Updates from: 04/19/2023 03:17:33
Category Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
admin Convert User Mailbox To Shared Mailbox https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/email/convert-user-mailbox-to-shared-mailbox.md
After deleting a user account, follow these steps to convert their old mailbox t
1. Go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2059104" target="_blank">Exchange admin center</a>.
-2. Select **Recipients** \> **Shared**.
+2. Select **Recipients** \> **Mailboxes**.
3. Select the shared mailbox. Under **Convert to Regular Mailbox**, select **Convert**.
business-premium Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/index.md
ms.audience: Admin
Previously updated : 04/10/2023 Last updated : 04/18/2023 ms.localizationpriority: medium - M365-Campaigns
Completing all six missions is the most effective way to thwart hackers, protect
**Let's get started!**
-> [!TIP]
-> If you're new to cybersecurity, or if a term is unclear, see the [glossary of terms](m365bp-glossary.yml).
- ## Cybersecurity playbook The guidance in these missions is based upon the [Zero Trust security model](/security/zero-trust/guidance-smb-partner), and is summarized in a downloadable [Cybersecurity playbook](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf).
business-premium M365bp Avoid Phishing And Attacks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-avoid-phishing-and-attacks.md
ms.audience: Admin
Previously updated : 09/15/2022 Last updated : 04/18/2023 ms.localizationpriority: medium - M365-Campaigns
In addition to the protection Microsoft 365 Business Premium offers against atta
- **Spoofing**. Scammers can also use a technique called spoofing to make it appear as if you've received an email from yourself. - **Malware** is malicious software that can be installed on your computer, usually installed after you've clicked a link or opened a document from an email. There are various types of malware (for example, ransomware, when your computer is taken over), but you don't want to have any of them.
-> [!TIP]
-> To learn more security concepts, see our [Glossary of terms](m365bp-glossary.yml).
- ## Best practices Use the following best practices to help users fend off cyberattacks through email.
business-premium M365bp Managed Unmanaged Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-managed-unmanaged-devices.md
audience: Admin
An important part of your security strategy is protecting the devices your employees use to access company data. Such devices include computers, tablets, and phones. Your organization's IT or security team, along with device users, can take steps to protect data and managed or unmanaged devices. -- *Managed devices* are typically company-owned devices that are usually set up and configured by your company's IT or security team. -- *Unmanaged devices*, also referred to as bring-your-own devices, or *BYOD*, tend to be personally owned devices that employees set up and use. Unmanaged devices can be onboarded and protected just like managed devices. Or, if you prefer, users can take steps to protect their BYOD devices themselves.
+- **Managed devices** are typically company-owned devices that are usually set up and configured by your company's IT or security team.
+- **Unmanaged devices**, also referred to as bring-your-own devices, or *BYOD*, tend to be personally owned devices that employees set up and use. Unmanaged devices can be onboarded and protected just like managed devices. Or, if you prefer, users can take steps to protect their BYOD devices themselves.
## [**Managed devices**](#tab/Managed)
compliance Audit Log Activities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-log-activities.md
Previously updated : 03/22/2023 Last updated : 04/18/2023 audience: Admin
For a list and detailed description of the eDiscovery activities that are logged
You can also search the audit log for activities in Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium). For a description of these activities, see the "eDiscovery (Premium) activities" section in [Search for eDiscovery activities in the audit log](ediscovery-search-for-activities-in-the-audit-log.md#ediscovery-premium-activities). - ## Encrypted message portal activities Access logs are available for encrypted messages through the encrypted message portal that lets your organization determine when messages are read, and forwarded by your external recipients. For more information on enabling and using encrypted message portal activity logs, see [Encrypted message portal activity log](audit-log-encrypted-messages.md).
The following table describes the auditing activities and information in the aud
|Response activities|External|`urn:forms:external#a0b1c2d3@forms.office.com`<br>(The second part of the User ID is a hash, which will differ for different users)|Form owner's org|Responder| |Response activities|Anonymous|`urn:forms:anonymous#a0b1c2d3@forms.office.com`<br>(The second part of the User ID is a hash, which will differ for different users)|Form owner's org|Responder|
+## Microsoft Planner activities
+The following table lists the user and admin activities in Microsoft Planner that are logged for auditing. The table includes the friendly name that's displayed in the **Activities** column and the name of the corresponding operation that appears in the detailed information of an audit record and in the CSV file when you export the search results.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Auditing events for Microsoft Planner activities requires a paid Project Plan 1 license (or higher) in addition to the relevant Microsoft 365 license that includes entitlements to Audit (Premium).
+| Friendly name | Operation | Description |
+| Read a plan | PlanRead | A plan is read by a user or an app. If the read operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, ContainerType indicates ContainerType.Invalid and ContainerId indicates null. |
+| Created a plan | PlanCreated | A plan is created by a user or an app. If the create operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, ObjectId indicates null, ContainerType indicates ContainerType.Invalid and ContainerId indicates null. |
+| Modified a plan | PlanModified | A plan is modified by a user or an app. |
+| Deleted a plan | PlanDeleted | A plan is deleted by a user or an app. |
+| Copied a plan | PlanCopied | A plan is copied by a user or an app. If the copy operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.Failure, newPlanId indicates null, newContainerType indicates ContainerType.Invalid, and newContainerId indicates null. |
+| Read a task | TaskRead | A task is read by a user or an app. If the read operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, PlanId indicates null. |
+| Created a task | TaskCreated | A task is created by a user or an app. If the create operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, ObjectId indicates null and PlanId indicates null. |
+| Modified a task | TaskModified | A task is modified by a user or an app. |
+| Deleted a task | TaskDeleted | A task is deleted by a user or an app. |
+| Assigned a task | TaskAssigned | A task's assignee is modified by a user or an app. This can be an unassigned task getting assigned or an assigned task has a new assignee. |
+| Completed a task | TaskCompleted | A task is marked completed by a user or an app. |
+| Created a roster | RosterCreated | A roster is created by a user or an app. If the create operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, ObjectId indicates null, MemberIds indicates an empty string. |
+| Deleted a roster | RosterDeleted | A roster is deleted by a user or an app. |
+| Added a member(s) to a roster | RosterMemberAdded | A member(s) is added to a roster. If the add operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, MemberIds indicates the list of member IDs attempted. |
+| Removed a member(s) to a roster | RosterMemberDeleted | A member(s) is removed from a roster. If the remove operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, MemberIds indicates the list of member IDs attempted. |
+| Read a list of plans | PlanListRead | A list of plans is queried by a user or an app. If the query operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, PlanList indicates an empty string. |
+| Read a list of tasks | TaskListRead | A list of tasks is queried by a user or an app. If the query operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, TaskList indicates an empty string. |
+| Updated tenant settings | TenantSettingsUpdated | Tenant settings are updated by a tenant admin. If the update operation is a ResultStatus.Failure or ResultStatus.AuthorizationFailure, ObjectId indicates the original settings, and TenantSettings indicates the tenant settings attempted. |
+| Updated a roster's sensitivity label | RosterSensitivityLabelUpdated | A user or an app updates a roster's sensitivity label. |
## Microsoft Power Apps activities
If your organization is using the Shifts app in Microsoft Teams, you can search
For a description of Shifts app activities, see [Search the audit log for events in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/audit-log-events#shifts-in-teams-activities). - ## Microsoft Workplace Analytics activities Workplace Analytics provides insight into how groups collaborate across your organization. The following table lists activities performed by users that are assigned the Administrator role or the Analyst roles in Workplace Analytics. Users assigned the Analyst role have full access to all service features and use the product to do analysis. Users assigned the Administrator role can configure privacy settings and system defaults, and can prepare, upload, and verify organizational data in Workplace Analytics. For more information, see [Workplace Analytics](/workplace-analytics/index-orig).
The following table lists events that result from using [sensitivity labels](sen
|Removed sensitivity label from file|FileSensitivityLabelRemoved <br /><br> SensitivityLabelRemoved|A sensitivity label was removed from an item by using Microsoft 365 apps, Office on the web, an auto-labeling policy, or the [Unlock-SPOSensitivityLabelEncryptedFile](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/unlock-sposensitivitylabelencryptedFile) cmdlet. <br /><br>The operations for this activity are different depending on how the label was removed:<br /> - Office on the web or an auto-labeling policy (FileSensitivityLabelRemoved) <br /> - Microsoft 365 apps (SensitivityLabelRemoved)| Additional auditing information for sensitivity labels:+ - When you use sensitivity labels for Microsoft 365 Groups, and therefore Teams sites that are group-connected, the labels are audited with group management in Azure Active Directory. For more information, see [Audit logs in Azure Active Directory](/azure/active-directory/reports-monitoring/concept-audit-logs). - When you use sensitivity labels for Teams meeting invites, and Teams meeting options and chat, see [Search the audit log for events in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/audit-log-events). - When you use sensitivity labels with Power BI, see [Audit schema for sensitivity labels in Power BI](/power-bi/enterprise/service-security-sensitivity-label-audit-schema).
compliance Audit Log Search https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-log-search.md
Previously updated : 01/01/2023 Last updated : 04/18/2023 audience: Admin
Why a unified audit log? Because you can search the audit log for activities per
|Microsoft 365 Defender|AirInvestigation, AirManualInvestigation, AirAdminActionInvestigation, MS365DCustomDetection| |Microsoft Defender for Identity (MDI)|MicrosoftDefenderForIdentityAudit| |Microsoft Teams|MicrosoftTeams|
+|Microsoft Planner|PlannerCopyPlan, PlannerPlan, PlannerPlanList, PlannerRoster, PlannerRosterSensitivityLabel, PlannerTask, PlannerTaskList, PlannerTenantSettings |
|MyAnalytics|MyAnalyticsSettings| |OneDrive for Business|OneDrive| |Power Apps|PowerAppsApp, PowerAppsPlan|
compliance Communication Compliance Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure.md
Users included in communication compliance policies must be assigned one of the
> [!IMPORTANT] > Communication compliance is currently available for tenants hosted in geographical regions and countries supported by Azure service dependencies. To verify that communication compliance is supported for your organization, see [Azure dependency availability by country/region](/troubleshoot/azure/general/dependency-availability-by-country).
-If you don't have an existing Office 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try communication compliance, you can [add Microsoft 365](/office365/admin/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Office 365 Enterprise E5.
+If you don't have an existing Office 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try communication compliance, you can [add Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/commerce/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Office 365 Enterprise E5.
> [!NOTE] > Office 365 Advanced Compliance is no longer sold as a standalone subscription. When current subscriptions expire, customers should transition to one of the subscriptions above, which contain the same or additional compliance features.
compliance Ediscovery Teams Investigation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-teams-investigation.md
Large enterprises are often exposed to high penalty legal proceedings that deman
All Microsoft Teams 1:1 or group chats are journaled through to the respective users' mailboxes. All standard channel messages are journaled through to the group mailbox representing the team. Files uploaded in standard channels are covered under the eDiscovery functionality for SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business.
-eDiscovery of messages and files in [private channels](/microsoftteams/private-channels.md) works differently than in standard channels. To learn more, see [eDiscovery of private channels](#ediscovery-of-private-and-shared-channels).
+eDiscovery of messages and files in [private channels](/microsoftteams/private-channels) works differently than in standard channels. To learn more, see [eDiscovery of private channels](#ediscovery-of-private-and-shared-channels).
Recorded Teams meetings are stored in the OneDrive for Business account of the user recording the meeting. To learn more, see [eDiscovery (Premium) workflow for content in Microsoft Teams](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-teams-workflow).
Use the following sections to help identify the private or shared channel to inc
Use the procedure in this section to identify members of a private channel so that you can use eDiscovery tools to search the member's mailbox for content in private channel messages.
-Before you perform these steps, make sure you have the [latest version of the Teams PowerShell module](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview.md) installed.
+Before you perform these steps, make sure you have the [latest version of the Teams PowerShell module](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview) installed.
1. Run the following command to get the group ID of the team that contains the shared channels you want to search.
Admins can use eDiscovery to search for content in chats messages in a Teams mee
- [Microsoft 365 eDiscovery solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery) - [Get started with eDiscovery (Standard)](/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-core-ediscovery) - [Teams workflow in eDiscovery (Premium)](/microsoft-365/compliance/teams-workflow-in-advanced-ediscovery)-- [Teams PowerShell Overview](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview.md)
+- [Teams PowerShell Overview](/microsoftteams/teams-powershell-overview)
compliance Endpoint Dlp Getting Started https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md
description: "Set up Endpoint data loss prevention to monitor file activities an
Endpoint data loss prevention (Endpoint DLP) is part of the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) suite of features you can use to discover and protect sensitive items across Microsoft 365 services. For more information about all of Microsoft's DLP offerings, see [Learn about data loss prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md). To learn more about Endpoint DLP, see [Learn about Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md)
-Microsoft Endpoint DLP allows you to monitor [onboarded Windows 10, and Windows 11](device-onboarding-overview.md) and [onboarded macOS devices](device-onboarding-macos-overview.md) running three latest released versions. Once a device is onboarded, DLP will detect when sensitive items are used and shared. This gives you the visibility and control you need to ensure that they're used and protected properly, and to help prevent risky behavior that might compromise them.
+Microsoft Endpoint DLP allows you to monitor [onboarded Windows 10, and Windows 11](device-onboarding-overview.md) and [onboarded macOS devices](device-onboarding-macos-overview.md) running three latest released versions. Once a device is onboarded, DLP detects when sensitive items are used and shared. This gives you the visibility and control you need to ensure that they're used and protected properly, and to help prevent risky behavior that might compromise them.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
For specific guidance to onboarding Windows devices, see:
### Endpoint DLP support for virtualized environments (preview)
-You can onboard virtual machines as monitored devices in Microsoft Purview compliance portal. There is no change to the onboarding procedures listed above.
+You can onboard virtual machines as monitored devices in Microsoft Purview compliance portal. There's no change to the onboarding procedures listed above.
Here are the virtual operating systems that are supported by virtualization environments.
-|Virtualization </br> platform|Windows 10|Windows 11|
-|Azure virtual desktop (AVD)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 22H2</li></ul>|
-|Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 (2209)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|<ul><li>Single session supported for 21H2 (Gen2)</li><li>Multi session supported for 21H2 (Gen 2)</li></ul>|
-|Hyper-V|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 22H2</li></ul>|
+|Virtualization </br> platform|Windows 10|Windows 11|Windows Server 2019| Windows Server 2022</br>21H2 Data Center |
+|Azure virtual desktop (AVD)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 22H2</li></ul>| Supported|Supported|
+|Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 (2209)|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|<ul><li>Single session supported for 21H2 (Gen2)</li><li>Multi session supported for 21H2 (Gen 2)</li></ul>|Supported|Supported|
+|Amazon workspaces|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|N/A|N/A|N/A|
+|Hyper-V|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</li></ul>|<ul><li>Single session supported for 22H2</li><li>Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 22H2</li></ul>|Supported with Hybrid AD join|Supported with Hybrid AD join|
-<!--|Amazon workspaces|<ul><li>Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|N/A|-->
#### Known issues
-1. You cannot monitor Copy to Clipboard and Enforcing Endpoint DLP on Azure Virtual Desktop environments via browsers. However the same egress operation will be monitored by Endpoint DLP for actions via Remote Desktop Session (RDP) today.
+1. You can't monitor Copy to Clipboard and Enforcing Endpoint DLP on Azure Virtual Desktop environments via browsers. However the same egress operation will be monitored by Endpoint DLP for actions via Remote Desktop Session (RDP) today.
1. Citrix XenApp doesn't support access by unallowed app monitoring. #### Limitations
-1. Handling of USBs in virtualized environments: USB storage devices are treated as network shares. You need to include the **Copy to network share** activity to monitor **Copy to a USB device**. All activity explorer events for virtual devices and incident alerts will show the **Copy to a network share** activity for all copy to USB events.
+1. Handling of USBs in virtualized environments: USB storage devices are treated as network shares. You need to include the **Copy to network share** activity to monitor **Copy to a USB device**. All activity explorer events for virtual devices and incident alerts show the **Copy to a network share** activity for all copy to USB events.
## macOS onboarding procedures
compliance Insider Risk Management Adaptive Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-adaptive-protection.md
The **DLP policies** page displays all DLP policies that are using the **User's
- **Policy state**: The current state of the policy. Values are *Active* or *Inactive*. - **Policy location**: The [locations](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-reference#locations) included in the DLP policy. Currently, Adaptive Protection only supports Exchange, Teams, and Devices. - **Risk levels included**: The risk levels included in the DLP policy using the **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** condition. The options are *Elevated*, *Moderate*, or *Minor* risk levels.-- **Policy status**: The current [status](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-test-tune-dlp-policy#where-to-start-with-data-loss-prevention) of the DLP policy. The options are *On* or *Test with notifications*.
+- **Policy status**: The current status of the DLP policy. The options are *On* or *Test with notifications*.
- **Created**: The date the DLP policy was created. - **Last modified**: The date the DLP policy was last edited.
compliance Insider Risk Management Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure.md
Users included in insider risk management policies must be assigned one of the l
> [!IMPORTANT] > Insider risk management is currently available in tenants hosted in geographical regions and countries supported by Azure service dependencies. To verify that insider risk management is supported for your organization, see [Azure dependency availability by country/region](/troubleshoot/azure/general/dependency-availability-by-country).
