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admin Activity Reports https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/activity-reports.md
description: "Get a periodic report of how people in your organization are using
Check out [Microsoft 365 small business help](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2197659) on YouTube.
-You can easily see how people in your business are using Microsoft 365 services. For example, you can identify who is using a service a lot and reaching quotas, or who may not need a Microsoft 365 license at all. Perpetual license model will not be included in the reports.
+You can easily see how people in your business are using Microsoft 365 services. For example, you can identify who is using a service a lot and reaching quotas, or who may not need a Microsoft 365 license at all. Perpetual license model won't be included in the reports.
Reports are available for the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, and 180 days. Data won't exist for all reporting periods right away. The reports become available within 48 hours.
Check out this video and others on our [YouTube channel](https://go.microsoft.co
::: moniker-end
-2. Click the **View more** button from the at-a-glance activity card for a service (such as email or OneDrive) to see the report detail page. On that page, different reports for the service are provided in tabs.
+2. Select the **View more** button from the at-a-glance activity card for a service (such as email or OneDrive) to see the report detail page. On that page, different reports for the service are provided in tabs.
:::image type="content" alt-text="The Usage dashboard." source="../../media/activity-usage-analytics3.png" lightbox="../../media/4c0f966d-9d2b-4a6f-a106-a6e2b9a2de07.png":::
admin Visio Activity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/visio-activity.md
+ Title: "Microsoft 365 admin center Visio activity "
+++ Last updated : 03/22/2023
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_O365
+- Adm_NonTOC
+- BCS160
+- MST160
+- MET150
+- MOE150
+description: "Learn how to get the Visio activity report and gain insights into Visio activity in your organization."
+# Microsoft 365 Reports in the admin center ΓÇô Visio activity
+The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the products in your organization. You can drill into individual product-level reports to give you more granular insight into the activities within each product. Check out [the Reports overview article](activity-reports.md) to learn more.
+> The information and data on the Microsoft 365 Experience insights dashboard helps you to better understand and improve your users' overall experience with Microsoft 365. [**Learn more about Experience insights.**](../misc/experience-insights-dashboard.md)
+In the **Visio activity report**, you can view the activity of every Visio user.
+## How to get to the Visio activity report
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> [Usage](https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home#/reportsUsage/VisioActivity) page.
+2. From the dashboard homepage, select the **View more** button on the Visio card.
+## Interpret the Visio activity report
+You can use this report to see the activity and usage of Visio in your environment. You'll see three summary charts in this report:
+- **Active users** Shows you the daily active users on each day over time. This includes Visio for the web and Visio desktop app usage.
+- **Platforms** Shows you the daily active users on each day over time, broken up by platform: Web and Desktop.
+- **Platforms (total users)** Shows you the aggregated active users for the selected time window, broken up by platform: Web and Desktop.
+The **Visio activity** report can be viewed for trends over the last 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or 180 days. If you select a particular day in the report, the per-user data table will be updated accordingly to display users' usage on that day.
+### Visio licensed usage
+You can use this report to filter for Visio licensed usage. Each of the charts is provided with a filter to select user segment.
+- **All users** Shows you the usage for Visio licensed users, including Visio Plan 1 and/or Visio Plan 2; and seeded usage, such as using Visio that comes as part of the Microsoft 365 commercial subscriptions
+- **Visio licensed users** Shows you the usage for Visio licensed users only, including Visio Plan 1 and/or Visio Plan 2
+You can also export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the **Export** link.
+> Learn more about Visio seeded capabilities [here](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/visio/visio-in-microsoft-365), and about Visio plans and pricing [here](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/visio/microsoft-visio-plans-and-pricing-compare-visio-options?rtc=1&activetab=tabs%3aprimaryr1).
+## User details table
+The report also has a table to show the user details with active usage in your environment during the selected time window.
+The following are definitions for each metric in the table:
+| **Metric** | **Definition** |
+| User name | The user principal name |
+| Display name | The full name of the user |
+| Last activity date | The latest date the user in that row had activity in Visio, including any of the activities in the summary reports |
+| Desktop | This indicates whether that user used the Visio desktop app at least once during the selected time window |
+| Web | This indicates whether that user used Visio for the web at least once during the selected time window |
admin Remove Former Employee Step 4 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/remove-former-employee-step-4.md
Follow these steps to [convert the user's mailbox to a shared mailbox](../email/
5. Select **Save**. 6. Remember, don't delete the former employee's account.
+> In scenarios where the mailbox is inactive due to compliance reasons, mail forwarding or converting the mailbox to a shared mailbox would not work.
+ ### Cancel Outlook meetings Make sure to cancel all meetings that the former user had on their calendar. This lets people remove the meetings created by the former user.
admin Remove Former Employee Step 5 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/remove-former-employee-step-5.md
To preserve a former user's OneDrive files, first give yourself access to their
> [!NOTE] > You can move or copy up to 500 MB of files and folders at a time.<br/>
-> When you move or copy documents that have version history, only the latest version is moved.
+> When you move or copy documents that have version history, only the latest version is moved.
+ > Administrative options for an active user under the OneDrive tab in the Microsoft 365 admin center are currently not supported for multi-geo tenants. You can also grant access to another user to access a former employee's OneDrive.
admin Transfer A Domain From Microsoft To Another Host https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/transfer-a-domain-from-microsoft-to-another-host.md
Sign in as a global administrator, follow these steps to get a code at Microsoft
You can find the authorization code **Registration** tab on the **Domains** page in Microsoft 365. > [!TIP]
- > .uk domains require a different procedure. Contact Microsoft Support and request an **IPS Tag change** to match the registrar you want to manage your domain going forward. Once the tag changes, the domain immediately transfers to the new registrar. You will then need to work with the new registrar to complete the transfer, likely paying transfer fees and adding the transferred domain to your account with your new registrar.
+ > .uk domains require a different procedure. Select an IPS tag from the drop-down menu of mostly-used registrars for UK domains to update your **IPS Tags** to match the registrar you want to manage your domain going forward. Once the tag changes, the domain immediately transfers to the new registrar. You will then need to work with the new registrar to complete the transfer, likely pay transfer fees and add the transferred domain to your account with your new registrar.
9. After the transfer is complete, you'll renew your domain at the new domain registrar.
admin Idle Session Timeout Web Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/idle-session-timeout-web-apps.md
When a user has been inactive in Microsoft 365 web apps for the time period you
- Microsoft 365 apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) on the web
- - Microsoft 365 admin center
+ - Microsoft 365 Admin Center
+ - Azure Portal
+ - Activity refers to any client-side user interaction happening in the context of the web app. For example, mouse clicks and keyboard presses.
The following Microsoft 365 apps are supported.
- Microsoft 365 admin center
+- Azure Portal
+ If you're working on a different web app with the same account, the activity in that web app won't be applied to the idle session timeout. ### I want to make changes to the idle session timeout policy or delete it. How can I do that?
admin Set Password Expiration Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/set-password-expiration-policy.md
Follow the steps below if you want to set user passwords to expire after a speci
1. Select **Password expiration policy**.
-1. If you don't want users to have to change passwords, uncheck the box next to **Set passwords to never expire**.
+1. If you wish to require users to change their passwords periodically, make sure that the **Set passwords to never expire** box is not checked.
1. Type how often passwords should expire. Choose a number of days from 14 to 730. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Password expiration notifications are no longer supported in the Microsoft 365 admin center and the Office apps or Office web apps.
+> Password expiration notifications are no longer supported in the Microsoft 365 admin center and Microsoft 365 apps.
## Important things you need to know about the password expiration feature
admin Stay On Top Of Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/stay-on-top-of-updates.md
With Microsoft 365, you receive new product updates and features as they become
|**Message center** <br/> |Learn about official service announcements and feature changes. You can read these messages in the Microsoft 365 admin center, the admin mobile app, or receive a weekly digest in email. Share these messages with others in your organization when you see a message someone else should act on. You can also use the Service Communications API to retrieve messages. <br/> |Sign in to the [admin center](../admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md) or [admin mobile app](../admin-overview/admin-mobile-app.md). Select **Health** \> **Message center**. Select a message to read or share. <br/> Change the services you see messages about or opt-in to the weekly digest by choosing **Edit preferences** in the admin center. This is also where you can opt-out of the weekly digest. <br/> [Overview of the Microsoft 365 Message center](message-center.md) <br/> | |**Targeted release** <br/> |Sign up for Targeted release for yourself and a select group of individuals at your organization. Get the latest Microsoft 365 updates before everyone else and then inform or train your users on the new experience. <br/> |Sign in to the [admin center](../admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md) or [admin mobile app](../admin-overview/admin-mobile-app.md). Selece **Settings** \> **Organization profile** \> **Release preferences**. Learn more about [Targeted release](release-options-in-office-365.md). <br/> | |**Roadmap** <br/> |Visit the Microsoft 365 Roadmap to learn about features that have been launched, are rolling out, are in development, have been cancelled, or previously released. The roadmap is the official site for Microsoft 365 updates and changes. <br/> |Visit the [Microsoft 365 Roadmap](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/roadmap) frequently and learn about planned updates and releases. <br/> |
-|**Blogs** and **Community** <br/> |Visit Office Blogs, Microsoft Community, and Microsoft Tech Community to learn more details about changes in Microsoft 365 and share experiences with other users. <br/> |Visit [Office Blogs](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/). Visit [Microsoft Community](https://answers.microsoft.com). Visit [Microsoft Tech Community](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com). <br/> |
+|**Blogs** and **Community** <br/> |Visit Microsoft 365 Blogs, Microsoft Community, and Microsoft Tech Community to learn more details about changes in Microsoft 365 and share experiences with other users. <br/> |Visit [Office Blogs](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/). Visit [Microsoft Community](https://answers.microsoft.com). Visit [Microsoft Tech Community](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com). <br/> |
> [!NOTE] > You need to be a global administrator to make changes to release preferences.
admin Use Qr Code Download Outlook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/use-qr-code-download-outlook.md
description: "Learn how to use a QR code to authenticate and download Outlook mo
# Use a QR code to sign-in to the Outlook mobile apps
+> As of August 2021, this experience has been put on _hold_ indefinitely for commercial and enterprise users due to organizations' lack of control over them. The work involved in providing these controls is extensive and the Identity team continues to work on them. We rolled back this experience on commercial and enterprise users since we wanted to provide more security and customization for all the different cases they managed.
++ As the Microsoft 365 administrator, you can enable your users to sign in to Outlook for Android or iOS app on their mobile devices without having to enter their username and password. By scanning a QR code, users can securely authenticate and sign in to Outlook mobile. In Outlook on the web or other desktop Outlook applications, users may see notifications informing them that they can use Outlook on their mobile device. These notifications can be managed by the administrator using Exchange PowerShell. If users choose to send themselves an SMS text message to download the app on their mobile device, a QR code will appear on their computer. They will be able to scan the QR code to log into Outlook on their phone or tablet. This QR code is a short lived token that can only be redeemed once.
admin Compare Ways To Block Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/compare-ways-to-block-access.md
When an employee leaves your organization, on good terms or bad, you need to blo
|:--|:--|:--| |Block sign-in <br/> |One way to block a user from accessing Microsoft 365 is to change their sign-in status to **Sign-in blocked**. This prevents them from signing into Microsoft 365 from their computers and mobile devices though they can still view previously downloaded or synced email and documents. If you're using Blackberry Enterprise Service, you can disable their access there as well. <br/> |Use when an employee plans to leave the organization or they plan to take a long-term leave of absence. <br/> | |Reset user password <br/> |Another way to prevent a user from accessing Microsoft 365 is to reset their password. This prevents them from using their account though they can still view previously downloaded or synced email and documents. You can then sign in as them and change the password to one of your choosing. <br/> |Use when an employee leaves suddenly and permanently and you feel there's concern for business data. <br/> |
-|Remove all assigned licenses <br/> |Another option is to remove any Microsoft 365 licenses assigned to the user. This prevents them from using applications and services like the Office suite, Office apps for the web, Yammer, and SharePoint Online. They can still sign in but canΓÇÖt use these services. <br/> |Use when you feel this user no longer needs access to specific features in Microsoft 365. <br/> <br> **Important:** When you remove a license, the user's mailbox will be deleted in 30 days.
+|Remove all assigned licenses <br/> |Another option is to remove any Microsoft 365 licenses assigned to the user. This prevents them from using applications and services like the Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 apps, Yammer, and SharePoint Online. They can still sign in but canΓÇÖt use these services. <br/> |Use when you feel this user no longer needs access to specific features in Microsoft 365. <br/> <br> **Important:** When you remove a license, the user's mailbox will be deleted in 30 days.
## Related articles
admin Experience Insights Dashboard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/experience-insights-dashboard.md
Adoption Score supports the journey to digital transformation with insights abou
### Take training for adoption specialists
-In this introductory course, you'll learn the six critical elements to drive adoption of your Microsoft cloud services to deliver value to your company. This course is applicable to any size company and uses Office 365 and Microsoft Teams as the example service to create real-world scenarios. For more information about training for adoption specialists, read [Use the Microsoft service adoption framework to drive adoption in your enterprise](/training/paths/m365-service-adoption).
+In this introductory course, you'll learn the six critical elements to drive adoption of your Microsoft cloud services to deliver value to your company. This course is applicable to any size company and uses Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams as the example service to create real-world scenarios. For more information about training for adoption specialists, read [Use the Microsoft service adoption framework to drive adoption in your enterprise](/training/paths/m365-service-adoption).
### Join the adoption community
admin User Consent https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/user-consent.md
description: "Learn about user consent to apps, and how to turn them on to allow
# Managing user consent to apps in Microsoft 365
-This setting controls whether users can give that consent to apps that use OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 for sign-in and requests to access data. An app can be created from within your own organization, or it can come from another Office 365 organization or a third-party.
+This setting controls whether users can give that consent to apps that use OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 for sign-in and requests to access data. An app can be created from within your own organization, or it can come from another Microsoft 365 organization or a third-party.
If you turn this setting on, those apps will ask users for permission to access your organizationΓÇÖs data, and users can choose whether to allow it. If you turn this setting off, then admins must consent to those apps before users may use them. In this case, consider setting up an admin consent workflow in the Azure portal so users can send a request for admin approval to use any blocked app.
-A user can give access only to apps they own that access their Office 365 information. They can't give an app access to any other user's information.
+A user can give access only to apps they own that access their Microsoft 365 information. They can't give an app access to any other user's information.
## Turning user consent on or off
admin Add Google Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/moveto-microsoft-365/add-google-domain.md
Add your Google Workspace domain to Microsoft 365 for business so you can keep u
1. Choose a user, select **Manage username and email**, **Edit**, select your domain from the dropdown, then select **Done** and **Save changes**. 1. Repeat this process for each user.
- When you're finished, you'll be ready to install Office apps and migrate your email and calendar items to Microsoft 365.
+ When you're finished, you'll be ready to install Microsoft 365 apps and migrate your email and calendar items to Microsoft 365.
admin Move From Google Workspace Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/moveto-microsoft-365/move-from-google-workspace-overview.md
You can use the following steps to move your data, email, and users from Google
|Step 2 | [Set up Microsoft 365 for Google Workspace migration](set-up-microsoft-365-forgoogle.md). </br> In this step you will validate you own the domain you use in Google Workspace, add users, and set up basic security for devices. | |Step 3 | [Set up security policies for Windows devices.](../setup/secure-win-10-pcs.md)</br> Windows security is set up separately in the Setup page of Microsoft 365 admin center. | |Step 4 | [Add your Google Workspace domain to Microsoft 365](add-google-domain.md) </br> After you verify you own the domain you are using for email, you and all the other users can start using your old email to sign in to Microsoft 365 Business premium. |
-|Step 5 | [Install Office apps and Microsoft Teams](../setup/install-applications.md).</br> All the people who have Microsoft 365 licenses should install the Office apps on their work devices.|
+|Step 5 | [Install Office apps and Microsoft Teams](../setup/install-applications.md).</br> All the people who have Microsoft 365 licenses should install the Microsoft 365 apps on their work devices.|
|Step 6 | [Migrate everyone's email and calendar items](migrate-email.md).</br> In this step you will run an Exchange Online migration to move everyone's email, calendar, and contacts from Google Workspace. | |Step 7 | [Connect domain to Microsoft 365](connect-domain-tom365.md). </br> After you connect the domain email will start going to Microsoft 365, and all your Microsoft 365 services will work.| |Step 8|Use [Migration Manager to move everyone's data](migrate-files-migration-manager.md) from Drive to OneDrive and from shared Drives to Team sites.</br> In this step, all the data in personal and shared Drives is copied and moved to Microsoft 365.|
admin Set Up Microsoft 365 Forgoogle https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/moveto-microsoft-365/set-up-microsoft-365-forgoogle.md
To migrate email, calendar, and contacts from Google Workspace, you need to set
1. Sign in to [office.com](https://office.com), and choose **Admin**. 1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, choose **Go to guided setup**.
-1. Optionally, install Office apps, then select **Continue**.
+1. Optionally, install Microsoft 365 apps, then select **Continue**.
1. Since you are migrating from Google Workspace, choose the default domain, and select **Use this domain**. 1. Enter your userΓÇÖs names, and desired usernames, verify your email address so you can receive your userΓÇÖs passwords,then select **Add users and assign licenses**. 1. Enter the email addresses where your users will receive their new credentials, select **Send email and continue**.
admin Gdpr Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/security-and-compliance/gdpr-compliance.md
Microsoft 365 for business can help you with the GDPR process in the following w
- **Manage:** Controlling access to data and managing its use is an integral part of GDPR. Microsoft 365 for business protects business data based on policies you want to apply to devices. Device management is vital in an age where employees work remotely. Microsoft 365 for business includes device management features that make sure data is protected across all devices. For example, you can specify that all Windows 10 devices in your business are protected via Windows Defender. -- **Protect:** Microsoft 365 for business is designed for security. Its device management and data protection controls work across your business network, including remote devices, to help keep data secure. Microsoft 365 for business offers controls such as privacy settings in Office applications and encryption of documents. With Microsoft 365 for business, you can perform GDPR compliance monitoring to make sure you have the right level of protection set.
+- **Protect:** Microsoft 365 for business is designed for security. Its device management and data protection controls work across your business network, including remote devices, to help keep data secure. Microsoft 365 for business offers controls such as privacy settings in Microsoft 365 apps and encryption of documents. With Microsoft 365 for business, you can perform GDPR compliance monitoring to make sure you have the right level of protection set.
- **Report:** The GDPR places a lot of emphasis on reporting. Even a business with a single employee, if that business processes large amounts of data, is required to document and report on their procedures. Microsoft 365 for business takes the headache out of reporting requirements for smaller organizations.
+ Tools such as audit logs allow you to track and report on data movement. Reports include classifying the data you collect and store, what you do with the data, and transfers of the data.
+ Customers, employees, and clients are becoming more aware of the importance of data privacy and now expect a company or organization to respect that privacy. Microsoft 365 for business provides you with the tools to achieve and maintain GDPR compliance without a massive upheaval to your business.
admin Set Up Multi Factor Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/security-and-compliance/set-up-multi-factor-authentication.md
Previously updated : 02/18/2020 Last updated : 03/27/2023 audience: Admin
- admindeeplinkMAC - adminvideo - business_assist-- BCS160-- MET150-- MOE150-- BEA160-- GEA150 description: "Learn how to set up multi-factor authentication for your organization." monikerRange: 'o365-worldwide'
Check out all of our small business content on [Small business help & learning](
Check out [Microsoft 365 small business help](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2197659) on YouTube.
-Multifactor authentication means you and your employees must provide more than one way to sign in to Microsoft 365 is one of the easiest ways to secure your business. Based on your understanding of [multifactor authentication (MFA) and its support in Microsoft 365](multi-factor-authentication-microsoft-365.md), it's time to set it up and roll it out to your organization.
+Multifactor authentication means you and your employees must provide more than one way to sign in to Microsoft 365 is one of the easiest ways to secure your business. Based on your understanding of [multifactor authentication (MFA) and its support in Microsoft 365](multi-factor-authentication-microsoft-365.md), it's time to set it up and roll it out to your organization.
> [!IMPORTANT] > If you purchased your subscription or trial after October 21, 2019, and you're prompted for MFA when you sign in, [security defaults](/azure/active-directory/fundamentals/concept-fundamentals-security-defaults) have been automatically enabled for your subscription.
For most subscriptions modern authentication is automatically turned on, but if
1. In the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a>, in the left nav choose **Settings** \> **Org settings**. 2. Under the **Services** tab, choose **Modern authentication**, and in the **Modern authentication** pane, make sure **Enable Modern authentication** is selected. Choose **Save changes**.
-## Next steps
+## Next steps - Send to your users
-- [How to register for their additional verification method](https://support.microsoft.com/office/ace1d096-61e5-449b-a875-58eb3d74de14)-- [What is: Multifactor Authentication](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4577374/what-is-multifactor-authentication)
+- [What is Multifactor Authentication](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4577374/what-is-multifactor-authentication)
- [How to sign-in after registration](https://support.microsoft.com/office/2b856342-170a-438e-9a4f-3c092394d3cb) - [How to change their additional verification method](https://support.microsoft.com/office/956ec8d0-7081-4518-a701-f8414cc20831)
+- [How to register for their additional verification method](https://support.microsoft.com/office/ace1d096-61e5-449b-a875-58eb3d74de14)
## Related content
admin Customize Team Site https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/customize-team-site.md
Learn how to handle access requests with [Set up and manage access requests](htt
## Next steps
-You must set up Office apps on your devices so you can edit files that are stored on your team site from your tablet or phone. If you don't install the Office apps for your tablet or phone, you'll be able to view the files on your team site, but not edit them.
+You must set up Microsoft 365 apps on your devices so you can edit files that are stored on your team site from your tablet or phone. If you don't install the Microsoft 365 apps for your tablet or phone, you'll be able to view the files on your team site, but not edit them.
- - [Install and set up Office on an Android with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/cafe9d6f-8b0c-4b03-b20a-12438a82a22d)
+ - [Install and set up Microsoft 365 on an Android](https://support.microsoft.com/office/cafe9d6f-8b0c-4b03-b20a-12438a82a22d)
- - [Install and set up Office on an iPhone or iPad with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9df6d10c-7281-4671-8666-6ca8e339b628)
+ - [Install and set up Microsoft 365 on an iPhone or iPad](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9df6d10c-7281-4671-8666-6ca8e339b628)
- - [Set up Office on Windows Phone with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/2b7c1b51-a717-45d6-90c9-ee1c1c5ee0b7)
+ - [Set up Microsoft 365 apps and email on a mobile device](https://support.microsoft.com/office/set-up-office-apps-and-email-on-a-mobile-device-7dabb6cb-0046-40b6-81fe-767e0b1f014f)
-- [Learn more about using OneDrive](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=511458).
+ - [Learn more about using OneDrive](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=511458).
admin Customize Your Organization Theme https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/customize-your-organization-theme.md
You can create up to four additional group themes.
On the **Logos** page, you can add your logos, and specify the URL where users will navigate to when they select the logo. - **Default logo**: Add a URL location that points to your logo. Make sure that the URL uses HTTPS. Add a HTTPS image url that allows anonymous access and doesn't require authentication. For default theme, you also have an option to upload a logo image that is less than 10kb. Your default logo can be in the JPG, PNG, GIF, or SVG format. For SVG images, they will be resized to fit 24 pixels vertically. JPG, PNG, GIF images will be scaled to fit 200 x 48 pixels. Logo aspect ratio will always be preserved.-- **Alternate logo**: Add a URL location that points to your logo. Your alternate logo should be optimized for use in Office dark themes. Same requirements as the default logo.-- **On-click link**: Add a URL location that points to your logo. You can use your logo as a link to any company resource, for example, your company's website. If you donΓÇÖt select a URL location for your logo, itΓÇÖll default to the Office home page.
+- **Alternate logo**: Add a URL location that points to your logo. Your alternate logo should be optimized for use in Microsoft 365 dark themes. Same requirements as the default logo.
+- **On-click link**: Add a URL location that points to your logo. You can use your logo as a link to any company resource, for example, your company's website. If you donΓÇÖt select a URL location for your logo, itΓÇÖll default to the Microsoft 365 home page.
Select **Save** to save your changes.
On the **Colors** page, you can set the default colors and choose which logo sho
- **Navigation bar color**: Select a color to use for the background of the navigation bar. The navigation bar appears at the top on every page. - **Text and icon color**: Select a color to use for the text and icons on the top navigation bar.-- **Accent color**: Pick one that shows up well on a white or light background. The accent color is used to color some links and buttons that show up on a white or light background. For example, the accent color is used to color elements in a user's inbox and on their Office.com portal page.
+- **Accent color**: Pick one that shows up well on a white or light background. The accent color is used to color some links and buttons that show up on a white or light background. For example, the accent color is used to color elements in a user's inbox and on their microsoft365.com portal page.
- **Reset color**: Select this link to reset colors to the default colors. :::image type="content" source="../../media/default-theme-colors1.png" alt-text="Screenshot: Colors tab showing default theme colors for your organization":::
admin Install Applications https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/install-applications.md
Title: "Install Office applications"
+ Title: "Install Microsoft 365 apps"
f1.keywords: - NOCSH
- okr_smb - AdminTemplateSet - adminvideo
-description: "Now that you've set up Microsoft 365, learn how to install individual Office applications on your Mac, PC, or mobile devices."
+description: "Now that you've set up Microsoft 365, learn how to install individual Microsoft 365 apps on your Mac, PC, or mobile devices."
-# Install Office applications
+# Install Microsoft 365 apps
Check out all of our small business content on [Small business help & learning](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2224585). Check out [Microsoft 365 small business help](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2197659) on YouTube.
-Now that you've set up Microsoft 365, you can install individual Office applications on your Mac, PC, or mobile devices.
+Now that you've set up Microsoft 365, you can install individual Microsoft 365 apps on your Mac, PC, or mobile devices.
-## Watch: Install Office apps
+## Watch: Install Microsoft 365 apps
> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/acce002c-0756-4b64-ac5d-2198ee96a9b1?autoplay=false]
-Microsoft Office apps can be found on your **Start** menu. If you don't see them, you can install them yourself.
+Microsoft 365 apps can be found on your **Start** menu. If you don't see them, you can install them yourself.
-1. Go to office.com. You might need to sign in with your work account.
-2. Select **Install Office** > **Microsoft 365 apps** > **Run** , and then select **Yes**.
-3. The Office apps are installed. The process may take several minutes. When it completes, select **Close**.
-4. To install Microsoft Teams, go to the office.com page, and choose **Teams**.
+1. Go to microsoft365.com. You might need to sign in with your work account.
+2. Select **Install Microsoft 365** > **Microsoft 365 apps** > **Run** , and then select **Yes**.
+3. The Microsoft 365 apps are installed. The process may take several minutes. When it completes, select **Close**.
+4. To install Microsoft Teams, go to the microsoft365.com page, and choose **Teams**.
5. Get the Windows app, and then select **Run**. Teams displays a prompt when installation is complete. ## Next steps Follow these links for information on how to: -- Install Office applications: [Install Office on your PC or Mac](https://support.microsoft.com/office/4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658)
+- Install Microsoft 365: [Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 on a PC or Mac](https://support.microsoft.com/office/4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658)
- Install other apps: [Project](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-project-7059249b-d9fe-4d61-ab96-5c5bf435f281), [Visio](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-visio-f98f21e3-aa02-4827-9167-ddab5b025710), or [Skype for Business](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-skype-for-business-8a0d4da8-9d58-44f9-9759-5c8f340cb3fb)
admin Migrate Email And Contacts Admin https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/migrate-email-and-contacts-admin.md
Just want to see your email from another provider (like Gmail, Yahoo, or Live.co
Add an account, such as your private Gmail account, to Outlook. - Open Outlook, then go to **File** \> **Add account**.
+ Need more detailed steps? See [Add an account](https://support.microsoft.com/office/6e27792a-9267-4aa4-8bb6-c84ef146101b). [![Screenshot showing Outlook account information page in the backstage view.](../../media/6a7fa106-1077-4351-9fe2-8eb00918b40a.png)](https://support.microsoft.com/office/6e27792a-9267-4aa4-8bb6-c84ef146101b)
Depending on your source email system, you can choose from several bulk migratio
## Related content [Plan your setup of Microsoft 365 for business](plan-your-setup.md) (article)\
-[Install Office applications](install-applications.md) (link page)\
-[Overview of the Microsoft 365 admin center](Overview of the Microsoft 365 admin center](../admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md) (video)
+[Install Microsoft 365 apps](install-applications.md) (link page)\
+[Overview of the Microsoft 365 admin center](../admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md) (video)
admin Priority Accounts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/priority-accounts.md
In every Microsoft 365 organization, there are people that are essential, like e
To help your organization protect these accounts, you can now designate specific users as priority accounts and leverage app-specific features that provide them with extra protection. In the future, more apps and features will support priority accounts, and to start with, we've announced two capabilities: **priority account protection** and **premium mail flow monitoring**. -- **Priority account protection** - Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (formerly Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection) supports priority accounts as tags that can be used in filters in alerts, reports, and investigations. For more information, check out [User tags in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../../security/office-365-security/user-tags-about.md).
+- **Priority account protection** - Microsoft Defender for Office 365 supports priority accounts as tags that can be used in filters in alerts, reports, and investigations. For more information, check out [User tags in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../../security/office-365-security/user-tags-about.md).
A natural question is, "Aren't all users a priority? Why not designate all users as priority accounts?" Yes, all users are a priority, but priority account protection offers the following additional benefits:
The **Priority account protection** feature that's described in this topic is av
The **Premium Mail Flow Monitoring** feature that's described in this topic is available only to organizations that meet the following requirements: - Your organization needs to have a license count of at least 5,000, from either one of, or a combination of the following products: Office 365 E3, Microsoft 365 E3, Office 365 E5, Microsoft 365 E5. For example, your organization can have 3,000 Office 365 E3 licenses and 2,500 Microsoft 365 E5, for a total of 5,500 licenses from the qualifying products.-- Your organization needs to have at least 50 monthly active users for one or more core workloads ΓÇô Teams, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Office apps.
+- Your organization needs to have at least 50 monthly active users for one or more core workloads ΓÇô Teams, OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online and Microsoft 365 apps.
> [!NOTE] > You can monitor up to 250 priority accounts. When you apply priority account protection to a mailbox, you should also apply priority account protection to users who have access to the mailbox (for example, the CEO and the CEO's executive assistant who manages the CEO's calendar).
-### Add priority accounts from the Setup page
+### Add priority accounts from the Microsoft 365 Defender page
-Add priority accounts from the **Setup page**.
+Add priority accounts from the **Microsoft 365 Defender page**.
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 admin center at <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">https://admin.microsoft.com</a>.
-2. Go to **Setup** > **Organizational knowledge**, and choose **View** under **Monitor your most important accounts**.
+1. Go to Microsoft 365 Defender at <a href="https://security.microsoft.com/" target="_blank">https://security.microsoft.com/</a>.
-3. Select **Get Started** or **Manage**.
+2. Go to **Settings** > **Email and Collaboration** > **User Tags** > **Create**.
-4. On the **Add Priority accounts** page, in the search field, type the name or email address of the person you want to add to the priority accounts list. You can also set your email threshold for failed or delayed emails and get a weekly report of issues for priority accounts.
+3. The priority account tag is already created for you by default. By selecting **Edit** you can add users to the priority tag. Then, **Add members** > **Add** to add members to the priority account.
-5. Select the user and choose **Save**.
+5. Select **Next** and **Submit**.
You can also add priority accounts from the Active users page.
admin Set Up File Storage And Sharing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/set-up-file-storage-and-sharing.md
Check out all of our small business content on [Small business help & learning](
One of the best ways to set up file storage and sharing for your business is to use OneDrive and a team site together. This is ideal if you have a small business with a few employees.
-## Watch: Where to store files in Office 365
+## Watch: Where to store files in Microsoft 365
> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE1FTHX]
While you can upload almost all types of files, some file names and characters i
### Enable or disable third-party storage services
-You can enable third-party storage for your users in Microsoft 365 so they can store and share documents using services like Dropbox in addition to OneDrive and team sites. This can be a great way to provide services that your users may already be using or prefer to use for business projects. If you don't want people in your organization using Office to open files in a third-party service, follow these steps to turn it off.
+You can enable third-party storage for your users in Microsoft 365 so they can store and share documents using services like Dropbox in addition to OneDrive and team sites. This can be a great way to provide services that your users may already be using or prefer to use for business projects. If you don't want people in your organization using Microsoft 365 to open files in a third-party service, follow these steps to turn it off.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Third-party storage is enabled by default so you need to perform these steps right away if you don't want it available to your users.
You can enable third-party storage for your users in Microsoft 365 so they can s
2. Go to the **Settings** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2053743" target="_blank">**Org settings**</a> page.
-3. On the **Services** tab, select **Office on the web**.
+3. On the **Services** tab, select **Microsoft 365 for the web**.
4. Select or deselect the check box to turn third-party storage on or off, then select **Save changes**.
You can enable third-party storage for your users in Microsoft 365 so they can s
- [Customize your team site for file storage and sharing](customize-team-site.md). This step-by-step tutorial shows you how to you can take advantage of more storage and collaboration features. -- **Set up Office apps on your tablets and phones.** You need to do this so you can **edit** files that are stored in OneDrive and on team sites from your tablet or phone. If you don't install the Office apps for your tablet or phone, you'll be able to view the files but not edit them.
+- **Set up Microsoft 365 apps on your tablets and phones.** You need to do this so you can **edit** files that are stored in OneDrive and on team sites from your tablet or phone. If you don't install the Microsoft 365 apps for your tablet or phone, you'll be able to view the files but not edit them.
- - [Install and set up Office on an Android with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/cafe9d6f-8b0c-4b03-b20a-12438a82a22d)
+ - [Install and set up Microsoft 365 on an Android](https://support.microsoft.com/office/cafe9d6f-8b0c-4b03-b20a-12438a82a22d)
- - [Install and set up Office on an iPhone or iPad with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9df6d10c-7281-4671-8666-6ca8e339b628)
+ - [Install and set up Microsoft 365 on an iPhone or iPad](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9df6d10c-7281-4671-8666-6ca8e339b628)
- - [Set up Office on Windows Phone with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/2b7c1b51-a717-45d6-90c9-ee1c1c5ee0b7)
+ - [Set up Microsoft 365 apps and email on a mobile device](https://support.microsoft.com/office/set-up-office-apps-and-email-on-a-mobile-device-7dabb6cb-0046-40b6-81fe-767e0b1f014f)
## Related content
admin Set Up Mobile Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/set-up-mobile-devices.md
- BCS160 - MET150 ms.assetid: d868561b-d340-4c04-a973-e2575d7f09bc
-description: "Install Office on an iPhone or an Android phone, and your work files in Office apps will be protected by Microsoft 365 for business."
+description: "Install Microsoft 365 on an iPhone or an Android phone, and your work files in Microsoft 365 apps will be protected by Microsoft 365 for business."
# Set up mobile devices for Microsoft 365 for business users Check out all of our small business content on [Small business help & learning](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2224585).
-Follow the instructions in the tabs to install Office on an iPhone or an Android phone. After you follow these steps, your work files created in Office apps will be protected by Microsoft 365 for business.
+Follow the instructions in the tabs to install Microsoft 365 on an iPhone or an Android phone. After you follow these steps, your work files created in Microsoft 365 apps will be protected by Microsoft 365 for business.
-The example is for Outlook, but applies for any other Office apps you want to install also.
+The example is for Outlook, but applies for any other Microsoft 365 apps you want to install also.
## Set up mobile devices ## [iPhone](#tab/iPhone)
-Watch a short video on how to set up Office apps on iOS devices with Microsoft 365 for business.<br><br>
+Watch a short video on how to set up Microsoft 365 apps on iOS devices with Microsoft 365 for business.<br><br>
> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RWee2n]
Locate Outlook on the iPhone, and restart it. When prompted, enter a PIN and ver
## [Android](#tab/Android)
-Watch a video about installing Outlook and Office on Android devices.<br><br>
+Watch a video about installing Outlook and Microsoft 365 on Android devices.<br><br>
> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/ecc2e9c0-bc7e-4f26-8b14-91d84dbcfef0]
admin Setup Apps For Business https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-apps-for-business.md
description: "Learn how to set up your Microsoft 365 Apps for business subscription."
-# Set up Microsoft 365 Apps for business
+# Set up Microsoft 365 apps for business
Check out all of our small business content on [Small business help & learning](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2224585).
You can add users in the wizard, but you can also [add users later](../add-users
2. Choose **Go to setup** to start the wizard.
-3. On the first page you will get the option to install Office apps on your computer. You can also do this later.
+3. On the first page you will get the option to install Microsoft 365 apps on your computer. You can also do this later.
-3. On the next page you can add users and they will automatically get assigned the Microsoft Apps for business license. After you've added the users, you'll also get an option to share credentials with the new users you added. You can choose to print them out, email them, or download them.
+3. On the next page you can add users and they will automatically get assigned the Microsoft 365 apps for business license. After you've added the users, you'll also get an option to share credentials with the new users you added. You can choose to print them out, email them, or download them.
When the sign-up process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you can add users, and assign licenses.
-## Install Office
+## Install Microsoft 365
-Once you've created accounts for other people in your business, you and your team members will be able to install the full desktop version of Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.). Each person can install Office on up to 5 PCs or Macs.
+Once you've created accounts for other people in your business, you and your team members will be able to install the full desktop version of Microsoft 365 (Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.). Each person can install Microsoft 365 on up to 5 PCs or Macs.
::: moniker range="o365-worldwide"
If you're using Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, go to [https://portal.partner.m
2. Select **Install**.
-Need more detailed steps or want to install the 64-bit version of Office? See [Step-by-step installation instructions](https://support.microsoft.com/office/4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658#BKMK_InstallSteps).
+Need more detailed steps or want to install the 64-bit version of Microsoft 365? See [Step-by-step installation instructions](https://support.microsoft.com/office/4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658#BKMK_InstallSteps).
## Set up mobile
-Install Office on your mobile device, and set up Outlook to work with your new Microsoft mailbox. Everyone on your team will need to do this step. Each person can install the Office mobile apps on up to 5 phones and 5 tablets.
+Install Microsoft 365 on your mobile device, and set up Outlook to work with your new Microsoft mailbox. Everyone on your team will need to do this step. Each person can install the Microsoft 365 mobile apps on up to 5 phones and 5 tablets.
Get the steps for your device: [Android](https://support.microsoft.com/office/6ef2ebf2-fc2d-474a-be4a-5a801365c87f) | [iOS](https://support.microsoft.com/office/0402b37e-49c4-4419-a030-f34c2013041f) | [Windows Phone](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9bccc8b8-a321-4d0d-a45e-6e06a3438e43) ## Store files online
-Microsoft makes online file storage easy. To learn which storage locations are best for your business, see [Where you can store files in Office 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/d18d21a0-1f9f-4f6c-ac45-d52afa0a4a2e).
+Microsoft makes online file storage easy. To learn which storage locations are best for your business, see [Where you can store files in Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/d18d21a0-1f9f-4f6c-ac45-d52afa0a4a2e).
Everyone gets a **OneDrive** cloud storage location automatically when you create Microsoft accounts for them. With OneDrive, you can access files across your computers, phones, and tablets.
-1. On your computer, use File Explorer to open OneDrive. Or, from [Office 365](https://www.office.com), open **OneDrive** from the app launcher.
+1. On your computer, use File Explorer to open OneDrive. Or, from [Microsoft 365](https://www.microsoft365.com), open **OneDrive** from the app launcher.
2. View and upload personal files, or share documents or folders by selecting **Share** and then either inviting others to view the documents or sending them a link. To learn more, see [Share OneDrive files and folders](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9fcc2f7d-de0c-4cec-93b0-a82024800c07#OS_Type=OneDrive_-_Business). More at [Upload files to a library](https://support.microsoft.com/office/da549fb1-1fcb-4167-87d0-4693e93cb7a0).
-## Get started using Office
+## Get started using Microsoft 365
-To take a tour of Microsoft 365 and learn how to use all the Office mobile apps, see [Get started](../admin-overview/get-started-with-office-365.md).
+To take a tour of Microsoft 365 and learn how to use all the Microsoft 365 mobile apps, see [Get started](../admin-overview/get-started-with-office-365.md).
## Add a custom domain
admin Setup Business Basic https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-basic.md
When you purchase Microsoft 365 Business Basic, you have the option of using a d
> [!IMPORTANT] > If you purchased a domain during the sign-up, you will not see **Add a domain** step here. Go to [Add users](#add-users-and-assign-licenses) instead.
-4. Follow the steps in the wizard to [Create DNS records at any DNS hosting provider for Office 365](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider) that verifies you own the domain. If you know your domain host, see also [Add a domain to Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/setup/add-domain).
+4. Follow the steps in the wizard to [Add DNS records to connect your domain](../get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider.md) that verifies you own the domain. If you know your domain host, see also [Add a domain to Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/setup/add-domain).
If your hosting provider is GoDaddy or another host enabled with [domain connect](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), the process is easy and you'll be automatically asked to sign in and let Microsoft authenticate on your behalf.
Any users you add in the wizard get automatically assigned a Microsoft 365 Busin
To set up services, you have to update some records at your DNS host or domain registrar.
-1. The setup wizard typically detects your registrar and gives you a link to step-by-step instructions for updating your NS records at the registrar website. If it doesn't, [Change nameservers to set up Office 365 with any domain registrar](../get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar.md).
+1. The setup wizard typically detects your registrar and gives you a link to step-by-step instructions for updating your NS records at the registrar website. If it doesn't, [Change nameservers to set up Microsoft 365 with any domain registrar](../get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar.md).
- If you have existing DNS records, for example an existing web site, but your DNS host is enabled for [domain connect](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), choose **Add records for me**. On the **Choose your online services** page, accept all the defaults, and choose **Next**, and choose **Authorize** on your DNS host's page. - If you have existing DNS records with other DNS hosts (not enabled for domain connect), you'll want to manage your own DNS records to make sure the existing services stay connected. See [domain basics](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/dns-basics) for more info.
To set up services, you have to update some records at your DNS host or domain r
1. From the **How you'll sign in** page on the Microsoft 365 Business Standard sign up, choose **Create a new business email account (advanced)**.
-2. Follow the steps to buy a new domain and enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). After you've completed buying your domain, you can [add users and licenses](../add-users/add-users.md) and install your Office apps in the admin center.
+2. Follow the steps to buy a new domain and enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). After you've completed buying your domain, you can [add users and licenses](../add-users/add-users.md) and install your Microsoft 365 apps in the admin center.
## Finish setting up
admin Setup Business Standard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-business-standard.md
To add, modify or remove domains you must be a global administrator. For more in
1. From the **How you'll sign in** page on the Microsoft 365 Business Standard sign up, choose **Create a new business email account (advanced)**.
-2. On the **Install your Office apps** page, you can optionally install the apps on your own computer.
+2. On the **Install your Microsoft 365 apps** page, you can optionally install the apps on your own computer.
3. In the **Add domain** step, enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). > [!IMPORTANT] > If you purchased a domain during the sign-up, you will not see **Add a domain** step here. Go to [Add users](#add-users-and-assign-licenses) instead.
-4. Follow the steps to [Create DNS records at any DNS hosting provider for Office 365](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider) that verifies you own the domain. If you know your domain host, see also [Add a domain to Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/setup/add-domain).
+4. Follow the steps to [Add DNS records to connect your domain](../get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider.md) that verifies you own the domain. If you know your domain host, see also [Add a domain to Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/setup/add-domain).
If your hosting provider is GoDaddy or another host enabled with [domain connect](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), the process is easy and you'll be automatically asked to sign in and let Microsoft authenticate on your behalf.
Any users you add get automatically assigned a Microsoft 365 Business Standard l
To set up services, you have to update records at your DNS host or domain registrar.
-1. The setup wizard typically detects your registrar and gives you a link to step-by-step instructions for updating your NS records at the registrar website. If it doesn't, [Change nameservers to set up Office 365 with any domain registrar](../get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar.md).
+1. The setup wizard typically detects your registrar and gives you a link to step-by-step instructions for updating your NS records at the registrar website. If it doesn't, [Change nameservers to set up Microsoft 365 with any domain registrar](../get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar.md).
- If you have existing DNS records, for example an existing web site, but your DNS host is enabled for [domain connect](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/domain-connect), choose **Add records for me**. On the **Choose your online services** page, accept all the defaults, and choose **Next**, and choose **Authorize** on your DNS host's page. - If you have existing DNS records with other DNS hosts (not enabled for domain connect), you'll want to manage your own DNS records to make sure the existing services stay connected. See [domain basics](/office365/admin/get-help-with-domains/dns-basics) for more info. 2. Follow the steps in the wizard and email and other services will be set up for you.
- When the signup process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you'll follow a wizard to install Office apps, add your domain, add users, and assign licenses. After you complete the initial setup, you can use the **Setup** page in the admin center to continue setting up and configuring the services that come with your subscriptions.
+ When the signup process is complete, you'll be directed to the admin center, where you'll follow a wizard to install Microsoft 365 apps, add your domain, add users, and assign licenses. After you complete the initial setup, you can use the **Setup** page in the admin center to continue setting up and configuring the services that come with your subscriptions.
For more information about the setup wizard and the admin center **Setup** page, see [Difference between the setup wizard and the Setup page](o365-setup-wizard-and-setup-page.md).
To set up services, you have to update records at your DNS host or domain regist
1. From the **How you'll sign in** page on the Microsoft 365 Business Standard sign up, choose **Create a new business email account (advanced)**.
-2. Follow the steps to buy a new domain and enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). After you've completed buying your domain, you can [add users and licenses](../add-users/add-users.md) and install your Office apps in the admin center.
+2. Follow the steps to buy a new domain and enter the domain name you want to use (like contoso.com). After you've completed buying your domain, you can [add users and licenses](../add-users/add-users.md) and install your Microsoft 365 apps in the admin center.
## Finish setting up
admin Setup Outlook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/setup-outlook.md
Check out this video and others on our [YouTube channel](https://go.microsoft.co
> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/9fe86884-8a83-42cc-bca9-61a12e6dad31?autoplay=false]
-After installing the Office apps, you&#39;ll want set up Outlook to start using email, calendar, and contacts. Here&#39;s how.
+After installing the Microsoft 365 apps, you'll want set up Outlook to start using email, calendar, and contacts. Here's how.
1. Open the Start menu. Search for Outlook, and choose it. 2. Enter your Microsoft 365 email address, and select **Connect**.
admin Admin Invite Business Standard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/simplified-signup/admin-invite-business-standard.md
description: "Invite users to join Microsoft 365 Business Standard organization"
As the admin of a Microsoft 365 Business Standard subscription, you can invite your colleagues and coworkers to share and use your Microsoft 365 for business subscription. When you invite your colleagues and coworkers to your subscription, you share all the following features and -- Get desktop versions of Office apps, including Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote (plus Access and Publisher for PC only).
+- Get desktop versions of Microsoft 365 apps, including Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote (plus Access and Publisher for PC only).
- Create a hub for teamwork to connect people using Microsoft Teams. - Store and share files with 1 TB of OneDrive cloud storage per user.-- Use one license to cover fully installed Office apps on five mobile devices, five tablets, and five PCs or Macs per user.
+- Use one license to cover fully installed Microsoft 365 apps on five mobile devices, five tablets, and five PCs or Macs per user.
- Get help anytime with around-the-clock phone and web support from Microsoft. > [!Note]
There are a couple of options in this case:
3. Select **View account** > **Manage organizations** > **Leave organization** 4. Select **Leave** > **OK**.
-### How do I help someone install Microsoft Office?
+### How do I help someone install Microsoft 365?
-Send them this article to help them install Office: [Download and install Microsoft 365 Office or Office 2019 on a PC or a MAC](https://support.microsoft.com/office/download-and-install-or-reinstall-microsoft-365-or-office-2019-on-a-pc-or-mac-4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658).
+Send them this article to help them install Microsoft 365: [Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 on a PC or Mac](https://support.microsoft.com/office/download-and-install-or-reinstall-microsoft-365-or-office-2021-on-a-pc-or-mac-4414eaaf-0478-48be-9c42-23adc4716658).
### How do I meet common GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) obligations for my organization?
To search data that's been saved in the Microsoft cloud as part of your Microsof
Depending on how you and other users save documents, you and every user youΓÇÖve invited may need to use built in search, and delete functionality to discover what is saved on your Windows PCs or Macs, on business apps on smartphones, and on non-Microsoft apps and sites. > [!NOTE]
-> Once you attach a domain, and you and your users use business accounts to save data into the Microsoft cloud, you can conduct data subject requests on behalf of all users by following guidance in the [Office 365 Data Subject Requests for the GDPR and CCPA](/compliance/regulatory/gdpr-dsr-office365) topic.
+> Once you attach a domain, and you and your users use business accounts to save data into the Microsoft cloud, you can conduct data subject requests on behalf of all users by following guidance in the [Microsoft 365 Data Subject Requests for the GDPR and CCPA](/compliance/regulatory/gdpr-dsr-office365) topic.
