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security Quarantine Email Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/quarantine-email-messages.md
Both users and admins can work with quarantined messages:
|||::|| |Messages quarantined by anti-spam policies: spam, high confidence spam, phishing, high confidence phishing, or bulk.|15 days: <ul><li>In the default anti-spam policy.</li><li>In anti-spam policies that you create in PowerShell.</li></ul> <p> 30 days in anti-spam policies that you create in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.|Yes|You can configure (lower) this value in anti-spam policies. For more information, see the **Retain spam in quarantine for this many days** (_QuarantineRetentionPeriod_) setting in [Configure anti-spam policies](configure-your-spam-filter-policies.md).| |Messages quarantined by anti-phishing policies: spoof intelligence in EOP; user impersonation, domain impersonation, or mailbox intelligence in Defender for Office 365.|30 days|Yes|This retention period is also controlled by the **Retain spam in quarantine for this many days** (_QuarantineRetentionPeriod_) setting in **anti-spam** policies. The retention period that's used is the value from the first matching **anti-spam** policy that the recipient is defined in.|
- |Messages quarantined by anti-malware policies (malware messages).|15 days|No||
- |Messages quarantined by Safe Attachments policies in Defender for Office 365 (malware messages).|15 days|No||
+ |Messages quarantined by anti-malware policies (malware messages).|30 days|No||
+ |Messages quarantined by Safe Attachments policies in Defender for Office 365 (malware messages).|30 days|No||
|Messages quarantined by mail flow rules: the action is **Deliver the message to the hosted quarantine** (_Quarantine_).|30 days|No||
- |Files quarantined by Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams (malware files).|15 days|No||
+ |Files quarantined by Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams (malware files).|30 days|No||
When a message expires from quarantine, you can't recover it.