Updates from: 05/26/2022 01:18:04
Category Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
admin Manage Addins In The Admin Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/manage-addins-in-the-admin-center.md
description: "Learn about using Centralized add-ins to deploy add-ins to users a
Office Add-ins help you personalize your documents and streamline the way you access information on the web. See [Start using your Office Add-in](https://support.microsoft.com/office/82e665c4-6700-4b56-a3f3-ef5441996862).
-After an admin deploys add-ins for users in an organization, the admin can turn add-ins off or on, edit, delete, and manage access to the add-ins.
+After a global or exchange admin deploys add-ins for users in an organization, they can turn add-ins off or on, edit, delete, and manage access to the add-ins.
For more information about installing add-ins from the admin center, see [Deploy add-ins in the admin center](./manage-deployment-of-add-ins.md).
admin Secure Your Business Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/security-and-compliance/secure-your-business-data.md
To learn more, see the following resources:
## Related content [Multi-factor authentication for Microsoft 365](multi-factor-authentication-microsoft-365.md) (article)\
-[Manage and monitor priority accounts](../setup/priority-accounts.md) (article)\
+[Manage and monitor priority accounts](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/configure-review-priority-account) (article)\
[Microsoft 365 Reports in the admin center](../activity-reports/activity-reports.md) (video)
admin Threats Detected Defender Av https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/security-and-compliance/threats-detected-defender-av.md
- Title: "Threats detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus"-------- M365-subscription-management -- Adm_O365-- Adm_TOC-
-description: "Learn how Microsoft Defender Antivirus protects your Windows devices from software threats, such as viruses, malware, and spyware."
-# Overview of threat protection by Microsoft Defender Antivirus
-Microsoft Defender Antivirus protects your Windows devices from software threats, such as viruses, malware, and spyware.
--- Viruses typically spread by attaching their code to other files on your device or network and can cause infected programs to work incorrectly.-- Malware includes malicious files, applications, and code that can cause damage and disrupt normal use of devices. Also, malware can allow unauthorized access, use system resources, steal passwords and account information, lock you out of your computer and ask for ransom, and more.-- Spyware collects data, such as web-browsing activity, and sends the data to remote servers.
-To provide threat protection, Microsoft Defender Antivirus uses several methods. These methods include cloud-delivered protection, real-time protection, and dedicated protection updates.
--- Cloud-delivered protection helps provide near-instant detection and blocking of new and emerging threats.-- Always-on scanning uses file- and process-behavior monitoring and other techniques (also known as *real-time protection*).-- Dedicated protection updates are based on machine learning, human and automated big-data analysis, and in-depth threat resistance research. -
-To learn more about malware and Microsoft Defender Antivirus, see the following articles:
--- [Understanding malware & other threats](/windows/security/threat-protection/intelligence/understanding-malware)-- [How Microsoft identifies malware and potentially unwanted applications](/windows/security/threat-protection/intelligence/criteria)-- [Next-generation protection in Windows 10](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/microsoft-defender-antivirus-in-windows-10)-
-## What happens when a non-Microsoft antivirus solution is used?
-Microsoft Defender Antivirus is part of the operating system and is enabled on devices that are running Windows 10. However, if you're using a non-Microsoft antivirus solution and you aren't using [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/microsoft-defender-advanced-threat-protection), then Microsoft Defender Antivirus automatically goes into disabled mode.
-When in disabled mode, users and customers can still use Microsoft Defender Antivirus for scheduled or on-demand scans to identify threats; however, Microsoft Defender Antivirus will no longer:
--- be used as the default antivirus app.-- actively scan files for threats.-- remediate, or resolve, threats.-
-If you uninstall the non-Microsoft antivirus solution, Microsoft Defender Antivirus will automatically go into active mode to protect your Windows devices from threats.
-> [!TIP]
-> - If you're using Microsoft 365, consider using Microsoft Defender Antivirus as your primary antivirus solution. Integration can provide better protection. See [Better together: Microsoft Defender Antivirus and Office 365](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/office-365-microsoft-defender-antivirus).
-> - Make sure to keep Microsoft Defender Antivirus up to date, even if you're using a non-Microsoft antivirus solution.
-## What to expect when threats are detected
-When threats are detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus, the following things happen:
--- Users receive [notifications in Windows](https://support.microsoft.com/windows/8942c744-6198-fe56-4639-34320cf9444e). -- Detections are listed in the [Windows Security app](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-security-center/windows-defender-security-center) on the **Protection history** page. -- If you've [secured your Windows 10 devices](../setup/secure-win-10-pcs.md) and [enrolled them in Intune](/mem/intune/enrollment/windows-enrollment-methods), and your organization has 800 or fewer devices enrolled, you'll see threat detections and insights in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a> on the **Threats and antivirus** page, which you can access from the **Microsoft Defender Antivirus** card on the **Home** page (or from the navigation pane by selecting **Health** > **Threats & antivirus**).-
- If your organization has more than 800 devices enrolled in Intune, you'll be prompted to view threat detections and insights from [Microsoft Endpoint Manager](/mem/endpoint-manager-overview) instead of from the **Threats and antivirus** page.
- > [!NOTE]
- > The **Microsoft Defender Antivirus** card and **Threats and antivirus** page are being rolled out in phases, so you may not have immediate access to them.
-In most cases, users don't need to take any further action. As soon as a malicious file or program is detected on a device, Microsoft Defender Antivirus blocks it and prevents it from running. Plus, newly detected threats are added to the antivirus and antimalware engine so that other devices and users are protected, as well.
-If there's an action a user needs to take, such as approving the removal of a malicious file, they'll see that in the notification they receive. To learn more about actions that Microsoft Defender Antivirus takes on a user's behalf, or actions users might need to take, see [Protection History](https://support.microsoft.com/office/f1e5fd95-09b4-46d1-b8c7-1059a1e09708). To learn how to manage threat detections as an IT professional/admin, see [Review detected threats and take action](../../business-premium/m365bp-review-threats-take-action.md).
-To learn more about different threats, visit the <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/threats" target="_blank">Microsoft Security Intelligence Threats site</a>, where you can perform the following actions:
--- View current information about top threats.-- View the latest threats for a specific region.-- Search the threat encyclopedia for details about a specific threat.-
-## Related content
-[Secure Windows devices](/misc/m365bp-secure-windows-devices) (article)\
-[Evaluate Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/evaluate-microsoft-defender-antivirus) (article)\
-[How to turn on real-time and cloud-delivered antivirus protection](/mem/intune/user-help/turn-on-defender-windows#turn-on-real-time-and-cloud-delivered-protection) (article)\
-[How to turn on and use Microsoft Defender Antivirus from the Windows Security app](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/microsoft-defender-security-center-antivirus) (article)\
-[How to turn on Microsoft Defender Antivirus by using Group Policy](/mem/intune/user-help/turn-on-defender-windows#turn-on-windows-defender) (article)\
-[How to update your antivirus definitions](/mem/intune/user-help/turn-on-defender-windows#update-your-antivirus-definitions) (article)\
-[How to submit malware and non-malware to Microsoft for analysis](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submitting-malware-and-non-malware-to-microsoft-for-analysis) (article)
admin Priority Accounts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/priority-accounts.md
- Title: "Manage and monitor priority accounts"-- CSH-------- Adm_O365-- Adm_TOC--- AdminSurgePortfolio-- admindeeplinkMAC
-description: "Monitor failed and delayed emailed messages sent to or from accounts who have high business impact."
