Updates from: 05/11/2023 01:36:03
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admin Setup Business Standard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-standard.md
When you purchase Microsoft 365 Business Standard, you have the option of adding
In this article, we'll walk you through the steps of adding an existing domain you already own or buying a new one. If you purchased a new domain when you signed up, your domain is all set up and you can move to [Add users and assign licenses](#add-users-and-assign-licenses). > [!Tip]
-> If you have a Microsoft 365 Business Premium subscription, please see [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](../../business-premium/m365bp-setup.md).
+> If you have a Microsoft 365 Business Premium subscription, please see [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](../../business-premium/m365-business-premium-setup.md).
## Set up Microsoft 365 for business
business-premium Get Microsoft 365 Business Premium https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md
- Title: "Sign up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium"-- NOCSH------ Previously updated : 01/18/2023--- Adm_O365-- M365-subscription-management -- M365-Campaigns-- m365solution-smb-- tier1--- Adm_O365-- Core_O365Admin_Migration-- MiniMaven-- MSB365-- BCS160-- MET150
-description: "Get Microsoft 365 Business Premium so you can protect your company from cybersecurity threats to devices, email, data, and communications."
-# How to sign up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium
-When you're ready to sign up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you have several options. You can:
--- Try or buy Microsoft 365 Business Premium on your own; or-- Work with a Microsoft partner.-
-> [!TIP]
-> If you're looking for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns, see [How to get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md).
-# [Sign up on your own](#tab/getown)
-## Sign up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium on your own
-1. Visit the [Microsoft 365 Business Premium product page](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/business/microsoft-365-business-premium?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab).
-2. Choose to try or buy your subscription. See [Try or buy a Microsoft 365 for business subscription](../commerce/try-or-buy-microsoft-365.md). On the [Microsoft 365 Products site](https://www.aka.ms/office365signup), choose **Microsoft 365 Business Premium**.
-3. After you have signed up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you'll receive an email with a link to sign in and get started. Proceed to [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365bp-setup.md).
-# [Work with a partner](#tab/partner)
-## Work with a Microsoft partner to get Microsoft 365 Business Premium
-Microsoft has a list of solution providers who are authorized to sell offerings, including Microsoft 365 Business Premium. If you're not already working with a solution provider, you can find one by following these steps:
-1. Go to the [Browse Partners](https://appsource.microsoft.com/marketplace/partner-dir).
-2. In the **Filters** pane, specify search criteria, such as:
- - Your location
- - Your organization's size
- - **Focus areas**, such as **Security** and/or **Threat Protection**
- - **Services**, such as **Licensing** or **Managed Services (MSP)**
- As soon as you select one or more criteria, the list of partners updates.
-3. Review the list of results. Select a provider to learn more about their expertise and the services they provide.
-## Next steps
-[Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365bp-setup.md)
business-premium Get Microsoft 365 Campaigns https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md
- Title: "Get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns"-- NOCSH------ Previously updated : 01/18/2023--- Adm_O365-- M365-subscription-management -- M365-Campaigns-- m365solution-smb-- tier1--- Adm_O365-- Core_O365Admin_Migration-- MiniMaven-- MSB365-- BCS160-- MET150
-description: "Get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns so you can protect your campaign from cybersecurity threats to email, data, and communications."
-# How to get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns
-Campaigns and political parties in the USA are eligible for special pricing for Microsoft 365 Business Premium. Currently this special pricing is available to:
--- National-level political parties in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand-- National or federal political campaigns in the United States and New Zealand-- State-level political parties in the United States-- U.S. State-wide political campaigns (eg: campaigns seeking office for governor, state legislature, or attorney general)-
- > Due to local regulations, we are unable to offer Microsoft 365 for Campaigns in the following states at this time: CO, DE, IL, OK, WI & WY. We encourage campaigns in those states to explore additional offerings at [Microsoft 365 for business](https://www.office.com/business).
-If your campaign or political party qualifies, Microsoft 365 for Campaigns is the least expensive plan available through Microsoft. See [Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](https://m365forcampaigns.microsoft.com).