-If you don't have an existing Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try insider risk management, you can [add Microsoft 365](/office365/admin/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5.
+If you don't have an existing Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try insider risk management, you can [add Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/commerce/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5.
## Recommended actions (preview)
compliance Insider Risk Management Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-plan.md
Depending on how you plan to implement insider risk management policies, you nee
> [!IMPORTANT] > Insider risk management is currently available in tenants hosted in geographical regions and countries supported by Azure service dependencies. To verify that insider risk management is supported for your organization, see [Azure dependency availability by country/region](/troubleshoot/azure/general/dependency-availability-by-country).
-If you don't have an existing Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try insider risk management, you can [add Microsoft 365](/office365/admin/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5.
+If you don't have an existing Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try insider risk management, you can [add Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/commerce/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5.
**Policy template requirements:** Depending on the policy template you choose, you need to be sure you understand the following requirements and plan accordingly prior to configuring insider risk management in your organization:
compliance Insider Risk Management Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings.md
To use the APIs to review insider risk alert information:
![Insider risk management export alert settings.](../media/insider-risk-settings-export.png)
-Alert information contains information from the Security and Compliance Alerts schema and the [Office 365 Management Activity API](/office/office-365-management-api/office-365-management-activity-api-schema.md#security-and-compliance-alerts-schema) common schema.
+Alert information contains information from the Security and Compliance Alerts schema and the [Office 365 Management Activity API](/office/office-365-management-api/office-365-management-activity-api-schema#security-and-compliance-alerts-schema) common schema.
The following fields and values are exported for insider risk management alerts for the Security and Compliance Alerts schema:
enterprise Microsoft 365 Vpn Implement Split Tunnel https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-vpn-implement-split-tunnel.md
Title: Implementing VPN split tunneling for Microsoft 365
Previously updated : 3/3/2022 Last updated : 04/18/2023 audience: Admin
At the time of writing the IP address ranges that these endpoints correspond to
``` ### 2. Optimize access to these endpoints via the VPN
security Advanced Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/advanced-features.md
Title: Configure advanced features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint description: Turn on advanced features such as block file in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
-keywords: advanced features, settings, block file, automated investigation, auto resolve, skype, microsoft defender for identity, office 365, azure information protection, intune
-ms.sitesec: library
-ms.pagetype: security
ms.localizationpriority: medium
search.appverid: met150 Previously updated : 12/18/2020 Last updated : 04/18/2023 # Configure advanced features in Defender for Endpoint
Depending on the Microsoft security products that you use, some advanced feature
Use the following advanced features to get better protected from potentially malicious files and gain better insight during security investigations.
-## Automated investigation
-Turn on this feature to take advantage of the automated investigation and remediation features of the service. For more information, see [Automated investigation](automated-investigations.md).
- ## Live response > [!NOTE]
Enabling the Skype for Business integration gives you the ability to communicate
> [!NOTE] > When a device is being isolated from the network, there's a pop-up where you can choose to enable Outlook and Skype communications which allows communications to the user while they are disconnected from the network. This setting applies to Skype and Outlook communication when devices are in isolation mode.
-## Microsoft Defender for Identity integration
-The integration with Microsoft Defender for Identity allows you to pivot directly into another Microsoft Identity security product. Microsoft Defender for Identity augments an investigation with more insights about a suspected compromised account and related resources. By enabling this feature, you'll enrich the device-based investigation capability by pivoting across the network from an identify point of view.
-> [!NOTE]
-> You'll need to have the appropriate license to enable this feature.
- ## Office 365 Threat Intelligence connection This feature is only available if you've an active Office 365 E5 or the Threat Intelligence add-on. For more information, see the Office 365 Enterprise E5 product page.
security Enable Troubleshooting Mode https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-troubleshooting-mode.md
Title: Get started with troubleshooting mode in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint description: Turn on the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint troubleshooting mode to address various antivirus issues.
-keywords: antivirus, troubleshoot, troubleshooting mode, tamper protection, compatibility
search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
-ms.sitesec: library
-ms.pagetype: security
ms.localizationpriority: medium
- tier2 Previously updated : 03/06/2023 Last updated : 04/18/2023 # Get started with troubleshooting mode in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
```kusto DeviceEvents
+| where Timestamp > ago(3h) // troubleshooting mode automatically disables after 3 hours
| where ActionType == "AntivirusTroubleshootModeEvent" | extend _tsmodeproperties = parse_json(AdditionalFields) | where _tsmodeproperties.TroubleshootingStateChangeReason contains "started"
security Internet Facing Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/internet-facing-devices.md
+ Title: Identify internet-facing devices in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
+description: Identify internet-facing devices in the device inventory list
+keywords: devices, internet-facing, internet-facing
+ms.mktglfcycl: deploy
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.pagetype: security
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: ITPro
+- m365-security
+- tier2
+search.appverid: met150
Last updated : 03/7/2023++
+# Internet-facing devices
+**Applies to:**
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
+> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-respondmachine-abovefoldlink)
+As threat actors continuously scan the web to detect exposed devices they can exploit to gain a foothold in internal corporate networks, mapping your organizationΓÇÖs external attack surface is a key part of your security posture management. Devices that can be connected to or are approachable from the outside pose a threat to your organization.
+Microsoft Defender for Endpoint automatically identifies and flags onboarded, exposed, internet-facing devices in the [Microsoft 365 Defender portal](https://security.microsoft.com/). This critical information provides increased visibility into an organization's external attack surface and insights into asset exploitability.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Currently, only Windows devices onboarded to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can be identified as internet-facing. Support for other platforms will be available in upcoming releases.
+## Devices flagged as internet-facing
+Devices that are successfully connected through TCP or identified as host reachable through UDP will be flagged as internet-facing in the [Microsoft 365 Defender portal](https://security.microsoft.com). Defender for Endpoint uses different data sources to identify the devices to flag:
+- External scans are used to identify which devices are approachable from the outside.
+- Device network connections, captured as part of Defender for Endpoint signals, help to identify external incoming connections that reach internal devices.
+Devices can be flagged as internet-facing when a configured firewall policy (host firewall rule or enterprise firewall rule) allows inbound internet communication.
+Understanding your firewall policy, and your devices that are intentionally internet-facing as opposed to those that may compromise your organization, provides critical information when it comes to mapping your external attack surface.
+## View internet-facing devices
+For each onboarded device identified as internet-facing, the internet facing tag appears in the **Tags** column in the device inventory in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. To view internet-facing devices:
+1. Go to **Assets** \> **Device** in the [Microsoft 365 Defender portal](https://security.microsoft.com/machines/).
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/defender-endpoint/internet-facing-tag.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the internet-facing tag" lightbox="../../media/defender-endpoint/internet-facing-tag.png":::
+Hover over the internet-facing tag to see why it was applied, possible reasons are:
+- This device was detected by an external scan
+- This device received external incoming communication
+At the top of the page, you can view a counter that shows the number of devices that have been identified as internet-facing and are potentially less secure.
+You can use filters to focus in on internet-facing devices and investigate the risk they may introduce into your organization.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/defender-endpoint/internet-facing-filter.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the internet-facing filter" lightbox="../../media/defender-endpoint/internet-facing-filter.png":::
+## Investigate your internet-facing devices
+To learn more about an internet-facing device, select the device in the device inventory to open its flyout pane:
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/defender-endpoint/internet-facing-details.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the internet facing device details page" lightbox="../../media/defender-endpoint/internet-facing-details.png":::
+This pane includes details on whether the device was detected by a Microsoft external scan or received an external incoming communication. The external network interface address and port fields provide details on the external IP and port that were scanned at the time this device was identified as internet facing.
+The local network interface address and port for this device, along with the last time the device was identified as internet facing are also shown.
+## Use advanced hunting
+Use advanced hunting queries to gain visibility and insights into the internet-facing devices in your organization, for example:
+### Get all internet facing devices
+Use this query to find all devices that are internet facing.
+// Find all devices that are internet-facing
+| where IsInternetFacing
+| extend InternetFacingInfo  = AdditionalFields
+| extend InternetFacingReason = extractjson("$.InternetFacingReason", InternetFacingInfo, typeof(string)), InternetFacingLocalPort = extractjson("$.InternetFacingLocalPort", InternetFacingInfo, typeof(int)), InternetFacingScannedPublicPort = extractjson("$.InternetFacingScannedPublicPort", InternetFacingInfo, typeof(int)), InternetFacingScannedPublicIp = extractjson("$.InternetFacingScannedPublicIp", InternetFacingInfo, typeof(string)), InternetFacingLocalIp = extractjson("$.InternetFacingLocalIp", InternetFacingInfo, typeof(string)),   InternetFacingTransportProtocol=extractjson("$.InternetFacingTransportProtocol", InternetFacingInfo, typeof(string)), InternetFacingLastSeen = extractjson("$.InternetFacingLastSeen", InternetFacingInfo, typeof(datetime))
+| summarize arg_max(Timestamp, *) by DeviceId
+This query returns the following fields for each internet-facing device with their aggregated evidence in the ΓÇ£AdditionalFieldsΓÇ¥ column.
+- **InternetFacingReason**: Whether the device was detected by an external scan or received incoming communication from the internet
+- **InternetFacingLocalIp**: The local IP address of the internet facing interface
+- **InternetFacingLocalPort**: The local port where internet facing communication was observed
+- **InternetFacingPublicScannedIp**: The public IP address that was externally scanned
+- **InternetFacingPublicScannedPort**: The internet facing port that was externally scanned
+- **InternetFacingTransportProtocol**: The transport protocol used (TCP/UDP)
+### Get information on inbounds connections
+For TCP connections, you can gain further insights into applications or services identified as listening on a device by querying [DeviceNetworkEvents](../defender/advanced-hunting-devicenetworkevents-table.md).
+Use the following query for devices tagged with the reason **This device received external incoming communication**:
+| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
+| where DeviceId == ""
+| where not(InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_any ("TaniumClient.exe", "ZSATunnel.exe", "MsSense.exe"))
+| where ActionType =="InboundConnectionAccepted"
+| extend LocalIP = replace(@"::ffff:", "", LocalIP),RemoteIP = replace(@"::ffff:", "", RemoteIP)
+| where LocalIP!= RemoteIP and RemoteIP !in~ ("::", "::1", "", "") and not(ipv4_is_private( RemoteIP ))
+| project-reorder DeviceId, LocalIP, LocalPort, RemoteIP, RemotePort, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessId, DeviceName
+> Process related information is only available for TCP connections.
+Use the following query for devices tagged with the reason **This device was detected by an external scan**:
+| where DeviceId == ""
+| where Protocol == "Tcp"
+| where ActionType == "InboundInternetScanInspected"
+For UDP connections, gain insights into devices that were identified as host reachable but may not have established a connection (for example, as a result of the host firewall policy) using the following query:
+| where DeviceId == ""
+| where Protocol == "Udp"
+| where ActionType == "InboundInternetScanInspected"
+If the above queries fail to provide the relevant connections, you can use socket collection methods to retrieve the source process. To learn more about different tools and capabilities available to do this, see:
+- [Defender for Endpoint live response](live-response.md)
+- [Microsoft Network Monitor](/troubleshoot/windows-client/networking/collect-data-using-network-monitor)
+- [Netstat for Windows](/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/netstat)
+## Report inaccuracy
+You can report an inaccuracy for a device with incorrect internet-facing information. For the internet-facing device:
+1. Open the device flyout from the Device inventory page
+2. Select **Report device inaccuracy**
+3. In the **What part is inaccurate** dropdown, select **Device information**
+4. For **Which information is inaccurate** select the **internet facing classification** checkbox from the dropdown
+5. Fill in the requested details about what the correct information should be
+6. Provide an email address (optional)
+7. Select **Submit Report**
+## See also
+- [Device inventory](machines-view-overview.md)
security Run Live Response https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/run-live-response.md
ms.sitesec: library
ms.pagetype: security f1.keywords: - NOCSH--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
Previously updated : 06/03/2021 Last updated : 04/18/2023 # Run live response commands on a device
Runs a sequence of live response commands on a device
Before you can initiate a session on a device, make sure you fulfill the following requirements: -- **Verify that you're running a supported version of Windows**.
+- **Verify that you're running a supported Windows, macOS, or Linux version**.
- Devices must be running one of the following versions of Windows
+ Devices must be running one of the following:
- **Windows 11**
Before you can initiate a session on a device, make sure you fulfill the followi
- Version 1809 (with [KB4537818](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4537818/windows-10-update-kb4537818)) - **Windows Server 2022**
+ - **macOS** [(requires additional configuration profiles)](microsoft-defender-endpoint-mac.md)
+ - 13 (Ventura)
+ - 12 (Monterey)
+ - 11 (Big Sur)
+ - **Linux**
+ - [Supported Linux server distributions and kernel versions](microsoft-defender-endpoint-linux.md)
## Permissions
security Tune Performance Defender Antivirus https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tune-performance-defender-antivirus.md
Title: Performance analyzer for Microsoft Defender Antivirus description: Describes the procedure to tune the performance of Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
-keywords: Microsoft Defender performance analyzer, defender performance analyzer, Get-MpPerformanceRepor, New-MpPerformanceRecording, windows defender, microsoft defender, microsoft windows 10, microsoft defender antivirus, micro soft windows 11, windows antivirus, microsoft antivirus, windows defender antivirus, Windows 10 antivirus, microsoft windows defender, performance windows, ms defender, microsoft scan, windows performance
-ms.sitesec: library
-ms.pagetype: security
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro Previously updated : 01/11/2023 Last updated : 04/18/2023 - m365-security
search.appverid: met150
- Windows
+## Requirements
+Microsoft Defender Antivirus performance analyzer has the following prerequisites:
+- Supported Windows versions: Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 2012 R2 with the Modern Unified Solution and Windows Server 2016 and above
+- Platform Version: 4.18.2108.7+
+- PowerShell Version: PowerShell Version 5.1, PowerShell ISE, remote PowerShell (4.18.2201.10+), PowerShell 7.x (4.18.2201.10+)
+ ## What is Microsoft Defender Antivirus performance analyzer? If computers running Microsoft Defender Antivirus are experiencing performance issues, you can use performance analyzer to improve the performance of Microsoft Defender Antivirus. Performance analyzer for Microsoft Defender Antivirus in Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server, is a PowerShell command-line tool that helps you determine files, file extensions, and processes that might be causing performance issues on individual endpoints during antivirus scans. You can use the information gathered by performance analyzer to assess performance issues and apply remediation actions.
Starting with Defender version 4.18.2206.X, users will be able to view scan skip
To ensure machine-readable output for exporting with other data processing systems, it is recommended to use `-Raw` parameter for `Get-MpPerformanceReport`. See below for details.
-## Requirements
-Microsoft Defender Antivirus performance analyzer has the following prerequisites:
--- Supported Windows versions: Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server 2016 and above-- Platform Version: 4.18.2108.7+-- PowerShell Version: PowerShell Version 5.1, PowerShell ISE, remote PowerShell (4.18.2201.10+), PowerShell 7.x (4.18.2201.10+) ## PowerShell reference
For more information on the performance analyzer, see [Performance Analyzer](/wi
> [!IMPORTANT] > This cmdlet requires elevated administrator privileges.
-**Supported OS versions**:
-Windows Version 10 and later.
-> [!NOTE]
-> This feature is available starting with platform version 4.18.2108.X and later.
#### Examples: New-MpPerformanceRecording
security Advanced Hunting Deviceinfo Table https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-deviceinfo-table.md
For information on other tables in the advanced hunting schema, [see the advance
|`ExclusionReason` | `string` | Indicates the reason for device exclusion | | `AssetValue`| `string` | Indicates the value of a device as assigned by the user | | `ExposureLevel` | `string` | Indicates the exposure level of a device |
+| `IsInternetFacing` | `boolean` | Indicates whether the device is internet-facing |
The `DeviceInfo` table provides device information based on periodic reports or signals (heartbeats) from a device. Complete reports are sent every hour and every time a change happens to a previous heartbeat.