## Related content
admin Signup Business Standard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/simplified-signup/signup-business-standard.md
The table below outlines each choice.
|&nbsp;|**Option 1** ΓÇô Sign in with Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail or other email account [(Simplified Sign-up)](#terms-of-service-update-for-simplified-sign-up-mode)|**Option 2** ΓÇô Add a business domain and create a new business email account | ||||
-|Available apps and services|Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Teams, Access. This set of apps is best for very small businesses who don't need branded email immediately, or who already use branded email from a different provider and do not intend to switch to use Microsoft Exchange. You'll use Outlook with your existing email account (be it outlook.com, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail or other).|Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Teams, Access. Microsoft 365 Business Standard with Option 2 also lets you access a wide range of additional
+|Available apps and services|Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Teams, Access. This set of apps is best for very small businesses who don't need branded email immediately, or who already use branded email from a different provider and do not intend to switch to use Microsoft Exchange. You'll use Outlook with your existing email account (be it outlook.com, Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail or other).|Use Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive, Teams, Access. Microsoft 365 Business Standard with Option 2 also lets you access a wide range of additional
|Required knowledge|Let's you get started without technical know-how.|Requires you to buy a domain, or to own a domain. You may need technical knowledge to prove ownership of the domain.| |Data handling|Available under the Supplement to the [Microsoft Services Agreement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2180702) and is best for businesses that want some remote work and collaboration tools and are comfortable with Microsoft acting as controller for your data under the [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839). Subscribers to services using this option will not have access to an individual's user content or data until a domain is attached. Subscribers should evaluate data ownership and intellectual property rights considerations based on their needs. For example, if you are working collaboratively with other users on a document stored in their account, they may choose to make those documents inaccessible to you. As such, you should evaluate data ownership and intellectual property rights considerations accordingly. Separately, users may choose not to transfer documents in their Simplified Sign-Up account to your Domain Account subscription, even after you invite them to do so. This means their documents may also not be accessible to you even if you add a domain account later|Available under the [Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2180430) and is best for businesses that need Microsoft to act as a processor for their data under Microsoft's [Data Protection Addendum](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2180314) and need our full suite of remote work and collaboration tools. Subscribers who are in regulated industries or seek more control, both over the use of the services by your employees and over processing of related data by Microsoft, should choose Option 2 and attach a domain and sign up under the Domain Account enterprise-level agreement.|
You'll sign in to Microsoft 365 with this email address. For example, alliebelle
2. Select how many Microsoft 365 Business Standard licenses you want for your organization and select **Add payment method** and continue with checkout to **Place order**.
-3. On the **Confirmation details** page, we'll give you some more info about your subscription. You can now go to the Microsoft 365 admin center to add users, install Office apps, invite your team to use Microsoft 365 and more. We'll also send you an email with set up steps for Microsoft 365 Business Standard.
+3. On the **Confirmation details** page, we'll give you some more info about your subscription. You can now go to the Microsoft 365 admin center to add users, install Microsoft 365 apps, invite your team to use Microsoft 365 and more. We'll also send you an email with set up steps for Microsoft 365 Business Standard.
Remember this option doesn't provide branded email, admin control for use of the services by other users, or industry specific compliance support. Subscribers don't have any access or control over other users' (employees) usage or documents under this option Users may choose not to transfer data created in storage such as OneDrive/Teams to your upgraded, enterprise-level domain account should you not choose option 2 immediately.
If you would like to add a domain and create a business email account, you can f
**Applies to: Existing subscribers of Microsoft 365 Business Standard who previously purchased using Simplified Sign-up mode**.
-If you previously used Simplified Sign Up mode to purchase a business subscription before October 2021 without adding a business domain you may need to accept new terms of service for uninterrupted service and usage of the Microsoft Office apps. You may be sent emails or you'll see in-app prompts when you sign in to Microsoft 365 admin Center.
+If you previously used Simplified Sign Up mode to purchase a business subscription before October 2021 without adding a business domain you may need to accept new terms of service for uninterrupted service and usage of the Microsoft 365 apps. You may be sent emails or you'll see in-app prompts when you sign in to Microsoft 365 admin center.
The Simplified Sign Up terms of use have been recently updated, and notably they clarify licensing and data ownership for multi-user business subscriptions. For continued service of your business subscription, you may either visit the [Microsoft 365 admin Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2024339) and stay using **Simplified Sign Up** (and agree to use the Microsoft Services Agreement Supplemental), or visit the [Microsoft 365 admin Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2024339) and add a **business domain** (and use the Microsoft Online Services Agreement). To help you choose which of these two modes best suits your needs, consult the table at the top of this article.
admin Signup Teams Business Subscription https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/simplified-signup/signup-teams-business-subscription.md
See the table below for sign-up options and the services that will apply to your
|&nbsp;|**Option 1 - Microsoft Teams Essentials** |**Option 2 - Microsoft 365 Business Basic** | ||||
-|Available apps and services|Sign in with your existing email account (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo) using the new Business Standard signup process. Microsoft Teams with cloud storage in OneDrive. Free web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint on Office.com to edit files shared in Teams. <br/><br/> **This set of apps is best for very small businesses who need to collaborate effectively over video meetings and chat**. |Microsoft Teams and OneDrive. Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Bookings, Planner and Lists. Premium Office web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint on Office.com. <br/><br/> **Microsoft 365 Business Basic also lets you access a wide range of web-based services**: <ul><li>New, branded business email accounts with Outlook, shared calendars within your business.</li><li>Bookings, appointment scheduling and Meeting recordings.</li><li>Shared document storage and SharePoint sites.</li><li> Microsoft Planner and Microsoft Lists.</li></ul> <br/> Microsoft 365 Business Basic offer additional services within Teams with Domain Account Sign-up: <ul><li>Meeting recordings and anonymous call access in Microsoft Teams.</li><li>Easier document sharing within your business.</li><li>Support for the compliance needs for your industry.</li><li>Access and control over your employees' use of services.</li><li>The widest range of integrations of non-Microsoft apps (e.g. Salesforce, Adobe) that work within Teams and Office.</li></ul>|
+|Available apps and services|Sign in with your existing email account (Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo) using the new Business Standard signup process. Microsoft Teams with cloud storage in OneDrive. Free web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint on microsoft365.com to edit files shared in Teams. <br/><br/> **This set of apps is best for very small businesses who need to collaborate effectively over video meetings and chat**. |Microsoft Teams and OneDrive. Microsoft Exchange, SharePoint, Bookings, Planner and Lists. Premium Microsoft 365 for the web of Word, Excel, PowerPoint on microsoft365.com. <br/><br/> **Microsoft 365 Business Basic also lets you access a wide range of web-based services**: <ul><li>New, branded business email accounts with Outlook, shared calendars within your business.</li><li>Bookings, appointment scheduling and Meeting recordings.</li><li>Shared document storage and SharePoint sites.</li><li> Microsoft Planner and Microsoft Lists.</li></ul> <br/> Microsoft 365 Business Basic offer additional services within Teams with Domain Account Sign-up: <ul><li>Meeting recordings and anonymous call access in Microsoft Teams.</li><li>Easier document sharing within your business.</li><li>Support for the compliance needs for your industry.</li><li>Access and control over your employees' use of services.</li><li>The widest range of integrations of non-Microsoft apps (e.g. Salesforce, Adobe) that work within Teams and Microsoft 365.</li></ul>|
|Required knowledge|Let's you get started without technical know-how required to run a domain.|Requires you to buy a domain, or to own a domain. If you want to use an existing domain, you will need access credentials for the domain and you may need technical knowledge to prove ownership.| |Governing Agreement and data handling|Available under the Supplement to the [Microsoft Services Agreement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2180702) and **is best for businesses that want some remote work and collaboration tools and are comfortable with Microsoft acting as controller** for your data under the [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839). Subscribers ("you") to services using this option will not have access to content or data of another invited user ("invited users). <br/><br/> For example, if you are working collaboratively with other invited users on a document stored in their account, they may choose to make those documents inaccessible to you. <br/><br> Separately, invited users may choose not to transfer documents in their Simplified Sign-Up account to your Domain Account subscription, even after you invite them to do so. This means their documents may also not be accessible to you even if you add a domain account later. As such, you should evaluate data ownership and intellectual property rights considerations accordingly.|Available under the [Microsoft Online Subscription Agreement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2180430) and is **best for businesses that need Microsoft to act as a processor** for their data under our [Data Protection Addendum](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2180314) and need our full suite of remote work and collaboration tools. **Subscribers who are in regulated industries or seek more control, both over the use of the services by your employees and over processing of related data by Microsoft, should choose Domain Account sign up with Microsoft Business Business Basic**, and sign up under the Domain Account enterprise-level agreement.|
admin User Invite Business Standard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/simplified-signup/user-invite-business-standard.md
Follow the steps in the [Migrate data to my Microsoft 365 for business subscript
### No data to migrate?
-Download and start using [Office apps for business](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-office-apps-from-office-365-dcf2d841-dac7-455b-9a77-fc8f7ee92702).
+Download and start using [Microsoft 365 apps for business](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-office-apps-from-office-365-dcf2d841-dac7-455b-9a77-fc8f7ee92702).
## Frequently asked questions
Your data will remain in your old account, nothing will be deleted. You will be
### Why does it say my admin now handles my data?
-When using an upgraded Microsoft 365 Business account, your documents, email and data that you create within Microsoft Office (and within other apps in Microsoft 365 for business subscriptions) will be owned by the technical administrator in your organization. For example, the person who sent you the invitation email or your business owner.
+When using an upgraded Microsoft 365 Business account, your documents, email and data that you create within Microsoft 365 (and within other apps in Microsoft 365 for business subscriptions) will be owned by the technical administrator in your organization. For example, the person who sent you the invitation email or your business owner.
### How do I get started with my new account?
admin User Invite Msa Nodomain Join https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/simplified-signup/user-invite-msa-nodomain-join.md
Your email looks like this to set up your user account. When you get this email,
5. On the Review permissions page, choose **Accept**.
-6. On the Welcome to Microsoft 365 page, you can download Office desktop and mobile apps, and set up OneDrive.
+6. On the Welcome to Microsoft 365 page, you can download Microsoft 365 desktop and mobile apps, and set up OneDrive.
### Next steps
-Download and start using [Office apps for business](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-office-apps-from-office-365-dcf2d841-dac7-455b-9a77-fc8f7ee92702).
+Download and start using [Microsoft 365 for business](https://support.microsoft.com/office/install-office-apps-from-office-365-dcf2d841-dac7-455b-9a77-fc8f7ee92702).
## Frequently asked questions
admin Active User In Usage Reports https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/usage-analytics/active-user-in-usage-reports.md
An active user of Microsoft 365 products for [Microsoft 365 usage analytics](usa
|OneDrive for Business <br/> |Any user who has interacted with a file by creating, modifying, viewing, deleting, sharing internally or externally, or synchronizing to clients. <br/> || |Yammer <br/> |Any user who has read, posted, or liked a message on Yammer. <br/> || |Skype for Business <br/> |Any user who has participated in a peer-to-peer session (including instant messaging, audio and video calls, application sharing, and file transfers) or who has organized or participated in a conference. <br/> ||
-|Office <br/> |Any user who has activated their Microsoft 365 Pro Plus, Visio Pro or Project Pro subscription on at least one device. <br/> ||
+|Microsoft 365 <br/> |Any user who has activated their Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Visio Pro or Project Pro subscription on at least one device. <br/> ||
|Microsoft 365 Groups <br/> |Any group member that has mailbox activity (if a message has been sent to the group) <br/> |This definition will be enhanced with group site file activity and Yammer group activity (file activity on group site and message posted to Yammer group associated with the group.) This data is currently not available in the Microsoft 365 Usage Analytics template app <br/> | |Microsoft Teams <br/> |Any user who has participated in chat messages, private chat messages, calls, meetings, or other activity. Other activity is defined as the number of other team activities by the user some of which include, and not limited to: liking messages, apps, working on files, searching, following teams and channel and favoriting them. <br/> ||
admin Usage Analytics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/usage-analytics/usage-analytics.md
You can access detailed reports for each area by selecting the data tables. You
The executive summary is a high-level, at-a-glance view of Microsoft 365 for Business adoption, usage, mobility, communication, collaboration, and storage reports, and is meant for business decision makers. It provides a view into how some individual services are being used, based on all the users who have been enabled and those who are active. All values of the month shown on the report refer to the latest complete month.
-This summary lets you quickly understand usage patterns in Office and how and where your employees are collaborating.
+This summary lets you quickly understand usage patterns in Microsoft 365 and how and where your employees are collaborating.
![Image of the Microsoft 365 usage executive summary.](../../media/office365usage-exec-summary.png)
The Microsoft 365 overview report contains the following reports. You can view t
## Activation and licensing
-The activation and license page offers reports on Microsoft 365 activation; that is, how many users have downloaded and activated Office apps and how many licenses have been assigned by your organization. The month value towards the top refers to the current month, and the metrics reflect values aggregated from the beginning of the month to the current date.
+The activation and license page offers reports on Microsoft 365 activation; that is, how many users have downloaded and activated Microsoft 365 apps and how many licenses have been assigned by your organization. The month value towards the top refers to the current month, and the metrics reflect values aggregated from the beginning of the month to the current date.
-- **Activation** &ndash; Track service plan (for example, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Project, and Visio) activations in your organization. Each person with an Office license can install products on up to five devices. You can also use reports in this section to see the devices on which people have installed Office apps. Note that to activate a plan, a user must install the app and sign in with their account.
+- **Activation** &ndash; Track service plan (for example, Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Project, and Visio) activations in your organization. Each person with a Microsoft 365 license can install products on up to five devices. You can also use reports in this section to see the devices on which people have installed Microsoft 365 apps. Note that to activate a plan, a user must install the app and sign in with their account.
- **Licensing** &ndash; This report contains an overview of license types, the count of users who were assigned each license type, and the license assignment distribution for each month. The month value towards the top refers to the current month, and the metrics reflect values aggregated from the beginning of the month to the current date.
admin Whats New In Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/whats-new-in-preview.md
And if you'd like to know what's new with other Microsoft cloud
- [What's new in Microsoft 365 Defender](../security/mtp/whats-new.md) - [What's new in the SharePoint admin center](/sharepoint/what-s-new-in-admin-center) - [What's new for Teams admins](/OfficeUpdates/teams-admin)-- [Office updates](/OfficeUpdates/)
+- [Microsoft 365 updates](/OfficeUpdates/)
- [How to check Windows release health](/windows/deployment/update/check-release-health) ## December 2022
bookings Add Staff https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/add-staff.md
Although Bookings is a feature of Microsoft 365, not all of your staff members a
:::image type="content" source="media/bookings-notify-all-email.jpg" alt-text="A notification email from Bookings.":::
-7. Select **Events on Office 365 calendar affect availability** if you want the free/busy information from staff membersΓÇÖ calendars to impact availability for bookings services through Bookings.
+7. Select **Events on Microsoft 365 calendar affect availability** if you want the free/busy information from staff membersΓÇÖ calendars to impact availability for bookings services through Bookings.
For example, if a staff member has a team meeting or a personal appointment scheduled for 3pm on a Wednesday, Bookings will show that staff member as unavailable to be booked in that time slot. That time will appear as busy or tentative in the Bookings calendar view, as shown in the below example.
bookings Bookings In Outlook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/bookings-in-outlook.md
No. Anyone can schedule time with you using your Bookings with me page, even if
### Where is Bookings with me data stored?
-Bookings with me is a feature of Outlook powered by Bookings. All data is stored within the Microsoft 365 platform and in Exchange. Bookings with me follows data storage policies set by Microsoft, which are the same policies that all Office apps follow. All customer data (including information provided by attendees when booking) is captured in Bookings and is stored within Exchange. For more information, check out [Privacy: It's all about you](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/trust-center/privacy).
+Bookings with me is a feature of Outlook powered by Bookings. All data is stored within the Microsoft 365 platform and in Exchange. Bookings with me follows data storage policies set by Microsoft, which are the same policies that all Microsoft 365 apps follow. All customer data (including information provided by attendees when booking) is captured in Bookings and is stored within Exchange. For more information, check out [Privacy: It's all about you](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/trust-center/privacy).
bookings Customize Booking Page https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/customize-booking-page.md
description: "Change the color theme of your booking page."
The Booking Page is where you set up what your external facing booking page will look like. Once you customize and publish your booking page, people will use it to book appointments with you.
-To customize your booking page, sign in to [Office.com](https://office.com), and then go to **Bookings** \> **Booking page**. You can customize the booking page with the following options. Once you've setup up your Booking Page, you can publish it so people can start booking appointments with you.
+To customize your booking page, sign in to [microsoft365.com](https://office.com), and then go to **Bookings** \> **Booking page**. You can customize the booking page with the following options. Once you've setup up your Booking Page, you can publish it so people can start booking appointments with you.
## Watch: Customize and publish your booking page
bookings Get Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/get-access.md
This topic describes how to get access to Bookings for the first time. It also t
## Access Bookings for the first time
-If your IT administrator has granted you [access to Bookings](/microsoft-365/bookings/turn-bookings-on-or-off), you can access the app via Office online.
+If your IT administrator has granted you [access to Bookings](/microsoft-365/bookings/turn-bookings-on-or-off), you can access the app via Microsoft 365 on the web.
The first time you use [Bookings](https://outlook.office.com/bookings/onboarding) you'll create a calendar and set up your business.
business-premium Create Communications Site https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/create-communications-site.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
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business-premium Create Teams For Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/create-teams-for-collaboration.md
ms.audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
Last updated 09/15/2022 - Adm_O365
business-premium Get Microsoft 365 Business Premium https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md
Last updated 01/18/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- Adm_O365 - M365-subscription-management
business-premium Get Microsoft 365 Campaigns https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md
Last updated 01/18/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- Adm_O365 - M365-subscription-management
business-premium Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/index.md
Last updated 01/23/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-overview
business-premium M365 Campaigns Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365-campaigns-setup.md
audience: Admin-+ Previously updated : 01/23/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
ms.assetid: 496e690b-b75d-4ff5-bf34-cc32905d0364
description: "Setup overview for Microsoft 365 Business for campaigns or other businesses"
-# Setup for Microsoft 365 Business for Campaigns
+# Set up Microsoft 365 Business for Campaigns
After you have [subscribed to Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md), your next step is to get everything set up.
Here's how to sign in:
1. Find the username and password we sent to the email address you used when you [signed up for Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-sign-up.md).
-2. In the browser, go to the Microsoft 365 admin center at <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=837890" target="_blank"><https://admin.microsoft.com></a>.
+2. In the browser, go to the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=837890).
3. Type your username and password. Select **Sign in**.
Here's how to sign in:
Users who have been added to your Microsoft 365 for Campaigns (or Microsoft 365 Business Premium) subscription can sign in using the following steps:
-1. Go to <a href="https://office.com" target="_blank"><https://Office.com></a>.
+1. Go to [https://office.com](https://office.com).
2. Sign in using the username and password for the account. Users will have this information in the email they receive when they are added as users. If they can't find the email, see [user didn't receive invite email](../admin/simplified-signup/admin-invite-business-standard.md#i-shared-an-email-invite-but-the-user-didnt-receive-the-email).
business-premium M365bp Add Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-add-users.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- tier1
business-premium M365bp Avoid Phishing And Attacks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-avoid-phishing-and-attacks.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Collaborate Share Securely https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-collaborate-share-securely.md
Last updated 01/18/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Conditional Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-conditional-access.md
Title: "Security defaults and Conditional Access"
+ Title: "Turn on MFA with security defaults or Conditional Access"
f1.keywords: - NOCSH
Last updated 01/18/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
description: "Learn how security defaults can help protect your organization from identity-related attacks by providing preconfigured security settings for Microsoft 365 Business Premium."
-# Multi-factor authentication
+# Turn on multi-factor authentication
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a very important first step in securing your organization. Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes the option to use security defaults or Conditional Access policies to turn on MFA for your admins and user accounts. For most organizations, security defaults offer a good level of sign-in security. But if your organization must meet more stringent requirements, you can use Conditional Access policies instead.
business-premium M365bp Device Groups Mdb https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-device-groups-mdb.md
Last updated 09/15/2022-
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+ f1.keywords: NOCSH - SMB
business-premium M365bp Device States https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-device-states.md
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- tier1
business-premium M365bp Devices Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-devices-overview.md
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- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
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- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Install Office Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-install-office-apps.md
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+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Intune Admin Roles In The Mac https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-intune-admin-roles-in-the-mac.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- tier1 description: "The Microsoft 365 admin center lets you manage some Microsoft Intune roles, which map to business functions and give permissions to do specific tasks."
business-premium M365bp Maintain Environment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-maintain-environment.md
Last updated 02/08/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Map Protection Features To Intune Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-map-protection-features-to-intune-settings.md
Last updated 01/03/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- tier1
business-premium M365bp Multifactor Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-multifactor-authentication.md
Last updated 10/18/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Onboard Devices Mdb https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-onboard-devices-mdb.md
Last updated 03/23/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
f1.keywords: NOCSH
business-premium M365bp Prepare For Office Client Deployment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-prepare-for-office-client-deployment.md
Last updated 10/18/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- tier1
business-premium M365bp Protect Admin Accounts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-protect-admin-accounts.md
Title: "Protect your administrator accounts in Microsoft 365 Business Premium"
+ Title: "Protect your administrator accounts with Microsoft 365 Business Premium"
f1.keywords: - NOCSH
Last updated 10/18/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
description: "Learn how to set up and protect your administrator accounts in Microsoft 365 Business Premium."
-# Protect your administrator accounts in Microsoft 365 Business Premium
+# Protect your administrator accounts
-Because admin accounts come with elevated privileges, they're valuable targets for hackers and cyber criminals. This article describes:
+Because admin accounts come with elevated privileges, they're valuable targets for cyberattackers. This article describes:
- [How to set up an another administrator account for emergencies](#create-other-admin-accounts). - [How to create an emergency admin account](#create-an-emergency-admin-account).
You'll want to set up at least one other Global admin account to give admin acce
To create more admin accounts:
- 1. Go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=837890" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a> and then choose **Users** \> **Active users** in the left nav.
+ 1. In the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=837890), choose **Users** \> **Active users** in the left nav.
![Choose Users and then Active users in the left nav.](../media/Activeusers.png)
If you're an admin, you'll need a user account for regular work tasks, such as c
To create a new user account:
-1. Go to the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=837890" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a> and then choose **Users** \> **Active users** in the left nav.
+1. Go to the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=837890) and then choose **Users** \> **Active users** in the left nav.
2. On the **Active users** page, select **Add a user** at the top of the page, and on the **Add a user** panel, enter the name and other information.
business-premium M365bp Protect Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-protect-devices.md
Last updated 10/18/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Protect Email Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-protect-email-overview.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 01/18/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
search.appverid: - BCS160 - MET150
-description: "Know what to watch for in email. Train your team to guard against malware, phishing, and other malicious cyberattacks, using the cybersecurity tools included with Microsoft 365 Business Premium."
+description: "Know what to watch for in email. Train your team to guard against malware, phishing, and other malicious cyberattacks, using the cybersecurity tools included with Microsoft 365 Business Premium."
-# Protect all email
+# Use email securely
:::image type="content" source="media/mission4.png" alt-text="Diagram with Use email securely highlighted.":::
business-premium M365bp Protect Pcs Macs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-protect-pcs-macs.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Remove Company Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-remove-company-data.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- m365-security - tier1
business-premium M365bp Reset Devices To Factory Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-reset-devices-to-factory-settings.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- m365-security - tier1
business-premium M365bp Review Remediation Actions Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-review-remediation-actions-devices.md
Last updated 12/05/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
f1.keywords: NOCSH
business-premium M365bp Secure Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-secure-users.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Security Incident Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-security-incident-management.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium M365bp Security Incident Quick Start https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-security-incident-quick-start.md
Last updated 01/18/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- m365solution-smb - highpri
business-premium M365bp Security Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-security-overview.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 01/23/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
description: "Security overview for Microsoft 365 Business Premium which provide
:::image type="content" source="media/mission2.png" alt-text="Diagram with Boost Your Security Protection highlighted.":::
-In this mission, you bump up your security defenses. You begin by enforcing multifactor authentication (MFA) requirements by using either security defaults or Conditional Access. You'll set up the different admin roles and specific levels of security for them. Admin account access is a high-value target for the enemy hackers, and protecting those accounts is critical because the access and control they provide can impact the entire system. And, you'll protect your email content and devices.
+In this mission, you boost your security defenses. You begin by enforcing multifactor authentication (MFA) requirements through either security defaults or Conditional Access. Next, you'll set up the different admin roles and specific levels of security for them. Admin account access is a high-value target for potential cyberattackers. Protecting those accounts is critical because the access and control they provide can impact your entire system. And, you'll protect your email content and devices.
-Stay vigilant - the safety and reliability of the system relies upon you.
+Stay vigilant - the safety and reliability of your system relies upon you.
Your objectives are to:
business-premium M365bp Set Up Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-set-up-compliance.md
Last updated 10/18/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- m365-security - tier1
business-premium M365bp Setup Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-setup-overview.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 01/23/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
description: "Start the setup process of Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Micro
# Fortify your environment with Microsoft 365 Business Premium
-Now that you have Microsoft 365 Business Premium, your first critical mission is to complete your initial setup process right away. Let's get you going!
+Your first critical mission is to complete your initial setup process right away. Let's get you going!
:::image type="content" source="media/mission1.png" alt-text="Diagram showing the Sign in and set up phase highlighted."::: Your objective is to: - [Set up your Microsoft 365 Business Premium environment](m365bp-setup.md); or-- [Set up Microsoft 365 Business for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md) if this is your subscription.
+- [Set up Microsoft 365 Business for Campaigns](m365-campaigns-setup.md) (if this is your subscription).
-Once you've achieved this objective, proceed to [boost your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md).
+After you've achieved this objective, proceed to [boost your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md).
business-premium M365bp Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-setup.md
Last updated 11/10/2022-
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+ f1.keywords: NOCSH - m365-security
After you have [started a trial or purchased Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md), your next step is to get everything set up. You have several options available. You can: -- Start with the [guided setup experience](m365bp-setup.md#guided-setup-process) for basic setup and configuration, and then proceed to [Boost your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md); or
+- Start with the [guided setup experience](m365bp-setup.md#guided-setup-process) for basic setup and configuration, and then proceed to [Boost your security protection](m365bp-security-overview.md); <br/>or<br/>
- [Work with a Microsoft partner](m365bp-setup.md#work-with-a-microsoft-partner) who can help you get everything set up and configured. ## Before you begin
Make sure that you meet the following requirements before you begin your setup p
| Subscription | Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft 365 for Campaigns <br/><br/> To start a trial or purchase your subscription, see the following articles: <br/>- [Get Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsoft-365-business-premium.md)<br/>- [Get Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](get-microsoft-365-campaigns.md) | | Permissions | To complete the initial setup process, you must be a Global Admin. [Learn more about admin roles](../admin/add-users/about-admin-roles.md). | | Browser requirements | Microsoft Edge, Safari, Chrome or Firefox. [Learn more about browser requirements](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/microsoft-365-and-office-resources#coreui-heading-uyetipy). |
-| Operating systems (client) | **Windows**: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1<br/>**macOS**: One of the three most recent versions of macOS
+| Operating systems (client) | **Windows**: Windows 10 or 11 Pro<br/>**macOS**: One of the three most recent versions of macOS
| Operating systems (servers) | Windows Server or Linux Server <br/>(Requires an additional license, such as [Microsoft Defender for Business servers](../security/defender-business/get-defender-business-servers.md).) | > [!NOTE]
business-premium M365bp Trial Playbook Microsoft Business Premium https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-trial-playbook-microsoft-business-premium.md
Last updated 02/08/2023
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
search.appverid: - MOE150 - MET150
business-premium M365bp View Edit Create Mdb Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-view-edit-create-mdb-policies.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 09/15/2022- Last updated : 03/27/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+ f1.keywords: NOCSH - SMB
These policies are part of Microsoft Defender for Business, included in your Mic
## Working with device polices in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
-The following details apply to working with your policies in the security center.
+The following details apply to working with your policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)).
-### View existing device protection policies
-To view your existing device protection policies in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal:
+### View existing device protection policies in Microsoft 365 Defender
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), and sign in.
-1. In the navigation pane, choose **Device configuration**. Policies are organized by operating system (such as **Windows client**) and policy type (such as **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall**).
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), in the navigation pane, choose **Device configuration**. Policies are organized by operating system (such as **Windows client**) and policy type (such as **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall**).
:::image type="content" source="../medib-deviceconfiguration.png" alt-text="The Device configuration page.":::
-1. Select an operating system tab (for example, **Windows clients**), and then review the list of policies under the **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall** categories.
+2. Select an operating system tab (for example, **Windows clients**), and then review the list of policies under the **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall** categories.
-1. To view more details about a policy, select its name. A side pane will open that provides more information about that policy, such as which devices are protected by that policy.
+3. To view more details about a policy, select its name. A side pane will open that provides more information about that policy, such as which devices are protected by that policy.
:::image type="content" source="../medib-deviceconfig-selectedpolicy.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a policy selected in the Device configuration page..":::
-### Edit an existing device protection policy
-To edit a device policy:
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), and sign in.
+### Edit an existing device protection policy in Microsoft 365 Defender
-1. In the navigation pane, choose **Device configuration**. Policies are organized by operating system (such as **Windows client**) and policy type (such as **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall**).
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), in the navigation pane, choose **Device configuration**. Policies are organized by operating system (such as **Windows client**) and policy type (such as **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall**).
-1. Select an operating system tab (for example, **Windows clients**), and then review the list of policies under the **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall** categories.
+2. Select an operating system tab (for example, **Windows clients**), and then review the list of policies under the **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall** categories.
-1. To edit a policy, select its name, and then choose **Edit**.
+3. To edit a policy, select its name, and then choose **Edit**.
-1. On the **General information** tab, review the information. If necessary, you can edit the description. Then choose **Next**.
+4. On the **General information** tab, review the information. If necessary, you can edit the description. Then choose **Next**.
-1. On the **Device groups** tab, determine which device groups should receive this policy.
+5. On the **Device groups** tab, determine which device groups should receive this policy.
- To keep the selected device group as it is, choose **Next**. - To remove a device group from the policy, select **Remove**.
To edit a device policy:
After you have specified which device groups should receive the policy, choose **Next**.
-1. On the **Configuration settings** tab, review the settings. If necessary, you can edit the settings for your policy. To get help with this task, see the following articles:
+6. On the **Configuration settings** tab, review the settings. If necessary, you can edit the settings for your policy. To get help with this task, see the following articles:
- [Understand next-generation configuration settings](../security/defender-business/mdb-next-gen-configuration-settings.md) - [Firewall settings](../security/defender-business/mdb-firewall.md) After you have specified your next-generation protection settings, choose **Next**.
-1. On the **Review your policy** tab, review the general information, targeted devices, and configuration settings.
+7. On the **Review your policy** tab, review the general information, targeted devices, and configuration settings.
- Make any needed changes by selecting **Edit**. - When youΓÇÖre ready to proceed, choose **Update policy**.
-### Create a new device protection policy
+### Create a new device protection policy in Microsoft 365 Defender
-To create a new device protection policy:
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), in the navigation pane, choose **Device configuration**. Policies are organized by operating system (such as **Windows client**) and policy type (such as **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall**).
-1. Go to the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://security.microsoft.com](https://security.microsoft.com)), and sign in.
+2. Select an operating system tab (for example, **Windows clients**), and then review the list of **Next-generation protection** policies.
-1. In the navigation pane, choose **Device configuration**. Policies are organized by operating system (such as **Windows client**) and policy type (such as **Next-generation protection** and **Firewall**).
+3. Under **Next-generation protection** or **Firewall**, select **+ Add**.
-1. Select an operating system tab (for example, **Windows clients**), and then review the list of **Next-generation protection** policies.
-1. Under **Next-generation protection** or **Firewall**, select **+ Add**.
-1. On the **General information** tab, take the following steps:
+4. On the **General information** tab, take the following steps:
1. Specify a name and description. This information will help you and your team identify the policy later on. 2. Review the policy order, and edit it if necessary. (For more information, see [Policy order](../security/defender-business/mdb-policy-order.md).) 3. Choose **Next**.
-1. On the **Device groups** tab, either create a new device group, or use an existing group. Policies are assigned to devices through device groups. Here are some things to keep in mind:
+5. On the **Device groups** tab, either create a new device group, or use an existing group. Policies are assigned to devices through device groups. Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Initially, you might only have your default device group, which includes the devices people in your organization are using to access organization data and email. You can keep and use your default device group. - Create a new device group to apply a policy with specific settings that are different from the default policy.
To create a new device protection policy:
To learn more about device groups, see [Device groups in Microsoft Defender for Business](../security/defender-business/mdb-create-edit-device-groups.md).
-1. On the **Configuration settings** tab, specify the settings for your policy, and then choose **Next**. For more information about the individual settings, see [Understand next-generation configuration settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](../security/defender-business/mdb-next-gen-configuration-settings.md).
+6. On the **Configuration settings** tab, specify the settings for your policy, and then choose **Next**. For more information about the individual settings, see [Understand next-generation configuration settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](../security/defender-business/mdb-next-gen-configuration-settings.md).
-1. On the **Review your policy** tab, review the general information, targeted devices, and configuration settings.
+7. On the **Review your policy** tab, review the general information, targeted devices, and configuration settings.
- Make any needed changes by selecting **Edit**. - When youΓÇÖre ready to proceed, choose **Create policy**. ## Working with device policies in the Microsoft Intune admin center
-Use the following information to create and manage device policies in Intune, done through Endpoint security in the Microsoft Intune admin center.
-### Create, duplicate and edit policies
+Use the following information to create and manage device policies in Intune, done through Endpoint security in the Microsoft Intune admin center ([https://intune.microsoft.com](https://intune.microsoft.com)).
-To create a policy in Intune
-1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
+### Create policies in Intune
-1. Select **Endpoint security** and the type of policy you want to configure, and then select **Create Policy**.
+1. In the Microsoft Intune admin center ([https://intune.microsoft.com](https://intune.microsoft.com)), select **Endpoint security** and the type of policy you want to configure, and then select **Create Policy**.
-1. Choose from the following policy types:
+2. Choose from the following policy types:
- Antivirus - Disk encryption
To create a policy in Intune
- Endpoint detection and response - Attack surface reduction - Account protection
- - Enter the following properties:
-1. Platform: Choose the platform for which you're creating the policy. The available options depend on the policy type you select.
+3. Specify the following properties:
-1. Profile: Choose from the available profiles for the platform you selected. For information about the profiles, see the dedicated section in this article for your chosen policy type.
+ - **Platform**: Choose the platform for which you're creating the policy. The available options depend on the policy type you select.
+ - **Profile**: Choose from the available profiles for the platform you selected. For information about the profiles, see the dedicated section in this article for your chosen policy type.
-1. Select **Create**.
+ Then select **Create**.
-1. On the Basics page, enter a name and description for the profile, then choose **Next**.
+4. On the Basics page, enter a name and description for the profile, then choose **Next**.
-1. On the Configuration settings page, expand each group of settings, and configure the settings you want to manage with this profile.
+5. On the Configuration settings page, expand each group of settings, and configure the settings you want to manage with this profile. Then select **Next**.
-1. When you're done configuring settings, select **Next**.
+6. On the **Assignments** page, select the groups that will receive this profile. For more information on assigning profiles, see [Assign user and device profiles](/mem/intune/configuration/device-profile-assign). Then select **Next**.
-1. On the Scope tags page, choose **Select scope tags** to open the **Select tags** pane to assign scope tags to the profile.
+7. On the Review + create page, when you're done, choose **Create**. The new profile is displayed in the list when you select the policy type for the profile you created.
-1. Select **Next** to continue.
+### Duplicate a policy in Intune
-1. On the **Assignments** page, select the groups that will receive this profile. For more information on assigning profiles, see Assign user and device profiles.
+1. In the Microsoft Intune admin center ([https://intune.microsoft.com](https://intune.microsoft.com)), select the policy that you want to copy. Next, select **Duplicate** or select the ellipsis **(...)** to the right of the policy and select **Duplicate**.
-1. Select **Next**.
+2. Provide a New name for the policy, and then select **Save**.
-1. On the Review + create page, when you're done, choose **Create**. The new profile is displayed in the list when you select the policy type for the profile you created.
+### Edit a policy in Intune
-To duplicate a policy in Intune:
+1. In the Microsoft Intune admin center ([https://intune.microsoft.com](https://intune.microsoft.com)), select a policy, and then select **Properties**.
-1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
+2. Select **Settings** to expand a list of the configuration settings in the policy. You canΓÇÖt modify the settings from this view, but you can review how they're configured.
-1. Select the policy that you want to copy. Next, select **Duplicate** or select the ellipsis **(...)** to the right of the policy and select **Duplicate**.
-1. Provide a New name for the policy, and then select **Save**.
-To edit a policy:
-1. Select the new policy, and then select **Properties**.
-1. Select **Settings** to expand a list of the configuration settings in the policy. You canΓÇÖt modify the settings from this view, but you can review how they're configured.
-1. To modify the policy, select **Edit** for each category where you want to make a change:
+3. To modify the policy, select **Edit** for each category where you want to make a change:
- Basics - Assignments - Scope tags - Configuration settings
-1. After youΓÇÖve made changes, select **Save** to save your edits. Edits to one category must be saved before you can introduce edits to any additional categories.
+4. After youΓÇÖve made changes, select **Save** to save your edits. Edits to one category must be saved before you can introduce edits to any additional categories.
## Manage conflicts
Other policy types, including the endpoint security policies, set a value of Not
Regardless of the policy method, managing the same setting on the same device through multiple policy types, or through multiple instances of the same policy type can result in conflicts that should be avoided.
+If you do run into policy conflicts, see [Troubleshooting policies and profiles in Microsoft Intune](/troubleshoot/mem/intune/device-configuration/troubleshoot-policies-in-microsoft-intune).
+ ## See also [Manage endpoint security in Microsoft Intune](/mem/Intune/protect/endpoint-security)
business-premium Secure Your Business Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/secure-your-business-data.md
- BCS160 - MET150 - MOE150
-description: "Learn best pratices to protect your business from ransomware, phishing, and malicious URLs or attachments with Microsoft 365 for business."
+description: "Learn best practices to protect your business from ransomware, phishing, and malicious URLs or attachments with Microsoft 365 for business."
# Secure your business data with Microsoft 365
business-premium Send Encrypted Email https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/send-encrypted-email.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium Set Up Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/set-up-meetings.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business-premium Share Files And Videos https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/share-files-and-videos.md
Last updated 09/15/2022
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
- M365-Campaigns - m365solution-smb
business Manage Protected Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business/manage-protected-devices.md
description: "Learn to remove company data from devices managed through protecti
# Manage protected devices with Microsoft 365 Business Premium
-After a user connects their device to your organization by signing in with their work account to the device or to Office apps on the device, you can protect the device with the policies you set up. Connected devices are listed on the **Devices** page. If a device is lost or stolen, you can manage it from this page to remove any company data. You can also reset Windows 10 devices to their factory settings to wipe out any custom settings.
+After a user connects their device to your organization by signing in with their work account to the device or to Microsoft 365 apps on the device, you can protect the device with the policies you set up. Connected devices are listed on the **Devices** page. If a device is lost or stolen, you can manage it from this page to remove any company data. You can also reset Windows 10 devices to their factory settings to wipe out any custom settings.
## Related content
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Microsoft 365 Business Premium lets you set up policies that protect data on you
## Mobile application management or MAM
-Mobile application management lets you control your business data in your users' personal devices, such as iPhones and Androids, and their personal Windows computers. You can use application management policies to prevent your users from copying business data from Office apps to their personal apps. You can also remove all data from the Office apps on their personal devices. For more information, see [Choose the device management solution that's right for you](/mem/intune/fundamentals/what-is-device-management#choose-the-device-management-solution-thats-right-for-you) and [Set up and secure managed devices](/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-protect-devices).
+Mobile application management lets you control your business data in your users' personal devices, such as iPhones and Androids, and their personal Windows computers. You can use application management policies to prevent your users from copying business data from Microsoft 365 apps to their personal apps. You can also remove all data from the Microsoft 365 apps on their personal devices. For more information, see [Choose the device management solution that's right for you](/mem/intune/fundamentals/what-is-device-management#choose-the-device-management-solution-thats-right-for-you) and [Set up and secure managed devices](/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-protect-devices).
commerce Add Storage Space https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/add-storage-space.md
You must be a Global or SharePoint admin to do the tasks in this article. For mo
1. In the SharePoint admin center, go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2185220" target="_blank">**Active sites**</a>, and sign in with an account that has [admin permissions](/sharepoint/sharepoint-admin-role) for your organization.
-2. In the upper right of the page, see the amount of storage used across all sites, and the total storage for your subscription. If your organization has configured Multi-Geo in Office 365, the bar also shows the amount of storage used across all geo locations.
+2. In the upper right of the page, see the amount of storage used across all sites, and the total storage for your subscription. If your organization has configured Multi-Geo in Microsoft 365, the bar also shows the amount of storage used across all geo locations.
> [!NOTE] > The storage used doesn't include changes made within the last 24-48 hours.
Office 365 Extra File Storage is available for the following subscriptions:
- Office 365 Enterprise E5 - Office 365 A3 (faculty) - Office 365 A5 (faculty)-- Office for the web with SharePoint Plan 1-- Office for the web with SharePoint Plan 2
+- Microsoft 365 for the web with SharePoint Plan 1
+- Microsoft 365 for the web with SharePoint Plan 2
- SharePoint Online Plan 1 - SharePoint Online Plan 2 - Microsoft 365 Business Basic
commerce Enter Your Product Key https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/enter-your-product-key.md
Check out all of our small business content on [Small business help & learning](
If you bought Microsoft 365 Business Standard from a retail store, this article helps you activate your subscription. **Need something else?**
- **For help with Microsoft 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal**, see [Using product keys with Office](https://support.microsoft.com/office/12a5763a-d45c-4685-8c95-a44500213759).
+ **For help with Microsoft 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal**, see [Using product keys with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/12a5763a-d45c-4685-8c95-a44500213759).
**Volume licensing customer?** If you bought Microsoft 365 for business through a [Microsoft Open License Program](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=613298), see the article, [Enter your product key purchased from Microsoft Open](purchases-from-microsoft-open.md). ## Activate a new subscription
commerce Allotment Basics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/allotment-basics.md
You must meet the licensing requirements for [group-based licensing](/azure/acti
You can use allotments with any product available to users: -- Office suites and standalone products
+- Microsoft 365 and standalone products
- Enterprise and Mobility products - Dynamics 365 products
commerce Manage Auto Claim Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/manage-auto-claim-policies.md
- AdminSurgePortfolio description: "Learn how to create and manage auto-claim policies that automatically assign licenses to users for certain apps." search.appverid: MET150 Previously updated : 04/06/2021 Last updated : 03/24/2023
-# Manage Microsoft Teams auto-claim policies
+# Manage auto-claim policies
An auto-claim policy lets users automatically claim a license for a product the first time that they sign into an app. As an admin, you typically assign licenses to users either manually, or by using group-based licensing. By using auto-claim policies, you manage the products for which users can automatically claim licenses. You can also control which products those licenses come from. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Auto-claim policies are currently only available for Microsoft Teams. More products will be available to use in the future.
+> Auto-claim policies are currently only available for Microsoft Teams and Power Apps. More products will be available to use in the future.
## Before you begin
The <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2134398" target="_blank">
When you create an auto-claim policy, you can add a backup product to it. If the primary product is out of licenses, the backup product is used to assign licenses to users. You can add up to four backup products and [change the order in which they're used](#change-the-assigning-order-for-backup-products). To learn more, see [Add or remove backup products](#add-or-remove-backup-products).
-> [!NOTE]
-> Currently, you can only create one auto-claim policy. The number of policies you can create will increase as more products are able to use this feature.
- 1. In the admin center, go to the **Billing** \> **Licenses** page, then select the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2134398" target="_blank">Auto-claim policy</a> tab. 2. Select **Add a policy**. 3. On the **Name this auto-claim policy** page, enter a name for the policy, then select **Next**.
You can periodically return to the **Auto-claim policy** tab to see a list of us
[Assign licenses to users](../../admin/manage/assign-licenses-to-users.md) (article)\ [Buy or remove subscription licenses](buy-licenses.md) (article)\ [Understand subscriptions and licenses](subscriptions-and-licenses.md) (article)+
commerce Manage Licenses For Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/manage-licenses-for-devices.md
Last updated 05/12/2022
# Manage licenses for devices
-If you have Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (device) or Microsoft 365 Apps for Education (device), you can assign licenses to devices by using Azure AD groups. When a device has a license, anyone who uses that device can use Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (previously named Office 365 ProPlus). For example, let's say you have 20 laptops and tablets that are used by people in your organization. When you assign a license to each device, each person who logs in to one of the devices uses Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise without the need for their own license.
+If you have Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (device) or Microsoft 365 Apps for Education (device), you can assign licenses to devices by using Azure AD groups. When a device has a license, anyone who uses that device can use Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. For example, let's say you have 20 laptops and tablets that are used by people in your organization. When you assign a license to each device, each person who logs in to one of the devices uses Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise without the need for their own license.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Device-based licensing for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise is available only as an add-on license for some commercial customers and some education customers. For commercial customers, the license is *Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (device)* and is available only through Enterprise Agreement/Enterprise Agreement Subscription. For education customers, the license is *Microsoft 365 Apps for Education (device)* and is available only through Enrollment for Education Solutions (EES). For more information, read the blog post on [education availability](https://educationblog.microsoft.com/2019/08/attention-it-administrators-announcing-office-365-proplus-device-based-subscription-for-education). For commercial availability, contact your Microsoft account representative.
commerce Subscriptions And Licenses https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/subscriptions-and-licenses.md
When you buy a subscription to Microsoft 365 for business, you sign up for a set
When you buy a subscription, you specify the number of licenses that you need, based on how many people you have in your organization. After you buy a subscription, you create accounts for people in your organization, and then assign a license to each person. As your organizational needs change, you can buy more licenses to accommodate new people, or reassign licenses to other users when someone leaves your organization.
-If you have more than one subscription, you can assign licenses to different people for each subscription. For example, you can assign all of your users to all Microsoft 365 applications and services as part of a Microsoft 365 Business Standard subscription. You can also assign a subset of users to Visio Online through a separate Visio subscription.
+If you have more than one subscription, you can assign licenses to different people for each subscription. For example, you can assign all of your users to all Microsoft 365 apps and services as part of a Microsoft 365 Business Standard subscription. You can also assign a subset of users to Visio Online through a separate Visio subscription.
-## How many devices can people install Office on?
+## How many devices can people install Microsoft 365 on?
-If your subscription includes any of the following products, each person can install Office on up to five PCs or Mac, five tablets, and five phones.
+If your subscription includes any of the following products, each person can install Microsoft 365 on up to five PCs or Mac, five tablets, and five phones.
:::row::: :::column span="":::
The following table lists what automatically happens when you assign a license t
|Exchange Online|A mailbox is created for that person. <br/> To learn about the SLA for this task to be completed, see ["Setting up..." messages in the Microsoft 365 admin center](https://support.microsoft.com/help/2635238/setting-up-messages-in-the-office-365-admin-center).| |SharePoint Online|Edit permissions to the default SharePoint Online team site are assigned to that person.| |Microsoft Teams|The person has access to the features associated with the license.|
-|Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and Microsoft 365 Apps for business|The person can download Office apps on up to five Macs or PCs, five tablets, and five smartphones.|
+|Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and Microsoft 365 Apps for business|The person can download Microsoft 365 apps on up to five Macs or PCs, five tablets, and five smartphones.|
## Understand licenses for non-user mailboxes
commerce Product Key Errors And Solutions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/product-key-errors-and-solutions.md
If there's an error message when you try to redeem a product key for **Microsoft
**Need help immediately?** [Call Microsoft Support](../admin/get-help-support.md).
- **For help with a Microsoft 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal product key**, see [Using product keys with Office](https://support.microsoft.com/office/12a5763a-d45c-4685-8c95-a44500213759).
+ **For help with a Microsoft 365 Family or Microsoft 365 Personal product key**, see [Using product keys with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/12a5763a-d45c-4685-8c95-a44500213759).
## Product key error help with Microsoft 365 for business | Error message when you enter your product key... | Try this... | |--|-|
-| "Sorry, this is an invalid product key. Try entering it again. If your product key is for Microsoft 365 Personal or Microsoft 365 Family, redeem it at office.com/setup." <br/><br/>If you're using Office 365 Solo in Japan: "Sorry, this is an invalid product key. Try entering it again. If your product key is for Office 365 Solo, redeem it at office.com/setup." | If you're setting up [Microsoft 365 Family or Personal](https://support.microsoft.com/office/28cbc8cf-1332-4f04-9123-9b660abb629e), you need to redeem your product key at [https://www.office.com/setup](https://www.office.com/setup). Otherwise, for business customers, carefully check the numbers and characters you're entering. |
+| "Sorry, this is an invalid product key. Try entering it again. If your product key is for Microsoft 365 Personal or Microsoft 365 Family, redeem it at office.com/setup." <br/><br/>If you're using Office 365 Solo in Japan: "Sorry, this is an invalid product key. Try entering it again. If your product key is for Office 365 Solo, redeem it at office.com/setup." | If you're setting up [Microsoft 365 Family or Personal](https://support.microsoft.com/office/28cbc8cf-1332-4f04-9123-9b660abb629e), you need to redeem your product key at [https://setup.microsoft365.com](https://setup.microsoft365.com). Otherwise, for business customers, carefully check the numbers and characters you're entering. |
| "The product key you entered isn't valid. Try entering it again." Or "This product key isn't valid. Please enter a different product key." | Carefully check the numbers and characters you are entering. Mistakes can be made with 0 and o, 5 and S, l and I, and so on. If the issue persists, please contact the reseller where you bought your product key. | | "You have already entered this product key. Enter a different key." | Check the product keys you already entered to see if the key has already been added. If you are renewing a subscription using a product key, you must use a new and unused product key. <br/><br/>Need to buy a new key? Visit the [Microsoft Store](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=529160) or a third-party reseller, orΓÇöif you're working with a partnerΓÇöcontact your partner. <br/><br/>If the issue persists, please [contact support](../admin/get-help-support.md). If you're working with a partner, contact your partner for product key support. | | "The product key you entered has expired. Enter a different key." | You must use a new and unused product key to renew a current subscription or activate a new subscription.<br/><br/>Need to buy a new key? Visit the [Microsoft Store](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=529160) or a third-party reseller, orΓÇöif you're working with a partnerΓÇöcontact your partner. |
commerce Purchases From Microsoft Open https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/purchases-from-microsoft-open.md
If you purchased Microsoft 365 for business from a [Microsoft Open License Progr
**Need something else?**
- **For help with Microsoft 365 Home, or Personal**, see [Using product keys with Office](https://support.microsoft.com/office/12a5763a-d45c-4685-8c95-a44500213759).
