Updates from: 06/20/2024 01:11:30
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admin Admin Center Accessibility Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/admin-overview/admin-center-accessibility-overview.md
The Microsoft 365 admin center provides the following features to support access
## Support and feedback
-Microsoft provides an enterprise Disability Answer Desk as a support resource for organizations that have questions about the accessibility of Microsoft products and product conformance with accessibility standards. The support team can help resolve issues relating to assistive technology and functionality of products for users with disabilities, and find conformance documentation. For accessibility help, email the [enterprise Disability Answer Desk](mailto:eDAD@microsoft.com).
+Microsoft provides an enterprise Disability Answer Desk as a support resource for organizations that have questions about the accessibility of Microsoft products and product conformance with accessibility standards. The support team can help resolve issues relating to assistive technology and functionality of products for users with disabilities, and find conformance documentation. For accessibility help, visit our [Accessibility site](https://aka.ms/dad).
We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of the Microsoft 365 admin center. Use the **Give feedback** button inside the admin center to let us know about any accessibility barriers you encounter.
backup Backup Pricing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/backup/backup-pricing.md
The Microsoft 365 Backup service, offered through the Microsoft 365 admin center
Microsoft 365 Backup will charge you for content size of the following for 365 days from when it is added to backup protection: -- Cumulative back up size of the mailboxes, SharePoint sites, and OneDrive accounts being protected. Size of OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites are the size of the live OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites as displayed in the live sitesΓÇÖ usage reports. Mailboxes are the size of the user's mailbox plus their online archives plus deleted items held for Backup.
+- Cumulative back up size of the mailboxes, SharePoint sites, and OneDrive accounts being protected. Size of OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites are the size of the live OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites as displayed in the live sitesΓÇÖ usage reports. Mailboxes are the size of the user's mailbox plus their online archives plus deleted items held for backup.
- Deleted content in userΓÇÖs Recycle Bin and second-stage Recycle Bin (also known as Site Collection Recycle Bin). > [!NOTE] > Restore points or size of restores will not be charged. Although Azure is being used to process the payments, there are no additional Azure API or storage costs beyond the Microsoft 365 Backup usage charges mentioned above.
-As an example, if you have a site under protection that is currently 1 GB for the first month, you'll be charged 1 GB of Backup usage. If you delete content in that site such that it's now only 0.5 GB, your next monthly bill will still be for 1 GB since the backup tool is retaining that deleted content for a year. After a year when the backup of that deleted content expires, the 0.5 GB being retained for backup purposes will no longer be charged for Backup.
+As an example, if you have a site under protection that is currently 1 GB for the first month, you'll be charged 1 GB of Backup usage. If you delete content in that site such that it's now only 0.5 GB, your next monthly bill will still be for 1 GB since the backup tool is retaining that deleted content for a year. After a year when the backup of that deleted content expires, the 0.5 GB being retained for backup purposes will no longer be charged for backup.
> [!NOTE] > These prices are subject to change when the product becomes generally available. A partner application integrated with Microsoft 365 Backup storage might charge a different rate for their service.
backup Backup 3P Billing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/backup/storage/backup-3p-billing.md
description: Set up third-party billing for Microsoft 365 Backup Storage.
# Set up third-party billing for Microsoft 365 Backup Storage (Preview)
+> [!NOTE]
+> This feature is currently in preview and subject to change.
+ Developers can create an application to manage Microsoft 365 Backup Storage in their customer's tenants. However, a Billing Policy must be created that associates your Microsoft 365 Backup Storage application to pay-as-you-go billing that has been configured in your tenant. To create a Billing Policy, you need to perform the following steps:
backup Backup 3P Lifecycle https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/backup/storage/backup-3p-lifecycle.md
description: Application lifecycle for Microsoft 365 Backup Storage.
# Application lifecycle for Microsoft 365 Backup Storage (Preview)
+> [!NOTE]
+> This feature is currently in preview and subject to change.
