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bookings Turn Bookings On Or Off https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/turn-bookings-on-or-off.md
You'll need to run the following commands using Exchange Online PowerShell. For
For more information, see [Set-CASMailbox](/powershell/module/exchange/set-casmailbox).
-3. Optional: Run this command if you want to disable Bookings for all other users in your organization.
+3. Optional: Run this command if you want to disable creation of booking calendars for all other users in your organization.
```PowerShell Set-OwaMailboxPolicy "OwaMailboxPolicy-Default" -BookingsMailboxCreationEnabled:$false
commerce Understand Your Invoice https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/understand-your-invoice.md
The invoice for your Microsoft business subscription provides a summary of the c
## How often and when am I billed?
-Depending on the billing frequency that you chose when you bought your subscription, you receive an invoice monthly, every three months, every six months, or annually. The amount of time since the last invoice date is called the *Billing Period* and is shown on page one of the invoice, above the Billing Summary section. This time period represents the date range during which charges accrue for the current invoice. If you made a change to your subscription outside of this date range, like adding or removing licenses, the associated charges appear on the invoice for the next billing period.
+Depending on the billing frequency that you chose when you bought your subscription, you receive an invoice monthly, every three months, every six months, or annually. The amount of time since the last invoice date is called the *Billing Period* and is shown on page one of the invoice, above the Billing Summary section. This time period represents the date range during which charges accrue for the current invoice.
-Each new subscription purchase is billed the next day. You receive an invoice on the same day of the month either monthly, every three months, every six months or, annually, depending on the billing frequency you chose. Changes you make to an existing subscription are also charged the next day, except when you add and remove licenses or cancel which appear on the monthly invoice around the beginning of the following month.
+Each new subscription purchase is billed the next day. Changes you make to an existing subscription will appear on the monthly invoice around the beginning of the following month.
> [!NOTE] > You can only change the billing frequency for a subscription when you buy, upgrade, or renew a subscription.
enterprise Planportallaunchroll Out https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/Planportallaunchroll-out.md
Title: "Planning your portal launch roll-out plan in SharePoint Online"
+ Title: "Planning your portal launch roll-out plan in SharePoint in Microsoft 365"
Last updated 08/10/2020
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
search.appverid: - SPO160 - MET150
-description: "This article describes how you can plan your portal launch in SharePoint Online and what steps to take for a successful launch"
+description: "This article describes how you can plan your portal launch in SharePoint in Microsoft 365 and what steps to take for a successful launch."
-# Planning your portal launch roll-out plan in SharePoint Online
+# Planning your portal launch roll-out plan in SharePoint in Microsoft 365
A portal is a SharePoint site on your intranet with many site viewers who consume content on the site. Large organizations could have several portals. For example, a company portal and an HR portal. Typically portals have relatively few people who create and author the site and its content. Most visitors to the portal only read and consume the content.
-This article describes how to plan your deployment and roll-out plan to SharePoint Online. It also provides approaches to follow as traditional load testing isn't permitted on SharePoint Online. SharePoint Online is a cloud service and the load capabilities, health, and overall balance of load in the service are managed by Microsoft.
+This article describes how to plan your deployment and roll-out plan to SharePoint in Microsoft 365. It also provides approaches to follow as traditional load testing isn't permitted on SharePoint in Microsoft 365. SharePoint in Microsoft 365 is a cloud service and the load capabilities, health, and overall balance of load in the service are managed by Microsoft.
To help in creating a successful portal, follow the basic principles, practices, and recommendations detailed in the [Creating, launching, and maintaining a healthy portal](/sharepoint/portal-health)
-The deployment approach is highlighted below.
- ## Portal Launch Scheduler Use the portal launch scheduler to release your portal to users in your organization in scheduled phases. Learn more: ![Calendar icon.](../media/calendar.png) [Portal Launch Scheduler](/microsoft-365/enterprise/portallaunchscheduler)
-## Overview of capacity planning in SharePoint Online
+## Overview of capacity planning in SharePoint in Microsoft 365
-In order to efficiently use capacity and deal with unexpected growth, in any farm, we have automation that tracks certain usage scenarios. While exact growth is unpredictable for any one tenant in any one farm, the aggregated sum of requests is predictable over time. By identifying the growth trends in SharePoint Online, we can plan for future expansion. For more information on [Capacity planning and load testing SharePoint Online](capacity-planning-and-load-testing-sharepoint-online.md).
+In order to efficiently use capacity and deal with unexpected growth, in any farm, we have automation that tracks certain usage scenarios. While exact growth is unpredictable for any one tenant in any one farm, the aggregated sum of requests is predictable over time. By identifying the growth trends in SharePoint in Microsoft 365, we can plan for future expansion. For more information, see [Capacity planning and load testing SharePoint](capacity-planning-and-load-testing-sharepoint-online.md).
-A key part of a successful launch is the "wave" or "phased roll-out" approach detailed below.
+A key part of a successful launch is the "wave" or "phased roll-out" approach.
-## Can I load test SharePoint Online?
+## Can I load test SharePoint in Microsoft 365?
-SharePoint Online is a shared multi-tenanted environment that is balanced across farms and scale is adjusted in an on-going basis. Load testing an environment, like SharePoint Online, whose scale changes continuously won't only give you unexpected results but it isn't permitted.
+SharePoint in Microsoft 365 is a shared multi-tenanted environment that is balanced across farms and scale is adjusted in an on-going basis. Load testing an environment, like SharePoint in Microsoft 365, whose scale changes continuously won't only give you unexpected results but it isn't permitted.
-Learn more: [Capacity planning and load testing SharePoint Online](capacity-planning-and-load-testing-sharepoint-online.md)
+Learn more: [Capacity planning and load testing SharePoint in Microsoft 365](capacity-planning-and-load-testing-sharepoint-online.md)
## Optimize pages by following recommended guidelines
-Pages from an on-premises deployment shouldn't simply be moved as they are onto SharePoint Online without reviewing them against recommended guidelines for SharePoint Online. The best approach is to always optimize any home page for any site or portal in SharePoint, as this is where most users in your organization will access as the starting point for your site(s).
+Pages from an on-premises deployment shouldn't simply be moved as they are onto SharePoint without reviewing them against recommended guidelines for SharePoint. The best approach is to always optimize any home page for any site or portal in SharePoint, as this is where most users in your organization will access as the starting point for your sites.
A few basic factors should be considered:
A few basic factors should be considered:
**What to do**: -- For all site pages in SharePoint Online, use the [Page Diagnostics tool](./page-diagnostics-for-spo.md), which is a Chromium extension that assists with analyzing and providing guidance. This tool can be used by site owners, editors, administrators, and developers as it is designed to be a starting point for analysis and optimization.
+- For all site pages in SharePoint, use the [Page Diagnostics tool](./page-diagnostics-for-spo.md), which is a Chromium extension that assists with analyzing and providing guidance. This tool can be used by site owners, editors, administrators, and developers as it is designed to be a starting point for analysis and optimization.
- Developers should also use development tools like F12 browser developer tool and CTRL-F12 in the browser on modern pages. [Fiddler](https://www.telerik.com/download/fiddler) can also be used to review the size weight (how large the page is in megabytes) of the page and the number of calls and elements impacting the overall page load. This section was a brief summary for optimizing pages. To learn more, see: [Creating, launching, and maintaining a healthy portal](/sharepoint/portal-health). ## Follow a Wave / Phased roll-out approach
-The traditional big bang approach for site launches won't allow verification that customizations, external sources, services, or processes have been tested at the right scale. This approach doesn't mean that it will take months to launch, but it's recommended over at least several days dependent on your organization size. Following a wave roll-out plan therefore gives you the option to pause and resolve issues before proceeding with the next phase and therefore lowers the potential number of users impacted by any issues. SharePoint as a service scales your capacity based on usage and predicted usage and whilst we don't need you to notify us of your launch, you should follow the guidelines to ensure success.
+The traditional big bang approach for site launches won't allow verification that customizations, external sources, services, or processes have been tested at the right scale. This approach doesn't mean that it takes months to launch, but it's recommended over at least several days dependent on your organization size. Following a wave roll-out plan therefore gives you the option to pause and resolve issues before proceeding with the next phase and therefore lowers the potential number of users impacted by any issues. SharePoint as a service scales your capacity based on usage and predicted usage and while we don't need you to notify us of your launch, you should follow the guidelines to ensure success.
-As shown in the following image, often the number of users that are invited is significantly higher than those that actually use the site. This image shows a strategy about how to roll out a release. This method helps identify ways to improve the SharePoint site before most the users see it.
+As shown in the following image, often the number of users that are invited is higher than those that actually use the site. This image shows a strategy about how to roll out a release. This method helps identify ways to improve the SharePoint site before most the users see it.
![Graph showing invited and active users.](../media/0bc14a20-9420-4986-b9b9-fbcd2c6e0fb9.png)
-In the pilot phase, it is good to get feedback from users that the organization trusts and knows will be engaged. This way it is possible to gauge how the system is being used, and how it is performing.
+In the pilot phase, it's good to get feedback from users that the organization trusts and knows will be engaged. This way it's possible to gauge how the system is being used, and how it's performing.
During each of the waves, gather user feedback around the features and the performance during each wave of deployment. Collecting feedback has the advantage of slowly introducing the system and making improvements as the system gets more use. This also allows us to react to the increased load as the site is rolled out to more users and combined with following the guidelines for page optimization ensures a positive experience for your users.
During each of the waves, gather user feedback around the features and the perfo
- Decide on the timing of each phase and ensure that you have a contingency / pause opportunity, should you need to make adjustments before continuing - Plan your first group of users that you want to enable, to ensure you receive the feedback you need to move forward. Where possible, select an active group of users that will provide feedback in a timely fashion-- As you plan each wave, try to start with a small user base (less than 5000 users). Increase the group sizes as you proceed with each wave. By creating a staggered approach, it allows for easier pause opportunities as needed.
+- As you plan each wave, try to start with a small user base (less than 5,000 users). Increase the group sizes as you proceed with each wave. By creating a staggered approach, it allows for easier pause opportunities as needed.
enterprise Portallaunchscheduler https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/PortalLaunchScheduler.md
Last updated 11/11/2020
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium - Ent_O365
description: This article describes how you can launch your portal using the Por
A portal is a SharePoint communication site on your intranet that is high-traffic ΓÇô a site that has anywhere from 10,000 to over 100,000 viewers over the course of several weeks. Use the Portal launch scheduler to launch your portal to ensure users have a smooth viewing experience when accessing your new SharePoint portal. - The Portal launch scheduler is designed to help you follow a phased roll-out approach by batching viewers in waves and managing the URL redirects for the new portal. During the launch of each wave, you can gather user feedback, monitor portal performance, and pause the launch to resolve issues before proceeding with the next wave. Learn more about how to [plan a portal launch in SharePoint](/microsoft-365/Enterprise/Planportallaunchroll-out). **There are two types of redirections:**
The SharePoint Portal launch scheduler tool was originally only available via [S
> You need administrator permissions to use SharePoint PowerShell. > Portal launch details for launches created in PowerShell will appear and can be managed in the new Portal launch scheduler tool in SharePoint.
-### App setup and connecting to SharePoint Online
+### App setup and connecting to SharePoint in Microsoft 365
-1. [Download the latest SharePoint Online Management Shell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255251).
+1. [Download the latest SharePoint Management Shell](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=255251).
> [!NOTE]
- > If you installed a previous version of the SharePoint Online Management Shell, go to Add or remove programs and uninstall "SharePoint Online Management Shell."
+ > If you installed a previous version of the SharePoint Management Shell, go to Add or remove programs and uninstall "SharePoint Management Shell."
> > On the Download Center page, select your language and then click the Download button. You'll be asked to choose between downloading a x64 and x86 .msi file. Download the x64 file if you're running the 64-bit version of Windows or the x86 file if you're running the 32-bit version. If you don't know, see [Which version of Windows operating system am I running?](https://support.microsoft.com/help/13443/windows-which-operating-system). After the file downloads, run it and follow the steps in the Setup Wizard.
-1. Connect to SharePoint as a [global admin or SharePoint admin](/sharepoint/sharepoint-admin-role) in Microsoft 365. To learn how, see [Getting started with SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online).
+1. Connect to SharePoint as a [global admin or SharePoint admin](/sharepoint/sharepoint-admin-role) in Microsoft 365. To learn how, see [Getting started with SharePoint Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online).
### View any existing portal launch setups
The number of waves required depends on your expected launch size.
#### Steps for bidirectional redirection
-Bidirectional redirection involves launching a new modern SharePoint Online portal to replace an existing SharePoint classic or modern portal. Users in active waves are redirected to the new site regardless of whether they navigate to the old or new site. Users in a non-launched wave that try to access the new site are redirected back to the old site until their wave is launched.
+Bidirectional redirection involves launching a new modern SharePoint portal to replace an existing SharePoint classic or modern portal. Users in active waves are redirected to the new site regardless of whether they navigate to the old or new site. Users in a non-launched wave that try to access the new site are redirected back to the old site until their wave is launched.
We only support redirection between the default home page on the old site and the default home page on the new site. Should you have administrators or owners that need access to the old and new sites without being redirected, ensure they're listed using the `WaveOverrideUsers` parameter.
