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commerce Manage Billing Accounts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/manage-billing-accounts.md
- admindeeplinkMAC search.appverid: MET150 description: "Learn about Microsoft business billing accounts and how they're used to manage account settings, invoices, payment methods, and purchases." Previously updated : 07/11/2023 Last updated : 07/09/2024 # Understand your Microsoft business billing account
The following table lists the terms shown on the billing account details page.
|Field name |Description | |||
-|ID |The unique identifier for your billing account. |
+|Billing account ID |The unique identifier for your billing account. |
|Name |The name of your billing account. To change the name, select **Update name**. |
-|Account status |A read-only field that specifies the status of your commercial account with Microsoft. |
-|Sold-to |The details of the legal entity responsible for payment and identified on the invoice. This section contains the name and address of the individual or organization responsible for the account, together with a contact email address and phone number. The address provided here is used to determine your tax rate unless you opt to provide an alternative shipping address during your purchase. For more information, see [Tax information](billing-and-payments/tax-information.md). |
+|Status |A read-only field that specifies the status of your commercial account with Microsoft. |
+|My current role|The role you have on this billing account. See section on billing account roles below.|
+|Sold-to address |The details of the legal entity responsible for payment and identified on the invoice. This section contains the name and address of the individual or organization responsible for the account, together with a contact email address and phone number. The address provided here is used to determine your tax rate unless you opt to provide an alternative shipping address during your purchase. For more information, see [Tax information](billing-and-payments/tax-information.md). |
|Tax ID |This field only applies if youΓÇÖre in a country or region that requires you to provide a VAT or local equivalent. For more information, see [Tax information](billing-and-payments/tax-information.md). |
-|Billing profiles |The link goes to the list of billing profiles associated with the current billing account. A billing profile defines the properties of your invoice, like who receives the bill, how the bill is delivered, payment terms, and an optional purchase order (PO) number. For more information about billing profiles, see [Manage your Microsoft business billing profiles](billing-and-payments/manage-billing-profiles.md). |
|Registration number (Optional) |A legal registration number that you provide to us so we can review the details of your account. For more information, see [About registration numbers and under-review notifications](about-registration-numbers.md). To add a registration number, select **Edit**. |
+|Type|The type of billing account.|
+|Agreements|Links to the agreements signed by your organization with Microsoft|
> [!NOTE] > If you need to change the **Sold-to** name, you must [contact support](../admin/get-help-support.md) to change it. Requests to change the **Sold-to** name require a credit check. Complete [this form](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=102732), and be ready to share one of following documents with Microsoft when you contact support:
The following table lists the terms shown on the billing account details page.
## What are billing account roles?
-If you have an MCA billing account type, the bottom of the billing account details page includes a **Billing account roles** tab. This section lists the names of the users and admin center roles assigned to specific billing account roles. Billing account roles are specific to billing accounts and provide different levels of access to the billing account for your organization.
+If you have an MCA billing account type, the top of the billing account details page includes a **Billing account roles** tab. This section lists the names of the users and admin center roles assigned to specific billing account roles. Billing account roles are specific to billing accounts and provide different levels of access to the billing account for your organization.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Billing account roles only apply to billing accounts, and don't apply to other Microsoft 365 admin center scenarios.
enterprise Contoso Identity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/contoso-identity.md
- NOCSH Previously updated : 09/13/2018 Last updated : 07/01/2024 audience: ITPro
- scotvorg - M365-identity-device-management - Strat_O365_Enterprise
+- must-keep
description: How Contoso takes advantage of Identity as a Service (IDaaS) and provides cloud-based authentication for its employees and federated authentication for its partners and customers.