+ ## Onboard a third-party Microsoft 365 Backup Storage application Once your Microsoft 365 Backup Storage application is given consent to execute in the Consuming Tenant, to enable it to be the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Controller in a Consuming Tenant, you'll need to perform the following programmatic tasks (via your application):
backup Backup 3P Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/backup/storage/backup-3p-overview.md
description: Overview for third-party developers for Microsoft 365 Backup Storag
# Overview for third-party developers of Microsoft 365 Backup Storage (Preview)
+> [!NOTE]
+> This feature is currently in preview and subject to change.
+ Third-party developers can create their own applications to manage Microsoft 365 Backup Storage instead of using the out-of-the-box experience provided by Microsoft. Creating an application means that your third-party application becomes the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage **Controller** in the tenant where your application is deployed.
backup Backup 3P Pricing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/backup/storage/backup-3p-pricing.md
audience: admin Previously updated : 06/13/2024 Last updated : 06/17/2024
ms.localizationpriority: medium
description: Learn about the charge model and pricing calculator for Microsoft 365 Backup Storage.
-# Microsoft 365 Backup Storage Charge Model (Preview)
+# Pricing model for Microsoft 365 Backup Storage (Preview)
> [!NOTE] > This feature is currently in preview and subject to change. ## Microsoft 365 Backup Storage charge model
-Usage of Microsoft 365 Backup Storage is billed to the application that has "controllership" of a end customer tenant's Microsoft 365 Backups. In other words, the application integrated with Microsoft 365 Backup Storage that is the master operator of a tenant's Backups will be charged for the user-facing Backup storage consumption. This is a [pay-as-you-go consumption-based service](/microsoft-365/syntex/syntex-pay-as-you-go-services). The preview list price is $0.07/GB/month of protected content.
+Use of Microsoft 365 Backup Storage is billed to the application that has "controllership" of an end customer tenant's Microsoft 365 Backup operations. In other words, the application integrated with Microsoft 365 Backup Storage that is the master operator of a tenant's backups will be charged for the user-facing backup storage consumption. This is a [pay-as-you-go consumption-based service](/microsoft-365/syntex/syntex-pay-as-you-go-services). The preview list price is $0.07/GB/month of protected content.
### WhatΓÇÖs counted towards protected backup storage?
-Microsoft 365 Backup Storage will charge application owners based on the content size of the following for the duration of Backup retention as calculated in the following manner:
+Microsoft 365 Backup Storage charges application owners based on the content size during backup retention as calculated in the following manner:
-- Cumulative size of the mailboxes, SharePoint sites, and OneDrive accounts being protected. Size of OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites are the size of the live OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites as displayed in the live sitesΓÇÖ usage reports, plus the size of their recycle bins. Mailboxes are the size of the user's mailbox plus their online archives plus deleted items held for Backup.
+- Cumulative size of the mailboxes, SharePoint sites, and OneDrive accounts being protected. Size of OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites are the size of the live OneDrive accounts and SharePoint sites as displayed in the live sitesΓÇÖ usage reports, plus the size of their recycle bins. Mailboxes are the size of the user's mailbox plus their online archives plus deleted items held for backup.
-- Deleted content being held for restorability purposes via the Backup Storage platform will no longer count towards Backup Storage usage once they expire based on the retention period defined by the Backup tool (currently 365 days).
+- Deleted content being held for restorability purposes via the Microsoft 365 Backup Storage platform will no longer count towards Backup Storage usage once it expires based on the retention period defined by Microsoft 365 Backup (currently 365 days).
> [!NOTE]
-> Restore points or size of restores will not be charged. There are no additional Azure API or storage costs beyond the Microsoft 365 Backup usage charges mentioned above.
-As an example, if you have a site under protection that is currently 1 GB for the first month, you'll be charged 1 GB of Backup usage. If you delete content in that site such that it's now only 0.5 GB, your next monthly bill will still be for 1 GB since the backup tool is retaining that deleted content for a year. After a year when the backup of that deleted content expires, the 0.5 GB being retained for backup purposes will no longer be charged for Backup.
