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admin Manage Feedback Product Insights https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/manage-feedback-product-insights.md
We use NPS surveys and feedback from your end-users to provide you with insights
You need to be an [administrator](../add-users/about-admin-roles.md) to view and read survey reports. Your organization needs to have feedback surveys turned on to view and read survey reports. Check out [Manage Microsoft feedback for your organization](manage-feedback-ms-org.md) to learn more.
+> A minimum of 30 NPS survey submissions is required from your end-users before you can see NPS survey insights.
+ ## NPS survey insights 1. In the admin center, go to the **Health** > **Product feedback** > **NPS survey insights**.
bookings Bookings In Outlook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/bookings-in-outlook.md
+ Title: "Bookings in Outlook"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+description: "Use Bookings in Outlook to let others schedule meetings with you in Outlook."
+# Bookings in Outlook
+Bookings in Outlook is a web-based personal scheduling page that integrates with the free/busy information from your Outlook calendar. Bookings in Outlook lets people schedule a meeting or appointment with you. You can create custom meeting types to share with others so they can easily schedule time with you based on your availability and preferences. You both get an email confirmation and attendees can update or cancel scheduled meetings with you from your Bookings in Outlook page.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Bookings in Outlook is only available in preview.
+Bookings in Outlook has two different views:
+- **Organizer view** A personal booking page where you can create meeting types that others can book with you. Custom meeting types give you the ability to customize when you want to meet and how that meeting type is shared with others. You control whether each meeting type is public to your scheduling page or is private and can only be accessed by a select group of people. You can also choose to add a Teams meeting to all meetings booked through your Bookings in Outlook page. You can access your Bookings in Outlook page through Outlook on the web or by going to [https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/](https://outlook.office.com/bookwithme/). After you set up your page and publish it, you can share it with others. For example, you can add it to your Outlook signature.
+- **Scheduling view** When you share your Bookings in Outlook page with others, they will see the scheduling view. Which meetings are shown in the scheduling view depends on if you shared the link to your Bookings in Outlook page with public meetings or you shared a private link for an individual meeting.
+ - Public meetings can be viewed and scheduled by anyone that has your Bookings in Outlook page link. You are in control of who you share that link with. All public meeting types will be visible to anyone that has your Bookings in Outlook page link.
+ - Private meetings can only be viewed by people who have the link for that meeting type. The difference between public meetings and private meetings is private meetings can have different links and the links expire after 90 days. You can also set private links to expire after a one-time booking. When accessing the scheduling view for a private meeting, only that meeting type will be visible.
+## Before you begin
+Bookings in Outlook is available in the following subscriptions:
+- Office 365: A3, A5, E1, E3, E5, F1, F3
+- Microsoft 365: A3, A5, E1, E3, E5, F1, F3, Business Basic, Business Standard, Business Premium
+Bookings in Outlook is on by default for users with these subscriptions.
+For more information, see the [Bookings in Outlook Microsoft 365 Roadmap item](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=328648).
+## Turn Bookings in Outlook on or off
+Bookings in Outlook can be turned on or off for your entire organization or specific users. When Bookings in Outlook is turned on, users can create a Bookings in Outlook page and share links with others inside or outside your organization.
+### Turn Bookings in Outlook on or off for your organization using PowerShell
+You'll need to run the following commands using Exchange Online PowerShell. For more information on running Exchange Online cmdlets, see [Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell). To turn Bookings in Outlook on or off for your organization using the PowerShell cmdlet [Set-OrganizationConfig](/powershell/module/exchange/set-organizationconfig), [Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell) and run the following commands.
+Use the **Get-OrganizationConfig** and **Set-OrganizationConfig** commands to find out the status and turn Bookings in Outlook on or off for your organization.
+> [!NOTE]
+> It usually takes about 30 to 60 minutes for Set-OrganizationConfig commands to take effect for your users.
+1. Check EWS control access by running the following command.
+ ```PowerShell
+ Get-Organizationconfig | Format-List EwsEnabled
+ ```
+ If the command returns ΓÇ£EwsEnabled: **$true**" then proceed to Step 2.
+ If the command returns ΓÇ£EwsEnabled:" (empty is default), then enable and proceed to Step 2.
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-OrganizationConfig -EwsEnabled: $true
+ ```
+2. Check your EwsApplicationAccessPolicy by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List EwsApplicationAccessPolicy,Ews*List
+ ```
+ **A**. If the value of **EwsApplicationAccessPolicy** is **EnforceAllowList**, only the applications specified in **EwsAllowList** are allowed to access EWS and REST.
+ - To turn off Bookings in Outlook for your organization, remove **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings**, if present, from **EwsAllowList** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-OrganizationConfig - EwsAllowList @{Remove="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ - To turn on Bookings in Outlook for your organization, add **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings** to **EwsAllowList** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-OrganizationConfig - EwsAllowList @{Add="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ **B**. If the value of **EwsApplicationAccessPolicy** is **EnforceBlockList**, all applications are allowed to access EWS and REST, except those specified in **EwsBlockList**.
+ - To turn off Bookings in Outlook for your organization, add **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-OrganizationConfig -EwsBlockList @{Add="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ - To turn on Bookings in Outlook if blocked, remove **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-OrganizationConfig -EwsBlockList @{Remove="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ **C**. If the value of **EwsApplicationAccessPolicy** is empty, all applications are allowed to access EWS and REST.
+ - To turn off Bookings in Outlook for your organization set the **EnforceBlockList** policy and add **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings** to the block list by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-OrganizationConfig -EwsApplicationAccessPolicy EnforceBlockList -EwsBlockList @{Add="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+### Turn Bookings in Outlook off or on for individual users
+Use the **Get-CASMailbox** and **Set-CASMailbox** commands to check user status and turn Bookings in Outlook on or off for individual users in your organization.
+1. Check individualΓÇÖs EwsApplicationAccessPolicy by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Get-CASMailbox -Identity adam@contoso.com | Format-List EwsEnabled
+ ```
+ **A**. If the command returns "**EwsEnabled: $true**", then proceed to Step 2.
+2. Check the individualΓÇÖs **EwsApplicationAccessPolicy** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Get-CASMailbox -Identity adam@contoso.com| Format-List EwsApplicationAccessPolicy,Ews*List
+ ```
+ **A**. If the value of **EwsApplicationAccessPolicy** is **EnforceAllowList**, only the applications specified in EwsAllowList are allowed to access EWS and REST.