+ **For help with Microsoft 365 Home, or Personal**, see [Using product keys with Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/12a5763a-d45c-4685-8c95-a44500213759).
**For help with Microsoft 365 Business Standard purchased from a retail store**, see [Enter your product key purchased from a retail store](enter-your-product-key.md).
commerce Cancel Your Subscription https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/cancel-your-subscription.md
When the cancellation becomes effective, your users lose access to their data. B
## Next steps
-### Uninstall Office (optional)
+### Uninstall Microsoft 365 (optional)
-If you canceled your subscription, and didn't [move users to a different subscription](move-users-different-subscription.md) that includes Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 runs in reduced functionality mode. When this happens, users can only read and print documents, and Microsoft 365 applications display [Unlicensed Product notifications](https://support.microsoft.com/office/0d23d3c0-c19c-4b2f-9845-5344fedc4380). To avoid any confusion, have your users [uninstall Office](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9dd49b83-264a-477a-8fcc-2fdf5dbf61d8) from their machines.
+If you canceled your subscription, and didn't [move users to a different subscription](move-users-different-subscription.md) that includes Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 runs in reduced functionality mode. When this happens, users can only read and print documents, and Microsoft 365 apps display [Unlicensed Product notifications](https://support.microsoft.com/office/0d23d3c0-c19c-4b2f-9845-5344fedc4380). To avoid any confusion, have your users [uninstall Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/9dd49b83-264a-477a-8fcc-2fdf5dbf61d8) from their computers.
### Close your account (optional)
commerce What If My Subscription Expires https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/what-if-my-subscription-expires.md
The following table explains what you can expect when a paid Microsoft 365 for b
| Active | Expired <br/>(30 days\*) | Disabled <br/>(90 days\*) | Deleted | ||||-| | *Data accessible to all* | *Data accessible to all* | *Data accessible to admins only* | **Data deleted<br/>Azure Active Directory is removed, if not in use by other services** |
-| Users have normal access to Microsoft 365, files, and applications | Users have normal access to Microsoft 365, files, and applications | Users can't access Microsoft 365, files, or applications | Users can't access Microsoft 365, files, or applications |
-| Admins have normal access to Microsoft 365, data, and apps | Admins can access the admin center | Admins can access the admin center, but can't assign licenses to users | Admins can access the admin center to buy and manage other subscriptions |
+| Users have normal access to Microsoft 365, files, and Microsoft 365 apps | Users have normal access to Microsoft 365, files, and Microsoft 365 apps | Users can't access Microsoft 365, files, or applications | Users can't access Microsoft 365, files, or Microsoft 365 apps |
+| Admins have normal access to Microsoft 365, data, and Microsoft 365 apps | Admins can access the admin center | Admins can access the admin center, but can't assign licenses to users | Admins can access the admin center to buy and manage other subscriptions |
| | Global or billing admins can reactivate the subscription in the admin center | Global or billing admins can reactivate the subscription in the admin center | | *For most offers, in most countries and regions.
To learn how to cancel, see [Cancel your subscription](cancel-your-subscription.
## What are my options if my subscription is about to expire?
-While a subscription is active, you and your users have normal access to your data, services like email and OneDrive for Business, and Office applications. As the admin, you'll receive a series of notifications via email and in the admin center as your subscription nears its expiration date.
+While a subscription is active, you and your users have normal access to your data, services like email and OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft 365 apps. As the admin, you'll receive a series of notifications via email and in the admin center as your subscription nears its expiration date.
Before the subscription actually reaches its expiration date, you have a few options:
Here's what you can expect when your subscription is in each stage.
**What to expect:** The Expired stage lasts for 30 days for most subscriptions, including subscriptions bought through [Microsoft Open](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=613298), in most countries and regions. For Volume Licensing products, except for Microsoft Open, the Expired stage lasts 90 days.
-In this stage, users have normal access to the Microsoft 365 portal, Office applications, and services such as email and SharePoint Online.
+In this stage, users have normal access to the Microsoft 365 portal, Microsoft 365 apps, and services such as email and SharePoint Online.
As an admin, you still have access to the admin center. Don't worryΓÇöglobal or billing admins can [reactivate the subscription](reactivate-your-subscription.md) and continue using Microsoft 365. If you don't reactivate, [back up your data](move-users-different-subscription.md).
As an admin, you still have access to the admin center. Don't worryΓÇöglobal or
**What to expect:** If you don't reactivate your subscription while it is in the Expired stage, it moves into a Disabled stage, which lasts for 90 days for most subscriptions, in most countries and regions. For Volume Licensing products, the Disabled stage lasts 30 days.
-In this stage, your access decreases significantly. Your users can't sign in, or access services like email or SharePoint Online. Office applications eventually move into a read-only, reduced functionality mode and display [Unlicensed Product notifications](https://support.microsoft.com/office/0d23d3c0-c19c-4b2f-9845-5344fedc4380). You can still sign in and get to the admin center, but can't assign licenses to users. Your customer data, including all user data, email, and files on team sites, is available only to you and other admins.
+In this stage, your access decreases significantly. Your users can't sign in, or access services like email or SharePoint Online. Microsoft 365 apps eventually move into a read-only, reduced functionality mode and display [Unlicensed Product notifications](https://support.microsoft.com/office/0d23d3c0-c19c-4b2f-9845-5344fedc4380). You can still sign in and get to the admin center, but can't assign licenses to users. Your customer data, including all user data, email, and files on team sites, is available only to you and other admins.
As a global or billing admin, you can [reactivate the subscription](reactivate-your-subscription.md) and continue using Microsoft 365 with all of your customer data intact. If you choose not to reactivate, [back up your data](move-users-different-subscription.md).
As a global or billing admin, you can [reactivate the subscription](reactivate-y
**What to expect:** If you don't reactivate your subscription while it's expired or disabled, the subscription is deleted.
-Admins and users no longer have access to the services or Office applications that came with the subscription. All customer dataΓÇöfrom user data to documents and emailΓÇöis permanently deleted and is unrecoverable.
+Admins and users no longer have access to the services or Microsoft 365 apps that came with the subscription. All customer dataΓÇöfrom user data to documents and emailΓÇöis permanently deleted and is unrecoverable.
At this point, you can't reactivate the subscription. However, as a global or billing admin, you can still access the admin center to manage other subscriptions, or to buy new subscriptions to meet your business needs.
compliance Device Onboarding Macos Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-macos-overview.md
When you want to onboard devices that haven't been onboarded yet, you'll downloa
> [!NOTE] > While it usually takes about 60 seconds for device onboarding to be enabled, please allow up to 30 minutes before engaging with Microsoft support.
-2. Open the Compliance Center settings page and choose **Turn on macOS device monitoring**.
+2. Open the Microsoft Purview Compliance Portal settings page and choose **Turn on macOS device monitoring**.
## Next steps
Topic | Description
|[JAMF Pro](device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-jamfpro.md) | For macOS devices that are managed through JAMF Pro |[JAMF Pro for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-jamfpro-mde.md)|For macOS devices that are managed through JAMF Pro and that have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) deployed to them
+## Device configuration and policy sync status (preview)
+You can check the **Configuration status** and the **Policy sync status** of all your onboarded devices in the **Devices** list. For macOS devices the minimum version is 101.95.07. For more information on the configuration and policy status, select an onboarded device to open the details pane.
+**Configuration status** shows you if the device is configured correctly, meets DLP configuration requirements, and the last time the configuration was validated. For macOS devices configuration includes:
+- Checking the UPN configuration by making sure your devices are [onboarded into Intune](/mem/intune/fundamentals/deployment-guide-platform-macos) if you are using Intune.
+- Making sure that they are enrolled in the [Company Portal](/mem/intune/user-help/enroll-your-device-in-intune-macos-cp)
+- If you use [JAMF Pro make sure that they are onboarded](https://www.jamf.com/resources/product-documentation/jamf-pro-installation-guide-for-mac/) for checking the UPN configuration.
+**Policy sync status** shows you if the most current versions of the endpoint DLP policies have been synchronized to the device and the last time a policy sync occurred.
+|Field value |Configuration status |Policy sync status |
+|Updated |Device health parameters are enabled and correctly set. |Device has been updated with the current versions of policies. |
+|Not updated | You need to enable the configuration settings for this device. Follow the procedures for your environment: </br>- [Onboard and offboard macOS devices into Microsoft Purview solutions using Intune](device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-intune.md#onboard-and-offboard-macos-devices-into-microsoft-purview-solutions-using-intune) </br>- [Onboard and offboard macOS devices into Compliance solutions using Intune for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint customers](device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-intune-mde.md#onboard-and-offboard-macos-devices-into-compliance-solutions-using-intune-for-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-customers)</br>- [Onboard and offboard macOS devices into Microsoft Purview solutions using JAMF Pro](device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-jamfpro.md#onboard-and-offboard-macos-devices-into-microsoft-purview-solutions-using-jamf-pro)</br>- [Onboard and offboard macOS devices into Compliance solutions using JAMF Pro for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint customers](device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-jamfpro-mde.md#onboard-and-offboard-macos-devices-into-compliance-solutions-using-jamf-pro-for-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-customers) |This device has not synced the latest policy updates. If the policy update was made within the last 2 hours, wait for the policy to reach your device. |
+|Not available | Device properties are not available in the device list. This is could be because the device doesn't meet the minimum OS version, or configuration or if the device was just onboarded. |Device properties are not available in the device list. This is could be because the device doesn't meet the minimum OS version, or configuration or if the device was just onboarded.|
+ ## Related topics
compliance Device Onboarding Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-overview.md
Endpoint DLP allows you to monitor Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices and detect w
Insider risk management uses the full breadth of service and 3rd-party indicators to help you quickly identify, triage, and act on risky user activity. By using logs from Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Graph, insider risk management allows you to define specific policies to identify risk indicators and to take action to mitigate these risks. For more information, see [Learn about insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md).
-Device onboarding is shared across Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE). If you've already onboarded devices to MDE, they will appear in the managed devices list and no further steps are necessary to onboard those specific devices. Onboarding devices in Compliance center also onboards them into MDE.
+Device onboarding is shared across Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE). If you've already onboarded devices to MDE, they will appear in the managed devices list and no further steps are necessary to onboard those specific devices. Onboarding devices in Compliance portal also onboards them into MDE.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
If you want to use a custom account to turn on/off device monitoring, it must be
Make sure that the Windows devices that you need to onboard meet these requirements. 1. Must be running Windows 10 x64 build 1809 or later or Windows 11.
+ 1. See [March 21, 2023ΓÇöKB5023773 (OS Builds 19042.2788, 19044.2788, and 19045.2788) Preview](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/march-21-2023-kb5023773-os-builds-19042-2788-19044-2788-and-19045-2788-preview-5850ac11-dd43-4550-89ec-9e63353fef23) for required minimum Windows Operating System builds.
-2. Antimalware Client Version is 4.18.2110 or newer. Check your current version by opening Windows Security app, select the Settings icon, and then select About. The version number is listed under Antimalware Client Version. Update to the latest Antimalware Client Version by installing Windows Update KB4052623.
+1. Antimalware Client Version is 4.18.2110 or newer. Check your current version by opening Windows Security app, select the Settings icon, and then select About. The version number is listed under Antimalware Client Version. Update to the latest Antimalware Client Version by installing Windows Update KB4052623.
> [!NOTE] > None of Windows Security components need to be active, but the [Real-time protection and Behavior monitor](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/configure-real-time-protection-microsoft-defender-antivirus) must be enabled.
-3. The following Windows Updates for Windows 10 are installed for devices that will be monitored.
+1. The following Windows Updates for Windows 10 are installed for devices that will be monitored.
> [!NOTE] > These updates are not a pre-requisite to onboard a device, but contain fixes for important issues thus must be installed before using the product.
Make sure that the Windows devices that you need to onboard meet these requireme
> - For Windows 10 1903 or 1909 - KB4559004, KB4577062, KB4580386 > - For Windows 10 2004 - KB4568831, KB4577063
-4. All devices must be one of these:
+1. All devices must be one of these:
- [Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) joined](/azure/active-directory/devices/concept-azure-ad-join) - [Hybrid Azure AD joined](/azure/active-directory/devices/concept-azure-ad-join-hybrid) - [AAD registered](/azure/active-directory/user-help/user-help-register-device-on-network)
-5. A supported version of Microsoft Office is installed and up to date. For the most robust protection and user experience, ensure Microsoft 365 Apps version 16.0.14701.0 or newer is installed.
+1. A supported version of Microsoft Office is installed and up to date. For the most robust protection and user experience, ensure Microsoft 365 Apps version 16.0.14701.0 or newer is installed.
> [!NOTE] > - If you are running Office 365 - KB 4577063 is required. > - If you are on Monthly Enterprise Channel of Microsoft 365 Apps versions 2004-2008, you need to update to version 2009 or later. See [Update history for Microsoft 365 Apps (listed by date)](/officeupdates/update-history-microsoft365-apps-by-date) for current versions. To learn more about known issue, see the Office Suite section of [Release notes for Current Channel releases in 2020](/officeupdates/current-channel#version-2010-october-27).
-6. If you have endpoints that use a device proxy to connect to the internet, follow the procedures in [Configure device proxy and internet connection settings for Information Protection](device-onboarding-configure-proxy.md#configure-device-proxy-and-internet-connection-settings-for-information-protection).
+1. If you have endpoints that use a device proxy to connect to the internet, follow the procedures in [Configure device proxy and internet connection settings for Information Protection](device-onboarding-configure-proxy.md#configure-device-proxy-and-internet-connection-settings-for-information-protection).
## Onboarding Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices
In this deployment scenario, you'll onboard Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices tha
> [!NOTE] > While it usually takes about 60 seconds for device onboarding to be enabled, please allow up to 30 minutes before engaging with Microsoft support.
-2. Open the Compliance Center settings page and choose **Turn on Windows device monitoring**.
+2. Open the Microsoft Purview Compliance portal settings page and choose **Turn on Windows device monitoring**.
3. Choose **Device management** to open the **Devices** list.
In this deployment scenario, you'll onboard Windows 10 or Windows 11 devices tha
[Local script](device-onboarding-script.md) | Learn how to use the local script to deploy the configuration package on endpoints. [Virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices](device-onboarding-vdi.md) | Learn how to use the configuration package to configure VDI devices.
+## Device configuration and policy sync status (preview)
+You can check the **Configuration status** and the **Policy sync status** of all your onboarded devices in the **Devices** list. For more information on the configuration and policy status, select an onboarded device to open the details pane.
+**Configuration status** shows you if the device is configured correctly, is sending a heartbeat signal to Purview, and the last time the configuration was validated. For Windows devices configuration includes checking the status of [Microsoft Defender Antivirus always-on protection and behavior monitoring](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-real-time-protection-microsoft-defender-antivirus).
+**Policy sync status** shows you if the device received the latest policy version, or if the corresponding policies synced successfully to the device.
+|Field value |Configuration status |Policy sync status |
+|Updated |Device health parameters are enabled and correctly set. |Device has been updated with the current versions of policies. |
+|Not updated | You need to enable the configuration settings for this device. Follow the procedures in [Microsoft Defender Antivirus always-on protection](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-real-time-protection-microsoft-defender-antivirus)|This device has not synced the latest policy updates. If the policy update was made within the last 2 hours, wait for the policy to reach your device. |
+|Not available | Device properties are not available in the device list. This is could be because the device doesn't meet the minimum OS version, or configuration or if the device was just onboarded. |Device properties are not available in the device list. This is could be because the device doesn't meet the minimum OS version, or configuration or if the device was just onboarded.|
+It can take up to 2 hours for the sync status to get reflected on the dashboard. Devices must be online for the policy update to happen. If the status isn't updating, check the last time the device was seen.
++ ## See also - [Learn about insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md)
compliance Dlp Configure Endpoint Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md
For performance reasons, Endpoint DLP includes a list of recommended file path e
- /opt/* - /Users/*/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Teams/*
+### Network share coverage and exclusions (preview)
+> If you want to use Network share coverage and exclusions, you have to register your tenant at [Network share coverage](https://aka.ms/networkfileshares-edlp).
+**Network share coverage and exclusions (preview)** extends endpoint DLP policies and actions to new and edited files on network shares and mapped network drives. If [just in time protection (preview)](endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md#just-in-time-protection-preview) is also enabled, it will also be extended to cover network shares and mapped drives when you enable network share coverage and exclusions. If you want to exclude a specific network path for all monitored devices, add the path value in **Exclude these network share paths**.
+|Network share coverage and exclusions (preview) |Just in time protection (preview) |Resultant behavior |
+|Enabled |Disabled |- DLP policies that are scoped to Devices are applied to all network shares and mapped drives that the device is connected to. [Devices actions](dlp-policy-reference.md#devices-actions) |
+|Disabled |Enabled |- Just in time protection is applied only to the files that are on storage devices that are local to the endpoint. |
+|Enabled |Enabled |- DLP policies that are scoped to Devices are applied to all network shares and mapped drives that the device is connected to. [Devices actions](dlp-policy-reference.md#devices-actions) </br>- Just in time protection is applied to all the network shares and mapped drives that the device is connected to. |
+**Network share coverage and exclusions** complements [DLP On-premises repository actions](dlp-on-premises-scanner-learn.md#dlp-on-premises-repository-actions).
+|Network share coverage and exclusions|DLP on-premises repositories|Resultant behavior|
+|Enabled| Disabled|- DLP policies that are scoped to Devices are applied to all network shares and mapped drives that the device is connected to. [Devices actions](dlp-policy-reference.md#devices-actions)|
+|Disabled|Enabled|- Policies that are scoped to On-premises repositories can enforce protective actions on on-premises data-at-rest in file shares and SharePoint document libraries and folders. [DLP On-premises repository actions](dlp-on-premises-scanner-learn.md#dlp-on-premises-repository-actions)|
+|Enabled | Enabled|- DLP policies that are scoped to Devices are applied to all network shares and mapped drives that the device is connected to. [Devices actions](dlp-policy-reference.md#devices-actions)</br>- Policies that are scoped to On-premises repositories can enforce protective actions on on-premises data-at-rest in file shares and SharePoint document libraries and folders. [DLP On-premises repository actions](dlp-on-premises-scanner-learn.md#dlp-on-premises-repository-actions)
+ ### Restricted apps and app groups #### Restricted apps
Here are some examples:
|*.contoso.com/xyz |//<!--nourl-->contoso.com </br> //<!--nourl-->contoso.com/xyz </br> //<!--nourl-->contoso.con/xyz/allsubsites/ </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains.contoso.com/xyz </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains.contoso.com/xyz/allsubsites </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains1.allsubdomains2.contoso.com/xyz/allsubsites </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains1.allsubdomains2.contoso.com/xyz/allsubsites1/allsubsites2 | //<!--nourl-->contoso.com/xyz </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains.contoso.com/xyz/| |*.contoso.com/xyz/ |//<!--nourl-->contoso.com/xyz </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains.contoso.com/xyz |//<!--nourl-->contoso.com </br> //<!--nourl-->contoso.com/xyz/allsubsites/ </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains.contoso.com/xyz/allsubsites/ </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains1.allsubdomains2.contoso.com/xyz/allsubsites/ </br> //<!--nourl-->allsubdomains1.allsubdomains2.contoso.com/xyz/allsubsites1/allsubsites2| -- ### Additional settings for endpoint DLP #### Business justification in policy tips
compliance Dlp Configure View Alerts Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-configure-view-alerts-policies.md
To work with the DLP alert management dashboard:
- To see the history of workflow management, choose **Management log**. - After you take the required action for the alert, set the status of the alert to **Resolved**.+
+### Other matched conditions (preview)
+Microsoft Purview supports showing matched conditions in a DLP event to reveal the exact cause for a flagged DLP policy. This information will show up in:
+- DLP Alerts console
+- [Activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md#get-started-with-activity-explorer)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Business portal](../security/defender-business/mdb-view-manage-incidents.md#view-and-manage-incidents-in-microsoft-defender-for-business)
+In the **Events** tab open **Details** to see **Other matched conditions**.
+#### Prerequisites
+- Must be running Windows 10 x64 build 1809 or later or Windows 11.
+ - See [March 21, 2023ΓÇöKB5023773 (OS Builds 19042.2788, 19044.2788, and 19045.2788) Preview](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/march-21-2023-kb5023773-os-builds-19042-2788-19044-2788-and-19045-2788-preview-5850ac11-dd43-4550-89ec-9e63353fef23) for required minimum Windows Operating System builds.
+- Matched conditions data is available for valid E3 and E5 license holders
+- Enable [Auditing](audit-log-enable-disable.md#turn-auditing-on-or-off).
+- Enable [Advanced classification scanning and protection](dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md#advanced-classification-scanning-and-protection).
+Matched events information is supported for these conditions
+|Sender is|Yes|No|Yes|No|
+|Sender domain is|Yes|No|Yes|No|
+|Sender address contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Sender address matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Sender is a member of|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Sender IP address is|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Has sender overriden the policy tip|Yes|No|No|No|
+|SenderAdAttribute Contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|SenderAdAttribute Matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Recipient is|Yes|No|Yes|No|
+|Recipient domain is|Yes|No|Yes|No|
+|Recipient address contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Recipient address matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Recipient is a member of|Yes|No|No|No|
+|RecipientAdAttribute Contains words |Yes|No|No|No|
+|RecipientAdAttribute Matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Document is password protected|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Document could not be scanned|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Document did not complete scanning|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Document name contains words|Yes|Yes|No|No|
+|Document name matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Document property is|Yes|Yes|No|No|
+|Document size over|Yes|Yes|No|No|
+|Document content contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Document content matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Document type is|No|No|No|Yes|
+|Document extension is|Yes|Yes|No|Yes|
+|Content is shared from M365|Yes|Yes|Yes|No|
+|Content is received from|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Content character set contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Subject contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Subject matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Subject or body contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Subject or body matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Header contains words|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Header matches patterns|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Message size over|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Message type is|Yes|No|No|No|
+|Message importance is|Yes|No|No|No|
compliance Dlp Firefox Extension Get Started https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-firefox-extension-get-started.md
description: "Prepare for and deploy the Microsoft Purview Firefox Extension."
-# Get started with Microsoft Purview Firefox Extension (preview)
+# Get started with Microsoft Purview Firefox Extension
Use these procedures to roll out the Microsoft Purview Firefox Extension.
compliance Dlp Firefox Extension Learn https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-firefox-extension-learn.md
description: "The Microsoft Purview Firefox Extension extends monitoring and control of file activities and protective actions to the Firefox browser"
-# Learn about the Microsoft Purview Firefox Extension (preview)
+# Learn about the Microsoft Purview Firefox Extension
[Endpoint data loss prevention (endpoint DLP)](endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md) extends the activity monitoring and protection capabilities of [Microsoft Purview data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md) to sensitive items that are on Windows 10 devices. Once devices are onboarded into the Microsoft Purview solutions, the information about what users are doing with sensitive items is made visible in [activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md) and you can enforce protective actions on those items via [DLP policies](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md).
compliance Dlp Learn About Dlp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp.md
location | include/exclude by|
> [!NOTE] > The conditions and the actions to take are defined in an object called a Rule.
-<!--## Create a DLP policy
+## Create and deploy a DLP policy
-All DLP policies are created and maintained in the Microsoft Purview center. See, INSERT LINK TO ARTICLE THAT WILL START WALKING THEM THROUGH THE POLICY CREATION PROCEDURES for more information.-->
+All DLP policies are created and maintained in the Microsoft Purview center. See, [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md) for more information.
After you create a DLP policy in the compliance portal, it's stored in a central policy store, and then synced to the various content sources, including:
compliance Dlp Policy Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-reference.md
Rules are the business logic of DLP policies. They consist of:
> [!IMPORTANT] > The **Exceptions** UI is only available in **Classic rule builder** mode. If you have switched to the **New DLP rule builder** [mode](dlp-policy-design.md#complex-rule-design), exceptions are displayed as nested groups and joined to the other conditions by a boolean NOT function.-->
-### The priority by which rules are processed
+### The priority by which rules are evaluated and applied
#### Hosted service workloads
For example, you might have a DLP policy that helps you detect the presence of i
![Diagram shows that DLP policy contains locations and rules](../media/c006860c-2d00-42cb-aaa4-5b5638d139f7.png)
-#### For endpoints
+#### For endpoints (preview)
-Priority for rules on endpoints is also assigned according to the order in which it's created. That means, the rule created first has first priority, the rule created second has second priority, and so on.
+When an item matches multiple DLP rules, DLP goes uses through a complex algorithm to decide which actions to apply. Endpoint DLP will apply the aggregate or sum of most restrictive actions. DLP uses these factors when making the calculation.
-When a file on an endpoint matches multiple DLP policies, the first rule that's enabled with most restrictive enforcement on the [endpoint activities](endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md#endpoint-activities-you-can-monitor-and-take-action-on) is the one that gets enforced on the content. For example, if content matches all of the following rules, then rule 2 takes precedence over the other rules since it's the most restrictive.
+**Policy priority order**
+When an item matches multiple policies and those policies have identical actions, the actions from the highest priority policy is applied.
-- Rule 1: only audits all activity-- *Rule 2: blocks all activity*-- Rule 3: blocks all activity with option for end user to override
+**Rule priority order**
+When an item matches multiple rules in a policy and those rules have identical actions, the actions from the highest priority rule is applied.
-In the below example, Rule 1 takes precedence over the other matching rules since it's the most restrictive.
+[**Mode of the policy**](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-create-deploy-policy#state)
+When an item matches multiple policies and those policies have identical actions, the actions from all policies that are in *Turn it on* state (enforce mode) are applied preferentially over the policies in *Test with policy tips* and *Test* state.
-- *Rule 1: blocks activity and doesn't allow user override*-- Rule 2: blocks activity and allows user overrides-- Rule 3: only audits all activity-- Rule 4: no enforcement
+**The type of [action](#actions)** assigned to a [user activity](/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-learn-about#endpoint-activities-you-can-monitor-and-take-action-on)
+When an item matches multiple policies and those policies differ in actions, the aggregate or sum of the most restrictive actions are applied.
-All the other rules are evaluated but their actions aren't enforced. Audit logs will show the most restrictive rule applied on the file. If there's more than one rule that matches and they're equally restrictive, then policy and rule priority governs which rule would be applied on the file.
+**[Authorization groups](/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-using#scenario-7-authorization-groups-preview)** configuration
+When an item matches multiple policies and those policies differ in action, the aggregate or sum of the most restrictive actions are applied.
+**[override options](#user-overrides)**
+When an item matches multiple policies and those policies differ in the override option, actions are applied in this order:
+*No override* > *Allow override*
+Here are scenarios that illustrate the runtime behavior. For the first three scenarios, you have three DLP policies configured like this:
+|Policy name|Condition to match|Action|Policy priority|
+|ABC|Content contains credit card number|Block print, audit all other user egress activities| 0|
+|MNO|Content contains credit card number|Block copy to USB, audit all other user egress activities|1|
+|XYZ|Content contains U.S. social security number|Block copy to clipboard, audit all other user egress activities|2|
+##### Item contains credit card numbers
+An item on a monitored device contains credit card numbers, so it matches policy ABC and policy MNO. Both ABC and MNO are in *Turn it on* mode.
+|Policy|Cloud egress action|Copy to clipboard action|Copy to USB action|Copy to network share action|Unallowed apps action|Print action|Copy via Bluetooth action|Copy to remote desktop action|
+|Actions applied at runtime|Audit|Audit|**Block**|Audit|Audit|**Block**|Audit|Audit|
+##### Item contains credit card numbers and U.S. social security numbers
+An item on a monitored device contains credit card numbers and U.S. social security numbers, so this item matches policy ABC, policy MNO, and policy XYZ. All three policies are in *Turn it on* mode.
+|Policy|Cloud egress action|Copy to clipboard action|Copy to USB action|Copy to network share action|Unallowed apps action|Print action|Copy via Bluetooth action|Copy to remote desktop action|
+|Actions applied at runtime|Audit|**Block**|**Block**|Audit|Audit|**Block**|Audit|Audit|
+##### Item contains credit card numbers, different policy state
+An item on a monitored device contains credit card number, so it matches policy ABC and policy MNO. Policy ABC is in *Turn it on* mode and policy *MNO* is in *Test* state.
+|Policy|Cloud egress action|Copy to clipboard action|Copy to USB action|Copy to network share action|Unallowed apps action|Print action|Copy via Bluetooth action|Copy to remote desktop action|
+|Actions applied at runtime|Audit|Audit|Audit|Audit|Audit|**Block**|Audit|Audit|
+##### Item contains credit card numbers, different override configuration
+An item on a monitored device contains credit card number, so it matches policy ABC and policy MNO. Policy ABC is in *Turn it on* state and policy *MNO* is in *Turn it on* state. They have different *Override* actions configured
+|Policy|Cloud egress action|Copy to clipboard action|Copy to USB action|Copy to network share action|Unallowed apps action|Print action|Copy via Bluetooth action|Copy to remote desktop action|
+|ABC|Audit|Audit|**Block with override**|Audit|Audit|**Block**|Audit|Audit|
+|MNO|Audit|Audit|**Block without override**|Audit|Audit|Audit|Audit|Audit|
+|Actions applied at runtime|Audit|Audit|**Block without override**|Audit|Audit|**Block**|Audit|Audit|
+##### Item contains credit card numbers, different authorization groups configuration
+An item on a monitored device contains credit card number, so it matches policy ABC and policy MNO. Policy ABC is in *Turn it on* state and policy *MNO* is in *Turn it on* state. They have different *authorization group* actions configured
+|Policy|Cloud egress action|Copy to clipboard action|Copy to USB action|Copy to network share action|Unallowed apps action|Print action|Copy via Bluetooth action|Copy to remote desktop action|
+|ABC|Audit|Audit|**Auth group A - Block**|Audit|Audit|**Auth group A - Block**|Audit|Audit|
+|MNO|Audit|Audit|**Auth group A - Block with override**|Audit|Audit|**Auth group B - block**|Audit|Audit|
+|Actions applied at runtime|Audit|Audit|**Auth group A - BLock**|Audit|Audit|**Auth group A - Block, Auth group B - Block**|Audit|Audit|
### Conditions
The actions that are available in a rule are dependent on the locations that hav
#### Devices actions <!-
+- Restrice access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations.
- Audit or restricted activities when users access sensitive websites in Microsoft Edge browser on Windows devices. See, [Scenario 6 Monitor or restrict user activities on sensitive service domains)](endpoint-dlp-using.md#scenario-6-monitor-or-restrict-user-activities-on-sensitive-service-domains) for more information.-- Audit or restrict activities on Windows devices
+- Audit or restrict activities on devices
To use `Audit or restrict activities on Windows devices`, you have to configure options in **DLP settings** and in the policy in which you want to use them. See, [Restricted apps and app groups](dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md#restricted-apps-and-app-groups) for more information.
See, [Restricted apps and app groups](dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md#restric
#### On-premises repositories actions -- Restrict access or remove on-premises files
+- Restrict access or remove on-premises files.
+ - Block people from accessing files stored in on-premises repositories
+ - Set permissions on the file (permissions inherited from the parent folder)
+ - Move file from where it's stored to a quarantine folder
+ See, [DLP On-premises repository actions](dlp-on-premises-scanner-learn.md#dlp-on-premises-repository-actions) for full details.
#### Power BI actions
compliance Ediscovery Close Reopen Delete Cases https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-close-reopen-delete-cases.md
Title: "Close, reopen, and delete eDiscovery (Standard) cases"
-description: "This article describes how to manage eDiscovery (Standard) cases. This includes closing a case, reopening a closed case, and deleting a case."
+ Title: "Upgrade (preview), close, reopen, or delete eDiscovery (Standard) cases"
+description: "This article describes how to manage eDiscovery (Standard) cases. This includes closing a case, reopening a closed case, deleting a case, and upgrading a case to eDiscovery (Premium)."
f1.keywords: - NOCSH Previously updated : 01/01/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023 audience: Admin
- MET150
-# Close, reopen, and delete a eDiscovery (Standard) case
+# Upgrade (preview), close, reopen, or delete eDiscovery (Standard) cases
-This article describes how to close, reopen, and delete Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Standard) cases in Microsoft 365.
+This article describes how to close, reopen, delete, or upgrade a Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Standard) cases in Microsoft Purview.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
+## Upgrade a case to eDiscovery (Premium) (preview)
+After working with an existing eDiscovery (Standard) case, you may need the additional case functionality provided with eDiscovery (Premium) cases. This work may include the need for more robust collections and review set functionality.
+Before you upgrade a case from eDiscovery (Standard) to eDiscovery (Premium), make sure you review and understand the following:
+- After an eDiscovery (Standard) case is upgraded to eDiscovery (Premium), it can't be reversed to an eDiscovery (Standard) case.
+- Only eDiscovery Administrators can upgrade cases to eDiscovery (Premium).
+- Changes to searches aren't available while the case is upgrading to eDiscovery (Premium). Once a case is upgraded, searches are available under the **Collections** section in the eDiscovery (Premium) case.
+- Information for jobs created in the eDiscovery (Standard) case are maintained after the upgrade, however the job names retain the eDiscovery (Standard) case job names.
+- Holds in the Standard case are maintained in the upgraded Premium case. No holds are removed or recreated during the upgrade process. This ensures that holds aren't lost or deleted during the upgrade.
+- The search conditions from the eDiscovery (Standard) case are copied to a collection in the new eDiscovery (Premium) case. You can refresh/rerun the estimates, however this replaces all previous search statistics for the search.
+To upgrade an eDiscovery (Standard) case to eDiscovery (Premium), complete the following steps:
+1. In the compliance portal, select **eDiscovery** > **eDiscovery (Standard)** to display the list of eDiscovery (Standard) cases in your organization.
+2. For the case that you want to upgrade, select the ellipsis control and then select **Upgrade case to Premium**. You can upgrade one case at a time, bulk upgrading of multiple cases isn't supported.
+3. On the **Upgrade cases (preview)** dialog box, select **Continue upgrade**.
+ ![Upgrade a case notification.](../media/ediscovery-upgrade-case-notification.png)
+4. While the case is being upgraded, you'll see a banner at the top of the **eDiscovery (Standard)** case page.
+ ![Case upgrade is in-progress banner.](../media/ediscovery-upgrade-case-notification-pending.png)
+5. After the case upgrade is finished, you'll see a banner at the top of the **eDiscovery (Standard)** case page.
+ ![Case upgrade is completed banner.](../media/ediscovery-upgrade-case-notification-completed.png)
+ ## Close a case When the legal case or investigation supported by a eDiscovery (Standard) case is completed, you can close the case. Here's what happens when you close a case: -- If the case contains any eDiscovery holds, they will be turned off. After the hold is turned off, a 30-day grace period (called a *delay hold*) is applied to content locations that were on hold. This helps prevent content from being immediately deleted and provides admins the opportunity to search for and restore content before it may be permanently deleted after the delay hold period expires. For more information, see [Removing content locations from an eDiscovery hold](ediscovery-create-holds.md#removing-content-locations-from-an-ediscovery-hold).
+- If the case contains any eDiscovery holds, they'll be turned off. After the hold is turned off, a 30-day grace period (called a *delay hold*) is applied to content locations that were on hold. This helps prevent content from being immediately deleted and provides admins the opportunity to search for and restore content before it may be permanently deleted after the delay hold period expires. For more information, see [Removing content locations from an eDiscovery hold](ediscovery-create-holds.md#removing-content-locations-from-an-ediscovery-hold).
- Closing a case only turns off the holds that are associated with that case. If other holds are placed on a content location (such as a Litigation Hold, a retention policy, or a hold from a different eDiscovery (Standard) case) those holds will still be maintained. - The case is still listed on the eDiscovery (Standard) page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. The details, holds, searches, and members of a closed case are retained. - You can edit a case after it's closed. For example, you can add or remove members, create searches, and export search results. The primary difference between active and closed cases is that eDiscovery holds are turned off when a case is closed.
Before you can delete a case (whether it's active or closed), you must first del
To delete an eDiscovery hold: 1. Go to the **Holds** tab in the case that you want to delete.- 2. Select the hold that you want to delete.- 3. On the flyout page, select **Delete**. ![Delete an eDiscovery hold.](../media/DeleteeDiscoveryHold.png)
To delete an eDiscovery hold:
To delete a case: 1. In the compliance portal, select **eDiscovery** > **eDiscovery (Standard)** to display the list of eDiscovery (Standard) cases in your organization.- 2. Select the name of the case that you want to delete.- 3. On the case home page, under **Status**, select **Delete case**. ![Delete a case.](../media/eDiscoveryCaseHomePageDelete.png)
compliance Ediscovery Decryption https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-decryption.md
Previously updated : 01/01/2023 Last updated : 03/28/2023 audience: Admin
Prior to this new capability, only the content of an email message protected by
## Requirements for decryption in eDiscovery
-You have to be assigned the *RMS Decrypt* role to preview, review, and export files encrypted with Microsoft encryption technologies. You also have to be assigned this role to review and query encrypted files that are added to a review set in eDiscovery (Premium).
-This role is assigned by default to the eDiscovery Manager role group on the **Permissions** page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. For more information about the RMS Decrypt role, see [Assign eDiscovery permissions](ediscovery-assign-permissions.md#rms-decrypt).
+- **Permissions**: You have to be assigned the *RMS Decrypt* role to preview, review, and export files encrypted with Microsoft encryption technologies. You also have to be assigned this role to review and query encrypted files that are added to a review set in eDiscovery (Premium). This role is assigned by default to the eDiscovery Manager role group on the **Permissions** page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. For more information about the RMS Decrypt role, see [Assign eDiscovery permissions](ediscovery-assign-permissions.md#rms-decrypt).
+- **Run the Inbox Repair tool on exported PST files**: After you've exported PST files, we recommend that you run the [Inbox Repair tool (ScanPST.exe)](/outlook/troubleshoot/data-files/how-to-repair-personal-folder-file) to fully decrypt the contents of the PST files.
## Supported encryption technologies
compliance Ediscovery Search And Delete Teams Chat Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-search-and-delete-teams-chat-messages.md
Previously updated : 01/01/2023 Last updated : 03/28/2023 audience: Admin
You can use eDiscovery (Premium) and the Microsoft Graph Explorer to search for
## Before you search and purge chat messages - To create an eDiscovery (Premium) case and use collections to search for chat messages, you have to be a member of the *eDiscovery Manager* role group in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. To delete chat messages, you have to be assigned the *Search And Purge* role. This role is assigned to the *Data Investigator* and *Organization Management* role groups by default. For more information, see [Assign eDiscovery permissions](ediscovery-assign-permissions.md).-- Search and purge are supported for conversations within your tenant. Support for Teams Connect Chat (External Access or Federation) conversations is enabled in the interface in some cases but isn't working as intended.
+- Search and purge are supported for most conversations within your tenant. Support for Teams Connect Chat (External Access or Federation) conversations is enabled in the interface in some cases but isn't working as intended.
+ > Chats with yourself (or chats by users with themselves) aren't supported for search and purge.
+ - A maximum of 10 items per mailbox can be removed at one time. Because the capability to search for and remove chat messages is intended to be an incident-response tool, this limit helps ensure that chat messages are quickly removed. ## Search and purge workflow
For information about using Graph Explorer, see [Use Graph Explorer to try Micro
### Get the eDiscoverySearchID
-1. In Graph Explorer, run the following GET request to retrieve the ID for the collection that you created in Step 2, and contains the items you want to purge. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases('ediscoverySearchID')/searches` in the address bar of the request query, where *ediscoverySearchID* is the ID that you obtained in the previous procedure. Be sure to surround the ediscoverySearchID with parentheses and single quotation marks.
+1. In Graph Explorer, run the following GET request to retrieve the ID for the collection that you created in Step 2, and contains the items you want to purge. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases{'ediscoverySearchID'}/searches` in the address bar of the request query, where *{ediscoverySearchID}* is the ID that you obtained in the previous procedure.
2. Scroll through the response to locate the collection that contains the items that you want to purge. Use the *displayName* property to identify the collection that you created in Step 3.
For information about using Graph Explorer, see [Use Graph Explorer to try Micro
### Purge the chat messages
-1. In Graph Explorer, run the following POST request to purge the items returned by the collection that you created in Step 2. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/('ediscoveryCaseID')/searches/('ediscoverySearchID')/purgeData` in the address bar of the request query, where *ediscoveryCaseID* and *ediscoverySearchID* are the IDs that you obtained in the previous procedures. Be sure to surround the ID values with parentheses and single quotation marks.
+1. In Graph Explorer, run the following POST request to purge the items returned by the collection that you created in Step 2. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/{'ediscoveryCaseID'}/searches/{'ediscoverySearchID'}/purgeData` in the address bar of the request query, where *{ediscoveryCaseID}* and *{ediscoverySearchID}* are the IDs that you obtained in the previous procedures.
![POST request to delete items returned by the collection.](..\media\ediscovery-GraphPOSTRequestToPurgeItems.png)
Admins can use the procedures in this article to search and delete Teams chat me
- If a conversation thread has users in two organizations, purged chat messages are removed from the Teams client in both organizations. - The only way to purge chat messages from user mailboxes in your organization for chat messages in conversation threads owned by another organization is to use retention policies for Teams. For more information, see [Learn about retention for Microsoft Teams](retention-policies-teams.md). - ## End-user experience For deleted chat messages, users will see an automatically generated message stating "This message was deleted by an admin".
compliance Endpoint Dlp Getting Started https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md
Article | Description
[Onboard Windows 10 or 11 devices using a local script](device-onboarding-script.md) | Learn how to use the local script to deploy the configuration package on endpoints. [Onboard non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) devices](device-onboarding-vdi.md) | Learn how to use the configuration package to configure VDI devices.
+### Endpoint DLP support for virtualized environments (preview)
+You can onboard virtual machines as monitored devices in Microsoft Purview compliance portal. There is no change to the onboarding procedures listed above.
+Here are the virtual operating systems that are supported by virtualization environments.
+|Virtualization </br> platform |Windows 10 |Windows 11 |
+|Azure virtual desktop (AVD)|- Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</br>- Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2 |- Single session supported for 22H2</br>- Multi session supported for 22H2|1809 and higher supported |
+|Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7 (2209)|- Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</br>- Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2|- Single session supported for 21H2 (Gen2)</br>- Multi session supported for 21H2 (Gen 2)|
+|Azure virtual desktop (AVD)|- Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</br>- Multi session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2 |- Single session supported for 22H2</br>- Multi session supported for 22H2|
+|Hyper-V |- Single session supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2</br>- Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 20H2, 21H1, 21H2 |- Single session supported for 22H2</br>- Multi session with Hybrid AD join supported for 22H2|
+#### Known issues
+1. You cannot monitor Copy to Clipboard and Enforcing Endpoint DLP on Azure Virtual Desktop environments via browsers. However the same egress operation will be monitored by Endpoint DLP for actions via Remote Desktop Session (RDP) today.
+1. Citrix XenApp doesn't support access by unallowed app monitoring.
+#### Limitations
+1. Handling of USBs in virtualized environments: USB storage devices are treated as network shares. You need to include the **Copy to network share** activity to monitor **Copy to a USB device**. All activity explorer events for virtual devices and incident alerts will show the **Copy to a network share** activity for all copy to USB events.
+ ## macOS onboarding procedures For a general introduction to onboarding macOS devices, see:
compliance Endpoint Dlp Learn About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md
You can use Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) to monitor the actions
> [!TIP] > If you are looking for device control for removable storage, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Removable Storage Access Control](../security/defender-endpoint/device-control-removable-storage-access-control.md#microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-device-control-removable-storage-access-control).
-> [!NOTE]
-> In Microsoft Purview, DLP policy evaluation of sensitive items occurs centrally, so there is no time lag for policies and policy updates to be distributed to individual devices. When a policy is updated in compliance center, it generally takes about an hour for those updates to be synchronized across the service. Once policy updates are synchronized, items on targeted devices are automatically re-evaluated the next time they are accessed or modified. (Preview) For Authorized Groups changes, the policy will need 24 hours to sync
- [!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)] ## Endpoint activities you can monitor and take action on
Say you want to block all items that contain credit card numbers from leaving en
See [Design a data loss prevention policy](dlp-policy-design.md) for more guidance on designing your DLP policies.
+> [!NOTE]
+> In Microsoft Purview, DLP policy evaluation of sensitive items occurs centrally, so there is no time lag for policies and policy updates to be distributed to individual devices. When a policy is updated in compliance center, it generally takes about an hour for those updates to be synchronized across the service. Once policy updates are synchronized, items on targeted devices are automatically re-evaluated the next time they are accessed or modified. (Preview) For Authorized Groups changes, the policy will need 24 hours to sync
+ ## Monitored files Endpoint DLP supports monitoring of these file types through policy:
DLP audits the activities for these file types, even if there isn't a policy mat
If you only want monitoring data from policy matches, you can turn off the **Always audit file activity for devices** in the endpoint DLP global settings.
-> [!NOTE]
-> If the **Always audit file activity for devices** setting is on, activities on any Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and .csv file are always audited even if the device is not targeted by any policy.
+ If the **Always audit file activity for devices** setting is on, activities on any Word, PowerPoint, Excel, PDF, and .csv file are always audited even if the device is not targeted by any policy.
-> [!TIP]
-> To ensure activities are audited for all supported file types, create a [custom DLP policy](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md).
+To ensure activities are audited for all supported file types, create a [custom DLP policy](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md).
Endpoint DLP monitors activity-based on MIME type, so activities will be captured even if the file extension is changed for these files types:
For example, if a file is copied to removable USB media, you'd see these attribu
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![copy to usb activity attributes.](../media/endpoint-dlp-learn-about-5-activity-attributes.png)
+## Just in time protection (preview)
+> If you want to try out just in time protection, you have to register your tenant at [Endpoint JIT Preview](https://aka.ms/EndpointJITPreview).
+Endpoint DLP can use **Just in time protection** once it is enabled in **Microsoft Purview compliance console** > **Settings**.
+Just in time protection applies a candidate policy to onboarded Windows 10/11 devices. The candidate policy blocks all egress activities on monitored files until policy evaluation completes successfully. The candidate policy is applied to:
+- Items that have never been evaluated.
+- Items on which the evaluation has gone stale. These are previously evaluated items that haven't been reevaluated by the current, updated cloud versions of the policies.
+You can prevent a file from being permanently blocked if policy evaluation starts on a file, but doesn't complete. Use the **Just in time protection configuration** fallback setting to either **Allow** or **Block** egress activities if policy evaluation doesn't complete <!--in 30 seconds-->. You configure fallback settings in **Microsoft Purview compliance console** > **Settings** > **Just in time protection configuration** > **Decide what happens if JIT protection fails**.
+> [!TIP]
+> Because the candidate policy from just in time protection is applied to all files on onboarded devices, it may block user activity on files that won't have a policy applied once evaluation occurs. To prevent this productivity interruption, you should configure and deploy policies to devices before enabling just in time protection.
+ ## Next steps Now that you've learned about Endpoint DLP, your next steps are:
compliance Insider Risk Management Activities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-activities.md
Reviewing, investigating, and acting on potentially risky insider alerts are imp
Becoming overwhelmed with the number of alerts produced by your insider risk management policies could be frustrating. The number of alerts can be quickly addressed with simple steps, depending on the types of alert volume you're receiving. You may be receiving too many valid alerts or have too many stale low-risk alerts. Consider taking the following actions: - **Adjust your insider risk policies**: Selecting and configuring the correct insider risk policy is the most basic method to address the type and volume of alerts. Starting with the appropriate [policy template](insider-risk-management-policy-templates.md#policy-templates) helps focus the types of risk activities and alerts you'll see. Other factors that may impact alert volume are the size of the in-scope user and groups and the content and [channels that are prioritized](insider-risk-management-policies.md#prioritize-content-in-policies). Consider adjusting policies to refine these areas to what is most important for your organization.-- **Modify your insider risk settings**: Insider risk settings include a wide variety of configuration options that can impact the volume and types of alerts you'll receive. These include settings for [policy indicators](insider-risk-management-settings.md#policy-indicators), [indicator thresholds](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicator-level-settings), and [policy timeframes](insider-risk-management-settings.md#policy-timeframes). Consider configuring [intelligent detections](insider-risk-management-settings.md#intelligent-detections) options to exclude specific file types and sensitive info types, trainable classifiers, define minimum thresholds before activity alerts are reported by your policies, and change the alert volume configuration to a lower setting. You can also take advantage of real-time analytics (preview) to [see the effects of customizing thresholds settings before pushing your policies live](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicator-level-settings).
+- **Modify your insider risk settings**: Insider risk settings include a wide variety of configuration options that can impact the volume and types of alerts you'll receive. These include settings for [policy indicators](insider-risk-management-settings.md#policy-indicators), [indicator thresholds](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicator-level-settings), and [policy timeframes](insider-risk-management-settings.md#policy-timeframes). Consider configuring [intelligent detections](insider-risk-management-settings.md#intelligent-detections) options to exclude specific file types and sensitive info types, trainable classifiers, define minimum thresholds before activity alerts are reported by your policies, and change the alert volume configuration to a lower setting.
- **Enable inline alert customization (preview)**: Enabling [inline alert customization](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings#inline-alert-customization-preview) allows analysts and investigators to quickly edit policies when reviewing alerts. They can update thresholds for activity detection with Microsoft recommendations, configure custom thresholds, or choose to ignore the type of activity that created the alert. If this is not enabled, then only users assigned to the *Insider Risk Management* role group can use inline alert customization. - **Bulk deletion of alerts where applicable**: It may help save triage time for your analysts and investigators to immediately [dismiss multiple alerts](insider-risk-management-activities.md#dismiss-multiple-alerts-preview) at once. You can select up to 400 alerts to dismiss at one time.
compliance Retention Label Flow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-label-flow.md
Previously updated : 02/27/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023 audience: Admin
description: Instructions how to configure a retention label with custom actions
When you configure a [retention label](retention.md) to retain items for a specific period, you specify what action to take at the end of that retention period. You can choose from the built-in actions of permanently deleting the item, relabeling the item, deactivating the label, and starting a disposition review.