+> Restore points or size of restores will not be charged. There are no additional Azure API or storage costs beyond the Microsoft 365 Backup usage charges mentioned previously.
+As an example, if you have a site under protection that is currently 1 GB for the first month, you'll be charged 1 GB of backup usage. If you delete content in that site such that it's now only 0.5 GB, your next monthly bill will still be for 1 GB since the backup tool is retaining that deleted content for a year. After a year when the backup of that deleted content expires, the 0.5 GB being retained for backup purposes will no longer be charged for backup.
> [!NOTE]
-> These prices are subject to change when the product becomes generally available.
+> These prices are subject to change when the product becomes generally available.
## Pricing calculator
-The [Microsoft 365 Backup Storage pricing calculator](/microsoft-365/backup/backup-pricing.md#pricing-calculator) is a tool that helps you estimate the amount of backup storage and the costs that you'll incur to protect and back up your Microsoft 365 data.
+The [Microsoft 365 Backup Storage pricing calculator](../backup-pricing.md#pricing-calculator) is a tool that helps you estimate the amount of backup storage and the costs that you'll incur to protect and back up your Microsoft 365 data.
> [!NOTE] > The tool is not intended to provide an exact prediction of your backup consumption, but rather to give you an estimate based on your current usage reports that are forecasted for the next 24 months based on historical trends. The tool does not currently account for the size of the archive mailboxes or data in the second stage SharePoint recycle bins, though those can be estimated using PowerShell or looking at the general net growth of content in a tenant.
enterprise Add A Domain To A Client Tenancy With Windows Powershell For Delegated Access Pe https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/add-a-domain-to-a-client-tenancy-with-windows-powershell-for-delegated-access-pe.md
This command creates the domain in Microsoft Entra ID but doesn't associate it w
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
Assigning and removing licenses for a user requires the **Domain.ReadWrite.All** permission scope or one of the other permissions listed in the ['Assign license' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/user-assignlicense).
enterprise Assign Roles To User Accounts With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/assign-roles-to-user-accounts-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
You can easily assign roles to user accounts by using PowerShell for Microsoft 3
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md). The cmdlets in this article require the permission scope **RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory** or one of the other permissions listed in the ['List subscribedSkus' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/subscribedsku-list). Some commands in this article may require different permission scopes, in which case this will be noted in the relevant section.
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md). The cmdlets in this article require the permission scope **RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory** or one of the other permissions listed in the ['List subscribedSkus' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/subscribedsku-list). Some commands in this article may require different permission scopes, in which case this will be noted in the relevant section.
```powershell Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory"
enterprise Azure Integration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/azure-integration.md
For more information about Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Entra ID, see [Microsoft
|**Feature**|**Description**| |:--|:--|
-|Integrated apps <br/> |You can grant individual apps access to your Microsoft 365 data, such as mail, calendars, contacts, users, groups, files, and folders. You can also authorize these apps at **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, or **Global admin** level and make them available to your entire company by registering the apps in Microsoft Entra ID. For more information, see [Integrated Apps and Microsoft Entra ID for Microsoft 365 administrators](integrated-apps-and-azure-ads.md).<br/> For more information, see [About admin roles](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-admin-roles?). <br/> Also see [Single sign-on](/azure/active-directory/manage-apps/what-is-single-sign-on). <br/> |
+|Integrated apps <br/> |You can grant individual apps access to your Microsoft 365 data, such as mail, calendars, contacts, users, groups, files, and folders. You can also authorize these apps at the **Microsoft Entra DC admin** level and make them available to your entire company by registering the apps in Microsoft Entra ID. For more information, see [Integrated Apps and Microsoft Entra ID for Microsoft 365 administrators](integrated-apps-and-azure-ads.md).<br/> For more information, see [About admin roles](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-admin-roles?). <br/> Also see [Single sign-on](/azure/active-directory/manage-apps/what-is-single-sign-on). <br/> |
|Power Apps <br/> | Power Apps are focused apps for mobile devices that can connect to your existing data sources like SharePoint lists and other data apps. See [Create a Power App for a list in SharePoint Online](https://support.office.com/article/9338b2d2-67ac-4b81-8e67-97da27e5e9ab) and the [Power Apps page](https://powerapps.microsoft.com/) for details. <br/> | ## See also
enterprise Configure User Account Properties With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/configure-user-account-properties-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
You can use the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" targ
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md). The cmdlets in this article require the permission scope **User.ReadWrite.All** or one of the other permissions listed in the ['List subscribedSkus' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/subscribedsku-list). Some commands in this article may require different permission scopes, in which case this will be noted in the relevant section.