To migrate users from an existing SharePoint site to a new SharePoint site in a
#### Steps for redirection to temporary page
-Temporary page redirection should be used when no existing SharePoint portal exists. Users are directed to a new modern SharePoint Online portal in a staged manner. If a user is in a wave that hasn't been launched, they're redirected to a temporary page (any URL).
+Temporary page redirection should be used when no existing SharePoint portal exists. Users are directed to a new modern SharePoint portal in a staged manner. If a user is in a wave that hasn't been launched, they're redirected to a temporary page (any URL).
1. Run the following command to designate portal launch waves.
Temporary page redirection should be used when no existing SharePoint portal exi
## Learn more
-[Planning your portal launch roll-out plan in SharePoint Online](./planportallaunchroll-out.md)
+[Planning your portal launch roll-out plan in SharePoint](./planportallaunchroll-out.md)
[Plan your communication site](https://support.microsoft.com/office/plan-your-sharepoint-communication-site-35d9adfe-d5cc-462f-a63a-bae7f2529182)
enterprise Modern Auth For Office 2013 And 2016 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/modern-auth-for-office-2013-and-2016.md
Title: "How modern authentication works for Office 2013 and Office 2016 client apps"
+ Title: "How modern authentication works for Office 2016 and Office 2019 client apps"
Previously updated : 08/10/2020 Last updated : 04/29/2024 audience: Admin
ms.assetid: e4c45989-4b1a-462e-a81b-2a13191cf517
- scotvorg - M365-security-compliance
-description: Learn how Microsoft 365 modern authentication features work differently for Office 2013 and 2016 client apps.
+- must-keep
+description: Learn how Microsoft 365 modern authentication features work differently for Office 2016 and 2019 client apps.
-# How modern authentication works for Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019 client apps
+# How modern authentication works for Office 2016 and Office 2019 client apps
*This article applies to both Microsoft 365 Enterprise and Office 365 Enterprise.*
-Read this article to learn how Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019 client apps use modern authentication features based on the authentication configuration on the Microsoft 365 tenant for Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Skype for Business Online.
+Read this article to learn how Office 2016 and Office 2019 client apps use modern authentication features based on the authentication configuration on the Microsoft 365 tenant for Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Skype for Business Online.
> [!NOTE] > Legacy client apps, such as Office 2010 and Office for Mac 2011, do not support modern authentication and can only be used with basic authentication.
For the Microsoft 365 services, the default state of modern authentication is:
> [!NOTE] > For tenants created **before** August 1, 2017, modern authentication is turned **off** by default for Exchange Online and Skype for Business Online.
-## Sign-in behavior of Office client apps
-Office 2013 client apps support legacy authentication by default. Legacy means that they support either Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant or basic authentication. In order for these clients to use modern authentication features, the Windows client must have registry keys set. For instructions, see [Enable Modern Authentication for Office 2013 on Windows devices](https://support.office.com/article/7dc1c01a-090f-4971-9677-f1b192d6c910).
-> The use of basic authentication is being deprecated for Exchange Online mailboxes on Microsoft 365. This means that if Outlook 2013 is not configured to use modern authentication, it loses the ability to connect. Read [this article](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/basic-authentication-deprecation-in-exchange-online-september/ba-p/3609437) for more information about basic auth deprecation.
-To enable modern authentication for any devices running Windows (for example, laptops and tablets), that have Microsoft Office 2013 installed, you need to set the following registry keys. The keys have to be set on each device that you want to enable for modern authentication:
-| Registry key | Type | Value |
-|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Identity\EnableADAL |REG_DWORD |1 |
-|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Common\Identity\Version |REG_DWORD |1 |
-|HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\AlwaysUseMSOAuthForAutoDiscover |REG_DWORD |1 |
-Read [How to use Modern Authentication (ADAL) with Skype for Business](./hybrid-modern-auth-overview.md) to learn about how it works with Skype for Business.
-## Software requirements
-To enable multifactor authentication (MFA) for Office 2013 client apps, you must have the software listed below installed (at the version listed below, or a *later* version). The process is different depending on your installation type (either MSI-based, or via Click-to-run.)
-First, find out if your Office installation is MSI-based or Click-to-run with the steps below.
-1. Start Outlook 2013.
-2. On the **File** menu, select **Office Account**.
-3. For Outlook 2013 *Click-to-Run* installations an **Update Options** item is displayed. For MSI-based installations, the Update Options item isn't displayed.
- 1. The Click-to-run **Update Options** button tells you 'Updates are automatically downloaded and installed', and your current version.
-### Click-to-run based installations
-For Click-to-run based installations you *must* have the following software installed at a file version listed below, or a *later* file version. If your file version isn't equal to, or greater than, the file version listed, update it using the steps below.
-|File name |Install path on your computer |File version |
-|MSO.DLL |C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\vfs\ProgramFilesCommonx86\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\MSO.DLL |15.0.4753.1001 |
-|CSI.DLL |CSI.DLL C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\csi.dll |15.0.4753.1000 |
-|Groove.EXE* |C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\GROOVE.exe |15.0.4763.1000 |
-|Outlook.exe |C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\OUTLOOK.exe |15.0.4753.1002 |
-|ADAL.DLL |C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\vfs\ProgramFilesCommonx86\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\ADAL.DLL |1.0.2016.624 |
-|Iexplore.exe |C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer |varies |
-\* If the Groove.EXE component isn't present in your Office installation, it doesn't need to be installed for ADAL to work. However, if it's present, then the build for Groove.EXE listed here is required.
-### MSI-based installations
-For MSI-based installations the following software *must* be installed at the file version listed below, or a *later* file version. If your file version isn't equal to, or greater than, the file version listed below, update using the link in the *Update KB Article* column.
-|File name |Install path on your computer |Where to get the update |Version |
-|MSO.DLL|C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\MSO.DLL |[KB3085480](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/description-of-the-security-update-for-office-2013-september-10-2019-0d171ba2-2eba-a2ca-a54d-c0f568de6bcc) |15.0.4753.1001 |
-|CSI.DLL|C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\Csi.dll |[KB3172545](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/july-11-2017-update-for-office-2013-kb3172545-d6b47054-04d5-5154-40ba-3436d1e0efdb) |15.0.4753.1000 |
-|Groove.exe*|C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\GROOVE.EXE |[KB4022226](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/august-7-2018-update-for-onedrive-for-business-for-office-2013-kb4022226-6163bb26-cbde-eb16-ac42-abfda7afbf68) |15.0.4763.1000 |
-|Outlook.exe|C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE |[KB4484096](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/october-1-2019-update-for-outlook-2013-kb4484096-6513145a-cc75-1cd1-72b7-78cb62d8476b) |15.0.4753.1002 |
-|ADAL.DLL|C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\ADAL.DLL |[KB3085565](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/july-5-2016-update-for-office-2013-kb3085565-1d1a6d24-fbd4-1bae-242f-a35e0e2aba40) |1.0.2016.624 |
-|Iexplore.exe|C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer |[MS14-052](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/ms14-052-cumulative-security-update-for-internet-explorer-september-9-2014-17d29b71-9e78-0bc1-8961-7b812d04e4e1) |Not applicable |
-\* If the Groove.EXE component isn't present in your Office installation, it doesn't need to be installed for ADAL to work. However, if it's present, then the build for Groove.EXE listed here is required.
-Office 2016 and Office 2019 clients support modern authentication by default, and no action is needed for the client to use these new flows. However, explicit action is needed to use legacy authentication.
-Select the links below to see how Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019 client authentication works with the Microsoft 365 services depending on whether or not modern authentication is turned on.
+Select the links below to see how Office 2016 and Office 2019 client authentication works with the Microsoft 365 services depending on whether or not modern authentication is turned on.
- [Exchange Online](modern-auth-for-office-2013-and-2016.md#BK_EchangeOnline)
Select the links below to see how Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019 clie
<a name="BK_EchangeOnline"> </a> ### Exchange Online
-The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019 client apps when they connect to Exchange Online with or without modern authentication.
+The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2016 and Office 2019 client apps when they connect to Exchange Online with or without modern authentication.
| Office client app version | Registry key present? | Modern authentication on? | Authentication behavior with modern authentication turned on for the tenant (default) | Authentication behavior with modern authentication turned off for the tenant | |:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|
The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2013, Offic
|Office 2016 |No, or EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then basic authentication is used. Server refuses modern authentication when the tenant isn't enabled. |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then basic authentication is used. Server refuses modern authentication when the tenant isn't enabled. | |Office 2016 |Yes, EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then basic authentication is used. Server refuses modern authentication when the tenant isn't enabled. |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then basic authentication is used. Server refuses modern authentication when the tenant isn't enabled. | |Office 2016 |Yes, EnableADAL=0 |No |Basic authentication |Basic authentication |
-|Office 2013 |No |No |Basic authentication |Basic authentication |
-|Office 2013 |Yes, EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then basic authentication is used. Server refuses modern authentication when the tenant isn't enabled. |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then basic authentication is used. Server refuses modern authentication when the tenant isn't enabled. |
<a name="BK_SharePointOnline"> </a> ### SharePoint Online
-The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019 client apps when they connect to SharePoint Online with or without modern authentication.
+The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2016 and Office 2019 client apps when they connect to SharePoint Online with or without modern authentication.
| Office client app version | Registry key present? | Modern authentication on? | Authentication behavior with modern authentication turned on for the tenant (default) | Authentication behavior with modern authentication turned off for the tenant | |:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|
The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2013, Offic
|Office 2016 |No, or EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication only. |Failure to connect. | |Office 2016 |Yes, EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication only. |Failure to connect. | |Office 2016 |Yes, EnableADAL = 0 |No |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |
-|Office 2013 |No |No |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |
-|Office 2013 |Yes, EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication only. |Failure to connect. |
### Skype for Business Online <a name="BK_SFBO"> </a>
-The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2013, Office 2016, and Office 2019 client apps when they connect to Skype for Business Online with or without modern authentication.
+The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2016 and Office 2019 client apps when they connect to Skype for Business Online with or without modern authentication.
| Office client app version | Registry key present? | Modern authentication on? | Authentication behavior with modern authentication turned on for the tenant | Authentication behavior with modern authentication turned off for the tenant (default) | |:--|:--|:--|:--|:--|
The following table describes the authentication behavior for Office 2013, Offic
|Office 2016 |No, or EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant is used. Server refuses modern authentication when Skype for Business Online tenants aren't enabled. |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant is used. Server refuses modern authentication when Skype for Business Online tenants aren't enabled. | |Office 2016 |Yes, EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant is used. Server refuses modern authentication when Skype for Business Online tenants aren't enabled. |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant is used. Server refuses modern authentication when Skype for Business Online tenants aren't enabled. | |Office 2016 |Yes, EnableADAL = 0 |No |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |
-|Office 2013 |No |No |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |
-|Office 2013 |Yes, EnableADAL = 1 |Yes |Modern authentication is attempted first. If the server refuses a modern authentication connection, then Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant is used. Server refuses modern authentication when Skype for Business Online tenants aren't enabled. |Microsoft Online Sign-in Assistant only. |
## See also
enterprise Page Diagnostics For Spo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/page-diagnostics-for-spo.md
Title: Use the Page Diagnostics tool for SharePoint Online
+ Title: Use the Page Diagnostics tool for SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Last updated 01/08/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
- BSA160 f1.keywords: - NOCSH
-description: "Use the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool to analyze SharePoint Online modern portal and classic publishing pages against a predefined set of performance criteria."
+description: "Use the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool to analyze SharePoint in Microsoft 365 modern portal and classic publishing pages against a predefined set of performance criteria."
# Use the Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool
-This article describes how to use the **Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool** to analyze SharePoint Online modern and classic site pages against a predefined set of performance criteria.
+This article describes how to use the **Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool** to analyze SharePoint in Microsoft 365 modern and classic site pages against a predefined set of performance criteria.
The Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool can be installed for:
The Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool can be installed for:
> [!TIP] > Version **2.0.0** and later includes support for modern pages in addition to classic site pages. If you are unsure which version of the tool you are using, you can select the **About** link or the ellipses (...) to verify your version. **Always update to the latest version** when using the tool.
-The Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool is a browser extension for the new Microsoft Edge (https://www.microsoft.com/edge) and Chrome browsers that analyzes both SharePoint Online modern portal and classic publishing site pages.
+The Page Diagnostics for SharePoint tool is a browser extension for the new Microsoft Edge (https://www.microsoft.com/edge) and Chrome browsers that analyzes both SharePoint in Microsoft 365 modern portal and classic publishing site pages.
-> This tool only works for SharePoint Online, and canΓÇÖt be used on a SharePoint system page or on a SharePoint App page. The App page type is designed to be used for specific business applications within SharePoint Online and not for portals. The tool is designed to optimize portal pages and Teams site pages.
+> This tool only works for SharePoint in Microsoft 365, and canΓÇÖt be used on a SharePoint system page or on a SharePoint App page. The App page type is designed to be used for specific business applications within SharePoint in Microsoft 365 and not for portals. The tool is designed to optimize portal pages and Teams site pages.
-The tool generates a report for each analyzed page showing how the page performs against a predefined set of rules and displays detailed information when results for a test fall outside the baseline value. SharePoint Online administrators and designers can use the tool to troubleshoot performance issues and to ensure that new pages are optimized prior to publishing.