-# Manage and monitor priority accounts in Microsoft 365
-In every Microsoft 365 organization, there are people that are essential, like executives, leaders, managers, or other users who have access to sensitive, proprietary, or high priority information.
-To help your organization protect these accounts, you can now designate specific users as priority accounts and leverage app-specific features that provide them with extra protection. In the future, more apps and features will support priority accounts, and to start with, we've announced two capabilities: **priority account protection** and **premium mail flow monitoring**.
--- **Priority account protection** - Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (formerly Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection) supports priority accounts as tags that can be used in filters in alerts, reports, and investigations. For more information, check out [User tags in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../../security/office-365-security/user-tags.md).-
- A natural question is, "Aren't all users a priority? Why not designate all users as priority accounts?" Yes, all users are a priority, but priority account protection offers the following additional benefits:
- - **Additional heuristics**: Our analysis of mail flow in the Microsoft datacenters indicates that mail flow patterns for company executives are different than the average employee. Priority account protection offers additional heuristics that are specifically tailored to company executives that wouldn't benefit a regular employee.
- - **Additional visibility in reporting**: In effect, information for all users (or all affected users) is already available in alerts, reports, and investigations. The priority accounts tag as a filter allows you to specifically target your investigations.
--- **Premium Mail Flow Monitoring** - Healthy mail flow can be critical to business success, and delivery delays or failures can have a negative impact on the business. You can choose a threshold for failed or delayed emails, receive alerts when that threshold is exceeded, and view a report of email issues for priority accounts. For more information, check out [Email issues for priority accounts report in the modern EAC](/exchange/monitoring/mail-flow-reports/mfr-email-issues-for-priority-accounts-report)-
-For security best practices for priority accounts, see [Security recommendations for priority accounts](../../security/office-365-security/security-recommendations-for-priority-accounts.md).
-## Before you begin
-The **Priority account protection** feature that's described in this topic is available only to organizations that meet the following requirements:
--- Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2, including those with Office 365 E3, Office 365 E5, Microsoft 365 E5, or Microsoft 365 E5 Security.-
-The **Premium Mail Flow Monitoring** feature that's described in this topic is available only to organizations that meet the following requirements:
--- Your organization needs to have a license count of at least 5,000, from either one of, or a combination of the following products: Office 365 E3, Microsoft 365 E3, Office 365 E5, Microsoft 365 E5. For example, your organization can have 3,000 Office 365 E3 licenses and 2,500 Microsoft 365 E5, for a total of 5,500 licenses from the qualifying products.-- Your organization needs to have at least 50 monthly active users for one or more core workloads ΓÇô Teams, One Drive for Business, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Office apps.-
-> [!NOTE]
-> You can monitor up to 250 priority accounts.
-When you apply priority account protection to a mailbox, you should also apply priority account protection to users who have access to the mailbox (for example, the CEO and the CEO's executive assistant who manages the CEO's calendar).
-### Add priority accounts from the Setup page
-Add priority accounts from the **Setup page**.
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center at <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">https://admin.microsoft.com</a>.
-2. Go to **Setup** > **Organizational knowledge**, and choose **View** under **Monitor your most important accounts**.
-3. Select **Get Started** or **Manage**.
-4. On the **Add Priority accounts** page, in the search field, type the name or email address of the person you want to add to the priority accounts list. You can also set your email threshold for failed or delayed emails and get a weekly report of issues for priority accounts.
-5. Select the user and choose **Save**.
-You can also add priority accounts from the Active users page.
-### Add priority accounts from Active users page
-Add priority accounts from the Active users page.
-1. Go to the admin center at <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">https://admin.microsoft.com</a>.
-2. Go to **Users** > **Active users** and select the three dots (more actions) at the top of the page. Select **Manage priority accounts**.
-3. Select **Add accounts**, and on the **Add Priority accounts** page, in the search field, type the name of the person you want to add to the priority accounts list.
-4. Select the user and choose **Save**.
-## Remove a user from the priority accounts list
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center at <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">https://admin.microsoft.com</a>.
-2. Go to **Setup** > **Organizational knowledge**, and choose **View** under **Monitor your most important accounts**.
-3. On the **Monitor your most accounts** page, choose **Priority accounts** under **Manage this feature**.
-4. On the **Priority accounts** page, select the user or users you want to remove from the list and choose, **Remove accounts**.
-## Related topics
-[Using Priority Accounts in Microsoft 365](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-blog/using-priority-accounts-in-microsoft-365/ba-p/1873314)
admin Whats New In Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/whats-new-in-preview.md
description: "The Microsoft 365 admin center - learn about the features that wer
::: moniker-end
-We're continuously adding new features to [the Microsoft 365 admin center](Overview of the Microsoft 365 admin center](admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md), fixing issues we learn about, and making changes based on your feedback. Take a look below to see what's available for you today. Some features get rolled out at different speeds to our customers. If you aren't seeing a feature yet, [try adding yourself to targeted release](manage/release-options-in-office-365.md).
+We're continuously adding new features to [the Microsoft 365 admin center](Overview of the Microsoft 365 admin center](admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md), fixing issues we learn about, and making changes based on your feedback. Some features get rolled out at different speeds to our customers. If you aren't seeing a feature yet, [try adding yourself to targeted release](manage/release-options-in-office-365.md).
And if you'd like to know what's new with other Microsoft cloud
And if you'd like to know what's new with other Microsoft cloud
## May 2022
-<!-- ### Role based access controls (RBAC)
+### Role based access controls (RBAC)
-There are new Azure AD built-in roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Give admins only the access they need to manage Virtual Visits.
+There are four new roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center for management of custom security attributes. These roles are available for everyone to use in the Microsoft 365 admin center under **Roles**.
-There are also 4 new roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center centered around management of custom security attributes. These roles are available for everyone to use in the Role assignments node under Roles.
+- **Attribute Assignment Administrator** Assign custom security attribute keys and values to supported Azure AD objects.
-For more information about Azure AD built-in roles, see [Azure AD built-in roles](/azure/active-directory/roles/permissions-reference).
+- **Attribute Assignment Reader** Reads custom security attribute keys and values for supported Azure AD objects.
-**Virtual Visits Administrator** Manage and share Virtual Visits information and metrics from admin centers or the Virtual Visits app.
+- **Attribute Definition Administrator** Define and manage the definition of custom security attributes.
-**Attribute Assignment Administrator** Assign custom security attribute keys and values to supported Azure AD objects.
+- **Attribute Definition Reader** Reads the definition of custom security attributes.
-**Attribute Assignment Reader** Reads custom security attribute keys and values for supported Azure AD objects.
+There's also a new role that allows you to give admins only the access they need to manage Virtual Visits.
