Updates from: 07/16/2022 01:17:25
Category Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
commerce Manage Pay As You Go Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/manage-pay-as-you-go-services.md
+ Title: "Enable pay-as-you-go for your subscription in the Microsoft 365 admin center"
+- MACBillingPurchasePDPPayG
+- MACBillingPurchaseIDPPayG
+audience: Admin
+localization_priority: Normal
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_O365
+- commerce_subscriptions
+- AdminSurgePortfolio
+- okr_smb
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: "Learn how to buy a subscription with a calling plan and enable overage for Microsoft Teams calls."
Last updated : 07/15/2022++
+# Enable pay-as-you-go for your subscription
+By default, when you buy a subscription that has a calling plan, youΓÇÖre limited to the number of minutes included in the plan. After those minutes are used up, your users canΓÇÖt make Teams calls until the next billing period. If you choose to turn on the pay-as-you-go option, your users can continue to make calls over the number of minutes included in the plan, referred to as *overage*. Your next invoice shows overage charges for extra calls at the pay-as-you-go rate.
+## Before you begin
+You must be a billing account owner or billing account contributor to buy a subscription with a calling plan and enable the pay-as-you-go option. For more information, see [Understand billing accounts](../manage-billing-accounts.md).
+## Buy a pay-as-you-go product in the Microsoft 365 admin center and enable overage
+If you already have a subscription, you can buy a new plan that has a calling plan, and then enable the overage option for it.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to the **Billing** > <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=868433" target="_blank">Purchase services</a> page.
+2. Search for the pay-as-you-go product you want to buy, such as Office 365 E5, then select **Details**. Pay-as-you-go products have the **PAY-AS-YOU-GO AVAILABLE** tag.
+3. On the product details page, review the available plans for the product and select one that has the **PAY-AS-YOU-GO** tag.
+4. Enter the number of licenses you want to buy, select the **Subscription length** and **Billing frequency**, then select **Buy**.
+5. Review the details of your order, then select **Place order**.
+6. In the confirmation pane, select **Enable overage on your calling plan**. This link takes you to the inventory detail page for your subscription.
+7. In the **Pay-as-you-go services** section, select the product name. This opens the **Change pay-as-you-go option** pane.
+8. In the **Change pay-as-you-go option** pane, select **On**, then select **Save**.
+## Manage pay-as-you-go for an existing subscription
+If you already have a subscription that includes a pay-as-you-go service, you can turn it on or off as needed.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to the **Billing** > <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=842054" target="_blank">Your products</a> page.
+2. On the **Products** tab, select the subscription for which you want to manage pay-as-you-go services.
+3. Under **Pay-as-you-go services**, select the product name or status.
+4. In the **Change pay-as-you-go option** pane, select either **On** or **Off**, then select **Save**.
+## View current overage charges
+You can use the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2201187" target="_blank">Cost Management</a> page in the admin center to track overage charges for your organization. To learn more about cost management, see [Use Cost management in the Microsoft 365 admin center](../use-cost-mgmt.md).
+## Track Teams call history for your organization
+You can use the **Usage reports** page in the Microsoft Teams admin center to track Teams call history for your organization. To view the page, go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2066851" target="_blank">Microsoft Teams admin center</a>, select **Analytics & reports**, then select <a href="https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/analytics/reports" target="_blank">Usage reports</a>.
+## Related content
+[Use Cost management in the Microsoft 365 admin center](../use-cost-mgmt.md) (article)
compliance Archive Facebook Data With Sample Connector https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-facebook-data-with-sample-connector.md
Previously updated : Last updated : 07/15/2022 audience: Admin
Use a connector in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to import and archive
After the Facebook data is imported, you can apply Microsoft Purview features such as Litigation Hold, Content Search, In-Place Archiving, Auditing, Communication compliance, and Microsoft 365 retention policies to the Facebook data. For example, when a mailbox is placed on Litigation Hold or assigned to a retention policy, the Facebook data is preserved. You can search third-party data using Content Search or associate the mailbox where the Facebook data is stored with a custodian in a Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) case. Using a connector to import and archive Facebook data in Microsoft 365 can help your organization stay compliant with government and regulatory policies.
+If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at dcfeedback@microsoft.com.
+ ## Prerequisites for setting up a connector for Facebook Business pages Complete the following prerequisites before you can set up and configure a connector in the compliance portal to import and archive data from your organization's Facebook Business pages.
compliance Archive Slack Data Microsoft https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-slack-data-microsoft.md
Previously updated : Last updated : 07/15/2022 audience: Admin
description: "Learn how to set up and use a Slack eDiscovery data connector prov
The Slack eDiscovery data connector provided by Microsoft helps you to import and archive instant messaging data (such as messages, attachments, links, and revisions) from your organization's Slack workspaces to Microsoft 365. The data connector pulls data from the Slack API, converts it to an email message format, and then imports those items to user mailboxes in Microsoft 365. After the Slack data is imported, you can apply compliance solutions, such as Litigation hold, Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium), Communication compliance, and retention settings to the Slack content. Using a Slack eDiscovery data connector to import and archive data in Microsoft 365 can help your organization stay compliant with government and regulatory policies.
+If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at dcfeedback@microsoft.com.
+ ## Overview of archiving Slack eDiscovery data The following overview explains the process of using a Microsoft data connector to archive the Slack data in Microsoft 365.
compliance Archive Twitter Data With Sample Connector https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-twitter-data-with-sample-connector.md
After the Twitter data is imported, you can apply Microsoft Purview features suc
After Twitter data is imported, you can apply Microsoft Purview features such as Litigation Hold, Content Search, In-Place Archiving, Auditing, Communication compliance, and Microsoft 365 retention policies to the data stored in the mailbox. For example, you can search Twitter data using Content Search or associate the mailbox where the data is stored with a custodian in an eDiscovery (Premium) case. Using a connector to import and archive Twitter data in Microsoft 365 can help your organization stay compliant with government and regulatory policies.
+If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at dcfeedback@microsoft.com.
+ ## Before you set up a connector Complete the following prerequisites before you can set up and configure a connector in the compliance portal to import and archive data from your organization's Twitter account.
compliance Import Epic Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-epic-data.md
Previously updated : Last updated : 07/15/2022 audience: Admin
Setting up an Epic connector consists of the following tasks:
- Optionally, scheduling the script to run automatically to import audit records.
+If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at dcfeedback@microsoft.com.
+ ## Before you set up the connector - The user who creates the Epic connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see the "Roles in the security and compliance centers" section in [Permissions in the Security & Compliance Center](../security/office-365-security/permissions-in-the-security-and-compliance-center.md#roles-in-the-security--compliance-center). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
compliance Import Healthcare Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-healthcare-data.md
Previously updated : Last updated : 07/15/2022 audience: Admin
Setting up a Healthcare connector consists of the following tasks:
- Optionally, scheduling the script to run automatically to import the auditing data.
+If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at dcfeedback@microsoft.com.
+ ## Before you set up the connector - The user who creates the Healthcare connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see the "Roles in the security and compliance centers" section in [Permissions in the Security & Compliance Center](../security/office-365-security/permissions-in-the-security-and-compliance-center.md#roles-in-the-security--compliance-center). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
compliance Import Physical Badging Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-physical-badging-data.md
Setting up a physical badging connector consists of the following tasks:
- Optionally, scheduling the script to run automatically to import currently physical badging data.
+If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at dcfeedback@microsoft.com.
+ ## Before you set up the connector - The user who creates the physical badging connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see the "Roles in the security and compliance centers" section in [Permissions in the Security & Compliance Center](../security/office-365-security/permissions-in-the-security-and-compliance-center.md#roles-in-the-security--compliance-center). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
compliance Information Barriers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/information-barriers.md
# Learn about information barriers
-Microsoft Purview Information Barriers (IB) is a compliance solution that allows you to restrict two-way communication and collaboration between groups and users in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business. Often used in highly regulated industries, IB can help to avoid conflicts of interest and safeguard internal information between users and organizational areas.
+Microsoft Purview Information Barriers (IB) is a compliance solution that allows you to restrict two-way communication and collaboration between groups and users in Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive. Often used in highly regulated industries, IB can help to avoid conflicts of interest and safeguard internal information between users and organizational areas.
When IB policies are in place, users who shouldn't communicate or share files with other specific users won't be able to find, select, chat, or call those users. IB policies automatically put checks in place to detect and prevent unauthorized communication and collaboration among defined groups and users. IB policies are independent from [compliance boundaries](/microsoft-365/compliance/set-up-compliance-boundaries) for eDiscovery investigations that control user content locations that eDiscovery managers can search.
For more information, see [information barriers in Microsoft Teams](/MicrosoftTe
## Information barriers and SharePoint and OneDrive
-In SharePoint Online and OneDrive, IB policies detect and prevent the following kinds of unauthorized collaboration:
+In SharePoint and OneDrive, IB policies detect and prevent the following kinds of unauthorized collaboration:
- Adding a member to a site - Accessing site or content by a user
contentunderstanding Syntex Licensing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/syntex-licensing.md
If you plan to use a custom Power Platform environment, you must [allocate credi
Go to the [Power Platform admin center](https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/resources/capacity) to check your credits and usage. ## Additional term store features
-A subscription to SharePoint Syntex features the following additional term store features:
+Having one or more SharePoint Syntex licenses in your organization enables the following additional term store features for SharePoint admins:
- SKOS-based term set import - Pushing enterprise content types to a hub site, which also adds them to the associated sites and any newly created lists or libraries
frontline Bookings Virtual Visits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/bookings-virtual-visits.md
+ Title: Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app
+audience: ITPro
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Retail
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-retail
+ - m365solution-healthcare
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - m365-frontline
+description: Learn how to schedule, manage, and conduct virtual appointments using the Bookings app in Teams.
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app
+## Overview
+The [Bookings app](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5) in Microsoft Teams gives organizations a simple way to schedule and manage virtual appointments for staff and attendees. Use it to schedule appointments such as healthcare visits, financial consultations, interviews, customer support, virtual fittings and consultations, education office hours, and more.
+The Bookings app makes it easy to manage complex scheduling demands of any organization. Schedulers can manage multiple department and staff calendars, as well as communications with internal and external attendees, from a single experience.
+The virtual appointments are held through Microsoft Teams meetings, which offer robust video conferencing capabilities. For example, a doctor can share their screen and review test results with a patient. Or, a banking advisor can request electronic signatures on documents, allowing them to close transactions remotely.
+Each virtual appointment includes a Teams meeting link thatΓÇÖs sent to attendees in email where they can easily join from a web browser or in Teams on any device. Automated email reminders help reduce no-shows and enhance customer and client engagement.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4TQop]
+With Bookings, you get an experience that's tailored to your industry. Here's a few examples of how you can use it in your organization:
+|Industry | Examples |
+|Financial services | Virtual appointments for remote sales and service<br/>Schedule and manage appointments for bank relationship managers, financial advisors, and claims adjusters, just to name a few, to serve your customers with increased efficiency and convenience. |
+|Retail | Virtual fittings and consultations <br/>Schedule and manage appointments for your sales associates, product experts, and design consultants to conduct virtual fittings and consultations with customers. |
+|Healthcare | Virtual appointments for patient care <br/>Schedule and manage appointments for your care team members to meet with patients or other healthcare providers to discuss medical care. |
+This article gives you an overview of how to schedule, manage, and conduct virtual appointments using the Bookings app in Teams.
+## Before you get started
+If youΓÇÖre an admin, see [Manage the Bookings app in Teams](/microsoftteams/bookings-app-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) to learn about the prerequisites for using the Bookings app in Teams, how to control access to Bookings in your organization, and recommended policy and admin settings.
+Remember that only schedulers in your organization need to have the Bookings app installed in Teams. Staff who conduct or participate in virtual appointments don't need the app. They join appointments from their Teams or Outlook calendar or by using the meeting link in their booking confirmation email.
+## Set up a new booking calendar
+### Create the booking calendar
+In Teams, go to **Bookings** > **Get started**, and then select **New booking calendar**. Complete the form and be sure to choose the relevant business type for your organization.
+If youΓÇÖre a larger organization, consider creating more than one booking calendar if you want attendees to receive a booking email from a specific department rather than your overall organization.
+To learn more, see [Create a Bookings calendar](https://support.microsoft.com//office/create-a-bookings-calendar-921cfd26-a24d-4aca-9004-561594112148).
+> [!NOTE]
+> If this isn't your first time in the Bookings app or if you want to work in an existing booking calendar, in Bookings, select the dropdown arrow next to your organization name, and then choose **Existing booking calendar**. From here, you can search for the one you want.
+### Add staff
+In the booking calendar, go to **More options** (...) > **Settings**, and then select **Staff**. Add staff members and assign a role to each person you add. You can add up to 100 staff members to a booking calendar.
+The Bookings app integrates with Outlook. After you add staff, youΓÇÖll be able to view their calendar availability and schedule bookings for them. To learn more, see [Add staff and view a Bookings calendar](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-staff-and-view-a-bookings-calendar-6c579f61-8adb-4514-9458-021de2023fa0).
+### Create appointment types
+Create specific appointment types to represent the services offered by your organization and to tailor the booking experience. Schedulers can then use the appointment type to schedule an appointment.
+In the booking calendar, go to **More options** (...) > **Settings**, select **Appointment types**, and then select **Add appointment type**. Enter a name&mdash;for example, Account opening, Prescription renewal, Loan consultation, Tax preparation&mdash;and any other information and settings you want.
+The information that you add is included in the email confirmation that's sent to attendees every time this type of appointment is booked. You can set email reminders and other options such as whether attendees can [join from a a desktop or mobile browser](browser-join.md) without having to download Teams.
+If you're a Bookings admin, you can link up to four forms for attendees to fill out each time this appointment type is booked. For example, you may require attendees to complete a registration form before they join an appointment. To link a form, choose **Link a form**. Enter the URL of the form, and then choose **Link**. (If this is the first time that you're linking a form, you'll be prompted to create a Microsoft 365 group to store forms. Choose **Create group** to create the group. You only have to do this one time for the booking calendar.)
+When working with forms, keep in mind that:
+- To make changes to a form that's already linked to an appointment type, select the form in the appointment type or from within the Microsoft 365 group at [https://forms.office.com](https://forms.office.com).
+- Uploading files to forms that contain a [file upload question](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-questions-that-allow-for-file-uploads-6a75a658-c02b-450e-b119-d068f3cba4cf) is supported when all attendees are from the same organization.
+When a scheduler uses the appointment type to schedule an appointment, they can then choose to include the form, remove it, or add any other forms that you linked to the appointment type. Attendees must fill out the form before they join the appointment.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you're a healthcare provider, any information provided by you or patients in Teams (including the Forms app, Bookings app, meeting recordings if enabled by you, or any other Teams virtual appointments services) that's necessary for medical records continuity or retention purposes should be downloaded, copied, and/or notated directly in such records by you. This service does not maintain legal medical records or a designated record set.
+To learn more, see [Create an appointment type](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-an-appointment-type-810eac77-6a65-4dc8-964d-c00eadf43887).
+## Schedule an appointment
+In the booking calendar, select **New booking**. Select an appointment type, and then fill out the relevant information.
+This includes attendee contact information, the staff member who will be providing the service, internal notes that only staff can see, email reminders, and whether the attendee can join from a mobile browser. If a form is linked to the appointment type, you can choose to include it, remove it, or add any other linked forms.
+The email confirmation sent to the attendee includes the meeting link and an attachment so that they can add the virtual appointment to their calendar. Staff also receive an email confirmation and meeting invite. If a form was included in the appointment, Bookings admins and schedulers can see whether the form was completed by the attendee before the appointment and can view the attendee's response.
+To learn more, see [Schedule a booking in the Teams Bookings app](https://support.microsoft.com/office/schedule-a-booking-in-the-teams-bookings-app-e275049d-0d0f-4161-8526-461a9f29439f).
+## Conduct an appointment
+In your Teams or Outlook calendar, go to the booking, and then select **Join** or the Teams meeting link. Check your audio and video settings, and then select **Join now**. To learn more, see [Conduct a Bookings appointment](https://support.microsoft.com/office/conduct-a-bookings-appointment-a86a4007-e26c-4909-9893-f7036e2747cd).
+## Monitor appointments and get real-time status updates
+The [queue view](https://support.microsoft.com/office/queue-view-in-bookings-3eea2840-a1e0-4bcd-8e09-d3cf51c184d6) in Bookings provides your staff with a dashboard to monitor all virtual appointments for the day, with updates in real time. To see the queue, go to the **Queue** tab in Bookings.
+From the queue, schedulers can add a new booking, view relevant appointment details, and see appointment statuses throughout the day. When a patient joins the waiting room, the status changes, and their wait time is displayed and tracked. The view automatically refreshes with color-coded updates so that changes can easily be identified.
+Staff can even join and manage appointments directly from the queue.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Currently, the Bookings app supports adding up to 100 staff per booking calendar. If you used Graph APIs to set up and add staff to a booking calendar, this limit may not be enforced. In this scenario, the **Queue** tab won't be able to render content for calendars that have more than 100 staff. For an optimal experience, we recommend that you add no more than 100 staff to a booking calendar. We're working to resolve this limitation in future releases.
+## Additional capabilities with the Bookings web app
+The Bookings web app gives you additional capabilities. For example, you can publish a self-serve online booking page where people can schedule appointments with your staff. To access the Bookings web app, go to **More options** (...) > **Open Bookings web app**.
+To learn more, see [Microsoft Bookings](/microsoft-365/bookings/bookings-overview).
+## Get insight into virtual appointments usage
+The [Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md) in the Microsoft Teams admin center gives admins an overview of Teams virtual appointment activity in your organization. The report shows detailed analytics for virtual appointments including Bookings appointments.
+You can view key metrics such as lobby wait time and appointment duration. Use this information to gain insight into usage trends to help you optimize virtual appointments to deliver better business outcomes.
+## Related articles
+- [Manage the join experience for Teams virtual appointments on browsers](browser-join.md)
+- [Teams Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md)
+- [Get started with Teams for healthcare organizations](teams-in-hc.md)
+- [Bookings app in Teams help documentation](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5)
frontline Browser Join https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/browser-join.md
+ Title: Manage the join experience for Teams virtual appointments on browsers
+audience: ITPro
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Retail
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-retail
+ - m365solution-healthcare
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - m365-frontline
+description: Learn about the join experience for Teams virtual appointments on browsers.
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Manage the join experience for Teams virtual appointments on browsers
+Microsoft Teams makes it easy for people to join virtual appointments without having to download Teams. For a more seamless experience, attendees can join appointments such as healthcare visits and financial consultations from a desktop or mobile browser. Attendees don't need to install the Teams app on their device.
+With browser join, when an attendee joins an appointment, they aren't prompted to download Teams. Instead, Teams opens in a browser, where the attendee can select **Join now** to join. With this feature, keep in mind that if Teams is already installed on the device, Teams will open in a browser and not in the app.
+Currently, browser join is available for appointments that are scheduled through the following:
+- [The Bookings app](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5)
+- Microsoft Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector
+ - Integration with [Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md)
+ - Integration with [Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md)
+## Set up browser join
+### Appointments scheduled through the Bookings app
+Schedulers in your organization can turn on this feature for specific appointment types and for individual appointments in the Bookings app.
+After this feature is turned on, the confirmation email or SMS text thatΓÇÖs sent to attendees will contain a meeting join link that opens Teams in a desktop or mobile browser. For a list of supported browsers, see [Supported browsers](#supported-browsers).
+#### Turn on browser join for an appointment type
+In Bookings, go to **Settings** > **Appointment types**, select an [appointment type](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-an-appointment-type-810eac77-6a65-4dc8-964d-c00eadf43887), and then turn on **Allow attendees to join from a browser**. Doing this enables browser join for all appointments of this type.
+#### Turn on browser join for an individual appointment
+In Bookings, select **New booking**, and then turn on **Allow attendees to join from a browser**.
+### Appointments scheduled through the Teams EHR connector
+No setup is needed by you or your staff!
+**Integration with Cerner EHR**: The Teams EHR connector supports patients joining virtual appointments through a link in the SMS text message. At the time of the appointment, patients can join by tapping the link in the SMS text message, and Teams opens in a browser.
+**Integration with Epic EHR**: The Teams EHR connector supports patients joining virtual appointments through MyChart web and mobile. At the time of the appointment, patients can start the appointment from MyChart by using the **Begin virtual visit** button, and Teams opens in a browser.
+## Supported browsers
+Here are the browsers that are currently supported. We support the latest version plus two previous versions, unless otherwise indicated.
+|Platform |Chrome |Safari |Edge (Chromium)|
+|Android | &#x2714; &sup1; | | |
+|iOS | | &#x2714; &sup1; &sup2; | |
+|macOS | &#x2714; | &#x2714;| |
+|Windows | &#x2714; | | &#x2714; |
+|Ubuntu/Linux | &#x2714; | | |
+&sup1; Outgoing screen sharing isn't supported on iOS or Android.
+&sup2; iOS apps on Safari can't select microphone and speaker devices. For example, Bluetooth devices. This is a limitation of the operating system, which controls the default device selection.
+## Things to consider
+The staff member who conducts the appointment can share their screen from their Teams desktop, mobile, or web client with an attendee who joins from a desktop or mobile browser. However, attendees can't share their screen from a desktop or mobile browser.
+## Related articles
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md)
+- [Create an Bookings appointment type](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-an-appointment-type-810eac77-6a65-4dc8-964d-c00eadf43887)
+- [Join a Bookings appointment as an attendee](https://support.microsoft.com/office/join-a-bookings-appointment-as-an-attendee-95cea12d-2220-421f-a663-6efb20913c7f)
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md)
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md)
frontline Deploy Teams At Scale https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/deploy-teams-at-scale.md
+ Title: Deploy teams at scale for frontline workers in Microsoft Teams
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to deploy teams at scale for the frontline workers in your organization.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Deploy teams at scale for frontline workers in Microsoft Teams
+> [!NOTE]
+> This feature is currently in public preview. If you'd like to participate, reach out to us at [dscale@microsoft.com](mailto:dscale@microsoft.com).
+## Overview
+Your organization may have a lot of teams that you use to drive communication and collaboration among your frontline workforce, who are spread across different stores, locations, and roles. Currently, there isn't an easy solution to deploy, set up, and manage these teams and users at scale.
+We're building a solution to enable admins to deploy and manage teams at scale.
+Here's an overview of the capabilities available today for creating and managing large numbers of teams at a time and what we're planning for the near future.
+||Available today |Later in 2022 |
+|**Number of teams you can create per batch**|Up to 100 |Up to 500|
+|**Number of users you can add per team**|Up to 25|Up to 25|
+Deploying teams at scale allows you to:
+- Create teams using pre-built templates or your own custom templates.
+- Add users to teams as owners or members.
+- Manage teams at scale by adding or removing users from existing teams.
+- Stay notified through email, including completion, status, and errors (if any). You can choose to notify up to five people about the status of each batch of teams you deploy. Team owners and members are automatically notified when they're added to a team.
+## How to deploy teams at scale
+> [!NOTE]
+> Before you deploy your teams, make sure that all teams owners have a Teams license.
+Follow these steps to deploy a large number of teams at a time.
+### Step 1: Prepare your CSV files
+You'll need to create two CSV files for each batch of teams that you deploy:
+- **A CSV file that defines the teams you're creating**. This file must contain these required columns, in the following order, starting with the first column:
+ |Column name |Description |
+ |||
+ |**Team Name**|The name of the team.|
+ |**Existing Team ID**|If you're adding or removing users from an existing team, specify the team ID of the team.|
+ |**Visibility**|Whether the team is public (anyone in your organization can join) or private (users need approval from the team owners to join). Options are **Public** and **Private**.|
+ |**Team Template ID**|If you're creating a team from a pre-built or custom template, specify the team template ID. See [Get started with team templates in the Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-teams-templates-in-the-admin-console) for a list pre-built team templates and IDs. If you want to use the standard default team template, leave this blank.|
+- **A CSV file that maps the users you're adding to each team**. This file must contain these required columns, in the following order, starting with the first column:
+ |Column name |Description |
+ |||
+ |**User Full Name**|The display name of the user.|
+ |**User UPN or ID**|The user principal name (UPN) or ID of the user. For example, averyh@contoso.com.|
+ |**Team Name**|The name of the team.|
+ |**ActionType**|Whether you're adding or removing the user from the team. Options are **AddMember** and **RemoveMember**.|
+ |**Owner or Member**|Whether the user is a team owner or team member. Options are **Owner** and **Member**.|
+#### Examples
+Use the following examples to help you create your CSV files. Here, we've named the files, Teams.csv and Users.csv.
+|Team Name|Existing Team ID|Visibility|Team Template ID|
+|Contoso Store 1||Public|com.microsoft.teams.template.retailStore|
+|Contoso Store 2||Public|com.microsoft.teams.template.retailStore|
+|Contoso Store 3||Public|com.microsoft.teams.template.retailStore|
+|Contoso Store 4||Public|com.microsoft.teams.template.retailStore|
+|Contoso Store 5||Public|com.microsoft.teams.template.ManageAProject|
+|Contoso Store 6||Public|com.microsoft.teams.template.ManageAProject|
+|Contoso Store 7||Public||
+|Contoso Store 8||Private|com.microsoft.teams.template.OnboardEmployees|
+|Contoso Store 9||Private|com.microsoft.teams.template.OnboardEmployees|
+|Contoso Store 10||Private|com.microsoft.teams.template.OnboardEmployees|
+|User Full Name |User UPN or ID|Team Name|ActionType|Owner or Member|
+|Avery Howard|averyh@contoso.com|Contoso Store 1|AddMember|Owner|
+|Casey Jensen|caseyj@contoso.com|Contoso Store 2|AddMember|Owner|
+|Jessie Irwin|jessiei@contoso.com|Contoso Store 3|AddMember|Owner|
+|Manjeet Bhatia|manjeetb@contoso.com|Contoso Store 4|AddMember|Owner|
+|Mikaela Lee|mikaelal@contoso.com|Contoso Store 5|AddMember|Owner|
+|Morgan Conners|morganc@contoso.com|Contoso Store 6|AddMember|Member|
+|Oscar Ward|oscarw@contoso.com|Contoso Store 7|AddMember|Member|
+|Rene Pelletier|renep@contoso.com|Contoso Store 8|AddMember|Member|
+|Sydney Mattos|sydneym@contoso.com|Contoso Store 9|AddMember|Member|
+|Violet Martinez|violetm@contoso.com|Contoso Store 10|AddMember|Member|
+### Step 2: Deploy your teams
+Now that you've created your CSV files, you're ready to set up your environment and deploy your teams.
+You use the ```New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment``` cmdlet to submit a batch of teams to create. An orchestration ID is generated for each batch. You can then use the ```Get-CsBatchTeamsDeployment``` cmdlet to track the progress and status of each batch.
+1. Install PowerShell version 7 or later. For step-by-step guidance, see [Installing PowerShell on Windows](/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-windows).
+1. Run PowerShell in administrator mode.
+1. Run the following to uninstall any previously installed Teams PowerShell module.
+ ```powershell
+ Uninstall-module -Name MicrosoftTeams -Force -Allversions
+ ```
+ If you get an error message, you're already set. Go to the next step.
+1. Download and install the [latest version of the Teams PowerShell module](https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/MicrosoftTeams).
+1. Run the following to connect to Teams.
+ ```powershell
+ Connect-MicrosoftTeams
+ ```
+ When you're prompted, sign in using your admin credentials.
+1. Run the following to get a list the commands in the Teams PowerShell module.
+ ```powershell
+ Get-Command -Module MicrosoftTeams
+ ```
+ Verify that ```New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment``` and ```Get-CsBatchTeamsDeployment``` are listed.
+1. Run the following to deploy a batch of teams. In this command, you specify the path to your CSV files and the email addresses of up to five recipients to notify about this deployment.
+ ```powershell
+ New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment -TeamsFilePath "Your CSV file path" -UsersFilePath "Your CSV file path" -UsersToNotify "Email addresses"
+ ```
+ For example:
+ ```powershell
+ New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment -TeamsFilePath "C:\dscale\Teams.csv" -UsersFilePath "C:\dscale\Users.csv" -UsersToNotify "adminteams@contoso.com,adelev@contoso.com"
+ ```
+ The recipients will receive email notifications about deployment status. The email contains the orchestration ID for the batch you submitted and any errors that may have occurred.
+1. Run the following to check the status of the batch you submitted.
+ ```powershell
+ Get-CsBatchTeamsDeploymentStatus -OrchestrationId "OrchestrationId"
+ ```
+## Send us feedback
+We value your feedback. Usability, reliability, performance&mdash;we welcome it all!
+Email [dscale@microsoft.com](mailto:dscale@microsoft.com) and include your orchestration ID and error file, if you have it.
+## Related articles
+- [Teams PowerShell Overview](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview)
frontline Ehr Admin Cerner https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/ehr-admin-cerner.md
+ Title: Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Cerner EHR
+audience: ITPro
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_Healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - m365solution-healthcare
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn how to integrate the Teams EHR connector to enable healthcare providers in your organization to conduct virtual appointments with patients or other providers in Teams directly from the Cerner EHR system.
+# Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Cerner EHR
+The Microsoft Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector makes it easy for clinicians to launch a virtual patient appointment or consult with another provider in Microsoft Teams directly from the Cerner EHR system. Built on the Microsoft 365 cloud, Teams enables simple, secure collaboration and communication with chat, video, voice, and healthcare tools in a single hub that supports compliance with HIPAA, HITECH certification, and more.
+The communication and collaboration platform of Teams makes it easy for clinicians to cut through the clutter of fragmented systems so they can focus on providing the best possible care. With the Teams EHR connector, you can:
+- Conduct Teams virtual appointments from your Cerner EHR system with an integrated clinical workflow.
+- Enable patients to join Teams virtual appointments from email or SMS notifications.
+- View consumption data reports and customizable Call Quality information for EHR-connected appointments.
+This article describes how to set up and configure the Teams EHR connector to integrate with the Cerner platform. It also gives you an overview of the Teams virtual appointments experience from the Cerner EHR system.
+## Before you begin
+> [!NOTE]
+> Make sure you talk to your Cerner representative and review your Cerner integration guide before you enable the integration.
+### Prerequisites
+Before you integrate the Teams EHR connector in your healthcare organization, you must have the following:
+- An active subscriptionΓüá to Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare or a subscription to Microsoft Teams EHR connector standalone offer.
+- Users have an appropriate Microsoft 365 or Office 365 license that includes Teams meetings.
+- Teams is adopted and used in your healthcare organization.
+- Your systems meet all [software and browser requirements](/microsoftteams/hardware-requirements-for-the-teams-app) for Teams.
+- Cerner version November 2018 or later
+## Set up the Teams EHR connector
+The connector setup requires that you:
+- [Launch the EHR connector configuration portal](#launch-the-ehr-connector-configuration-portal)
+- [Enter configuration information](#enter-configuration-information)
+- [Enable SMS notifications (optional)](#enable-sms-notifications-optional)
+- [Review and finish the configuration](ehr-admin-cerner.md#review-and-finish-the-configuration)
+> These steps must be completed by the Microsoft 365 global admin in your organization.
+### Launch the EHR connector configuration portal
+To get started, your Microsoft 365 admin launches the [EHR connector configuration portal](https://ehrconnector.teams.microsoft.com) and signs in using their Microsoft credentials.
+Your Microsoft 365 admin can configure a single department or multiple departments to test the integration. Configure the test and production URL in the configuration portal. Make sure to test the integration from the Cerner test environment before moving to production.
+### Enter configuration information
+Next, to set up the integration, your Microsoft 365 admin adds a Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) base URL from Cerner and specifies the environment. Configure as many FHIR base URLs as needed, depending on your organizationΓÇÖs needs and the environments you want to test.
+- The FHIR base URL is a static address that corresponds to your server FHIR API endpoint. An example URL is `https://lamnahealthcare.com/fhir/auth/connect-ocurprd-oauth/api/FHDST`.
+- You can set up the integration for test and production environments. For initial setup, we encourage you to configure the connector from a test environment before moving to production.
+After the FHIR base URL is validated and the environment is selected, choose **Done**. Then, add more FHIR base URLs for other environments, as needed.
+Select **Next** to go to the next step.
+### Enable SMS notifications (optional)
+Complete this step if your organization wants Microsoft to manage SMS notifications for your patients. When you enable SMS notifications, your patients will receive confirmation and reminder messages for scheduled appointments.
+To enable SMS notifications, your Microsoft 365 admin does the following:
+1. On the SMS notifications page, select both consent checkboxes to:
+ - Allow Microsoft to send SMS notifications to patients on behalf of your organization.
+ - Acknowledge that you'll ensure attendees have consented to send and receive SMS messages.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-admin-cerner-sms-notifications.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the SMS notifications page, showing consent check boxes and the option to generate a phone number." lightbox="media/ehr-admin-cerner-sms-notifications.png":::
+1. Under **Your phone numbers**, select **Generate a new phone number** to generate a phone number for your organization. Doing this starts the process to request and generate a new phone number. This process might take up to 2 minutes to complete.
+ After the phone number is generated, it's displayed on the screen. This number will be used to send SMS confirmations and reminders to your patients. The number has been provisioned but isnΓÇÖt linked to the FHIR base URL yet. You do that in the next step.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-admin-cerner-phone-number.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing an example of the phone number that's generated." lightbox="media/ehr-admin-cerner-phone-number.png":::
+ Choose **Done**, and then select **Next**.
+1. To link the phone number to a FHIR base URL, under **Phone number** in the **SMS configuration** section, select the number. Do this for each FHIR base URL for which you want to enable SMS notifications.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-admin-cerner-link-phone-number.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing how to link a phone number to a FHIR base URL." lightbox="media/ehr-admin-cerner-link-phone-number.png":::
+ If this is the first time youΓÇÖre configuring the connector, youΓÇÖll see the FHIR base URL that was entered in the earlier step. The same phone number can be linked to multiple FHIR base URLs, which means that patients will receive SMS notifications from the same phone number for different organizations and/or departments.
+ Select **Next**.
+### Review and finish the configuration
+You'll be presented with integration records for patient and provider launch. These records are necessary to complete the virtual appointments configuration in Cerner. For more information, see the Cerner-Microsoft Teams Telehealth Integration guide.
+> [!NOTE]
+> At any time, your Microsoft 365 admin can sign in to the configuration portal to view integration records and change configuration settings, if needed.
+## Launch Teams virtual appointments
+After completing the EHR connector steps and Cerner configuration steps, your organization is ready to support video appointments with Teams.
+### Virtual appointments prerequisites
+- Your systems must meet all [software and browser requirements](/microsoftteams/hardware-requirements-for-the-teams-app) for Teams.
+- You completed the integration setup between the Cerner organization and your Microsoft 365 organization.
+### Provider experience
+Healthcare providers in your organization can join appointments using Teams from the PowerChart portal. The provider must navigate to the patient board where the Teams option is available.
+From there, the provider can view appointment information, join appointments, and send the meeting link. After the one-time sign-in, the provider is taken directly to the virtual appointment in Teams.
+Key features of the provider experience:
+- Providers can join appointments using supported browsers or the Teams app.
+- Providers can use all supported Teams meeting features, including screen sharing, custom background, and recording.
+- Providers can see real-time updates of patients connecting to an appointment for a given appointment in PowerChart.
+- Provider information isnΓÇÖt visible to patients during the appointment.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Any information entered in the meeting chat thatΓÇÖs necessary for medical records continuity or retention purposes should be downloaded, copied, and notated by the healthcare provider. The chat doesnΓÇÖt constitute a legal medical record or a designated record set. Messages from the chat are stored based on settings created by the Microsoft Teams admin.
+### Patient experience
+The connector supports patients joining appointments through a link in the SMS text message. At the time of the appointment, patients can start an appointment by tapping the link in the SMS text message.
+Key features of the patient experience
+- Patients can join appointments from [modern web browsers on desktop and mobile without having to install the Teams app](browser-join.md).
+- Patients can join appointments with a single click and no other account or sign-in is required.
+- Patients aren't required to create a Microsoft account or sign in to launch a visit.
+- Patients are placed in a lobby until the provider joins and admits them.
+- Patients can test their video and microphone in the lobby before joining the appointment.
+## Get insight into virtual appointments usage
+The [Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md) in the Microsoft Teams admin center gives admins an overview of Teams virtual appointments activity in your organization. The report shows detailed analytics for virtual appointments including Teams EHR-integrated meetings conducted from your EHR system.
+You can view key metrics such as lobby wait time and appointment duration. Use this information to gain insight into usage trends to help you optimize virtual appointments to deliver better business outcomes.
+## Privacy and location of data
+Teams integration into EHR systems optimizes the amount of data thatΓÇÖs used and stored during integration and virtual appointment flows. The solution follows the overall Teams privacy and data management principles and guidelines outlined in Teams Privacy.
+The Teams EHR connector doesn't store or transfer any identifiable personal data or any health records of patients or healthcare providers from the EHR system. The only data that the EHR connector stores is the EHR userΓÇÖs unique ID, which is used during Teams meeting setup.
+The EHR userΓÇÖs unique ID is stored in one of the three geographic regions described in [Where your Microsoft 365 customer data is stored](/microsoft-365/enterprise/o365-data-locations). All chats, recordings, and other data shared in Teams by meeting participants are stored according to existing storage policies. To learn more about the location of data in Teams, see [Location of data in Teams](/microsoftteams/location-of-data-in-teams).
+## Related articles
+- [Teams Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md)
+- [Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report](ehr-connector-report.md)
+- [Get started with Teams for healthcare organizations](teams-in-hc.md)
frontline Ehr Admin Epic https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/ehr-admin-epic.md
+ Title: Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Epic EHR
+audience: ITPro
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_Healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - m365solution-healthcare
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn how to integrate the Teams EHR connector to enable healthcare providers in your organization to conduct virtual appointments with patients or other providers in Teams directly from the Epic EHR system.
+# Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Epic EHR
+The Microsoft Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector makes it easy for clinicians to launch a virtual patient appointment or consultation with another provider in Microsoft Teams directly from the Epic EHR system. Built on the Microsoft 365 cloud, Teams enables simple, secure collaboration and communication with chat, video, voice, and healthcare tools in a single hub that supports compliance with HIPAA, HITECH certification, and more.
+The communication and collaboration platform of Teams makes it easy for clinicians to cut through the clutter of fragmented systems so they can focus on providing the best possible care. With the Teams EHR connector, you can:
+- Launch Teams virtual appointments from your Epic EHR system with an integrated clinical workflow.
+- Enable patients to join Teams virtual appointments from within the patient portal or through SMS.
+- Support other scenarios including multi-participant, group visits, and interpreter services.
+- Write metadata back to the EHR system about Teams virtual appointments to record when attendees connect, disconnect, and enable automatic auditing and record keeping.
+- View consumption data reports and customizable Call Quality information for EHR-connected appointments.
+This article describes how to set up and configure the Teams EHR connector to integrate with the Epic platform in your healthcare organization. It also gives you an overview of the Teams virtual appointments experience from the Epic EHR system.
+## Before you begin
+Before you get started, thereΓÇÖs a few things to do to prepare for the integration.
+### Get familiar with the integration process
+Review the following information to get an understanding of the overall integration process.
+| &nbsp; |Request app access|App enablement|Connector configuration|Epic configuration|Testing|
+| **Duration** | Approximately 12-24 hours| Approximately 24 hours | Approximately 1-3 days | Approximately 1-3 days | &nbsp; |
+| **Action**| You [request access to the Teams app](#request-access-to-the-teams-app). | We create a public and private key certificate and upload them to Epic. | You complete configuration steps in the EHR connector configuration portal. | You work with your Epic technical specialist to configure FDI records in Epic.| You complete testing in your test environment. |
+| **Outcome**| We authorize your organization for testing. | Epic syncs the public key certificate. | You receive FDI records for Epic configuration. | Configuration completed. Ready to test. | Full validation of flows and decision to move to production. |
+### Request access to the Teams app
+You'll need to request access to the Teams app.
+1. Request to download the Teams app in the [Epic App Orchard marketplace](https://apporchard.epic.com/Gallery?id=16793). Doing this triggers a request from Epic to the Microsoft EHR connector team.
+1. After you make your request, send an email to [TeamsForHealthcare@service.microsoft.com](mailto:teamsforhealthcare@service.microsoft.com) with your organization name, tenant ID, and the email address of your Epic technical contact.
+1. The Microsoft EHR connector team will respond to your email with confirmation of enablement.
+### Review the Epic-Microsoft Teams Telehealth Integration guide
+Review the [Epic-Microsoft Teams Telehealth Integration Guide](https://galaxy.epic.com/Search/GetFile?Url=1!68!100!100100357) with your Epic technical specialist. Make sure that all prerequisites are met.
+## Prerequisites
+- An active subscription to Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare or a subscription to Microsoft Teams EHR connector standalone offer (only enforced when testing in a production EHR environment).
+- Epic version November 2018 or later.
+- Users have an appropriate Microsoft 365 or Office 365 license that includes Teams meetings.
+- Teams is adopted and used in your healthcare organization.
+- Your systems meet all [software and browser requirements](/microsoftteams/hardware-requirements-for-the-teams-app) for Teams.
+> Make sure you complete the pre-integration steps and all prerequisites are met before you move forward with the integration.
+The integration steps are performed by the following people in your organization:
+- **Microsoft 365 global admin**: The main person who is responsible for the integration. The admin configures the connector, enables SMS (if needed), and adds the Epic customer analyst who will be approving the configuration.
+- **Epic customer analyst**: A person in your organization who has login credentials to Epic. They approve the configuration settings entered by the admin and provide the configuration records to Epic.
+The Microsoft 365 admin and Epic customer analyst can be the same person.
+## Set up the Teams EHR connector
+The connector setup requires that you:
+- [Launch the EHR connector configuration portal](#launch-the-ehr-connector-configuration-portal)
+- [Enter configuration information](#enter-configuration-information)
+- [Enable SMS notifications (optional)](#enable-sms-notifications-optional)
+- [Approve or view the configuration](#approve-or-view-the-configuration)
+- [Review and finish the configuration](#review-and-finish-the-configuration)
+### Launch the EHR connector configuration portal
+To get started, your Microsoft 365 admin launches the [EHR connector configuration portal](https://ehrconnector.teams.microsoft.com) and signs in using their Microsoft 365 credentials.
+Your Microsoft 365 admin can configure a single organization or multiple organizations to test the integration. Configure the test and production URL in the configuration portal. Make sure to test the integration from the Epic test environment before moving to production.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Your Microsoft 365 admin and Epic customer analyst must complete the integration steps in the configuration portal. For Epic configuration steps, contact the Epic technical specialist assigned to your organization.
+### Enter configuration information
+Next, to set up the integration, your Microsoft 365 admin does the following:
+1. Adds a Fast Health Interoperability Resources (FHIR) base URL from your Epic technical specialist and specifies the environment. Configure as many FHIR base URLs as needed, depending on your organizationΓÇÖs needs and the environments you want to test.
+ - The FHIR base URL is a static address that corresponds to your server FHIR API endpoint. An example URL is `https://lamnahealthcare.com/fhir/auth/connect-ocurprd-oauth/api/FHDST`.
+ - You can set up the integration for test and production environments. For initial setup, we encourage you to configure the connector from a test environment before moving to production.
+1. Adds the username of the Epic customer analyst who will be approving the configuration in a later step.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-connector-epic-configure.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Configuration page, showing the approver being added." lightbox="media/ehr-connector-epic-configure.png":::
+### Enable SMS notifications (optional)
+> [!NOTE]
+> SMS notifications is currently only available in the United States. We're working on making this feature available in other regions in future releases of Teams and will update this article when available.
+Complete this step if your organization wants Microsoft to manage SMS notifications for your patients. When you enable SMS notifications, your patients will receive confirmation and reminder messages for scheduled appointments.
+To enable SMS notifications, your Microsoft 365 admin does the following:
+1. On the SMS notifications page, select both consent checkboxes to:
+ - Allow Microsoft to send SMS notifications to patients on behalf of your organization.
