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enterprise Microsoft 365 Multi Geo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-multi-geo.md
description: In this article, learn how to expand your Microsoft 365 presence to
The Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo Capabilities add-on provides Enterprise Agreement customers with the ability to expand their Microsoft 365 presence to multiple geographic regions within a single existing Microsoft 365 _Tenant_. Multi-Geo enables customers to manage data-at-rest locations at a granular level for their users, SharePoint sites, Microsoft 365 Groups, and Microsoft Teams teams level. Multi-Geo is targeted to customers who have a need to store data in multiple geographies to satisfy their data residency requirements.
-Starting June 1, 2023, CSP partners can purchase Multi-Geo Capabilities for their customers who are using Microsoft 365, Office 365, Exchange, OneDrive and SharePoint subscriptions. With Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo, CSP partners will be able to ensure their customers meet their data residency requirements.
+Starting June 1, 2023, CSP partners can purchase Multi-Geo Capabilities for their customers who are using Microsoft 365, Office 365, Exchange, OneDrive and SharePoint subscriptions. With Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo, CSP partners will be able to ensure their customers meet their data residency requirements.
Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo is designed to meet your data residency requirements while retaining single-tenant administration and full-fidelity collaboration experiences between users as necessary.
-If a customer requires performance optimization functionalities for Microsoft 365, see <a href="https://support.office.com/article/e5f1228c-da3c-4654-bf16-d163daee8848" target="_blank">Network planning and performance tuning for Microsoft 365</a> or contact your support group.
+If a customer requires performance optimization functionalities for Microsoft 365, see [Network planning and performance tuning for Microsoft 365](network-planning-and-performance.md) or contact your support group.
->Exchange Online, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams are available for Multi-Geo configuration. For more information about data residency commitments, see [Exchange Online](m365-dr-workload-exo.md), [SharePoint and OneDrive](m365-dr-workload-spo.md), and [Microsoft Teams](m365-dr-workload-teams.md#data-residency-commitments-available) for more details.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Exchange Online, SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams are available for Multi-Geo configuration. For more information about data residency commitments, see [Exchange Online](m365-dr-workload-exo.md), [SharePoint and OneDrive](m365-dr-workload-spo.md), and [Microsoft Teams](m365-dr-workload-teams.md#data-residency-commitments-available) for more details.
For a video introduction to Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo, see [SharePoint and OneDrive Multi-Geo to control where your data resides](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do9U3JuROhk).
For a video introduction to Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo, see [SharePoint and OneDriv
In a Multi-Geo environment, your Microsoft 365 _Tenant_ consists of a central location (where your Microsoft 365 subscription was originally provisioned) and one or more satellite locations. In a Multi-Geo enabled _Tenant_, the information about geo locations, groups, and user information, is mastered in Microsoft Entra ID. Because your _Tenant_ information is mastered centrally and synchronized into each geo location, sharing and experiences involving anyone from your company contain global awareness.
-![Screenshot of multi-geo map from the SharePoint admin center.](../media/multi-geo-world-map.png)
- ## Licensing Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo is available as an add-on to the following Microsoft 365 subscription plans.
Enterprise Agreement customers must purchase a quantity of Multi-Geo licenses eq
- Standalone OneDrive Plan 1 or Plan 2 - Standalone SharePoint Plan 1 or Plan 2
-***Note that Small Business products do not currently qualify for Multi-Geo, even if they contain elements of the above list.***
+**Note that Small Business products do not currently qualify for Multi-Geo, even if they contain elements of the above list.**
Note that _Multi-Geo Capabilities in Microsoft 365_ is a user-level add-on license. You need a license for each user that you want to host in a _Satellite Geography_ location. You can add more licenses over time as you add users in _Satellite Geography_ locations.
Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo is currently offered in these regions:
[!INCLUDE [Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo locations](../includes/microsoft-365-multi-geo-locations.md)]
+To learn more about the definition of each region such as what countries or cities contain the datacenters, see [Overview and Definitions](m365-dr-overview.md).
+If you utilize Microsoft Purview eDiscovery Standard or Premium, see [Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo eDiscovery configuration](multi-geo-ediscovery-configuration.md) and [Set up compliance boundaries for eDiscovery investigations](/purview/ediscovery-set-up-compliance-boundaries#searching-and-exporting-content-in-multi-geo-environments) for additional information on region usage and data storage as it relates to Microsoft Purview eDiscovery.