Contoso uses a single Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) forest for contos
Here's the Contoso forest with regional domains for the different parts of the world that contain regional hubs. :::image type="content" alt-text="Contoso's forest and domains worldwide." source="../media/contoso-identity/contoso-identity-fig1.png" lightbox="../media/contoso-identity/contoso-identity-fig1.png":::
+ Contoso decided to use the accounts and groups in the contoso\.com forest for authentication and authorization for its Microsoft 365 workloads and services. ## The Contoso federated authentication infrastructure
Contoso allows:
Here's the Contoso DMZ containing a public web site, a partner extranet, and a set of Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) servers. The DMZ is connected to the internet that contains customers, partners, and internet services. ![Contoso support for federated authentication for customers and partners.](../media/contoso-identity/contoso-identity-fig2.png)
+ AD FS servers in the DMZ facilitate authentication of customer credentials by their identity providers for access to the public web site and partner credentials for access to the partner extranet. Contoso decided to keep this infrastructure and dedicate it to customer and partner authentication. Contoso identity architects are investigating the conversion of this infrastructure to Microsoft Entra [B2B](/azure/active-directory/b2b/hybrid-organizations) and [B2C](/azure/active-directory-b2c/solution-articles) solutions.
To do directory synchronization, Contoso deployed the Microsoft Entra Connect to
Here's the server running Microsoft Entra Connect polling the Contoso AD DS forest for changes and then synchronizing those changes with the Microsoft Entra tenant. ![The Contoso PHS directory synchronization infrastructure.](../media/contoso-identity/contoso-identity-fig4.png)
+ ## Conditional Access policies for Zero Trust identity and device access Contoso created a set of Microsoft Entra ID and Intune [Conditional Access policies](../security/office-365-security/zero-trust-identity-device-access-policies-common.md) for three protection levels:
Contoso created a set of Microsoft Entra ID and Intune [Conditional Access polic
Here's the resulting set of Contoso identity and device Conditional Access policies. :::image type="content" alt-text="ContosoΓÇÖs identity and device Conditional Access policies." source="../media/contoso-identity/contoso-identity-fig5.png" lightbox="../media/contoso-identity/contoso-identity-fig5.png":::
+ ## Next step Learn how Contoso uses its Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager infrastructure to [deploy and keep current Windows 10 Enterprise](contoso-win10.md) across its organization.
Learn how Contoso uses its Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager infrastructu
[Deploy identity for Microsoft 365](deploy-identity-solution-overview.md) [Microsoft 365 for enterprise overview](microsoft-365-overview.md)-
-[Test lab guides](m365-enterprise-test-lab-guides.md)
enterprise M365 Dr Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/m365-dr-overview.md
In order to promote clarity in the capability descriptions on data residency fun
|Geography <br/> |_Local Region Geography, Future Local Region Geography_, or _Macro Region Geography_ <br/> | |Satellite Geography <br/> |If a customer subscribes to the Multi Geo service, then they can set policy at a user level to store customer data in other Geographies outside of the _Tenant_ _Primary Provisioned Geography_ <br/> | |Microsoft Entra ID <br/> |Microsoft Entra ID <br/> |
-|Tenant <br/> |A _Tenant_ represents an organization in Microsoft Entra ID. It's a reserved Microsoft Entra service instance that an organization receives and owns when it signs up for a Microsoft cloud service such as Azure or Microsoft 365. Each Microsoft Entra ID _Tenant_ is distinct and separate from other Microsoft Entra ID _Tenant's_ <br/> |
+|Tenant <br/> |A _Tenant_ represents an organization in Microsoft Entra ID. It's a reserved Microsoft Entra service instance that an organization receives and owns when it signs up for a Microsoft cloud service such as Azure or Microsoft 365. Each Microsoft Entra ID _Tenant_ is distinct and separate from other Microsoft Entra ID Tenants <br/> |
|Default Geography <br/> |When a _Microsoft Entra ID Tenant_ is created, a country/region is provided by the customer during the sign-up process. This country/region determines the default Geography for all Microsoft 365 services. In some cases, not all services are able to provision in this single _Default Geography_. See _Microsoft 365 Service provisioning mapping_ below for a description. <br/> | |Microsoft 365 Service provisioning mapping <br/> |All Microsoft 365 Services use the _Default Geography_ to determine where a given _Tenant's_ specified data will be provisioned and stored. <br/> | |Microsoft 365 Service provisioning country mapping <br/> |Refer to [data maps](https://aka.ms/datamaps) to learn where a given service provisions specified customer data, based on the _Tenant Default Geography._ <br/> |
enterprise Microsoft 365 Service Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-service-health.md
Title: "Microsoft 365 service health status"
Previously updated : 04/19/2020 Last updated : 06/28/2024 audience: Admin
- scotvorg - Ent_O365 - Strat_O365_Enterprise
+- must-keep
f1.keywords: - NOCSH
enterprise Modern Web Part Optimization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/modern-web-part-optimization.md
Title: "Optimize web part performance in SharePoint modern site pages"
Previously updated : 03/11/2020 Last updated : 07/01/2024 audience: Admin
- Ent_O365 - Strat_O365_Enterprise - SPO_Content
+- must-keep
f1.keywords: - CSH
SharePoint modern site pages contain web parts that can contribute to overall pa
The Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool is a browser extension for the new Microsoft Edge (https://www.microsoft.com/edge) and Chrome browsers that analyzes both SharePoint modern portal and classic publishing site pages. The tool provides a report for each analyzed page showing how the page performs against a defined set of performance criteria. To install and learn about the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool, visit [Use the Page Diagnostics tool for SharePoint](page-diagnostics-for-spo.md). > [!NOTE]
-> The Page Diagnostics tool only works for SharePoint, and cannot be used on a SharePoint system page.