+ - Acknowledge that you'll ensure attendees have consented to send and receive SMS messages.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-connector-epic-sms-notifications.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the SMS notifications page, showing consent check boxes and the option to generate a phone number." lightbox="media/ehr-connector-epic-sms-notifications.png":::
+1. Under **Your phone numbers**, select **Generate a new phone number** to generate a phone number for your organization. Doing this starts the process to request and generate a new phone number. This process might take up to 2 minutes to complete.
+ After the phone number is generated, it's displayed on the screen. This number will be used to send SMS confirmations and reminders to your patients. The number has been provisioned but isnΓÇÖt linked to the FHIR base URL yet. You do that in the next step.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-connector-epic-phone-number.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing an example of the phone number that's generated." lightbox="media/ehr-connector-epic-phone-number.png":::
+ Choose **Done**, and then select **Next**.
+1. To link the phone number to a FHIR base URL, under **Phone number** in the **SMS configuration** section, select the number. Do this for each FHIR base URL for which you want to enable SMS notifications.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-connector-epic-link-phone-number.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing how to link a phone number to a FHIR base URL." lightbox="media/ehr-connector-epic-link-phone-number.png":::
+ If this is the first time youΓÇÖre configuring the connector, youΓÇÖll see the FHIR base URL that was entered in the earlier step. The same phone number can be linked to multiple FHIR base URLs, which means that patients will receive SMS notifications from the same phone number for different organizations and/or departments.
+1. Select **SMS setup** next to each FHIR base URL to set up the types of SMS notifications to send to your patients.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-connector-epic-sms-setup.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing SMS setup settings." lightbox="media/ehr-connector-epic-sms-setup.png":::
+ - **Confirmation SMS**: Notifications are sent to patients when an appointment is scheduled, updated, or canceled in the EHR system.
+ - **Reminder SMS**: Notifications are sent to patients according to the time interval you specify and the scheduled time of the appointment.
+ Choose **Save**.
+1. Select **Upload certificate** to upload a public key certificate. You must upload a Base64 encoded (public key only) .cer certificate for each environment.
+ A public key certificate is required to receive appointment information for sending SMS notifications. The certificate is needed to verify that the incoming information is from a valid source.
+ When the connector is used to send SMS reminders, the patientΓÇÖs phone number is sent by Epic in a HL7v2 payload when appointments are created in Epic. These numbers are stored for each appointment in your organizationΓÇÖs geography and are retained until the appointment takes place. To learn more about how to configure HL7v2 messages, see the [Epic-Microsoft Teams Telehealth Integration Guide](https://galaxy.epic.com/Search/GetFile?Url=1!68!100!100100357).
+ Choose **Next**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> At any time, your Microsoft 365 admin can update any of the SMS settings. Keep in mind that changing settings might result in a stoppage of SMS service. For more information about how to view SMS reports, see [Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report](ehr-connector-report.md).
+### Approve or view the configuration
+The Epic customer analyst in your organization who was added as approver launches the [EHR connector configuration portal](https://ehrconnector.teams.microsoft.com) and signs in using their Microsoft 365 credentials. After successful validation, the approver is asked to sign in using their Epic credentials to validate the Epic organization.
+> [!Note]
+> If the Microsoft 365 admin and Epic customer analyst are the same person, you'll still need to sign in to Epic to validate your access. The Epic sign-in is used only to validate your FHIR base URL. Microsoft won't store credentials or access EHR data with this sign-in.
+After successful sign-in to Epic, the Epic customer analyst **must** approve the configuration. If the configuration isn't correct, your Microsoft 365 admin can sign in to the configuration portal and change the settings.
+### Review and finish the configuration
+When the configuration information is approved by the Epic administrator, you'll be presented with integration records for patient and provider launch. The integration records include:
+- Patient and provider records
+- Direct SMS record
+- SMS configuration record
+- Device test configuration record
+The context token for device test can be found in the patient integration record. The Epic customer analyst must provide these records to Epic to complete the virtual appointments configuration in Epic. For more information, see the [Epic-Microsoft Teams Telehealth Integration Guide](https://galaxy.epic.com/Search/GetFile?Url=1!68!100!100100357).
+> [!Note]
+> At any time the Microsoft 365 or Epic customer analyst can sign in to the configuration portal to view integration records and change organization configuration, as needed.
+> [!Note]
+> The Epic customer analyst must complete the approval process for each FHIR base URL that's configured by the Microsoft 365 admin.
+## Launch Teams virtual appointments
+After completing the EHR connector steps and Epic configuration, your organization is ready to support video appointments with Teams.
+### Virtual appointments prerequisites
+- Your systems must meet all [software and browser requirements](/microsoftteams/hardware-requirements-for-the-teams-app) for Teams.
+- You completed the integration setup between the Epic organization and your Microsoft 365 organization.
+### Provider experience
+Healthcare providers from your organization can join appointments using Teams from their Epic provider apps (Hyperspace, Haiku, Canto). The **Begin virtual visit** button is embedded in the provider flow.
+ ![Provider experience of a virtual appointment with patient.](media/ehc-provider-experience-6.png)
+Key features of the provider experience:
+- Providers can join appointments using supported browsers or the Teams app.
+- Providers must do a one-time sign-in with their Microsoft 365 account when joining an appointment for the first time.
+- After the one-time sign-in, the provider is taken directly to the virtual appointment in Teams. (The provider must be signed in to Teams).
+- Providers can see real-time updates of participants connecting and disconnecting for a given appointment. Providers can see when the patient is connected to an appointment.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Any information entered in the meeting chat thatΓÇÖs necessary for medical records continuity or retention purposes should be downloaded, copied, and notated by the healthcare provider. The chat doesnΓÇÖt constitute a legal medical record or a designated record set. Messages from the chat are stored based on settings created by the Microsoft Teams admin.
+### Patient experience
+The connector supports patients joining appointments through a link in the SMS text message, MyChart web, and mobile. At the time of the appointment, patients can start the appointment from MyChart using the **Begin virtual visit** button or by tapping the link in the SMS text message.
+ ![Patient experience of a virtual appointment.](media/ehc-virtual-visit-5.png)
+Key features of the patient experience:
+- Patients can join appointments from [modern web browsers on desktop and mobile without having to install the Teams app](browser-join.md).
+- Patients can test their device hardware and connection before joining an appointment.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-admin-epic-device-test.png" alt-text="Images of a mobile device, showing device test capabilities." lightbox="media/ehr-admin-epic-device-test.png":::
+ Device test capabilities:
+ - Patients can test their speaker, microphone, camera, and connection.
+ - Patients can complete a test call to fully validate their configuration.
+ - Results of the device test can be sent back to the EHR system.
+- Patients can join appointments with a single click and no other account or sign-in is required.
+- Patients aren't required to create a Microsoft account or sign in to launch an appointment.
+- Patients are placed in a lobby until the provider joins and admits them.
+- Patients can test their video and microphone in the lobby before they join the appointment.
+> [!Note]
+> Epic, MyChart, Haiku, and Canto are trademarks of Epic Systems Corporation.
+## Get insight into virtual appointments usage
+The [Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md) in the Microsoft Teams admin center gives admins an overview of Teams virtual appointments activity in your organization. The report shows detailed analytics for virtual appointments including Teams EHR-integrated meetings conducted from your EHR system.
+You can view key metrics such as lobby wait time and appointment duration. Use this information to gain insight into usage trends to help you optimize virtual appointments to deliver better business outcomes.
+### Privacy and location of data
+Teams integration into EHR systems optimizes the amount of data that's used and stored during integration and virtual appointment flows. The solution follows the overall Teams privacy and data management principles and guidelines outlined in Teams Privacy.
+The Teams EHR connector doesn't store or transfer any identifiable personal data or any health records of patients or healthcare providers from the EHR system. The only data that is stored by the EHR connector is the EHR userΓÇÖs unique ID, which is used during Teams meeting setup.
+The EHR userΓÇÖs unique ID is stored in one of the three geographic regions described in [Where your Microsoft 365 customer data is stored](/microsoft-365/enterprise/o365-data-locations). All chat, recordings, and other data shared in Teams by meeting participants are stored according to existing storage policies. To learn more about the location of data in Teams, see [Location of data in Teams](/microsoftteams/location-of-data-in-teams).
+## Related articles
+- [Teams Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md)
+- [Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report](ehr-connector-report.md)
+- [Get started with Teams for healthcare organizations](teams-in-hc.md)
frontline Ehr Connector Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/ehr-connector-report.md
+ Title: Microsoft Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report
+audience: ITPro
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_Healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - m365solution-healthcare
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn how to use the Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report in the Microsoft Teams admin center to get an overview of EHR-integrated virtual appointment usage in your organization.
+# Microsoft Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report
+The Microsoft Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector Virtual Appointments report in the Microsoft Teams admin center gives you a quick and easy way to view Teams EHR-integrated virtual appointment usage in your organization.
+To view the report, you must be a global admin, Teams admin, Global reader, or Report reader.
+## View the report
+There are two ways to access and view the report in the Teams admin center.
+- Through the [EHR connector usage card](#the-ehr-connector-usage-card) in the dashboard
+- Directly by choosing [**EHR connector Virtual Appointments**](#the-teams-ehr-connector-virtual-appointments-report) in **Analytics & reports** > **Usage reports**
+### The EHR connector usage card
+In the left navigation of the Microsoft Teams admin center, choose **Dashboard**, and then go to the **EHR connector Virtual Appointments** card.
+Here, you get an at-a-glance view of Teams EHR-integrated virtual appointment activity by month, including completed appointments, remaining allocation, and whether you've exceeded the monthly limit (depending on the license you have).
+Choose **View details** to see report details. To purchase more licenses, choose **Buy more**.
+### The Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report
+1. In the left navigation of the Teams admin center, go to **Analytics & reports** > **Usage reports**.
+1. On the **View reports** tab, choose **EHR connector Virtual Appointments** and a date range. Then, select **Run report**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/ehr-connector-report.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report in the Teams admin center." lightbox="media/ehr-connector-report.png":::
+#### Interpret the report
+|Callout |Description |
+|**1** |Each report shows the date for when the report was generated and the date range you chose.|
+|**2** |The table gives you detailed information about each appointment that took place during the selected date range. Keep in mind that you won't see entries for appointments in which either a staff member or patient didn't join. <ul><li>**Start time (UTC)** is the date and time when both a staff member and participant are in the appointment. </li> <li>**Duration** is the time difference between the start time and when the last person leaves the appointment.</li> <li>**Primary** is the name of the meeting organizer. <li>**Primary's email** is the email address of the meeting organizer.</li> <li> **Department** is the department information for the appointment. If the information isn't displayed correctly, contact your EHR support team. For integration with Epic, make sure ```&departmentId=%PERFDEPID;;; ; ;;NONE;%``` is part of the provider integration record. </li></li> <li>**Attendants** is the total number of staff members and participants in the appointment.</li> <li>**Within limit** indicates whether the appointment is within the allocation limit. </li> </ul> |
+|**3** |You can export the report to a CSV file for offline analysis. Select **Export to Excel** to download the report. |
+|**4** |Select **Filter** to filter the report details view. |
+|**5** |Select **Full screen** to view the report in full screen mode. |
+|**6** |Select **Edit columns** to add or remove columns in the table |
+> [!NOTE]
+> For more analytics on Teams EHR-integrated virtual appointments, see [Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md). With the Virtual Visits usage report, you can view key metrics such as total appointments, lobby wait time, appointment duration, and no shows. Use this information to gain insight into usage trends to help you optimize virtual appointments to deliver better business outcomes.
+## Related articles
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md)
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md)
frontline Flw Choose Scenarios https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-choose-scenarios.md
+ Title: Choose your scenarios for Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn about scenarios you can easily implement for the frontline workers in your organization.
+search.appverid: MET150
+audience: admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Choose your scenarios for Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+Microsoft 365 for frontline workers can help you connect and engage your workforce, enhance workforce management, and increase operational efficiency. There are several solution areas that can help you achieve these goals. Think of Microsoft 365's foundational security and device management capabilities as setting a secure baseline, above which you can build scenarios that enable, empower, and transform your frontline business. You can use the capabilities included with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers, from Microsoft Teams, to SharePoint, Viva Connections, Yammer, and the Power Platform, or add in solutions from our partners in the digital ecosystem to connect with existing systems or create custom solutions for your business.
+Use these scenario overviews to start envisioning what your organization can do with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers, then follow the links to find out how to implement these scenarios.
+## Communications
+Communications solutions connect your frontline workers and allow them to collaborate with each other, with others in the organization, and with your customers.
+| Scenario | Description | Services | Teams apps |
+| | | | |
+| [Team communication and collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md) | Help your frontline workforce communicate within their store, shift, or team with Microsoft Teams. Viva Connections helps you create a dashboard that puts the information they need front and center on their devices, so they can reach out whenever they need to. | Microsoft Teams<br>SharePoint<br>Viva Connections<br>Power Platform and Power Apps | Approvals, Chat, Files, Lists, Meet, Praise, Shifts, Tasks, Walkie Talkie |
+| [Corporate communications](flw-corp-comms.md) | Employee engagement is a significant contributor to workplace satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity at any organization. Learn how to keep everyone informed and engaged using SharePoint, Teams, Stream, and Yammer. Bring it all together with Viva Connections. | Microsoft Teams<br> SharePoint <br> Yammer <br>Viva Connections | Meet |
+Also see these resources to learn how Yammer can work for your frontline workers: [Yammer Ten Communities](https://aka.ms/Yam10Communities) and [Yammer Lookbook](https://aka.ms/Yammer/Lookbook)
+## Wellbeing & engagement
+Nurture a sense of belonging with your frontline employees by helping them engage with your entire organization.
+| Scenario | Description | Services | Teams apps |
+| | | | |
+| [Engage your employees and focus on employee wellbeing](flw-wellbeing-engagement.md) | Build deeper connections across your organization and create an inclusive workplace. | Microsoft Teams <br>SharePoint <br> Microsoft Stream <br>Viva Connections <br> Yammer| Praise |
+Cover: [Inline translation](/microsoftteams/inline-message-translation-teams), Praise, targeted communications (Viva Connections), video broadcasts with Stream or Teams.
+## Training & onboarding
+Promote continual growth for your employees and encourage knowledge sharing and exchange.
+| Scenario | Description | Services | Teams apps |
+| | | | |
+| [Onboard new employees](flw-onboarding-training.md) | Make new employee onboarding a great experience by fostering an all-in-one hybrid work environment where new employees can find important resources, meet people in their organization, and prepare to be successful in their new role.| SharePoint <br> Viva Learning <br> Viva Connections <br> Yammer | Lists <br>Live meetings |
+| [Ongoing training](flw-onboarding-training.md#ongoing-training) | After they're onboarded, help your workforce keep their skills up to date with ongoing training in Viva Learning. | SharePoint <br> Viva Learning <br> Viva Connections | |
+## Schedule management
+Simplify and streamline schedule coordination with your frontline workforce. Gain visibility into their schedules and enable them to arrange for cover and leave.
+| Scenario | Description | Services | Teams apps |
+| | | | |
+| [Schedule your team with Shifts](shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md) | Use Shifts and Shifts Connectors to schedule your team and connect with your workforce management tools. | Microsoft Teams | Shifts |
+## Digitized processes
+Drive operational efficiency by digitizing paper-based processes and automating routine, repetitive steps.
+| Scenario | Description | Services | Teams apps |
+| | | | |
+| [Simplify business processes](simplify-business-processes.md) | Use task publishing to create standard processes across sites, lists to manage information and track ongoing processes, and streamline requests with Approvals. Automated workflows can speed up and automate actions, like collecting data or routing notifications. | Microsoft Teams<br>Power Platform | Tasks<br>Lists<br>Approvals |
+<!--| Manage sites, stores, and projects | Keep on top of tasks and projects. Use Tasks, Lists, Approvals, and Updates to check in with your workforce and keep things running smoothly. | | |-->
+## Virtual appointments
+Use Microsoft Bookings and Microsoft Teams to schedule and host virtual appointments with clients and customers. You can integrate Forms with your virtual appointments experience to get the right information about your customers, or as part of your customer support experience to learn what your customers need.
+More information: [Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md)
+## More scenarios and solutions with the digital ecosystem
+All of the scenarios above can be achieved with out of the box capabilities from Microsoft. But you can extend even further with third-party apps in [AppSource](https://appsource.microsoft.com/marketplace/apps?search=frontline&page=1) and custom apps that you or our partners build for you with Power Platform, Teams, and Viva extensibility.
+Learn more about third-party apps in Teams at [Overview of third-party apps in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/overview-third-party-apps).
+### Power Platform integration
+Quickly build custom apps and digital tools for Microsoft Teams, with little or no development experience using the [Power Platform](/power-platform/).
+- **[Power Apps](/power-apps/teams/create-apps-overview):** Create custom apps to digitize processes and improve efficiency.
+- **[Power Automate](/power-automate/teams/teams-app-create):** Automate repetitive tasks and connect data to improve agility and productivity.
+- **[Power Virtual Agents](/power-virtual-agents/teams/fundamentals-what-is-power-virtual-agents-teams):** Build low-code chatbots to provide conversational, AI-driven insights and information.
+- **[Power BI](/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-collaborate-microsoft-teams):** Discuss and visualize data to align teams and confidently make data-driven decisions.
+Access to the Power Platform features in Teams is available with the F3 license in Microsoft 365 for frontline workers. For a detailed comparison of what's included in Microsoft 365 with various licenses, see this [Comparison table](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139145).
+### Custom apps built on the Teams platform
+With code from scratch or leveraging templated and sample code, you can build custom apps on the [Teams platform](/microsoftteams/platform/).
+- **Developer tools:** Enjoy frictionless app development with our set of Microsoft Teams toolkits.
+- **Extensibility points:** Expand the reach of your app with tabs, bots, and messaging extensions.
+- **UI Elements:** Create rich experiences with adaptive cards, task modules, and notifications.
+- **APIs:** Use the Microsoft Graph to enhance apps inside and outside of Teams.
+### Viva platform extensibility
+Developers can [extend Microsoft Viva Connections](/sharepoint/dev/spfx/viva/overview-viva-connections) for building engaging experiences with the widely adopted [SharePoint Framework (SPFx)](/sharepoint/dev/spfx/build-for-teams-overview). Viva Connections is your gateway to a modern employee experience where you can build and integrate apps that shape culture and foster connections to help employees thrive. With SPFx, you have multiple ways to extend ΓÇô using the same out-of-the-box or custom SPFx web parts, SPFx extensions (e.g. header, footer), and specific components for optimized mobile experiences.
frontline Flw Corp Comms https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-corp-comms.md
+ Title: Corporate communications with frontline workers
+description: Learn how you can use Viva Connections and Yammer to connect your frontline team to your broader organization.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Corporate communications with frontline workers
+Keep your frontline team connected with your broader organization by using Yammer and Viva Connections.
+## Connect information from across the organization with Viva Connections
+Engage and inform workers with Viva Connections. Viva Connections creates a hub in Teams where your frontline team can view a tailored news feed from your organization and a personalized dashboard with resources they need. When employees use Viva Connections, theyΓÇÖre able to get important information faster, meaning that managers donΓÇÖt have to spend valuable time relaying updates. Surface key information, personalized news, tasks, announcements, and other resources on the Viva Connections Dashboard. For example, a retailer could share new product and promotion announcements with their store associates, or a fundraising coordinator for a nonprofit could share quarterly goals with volunteers.
+Learn more about [Viva Connections](/sharepoint/viva-connections-overview) and help your employees and associates get started with [Viva Connections in Microsoft Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/your-intranet-is-now-in-microsoft-teams-8b4e7f76-f305-49a9-b6d2-09378476f95b).
+With Microsoft Teams, Viva Connections, and SharePoint, you can enable these scenarios:
+- Onboard new employees [Learn how](/sharepoint/onboard-employees).
+- Connect leadership teams with frontline workers [Learn how](/sharepoint/leadership-connection).
+- Distribute news to your organization [Learn how](/sharepoint/distribute-corporate-news-to-your-organization).
+[Learn more about how to drive communication in your organization](/sharepoint/corporate-communications-overview).
+## Connect across your organization with Yammer and Teams
+Engage with communities in Yammer. Communities in Yammer serve the needs of knowledge-sharing, employee experience, company-wide communications, and leadership engagement by providing a central place for your conversations, files, events, and updates. Associates can raise issues, provide feedback, and ask and answer questions in Yammer Communities. Hold live events and town halls to keep everyone in your organization in the loop.
+You can create yammer communities for individual locations, identity or interest groups, or work groups such as nurses and financial advisors.
+Learn how to [add a Yammer page to a Teams channel](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-a-yammer-page-to-a-teams-channel-ca06ec83-f22d-4b76-83a5-c83aa2a33528) and [join and create a community in Yammer](https://support.microsoft.com/office/join-and-create-a-community-in-yammer-56aaf591-1fbc-4160-ba26-0c4723c23fd6).
+More information about Yammer:
+- For admins: [Manage Yammer](/yammer)
+- For users: [Use Yammer](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-yammer-1b0f3b3e-89ee-4b66-aac5-30def12f287c)
frontline Flw Deploy Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-deploy-overview.md
+ Title: Learn where to start with a frontline deployment
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to start with a deployment of Microsoft 365 for frontline workers for your organization.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Learn where to start with a frontline deployment
+Thanks for choosing Microsoft 365 for frontline workers. Whether you're a small business or a large multi-national chain, Teams for frontline workers can help bring your organization together with chats, helpful apps, and more. And no matter whether you're just getting into collaboration tools for the first time, or you've already been using Teams for your non-frontline workers, we can help you get up and running.
+| Image |Path |Description |
+| ![Structure symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/medi). |
+| ![Users/people symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/medi)|Before you commit to a full rollout of Microsoft 365 for frontline workers across your organization, it's a good idea to try it out first with a small set of real people in your organization. |
+| ![Administrator symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/medi) to complete your deployment. |
+After you have set up Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, and any services you need, you can configure Teams and the apps in Teams to support your scenarios. Each of the paths above will walk you through the whole process, from initial setup to a configured team with the apps your users need to start working.
frontline Flw Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-devices.md
+ Title: Manage mobile devices for frontline workers
+audience: admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Get an overview of managing mobile devices for frontline workers in your organization.
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Manage mobile devices for frontline workers
+## Overview
+Across every industry, frontline workers make up a large segment of the workforce. Frontline worker roles include retail associates, factory workers, field and service technicians, healthcare personnel, and many more.
+Because the workforce is largely mobile and often shift-based, managing the devices that frontline workers use is a key fundamental. Some questions to consider:
+- Do workers use company-owned devices or their own personal devices?
+- Are company-owned devices shared between workers or assigned to an individual?
+- Do workers take devices home or leave them at the workplace?
+ItΓÇÖs important to set a secure, compliant baseline to manage devices for your workforce, whether theyΓÇÖre shared devices or workersΓÇÖ own devices. This article gives you an overview of common frontline worker device scenarios and management capabilities to help empower your workforce while safeguarding company data.
+## My Staff
+With the [My Staff](/azure/active-directory/roles/my-staff-configure) feature in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), you can delegate common user management tasks to frontline managers through the My Staff portal. Frontline managers can perform password resets or manage phone numbers for frontline workers directly from the store or factory floor, without having to route the requests to helpdesk, operations, or IT.
+My Staff also enables frontline managers to register their team members' phone numbers for SMS sign-in. If [SMS-based authentication](/azure/active-directory/authentication/howto-authentication-sms-signin) is enabled in your organization, frontline workers can sign in to Teams and other apps using only their phone numbers and a one-time passcode sent via SMS. This makes signing in for frontline workers simple, secure, and fast.
+## Shared devices
+Many frontline workers use shared mobile devices to do work. Shared devices are company-owned devices that are shared between employees across tasks, shifts, or locations.
+HereΓÇÖs an example of a typical scenario. An organization has a pool of devices in charging cradles to be shared across all employees. At the start of a shift, an employee picks up a device from the pool, and signs in to Teams and other business apps essential to their role. At the end of their shift, they sign out and return the device to the pool. Even within the same shift, a worker might return a device when they finish a task or clock out for lunch, and then pick up a different one when they clock back in.
+Shared devices present unique security challenges. For example, employees may have access to company or customer data that shouldnΓÇÖt be available to others on the same device.
+This section provides an overview of capabilities available to manage shared devices for frontline workers.
+### Shared device mode
+[Shared device mode](/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-shared-devices) is a feature of Azure AD that enables you to configure devices to be shared by employees. This feature enables single sign-on (SSO) and device-wide sign-out for Microsoft Teams and all other apps that support shared device mode. You can integrate this capability into your line-of-business (LOB) apps using the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL).
+Here's how shared device mode works, using Teams as an example. When an employee signs in to Teams at the start of their shift, theyΓÇÖre automatically signed in to all other apps that support shared device mode on the device. At the end of their shift, when they sign out of Teams, they're signed out globally from all other apps that support shared device mode. After sign-out, the employee's data and company data in Teams (including apps hosted within it) and in all other apps that support shared device mode can no longer be accessed. The device is ready for the next employee and can be safely handed off.
+You use a mobile device management (MDM) solution like Microsoft Intune in Microsoft Endpoint Manager to prepare a device to be shared by installing the [Microsoft Authenticator app](https://support.microsoft.com/account-billing/how-to-use-the-microsoft-authenticator-app-9783c865-0308-42fb-a519-8cf666fe0acc) and turning on shared mode. Teams and all other apps that support shared device mode use the shared mode setting to manage users on the device. The MDM solution you use should also perform a device cleanup when sign out occurs.
+Shared device mode is currently supported on Android devices. Here's some resources to help you get started.
+#### Enroll Android devices into shared device mode
+To manage and enroll Android devices into shared device mode using Intune, devices must be running Android OS version 8.0 or later, and have Google Mobile Services (GMS) connectivity. To learn more, see:
+- [Set up Intune enrollment for Android Enterprise dedicated devices](/mem/intune/enrollment/android-kiosk-enroll)
+- [Enroll Android Enterprise dedicated devices into Azure AD shared device mode](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/intune-customer-success/enroll-android-enterprise-dedicated-devices-into-azure-ad-shared/ba-p/1820093)
+You can also choose to deploy the Microsoft Managed Home Screen app to tailor the experience for users on their Intune-enrolled Android dedicated devices. Managed Home Screen acts as a launcher for other approved apps to run on top of it, and lets you customize devices and restrict what employees can access. For example, you can define how apps appear on the home screen, add your company logo, set custom wallpaper, and allow employees to set a session PIN. You can even configure sign-out to happen automatically after a specified period of inactivity. To learn more, see:
+- [Configure the Microsoft Managed Home Screen app for Android Enterprise](/mem/intune/apps/app-configuration-managed-home-screen-app)
+- [How to set up Microsoft Managed Home Screen on dedicated devices in multi-app kiosk mode](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/intune-customer-success/how-to-setup-microsoft-managed-home-screen-on-dedicated-devices/ba-p/1388060)
+#### For developers creating apps for shared device mode
+If you're a developer, see the following resources for more information about how to integrate your app with shared device mode:
+- [Shared device mode for Android devices](/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-android-shared-devices)
+- [Shared device mode for iOS devices](/azure/active-directory/develop/msal-ios-shared-devices)
+## Personal devices (BYOD)
+Some organizations use a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) model where frontline workers use their own mobile devices to access Teams and other business apps. Here's an overview of some ways to manage access and compliance on personal devices.
+### Enroll Android and iOS personal devices
+In addition to your company-owned devices, you can [enroll](/mem/intune/enrollment/device-enrollment) users' personally owned devices into management in Intune. For BYOD enrollment, you add device users in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, configure their enrollment experience, and set up Intune policies. Users complete enrollment themselves in the Intune Company Portal app that's installed on their device.
+In some cases, users may be reluctant to enroll their personal devices into management. If device enrollment isn't an option, you can choose a mobile application management (MAM) approach and use [app protection policies](/mem/intune/apps/app-protection-policies) to manage apps that contain corporate data. For example, you can apply app protection policies to Teams and Office mobile apps to prevent company data from being copied to personal apps on the device.
+To learn more, see ["Personal devices vs Organization-owned devices" in the Intune planning guide](/mem/intune/fundamentals/intune-planning-guide#personal-devices-vs-organization-owned-devices) and [Deployment guidance: Enroll devices in Microsoft Intune](/mem/intune/fundamentals/deployment-guide-enrollment).
+### Off-shift access controls in Teams
+Off-shift access controls help you limit access to Teams when employees are off shift. With this feature, you can set Teams to display a message when employees access the app outside working hours. They must accept the message before they can use Teams.
+The default message notifies the employee that they wonΓÇÖt be paid for time spent on Teams outside working hours. You can use the default message, choose a pre-defined message, or display your own. This feature helps ensure employees arenΓÇÖt involuntarily working when not on shift and helps to comply with labor regulations.
+To learn more, see [Off shift access to Teams](manage-shift-based-access-flw.md#off-shift-access-to-teams).
+## Related articles
+- [Frontline worker management](/azure/active-directory/fundamentals/frontline-worker-management)
frontline Flw Licensing Options https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-licensing-options.md
+ Title: Understand frontline worker user types and licensing
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn about the F1 and F3 licenses for the Microsoft 365 for frontline workers SKU and what they include.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Understand frontline worker user types and licensing
+Organizations in many industries, such as retail, manufacturing, hospitality, and more, have a mix of user types:
+- Information workers, who probably have desktop or laptop computers and likely work more on documents than directly with customers, such as headquarters staff.
+- Frontline workers, who often work on tablets or phones and work either directly with customers or the general public. They provide services, support, and sell products, or are employees directly involved in the manufacturing and distribution of products and services. For example: retail associates, healthcare clinicians and nursing staff, factory workers, and so on.
+Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams have features and a licensing model to support both types of users for your organization. [Microsoft 365 for Frontline Workers](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/frontline) is optimized for a frequently mobile workforce that primarily interacts with customers, but also needs to stay connected to the rest of your organization.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RWRoBo]
+## Assign appropriate licenses to support frontline worker and information worker user types
+If it makes sense for your organization, you can assign different licenses to these different types of users. The following illustration shows one way to apply licenses and policies for Retail workers, for example:
+With this example, you can mix license types for the two types of workers in your organization, like in the following table:
+| Frontline workers need quick access to tools that help them work with customers: | Information workers need tools to support their tasks like: |
+| -- | -- |
+| Frontline workers need access to information on the go - they have the Office apps on phones or tablets. | Information workers write, edit, and share documents and have Office apps on desktops or laptops, plus mobile apps on phones and tablets. |
+| Frontline workers communicate on the go with Teams chat, schedule work with Shifts, check off to-do items with Tasks, and track items in Lists, along with other Teams functionality. | Information workers communicate over Teams with chat, meet, and call, and use other Teams apps (depending on the specific license). |
+| Frontline workers can find organization-wide resources, communications, or training with SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, and Stream. | Information workers create or consume team or organization-wide resources and communications with included Microsoft 365 services (depending on the specific license). |
+For a detailed comparison of what's included in Microsoft 365 with various licenses, see this [Comparison table](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139145).
frontline Flw Onboarding Training https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-onboarding-training.md
+ Title: Provide initial and ongoing training to help onboard your frontline workers
+description: Learn how you can plan, build, and launch your frontline worker onboarding experience.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Provide initial and ongoing training to help onboard your frontline workers
+Get your employees ready to start and succeed in their roles on your frontline team with a custom onboarding and training process. You can use initial onboarding to welcome new team members, familiarize them with roles and duties, and teach them about how your organization operates. Then, use ongoing training to help your team maintain and grow their skills.
+## Initial training and onboarding
+A smooth onboarding and initial training process is essential for new members of your frontline team to get up and running quickly. If your team tends to have low turnover, your workers may benefit from a longer and more in-depth onboarding process. If you employ a lot of seasonal or temporary workers on your frontline team, you may need a lighter onboarding experience. You can also customize your onboarding process for different teams that require different levels of initial training.
+[Learn how to plan, build, and launch your employee onboarding experience](/sharepoint/onboard-employees).
+> [!TIP]
+> If your frontline team will primarily be using Teams on mobile devices to communicate and collaborate, you can use [Viva Connections](/viva/connections/viva-connections-overview) and [Viva Learning](/viva/learning/overview-viva-learning) to make SharePoint content easily visible in Teams.
+## Ongoing training
+This article will show you how Viva Learning can help you streamline ongoing training for your frontline team. Viva Learning pulls content from your chosen sources into Teams, making it easy for your frontline team to access. You can use Viva Learning to manage types of ongoing training including:
+- Maintaining and refreshing necessary skills such as customer service or procedures for regular tasks
+- Learning new skills such as management responsibilities or using new equipment
+- Company policy training such as diversity and inclusion or security
+These are the steps to get Viva Learning up and running for your frontline workers:
+1. [Get and set up Viva Learning](#get-and-set-up-viva-learning)
+2. [Choose and manage your content](#choose-and-manage-your-content)
+3. [Distribute and promote your content](#distribute-and-promote-your-content)
+### Get and set up Viva Learning
+Viva Learning with basic features is included with your F1 or F3 license. However, in order to access all Viva Learning features including third-party content provider integration, you'll need a Viva Suite or Viva Learning license. [Learn more about licensing](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-viva/learning?activetab=pivot:overviewtab&rtc=1#office-SKUChooser-wdv2jeb).
+Viva Learning is automatically enabled for Teams users, so your admin won't need to do additional setup in the Teams admin center. Your IT admin can [pin the Viva Learning app in Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies#pin-apps) to make sure your frontline workers can find it easily.
+[Learn more about getting and setting up Viva Learning](/viva/learning/set-up-viva-learning).
+### Choose and manage your content
+Content from Microsoft, as well as select content from LinkedIn Learning, is available by default in Viva Learning. Your IT admin can also [integrate SharePoint with Viva Learning](/viva/learning/configure-sharepoint-content-source) to bring in custom content created by your organization. Using SharePoint allows you to create and distribute learning content created by and for your organization, so you can choose to share exactly what your workforce needs.
+Managers can also bring in content from SharePoint that they can share with their teams by using the [Bring your own content](https://support.microsoft.com/office/bring-your-own-content-to-viva-learning-692bfe1a-0e8d-467c-b5a7-4e17c132ae93) feature.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Content brought in using the Bring your own content capability isn't searchable in Viva Learning. However, the person who brings in the content can share and recommend it with team members to make it available to them. If you want content from SharePoint to be searchable, you'll need to have your IT admin follow the process to integrate SharePoint.
+If you have a Viva Suite or Viva Learning license and your organization is subscribed to one, you can [integrate third-party content providers](/viva/learning/configure-other-content-sources) and [integrate learning management systems](/viva/learning/configure-lms).
+[Learn more about how to choose and curate your content](/viva/solutions/incorporate-learning#step-3-choose-and-curate-your-learning-content).
+### Distribute and promote your content
+Make sure your frontline team knows what training in Viva Learning is available to and required for them.
+Managers can [recommend learning content](https://support.microsoft.com/office/recommend-and-manage-content-in-viva-learning-77f9dcbf-41a8-4b19-b4d1-b99c406f37b8) to their teams to ensure required trainings are complete.
+Corporate communications specialists can use [Viva Connections](/viva/connections/viva-connections-overview) to distribute a SharePoint news post that highlights new learning opportunities or required trainings.
+[Learn how different roles in your organization can promote learning and training](/viva/solutions/incorporate-learning#step-4-distribute-and-promote-learning-content).
+### End-user training
+Make sure your workforce knows how to use Viva Learning. Share [the Viva Learning user training content set](https://support.microsoft.com/office/viva-learning-01bfed12-c327-41e0-a68f-7fa527dcc98a) to help your frontline team get comfortable using Viva Learning.
frontline Flw Onboarding Wizard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-onboarding-wizard.md
+ Title: Use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to get your frontline workforce up and running
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to quickly deploy an experience in Teams that's tailored to frontline workers and managers in your organization.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to get your frontline workforce up and running
+## Overview
+The Frontline Worker onboarding wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center simplifies onboarding frontline workers to your organization. The wizard lets you quickly deploy an experience in Microsoft Teams that's tailored to your frontline workforce. Using the wizard, you can easily kick off your pilot deployment of Teams for the frontline workers in your organization.
+The wizard sets up a team for your frontline workers and assigns licenses and [policy packages](/microsoftteams/policy-packages-flw?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) to each team member. You can create your team from scratch or from a [team template](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-teams-templates-in-the-admin-console), and then you add users and assign roles. The role determines the policy package that the wizard assigns to each user.
+Currently, the wizard supports adding 100 users each time you run it. We're working on increasing the number of users per run soon. Check back here for the latest updates.
+The wizard is available to all organizations that have at least one [F license](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/frontline). You can run the wizard as many times as you need to roll out Teams to your frontline workforce in different locations or sites across your organization.
+Check out this short video for an overview of how to run the wizard to onboard your frontline workforce.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RWN6oh]
+> [!NOTE]
+> The wizard doesn't support [sensitivity labels](/microsoftteams/sensitivity-labels) yet. If your organization requires sensitivity labels to create a team, you won't see the wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+## Run the wizard
+1. In the left navigation of the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://admin.microsoft.com/), choose **Setup**. Go to the **Apps and email** section, and then under **Get your frontline workforce up and running**, select **View**. Here, you can learn more about the capabilities that Microsoft 365 for frontline workers offers.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-get-started.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the details page for the Frontline Worker onboarding experience in the Microsoft 365 admin center" lightbox="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-get-started.png":::
+2. When you're ready, select **Get started** to run the wizard.
+3. Enter a name for your team, add one or more team owners, and select a privacy setting. Then, choose whether to create your team from scratch or from a team template. Team templates come with predefined channels and tabs, which optimize the team for a particular business need or project.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-set-up-team.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Set up a team page of the wizard" lightbox="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-set-up-team.png":::
+4. Add users to the team. You can also add groups. If you add groups, keep in mind that licenses and policy packages are directly assigned to each user in the group, not the group itself.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-add-users.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Add users page of the wizard where you add users and groups to your team" lightbox="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-add-users.png":::
+5. Assign one of the following roles to each team member: Frontline Worker, Frontline Manager, None.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-assign-roles.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Assign job roles page of the wizard where you assign roles, locations, and licenses to team members" lightbox="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-assign-roles.png":::
+ By assigning a Frontline Worker or Frontline Manager role, that user will receive a policy package. The policy package will create an experience in Teams that's tailored to their role. This experience includes pre-pinned apps and policies for healthy frontline worker and manager communication and collaboration.
+ Next, select a location and assign a Microsoft 365 F license to each team member. If you donΓÇÖt have enough licenses, you can select **Buy more licenses** to purchase more licenses.
+6. Choose who receives the status email after the wizard is completed. The email contains success and failure information about the actions performed by the wizard&mdash;creating the team, adding team members, and assigning a license and policy package to each team member. Use this information to troubleshoot any errors that may occur.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-email-recipients.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Add status email recipients page of the wizard" lightbox="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-email-recipients.png":::
+7. Review your selections, and then select **Confirm**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-review-team.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Review team page of the wizard where you review your team settings" lightbox="media/flw-onboarding-wizard-review-team.png":::
+ The wizard creates your team and assigns licenses and policy packages to team members. It may take a few minutes to complete, after which the recipients you chose receive a status email.
+8. You're on your way but you're not done yet! Next, check out the [What to do after running the wizard](#what-to-do-after-running-the-wizard) section of this article.
+## What to do after running the wizard
+After you run the wizard, it's important to:
+- Let your frontline workers and managers know that they're assigned Teams licenses.
+- If your organization uses shared devices, make sure Teams is installed on those devices. Users that you added to the team will receive a welcome email that prompts them to open Teams.
+- If your organization uses a "bring your own device" (BYOD) model, let each user you added to the team know that they have to download and install Teams to their devices. They'll also receive a welcome email that prompts them to download Teams.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Keep in mind that users who have F1 licenses won't receive a welcome email because the F1 license doesn't include email access.
+When the frontline employee opens Teams for the first time, they'll receive a tailored first run experience, which includes chats and channels, calling, and task management all within Teams.
+## Related articles
+- [Policy packages for frontline managers and workers](/microsoftteams/policy-packages-flw?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Manage policy packages in Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-policy-packages)
+- [Use team templates in the Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-teams-templates-in-the-admin-console)
frontline Flw Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-overview.md
+ Title: Get started with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn how you can use Microsoft 365 and Teams to empower the frontline workers in your organization.
+search.appverid: MET150
+audience: admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-overview
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Get started with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+## What is Microsoft 365 for frontline workers?
+Frontline workers are employees whose primary function is to work directly with customers or the general public providing services, support, and selling products, or employees directly involved in the manufacturing and distribution of products and services. Microsoft 365 for frontline workers helps support employee experiences in the following areas so that your frontline workers can do their best work and help your customers:
+- [Connect and engage your workforce](#connect-and-engage-your-workforce)
+- [Enhance your workforce management](#enhance-workforce-management)
+- [Increase operations efficiency](#increase-operations-efficiency)
+Microsoft 365 for frontline workers also:
+- Provides [support for modern devices](#modern-devices) and
+- Helps [safeguard your business](#safeguard-your-business) with security and compliance offerings.
+The following image shows the employee experiences that are key to frontline workers, and common areas where Microsoft 365 can improve experiences for frontline workers:
+### Licensing for your frontline workers
+[Microsoft 365 for frontline workers](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/frontline) is optimized for a mobile workforce that primarily interacts with customers, but also needs to stay connected to the rest of your organization.
+Microsoft 365 for frontline workers refers to the Microsoft 365 F3 and F1 licenses or Office 365 F3 license, but you can also use an Enterprise license (E1, E3, E5) to implement any of the frontline scenarios. Learn more about [licensing options for frontline workers](flw-licensing-options.md) and which license types you should use for different types of users in your organization.
+Some features are available for F3 licenses, but not F1, such as Power Apps and Power Automate. For a detailed comparison of what's included in Microsoft 365 with various licenses, see this [Comparison table](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139145).
+## Connect and engage your workforce
+Enrich your communications and employee experiences with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers. Using Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, Viva Connections, and Viva Learning, you can connect employees with the tools, people, and devices they need to do their best work and build skills faster. For example:
+| Icon | Solution area | Description |
+| | | |
+|:::image type="icon" source="/office/medi#communications) | Connect your frontline workforce and enable them to communicate and share information effectively, whether within their team, across locations, or across your entire company. |
+|:::image type="icon" source="/office/medi#wellbeing--engagement) | Nurture a sense of belonging with your frontline employees by helping them engage with your entire organization.|
+|:::image type="icon" source="/office/medi#training--onboarding) | Promote continual growth for your employees and encourage knowledge sharing and exchange.|
+## Enhance workforce management
+Enhance workforce management with [Shifts](shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md), the schedule management tool in Teams that keeps your frontline workforce connected and in sync. [Shifts connectors](shifts-connectors.md) enable you to integrate Shifts with your workforce management (WFM) system. After you set up a connection, your frontline workers can seamlessly view and manage their schedules in your WFM system from within Shifts.
+| Icon | Solution area | Description |
+| | | |
+|:::image type="icon" source="/office/medi#schedule-management) | Simplify and streamline schedule coordination with your frontline workforce. Gain visibility into their schedules and enable them to arrange for cover and leave. |
+## Increase operations efficiency
+Microsoft 365 includes apps liked Lists, Tasks, and Approvals, that can help you streamline operations and bring them from paper-based to digitally-tracked processes. You can enhance these by adding workflow automation, custom apps, and business data tracking with Power Automate, Power Apps, and Power BI from the Power Platform. Extend even further with solutions provided by our partners in the digital ecosystem.
+| Icon | Solution area | Description |
+| | | |
+|:::image type="icon" source="/office/medi#digitized-processes) | Drive operational efficiency by digitizing paper-based processes, and automating routine, repetitive steps. |
+|:::image type="icon" source="/office/medi#more-scenarios-and-solutions-with-the-digital-ecosystem) | Unite the technology your frontline workforce depends on behind a single pane of glass for a seamless end-to-end experience. Include partner solutions and take advantage of integrations that help streamline processes. |
+## Safeguard your business
+Safeguard your business with best-in-class security and compliance features. Microsoft 365 for frontline workers offers identity and access management, identity and threat protection, and security management. The offerings available to your workforce in these areas depends on the licenses you assign to your users in the Microsoft 365 admin center. For more information about security and compliance in Microsoft 365, see the following resources:
+- [Introduction to security in Microsoft 365](/learn/modules/security-in-m365/)
+- [Introduction to compliance tools in Microsoft 365](/learn/modules/compliance-in-m365/)
+- [Quick tasks for getting started with Microsoft Purview](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-quick-tasks)
+## Modern devices
+Equip your employees with industry-specific devices tailored for their needs, or provide a more secure way to communicate on shared or personal devices with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams. To learn more, see [Manage mobile devices for frontline workers](flw-devices.md).