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-plan.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro
- - m365-security
- - m365solution-m365dsecops
- - tier2
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
search.appverid: - MOE150
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Readiness https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-readiness.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro
- - m365-security
- - m365solution-m365dsecops
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
search.appverid: - MOE150
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Roles https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-roles.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro
- - m365-security
- - m365solution-m365dsecops
- - tier2
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
search.appverid: - MOE150
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-services.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro
- - m365-security
- - m365solution-m365dsecops
- - tier2
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
search.appverid: - MOE150
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Tasks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-tasks.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro
- - m365-security
- - m365solution-m365dsecops
- - tier2
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
search.appverid: - MOE150
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Use Cases https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-use-cases.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro
- - m365-security
- - m365solution-m365dsecops
- - tier2
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
search.appverid: - MOE150
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro
- - m365-security
- - m365solution-m365dsecops
- - m365solution-overview
- - tier2
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
search.appverid: - MOE150
security M365d Configure Auto Investigation Response https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/m365d-configure-auto-investigation-response.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium Previously updated : 11/29/2022 Last updated : 04/18/2023 - m365-security - tier2
You can choose from several options to change settings for your automated invest
| To do this | Follow these steps | ||| | Specify automation levels for groups of devices | <ol><li>Set up one or more device groups. See [Create and manage device groups](../defender-endpoint/machine-groups.md). </li><li>In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to **Permissions** > **Endpoints roles & groups** > **Device groups**.</li><li>Select a device group and review its **Automation level** setting. (We recommend using **Full - remediate threats automatically**). See [Automation levels in automated investigation and remediation capabilities](../defender-endpoint/automation-levels.md).</li><li>Repeat steps 2 and 3 as appropriate for all your device groups. </li></ol> |
-| Turn automated investigation on or off | *We recommend keeping automated investigation turned on. If you want to turn it off for some devices, we recommend [reviewing or changing the automation level for device groups](#review-or-change-the-automation-level-for-device-groups) instead of turning off automated investigation for your organization.* <ol><li>In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), go to **Settings** > **Endpoints** > **Advanced features**. </li><li>Turn the **Automated Investigation** toggle to **On** (or **Off**). <br/>Keep in mind that if you turn off automated investigation here, it will affect automated investigation and response actions for all devices. It will also affect [manual response actions for emails](../office-365-security/air-remediation-actions.md) (such as deleting email messages manually after they have arrived on devices). Rather than turning automated investigation off, try [changing the automation level for device groups](#review-or-change-the-automation-level-for-device-groups).</li><li>Go to **Auto remediation** and review your automated remediation levels for your devices. See [Automation levels in automated investigation and remediation capabilities](../defender-endpoint/automation-levels.md). |
- ## Next steps
security Playbook Detecting Ransomware M365 Defender https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/playbook-detecting-ransomware-m365-defender.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium -- m365-security-- tier1
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
f1.keywords: NOCSH
security Playbook Responding Ransomware M365 Defender https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/playbook-responding-ransomware-m365-defender.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium -- m365-security-- tier1
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
f1.keywords: NOCSH # Responding to ransomware attacks
security Microsoft Threat Actor Naming https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/intelligence/microsoft-threat-actor-naming.md
+ Title: How Microsoft names threat actors
+description: Learn how Microsoft names threat actors and how to use the naming convention to identify associated intelligence.
+keywords: security, threat actor, security intelligence, naming convention, taxonomy, weather, threat actor naming, motivation, attribution, nation-state, financially motivated, private sector offensive actor, influence operations, groups in development, DEV-, nation state
+ms.mktglfcycl: secure
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: ITPro
+- m365-security
+- tier2
+search.appverid: met150
Last updated : 04/18/2023++
+# How Microsoft names threat actors
+Microsoft has shifted to a new naming taxonomy for threat actors aligned with the theme of weather. With the new taxonomy, we intend to bring better clarity to customers and other security researchers already confronted with an overwhelming amount of threat intelligence data and offer a more organized, articulate, and easy way to reference threat actors so that organizations can better prioritize and protect themselves.
+Microsoft categorizes threat actors into five key groups:
+**Nation-state actors:** cyber operators acting on behalf of or directed by a nation/state-aligned program, irrespective of whether for espionage, financial gain, or retribution. Microsoft has observed that most nation state actors continue to focus operations and attacks on government agencies, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and think tanks for traditional espionage or surveillance objectives.
+**Financially motivated actors:** cyber campaigns/groups directed by a criminal organization/person with motivations of financial gain and haven't been associated with high confidence to a known non-nation state or commercial entity. This category includes ransomware operators, business email compromise, phishing, and other groups with purely financial or extortion motivations.
+**Private sector offensive actors (PSOAs):** cyber activity led by commercial actors that are known/legitimate legal entities, that create and sell cyberweapons to customers who then select targets and operate the cyberweapons. These tools threaten many global human rights efforts, as they have been observed targeting and surveilling dissidents, human rights defenders, journalists, civil society advocates, and other private citizens.
+**Influence operations:** information campaigns communicated online or offline in a manipulative fashion to shift perceptions, behaviors, or decisions by target audiences to further a group or a nationΓÇÖs interests and objectives.
+**Groups in development:** a temporary designation given to an unknown, emerging, or developing threat activity that allows Microsoft to track it as a discrete set of information until we can reach high confidence about the origin or identity of the actor behind the operation. Once criteria are met, a group in development is converted to a named actor or merged into existing names.
+In our new taxonomy, a weather event or *family name* represents one of the above categories. In the case of nation-state actors, we have assigned a family name to a country of origin tied to attribution, like Typhoon indicates origin or attribution to China. For other actors, the family name represents a motivation. For example, Tempest indicates financially motivated actors. Threat actors within the same weather family are given an adjective to distinguish actor groups with distinct tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), infrastructure, objectives, or other identified patterns. For groups in development, where there is a newly discovered, unknown, emerging, or developing cluster of threat activity, we use a temporary designation of Storm and a four-digit number, allowing us to track it as a unique set of information until we can reach high confidence about the origin or identity of the actor behind the operation.
+The table below shows how the new family names map to a sampling of the threat actors that we track.
+|Actor category|Type|Family name|
+|Nation-state|China<br>Iran<br>Lebanon<br>North Korea<br>Russia<br>South Korea<br>Turkey<br>Vietnam|Typhoon<br>Sandstorm<br>Rain<br>Sleet<br>Blizzard<br>Hail<br>Dust<br>Cyclone|
+|Financially motivated|Financially motivated|Tempest|
+|Private sector offensive actors|PSOAs|Tsunami|
+|Influence operations|Influence operations|Flood|
+|Groups in development|Groups in development|Storm|
+Use the following reference table below to understand how our previously publicly disclosed old threat actor names translate to our new taxonomy.
+|Previous name|New name|Origin/Threat|Other names|
+|ACTINIUM|Aqua Blizzard|Russia|UNC530, Primitive Bear, Gamaredon|
+|AMERICIUM|Pink Sandstorm|Iran|Agrius, Deadwood, BlackShadow, SharpBoys|
+|BARIUM|Brass Typhoon|China|APT41|
+|BISMUTH|Canvas Cyclone|Vietnam|APT32, OceanLotus|
+|BOHRIUM|Smoke Sandstorm|Iran||
+|BROMINE|Ghost Blizzard|Russia|Energetic Bear, Crouching Yeti|
+|CERIUM|Ruby Sleet|North Korea||
+|CHIMBORAZO|Spandex Tempest|Financially motivated|TA505|
+|CHROMIUM|Charcoal Typhoon|China|ControlX|
+|COPERNICIUM|Sapphire Sleet|North Korea|Genie Spider, BlueNoroff|
+|CURIUM|Crimson Sandstorm|Iran|TA456, Tortoise Shell|
+|DUBNIUM|Zigzag Hail|South Korea|Dark Hotel, Tapaoux|
+|ELBRUS|Sangria Tempest|Financially motivated|Carbon Spider, FIN7|
+|EUROPIUM|Hazel Sandstorm|Iran|Cobalt Gypsy, APT34, OilRig|
+|GADOLINIUM|Gingham Typhoon|China|APT40, Leviathan, TEMP.Periscope, Kryptonite Panda|
+|GALLIUM|Granite Typhoon|China||
+|HAFNIUM|Silk Typhoon|China||
+|HOLMIUM|Peach Sandstorm|Iran|APT33, Refined Kitten|
+|IRIDIUM|Seashell Blizzard|Russia|Sandworm|
+|KNOTWEED|Denim Tsunami|Private sector offensive actor|DSIRF|
+|KRYPTON|Secret Blizzard|Russia|Venomous Bear, Turla, Snake|
+|LAWRENCIUM|Pearl Sleet|North Korea||
+|MANGANESE|Mulberry Typhoon|China|APT5, Keyhole Panda, TABCTENG|
+|MERCURY|Mango Sandstorm|Iran|MuddyWater, SeedWorm, Static Kitten, TEMP.Zagros|
+|NEPTUNIUM|Cotton Sandstorm|Iran|Vice Leaker|
+|NICKEL|Nylon Typhoon|China|ke3chang, APT15, Vixen Panda|
+|NOBELIUM|Midnight Blizzard|Russia|APT29, Cozy Bear|
+|OSMIUM|Opal Sleet|North Korea|Konni|
+|PARINACOTA|Wine Tempest|Financially motivated|Wadhrama|
+|PHOSPHORUS|Mint Sandstorm|Iran|APT35, Charming Kitten|
+|POLONIUM|Plaid Rain|Lebanon||
+|RADIUM|Raspberry Typhoon|China|APT30, LotusBlossom|
+|RUBIDIUM|Lemon Sandstorm|Iran|Fox Kitten, UNC757, PioneerKitten|
+|SEABORGIUM|Star Blizzard|Russia|Callisto, Reuse Team|
+|SILICON|Marbled Dust|Turkey|Sea Turtle|
+|SOURGUM|Caramel Tsunami|Private sector offensive actor|Candiru|
+|SPURR|Tomato Tempest|Financially motivated|Vatet|
+|STRONTIUM|Forest Blizzard|Russia|APT28, Fancy Bear|
+|TAAL|Camouflage Tempest|Financially motivated|FIN6, Skeleton Spider|
+|THALLIUM|Emerald Sleet|North Korea|Kimsuky, Velvet Chollima|
+|ZINC|Diamond Sleet|North Korea|Labyrinth Chollima, Lazarus|
+|ZIRCONIUM|Violet Typhoon|China|APT31|
+|Previous name|New name|Origin/Threat|Other names|
+|DEV-0146|Pumpkin Sandstorm|Iran|ZeroCleare|
+|DEV-0193|Periwinkle Tempest|Financially motivated|Wizard Spider, UNC2053|
+|DEV-0196|Carmine Tsunami|Private sector offensive actor|QuaDream|
+|DEV-0198 (NEPTUNIUM)|Cotton Sandstorm|Iran|Vice Leaker|
+|DEV-0206|Mustard Tempest|Financially motivated|Purple Vallhund|
+|DEV-0215 (LAWRENCIUM)|Pearl Sleet|North Korea||
+|DEV-0227 (AMERICIUM)|Pink Sandstorm|Iran|Agrius, Deadwood, BlackShadow, SharpBoys|
+|DEV-0228|Cuboid Sandstorm|Iran||
+|DEV-0234|Lilac Typhoon|China||
+|DEV-0237|Pistachio Tempest|Financially motivated|FIN12|
+|DEV-0243|Manatee Tempest|Financially motivated|EvilCorp, UNC2165, Indrik Spider|
+|DEV-0257|Storm-0257|Group in development|UNC1151|
+|DEV-0322|Circle Typhoon|China||
+|DEV-0336|Night Tsunami|Private sector offensive actor|NSO Group|
+|DEV-0343|Gray Sandstorm|Iran||
+|DEV-0401|Cinnamon Tempest|Financially motivated|Emperor Dragonfly, Bronze Starlight|
+|DEV-0500|Marigold Sandstorm|Iran|Moses Staff|
+|DEV-0504|Velvet Tempest|Financially motivated||
+|DEV-0530|Storm-0530|North Korea|H0lyGh0st|
+|DEV-0537|Strawberry Tempest|Financially motivated|LAPSUS$|
+|DEV-0586|Cadet Blizzard|Russia||
+|DEV-0605|Wisteria Tsunami|Private sector offensive actor|CyberRoot|
+|DEV-0665|Sunglow Blizzard|Russia||
+|DEV-0796|Phlox Tempest|Financially motivated|ClickPirate, Chrome Loader, Choziosi loader|
+|DEV-0832|Vanilla Tempest|Financially motivated||
+|DEV-0950|Lace Tempest|Financially motivated|FIN11, TA505|
+A [downloadable version of the threat actor mapping](https://download.microsoft.com/download/4/5/2/45208247-c1e9-432d-a9a2-1554d81074d9/microsoft-threat-actor-list.xlsx) is also available.
+Read our announcement about the new taxonomy for more information: [https://aka.ms/threatactorsblog](https://aka.ms/threatactorsblog)
+## Putting intelligence into the hands of security professionals
+[Intel profiles in Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence](../defender/defender-threat-intelligence.md) bring crucial threat actor insights directly into defenders' hands so that they can get the context they need as they prepare for and respond to threats.
+Additionally, to further operationalize the threat intelligence you get from Microsoft, the Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence Intel Profiles API provides the most up-to-date threat actor infrastructure visibility in the industry today, enabling threat intelligence and security operations (SecOps) teams to streamline their advanced threat hunting and analysis workflows. Learn more about this API in the documentation: [Use the threat intelligence APIs in Microsoft Graph (preview)](/graph/api/resources/security-threatintelligence-overview).
security Prevent Malware Infection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/intelligence/prevent-malware-infection.md
Only use removable drives that you're familiar with or that come from a trusted
At the time they're launched, whether inadvertently by a user or automatically, most malware run under the same privileges as the active user. This means that by limiting account privileges, you can prevent malware from making consequential changes any devices.
-By default, Windows uses [User Account Control (UAC)](/windows/security/identity-protection/user-account-control/user-account-control-overview.md) to provide automatic, granular control of privilegesΓÇöit temporarily restricts privileges and prompts the active user every time an application attempts to make potentially consequential changes to the system. Although UAC helps limit the privileges of admin users, users can override this restriction when prompted. As a result, it's quite easy for an admin user to inadvertently allow malware to run.
+By default, Windows uses [User Account Control (UAC)](/windows/security/identity-protection/user-account-control/user-account-control-overview) to provide automatic, granular control of privilegesΓÇöit temporarily restricts privileges and prompts the active user every time an application attempts to make potentially consequential changes to the system. Although UAC helps limit the privileges of admin users, users can override this restriction when prompted. As a result, it's quite easy for an admin user to inadvertently allow malware to run.
To help ensure that everyday activities don't result in malware infection and other potentially catastrophic changes, it's recommended that you use a non-administrator account for regular use. By using a non-administrator account, you can prevent installation of unauthorized apps and prevent inadvertent changes to system settings. Avoid browsing the web or checking email using an account with administrator privileges.
Microsoft provides comprehensive security capabilities that help protect against
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-endpoint) provides comprehensive endpoint protection, detection, and response capabilities to help prevent ransomware. In the event of a breach, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts security operations teams about suspicious activities and automatically attempts to resolve the problem. This includes alerts for suspicious PowerShell commands, connecting to a TOR website, launching self-replicated copies, and deletion of volume shadow copies. Try Microsoft Defender for Endpoint free of charge. -- [Windows Hello for Business](/windows/security/identity-protection/hello-for-business/hello-identity-verification.md) replaces passwords with strong two-factor authentication on your devices. This authentication consists of a new type of user credential that is tied to a device and uses a biometric or PIN. It lets user authenticate to an Active Directory or Azure Active Directory account.
+- [Windows Hello for Business](/windows/security/identity-protection/hello-for-business/hello-identity-verification) replaces passwords with strong two-factor authentication on your devices. This authentication consists of a new type of user credential that is tied to a device and uses a biometric or PIN. It lets user authenticate to an Active Directory or Azure Active Directory account.
### Earlier than Windows 10 (not recommended)
Microsoft provides comprehensive security capabilities that help protect against
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint antivirus capabilities help reduce the chances of infection and automatically remove threats that it detects.
-In case threat removal is unsuccessful, read about [troubleshooting malware detection and removal problems](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4466982/windows-10-troubleshoot-problems-with-detecting-and-removing-malware).
+In case threat removal is unsuccessful, read about [troubleshooting malware detection and removal problems](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4466982/windows-10-troubleshoot-problems-with-detecting-and-removing-malware).
security Anti Malware Policies Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/anti-malware-policies-configure.md
description: Admins can learn how to view, create, modify, and remove anti-malwa
Previously updated : 4/12/2023 Last updated : 4/18/2023 # Configure anti-malware policies in EOP
Last updated 4/12/2023
In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, email messages are automatically protected against malware by EOP. EOP uses anti-malware policies for malware protection settings. For more information, see [Anti-malware protection](anti-malware-protection-about.md).
-Admins can view, edit, and configure (but not delete) the default anti-malware policy to meet the needs of their organizations. For greater granularity, you can also create custom anti-malware policies that apply to specific users, groups, or domains in your organization. Custom policies always take precedence over the default policy, but you can change the priority (running order) of your custom policies.
+The default anti-malware policy automatically applies to all recipients. For greater granularity, you can also create custom anti-malware policies that apply to specific users, groups, or domains in your organization.
> [!NOTE]
-> The default anti-malware policy applies to both outbound and inbound email. Custom anti-malware policies apply only to inbound email.
+> The default anti-malware policy applies to inbound and outbound email. Custom anti-malware policies apply to inbound email only.
You can configure anti-malware policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or in PowerShell (Exchange Online PowerShell for Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online; standalone EOP PowerShell for organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes).
You can configure anti-malware policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or
## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to create anti-malware policies
-Creating a custom anti-malware policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal creates the malware filter rule and the associated malware filter policy at the same time using the same name for both.
- 1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
-2. On the **Anti-malware** page, click ![Create icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Create**.
+2. On the **Anti-malware** page, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Create** to open the new anti-malware policy wizard.
-3. The policy wizard opens. On the **Name your policy** page, configure these settings:
+3. On the **Name your policy** page, configure these settings:
- **Name**: Enter a unique, descriptive name for the policy. - **Description**: Enter an optional description for the policy.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Name your policy** page, click **Next**.