-However, if you choose the option to run a Power Automate flow, currently rolling out in preview, this label configuration supports custom actions such as:
+However, if you choose the option to run a Power Automate flow, currently in preview, this label configuration supports custom actions such as:
- Send an email notification to a records manager, or to the person who created or last modified a document - Move a document item to a SharePoint location where you centrally store records You can also select the Microsoft 365 compliance label-specific actions of relabel the item or permanently delete it:
-![Configuring a Power Automate flow for when the retention period expires.](../media/retention-label-power-automate.png)
+![Configuring a Power Automate flow for when an item reaches the end of its retention period.](../media/retention-label-power-automate.png)
For example, a flow can move the item, relabel it, and then send an email notification.
The following processes show the high-level overview of how retention labels wor
![Process overview of how retention labels work with a Power Automate flow.](../media/retention-label-flow-overview.png)
-In Power Automate, you create an automated cloud flow from blank that uses the trigger **When the retention period expires**. Then, add one or more steps and specify the operations that run your choice of actions.
+In Power Automate, you create an automated cloud flow from blank that uses the trigger **When an item reaches the end of its retention period**. Then, add one or more steps and specify the operations that run your choice of actions.
Next, in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, create a new retention label with the following configuration: - Retain the item for a specified period of time
Apply the label using either of the following methods:
When the retention period expires, your configured flow runs.
-## Limitations for this scenario
+> [!NOTE]
+> In a Power Automate flow, you can also select the action **Apply a retention label on the item**. This action is independent from this scenario that applies actions at the end of the retention period. Instead, it's the equivalent to manually applying a retention label. The label is applied immediately.
+## Add resilience to your flow
+Although optional, we recommend you always add the **Trigger a new instance of the flow if an item can't be located** action before **Relabel an item at the end of retention** and **Deletes an item at the end of retention**.
-- Not currently supported for [Microsoft 365 Multi-Geo](/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-multi-geo).
+This additional action is required for files that have been moved or renamed after an instance of the flow has been triggered but your specified compliance actions haven't completed. Without it, a renamed or moved file would result in the flow failing because it can't find the file.
+Although renaming and moving files after an instance of the flow is triggered are an unusual occurrence, adding this recommended action improves the reliability of the compliance actions succeeding because the current path and name of the file is retrieved automatically just before the selected actions run.
+## Limitations for this scenario
- You must create a new retention label to run a flow at the end of the retention period. You can't edit an existing retention label for this configuration.
When the retention period expires, your configured flow runs.
Power Automate is a workflow service that automates actions across applications and services. Specific to running a Power Automate flow at the end of the retention period: - You must have a [Power Automate plan](/power-platform/admin/power-automate-licensing/types) that includes premium connectors, separate from your Microsoft 365 compliance plan. -- The Power Automate flow must be an automated cloud flow that is created from blank, and configured to use the trigger **When the retention period expires**.
+- The Power Automate flow must be an automated cloud flow that is created from blank, and configured to use the trigger **When an item reaches the end of its retention period**.
For more information about how to use and configure the dependent automated cloud flows, see the [Microsoft Power Automate Documentation](/power-automate).
For more information about how to use and configure the dependent automated clou
![Configuring a retention label to run a Power Automate flow after the retention period expires.](../media/retention-label-flow-configuration.png)
- 3. From the **Select a Power Automate flow** flyout pane, you'll see any automated cloud flows that you created (or somebody has shared with you) and that have the **When the retention period expires** trigger.
+ 3. From the **Select a Power Automate flow** flyout pane, you'll see any automated cloud flows that you created (or somebody has shared with you) and that have the **When an item reaches the end of its retention period** trigger.
Select the flow you want, and complete the configuration to create the retention label.
compliance Sit Defn France National Id Card https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-france-national-id-card.md
description: "France national ID card (CNI) sensitive information type entity de
## Format
-Twelve digits
-Twelve letters and digits
+Twelve digits
+Twelve letters and digits
+ Nine letters and digits ## Pattern Twelve digits+
+ Combination of twelve digits and letters+
+ Combination of nine digits and letters ## Checksum
compliance Sit Defn Indonesia Identity Card Number https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-indonesia-identity-card-number.md
description: "Indonesia identity card (KTP) number sensitive information type en
## Format
-16 digits containing optional periods
+Sixteen digits
## Pattern
-16 digits:
+Sixteen digits:
- Two-digit province code-- A period (optional)-- Two-digit regency or city code-- Two-digit subdistrict code-- A period (optional)
+- Four digits
- Six digits in the format DDMMYY, which are the date of birth-- A period (optional) - Four digits ## Checksum
compliance Sit Defn Portugal Citizen Card Number https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-portugal-citizen-card-number.md
description: "Portugal citizen card number sensitive information type entity def
## Format
-eight digits
+Twelve alphanumeric characters
## Pattern
-eight digits
+Twelve alphanumeric characters:
+- Eight digits
+- An optional space or dash "-"
+- One digit
+- An optional space
+- Two characters
+- One check digit
## Checksum
## Definition
compliance Sit Defn South Korea Resident Registration Number https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-south-korea-resident-registration-number.md
description: "South Korea resident registration number sensitive information typ
## Format
-13 digits containing a hyphen
+Thirteen digits containing a hyphen
## Pattern
description: "South Korea resident registration number sensitive information typ
- six digits in the format YYMMDD, which are the date of birth - a hyphen-- one digit determined by the century and gender-- four-digit region-of-birth code-- one digit used to differentiate people for whom the preceding numbers are identical-- a check digit.
+- seven digits
## Checksum
## Definition
compliance Sit Defn Us Individual Taxpayer Identification Number https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-us-individual-taxpayer-identification-number.md
- the digit "9" - two digits-- a "7" or "8"-- five digits
+- two digits "50" to "65", "70" to "88", ΓÇ£90ΓÇ¥ to ΓÇ£92ΓÇ¥, and ΓÇ£94ΓÇ¥ to ΓÇ£99ΓÇ¥ for the fourth and fifth digits
+- four digits
## Checksum
compliance Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/whats-new.md
Previously updated : 03/24/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023 audience: Admin
Whether it be adding new solutions to the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](
- Clarification on the [Filter email blasts feature and why the report might include unexpected senders](communication-compliance-configure.md#step-5-required-create-a-communication-compliance-policy). - Clarification that [Translation view includes associated conversation view messages](communication-compliance-investigate-remediate.md#step-2-examine-the-message-details).
+### Data lifecycle management and records management
+- **Improvements that support Power Automate flows**: Now rolling out to support the scenario of [customizing what happens at the end of the retention period](retention-label-flow.md), the existing Power Automate compliance actions have been renamed to more accurately describe their purpose. **Apply label on the item** is renamed **Relabel an item at the end of retention**, and **Deletes the item** is renamed **Deletes an item at the end of retention**. Additionally:
+ - New compliance action to [improve the resilience of your flow](retention-label-flow.md#add-resilience-to-your-flow).
+ - The trigger action **When the retention period expires** is renamed **When an item reaches the end of its retention period**.
+ - New compliance action of **Apply a retention label on the item** to apply a retention label independently from this scenario, as if manually applying a label. The label doesn't need to be published and the retention label is applied immediately.
+ ### eDiscovery - Updates for [hold type values](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-identify-a-hold-on-an-exchange-online-mailbox#review-the-results-of-the-mailbox-diagnostics-logs) in the Mailbox diagnostic logs.
enterprise Add Several Users At The Same Time https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/add-several-users-at-the-same-time.md
Each person on your team needs a user account before they can sign in and access
Your spreadsheet also needs to include values for the user name (like bob@contoso.com) and a display name (like Bob Kelly) for each user. ```
- User Name,First Name,Last Name,Display Name,Job Title,Department,Office Number,Office Phone,Mobile Phone,Fax,Address,City,State or Province,ZIP or Postal Code,Country or Region
- chris@contoso.com,Chris,Green,Chris Green,IT Manager,Information Technology,123451,123-555-1211,123-555-6641,123-555-6700,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
- ben@contoso.com,Ben,Andrews,Ben Andrews,IT Manager,Information Technology,123452,123-555-1212,123-555-6642,123-555-6700,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
- david@contoso.com,David,Longmuir,David Longmuir,IT Manager,Information Technology,123453,123-555-1213,123-555-6643,123-555-6700,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
- cynthia@contoso.com,Cynthia,Carey,Cynthia Carey,IT Manager,Information Technology,123454,123-555-1214,123-555-6644,123-555-6700,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
- melissa@contoso.com,Melissa,MacBeth,Melissa MacBeth,IT Manager,Information Technology,123455,123-555-1215,123-555-6645,123-555-6700,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
+ User Name,First Name,Last Name,Display Name,Job Title,Department,Office Number,Office Phone,Mobile Phone,Fax,Alternate email address,Address,City,State or Province,ZIP or Postal Code,Country or Region
+ chris@contoso.com,Chris,Green,Chris Green,IT Manager,Information Technology,123451,123-555-1211,123-555-6641,123-555-6700,chris@contoso.com,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
+ ben@contoso.com,Ben,Andrews,Ben Andrews,IT Manager,Information Technology,123452,123-555-1212,123-555-6642,123-555-6700,chris@contoso.com,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
+ david@contoso.com,David,Longmuir,David Longmuir,IT Manager,Information Technology,123453,123-555-1213,123-555-6643,123-555-6700,chris@contoso.com,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
+ cynthia@contoso.com,Cynthia,Carey,Cynthia Carey,IT Manager,Information Technology,123454,123-555-1214,123-555-6644,123-555-6700,chris@contoso.com,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
+ melissa@contoso.com,Melissa,MacBeth,Melissa MacBeth,IT Manager,Information Technology,123455,123-555-1215,123-555-6645,123-555-6700,chris@contoso.com,1 Microsoft way,Redmond,Wa,98052,United States
When you save the file, you'll probably get a prompt that some features in your
- **What if I don't have all the information required for each user?** The user name and display name are required, and you cannot add a new user without this information. If you don't have some of the other information, such as the fax, you can use a space plus a comma to indicate that the field should remain blank. -- **How small or large can the spreadsheet be?** The spreadsheet must have at least two rows. One is for the column headings (the user data column label) and one for the user. You cannot have more than 251 rows. If you need to import more than 250 users, you can create more than one spreadsheet.
+- **How small or large can the spreadsheet be?** The spreadsheet must have at least two rows. One is for the column headings (the user data column label) and one for the user. You cannot have more than 250 rows. If you need to import more than 249 users, you can create more than one spreadsheet.
- **What languages can I use?** When you create your spreadsheet, you can enter user data column labels in any language or characters, but you must not change the order of the labels, as shown in the sample. You can then make entries into the fields, using any language or characters, and save your file in a Unicode or UTF-8 format.
enterprise Multi Tenant People Search https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/multi-tenant-people-search.md
Multi-tenant organization people search is supported across a range of scenarios
A tenant can be both home and resource tenant simultaneously. - _Cross-Tenant synchronization_ is a feature that enables multi-tenant organizations to grant users access to applications in other tenants within the organization. It achieves this by synchronizing internal member users from a home tenant into a resource tenant as external B2B users.-
-## Provide feedback
-Use this [form](https://aka.ms/MTOpeoplesearchpreviewfeedback) to provide feedback to the MTO people search team.
-## Frequently asked questions
-If you have questions regarding cross tenant synchronization, see [Cross Tenants Synchronization FAQs](/azure/active-directory/multi-tenant-organizations/cross-tenant-synchronization-overview#frequently-asked-questions)
-1. What are the license requirements for MTO people search?
-A: Cross-tenant Synchronization is a pre-requisite to Multi-tenant people search feature. The licensing requirements for cross tenant synchronization can be found here. [License requirements](/azure/active-directory/multi-tenant-organizations/cross-tenant-synchronization-overview#license-requirements)
-2. What is the sync schedule?
-A: The cross-tenant sync interval is currently fixed to start at 40-minute intervals. Sync duration varies based on the number of in-scope users. The initial sync cycle is likely to take significantly longer than the following incremental sync cycles.
-3. How long does it take to discover a synced user in M365 people search experiences?
-A: The synced users will be available in the global address list right away. However, it make take up to a day for the user to be discoverable in people search experiences in M365 applications.
-4. What attributes are synchronized from the home to the resource tenant?
-A: Cross-tenant synchronization will sync commonly used attributes on the user object in Azure AD, including (but not limited to) displayName, userPrincipalName, and directory extension attributes.
--- What attributes can't be synchronized?-
-Attributes including (but not limited to) managers, photos, custom security attributes, and user attributes outside of the directory can't be synchronized by cross-tenant synchronization.
-All synced attributes will be displayed on the people card if available. For more information on attribute syncing, see [this page.](/azure/active-directory/multi-tenant-organizations/cross-tenant-synchronization-overview#attributes)
-7. Is there a limit to how many tenants we can apply this to?
-A: No
-8. Is there a limit on the number of user objects that can be synced?
-A: No. However, it is important to note that if there are more users to be synced in a single job, it will take longer to complete. [How long will it take to provision users](/azure/active-directory/app-provisioning/application-provisioning-when-will-provisioning-finish-specific-user#how-long-will-it-take-to-provision-users)
-9. Can I sync users as guests rather than members?
-A: Yes. However, to enable M365 MTO people search and future MTO scenarios, we require you to sync users as members. Guests are intended for cross-company scenarios, whereas members are intended for tenants within the same company.
frontline Virtual Appointments App https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments-app.md
description: Get an overview of how to use the Virtual Appointments app in Teams
appliesto: - Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers Previously updated : 02/01/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023 # Use the Virtual Appointments app in Microsoft Teams
This article gives you an overview of how to schedule, manage, and conduct virtu
If youΓÇÖre an admin, see [Manage the Virtual Appointments app](/microsoftteams/manage-virtual-appointments-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json) to learn about how to control access to the app in your organization.
+Users can find the Virtual Appointments app in the Teams app store, or you can share the [installation link](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/app/6e106207-4565-4312-b3ea-bbe9b3ed0a02?source=app-details-dialog) to help them find it. You can use an [app setup policy](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies) to pin the app for your organization, or your users can [pin the app themselves](https://support.microsoft.com/office/pin-an-app-for-easy-access-3045fd44-6604-4ba7-8ecc-1c0d525e89ec).
+ ## Set up a new booking calendar You must be a Bookings admin to set up and manage booking calendar settings.
frontline Virtual Appointments https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments.md
appliesto: - Microsoft Teams - Microsoft 365 for frontline workers Previously updated : 02/01/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023 # Virtual Appointments with Microsoft Teams
To learn more, see:
- [Use the Virtual Appointments app](virtual-appointments-app.md) - [Manage the Virtual Appointments app](/microsoftteams/manage-virtual-appointments-app?bc=/microsoft-365/frontline/breadcrumb/toc.json&toc=/microsoft-365/frontline/toc.json)
+Users can find the Virtual Appointments app in the Teams app store, or you can share the [installation link](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/app/6e106207-4565-4312-b3ea-bbe9b3ed0a02?source=app-details-dialog) to help them find it. You can use an [app setup policy](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies) to pin the app for your organization, or your users can [pin the app themselves](https://support.microsoft.com/office/pin-an-app-for-easy-access-3045fd44-6604-4ba7-8ecc-1c0d525e89ec).
+ ## The Bookings app The [Bookings app](https://support.microsoft.com/office/what-is-bookings-42d4e852-8e99-4d8f-9b70-d7fc93973cb5) in Teams offers a simple way to schedule and manage virtual appointments. Use it to schedule virtual appointments such as financial consultations, healthcare visits, interviews, customer support, virtual fittings and consultations, and education office hours.
includes Microsoft 365 Content Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/includes/microsoft-365-content-updates.md
+## Week of March 20, 2023
+| Published On |Topic title | Change |
+| 3/21/2023 | [Connect your DNS records at GoDaddy to Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-godaddy?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/21/2023 | [Detailed properties in the audit log](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-log-detailed-properties?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/21/2023 | [View documents in a review set in eDiscovery (Premium)](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-view-documents-in-review-set?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/21/2023 | [Overview of Copilot in Microsoft Syntex](/microsoft-365/syntex/syntex-copilot) | added |
+| 3/20/2023 | [Security Operations Guide for Defender for Office 365](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/mdo-sec-ops-guide?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/20/2023 | [Responding to a Compromised Email Account](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/responding-to-a-compromised-email-account?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/20/2023 | [Microsoft 365 alert policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/alert-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/20/2023 | [Deploy a task automatically in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-deploy-task-automatically?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/20/2023 | [Understand deployment statuses in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-understand-deployment-statuses?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Create and manage communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Learn about importing organization PST files](/microsoft-365/compliance/importing-pst-files-to-office-365?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Purview risk and compliance solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/whats-new?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Removable Storage frequently asked questions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-control-removable-storage-access-control-faq?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Supported Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities by platform](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/supported-capabilities-by-platform?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/21/2023 | [Plan for insider risk management](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-plan?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/21/2023 | [Minimum versions for sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365 Apps](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-versions?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Turn the profile video feature on or off for all users in your Microsoft 365 organization](/microsoft-365/admin/misc/admin-controls-profile-videos?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Microsoft Secure Score for Devices](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/tvm-microsoft-secure-score-devices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Audit log activities](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-log-activities?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Select the domain to use for email from Microsoft 365 products](/microsoft-365/admin/email/select-domain-to-use-for-email-from-microsoft-365-products?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Use data connectors to import and archive third-party data in Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/compliance/archiving-third-party-data?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/22/2023 | [Microsoft recommendations for EOP and Defender for Office 365 security settings](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft 365 Business Premium and Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-mdb-whats-new?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Onboard your organization's devices to Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-onboard-devices-mdb?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Use retention labels to manage SharePoint document lifecycle](/microsoft-365/compliance/auto-apply-retention-labels-scenario?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Mobile threat defense capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-mtd?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Onboard devices to Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-onboard-devices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Reports in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-reports?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Business troubleshooting](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-troubleshooting?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Add or remove a tag for multiple machines](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/add-or-remove-multiple-machine-tags?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 3/23/2023 | [Microsoft Teams SMS notifications usage report](/microsoft-365/frontline/sms-notifications-usage-report?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 3/23/2023 | [Overview of the Vulnerability management page in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-vulnerability-management-page-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 3/23/2023 | [Compare security features in Microsoft 365 plans for small and medium-sized businesses](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/compare-mdb-m365-plans?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/23/2023 | [Requirements for Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-requirements?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/23/2023 | [Deploy, manage, and report on Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deploy-manage-report-microsoft-defender-antivirus?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/23/2023 | Deploy and enable Microsoft Defender Antivirus | removed |
+| 3/23/2023 | Monitor and report on Microsoft Defender Antivirus protection | removed |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Add a new employee to Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/add-new-employee?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Delete a user from your organization](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/delete-a-user?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Microsoft 365 admin center - Overview](/microsoft-365/admin/admin-overview/admin-center-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Content collaboration](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/content-collaboration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Idle session timeout for Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/idle-session-timeout-web-apps?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Automatically apply a retention label to Microsoft 365 items](/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-retention-labels-automatically?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Purview risk and compliance solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/whats-new?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Protect macOS security settings with tamper protection](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tamperprotection-macos?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 3/24/2023 | Troubleshoot Microsoft Defender Antivirus while migrating from a third-party solution | removed |
+| 3/24/2023 | [Configure a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document library](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-default-label?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
++ ## Week of March 13, 2023
| 2/24/2023 | [Report spam, non-spam, phishing, suspicious emails and files to Microsoft](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-report-messages-files-to-microsoft?view=o365-worldwide) | modified | | 2/24/2023 | [Enable the Report Message or the Report Phishing add-ins](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-users-report-message-add-in-configure?view=o365-worldwide) | modified | | 2/24/2023 | [Manage allows and blocks in the Tenant Allow/Block List](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/tenant-allow-block-list-about?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |--
-## Week of February 13, 2023
-| Published On |Topic title | Change |
-| 2/14/2023 | [Microsoft 365 admin center - Overview](/microsoft-365/admin/admin-overview/admin-center-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/14/2023 | [Operationalize attack surface reduction (ASR) rules](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/14/2023 | [Limit guest sharing to specific organizations](/microsoft-365/solutions/limit-guest-sharing-to-specific-organization?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/13/2023 | [Virtual Appointments with Teams - Integration into Oracle Health EHR](/microsoft-365/frontline/ehr-admin-oracle-health?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
-| 2/13/2023 | [Learn about retention policies & labels to retain or delete](/microsoft-365/compliance/retention?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/14/2023 | [Manage protected devices with Microsoft 365 Business Premium](/microsoft-365/business/manage-protected-devices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/14/2023 | [All credentials entity definition](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-all-creds?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Security defaults and Conditional Access](/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-conditional-access?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Introduction to information management policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/intro-to-info-mgmt-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Compare security features in Microsoft 365 plans for small and medium-sized businesses](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/compare-mdb-m365-plans?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Get Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/get-defender-business?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Add users and assign licenses in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-add-users?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [View and edit your security settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-configure-security-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Understand next-generation protection configuration settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-next-gen-configuration-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Requirements for Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-requirements?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Set up and configure Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-setup-configuration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Manage Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates and apply baselines](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-updates-baselines-microsoft-defender-antivirus?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Common Zero Trust identity and device access policies - Microsoft 365 for enterprise](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/identity-access-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/15/2023 | [Connect your DNS records at IONOS by 1&1 to Microsoft 365](/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-1-1-internet?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/15/2023 | [Manage self-service purchases and trials (for admins)](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/manage-self-service-purchases-admins?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Comment and collaborate using annotations in Microsoft Syntex](/microsoft-365/syntex/annotations) | added |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Export documents from a review set in eDiscovery (Premium)](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-export-documents-from-review-set?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Integrate your SIEM tools with Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/configure-siem-defender?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Microsoft Syntex documentation # < 60 chars](/microsoft-365/syntex/index) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Onboard devices to Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-onboard-devices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Cross-tenant mailbox migration](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-mailbox-migration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Overview of Microsoft Syntex](/microsoft-365/syntex/syntex-overview) | modified |
-| 2/16/2023 | [Bookings with me](/microsoft-365/bookings/bookings-in-outlook?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/17/2023 | [Learn about data loss prevention](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/17/2023 | [Configure the delivery of third-party phishing simulations to users and unfiltered messages to SecOps mailboxes](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 2/17/2023 | [Use network protection to help prevent Linux connections to bad sites](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection-linux?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
includes Prerelease https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/includes/prerelease.md
-> Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
+> Some information in this article relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
security Active Content In Trusted Docs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/active-content-in-trusted-docs.md
The updated Trust Center logic is described in the following diagram:
1. A user opens an Office document that contains active content.
-2. If the document is from a trusted location, the document is opened with the active content enabled. If the document is not from a trusted location, the evaluation continues.
+2. If the document is from a trusted location, the document is opened with the active content enabled. If the document isn't from a trusted location, the evaluation continues.
-3. It is here the updated behavior takes effect:
+3. It's here the updated behavior takes effect:
- Previously, the next evaluated setting would have been if the user had identified this document as a trusted document. If they did, the document would open with the active content enabled.
- - Now, whether or not the user identified the document as a trusted document is not considered here (now at step 8).
+ - Now, whether or not the user identified the document as a trusted document isn't considered here (now at step 8).
The fundamental change in behavior is described as follows: cloud policies (step 4), group policies (step 6), and local settings (step 7) are checked _before_ the user designation of a trusted document is even considered. If any of those steps block access to the active content **and** none of the steps allow user overrides, then user identification of the document as a trusted document is irrelevant.
-4. Cloud policies are checked to see if this type of active content is allowed or blocked. If the active content is not blocked, the evaluation continues to step 6.
+4. Cloud policies are checked to see if this type of active content is allowed or blocked. If the active content isn't blocked, the evaluation continues to step 6.
If the active content is blocked by policy, the experience is described in step 5.
The updated Trust Center logic is described in the following diagram:
a. **User override not allowed**: The user can't open the document and the evaluation stops. b. **User override allowed**: The user can click the link in the trust bar to open the document with the active content enabled.
-6. Group policies are checked to see if this type of active content is allowed or blocked. If the active content is not blocked, the evaluation continues to step 7.
+6. Group policies are checked to see if this type of active content is allowed or blocked. If the active content isn't blocked, the evaluation continues to step 7.
If the active content is blocked by policy, the experience is described in step 5.
-7. Local settings are checked to see if this type of active content is allowed or blocked. If the active content is blocked, the opening of the document is blocked with a notification in the trust bar. If the active content is not blocked, the evaluation continues.
+7. Local settings are checked to see if this type of active content is allowed or blocked. If the active content is blocked, the opening of the document is blocked with a notification in the trust bar. If the active content isn't blocked, the evaluation continues.
8. If the user previously identified the document as a trusted document, the document is opened with the active content enabled. If not, the opening of the document is blocked. ## What is a trusted document?
-Trusted documents are Office documents that open without any security prompts for macros, ActiveX controls, and other types of active content in the document. Protected View or Application Guard is not used to open the document. When users open a Trusted Document, and all active content is enabled. Even if the document contains new active content or updates to existing active content, users won't receive security prompts the next time they open the document.
+Trusted documents are Office documents that open without any security prompts for macros, ActiveX controls, and other types of active content in the document. Protected View or Application Guard isn't used to open the document. When users open a Trusted Document, and all active content is enabled. Even if the document contains new active content or updates to existing active content, users won't receive security prompts the next time they open the document.
Because of this behavior, users should clearly trust documents only if they trust the document source.
Admins have many ways to configure Office in an organization. For example:
- **Office policies in Intune**: Use the Intune Settings catalog or Administrative templates to deploy HKCU policies to Windows 10 PCs: In the [Intune admin center](https://endpoint.microsoft.com/#blade/Microsoft_Intune_DeviceSettings/DevicesMenu/configurationProfiles) under **Devices** \> **Configuration Profiles**. - ***Administrative Templates***: See instructions to use Windows 10 templates to configure [Administrative Templates](/mem/intune/configuration/administrative-templates-windows). - ***Settings catalog (preview)***: See instructions to use the [Settings catalog](/mem/intune/configuration/settings-catalog).-- **Group policy**: Use your on-premise Active Directory to deploy group policy objects (GPOs) to users and computers. To create a GPO for this setting, download the latest [Administrative Template files (ADMX/ADML) and Office Customization Tool for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Office 2019, and Office 2016](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=49030).
+- **Group policy**: Use your on-premises Active Directory to deploy group policy objects (GPOs) to users and computers. To create a GPO for this setting, download the latest [Administrative Template files (ADMX/ADML) and Office Customization Tool for Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Office 2019, and Office 2016](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=49030).
## Known issues -- When the policy **VBA Macro notifications** (Access, PowerPoint, Visio, Word) or **Macro notifications** (Excel) is set to the value **Disable all except digitally signed macros**, the expected trust bar is not displayed, and **Security Information** in the backstage does not list details of macros blocked, even though the setting is working as expected. The Office team is working to resolve this issue.
+- When the policy **VBA Macro notifications** (Access, PowerPoint, Visio, Word) or **Macro notifications** (Excel) is set to the value **Disable all except digitally signed macros**, the expected trust bar is not displayed, and **Security Information** in the backstage doesn't list details of macros blocked, even though the setting is working as expected. The Office team is working to resolve this issue.
## Admin options for restricting active content
The tables in the following sections describe the settings that control active c
|ActiveX|Office|Load Controls in Forms3|**1**|**Yes** for the following values: <ul><li>**2**</li><li>**3**</li></ul>| |Add-ins & Extensibility|Excel <p> PowerPoint <p> Project <p> Publisher <p> Visio <p> Word|Disable Trust Bar Notification for unsigned application add-ins and block them|**Enabled**|**Yes** for the value **Disabled**.| |Add-ins & Extensibility|Excel <p> PowerPoint <p> Project <p> Publisher <p> Visio <p> Word|Require that application add-ins are signed by Trusted Publisher|**Enabled**|No|
-|Add-ins & Extensibility|Excel|Do not show AutoRepublish warning alert|**Disabled**|No|
+|Add-ins & Extensibility|Excel|Don't show AutoRepublish warning alert|**Disabled**|No|
|Add-ins & Extensibility|Excel|WEBSERVICE Function Notification Settings|**Disable all with notification**|**Yes** for the following values: <ul><li>**Disable all with notification**</li><li>**Disabled**</li><li>**Not configured**</li></ul>| |Add-ins & Extensibility|Office|Disable the Office client from polling the SharePoint Server for published links|**Disabled**|No| |Add-ins & Extensibility|Office|Disable UI extending from documents and templates|Disallow in Word = True <p> Disallow in Project = False <p> Disallow in Excel = True <p> Disallow in Visio= False <p> Disallow in PowerPoint = True <p> Disallow in Access = True <p> Disallow in Outlook = True <p> Disallow in Publisher = True <p> Disallow in InfoPath = True|No|
The tables in the following sections describe the settings that control active c
|DDE|Excel|Don't allow Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server lookup in Excel|**Enabled**|**Yes** for the following values: <ul><li>**Disabled**</li><li>**Not configured**</li></ul>| |DDE|Word|Dynamic Data Exchange|**Disabled**|No| |Jscript & VBScript|Outlook|Allow scripts in one-off Outlook forms|**Disabled**|No|
-|Jscript & VBScript|Outlook|Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public folders|**Enabled**|No|
-|Jscript & VBScript|Outlook|Do not allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared folders|**Enabled**|No|
+|Jscript & VBScript|Outlook|Don't allow Outlook object model scripts to run for public folders|**Enabled**|No|
+|Jscript & VBScript|Outlook|Don't allow Outlook object model scripts to run for shared folders|**Enabled**|No|
|Macros|Excel|Macro Notifications|**Disable all except digitally signed macros**|**Yes** for the following values: <ul><li>**Disabled**</li><li>**Not configured**</li></ul>| |Macros|Access <p> PowerPoint <p> Project <p> Publisher <p> Visio <p> Word|VBA Macro Notification Settings|**Disable all except digitally signed macros** <p> and <p> **Require macros to be signed by a trusted publisher**|**Yes** for the following values: <ul><li>**Disabled**</li><li>**Not configured**</li></ul>| |Macros|Access <p> Excel <p> PowerPoint <p> Visio <p> Word|Block macros from running in Office files from the Internet|**Enabled**|**Yes** for the following values: <ul><li>**Disabled**</li><li>**Not configured**</li></ul>|
security Add A New Scan Definition https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/add-a-new-scan-definition.md
If successful, this method returns 200 - Ok response code and the updated Machin
## Example request to add a new scan
-Here is an example of a request that adds a new scan.
+Here's an example of a request that adds a new scan.
```http POST https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/DeviceAuthenticatedScanDefinitions
POST https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/DeviceAuthenticatedScanDefinit
## Example request to delete scans
-Here is an example of a request that deletes scans.
+Here's an example of a request that deletes scans.
```http POST https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/DeviceAuthenticatedScanDefinitions/BatchDelete
POST https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/DeviceAuthenticatedScanDefinit
## Example request to update a scan
-Here is an example of a request that updates a scan.
+Here's an example of a request that updates a scan.
```http PATCH https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/DeviceAuthenticatedScanDefinitions/a07c400a-f8e1-4329-ae66-7d3be65df0ec
security Android Configure Mam https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-configure-mam.md
Last updated 01/13/2023
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android, which already protects enterprise users on Mobile Device Management (MDM) scenarios, now extends support to Mobile App Management (MAM), for devices that are not enrolled using Intune mobile device management (MDM). It also extends this support to customers who use other enterprise mobility management solutions, while still using Intune for mobile application management (MAM). This capability allows you to manage and protect your organization's data within an application.
+Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android, which already protects enterprise users on Mobile Device Management (MDM) scenarios, now extends support to Mobile App Management (MAM), for devices that aren't enrolled using Intune mobile device management (MDM). It also extends this support to customers who use other enterprise mobility management solutions, while still using Intune for mobile application management (MAM). This capability allows you to manage and protect your organization's data within an application.
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android threat information is applied by Intune App Protection Policies to protect these apps. App protection policies (APP) are rules that ensure an organization's data remains safe or contained in a managed app. A managed application has app protection policies applied to it and can be managed by Intune.
End users also need to take steps to install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on
b. Select **Settings > Endpoints > Advanced Features > Microsoft Intune Connection** is turned on.
- c. If the connection is not turned on, select the toggle to turn it on and then select **Save Preferences**.
+ c. If the connection isn't turned on, select the toggle to turn it on and then select **Save Preferences**.
:::image type="content" source="images/enable-intune-connection.png" alt-text="The Advanced features section in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal." lightbox="images/enable-intune-connection.png":::
End users also need to take steps to install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on
2. Select **Continue**. A screen is presented which recommends downloading and setting up of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android app.
-3. Select **Download**. You will be redirected to the app store (Google play).
+3. Select **Download**. You'll be redirected to the app store (Google play).
4. Install the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (Mobile) app and launch back Managed app onboarding screen. :::image type="content" source="images/download-mde.png" alt-text="The illustrative pages that contain the procedure of downloading MDE and launching back the app-onboarding screen." lightbox="images/download-mde.png":::
-5. Click **Continue > Launch**. The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app onboarding/activation flow is initiated. Follow the steps to complete onboarding. You will automatically be redirected back to Managed app onboarding screen, which now indicates that the device is healthy.
+5. Click **Continue > Launch**. The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app onboarding/activation flow is initiated. Follow the steps to complete onboarding. You'll automatically be redirected back to Managed app onboarding screen, which now indicates that the device is healthy.
6. Select **Continue** to log into the managed application.
Web protection helps to secure devices against web threats and protect users fro
2. Provide a name and description to uniquely identify the policy. Target the policy to **'Selected apps'** and search for **'Microsoft Defender Endpoint for Android'**. Click the entry and then click **Select** and then **Next**.
-3. Add the key and value from the table below. Ensure that the **"DefenderMAMConfigs"** key is present in every policy that you create using Managed Apps route. For Managed Devices route, this key should not exist. When you are done, click **Next**.
+3. Add the key and value from the following table. Ensure that the **"DefenderMAMConfigs"** key is present in every policy that you create using Managed Apps route. For Managed Devices route, this key shouldn't exist. When you're done, click **Next**.
| Key | Value Type | Default (true-enable, false-disable) | Description | | | | | |
Use the following steps to enable Optional permissions for devices.
1. Add **DefenderMAMConfigs** key and set the value as 1. 1. To enable Optional permissions, enter value as **true** and assign this policy to users. By default, this value is set to false.
-For users with key set as true, the users will be able to onboard the app without giving these permissions.
+For users with key set as true, the users are able to onboard the app without giving these permissions.
1. Select **Next** and assign this profile to targeted devices/users.
Users can install and open the app to start the onboarding process.
1. If an admin has setup Optional permissions, then users can choose to skip the VPN or accessibility permission or both and complete onboarding.
-2. Even if the user has skipped these permissions, the device will be able to onboard, and a heartbeat will be sent.
+2. Even if the user has skipped these permissions, the device is able to onboard, and a heartbeat will be sent.
-3. Since permissions are disabled, Web protection will not be active. It will be partially active if one of the permissions is given.
+3. Since permissions are disabled, Web protection won't be active. It will be partially active if one of the permissions is given.
4. Later, users can enable Web protection from within the app. This will install the VPN configuration on the device.
security Android Support Signin https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-support-signin.md
from Google Play Store and try again.
-You do not have Microsoft 365 license assigned, or your organization does not have a license for Microsoft 365 Enterprise subscription.
+You don't have Microsoft 365 license assigned, or your organization doesn't have a license for Microsoft 365 Enterprise subscription.
Contact your administrator for help.
## Report unsafe site
-Phishing websites impersonate trustworthy websites for the purpose of obtaining your personal or financial information. Visit the [Provide feedback about network protection](https://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/filesubmission/exploitguard/networkprotection) page if you want to report a website that could be a phishing site.
+Phishing websites impersonate trustworthy websites for obtaining your personal or financial information. Visit the [Provide feedback about network protection](https://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/filesubmission/exploitguard/networkprotection) page if you want to report a website that could be a phishing site.
## Phishing pages aren't blocked on some OEM devices
Phishing websites impersonate trustworthy websites for the purpose of obtaining
- **Xiaomi** Phishing and harmful web threats that are detected by Defender for Endpoint
-for Android are not blocked on some Xiaomi devices. The following functionality doesn't work on these devices.
+for Android aren't blocked on some Xiaomi devices. The following functionality doesn't work on these devices.
:::image type="content" source="images/0c04975c74746a5cdb085e1d9386e713.png" alt-text="A site-unsafe notification message" lightbox="images/0c04975c74746a5cdb085e1d9386e713.png":::
Defender App asks for Battery Optimization/Permanent Protection permission on de
-Xiaomi changed the battery optimization permissions in Android 11. Defender for Endpoint is not allowed to configure this setting to ignore battery optimizations.
+Xiaomi changed the battery optimization permissions in Android 11. Defender for Endpoint isn't allowed to configure this setting to ignore battery optimizations.
Xiaomi changed the battery optimization permissions in Android 11. Defender for
## Send in-app feedback
-If a user faces an issue which is not already addressed in the above sections or is unable to resolve using the listed steps, the user can provide **in-app feedback** along with **diagnostic data**. Our team can then investigate the logs to provide the right solution. Users can follow these steps to do the same:
+If a user faces an issue, which isn't already addressed in the above sections or is unable to resolve using the listed steps, the user can provide **in-app feedback** along with **diagnostic data**. Our team can then investigate the logs to provide the right solution. Users can follow these steps to do the same:
1. Open the **MDE application** on your device and click on the **profile icon** in the top-left corner.
If a user faces an issue which is not already addressed in the above sections or
:::image type="content" source="images/report-issue-4.jpg" alt-text="The I want to report an issue option" lightbox="images/report-issue-4.jpg":::
-5. Provide details of the issue that you are facing and check "Send diagnostic data". We recommend checking "Include your email address" so that the team can reach back to you with a solution or a follow-up.
+5. Provide details of the issue that you're facing and check "Send diagnostic data". We recommend checking "Include your email address" so that the team can reach back to you with a solution or a follow-up.
:::image type="content" source="images/finalsubmit5.png" alt-text="The pane on which you can add details and attach diagnostic data" lightbox="images/finalsubmit5.png":::
security Api Explorer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/api-explorer.md
The list of supported APIs is available in the [APIs documentation](apis-intro.m
## Get started with the API Explorer
-1. In the left pane, there is a list of sample requests that you can use.
+1. In the left pane, there's a list of sample requests that you can use.
2. Follow the links and click **Run query**. Some of the samples may require specifying a parameter in the URL, for example, {machine- ID}.
security Api Microsoft Flow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/api-microsoft-flow.md
Title: How to use Power Automate Connector to set up a Flow for events
-description: Use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Flow connector to create a flow that will be triggered any time a new event occurs on your tenant.
+description: Use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Flow connector to create a flow that will be triggered anytime a new event occurs on your tenant.
keywords: flow, supported apis, api, Microsoft flow, query, automation, power automate ms.mktglfcycl: deploy
Use this article to guide you in creating automations that are triggered by an e
:::image type="content" source="images/api-flow-0.png" alt-text="The Actions page in the Microsoft Defender 365 portal" lightbox="images/api-flow-0.png" ::: > [!NOTE]
-> For more details about premium connectors licensing prerequisites, see [Licensing for premium connectors](/power-automate/triggers-introduction#licensing-for-premium-connectors).
+> For more information about premium connectors licensing prerequisites, see [Licensing for premium connectors](/power-automate/triggers-introduction#licensing-for-premium-connectors).
## Usage example
-The following example demonstrates how to create a Flow that is triggered any time a new Alert occurs on your tenant. You'll be guided on defining what event starts the flow and what next action will be taken when that trigger occurs.
+The following example demonstrates how to create a Flow that is triggered anytime a new Alert occurs on your tenant. You'll be guided on defining what event starts the flow and what next action will be taken when that trigger occurs.
1. Log in to [Microsoft Power Automate](https://make.powerautomate.com).
The Alert trigger provides only the Alert ID and the Machine ID. You can use the
:::image type="content" source="images/api-flow-5.png" alt-text="The Actions pane" lightbox="images/api-flow-5.png":::
-3. Add a new step for emailing about the Alert and the Isolation. There are multiple email connectors that are very easy to use, such as Outlook or Gmail.
+3. Add a new step for emailing about the Alert and the Isolation. There are multiple email connectors that are easy to use, such as Outlook or Gmail.
4. Save your flow.
security Api Release Notes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/api-release-notes.md
The following information lists the updates made to the Microsoft Defender for E
- Added new Export assessment API method - _Delta Export software vulnerabilities assessment (JSON response)_ [Export assessment methods and properties per device](get-assessment-methods-properties.md).
-### 05.25.2021
+### 25.05.2021
- Added new API [Export assessment methods and properties per device](get-assessment-methods-properties.md).
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Implement https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md
search.appverid: met150
# Enable attack surface reduction (ASR) rules
-Implementing attack surface reduction (ASR) rules moves the first test ring into an enabled, functional state.
+Implementing attack surface reduction (ASR) rules move the first test ring into an enabled, functional state.
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > :::image type="content" source="images/asr-rules-implementation-steps.png" alt-text="The procedure to implement ASR rules" lightbox="images/asr-rules-implementation-steps.png":::
Warn mode is effectively a Block instruction, but with the option for the user t
### Step 2: Expand deployment to ring n + 1
-When you are confident that you have correctly configured the ASR rules for ring 1, you can widen the scope of your deployment to the next ring (ring n + 1).
+When you're confident that you've correctly configured the ASR rules for ring 1, you can widen the scope of your deployment to the next ring (ring n + 1).
The deployment process, steps 1 ΓÇô 3, is essentially the same for each subsequent ring:
The deployment process, steps 1 ΓÇô 3, is essentially the same for each subsequ
#### Customize attack surface reduction rules
-As you continue to expand your attack surface reduction rules deployment, you may find it necessary or beneficial to customize the attack surface reduction rules that you have enabled.
+As you continue to expand your attack surface reduction rules deployment, you may find it necessary or beneficial to customize the attack surface reduction rules that you've enabled.
##### Exclude files and folders
-You can choose to exclude files and folders from being evaluated by attack surface reduction rules. When excluded, the file won't be blocked from running even if an attack surface reduction rule detects that the file contains malicious behavior.
+You can choose to exclude files and folders from being evaluated by attack surface reduction rules. When excluded, the file isn't blocked from running even if an attack surface reduction rule detects that the file contains malicious behavior.
For example, consider the ransomware rule:
-The ransomware rule is designed to help enterprise customers reduce risks of ransomware attacks while ensuring business continuity. By default, the ransomware rule errors on the side of caution and protect against files that haven't yet attained sufficient reputation and trust. To reemphasize, the ransomware rule only triggers on files that have not gained enough positive reputation and prevalence, based on usage metrics of millions of our customers. Usually, the blocks are self resolved, because each file's "reputation and trust" values are incrementally upgraded as non-problematic usage increases.
+The ransomware rule is designed to help enterprise customers reduce risks of ransomware attacks while ensuring business continuity. By default, the ransomware rule errors on the side of caution and protect against files that haven't yet attained sufficient reputation and trust. To reemphasize, the ransomware rule only triggers on files that haven't gained enough positive reputation and prevalence, based on usage metrics of millions of our customers. Usually, the blocks are self resolved, because each file's "reputation and trust" values are incrementally upgraded as non-problematic usage increases.
-In cases in which blocks aren't self resolved in a timely manner, customers can - _at their own risk_ - make use of either the self-service mechanism or an Indicator of Compromise (IOC)-based "allow list" capability to unblock the files themselves.
+In cases in which blocks aren't self resolved in a timely manner, customers can - _at their own risk_ - make use of either the self-service mechanism or an Indicator of Compromise (IOC)-based "allowlist" capability to unblock the files themselves.
> [!WARNING] > Excluding or unblocking files or folders could potentially allow unsafe files to run and infect your devices. Excluding files or folders can severely reduce the protection provided by attack surface reduction rules. Files that would have been blocked by a rule will be allowed to run, and there will be no report or event recorded.
-An exclusion applies to all rules that allow exclusions. You can specify an individual file, folder path, or the fully qualified domain name for a resource. However, you cannot limit an exclusion to a specific rule.
+An exclusion applies to all rules that allow exclusions. You can specify an individual file, folder path, or the fully qualified domain name for a resource. However, you can't limit an exclusion to a specific rule.
-An exclusion is applied only when the excluded application or service starts. For example, if you add an exclusion for an update service that is already running, the update service will continue to trigger events until the service is stopped and restarted.
+An exclusion is applied only when the excluded application or service starts. For example, if you add an exclusion for an update service that is already running, the update service continues to trigger events until the service is stopped and restarted.
Attack surface reduction supports environment variables and wildcards. For information about using wildcards, see [use wildcards in the file name and folder path or extension exclusion lists](configure-extension-file-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#use-wildcards-in-the-file-name-and-folder-path-or-extension-exclusion-lists).
-If you are encountering problems with rules detecting files that you believe should not be detected, [use audit mode to test the rule](evaluate-attack-surface-reduction.md).
+If you're encountering problems with rules detecting files that you believe shouldn't be detected, [use audit mode to test the rule](evaluate-attack-surface-reduction.md).
-See the [attack surface reduction rules reference](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md) topic for details on each rule.
+See the [attack surface reduction rules reference](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md) article for details on each rule.
##### Use Group Policy to exclude files and folders
Use the [./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Defender/AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusio
You can customize the notification for when a rule is triggered and blocks an app or file. See the [Windows Security](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-security-center/windows-defender-security-center#customize-notifications-from-the-windows-defender-security-center) article.
-## Additional topics in this deployment collection
+## Additional articles in this deployment collection
[Attack surface reduction (ASR) rules deployment overview](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md)
security Attack Surface Reduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction.md
Attack surface reduction rules target certain software behaviors, such as:
- Running obfuscated or otherwise suspicious scripts - Performing behaviors that apps don't usually initiate during normal day-to-day work
-Such software behaviors are sometimes seen in legitimate applications. However, these behaviors are often considered risky because they are commonly abused by attackers through malware. Attack surface reduction rules can constrain software-based risky behaviors and help keep your organization safe.
+Such software behaviors are sometimes seen in legitimate applications. However, these behaviors are often considered risky because they're commonly abused by attackers through malware. Attack surface reduction rules can constrain software-based risky behaviors and help keep your organization safe.
For a sequential, end-to-end process of how to manage ASR rules, see:
Also, make sure [Microsoft Defender Antivirus and antimalware updates](/windows/
For more information and to get your updates, see [Update for Microsoft Defender antimalware platform](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4052623/update-for-microsoft-defender-antimalware-platform).
-### Cases where warn mode is not supported
+### Cases where warn mode isn't supported
-Warn mode isn't supported for three attack surface reduction rules when you configure them in Microsoft Intune. (If you use Group Policy to configure your attack surface reduction rules, warn mode is supported.) The three rules that do not support warn mode when you configure them in Microsoft Intune are as follows:
+Warn mode isn't supported for three attack surface reduction rules when you configure them in Microsoft Intune. (If you use Group Policy to configure your attack surface reduction rules, warn mode is supported.) The three rules that don't support warn mode when you configure them in Microsoft Intune are as follows:
- [Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md#block-javascript-or-vbscript-from-launching-downloaded-executable-content) (GUID `d3e037e1-3eb8-44c8-a917-57927947596d`) - [Block persistence through WMI event subscription](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md#block-persistence-through-wmi-event-subscription) (GUID `e6db77e5-3df2-4cf1-b95a-636979351e5b`)
Defender for Endpoint provides detailed reporting for events and blocks as part
You can query Defender for Endpoint data in [Microsoft 365 Defender](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) by using [advanced hunting](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-query-language).
-Here is an example query:
+Here's an example query:
```kusto DeviceEvents
security Automation Levels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automation-levels.md
search.appverid: met150
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md)
-Automated investigation and remediation (AIR) capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Business are preconfigured and are not configurable. In Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you can configure AIR to one of several levels of automation. Your automation level affects whether remediation actions following AIR investigations are taken automatically or only upon approval.
+Automated investigation and remediation (AIR) capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Business are preconfigured and aren't configurable. In Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you can configure AIR to one of several levels of automation. Your automation level affects whether remediation actions following AIR investigations are taken automatically or only upon approval.
- *Full automation* (recommended) means remediation actions are taken automatically on artifacts determined to be malicious. (*Full automation is set by default in Defender for Business*.) - *Semi-automation* means some remediation actions are taken automatically, but other remediation actions await approval before being taken. (See the table in [Levels of automation](#levels-of-automation).)