+## Adoption principles to help envision and implement business scenarios
+You can implement many helpful scenarios for frontline workers quickly, using out-of-the-box capabilities. For a list of scenarios we recommend and provide guidance for, see [Choose your scenarios](flw-choose-scenarios.md).
+However, it also pays to spend time thinking through exactly what you want to achieve organizationally and setting the appropriate groundwork. Particularly if you need to enhance out-of-the-box scenarios with integrated or custom solutions from solution providers or partners, you'll want to spend time planning and envisioning before you dive in.
+The principles below are based on information from the [Frontline Worker Solutions Success Kit](https://aka.ms/TeamsFLWSuccessKit). Find more adoption resources on the [frontline worker section of the Microsoft Adoption site](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/frontline-workers/).
+| Start | Discover | Envision | Build | Grow |
+| Assess and prepare | Align on value | Identify solutions | Build and validate | Roll out and expand |
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> * Assess your existing frontline environment and processes.
+> * Identify core stakeholders - business, IT, and frontline.
+> * Identify motivations, goals, assumptions, and potential blockers.
+> * Identify any other in-progress initiatives that might be related, to understand any potential overlaps, conflicts, or potential for alignment.
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> * Define what's needed and why with personas, problem analysis, and stories.
+> * Understand current workarounds and gaps.
+> * Confirm "what's in it for me" for all of your personas.
+> * Get executive sponsorship.
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> * Evaluate what you need technically to enable the scenarios.
+> * Map apps and capabilities to light up key scenarios and user stories.
+> * Think through questions about device management, such as: how will workers access Teams (install themselves? pushed to them?), how will they log in and how will you manage their identities? What's your approach to bring-your-own, corporate shared, or assigned devices?
+> * Identify relevant roles and responsibilities for the execution phase.
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> * Implement your scenario or solution at a small scale.
+> * Use a [pilot program](flw-pilot.md) to validate your solutions and scenarios with a subset of users.
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> * Roll out your solution at scale.
+> * Continue to gather feedback and establish ongoing maintenance and governance.
+> * Plan for continuous education and readiness.
+> * Expand scenarios as needed, over time.
+## Ready to get started?
+Get started by following these steps:
+1. **[Choose your scenarios](flw-choose-scenarios.md):** Discover the ways you can use Microsoft 365 for frontline workers to connect and engage your workforce, manage your workforce, and streamline operations.
+1. **[Set up Microsoft 365](flw-deploy-overview.md):** Set up Microsoft 365's core elements, Microsoft Teams, and any other services you need.
+1. **Configure services and apps:** Configure the services and apps you need for your scenarios. The steps to configure each scenario, plus training resources you can provide to your end users are included in each scenario article.
+1. **Set up devices:** Learn how to set up shared and personal devices to work with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams and to allow your frontline workers to communicate more securely within your organization.
+1. **Roll out:** Roll out communications and training for your frontline managers and workers. Learn more about helping your organization adopt and use Microsoft 365 for frontline workers on the [Adoption site](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/frontline-workers/).
frontline Flw Pilot https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-pilot.md
+ Title: Start with a pilot deployment of Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn how to run a pilot deployment for the frontline workers in your organization.
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Start with a pilot deployment of Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+Before you commit to a full rollout of Microsoft 365 for frontline workers across your organization, it's a good idea to try it out first with a small set of real people in your organization. Starting with a pilot program first can help you identify:
+- Validate user readiness.
+- Identify and mitigate issues.
+- Help ensure a successful, organization-wide rollout.
+For example, a pilot can help you determine:
+- Whether the scenarios you've identified match the business needs of your organization.
+- What elements will need to be modified or further customized for your organization.
+- What training and orientation information you'll need to provide to users before, during, and after they start working with these new tools.
+Running a pilot program is part of the overall adoption process. For more information about adopting Microsoft 365 in your organization, see:
+- [Microsoft 365 Adoption](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/)
+- [Microsoft 365 Adoption best practices](https://adoption.microsoft.com/files/assets/M365AdoptionGuide.pdf).
+- [Microsoft Teams Adoption](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/)
+- [Enabling your frontline workers with Microsoft Teams](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/frontline-workers/)
+- [3 ways to support frontline workers in a hybrid world](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/blog/2021/10/19/3-ways-to-support-frontline-workers-in-a-hybrid-world/)
+We recommend that you prepare for deployment by completing this 30-minute learning path: [Prepare for a Teams deployment with Microsoft 365](https://docs.microsoft.com/learn/modules/m365-teams-collab-prepare-deployment/).
+## Steps to run a pilot program
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> * [Get your people together](#plan-your-pilot)
+> * [Plan your pilot](#plan-your-pilot)
+> * [Sset up Microsoft 365 and Teams](#set-up-microsoft-365-and-teams)
+> * [Communicate](#communicate)
+> * [Measure](#measure)
+> * [Iterate and expand](#iterate-and-expand)
+### Get your people together
+Assemble a group of individuals from your business, IT, and frontline communities to act as the stakeholder and decision-making group for your Teams pilot for frontline workers. Be sure to include individuals from all three communities to give yourself the best chance for success:
+Next, identify your phase 1 pilot community and make sure it includes actual frontline workers in the smallest logical grouping for your organization. For example, one restaurant, one division of a department store, one store, one clinical ward, one precinct, one plant, one distribution center, etc.. The key is to optimize around the average frontline worker being part of one team only. Managers or specialists may be in more than one.
+![Best practices ribbon symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/best-practices-teams.png) **Best practice**
+It's important to include all roles within that smallest logical grouping, from managers to part time or seasonal workers to uncover valuable insights and enable modern communication scenarios. Your most junior staff will surprise you! Some key delightful and unintended valuable scenarios uncovered during pilots with sample customers include:
+- Standardized Expectations and Training: Taking a picture of a clean stove to illustrate to kitchen staff what clean means. ΓÇ£If it doesnΓÇÖt look like this, then it isnΓÇÖt clean!ΓÇ¥
+- Reducing shrinkage: Taking a picture of a known shoplifter and notifying other employees immediately. Teams on future shifts will also see this picture to mitigate future risk.
+![Process/flow chart symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/process-flow-teams.png) **Decision points:**
+At the end of this phase, you should be able to answer these questions:
+- Who will participate in your pilot?
+- What's the smallest logical grouping for your organization?
+### Plan your pilot
+A successful pilot includes the following:
+- Defined start and end dates and clearly defined goals for measuring success. These goals can help you plan the rollout after the pilot is complete.
+ - Create a test plan and process for gathering feedback, plus a communication plan.
+- Allow enough time to run the pilot and assess its impact. A minimum of 30 days is recommended.
+- Include the right stakeholders and participants, knowing you can add more users throughout the pilot, if necessary. For Microsoft 365 for frontline workers, make sure your stakeholders and participants include not only the business leaders and IT staff, but your frontline managers and workers, so you can both:
+ - Ensure you understand their challenges while planning the implementation.
+ - You can check to make sure your implementation is having a positive impact on those challenges.
+- Start small and take time to pause, assess results, and adjust the pilot.
+For a successful pilot for frontline workers, simplicity is key! For most customers, this community typically isnΓÇÖt provided any company-supported communication or collaboration technology, but are likely already leveraging unsupported consumer tools to accomplish some basic needs. A recommended best practice it to begin where your users are, and mimic the capabilities theyΓÇÖre using in consumer tools today. As your pilot progresses and the iteration process begins, you can grow the experience.
+#### Not sure what consumer tools these users are currently using?
+<!--Included in the frontline worker ΓÇ£Pilot in a BoxΓÇ¥ are sample user surveys. Utilize the pre-pilot survey to inventory the tools, capabilities, and scenarios.-->
+Use a pre-pilot survey to inventory the tools, capabilities and scenarios your users rely on today.
+#### Chat configuration options
+Within Chat on mobile, you can have the normal traditional chat layout for Teams OR a layout that includes favorite channels in Chat. This second, simplified UI works well for frontline workers who are only in one team and is the recommended best practice. Configuring ΓÇ£Show favorite channels in chatΓÇ¥ also creates an opportunity to remove the ΓÇÿTeamsΓÇÖ button from the frontline worker app setup policy to further streamline and simplify the end user experience without a loss of functionality. For users who will be in multiple teams, it is not recommended. Luckily, this can be configured on a per user basis and grow in sophistication as needed.
+![Best practices ribbon symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/best-practices-teams.png) **Best practice**
+Configure Phase 1 of the frontline Teams experience to mimic the consumer tools these users are already using! We recommend starting your pilot for frontline workers with ΓÇ£Show favorite channels in ChatΓÇ¥ for simplified communications and Shifts (optional).
+| With Shifts | Without Shifts |
+|:::image type="content" source="media/firstline-worker-chat-with-shifts.png" alt-text="Screenshot of phone screen with Shifts added"::: |:::image type="content" source="media/firstline-worker-chat-without-shifts.png" alt-text="Screenshot of phone screen without Shifts added":::|
+![Process/flow chart symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/process-flow-teams.png) **Decision points:**
+- Which capabilities will be in Phase 1 of your pilot for frontline workers?
+- Do your frontline workers need Shifts?
+- Which chat configuration will you use?
+### Set up Microsoft 365 and Teams
+Determine what devices you'll support. For example, you can use the Teams mobile clients on Android and iOS to provide secure access to Teams and frontline worker apps. See [Manage shared and personal devices](flw-devices.md) and [Get the Teams desktop, web, and mobile clients](/microsoftteams/get-clients).
+See [Set up Microsoft 365 for frontline workers](flw-setup-microsoft-365.md) for guidance on how to set up Microsoft 365, Microsoft Teams, and the other services you'll need for your pilot.
+When you have setup and configured all of the other services you need, you can set up Microsoft Teams. We recommend you use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to set up your pilot for Teams.
+#### Use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to kick off your pilot
+The Frontline Worker onboarding wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center simplifies onboarding frontline workers to your organization. Use the wizard to kick off your pilot and quickly deploy an experience in Teams that's tailored to your frontline workforce.
+Check out this short video for an overview of how to run the wizard to get your frontline workforce up and running.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RWN6oh]
+The wizard sets up a team for your frontline workers and assigns licenses and [policy packages](/microsoftteams/policy-packages-flw?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) to each team member. You can create your team from scratch or from a [team template](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-teams-templates-in-the-admin-console), and then you add users and assign roles. The role determines whether the wizard assigns the Frontline Manager or Frontline Worker policy package to the user.
+The wizard is available to all organizations that have at least one [F license](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/frontline). You can run the wizard as many times as you need to roll out Teams to your frontline workforce in different locations or sites across your organization.
+For step-by-step guidance, see [Use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to get your frontline workforce up and running](flw-onboarding-wizard.md).
+![Process/flow chart symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/process-flow-teams.png) **Decision points:**
+- How many channels/conversation topics do you want for your pilot?
+- Which topics feel right for your scenarios?
+![Best practices ribbon symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/best-practices-teams.png) **Best practice**
+**Keep the channels simple**. We recommend resisting the urge to create a channel for every possible topic of conversation and instead keep things very simple. ItΓÇÖs ok if channels are created over time as needed.
+After you have Teams set up and you have your teams and channels created, you can configure any additional frontline apps that you want to use in the pilot, including:
+- [Bookings](bookings-virtual-visits.md) to schedule appointments with clients or customers.
+- [Shifts](shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md) to schedule your frontline workforce.
+- [Viva Learning](/sharepoint/build-learning-and-training-experiences-for-employees) to build learning and training experiences for employees.
+### Communicate
+Inform your frontline workers of their participation in the pilot, the pilot goals, and provide training, if necessary, on the basic functions. For most customers, this can be a simple instruction to these users to go to the Google Play or Apple Store on their personal mobile devices, download the Microsoft Teams application, and log in with their company credentials. WeΓÇÖve designed Microsoft Teams with a simple and easy to use interface that most frontline workers should find intuitive.
+![Best practices ribbon symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/best-practices-teams.png) **Best practice**
+DonΓÇÖt forget to train your managers on Shifts! If youΓÇÖre going to include Shifts in your pilot, then make sure to conduct a separate training session with your managers on how to create, manage, and publish schedules to their team. If you would like additional training materials and communication templates, you can find them in your frontline Pilot in a Box.
+### Measure
+Empowering your frontline workers is more about people than technology. To understand the impact of Teams, stay focused on your frontline workersΓÇÖ experience. Survey them before, during and after the pilot in order to understand their needs, pain points, and reactions. If you are iterating your pilot and adding new features over time, this feedback can help guide the order, pace, or even whether additional features are needed. In order to help you evaluate the success of your pilot, you can find them in your frontline Pilot in a Box.
+![Best practices ribbon symbol.](https://docs.microsoft.com/office/media/icons/best-practices-teams.png) **Best practice**
+**Nurture your champions and highlight your wins**. Reward your frontline workers for embracing these new tools and using them in innovative ways that relate to business outcomes for your company. This, above anything, will ensure continued adoption of Teams and value to your company.
+### Iterate and expand
+Now that youΓÇÖve successfully completed your first pilot with an initial group of frontline workers, itΓÇÖs time to expand! ItΓÇÖs time to go back to Step 1 with one of the several expansion options below. We recommend working through this process as many times as needed to arrive at a solution, set of best practices, and training documentation for all of your frontline workers.
+- Expand the number of teams. Use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to set up your next location or region.
+ - Instead of one location, can you do one region?
+ - Would you want one team for the whole region or individual teams for each location?
+- Expand the features provided.
+ - Was there a key feature that your frontline workers suggested I your feedback forms, like Shifts, that you didnΓÇÖt include in your initial feature set?
frontline Flw Setup Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-setup-microsoft-365.md
+ Title: Set up Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to set up Microsoft 365 with the services and features you need for your frontline workers.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Set up Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+To set up Microsoft 365 for frontline workers, follow this overall process:
+1. **[Identify your scenarios](#step-1-identify-your-scenarios)**: Which scenarios do you want to implement for your frontline workers? After you have determined which scenarios you want, use the table below to identify the required apps and services for each scenario that you want to implement.
+1. **[Set up your environment and core Microsoft 365](#step-2-set-up-your-environment-and-core-microsoft-365)**: Follow the Setup Guides in the Microsoft 365 admin center to set up Microsoft 365. Keep reading to learn how to access these guides.
+1. **[Set up Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams)**: Use either the onboarding wizard or the Deploy teams at scale process to configure the service and create your teams.
+1. **[Set up any other services needed for your scenario](#step-4-set-up-other-services)**: Follow the instructions in the sections below to setup these services.
+1. **[Configure apps](#step-5-configure-apps-for-your-scenario)**: After everything is set up and configured in the admin center, you can follow the guidance for your scenarios to further configure the apps you need for each scenario.
+1. **[Devices](#step-6-set-up-devices)**: Set up shared and personal devices to work with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams and to allow your frontline workers to communicate more securely within your organization.
+## Step 1: Identify your scenarios
+The following table lists the scenarios for your frontline workers. You can read a summary of each scenario in [choose your scenarios](flw-choose-scenarios.md), and find out exactly what you need to configure by following the links to each scenario and to each app or service that's required.
+| Scenario | Required services |
+| - | - |
+| [Team communication and collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md) | [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) <br>[Email with Exchange Online](#set-up-email-with-exchange-online) |
+| [Corporate communications](flw-corp-comms.md) | [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) <br>[SharePoint](#set-up-sites-with-sharepoint-in-microsoft-365) <br>[Viva Connections](#set-up-viva-connections) <br>[Yammer](#set-up-your-organizations-social-network-with-yammer) |
+| [Virtual appointments](virtual-appointments.md) | [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) |
+| [Engage your employees and focus on employee wellbeing](flw-wellbeing-engagement.md)| [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) <br>[SharePoint](#set-up-sites-with-sharepoint-in-microsoft-365) <br>[Viva Connections](#set-up-viva-connections) <br>[Yammer](#set-up-your-organizations-social-network-with-yammer) |
+| [Schedule your team with Shifts](shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md) | [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) |
+| [Onboard new employees](/sharepoint/onboard-employees)| [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) <br>[SharePoint](#set-up-sites-with-sharepoint-in-microsoft-365) <br>[Viva Connections](#set-up-viva-connections) <br>[Viva Learning](#set-up-viva-learning)|
+| [Ongoing training](flw-onboarding-training.md) | [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) <br>[Viva Learning](#set-up-viva-learning) |
+| [Simplify business processes](simplify-business-processes.md) | [Microsoft Teams](#step-3-set-up-microsoft-teams) <br>[Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI](#set-up-power-apps-power-automate-and-power-bi) |
+Some services are only included with F3 licenses, such as email and the Power Platform. Check out [Understand frontline worker user types and licensing](flw-licensing-options.md) to determine the type of licenses you'll need for your users.
+## Step 2: Set up your environment and core Microsoft 365
+The Microsoft 365 admin center has a set of [Setup guides](/microsoft-365/enterprise/setup-guides-for-microsoft-365) that walk you through the steps to set up the products, security features, and collaboration tools in Microsoft 365. The setup guides are accessible from the [Setup guidance page](https://aka.ms/setupguidance) in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+1. Use the [Prepare your environment](https://aka.ms/prepareyourenvironment) guide to prepare your organization's environment for Microsoft 365 and Office 365 services.
+1. Use the [Microsoft 365 setup](https://aka.ms/microsoft365setupguide) guide to set up productivity tools, security policies, and device management capabilities. You can also use this advisor to set up and configure your organization's devices.
+## Step 3: Set up Microsoft Teams
+For a pilot project, you can use the Frontline worker onboarding wizard to set up a single team, configured for your frontline workers. For step-by-step guidance, see [Use the Frontline Worker onboarding wizard to get your frontline workforce up and running](flw-onboarding-wizard.md).
+For full deployments, follow the guidance in [Deploy teams at scale for frontline workers](deploy-teams-at-scale.md).
+## Step 4: Set up other services
+### Set up email with Exchange Online
+If you want your frontline managers and workers to have access to email, you need to set up email in Microsoft 365. Users must have an F3 license to get access to email. Follow the [Email setup guide](https://aka.ms/office365setup) to set it up.
+Note that your users can also install the Outlook app to use for their email, so you'll want to make sure you share where to download the Outlook app with them.
+### Set up sites with SharePoint in Microsoft 365
+[SharePoint](/sharepoint/sharepoint-online) lets you share documents and create sites. Use the [SharePoint setup guide](https://aka.ms/spoguidance) in the Microsoft 365 admin center to set it up.
+### Set up employee experiences with Viva modules
+[Microsoft Viva](/viva/microsoft-viva-overview) helps connect employees with an integrated employee experience that brings together communications, knowledge, learning, resources, and insights into the flow of work. Microsoft Viva has several modules that can be used with Microsoft Teams to create employee experiences.
+#### Set up Viva Connections
+Use [Viva Connections](/viva/connections/viva-connections-overview) to create a dashboard that helps engage and inform your frontline workers. Viva Connections is a customizable app in Microsoft Teams that gives everyone a personalized destination to discover relevant news, conversations, and the tools they need to succeed.
+Follow the [Build your employee experience setup guide](https://aka.ms/EmployeeExperienceDashboard) to set it up. Learn more about [setting up Viva Connections](/viva/connections/guide-to-setting-up-viva-connections).
+#### Set up Viva Learning
+[Viva Learning](/viva/learning/) is an app in Microsoft Teams that empowers employees to make learning a natural part of the day by bringing learning into the flow of work within the tools and platforms they already use. See [Set up Microsoft Viva Learning in the Teams admin center](/viva/learning/set-up-viva-learning) to learn how to set up Viva Learning.
+### Set up your organization's social network with Yammer
+[Yammer](/yammer) helps connect your workforce across your company. Use the [Yammer deployment advisor](https://aka.ms/yammerdeploymentguide) to set it up.
+### Set up Power Apps, Power Automate, and Power BI
+You can use all of these apps within Microsoft Teams. For more information about how to set them up, see:
+- [Power Apps and Microsoft Teams integration](/powerapps/teams/overview)
+- [Power Automate - use flows in Microsoft Teams](/power-automate/teams/overview)
+- [Collaborate in Microsoft Teams with Power BI](/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-collaborate-microsoft-teams)
+- [Power Virtual Agents app in Microsoft Teams](/power-virtual-agents/teams/fundamentals-what-is-power-virtual-agents-teams)
+- [Power Apps](/microsoftteams/manage-power-platform-apps)
+## Step 5: Configure apps for your scenario
+After everything is set up and configured in the admin center, you can follow the guidance for your scenarios to further configure the apps you need for each scenario.
+Scenarios and apps
+| Scenario | Approvals | Bookings | Lists | Praise | Shifts | Tasks | Updates |
+| :- | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: | :-: |
+| [Team communication and collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md) | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| [Corporate communications](flw-corp-comms.md) | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; |
+| [Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md) | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp;| &nbsp; |
+| Wellbeing & engagement | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; |
+| [Schedule your team with Shifts](shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md) | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| [Training: Onboard new employees](/sharepoint/onboard-employees) | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| Ongoing training | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| [Simplify business processes](simplify-business-processes.md) | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+| Manage sites, stores, and projects | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &nbsp; | &nbsp; | &#x2705; | &#x2705; |
+## Step 6: Set up devices
+To set up shared and personal devices to work with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams and to allow your frontline workers to communicate more securely within your organization, see [Manage mobile devices for frontline workers](flw-devices.md).
frontline Flw Team Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-team-collaboration.md
+ Title: Frontline team collaboration
+description: Learn how your frontline teams can communicate and collaborate effectively within or across locations.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Retail
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Frontline team collaboration
+Bring your frontline together to communicate, collaborate, and streamline operations with Microsoft Teams. Microsoft 365 and Teams can empower retail associates, healthcare workers, financial services providers, nonprofit organizers, manufacturing workers, and more to seamlessly communicate and collaborate.
+> [!NOTE]
+> These scenarios are also part of Microsoft Clouds for [Financial Services](/industry/financial-services), [Healthcare](/industry/healthcare), [Nonprofit](/industry/nonprofit), and [Retail](/industry/retail). You can do more with these scenarios when you also use other capabilities from the Microsoft Clouds, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Azure.
+## Day-to-day communications and collaboration in Teams
+Microsoft Teams enables your on-the-ground staff to collaborate efficiently with included collaboration features and apps. Your frontline workforce can use Teams on either personal or shared devices depending on the needs of your organization.
+Teams includes the following ways to communicate and share information:
+|Task |Description |Manage this capability |End-user training |
+|Chat, post messages, and communicate |Your frontline workers can seamlessly communicate within and across locations to with individual and channel chat messaging. Teams provides a great out-of-the-box collaboration experience for your organization, and most organizations find that the default settings work for them. |[Manage Chat, teams, channels, and apps](/microsoftteams/deploy-chat-teams-channels-microsoft-teams-landing-page). | [Start chats](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-and-pin-chats-a864b052-5e4b-4ccf-b046-2e26f40e21b5) and [Work with posts and messages](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-and-format-a-post-e66777da-636b-49eb-9408-b0d88b212885). |
+|Call and meet with team members |Managers can set up individual meetings, or use channel meetings to manage daily meetings, both with the power of Teams audio, video, screen sharing, recording, and transcription features. You'll need to configure settings for meetings and conferencing, and enable a voice solution to use calling. |[Manage calling and meeting in Teams](/microsoftteams/deploy-meetings-microsoft-teams-landing-page) and [Plan your Teams voice solution](/microsoftteams/cloud-voice-landing-page) |[Make calls](https://support.microsoft.com/office/overview-of-teams-calls-425d6970-6e27-47b6-bc61-4c38fff51c4f) and [Join a meeting](https://support.microsoft.com/office/join-a-teams-meeting-078e9868-f1aa-4414-8bb9-ee88e9236ee4) |
+|Store and share files and documents |Sharing files allows in-store staff to easily access information such as merchandising diagrams without having to leave the sales floor or get help from a manager. Every team automatically comes with a Files tab that you can use to store and share documents. This tab actually represents a folder within the default team site document library in SharePoint that is automatically created when the team is created. |[Overview of Teams and SharePoint integration](/sharepoint/teams-connected-sites) |[Upload and share files](https://support.microsoft.com/office/upload-and-share-files-57b669db-678e-424e-b0a0-15d19215cb12) |
+### See examples of how different industries can use communication capabilities in Teams
+These examples are for industries included in the Microsoft industry clouds, but you can use these capabilities for an organization in any sector.
+#### Retail
+Retail employees can use Teams to keep in touch and better serve customers. Different locations and departments can use chats and channels to share information about products and policies, such as which items are being promoted or going on sale. Employees in different departments or locations can use Teams meetings to get important updates without leaving their stations. Managers or merchandising specialists can use file sharing to send out diagrams for new displays or new product labels.
+#### Healthcare
+Healthcare workers in a hospital use Teams capabilities to coordinate care. Everyone in the office is part of a general chat, and each group of workers (doctors, nurses, receptionists, and other staff) has their own channel where they can ask questions and communicate. Staff in different departments use Teams meetings and calls to keep up to date without having to leave their stations. When multiple staff are attending to one patient, they share notes and care plans over Teams. Staff who work with instruments and machinery, such as medical instrument technicians, can share fact and care sheets about equipment.
+#### Financial services
+Bank employees can use Teams to communicate across branches and share information. Each branch can use a separate channel, as can different work groups such as tellers and advisors. Banks can hold Teams meetings for different branches to learn about new policies and products. They can also hold morning meetings with the whole region before the branches open. When the bank launches a new product, such as a credit card or account type, fact sheets can be shared in Teams so everyone has quick access to new information.
+#### Manufacturing
+Manufacturing workers can use Teams to communicate and coordinate production within and across locations. Plants can hold morning stand-up meetings without anyone having to leave their stations. Workers can use chat to get in touch with each other and foremen or supervisors so they don't need to search across large areas to find help. Your team can use file sharing to make sure everyone has on-the-go access to manuals, instruction sheets, inspection records, and any other information your workers need.
+## Apps in Teams
+Your team can use apps in Teams to coordinate and collaborate with each other on everyday tasks, such as the following:
+- [Create, manage, and share schedules with Shifts](#create-manage-and-share-schedules-with-shifts)
+- [Keep in touch with Walkie Talkie](#keep-in-touch-with-walkie-talkie)
+- [Boost morale with Praise](#boost-morale-with-praise)
+- [Track and monitor work with Tasks](#track-and-monitor-work-with-tasks)
+- [Streamline approvals with Approvals](#streamline-approvals-with-approvals)
+- [Check in on progress with Updates](#check-in-on-progress-with-updates)
+Financial services organizations can also use the [Collaboration Manager for Loans](/industry/financial-services/collaboration-manager/overview) to seamlessly collaborate on the lending process.
+> [!TIP]
+> Examples are given for the financial services, healthcare, nonprofit, and retail industries, but you can use these apps for an organization in any sector.
+### Create, manage, and share schedules with Shifts
+Use Shifts to seamlessly manage and share schedules. Managers can create custom groups such as cashiers, nurses, or mortgage specialists, assign shifts to employees, add custom labeling and breaks, and add open shifts that employees can request to take. Employees can use Shifts to set their availability, view their schedules, swap shifts with coworkers, and clock in and out. Managers can also create open shifts that employees can request. For example, a volunteer coordinator at a nonprofit could create open shifts that volunteers can request to take.
+[Learn how to Manage Shifts for your organization](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+Share this [Shifts video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821) with your users.
+### Keep in touch with Walkie Talkie
+The Walkie Talkie app provides instant push-to-talk communication. By using Walkie Talkie, employees and managers can communicate from anywhere in the store. For example, if a customer on one side of the store asks an employee if an item is in stock on the other side of the store, the employee can use Walkie Talkie to contact someone who works near the item. Because Walkie Talkie doesnΓÇÖt have limited range, employees can also easily consult with experts in other stores or corporate offices.
+|Industry |Example |
+|Retail | If a customer asks a store associate a question they don't know the answer to, the associate can use Walkie Talkie to call a manager or another expert without having to leave the customer. |
+|Healthcare |A medical staff member who has a question about a patient's treatment can use Walkie Talkie to call another staff member who works with the patient. |
+|Financial services |A bank employee discussing loan options with a customer can use Walkie Talkie to consult a loan expert to determine the best option for the customer. |
+|Manufacturing |A technician can use Walkie Talkie to consult with an expert in another location while performing equipment maintenance or repair. |
+[Learn how to manage Walkie Talkie for your organization](/microsoftteams/walkie-talkie?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+Share this [Walkie Talkie video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-walkie-talkie-in-teams-884a008a-761e-4b62-99f8-15671d9a2f69) with your users.
+### Boost morale with Praise
+The Praise app allows management and frontline team members to congratulate each other and share appreciation by sending badges. Praise helps employees feel recognized for achievements such as making sales goals and going above and beyond to help customers.
+|Industry |Example |
+|Retail |A store manager can send the **Awesome** badge to an associate who meets their sales goals. |
+|Healthcare |A healthcare worker can send the **Kind heart** badge to a peer who puts extra effort into patient care. |
+|Financial services |A bank manager can send the **Achiever** badge to a relationship manager who helps to retain an important client. |
+|Manufacturing |A supervisor can sent the **Leadership** badge to a foreman whose team is performing well. |
+[Learn how to manage the Praise app for your organization](/microsoftteams/manage-praise-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+Share this [Praise video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/communication-and-praise-7d37ef80-542b-42e5-aa01-0fabbaa634b6) with your users.
+### Track and monitor work with Tasks
+Use Tasks in Teams to track to-do items for your whole retail team. Store managers and employees can create, assign, and schedule tasks, categorize tasks, and update status at any time from any device running Teams. IT pros and admins can also publish tasks to specific teams for your organization. For example, you could publish a set of tasks for daily cleaning or steps to set up a new display.
+|Industry |Example |
+|Retail |A store manager could assign associates a task to set up a new seasonal display. |
+|Healthcare |A team leader at a doctor's office could assign a nurse a task to attend a training session. |
+|Financial services |A bank manager can assign mortgage specialists a task to review and get familiar with new rates or policies. |
+|Manufacturing |A supervisor can assign a worker a task to inspect a new batch of products. |
+[Learn how to manage the Tasks app for your organization](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+Share this [Tasks video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070) with your users.
+### Streamline approvals with Approvals
+Use Approvals to streamline requests and processes with your team. Create, manage, and share approvals directly from your hub for teamwork. Start an approval flow from the same place you send a chat, in a channel conversation, or from the Approvals app itself. Just select an approval type, add details, attach files, and choose approvers. Once submitted, approvers are notified and can review and act on the request. You can allow the Approvals app for your organization and add it to Teams.
+|Industry |Example |
+|Retail |A sales associate could submit an approval request to offer a discount or special rate to a customer. |
+|Healthcare |A nurse could submit an approval request to change an inpatient's medication. |
+|Financial services |A lending specialist could submit an approval request to a supervisor to offer a special interest rate. |
+|Manufacturing |A machine operator can submit a request for approval to adjust the settings on a piece of equipment. |
+[Learn how to manage the Approvals app for your organization](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+Share this [Approvals video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3?wt.mc_id=otc_microsoft_teams) with your users.
+### Check in on progress with Updates
+The Updates in Microsoft Teams app provides a centralized place for members of your organization to create, review, and submit updates. By creating templates, you can use the Updates app to keep track of anything your organization needs. Updates is available for both desktop and mobile.
+|Industry |Example |
+|Retail |A manager could assign the out-of-the-box Store Opening template for the shift lead to complete every morning. |
+|Healthcare |A team leader could create and assign a recurring daily template with a checklist for equipment preparation. |
+|Financial services |A bank manager could create and assign a recurring daily template for tellers to confirm morning counts. |
+|Manufacturing |A supervisor can create and assign a template to keep track of progress on production of a new batch of items. |
+[Learn how to manage the Updates app for your organization](/microsoftteams/manage-updates-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+Share this [Updates video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-in-updates-c03a079e-e660-42dc-817b-ca4cfd602e5a) with your users.
+## Set up your teams, channels, and apps
+When you're ready to connect your retail associates in Teams, you can set up teams and channels for your store teams and managers with pre-built or custom templates. The easiest way is to start with a template. The **Organize a store** and **Retail for managers** [templates](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-retail-teams-templates?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) are pre-made templates that include channels and apps designed for retail. You can also create a template based off of an existing team. Even when you start with a template, you can customize the team and channels, and add more apps to suit your team's needs.
+- Use channels with tabs to share news, keep employees in touch across shifts, and build community.
+- Use teams templates to set up teams with similar structures (such as channels and tabs) across stores or regions.
+### Create a team based on a template
+1. In Microsoft Teams, select **Join or create a team**.
+2. Select **Create a team** and then scroll down to see available templates.
+More information: [Create a team with templates](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-team-with-team-templates-702a2977-e662-4038-bef5-bdf8ee47b17b)
+### Manage apps
+Refine what's in your team with apps. You can allow or block apps for your organization, or configure settings for apps, in the Microsoft Teams admin center. For more information about managing apps, see [Manage apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/manage-apps).
+Your users can add any apps that you have allowed to their teams. Share this training with your users to show them how: [Find and use apps](https://support.microsoft.com/office/find-and-use-apps-6e22a734-c002-4da0-ba63-681f155b142d).
+## Learn more about Teams capabilities for specific industries
+- [Teams for Retail](teams-for-retail-landing-page.md)
+- [Teams for Healthcare](teams-in-hc.md)
+- [Collaboration Manager for Loans for Financial Services](/industry/financial-services/collaboration-manager/overview)
frontline Flw Trial https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-trial.md
+ Title: Manage the Frontline Trial in Teams
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to set up a 90-day Teams for frontline workers trial for your organization.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Manage the Frontline Trial in Teams
+> [!NOTE]
+> This trial experience is coming soon. You can check when this is available to your organization by looking for a message in the [Message center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2070717) in your Microsoft 365 Admin center.
+The Microsoft Teams Frontline Trial experience lets users in your organization who are in Teams initiate a Teams experience for their entire frontline team, as long as the other members are in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). You can disable this feature for users in your organization by using the [AllowSelfServicePurchase PowerShell module](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/allowselfservicepurchase-powershell).
+## What services are included
+The trial includes everything in the [Microsoft 365 F3 license](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/f3) with the following exceptions:
+- The Frontline Trial includes Exchange Foundation rather than Exchange Kiosk. Users may be missing other Teams functionalities due to this change.
+## Eligibility
+> [!NOTE]
+> You can check if your organization is part of the trial pilot by looking for an announcement in the [Message center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2070717) in your Microsoft 365 Admin center. Your organization will need to be a part of the trial pilot for users to initiate or participate in a trial. This offer isn't available for GCC, GCC High, DoD, or EDU customers.
+The Frontline Trial can accommodate a maximum of 300 users per trial.
+Users can start a frontline trial for their team if they:
+- Have an active license that gives them access to Teams.
+- Haven't previously started a frontline worker trial.
+> If the user who initiated the trial leaves your organization before the trial ends, you as admin will need to monitor the trial, check in with the team to see who's benefiting from these features, and decide which users you'll need to upgrade to a paid license.
+Users can participate in a frontline worker trial if they have a managed Azure Active Directory domain email address.
+Users can participate if they've previously started a trial, but can't initiate another trial.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Users without existing access to Teams can only be added to the trial team at the time of team creation. Existing Teams users can still be added to the trial after the team has been created.
+## Set up the trial
+Eligible users can start a Frontline Trial by signing into the Tasks app in Teams from the desktop or [web app](https://teams.microsoft.com/_#/apps/com.microsoft.teamspace.tab.planner/sections/mytasks). At this time, starting a Frontline Trial through mobile is not supported. When a trial is initiated, the entire team will be assigned the Frontline Trial license automatically. Users with existing paid licenses that give them access to Teams will also be assigned trial licenses, but will maintain the functionality of their existing licenses throughout the trial, and will keep their existing paid licenses after the trial ends. The user who started the trial will receive email notifications throughout the course of the trial.
+## Manage the frontline trials experience
+Admins can prevent end users from starting the Frontline Trial within their organization by using the **AllowSelfServicePurchase** PowerShell module. This is only for trial licenses. [Learn how to use the AllowSelfServicePurchase PowerShell module](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/allowselfservicepurchase-powershell).
+### Manage Teams for users who have the Frontline Trial license
+You can manage users who have the Frontline Trial license just like you manage users who have a regular paid license. For more information, see [Manage Teams settings for your organization](/microsoftteams/manage-teams-overview).
+### Remove a trial license
+You can remove the Frontline Trial license through PowerShell or your Microsoft 365 admin center.
+[Learn how to remove with PowerShell](/office365/enterprise/powershell/remove-licenses-from-user-accounts-with-office-365-powershell).
+[Learn how to remove in the admin center](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/delete-a-user).
+## Upgrade users from Frontline Trial
+Users may reach out to you to ask for licenses when the trial is ending. You'll need admin privileges to upgrade your users.
+### When to upgrade
+Near the end of the 90-day trial, you'll need to check with your users to see who needs to continue with a paid license. Make sure to do this before the Frontline Trial subscription expires to avoid any disruption to the users' experiences.
+> If the Frontline Trial license ends and a user isn't immediately assigned a license that includes Teams, they lose access to Teams. After 30 days, their data (files, messages, and more) is deleted. The user still exists in Azure Active Directory. If a new license is assigned to the user to enable Teams functionality within the 30-day period, all their content in Teams will still exist.
+### Choose an upgrade path
+> [!TIP]
+> The Frontline Trial is based on the [Microsoft 365 F3 license](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/f3).
+Depending on the subscriptions your organization currently has, there are three ways to upgrade from a Frontline Trial to a paid license:
+- **Upgrade an existing Microsoft 365 subscription.** Use this option if your organization has subscriptions to other Office products that donΓÇÖt include Teams. For more information, see [Upgrade to a different plan](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/upgrade-to-different-plan). To see active users for an existing subscription, go to **Users >** [Active users](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=834822) in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+- **Add users to an existing Microsoft 365 subscription.** Use this option if your organization doesnΓÇÖt have enough paid Teams licenses to cover your frontline team. For more information, see [Buy or remove licenses](/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/buy-licenses). To add users to an existing subscription that already has enough available licenses, see [Move users to a different subscription](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/move-users-different-subscription). To see active users for an existing subscription, go to **Users >** [Active users](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=834822) in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+- **Buy a new Microsoft 365 subscription.** Use this option if your organization doesnΓÇÖt have any existing subscriptions to Office products, or if your organization wants to buy a subscription thatΓÇÖs different from their existing subscription to cover frontline users. For more information, see [Microsoft 365 for frontline workers](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/frontline).
+If youΓÇÖre not sure which Microsoft 365 subscription to upgrade to, see [Microsoft 365 for frontline workers](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/frontline). If you need additional help choosing a subscription, or if your organization needs more than 300 licenses, contact your [Microsoft partner](https://www.microsoft.com/solution-providers/home) or Microsoft account representative.
+### Assign paid licenses
+To assign your newly acquired licenses, see [Assign licenses to users](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/assign-licenses-to-users).
+After you assign the new licenses, unassign the Teams Exploratory licenses. See [Unassign licenses from users](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/remove-licenses-from-users), for more information.
+## FAQ
+**How long does the trial last** <br>
+The Frontline Trial lasts for 90 days.
+**What should administrators do at the end of the 90-day Frontline Trial experience?** <br>
+At the end of the 90-day trial, you'll need to check with your users to see who needs to continue with a paid license. Then you'll need to [Upgrade your users](#upgrade-users-from-frontline-trial).
+**What happens if the user who started the trial leaves your organization?** <br>
+You as admin will need to monitor the trial for the rest of the 90-day period, and upgrade to paid licenses for users who need them when the trial ends.
+**What is the data retention policy?** <br>
+You can learn about data retention from the [Microsoft 365 subscription information](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/what-if-my-subscription-expires?).
+**What if a user encounters an error when starting the Frontline Trial?** <br>
+Make sure that your organization, the user starting the trial, and the users being added to the trial meet the [eligibility criteria](#eligibility).
frontline Flw Wellbeing Engagement https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-wellbeing-engagement.md
+ Title: Engage your frontline employees and focus on wellbeing
+description: Learn how to use Viva Connections, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, and the Praise app to increase frontline worker wellbeing and engagement.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Engage your frontline workers and focus on wellbeing
+Nurture a sense of belonging among your frontline team by empowering to engage with your entire organization.
+Survey's like MicrosoftΓÇÖs [Work Trend Index Pulse Report](https://www.microsoft.com/worklab/work-trend-index) show that many frontline workers:
+- Wish more was being done to support their mental health
+- Say leadership does not prioritize building culture
+- Believe that work stress will either stay the same or worsen in the coming year
+You can help your frontline team overcome these challenges and feel supported in your organization by using [Viva Connections](#connect-frontline-workers-to-your-broader-organization-with-viva-connections), [Yammer](#create-communities-with-yammer), [Praise](#boost-morale-with-praise), [SharePoint, and Microsoft Stream](#support-engagement-with-sharepoint-and-microsoft-stream).
+## Connect frontline workers to your broader organization with Viva Connections
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4Vpnn]
+<!-- ![Image of a SharePoint homesite and mobile Viva Connections dashboard](media/viva-connections.png) This seems more like an IW image than a frontline one. Swapping out for the video. -->
+[Viva Connections](/viva/connections/viva-connections-overview) brings the power of SharePoint into Microsoft Teams, so your frontline workers can easily access everything they need on the go. Use the Viva Connections app for Microsoft Teams to:
+- Connect frontline workers and create opportunities to engage, communicate, and collaborate
+- Make it easy for frontline workers to access important news and announcements
+- Empower frontline workers around a common mission and goal
+- Create a sense of belonging and provide tools that help foster wellbeing.
+### Increase engagement with communications
+Viva Connections is comprised of three main components that can be set up and customized in different ways to highlight tools and resources: the dashboard, feed and resources, shown below.
+![Viva Connections dashboard, feed, and resources.](media/viva-connections-mobile-flw.png)
+|Component |Description |Capabilities |
+|Dashboard |The Dashboard is your employeeΓÇÖs digital toolset and enables quick access to popular tasks. |Prioritize cards that help frontline workers accomplish popular tasks like clocking in and out, or viewing assigned tasks. Cards can be targeted to distinct roles and regions. |
+|Feed |The Feed aggregates content from Yammer, SharePoint news, and Stream to display a personalized news stream. |Content in the Feed gets automatically aggregated based on sites and Yammer communities that the user follows. Content can be prioritized to display more prominently in the Feed. |
+|Resources |The Resources surface links to popular SharePoint portals and other content. |Resources are inherited from global navigation in SharePoint. Link to popular SharePoint portals like HR benefits and training resources. Modern SharePoint portals will display in Teams to provide the best possible viewing experience. |
+There are several ways to use Viva Connections to communicate with your workforce. Viva Connections features a [Feed where news, content from Yammer, and videos are aggregated and displayed](/viva/connections/viva-connections-overview#viva-connections-feed) in a personalized view based on the sites and communities that the viewer follows. The [Dashboard](/viva/connections/create-dashboard) can also be used to highlight certain cards that link to important news sources.
+As you prioritize and align the scenarios to support, consider how and where certain tools and resources should be located. [Learn more about the differences between desktop and mobile apps](/viva/connections/viva-connections-overview#viva-connections-mobile-and-desktop-experiences).
+#### Empower your workers to share feedback
+Creating channels for your frontline workers to share feedback helps these teams feel engaged and like their voices matter. In addition, getting feedback from these teams can provide insights into how your organization can improve processes.
+- **On the Dashboard**: Use a [web link card](/viva/connections/create-dashboard#add-a-web-link-card) to make it easy to link to feedback channels such as [Microsoft Forms](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-form-with-microsoft-forms-4ffb64cc-7d5d-402f-b82e-b1d49418fd9d) and [Yammer communities](https://support.microsoft.com/office/join-and-create-a-community-in-yammer-56aaf591-1fbc-4160-ba26-0c4723c23fd6). You can also [integrate third-party solutions into the Dashboard](https://cloudpartners.transform.microsoft.com/resources/viva-app-integration).