-**Attribute Definition Administrator** Define and manage the definition of custom security attributes.
+- **Virtual Visits Administrator** Manage and share Virtual Visits information and metrics from admin centers or the Virtual Visits app.
-**Attribute Definition Reader** Reads the definition of custom security attributes. -->
+For more information about these roles, see [Azure AD built-in roles](/azure/active-directory/roles/permissions-reference).
### Quick Assist
business-premium M365bp Review Threats Take Action https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-review-threats-take-action.md
Title: "Review detected threats and take action"
+ Title: "Review detected threats on devices and take action"
f1.keywords: NOCSH--++ audience: Admin
- Adm_TOC search.appverid: MET150
-description: "Learn how to review and manage threats detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus on your Windows 10 devices."
+description: "Learn how to review and manage threats detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus on your Windows devices."
# Review threats detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus and take action
You have several options to view specific information about threat detections an
To learn more, see [Threats detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/admin/security-and-compliance/threats-detected-defender-av.md).
-## Manage threat detections on the **Active devices** page
-The following procedure applies to customers who have Microsoft 365 Business Premium.
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center at <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">https://admin.microsoft.com</a> and sign in.
-2. In the navigation page, select **Devices** > **Active devices**. You'll see a list of active devices and details, such as protection status, antivirus (AV) protection state, and the number of active threats detected.
-3. Select a device to view more details about that device and available actions. A flyout opens with recommendations and available actions, such as **Update policy**, **Update antivirus**, **Run quick scan**, **Run full scan**, and more.
- ## Manage threat detections on the **Active threats** page
-The following procedure applies to customers who have Microsoft 365 Business Premium. [Windows 10 devices must be secured](../business-premium/m365bp-secure-windows-devices.md) and [enrolled in Intune](/mem/intune/enrollment/windows-enrollment-methods).
- > [!NOTE] > The **Microsoft Defender Antivirus** card and **Active threats** page are being rolled out in phases, so you may not have immediate access to them.
If you have a file that you think was missed or wrongly classified as malware, y
[Best practices for securing Microsoft 365 for business plans](../admin/security-and-compliance/secure-your-business-data.md)
-[Overview of Microsoft Defender for Business](../security/defender-business/mdb-overview.md) (Defender for Business is rolling out to Microsoft 365 Business Premium customers, beginning March 1, 2022)
+[Overview of Microsoft Defender for Business](../security/defender-business/mdb-overview.md) (Defender for Business is rolling out to Microsoft 365 Business Premium customers, beginning March 1, 2022)
commerce Add Storage Space https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/add-storage-space.md
- admindeeplinkSPO search.appverid: MET150 description: "Add file storage in your Microsoft 365 subscription. With extra file storage, you can store more content in SharePoint." Previously updated : 04/02/2021 Last updated : 05/24/2022 # Add more SharePoint storage to your subscription
You must be a Global or SharePoint admin to do the tasks in this article. For mo
2. In the upper right of the page, see the amount of storage used across all sites, and the total storage for your subscription. If your organization has configured Multi-Geo in Office 365, the bar also shows the amount of storage used across all geo locations.
- ![Storage bar on the Active sites page.](/sharepoint/sharepointonline/media/active-sites-storage-bar)
- > [!NOTE] > The storage used doesn't include changes made within the last 24-48 hours.
Office 365 Extra File Storage is available for the following subscriptions:
- Office 365 Enterprise E1 - Office 365 Enterprise E2 - Office 365 Enterprise E3-- Office 365 Enterprise E4
+<!-- Office 365 Enterprise E4 -->
- Office 365 Enterprise E5 - Office 365 A3 (faculty) - Office 365 A5 (faculty)
commerce No Billing Account Found https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/no-billing-account-found.md
+ Title: No billing account found for buying products
+f1.keywords: CSH
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_O365
+- commerce_billing
+- AdminSurgePortfolio
+- AdminTemplateSet
+- admindeeplinkMAC
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: "Learn how to assign yourself or others the billing account roles needed to buy and edit products in the Microsoft 365 admin center."
Last updated : 05/24/2022++
+# No billing account found for buying products
+If you recently became a Global admin for your organization but aren't able to buy or edit anything in the Billing pages of the Microsoft 365 admin center, you might be missing the Billing account owner role needed to do those tasks. For example, if you try to buy a new subscription on the **Purchase services** page, you might see a notification that says, ΓÇ£You donΓÇÖt have any billing accounts for buying products.ΓÇ¥ If this happens, you can give yourself the Billing account owner role needed to buy and edit products.
+If youΓÇÖre a Billing admin and canΓÇÖt buy or edit products, or if youΓÇÖre a Global Reader who canΓÇÖt view the billing account, ask your Global admin to assign you the role you need.
+## Before you begin
+You must be a Global admin to do the steps described in this article. For more information, see [About admin roles](../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md).
+## Assign the correct Billing account role to yourself or others
+If youΓÇÖre not the first Global admin on the account, use the following steps to give yourself the role you need to buy and edit products for your organization. You can also use these steps to assign the correct roles to Billing admins and Global readers who need to access the billing account.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to the **Billing** > <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2084771" target="_blank">Billing accounts</a> page.
+2. Select the billing account name.
+3. At the bottom of the page, under **Billing account roles**, select **Assign roles**.
+4. Enter your name or email address, or the name or email address for the person youΓÇÖre assigning the role to, then select it.
+5. Select the appropriate Role based on the following criteria:
+ - If youΓÇÖre a Global Administrator, select the **Billing account owner** role.
+ - If the person youΓÇÖre assigning a role to is a Billing Administrator, select the **Billing account contributor** role.
+ - If the person youΓÇÖre assigning a role to is a Global Reader, select the **Billing account reader** role.
+6. Select **Assign**.
+## Related content
+[Understand billing accounts](manage-billing-accounts.md) (article)\
+[About admin roles](../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md) (article)\
+[Assign admin roles](../admin/add-users/assign-admin-roles.md) (article)
commerce Important Information E4 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/important-information-e4.md
- Title: "Important information for Office 365 E4 customers"-- NOCSH--------- M365-subscription-management-- Adm_O365--- commerce_subscriptions-- customer-email-- admindeeplinkMAC
-description: "Important information about upgrading or changing plans for customers with an Office 365 E4 subscription."
- Previously updated : 08/14/2020--
-# Important information for Office 365 E4 customers
-The Office 365 E4 plan was retired in 2015. As a Microsoft 365 global admin, youΓÇÖll receive email updates and see posts in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2070717" target="_blank">message center</a> (part of the Microsoft 365 admin center) with information about when you need to take action.
-## Compare your options for upgrading or changing plans
-You can choose to maintain the same functionality you had with E4 or take advantage of new features and functionality from Microsoft 365 and Microsoft 365 Audio Conferencing. To move to a new plan, you have five options.