+The tool generates a report for each analyzed page showing how the page performs against a predefined set of rules and displays detailed information when results for a test fall outside the baseline value. SharePoint administrators and designers can use the tool to troubleshoot performance issues and to ensure that new pages are optimized prior to publishing.
The Page Diagnostics tool is designed to analyze SharePoint site pages only, not system pages such as *allitems.aspx* or *sharepoint.aspx*. If you attempt to run the tool on a system page or any other nonsite page, you'll receive an error message advising that the tool canΓÇÖt be run for that type of page.
The installation procedure in this section works for both the Chrome and Microso
1. If you want to use the tool in Incognito or InPrivate mode, follow the procedure for your browser: 1. In Microsoft Edge, navigate to **Extensions** or type _edge://extensions_ in the URL bar and select **Details** for the extension. In the extension settings, select the checkbox for **allow in InPrivate**. 1. In Chrome, navigate to **Extensions** or type _chrome://extensions_ in the URL bar and select **Details** for the extension. In the extension settings, select the slider for **allow in Incognito**.
-1. Navigate to the SharePoint site page on SharePoint Online that you would like to review. We've allowed for "delay loading" of items on pages; therefore, the tool won't stop automatically (this is by design to accommodate all page load scenarios). To stop collection, select **Stop**. Make sure that the page load has completed before you stop data collection or you'll only capture a partial trace.
+1. Navigate to the SharePoint site page on SharePoint that you would like to review. We've allowed for "delay loading" of items on pages; therefore, the tool won't stop automatically (this is by design to accommodate all page load scenarios). To stop collection, select **Stop**. Make sure that the page load has completed before you stop data collection or you'll only capture a partial trace.
1. Click on the extension's toolbar button ![Page Diagnostics for SharePoint logo.](../media/page-diagnostics-for-spo/pagediag-icon32.png) to load the tool and you'll be presented with the following extension popup window: ![Page Diagnostics tool Popup.](../media/page-diagnostics-for-spo/pagediag-Landing.png)
Select **Start** to begin collecting data for analysis.
- **CorrelationID** is an important element when working with Microsoft Support as it allows them to gather more diagnostic data for the specific page. - **SPRequestDuration** is the time taken for SharePoint to process the page. Structural navigation, large images, lots of API calls could all contribute to longer durations.
- - **SPIISLatency** is the time in milliseconds taken for SharePoint Online begin loading the page. This value doesn't include the time taken for the web application to respond.
+ - **SPIISLatency** is the time in milliseconds taken for SharePoint begin loading the page. This value doesn't include the time taken for the web application to respond.
- **Page load time** is the total time recorded by the page from the time of the request to the time the response was received and rendered in the browser. This value is affected by various factors including network latency, the performance of the computer and the time it takes for the browser to load the page. - The **Page URL** (Uniform Resource Locator) is the web address of the current page.
No change is visible except that you'll be notified that you have enabled it and
## Related articles
-[Tune SharePoint Online performance](tune-sharepoint-online-performance.md)
+[Tune SharePoint performance](tune-sharepoint-online-performance.md)
[Tune Office 365 performance](tune-microsoft-365-performance.md)
No change is visible except that you'll be notified that you have enabled it and
[Content delivery networks](content-delivery-networks.md)
-[Use the Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SharePoint Online](use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo.md)
+[Use the Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SharePoint](use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo.md)
enterprise Performance Troubleshooting Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/performance-troubleshooting-plan.md
Last updated 04/12/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
enterprise Performance Tuning Using Baselines And History https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/performance-tuning-using-baselines-and-history.md
Last updated 08/15/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
There are some simple ways to check the connection performance between Office 36
If you're not used to working on performance issues, this article is designed to help you consider some common questions. How do you know the problem you're seeing is a performance issue and not an Office 365 service incident? How can you plan for good performance, long term? How can you keep an eye on performance? If your team or clients are seeing slow performance while using Office 365, and you wonder about any of these questions, read on. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> **Have a performance issue between your client and Office 365 right now?** Follow the steps outlined in the [Performance troubleshooting plan for Office 365](performance-troubleshooting-plan.md).
+> **Have a performance issue between your client and Office 365 right now?** Follow the steps outlined in the [Performance troubleshooting plan for Office 365](performance-troubleshooting-plan.md).
## Something you should know about Office 365 performance Office 365 lives inside a high-capacity, dedicated Microsoft network that is monitored by automation and real people. Part of maintaining the Office 365 cloud is performance tuning and streamlining where possible. Since clients of the Office 365 cloud have to connect across the Internet, there's ongoing effort to fine-tune the performance across Office 365 services too.
-Performance improvements never really stop in the cloud, so neither does experience with keeping the cloud healthy and quick. Should you have a performance issue connecting from your location to Office 365, it's best not to start with or wait on a Support case. Instead, you should begin investigating the problem from 'the inside out'. That is, start inside of your network, and work your way out to Office 365. Before you open a case with Support, you can gather data and take actions that will explore, and may resolve, the problem.
+Performance improvements never really stop in the cloud, so neither does experience with keeping the cloud healthy and quick. Should you have a performance issue connecting from your location to Office 365, it's best not to start with or wait on a Support case. Instead, you should begin investigating the problem from 'the inside out.' That is, start inside of your network, and work your way out to Office 365. Before you open a case with Support, you can gather data and take actions that will explore, and might resolve, the problem.
-> Be aware of capacity planning and limits in Office 365. That information will put you ahead of the curve when trying to resolve a performance issue. Here's a link to the [Microsoft 365 and Office 365 service descriptions](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-service-descriptions-technet-library). This is a central hub, and all the services offered by Office 365 have a link that goes to their own Service Descriptions from here. That means, should you need to see the standard limits for SharePoint Online, for example, you would click [SharePoint Online Service Description](/office365/servicedescriptions/sharepoint-online-service-description/sharepoint-online-service-description) and locate its [SharePoint Online Limits section](/office365/servicedescriptions/sharepoint-online-service-description/sharepoint-online-limits).
+> Be aware of capacity planning and limits in Office 365. That information will put you ahead of the curve when trying to resolve a performance issue. Here's a link to the [Microsoft 365 and Office 365 service descriptions](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-service-descriptions-technet-library). This is a central hub, and all the services offered by Office 365 have a link that goes to their own Service Descriptions from here. That means, should you need to see the standard limits for SharePoint, for example, you would click [SharePoint Service Description](/office365/servicedescriptions/sharepoint-online-service-description/sharepoint-online-service-description) and locate its [SharePoint Limits section](/office365/servicedescriptions/sharepoint-online-service-description/sharepoint-online-limits).
Make sure you go into your troubleshooting with the understanding that performance is a sliding scale. It's not about achieving an idealized value and maintaining it permanently. Occasional high-bandwidth tasks like on-boarding a large number of users, or doing large data migrations will be stressful, so *plan* for performance impacts then. You should have a rough idea of your performance targets, but many variables play into performance, so performance varies.
Performance troubleshooting isn't about meeting specific goals and maintaining t
First, you need to make sure that what you are experiencing is indeed a performance issue and not a service incident. A performance problem is different from a service incident in Office 365. Here's how to tell them apart.
-Service Incidents happen when the Office 365 service itself is having issues. You may see red or yellow icons under **Current health** in the Microsoft 365 admin center. You may notice performance on client computers connecting to Office 365 is slow. For example, if Current health reports a red icon and you see **Investigating** beside Exchange, you might then also get calls from people in your organization who complain that client mailboxes using Exchange Online are slow. In that case, it's reasonable to assume that your Exchange Online performance was a victim of Service issues.
+Service Incidents happen when the Office 365 service itself is having issues. You might see red or yellow icons under **Current health** in the Microsoft 365 admin center. You might notice performance on client computers connecting to Office 365 is slow. For example, if Current health reports a red icon and you see **Investigating** beside Exchange, you might then also get calls from people in your organization who complain that client mailboxes using Exchange Online are slow. In that case, it's reasonable to assume that your Exchange Online performance was a victim of Service issues.
![The Office 365 Health dashboard with all workloads showing green, except Exchange, which shows Service Restored.](../media/ec7f0325-9e61-4e1a-bec0-64b87f4469be.PNG)
A performance issue isn't a service incident, even though incidents can cause sl
- A behavior that used to flow takes a long time to complete or never completes. -- You can replicate the problem too, or know it will happen if you do the right series of steps.
+- You can replicate the problem too, or know it happens if you do the right series of steps.
- If the problem is intermittent, there can still be a pattern. For example, you know that by 10:00 AM you'll have calls from users who can't always access Office 365. The calls will end around noon.
Performance issues often emerge over time, so it can be challenging to define th
- Switching from my Inbox to my Calendar used to be something I didn't notice, and now it's a coffee-break. Can you make it act like it used to? -- Uploading my files to SharePoint Online is taking forever. Why is it slow in the afternoon, but any other time, it's fast? Can't it just be fast?
+- Uploading my files to SharePoint is taking forever. Why is it slow in the afternoon, but any other time, it's fast? Can't it just be fast?
There are several large challenges posed by the problem statements above. Specifically, too many ambiguities to deal with. For example:
There are several large challenges posed by the problem statements above. Specif
- How long is "forever"? Is that several seconds? Or many minutes? Or could the user take lunch and the action would finish up 10 minutes after they got back?
-The admin and troubleshooter can't be aware of the *details* of the problem from general statements like these. For example, they don't know when the problem started happening. The troubleshooter might not know the user works from home and only ever sees slow switching while on their home network. Or that the user runs other RAM intensive applications on the local client. Admins may not know the user is running an older operating system or hasn't run recent updates.
+The admin and troubleshooter can't be aware of the *details* of the problem from general statements like these. For example, they don't know when the problem started happening. The troubleshooter might not know the user works from home and only ever sees slow switching while on their home network. Or that the user runs other RAM intensive applications on the local client. Admins might not know the user is running an older operating system or hasn't run recent updates.
-When users report a performance problem, there's much information to collect. Getting and recording information is called scoping the issue. Here is a basic scoping list you can use to collect information about performance issues. This list is not exhaustive, but it's a place to start:
+When users report a performance problem, there's much information to collect. Getting and recording information is called scoping the issue. Here's a basic scoping list you can use to collect information about performance issues. This list isn't exhaustive, but it's a place to start:
- On what date did the issue happen, and around what time of day or night?
When users report a performance problem, there's much information to collect. Ge
- Where in the world are you located?
-Some of these questions are more obvious than others. Most everyone will understand a troubleshooter needs the exact steps to reproduce the issue. After all, how else can you record what's wrong, and how else can you test if the issue is fixed? Less obvious are things like "What date and time did you see the issue?", and "Where in the world are you located?", information that can be used in tandem. Depending on when the user was working, a few hours of time difference may mean maintenance is already underway on parts of your company's network. For instance, your company has a hybrid implementation, like a hybrid SharePoint Search, which can query search indexes in both SharePoint Online and an On-premises SharePoint Server 2013 instance, updates may be underway in the on-premises farm. If your company is all in the cloud, system maintenance may include adding or removing network hardware, rolling out updates that are company-wide, or making changes to DNS, or other core infrastructure.
+Some of these questions are more obvious than others. Most everyone will understand a troubleshooter needs the exact steps to reproduce the issue. After all, how else can you record what's wrong, and how else can you test if the issue is fixed? Less obvious are things like "What date and time did you see the issue?", and "Where in the world are you located?", information that can be used in tandem. Depending on when the user was working, a few hours of time difference might mean maintenance is already underway on parts of your company's network. For instance, your company has a hybrid implementation, like a hybrid SharePoint Search, which can query search indexes in both SharePoint in Microsoft 365 and an On-premises SharePoint Server 2013 instance, updates might be underway in the on-premises farm. If your company is all in the cloud, system maintenance might include adding or removing network hardware, rolling out updates that are company-wide, or making changes to DNS, or other core infrastructure.
-When you're troubleshooting a performance problem, it's a bit like a crime scene, you need to be precise and observant to draw any conclusions from the evidence. In order to do this, you must get a good problem statement by gathering evidence. It should include the computer's context, the user's context, when the problem began, and the exact steps that exposed the performance issue. This problem statement should be, and stay, the topmost page in your notes. By walking through the problem statement again after you work on the resolution, you are taking the steps to test and prove whether the actions you take have resolved the issue. This is critical to knowing when your work, there, is done.
+When you're troubleshooting a performance problem, it's a bit like a crime scene, you need to be precise and observant to draw any conclusions from the evidence. In order to do this, you must get a good problem statement by gathering evidence. It should include the computer's context, the user's context, when the problem began, and the exact steps that exposed the performance issue. This problem statement should be, and stay, the topmost page in your notes. By walking through the problem statement again after you work on the resolution, you're taking the steps to test and prove whether the actions you take have resolved the issue. This is critical to knowing when your work, there, is done.
## Do you know how performance used to look when it was good? If you're unlucky, nobody knows. Nobody had numbers. That means nobody can answer the simple question "About how many seconds did it used to take to bring up an Inbox in Office 365?", or "How long did it used to take when the Executives had a Lync Online meeting?", which is a common scenario for many companies.
-What's missing here is a performance baseline?
+What's missing here is a performance baseline.