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md). The cmdlets in this article require the permission scope **User.ReadWrite.All** or one of the other permissions listed in the ['List subscribedSkus' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/subscribedsku-list). Some commands in this article may require different permission scopes, in which case this will be noted in the relevant section.
```powershell Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"
enterprise Create User Accounts With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/create-user-accounts-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
When you create user accounts in PowerShell, certain account properties are alwa
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md). The cmdlets in this article require the permission scope **User.ReadWrite.All** or one of the other permissions listed in the ['List subscribedSkus' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/subscribedsku-list). Some commands in this article may require different permission scopes, in which case this will be noted in the relevant section.
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md). The cmdlets in this article require the permission scope **User.ReadWrite.All** or one of the other permissions listed in the ['List subscribedSkus' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/subscribedsku-list). Some commands in this article may require different permission scopes, in which case this will be noted in the relevant section.
```powershell Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "User.ReadWrite.All"
enterprise Delete A Geo Location https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/delete-a-geo-location.md
If you no longer need a _Satellite Geography_ location, you can delete it from y
> [!WARNING] > All user data in the _Satellite Geography_ location will be permanently deleted. This includes all OneDrive content, SharePoint sites and Exchange mailboxes including Microsoft 365 Group mailboxes. You must migrate any data to another _Satellite Geography_ location or the _Primary Provisioned Geography_ location before you delete the _Satellite Geography_ location. This action cannot be undone.
-Only Global Administrators and SharePoint Administrators can delete _Satellite Geography_ locations.
+Only SharePoint Administrators can delete _Satellite Geography_ locations.
![Screenshot of multi-geo admin center showing delete geo location UI.](../media/multi-geo-delete-satellite-location.png)
enterprise Disable Access To Services With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/disable-access-to-services-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
When a Microsoft 365 account is assigned a license from a licensing plan, Micros
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
Assigning and removing licenses for a user requires the **User.ReadWrite.All** permission scope or one of the other permissions listed in the ['Assign license' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/user-assignlicense).
enterprise High Availability Federated Authentication Phase 5 Configure Federated Authentic https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/high-availability-federated-authentication-phase-5-configure-federated-authentic.md
The Microsoft Entra Connect tool configures the AD FS servers, the web applicati
7. On the **User sign-in** page, click **Federation with AD FS**, and then click **Next**.
-8. On the **Connect to Microsoft Entra ID** page, type the name and password of a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, or **Global admin** account for your Microsoft 365 subscription, and then click **Next**.
+8. On the **Connect to Microsoft Entra ID** page, type the name and password of a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** account for your Microsoft 365 subscription, and then click **Next**.
9. On the **Connect your directories** page, ensure that your on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) forest is selected in **Forest**, type the name and password of a domain administrator account, click **Add Directory**, and then click **Next**.
enterprise M365 Dr Workload Spo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/m365-dr-workload-spo.md
Set-SPOGeoStorageQuota -GeoLocation <geolocationcode> -StorageQuotaMB 0
#### Move a OneDrive site to a different _Geography_ location
-With OneDrive _Geography_ move, you can move a user's OneDrive to a different _Geography_ location. OneDrive _Geography_ move is performed by the SharePoint administrator or the Microsoft 365 global administrator. Before you start a OneDrive _Geography_ move, be sure to notify the user whose OneDrive is being moved and recommend they close all files for the duration of the move. (If the user has a document open using the Office client during the move, then upon move completion the document will need to be saved to the new location.) The move can be scheduled for a future time, if desired.