+ - To turn off Bookings in Outlook for this user, remove **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings**, if present from **EwsAllowList** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-CASMailbox -Identity adam@contoso.com - EwsAllowList @{Remove="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ - Turn on Bookings in Outlook for this user, add **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings** to **EwsAllowList** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-CASMailbox -Identity adam@contoso.com - EwsAllowList @{Add="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ **B**. If the value of **EwsApplicationAccessPolicy** is **EnforceBlockList**, all applications are allowed to access EWS and REST, except those specified in **EwsBlockList**.
+ - To turn off Bookings in Outlook for this user, add **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings** to **EnforceBlockList** by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-CASMailbox -Identity adam@contoso.com -EwsApplicationAccessPolicy  EnforceBlockList @{Add="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ - To turn on Bookings in Outlook for this user, remove **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings**, if present from EnforceBlockList by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-CASMailbox -Identity adam@contoso.com -EwsBlockList @{Remove="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
+ **C**. If the value of EwsApplicationAccessPolicy is empty, all applications are allowed to access EWS and REST.
+ - To turn off Bookings in Outlook for this user, set the **EnforceBlockList** policy and add **MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings** to EWSBlockList by running the following command:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Set-CASMailbox -Identity Adam -EwsApplicationAccessPolicyΓÇ» EnforceBlockList -EWSBlockList @{Add="MicrosoftOWSPersonalBookings"}
+ ```
bookings Turn Bookings On Or Off https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/turn-bookings-on-or-off.md
You'll need to run the following commands using Exchange Online PowerShell. For
Set-OwaMailboxPolicy "OwaMailboxPolicy-Default" -BookingsMailboxCreationEnabled:$false ```
- For more information, see [Set-OwaMailboxPolicy](/powershell/module/exchange/set-owamailboxpolicy).
+For more information, see [Set-OwaMailboxPolicy](/powershell/module/exchange/set-owamailboxpolicy).
For more information on OWA mailbox policies, check out the following topics:
compliance Content Search https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/content-search.md
After you run a search, the number of content locations and an estimated number
- To access to the Content search tool in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077149" target="_blank">compliance portal</a> (to run searches and preview results and export results), an administrator, compliance officer, or eDiscovery manager must be a member of the eDiscovery Manager role group in the compliance portal. For more information, see [Assign eDiscovery permissions](assign-ediscovery-permissions.md). -- In an Exchange hybrid deployment, you can't use the Content search tool to search on-premises mailboxes. You can only use the tool to search cloud-based mailboxes.
+- In an Exchange hybrid deployment, you can't use the Content search tool to search emails in on-premises mailboxes. You can only use the tool to search cloud-based mailboxes.
+- In an Exchange hybrid deployment, you can search for Teams chat data in on-premises mailboxes. For more information, see [Teams chat data for on-premises users](/microsoft-365/compliance/search-cloud-based-mailboxes-for-on-premises-users?view=o365-worldwide).
## Create and run a search
compliance Device Onboarding Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-overview.md
Topic | Description
[Onboard Windows 10 or 11 devices using a local script](device-onboarding-script.md) | Learn how to use the local script to deploy the configuration package on endpoints. [Onboard non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices](device-onboarding-vdi.md) | Learn how to use the configuration package to configure VDI devices.
-Once an device is onboarded, it should be visible in the devices list and also start reporting audit activity logs to Activity explorer.
-### Viewing Endpoint DLP alerts in DLP Alerts Management dashboard
-1. Open the **Data loss prevention** page in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077149" target="_blank">Microsoft Purview compliance portal</a> and choose Alerts.
-2. Refer to the procedures in [How to configure and view alerts for your DLP policies](dlp-configure-view-alerts-policies.md) to view alerts for your Endpoint DLP policies.
-### Viewing Endpoint DLP data in activity explorer
-1. Open the [Data classification page](https://compliance.microsoft.com/dataclassification?viewid=overview) for your domain in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal and choose Activity explorer.
-2. Refer to the procedures in [Get started with Activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md) to access and filter all the data for your Endpoint devices.
- > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
- > ![activity explorer filter for endpoint devices.](../media/endpoint-dlp-4-getting-started-activity-explorer.png)
-- ## See also - [Learn about insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md)
compliance Insider Risk Management Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure.md
Insider risk management policies include assigned users and define which types o
8. Select **Next** to continue. 9. On the **Content to prioritize** page, you can assign (if needed) the sources to prioritize, which increases the chance of generating a high severity alert for these sources. Select one of the following choices:
- - **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, and/or sensitive information types as priority content**. Selecting this option will enable detail pages in the wizard to configure these channels.
+ - **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, sensitive information types and/or file extensions as priority content**. Selecting this option will enable detail pages in the wizard to configure these channels.
- **I don't want to specify priority content right now (you'll be able to do this after the policy is created)**. Selecting this option will skip the channel detail pages in the wizard. 10. Select **Next** to continue.
-11. If you've selected **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, and/or sensitive information types as priority content** in the previous step, you'll see the detail pages for *SharePoint sites*, *Sensitive info types*, and *Sensitivity labels*. Use these detail pages to define the SharePoint, sensitive info types, and sensitivity labels to prioritize in the policy.
+11. If you've selected **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, sensitive information types and/or file extensions as priority content** in the previous step, you'll see the detail pages for *SharePoint sites*, *sensitive info types*, *sensitivity labels* and *file extensions*. Use these detail pages to define the SharePoint, sensitive info types, sensitivity labels, and file extensions to prioritize in the policy.
- **SharePoint sites**: Select **Add SharePoint site** and select the SharePoint sites you have access to and want to prioritize. For example, *"group1@contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/group1"*. - **Sensitive info type**: Select **Add sensitive info type** and select the sensitivity types you want to prioritize. For example, *"U.S. Bank Account Number"* and *"Credit Card Number"*. - **Sensitivity labels**: Select **Add sensitivity label** and select the labels you want to prioritize. For example, *"Confidential"* and *"Secret"*.
+ - File extensions: Add up to 50 file extensions. You can include or omit the '.' with the file extension. For example, *.py* or *py* would prioritize Python files.
> [!NOTE] > Users configuring the policy and selecting priority Share Point sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
Insider risk management policies include assigned users and define which types o
14. Select **Next** to continue. 15. If you've selected the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates and have selected the **User performs an exfiltration activity and associated indicators**, you can choose custom or default thresholds for the indicator triggering events that you've selected. Choose either the **Use default thresholds (Recommended)** or **Use custom thresholds for the triggering events**. 16. Select **Next** to continue.