-Baselines give you a context for your performance. You should take a baseline occasionally to frequently, depending on the needs of your company. If you are a larger company, your Operations team may take baselines for your on-premises environment already. For example, if you patch all the Exchange servers on the first Monday of the month, and all your SharePoint servers on the third Monday, your Operations team probably has a list of tasks and scenarios it runs post-patching, to prove that critical functions are operational. For example, opening the Inbox, clicking Send/Receive, and making sure the folders update, or, in SharePoint, browsing the main page of the site, going into the enterprise Search page, and doing a search that returns results.
+Baselines give you a context for your performance. You should take a baseline occasionally to frequently, depending on the needs of your company. If you're a larger company, your Operations team may take baselines for your on-premises environment already. For example, if you patch all the Exchange servers on the first Monday of the month, and all your SharePoint servers on the third Monday, your Operations team probably has a list of tasks and scenarios it runs post-patching, to prove that critical functions are operational. For example, opening the Inbox, clicking Send/Receive, and making sure the folders update, or, in SharePoint, browsing the main page of the site, going into the enterprise Search page, and doing a search that returns results.
If your applications are in Office 365, some of the most fundamental baselines you can take measure the time (in milliseconds) from a client computer inside your network, to an egress point, or the point where you leave your network and go out to Office 365. Here are some helpful baselines that you can investigate and record:
If your applications are in Office 365, some of the most fundamental baselines y
- You have to know your devices so that you have context (IP addresses, type of device, et cetera) for performance problems that arise.
- - Proxy servers are common egress points, so you can check your web browser to see what proxy server it is set to use, if any.
+ - Proxy servers are common egress points, so you can check your web browser to see what proxy server it's set to use, if any.
- There are third-party tools that can discover and map your network, but the safest way to know your devices is to ask a member of your network team.
That means you've checked with your network team and found out that you leave yo
![Basic network with client, proxy, and cloud, and tools suggestions PSPing, TraceTCP, and network traces.](../media/627bfb77-abf7-4ef1-bbe8-7f8cbe48e1d2.png)
-The options are listed as **Simple** and **Advanced** because of the amount of expertise you need in order to find the performance data. A network trace will take much time, compared to running command-line tools like PsPing and TraceTCP. These two command-line tools were chosen because they don't use ICMP packets, which will be blocked by Office 365, and because they give the time in milliseconds that it takes to leave the client computer, or proxy server (if you have access) and arrive at Office 365. Each individual hop from one computer to another will end up with a time value, and that's great for baselines! Just as importantly, these command-line tools allow you to add a port number onto the command, this is useful because Office 365 communicates over port 443, which is the port used by Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (SSL and TLS). However, other third-party tools may be better solutions for your situation. Microsoft doesn't support all of these tools, so if, for some reason, you can't get PsPing and TraceTCP working, move on to a network trace with a tool like Netmon.
+The options are listed as **Simple** and **Advanced** because of the amount of expertise you need in order to find the performance data. A network trace will take much time, compared to running command-line tools like PsPing and TraceTCP. These two command-line tools were chosen because they don't use ICMP packets, which will be blocked by Office 365, and because they give the time in milliseconds that it takes to leave the client computer, or proxy server (if you have access) and arrive at Office 365. Each individual hop from one computer to another will end up with a time value, and that's great for baselines! Just as importantly, these command-line tools allow you to add a port number onto the command, this is useful because Office 365 communicates over port 443, which is the port used by Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security (SSL and TLS). However, other third-party tools might be better solutions for your situation. Microsoft doesn't support all of these tools, so if, for some reason, you can't get PsPing and TraceTCP working, move on to a network trace with a tool like Netmon.
-You can take a baseline before business hours, again during heavy use, and then again after hours. This means you may have a folder structure that looks a bit like this in the end:
+You can take a baseline before business hours, again during heavy use, and then again after hours. This means you might have a folder structure that looks a bit like this in the end:
![Graphic proposing a way to organize your performance data into folders.](../media/13e01ffa-f0f2-4d10-b89d-d5980ec89fae.png)
You should also pick a naming convention your files. Here are some examples:
- Feb_08_2015_8-30amEST_PerfBaseline_GoodPerf
-There are lots of different ways to do this, but using the format **\<dateTime\>\<what's happening in the test\>** is a good place to start. Being diligent about this will help a lot when you are trying to troubleshoot issues later. Later, you'll be able to say "I took two traces on February 8, one showed good performance and one showed bad, so we can compare them". This is helpful for troubleshooting.
+There are lots of different ways to do this, but using the format **\<dateTime\>\<what's happening in the test\>** is a good place to start. Being diligent about this will help a lot when you're trying to troubleshoot issues later. Later, you'll be able to say "I took two traces on February 8, one showed good performance and one showed bad, so we can compare them". This is helpful for troubleshooting.
-You need to have an organized way to keep your historical baselines. In this example, the simple methods produced three command-line outputs and the results were collected as screenshots, but you may have network capture files instead. Use the method that works best for you. Store your historical baselines and refer to them at points where you notice changes in the behavior of online services.
+You need to have an organized way to keep your historical baselines. In this example, the simple methods produced three command-line outputs and the results were collected as screenshots, but you might have network capture files instead. Use the method that works best for you. Store your historical baselines and refer to them at points where you notice changes in the behavior of online services.
## Why collect performance data during a pilot?
-There is no better time to start making baselines than during a pilot of the Office 365 service. Your office may have thousands of users, hundreds of thousands, or it may have five, but even with a few users, you can perform tests to measure fluctuations in performance. In the case of a large company, a representative sample of several hundred users piloting Office 365 can be projected outward to several thousands so you know where issues might arise before they happen.
+There is no better time to start making baselines than during a pilot of the Office 365 service. Your office might have thousands of users, hundreds of thousands, or it might have five, but even with a few users, you can perform tests to measure fluctuations in performance. In the case of a large company, a representative sample of several hundred users piloting Office 365 can be projected outward to several thousands so you know where issues might arise before they happen.
-In the case of a small company, where on-boarding means that all users go to the service at the same time and there is no pilot, keep performance measures so that you have data to show to anyone who may have to troubleshoot a badly performing operation. For example, if you notice that all of a sudden you can walk around your building in the time it takes to upload a medium-sized graphic where it used to happen quickly.
+In the case of a small company, where on-boarding means that all users go to the service at the same time and there's no pilot, keep performance measures so that you have data to show to anyone who might have to troubleshoot a badly performing operation. For example, if you notice that all of a sudden you can walk around your building in the time it takes to upload a medium-sized graphic where it used to happen quickly.
## How to collect baselines
This section is broken into simple command-line tools and methods, and more adva
### Simple methods
-The objective of these simple methods is to learn to take, understand, and properly store simple performance baselines over time so that you are informed about Office 365 performance. Here's the simple diagram for simple, as you've seen before:
+The objective of these simple methods is to learn to take, understand, and properly store simple performance baselines over time so that you're informed about Office 365 performance. Here's the simple diagram for simple, as you've seen before:
![Basic network with client, proxy, and cloud, and tools suggestions PSPing, TraceTCP, and network traces.](../media/627bfb77-abf7-4ef1-bbe8-7f8cbe48e1d2.png)
The objective of these simple methods is to learn to take, understand, and prope
If you have multiple offices, you'll need to keep a set of data from a client in each of those locations as well. This test measures latency, which, in this case, is a number value that describes the amount of time between a client sending a request to Office 365, and Office 365 responding to the request. The testing originates inside your domain on a client computer, and looks to measure a round trip from inside your network, out through an egress point, across the Internet to Office 365, and back.
-There are a few ways to deal with the egress point, in this case, the proxy server. You can either trace from 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3, and then add the numbers in milliseconds to get a final total to the edge of your network. Or, you can configure the connection to bypass the proxy for Office 365 addresses. In a larger network with a firewall, reverse proxy, or some combination of the two, you may need to make exceptions on the proxy server that will allow traffic to pass for a lot of URLs. For the list of endpoints used by Office 365, see [Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges](https://support.office.com/article/8548a211-3fe7-47cb-abb1-355ea5aa88a2). If you have an authenticating proxy, begin by testing exceptions for the following:
+There are a few ways to deal with the egress point, in this case, the proxy server. You can either trace from 1 to 2 and then 2 to 3, and then add the numbers in milliseconds to get a final total to the edge of your network. Or, you can configure the connection to bypass the proxy for Office 365 addresses. In a larger network with a firewall, reverse proxy, or some combination of the two, you might need to make exceptions on the proxy server that will allow traffic to pass for a lot of URLs. For the list of endpoints used by Office 365, see [Office 365 URLs and IP address ranges](https://support.office.com/article/8548a211-3fe7-47cb-abb1-355ea5aa88a2). If you have an authenticating proxy, begin by testing exceptions for the following:
- Ports 80 and 443
There are a few ways to deal with the egress point, in this case, the proxy serv
All users need to be allowed to get to these addresses without any proxy interference or authentication. On a smaller network, you should add these to your proxy bypass list in your web browser.
-To add these to your proxy bypass list in Internet Explorer, go to **Tools** \> **Internet Options** \> **Connections** \> **LAN settings** \> **Advanced**. The advanced tab is also where you will find your proxy server and proxy server port. You may need to click the checkbox **Use a proxy server for your LAN**, to access the **Advanced** button. You'll want to make sure that **Bypass proxy server for local addresses** is checked. Once you click **Advanced**, you'll see a text box where you can enter exceptions. Separate the wildcard URLs listed above with semi-colons, for example:
+To add these to your proxy bypass list in Internet Explorer, go to **Tools** \> **Internet Options** \> **Connections** \> **LAN settings** \> **Advanced**. The advanced tab is also where you'll find your proxy server and proxy server port. You might need to select the checkbox **Use a proxy server for your LAN**, to access the **Advanced** button. You'll want to make sure that **Bypass proxy server for local addresses** is checked. Once you select **Advanced**, you'll see a text box where you can enter exceptions. Separate the wildcard URLs listed above with semi-colons, for example:
\*.microsoftonline.com; \*.sharepoint.com
Once you bypass your proxy, you should be able to use ping or PsPing directly on
The round-trip time, or RTT, is a number value that measures how long it takes to send an HTTP request to a server like outlook.office365.com and get a response back that acknowledges the server knows that you did it. You'll sometimes see this abbreviated as RTT. This should be a relatively short amount of time.
-You have to use [PSPing](/sysinternals/downloads/psping) or another tool that does not use ICMP packets that are blocked by Office 365 in order to do this test.
+You have to use [PSPing](/sysinternals/downloads/psping) or another tool that doesn't use ICMP packets that are blocked by Office 365 in order to do this test.
**How to use PsPing to get an overall round trip time in milliseconds directly from an Office 365 URL**
Be sure to include the port number of 443. Remember that Office 365 works on an
![Graphic that shows an illustration of client to proxy PSPing with a round trip time of 2.8 milliseconds.](../media/96901aea-1093-4f1b-b5a3-6078e9035e6c.png)
-If you're not familiar with proxy bypass, and prefer to take things step by step, you need to first find out the name of your proxy server. In Internet Explorer, go to **Tools** \> **Internet Options** \> **Connections** \> **LAN settings** \> **Advanced**. The **Advanced** tab is where you will see your proxy server listed. Ping that proxy server at a command prompt by completing this task:
+If you're not familiar with proxy bypass, and prefer to take things step by step, you need to first find out the name of your proxy server. In Internet Explorer, go to **Tools** \> **Internet Options** \> **Connections** \> **LAN settings** \> **Advanced**. The **Advanced** tab is where you'll see your proxy server listed. Ping that proxy server at a command prompt by completing this task:
**To ping the proxy server and get a round trip value in milliseconds for stage 1 to 2**
If you're not familiar with proxy bypass, and prefer to take things step by step
2. Type ping \<the name of the proxy server your browser uses, or the IP address of the proxy server\> and then press ENTER. If you have PsPing, or some other tool, installed, you can choose to use that tool instead.
- Your command may look like any of these examples:
+ Your command might look like any of these examples:
- ping ourproxy.ourdomain.industry.business.com
If you're not familiar with proxy bypass, and prefer to take things step by step
- psping ourproxy:80
-3. When the trace stops sending test packets, you'll get a small summary that lists an average, in milliseconds, and that's the value you are after. Take a screenshot of the prompt and save it using your naming convention. At this point it may also help to fill in the diagram with the value.
+3. When the trace stops sending test packets, you'll get a small summary that lists an average, in milliseconds, and that's the value you are after. Take a screenshot of the prompt and save it using your naming convention. At this point it might also help to fill in the diagram with the value.
-Maybe you've taken a trace in the early morning, and your client can get to the proxy (or whatever egress server exits to the Internet) quickly. In this case, your numbers may look like this:
+Maybe you've taken a trace in the early morning, and your client can get to the proxy (or whatever egress server exits to the Internet) quickly. In this case, your numbers might look like this:
![Graphic that shows the round trip time from a client to a proxy of 2.8 milliseconds.](../media/1bd03544-23fc-47d4-bbae-c1feb466a5d8.PNG)
For example, if you have 51.84 milliseconds from the client to the Office 365 UR
![Additional graphic that shows the ping in milliseconds from client to proxy beside client to Office 365 so the values can be subtracted.](../media/cd764e77-5154-44ba-a5cd-443a628eb2d9.PNG)
-In terms of troubleshooting, you may find something interesting just from keeping these baselines. For example, if you find that you generally have about 40 milliseconds to 59 milliseconds of latency from the proxy or egress point to the Office 365 URL, and have a client to proxy or egress point latency of about 3 milliseconds to 7 milliseconds (depending on the amount network traffic you're seeing during that time of day) then you will surely know something is problematic if your last three client to proxy or egress baselines show a latency of 45 milliseconds.