-| | Option 1: Upgrade to Office 365 E5 | Option 2: Upgrade to Microsoft 365 E5 | Option 3: Upgrade to Microsoft 365 E5 without Audio Conferencing | Option 4: Change to Office 365 E3 | Option 5: Change to Microsoft 365 E3 |
-| **Get all of the services and functionality included in your current Office 365 E4 subscription** | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
-| **Phone numbers managed in Microsoft 365** | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
-| **Phone numbers managed both on-premises and in Microsoft 365 (hybrid deployment)**<br/><br/>Reduce reliance on costly private-branch exchange (PBX) phone systems and simplify your communication infrastructure with one platform for calling, conferencing, video, and sharing. | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
-| **Option to add Calling Plans**<br/><br/>You can add licenses for a Microsoft 365 Domestic Calling Plan or a Microsoft 365 Domestic and International Calling Plan. To learn more, see [Which Calling Plan is right for you?](/MicrosoftTeams/calling-plan-landing-page). | Yes<sup>1</sup> | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
-| **Audio Conferencing**<br/><br/>Meeting attendees can dial in to Skype for Business meetings from virtually any device, and organizers can dial out to pull attendees in. | Yes<sup>2</sup> | Yes | Yes | No | No |
-| **Advanced tools for collaboration, analytics, and security** | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
-| **New interactive reports, dashboards, and data visualizations** | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
-| **More control over your data security and compliance with built-in privacy, transparency, and refined user controls** | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
-<sup>1</sup>Calling plans in Microsoft 365 or Office 365 are available in 11 countries or regions, and are available to organizations that have a billing address in one of those countries or regions. To learn more, see
-[Manage phone numbers for your organization](/microsoftteams/manage-phone-numbers-for-your-organization/manage-phone-numbers-for-your-organization). When you upgrade to Microsoft 365 or Office 365, or if you have purchased Phone System, you have the option to add either a Domestic or Domestic and International calling plan.
-<sup>2</sup>Audio Conferencing isnΓÇÖt available yet in all countries or regions. If Audio Conferencing isnΓÇÖt available in your country or region, we'll update you when it becomes available. At that time, Microsoft 365 and Office 365 E5 customers can immediately upgrade to an E5 subscription with Audio Conferencing, or wait until it's time to renew. To see what countries or regions support Audio Conferencing, see [Country and region availability for Audio Conferencing and Calling Plans](/microsoftteams/country-and-region-availability-for-audio-conferencing-and-calling-plans/country-and-region-availability-for-audio-conferencing-and-calling-plans) and use the drop down list to select your country or region.
-## Ready to upgrade?
-When it's time to renew your subscription, consider upgrading to one of these plans.
-If you bought your subscription directly from Microsoft and you want to upgrade now, see [Upgrade from an Office 365 E4 subscription](upgrade-Office-365-E4.md). You wonΓÇÖt lose any data when you upgrade from E4 to a new plan.
commerce Upgrade Office 365 E4 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/upgrade-Office-365-E4.md
- Title: "Upgrade from an Office 365 E4 subscription"-- NOCSH--------- M365-subscription-management-- Adm_O365--- commerce_subscriptions-- customer-email-- admindeeplinkMAC
-description: "Learn how to upgrade from an Office 365 E4 subscription."
Previously updated : 08/14/2020---
-# Upgrade from an Office 365 E4 subscription
-This article steps you through the process of upgrading from an Office 365 E4 to a new subscription. For information about the options available when you upgrade from Office 365 E4, see [Important information for Office 365 E4 customers](important-information-e4.md).
-> This article applies to Office 365 E4 subscriptions that were bought directly from Microsoft via credit card or invoice only. If your subscription was bought another way, such as through a partner or through the Volume Licensing Service Center, contact your Microsoft account representative or partner to help you upgrade plans.
-## What are my options for how to upgrade?
-The easiest way to upgrade your plan is to use the **Upgrade** tab in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a>. However, using the **Upgrade** tab isnΓÇÖt supported in all situations. If your scenario isnΓÇÖt supported, you might be able to upgrade plans manually.
-## What is the Upgrade tab?
-The **Upgrade** tab does the following tasks for you:
--- Leads you through the process of buying a new plan.-- Reassigns all user licenses from your old plan to the new plan.-- Cancels your old plan.-
-## What does it mean to upgrade plans manually?
-Upgrading plans manually means completing the following separate procedures instead of using the **Upgrade** tab.
--- Buy a new subscription with the right number of licenses.-- Verify the new subscription is ready to use.-- Reassign licenses to users.-- Cancel the original Office 365 E4 subscription.-
-## Find out if you can use the Upgrade tab to upgrade to a new plan
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Billing** > <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=842054" target="_blank">Your products</a> page.
-2. Select your Office 365 E4 subscription.
-3. Select the **Upgrade** tab. If you see other plans listed, it means you can upgrade plans automatically.
-4. If you canΓÇÖt upgrade automatically, you see a message that describes the reason why you canΓÇÖt upgrade.
-There are several reasons why you can't upgrade plans automatically. Most of the issues are temporary ones, such as service health issues that you can resolve. For more information, see [Why can't I upgrade plans?](upgrade-to-different-plan.md#why-cant-i-upgrade-plans) If you need help with your upgrade, [contact support](../../admin/get-help-support.md).
-## Will a credit check be required?
-If you're paying for your new plan by invoice or your purchase is above a certain cost, a credit check might be required. If a credit check is needed, the upgrade can take up to two business days. Admins donΓÇÖt have access to the Microsoft 365 admin center until the credit check is complete. However, users still have full access to the E4 plan until the upgrade is finished.
-## Upgrade your plan by using the Upgrade tab
-### Before you begin
-Here are some things that are important to know before you begin.
--- **Plan for administrative downtime.** Admins can't use the Microsoft 365 admin center while the plan is being upgraded. Depending on the number of users you have, the upgrade can take from minutes to hours. We recommend you plan to do the upgrade when you donΓÇÖt need to make updates using the Microsoft 365 admin center.-
- Users don't experience any interruption of service while the plan is upgraded - they continue to have full access to the E4 subscription during the upgrade process. When the upgrade is finished, users have access to the new plan.
-- **Users, licenses, billing, and custom domains.** To understand how users and licenses are handled during the upgrade, how upgrading plans affects your billing, and how to handle custom domains, see [What does upgrading a plan do to my service and billing?](upgrade-to-different-plan.md#what-does-upgrading-a-plan-do-to-my-service-and-billing)-- **Change the number of user licenses.** You can't remove licenses as part of upgrading plans. However, you can [reduce the number of licenses](../licenses/buy-licenses.md) before or after you upgrade plans.-
-### Start the upgrade by using the Upgrade tab
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Billing** > <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=842054" target="_blank">Your products</a> page.
-2. Select your Office 365 E4 subscription.
-3. On the subscription details page, select the **Upgrade** tab.
-4. Find the subscription that you want to buy, then select **Upgrade**.
-5. On the **Cart** page, verify that everything is correct. Select whether to pay monthly or yearly, and verify the number of licenses under **Quantity**.
- > [!NOTE]
- > Any add-on subscriptions associated with your Office 365 E4 subscription, such as Office 365 Extra File Storage are also listed. However, if you have any add-on subscriptions that are included in the subscription that youΓÇÖre upgrading to, weΓÇÖll remove them.