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Form creation requires an F3 or Enterprise license. Workers with F1 licenses can fill out forms, but they'll need to be created by someone with an F3 or Enterprise license. [Learn more about license types](flw-licensing-options.md) or [View the detailed license comparison table](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139145).
+- **In the Feed**: Strategically [publish a SharePoint news post](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-and-share-news-on-your-sharepoint-sites-495f8f1a-3bef-4045-b33a-55e5abe7aed7#:~:text=In%20SharePoint%20Online%2C%20you%20can%20add%20news%20posts,instructions%20Create%20the%20news%20post%20.%20See%20More) targeted to frontline workers to highlight different ways to collect feedback and explains how feedback can improve the frontline worker experience.
+- **In Resources**: Link to feedback tools so that frontline workers know where to go to provide feedback.
+### Promote health and wellbeing
+Frontline workers need extra support when it comes to managing health and wellbeing. Not only are their jobs fast paced, but they can also be physically and emotionally demanding.
+- **On the Dashboard**: Surface daily health checks, wellness reminders, and [other third-party solutions that keep people feeling connected and productive](https://cloudpartners.transform.microsoft.com/resources/viva-app-integration).
+- **In the Feed**: Use [SharePoint news posts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-and-share-news-on-your-sharepoint-sites-495f8f1a-3bef-4045-b33a-55e5abe7aed7#:~:text=In%20SharePoint%20Online%2C%20you%20can%20add%20news%20posts,instructions%20Create%20the%20news%20post%20.%20See%20More) and [Video news links](/viva/connections/video-news-links) to spotlight wellness and health resources.
+- **In Resources**: Link to wellness and health resources to your workers can access them at any time.
+### Create a supportive digital ecosystem
+Empowering frontline workers with the right technology makes their jobs easier and helps your organization quickly adapt to ever-changing work conditions. Use Viva Connections to create a digital ecosystem and curated employee experience.
+- **On the Dashboard**: Use [Adaptive card templates](/adaptive-cards/templating/), the [Card designer](/viva/connections/create-dashboard#design-your-own-card-with-a-quick-view), and [third-party integrations](https://cloudpartners.transform.microsoft.com/resources/viva-app-integration) to create custom cards and quick views that help workers access information and complete every day tasks such as:
+ - Finding or securing parking spaces
+ - Accessing pay and benefits information
+ - Requesting new uniforms and supplies
+- **In the Feed**: [SharePoint news posts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-and-share-news-on-your-sharepoint-sites-495f8f1a-3bef-4045-b33a-55e5abe7aed7#:~:text=In%20SharePoint%20Online%2C%20you%20can%20add%20news%20posts,instructions%20Create%20the%20news%20post%20.%20See%20More) and [Video news links](/viva/connections/video-news-links) allow you to digitize organizational announcements. News posts are highlighted throughout the entire Microsoft 365 ecosystem, can be translated into different languages, and can be easily found when employees are searching for content.
+- **In Resources**: Link to tools that your teams use to manage work, such as [Teams apps](flw-team-collaboration.md#apps-in-teams).
+### Get started planning, building, and launching Viva Connections
+Review Viva Connections capabilities, technical requirements, and customization options. Then, work with stakeholders (such as representatives from HR and operations and process owners) who can accurately represent the needs of your frontline workforce. Take inventory of the highest priority needs and align them to Viva Connections capabilities to build a custom experience in Teams. [Get started planning, building, and launching Viva Connections for your organization](/viva/connections/plan-viva-connections).
+## Create communities with Yammer
+Yammer is an internal social network that gives members of your organization opportunities to connect with each other. You can create communities where members of your organization can post messages and communicate. Having a variety of communities that span both frontline and non-frontline teams helps your on-the-ground workforce connect to each other and the broader organization. Communities can be based on:
+- Location
+- Roles, such as cashiers or nurses
+- Interests, such as outdoor activities or pop culture
+- Identity groups
+- And more
+### Host live events
+Members of your leadership or management team can host live events on Yammer where employees can engage and ask questions in real time over chat. Your communications and management teams can use live events to share announcements, host morale events, and more.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Only users with an E3 or E5 license can host live events, but users with F licenses can join them. [Learn more about who can host and join live events in Yammer](/yammer/manage-yammer-groups/yammer-live-events).
+[Learn more about Yammer](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-yammer-1b0f3b3e-89ee-4b66-aac5-30def12f287c).
+## Boost morale with Praise
+The Praise app in Microsoft Teams lets managers and employees congratulate each other and share appreciation by sending badges in Teams chat and channels. Praise helps employees feel recognized for achievements such as meeting goals and going above and beyond to help customers.
+[Learn how to manage Praise for your organization](/microsoftteams/manage-praise-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+## Support engagement with SharePoint and Microsoft Stream
+One of the biggest struggles for frontline workers is feeling included in the broader organization. By recording important meetings in SharePoint and hosting videos in Microsoft Stream.
+### Record Teams meetings and store them in SharePoint
+If your organization already uses Microsoft Teams, you may have recorded some of your meetings so that team members can catch up on meetings that they missed. Recording meetings can also benefit your frontline team by making them feel included in the organization. Some ways you can use recorded meetings to help frontline teams include:
+- Give them earlier access to announcements such as product releases and new policies.
+- Help them understand your organization's broader business goals.
+- Familiarize them with the leadership team that drives decisions that affect them.
+[Learn how to record Teams meetings and store them in SharePoint](https://support.microsoft.com/office/record-a-meeting-in-teams-34dfbe7f-b07d-4a27-b4c6-de62f1348c24).
+Once a meeting is recorded and saved in SharePoint, your corporate communications team can [add a card in Viva Connections](/viva/connections/create-dashboard#create-a-dashboard-and-add-cards) to make it easily accessible for your frontline team.
+### Host live events and share content on Microsoft Stream
+Microsoft Stream is your organization's own streaming video platform. With Stream, anyone in your organization can record and upload videos to share. Ways you can use Stream to engage your frontline workers include:
+- Share announcements such as product releases and new policies so your frontline team isn't the last to know.
+- Members of the leadership team can introduce themselves and discuss their goals so your frontline team understands who drives decisions and why.
+- Frontline teams from different locations can create videos introducing themselves and showcasing their location so workers in different places can feel connected.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Only users with an Enterprise license can host events or publish to stream. Users with F licenses can join events and view videos.
+[Learn more about Microsoft Stream](https://support.microsoft.com/office/explore-stream-87a7d1e2-ef0e-44c6-88dc-74b23266cfc0).
+Your corporate communications team can make sure everyone has easy access to stream videos by [adding a card in Viva Connections](/viva/connections/create-dashboard#create-a-dashboard-and-add-cards).
frontline Get Up And Running https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/get-up-and-running.md
+ Title: Managers - Get your team started with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how frontline managers can get their teams up and running with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_FLW
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Managers - Get your team started with Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+Microsoft 365 for frontline workers includes a variety of capabilities to help your team do their best. Here are a few things you can start doing right away to get your team working together:
+|Path |Description |Teams apps you'll need |
+|[Enable quick communication](#enable-quick-communication) |Help your frontline team stay in touch. |Chats and Walkie Talkie |
+|[Manage frontline schedules, time, and attendance](#manage-frontline-schedules-time-and-attendance) |Set up a schedule that you can manage in Teams. |Shifts |
+|[Manage work items](#manage-work-items) |Use Teams and Microsoft 365 apps to assign and keep track of work items. |Tasks, Lists, Approvals, and Updates |
+|[Foster connections and boost morale](#foster-connections-and-boost-morale-with-praise) |Send praise to your team members to help them feel appreciated. |Praise |
+The apps that support these capabilities are included in Teams and most are ready to use right away. Some youΓÇÖll need to add to your team or set up before youΓÇÖre ready to use it. Also, most of these apps are pinned by default, meaning that members of your frontline team will see them by default in the app bar, which is the bar at the bottom of the Teams mobile clients (iOS and Android) and on the side of the Teams desktop client. You can always add apps that arenΓÇÖt pinned based on your needs. [Learn how to add apps in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-an-app-to-microsoft-teams-b2217706-f7ed-4e64-8e96-c413afd02f77).
+This article will help you get Teams for frontline workers, set up a team, and then configure the features and apps you need to get your team going with these capabilities.
+## Get Teams for frontline workers
+First, you'll need to [initiate the frontline trial experience](https://support.microsoft.com/office/learn-more-about-the-frontline-trial-in-microsoft-teams-73a429fc-f211-4360-8329-704bc102ba98) from within the Tasks app in Microsoft Teams. If you already have Microsoft 365 for frontline workers, you can skip this step and follow the rest of this article to learn how to get the most out of your licenses.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Frontline Trial is based on the Microsoft 365 F3 license.
+## Enable quick communication
+Use the inbuilt communication tools in Microsoft Teams to enable your frontline workers to stay in touch. You donΓÇÖt need to do any additional setup for the communication apps or to use them in your team. YouΓÇÖll always see the Teams, Chats, and Activity icons when you open Teams, either on desktop or mobile, while Walkie Talkie is only available on mobile.
+### Teams
+You and your frontline workers can create teams to help specific groups stay in touch. For example, you could create a Cashiers team so all your cashiers can communicate with each other and share information. If thereΓÇÖs a policy change that only applies to cashiers, you can post it in the Cashiers team so it reaches the people who need to see it. [Learn how to create a team in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/set-up-groups-and-teams-a79afa20-aa01-44a3-b33d-5eaa72f6404f).
+### Chats
+Teams chat allows members of your frontline workforce to communicate seamlessly without having to use their personal messaging apps. [Learn more about chats](https://support.microsoft.com/office/first-things-to-know-about-chats-88ed0a06-6b59-43a3-8cf7-40c01f2f92f2).
+### Activity
+You can @Mention a team member to call their attention to a conversation. @Mentions send users a notification, so theyΓÇÖll see the message in Activity even if they miss it in the chat.
+### Walkie Talkie
+Walkie Talkie empowers your workers to have real-time conversations with workers at any location without leaving their station. For example, if an employee is helping a customer and needs assistance, they can use Walkie Talkie to contact an expert or manager without having to walk away from the customer.
+Walkie Talkie is supported on Android devices with Google Mobile Services (GMS) and iOS devices.
+## Manage frontline schedules, time, and attendance
+You can use the Shifts app to create and manage schedules. With Shifts, employees can request time off, volunteer for open shifts, and request to swap shifts with coworkers. You can also use shifts to share schedules so itΓÇÖs easy for everyone on your team to know when theyΓÇÖre working. Employees can use Shifts to clock in and out.
+To create a schedule in Shifts:
+1. Go into the app and select **Create a new schedule**.
+2. Then select **Add group** to organize the schedule based on job type or location. You can have multiple groups on one schedule. For example, a healthcare organization could have a group for receptionists and a group for nurses.
+3. Select the ellipses (**…**) and then **Rename** to name the group.
+4. To create a shift for a team member, select their row and then select **More options > add shift**.
+Watch [this video](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-shifts-schedule-2b94ca38-36db-4a1c-8fee-f8f0fec9a984) to learn more about creating schedules in shifts.
+If your organization is already using a workforce management system for scheduling, your IT team can integrate it with Teams to pull all of your schedules into shifts. Right now Shifts is able to integrate with Blue Yonder and Reflexis workforce management systems. [Learn more about connecting your workforce management system](shifts-connectors.md).
+## Manage work items
+You can use the Tasks, Lists, Approvals, and Updates apps to manage and keep track of work items. You can choose to use just one app, or use several of them based on your needs. Anyone can create and assign tasks to themselves and team members.
+### Tasks
+Tasks is powered by Planner, and lets you create and assign work items for your team. To create and assign a task in Tasks:
+1. Open the Tasks app.
+2. Select **+ New list or plan** to create a task list for your team.
+3. Give your plan a name. Under **Create in**, choose the team and channel you want the task plan to apply to. Then select **Create**.
+ ![Screenshot of the New plan pane.](media/flw-manager-tasks.png)
+4. To create a new task, give it a name. Then assign it to a member of the team that you created the plan in. You can also choose a due date.
+ ![Screenshot of the page to name and assign a task.](media/flw-manager-assign-task.png)
+5. Once you've created and assigned the task, it will appear in the Tasks app for members of the team. If you don't assign the task to a specific person, it will still show up for the team.
+Tasks is powered by Planner. Watch [this playlist](https://support.microsoft.com/office/organize-your-team-s-tasks-in-microsoft-planner-c931a8a8-0cbb-4410-b66e-ae13233135fb) to learn more about how you can use Planner and Tasks together.
+### Approvals
+Approvals lets your team submit requests for approval from within Teams. For example, if one of your team members wants to offer a discount on a large order, they can submit an approval request to get permission.
+You can create templates for your frontline team that will allow them to submit streamlined approval requests.
+1. From the Approvals hub, select **Create or manage templates**.
+2. From the menu, select which team you want the template to apply to.
+ ![Screenshot of the template management menu.](media/flw-manager-templateteam.png)
+3. Select **New template** and then either choose an existing template from the template store or create one from scratch to suit your needs.
+4. Choose who you want the template to apply to. Choose **Team wide** to make this template apply to everyone in the team you selected in step 2.
+5. Select the team from the list.
+6. Fill in the Basic settings, Form design, and Workflow settings. Then select **Preview**.
+7. If the template looks good to you, choose **Publish**.
+8. Members of your team will now be able to submit approval requests from the template you created.
+[Learn more about creating templates for your team in Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/discover-templates-in-approvals-c33ecf9f-b745-4287-b104-ac69469745e0).
+### Lists
+The Lists app helps you track information and organize work. You and your team can create lists for inventory, customer requests, supply needs, and more.
+You can create a list from a template by choosing **+New List** from the Lists app. [Learn about what templates are available](https://support.microsoft.com/office/list-templates-in-microsoft-365-62f0e4cf-d55d-4f89-906f-4a34e036ded1).
+If you have a spreadsheet that you collaborate on with your team, you can convert it to a list.
+1. From the Lists app, select **+New List**.
+2. Choose **From Excel** and upload the spreadsheet you want to turn into a list.
+3. Confirm the column types are correct and adjust them if necessary. Then select **Next**.
+4. Give your list a name, color, icon, and location. Then choose **Create**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Lists app isn't pinned by default, but you can [add it from the Teams app store](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-an-app-to-microsoft-teams-b2217706-f7ed-4e64-8e96-c413afd02f77).
+### Updates
+Updates allows you to create, submit, and review updates. People can easily see their employee updates, check-ins, and reports in one place to make sure the team is on track for success, whether those are recurring processes that happen on a regular basis or in-the-moment updates that might be needed at any time.
+You can assign updates to your team members. Team members can also submit updates without being assigned.
+1. In the Updates app, select **Create and manage templates**.
+2. Choose a popular template, or choose **View more** to see all template options. You can choose a template or start from blank.
+3. Fill in the Basic settings and Form design.
+4. In Workflow settings, choose who you want to submit this update, view this update, and the times and due dates for the update.
+5. The submitters you assigned will now be able to see and submit the required update.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Updates app isn't pinned by default, but you can [add it from the Teams app store](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-an-app-to-microsoft-teams-b2217706-f7ed-4e64-8e96-c413afd02f77).
+## Foster connections and boost morale with Praise
+The Praise app in Teams helps you show appreciation to members of your team. You can send badges to team members to recognize their achievement, and team members can send badges to each other. You can also send badges in a channel conversation to recognize a group of people. Praise uses pre-made badges that call out positive qualities such as **Team Player** and **Awesome**.
+1. Open a Teams chat or channel. Below the space where you write a message, choose the Praise icon or select the ellipses (**...**) to find it.
+ ![Screenshot of the Praise icon in a chat](media/praise-icon.png)
+2. Select a badge from the **Badge** dropdown menu.
+3. Add the name of the people you want to praise and an optional description.
+4. Select **Preview** to check it, and then select **Send**.
+## Share training videos with your users
+Help your team get comfortable and confident using their Microsoft 365 capabilities with these training resources. Each of these articles and videos only takes a few minutes to go through.
+[Get started with Microsoft Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-microsoft-teams-b98d533f-118e-4bae-bf44-3df2470c2b12)
+[Get started with Walkie Talkie](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-teams-walkie-talkie-25bdc3d5-bbb2-41b7-89bf-650fae0c8e0c)
+[Get started with Shifts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821)
+Shifts also includes a clock in and out feature. [Learn how to clock in and out with Shifts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/clock-in-and-out-with-shifts-ae7b676c-7666-46c7-9f68-85ff54acec8b)
+[Get started with Tasks](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070)
+[Learn about Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3)
+[Learn about Lists](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-list-from-the-lists-app-b5e0b7f8-136f-425f-a108-699586f8e8bd)
+[Learn about the Updates mobile experience](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-in-updates-c03a079e-e660-42dc-817b-ca4cfd602e5a#ID0EBF=Mobile)
+[Learn how to send Praise](https://support.microsoft.com/office/send-praise-to-people-50f26b47-565f-40fe-8642-5ca2a5ed261e)
frontline Hc Delegates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/hc-delegates.md
+ Title: Message delegation
+audience: ITPro
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_Healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn how a user with Away status or Do Not Disturb status can explicitly set another user as a delegate in their status message.
+# Message delegation
+A user can already explicitly set their status to Away or Do not Disturb, and provide custom text. The message delegation feature works as follows:
+1. A user @username mentions another user in part of a text status message, suggesting that while they are unavailable people who want to contact them instead contact the @username mentioned user.
+2. The person who has been assigned as a delegate is notified that they were nominated to be a delegate.
+3. Someone trying to contact the first user can then hover over the nominated delegate and easily message the delegate instead.
+This is a user-initiated process in the client, and no Admin involvement is required to enable the feature.
+## Delegation use scenario in Healthcare
+*Usage example without setting delegates:* Dr. Franco Piccio is on-call at the radiology department. He receives an urgent personal call and has to step away for the next couple of hours. He asks one of his peers in the radiology department, Dr. Lena Ehrle, to cover for him while he is gone. He informally hands over his pager to Dr. Ehrle, who is listening for urgent messages and pings on the pager and responds to them on behalf of Dr. Piccio in addition to her current responsibilities. Others on the team may not realize the informal delegation happened, and confusion ensues with a patient's care.
+*Usage example with setting delegates:* Dr. Franco Piccio is on-call at the radiology department. He receives an urgent personal call and has to step away for the next couple of hours. He asks one of his peers in the radiology department, Dr. Lena Ehrle to cover for him while he is gone. He changes his custom status message to say something similar to "I am unavailable for the next few hours. Please contact @DrEhrle for any emergencies." Others on the team realize the delegation happened as they're attempting to contact Dr. Piccio, so they now know to contact Dr. Ehrle in the meantime. Little to no confusion ensues with a patient's care.
+## Impact of co-existence modes on user status in the Teams client
+Admins should be aware that status notes and delegation mention behaviors will depend partly on a user's co-existence mode. This matrix shows the possibilities:
+|Co-Existence Mode | Expected Behavior|
+|TeamsOnly |Users can set a note only from Teams. <br> User's Teams note is visible in Teams & SfB. |
+|Islands | User's note set in Teams visible only in Teams. <br> User's note set in SfB visible only in SfB |
+|SfB* modes | Users can set a note only from SfB. <br> User's SfB note is visible in SfB & Teams. |
+A user can only set a note in Teams if their mode is TeamsOnly or Islands.
+### Displaying notes set in Skype for Business
+There is no visual indication that a note was set from Skype for Business.
+Skype for Business doesn't enforce a character limit on status notes. Microsoft Teams will only display the first 280 characters of a note set from Skype for Business. An ellipse (...) at the end of a note indicates truncation.
+Skype for Business doesn't support expiry times for notes.
+Migration of notes from Skype for Business to Teams is not supported when a user is upgraded to TeamsOnly mode.
+## Related topics
+[Coexistence with Skype for Business](/microsoftteams/coexistence-chat-calls-presence)
frontline Preview Feature https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/includes/preview-feature.md
+**This is a preview or early release feature.**
frontline Shifts Connector Admin Role https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/includes/shifts-connector-admin-role.md
+++ Last updated : 03/31/2022 +
+audience: admin
+To complete the steps in this article, you must be a Microsoft 365 global admin or a Shifts connector admin.
+ The Shifts connector admin role is a custom role that you create in Azure AD and assign to a user. The name of the role must be "Shifts connector admin". The role doesn't need to have any specific permissions, although, at least one permission must be set when you create it. The service relies on the presence of the role on the user, and not its permissions. To learn more, see [Create and assign a custom role in Azure AD](/azure/active-directory/roles/custom-create) and [Assign Azure AD roles to users](/azure/active-directory/roles/manage-roles-portal). Keep in mind that it can take up to 24 hours for the role to be created and applied to a user.
frontline Shifts Connector Prerequisites https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/includes/shifts-connector-prerequisites.md
+++ Last updated : 03/31/2022 +
+audience: admin
+Before you get started, make sure you have the following prerequisites:
+- Blue Yonder WFM version 2020.3, 2021.1, or 2021.2.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > If you have Blue Yonder WFM 2020.3 or 2021.1, apply the 2020.3.0.4 or 2021.1.0.3 patch. This patch fixes an issue where users get a persistent error message in Shifts. It also fixes an issue that prevents users from updating their availability in Shifts.
+- Your Blue Yonder WFM service account name and password and service URLs:
+ - Federated authentication URL
+ - Cookie authentication URL
+ - Employee self-service URL
+ - Retail web API URL
+ - Site manager API URL
+ - Administration API URL
+ If you donΓÇÖt have this information, contact Blue Yonder support. The account is created at the root enterprise level by a Blue Yonder enterprise administrator. It must have API Access, Client Admin, and Store Manager access. The account and password are required to create a connection.
+- Federated SSO authentication is enabled in your Blue Yonder WFM environment. Contact Blue Yonder support to make sure federated SSO is enabled. They'll need the following information:
+ - federatedSSOValidationService: `https://wfmconnector.teams.microsoft.com/api/v1/fedauth/{tenantId}/6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74/authorize` where {tenantId} is your tenantId
+ - proxyHeader: X-MS-AuthToken
+- At least one team is set up in Teams.
+- You added your Microsoft 365 system account as a team owner to all teams you want to map.</br> [Create this account in Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/add-users) and assign it a Microsoft 365 license. Then, add the account as a team owner to all teams that you want to map. The Shifts connector uses this account when syncing Shifts changes from Blue Yonder WFM.
+ We recommend that you create an account specifically for this purpose and not use your user account.
frontline Shifts Connector Set Up Environment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/includes/shifts-connector-set-up-environment.md
+++ Last updated : 03/31/2022 +
+audience: admin
+1. Install PowerShell version 7 or later. For step-by-step guidance, see [Installing PowerShell on Windows](/powershell/scripting/install/installing-powershell-on-windows).
+1. Run PowerShell in administrator mode.
+1. Install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module.
+ ```powershell
+ Install-Module Microsoft.Graph
+ Import-Module Microsoft.Graph
+ ```
+ Verify that it's version 1.6.1 or later.
+ ```powershell
+ Get-InstalledModule Microsoft.Graph
+ ```
+1. Install the Teams Preview PowerShell module.
+ ```powershell
+ Install-Module -Name MicrosoftTeams -AllowPrerelease -Force
+ Import-Module MicrosoftTeams
+ ```
+ Verify that it's at least version 4.1.0 and contains the Shifts connector cmdlets.
+ ```powershell
+ Get-Command -Module MicrosoftTeams -Name *teamsshiftsconnection*
+ ```
+1. Set PowerShell to exit if an error occurs when running the script.
+ ```powershell
+ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+ ```
+1. Enable scripts to run in Windows.
+ ```powershell
+ Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass
+ ```
frontline Tutorial Disclaimer Note https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/includes/tutorial-disclaimer-note.md
+> [!NOTE]
+> This tutorial includes links to existing content to help connect you with the latest, most up-to-date information. For an optimal learning experience, follow the links to learn and apply. If a link is labeled as ΓÇ£additional information,ΓÇ¥ you can consider it optional.
frontline Tutorial Disclaimer Roadmap https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/includes/tutorial-disclaimer-roadmap.md
+> [!NOTE]
+> Microsoft Teams is evolving on a regular basisΓÇönew features and functionality are added frequently. Please monitor the following resources to stay up-to-date:
+> - Follow the [Teams Blog](https://aka.ms/teamsblog).
+> - Read the [Teams Roadmap](https://aka.ms/O365Roadmap).
+> - Learn about the latest released features in the [Release Notes](https://support.office.com/article/what-s-new-in-microsoft-teams-d7092a6d-c896-424c-b362-a472d5f105de).
+> - Participate in the [Microsoft Teams technical community](https://aka.ms/TeamsCommunity) to get your feature questions answered.
frontline Manage Shift Based Access Flw https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/manage-shift-based-access-flw.md
+ Title: Manage shift-based access for frontline workers in Teams
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to manage shift-based access in Teams for frontline workers in your organization.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Manage shift-based access for frontline workers in Teams
+## Overview
+Presence in Microsoft Teams indicates a user's current availability and status to other users. The presence of frontline workers is often less predictable than other staff as their working hours are typically not the same each day. As an admin, you can configure Teams to show a set of shift-based presence states for the frontline workers in your organization to indicate when they are on and off shift.
+These shift-based presence states&mdash;![Solid green check mark, indicates On shift.](mediash;are separate from the [default set of presence states](/microsoftteams/presence-admins) in Teams. With these two sets of presence states, you can configure different experiences for people in your organization based on their role.
+With shift-based access, you can manage access to Teams when frontline workers are off shift. For example, you can set Teams to display a message that frontline workers must acknowledge before they can use Teams when they're not on a scheduled shift.
+## Scenario
+Here's an example of how your organization can manage shift-based access.
+You have frontline workers in your organization that should only be paid for hours they work on a shift that their manager scheduled and approved. They shouldn't be paid for time spent working outside a scheduled shift, which includes using the Teams app. You set up a custom message that says "Your time on Teams when on off shift won't count toward payable hours", which is displayed when frontline workers try to access Teams when off shift. If they choose to use Teams, they click **I accept** with the understanding that they won't be paid for this time.
+You also have information workers in your organization who are salaried and who don't work shifts. You configure your information workers to use the default presence states in Teams while giving your frontline workers shift-based presence.
+## Shift-based presence states
+Here are the shift-based presence states.
+|App configured |User configured |More information |
+|![Solid green check mark, indicates On shift.](media/flw-presence-on-shift.png) On shift | |Automatically set at the start of a shift |
+|![Gray circle with x, indicates Off shift](media/flw-presence-off-shift.png) Off shift | |Automatically set at the end of a shift |
+|![Solid red circle, indicates Busy.](media/flw-presence-busy.png) Busy | ![Solid red circle, indicates Busy](media/flw-presence-busy.png) Busy |Automatically set. Can also be manually set when the frontline worker is on shift.|
+## Off shift access to Teams
+This feature lets you manage access to Teams when frontline workers are off shift. You can set Teams to display a message to frontline workers if they access Teams when off shift. Frontline workers must click **I accept** to acknowledge the message before they can use Teams.
+You can use the default message, choose from a set of pre-defined messages, or customize the message to display any text that you want. Here's the default message:
+![Screenshot of default message.](media/shifts-presence-message.png)
+You can also set the frequency when the message is displayed and set a grace period between when the first shift starts or last shift ends and when access to Teams is restricted.
+## Manage shift-based access
+As an admin, you use policies to control shift-based presence for frontline workers in your organization. You manage these policies by using the following PowerShell cmdlets:
+- [New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftspolicy)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftspolicy)
+- [Set-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/set-csteamsshiftspolicy)
+- [Grant-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/grant-csteamsshiftspolicy)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftspolicy)
+Use the New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy cmdlet to create a new policy, set the policy settings that you want, and then use the Grant-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy cmdlet to assign the policy to users.
+Here's some examples. For detailed information about each policy setting and parameter, including the list of predefined off shift messages that you can choose from, see [New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftspolicy).
+### Example 1
+In this example, we create a new policy named Off Shift Teams Access Default Message. In this policy, shift-based presence is turned on and the default message is displayed every time a user who is assigned this policy accesses Teams when off shift. The user can use Teams when off shift if they accept the message, and the grace period between when the first shift starts or last shift ends and when access is restricted is 10 minutes.
+New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy -Identity "Off Shift Teams Access Default Message" -EnableShiftPresence $true -ShiftNoticeFrequency always -ShiftNoticeMessageType DefaultMessage -AccessType UnrestrictedAccess_TeamsApp -AccessGracePeriodMinutes 10
+> [!NOTE]
+> Use the **ShiftNoticeMessageType** parameter to set the message that you want to display. To see a list of the pre-defined messages that you can choose from for this parameter, see [New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftspolicy).
+### Example 2
+In this example, we create a new policy named Off Shift Teams Access Custom Message. In this policy, shift-based presence is turned on and a custom message is displayed every time a user who is assigned this policy accesses Teams when off shift. The user can use Teams when off shift if they accept the message, and the grace period between when the first shift starts or last shift ends and when access is restricted is 15 minutes.
+New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy -Identity "Off Shift Teams Access Custom Message" -EnableShiftPresence $true -ShiftNoticeFrequency always -ShiftNoticeMessageType CustomMessage -ShiftNoticeMessageCustom "Your time on Teams when on off shift won't count toward payable hours" -AccessType UnrestrictedAccess_TeamsApp -AccessGracePeriodMinutes 15
+> [!NOTE]
+> Use the **ShiftNoticeMessageType** parameter to set the message that you want to display. To learn more, see [New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftspolicy).
+### Example 3
+In this example, we create a new policy named Off Shift Teams Access Message1. In this policy, shift-based presence is turned on and the following predefined message is displayed every time a user who is assigned this policy accesses Teams when off shift.
+ "Your employer does not authorize or approve of the use of its network, applications, systems, or tools by non-exempt or hourly employees during their non-working hours. By accepting, you acknowledge that your use of Teams while off shift is not authorized and you will not be compensated."
+The user can use Teams when off shift if they accept the message, and the grace period between when the first shift starts or last shift ends and when access is restricted is three minutes.
+New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy -Identity "Off Shift Teams Access Message1" -EnableShiftPresence $true -ShiftNoticeFrequency always -ShiftNoticeMessageType Message1 -AccessType UnrestrictedAccess_TeamsApp -AccessGracePeriodMinutes 3
+> [!NOTE]
+> Use the **ShiftNoticeMessageType** parameter to set the message that you want to display. To see a list of the pre-defined messages that you can choose from for this parameter, see [New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftspolicy).
+### Example 4
+In this example, we assign a policy named Off Shift Teams Access Custom Message to a user named remy@contoso.com.
+Grant-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy -Identity remy@contoso.com -PolicyName "Off Shift Teams Access Custom Message"
+## Related topics
+- [Manage the Shifts app for your organization in Teams](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Teams PowerShell overview](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview)
frontline Messaging Policies Hc https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/messaging-policies-hc.md
+ Title: Secure Messaging for healthcare organizations using Microsoft Teams
+audience: ITPro
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_Healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn how to customize a Secure Messaging policy for Microsoft Teams that can include read receipts and priority notifications.
+# Secure Messaging for healthcare organizations
+Messaging policies are used to control which chat and channel messaging features are available to users in Microsoft Teams, and are part of the overall deployment of Secure Messaging for healthcare organizations like Hospitals, clinics, or doctor's offices, where having a message picked up and acted upon in a timely manner is crucial, as is knowing when crucial messages are read.
+You can use the global (Org-wide default) policy or create one or more custom messaging policies for people in your organization. Users in your organization will automatically get the global policy unless you create and assign a custom policy. After you create a custom policy, assign it a user or groups of users in your organization. For example, you may choose to only allow certain job roles to use these features (perhaps doctors and nurses only) and other workers (like the janitorial or kitchen staff) to get a more limited set of features. Decide for yourself what needs your organization has, the guidance here is at most a suggestion.
+Policies can be easily managed in the [Microsoft Teams admin center](https://admin.teams.microsoft.com) by logging in with administrator credentials and choosing **Messaging policies** in the left navigation pane.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/hc-messaging-policy-admin-center-new.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Messaging policies page." lightbox="media/hc-messaging-policy-admin-center-new.png":::
+ To edit the existing default Messaging policy for your organization, click **Global (Org-wide default)**, and then make your changes. To create a new custom messaging policy, click **Add** and then select your settings. Choose **Save** when you are done.
+![Screenshot of messaging policy settings.](media/hc-messaging-policy.png)
+The following settings are of special interest for Healthcare applications, and should be considered when designing a custom policy used in the Healthcare field:
+## Read receipts
+Read receipts allows the sender of a chat message to know when their message was read by the recipient in 1:1 and group chats 20 people or less. Use this setting to specify whether read receipts are user controlled, on for everyone, or off for everyone. Message read receipts are important in Healthcare organizations because they remove uncertainly about whether a message was read.
+For Healthcare applications, choose either **User controlled** or **On for everyone**. Be aware that when using the **On for everyone** setting, the only way to set receipts for the whole tenant is either to have only one messaging policy for the whole tenant (the default policy named "Global (Org-wide Default)") or to have all messaging policies in the tenant use the same settings for receipts. The read receipts feature is most effective when the feature is enabled to **On for everyone**.
+*Usage example without read receipts:* Jakob Roth, a high risk patient, is admitted to the hospital. Sofia Krause is a nurse working as part of the inter-disciplinary team (IDT) of medical workers, including different specialists, is assigned as the primary care coordinator in charge of this patient. Sofia sends emails and other instant messages to a groups of nurses and doctors who use a variety of messaging clients and apps, and often gets no response or indication whether a message was read by team members. Due to tangled communication processes, Jakob's medication is misapplied and his hospital stay is extended.
+*Usage example with read receipts:* Jakob Roth, a high risk patient, is admitted to the hospital. Sofia Krause is a nurse working as part of the inter-disciplinary team (IDT) of medical workers, including different specialists, is assigned as the primary care coordinator in charge of this patient. Sofia starts a group chat with a set of doctors and other nurses who will be working with the patient to coordinate care and starts an emergency triage. The nurses and doctors communicate and collaborate over the patient's care plan throughout the care coordination process. Important and urgent messages are sent through 1:1 and group chat conversations. Sofia uses the read receipts functionality to determine if messages sent requesting support are delivered and read by the targeted physicians or nurses. Jakob's patient outcomes are near-optimal and he goes home sooner because his health team communicates smoothly.
+## Send urgent messages using priority notifications
+A user can mark a message as *urgent* when sending chat messages to other users. This feature helps hospital staff alert one another when a critical incident requires their attention. Unlike regular *important* messages, [priority notifications](https://support.microsoft.com/article/mark-a-message-as-important-or-urgent-in-teams-ea99d5b6-1317-4550-8d75-86ff14cd4462) notify users every two minutes for up to 20 minutes or until the message is picked up and read by the recipient, maximizing the likelihood that the message is acted upon in a timely manner.
+An admin can enable or disable the ability for users assigned this policy to send priority notifications. This feature is on by default. The recipient of the priority message might not have the same messaging policy, and will not have an option to disable receiving priority messages. For Healthcare applications, we recommend enabling the feature for at least some users, but you'll need to determine which ones.
+*Usage example:* Sofia Krause is readmitting a high-risk patient, Jakob Roth. Manuela Carstens, a physician, is the primary care doctor for this patient. Sofia sends a message to Manuela using a priority notification asking for immediate help with triage of Jakob. Manuela's phone receives the message but Manuela didn't feel the phone vibration and does not reply. Teams re-notifies Manuela and will continue to persistently re-notify until she reads the message. If read receipts are also enabled, Sofia can be aware that the message was read by Manuela, even before Manuela decides how to respond.
+## Related topics
+- [Manage messaging policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/messaging-policies-in-teams)
+- [Get started with Teams for Healthcare organizations](teams-in-hc.md)
frontline Pin Teams Apps Based On License https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/pin-teams-apps-based-on-license.md
+ Title: Tailor Teams apps for your frontline workers
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn about the tailored app experience for frontline workers in Microsoft Teams.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Tailor Teams apps for your frontline workers
+> [!NOTE]
+> This feature is currently being rolled out and might not be available in your organization yet. To stay on top of upcoming Teams features, check out the [Microsoft 365 Roadmap](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=&searchterms=microsoft%2Cteams).
+## Overview
+Teams pins apps based on license to give your frontline workers an out-of-the-box experience in Teams that's tailored to their needs.
+With the tailored frontline app experience, your frontline workers get the most relevant apps in Teams without any action needed from the admin.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4VuCH]
+## Tailored frontline app experience
+Apps are pinned to the app bar, which is the bar at the bottom of the Teams mobile clients (iOS and Android) and on the side of the Teams desktop client. The following apps are pinned for users who have an [F license](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/frontline#office-SKUChooser-0dbn8nt):
+- [Activity](https://support.microsoft.com/office/explore-the-activity-feed-in-teams-91c635a1-644a-4c60-9c98-233db3e13a56)
+- [Chat](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-chat-0b506ce2-eb6d-4fca-9668-e56980ba755e)
+- [Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/teams-and-channels-in-microsoft-teams-c6d0e61d-a61e-44a6-a972-04f2a8fa4155)
+- [Walkie Talkie](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-teams-walkie-talkie-25bdc3d5-bbb2-41b7-89bf-650fae0c8e0c)
+- [Tasks](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070)
+- [Shifts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821)
+- [Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3)
+**Teams mobile**
+**Teams desktop**
+## Admin controls
+> [!NOTE]
+> The **User pinning** setting must be turned on in the global (org-wide default) [app setup policy](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies) for this feature to take effect.
+The tailored frontline app experience is controlled by the **Show tailored apps** org-wide app setting on the [Manage apps](/microsoftteams/manage-apps#manage-org-wide-app-settings) page of the Teams admin center. If the feature is on, all users in your organization who have an F license will get the tailored app experience.
+Keep in mind that any custom [app setup policies](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies) assigned to users take precedence. This means that if a user already has a custom app setup policy assigned to them, the user gets the configuration that's defined in the custom app setup policy. To learn more about how the feature works with Teams app policies, including the global app setup policy, see the [Scenarios](#scenarios) section later in this article.
+This feature is on by default. However, if you don't want the tailored frontline app experience provided by Microsoft, you can turn off the feature. To turn the feature off or on:
+1. In the left navigation of the Microsoft Teams admin center, go to **Teams apps** > **Manage apps**, and then select **Org-wide app settings**.
+2. Under **Tailored apps**, switch the **Show tailored apps** toggle to **Off** or **On**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/tailored-teams-apps-admin-center.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Show tailored apps setting on the Manage apps page of the Teams admin center" lightbox="media/tailored-teams-apps-admin-center.png":::
+## Scenarios
+### How does the tailored frontline app experience affect my global app setup policy?
+Learn how the tailored frontline app experience works together with the global app setup policy. The scenarios in this table apply to frontline workers who have an F license and the global app setup policy, with **User pinning** turned on.
+|If... |Then... |
+|A frontline worker has the global app setup policy and the feature is off. |The frontline worker gets the apps defined in the global app setup policy.|
+|A frontline worker has the global app setup policy and the feature is on. | The frontline worker gets the tailored frontline app experience. Apps defined in the global app setup policy are pinned below the tailored apps. |
+|You update the global app setup policy and the feature is on. |The frontline worker gets the tailored frontline app experience and the apps defined in the global app setup policy are pinned below the tailored apps. |
+|A frontline worker has the global app setup policy and **User pinning** is turned off. |The frontline worker gets the apps defined in the global app setup policy.|
+|A frontline worker has the global app setup policy, and the global app setup policy is changed to include a line-of-business (LOB) app in the second position in the app list. |The LOB app is pinned below the tailored apps. The frontline worker can change the app order if **User pinning** is on. |
+|A frontline worker has the global setup policy and the global app setup policy is changed to include Shifts in the first position. |Shifts is pinned to the sixth position, as defined by the tailored frontline app experience. The frontline worker can change the app order if **User pinning** is on. |
+### How does the tailored frontline app experience work with other Teams app policies?
+Learn how the tailored frontline app experience works with other Teams app policies.
+|If... |Then... |
+The feature is off. | The frontline worker gets the apps defined in the global app setup policy or custom app setup policy assigned to them. |
+|A frontline worker has a custom app setup policy and the feature is on. |The frontline worker gets the apps defined in the custom app setup policy. |
+|An app in the tailored frontline app experience is blocked for a user or for your organization. |The tailored frontline app experience honors the [app permission policy](/microsoftteams/teams-app-permission-policies). If an app is blocked, the frontline worker won't see the blocked app. |
+|An app in the tailored frontline app experience is already defined in an app setup policy and the feature is on. |The app is pinned based on the order defined by the tailored apps list. |
+|A user has an E, A, or G license and the feature is on. | The user doesn't get the tailored frontline app experience. Currently, the experience applies only to users who have an F license. |
+> [!NOTE]
+> You can't change the apps or order of apps in the tailored frontline app experience. For now, if you want to make changes, you can set up your own custom experience. To do this, first turn off the feature. Then, [create a custom app setup policy](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies), and [assign it to users or groups](/microsoftteams/assign-policies-users-and-groups).
+## Related articles
+- [Manage the Walkie Talkie app in Teams](/microsoftteams/walkie-talkie?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Manage the Tasks app in Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Manage the Shifts app in Teams](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Manage the Approvals app in Teams](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Manage app setup policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies)
+- [Manage app permission policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-permission-policies)
frontline Schedule Owner For Shift Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/schedule-owner-for-shift-management.md
+ Title: Manage schedule owners for shift management
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Retail
+description: Learn how to manage shift owners for schedule management. You can set a policy to elevate the permission of a team member to a schedule owner.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-retail
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Schedule Owner for shift management
+## Overview
+The Schedule Owner feature lets you elevate the permissions of a team member so that they can manage schedules without making the employee a team owner. With Schedule Owner permissions, an employee can manage their teamΓÇÖs schedule without being able to modify any other team properties such as updating, editing, or deleting team channels.
+What can a user with schedule owner permissions do?
+- Create, edit, and publish schedules to manage their teamΓÇÖs shift assignments.
+- View and approve shift requests including requests to swap shifts and take open shifts.
+- Manage settings in Shifts to enable certain features for the team.
+- View and modify their teamΓÇÖs timesheet to process employee payrolls.
+## Why Schedule Owner?
+Without the Schedule Owner feature, day-to-day business functions could be disrupted. While the team owner helps to run the team, they might not necessarily be the person in charge of day-to-day scheduling. In this case, transferring only the schedule management responsibility to another team member streamlines daily operations within the team and eliminates the confusion of two team members having the same access privileges.
+## Scenario
+HereΓÇÖs an example of how your organization can use the Schedule Owner feature.
+You work in a large organization where department managers report directly to the store manager. The store manager has more authority within your company and is the team owner in Shifts. Department managers, on the other hand, are only ever added to Shifts as team members. While store managers have more seniority than department managers, it makes more sense for department managers to handle the day-to-day scheduling of their teamΓÇÖs employees.
+*Without Schedule Owner*, department managers must be given the exact same privileges as the team owner. Recently, department managers have been moving information around, and changing the name of channels, and it has caused complications with the store managerΓÇÖs work. The store manager wants the department managers to be able to organize their schedules, but doesn't want them to be able to change anything else on the team, outside of Shifts.
+*With Schedule Owner*, the department managers can be given scheduling privileges, without any other team owner privileges.
+## Manage schedule ownership
+As an admin, you use policies to control schedule management ownership in your organization. You manage these policies by using the following PowerShell cmdlets:
+- [New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftspolicy?view=teams-ps)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftspolicy?view=teams-ps)
+- [Set-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/set-csteamsshiftspolicy?view=teams-ps)
+- [Grant-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/grant-csteamsshiftspolicy?view=teams-ps)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftspolicy?view=teams-ps)
+### Example 1
+Here, we create a new policy named ScheduleOwnerPolicy with the Schedule Owner feature turned on.