+In terms of troubleshooting, you might find something interesting just from keeping these baselines. For example, if you find that you generally have about 40 milliseconds to 59 milliseconds of latency from the proxy or egress point to the Office 365 URL, and have a client to proxy or egress point latency of about 3 milliseconds to 7 milliseconds (depending on the amount network traffic you're seeing during that time of day) then you'll surely know something is problematic if your last three client to proxy or egress baselines show a latency of 45 milliseconds.
### Advanced methods
-If you really want to know what is happening with your Internet requests to Office 365, you need to become familiar with network traces. It does not matter which tools you prefer for these traces, HTTPWatch, Netmon, Message Analyzer, Wireshark, Fiddler, Developer Dashboard tool or any other will do as long as that tool can capture and filter network traffic. You'll see in this section that it's beneficial to run more than one of these tools to get a more complete picture of the problem. When you're testing, some of these tools also act as proxies in their own right. Tools used in the companion article, [Performance troubleshooting plan for Office 365](performance-troubleshooting-plan.md), include [Netmon 3.4](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=4865), [HTTPWatch](https://www.httpwatch.com/download/), or [WireShark](https://www.wireshark.org/).
+If you really want to know what is happening with your Internet requests to Office 365, you need to become familiar with network traces. It doesn't matter which tools you prefer for these traces, HTTPWatch, Netmon, Message Analyzer, Wireshark, Fiddler, Developer Dashboard tool or any other will do as long as that tool can capture and filter network traffic. You'll see in this section that it's beneficial to run more than one of these tools to get a more complete picture of the problem. When you're testing, some of these tools also act as proxies in their own right. Tools used in the companion article, [Performance troubleshooting plan for Office 365](performance-troubleshooting-plan.md), include [Netmon 3.4](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=4865), [HTTPWatch](https://www.httpwatch.com/download/), or [WireShark](https://www.wireshark.org/).
-Taking a performance baseline is the simple part of this method, and many of the steps are the same as when you troubleshoot a performance issue. The more advanced methods of creating baselines for performance require you to take and store network traces. Most of the examples in this article use SharePoint Online, but you should develop a list of common actions across the Office 365 services to which you subscribe to test and record. Here is a baseline example:
+Taking a performance baseline is the simple part of this method, and many of the steps are the same as when you troubleshoot a performance issue. The more advanced methods of creating baselines for performance require you to take and store network traces. Most of the examples in this article use SharePoint, but you should develop a list of common actions across the Office 365 services to which you subscribe to test and record. Here's a baseline example:
- Baseline list for SPO - ** Step 1: ** Browse the home page of the SPO website and do a network trace. Save the trace. - Baseline list for SPO - **Step 2:** Search for a term (such as your company name) via Enterprise Search and do a network trace. Save the trace. -- Baseline list for SPO - **Step 3:** Upload a large file to a SharePoint Online document library and do a network trace. Save the trace.
+- Baseline list for SPO - **Step 3:** Upload a large file to a SharePoint document library and do a network trace. Save the trace.
- Baseline list for SPO - **Step 4:** Browse the home page of the OneDrive website and do a network trace. Save the trace.
-This list should include the most important common actions that users take against SharePoint Online. Notice that the last step, to trace going to OneDrive for Business, builds-in a comparison between the load of the SharePoint Online home page (which is often customized by companies) and OneDrive for Business home page, which is seldom customized. This is a basic test when it comes to a slow-loading SharePoint Online site. You can build a record of this difference into your testing.
+This list should include the most important common actions that users take against SharePoint. Notice that the last step, to trace going to OneDrive, builds-in a comparison between the load of the SharePoint home page (which is often customized by companies) and OneDrive home page, which is seldom customized. This is a basic test when it comes to a slow-loading SharePoint site. You can build a record of this difference into your testing.
If you are in the middle of a performance problem, many of the steps are the same as when taking a baseline. Network traces become critical, so we'll handle *how* to take the important traces next.
-To tackle a performance problem, *right now*, you need to be taking a trace at the time you are experiencing the performance issue. You need to have the proper tools available to gather logs, and you need an action plan, that is, a list of troubleshooting actions to take to gather the best information that you can. The first thing to do is record the date and time of the test so that the files can be saved in a folder that reflect the timing. Next, narrow down to the problem steps themselves. These are the exact steps you will use for testing. Don't forget the basics: if the issue is only with Outlook, make sure to record that the problem behavior happens in only one Office 365 service. Narrowing down the scope of this issue will help you to focus on something you can resolve.
+To tackle a performance problem, *right now*, you need to be taking a trace at the time you're experiencing the performance issue. You need to have the proper tools available to gather logs, and you need an action plan, that is, a list of troubleshooting actions to take to gather the best information that you can. The first thing to do is record the date and time of the test so that the files can be saved in a folder that reflect the timing. Next, narrow down to the problem steps themselves. These are the exact steps you'll use for testing. Don't forget the basics: if the issue is only with Outlook, make sure to record that the problem behavior happens in only one Office 365 service. Narrowing down the scope of this issue will help you to focus on something you can resolve.
## See also
enterprise Plan For Multi Geo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/plan-for-multi-geo.md
audience: ITPro + f1.keywords: - NOCSH
enterprise Plan For Network Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/plan-for-network-devices.md
Last updated 12/29/2016
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Plan For Third Party Ssl Certificates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/plan-for-third-party-ssl-certificates.md
audience: ITPro
Last updated 03/21/2024 + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Plan Multi Tenant Org Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/plan-multi-tenant-org-overview.md
Last updated 08/17/2023
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Prepare A Non Routable Domain For Directory Synchronization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/prepare-a-non-routable-domain-for-directory-synchronization.md
Last updated 12/5/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
description: "Learn what to do if you have a nonroutable domain associated with
# Prepare a nonroutable domain for directory synchronization
-When you synchronize your on-premises directory with Microsoft 365, you have to have a verified domain in Microsoft Entra ID. Only the User Principal Names (UPNs) that are associated with the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain are synchronized. However, any UPN that contains a nonroutable domain, such as ".local" (example: billa@contoso.local), is synchronized to an .onmicrosoft.com domain (example: billa@contoso.onmicrosoft.com).
+When you synchronize your on-premises directory with Microsoft 365, you have to have a verified domain in Microsoft Entra ID. Only the User Principal Names (UPNs) that are associated with the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain are synchronized. However, any UPN that contains a nonroutable domain, such as `.local` (example: billa@contoso.local), is synchronized to an `.onmicrosoft.com` domain (example: billa@contoso.onmicrosoft.com).
-If you currently use a ".local" domain for your user accounts in AD DS, we recommend that you change them to use a verified domain. For example, billa@contoso.com, in order to properly synchronize with your Microsoft 365 domain.
+If you currently use a `.local` domain for your user accounts in AD DS, we recommend that you change them to use a verified domain. For example, billa@contoso.com, in order to properly synchronize with your Microsoft 365 domain.
-## What if I only have a ".local" on-premises domain?
+## What if I only have a `.local` on-premises domain?
You use Microsoft Entra Connect for synchronizing your AD DS to the Microsoft Entra tenant of your Microsoft 365 tenant. For more information, see [Integrating your on-premises identities with Microsoft Entra ID](/azure/architecture/reference-architectures/identity/azure-ad).
-Microsoft Entra Connect synchronizes your users' UPN and password so that users can sign in with the same credentials they use on-premises. However, Microsoft Entra Connect only synchronizes users to domains that are verified by Microsoft 365. Microsoft Entra ID verifies the domain, as it manages Microsoft 365 identities. In other words, the domain has to be a valid Internet domain (such as, .com, .org, .NET, .us). If your internal AD DS only uses a nonroutable domain (for example, ".local"), this can't possibly match the verified domain you have for your Microsoft 365 tenant. You can fix this issue by either changing your primary domain in your on-premises AD DS, or by adding one or more UPN suffixes.
+Microsoft Entra Connect synchronizes your users' UPN and password so that users can sign in with the same credentials they use on-premises. However, Microsoft Entra Connect only synchronizes users to domains that are verified by Microsoft 365. Microsoft Entra ID verifies the domain, as it manages Microsoft 365 identities. In other words, the domain has to be a valid Internet domain (such as, .com, .org, .NET, .us). If your internal AD DS only uses a nonroutable domain (for example, `.local`), this can't possibly match the verified domain you have for your Microsoft 365 tenant. You can fix this issue by either changing your primary domain in your on-premises AD DS, or by adding one or more UPN suffixes.
### Change your primary domain
-Change your primary domain to a domain you've verified in Microsoft 365, for example, contoso.com. Every user that has the domain contoso.local is then updated to contoso.com. This is an involved process, however, and an easier solution is described in the following section.
+Change your primary domain to a domain you've verified in Microsoft 365, for example, contoso.com. Every user that has the domain `contoso.local` is then updated to contoso.com. This is an involved process, however, and an easier solution is described in the following section.
### Add UPN suffixes and update your users to them
-You can solve the ".local" problem by registering new UPN suffix or suffixes in AD DS to match the domain (or domains) you verified in Microsoft 365. After you register the new suffix, you update the user UPNs to replace the ".local" with the new domain name, for example, so that a user account looks like billa@contoso.com.
+You can solve the `.local` problem by registering new UPN suffix or suffixes in AD DS to match the domain (or domains) you verified in Microsoft 365. After you register the new suffix, you update the user UPNs to replace the `.local` with the new domain name, for example, so that a user account looks like billa@contoso.com.
After you update the UPNs to use the verified domain, you're ready to synchronize your on-premises AD DS with Microsoft 365.
enterprise Prepare For Directory Synchronization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/prepare-for-directory-synchronization.md
Last updated 12/28/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
enterprise Protect Your Global Administrator Accounts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/protect-your-global-administrator-accounts.md
Last updated 12/28/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Remove Licenses From User Accounts With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/remove-licenses-from-user-accounts-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
Last updated 01/17/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Remove Or Disable Hybrid Modern Authentication From Skype For Business And Excha https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/remove-or-disable-hybrid-modern-authentication-from-skype-for-business-and-excha.md
Last updated 11/3/2017
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Restrict Content To Geo Location https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/restrict-content-to-geo-location.md
audience: ITPro + f1.keywords: - NOCSH
enterprise Retrieve Customer Tenant Reporting Data With Windows Powershell For Delegated Ac https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/retrieve-customer-tenant-reporting-data-with-windows-powershell-for-delegated-ac.md
Last updated 08/10/2020
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
Use remote Windows PowerShell for Microsoft Exchange Online to retrieve reports
Syndication and Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) partners can access the data that makes up customer tenant reports directly via remote Windows PowerShell for Exchange Online PowerShell. This method lets partners collect and save the reporting data and then perform other operations on it. After you open a remote connection, retrieving reporting data about a customer tenancy is identical to running any cmdlet against a customer tenancy.
-This article describes how you can use remote Windows PowerShell for Exchange Online to connect to a single customer tenancy and retrieve a report. By default, Windows PowerShell does not support aggregating reporting data from multiple customer tenancies. The reports you retrieve with this procedure are only for the _DelegatedOrg_ that you connect to.
+This article describes how you can use remote Windows PowerShell for Exchange Online to connect to a single customer tenancy and retrieve a report. By default, Windows PowerShell doesn't support aggregating reporting data from multiple customer tenancies. The reports you retrieve with this procedure are only for the _DelegatedOrg_ that you connect to.
## Before you begin
After you have opened a remote session to Exchange Online, run the following com
Get-StaleMailboxReport -StartDate 03/25/2015 -EndDate 03/31/2015 ```
-There are many other reporting cmdlets available for Exchange Online, Lync Online, SharePoint Online, and other services for message tracing that you can use. To learn more about the available reporting cmdlets, see the articles listed in the following section.
+There are many other reporting cmdlets available for Exchange Online, Lync Online, SharePoint, and other services for message tracing that you can use. To learn more about the available reporting cmdlets, see the articles listed in the following section.
## See also
enterprise Session Timeouts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/session-timeouts.md
Last updated 6/29/2018
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
Session lifetimes are an important part of authentication for Microsoft 365 and
## Session times for Microsoft 365 services
-When users authenticate in any of the Microsoft 365 web apps or mobile apps, a session is established. For the duration of the session, users won't need to re-authenticate. Sessions can expire when users are inactive, when they close the browser or tab, or when their authentication token expires for other reasons such as when their password has been reset. The Microsoft 365 services have different session timeouts to correspond with the typical use of each service.
+When users authenticate in any of the Microsoft 365 web apps or mobile apps, a session is established. For the duration of the session, users won't need to reauthenticate. Sessions can expire when users are inactive, when they close the browser or tab, or when their authentication token expires for other reasons such as when their password has been reset. The Microsoft 365 services have different session timeouts to correspond with the typical use of each service.