+> The Page Diagnostics tool only works for SharePoint in Microsoft 365, and cannot be used on a SharePoint system page.
When you analyze a SharePoint site page with the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool, you can see information about web parts that exceed the baseline metric in the **Web parts are impacting page load time** result in the _Diagnostic tests_ pane.
enterprise Office 365 Network Mac Perf Benchmarks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/office-365-network-mac-perf-benchmarks.md
- Title: "Office 365 network score benchmarks and comparisons"--- Previously updated : 10/22/2019----- MET150--- scotvorg-- Ent_O365-- Strat_O365_Enterprise
-description: "Office 365 network score benchmarks and comparisons"
-# Office 365 network score benchmarks and comparisons
enterprise Office 365 Network Mac Perf Measure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/office-365-network-mac-perf-measure.md
- Title: "Office 365 measurements for network performance recommendations"--- Previously updated : 10/22/2019----- MET150--- scotvorg-- Ent_O365-- Strat_O365_Enterprise
-description: "Office 365 measurements for network performance recommendations"
-# Office 365 measurements for network performance recommendations
enterprise Sync Users Multi Tenant Orgs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/sync-users-multi-tenant-orgs.md
To manage free/busy calendar sharing for tenants in your MTO:
The calendar sharing feature for MTO utilizes [Organization relationships in Exchange Online](/exchange/sharing/organization-relationships/organization-relationships). The organization relationship will share all users calendar availability and must also be set up by the other tenants in your MTO for free/busy information to be shared.
-## Set up MTO user labels in Teams for tenants in your MTO (Preview)
-> [!NOTE]
-> This feature is available in [targeted release](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/release-options-in-office-365).
+## Set up MTO user labels in Teams for tenants in your MTO
MTO group admins can now configure an optional label for each tenant that will be displayed alongside MTO synced user's display name in Teams. This allows MTO synced users to be distinguishable within the MTO in Teams interactions.
solutions Apps Protect Data Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/apps-protect-data-protection.md
audience: ITPro Previously updated : 03/29/2024 Last updated : 07/10/2024 description: Understand app data protection using Microsoft Intune. ms.localizationpriority: high
Encryption is available for iOS/iPadOS and Android as part of an app protection
### Encryption for iOS/iPadOS app protection policy
- Intune enforces iOS/iPadOS device encryption to protect app data while the device is locked. Applications may optionally encrypt app data using Intune APP SDK encryption. Intune APP SDK uses iOS/iPadOS cryptography methods to apply 128-bit AES encryption to app data.
+ Intune enforces iOS/iPadOS device encryption to protect app data while the device is locked. Applications may optionally encrypt app data using Intune APP SDK encryption. Intune APP SDK uses iOS/iPadOS cryptography methods to apply 256-bit AES encryption to app data.
When you enable this setting, the user may be required to set up and use a PIN to access their device. If there's no device PIN and encryption is required, the user is prompted to set a PIN with the message "Your organization has required you to first enable a device PIN to access this app."