-> [!TIP]
-> If you're not eligible for special pricing, Microsoft 365 Business Premium is still the most cost-effective way obtain comprehensive security for a collaboration environment. See [How to get Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md).
-## What does Microsoft 365 for Campaigns include?
-Microsoft 365 for Campaigns includes simple controls that help you and your staff work together securely:
--- **Protect user identity**: Make sure that users are who they say they are when they sign in to send email or to access files (multifactor authentication).-- **Protect sensitive information**: Protect sensitive information to monitor information that gets shared outside your organization (data loss prevention).-- **Protect mobile devices**: Protect data on mobile devices (mobile app protection policy).-- **Guard against malicious content**: Prevent access to malicious content by scanning email attachments (Defender for Office 365).-- **Protect passwords**: Set passwords to never expire which is more secure and helps prevent work stoppages (password policy).-- **AccountGuard Program Access**: Microsoft AccountGuard is a security service offered at no additional cost to customers in the political space. The service is designed to inform and help these highly targeted customers protect themselves from cybersecurity threats across their organizational and personal Microsoft email accounts. View more information at [Microsoft AccountGuard](https://www.microsoftaccountguard.com/).-
-## What does it cost, who needs it, and what is the commitment?
-If your campaign qualifies for special pricing, Microsoft 365 for Campaigns costs $5 per user per month.
-To protect your campaign, we recommend a license for the candidate, the campaign manager, all senior staff who are part of the campaign or party, and usually all full-time staff. Certain volunteer employees might also need a license. In general, assign a license to anyone in your campaign who needs protected email and devices.
-There's no minimum time commitment when you sign up for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns. You can pay monthly for the licenses you need and stop using the service anytime.
-## How do I qualify for special pricing?
-1. Go to [aka.ms/m365forcampaigns](https://aka.ms/m365forcampaigns/) and provide a few details about your organization. The details you provide help us to verify that you represent a national-level political campaign or party in the United States. There's no commitment when you complete this form.
-2. After you've completed the form, it takes us a few days to review your information.
-3. After we've verified that you represent a national-level political campaign or party, you'll receive an email invitation from Microsoft. Your invite includes a sign-up link specific to your organization.
-## Next steps
-When you receive your invitation, [Set up Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md).
business-premium Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/index.md
ms.audience: Admin
Previously updated : 04/18/2023 Last updated : 05/10/2023 ms.localizationpriority: medium - M365-Campaigns
description: "Learn how to implement cybersecurity for small or medium sized bus
# Microsoft 365 Business Premium ΓÇô productivity and cybersecurity for small business
-Microsoft 365 Business PremiumΓÇöwith its world class [productivity and cybersecurity](why-choose-microsoft-365-business-premium.md) capabilitiesΓÇöis a wise choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Designed for small and medium-sized businesses (up to 300 users), Microsoft 365 Business Premium safeguards your data, devices, and information.
+Microsoft 365 Business Premium-ΓÇöwith its world class [productivity and cybersecurity](why-choose-microsoft-365-business-premium.md) capabilitiesΓÇö-is a wise choice for small and medium-sized businesses. Designed for small and medium-sized businesses (up to 300 users), Microsoft 365 Business Premium helps safeguard your data, devices, and information.