+New-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy ΓÇôIdentity ScheduleOwnerPolicy -EnableScheduleOwnerPermissions $true -AccessType UnrestrictedAccess_TeamsApp
+### Example 2
+In this example, we assign a policy named ScheduleOwnerPolicy to a user named remy@contoso.com.
+Grant-CsTeamsShiftsPolicy -Identity remy@contoso.com -PolicyName ScheduleOwnerPolicy
+## Related articles
+- [Manage the Shifts app for your organization in Teams](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Manage shift-based access for frontline workers in Teams](manage-shift-based-access-flw.md)
frontline Shifts Connector Blue Yonder Powershell Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/shifts-connector-blue-yonder-powershell-setup.md
+ Title: Use PowerShell to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to use PowerShell to integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder Workforce Management.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Use PowerShell to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management
+## Overview
+Use the [Microsoft Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder](shifts-connectors.md#microsoft-teams-shifts-connector-for-blue-yonder) to integrate the Shifts app in Microsoft Teams with Blue Yonder Workforce Management (Blue Yonder WFM). After a connection is set up, your frontline workers can seamlessly view and manage their schedules in Blue Yonder WFM from within Shifts.
+In this article, we walk you through how to use PowerShell to set up and configure the connector to integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder WFM.
+To set up the connection, you run a PowerShell script. The script configures the connector, applies sync settings, creates the connection, and maps Blue Yonder WFM instances to teams. Sync settings determine the features enabled in Shifts and the schedule information that's synced between Blue Yonder WFM and Shifts. Mappings define the sync relationship between your Blue Yonder WFM instances and teams in Teams. You can map to existing teams and new teams.
+We provide two scripts. You can use either script, depending on whether you want to map to existing teams or create new teams to map to.
+You can set up multiple connections, each with different sync settings. For example, if your organization has multiple locations with different schedule requirements, create a connection with unique sync settings for each location. Keep in mind that a Blue Yonder WFM instance can only be mapped to one team at any given time. If an instance is already mapped to a team, it can't be mapped to another team.
+With Blue Yonder WFM as the system of record, your frontline workers can see and swap shifts, manage their availability, and request time off in Shifts on their devices. Frontline managers can continue to use Blue Yonder WFM to set up schedules.
+> [!NOTE]
+> You can also use the [Shifts connector wizard](shifts-connector-wizard.md) in the Microsoft 365 admin center to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder WFM.
+## Before you begin
+### Prerequisites
+### Admin role to manage the connector using PowerShell
+## Set up your environment
+## Connect to Teams
+Run the following to connect to Teams.
+When you're prompted, sign in using your admin credentials. You're now set up to run the scripts in this article and Shifts connector cmdlets.
+## Identify the teams you want to map
+> [!NOTE]
+> Complete this step if you're mapping Blue Yonder WFM instances to existing teams. If you're creating new teams to map to, you can skip this step.
+In the Azure portal, go to the [All groups](https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/GroupsManagementMenuBlade/AllGroups) page to get a list of the TeamIds of teams in your organization.
+Take note of the TeamIds of the teams you want to map. The script will prompt you to enter this information.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If one or more teams have an existing schedule, the script will remove the schedules from those teams. Otherwise, you'll see duplicate shifts.
+## Run the script
+Run the script:
+- To set up a connection and create new teams to map, [run this script](#set-up-a-connection-and-create-new-teams-to-map).
+- To set up a connection and map to existing teams, [run this script](#set-up-a-connection-and-map-to-existing-teams).
+The script does the following actions. You'll be prompted to enter setup and configuration details.
+1. Tests and verifies the connection to Blue Yonder WFM using the Blue Yonder WFM service account credentials and service URLs that you enter.
+1. Configures the Shifts connector.
+1. Applies sync settings. These settings include the sync frequency (in minutes) and the schedule data that's synced between Blue Yonder WFM and Shifts. Schedule data is defined in the following parameters:
+ - The **enabledConnectorScenarios** parameter defines data that's synced from Blue Yonder WFM to Shifts. Options are `Shift`, `SwapRequest`, `UserShiftPreferences`, `OpenShift`, `OpenShiftRequest`, `TimeOff`, `TimeOffRequest`.
+ - The **enabledWfiScenarios** parameter defines data that's synced from Shifts to Blue Yonder WFM. Options are `SwapRequest`, `OpenShiftRequest`, `TimeOffRequest`, `UserShiftPreferences`.
+ To learn more, see [New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance). To see the list of supported sync options for each parameter, run [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionconnector).
+ > The script enables sync for all these options. If you want to change sync settings, you can do so after the connection is set up. To learn more, see [Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md).
+1. Creates the connection.
+1. Maps Blue Yonder WFM instances to teams. Mappings are based on the Blue Yonder WFM instance IDs and TeamIds that you enter or new teams you create, depending on the script that you run. If a team has an existing schedule, the script removes schedule data for the date and time range that you specify.
+A Success message on the screen indicates that your connection is successfully set up.
+## If you need to make changes to a connection
+To make changes to a connection after it's set up, see [Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md). For example, you can update sync settings, team mappings, and disable sync for a connection.
+## Scripts
+### Set up a connection and create new teams to map
+#Map WFM instances to teams script
+Write-Host "Map WFM sites to teams"
+Start-Sleep 1
+#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
+Write-Host "Checking Teams module version"
+try {
+ Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 4.1.0
+} catch {
+ throw
+#Connect to MS Graph
+Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"
+#List connector types available (comment out if not implemented for preview)
+Write-Host "Listing connector types available"
+$BlueYonderId = "6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74"
+$connectors = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector
+write $connectors
+$blueYonder = $connectors | where {$_.Id -match $BlueYonderId}
+$enabledConnectorScenario = $blueYonder.SupportedScenario
+$wfiSupportedScenario = $blueYonder.wfiSupportedScenario
+#Prompt for entering of WFM username and password
+$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM super user name'
+$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM password' -AsSecureString
+$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))
+#Test connection settings
+Write-Host "Testing connection settings"
+$InstanceName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connection instance name'
+$adminApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input admin api url'
+$cookieAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input cookie authorization url'
+$essApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input ess api url'
+$federatedAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input federated authorization url'
+$retailWebApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input retail web api url'
+$siteManagerUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input site manager url'
+$testResult = Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate -Name $InstanceName -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId -ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl $adminApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl $cookieAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl $essApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl $federatedAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl $retailWebApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl $siteManagerUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginPwd $plainPwd -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginUserName $WfmUserName
+if ($testResult.Code -ne $NULL) {
+ write $testResult
+ throw "Validation failed, conflict found"
+Write-Host "Test complete, no conflicts found"
+#Create a connection instance (includes WFM site team ids)
+Write-Host "Creating a connection instance"
+$designatorName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your Microsoft 365's user name"
+$domain = $designatorName.Split("@")[1]
+$designator = Get-MgUser -UserId $designatorName
+$teamsUserId = $designator.Id
+$syncFreq = Read-Host -Prompt "Input sync frequency"
+#Read admin email list
+[psobject[]]$AdminEmailList = @()
+while ($true){
+$AdminEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin's email to receive error report"
+$AdminEmailList += $AdminEmail
+$title = 'Adding another email'
+$question = 'Would you like to add another admin email?'
+$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
+$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
+if ($decision -eq 1) {
+ break
+$InstanceResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance -Name $InstanceName -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId -ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl $adminApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl $cookieAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl $essApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl $federatedAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl $retailWebApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl $siteManagerUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginPwd $plainPwd -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginUserName $WfmUserName -DesignatedActorId $teamsUserId -EnabledConnectorScenario $enabledConnectorScenario -EnabledWfiScenario $wfiSupportedScenario -SyncFrequencyInMin $syncFreq -ConnectorAdminEmail $AdminEmailList
+$InstanceId = $InstanceResponse.id
+$Etag = $InstanceResponse.etag
+if ($InstanceId -ne $null){
+ Write-Host "Success"
+} else {
+ throw "Connector instance creation failed"
+#Retrieve the list of WFM instances
+Write-Host "Listing the WFM team sites"
+$WfmTeamIds = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
+write $WfmTeamIds
+if ($WfmTeamIds -ne $NULL && $WfmTeamIds.Count -gt 0){
+ [System.String]$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of WFM team you want to map"
+else {
+ throw "The WfmTeamId list is null or empty"
+#Retrieve the list of WFM users and their roles
+Write-Host "Listing WFM users and roles"
+$WFMUsers = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
+write $WFMUsers
+#Keep mapping teams until user stops it
+while ($true)
+#Create a new Teams team with owner set to system account and name set to the site name
+Write-Host "Creating a Teams team"
+$teamsTeamName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the Teams team name"
+$Team = New-Team -DisplayName $teamsTeamName -Visibility "Public" -Owner $teamsUserId
+Write-Host "Success"
+#Add users to the Team for Shifts
+Write-Host "Adding users to Teams team"
+$currentUser = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the current user's user name or ID"
+Add-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $currentUser -Role Owner
+foreach ($user in $WFMUsers) {
+ try {
+ $userEmail = $user.Name + "@" +$domain
+ Add-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $userEmail
+ } catch {
+ $failedWfmUsers+=$user
+ }
+if($failedWfmUsers.Count -gt 0){
+ Write-Host "There are WFM users not existed in Teams tenant:"
+ write $failedWfmUsers
+#Enable scheduling in the group
+$RequestBody = @{
+ Enabled = $true
+ TimeZone = "America/Los_Angeles"
+$Schedule = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $teamUpdateUrl -Method PUT -Body $RequestBody
+#Create a mapping of the new team to the WFM instance
+Write-Host "Create a mapping of the new team to the site"
+$TimeZone = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the time zone of team mapping"
+$teamMappingResult = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamId $TeamsTeamId -TimeZone $TimeZone -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
+Write-Host "Success"
+$title = 'Connecting another team'
+$question = 'Would you like to connect another team?'
+$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
+$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
+if ($decision -eq 1) {
+ break
+#The Teams admin was set as an owner directly when creating a new team, removing it from owners
+Remove-TeamUser -GroupId $TeamsTeamId -User $currentUser -Role Owner
+### Set up a connection and map to existing teams
+#Map WFM sites to existing teams script
+Write-Host "Map WFM sites to existing teams"
+Start-Sleep 1
+#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
+Write-Host "Checking Teams module version"
+try {
+ Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 4.1.0
+} catch {
+ throw
+#Connect to MS Graph
+Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"
+#List connector types available (comment out if not implemented for preview)
+Write-Host "Listing connector types available"
+$BlueYonderId = "6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74"
+$connectors = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector
+write $connectors
+$blueYonder = $connectors | where {$_.Id -match $BlueYonderId}
+$enabledConnectorScenario = $blueYonder.SupportedScenario
+$wfiSupportedScenario = $blueYonder.wfiSupportedScenario
+#Prompt for entering of WFM username and password
+$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM super user name'
+$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM password' -AsSecureString
+$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))
+#Test connection settings
+Write-Host "Testing connection settings"
+$InstanceName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input connection instance name'
+$adminApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input admin api url'
+$cookieAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input cookie authorization url'
+$essApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input ess api url'
+$federatedAuthUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input federated authorization url'
+$retailWebApiUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input retail web api url'
+$siteManagerUrl = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input site manager url'
+$testResult = Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate -Name $InstanceName -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId -ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl $adminApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl $cookieAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl $essApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl $federatedAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl $retailWebApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl $siteManagerUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginPwd $plainPwd -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginUserName $WfmUserName
+if ($testResult.Code -ne $NULL) {
+ write $testResult
+ throw "Validation failed, conflict found"
+Write-Host "Test complete, no conflicts found"
+#Create a connection instance (includes WFM site team ids)
+Write-Host "Creating a connection instance"
+$designatorName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter your Microsoft 365 user name"
+$domain = $designatorName.Split("@")[1]
+$designator = Get-MgUser -UserId $designatorName
+$teamsUserId = $designator.Id
+$syncFreq = Read-Host -Prompt "Input sync frequency in minutes. Value should be equal to or more than 10."
+#Read admin email list
+[psobject[]]$AdminEmailList = @()
+while ($true){
+$AdminEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin's email to receive error report"
+$AdminEmailList += $AdminEmail
+$title = 'Adding another email'
+$question = 'Would you like to add another admin email?'
+$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
+$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
+if ($decision -eq 1) {
+ break
+$InstanceResponse = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance -Name $InstanceName -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId -ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl $adminApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl $cookieAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl $essApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl $federatedAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl $retailWebApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl $siteManagerUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginPwd $plainPwd -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginUserName $WfmUserName -DesignatedActorId $teamsUserId -EnabledConnectorScenario $enabledConnectorScenario -EnabledWfiScenario $wfiSupportedScenario -SyncFrequencyInMin $syncFreq -ConnectorAdminEmail AdminEmailList
+$InstanceId = $InstanceResponse.id
+$Etag = $InstanceResponse.etag
+if ($InstanceId -ne $null){
+ Write-Host "Success"
+} else {
+ throw "Connector instance creation failed"
+#Retrieve the list of WFM instances
+Write-Host "Listing the WFM team sites"
+$WfmTeamIds = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
+write $WfmTeamIds
+if ($WfmTeamIds -ne $NULL && $WfmTeamIds.Count -gt 0){
+ [System.String]$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of WFM team you want to map"
+else {
+ throw "The WfmTeamId list is null or empty"
+#Retrieve the list of WFM users and their roles
+Write-Host "Listing WFM users and roles"
+$WFMUsers = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
+write $WFMUsers
+#Keep mapping teams until user stops it
+while ($true)
+$TeamsTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the ID of the Teams team to be mapped"
+#Clear schedule of the Teams team
+Write-Host "Clear schedule of the existing team"
+$startTime = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the start time of clear schedule"
+$endTime = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the end time of clear schedule"
+$entityTypeString = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the entity types of clear schedule'
+$Delimiters = ",", ".", ":", ";", " ", "`t"
+$entityType = $entityTypeString -Split {$Delimiters -contains $_}
+$entityType = $entityType.Trim()
+$entityType = $entityType.Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
+Remove-CsTeamsShiftsScheduleRecord -TeamId $TeamsTeamId -DateRangeStartDate $startTime -DateRangeEndDate $endTime -ClearSchedulingGroup:$True -EntityType $entityType -DesignatedActorId $$teamsUserId
+#Create a mapping of the new team to the WFM instance
+Write-Host "Create a mapping of the existing team to the site"
+$TimeZone = Read-Host -Prompt "Input the time zone of team mapping"
+$teamMappingResult = New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamId $TeamsTeamId -TimeZone $TimeZone -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
+Write-Host "Success"
+$title = 'Connecting another team'
+$question = 'Would you like to connect another team?'
+$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
+$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
+if ($decision -eq 1) {
+ break
+## Shifts connector cmdlets
+For help with Shifts connector cmdlets, including the cmdlets used in the scripts, search for **CsTeamsShiftsConnection** in the [Teams PowerShell cmdlet reference](/powershell/teams/intro). Here are links to some commonly used cmdlets.
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionoperation)
+- [New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Set-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/set-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate](/powershell/module/teams/test-csteamsshiftsconnectionvalidate)
+- [New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionconnector)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionSyncResult](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionsyncresult)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionwfmuser)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionwfmteam)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionerrorreport)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsScheduleRecord](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsschedulerecord)
+## Related articles
+- [Shifts connectors](shifts-connectors.md)
+- [Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md)
+- [Manage the Shifts app](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Teams PowerShell overview](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview)
+- [Teams PowerShell cmdlet reference](/powershell/teams/intro)
frontline Shifts Connector Powershell Manage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md
+ Title: Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management
+## Overview
+The [Microsoft Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder](shifts-connectors.md#microsoft-teams-shifts-connector-for-blue-yonder) enables you to integrate the Shifts app in Microsoft Teams with Blue Yonder Workforce Management (Blue Yonder WFM). After you set up a connection, your frontline workers can seamlessly view and manage their schedules in Blue Yonder WFM from within Shifts.
+You can use the [Shifts connector wizard](shifts-connector-wizard.md) in the Microsoft 365 admin center or [PowerShell](shifts-connector-blue-yonder-powershell-setup.md) to set up a connection. After a connection is set up, you manage it by using [Shifts connector PowerShell cmdlets](#shifts-connector-cmdlets).
+This article describes how to use PowerShell to do the following:
+- [Check connection setup status](#check-connection-setup-status)
+- [View an error report for a connection](#view-an-error-report-for-a-connection)
+- [Resolve connection errors](#resolve-connection-errors)
+- [Change connection settings](#change-connection-settings)
+- [Unmap a team from one connection and map it to another connection](#unmap-a-team-from-one-connection-and-map-it-to-another-connection)
+- [Disable sync for a connection](#disable-sync-for-a-connection)
+> [!NOTE]
+> This article assumes that you've already set up a connection to Blue Yonder WFM, either by using the wizard or PowerShell.
+## Before you begin
+## Set up your environment
+> [!NOTE]
+> Make sure you follow these steps to set up your environment before running any of the commands or scripts in this article.
+7. Connect to Teams.
+ ```powershell
+ Connect-MicrosoftTeams
+ ```
+ When you're prompted, sign in using your admin credentials. You're now set up to run the scripts in this article and Shifts connector cmdlets.
+## Check connection setup status
+<a name="setup_status"> </a>
+To check the status of the connection you set up using the operation ID that you received in email:
+1. [Set up your environment](#set-up-your-environment) (if you haven't already).
+1. Run the following command. This command gives you the overall status of the team mappings for the connection.
+ ``` powershell
+ Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation -OperationId <YourOperationId>
+ ```
+To learn more, see [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionoperation).
+## View an error report for a connection
+<a name="error_report"> </a>
+You can run a report that shows error details for a connection. The report lists team and user mappings that succeeded and failed. It also provides information about any issues related to the accounts associated with the connection.
+1. [Set up your environment](#set-up-your-environment) (if you haven't already).
+1. Get a list of error reports for a connection.
+ ``` powershell
+ Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport -ConnectorInstanceId <ConnectorInstanceId>
+ ```
+1. To view a specific error report, run the following command:
+ ``` powershell
+ Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport -ErrorReportId <ErrorReportId>
+ ```
+To learn more, see [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionerrorreport).
+## Resolve connection errors
+### User mapping errors
+User mapping errors may occur if one or more users in a Blue Yonder WFM instance isn't a member of the mapped team in Teams. To resolve this issue, make sure that the users in the mapped team match the users in the Blue Yonder WFM instance.
+To view details of unmapped users, [set up your environment](#set-up-your-environment) (if you haven't already), and then run the following script.
+#View sync errors script
+Write-Host "View sync errors"
+Start-Sleep 1
+#Ensure Teams module is of version x
+Write-Host "Checking Teams module version"
+try {
+ Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 4.1.0
+} catch {
+ throw
+#List connection instances available
+Write-Host "Listing connection instances"
+$InstanceList = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance
+write $InstanceList
+#Get an instance
+if ($InstanceList.Count -gt 0){
+ $InstanceId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the instance ID that you want to retrieve user sync results from'
+else {
+ throw "Instance list is empty"
+#Get a list of the mappings
+Write-Host "Listing team mappings"
+$mappings = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
+write $mappings
+#For each mapping, retrieve the failed mappings
+ForEach ($mapping in $mappings){
+ $teamsTeamId = $mapping.TeamId
+ $wfmTeamId = $mapping.WfmTeamId
+ Write-Host "Failed mapped users in the mapping of ${teamsTeamId} and ${wfmTeamId}:"
+ $userSyncResult = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionSyncResult -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamId $teamsTeamId
+ Write-Host "Failed AAD users:"
+ write $userSyncResult.FailedAadUser
+ Write-Host "Failed WFM users:"
+ write $userSyncResult.FailedWfmUser
+### Account authorization errors
+Account authorization errors may occur if the Blue Yonder WFM service account or Microsoft 365 system account credentials are incorrect or don't have the required permissions.
+To change your Blue Yonder WFM service account or Microsoft 365 system account credentials for the connection, you can run the [Set-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/set-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance) cmdlet or use the PowerShell script in the [Change connection settings](#change-connection-settings) section of this article.
+## Change connection settings
+<a name="change_settings"> </a>
+Use this script to change connection settings. Settings that you can change include your Blue Yonder WFM service account and password, Microsoft 365 system account, team mappings, and sync settings.
+Sync settings include the sync frequency (in minutes) and the schedule data that's synced between Blue Yonder WFM and Shifts. Schedule data is defined in the following parameters, which you can view by running [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionconnector).
+- The **enabledConnectorScenarios** parameter defines data that's synced from Blue Yonder WFM to Shifts. Options are `Shift`, `SwapRequest`, `UserShiftPreferences`, `OpenShift`, `OpenShiftRequest`, `TimeOff`, `TimeOffRequest`.
+- The **enabledWfiScenarios** parameter defines data that's synced from Shifts to Blue Yonder WFM. Options are `SwapRequest`, `OpenShiftRequest`, `TimeOffRequest`, `UserShiftPreferences`.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > If you choose not to sync open shifts, open shift requests, swap requests, or time off requests between Shifts and Blue Yonder WFM, there's another step you need to do to hide the capability in Shifts. After you run this script, make sure you follow the steps in the [Disable open shifts, open shifts requests, swap requests, and time off requests](#disable-open-shifts-open-shifts-requests-swap-requests-and-time-off-requests) section later in this article.
+> For settings that you don't want to change, you'll need to re-enter the original settings when you're prompted by the script.
+[Set up your environment](#set-up-your-environment) (if you haven't already), and then run the following script.
+#Update connector instance and mapping script
+Write-Host "Update connector instance and mapping"
+Start-Sleep 1
+#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
+Write-Host "Checking Teams module version"
+try {
+ Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 4.1.0
+} catch {
+ throw
+#Connect to MS Graph
+Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.Read.All","Group.ReadWrite.All"
+#List connector types available (comment out if not implemented for preview)
+Write-Host "Listing connector types available"
+$BlueYonderId = "6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74"
+$connectors = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector
+write $connectors
+$blueYonder = $connectors | where {$_.Id -match $BlueYonderId}
+#List connection instances available
+Write-Host "Listing connection instances available"
+$InstanceList = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance
+write $InstanceList
+#Prompt for the WFM username and password
+$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM user name'
+$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM password' -AsSecureString
+$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))
+#Get the instance ID
+$BlueYonderId = "6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74"
+$InstanceId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the instance ID that you want to update'
+$Instance = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
+$Etag = $Instance.etag
+#Change sync setting
+$designatorName = Read-Host -Prompt "Input designated actor's user name"
+$designator = Get-MgUser -UserId $designatorName
+$teamsUserId = $designator.Id
+$UpdatedInstanceName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input new connection instance name'
+$updatedConnectorScenarioString = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input new enabled connector scenarios'
+$updatedWfiScenarioString = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input new enabled WFI scenarios'
+$Delimiters = ",", ".", ":", ";", " ", "`t"
+$updatedConnectorScenario = $updatedConnectorScenarioString -Split {$Delimiters -contains $_}
+$updatedConnectorScenario = $updatedConnectorScenario.Trim()
+$updatedConnectorScenario = $updatedConnectorScenario.Split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
+$updatedWfiScenario = $updatedWfiScenarioString -Split {$Delimiters -contains $_}
+$updatedWfiScenario = $updatedWfiScenario.Trim()
+$updatedWfiScenario = $updatedWfiScenario.Split('', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
+$adminApiUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl
+$cookieAuthUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl
+$essApiUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl
+$federatedAuthUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl
+$retailWebApiUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl
+$siteManagerUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl
+$syncFreq = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input new sync frequency'
+#Read admin email list
+[psobject[]]$AdminEmailList = @()
+while ($true){
+$AdminEmail = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter admin's email to receive error report"
+$AdminEmailList += $AdminEmail
+$title = 'Adding another email'
+$question = 'Would you like to add another admin email?'
+$choices = '&Yes', '&No'
+$decision = $Host.UI.PromptForChoice($title, $question, $choices, 1)
+if ($decision -eq 1) {
+ break
+$UpdatedInstance = Set-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl $adminApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl $cookieAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl $essApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl $federatedAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginPwd $plainPwd -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginUserName $WfmUserName -ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl $retailWebApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl $siteManagerUrl -DesignatedActorId $teamsUserId -EnabledConnectorScenario $updatedConnectorScenario -EnabledWfiScenario $updatedWfiScenario -Name $UpdatedInstanceName -SyncFrequencyInMin $syncFreq -IfMatch $Etag -ConnectorAdminEmail $AdminEmailList
+#Get a list of the mappings
+Write-Host "Listing mappings"
+$TeamMaps = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
+write $TeamMaps
+#Modify a mapping
+#Remove a mapping
+Write-Host "Removing a mapping"
+$TeamsTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the Teams team ID that you want to unlink'
+$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the WFM team ID that you want to unlink'
+Remove-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamId $TeamsTeamId
+Write-Host "Success"
+#Add a mapping
+Write-Host "Adding a mapping"
+$TeamsTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the Teams team ID that you want to link'
+$WfmTeamId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the WFM team ID that you want to link'
+New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -TeamId $TeamsTeamId -TimeZone "America/Los_Angeles" -WfmTeamId $WfmTeamId
+Write-Host "Success"
+## Disable open shifts, open shifts requests, swap requests, and time off requests
+> Follow these steps only if you chose to disable open shifts, open shift requests, swap requests, or time off requests using the script in the [Change connection settings](#change-connection-settings) section earlier in this article or by using the [Set-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/set-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance) cmdlet. Completing this step hides the capability in Shifts. Without this second step, users will still see the capability in Shifts, and will get an "unsupported operation" error message if they try to use it.
+To hide open shifts, swap requests, and time off requests in Shifts, use the Graph API [schedule resource type](/graph/api/resources/schedule) to set the following parameters to ```false``` for each team that you mapped to a Blue Yonder WFM instance:
+- Open shifts: ```openShiftsEnabled```
+- Swap requests: ```swapShiftsRequestsEnabled```
+- Time off requests: ```timeOffRequestsEnabled```
+To hide open shifts requests in Shifts, go to **Settings** in Shifts, and then turn off the **Open shifts** setting.
+## Unmap a team from one connection and map it to another connection
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft 365 system account must be the same for both connections. If it isn't, you'll get a "This designated actor profile doesn't have team ownership privileges" error message.
+If you want to unmap a team from one connection and map it to another connection:
+1. [Set up your environment](#set-up-your-environment) (if you haven't already).
+1. View a list of all team mappings for a connection.
+ ```powershell
+ Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId <ConnectorInstanceId>
+ ```
+1. Remove a team mapping from the connection.
+ ```powershell
+ Remove-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId <ConnectorInstanceId> -TeamId <TeamId>
+ ```
+1. Map the team to another connection.
+ ```powershell
+ New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap -ConnectorInstanceId <ConnectorInstanceId> -TeamId <TeamId> -WfmTeamId <SiteId> -TimeZone <TimeZone>
+ ```
+To learn more, see [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap), [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap), and [New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap).
+## Disable sync for a connection
+Use this script to disable sync for a connection. Keep in mind this script doesn't remove or delete a connection. It turns off sync so that no data is synced between Shifts and Blue Yonder WFM for the connection that you specify.
+[Set up your environment](#set-up-your-environment) (if you haven't already), and then run the following script.
+#Disable sync script
+Write-Host "Disable sync"
+#Ensure Teams module is at least version x
+Write-Host "Checking Teams module version"
+try {
+ Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams" -MinimumVersion 4.1.0
+} catch {
+ throw
+#List connection instances available
+Write-Host "Listing connection instances"
+$InstanceList = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance
+write $InstanceList
+#Get an instance
+if ($InstanceList.Count -gt 0){
+ $InstanceId = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input the instance ID that you want to disable sync'
+ $Instance = Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId
+ $Etag = $Instance.etag
+ $InstanceName = $Instance.Name
+ $DesignatedActorId = $Instance.designatedActorId
+ $adminApiUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl
+ $cookieAuthUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl
+ $essApiUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl
+ $federatedAuthUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl
+ $retailWebApiUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl
+ $siteManagerUrl = $Instance.ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl
+ $ConnectorAdminEmail = $Instance.ConnectorAdminEmail
+else {
+ throw "Instance list is empty"
+#Remove scenarios in the mapping
+Write-Host "Disabling scenarios in the team mapping"
+$UpdatedInstanceName = $InstanceName + " - Disabled"
+$BlueYonderId = "6A51B888-FF44-4FEA-82E1-839401E9CD74"
+$WfmUserName = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM user name'
+$WfmPwd = Read-Host -Prompt 'Input your WFM password' -AsSecureString
+$plainPwd =[Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($WfmPwd))
+$UpdatedInstance = Set-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance -ConnectorId $BlueYonderId -ConnectorInstanceId $InstanceId -ConnectorSpecificSettingAdminApiUrl $adminApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingCookieAuthUrl $cookieAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingEssApiUrl $essApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingFederatedAuthUrl $federatedAuthUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginPwd $plainPwd -ConnectorSpecificSettingLoginUserName $WfmUserName -ConnectorSpecificSettingRetailWebApiUrl $retailWebApiUrl -ConnectorSpecificSettingSiteManagerUrl $siteManagerUrl -DesignatedActorId $DesignatedActorId -EnabledConnectorScenario @() -EnabledWfiScenario @() -Name $UpdatedInstanceName -SyncFrequencyInMin 60 -IfMatch $Etag -ConnectorAdminEmail $ConnectorAdminEmail
+if ($UpdatedInstance.Id -ne $null) {
+ Write-Host "Success"
+else {
+ throw "Update instance failed"
+## Shifts connector cmdlets
+For help with Shifts connector cmdlets, search for **CsTeamsShiftsConnection** in the [Teams PowerShell cmdlet reference](/powershell/teams/intro). Here are links to some commonly used cmdlets.
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionOperation](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionoperation)
+- [New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Set-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/set-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionInstance](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsconnectioninstance)
+- [Test-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionValidate](/powershell/module/teams/test-csteamsshiftsconnectionvalidate)
+- [New-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/new-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionTeamMap](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsconnectionteammap)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionconnector)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionSyncResult](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionsyncresult)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmUser](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionwfmuser)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionWfmTeam](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionwfmteam)
+- [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionErrorReport](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionerrorreport)
+- [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsScheduleRecord](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsschedulerecord)
+## Related articles
+- [Shifts connectors](shifts-connectors.md)
+- [Use the Shifts connector wizard to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-wizard.md)
+- [Use PowerShell to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-blue-yonder-powershell-setup.md)
+- [Manage the Shifts app](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Teams PowerShell overview](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview)
frontline Shifts Connector Wizard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/shifts-connector-wizard.md
+ Title: Use the Shifts connector wizard to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn how to use the Shifts connector wizard to integrate Shifts in Teams with Blue Yonder Workforce Management.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Use the Shifts connector wizard to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management
+## Overview
+The Shifts connector wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center enables you to integrate the Shifts app in Microsoft Teams with your workforce management (WFM) system. After you set up a connection, your frontline workers can seamlessly view and manage their schedules in your WFM system from within Shifts.
+The wizard configures the Shifts connector, creates a connection to your WFM system, and applies the sync settings and team mappings that you choose. Sync settings determine the schedule information that's synced between your WFM system and Shifts. Team mappings define the sync relationship between your WFM instances and teams in Teams. You can map to existing teams and new teams.
+You can set up multiple connections, each with different sync settings. For example, if your organization has multiple locations with different schedule requirements, create a connection with unique sync settings for each location. Keep in mind that a WFM instance can only be mapped to one team at any given time. If a WFM instance is already mapped to a team, it can't be mapped to another team.
+With your WFM system as the system of record, your frontline workers can see and swap shifts, manage their availability, and request time off in Shifts on their devices. Frontline managers can continue to use your WFM system to set up schedules.
+## Integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder Workforce Management
+Currently, the wizard supports the [Microsoft Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder](shifts-connectors.md#microsoft-teams-shifts-connector-for-blue-yonder). This connector enables you to integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder Workforce Management (Blue Yonder WFM) to manage your schedules and keep them up to date. In this article, we walk you through how to run the wizard to set up a connection to Blue Yonder WFM through the connector.
+> [!NOTE]
+> You can also use PowerShell to integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder WFM. To learn more, see [Use PowerShell to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-blue-yonder-powershell-setup.md).
+## Before you begin
+You must be a Microsoft 365 global admin to run the wizard.
+### Prerequisites
+<a name="prerequisites"> </a>
+- The teams you want to map don't have any schedules. If a team has an existing schedule, [remove the schedule from the team](#remove-schedules-from-teams-you-want-to-map) before you map a Blue Yonder WFM instance to it. Otherwise, you'll see duplicate shifts.
+## Remove schedules from teams you want to map
+<a name="remove_schedules"> </a>
+> [!NOTE]
+> Complete this step if you're mapping Blue Yonder WFM instances to existing teams that have schedules. If you're mapping to teams that don't have any schedules or if you're creating new teams to map to, you can skip this step.
+Use PowerShell to remove schedules from teams.
+1. First, you'll need to install the PowerShell modules and get set up. Follow the steps to [set up your environment](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md#set-up-your-environment).
+1. Run the following command:
+ ```powershell
+ Remove-CsTeamsShiftsScheduleRecord -TeamId <Teams team ID> -DateRangeStartDate <start time> -DateRangeEndDate <end time> -ClearSchedulingGroup:$false -EntityType <the scenario entities that you want to remove, the format is @(scenario1, scenario2, ...)> -DesignatedActorId <Teams team owner ID>
+ ```
+ To get a list of scenarios for the `EntityType` parameter, run [Get-CsTeamsShiftsConnectionConnector](/powershell/module/teams/get-csteamsshiftsconnectionconnector). Schedule data will be removed for the date and time range that you specify.
+To learn more, see [Remove-CsTeamsShiftsScheduleRecord](/powershell/module/teams/remove-csteamsshiftsschedulerecord).
+## Run the wizard
+### Get started
+1. In the left navigation of the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://admin.microsoft.com/), choose **Setup**, and then go to the **Apps and email** section.
+1. Select **Connect your workforce management system**. Here, you can learn more about Shifts connectors and the frontline worker and manager experience when you connect Shifts to your WFM system.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/shifts-connector-wizard-get-started.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the details page for the Shifts connector wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center." lightbox="media/shifts-connector-wizard-get-started.png":::
+1. When you're ready, select **Get started**.
+1. Select **Next** to create a Blue Yonder WFM connection.
+### Enter connection details
+<a name="connection_details"> </a>
+1. On the Connection details page, give your connection a unique name. It can't be longer than 128 characters or have any special characters.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/shifts-connector-wizard-connection-details.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Connection details page of the wizard, showing connection settings." lightbox="media/shifts-connector-wizard-connection-details.png":::
+1. Enter your Blue Yonder WFM service account name and password and service URLs.
+1. When you're done, select **Next** to test the connection with the settings you entered.
+### Choose sync settings
+<a name="sync"> </a>
+On the Sync settings page, you choose the information to sync from Blue Yonder WFM to Shifts, the sync frequency, and whether Shifts users can make changes to the data.
+1. Enter your Microsoft 365 system account.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/shifts-connector-wizard-sync-settings.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Sync settings page of the wizard, showing sync settings." lightbox="media/shifts-connector-wizard-sync-settings.png":::
+<a name="email"> </a>
+1. Under **Email notification recipients**, choose who receives email notifications about this connection. You can add individual users and groups. The email notifications contain information about connection setup status and any issues or errors that may occur after the connection is set up.
+1. Choose your sync settings:
+ 1. Under **Schedule and shifts**, choose the Blue Yonder WFM data that Shifts users can see or change, and then set the sync frequency.
+ 2. Under **Requests**, choose the types of requests that Shifts users can see and create.
+ > If you chose any of the following options to disable open shifts, open shift requests, swap requests, or time off requests, there's another step you need to do to hide the capability in Shifts.
+ >
+ > - Open shifts: **Shifts users will not see Blue Yonder WFM data**
+ > - Swap requests: **Feature is disabled for all users**
+ > - Time off requests: **Feature is disabled for all users**
+ >
+ > After you run the wizard, make sure you follow the steps in the [Disable open shifts, open shifts requests, swap requests, and time off requests](#disable-open-shifts-open-shifts-requests-swap-requests-and-time-off-requests) section later in this article.
+1. When you're done choosing your settings, select **Create connection**.
+### Map Blue Yonder Workforce Management instances to teams
+<a name="sites"> </a>
+Choose the Blue Yonder WFM instances that you want to connect to Shifts, and then map each instance to a team in Teams. You can map up to 100 instances. There's two ways that you can do this:
+- [Manually map instances to teams](#manually-map-instances-to-teams)
+- [Prepare and upload a CSV file that defines your mappings](#use-a-csv-file-to-map-instances-to-teams)
+#### Manually map instances to teams
+Select the instances that you want to map.
+<a name="mapping"> </a>
+<a name="search_teams"> </a>
+Then, map each instance to a team in Teams. You can map an instance to an existing team or you can create a new team.
+##### To map an instance to an existing team
+1. Select the instance name.
+2. In the pane, search for the team, and then select it. Keep in mind that teams that are already mapped to an instance in this connection don't show up in the search.
+3. Choose the time zone and closest city.
+4. Select **Save**, and then select **Next**.
+##### To map an instance to a new team
+1. Select the instance name.
+2. In the pane, choose **Create a new team**. You'll be taken to a new tab in your browser where you can create a new team in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+ 1. Enter a name and an optional description for the team.
+ 1. Add one or more team owners. Make sure you add the Microsoft 365 system account as owner.
+ 1. Add team members.
+ 1. Add a team email address and choose a privacy setting.
+ 1. Review your settings, and then choose **Add team**. When your team is created, choose **Close**.
+3. Go back to the wizard, search for, and then select the new team you created.
+4. Choose the time zone and closest city.
+5. Select **Save**, and then select **Next**.
+#### Use a CSV file to map instances to teams
+1. Select **switch to bulk mode**.
+1. Select **download a template file** to download a mapping template that you can use to define your mappings.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/shifts-connector-wizard-mapping-file.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Upload mapping file page of the wizard." lightbox="media/shifts-connector-wizard-mapping-file.png":::
+1. Use the template to create your mapping file. It contains these columns, in the following order, starting with the first column. An asterisk (*) indicates a required column.
+ |Column name |Description |
+ |||
+ |**Blue Yonder Instance ID*** |The Blue Yonder WFM instance ID.|
+ |**Blue Yonder Instance Name**|The Blue Yonder WFM instance name.|
+ |**Team ID*** |The team ID.|
+ |**Team Name**|The team name.|
+ |**Time zone*** |The time zone in tz database format. For example, Europe/London.|
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > You only need to fill out the required columns (Blue Yonder Instance ID, Team ID, Time zone) to map instances to teams.
+ Here's an example of what a mapping file looks like.
+ |Blue Yonder Instance ID|Blue Yonder Instance Name|Team ID|Team Name|Time zone|
+ ||||||
+ |2111|Contoso US Team|3a4d78a-2261|US Team|America/Los_Angeles|
+ |3212|Contoso UK Team|2d1f6c2e-5272|UK Team|Europe/London|
+ |4865||bfa6o89e-1328||America/Toronto|
+1. When you've created your mapping file, select **Browse** to upload it. The wizard validates your file. If it finds errors, you'll see a list of the errors, and a message requesting that you correct them. Otherwise, you'll see a message to continue to the next step.
+1. Select **Next**.
+### Review and finish
+Review your settings. If you need to make changes to any team mappings, choose **Edit** to do so. When you're ready, select **Finish**.
+YouΓÇÖll see a message to confirm that we received your request along with an operation ID. Make a note of the operation ID. You'll need it to check the setup status of your connection.
+The wizard starts the process to set up the connection and map the instances to the teams you selected. This process may take some time to complete. The recipients you chose will receive email notifications about setup status.
+Select **Done** to exit the wizard.
+YouΓÇÖre on your way but youΓÇÖre not done yet! Be sure to check your email. You'll receive a confirmation that we received your request along with a [link](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md#check-connection-setup-status) to how you can check setup status.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If an issue or error occurs in a connection after it's set up, you'll get notified in email. Follow the instructions in the email to troubleshoot the issue.
+## Disable open shifts, open shifts requests, swap requests, and time off requests
+> Follow these steps only if you chose any of the following options to disable open shifts, open shift requests, swap requests, or time off requests in the wizard. Completing this step hides the capability in Shifts.
+> - Open shifts: **Shifts users will not see Blue Yonder WFM data**
+> - Swap requests: **Feature is disabled for all users**
+> - Time off requests: **Feature is disabled for all users**
+> Without this second step, users will still see the capability in Shifts, and will get an "unsupported operation" error message if they try to use it.
+To hide open shifts, swap requests, and time off requests in Shifts, use the Graph API [schedule resource type](/graph/api/resources/schedule) to set the following parameters to ```false``` for each team that you mapped to a Blue Yonder WFM instance:
+- Open shifts: ```openShiftsEnabled```
+- Swap requests: ```swapShiftsRequestsEnabled```
+- Time off requests: ```timeOffRequestsEnabled```
+To hide open shifts requests in Shifts, go to **Settings** in Shifts, and then turn off the **Open shifts** setting.
+## If you need to make changes to a connection
+<a name="update_connection"> </a>
+After a connection is set up, you use PowerShell to make changes to it. For example, you can update sync settings, team mappings, and disable sync for a connection. For step-by-step guidance, see [Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md).
+## Related articles
+- [Shifts connectors](shifts-connectors.md)
+- [Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md)
+- [Manage the Shifts app in Teams](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
frontline Shifts Connectors https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/shifts-connectors.md
+ Title: Shifts connectors
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn about Shifts connectors and how to use them to connect Shifts to your workforce management system.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Shifts connectors
+## Overview
+Shifts connectors enable you to integrate Shifts, the schedule management tool in Microsoft Teams, with your workforce management (WFM) system. After you set up a connection, your frontline workers can seamlessly view and manage their schedules in your WFM system from within Shifts.
+Connecting your WFM system to Teams empowers your frontline workforce to manage schedules more effectively and streamlines everyday processes for higher engagement and productivity. Your frontline workers have one place for their scheduling, communication, and collaboration needs to get work done, from anywhere, on any device.
+This article gives you an overview of Shifts connectors and how they work.
+## How Shifts connectors work
+Connectors sync schedule data between your WFM system and Shifts, bringing your organizationΓÇÖs schedules into Teams. Shifts is where your frontline workers engage for their scheduling needs. Your WFM system is the system of record for business rules, compliance, and intelligence.
+Data flows via the connector both ways to ensure schedules are always up to date. Schedules in your WFM system are synced to Shifts. And, changes made to schedules in Shifts are synced back to your WFM system in real time. As the system of record, all business rules are enforced by your WFM system before data is saved to Shifts.
+## Managed Shifts connectors
+Managed Shifts connectors are connectors developed in collaboration with our partners. Managed connectors are hosted and managed either by us or our partners. With managed connectors, only minimal setup is needed.
+### Microsoft Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder
+<a name="blue_yonder"> </a>
+The Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder is a first-party offering that's hosted and managed by Microsoft. With this connector, you can integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder Workforce Management (Blue Yonder WFM) versions 2020.3, 2021.1, or 2021.2 to manage your schedules and keep them up to date.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you have Blue Yonder WFM version 2020.3 or 2021.1, apply the 2020.3.0.4 or 2021.1.0.3 patch. This patch fixes an issue where users get a persistent error message in Shifts. It also fixes an issue that prevents users from updating their availability in Shifts.
+Frontline managers can:
+- Publish shifts and schedules in Blue Yonder WFM and view them in Shifts.
+- Create, manage, and assign open shifts in Blue Yonder WFM and view them in Shifts.
+- Assign open shifts that were created in Blue Yonder WFM in Shifts.
+- Create, edit, and delete time off in Blue Yonder WFM and view in Shifts.
+- View and approve schedule requests from workers in both Blue Yonder WFM and Shifts.
+- Set and update worker availability in Blue Yonder WFM and view in Shifts.
+Frontline workers can:
+- See their own and their team's shifts and schedules in Shifts.
+- Request time off, open shifts, and swap shifts in Shifts.
+- Set their availability in Shifts.