-6. After you've reviewed your order, select **Go to checkout**.
-7. On the **Checkout** page, review **Sold to**, **Billed to**, and **Items in this order**. Select **Change** next to any of these items to edit the information.
- > [!NOTE]
- > The option to use invoice as a payment method is only available for orders that are above a certain cost amount. Selecting the invoice payment option can delay the upgrade process by up to two business days if a credit check is required.
-8. When you're finished, select **Place order**.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Upgrading plans typically takes less than ten minutes if there are no errors or issues. You can check the status of your upgrade by looking at either your old or new subscription.
-## Upgrade your plan manually
-To manually upgrade users to another subscription, complete the following steps in the order shown.
--- [Step 1: Buy a new subscription](#step-1-buy-a-new-subscription)-- [Step 2: Verify that your subscription has the right number of licenses](#step-2-verify-that-your-subscription-has-the-right-number-of-licenses)-- [Step 3: Reassign licenses to users](#step-3-reassign-licenses-to-users)-- [Step 4: Cancel the Office 365 E4 subscription](#step-4-cancel-the-office-365-e4-subscription)-
-### Step 1: Buy a new subscription
-If you donΓÇÖt yet have a new subscription, you can [buy another Microsoft 365 for business subscription](../try-or-buy-microsoft-365.md).
-If you already have a subscription, continue to the next step.
-### Step 2: Verify that your subscription has the right number of licenses
-Before moving on to the next step, itΓÇÖs important to make sure that all the services inside your new subscription have been set up. If the subscription isnΓÇÖt ready when you first check, try again later.
-> [!NOTE]
-> If you chose to pay for the new subscription by invoice, a credit check might be required. It can take up to two business days before the subscription is available.
-1. In the admin center, go to the **Billing** > <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=842054" target="_blank">Your products</a> page.
-2. From the **Subscription status** drop-down, select **Active**.
-3. Make sure that your new subscription is displayed, and that the number of licenses is the same as what you had for Office 365 E4.
-4. If you need to buy more licenses, follow the steps in [Buy or remove subscription licenses](../licenses/buy-licenses.md).
-### Step 3: Reassign licenses to users
-You can use the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339) to reassign licenses for up to 20 users at a time. To learn how, see [Move users to a different subscription](move-users-different-subscription.md).
-> [!TIP]
-> If you have a lot of users, you can [use Office 365 PowerShell to assign user licenses in bulk](../../enterprise/assign-licenses-to-user-accounts-with-microsoft-365-powershell.md).
-### Step 4: Cancel the Office 365 E4 subscription
-After all your users have been reassigned to your new subscription, [cancel the Office 365 E4 subscription](cancel-your-subscription.md).
-## Related content
-[Upgrade to a different plan](upgrade-to-different-plan.md) (article)\
-[Buy or remove subscription licenses](../licenses/buy-licenses.md) (article)\
-[Assign licenses to users](../../admin/manage/assign-licenses-to-users.md) (article)
compliance Compliance Manager Templates List https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-templates-list.md
The templates listed below may be purchased by your organization.
- Nigeria Data Protection Regulation - Oman - Electronic Transactions Law - Qatar Cloud Security Policy
+- Qatar National Information Assurance (NIA)
- Romania - Data Protection Law 190/2018 - Russia - Federal Law 149-FZ On Information, Information Technology and Information Security - [Russian Federation Federal Law Regarding Personal Data](/compliance/regulatory/offering-russia-data-localization)
The templates listed below may be purchased by your organization.
- Slovakia Act on the Protection of Personal Data - Spain - Nation Security Framework - Switzerland - Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) -- Turkey - KVKK Protection of Personal Data 6698
+- Turkey - KVKK Protection of Personal Data 6698
- UAE - Federal Decree Law on Combating Cyber Crimes - UAE - Federal Law Concerning Electronic Transactions and Commerce - UAE - Federal Law No 2 of 2019 On the Use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Health Fields -- UAE - NESA Information Assurance Standards
+- UAE - NESA Information Assurance Standards
+- UAE Data Privacy Law
- UAE Regulatory Policy TRA - Internet of Things - UAE's Federal Decree Law Regulating the Telecommunications Sector - Uganda - The Data Protection and Privacy Act
compliance Compliance Manager Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-whats-new.md
description: "Find out whatΓÇÖs new in Compliance Manger and whatΓÇÖs to come. R
**In this article:** Learn about recent updates in Compliance Manager.
+## May 2022
+Compliance Manager has published the following new assessment templates:
+Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA)
+- Qatar National Information Assurance (NIA)
+- UAE Data Privacy Law
+US Government Community (GCC) Moderate, GCC High, and Department of Defense (DoD) customers should see these templates available in the next few weeks.
+View our [full list of assessment templates](compliance-manager-templates-list.md).
+ ## March 2022 ### New templates available
compliance Search And Delete Teams Chat Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/search-and-delete-Teams-chat-messages.md
audience: Admin
ms.localizationpriority: medium-+ - M365-security-compliance
- MOE150 - MET150 ms.assetid: 3526fd06-b45f-445b-aed4-5ebd37b3762a
description: "Use eDiscovery (Premium) and the Microsoft Graph Explorer to searc
[!include[Purview banner](../includes/purview-rebrand-banner.md)]
-You can use eDiscovery (Premium) and the Microsoft Graph Explorer to search for and delete chat messages in Microsoft Teams. This can help you find and remove sensitive information or inappropriate content. This search and purge workflow will also help you respond to a data spillage incident, when content containing confidential or malicious information is released through Teams chat messages.ΓÇï
+You can use eDiscovery (Premium) and the Microsoft Graph Explorer to search for and delete chat messages in Microsoft Teams. This can help you find and remove sensitive information or inappropriate content. This search and purge workflow will also help you respond to a data spillage incident, when content containing confidential or malicious information is released through Teams chat messages.
> [!NOTE] > This article applies to Microsoft 365 Enterprise organizations. Support for the US Government cloud (including GCC, GCC High, and DoD) is coming soon.
Here's the process to search for and purge Teams chat messages:
## Step 1: Create a case in eDiscovery (Premium)
-The first step is to create a case in eDiscovery (Premium) to manage the search and purge process. For information about creating a case, see [Use the new case format](advanced-ediscovery-new-case-format.md).
+The first step is to create a case in eDiscovery (Premium) to manage the search and purge process. For information about creating a case, see [Use the new case format](advanced-ediscovery-new-case-format.md).
## Step 2: Create a draft collection
Before you can purge chat messages from a mailbox, you have to remove any hold o
Use the list of mailboxes that contain the chat messages that you want to delete and determine if there's a hold or retention policy assigned to those mailboxes, and then remove the hold or retention policy. Be sure to identify the hold or retention policy that you remove so that you can reassign to the mailboxes in Step 7.
-For instructions about how to identify and remove holds and retention policies, see "Step 3: Remove all holds from the mailbox" in [Delete items in the Recoverable Items folder of cloud-based mailboxes on hold](delete-items-in-the-recoverable-items-folder-of-mailboxes-on-hold.md#step-3-remove-all-holds-from-the-mailbox)..