4. On the **Users and domains** page, identify the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient conditions): - **Users**: The specified mailboxes, mail users, or mail contacts. - **Groups**:
- - Members of the specified distribution groups or mail-enabled security groups (dynamic distribution groups are not supported).
+ - Members of the specified distribution groups or mail-enabled security groups (dynamic distribution groups aren't supported).
- The specified Microsoft 365 Groups. - **Domains**: All recipients in the specified [accepted domains](/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/manage-accepted-domains/manage-accepted-domains) in your organization.
- Click in the appropriate box, start typing a value, and select the value that you want from the results. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove ![Remove icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png) next to the value.
+ Click in the appropriate box, start typing a value, and select the value that you want from the results. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png" border="false"::: next to the value.
- For users or groups, you can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results. For users, enter an asterisk (\*) by itself to see all available values.
+ For users or groups, you can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results. For users or groups, enter an asterisk (\*) by itself to see all available values.
Multiple values in the same condition use OR logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ or _\<recipient2\>_). Different conditions use AND logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ and _\<member of group 1\>_).
Creating a custom anti-malware policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal creat
> > Likewise, if you use the same recipient filter as an exception to the policy, the policy is not applied to romain@contoso.com _only_ if he's also a member of the Executives group. If he's not a member of the group, then the policy still applies to him.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Users and domains** page, click **Next**.
5. On the **Protection settings** page, configure the following settings:
- - **Enable the common attachments filter**: If you select this option, messages with the specified attachments are treated as malware and are automatically quarantined. You can modify the list by clicking **Customize file types** and selecting or deselecting values in the list.
+ - **Protection settings** section:
- For the default and available values, see [Anti-malware policies](anti-malware-protection-about.md#anti-malware-policies).
+ - **Enable the common attachments filter**: If you select this option, messages with the specified attachments are treated as malware and are automatically quarantined. You can modify the list by clicking **Customize file types** and selecting or deselecting values in the list.
- **When these types are found**: Select one of the following values:
+ For the default and available values, see [Anti-malware policies](anti-malware-protection-about.md#anti-malware-policies).
- - **Reject the message with a non-delivery report (NDR)** (this is the default value)
- - **Quarantine the message**
+ **When these types are found**: Select one of the following values:
- - **Enable zero-hour auto purge for malware**: If you select this option, ZAP quarantines malware messages that have already been delivered. For more information, see [Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Exchange Online](zero-hour-auto-purge.md).
+ - **Reject the message with a non-delivery report (NDR)** (this is the default value)
+ - **Quarantine the message**
- - **Quarantine policy**: Select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined as malware. By default, the quarantine policy named AdminOnlyAccessPolicy is used for malware detections. For more information about this quarantine policy, see [Anatomy of a quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy).
+ - **Enable zero-hour auto purge for malware**: If you select this option, ZAP quarantines malware messages that have already been delivered. For more information, see [Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Exchange Online](zero-hour-auto-purge.md).
- > [!NOTE]
- > Quarantine notifications are disabled in the policy named AdminOnlyAccessPolicy. To notify recipients that have messages quarantined as malware, create or use an existing quarantine policy where quarantine notifications are turned on. For instructions, see [Create quarantine policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](quarantine-policies.md#step-1-create-quarantine-policies-in-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal).
- >
- > Users can't release their own messages that were quarantined as malware by anti-malware policies, regardless of how the quarantine policy is configured. If the policy allows users to release their own quarantined messages, users are instead allowed to _request_ the release of their quarantined malware messages.
+ - **Quarantine policy**: Select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined as malware. By default, the quarantine policy named AdminOnlyAccessPolicy is used for malware detections. For more information about this quarantine policy, see [Anatomy of a quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy).
- - **Admin notifications**: Select none, one, or both of the following options:
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Quarantine notifications are disabled in the policy named AdminOnlyAccessPolicy. To notify recipients that have messages quarantined as malware, create or use an existing quarantine policy where quarantine notifications are turned on. For instructions, see [Create quarantine policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](quarantine-policies.md#step-1-create-quarantine-policies-in-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal).
+ >
+ > Users can't release their own messages that were quarantined as malware by anti-malware policies, regardless of how the quarantine policy is configured. If the policy allows users to release their own quarantined messages, users are instead allowed to _request_ the release of their quarantined malware messages.
- - **Notify an admin about undelivered messages from internal senders**: If you select this option, enter a recipient email address in the **Admin email address** box that appears.
+ - **Notifications** section:
+ - **Admin notifications** section: Select none, one, or both of the following options:
+ - **Notify an admin about undelivered messages from internal senders**: If you select this option, enter a recipient email address in the **Admin email address** box that appears.
- **Notify an admin about undelivered messages from external senders**: If you select this option, enter a recipient email address in the **Admin email address** box that appears.
- > [!NOTE]
- > Admin notifications are sent only for _attachments_ that are classified as malware.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Admin notifications are sent only for _attachments_ that are classified as malware.
- - **Customize notifications**: Use the settings in this section to customize the message properties that are used for admin notifications.
+ - **Customize notifications** section: Use the settings in this section to customize the message properties that are used for admin notifications.
- - **Use customized notification text**: If you select this option, use the **From name** and **From address** boxes to specify the sender's name and email address for admin notification messages.
+ - **Use customized notification text**: If you select this option, use the **From name** and **From address** boxes that appear to specify the sender's name and email address for admin notification messages.
- - **Customize notifications for messages from internal senders**: If you previously selected **Notify an admin about undelivered messages from internal senders**, use the **Subject** and **Message** boxes to specify the subject and message body of admin notification messages.
+ - **Customize notifications for messages from internal senders** section: If you previously selected **Notify an admin about undelivered messages from internal senders**, use the **Subject** and **Message** boxes that appear in this section to specify the subject and message body of admin notification messages.
- - **Customize notifications for messages from external senders**: If you previously selected **Notify an admin about undelivered messages from external senders**, you need to use the **Subject** and **Message** boxes to specify the subject and message body of admin notification messages.
+ - **Customize notifications for messages from external senders** section: If you previously selected **Notify an admin about undelivered messages from external senders**, use the **Subject** and **Message** boxes that appear in this section to specify the subject and message body of admin notification messages.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Protection settings** page, click **Next**.
6. On the **Review** page, review your settings. You can select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can click **Back** or select the specific page in the wizard.
- When you're finished, click **Submit**.
+ When you're finished on the **Review** page, click **Submit**.
-7. On the confirmation page that appears, click **Done**.
+7. On the **Created new anti-malware policy** page, you can click the links to view the policy, view anti-malware policies, and learn more about anti-malware policies.
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to view anti-malware policies
+ When you're done on the **Created new anti-malware policy** page, click **Done**.
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
+ Back on the **Anti-malware** page, the policy new policy is listed.
-2. On the **Anti-malware** page, the following properties are displayed in the list of anti-malware policies:
- - **Name**
- - **Status**
- - **Priority**
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to view anti-malware policy details
-3. When you select a policy by clicking on the name, the policy settings are displayed in a flyout.
+In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. Or, to go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to modify anti-malware policies
+On the **Anti-malware** page, the following properties are displayed in the list of anti-malware policies:
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
+- **Name**
+- **Status**: Values are **On** (enabled or **Off** (disabled).
+- **Priority**: For more information, see the [Set the priority of custom anti-malware policies](#set-the-priority-of-custom-anti-malware-policies) section.
-2. On the **Anti-malware** page, select a policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+To change the list of policies from normal to compact spacing, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-standard-icon.png" border="false"::: **Change list spacing to compact or normal**, and then select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-compact-icon.png" border="false":::.
-3. In the policy details flyout that appears, select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. For more information about the settings, see the previous [Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to create anti-malware policies](#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-anti-malware-policies) section in this article.
+Use the ![Search icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-search-icon.png) **Search** box and a corresponding value to find specific anti-malware policies.
- For the default anti-malware policy, the **Users, groups, and domains** section isn't available (the policy applies to everyone), and you can't rename the policy.
+Use :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png" border="false"::: **Export** to export the list of policies to a CSV file.
-To enable or disable a policy or set the policy priority order, see the following sections.
+Select a policy by clicking anywhere other than the check box next to the name to open the details flyout for the policy.
-### Enable or disable custom anti-malware policies
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to take action on anti-malware policies
-You can't disable the default anti-malware policy.
+In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
+2. On the **Anti-malware** page, select the anti-malware policy by using either of the following methods:
-2. On the **Anti-malware** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+ - Select the policy from the list by selecting the check box next to the name. The following actions are available in the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** drop down list that appears:
+ - **Enable selected policies**.
+ - **Disable selected policies**.
+ - **Delete selected policies**.
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, you'll see one of the following values:
- - **Policy off**: To turn on the policy, click ![Turn on icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png) **Turn on** .
- - **Policy on**: To turn off the policy, click ![Turn off icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png) **Turn off**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/anti-malware-policies-main-page.png" alt-text="The Anti-malware page with a policy select and the More actions control expanded." lightbox="../../media/anti-malware-policies-main-page.png":::
-4. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click **Turn on** or **Turn off**.
+ - Select the policy from the list by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the name. Some or all following actions are available in the details flyout that opens:
+ - Modify policy settings by clicking **Edit** in each section (custom policies or the default policy)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn on** or :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn off** (custom policies only)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete policy** (custom policies only)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** or :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** (custom policies only)
-5. Click **Close** in the policy details flyout.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/anti-malware-policies-details-flyout.png" alt-text="The details flyout of a custom anti-malware policy." lightbox="../../media/anti-malware-policies-details-flyout.png":::
-Back on the main policy page, the **Status** value of the policy will be **On** or **Off**.
+The actions are described in the following subsections.
-### Set the priority of custom anti-malware policies
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to modify anti-malware policies
-By default, anti-malware policies are given a priority that's based on the order they were created in (newer policies are lower priority than older policies). A lower priority number indicates a higher priority for the policy (0 is the highest), and policies are processed in priority order (higher priority policies are processed before lower priority policies). No two policies can have the same priority, and policy processing stops after the first policy is applied.
+After you select the default anti-malware policy or a custom policy by clicking anywhere other than the checkbox next to the name, the policy settings are shown in the details flyout that opens. Click **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. For more information about the settings, see the [Create anti-malware policies](#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-anti-malware-policies) section earlier in this article.
-To change the priority of a policy, you click **Increase priority** or **Decrease priority** in the properties of the policy (you can't directly modify the **Priority** number in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal). Changing the priority of a policy only makes sense if you have multiple policies.
+For the anti-malware policies named **Standard Preset Security Policy** and **Strict Preset Security Policy** that are associated with [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md), you can't modify the policy settings in the details flyout. You can click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-open-icon.png" border="false"::: **View preset security policies** in the details flyout to go to the **Preset security policies** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/presetSecurityPolicies> to modify the preset security policies.
- **Notes**:
+### Enable or disable custom anti-malware policies
-- In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, you can only change the priority of the anti-malware policy after you create it. In PowerShell, you can override the default priority when you create the malware filter rule (which can affect the priority of existing rules).-- Anti-malware policies are processed in the order that they're displayed (the first policy has the **Priority** value 0). The default anti-malware policy has the priority value **Lowest**, and you can't change it.
+You can't disable the default anti-malware policy (it's always enabled).
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
+You can't enable or disable the anti-malware policies that are associated with Standard and Strict preset security policies. You enable or disable the Standard or Strict preset security policies on the **Preset security policies** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/presetSecurityPolicies>.
+After you select an enabled custom anti-malware policy (the **Status** value is **On**), use either of the following methods to disable it:
-2. On the **Anti-malware** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+- **On the Anti-malware page**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Disable selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn off** at the top of the flyout.
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, you'll see **Increase priority** or **Decrease priority** based on the current priority value and the number of custom policies:
- - The policy with the **Priority** value **0** has only the **Decrease priority** option available.
- - The policy with the lowest **Priority** value (for example, **3**) has only the **Increase priority** option available.
- - If you have three or more policies, the policies between the highest and lowest priority values have both the **Increase priority** and **Decrease priority** options available.
+After you select a disabled custom anti-malware policy (the **Status** value is **Off**), use either of the following methods to enable it:
- Click ![Increase priority icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png) **Increase priority** or ![Decrease priority icon](../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png) **Decrease priority** to change the **Priority** value.
+- **On the Anti-malware page**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Enable selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn on** at the top of the flyout.
-4. When you're finished, click **Close** in the policy details flyout.
+On the **Anti-malware** page, the **Status** value of the policy changes to **On** or **Off**.
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to remove custom anti-malware policies
+### Set the priority of custom anti-malware policies
-When you use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to remove a custom anti-malware policy, the malware filter rule and the corresponding malware filter policy are both deleted. You can't remove the default anti-malware policy.
+Anti-malware policies are processed in the order that they're displayed on the **Anti-malware** page:
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-Malware** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-malware** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antimalwarev2>.
+- The anti-malware policy named **Strict Preset Security Policy** that's associated with the Strict preset security policy is always applied first (if the Strict preset security policy is [enabled](preset-security-policies.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-assign-standard-and-strict-preset-security-policies-to-users)).
+- The anti-malware policy named **Standard Preset Security Policy** that's associated with the Standard preset security policy is always applied next (if the Standard preset security policy is [enabled](preset-security-policies.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-assign-standard-and-strict-preset-security-policies-to-users)).
+- Custom anti-malware policies are applied next in priority order (if they're enabled):
+ - A lower priority value indicates a higher priority (0 is the highest).
+ - By default, a new policy is created with a priority that's lower than the lowest existing custom policy (the first is 0, the next is 1, etc.).
+ - No two policies can have the same priority value.
+- The default anti-malware policy always has the priority value **Lowest**, and you can't change it.
+Anti-malware protection stops for a recipient after the first policy is applied. For more information, see [Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md).
+After you select the custom anti-malware policy by clicking anywhere other than the check box next to the name, you can increase or decrease the priority of the policy in the details flyout that opens:
+- The custom policy with the **Priority** value **0** on the **Anti-malware** page has the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** action at the top of the details flyout.
+- The custom policy with the lowest **Priority** value (for example, **3**) has the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** action at the top of the details flyout.
+- If you have three or more policies, the policies between the highest and lowest priority values have both the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** and the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** actions at the top of the details flyout.
+When you're finished in the policy details flyout, click **Close**.
+Back on the **Anti-malware** page, the order of the policy in the list matches the updated **Priority** value.
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to delete custom anti-malware policies
+You can't remove the default anti-malware policy or the anti-malware policies named **Standard Preset Security Policy** and **Strict Preset Security Policy** that are associated with [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md).
-2. On the **Anti-malware page**, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+After you select the custom anti-malware policy, use either of the following methods to remove it:
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, click ![More actions icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png) **More actions** \> ![Delete policy icon](../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png) **Delete policy**.
+- **On the Anti-malware page**: Select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Delete selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete policy** at the top of the flyout.
-4. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click **Yes**.
+On the **Anti-malware** page, the deleted policy is no longer listed.
## Use Exchange Online PowerShell or standalone EOP PowerShell to configure anti-malware policies
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see [Remove-MalwareFilterRule](/p
- Be sure that these are the only text characters in the file. The file size should be 68 bytes.
+ Be sure that these characters are the only text in the file. The file size should be 68 bytes.
2. Save the file as EICAR.TXT
security Anti Phishing Policies About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/anti-phishing-policies-about.md
When you add internal or external email addresses to the **Users to protect** li
For detected user impersonation attempts, the following actions are available: - **Don't apply any action**: This is the default action.-- **Redirect message to other email addresses**: Sends the message to the specified recipients instead of the intended recipients.
+- **Redirect the message to other email addresses**: Sends the message to the specified recipients instead of the intended recipients.
- **Move messages to the recipients' Junk Email folders**: The message is delivered to the mailbox and moved to the Junk Email folder. For more information, see [Configure junk email settings on Exchange Online mailboxes in Microsoft 365](configure-junk-email-settings-on-exo-mailboxes.md). - **Quarantine the message**: Sends the message to quarantine instead of the intended recipients. For information about quarantine, see the following articles: - [Quarantine in Microsoft 365](quarantine-email-messages.md)
By default, no sender domains are configured for impersonation protection, eithe
For detected domain impersonation attempts, the following actions are available: - **Don't apply any action**: This is the default value.-- **Redirect message to other email addresses**: Sends the message to the specified recipients instead of the intended recipients.
+- **Redirect the message to other email addresses**: Sends the message to the specified recipients instead of the intended recipients.