+With OneDrive _Geography_ move, you can move a user's OneDrive to a different _Geography_ location. OneDrive _Geography_ move is performed by the SharePoint administrator. Before you start a OneDrive _Geography_ move, be sure to notify the user whose OneDrive is being moved and recommend they close all files for the duration of the move. (If the user has a document open using the Office client during the move, then upon move completion the document will need to be saved to the new location.) The move can be scheduled for a future time, if desired.
The OneDrive service uses Azure Blob Storage to store content. The Storage blob associated with the user's OneDrive is moved from the source to destination _Geography_ location within 40 days of destination OneDrive being available to the user. The access to the user's OneDrive is restored as soon as the destination OneDrive is available.
The following types of site can be moved between _Geography_ locations:
- Communication sites > [!NOTE]
-> You must be a Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator to move a site between _Geography_ locations.
+> You must be a SharePoint Administrator to move a site between _Geography_ locations.
There's a read-only window during the SharePoint site _Geography_ move of approximately 4-6 hours, depending on site contents.
You cannot use the `-DestinationDataLocation` and `-DestinationUrl` parameters i
#### **Start a SharePoint site _Geography_ move for a Microsoft 365 group-connected site**
- To move a Microsoft 365 group-connected site, the Global Administrator or SharePoint Administrator must first change the Preferred Data Location (PDL) attribute for the Microsoft 365 group.
+ To move a Microsoft 365 group-connected site, the SharePoint Administrator must first change the Preferred Data Location (PDL) attribute for the Microsoft 365 group.
To set the PDL for a Microsoft 365 group:
enterprise M365 Multi Geo User Testing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/m365-multi-geo-user-testing.md
We recommend that you include setting the user's Preferred Data Location as a pa
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
- [!INCLUDE [Azure AD PowerShell deprecation note](~/../microsoft-365/reusable-content/msgraph-powershell/includes/aad-powershell-deprecation-note.md)]
-[Connect and sign in](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md) with a set of global administrator credentials for your _Tenant_.
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
```powershell Connect-Graph -Scopes User.ReadWrite.All
enterprise Manage Passwords With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/manage-passwords-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
You can use Microsoft Graph PowerShell as an alternative to the Microsoft 365 ad
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
Managing passwords for a user requires the **User.ReadWrite.All** permission scope or one of the other permissions listed in the ['Assign license' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/user-assignlicense).