+For instructions about how to identify and remove holds and retention policies, see "Step 3: Remove all holds from the mailbox" in [Delete items in the Recoverable Items folder of cloud-based mailboxes on hold](delete-items-in-the-recoverable-items-folder-of-mailboxes-on-hold.md#step-3-remove-all-holds-from-the-mailbox).
## Step 5: Purge chat messages from Teams
contentunderstanding Create An Extractor https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/create-an-extractor.md
You need to create an extractor for each entity in the document that you want to
![Screenshot of the Advanced settings portion of the New entity extractor panel showing the Column type option.](../media/content-understanding/advanced-settings-column-type.png) > [!NOTE]
- > For extractors with the column type **Single line of text**, the maximum character limit is 255. Any characters that you type exceeding the limit get truncated.
+ > For extractors with the column type **Single line of text**, the maximum character limit is 255. Any characters that you select exceeding the limit get truncated. To select greater than 255 characters, choose the **Multiple Lines of Text** column type when creating the extractor.
3. When you're done, select **Create**.
contentunderstanding Metadata Search https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/metadata-search.md
Advanced metadata search lets you use the metadata associated with a document to
![Screenshot of the Add more options menu on the metadata search pane.](../media/content-understanding/metadata-search-add-more-options.png)
- > [!NOTE]
- > Currently, the ability to add managed metadata fields or multiline text fields is not available.
- 4. Select **Search**. The documents that match your metadata search are shown on the results page.
enterprise Microsoft 365 U S Government Dod Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-u-s-government-dod-endpoints.md
Title: Office 365 US Government DOD endpoints
Previously updated : 04/28/2022 Last updated : 05/04/2022 audience: ITPro
Office 365 requires connectivity to the Internet. The endpoints below should be
|Notes|Download| |||
-|**Last updated:** 04/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVDoD?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVDoD?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
+|**Last updated:** 05/04/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVDoD?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVDoD?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
| Start with [Managing Office 365 endpoints](managing-office-365-endpoints.md) to understand our recommendations for managing network connectivity using this data. Endpoints data is updated as needed at the beginning of each month with new IP Addresses and URLs published 30 days in advance of being active. This lets customers who don't yet have automated updates to complete their processes before new connectivity is required. Endpoints may also be updated during the month if needed to address support escalations, security incidents, or other immediate operational requirements. The data shown on this page below is all generated from the REST-based web services. If you're using a script or a network device to access this data, you should go to the [Web service](microsoft-365-ip-web-service.md) directly.
enterprise Microsoft 365 U S Government Gcc High Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-u-s-government-gcc-high-endpoints.md
Title: "Office 365 U.S. Government GCC High endpoints"
Previously updated : 04/28/2022 Last updated : 05/04/2022 audience: ITPro
Office 365 requires connectivity to the Internet. The endpoints below should be
|Notes|Download| |||
-|**Last updated:** 04/28/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVGCCHigh?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVGCCHigh?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
+|**Last updated:** 05/04/2022 - ![RSS.](../media/5dc6bb29-25db-4f44-9580-77c735492c4b.png) [Change Log subscription](https://endpoints.office.com/version/USGOVGCCHigh?allversions=true&format=rss&clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|**Download:** the full list in [JSON format](https://endpoints.office.com/endpoints/USGOVGCCHigh?clientrequestid=b10c5ed1-bad1-445f-b386-b919946339a7)|
| Start with [Managing Office 365 endpoints](managing-office-365-endpoints.md) to understand our recommendations for managing network connectivity using this data. Endpoints data is updated as needed at the beginning of each month with new IP Addresses and URLs published 30 days in advance of being active. This lets customers who don't yet have automated updates to complete their processes before new connectivity is required. Endpoints may also be updated during the month if needed to address support escalations, security incidents, or other immediate operational requirements. The data shown on this page below is all generated from the REST-based web services. If you're using a script or a network device to access this data, you should go to the [Web service](microsoft-365-ip-web-service.md) directly.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Requirements https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-requirements.md
MSPs must be enrolled in the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program as an Indirec
In addition, each MSP customer tenant must qualify for Lighthouse by meeting the following requirements: - Must have delegated access set up for the Managed Service Provider (MSP) to be able to manage the customer tenant*-- Must have at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, Windows 365 Business, or Microsoft Defender for Business license
+- Must have at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, Microsoft 365 E5, Windows 365 Business, or Microsoft Defender for Business license
- Must have no more than 1000 licensed users *Delegated Admin Privileges (DAP) is required to onboard customers to Lighthouse. We recommend also establishing Granular Delegated Admin Privileges (GDAP) with your customers to enable more secure delegated access. While DAP and GDAP coexist, GDAP will take precedence for customers where both models are in place. Soon, customers with just GDAP (and no DAP) will be able to onboard to Lighthouse.
To view customer tenant devices on the device management pages, an MSP must:
## Requirements for enabling user management
-For customer data to show up in reports on user management pages, including Risky users, Multifactor authentication, and Password reset, customer tenants must have licenses for Azure Active Directory Premium P1 or later. Azure AD Premium P1 is included with Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Microsoft 365 E3.
+For customer data to show up in reports on user management pages, including Risky users, Multifactor authentication, and Password reset, customer tenants must have licenses for Azure Active Directory Premium P1 or later. Azure AD Premium P1 is included with Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Microsoft 365 E3. Azure AD Premium P2 is included with Microsoft 365 E5.
## Requirements for enabling threat management
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Troubleshoot https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-troubleshoot.md
This article describes error messages and problems that you might encounter whil
**Cause:** Your customer tenants don't meet the following criteria: - Must have delegated access set up for the Managed Service Provider (MSP) to be able to manage the customer tenant*-- Must have at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, Windows 365 Business, or Microsoft Defender for Business license
+- Must have at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, Microsoft 365 E5, Windows 365 Business, or Microsoft Defender for Business license
- Must have no more than 1000 licensed users **Resolution:** The following table describes the different tenant statuses that require action and explains how to resolve them.
