Updates from: 05/19/2022 01:08:01
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compliance Compliance Easy Trials Compliance Playbook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-easy-trials-compliance-playbook.md
Proactively identify and protect against privacy risks such as data hoarding, da
**Microsoft Security Technical Content Library**: Explore this library to find interactive guides and other learning content relevant to your needs. [Visit Library](/security).
-**Microsoft Security Resources**: From antimalware to Zero Trust, get all the relevant resources for your organization's security needs. [Visit Resources](/security/business).
+**Microsoft Security Resources**: From antimalware to Zero Trust, get all the relevant resources for your organization's security needs.
compliance Customer Key Manage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/customer-key-manage.md
To initiate the data purge path, complete these steps:
### Revoke your Customer Keys and the availability key for SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, and Teams files
-Purging of SharePoint, OneDrive for work or school, and Teams files DEPs is not supported in Customer Key. These multi-workload DEPs are used to encrypt data across multiple workloads across all tenant users. Purging such a DEP would result in data from across multiple workloads becoming inaccessible. If you decide to exit Microsoft 365 services altogether, you could pursue the path of tenant deletion per the documented process. See how to [delete a tenant in Azure Active Directory](/azure/active-directory/enterprise-users/directory-delete-howto).
+Purging of SharePoint, OneDrive for work or school, and Teams files DEPs is not supported in Customer Key. These multi-workload DEPs are used to encrypt data across multiple workloads across all tenant users. Purging such a DEP would result in data from across multiple workloads becoming inaccessible. If you decide to exit Microsoft 365 services altogether, you could pursue the path of tenant deletion per the documented process. See how to [delete a tenant in Azure Active Directory](/azure/active-directory/enterprise-users/directory-delete-howto).
## Related articles
compliance Encryption Office 365 Certificate Chains https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-office-365-certificate-chains.md
Expand the root and intermediate sections below to see additional details about
| **Thumbprint (SHA-256)** | 6AC159B4C2BC8E729F3B84642EF1286BCC80D775FE278C740ADA468D59439025 | | **Pin (SHA-256)** | 9w0QP9HzLXkfs+4zENaUFq2XKcQON1oyksoJ+Gg2AZE= | | **CRL URLs** | ldap://directory.d-trust.net/CN=D-TRUST%20Root%20Class%203%20CA%202%202009,O=D-Trust%20GmbH,C=DE?certificaterevocationlist<br>http://www.d-trust.net/crl/d-trust\_root\_class\_3\_ca\_2\_2009.crl |
-| **OCSP URLs** | http://root-c3-ca2-2009.ocsp.d-trust.net |
+| **OCSP URLs** | `http://root-c3-ca2-2009.ocsp.d-trust.net` |
### **D-TRUST SSL Class 3 CA 1 EV 2009**
Expand the root and intermediate sections below to see additional details about
| **Thumbprint (SHA-256)** | B0935DC04B4E60C0C42DEF7EC57A1B1D8F958D17988E71CC80A8CF5E635BA5B4 | | **Pin (SHA-256)** | lv5BNZ5aWd27ooolULDolFTwIaaWjHvG4yyH3rss4X8= | | **CRL URLs** | ldap://directory.d-trust.net/CN=D-TRUST%20Root%20Class%203%20CA%202%20EV%202009,O=D-Trust%20GmbH,C=DE?certificaterevocationlist<br>http://www.d-trust.net/crl/d-trust\_root\_class\_3\_ca\_2\_ev\_2009.crl |
-| **OCSP URLs** | http://root-c3-ca2-ev-2009.ocsp.d-trust.net |
+| **OCSP URLs** | `http://root-c3-ca2-ev-2009.ocsp.d-trust.net` |
### **DigiCert Basic RSA CN CA G2**
Expand the root and intermediate sections below to see additional details about
| **Thumbprint (SHA-1)** | 65BE102BE26928650E0EF54DC8F4F15AF5F98E8B | | **Thumbprint (SHA-256)** | 24F91C0705A0A5338641B365FB0D9D9709B56297CFF1857E73C02C1636D486AA | | **Pin (SHA-256)** | LvRiGEjRqfzurezaWuj8Wie2gyHMrW5Q06LspMnox7A= |
-| **CRL URLs** | http://crl.globalsign.net/root-r2.crl |
-| **OCSP URLs** | http://ocsp.globalsign.com/rootr2 |
+| **CRL URLs** | `http://crl.globalsign.net/root-r2.crl` |
+| **OCSP URLs** | `http://ocsp.globalsign.com/rootr2` |
### **GlobalSign Extended Validation CA - SHA256 - G3**
Expand the root and intermediate sections below to see additional details about
| **Thumbprint (SHA-1)** | 6AD2B04E2196E48BF685752890E811CD2ED60606 | | **Thumbprint (SHA-256)** | 7373D219B42547E41BCB752BCBCBE93F592FF6F99C340CE57B73D38C3EC0BA98 | | **Pin (SHA-256)** | 8XFPrRr4VxmEIYKUu35QtR3oGbduX1AlrBzaBUHgp7c= |
-| **AIA URLs** | https://cacert.omniroot.com/baltimoreroot.crt<br>https://cacert.omniroot.com/baltimoreroot.der |
+| **AIA URLs** | `https://cacert.omniroot.com/baltimoreroot.crt`<br>`https://cacert.omniroot.com/baltimoreroot.der` |
| **CRL URLs** | http://cdp1.public-trust.com/CRL/Omniroot2025.crl | | **OCSP URLs** | http://ocsp.omniroot.com/baltimoreroot |
apps.identrust.com/roots/dstrootcax3.p7c<br> <https://cacert.a.omniroot.com/vassg142.crt><br> <https://cacert.a.omniroot.com/vassg142.der><br>
cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertCloudServicesCA-1.crt<br> cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertSHA2ExtendedValidationServerCA.crt<br> cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertSHA2HighAssuranceServerCA.crt<br>
compliance Encryption Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md
Settings for access control for encrypted content:
### Rights Management use license for offline access
+> [!NOTE]
+> Although you can configure the encryption setting to allow offline access, some apps might not support offline access for encrypted content. For example, labeled and encrypted files in [Power BI Desktop](/power-bi/admin/service-security-sensitivity-label-overview) won't open if you're offline.
+ When a user opens a document or email that's been protected by encryption from the Azure Rights Management service, an Azure Rights Management use license for that content is granted to the user. This use license is a certificate that contains the user's usage rights for the document or email, and the encryption key that was used to encrypt the content. The use license also contains an expiration date if this has been set, and how long the use license is valid. If no expiration date has been set, the default use license validity period for a tenant is 30 days. For the duration of the use license, the user is not reauthenticated or reauthorized for the content. This process lets the user continue to open the protected document or email without an internet connection. When the use license validity period expires, the next time the user accesses the protected document or email, the user must be reauthenticated and reauthorized.
compliance Insider Risk Management Cases https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-cases.md
To send a notice to the user assigned to a case:
### Escalate for investigation
-Escalate the case for user investigation in situations where additional legal review is needed for the user's risk activity. This escalation opens a new Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) case in your Microsoft 365 organization. eDiscovery (Premium) provides an end-to-end workflow to preserve, collect, review, analyze, and export content that's responsive to your organization's internal and external legal investigations. It also lets your legal team manage the entire legal hold notification workflow to communicate with custodians involved in a case. Assigning a reviewer as a custodian in an eDiscovery (Premium) case created from an insider risk management case helps your legal team take appropriate action and manage content preservation. To learn more about eDiscovery (Premium) cases, see [Overview of Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)](overview-ediscovery-20.md).
+Escalate the case for user investigation in situations where additional legal review is needed for the user's risk activity. This escalation opens a new Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) case in your Microsoft 365 organization. eDiscovery (Premium) provides an end-to-end workflow to preserve, collect, review, analyze, and export content that's responsive to your organization's internal and external legal investigations. It also lets your legal team manage the entire legal hold notification workflow to communicate with custodians involved in a case. Escalating to an eDiscovery (Premium) case from an insider risk management case helps your legal team take appropriate action and manage content preservation. To learn more about eDiscovery (Premium) cases, see [Overview of Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)](overview-ediscovery-20.md).
To escalate a case to a user investigation:
compliance Retention Policies Sharepoint https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-policies-sharepoint.md
Users also see an error message if they try to delete a labeled item in any of t
To check or change this setting, go to the **Records management** solution in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal > **Records management** > **Records management settings** > **Retention labels** > **Deletion of items**. There are separate settings for SharePoint and OneDrive.
- Alternatively, and if you don't have access to the **Records management** solution, you can use *AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedSPO* and *AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedODB* from [Get-PnPTenant](/powershell/module/sharepoint-pnp/get-pnptenant) and [Set-PnPTenant](/powershell/module/sharepoint-pnp/set-pnptenant).
+ Alternatively, and if you don't have access to the **Records management** solution, you can use *AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedSPO* and *AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedODB* from [Get-PnPTenant](https://pnp.github.io/powershell/cmdlets/Get-PnPTenant.html) and [Set-PnPTenant](https://pnp.github.io/powershell/cmdlets/Set-PnPTenant.html).
- The retention label marks items as a record and it's [locked](record-versioning.md).
contentunderstanding Create An Extractor https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/create-an-extractor.md
The Find feature is useful if you're searching a large document or if there are
## Add an explanation
-For our example, we're going to create an explanation that provides a hint about the entity format itself and variations it might have in the sample documents. For example, a date value can be in a number of different formats, such as:
+For our example, we're going to create an explanation that provides a hint about the entity format itself and variations it might have in the sample documents. For example, a date value can be in several different formats, such as:
- 10/14/2019 - October 14, 2019 - Monday, October 14, 2019
-To help identify the *Service Start Date* you can create a pattern explanation.
+To help identify the *Service Start Date*, you can create a pattern explanation.
1. In the Explanation section, select **New** and type a name (for example, *Date*). 2. For Type, select **Pattern list**.
If you again receive a **Mismatch** on your labeled files, you likely need to cr
## Test your model
-If you receive a match on your labeled sample files, you can now test your model on the remaining unlabeled example files. This is optional, but a useful step to evaluate the "fitness" or readiness of the model before using it, by testing it on files the model hasn't seen before.
+If you receive a match on your labeled sample files, you can now test your model on the remaining unlabeled example files. This step is optional, but useful to evaluate the "fitness" or readiness of the model before using it, by testing it on files the model hasn't seen before.
-1. From the model home page, select the **Test** tab. This runs the model on your unlabeled sample files.
+1. From the model home page, select the **Test** tab. This will run the model on your unlabeled sample files.
2. In the **Test files** list, your example files display to show if the model is able to extract the information you need. Use this information to help determine the effectiveness of your classifier in identifying your documents. ![Test on your files.](../media/content-understanding/test-filies-extractor.png)
-### Further refine an extractor
+## Further refine an extractor
If you have duplicate entities and want to extract only one value or a certain number of values, you can set a rule to specify how you want it processed. To add a rule to refine extracted information, follow these steps:
contentunderstanding Create Local Model https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/create-local-model.md
This feature is available only for creating [document understanding models](appl
![Screenshot of a SharePoint document library with the Classify and extract option highlighted.](../media/content-understanding/local-model-classify-and-extract-option.png)
-2. The first time you use this feature, you are activating SharePoint Syntex on your site. You'll see the following message.
+2. The first time you use this feature, you're activating SharePoint Syntex on your site. You'll see the following message.
![Screenshot of the Activate document classification and extraction infomation page.](../media/content-understanding/local-model-first-run-activate-message.png)
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > You must have the Manage Web Site permission to perform administration tasks and manage content for the site. This would be a site owner. Once the feature is activated, anyone with the Manage Lists permission will be able to create and manage models.
+ 3. Select **Activate** to continue. You'll see the following message. ![Screenshot of the Document classification and extraction activated message with the option to Create a model.](../media/content-understanding/local-model-activated-message.png)
enterprise Setup Guides For Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/setup-guides-for-microsoft-365.md
The [Mobile apps setup guide](https://aka.ms/officeappguidance) provides instruc
The [Microsoft Teams setup guide](https://aka.ms/teamsguidance) provides your organization with guidance to set up team workspaces that host real-time conversations through messaging, calls, and audio or video meetings for both team and private communication. Use the tools in this guide to configure Guest access, set who can create teams, and add team members from a .csv file, all without the need to open a PowerShell session. You'll also get best practices for determining your organization's network requirements and ensuring a successful Teams deployment.
+### Teams Phone setup guide
+The [Teams Phone setup guide](https://aka.ms/teamsphonesetupguide) helps you stay connected with the use of modern calling solutions. Apply key capabilities with a cloud-based, call-control system that supports the telephony workload for Teams. You can choose and deploy features from the available public switched telephone network (PSTN) connectivity options. You can also find assistance for other features, such as auto attendant, call queues, Audio Conferencing, caller ID, and live events.
+ ### SharePoint setup guide The [SharePoint setup guide](https://aka.ms/spoguidance) helps you set up your SharePoint document storage and content management, create sites, configure external sharing, migrate data and configure advanced settings, and drive user engagement and communication within your organization. You'll follow steps for configuring your content-sharing permission policies, choose your migration sync tools, and enable the security settings for your SharePoint environment.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Reprovision Cloudpc https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-reprovision-cloudpc.md
description: "For Managed Service Providers (MSPs) using Microsoft 365 Lighthous
# Reprovision a Windows 365 Cloud PC in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse
-Microsoft 365 Lighthouse supports reprovisioning Cloud PCs that have a provisioning policy. You may need to reprovision a device for a new user or if the device isn't working properly. When a reprovision is triggered, the Cloud PC will be deleted and recreated as a new Cloud PC. All user data, applications, customizations, and the like will be deleted.
+Microsoft 365 Lighthouse supports reprovisioning Cloud PCs that have a provisioning policy. You may need to reprovision a device for a new user or if the device isn't working properly. When a reprovision is triggered, the Cloud PC will be deleted and recreated as a new Cloud PC. All user data, applications, customizations, and the like will be deleted.
## Before you begin
scheduler Scheduler Preferences https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/scheduler/scheduler-preferences.md
-Scheduling Preferences
-Scheduler takes into account several Outlook preferences to schedule a meeting for an organizer. Any changes to their preference settings via Outlook clients will automatically be reflected in how Scheduler handles the subsequent requests sent to Cortana. For instance, if an organizer changes their time zone preference on the Settings page in Outlook Web, all subsequent requests by the organizer will default to the new time zone value.
-Supported Settings
-Time zone
-The time zone used when determining an appropriate time to schedule meetings. See [Add, remove, or change time zones](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/add-remove-or-change-time-zones-5ab3e10e-5a6c-46af-ab48-156fedf70c04) documentation.
-Work hours and days
-For most meeting types, Scheduler will schedule a time according to the organizer's work week and meeting hours preferences. See [Change your work hours and days in Outlook](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/change-your-work-hours-and-days-in-outlook-a27f261d-0681-415f-8ac1-388ab21e833f) documentation.
-Online meetings
-You can turn on a Calendar option so that all the meetings you schedule from Outlook and Scheduler will be held online with conference details. Scheduler currently supports Teams and Skype as meeting providers. See [Make all meetings Teams meetings](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/schedule-a-teams-meeting-from-outlook-883cc15c-580f-441a-92ea-0992c00a9b0f#bkmk_makeallteamsmtngs) documentation.
-Default meeting duration
-If the organizer does not specify the desired meeting duration in the request, Scheduler will use the preferred meeting duration for the request. This setting is only available in the Windows Outlook client.
-1. Click on **File** > **Options** 
-2. Select **Calendar** in the **Navigation Pane**.
-3. The default duration setting is located under **Calendar** **Options**.
-![Outlook Calendar options dialog in Windows. Configure work time, default duration, and shorten meetings options for Scheduler to use as defaults.](../media/OutlookOptions.png)
-Avoid back-to-back meetings
-Outlook now has a setting that automatically starts meetings late or ends meetings early to avoid back-to-back meetings. If set, Scheduler will also shorten the meeting duration according to the preference setting. See [Change default meeting length](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/hybrid-work/change-default-meeting-length-in-outlook-avoid-back-to-back/m-p/1247361) in Outlook documentation.
-Additional Note
--- If you use the Windows client, you must set the following option to ensure that your preferences are synced across Scheduler and other Outlook clients:-
-![Outlook Calendar options dialog in Windows. Check to enable "Store my Outlook settings in the cloud".](../media/OutlookOptions2.png)
security Microsoft 365 Zero Trust https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/Microsoft-365-zero-trust.md
In the illustration:
- Identities, devices, data, apps, network, and other infrastructure components are all configured with appropriate security. Policies that are configured for each of these components are coordinated with your overall Zero Trust strategy. For example, device policies determine the criteria for healthy devices and conditional access policies require healthy devices for access to specific apps and data. - Threat protection and intelligence monitors the environment, surfaces current risks, and takes automated action to remediate attacks.
+For more information about Zero Trust, see Microsoft's [_**Zero Trust Guidance Center**_](/security/zero-trust).
+ <! For more information about this architecture, including deployment objectives for your entire digital estate, see [Zero Trust Rapid Modernization Plan (RaMP)](https://review.docs.microsoft.com/security/zero-trust/zero-trust-ramp-overview?branch=zt-content-prototype). -->
-For more information about Zero Trust, see Microsoft's [_**Zero Trust Guidance Center**_](/security/zero-trust).
+ ## Deploying Zero Trust for Microsoft 365
In this illustration:
- Threat protection capabilities are built on top of this foundation to provide real-time monitoring and remediation of security threats. - Information protection and governance provide sophisticated controls targeted at specific types of data to protect your most valuable information and to help you comply with compliance standards, including protecting personal information. +
+This article assumes you have already configured cloud identity. If you need guidance for this objective, see [**Deploy your identity infrastructure for Microsoft 365**](/microsoft-365/enterprise/deploy-identity-solution-overview).
+ ## Step 1. Configure Zero Trust identity and device access protection ΓÇö starting-point policies The first step is to build your Zero Trust foundation by configuring identity and device access protection.
security Auto Investigation Action Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/auto-investigation-action-center.md
Previously updated : 01/28/2021 ms.technology: mde # Visit the Action center to see remediation actions
-During and after an automated investigation, remediation actions for threat detections are identified. Depending on the particular threat and how [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection) is configured for your organization, some remediation actions are taken automatically, and others require approval. If you're part of your organization's security operations team, you can view pending and completed [remediation actions](manage-auto-investigation.md#remediation-actions) in the **Action center**.
+During and after an automated investigation, remediation actions for threat detections are identified. Depending on the particular threat and how [automated investigation and remediation capabilities are configured](configure-automated-investigations-remediation.md) for your organization, some remediation actions are taken automatically, and others require approval. If you're part of your organization's security operations team, you can view pending and completed [remediation actions](manage-auto-investigation.md#remediation-actions) in the **Action center**.
**Applies to:**-- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
-## (NEW!) A unified Action center
+## The unified Action center
-We are pleased to announce a new, unified Action center ([https://security.microsoft.com/action-center](https://security.microsoft.com/action-center))!
+Recently, the Action center was updated. You now have a unified Action center experience. To access your Action center, go to [https://security.microsoft.com/action-center](https://security.microsoft.com/action-center) and sign in.
:::image type="content" source="images/mde-action-center-unified.png" alt-text="The Action center page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="images/mde-action-center-unified.png":::
+### What's changed?
+ The following table compares the new, unified Action center to the previous Action center. |The new, unified Action center |The previous Action center |
The unified Action center brings together remediation actions across Defender fo
You can use the unified Action center if you have appropriate permissions and one or more of the following subscriptions:
+- [Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/mtp/microsoft-threat-protection)
- [Defender for Endpoint](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) - [Defender for Office 365](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/office-365-atp)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/mtp/microsoft-threat-protection)-
-> [!TIP]
-> To learn more, see [Requirements](/microsoft-365/security/mtp/prerequisites).
+- [Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
## Using the Action center To get to the unified Action center in the improved Microsoft 365 Defender portal: 1. Go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077139" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 Defender portal</a> and sign in.+ 2. In the navigation pane, select **Action center**.
-When you visit the Action center, you see two tabs: **Pending actions** and **History**. The following table summarizes what you'll see on each tab:
+3. Use the **Pending actions** and **History** tabs. The following table summarizes what you'll see on each tab:
-|**Pending**|Displays a list of actions that require attention. You can approve or reject actions one at a time, or select multiple actions if they have the same type of action (such as **Quarantine file**). <p> **TIP**: Make sure to [review and approve (or reject) pending actions](manage-auto-investigation.md) as soon as possible so that your automated investigations can complete in a timely manner.|
-|**History**|Serves as an audit log for actions that were taken, such as: <ul><li>Remediation actions that were taken as a result of automated investigations</li><li>Remediation actions that were approved by your security operations team</li><li>Commands that were run and remediation actions that were applied during Live Response sessions</li><li>Remediation actions that were taken by threat protection features in Microsoft Defender Antivirus</li></ul> <p> Provides a way to undo certain actions (see [Undo completed actions](manage-auto-investigation.md#undo-completed-actions)).|
+ |Tab|Description|
+ |||
+ |**Pending**|Displays a list of actions that require attention. You can approve or reject actions one at a time, or select multiple actions if they have the same type of action (such as **Quarantine file**). <p> **TIP**: Make sure to [review and approve (or reject) pending actions](manage-auto-investigation.md) as soon as possible so that your automated investigations can complete in a timely manner.|
+ |**History**|Serves as an audit log for actions that were taken, such as: <ul><li>Remediation actions that were taken as a result of automated investigations</li><li>Remediation actions that were approved by your security operations team</li><li>Commands that were run and remediation actions that were applied during Live Response sessions</li><li>Remediation actions that were taken by threat protection features in Microsoft Defender Antivirus</li></ul> <p> Provides a way to undo certain actions (see [Undo completed actions](manage-auto-investigation.md#undo-completed-actions)).|
-You can customize, sort, filter, and export data in the Action center.
+4. To customize, sort, filter, and export data in the Action center, take one or more of the following steps:
+ :::image type="content" source="images/new-action-center-columnsfilters.png" alt-text="The Action center with Columns and filters" lightbox="images/new-action-center-columnsfilters.png":::
-- Select a column heading to sort items in ascending or descending order.-- Use the time period filter to view data for the past day, week, 30 days, or 6 months.-- Choose the columns that you want to view.-- Specify how many items to include on each page of data.-- Use filters to view just the items you want to see.-- Select **Export** to export results to a .csv file.
+ - Select a column heading to sort items in ascending or descending order.
+ - Use the time period filter to view data for the past day, week, 30 days, or 6 months.
+ - Choose the columns that you want to view.
+ - Specify how many items to include on each page of data.
+ - Use filters to view just the items you want to see.
+ - Select **Export** to export results to a .csv file.
## Next steps
You can customize, sort, filter, and export data in the Action center.
## See also - [Address false positives/negatives in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md)
+- [Compare security features in Microsoft 365 plans for small and medium-sized businesses](../defender-business/compare-mdb-m365-plans.md)
security Automated Investigations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automated-investigations.md
ms.sitesec: library
ms.pagetype: security Previously updated : 11/24/2021 ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
[!INCLUDE [Microsoft 365 Defender rebranding](../../includes/microsoft-defender.md)] **Applies to:**-- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)-- Microsoft Defender Antivirus
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
**Platforms** - Windows
This article provides an overview of AIR and includes links to next steps and ad
An automated investigation can start when an alert is triggered or when a security operator initiates the investigation.
- |Situation|What happens| ||| |An alert is triggered|In general, an automated investigation starts when an [alert](review-alerts.md) is triggered, and an [incident](view-incidents-queue.md) is created. For example, suppose a malicious file resides on a device. When that file is detected, an alert is triggered, and incident is created. An automated investigation process begins on the device. As other alerts are generated because of the same file on other devices, they are added to the associated incident and to the automated investigation.| |An investigation is started manually|An automated investigation can be started manually by your security operations team. For example, suppose a security operator is reviewing a list of devices and notices that a device has a high risk level. The security operator can select the device in the list to open its flyout, and then select **Initiate Automated Investigation**.|
## How an automated investigation expands its scope
Depending on the [level of automation](automation-levels.md) set for your organi
All remediation actions, whether pending or completed, are tracked in the [Action center](auto-investigation-action-center.md). If necessary, your security operations team can undo a remediation action. To learn more, see [Review and approve remediation actions following an automated investigation](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-auto-investigation). > [!TIP]
-> Check out the new, unified investigation page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. To learn more, see [(NEW!) Unified investigation page](/microsoft-365/security/defender/m365d-autoir-results#new-unified-investigation-page).
+> Check out the new, unified investigation page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. To learn more, see [Unified investigation page](/microsoft-365/security/defender/m365d-autoir-results#new-unified-investigation-page).
## Requirements for AIR
-Your organization must have Defender for Endpoint (see [Minimum requirements for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](minimum-requirements.md)).
+Your subscription must include [Defender for Endpoint](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) or [Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md).
> [!NOTE] > Automated investigation and response requires Microsoft Defender Antivirus for running in passive mode or active mode. If Microsoft Defender Antivirus is disabled or uninstalled, Automated Investigation and Response will not function correctly.
security Automation Levels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automation-levels.md
ms.sitesec: library
ms.pagetype: security Previously updated : 10/22/2020 ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
**Applies to:** -- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
-Automated investigation and remediation (AIR) capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can be configured to one of several levels of automation. Your automation level affects whether remediation actions following AIR investigations are taken automatically or only upon approval.
+Automated investigation and remediation (AIR) capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Business are preconfigured and are not configurable. In Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you can configure AIR to one of several levels of automation. Your automation level affects whether remediation actions following AIR investigations are taken automatically or only upon approval.
-- *Full automation* (recommended) means remediation actions are taken automatically on artifacts determined to be malicious.
+- *Full automation* (recommended) means remediation actions are taken automatically on artifacts determined to be malicious. (*Full automation is set by default in Defender for Business*.)
- *Semi-automation* means some remediation actions are taken automatically, but other remediation actions await approval before being taken. (See the table in [Levels of automation](#levels-of-automation).) - All remediation actions, whether pending or completed, are tracked in the Action Center ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)).
Automated investigation and remediation (AIR) capabilities in Microsoft Defender
## Levels of automation
-The following table describes each level of automation and how it works.
- |Automation level|Description| |||
-|**Full - remediate threats automatically** <br> (also referred to as *full automation*)|With full automation, remediation actions are performed automatically. All remediation actions that are taken can be viewed in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md) on the **History** tab. If necessary, a remediation action can be undone. <p> ***Full automation is recommended** and is selected by default for tenants that were created on or after August 16, 2020 with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, with no device groups defined yet.*|
+|**Full - remediate threats automatically** <br> (also referred to as *full automation*)|With full automation, remediation actions are performed automatically. All remediation actions that are taken can be viewed in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md) on the **History** tab. If necessary, a remediation action can be undone. <p> ***Full automation is recommended** and is selected by default for tenants with Defender for Endpoint that were created on or after August 16, 2020, with no device groups defined yet.*<p>*Full automation is set by default in Defender for Business.*|
|**Semi - require approval for any remediation** <br> (also referred to as *semi-automation*)|With this level of semi-automation, approval is required for *any* remediation action. Such pending actions can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **Pending** tab. <p> *This level of semi-automation is selected by default for tenants that were created before August 16, 2020 with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, with no device groups defined.*| |**Semi - require approval for core folders remediation** <br> (also a type of *semi-automation*)|With this level of semi-automation, approval is required for any remediation actions needed on files or executables that are in core folders. Core folders include operating system directories, such as the **Windows** (`\windows\*`). <p> Remediation actions can be taken automatically on files or executables that are in other (non-core) folders. <p> Pending actions for files or executables in core folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **Pending** tab. <p> Actions that were taken on files or executables in other folders can be viewed in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **History** tab.| |**Semi - require approval for non-temp folders remediation** <br> (also a type of *semi-automation*)|With this level of semi-automation, approval is required for any remediation actions needed on files or executables that are *not* in temporary folders. <p> Temporary folders can include the following examples: <ul><li>`\users\*\appdata\local\temp\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\local settings\temp\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\local settings\temporary\*`</li><li>`\windows\temp\*`</li><li>`\users\*\downloads\*`</li><li>`\program files\`</li><li>`\program files (x86)\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\users\*`</li></ul> <p> Remediation actions can be taken automatically on files or executables that are in temporary folders. <p> Pending actions for files or executables that are not in temporary folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **Pending** tab. <p> Actions that were taken on files or executables in temporary folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **History** tab.| |**No automated response** <br> (also referred to as *no automation*)|With no automation, automated investigation does not run on your organization's devices. As a result, no remediation actions are taken or pending as a result of automated investigation. However, other threat protection features, such as [protection from potentially unwanted applications](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/detect-block-potentially-unwanted-apps-microsoft-defender-antivirus), can be in effect, depending on how your antivirus and next-generation protection features are configured. <p> ***Using the *no automation* option is not recommended**, because it reduces the security posture of your organization's devices. [Consider setting up your automation level to full automation (or at least semi-automation)](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/machine-groups).|
## Important points about automation levels - Full automation has proven to be reliable, efficient, and safe, and is recommended for all customers. Full automation frees up your critical security resources so they can focus more on your strategic initiatives. -- New tenants (which include tenants that were created on or after August 16, 2020) with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint are set to full automation by default.
+- New tenants (which include tenants that were created on or after August 16, 2020) with Defender for Endpoint are set to full automation by default.
+- [Defender for Business](../defender-business/compare-mdb-m365-plans.md) uses full automation by default. Defender for Business doesn't use device groups the same way as Defender for Business. Thus, full automation is turned on and applied to all devices in Defender for Business.
- If your security team has defined device groups with a level of automation, those settings are not changed by the new default settings that are rolling out.
The following table describes each level of automation and how it works.
## Next steps -- [Configure automated investigation and remediation capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](configure-automated-investigations-remediation.md)
+- [Configure automated investigation and remediation capabilities in Defender for Endpoint](configure-automated-investigations-remediation.md)
- [Visit the Action Center](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/auto-investigation-action-center#the-action-center)
security Configure Automated Investigations Remediation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-automated-investigations-remediation.md
# Configure automated investigation and remediation capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint **Applies to:**-- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-assignaccess-abovefoldlink)
-If your organization is using [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/) (Defender for Endpoint), [automated investigation and remediation capabilities](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automated-investigations) can save your security operations team time and effort. As outlined in [this blog post](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-atp/enhance-your-soc-with-microsoft-defender-atp-automatic/ba-p/848946), these capabilities mimic the ideal steps that a security analyst takes to investigate and remediate threats. [Learn more about automated investigation and remediation](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automated-investigations).
+If your organization is using [Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/) (or [Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)), [automated investigation and remediation capabilities](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automated-investigations) can save your security operations team time and effort. As outlined in [this blog post](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-atp/enhance-your-soc-with-microsoft-defender-atp-automatic/ba-p/848946), these capabilities mimic the ideal steps that a security analyst takes to investigate and remediate threats. [Learn more about automated investigation and remediation](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automated-investigations).
To configure automated investigation and remediation:
To configure automated investigation and remediation:
## Turn on automated investigation and remediation
-1. As a global administrator or security administrator, go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal (<https://security.microsoft.com>) and sign in.
+1. As a global administrator or security administrator, go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)) and sign in.
+ 2. In the navigation pane, choose **Settings**.+ 3. Select **Endpoints**, then select **Advanced features**.+ 4. Turn on both **Automated Investigation** and **Automatically resolve alerts**. ## Set up device groups
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal (<https://security.microsoft.com>), on the **Settings** page, under **Permissions**, select **Device groups**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> This procedure does not apply to Defender for Business.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), on the **Settings** page, under **Permissions**, select **Device groups**.
+ 2. Select **+ Add device group**.+ 3. Create at least one device group, as follows:+ - Specify a name and description for the device group. - In the **Automation level list**, select a level, such as **Full - remediate threats automatically**. The automation level determines whether remediation actions are taken automatically, or only upon approval. To learn more, see [Automation levels in automated investigation and remediation](automation-levels.md). - In the **Members** section, use one or more conditions to identify and include devices. - On the **User access** tab, select the [Azure Active Directory groups](/azure/active-directory/fundamentals/active-directory-manage-groups?context=azure/active-directory/users-groups-roles/context/ugr-context) who should have access to the device group you're creating.+ 4. Select **Done** when you're finished setting up your device group. ## Next steps
security Enable Troubleshooting Mode https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-troubleshooting-mode.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-+ - m365-security-compliance ms.technology: mde
ms.technology: mde
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://www.microsoft.com/WindowsForBusiness/windows-atp?ocid=docs-wdatp-configureendpointsscript-abovefoldlink) - Microsoft Defender for Endpoint troubleshooting mode allows you to troubleshoot various Microsoft Defender antivirus features by enabling them from the device and testing different scenarios, even if they're controlled by the organization policy. The troubleshooting mode is disabled by default and requires you to turn it on for a device (and/or group of devices) for a limited time. Note that this is exclusively an Enterprise-only feature, and requires Microsoft 365 Defender access. ## What do you need to know before you begin? - Use troubleshooting mode to disable/change the tamper protection setting to perform:
- - Microsoft Defender Antivirus functional troubleshooting /application compatibility (false positive application blocks).
+ - Microsoft Defender Antivirus functional troubleshooting /application compatibility (false positive application blocks).
- - Microsoft Defender Antivirus performance troubleshooting by using the troubleshooting mode and manipulating tamper protection and other antivirus settings.
+ - Microsoft Defender Antivirus performance troubleshooting by using the troubleshooting mode and manipulating tamper protection and other antivirus settings.
- If a tampering event occurs (for example, the `MpPreference` snapshot is altered or deleted), troubleshooting mode will end and tamper protection will be enabled on the device. - Local admins, with appropriate permissions, can change configurations on individual endpoints that are usually locked by policy. Having a device in troubleshooting mode can be helpful when diagnosing Microsoft Defender Antivirus performance and compatibility scenarios.
- - Local admins won't be able to turn off Microsoft Defender Antivirus, or uninstall it.
+ - Local admins won't be able to turn off Microsoft Defender Antivirus, or uninstall it.
- - Local admins will be able to configure all other security settings in the Microsoft Defender Antivirus suite (for example, cloud protection, tamper protection).
+ - Local admins will be able to configure all other security settings in the Microsoft Defender Antivirus suite (for example, cloud protection, tamper protection).
- Admins with ΓÇ£Manage Security settingsΓÇ¥ permissions will have access to turn on troubleshooting mode. - Microsoft Defender for Endpoint collects logs and investigation data throughout the troubleshooting process.
- - Snapshot of `MpPreference` will be taken before troubleshooting mode begins.
+ - Snapshot of `MpPreference` will be taken before troubleshooting mode begins.
- - Second snapshot will be taken just before troubleshooting mode expires.
+ - Second snapshot will be taken just before troubleshooting mode expires.
- - Operational logs from during troubleshooting mode will also be collected.
+ - Operational logs from during troubleshooting mode will also be collected.
- - All the above logs and snapshots will be collected and will be available for an admin to collect using the [Collect investigation package](respond-machine-alerts.md#collect-investigation-package-from-devices) feature on the device page. Note that Microsoft won't remove this data from the device until an admin collects them.
+ - All the above logs and snapshots will be collected and will be available for an admin to collect using the [Collect investigation package](respond-machine-alerts.md#collect-investigation-package-from-devices) feature on the device page. Note that Microsoft won't remove this data from the device until an admin collects them.
- Admins can also review the changes in settings that take place during Troubleshooting mode in **Event Viewer** on the device page.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint troubleshooting mode allows you to troubleshoot
## Enable the troubleshooting mode
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal (https://security.microsoft.com), and sign in.
+1. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal (<https://security.microsoft.com>), and sign in.
2. Navigate to the device page/machine page for the device you would like to turn on troubleshooting mode. Select **Turn on troubleshooting mode**. Note that this requires "Manage security settings in Security Center" permissions for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. :::image type="content" source="../../media/ts-mode-menu.png" alt-text="Turn on troubleshooting mode" lightbox="../../media/ts-mode-menu.png":::
-3. Confirm you want to turn on troubleshooting mode for the device.
+3. Confirm you want to turn on troubleshooting mode for the device.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/ts-mode-conf-flyout.png" alt-text="The configuration flyout" lightbox="../../media/ts-mode-conf-flyout.png":::
-4. The device page shows the device is now in troubleshooting mode.
+4. The device page shows the device is now in troubleshooting mode.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/ts-mode-option-greyed-out.png" alt-text="The device is now in troubleshooting mode" lightbox="../../media/ts-mode-option-greyed-out.png":::
Here are some pre-built advanced hunting queries to give you visibility into the
### Get troubleshooting events for a particular device ```kusto
-let deviceName = "<device name>"; // update with device name
-let deviceId = "<device id>"; // update with device id
-search in (DeviceEvents)
-(DeviceName == deviceName
-) and ActionType == "AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent"
-| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields) 
-| project $table, Timestamp,DeviceId, DeviceName, _tsmodeproperties,
- _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingState, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingPreviousState, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStartTime,
- _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateExpiry, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateRemainingMinutes,
- _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeSource
+let deviceName = "<device name>"; // update with device name
+let deviceId = "<device id>"; // update with device id
+search in (DeviceEvents)
+(DeviceName == deviceName
+) and ActionType == "AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent"
+| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields)
+| project $table, Timestamp,DeviceId, DeviceName, _tsmodeproperties,
+ _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingState, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingPreviousState, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStartTime,
+ _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateExpiry, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateRemainingMinutes,
+ _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason, _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeSource
-### Devices currently in troubleshooting mode 
+### Devices currently in troubleshooting mode
-search in (DeviceEvents)
-| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields) 
-| where Timestamp > ago(3h)
-| where _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason == "Troubleshooting mode started"
-|summarize (Timestamp, ReportId)=arg_max(Timestamp, ReportId), count() by DeviceId
+search in (DeviceEvents)
+ActionType == "AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent"
+| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields)
+| where Timestamp > ago(3h)
+| where _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason == "Troubleshooting mode started"
+|summarize (Timestamp, ReportId)=arg_max(Timestamp, ReportId), count() by DeviceId
``` ### Count of troubleshooting mode instances by device ```kusto
-search in (DeviceEvents)
-| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields) 
-| where Timestamp > ago(30d)  // choose the date range you want
-| where _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason == "Troubleshooting mode started"
-| summarize (Timestamp, ReportId)=arg_max(Timestamp, ReportId), count() by DeviceId
-| sort by count_
+search in (DeviceEvents)
+ActionType == "AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent"
+| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields)
+| where Timestamp > ago(30d) // choose the date range you want
+| where _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason == "Troubleshooting mode started"
+| summarize (Timestamp, ReportId)=arg_max(Timestamp, ReportId), count() by DeviceId
+| sort by count_
``` ### Total count ```kusto
-search in (DeviceEvents)
-| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields) 
-| where Timestamp > ago(2d) //beginning of time range
-| where Timestamp < ago(1d) //end of time range
-| where _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason == "Troubleshooting mode started"
-| summarize (Timestamp, ReportId)=arg_max(Timestamp, ReportId), count() 
-| where count_ > 5          // choose your max # of TS mode instances for your time range
+search in (DeviceEvents)
+ActionType == "AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent"
+| extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields)
+| where Timestamp > ago(2d) //beginning of time range
+| where Timestamp < ago(1d) //end of time range
+| where _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason == "Troubleshooting mode started"
+| summarize (Timestamp, ReportId)=arg_max(Timestamp, ReportId), count()
+| where count_ > 5 // choose your max # of TS mode instances for your time range
``` ## Related topic - [Troubleshooting mode scenarios](troubleshooting-mode-scenarios.md)-- [Protect security settings with tamper protection](prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection.md)
+- [Protect security settings with tamper protection](prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection.md)
security Indicator File https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/indicator-file.md
ms.technology: mde
**Applies to:**
+- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/defender-endpoint-plan-1) - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
> [!TIP] > Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://www.microsoft.com/WindowsForBusiness/windows-atp?ocid=docs-wdatp-automationexclusionlist-abovefoldlink)
It's important to understand the following prerequisites prior to creating indic
This feature is designed to prevent suspected malware (or potentially malicious files) from being downloaded from the web. It currently supports portable executable (PE) files, including .exe and .dll files. The coverage will be extended over time.
+> In Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Defender for Business, you can create an indicator to block or allow a file. In Defender for Business, your indicator is applied across your environment and cannot be scoped to specific devices.
+ ## Create an indicator for files from the settings page 1. In the navigation pane, select **Settings** \> **Endpoints** \> **Indicators** (under **Rules**).
This feature is designed to prevent suspected malware (or potentially malicious
4. Specify the following details: - Indicator - Specify the entity details and define the expiration of the indicator. - Action - Specify the action to be taken and provide a description.
- - Scope - Define the scope of the device group.
+ - Scope - Define the scope of the device group (scoping is not available in [Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)).
5. Review the details in the Summary tab, then select **Save**.
security Manage Auto Investigation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-auto-investigation.md
- m365initiative-defender-endpoint Previously updated : 01/29/2021 ms.technology: mde # Review remediation actions following an automated investigation - **Applies to:** - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
## Remediation actions
Whether taken automatically or upon approval, an automated investigation can res
## Review pending actions 1. Go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077139" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 Defender portal</a> and sign in.+ 2. In the navigation pane, choose **Action center**.+ 3. Review the items on the **Pending** tab.+ 4. Select an action to open its flyout pane.+ 5. In the flyout pane, review the information, and then take one of the following steps:+ - Select **Open investigation page** to view more details about the investigation. - Select **Approve** to initiate a pending action. - Select **Reject** to prevent a pending action from being taken.
Whether taken automatically or upon approval, an automated investigation can res
## Review completed actions 1. Go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077139" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 Defender portal</a> and sign in.+ 2. In the navigation pane, choose **Action center**.+ 3. Review the items on the **History** tab.+ 4. Select an item to view more details about that remediation action. ## Undo completed actions If you've determined that a device or a file is not a threat, you can undo remediation actions that were taken, whether those actions were taken automatically or manually. In the Action center, on the **History** tab, you can undo any of the following actions:
- |Action source|Supported Actions| |||
-|<ul><li>Automated investigation</li><li>Microsoft Defender Antivirus</li><li>Manual response actions</li></ul>|<ul><li>Isolate device</li><li>Restrict code execution</li><li>Quarantine a file</li><li>Remove a registry key</li><li>Stop a service</li><li>Disable a driver</li><li>Remove a scheduled task</li></ul>|
+|<ul><li>Automated investigation</li><li>Manual response actions (see the note below)</li><li>Microsoft Defender Antivirus</li></ul>|<ul><li>Disable a driver</li><li>Isolate device</li><li>Quarantine a file</li><li>Remove a registry key</li><li>Remove a scheduled task</li><li>Restrict code execution</li><li>Stop a service</li></ul>|
+> [!NOTE]
+> [Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](defender-endpoint-plan-1.md) and [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md) include only the following manual response actions:
+> - Run antivirus scan
+> - Isolate device
+> - Stop and quarantine a file
+> - Add an indicator to block or allow a file
+> To learn more, see [Compare Microsoft Defender for Endpoint plans](defender-endpoint-plan-1-2.md) and [Compare security features in Microsoft 365 plans for small and medium-sized businesses](../defender-business/compare-mdb-m365-plans.md).
### To undo multiple actions at one time 1. Go to the Action center ([https://security.microsoft.com/action-center](https://security.microsoft.com/action-center)) and sign in.+ 2. On the **History** tab, select the actions that you want to undo. Make sure to select items that have the same Action type. A flyout pane opens.+ 3. In the flyout pane, select **Undo**. ### To remove a file from quarantine across multiple devices 1. Go to the Action center ([https://security.microsoft.com/action-center](https://security.microsoft.com/action-center)) and sign in.+ 2. On the **History** tab, select an item that has the Action type **Quarantine file**.+ 3. In the flyout pane, select **Apply to X more instances of this file**, and then select **Undo**. ## Automation levels, automated investigation results, and resulting actions Automation levels affect whether certain remediation actions are taken automatically or only upon approval. Sometimes your security operations team has more steps to take, depending on the results of an automated investigation. The following table summarizes automation levels, results of automated investigations, and what to do in each case.
- |Device group setting|Automated investigation results|What to do| ||||
-|**Full - remediate threats automatically** (the recommended setting)|A verdict of *Malicious* is reached for a piece of evidence. <p> Appropriate remediation actions are taken automatically.|[Review completed actions](#review-completed-actions)|
+|**Full - remediate threats automatically**<br/>(recommended)|A verdict of *Malicious* is reached for a piece of evidence. <p> Appropriate remediation actions are taken automatically.|[Review completed actions](#review-completed-actions)|
|**Full - remediate threats automatically**|A verdict of *Suspicious* is reached for a piece of evidence. <p> Remediation actions are pending approval to proceed.|[Approve (or reject) pending actions](#review-pending-actions)| |**Semi - require approval for any remediation**|A verdict of either *Malicious* or *Suspicious* is reached for a piece of evidence. <p> Remediation actions are pending approval to proceed.|[Approve (or reject) pending actions](#review-pending-actions)| |**Semi - require approval for core folders remediation**|A verdict of *Malicious* is reached for a piece of evidence. <p> If the artifact is a file or executable and is in an operating system directory, such as the Windows folder or the Program files folder, then remediation actions are pending approval. <p> If the artifact is *not* in an operating system directory, remediation actions are taken automatically.|<ol><li>[Approve (or reject) pending actions](#review-pending-actions)</li><li>[Review completed actions](#review-completed-actions)</li></ol>|
Automation levels affect whether certain remediation actions are taken automatic
|**Semi - require approval for non-temp folders remediation**|A verdict of *Suspicious* is reached for a piece of evidence. <p> Remediation actions are pending approval.|[Approve (or reject) pending actions](#review-pending-actions)| |Any of the **Full** or **Semi** automation levels|A verdict of *No threats found* is reached for a piece of evidence. <p> No remediation actions are taken, and no actions are pending approval.|[View details and results of automated investigations](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/auto-investigation-action-center)| |**No automated response** (not recommended)|No automated investigations run, so no verdicts are reached, and no remediation actions are taken or awaiting approval.|[Consider setting up or changing your device groups to use **Full** or **Semi** automation](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/machine-groups)|
-In Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, all verdicts are tracked in the [Action center](auto-investigation-action-center.md#new-a-unified-action-center).
+All verdicts are tracked in the [Action center](auto-investigation-action-center.md#the-unified-action-center).
+> [!NOTE]
+> In [Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md), automated investigation and remediation capabilities are preset to use **Full - remediate threats automatically**. These capabilities are applied to all devices by default.
## Next steps
security Web Content Filtering https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/web-content-filtering.md
To add a new policy, follow these steps:
4. Specify the policy scope. Select the device groups to specify where to apply the policy. Only devices in the selected device groups will be prevented from accessing websites in the selected categories. > [!IMPORTANT]
- > If you're using Defender for Business, scoping does not apply. Skip this step and proceed to step 5.
+ > If you're using Defender for Business, your web content filtering policy is applied to all users by default. Scoping does not apply.
5. Review the summary and save the policy. The policy refresh might take up to 2 hours to apply to your selected devices.
security Whats New In Microsoft Defender Endpoint https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-endpoint.md
For more information on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on other operating syste
- [Device group definitions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/machine-groups) can now include multiple values for each condition. You can set multiple tags, device names, and domains to the definition of a single device group. -- [Mobile Application management support](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/announcing-new-capabilities-on-android-and-ios/ba-p/2442730) <br> This enhancement enables Microsoft Defender for Endpoint protect an organization's data within a managed application when Intune is being used to manage mobile applications. For more information about mobile application management, see [this documentation](/microsoft-365/mem/intune/apps/mam-faq).
+- [Mobile Application management support](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/announcing-new-capabilities-on-android-and-ios/ba-p/2442730) <br> This enhancement enables Microsoft Defender for Endpoint protect an organization's data within a managed application when Intune is being used to manage mobile applications. For more information about mobile application management, see [this documentation](/mem/intune/apps/mam-faq).
- [Microsoft Tunnel VPN integration](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/announcing-new-capabilities-on-android-and-ios/ba-p/2442730) <br> Microsoft Tunnel VPN capabilities is now integrated with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app for Android. This unification enables organizations to offer a simplified end user experience with one security app ΓÇô offering both mobile threat defense and the ability to access on-prem resources from their mobile device, while security and IT teams are able to maintain the same admin experiences they are familiar with.
security Tvm Hunt Exposed Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/tvm-hunt-exposed-devices.md
Advanced hunting is a query-based threat-hunting tool that lets you explore up t
- [Security recommendations](tvm-security-recommendation.md) - [Configure data access for threat and vulnerability management roles](../defender-endpoint/user-roles.md#create-roles-and-assign-the-role-to-an-azure-active-directory-group) - [Advanced hunting overview](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-hunting-overview)-- [All advanced hunting tables](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-hunting-schema-reference.md)
+- [All advanced hunting tables](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/advanced-hunting-schema-reference)
security Anti Spam And Anti Malware Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/anti-spam-and-anti-malware-protection.md
- Title: Anti-spam and anti-malware protection
--- Previously updated : --
- - MET150
- - M365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-office365
-description: Admins can learn about the built-in anti-spam and anti-malware protection that's available in Exchange Online Protection (EOP).
-# Anti-spam and anti-malware protection in EOP
-**Applies to**
-- [Exchange Online Protection](exchange-online-protection-overview.md)-- [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md)-
-In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, email messages are automatically protected against spam and malware by EOP.
-Spam is unsolicited and unwanted email. Malware is viruses and spyware. Viruses infect other programs and data, and they spread throughout your computer looking for programs to infect. Spyware is a specific type of malware that gathers your personal information (for example, sign-in information and personal data) and sends it back to the malware author.
-EOP has built-in inbound and outbound malware filtering to help protect your organization from malicious software, and built-in spam filtering to help protect your organization from both receiving and sending spam (for example, in case of compromised accounts). Admins don't need to set up or maintain the filtering technologies because they're enabled by default. However, you can customize the settings based on the needs of your organization.
-> [!NOTE]
-> If you use SharePoint Online, anti-malware protection is also automatically provided for files that are uploaded and saved to document libraries. This protection is provided by the Microsoft anti-malware engine that's also integrated into Exchange. This anti-malware service runs on all SharePoint Online Content Front Ends (CFEs).
-## Anti-malware protection in EOP
-The following table contains links to topics that explain how anti-malware protection works in EOP, and how you can fine-tune your anti-malware configuration settings to best meet the needs of your organization.
-|[Anti-malware protection in EOP](anti-malware-protection.md)|Provides overview information about how the service offers multi-layered malware protection that's designed to catch all known malware traveling to or from your organization.|
-|[Anti-malware protection FAQ](anti-malware-protection-faq-eop.yml)|Provides a detailed list of frequently asked questions and answers about anti-malware protection in the service.|
-|[Configure anti-malware policies in EOP](configure-anti-malware-policies.md)|Describes how to configure the default company-wide anti-malware policy, as well as create custom anti-malware policies that you can apply to specified users, groups, or domains in your organization.|
-|[Recover from a ransomware attack](recover-from-ransomware.md)||
-|[Virus detection in SharePoint Online](virus-detection-in-spo.md)|
-## Anti-spam protection in EOP
-The following table contains links to topics that explain how anti-spam protection works in EOP, and how you can fine-tune your anti-spam configuration settings to best meet the needs of your organization.
-|[Anti-spam protection in EOP](anti-spam-protection.md)|Provides overview information about the main anti-spam protection features included in the service.|
-|[Anti-spam protection FAQ](anti-spam-protection-faq.yml)|Provides frequently asked questions and answers about anti-spam protection.|
-|[Configure anti-spam policies in EOP](configure-your-spam-filter-policies.md)|Provides information about how you can configure anti-spam policies (also known as spam filter policies or content filter policies). You can configure the default company-wide anti-spam policy or create custom anti-spam policies that apply to specific users, groups, or domains in your organization.|
-|[Configure connection filtering](configure-the-connection-filter-policy.md)|Shows how you can add source IP address to the IP Allow List and the IP Block List in the default connection filter policy.|
-|[Create safe sender lists in EOP](create-safe-sender-lists-in-office-365.md)|Learn the recommended methods to keep good messages from being identified as spam.|
-|[Create blocked sender lists in EOP](create-block-sender-lists-in-office-365.md)|Learn the recommended methods to block bad messages that aren't being correctly identified as spam.|
-|[Spam confidence level (SCL) in EOP](spam-confidence-levels.md)|Learn about the spam determination of spam filtering.|
-|[Bulk complaint level (BCL) in EOP](bulk-complaint-level-values.md)|Learn about the threshold that determines whether bulk email is spam.|
-|[What's the difference between junk email and bulk email?](what-s-the-difference-between-junk-email-and-bulk-email.md)|Explains the difference between junk email and bulk email messages the controls that are available for both in EOP.|
-|[Configure junk email settings on Exchange Online mailboxes](configure-junk-email-settings-on-exo-mailboxes.md)|Learn about the organization settings and mailbox-specific settings that determine whether mail is moved into the Junk Email folder.|
-|[Use mail flow rules to set the spam confidence level (SCL) in messages](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl)|Learn how to use mail flow rules (also known as transport rules) to set the SCL in messages before spam filtering.|
-|[Advanced Spam Filter (ASF) settings in EOP](advanced-spam-filtering-asf-options.md)|Learn about the ASF settings that are available in anti-spam policies.|
-### Outbound spam protection in Exchange Online
-The following table contains links to topics that explain how outbound spam protection works for Exchange Online mailboxes.
-|[Outbound spam protection in EOP](outbound-spam-controls.md)||
-|[Configure outbound spam filtering in EOP](configure-the-outbound-spam-policy.md)|Shows how to configure outbound spam policies, which contain settings that help make sure your users don't send spam through the service.|
-|[High-risk delivery pool for outbound messages](high-risk-delivery-pool-for-outbound-messages.md)||
-|[Remove blocked users from the Restricted Users portal in Office 365](removing-user-from-restricted-users-portal-after-spam.md)||
-## Common protection technologies
-The following table contains links to topics that explain settings that are common to anti-malware and anti-spam protection.
-|[Anti-spam message headers](anti-spam-message-headers.md)|Describes the anti-spam fields placed in Internet headers, which can help provide administrators with information about the message and about how it was processed.|
-|[Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md)||
-|[Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) - protection against spam and malware](zero-hour-auto-purge.md)||
-|[Report messages and files to Microsoft](report-junk-email-messages-to-microsoft.md)||
-|[Use the delist portal to remove yourself from the Microsoft 365 blocked senders list](use-the-delist-portal-to-remove-yourself-from-the-office-365-blocked-senders-lis.md)||
security Safe Docs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-docs.md
ms.assetid: - M365-security-compliance
-description: Learn about Safe Documents in Microsoft 365 E5/A5 or Microsoft 365 E5/A5 Security.
+description: Learn about Safe Documents in Microsoft 365 A5 or E5 Security.
ms.technology: mdo ms.prod: m365-security
-# Safe Documents in Microsoft 365 E5/A5
+# Safe Documents in Microsoft 365 A5 or E5 Security
[!INCLUDE [Microsoft 365 Defender rebranding](../includes/microsoft-defender-for-office.md)]
security Safe Links https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-links.md
ms.prod: m365-security
> [!IMPORTANT] > This article is intended for business customers who have [Microsoft Defender for Office 365](defender-for-office-365.md). If you're using Outlook.com, Microsoft 365 Family, or Microsoft 365 Personal, and you're looking for information about Safelinks in Outlook, see [Advanced Outlook.com security](https://support.microsoft.com/office/882d2243-eab9-4545-a58a-b36fee4a46e2).
-Safe Links is a feature in [Defender for Office 365](defender-for-office-365.md) that provides URL scanning and rewriting of inbound email messages in mail flow, and time-of-click verification of URLs and links in email messages and other locations. Safe Links scanning occurs in addition to the regular [anti-spam and anti-malware protection](anti-spam-and-anti-malware-protection.md) in inbound email messages in Exchange Online Protection (EOP). Safe Links scanning can help protect your organization from malicious links that are used in phishing and other attacks.
+Safe Links is a feature in [Defender for Office 365](defender-for-office-365.md) that provides URL scanning and rewriting of inbound email messages in mail flow, and time-of-click verification of URLs and links in email messages and other locations. Safe Links scanning occurs in addition to the regular [anti-spam](anti-spam-protection.md) and [anti-malware](anti-malware-protection.md) in inbound email messages in Exchange Online Protection (EOP). Safe Links scanning can help protect your organization from malicious links that are used in phishing and other attacks.
Safe Links protection is available in the following locations:
security Sending Mail To Office 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/sending-mail-to-office-365.md
ms.prod: m365-security
These articles help external senders improve their reputation and increase their ability to deliver email to users at Microsoft 365. They also provide some information about how you can report junk email and phishing attempts even if you aren't a Microsoft 365 user yourself.
-If you're not a customer, but are trying to send mail to someone in who is, you're in the right place. If you're an administrator and you need help with fighting spam, this isn't the right section for you. Instead, go to [Anti-spam and anti-malware protection in Microsoft 365](anti-spam-and-anti-malware-protection.md).
+If you're not a customer, but are trying to send mail to someone in who is, you're in the right place. If you're an admin and you need help with fighting spam, this isn't the right section for you. Instead, go to [anti-spam](anti-spam-protection.md) and [anti-malware](anti-malware-protection.md).
|For information about...|See...| |||
-|Services provided to administrators of email systems that are sending individual and bulk email to customers.|[Services for non-customers sending mail to Office 365](services-for-non-customers.md)|
+|Services provided to email system admins that are sending individual and bulk email to customers.|[Services for non-customers sending mail to Office 365](services-for-non-customers.md)|
|How to fix problems reaching customers at Microsoft 365 through email. Best practices for sending bulk mail to Microsoft 365 recipients.|[Troubleshooting mail sent to Office 365](troubleshooting-mail-sent-to-office-365.md)| |How Microsoft 365 prevents junk email, including phishing and spoofing email, from being sent to our customers.|[Anti-spam protection in Microsoft 365](anti-spam-protection.md)|
-|How you, an administrator sending email to Microsoft 365 customers, can avoid having email blocked by adhering to our anti-spam policies. This is the legal stuff you need to know.|[Reference: Policies, practices, and guidelines](reference-policies-practices-and-guidelines.md)|
+|How you, an admin sending email to Microsoft 365 customers, can avoid having email blocked by adhering to our anti-spam policies. This is the legal stuff you need to know.|[Reference: Policies, practices, and guidelines](reference-policies-practices-and-guidelines.md)|
security View Email Security Reports https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/view-email-security-reports.md
Each exported .csv file is limited to 150,000 rows. If the data contains more th
## Related topics
-[Anti-spam and anti-malware protection in EOP](anti-spam-and-anti-malware-protection.md)
+[Anti-spam protection in EOP](anti-spam-protection.md)
+[Anti-malware protection in EOP](anti-malware-protection.md)
[Smart reports and insights in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](reports-and-insights-in-security-and-compliance.md)
security View Reports For Mdo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/view-reports-for-mdo.md
For more information, see [Permissions in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](per
## What if the reports aren't showing data?
-If you are not seeing data in your Defender for Office 365 reports, double-check that your policies are set up correctly. Your organization must have [Safe Links policies](set-up-safe-links-policies.md) and [Safe Attachments policies](set-up-safe-attachments-policies.md) defined in order for Defender for Office 365 protection to be in place. Also see [Anti-spam and anti-malware protection](anti-spam-and-anti-malware-protection.md).
+If you are not seeing data in your Defender for Office 365 reports, double-check that your policies are set up correctly. Your organization must have [Safe Links policies](set-up-safe-links-policies.md) and [Safe Attachments policies](set-up-safe-attachments-policies.md) defined in order for Defender for Office 365 protection to be in place. Also see [anti-spam](anti-spam-protection.md) and [anti-malware protection](anti-malware-protection.md).
## Related topics
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-overview.md
While Microsoft 365 includes several tools and methodologies for managing and pr
On the other hand, if your environment includes plans for co-management including Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, see [Co-management documentation](/mem/configmgr/comanage/) to develop the best path for your organization. If your environment includes plans for Windows 365 Cloud PC, see [Windows 365 Enterprise documentation](/windows-365/enterprise/) to develop the best path for your organization.
+Watch this video for an overview of the deployment process.
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4Y4fC]
++ ## Why manage endpoints? The modern enterprise has an incredible diversity of endpoints accessing their data. This setup creates a massive attack surface, and as a result, endpoints can easily become the weakest link in your Zero Trust security strategy.
In this illustration:
|&nbsp;|Step|Description|Licensing requirements| |||||
-|1|Configure starting-point Zero Trust identity and device access policies|Work with your identity administrator to [Implement Level 2 App Protection Policies (APP) data protection](manage-devices-with-intune-app-protection.md). These policies do not require that you manage devices. You configure the APP policies in Intune. Your identity admin configures a Conditional Access policy to require approved apps.|E3, E5, F1, F3, F5|
-|2|Enroll devices to Intune|This task requires more planning and time to implement. Microsoft recommends using Intune to enroll devices because this tool provides optimal integration. There are several options for enrolling devices, depending on the platform. For example, Windows devices can be enrolled by using Azure AD Join or by using Autopilot. You need to review the options for each platform and decide which enrollment option is best for your environment. See [Step 3ΓÇöEnroll devices to Intune](manage-devices-with-intune-enroll.md) for more information.|E3, E5, F1, F3, F5|
-|3|Configure compliance policies|You want to be sure devices that are accessing your apps and data meet minimum requirements, for example devices are password or pin-protected and the operating system is up to date. Compliance policies are the way to define the requirements that devices must meet. [Step 3. Set up compliance policies](manage-devices-with-intune-compliance-policies.md) helps you configure these policies.|E3, E5, F3, F5|
-|4|Configure Enterprise (recommended) Zero Trust identity and device access policies|Now that your devices are enrolled, you can work with your identity admin to [tune Conditional Access policies to require healthy and compliant devices](manage-devices-with-intune-require-compliance.md).|E3, E5, F3, F5|
-|5|Deploy configuration profiles|As opposed to device compliance policies that simply mark a device as compliant or not based on criteria you configure, configuration profiles actually change the configuration of settings on a device. You can use configuration policies to harden devices against cyberthreats. See [Step 5. Deploy configuration profiles](manage-devices-with-intune-configuration-profiles.md).|E3, E5, F3, F5|
-|6|Monitor device risk and compliance with security baselines|In this step, you connect Intune to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. With this integration, you can then monitor device risk as a condition for access. Devices that are found to be in a risky state will be blocked. You can also monitor compliance with security baselines. See [Step 6. Monitor device risk and compliance to security baselines](manage-devices-with-intune-monitor-risk.md).|E5, F5|
-|7|Implement data loss prevention (DLP) with information protection capabilities|If your organization has put the work into identifying sensitive data and labeling documents, you can work with your information protection admin to [protect sensitive information and documents on your devices](manage-devices-with-intune-dlp-mip.md).|E5, F5 compliance add-on|
+|1|Configure starting-point Zero Trust identity and device access policies|Work with your identity administrator to [**Implement Level 2 App Protection Policies (APP) data protection**](manage-devices-with-intune-app-protection.md). These policies do not require that you manage devices. You configure the APP policies in Intune. Your identity admin configures a Conditional Access policy to require approved apps.|E3, E5, F1, F3, F5|
+|2|Enroll devices to Intune|This task requires more planning and time to implement. Microsoft recommends using Intune to enroll devices because this tool provides optimal integration. There are several options for enrolling devices, depending on the platform. For example, Windows devices can be enrolled by using Azure AD Join or by using Autopilot. You need to review the options for each platform and decide which enrollment option is best for your environment. See [**Step 2. Enroll devices to Intune**](manage-devices-with-intune-enroll.md) for more information.|E3, E5, F1, F3, F5|
+|3|Configure compliance policies|You want to be sure devices that are accessing your apps and data meet minimum requirements, for example devices are password or pin-protected and the operating system is up to date. Compliance policies are the way to define the requirements that devices must meet. [**Step 3. Set up compliance policies**](manage-devices-with-intune-compliance-policies.md) helps you configure these policies.|E3, E5, F3, F5|
+|4|Configure Enterprise (recommended) Zero Trust identity and device access policies|Now that your devices are enrolled, you can work with your identity admin to [**tune Conditional Access policies to require healthy and compliant devices**](manage-devices-with-intune-require-compliance.md).|E3, E5, F3, F5|
+|5|Deploy configuration profiles|As opposed to device compliance policies that simply mark a device as compliant or not based on criteria you configure, configuration profiles actually change the configuration of settings on a device. You can use configuration policies to harden devices against cyberthreats. See [**Step 5. Deploy configuration profiles**](manage-devices-with-intune-configuration-profiles.md).|E3, E5, F3, F5|
+|6|Monitor device risk and compliance with security baselines|In this step, you connect Intune to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. With this integration, you can then monitor device risk as a condition for access. Devices that are found to be in a risky state will be blocked. You can also monitor compliance with security baselines. See [**Step 6. Monitor device risk and compliance to security baselines**](manage-devices-with-intune-monitor-risk.md).|E5, F5|
+|7|Implement data loss prevention (DLP) with information protection capabilities|If your organization has put the work into identifying sensitive data and labeling documents, you can work with your information protection admin to [**protect sensitive information and documents on your devices**](manage-devices-with-intune-dlp-mip.md).|E5, F5 compliance add-on|
## Coordinating endpoint management with Zero Trust identity and device access policies
-This guidance is tightly coordinated with the recommended [Zero Trust identity and device access policies](../security/office-365-security/microsoft-365-policies-configurations.md). You will be working with your identity team to carry through protection that you configure with Intune into Conditional Access policies in Azure AD.
+This guidance is tightly coordinated with the recommended [**Zero Trust identity and device access policies**](../security/office-365-security/microsoft-365-policies-configurations.md). You will be working with your identity team to carry through protection that you configure with Intune into Conditional Access policies in Azure AD.
HereΓÇÖs an illustration of the recommended policy set with step callouts for the work you will do in Intune/MEM and the related Conditional Access policies you will help coordinate in Azure AD.
HereΓÇÖs an illustration of the recommended policy set with step callouts for th
In this illustration: -- In Step 1, [Implement Level 2 App Protection Policies (APP)](manage-devices-with-intune-app-protection.md) you configure the recommended level of data protection with APP policies. Then you work with your identity team to configure the related Conditional Access rule to require use of this protection.
+- In Step 1, [**Implement Level 2 App Protection Policies (APP)**](manage-devices-with-intune-app-protection.md) you configure the recommended level of data protection with APP policies. Then you work with your identity team to configure the related Conditional Access rule to require use of this protection.
- In Steps 2, 3 and 4, you enroll devices into management with Intune, define device compliance policies, and then coordinate with your identity team to configure the related Conditional Access rule to only allow access to compliant devices. <!
Note that only Intune is managing devices. Onboarding refers to the ability for
|Other methods | Other methods of enrollment depend on the platform of the device and whether it is BYOD or managed by your organization. | Other methods for onboarding devices include, in recommended order:<br><li>Configuration Manager<li>Other mobile device management tool (if the device is managed by one)<li>Local script<li>VDI configuration package for onboarding non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices<li>Group Policy| | | | |
-Note that only Intune is managing devices. Onboarding refers to the ability for a device to share information with a specific service capability. The following table summarizes the differences between enrolling devices into management and onboarding devices for a specific capability.
-|Description|Enrollment applies to managing devices. Devices are enrolled for management with Intune or Configuration Manager.|Onboarding configures a device to work with a specific set of capabilities in Microsoft 365. Currently, onboarding applies to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft compliance capabilities. <br/><br/> On Windows devices, onboarding involves toggling a setting in Windows Defender that allows Defender to connect to the online service and accept policies that apply to the device.|
-|Scope|These device management tools manage the entire device, including configuring the device to meet specific objectives, like security.|Onboarding only affects the capabilities that apply.|
-|Recommended method|Azure Active Directory join automatically enrolls devices into Intune.|Intune is the preferred method for onboarding devices to Windows Defender for Endpoint, and consequently Microsoft Purview capabilities. <br/><br/> Note that devices that are onboarded to Microsoft Purview capabilities using other methods are not automatically enrolled for Defender for Endpoint.|
-|Other methods|Other methods of enrollment depend on the platform of the device and whether it is BYOD or managed by your organization.|Other methods for onboarding devices include, in recommended order: <ul><li>Configuration Manager</li><li>Other mobile device management tool (if the device is managed by one)</li><li>Local script</li><li>VDI configuration package for onboarding non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices</li><li>Group Policy</li></ul>|
## Learning for administrators
solutions Microsoft 365 Groups Expiration Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/microsoft-365-groups-expiration-policy.md
Groups that are actively in use are renewed automatically. Any of the following
- Yammer - View a post within a Yammer community or an interactive email in Outlook. - Forms - View, create, or edit forms, or submit a response to a form.
-Note that the only Yammer activity that will trigger an automatic group renewal is the upload of a document to SharePoint within the community.
- > [!IMPORTANT] > When you change the expiration policy, the service recalculates the expiration date for each group. It always starts counting from the date when the group was created, and then applies the new expiration policy.
solutions Plan External Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/plan-external-collaboration.md
Admins can set policies to monitor content for all users in the channel. All mes
### Conditional access
-The host organization's [conditional access policies](/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/overview) are applied to external participants, including B2B direct connect users. The external organization's policies are not used. The following types of conditional access policies are supported with shared channels:
+Supported [conditional access policies](/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/overview) from the host organization can be applied to B2B direct connect users. (The external organization's policies are not used.) The following types of conditional access policies are supported with shared channels:
-- Policies that are scoped to all guests, external participants, and SharePoint Online cloud apps.
+- Policies that are scoped to **All guest and external users**, and the **Office 365 SharePoint Online** cloud app.
- Grant Access controls that require MFA, a compliant device, or a hybrid Azure AD joined device. IP-based policies are supported at the SharePoint file level. So an external participant could access shared channel from a restricted location, but be blocked when trying to open a file.
+For more information about conditional access for external identities, see [Authentication and Conditional Access for External Identities](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/authentication-conditional-access).
+ ### Data loss prevention (DLP) Admins can apply [Microsoft Purview DLP policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-design) to a team where all channels, including shared channels, inherit the policy. Shared channels inherit the policy of the host organization.