+ ## Getting started Whether you're a CSP partner managing your customerΓÇÖs Microsoft 365 subscriptions or an Enterprise Agreement customer managing your own subscriptions, you can follow these steps to get started with Multi-Geo:
-1. Ensure that you purchase Multi-Geo for at least 5% of the total eligible users in your Microsoft 365 subscription. Remember that you'll need a license for each user you want to host in a _Satellite Geography_ location.
+1. Ensure that you purchase Multi-Geo for at least 5% of the total eligible users in your Microsoft 365 subscription. Remember that you'll need a license for each user you want to host in a _Satellite Geography_ location.
2. Before you can start using Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo, Microsoft needs to configure your _Tenant_ for Multi-Geo support. This one-time automatic configuration process is triggered after you order the _Multi-Geo Capabilities in Microsoft 365_ and the licenses show up in your _Tenant_. You'll receive workload-specific notifications in the [Microsoft 365 message center](https://support.office.com/article/38FB3333-BFCC-4340-A37B-DEDA509C2093) once the _Tenant_ has completed the configuration process for each workload, and then you may begin configuring and using your Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo capabilities. The time required to configure a _Tenant_ for Multi-Geo support varies from _Tenant_ to _Tenant_, but most _Tenants_ finish within a month after receipt of the feature licenses. Larger or more complex _Tenants_ may require more time to complete the configuration process.
Whether you're a CSP partner managing your customerΓÇÖs Microsoft 365 subscripti
> [!NOTE] > For more information on the Microsoft 365 services that support Multi-Geo, see the [EXO](m365-dr-workload-exo.md), [ODSP](m365-dr-workload-spo.md) and [Teams](m365-dr-workload-teams.md) workload data residency pages for more details. - ## See also [Multi-Geo in Exchange Online and OneDrive](https://Aka.ms/GoMultiGeo)
includes Microsoft 365 Multi Geo Locations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/includes/microsoft-365-multi-geo-locations.md
Last updated 04/01/2024
-| Geo location | Code | eDiscovery data location |
-|Macro Region Geography 2 - Asia-Pacific |APC |Southeast or East Asia datacenters|
-|Australia |AUS |Southeast or East Asia datacenters|
-|Brazil |BRA |(eDiscovery data location coming soon)|
-|Canada |CAN |- eDiscovery (Premium): Canada datacenters <br> - eDiscovery (Standard): US datacenters|
-|Macro Region Geography 1 - EMEA |EUR |Europe datacenters |
-|France |FRA |Europe datacenters |
-|Germany |DEU |Europe datacenters |
-|India |IND |Southeast or East Asia datacenters|
-|Israel |ISR |(eDiscovery data location coming soon)|
-|Italy |ITA |(eDiscovery data location coming soon)|
-|Japan |JPN |Southeast or East Asia datacenters|
-|Korea |KOR |Southeast or East Asia datacenters|
-|Macro Region Geography 3 - Americas |NAM |US datacenters |
-|Norway |NOR |(eDiscovery data location coming soon)|
-|Poland |POL |(eDiscovery data location coming soon)|
-|Qatar |QAT |(eDiscovery data location coming soon)|
-|South Africa |ZAF |Europe datacenters |
-|Sweden |SWE |Europe datacenters |
-|Switzerland |CHE |Europe datacenters |
-|United Arab Emirates |ARE |Southeast or East Asia datacenters|
-|United Kingdom |GBR |Europe datacenters |
+| Microsoft 365 Region | PreferredDataLocation (PDL) Value
+|Macro Region Geography 2 - Asia-Pacific |APC
+|Australia |AUS
+|Brazil |BRA
+|Canada |CAN
+|Macro Region Geography 1 - EMEA |EUR
+|France |FRA
+|Germany |DEU
+|India |IND
+|Israel |ISR
+|Italy |ITA
+|Japan |JPN
+|Korea |KOR
+|Norway |NOR
+|Poland |POL
+|Qatar |QAT
+|South Africa |ZAF
+|Sweden |SWE
+|Switzerland |CHE
+|United Arab Emirates |ARE
+|United Kingdom |GBR
+|United States |NAM