Automated investigation and remediation (AIR) capabilities in Microsoft Defender
|**Full - remediate threats automatically** <br> (also referred to as *full automation*)|With full automation, remediation actions are performed automatically on entities that are considered to be malicious. All remediation actions that are taken can be viewed in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md) on the **History** tab. If necessary, a remediation action can be undone. <p> ***Full automation is recommended** and is selected by default for tenants with Defender for Endpoint that were created on or after August 16, 2020, with no device groups defined yet.*<p>*Full automation is set by default in Defender for Business.*| |**Semi - require approval for all folders** <br> (also referred to as *semi-automation*)|With this level of semi-automation, approval is required for remediation actions on all files. Such pending actions can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **Pending** tab. <p> *This level of semi-automation is selected by default for tenants that were created before August 16, 2020 with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, with no device groups defined.*| |**Semi - require approval for core folders remediation** <br> (also a type of *semi-automation*)|With this level of semi-automation, approval is required for any remediation actions needed on files or executables that are in core folders. Core folders include operating system directories, such as the **Windows** (`\windows\*`). <p> Remediation actions can be taken automatically on files or executables that are in other (non-core) folders. <p> Pending actions for files or executables in core folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **Pending** tab. <p> Actions that were taken on files or executables in other folders can be viewed in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **History** tab.|
-|**Semi - require approval for non-temp folders remediation** <br> (also a type of *semi-automation*)|With this level of semi-automation, approval is required for any remediation actions needed on files or executables that are *not* in temporary folders. <p> Temporary folders can include the following examples: <ul><li>`\users\*\appdata\local\temp\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\local settings\temp\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\local settings\temporary\*`</li><li>`\windows\temp\*`</li><li>`\users\*\downloads\*`</li><li>`\program files\`</li><li>`\program files (x86)\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\users\*`</li></ul> <p> Remediation actions can be taken automatically on files or executables that are in temporary folders. <p> Pending actions for files or executables that are not in temporary folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **Pending** tab. <p> Actions that were taken on files or executables in temporary folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **History** tab.|
-|**No automated response** <br> (also referred to as *no automation*)|With no automation, automated investigation does not run on your organization's devices. As a result, no remediation actions are taken or pending as a result of automated investigation. However, other threat protection features, such as [protection from potentially unwanted applications](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/detect-block-potentially-unwanted-apps-microsoft-defender-antivirus), can be in effect, depending on how your antivirus and next-generation protection features are configured. <p> ***Using the *no automation* option is not recommended**, because it reduces the security posture of your organization's devices. [Consider setting up your automation level to full automation (or at least semi-automation)](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/machine-groups).|
+|**Semi - require approval for non-temp folders remediation** <br> (also a type of *semi-automation*)|With this level of semi-automation, approval is required for any remediation actions needed on files or executables that aren't* in temporary folders. <p> Temporary folders can include the following examples: <ul><li>`\users\*\appdata\local\temp\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\local settings\temp\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\local settings\temporary\*`</li><li>`\windows\temp\*`</li><li>`\users\*\downloads\*`</li><li>`\program files\`</li><li>`\program files (x86)\*`</li><li>`\documents and settings\*\users\*`</li></ul> <p> Remediation actions can be taken automatically on files or executables that are in temporary folders. <p> Pending actions for files or executables that aren't in temporary folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **Pending** tab. <p> Actions that were taken on files or executables in temporary folders can be viewed and approved in the [Action Center](auto-investigation-action-center.md), on the **History** tab.|
+|**No automated response** <br> (also referred to as *no automation*)|With no automation, automated investigation doesn't run on your organization's devices. As a result, no remediation actions are taken or pending as a result of automated investigation. However, other threat protection features, such as [protection from potentially unwanted applications](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/detect-block-potentially-unwanted-apps-microsoft-defender-antivirus), can be in effect, depending on how your antivirus and next-generation protection features are configured. <p> ***Using the *no automation* option is not recommended**, because it reduces the security posture of your organization's devices. [Consider setting up your automation level to full automation (or at least semi-automation)](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/machine-groups).|
## Important points about automation levels
Automated investigation and remediation (AIR) capabilities in Microsoft Defender
- [Defender for Business](../defender-business/compare-mdb-m365-plans.md) uses full automation by default. Defender for Business doesn't use device groups the same way as Defender for Endpoint. Thus, full automation is turned on and applied to all devices in Defender for Business. -- If your security team has defined device groups with a level of automation, those settings are not changed by the new default settings that are rolling out.
+- If your security team has defined device groups with a level of automation, those settings aren't changed by the new default settings that are rolling out.
- You can keep your default automation settings, or change them according to your organizational needs. To change your settings, [set your level of automation](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-automated-investigations-remediation#set-up-device-groups).
security Batch Update Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/batch-update-alerts.md
Updatable properties are: `status`, `determination`, `classification` and `assig
## Limitations
-1. You can update alerts that are available in the API. See [List Alerts](get-alerts.md) for more information.
+1. You can update alerts that are available in the API. For more information, see [List Alerts](get-alerts.md).
2. Rate limitations for this API are 10 calls per minute and 500 calls per hour. ## Permissions
Delegated (work or school account) | Alert.ReadWrite | 'Read and write alerts'
> [!NOTE] > When obtaining a token using user credentials: >
-> - The user needs to have at least the following role permission: 'Alerts investigation' (See [Create and manage roles](user-roles.md) for more information)
-> - The user needs to have access to the device associated with the alert, based on device group settings (See [Create and manage device groups](machine-groups.md) for more information)
+> - The user needs to have at least the following role permission: 'Alerts investigation'. For more information, see [Create and manage roles](user-roles.md).
+> - The user needs to have access to the device associated with the alert, based on device group settings. For more information, see [Create and manage device groups](machine-groups.md).
> > Device group creation is supported in Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2.
Content-Type | String | application/json. **Required**.
In the request body, supply the IDs of the alerts to be updated and the values of the relevant fields that you wish to update for these alerts.
-Existing properties that are not included in the request body will maintain their previous values or be recalculated based on changes to other property values.
+Existing properties that aren't included in the request body will maintain their previous values or be recalculated based on changes to other property values.
For best performance you shouldn't include existing values that haven't changed.
If successful, this method returns 200 OK, with an empty response body.
### Request
-Here is an example of the request.
+Here's an example of the request.
```http POST https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/alerts/batchUpdate
security Cancel Machine Action https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/cancel-machine-action.md
Last updated 06/03/2021
## API description
-Cancel an already launched machine action that is not yet in final state (completed, canceled, failed).
+Cancel an already launched machine action that isn't yet in final state (completed, canceled, failed).
## Limitations
POST https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/machineactions/<machineactioni
## Response
-If successful, this method returns 200, OK response code with a Machine Action entity. If machine action entity with the specified id was not found - 404 Not Found.
+If successful, this method returns 200, OK response code with a Machine Action entity. If machine action entity with the specified id wasn't found - 404 Not Found.
## Example ### Request
-Here is an example of the request.
+Here's an example of the request.
} ```
-## Related topic
+## Related article
- [Get machine action API](get-machineaction-object.md)
security Cloud Protection Microsoft Antivirus Sample Submission https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/cloud-protection-microsoft-antivirus-sample-submission.md
Microsoft Defender Antivirus and cloud protection automatically block most new,
4. Advanced cloud-based protection is provided for cases when Microsoft Defender Antivirus running on the endpoint needs more intelligence to verify the intent of a suspicious file.
- 1. In the event Microsoft Defender Antivirus cannot make a clear determination, file metadata is sent to the cloud protection service. Often within milliseconds, the cloud protection service can determine based on the metadata as to whether the file is malicious or not a threat.
+ 1. In the event Microsoft Defender Antivirus can't make a clear determination, file metadata is sent to the cloud protection service. Often within milliseconds, the cloud protection service can determine based on the metadata as to whether the file is malicious or not a threat.
- - The cloud query of file metadata can be a result of behavior, mark of the web, or other characteristics where a clear verdict is not determined.
- - A small metadata payload is sent, with the goal of reaching a verdict of malware or not a threat. The metadata does not include personally identifiable information (PII). Information such as filenames, are hashed.
- - Can be synchronous or asynchronous. For synchronous, the file will not open until the cloud renders a verdict. For asynchronous, the file will open while cloud protection performs its analysis.
+ - The cloud query of file metadata can be a result of behavior, mark of the web, or other characteristics where a clear verdict isn't determined.
+ - A small metadata payload is sent, with the goal of reaching a verdict of malware or not a threat. The metadata doesn't include personally identifiable information (PII). Information such as filenames, are hashed.
+ - Can be synchronous or asynchronous. For synchronous, the file won't open until the cloud renders a verdict. For asynchronous, the file opens while cloud protection performs its analysis.
- Metadata can include PE attributes, static file attributes, dynamic and contextual attributes, and more (see [Examples of metadata sent to the cloud protection service](#examples-of-metadata-sent-to-the-cloud-protection-service)).
- 2. After examining the metadata, if Microsoft Defender Antivirus cloud protection cannot reach a conclusive verdict, it can request a sample of the file for further inspection. This request honors the settings configuration for sample submission:
+ 2. After examining the metadata, if Microsoft Defender Antivirus cloud protection can't reach a conclusive verdict, it can request a sample of the file for further inspection. This request honors the settings configuration for sample submission:
1. **Send safe samples automatically** (default) - Safe samples are samples considered to not commonly contain PII data like: .bat, .scr, .dll, .exe.
- - If file is likely to contain PII, the user will get a request to allow file sample submission.
+ - If file is likely to contain PII, the user gets a request to allow file sample submission.
- This option is the default on Windows, macOS, and Linux. 2. **Always Prompt**
- - If configured, the user will always be prompted for consent before file submission
+ - If configured, the user is always prompted for consent before file submission
- This setting isn't available in macOS cloud protection 3. **Send all samples automatically**
- - If configured, all samples will be sent automatically
+ - If configured, all samples are sent automatically
- If you would like sample submission to include macros embedded in Word docs, you must choose "Send all samples automatically" - This setting isn't available on macOS cloud protection 4. **Do not send** - Prevents "block at first sight" based on file sample analysis
- - "Do not send" is the equivalent to the "Disabled" setting in macOS policy
+ - "Don't send" is the equivalent to the "Disabled" setting in macOS policy
- Metadata is sent for detections even when sample submission is disabled
- 3. After metadata and/or files are submitted to cloud protection, you can use **samples**, **detonation**, or **big data analysis** machine-learning models to reach a verdict. Turning off cloud-delivered protection will limit analysis to only what the client can provide through local machine-learning models, and similar functions.
+ 3. After metadata and/or files are submitted to cloud protection, you can use **samples**, **detonation**, or **big data analysis** machine-learning models to reach a verdict. Turning off cloud-delivered protection limits analysis to only what the client can provide through local machine-learning models, and similar functions.
> [!IMPORTANT] > [Block at first sight (BAFS)](configure-block-at-first-sight-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) provides detonation and analysis to determine whether a file or process is safe. BAFS can delay the opening of a file momentarily until a verdict is reached. If you disable sample submission, BAFS is also disabled, and file analysis is limited to metadata only. We recommend keeping sample submission and BAFS enabled. To learn more, see [What is "block at first sight"?](configure-block-at-first-sight-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#what-is-block-at-first-sight)
For more information, see the following resources:
## Other file sample submission scenarios
-There are two more scenarios where Defender for Endpoint might request a file sample that is not related to the cloud protection at Microsoft Defender Antivirus. These scenarios are described in the following table:
+There are two more scenarios where Defender for Endpoint might request a file sample that isn't related to the cloud protection at Microsoft Defender Antivirus. These scenarios are described in the following table:
| Scenario | Description | |:|:|
-|Manual file sample collection in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal | When onboarding devices to Defender for Endpoint, you can configure settings for [endpoint detection and response (EDR)](overview-endpoint-detection-response.md). For example, there is a setting to enable sample collections from the device, which can easily be confused with the sample submission settings described in this article. <br/><br/>The EDR setting controls file sample collection from devices when requested through the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, and is subject to the roles and permissions already established. This setting can allow or block file collection from the endpoint for features such as deep analysis in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. If this setting is not configured, the default is to enable sample collection. <br/><br/>Learn about Defender for Endpoint configuration settings, see: [Onboarding tools and methods for Windows 10 devices in Defender for Endpoint](configure-endpoints.md) |
+|Manual file sample collection in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal | When onboarding devices to Defender for Endpoint, you can configure settings for [endpoint detection and response (EDR)](overview-endpoint-detection-response.md). For example, there's a setting to enable sample collections from the device, which can easily be confused with the sample submission settings described in this article. <br/><br/>The EDR setting controls file sample collection from devices when requested through the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, and is subject to the roles and permissions already established. This setting can allow or block file collection from the endpoint for features such as deep analysis in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. If this setting isn't configured, the default is to enable sample collection. <br/><br/>Learn about Defender for Endpoint configuration settings, see: [Onboarding tools and methods for Windows 10 devices in Defender for Endpoint](configure-endpoints.md) |
| Automated investigation and response content analysis | When [automated investigations](automated-investigations.md) are running on devices (when configured to run automatically in response to an alert or manually run), files that are identified as suspicious can be collected from the endpoints for further inspection. If necessary, the file content analysis feature for automated investigations can be disabled in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. <br/><br/> The file extension names can also be modified to add or remove extensions for other file types that will be automatically submitted during an automated investigation. <br/><br/> To learn more, see [Manage automation file uploads](manage-automation-file-uploads.md). | > [!TIP]
security Get All Recommendations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-all-recommendations.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get All Vulnerabilities By Machines https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-all-vulnerabilities-by-machines.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get All Vulnerabilities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-all-vulnerabilities.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Installed Software https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-installed-software.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Machines By Software https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-machines-by-software.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Machines By Vulnerability https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-machines-by-vulnerability.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Recommendation By Id https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-recommendation-by-id.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Recommendation Machines https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-recommendation-machines.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Recommendation Vulnerabilities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-recommendation-vulnerabilities.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Security Recommendations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-security-recommendations.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Software By Id https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-software-by-id.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Software Ver Distribution https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-software-ver-distribution.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Software https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-software.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Vuln By Software https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-vuln-by-software.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Get Vulnerability By Id https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-vulnerability-by-id.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Grant Mssp Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/grant-mssp-access.md
Last updated 12/18/2020
**Applies to:** - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-mssp-support-abovefoldlink)
security Ios Configure Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features.md
Defender for Endpoint on iOS enables admins to configure custom indicators on iO
> [!NOTE] > Defender for Endpoint on iOS supports creating custom indicators only for IP addresses and URLs/domains.
+> For iOS, no alerts are generated on Microsoft 365 Defender when the URL or IP set in the indicator is accessed.
## Configure vulnerability assessment of apps
security Linux Exclusions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-exclusions.md
File, folder, and process exclusions support the following wildcards:
Wildcard|Description|Example|Matches|Does not match ||||
-\*|Matches any number of any characters including none (note that when this wildcard is used inside a path it will substitute only one folder)|`/var/\*/\*.log`|`/var/log/system.log`|`/var/log/nested/system.log`
+\*|Matches any number of any characters including none (note that when this wildcard is used inside a path it will substitute only one folder)|`/var/*/*.log`|`/var/log/system.log`|`/var/log/nested/system.log`
?|Matches any single character|`file?.log`|`file1.log`<br/>`file2.log`|`file123.log` ## How to configure the list of exclusions
security Linux Install Manually https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-install-manually.md
In order to preview new features and provide early feedback, it is recommended t
|Distro & version|Package| |||
- |For RHEL/Centos/Oracle 8.0-8.5|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/8/prod.repo>|
+ |For RHEL/Centos/Oracle 8.0-8.7|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/8/prod.repo>|
|For RHEL/Centos/Oracle 7.2-7.9 & Amazon Linux 2 |<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/rhel/7.2/prod.repo>| |For Fedora 33|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/fedora/33/prod.repo>| |For Fedora 34|<https://packages.microsoft.com/config/fedora/34/prod.repo>|
security List Recommendation Software https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/list-recommendation-software.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Mac Install With Intune https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-install-with-intune.md
This profile contains a license information for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
1. Assign devices on the **Assignment** tab. Click **Next**. > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
- > :::image type="content" source="images/mdatp-6-systemconfigurationprofiles-2.png" alt-text="The custom configuration profile - assignment" lightbox="images/mdatp-6-systemconfigurationprofiles-2.png":::
+ > :::image type="content" source="images/mdatp-6-systemconfigurationprofiles-3.png" alt-text="The completion of the custom configuration profile" lightbox="images/mdatp-6-systemconfigurationprofiles-3.png":::
1. Review and **Create**. 1. Open **Devices** \> **Configuration profiles**, you can see your created profile there.
- > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
- > :::image type="content" source="images/mdatp-6-systemconfigurationprofiles-3.png" alt-text="The completion of the custom configuration profile" lightbox="images/mdatp-6-systemconfigurationprofiles-3.png":::
- ### Approve System Extensions This profile is needed for macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later. It will be ignored on older macOS.
This profile is needed for macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later. It will be ignored on ol
1. In the **Assignments** tab, assign this profile to **All Users & All devices**. 1. Review and create this configuration profile. + ### Full Disk Access + > [!NOTE] > Enabling **TCC** (Transparency, Consent & Control) through an Mobile Device Management solution such as [Intune](mac-install-with-intune.md), will eliminate the risk of Defender for Endpoint losing **Full Disk Access** Authorization to function properly. >
security Microsoft Cloud App Security Integration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-cloud-app-security-integration.md
search.appverid: met150
[!include[Prerelease information](../../includes/prerelease.md)] **Applies to:**-- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
security Microsoft Defender Antivirus Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-antivirus-updates.md
description: Manage how Microsoft Defender Antivirus receives protection and pro
keywords: updates, security baselines, protection, schedule updates, force updates, mobile updates, wsus ms.localizationpriority: high Previously updated : 03/24/2023 Last updated : 03/27/2023 audience: ITPro
All our updates contain
- Serviceability improvements - Integration improvements (Cloud, [Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-365-defender))
-### February-2023 (Platform: 4.18.2302.x | Engine: 1.1.20100.6)
+### February-2023 (Platform: 4.18.2302.7 | Engine: 1.1.20100.6)
- Security intelligence update version: **1.385.68.0**-- Release date: **March 14, 2023**-- Platform: **4.18.2302.x**
+- Release date: **March 27, 2023**
+- Platform: **4.18.2302.7**
- Engine: **1.1.20100.6** - Support phase: **Security and Critical Updates** #### What's new -- Improvements in the contextual exclusions syntax
+- Fixed attack surface reduction (ASR) rule output with [Get-MpPreference](/powershell/module/defender/get-mppreference)
+- Fixed threat DefaultAction outputs in Get-MpPreference 
+- Improved Defender performance during file copy operations for .NET applications 
+- Fixed [Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/defender-vulnerability-management) app block warn feature 
+- Added opt-in feature to allow users seeing exclusions 
+- Fixed [ASR](overview-attack-surface-reduction.md) warn policy 
+- Increased maximum size for quarantine archive file to 4 GB 
+- Improvements to threat remediation logic 
+- Improved [tamper protection](prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection.md) hardening for temporary exclusions 
+- Fixed time zone calculation in [Defender PowerShell](/powershell/module/defender) module 
+- Fixed merging logic for exclusions in Defender PowerShell module 
+- Improvements in the [contextual exclusions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-contextual-file-folder-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus) syntax
- Improved scheduled scan robustness - Improved serviceability for internal database files - Enhanced certificate indicators determination logic
Platform and engine updates are provided on a monthly cadence. To be fully suppo
- **Security and Critical Updates servicing phase** - When running the latest platform version, you're eligible to receive both Security and Critical updates to the anti-malware platform. -- **Technical Support (Only) phase** - After a new platform version is released, support for older versions (N-2) will reduce to technical support only. Platform versions older than N-2 will no longer be supported.*
+- **Technical Support (Only) phase** - After a new platform version is released, support for older versions (N-2) will reduce to technical support only. Platform versions older than N-2 are no longer supported.*
\* Technical support continues to be provided for upgrades from the Windows 10 release version (see [Platform version included with Windows 10 releases](#platform-version-included-with-windows-10-releases)) to the latest platform version.
-During the technical support (only) phase, commercially reasonable support incidents will be provided through Microsoft Customer Service & Support and Microsoft's managed support offerings (such as Premier Support). If a support incident requires escalation to development for further guidance, requires a non-security update, or requires a security update, customers will be asked to upgrade to the latest platform version or an intermediate update (*).
+During the technical support (only) phase, commercially reasonable support incidents are provided through Microsoft Customer Service & Support and Microsoft's managed support offerings (such as Premier Support). If a support incident requires escalation to development for further guidance, requires a nonsecurity update, or requires a security update, customers are asked to upgrade to the latest platform version or an intermediate update (*).
> [!NOTE]
During the technical support (only) phase, commercially reasonable support incid
## How to roll back an update In the unfortunate event that you encounter issues after a platform update, you can roll back to the previous or the inbox version of the Microsoft Defender platform. -- To roll back to the previous version, run the following command:<br>
-`"%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\<version>\MpCmdRun.exe" -RevertPlatform`
-- To roll back this update to the version shipped with the Operating System ("%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender")<br>
-`"%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\<version>\MpCmdRun.exe" -ResetPlatform`
+- To roll back to the previous version, run the following command:
+ `"%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\<version>\MpCmdRun.exe" -RevertPlatform`
+- To roll back this update to the version shipped with the Operating System ("%ProgramFiles%\Windows Defender")
+ `"%programdata%\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\<version>\MpCmdRun.exe" -ResetPlatform`
## Platform version included with Windows 10 releases
security Minimum Requirements https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/minimum-requirements.md
Access to Defender for Endpoint is done through a browser, supporting the follow
Devices on your network must be running one of these editions.
-The hardware requirements for Defender for Endpoint on devices are the same for the supported editions.
+The hardware requirements for Defender for Endpoint on devices are the same as the requirements for the Windows operating system itself (that is, they are not in addition to the requirements for the operating system) for supported editions.
> Cores: 2 minimum, 4 preferred > Memory: 1 GB minimum, 4 preferred
security Non Windows https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/non-windows.md
Organizations face threats across a variety of platforms and devices. Our teams
With Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, customers benefit from a unified view of all threats and alerts in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal, across Windows and non-Windows platforms, enabling them to get a full picture of what's happening in their environment, which empowers them to more quickly assess and respond to threats.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Microsoft Defender for Endpoint does not support native compute workloads in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
+ ## Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS offers antivirus, endpoint detection and response (EDR), and vulnerability management capabilities for the three latest released versions of macOS. Customers can deploy and manage the solution through Microsoft Intune and Jamf. Just like with Microsoft Office applications on macOS, Microsoft Auto Update is used to manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac updates. For information about the key features and benefits, read our [announcements](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-atp/bg-p/MicrosoftDefenderATPBlog/label-name/macOS).
security Recommendation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/recommendation.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Respond Machine Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/respond-machine-alerts.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium Previously updated : 01/06/2023 Last updated : 03/16/2023 audience: ITPro
You can start a new general purpose automated investigation on the device if nee
For more information on automated investigations, see [Overview of Automated investigations](automated-investigations.md).
-## Initiate live response Session
+## Initiate live response session
Live response is a capability that gives you instantaneous access to a device by using a remote shell connection. This gives you the power to do in-depth investigative work and take immediate response actions to promptly contain identified threats in real time.
As part of the investigation or response process, you can collect an investigati
> [!IMPORTANT] > These actions are not currently supported for devices running macOS or Linux. Use live response to run the action. For more information on live response, see [Investigate entities on devices using live response](live-response.md)
-To download the package (Zip file) and investigate the events that occurred on a device
+To download the package (Zip file) and investigate the events that occurred on a device:
1. Select **Collect investigation package** from the row of response actions at the top of the device page. 2. Specify in the text box why you want to perform this action. Select **Confirm**.
-3. The zip file will download
+3. The zip file downloads.
-Alternate way:
+Alternate steps:
1. Select **Action center** from the response actions section of the device page.
Alternate way:
:::image type="content" source="images/collect-package.png" alt-text="The download package option" lightbox="images/collect-package.png":::
-The package contains the following folders:
+For Windows devices, the package contains the following folders:
|Folder|Description| |||
The package contains the following folders:
|WdSupportLogs|Provides the MpCmdRunLog.txt and MPSupportFiles.cab <p> <div class="alert"><b>NOTE:</b> This folder will only be created on Windows 10, version 1709 or later with February 2020 update rollup or more recent installed: <ul><li>Win10 1709 (RS3) Build 16299.1717: [KB4537816](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4537816/windows-10-update-kb4537816)</li><li>Win10 1803 (RS4) Build 17134.1345: [KB4537795](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4537795/windows-10-update-kb4537795)</li><li>Win10 1809 (RS5) Build 17763.1075: [KB4537818](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4537818/windows-10-update-kb4537818)</li><li>Win10 1903/1909 (19h1/19h2) Builds 18362.693 and 18363.693: [KB4535996](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4535996/windows-10-update-kb4535996)</li></ul> </div>| |CollectionSummaryReport.xls|This file is a summary of the investigation package collection, it contains the list of data points, the command used to extract the data, the execution status, and the error code if there is failure. You can use this report to track if the package includes all the expected data and identify if there were any errors.|
+The collection packages for macOS and Linux devices contain the following:
+|Applications|A list of all installed applications|Not applicable|
+|Disk volume|<ul><li>Amount of free space</li><li>List of all mounted disk volumes</li><li>List of all partitions</li>|<ul><li>Amount of free space</li><li>List of all mounted disk volumes</li><li>List of all partitions</li>|
+|File|A list of all open files with the corresponding processes using these files|A list of all open files with the corresponding processes using these files|
+|History|Shell history|Not applicable|
+|Kernel modules|All loaded modules|Not applicable|
+|Network connections|<ul><li>Active connections</li><li>Active listening connections</li><li>ARP table</li><li>Firewall rules</li><li>Interface configuration</li><li>Proxy settings</li><li>VPN settings</li></ul>|<ul><li>Active connections</li><li>Active listening connections</li><li>ARP table</li><li>Firewall rules</li><li>IP list</li><li>Proxy settings</li></ul>|
+|Processes|A list of all running processes|A list of all running processes|
+|Services and scheduled tasks|<ul><li>Certificates</li><li>Configuration profiles</li><li>Hardware information|<ul><li>CPU details</li><li>Hardware information</li><li>Operating system information</li>|
+|System security information|<ul><li>Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) integrity information</li><li>Firewall status</li><li>Malware Removal Tool (MRT) information</li><li>System Integrity Protection (SIP) status</li>|Not applicable|
+|Users and groups|<ul><li>Login history</li><li>Sudoers</li></ul>|<ul><li>Login history</li><li>Sudoers</li></ul>|
+ ## Run Microsoft Defender Antivirus scan on devices As part of the investigation or response process, you can remotely initiate an antivirus scan to help identify and remediate malware that might be present on a compromised device.
Depending on the severity of the attack and the sensitivity of the device, you m
> - The feature supports VPN connection. > - You must have at least one the following role permissions: 'Active remediation actions'. For more information, see [Create and manage roles](user-roles.md). > - You must have access to the device based on the device group settings. For more information, see [Create and manage device groups](machine-groups.md).
-> - Exclusion for Linux isolation is not supported.
+> - Exclusion for both macOS and Linux isolation is not supported.
This device isolation feature disconnects the compromised device from the network while retaining connectivity to the Defender for Endpoint service, which continues to monitor the device.
security Supported Capabilities By Platform https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/supported-capabilities-by-platform.md
The following table gives information about the supported Microsoft Defender for
|||||| |**Response** | | | || |[Automated Investigation & Response (AIR)](automated-investigations.md) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![No](images/svg/check-no.svg) | ![No](images/svg/check-no.svg) |
-|[Device response capabilities: collect investigation package, run AV scan](respond-machine-alerts.md) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[2](#fn2)][[3](#fn3)]</sup> | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[2](#fn2)][[3](#fn3)]</sup> |
-|[Device isolation](respond-machine-alerts.md) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | !![No](images/svg/check-no.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[2](#fn2)][[3](#fn3)]</sup> |
+|[Device response capabilities: collect investigation package, run AV scan](respond-machine-alerts.md) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[3](#fn3)]</sup> | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[3](#fn3)]</sup> |
+|[Device isolation](respond-machine-alerts.md) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[3](#fn3)]</sup> | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[2](#fn2)][[3](#fn3)]</sup> |
|File response capabilities: collect file, deep analysis, block file, stop, and quarantine processes | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![No](images/svg/check-no.svg) <sup>[[4](#fn4)]</sup> | ![No](images/svg/check-no.svg) <sup>[[4](#fn4)]</sup> |
-|[Live Response](live-response.md) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[2](#fn2)]</sup> | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) <sup>[[2](#fn2)]</sup> |
+|[Live Response](live-response.md) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) | ![Yes.](images/svg/check-yes.svg) |
(<a id="fn1">1</a>) Refers to the modern, unified solution for Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016. For more information, see [Onboard Windows Servers to the Defender for Endpoint service](configure-server-endpoints.md).
security Tamperprotection Macos https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tamperprotection-macos.md
You can set tamper protection in the following modes:
|Topic|Description| |||
-|Disabled|Tamper protection is completely off (this is the default mode after installation)|
-|Audit|Tampering operations are logged, but not blocked|
+|Disabled|Tamper protection is completely off|
+|Audit|Tampering operations are logged, but not blocked (this is the default mode after installation)|
|Block|Tamper protection is on, tampering operations are blocked| When tamper protection is set to audit or block mode, you can expect the following outcomes:
security Vulnerability https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/vulnerability.md
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library ms.pagetype: security--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
security Advanced Hunting Devicefromip Function https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-devicefromip-function.md
invoke DeviceFromIP()
This function is invoked as part of a query. -- **x**ΓÇöThe first parameter is typically already a column in the query. In this case, it is the column named `IP`, the IP address for which you want to see a list of devices that have been assigned to it. It should be a local IP address. External IP addresses are not supported.
+- **x**ΓÇöThe first parameter is typically already a column in the query. In this case, it's the column named `IP`, the IP address for which you want to see a list of devices that have been assigned to it. It should be a local IP address. External IP addresses aren't supported.
- **y**ΓÇöA second optional parameter is the `Timestamp`, which instructs the function to obtain the most recent assigned devices from a specific time. If not specified, the function returns the latest available records. ## Example
security Advanced Hunting Fileprofile Function https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-fileprofile-function.md
The `FileProfile()` function is an enrichment function in [advanced hunting](adv
| `Issuer` | `string` | Information about the issuing certificate authority (CA) | | `SignerHash` | `string` | Unique hash value identifying the signer | | `IsCertificateValid` | `boolean` | Whether the certificate used to sign the file is valid |
-| `IsRootSignerMicrosoft` | `boolean` | Indicates whether the signer of the root certificate is Microsoft and the file is built-in to Windows OS |
-| `SignatureState` | `string` | State of the file signature: SignedValid - the file is signed with a valid signature, SignedInvalid - the file is signed but the certificate is invalid, Unsigned - the file is not signed, Unknown - information about the file cannot be retrieved
+| `IsRootSignerMicrosoft` | `boolean` | Indicates whether the signer of the root certificate is Microsoft and the file is built in to Windows OS |
+| `SignatureState` | `string` | State of the file signature: SignedValid - the file is signed with a valid signature, SignedInvalid - the file is signed but the certificate is invalid, Unsigned - the file isn't signed, Unknown - information about the file can't be retrieved
| `IsExecutable` | `boolean` | Whether the file is a Portable Executable (PE) file | | `ThreatName` | `string` | Detection name for any malware or other threats found | | `Publisher` | `string` | Name of the organization that published the file |
security Advanced Hunting Urlclickevents Table https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-urlclickevents-table.md
For information on other tables in the advanced hunting schema, see [the advance
| `IPAddress` | `string` | Public IP address of the device from which the user clicked on the link| | `ThreatTypes` | `string` | Verdict at the time of click, which tells whether the URL led to malware, phish or other threats| | `DetectionMethods` | `string` | Detection technology that was used to identify the threat at the time of click|
-| `IsClickedThrough` | `bool` | Indicates whether the user was able to click through to the original URL or was not allowed|
+| `IsClickedThrough` | `bool` | Indicates whether the user was able to click through to the original URL or wasn't allowed|
| `UrlChain` | `string` | For scenarios involving redirections, it includes URLs present in the redirection chain| | `ReportId` | `string` | The unique identifier for a click event. For clickthrough scenarios, report ID would have same value, and therefore it should be used to correlate a click event.|
| summarize by ReportId, IsClickedThrough, AccountUpn, NetworkMessageId, ThreatTypes, Timestamp ```
-## Related topics
+## Related articles
- [Proactively hunt for threats](advanced-hunting-overview.md) - [Safe Links in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/safe-links-about.md)
security Alert Grading Playbook Inbox Forwarding Rules https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/alert-grading-playbook-inbox-forwarding-rules.md
For an overview of alert grading for Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Micro
The results of using this playbook are: -- You have identified the alerts associated with inbox forwarding rules as malicious (TP) or benign (FP) activities.
+- You've identified the alerts associated with inbox forwarding rules as malicious (TP) or benign (FP) activities.
If malicious, you have removed malicious inbox forwarding rules. -- You have taken the necessary action if emails have been forwarded to a malicious email address.
+- You've taken the necessary action if emails have been forwarded to a malicious email address.
## Inbox forwarding rules
After gaining access to users' mailboxes, attackers often create an inbox rule t
Malicious inbox rules automate the exfiltration process. With specific rules, every email in the target user's inbox that matches the rule criteria will be forwarded to the attacker's mailbox. For example, an attacker might want to gather sensitive data related to finance. They create an inbox rule to forward all emails that contain keywords, such as 'finance' and 'invoice' in the subject or message body, to their mailbox.
-Suspicious inbox forwarding rules might be very difficult to detect because maintenance of inbox rules is common task done by users. Therefore, it's important to monitor the alerts.
+Suspicious inbox forwarding rules might be difficult to detect because maintenance of inbox rules is common task done by users. Therefore, it's important to monitor the alerts.
## Workflow
-Here is the workflow to identify suspicious email forwarding rules.
+Here's the workflow to identify suspicious email forwarding rules.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/alert-grading-playbook-inbox-forwarding-rules/alert-grading-playbook-inbox-forwarding-rules-workflow.png" alt-text="Alert investigation workflow for inbox forwarding rules" lightbox="../../media/alert-grading-playbook-inbox-forwarding-rules/alert-grading-playbook-inbox-forwarding-rules-workflow.png":::
The purpose of this stage is to determine if the rules look suspicious by certai
Recipients of the forwarding rule: -- Validate destination email address is not an additional mailbox owned by the same user (avoiding cases where the user is self-forwarding emails between personal mailboxes).-- Validate the destination email address is not an internal address or sub-domain that belong to the company.
+- Validate destination email address isn't an additional mailbox owned by the same user (avoiding cases where the user is self-forwarding emails between personal mailboxes).
+- Validate the destination email address isn't an internal address or sub-domain that belongs to the company.
Filters: -- If the inbox rule contains filters which search for specific keywords in the subject or body of the email, check whether the provided keywords, such as finance, credentials, and networking, among others, seem related to malicious activity. You can find these filters under the following attributes (which shows up in the event RawEventData column): "BodyContainsWords", "SubjectContainsWords" or "SubjectOrBodyContainsWords"
+- If the inbox rule contains filters, which search for specific keywords in the subject or body of the email, check whether the provided keywords, such as finance, credentials, and networking, among others, seem related to malicious activity. You can find these filters under the following attributes (which shows up in the event RawEventData column): "BodyContainsWords", "SubjectContainsWords" or "SubjectOrBodyContainsWords"
- If the attacker chooses not to set any filter to the mails, and instead the inbox rule forwards all the mailbox items to the attacker's mailbox), then this behavior is suspicious as well. ### Investigate IP address Review the attributes that related to the IP address that performed the relevant event of rule creation:
-1. Search for other suspicious cloud activities that originated from the same IP in the tenant. For instance, suspicious activity might be multiple failed logins attempts.
+1. Search for other suspicious cloud activities that originated from the same IP in the tenant. For instance, suspicious activity might be multiple failed login attempts.
2. Is the ISP common and reasonable for this user? 3. Is the location common and reasonable for this user?
You can review all user activities before creating rules, check for indicators o
- Sign ins:
- Validate that the sign in activity prior to the rule creation event is not suspicious (such as the common location, ISP, or user-agent).
+ Validate that the sign in activity prior to the rule creation event isn't suspicious (such as the common location, ISP, or user-agent).
- Other alerts or incidents - Did other alerts trigger for the user prior to the rule creation. If so, then this might indicate that the user got compromised.
security Api Get Incident https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-get-incident.md
Here's an example of the request.
```http GET https://api.security.microsoft.com/api/incidents/{id} ```
-## Related topics
+## Related articles
[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
security Defender Threat Intelligence https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/defender-threat-intelligence.md
+ Title: Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence in Microsoft 365 Defender
+description: Learn what steps you need to take to get started with Defender Threat Intelligence in Microsoft 365 Defender
+keywords: defender threat intelligence, microsoft 365 defender
+search.appverid: met150
+ms.mktglfcycl: deploy
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.pagetype: security
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: ITPro
+ - m365-security
+ - highpri
+ - tier3
+ Last updated : 03/28/2021++
+# Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence in Microsoft 365 Defender
+**Applies to:**
+- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
+Subscribers to Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence (Defender TI) can now access threat intelligence from inside the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
+Microsoft Defender TI helps streamline security analyst triage, incident response, threat hunting, and vulnerability management workflows. Defender TI aggregates and enriches critical threat information in an easy-to-use interface.
+This change introduces a new navigation menu within the Microsoft 365 Defender portal named **Threat Intelligence**.
+Under **Threat Intelligence** is the existing node for the **Threat Analytics** feature and two new additions:
+- **Intel Profiles** - a new feature that introduces curated content organized by threat actors, their tools and known vulnerabilities
+- **Intel Explorer** - the existing Defender TI content, search and investigation experience
+The experience between the existing Defender TI standalone portal differs slightly from the version in Microsoft 365 Defender. Though most of the functionality is available, at this time, the Defender TI experience in Microsoft 365 Defender doesn't include the ability to apply custom tags or project capabilities.
+[Learn more about Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence](/defender/threat-intelligence/what-is-microsoft-defender-threat-intelligence-defender-ti).
security Device Profile https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/device-profile.md
The sidebar (1) lists basic details about the device.
The main content area (2) contains tabs that you can toggle through to view different kinds of information about the device.
-If the device is enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you will also see a list of response actions (3). Response actions allow you to perform common security-related tasks.
+If the device is enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you'll also see a list of response actions (3). Response actions allow you to perform common security-related tasks.
## Sidebar
Beside the main content area of the device profile page is the sidebar.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/mtp-device-profile/azure-atp-only-device-sidebar.png" alt-text="The Sidebar tab for device profile in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="../../media/mtp-device-profile/azure-atp-only-device-sidebar.png":::
-The sidebar lists the device's full name and exposure level. It also provides some important basic information in small subsections which can be toggled open or closed, such as:
+The sidebar lists the device's full name and exposure level. It also provides some important basic information in small subsections, which can be toggled open or closed, such as:
-* **Tags** - Any Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender for Identity, or custom tags associated with the device. Tags from Microsoft Defender for Identity are not editable.
-* **Security info** - Open incidents and active alerts. Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint will also display exposure level and risk level.
+* **Tags** - Any Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Microsoft Defender for Identity, or custom tags associated with the device. Tags from Microsoft Defender for Identity aren't editable.
+* **Security info** - Open incidents and active alerts. Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint display exposure level and risk level.
> [!TIP] > Exposure level relates to how much the device is complying with security recommendations, while risk level is calculated based on a number of factors, including the types and severity of active alerts.
-* **Device details** - Domain, OS, timestamp for when the device was first seen, IP addresses, resources. Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint also display health state. Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Identity will display SAM name and a timestamp for when the device was first created.
+* **Device details** - Domain, OS, timestamp for when the device was first seen, IP addresses, resources. Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint also display health state. Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Identity display SAM name and a timestamp for when the device was first created.
* **Network activity** - Timestamps for the first time and last time the device was seen on the network. * **Directory data** (*only for devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Identity*) - [UAC](/windows/security/identity-protection/user-account-control/user-account-control-overview) flags, [SPNs](/windows/win32/ad/service-principal-names), and group memberships.
Response actions offer a quick way to defend against and analyze threats.
Actions available on the device profile page include:
-* **Manage tags** - Updates custom tags you have applied to this device.
+* **Manage tags** - Updates custom tags you've applied to this device.
* **Isolate device** - Isolates the device from your organization's network while keeping it connected to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. You can choose to allow Outlook, Teams, and Skype for Business to run while the device is isolated, for communication purposes. * **Action center** - View the status of submitted actions. Only available if another action has already been selected.
-* **Restrict app execution** - Prevents applications that are not signed by Microsoft from running.
+* **Restrict app execution** - Prevents applications that aren't signed by Microsoft from running.
* **Run antivirus scan** - Updates Microsoft Defender Antivirus definitions and immediately runs an antivirus scan. Choose between Quick scan or Full scan. * **Collect investigation package** - Gathers information about the device. When the investigation is completed, you can download it. * **Initiate Live Response Session** - Loads a remote shell on the device for [in-depth security investigations](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/live-response).
Actions available on the device profile page include:
The device profile tabs allow you to toggle through an overview of security details about the device, and tables containing a list of alerts.
-Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint will also display tabs that feature a timeline, a list of security recommendations, a software inventory, a list of discovered vulnerabilities, and missing KBs (security updates).
+Devices enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint display tabs that feature a timeline, a list of security recommendations, a software inventory, a list of discovered vulnerabilities, and missing KBs (security updates).
### Overview tab
The default tab is **Overview**. It provides a quick look at the most important
Here, you can get a quick look at the device's active alerts, and any currently logged on users.
-If the device is enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you will also see the device's risk level and any available data on security assessments. The security assessments describe the device's exposure level, provide security recommendations, and list affected software and discovered vulnerabilities.
+If the device is enrolled in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, you'll also see the device's risk level and any available data on security assessments. The security assessments describe the device's exposure level, provide security recommendations, and list affected software and discovered vulnerabilities.
### Alerts tab
The **Alerts** tab contains a list of alerts that have been raised on the device
:::image type="content" source="../../media/mtp-device-profile/hybrid-device-tab-alerts.png" alt-text="The Alerts tab for device profile in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="../../media/mtp-device-profile/hybrid-device-tab-alerts.png":::
-You can customize the number of items displayed, as well as which columns are displayed for each item. The default behavior is to list thirty items per page.
+You can customize the number of items displayed and which columns are displayed for each item. The default behavior is to list 30 items per page.
-The columns in this tab include information on the severity of the threat that triggered the alert, as well as status, investigation state, and who the alert has been assigned to.
+The columns in this tab include information on the severity of the threat that triggered the alert and status, investigation state, and who the alert has been assigned to.
-The *impacted entities* column refers to the device (entity) whose profile you are currently viewing, plus any other devices in your network that are affected.
+The *impacted entities* column refers to the device (entity) whose profile you're currently viewing, plus any other devices in your network that are affected.
-Selecting an item from this list will open a flyout containing even more information about the selected alert.
+Selecting an item from this list opens a flyout containing even more information about the selected alert.
This list can be filtered by severity, status, or who the alert has been assigned to.
Below the chart is a list of events for the selected range of dates.
The number of items displayed and the columns on the list can both be customized. The default columns list the event time, active user, action type, entities (processes), and additional information about the event.
-Selecting an item from this list will open a flyout displaying an Event entities graph, showing the parent and child processes involved in the event.
+Selecting an item from this list opens a flyout displaying an Event entities graph, showing the parent and child processes involved in the event.
-The list can be filtered by the specific kind of event; for example, Registry events or Smart Screen Events.
+The list can be filtered by the specific event; for example, Registry events or Smart Screen Events.
-The list can also be exported to a CSV file, for download. Although the file is not limited by number of events, the maximum time range you can choose to export is seven days.
+The list can also be exported to a CSV file, for download. Although the file isn't limited by number of events, the maximum time range you can choose to export is seven days.
### Security recommendations tab
-The **Security recommendations** tab lists actions you can take to protect the device. Selecting an item on this list will open a flyout where you can get instructions on how to apply the recommendation.
+The **Security recommendations** tab lists actions you can take to protect the device. Selecting an item on this list opens a flyout where you can get instructions on how to apply the recommendation.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/mtp-device-profile/hybrid-device-tab-security-recs.png" alt-text="The Security recommendations tab for device profile in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="../../media/mtp-device-profile/hybrid-device-tab-security-recs.png":::
-As with the previous tabs, the number of items displayed per page, as well as which columns are visible, can be customized.
+As with the previous tabs, the number of items displayed per page and which columns are visible, can be customized.
The default view includes columns that detail the security weaknesses addressed, the associated threat, the related component or software affected by the threat, and more. Items can be filtered by the recommendation's status.
The **Software inventory** tab lists software installed on the device.
The default view displays the software vendor, installed version number, number of known software weaknesses, threat insights, product code, and tags. The number of items displayed and which columns are displayed can both be customized.
-Selecting an item from this list opens a flyout containing more details about the selected software, as well as the path and timestamp for the last time the software was found.
+Selecting an item from this list opens a flyout containing more details about the selected software, and the path and timestamp for the last time the software was found.
This list can be filtered by product code.
The default view lists the severity of the CVE, the Common Vulnerability Score (
As with the previous tabs, the number of items displayed and which columns are visible can be customized.
-Selecting an item from this list will open a flyout that describes the CVE.
+Selecting an item from this list opens a flyout that describes the CVE.
### Missing KBs
-The **Missing KBs** tab lists any Microsoft Updates that have yet to be applied to the device. The "KBs" in question are [Knowledge Base articles](https://support.microsoft.com/help/242450/how-to-query-the-microsoft-knowledge-base-by-using-keywords-and-query) which describe these updates; for example, [KB4551762](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4551762/windows-10-update-kb4551762).
+The **Missing KBs** tab lists any Microsoft Updates that have yet to be applied to the device. The "KBs" in question are [Knowledge Base articles](https://support.microsoft.com/help/242450/how-to-query-the-microsoft-knowledge-base-by-using-keywords-and-query), which describe these updates; for example, [KB4551762](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4551762/windows-10-update-kb4551762).
:::image type="content" source="../../media/mtp-device-profile/hybrid-device-tab-missing-kbs.PNG" alt-text="The Missing KBs tab for device profile in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="../../media/mtp-device-profile/hybrid-device-tab-missing-kbs.PNG":::
The default view lists the bulletin containing the updates, OS version, products
The number of items displayed per page and which columns are displayed can be customized.
-Selecting an item will open a flyout that links to the update.
+Selecting an item opens a flyout that links to the update.
## Related topics
security Eval Defender Office 365 Enable Eval https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-office-365-enable-eval.md
To effectively evaluate Microsoft Defender for Office 365, it's important that i
3. In the domain details flyout that opens, select the **DNS records** tab. Make note of the MX record that's generated and assigned to your EOP tenant. 4. Access your external (public) DNS zone and check the primary MX record associated with your email domain: - *If your public MX record currently matches the assigned EOP address (for example, contoso-com.mail.protection.outlook.com) then no further routing changes should be required*.
- - If your public MX record currently resolves to a third-party or on-premises SMTP gateway then additional routing configurations may be required.
- - If your public MX record currently resolves to on-premises Exchange then you may still be in a hybrid model where some recipient mailbox have not yet been migrated to EXO.
+ - If your public MX record currently resolves to a third-party or on-premises SMTP gateway, then additional routing configurations may be required.
+ - If your public MX record currently resolves to on-premises Exchange, then you may still be in a hybrid model where some recipient mailboxes haven't yet been migrated to EXO.
## Step 2: Audit accepted domains 1. In the Exchange admin center (EAC) at <https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com>, expand *Mail flow*, and then click **Accepted domains**.Or, to go directly to the *Accepted domains* page, use <https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com/#/accepteddomains>. 2. On the *Accepted domains* page, make note of the **Domain type** value for your primary email domain.
- - If the domain type is set to **Authoritative** then it is assumed all recipient mailboxes for your organization currently reside in Exchange Online.
- - If the domain type is set to **InternalRelay** then you may still be in a hybrid model where some recipient mailboxes still reside on-premises.
+ - If the domain type is set to **Authoritative**, then it's assumed all recipient mailboxes for your organization currently reside in Exchange Online.
+ - If the domain type is set to **InternalRelay**, then you may still be in a hybrid model where some recipient mailboxes still reside on-premises.
## Step 3: Audit inbound connectors
Use the instructions here to activate your Microsoft Defender for Office 365 eva
For detailed information, see [Try Microsoft Defender for Office 365](../office-365-security/try-microsoft-defender-for-office-365.md).
-1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com> expand *Email & collaboration* \> select **Policies & rules** \> select **Threat policies** \> scroll down to the *Others* section, and then select **Evaluation mode**. Or, to go directly to the *Evaluation mode* page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/atpEvaluation>.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, expand *Email & collaboration* \> select **Policies & rules** \> select **Threat policies** \> scroll down to the *Others* section, and then select **Evaluation mode**. Or, to go directly to the *Evaluation mode* page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/atpEvaluation>.
2. On the *Evaluation mode* page, click **Start evaluation**.
security Eval Defender Promote To Production https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-promote-to-production.md
Last updated 05/13/2021
To promote your Microsoft 365 Defender evaluation environment to production, first purchase the necessary license. Follow the steps in [Create the eval environment](eval-create-eval-environment.md) and purchase the Office 365 E5 license (instead of selecting Start free trial).
-Next, complete any additional configuration and expand your pilot groups until these have reached full production.
+Next, complete any other configuration and expand your pilot groups until these have reached full production.
## Microsoft Defender for Identity
-Defender for Identity doesn't require any additional configuration. Just make sure you've purchased the necessary licenses and installed the sensor on all of your Active Directory domain controllers and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) servers.
+Defender for Identity doesn't require any other configuration. Just make sure you've purchased the necessary licenses and installed the sensor on all of your Active Directory domain controllers and Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) servers.
## Microsoft Defender for Office 365
After successfully evaluating or piloting MDO, it can be promoted to your entire
## Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
-To promote Microsoft Defender for Endpoint evaluation environment from a pilot to production, simply onboard more endpoints to the service using any of the [supported tools and methods](../defender-endpoint/onboard-configure.md).
+To promote Microsoft Defender for Endpoint evaluation environment from a pilot to production, onboard more endpoints to the service using any of the [supported tools and methods](../defender-endpoint/onboard-configure.md).
Use the following general guidelines to onboard more devices to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.
Use the following general guidelines to onboard more devices to Microsoft Defend
## Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
-Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps doesn't require any additional configuration. Just make sure you've purchased the necessary licenses. If you've scoped the deployment to certain user groups, increase the scope of these groups until you reach production scale.
+Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps doesn't require any other configuration. Just make sure you've purchased the necessary licenses. If you've scoped the deployment to certain user groups, increase the scope of these groups until you reach production scale.