You are your organization's first and best defense against hackers and cyberattackers, including random individuals, organized crime, or highly sophisticated nation states. The task before you is this: let Microsoft 365 Business Premium help secure your organizationΓÇÖs future! Approach this task by taking on the following six missions:
You are your organization's first and best defense against hackers and cyberatta
| What to do | How to do it | |:|:|
-| **Fortify your environment** <br/> (Tasks your admin completes.) | [**1. Sign in and set up your environment**](m365bp-setup-overview.md). Complete the basic setup process for Microsoft 365 for your business or campaign. Add users, assign licenses, and configure your domain to work with Microsoft 365.<br/><br/>[**2. Boost your security protection**](m365bp-security-overview.md). Set up critical front-line security measures to prevent cyberattacks. Set up multi-factor authentication (MFA), protect your admin accounts, and protect against malware and other threats. Get an overview of how to secure unmanaged and managed devices. |
-| **Train your team**.<br/>(Tasks everyone does.) | [**3. Set up unmanaged (BYOD) devices**](m365bp-protect-pcs-macs.md). Set up all the unmanaged ("bring your own device," also referred to as BYOD) devices so they're safely part of the ecosystem.<br/><br/>[**4. Use email securely**](m365bp-use-email-securely.md). Know what to watch for in your email, and take the necessary steps to protect yourself from attacks.<br/><br/>[**5. Collaborate and share securely**](m365bp-collaborate-share-securely.md). Share files with others and collaborate more securely with Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive. |
-| **Safeguard managed devices**. <br/>(Tasks your admin or security team does.) | [**6. Set up and secure managed devices**](m365bp-protect-managed-devices.md). Enroll and secure company devices so they monitored and protected from threats. |
+| **Fortify your environment** <br/> (Tasks your admin completes.) | [**1. Sign in and set up your environment**](m365-business-premium-setup.md). Complete the basic setup process for Microsoft 365 Business Premium (or [Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md)). Add users, assign licenses, and configure your domain to work with Microsoft 365. Get a quick setup guide to share with employees.<br/><br/>[**2. Boost your security protection**](m365bp-security-overview.md). Set up critical front-line security measures to prevent cyberattacks. Set up multi-factor authentication (MFA), protect your admin accounts, and protect against malware and other threats. Get an overview of how to secure unmanaged and managed devices, and set up your information protection capabilities. |
+| **Train your team**.<br/>(Tasks everyone does.) | [**3. Set up unmanaged (BYOD) devices**](m365bp-set-up-unmanaged-devices.md). Set up all the unmanaged ("bring your own device," also referred to as BYOD) devices so they're used more safely as part of your ecosystem.<br/><br/>[**4. Use email securely**](m365bp-use-email-securely.md). Know what to watch for in your email, and train everyone on the necessary steps to protect yourself and others from attacks.<br/><br/>[**5. Collaborate and share securely**](m365bp-collaborate-share-securely.md). Share files with others and collaborate more securely by using Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive. |
+| **Safeguard managed devices**. <br/>(Tasks your admin or security team does.) | [**6. Set up and secure managed devices**](m365bp-protect-managed-devices.md). Enroll and secure computers, tablets, and phones so they can protected from threats. |
Completing all six missions is the most effective way to thwart hackers, protect against ransomware, and help ensure your organizationΓÇÖs future is safeguarded with the best cybersecurity defenses.
business-premium M365 Business Premium Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365-business-premium-setup.md
+ Title: Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium
+description: "How to set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium or work with a solution provider to do so."
+search.appverid: MET150
+audience: Admin
+++ Last updated : 05/10/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+f1.keywords: NOCSH
+- m365-security
+- tier1
+# Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium
+This article describes how to get Microsoft 365 Business Premium, complete the basic setup process, and proceed to your next steps.
+> [!TIP]
+> If you're looking for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns, see [How to get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md).
+## Sign up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium
+When you're ready to sign up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you have several options. You can:
+- Try or buy Microsoft 365 Business Premium on your own; or
+- Work with a Microsoft partner.
+## [Sign up on your own](#tab/getown)
+1. Visit the [Microsoft 365 Business Premium product page](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/business/microsoft-365-business-premium?activetab=pivot%3aoverviewtab).
+2. Choose to try or buy your subscription. See [Try or buy a Microsoft 365 for business subscription](../commerce/try-or-buy-microsoft-365.md). On the [Microsoft 365 Products site](https://www.aka.ms/office365signup), choose **Microsoft 365 Business Premium**.
+3. After you have signed up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you'll receive an email with a link to sign in and get started. Proceed to [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](#set-up-microsoft-365-business-premium).
+## [Work with a partner](#tab/partner)
+Microsoft has a list of solution providers who are authorized to sell offerings, including Microsoft 365 Business Premium. If you're not already working with a solution provider, you can find one by following these steps:
+1. Go to the [Browse Partners](https://appsource.microsoft.com/marketplace/partner-dir).