+The following actions are currently not supported:
+- Add, edit, delete, save, or publish shifts in Shifts.
+- Add, edit, delete, save, or publish time off in Shifts.
+- Add, edit, delete, save, or publish open shifts in Shifts.
+When a frontline manager or worker tries to do any of these actions in Shifts, they'll receive a message to let them know the action isn't supported.
+#### Example scenario
+Eden, a manager, publishes a schedule in Blue Yonder WFM, which is synced to Shifts in Teams through the connector. Alex, a staff member, gets notified in Teams on his mobile device, and views his schedule and assigned shifts.
+Alex needs to take some time off and requests a day off using Shifts. The request is sent to Blue Yonder WFM through the connector in real time. Blue Yonder WFM ensures that the request is compliant with business rules and the request is created. Eden sees and approves the request in Blue Yonder WFM, and the approval is synced to Teams. (Eden can also see and approve the request in Shifts). Alex is notified in Teams that his request is approved and views his updated schedule.
+Alex wants to swap a shift with a coworker. In Shifts, Alex sees a list of all shifts that are eligible for a swap based on business rules in Blue Yonder WFM. Alex chooses a shift that's currently assigned to Gena. Gena is notified in Teams on their mobile device and accepts the swap request. Eden sees and approves the request in Shifts, and the approval is synced to Blue Yonder WFM. (Eden can also see and approve the request in Blue Yonder WFM). Alex and Gena are notified in Teams, and view their updated schedules.
+#### Set up a connection
+Integrating Shifts with Blue Yonder WFM using the connector takes just a few steps. You can use the Shifts connector wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center to quickly set up a connection. The wizard configures the connector based on the settings you choose and creates the connection. If you prefer to use PowerShell, we also provide PowerShell scripts that you can use to get connected.
+For step-by-step guidance, see:
+- [Use the Shifts connector wizard to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-wizard.md)
+- [Use PowerShell to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-blue-yonder-powershell-setup.md)
+After a connection is set up, you can use PowerShell to update and change connection settings at any time, as needed. As for the connector itself, you don't need to worry about upgrades or maintenance. We take care of that.
+### Reflexis Shifts connector for Microsoft Teams
+The Reflexis Shifts connector for Microsoft Teams is hosted and managed by Zebra. With this connector, you can integrate Shifts with the Reflexis WFM system to manage your schedules and keep them up to date.
+Frontline workers have access to their schedule in Shifts in Teams, and their requests are synchronized from Shifts to Reflexis Workforce Scheduler (RWS). The status of requests and shifts created in RWS are synced to Shifts in Teams.
+Frontline managers can:
+- Publish shifts and schedules in Reflexis and view them in Shifts.
+- Edit shifts in both Reflexis and Shifts.
+- Create, manage, and assign open shifts in both Reflexis and Shifts.
+- View and approve schedule requests from workers in both Reflexis and Shifts.
+Frontline workers can:
+- See their own and their team's shifts and schedules in Shifts.
+- Request time off, open shifts, and swap and offer shifts in Shifts.
+To learn more, go to https://connect.zebra.com/microsoft-connectors.
+## Related articles
+- [Manage the Shifts app](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
frontline Shifts For Teams Landing Page https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md
+ Title: Shifts for frontline workers
+description: Get the admin guidance you need to set up and manage Shifts, the schedule management tool, in Microsoft Teams.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-retail
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+search.appverid: MET150
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Retail
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Shifts for frontline workers
+Shifts, the schedule management tool in Teams, keeps your frontline workforce connected and in sync. It's built mobile first for fast and effective schedule management and communications. With Shifts, frontline managers and workers can seamlessly manage schedules and keep in touch.
+Managers can create, update, and manage shift schedules for their teams. They can assign shifts, add open shifts, and approve schedule requests from employees. Employees can view their own and their team's schedules, set their availability, request to swap or offer a shift, request time off, and clock in and out.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE42FjP]
+Use the following resources to help you set up and manage Shifts in your organization.
+## Set up and manage Shifts
+|&nbsp; |&nbsp; |
+|<img src="/office/media/icons/calendar-teams.png" alt="Calendar symbol."> |**[Manage Shifts](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)** Learn how to manage Shifts for your organization. |
+|<img src="/office/medi)** This feature lets you elevate the permissions of a team member to a schedule owner without making the employee a team owner. |
+|<img src="/office/media/icons/help.png" alt="Help symbol."> | **[Shifts data FAQ](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/shifts-data-faq?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)** Learn where Shifts data is stored and other topics related to Shifts data, including retention, retrieval, and encryption. |
+## Shifts connectors
+If you're using a third-party workforce management (WFM) system for scheduling, you can integrate directly with Shifts through managed Shifts connectors. After you set up a connection, your frontline workers can seamlessly view and manage their schedules in your WFM system from within Shifts.
+|&nbsp; |&nbsp; |
+|<img src="/office/medi)** Get an overview of Shifts connectors and how they work. Learn about the managed connectors that are available and the supported WFM systems. |
+|<img src="/office/medi#reflexis-shifts-connector-for-microsoft-teams). |
+| | **[Use the Shifts connector wizard to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-wizard.md)** The Shifts connector wizard in the Microsoft 365 admin center helps you to quickly set up a connection to your WFM system. Currently, the wizard supports the Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder to integrate Shifts with Blue Yonder Workforce Management.
+| | **[Use PowerShell to connect Shifts to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-blue-yonder-powershell-setup.md)** Learn how to use PowerShell to set up a connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management through the Teams Shifts connector for Blue Yonder. |
+| | **[Use PowerShell to manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management](shifts-connector-powershell-manage.md)** Get guidance on how to use PowerShell manage your Shifts connection to Blue Yonder Workforce Management after you set it up through the Shifts connector wizard or PowerShell.
+## Shifts extensions
+| - | - |
+| <img src="/office/media/icons/api.png" alt="Three gears - API."> | **[Shift Graph APIs](/graph/api/resources/shift)** Shifts Graph APIs allow you to integrate Shifts data with external WFM systems. You'll have the flexibility to build custom Shifts experiences in the back end, while giving users a rich, front-end experience in Teams. |
+|<img src="/office/media/icons/process-flow-teams.png" alt="Process/flow chart symbol."> | **[Shifts + Power Automate](https://github.com/OfficeDev/Microsoft-Teams-Shifts-Power-Automate-Templates)** Shifts + Power Automate lets you take info from Shifts and create custom workflows with other apps and perform operations at scale. Automate key processes with little to no code. The triggers and templates support various scenarios such as enabling auto-approvals for shift requests when a managerΓÇÖs approval isn't needed. |
+## Featured training
+| - | - | - | - | - | - |
+| <img src="/office/media/icons/get-started-teams.png" alt="Get started symbol."> | [Video: What is Shifts?](https://support.office.com/article/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821) |<img src="/office/media/icons/clock-teams.png" alt="Clock symbol."> | [Video: Create a shifts schedule](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-shifts-schedule-2b94ca38-36db-4a1c-8fee-f8f0fec9a984) |<img src="/office/media/icons/blocks-teams.png" alt="Blocks symbol.">| [Video: Manage a Shifts schedule](https://support.microsoft.com/office/manage-and-view-a-shifts-schedule-63acda7b-ea39-441a-b1c6-c404a72e79f7) |
frontline Simplify Business Processes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/simplify-business-processes.md
+ Title: Simplify business processes for frontline teams
+description: Learn how your frontline workforce can simplify their business processes with Microsoft Teams.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Retail
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Simplify business processes for frontline teams
+You can use Teams apps, Power Apps, and Power BI to simplify business processes for your frontline teams.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Additional capabilities for [financial services](/industry/financial-services), [healthcare](/industry/healthcare), [nonprofit](/industry/nonprofit), and [retail](/industry/retail) environments are available with the Microsoft industry clouds, which include capabilities from Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Azure as well as the Microsoft 365 features.
+## Manage schedules, tasks, approvals, updates, and lists
+Teams includes many apps to help you and your frontline workforce manage their day-to-day work:
+|Task |App |Manage this capability |End-user training |
+|Create and update schedules for your frontline team. Your workers can sign up for shifts, trade shifts as needed, and clock in when they start. |Shifts |[Manage Shifts](shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md). |[Shifts video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821) |
+|Publish and track tasks for your workers so they know what needs to be done every day. |Tasks |[Manage the Tasks app](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json). |[Tasks video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070) |
+|Easily make and sign off on approval requests. |Approvals | [Manage the Approvals app](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json). |[Approvals video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3?wt.mc_id=otc_microsoft_teams) |
+|Check in on recurring responsibilities and track the progress of larger tasks. |Updates | [Manage the Updates app](/microsoftteams/manage-updates-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json). | [Updates video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-in-updates-c03a079e-e660-42dc-817b-ca4cfd602e5a) |
+|Make custom lists to keep track of everything else. |Lists |[Manage the Lists app](/microsoftteams/manage-lists-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json). |[Lists video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/create-a-list-from-the-lists-app-b5e0b7f8-136f-425f-a108-699586f8e8bd) |
+[Learn more about how your frontline team can communicate and collaborate with Microsoft Teams apps](flw-team-collaboration.md#apps-in-teams)
+## Create custom apps for your organization's needs
+Add Power Apps to create low-code or no-code applications for your organization. You can build custom apps to connect your business data, so you can manage inventory or conduct store walks, for example.
+> [!TIP]
+> Examples are given for the financial services, healthcare, nonprofit, and retail industries, but you can use these apps for an organization in any sector.
+|Industry |Example |
+|Financial services |You can create an app for relationship and account managers to track calls and emails to clients. |
+|Healthcare |You can create an app to track consumables inventory in exam rooms to make sure all rooms are ready for patients. |
+|Retail | You can create an app to manage and track your inventory, or to conduct store walks where a person in charge checks all areas of a store before opening. |
+|Manufacturing |You can create an app to track machinery and equipment inspections and repair needs. |
+More information: [Power Apps](/microsoftteams/manage-power-platform-apps) and [Power Apps and Microsoft Teams integration](/powerapps/teams/overview).
+## Track key performance indicators (KPIs) with Power BI reports
+Share and collaborate on interactive Power BI content in Microsoft Teams channels and chats. You can add a [Power BI tab](/microsoftteams/platform/tabs/what-are-tabs) to Teams to embed interactive reports and chat in Teams about your reports, and get notified when important things happen in Power BI right in your Teams activity feed.
+More information: [Collaborate in Microsoft Teams with Power BI](/power-bi/collaborate-share/service-collaborate-microsoft-teams).
frontline Switch From Enterprise To Frontline https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/switch-from-enterprise-to-frontline.md
+ Title: Changing from a Microsoft 365 E plan to a Microsoft 365 F plan
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn about the things to consider and how to prepare if you're switching some of your users from a Microsoft 365 E plan to a Microsoft 365 F plan.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_FLW
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Changing from a Microsoft 365 E plan to a Microsoft 365 F plan
+If you're considering switching some of your users from a Microsoft 365 E plan to a Microsoft 365 [F3](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/f3) or [F1](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise/f1) plan, this article provides guidance to help you prepare your organization for the change. Changing from an E plan to an F plan affects the services and features users have access to.
+E plans are meant for information workers (employees who typically work at a desk) and F plans are meant for frontline workers (employees who are on the go, often on mobile devices, and work directly with customers or the general public). Each plan may continue to evolve over time to become more tailored for information workers and frontline workers respectively. To learn more, see [Understand frontline worker user types and licensing](flw-licensing-options.md).
+YouΓÇÖll get an overview of what to expect when users are switched to an F plan, how to prepare for the change, and what to do after switching plans to transition the frontline workers in your organization.
+## Understand the key differences between E and F plans
+Start by getting familiar with the service and feature differences between the plans.
+Some key differences include:
+- F plans donΓÇÖt include Office desktop apps or the Outlook desktop app.
+- F plans are limited to devices with integrated screens smaller than 10.1 inches on Office mobile apps.
+- F plans [pin frontline worker apps](pin-teams-apps-based-on-license.md) like Walkie Talkie, Tasks, Shifts, and Approvals by default in Microsoft Teams.
+In this section, we've included more information about these key differences and highlighted some additional differences to pay attention to. Keep in mind that this isnΓÇÖt a comprehensive list. To learn more:
+- See [Modern work plan comparison](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2139145) for a detailed comparison of whatΓÇÖs included in E and F plans.
+- See [service availability](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/office-365-plan-options#service-availability-within-each-microsoft-365-and-office-365-plan) and [feature availability across plans](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/office-365-platform-service-description#feature-availability-across-some-plans) for a list of service and feature availability across E and F plans.
+### Office apps
+Office desktop apps aren't included in F3 and F1 plans. Your frontline workers can use Office for the web and Office mobile apps to get things done. Keep in mind that F3 users have full access to documents in Office for the web and F1 users have read-only access.
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5 |Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|Office desktop apps (Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint, Access, Publisher)|Yes|No|No|
+|Office for the web (Word, Excel, OneNote, PowerPoint)|Yes|Yes|Read-only|
+|Office mobile apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote)|Yes|Yes&sup1;|Read-only|
+&sup1;Editing files supported on devices with integrated screens less than 10.1 inches.
+#### Office for the web
+With Office for the web, your frontline workers use a web browser to open Word, Excel, OneNote, and PowerPoint files.
+Here's some differences to be aware when using Office for the web. For a detailed feature comparison between Office for the web and Office desktop apps, see [Office for the web service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-online-service-description/office-online-service-description).
+|Service or feature|Some differences |Learn more|
+|**Word for the web**|<ul><li> Can open and edit macro-enabled documents (.docm) and templates (.dotm) but macros donΓÇÖt run.</li><li>Can open but not edit User Defined Permission (UDP) Information Rights Management (IRM)-protected documents.</li></ul>|<ul><li>[Word for the web service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-online-service-description/word-online)</li><li>[Differences between using a document in the browser and in Word](https://support.microsoft.com//office/differences-between-using-a-document-in-the-browser-and-in-word-3e863ce3-e82c-4211-8f97-5b33c36c55f8)</li></ul>|
+|**Excel for the web**|<ul><li>Can open and edit macro-enabled workbooks (.xlsm) but macros donΓÇÖt run.</li><li>[File size limitations](https://support.microsoft.com/office/file-size-limits-for-workbooks-in-sharepoint-9e5bc6f8-018f-415a-b890-5452687b325e)<ul><li>To view or interact with a workbook stored in SharePoint Online, the workbook must be less than 100 MB. </li><li>To open a workbook thatΓÇÖs attached to an email message in Outlook on the web, the workbook must be less than 10 MB.</li></ul></ul>|<ul><li>[Excel for the web service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-online-service-description/excel-online)</li><li>[Differences between using a workbook in the browser and in Excel](https://support.microsoft.com/office/differences-between-using-a-workbook-in-the-browser-and-in-excel-f0dc28ed-b85d-4e1d-be6d-5878005db3b6)</li><li>Most Excel functions work in a browser as they do in Excel. For a list of exceptions, see [Functions in Excel and in Excel for the web](https://support.microsoft.com/office/differences-between-using-a-workbook-in-the-browser-and-in-excel-f0dc28ed-b85d-4e1d-be6d-5878005db3b6#__functions).</li></ul>|
+|**OneNote for the web**|<ul><li>Search is limited to the current section.</li><li>Zoom in and out isnΓÇÖt available. Instead, users can use their browserΓÇÖs zoom feature.</li></ul>|<ul><li>[OneNote for the web service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-online-service-description/onenote-online)</li><li>[Differences between using a notebook in the browser and in OneNote](https://support.microsoft.com/office/differences-between-using-a-notebook-in-the-browser-and-in-onenote-a3d1fc13-ac74-456b-b391-b633a62aa83f)</li></ul>|
+|**PowerPoint for the web**|<ul><li>Can open files up to 2 GB.</li><li>Can open and edit macro-enabled presentations (.pptm, .potm, .ppsm) but macros donΓÇÖt run.</li></ul>|<ul><li>[PowerPoint for the web service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-online-service-description/powerpoint-online)</li><li>[How certain features behave in web-based PowerPoint](https://support.microsoft.com/office/how-certain-features-behave-in-web-based-powerpoint-a931f0c8-1305-4428-8f7c-9cfa00ef28c5)</li></ul>|
+#### Office mobile
+Your frontline workers can get Office on their mobile devices in two ways:
+- Install the Office mobile app that combines Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.
+- Install individual Office mobile apps for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote.
+To learn more, see [Install and set up Office on an Android](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-and-set-up-office-on-an-android-cafe9d6f-8b0c-4b03-b20a-12438a82a22d) and [Install and set up Office on an iPhone or iPad](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-and-set-up-office-on-an-iphone-or-ipad-9df6d10c-7281-4671-8666-6ca8e339b628).
+For more information about the features that are available in Office mobile, see [What you can do in the Office apps on mobile devices with a Microsoft 365 subscription](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-you-can-do-in-the-office-apps-on-mobile-devices-with-a-microsoft-365-subscription-9ef8b63a-05fd-4f9c-bac5-29da046833ea).
+#### Email
+F3 users have a 2 GB mailbox that they can access through Outlook on the web. For a feature comparison between Outlook on the web and the Outlook desktop app, see [Compare Outlook for PC, Outlook on the web, and Outlook for iOS & Android](https://support.microsoft.com/office/compare-outlook-for-pc-outlook-on-the-web-and-outlook-for-ios-android-b26a7bf5-0ac7-48ba-97af-984e0645dde5).
+F1 users donΓÇÖt have mailbox rights. Although a mailbox is provisioned for users through the Exchange Kiosk plan, they arenΓÇÖt entitled to use it. We recommend that you [disable Outlook on the web](/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/manage-user-mailboxes/enable-or-disable-outlook-web-app) for F1 users.
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5|Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|Exchange Online mailbox|Yes (100 GB mailbox)|Yes (2 GB mailbox)|No&sup1;|
+|Outlook desktop app|Yes|No|No|
+|Archive mailbox|Yes|No|No|
+|Delegate access|Yes|No|No|
+&sup1;F1 includes the Exchange Kiosk plan to enable Teams calendar only and doesnΓÇÖt include mailbox rights.
+To learn more, see [Exchange Online service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/exchange-online-service-description/exchange-online-service-description).
+#### Teams
+F3 and F1 plans include the Teams desktop app, mobile app, and web app for frontline worker communication and collaboration. Your frontline workers have access to Teams features including meetings, chat, channels, content, and apps. However, they wonΓÇÖt be able to create live events and webinars or use Teams Phone capabilities.
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5|Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|Live events|Yes|No|No|
+|Teams Phone|Yes|No|No|
+#### SharePoint
+F3 and F1 users can collaborate on documents and access organization-wide resources such as training materials stored in SharePoint. Keep in mind that F3 and F1 plans don't include site mailboxes or personal sites.
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5|Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|Site mailbox|Yes|No|No|
+|Personal site|Yes|No|No|
+To learn more about SharePoint limits, see [SharePoint limits](/office365/servicedescriptions/sharepoint-online-service-description/sharepoint-online-limits).
+#### Content services
+F3 and F1 users have 2 GB of OneDrive storage to store and share files. To learn more, see [OneDrive service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/onedrive-for-business-service-description).
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5|Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|OneDrive|Unlimited storage&sup1;|2 GB storage|2 GB storage|
+|Microsoft Stream|Yes|Yes&sup2;|Yes&sup2;|
+|Visio for the web|Yes|Yes|Read-only|
+&sup1;Up to 5 TB of initial OneDrive storage per user based on the [default quota](/onedrive/set-default-storage-space) of the tenant for subscriptions with more than five users. More storage can be requested.</br>
+&sup2;Users can record meetings and consume Stream content but canΓÇÖt publish to or share in Stream.
+#### Insights and analytics
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5|Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|Viva Insights|Yes|No|No|
+|Power BI|Yes|No|No|
+#### Work management and automation
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5|Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|Power Apps|Yes|Yes|No|
+|Power Automate|Yes|Yes|No|
+|Power Virtual Agents|Yes|Yes|No|
+|Dataverse for Teams|Yes|Yes|No|
+|Microsoft Forms|Yes&sup1;|Yes&sup1;|No|
+|Microsoft To Do|Yes|Yes|No|
+&sup1;Licensed users can create, share, and manage forms. A license isnΓÇÖt needed to complete or respond to a form.
+#### Windows
+|Service or feature|Microsoft 365 E3/E5|Microsoft 365 F3|Microsoft 365 F1|
+|Windows 11 Enterprise|Yes|Yes&sup1;|No|
+&sup1;No Long-Term Servicing Channel (LTSC) or Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP). Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) only for licensed users of a shared device with a Quality of Service (QoS), (except for Azure Virtual Desktop).
+## What to expect
+The following table lists important things to consider and recommended actions to take during the change process. Use this information to help you identify what to do before the switch and what to plan for after the switch is completed.
+We'll be referring to this table in later sections of this article.
+|Service or feature |Before the switch|After the switch|
+|Office apps| <ul><li>Identify files that are stored on users' local computers and help users move them to their OneDrive.</li><li>Keep in mind that Office desktop apps will go into reduced functionality mode after changing to an F plan. Be prepared to uninstall Office desktop apps after the switch.</li></ul>| Users:</br> <ul><li>Sign in to [office.com](https://www.office.com) to access Office for the web.</li><li>[Install and use Office mobile apps](https://support.microsoft.com/office/set-up-office-apps-and-email-on-a-mobile-device-7dabb6cb-0046-40b6-81fe-767e0b1f014f) (if not already).</li><li>Users can also directly collaborate on documents from SharePoint document libraries, OneDrive, Teams, and Yammer.</li></ul>Admins:<ul><li>Uninstall Office desktop apps from users' computers.</li></ul> |
+|Email, Exchange, Outlook|<ul><li>Identify user mailboxes over 2 GB by using the [Get-MailboxStatistics](/powershell/module/exchange/get-mailboxstatistics?view=exchange-ps) Exchange PowerShell cmdlet, and then reduce mailbox size, as needed. To learn more, see [Mailbox storage limits in Outlook on the web](https://support.microsoft.com/office/mailbox-storage-limits-in-outlook-on-the-web-f170fe90-b859-4034-bcda-e186fc6a26f5).</li><li>If users have an archive mailbox:</li><ul><li>Move archive mailbox content back to the user's mailbox.</li><li>Check for any archive policies that may automatically move email based on the age of messages by using the [Get-EXOMailbox](/powershell/module/exchange/get-exomailbox?view=exchange-ps) Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlet.</li></ul> <li>Identify site mailbox access and usage.</li><li>Outlook desktop app, data, and configuration:</li><ul><li>Identify users and computers that are using Outlook data (.pst) files.</li><li>Identify and document existing Outlook client-only rules.</li><li>Export email signatures.</li></ul></ul>|Users:</br><ul><li>Sign in to [office.com](https://www.office.com) to access Outlook on the web.</li><li>[Set up email on mobile devices](https://support.microsoft.com/office/set-up-office-apps-and-email-on-a-mobile-device-7dabb6cb-0046-40b6-81fe-767e0b1f014f) (if not already).</li><li>Check and update mail signatures.</li><li>Check and update mailbox rules.</li></ul>Admins:<ul><li> [Disable Outlook on the web](/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/manage-user-mailboxes/enable-or-disable-outlook-web-app) for F1 users and ask them not to access the mailbox through any other methods.</li></ul>|
+|Teams | <ul><li>Identify usage of live events and webinars.</li><li>Identify users who have Teams Phone enabled. If users are using this feature, they may not be the appropriate set of users to transition to an F plan.</li></ul> ||
+|OneDrive | <ul><li>Identify users who are using more than or close to 2 GB of storage. (OneDrive will become read-only for users who are over the 2 GB limit after the switch to an F plan.)</li><li>Help users reduce the number of files stored in OneDrive and the overall amount of storage used.</li><li>Make sure all files are fully synchronized from users' computers to OneDrive.</li></ul>| |
+## Prepare to switch plans
+### Create a change management strategy
+An optimal change management strategy includes how youΓÇÖll communicate with, train, and support your users before and after you switch them to an F plan. For example, here are a few things to consider:
+- How will users be aware of the switch?
+- How will users learn to navigate the differences in services and features? The switch to an F plan might need an increased effort in training as it requires a change in behavior.
+- How will users get help and support?
+When building your strategy, consider communication and training preferences. To help ensure a successful transition, tailor your messaging, training, and support to the specific needs of your frontline workers and company culture.
+Here's some ideas to help plan your strategy.
+|<ul><li>Email</li><li>Department or store managers</li><li>Champions</li><li>Teams and channels</li><li>Yammer communities</li></ul> |<ul><li>Microsoft online help, training, and video resources</li><li>In-house training</li></ul>|<ul><li>In-house helpdesk</li><li>Self-serve intranet site</li><li>Microsoft online help, training, and video resources</li><li>Floor walkers and champions</li></ul> |
+You may also want to check out these adoption resources to help you engage and train your users:
+- [Microsoft 365 ΓÇô Microsoft Adoption](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/)
+- [Teams for frontline workers ΓÇô Microsoft Adoption](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/frontline-workers/)
+### Back up or prepare data
+Identify and back up or prepare data that users want to keep. Follow the guidance in the [What to expect](#what-to-expect) section earlier in this article and complete the recommended actions in the **Before the switch** column of the table for each of the following components:
+- Office apps
+- Email, Exchange, Outlook
+- Teams
+- OneDrive
+For more information, see [Back up data before switching plans](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/back-up-data-before-switching-plans).
+## Switch users to a Microsoft 365 F plan
+You can use the Microsoft 365 admin center to manually change plans or a scripted approach through PowerShell cmdlets. Whichever method you choose, it's important to complete the license change assignment in one operation. In other words, remove an existing E license and replace it by assigning an F license in the same operation.
+Avoid removing an existing license for a user and then reassigning a new one at a later point in time. Doing this can impact a user's data. To learn more, see [What happens to a user's data when you remove their license?](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/remove-licenses-from-users?view=o365-worldwide#what-happens-to-a-users-data-when-you-remove-their-license).
+For step-by-step guidance on how to change plans in the Microsoft admin center, see [Manually change Microsoft plans](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/change-plans-manually).
+## What to do after switching plans
+Follow the guidance in the [What to expect](#what-to-expect) section earlier in this article and complete the recommended actions in the **After the switch** column of the table for each of the following components:
+- Office apps
+- Email, Exchange, Outlook
+- Teams
+- OneDrive
+Communicate to your users that the change is completed and let them know how to get help as defined in your change management strategy. You may want to include links to [help and learning resources](#user-setup-help-and-learning-resources) to support them in the transition.
+## User setup, help, and learning resources
+Here are some links to setup, help, and learning resources that you can share with your frontline workers for training and support.
+|App|Links |
+|Office for the web|<ul><li>[Office for the web training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/office-for-the-web-training-e315b031-2bd5-40a1-99ca-264ebf2c8f96)</li><li>[Get started with Office for the web in Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-office-for-the-web-in-microsoft-365-5622c7c9-721d-4b3d-8cb9-a7276c2470e5)</li></ul>|
+|Outlook on the web|<ul><li>[Get to know Outlook on the web](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-to-know-outlook-on-the-web-3f1a229b-0d60-438f-b515-dd7a28026bc1)</li><li>[Get help with Outlook on the web](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-help-with-outlook-on-the-web-cf659288-35cc-4c6c-8c75-e8e4317fda11)</li><li>[Outlook on the web videos](https://support.microsoft.com/office/learn-more-about-outlook-on-the-web-adbacbab-fe59-4259-a550-6cb7f85f19ec)</li></ul>|
+|Office mobile|Setup:</br><ul><li>[Set up Office apps and email on Android](https://support.microsoft.com/office/set-up-office-apps-and-email-on-android-6ef2ebf2-fc2d-474a-be4a-5a801365c87f)</li><li>[Set up Office apps and email on iOS devices](https://support.microsoft.com/office/set-up-the-office-app-and-outlook-on-ios-devices-0402b37e-49c4-4419-a030-f34c2013041f)</li></ul>Office mobile app help:<ul><li>[Office mobile app for Android help](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-office-app-for-android-0383d031-a1c6-46c9-b734-53cd1d22765b)</li><li>[Office app for iOS help](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-office-app-for-ios-c8880c05-883a-46b6-ad32-9bffa31228d0)</li></ul>Individual Office mobile app help:<ul><li>[Word for Android Phones](https://support.microsoft.com/office/word-for-android-phones-help-764afb31-ad50-4645-8f51-820ecf731d8f), [Word for Android tablets](https://support.microsoft.com/office/word-for-android-tablets-help-8a0dcd56-fb32-4e0d-95d8-997c066125c8),[Word for iPhone](https://support.microsoft.com/office/word-for-iphone-help-d41a5299-f6fa-4cca-b529-46a8069c5796), [Word for iPad](https://support.microsoft.com/office/word-for-ipad-help-6567cf2a-c949-4213-912d-f7a14f6264c5)</li><li>[Excel for Android Phones](https://support.microsoft.com/office/excel-for-android-phones-help-f818cb37-bfac-485d-8480-363b3da40596), [Excel for Android Tablets](https://support.microsoft.com/office/word-for-android-tablets-help-8a0dcd56-fb32-4e0d-95d8-997c066125c8), [Excel for iPhone](https://support.microsoft.com/office/excel-for-iphone-help-b367819b-05b4-4a56-ab1c-678da62e1fd3), [Excel for iPad](https://support.microsoft.com/office/excel-for-ipad-help-6b5dc2e1-a8e4-48e6-bb69-cb9a3964bc91)</li><li>[PowerPoint for Android Phones](https://support.microsoft.com/office/powerpoint-for-android-phones-help-f6714e00-0ee2-48d1-bd3d-e1997565861f), [PowerPoint for Android Tablets](https://support.microsoft.com/office/powerpoint-for-android-tablets-help-2ada1d22-3784-4943-bc47-9d1ede42875c), [PowerPoint for iPhone](https://support.microsoft.com/office/powerpoint-for-iphone-help-754fcb37-783b-4e8a-afca-edb900221b8b), [PowerPoint for iPad](https://support.microsoft.com/office/powerpoint-for-ipad-help-b75ce3bb-03e3-46df-a792-647573fef84a)</li><li>[OneNote for Android](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-onenote-for-android-46b4b49d-2bef-4746-9c30-6abb5e20b688), [OneNote for iPhone](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-onenote-for-iphone-b93a0ea8-1285-4d31-a7c5-86a849731902), [OneNote for iPad](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-onenote-help-ipad-f44e5bcd-5203-4553-9de4-0c56e6500825)</li></ul>
+|Teams|<ul><li>[Teams video training](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-teams-video-training-4f108e54-240b-4351-8084-b1089f0d21d7)</li><li>[Teams help & learning](https://support.microsoft.com/teams)</li></ul>|
frontline Teams For Financial Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/teams-for-financial-services.md
+ Title: Microsoft 365 for Financial Services
+description: Learn about the admin resources available to manage and get the most out of Teams for your frontline financial services workforce.
+audience: admin
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+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Get started with Microsoft 365 for Financial Services
+Frontline workers in the financial services industry have unique needs for communicating and collaborating based on the services they offer. To get the most benefit for your frontline workforce, you first choose which scenarios Microsoft 365 can help you with in your day-to-day business operations, and then make sure that you prepare your environment with the right fundamentals, teams, and apps to support those scenarios.
+1. [Choose your scenarios](#choose-your-scenarios) you want to implement for your business.
+2. [Set up Microsoft 365](flw-setup-microsoft-365.md) - Set up Microsoft 365's core elements, Microsoft Teams, and any other services you need.
+3. [Configure services and apps](#configure-services-and-apps) - Use team templates to set up the teams you need quickly, including the channels and apps you need for your business. Add in other apps from Microsoft as needed to support your scenarios.
+## Choose your scenarios
+Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams offer several capabilities that can help financial services organizations with their daily operations and digital transformation. We recommend the following scenarios for financial services organizations:
+- [Communicate within and across locations](#communicate-within-and-across-locations)
+- [Simplify business processes](#simplify-business-processes)
+- [Onboard and train employees](#onboard-and-train-employees)
+- [Strengthen corporate communications](#strengthen-corporate-communications)
+- [Collaborate on loan applications](#collaborate-on-loan-applications)
+> [!NOTE]
+> These scenarios are also part of the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services. You can do more with these scenarios when you also use other capabilities from the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365. Learn more about using this solution, which brings together capabilities from Dynamics 365, and Microsoft 365 at [Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services](/industry/financial-services).
+### Communicate within and across locations
+Bring associates and management together across branches to collaborate and streamline operations with Teams and Teams apps.
+**Key apps:** Shifts, Walkie Talkie, Tasks, Approvals, Chat, Praise, Lists, Files, Updates
+More information: [Frontline team collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md)
+### Simplify business processes
+- Create and manage schedules for your employees with Shifts
+- Automate your organization's unique workflows with Power Apps
+- Streamline approvals with the Approvals app
+- Track key performance indicators (KPIs) with Power BI reports
+- And more
+**Key apps:** Approvals, Shifts, Updates
+More information: [Simplify business processes](simplify-business-processes.md)
+### Onboard and train employees
+Financial services organizations have unique needs due to the high knowledge bases of frontline staff. From numeracy skills to up-to-date knowledge of company and governmental regulations, make sure your workforce is prepared with a strong onboarding and training process.
+**Key features and apps:** Lists, meetings
+More information: [Training and onboarding](flw-onboarding-training.md)
+### Strengthen corporate communications
+Employee engagement is a significant contributor to workplace satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity at any organization. Learn how to keep everyone informed and engaged using SharePoint, Teams, Yammer, Stream, and Viva Connections.
+More information: [Corporate communications with frontline workers](flw-corp-comms.md)
+> [!NOTE]
+> For all of these capabilities, users must have an appropriate license. Microsoft 365 for frontline workers F1 and F3 or Office 365 F3, Office 365 A3, A5, E3, and E5, as well as Microsoft 365 Business Standard, Business Premium, A3, A5, E3, and E5 are all supported. For more information about general Teams licensing, see [Manage user access to Teams](/microsoftteams//user-access). See [Licensing options for frontline workers](flw-licensing-options.md) for more about using Microsoft 365 for frontline workers in combination with other licenses.
+### Collaborate on loan applications
+Use [Collaboration Manager for Loans](/industry/financial-services/collaboration-manager/overview) to accelerate the lending process with automation and collaboration tools, to quickly go from application to signing. Collaboration Manager for Loans includes tools for keeping track of loan records, taking notes, and managing customer communications and bookings.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Collaboration Manager for Loans is available as part of the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services, which includes additional capabilities from Microsoft 365 and Dynamics 365. [Learn more about the Microsoft Cloud for Financial Services](/industry/financial-services).
+More information: [Admin documentation for Collaboration Manager for Loans](/industry/financial-services/collaboration-manager/overview) and [Collaboration Manager for Loans user guide](/industry/financial-services/collaboration-manager/use)
+## Configure services and apps
+### Apps and services for financial services
+Ensure that your workers can communicate, collaborate, and deliver great customer service with apps like Shifts, Tasks, Lists, Praise, and more. You can determine which apps are available for your users by enabling them in the Teams admin center or by including them in a team template. More information about [managing Teams apps](/microsoftteams/manage-apps).
+For financial services environments, the following apps and services can help you transform your business processes and support communication:
+| Teams apps and services | Description | Manage | Help |
+| -- | -- | -- | -- |
+| Approvals | Streamline the sign-off process by integrating Approvals into chat. | [Manage Approvals](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3) |
+| Chat | Enable quick conversations between staff with secure chat in Teams. | [Chat, teams, channels & apps in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/deploy-chat-teams-channels-microsoft-teams-landing-page) | [Chat in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-and-pin-chats-a864b052-5e4b-4ccf-b046-2e26f40e21b5?wt.mc_id=otc_microsoft_teams) |
+| Documents and files | Share standard operating procedures, regulatory compliance policies, company policies, and financial product fact sheets. | [Teams and SharePoint integration](/sharepoint/teams-connected-sites) | [Share files](https://support.microsoft.com/office/upload-and-share-files-57b669db-678e-424e-b0a0-15d19215cb12) |
+| Praise | Recognize coworkers for great teamwork with the Praise app. | [Manage the Praise app](/microsoftteams/manage-praise-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Send Praise to people](https://support.microsoft.com/office/send-praise-to-people-50f26b47-565f-40fe-8642-5ca2a5ed261e) |
+| Shifts | Manage schedules and clock in and out with Shifts. | [Manage the Shifts app](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Shifts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821) |
+| Tasks | Help employees know what they should focus on when not with customers by assigning tasks. Your corporate office can use [task publishing](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json#task-publishing) to send out tasks to locations and track progress across those locations. | [Manage the Tasks app](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Tasks](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070) |
+| Updates | Check in on recurring or one-off priorities such as daily counts. Managers can create templates for employees to fill out and submit. | [Manage the Updates app](/microsoftteams/manage-updates-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Updates](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-in-updates-c03a079e-e660-42dc-817b-ca4cfd602e5a) |
+| More apps and services from Microsoft | Description | Manage | Help |
+| -- | -- | -- | -- |
+| Bookings | Empower your team to conduct virtual consultations with clients. | [Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md) | [Use Bookings](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5) |
+| Power Apps and the Power Platform | Integrate business processes and enable quick updates to data, such as sales numbers, KPIs, and other reports. | [Teams integration with Microsoft Power Platform](/microsoftteams/platform/samples/teams-low-code-solutions) and [Manage Microsoft Power Platform apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/manage-power-platform-apps) | - |
+| SharePoint | A new, connected SharePoint site is created whenever you create a new team. You can use SharePoint to store files, post news, and make sure your workers have access to important information. | [Teams and SharePoint integration](/sharepoint/teams-connected-sites) | [Add a SharePoint page, list, or document library as a tab in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-a-sharepoint-page-list-or-document-library-as-a-tab-in-teams-131edef1-455f-4c67-a8ce-efa2ebf25f0b)|
+| Viva Connections | Viva Connections creates a hub in Teams where your frontline team can view a tailored news feed from your organization and a personalized dashboard with resources they need. | [Overview of Viva Connections](/sharepoint/viva-connections-overview) | [Viva Connections in Microsoft Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/your-intranet-is-now-in-microsoft-teams-8b4e7f76-f305-49a9-b6d2-09378476f95b) |
+| Viva Learning | Provide initial and ongoing training to make sure your employees are up-to-date with their skills and knowledge base. | [Manage Viva Learning](/microsoft-365/learning/) | [Use Viva Learning](https://support.microsoft.com/office/viva-learning-preview-01bfed12-c327-41e0-a68f-7fa527dcc98a) |
+| Yammer | Connect your entire organization and enable communication across departments and regions. | [Manage Yammer](/yammer) | [Use Yammer](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-yammer-1b0f3b3e-89ee-4b66-aac5-30def12f287c) |
+For more about successfully implementing and adopting Teams, see [Adopt Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/adopt-microsoft-teams-landing-page).
frontline Teams For Manufacturing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/teams-for-manufacturing.md
+ Title: Microsoft 365 for Manufacturing
+description: Learn about the admin resources available to manage and get the most out of Teams for your frontline manufacturing workforce.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - microsoftcloud-manufacturing
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-manufacturing
+ - m365solution-overview
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Manufacturing
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Get started with Microsoft 365 for Manufacturing
+Empower your frontline workforce with digital tools and modern devices that offer the best experiences for collaboration and productivity. Microsoft 365 can help you transform your workforce with productivity apps, intelligent cloud services, and increased security.
+1. [Choose your scenarios](#choose-your-scenarios) you want to implement for your business.
+2. [Set up Microsoft 365](flw-setup-microsoft-365.md) - Set up Microsoft 365's core elements, Microsoft Teams, and any other services you need.
+3. [Configure services and apps](#configure-services-and-apps) - Use team templates to set up the teams you need quickly, including the channels and apps you need for your business. Add in other apps from Microsoft as needed to support your scenarios.
+## Choose your scenarios
+Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams offer several capabilities that can help manufacturing organizations with their daily operations and digital transformation. We recommend the following scenarios for manufacturers:
+- [Connect and engage your workforce](#connect-and-engage-your-workforce)
+- [Enhance workforce management](#enhance-workforce-management)
+- [Increase operational efficiency](#increase-operational-efficiency)
+- [Onboard and train employees](#onboard-and-train-employees)
+> [!NOTE]
+> For all of these capabilities, users must have an appropriate license. Microsoft 365 for frontline workers F1 and F3 or Office 365 F3, Office 365 A3, A5, E3, and E5, as well as Microsoft 365 Business Standard, Business Premium, A3, A5, E3, and E5 are all supported. For more information about general Teams licensing, see [Manage user access to Teams](/microsoftteams//user-access). See [Licensing options for frontline workers](flw-licensing-options.md) for more about using Microsoft 365 for frontline workers in combination with other licenses.
+### Connect and engage your workforce
+Empower your frontline workers to engage with each other and your broader organization using communication tools and platforms.
+**Key apps:** Walkie Talkie, Chat, Praise
+More information: [Frontline team collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md) and [Corporate communications](flw-corp-comms.md)
+### Enhance workforce management
+- Create and manage schedules for your employees with Shifts
+- Check in on recurring and one-off priorities with Updates
+- Streamline approvals with the Approvals app
+- Assign and keep track of tasks with the Tasks app
+**Key apps:** Approvals, Shifts, Updates, Tasks
+More information: [Frontline team collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md) and [Shifts](shifts-for-teams-landing-page.md)
+### Increase operational efficiency
+- Automate your organization's unique workflows with Power Apps
+- Track key performance indicators (KPIs) with Power BI reports
+- Keep track of everything else with Lists
+**Key features and apps:** Lists
+More information: [Simplify business processes](simplify-business-processes.md)
+### Onboard and train employees
+Make sure that all your workers have the knowledge and capabilities they need to succeed.
+More information: [Training and onboarding](flw-onboarding-training.md)
+## Configure services and apps
+### Apps and services for manufacturing
+Ensure that your workers can communicate, collaborate, and deliver great products with apps like Shifts, Tasks, Lists, Praise, and more. You can determine which apps are available for your users by enabling them in the Teams admin center or by including them in a team template. More information about [managing Teams apps](/microsoftteams/manage-apps).
+For manufacturing environments, the following apps and services can help you transform your business processes and support communication:
+| Teams apps and services | Description | Manage | Help |
+| -- | -- | -- | -- |
+| Approvals | Streamline the sign-off process by integrating Approvals into chat. For example, technicians and operators can request approval to perform an adjustment on a piece of equipment. | [Manage Approvals](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3) |
+| Chat | Enable quick conversations between staff and managers with secure chat in Teams. | [Chat, teams, channels & apps in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/deploy-chat-teams-channels-microsoft-teams-landing-page) | [Chat in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-and-pin-chats-a864b052-5e4b-4ccf-b046-2e26f40e21b5?wt.mc_id=otc_microsoft_teams) |
+| Documents and files | Share standard operating procedures, manuals, diagrams, inspection records, and more. | [Teams and SharePoint integration](/sharepoint/teams-connected-sites) | [Share files](https://support.microsoft.com/office/upload-and-share-files-57b669db-678e-424e-b0a0-15d19215cb12) |
+| Praise | Recognize coworkers for great teamwork with the Praise app. | [Manage the Praise app](/microsoftteams/manage-praise-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Send Praise to people](https://support.microsoft.com/office/send-praise-to-people-50f26b47-565f-40fe-8642-5ca2a5ed261e) |
+| Shifts | Manage schedules and clock in and out with Shifts. | [Manage the Shifts app](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Shifts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821) |
+| Tasks | Foremen and supervisors can assign tasks to let workers know what to focus on. Your organization's central office can use [task publishing](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json#task-publishing) to send out tasks to locations and track progress across those locations. | [Manage the Tasks app](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Tasks](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070) |
+| Updates | Check in on recurring and one-off priorities such as machinery repairs and inspections. Supervisors can create templates for employees to fill out and submit. | [Manage the Updates app](/microsoftteams/manage-updates-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Updates](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-in-updates-c03a079e-e660-42dc-817b-ca4cfd602e5a) |
+| More apps and services from Microsoft | Description | Manage | Help |
+| -- | -- | -- | -- |
+| Power Apps and the Power Platform | Integrate business processes and enable quick updates to data, such as machine downtime, KPIs, and other reports. | [Teams integration with Microsoft Power Platform](/microsoftteams/platform/samples/teams-low-code-solutions) and [Manage Microsoft Power Platform apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/manage-power-platform-apps) | - |
+| SharePoint | A new, connected SharePoint site is created whenever you create a new team. You can use SharePoint to store files, post news, and make sure your workers have access to important information. | [Teams and SharePoint integration](/sharepoint/teams-connected-sites) | [Add a SharePoint page, list, or document library as a tab in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-a-sharepoint-page-list-or-document-library-as-a-tab-in-teams-131edef1-455f-4c67-a8ce-efa2ebf25f0b)|
+| Viva Connections | Viva Connections creates a hub in Teams where your frontline team can view a tailored news feed from your organization and a personalized dashboard with resources they need. For example, you could create a Manuals card so your operators can find all the necessary manuals easily. | [Overview of Viva Connections](/sharepoint/viva-connections-overview) | [Viva Connections in Microsoft Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/your-intranet-is-now-in-microsoft-teams-8b4e7f76-f305-49a9-b6d2-09378476f95b) |
+| Viva Learning | Provide initial and ongoing training to make sure your employees are up to date with their skills and knowledge base. | [Manage Viva Learning](/microsoft-365/learning/) | [Use Viva Learning](https://support.microsoft.com/office/viva-learning-preview-01bfed12-c327-41e0-a68f-7fa527dcc98a) |
+| Yammer | Connect your entire organization and enable communication across plants and regions. | [Manage Yammer](/yammer) | [Use Yammer](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-yammer-1b0f3b3e-89ee-4b66-aac5-30def12f287c) |
+For more about successfully implementing and adopting Teams, see [Adopt Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/adopt-microsoft-teams-landing-page).
frontline Teams For Retail Landing Page https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/teams-for-retail-landing-page.md
+ Title: Microsoft 365 for Retail
+description: Learn about the admin resources available to manage and get the most out of Teams for your retail stores and workforce.