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-plan.md
Last updated 07/15/2021
**Applies to:** - Microsoft 365 Defender
-Whatever the current maturity of your security operations, it is important for you to align with your Security Operations Center (SOC). While there is no single model that fits every organization, there are certain aspects that are more common than others.
+Whatever the current maturity of your security operations, it's important for you to align with your Security Operations Center (SOC). While there's no single model that fits every organization, there are certain aspects that are more common than others.
The following sections describe the core functions of the SOC.
The SOC is the frontline of defense to security events and incidents. When an ev
## Centralize monitoring and logging of your organization's security sources
-Usually, the SOC team's core function is to make sure all security devices such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, data loss prevention systems, vulnerability management systems, and identity systems are functioning correctly and being monitored. The SOC teams will work with the broader network operations such as identity, DevOps, cloud, application, data science, and other business teams to ensure the analysis of security information is centralized and secured. Additionally, the SOC team is responsible for maintaining logs of the data in useable and readable formats, which could include parsing and normalizing disparate formats.
+Usually, the SOC team's core function is to make sure all security devices such as firewalls, intrusion prevention systems, data loss prevention systems, vulnerability management systems, and identity systems are functioning correctly and being monitored. The SOC teams work with the broader network operations such as identity, DevOps, cloud, application, data science, and other business teams to ensure the analysis of security information is centralized and secured. Additionally, the SOC team is responsible for maintaining logs of the data in useable and readable formats, which could include parsing and normalizing disparate formats.
## Establish Red, Blue, and Purple team operational readiness
security Integrate Microsoft 365 Defender Secops Use Cases https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops-use-cases.md
Last updated 07/15/2021
**Applies to:** - Microsoft 365 Defender
-The recommended methods to deploy Microsoft 365 Defender in your Security Operations Center (SOC) will depend on the SOC team's current set of tools, processes, and skillsets. Maintaining cyber hygiene across platforms can be challenging because of the vast amount of data coming from dozens if not hundreds of security sources.
+The recommended methods to deploy Microsoft 365 Defender in your Security Operations Center (SOC) depends on the SOC team's current set of tools, processes, and skill set. Maintaining cyber hygiene across platforms can be challenging because of the vast amount of data coming from dozens if not hundreds of security sources.
-Security tools are interrelated. Turning on one feature in a security technology or changing a process may in turn break another. For this reason, Microsoft recommends that your SOC team formalize a method for defining and prioritizing use cases. Use cases help define requirements and test processes for SOC operations across various teams. It creates a methodology for capturing metrics to determine if the right roles and mix of tasks are aligned to the right team with the right skillsets.
+Security tools are interrelated. Turning on one feature in a security technology or changing a process may in turn break another. For this reason, Microsoft recommends that your SOC team formalize a method for defining and prioritizing use cases. Use cases help define requirements and test processes for SOC operations across various teams. It creates a methodology for capturing metrics to determine if the right roles and mix of tasks are aligned to the right team with the right skill set.
## Develop and formalize use case process
The first step in creating a use case is to outline the workflow using a story b
### Invoke the use case workflow for example 1
-Once the story board has been approved, the next step is to invoke the use case workflow. Here is an example process for an anti-phishing campaign.
+Once the story board has been approved, the next step is to invoke the use case workflow. Here's an example process for an anti-phishing campaign.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops/example-detailed-use-case-workflow-phishing.png" alt-text="A detailed use case workflow for an anti-phishing campaign" lightbox="../../media/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops/example-detailed-use-case-workflow-phishing.png":::
Once the story board has been approved, the next step is to invoke the use case
Another scenario where a use case could be used is for threat and vulnerability scanning. In this example, the SOC requires that threats and vulnerabilities be remediated against assets via approved processes that include scanning of assets.
-Here is an example high-level storyboard for the Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management of assets.
+Here's an example high-level storyboard for the Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management of assets.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops/example-use-case-workflow-storyboard-tvm.png" alt-text="A use-case workflow for threat and vulnerability management" lightbox="../../media/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops/example-use-case-workflow-storyboard-tvm.png"::: ### Invoke the use case workflow for example 2
-Here is an example process for threat and vulnerability scanning.
+Here's an example process for threat and vulnerability scanning.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops/example-detailed-use-case-workflow-tvm.png" alt-text="A detailed use case workflow for threat and vulnerability management" lightbox="../../media/integrate-microsoft-365-defender-secops/example-detailed-use-case-workflow-tvm.png"::: ### Analyze the use case output and lessons learned
-After a use case has been approved and tested, gaps among your security teams should be identified, along with people, processes, and the Microsoft 365 Defender technologies involved. Microsoft 365 Defender technologies should be analyzed to determine if they are capable of achieving desired outcomes. These can be tracked via a checklist or a matrix.
+After a use case has been approved and tested, gaps among your security teams should be identified, along with people, processes, and the Microsoft 365 Defender technologies involved. Microsoft 365 Defender technologies should be analyzed to determine if they're capable of achieving desired outcomes. These can be tracked via a checklist or a matrix.
For example, in the anti-phishing scenario example, the SOC teams could have made the discoveries in this table. |SOC team|Requirement|People to meet requirement|Process to meet requirement|Relevant technology|Gap identified|Use case change log|Exempt (Y/N)| |||||||||
-|Threat Intelligence and Analytics team|Data sources are properly feeding the threat intelligence engines.|Threat Intelligence Analyst/Engineer|Data feed requirements established, threat intelligence triggers from approved sources|Microsoft Defender for Identity, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint|Threat Intelligence team did not use automation script to link Microsoft 365 Defender API with threat intel engines|Add Microsoft 365 Defender as data sources to threat engines <p> Update use case run book|N|
+|Threat Intelligence and Analytics team|Data sources are properly feeding the threat intelligence engines.|Threat Intelligence Analyst/Engineer|Data feed requirements established, threat intelligence triggers from approved sources|Microsoft Defender for Identity, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint|Threat Intelligence team didn't use automation script to link Microsoft 365 Defender API with threat intel engines|Add Microsoft 365 Defender as data sources to threat engines <p> Update use case run book|N|
|Monitoring team|Data sources are properly feeding the monitoring dashboards|Tier 1,2 SOC AnalystΓÇôMonitoring & Alerts|Workflow for reporting Security & Compliance Center Secure Score|[Investigate alerts in Microsoft 365 Defender](investigate-alerts.md) <p> Secure Score monitoring|No mechanism for SOC analysts to report successful new phishing variant detection to improve Secure Score <p> [View email security reports in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/reports-email-security)|Add a process for tracking Secure Score improvement to Reporting workflows|N| |Engineering and SecOps Team|Change control updates are made in the SOC team runbooks|Tier 2 SOC Engineer|Change Control notification procedure for SOC team runbooks|Approved changes to security devices|Changes to Microsoft 365 Defender connectivity to SOC security technology requires approval|Add Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, Defender for Identity, Defender for Endpoint, Security & Compliance Center to SOC runbooks|Y|
Additionally, the SOC teams could have made the discoveries outlined in the tabl
|Engineering & SecOps Teams|High impact and critical vulnerabilities in assets are remediated according to policy|SecOps engineers, SOC analysts: Vulnerability & Compliance, Security Engineering|Defined process for categorizing High Risk and Critical Vulnerabilities|[Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Dashboards](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/next-gen-threat-and-vuln-mgt)|Defender for Endpoint has identified high impact, high alert devices with no remediation plan or implementation of Microsoft recommended activity|Add a workflow for notifying asset owners when remediation activity is required within 30 days per policy; Implement a ticketing system to notify asset owners of remediation steps.|N| |Monitoring Teams|Threat and vulnerability status is reported via company intranet portal|Tier 2 SOC analyst|Auto-generated reports from Microsoft 365 Defender showing remediation progress of assets|[Investigate alerts in Microsoft 365 Defender](investigate-alerts.md) <p> Secure Score monitoring|No views or dashboard reports being communicated to asset owners regarding threat and vulnerability status of assets.|Create automation script to populate status of high risk and critical asset vulnerability remediation to the organization.|N|
-In these example use cases, the testing revealed several gaps in the SOC team's requirements that were established as baselines for the responsibilities of each team. The use case checklist can be as comprehensive as needed to ensure that the SOC team is prepared for the Microsoft 365 Defender integration with new or existing SOC requirements. Since this will be an iterative process, the use case development process and the use case output content will naturally serve to update and mature the SOC's runbooks with lessons learned.
+In these example use cases, the testing revealed several gaps in the SOC team's requirements that were established as baselines for the responsibilities of each team. The use case checklist can be as comprehensive as needed to ensure that the SOC team is prepared for the Microsoft 365 Defender integration with new or existing SOC requirements. Since this is an iterative process, the use case development process and the use case output content naturally serve to update and mature the SOC's runbooks with lessons learned.
## Update production runbooks and playbooks Once use case testing has been remediated for all gaps, the lessons learned and metrics collected in them can be incorporated into your SOC team's production runbooks (operating processes) and playbooks (incident responses and escalation procedures).
-Maintenance of the SOC team runbooks and playbooks can be organized in a multitude of ways. Each SOC team may be responsible for their own, or there may be a single centralized version for all teams to share in a central repository. Runbook and playbook management for individual organizations is based on size, skillsets, roles, and segregation of duties. Once a runbook has been updated, the playbook update process should follow.
+Maintenance of the SOC team runbooks and playbooks can be organized in a multitude of ways. Each SOC team may be responsible for their own, or there may be a single centralized version for all teams to share in a central repository. Runbook and playbook management for individual organizations is based on size, skill set, roles, and segregation of duties. Once a runbook has been updated, the playbook update process should follow.
## Use a standard framework for escalation
-Playbooks are the steps the SOC teams will need to follow when a real event occurs, based on the successful integration and test of the use case. Therefore, it is imperative that the SOC follows a formalized approach to incident response, such as the [NIST Incident Response Standard](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-61r2.pdf) that has become one of the leading industry standards for incident response.
+Playbooks are the steps the SOC teams need to follow when a real event occurs, based on the successful integration and test of the use case. Therefore, it's imperative that the SOC follows a formalized approach to incident response, such as the [NIST Incident Response Standard](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-61r2.pdf) that has become one of the leading industry standards for incident response.
The NIST four step incident response process includes four phases:
The NIST four step incident response process includes four phases:
### Example: Tracking preparation phase activity
-One of the core foundations of an escalation playbook is to ensure there is little ambiguity as to what each SOC team is supposed to do before, during, and after an event or incident. Therefore, it is good practice to list out step by step instructions.
+One of the core foundations of an escalation playbook is to ensure there's little ambiguity as to what each SOC team is supposed to do before, during, and after an event or incident. Therefore, it's good practice to list out step by step instructions.
For example, the Preparation phase could include an if/then or XoR matrix of tasks. In the case of the new phishing variant example use case, such a matrix could look like this:
security Playbook Responding Ransomware M365 Defender https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/playbook-responding-ransomware-m365-defender.md
Run through this list of questions and tasks to discover the extent of the attac
Run through this list of tasks and questions to protect existing systems from attack:
-* If you have online backups, consider disconnecting the backup system from the network until you are confident that the attack is contained, see [Backup and restore plan to protect against ransomware | Microsoft Docs](/security/compass/backup-plan-to-protect-against-ransomware).
-* If you are experiencing or expect an imminent and active ransomware deployment:
+* If you have online backups, consider disconnecting the backup system from the network until you're confident that the attack is contained, see [Backup and restore plan to protect against ransomware | Microsoft Docs](/security/compass/backup-plan-to-protect-against-ransomware).
+* If you're experiencing or expect an imminent and active ransomware deployment:
* [Suspend privileged and local accounts](/investigate-users.md) that you suspect are part of the attack. You can do this from the **Users** tab in the properties of the incident in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. * Stop all [remote logon sessions](/defender-for-identity/playbook-domain-dominance). * Reset the compromised user account passwords and require the users of compromised user accounts to sign in again.
Run through this list of tasks and questions to protect existing systems from at
DeviceLogonEvents | where DeviceName contains (AccountDomain) | take 10 ```
-* For the devices that are not yet isolated and are not part of the critical infrastructure:
- * Isolate compromised devices from the network but do not shut them off.
+* For the devices that aren't yet isolated and aren't part of the critical infrastructure:
+ * Isolate compromised devices from the network but don't shut them off.
* If you identify the originating or spreader devices, isolate those first. * Preserve compromised systems for analysis.
* To disable other types of access to a mailbox, see: * [Enable or disable MAPI for a mailbox](/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/manage-user-mailboxes/enable-or-disable-mapi). * [Enable or Disable POP3 or IMAP4 access for a user](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/pop3-and-imap4/enable-or-disable-pop3-or-imap4-access).
- * Pausing OneDrive sync will help protect your cloud data from being updated by potentially infected devices. For more information, see [How to Pause and Resume sync in OneDrive](https://support.microsoft.com/office/how-to-pause-and-resume-sync-in-onedrive-2152bfa4-a2a5-4d3a-ace8-92912fb4421e).
+ * Pausing OneDrive sync helps protect your cloud data from being updated by potentially infected devices. For more information, see [How to Pause and Resume sync in OneDrive](https://support.microsoft.com/office/how-to-pause-and-resume-sync-in-onedrive-2152bfa4-a2a5-4d3a-ace8-92912fb4421e).
* Apply relevant patches and configuration changes on affected systems. * Block ransomware communications using internal and external controls. * Purge cached content
Use this section to investigate the attack and plan your response.
### Assess your current situation * What initially made you aware of the ransomware attack?
- * If IT staff identified the initial threatΓÇösuch as noticing backups being deleted, antivirus alerts, endpoint detection and response (EDR) alerts, or suspicious system changesΓÇöit is often possible to take quick decisive measures to thwart the attack, typically by the containment actions described in this article.
+ * If IT staff identified the initial threatΓÇösuch as noticing backups being deleted, antivirus alerts, endpoint detection and response (EDR) alerts, or suspicious system changesΓÇöit's often possible to take quick decisive measures to thwart the attack, typically by the containment actions described in this article.
* What date and time did you first learn of the incident?
- * What system and security updates were not installed on devices on that date? This is important to understand what vulnerabilities might have been leveraged so they can be addressed on other devices.
+ * What system and security updates weren't installed on devices on that date? This is important to understand what vulnerabilities might have been leveraged so they can be addressed on other devices.
* What user accounts were used on that date? * What new user accounts were created since that date? * What programs were added to automatically start around the time that the incident occurred?
Use these steps to eradicate the threat and recover damaged resources.
### Step 1: Verify your backups
-If you have offline backups, you can probably restore the data that has been encrypted after you have removed the ransomware payload (malware) from your environment and after you have verified that there's no unauthorized access in your Microsoft 365 tenant.
+If you have offline backups, you can probably restore the data that has been encrypted after you've removed the ransomware payload (malware) from your environment and after you've verified that there's no unauthorized access in your Microsoft 365 tenant.
### Step 2: Add indicators
Add any known attacker communication channels as indicators, blocked in firewall
Reset the passwords of any known compromised user accounts and require a new sign-in. * Consider resetting the passwords for any privileged account with broad administrative authority, such as the members of the Domain Admins group.
-* If a user account might have been created by an attacker, disable the account. Do not delete the account unless there are no plans to perform security forensics for the incident.
+* If a user account might have been created by an attacker, disable the account. Don't delete the account unless there are no plans to perform security forensics for the incident.
### Step 4: Isolate attacker control points
Isolate any known attacker control points inside the enterprise from the Interne
Remove the malware from the affected devices. * Run a full, current antivirus scan on all suspected computers and devices to detect and remove the payload that is associated with the ransomware.
-* Do not forget to scan devices that synchronize data or the targets of mapped network drives.
+* Don't forget to scan devices that synchronize data or the targets of mapped network drives.
### Step 6: Recover files on a cleaned device
Recover deleted email.
### Step 9: Re-enable Exchange ActiveSync and OneDrive sync
-* After you have cleaned your computers and devices and recovered the data, you can re-enable Exchange ActiveSync and OneDrive sync that you previously disabled in step 3 of containment.
+* After you've cleaned your computers and devices and recovered the data, you can re-enable Exchange ActiveSync and OneDrive sync that you previously disabled in step 3 of containment.
security Secure Score Data Storage Privacy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/secure-score-data-storage-privacy.md
Secure score operates in the Microsoft Azure datacenters in the European Union,
Customer data in pseudonymized form may also be stored in the central storage and processing systems in the United States.
-Once configured, you cannot change the location where your data is stored. This provides a convenient way to minimize compliance risk by actively selecting the geographic locations where your data will reside.
+Once configured, you can't change the location where your data is stored. This provides a convenient way to minimize compliance risk by actively selecting the geographic locations where your data will reside.
## How long will Microsoft store my data? What is Microsoft's data retention policy?
By default, data is retained for 90 days based on your active licenses.
### At contract termination or expiration
-Your data will be kept and will be available to you while the license is under grace period or suspended mode. At the end of this period, data which is associated to expired or terminated license will be erased from Microsoft's systems to make it unrecoverable, no later than 90 days from the associated contract termination or expiration.
+Your data is kept and is available to you while the license is under grace period or suspended mode. At the end of this period, data that is associated to expired or terminated license is erased from Microsoft's systems to make it unrecoverable, no later than 90 days from the associated contract termination or expiration.
security Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/whats-new.md
For more information on what's new with other Microsoft Defender security produc
You can also get product updates and important notifications through the [message center](https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home#/MessageCenter).
-## March 2023
+## March 2023
+- (Preview) Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence (Defender TI) is now available in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
+This change introduces a new navigation menu within the Microsoft 365 Defender portal named **Threat Intelligence**. [Learn more](defender-threat-intelligence.md)
- (Preview) Complete device reports for the [`DeviceInfo` table](advanced-hunting-deviceinfo-table.md) in advanced hunting are now sent *every hour* (instead of the previous daily cadence). In addition, complete device reports are also sent whenever there is a change to any previous report. New columns were also added to the `DeviceInfo` table, along with several improvements to existing data in `DeviceInfo` and [DeviceNetworkInfo](advanced-hunting-devicenetworkinfo-table.md) tables. - (Preview) Near real-time custom detection is now available for public preview in advanced hunting custom detections. There is a new [Continuous (NRT)](custom-detection-rules.md) frequency, which checks data from events as they are collected and processed in near real-time.
security Defender For Office 365 Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/defender-for-office-365-whats-new.md
For more information on what's new with other Microsoft Defender security produc
## March 2023
+- **Collaboration security for Microsoft Teams**: With the increased use of collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, the possibility of malicious attacks using URLs and messages has increased as well. Microsoft Defender for Office 365 is extending its [Safelinks](safe-links-about.md) protection with increased capabilities for zero-hour auto purge (ZAP), quarantine, and end user reporting of potential malicious messages to their admins. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 support for Microsoft Teams (Preview)](mdo-support-teams-about.md).
- **Built-in protection: Safe Links time of click protection enabled for email**: Microsoft will now by default protect URLs in email messages at time of click as part of this update to Safe Links settings (_EnableSafeLinksForEmail_) within the Built-in protection preset security policy. To learn about the specific Safe Links protections in the Built-in protection policy, see [Safe Links policy settings](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md#safe-links-policy-settings). - **Quarantine notifications enabled in preset security policies**: If your organization has enabled or will enable the Standard or Strict preset security policies, the policies will be automatically updated to use the new DefaultFullAccessWithNotificationPolicy quarantine policy (notifications enabled) wherever the DefaultFullAccessPolicy (notifications disabled) was used. To learn more about quarantine notifications, see [Quarantine notifications](quarantine-quarantine-notifications.md). For more information about specific settings in preset security policies, see [Microsoft recommendations for EOP and Defender for Office 365 security settings](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md).
security Identity Access Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/identity-access-policies.md
For **System security**, see this table.
|Simple passwords|Block| |Password type|Device default| |Minimum password length|6|
-|Maximum minutes of inactivity before password is required|15 minutes|
+|Maximum minutes of inactivity before a password is required|15 minutes|
|Password expiration (days)|41| |Number of previous passwords to prevent reuse|5| |Require password when device returns from idle state (Mobile and Holographic)|Require|
When configuring your policy, use the following risk levels.
Follow the guidance in the article [Common Conditional Access policy: Block legacy authentication](/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/howto-conditional-access-policy-block-legacy) to block legacy authentication.
-For Exchange Online, you can use authentication policies to [disable Basic authentication](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/disable-basic-authentication-in-exchange-online), which forces all client access requests to use modern authentication.
- ### High risk users must change password Follow the guidance in the article [Common Conditional Access policy: User risk-based password change](/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/howto-conditional-access-policy-block-legacy) to require users with compromised credentials to change their password.
security Mdo Email Entity Page https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/mdo-email-entity-page.md
Previously updated : 1/31/2023 Last updated : 3/28/2023 audience: ITPro
search.appverid: met150
**Applies to:** - [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md) **In this article:** - [Reach the email entity page](#how-to-get-to-the-email-entity-page)
In addition to the above sections, you will also see sections specific to few ex
- Quarantine:
- - *Quarantine details*: Contains quarantine-specific details. For more information, see [Manage quarantined messages](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#view-quarantined-message-details).
+ - *Quarantine details*: Contains quarantine-specific details. For more information, see [Manage quarantined messages](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#view-quarantined-email-details).
- Expires: The date/time when the message will be automatically and permanently deleted from quarantine. - Released to: All email addresses (if any) to which the message has been released.
security Mdo Support Teams About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/mdo-support-teams-about.md
+ Title: Microsoft Defender for Office 365 support for Microsoft Teams (Preview)
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+ - MET150
+ - MOE150
+ - m365-security
+ - tier1
+description: Admins can learn about Microsoft Teams features in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
++ Last updated : 3/28/2023++
+# Microsoft Defender for Office 365 support for Microsoft Teams (Preview)
+**Applies to**
+- [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)
+> [!NOTE]
+> This article lists new features in the latest release of Microsoft Defender for Office 365. These features are currently in preview.
+With the increased use of collaboration tools like Microsoft Teams, the possibility of malicious attacks using URLs and messages has increased as well. Microsoft Defender for Office 365 already provides protection against malicious URLs in Teams through [Safe Links](safe-links-about.md), and now Microsoft is extending this protection with a new set of capabilities designed to disrupt the attack chain.
+- **Reporting suspicious messages and files to admins and Microsoft (optional)**: Users will have the ability to report potential malicious messages to their admins. The admins can review these messages and report them to Microsoft. For more information, see [User reported settings in Teams](submissions-teams.md).
+- **Zero-Hour Auto Purge (ZAP)**: ZAP is an existing email protection feature that proactively detects and neutralizes malicious phishing, spam, or malware messages that have already been delivered. For read or unread messages that are found to contain malware after delivery, ZAP quarantines the message that contains the malware attachment. Note that for this preview, ZAP will be quarantining based on malicious or phishing messages, and not spam. For more information, see [Zero-hour auto purge in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](zero-hour-auto-purge.md#zero-hour-auto-purge-zap-in-microsoft-teams).
+- **Quarantine**: Admins will be able to review quarantined messages that are identified as malicious by ZAP. Admins will also be able to release the message if the message is determined as safe. For more information, see [Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-manage-quarantined-messages-in-microsoft-teams).
+The **Teams Message Entity Panel** is one single place to store all of Teams message metadata that will allow for immediate SecOps review. Any threat coming from chats, group or meeting chats, and other channels can be found in one place as soon as it is assessed. For more information, see [Teams Message Entity Panel for Microsoft Teams](teams-message-entity-panel.md).
+- **Attack Simulation and Training**: In order to ensure your users are resilient to phishing attacks in Microsoft Teams, admins can configure phishing simulations in Teams similar to how they do so in email. For more information, see [Training campaigns in Attack simulation training](attack-simulation-training-training-campaigns.md).
+## Enable Microsoft Defender for Teams
+If you are interested in previewing the features listed above, for ALL users in your tenant, you can enable them using the Exchange Online PowerShell cmdlet. For more details on how to connect to Exchange Online with PowerShell, see [Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell). Once connected, you can enable teams preview as follows:
+ ```powershell
+ Set-TeamsSecurityPreview -Enable $true
+ ```
+To check the status for your tenant run the following cmdlet:
+ ```powershell
+ Get-TeamsSecurityPreview
+ ```
+Note: This cmdlet is used to inform Microsoft that you want to preview the Teams preview. By Running this cmdlet, your tenant will be added to the rollout schedule. The features will be enabled over time during the preview period.
+## See also
+- [Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-overview)
+- [Managing Teams quarantined messages](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-manage-quarantined-messages-in-microsoft-teams)
+- [Get started using Attack simulation training in Defender for Office 365](attack-simulation-training-get-started.md)
security Message Headers Eop Mdo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/message-headers-eop-mdo.md
For information about how to view an email message header in various email clien
## X-Forefront-Antispam-Report message header fields
-After you have the message header information, find the **X-Forefront-Antispam-Report** header. There will be multiple field and value pairs in this header separated by semicolons (;). For example:
+After you have the message header information, find the **X-Forefront-Antispam-Report** header. There are multiple field and value pairs in this header separated by semicolons (;). For example:
The individual fields and values are described in the following table.
|`CTRY`|The source country as determined by the connecting IP address, which may not be the same as the originating sending IP address.| |`H:[helostring]`|The HELO or EHLO string of the connecting email server.| |`IPV:CAL`|The message skipped spam filtering because the source IP address was in the IP Allow List. For more information, see [Configure connection filtering](connection-filter-policies-configure.md).|
-|`IPV:NLI`|The IP address was not found on any IP reputation list.|
+|`IPV:NLI`|The IP address wasn't found on any IP reputation list.|
|`LANG`|The language in which the message was written, as specified by the country code (for example, ru_RU for Russian).| |`PTR:[ReverseDNS]`|The PTR record (also known as the reverse DNS lookup) of the source IP address.| |`SCL`|The spam confidence level (SCL) of the message. A higher value indicates the message is more likely to be spam. For more information, see [Spam confidence level (SCL)](anti-spam-spam-confidence-level-scl-about.md).|
-|`SFTY`|The message was identified as phishing and will also be marked with one of the following values: <ul><li>9.19: Domain impersonation. The sending domain is attempting to [impersonate a protected domain](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365). The safety tip for domain impersonation is added to the message (if it's enabled).</li><li>9.20: User impersonation. The sending user is attempting to impersonate a user in the recipient's organization, or [a protected user that's specified in an anti-phishing policy](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365) in Microsoft Defender for Office 365. The safety tip for user impersonation is added to the message (if it's enabled).</li><li>9.25: First contact safety tip. This value _might_ be an indication of a suspicious or phishing message. For more information, see [First contact safety tip](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#first-contact-safety-tip).</li></ul>|
+|`SFTY`|The message was identified as phishing and is also marked with one of the following values: <ul><li>9.19: Domain impersonation. The sending domain is attempting to [impersonate a protected domain](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365). The safety tip for domain impersonation is added to the message (if it's enabled).</li><li>9.20: User impersonation. The sending user is attempting to impersonate a user in the recipient's organization, or [a protected user that's specified in an anti-phishing policy](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365) in Microsoft Defender for Office 365. The safety tip for user impersonation is added to the message (if it's enabled).</li><li>9.25: First contact safety tip. This value _might_ be an indication of a suspicious or phishing message. For more information, see [First contact safety tip](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#first-contact-safety-tip).</li></ul>|
|`SFV:BLK`|Filtering was skipped and the message was blocked because it was sent from an address in a user's Blocked Senders list. <p> For more information about how admins can manage a user's Blocked Senders list, see [Configure junk email settings on Exchange Online mailboxes](configure-junk-email-settings-on-exo-mailboxes.md).| |`SFV:NSPM`|Spam filtering marked the message as non-spam and the message was sent to the intended recipients.| |`SFV:SFE`|Filtering was skipped and the message was allowed because it was sent from an address in a user's Safe Senders list. <p> For more information about how admins can manage a user's Safe Senders list, see [Configure junk email settings on Exchange Online mailboxes](configure-junk-email-settings-on-exo-mailboxes.md).|
The following table describes the fields and possible values for each email auth
|Field|Description| |||
-|`action`|Indicates the action taken by the spam filter based on the results of the DMARC check. For example: <ul><li>**oreject** or **o.reject**: Stands for override reject. In this case Microsoft 365 uses this action when it receives a message that fails the DMARC check from a domain whose DMARC TXT record has a policy of p=reject. Instead of deleting or rejecting the message, Microsoft 365 marks the message as spam. For more information on why Microsoft 365 is configured this way, see [How Microsoft 365 handles inbound email that fails DMARC](email-authentication-dmarc-configure.md#how-microsoft-365-handles-inbound-email-that-fails-dmarc).</li><li>**pct.quarantine**: Indicates that a percentage less than 100% of messages that do not pass DMARC will be delivered anyway. This means that the message failed DMARC and the policy was set to quarantine, but the pct field was not set to 100% and the system randomly determined not to apply the DMARC action, as per the specified domain's policy.</li><li>**pct.reject**: Indicates that a percentage less than 100% of messages that do not pass DMARC will be delivered anyway. This means that the message failed DMARC and the policy was set to reject, but the pct field was not set to 100% and the system randomly determined not to apply the DMARC action, as per the specified domain's policy.</li><li>**permerror**: A permanent error occurred during DMARC evaluation, such as encountering an incorrectly formed DMARC TXT record in DNS. Attempting to resend this message isn't likely to end with a different result. Instead, you may need to contact the domain's owner in order to resolve the issue.</li><li>**temperror**: A temporary error occurred during DMARC evaluation. You may be able to request that the sender resend the message later in order to process the email properly.</li></ul>|
+|`action`|Indicates the action taken by the spam filter based on the results of the DMARC check. For example: <ul><li>**oreject** or **o.reject**: Stands for override reject. In this case Microsoft 365 uses this action when it receives a message that fails the DMARC check from a domain whose DMARC TXT record has a policy of p=reject. Instead of deleting or rejecting the message, Microsoft 365 marks the message as spam. For more information on why Microsoft 365 is configured this way, see [How Microsoft 365 handles inbound email that fails DMARC](email-authentication-dmarc-configure.md#how-microsoft-365-handles-inbound-email-that-fails-dmarc).</li><li>**pct.quarantine**: Indicates that a percentage less than 100% of messages that don't pass DMARC are delivered anyway. This means that the message failed DMARC and the policy was set to quarantine, but the pct field wasn't set to 100% and the system randomly determined not to apply the DMARC action, as per the specified domain's policy.</li><li>**pct.reject**: Indicates that a percentage less than 100% of messages that don't pass DMARC are delivered anyway. This means that the message failed DMARC and the policy was set to reject, but the pct field wasn't set to 100% and the system randomly determined not to apply the DMARC action, as per the specified domain's policy.</li><li>**permerror**: A permanent error occurred during DMARC evaluation, such as encountering an incorrectly formed DMARC TXT record in DNS. Attempting to resend this message isn't likely to end with a different result. Instead, you may need to contact the domain's owner in order to resolve the issue.</li><li>**temperror**: A temporary error occurred during DMARC evaluation. You may be able to request that the sender resend the message later in order to process the email properly.</li></ul>|
|`compauth`|Composite authentication result. Used by Microsoft 365 to combine multiple types of authentication such as SPF, DKIM, DMARC, or any other part of the message to determine whether or not the message is authenticated. Uses the From: domain as the basis of evaluation.|
-|`dkim`|Describes the results of the DKIM check for the message. Possible values include: <ul><li>**pass**: Indicates the DKIM check for the message passed.</li><li>**fail (reason)**: Indicates the DKIM check for the message failed and why. For example, if the message was not signed or the signature was not verified.</li><li>**none**: Indicates that the message was not signed. This may or may not indicate that the domain has a DKIM record or the DKIM record does not evaluate to a result, only that this message was not signed.</li></ul>|
+|`dkim`|Describes the results of the DKIM check for the message. Possible values include: <ul><li>**pass**: Indicates the DKIM check for the message passed.</li><li>**fail (reason)**: Indicates the DKIM check for the message failed and why. For example, if the message wasn't signed or the signature wasn't verified.</li><li>**none**: Indicates that the message wasn't signed. This may or may not indicate that the domain has a DKIM record or the DKIM record doesn't evaluate to a result, only that this message wasn't signed.</li></ul>|
|`dmarc`|Describes the results of the DMARC check for the message. Possible values include: <ul><li>**pass**: Indicates the DMARC check for the message passed.</li><li>**fail**: Indicates the DMARC check for the message failed.</li><li>**bestguesspass**: Indicates that no DMARC TXT record for the domain exists, but if one had existed, the DMARC check for the message would have passed.</li><li>**none**: Indicates that no DMARC TXT record exists for the sending domain in DNS.| |`header.d`|Domain identified in the DKIM signature if any. This is the domain that's queried for the public key.| |`header.from`|The domain of the `5322.From` address in the email message header (also known as the From address or P2 sender). Recipient sees the From address in email clients.|
-|`reason`|The reason the composite authentication passed or failed. The value is a 3-digit code. For example: <ul><li>**000**: The message failed explicit authentication (`compauth=fail`). For example, the message received a DMARC fail with an action of quarantine or reject.</li><li>**001**: The message failed implicit authentication (`compauth=fail`). This means that the sending domain did not have email authentication records published, or if they did, they had a weaker failure policy (SPF soft fail or neutral, DMARC policy of `p=none`).</li><li>**002**: The organization has a policy for the sender/domain pair that is explicitly prohibited from sending spoofed email. This setting is manually set by an admin.</li><li>**010**: The message failed DMARC with an action of reject or quarantine, and the sending domain is one of your organization's accepted-domains (this is part of self-to-self, or intra-org, spoofing).</li><li>**1xx** or **7xx**: The message passed authentication (`compauth=pass`). The last two digits are internal codes used by Microsoft 365.</li><li>**2xx**: The message soft-passed implicit authentication (`compauth=softpass`). The last two digits are internal codes used by Microsoft 365.</li><li>**3xx**: The message was not checked for composite authentication (`compauth=none`).</li><li>**4xx** or **9xx**: The message bypassed composite authentication (`compauth=none`). The last two digits are internal codes used by Microsoft 365.</li><li>**6xx**: The message failed implicit email authentication, and the sending domain is one of your organization's accepted domains (this is part of self-to-self or intra-org spoofing).</li></ul>|
+|`reason`|The reason the composite authentication passed or failed. The value is a 3-digit code. For example: <ul><li>**000**: The message failed explicit authentication (`compauth=fail`). For example, the message received a DMARC fail with an action of quarantine or reject.</li><li>**001**: The message failed implicit authentication (`compauth=fail`). This means that the sending domain didn't have email authentication records published, or if they did, they had a weaker failure policy (SPF soft fail or neutral, DMARC policy of `p=none`).</li><li>**002**: The organization has a policy for the sender/domain pair that is explicitly prohibited from sending spoofed email. This setting is manually set by an admin.</li><li>**010**: The message failed DMARC with an action of reject or quarantine, and the sending domain is one of your organization's accepted-domains (this is part of self-to-self, or intra-org, spoofing).</li><li>**1xx** or **7xx**: The message passed authentication (`compauth=pass`). The last two digits are internal codes used by Microsoft 365.</li><li>**2xx**: The message soft-passed implicit authentication (`compauth=softpass`). The last two digits are internal codes used by Microsoft 365.</li><li>**3xx**: The message wasn't checked for composite authentication (`compauth=none`).</li><li>**4xx** or **9xx**: The message bypassed composite authentication (`compauth=none`). The last two digits are internal codes used by Microsoft 365.</li><li>**6xx**: The message failed implicit email authentication, and the sending domain is one of your organization's accepted domains (this is part of self-to-self or intra-org spoofing).</li></ul>|
|`smtp.mailfrom`|The domain of the `5321.MailFrom` address (also known as the MAIL FROM address, P1 sender, or envelope sender). This is the email address that's used for non-delivery reports (also known as NDRs or bounce messages).|
-|`spf`|Describes the results of the SPF check for the message. Possible values include: <ul><li>`pass (IP address)`: The SPF check for the message passed and includes the sender's IP address. The client is authorized to send or relay email on behalf of the sender's domain.</li><li>`fail (IP address)`: The SPF check for the message failed and includes the sender's IP address. This is sometimes called _hard fail_.</li><li>`softfail (reason)`: The SPF record designated the host as not being allowed to send, but is in transition.</li><li>`neutral`: The SPF record explicitly states that it does not assert whether the IP address is authorized to send.</li><li>`none`: The domain doesn't have an SPF record or the SPF record doesn't evaluate to a result.</li><li>`temperror`: A temporary error has occurred. For example, a DNS error. The same check later might succeed.</li><li>`permerror`: A permanent error has occurred. For example, the domain has a badly formatted SPF record.</li></ul>|
+|`spf`|Describes the results of the SPF check for the message. Possible values include: <ul><li>`pass (IP address)`: The SPF check for the message passed and includes the sender's IP address. The client is authorized to send or relay email on behalf of the sender's domain.</li><li>`fail (IP address)`: The SPF check for the message failed and includes the sender's IP address. This is sometimes called _hard fail_.</li><li>`softfail (reason)`: The SPF record designated the host as not being allowed to send, but is in transition.</li><li>`neutral`: The SPF record explicitly states that it doesn't assert whether the IP address is authorized to send.</li><li>`none`: The domain doesn't have an SPF record or the SPF record doesn't evaluate to a result.</li><li>`temperror`: A temporary error has occurred. For example, a DNS error. The same check later might succeed.</li><li>`permerror`: A permanent error has occurred. For example, the domain has a badly formatted SPF record.</li></ul>|
security Migrate To Defender For Office 365 Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/migrate-to-defender-for-office-365-setup.md
Distribution groups are required in Microsoft 365 for the following aspects of y
As we described in [Onboard Step 2: (Optional) Exempt pilot users from filtering by your existing protection service](migrate-to-defender-for-office-365-onboard.md#step-2-optional-exempt-pilot-users-from-filtering-by-your-existing-protection-service), you should consider exempting these same pilot users from scanning by your existing protection service. Eliminating the possibility of filtering by your existing protection service and relying exclusively on Defender for Office 365 is the best and closest representation of what's going to happen after your migration is complete. -- **Testing of specific Defender for Office 365 protection features**: Even for the pilot users, you don't want to turn on everything at once. Using a staged approach for the protection features that are in effect for your pilot users will make troubleshooting and adjusting much easier. With this approach in mind, we recommend the following distribution groups:
+- **Testing of specific Defender for Office 365 protection features**: Even for the pilot users, you don't want to turn on everything at once. Using a staged approach for the protection features that are in effect for your pilot users makes troubleshooting and adjusting easier. With this approach in mind, we recommend the following distribution groups:
- **A Safe Attachments pilot group**: For example, **MDOPilot\_SafeAttachments** - **A Safe Links pilot group**: For example, **MDOPilot\_SafeLinks** - **A pilot group for Standard anti-spam and anti-phishing policy settings**: For example, **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Standard** - **A pilot group for Strict anti-spam and anti-phishing policy settings**: For example, **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Strict**
-For clarity, we'll use these specific group names throughout this article, but you're free to use your own naming convention.
+For clarity, we use these specific group names throughout this article, but you're free to use your own naming convention.
When you're ready to begin testing, add these groups as exceptions to [the SCL=-1 mail flow rule](#step-3-maintain-or-create-the-scl-1-mail-flow-rule). As you create policies for the various protection features in Defender for Office 365, you'll use these groups as conditions that define who the policy applies to. **Notes**: -- The terms Standard and Strict come from our [recommended security settings](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md), which are also used in [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md). Ideally, we would tell you to define your pilot users in the Standard and Strict preset security policies, but we can't do that. Why? Because you can't customize the settings in preset security policies (in particular, actions that are taken on messages). During your migration testing, you'll want to see what Defender for Office 365 would do to messages, verify that's what you want to happen, and possibly adjust the policy configurations to allow or prevent those results.
+- The terms Standard and Strict come from our [recommended security settings](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md), which are also used in [preset security policies](preset-security-policies.md). Ideally, we would tell you to define your pilot users in the Standard and Strict preset security policies, but we can't do that. Why? Because you can't customize the settings in preset security policies (in particular, actions that are taken on messages). During your migration testing, you want to see what Defender for Office 365 would do to messages, verify that's what you want to happen, and possibly adjust the policy configurations to allow or prevent those results.
- So, instead of using preset security policies, you're going to manually create custom policies with settings that are very similar to, but in some cases are different than, the settings of Standard and Strict preset security policies.
+ So, instead of using preset security policies, you're going to manually create custom policies with settings that are similar to, but in some cases are different than, the settings of Standard and Strict preset security policies.
- If you want to experiment with settings that **significantly** differ from our Standard or Strict recommended values, you should consider creating and using additional and specific distribution groups for the pilot users in those scenarios. You can use the Configuration Analyzer to see how secure your settings are. For instructions, see [Configuration analyzer for protection policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365](configuration-analyzer-for-security-policies.md).
When you're ready to begin testing, add these groups as exceptions to [the SCL=-
The ability for users to report false positives or false negatives from Defender for Office 365 is an important part of the migration.
-You can specify an Exchange Online mailbox to receive messages that users report as malicious or not malicious. For instructions, see [User reported settings](submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md). This mailbox can receive copies of messages that your users submitted to Microsoft, or the mailbox can intercept messages without reporting them to Microsoft (you're security team can manually analyze and submit the messages themselves). However, the interception approach does not allow the service to automatically tune and learn.
+You can specify an Exchange Online mailbox to receive messages that users report as malicious or not malicious. For instructions, see [User reported settings](submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md). This mailbox can receive copies of messages that your users submitted to Microsoft, or the mailbox can intercept messages without reporting them to Microsoft (your security team can manually analyze and submit the messages themselves). However, the interception approach doesn't allow the service to automatically tune and learn.
You should also confirm that all users in the pilot have a supported way to report messages that received an incorrect verdict from Defender for Office 365. These options include:
You should also confirm that all users in the pilot have a supported way to repo
- [The Report Message and Report Phishing add-ins](submissions-outlook-report-messages.md#use-the-report-message-and-report-phishing-add-ins-in-outlook) - Supported third party reporting tools as described [here](submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md#message-submission-format).
-Don't underestimate the importance of this step. Data from user reported messages will give you the feedback loop that you need to verify a good, consistent end-user experience before and after the migration. This feedback helps you to make informed policy configuration decisions, as well as provide data-backed reports to management that the migration went smoothly.
+Don't underestimate the importance of this step. Data from user reported messages will give you the feedback loop that you need to verify a good, consistent end-user experience before and after the migration. This feedback helps you to make informed policy configuration decisions, and provide data-backed reports to management that the migration went smoothly.
Instead of relying on data that's backed by the experience of the entire organization, more than one migration has resulted in emotional speculation based on a single negative user experience. Furthermore, if you've been running phishing simulations, you can use feedback from your users to inform you when they see something risky that might require investigation. ## Step 3: Maintain or create the SCL=-1 mail flow rule
-Because your inbound email is routed through another protection service that sits in front of Microsoft 365, it's very likely that you already have a mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule) in Exchange Online that sets the spam confidence level (SCL) of all incoming mail to the value -1 (bypass spam filtering). Most third-party protection services encourage this SCL=-1 mail flow rule for Microsoft 365 customers who want to use their services.
+Because your inbound email is routed through another protection service that sits in front of Microsoft 365, it's likely that you already have a mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule) in Exchange Online that sets the spam confidence level (SCL) of all incoming mail to the value -1 (bypass spam filtering). Most third-party protection services encourage this SCL=-1 mail flow rule for Microsoft 365 customers who want to use their services.
If you're using some other mechanism to override the Microsoft filtering stack (for example, an IP allow list) we recommend that you switch to using an SCL=-1 mail flow rule **as long as** all inbound internet mail into Microsoft 365 comes from the third-party protection service (no mail flows directly from the internet into Microsoft 365). The SCL=-1 mail flow rule is important during the migration for the following reasons: - You can use [Threat Explorer](email-security-in-microsoft-defender.md) to see which features in the Microsoft stack *would have* acted on messages without affecting the results from your existing protection service.-- You can gradually adjust who is protected by the Microsoft 365 filtering stack by configuring exceptions to the SCL=-1 mail flow rule. The exceptions will be the members of the pilot distribution groups that we recommend later in this article.
+- You can gradually adjust who is protected by the Microsoft 365 filtering stack by configuring exceptions to the SCL=-1 mail flow rule. The exceptions are the members of the pilot distribution groups that we recommend later in this article.
- Before or during the cutover of your MX record to Microsoft 365, you'll disable this rule to turn on the full protection of the Microsoft 365 protection stack for all recipients in your organization.
+ Before or during the cutover of your MX record to Microsoft 365, you disable this rule to turn on the full protection of the Microsoft 365 protection stack for all recipients in your organization.
For more information, see [Use mail flow rules to set the spam confidence level (SCL) in messages in Exchange Online](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl). **Notes**: -- If you plan to allow internet mail to flow through your existing protection service **and** directly into Microsoft 365 at the same time, you need restrict the SCL=-1 mail flow rule (mail that bypasses spam filtering) to mail that's gone through your existing protection service only. You do not want unfiltered internet mail landing in user mailboxes in Microsoft 365.
+- If you plan to allow internet mail to flow through your existing protection service **and** directly into Microsoft 365 at the same time, you need restrict the SCL=-1 mail flow rule (mail that bypasses spam filtering) to mail that's gone through your existing protection service only. You don't want unfiltered internet mail landing in user mailboxes in Microsoft 365.
To correctly identify mail that's already been scanned by your existing protection service, you can add a condition to the SCL=-1 mail flow rule. For example:
- - **For cloud-based protection services**: You can use a header and header value that's unique to your organization. Messages that have the header are not scanned by Microsoft 365. Messages without the header are scanned by Microsoft 365
- - **For on-premises protection services or devices**: You can use source IP addresses. Messages from the source IP addresses are not scanned by Microsoft 365. Messages that aren't from the source IP addresses are scanned by Microsoft 365.
+ - **For cloud-based protection services**: You can use a header and header value that's unique to your organization. Messages that have the header aren't scanned by Microsoft 365. Messages without the header are scanned by Microsoft 365
+ - **For on-premises protection services or devices**: You can use source IP addresses. Messages from the source IP addresses aren't scanned by Microsoft 365. Messages that aren't from the source IP addresses are scanned by Microsoft 365.
-- Do not rely exclusively on MX records to control whether mail gets filtered. Senders can easily ignore the MX record and send email directly into Microsoft 365.
+- Don't rely exclusively on MX records to control whether mail gets filtered. Senders can easily ignore the MX record and send email directly into Microsoft 365.
## Step 4: Configure Enhanced Filtering for Connectors The first thing to do is configure [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors](/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors) (also known as *skip listing*) on the connector that's used for mail flow from your existing protection service into Microsoft 365. You can use the [Inbound messages report](/exchange/monitoring/mail-flow-reports/mfr-inbound-messages-and-outbound-messages-reports) to help identify the connector.
-Enhanced Filtering for Connectors is required by Defender for Office 365 to see where internet messages actually came from. Enhanced Filtering for Connectors greatly improves the accuracy of the Microsoft filtering stack (especially [spoof intelligence](anti-phishing-protection-spoofing-about.md), as well as post-breach capabilities in [Threat Explorer](threat-explorer-about.md) and [Automated Investigation & Response (AIR)](air-about-office.md).
+Enhanced Filtering for Connectors is required by Defender for Office 365 to see where internet messages actually came from. Enhanced Filtering for Connectors greatly improves the accuracy of the Microsoft filtering stack (especially [spoof intelligence](anti-phishing-protection-spoofing-about.md), and post-breach capabilities in [Threat Explorer](threat-explorer-about.md) and [Automated Investigation & Response (AIR)](air-about-office.md).
To correctly enable Enhanced Filtering for Connectors, you need to add the **public** IP addresses of \*\***all\*\*** third-party services and/or on-premises email system hosts that route inbound mail to Microsoft 365.
For the recommended Standard and Strict settings, see [Recommended anti-spam pol
Create two anti-phishing policies for pilot users: -- A policy that uses the Standard settings, with the exception of impersonation detection actions as described below. Use the group **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Standard** as the condition of the policy (who the policy applies to).-- A policy that uses the Strict settings, with the exception of impersonation detection actions as described below. Use the group **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Strict** as the condition of the policy (who the policy applies to). This policy should have a higher priority (lower number) than the policy with the Standard settings.
+- A policy that uses the Standard settings, except for impersonation detection actions as described below. Use the group **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Standard** as the condition of the policy (who the policy applies to).
+- A policy that uses the Strict settings, except for impersonation detection actions as described below. Use the group **MDOPilot\_SpamPhish\_Strict** as the condition of the policy (who the policy applies to). This policy should have a higher priority (lower number) than the policy with the Standard settings.
For spoof detections, the recommended Standard action is **Move message to the recipients' Junk Email folders**, and the recommended Strict action is **Quarantine the message**. Use the spoof intelligence insight to observe the results. Overrides are explained in the next section. For more information, see [Spoof intelligence insight in EOP](anti-spoofing-spoof-intelligence.md).
For more information, see the following topics:
## Next step
-**Congratulations**! You have completed the **Setup** phase of your [migration to Microsoft Defender for Office 365](migrate-to-defender-for-office-365.md#the-migration-process)!
+**Congratulations**! You've completed the **Setup** phase of your [migration to Microsoft Defender for Office 365](migrate-to-defender-for-office-365.md#the-migration-process)!
- Proceed to [Phase 3: Onboard](migrate-to-defender-for-office-365-onboard.md).
security Outbound Spam High Risk Delivery Pool About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/outbound-spam-high-risk-delivery-pool-about.md
These scenarios can result in the IP address of the affected Microsoft 365 datac
To prevent our IP addresses from being blocked, all outbound messages from Microsoft 365 datacenter servers that are determined to be spam are sent through the _high-risk delivery pool_.