+2. In the **Filters** pane, specify search criteria, such as:
+ - Your location
+ - Your organization's size
+ - **Focus areas**, such as **Security** and/or **Threat Protection**
+ - **Services**, such as **Licensing** or **Managed Services (MSP)**
+ As soon as you select one or more criteria, the list of partners updates.
+3. Review the list of results. Select a provider to learn more about their expertise and the services they provide.
+## Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium
+To complete the basic setup process, you can choose from several options available:
+- Start with the guided setup experience for basic setup and configuration, and then proceed to [set up your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md); or
+- Work with a Microsoft partner who can help you get everything set up and configured.
+## [**Guided setup process**](#tab/Guided)
+## Guided setup
+Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes a guided setup process, as shown in the following video:
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE471FJ]
+### The guided setup process, step by step
+1. As a global administrator, go to the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://admin.microsoft.com/) and sign in. By default, you'll see the simplified view, as shown in the following image:
+ :::image type="content" source="media/m365bp-simplifiedview.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the simplified view of the Microsoft 365 admin center."lightbox="media/m365bp-simplifiedview.png":::
+2. In the upper right corner, select **Dashboard view** so that your admin center resembles the following image. Then select **Go to guided setup**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/m365bp-dashboardview.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the dashboard view of the Microsoft 365 admin center."lightbox="media/m365bp-dashboardview.png":::
+3. To install your Microsoft 365 Apps (Office), select the download button, and then follow the prompts. Alternately, you can skip this step for now and install your apps later. Then select **Continue**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/m365bp-installoffice.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Install Office download button."lightbox="media/m365bp-installoffice.png":::
+4. To add your organization's domain (*recommended*) or to use your default `.onmicrosoft.com` domain, select an option and then follow the prompts. Then select **Use this domain**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/m365bp-adddomain.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the option to add a domain."lightbox="media/m365bp-adddomain.png":::
+ > [!TIP]
+ > To get help with this task, see [Add a domain to Microsoft 365](../admin/setup/add-domain.md).
+5. To add a user, fill in the user's first name, last name, and user name, and then select **Add users and assign licenses**. Alternately, you can select **View all users** to go to your active users page, where you can view, add, and manage users.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/m365bp-addusers.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing the Add Users and Assign Licenses page."lightbox="media/m365bp-addusers.png":::
+ > [!TIP]
+ > We recommend adding your administrators and members of your security team now. To get help with this task, see [Add users and assign licenses at the same time](../admin/add-users/add-users.md).
+6. If you added your domain in step 4, you can now connect your domain to Microsoft 365. To get help with this task, see [Change nameservers to set up Microsoft 365 with any domain registrar](../admin/get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar.md).
+When you're finished with the basic setup process, you'll see **Setup is complete**, where you can tell us how setup went and then go to your Microsoft 365 admin center.
+> At this point, basic setup is complete, but you still need to [set up and configure your security settings](m365bp-security-overview.md).
+## [**Work with a Microsoft partner**](#tab/Partner)
+## Work with a Microsoft partner
+If you'd prefer to have a Microsoft partner help you get and set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium, follow these steps:
+1. Go to the [Browse Partners](https://appsource.microsoft.com/marketplace/partner-dir) page.
+2. In the **Filters** pane, specify search criteria, such as:
+ - Your location
+ - Your organization's size (**Microsoft Customer Size**)
+ - **Focus areas**, such as **Security** and/or **Threat Protection**
+ - **Services**, such as **Licensing** or **Managed Services (MSP)**
+ As soon as you select one or more criteria, the list of partners updates.
+3. Review the list of results. Select a provider to learn more about their expertise and the services they provide.
+## Employee quick setup guide
+[:::image type="content" source="media/employee-setup-guide.png" alt-text="Screenshot of employee setup guide steps.":::](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/employee-quick-setup-in-microsoft-365-for-business-7f34c318-e772-46a5-8c0a-ab86661542d1)
+After you have added users to your Microsoft 365 subscription, give them a link to the [Employee quick setup guide](https://support.microsoft.com/office/7f34c318-e772-46a5-8c0a-ab86661542d1). The guide walks them through signing in, getting Microsoft 365 Apps, and saving, copying, and sharing files.