-17. If you've selected **Use custom thresholds for the triggering events**, for each triggering event indicator that you selected in Step 13, choose the appropriate level to generate the desired level of activity alerts.
+17. If you've selected **Use custom thresholds for the triggering events**, for each triggering event indicator that you selected in Step 13, choose the appropriate level to generate the desired level of activity alerts. You can use the recommended thresholds, custom thresholds, or thresholds based on anomalous activities (for certain indicators) above the daily norm for users.
18. Select **Next** to continue. 19. On the **Policy indicators** page, you'll see the [indicators](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicators) that you've defined as available on the **Insider risk settings** > **Indicators** page. Select the indicators you want to apply to the policy.
compliance Insider Risk Management Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies.md
The following table lists the triggering events and prerequisites for policies c
## Prioritize content in policies
-Insider risk management policies support specifying a higher priority for content depending on where it's stored or how it's classified. Specifying content as a priority increases the risk score for any associated activity, which in turn increases the chance of generating a high severity alert. However, some activities won't generate an alert at all unless the related content contains built-in or custom sensitive info types or was specified as a priority in the policy.
+Insider risk management policies support specifying a higher priority for content depending on where it's stored, the type of content, or how it's classified. Specifying content as a priority increases the risk score for any associated activity, which in turn increases the chance of generating a high severity alert. However, some activities won't generate an alert at all unless the related content contains built-in or custom sensitive info types or was specified as a priority in the policy.
For example, your organization has a dedicated SharePoint site for a highly confidential project. Data leaks for information in this SharePoint site could compromise the project and would have a significant impact on its success. By prioritizing this SharePoint site in a Data leaks policy, risk scores for qualifying activities are automatically increased. This prioritization increases the likelihood that these activities generate an insider risk alert and raises the severity level for the alert.
When you create an insider risk management policy in the policy wizard, you can
- **SharePoint sites**: Any activity associated with all file types in defined SharePoint sites is assigned a higher risk score. Users configuring the policy and selecting priority Share Point sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites. - **Sensitive information types**: Any activity associated with content that contains [sensitive information types](sensitive-information-type-entity-definitions.md) are assigned a higher risk score. - **Sensitivity labels**: Any activity associated with content that has specific [sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels.md) applied are assigned a higher risk score.
+- **File extensions**: Any activity associated with content that has specific file extensions. Users configuring a data theft/leak policy that select **File extensions to prioritize** in the policy wizard can define up to 50 file extensions to prioritize in the policy. Entered extensions can include or omit a '.' as the first character of the prioritized extension.
## Sequence detection (preview)
Complete the following steps to create a new policy:
10. Select **Next** to continue.
-11. If you've selected **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, and/or sensitive information types as priority content** in the previous step, you'll see the detail pages for *SharePoint sites*, *Sensitive info types*, and *Sensitivity labels*. Use these detail pages to define the SharePoint, sensitive info types, and sensitivity labels to prioritize in the policy.
+11. If you've selected **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, sensitive information types, and/or file extensions as priority content** in the previous step, you'll see the detail pages for *SharePoint sites*, *sensitive info types*, *sensitivity labels* and *file extensions*. Use these detail pages to define the SharePoint, sensitive info types, and sensitivity labels to prioritize in the policy.
- **SharePoint sites**: Select **Add SharePoint site** and select the SharePoint sites you have access to and want to prioritize. For example, *"group1@contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/group1"*. - **Sensitive info type**: Select **Add sensitive info type** and select the sensitivity types you want to prioritize. For example, *"U.S. Bank Account Number"* and *"Credit Card Number"*. - **Sensitivity labels**: Select **Add sensitivity label** and select the labels you want to prioritize. For example, *"Confidential"* and *"Secret"*.
+ - **File extensions**: Add up to 50 file extensions. You can include or omit the '.' with the file extension. For example, *.py* or *py* would prioritize Python files.
>[!NOTE] >Users configuring the policy and selecting priority Share Point sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
Complete the following steps to manage an existing policy:
8. Select **Next** to continue. 9. On the **Content to prioritize** page, you can assign (if needed) the sources to prioritize, which increases the chance of generating a high severity alert for these sources. Select one of the following choices:
- - **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, and/or sensitive information types as priority content**. Selecting this option will enable detail pages in the wizard to configure these channels.
+ - **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, sensitive information types, and/or file extensions as priority content**. Selecting this option will enable detail pages in the wizard to configure these channels.
- **I don't want to specify priority content right now (you'll be able to do this after the policy is created)**. Selecting this option will skip the channel detail pages in the wizard. 10. Select **Next** to continue.
-11. If you've selected **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, and/or sensitive information types as priority content** in the previous step, you'll see the detail pages for *SharePoint sites*, *Sensitive info types*, and *Sensitivity labels*. Use these detail pages to define the SharePoint, sensitive info types, and sensitivity labels to prioritize in the policy.
+11. If you've selected **I want to specify SharePoint sites, sensitivity labels, and/or sensitive information types as priority content** in the previous step, you'll see the detail pages for *SharePoint sites*, *sensitive info types*, and *sensitivity labels*. Use these detail pages to define the SharePoint, sensitive info types, and sensitivity labels to prioritize in the policy.
- **SharePoint sites**: Select **Add SharePoint site** and select the SharePoint sites you have access to and want to prioritize. For example, *"group1@contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/group1"*. - **Sensitive info type**: Select **Add sensitive info type** and select the sensitivity types you want to prioritize. For example, *"U.S. Bank Account Number"* and *"Credit Card Number"*. - **Sensitivity labels**: Select **Add sensitivity label** and select the labels you want to prioritize. For example, *"Confidential"* and *"Secret"*.
+ - **File extensions**: Add up to 50 file extensions. You can include or omit the '.' with the file extension. For example, *.py* or *py* would prioritize Python files.
>[!NOTE] >Users configuring the policy and selecting priority Share Point sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
compliance Insider Risk Management Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings.md
Insider risk management settings apply to all insider risk management policies, regardless of the template you choose when creating a policy. Settings are configured using the **Insider risk settings** control located at the top of all insider risk management pages. These settings control policy components for the following areas: -- Privacy-- Indicators-- Policy timelines-- Intelligent detections-- Export alerts-- Priority user groups (preview)-- Priority physical assets (preview)-- Power Automate flows (preview)-- Microsoft Teams (preview)-- Analytics-- Admin notifications
+- [Privacy](#privacy)
+- [Indicators](#indicators)
+- [Policy timeframes](#policy-timeframes)
+- [Intelligent detections](#intelligent-detections)
+- [Export alerts](#export-alerts)
+- [Priority user groups (preview)](#priority-user-groups-preview)
+- [Priority physical assets (preview)](#priority-physical-assets-preview)
+- [Power Automate flows (preview)](#power-automate-flows-preview)
+- [Microsoft Teams (preview)](#microsoft-teams-preview)
+- [Analytics](#analytics)
+- [Admin notifications](#admin-notifications)
Before you get started and create insider risk management policies, it's important to understand these settings and choose setting levels best for the compliance needs for your organization.