- **Move messages to the recipients' Junk Email folders**: The message is delivered to the mailbox and moved to the Junk Email folder. For more information, see [Configure junk email settings on Exchange Online mailboxes in Microsoft 365](configure-junk-email-settings-on-exo-mailboxes.md). - **Quarantine the message**: Sends the message to quarantine instead of the intended recipients. For information about quarantine, see the following articles:
Mailbox intelligence has two specific settings:
For impersonation attempts detected by mailbox intelligence, the following actions are available: - **Don't apply any action**: This is the default value. This action has the same result as when **Enable mailbox intelligence** is turned on but **Enable intelligence impersonation protection** is turned off.-- **Redirect message to other email addresses**-- **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
+- **Redirect the message to other email addresses**
+- **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
- **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, you can also select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by mailbox intelligence protection. Quarantine policies define what users are able to do to quarantined messages, and whether users receive quarantine notifications. For more information, see [Anatomy of a quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy). - **Deliver the message and add other addresses to the Bcc line** - **Delete the message before it's delivered**
security Anti Phishing Policies Eop Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/anti-phishing-policies-eop-configure.md
description: Admins can learn how to create, modify, and delete the anti-phishin
search.appverid: met150 Previously updated : 3/3/2023 Last updated : 4/18/2023 # Configure anti-phishing policies in EOP
Last updated 3/3/2023
**Applies to** - [Exchange Online Protection](eop-about.md)
-In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, there's a default anti-phishing policy that contains a limited number of anti-spoofing features that are enabled by default. For more information, see [Spoof settings in anti-phishing policies](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#spoof-settings).
+In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, anti-phishing policies provide anti-spoofing protection. For more information, see [Spoof settings in anti-phishing policies](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#spoof-settings).
-Admins can view, edit, and configure (but not delete) the default anti-phishing policy. For greater granularity, you can also create custom anti-phishing policies that apply to specific users, groups, or domains in your organization. Custom policies always take precedence over the default policy, but you can change the priority (running order) of your custom policies.
+The default anti-phishing policy automatically applies to all recipients. For greater granularity, you can also create custom anti-phishing policies that apply to specific users, groups, or domains in your organization.
-Organizations with Exchange Online mailboxes can configure anti-phishing policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or in Exchange Online PowerShell. Standalone EOP organizations can only use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
+You configure anti-phishing policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or in PowerShell (Exchange Online PowerShell for Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online; standalone EOP PowerShell for organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes).
-For information about creating and modifying the more advanced anti-phishing policies that are available in Microsoft Defender for Office 365, see [Configure anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](anti-phishing-policies-mdo-configure.md).
-The basic elements of an anti-phishing policy are:
--- **The anti-phish policy**: Specifies the phishing protections to enable or disable, and the actions to apply options.-- **The anti-phish rule**: Specifies the priority and recipient filters (who the policy applies to) for an anti-phish policy.-
-The difference between these two elements isn't obvious when you manage anti-phishing policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal:
--- When you create an anti-phishing policy, you're actually creating an anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy at the same time using the same name for both.-- When you modify an anti-phishing policy, settings related to the name, priority, enabled or disabled, and recipient filters modify the anti-phish rule. All other settings modify the associated anti-phish policy.-- When you remove an anti-phishing policy, the anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy are removed.-
-In Exchange Online PowerShell, you manage the policy and the rule separately. For more information, see the [Use Exchange Online PowerShell to configure anti-phishing policies](#use-exchange-online-powershell-to-configure-anti-phishing-policies) section later in this article.
-Every organization has a built-in anti-phishing policy named Office365 AntiPhish Default that has these properties:
--- The policy is applied to all recipients in the organization, even though there's no anti-phish rule (recipient filters) associated with the policy.-- The policy has the custom priority value **Lowest** that you can't modify (the policy is always applied last). Any custom policies that you create always have a higher priority.-- The policy is the default policy (the **IsDefault** property has the value `True`), and you can't delete the default policy.-
-To increase the effectiveness of anti-phishing protection, you can create custom anti-phishing policies with stricter settings that are applied to specific users or groups of users.
+For anti-phishing policy procedures in organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365, see [Configure anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](anti-phishing-policies-mdo-configure.md).
## What do you need to know before you begin? - You open the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>. -- To connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, see [Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell).-
- You can't manage anti-phishing policies in standalone EOP PowerShell.
+- To connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, see [Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell). To connect to standalone EOP PowerShell, see [Connect to Exchange Online Protection PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-protection-powershell).
- You need to be assigned permissions before you can do the procedures in this article. You have the following options: - [Microsoft 365 Defender role based access control (RBAC)](/microsoft-365/security/defender/manage-rbac): **configuration/security (manage)** or **configuration/security (read)**. Currently, this option requires membership in the Microsoft 365 Defender Preview program.
To increase the effectiveness of anti-phishing protection, you can create custom
- _Read-only access to policies_: Membership in the **Global Reader**, **Security Reader**, or **View-Only Organization Management** role groups. - [Azure AD RBAC](../../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md): Membership in the **Global Administrator**, **Security Administrator**, **Global Reader**, or **Security Reader** roles gives users the required permissions _and_ permissions for other features in Microsoft 365. -- For our recommended settings for anti-phishing policies, see [EOP anti-phishing policy settings](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md#eop-anti-phishing-policy-settings).
+- For our recommended settings for anti-phishing policies in Defender for Office 365, see [Anti-phishing policy in Defender for Office 365 settings](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md#anti-phishing-policy-settings-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365).
-- Allow up to 30 minutes for the updated policy to be applied.
+- Allow up to 30 minutes for a new or updated policy to be applied.
-- For information about where anti-phishing policies are applied in the filtering pipeline, see [Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md).
+- For information about where anti-phishing policies are applied in the filtering stack, see [Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md).
## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to create anti-phishing policies
-Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal creates the anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy at the same time using the same name for both.
- 1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, click ![Create icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Create**.
+2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Create** to open the new anti-phishing policy wizard.
-3. The policy wizard opens. On the **Policy name** page, configure these settings:
+3. On the **Policy name** page, configure these settings:
- **Name**: Enter a unique, descriptive name for the policy. - **Description**: Enter an optional description for the policy.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Policy name** page, click **Next**.
-4. On the **Users, groups, and domains** page that appears, identify the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient conditions):
+4. On the **Users, groups, and domains** page, identify the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient conditions):
- **Users**: The specified mailboxes, mail users, or mail contacts. - **Groups**:
- - Members of the specified distribution groups or mail-enabled security groups (dynamic distribution groups are not supported).
+ - Members of the specified distribution groups or mail-enabled security groups (dynamic distribution groups aren't supported).
- The specified Microsoft 365 Groups. - **Domains**: All recipients in the specified [accepted domains](/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/manage-accepted-domains/manage-accepted-domains) in your organization.
- Click in the appropriate box, start typing a value, and select the value that you want from the results. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove ![Remove icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png) next to the value.
+ Click in the appropriate box, start typing a value, and select the value that you want from the results. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png" border="false"::: next to the value.
- For users or groups, you can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results. For users, enter an asterisk (\*) by itself to see all available values.
+ For users or groups, you can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results. For users or groups, enter an asterisk (\*) by itself to see all available values.
Multiple values in the same condition use OR logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ or _\<recipient2\>_). Different conditions use AND logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ and _\<member of group 1\>_).
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
> > Likewise, if you use the same recipient filter as an exception to the policy, the policy is not applied to romain@contoso.com _only_ if he's also a member of the Executives group. If he's not a member of the group, then the policy still applies to him.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Users, groups, and domains** page, click **Next**.
-5. On the **Phishing threshold & protection** page that appears, use the **Enable spoof intelligence** check box to turn spoof intelligence on or off. The default value is on (selected), and we recommend that you leave it on. You configure the action to take on blocked spoofed messages on the next page.
+5. On the **Phishing threshold & protection** page, use the **Enable spoof intelligence** check box to turn spoof intelligence on or off. This setting is selected by default, and we recommend that you leave it selected. You specify the action to take on messages from blocked spoofed senders on the next page.
To turn off spoof intelligence, clear the check box. > [!NOTE]
- > You don't need to turn off anti-spoofing protection if your MX record doesn't point to Microsoft 365; you enable Enhanced Filtering for Connectors instead. For instructions, see [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors in Exchange Online](/Exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors).
+ > You don't need to turn off spoof intelligence if your MX record doesn't point to Microsoft 365; you enable Enhanced Filtering for Connectors instead. For instructions, see [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors in Exchange Online](/Exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors).
+ When you're finished on the **Phishing threshold & protection** page, click **Next**.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+6. On the **Actions** page, configure the following settings:
-6. On the **Actions** page that appears, configure the following settings:
- - **If message is detected as spoof**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list for messages from blocked spoofed senders:
- - **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
- - **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by spoof intelligence protection. Quarantine policies define what users are able to do to quarantined messages, and whether users receive quarantine notifications. For more information, see [Anatomy of a quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy).
+ - **If the message is detected as spoof by spoof intelligence**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list for messages from blocked spoofed senders:
+ - **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** (default)
+ - **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by spoof intelligence protection.
- If you don't select a quarantine policy, the default quarantine policy for spoof intelligence detections is used (DefaultFullAccessPolicy). When you later view or edit the anti-phishing policy settings, the quarantine policy name is shown. For more information about default quarantine policies that are used for spoof intelligence detections, see [EOP anti-phishing policy settings](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md#eop-anti-phishing-policy-settings).
+ If you don't select a quarantine policy, the default quarantine policy for spoof intelligence detections is used (DefaultFullAccessPolicy). When you later view or edit the anti-phishing policy settings, the quarantine policy name is shown.
- - **Safety tips & indicators**:
+ - **Safety tips & indicators** section: Configure the following settings:
- **Show first contact safety tip**: For more information, see [First contact safety tip](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#first-contact-safety-tip).
- - **Show (?) for unauthenticated senders for spoof**<sup>\*</sup>: Adds a question mark (?) to the sender's photo in the From box in Outlook if the message does not pass SPF or DKIM checks **and** the message does not pass DMARC or [composite authentication](email-authentication-about.md#composite-authentication).
- - **Show "via" tag**<sup>\*</sup>: Adds a via tag (chris@contoso.com via fabrikam.com) to the From address if it's different from the domain in the DKIM signature or the **MAIL FROM** address.
+ - **Show (?) for unauthenticated senders for spoof**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Adds a question mark (?) to the sender's photo in the From box in Outlook if the message doesn't pass SPF or DKIM checks **and** the message doesn't pass DMARC or [composite authentication](email-authentication-about.md#composite-authentication). This setting is selected by default.
+ - **Show "via" tag**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Adds tag named via (chris@contoso.com via fabrikam.com) to the From address if it's different from the domain in the DKIM signature or the **MAIL FROM** address. This setting is selected by default.
To turn on a setting, select the check box. To turn it off, clear the check box.
- <sup>\*</sup> This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. For more information, see [Unauthenticated sender indicators](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#unauthenticated-sender-indicators).
+ When you're finished on the **Actions** page, click **Next**.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+7. On the **Review** page, review your settings. You can select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can click **Back** or select the specific page in the wizard.
-7. On the **Review** page that appears, review your settings. You can select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can click **Back** or select the specific page in the wizard.
+ When you're finished on the **Review** page, click **Submit**.
- When you're finished, click **Submit**.
+8. On the **New anti-phishing policy created** page, you can click the links to view the policy, view anti-phishing policies, and learn more about anti-phishing policies.
-8. On the confirmation page that appears, click **Done**.
+ When you're done on the **New anti-phishing policy created** page, click **Done**.
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to view anti-phishing policies
+ Back on the **Anti-phishing** page, the policy new policy is listed.
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to view anti-phishing policy details
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, the following properties are displayed in the list of policies:
+In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. Or, to go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
- - **Name**
- - **Status**
- - **Priority**
- - **Last modified**
+On the **Anti-phishing** page, the following properties are displayed in the list of anti-phishing policies:
-3. When you select a policy by clicking on the name, the policy settings are displayed in a flyout.
+- **Name**
+- **Status**: Values are **On** (enabled or **Off** (disabled).
+- **Priority**: For more information, see the [Set the priority of custom anti-phishing policies](#set-the-priority-of-custom-anti-phishing-policies) section.
+- **Last modified**
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to modify anti-phishing policies
+To change the list of policies from normal to compact spacing, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-standard-icon.png" border="false"::: **Change list spacing to compact or normal**, and then select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-compact-icon.png" border="false":::.
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+Click ![Filter icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-filter-icon.png) **Filter** to filter the policies by **Time range** (creation date) or **Status**.
+Use the ![Search icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-search-icon.png) **Search** box and a corresponding value to find specific anti-phishing policies.
+Use :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png" border="false"::: **Export** to export the list of policies to a CSV file.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+Select a policy by clicking anywhere other than the check box next to the name to open the details flyout for the policy.
-3. In the policy details flyout that appears, select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. For more information about the settings, see the [Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to create anti-phishing policies](#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-anti-phishing-policies) section earlier in this article.
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to take action on anti-phishing policies
- For the default anti-phishing policy, the **Users, groups, and domains** section isn't available (the policy applies to everyone), and you can't rename the policy.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. Or, to go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
-To enable or disable a policy or set the policy priority order, see the following sections.
+2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select the anti-phishing policy by using either of the following methods:
+ - Select the policy from the list by selecting the check box next to the name. The following actions are available in the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** drop down list that appears:
+ - **Enable selected policies**.
+ - **Disable selected policies**.
+ - **Delete selected policies**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-main-page.png" alt-text="The Ati-phishing page with a policy select and the More actions control expanded." lightbox="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-main-page.png":::
+ - Select the policy from the list by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the name. Some or all following actions are available in the details flyout that opens:
+ - Modify policy settings by clicking **Edit** in each section (custom policies or the default policy)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn on** or :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn off** (custom policies only)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete policy** (custom policies only)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** or :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** (custom policies only)
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-details-flyout.png" alt-text="The details flyout of a custom anti-phishing policy." lightbox="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-details-flyout.png":::
+The actions are described in the following subsections.
+### Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to modify anti-phishing policies
+After you select the default anti-phishing policy or a custom policy by clicking anywhere other than the checkbox next to the name, the policy settings are shown in the details flyout that opens. Click **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. For more information about the settings, see the [create anti-phishing policies](#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-anti-phishing-policies) section earlier in this article.
+For the anti-phishing policies named **Standard Preset Security Policy** and **Strict Preset Security Policy** that are associated with [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md), you can't modify the policy settings in the details flyout. You can click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-open-icon.png" border="false"::: **View preset security policies** in the details flyout to go to the **Preset security policies** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/presetSecurityPolicies> to modify the preset security policies.
### Enable or disable custom anti-phishing policies
-You can't disable the default anti-phishing policy.
+You can't disable the default anti-phishing policy (it's always enabled).
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+You can't enable or disable the anti-phishing policies that are associated with Standard and Strict preset security policies. You enable or disable the Standard or Strict preset security policies on the **Preset security policies** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/presetSecurityPolicies>.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+After you select an enabled custom anti-phishing policy (the **Status** value is **On**), use either of the following methods to disable it:
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, you'll see one of the following values:
- - **Policy off**: To turn on the policy, click ![Turn on icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png) **Turn on** .
- - **Policy on**: To turn off the policy, click ![Turn off icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png) **Turn off**.
+- **On the Anti-phishing page**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Disable selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn off** at the top of the flyout.
-4. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click **Turn on** or **Turn off**.
+After you select a disabled custom anti-phishing policy (the **Status** value is **Off**), use either of the following methods to enable it:
-5. Click **Close** in the policy details flyout.
+- **On the Anti-phishing page**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Enable selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn on** at the top of the flyout.
-Back on the main policy page, the **Status** value of the policy will be **On** or **Off**.
+On the **Anti-phishing** page, the **Status** value of the policy changes to **On** or **Off**.
### Set the priority of custom anti-phishing policies
-By default, anti-phishing policies are given a priority that's based on the order they were created in (newer policies are lower priority than older policies). A lower priority number indicates a higher priority for the policy (0 is the highest), and policies are processed in priority order (higher priority policies are processed before lower priority policies). No two policies can have the same priority, and policy processing stops after the first policy is applied.
+Anti-phishing policies are processed in the order that they're displayed on the **Anti-phishing** page:
-To change the priority of a policy, you click **Increase priority** or **Decrease priority** in the properties of the policy (you can't directly modify the **Priority** number in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal). Changing the priority of a policy only makes sense if you have multiple policies.
+- The anti-phishing policy named **Strict Preset Security Policy** that's associated with the Strict preset security policy is always applied first (if the Strict preset security policy is [enabled](preset-security-policies.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-assign-standard-and-strict-preset-security-policies-to-users)).
+- The anti-phishing policy named **Standard Preset Security Policy** that's associated with the Standard preset security policy is always applied next (if the Standard preset security policy is [enabled](preset-security-policies.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-assign-standard-and-strict-preset-security-policies-to-users)).
+- Custom anti-phishing policies are applied next in priority order (if they're enabled):
+ - A lower priority value indicates a higher priority (0 is the highest).
+ - By default, a new policy is created with a priority that's lower than the lowest existing custom policy (the first is 0, the next is 1, etc.).
+ - No two policies can have the same priority value.
+- The default anti-phishing policy always has the priority value **Lowest**, and you can't change it.
- **Notes**:
+Anti-phishing protection stops for a recipient after the first policy is applied. For more information, see [Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md).
-- In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, you can only change the priority of the anti-phishing policy after you create it. In PowerShell, you can override the default priority when you create the anti-phish rule (which can affect the priority of existing rules).-- Anti-phishing policies are processed in the order that they're displayed (the first policy has the **Priority** value 0). The default anti-phishing policy has the priority value **Lowest**, and you can't change it.