+audience: admin
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - microsoftcloud-retail
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-retail
+ - m365solution-overview
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Retail
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Get started with Microsoft 365 for Retail
+Retail environments, with their rotating schedules and on-the-go staff, have very different needs than other organizations. To get the most benefit for your retail organization, you first choose which scenarios Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams can help you with in your day-to-day business operations, and then make sure that you prepare your Teams environment with the right fundamentals, teams, and apps to support those scenarios.
+1. [Choose your scenarios](#choose-your-scenarios) you want to implement for your business.
+2. [Set up Microsoft 365](flw-setup-microsoft-365.md) - Set up Microsoft 365's core elements, Microsoft Teams, and any other services you need.
+3. [Configure services and apps](#configure-services-and-apps) - Use team templates to set up the teams you need quickly, including the channels and apps you need for your business. Add in other apps from Microsoft as needed to support your scenarios.
+## Choose your scenarios
+Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams offer several capabilities that can help retail organizations with their daily operations and digital transformation. We recommend the following scenarios for retail organizations:
+[![In-store communication and collaboration.](media/retail-scenarios-in-store.png)](#in-store-communication-and-collaboration) [![Cross-store communication and collaboration.](media/retail-scenarios-cross-store.png)](#cross-store-communication-and-collaboration) [![Virtual fittings and consultations.](media/retail-scenarios-virtual-visits.png)](#virtual-fittings-and-consultations) [![Simplify business processes.](media/retail-scenarios-business-processes.png)](#simplify-business-processes) [![Corporate communications.](media/retail-scenarios-corp-comms.png)](#corporate-communications) [![Onboarding new employees.](media/retail-scenarios-onboarding.png)](#onboarding-new-employees)
+> [!NOTE]
+> These scenarios are also part of the Microsoft Cloud for Retail. You can do more with these scenarios when you also use other capabilities from the Microsoft Cloud for Retail, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365. Learn more about using this solution, which brings together capabilities from Azure, Dynamics 365, and Microsoft 365 at [Microsoft Cloud for Retail](/industry/retail).
+### In-store communication and collaboration
+Bring in-store associates and management together to collaborate and streamline operations with Teams and Teams apps.
+**Key apps:** Shifts, Walkie Talkie, Tasks, Approvals, Chat, Praise, Lists, Files, Updates
+More information: [Frontline team collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md)
+### Cross-store communication and collaboration
+Staff members can communicate and collaboration across multiple stores in a region, or with headquarters using the same tools and apps you use within your store.
+**Key apps:** Shifts, Walkie Talkie, Tasks, Approvals, Chat, Praise, Lists, Files, Updates
+More information: [Frontline team collaboration](flw-team-collaboration.md)
+### Virtual fittings and consultations
+The Bookings app in Microsoft Teams gives organizations a simple way to schedule and manage virtual appointments for associates and customers. Use it to schedule virtual appointments such as virtual shopping experiences.
+**Key features and apps:** meetings, Bookings
+More information: [Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md)
+### Simplify business processes
+You can use Teams apps, Power Apps, and Power BI to simplify business processes. For example, you can:
+- Set and maintain schedules for your employees with Shifts.
+- Conduct store walks and inventories with Power Apps.
+- Track key performance indicators (KPIs) with Power BI reports.
+**Key apps:** Shifts, Tasks, Lists, Approvals
+More information: [Simplify business processes](simplify-business-processes.md)
+### Corporate communications
+Employee engagement is a significant contributor to workplace satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity at any organization. Learn how to keep everyone informed and engaged using SharePoint, Teams, Yammer, Stream, and Viva Connections.
+More information: [Corporate communications with frontline workers](flw-corp-comms.md)
+### Onboarding new employees
+Make new employee onboarding a great experience by fostering an all-in-one hybrid work environment where new employees can find important resources, meet people in their organization, and prepare to be successful in their new role.
+**Key apps:** Lists, Live Meetings
+More information: [Onboard new employees](flw-onboarding-training.md)
+> [!NOTE]
+> For all of these capabilities, users must have an appropriate license. Microsoft 365 for frontline workers F1 and F3 or Office 365 F3, Office 365 A3, A5, E3, and E5, as well as Microsoft 365 Business Standard, Business Premium, A3, A5, E3, and E5 are all supported. For more information about general Teams licensing, see [Manage user access to Teams](/microsoftteams//user-access). See [Licensing options for frontline workers](flw-licensing-options.md) for more about using Microsoft 365 for frontline workers in combination with other licenses.
+## Configure services and apps
+### Apps and services for retail
+Ensure that your workers can communicate, collaborate, and deliver great customer service with apps like Shifts, Walkie Talkie, Tasks, Lists, Praise, and more. You can determine which apps are available for your users by enabling them in the Teams admin center or by including them in a team template. More information about [managing Teams apps](/microsoftteams/manage-apps).
+For retail environments, the following apps and services can help you transform your business processes and support communication:
+| Teams apps and services | Description | Manage | Help |
+| -- | -- | -- | -- |
+| Approvals | Approvals can be integrated into chat for easy sign-off. | [Manage Approvals](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3) |
+| Chat | Enable quick conversations and checkins between staff with secure, enterprise-grade communications tools, instead of consumer grade apps or SMS. | [Chat, teams, channels & apps in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/deploy-chat-teams-channels-microsoft-teams-landing-page) | [Chat in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-and-pin-chats-a864b052-5e4b-4ccf-b046-2e26f40e21b5?wt.mc_id=otc_microsoft_teams) |
+| Documents | Share standard operating procedures, store policies, plans, and more. | [Teams and SharePoint integration](/sharepoint/teams-connected-sites) | [Share files](https://support.microsoft.com/office/upload-and-share-files-57b669db-678e-424e-b0a0-15d19215cb12) |
+| Praise | Recognize coworkers for great teamwork with the Praise app. | [Manage the Praise app](/microsoftteams/manage-praise-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Send Praise to people](https://support.microsoft.com/office/send-praise-to-people-50f26b47-565f-40fe-8642-5ca2a5ed261e) |
+| RealWear devices | Handsfree communication with devices. | [Microsoft Teams for RealWear](/microsoftteams/flw-realwear?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Microsoft Teams for RealWear](https://support.microsoft.com/office/using-microsoft-teams-for-realwear-af20d232-d18c-476f-8031-843a4edccd5f) |
+| Shifts | Manage schedules and clock in and out with Shifts. | [Manage the Shifts app](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Shifts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821) |
+| Tasks | Help employees know what they should focus on when not with customers by assigning tasks. Operations can use [task publishing](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json#task-publishing) to send out tasks to locations and track progress across those locations. | [Manage the Tasks app](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Tasks](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070) |
+| Updates | Check in on recurring or one-off priorities such as daily cleaning. Managers can create templates for employees to fill out and submit. | [Manage the Updates app](/microsoftteams/manage-updates-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Updates](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-in-updates-c03a079e-e660-42dc-817b-ca4cfd602e5a) |
+| Walkie Talkie | Push to talk quick communication that's not constrained by geography like standard 2-way radios.| [Manage the Walkie Talkie app](/microsoftteams/walkie-talkie?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) | [Use Walkie Talkie](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-teams-walkie-talkie-25bdc3d5-bbb2-41b7-89bf-650fae0c8e0c) |
+| More apps and services from Microsoft | Description | Manage | Help |
+| -- | -- | -- | -- |
+| Bookings | Enable virtual fittings and consultations. | [Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md) | [Use Bookings](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5) |
+| Power Apps and the Power Platform | Integrate business processes and enable quick updates to data, such as store inventory, sales numbers, incident reports, and more. | [Teams integration with Microsoft Power Platform](/microsoftteams/platform/samples/teams-low-code-solutions) and [Manage Microsoft Power Platform apps in the Microsoft Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/manage-power-platform-apps) | - |
+| SharePoint | When you create a new team, a new SharePoint site is created and connected to the team. Many of the scenarios above rely on SharePoint features already embedded in Teams, such as sharing documents for team collaboration. | [Teams and SharePoint integration](/sharepoint/teams-connected-sites) | [Add a SharePoint page, list, or document library as a tab in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/add-a-sharepoint-page-list-or-document-library-as-a-tab-in-teams-131edef1-455f-4c67-a8ce-efa2ebf25f0b)|
+| Viva Connections | Viva Connections creates a hub in Teams where your retail associates can view a tailored news feed from your organization and a personalized dashboard with resources they need. | [Overview of Viva Connections](/sharepoint/viva-connections-overview) | [Viva Connections in Microsoft Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/your-intranet-is-now-in-microsoft-teams-8b4e7f76-f305-49a9-b6d2-09378476f95b) |
+| Viva Learning | Provide training when needed, right in the flow of their work. | [Manage Viva Learning](/microsoft-365/learning/) | [Use Viva Learning](https://support.microsoft.com/office/viva-learning-preview-01bfed12-c327-41e0-a68f-7fa527dcc98a) |
+| Yammer | Connect your organization and allow communication across departments and regions with Yammer. | [Manage Yammer](/yammer) | [Use Yammer](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-yammer-1b0f3b3e-89ee-4b66-aac5-30def12f287c) |
+### Retail templates for teams
+Create teams that include a predefined set of settings, channels, tabs, and pre-installed apps for communication and collaboration within an individual store, with a region, or between headquarters and your staff wherever they are.
+- The Retail **Organize a store** template includes channels for General, Shift Handoff, Store Readiness, and Learning, and includes the Approvals, Tasks, and Wiki apps.
+- The **Retail for managers** template includes channels for General, Operations, and Learning, and includes a Wiki tab.
+You can also [create a custom template](/microsoftteams/create-a-team-template) to include the apps your store needs. More information: [Get started with Retail team templates](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-retail-teams-templates?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+## Get ready to roll out your scenarios - identify roles and responsibilities for scenarios
+Now that you know what scenarios you want to implement and what you need to support them, you can gather your team so you can plan, roll out, and monitor how they're working in your organization. For example, the following roles might be needed to roll out these scenarios in your organization:
+| Image | Role | Responsibilities | Department |
+| - | - | -- | -- |
+|<img src="/office/media/icons/administrator.png" alt="Administrator symbol."> | IT Administrator | Work with operations and retail management staff to define scenarios and how they'll work for the organization. <br><br>Configure settings in the Teams admin center, such as policies and templates, and enable apps. <br><br>Set up app settings (such as global Shifts settings) for the organization. <br><br>Add and license users. | IT department |
+|<img src="/office/media/icons/user-monitor.png" alt="User monitor symbol.">| Operations staff | Work with Administrators to define scenarios, and determine which settings, policies, templates, and apps are needed for Teams. <br><br>Create regional or divisional teams from templates. <br><br>Set up tasks, lists, and approval flows for coordination between stores within a region, or between stores and headquarters. <br><br>Set up learning framework for staff. | Central operations |
+|<img src="/office/media/icons/presenter-teams.png" alt="Presenter symbol."> | Store manager | Work with Administrators and Operations staff to define scenarios. <br><br>Create teams for the store from templates. <br><br>Set up channels and apps for the teams, as needed. For example: a channel for shift handovers. <br><br>Set up store schedules in Shifts. <br><br>Set up tasks, lists, updates, and approval flows that are specific to the store. <br><br>Set up learning tasks for staff. | Store management |
+For more about successfully implementing and adopting Teams, see [Adopt Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/adopt-microsoft-teams-landing-page).
frontline Teams In Hc https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/teams-in-hc.md
+ Title: Get started with Microsoft 365 for healthcare organizations
+audience: ITPro
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - Teams_ITAdmin_Healthcare
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - m365solution-healthcare
+ - m365solution-overview
+ - m365-frontline
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+description: Learn about the telemedicine features in Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams and how you can implement them in your healthcare organization.
+- seo-marvel-apr2020
+- seo-marvel-jun2020
+# Get started with Microsoft 365 for healthcare organizations
+Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams offer a number of telemedicine features useful for hospitals and other Healthcare organizations. Teams features are under development to aid hospitals with:
+- Virtual appointments and Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) integration
+- Teams policy packages
+- Secure messaging
+- Teams templates
+- Care coordination and collaboration
+> [!NOTE]
+> This functionality is also part of Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare. Learn more about using this solution, which brings together capabilities from Azure, Dynamics 365, and Microsoft 365 at [Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare](/industry/healthcare).
+Watch the following video to learn more about using the healthcare collection to enhance health team collaboration in Teams.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4Hqan]
+To get the most benefit for your healthcare organization, you first choose which scenarios Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams can help you with in your day-to-day activities, and then make sure that you prepare your Teams environment with the right fundamentals, teams, and apps to support those scenarios.
+1. [Choose your scenarios](#scenarios-for-healthcare) you want to implement.
+2. [Set up Microsoft 365](flw-setup-microsoft-365.md) - Set up Microsoft 365's core elements, Microsoft Teams, and any other services you need.
+3. [Configure services and apps](flw-setup-microsoft-365.md#step-5-configure-apps-for-your-scenario) - Use team templates to set up the teams you need quickly, including the channels and apps you need for your business. Add in other apps from Microsoft as needed to support your scenarios.
+## Scenarios for healthcare
+The following scenarios are available for healthcare organizations:
+| Scenario | Description | Requirements |
+| -- | -- | -- |
+| [Virtual appointments with Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) integration](#virtual-appointments-and-electronic-healthcare-record-ehr-integration) | Schedule, manage, and conduct virtual appointments with patients. This scenario connects Teams and the Cerner or Epic platform to support virtual appointments. | Active subscription to Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare or subscription to Microsoft Teams EHR connector standalone offer. <br> Users must have an appropriate Microsoft 365 or Office 365 license that includes Teams meetings*. <br> Organizations must have Cerner version November 2018 or later or Epic version November 2018 or later. <br>Details for [Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md#before-you-begin) and [Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md#before-you-begin) requirements |
+| [Virtual appointments with Microsoft Bookings and the Bookings app](#virtual-appointments-and-electronic-healthcare-record-ehr-integration) | Schedule, manage, and conduct virtual appointments with patients. This scenario relies on Microsoft Bookings to support virtual appointments. | Microsoft Bookings must be turned on for the organization. <br> All users of the Bookings app and all staff participating in meetings must have a license that supports Teams Meeting scheduling*. <br>[Details for Bookings requirements](/microsoftteams/bookings-app-admin#prerequisites-to-use-the-bookings-app-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)|
+| [Care coordination and collaboration](#care-coordination-and-collaboration) | Clinicians and staff can collaborate internally on schedules, documents, tasks, and so on.| Users must have an appropriate license*. |
+*Office 365 A3, A5, E3, E5, F1, F3, Microsoft 365 A3, A5, E3, and E5, Business Standard are supported. For more information about general Teams licensing, see [Manage user access to Teams](/microsoftteams/user-access).
+Or choose from other [scenarios](flw-choose-scenarios.md) for Microsoft 365 for frontline workers, such as [Corporate communications](flw-corp-comms.md) or [Wellbeing and engagement](flw-wellbeing-engagement.md).
+And take advantage of these features that help Microsoft Teams work for your healthcare organization:
+| Feature | Description | Requirements |
+| -- | -- | -- |
+| [Teams policy packages](#teams-policy-packages)| Ensure that clinical workers, information workers, and patient room devices have the appropriate access to Teams functionality.| Users must have an appropriate license*. |
+| [Secure messaging](#secure-messaging) | Get quicker attention to urgent messages and have confidence that the message was received and read. | Users must have an appropriate license*. |
+| [Teams templates](#teams-templates-for-healthcare-organizations) | Create teams that include a predefined template of settings, channels, and pre-installed apps for communication and collaboration within a ward, pod, or department, or between multiple wards, pods, and departments within a hospital. | Users must have an appropriate license*. |
+## Virtual appointments and Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) integration
+Use the complete meetings platform in Teams to schedule, manage, and conduct virtual appointments with patients.
+- If your organization already uses Electronic Health Records, or EHR, you can integrate Teams for a more seamless experience. Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector makes it easy for clinicians to launch a virtual patient appointment or consultation with another provider in Teams directly from the EHR system. To learn more, see [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md) and [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md).
+- If you aren't using a supported EHR, you can use Microsoft Bookings and the Bookings app in Teams. To learn more, see [Virtual appointments with Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md).
+![Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams.](media/virtual-visits-teams.png)
+## Teams policy packages
+Apply Teams policy packages to define what different roles can do in Teams. For example, specify policies for:
+- Clinical workers, such as registered nurses, charge nurses, physicians, and social workers, so that they can have full access to chat, calling, shift management, and meetings.
+- Information workers in your healthcare organization, such as IT personnel, informatics staff, finance personnel, and compliance officers, can have full access to chat, calling, and meetings.
+- Patient rooms, to control settings for patient room devices.
+To learn more, see [Teams policy packages for healthcare](/microsoftteams/policy-packages-healthcare?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+## Secure messaging
+Secure messaging supports collaboration within health teams, including several new features:
+- A message sender can set a special priority for their message, so the recipient is repeatedly notified until they read the message.
+- A message sender can request a read receipt, so they are notified when a message they sent was read by the message recipient.
+Together, these features allow quicker attention to urgent messages and confidence that the message was received and read. New health teams using these features can be created on a per-patient basis. These features are policy-based, and can be assigned to individuals or entire Teams.
+To learn more, see [Get started with Secure Messaging policies for Healthcare organizations](messaging-policies-hc.md).
+Also related to secure messaging is the ability to have other tenants federated by Healthcare organizations, allowing richer inter-tenant communication. (See [Manage external meetings and chat in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-external-access)).
+## Teams templates for healthcare organizations
+Teams includes templates designed specifically for healthcare organizations, making it easier to create teams for staff to communicate and collaborate on patient care or operational needs. To learn more, see [Use healthcare team templates](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/healthcare/healthcare-templates-admin-console?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+## Care coordination and collaboration
+Bring your health team together to coordinate care and collaborate with Teams.
+![Healthcare: Collaborate with your health team in Teams.](media/teams-healthcare-collaborate-in-teams.png)
+Teams enables physicians, clinicians, nurses, and other staff to collaborate efficiently with included collaboration features in Teams, such as:
+- Set up teams and channels for your health teams and information workers. Use channels with tabs as a way to structure their work, with additional help from tabs to which they can pin information sources.
+- Chat, post messages, and communicate. Your team can have persistent conversations about different patients needing attention.
+- Call and meet with members of the health team. Set up individual meetings, or use channel meetings to manage daily meetings, both with the power of Teams audio, video, screen sharing, recording, and transcription features.
+- Store and share files and documents. Your health team is part of a single virtualized team that works and collaborates on Office documents.
+In addition, your team can use apps in Teams to:
+- Share lists and track information with the Lists app
+- Track and monitor tasks with the Tasks app
+- Streamline approvals with the Approvals app
+- Create, manage, and share schedules with the Shifts app
+### Share lists and track information with the Lists app
+The Lists app in Teams helps teams track information and organize work. The app is pre-installed for all Teams users and is available as a tab in every team and channel. Lists can be created from scratch, from predefined templates, or by importing data to Excel.
+Health teams can use the Patients template to get started. They can create lists to track the needs and status of patients. Existing patient data on Excel spreadsheets can be brought in to create a list in Teams. These lists can be used for scenarios such as rounds and patient monitoring to coordinate care.
+For example, a charge nurse creates a patient list in a team that includes all health team members. During rounds, the health team access Teams on their mobile devices and update patient information in the list, which everyone on the team can view to stay in sync. At rounding sessions where the health team gathers to discuss and evaluate key health performance metrics to ensure a patient is on the right glide path to discharge, they can share this information using Teams on a large display screen. health team members who aren't on site can join remotely.
+Here's an example list which was set up for patient rounding.
+To learn more, see [Manage the Lists app for your organization in Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-lists-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+### Track and monitor tasks with the Tasks app
+Use [Tasks](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070) in Teams to track to do items for your whole health team. Your health team can create, assign, and schedule tasks, categorize tasks, and update status at any time, from any device running Teams. IT pros and admins can also publish tasks to specific teams for your organization. For example, you could publish a set of tasks for new safety protocols or a new intake step to be used across a hospital.
+To learn more, see [Manage the Tasks app for your organization in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-tasks-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+### Streamline approvals with the Approvals app
+Use [Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3) to streamline all of your requests and processes with your team. Create, manage, and share approvals directly from your hub for teamwork. Start an approval flow from the same place you send a chat, in a channel conversation, or from the Approvals app itself. Just select an approval type, add details, attach files, and choose approvers. Once submitted, approvers are notified and can review and act on the request.
+You can allow the Approvals app for your organization and add it to your teams. To learn more, see [Manage the Approvals app](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+### Create, manage, and share schedules with the Shifts app and Frontline Worker integration
+Teams integrates with the Shifts app and Frontline Worker, which can be used to coordinate shift staffing features and more. For example, in Shifts, Nurse managers can set up and coordinate schedules for their staff, and nurses can check schedules and swap shifts.
+To learn more, see [Manage the Shifts app for your organization in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+## Help your clinical and information workers get going with Teams
+There are many resources available to help all of the users in your organization get comfortable with using Teams:
+- Visit the [Teams adoption center](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/) for advice on rolling out Teams if you are just starting your organization's journey with Teams, or expanding Teams into more areas of your organization.
+- Consider setting up custom [learning pathways](https://adoption.microsoft.com/microsoft-365-learning-pathways/) for your users to cover just the tasks they need to do.
+- Get help and training for your users on how to perform basic tasks in Teams on the [Teams support site](https://support.microsoft.com/teams), including [quick training videos](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-teams-video-training-4f108e54-240b-4351-8084-b1089f0d21d7). This site also has help and training for the Teams apps, including [Lists](https://support.microsoft.com/office/get-started-with-lists-in-teams-c971e46b-b36c-491b-9c35-efeddd0297db), [Tasks](https://support.microsoft.com/office/use-the-tasks-app-in-teams-e32639f3-2e07-4b62-9a8c-fd706c12c070), [Approvals](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-approvals-a9a01c95-e0bf-4d20-9ada-f7be3fc283d3), [Bookings](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5), and [Shifts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-shifts-f8efe6e4-ddb3-4d23-b81b-bb812296b821).
frontline Virtual Appointments Toolkit https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments-toolkit.md
+ Title: Help your clients and customers use virtual appointments
+audience: ITPro
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - microsoftcloud-healthcare
+ - m365solution-healthcare
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - m365-frontline
+description: Customizable resources and infographics you can add to your website to help your clients understand how to use virtual appointments with your organization.
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Help your clients and customers use virtual appointments
+Now that your organization has begun using Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app for virtual appointments, you'll need to make sure that your clients and customers understand how to book and join these appointments.
+Watch this video for a quick overview of what virtual appointments can do for your organization.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4TQop]
+## What's included in this toolkit
+This toolkit is intended to help you help your customers and clients successfully join a virtual appointment. You can customize the resources we provide and include links to them in your communications about virtual appointments. This toolkit includes:
+[Guidance for your website](#guidance-for-your-website): <br> An FAQ about virtual appointments that you can customize and then host on your website. Make sure to add your own links, and any additional information that your customers need to know about your policies.
+[Resources for your team](#resources-for-your-team): <br> Articles and videos to help your team get more comfortable conducting virtual appointments.
+[Resources for your clients](#resources-for-your-clients): <br>
+A link to Microsoft's support content, which includes a video about joining a virtual appointment.<br>
+Infographics that you can customize for your organization.
+## Guidance for your website
+Let your customers know what to expect with virtual appointments by answering common questions. All you need to do is edit this Q&A to align with your virtual appointment policies, and paste it on your website.
+### Virtual appointments basics
+**What is a virtual appointment?**
+A virtual appointment is an online appointment conducted over Microsoft Teams. YouΓÇÖll be speaking one-on-one with one of our staff members, just like you would for an in-person visit.
+**How are virtual appointments different than in-person visits?**
+Let your customers know if there are differences in the services you provide virtually and in person. You can also describe any fee differences between virtual and in-person appointments.
+**How does a virtual appointment go?**
+When you join from the link in the email confirmation, you'll enter a virtual waiting room. Once a staff member joins the call, you'll enter a virtual room with them where your one-on-one visit will take place.
+**How does payment work for virtual appointments?**
+Let your customers know if you accept different types of payment for virtual Appointments.
+### Booking an appointment
+**How do I make an appointment?**
+Link to your organizationΓÇÖs booking page. Let your customers know if there are alternative ways of making virtual appointments, such as over the phone, through email, or through social media.
+**Who can I make an appointment with?**
+Make sure your clients can maintain relationships with their preferred providers by sharing which, if any, staff are operating exclusively virtually or in-person.
+**How do I cancel or reschedule a virtual appointment?**
+You can link to your organizationΓÇÖs cancellation and rescheduling policy here, or describe any differences in the policy between virtual and in-person appointments.
+### Technology
+**What equipment do I need for a virtual appointment?**
+Customers can join a virtual appointment from any web browser or through the Microsoft Teams app. List here if your organization has additional specifications, such as a high-quality webcam or microphone. If your healthcare organization has EHR integrated into teams, patients can join visits from your healthcare portal.
+**How do I join a virtual appointment?**
+You can link your customers here Join a Bookings appointment as an attendee (microsoft.com) to show them a detailed video and step-by-step process of how to join an appointment.
+## Resources for your team
+Make the most of virtual appointments by making sure your staff members know how to conduct them. You can share these articles and videos with your team members to help them better understand virtual appointments.
+- [Learn how to use the Bookings app in Teams](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5)
+- [Learn how to join a Bookings appointment](https://support.microsoft.com/office/join-a-bookings-appointment-attendees-3deb7bde-3ea3-4b41-8a06-741ad0db9fc0)
+- [Conduct an appointment](bookings-virtual-visits.md#conduct-an-appointment)
+- [Watch a video about virtual appointments](#help-your-clients-and-customers-use-virtual-appointments)
+## Resources for your clients
+You can link out to this article to show your clients how to join virtual appointments: <br>
+[Learn how to join a virtual appointment](https://support.microsoft.com/office/join-a-bookings-appointment-as-an-attendee-95cea12d-2220-421f-a663-6efb20913c7f)
+Download and [customize](#customize-your-infographic) one of these infographics to feature on your website. These give your clients a quick and visually engaging way to understand how virtual appointments with your organization work.
+| Graphic | Description and links |
+| :- | -: |
+| [![Image of the financial services infographic](media/vv-finserv-thumbnail.png)](//download.microsoft.com/download/8/5/7/85784cd8-6945-4fcc-a3c3-972bd88d3fef/VirtualVisit_Financial_Infographic.pdf) | Customizable infographic for your financial services organization <br> [Download as a PDF](//download.microsoft.com/download/8/5/7/85784cd8-6945-4fcc-a3c3-972bd88d3fef/VirtualVisit_Financial_Infographic.pdf) <br> [Download as a PowerPoint](//download.microsoft.com/download/8/5/7/85784cd8-6945-4fcc-a3c3-972bd88d3fef/VirtualVisit_Financial_Infographic.pptx)
+| [![Image of the retail infographic](media/vv-retail-thumbnail.png)](//download.microsoft.com/download/a/b/5/ab5c07d9-cf7a-47b3-ba54-05a8a0a2a1bd/VirtualVisit_Retail_Infographic.pdf) | Customizable infographic for your retail organization <br> [Download as a PDF](//download.microsoft.com/download/a/b/5/ab5c07d9-cf7a-47b3-ba54-05a8a0a2a1bd/VirtualVisit_Retail_Infographic.pdf) <br> [Download as a PowerPoint](//download.microsoft.com/download/a/b/5/ab5c07d9-cf7a-47b3-ba54-05a8a0a2a1bd/VirtualVisit_Retail_Infographic.pptx) |
+| [![Image of the healthcare infographic](media/vv-healthcare-thumbnail.png)](//download.microsoft.com/download/4/d/3/4d3d9c53-0304-4aea-a56a-60a16402c58f/VirtualVisit_Healthcare_Infographic.pdf) | Customizable infographic for your healthcare organization <br> [Download as a PDF](//download.microsoft.com/download/4/d/3/4d3d9c53-0304-4aea-a56a-60a16402c58f/VirtualVisit_Healthcare_Infographic.pdf) <br> [Download as a PowerPoint](//download.microsoft.com/download/4/d/3/4d3d9c53-0304-4aea-a56a-60a16402c58f/VirtualVisit_Healthcare_Infographic.pptx) |
+| [![Image of the non-industry-specific infographic.](media/va-generic-thumb.png)](//download.microsoft.com/download/c/6/9/c69d3f29-a8f5-462b-a645-79119beab406/VirtualVisit_Generic_Infographic.pdf) | Customizable infographic not specific to a particular industry <br> [Download as a PDF](//download.microsoft.com/download/c/6/9/c69d3f29-a8f5-462b-a645-79119beab406/VirtualVisit_Generic_Infographic.pdf) <br> [Download as a PowerPoint](//download.microsoft.com/download/c/6/9/c69d3f29-a8f5-462b-a645-79119beab406/VirtualVisit_Generic_Infographic.pptx) |
+### Customize your infographic
+1. Choose one of the pre-made infographics depending on your organization's needs:
+ 1. Healthcare
+ 2. Financial services
+ 3. Retail
+ 1. Any industry
+2. Customize the infographic in PowerPoint.
+ 1. Use your organization's colors and preferred fonts.
+ 2. Add your organization's logo or branded images.
+ 3. Link to pages on your website such as your booking page, billing information, or homepage.
+ 4. Add any additional information that your customers need to know before joining a virtual appointment.
+3. Export your customized infographic as a PDF.
frontline Virtual Appointments https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments.md
+ Title: Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams
+audience: admin
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: Learn about the capabilities in Microsoft Teams for scheduling and managing virtual appointments.
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - m365-frontline
+ - m365solution-frontline
+ - m365solution-scenario
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Virtual appointments with Microsoft Teams
+With virtual appointments in Microsoft Teams, you have a complete meeting platform to schedule, manage, and conduct virtual appointments. For example:
+- Financial advisors, claims adjusters, and other financial professionals can meet with clients remotely.
+- Sales associates, product experts, and design consultants can conduct virtual fittings and consultations.
+- Clinicians can meet with patients or other healthcare providers to discuss medical care.
+This article gives you an overview of the capabilities available in Teams for scheduling and managing virtual appointments.
+- [The Bookings app](#the-bookings-app), for every organization.
+- [The Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector](#teams-electronic-health-record-ehr-connector), for healthcare organizations who use an EHR system.
+## The Bookings app
+The [Bookings app](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5) in Teams offers a simple way to schedule and manage virtual appointments. Use it to schedule virtual appointments such as financial consultations, healthcare visits, interviews, customer support, virtual fittings and consultations, and education office hours.
+Schedulers can manage multiple department and staff calendars, as well as communications with internal and external attendees.
+Each virtual appointment contains a Teams meeting link thatΓÇÖs sent to attendees in email where they can easily join from a web browser or in Teams on any device.
+To learn more, see:
+- [Manage the Bookings app](/microsoftteams/bookings-app-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md)
+- [Help your clients and customers use virtual appointments](virtual-appointments-toolkit.md)
+## Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector
+If your healthcare organization uses an EHR system, you can use the Teams EHR connector to integrate Teams for a more seamless virtual care experience. The Teams EHR connector requires an active subscriptionΓüá to Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare or a subscription to Microsoft Teams EHR connector standalone offer.
+After you set up the Teams EHR connector, clinicians can launch visits with patients and consultations with other providers in Teams directly from the EHR system.
+Currently, the Teams EHR connector supports integration with the Cerner EHR system and Epic EHR system. To learn more, see:
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md)
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md)
+## Related articles
+- [Manage the join experience for Teams virtual appointments on browsers](browser-join.md)
+- [Virtual Visits usage report](virtual-visits-usage-report.md)
+- [Teams EHR connector Virtual Appointments report](ehr-connector-report.md)
+- [Get started with Teams for healthcare organizations](teams-in-hc.md)
frontline Virtual Visits Usage Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-visits-usage-report.md
+ Title: Microsoft Teams Virtual Visits usage report
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+search.appverid: MET150
+ - M365-collaboration
+ - m365-frontline
+description: Learn how to use the Virtual Visits usage report in the Microsoft Teams admin center to get an overview of virtual appointment activity in your organization.
+ - Microsoft Teams
+ - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers
+# Microsoft Teams Virtual Visits usage report
+The Virtual Visits usage report in the Microsoft Teams admin center gives you an overview of Teams virtual appointment activity in your organization. You can view detailed activity for virtual appointments scheduled through the [Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md) and the [Microsoft Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector](teams-in-hc.md#virtual-appointments-and-electronic-healthcare-record-ehr-integration).
+To view the report, you must be a global admin or Teams admin.
+The report contains the following tabs. The information youΓÇÖll see in the report depends on whether you have a license for the Bookings app, the Teams EHR connector, or both.
+|Tab |Description |
+|**[Virtual Visits](#virtual-visits)** |Shows the total number of virtual appointments, with a breakdown of the number of appointments scheduled using the Bookings app and Teams EHR-integrated meetings conducted from your EHR system. |
+|**[Duration](#duration)** |Shows the average duration of appointments and average lobby wait time of participants. |
+|**[Bookings](#bookings)** |Shows the number of appointments scheduled through the Bookings app. |
+|**[EHR](#ehr)** |Shows the number of Teams EHR-integrated appointments conducted from your EHR system. |
+Use this report to gain insight into virtual appointment activity and trends in your organization. The information can help you optimize virtual appointments to deliver better business outcomes.
+## View the Virtual Visits usage report
+1. In the left navigation of the Microsoft Teams admin center, choose **Analytics & reports** > **Usage reports**. On the **View reports** tab, under **Report**, select **Virtual Visits usage**.
+2. Under **Date range**, select a date range of 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days. Then, choose **Run report**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> By default, Virtual Visits analytics is on and the report is available. By using this report, you give Microsoft permission to collect data about virtual appointments in your organization. For information about our data retention policies, see [Data retention, deletion, and destruction in Microsoft 365](/compliance/assurance/assurance-data-retention-deletion-and-destruction-overview).
+>If you want to turn off the report for your organization, you can do so in **Settings** in the upper-right corner of the page. This setting may take between 0 (zero) to 2 hours to take effect after you change it.
+## Interpret the report
+### Virtual Visits
+The graphs you'll see here depend on whether you have a license for the Bookings app, the Teams EHR connector, or both. To learn more, see [Manage the Bookings app](/microsoftteams/bookings-app-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json), and [Integration into Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md) or [Integration into Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md).
+|Callout |Description |
+|**1** |Each report has a date for when the report was generated. The reports usually reflect a 24 to 48-hour latency from time of activity. |
+|**2** |The X axis is the selected date range for the report. The Y axis is the number of appointments.<br>Hover over the dot on a given date to see the number of appointments on that date.|
+|**3** |You can filter what you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. For example, select **Total Bookings Virtual Visits** or **Total EHR Virtual Visits** to see only the info related to each one. Changing this selection doesnΓÇÖt change the information in the table. |
+|**4** |The table gives you detailed information about each appointment that took place during the selected date range. <ul><li>**Start time (UTC)** is the date and time when both a staff member and participant are in the meeting or when the first activity happened in the meeting. </li> <li>**Meeting ID** is the unique ID of the meeting.</li> <li>**Lobby wait time** is the time between when a participant first joins the lobby to when that same participant or a different participant is admitted to the meeting by a staff member.</li><li>**Duration** is the time difference between the start time and when the last person leaves the meeting. If both a staff member and a participant didnΓÇÖt join the meeting, duration shows as 0 (zero).</li> <li>**Status** shows the meeting status. <ul><li>**Completed**: If one or more staff members and participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended. Or, if one or more participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended.</li> <li> **No show**: If one staff member joins the meeting but no other people join, and the meeting has ended. </li></ul> </li> <li>**Meeting type** indicates whether the virtual appointment was scheduled through the Bookings app or the Teams EHR connector.</li> <li>**Attendees** is the total number of staff members and participants in the meeting.</li> <li>**SMS sent** indicates whether an SMS notification was sent to attendees. </li> </li> </ul> |
+|**5** |Select **Settings** to open the **Virtual Visits analytics** pane. From here, you can turn off or turn on Virtual Visits reporting for your organization and add or remove columns in the table. To see the information that you want in the table, make sure to add the columns to the table.|
+|**6** |You can export the report to a CSV file for offline analysis. Select **Export to Excel**, and then on the **Downloads** tab, choose **Download** to download the report when it's ready.|
+### Duration
+|Callout |Description |
+|**1** |Each report has a date for when the report was generated. The reports usually reflect a 24 to 48-hour latency from time of activity. |
+|**2** |The X axis is the selected date range for the report. The Y axis is the number of minutes.<br>Hover over the dot on a given date to see the average appointment duration or average lobby wait time for a given date. |
+|**3** |You can filter what you see on the chart by selecting an item in the legend. For example, select **Average Virtual Visit duration** or **Average lobby wait time** to see only the info related to each one. Changing this selection doesnΓÇÖt change the information in the table. |
+|**4** |The table gives you detailed information about each appointment that took place during the selected date range. <ul><li>**Start time (UTC)** is the date and time when both a staff member and participant are in the meeting or when the first activity happened in the meeting. </li> <li>**Meeting ID** is the unique ID of the meeting.</li> <li>**Lobby wait time** is the time between when a participant first joins the lobby to when that same participant or a different participant is admitted to the meeting by a staff member.</li><li>**Duration** is the time difference between the start time and when the last person leaves the meeting. If both a staff member and a participant didnΓÇÖt join the meeting, duration shows as 0 (zero).</li> <li>**Status** shows the meeting status. <ul><li>**Completed**: If one or more staff members and participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended. Or, if one or more participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended.</li> <li> **No show**: If one staff member joins the meeting but no other people join, and the meeting has ended. </li></ul> </li> <li>**Meeting type** indicates whether the virtual appointment was scheduled through the Bookings app or the Teams EHR connector.</li> <li>**Attendees** is the total number of staff members and participants in the meeting.</li> <li>**SMS sent** indicates whether an SMS notification was sent to attendees. </li> </li> </ul>|
+|**5** |Select **Settings** to open the **Virtual Visits analytics** pane. From here, you can turn off or turn on Virtual Visits reporting for your organization and add or remove columns in the table. To see the information that you want in the table, make sure to add the columns to the table.|
+|**6** |You can export the report to a CSV file for offline analysis. Select **Export to Excel**, and then on the **Downloads** tab, choose **Download** to download the report when it's ready.|
+### Bookings
+You'll see this tab if you have a license that includes the Bookings app. To learn more, see [Manage the Bookings app](/microsoftteams/bookings-app-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json).
+|Callout |Description |
+|**1** |Each report has a date for when the report was generated. The reports usually reflect a 24 to 48-hour latency from time of activity. |
+|**2** |The X axis is the selected date range for the report. The Y axis is the number of Bookings appointments.<br>Hover over the dot on a given date to see the number of Bookings appointments that occurred on that date.|
+|**3** |The table gives you detailed information about each appointment that took place during the selected date range. <ul><li>**Start time (UTC)** is the date and time when both a staff member and participant are in the meeting or when the first activity happened in the meeting. </li> <li>**Meeting ID** is the unique ID of the meeting.</li> <li>**Lobby wait time** is the time between when a participant first joins the lobby to when that same participant or a different participant is admitted to the meeting by a staff member.</li><li>**Duration** is the time difference between the start time and when the last person leaves the meeting. If both a staff member and a participant didnΓÇÖt join the meeting, duration shows as 0 (zero).</li> <li>**Status** shows the meeting status. <ul><li>**Completed**: If one or more staff members and participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended. Or, if one or more participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended.</li> <li> **No show**: If one staff member joins the meeting but no other people join, and the meeting has ended. </li></ul> </li> <li>**Meeting type** indicates whether the virtual appointment was scheduled through the Bookings app or the Teams EHR connector.</li> <li>**Attendees** is the total number of staff members and participants in the meeting.</li> <li>**SMS sent** indicates whether an SMS notification was sent to attendees. </li> </li> </ul>|
+|**4** |Select **Settings** to open the **Virtual Visits analytics** pane. From here, you can turn off or turn on Virtual Visits reporting for your organization and add or remove columns in the table. To see the information that you want in the table, make sure to add the columns to the table.|
+|**5** |You can export the report to a CSV file for offline analysis. Select **Export to Excel**, and then on the **Downloads** tab, choose **Download** to download the report when it's ready.|
+### EHR
+You'll see this tab if you have a license that includes the Teams EHR connector. To learn more, see [Integration into Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md) or [Integration into Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md).
+|Callout |Description |
+|**1** |Each report has a date for when the report was generated. The reports usually reflect a 24 to 48-hour latency from time of activity. |
+|**2** |The X axis is the selected date range for the report. The Y axis is the number of EHR appointments.<br>Hover over the dot on a given date to see the number of EHR appointments on that date.|
+|**3** |The table gives you detailed information about each appointment that took place during the selected date range. <ul><li>**Start time (UTC)** is the date and time when both a staff member and participant are in the meeting or when the first activity happened in the meeting. </li> <li>**Meeting ID** is the unique ID of the meeting.</li> <li>**Lobby wait time** is the time between when a participant first joins the lobby to when that same participant or a different participant is admitted to the meeting by a staff member.</li><li>**Duration** is the time difference between the start time and when the last person leaves the meeting. If both a staff member and a participant didnΓÇÖt join the meeting, duration shows as 0 (zero).</li> <li>**Status** shows the meeting status. <ul><li>**Completed**: If one or more staff members and participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended. Or, if one or more participants join the meeting and the meeting has ended.</li> <li> **No show**: If one staff member joins the meeting but no other people join, and the meeting has ended. </li></ul> </li> <li>**Meeting type** indicates whether the virtual appointment was scheduled through the Bookings app or the Teams EHR connector.</li> <li>**Attendees** is the total number of staff members and participants in the meeting.</li> <li>**SMS sent** indicates whether an SMS notification was sent to attendees. </li> </li> </ul>|
+|**4** |Select **Settings** to open the **Virtual Visits analytics** pane. From here, you can turn off or turn on Virtual Visits reporting for your organization and add or remove columns in the table. To see the information that you want in the table, make sure to add the columns to the table.|
+|**5** |You can export the report to a CSV file for offline analysis. Select **Export to Excel**, and then on the **Downloads** tab, choose **Download** to download the report when it's ready.|
+> [!NOTE]
+> If your organization would like to participate in private preview for non-admin users such as business decision makers to have access to and view this report, [reach out us](mailto:tapmwtanalytics@microsoft.com).