Certain policy indicators may also be used for customizing triggering events for
Policy indicators are segmented into the following areas. You can choose the indicators to activate and customize indicator event limits for each indicator level when creating an insider risk policy: - **Office indicators**: These include policy indicators for SharePoint sites, Microsoft Teams, and email messaging.-- **Device indicators**: These include policy indicators for activity such as sharing files over the network or with devices. Indicators include activities involving all file types, excluding executable (.exe) and dynamic link library (.dll) file activity. If you select *Device indicators*, activity is processed for devices with Windows 10 Build 1809 or higher and macOS (Catalina 10.15 or later) devices. For both Windows and macOS devices, you must first onboard devices to the compliance center. Device indicators also include browser signal detection to help your organization detect and act on exfiltration signals for non-executable files viewed, copied, shared, or printed in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. For more information on configuring Windows devices for integration with insider risk, see the following [Enable device indicators and onboard Windows devices](insider-risk-management-settings.md#OnboardDevices) section in this article. For more information on configuring macOS devices for integration with insider risk, see the following Enable device indicators and onboard macOS devices section in this article. For more information about browser signal detection, see [Learn about and configure insider risk management browser signal detection](insider-risk-management-browser-support.md).
+- **Device indicators**: These include policy indicators for activity such as sharing files over the network or with devices. Indicators include activities involving all file types, excluding executable (.exe) and dynamic link library (.dll) file activity. If you select *Device indicators*, activity is processed for devices with Windows 10 Build 1809 or higher and macOS (Catalina 10.15 or later) devices. For both Windows and macOS devices, you must first onboard devices to the compliance portal. Device indicators also include browser signal detection to help your organization detect and act on exfiltration signals for non-executable files viewed, copied, shared, or printed in Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome. For more information on configuring Windows devices for integration with insider risk, see the following [Enable device indicators and onboard Windows devices](insider-risk-management-settings.md#OnboardDevices) section in this article. For more information on configuring macOS devices for integration with insider risk, see the following Enable device indicators and onboard macOS devices section in this article. For more information about browser signal detection, see [Learn about and configure insider risk management browser signal detection](insider-risk-management-browser-support.md).
- **Security policy violation indicator (preview)**: These include indicators from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint related to unapproved or malicious software installation or bypassing security controls. To receive alerts in insider risk management, you must have an active Defender for Endpoint license and insider risk integration enabled. For more information on configuring Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration, see [Configure advanced features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features\#share-endpoint-alerts-with-microsoft-compliance-center). - **Health record access indicators (preview)**: These include policy indicators for patient medical record access. For example, attempted access to patient medical records in your electronic medical records (EMR) system logs can be shared with insider risk management healthcare policies. To receive these types of alerts in insider risk management, you must have a healthcare-specific data connector and the HR data connector configured. - **Physical access indicators (preview)**: These include policy indicators for physical access to sensitive assets. For example, attempted access to a restricted area in your physical badging system logs can be shared with insider risk management policies. To receive these types of alerts in insider risk management, you must have priority physical assets enabled in insider risk management and the [Physical badging data connector](import-physical-badging-data.md) configured. To learn more about configuring physical access, see the [Priority physical access section](#priority-physical-assets-preview) in this article.
If you already have devices onboarded into [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/wi
In this deployment scenario, you'll onboard devices that haven't been onboarded yet, and you just want to monitor insider risk activities on Windows 10 devices. 1. Open the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com).
-2. Open the Compliance Center settings page and choose **Onboard devices**.
+2. Open the compliance portal settings page and choose **Onboard devices**.
> [!NOTE] > While it usually takes about 60 seconds for device onboarding to be enabled, please allow up to 30 minutes before engaging with Microsoft support.
Once done and endpoint is onboarded, it should be visible in the devices list an
If Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is already deployed and there are endpoints reporting in, all these endpoints will appear in the managed devices list. You can continue to onboard new devices into insider risk management to expand coverage by using the [Step 2: Onboarding devices](insider-risk-management-settings.md#OnboardStep2) section. 1. Open the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com).
-2. Open the Compliance Center settings page and choose **Enable device monitoring**.
+2. Open the compliance portal settings page and choose **Enable device monitoring**.
3. Choose **Device management** to open the **Devices** list. You should see the list of devices that are already reporting into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. 4. Choose **Onboarding** if you need to onboard more devices. 5. Choose the way you want to deploy to these more devices from the **Deployment method** list and then **Download package**.
macOS devices (Catalina 10.15 or later) can be onboarded into Microsoft 365 to s
When creating a policy in the policy wizard, you can configure how the daily number of risk events should influence the risk score for insider risk alerts. These indicator settings help you control how the number of occurrences of risk events in your organization should affect the risk score, and so the associated alert severity, for these events. If you prefer, you can also choose to keep the default event threshold levels recommended by Microsoft for all enabled indicators.
-For example, you decide to enable SharePoint indicators in the insider risk policy settings and to set custom thresholds for SharePoint events when configuring indicators for a new insider risk *Data leaks* policy. While in the insider risk policy wizard, you configure three different daily event levels for each SharePoint indicator to influence the risk score for alerts associated with these events.
+For example, you decide to enable SharePoint indicators in the insider risk policy settings and to **set custom thresholds** for SharePoint events when configuring indicators for a new insider risk *Data leaks* policy. While in the insider risk policy wizard, you configure three different daily event levels for each SharePoint indicator to influence the risk score for alerts associated with these events.
![Insider risk management custom indicator settings.](../media/insider-risk-custom-indicators.png)
For the first daily event level, you set the threshold at *10 or more events per
- If there are 20-29 SharePoint events that take place after a triggering, the risk score is inherently higher and alert severity levels would tend to be at a medium level. - If there are 30 or more SharePoint events that take place after a triggering, the risk score is inherently higher and alert severity levels would tend to be at a high level.
+Another option for policy thresholds is to assign the policy triggering event to activity that is above the usual amount of daily activity for users. Instead of being defined by specific threshold settings, each threshold is dynamically customized for anomalous activities detected for in-scope policy users. If threshold activity for anomalous activities is supported for an individual indicator, you can select **Activity is above user's usual activity for the day** in the policy wizard for that indicator. If this option isn't listed, anomalous activity triggering isn't available for the indicator. If the **Activity is above user's usual activity for the day** option is listed for an indicator, but not selectable, you need to enable this option in **Insider risk settings** > **Policy indicators**.
+ ## Policy timeframes Policy timeframes allow you to define past and future review periods that are triggered after policy matches based on events and activities for the insider risk management policy templates. Depending on the policy template you choose, the following policy timeframes are available:
Complete the following steps to turn off insider risk analytics:
Admin notifications automatically send an email notification to selectable insider risk management role groups. You can enable notifications and assign which role groups will receive the notifications for the following scenarios: -- Send a notification email when the first alert is generated for a new policy. Policies are checked every 24 hours for first-time alerts and notifications are not sent on subsequent alerts for the policy.
+- Send a notification email when the first alert is generated for a new policy. Policies are checked every 24 hours for first-time alerts and notifications aren't sent on subsequent alerts for the policy.
- Send a daily email when new high severity alerts are generated. Policies are checked every 24 hours for high severity alerts. - Send a weekly email summarizing policies that have unresolved warnings
compliance Manage Data Governance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/manage-data-governance.md
description: "Implement capabilities from Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Manag
Use the capabilities from **Microsoft Purview Data Lifecycle Management** (formerly Microsoft Information Governance) and **Microsoft Purview Records Management** to govern your data for compliance or regulatory requirements.
+> [!TIP]
+> Looking to map and manage your data across your entire data estate, including multi-cloud, and software-as-a-service (SaaS)? Use [Microsoft Purview Data Map, Microsoft Purview Data Catalog, and Microsoft Purview Data Estate Insights](/azure/purview/overview).
+ From a [licensing perspective](#licensing-requirements), there can be considerable overlap between data lifecycle management and records management. Both solutions support retention and deletion of data for Microsoft 365 apps and services. Use the following graphic to help you identify the main configurable components for these solutions that each have their own configuration area in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal:
compliance Use Network Upload To Import Pst Files https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/use-network-upload-to-import-pst-files.md
The next step is to create the PST Import job in the Import service in Microsoft
3. On the **Import** tab, click ![Add Icon.](../media/ITPro-EAC-AddIcon.gif) **New import job**. > [!NOTE]
- > You have to be assigned the appropriate permissions to access the **Import** page in the compliance portal to create an import job. See the **Before you begin** section for more information.
+ > You have to be assigned the appropriate permissions to access the **Import** page in the compliance portal to create an import job. See the **Before you import PST files** section for more information.
4. Type a name for the PST import job, and then click **Next**. Use lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. You can't use uppercase letters or include spaces in the name.
enterprise Microsoft 365 U S Government Dod Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-u-s-government-dod-endpoints.md
Title: Office 365 US Government DOD endpoints
Previously updated : 02/28/2022 Last updated : 04/28/2022 audience: ITPro
Office 365 requires connectivity to the Internet. The endpoints below should be
**Office 365 endpoints:** [Worldwide (including GCC)](urls-and-ip-address-ranges.md) \| [Office 365 operated by 21 Vianet](urls-and-ip-address-ranges-21vianet.md) \| *Office 365 U.S. Government DoD* \| [Office 365 U.S. Government GCC High](microsoft-365-u-s-government-gcc-high-endpoints.md) <br>- **** |Notes|Download| |||
-|**Last updated:** 02/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVDoD?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVDoD?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
+|**Last updated:** 04/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVDoD?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVDoD?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
-Start with [Managing Office 365 endpoints](managing-office-365-endpoints.md) to understand our recommendations for managing network connectivity using this data. Endpoints data is updated as needed at the beginning of each month with new IP Addresses and URLs published 30 days in advance of being active. This lets customers who do not yet have automated updates to complete their processes before new connectivity is required. Endpoints may also be updated during the month if needed to address support escalations, security incidents, or other immediate operational requirements. The data shown on this page below is all generated from the REST-based web services. If you are using a script or a network device to access this data, you should go to the [Web service](microsoft-365-ip-web-service.md) directly.
+Start with [Managing Office 365 endpoints](managing-office-365-endpoints.md) to understand our recommendations for managing network connectivity using this data. Endpoints data is updated as needed at the beginning of each month with new IP Addresses and URLs published 30 days in advance of being active. This lets customers who don't yet have automated updates to complete their processes before new connectivity is required. Endpoints may also be updated during the month if needed to address support escalations, security incidents, or other immediate operational requirements. The data shown on this page below is all generated from the REST-based web services. If you're using a script or a network device to access this data, you should go to the [Web service](microsoft-365-ip-web-service.md) directly.
-Endpoint data below lists requirements for connectivity from a user's machine to Office 365. It does not include network connections from Microsoft into a customer network, sometimes called hybrid or inbound network connections. For more information, see [Additional endpoints not included in the web service](additional-office365-ip-addresses-and-urls.md).
+Endpoint data below lists requirements for connectivity from a user's machine to Office 365. It doesn't include network connections from Microsoft into a customer network, sometimes called hybrid or inbound network connections. For more information, see [Additional endpoints not included in the web service](additional-office365-ip-addresses-and-urls.md).
The endpoints are grouped into four service areas. The first three service areas can be independently selected for connectivity. The fourth service area is a common dependency (called Microsoft 365 Common and Office) and must always have network connectivity.
Data columns shown are:
- **ID**: The ID number of the row, also known as an endpoint set. This ID is the same as is returned by the web service for the endpoint set. -- **Category**: Shows whether the endpoint set is categorized as "Optimize", "Allow", or "Default". You can read about these categories and guidance for management of them at [https://aka.ms/pnc](./microsoft-365-network-connectivity-principles.md). This column also lists which endpoint sets are required to have network connectivity. For endpoint sets which are not required to have network connectivity, we provide notes in this field to indicate what functionality would be missing if the endpoint set is blocked. If you are excluding an entire service area, the endpoint sets listed as required do not require connectivity.
+- **Category**: Shows whether the endpoint set is categorized as "Optimize", "Allow", or "Default". You can read about these categories and guidance for management of them at [https://aka.ms/pnc](./microsoft-365-network-connectivity-principles.md). This column also lists which endpoint sets are required to have network connectivity. For endpoint sets that aren't required to have network connectivity, we provide notes in this field to indicate what functionality would be missing if the endpoint set is blocked. If you're excluding an entire service area, the endpoint sets listed as required don't require connectivity.
- **ER**: This is **Yes** if the endpoint set is supported over Azure ExpressRoute with Office 365 route prefixes. The BGP community that includes the route prefixes shown aligns with the service area listed. When ER is **No**, this means that ExpressRoute is not supported for this endpoint set. However, it should not be assumed that no routes are advertised for an endpoint set where ER is **No**. If you plan to use Azure AD Connect, read the [special considerations section](/azure/active-directory/hybrid/reference-connect-instances#microsoft-azure-government) to ensure you have the appropriate Azure AD Connect configuration.
enterprise Microsoft 365 U S Government Gcc High Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-u-s-government-gcc-high-endpoints.md
Title: "Office 365 U.S. Government GCC High endpoints"
Previously updated : 02/28/2022 Last updated : 04/28/2022 audience: ITPro
Office 365 requires connectivity to the Internet. The endpoints below should be
|Notes|Download| |||
-|**Last updated:** 02/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVGCCHigh?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVGCCHigh?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
+|**Last updated:** 04/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVGCCHigh?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVGCCHigh?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
- Start with [Managing Office 365 endpoints](managing-office-365-endpoints.md) to understand our recommendations for managing network connectivity using this data. Endpoints data is updated as needed at the beginning of each month with new IP Addresses and URLs published 30 days in advance of being active. This lets customers who do not yet have automated updates to complete their processes before new connectivity is required. Endpoints may also be updated during the month if needed to address support escalations, security incidents, or other immediate operational requirements. The data shown on this page below is all generated from the REST-based web services. If you are using a script or a network device to access this data, you should go to the [Web service](microsoft-365-ip-web-service.md) directly.
+ Start with [Managing Office 365 endpoints](managing-office-365-endpoints.md) to understand our recommendations for managing network connectivity using this data. Endpoints data is updated as needed at the beginning of each month with new IP Addresses and URLs published 30 days in advance of being active. This lets customers who don't yet have automated updates to complete their processes before new connectivity is required. Endpoints may also be updated during the month if needed to address support escalations, security incidents, or other immediate operational requirements. The data shown on this page below is all generated from the REST-based web services. If you're using a script or a network device to access this data, you should go to the [Web service](microsoft-365-ip-web-service.md) directly.
Endpoint data below lists requirements for connectivity from a userΓÇÖs machine to Office 365. It does not include network connections from Microsoft into a customer network, sometimes called hybrid or inbound network connections.
Data columns shown are:
- **ID**: The ID number of the row, also known as an endpoint set. This ID is the same as is returned by the web service for the endpoint set. -- **Category**: Shows whether the endpoint set is categorized as ΓÇ£OptimizeΓÇ¥, ΓÇ£AllowΓÇ¥, or ΓÇ£DefaultΓÇ¥. You can read about these categories and guidance for management of them at [https://aka.ms/pnc](./microsoft-365-network-connectivity-principles.md). This column also lists which endpoint sets are required to have network connectivity. For endpoint sets which are not required to have network connectivity, we provide notes in this field to indicate what functionality would be missing if the endpoint set is blocked. If you are excluding an entire service area, the endpoint sets listed as required do not require connectivity.
+- **Category**: Shows whether the endpoint set is categorized as ΓÇ£OptimizeΓÇ¥, ΓÇ£AllowΓÇ¥, or ΓÇ£DefaultΓÇ¥. You can read about these categories and guidance for management of them at [https://aka.ms/pnc](./microsoft-365-network-connectivity-principles.md). This column also lists which endpoint sets are required to have network connectivity. For endpoint sets which are not required to have network connectivity, we provide notes in this field to indicate what functionality would be missing if the endpoint set is blocked. If you're excluding an entire service area, the endpoint sets listed as required don't require connectivity.
- **ER**: This is **Yes** if the endpoint set is supported over Azure ExpressRoute with Office 365 route prefixes. The BGP community that includes the route prefixes shown aligns with the service area listed. When ER is **No**, this means that ExpressRoute is not supported for this endpoint set. However, it should not be assumed that no routes are advertised for an endpoint set where ER is **No**. If you plan to use Azure AD Connect, read the [special considerations section](/azure/active-directory/hybrid/reference-connect-instances#microsoft-azure-government) to ensure you have the appropriate Azure AD Connect configuration.
Data columns shown are:
Notes for this table: -- The Security and Compliance Center (SCC) provides support for Azure ExpressRoute for Office 365. The same applies for many features exposed through the SCC such as Reporting, Auditing, eDiscovery (Premium), Unified DLP, and Data Governance. Two specific features, PST Import and eDiscovery Export, currently do not support Azure ExpressRoute with only Office 365 route filters due to their dependency on Azure Blob Storage. To consume those features, you need separate connectivity to Azure Blob Storage using any supportable Azure connectivity options, which include Internet connectivity or Azure ExpressRoute with Azure Public route filters. You have to evaluate establishing such connectivity for both of those features. The Office 365 Information Protection team is aware of this limitation and is actively working to bring support for Azure ExpressRoute for Office 365 as limited to Office 365 route filters for both of those features.
+- The Security and Compliance Center (SCC) provides support for Azure ExpressRoute for Office 365. The same applies for many features exposed through the SCC such as Reporting, Auditing, eDiscovery (Premium), Unified DLP, and Data Governance. Two specific features, PST Import and eDiscovery Export, currently don't support Azure ExpressRoute with only Office 365 route filters due to their dependency on Azure Blob Storage. To consume those features, you need separate connectivity to Azure Blob Storage using any supportable Azure connectivity options, which include Internet connectivity or Azure ExpressRoute with Azure Public route filters. You have to evaluate establishing such connectivity for both of those features. The Office 365 Information Protection team is aware of this limitation and is actively working to bring support for Azure ExpressRoute for Office 365 as limited to Office 365 route filters for both of those features.
-- There are additional optional endpoints for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise that are not listed and are not required for users to launch Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise applications and edit documents. Optional endpoints are hosted in Microsoft datacenters and do not process, transmit, or store customer data. We recommend that user connections to these endpoints be directed to the default Internet egress perimeter.
+- There are additional optional endpoints for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise that are not listed and are not required for users to launch Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise applications and edit documents. Optional endpoints are hosted in Microsoft data centers and don't process, transmit, or store customer data. We recommend that user connections to these endpoints be directed to the default Internet egress perimeter.
enterprise Urls And Ip Address Ranges 21Vianet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges-21vianet.md
Title: "URLs and IP address ranges for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet"
Previously updated : 01/31/2022 Last updated : 04/28/2022 audience: ITPro
hideEdit: true
**Office 365 endpoints:** [Worldwide (including GCC)](urls-and-ip-address-ranges.md) | *Office 365 operated by 21 Vianet* | [Office 365 U.S. Government DoD](microsoft-365-u-s-government-dod-endpoints.md) | [Office 365 U.S. Government GCC High](microsoft-365-u-s-government-gcc-high-endpoints.md) |
-**Last updated:** 09/28/2021 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/China?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)
+**Last updated:** 04/28/2021 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/China?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)
**Download:** all required and optional destinations in one [JSON formatted](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/China?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7) list.
enterprise Urls And Ip Address Ranges https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges.md
Title: "Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges"
Previously updated : 03/28/2022 Last updated : 04/28/2022 audience: Admin
Office 365 requires connectivity to the Internet. The endpoints below should be
|Notes|Download|Use| ||||
-|**Last updated:** 03/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../medi#pacfiles)|
+|**Last updated:** 04/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../medi#pacfiles)|
| Start with [Managing Office 365 endpoints](managing-office-365-endpoints.md) to understand our recommendations for managing network connectivity using this data. Endpoints data is updated as needed at the beginning of each month with new IP Addresses and URLs published 30 days in advance of being active. This allows for customers who do not yet have automated updates to complete their processes before new connectivity is required. Endpoints may also be updated during the month if needed to address support escalations, security incidents, or other immediate operational requirements. The data shown on this page below is all generated from the REST-based web services. If you are using a script or a network device to access this data, you should go to the [Web service](microsoft-365-ip-web-service.md) directly.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Manage Tenant List https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-manage-tenant-list.md
After you've created and assigned tags, you can use them to filter your tenants.
## Related content
-[Sign up for Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](m365-lighthouse-sign-up.md) (article)
-[Overview of the Device compliance page in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](m365-lighthouse-device-compliance-page-overview.md) (article)
+[Sign up for Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](m365-lighthouse-sign-up.md) (article)\
+[Overview of the Device compliance page in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](m365-lighthouse-device-compliance-page-overview.md) (article)\
[Microsoft 365 Lighthouse FAQ](m365-lighthouse-faq.yml) (article)
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Review Audit Logs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-review-audit-logs.md
The following table lists activities captured within Lighthouse audit logs. The
## Next steps
-If you need more information, use Microsoft Graph API to access more audit events. For more information, see [Overview for multi-tenant management using the Microsoft 365 Lighthouse API](/graph/managedtenants-concept-overview).
+Use Microsoft Graph API to access more audit events, if needed. For more information, see [Overview for multi-tenant management using the Microsoft 365 Lighthouse API](/graph/managedtenants-concept-overview).
## Related content
security Configure Endpoints Vdi https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-endpoints-vdi.md
With the ability to easily deploy updates to VMs running in VDIs, we've shortene
For more information, follow the guidance in [Deployment guide for Microsoft Defender Antivirus in a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) environment](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deployment-vdi-microsoft-defender-antivirus).
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > If you have onboarded the master image of your Non-Persistent VDI environment (SENSE service is running), then you must offboard and clear some data before putting the image back into production.
+ > 1. Ensure the sensor is stopped by running the command below in a CMD window:
+ > ```console
+ > sc query sense
+ > ```
+ > 2. Run the below commands using PsExec.exe (which can be downloaded from https://download.sysinternals.com/files/PSTools.zip)
+ >
+ > ```console
+ > PsExec.exe -s cmd.exe
+ > cd "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection\Cyber"
+ > del *.* /f /s /q
+ > REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Advanced Threat Protection" /v senseGuid /f
+ > exit
+ > ```
## Related topics - [Onboard Windows devices using Group Policy](configure-endpoints-gp.md)
security Customize Controlled Folders https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/customize-controlled-folders.md
An allowed application or service only has write access to a controlled folder a
### Use MDM CSPs to allow specific apps
-Use the [./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Defender/GuardedFoldersAllowedApplications](/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-defender#defender-guardedfoldersallowedapplications) configuration service provider (CSP) to allow apps to make changes to protected folders.
+Use the [./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Defender/ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications](/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-defender#defender-guardedfoldersallowedapplications) configuration service provider (CSP) to allow apps to make changes to protected folders.
## Allow signed executable files to access protected folders
security Advanced Hunting Query Language https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-query-language.md
You can use the query editor to experiment with multiple queries. To use multipl
For a more efficient workspace, you can also use multiple tabs in the same hunting page. Select **New query** to open a tab for your new query. You can then run different queries without ever opening a new browser tab. >[!NOTE]
-> You risk losing unsaved queries if you open a new browser tab for a new query.
+> Using multiple browser tabs with advanced hunting might cause you to lose your unsaved queries. To prevent this from happening, use the tab feature within advanced hunting instead of separate browser tabs.
## Use sample queries
security Mdo Sec Ops Guide https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/mdo-sec-ops-guide.md
Incident queue management and the responsible personas are described in the foll
|Triage incidents in the Incidents queue at <https://security.microsoft.com/incidents-queue>.|Daily|Verify that all **Medium** and **High** severity incidents from Defender for Office 365 are triaged.|Security Operations Team| |Investigate and take Response actions on incidents.|Daily|Investigate all incidents and actively take the recommended or manual response actions.|Security Operations Team| |Resolve incidents.|Daily|If the incident has been remediated, resolve the incident. Resolving the incident resolves all linked and related active alerts.|Security Operations Team|
-|Classify incidents.|Daily|Classify incidents as true or false. For true alerts, specify the threat type. This classifications helps your security team see threat patterns and defend your organization from them.|Security Operations Team|
+|Classify incidents.|Daily|Classify incidents as true or false. For true alerts, specify the threat type. This classification helps your security team see threat patterns and defend your organization from them.|Security Operations Team|
### Manage false positive and false negative detections
False positive and false negative management and the responsible personas are de
|Activity|Cadence|Description|Persona| ||||| |Submit false positives and false negatives to Microsoft at <https://security.microsoft.com/reportsubmission>.|Daily|Provide signals to Microsoft by reporting incorrect email, URL, and file detections.|Security Operations Team|
-|Analyze admin submission details.|Daily|Understand the following factors for the submissions you make to Microsoft: <ul><li>What caused the false positive ofr false negative.</li><li>The state of your Defender for Office 365 configuration at the time of the submission.</li><li>Whether you need to make changes to your Defender for Office 365 configuration.</li></ul>|Security Operations Team <br/><br/> Security Administration|
+|Analyze admin submission details.|Daily|Understand the following factors for the submissions you make to Microsoft: <ul><li>What caused the false positive or false negative.</li><li>The state of your Defender for Office 365 configuration at the time of the submission.</li><li>Whether you need to make changes to your Defender for Office 365 configuration.</li></ul>|Security Operations Team <br/><br/> Security Administration|
|Add block entries in the Tenant Allow/Block List at <https://security.microsoft.com/tenantAllowBlockList>.|Daily|Use the Tenant Allow/Block List to add block entries for false negative URL, file, or sender detections as needed.|Security Operations Team| |Release false negatives from quarantine.|Daily|After the recipient confirms that the message was incorrectly quarantined, you can release or approve release requests for users. <br/><br/> To control what users can do to their own quarantined messages (including release or request release), see [Quarantine policies](quarantine-policies.md).|Security Operations Team <br/><br/> Messaging Team|
Campaign Views reveals malware and phishing attacks against your organization. F
|Activity|Cadence|Description|Persona| |||||
-|Review the configuration of Defender for Office 365 policies at <https://security.microsoft.com/configurationAnalyzer>.|Ad-hoc <br/><br/> Monthly|Use the [Configuration analyzer](configuration-analyzer-for-security-policies.md) to compare your existing policy settings to the [recommended Standard or Strict values for Defender for Office 365](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md). The Configuration analyzer identifies accidental or malicious changes that can lower your organizations's security posture of your organization. <br/><br/> Or yu can use the PowerShell-based [ORCA tool](https://aka.ms/getorca).|Security Administration <br/><br/> Messaging Team|
+|Review the configuration of Defender for Office 365 policies at <https://security.microsoft.com/configurationAnalyzer>.|Ad-hoc <br/><br/> Monthly|Use the [Configuration analyzer](configuration-analyzer-for-security-policies.md) to compare your existing policy settings to the [recommended Standard or Strict values for Defender for Office 365](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md). The Configuration analyzer identifies accidental or malicious changes that can lower your organization's security posture. <br/><br/> Or yu can use the PowerShell-based [ORCA tool](https://aka.ms/getorca).|Security Administration <br/><br/> Messaging Team|
|Review detection overrides in Defender for Office 365 at <https://security.microsoft.com/reports/TPSMessageOverrideReportATP>|Ad-hoc <br/><br/> Monthly|Use the [View data by System override \> Chart breakdown by Reason view](view-email-security-reports.md#view-data-by-system-override-and-chart-breakdown-by-reason) in the **Threat Protection status report** to review email that was detected as phishing but delivered due to policy or user override settings. <br/><br/> Actively investigate, remove, or fine tune overrides to avoid delivery of email that was determined to be malicious.|Security Administration <br/><br/> Messaging Team| ### Review spoof and impersonation detections
The following permissions (roles and role groups) are available in Defender for
- **Security operator** - **Security reader** -- **Email & collaboration roles**: Roles and role groups that grant permission specific to Microsoft Defender for Office 365. The following role are not available in Azure AD, but can be important for security teams:
+- **Email & collaboration roles**: Roles and role groups that grant permission specific to Microsoft Defender for Office 365. The following roles are not available in Azure AD, but can be important for security teams:
- **Preview** role: Assign this role to team members who need to preview or download email messages as part of investigation activities. Allows users to [preview and download](investigate-malicious-email-that-was-delivered.md#preview-role-permissions) email messages in cloud mailboxes using the [email entity page](mdo-email-entity-page.md#email-preview-for-cloud-mailboxes).
User submissions and admin submissions are handled by the submission pipeline by
For more information, see [Reporting an email in Defender for Office 365 - Microsoft Tech Community](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-office/reporting-an-email-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365/ba-p/2870231).
-Security team members can do submissions from multiple location in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>:
+Security team members can do submissions from multiple locations in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>:
- [Admin submission](admin-submission.md): Use the Submissions portal to submit suspected spam, phishing, URLs, and files to Microsoft. - Directly from Threat Explorer using one of the following message actions:
Security team members can do submissions from multiple location in the Microsoft
You can select up to 10 messages to perform a bulk submission. Admin submissions created this way also visible in the Submission portal.
-For the short-term mitigation of false positives, security teams can directly manage [block entries](manage-tenant-blocks.md) for files, URLs, and senders in the [Tenant Allow/Block List](tenant-allow-block-list.md).
+For the short-term mitigation of false negatives, security teams can directly manage [block entries](manage-tenant-blocks.md) for files, URLs, and senders in the [Tenant Allow/Block List](tenant-allow-block-list.md).
-For the short-term mitigation of false negatives, security teams can't directly manage [allow entries](manage-tenant-allows.md) in the Tenant Allow/Block List. Instead, they need to use [admin submissions](admin-submission.md) and the the **Allow messages like this** option.
+For the short-term mitigation of false positives, security teams can't directly manage [allow entries](manage-tenant-allows.md) in the Tenant Allow/Block List. Instead, they need to use [admin submissions](admin-submission.md) and the **Allow messages like this** option.
[Quarantine](manage-quarantined-messages-and-files.md) in Defender for Office 365 holds potentially dangerous or unwanted messages and files. Security teams can view, release, and delete all types of quarantined messages for all users. This capability enables security teams to respond effectively when a false positive message or file is quarantined.
security Whats New In Defender For Office 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/whats-new-in-defender-for-office-365.md
For more information on what's new with other Microsoft Defender security produc
- [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](../defender-endpoint/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) - [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Identity](/defender-for-identity/whats-new) - [What's new in Microsoft Cloud App Security](/cloud-app-security/release-notes)
+## April 2022
+- [Manual email remediation enhancements](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/remediate-malicious-email-delivered-office-365): Bringing manual email purge actions taken in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 to the Microsoft 365 Defender (M365D) unified Action Center using a new action-focused investigation.
## March 2022 - [Streamlined the submission experience in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-office/streamlining-the-submissions-experience-in-microsoft-defender/ba-p/3152080): Introducing the new unified and streamlined submission process to make your experience simpler.
solutions Collaborate Teams Direct Connect https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/collaborate-teams-direct-connect.md
To configure inbound settings for an organization
1. On the **Applications** tab, choose **Allow access** and **Select applications**. 1. Select **Add Microsoft applications**. 1. Select the **Office 365** application, and then choose **Select**.
-1. Select **Save** and close the **Outbound access settings** blade.
+1. Select **Save** and close the **Inbound access settings** blade.
### Configure outbound settings