+## Next objective
+Proceed to [Boost your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md).
+## See also
+- [Overview of the Microsoft 365 admin center](../admin/admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md)
+- [Business subscriptions and billing documentation](../commerce/index.yml)
+- [Find a Microsoft partner or reseller](../admin/manage/find-your-partner-or-reseller.md)
business-premium M365 Campaigns Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365-campaigns-setup.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 03/27/2023 Last updated : 05/10/2023 ms.localizationpriority: medium - M365-Campaigns
- BCS160 - MET150 ms.assetid: 496e690b-b75d-4ff5-bf34-cc32905d0364
-description: "Setup overview for Microsoft 365 Business for campaigns or other businesses"
+description: "Setup overview for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns or other businesses"
-# Set up Microsoft 365 Business for Campaigns
+# Set up Microsoft 365 for Campaigns
-After you have [subscribed to Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md), your next step is to get everything set up.
+This article describes how to get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns (a special offering for campaigns and political parties in the USA), and how to complete the basic setup process and proceed to next steps.
-## Before you begin
+## Get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns
+Campaigns and political parties in the USA are eligible for special pricing for Microsoft 365 Business Premium. Currently this special pricing is available to:
+- National-level political parties in the United States, Canada, and New Zealand
+- National or federal political campaigns in the United States and New Zealand
+- State-level political parties in the United States
+- U.S. State-wide political campaigns (eg: campaigns seeking office for governor, state legislature, or attorney general)
+ > Due to local regulations, we are unable to offer Microsoft 365 for Campaigns in the following states at this time: CO, DE, IL, OK, WI & WY. We encourage campaigns in those states to explore additional offerings at [Microsoft 365 for business](https://www.office.com/business).
+If your campaign or political party qualifies, Microsoft 365 for Campaigns is the least expensive plan available through Microsoft. See [Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](https://m365forcampaigns.microsoft.com).
+> [!TIP]
+> If you're not eligible for special pricing, Microsoft 365 Business Premium is still the most cost-effective way obtain comprehensive security for a collaboration environment. See [How to get Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md).
+## What does Microsoft 365 for Campaigns include?
+Microsoft 365 for Campaigns includes simple controls that help you and your staff work together securely:
+- **Protect user identity**: Make sure that users are who they say they are when they sign in to send email or to access files (multifactor authentication).
+- **Protect sensitive information**: Protect sensitive information to monitor information that gets shared outside your organization (data loss prevention).
+- **Protect mobile devices**: Protect data on mobile devices (mobile app protection policy).
+- **Guard against malicious content**: Prevent access to malicious content by scanning email attachments (Defender for Office 365).
+- **Protect passwords**: Set passwords to never expire which is more secure and helps prevent work stoppages (password policy).
+- **AccountGuard Program Access**: Microsoft AccountGuard is a security service offered at no additional cost to customers in the political space. The service is designed to inform and help these highly targeted customers protect themselves from cybersecurity threats across their organizational and personal Microsoft email accounts. View more information at [Microsoft AccountGuard](https://www.microsoftaccountguard.com/).
+## What does it cost, who needs it, and what is the commitment?
+If your campaign qualifies for special pricing, Microsoft 365 for Campaigns costs $5 per user per month.
+To protect your campaign, we recommend a license for the candidate, the campaign manager, all senior staff who are part of the campaign or party, and usually all full-time staff. Certain volunteer employees might also need a license. In general, assign a license to anyone in your campaign who needs protected email and devices.
+There's no minimum time commitment when you sign up for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns. You can pay monthly for the licenses you need and stop using the service anytime.
+## How do I qualify for special pricing?
+1. Go to [aka.ms/m365forcampaigns](https://aka.ms/m365forcampaigns/) and provide a few details about your organization. The details you provide help us to verify that you represent a national-level political campaign or party in the United States. There's no commitment when you complete this form.