enterprise Microsoft 365 Inter Tenant Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-inter-tenant-collaboration.md
Microsoft 365 inter-tenant collaboration options include using a central locatio
| Sharing goal | Administrative action | How-to information | |:--|:--|:--|
-|Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration - Content sharing by adding external users to a group in an organization's directory | A **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Security Admin**, **User Admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** for one Microsoft 365 tenant can invite people in another Microsoft 365 tenant to join their directory, add those external users to a group, and grant access to content, such as SharePoint sites and libraries for the group. | <ul><li> [What is Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration preview?](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-what-is-azure-ad-b2b) </li><li> [Microsoft Entra B2B: New updates make cross-business collab easy](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/enterprisemobility/2017/02/01/azure-ad-b2b-new-updates-make-cross-business-collab-easy/) </li><li> [External sharing and Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/external-collaboration-settings-configure) </li><li> [Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration API and customization](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-api) </li><li> [Microsoft Entra ID and Identity Show: Microsoft Entra B2B Collaboration (Business to Business](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/user-properties) </li></ul> |
+|Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration - Content sharing by adding external users to a group in an organization's directory | A **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Security Admin**, **User Admin**, or **Cloud Application Admin** for one Microsoft 365 tenant can invite people in another Microsoft 365 tenant to join their directory, add those external users to a group, and grant access to content, such as SharePoint sites and libraries for the group. | <ul><li> [What is Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration preview?](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-what-is-azure-ad-b2b) </li><li> [Microsoft Entra B2B: New updates make cross-business collab easy](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/enterprisemobility/2017/02/01/azure-ad-b2b-new-updates-make-cross-business-collab-easy/) </li><li> [External sharing and Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/external-collaboration-settings-configure) </li><li> [Microsoft Entra B2B collaboration API and customization](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-api) </li><li> [Microsoft Entra ID and Identity Show: Microsoft Entra B2B Collaboration (Business to Business](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/user-properties) </li></ul> |
## Microsoft 365 collaboration options
Microsoft 365 inter-tenant collaboration options include using a central locatio
|Sharing goal|Administrative action|How-to information| |:--|:--|:--|
-|Collaborate in Teams with users external to the organization | A **User Admin**, or **Global admin** for the inviting Microsoft 365 tenant needs to enable external collaboration in Teams. Global admins and team owners are able to invite anyone with an email address to collaborate in Teams. <br/> Admins can also manage and edit Guests already present in their tenant. | <ul><li> [Authorize Guest Access](/microsoftteams/teams-dependencies) </li><li> [Turn Guest Access On or Off in Teams](/microsoftteams/set-up-guests) </li><li> [Use PowerShell to control Guest Access](/microsoftteams/guest-access-powershell) </li><li> [Guest Access Checklist](/microsoftteams/guest-access-checklist) </li><li> [View Guest Users](/microsoftteams/view-guests) </li><li> [Edit guest user information](/microsoftteams/edit-guests-information) </li></ul> |
+|Collaborate in Teams with users external to the organization | A **User Admin** for the inviting Microsoft 365 tenant needs to enable external collaboration in Teams. Team owners are able to invite anyone with an email address to collaborate in Teams. <br/> Admins can also manage and edit Guests already present in their tenant. | <ul><li> [Authorize Guest Access](/microsoftteams/teams-dependencies) </li><li> [Turn Guest Access On or Off in Teams](/microsoftteams/set-up-guests) </li><li> [Use PowerShell to control Guest Access](/microsoftteams/guest-access-powershell) </li><li> [Guest Access Checklist](/microsoftteams/guest-access-checklist) </li><li> [View Guest Users](/microsoftteams/view-guests) </li><li> [Edit guest user information](/microsoftteams/edit-guests-information) </li></ul> |
|Team owners can invite and manage how guests collaborate within their teams. |Team owners have extra controls on what the guests can do within their teams. | <ul><li> [Add Guests](https://support.office.com/article/teams-and-channels-df38ae23-8f85-46d3-b071-cb11b9de5499?ui=en-US&amp;rs=en-US&amp;ad=US#bkmk_addingguests&amp;ID0EAABAAA=Add_guests) </li><li> [Add a guest to a team](/microsoftteams/add-guests) </li><li> [Manage Guest Access in Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-guests) </li><li> [See who's on a Team or in a Channel](https://support.office.com/article/see-who-s-on-a-team-or-in-a-channel-5c6be9be-9c45-4a0f-a1a0-f332b23cb6b7?ui=en-US&amp;rs=en-US&amp;ad=US) </li></ul> | |Guests from other tenants can view contents in Teams and collaborate with other members | None. | [The guest access experience](/microsoftteams/guest-experience)|
enterprise Office 365 Network Mac Perf Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/office-365-network-mac-perf-overview.md
If you've uploaded building data to your Call Quality Dashboard, you can add tho
### What role is needed to access Network Connectivity in Microsoft 365 Admin Center?
-You'll need the Network Administrator or Global Administrator role.
+You'll need the Network Administrator role.