-The high risk delivery pool is a separate IP address pool for outbound email that's only used to send "low quality" messages (for example, spam and [backscatter](anti-spam-backscatter-about.md). Using the high risk delivery pool helps prevent the normal IP address pool for outbound email from sending spam. The normal IP address pool for outbound email maintains the reputation sending "high quality" messages, which reduces the likelihood that these IP address will appear on IP blocklists.
+The high risk delivery pool is a separate IP address pool for outbound email that's only used to send "low quality" messages (for example, spam and [backscatter](anti-spam-backscatter-about.md). Using the high risk delivery pool helps prevent the normal IP address pool for outbound email from sending spam. The normal IP address pool for outbound email maintains the reputation sending "high quality" messages, which reduces the likelihood that these IP address appear on IP blocklists.
-The very real possibility that IP addresses in the high-risk delivery pool will be placed on IP blocklists remains, but this is by design. Delivery to the intended recipients isn't guaranteed, because many email organizations won't accept messages from the high risk delivery pool.
+The very real possibility that IP addresses in the high-risk delivery pool are placed on IP blocklists remains, but this is by design. Delivery to the intended recipients isn't guaranteed, because many email organizations don't accept messages from the high risk delivery pool.
For more information, see [Control outbound spam](outbound-spam-protection-about.md).
All of these issues can result in a sudden increase in the number of NDRs being
### Relay pool
-Messages that are forwarded or relayed via Microsoft 365 in certain scenarios will be sent using a special relay pool, because the destination should not consider Microsoft 365 as the actual sender. It's important for us to isolate this email traffic, because there are legitimate and invalid scenarios for auto forwarding or relaying email out of Microsoft 365. Similar to the high-risk delivery pool, a separate IP address pool is used for relayed mail. This address pool is not published because it can change often, and it's not part of published SPF record for Microsoft 365.
+Messages that are forwarded or relayed via Microsoft 365 in certain scenarios are sent using a special relay pool, because the destination shouldn't consider Microsoft 365 as the actual sender. It's important for us to isolate this email traffic, because there are legitimate and invalid scenarios for auto forwarding or relaying email out of Microsoft 365. Similar to the high-risk delivery pool, a separate IP address pool is used for relayed mail. This address pool isn't published because it can change often, and it's not part of published SPF record for Microsoft 365.
Microsoft 365 needs to verify that the original sender is legitimate so we can confidently deliver the forwarded message.
The forwarded or relayed message should meet one of the following criteria to av
- SPF passes when the message comes to Microsoft 365. - DKIM on the sender domain passes when the message comes to Microsoft 365.
-You can tell that a message was sent via the relay pool by looking at the outbound server IP (the relay pool will be in the range), or by looking at the outbound server name (will have "rly" in the name).
+You can tell that a message was sent via the relay pool by looking at the outbound server IP (the relay pool is in the range), or by looking at the outbound server name (it has "rly" in the name).
In cases where we can authenticate the sender, we use Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) to help the recipient email system know that the forwarded message is from a trusted source. You can read more about how that works and what you can do to help make sure the sending domain passes authentication in [Sender Rewriting Scheme (SRS) in Office 365](/office365/troubleshoot/antispam/sender-rewriting-scheme). For DKIM to work, make sure you enable DKIM for sending domain. For example, fabrikam.com is part of contoso.com and is defined in the accepted domains of the organization. If the message sender is sender@fabrikam.com, DKIM needs to be enabled for fabrikam.com. you can read on how to enable at [Use DKIM to validate outbound email sent from your custom domain](email-authentication-dkim-configure.md).
-To add a custom domains follow the steps in [Add a domain to Microsoft 365](../../admin/setup/add-domain.md).
+To add a custom domains, follow the steps in [Add a domain to Microsoft 365](../../admin/setup/add-domain.md).
If the MX record for your domain points to a third party service or an on-premises email server, you should use [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors](/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors). Enhanced Filtering ensures SPF validation is correct for inbound mail and will avoid sending email through the relay pool.
security Priority Accounts Security Recommendations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/priority-accounts-security-recommendations.md
For instructions, see [Step 1. Increase sign-in security for remote workers with
**Note**: We strongly recommend that you globally disable legacy authentication protocols for all priority users as described in the previous article. If your business requirements prevent you from doing so, Exchange Online offers the following controls to help limit the scope of legacy authentication protocols: -- You can use [authentication policies](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/disable-basic-authentication-in-exchange-online) and [Client Access Rules](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/client-access-rules/client-access-rules) in Exchange Online to block or allow Basic authentication and legacy authentication protocols like POP3, IMAP4, and authenticated SMTP for specific users.
+- You can ([until October 2023](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/deprecation-of-client-access-rules-in-exchange-online/ba-p/3638563)) use [Client Access Rules](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/client-access-rules/client-access-rules) in Exchange Online to block or allow Basic authentication and legacy authentication protocols like POP3, IMAP4, and authenticated SMTP for specific users.
- You can disable POP3 and IMAP4 access on individual mailboxes. You can disable authenticated SMTP at the organizational level and enable it on specific mailboxes that still require it. For instructions, see the following articles: - [Enable or Disable POP3 or IMAP4 access for a user](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/pop3-and-imap4/enable-or-disable-pop3-or-imap4-access)
security Protection Stack Microsoft Defender For Office365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/protection-stack-microsoft-defender-for-office365.md
search.appverid: met150
- [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md)
-The Microsoft Defender for Office 365 protection or filtering stack can be broken out into 4 phases, as in this article. Generally speaking, incoming mail passes through all of these phases before delivery, but the actual path email takes is subject to an organization's Defender for Office 365 configuration.
+The Microsoft Defender for Office 365 protection or filtering stack can be broken out into four phases, as in this article. Generally speaking, incoming mail passes through all of these phases before delivery, but the actual path email takes is subject to an organization's Defender for Office 365 configuration.
> [!TIP] > Stay tuned till the end of this article for a *unified* graphic of all 4 phases of Defender for Office 365 protection!
The Microsoft Defender for Office 365 protection or filtering stack can be broke
Unfortunately, Edge blocks that were once *critical* are now relatively simple for bad actors to overcome. Over time, less traffic is blocked here, but it remains an important part of the stack.
-Edge blocks are designed to be automatic. In the case of false positive, senders will be notified and told how to address their issue. Connectors from trusted partners with limited reputation can ensure deliverability, or temporary overrides can be put in place, when onboarding new endpoints.
+Edge blocks are designed to be automatic. In the case of false positive, senders are notified and told how to address their issue. Connectors from trusted partners with limited reputation can ensure deliverability, or temporary overrides can be put in place, when onboarding new endpoints.
:::image type="content" source="../../medio-filter-stack-phase1.png"::: 1. **Network throttling** protects Office 365 infrastructure and customers from Denial of Service (DOS) attacks by limiting the number of messages that can be submitted by a specific set of infrastructure.
-2. **IP reputation and throttling** will block messages being sent from known bad connecting IP addresses. If a specific IP sends many messages in a short period of time they will be throttled.
+2. **IP reputation and throttling** blocks messages being sent from known bad connecting IP addresses. If a specific IP sends many messages in a short period of time, they'll be throttled.
-3. **Domain reputation** will block any messages being sent from a known bad domain.
+3. **Domain reputation** blocks any messages being sent from a known bad domain.
4. **Directory-based edge filtering** blocks attempts to harvest an organization's directory information through SMTP.
In this phase the filtering stack begins to handle the specific contents of the
3. The anti-virus (AV) engines are also used to true-type supported attachment types, which allows **Type blocking** to correctly block file types specified by admins.
-4. Whenever Microsoft Defender for Office 365 detects a malicious attachment, the file's hash, and a hash of its active content, are added to Exchange Online Protection (EOP) reputation. **Attachment reputation blocking** will block that file across all Office 365, and on endpoints, through MSAV cloud calls.
+4. Whenever Microsoft Defender for Office 365 detects a malicious attachment, the file's hash, and a hash of its active content, are added to Exchange Online Protection (EOP) reputation. **Attachment reputation blocking** blocks that file across all Office 365, and on endpoints, through MSAV cloud calls.
5. **Heuristic clustering** can determine that a file is suspicious based on delivery heuristics. When a suspicious attachment is found, the entire campaign pauses, and the file is sandboxed. If the file is found to be malicious, the entire campaign is blocked. 6. **Machine learning models** act on the header, body content, and URLs of a message to detect phishing attempts.
-7. Microsoft uses a determination of reputation from URL sandboxing as well as URL reputation from third party feeds in **URL reputation blocking**, to block any message with a known malicious URL.
+7. Microsoft uses a determination of reputation from URL sandboxing and URL reputation from third party feeds in **URL reputation blocking**, to block any message with a known malicious URL.
8. **Content heuristics** can detect suspicious messages based on structure and word frequency within the body of the message, using machine learning models.
The last stage takes place after mail or file delivery, acting on mail that is i
:::image type="content" source="../../medio-filter-stack-phase4.png":::
-1. **Safe Links** is Defender for Office 365's time-of-click protection. Every URL in every message is wrapped to point to Microsoft Safe Links servers. When a URL is clicked it is checked against the latest reputation, before the user is redirected to the target site. The URL is asynchronously sandboxed to update its reputation.
+1. **Safe Links** is Defender for Office 365's time-of-click protection. Every URL in every message is wrapped to point to Microsoft Safe Links servers. When a URL is clicked it's checked against the latest reputation, before the user is redirected to the target site. The URL is asynchronously sandboxed to update its reputation.
2. **Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) for phishing** retroactively detects and neutralizes malicious phishing messages that have already been delivered to Exchange Online mailboxes.
security Quarantine Admin Manage Messages Files https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md
description: Admins can learn how to view and manage quarantined messages for all users in Exchange Online Protection (EOP). Admins in organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 can also manage quarantined files in SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft Teams. Previously updated : 12/02/2022 Last updated : 3/28/2023
-# Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin in EOP
+# Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin
[!INCLUDE [MDO Trial banner](../includes/mdo-trial-banner.md)] **Applies to** - [Exchange Online Protection](eop-about.md) - [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md)
-In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes, quarantine holds potentially dangerous or unwanted messages. For more information, see [Quarantined email messages in EOP](quarantine-about.md).
+In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online or standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes and in Microsoft Teams, quarantine holds potentially dangerous or unwanted messages.
Admins can view, release, and delete all types of quarantined messages for all users. Admins can also report false positives to Microsoft. By default, only admins can manage messages that were quarantined as malware, high confidence phishing, or as a result of mail flow rules (also known as transport rules). But admins can use _quarantine policies_ to define what users are allowed to do to quarantined messages based on why the message was quarantined (for supported features). For more information, see [Quarantine policies](quarantine-policies.md).
-Admins in organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 can also manage files that were quarantined by [Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams](safe-attachments-for-spo-odfb-teams-about.md).
+Admins in organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 can also manage files that were quarantined by [Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams](safe-attachments-for-spo-odfb-teams-about.md) and [Zero-hour auto purge](zero-hour-auto-purge.md#zero-hour-auto-purge-zap-in-microsoft-teams).
You view and manage quarantined messages in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal or in PowerShell (Exchange Online PowerShell for Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online; standalone EOP PowerShell for organizations without Exchange Online mailboxes).
Watch this short video to learn how to manage quarantined messages as an adminis
After you find a specific quarantined message, select the message to view details about it, and to take action on it (for example, view, release, download, or delete the message).
-#### View quarantined message details
+### View quarantined email details
When you select quarantined message from the list, the following information is available in the details flyout that appears.
In organizations with Defender for Office 365, admins can manage files that were
After you find a specific quarantined file, select the file to view details about it, and to take action on it (for example, view, release, download, or delete the file).
-#### View quarantined file details
+### View quarantined file details
When you select a quarantined file from the list, the following information is available in the details flyout that opens:
When you select multiple quarantined files in the list (up to 100) by clicking i
- ![Delete from quarantine icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-delete-icon.png) **Delete from quarantine**: After you click **Yes** in the warning that appears, the file is immediately deleted. - ![Download file icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-download-icon.png) **Download file**: In the flyout that appears, select **I understand the risks from downloading this file**, and then click **Download** to save a local copy of the file.
-## Use Exchange Online PowerShell or standalone EOP PowerShell to view and manage quarantined messages and files
+## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to manage quarantined messages in Microsoft Teams
-The cmdlets that you use to view and manage messages and files in quarantine are described in the following list:
+> [!NOTE]
+> This section lists new features which are currently in preview.
+When a potentially malicious message is detected in a chat message in Microsoft Teams, zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) removes the message and quarantines it. Admins can view and manage these quarantined messages. Note that the message is quarantined for 30 days, after that it is permanently removed.
+For the preview release, this feature is enabled by default.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Quarantine in Microsoft Teams is available only to customers with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 E5 and Defender for Office P2 subscriptions.
+### View quarantined messages in Microsoft Teams
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Email & collaboration** \> **Review** \> **Quarantine**. To go directly to the **Quarantine** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/quarantine>.
+2. On the **Quarantine** page, select the **Teams messages** tab.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/admin-quarantine-teams-message-tab.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Teams messages tab in quarantine." lightbox="../../media/admin-quarantine-teams-message-tab.png":::
+3. You can sort the results by clicking on an available column header. Click **Customize columns** to change the columns that are shown.
+ - **Teams message text**: Contains the subject for the teams message.
+ - **Time received**: The time the message is received by the recipient.
+ - **Release status**: Shows whether the message is already reviewed and released or needs review.
+ - **Participants**: The total number of users who received the message.
+ - **Sender**: The person who sent the message that was quarantined.
+ - **Quarantine reason**: Available options are "High confidence phish" and "Malware".
+ - **Policy type**: The organization policy responsible for the quarantined message.
+ - **Expires**: Indicates the time after which the message is removed from quarantine. By default, this is 30 days.
+ - **Recipient address**: Email address of the recipients.
+ - **Message ID**: Includes the chat message ID.
+4. To filter the results, click **Filter**. Select the columns you want, and then click **Apply**.
+### View quarantined message details in Microsoft Teams
+When you select a quarantined message from the list, the following information is available in the details flyout that opens:
+- **Quarantine details**: Includes quarantine reason, expiry date, quarantine policy type, and other information.
+- **Message details**: Includes the primary threat reason, date and time of the message sent, and the sender address. Also includes the Teams message ID and the detection technology.
+- **Sender**: Includes the sender name, their domain location, and whether the sender is from outside the organization.
+- **Participants**: The names and email IDs of all the people who received the same message.
+- **URLs**: Includes the details of any malicious URLs that were detected in the chat message.
+To take action on the message, see the next section.
+### Take action on quarantined messages in Microsoft Teams
+After you select a quarantined message from the list, the following actions are available in the details flyout:
+- **Release**: Allows the admin to release the message only to the recipients within the organization.
+- **Preview message**: Preview the message in quarantine before taking any action.
+- **Delete from quarantine**: Deletes the message permanently from quarantine for all users in the organization.
+- **Download message**: Downloads the message as a plain .txt for the admin.
+- **Submit for review**: Allows the admin to submit the message to Microsoft for review.
+If you don't release or remove the file, it will be deleted after the default quarantine retention period expires (30 days).
+#### Take action on multiple quarantined messages
+When you select multiple quarantined files in the list by clicking the checkbox next to the messages, the **More** option appears:
+- **Release**: Select this option to release messages to the intended recipients within the organization.
+- **Delete messages**: Select this option to delete the messages permanently from quarantine.
+- **Submit for review**: Select this option to submit the messages to Microsoft for review.
+- **Download messages**: Select this option to save a local copy of the messages.
+## Use Exchange Online PowerShell or standalone EOP PowerShell to manage quarantined messages
+The cmdlets that you use to view and manage messages and files in quarantine are described in this section.
- [Delete-QuarantineMessage](/powershell/module/exchange/delete-quarantinemessage) - [Export-QuarantineMessage](/powershell/module/exchange/export-quarantinemessage)
The cmdlets that you use to view and manage messages and files in quarantine are
- [Preview-QuarantineMessage](/powershell/module/exchange/preview-quarantinemessage): Note that this cmdlet is only for messages, not quarantined files from Safe Attachments for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams. - [Release-QuarantineMessage](/powershell/module/exchange/release-quarantinemessage)
+### Use PowerShell to manage quarantined messages in Microsoft Teams
+To manage quarantined messages for the Microsoft Teams chat, the admin will need to use the [Get-QuarantineMessage](/powershell/module/exchange/get-quarantinemessage) cmdlet with the following parameters to identify the messages.
+|Quarantine cmdlets|Parameters|
+|`QuarantineScenario`|Email </br>SPO </br>Teams|
+|`EmailQuarantineType`|Bulk </br>HighConfPhish </br>Malware</br>Phish </br>Spam </br>TransportRule|
+|`TeamsQuarantineType`|HighConfPhish </br>Malware|
+Admins can select a quarantined message from the list to view or take action.
+ Get-QuarantineMessage -Identity c14401cf-aa9a-465b-cfd5-08d0f0ca37c5\4c2ca98e-94ea-db3a-7eb8-3b63657d4db7 |
+ -Scenario Teams
+ ## For more information [Quarantined messages FAQ](quarantine-faq.yml)
security Real Time Detections https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/real-time-detections.md
For more information, see [Email security with Explorer](email-security-in-micro
## Updated experience for Explorer and Real-time detections
-The experience for Threat Explorer and Real-time detections is updated to align with modern accessibility standards, and to optimize the workflow. For a short while, you will be able to toggle between the old experience and the new one.
+The experience for Threat Explorer and Real-time detections is updated to align with modern accessibility standards, and to optimize the workflow. For a short while, you'll be able to toggle between the old experience and the new one.
> [!NOTE] > Toggling impacts only your account and does not impact anyone else within your tenant.
-Threat Explorer and Real-time detections is divided into the following views:
+Threat Explorer and Real-time detections are divided into the following views:
-- *All email*: Shows all email analyzed by Defender for office 365 and contains both good and malicious emails. This feature is only present in Threat Explorer and is not available for Real-time detections. By default, it is set to show data for two days, which can be expanded up to 30 days. This is also the default view for Threat Explorer.
+- *All email*: Shows all email analyzed by Defender for office 365 and contains both good and malicious emails. This feature is only present in Threat Explorer and isn't available for Real-time detections. By default, it's set to show data for two days, which can be expanded up to 30 days. This is also the default view for Threat Explorer.
- *Malware view*: Shows emails on which a malware threat was identified. This is the default view for Real-time detections, and shows data for two days (can be expanded to 30 days).
Here are the common components within these experiences:
- By default, the time filter is applied to the records, and is applied for two days.
- - If you are applying multiple filters, they are applied in 'AND' mode and you can use the advanced filter to change it to 'OR' mode.
+ - If you're applying multiple filters, they're applied in 'AND' mode and you can use the advanced filter to change it to 'OR' mode.
- You can use commas to add multiple values for the same filter.
Here are the common components within these experiences:
- Results grid
- - Results grid shows the email results based on the filters you have applied.
+ - Results grid shows the email results based on the filters you've applied.
- - Based on the configuration set in your tenant, data will be shown in UTC or local timezone, with the timezone information available in the first column.
+ - Based on the configuration set in your tenant, data is shown in UTC or local timezone, with the timezone information available in the first column.
- You can navigate to the individual email entity page from the list view by clicking the **Open in new window** icon.
Here are the common components within these experiences:
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![Export chart data](../../media/explorer-new-experience-export-chart-data.png)
-In addition to these features, you will also get updated experiences like *Top URLs*, *Top clicks*, *Top targeted users*, and *Email origin*. *Top URLs*, *Top clicks*, and *Top targeted users* can be further filtered based on the filter that you apply within Explorer.
+In addition to these features, you'll also get updated experiences like *Top URLs*, *Top clicks*, *Top targeted users*, and *Email origin*. *Top URLs*, *Top clicks*, and *Top targeted users* can be further filtered based on the filter that you apply within Explorer.
## Required licenses and permissions
security Remediate Malicious Email Delivered Office 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/remediate-malicious-email-delivered-office-365.md
Last updated 1/31/2023
**Applies to** - [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)
-Remediation means taking a prescribed action against a threat. Malicious email sent to your organization can be cleaned up either by the system, through zero-hour auto purge (ZAP), or by security teams through remediation actions like *move to inbox*, *move to junk*, *move to deleted items*, *soft delete*, or *hard delete*. Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2/E5 enables security teams to remediate threats in email and collaboration functionality through manual and automated investigation.
+Remediation means to take a prescribed action against a threat. Malicious email sent to your organization can be cleaned up either by the system, through zero-hour auto purge (ZAP), or by security teams through remediation actions like *move to inbox*, *move to junk*, *move to deleted items*, *soft delete*, or *hard delete*. Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2/E5 enables security teams to remediate threats in email and collaboration functionality through manual and automated investigation.
> [!NOTE] > To remediate malicious email, security teams need the *Search and Purge* role assigned to them. Role assignment is done through [permissions in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](mdo-portal-permissions.md).
Open any remediation item to view details about it, including its remediation na
If your organization's retention period for email in Explorer is 30 days and you're remediating emails going back 29-30 days, mail submission counts may not always add up. The emails might have started moving out of the retention period already.
- If remediations are stuck in the "In progress" state for a while, it's likely due to system delays. It could take up to a few hours to remediate. You might see variations in mail submission counts, as some of the emails may not have been included the query at the start of remediation due to system delays. It is a good idea to retry remediating in such cases.
+ If remediations are stuck in the "In progress" state for a while, it's likely due to system delays. It could take up to a few hours to remediate. You might see variations in mail submission counts, as some of the emails may not have been included the query at the start of remediation due to system delays. It's a good idea to retry remediating in such cases.
> [!NOTE] > For best results, remediation should be done in batches of 50,000 or fewer. Only remediable emails are acted on during remediation. Nonremediable emails can't be remediated by the Office 365 email system, as they aren't stored in cloud mailboxes.
- Admins can take actions on emails in quarantine if necessary, but those emails will expire out of quarantine if they're not manually purged. By default, emails quarantined because of malicious content aren't accessible by users, so security personnel don't have to take any action to get rid of threats in quarantine. If the emails are on-premises or external, the user can be contacted to address the suspicious email. Or the admins can use separate email server/security tools for removal. These emails can be identified by applying the *delivery location = on-prem* external filter in Explorer. For failed or dropped email, or email not accessible by users, there won't be any email to mitigate, since these mails don't reach the mailbox.
+ Admins can take actions on emails in quarantine if necessary, but those emails expire out of quarantine if they're not manually purged. By default, emails quarantined because of malicious content aren't accessible by users, so security personnel don't have to take any action to get rid of threats in quarantine. If the emails are on-premises or external, the user can be contacted to address the suspicious email. Or the admins can use separate email server/security tools for removal. These emails can be identified by applying the *delivery location = on-prem* external filter in Explorer. For failed or dropped email, or email not accessible by users, there won't be any email to mitigate, since these mails don't reach the mailbox.
- **Action logs**: This shows the messages remediated, successful, failed, already in destination.
Open any remediation item to view details about it, including its remediation na
- **Failure**: The desired action on remediable emails failed. For example: An admin wants to remove emails from mailboxes, so the admin takes the action of soft-deleting emails. If a remediable email is still found in the mailbox after the action is taken, status will show as failed.
- - **Already in destination**: The desired action was already taken on the email OR the email already existed in the destination location. For example: An email was soft deleted by the admin through Explorer on day one. Then similar emails show up on day 2, which are again soft deleted by the admin. While selecting these emails, admin ends up picking some emails from day one that are already soft deleted. Now these emails will not be acted upon again, they will just show as "already in destination", since no action was taken on them as they existed in the destination location.
+ - **Already in destination**: The desired action was already taken on the email OR the email already existed in the destination location. For example: An email was soft deleted by the admin through Explorer on day one. Then similar emails show up on day 2, which are again soft deleted by the admin. While selecting these emails, admin ends up picking some emails from day one that are already soft deleted. Now these emails won't be acted upon again, they'll just show as "already in destination", since no action was taken on them as they existed in the destination location.
- - **New**: An *Already in destination* column has been added in the Action Log. This feature uses the latest delivery location in Threat Explorer to signal if the mail has already been remediated. *Already in destination* will help security teams understand the total number of messages that still need to be addressed.
+ - **New**: An *Already in destination* column has been added in the Action Log. This feature uses the latest delivery location in Threat Explorer to signal if the mail has already been remediated. *Already in destination* helps security teams understand the total number of messages that still need to be addressed.
-Actions can only be taken on messages in Inbox, Junk, Deleted, and Soft Deleted folders of Threat Explorer. Here's an example of how the new column works. A *soft delete action* takes place on the message present in the Inbox, then the message will be handled according to policies. The next time a soft delete is performed, this message will show under the column 'Already in destination' signaling it doesn't need to be addressed again.
+Actions can only be taken on messages in Inbox, Junk, Deleted, and Soft Deleted folders of Threat Explorer. Here's an example of how the new column works. A *soft delete action* takes place on the message present in the Inbox, then the message is handled according to policies. The next time a soft delete is performed, this message will show under the column 'Already in destination' signaling it doesn't need to be addressed again.
Select any item in the action log to display remediation details. If the details say "successful" or "not found in mailbox", that item was already removed from the mailbox. Sometimes there's a system error during remediation. In those cases, it's a good idea to retry the remediation action.
security Reports Email Security https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/reports-email-security.md
If you click **Filter**, the following filters are available:
- **Date (UTC)** **Start date** and **End date** - **Detection**: The same values as in the chart.
+- **Bulk Complaint Level**
- **Direction**: - **All** - **Inbound**
security Safe Documents In E5 Plus Security About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-documents-in-e5-plus-security-about.md
Users don't need Defender for Endpoint installed on their local devices to get S
### How does Microsoft handle your data?
-To keep you protected, Safe Documents sends files to the [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/microsoft-defender-advanced-threat-protection) cloud for analysis. Details on how Microsoft Defender for Endpoint handles your data can be found here: [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint data storage and privacy](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/data-storage-privacy).
+To keep you protected, Safe Documents sends file information to the [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/microsoft-defender-advanced-threat-protection) cloud for analysis. Details on how Microsoft Defender for Endpoint handles your data can be found here: [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint data storage and privacy](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/data-storage-privacy).
-Files sent by Safe Documents are not retained in Defender for Endpoint beyond the time needed for analysis (typically, less than 24 hours).
+File information sent by Safe Documents are not retained in Defender for Endpoint beyond the time needed for analysis (typically, less than 24 hours).
## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to configure Safe Documents
security Safe Links About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-links-about.md
The following table describes scenarios for Safe Links in Microsoft 365 and Offi
||| |Jean is a member of the marketing department. Safe Links protection for Office apps is turned on in a Safe Links policy that applies to members of the marketing department. Jean opens a PowerPoint presentation in an email message, and then clicks a URL in the presentation.|Jean is protected by Safe Links. <p> Jean is included in a Safe Links policy where Safe Links protection for Office apps is turned on. <p> For more information about the requirements for Safe Links protection in Office apps, see the [Safe Links settings for Office apps](#safe-links-settings-for-office-apps) section later in this article.| |Chris's Microsoft 365 E5 organization has no Safe Links policies configured. Chris receives an email from an external sender that contains a URL to a malicious website that he ultimately clicks.|Chris is protected by Safe Links. <p> The **Built-in protection** preset security policy provides Safe Links protection to all recipients (users who aren't defined in the Standard or Strict preset security policies or in custom Safe Links policies). For more information, see [Preset security policies in EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365](preset-security-policies.md).|
-|In Pat's organization, admins have created a Safe Links policy that applies Pat, but Safe Links protection for Office apps is turned off. Pat opens a Word document and clicks a URL in the file.|Pat is not protected by Safe Links. <p> Although Pat is included in an active Safe Links policy, Safe Links protection for Office apps is turned off in that policy, so the protection can't be applied.|
+|In Pat's organization, admins have created a Safe Links policy that applies Pat, but Safe Links protection for Office apps is turned off. Pat opens a Word document and clicks a URL in the file.|Pat isn't protected by Safe Links. <p> Although Pat is included in an active Safe Links policy, Safe Links protection for Office apps is turned off in that policy, so the protection can't be applied.|
|Jamie and Julia both work for contoso.com. A long time ago, admins configured Safe Links policies that apply to both of Jamie and Julia. Jamie sends an email to Julia, not knowing that the email contains a malicious URL.|Julia is protected by Safe Links **if** the Safe Links policy that applies to her is configured to apply to messages between internal recipients. For more information, see the [Safe Links settings for email messages](#safe-links-settings-for-email-messages) section later in this article.| ## Recipient filters in Safe Links policies
You can only use a condition or exception once, but the condition or exception c
Safe Links scans incoming email for known malicious hyperlinks. Scanned URLs are rewritten or _wrapped_ using the Microsoft standard URL prefix: `https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com`. After the link is rewritten, it's analyzed for potentially malicious content.
-After Safe Links rewrites a URL, the URL remains rewritten even if the message is _manually_ forwarded or replied to (both to internal and external recipients). Additional links that are added to the forwarded or replied-to message are not rewritten.
+After Safe Links rewrites a URL, the URL remains rewritten even if the message is _manually_ forwarded or replied to (both to internal and external recipients). Additional links that are added to the forwarded or replied-to message aren't rewritten.
In the case of _automatic_ forwarding by Inbox rules or SMTP forwarding, the URL will not be rewritten in the message that's intended for the final recipient _unless_ one of the following statements is true:
You turn on or turn off Safe Links protection for Microsoft Teams in Safe Links
> [!NOTE] > When you turn on or turn off Safe Links protection for Teams, it might take up to 24 hours for the change to take effect.
-After you turn on Safe Links protection for Microsoft Teams, URLs in Teams are checked against a list of known malicious links when the protected user clicks the link (time-of-click protection). URLs are not rewritten. If a link is found to be malicious, users will have the following experiences:
+After you turn on Safe Links protection for Microsoft Teams, URLs in Teams are checked against a list of known malicious links when the protected user clicks the link (time-of-click protection). URLs aren't rewritten. If a link is found to be malicious, users will have the following experiences:
- If the link was clicked in a Teams conversation, group chat, or from channels, the warning page as shown in the screenshot below will appear in the default web browser. - If the link was clicked from a pinned tab, the warning page will appear in the Teams interface within that tab. The option to open the link in a web browser is disabled for security reasons.
At a high level, here's how Safe Links protection works for URLs in Office apps.
- If the URL is considered safe, the user is taken to the website.
- - If Safe Links scanning is unable to complete, Safe Links protection does not trigger. In Office desktop clients, the user will be warned before they proceed to the destination website.
+ - If Safe Links scanning is unable to complete, Safe Links protection doesn't trigger. In Office desktop clients, the user is warned before they proceed to the destination website.
> [!NOTE] > It may take several seconds at the beginning of each session to verify that Safe Links for Office apps is available to the user.
Examples of the values that you can enter and their results are described in the
> [!NOTE] > Entries in the "Do not rewrite the following URLs" list are not scanned or wrapped by Safe Links during mail flow but might still be blocked at time of click. Use [allow URL entries in the Tenant Allow/Block List](tenant-allow-block-list-urls-configure.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-allow-entries-for-urls-on-the-submissions-page) to override the Safe Links URL verdict.
-Each Safe Links policy contains a **Do not rewrite the following URLs** list that you can use to specify URLs that are not rewritten by Safe Links scanning. In other words, the list allows users who are included in the policy to access the specified URLs that would otherwise be blocked by Safe Links. You can configure different lists in different Safe Links policies. Policy processing stops after the first (likely, the highest priority) policy is applied to the user. So, only one **Do not rewrite the following URLs** list is applied to a user who is included in multiple active Safe Links policies.
+Each Safe Links policy contains a **Do not rewrite the following URLs** list that you can use to specify URLs that aren't rewritten by Safe Links scanning. In other words, the list allows users who are included in the policy to access the specified URLs that would otherwise be blocked by Safe Links. You can configure different lists in different Safe Links policies. Policy processing stops after the first (likely, the highest priority) policy is applied to the user. So, only one **Do not rewrite the following URLs** list is applied to a user who is included in multiple active Safe Links policies.
To add entries to the list in new or existing Safe Links policies, see [Create Safe Links policies](safe-links-policies-configure.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-create-safe-links-policies) or [Modify Safe Links policies](safe-links-policies-configure.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-modify-safe-links-policies).
To add entries to the list in new or existing Safe Links policies, see [Create S
- Consider adding commonly used internal URLs to the list to improve the user experience. For example, if you have on-premises services, such as Skype for Business or SharePoint, you can add those URLs to exclude them from scanning. - If you already have **Do not rewrite the following URLs** entries in your Safe Links policies, be sure to review the lists and add wildcards as required. For example, your list has an entry like `https://contoso.com/a` and you later decide to include subpaths like `https://contoso.com/a/b`. Instead of adding a new entry, add a wildcard to the existing entry so it becomes `https://contoso.com/a/*`.-- You can include up to three wildcards (`*`) per URL entry. Wildcards explicitly include prefixes or subdomains. For example, the entry `contoso.com` is not the same as `*.contoso.com/*`, because `*.contoso.com/*` allows people to visit subdomains and paths in the specified domain.-- If a URL uses automatic redirection for HTTP to HTTPS (for example, 302 redirection for `http://www.contoso.com` to `https://www.contoso.com`), and you try to enter both HTTP and HTTPS entries for the same URL to the list, you might notice that the second URL entry replaces the first URL entry. This behavior does not occur if the HTTP and HTTPS versions of the URL are completely separate.-- Do not specify http:// or https:// (that is, contoso.com) in order to exclude both HTTP and HTTPS versions.
+- You can include up to three wildcards (`*`) per URL entry. Wildcards explicitly include prefixes or subdomains. For example, the entry `contoso.com` isn't the same as `*.contoso.com/*`, because `*.contoso.com/*` allows people to visit subdomains and paths in the specified domain.
+- If a URL uses automatic redirection for HTTP to HTTPS (for example, 302 redirection for `http://www.contoso.com` to `https://www.contoso.com`), and you try to enter both HTTP and HTTPS entries for the same URL to the list, you might notice that the second URL entry replaces the first URL entry. This behavior doesn't occur if the HTTP and HTTPS versions of the URL are completely separate.
+- Don't specify http:// or https:// (that is, contoso.com) in order to exclude both HTTP and HTTPS versions.
- `*.contoso.com` does **not** cover contoso.com, so you would need to exclude both to cover both the specified domain and any child domains. - `contoso.com/*` covers **only** contoso.com, so there's no need to exclude both `contoso.com` and `contoso.com/*`; just `contoso.com/*` would suffice. - To exclude all iterations of a domain, two exclusion entries are needed; `contoso.com/*` and `*.contoso.com/*`. These combine to exclude both HTTP and HTTPS, the main domain contoso.com and any child domains, as well as any or not ending part (for example, both contoso.com and contoso.com/vdir1 are covered).
The clicked URL was in an email message that's similar to other suspicious messa
### Phishing attempt warning
-The clicked URL was in an email message that has been identified as a phishing attack. As a result, all URLs in the email message are blocked. We recommend that you do not proceed to the site.
+The clicked URL was in an email message that has been identified as a phishing attack. As a result, all URLs in the email message are blocked. We recommend that you don't proceed to the site.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/6e544a28-0604-4821-aba6-d5a57bb917e5.png" alt-text="The warning that states that a link was clicked from a phishing message" lightbox="../../media/6e544a28-0604-4821-aba6-d5a57bb917e5.png"::: ### Malicious website warning
-The clicked URL points to a site that has been identified as malicious. We recommend that you do not proceed to the site.
+The clicked URL points to a site that has been identified as malicious. We recommend that you don't proceed to the site.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/058883c8-23f0-4672-9c1c-66b084796177.png" alt-text="The warning that states that the website is classified as malicious" lightbox="../../media/058883c8-23f0-4672-9c1c-66b084796177.png":::
The original warning page looked like this:
### Blocked URL warning
-The clicked URL has been manually blocked by an admin in your organization (the **Block the following URLs** list in the global settings for Safe Links). The link was not scanned by Safe Links because it was manually blocked.
+The clicked URL has been manually blocked by an admin in your organization (the **Block the following URLs** list in the global settings for Safe Links). The link wasn't scanned by Safe Links because it was manually blocked.
-There are several reasons why an admin would manually block specific URLs. If you think the site should not be blocked, contact your admin.
+There are several reasons why an admin would manually block specific URLs. If you think the site shouldn't be blocked, contact your admin.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/6b4bda2d-a1e6-419e-8b10-588e83c3af3f.png" alt-text="The warning that states that website was blocked by your admin" lightbox="../../media/6b4bda2d-a1e6-419e-8b10-588e83c3af3f.png":::
security Secure By Default https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/secure-by-default.md
However, security needs to be balanced with productivity. This can include balancing across: -- **Usability**: Settings should not get in the way of user productivity.
+- **Usability**: Settings shouldn't get in the way of user productivity.
- **Risk**: Security might block important activities. - **Legacy settings**: Some configurations for older products and features might need to be maintained for business reasons, even if new, modern settings are improved.
Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online are protected by E
For more information about EOP, see [Exchange Online Protection overview](eop-about.md).
-Because Microsoft wants to keep our customers secure by default, some tenants overrides are not applied for malware or high confidence phishing. These overrides include:
+Because Microsoft wants to keep our customers secure by default, some tenants overrides aren't applied for malware or high confidence phishing. These overrides include:
- Allowed sender lists or allowed domain lists (anti-spam policies) - Outlook Safe Senders
More information on these overrides can be found in [Create safe sender lists](c
> [!NOTE] > We have deprecated the **Move message to Junk Email folder** action for a **High confidence phishing email** verdict in EOP anti-spam policies. Anti-spam policies that use this action for high confidence phishing messages will be converted to **Quarantine message**. The **Redirect message to email address** action for high confidence phishing messages is unaffected.
-Secure by default is not a setting that can be turned on or off, but is the way our filtering works out of the box to keep potentially dangerous or unwanted messages out of your mailboxes. Malware and high confidence phishing messages should be quarantined. By default, only admins can manage messages that are quarantined as malware or high confidence phishing, and they can also report false positives to Microsoft from there. For more information, see [Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin in EOP](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md).
+Secure by default isn't a setting that can be turned on or off, but is the way our filtering works out of the box to keep potentially dangerous or unwanted messages out of your mailboxes. Malware and high confidence phishing messages should be quarantined. By default, only admins can manage messages that are quarantined as malware or high confidence phishing, and they can also report false positives to Microsoft from there. For more information, see [Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin in EOP](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md).
## More on why we're doing this
You should only consider using overrides in the following scenarios:
- Phishing simulations: Simulated attacks can help you identify vulnerable users before a real attack impacts your organization. To prevent phishing simulation messages from being filtered, see [Configure third-party phishing simulations in the advanced delivery policy](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-configure-third-party-phishing-simulations-in-the-advanced-delivery-policy). - Security/SecOps mailboxes: Dedicated mailboxes used by security teams to get unfiltered messages (both good and bad). Teams can then review to see if they contain malicious content. For more information, see [Configure SecOps mailboxes in the advanced delivery policy](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/skip-filtering-phishing-simulations-sec-ops-mailboxes#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-configure-secops-mailboxes-in-the-advanced-delivery-policy).-- Third-party filters: Secure by default only applies when the MX record for your domain is set to Exchange Online Protection (contoso.mail.protection.outlook.com). If it's set to another service or device, it is possible to override Secure by default with a [Transport Rule](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl) to bypass all spam filtering. When Microsoft detects messages as High Confidence Phish with this rule in place, they still deliver to the Inbox.-- False positives: To temporarily allow certain messages that are still being blocked by Microsoft, use [admin submissions](submissions-admin.md#report-good-email-to-microsoft). By default, allow entries for domains and email addresses, files, and URLs exist for 30 days. During those 30 days, Microsoft will learn from the allow entries and [remove them or automatically extend them](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-office/automatic-tenant-allow-block-list-expiration-management-is-now/ba-p/3723447). By default, allow entries for spoofed senders never expire.
+- Third-party filters: Secure by default only applies when the MX record for your domain is set to Exchange Online Protection (contoso.mail.protection.outlook.com). If it's set to another service or device, it's possible to override Secure by default with a [Transport Rule](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl) to bypass all spam filtering. When Microsoft detects messages as High Confidence Phish with this rule in place, they still deliver to the Inbox.
+- False positives: To temporarily allow certain messages that are still being blocked by Microsoft, use [admin submissions](submissions-admin.md#report-good-email-to-microsoft). By default, allow entries for domains and email addresses, files, and URLs exist for 30 days. During those 30 days, Microsoft learns from the allow entries and [remove them or automatically extend them](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-office/automatic-tenant-allow-block-list-expiration-management-is-now/ba-p/3723447). By default, allow entries for spoofed senders never expire.
security Secure Email Recommended Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/secure-email-recommended-policies.md
For mobile devices, modern authentication-capable Exchange ActiveSync clients th
To block Exchange ActiveSync using basic authentication on other devices, follow the steps in [Block Exchange ActiveSync on all devices](/azure/active-directory/conditional-access/howto-policy-approved-app-or-app-protection#block-exchange-activesync-on-all-devices), which prevents Exchange ActiveSync clients using basic authentication on non-mobile devices from connecting to Exchange Online.
-You can also use authentication policies to [disable Basic authentication](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/disable-basic-authentication-in-exchange-online), which forces all client access requests to use modern authentication.
- ## Limit access to Exchange Online from Outlook on the web You can restrict the ability for users to download attachments from Outlook on the web on unmanaged devices. Users on these devices can view and edit these files using Office Online without leaking and storing the files on the device. You can also block users from seeing attachments on an unmanaged device.
security Services For Non Customers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/services-for-non-customers.md
Last updated 1/31/2023
# Services for non-customers sending mail to Microsoft 365
-Email abuse, junk email, and fraudulent emails (phishing) continue to burden the entire email ecosystem. To help maintain user trust in the use of email, Microsoft has put various policies and technologies in place to help protect our users. However, Microsoft understands that legitimate email should not be negatively affected. Therefore, we have established a suite of services to help senders improve their ability to deliver email to Microsoft 365 users by proactively managing their sending reputation.
+Email abuse, junk email, and fraudulent emails (phishing) continue to burden the entire email ecosystem. To help maintain user trust in the use of email, Microsoft has put various policies and technologies in place to help protect our users. However, Microsoft understands that legitimate email shouldn't be negatively affected. Therefore, we've established a suite of services to help senders improve their ability to deliver email to Microsoft 365 users by proactively managing their sending reputation.
This overview provides information about benefits we provide to your organization even if you aren't a customer.
This overview provides information about benefits we provide to your organizatio
||| |This online help content|Provides: <ul><li>A starting point for any questions related to delivering communications to EOP users.</li><li>Includes a simple online guide with our policies and requirements.</li><li>An overview of the junk email filters and authentication technologies employed by Microsoft.</li><ul>| |[Microsoft support](#microsoft-support)|Provides self-help and escalation support for delivery issues.|
-|[Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal](#anti-spam-ip-delist-portal)|A tool to submit IP delist request. Before submitting this request it is the sender's responsibility to ensure that any further mail originating from the IP in question is not abusive or malicious.|
+|[Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal](#anti-spam-ip-delist-portal)|A tool to submit IP delist request. Before submitting this request, it's the sender's responsibility to ensure that any further mail originating from the IP in question isn't abusive or malicious.|
|[Abuse and spam reporting for junk email originating from Exchange Online](#abuse-and-spam-reporting-for-junk-email-originating-from-exchange-online)|Keeps spam and other unwanted mail from being sent from Exchange Online and cluttering up the internet and your mail system.| ## Microsoft support
Microsoft offers several support options for people having trouble sending mail
## Anti-Spam IP Delist Portal
-This is a self-service portal you can use to remove yourself from the Microsoft 365 blocked senders list. Use this portal if you are you getting an error message when you try to send an email to a recipient whose email address is in Microsoft 365 and you don't think you should be. For more information, see [Use the delist portal to remove yourself from the blocked senders list](use-the-delist-portal-to-remove-yourself-from-the-office-365-blocked-senders-lis.md).
+This is a self-service portal you can use to remove yourself from the Microsoft 365 blocked senders list. Use this portal if you're getting an error message when you try to send an email to a recipient whose email address is in Microsoft 365 and you don't think you should be. For more information, see [Use the delist portal to remove yourself from the blocked senders list](use-the-delist-portal-to-remove-yourself-from-the-office-365-blocked-senders-lis.md).
## Abuse and spam reporting for junk email originating from Exchange Online
security Assess The Impact Of Security Configuration Changes With Explorer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/assess-the-impact-of-security-configuration-changes-with-explorer.md
Last updated 1/31/2023
Before you make change(s) to your security configuration, such as policies or transport rules, it's important to understand the impact of the change(s) so that you can plan and ensure *minimal* disruption to your organization.
-This step-by-step guide will take you through assessing a change, and exporting the impacted emails for assessment. The procedure can be applied to many different changes, by altering the criteria (filters) you use in explorer.
+This step-by-step guide takes you through assessing a change, and exporting the impacted emails for assessment. The procedure can be applied to many different changes, by altering the criteria (filters) you use in explorer.
## What you'll need
This step-by-step guide will take you through assessing a change, and exporting
1. Press the **filter** button (defaulted to *Sender*) and add either a sender or sender domain filter, then add the entry where you wish to assess the impact of removal. 1. Expand the date range to the maximum & press **Refresh** You should now see mail listed if the sender / sending domain is still active in messaging your organization. If *not* you may need to tweak the filter, or alternatively you no longer receive mail from that domain / sender and can remove the entry safely. 1. If mail is listed, this means the entry is still an active sender. Pivot the data in the chart using the data slicer (defaulted to *Delivery action*) to **Detection technology**.
-1. The chart should refresh, and if it now displays no data, this means we have not detected any threats on any of the mail previously shown, which indicates an override is not needed, as there is no detection to override.
-1. If there is data displayed when the data is sliced by **Detection technology**, this means removing the override *would* have impact on this sender / domain due to the protection stack taking action.
-1. You should investigate the mail further to assess if it is truly malicious and the entry can be removed, or if it is a *false positive* and should be remediated so it is no longer incorrectly detected as a threat (authentication is the biggest cause of false positives).
+1. The chart should refresh, and if it now displays no data, this means we haven't detected any threats on any of the mail previously shown, which indicates an override isn't needed, as there's no detection to override.
+1. If there's data displayed when the data is sliced by **Detection technology**, this means removing the override *would* have impact on this sender / domain due to the protection stack taking action.
+1. You should investigate the mail further to assess if it's truly malicious and the entry can be removed, or if it's a *false positive* and should be remediated so it's no longer incorrectly detected as a threat (authentication is the biggest cause of false positives).
### Further reading
security Ensuring You Always Have The Optimal Security Controls With Preset Security Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/ensuring-you-always-have-the-optimal-security-controls-with-preset-security-policies.md
Does Microsoft Defender for Office 365 gave you a way to apply security policies
Did you know that when a best practice for a security control changes due to the evolving threat landscape, or as new controls are added, Microsoft *automatically* updates security control settings for users assigned to a *Standard* or *Strict* preset security policy?
-By using preset security policies (*Standard* or *Strict*), you will always have Microsoft's *recommended, best practice, configuration* for your users.
+By using preset security policies (*Standard* or *Strict*), you'll always have Microsoft's *recommended, best practice, configuration* for your users.
**Use the steps below** to apply preset security policies and have Microsoft Defender for Office 365 manage and maintain security controls *for you*.
By using preset security policies (*Standard* or *Strict*), you will always have
## Choose between Standard and Strict policies
-Our Strict preset security policy has more aggressive limits and settings for security controls that will result in more aggressive detections and will involve the admin in making decisions on which blocked emails are released to end users.
+Our Strict preset security policy has more aggressive limits and settings for security controls that result in more aggressive detections and involve the admin in making decisions on which blocked emails are released to end users.
-- Collect the list of your users that require more aggressive detections even if it means more good mail will get flagged as suspicious. These are typically your executive staff, executive support staff, and historically highly targeted users.
+- Collect the list of your users that require more aggressive detections even if it means more good mail gets flagged as suspicious. These are typically your executive staff, executive support staff, and historically highly targeted users.
- Ensure that the selected users have admin coverage to review and release emails if the end user thinks that the mail might be good and requests that the message be released to them.
Once you've chosen between the Standard and Strict security preset policies for
1. Select **Threat policies**. 1. Select **Preset Security Policies** underneath the **Templated policies** heading 1. Select **Manage** underneath the Standard protection preset.
-1. Select **All Recipients** to apply Exchange Online Protection tenant wide, or select **Specific recipients** to manually add add users, groups, or domains you want to apply the protection policy to. Click the **Next** button.
+1. Select **All Recipients** to apply Exchange Online Protection tenant wide, or select **Specific recipients** to manually add users, groups, or domains you want to apply the protection policy to. Click the **Next** button.
1. Select **All Recipients** to apply Defender for Office 365 Protection tenant wide, or select **Specific recipients** to manually add add users, groups, or domains you want to apply the protection policy to. Click the **Next** button.
-1. On the **Impersonation Protection** section, add email addresses & domains to protect from impersonation attacks, then add any trusted senders and domains you do not want the impersonation protection to apply to, then press **Next**.
+1. On the **Impersonation Protection** section, add email addresses & domains to protect from impersonation attacks, then add any trusted senders and domains you don't want the impersonation protection to apply to, then press **Next**.
1. Click on the **Confirm** button. 1. Select the **Manage** link in the Strict protection preset. 1. Repeat steps 7-10 again, but for the users strict protection should be applied to. (if applicable)
security How To Setup Attack Simulation Training For Automated Attacks And Training https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/how-to-setup-attack-simulation-training-for-automated-attacks-and-training.md
Last updated 1/31/2023
# How to setup automated attacks and training within Attack simulation training
-Attack simulation training lets you run benign attack simulations on your organization to assess your phishing risk and teach your users how to better avoid phish attacks. By following this guide, you will configure automated flows with specific techniques and payloads that run when the specified conditions are met, launching simulations against your organization.
