim-to-validate-outbound-email.md)
-[Use trusted ARC Senders for legitimate mailflows](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/use-arc-exceptions-to-mark-trusted-arc-senders?view=o365-21vianet&branch=tracyp_emailauth)
+[Use trusted ARC Senders for legitimate mailflows](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/use-arc-exceptions-to-mark-trusted-arc-senders?view=o365-21vianet)