+After you select the custom anti-phishing policy by clicking anywhere other than the check box next to the name, you can increase or decrease the priority of the policy in the details flyout that opens:
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+- The custom policy with the **Priority** value **0** on the **Anti-Phishing** page has the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** action at the top of the details flyout.
+- The custom policy with the lowest **Priority** value (for example, **3**) has the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** action at the top of the details flyout.
+- If you have three or more policies, the policies between the highest and lowest priority values have both the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** and the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** actions at the top of the details flyout.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+When you're finished in the policy details flyout, click **Close**.
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, you'll see **Increase priority** or **Decrease priority** based on the current priority value and the number of custom policies:
- - The policy with the **Priority** value **0** has only the **Decrease priority** option available.
- - The policy with the lowest **Priority** value (for example, **3**) has only the **Increase priority** option available.
- - If you have three or more policies, the policies between the highest and lowest priority values have both the **Increase priority** and **Decrease priority** options available.
+Back on the **Anti-phishing** page, the order of the policy in the list matches the updated **Priority** value.
- Click ![Increase priority icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png) **Increase priority** or ![Decrease priority icon](../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png) **Decrease priority** to change the **Priority** value.
+### Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to delete custom anti-phishing policies
-4. When you're finished, click **Close** in the policy details flyout.
+You can't remove the default anti-phishing policy or the anti-phishing policies named **Standard Preset Security Policy** and **Strict Preset Security Policy** that are associated with [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md).
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to remove custom anti-phishing policies
+After you select the custom anti-phishing policy, use either of the following methods to remove it:
-When you use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to remove a custom anti-phishing policy, the anti-phish rule and the corresponding anti-phish policy are both deleted. You can't remove the default anti-phishing policy.
+- **On the Anti-phishing page**: Select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Delete selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete policy** at the top of the flyout.
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+On the **Anti-phishing** page, the deleted policy is no longer listed.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+## Use Exchange Online PowerShell to configure anti-phishing policies
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, click ![More actions icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png) **More actions** \> ![Delete policy icon](../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png) **Delete policy**.
+In PowerShell, the basic elements of an anti-phishing policy are:
-4. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click **Yes**.
+- **The anti-phish policy**: Specifies the phishing protections to enable or disable, the actions to apply for those protections, and other options.
+- **The anti-phish rule**: Specifies the priority and recipient filters (who the policy applies to) for the associated anti-phish policy.
-## Use Exchange Online PowerShell to configure anti-phishing policies
+The difference between these two elements isn't obvious when you manage anti-phishing policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal:
-As previously described, an anti-phishing policy consists of an anti-phish policy and an anti-phish rule.
+- When you create a policy in the Defender portal, you're actually creating an anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy at the same time using the same name for both.
+- When you modify a policy in the Defender portal, settings related to the name, priority, enabled or disabled, and recipient filters modify the anti-phish rule. All other settings modify the associated anti-phish policy.
+- When you remove a policy in the Defender portal, the anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy are removed at the same time.
In Exchange Online PowerShell, the difference between anti-phish policies and anti-phish rules is apparent. You manage anti-phish policies by using the **\*-AntiPhishPolicy** cmdlets, and you manage anti-phish rules by using the **\*-AntiPhishRule** cmdlets. -- In PowerShell, you create the anti-phish policy first, then you create the anti-phish rule that identifies the policy that the rule applies to.
+- In PowerShell, you create the anti-phish policy first, then you create the anti-phish rule, which identifies the associated policy that the rule applies to.
- In PowerShell, you modify the settings in the anti-phish policy and the anti-phish rule separately. - When you remove an anti-phish policy from PowerShell, the corresponding anti-phish rule isn't automatically removed, and vice versa.
-> [!NOTE]
-> The following PowerShell procedures aren't available in standalone EOP organizations using Exchange Online Protection PowerShell.
- ### Use PowerShell to create anti-phishing policies Creating an anti-phishing policy in PowerShell is a two-step process:
security Anti Phishing Policies Mdo Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/anti-phishing-policies-mdo-configure.md
description: Admins can learn how to create, modify, and delete the advanced ant
search.appverid: met150 Previously updated : 3/13/2023 Last updated : 4/18/2023 # Configure anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365
Last updated 3/13/2023
- [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md)
-Anti-phishing policies in [Microsoft Defender for Office 365](defender-for-office-365.md) can help protect your organization from malicious impersonation-based phishing attacks and other types of phishing attacks. For more information about the differences between anti-phishing policies in Exchange Online Protection (EOP) and anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365, see [Anti-phishing protection](anti-phishing-protection-about.md).
+In organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365, anti-phishing policies provide the following types of protection:
-Admins can view, edit, and configure (but not delete) the default anti-phishing policy. For greater granularity, you can also create custom anti-phishing policies that apply to specific users, groups, or domains in your organization. Custom policies always take precedence over the default policy, but you can change the priority (running order) of your custom policies.
+- The same anti-spoofing protection that's available in Exchange Online Protection (EOP). For more information, see [Spoof settings](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#spoof-settings).
+- Anti-impersonation protection from other types of phishing attacks. For more information, see [Exclusive settings in anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#exclusive-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365).
-You can configure anti-phishing policies in Defender for Office 365 in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or in Exchange Online PowerShell.
+The default anti-phishing policy automatically applies to all recipients. For greater granularity, you can also create custom anti-phishing policies that apply to specific users, groups, or domains in your organization.
-For information about configuring the more limited in anti-phishing policies that are available in Exchange Online Protection (that is, organizations without Defender for Office 365), see [Configure anti-phishing policies in EOP](anti-phishing-policies-eop-configure.md).
+You configure anti-phishing policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or in Exchange Online PowerShell.
-The basic elements of an anti-phishing policy are:
--- **The anti-phish policy**: Specifies the phishing protections to enable or disable, and the actions to apply options.-- **The anti-phish rule**: Specifies the priority and recipient filters (who the policy applies to) for an anti-phish policy.-
-The difference between these two elements isn't obvious when you manage anti-phishing policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal:
--- When you create a policy, you're actually creating an anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy at the same time using the same name for both.-- When you modify a policy, settings related to the name, priority, enabled or disabled, and recipient filters modify the anti-phish rule. All other settings modify the associated anti-phish policy.-- When you remove a policy, the anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy are removed.-
-In Exchange Online PowerShell, you manage the policy and the rule separately. For more information, see the [Use Exchange Online PowerShell to configure anti-phishing policies](#use-exchange-online-powershell-to-configure-anti-phishing-policies) section later in this article.
-Every Defender for Office 365 organization has a built-in anti-phishing policy named Office 365 AntiPhish Default that has these properties:
--- The policy is applied to all recipients in the organization, even though there's no anti-phish rule (recipient filters) associated with the policy.-- The policy has the custom priority value **Lowest** that you can't modify (the policy is always applied last). Any custom policies that you create always have a higher priority.-- The policy is the default policy (the **IsDefault** property has the value `True`), and you can't delete the default policy.-
-To increase the effectiveness of anti-phishing protection in Defender for Office 365, you can create custom anti-phishing policies with stricter settings that are applied to specific users or groups of users.
+For anti-phishing policy procedures in organizations without Defender for Office 365, see [Configure anti-phishing policies in EOP](anti-phishing-policies-eop-configure.md).
## What do you need to know before you begin?
To increase the effectiveness of anti-phishing protection in Defender for Office
- Allow up to 30 minutes for a new or updated policy to be applied. -- For information about where anti-phishing policies are applied in the filtering pipeline, see [Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md).
+- For information about where anti-phishing policies are applied in the filtering stack, see [Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md).
## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to create anti-phishing policies
-Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal creates the anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy at the same time using the same name for both.
- 1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, click ![Create icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Create**.
+2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Create** to open the new anti-phishing policy wizard.
-3. The policy wizard opens. On the **Policy name** page, configure these settings:
+3. On the **Policy name** page, configure these settings:
- **Name**: Enter a unique, descriptive name for the policy. - **Description**: Enter an optional description for the policy.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Policy name** page, click **Next**.
-4. On the **Users, groups, and domains** page that appears, identify the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient conditions):
+4. On the **Users, groups, and domains** page, identify the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient conditions):
- **Users**: The specified mailboxes, mail users, or mail contacts. - **Groups**:
- - Members of the specified distribution groups or mail-enabled security groups (dynamic distribution groups are not supported).
+ - Members of the specified distribution groups or mail-enabled security groups (dynamic distribution groups aren't supported).
- The specified Microsoft 365 Groups. - **Domains**: All recipients in the specified [accepted domains](/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/manage-accepted-domains/manage-accepted-domains) in your organization.
- Click in the appropriate box, start typing a value, and select the value that you want from the results. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove ![Remove icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png) next to the value.
+ Click in the appropriate box, start typing a value, and select the value that you want from the results. Repeat this process as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png" border="false"::: next to the value.
- For users or groups, you can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results. For users, enter an asterisk (\*) by itself to see all available values.
+ For users or groups, you can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results. For users or groups, enter an asterisk (\*) by itself to see all available values.
Multiple values in the same condition use OR logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ or _\<recipient2\>_). Different conditions use AND logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ and _\<member of group 1\>_).
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
> > Likewise, if you use the same recipient filter as an exception to the policy, the policy is not applied to romain@contoso.com _only_ if he's also a member of the Executives group. If he's not a member of the group, then the policy still applies to him.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Users, groups, and domains** page, click **Next**.
-5. On the **Phishing threshold & protection** page that appears, configure the following settings:
+5. On the **Phishing threshold & protection** page, configure the following settings:
- **Phishing email threshold**: Use the slider to select one of the following values: - **1 - Standard** (This is the default value.)
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
- **3 - More aggressive** - **4 - Most aggressive**
- For more information, see [Advanced phishing thresholds in anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#advanced-phishing-thresholds-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365).
+ For more information about this setting, see [Advanced phishing thresholds in anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#advanced-phishing-thresholds-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365).
+ - **Impersonation**: These settings are conditions for the policy that identify specific senders to look for (individually or by domain) in the From address of inbound messages. For more information, see [Impersonation settings in anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365).
+ - **Enable users to protect**: This setting isn't selected by default. To turn on user impersonation protection, select the check box, and then click the **Manage (nn) sender(s)** link. You identify the action for user impersonation detections on the next page.
- - **Impersonation**: These settings are a condition for the policy that identifies specific senders to look for (individually or by domain) in the From address of inbound messages. For more information, see [Impersonation settings in anti-phishing policies in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365).
+ You identify the internal and external senders to protect by the combination of their display name and email address.
- - **Enable users to protect**: The default value is off (not selected). To turn it on, select the check box, and then click the **Manage (nn) sender(s)** link that appears.
+ Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-add-internal-icon.png" border="false"::: **Add user**. In the **Add user** flyout that opens, do the following steps:
- In the **Manage senders for impersonation protection** flyout that appears, do the following steps:
+ - **Internal users**: Click in the **Add a valid email** box or start typing the user's email address. Select the email address in the **Suggested contacts** drop down list that appears. The user's display name is added to the **Add a name** (which you can change). When you're finished selecting the user, click **Add**.
- - **Internal senders**: Click ![Add internal icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-add-internal-icon.png) **Select internal**. In the **Add internal senders** flyout that appears, click in the box and select an internal user from the list. You can filter the list by typing the user, and then selecting the user from the results. You can use most identifiers (name, display name, alias, email address, account name, etc.), but the corresponding display name is shown in the results.
+ - **External users**: Type the external user's full email address in the **Add a valid email** box, and then select the email address in the **Suggested contacts** drop down list that appears. The email address is also added in the **Add a name** box (which you can change to a display name).
- Repeat this step as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove ![Remove icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png) next to the value.
+ The users you added are listed on the **Add user** flyout by **Name** and **Email address**. To remove a user, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-close-icon.png" border="false":::.
- When you're finished, click **Add**
+ When you're finished on the **Add user** flyout, click **Add** to return to the **Manage senders for impersonation protection** flyout where the users you selected are now listed by **Display name** and **Sender email address**.
- - **External senders**: Click ![Add external icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Select external**. In the **Add external senders** flyout that appears, enter a display name in the **Add a name** box and an email address in the **Add a vaild email** box, and then click **Add**.
+ To change the list of users from normal to compact spacing, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-standard-icon.png" border="false"::: **Change list spacing to compact or normal**, and then select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-compact-icon.png" border="false":::.
- Repeat this step as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove ![Remove icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png) next to the value.
+ Use the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Search** box to find users on the flyout.
+ To remove a user, select them selecting the round check box that appears next to their **Display name**, and then click the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selected-users-icon.png" border="false"::: action that appears.
- When you're finished, click **Add**
+ When you're finished on the **Manage senders for impersonation protection** flyout, click **Done** to return to the **Phishing threshold & protection** page.
> [!NOTE] > You can specify a maximum of 350 users for user impersonation protection in each anti-phishing policy.
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
> User impersonation protection does not work if the sender and recipient have previously communicated via email. If the sender and recipient have never communicated via email, the message can be identified as an impersonation attempt. > > You might get the error "The email address already exists" if you try to add a user to user impersonation protection when that email address is already specified for user impersonation protection in another anti-phishing policy. This error occurs only in the Defender portal. You won't get the error if you use the corresponding _TargetedUsersToProtect_ parameter in the **New-AntiPhishPolicy** or **Set-AntiPhishPolicy** cmdlets in Exchange Online PowerShell.
+ >
+ > If Microsoft 365 system messages from the following senders are identified as impersonation attempts, you can add the senders to the trusted senders list:
+ >
+ > - `noreply@email.teams.microsoft.com`
+ > - `noreply@emeaemail.teams.microsoft.com`
+ > - `no-reply@sharepointonline.com`
- Back on the **Manage senders for impersonation** flyout, you can remove entries by selecting one or more entries from the list. You can search for entries using the ![Search icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Search** box.
+ - **Enable domains to protect**: This setting isn't selected by default. To turn on domain impersonation protection, select the check box, and then configure one or both of the following settings that appear. You identify the action for domain impersonation detections on the next page.
- After you select at least one entry, the ![Remove selected users icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selected-users-icon.png) **Remove selected users** icon appears, which you can use to remove the selected entries.
+ - **Include the domains I own**: To turn on this setting, select the check box. To view the domains that you own, click **View my domains**.
- When you're finished, click **Done**.
+ - **Include custom domains**: To turn on this setting, select the check box, and then click the **Manage (nn) custom domain(s)** link. In the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout that opens, do the following steps:
- - **Enable domains to protect**: The default value is off (not selected). To turn it on, select the check box, and then configure one or both of the following settings that appear:
- - **Include the domains I own**: To turn this setting on, select the check box. To view the domains that you own, click **View my domains**.
- - **Include custom domains**: To turn this setting on, select the check box, and then click the **Manage (nn) custom domain(s)** link that appears. In the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout that appears, click ![Add domains icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Add domains**.
+ Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Add domains**.
- In the **Add custom domains** flyout that appears, click in the **Domain** box, enter a value, and then press Enter or select the value that's displayed below the box. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove ![Remove icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png) next to the value.
+ In the **Add custom domains** flyout that appears, click in the **Domain** box, enter a domain value, and then select the value that's displayed below the box. Repeat this step as many times as necessary.
- When you're finished, click **Add domains**
+ The domains you added are listed on the **Add custom domains** flyout. To remove the domain, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png" border="false"::: next to the value.
- > [!NOTE]
- > You can specify a maximum of 50 custom domains for domain impersonation protection in each anti-phishing policy.
+ When you're finished on the **Add custom domains** flyout, click **Add domains** to return to the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flout where the domains you entered are now listed.
- Back on the **Manage custom domains for impersonation** flyout, you can remove entries by selecting one or more entries from the list. You can search for entries using the ![Search icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Search** box.
+ To change the list of domains from normal to compact spacing, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-standard-icon.png" border="false"::: **Change list spacing to compact or normal**, and then select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-compact-icon.png" border="false":::.
- After you select at least one entry, the ![Delete domains icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png) **Delete** icon appears, which you can use to remove the selected entries.
+ Use the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Search** box to find domains on the flyout.
+ To remove a domain, select it by selecting the round check box that appears next to the domain, and then click the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete** action that appears.
- - **Add trusted senders and domains**: Specify impersonation protection exceptions for the policy by clicking on **Manage (nn) trusted sender(s) and domain(s)**. In the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout that appears, configure the following settings:
- - **Senders**: Verify the **Sender** tab is selected and click ![Add senders icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png). In the **Add trusted senders** flyout that appears, enter an email address in the box and then click **Add**. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. To remove an existing entry, click ![Delete icon](../../media/m365-cc-sc-close-icon.png) for the entry.
+ When you're finished on the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout, click **Done** to return to the **Phishing threshold & protection** page.
- When you're finished, click **Add**.
+ - **Add trusted senders and domains**: Specify impersonation protection exceptions for the policy by clicking on **Manage (nn) trusted sender(s) and domain(s)**. On the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout that opens, configure the following settings:
- - **Domains**: Select the **Domain** tab and click ![Add domains icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png).
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > The maximum number of trusted sender and domain entries is 1024.