+2. After you've completed the form, it takes us a few days to review your information.
+3. After we've verified that you represent a national-level political campaign or party, you'll receive an email invitation from Microsoft. Your invite includes a sign-up link specific to your organization.
+After you have subscribed to Microsoft 365 for Campaigns, your next step is to get everything set up.
+## Before you begin your setup process
Make sure that you meet the following requirements before you begin your setup process: | Requirement | Description | |:|:|
-| Subscription | Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft 365 for Campaigns <br/><br/> To start a trial or purchase your subscription, see the following articles: <br/>- [Get Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md)<br/>- [Get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md) |
+| Subscription | Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft 365 for Campaigns <br/><br/> To start a trial or purchase your subscription, see the following resources: <br/>- [Get Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365-business-premium-setup.md#sign-up-for-microsoft-365-business-premium)<br/>- [Get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](#get-microsoft-365-for-campaigns) |
| Permissions | To complete the initial setup process, you must be a Global Admin. [Learn more about admin roles](../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md). | | Browser requirements | Microsoft Edge, Safari, Chrome or Firefox. [Learn more about browser requirements](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/microsoft-365-and-office-resources#coreui-heading-uyetipy). | | Operating systems (client) | **Windows**: Windows 10 or 11 Pro<br/>**macOS**: One of the three most recent versions of macOS |
Make sure that you meet the following requirements before you begin your setup p
## Sign in to Microsoft 365 for Campaigns
-If you signed up for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns (or Microsoft 365 Business Premium), you're designated as the Microsoft 365 admin (also referred to as the Global Administrator). This allows you to sign in and initiate the system.
+If you signed up for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns, you're designated as the Microsoft 365 admin (also referred to as the Global Administrator). This allows you to sign in and initiate the system.
Here's how to sign in:
To help your staff learn about steps to protect your campaign from cyber threats
## Next objective
-Proceed to [boost your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md).
+Proceed to [set up your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md).
business-premium M365bp Setup Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-setup-overview.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 03/27/2023 Last updated : 05/10/2023 ms.localizationpriority: medium - M365-Campaigns
Your first critical mission is to complete your initial setup process right away
Your objective is to: -- [Set up your Microsoft 365 Business Premium environment](m365bp-setup.md); or-- [Set up Microsoft 365 Business for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md) (if this is your subscription).
+- [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365-business-premium-setup.md); or
+- [Set up Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md) (if this is your subscription).
After you've achieved this objective, proceed to [boost your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md).
business-premium M365bp Trial Playbook Microsoft Business Premium https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-trial-playbook-microsoft-business-premium.md
When you [start a trial or purchase Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsof
> [!TIP] > Save this trial user guide to your browser favorites. When links in the trial user guide take you away from this location, it'll be easier to return to this guide to continue.
-1. [Set up your trial](../business-premium/m365bp-setup.md)!
+1. [Set up your trial](../business-premium/m365-business-premium-setup.md)!
After you've initiated the trial and completed the setup process, it can take up to two hours for changes to take effect.
business-premium Why Choose Microsoft 365 Business Premium https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/why-choose-microsoft-365-business-premium.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 05/02/2023 Last updated : 05/10/2023 ms.localizationpriority: medium - M365-Campaigns
- BCS160 - MET150 - MOE150
-description: "Discover why Microosft 365 Business Premium is a wise choice for small and medium sized businesses. Learn how it helps you run your business more securely with productivity and security."
+description: "Discover why Microsoft 365 Business Premium is a wise choice for small and medium sized businesses. Learn how it helps you run your business more securely with productivity and security."
-# Why should I consider Microsoft 365 Business Premium?
+# Why should I choose Microsoft 365 Business Premium?
Microsoft 365 Business Premium is a complete productivity and security solution for small and medium-sized businesses. It provides comprehensive cloud productivity and security and is designed especially for small and medium-sized businesses (1-300 employees). With Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you can:
Our digital threats guide describes different kinds of threats and what you and
## Next steps
-1. Get either [Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md) or [Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md).