+## Related articles
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams and the Bookings app](bookings-virtual-visits.md)
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Epic EHR](ehr-admin-epic.md)
+- [Virtual appointments with Teams - Integration into Cerner EHR](ehr-admin-cerner.md)
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Block User Signin https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-block-user-signin.md
You can block a user account if you think it's compromised. When you block a use
## Block sign-in for a user
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Search users**.
-2. Select the **Search users** tab.
+2. On the **Search users** tab, enter a user's name in the search box.
-3. In the search box, enter a user's name.
+3. From the search results list, select the user.
-4. From the search results list, select the user.
-5. In the user details pane, select **Block sign-in**.
+4. In the user details pane, select **Block sign-in**.
-6. In the Manage sign-in status pane, select **Block users from signing in**.
+5. In the Manage sign-in status pane, select **Block users from signing in**.
-7. Select **Save**.
+6. Select **Save**.
## Block sign-in for risky users
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Risky Users**.
-2. Select the **Risky users** tab.
+2. On the **Risky Users** tab, select the set of users you want to take action on.
-3. Select a risky user from the list.
+3. Select **Block sign-in**.
-4. In the user details pane, select **Block sign-in**.
-5. In the Manage sign-in status pane, select **Block users from signing in**.
+4. In the Manage sign-in status pane, select **Block users from signing in**.
-6. Select **Save**.
+5. Select **Save**.
## Related content
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Compare Compliance Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-compare-compliance-policies.md
Make sure devices have a Microsoft Intune license and are enrolled in Microsoft
## Compare policy settings
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Device Compliance**.
2. Select the **Policies** tab.
You can filter the results to see **Settings that differ**, **Settings that matc
## Configure a policy setting
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Device Compliance**.
2. Select the **Policies** tab.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Manage Sspr https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-manage-sspr.md
The following conditions must be met before a tenant will appear in the list:
## View SSPR tenant status
-1. In the left navigation pane of Lighthouse, select **Users**.
-2. Select the **Password reset** tab.
+- In the left navigation pane of Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Password reset**.
The Password reset tab provides an overview of the tenants that have enabled SSPR through the recommended settings, the number of users who haven't registered for SSPR, and a detailed breakdown by tenant of the SSPR deployment progress across the organizations that you manage. ## Enable SSPR for a tenant
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
-2. Select the **Password reset** tab.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Password reset**.
-3. From the list of tenants, select a tenant to open the details pane.
+2. On the **Password reset** tab, select a tenant from the list to open the details pane.
-4. Select **Edit SSPR settings in Azure Active Directory** to go to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
+3. Select **Edit SSPR settings in Azure Active Directory** to go to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
-5. In Azure AD, enable SSPR for all or selected users. To learn more, see [Tutorial: Enable users to unlock their account or reset passwords using Azure Active Directory self-service password reset](/azure/active-directory/authentication/tutorial-enable-sspr).
+4. In Azure AD, enable SSPR for all or selected users. To learn more, see [Tutorial: Enable users to unlock their account or reset passwords using Azure Active Directory self-service password reset](/azure/active-directory/authentication/tutorial-enable-sspr).
## Notify users to register for SSPR
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
-2. Select the **Password reset** tab.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Password reset**.
-3. From the list of tenants, select a tenant to open the details pane.
+2. On the **Password reset** tab, select a tenant from the list to open the details pane.
-4. Select the users that you want to notify.
+3. Select the users that you want to notify.
-5. Select **Create email**.
+4. Select **Create email**.
Lighthouse opens your default email client and prepopulates the email message with instructions to register for SSPR. All the selected users will be included on the BCC line. If you prefer to individually email users, you can select the email icon next to the username.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Mitigate Threats https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-mitigate-threats.md
Microsoft 365 Lighthouse lets partners investigate and mitigate threats across a
To investigate a specific threat:
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Threat management**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Threat management**.
2. Select the **Threats** tab.
The threat details pane provides the following information:
To investigate threats on a specific device:
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Threat management**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Threat management**.
2. Select the **Antivirus protection** tab.
Lighthouse displays all threats found on the device. To see details, select the
A quick scan searches common locations where malware could be, such as registry keys and know startup folders. A full scan searches the entire device. In most cases, a quick scan is sufficient and is the recommended option for scheduled scans.
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Threat management**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Threat management**.
2. Select the **Antivirus protection** tab.
You can also scan multiple devices by selecting the checkbox next to each device
To update Microsoft Defender Antivirus on a single device:
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Threat management**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Threat management**.
2. Select the **Antivirus protection** tab.
If you need to create a new policy, select **Update policy** from the device det
When consecutive actions are applied to a device, you'll receive an action pending message. To check which actions are pending on a device:
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Threat management**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Threat management**.
2. Select the **Antivirus protection** tab.
When consecutive actions are applied to a device, you'll receive an action pendi
Some updates may require a device to restart to install correctly.
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Threat management**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Threat management**.
2. Select the **Antivirus protection** tab.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Reprovision Cloudpc https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-reprovision-cloudpc.md
You must be a Cloud PC Administrator in the partner tenant.
## Reprovision a Windows 365 Cloud PC
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Windows 365**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Windows 365**.
2. Select the **All Cloud PCs** tab.
You must be a Cloud PC Administrator in the partner tenant.
## Check the device action status
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Windows 365**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Windows 365**.
2. Select the **All Cloud PCs** tab.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Reset User Password https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-reset-user-password.md
Microsoft 365 Lighthouse lets you change or reset user passwords. You can reset
## Reset a password for a user
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Search users**.
-2. Select the **Search users** tab.
+2. On the **Search users** tab, enter a user's name in the search box.
-3. In the search box, enter a user's name.
+3. From the search results list, select the user.
-4. From the search results list, select the user.
+4. In the user details pane, select **Reset password**.
-5. In the user details pane, select **Reset password**.
-6. In the Reset password pane, select **Autogenerate a password** or **Let me create a password**.
+5. In the Reset password pane, select **Autogenerate a password** or **Let me create a password**.
- If you choose to create a password, enter a password. - If you want the user to change their password after first sign-in, select the checkbox.
-7. Select **Reset password**.
+6. Select **Reset password**.
## Reset a password for a risky user
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Risky Users**.
-2. Select the **Risky Users** tab.
+2. On the **Risky Users** tab, select a risky user from the list.
-3. Select a risky user from the list.
+3. Select **Reset password**.
-4. Select **Reset password**.
-5. In the Reset password pane, select **Autogenerate a password** or **Let me create a password**.
+4. In the Reset password pane, select **Autogenerate a password** or **Let me create a password**.
- If you choose to create a password, enter a password. - If you want the user to change their password after first sign-in, select the checkbox.
-6. Select **Reset password**.
+5. Select **Reset password**.
## Related content
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Search For Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-search-for-users.md
description: "For Managed Service Providers (MSPs) using Microsoft 365 Lighthous
Microsoft 365 Lighthouse lets you search for a specific user across all active tenants. This allows you to find a user quickly without needing to navigate different tenants.
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Search users**.
-2. Select the **Search users** tab.
+2. In the search box, enter a display name or user principal name (UPN).
-3. In the search box, enter a display name or user principal name (UPN).
-4. From the search results list, select the user you want to research.
+3. From the search results list, select the user you want to research.
## Next steps
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Threat Management Page Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-threat-management-page-overview.md
description: "For Managed Service Providers (MSPs) using Microsoft 365 Lighthous
Microsoft Defender Antivirus protects tenants, users, and devices from software threats including viruses, malware, and spyware. It's robust, ongoing protection that's built into Windows.
-To access the Threat management page in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse, select **Threat Management** in the left navigation pane to view your customer tenants' security posture against threats. You'll see tenants, users, and devices that require your attention and recommendations that will help you reduce risk.
+To access the Threat management page in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Threat Management** in the left navigation pane to view your customer tenants' security posture against threats. You'll see tenants, users, and devices that require your attention and recommendations that will help you reduce risk.
## Overview tab
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse View Failed Network Connections https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-view-failed-network-connections.md
Microsoft 365 Lighthouse provides the connection status between your customer te
## View a failed network connection
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Windows 365**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Devices** > **Windows 365**.
2. Select the **Azure network connections** tab.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse View Manage Risky Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-view-manage-risky-users.md
The following conditions must be met before users can appear in the risky users
In Azure AD Identity Protection, risk detections include any identified suspicious actions related to user accounts in Azure AD.
-1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users**.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Risky Users**.
-2. Select the **Risky Users** tab.
+2. On the **Risky Users** tab, review the users in the list with a risk state of **At risk**.
-3. Review the users in the list with a risk state of **At risk**.
+3. Select **View risk detections** to get detailed information about the risks detected for each user. For more information about risk types and detection, see [What is risk?](/azure/active-directory/identity-protection/concept-identity-protection-risks).
-4. Select **View risk detections** to get detailed information about the risks detected for each user. For more information about risk types and detection, see [What is risk?](/azure/active-directory/identity-protection/concept-identity-protection-risks).
-5. For each user, assess the risk detections and select one of the following actions, as appropriate:
+4. For each user, assess the risk detections and select one of the following actions, as appropriate:
- Reset password ΓÇô change or reset the user password.
In Azure AD Identity Protection, risk detections include any identified suspicio
To take action on multiple affected users at once:
-1. From the **Risky Users** tab, select the set of users you want to take action on.
+1. In the left navigation pane in Lighthouse, select **Users** > **Risky Users**.
+2. On the **Risky Users** tab, select the set of users you want to take action on.
-2. Choose one of the following actions to perform:
+3. Choose one of the following actions to perform:
- Reset password
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Win365 Page Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-win365-page-overview.md
For more information about Windows 365, see [What is Windows 365?](/windows-365/
> [!IMPORTANT] > You must go to [MEM](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2150463) to provision Cloud PCs for each customer tenant before you can manage them in Lighthouse. You can't provision from within Lighthouse.
-Once you've provisioned Cloud PCs for your customer tenant, the Windows 365 card on the Microsoft 365 Home page provides a brief alert on the Cloud PCs in need of action, such as the number of Cloud PCs that failed to provision and Azure network connection failures. To get a detailed status, select the button on the Windows 365 card (or select **Windows 365** in the left navigation pane) to open the Windows 365 page. From this page, you can get a status overview of the Cloud PCs assigned to your customer tenants, view a list of all the Cloud PCs you manage and the tenants they're assigned to, and view the Azure network connections between your customer tenants and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and their status.
+Once you've provisioned Cloud PCs for your customer tenant, the Windows 365 card on the Microsoft 365 Home page provides a brief alert on the Cloud PCs in need of action, such as the number of Cloud PCs that failed to provision and Azure network connection failures. To get a detailed status, select the button on the Windows 365 card (or select **Devices** > **Windows 365** in the left navigation pane) to open the Windows 365 page. From this page, you can get a status overview of the Cloud PCs assigned to your customer tenants, view a list of all the Cloud PCs you manage and the tenants they're assigned to, and view the Azure network connections between your customer tenants and Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and their status.
## Overview tab
lti Moodle Plugin Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lti/moodle-plugin-configuration.md
Title: Set up and configure the Moodle plugin
+ Title: Set up and configure the Moodle LMS plugins
- CSH ms.localizationpriority: medium
-description: Get ready to integrate Moodle and Microsoft Teams by setting up and configuring the Moodle plugin.
+description: Get ready to integrate Moodle and Microsoft Teams by setting up and configuring the Moodle LMS plugins.
-# Set up the Moodle plugin
+# Set up the Moodle LMS plugins
-In this article, you'll learn how to install and configure the Moodle LMS plugin to incorporate Microsoft Teams with your Moodle experience.
+In this article, you'll learn how to install and configure the Moodle LMS plugins to incorporate Microsoft Teams with your Moodle experience.
## Prerequisites
-Here are the prerequisites to install Moodle:
+Here are the prerequisites to set up an installed Moodle to work with Microsoft Teams:
* Moodle administrator credentials. * Azure AD administrator credentials.
Here are the prerequisites to install Moodle:
## 1. Install the Microsoft 365 Moodle Plugins
-Moodle integration in Microsoft Teams is powered by the open source [Microsoft 365 Moodle plugins set](https://moodle.org/plugins/browse.php?list=set&id=72).
+Moodle integration with Microsoft Teams is powered by the open source [Microsoft 365 Moodle plugins set](https://moodle.org/plugins/browse.php?list=set&id=72).
### Requisite applications and plugins
-Install and download the following items before proceeding with the Microsoft 365 Moodle plugins installation:
+Download and install the following items:
1. A [current stable version of Moodle](https://download.moodle.org/releases/latest/).+
+ > If you don't have an existing Moodle site, go to the [Moodle on Azure](https://github.com/azure/moodle) repo, and quickly deploy a Moodle instance and customize it to your needs.
+ 1. Download and save the Moodle [OpenID Connect](https://moodle.org/plugins/auth_oidc) and the [Microsoft 365 Integration](https://moodle.org/plugins/local_o365) plugins to your local computer. > [!NOTE] > Installing the OpenID Connect and Microsoft 365 Integration plugins is required for the Teams integration. >
- > The [Microsoft 365 Teams Theme](https://moodle.org/plugins/theme_boost_o365teams) plugin is recommended.
+ > Also, we recommend installing the [Microsoft 365 Teams Theme](https://moodle.org/plugins/theme_boost_o365teams) plugin.
### Microsoft 365 Moodle plugins #### Install plugins
-1. Download the plugins, extract them, and upload to their corresponding folders. e.g. extract the OpenID Connect plugin (auth_oidc) to a folder called **oidc**, and upload to the **auth** folder of your Moodle document root.
-2. Sign in to your Moodle site as an administrator and select **Site administration**.
-3. Upon detection of new plugins to be installed, Moodle should redirect you to the install new plugins page. If this does not happen, in the **Site administration** page, select **Notifications** in the **General** tab, this should trigger the installation of the plugins.
+1. Download the plugins, extract them, and upload to their corresponding folders.
+ * Extract the OpenID Connect plugin (auth_oidc) to a folder called **oidc**, and upload to the **auth** folder of your Moodle document root.
+ * Extract the Microsoft 365 Integration plugin (local_o365) to a folder called **o365**, and upload to the **local** folder of your Moodle document root.
+1. Sign in to your Moodle site as an administrator and select **Site administration**.
+1. Upon detection of new plugins to be installed, Moodle should redirect you to the install new plugins page. If this doesn't happen, in the **Site administration** page, select **Notifications** in the **General** tab, this action should trigger the installation of the plugins.
+1. After the new plugins are installed, Moodle will show you a page with all new configurations from the installed plugins. You can safely skip this page by applying the default settings. The plugins will be configured in the following steps.
- >
- > * Keep your Microsoft 365 Moodle Plugins configuration page open in a separate browser tab as you need to return to this set of pages throughout the process.
- >
- > * If you do not have an existing Moodle site, go to the [Moodle on Azure](https://github.com/azure/moodle) repo, and quickly deploy a Moodle instance and customize it to your needs.
+## 2. Enable the OpenID Connect authentication plugin
-#### Enable the OpenID Connect authentication plugin
+In order for the Moodle plugins to communicate with Microsoft services, the OpenID Connect authentication plugin needs to be turned on and configured.
1. Navigate to **Site Administration** > **Plugins** > **Authentication** then select **Manage Authentication**.
-1. Find the **OpenID Connect** authentication plugin and select the *eye icon* to enable it.
+1. Find the **OpenID Connect** authentication plugin and select the *eye icon* to turn it on.
1. Select **Settings** for the plugin to verify the **Authorization** and **Token** endpoints. 1. The default values should be: 1. Authorization endpoint: ``https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/authorize``. 1. Token endpoint: ``https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token``. 1. Record the **Redirect URI** for later use.
-## 2. Configure the connection between the Microsoft 365 plugins and Azure AD
-You must configure the connection between the Microsoft 365 plugins and Azure AD.
-### Requisites
-Register Moodle as an application in your Azure AD, using the PowerShell script. The script provisions the following items:
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > It's not required for all Moodle users to the OpenID Connect authentication plugin as their authentication method; however, if they use other authentication methods, their Moodle accounts needs to be *connected* to their corresponding Microsoft accounts before they can use certain features in the Teams integration, such as syncing Teams ownership and membership.
-* A new Azure AD application for your Microsoft 365 tenant, which is used by the Microsoft 365 Moodle Plugins.
-* The app for your Microsoft 365 tenant sets up the required reply URLs and permissions for the provisioned app and returns the `AppID` and `Key`.
+## 3. Configure the connection between the Microsoft 365 plugins and Microsoft services
-Use the generated `AppID` and `Key` in your Microsoft 365 Moodle Plugins setup page to configure your Moodle server site with Azure AD.
+You must configure the connection between the Microsoft 365 plugins and Microsoft services before they can work together.
-> * For more information on registering your Moodle instance manually, see [Register your Moodle instance as an application](https://docs.moodle.org/400/en/Microsoft_365#Azure_App_Creation_and_Configuration).
+> [!NOTE]
+> While configuring the integration, keep your Microsoft 365 Moodle Integration configuration page open in a separate browser tab as you need to return to this set of pages throughout the process.
### The Teams for Moodle set up process
-1. From the Microsoft 365 Integration plugins page, select the **Setup** tab.
-1. Select the **Download PowerShell Script** button and save it as a ZIP folder to your local computer.
-1. Prepare the PowerShell script from the ZIP file as follows:
- 1. Download and extract the `Moodle-AzureAD-Powershell.zip` file.
- 1. Open the extracted folder.
- 1. Right-click on the `Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1` file and select **Properties**.
- 1. Under the **General** tab of the Properties window, select the `Unblock` checkbox next to the **Security** attribute located at the bottom of the window.
- 1. Select **OK**.
- 1. Copy the directory path to the extracted folder.
-1. Run PowerShell as an administrator:
- 1. Select Start.
- 1. Type PowerShell.
- 1. Right-click on **Windows PowerShell**.
- 1. Select **Run as Administrator**.
-1. Navigate to the unzipped directory by typing `cd .../.../Moodle-AzureAD-Powershell` where `.../...` is the path to the directory.
-1. Execute the PowerShell script:
- 1. Enter `Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser`.
- 1. Enter `./Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1`.
- 1. Sign in to your Microsoft 365 administrator account in the pop-up window.
- 1. Enter the name of the Azure AD Application, for example, Moodle or Moodle plugins.
- 1. Enter the URL for your Moodle server.
- 1. Copy the **Application ID (`AppID`)** and **Application Key(`Key`)** generated by the script and save them.
-1. Return to the plugins administration page, **Site administration** > **Plugins** > **Authentication** > **OpenID Connect**.
-1. Paste the `AppID` value into the **Application ID** box and the `Key` value into the **Key** box, and then select **Save changes**.
-1. Navigate to **Site administration** > **Plugins** > **Local plugins** and select **Microsoft 365 Integration**.
-1. In **Choose connection method**, select **Application access**, and then select **Save changes** again.
-1. After the page refreshes, you can see another new section **Admin consent & additional information**.
- 1. Select **Provide Admin Consent** link, enter your Microsoft 365 Global Administrator credentials, then **Accept** to grant the permissions.
- 1. Next to the **Azure AD Tenant** field, select the **Detect** button.
- 1. Next to the **OneDrive for Business URL**, select the **Detect** button.
- 1. After the fields populate, select the **Save changes** button again.
-1. Select the **Update** button to verify the installation, and then select **Save changes**.
-1. Synchronize users between your Moodle server and Azure AD. Depending on your environment, you can select different options during this stage. To get started:
- 1. Switch to the **Sync Settings tab**.
- 1. In the **Sync users with Azure AD** section, select the checkboxes that apply to your environment. You must select the following options:
- Γ£ö Create accounts in Moodle for users in Azure AD.
- Γ£ö Update all accounts in Moodle for users in Azure AD.
- 1. In the **User Creation Restriction** section, you can set up a filter to limit the Azure AD users that are synced to Moodle.
- 1. In the **Course Sync** section, you can select **Course sync customization** option to enable the automatic creation of Groups and Teams for some, or all, of your existing Moodle courses.
-1. To validate [cron](https://docs.moodle.org/400/en/Cron) tasks and to run them manually for the first time, navigate to **Site administration** > **Server** > **Tasks** > **Scheduled tasks**.
- 1. Scroll down and find the task **Sync users with Azure AD** and select **Run now**.
- 1. This will sync the AAD user to your Moodle site.
- 1. Next, find the **Sync Moodle courses to Microsoft Teams** task and select **Run now**.
- 1. This task will create groups and Teams if an owner is found.
- 1. If the user has `local/o365:teamowner` capability in the course context, the user is a team owner. If the user has `local/o365:teammember` capability in the course context, the user is a team member.
- 1. The default *Teacher* role has the `local/o365:teamowner" capability`, and the default *Student* role has the `local/o365:teammember` capability.
+1. Create Azure app
+ 1. Navigate to **Site Administration** > **Plugins** > **Local plugins** then select **Microsoft 365 Integration**. This will open the Microsoft 365 Integration configuration page.
+ 1. From the Microsoft 365 Integration configuration page, select the **Setup** tab.
+ 1. Select the **Download PowerShell Script** button and save it as a ZIP folder to your local computer.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Running the script creates a new Azure AD application in Microsoft 365 tenant, which sets up the required reply URLs and permissions, gives the required permissions, and returns the `AppID` and `Key`.
+ >
+ > The PowerShell script only works on Windows operation systems.
+ 1. Prepare the PowerShell script from the ZIP file as follows:
+ 1. Download and extract the `Moodle-AzureAD-Powershell.zip` file.
+ 1. Open the extracted folder.
+ 1. Right-click on the `Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1` file and select **Properties**.
+ 1. Under the **General** tab of the Properties window, select the `Unblock` checkbox next to the **Security** attribute located at the bottom of the window.
+ 1. Select **OK**.
+ 1. Copy the directory path to the extracted folder.
+ 1. Run PowerShell as an administrator:
+ 1. In Windows, select **Start**.
+ 1. Type `PowerShell`.
+ 1. Right-click on **Windows PowerShell**.
+ 1. Select **Run as Administrator**.
+ 1. Navigate to the unzipped directory by typing `cd .../.../Moodle-AzureAD-Powershell` where `.../...` is the path to the directory.
+ 1. Execute the PowerShell script:
+ 1. Enter `./Moodle-AzureAD-Script.ps1`.
+ 1. When asked, sign in to your Microsoft 365 administrator account in the pop-up window.
+ 1. When asked, enter the name of the Azure AD Application, for example, Moodle or Moodle plugins.
+ 1. When asked, enter the URL for your Moodle server.
+ 1. When asked, enter the reply URL copied from the OpenID Connect authentication plugin configuration page. This is essentially the URL of your Moodle site, followed by `\auth\oidc\`.
+ 1. You may be asked to sign in to your Microsoft 365 account again in a pop-up window in the process. This is to provide admin consent to the permissions added to the app for your organization.
+ 1. When the script finishes execution, copy the **Application ID (`AppID`)** and **Application Key(`Key`)** generated by the script and save them.
+1. Set Azure app details in Moodle
+ 1. Return to the OpenID Connect authentication plugin configuration page.
+ 1. Paste the `AppID` value into the **Application ID** box and the `Key` value into the **Key** box, and then select **Save changes**.
+1. Configure connection between Microsoft plugins and Microsoft services
+ 1. From the Microsoft 365 Integration configuration page, select the **Setup** tab.
+ 1. In **Choose connection method**, select **Application access**, and then select **Save changes** again.
+ 1. After the page refreshes, you can see another new section **Admin consent & additional information**.
+ 1. Select **Provide Admin Consent** link, enter your Microsoft 365 Global Administrator credentials, then **Accept** to grant the permissions.
+ 1. Next to the **Azure AD Tenant** field, select the **Detect** button.
+ 1. Next to the **OneDrive for Business URL**, select the **Detect** button.
+ 1. After the fields populate, select the **Save changes** button again.
+ 1. Select the **Update** button to verify the installation. If no error is reported at this stage, it means the Microsoft plugins can communicate with Microsoft server via Microsoft Graph APIs.
+1. Configure user and course synchronization
+ 1. Synchronize users between your Moodle server and Azure AD. Depending on your environment, you can select different options during this stage. To get started:
+ 1. From the Microsoft 365 Integration configuration page, select the **Sync Settings** tab.
+ 1. In the **Sync users with Azure AD** setting, select the checkboxes that apply to your environment. You must select the following options:
+ Γ£ö Create accounts in Moodle for users in Azure AD.
+ Γ£ö Update all accounts in Moodle for users in Azure AD.
+ 1. In the **User Creation Restriction** section, you can set up a filter to limit the Azure AD users that are synced to Moodle.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > It's not required to turn on user sync; however, it will make connecting Moodle users with Microsoft 365 accounts much easier.
+ >
+ > User sync is performed by running the **Sync users with Azure AD** scheduled task.
+ 1. In the **Course Sync** section, you can select **Course sync customization** option to turn on the automatic creation of Teams for some or all of your existing Moodle courses.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Course sync is performed by running the **Sync Moodle courses to Microsoft Teams** scheduled task.
+ 1. Save changes.
+ 1. To validate sync configuration, you'll need to run the scheduled tasks manually for the first time, navigate to **Site administration** > **Server** > **Tasks** > **Scheduled tasks**.
+ 1. Scroll down and find the task **Sync users with Azure AD** and select **Run now**.
+ 1. This will sync Azure AD users to your Moodle site according to the user sync options.
+ 1. Next, find the **Sync Moodle courses to Microsoft Teams** task and select **Run now**.
+ 1. This task will create Groups for all Moodle courses with sync option turn on, and also Teams if a **Team owner** can be found in the course.
+ 1. The task will also sync Moodle users enrolled in the course to Teams as owners or members.
+ 1. A Team **owner** is a Moodle user who
+ 1. is connected to a Microsoft 365 account, AND
+ 2. is enrolled in the course, AND
+ 3. has the `local/o365:teamowner` capability in the course context.
+ 1. Similarly, a Team **member** is a Moodle user who
+ 1. is connected to a Microsoft 365 account, AND
+ 2. is enrolled in the course, AND
+ 3. has the `local/o365:teamember` capability in the course context.
+ 1. The default *Teacher* role has the `local/o365:teamowner` capability, and the default *Student* role has the `local/o365:teammember` capability.
> [!NOTE]
+ > The scheduled tasks are triggered by [Moodle Cron](https://docs.moodle.org/400/en/Cron), which needs to be configured to run frequently. Each scheduled task can have a default schedule, which can be customized.
- > The Moodle [Cron](https://docs.moodle.org/400/en/Scheduled_tasks) runs according to the task schedule. The default schedule is once a day at 1:00 AM in your server's local time zone. However, the cron should run more frequently to keep everything in sync.
-1. Navigate to **Site administration** > **Plugins** > **Local plugins** > **Microsoft 365 Integration** > **Teams Settings** tab.
-1. Click the **Check Moodle settings** button will update all required configurations for the Teams integration to work.
+ > * The default schedule of the **Sync users with Azure AD** task is every minute.
+ > * The default schedule of the **Sync Moodle courses to Microsoft Teams** task is daily at 1am in the Moodle server default time zone.
After the plugins are installed and configured, you can:
security TOC https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/TOC.md
#### [Onboard Windows Client using a local script](configure-endpoints-script.md) #### [Onboard non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices](configure-endpoints-vdi.md) #### [Onboard Windows 10 multi-session devices in Windows Virtual Desktop](onboard-windows-multi-session-device.md)
-#### [Onboard devices without Internet access](onboard-offline-machines.md)
#### [Onboard previous versions of Windows](onboard-downlevel.md)
### [Integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud](azure-server-integration.md) ### [Run a detection test on a newly onboarded device](run-detection-test.md) ### [Run simulated attacks on devices](attack-simulations.md)
+### [Onboard devices without Internet access](onboard-offline-machines.md)
### [Configure proxy and Internet connectivity settings](configure-proxy-internet.md) ### [Create an onboarding or offboarding notification rule](onboarding-notification.md)
security Android Intune https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-intune.md
Follow the steps below to add Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app into your mana
- Choose **Work Profile only** as Profile Type. - Click **Select App**, choose **Microsoft Defender ATP**, select **OK** and then **Next**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/android-create-app.png" alt-text=" The Associated app details pane" lightbox="images/android-create-app.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/android-create-app.png" alt-text=" Screenshot of the Associated app details pane." lightbox="images/android-create-app.png":::
+ 1. Select **Permissions > Add**. From the list, select the available app permissions > **OK**.
+ 2. Select an option for each permission to grant with this policy:
+ - **Prompt** - Prompts the user to accept or deny.
+ - **Auto grant** - Automatically approves without notifying the user.
+ - **Auto deny** - Automatically denies without notifying the user.
1. In the **Settings** page, go to the **Configuration settings** section and choose **'Use configuration designer'** in Configuration settings format.
Defender for Endpoint supports Device configuration policies for managed devices
4. **Assignment**
- In the **Assignments** page, select the user group to which this app config policy would be assigned to. Choose **Select groups** to include and selecting the applicable group and then select **Next**. The group selected here is usually the same group to which you would assign Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Android app.
+ In the **Assignments** page, select the user group to which this app config policy would be assigned. Choose **Select groups** to include and selecting the applicable group and then select **Next**. The group selected here is usually the same group to which you would assign Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Android app.
- :::image type="content" source="images/4autosetupofvpn.png" alt-text="The devices configuration profile Assignment pane in the Device restrictions" lightbox="images/4autosetupofvpn.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/4autosetupofvpn.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the devices configuration profile Assignment pane in the Device restrictions." lightbox="images/4autosetupofvpn.png":::
5. In the **Review + Create** page that comes up next, review all the information and then select **Create**. The device configuration profile is now assigned to the selected user group.
security Configure Endpoints Vdi https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-endpoints-vdi.md
Like any other system in an IT environment, these too should have an Endpoint De
- Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices - Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2008R2/2012R2/2016 + > Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-configvdi-abovefoldlink) > [!NOTE]
- > **Persistent VDI's** - [Onboarding a persistent VDI machine](configure-endpoints.md) into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is handled the same way you would onboard a physical machine, such as a desktop or laptop. Group policy, Microsoft Endpoint Manager, and other methods can be used to onboard a persistent machine. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, (https://security.microsoft.com) under onboarding, select your preferred onboarding method, and follow the instructions for that type.
+ > **Persistent VDI's** - Onboarding a persistent VDI machine into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is handled the same way you would onboard a physical machine, such as a desktop or laptop. Group policy, Microsoft Endpoint Manager, and other methods can be used to onboard a persistent machine. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, (https://security.microsoft.com) under onboarding, select your preferred onboarding method, and follow the instructions for that type. For more information see [Onboarding Windows client](onboard-windows-client.md).
## Onboarding non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices
The following steps will guide you through onboarding VDI devices and will highl
> [!WARNING] > For environments where there are low resource configurations, the VDI boot procedure might slow the Defender for Endpoint sensor onboarding.
-### For Windows 10, or Windows 11, or Windows Server 2012 R2 and later
+### Onboarding steps
> [!NOTE] > Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 will need to be prepared by applying the installation package first using the instructions in [Onboard Windows servers](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints#windows-server-2012-r2-and-windows-server-2016) for this feature to work.
For more information, follow the guidance in [Deployment guide for Microsoft Def
> exit > ``` +
+## Other recommended configuration settings
+After onboarding devices to the service, it's important to take advantage of the included threat protection capabilities by enabling them with the following recommended configuration settings.
+### Next generation protection configuration
+The following configuration settings are recommended:
+#### Cloud Protection Service
+- Turn on cloud-delivered protection: Yes
+- Cloud-delivered protection level: Not configured
+- Defender Cloud Extended Timeout In Seconds: 20
+#### Exclusions
+- Disable local admin merge: Not configured
+- Defender processes to exclude:
+ - `%Programfiles%\FSLogix\Apps\frxccd.exe`
+ - `%Programfiles%\FSLogix\Apps\frxccds.exe`
+ - `%Programfiles%\FSLogix\Apps\frxsvc.exe`
+- File extensions to exclude from scans and real-time protection:
+ - `%Programfiles%\FSLogix\Apps\frxccd.sys`
+ - `%Programfiles%\FSLogix\Apps\frxdrv.sys`
+ - `%Programfiles%\FSLogix\Apps\frxdrvvt.sys`
+ - `%TEMP%*.VHD`
+ - `%TEMP%*.VHDX`
+ - `%Windir%\TEMP*.VHD`
+ - `%Windir%\TEMP*.VHDX`
+ - `\\stroageaccount.file.core.windows.net\share**.VHD`
+ - `\\stroageaccount.file.core.windows.net\share**.VHDX`
+#### Real-time Protection
+- Turn on all settings and set to monitor all files
+#### Remediation
+- Number of days to keep quarantined malware: 30
+- Submit samples consent: Send all samples automatically
+- Action to take on potentially unwanted apps: Enable
+- Actions for detected threats:
+ - Low threat: Clean
+ - Moderate threat, High threat, Severe threat: Quarantine
+#### Scan
+- Scan archived files: Yes
+- Use low CPU priority for scheduled scans: Not configured
+- Disable catch-up full scan: Not configured
+- Disable catchup quick scan: Not configured
+- CPU usage limit per scan: 50
+- Scan mapped netoword drives during full scan: Not configured
+- Run daily quick scan at: 12 PM
+- Scan type: Not configured
+- Day of week to run scheduled scan: Not configured
+- Time of day to run a scheduled scan: Not configured
+- Check for signature updates before running scan: Yes
+#### Updates
+- Enter how often to check for security intelligence updates: 8
+- Leave other settings in default state
+#### User experience
+- Allow user access to Microsoft Defender app: Not configured
+#### Enable Tamper protection
+- Enable tamper protection to prevent Microsoft Defender being disabled: Enable
+#### Attack surface reduction
+- Enable network protection: Audit mode
+- Require SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge: Yes
+- Block maclious site access: Yes
+- Block unverified file download: Yes
+#### Attack surface reduction rules
+- Configure all available rules to Audit.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Blocking these activities may interrupt legitimate business processes. The best approach is setting everything to audit, identifying which ones are safe to turn on, and then enabling those settings on endpoints which do not have false positive detections.
++++++ ## Related topics - [Onboard Windows devices using Group Policy](configure-endpoints-gp.md) - [Onboard Windows devices using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager](configure-endpoints-sccm.md)
security Configure Server Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints.md
Import-Certificate -FilePath .\InterCA.cer -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Defender for Cloud. You can onboard servers automatically, have servers monitored by Microsoft Defender for Cloud appear in Defender for Endpoint, and conduct detailed investigations as a Microsoft Defender for Cloud customer.
-For more information, see [Integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud](azure-server-integration.md). Servers onboarded through Microsoft Defender for Cloud will have their initial configuration set to run Defender Antivirus in [passive mode](/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility#microsoft-defender-antivirus-and-non-microsoft-antivirusantimalware-solutions).
+For more information, see [Integration with Microsoft Defender for Cloud](azure-server-integration.md). Linux servers onboarded through Microsoft Defender for Cloud will have their initial configuration set to run Defender Antivirus in [passive mode](/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility#microsoft-defender-antivirus-and-non-microsoft-antivirusantimalware-solutions).
> [!NOTE] > - The integration between Microsoft Defender for servers and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint has been expanded to support Windows Server 2022, [Windows Server 2019, and Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)](/azure/security-center/release-notes#microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-integration-with-azure-defender-now-supports-windows-server-2019-and-windows-10-virtual-desktop-wvd-in-preview).
security Linux Install Manually https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-install-manually.md
In order to preview new features and provide early feedback, it is recommended t
|Distro & version|Package| |||
- |For RHEL/Centos/Oracle 8.0-8.5|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/8/[channel].repo>|
- |For RHEL/Centos/Oracle 7.2-7.9 & Amazon Linux 2|</azure/cognitive-services/speech-service/how-to-configure-rhel-centos-7>|
+ |For RHEL/Centos/Oracle 8.0-8.5|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/8/prod.repo>|
+ |For RHEL/Centos/Oracle 7.2-7.9 & Amazon Linux 2 |<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/7.2/prod.repo>|
+ <!--|For RHEL/Centos 6.7-6.10|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/6/[channel].repo>|-->
|For Fedora 33|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/fedora/33/prod.repo>| |For Fedora 34|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/fedora/34/prod.repo>|
security Onboard Offline Machines https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-offline-machines.md
ms.technology: mde
> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-exposedapis-abovefoldlink)
+For devices with no direct internet connection, the use of a proxy solution is the recommended approach. For older Windows devices onboarded using the previous, MMA-based solution the use of the OMS gateway solution provides an alternative approach. For more information about onboarding methods, see the following articles:
+- [Onboard previous versions of Windows](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-downlevel)
+- [Onboard servers to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints#windows-server-2008-r2-sp1--windows-server-2012-r2-and-windows-server-2016)
+> - Windows or Windows Server in disconnected environments must be able to update Certificate Trust Lists offline via an internal file or web server.
+> - For more information about updating CTLs offline, see [Configure a file or web server to download the CTL files](/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/dn265983(v=ws.11)#configure-a-file-or-web-server-to-download-the-ctl-files).
-To onboard devices without Internet access, you'll need to take the following general steps:
+## Devices running Windows 10 or later, Windows Server 2012 R2 or later, Linux and macOS
-> The following steps are only applicable to devices running previous versions of Windows using the MMA-based solution. For more information, see [Onboard Windows servers to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints).
+Depending on the operating system, the proxy to be used for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can be configured automatically, typically through the use of autodiscovery or an autoconfig file, or statically specific to Defender for Endpoint services running on the device.
+- For Windows devices, please reference [Configure device proxy and Internet connectivity settings](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-proxy-internet)
+- For Linux devices, please reference [Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux for static proxy discovery](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-static-proxy-configuration)
+- For macOS devices, please reference [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-endpoint-mac#network-connections)
+## Windows devices running the previous MMA-based solution
> [!NOTE] > - An OMS gateway server cannot be used as proxy for disconnected Windows or Windows Server devices when configured via 'TelemetryProxyServer' registry or GPO. > - For Windows or Windows Server - while you may use TelemetryProxyServer, it must point to a standard proxy device or appliance.
-> - In addition, Windows or Windows Server in disconnected environments must be able to update Certificate Trust Lists offline via an internal file or web server.
-> - For more information about updating CTLs offline, see [Configure a file or web server to download the CTL files](/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2012-r2-and-2012/dn265983(v=ws.11)#configure-a-file-or-web-server-to-download-the-ctl-files).
-For more information about onboarding methods, see the following articles:
-- [Onboard previous versions of Windows](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-downlevel)-- [Onboard servers to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints#windows-server-2008-r2-sp1--windows-server-2012-r2-and-windows-server-2016)-- [Configure device proxy and Internet connectivity settings](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-proxy-internet#configure-the-proxy-server-manually-using-a-registry-based-static-proxy)-
-## Devices running the previous MMA-based solution
- Setup Azure Log Analytics (formerly known as OMS Gateway) to act as proxy or hub: - [Azure Log Analytics Agent](/azure/azure-monitor/platform/gateway#download-the-log-analytics-gateway)
For more information about onboarding methods, see the following articles:
[Onboard previous versions of Windows](onboard-downlevel.md) -- Offline devices in the same network of Azure Log Analytics
- - Configure MMA to point to:
- - Azure Log Analytics IP as a proxy
- - Defender for Endpoint workspace key & ID
-### Azure virtual machines
--- For devices running the previous, MMA-based solution, setup Azure Log Analytics Gateway (formerly known as OMS Gateway) to act as proxy or hub:
- - [Azure Log Analytics Gateway](/azure/azure-monitor/platform/gateway#download-the-log-analytics-gateway)
- - [Install and configure Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA)](onboard-downlevel.md#install-and-configure-microsoft-monitoring-agent-mma) point to Defender for Endpoint Workspace key & ID
-- Offline Azure VMs in the same network of OMS Gateway
- - Configure Azure Log Analytics IP as a proxy
- - Azure Log Analytics Workspace Key & ID
-- Microsoft Defender for Cloud
- - [Security Policy \> Log Analytics Workspace](/azure/security-center/security-center-wdatp#enable-windows-defender-atp-integration)
- - [Threat Detection \> Allow Defender for Endpoint to access my data](/azure/security-center/security-center-wdatp#enable-windows-defender-atp-integration)
+### Microsoft Defender for Cloud
- For more information, see [Working with security policies](/azure/security-center/tutorial-security-policy).
+- Review the prerequisites section in [Protect your endpoints with Defender for Cloud's integrated EDR solution: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/azure/defender-for-cloud/integration-defender-for-endpoint?tabs=windows#prerequisites)
security Onboard Windows Client https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-windows-client.md
In general, you'll identify the client you're onboarding, then follow the corres
:::image type="content" source="images/onboarddevices.png" alt-text="Onboard devices" lightbox="images/onboarddevices.png"::: ## Related topics-- [Onboard Windows devices using Mobile Device Management tools](configure-endpoints-mdm.md)
+- [Onboard Windows devices using Microsoft Intune](configure-endpoints-mdm.md)
- [Onboard Windows devices using Group Policy](configure-endpoints-gp.md) - [Onboard Windows devices using a local script](configure-endpoints-script.md) - [Onboard non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices](configure-endpoints-vdi.md)
security Onboard Windows Multi Session Device https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-windows-multi-session-device.md
Follow the instructions for a single entry for each device.
This scenario uses a centrally located script and runs it using a domain-based group policy. You can also place the script in the golden image and run it in the same way.
-##### Download the WindowsDefenderATPOnboardingPackage.zip file from the Windows 365 Defender portal
+##### Download the WindowsDefenderATPOnboardingPackage.zip file from the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
1. Open the VDI configuration package .zip file (WindowsDefenderATPOnboardingPackage.zip)
security Api Advanced Hunting https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-advanced-hunting.md
Delegated (work or school account) | AdvancedHunting.Read | Run advanced queries
>[!Note] > When obtaining a token using user credentials: >
->- The user needs to have the 'View Data' AD role
+>- The user needs to have the 'View Data' role.
>- The user needs to have access to the device, based on device group settings. ## HTTP request
security Investigate Dlp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/investigate-dlp.md
You can use the Microsoft 365 Defender connector in Microsoft Sentinel to import
3. You can use **AlertType**, **startTime**, and **endTime** to query the **CloudAppEvents** table to get all the user activities that contributed to the alert. Use this query to identify the underlying activities: ```kusto
-let Alert = SecurityAlert
-| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
-| where SystemAlertId == "" // insert the systemAlertID here
-| extend correlationId = parse_json(tostring(RawEventData.Data)).cid
-| join kind=inner Alert on $left.correlationId == $right.AlertType
+let Alert = SecurityAlert
+| where TimeGenerated > ago(30d)
+| where SystemAlertId == ""; // insert the systemAlertID here
+| extend correlationId1 = parse_json(tostring(RawEventData.Data)).cid
+| extend correlationId = tostring(correlationId1)
+| join kind=inner Alert on $left.correlationId == $right.AlertType
| where RawEventData.CreationTime > StartTime and RawEventData.CreationTime < EndTime ```
security Tenant Allow Block List https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/tenant-allow-block-list.md
This article describes how to configure entries in the Tenant Allow/Block List i
- An entry should be active within 30 minutes. -- By default, entries in the Tenant Allow/Block List will expire after 30 days. You can specify a date or set them to never expire.
+- By default, entries in the Tenant Allow/Block List will expire after 30 days. You can specify a date or set them to never expire (for blocks only).
- To connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, see [Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell). To connect to standalone EOP PowerShell, see [Connect to Exchange Online Protection PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-protection-powershell).
Only messages from that domain *and* sending infrastructure pair are allowed to
## What to expect after you add an allow or block entry
-After you add an allow entry through the Submissions portal or a block entry in the Tenant Allow/Block List, the entry should start working immediately.
+After you add an allow entry through the Submissions portal or a block entry in the Tenant Allow/Block List, the entry should start working immediately once the entry in active. The entry will mostly be active within 30 minutes, but sometimes it can take upto 24 hours.
We recommend letting entries automatically expire after 30 days to see if the system has learned about the allow or block. If not, you should make another entry to give the system another 30 days to learn.