This article describes error messages and problems that you might encounter whil
|--|--|--| | Inactive | The tenant was offboarded at the request of the MSP and is no longer being managed in Lighthouse. | You need to reactivate the tenant. On the **Tenants** page, select the three dots (more actions) next to the tenant that you want to reactivate, and then select **Activate tenant**. It can take 24ΓÇô48 hours for initial customer data to appear in Lighthouse. | | Ineligible - DAP or GDAP is not set up | You don't have DAP or GDAP admin privileges set up with the tenant, which is required by Lighthouse. | Set up DAP or GDAP admin privileges in the Microsoft Partner Center. |
-| Ineligible - Required license is missing | The tenant is missing a required license. They need at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, or Microsoft Defender for Business license. | Make sure the tenant has at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, Windows 365 Business, or Microsoft Defender for Business license assigned. |
+| Ineligible - Required license is missing | The tenant is missing a required license. They need at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, Microsoft 365 E5, or Microsoft Defender for Business license. | Make sure the tenant has at least one Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 E3, Microsoft 365 E5, Windows 365 Business, or Microsoft Defender for Business license assigned. |
| Ineligible - User count exceeded | The tenant has more than the maximum of 1000 licensed users allowed by Lighthouse. | Verify that the tenant doesn't have more than 1000 licensed users. | | Ineligible - Geo check failed | You and your customer don't reside in the same geographic region, which is required by Lighthouse. | Verify that the customer resides in your geographic region. If not, then you can't manage the tenant in Lighthouse. | | In process | Lighthouse discovered the tenant but is still in the process of onboarding them. | Allow Lighthouse 48 hours to complete onboarding of the tenant. |
security Enable Troubleshooting Mode https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-troubleshooting-mode.md
ms.technology: mde
**Applies to:** - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)-
+> [!NOTE]
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://www.microsoft.com/WindowsForBusiness/windows-atp?ocid=docs-wdatp-configureendpointsscript-abovefoldlink) Microsoft Defender for Endpoint troubleshooting mode allows you to troubleshoot various Microsoft Defender antivirus features by enabling them from the device and testing different scenarios, even if they're controlled by the organization policy. The troubleshooting mode is disabled by default and requires you to turn it on for a device (and/or group of devices) for a limited time. Note that this is exclusively an Enterprise-only feature, and requires Microsoft 365 Defender access.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint troubleshooting mode allows you to troubleshoot
- Notification will be sent to the end user when the troubleshooting mode begins and when the troubleshooting mode ends. A warning will also be sent notifying that it will end soon. -- While troubleshooting mode is active, endpoint detection and response (EDR) will not block any files, folders, or processes that Microsoft Defender Antivirus has excluded from scans.- - The beginning and ending of troubleshooting mode will be identified in the **Device Timeline** on the device page. - You can query all troubleshooting mode events in advanced hunting.
security Evaluation Lab https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/evaluation-lab.md
Automated investigation settings will be dependent on tenant settings. It will b
> In the **Simulator status** column, you can hover over the information icon to know the installation status of an agent.
+## Add a domain controller (Preview)
+> Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
+Add a domain controller to run complex scenarios such as lateral movement and multistage attacks across multiple devices.
+>Domain support is only available in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal (security.microsoft.com).
+1. From the dashboard, select **Add device**.
+2. Select **Windows Server 2019**, then select **Set as domain controller**.
+3. When your domain controller has been provisioned, you'll be able to create domain-joined devices by clicking **Add device**. Then select Windows 10 / Windows 11, and select **Join to domain**.
+>Only one domain controller can be live at a time. The domain controller device will remain live as long as there is a live device connected to it.
+++ ## Request for more devices When all existing devices are used and deleted, you can request for more devices. You can request for lab resources once a month.
security Linux Preferences https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-preferences.md
The following configuration profile will:
```JSON { "antivirusEngine":{
- "behaviorMonitoring":"enabled",
"enforcementLevel":"real_time", "threatTypeSettings":[ {
The following configuration profile contains entries for all settings described
```JSON { "antivirusEngine":{
- "behaviorMonitoring":"enabled",
"enforcementLevel":"real_time", "scanAfterDefinitionUpdate":true, "scanArchives":true,
security Microsoft Defender Endpoint Linux https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-endpoint-linux.md
If you experience any installation failures, refer to [Troubleshooting installat
- Supported Linux server distributions and x64 (AMD64/EM64T) and x86_64 versions:
- - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 or higher
- - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 or higher
- - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x
+ - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7 or higher (Preview)
+ - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 or higher
+ - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x
- CentOS 6.7 or higher - CentOS 7.2 or higher - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or higher LTS
If you experience any installation failures, refer to [Troubleshooting installat
> [!NOTE] > Distributions and version that are not explicitly listed are unsupported (even if they are derived from the officially supported distributions). +++ - List of supported kernel versions - Minimum kernel version 3.10.0-327 (For all the supported Linux distributions mentioned above except Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and CentOS 6) - The `fanotify` kernel option must be enabled
security Tamperprotection Macos https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tamperprotection-macos.md
Add the following configuration in your Intune profile:
> For Intune configuration, you can create a new profile configuration file to add the Tamper protection configuration, or you can add these parameters to the existing one. ```xml
-?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1"> <dict>
security Whats New In Microsoft Defender Endpoint https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-endpoint.md
For more information on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on other operating syste
## May 2022 - [Tamper protection for macOS (preview)](tamperprotection-macos.md)<br>Tamper protection helps prevent unauthorized removal of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS.
+- [Add domain controller devices - Evaluation lab enhancement (preview)](evaluation-lab.md#add-a-domain-controller-preview)<br>Add a domain controller to run complex scenarios such as lateral movement and multistage attacks across multiple devices.
## April 2022 - [Updated onboarding and feature parity for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016)](configure-server-endpoints.md)<br/> The new unified solution package is now generally available and makes it easier to onboard servers by removing dependencies and installation steps. In addition, this unified solution package comes with many new feature improvements.
security Api Advanced Hunting https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-advanced-hunting.md
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
-[Advanced hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md) is a threat-hunting tool that uses [specially constructed queries](advanced-hunting-query-language.md) to examine the past 30 days of event data in Microsoft 365 Defender. You can use advanced hunting queries to inspect unusual activity, detect possible threats, and even respond to attacks. The advanced hunting API allows you to programatically query event data.
+[Advanced hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md) is a threat-hunting tool that uses [specially constructed queries](advanced-hunting-query-language.md) to examine the past 30 days of event data in Microsoft 365 Defender. You can use advanced hunting queries to inspect unusual activity, detect possible threats, and even respond to attacks. The advanced hunting API allows you to programmatically query event data.
## Quotas and resource allocation
The following conditions relate to all queries.
6. A `429` HTTP response code indicates that you've reached a quota, either by number of requests sent, or by allotted running time. Read the response body to understand the limit you have reached. > [!NOTE]
-> All quotas listed above (for example 15 calls per min) are per tenant size. These quotas are the minimum.
+> All quotas listed above (for example 15 calls per min) are tenant wide. These quotas are the minimum.
## Permissions
-One of the following permissions is required to call the advanced hunting API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Access the Microsoft 365 Defender Protection APIs](api-access.md)
+One of the following permissions is required to call the advanced hunting API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Access the Microsoft 365 Defender Protection APIs](api-access.md).
Permission type | Permission | Permission display name -|-|-
In the request body, supply a JSON object with the following parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description -|-|-
-Query | Text | The query to run. **Note: required**
+Query | Text | The query to run. **(required)**
## Response
security Attack Simulation Training End User Notifications https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md
In Attack simulation training in Microsoft 365 E5 or Microsoft Defender for Offi
- **Simulation notifications**: These messages are sent when users are enrolled in trainings, and as reminders for required trainings. - **Positive reinforcement notifications**: These messages are sent when users report a simulated phishing message.
-To see the available end-user notification, open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, and then go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **End-user notifications** tab. To go directly to the **End-user notifications** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=endUserNotification>.
+To see the available end-user notification, open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, and then go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **Simulation content library** tab \> select **End user notifications**. To go directly to the **Simulation content library** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>.