The following table lists the session lifetimes for Microsoft 365 | Microsoft 365 service | Session timeout | |:--|:--|
-|Microsoft 365 admin center <br/> |You are asked to provide credentials for the admin center every 8 hours. <br/> |
-|SharePoint Online <br/> |5 days of inactivity as long as the users chooses **Keep me signed in**. If the user accesses SharePoint Online again after 24 or more hours have passed from the previous sign-in, the timeout value is reset to 5 days. <br/> |
-|Outlook Web App <br/> |6 hours. <br/> You can change this value by using the _ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutInterval_ parameter in the [Set-OrganizationConfig](/powershell/module/exchange/set-organizationconfig) cmdlet. <br/> |
+|Microsoft 365 admin center <br/> |You're asked to provide credentials for the admin center every 8 hours. <br/> |
+|SharePoint <br/> |5 days of inactivity as long as the users chooses **Keep me signed in**. If the user accesses SharePoint again after 24 or more hours have passed from the previous sign-in, the timeout value is reset to five days. <br/> |
+|Outlook Web App <br/> |Six hours. <br/> You can change this value by using the _ActivityBasedAuthenticationTimeoutInterval_ parameter in the [Set-OrganizationConfig](/powershell/module/exchange/set-organizationconfig) cmdlet. <br/> |
|Microsoft Entra ID <br/> (Used by Office and Microsoft 365 applications in Windows clients with modern authentication enabled) <br/> | Modern authentication uses access tokens and refresh tokens to grant user access to Microsoft 365 resources using Microsoft Entra ID. An access token is a JSON Web Token provided after a successful authentication and is valid for 1 hour. A refresh token with a longer lifetime is also provided. When access tokens expire, Office clients use a valid refresh token to obtain a new access token. This exchange succeeds if the user's initial authentication is still valid. <br/> Refresh tokens are valid for 90 days, and with continuous use, they can be valid until revoked. <br/> Refresh tokens can be invalidated by several events such as: <br/> User's password has changed since the refresh token was issued. <br/> An administrator can apply conditional access policies that restrict access to the resource the user is trying to access. <br/> | |SharePoint and OneDrive mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows 10 <br/> |The default lifetime for the access token is 1 hour. The default max inactive time of the refresh token is 90 days. <br/> [Learn more about tokens and how to configure token lifetimes](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-configurable-token-lifetimes) <br/> To revoke the refresh token, you can reset the user's Microsoft 365 password <br/> |
-|Viva Engage with Microsoft 365 Sign-In <br/> |Lifetime of the browser. If users close the browser and access Viva Engage in a new browser, Viva Engage will re-authenticate them with Microsoft 365. If users use third-party browsers that cache cookies, they may not need to re-authenticate when they reopen the browser. <br/> > [!NOTE]> This is valid only for networks using Microsoft 365 Sign-In for Viva Engage. |
+|Viva Engage with Microsoft 365 Sign-In <br/> |Lifetime of the browser. If users close the browser and access Viva Engage in a new browser, Viva Engage will reauthenticate them with Microsoft 365. If users use third-party browsers that cache cookies, they may not need to reauthenticate when they reopen the browser. <br/> > [!NOTE]> This is valid only for networks using Microsoft 365 Sign-In for Viva Engage. |
enterprise Set Up Directory Synchronization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/set-up-directory-synchronization.md
Last updated 12/18/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
enterprise Set Up Multi Tenant Org https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/set-up-multi-tenant-org.md
Last updated 08/17/2023
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Set Up Network For Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/set-up-network-for-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 08/10/2020
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Setup Guides For Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/setup-guides-for-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 12/19/2023
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Setup Overview For Enterprises https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/setup-overview-for-enterprises.md
Last updated 11/19/2019
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
- Ent_O365 - Strat_O365_Enterprise - M365-subscription-management
+- essentials-overview
f1.keywords: - CSH
enterprise Sharepoint Multi Geo Storage Quota https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/sharepoint-multi-geo-storage-quota.md
audience: ITPro + f1.keywords: - NOCSH
- Strat_SP_gtc - SPO_Content ms.localizationpriority: medium
-description: Learn about SharePoint storage quotas in multi-geo environments and how quotas can be managed by the SharePoint Online admin.
+description: Learn about SharePoint storage quotas in multi-geo environments and how quotas can be managed by the SharePoint admin.
# SharePoint storage quotas in multi-geo environments By default, all geo locations of a multi-geo environment share the available tenant storage quota.
-With the SharePoint geo storage quota setting, you can manage the storage quota for each geo location. When you allocate a storage quota for a geo location, it becomes the maximum amount of storage available for that geo location, and is deducted from the available tenant storage quota. The remaining available tenant storage quota is then shared across the configured geo locations for which a specific storage quota has not been allocated.
+With the SharePoint geo storage quota setting, you can manage the storage quota for each geo location. When you allocate a storage quota for a geo location, it becomes the maximum amount of storage available for that geo location, and is deducted from the available tenant storage quota. The remaining available tenant storage quota is then shared across the configured geo locations for which a specific storage quota hasn't been allocated.
-The SharePoint storage quota for any geo location can be allocated by the SharePoint Online administrator by connecting to the central location. Geo administrators for satellite locations can view the storage quota but cannot allocate it.
+The SharePoint storage quota for any geo location is allocated by the SharePoint administrator by connecting to the central location. Geo administrators for satellite locations can view the storage quota but can't allocate it.
## Configure a storage quota for a geo location
-Use the [Microsoft SharePoint Online Module](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=35588) and connect to the central location to allocate the storage quota for a geo location.
+Use the [Microsoft SharePoint Module](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=35588) and connect to the central location to allocate the storage quota for a geo location.
To allocate Storage Quota for a location, run cmdlet:
enterprise Sharepoint Server 2013 Disaster Recovery In Microsoft Azure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/sharepoint-server-2013-disaster-recovery-in-microsoft-azure.md
Last updated 04/17/2018
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Subscriptions Licenses Accounts And Tenants For Microsoft Cloud Offerings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/subscriptions-licenses-accounts-and-tenants-for-microsoft-cloud-offerings.md
Last updated 08/23/2023
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: high search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Sync Users Multi Tenant Orgs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/sync-users-multi-tenant-orgs.md
Last updated 02/02/2024
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Tenant Roadmap Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/tenant-roadmap-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 02/12/2024
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Tune Exchange Online Performance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/tune-exchange-online-performance.md
Last updated 12/14/2017
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
To improve the speed of migration and reduce your organization's bandwidth const
- **Reduce mailbox sizes.** Smaller mailbox size improves migration speed. -- **Use the mailbox move capabilities with an Exchange hybrid deployment.** With an Exchange hybrid deployment, offline mail (in the form of .OST files) does not require re-download when migrating to Exchange Online. This significantly reduces your download bandwidth requirements.
+- **Use the mailbox move capabilities with an Exchange hybrid deployment.** With an Exchange hybrid deployment, offline mail (in the form of .OST files) doesn't require redownload when migrating to Exchange Online. This significantly reduces your download bandwidth requirements.
-- **Schedule mailbox moves to occur during periods of low Internet traffic and low on-premises Exchange use.** When scheduling moves, migration requests are submitted to the mailbox replication proxy and may not take place immediately.
+- **Schedule mailbox moves to occur during periods of low Internet traffic and low on-premises Exchange use.** When scheduling moves, migration requests are submitted to the mailbox replication proxy and might not take place immediately.
- **Use lean popouts for Outlook on the web.** Lean popouts provide smaller, less memory-intensive versions of certain email messages in Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer by rendering some components on the server. For more information, see [Use lean popouts to reduce memory used when reading mail messages](https://support.office.com/article/a6d6ba01-2562-4c3d-a8f1-78748dd506cf).
enterprise Tune Microsoft 365 Performance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/tune-microsoft-365-performance.md
Last updated 04/09/2019
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Tune Sharepoint Online Performance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/tune-sharepoint-online-performance.md
Title: "Tune SharePoint Online performance"
+ Title: "Tune SharePoint in Microsoft 365 performance"
Last updated 10/2/2019
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
- CSH ms.assetid: f0522d4a-fbf4-41f9-854e-c9b59555091d
-description: "Contains links to other articles that tell you how to improve performance of page download times for SharePoint Online."
+description: "Contains links to other articles that tell you how to improve performance of page download times for SharePoint in Microsoft 365."
-# Tune SharePoint Online performance
+# Tune SharePoint in Microsoft 365 performance
-This article contains links to other articles that tell you how to improve performance of page download times for SharePoint Online. This article is part of the [Network planning and performance tuning for Office 365](./network-planning-and-performance.md) project.
+This article contains links to other articles that tell you how to improve performance of page download times for SharePoint in Microsoft 365. This article is part of the [Network planning and performance tuning for Office 365](./network-planning-and-performance.md) project.
-## Articles about fine tuning SharePoint Online performance
+## Articles about fine tuning SharePoint in Microsoft 365 performance
-Use these articles to fine tune SharePoint Online performance.
+Use these articles to fine tune SharePoint in Microsoft 365 performance.
-- [Introduction to performance tuning for SharePoint Online](introduction-to-performance-tuning-for-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Introduction to performance tuning for SharePoint](introduction-to-performance-tuning-for-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Use the Page Diagnostics tool for SharePoint Online](page-diagnostics-for-spo.md)
+- [Use the Page Diagnostics tool for SharePoint](page-diagnostics-for-spo.md)
-- [Navigation options for SharePoint Online](navigation-options-for-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Navigation options for SharePoint](navigation-options-for-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Performance guidance for SharePoint Online portals](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/portal-performance)
+- [Performance guidance for SharePoint portals](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/portal-performance)
-- [Image optimization for SharePoint Online](image-optimization-for-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Image optimization for SharePoint](image-optimization-for-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Delay loading images and JavaScript in SharePoint Online](delay-loading-images-and-javascript-in-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Delay loading images and JavaScript in SharePoint](delay-loading-images-and-javascript-in-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Minification and bundling in SharePoint Online](minification-and-bundling-in-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Minification and bundling in SharePoint](minification-and-bundling-in-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Use the Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SharePoint Online](use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo.md)
+- [Use the Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SharePoint](use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo.md)
-- [Using Content Search Web Part instead of Content Query Web Part to improve performance in SharePoint Online](using-content-search-web-part-instead-of-content-query-web-part-to-improve-perfo.md)
+- [Using Content Search Web Part instead of Content Query Web Part to improve performance in SharePoint](using-content-search-web-part-instead-of-content-query-web-part-to-improve-perfo.md)
-- [Capacity planning and load testing SharePoint Online](capacity-planning-and-load-testing-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Capacity planning and load testing SharePoint](capacity-planning-and-load-testing-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Diagnosing performance issues with SharePoint Online](diagnosing-performance-issues-with-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Diagnosing performance issues with SharePoint](diagnosing-performance-issues-with-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Using the object cache with SharePoint Online](using-the-object-cache-with-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Using the object cache with SharePoint](using-the-object-cache-with-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [How to: Avoid getting throttled or blocked in SharePoint Online](/sharepoint/dev/general-development/how-to-avoid-getting-throttled-or-blocked-in-sharepoint-online)
+- [How to: Avoid getting throttled or blocked in SharePoint](/sharepoint/dev/general-development/how-to-avoid-getting-throttled-or-blocked-in-sharepoint-online)
-- [Optimize iFrames in SharePoint Online modern portal pages](modern-iframe-optimization.md)
+- [Optimize iFrames in SharePoint modern portal pages](modern-iframe-optimization.md)
-- [Optimize web part performance in SharePoint Online modern portal pages](modern-web-part-optimization.md)
+- [Optimize web part performance in SharePoint modern portal pages](modern-web-part-optimization.md)
-- [Optimize page calls in SharePoint Online modern portal pages](modern-page-call-optimization.md)
+- [Optimize page calls in SharePoint modern portal pages](modern-page-call-optimization.md)
-- [Optimize page weight in SharePoint Online modern portal pages](modern-page-weight-optimization.md)
+- [Optimize page weight in SharePoint modern portal pages](modern-page-weight-optimization.md)
-- [Optimize images in SharePoint Online modern portal pages](modern-image-optimization.md)
+- [Optimize images in SharePoint modern portal pages](modern-image-optimization.md)
enterprise Turn Off Directory Synchronization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/turn-off-directory-synchronization.md
Last updated 12/28/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
enterprise Urls And Ip Address Ranges 21Vianet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges-21vianet.md
Last updated 03/29/2024
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Urls And Ip Address Ranges https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges.md
Last updated 04/23/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: high - scotvorg
enterprise Use Microsoft 365 Cdn With Spo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo.md
Last updated 1/25/2024
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
enterprise Use Powershell For Email Migration To Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-powershell-for-email-migration-to-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 07/17/2020
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Use Powershell To Perform A Cutover Migration To Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-powershell-to-perform-a-cutover-migration-to-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 08/10/2020
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Use Powershell To Perform A Staged Migration To Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-powershell-to-perform-a-staged-migration-to-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 06/07/2022
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Use Powershell To Perform An Imap Migration To Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-powershell-to-perform-an-imap-migration-to-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 04/12/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Use The Centralized Deployment Powershell Cmdlets To Manage Add Ins https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-the-centralized-deployment-powershell-cmdlets-to-manage-add-ins.md
Last updated 04/04/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise Use Windows Powershell To Create Reports In Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/use-windows-powershell-to-create-reports-in-microsoft-365.md
Last updated 07/17/2020
audience: ITPro + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
These articles describe how to use PowerShell for Microsoft 365 to get informati
- [View Microsoft 365 user accounts with PowerShell](view-user-accounts-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md) -- Reports for SharePoint Online:
+- Reports for SharePoint:
- - [Get started with SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online)
+ - [Get started with SharePoint Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online)
- [Get-SPOSiteGroup - Gets all the groups on a specified site collection](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/get-spositegroup)
enterprise Using Content Search Web Part Instead Of Content Query Web Part To Improve Perfo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/using-content-search-web-part-instead-of-content-query-web-part-to-improve-perfo.md
Title: "Using Content Search Web Part instead of Content Query Web Part to improve performance in SharePoint Online"
+ Title: "Using Content Search Web Part instead of Content Query Web Part to improve performance in SharePoint in Microsoft 365"
Last updated 4/20/2015
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
- MET150 - SPO160 ms.assetid: e8ce6b72-745b-464a-85c7-cbf6eb53391b
-description: Learn how to increase performance by replacing the Content Query Web Part with the Content Search Web Part in SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Online.