### What is a Microsoft 365 service front door?
enterprise Subscriptions Licenses Accounts And Tenants For Microsoft Cloud Offerings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/subscriptions-licenses-accounts-and-tenants-for-microsoft-cloud-offerings.md
The following table describes how you can combine multiple Microsoft cloud offer
An easy way to add subscriptions to your organization for Microsoft SaaS-based services is through the admin center:
-1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center ([https://admin.microsoft.com](https://admin.microsoft.com)) with your **User Admin**, or **Global admin** account.
+1. Sign in to the Microsoft 365 admin center ([https://admin.microsoft.com](https://admin.microsoft.com)) with your **User Admin** account.
2. From the left navigation of the **Admin center** home page, click **Billing**, and then **Purchase services**.
The admin center assigns the organization and Microsoft Entra tenant of your Mic
To add an Azure subscription with the same organization and Microsoft Entra tenant as your Microsoft 365 subscription:
-1. Sign in to the Azure portal ([https://portal.azure.com](https://portal.azure.com)) with your Microsoft 365 **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, or **Global admin** account.
+1. Sign in to the Azure portal ([https://portal.azure.com](https://portal.azure.com)) with your Microsoft 365 **Microsoft Entra DC admin** account.
2. In the left navigation, click **Subscriptions**, and then click **Add**.
enterprise Sync Users Multi Tenant Orgs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/sync-users-multi-tenant-orgs.md
Title: Synchronize users in multitenant organizations in Microsoft 365 (Preview)
+ Title: Synchronize users in multitenant organizations in Microsoft 365
Previously updated : 02/02/2024 Last updated : 06/16/2024 audience: ITPro
enterprise View Service Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/view-service-health.md
If you're unable to sign in to the admin center, you can use the [service status
1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center at [https://admin.microsoft.com](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339), and sign in with an admin account. > [!NOTE]
- > People who are assigned the global admin role can view service health, as well as people assigned to other admin roles such as Service Support admin and Helpdesk admin. For more information about roles that can view service health, see [About admin roles](../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md?preserve-view=true&view=o365-worldwide#commonly-used-microsoft-365-admin-center-roles).
+ > People who are assigned the Service Support admin and Helpdesk admin role can view service health. For more information about roles that can view service health, see [About admin roles](../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md?preserve-view=true&view=o365-worldwide#commonly-used-microsoft-365-admin-center-roles).
2. To view service health, in the left-hand navigation of the admin center, go to **Health** > **Service health**, or select the **Service health** card on the **Home dashboard**. The dashboard card indicates whether there's an active service issue and links to the detailed **Service health** page.
enterprise Why You Need To Use Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/why-you-need-to-use-microsoft-365-powershell.md
You must repeat this procedure for each user. If you have many users, this proce
>[!NOTE] > The Azure Active Directory module is being replaced by the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. You can use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK to access all Microsoft Graph APIs. For more information, see [Get started with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started).
-First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
+First, use a **Microsoft Entra DC admin** or **Cloud Application Admin** account to [connect to your Microsoft 365 tenant](connect-to-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
Getting information for a user requires the **User.ReadBasic.All** permission scope or one of the other permissions listed in the ['Assign license' Graph API reference page](/graph/api/user-assignlicense).
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Change Cloud Pc Account Type https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-change-cloud-pc-account-type.md
Managed Service Provider (MSP) technicians may set the account type for a Busine
You must be either a Windows 365 Administrator or a Global Administrator in the partner tenant.
+> To help keep your organization secure, Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the minimum level of permissions needed to perform a job. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to scenarios where you can't use a less-privileged role.
+ ## Set or change a Windows 365 Business Cloud PC account type 1. In the left navigation pane in <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2168110" target="_blank">Lighthouse</a>, select **Devices** > **Windows 365**.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Get Help And Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-get-help-and-support.md
If you're experiencing an issue that isn't listed in any of these resources, the
2. In the **Help** pane, select the **Help + support** button. This opens the **How can we help?** pane. > [!NOTE]
- > If the **How can we help?** pane doesn't open, you'll need to reach out to someone in your partner tenant who has Global Administrator permissions and ask them to help.