-The **End-user notifications** tab has two tabs:
+**End user notifications** has two tabs:
-- **Global notifications**: Contains the built-in and non-modifiable notifications.
+- **Global notifications**: Contains the built-in, non-modifiable notifications.
- **Tenant notifications**: Contains the custom notifications that you've created. The following information is shown for each notification:
security Attack Simulation Training Payload Automations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-payload-automations.md
In Attack simulation training in Microsoft 365 E5 or Microsoft Defender for Offi
To create a payload automation, do the following steps:
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com/>, go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **Payload automations** tab.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com/>, go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **Automations** tab \> **Payload automations**.
- To go directly to the **Payload automations** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=payloadautomation>.
+ To go directly to the **Automations** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=automations>.
-2. On the **Payload automations** tab, select ![Create automation icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Create automation**.
+2. In **Payload automations**, select ![Create automation icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Create automation**.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/attack-sim-training-sim-automations-create.png" alt-text="The Create simulation button on the Payload automations tab in Attack simulation training in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="../../media/attack-sim-training-sim-automations-create.png"::: 3. The creation wizard opens. The rest of this article describes the pages and the settings they contain. > [!NOTE]
-> At any point during the creation wizard, you can click **Save and close** to save your progress and continue configuring the payload automation later. You can pick up where you left off by selecting the payload automation on the **Payload automations** tab, and then clicking ![Edit automation icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-edit-icon.png) **Edit automation**.
+> At any point during the creation wizard, you can click **Save and close** to save your progress and continue configuring the payload automation later. You can pick up where you left off by selecting the payload automation in **Payload automations**, and then clicking ![Edit automation icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-edit-icon.png) **Edit automation**.
## Automation name
security Attack Simulation Training Payloads https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-payloads.md
In Attack simulation training, a _payload_ is the phishing email message and web
This article describes how to create your own payloads in Attack simulation training. You can create custom payloads in the following locations: -- The **Payloads** tab: In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **Payloads** tab. To go directly to the **Payloads** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=payload>.
+- **Payloads**: In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **Simulation content library** tab \> **Payloads**. To go directly to the **Simulation content library** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>.
- During simulation creation: You can create custom payloads on the **Select a payload** page (the third page) of the simulation creation wizard. For more information, see [Simulate a phishing attack in Defender for Office 365](attack-simulation-training.md). For getting started information about Attack simulation training, see [Get started using Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-get-started.md).
For getting started information about Attack simulation training, see [Get start
## Create a payload
-After you click ![Create a payload icon.](../../medi#select-a-payload)** page of the simulation creation wizard, the payload creation wizard starts and is described in this section.
+After you click ![Create a payload icon.](../../medi#select-a-payload)** page of the simulation creation wizard, the payload creation wizard starts and is described in this section.
### Select a payload type
security Attack Simulation Training Simulation Automations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-simulation-automations.md
For getting started information about Attack simulation training, see [Get start
To create a simulation automation, do the following steps:
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com/>, go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **Simulation automations** tab.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com/>, go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Attack simulation training** \> **Automations** tab \> **Simulation automations**.
- To go directly to the **Simulation automations** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationautomation>.
+ To go directly to the **Automations** tab, use <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=automations>.
-2. On the **Simulation automations** tab, select ![Create automation icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Create automation**.
+2. On **Simulation automations**, select ![Create automation icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Create automation**.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/attack-sim-training-sim-automations-create.png" alt-text="The Create simulation button on the Simulation automations tab in Attack simulation training in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="../../media/attack-sim-training-sim-automations-create.png":::
This page shows the following notifications and their configured languages:
- **Microsoft default training assignment notification** - Any custom training assignment notifications that you previously created.
- These notifications are also available on the **End-user notifications** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=endUserNotification>. **Microsoft default training assignment notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training assignment notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
+ These notifications are also available in **End user notifications** on the **Simulation content library** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>. **Microsoft default training assignment notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training assignment notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
You can select an existing training assignment notification or create a new notification to use:
The **Training reminder notification** page is available only if you selected **
- **Microsoft default training reminder notification** - Any custom training reminder notifications that you previously created.
- These notifications are also available on the **End-user notifications** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=endUserNotification>. **Microsoft default training reminder notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training reminder notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
+ These notifications are also available in **End user notifications** on the **Simulation content library** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>. **Microsoft default training reminder notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training reminder notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
You can select an existing training reminder notification or create a new notification to use:
The **Positive reinforcement notification** page is available only if you select
- **Microsoft default positive reinforcement notification** - Any custom positive reinforcement notifications that you previously created.
- These notifications are also available on the **End-user notifications** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=endUserNotification>. **Microsoft default positive reinforcement notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom positive reinforcement notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
+ These notifications are also available in **End user notifications** on the **Simulation content library** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>. **Microsoft default positive reinforcement notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom positive reinforcement notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
You can select an existing positive reinforcement notification or create a new notification to use:
security Attack Simulation Training https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training.md
This page shows the following notifications and their configured languages:
- **Microsoft default training assignment notification** - Any custom training assignment notifications that you previously created.
- These notifications are also available on the **End-user notifications** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=endUserNotification>. **Microsoft default training assignment notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training assignment notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
+ These notifications are also available in **End user notifications** on the **Simulation content library** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>. **Microsoft default training assignment notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training assignment notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
You can select an existing training assignment notification or create a new notification to use:
The **Training reminder notification** page is available only if you selected **
- **Microsoft default training reminder notification** - Any custom training reminder notifications that you previously created.
- These notifications are also available on the **End-user notifications** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=endUserNotification>. **Microsoft default training reminder notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training reminder notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
+ These notifications are also available in **End user notifications** on the **Simulation content library** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>. **Microsoft default training reminder notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom training reminder notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
You can select an existing training reminder notification or create a new notification to use:
The **Positive reinforcement notification** page is available only if you select
- **Microsoft default positive reinforcement notification** - Any custom positive reinforcement notifications that you previously created.
- These notifications are also available on the **End-user notifications** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=endUserNotification>. **Microsoft default positive reinforcement notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom positive reinforcement notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
+ These notifications are also available in **End user notifications** on the **Simulation content library** tab in Attack simulation training at <https://security.microsoft.com/attacksimulator?viewid=simulationcontentlibrary>. **Microsoft default positive reinforcement notification** is available on the **Global notifications** tab. Custom positive reinforcement notifications are available on the **Tenant notifications** tab. For more information, see [End-user notifications for Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-end-user-notifications.md).
You can select an existing positive reinforcement notification or create a new notification to use:
security Install App Guard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/install-app-guard.md
To learn more about Office update channels, see [Overview of update channels for
### Licensing requirements
-* Microsoft 365 E5 or Microsoft 365 E5 Security
+* Microsoft 365 E5 Security
+* Microsoft 365 A5 for Faculty
+* Microsoft 365 A5 for Students
> [!NOTE] > Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise with shared computer activation or device-based licensing do not have access to Application Guard for Office.
+> Safe Documents licensing plans allow access to Application Guard for Office. For more information, see [Safe Documents in Microsoft 365 E5/A5](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-docs).
## Deploy Application Guard for Office