- In the **Add trusted domains** flyout that appears, click in the **Domain** box, enter a value, and then press Enter or select the value that's displayed below the box. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. To remove an existing value, click remove ![Remove icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png) next to the value.
+ - **Senders**: Verify the **Sender** tab is selected and then click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Add senders**. In the **Add trusted senders** flyout that opens, enter an email address in the **Add a valid email** box, and then click **Add**. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. To remove an existing entry, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-close-icon.png" border="false"::: for the entry.
- When you're finished, click **Add**.
+ When you're finished on the **Add trusted senders** flyout, click **Add** to return to the **Senders** tab of the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout where the senders you added are now listed on the **Senders** tab.
- > [!NOTE]
- > Trusted domain entries don't include subdomains of the specified domain. You need to add an entry for each subdomain.
- >
- > If Microsoft 365 system messages from the following senders are identified as impersonation attempts, you can add the senders to the trusted senders list:
- >
- > - `noreply@email.teams.microsoft.com`
- > - `noreply@emeaemail.teams.microsoft.com`
- > - `no-reply@sharepointonline.com`
+ To change the list of senders from normal to compact spacing, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-standard-icon.png" border="false"::: **Change list spacing to compact or normal**, and then select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-compact-icon.png" border="false":::.
- Back on the **Manage custom domains for impersonation** flyout, you can remove entries from the **Sender** and **Domain** tabs by selecting one or more entries from the list. You can search for entries using the ![Search icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Search** box.
+ Use the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Search** box to find senders on the tab.
+ To remove a sender, select them by selecting the round check box that appears next to their email address, and then click the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete** action that appears.
- After you select at least one entry, the **Delete** icon appears, which you can use to remove the selected entries.
+ - **Domains**: Select the **Domain** tab and then click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Add domains**. In the **Add trusted domains** flyout that opens, enter domain in the **Domain** box, and then select the domain in drop down list that appears. Repeat this step as many times as necessary. To remove an existing entry, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-remove-selection-icon.png" border="false"::: for the entry.
- When you're finished, click **Done**.
+ When you're finished on the **Add trusted domains** flyout, click **Add domains** to return to the **Domains** tab of the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout where the domains you added are now listed.
- > [!NOTE]
- > The maximum number of sender and domain entries is 1024.
+ To change the list of domains from normal to compact spacing, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-standard-icon.png" border="false"::: **Change list spacing to compact or normal**, and then select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-compact-icon.png" border="false":::.
+ Use the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png" border="false"::: **Search** box to find domains on the tab.
+ To remove a domain, select it by selecting the round check box that appears next to the domain and then click the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete** action that appears.
- - **Enable mailbox intelligence**: The default value is on (selected), and we recommend that you leave it on. To turn it off, clear the check box.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Trusted domain entries don't include subdomains of the specified domain. You need to add an entry for each subdomain.
+ When you're finished on the **Manage custom domains for impersonation protection** flyout, click **Done**to return to the **Phishing threshold & protection** page.
- - **Enable intelligence based impersonation protection**: This setting is available only if **Enable mailbox intelligence** is on (selected). This setting allows mailbox intelligence to take action on messages that are identified as impersonation attempts. You specify the action to take in the **If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user** setting on the next page.
+ - **Enable mailbox intelligence**: This setting is selected by default, and we recommend that you leave it selected. To turn off mailbox intelligence, clear the check box.
- We recommend that you turn this setting on by selecting the check box. To turn this setting off, clear the check box.
+ - **Enable intelligence for impersonation protection**: This setting is available only if **Enable mailbox intelligence** is selected. This setting allows mailbox intelligence to take action on messages that are identified as impersonation attempts. You specify the action to take for mailbox intelligence detections on the next page.
> [!NOTE]
- > Mailbox intelligence protection does not work if the sender and recipient have previously communicated via email. If the sender and recipient have never communicated via email, the message will be identified as an impersonation attempt by mailbox intelligence.
+ > Mailbox intelligence protection doesn't work if the sender and recipient have previously communicated via email. If the sender and recipient have never communicated via email, the message can be identified as an impersonation attempt by mailbox intelligence.
+ To turn on mailbox intelligence protection, select the check box. You specify the action for mailbox intelligence detections on the next page.
- - **Spoof**: In this section, use the **Enable spoof intelligence** check box to turn spoof intelligence on or off. The default value is on (selected), and we recommend that you leave it on. You specify the action to take on messages from blocked spoofed senders in the **If message is detected as spoof** setting on the next page.
+ - **Spoof** section: Use the **Enable spoof intelligence** check box to turn spoof intelligence on or off. This setting is selected by default, and we recommend that you leave it selected. You specify the action to take on messages from blocked spoofed senders on the next page.
To turn off spoof intelligence, clear the check box. > [!NOTE]
- > You don't need to turn off anti-spoofing protection if your MX record doesn't point to Microsoft 365; you enable Enhanced Filtering for Connectors instead. For instructions, see [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors in Exchange Online](/Exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors).
+ > You don't need to turn off spoof intelligence if your MX record doesn't point to Microsoft 365; you enable Enhanced Filtering for Connectors instead. For instructions, see [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors in Exchange Online](/Exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors).
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Phishing threshold & protection** page, click **Next**.
-6. On the **Actions** page that appears, configure the following settings:
+6. On the **Actions** page, configure the following settings:
- - **Message actions**: Configure the following actions in this section:
- - **If message is detected as an impersonated user**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable users to protect** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list for messages where the sender is one of the protected users that you specified on the previous page:
- - **Don't apply any action**
- - **Redirect message to other email addresses**
- - **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
+ - **Message actions** section: Configure the following actions:
+ - **If a message is detected as user impersonation**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable users to protect** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list:
+ - **Don't apply any action** (default)
+ - **Redirect the message to other email addresses**
+ - **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
- **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by user impersonation protection. Quarantine policies define what users are able to do to quarantined messages, and whether users receive quarantine notifications. For more information about quarantine policies, see [Anatomy of a quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy). If you don't select a quarantine policy, the default quarantine policy for user impersonation detections is used (DefaultFullAccessPolicy). When you later view or edit the anti-phishing policy settings, the quarantine policy name is shown.
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
- **Deliver the message and add other addresses to the Bcc line** - **Delete the message before it's delivered**
- - **If the message is detected as an impersonated domain**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable domains to protect** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list for messages where the sender's email address is in one of the protected domains that you specified on the previous page:
- - **Don't apply any action**
- - **Redirect message to other email addresses**
- - **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
+ - **If the message is detected as an impersonated domain**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable domains to protect** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list:
+ - **Don't apply any action** (default)
+ - **Redirect the message to other email addresses**
+ - **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
- **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by domain impersonation protection. If you don't select a quarantine policy, the default quarantine policy for domain impersonation detections is used (DefaultFullAccessPolicy). When you later view or edit the anti-phishing policy settings, the quarantine policy name is shown.
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
- **Deliver the message and add other addresses to the Bcc line** - **Delete the message before it's delivered**
- - **If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable intelligence for impersonation protection** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list for messages that were identified as impersonation attempts by mailbox intelligence:
- - **Don't apply any action**
- - **Redirect message to other email addresses**
- - **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
- - **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by mailbox intelligence protection. Quarantine policies define what users are able to do to quarantined messages, and whether users receive quarantine notifications. For more information about quarantine policies, see [Anatomy of a quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy).
+ - **If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable intelligence for impersonation protection** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list:
+ - **Don't apply any action** (default)
+ - **Redirect the message to other email addresses**
+ - **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
+ - **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by mailbox intelligence protection.
If you don't select a quarantine policy, the default quarantine policy for mailbox intelligence detections is used (DefaultFullAccessPolicy). When you later view or edit the anti-phishing policy settings, the quarantine policy name is shown. - **Deliver the message and add other addresses to the Bcc line** - **Delete the message before it's delivered**
- - **If message is detected as spoof**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list for messages from blocked spoofed senders:
- - **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**
- - **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by spoof intelligence protection. Quarantine policies define what users are able to do to quarantined messages, and whether users receive quarantine notifications. For more information about quarantine policies, see [Anatomy of a quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy).
+ - **If the message is detected as spoof by spoof intelligence**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Select one of the following actions in the drop down list for messages from blocked spoofed senders:
+ - **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** (default)
+ - **Quarantine the message**: If you select this action, an **Apply quarantine policy** box appears where you select the quarantine policy that applies to messages that are quarantined by spoof intelligence protection.
If you don't select a quarantine policy, the default quarantine policy for spoof intelligence detections is used (DefaultFullAccessPolicy). When you later view or edit the anti-phishing policy settings, the quarantine policy name is shown.
- - **Safety tips & indicators**: Configure the following settings:
+ - **Safety tips & indicators** section: Configure the following settings:
- **Show first contact safety tip**: For more information, see [First contact safety tip](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#first-contact-safety-tip). - **Show user impersonation safety tip**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable users to protect** on the previous page. - **Show domain impersonation safety tip**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable domains to protect** on the previous page. - **Show user impersonation unusual characters safety tip** This setting is available only if you selected **Enable users to protect** or **Enable domains to protect** on the previous page.
- - **Show (?) for unauthenticated senders for spoof**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Adds a question mark (?) to the sender's photo in the From box in Outlook if the message does not pass SPF or DKIM checks **and** the message does not pass DMARC or [composite authentication](email-authentication-about.md#composite-authentication).
- - **Show "via" tag**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Adds a via tag (chris@contoso.com via fabrikam.com) to the From address if it's different from the domain in the DKIM signature or the **MAIL FROM** address. The default value is on (selected). To turn it off, clear the check box.
+ - **Show (?) for unauthenticated senders for spoof**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Adds a question mark (?) to the sender's photo in the From box in Outlook if the message doesn't pass SPF or DKIM checks **and** the message doesn't pass DMARC or [composite authentication](email-authentication-about.md#composite-authentication). This setting is selected by default.
+ - **Show "via" tag**: This setting is available only if you selected **Enable spoof intelligence** on the previous page. Adds tag named via (chris@contoso.com via fabrikam.com) to the From address if it's different from the domain in the DKIM signature or the **MAIL FROM** address. This setting is selected by default.
To turn on a setting, select the check box. To turn it off, clear the check box.
- When you're finished, click **Next**.
+ When you're finished on the **Actions** page, click **Next**.
-7. On the **Review** page that appears, review your settings. You can select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can click **Back** or select the specific page in the wizard.
+7. On the **Review** page, review your settings. You can select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. Or you can click **Back** or select the specific page in the wizard.
- When you're finished, click **Submit**.
+ When you're finished on the **Review** page, click **Submit**.
-8. On the confirmation page that appears, click **Done**.
+8. On the **New anti-phishing policy created** page, you can click the links to view the policy, view anti-phishing policies, and learn more about anti-phishing policies.
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to view anti-phishing policies
+ When you're done on the **New anti-phishing policy created** page, click **Done**.
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section.
+ Back on the **Anti-phishing** page, the policy new policy is listed.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, the following properties are displayed in the list of anti-phishing policies:
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to view anti-phishing policy details
- - **Name**
- - **Status**
- - **Priority**
- - **Last modified**
+In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. Or, to go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
-3. When you select a policy by clicking on the name, the policy settings are displayed in a flyout.
+On the **Anti-phishing** page, the following properties are displayed in the list of anti-phishing policies:
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to modify anti-phishing policies
+- **Name**
+- **Status**: Values are **On** (enabled or **Off** (disabled).
+- **Priority**: For more information, see the [Set the priority of custom anti-phishing policies](#set-the-priority-of-custom-anti-phishing-policies) section.
+- **Last modified**
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+To change the list of policies from normal to compact spacing, click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-standard-icon.png" border="false"::: **Change list spacing to compact or normal**, and then select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-compact-icon.png" border="false":::.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+Click ![Filter icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-filter-icon.png) **Filter** to filter the policies by **Time range** (creation date) or **Status**.
-3. In the policy details flyout that appears, select **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. For more information about the settings, see the [Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to create anti-phishing policies](#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-anti-phishing-policies) section earlier in this article.
+Use the ![Search icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-search-icon.png) **Search** box and a corresponding value to find specific anti-phishing policies.
- For the default anti-phishing policy, the **Users, groups, and domains** section isn't available (the policy applies to everyone), and you can't rename the policy.
+Use :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png" border="false"::: **Export** to export the list of policies to a CSV file.
-To enable or disable a policy or set the policy priority order, see the following sections.
+Select a policy by clicking anywhere other than the check box next to the name to open the details flyout for the policy.
+> [!TIP]
+> To see details about other anti-phishing policies without leaving the details flyout, use :::image type="icon" source="../../media/updownarrows.png" border="false"::: **Previous item** and **Next item** buttons at the top of the flyout.
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to take action on anti-phishing policies
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. Or, to go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select the anti-phishing policy by using either of the following methods:
+ - Select the policy from the list by selecting the check box next to the name. The following actions are available in the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** drop down list that appears:
+ - **Enable selected policies**.
+ - **Disable selected policies**.
+ - **Delete selected policies**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-main-page.png" alt-text="The Ati-phishing page with a policy select and the More actions control expanded." lightbox="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-main-page.png":::
+ - Select the policy from the list by clicking anywhere in the row other than the check box next to the name. Some or all following actions are available in the details flyout that opens:
+ - Modify policy settings by clicking **Edit** in each section (custom policies or the default policy)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn on** or :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn off** (custom policies only)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete policy** (custom policies only)
+ - :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** or :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** (custom policies only)
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-details-flyout.png" alt-text="The details flyout of a custom anti-phishing policy." lightbox="../../media/anti-phishing-policies-details-flyout.png":::
+The actions are described in the following subsections.
+### Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to modify anti-phishing policies
+After you select the default anti-phishing policy or a custom policy by clicking anywhere other than the checkbox next to the name, the policy settings are shown in the details flyout that opens. Click **Edit** in each section to modify the settings within the section. For more information about the settings, see the [create anti-phishing policies](#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-anti-phishing-policies) section earlier in this article.
+For the anti-phishing policies named **Standard Preset Security Policy** and **Strict Preset Security Policy** that are associated with [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md), you can't modify the policy settings in the details flyout. You can click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-open-icon.png" border="false"::: **View preset security policies** in the details flyout to go to the **Preset security policies** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/presetSecurityPolicies> to modify the preset security policies.
### Enable or disable custom anti-phishing policies
-You can't disable the default anti-phishing policy.
+You can't disable the default anti-phishing policy (it's always enabled).
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+You can't enable or disable the anti-phishing policies that are associated with Standard and Strict preset security policies. You enable or disable the Standard or Strict preset security policies on the **Preset security policies** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/presetSecurityPolicies>.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+After you select an enabled custom anti-phishing policy (the **Status** value is **On**), use either of the following methods to disable it:
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, you'll see one of the following values:
- - **Policy off**: To turn on the policy, click ![Turn on icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png) **Turn on** .
- - **Policy on**: To turn off the policy, click ![Turn off icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png) **Turn off**.
+- **On the Anti-phishing page**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Disable selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn off** at the top of the flyout.
-4. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click **Turn on** or **Turn off**.
+After you select a disabled custom anti-phishing policy (the **Status** value is **Off**), use either of the following methods to enable it:
-5. Click **Close** in the policy details flyout.
+- **On the Anti-phishing page**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Enable selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-turn-on-off-icon.png" border="false"::: **Turn on** at the top of the flyout.
-Back on the main policy page, the **Status** value of the policy will be **On** or **Off**.
+On the **Anti-phishing** page, the **Status** value of the policy changes to **On** or **Off**.
### Set the priority of custom anti-phishing policies
-By default, anti-phishing policies are given a priority that's based on the order they were created in (newer policies are lower priority than older policies). A lower priority number indicates a higher priority for the policy (0 is the highest), and policies are processed in priority order (higher priority policies are processed before lower priority policies). No two policies can have the same priority, and policy processing stops after the first policy is applied.
+Anti-phishing policies are processed in the order that they're displayed on the **Anti-phishing** page:
-To change the priority of a policy, you click **Increase priority** or **Decrease priority** in the properties of the policy (you can't directly modify the **Priority** number in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal). Changing the priority of a policy only makes sense if you have multiple policies.
+- The anti-phishing policy named **Strict Preset Security Policy** that's associated with the Strict preset security policy is always applied first (if the Strict preset security policy is [enabled](preset-security-policies.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-assign-standard-and-strict-preset-security-policies-to-users)).
+- The anti-phishing policy named **Standard Preset Security Policy** that's associated with the Standard preset security policy is always applied next (if the Standard preset security policy is [enabled](preset-security-policies.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-assign-standard-and-strict-preset-security-policies-to-users)).
+- Custom anti-phishing policies are applied next in priority order (if they're enabled):
+ - A lower priority value indicates a higher priority (0 is the highest).
+ - By default, a new policy is created with a priority that's lower than the lowest existing custom policy (the first is 0, the next is 1, etc.).
+ - No two policies can have the same priority value.
+- The default anti-phishing policy always has the priority value **Lowest**, and you can't change it.
- **Notes**:
+Anti-phishing protection stops for a recipient after the first policy is applied. For more information, see [Order and precedence of email protection](how-policies-and-protections-are-combined.md).