+description: Learn how to increase performance by replacing the Content Query Web Part with the Content Search Web Part in SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint in Microsoft 365.
-# Using Content Search Web Part instead of Content Query Web Part to improve performance in SharePoint Online
+# Using Content Search Web Part instead of Content Query Web Part to improve performance in SharePoint in Microsoft 365
-This article describes how to increase performance by replacing the Content Query Web Part with the Content Search Web Part in SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Online.
+This article describes how to increase performance by replacing the Content Query Web Part with the Content Search Web Part in SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint in Microsoft 365.
-One of the most powerful new features of SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint Online is the Content Search Web Part (CSWP). This Web Part uses the search index to quickly retrieve results, which are shown to the user. Use the Content Search Web Part instead of the Content Query Web Part (CQWP) in your pages to improve performance for your users.
+One of the most powerful new features of SharePoint Server 2013 and SharePoint in Microsoft 365 is the Content Search Web Part (CSWP). This Web Part uses the search index to quickly retrieve results, which are shown to the user. Use the Content Search Web Part instead of the Content Query Web Part (CQWP) in your pages to improve performance for your users.
-Using a Content Search Web Part over a Content Query Web Part will almost always result in better page load performance on SharePoint Online. There's a little additional configuration to get the right query, but the rewards are improved performance and happier users.
+Using a Content Search Web Part over a Content Query Web Part will almost always result in better page load performance on SharePoint. There's a little additional configuration to get the right query, but the rewards are improved performance and happier users.
## Comparing the performance gain you get from using Content Search Web Part instead of Content Query Web Part
In Internet Explorer, use the **Network** tab of the F12 developer tools to look
![Screen shot showing Request Duration of 106.](../media/b46387ac-660d-4e5e-a11c-cc430e912962.png)
-## Adding a Content Search Web Part in SharePoint Online
+## Adding a Content Search Web Part in SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Adding a Content Search Web Part is similar to a regular Content Query Web Part. See the section *"Add a Content Search Web Part"* in [Configure a Content Search Web Part in SharePoint](https://support.office.com/article/Configure-a-Content-Search-Web-Part-in-SharePoint-0dc16de1-dbe4-462b-babb-bf8338c36c9a).
enterprise Using The Object Cache With Sharepoint Online https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/using-the-object-cache-with-sharepoint-online.md
Title: "Using the object cache with SharePoint Online"
+ Title: "Using the object cache with SharePoint in Microsoft 365"
Last updated 4/20/2015
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium - scotvorg
- SPO160 - MET150 ms.assetid: 38bc9c14-3826-449c-beb6-b1003bcbeaaf
-description: "This article explains the difference between using the object cache in SharePoint Server 2013 on-premises and SharePoint Online."
+description: "This article explains the difference between using the object cache in SharePoint Server 2013 on-premises and SharePoint in Microsoft 365."
-# Using the object cache with SharePoint Online
+# Using the object cache with SharePoint
-This article explains the difference between using the object cache in SharePoint Server 2013 on-premises and SharePoint Online.
+This article explains the difference between using the object cache in SharePoint Server 2013 on-premises and SharePoint in Microsoft 365.
-There is significant negative impact of relying on the object cache in SharePoint Online deployment. Any dependency on object cache in SharePoint Online will reduce the reliability of your page.
+There is significant negative impact of relying on the object cache in SharePoint deployment. Any dependency on object cache in SharePoint will reduce the reliability of your page.
-## How the SharePoint Online and SharePoint Server 2013 object cache works
+## How the SharePoint in Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Server 2013 object cache works
When SharePoint Server 2013 is hosted on-premises, the customer has private front-end web servers that host the object cache. This means the cache is dedicated to one customer and is only limited by how much memory is available and allocated to the object cache. Because only one customer is served in the on-premises scenario, the front-end web servers typically have users making requests to the same sites over and over. This means that the cache gets full quickly and remains full of the list query results and SharePoint objects that your users are requesting regularly.
When SharePoint Server 2013 is hosted on-premises, the customer has private fron
As a result, the second time a user visits a page, the page load time improves. After a minimum of four loads of the same page, the page is cached on all of the front-end web servers.
-In contrast, in SharePoint Online there are many more servers but also many more sites. Each user may connect to a different front-end web server that doesn't have the cache populated. Or, perhaps the cache does get populated for a server, but the next user to that front-end web server requests a page from a different site. Or, even if the next user requests the same page as on their previous visit, they are load-balanced to a different front-end web server that doesn't have that page in its cache. In this last case, caching doesn't help the users at all.
+In contrast, in SharePoint in Microsoft 365, there are many more servers but also many more sites. Each user may connect to a different front-end web server that doesn't have the cache populated. Or, perhaps the cache does get populated for a server, but the next user to that front-end web server requests a page from a different site. Or, even if the next user requests the same page as on their previous visit, they are load-balanced to a different front-end web server that doesn't have that page in its cache. In this last case, caching doesn't help the users at all.
In the following figure, each dot represents a page that a user is requesting and where it cached. Different colors represent different customers making shared use of the SaaS infrastructure.
-![Shows the results of object caching in SharePoint Online.](../media/25d04011-ef83-4cb7-9e04-a6ed490f63c3.png)
+![Shows the results of object caching in SharePoint.](../media/25d04011-ef83-4cb7-9e04-a6ed490f63c3.png)
As you can see from the diagram, the chances of any given user hitting a server with the cached version of their page are slim. Also, due to the large throughput and fact that the servers are shared between many sites, the cache doesn't last long since there is only so much space for caching available.
-For all of these reasons, relying on users getting cached objects is not an effective way to ensure a quality user experience and page load times in SharePoint Online.
+For all of these reasons, relying on users getting cached objects is not an effective way to ensure a quality user experience and page load times in SharePoint.
-## If we can't rely on the object cache to improve performance in SharePoint Online, what do we use instead?
+## If we can't rely on the object cache to improve performance in SharePoint, what do we use instead?
-Since you shouldn't rely on caching in SharePoint Online, you should evaluate alternative design approaches for SharePoint customizations that use the object cache. This means using approaches for performance issues, which do not rely on the object caching in order to produce good results for users. This is described in some of the other articles in this series and includes:
+Since you shouldn't rely on caching in SharePoint, you should evaluate alternative design approaches for SharePoint customizations that use the object cache. This means using approaches for performance issues, which do not rely on the object caching in order to produce good results for users. This is described in some of the other articles in this series and includes:
-- [Navigation options for SharePoint Online](navigation-options-for-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Navigation options for SharePoint](navigation-options-for-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Minification and bundling in SharePoint Online](minification-and-bundling-in-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Minification and bundling in SharePoint](minification-and-bundling-in-sharepoint-online.md)
-- [Use the Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SharePoint Online](use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo.md)
+- [Use the Office 365 Content Delivery Network (CDN) with SharePoint](use-microsoft-365-cdn-with-spo.md)
-- [Delay loading images and JavaScript in SharePoint Online](delay-loading-images-and-javascript-in-sharepoint-online.md)
+- [Delay loading images and JavaScript in SharePoint](delay-loading-images-and-javascript-in-sharepoint-online.md)
enterprise View Account License And Service Details With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/view-account-license-and-service-details-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
Last updated 01/24/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise View Directory Synchronization Status https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/view-directory-synchronization-status.md
Last updated 12/18/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium f1.keywords: - CSH
enterprise View Licensed And Unlicensed Users With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/view-licensed-and-unlicensed-users-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
Last updated 02/01/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise View Licenses And Services With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/view-licenses-and-services-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
Last updated 02/01/2024
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: medium search.appverid: - MET150
enterprise View Service Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/view-service-health.md
Last updated 07/19/2023
audience: Admin + ms.localizationpriority: high f1.keywords: - CSH
- BCS160 - IWA160 ms.assetid: 932ad3ad-533c-418a-b938-6e44e8bc33b0
-description: View the health status of Microsoft 365 services before you call support to see if there is an active service interruption.
+description: View the health status of Microsoft 365 services before you call support to see if there's an active service interruption.
# How to check Microsoft 365 service health [![Label to let you know the admin center is changing and you can find more details at aka.ms/aboutM365preview.](../media/O365-Admin-AdminCenterChanging.png)](/office365/admin/microsoft-365-admin-center-preview?preserve-view=true&view=o365-worldwide)
-You can view the health of your Microsoft services, including Office on the web, Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 on the **Service health** page in the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339). If you are experiencing problems with a cloud service, you can check the service health to determine whether this is a known issue with a resolution in progress before you call support or spend time troubleshooting.
+You can view the health of your Microsoft services, including Office on the web, Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Microsoft Dynamics 365 on the **Service health** page in the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339). If you're experiencing problems with a cloud service, you can check the service health to determine whether this is a known issue with a resolution in progress before you call support or spend time troubleshooting.
-If you are unable to sign in to the admin center, you can use the [service status page](https://status.cloud.microsoft) to check for known issues preventing you from logging into your tenant. Also, sign up to follow us at [@MSFT365status](https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status) on **X** (Twitter) to see information on certain events.
+If you're unable to sign in to the admin center, you can use the [service status page](https://status.cloud.microsoft) to check for known issues preventing you from logging into your tenant. Also, sign up to follow us at [@MSFT365status](https://twitter.com/MSFT365Status) on **X** (Twitter) to see information on certain events.
## How to check service health
If you are unable to sign in to the admin center, you can use the [service statu
> [!NOTE] > People who are assigned the global admin role can view service health, as well as people assigned to other admin roles such as Service Support admin and Helpdesk admin. For more information about roles that can view service health, see [About admin roles](../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md?preserve-view=true&view=o365-worldwide#commonly-used-microsoft-365-admin-center-roles).
-2. To view service health, in the left-hand navigation of the admin center, go to **Health** > **Service health**, or select the **Service health** card on the **Home dashboard**. The dashboard card indicates whether there is an active service issue and links to the detailed **Service health** page.
+2. To view service health, in the left-hand navigation of the admin center, go to **Health** > **Service health**, or select the **Service health** card on the **Home dashboard**. The dashboard card indicates whether there's an active service issue and links to the detailed **Service health** page.
3. On the **Service health** page, the health state of each cloud service is shown in a table format.
If you are unable to sign in to the admin center, you can use the [service statu
The **Overview** tab (the default view) shows all services, their current health state, and any active incidents or advisories. An icon and status in the **Health** column indicate the state of each service.
-The **Issues for your organization to act on** section lists any issues detected in your environment that require your action. If there are no issues in your environment that need action, this section will not be visible.
+The **Issues for your organization to act on** section lists any issues detected in your environment that require your action. If there are no issues in your environment that need action, this section won't be visible.
The **Active issues Microsoft is working on** section lists active incidents and advisories that Microsoft is working to resolve.
-The **Issue history** tab shows all incidents and advisories that have been resolved within the last seven or 30 days.
+The **Issue history** tab shows all incidents and advisories that have been resolved within the last 7 or 30 days.
If you're experiencing an issue with a Microsoft 365 service and you don't see it listed on the Service health page, tell us about it by selecting **Report an issue**, and completing the short form. We'll look at related data and reports from other organizations to see how widespread the issue is, and if it originated with our service. If it did, we'll add it as a new incident or advisory on the **Service health** page, where you can track its resolution. The **Reported issues** tab will show all issues your tenant has reported from this form and the status.