+Attack simulation training lets you run benign attack simulations on your organization to assess your phishing risk and teach your users how to better avoid phish attacks. By following this guide, you can configure automated flows with specific techniques and payloads that run when the specified conditions are met, launching simulations against your organization.
## What you'll need
Attack simulation training lets you run benign attack simulations on your organi
1. Name the Simulation automation with something relevant and memorable. *Next*. 1. Pick the techniques you'd like to use from the flyout. *Next*. 1. Manually select up to 20 payloads you'd like to use for this automation, or alternatively select Randomize. *Next*.
-1. If you picked OAuth as a Payload, you'll need to enter the name, logo and scope (permissions) you'd like the app to have when it's used in a simulation. *Next*.
+1. If you picked OAuth as a Payload, you need to enter the name, logo and scope (permissions) you'd like the app to have when it's used in a simulation. *Next*.
1. Choose who to target with the payload, if choosing the entire organization highlight the radio button. *Next*. 1. Otherwise, select **Add Users** and then search or filter the users with the wizard, press Add User(s). *Next*. 1. Customize the training if appropriate, otherwise leave Assign training for me (recommended) selected. *Next*.
security Reducing Attack Surface In Microsoft Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/reducing-attack-surface-in-microsoft-teams.md
If licensed for Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (free 90-day evaluation availa
2. Press **Global settings**. 3. Ensure **Turn on Defender for Office 365 for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams** is set to on. 4. Navigate to the security center's Safe links configuration page at: <https://security.microsoft.com/safelinksv2>.
-5. If you have multiple policies, you will need to complete this step for each policy (excluding built-in, standard and strict preset policies).
-6. **Select** a policy, a flyout will appear on the left-hand side.
+5. If you have multiple policies, you'll need to complete this step for each policy (excluding built-in, standard and strict preset policies).
+6. **Select** a policy, a flyout appears on the left-hand side.
7. Press **Edit protection settings**. 8. Ensure **Safe Links checks a list of known, malicious links when users click links in Microsoft Teams** is checked. 9. Press **Save**.
An attacker could email channels directly if they discover the channel email add
## Managing third party storage options
-Users can store their files in potentially unsupported 3rd party storage providers. If you do not use these providers, you can disable this setting to reduce data leakage risk.
+Users can store their files in potentially unsupported third party storage providers. If you don't use these providers, you can disable this setting to reduce data leakage risk.
1. **Login** to the Teams admin center at: <https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/>. 2. On the left-hand navigation, expand **Teams** and then choose **Teams settings**.
Users can store their files in potentially unsupported 3rd party storage provide
## Disabling Third-party & custom apps
-Applications are a very useful part of Microsoft teams, but it is recommended to maintain a list of allowed apps rather than allowing all apps by default.
+Applications are a very useful part of Microsoft teams, but it's recommended to maintain a list of allowed apps rather than allowing all apps by default.
1. **Login** to the Teams admin center at: <https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/>. 2. On the left-hand navigation, expand **Teams apps** and then choose **Permission Policies**.
-3. If you have custom permission policies, you will need to do these steps for each of them if appropriate, otherwise select **Global (Org-wide default)**.
+3. If you have custom permission policies, you'll need to do these steps for each of them if appropriate, otherwise select **Global (Org-wide default)**.
4. Select the appropriate settings for your organization, a recommended starting point is: - Microsoft apps ΓÇô set to **Allow all apps** (default).
- - Third-party apps ΓÇô set to **Allow specific apps and block all others** (if you already have 3rd party apps to then select for allowing) otherwise select **Block all apps**.
+ - Third-party apps ΓÇô set to **Allow specific apps and block all others** (if you already have third party apps to then select for allowing) otherwise select **Block all apps**.
- Custom apps ΓÇô set to **Allow specific apps and block all others** (if you already have custom apps to then select for allowing) otherwise select **Block all apps**. 5. Press **Save**.
-6. You'll need to change this setting for each policy (if you have multiple).
+6. You need to change this setting for each policy (if you've multiple).
## Configure meeting settings
-You can reduce the attack surface by ensuring people outside your organization cannot request access to control presenter's screens and require dial in and all external people to be authenticated & admitted from a meeting lobby.
+You can reduce the attack surface by ensuring people outside your organization can't request access to control presenter's screens and require dial in and all external people to be authenticated & admitted from a meeting lobby.
[Learn more](/microsoftteams/meeting-policies-participants-and-guests) (detailed documentation). 1. **Login** to the Teams admin center at: <https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/>. 2. On the left-hand navigation, expand **Meetings** and then choose **Meeting Policies**.
-3. If you have assigned any custom or built-in policies to users, you will need to do these steps for each of them if appropriate, otherwise select **Global (Org-wide default)**.
+3. If you've assigned any custom or built-in policies to users, you'll need to do these steps for each of them if appropriate, otherwise select **Global (Org-wide default)**.
4. Under the **Content sharing** heading, ensure **External participants can give or request control** is set to **off**. 5. Under the **Participants & guests** heading, ensure **Automatically admit people** is set to **Invited users only**. 6. Ensure **Dial-in users can bypass the lobby** is set to **off**. 7. Ensure **Let anonymous people join a meeting** is set to **off**. 8. Set **Chat in meetings** to **"Turn it on for everyone but anonymous users"**. 9. Press **Save**.
-10. You'll need to change this setting for each policy.
+10. You need to change this setting for each policy.
## Configure meeting settings (Restrict presenters)
You can reduce the risk of unwanted or inappropriate content being shared during
1. **Login** to the Teams admin center at: <https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/>. 2. On the left-hand navigation, expand **Meetings** and then choose **Meeting Policies**.
-3. If you have assigned any custom or built-in policies to users, you will need to do these steps for each of them if appropriate, otherwise select **Global (Org-wide default)**.
+3. If you've assigned any custom or built-in policies to users, you'll need to do these steps for each of them if appropriate, otherwise select **Global (Org-wide default)**.
4. Under the **Participants & guests** heading, toggle who can present in meetings to **Organizers, but users can override.** 5. Press **Save**.
-6. You'll need to change this setting for each policy.
+6. You need to change this setting for each policy.
## Disable open federation
security Review Allow Entries https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/review-allow-entries.md
Last updated 01/04/2023
# Introduction
-Historically, allow lists have told Exchange Online Protection to ignore the signals indicating an email is malicious. It is commonplace for vendors to request IPs, domains, and sender addresses be overridden unnecessarily. Attackers have been known to take advantage of this mistake and it is a pressing security loophole to have unnecessary allow list entries. This step-by-step guide will walk you through using advanced hunting to identify these misconfigured overrides and remove them, so you can increase your organization's security posture.
+Historically, allow lists have told Exchange Online Protection to ignore the signals indicating an email is malicious. It's commonplace for vendors to request IPs, domains, and sender addresses be overridden unnecessarily. Attackers have been known to take advantage of this mistake and it's a pressing security loophole to have unnecessary allow list entries. This step-by-step guide walks you through using advanced hunting to identify these misconfigured overrides and remove them, so you can increase your organization's security posture.
## What you will need
Historically, allow lists have told Exchange Online Protection to ignore the sig
1. [Login to the security portal and navigate to advanced hunting](https://security.microsoft.com/advanced-hunting) 2. Enter the KQL query into the query box, and press **Run Query**.
-3. Pressing the **NetworkMessageId** hyperlink for individual emails when shown in the results will load a flyout, allowing easy access to the email entity page, where the **analysis** tab will provide further details, such as the transport rule(s) which that email matched.
+3. Pressing the **NetworkMessageId** hyperlink for individual emails when shown in the results loads a flyout, allowing easy access to the email entity page, where the **analysis** tab provides further details, such as the transport rule(s) that email matched.
4. The results can also be exported by pressing **Export** for manipulation / analysis offline. > [!TIP]
security Submissions Admin Review User Reported Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-admin-review-user-reported-messages.md
You will only be able to mark and notify users of review results if the message
- You'll also need access to Exchange Online PowerShell. If the account that you're trying to use doesn't have access to Exchange Online PowerShell, you'll receive an error that says *Specify an email address in your domain*. For more information about enabling or disabling access to Exchange Online PowerShell, see the following topics: - [Enable or disable access to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/disable-access-to-exchange-online-powershell)
- - [Client Access Rules in Exchange Online](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/client-access-rules/client-access-rules)
+ - [Client Access Rules in Exchange Online](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/client-access-rules/client-access-rules) ([until October 2023](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/deprecation-of-client-access-rules-in-exchange-online/ba-p/3638563))
## Notify users from within the portal
security Submissions Error Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-error-messages.md
Last updated 01/12/2023
[!INCLUDE [MDO Trial banner](../includes/mdo-trial-banner.md)]
-This article attempts to explain the common error messages tha you might receive as you try to [report emails, URLs, and email attachments to Microsoft](submissions-admin.md)
+This article attempts to explain the common error messages that you might receive as you try to [report emails, URLs, and email attachments to Microsoft](submissions-admin.md)
## This message didn't pass through our mail flow system, or the message metadata isn't available yet error
-If you encounter this error message, then either of the following conditions might have occured:
+If you encounter this error message, then either of the following conditions might have occurred:
- You tried to submit an email message that wasn't filtered by Exchange Online Protection (EOP) or Microsoft Defender for Office 365 at the time of delivery.
security Submissions Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-teams.md
+ Title: User reported message settings in Teams
+audience: ITPro
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+ - MET150
+ - m365-security
+ - tier1
+description: "Admins can configure whether users can report malicious message in Microsoft Teams."
++ Last updated :++
+# User reported message settings in Microsoft Teams
+**Applies to**
+- [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)
+- [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md)
+In organizations with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Plan 2 or Microsoft 365 Defender, admins can decide whether users can report malicious messages in Microsoft Teams. Admins can also get visibility into the Teams messages that users are reporting.
+Users can report messages in Teams from **internal** chats and meeting conversations. Users can only report messages as malicious.
+> [!NOTE]
+> User reporting of messages in Teams is not supported in U.S. Government organizations (Microsoft 365 GCC, GCC High, and DoD).
+## User reporting settings for Teams messages
+User reporting of messages in Teams is made of two separate settings:
+- **In the Teams admin center**: On by default and controls whether users are able to report messages from Teams. When this setting is turned off, users can't report messages within Teams, so the corresponding setting in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal is irrelevant.
+- **In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal**: On by default. If user reporting of messages is turned on in the Teams admin center, you must have it turned on in the Defender portal for submissions to show up correctly.
+### Turn off or turn on user reporting in the Teams admin center
+To view or configure this setting, you need to be a member of the **Global Administrator** or **Teams Administrator** roles. For more information about permissions in Teams, see [Use Microsoft Teams administrator roles to manage Teams](/microsoftteams/using-admin-roles).
+1. In the Teams admin center at <https://admin.teams.microsoft.com>, go to **Messaging policies**. Or, to go directly to the **Messaging policies** page, use <https://admin.teams.microsoft.com/policies/messaging>.
+2. On the **Messaging policies** page, verify that the **Manage policies** tab is selected, and do either of the following actions to edit the appropriate policy (the **Global (Org-wide) default** policy or a custom policy):
+ - Click the link in the **Name** column.
+ - Select the policy by clicking anywhere other than the **Name** column, and then click ![Edit icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-edit-icon.png) **Edit**.
+3. In the policy details page that opens, find the **Report a security concern** toggle. By default, it's ![Teams 'Report a security concern' toggle on.](../../media/scc-toggle-on.png) **On**. To turn it off, toggle the setting to ![Teams 'Report a security concern' toggle off.](../../media/scc-toggle-off.png) **Off**.
+4. Click **Save**, and then click **Confirm** in the confirmation dialog that opens.
+For more information about messaging policies in Teams, see [Manage messaging policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/messaging-policies-in-teams).
+### Turn off or turn on user reporting of Teams messages in the Defender portal
+To modify this setting in the Defender portal, you need to be a member of the **Organization Management** or **Security Administrator** role groups. For more information about permissions in the Defender portal, see [Permissions in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](mdo-portal-permissions.md).
+The value of this setting is meaningful only if message reporting is turned on in the Teams admin center as described in the previous section.
+1. In the Microsoft 365 Defender portal at <https://security.microsoft.com>, go to **Settings** \> **Email & collaboration** \> **User reported settings** tab. To go directly to the **User reported settings** page, use <https://security.microsoft.com/securitysettings/userSubmission>.
+2. On the **User reported settings** page, go to the **Microsoft Teams** section for the **Monitor reported messages in Microsoft Teams** setting.
+ As previously described, this setting is turned on by default, and you typically leave it turned on if message reporting is also turned on in Teams admin center.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/submissions-teams-turn-on-off-defender-portal.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the 'Monitor reported messages in Microsoft Teams' setting in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal." lightbox="../../media/submissions-teams-turn-on-off-defender-portal.png":::
+For more information about user reported message settings in the Defender portal, see [User reported settings](submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md).
+## How users report messages in Teams
+1. In the Microsoft Teams client, hover over the malicious message without selecting it, and then click **... More options** \> **More actions** \> **Report this message**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/submissions-user-report-message-in-teams-client-click-path.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Click path to report a message in the Microsoft Teams client." lightbox="../../media/submissions-user-report-message-in-teams-client-click-path.png":::
+2. In the **report this message** dialog that opens, verify **Security risk - Spam, phishing, malicious content** is selected, and then click **Report**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/submissions-user-report-message-in-teams-client-click-report.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the final dialog to report a message in the Microsoft Teams client." lightbox="../../media/submissions-user-report-message-in-teams-client-click-report.png":::
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > If you've [turned on reporting for Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance](/microsoftteams/communication-compliance#report-a-concern-in-microsoft-teams), you might also see **Inappropriate - Harassment, violence, nudity, and disturbing content** as an available selection in the **Select a problem** dropdown list.
+3. In the confirmation dialog that opens, click **Close**.
+- The reported message remains visible to the user in the Teams client.
+- Users can report the same message multiple times.
+- The message sender is not notified that the message(s) was reported.
+- Microsoft also sends an email message notification to the user who reported the message from submissions@messaging.microsoft.com with the subject, "You have successfully reported a Teams message as a security risk." If Teams integration is turned on in the Defender portal, admins can customize some elements of the notification message in the **Email sent to user after admin review** on **User reported** page as described in [Options for Microsoft reporting tools](submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md#options-for-microsoft-reporting-tools).
+> When a user reports a Teams message to Microsoft, everything associated with the message is copied to include in the continual algorithm reviews. This copy includes the message content, message headers added by the Microsoft filtering system, any files or URLs, and related data.
+> Microsoft treats your feedback as your organization's permission to analyze all the information to fine tune the message hygiene algorithms. Your message is held in secured and audited data centers in the USA. The submission is deleted as soon as it's no longer required. Microsoft personnel might read your submitted messages and files, which is normally not permitted for Teams messages in Microsoft 365. However, your message is still treated as confidential between you and Microsoft, and your message or file isn't shared with any other party as part of the review process.
+## What happens after a user reports a message from Teams?
+What happens to a user reported Teams message depends on the settings in the **Reported message destinations** section on the **User reported settings** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/securitysettings/userSubmission>:
+- **Send reported messages to** \> **Microsoft and my reporting mailbox**: For Microsoft 365 organizations created after March 1 2023, this is the default value. The default user reporting mailbox is the Exchange Online mailbox of the global admin. The value for older Microsoft 365 organizations is unchanged.
+- **Send reported messages to** \> **Microsoft only**
+- **Send reported messages to** \> **My reporting mailbox only**
+For more information, see [User reported settings](submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md).
+- If you select **Send reported messages to** \> **My reporting mailbox only**, reported messages don't go to Microsoft for analysis unless an admin manually submits the message from the **User reported** tab on the **Submissions** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/reportsubmission?viewid=user>. Reporting messages to Microsoft is an important part of training the service to help improve the accuracy of filtering (reduce false positives and false negatives). That's why we use **Send reported messages to** \> **Microsoft and my reporting mailbox** as the default.
+- Regardless of the **Send reported messages to** setting, metadata from the reported Teams message (for example, senders, recipients, reported by, and message details) is available on the **User reported** tab on the **Submissions** page.
+- Regardless of the **Send reported messages to** setting, the alert policy named **Teams message reported by user as a security risk** generates an alert when a user reports a message in Teams by default. For more information, see [Manage alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/alert-policies#manage-alerts).
+ To view the corresponding alert for a user reported message in Teams, go to the **User reported** tab on the **Submission** page, and then double-click the message to open the submission flyout. Click ![More options icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-more-actions-icon.png) **More options** and then select **View alert**.
+## View and triage user reported messages in Teams
+As previously described, information about user reported messages in Teams is available on the **User reported** tab on the **Submissions** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/reportsubmission?viewid=user>. For more information, see [View user reported messages to Microsoft](submissions-admin.md#view-user-reported-messages-to-microsoft).
+The availability of Teams messages on the **User reported** tab on the **Submissions** page introduces the following changes to the page:
+- Differences in available columns displayed by default (marked with an asterisk (\*)) and when you click ![Customize columns icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-customize-icon.png) **Customize columns**:
+ - **Name and type**<sup>\*</sup> is available (previously named **Submission name**<sup>\*</sup>).
+ - **Teams message ID** is available.
+- Differences in available filters when you click ![Filter icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-filter-icon.png) **Filter**:
+ - **Teams message ID** is available.
+ - **Message type** is available. Values are **Email** and **Teams message**
+- Differences in available values when you click ![Group icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-group-icon.png) **Group**:
+ - **Reason** is not available.
+ - **Phish simulation** is not available.
+- The **Result** column contains the following information for reported Teams messages based on the [user reported settings](submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md):
+ - **Send reported messages to** \> **Microsoft and my reporting mailbox** or **Microsoft only**: The **Result** column contains values derived from the following analysis:
+ - **Policy hits**: Information about any policies or overrides that may have allowed or blocked the incoming messages, including overrides to our filtering verdicts. The result should be available within several minutes. Otherwise, detonation and feedback from graders could take up to one day.
+ - **Payload reputation/detonation**: Up-to-date examination of any URLs and files in the message.
+ - **Grader analysis**: Review done by human graders in order to confirm whether or not messages are malicious.
+ - **Send reported messages to** \> **My reporting mailbox only**: The **Result** column value is always **Not submitted to Microsoft**, because the messages were not analyzed by Microsoft.
+- Admin submission of Teams messages to Microsoft from the **User reported** tab on the **Submissions** page is basically the same as described in [Convert user reported messages in the reporting mailbox into admin submissions](submissions-admin.md#convert-user-reported-messages-in-the-reporting-mailbox-into-admin-submissions), including the [required permissions and throttling limits](submissions-admin.md#what-do-you-need-to-know-before-you-begin).
+ But only the following values are available in **Submit to Microsoft for analysis** for reported Teams messages:
+ - **Report clean**
+ - **Report phishing**
+ - **Report malware**
+- Notifying a user about the results of a reported Teams message is basically the same as described in [Notify users from within the portal](submissions-admin-review-user-reported-messages.md#notify-users-from-within-the-portal).
+ But only the following values are available in **Mark as and notify** for reported Teams messages:
+ - **No threats found**
+ - **Phishing**
+- The available customization options for admin notifications for reported Teams messages are the same as described in [Customize the messages used to notify users](submissions-admin-review-user-reported-messages.md#customize-the-messages-used-to-notify-users), but the names and setting locations on the page are slightly different:
+ - On the **User reported settings** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/securitysettings/userSubmission>, the notification customization options are in the **Email notifications** section (formerly the **Email sent to user after admin review** section):
+ - The **Customize results email** link is in the **Results email** subsection. The available settings in the flyout that opens are the same.
+ - The **Customize sender and branding** subsection contains the options to specify the sender email address and custom branding:
+ - **Specify a Microsoft 365 mailbox to use as the From address of email notifications** (formerly **Specify an Office 365 mailbox to send email notifications from**).
+ - **Replace the Microsoft logo with my organization's logo across all reporting experiences** (formerly **Replace the Microsoft logo with my company logo**).
+- As described in the **Reporting from quarantine** section on the **User reported settings** page at <https://security.microsoft.com/securitysettings/userSubmission>, only admins can report quarantined Teams messages to Microsoft.
security Submissions User Reported Messages Custom Mailbox https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-user-reported-messages-custom-mailbox.md
After you've verified that the reporting mailbox meets all of these requirements
For more information about enabling or disabling access to Exchange Online PowerShell, see the following topics: - [Enable or disable access to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/disable-access-to-exchange-online-powershell)
- - [Client Access Rules in Exchange Online](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/client-access-rules/client-access-rules)
+ - [Client Access Rules in Exchange Online](/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-online/client-access-rules/client-access-rules) ([until October 2023](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/deprecation-of-client-access-rules-in-exchange-online/ba-p/3638563))
## Use the Microsoft 365 Defender portal to configure user reported settings
security Teams Access Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/teams-access-policies.md
This article describes how to implement the recommended Zero Trust identity and
These recommendations are based on three different tiers of security and protection for Teams that can be applied based on the granularity of your needs: starting point, enterprise, and specialized security. You can learn more about these security tiers and the recommended policies referenced by these recommendations in the [Identity and device access configurations](microsoft-365-policies-configurations.md).
-More recommendations specific to Teams deployment are included in this article to cover specific authentication circumstances, including for users outside your organization. You will need to follow this guidance for a complete security experience.
+More recommendations specific to Teams deployment are included in this article to cover specific authentication circumstances, including for users outside your organization. You'll need to follow this guidance for a complete security experience.
## Getting started with Teams before other dependent services
Microsoft Teams defines the following access types:
- **Guest access** uses an Azure AD B2B account for a guest or external user that can be added as a member of a team and have all permissioned access to the communication and resources of the team. -- **External access** is for an external user that does not have an Azure AD B2B account. External access can include invitations and participation in calls, chats, and meetings, but does not include team membership and access to the resources of the team.
+- **External access** is for an external user that doesn't have an Azure AD B2B account. External access can include invitations and participation in calls, chats, and meetings, but doesn't include team membership and access to the resources of the team.
-Conditional Access policies only apply to guest access in Teams because there is a corresponding Azure AD B2B account.
+Conditional Access policies only apply to guest access in Teams because there's a corresponding Azure AD B2B account.
<!-- In Azure AD, guest and external users are the same. The user type for both of these is Guest. Guest users are B2B users. Microsoft Teams differentiates between guest users and external users in the app. While it's important to understand how each of these are treated in Teams, both types of users are B2B users in Azure AD and the recommended policies for B2B users apply to both.
External access is sometimes confused with guest access, so it's important to be
External access is a way for Teams users from an entire external domain to find, call, chat, and set up meetings with your users in Teams. Teams administrators configure external access at the organization level. For more information, see [Manage external access in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/manage-external-access).
-External access users have less access and functionality than an individual who's been added via guest access. For example, external access users can chat with your internal users with Teams but cannot access team channels, files, or other resources.
+External access users have less access and functionality than an individual who's been added via guest access. For example, external access users can chat with your internal users with Teams but can't access team channels, files, or other resources.
-External access does not use Azure AD B2B user accounts and therefore does not use Conditional Access policies.
+External access doesn't use Azure AD B2B user accounts and therefore doesn't use Conditional Access policies.
## Teams policies
Outside of the common policies listed above, there are Teams-specific policies t
### Teams and channels policies
-Teams and channels are two commonly used elements in Microsoft Teams, and there are policies you can put in place to control what users can and cannot do when using teams and channels. While you can create a global team, if your organization has 5000 users or less, you are likely to find it helpful to have smaller teams and channels for specific purposes, in-line with your organizational needs.
+Teams and channels are two commonly used elements in Microsoft Teams, and there are policies you can put in place to control what users can and can't do when using teams and channels. While you can create a global team, if your organization has 5000 users or less, you're likely to find it helpful to have smaller teams and channels for specific purposes, in-line with your organizational needs.
Changing the default policy or creating custom policies would be recommended, and you can learn more about managing your policies at this link: [Manage teams policies in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-policies).
security Teams Message Entity Panel https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/teams-message-entity-panel.md
+ Title: The Teams Message Entity Panel in Microsoft Defender for Office 365
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+ - MET150
+ - MOE150
+ms.assetid: e100fe7c-f2a1-4b7d-9e08-622330b83653
+ - m365-security
+ - tier1
+ - highpri
+description: Describes the Teams Message Entity Panel for Microsoft Teams in Microsoft Defender for Office 365, how it does post-breach work like ZAP and Safelinks and gives admins a single pane of glass on Teams chat and channel threats like suspicious URLs.
++ Last updated : 03/28/2023++
+# The Teams Message Entity Panel for Microsoft Teams in Microsoft Defender for Office 365
+**Applies to:**
+- [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)
+- [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md)
+The Teams Message Entity Panel in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 puts all Microsoft Teams data about suspicious or malicious chats and channels on a *single, actionable panel*.
+The Teams Message Entity Panel is the single source of Teams message metadata for Security Operations team (SecOps) review. In other words, any threat coming from:
+- chats
+- meeting chats
+- group chats
+can be seen and reviewed in one place.
+## Using the Teams Message Entity Panel in Microsoft Defender for Office 365
+The Teams Message Entity Panel will be available for customers with E5 and P2 subscriptions across all experiences, including:
+- Quarantine
+- Submissions
+- Reporting
+The steps to use the Teams Message Entity Panel remain the same wherever you find Teams message details.
+- Navigate to the [Microsoft 365 Defender portal](https://security.microsoft.com).
+- Select **Email & collaboration** > **Quarantine**.
+Or, to go directly to the **Quarantine** page, use [this link](https://security.microsoft.com/quarantine).
+- In **Quarantine**, select **Teams messages**.
+- Select the subject of an email you're investigating.
+The Teams Message Entity Panel for that message will open.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The permissions needed to view and use this page are the same as to view **Quarantine** and **Submissions**. SecOps users must also be a member of Global Admin or Global Reader, or Security Admin or Security Reader. For more information, see [Permissions in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](mdo-portal-permissions.md).
+## Teams Message Entity Panel Walkthrough
+The panel is designed for easy use.
+Clicking on a Teams message across any Microsoft Defender for Office 365 experience opens the Teams Message Entity Panel.
+The **header section** contains the subject of the message (if there is one) or it displays the first 100 characters of the body of the message. The current verdict of the message can also be found there, as well as a count of URLs present in the message.
+The **message details** section contains the threats suspected, confidence level, and the message location. This is also the location where admins can view the sender address, the time the message was recieved and the detection technology. It also includes the Teams Message ID, which can be used as an indentifer of a Teams message in Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
+The **sender section** displays the sender's domain and reports whether the sender is in the tenant or cross-org. An external section marked as *Yes* indicates that the message happened between a user inside, and a user outside, of your organization.
+The **participants section** includes information like the conversation type, chat name, and the name and email addresses of all of the participants (including the sender). It also links to a secondary panel that lists all the participants in the chat at the time of the suspected threat (this only appears if there are more than 10 participants).
+The **URLs section** displays the URL extracted from the Teams message and the threat associated with the URL. It also links to a secondary panel that lists all the URLs in the chat and their associated threats (this only appears if there are more than 10 URLs).
+In addition to the header, message, sender, URLs, and participants sections, you will also see sections specific to a few experiences that are integrated with the Teams Message Entity Panel:
+##### Quarantine:
+ - **Quarantine details**: Contains quarantine-specific details. For more information, see [Manage quarantined messages](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#view-quarantined-email-details).
+ - *Expires*: The date/time when the message will be automatically and permanently deleted from quarantine.
+ - *Quarantine reason*: The reason the message is in quarantine.
+ - *Released status*: Indicates if the message has been released to all participants that recieved the message.
+ - *Quarantine policy*: The quarantine policy that was applied to the message.
+ - **Quarantine actions**: For more information on different quarantine actions, see [Take action on quarantined messages](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#take-action-on-quarantined-email).
+##### Submissions:
+ - **Submission details** contains information about the specific submissions like:
+ - Submissions results
+ - Recommended steps
+ - Date submitted
+ - Submissions name
+ - Submission type
+ - Reason for submitting
+ - Submission ID
+ - Submitted by
+ - Submission status
+## For more information see
+[The Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Email Entity Page and how it works](mdo-email-entity-page.md)
+[Safelinks in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](safe-links-about.md)
+[Zero-hour Auto Purge or ZAP in Microsoft Defender for Office 365](zero-hour-auto-purge.md)
security Tenant Allow Block List About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/tenant-allow-block-list-about.md
The following list describes what happens in the Tenant Allow/Block List when yo
- **Email**: If a message was blocked by the EOP or Defender for Office 365 filtering stack, an allow entry might be created in the Tenant Allow/Block List: - If the message was blocked by [spoof intelligence](anti-spoofing-spoof-intelligence.md), an allow entry for the sender is created, and the entry appears on the **Spoofed senders** tab in the Tenant Allow Block List.
- - If the message was blocked by [domain or user impersonation protection](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365) in Defender for Office 365, an allow entry is not created in the Tenant Allow/Block List. Instead, the domain or sender is added to the **Trusted senders and domains section** in the [anti-phishing policy](anti-phishing-policies-mdo-configure.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-modify-anti-phishing-policies) that detected the message.
+ - If the message was blocked by [domain or user impersonation protection](anti-phishing-policies-about.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365) in Defender for Office 365, an allow entry isn't created in the Tenant Allow/Block List. Instead, the domain or sender is added to the **Trusted senders and domains section** in the [anti-phishing policy](anti-phishing-policies-mdo-configure.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-modify-anti-phishing-policies) that detected the message.
- If the message was blocked due to file-based filers, an allow entry for the file is created, and the entry appears on the **Files** tab in the Tenant Allow Block List. - If the message was blocked due to URL-based filters, an allow entry for the URL is created, and the entry appears on the **URL** tab in the Tenant Allow Block List. - If the message was blocked for any other reason, an allow entry for the sender email address or domain is created, and the entry appears on the **Domains & addresses** tab in the Tenant Allow Block List.
- - If the message was not blocked due to filtering, no allow entries are created anywhere.
+ - If the message wasn't blocked due to filtering, no allow entries are created anywhere.
-By default, allow entries for domains and email addresses, files, and URLs exist for 30 days. During those 30 days, Microsoft will learn from the allow entries and [remove them or automatically extend them](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-office/automatic-tenant-allow-block-list-expiration-management-is-now/ba-p/3723447). After Microsoft learns from the removed allow entries, messages that contain those entities will be delivered, unless something else in the message is detected as malicious. By default, allow entries for spoofed senders never expire.
+By default, allow entries for domains and email addresses, files, and URLs exist for 30 days. During those 30 days, Microsoft learns from the allow entries and [remove them or automatically extend them](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-office/automatic-tenant-allow-block-list-expiration-management-is-now/ba-p/3723447). After Microsoft learns from the removed allow entries, messages that contain those entities will be delivered, unless something else in the message is detected as malicious. By default, allow entries for spoofed senders never expire.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Microsoft does not allow you to create allow entries directly. Unnecessary allow entries expose your organization to malicious email which could have been filtered by the system.
By default, allow entries for domains and email addresses, files, and URLs exist
After you add an allow entry on the Submissions page or a block entry in the Tenant Allow/Block List, the entry should start working immediately 99.999% of the time. For the rest, it could take up to 24 hours.
-If Microsoft has learned from the allow entry, the entry will be removed. You'll get an alert about the removal of the now unnecessary allow entry from the built-in [alert policy](../../compliance/alert-policies.md) named **Removed an entry in Tenant Allow/Block List**).
+If Microsoft has learned from the allow entry, the entry is removed. You'll get an alert about the removal of the now unnecessary allow entry from the built-in [alert policy](../../compliance/alert-policies.md) named **Removed an entry in Tenant Allow/Block List**).
security Use Arc Exceptions To Mark Trusted Arc Senders https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/use-arc-exceptions-to-mark-trusted-arc-senders.md
A list of trusted ARC sealers is only needed where intermediaries are part of an
1. May modify the email header or email contents. 2. May cause authentication to fail for other reasons (example, by removing attachments).
-By adding a trusted ARC sealer, Office 365 will validate and trust the authentication results that the sealer provides when delivering mail to your tenant in Office 365.
+By adding a trusted ARC sealer, Office 365 validates and trusts the authentication results that the sealer provides when delivering mail to your tenant in Office 365.
**Administrators should add *only legitimate services* as trusted ARC sealers.** Adding only services the organization expressly uses and knows will help messages that must first go through a service to pass email authentication checks, and prevent legitimate messages from being sent to *Junk* due to authentication failures.
security Use The Delist Portal To Remove Yourself From The Office 365 Blocked Senders Lis https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/use-the-delist-portal-to-remove-yourself-from-the-office-365-blocked-senders-lis.md
- [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md)
-Are you getting an error message when you try to send an email to a recipient whose email address is in Microsoft 365 (for example and address 5.7.511 Access denied)? If you think you should not be receiving the error message, you can use the delist portal to remove yourself from the blocked senders list.
+Are you getting an error message when you try to send an email to a recipient whose email address is in Microsoft 365 (for example and address 5.7.511 Access denied)? If you think you shouldn't be receiving the error message, you can use the delist portal to remove yourself from the blocked senders list.
## What is the blocked senders list? Microsoft uses the blocked senders list to protect its customers from spam, spoofing, and phishing attacks. Your mail server's IP address, that is, the address your mail server uses to identify itself on the Internet, was tagged as a potential threat to Microsoft 365 for one of a variety of reasons. When Microsoft 365 adds the IP address to the list, it prevents all further communication between the IP address and any of our customers through our datacenters.
-You will know you have been added to the list when you receive a response to a mail message that includes an error that looks something like this:
+You'll know you've been added to the list when you receive a response to a mail message that includes an error that looks something like this:
-> 550 5.7.606-649 Access denied, banned sending IP [_IP address_] (ex. 5.7.511 Access denied): To request removal from this list please visit <https://sender.office.com/> and follow the directions. For more information see [Email non-delivery reports in Exchange Online](/Exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/non-delivery-reports-in-exchange-online/non-delivery-reports-in-exchange-online).
+> 550 5.7.606-649 Access denied, banned sending IP [_IP address_] (ex. 5.7.511 Access denied): To request removal from this list please visit <https://sender.office.com/> and follow the directions. For more information, see [Email non-delivery reports in Exchange Online](/Exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/non-delivery-reports-in-exchange-online/non-delivery-reports-in-exchange-online).
where _IP address_ is the IP address of the computer on which the mail server runs.
There are good reasons for senders to wind up on the blocked senders list, but m
3. Click **Submit**.
- The portal sends an email to the email address that you supply. The email will look something like the following:
+ The portal sends an email to the email address that you supply. The email looks something like the following:
:::image type="content" source="../../media/bf13e4f7-f68c-4e46-baa7-b6ab4cfc13f3.png" alt-text="The email received when you submit a request through the delist portal" lightbox="../../media/bf13e4f7-f68c-4e46-baa7-b6ab4cfc13f3.png":::
security Zero Hour Auto Purge https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/zero-hour-auto-purge.md
- tier2 - seo-marvel-apr2020
-description: Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) retroactively moves delivered messages in an Exchange Online mailbox to the Junk Email folder or quarantine that are found to be spam, phishing, or that contain malware after delivery.
+description: Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) retroactively moves delivered messages in an Exchange Online mailbox to the Junk Email folder or quarantine if those messages are found to be spam, phishing, or contain malware.
Previously updated : 1/31/2023 Last updated : 3/28/2023
-# Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Exchange Online
+# Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Microsoft Defender for Office 365
**Applies to** - [Exchange Online Protection](eop-about.md) - [Microsoft Defender for Office 365 plan 1 and plan 2](defender-for-office-365.md)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-defender.md) [!INCLUDE [MDO Trial banner](../includes/mdo-trial-banner.md)] ## Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) basics
-In Microsoft 365 organizations with mailboxes in Exchange Online, zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) is an email protection feature that retroactively detects and neutralizes malicious phishing, spam, or malware messages that have already been delivered to Exchange Online mailboxes.
+In Microsoft 365 organizations with Exchange Online mailboxes and in Microsoft Teams, zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) is a protection feature that retroactively detects and neutralizes malicious phishing, spam, or malware messages that have already been delivered to Exchange Online mailboxes or over Teams chat.
ZAP doesn't work in standalone Exchange Online Protection (EOP) environments that protect on-premises Exchange mailboxes.
-## How ZAP works
+## Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Exchange Online
Spam and malware signatures are updated in the service real-time on a daily basis. However, users can still receive malicious messages for a variety of reasons, including if content is weaponized after being delivered to users. ZAP addresses this issue by continually monitoring updates to the spam and malware signatures in the service. ZAP can find and take automated actions on messages that are already in a user's mailbox up to 48 hours after delivery. The ZAP action is seamless for the user; they aren't notified if a message is detected and moved.
-[Safe sender lists](create-safe-sender-lists-in-office-365.md), mail flow rules (also known as transport rules), Inbox rules, or additional filters take precedence over ZAP. Similar to what happens in mail flow, this means that even if the service determines the delivered message needs ZAP, the message is not acted on because of the safe senders configuration. This is another reason to be careful about configuring messages to bypass filtering.
+[Safe sender lists](create-safe-sender-lists-in-office-365.md), mail flow rules (also known as transport rules), Inbox rules, or additional filters take precedence over ZAP. Similar to what happens in mail flow, this means that even if the service determines the delivered message needs ZAP, the message isn't acted on because of the safe senders configuration. This is another reason to be careful about configuring messages to bypass filtering.
Watch this short video to learn how ZAP in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 automatically detects and neutralizes threats in email. > [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RWGrLg]
By default, spam ZAP is enabled in anti-spam policies, and the default action fo
For more information about configuring spam filtering verdicts, see [Configure anti-spam policies in Microsoft 365](anti-spam-policies-configure.md).
-### Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) considerations for Microsoft Defender for Office 365
-ZAP will not quarantine any message that's in the process of [Dynamic Delivery](safe-attachments-about.md#dynamic-delivery-in-safe-attachments-policies) in Safe Attachments policy scanning. If a phishing or spam signal is received for messages in this state, and the filtering verdict in the anti-spam policy is set to take some action on the message (Move to Junk, Redirect, Delete, or Quarantine) then ZAP will default to a 'Move to Junk' action.
-## How to see if ZAP moved your message
+### How to see if ZAP moved your message
To determine if ZAP moved your message, you have the following options:
To determine if ZAP moved your message, you have the following options:
> [!NOTE] > ZAP is not logged in the Exchange mailbox audit logs as a system action.
+### Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) considerations for Microsoft Defender for Office 365
+ZAP will not quarantine any message that's in the process of [Dynamic Delivery](safe-attachments-about.md#dynamic-delivery-in-safe-attachments-policies) in Safe Attachments policy scanning. If a phishing or spam signal is received for messages in this state, and the filtering verdict in the anti-spam policy is set to take some action on the message (Move to Junk, Redirect, Delete, or Quarantine) then ZAP will default to a 'Move to Junk' action.
+## Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Microsoft Teams
+> [!NOTE]
+> This section lists new features which are currently in preview.
+When a chat message is identified as potentially phishing or malicious in Microsoft Teams, ZAP blocks the message and quarantines it. This message is blocked for both the recipient and the sender. Note that this protection feature only applies to messages in a chat or in a meeting within the organization.
+**Sender view**:
+**Recipient view**:
+Admins can view and manage these quarantined messages in Microsoft Teams. For more information, see [Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-manage-quarantined-messages-in-microsoft-teams). Note that if you're not an admin, you won't be able to view or manage quarantined messages for this release.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) in Microsoft Teams is available only to customers with Microsoft Defender for Office 365 E5 and Defender for Office P2 subscriptions.
+### Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) for high confidence phishing in Teams
+For messages that are identified as high confidence phishing after delivery, ZAP blocks and quarantines the message. By default, only admins can view and manage quarantined high confidence phish messages. For more information, see [Quarantine policies](quarantine-policies.md).
+### Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) for malware in Teams
+For messages that are identified as malware, ZAP blocks and quarantines the message. By default, only admins can view and manage quarantined malware messages. For more information, see [Quarantine policies](quarantine-policies.md).
+Note that for this release, ZAP is available only to messages that are identified as high confidence phish or malware.
+### Review messages blocked in Teams
+To find out if ZAP blocked your message, see [Manage quarantined messages and files as an admin](quarantine-admin-manage-messages-files.md#use-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal-to-manage-quarantined-messages-in-microsoft-teams).
+ ## Zero-hour auto purge (ZAP) FAQ ### What happens if a legitimate message is moved to the Junk Email folder?
There are no limitations on licenses. ZAP works on all mailboxes hosted on Excha
### What if a message is moved to another folder (e.g. Inbox rules)?
-Zero-hour auto purge still works as long as the message has not been deleted, or as long as the same, or stronger, action has not already been applied. For example, if the anti-phishing policy is set to quarantine and message is already in the Junk Email, then ZAP will take action to quarantine the message.
+Zero-hour auto purge still works as long as the message hasn't been deleted, or as long as the same, or stronger, action hasn't already been applied. For example, if the anti-phishing policy is set to quarantine and message is already in the Junk Email, then ZAP will take action to quarantine the message.
### How does ZAP affect mailboxes on hold?
security Top Security Tasks For Remote Work https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/top-security-tasks-for-remote-work.md
If you are like [Microsoft](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/blog/2020/03
:::image type="content" source="../media/security/security-support-remote-work.png" alt-text="The top tasks to perform to support working from home" lightbox="../media/security/security-support-remote-work.png":::
-If you are a small or medium-size organization using one of Microsoft's business plans, see these resources instead:
+If you're a small or medium-size organization using one of Microsoft's business plans, see these resources instead:
- [Best practices for securing Microsoft 365 for business plans](../business-premium/secure-your-business-data.md) - [Microsoft 365 for Campaigns](../business-premium/index.md) (includes a recommended security configuration for Microsoft 365 Business)
-For customers using our enterprise plans, Microsoft recommends you complete the tasks listed in the following table that apply to your service plan. If, instead of purchasing a Microsoft 365 enterprise plan, you are combining subscriptions, note the following:
+For customers using our enterprise plans, Microsoft recommends you complete the tasks listed in the following table that apply to your service plan. If, instead of purchasing a Microsoft 365 enterprise plan, you're combining subscriptions, note the following:
- Microsoft 365 E3 includes Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS) E3 and Azure AD P1 - Microsoft 365 E5 includes EMS E5 and Azure AD P2
For customers using our enterprise plans, Microsoft recommends you complete the
|11|[Get started with Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps](#11-get-started-with-microsoft-defender-for-cloud-apps)|||![Included.](../media/d238e041-6854-4a78-9141-049224df0795.png)| |12|[Monitor for threats and take action](#12-monitor-for-threats-and-take-action)|![Included.](../media/d238e041-6854-4a78-9141-049224df0795.png)|![Included.](../media/d238e041-6854-4a78-9141-049224df0795.png)|![Included.](../media/d238e041-6854-4a78-9141-049224df0795.png)|
-Before you begin, check your [Microsoft 365 Secure Score](./defender/microsoft-secure-score.md) in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077139" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 Defender portal</a>. From a centralized dashboard, you can monitor and improve the security for your Microsoft 365 identities, data, apps, devices, and infrastructure. You are given points for configuring recommended security features, performing security-related tasks (such as viewing reports), or addressing recommendations with a third-party application or software. The recommended tasks in this article will raise your score.
+Before you begin, check your [Microsoft 365 Secure Score](./defender/microsoft-secure-score.md) in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077139" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 Defender portal</a>. From a centralized dashboard, you can monitor and improve the security for your Microsoft 365 identities, data, apps, devices, and infrastructure. You're given points for configuring recommended security features, performing security-related tasks (such as viewing reports), or addressing recommendations with a third-party application or software. The recommended tasks in this article will raise your score.
:::image type="content" source="../media/secure-score.png" alt-text="The Microsoft Secure Score screen in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal" lightbox="../media/secure-score.png":::
The single best thing you can do to improve security for employees working from
Normally, Microsoft recommends you give users 14 days to register their device for Multifactor Authentication before requiring MFA. However, if your workforce is suddenly working from home, go ahead and require MFA as a security priority and be prepared to help users who need it.
-Applying these policies will take only a few minutes, but be prepared to support your users over the next several days.
+Applying these policies takes only a few minutes, but be prepared to support your users over the next several days.
|Plan|Recommendation| |||
Your Global Administrator can configure these protections:
- [Configure global settings for Safe Links](office-365-security/safe-links-policies-global-settings-configure.md) - [Set up Safe Attachments policies](office-365-security/safe-attachments-policies-configure.md)
-You'll need to work with your Exchange Online administrator and SharePoint Online administrator to configure Defender for Office 365 for these workloads:
+You need to work with your Exchange Online administrator and SharePoint Online administrator to configure Defender for Office 365 for these workloads:
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for SharePoint, OneDrive, and Microsoft Teams](office-365-security/safe-attachments-for-spo-odfb-teams-about.md)
Now that you have Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Defender for I
:::image type="content" source="../media/top-ten-security-remote-work-mtp-dashboard.png" alt-text="The Microsoft 365 Defender dashboard" lightbox="../media/top-ten-security-remote-work-mtp-dashboard.png":::
-After you have configured one or more of your Defender for Office 365 services, turn on MTP. New features are added continually to MTP; consider opting in to receive preview features.
+After you've configured one or more of your Defender for Office 365 services, turn on MTP. New features are added continually to MTP; consider opting in to receive preview features.
- [Learn more about MTP](./defender/microsoft-365-defender.md) - [Turn on MTP](./defender/m365d-enable.md)
Only one organization can manage a device, so be sure to exclude guest accounts
## 9: Optimize your network for cloud connectivity
-If you are rapidly enabling the bulk of your employees to work from home, this sudden switch of connectivity patterns can have a significant impact on the corporate network infrastructure. Many networks were scaled and designed before cloud services were adopted. In many cases, networks are tolerant of remote workers, but were not designed to be used remotely by all users simultaneously.
+If you're rapidly enabling the bulk of your employees to work from home, this sudden switch of connectivity patterns can have a significant impact on the corporate network infrastructure. Many networks were scaled and designed before cloud services were adopted. In many cases, networks are tolerant of remote workers, but weren't designed to be used remotely by all users simultaneously.
Network elements such as VPN concentrators, central network egress equipment (such as proxies and data loss prevention devices), central internet bandwidth, backhaul MPLS circuits, NAT capability and so on are suddenly put under enormous strain due to the load of the entire business using them. The end result is poor performance and productivity coupled with a poor user experience for users who are adapting to working from home.
Recent blog articles on this topic:
## 10: Train users
-Training users can save your users and security operations team a lot of time and frustration. Savvy users are less likely to open attachments or click links in questionable email messages, and they are more likely to avoid suspicious websites.
+Training users can save your users and security operations team a lot of time and frustration. Savvy users are less likely to open attachments or click links in questionable email messages, and they're more likely to avoid suspicious websites.
The Harvard Kennedy School [Cybersecurity Campaign Handbook](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2015598&amp;clcid=0x409) provides excellent guidance on establishing a strong culture of security awareness within your organization, including training users to identify phishing attacks.
Microsoft 365 includes several ways to monitor status and take appropriate actio
## Next steps
-Congratulations! You have quickly implemented some of the most important security protections and your organization is much more secure. Now you're ready to go even further with threat protection capabilities (including Microsoft Defender for Endpoint), data classification and protection capabilities, and securing administrative accounts. For a deeper, methodical set of security recommendations for Microsoft 365, see [Microsoft 365 Security for Business Decision Makers (BDMs)](Microsoft-365-security-for-bdm.md).
+Congratulations! You've quickly implemented some of the most important security protections and your organization is much more secure. Now you're ready to go even further with threat protection capabilities (including Microsoft Defender for Endpoint), data classification and protection capabilities, and securing administrative accounts. For a deeper, methodical set of security recommendations for Microsoft 365, see [Microsoft 365 Security for Business Decision Makers (BDMs)](Microsoft-365-security-for-bdm.md).
Also visit Microsoft's new Defender for Cloud in [Security documentation](/security).
solutions Configure Teams Highly Sensitive Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/configure-teams-highly-sensitive-protection.md
To add an authentication context
4. Click **Save**.
-Next, create a conditional access policy that applies to that authentication context and that requires guests to agree to a terms of use as a condition of access.
+Next, create a conditional access policy that applies to that authentication context and that requires guests to agree to terms of use as a condition of access.
To create a conditional access policy 1. In [Azure Active Directory Conditional Access](https://aad.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/ConditionalAccessBlade), click **New policy**.
To set a default sensitivity label for a document library
1. From the **Library settings** flyout pane, select **Default sensitivity labels**, and then select the highly sensitive label from the drop-down box.
-For more details about how default library labels work, see [Configure a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document library](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-default-label).
+For more details about how default library labels work, see [Configure a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document library](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-default-label) and [Add a sensitivity label to SharePoint document library](https://support.microsoft.com/office/54b1602b-db0a-4bcb-b9ac-5e20cbc28089).
## See Also
solutions Configure Teams Three Tiers Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/configure-teams-three-tiers-protection.md
The following table summarizes the configurations for each tier. Use these confi
|Site sharing settings|**Site owners and members, and people with Edit permissions can share files and folders, but only site owners can share the site**.|**Site owners and members, and people with Edit permissions can share files and folders, but only site owners can share the site**.|**Site owners and members, and people with Edit permissions can share files and folders, but only site owners can share the site**.|N/A (Controlled by site-level restricted access control.)| |Site-level restricted access control|None|None|None|Team members only|
-A variation of the Highly sensitive option, [Teams with security isolation](secure-teams-security-isolation.md) uses a unique sensitivity label for one team, which provides additional security. You can use this label to encrypt files, and only members of that team will be able to read them.
- Baseline protection includes public and private teams. Public teams can be discovered and accessed by anybody in the organization. Private teams can only be discovered and accessed by members of the team. Both of these configurations restrict sharing of the associated SharePoint site to team owners to assist in permissions management. Teams for sensitive and highly sensitive protection are private teams in which sharing and the requesting of access for the associated site is limited and sensitivity labels are used to set policies around guest sharing, device access, and content encryption.