+ > If the **How can we help?** pane doesn't open, you'll need to reach out to someone in your partner tenant who has appropriate permissions and ask them to help.
3. In the **How can we help?** pane, enter a description of your issue, and then press **Enter**. We recommend including the full product name *Microsoft 365 Lighthouse* in your description to ensure the search results include relevant help articles.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Review Audit Logs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-review-audit-logs.md
To view audit logs, you must have one of the following permissions:
- Microsoft Entra role - Global Administrator of partner tenant - Microsoft Partner Center role - Admin Agent
+> To help keep your organization secure, Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the minimum level of permissions needed to perform a job. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to scenarios where you can't use a less-privileged role.
## Review audit logs
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Troubleshoot https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-troubleshoot.md
If data is still not appearing on the Device compliance and Threat management pa
**Cause 2:** Your organization has multiple partner tenants and you attempted to access Lighthouse using credentials for a partner tenant that hasn't yet deployed Lighthouse.
-**Resolution:** Use the same Microsoft Entra credentials that you used to sign in to Partner Center to access Lighthouse. If you're unsure, reach out to a Global Administrator in your partner tenant to confirm which partner tenants have deployed Lighthouse. If needed, have them deploy Lighthouse to the partner tenant that you're trying to use. For more information, see [Sign up for Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](m365-lighthouse-sign-up.md).
+**Resolution:** Use the same Microsoft Entra credentials that you used to sign in to Partner Center to access Lighthouse. If you're unsure, reach out to someone in your partner tenant who has the appropriate permissions to confirm which partner tenants have deployed Lighthouse. If needed, have them deploy Lighthouse to the partner tenant that you're trying to use. For more information, see [Sign up for Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](m365-lighthouse-sign-up.md).
**Cause 3:** You attempted to access Lighthouse from a partner tenant that isn't qualified to use Lighthouse. At this time, Lighthouse supports only indirect resellers and direct-bill partners.
syntex Esignature Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/syntex/esignature-overview.md
Previously updated : 11/15/2023 Last updated : 06/17/2024 audience: enabler
With SharePoint eSignature, you can quickly and securely send documents for sign
## Before you begin
-## Legal considerations
+### Legal considerations
SharePoint eSignature uses simple electronic signatures. Determine whether this is appropriate for your needs and then read the [SharePoint eSignature terms of service](/legal/microsoft-365/esignature-terms-of-service).
syntex Syntex Pay As You Go Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/syntex/syntex-pay-as-you-go-services.md
To help your organization in planning for pay-as-you-go services, you can use th
|Optical character recognition |The number of pages processed for images (JPEG, JPG, PNG, or BMP); the number of pages processed for PDF, TIF, or TIFF; or the number of embedded images in Teams chats and email messages. Each of these counts as one transaction. Processing occurs every time the file is edited. |$0.001/transaction| |Microsoft 365 Archive |The number of gigabytes (GB) of data archived. (This meter is only charged when archived storage plus active storage in SharePoint exceeds a tenantΓÇÖs included or licensed allocated SharePoint storage quota limit.) <br>Reactivation of archived data after seven days. |$0.05/GB/month (shows on invoice as $0.00167/GB/day)<br><br><br>$0.60/GB| |Microsoft 365 Backup (Preview) |The number of gigabytes (GB) of data backed up. |$0.15/GB/month (shows on invoice as $0.005/GB/day)|
-<!|Translation |For document translation, the number of characters processed. Character count includes letters, Unicode code points, punctuation, and white spaces. <br>For video transcript translation, the number of characters from the source transcript. (This meter is only charged when the translation has successfully resulted in a new transcript.) |$15.00/1M characters |>
+|Microsoft 365 Backup Storage (Preview) |The number of gigabytes (GB) of protected data. |$0.07/GB/month|
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