-- In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, you can only change the priority of the anti-phishing policy after you create it. In PowerShell, you can override the default priority when you create the anti-phish rule (which can affect the priority of existing rules).-- Anti-phishing policies are processed in the order that they're displayed (the first policy has the **Priority** value 0). The default anti-phishing policy has the priority value **Lowest**, and you can't change it.
+After you select the custom anti-phishing policy by clicking anywhere other than the check box next to the name, you can increase or decrease the priority of the policy in the details flyout that opens:
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+- The custom policy with the **Priority** value **0** on the **Anti-Phishing** page has the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** action at the top of the details flyout.
+- The custom policy with the lowest **Priority** value (for example, **3**) has the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** action at the top of the details flyout.
+- If you have three or more policies, the policies between the highest and lowest priority values have both the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png" border="false"::: **Increase priority** and the :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png" border="false"::: **Decrease priority** actions at the top of the details flyout.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name.
+When you're finished in the policy details flyout, click **Close**.
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, you'll see **Increase priority** or **Decrease priority** based on the current priority value and the number of custom policies:
- - The policy with the **Priority** value **0** has only the **Decrease priority** option available.
- - The policy with the lowest **Priority** value (for example, **3**) has only the **Increase priority** option available.
- - If you have three or more policies, the policies between the highest and lowest priority values have both the **Increase priority** and **Decrease priority** options available.
+Back on the **Anti-phishing** page, the order of the policy in the list matches the updated **Priority** value.
- Click ![Increase priority icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-increase-icon.png) **Increase priority** or ![Decrease priority icon](../../media/m365-cc-sc-decrease-icon.png) **Decrease priority** to change the **Priority** value.
+### Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to delete custom anti-phishing policies
-4. When you're finished, click **Close** in the policy details flyout.
+You can't remove the default anti-phishing policy or the anti-phishing policies named **Standard Preset Security Policy** and **Strict Preset Security Policy** that are associated with [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md).
-## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to remove custom anti-phishing policies
+After you select the custom anti-phishing policy, use either of the following methods to remove it:
-When you use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to remove a custom anti-phishing policy, the anti-phish rule and the corresponding anti-phish policy are both deleted. You can't remove the default anti-phishing policy.
+- **On the Anti-phishing page**: Select :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png" border="false"::: **More actions** \> **Delete selected policies**.
+- **In the details flyout of the policy**: Click :::image type="icon" source="../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png" border="false"::: **Delete policy** at the top of the flyout.
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & Collaboration** \> **Policies & Rules** \> **Threat policies** \> **Anti-phishing** in the **Policies** section. To go directly to the **Anti-phishing** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/antiphishing>.
+On the **Anti-phishing** page, the deleted policy is no longer listed.
-2. On the **Anti-phishing** page, select a custom policy from the list by clicking on the name of the policy.
+## Use Exchange Online PowerShell to configure anti-phishing policies
-3. At the top of the policy details flyout that appears, click ![More actions icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png) **More actions** \> ![Delete policy icon](../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png) **Delete policy**.
+In PowerShell, the basic elements of an anti-phishing policy are:
-4. In the confirmation dialog that appears, click **Yes**.
+- **The anti-phish policy**: Specifies the phishing protections to enable or disable, the actions to apply for those protections, and other options.
+- **The anti-phish rule**: Specifies the priority and recipient filters (who the policy applies to) for the associated anti-phish policy.
-## Use Exchange Online PowerShell to configure anti-phishing policies
+The difference between these two elements isn't obvious when you manage anti-phishing policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal:
-As previously described, an anti-spam policy consists of an anti-phish policy and an anti-phish rule.
+- When you create a policy in the Defender portal, you're actually creating an anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy at the same time using the same name for both.
+- When you modify a policy in the Defender portal, settings related to the name, priority, enabled or disabled, and recipient filters modify the anti-phish rule. All other settings modify the associated anti-phish policy.
+- When you remove a policy in the Defender portal, the anti-phish rule and the associated anti-phish policy are removed at the same time.
In Exchange Online PowerShell, the difference between anti-phish policies and anti-phish rules is apparent. You manage anti-phish policies by using the **\*-AntiPhishPolicy** cmdlets, and you manage anti-phish rules by using the **\*-AntiPhishRule** cmdlets. -- In PowerShell, you create the anti-phish policy first, then you create the anti-phish rule that identifies the policy that the rule applies to.
+- In PowerShell, you create the anti-phish policy first, then you create the anti-phish rule, which identifies the associated policy that the rule applies to.
- In PowerShell, you modify the settings in the anti-phish policy and the anti-phish rule separately. - When you remove an anti-phish policy from PowerShell, the corresponding anti-phish rule isn't automatically removed, and vice versa.
Set-AntiPhishRule -Identity "Marketing Department" -Priority 2
**Notes**: - To set the priority of a new rule when you create it, use the _Priority_ parameter on the **New-AntiPhishRule** cmdlet instead.- - The default anti-phish policy doesn't have a corresponding anti-phish rule, and it always has the unmodifiable priority value **Lowest**. ### Use PowerShell to remove anti-phish policies
security Mdo Sec Ops Guide https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/mdo-sec-ops-guide.md
- MET150 - MOE150
- - m365-security
- - tier1
+ - zerotrust-solution
+ - msftsolution-secops
description: A prescriptive playbook for SecOps personnel to manage Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
security Migrate To Defender For Office 365 Onboard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/migrate-to-defender-for-office-365-onboard.md
After you've had enough time to observe the results of impersonation protection
- User impersonation protection: **Quarantine the message** for both Standard and Strict. - Domain impersonation protection: **Quarantine the message** for both Standard and Strict.-- Mailbox intelligence protection: **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** for Standard; **Quarantine the message** for Strict.
+- Mailbox intelligence protection: **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** for Standard; **Quarantine the message** for Strict.
The longer you monitor the impersonation protection results without acting on the messages, the more data you'll have to identify allows or blocks that might be required. Consider using a delay between turning on each protection that's significant enough to allow for observation and adjustment.
After you've observed the results and made any adjustments, proceed to the next
### Tune user impersonation protection
-In both of your anti-phishing policies based on Standard and Strict settings, change the value of **If message is detected as an impersonated user** to **Quarantine the message**.
+In both of your anti-phishing policies based on Standard and Strict settings, change the value of **If a message is detected as user impersonation** to **Quarantine the message**.
Check the [impersonation insight](anti-phishing-mdo-impersonation-insight.md) to see what's being blocked as user impersonation attempts.
After you've observed the results and made any adjustments, proceed to the next
### Tune domain impersonation protection
-In both of your anti-phishing policies based on Standard and Strict settings, change the value of **If message is detected as an impersonated domain** to **Quarantine the message**.
+In both of your anti-phishing policies based on Standard and Strict settings, change the value of **If a message is detected as domain impersonation** to **Quarantine the message**.
Check the [impersonation insight](anti-phishing-mdo-impersonation-insight.md) to see what's being blocked as domain impersonation attempts.
security Migrate To Defender For Office 365 Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/migrate-to-defender-for-office-365-setup.md
Create two anti-phishing policies for pilot users:
- A policy that uses the Standard settings, except for impersonation detection actions as described below. Use the group **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Standard** as the condition of the policy (who the policy applies to). - A policy that uses the Strict settings, except for impersonation detection actions as described below. Use the group **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Strict** as the condition of the policy (who the policy applies to). This policy should have a higher priority (lower number) than the policy with the Standard settings.
-For spoof detections, the recommended Standard action is **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**, and the recommended Strict action is **Quarantine the message**. Use the spoof intelligence insight to observe the results. Overrides are explained in the next section. For more information, see [Spoof intelligence insight in EOP](anti-spoofing-spoof-intelligence.md).
+For spoof detections, the recommended Standard action is **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**, and the recommended Strict action is **Quarantine the message**. Use the spoof intelligence insight to observe the results. Overrides are explained in the next section. For more information, see [Spoof intelligence insight in EOP](anti-spoofing-spoof-intelligence.md).
For impersonation detections, ignore the recommended Standard and Strict actions for the pilot policies. Instead, use the value **Don't apply any action** for the following settings: -- **If message is detected as an impersonated user**
+- **If a message is detected as user impersonation**
- **If message is detected as impersonated domain** - **If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user**
security Protect Against Threats https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/protect-against-threats.md
The following procedure describes how to configure the default anti-phishing pol
- **Actions** section: Click **Edit actions** and configure the following settings in the flyout that opens: - **Message actions** section: Configure the following settings:
- - **If message is detected as an impersonated user**<sup>\*</sup>: Select **Quarantine the message**. Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by user impersonation protection.
- - **If message is detected as an impersonated domain**<sup>\*</sup>: Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by user domain impersonation protection.
- - **If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user**<sup>\*</sup>: Select **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** (Standard) or **Quarantine the message** (Strict). Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by mailbox intelligence protection.
- - **If message is detected as spoof**: Select **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** (Standard) or **Quarantine the message** (Strict). Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by spoof intelligence protection.
+ - **If a message is detected as user impersonation**<sup>\*</sup>: Select **Quarantine the message**. Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by user impersonation protection.
+ - **If a message is detected as domain impersonation**<sup>\*</sup>: Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by user domain impersonation protection.
+ - **If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user**<sup>\*</sup>: Select **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** (Standard) or **Quarantine the message** (Strict). Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by mailbox intelligence protection.
+ - **If the message is detected as spoof by spoof intelligence**: Select **Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** (Standard) or **Quarantine the message** (Strict). Select nothing in the **Apply quarantine policy** box that appears to use the default [quarantine policy](quarantine-policies.md#anatomy-of-a-quarantine-policy) that applies to messages that are quarantined by spoof intelligence protection.
- **Safety tips & indicators** section: Configure the following settings: - **Show first contact safety tip**: Select (turn on). - **Show user impersonation safety tip**<sup>\*</sup>: Select (turn on).
security Quarantine Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/quarantine-policies.md
Even if you don't customize quarantine notifications for different languages, se
- **Specify sender address**: Select an existing user for the sender email address of quarantine notifications. The default sender is quarantine@messaging.microsoft.com. -- **Use my company logo**: Select this option to replace the default Microsoft logo that's used at the top of quarantine notifications. Before you do this step, you need to follow the instructions in [Customize the Microsoft 365 theme for your organization](../../admin/setup/customize-your-organization-theme.md) to upload your custom logo. This option isn't supported if your organization has a custom logo pointing to a URL instead of an uploaded image file.
+- **Use my company logo**: Select this option to replace the default Microsoft logo that's used at the top of quarantine notifications. Before you do this step, you need to follow the instructions in [Customize the Microsoft 365 theme for your organization](../../admin/setup/customize-your-organization-theme.md) to upload your custom logo.
A custom logo in a quarantine notification is shown in the following screenshot:
security Quarantine Shared Mailbox Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/quarantine-shared-mailbox-messages.md
Now, automapping is no longer required for users to manage quarantined messages
- Regarding quarantine operations for shared mailboxes, if you use nested security groups to grant access to a shared mailbox, we recommend no more than two levels of nested groups. For example, Group A is a member of Group B, which is a member of Group C. To assign permissions to a shared mailbox, don't add the user to Group A and then assign Group C to the shared mailbox.
+- Access of Quarantined items for on-premises shared mailboxes through security groups is not currently supported.
+ - As of July 2022, users with primary SMTP addresses that are different from their user principal names (UPNs) should be able to access quarantined messages for the shared mailbox. - To manage quarantined messages for the shared mailbox in [Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell), the end-user will need to use the [Get-QuarantineMessage](/powershell/module/exchange/get-quarantinemessage) cmdlet with shared mailbox email address for the value of the _RecipientAddress_ parameter to identify the messages. For example:
security Recommended Settings For Eop And Office365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md
Admins can create or use quarantine policies with more restrictive or less restr
|**Phishing threshold & protection**||||| |**Enable spoof intelligence** <br><br> _EnableSpoofIntelligence_|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|| |**Actions**|||||
-|**If message is detected as spoof** <br><br> _AuthenticationFailAction_|**Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** <br><br> `MoveToJmf`|**Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** <br><br> `MoveToJmf`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`|This setting applies to spoofed senders that were automatically blocked as shown in the [spoof intelligence insight](anti-spoofing-spoof-intelligence.md) or manually blocked in the [Tenant Allow/Block List](tenant-allow-block-list-about.md). <br><br> If you select **Quarantine the message** as the action for the spoof verdict, an **Apply quarantine policy** box is available.|
+|**If the message is detected as spoof by spoof intelligence** <br><br> _AuthenticationFailAction_|**Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** <br><br> `MoveToJmf`|**Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** <br><br> `MoveToJmf`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`|This setting applies to spoofed senders that were automatically blocked as shown in the [spoof intelligence insight](anti-spoofing-spoof-intelligence.md) or manually blocked in the [Tenant Allow/Block List](tenant-allow-block-list-about.md). <br><br> If you select **Quarantine the message** as the action for the spoof verdict, an **Apply quarantine policy** box is available.|
|**Quarantine policy** for **Spoof** <br><br> _SpoofQuarantineTag_|DefaultFullAccessPolicy┬╣|DefaultFullAccessPolicy|DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy|The quarantine policy is meaningful only if spoof detections are quarantined.| |**Show first contact safety tip** <br><br> _EnableFirstContactSafetyTips_|Not selected <br><br> `$false`|Not selected <br><br> `$false`|Not selected <br><br> `$false`|For more information, see [First contact safety tip](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#first-contact-safety-tip).| |**Show (?) for unauthenticated senders for spoof** <br><br> _EnableUnauthenticatedSender_|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Adds a question mark (?) to the sender's photo in Outlook for unidentified spoofed senders. For more information, see [Unauthenticated sender indicators](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#unauthenticated-sender-indicators).|
Admins can create or use quarantine policies with more restrictive or less restr
|**Enable mailbox intelligence** <br><br> _EnableMailboxIntelligence_|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|| |**Enable intelligence for impersonation protection** <br><br> _EnableMailboxIntelligenceProtection_|Off <br><br> `$false`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|This setting allows the specified action for impersonation detections by mailbox intelligence.| |**Actions**|||||
-|**If message is detected as an impersonated user** <br><br> _TargetedUserProtectionAction_|**Don't apply any action** <br><br> `NoAction`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`||
+|**If a message is detected as user impersonation** <br><br> _TargetedUserProtectionAction_|**Don't apply any action** <br><br> `NoAction`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`||
|**Quarantine policy** for **user impersonation** <br><br> _TargetedUserQuarantineTag_|DefaultFullAccessPolicy┬╣|DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy|DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy|The quarantine policy is meaningful only if user impersonation detections are quarantined.|
-|**If message is detected as an impersonated domain** <br><br> _TargetedDomainProtectionAction_|**Don't apply any action** <br><br> `NoAction`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`||
+|**If a message is detected as domain impersonation** <br><br> _TargetedDomainProtectionAction_|**Don't apply any action** <br><br> `NoAction`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`||
|**Quarantine policy** for **domain impersonation** <br><br> _TargetedDomainQuarantineTag_|DefaultFullAccessPolicy┬╣|DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy|DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy|The quarantine policy is meaningful only if domain impersonation detections are quarantined.|
-|**If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user** <br><br> _MailboxIntelligenceProtectionAction_|**Don't apply any action** <br><br> `NoAction`|**Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** <br><br> `MoveToJmf`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`||
+|**If mailbox intelligence detects an impersonated user** <br><br> _MailboxIntelligenceProtectionAction_|**Don't apply any action** <br><br> `NoAction`|**Move the message to the recipients' Junk Email folders** <br><br> `MoveToJmf`|**Quarantine the message** <br><br> `Quarantine`||
|**Quarantine policy** for **mailbox intelligence impersonation** <br><br> _MailboxIntelligenceQuarantineTag_|DefaultFullAccessPolicy┬╣|DefaultFullAccessPolicy|DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy|The quarantine policy is meaningful only if mailbox intelligence detections are quarantined.| |**Show user impersonation safety tip** <br><br> _EnableSimilarUsersSafetyTips_|Off <br><br> `$false`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|| |**Show domain impersonation safety tip** <br><br> _EnableSimilarDomainsSafetyTips_|Off <br><br> `$false`|Selected <br><br> `$true`|Selected <br><br> `$true`||
security Tenant Allow Block List Urls Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/tenant-allow-block-list-urls-configure.md
Valid URL entries and their results are described in the following sections.
#### Scenario: Left wildcard (subdomain) > [!TIP]
-> Allow entries of this pattern will be supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
+> Allow entries of this pattern are supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
**Entry**: `*.contoso.com`
Valid URL entries and their results are described in the following sections.
#### Scenario: Left tilde > [!TIP]
-> Allow entries of this pattern will be supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
+> Allow entries of this pattern are supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
**Entry**: `~contoso.com`
Valid URL entries and their results are described in the following sections.
#### Scenario: Left wildcard subdomain and right wildcard suffix > [!TIP]
-> Allow entries of this pattern will be supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
+> Allow entries of this pattern are supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
**Entry**: `*.contoso.com/*`
Valid URL entries and their results are described in the following sections.
#### Scenario: Left and right tilde > [!TIP]
-> Allow entries of this pattern will be supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
+> Allow entries of this pattern are supported only from [advanced delivery configuration](skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes.md).
**Entry**: `~contoso.com~`