Most of the time, services will appear as healthy with no further information. W
| Icon | Description | |:--|:--|
-|![Information icon for advisory.](../media/a7f5fd21-c760-4948-9bc1-50f7c8070e28.png)|If a service has an advisory shown, we are aware of a problem that is affecting some users, but the service is still available. In an advisory, there is often a workaround to the problem and the problem may be intermittent or is limited in scope and user impact. |
-|![Exclamation point icon for incident.](../media/a636db57-6083-44dc-bbd5-556850804f17.png)|If a service has an active incident shown, it's a critical issue and the service or a major function of the service is unavailable. For example, users may be unable to send and receive email or unable to sign-in. Incidents will have noticeable impact to users. When there is an incident in progress, we will provide updates regarding the investigation, mitigation efforts, and confirmation of resolution in the Service health dashboard. |
+|![Information icon for advisory.](../media/a7f5fd21-c760-4948-9bc1-50f7c8070e28.png)|If a service has an advisory shown, we're aware of a problem that is affecting some users, but the service is still available. In an advisory, there's often a workaround to the problem and the problem might be intermittent or is limited in scope and user impact. |
+|![Exclamation point icon for incident.](../media/a636db57-6083-44dc-bbd5-556850804f17.png)|If a service has an active incident shown, it's a critical issue and the service or a major function of the service is unavailable. For example, users might be unable to send and receive email or unable to sign-in. Incidents will have noticeable impact to users. When there's an incident in progress, we'll provide updates regarding the investigation, mitigation efforts, and confirmation of resolution in the Service health dashboard. |
### Status definitions | Status | Definition | |:--|:--| |**Investigating** | We're aware of a potential issue and are gathering more information about what's going on and the scope of impact. |
-|**Service degradation** | We've confirmed that there is an issue that may affect use of a service or feature. You might see this status if a service is performing more slowly than usual, there are intermittent interruptions, or if a feature isn't working, for example. |
+|**Service degradation** | We've confirmed that there's an issue that might affect use of a service or feature. You might see this status if a service is performing more slowly than usual, there are intermittent interruptions, or if a feature isn't working, for example. |
|**Service interruption** | You'll see this status if we determine that an issue affects the ability for users to access the service. In this case, the issue is significant and can be reproduced consistently. | |**Restoring service** | The cause of the issue has been identified, we know what corrective action to take, and are in the process of bringing the service back to a healthy state. | |**Extended recovery** | This status indicates that corrective action is in progress to restore service to most users but will take some time to reach all the affected systems. You might also see this status if we've made a temporary fix to reduce impact while we wait to apply a permanent fix. |
For more information about our commitment to uptime, see [Transparent operations
## Language translation for the Service health page
-Service health posts are written in English due to the timeliness of the information we are posting but can be automatically displayed in the language specified by your personal language settings for Microsoft 365. If you set your preferred language to anything other than English, you'll see an option in the Service health page to automatically translate posts. The messages are machine translated to your preferred language, meaning that a computer did the translation.
-Before you can choose your language settings, you have to set your preferred language. No translation options are shown when your language is set to English. You can't specify a preferred language for others, each person has to change this setting for themselves.
+Service health posts are written in English due to the timeliness of the information we're posting but can be automatically displayed in the language specified by your personal language settings for Microsoft 365. If you set your preferred language to anything other than English, you'll see an option in the Service health page to automatically translate posts. The messages are machine translated to your preferred language, meaning that a computer did the translation.
+Before you can choose your language settings, you have to set your preferred language. No translation options are shown when your language is set to English. You can't specify a preferred language for others; each person has to change this setting for themselves.
-Before you can choose your language settings, you have to set your preferred language. No translation options are shown when your language is set to English. You can't specify a preferred language for others, each person has to change this setting for themselves.
+Before you can choose your language settings, you have to set your preferred language. No translation options are shown when your language is set to English. You can't specify a preferred language for others; each person has to change this setting for themselves.
## Set your preferred language
To set Service health posts to automatically machine-translate and display in yo
You also can toggle between seeing details for a specific issue in English and your preferred language in the issue details page that appears after you click the title of an issue.
-## Related topics
+## Related articles
- [Message center Preferences](../admin/manage/message-center.md?preserve-view=true&view=o365-worldwide#preferences) - [How to check Windows release health on admin center](/windows/deployment/update/check-release-health)
enterprise View User Accounts With Microsoft 365 Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/view-user-accounts-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md
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You also determine team structure and team owners.
Then, you can choose which locations you want to create dynamic frontline teams for.
-Team membership is automatically managed over time through the power of dynamic teams. As frontline workers are onboarded, offboarded, or change locations, their membership in these teams are updated accordingly.
+Team membership is automatically managed over time through the power of dynamic teams. As frontline workers are onboarded and offboarded, and as they change locations, their memberships in these teams are updated accordingly.
Check out this [Microsoft Mechanics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdkTnPdIRS4&t=461s) for an overview of how to set up and deploy your frontline dynamic teams.
Check out this [Microsoft Mechanics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdkTn
> [!IMPORTANT] > The admin running the deployment process must be a Global admin. -- Users must have a Microsoft 365 F3, F1, E3, or E5 license. If a user doesn't have one of these licenses, they'll need a Microsoft Entra ID P1 add-on license to use dynamic teams. [Learn more about frontline licensing](flw-licensing-options.md).
+- Users must have a Microsoft 365 F3, F1, E3, or E5 license. If a user doesn't have one of these licenses, they need a Microsoft Entra ID P1 add-on license to use dynamic teams. [Learn more about frontline licensing](flw-licensing-options.md).
- Ensure you can define your frontline workers and their work locations through data available in Microsoft Entra ID. If you don't have this data in Microsoft Entra ID, you can sync it through a [human capital management (HCM) connector](/azure/active-directory/app-provisioning/plan-cloud-hr-provision) or [use the PowerShell solution](deploy-teams-at-scale.md) to create static teams at scale. - If you want to enable [targeted communications](set-up-targeted-communications.md) (Preview), ensure you can map the attributes of your frontline workers through data available in Microsoft Entra ID. If user profile information doesnΓÇÖt yet include job title or department, you can add it. [Learn more about how to add or update a userΓÇÖs profile information in Microsoft Entra ID](/entra/fundamentals/how-to-manage-user-profile-info).
You can manage your teams when changes happen in your organization.
## Get analytics on frontline teams usage
-The [Teams usage report](/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-usage-activity) in Teams admin center gives you an overview of usage activity in Teams. You can use the report to view usage details for your frontline teams, including active users, active channels, total organized meetings, last activity date, and other information.
-1. In the left navigation of the [Teams admin center](https://admin.teams.microsoft.com), **choose Analytics & reports** > **Usage reports**.
-1. On the **View reports** tab, under **Report**, select **Teams usage**.
-1. Under **Date range**, select a date range of 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. Then, choose **Run report**.
-1. In the upper-right corner, select **Export to Excel** > **Export table as CSV**.
-1. Filter the spreadsheet based on your frontline team IDs.
- > [!NOTE]
- > To get a list of your frontline team IDs, in the Teams admin center, go to **Frontline deployment** > **Manage frontline teams**, and then in the **Frontline teams** section, select **Download CSV**.
+The [Teams frontline usage report](frontline-usage-report.md) on the usage dashboard of the Manage frontline teams page gives you an overview of usage activity in Teams for each of your frontline locations. You can view data, such as the number of active users and last activity date, to quickly see how many users at your frontline locations are using Teams to communicate and collaborate.
## Frequently asked questions
frontline Deploy Teams At Scale https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/deploy-teams-at-scale.md
You can use PowerShell to deploy up to 500 teams and add up to 25 users per team
Deploying Teams at scale enables you to: -- Create teams using pre-built templates or your own custom templates.
+- Create teams using prebuilt templates or your own custom templates.
- Add users to teams as owners or members. - Manage teams at scale by adding or removing users from existing teams. - Stay notified through email, including completion, status, and errors (if any). You can choose to notify up to five people about the status of each batch of teams you deploy. Team owners and members are automatically notified when they're added to a team.
Follow these steps to deploy up to 500 teams at a time.
### Step 1: Prepare your CSV files
-You'll need to create two CSV files for each batch of teams that you deploy:
+Create two CSV files for each batch of teams that you deploy:
- **A CSV file that defines the teams you're creating**. This file must have a title line, and must contain these required columns, in the following order, starting with the first column:
You'll need to create two CSV files for each batch of teams that you deploy:
|**Team Name**|The name of the team.| |**Existing Team ID**|If you're adding or removing users from an existing team, specify the team ID of the team.| |**Visibility**|Whether the team is public (anyone in your organization can join) or private (users need approval from the team owners to join). Options are **Public** and **Private**.|
- |**Team Template ID**|If you're creating a team from a pre-built or custom template, specify the team template ID. See [Get started with team templates in the Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-teams-templates-in-the-admin-console) for a list pre-built team templates and IDs. If you want to use the standard default team template, leave this blank.|
+ |**Team Template ID**|If you're creating a team from a prebuilt or custom template, specify the team template ID. See [Get started with team templates in the Teams admin center](/microsoftteams/get-started-with-teams-templates-in-the-admin-console) for a list prebuilt team templates and IDs. If you want to use the standard default team template, leave this blank.|
- **A CSV file that maps the users you're adding to each team**. This file must have a title line, and must contain these required columns, in the following order, starting with the first column:
You'll need to create two CSV files for each batch of teams that you deploy:
#### Examples
-Use the following examples to help you create your CSV files. Here, we've named the files, Teams.csv and Users.csv.
+Use the following examples to help you create your CSV files. Here, we named the files, Teams.csv and Users.csv.
Follow these steps to install and connect to the latest version of the Teams Pow
### Step 3: Deploy your teams
-Now that you've created your CSV files and set up your environment, you're ready to deploy your teams.
+Now that you created your CSV files and set up your environment, you're ready to deploy your teams.
You use the [New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment](/powershell/module/teams/New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment) cmdlet to submit a batch of teams to create. An orchestration ID is generated for each batch. You can then use the [Get-CsBatchTeamsDeploymentStatus](/powershell/module/teams/Get-CsBatchTeamsDeploymentstatus) cmdlet to track the progress and status of each batch.
You use the [New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment](/powershell/module/teams/New-CsBatchTea
New-CsBatchTeamsDeployment -TeamsFilePath "Your CSV file path" -UsersFilePath "Your CSV file path" -UsersToNotify "Email addresses" ```
- The recipients will receive email notifications about deployment status. The email contains the orchestration ID for the batch you submitted and any errors that may have occurred.
+ The recipients will receive email notifications about deployment status. The email contains the orchestration ID for the batch you submitted and any errors that might have occurred.
For example:
frontline Frontline Usage Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/frontline-usage-report.md
description: Use the frontline usage report on the Manage frontline teams page of the Teams admin center to get an overview of active users in Teams for each of your frontline locations. - Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers-- Previously updated : 03/18/2024 Last updated : 05/03/2024 # Microsoft Teams frontline usage report
In the Teams admin center, choose **Frontline deployment** > **Manage frontline
- Directly, by going to the **Usage** tab. :::image type="content" source="media/flw-usage-report-usage-tab.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Usage tab on the Manage frontline teams page." lightbox="media/flw-usage-report-usage-tab.png":::-- Through the **App usage - Microsoft Teams** card. This card shows the overall percentage of users across all your frontline teams that have been active on Teams in the last 30 days. Choose **View details** to go to the dashboard.
+- Through the **App usage - Microsoft Teams** card. (Coming soon). This card shows the overall percentage of users across all your frontline teams that have been active on Teams in the last 30 days. Choose **View details** to go to the dashboard.
:::image type="content" source="media/flw-usage-report-app-usage-card.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the App usage - Microsoft Teams card on the Manage frontline teams page." lightbox="media/flw-usage-report-app-usage-card.png":::
frontline Pin Teams Apps Based On License https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/pin-teams-apps-based-on-license.md
Title: Tailor Teams apps for your frontline workers
--++ audience: admin search.appverid: MET150
appliesto: - Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers Previously updated : 07/05/2023 Last updated : 05/03/2024 # Tailor Teams apps for your frontline workers
Apps are pinned to the app bar, which is the bar at the bottom of the Teams mobi
The tailored frontline app experience is controlled by the **Show tailored apps** org-wide app setting on the [Manage apps](/microsoftteams/manage-apps#manage-org-wide-app-settings) page of the Teams admin center. If the feature is on, all users in your organization who have an F license get the tailored app experience.
-Keep in mind that any custom [app setup policies](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies) assigned to users take precedence. This means that if a user already has a custom app setup policy assigned to them, the user gets the configuration that's defined in the custom app setup policy. To learn more about how the feature works with Teams app policies, including the global app setup policy, see the [Scenarios](#scenarios) section later in this article.
+Keep in mind that any custom [app setup policies](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies) assigned to users take precedence. This means that if a user already has a custom app setup policy assigned to them, the user gets the configuration defined in the custom app setup policy. To learn more about how the feature works with Teams app policies, including the global app setup policy, see the [Scenarios](#scenarios) section later in this article.
This feature is on by default. However, if you don't want the tailored frontline app experience provided by Microsoft, you can turn off the feature. To turn the feature off or on:
The feature is off. | The frontline worker gets the apps defined in the global
### Viva Connections
-Viva Connections is part of the tailored apps experience. Frontline users who see the tailored app experience will have Viva Connections pinned in the first position on both mobile and desktop.
+Viva Connections is part of the tailored apps experience. Frontline users who see the tailored app experience have Viva Connections pinned in the first position on both mobile and desktop.
This experience includes a default dashboard with relevant frontline cards such as Shifts, Planner, Approvals, and Top News that can be customized to fit the needs of your organization. If your organization already set up a Viva Connections home site, it takes precedence over the default experience.
This experience includes a default dashboard with relevant frontline cards such
- [Manage the Shifts app in Teams](/microsoftteams/expand-teams-across-your-org/shifts/manage-the-shifts-app-for-your-organization-in-teams?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) - [Manage the Approvals app in Teams](/microsoftteams/approval-admin?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) - [Overview of Viva Connections](/viva/connections/viva-connections-overview)-- [Manage app setup policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies)-- [Manage app permission policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-permission-policies)
+- [Use app setup policies to pin and auto install apps for users](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies)
+- [Use app permission policies to control user access to apps](/microsoftteams/teams-app-permission-policies)