+1. Get either [Microsoft 365 Business Premium](m365-business-premium-setup.md) or [Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md), and [start the setup process](m365bp-setup-overview.md).
-2. [Start the setup process](m365bp-setup-overview.md).
+2. [Set up your security capabilities](m365bp-security-overview.md).
-3. [Set up your security capabilities](m365bp-security-overview.md).
+3. Help everyone [Set up unmanaged (BYOD) devices](m365bp-set-up-unmanaged-devices.md), [Use email securely](m365bp-use-email-securely.md), and [Collaborate and share securely](m365bp-collaborate-share-securely.md).
-4. Help everyone [Set up unmanaged (BYOD) devices](m365bp-set-up-unmanaged-devices.md), [Use email securely](m365bp-use-email-securely.md), and [Collaborate and share securely](m365bp-collaborate-share-securely.md).
-5. [Set up and secure managed devices](m365bp-protect-managed-devices.md)
+4. [Set up and secure managed devices](m365bp-protect-managed-devices.md)
compliance Endpoint Dlp Getting Started https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md
You can onboard virtual machines as monitored devices in Microsoft Purview compl
Here are the virtual operating systems that are supported by virtualization environments.
-|Virtualization </br> platform|Windows 10|Windows 11|
-|Azure virtual desktop (AVD)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 22H2</li></ul>|
-|Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 (2209)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|<ul><li>Single session supported for 21H2 (Gen2)</li><li>Multi session supported for 21H2 (Gen 2)</li></ul>|
-|Hyper-V|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 22H2</li></ul>|
-### Endpoint DLP support for virtualized environments (preview)
-You can onboard virtual machines as monitored devices in Microsoft Purview compliance portal. There's no change to the onboarding procedures listed above.
-Here are the virtual operating systems that are supported by virtualization environments.
- |Virtualization </br> platform|Windows 10|Windows 11|Windows Server 2019| Windows Server 2022</br>21H2 Data Center | |:|:|:|:|:| |Azure virtual desktop (AVD)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 22H2</li></ul>| Supported|Supported| |Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 (2209)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|<ul><li>Single session supported for 21H2 (Gen2)</li><li>Multi session supported for 21H2 (Gen 2)</li></ul>|Supported|Supported| |Amazon workspaces|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|N/A|N/A|N/A| |Hyper-V|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 22H2</li></ul>|Supported with Hybrid AD join|Supported with Hybrid AD join|> #### Known issues
enterprise Microsoft 365 Inter Tenant Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-inter-tenant-collaboration.md
Microsoft 365 inter-tenant collaboration options include using a central locatio
| Sharing goal | Administrative action | How-to information | |:--|:--|:--|
-|Azure AD B2B collaboration - Content sharing by adding external users to a group in an organization's directory | A **Azure AD DC admin**, **Security Admin**, **User Admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** for one Microsoft 365 tenant can invite people in another Microsoft 365 tenant to join their directory, add those external users to a group, and grant access to content, such as SharePoint sites and libraries for the group. | <ul><li> [What is Azure AD B2B collaboration preview?](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-what-is-azure-ad-b2b) </li><li> [Azure AD B2B: New updates make cross-business collab easy](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/enterprisemobility/2017/02/01/azure-ad-b2b-new-updates-make-cross-business-collab-easy/) </li><li> [External sharing and Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-o365-external-user) </li><li> [Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration API and customization](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-api) </li><li> [Azure AD and Identity Show: Azure AD B2B Collaboration (Business to Business](https://channel9.msdn.com/Series/Azure-AD-Identity/AzureADB2B) </li></ul> |
+|Azure AD B2B collaboration - Content sharing by adding external users to a group in an organization's directory | A **Azure AD DC admin**, **Security Admin**, **User Admin**, **Cloud Application Admin**, or **Global admin** for one Microsoft 365 tenant can invite people in another Microsoft 365 tenant to join their directory, add those external users to a group, and grant access to content, such as SharePoint sites and libraries for the group. | <ul><li> [What is Azure AD B2B collaboration preview?](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-what-is-azure-ad-b2b) </li><li> [Azure AD B2B: New updates make cross-business collab easy](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/enterprisemobility/2017/02/01/azure-ad-b2b-new-updates-make-cross-business-collab-easy/) </li><li> [External sharing and Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/external-collaboration-settings-configure) </li><li> [Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration API and customization](/azure/active-directory/active-directory-b2b-api) </li><li> [Azure AD and Identity Show: Azure AD B2B Collaboration (Business to Business](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/user-properties) </li></ul> |
## Microsoft 365 collaboration options
security Get Defender Business https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/get-defender-business.md
Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes Defender for Business, Microsoft Defende
2. Choose to try or buy your subscription. See [Try or buy a Microsoft 365 for business subscription](../../commerce/try-or-buy-microsoft-365.md). On the [Microsoft 365 Products site](https://www.aka.ms/office365signup), choose **Microsoft 365 Business Premium**.
-3. After you've signed up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you'll receive an email with a link to sign in and get started. Proceed to [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](../../business-premium/m365bp-setup.md).
+3. After you've signed up for Microsoft 365 Business Premium, you'll receive an email with a link to sign in and get started. Proceed to [Set up Microsoft 365 Business Premium](../../business-premium/m365-business-premium-setup.md).
4. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), where you'll view and manage security settings and devices for your organization. In the navigation bar, go to **Assets** > **Devices**. This action initiates the provisioning of Defender for Business for your tenant.
security Investigate Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/investigate-alerts.md
There are two ways to tune an alert in Microsoft 365 Defender. To tune an alert
IOCs are indicators such as files, processes, scheduled tasks, and other evidence types that trigger the alert.
- :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-ioc.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-ioc.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the IOC menu in Tune an alert page.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-ioc2.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-ioc2.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the IOC menu in Tune an alert page.":::
To set multiple rule conditions, use **AND**, **OR**, and grouping options to build relationship between these multiple 'evidence types' that cause the alert.
There are two ways to tune an alert in Microsoft 365 Defender. To tune an alert
> [!NOTE] > The **alert title (Name)** is based on the **alert type (IoaDefinitionId)**, which decides the alert title. Two alerts that have the same alert type can change to a different alert title.
- :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-action.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-action.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Action menu in the Tune an alert page.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-action2.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-choose-action2.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Action menu in the Tune an alert page.":::
To tune an alert from the **Alerts** page:
To tune an alert from the **Alerts** page:
You can tune an alert through the **Tune alert** pane that automatically opens on the right side of the alert details page.
- :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-tune-pane.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-tune-pane.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Tune an alert pane within an Alert page.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-tune-pane2.png" lightbox="../../media/investigate-alerts/alert-tuning-tune-pane2.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Tune an alert pane within an Alert page.":::
2. Select the conditions where the alert applies in the **Alert types** section. Select **Only this alert type** to apply the rule on the selected alert.
security Safe Links About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-links-about.md
Watch this short video on how to protect against malicious links with Safe Links
> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RWGzjb] > [!NOTE]
-> Although there's no default Safe Links policy, the **Built-in protection** preset security policy provides Safe Links protection in e-mail messages, Microsoft Teams, and files in supported Office apps to all recipients who are licensed for Defender for Office (users who aren't defined in the Standard or Strict preset security policies or in custom Safe Links policies). For more information, see [Preset security policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365](preset-security-policies.md). You can also create Safe Links policies that apply to specific users, group, or domains. For instructions, see [Set up Safe Links policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](safe-links-policies-configure.md).
+> Although there's no default Safe Links policy, the **Built-in protection** preset security policy provides Safe Links protection in e-mail messages, Microsoft Teams, and files in supported Office apps to all recipients for customers that have at least one Defender for Office 365 license (users who aren't defined in the Standard or Strict preset security policies or in custom Safe Links policies). For more information, see [Preset security policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365](preset-security-policies.md). You can also create Safe Links policies that apply to specific users, group, or domains. For instructions, see [Set up Safe Links policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](safe-links-policies-configure.md).
Safe Links protection by Safe Links policies is available in the following locations: