Updates from: 02/07/2023 06:41:10
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includes Defender Content Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/defender/includes/defender-content-updates.md
-## Week of December 12, 2022
+## Week of January 30, 2023
| Published On |Topic title | Change | |||--|
+| 2/2/2023 | [What is Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence (Defender TI)?](/defender/threat-intelligence/what-is-microsoft-defender-threat-intelligence-defender-ti) | added |
admin Release Options In Office 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/release-options-in-office-365.md
With Microsoft 365, you receive new product updates and features as they become
## How it works - release validation Any new release is first tested and validated by the feature team, then by the entire Microsoft 365 feature team, followed by all of Microsoft. After internal testing and validation, the next step is a **Targeted release** (formerly known as First release) to customers who opt in. At each release ring, Microsoft collects feedback and further validates quality by monitoring key usage metrics. This series of progressive validation is in place to make sure the worldwide-release is as robust as possible. The releases are pictured in the following figure.
-![Release validation rings for Microsoft 365.](../../media/73611ed3-2d8c-4e7b-8074-9f03b239f9ed.png)
+![Release management validation rings for Microsoft 365.](../../media\Rings_Of_Progression.png)
+ For significant updates, customers are initially notified by the [Microsoft 365 Roadmap](https://products.office.com/business/office-365-roadmap). As an update gets closer to rolling out, it is communicated through your [Microsoft 365 Message center](https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?source=applauncher#/MessageCenter). > [!NOTE]
You can change how your organization receives Microsoft 365 updates by following
9. When you're done adding users, select **Save changes**.
+![Screenshot: Showing the set up release option in the Microsoft 365 admin.](../../media/release_option_admincenter.png)
## Next steps
compliance Apply Retention Labels Automatically https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-retention-labels-automatically.md
Use the following instructions for the two admin steps.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
+## Learn about simulation mode
+> [!NOTE]
+> This option is in preview and subject to change.
+Now gradually rolling out in preview, you can run an auto-labeling policy in simulation mode when it's configured for either of the following conditions:
+- [Specific types of sensitive information](#auto-apply-labels-to-content-with-specific-types-of-sensitive-information)
+- [Specific keywords or searchable properties that match a query you create](#auto-apply-labels-to-content-with-keywords-or-searchable-properties)
+Very similar to [simulation mode for auto-labeling policies for sensitivity labels](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md#learn-about-simulation-mode), this addition lets you run the auto-labeling deployment like the WhatIf parameter for PowerShell. You see results reported as if the auto-labeling policy had applied your selected label, using the conditions that you defined. You can then refine your conditions for accuracy if needed, and rerun the simulation.
+Simulation mode also lets you gradually increase the scope of your auto-labeling policy before deployment. For example, you might start with a single location, such as a SharePoint site, with a single document library. Then, with iterative changes, increase the scope to multiple sites, and then to another location, such as OneDrive.
+Typical workflow for an auto-labeling policy:
+1. Create and configure an auto-labeling retention policy.
+2. Run the policy in simulation mode, which typically completes within a day. The completed simulation triggers an email notification that's sent to the user configured to receive activity alerts.
+3. Review the results, and if necessary, refine your policy and rerun simulation. Wait for it to complete again.
+4. Repeat step 3 as needed.
+5. Deploy in production by turning on the policy.
+Unlike simulation mode for automatically applying sensitivity labels:
+- Simulation mode is optional, and not required to complete before you turn on the policy. You can even turn on the policy while simulation is still running.
+- When simulation completes, the results automatically expire within 7 days. Then, to view samples for your policy, you must restart the simulation.
+Other considerations for simulation mode for auto-apply retention policies:
+- A maximum of 30 simulation jobs can be active in a 12-hour time period.
+- A maximum of 100 item samples can be collected per mailbox.
+- If you use [adaptive scopes](retention.md#adaptive-or-static-policy-scopes-for-retention) for your policy, a maximum of 20,000 locations (any combination of sites and mailboxes)
+- You might need to be assigned additional permissions to see the simulation results. For information about the required roles, see the next section, [Before you begin](#before-you-begin).
+- Simulation counts all items matching the policy criteria at time of simulation. However, when the policy is turned on, only content that is not already labeled will be eligible for auto-applying retention labels.
+- Because simulation for Exchange locations always runs against emails stored in mailboxes, rather than emails sent and received, you won't see simulation results for emails when the policy condition is for sensitive information types.
+- Because simulation results are based on items available in the specified locations at the time the simulation job runs, remember to take the following considerations into account when you turn on the policy:
+ - Items that are no longer within the specified location won't be labeled.
+ - Items that no longer match the policy criteria won't be labeled.
+On the **Label policies** page, the **Status** column displays **In simulation** for auto-labeling policies that are running in simulation, or configured for simulation and complete.
+Simulation typically completes in a day. The completed simulation triggers an email notification that's sent to the user configured to receive [activity alerts](alert-policies.md).
+To view the simulation results, select the policy from the **Label policies** page, and from the flyout pane, select **View simulation**. You can then view any samples, review the number of matching items and the locations, edit the policy, turn on the policy, or restart the simulation.
+![An example of simulation mode for an auto-apply retention label policy.](../media/simulation-mode-animated.gif)
+ ## Before you begin The global admin for your organization has full permissions to create and edit retention labels and their policies. If you aren't signing in as a global admin, see the permissions information for [records management](get-started-with-records-management.md#permissions) or [data lifecycle management](get-started-with-data-lifecycle-management.md#permissions-for-retention-policies-and-retention-labels), depending on the solution you're using.
+To run the policy in simulation mode:
+- Auditing for Microsoft 365 must be turned on. If you need to turn on auditing or you're not sure whether auditing is already on, see [Turn audit log search on or off](audit-log-enable-disable.md).
+- To view the list of samples, you must have the **Data Classification List Viewer** role, and to view file or email contents in the source view, you must have the **Data Classification Content Viewer** role. Global admins don't have these roles by default.
+ Make sure you have [created the retention labels](file-plan-manager.md#create-retention-labels) you want to apply to items. ## How to create an auto-apply retention label policy
When you create an auto-apply policy, you select a retention label to automatica
For information about the location choices, see [Locations](retention-settings.md#locations).
-6. Follow the prompts in the wizard to select a retention label, and then review and submit your configuration choices.
+6. Follow the prompts in the wizard to select a retention label, whether to run the policy in [simulation mode](#learn-about-simulation-mode) or turn it on (if applicable for your chosen condition), and then review and submit your configuration choices.
To edit an existing retention label policy (the policy type is **Auto-apply**), select it, and then select the **Edit** option to start the **Edit retention policy** configuration.
After you select a policy template, you can add or remove any types of sensitive
- The content contains between 1 and 9 instances of any of these three sensitive info types. The default for the **to** value is **Any**.
-For more information about these options, see the following guidance from the DLP documentation [Tuning rules to make them easier or harder to match](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#tuning-rules-to-make-them-easier-or-harder-to-match).
+For more information about these options, see the following guidance from the DLP documentation [Test your Data Loss Prevention policies (preview)](dlp-test-dlp-policies.md#test-your-data-loss-prevention-policies-preview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Sensitive information types have two different ways of defining the max unique instance count parameters. To learn more, see [Instance count supported values for SIT](sit-limits.md#instance-count-supported-values-for-sit).
compliance Apply Sensitivity Label Automatically https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md
Similarly to when you configure DLP policies, you can then refine your condition
![Options for match accuracy and instance count.](../media/sit-confidence-level.png)
-You can learn more about these configuration options from the DLP documentation: [Tuning rules to make them easier or harder to match](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#tuning-rules-to-make-them-easier-or-harder-to-match).
+You can learn more about these configuration options from the DLP documentation: [Test your Data Loss Prevention policies (preview)](dlp-test-dlp-policies.md#test-your-data-loss-prevention-policies-preview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Sensitive information types have two different ways of defining the max unique instance count parameters. To learn more, see [Instance count supported values for SIT](sit-limits.md#instance-count-supported-values-for-sit).
-Also similarly to DLP policy configuration, you can choose whether a condition must detect all sensitive information types, or just one of them. And to make your conditions more flexible or complex, you can add [groups and use logical operators between the groups](data-loss-prevention-policies.md).
+Also similarly to DLP policy configuration, you can choose whether a condition must detect all sensitive information types, or just one of them. And to make your conditions more flexible or complex, you can add [groups and use logical operators between the groups](dlp-policy-design.md#complex-rule-design).
> [!NOTE] > Auto-labeling based on custom sensitive information types applies only to newly created or modified content in OneDrive and SharePoint; not to existing content. This limitation also applies to auto-labeling polices.
Finally, you can use simulation mode to provide an approximation of the time nee
5. For the page **Name your auto-labeling policy**: Provide a unique name, and optionally a description to help identify the automatically applied label, locations, and conditions that identify the content to label.
-6. For the page **Choose locations where you want to apply the label**: Select and specify locations for Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive. If you don't want to keep the default of **All** included for your chosen locations, select the link to choose specific instances to include, or select the link to choose specific instances to exclude. Then select **Next**.
+6. For the page **Assign admin units**: This configuration is currently in preview. If your organization is using [administrative units in Azure Active Directory](/azure/active-directory/roles/administrative-units), an auto-labeling policy for just Exchange can be automatically restricted to specific users by selecting administrative units. If your account has been [assigned administrative units](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview), you must select one or more administrative units.
+ If you don't want to restrict the policy by using administrative units, or your organization hasn't configured administrative units, keep the default of **Full directory**.
+7. For the page **Choose locations where you want to apply the label**: Select and specify locations for Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive. If you don't want to keep the default of **All** included for your chosen locations, select the link to choose specific instances to include, or select the link to choose specific instances to exclude. Then select **Next**.
![Choose locations page for auto-labeling configuration.](../media/locations-auto-labeling-wizard.png)
- If you change the default settings by using **Included** or **Excluded**:
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > For organizations that are using administrative units:
+ >
+ > - If you selected the option to use administrative units in the previous step, the locations for SharePoint sites and OneDrive accounts become unavailable. Only auto-labeling policies exclusingly for Exchange support administrative units.
+ > - When you use the **Included** or **Excluded** options, you will see and can select only users from the administrative units selected in the previous step.
+ If you use the **Included** or **Excluded** options:
- For the **Exchange** location, the policy is applied according to the sender address of the recipients specified. Most of the time, you'll want to keep the default of **All** included with **None** excluded. This configuration is suitable even if you're testing for a subset of users. Instead of specifying your subset of users here, use the advanced rules in the next step to configure conditions to include or exclude recipients in your organization. Otherwise, when you change the default settings here: - If you change the default of **All** included and instead, choose specific users or groups, email sent from outside your organization will be exempt from the policy.
Finally, you can use simulation mode to provide an approximation of the time nee
- For OneDrive accounts, see [Get a list of all user OneDrive URLs in your organization](/onedrive/list-onedrive-urls) to help you specify individual OneDrive accounts to include or exclude.
-7. For the **Set up common or advanced rules** page: Keep the default of **Common rules** to define rules that identify content to label across all your selected locations. If you need different rules per location, including more options for Exchange, select **Advanced rules**. Then select **Next**.
+8. For the **Set up common or advanced rules** page: Keep the default of **Common rules** to define rules that identify content to label across all your selected locations. If you need different rules per location, including more options for Exchange, select **Advanced rules**. Then select **Next**.
The rules use conditions that include [sensitive information types](sensitive-information-type-learn-about.md), [trainable classifiers](classifier-learn-about.md), and sharing options: - To select a sensitive information type or trainable classifier as a condition, under **Content contains**, select **Add**, and then choose **Sensitive info types** or **Trainable classifiers**.
Finally, you can use simulation mode to provide an approximation of the time nee
For each of these conditions, you can then specify exceptions.
-8. Depending on your previous choices, you'll now have an opportunity to create new rules by using conditions and exceptions.
+9. Depending on your previous choices, you'll now have an opportunity to create new rules by using conditions and exceptions.
The configuration options for sensitive information types are the same as those you select for auto-labeling for Office apps. If you need more information, see [Configuring sensitive info types for a label](#configuring-sensitive-info-types-for-a-label). When you've defined all the rules you need, and confirmed their status is on, select **Next** to move on to choosing a label to auto-apply.
-9. For the **Choose a label to auto-apply** page: Select **+ Choose a label**, select a label from the **Choose a sensitivity label** pane, and then select **Next**.
+10. For the **Choose a label to auto-apply** page: Select **+ Choose a label**, select a label from the **Choose a sensitivity label** pane, and then select **Next**.
-10. If your policy includes the Exchange location: Specify optional configurations on the **Additional settings for email** page:
+11. If your policy includes the Exchange location: Specify optional configurations on the **Additional settings for email** page:
- **Automatically replace existing labels that have the same or lower priority**: Applicable for both incoming and outgoing emails, when you select this setting, it ensures a matching sensitivity label will always be applied. If you don't select this setting, a matching sensitivity label won't be applied to emails that have an existing sensitivity label with a [higher priority](sensitivity-labels.md#label-priority-order-matters) or that were manually labeled.
Finally, you can use simulation mode to provide an approximation of the time nee
For **Assign a Rights Management owner**, specify a single user by an email address that's owned by your organization. Don't specify a mail contact, a shared mailbox, or any group type, because these aren't supported for this role.
-10. For the **Decide if you want to test out the policy now or later** page: Select **Run policy in simulation mode** if you're ready to run the auto-labeling policy now, in simulation mode. Then decide whether to automatically turn on the policy if it's not edited for 7 days:
+12. For the **Decide if you want to test out the policy now or later** page: Select **Run policy in simulation mode** if you're ready to run the auto-labeling policy now, in simulation mode. Then decide whether to automatically turn on the policy if it's not edited for 7 days:
![Test out the configured auto-labeling policy.](../media/simulation-mode-auto-labeling-wizard.png) If you're not ready to run simulation, select **Leave policy turned off**.
-11. For the **Summary** page: Review the configuration of your auto-labeling policy and make any changes that needed, and complete the configuration.
+13. For the **Summary** page: Review the configuration of your auto-labeling policy and make any changes that needed, and complete the configuration.
Now on the **Information protection** > **Auto-labeling** page, you see your auto-labeling policy in the **Simulation** or **Off** section, depending on whether you chose to run it in simulation mode or not. Select your policy to see the details of the configuration and status (for example, **Policy simulation is still running**). For policies in simulation mode, select the **Matched items** tab to see which emails or documents matched the rules that you specified.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Blackberry Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-blackberry-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the BlackBerry DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the BlackBerry DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
[Roles and role groups in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md)
compliance Archive 17A 4 Bloomberg Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-bloomberg-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Bloomberg DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Bloomberg DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Cisco Jabber Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-cisco-jabber-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Factset Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-factset-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the FactSet DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the FactSet DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Fuze Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-fuze-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Fuze DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Fuze DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Fxconnect Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-fxconnect-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the FX Connect DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the FX Connect DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Ice Im Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-ice-im-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the ICE DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the ICE DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Investedge Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-investedge-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the InvestEdge DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the InvestEdge DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Liveperson Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-liveperson-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the LivePerson Conversational Cloud DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the LivePerson Conversational Cloud DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Quip Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-quip-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Quip DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Quip DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Refinitiv Messenger Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-refinitiv-messenger-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do create an account, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You will need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Refinitiv Eikon Messenger DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Refinitiv Eikon Messenger DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP-compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Servicenow Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-servicenow-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the ServiceNow DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the ServiceNow DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Skype For Business Server Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-skype-for-business-server-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Skype for Business Server DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Skype for Business Server DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Slack Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-slack-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Slack DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Slack DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Sql Database Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-sql-database-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the SQL DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the SQL DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Symphony Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-symphony-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Symphony DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Symphony DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Webex Teams Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-webex-teams-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Cisco Webex DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Cisco Webex DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive 17A 4 Zoom Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-17a-4-zoom-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a DataParser account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [17a-4 LLC](https://www.17a-4.com/contact/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Zoom DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Zoom DataParser connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This 17a-4 data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Android Archiver Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-android-archiver-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive Android communication data
- Install and activate the TeleMessage Android Archiver app on the mobile phones of your employees. -- The user who creates a Android Archiver connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Android Archiver connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Att Network Archiver Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-att-network-archiver-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive AT&T Network data are exter
- Your employees must have corporate-owned and corporate-liable mobile phones on the AT&T mobile network. Archiving messages in Microsoft 365 isn't available for employee-owned or "Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) devices. -- The user who creates a AT&T Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a AT&T Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Bell Network Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-bell-network-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive Bell Network data are exter
- Your employees must have corporate-owned and corporate-liable mobile phones on the Bell mobile network. Archiving messages in Microsoft 365 isn't available for employee-owned or "Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) devices. -- The user who creates a Bell Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Bell Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Bloomberg Message Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-bloomberg-message-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive Bloomberg Message data are
- The Bloomberg Message connector can import a total of 200,000 items in a single day. If there are more than 200,000 items on the SFTP site, none of those items will be imported to Microsoft 365. -- The user who creates a Bloomberg Message connector in Step 3 (and who downloads the public keys and IP address in Step 1) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Bloomberg Message connector in Step 3 (and who downloads the public keys and IP address in Step 1) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
## Set up a connector using public keys
compliance Archive Celltrust Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-celltrust-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Cell
- Create a Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the CellTrust connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the CellTrust connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Ciscojabberonmssql Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-ciscojabberonmssql-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Cisc
- Set up an MS SQL Database to retrieve Jabber items from before creating the connector in Step 1. You will specify the connection settings for the MS SQL Database when configuring the Cisco Jabber connector in Step 2. For more information, see the [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20Cisco%20Jabber%20on%20MS%20SQL%20User%20Guide%20.pdf). -- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Ciscojabberonoracle Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-ciscojabberonoracle-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/en_US). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber on Oracle connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber on Oracle connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Ciscojabberonpostgresql Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-ciscojabberonpostgresql-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/en_US). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber on PostgreSQL connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Cisco Jabber on PostgreSQL connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Data From Celltrustsl2 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-data-from-celltrustsl2.md
CellTrust's SL2 platform captures communication data from multiple sources. SL2
- Obtain the credentials to access the administrator account for your SL2 domain. -- The user who creates the CellTrust SL2 data connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the CellTrust SL2 data connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This CellTrust data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Eml Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-eml-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive EML
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://globanet.com/ms-connectors-contact). You will sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the EML connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the EML connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Enterprise Number Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-enterprise-number-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive Enterprise Number Archiver
- Install and activate the TeleMessage Enterprise Number Archiver app on the mobile phones of your employees. -- The user who creates a Enterprise Number Archiver connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Enterprise Number Archiver connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Facebook Data With Sample Connector https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-facebook-data-with-sample-connector.md
Complete the following prerequisites before you can set up and configure a conne
- The connector for Facebook Business pages can import a total of 200,000 items in a single day. If there are more than 200,000 Facebook Business items in a day, none of those items will be imported to Microsoft 365. -- The user who sets up the custom connector in the compliance portal (in Step 5) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who sets up the custom connector in the compliance portal (in Step 5) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
## Step 1: Create an app in Azure Active Directory
compliance Archive Fxconnect Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-fxconnect-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://globanet.com/ms-connectors-contact). You will sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the FX Connect connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the FX Connect connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Icechat Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-icechat-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive ICE Chat data are external
- The ICE Chat connector can import a total of 200,000 items in a single day. If there are more than 200,000 items on the SFTP site, none of those items will be imported to Microsoft 365. -- The admin who creates the ICE Chat connector in Step 3 (and who downloads the public keys and IP address in Step 1) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The admin who creates the ICE Chat connector in Step 3 (and who downloads the public keys and IP address in Step 1) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
## Set up a connector using public keys
compliance Archive Instant Bloomberg Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-instant-bloomberg-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive Instant Bloomberg data are
- The Instant Bloomberg connector can import a total of 200,000 items in a single day. If there are more than 200,000 items on the SFTP site, none of those items will be imported to Microsoft 365. -- The user who creates an Instant Bloomberg connector in Step 3 (and who downloads the public keys and IP address in Step 1) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates an Instant Bloomberg connector in Step 3 (and who downloads the public keys and IP address in Step 1) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
## Set up a connector using public keys
compliance Archive Linkedin Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-linkedin-data.md
After the LinkedIn Company page data is stored in a mailbox, you can apply Micro
## Before you set up a connector -- The user who creates a LinkedIn Company Page connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a LinkedIn Company Page connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- You must have the sign-in credentials (email address or phone number and password) of a LinkedIn user account that is an admin for the LinkedIn Company Page that you want to archive. You use these credentials to sign into LinkedIn when setting up the connector.
compliance Archive Mssqldatabaseimporter Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-mssqldatabaseimporter-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive MS S
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the MS SQL Database Importer connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the MS SQL Database Importer connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive O2 Network Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-o2-network-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive O2 Network data are externa
- Your employees must have corporate-owned and corporate-liable mobile phones on the O2 mobile network. Archiving messages in Microsoft 365 isn't available for employee-owned or "Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) devices. -- The user who creates an O2 Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates an O2 Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Pivot Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-pivot-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create this account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/). You will sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Pivot connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Pivot connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Redtailspeak Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-redtailspeak-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- In Step 2, you need to specify your organization's SFTP server. This step is necessary so that Veritas Merge1 can contact it to collect Redtail Speak data via SFTP. -- The user who creates the Redtail Speak Importer connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Redtail Speak Importer connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Reutersdealing Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-reutersdealing-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://globanet.com/contact-us). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Reuters Dealing connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Reuters Dealing connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Reuterseikon Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-reuterseikon-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Reut
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://globanet.com/ms-connectors-contact). You will sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Reuters Eikon connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Reuters Eikon connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Reutersfx Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-reutersfx-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Reut
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://globanet.com/contact-us). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Reuters FX connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Reuters FX connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Ringcentral Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-ringcentral-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a RingCentral application to fetch data from your RingCentral account. For step-by step instructions about creating the application, see [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20RingCentral%20User%20Guide.pdf). -- The user who creates the RingCentral connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the RingCentral connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Rogers Network Archiver Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-rogers-network-archiver-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Roge
- Obtain the Rogers account and billing contact details for your organization so that you can complete the onboarding forms and order the message archiving service from Rogers. -- The user who creates a Rogers Network Archiver connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Rogers Network Archiver connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Salesforcechatter Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-salesforcechatter-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Salesforce application and acquire a token at [https://salesforce.com](https://salesforce.com). You'll need to log into the Salesforce account as an admin and get a user personal token to import data. Also, triggers need to be published on the Chatter site to capture updates, deletes, and edits. These triggers will create a post on a channel, and Merge1 will capture the information from the channel. For step-by-step instructions about how to create the application and acquire the token, see [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20SalesForce%20Chatter%20User%20Guide%20.pdf). -- The user who creates the Salesforce Chatter connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Salesforce Chatter connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Servicenow Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-servicenow-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a ServiceNow application to fetch data from your ServiceNow account. For step-by step instructions about creating the application, see [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20ServiceNow%20User%20Guide%20.pdf). -- The user who creates the ServiceNow connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the ServiceNow connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Signal Archiver Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-signal-archiver-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Sign
- Install the Signal Archiver app on the mobile phones of your employees and activate it. The Signal Archiver app allows them to communicate and chat with other Signal users. -- The user who creates a Signal Archiver connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Signal Archiver connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Skypeforbusiness Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-skypeforbusiness-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To do this, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/form/requestacall/ms-connectors-contact.html). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Skype for Business connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Skype for Business connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Slack Data Microsoft https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-slack-data-microsoft.md
The following overview explains the process of using a Microsoft data connector
- Obtain the username and password for your organization's Slack enterprise account. You use these credentials to sign into this account when you create the data connector. It's also recommended that you have automated user provisioning in your Slack organization configured to use single sign-on (SSO). -- The user who creates the Slack eDiscovery connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Slack eDiscovery connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
## Step 1: Create a Slack eDiscovery connector
compliance Archive Slack Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-slack-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Obtain the username and password for your organization's Slack enterprise account. You'll need to sign into this account in Step 2 when you configure Slack. -- The user who creates the Slack eDiscovery connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Slack eDiscovery connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Symphony Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-symphony-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a data connector to archive
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://globanet.com/ms-connectors-contact). You will sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Symphony connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Symphony connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Telegram Archiver Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-telegram-archiver-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Tele
- Install the Telegram Archiver app on the mobile phones of your employees and activate it. The Telegram Archiver app allows them to communicate and chat with other Telegram users. -- The user who creates a Telegram Archiver connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Telegram Archiver connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Telus Network Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-telus-network-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive TELUS Network data are exte
- Your employees must have corporate-owned and corporate-liable mobile phones on theTELUS mobile network. Archiving messages in Microsoft 365 isn't available for employee-owned or Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) devices. -- The user who creates a TELUS Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a TELUS Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Text Delimited Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-text-delimited-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive text
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create this account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://globanet.com/ms-connectors-contact). You will sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the text-delimited connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the text-delimited connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Twitter Data With Sample Connector https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-twitter-data-with-sample-connector.md
Complete the following prerequisites before you can set up and configure a conne
- The Twitter connector can import a total of 200,000 items in a single day. If there are more than 200,000 Twitter items in a day, none of those items will be imported to Microsoft 365. -- The user who sets up the Twitter connector in the compliance portal (in Step 5) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who sets up the Twitter connector in the compliance portal (in Step 5) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
## Step 1: Create an app in Azure Active Directory
compliance Archive Veritas Twitter Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-veritas-twitter-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Twit
- Create a Twitter application at <https://developer.twitter.com> to fetch data from your Twitter account. For step-by step instructions about creating the application, see [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20Twitter%20User%20Guide.pdf). -- The user who creates the YouTube connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the YouTube connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Verizon Network Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-verizon-network-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive Verizon Network data are ex
- Your employees must have corporate-owned and corporate-liable mobile phones on the Verizon mobile network. Archiving messages in Microsoft 365 isn't available for employee-owned or Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) devices. -- The user who creates a Verizon Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Verizon Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Webexteams Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-webexteams-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Webe
When you create this application, the Webex platform generates a set of unique credentials. These credentials are used in Step 2 when you configure the Webex Teams connector on the Global Merge1 site. -- The user who creates the Webex Teams connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Webex Teams connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Webpagecapture Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-webpagecapture-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive webp
- You need to work with Veritas support to set up a custom file format to convert the webpage items to. For more information, see the [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20Web%20Page%20Capture%20User%20Guide%20.pdf). -- The user who creates the Webpage Capture connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Webpage Capture connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Wechat Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-wechat-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive WeCh
- You'll need to install the Tencent WeCom app on the mobile phones of users in your organization and activate it. The WeCom app lets users communicate and chat with other WeChat and WeCom users. -- The user who creates a WeChat Archiver connector in the compliance portal must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a WeChat Archiver connector in the compliance portal must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Whatsapp Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-whatsapp-data.md
Some of the implementation steps required to archive WhatsApp communication data
- Install the TeleMessage [WhatsApp Phone Archiver app](https://www.telemessage.com/mobile-archiver/whatsapp-phone-archiver-2/) on the mobile phones of your employees and activate it. Alternatively, you can install the regular WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business apps on the mobile phones of your employees and activate the WhatsApp Cloud Archiver service by scanning a QR code on the TeleMessage website. For more information, see [WhatsApp Cloud Archiver](https://www.telemessage.com/mobile-archiver/whatsapp-archiver/whatsapp-cloud-archiver/). -- The user who creates a Verizon Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates a Verizon Network connector must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This TeleMessage data connector is available in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Workplacefromfacebook Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-workplacefromfacebook-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Work
When creating the integration, the Workplace platform generates a set of unique credentials used to generate tokens that are used for authentication. These tokens are used in the Workplace from Facebook connector configuration wizard in Step 2. For step-by step instructions about how to create the applications, see [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20Workplace%20from%20Facebook%20User%20Guide%20.pdf). -- The user who creates the Workplace from Facebook connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Workplace from Facebook connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Xip Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-xip-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the XIP connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the XIP connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Xslt Xml Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-xslt-xml-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive XSLT
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create this account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/). You will sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the XSLT/XML connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the XSLT/XML connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Yieldbroker Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-yieldbroker-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a Veritas Merge1 account for Microsoft connectors. To create an account, contact [Veritas Customer Support](https://www.veritas.com/content/support/). You need to sign into this account when you create the connector in Step 1. -- The user who creates the Yieldbroker connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Yieldbroker connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Archive Youtube Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-youtube-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive the
- Create a YouTube application to fetch data from your YouTube account. For step-by step instructions about creating the application, see [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20YouTube%20User%20Guide.pdf). -- The user who creates the YouTube connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the YouTube connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
## Step 1: Set up the YouTube connector
compliance Archive Zoommeetings Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-zoommeetings-data.md
The following overview explains the process of using a connector to archive Zoom
For step-by step instructions on how to create the OAuth and JWT applications, see [Merge1 Third-Party Connectors User Guide](https://docs.ms.merge1.globanetportal.com/Merge1%20Third-Party%20Connectors%20Zoom%20Meetings%20User%20Guide%20.pdf). -- The user who creates the Zoom Meetings connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Zoom Meetings connector in Step 1 (and completes it in Step 3) must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- This Veritas data connector is in public preview in GCC environments in the Microsoft 365 US Government cloud. Third-party applications and services might involve storing, transmitting, and processing your organization's customer data on third-party systems that are outside of the Microsoft 365 infrastructure and therefore aren't covered by the Microsoft Purview and data protection commitments. Microsoft makes no representation that use of this product to connect to third-party applications implies that those third-party applications are FEDRAMP compliant.
compliance Communication Compliance Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure.md
For more information about configuring Yammer in Native Mode, see:
- Define the communication compliance policy [conditions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#conditional-settings). You can choose from message address, keyword, file types, and size match conditions. - Choose if you'd like to include sensitive information types. This step is where you can select default and custom sensitive info types. Pick from existing custom sensitive information types or custom keyword dictionaries in the communication compliance policy wizard. You can create these items before running the wizard if needed. You can also create new sensitive information types from within the communication compliance policy wizard.-
- Choose if you'd like to enable classifiers. Classifiers can detect potentially inappropriate language and images sent or received in the body of email messages or other types of text. You can choose the following built-in classifiers: *Threat*, *Profanity*, *Targeted harassment*, *Adult images*, *Racy images*, and *Gory images*. - Enable [optical character recognition (OCR)](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#optical-character-recognition-ocr) to identify embedded or attached images in messages for printed or handwritten text that match policy conditions. For custom policies, one or more conditional settings associated with text, keywords, classifiers, or sensitive info types must be configured in the policy to enable the selection of optical character recognition (OCR) documents.
+ - Choose **Filter email blasts** to exclude messages sent from email blast services. Messages that match specific conditions selected here won't generate alerts. This includes bulk email, such as newsletters, as well as spam, phishing, and malware. When this option is selected, you can view a [report](communication-compliance-reports-audits.md#detailed-reports) containing the bulk email senders that are filtered out.
+ - Define the percentage of communications to review. - Review your policy selections and create the policy.
compliance Create Activity Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/create-activity-alerts.md
You can create an activity alert that will send you an email notification when u
## Confirm roles and configure audit logging -- You must be assigned the Organization Configuration role in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to manage activity alerts. By default, this role is assigned to the Compliance Administrator and Organization Management role groups. For more information about adding members to role groups, see [Add users to a compliance role group](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#add-users-to-a-compliance-role-group).
+- You must be assigned the Organization Configuration role in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to manage activity alerts. By default, this role is assigned to the Compliance Administrator and Organization Management role groups. For more information about adding members to role groups, see [Add users or groups to a Microsoft Purview built-in role group](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#add-users-or-groups-to-a-microsoft-purview-built-in-role-group).
- You (or another admin) must first turn on audit logging for your organization before you can start using activity alerts. To do this, just click **Start recording user and admin activity** on the **Activity alerts** page. (If you don't see this link, auditing has already been turned on for your organization.) You can also turn on auditing on the **Audit log search** page in the compliance portal (go to **Audit**). You only have to do this once for your organization.
compliance Create Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/create-sensitivity-labels.md
The global admin for your organization has full permissions to create and manage
If the **Items** option isn't selected, you see the first page of these settings but you can't configure them and the labels won't be available for users to select in these apps.
- - If **Groups & sites** is selected, you can configure settings that apply to Microsoft 365 groups, and sites for Teams and SharePoint. If this option isn't selected, you see the first page of these settings but you can't configure them and the labels won't be available for users to select for groups and site.
- For information about the **Schematized data assets** scope, see [Automatically label your content in Microsoft Purview Data Map](/azure/purview/create-sensitivity-label). 4. Follow the configuration prompts for the label settings.
To check your label's configuration, including advanced settings, use the follow
> [!IMPORTANT] > If you select a sublabel, make sure you also select its parent label.
-4. Review the selected labels and to make any changes, select **Edit**. Otherwise, select **Next**.
+4. For the **Assign admin units**: This configuration is currently in preview. If your organization is using [administrative units in Azure Active Directory](/azure/active-directory/roles/administrative-units), the label policy can be automatically restricted to specific users by selecting administrative units. If your account has been [assigned administrative units](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview), you must select one or more administrative units.
+ If you don't want to restrict the policy by using administrative units, or your organization hasn't configured administrative units, keep the default of **Full directory**.
-5. Follow the prompts to configure the policy settings.
+5. Follow the prompts to complete the configuration.
The policy settings that you see match the scope of the labels that you selected. For example, if you selected labels that have just the **Items** scope, you don't see the policy settings **Apply this label by default to groups and sites** and **Require users to apply a label to their groups and sites**.
To check your label's configuration, including advanced settings, use the follow
For labels configured for **Microsoft Purview Data Map assets (preview)**: These labels don't have any associated policy settings.
-6. Repeat these steps if you need different policy settings for different users or scopes. For example, you want additional labels for a group of users, or a different default label for a subset of users. Or, if you have configured labels to have different scopes.
+7. Repeat these steps if you need different policy settings for different users or scopes. For example, you want additional labels for a group of users, or a different default label for a subset of users. Or, if you have configured labels to have different scopes.
7. If you create more than one label policy that might result in a conflict for a user, review the policy order and if necessary, move them up or down. To change the order of a label policy, select **...** for **More actions**, and then select **Move up** or **Move down**. For more information, see [Label policy priority (order matters)](sensitivity-labels.md#label-policy-priority-order-matters) from the overview information.
compliance Data Loss Prevention Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/data-loss-prevention-policies.md
- Title: "Data Loss Prevention Reference"
-# rename the md file to the above title
-- CSH--- Previously updated :--- 'ms.o365.cc.DLPLandingPage'---- tier3-- purview-compliance-- SPO_Content-- m365solution-mip-- m365initiative-compliance-- highpri-- MET150--- seo-marvel-apr2020-- admindeeplinkEXCHANGE-
-feedback_system: None
-description: data loss prevention reference material
-# Data loss prevention reference
-> This is reference topic is no longer the main resource for Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) information. The DLP content set is being updated and restructured. The topics covered in this article will be moving to new, updated articles. For more information about DLP, see [Learn about data loss prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md).
-<!-- this topic needs to be split into smaller, more coherent ones. It is confusing as it is. -->
-<!-- move this note to a more appropriate place, no topic should start with a note -->
-> [!NOTE]
-> Data loss prevention capabilities were recently added to Microsoft Teams chat and channel messages for users licensed for Office 365 Advanced Compliance, which is available as a standalone option and is included in Office 365 E5 and Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance. To learn more about licensing requirements, see [Microsoft 365 Tenant-Level Services Licensing Guidance](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance).
-<!-- MOVED TO LEARN ABOUT To comply with business standards and industry regulations, organizations must protect sensitive information and prevent its inadvertent disclosure. Sensitive information can include financial data or personally identifiable information (PII) such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, or health records. With a data loss prevention (DLP) policy in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, you can identify, monitor, and automatically protect sensitive information across Office 365.
-With a DLP policy, you can:
--- **Identify sensitive information across many locations, such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business, and Microsoft Teams.**-
- For example, you can identify any document containing a credit card number that's stored in any OneDrive for Business site, or you can monitor just the OneDrive sites of specific people.
--- **Prevent the accidental sharing of sensitive information**.-
- For example, you can identify any document or email containing a health record that's shared with people outside your organization, and then automatically block access to that document or block the email from being sent.
--- **Monitor and protect sensitive information in the desktop versions of Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.**-
- Just like in Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business, these Office desktop programs include the same capabilities to identify sensitive information and apply DLP policies. DLP provides continuous monitoring when people share content in these Office programs.
--- **Help users learn how to stay compliant without interrupting their workflow.**-
- You can educate your users about DLP policies and help them remain compliant without blocking their work. For example, if a user tries to share a document containing sensitive information, a DLP policy can both send them an email notification and show them a policy tip in the context of the document library that allows them to override the policy if they have a business justification. The same policy tips also appear in Outlook on the web, Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and Word.
--- **View DLP alerts and reports showing content that matches your organizationΓÇÖs DLP policies.**-
- To view alerts and metadata related to your DLP policies you can use the [DLP Alerts Management Dashboard](dlp-configure-view-alerts-policies.md). You can also view policy match reports to assess how your organization is complying with a DLP policy. If a DLP policy allows users to override a policy tip and report a false positive, you can also view what users have reported
-## Create and manage DLP policies
-You create and manage DLP policies on the data loss prevention page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.
-![Data loss prevention page in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](../media/943fd01c-d7aa-43a9-846d-0561321a405e.png)
-<!-- MOVED TO LEARN ABOUT ## What a DLP policy contains
-A DLP policy contains a few basic things:
--- Where to protect the content: **locations** such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business sites, as well as Microsoft Teams chat and channel messages.--- When and how to protect the content by enforcing **rules** comprised of:-
- - **Conditions** the content must match before the rule is enforced. For example, a rule might be configured to look only for content containing Social Security numbers that's been shared with people outside your organization.
- - **Actions** that you want the rule to take automatically when content matching the conditions is found. For example, a rule might be configured to block access to a document and send both the user and compliance officer an email notification.
-You can use a rule to meet a specific protection requirement, and then use a DLP policy to group together common protection requirements, such as all of the rules needed to comply with a specific regulation.
-For example, you might have a DLP policy that helps you detect the presence of information subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). This DLP policy could help protect HIPAA data (the what) across all SharePoint Online sites and all OneDrive for Business sites (the where) by finding any document containing this sensitive information that's shared with people outside your organization (the conditions) and then blocking access to the document and sending a notification (the actions). These requirements are stored as individual rules and grouped together as a DLP policy to simplify management and reporting.
-![Diagram shows that DLP policy contains locations and rules.](../media/c006860c-2d00-42cb-aaa4-5b5638d139f7.png) -->
-<!-- MOVED TO LEARN ABOUT ### Locations
-DLP policies are applied to sensitive items across Microsoft 365 locations and can be further scoped as detailed in this table.
-|Location | Include/exclude by|
-|Exchange email| distribution groups|
-|SharePoint sites |sites |
-|OneDrive accounts |accounts |
-|Teams chat and channel messages |accounts |
-|Windows 10 devices |user or group |
-|Microsoft Cloud App Security |instance |
- -->
-<!-- moved to dlp-policy-reference.md
-If you choose to include specific distribution groups in Exchange, the DLP policy will be scoped only to the members of that group. Similarly excluding a distribution group will exclude all the members of that distribution group from policy evaluation. You can choose to scope a policy to the members of distribution lists, dynamic distribution groups, and security groups. A DLP policy can contain no more than 50 such inclusions and exclusions.
-If you choose to include or exclude specific SharePoint sites, a DLP policy can contain no more than 100 such inclusions and exclusions. Although this limit exists, you can exceed this limit by applying either an org-wide policy or a policy that applies to entire locations.
-If you choose to include or exclude specific OneDrive accounts or groups, a DLP policy can contain no more than 100 user accounts or 50 groups as inclusion or exclusion.
-### Rules
-> [!NOTE]
-> The default behavior of a DLP policy, when there is no alert configured, is not to alert or trigger. This applies only to default information types. For custom information types, the system will alert even if there is no action defined in the policy.
-Rules are what enforce your business requirements on your organization's content. A policy contains one or more rules, and each rule consists of conditions and actions. For each rule, when the conditions are met, the actions are taken automatically. Rules are executed sequentially, starting with the highest-priority rule in each policy.
-A rule also provides options to notify users (with policy tips and email notifications) and admins (with email incident reports) that content has matched the rule.
-Here are the components of a rule, each explained below.
-![Sections of the DLP rule editor.](../media/1859d504-b9c2-45ed-961b-a0092251acc2.png)
-#### Conditions
-Conditions are important because they determine what types of information you're looking for, and when to take an action. For example, you might choose to ignore content containing passport numbers unless the content contains more than 10 such numbers and is shared with people outside your organization.
-Conditions focus on the **content**, such as what types of sensitive information you're looking for, and also on the **context**, such as who the document is shared with. You can use conditions to assign different actions to different risk levels. For example, sensitive content shared internally might be lower risk and require fewer actions than sensitive content shared with people outside the organization.
-![List showing available DLP conditions.](../media/0fa43f90-d007-4506-ae93-43e8424fe103.png)
-The conditions now available can determine if:
--- Content contains a type of sensitive information.--- Content contains a label. For more information, see the below section [Using a retention label as a condition in a DLP policy](#using-a-retention-label-as-a-condition-in-a-dlp-policy).--- Content is shared with people outside or inside your organization.-
- > [!NOTE]
- > Users who have non-guest accounts in a host organization's Active Directory or Azure Active Directory tenant are considered as people inside the organization.
-#### Types of sensitive information
-A DLP policy can help protect sensitive information, which is defined as a **sensitive information type**. Microsoft 365 includes definitions for many common sensitive information types across many different regions that are ready for you to use, such as a credit card number, bank account numbers, national ID numbers, and passport numbers.
-![List of available sensitive information types.](../media/3eaa9911-bc94-44be-902f-363dbf3b07fe.png)
-When a DLP policy looks for a sensitive information type such as a credit card number, it doesn't simply look for a 16-digit number. Each sensitive information type is defined and detected by using a combination of:
--- Keywords.--- Internal functions to validate checksums or composition.--- Evaluation of regular expressions to find pattern matches.--- Other content examination.-
-This helps DLP detection achieve a high degree of accuracy while reducing the number of false positives that can interrupt peoples' work.
-#### Actions
-When content matches a condition in a rule, you can apply actions to automatically protect the content.
-![List of available DLP actions.](../media/8aef17fc-1e99-4ac7-adfc-0f2c9c1a0697.png)
-With the actions now available, you can:
--- **Restrict access to the content** Depending on your need, you can restrict access to content in three ways:-
- 1. Restrict access to content for everyone.
- 2. Restrict access to content for people outside the organization.
- 3. Restrict access to "Anyone with the link."
- For site content, this means that permissions for the document are restricted for everyone except the primary site collection administrator, document owner, and person who last modified the document. These people can remove the sensitive information from the document or take other remedial action. When the document is in compliance, the original permissions are automatically restored. When access to a document is blocked, the document appears with a special policy tip icon in the library on the site.
- ![Policy tip showing access to document is blocked.](../media/b6cefed3-d212-43d7-8534-4b92b26ebd50.png)
- For email content, this action blocks the message from being sent. Depending on how the DLP rule is configured, the sender sees an NDR or (if the rule uses a notification) a policy tip and/or email notification.
- ![Warning that unauthorized recipients must be removed from the message.](../media/302f9994-912d-41e7-861f-8a4539b3c285.png)
-#### User notifications and user overrides
-You can use notifications and overrides to educate your users about DLP policies and help them remain compliant without blocking their work. For example, if a user tries to share a document containing sensitive information, a DLP policy can both send them an email notification and show them a policy tip in the context of the document library that allows them to override the policy if they have a business justification.
-![User notifications and user overrides sections of DLP rule editor.](../media/37b560d4-6e4e-489e-9134-d4b9daf60296.png)
-The email can notify the person who sent, shared, or last modified the content and, for site content, the primary site collection administrator and document owner. In addition, you can add or remove whomever you choose from the email notification.
-In addition to sending an email notification, a user notification displays a policy tip:
--- In Outlook and Outlook on the web.--- For the document on a SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business site.--- In Excel, PowerPoint, and Word, when the document is stored on a site included in a DLP policy.-
-The email notification and policy tip explain why content conflicts with a DLP policy. If you choose, the email notification and policy tip can allow users to override a rule by reporting a false positive or providing a business justification. This can help you educate users about your DLP policies and enforce them without preventing people from doing their work. Information about overrides and false positives is also logged for reporting (see below about the DLP reports) and included in the incident reports (next section), so that the compliance officer can regularly review this information.
-Here's what a policy tip looks like in a OneDrive for Business account.
-![Policy tip for a document in a OneDrive account.](../media/f9834d35-94f0-4511-8555-0fe69855ce6d.png)
- To learn more about user notifications and policy tips in DLP policies, see [Use notifications and policy tips](use-notifications-and-policy-tips.md).
-#### Alerts and Incident reports
-When a rule is matched, you can send an alert email to your compliance officer (or any person(s) you choose) with details of the alert. This alert email will carry a link of the [DLP Alerts Management Dashboard](dlp-configure-view-alerts-policies.md) which the compliance officer can go to view the details of alert and events. The dashboard contains details of the event that triggered the alert along with details of the DLP policy matched and the sensitive content detected.
-In addition, you can also send an incident report with details of the event. This report includes information about the item that was matched, the actual content that matched the rule, and the name of the person who last modified the content. For email messages, the report also includes as an attachment the original message that matches a DLP policy.
-> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
-> ![Page for configuring incident reports.](../media/Alerts-and-incident-report.png)
-DLP scans email differently from items in SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Business. In SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business, DLP scans existing items as well as new ones and generates an alert and incident report whenever a match is found. In Exchange Online, DLP only scans new email messages and generates a report if there is a policy match. DLP ***does not*** scan or match previously existing email items that are stored in a mailbox or archive.
-## Grouping and logical operators
-Often your DLP policy has a straightforward requirement, such as to identify all content that contains a U.S. Social Security Number. However, in other scenarios, your DLP policy might need to identify more loosely defined data.
-For example, to identify content subject to the U.S. Health Insurance Act (HIPAA), you need to look for:
--- Content that contains specific types of sensitive information, such as a U.S. Social Security Number or Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Number.-
--- Content that's more difficult to identify, such as communications about a patient's care or descriptions of medical services provided. Identifying this content requires matching keywords from very large keyword lists, such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM).-
-You can easily identify such loosely defined data by using grouping and logical operators (AND, OR). When you create a DLP policy, you can:
--- Group sensitive information types.--- Choose the logical operator between the sensitive information types within a group and between the groups themselves.-
-### Choosing the operator within a group
-Within a group, you can choose whether any or all of the conditions in that group must be satisfied for the content to match the rule.
-![Group showing the operators within the group.](../media/6a12f1e8-112d-48ee-9a73-82b3dd0542e7.png)
-### Adding a group
-You can quickly add a group, which can have its own conditions and operator within that group.
-![Add group button.](../media/5f72f292-d1f3-4f11-a911-a9f71e10abf6.png)
-### Choosing the operator between groups
-Between groups, you can choose whether the conditions in just one group or all of the groups must be satisfied for the content to match the rule.
-For example, the built-in **U.S. HIPAA** policy has a rule that uses an **AND** operator between the groups so that it identifies content that contains:
--- from the group **PII Identifiers** (at least one SSN number **OR** DEA number)-
- **AND**
--- from the group **Medical Terms** (at least one ICD-9-CM keyword **OR** ICD-10-CM keyword)-
-![Groups showing the operator between groups.](../media/354aa77f-569c-4847-9dfe-605ee2bb28d1.png)
-## The priority by which rules are processed
-When you create rules in a policy, each rule is assigned a priority in the order in which it's created ΓÇö meaning, the rule created first has first priority, the rule created second has second priority, and so on.
-> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
-> ![Rules in priority order.](../media/dlp-rules-in-priority-order.png)
-After you have set up more than one DLP policy, you can change the priority of one or more policies. To do that, select a policy, choose **Edit policy**, and use the **Priority** list to specify its priority.
-> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
-> ![Set priority for a policy.](../media/dlp-set-policy-priority.png)
-When content is evaluated against rules, the rules are processed in priority order. If content matches multiple rules, the rules are processed in priority order and the most restrictive action is enforced. For example, if content matches all of the following rules, Rule 3 is enforced because it's the highest priority, most restrictive rule:
--- Rule 1: only notifies users--- Rule 2: notifies users, restricts access, and allows user overrides--- Rule 3: notifies users, restricts access, and does not allow user overrides--- Rule 4: only notifies users--- Rule 5: restricts access--- Rule 6: notifies users, restricts access, and does not allow user overrides-
-In this example, note that matches for all of the rules are recorded in the audit logs and shown in the DLP reports, even though only the most restrictive rule is enforced.
-Regarding policy tips, note that:
--- Only the policy tip from the highest priority, most restrictive rule will be shown. For example, a policy tip from a rule that blocks access to content will be shown over a policy tip from a rule that simply sends a notification. This prevents people from seeing a cascade of policy tips.--- If the policy tips in the most restrictive rule allow people to override the rule, then overriding this rule also overrides any other rules that the content matched.->-
-## Tuning rules to make them easier or harder to match
-After people create and turn on their DLP policies, they sometimes run into these issues:
--- Too much content that **is not** sensitive information matches the rules ΓÇö in other words, too many false positives.--- Too little content that **is** sensitive information matches the rules. In other words, the protective actions aren't being enforced on the sensitive information.-
-To address these issues, you can tune your rules by adjusting the instance count and match accuracy to make it harder or easier for content to match the rules. Each sensitive information type used in a rule has both an instance count and match accuracy.
-### Instance count
-Instance count means simply how many occurrences of a specific type of sensitive information must be present for content to match the rule. For example, content matches the rule shown below if between 1 and 9 unique U.S. or U.K. passport numbers are identified.
-> [!NOTE]
-> The instance count includes only **unique** matches for sensitive information types and keywords. For example, if an email contains 10 occurrences of the same credit card number, those 10 occurrences count as a single instance of a credit card number.
-To use instance count to tune rules, the guidance is straightforward:
--- To make the rule easier to match, decrease the **min** count and/or increase the **max** count. You can also set **max** to **any** by deleting the numerical value.--- To make the rule harder to match, increase the **min** count.-
-Typically, you use less restrictive actions, such as sending user notifications, in a rule with a lower instance count (for example, 1-9). And you use more restrictive actions, such as restricting access to content without allowing user overrides, in a rule with a higher instance count (for example, 10-any).
-![Instance counts in the rule editor.](../media/e7ea3c12-72c5-4bb3-9590-c924c665e84d.png)
-### Match accuracy
-As described above, a sensitive information type is defined and detected by using a combination of different types of evidence. Commonly, a sensitive information type is defined by multiple such combinations, called patterns. A pattern that requires less evidence has a lower match accuracy (or confidence level), while a pattern that requires more evidence has a higher match accuracy (or confidence level). To learn more about the actual patterns and confidence levels used by every sensitive information type, see [Sensitive information type entity definitions](sensitive-information-type-entity-definitions.md).
-For example, the sensitive information type named Credit Card Number is defined by two patterns:
--- A pattern with 65% confidence that requires:-
- - A number in the format of a credit card number.
- - A number that passes the checksum.
--- A pattern with 85% confidence that requires:-
- - A number in the format of a credit card number.
- - A number that passes the checksum.
- - A keyword or an expiration date in the right format.
-You can use these confidence levels (or match accuracy) in your rules. Typically, you use less restrictive actions, such as sending user notifications, in a rule with lower match accuracy. And you use more restrictive actions, such as restricting access to content without allowing user overrides, in a rule with higher match accuracy.
-It's important to understand that when a specific type of sensitive information, such as a credit card number, is identified in content, only a single confidence level is returned:
--- If all of the matches are for a single pattern, the confidence level for that pattern is returned.--- If there are matches for more than one pattern (that is, there are matches with two different confidence levels), a confidence level higher than any of the single patterns alone is returned. This is the tricky part. For example, for a credit card, if both the 65% and 85% patterns are matched, the confidence level returned for that sensitive information type is greater than 90% because more evidence means more confidence.-
-So if you want to create two mutually exclusive rules for credit cards, one for the 65% match accuracy and one for the 85% match accuracy, the ranges for match accuracy would look like this. The first rule picks up only matches of the 65% pattern. The second rule picks up matches with **at least one** 85% match and **can potentially have** other lower-confidence matches.
-![Two rules with different ranges for match accuracy.](../media/21bdfe36-7a91-4347-8098-11809a92f9a4.png)
-For these reasons, the guidance for creating rules with different match accuracies is:
--- The lowest confidence level typically uses the same value for **min** and **max** (not a range).--- The highest confidence level is typically a range from just above the lower confidence level to 100.--- Any in-between confidence levels typically range from just above the lower confidence level to just below the higher confidence level.-
-## Using a retention label as a condition in a DLP policy
-When you use a previously created and published [retention label](retention.md#retention-labels) as a condition in a DLP policy, there are some things to be aware of:
--- The retention label must be created and published before you attempt to use it as a condition in a DLP policy.-- Published retention labels can take from one to seven days to sync. For more information, see [When retention labels become available to apply](create-apply-retention-labels.md#when-retention-labels-become-available-to-apply) for retention labels published in a retention policy, and [How long it takes for retention labels to take effect](apply-retention-labels-automatically.md#how-long-it-takes-for-retention-labels-to-take-effect) for retention labels that are auto-published.-- Using a retention label in a policy **is only supported for items in SharePoint and OneDrive***.-
- ![Labels as a condition.](../media/5b1752b4-a129-4a88-b010-8dcf8a38bb09.png)
- You might want to use a retention label in a DLP policy if you have items that are under retention and disposition, and you also want to apply other controls to them, for example:
- - You published a retention label named **tax year 2018**, which when applied to tax documents from 2018 that are stored in SharePoint retains them for 10 years then disposes of them. You also don't want those items being shared outside your organization, which you can do with a DLP policy.
- > You'll get this error if you specify a retention label as a condition in a DLP policy and you also include Exchange and/or Teams as a location: **"Protecting labeled content in email and teams messages isn't supported. Either remove the label below or turn off Exchange and Teams as a location."** This is because Exchange transport does not evaluate the label metadata during message submission and delivery.
-### Using a sensitivity label as a condition in a DLP policy
-[Learn more](./dlp-sensitivity-label-as-condition.md) about using Sensitivity label as a condition in DLP policies.
-### How this feature relates to other features
-Several features can be applied to content containing sensitive information:
--- A [retention label and a retention policy](retention.md) can both enforce **retention** actions on this content.--- A DLP policy can enforce **protection** actions on this content. And before enforcing these actions, a DLP policy can require other conditions to be met in addition to the content containing a label.-
-![Diagram of features that can apply to sensitive information.](../media/dd410f97-a3a3-455c-a1e9-7ed8ae6893d6.png)
-Note that a DLP policy has a richer detection capability than a label or retention policy applied to sensitive information. A DLP policy can enforce protective actions on content containing sensitive information, and if the sensitive information is removed from the content, those protective actions are undone the next time the content's scanned. But if a retention policy or label is applied to content containing sensitive information, that's a one-time action that won't be undone even if the sensitive information is removed.
-By using a label as a condition in a DLP policy, you can enforce both retention and protection actions on content with that label. You can think of content containing a label exactly like content containing sensitive information - both a label and a sensitive information type are properties used to classify content, so that you can enforce actions on that content.
-![Diagram of DLP policy using label as a condition.](../media/4538fd8f-fb74-4743-bc22-a5de33adfebb.png)
-## Simple settings vs. advanced settings
-When you create a DLP policy, you'll choose between simple or advanced settings:
--- **Simple settings** make it easy to create the most common type of DLP policy without using the rule editor to create or modify rules.--- **Advanced settings** use the rule editor to give you complete control over every setting for your DLP policy.-
-Don't worry, under the covers, simple settings and advanced settings work exactly the same, by enforcing rules comprised of conditions and actionsΓÇöonly with simple settings, you don't see the rule editor. It's a quick way to create a DLP policy.
-### Simple settings
-By far, the most common DLP scenario is creating a policy to help protect content containing sensitive information from being shared with people outside your organization, and taking an automatic remediating action such as restricting who can access the content, sending end-user or admin notifications, and auditing the event for later investigation. People use DLP to help prevent the inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information.
-To simplify achieving this goal, when you create a DLP policy, you can choose **Use simple settings**. These settings provide everything you need to implement the most common DLP policy, without having to go into the rule editor.
-![DLP options for simple and advanced settings.](../media/33c93824-ead5-43b6-9c3e-fd1630c92a7d.png)
-### Advanced settings
-If you need to create more customized DLP policies, you can choose **Use advanced settings**.
-The advanced settings present you with the rule editor, where you have full control over every possible option, including the instance count and match accuracy (confidence level) for each rule.
-To jump to a section quickly, click an item in the top navigation of the rule editor to go to that section below.
-![Top navigation menu of DLP rule editor.](../media/c527b97f-ca53-4c79-ad19-1a63be8a8ecc.png)
-## DLP policy templates
-The first step in creating a DLP policy is choosing what information to protect. By starting with a DLP template, you save the work of building a new set of rules from scratch, and figuring out which types of information should be included by default. You can then add to or modify these requirements to fine tune the rule to meet your organization's specific requirements.
-A preconfigured DLP policy template can help you detect specific types of sensitive information, such as HIPAA data, PCI-DSS data, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act data, or even locale-specific personally identifiable information (P.I.). To make it easy for you to find and protect common types of sensitive information, the policy templates included in Microsoft 365 already contain the most common sensitive information types necessary for you to get started.
-![List of templates for data loss prevention policies with focus on template for U.S. Patriot Act.](../media/791b2403-430b-4987-8643-cc20abbd8148.png)
-Your organization may also have its own specific requirements, in which case you can create a DLP policy from scratch by choosing the **Custom policy** option. A custom policy is empty and contains no premade rules.
-<!-- ## Roll out DLP policies gradually with test mode
-rehomed to Plan for DLP
-When you create your DLP policies, you should consider rolling them out gradually to assess their impact and test their effectiveness before fully enforcing them. For example, you don't want a new DLP policy to unintentionally block access to thousands of documents that people require access to in order to get their work done.
-If you're creating DLP policies with a large potential impact, we recommend following this sequence:
-1. **Start in test mode without Policy Tips** and then use the DLP reports and any incident reports to assess the impact. You can use DLP reports to view the number, location, type, and severity of policy matches. Based on the results, you can fine tune the rules as needed. In test mode, DLP policies will not impact the productivity of people working in your organization.
-2. **Move to Test mode with notifications and Policy Tips** so that you can begin to teach users about your compliance policies and prepare them for the rules that are going to be applied. At this stage, you can also ask users to report false positives so that you can further refine the rules.
-3. **Start full enforcement on the policies** so that the actions in the rules are applied and the content's protected. Continue to monitor the DLP reports and any incident reports or notifications to make sure that the results are what you intend.
- ![Options for using test mode and turning on policy.](../media/49fafaac-c6cb-41de-99c4-c43c3e380c3a.png)
- You can turn off a DLP policy at any time, which affects all rules in the policy. However, each rule can also be turned off individually by toggling its status in the rule editor.
- ![Options for turning off a rule in a policy.](../media/f7b258ff-1b8b-4127-b580-83c6492f2bef.png)
- You can also change the priority of multiple rules in a policy. To do that, open a policy for editing. In a row for a rule, choose the ellipses (**...**), and then choose an option, such as **Move down** or **Bring to last**.
- > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
- > ![Set rule priority.](../media/dlp-set-rule-priority.png)-->
-## DLP reports
-After you create and turn on your DLP policies, you'll want to verify that they're working as you intended and helping you stay compliant. With DLP reports, you can quickly view the number of DLP policy and rule matches over time, and the number of false positives and overrides. For each report, you can filter those matches by location, time frame, and even narrow it down to a specific policy, rule, or action.
-With the DLP reports, you can get business insights and:
--- Focus on specific time periods and understand the reasons for spikes and trends.--- Discover business processes that violate your organization's compliance policies.--- Understand any business impact of the DLP policies.-
-In addition, you can use the DLP reports to fine tune your DLP policies as you run them.
-![Reports Dashboard in Security and Compliance Center.](../media/6d741252-a0ce-4429-95ba-6c857ecc9a7e.png)
-## How DLP policies work
-DLP detects sensitive information by using deep content analysis (not just a simple text scan). This deep content analysis uses keyword matches, dictionary matches, the evaluation of regular expressions, internal functions, and other methods to detect content that matches your DLP policies. Potentially only a small percentage of your data is considered sensitive. A DLP policy can identify, monitor, and automatically protect just that data, without impeding or affecting people who work with the rest of your content.
-### Policies are synced
-After you create a DLP policy in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, it's stored in a central policy store, and then synced to the various content sources, including:
--- Exchange Online, and from there to Outlook on the web and Outlook.--- OneDrive for Business sites.--- SharePoint Online sites.--- Office desktop programs (Excel, PowerPoint, and Word).--- Microsoft Teams channels and chat messages.-
-After the policy's synced to the right locations, it starts to evaluate content and enforce actions.
-<!-- what is the time delay for first deployment of a policy and what is the sync schedule? -->
-### Policy evaluation in OneDrive for Business and SharePoint Online sites
-Across all of your SharePoint Online sites and OneDrive for Business sites, documents are constantly changing ΓÇö they're continually being created, edited, shared, and so on. This means documents can conflict or become compliant with a DLP policy at any time. For example, a person can upload a document that contains no sensitive information to their team site, but later, a different person can edit the same document and add sensitive information to it.
-For this reason, DLP policies check documents for policy matches frequently in the background. You can think of this as asynchronous policy evaluation.
-<!-- what is the frequency? looks like it is tied to the search crawl schedule -->
-#### How it works
-As people add or change documents in their sites, the search engine scans the content, so that you can search for it later. While this is happening, the content's also scanned for sensitive information and to check if it's shared. Any sensitive information that's found is stored securely in the search index, so that only the compliance team can access it, but not typical users. Each DLP policy that you've turned on runs in the background (asynchronously), checking search frequently for any content that matches a policy, and applying actions to protect it from inadvertent leaks.
-![Diagram showing how DLP policy evaluates content asynchronously.](../media/bdf73099-039a-4909-ae89-ac12c41992ba.png)
-<!-- conflict with a DLP policy is bad wording -->
-Finally, documents can conflict with a DLP policy, but they can also become compliant with a DLP policy. For example, if a person adds credit card numbers to a document, it might cause a DLP policy to block access to the document automatically. But if the person later removes the sensitive information, the action (in this case, blocking) is automatically undone the next time the document is evaluated against the policy.
-DLP evaluates any content that can be indexed. For more information on what file types are crawled by default, see [Default crawled file name extensions and parsed file types in SharePoint Server](/SharePoint/technical-reference/default-crawled-file-name-extensions-and-parsed-file-types).
-> [!NOTE]
-> In order to prevent documents from being shared before DLP policies had the opportunity to analyze them, sharing of new files in SharePoint can be blocked until its content has been indexed. See, [Mark new files as sensitive by default](/sharepoint/sensitive-by-default) for detailed information.
-### Policy evaluation in Exchange Online, Outlook, and Outlook on the web
-When you create a DLP policy that includes Exchange Online as a location, the policy's synced from the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to Exchange Online, and then from Exchange Online to Outlook on the web and Outlook.
-When a message is being composed in Outlook, the user can see policy tips as the content being created is evaluated against DLP policies. And after a message is sent, it's evaluated against DLP policies as a normal part of mail flow, along with Exchange mail flow rules (also known as transport rules) and DLP policies created in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2059104" target="_blank">Exchange admin center</a>. DLP policies scan both the message and any attachments.
-### Policy evaluation in the Office desktop programs
-<!-- same capability to identify sensitive information line conflates sensitive information types and such -->
-Excel, PowerPoint, and Word include the same capability to identify sensitive information and apply DLP policies as SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business. These Office programs sync their DLP policies directly from the central policy store, and then continuously evaluate the content against the DLP policies when people work with documents opened from a site that's included in a DLP policy.
-DLP policy evaluation in Office is designed not to affect the performance of the programs or the productivity of people working on content. If they're working on a large document, or the user's computer is busy, it might take a few seconds for a policy tip to appear.
-### Policy evaluation in Microsoft Teams
- <!--what do you mean that it's synched to user accounts? I thought DLP policies were applied to locations not users like sensitivity labels are -->
-When you create a DLP policy that includes Microsoft Teams as a location, the policy's synced from the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to user accounts and Microsoft Teams channels and chat messages. Depending on how DLP policies are configured, when someone attempts to share sensitive information in a Microsoft Teams chat or channel message, the message can be blocked or revoked. And, documents that contain sensitive information and that are shared with guests (external users) won't open for those users. To learn more, see [Data loss prevention and Microsoft Teams](dlp-microsoft-teams.md).
-## Permissions
-By default, Global admins, Security admins, and Compliance admins will have access to create and apply a DLP policy. Other Members of your compliance team who will create DLP policies need permissions to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. By default, your Tenant admin will have access to this location and can give compliance officers and other people access to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, without giving them all of the permissions of a Tenant admin. To do this, we recommend that you:
-1. Create a group in Microsoft 365 and add compliance officers to it.
-2. Create a role group on the **Permissions** page of the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.
-3. While creating the role group, use the **Choose Roles** section to add the following role to the Role Group: **DLP Compliance Management**.
-4. Use the **Choose Members** section to add the Microsoft 365 group you created before to the role group.
-You can also create a role group with view-only privileges to the DLP policies and DLP reports by granting the **View-Only DLP Compliance Management** role.
-For more information, see [Add users to a compliance role group](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#add-users-to-a-compliance-role-group).
-These permissions are required only to create and apply a DLP policy. Policy enforcement does not require access to the content.
-## Find the DLP cmdlets
-To use most of the cmdlets for the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, you need to:
-1. [Connect to Security & Compliance PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-scc-powershell).
-2. Use any of these [policy-and-compliance-dlp cmdlets](/powershell/module/exchange/export-dlppolicycollection).
-However, DLP reports need pull data from across Microsoft 365, including Exchange Online. For this reason, ***the cmdlets for the DLP reports are available in Exchange Online Powershell -- not in Microsoft Purview compliance portal Powershell***. Therefore, to use the cmdlets for the DLP reports, you need to:
-1. [Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell](/powershell/exchange/connect-to-exchange-online-powershell).
-2. Use any of these cmdlets for the DLP reports:
- - [Get-DlpDetectionsReport](/powershell/module/exchange/Get-DlpDetectionsReport)
- - [Get-DlpDetailReport](/powershell/module/exchange/Get-DlpDetailReport)
-## More information
--- [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md#create-and-deploy-data-loss-prevention-policies))--- [Send notifications and show policy tips for DLP policies](use-notifications-and-policy-tips.md)--- [Create a DLP policy to protect documents with FCI or other properties](protect-documents-that-have-fci-or-other-properties.md)--- [What the DLP policy templates include](what-the-dlp-policy-templates-include.md)--- [Sensitive information type entity definitions](sensitive-information-type-entity-definitions.md)--- [Sensitive information type functions](sit-functions.md)--- [Create a custom sensitive information type](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type.md)
compliance Dlp Adaptive Protection Learn https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-adaptive-protection-learn.md
+ Title: "Learn about Adaptive Protection in data loss prevention"
+++ Last updated :
+audience: ITPro
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- tier1
+- purview-compliance
+- MET150
+description: "Learn how insider risk management and data loss prevention work together to dynamically protect your organization from risky user activities."
+# Learn about Adaptive Protection in Data Loss Prevention (preview)
+Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview integrates Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management with Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP). When insider risk identifies a user who is engaging in risky behavior, they are dynamically assigned to a risk level. Then adaptive protection can automatically create a DLP policy to help protect the organization against the risky behavior that's associated with that risk level. As users risk levels change in insider risk management, the DLP policies applied to users can adjust.
+You can manually create DLP policies that help protect against risky behaviors that insider risk identifies too.
+Refer to [Help dynamically mitigate risks with Adaptive Protection (preview)](insider-risk-management-adaptive-protection.md) to learn about Adaptive Protection and how to configure it.
+## How adaptive protection shows up in DLP policies
+If you're unfamiliar with DLP policies, you should review these articles before working with adaptive protection:
+- [Learn about data loss prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md)
+- [Plan for data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md)
+- [Data Loss Prevention policy reference](dlp-policy-reference.md)
+- [Design a data loss prevention policy](dlp-policy-design.md)
+Once adaptive protection is configured in insider risk, a condition called **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** will be available to use in rules that are configured for policies scoped to Exchange Online, Devices, and Teams locations.
+The condition **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** has three values:
+- **Elevated risk level**
+- **Moderate risk level**
+- **Minor risk level**
+These risk level profiles are defined in insider risk. You can select one, two or all three in a policy rule. Learn more about [risk levels](insider-risk-management-adaptive-protection.md#risk-levels).
+You can manually configure DLP policies that are part of adaptive protection and also use the [quick setup configuration in insider risk](insider-risk-management-adaptive-protection.md#quick-setup) to create DLP policies automatically from a template.
+### Manual configuration
+You manually configure an adaptive protection DLP policy just like you would [configure any other policy](create-test-tune-dlp-policy.md). Just select the **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** condition and the risk level profiles that you want, configure all the other policy options and deploy the policy according to your normal procedures.
+### Quick setup configuration
+If quick setup is used to configure Adaptive Protection in insider risk, DLP policies are created automatically, so you should be on the lookout for them. Quick setup will create one policy for Teams and Exchange Online with two rules, one for the elevated risk profile and one for the moderate and minor risk levels. It will also create one policy for Devices with two rules, one for the elevated risk profile and one for the moderate and minor risk levels.
+> [!TIP]
+> Insider risk presents a view of just the DLP policies that use the **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** condition. Open **Microsoft Purview compliance portal** > **Insider risk management** > **Adaptive protection (preview)** to see the list. You'll need DLP to be in one of these roles to access the insider risk node:
+>- Compliance administrator
+>- Compliance Data administrator
+>- Organization Management (Users who are not global administrators must be Exchange administrators to see and take action on devices that are managed by Basic Mobility and Security for Microsoft 365)
+>- Global administrator
+>- DLP compliance management
+>- View-only DLP compliance management
+#### Policy values for Teams and Exchange online DLP policy
+This is the configuration for the quick setup created Teams and Exchange DLP policy. The policy name is **Adaptive Protection policy for Teams and Exchange DLP**.
+##### Rule: Adaptive Protection block rule for Teams and Exchange DLP
+|DLP policy element |Configured value |
+|Conditions |**UserΓÇÖs risk level for Adaptive Protection is** </br>- **Elevated Risk Level** </br> AND </br>- **Content is Shared from Microsoft 365 With people outside my organization** |
+|Actions |**Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations** </br>- **Block only people outside your organization** |
+|User Notification |**On** </br>- **Notify user with a policy tip** </br>ΓÇô **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content** |
+|User Override |**Off** |
+|Incident reports |**On** </br>- **Severity Level ΓÇô Low** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule**|
+|Additional Options |**Off** |
+|Status |**Test it out first** </br>- **Policy Tips - not selected** |
+##### Rule: Adaptive Protection audit rule for Teams and Exchange DLP
+|DLP policy element |Configured value |
+|Conditions |**UserΓÇÖs risk level for Adaptive Protection is** </br>- **Moderate Risk Level, Minor Risk Level** </br> AND </br>- **Content is Shared from Microsoft 365 With people outside my organization** |
+|Actions | None |
+|User Notification |**On** </br>- **Notify user with a policy tip** </br>- **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content**|
+|User Override |**Off** |
+|Incident reports |**On** </br>- **Severity Level ΓÇô Low** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule**|
+|Additional Options |**Off** |
+|Status |**Test it out first** </br>- **Policy tips** option not selected|
+#### Policy values for Devices DLP policy
+This is the configuration for the quick setup created Devices DLP policy. The policy name is **Adaptive Protection policy for Endpoint DLP**.
+> For Adaptive Protection to work on Devices, you must either enable [Advanced classification scanning and protection](dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md#advanced-classification-scanning-and-protection) or if you are manually creating the adaptive protection policy, select the **File Type is** condition.
+> If a user is targeted by a default Adaptive Protection DEvice DLP policy and is targeted by an independent Device DLP policy, only the actions of the *most restrictive* policy will be applied.
+##### Rule: Adaptive Protection block rule for Endpoint DLP
+|DLP policy element |Configured value |
+|Conditions |**UserΓÇÖs risk level for Adaptive Protection is** </br>- **Elevated Risk Level** </br> AND </br>- **File Type is** </br>- **Word processing** </br>- **Spreadsheet** </br>- **Presentation** </br>- **Archive** </br>- **Mail** |
+|Actions |**Audit or Restrict activities on Devices** </br>- **Upload to a restricted cloud service domain or access from unallowed browsers - Block** </br></br> **File activities for all apps** </br>- **Apply restrictions to specific activity** </br>- **Copy to clipboard ΓÇô Block** </br>- **Copy to removable USB device ΓÇô Block** </br>- **Copy to network share ΓÇô Block** </br>- **Print ΓÇô Block** </br> **Restricted App activities - Access by restricted apps - Block** |
+|User Notification |**Off** |
+|User Override |**Off** |
+|Incident reports |**On** </br>- **Severity Level ΓÇô Low** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule**|
+|Additional Options |**Off** |
+|Status |**Test it out first - Policy Tips - not selected** |
+##### Rule: Adaptive Protection rule for Endpoint DLP
+|DLP policy element |Configured value |
+|Conditions |**UserΓÇÖs risk level for Adaptive Protection is** </br>- **Moderate Risk Level, Minor Risk Level** </br> AND </br>- **File Type is** </br>- **Word processing** </br>- **Spreadsheet** </br>- **Presentation** </br>- **Archive** </br>- **Mail** |
+|Actions |**Audit or Restrict activities on Devices** </br>- **Upload to a restricted cloud service domain or access from unallowed browsers ΓÇô Audit** </br></br>**File activities for all apps** </br>- **Apply restrictions to specific activity** </br>- **Copy to clipboard ΓÇô Audit** </br>- **Copy to removable USB device ΓÇô Audit** </br>- **Copy to network share ΓÇô Audit** </br>-**Print ΓÇô Audit**</br></br>**Restricted App activities** </br>- **Access by restricted apps - Audit**|
+|User Notification |**Off**|
+|User Override |**Off**|
+|Incident reports |**On**</br>- **Severity Level ΓÇô Low** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule** |
+|Additional Options |**Off** |
+|Status |**Test it out first** </br>- **Policy tips** option not selected |
+## See Also
+- [Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview (preview)](dlp-policy-reference.md#adaptive-protection-in-microsoft-purview-preview)
compliance Dlp Create Deploy Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-create-deploy-policy.md
How you deploy a policy is as important policy design. You have [multiple option
If you're new to Microsoft Purview DLP, here's a list of the core articles you should be familiar with as you implement DLP:
+1. [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview)
1. [Learn about Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md) - The article introduces you to the data loss prevention discipline and Microsoft's implementation of DLP. 1. [Plan for data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#plan-for-data-loss-prevention-dlp) - By working through this article you will: 1. [Identify stakeholders](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#identify-stakeholders)
For full licensing details, see: [Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security
### Permissions
-The account you use to create and deploy policies must be a member of one of these roles/role groups
+The account you use to create and deploy policies must be a member of one of these role groups
- Compliance administrator - Compliance data administrator
+- Information Protection
+- Information Protection Admin
- Security administrator
-#### Roles and Role Groups
+> Be sure you understand the difference between an unrestricted administrator and an administrative unit restricted administrator [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview) before you start.
+#### Granular Roles and Role Groups
There are roles and role groups that you can use to fine tune your access controls. Here's a list of applicable roles. To learn more, see [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md).
+- DLP Compliance Management
- Information Protection Admin - Information Protection Analyst - Information Protection Investigator
This procedure uses a hypothetical distribution group *Finance team* at Contoso.
|Statement|Configuration question answered and configuration mapping| |||
-|"We need to block emails to all recipients..."|- **Where to monitor**: Exchange </br> - **Action**: Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations > Block users from receiving email or accessing shared SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams files > Block everyone |
+|"We need to block emails to all recipients..."|- **Where to monitor**: Exchange </br>- **Administrative scope**: Full directory </br>- **Action**: Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations > Block users from receiving email or accessing shared SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams files > Block everyone |
|"...that contain credit card numbers or have the 'highly confidential' sensitivity label applied..."| - **What to monitor** use the Custom template </br> - **Conditions for a match** edit it to add the *highly confidential* sensitivity label| |"...except if..."| **Condition group configuration** - Create a nested boolean NOT condition group joined to the first conditions using a boolean AND| |"...the email is sent from someone on the finance team..."| **Condition for match**: Sender is a member of|
This procedure uses a hypothetical distribution group *Finance team* at Contoso.
1. Select **Next**.
+1. Select **Full directory** under **Admin units**.
+ 1. Set the **Exchange email** location status to **On**. Set all the other location status to **Off**. 1. Select **Next**.
compliance Dlp Learn About Dlp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp.md
DLP detects sensitive items by using deep content analysis, not by just a simple
If you are new to Microsoft Purview DLP, here's a list of the core articles you'll need as you implement DLP:
+1. [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview)
1. [Learn about Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md) - the article you are reading now introduces you to the data loss prevention discipline and Microsoft's implementation of DLP 1. [Plan for data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#plan-for-data-loss-prevention-dlp) - by working through this article you will: 1. [Identify stakeholders](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#identify-stakeholders)
If you are new to Microsoft Purview DLP, here's a list of the core articles you'
1. [Design a DLP policy](dlp-policy-design.md) - this article walks you through creating a policy intent statement and mapping it to a specific policy configuration. 1. [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md) - This article presents some common policy intent scenarios that you'll map to configuration options, then it walks you through configuring those options. +
+## Licensing and Subscriptions
+See the [licensing requirements for Information Protection](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance#information-protection) for details on the subscriptions that support DLP.
+ ## DLP is part of the larger Microsoft Purview offering DLP is just one of the Microsoft Purview tools that you will use to help protect your sensitive items wherever they live or travel. You should understand the other tools in the Microsoft Purview tools set, how they interrelate, and work better together. See, [Microsoft Purview tools](protect-information.md) to learn more about the information protection process.
You have flexibility in how you create and configure your DLP policies. You can
1. **Choose what you want to monitor** - DLP comes with many predefined policy templates to help you get started or you can create a custom policy. - A predefined policy template: Financial data, Medical and health data, Privacy data all for various countries and regions. - A custom policy that uses the available sensitive information types, retention labels, and sensitivity labels.
-2. **Choose where you want to monitor** - You pick one or more locations that you want DLP to monitor for sensitive information. You can monitor:
+2. **Choose administrative scoping** - DLP supports assigning [Administrative Units](/azure/active-directory/roles/administrative-units) to policies (preview). Administrators who are assigned to an administrative unit can only create and manage polices for the users, groups, distribution groups, and accounts that they are assigned to. Consequently, policies can be applied to all users and groups by an unrestricted administrator, or they can be scoped to administrative units. See, [Policy Scoping](dlp-policy-reference.md#policy-scoping) for more DLP specific details. See, [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview) for the details on administrative units across Microsoft Purview information protection.
+3. **Choose where you want to monitor** - You pick one or more locations that you want DLP to monitor for sensitive information. You can monitor:
location | include/exclude by| |||
location | include/exclude by|
|On-premises repositories| repository file path| |PowerBI (preview)| workspaces|
-3. **Choose the conditions that must be matched for a policy to be applied to an item** - You can accept pre-configured conditions or define custom conditions. Some examples are:
+4. **Choose the conditions that must be matched for a policy to be applied to an item** - You can accept pre-configured conditions or define custom conditions. Some examples are:
- item contains a specified kind of sensitive information that is being used in a certain context. For example, 95 social security numbers being emailed to recipient outside your org. - item has a specified sensitivity label - item with sensitive information is shared either internally or externally
-4. **Choose the action to take when the policy conditions are met** - The actions depend on the location where the activity is happening. Some examples are:
+5. **Choose the action to take when the policy conditions are met** - The actions depend on the location where the activity is happening. Some examples are:
- SharePoint/Exchange/OneDrive: Block people who are outside your organization form accessing the content. Show the user a tip and send them an email notification that they are taking an action that is prohibited by the DLP policy. - Teams Chat and Channel: Block sensitive information from being shared in the chat or channel
To learn more about Microsoft Purview DLP, see:
To learn how to use data loss prevention to comply with data privacy regulations, see [Deploy information protection for data privacy regulations with Microsoft Purview](../solutions/information-protection-deploy.md) (aka.ms/m365dataprivacy).
-## Licensing and Subscriptions
-See the [licensing requirements for Information Protection](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance#information-protection) for details on the subscriptions that support DLP.
compliance Dlp Microsoft Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-microsoft-teams.md
DLP protection is applied differently to Teams entities.
## Policy tips help educate users
-Similar to how DLP works in [Exchange, Outlook, Outlook on the web](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#policy-evaluation-in-exchange-online-outlook-and-outlook-on-the-web), [SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business sites](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#policy-evaluation-in-onedrive-for-business-and-sharepoint-online-sites), and [Office desktop clients](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#policy-evaluation-in-the-office-desktop-programs), policy tips appear when an action triggers with a DLP policy. Here's an example of a policy tip:
+Similar to how DLP works in [Exchange, Outlook, Outlook on the web](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md), [SharePoint Online, OneDrive for Business sites](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md), and [Office desktop clients](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md), policy tips appear when an action triggers with a DLP policy. Here's an example of a policy tip:
![Blocked message notification in Teams.](../media/dlp-teams-blockedmessage-notification.png)
Returning to our example, where a sender shared a social security number in a Te
### To customize policy tips
-To perform this task, you must be assigned a role that has permissions to edit DLP policies. To learn more, see [Permissions](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#permissions).
+To perform this task, you must be assigned a role that has permissions to edit DLP policies. To learn more, see [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md).
1. Go to the Purview Compliance Center ([https://compliance.microsoft.com](https://compliance.microsoft.com)) and sign in.
Allow approximately one hour for your changes to work their way through your dat
## Add Microsoft Teams as a location to existing DLP policies
-To perform this task, you must be assigned a role that has permissions to edit DLP policies. To learn more, see [Permissions](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#permissions).
+To perform this task, you must be assigned a role that has permissions to edit DLP policies. To learn more, see [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md).md#permissions).
1. Go to the Compliance Center ([https://compliance.microsoft.com](https://compliance.microsoft.com)) and sign in.
Allow approximately one hour for your changes to work their way through your dat
## Define a new DLP policy for Microsoft Teams
-To perform this task, you must be assigned a role that has permissions to edit DLP policies. To learn more, see [Permissions](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#permissions).
+To perform this task, you must be assigned a role that has permissions to edit DLP policies. To learn more, see [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md).
1. Go to the Compliance Center ([https://compliance.microsoft.com](https://compliance.microsoft.com)) and sign in. 2. Choose **Data loss prevention** > **Policy** > **+ Create a policy**.
-3. Choose a [template](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#dlp-policy-templates), and then choose **Next**.
+3. Choose a [template](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md#create-and-deploy-data-loss-prevention-policies), and then choose **Next**.
In our example, we chose the U.S. Personally Identifiable Information Data template.
To perform this task, you must be assigned a role that has permissions to edit D
> [!NOTE] > If you want to make sure documents that contain sensitive information are not shared inappropriately in Teams, make sure **SharePoint sites** and **OneDrive accounts** are turned on, along with **Teams chat and channel messages**.
-6. On the **Policy settings** tab, under **Customize the type of content you want to protect**, keep the default simple settings, or choose **Use advanced settings**, and then choose **Next**. If you choose advanced settings, you can create or edit rules for your policy. To get help with this, see [Simple settings vs. advanced settings](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#simple-settings-vs-advanced-settings).
+6. On the **Policy settings** tab, under **Customize the type of content you want to protect**, keep the default simple settings, or choose **Use advanced settings**, and then choose **Next**. If you choose advanced settings, you can create or edit rules for your policy. To get help with this, see [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md).
7. On the **Policy settings** tab, under **What do you want to do if we detect sensitive info?**, review the settings. Here's where you can choose to keep default [policy tips and email notifications](use-notifications-and-policy-tips.md), or customize them.
compliance Dlp Migration Assistant For Symantec Get Started https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-migration-assistant-for-symantec-get-started.md
description: "This article describes the prerequisites and configuration of the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec."
-# Get started with the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec (preview)
+# Get started with the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec
This article walks you through the prerequisites and installation of the [Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec](dlp-migration-assistant-for-symantec-learn.md).
Follow these steps to install the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migrati
## Next steps
-Now that you have installed Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec (preview), you're ready to move on to your next step where you use the migration assistant.
+Now that you have installed Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec, you're ready to move on to your next step where you use the migration assistant.
- [Using the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec](dlp-migration-assistant-for-symantec-use.md)
compliance Dlp Migration Assistant For Symantec Learn https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-migration-assistant-for-symantec-learn.md
description: "The migration assistant is a Windows based desktop application that will migrate your DLP policies from other DLP platforms to Microsoft DLP platform."
-# Learn about the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec (preview)
+# Learn about the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec
This article helps you to learn about the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec.
compliance Dlp Migration Assistant For Symantec Use https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-migration-assistant-for-symantec-use.md
description: "Learn how to use the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec to migrate your DLP policies from other DLP platforms to Microsoft's DLP platform."
-# Use the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec (preview)
+# Use the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec
This article takes you through using the [Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec](dlp-migration-assistant-for-symantec-learn.md).
compliance Dlp Overview Plan For Dlp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md
Every organization will plan for and implement data loss prevention (DLP) differ
If you are new to Microsoft Purview DLP, here's a list of the core articles you'll need as you implement DLP:
+1. [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview)
1. [Learn about Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md) - the article introduces you to the data loss prevention discipline and Microsoft's implementation of DLP 1. [Plan for data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#plan-for-data-loss-prevention-dlp) - by working through this article that you're reading now, you will: 1. [Identify stakeholders](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#identify-stakeholders)
Once your organization knows where it stands in terms of regulatory compliance n
**Example** To get started quickly, you pick the `U.K. Financial Data` policy template, which includes the `Credit Card Number`, `EU Debit Card Number`, and `SWIFT Code` sensitive information types.
+##### How you want your policies scoped
+If your organization has implemented [administrative units](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview) (preview) you can scope your DLP policies by administrative unit or leave the default full directory scoping. See, [Policy Scoping](dlp-policy-reference.md#policy-scoping)(preview) for more details.
+ ##### Where are the sensitive items and what business processes are they involved in? The items that contain your organizations sensitive information are used every day in the course of doing business. You need to know where instances of that sensitive information may occur and what business processes they are used in. This will help you choose the right locations to apply your DLP policies to. DLP policies are applied to locations:
compliance Dlp Policy Design https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-design.md
If you are new to Microsoft Purview DLP, it's helpful to work through these arti
If you are new to Microsoft Purview DLP, here's a list of the core articles you'll need as you implement DLP:
+1. [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview)
1. [Learn about Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md) - the article introduces you to the data loss prevention discipline and Microsoft's implementation of DLP 1. [Plan for data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#plan-for-data-loss-prevention-dlp) - by working through this article you will: 1. [Identify stakeholders](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#identify-stakeholders)
You should be able to summarize the business intent for every policy you have in
Remember from [DLP policy configuration overview](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md#dlp-policy-configuration-overview) that all DLP policies require that you: - Choose what you want to monitor
+- Choose the [Policy Scoping](dlp-policy-reference.md#policy-scoping)(preview)
- Choose where you want to monitor - Choose the conditions that must be matched for a policy to be applied to an item - Choose the action to take when the policy conditions are met
As you develop a policy design, you'll likely modify and extend the statement.
### Map business needs to policy configuration
-Let's break the example draft statement down and map it to DLP policy configuration points.
+Let's break the example draft statement down and map it to DLP policy configuration points. This example assumes that you're using an unrestricted DLP admin account and that administrative units are not configured.
+> Be sure you understand the difference between an unrestricted administrator and an administrative unit restricted administrator [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview) before you start.
|Statement|Configuration question answered and configuration mapping| ||| |"We are a U.S. based organization, and we need to detect Office documents that contain sensitive health care information covered by HIPAA...|- **What to monitor**: Office docs, use the [U.S. Health Insurance Act (HIPAA)](what-the-dlp-policy-templates-include.md#us-health-insurance-act-hipaa) template </br>- **Conditions for a match**: (preconfigured but editable) - item contains U.S. SSN and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) number, International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9-CM), International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10-CM), content is shared with people outside my organization </br> - drives conversations to clarify the triggering threshold for detection like [confidence levels](sensitive-information-type-learn-about.md#more-on-confidence-levels), and [instance count](dlp-policy-reference.md#content-contains) (called leakage tolerance).|
-|...that are stored in OneDrive/SharePoint and protect against that information being shared in Teams chat and channel messages...|- **Where to monitor**: [Location scoping](dlp-policy-reference.md#locations) by including or excluding OneDrive and SharePoint sites and Teams chat/channel accounts or distribution groups.|
+|...that are stored in OneDrive/SharePoint and protect against that information being shared in Teams chat and channel messages...|- **Where to monitor**: [Location scoping](dlp-policy-reference.md#locations) by including or excluding OneDrive and SharePoint sites and Teams chat/channel accounts or distribution groups. **Policy scoping** (preview): [Full directory](dlp-policy-reference.md#policy-scoping) |
|...and restrict everyone from sharing those items with unauthorized third parties."|- **Actions to take**: [You add](dlp-policy-reference.md#actions) *Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations* </br> - drives conversation on what actions to take when a policy is triggered including protective actions like sharing restrictions, awareness actions like notifications and alerts, and user empowerment actions like allow user overrides of a blocking action| This example doesn't cover all the configuration points of a DLP policy, it would need to be expanded. But it should get you thinking in the right direction as you develop your own DLP policy intent statements.
compliance Dlp Policy Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-reference.md
Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies have many components to co
## Before you begin
-If you are new to Microsoft Purview DLP, here's a list of the core articles you'll need as you implement DLP:
+If you're new to Microsoft Purview DLP, here's a list of the core articles you'll need as you implement DLP:
+1. [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview)
1. [Learn about Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md) - the article introduces you to the data loss prevention discipline and Microsoft's implementation of DLP 1. [Plan for data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#plan-for-data-loss-prevention-dlp) - by working through this article you will: 1. [Identify stakeholders](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#identify-stakeholders)
This table lists all policy templates and the sensitive information types (SIT)
|Privacy| U.S. State Breach Notification Laws|- [Credit card number](sit-defn-credit-card-number.md) </br> - [U.S. bank account number](sit-defn-us-bank-account-number.md)</br> -[U.S. driver's license number](sit-defn-us-drivers-license-number.md) </br> - [U.S. social security number (SSN)](sit-defn-us-social-security-number.md)| |Privacy| U.S. State Social Security Number Confidentiality Laws|- [U.S. social security number (SSN)](sit-defn-us-social-security-number.md)|
-## Locations
+## Policy Scoping
+See, [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview) to make sure you understand the difference between an unrestricted admin and an administrative unit restricted admin.
+DLP policies are scoped at two different levels. The first level lets an unrestricted admin scope policies to all:
+- users
+- groups
+- distribution groups
+- accounts
+- sites
+- cloud app instances
+- on-premises repositories
+- Power BI workspaces
+in your organization (depending on the locations that are selected) or to subgroups of your organization called [Administrative Unit restricted policies (preview)](#administrative-unit-restricted-policies-preview).
+At this level an administrative unit restricted admin will only be able to pick from the administrative units that they're assigned to.
+The second level of DLP policy scoping is by the [locations](#locations) that DLP supports. At this level, both unrestricted and administrative unit restricted administrators will see only the users, distribution groups, groups, and accounts that were included in the first level of policy scoping and are available in for that location.
+### Unrestricted policies
+Unrestricted policies are created and managed by users in these role groups:
+- Compliance administrator
+- Compliance data administrator
+- Information Protection
+- Information Protection Admin
+- Security administrator
+See, [Permissions](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md#permissions) for more details.
+Unrestricted administrators can manage all policies and see all the alerts and events that flow from policy matches into the [Alerts dashboard](dlp-alerts-dashboard-learn.md#learn-about-the-data-loss-prevention-alerts-dashboard) and [DLP Activity Explorer](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md#dlp-activity-explorer).
+### Administrative Unit restricted policies (preview)
+Administrative units are subsets of your Azure Active Directory and are created for the purposes of managing collections of users, groups, distribution groups, and accounts. These collections are typically created along business group lines or geopolitical areas. Administrative units have a delegated administrator who is associated with an administrative unit in the role group. These are called administrative unit restricted admins.
+DLP supports associating policies with administrative units. See [Administrative units](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview) for implementation details in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. Administrative unit admins need to be assigned to one of the same roles or role groups as administrators of unrestricted DLP policies in order to create and manage DLP policies for their administrative unit
+|DLP Administrative Role Group |Can |
+|Unrestricted administrator |- create and scope DLP policies to entire organization</br>- edit all DLP policies </br>- create and scope DLP policies to administrative units </br>- view all alerts and events from all DLP policies |
+|Administrative Unit Restricted administrator </br>- must be a member of/assigned to a role group/role that can administer DLP |- create and scope DLP policies only to the administrative unit that they're assigned to </br>- edit DLP policies that are associated to their administrative unit </br>- view alerts and events only from the DLP policies that are scoped to their administrative unit |
+### Locations
A DLP policy can find and protect items that contain sensitive information across multiple locations.
-|Location |Include/Exclude scope |Data state |Additional pre-requisites |
-|Exchange email online |distribution group | data-in-motion| No |
-|SharePoint online sites |sites | data-at-rest </br> data-in-use | No|
-|OneDrive for Business accounts| account or distribution group |data-at-rest </br> data-in-use|No|
-|Teams chat and channel messages | account or distribution group |data-in-motion </br> data-in-use | No |
-|Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps | cloud app instance |data-at-rest | - [Use data loss prevention policies for non-Microsoft cloud apps](dlp-use-policies-non-microsoft-cloud-apps.md#use-data-loss-prevention-policies-for-non-microsoft-cloud-apps) |
-|Devices |user or group |data-at-rest </br> data-in-use </br> data-in-motion |- [Learn about Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md) </br>- [Get started with Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md) </br>- [Configure device proxy and internet connection settings for Information Protection](device-onboarding-configure-proxy.md#configure-device-proxy-and-internet-connection-settings-for-information-protection) |
-|On-premises repositories (file shares and SharePoint) |repository | data-at-rest | - [Learn about the data loss prevention on-premises scanner](dlp-on-premises-scanner-learn.md) </br> - [Get started with the data loss prevention on-premises scanner](dlp-on-premises-scanner-get-started.md#get-started-with-the-data-loss-prevention-on-premises-scanner) |
-|Power BI| workspaces | data-in-use | No|
+|Location |Supports Administrative Units |Include/Exclude scope |Data state |Additional pre-requisites |
+|Exchange email online|Yes |distribution group | data-in-motion| No |
+|SharePoint online sites|No |sites | data-at-rest </br> data-in-use | No|
+|OneDrive for Business accounts|Yes| account or distribution group |data-at-rest </br> data-in-use|No|
+|Teams chat and channel messages|Yes | account or distribution group |data-in-motion </br> data-in-use | No |
+|Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps|No | cloud app instance |data-at-rest | - [Use data loss prevention policies for non-Microsoft cloud apps](dlp-use-policies-non-microsoft-cloud-apps.md#use-data-loss-prevention-policies-for-non-microsoft-cloud-apps) |
+|Devices|Yes |user or group |data-at-rest </br> data-in-use </br> data-in-motion |- [Learn about Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md) </br>- [Get started with Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md) </br>- [Configure device proxy and internet connection settings for Information Protection](device-onboarding-configure-proxy.md#configure-device-proxy-and-internet-connection-settings-for-information-protection) |
+|On-premises repositories (file shares and SharePoint)|No |repository | data-at-rest | - [Learn about the data loss prevention on-premises scanner](dlp-on-premises-scanner-learn.md) </br> - [Get started with the data loss prevention on-premises scanner](dlp-on-premises-scanner-get-started.md#get-started-with-the-data-loss-prevention-on-premises-scanner) |
+|Power BI |No| workspaces | data-in-use | No|
If you choose to include specific distribution groups in Exchange, the DLP policy will be scoped only to the emails sent by members of that group. Similarly excluding a distribution group will exclude all the emails sent by the members of that distribution group from policy evaluation. You can choose to scope a policy to the members of distribution lists, dynamic distribution groups, and security groups. A DLP policy can contain no more than 50 such inclusions and exclusions.
DLP supports using trainable classifiers as a condition to detect sensitive docu
Rules are the business logic of DLP policies. They consist of: - [**Conditions**](#conditions) that when matched, trigger the policy
-<! [**Exceptions**](#exceptions) to the conditions
-> The **Exceptions** UI is only available in **Classic rule builder** mode. If you have switched to the **New DLP rule builder** [mode](dlp-policy-design.md#complex-rule-design), exceptions are displayed as nested groups and joined to the other conditions by a boolean NOT function.-->
- [**Actions**](#actions) to take when the policy is triggered - [**User notifications**](#user-notifications-and-policy-tips) to inform your users when they're doing something that triggers a policy and help educate them on how your organization wants sensitive information treated - [**User Overrides**](#user-overrides) when configured by an admin, allow users to selectively override a blocking action
Rules are the business logic of DLP policies. They consist of:
A policy contains one or more rules. Rules are executed sequentially, starting with the highest-priority rule in each policy.
+<! [**Exceptions**](#exceptions) to the conditions
+> The **Exceptions** UI is only available in **Classic rule builder** mode. If you have switched to the **New DLP rule builder** [mode](dlp-policy-design.md#complex-rule-design), exceptions are displayed as nested groups and joined to the other conditions by a boolean NOT function.-->
+ ### The priority by which rules are processed #### Hosted service workloads
SITs have a pre-defined [**confidence level**](https://www.microsoft.com/videopl
> [!IMPORTANT] > SITs have two different ways of defining the max unique instance count parameters. To learn more, see [Instance count supported values for SIT](sit-limits.md#instance-count-supported-values-for-sit).
+#### Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview (preview)
+Adaptive protection integrates Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management risk profiles into DLP policies so that DLP can help protect against dynamically identified risky behaviors. When configured in insider risk management, the **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** will show up as condition for Exchange Online, Devices, and Teams locations. Refer to [Learn about Adaptive Protection in Data Loss Prevention (preview)](dlp-adaptive-protection-learn.md) for more details.
+##### Conditions that adaptive protection supports
+- User's risk level for adaptive protection is
+with these values:
+- Elevated risk level
+- Moderate risk level
+- Minor risk level
+ #### Condition context The available context options change depending on which location you choose. If you select multiple locations, only the conditions that the locations have in common are available.
The available context options change depending on which location you choose. If
##### Conditions Devices supports - Content contains-- (preview) Document or attachment is password protected (.pdf, Office files and Symantec PGP encrypted files are fully supported).This predicate doesnΓÇÖt detect digital rights managed (DRM) encrypted or permission protected files.-- (preview) Content is not labeled (.pdf, Office files are fully supported). This predicate detects content that doesn't have a sensitivity label applied. To help ensure only supported file types are detected, you should use this condition with the **File extension is** or **File type is** conditions.
+- Document or attachment is password protected (.pdf, Office files, .zip, and Symantec PGP encrypted files are fully supported). This predicate detects only open protected files.
+- Content is not labeled (.pdf and Office files are fully supported). This predicate detects content that doesn't have a sensitivity label applied. To help ensure only supported file types are detected, you should use this condition with the **File extension is** or **File type is** conditions.
- (preview) The user accessed a sensitive website from Edge. See, [Scenario 6 Monitor or restrict user activities on sensitive service domains (preview)](endpoint-dlp-using.md#scenario-6-monitor-or-restrict-user-activities-on-sensitive-service-domains) for more information. - File extension is - File type is
The available context options change depending on which location you choose. If
- File extension is - Document property is
-##### Conditions PowerBI supports
+##### Conditions Power BI supports
- Content contains #### Condition groups
-Sometimes you need a rule to only identify one thing, like all content that contains a U.S. Social Security Number, which is defined by a single SIT. But in many scenarios, where the types of items you are trying to identify are more complex and therefore harder to define, more flexibility in defining conditions is required.
+Sometimes you need a rule to only identify one thing, like all content that contains a U.S. Social Security Number, which is defined by a single SIT. But in many scenarios, where the types of items you're trying to identify are more complex and therefore harder to define, more flexibility in defining conditions is required.
For example, to identify content subject to the U.S. Health Insurance Act (HIPAA), you need to look for:
See, [Restricted apps and app groups](dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md#restric
- Restrict access or remove on-premises files
-#### PowerBI actions
+#### Power BI actions
- Notify users with email and policy tips - Send alerts to Administrator
If you select Devices and Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps, these actions will
- Audit or restrict activities on Windows devices - Restrict Third Party Apps
-Whether an action takes effect or not depends on how you configure the mode of the policy. You can choose to run the policy in test mode with or without showing policy tip by selecting the **Test it out first** option. You choose to run the policy as soon as an hour after it is created by selecting the **Turn it on right away** option, or you can choose to just save it and come back to it later by selecting the **Keep it off** option.
+Whether an action takes effect or not depends on how you configure the mode of the policy. You can choose to run the policy in test mode with or without showing policy tip by selecting the **Test it out first** option. You choose to run the policy as soon as an hour after it's created by selecting the **Turn it on right away** option, or you can choose to just save it and come back to it later by selecting the **Keep it off** option.
<!-- This section needs to explain that the actions available depend on the locations selected AND that the observed behavior of a policy is produced through an interaction of the configured actions AND the configured status (off, test, apply) of a policy. It will detail the purpose of each of the available actions and the location/desired outcome interaction and provide examples eg. how to use the Restrict Third Party apps in the context of a policy that is applied to endpoints so that users can't use a upload content to a third party site or the interaction of on-premises scanner with restrict access or remove on-premises files. Also what happens when I select multiple locations? provide abundant examples for most common scenarios-->
and customize the email text, subject, and the policy tip text.
![User notification and policy tip configuration options that are available for Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams Chat and Channel, and Defender for Cloud Apps](../media/dlp-user-notification-non-devices.png)
-If you selected Devices only, you will get all the same options that are available for Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams Chat and Channel and Defender for Cloud Apps plus the option to customize the notification title and content that appears on the Windows 10 device.
+If you selected Devices only, you'll get all the same options that are available for Exchange, SharePoint, OneDrive, Teams Chat and Channel and Defender for Cloud Apps plus the option to customize the notification title and content that appears on the Windows 10 device.
![User notification and policy tip configuration options that are available for Devices](../media/dlp-user-notification-devices.png)
You can customize the title and body of text with using these parameters. The bo
Using this customized text
-*%%AppliedActions%% File name %%FileName%% via %%ProcessName%% is not allowed by your organization. Click 'Allow' if you want to bypass the policy %%PolicyName%%*
+*%%AppliedActions%% File name %%FileName%% via %%ProcessName%% is not allowed by your organization. Select 'Allow' if you want to bypass the policy %%PolicyName%%*
produces this text in the customized notification:
This table shows the DLP blocking and notification behavior for policies that ar
|||||| |- **Content is shared from Microsoft 365** </br>- **with people outside my organization** |No actions are configured |- **User notifications** set to **On** </br>- **Notify users in Office 365 service with a policy tip** is selected </br>- **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content** is selected |- **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** set to **On** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule** set to **On** </br>- **Use email incident reports to notify you when a policy match occurs** set to **On** |- Notifications will be sent only when a file is shared with an external user and an external user access the file. | |- **Content is shared from Microsoft 365** </br>- **only with people inside my organization** | No actions are configured |- **User notifications** set to **On** </br>- **Notify users in Office 365 service with a policy tip** is selected </br>- **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content** is selected | - **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** set to **On** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule** is selected </br>- **Use email incident reports to notify you when a policy match occurs** set to **On** |- Notifications are sent when a file is uploaded |
-|- **Content is shared from Microsoft 365** </br>- **with people outside my organization** | - **Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations** is selected </br>- **Block users from receiving email or accessing shared SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams files** is selected </br>- **Block only people outside your organization** is selected |- **User notifications** set to **On** </br>- **Notify users in Office 365 service with a policy tip** is selected </br>- **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content** is selected | - **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** set to **On** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule** is selected </br>- **Use email incident reports to notify you when a policy match occurs** set to **On** | - Access to a sensitive file is blocked as soon as it is uploaded </br>- Notifications sent when content is shared from Microsoft 365 with people outside my organization |
+|- **Content is shared from Microsoft 365** </br>- **with people outside my organization** | - **Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations** is selected </br>- **Block users from receiving email or accessing shared SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams files** is selected </br>- **Block only people outside your organization** is selected |- **User notifications** set to **On** </br>- **Notify users in Office 365 service with a policy tip** is selected </br>- **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content** is selected | - **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** set to **On** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule** is selected </br>- **Use email incident reports to notify you when a policy match occurs** set to **On** | - Access to a sensitive file is blocked as soon as it's uploaded </br>- Notifications sent when content is shared from Microsoft 365 with people outside my organization |
|- **Content is shared from Microsoft 365** </br>- **with people outside my organization** | - **Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations** is selected </br>- **Block users from receiving email or accessing shared SharePoint, OneDrive, and Teams files** is selected </br>- **Block everyone** is selected | - **User notifications** set to **On** </br>- **Notify users in Office 365 service with a policy tip** is selected </br>- **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content** is selected | - **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** set to **On** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule** is selected </br>- **Use email incident reports to notify you when a policy match occurs** set to **On** |Notifications are sent when a file is shared with an external user and an external user access that file. | |- **Content is shared from Microsoft 365** </br>- **with people outside my organization** |- **Restrict access or encrypt the content in Microsoft 365 locations** is selected </br>- **Block only people who were given access to the content through the "Anyone with the link" option** is selected. | - **User notifications** set to **On** </br>- **Notify users in Office 365 service with a policy tip** is selected. </br>- **Notify the user who sent, shared, or last modified the content** is selected |- **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** set to **On** </br>- **Send alert every time an activity matches the rule** is selected </br>- **Use email incident reports to notify you when a policy match occurs** set to **On** |Notifications are sent as soon as a file is uploaded |
To learn more about user overrides, see:
When a rule is matched, you can send an incident report to your compliance officer (or any people you choose) with details of the event. The report includes information about the item that was matched, the actual content that matched the rule, and the name of the person who last modified the content. For email messages, the report also includes as an attachment the original message that matches a DLP policy.
-DLP feeds incident information to other Microsoft Purview information protection services, like [insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md). In order to get incident information to insider risk management, you must set the **Incident reports** severity level to **High**.
+DLP feeds incident information to other Microsoft Purview Information Protection services, like [insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md). In order to get incident information to insider risk management, you must set the **Incident reports** severity level to **High**.
<!--![Page for configuring incident reports](../media/31c6da0e-981c-415e-91bf-d94ca391a893.png)-->
DLP scans email differently than it does SharePoint Online or OneDrive for Busin
### Additional options
-If you have multiple rules in a policy, you can use the **Additional options** to control further rule processing if there is a match to the rule you are editing as well as setting the priority for evaluation of the rule.
+If you have multiple rules in a policy, you can use the **Additional options** to control further rule processing if there's a match to the rule you're editing as well as setting the priority for evaluation of the rule.
## See also - [Learn about data loss prevention](dlp-learn-about-dlp.md#learn-about-data-loss-prevention) - [Plan for data loss prevention (DLP)](dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp.md#plan-for-data-loss-prevention-dlp)-- [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md
+- [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md
compliance Dlp Share Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-share-alerts.md
In this procedure, you need to create a custom role group for Purview. If you ha
1. Open the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) with an account that has Global Admin permissions.
-1. Create a [Custom Role Group](/microsoft-365/compliance/microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions#create-a-custom-role-group) for the users you want to share alerts with. For example `DLPAlertInvestigator`. Add these roles to the group:
+1. Create a [Custom Role Group](/microsoft-365/compliance/microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group) for the users you want to share alerts with. For example `DLPAlertInvestigator`. Add these roles to the group:
1. **View-Only DLP Compliance Management** - required. 1. **Data Classification Content Viewer** - required. 1. **Preview** - *this role is optional*, assign this if the reviewer needs to see the source content.
compliance Double Key Encryption https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/double-key-encryption.md
When you're done, you can encrypt documents and files using DKE. For information
Install these prerequisites on the computer where you want to install the DKE service.
-**.NET Core 3.1 SDK**. Download and install the SDK from [Download .NET Core 3.1](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1).
+**.NET Core 7.0 SDK**. Download and install the SDK from [Download .NET Core 7.0](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/7.0).
**Visual Studio Code**. Download Visual Studio Code from [https://code.visualstudio.com/](https://code.visualstudio.com). Once installed, run Visual Studio Code and select **View** \> **Extensions**. Install these extensions.
compliance Endpoint Dlp Using https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-using.md
To help familiarize you with Endpoint DLP features and how they surface in DLP p
For full licensing details, see [Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for information protection](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance#information-protection-data-loss-prevention-for-exchange-online-sharepoint-online-and-onedrive-for-business).
+These scenarios require that you already have devices onboarded and reporting into Activity explorer. If you haven't onboarded devices yet, see [Get started with Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md).
+> Be sure you understand the difference between an unrestricted administrator and an administrative unit restricted administrator [Administrative units (preview)](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview) before you start.
+ ## Scenario 1: Create a policy from a template, audit only
-These scenarios require that you already have devices onboarded and reporting into Activity explorer. If you haven't onboarded devices yet, see [Get started with Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md).
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin creating and full directory policy.
1. Open the [Data loss prevention page](https://compliance.microsoft.com/datalossprevention?viewid=policies).
-2. Choose **Create policy**.
+1. Choose **Create policy**.
-3. For this scenario, choose **Privacy**, then **U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data** and choose **Next**.
+1. For this scenario, choose **Privacy**, then **U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data** and choose **Next**.
-4. Toggle the **Status** field to off for all locations except **Devices**. Choose **Next**.
+1. Select **Full directory** under **Admin units**.
-5. Accept the default **Review and customize settings from the template** selection and choose **Next**.
+1. Toggle the **Status** field to off for all locations except **Devices**. Choose **Next**.
-6. Accept the default **Protection actions** values and choose **Next**.
+1. Accept the default **Review and customize settings from the template** selection and choose **Next**.
-7. Select **Audit or restrict activities on Windows devices** and leave the actions set to **Audit only**. Choose **Next**.
+1. Accept the default **Protection actions** values and choose **Next**.
-8. Accept the default **I'd like to test it out first** value and choose **Show policy tips while in test mode**. Choose **Next**.
+1. Select **Audit or restrict activities on Windows devices** and leave the actions set to **Audit only**. Choose **Next**.
-9. Review your settings and choose **Submit**.
+1. Accept the default **I'd like to test it out first** value and choose **Show policy tips while in test mode**. Choose **Next**.
-10. The new DLP policy will appear in the policy list.
+1. Review your settings and choose **Submit**.
-11. Check Activity explorer for data from the monitored endpoints. Set the location filter for devices and add the policy, then filter by policy name to see the impact of this policy; see [Get started with activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md), if needed.
+1. The new DLP policy will appear in the policy list.
-12. Attempt to share a test item that contains content that will trigger the U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data condition with someone outside your organization. This should trigger the policy.
+1. Check Activity explorer for data from the monitored endpoints. Set the location filter for devices and add the policy, then filter by policy name to see the impact of this policy; see [Get started with activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md), if needed.
-13. Check Activity explorer for the event.
+1. Attempt to share a test item that contains content that will trigger the U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data condition with someone outside your organization. This should trigger the policy.
+1. Check Activity explorer for the event.
## Scenario 2: Modify the existing policy, set an alert
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin modifying a full directory scoped policy.
+ 1. Open the [Data loss prevention page](https://compliance.microsoft.com/datalossprevention?viewid=policies).
-2. Choose the **U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data** policy that you created in scenario 1.
+1. Choose the **U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data** policy that you created in scenario 1.
-3. Choose **edit policy**.
+1. Choose **edit policy**.
-4. Go to the **Advanced DLP rules** page and edit the **Low volume of content detected U.S. Personally Identifiable Inf**.
+1. Go to the **Advanced DLP rules** page and edit the **Low volume of content detected U.S. Personally Identifiable Inf**.
-5. Scroll down to the **Incident reports** section and set **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** to **On**. Email alerts will be automatically sent to the administrator and anyone else you add to the list of recipients.
+1. Scroll down to the **Incident reports** section and set **Send an alert to admins when a rule match occurs** to **On**. Email alerts will be automatically sent to the administrator and anyone else you add to the list of recipients.
These scenarios require that you already have devices onboarded and reporting in
## Scenario 3: Modify the existing policy, block the action with allow override
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin modifying a full directory policy.
+ 1. Open the [Data loss prevention page](https://compliance.microsoft.com/datalossprevention?viewid=policies).
-2. Choose the **U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data** policy that you created in scenario 1.
+1. Choose the **U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data** policy that you created in scenario 1.
-3. Choose **edit policy**.
+1. Choose **edit policy**.
-4. Go to the **Advanced DLP rules** page and edit the **Low volume of content detected U.S. Personally Identifiable Inf**.
+1. Go to the **Advanced DLP rules** page and edit the **Low volume of content detected U.S. Personally Identifiable Inf**.
-5. Scroll down to the **Audit or restrict activities on Windows device** section and for each activity set the corresponding action to **Block with override**.
+1. Scroll down to the **Audit or restrict activities on Windows device** section and for each activity set the corresponding action to **Block with override**.
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![set block with override action.](../media/endpoint-dlp-6-using-dlp-set-blocked-with-override.png)
-6. Choose **Save**.
+1. Choose **Save**.
-7. Repeat steps 4-7 for the **High volume of content detected U.S. Personally Identifiable Inf**.
+1. Repeat steps 4-7 for the **High volume of content detected U.S. Personally Identifiable Inf**.
-8. Retain all your previous settings by choosing **Next** and then **Submit** the policy changes.
+1. Retain all your previous settings by choosing **Next** and then **Submit** the policy changes.
-9. Attempt to share a test item that contains content that will trigger the U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data condition with someone outside your organization. This should trigger the policy.
+1. Attempt to share a test item that contains content that will trigger the U.S. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Data condition with someone outside your organization. This should trigger the policy.
You'll see a popup like this on the client device: > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![endpoint dlp client blocked override notification.](../media/endpoint-dlp-3-using-dlp-client-blocked-override-notification.png)
-10. Check Activity explorer for the event.
+1. Check Activity explorer for the event.
## Scenario 4: Avoid looping DLP notifications from cloud synchronization apps with auto-quarantine (preview)
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin creating a full directory policy.
+ ## Before you begin scenario 4 In this scenario, synchronizing files with the **Highly Confidential** sensitivity label to OneDrive is blocked. This is a complex scenario with multiple components and procedures. You will need:
There are three procedures.
1. Open [Endpoint DLP settings](https://compliance.microsoft.com/datalossprevention?viewid=globalsettings)
-2. Expand **Unallowed apps**.
+1. Expand **Unallowed apps**.
-3. Choose **Add or edit unallowed apps** and add *OneDrive* as a display name and the executable name *onedrive.exe* to disallow onedrive.exe from accessing items the **Highly Confidential** label.
+1. Choose **Add or edit unallowed apps** and add *OneDrive* as a display name and the executable name *onedrive.exe* to disallow onedrive.exe from accessing items the **Highly Confidential** label.
-4. Select **Auto-quarantine** and **Save**.
+1. Select **Auto-quarantine** and **Save**.
-5. Under **Auto-quarantine settings** choose **Edit auto-quarantine settings**.
+1. Under **Auto-quarantine settings** choose **Edit auto-quarantine settings**.
-6. Enable **Auto-quarantine for unallowed apps**.
+1. Enable **Auto-quarantine for unallowed apps**.
-7. Enter the path to the folder on local machines where you want the original sensitive files to be moved to. For example:
+1. Enter the path to the folder on local machines where you want the original sensitive files to be moved to. For example:
**'%homedrive%%homepath%\Microsoft DLP\Quarantine'** for the username *Isaiah Langer* will place the moved items in a folder named:
There are three procedures.
> [!NOTE] > DLP Auto-quarantine will create sub-folders for the files for each unallowed app. So if you have both *Notepad* and *OneDrive* in your unallowed apps list, a sub-folder will be created for **\OneDrive** and another sub-folder for **\Notepad**.
-8. Choose **Replace the files with a .txt file that contains the following text** and enter the text you want in the placeholder file. For example for a file named *auto quar 1.docx*:
+1. Choose **Replace the files with a .txt file that contains the following text** and enter the text you want in the placeholder file. For example for a file named *auto quar 1.docx*:
> %%FileName%% contains sensitive info that your organization is protecting with the data loss prevention (DLP) policy %%PolicyName%% and was moved to the quarantine folder: %%QuarantinePath%%
There are three procedures.
> auto quar 1.docx contains sensitive info that your organization is protecting with the data loss prevention (DLP) policy and was moved to the quarantine folder: C:\Users\IsaiahLanger\Microsoft DLP\Quarantine\OneDrive\auto quar 1_20210728_151541.docx.
-9. Choose **Save**
+1. Choose **Save**
### Configure a policy to block OneDrive synchronization of files with the sensitivity label Highly Confidential 1. Open the [Data loss prevention page](https://compliance.microsoft.com/datalossprevention?viewid=policies).
-2. Choose **Create policy**.
+1. Choose **Create policy**.
-3. For this scenario, choose **Custom**, then **Custom policy** and choose **Next**.
+1. For this scenario, choose **Custom**, then **Custom policy** and choose **Next**.
-4. Fill in the **Name** and **Description** fields, choose **Next**.
+1. Fill in the **Name** and **Description** fields, choose **Next**.
-5. Toggle the **Status** field to off for all locations except **Devices**. If you have a specific end user account that you want to test this from, be sure to select it in the scope. Choose **Next**.
+1. Select **Full directory** under **Admin units**.
-6. Accept the default **Create or customize advanced DLP rules** selection and choose **Next**.
+1. Toggle the **Status** field to off for all locations except **Devices**. If you have a specific end user account that you want to test this from, be sure to select it in the scope. Choose **Next**.
-7. Create a rule with these values:
+1. Accept the default **Create or customize advanced DLP rules** selection and choose **Next**.
+1. Create a rule with these values:
1. **Name** > *Scenario 4 Auto-quarantine*. 1. **Conditions** > **Content contains** > **Sensitivity labels** > **Highly Confidential**. 1. **Actions** > **Audit or restrict activities on Windows devices** > **Access by unallowed apps** > **Block**. For the purposes of this scenario, clear all the other activities. 1. **User notifications** > **On**. 1. **Endpoint devices** > Choose **Show users a policy tip notification when an activity** if not already enabled.
-8. Choose **Save** and **Next**.
+1. Choose **Save** and **Next**.
-9. Choose **Turn it on right away**. Choose **Next**.
+1. Choose **Turn it on right away**. Choose **Next**.
-10. Review your settings and choose **Submit**.
+1. Review your settings and choose **Submit**.
> [!NOTE] > Allow at least an hour for the new policy to be replicated and applied to the target Windows 10 computer.
-11. The new DLP policy will appear in the policy list.
+1. The new DLP policy will appear in the policy list.
### Test Auto-quarantine on the Windows 10 device 1. Log in to the Windows 10 computer with the user account you specified in [Configure a policy to block OneDrive synchronization of files with the sensitivity label Highly Confidential](#configure-a-policy-to-block-onedrive-synchronization-of-files-with-the-sensitivity-label-highly-confidential) step 5.
-2. Create a folder whose contents will not be synchronized to OneDrive. For example:
+1. Create a folder whose contents will not be synchronized to OneDrive. For example:
*C:\auto-quarantine source folder*
-3. Open Microsoft Word and create a file in the auto-quarantine source folder. Apply the **Highly confidential** sensitivity label; see [Apply sensitivity labels to your files and email in Office](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/apply-sensitivity-labels-to-your-files-and-email-in-office-2f96e7cd-d5a4-403b-8bd7-4cc636bae0f9).
+1. Open Microsoft Word and create a file in the auto-quarantine source folder. Apply the **Highly confidential** sensitivity label; see [Apply sensitivity labels to your files and email in Office](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/apply-sensitivity-labels-to-your-files-and-email-in-office-2f96e7cd-d5a4-403b-8bd7-4cc636bae0f9).
-4. Copy the file you just created to your OneDrive synchronization folder. A user notification toast should appear telling you that the action is not allowed and that the file will be quarantined. For example, for user name *Isaiah Langer*, and a document titled *auto-quarantine doc 1.docx* you would see this message:
+1. Copy the file you just created to your OneDrive synchronization folder. A user notification toast should appear telling you that the action is not allowed and that the file will be quarantined. For example, for user name *Isaiah Langer*, and a document titled *auto-quarantine doc 1.docx* you would see this message:
![Data loss prevention user notification popup stating that the OneDrive synchronization action is not allowed for the specified file and that the file will be quarantined.](../media/auto-quarantine-user-notification-toast.png)
There are three procedures.
> Opening autoquarantine doc 1.docx with this app is not allowed. The file will be quarantined to 'C:\Users\IsaiahLanger\Microsoft DLP\OneDrive'
-5. Choose **Dismiss**.
+1. Choose **Dismiss**.
-6. Open the place holder text file. It will be named **auto-quarantine doc 1.docx_*date_time*.txt**.
+1. Open the place holder text file. It will be named **auto-quarantine doc 1.docx_*date_time*.txt**.
-7. Open the quarantine folder and confirm that the original file is there.
+1. Open the quarantine folder and confirm that the original file is there.
-8. Check Activity explorer for data from the monitored endpoints. Set the location filter for devices and add the policy, then filter by policy name to see the impact of this policy; see [Get started with activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md), if needed.
+1. Check Activity explorer for data from the monitored endpoints. Set the location filter for devices and add the policy, then filter by policy name to see the impact of this policy; see [Get started with activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md), if needed.
-9. Check Activity explorer for the event.
+1. Check Activity explorer for the event.
## Scenario 5: Restrict unintentional sharing to unallowed cloud apps and services
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin creating a full directory policy.
+ With Endpoint DLP and Microsoft Edge Web browser, you can restrict unintentional sharing of sensitive items to unallowed cloud apps and services. Edge understands when an item is restricted by an Endpoint DLP policy and enforces access restrictions. When you select **Devices** as a location in a properly configured DLP policy and use the Microsoft Edge browser, the unallowed browsers that you've defined in these settings will be prevented from accessing the sensitive items that match your DLP policy controls. Instead, users will be redirected to use Microsoft Edge which, with its understanding of DLP imposed restrictions, can block or restrict activities when the conditions in the DLP policy are met.
To use this restriction, youΓÇÖll need to configure three important pieces:
1. Specify the places ΓÇô services, domains, IP addresses ΓÇô that you want to prevent sensitive items from being shared to.
-2. Add the browsers that arenΓÇÖt allowed to access certain sensitive items when a DLP policy match occurs.
+1. Add the browsers that arenΓÇÖt allowed to access certain sensitive items when a DLP policy match occurs.
-3. Configure DLP policies to define the kinds of sensitive items for which upload should be restricted to these places by turning on **Upload to cloud services** and **Access from unallowed browser**.
+1. Configure DLP policies to define the kinds of sensitive items for which upload should be restricted to these places by turning on **Upload to cloud services** and **Access from unallowed browser**.
You can continue to add new services, apps, and policies to extend and augment your restrictions to meet your business needs and protect sensitive data. This configuration will help ensure your data remains safe while also avoiding unnecessary restrictions that prevent or restrict users from accessing and sharing non-sensitive items. You can also audit, block with override, or block these user upload sensitive items to cloud apps and services through **Sensitive service domains**.+ 1. In the Microsoft Purview compliance portal open **Data loss prevention** > **Endpoint DLP settings** > **Browser and domain restrictions to sensitive data** > **Sensitive service domains**.+ 1. Select **Add a new group of sensitive service domains**.+ 1. Name the group.+ 1. Select the **Match type** you want. You can select from **URL**, **IP address**, **IP address range**.+ 1. Type in the appropriate value in the **Add new service domains to this group**. You can add multiple websites to a group and use wildcards to cover subdomains. For example, `www.contoso.com` for just the top level website or \*.contoso.com for corp.contoso.com, hr.contoso.com, fin.contoso.com+ 1. Select **Save**.+ 1. Select **Policies**.
-1. Create and scope a policy that is applied only to **Devices**. See, [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md) for more information on how to create a policy.
+1. Create and scope a policy that is applied only to the **Devices** location. See, [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md) for more information on how to create a policy. Be sure to scope the **Admin units** to **Full directory**.
+ 1. Create a rule that uses the **The user accessed a sensitive site from Edge**, and the action **Audit or restrict activities on devices**.+ 1. In **Service domain and browser activities** select **Upload to a restricted cloud service domain or access from an unallowed browser** and set the action to **Audit only**. This sets the overall action for all the site groups.+ 1. Select the **Sensitive site groups** you want.+ 1. Select **Add**.+ 1. OPTIONAL: If you want to create an exception (usually an allowlist) to the overall action for one or more site groups, select **Configure sensitive service domain exceptions**, add the site group you want the exception for, configure the desired action and **Save** the configuration.
-1. Select the user activities you want to monitor or restrict and the actions you DLP to take in response to those activities.
-1. Finish configuring the rule and policy and apply it.
+1. Select the user activities you want to monitor or restrict and the actions you DLP to take in response to those activities.
+1. Finish configuring the rule and policy and apply it.
## Scenario 6 Monitor or restrict user activities on sensitive service domains
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin creating and full directory policy.
+ Use this scenario when you want to audit or block these user activities on a website. - print from a website
The user must be accessing the website through Microsoft Edge.
### Configure Sensitive service domains 1. In the Microsoft Purview compliance portal open **Data loss prevention** > **Endpoint DLP settings** > **Browser and domain restrictions to sensitive data** > **Sensitive service domains**.+ 1. Select **Add a new group of sensitive service domains**.+ 1. Name the group.+ 1. Select the **Match type** you want. You can select from **URL**, **IP address**, **IP address range**.+ 1. Type in the appropriate value in the **Add new service domains to this group**. You can add multiple websites to a group and use wildcards to cover subdomains. For example, `www.contoso.com` for just the top level website or \*.contoso.com for corp.contoso.com, hr.contoso.com, fin.contoso.com+ 1. Select **Save**.+ 1. Select **Policies**.
-1. Create and scope a policy that is applied only to **Devices**. See, [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md) for more information on how to create a policy.
+1. Create and scope a policy that is applied only to the **Devices** location. See, [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md) for more information on how to create a policy. Be sure to scope the **Admin units** to **Full directory**.
+ 1. Create a rule that uses the **the user accessed a sensitive site from Edge**, and the action **Audit or restrict activities when users access sensitive sites in Microsoft Edge browser on Windows devices**.+ 1. In the action select **Add or remove Sensitive site groups**.+ 1. Select the **Sensitive site groups** you want. Any website under the group(s) you select here will be redirected to Edge when opened in Chrome browser (with Purview extension installed).+ 1. Select **Add**.+ 1. Select the user activities you want to monitor or restrict and the actions you DLP to take in response to those activities.+ 1. Finish configuring the rule and policy and apply it. ## Scenario 7 Authorization groups (preview)
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin creating a full directory policy.
+ These scenarios require that you already have devices onboarded and reporting into Activity explorer. If you haven't onboarded devices yet, see [Get started with Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md). Authorization groups are mostly used as allow lists. You assigned policy actions to the group that are different than the global policy actions. In this scenario, we'll go through defining a printer group and then configuring a policy with block actions for all print activities except for the printers in the group. These procedures are essentially the same for **Removeable storage device groups**, and **Network share groups**.
In this scenario, we'll define a group of printers that the legal department use
### Create and use printer groups 1. In the Microsoft Purview compliance portal open **Data loss prevention** > **Endpoint DLP settings** > **Printer groups**.+ 1. Select **Create printer group** and give the group a name. In this scenario, we'll use `Legal printers`.+ 1. Select **Add printer** and provide a name. You can define printers by: 1. Friendly printer name 1. USB product ID
In this scenario, we'll define a group of printers that the legal department use
1. Universal print deployed on a printer 1. Corporate printer 1. Print to local+ 1. Select **Close**. ### Configure policy printing actions
In this scenario, we'll define a group of printers that the legal department use
1. Open the **Policies** tab. 1. Select **Create policy** and select the custom policy template.
-1. Scope the location to only **Devices**.
+1. Select **Full directory** under **Admin units**.
+1. Scope the location to only the **Devices** location.
1. Create a rule where: 1. **Content contains** = **Trainable classifiers**, **Legal Affairs**
In this scenario, we'll define a group of printers that the legal department use
1. Then pick **File activities on all apps** 1. The select **Apply restrictions to specific activity** 1. Select **Print** = **Block**+ 1. Select **Choose different print restrictions**+ 1. Under **Printer group restrictions**, select **Add group** and select **Legal printers**.+ 1. Set **Action** = **Allow**. > [!TIP] > The **Allow** action wil record and audit event to the audit log, but not generate an alert or notification.
-10. Save.
-11. Accept the default **I'd like to test it out first** value and choose **Show policy tips while in test mode**. Choose **Next**.
-12. Review your settings and choose **Submit**.
+1. Select **Save**.
+1. Accept the default **I'd like to test it out first** value and choose **Show policy tips while in test mode**. Choose **Next**.
-13. The new DLP policy will appear in the policy list.
+1. Review your settings and choose **Submit**.
+1. The new DLP policy will appear in the policy list.
## Scenario 8 Network exceptions (preview)
+This scenario is for an unrestricted admin creating a full directory policy.
+ These scenarios require that you already have devices onboarded and reporting into Activity explorer. If you haven't onboarded devices yet, see [Get started with Endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md). In this scenario, we'll define a list of VPNs that hybrid workers use for accessing organization resources.
Network exceptions enables you to configure Allow, Audit only, Block with overri
#### Get the Server address or Network address 1. On a DLP monitored Windows device, open a **Windows PowerShell** window as an administrator.+ 1. Run this cmdlet ```powershell-interactive Get-VpnConnection ```- 3. Running this cmdlet returns multiple fields and values.
-1. Find the **ServerAddress** field and record that value. You'll use this when you create a VPN entry in the VPN list.
-1. Find the **Name** field and record that value. The **Name** field maps to the **Network address** field when you create a VPN entry in the VPN list.
+4. Find the **ServerAddress** field and record that value. You'll use this when you create a VPN entry in the VPN list.
+5. Find the **Name** field and record that value. The **Name** field maps to the **Network address** field when you create a VPN entry in the VPN list.
#### Add a VPN 1. Open [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) > **Data loss prevention** > **Endpoint DLP settings** > **VPN settings**.+ 1. Select **Add or edit VPN addresses**.+ 1. Provide either the **Server address** or **Network address** from running Get-VpnConnection.+ 1. Select **Save**.+ 1. Close the item. #### Configure policy actions
1. Open the **Policies** tab. 1. Select **Create policy** and select the custom policy template.
-1. Scope the location to only **Devices**.
+1. Select **Full directory** under **Admin units**.
+1. Scope the location to **Devices** only.
1. Create a rule where: 1. **Content contains** = **Trainable classifiers**, **Legal Affairs**
1. Then pick **File activities on all apps** 1. The select **Apply restrictions to specific activity** 1. Select the actions that you want to configure **Network exceptions** for.+ 1. Select **Copy to clipboard** and the **Audit only** action+ 1. Select **Choose different copy to clipboard restrictions**.+ 1. Select **VPN** and set the action to **Block with override**. > [!IMPORTANT]
> [!CAUTION] > The **Apply to all activities** option will copy the network exceptions that are defined here and apply them to all the other configured specific activities, like **Print**, and **Copy to a network share**. ***This will overwrite the network exceptions on the other activities The last saved configuration wins.***
-8. Save.
+1. **Save**.
+ 1. Accept the default **I'd like to test it out first** value and choose **Show policy tips while in test mode**. Choose **Next**. 1. Review your settings and choose **Submit**.
compliance Get Started With Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-with-sensitivity-labels.md
For instructions to add users to the default role group, roles, or create your o
These permissions are required only to create and configure sensitivity labels and their label policies. They are not required to apply the labels in apps or services. If additional permissions are needed for specific configurations that relate to sensitivity labels, those permissions will be listed in their respective documentation instructions.
+## Support for administrative units
+Now in preview, sensitivity labels support [administrative units that have been configured in Azure Active Directory](/azure/active-directory/roles/administrative-units):
+- You can assign administrative units to members of role groups that are used with Microsoft Purview Information Protection. Edit these role groups and select individual members, and then the **Assign admin units** option to select administrative units from Azure Active Directory. These administrators are now restricted to managing just the users in those administrative units.
+- You can define the initial scope of sensitivity label policies and auto-labeling policies for Exchange when you create or edit these policies. When you select administrative units, only the users in those administrative units will be eligible for the policy.
+> Don't select administrative units for an auto-labeling policy that you want to apply to documents in SharePoint or OneDrive. Because administrative units support only users and groups, if you configure an auto-labeling policy to use administrative units, you won't be able to select the options for SharePoint and OneDrive.
+For more information about how Microsoft Purview supports administrative units, see [Administrative units](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#administrative-units-preview).
+ ## Deployment strategy for sensitivity labels+ A successful strategy to deploy sensitivity labels for an organization is to create a working virtual team that identifies and manages the business and technical requirements, proof of concept testing, internal checkpoints and approvals, and final deployment for the production environment. Using the table in the next section, we recommend identifying your top one or two scenarios that map to your most impactful business requirements. After these scenarios are deployed, return to the list to identify the next one or two priorities for deployment.
compliance Get Started With Service Trust Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-with-service-trust-portal.md
When you sign up for either a free trial, or a subscription, you must enable Azu
The Service Trust Portal features and content are accessible from the main menu. The following sections describe each item in the main menu.
-![Service Trust Portal - main menu](../media/stp-menu.png)
### Service Trust Portal
compliance Get Started With The Default Dlp Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-with-the-default-dlp-policy.md
To quickly refine the default DLP policy, you can choose to have it:
- Block access to the content containing the sensitive information, but allow the user to override and share or send if they need to.
-For more information on incident reports or restricting access, see [Data loss prevention reference](data-loss-prevention-policies.md).
+For more information on incident reports or restricting access, see [Data Loss Prevention policy reference](dlp-policy-reference.md#data-loss-prevention-policy-reference).
If you want to change these options later, you can edit the default DLP policy at any time - see the next section.
compliance How Dlp Works Between Admin Centers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/how-dlp-works-between-admin-centers.md
In Microsoft Purview, you can create a data loss prevention (DLP) policy in two different admin centers: -- In the **Microsoft Purview compliance portal**, you can create a single DLP policy to help protect content in SharePoint, OneDrive, Exchange, Teams, and now Endpoint Devices. We recommend that you create a DLP policy here. For more information, see [Data Loss Prevention reference](data-loss-prevention-policies.md).
+- In the **Microsoft Purview compliance portal**, you can create a single DLP policy to help protect content in SharePoint, OneDrive, Exchange, Teams, and now Endpoint Devices. We recommend that you create a DLP policy here. For more information, see [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md#create-and-deploy-data-loss-prevention-policies).
- In the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2059104" target="_blank">Exchange admin center</a>, you can create a DLP policy to help protect content only in Exchange. This policy can use Exchange mail flow rules (also known as transport rules), so it has more options specific to handling email. For more information, see [DLP in the Exchange admin center](/exchange/security-and-compliance/data-loss-prevention/data-loss-prevention).
compliance Import Epic Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-epic-data.md
If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at d
## Before you set up the connector -- The user who creates the Epic connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Epic connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- You need to determine how to retrieve or export the data from your organization's Epic EHR system (on a daily basis) and create a text file that's described in Step 2. The script that you run in Step 4 will push the data in the text file to the API endpoint.
compliance Import Healthcare Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-healthcare-data.md
If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at d
## Before you set up the connector -- The user who creates the Healthcare connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the Healthcare connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- You need to determine how to retrieve or export the data from your organization's healthcare EHR system (on a daily basis) and create a text file that's described in Step 2. The script that you run in Step 4 will push the data in the text file to the API endpoint.
compliance Import Hr Data US Government https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-hr-data-US-government.md
You can set up a data connector in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal to im
## Before you begin -- The user who creates the HR connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the HR connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
> [!NOTE] > The Data Connector Admin role is currently not supported in US Government GCC High and DoD environments. Therefore, the user who creates the HR connector in GCC High and DoD environments must be assigned the Mailbox Import Export role in Exchange Online. By default, this role isn't assigned to any role group in Exchange Online. You can add the Mailbox Import Export role to the Organization Management role group in Exchange Online. Or you can create a new role group, assign the Mailbox Import Export role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For more information, see the [Create role groups](/Exchange/permissions-exo/role-groups#create-role-groups) or [Modify role groups](/Exchange/permissions-exo/role-groups#modify-role-groups) sections in the article "Manage role groups in Exchange Online".
compliance Import Hr Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-hr-data.md
Setting up a connector for HR data that insider risk management policies can use
- Determine how to retrieve or export the data from your organization's HR system (and regularly) and add it to the CSV files that you create in Step 1. The script that you run in Step 4 will upload the HR data in the CSV files to the Microsoft cloud. -- The user who creates the HR connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the HR connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
- The sample script that you run in Step 4 will upload your HR data to the Microsoft cloud so that it can be used by the insider risk management solution. This sample script isn't supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample script is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample script and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
compliance Import Physical Badging Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-physical-badging-data.md
If youΓÇÖd like to participate in the preview, please reach out to the team at d
## Before you set up the connector -- The user who creates the physical badging connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-role-group).
+- The user who creates the physical badging connector in Step 3 must be assigned the Data Connector Admin role. This role is required to add connectors on the **Data connectors** page in the compliance portal. This role is added by default to multiple role groups. For a list of these role groups, see [Roles in Microsoft Defender for Office 365 and Microsoft Purview compliance](../security/office-365-security/scc-permissions.md#roles-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365-and-microsoft-purview-compliance). Alternatively, an admin in your organization can create a custom role group, assign the Data Connector Admin role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For instructions, see the "Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group" section in [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#create-a-custom-microsoft-purview-role-group).
> [!NOTE] > The Data Connector Admin role is currently not supported in US Government GCC High and DoD environments. Therefore, the user who creates the HR connector in GCC High and DoD environments must be assigned the Mailbox Import Export role in Exchange Online. By default, this role isn't assigned to any role group in Exchange Online. You can add the Mailbox Import Export role to the Organization Management role group in Exchange Online. Or you can create a new role group, assign the Mailbox Import Export role, and then add the appropriate users as members. For more information, see the [Create role groups](/Exchange/permissions-exo/role-groups#create-role-groups) or [Modify role groups](/Exchange/permissions-exo/role-groups#modify-role-groups) sections in the article "Manage role groups in Exchange Online".
compliance Insider Risk Management Adaptive Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-adaptive-protection.md
+ Title: Help dynamically mitigate risks with Adaptive Protection (preview)
+description: Learn how to mitigate risks with Adaptive Protection and Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies.
+keywords: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Purview, insider risk, risk management, compliance
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: itpro
+- tier1
+- purview-compliance
+# Help dynamically mitigate risks with Adaptive Protection (preview)
+>Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview uses machine learning to identify and mitigate the most critical risks with the most effective [data loss prevention (DLP)](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp) protection controls dynamically, saving security teams valuable time while ensuring better data security. Adaptive Protection helps increase risk mitigation by extending and managing preventative options associated with detected risky action to the capabilities provided by DLP policies.
+Adaptive Protection helps mitigate these potential risks by using:
+- **Context-aware detection**. Helps identify the most critical risks with ML-driven analysis of both content and user activities.
+- **Dynamic controls**. Helps enforce effective controls on high-risk users while others maintain productivity.
+- **Automated mitigation**. Helps to minimize the impact of potential data security incidents and reduce admin overhead.
+Adaptive Protection dynamically assigns appropriate DLP policies to users based on the risk levels defined and analyzed by the machine learning models in insider risk management. With this new capability, static DLP policies become adaptive based on user context, ensuring that the most effective policy, such as blocking data sharing, is applied only to high-risk users while low-risk users can maintain productivity. The policy controls constantly adjust, so when a user's risk level changes, an appropriate policy is dynamically applied to match the new risk level.
+> Insider risk management is currently available in tenants hosted in geographical regions and countries supported by Azure service dependencies. To verify that the insider risk management solution is supported for your organization, see [Azure dependency availability by country/region](/troubleshoot/azure/general/dependency-availability-by-country).
+Watch the following video for a summary of how Adaptive Protection can help identify and mitigate the most critical risks in your organization:
+>[!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RE5fZuO]
+## Risk levels and preventive controls
+With Adaptive Protection, your administrators can configure the risk factors or activities for customizable risk levels based on your organization's needs. The risk levels for Adaptive Protection update continuously and automatically based on the users' risk factors and insights, so when users' data security risks increase or decrease, their risk levels are adjusted accordingly. Based on the risk levels, DLP policies automatically apply the right level of preventative controls as configured by admins (such as *block*, *block with override*, or *warning*).
+Depending on the insider risk management policy assigned in Adaptive Protection, different criteria (users, groups, indicators, thresholds, etc.) are used to determine applicable risk levels. Risk levels are based on user insights, not on solely on the number instances of specific user activities. Insights are a calculation of the aggregate number of activities and the severity level of these activities.
+For example, risk levels for User A wouldn't be determined by User A performing a potentially risky activity more than three times, the risk levels for User A would be determined by an insight of the aggregate number of activities and risk scores would be assigned to the activity based on the thresholds configured in the selected policy.
+### Risk levels
+Risk levels in Adaptive Protection define how risky a user's activity is and can be based on criteria such as how many exfiltration activities they performed or whether their activity generated a high severity insider risk alert. These risk levels have built-in risk level definitions, but these definitions can be customized as needed:
+- **Elevated risk level**: The highest risk level, includes built-in definitions for users with high severity alerts, users with at least three sequence insights, each with a high severity alert for specific risk activities, or one or more confirmed high severity alerts.
+- **Moderate risk level**: The medium risk level, includes built-in definitions for users with medium severity alerts or users with at least two data exfiltration activities with high severity scores.
+- **Minor risk level**: The lowest risk level, includes built-in definitions for users with low severity alerts or users with at least one data exfiltration activity with a high severity score.
+For a risk level to be assigned to a user, the number of insights and the severity assigned to the activity need to match the definition for the risk level. The number of activities for an insight may be a single activity or multiple activities accruing to the single insight. The number of insights are evaluated for the risk level definition, not the number of activities contained in an insight.
+For example, suppose the conditions in the insider risk management policy assigned to Adaptive Protection is scoped for identifying downloads from SharePoint sites in your organization. If the policy detects that a user downloaded 10 files from a SharePoint site in a single day that are determined to be high severity, this would count as a single insight that consists of 10 activity events. In order for this activity to qualify for assigning an *Elevated risk level* to the user, two additional insights (with high severity) would be required for the user. The additional insights may or may not contain 1 or more activities.
+![Insider risk management Adaptive Protection risk levels.](../media/insider-risk-management-ap-risk-levels.png)
+### Customizing risk levels
+Custom risk levels allow you to create risk levels based on your organization's needs. You can customize criteria that the risk level will be based on and then define conditions to control when the risk level is assigned to users.
+For example, Adaptive Protection settings and DLP policies can allow users in the minor or medium risk level to receive policy tips and education on best practices of handling sensitive data, influencing positive behavior changes over time to reduce organizational data risks. For users in the elevated risk level, administrators can use the strictest protection controls, such as blocking users from saving or sharing sensitive data, to minimize the impact of potential data incidents.
+#### Risk level criteria and conditions
+Risk level criteria and conditions customization can be based on the following areas:
+- **Alerts generated or confirmed for a user**: This option allows you to choose conditions based on the [severity level for alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-activities#alert-status-and-severity) that are generated or confirmed for a user for the selected insider risk management policy. Conditions for alerts aren't additive and the risk level is assigned to a user if one of the conditions is met.
+- **Specific user activity**: This option allows you to choose conditions for activity to detect, its severity, and the number of daily occurrences during the [past activity detection](#past-activity-detection) window (optional). Conditions for user activity are additive and the risk level is assigned to a user only if all the conditions are met.
+#### Past activity detection
+This risk level setting determines how many days back Adaptive Protection examines to detect whether a user meets the conditions defined by any of the risk levels. The default setting is 7 days, but you can choose between 5 and 30 days of previous activity to apply risk level conditions. This setting only applies to risk levels that are based on a user's daily activity and excludes risks levels based on alerts.
+For following example illustrates how past activity detection settings and risk levels interact to determine if a user's past activity is in-scope:
+- **Elevated risk level** setting: User performs at least 3 sequences, each with a high severity risk score (67 to 100)
+- **Past activity detection** setting: 3 days
+|**User activity**|**Activity in-scope for risk level**|
+| User has 1 high severity sequence each day on Day T-3, T-2, T-1 | Yes |
+| User has 3 high severity sequences on Day T-3 | Yes |
+| User has 1 high severity sequence on Day T-4 and 2 high severity sequences on Day T-3 | No |
+#### Risk level timeframe
+This risk level setting determines how long a risk level remains assigned to a user before it's automatically reset. The default setting is 7 days, but you can choose between 5 and 30 days before resetting the risk level for a user.
+Risk levels also reset for a user when:
+- The associated alert for the user is dismissed
+- The associated case for the user is resolved
+- The risk level end date is manually expired
+> [!NOTE]
+> If a user is currently assigned a risk level and that user meets the criteria again for that risk level, then the risk level timeframe is extended for the defined number of days for the user.
+## Permissions for Adaptive Protection
+Depending on how you're using insider risk management built-in role groups and role groups for DLP, you may need to update [permissions](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure#step-1-required-enable-permissions-for-insider-risk-management) for administrators, analysts, and investigators in your organization.
+To configure Adaptive Protection and update settings, users will need to be assigned to the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admins* role group. Members of the *Insider Risk Management*, *Insider Risk Management Analysts*, and *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role groups can view user details in Adaptive Protection.
+To create and manage DLP policies with the Adaptive Protection condition, users will need one of the following [roles](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/scc-permissions) assigned:
+- Compliance Administrator
+- Compliance Data Administrator
+- DLP Compliance Management
+- Global Administrator
+## Configure Adaptive Protection
+Depending on the needs of your organization or where you're currently configured with insider risk management and DLP, you have two options to get started with Adaptive Protection.
+### Quick setup
+The quick setup option is fastest way to get started with Adaptive Protection. With this option, you don't need any pre-existing insider risk management or DLP policies, settings, features configured. If your organization doesn't have a current subscription or license that supports insider risk management or DLP, you'll need to sign up for a [Microsoft Purview risk and compliance solutions trial](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-easy-trials) before starting the quick setup process.
+Available on Adaptive Protection cards on the compliance portal home page and DLP overview pages, you can get started by selecting **Turn on Adaptive Protection**. You can also get started with the quick setup process by navigating to **Insider risk management** > **Adaptive Protection** > **Dashboard** and selecting **Quick setup**.
+Here's what is configured when you use the quick setup process for Adaptive Protection:
+| Insider risk settings (if not already configured) | - Privacy: Show anonymized versions of user names <br> - Policy timeframes: Defaults <br> - Policy indicators: A subset of Office indicators (you can view in insider risk management settings) <br> - Risk score boosters: All <br> - Intelligent Detections: Alert Volume = Default volume <br> - Analytics: On <br> - Admin notifications: Send notification email when first alert is generated to all |
+| Insider risk settings (if already configured) | - Policy indicators: Office indicators not already configured (you can view in insider risk management settings). <br> - All other settings previously configured aren't updated or changed. <br> - Analytics: On (thresholds for triggering events in policies are the default settings determined by [Analytics recommendations](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings#analytics).) |
+| A new insider risk policy | - Policy template: [Data leaks](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policy-templates#data-leaks) <br> - Policy name: Adaptive Protection policy for Insider Risk Management <br> - Policy scope for users and groups: All users and groups <br> - Priority content: None <br> - Triggering events: Selected exfiltration events (you can view in insider risk management settings) <br> - Policy indicators: A subset of Office indicators (you can view in insider risk management settings) <br> - Risk score boosters: Activity is above user's usual activity for that day |
+| Adaptive Protection risk levels | - Elevated risk level: Users must have at least three high severity exfiltration sequences <br> - Moderate risk level: Users must have at least two high severity activities (excluding some types of downloads) <br> - Minor risk level: Users must have at least one high severity activity (excluding some types of downloads) |
+| Two new DLP policies | [Adaptive Protection policy for Endpoint DLP](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-adaptive-protection-learn#policy-values-for-devices-dlp-policy) <br><br> - Elevated risk level rule: Blocked <br> - Moderate/Minor risk level rule: Audit <br> - Policy starts in test mode (audit only) <br><br> [Adaptive Protection policy for Teams and Exchange DLP](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-adaptive-protection-learn#policy-values-for-teams-and-exchange-online-dlp-policy) <br><br> - Elevated risk level rule: Blocked <br> - Moderate/Minor risk level rules: Audit <br> - Policy starts in test mode (audit only) |
+Once the quick setup process is started, it may take up to 72 hours before analytics are completed, the associated insider risk management and DLP policies are created, and you can expect to see Adaptive Protection risk levels and DLP actions applied to applicable user activities. Administrators will receive a notification email once the quick setup process is completed.
+### Custom setup
+The custom setup option allows you customize the insider risk management policy, the risk levels, and the DLP policies configured for Adaptive Protection. This option also allows you to configure these items before actually enabling the Adaptive Protection connections between insider risk management and DLP. In most cases, this option should be used by organizations that already have insider risk management and/or DLP policies in place.
+Complete the following steps to configure Adaptive Protection using the custom setup:
+#### Step 1: Create insider risk management policy
+Risk levels are assigned to users when a policy assigned in Adaptive Protection either detects user activity or generates alerts that match the risk level conditions you define in the next step. If you don't want to use an existing insider risk management policy (selected in Step 2), you must create a new insider risk management policy. Your insider risk management policy for Adaptive Protection should include:
+- **Users whose activity you want to detect**. This can be all users and groups in your organization or just a subset for specific risk mitigation scenarios or testing purposes.
+- **Activities you consider risky and custom thresholds that influence an activity's risk score**. Risky activities might include emailing people outside your organization or copying files to USB devices.
+Select **Create insider risk policy** to launch the new policy wizard. The [Data leaks](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policy-templates#data-leaks) policy template is automatically selected in the wizard, but you can select any policy template if needed.
+>Depending on the policy template selected, you may need to configure [additional settings](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure#step-4-recommended-configure-prerequisites-for-policies) for the policy to properly detect potentially risky activities and to create applicable alerts
+#### Step 2: Configure risk level settings
+Select the **Risk levels for Adaptive Protection** tab. You'll start by selecting the insider risk management policy you want to use for Adaptive Protection. This can either be the new policy you created in Step 1 or an existing policy you've already configured.
+Next, you'll accept the applicable built-in risk level conditions or create your own. Depending on the type of policy you've selected, the risk level conditions will reflect the applicable conditions associated with indicators and activities you've configured in the policy.
+For example, if you've chosen a policy based on the [Data leaks](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policy-templates#data-leaks) policy template, the built-in risk level condition choices will apply to indicators and activities available in that policy. If you've selected a policy based on the [Security policy violations](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policy-templates#security-policy-violations-preview) policy template, the built-in risk level conditions are automatically scoped to indicators and activities available in that policy.
+To customize a risk level for your policy, complete the following steps:
+1. On the **Risk levels for Adaptive Protection** tab, select **Edit** for the risk level you'd like to customize (*Elevated*, *Moderate*, or *Minor*).
+2. On the **Custom risk level** pane, select an option in the **Risk level based on** section:
+ - **Alert generated or confirmed for a user**
+ - **Specific user activity**
+3. If you've selected the **Alert generated or confirmed for a user** option, you'll choose the severity levels for alerts that are generated or confirmed for a user that should use this risk level. You can keep the *Severity for generated alerts* and the *Severity for confirmed alerts* conditions or remove one of these conditions if you only want to use one. If you need to add one of these conditions back, select **Add condition** and select the condition. For each condition, choose the severity level that should be applied for the condition (*High*, *Medium*, or *Low*). If the **any** of the conditions are met, the risk level is assigned to a user.
+4. If you've selected the **Specific user activity** option, you'll choose the activity to detect, its severity, and number of daily occurrences during the past activity detection window. You must configure the *Activities*, *Activity severity*, and *Activity occurrences during detection window* conditions for this risk level.
+ For the *Activities* condition, the options you can choose from are automatically updated for the types of activities you've defined with the indicators configured in the associated policy. If needed, select the **Assign this risk level to any user who has a future alert confirmed, even if conditions above aren't met** checkbox. If the **all** of the conditions are met, the risk level is assigned to a user.
+ For the *Activity severity* condition, you'll specify the severity level for the activities included in the daily activity insight. The options are *High*, *Medium*, and *Low*, and are based on risk score ranges.
+ For the *Activity occurrences during detection window* condition, you'll specify number of times selected activities must be detected within the specified *Past activity detection* period. This number isn't related to the number of events that might occur for an activity. For example, if the policy detects that a user downloaded 20 files from SharePoint in one day that counts as one daily activity insight consisting of 20 events.
+5. Select **Confirm** to apply the custom risk level conditions or **Cancel** to discard your changes.
+#### Step 3: Create or edit a DLP policy
+Next you'll create (or edit) an existing DLP policy to restrict actions for users who match your risk level conditions in Adaptive Protection. Use the following guidelines for your DLP policy configuration:
+- You must include the *User's risk level for Adaptive Protection is* condition in your DLP policy. This DLP policy can include other conditions as needed.
+- Although you can include other locations in the DLP policy, Adaptive Protection currently supports only Exchange, Microsoft Teams, and devices.
+Select **Create DLP policy** to launch the DLP policy wizard to create a new DLP policy. If you have an existing DLP policy that you'd like to configure for Adaptive Protection, go to **Data loss prevention** > **Policies** in the compliance portal and select the DLP policy you'd like to update for Adaptive Protection. For guidance on how to configure a new DLP policy or update an existing DLP policy for Adaptive Protection, see [Learn about Adaptive Protection in data loss prevention: Manual configuration](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-adaptive-protection-learn#policy-values-for-devices-dlp-policy).
+>We recommend testing the DLP policy (with policy tips) so you can review DLP alerts to verify that the policy is working as expected before enabling AP.
+#### Step 4: Turn on adaptive protection
+After you've completed all three of the previous steps, you're ready to enable Adaptive Protection. When you turn on Adaptive Protection:
+- The insider risk management policy starts looking for user activity matching your risk level conditions. If detected, the risk levels are assigned to users.
+- Users who are assigned risk levels will appear on the **Users in scope** tab in Adaptive Protection.
+- The DLP policy applies protection actions for any user assigned to risk levels included in the DLP policy.
+- The DLP policy is added to the **DLP policies** tab in **Adaptive Protection (preview)**. You can view details about the DLP policy and edit policy conditions from the dashboard.
+To enable Adaptive Protection, select the **Adaptive Protection settings** tab and toggle **Enable Adaptive Protection** to *On*. It may take up to 36 hours before you can expect to see Adaptive Protection risk levels and DLP actions applied to applicable user activities.
+## Manage Adaptive Protection
+Once you've enabled Adaptive Protection and your insider risk management and DLP policies are configured, you'll have access to information about policy metrics, current in-scope users, and risk levels currently in-scope.
+### Dashboard
+After you've completed either the [Quick](#quick-setup) or [Custom](#custom-setup) setup process, the **Dashboard** tab in **Adaptive Protection (preview)** displays widgets for summary information about DLP policies and user risk levels:
+- **DLP policies**: Displays the number of DLP policies configured for Adaptive Protection and the number of users currently in-scope for the DLP policies.
+- **Users assigned risk levels**: Displays the number of users for each risk level (*Elevated risk*, *Moderate risk*, and *Minor risk*).
+![Insider risk management Adaptive Protection dashboard.](../media/insider-risk-management-ap-dashboard.png)
+### Users assigned risk levels
+Users that have been assigned a risk level in Adaptive Protection will appear on the **Users assigned risk levels** tab. You can review the following information for each user:
+- **Users**: Lists the user name, unless the [Show anonymized versions of usernames](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings#privacy) option is selected in insider risk management settings for your organization. if this option is selected, you'll see anonymized user names.
+ >To maintain referential integrity, anonymization of usernames (if turned on) isn't preserved for users from Adaptive Protection who have alerts or activity appear outside insider risk management. Actual usernames will appear in related DLP alerts and the activity explorer.
+- **Risk level**: The current risk level assigned to the user.
+- **Assigned to user**: The number of days or months that have passed since the user was assigned a risk level.
+- **Risk level resets**: The number of days until the risk level is automatically reset for the user.
+ To manually reset the risk level for a user, select the user, and then select **Expire**. This user will no longer be assigned a risk level. Existing alerts or cases for this user won't be removed. If this user is included in the selected insider risk management policy, a risk level will be assigned again if a triggering event is detected.
+- **Active alerts**: The number of current insider risk management alerts for the user.
+- **Cases confirmed as violation**: The number of confirmed cases for the user.
+- **Case**: The name of the case.
+If needed, you can filter users by *Risk level*.
+![Insider risk management Adaptive Protection users.](../media/insider-risk-management-ap-users.png)
+To view detailed insider risk and Adaptive Protection information for a specific user, select the user to open the user details pane. The details pane contains three tabs, **User profile**, **User activity**, and **Adaptive Protection summary**. For information about the **User profile** and **User activity** tabs, see [View user details](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-users#view-user-details).
+The **Adaptive Protection summary** tab aggregates information in three sections:
+- **Adaptive Protection**: This section displays information about the current *Risk level*, *Risk level assigned on*, and *Risk level reset on* for the user.
+- **DLP policies in scope (dynamic)**: This section displays all the DLP policies currently in scope for the user and the start and end date for the policy. This is based on the risk level for the user and DLP policy configuration for risk levels. For example, if a user has activities that have been defined as *Elevated* risk levels for insider risk management policies, and two DLP policies are configured with the *Elevated* risk level condition, these two DLP policies will be displayed here for the user.
+- **Insider risk policy for Adaptive Protection**: This section displays any insider risk management policy where the user is currently in-scope.
+![Insider risk management Adaptive Protection user details.](../media/insider-risk-management-ap-user-details.png)
+### DLP policies
+The **DLP policies** page displays all DLP policies that are using the **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** condition. You can review the following information for each policy:
+- **Policy name**: The name of the DLP policy.
+- **Policy state**: The current state of the policy. Values are *Active* or *Inactive*.
+- **Policy location**: The [locations](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-reference#locations) included in the DLP policy. Currently, Adaptive Protection only supports Exchange, Teams, and Devices.
+- **Risk levels included**: The risk levels included in the DLP policy using the **User's risk level for adaptive protection is** condition. The options are *Elevated*, *Moderate*, or *Minor* risk levels.
+- **Policy status**: The current [status](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-test-tune-dlp-policy#where-to-start-with-data-loss-prevention) of the DLP policy. The options are *On* or *Test with notifications*.
+- **Created**: The date the DLP policy was created.
+- **Last modified**: The date the DLP policy was last edited.
+![Insider risk management Adaptive Protection DLP policies.](../media/insider-risk-management-ap-dlp-policies.png)
+## Disable Adaptive Protection
+There may be certain scenarios when you might need to disable Adaptive Protection temporarily. To disable Adaptive Protection, select the **Adaptive Protection settings** tab and toggle **Enable Adaptive Protection** to *Off*.
+If Adaptive Protection is turned off after having been on and active, risk levels will stop being assigned to users and shared with DLP and all existing risk levels for users will be reset. After turning off, might take up to 6 hours to stop assigning risk levels to user activity and reset them all. The insider risk management and DLP policies aren't automatically deleted.
+![Insider risk management Adaptive Protection enable.](../media/insider-risk-management-ap-enable.png)
compliance Insider Risk Management Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure.md
You'll choose from these role group options and solution actions when working wi
|Access & view forensic evidence captures|Yes|No|No|Yes|No|No| |Create forensic evidence capturing request|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No| |Approve forensic evidence capturing requests|Yes|No|No|No|No|Yes|
-|View device health report|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No|
+|Configure Adaptive Protection|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No|
+|View Adaptive Protection users tab|Yes|No|Yes|Yes|No|No|
> [!IMPORTANT] > Make sure you always have at least one user in the built-in *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admins* role groups (depending on the option you choose) so that your insider risk management configuration doesn't get into a 'zero administrator' scenario if specific users leave your organization.
Members of the following roles can assign users to insider risk management role
Complete the following steps to add users to this role group: 1. Sign into [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization.- 2. Select **Permissions** in the left nav, and select **Roles** under the **Microsoft Purview solutions** list.- 3. Select the *Insider Risk Management* role group, then select **Edit**.- 4. Select the **Choose users** tab, then select the checkbox for all users you want to add to the role group.-
-6. Choose **Select**, then **Next**.
-7. Select **Save** to add the users to the role group. Select **Done** to complete the steps.
+5. Choose **Select**, then **Next**.
+6. Select **Save** to add the users to the role group. Select **Done** to complete the steps.
## Step 2 (required): Enable the Microsoft 365 audit log
compliance Insider Risk Management Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-plan.md
Choose from the following role group options and solution actions when working w
|Create forensic evidence capturing request|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No| |Approve forensic evidence capturing requests|Yes|No|No|No|No|Yes| |View device health report|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No|
+|Configure Adaptive Protection|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No|
+|View Adaptive Protection users tab|Yes|No|Yes|Yes|No|No|
> [!IMPORTANT] > Make sure you always have at least one user in the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admins* role groups (depending on the option you choose) so that your insider risk management configuration doesn't get in to a 'zero administrator' scenario if specific users leave your organization.
compliance Insider Risk Management Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings.md
Protecting the privacy of users that have policy matches is important and can he
- **Show anonymized versions of usernames**: Names of users are anonymized to prevent admins, data investigators, and reviewers from seeing who is associated with policy alerts. For example, a user 'Grace Taylor' would appear with a randomized pseudonym such as 'AnonIS8-988' in all areas of the insider risk management experience. Choosing this setting anonymizes all users with current and past policy matches and applies to all policies. User profile information in the insider risk alert and case details won't be available when this option is chosen. However, usernames are displayed when adding new users to existing policies or when assigning users to new policies. If you choose to turn off this setting, usernames will be displayed for all users that have current or past policy matches. > [!IMPORTANT]
- > To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts when using the exporting API or when exporting to [Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery). Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert in this case. If you're exporting to CSV files from alerts or cases, anonymization *is* preserved.
+ > To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts when using the exporting API or when exporting to [Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery). Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert in this case. If you're exporting to .csv files from alerts or cases, anonymization *is* preserved.
- **Do not show anonymized versions of usernames**: Usernames are displayed for all current and past policy matches for alerts and cases. User profile information (the name, title, alias, and organization or department) is displayed for the user for all insider risk management alerts and cases.
Insider risk management alert information is exportable to security information
If your organization uses Microsoft Sentinel, you can also use the out-of-the-box insider risk management data connector to import insider risk alert information to Sentinel. For more information, see [Insider Risk Management (IRM) (preview)](/azure/sentinel/data-connectors-reference#microsoft-365-insider-risk-management-irm-preview) in the Microsoft Sentinel article. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts when using the exporting API or when exporting to [Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery). Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert in this case. If you're exporting to CSV files from alerts or cases, anonymization *is* preserved.
+> To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts when using the exporting API or when exporting to [Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery). Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert in this case. If you're exporting to .csv files from alerts or cases, anonymization *is* preserved.
To use the APIs to review insider risk alert information:
Complete the following steps to configure priority physical assets:
2. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Insider risk management** and select **Insider risk settings** > **Priority physical assets**. 3. On the **Priority physical assets** page, you can either manually add the physical asset IDs you want to detect asset events imported by the Physical badging connector or import a .csv file of all physical assets IDs imported by the Physical badging connector: a) To manually add physical assets IDs, choose **Add priority physical assets**, enter a physical asset ID, then select **Add**. Enter other physical asset IDs and then select **Add priority physical assets** to save all the assets entered.
- b) To add a list of physical asset IDs from a .csv file, choose **Import priority physical assets**. From the file explorer dialog, select the CSV file you wish to import, then select **Open**. The physical asset IDs from the CSV files are added to the list.
+ b) To add a list of physical asset IDs from a .csv file, choose **Import priority physical assets**. From the file explorer dialog, select the .csv file you wish to import, then select **Open**. The physical asset IDs from the .csv files are added to the list.
4. Navigate to the **Policy indicators** page in **Settings**. 5. On the **Policy indicators** page, navigate to the **Physical access indicators** section and select the checkbox for **Physical access after termination or failed access to sensitive asset**. 6. Select **Save** to configure and exit.
compliance Microsoft 365 Compliance Center Permissions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md
The roles that appear in the **Azure AD** > **Roles** section of the compliance
|**Attack payload author**|Create attack payloads but not actually launch or schedule them. For more information, see [Attack Payload Author](/azure/active-directory/roles/permissions-reference#attack-payload-author).| |
-## Add users to a compliance role group
+## Administrative units (preview)
-Complete the following steps to add users to a compliance role group:
+Administrative units let you subdivide your organization into smaller units, and then assign specific administrators that can manage only the members of those units. They also allow you to assign administrative units to members of role groups in Microsoft Purview solutions, so that these administrators can manage only the members (and associated features) of those assigned administrative units.
-1. Sign into the permissions area of the compliance portal using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, and go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2173597" target="_blank">**Permissions**</a> to select the link to view and manage compliance roles in Microsoft 365.
-1. Expand the **Compliance center** section and select **Roles**.
-1. On the **Compliance center roles** page, select a compliance role group you want to add users to, then select **Edit role group** on the details pane.
-1. Select **Choose members** from the left navigation pane, then select **Edit**.
-1. Select **Add** and then select the checkbox for all users you want to add to the role group.
-1. Select **Add**, then select **Done**.
-1. Select **Save** to add the users to the role group. Select **Close** to complete the steps.
+For example, you could use administrative units to delegate permissions to administrators for each geographic region in a large multi-national organization or for grouping administrator access by department within your organization. You can create region or department-specific policies or view user activity as a result of those policies and administrative unit assignment. You can also use administrative units as an initial scope for a policy, where the selection of users eligible for the policy depends on membership in administrative units.
+### Administrative units support in Microsoft Purview
+The following Microsoft Purview compliance solutions support administrative units:
+|**Solution**|**Description of support**|
+| [Data Loss Prevention (DLP)](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp) | Role groups and [DLP policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-create-deploy-policy) |
+| [Sensitivity labeling](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels) | Role groups and [labeling policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-with-sensitivity-labels#support-for-administrative-units) |
+For these solutions, the following features also support administrative units:
+- Alerts: [DLP](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-alerts-dashboard-get-started) alerts are visible only from users in assigned administrative units
+- [Activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md): Activity events are visible only from users in assigned administrative units
+When you assign role groups, you can select individual members or groups, and then the **Assign admin units** option to select administrative units that have been defined in Azure Active Directory:
+![Assign admin units option when you edit role groups.](../media/assign-admin-units.png)
+These administrators, referred to as restricted administrators, can now select one or more of their assigned administrative units to automatically define the initial scope of policies that they create or edit. Only if administrators don't have administrative units assigned (unrestricted administrators), will they be able to assign policies to the entire directory without selecting individual administrative units.
+> After you've assigned administrative units to members of the role groups, these restricted administrators will no longer be able to see and edit existing policies. However, there's no operational change to these policies and they remain visible and can be edited by unrestricted administrators.
+> Restricted administrators will also no longer be able to see historical data using features that support administrative units, such as activity explorer and alerts. They remain visible to unrestricted administrators. Going forward, restricted administrators will be able to see this related data for their assigned administrative units only.
+### Prerequisites for administrative units
+Before configuring administrative units for Microsoft Purview compliance solutions, make sure your organization and users meet the following subscription and licensing requirements:
+- [Azure Active Directory Premium licensing](/azure/active-directory/roles/admin-units-manage#prerequisites)
+- Microsoft Purview licensing:
+ - Microsoft 365 E5/A5
+ - Microsoft 365 E5/A5/F5 Compliance and F5 Security & Compliance
+ - Microsoft 365 E5/A5/F5 Information Protection & Governance
-## Remove users from a compliance role group
+### Configure and use administrative units
-Complete the following steps to remove users from a compliance role group:
+Complete the following steps to configure and use administrative units with Microsoft Purview compliance solutions:
+1. [Create administrative units](/azure/active-directory/roles/admin-units-manage#create-an-administrative-unit) to restrict the scope of role permissions in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD).
+2. [Add users and distribution groups](/azure/active-directory/roles/admin-units-members-add) to administrative units.
+3. If creating a geographic region or department-based administrative units, configure administrative units with [dynamic membership rules](/azure/active-directory/roles/admin-units-members-dynamic).
+ >[!NOTE]
+ >You can't add groups to an administrative unit that uses dynamic membership rules. If needed, create two administrative units, one for users and one for groups.
+4. Use any of the role groups from the Microsoft Purview compliance solutions that support administrative units to assign administrative units to members.
+Now, when these restricted administrators create or edit policies that support administrative units, they can select administrative units so that only the users in those administrative units will be eligible for the policy:
+- *Unrestricted administrators* don't have to select administrative units as part of the policy configuration. They can keep the default of the entire directory, or select one or more administrative units.
+- *Restricted administrators* must now select one or more administrative units as part of the policy configuration.
+Further into the policy configuration, administrators who selected administrative units must then include or exclude (if supported) individual users and groups from the administrative units that they previously selected for the policy.
+For information about administrative units that is specific to each supported solution, see the following sections:
+- For DLP: [Administrative Unit restricted policies](dlp-policy-reference.md#administrative-unit-restricted-policies-preview)
+- For sensitivity labeling: [Support for administrative units](get-started-with-sensitivity-labels.md#support-for-administrative-units)
+## Add users or groups to a Microsoft Purview built-in role group
+Complete the following steps to add users or groups to a Microsoft Purview role group:
1. Sign into the permissions area of the compliance portal using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, and go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2173597" target="_blank">**Permissions**</a> to select the link to view and manage compliance roles in Microsoft 365.
-1. Expand the Compliance center section and select **Roles**.
-1. On the **Compliance center roles** page, select a compliance role group you want to remove users from, then select **Edit role group** on the details pane.
-1. Select **Choose members** from the left navigation pane, then select **Edit**.
-1. Select **Remove** and then select the checkbox for all users you want to remove from the role group.
-1. Select **Remove**, then select **Done**.
-1. Select **Save** to remove the users from the role group. Select **Close** to complete the steps.
+2. Expand the **Microsoft Purview solutions** section and select **Roles**.
+3. On the **Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions** page, select a Microsoft Purview role group you want to add users to, then select **Edit** on the control bar.
+4. On the **Edit members of the role group** page, select **Choose users** or **Choose groups**.
+5. Select the checkbox for all users or groups you want to add to the role group.
+6. Select **Select**.
+7. If the selected users or groups need organization-wide access as part of this role group assignment, go to Step 10.
+8. If the selected users or groups need to be assigned to administrative units, select the users or groups and select **Assign admin units**.
+9. On the **Assign admin units (preview)** pane, select the checkbox for all the administrative units you want to assign to the users or groups. Select **Select**.
+10. Select **Next** and **Save** to add the users or groups to the role group. Select **Done** to complete the steps.
-## Create a custom role group
+## Remove users or groups from a Microsoft Purview built-in role group
-Complete the following steps to create a custom role group:
+Complete the following steps to remove users or groups rom a Microsoft Purview role group:
-1. Sign into the permissions area of the compliance portal using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, and go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2173597" target="_blank">**Permissions**</a>.
-1. On the **Permissions & roles** page, select **Compliance center > Roles**.
-1. On the **Compliance center roles** page, select **Create**.
-1. On the **Name your role group** page, enter a name for the custom role group in the **Name** field. The name of the role group cannot be changed after creation of the role group. If needed, enter a description for the custom role group in the **Description** field. Select **Next** to continue.
-1. On the **Choose roles** page, select **Choose roles**.
-1. Select **Add**, then choose the roles to add to the custom role group. Select **Add** to add the role group, then select **Done**.
-1. Select **Next** to continue.
-1. On the **Choose members** page, select **Choose members**.
-1. Select **Add**, then choose the members to add to the custom role group. Select **Add** to add the members, then select **Done**.
-1. Select **Next** to continue.
-1. On the **Review your settings** page, review the details for the custom role group. If you need to edit the information, select **Edit** in the appropriate section. When all the settings are correct, select **Create role group** to create the custom role group or select **Cancel** to discard the changes and not create the custom role group.
+1. Sign into the permissions area of the compliance portal using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, and go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2173597" target="_blank">**Permissions**</a> to select the link to view and manage the Microsoft Purview compliance roles.
+2. Expand the **Microsoft Purview solutions** section and select **Roles**.
+3. On the **Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions** page, select a Microsoft Purview role group you want to remove users or groups from, then select **Edit** on the control bar.
+4. On the **Edit members of the role group** page, select the checkbox for all users or groups you want to remove to the role group.
+5. Select **Remove members**, then select **Next**.
+6. Select **Save** to remove the users or groups from the role group. Select **Done** to complete the steps.
+## Create a custom Microsoft Purview role group
-## Update a custom role group
+Complete the following steps to create a custom Microsoft Purview role group:
-Complete the following steps to update a custom role group:
+1. Sign into the permissions area of the compliance portal using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, and go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2173597" target="_blank">**Permissions**</a>.
+2. Expand the **Microsoft Purview solutions** section and select **Roles**.
+3. On the **Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions** page, select **Create role group**.
+4. On the **Name the role group** page, enter a name for the custom role group in the **Name** field. The name of the role group cannot be changed after creation of the role group. If needed, enter a description for the custom role group in the **Description** field. Select **Next** to continue.
+5. On the **Add roles to the role group** page, select **Choose roles**.
+6. Select the checkboxes for the roles to add to the custom role group. Select **Select**.
+7. Select **Next** to continue.
+8. On the **Add members to the role group** page, select **Choose users** (or **Choose groups** if applicable).
+9. Select the checkboxes for the users (or groups) to add to the custom role group. Select **Select**.
+10. Select **Next** to continue.
+11. If the selected users or groups need organization-wide access as part of this role group assignment, go to Step 14.
+12. If the selected users or groups need to be assigned to administrative units, select the users or groups and select **Assign admin units**.
+13. On the **Assign admin units (preview)** pane, select the checkbox for all the administrative units you want to assign to the users or groups. Select **Select**.
+14. Select **Next**.
+15. On the **Review the role group and finish** page, review the details for the custom role group. If you need to edit the information, select **Edit** in the appropriate section. When all the settings are correct, select **Create** to create the custom role group or select **Cancel** to discard the changes and not create the custom role group.
+## Update a custom Microsoft Purview role group
+Complete the following steps to update a custom Microsoft Purview role group:
1. Sign into the permissions area of the compliance portal using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, and go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2173597" target="_blank">**Permissions**</a>.
-1. On the **Permissions & roles** page, select **Compliance center > Roles**.
-1. On the **Compliance center roles** page and select the role group to update.
-1. On the details pane for the selected role group, select **Edit role group**.
-1. On the **Editing role group name** page, update the description for the custom role group in the **Description** field. The name of the custom role group cannot be changed.
-1. On the **Choose roles** page, select **Edit** to update the roles assigned to the role groups.
-1. Select **Add**, then choose the roles to add to the custom role group. Select **Add** to add the role group, then select **Done**.
-1. On the **Choose members** page, select **Edit**.
-1. Select **Add**, then choose the members to add to the custom role group. Select **Add** to add the members, then select **Done**.
-1. Select **Save** to save updated *Description*, *Role groups*, and *Members* values.
-1. On the details pane for the selected role group, select **Close**.
+2. Expand the **Microsoft Purview solutions** section and select **Roles**.
+3. On the **Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions** page, select a Microsoft Purview role group you want to update, then select **Edit** on the control bar.
+4. On the **Name the role group** page, update the description for the custom role group in the **Description** field. The name of the custom role group cannot be changed. Select **Next**.
+5. On the **Edit roles of the role group** page, you can select **Choose roles** to add roles to update the roles assigned to the role group. You can also select any of the currently assigned roles and select **Remove roles** to remove the roles from the role group. After you've updated the roles, select **Next**.
+6. On the **Edit members of the role group** page, you can select **Choose users** or **Choose groups** to add users or groups assigned to the role group. To update the administrative units for users or groups, select any of the currently assigned user or groups and select **Assign admin units**. You can also select any of the currently assigned users and groups and select **Remove members** to remove the users or groups from the role group. After you've updated the members, select **Next**.
+7. On the **Review the role group and finish** page, review the details for the custom role group. If you need to edit the information, select **Edit** in the appropriate section. When all the settings are correct, select **Save** to update the custom role group or select **Cancel** to discard the changes and not update the custom role group.
-## Delete a custom role group
+## Delete a custom Microsoft Purview role group
-Complete the following steps to update a custom role group:
+Complete the following steps to delete a custom Microsoft Purview role group:
1. Sign into the permissions area of the compliance portal using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, and go to <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2173597" target="_blank">**Permissions**</a>.
-1. On the **Permissions & roles** page, select **Compliance center > Roles**.
-1. On the **Compliance center roles** page and select the role group to update.
-1. On the details pane for the selected role group, select **Delete role group**.
-1. On the **Warning** dialog, select **Yes** to delete the role group or select **No** to cancel the deletion process.
+2. Expand the **Microsoft Purview solutions** section and select **Roles**.
+3. On the **Role groups for Microsoft Purview solutions** page, select a Microsoft Purview role group you want to delete, then select **Delete** on the control bar.
+4. On the **Delete role group** dialog, select **Delete** to delete the role group or select **Cancel** to cancel the deletion process.
compliance Named Entities Learn https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/named-entities-learn.md
Here are some examples of enhanced DLP policies that use named entity SITs. You
- [Learn about Sensitive information types](sensitive-information-type-learn-about.md) - [Create a custom sensitive information type](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type.md) - [Create a custom sensitive information type in PowerShell](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type-in-scc-powershell.md)-- [Data loss prevention policies (DLP)](data-loss-prevention-policies.md) - [Sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels.md) - [Retention labels](retention.md) - [Communication compliance](communication-compliance.md)
compliance Named Entities Use https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/named-entities-use.md
For full licensing details see, [the service description](/office365/servicedesc
### Permissions
-The account you use to create and edit data loss prevention (DLP) policies, must have the **DLP Compliance Management** role permissions. For more information, see [Add users to a compliance role group](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#add-users-to-a-compliance-role-group).
+The account you use to create and edit data loss prevention (DLP) policies, must have the **DLP Compliance Management** role permissions. For more information, see [Add users or groups to a Microsoft Purview built-in role group](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#add-users-or-groups-to-a-microsoft-purview-built-in-role-group).
## Supported locations
compliance Plan For Security And Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/plan-for-security-and-compliance.md
The Compliance portal gives you a single view into the controls you'll use to ma
- [Permissions in the Compliance portal](~/security/office-365-security/protect-against-threats.md) -- [Add users to a compliance role group](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#add-users-to-a-compliance-role-group)
+- [Add users or groups to a Microsoft Purview built-in role group](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md#add-users-or-groups-to-a-microsoft-purview-built-in-role-group)
## Step 6: Use end-to-end security scenarios as starting points
compliance Protect Documents That Have Fci Or Other Properties https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/protect-documents-that-have-fci-or-other-properties.md
In Microsoft 365, you can create a DLP policy that identifies documents that hav
A DLP policy simply looks for a specific property name/value pair. Any document property can be used, as long as the property has a corresponding managed property for SharePoint search. For example, a SharePoint site collection might use a content type named **Trip Report** with a required field named **Customer**. Whenever a person creates a trip report, they must enter the customer name. This property name/value pair can also be used in a DLP policyΓÇöfor example, if you want a rule that blocks access to the document for guests when the **Customer** field contains **Contoso**.
-If you want to apply your DLP policy to content with specific Microsoft 365 labels, you should not follow the steps here. Instead, learn how to [Using a retention label as a condition in a DLP policy](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#using-a-retention-label-as-a-condition-in-a-dlp-policy).
+If you want to apply your DLP policy to content with specific Microsoft 365 labels, you should not follow the steps here. Instead, refer to l[Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md#create-and-deploy-data-loss-prevention-policies).
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
compliance Retention https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention.md
For example, you can create and apply a retention label named "Review later" wit
You can specify a retention label as a condition in a Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy for documents in SharePoint. For example, configure a DLP policy to prevent documents from being shared outside the organization if they have a specified retention label applied to it.
-For more information, see [Using a retention label as a condition in a DLP policy](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#using-a-retention-label-as-a-condition-in-a-dlp-policy).
+For more information, see [Create and Deploy data loss prevention policies](dlp-create-deploy-policy.md#create-and-deploy-data-loss-prevention-policies).
#### Retention labels and policies that apply them
compliance Sensitivity Labels Meetings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-meetings.md
Example showing a Teams meeting invite that has the label **Highly confidential*
To apply a sensitivity label to meeting invites and appointments using Outlook, users must use Outlook on the web from a desktop computer, or use built-in labeling from Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise: - **Outlook for Windows**: Rolling out to Current Channel (Preview)-- **Outlook for Mac**: Not yet supported
+- **Outlook for Mac**: Rolling out to Current Channel (Preview)
The AIP add-in for Outlook doesn't support applying labels to meeting invites.
compliance Sensitivity Labels Sharepoint Default Label https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-default-label.md
description: "Configure a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document li
>*[Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance).* > [!NOTE]
-> This feature is in preview and subject to change.
+> This feature is in preview and subject to change. It will require a [Microsoft Syntex Advanced Management license](/sharepoint/advanced-management) when the feature becomes generally available (GA).
When SharePoint is [enabled for sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md), you can configure a default label for document libraries. Then, any new files uploaded to that library, or existing files edited in the library will have that label applied if they don't already have a sensitivity label, or they have a sensitivity label but with [lower priority](sensitivity-labels.md#label-priority-order-matters).
Summary of outcomes:
- [SharePoint Information Rights Management (IRM) is not enabled for the library](set-up-irm-in-sp-admin-center.md#irm-enable-sharepoint-document-libraries-and-lists). This older technology isn't compatible with using a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document library. If a library is enabled for IRM, you won't be able to select a default sensitivity label.
+- [Site admin permissions](/sharepoint/site-permissions#site-admins) are needed to apply and change the sensitivity label in SharePoint.
+ If you need to review a list of file types that are supported by sensitivity labels in SharePoint, see [Supported file types](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md#supported-file-types). ## Limitations
For an existing document library:
If you're creating a new document library, you can configure the same **Default sensitivity labels** setting from the **Create document library** flyout pane.
-The permissions required to set and change a default sensitivity label for a SharePoint library are inherited. As with the ability to change the library name and description, any SharePoint site member has this permission.
- ## Monitoring application of library default sensitivity labels Use the SharePoint **Sensitivity** column to see the names of sensitivity labels applied to files. When the label has been applied by this features, the tooltip for the label name displays **This file has been automatically labeled**. However, this tooltip isn't exclusive to the default sensitivity label for a document library. It also displays when sensitivity labels are applied by using auto-labeling policies or as a result of a user's default label from sensitivity label policies.
compliance Sensitivity Labels Teams Groups Sites https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md
After you enable and configure sensitivity labels for containers, users can addi
![A sensitivity label when creating a team site from SharePoint.](../media/sensitivity-labels-new-team-site.png)
+After a sensitivity label has been applied to a site, you must be a [site admin](/sharepoint/site-permissions#site-admins) to change the label in SharePoint or Teams.
+ > [!NOTE] > Sensitivity labels for containers support [Teams shared channels](/MicrosoftTeams/shared-channels). If a team has any shared channels, they automatically inherit sensitivity label settings from their parent team, and that label can't be removed or replaced with a different label.
When the label is applied, and users browse to the site, they see the name of th
### Use PowerShell to apply a sensitivity label to multiple sites
-You can use the [Set-SPOSite](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/set-sposite) and [Set-SPOTenant](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/set-spotenant) cmdlet with the *SensitivityLabel* parameter from the current [SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online) to apply a sensitivity label to many sites. The sites can be any SharePoint site collection, or a OneDrive site.
+You can use the [Set-SPOSite](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/set-sposite) and [Set-SPOTenant](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/set-spotenant) cmdlet with the *SensitivityLabel* parameter from the current [SharePoint Online Management Shell](/powershell/sharepoint/sharepoint-online/connect-sharepoint-online) to apply a sensitivity label to many sites. You can use the same procedure to replace an existing label. The sites can be any SharePoint site collection, or a OneDrive site.
Make sure you have version 16.0.19418.12000 or later of the SharePoint Online Management Shell.
compliance Sensitivity Labels Versions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-versions.md
The numbers listed are the minimum Office application versions required for each
|--|-:|-||-|-| |[AIP add-in disabled by default](sensitivity-labels-aip.md#how-to-configure-newer-versions-of-office-to-enable-the-aip-add-in)| Preview: [Current Channel (Preview)](https://office.com/insider) | Not relevant | Not relevant | Not relevant| Not relevant | |Manually apply, change, or remove label <br /> - [Files and emails](https://support.microsoft.com/office/apply-sensitivity-labels-to-your-files-and-email-in-office-2f96e7cd-d5a4-403b-8bd7-4cc636bae0f9)| Current Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2002+ | 16.21+ | 4.7.1+ | 4.0.39+ | Yes |
-|Manually apply, change, or remove label <br /> - [Calendar items](sensitivity-labels-meetings.md)| Preview: Rolling out to [Current Channel (Preview)](https://office.com/insider) | Under review | Under review | Under review | Yes |
+|Manually apply, change, or remove label <br /> - [Calendar items](sensitivity-labels-meetings.md)| Preview: Rolling out to [Current Channel (Preview)](https://office.com/insider) | Preview: Rolling out to [Current Channel (Preview)](https://office.com/insider) <sup>\*</sup> | Under review | Under review | Yes |
|[Multi-language support](create-sensitivity-labels.md#additional-label-settings-with-security--compliance-powershell)| Current Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2002+ | 16.21+ | 4.7.1+ | 4.0.39+ | Yes | |[Apply a default label](sensitivity-labels.md#what-label-policies-can-do) | Current Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2002+ | 16.21+ | 4.7.1+ | 4.0.39+ | Yes | |[Require a justification to change a label](sensitivity-labels.md#what-label-policies-can-do) | Current Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 1910+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2002+ | 16.21+ | 4.7.1+ | 4.0.39+ | Yes |
compliance Sit Edm Notifications Activities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-edm-notifications-activities.md
The account you use must be one of the following:
- Compliance administrator - Exchange Online administrator
-To learn more about DLP permissions, see [Permissions](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#permissions).
+To learn more about DLP permissions, see [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md).
EDM-based classification is included in these subscriptions:
compliance Sit Get Started Exact Data Match Based Sits Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-get-started-exact-data-match-based-sits-overview.md
You can find out what region your tenant is hosting data-at-rest in by following
## Required licenses and permissions
-You must be a global admin, compliance administrator, or Exchange Online administrator to perform the tasks described in this article. To learn more about DLP permissions, see [Permissions](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#permissions).
+You must be a global admin, compliance administrator, or Exchange Online administrator to perform the tasks described in this article. To learn more about DLP permissions, see [Permissions in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions.md).
See the [data loss prevention service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance#data-loss-prevention-for-exchange-online-sharepoint-online-and-onedrive-for-business) for complete licensing information
compliance Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/whats-new.md
Whether it be adding new solutions to the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](
## February 2023
+### Data Loss Prevention
+- **Support for administrative units in DLP (preview)** - [Policy Scoping](dlp-policy-reference.md#policy-scoping)
+- **Adaptive Protection (preview)** - [Learn about Adaptive Protection in Data Loss Prevention (preview)](dlp-adaptive-protection-learn.md)
+- **DLP migration assistant for Symantec GA** - [Learn about the Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention migration assistant for Symantec](dlp-migration-assistant-for-symantec-learn.md)
+### Insider risk management
+- **In preview**: New [Adaptive Protection guidance](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-adaptive-protection). Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview uses machine learning to identify and mitigate the most critical risks with the most effective [data loss prevention (DLP)](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-adaptive-protection-learn) protection controls dynamically, saving security teams valuable time while ensuring better data security.
+### Permissions
+- **In preview**: [Support for Azure Active Directory administrative units](/microsoft-365/compliance/microsoft-365-compliance-center-permissions#administrative-units-preview). Administrative units let you subdivide your organization into smaller units, and then assign specific administrators that can manage only the members of those units.
+ ### Sensitivity labels+ - **General availability (GA)**: Protected meetings by [labeling calendar invites and responses, Teams meetings, and chat](sensitivity-labels-meetings.md). Outlook remains in preview for this scenario.
+- **In preview**: [Support for Azure Active Directory administrative units](get-started-with-sensitivity-labels.md#support-for-administrative-units).
## January 2023
+### Audit
+- Updates for [Teams audit log events](/microsoftteams/audit-log-events) for sensitivity labels.
+- Updates for exporting permissions in [auditing solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-solutions-overview).
+### Communication compliance
+- Updates to [conditional settings](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#conditional-settings) and the required formatting for multi-value conditions.
+- New section that outlines [limitations](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels#channel-limits) for supported channels.
+### eDiscovery
+- Updated with a clarification for searches for [inactive mailboxes](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-and-manage-inactive-mailboxes).
+- Updated the [supported decryption](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-decryption#supported-decryption) types in eDiscovery (Standard) and (Premium).
+- Updated the [example PowerShell script](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-create-a-report-on-holds-in-cases#step-2-run-the-script-to-report-on-holds-associated-with-ediscovery-cases) to report holds on associated eDiscovery cases.
+- Clarified the [query and search filter requirements](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-review-set-search) for a review set.
+### Insider risk management
+- Updated with [clarifications](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-forensic-evidence) for forensic evidence about timelines in the user activity reports and the *all activities* capturing option.
+- Updated *obfuscation* examples for [insider risk management policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies).
+- Restructured documentation and moved [policy template guidance](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policy-templates) into a new article.
+ ### Sensitivity labels+ - **Rolling out in preview**: As a parity feature for the AIP add-in, built-in labeling for Windows supports the configuration of a [default sublabel for a parent label](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#specify-a-default-sublabel-for-a-parent-label). - **Rolling out in preview**: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint in Office for Mac also supports the [sensitivity bar](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#sensitivity-bar) and [label colors](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#label-colors). - The earliest version for the AIP add-in to be [disabled by default in Office apps](sensitivity-labels-aip.md#how-to-disable-the-aip-add-in-to-use-built-in-labeling-for-office-apps) for the Current Channel and Monthly Enterprise Channel is now version 2302. The minimum version for the Semi-Annual Channel hasn't changed.
Whether it be adding new solutions to the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](
## December 2022 ### Communication compliance+ - New [transparency note](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-solution-overview) to convey the purpose and intended uses of machine learning in policy templates that use classifiers for business conduct and regulatory compliance. - Changed the [time zone from local time zone to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies) for policy activity detection, user-reported messages, and filters for reports. - Updated table for [built-in trainable and global classifiers](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies) to increase visibility for details specific to pre-trained classifiers. Includes updated word count requirements for messages in English and non-English languages. ### Compliance Manager+ - Assessment templates that belong to the same regulation family now count as one template. The [definition of **included templates**](compliance-manager-templates-list.md#included-templates) has been updated to align with [template licensing changes starting December 2022](compliance-manager-faq.yml#what-changed-with-template-licensing-in-december-2022-). - Improvement actions now provide greater visibility into related controls and assessments. Improvement action details pages have a new [**Related controls** tab](compliance-manager-improvement-actions.md#related-controls), and the **Summary** section has a clickable **Assessments** number that, when selected, lists all the assessments related to that action. ### Data lifecycle management and records management+ - Disposition review no longer has a maximum of 1,000,000 items per label pending or reviewed. This limitation is removed from [Limits for retention policies and retention label policies](retention-limits.md). ### Insider risk management+ - [Examples of file paths](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings) to denote specific and wildcard folders and sub-folders to be excluded. ### Microsoft Priva+ - [Tags for reviewing data in a subject rights request](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-data-review#apply-tags) provide greater flexibility. There are now two default tags and 21 custom tags that can be named and defined by an organization. Tags can now be applied to, or removed from, multiple content items at once. - The maximum file size for [file import during data review](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-data-review#import-additional-files) for a subject rights request has increased to 500 MB. - Instructions for working with the [action execution log report](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-delete#action-execution-log-report) for a delete request have been updated; including a clarification that its retention period is the same as all other subject rights request reports. ### Sensitivity labels+ - **General availability (GA)**: S/MIME support for Windows is now available in the Office Current Channel, providing parity with the AIP add-in. For more information, see [Apply S/MIME protection](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#configure-a-label-to-apply-smime-protection-in-outlook). - **Rolling out in preview**: Protected meetings by [labeling calendar invites and responses, Teams meetings, and chat](sensitivity-labels-meetings.md). ## November 2022 ### Audit+ - [Audit New Search](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-new-search) - the new export limit is now up to a maximum of 500K (500,000 rows) for a single export. - [Search the audit log in the compliance portal](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-log-search) - clarified table for retention policies and labels. ### Communication compliance+ - [Messages in alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate) now include a sentiment evaluation to help investigators quickly prioritize potentially riskier messages to address first. - [Automatically detects if text is in a different language](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate) than the user's current system setting and displays alert message text accordingly. - [Threat, Harassment, and Profanity classifiers](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies) in the English language now inspects and evaluates messages with a word count of three or greater.
Whether it be adding new solutions to the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](
- [Export documents from a review set in eDiscovery (Premium)](/microsoft-365/compliance/export-documents-from-review-set) - clarified how eDiscovery includes the parent email in the PST files if defined by the "Group" option in the review set. ### Insider risk management+ - [Sensitive info types](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings) now has a limit of 500 types that you can exclude. The previous limit was 100 sensitive info types. - Admins can now enable [potential high impact user](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings) and [cumulative exfiltration activities](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure) score boosters in policy settings. - New [risky browser indicators](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings) available for detecting user browsing activity related to websites that are considered malicious or risky and pose potential insider risk that may lead to a security or compliance incident.
Whether it be adding new solutions to the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](
- [Trainable classifiers definitions](classifier-tc-definitions.md) - more than 20 new classifiers have been added, so the definitions for all trainable classifiers have been broken out into this new article.
-## August 2022
-### Compliance Manager
--- [Update improvement actions and bring compliance data into Compliance Manager](compliance-manager-update-actions.md) - new functionality for updating multiple improvement actions at once, which also allows orgs to bring compliance work completed in other systems into Compliance Manager for tracking there.-- [Working with improvement actions in Compliance Manager](compliance-manager-improvement-actions.md) - users can now include a link/URL as part of evidence for improvement action implementation or testing work.-
-### Compliance offerings & service assurance
--- [Microsoft 365 change management](/compliance/assurance/assurance-microsoft-365-change-management) - new assurance topic that covers code and non-code changes to Microsoft services.-- **Japan CS Gold Mark offering topic** - retired, certification not renewed.-
-### Data lifecycle management and records management
--- [Exchange (legacy)](data-lifecycle-management.md#exchange-legacy-features) configuration is moving from the Classic Exchange admin center (EAC) to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, under **Data lifecycle management**. Existing data lifecycle management features are located under a new subnode, **Microsoft 365**.-- For cloud attachments (currently rolling out in preview), automatic and temporary retention of deleted files in the Preservation Hold library to safeguard against the original file being deleted by users before the copy can be created and labeled. For more information, see [How retention works with cloud attachments](retention-policies-sharepoint.md#how-retention-works-with-cloud-attachments).-
-### Data loss prevention
--- [Get started with endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-getting-started.md) - updated links for more accessible article names-- [Learn about endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md) - updated links for more accessible article names; updated guidance on supported file types; updated copy-to-other-app guidance-- [Share data loss prevention alerts](dlp-share-alerts.md) (preview) - new-- [Configure endpoint DLP settings](dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md) - GA of Sensitive Service Domains-- [Data loss prevention policy reference](dlp-policy-reference.md) - GA of Sensitive Service Domains-- [Using endpoint data loss prevention](endpoint-dlp-using.md) - GA of Sensitive Service Domains-
-### Insider risk management
--- [Create and manage insider risk management policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies#general-risky-browser-usage-preview): New General risky browser usage policy template for public preview. This policy can help detect and enable risk scoring for web browsing that might be in violation of your organization's acceptable use policy, such as visiting sites that pose a threat (for example phishing sites) or contain adult content.-- [Create and manage insider risk management policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies#quick-policies-from-recommended-actions-preview) -New quick policies templates for public preview. You can use a quick policy to expedite the configuration of a *General data leaks* or *Data theft by departing users policy*.-- [Get started with insider risk management settings](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings#intelligent-detections): New exclusion and classifiers support in intelligent detection settings.-
-### Microsoft Priva
--- [Microsoft Priva trial user guide](/privacy/priva/priva-trial-playbook) - refreshed and simplified guidance to align with recent documentation updates-
-### Sensitive Information Types
--- [Create exact data match sensitive information type workflow classic experience](sit-create-edm-sit-classic-ux-workflow.md) - new-- [Create the EDM SIT sample file for the new experience](sit-create-edm-sit-unified-ux-sample-file.md) - new-- [Create EDM SIT using the new experience](sit-create-edm-sit-unified-ux-schema-rule-package.md) - new-- [Create exact data match sensitive information type workflow new experience](sit-create-edm-sit-unified-ux-workflow.md) - new-- Added guidance for new and classic EDM SIT creation experience in the following topics:
- - [Get started with exact data match based sensitive information types](sit-get-started-exact-data-match-based-sits-overview.md)
- - [Create exact data match sensitive information type/rule package](sit-get-started-exact-data-match-create-rule-package.md)
- - [Create the schema for exact data match based sensitive information types](sit-get-started-exact-data-match-create-schema.md)
- - [Export source data for exact data match based sensitive information type](sit-get-started-exact-data-match-export-data.md)
- - [Hash and upload the sensitive information source table for exact data match sensitive information types](sit-get-started-exact-data-match-hash-upload.md)
- - [Test an exact data match sensitive information type](sit-get-started-exact-data-match-test.md)
- - [Learn about exact data match sensitive information types](sit-learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sits.md)
-- [Sensitive information type limits](sit-limits.md) - new-
-### Sensitivity labels
--- Generally available (GA) and no longer need to opt in: Mobile devices (iOS and Android, with minimal versions) support [co-authoring for files encrypted with sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md).-- GA with Current Channel 2208+ for Word, Excel, PowerPoint on Windows: [Support for PDF](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#pdf-support). Support for Outlook to block print to PDF when required, is rolling out to Beta Channel.-- Rolling out to GA with Current Channel 2208+ for Windows, and 16.63+ for macOS: Default label for existing documents.-- **In preview**: Trainable classifiers for [auto-labeling policies](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md).-- Guidance how to [configure Azure AD for encrypted content](encryption-azure-ad-configuration.md), which includes information about External Identities cross-tenant access settings, Conditional Access policies, and guest accounts.-
-## July 2022
-### Compliance Manager
--- [Compliance Manager templates list](compliance-manager-templates-list.md) - added new premium template in the Asia-Pacific country/region category for "Hong Kong - Code of Banking Practice and Payment Card".-
-### Compliance offerings & service assurance
--- [SharePoint and OneDrive data resiliency in Microsoft 365](/compliance/assurance/assurance-sharepoint-onedrive-data-resiliency) - changes to blob storage resilience section.-
-### Data lifecycle management and records management
--- [Combined licensing section](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance#microsoft-purview-data-lifecycle-management--microsoft-purview-records-management) with added details for scenarios.-- The retention of SharePoint document versions no longer uses separate files in the Preservation Hold library. For more information, see the updated documentation, [How retention works with document versions](retention-policies-sharepoint.md#how-retention-works-with-document-versions).-- Guidance how to [validate records that you've migrated to SharePoint or OneDrive](records-management.md#validating-migrated-records).-- Updated Cohasset Assessment report for [SEC 17a-4(f), FINRA 4511(c), and CFTC 1.31(c)-(d)](retention-regulatory-requirements.md#sec-17a-4f-finra-4511c-and-cftc-131c-d).-- Removed preview disclaimers for retention policies for Teams shared channels now that this feature is rolling out in GA.-
-### Data Loss Prevention
--- [DLP policy reference](dlp-policy-reference.md#blocking-and-notifications-in-sharepoint-online-and-onedrive-for-business) - added new section on Blocking and notifications in SharePoint Online, and OneDrive for Business in response to customer escalations. Updated to support the public preview of sensitive services domains. Updated support for Power BI. Updated support for trainable classifiers.-- [Configure endpoint DLP settings](dlp-configure-endpoint-settings.md#sensitive-service-domains) - added new content in support of the public preview release of sensitive service domains public preview. Updated URL matching behavior.-- [Using endpoint DLP](endpoint-dlp-using.md#scenario-6-monitor-or-restrict-user-activities-on-sensitive-service-domains) - new scenario content in support of the public preview release of sensitive services domains. Updated subscription information.-
-### eDiscovery
--- [Keyword queries and search conditions for eDiscovery](ediscovery-keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md) - removed superseded information.-
-### Sensitive information types
--- [Sensitive information type entity definitions](sensitive-information-type-entity-definitions.md) - We added 41 new SIT entity definitions in support of the 41 new credential scanning SITs. SIT entity definitions content was completely reworked from a single monolithic article into more easily referenceable and supportable individual articles. There are now 303 articles in total including the 42 new credential scanning SITs.-
-### Sensitivity labels
--- **In preview**: [Default sensitivity label for a SharePoint document library](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-default-label.md).-- **In preview**: [Organization-wide custom permissions](encryption-sensitivity-labels.md#support-for-organization-wide-custom-permissions) for Windows when a sensitivity label is configured to let users assign permissions. For more information, see [Support for organization-wide custom permissions](encryption-sensitivity-labels.md#support-for-organization-wide-custom-permissions).-- Now rolling out to Current Channel (Preview) for Windows: Default label for existing documents.-- Now available with the Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: [Co-authoring for files encrypted with sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md).-- The [label scope name](sensitivity-labels.md#label-scopes) of "Files & emails" that you see when configuring a sensitivity label is now "Items".-
-## June 2022
-### Compliance Manager
--- [Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager alerts and alert policies](compliance-manager-alert-policies.md) - added three AAD roles that have permissions to create or edit alert policies.-- [Configuration Analyzer for Microsoft Purview](compliance-manager-mcca.md) - new name and updated reference links for this getting-started tool for Compliance Manager formerly named 'Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer'.-
-### Data Loss Prevention
--- Numerous page updates for Microsoft Purview branded screenshots.-
-### Data lifecycle management and records management
--- **In preview**: [Microsoft Graph API for records management](compliance-extensibility.md#microsoft-graph-api-for-records-management-preview)-
-### Microsoft Priva
--- [Subject Rights Requests](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests) - significant updates, and restructuring of SRR content to better assist users through each progress step; details below.
- - [Learn about Priva Subject Rights Requests](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests) - clearer articulation of customer value prop and general outline of the SRR process.
- - [Understand the workflow and details pages](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-workflow) - articulates the steps in completing a request, indicating manual vs. automatic progression, and linking off to detailed content; a section explains how to interpret and work with a request's details page, including the new "History" tab.
- - [Create a request and define search settings](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-create) - new framing with subheads explaining there are now two ways to create a request: via a custom method using a guided process, and via the new feature of using a template, whose search parameters aim to retrieve the most relevant content for the situation.
- - [Data estimate and retrieval](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-data-retrieval) - explains why some requests pause at the data estimate stage and how to adjust the search as a result; also explains how to set a request to pause first before automatically progressing to data retrieval.
- - [Review data for a subject rights request](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-data-review) - new import file features allows users to bring files from non-Microsoft 365 locations, or files otherwise not picked up by the search, into the Data collected tab.
- - [Generate reports and close requests](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-reports) - clarifies when final data packages are generated and what types of files they include.
- - [Integrate and extend through Microsoft Graph API and Power Automate](/privacy/priva/subject-rights-requests-automate) - revised the title of this previous Power Automate page and expanded page content to include Graph API content and reference links that previously lived on another page.
-### Sensitive Information Types
--- [Learn about exact data match based sensitive information types](sit-learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sits.md) - added section on services that EDM supports.-
-### Sensitivity labels
--- **In preview**: [PDF support for Office apps](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#pdf-support), which includes converting documents to PDF format, inheriting the label with any visual markings and encryption. Print to PDF isn't supported, and this option becomes unavailable for users if their label policy is configured for mandatory labeling.-- **In preview**: The dialog box that users see when their label policy is configured to require justification to remove or downgrade a label is updated to warn users that their typed response should not include sensitive data. The screenshot in the [What label policies can do](sensitivity-labels.md#what-label-policies-can-do) section shows this updated dialog box that will make its way into the Office deployment channels for production use.-- **In preview**: [Support for Outlook to apply S/MIME protection](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#configure-a-label-to-apply-smime-protection-in-outlook) is just starting to roll out across client platforms.-- For [auto-labeling policies](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md#creating-an-auto-labeling-policy), a new setting that can automatically turn on the policy if not edited within a set number of days.-
-### Trainable Classifiers
--- [Learn about trainable classifiers](classifier-learn-about.md) - added Adult, Racy, Gory images trainable classifier.-
-### Changes to product names
+## Changes to product names
To meet the challenges of today's decentralized, data-rich workplace, we're introducing [Microsoft Purview](https://aka.ms/microsoftpurview), a comprehensive set of solutions which helps you understand, govern, and protect your entire data estate. This new brand family combines the capabilities of the former Microsoft Purview Data Map and the Microsoft 365 compliance portfolio that customers already rely on, providing unified data governance and risk management for your organization.
enterprise External Guest Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/external-guest-access.md
For information about how to set up Microsoft 365 for external chat and meetings
People from outside your organization can join meetings in the following ways: - If they're logged in to your organization with a guest account, they join meetings as a guest.-- If they're logged in to a different organization with a work or school account, and your organization has enabled external access, they join meetings as an external participant.
+- If they're logged in to a different organization with a work or school account, and both organizations have set up external access, they join meetings as an external participant.
- If they're not a guest or external participant, they must join meetings anonymously. If the anonymous join setting is enabled for your organization, anonymous users can only join a meeting using a meeting link that has been shared with them (such as a link in the meeting invitation). They will be prompted to enter a display name of their choosing when joining the meeting anonymously. Depending on the lobby settings, the anonymous user may be automatically admitted to the meeting, or be added to a lobby where the meeting organizer (or meeting participants with the presenter role) can allow or deny access to the meeting. It is not possible to verify the identity of anonymous users before, during or after the meeting.
-You can control anonymous users' ability to join meetings at the organization level. If it'ss enabled for the organization, meeting organizers can control anonymous join through meeting policy settings.
+You can control anonymous users' ability to join meetings at the organization level. If it's enabled for the organization, meeting organizers can control anonymous join through meeting policy settings.
-For information about configuring anonymous join for meetings, see [Manage meeting settings in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/meeting-settings-in-teams).
+For information about configuring anonymous join for meetings, see [Manage anonymous participant access to Teams meetings](/microsoftteams/anonymous-users-in-meetings).
## Unauthenticated file and folder access
For information about working with anonymous file and folder sharing, see the fo
[Limit guest sharing to specific organizations](/microsoft-365/solutions/limit-guest-sharing-to-specific-organization) [Limit organizations where users can have guest accounts](/microsoft-365/solutions/limit-organizations-where-users-have-guest-accounts)+
+[Control who can bypass the meeting lobby in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/who-can-bypass-meeting-lobby)
enterprise M365 Dr Workload Viva Topics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/m365-dr-workload-viva-topics.md
Please refer to the [ADR Commitment page](m365-dr-commitments.md#viva-topics) fo
## Migration
-Data is stored is maintained within Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams. Migration processes are handled by the applicable/relevant workloads.
+Data stored is maintained within Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Microsoft Teams. Migration processes are handled by the applicable/relevant workloads.
## How can I determine customer data location?
includes Microsoft 365 Content Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/includes/microsoft-365-content-updates.md
+## Week of January 30, 2023
+| Published On |Topic title | Change |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Manage sensitivity labels in Office apps](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-office-apps?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/30/2023 | [Create and deploy a data loss prevention policy](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-create-deploy-policy?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 1/30/2023 | [Learn about data loss prevention](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/30/2023 | [Plan for data loss prevention](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-overview-plan-for-dlp?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/30/2023 | [Design a Data loss prevention policy](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-design?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/30/2023 | [Data Loss Prevention policy reference](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-reference?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Map Microsoft 365 Defender role-based access control (RBAC) permissions](/microsoft-365/security/defender/compare-rbac-roles?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Configure endpoint DLP settings](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-configure-endpoint-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Canada drivers license number entity definition](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-canada-drivers-license-number?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Use network protection to help prevent macOS connections to bad sites](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection-macos?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | Create a DLP policy from a template | removed |
+| 1/31/2023 | Create, test, and tune a DLP policy | removed |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Get started with Endpoint data loss prevention](/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-getting-started?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Using Endpoint DLP](/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-using?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Training campaigns in Attack simulation training](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-training-campaigns?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Training modules for Training campaigns in Attack simulation training](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-training-modules?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 1/31/2023 | [View and edit your security settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-configure-security-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android with Microsoft Endpoint Manager](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-intune?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Removable Storage frequently asked questions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-control-removable-storage-access-control-faq?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Protect your organization's data with device control](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-control-report?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on iOS with Microsoft Endpoint Manager](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-install?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Troubleshoot performance issues for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-support-perf?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS with Microsoft Endpoint Manager](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-install-with-intune?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Set up and configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mde-p1-setup-configuration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Onboard devices and configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-configure?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Onboard to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboarding?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | [Migrate to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Onboard](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/switch-to-mde-phase-3?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 1/31/2023 | Troubleshoot AuditD performance issues with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux | removed |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Use the Virtual Appointments app in Microsoft Teams](/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments-app?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Configure endpoint DLP settings](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-configure-endpoint-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Use sensitivity labels to protect calendar items, Teams meetings, and chat](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-meetings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Launch your portal using the Portal launch scheduler](/microsoft-365/enterprise/portallaunchscheduler?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Microsoft Teams Advanced Virtual Appointments activity report](/microsoft-365/frontline/advanced-virtual-appointments-activity-report?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | Virtual Appointments with Microsoft Teams and the Bookings app | removed |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Manage the join experience for Teams Virtual Appointments on browsers](/microsoft-365/frontline/browser-join?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Microsoft 365 for retail organizations](/microsoft-365/frontline/teams-for-retail-landing-page?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointments usage report](/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments-usage-report?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Virtual Appointments with Microsoft Teams](/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Use network protection to help prevent macOS connections to bad sites](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection-macos?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Training campaigns in Attack simulation training](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training-training-campaigns?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Create and manage communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Deploy updates for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-updates?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Investigate users in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/investigate-users?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Application Guard for Office for admins](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/install-app-guard?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Create a more secure guest sharing environment](/microsoft-365/solutions/create-secure-guest-sharing-environment?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Get all scan agents](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-all-scan-agents?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Get scan definitions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-all-scan-definitions?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Authenticated scan for Windows in Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/windows-authenticated-scan?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Deploy and manage using group policy](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deploy-and-manage-using-group-policy?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Run the client analyzer on macOS or Linux](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/run-analyzer-macos-linux?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Create and manage inactive mailboxes](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-and-manage-inactive-mailboxes?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Use a script to create an eDiscovery holds report](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-create-a-report-on-holds-in-cases?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Add more SharePoint storage to your subscription](/microsoft-365/commerce/add-storage-space?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Minimum versions for sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365 Apps](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-versions?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Understand the Defender Experts for Hunting report in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/defender-experts-report?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Use the eDiscovery Export Tool in Microsoft Edge](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-configure-edge-to-export-search-results?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Deploy and manage using group policy](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deploy-and-manage-using-group-policy?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Deploy and manage using Intune](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deploy-and-manage-using-intune?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Printer Protection frequently asked questions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/printer-protection-frequently-asked-questions?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Printer Protection Overview](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/printer-protection-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Switch to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Setup](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/switch-to-mde-phase-2?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-endpoint?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Bookings with me](/microsoft-365/bookings/bookings-in-outlook?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Learn about Endpoint data loss prevention](/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-learn-about?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Reduce the attack surface for Microsoft Teams](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/step-by-step-guides/reducing-attack-surface-in-microsoft-teams?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [What happens to my data and access when my subscription ends?](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/what-if-my-subscription-expires?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Enable attack surface reduction rules](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-attack-surface-reduction?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Performance analyzer for Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tune-performance-defender-antivirus?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Windows](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/windows-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Exposure score in Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/tvm-exposure-score?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Security recommendations](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/tvm-security-recommendation?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Upgrade distribution lists to Microsoft 365 Groups in Exchange Online](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/upgrade-distribution-lists?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Create and manage insider risk management policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux manually](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-install-manually?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Canada social insurance number entity definition](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-canada-social-insurance-number?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Attack surface reduction in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-asr?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [View and edit your security settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-configure-security-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Business troubleshooting](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-troubleshooting?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) attack surface reduction (ASR) rules deployment overview](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Frequently asked questions on tamper protection](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/faqs-tamper-protection?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Understand next-generation protection configuration settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-next-gen-configuration-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Get scan history by definition](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-scan-history-by-definition?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Get scan history by session](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-scan-history-by-session?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Troubleshoot Microsoft Teams EHR connector setup and configuration](/microsoft-365/frontline/ehr-connector-troubleshoot-setup-configuration?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/1/2023 | [Migrate to Microsoft Defender for Office 365 Phase 1: Prepare](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/migrate-to-defender-for-office-365-prepare?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage submissions](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-admin?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Performance analyzer for Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tune-performance-defender-antivirus?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score Organizational Messages](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/organizational-messages?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Message center in the Microsoft 365 admin center](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/message-center?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure authentication for Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-authentication?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Test and deploy Microsoft 365 Apps by partners in the Integrated apps portal](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/test-and-deploy-microsoft-365-apps?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in the Microsoft 365 admin center?](/microsoft-365/admin/whats-new-in-preview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Non-Azure Microsoft volume licensing invoices](/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/volume-licensing-invoices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-solution-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Collect eDiscovery diagnostic information](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-diagnostic-info?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Migrate the Azure Information Protection (AIP) add-in to Microsoft Purview Information Protection built-in labeling for Office apps](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-aip?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-tenant OneDrive migration Step 2](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step2?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-tenant OneDrive migration Step 6](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step6?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-Tenant User Data Migration Step 7](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step7?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Cross-tenant OneDrive migration overview](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Multi-Tenant Organization People Search](/microsoft-365/enterprise/multi-tenant-people-search?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Block sign-in for shared mailbox accounts in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-block-signin-shared-mailboxes?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Overview of using Microsoft 365 Lighthouse baselines to deploy standard tenant configurations](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-deploy-standard-tenant-configurations-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Deploy a task automatically in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-deploy-task-automatically?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Overview of deployment tasks in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-overview-deployment-task?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Review a deployment plan in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-review-deployment-plan?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Understand deployment statuses in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-understand-deployment-statuses?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [View task details in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-view-task-details?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-whats-new?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Details of custom permissions in Microsoft 365 Defender role-based access control (RBAC)](/microsoft-365/security/defender/custom-permissions-details?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [External Domain Name System records for Office 365](/microsoft-365/enterprise/external-domain-name-system-records?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Troubleshoot issues and find answers on FAQs related to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on iOS](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-troubleshoot?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Multi-Tenant Organization People Search](/microsoft-365/enterprise/multi-tenant-people-search?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Test attack surface reduction (ASR) rules](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Attack surface reduction (ASR) rules reporting](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-report?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Advanced deployment guidance for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/comprehensive-guidance-on-linux-deployment?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Map Microsoft 365 Defender role-based access control (RBAC) permissions](/microsoft-365/security/defender/compare-rbac-roles?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What is Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR offering](/microsoft-365/security/defender/dex-xdr-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Import roles to Microsoft 365 Defender RBAC](/microsoft-365/security/defender/import-rbac-roles?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [How to use the Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR preview service](/microsoft-365/security/defender/start-using-mdex-xdr?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Bookings with me](/microsoft-365/bookings/bookings-in-outlook?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Pay for your Microsoft business subscription with a billing profile](/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/pay-for-subscription-billing-profile?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Payment options for your Microsoft business subscription](/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/pay-for-your-subscription?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Attack surface reduction rules reference](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Office 365](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/defender-for-office-365?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Security Operations Guide for Defender for Office 365](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/mdo-sec-ops-guide?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Protect security settings with tamper protection](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Set up the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS policies in Jamf Pro](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-jamfpro-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Meetings (New)](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/meetings-new?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Shifts connectors](/microsoft-365/frontline/shifts-connectors?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Virtual Appointments with Microsoft Teams](/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Turn on cloud protection in Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-cloud-protection-microsoft-defender-antivirus?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [View email security reports](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/reports-email-security?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Search the audit log in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-log-search?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Purview auditing solutions](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-solutions-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Track your Microsoft Secure Score history and meet goals](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-secure-score-history-metrics-trends?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Assess your security posture through Microsoft Secure Score](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-secure-score-improvement-actions?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Secure Score](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-secure-score?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Secure score data storage and privacy](/microsoft-365/security/defender/secure-score-data-storage-privacy?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Advanced deployment guidance for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/comprehensive-guidance-on-linux-deployment?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint device timeline](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-timeline-event-flag?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Export information gathering assessment](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-assessment-information-gathering?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux manually](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-install-manually?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Scheduling Dynamic Recurring Meetings](/microsoft-365/scheduler/scheduler-recurring-meetings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage devices for frontline workers](/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-devices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Deploy a task automatically in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-deploy-task-automatically?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Deploy a task manually in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-deploy-task-manually?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Dismiss a task in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-dismiss-task?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Overview of deployment tasks in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-overview-deployment-task?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Review a deployment plan in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-review-deployment-plan?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Understand deployment statuses in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-understand-deployment-statuses?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [View task details in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-view-task-details?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [App-based deployment for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on iOS](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-install?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Trainable classifiers definitions](/microsoft-365/compliance/classifier-tc-definitions?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure automated investigation and response capabilities in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/m365d-configure-auto-investigation-response?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage Microsoft LMS Gateway for any LMS](/microsoft-365/lti/manage-microsoft-one-lti?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Common Microsoft Defender for Endpoint API errors](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/common-errors?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Quarantine policies](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/quarantine-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Choose your scenarios for Microsoft 365 for frontline workers](/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-choose-scenarios?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Corporate communications with frontline workers](/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-corp-comms?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 for retail organizations](/microsoft-365/frontline/teams-for-retail-landing-page?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Migrate from the MDE SIEM API to the Microsoft 365 Defender alerts API](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-siem?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [FAQs related to Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR preview](/microsoft-365/security/defender/frequently-asked-questions?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Defender streaming event types supported in Event Streaming API](/microsoft-365/security/defender/supported-event-types?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Email analysis in investigations for Microsoft Defender for Office 365](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/email-analysis-investigations?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Set up Microsoft 365 for frontline workers](/microsoft-365/frontline/flw-setup-microsoft-365?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Build and manage assessments in Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-assessments?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Get started with Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-setup?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Enable co-authoring for encrypted documents](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-coauthoring?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 network connectivity test tool](/microsoft-365/enterprise/office-365-network-mac-perf-onboarding-tool?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Schedule regular quick and full scans with Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/schedule-antivirus-scans?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-Tenant User Data Migration Step 1](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step1?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-Tenant User Data Migration Step 2](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step2?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-Tenant User Data Migration Step 3](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step3?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-Tenant User Data Migration Step 4](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step4?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-Tenant User Data Migration Step 5](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step5?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [OneDrive Cross-Tenant User Data Migration Step 6](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration-step6?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Cross-tenant OneDrive migration](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-onedrive-migration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure Microsoft 365 support integration with Azure AD Auth Token](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-aad-oauth-token-v1?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure support integration with ServiceNow - Basic Authentication](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-basic-authentication-v1?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow configuration overview](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-overview-v1?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Testing the ServiceNow configuration](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-testing-the-configuration-v1?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Troubleshooting Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-troubleshooting-v1?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Integrate Microsoft 365 with ServiceNow Virtual Agent](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-virtual-agent-integration-v1?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Non-Azure Microsoft volume licensing invoices](/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/volume-licensing-invoices?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Exclusions for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Defender Antivirus](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/defender-endpoint-antivirus-exclusions?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Removable Storage frequently asked questions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-control-removable-storage-access-control-faq?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Removable Storage Access Control, removable storage media](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-control-removable-storage-access-control?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Investigate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint files](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-files?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Get started with sensitivity labels](/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-with-sensitivity-labels?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Enable attack surface reduction (ASR) rules](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Investigate an IP address associated with an alert](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-ip?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Defender portal](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-365-defender-portal?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Decryption in Microsoft Purview eDiscovery tools](/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-decryption?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Integrate your SIEM tools with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-siem?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Investigate alerts in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/investigate-alerts?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Insider risk management settings](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Service advisories for OAB size limits in Exchange Online monitoring](/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-oab-size-limit-service-advisory?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Review events and errors using Event Viewer](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/event-error-codes?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [How to schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-schedule-scan?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-endpoint?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Public Preview](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-vulnerability-management?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [How SMTP DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) secures email communications](/microsoft-365/compliance/how-smtp-dane-works?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates and apply baselines](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-updates-baselines-microsoft-defender-antivirus?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure endpoint DLP settings](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-configure-endpoint-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Using Endpoint DLP](/microsoft-365/compliance/endpoint-dlp-using?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create and manage custom detection rules in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/custom-detection-rules?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 11/2/2022 | [Help your clients and customers use virtual appointments](/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments-toolkit?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Service assurance in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](/microsoft-365/compliance/service-assurance?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Cross-tenant mailbox migration](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-mailbox-migration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Advanced Data Residency Commitments](/microsoft-365/enterprise/m365-dr-commitments?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Use Microsoft Teams Meetings LTI with any LTI 1.3 compliant LMS](/microsoft-365/lti/integrate-with-other-lms?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Get Microsoft Defender for Business servers](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/get-defender-business-servers?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/index?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Business frequently asked questions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-faq?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Offboard a device from Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-offboard-devices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard devices to Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-onboard-devices?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Device health Microsoft Defender Antivirus health report](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-health-microsoft-defender-antivirus-health?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Get started with insider risk management](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Insider risk management policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Learn about insider risk management](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Windows and Office 365 deployment lab kit](/microsoft-365/enterprise/modern-desktop-deployment-and-management-lab?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Address false positives/negatives in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps in Microsoft 365 Defender (Preview)](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-365-security-center-defender-cloud-apps?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage Folders and Rules feature in Microsoft 365 Groups](/microsoft-365/enterprise/manage-folders-and-rules-feature?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What is Microsoft 365 Defender?](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-365-defender?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Feature update validation](/microsoft-365/test-base/feature?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Creating and Testing Binary Files on Test Base](/microsoft-365/test-base/testapplication?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Test your Intune application on Test Base](/microsoft-365/test-base/testintuneapplication?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Uploading a pre-built zip package](/microsoft-365/test-base/uploadapplication?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard Windows servers to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 alert policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/alert-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Data Loss Prevention policy reference](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-policy-reference?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs connection to Power BI](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/api-power-bi?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create indicators for IPs and URLs/domains](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/indicator-ip-domain?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Professional services supported by Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/professional-services?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Technological partners of Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/technological-partners?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Learn about auto-expanding archiving](/microsoft-365/compliance/autoexpanding-archiving?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Azure service bus shared access signature entity definition (preview)](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-azure-service-bus-shared-access-signature?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Azure Shared Access key / Web Hook token signature entity definition (preview)](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-azure-shared-access-key-web-hook-token?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 admin center Teams app usage reports](/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-apps-usage?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 admin center mailbox usage reports](/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/mailbox-usage?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Customize what happens at the end of the retention period](/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-label-flow?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Azure Active Directory setup guides](/microsoft-365/admin/misc/azure-ad-setup-guides?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [About the Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager premium assessment trial](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-easy-trials-compliance-manager-assessments?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Automatically retain or delete content by using retention policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-retention-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Message encryption FAQ](/microsoft-365/compliance/ome-faq?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard Windows devices to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint via Group Policy](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-endpoints-gp?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard Windows devices using Configuration Manager](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-endpoints-sccm?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 admin center activity reports](/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/activity-reports?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Top 20 most-viewed admin help articles this month # < 60 chars](/microsoft-365/admin/top-m365-admin-articles?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage sensitivity labels in Office apps](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-office-apps?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 admin center help # < 60 chars](/microsoft-365/admin/index?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Business Premium resources # < 60 chars](/microsoft-365/business/index?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Customize an archive and deletion policy (MRM) for mailboxes](/microsoft-365/compliance/set-up-an-archive-and-deletion-policy-for-mailboxes?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 for frontline workers # < 60 chars](/microsoft-365/frontline/index?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 documentation # < 60 chars](/microsoft-365/index?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Investigate domains and URLs associated with a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alert](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-domain?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Cross-Tenant Identity Mapping (preview)](/microsoft-365/enterprise/cross-tenant-identity-mapping?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Deploy Teams at scale for frontline workers](/microsoft-365/frontline/deploy-teams-at-scale?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard Microsoft Defender for IoT with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-microsoft-defender-for-iot-integration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Use network protection to help prevent connections to bad sites](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Web protection](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/web-protection-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage clients for Microsoft Whiteboard in GCC environments](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-clients-gcc?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage data for Microsoft Whiteboard in GCC environments](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-data-gcc?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage sharing for Microsoft Whiteboard in GCC environments](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-sharing-gcc?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage access to Microsoft Whiteboard for GCC environments](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-whiteboard-access-gcc?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/adoption-score?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Microsoft 365 apps health](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/apps-health?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Communication](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/communication?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Content collaboration](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/content-collaboration?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Meetings](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/meetings?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Mobility](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/mobility?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Privacy](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/privacy?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Adoption Score - Teamwork](/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/teamwork?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Troubleshoot issues on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-support-signin?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | About the Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management public preview trial | removed |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Top 10 ways to secure your business data - Best practices for small and medium-sized businesses](/microsoft-365/admin/security-and-compliance/secure-your-business-data?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard and offboard macOS devices into Microsoft Purview solutions using Microsoft Intune](/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-intune?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Integrate Microsoft Teams classes and meetings with Moodle](/microsoft-365/lti/teams-classes-meetings-with-moodle?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Choose between guided and advanced modes for hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-modes?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Overview - Advanced hunting](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Supported data types and filters in guided mode for hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-query-builder-details?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Work with query results in guided mode for hunting in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-query-builder-results?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Build queries using guided mode in Microsoft 365 Defender advanced hunting](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-query-builder?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Move users to a different subscription](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/move-users-different-subscription?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [EU debit card number entity definition](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-eu-debit-card-number?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [International banking account number (IBAN) entity definition](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-international-banking-account-number?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Integrate Microsoft Teams meetings with Schoology LMS](/microsoft-365/lti/teams-classes-and-meetings-with-schoology?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Export assessment methods and properties per device](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-assessment-methods-properties?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Learn how to mitigate the Log4Shell vulnerability in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Defender Vulnerability Management](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/tvm-manage-log4shell-guidance?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure your Event Hubs](/microsoft-365/security/defender/configure-event-hub?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Group mailbox size management](/microsoft-365/admin/create-groups/group-mailbox-size-management?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Migrating servers from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to Microsoft Defender for Cloud](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/migrating-mde-server-to-cloud?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Guest users in the Microsoft 365 admin center](/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-guest-users?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage guest access in Microsoft 365 groups](/microsoft-365/admin/create-groups/manage-guest-access-in-groups?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Use Microsoft Teams meetings with Blackboard Learn](/microsoft-365/lti/teams-meetings-with-blackboard-learn?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage data for Microsoft Whiteboard](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-data-organizations?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage sharing for Microsoft Whiteboard in GCC High environments](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-sharing-gcc-high?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage sharing for Microsoft Whiteboard](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-sharing-organizations?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Business Premium overview](/microsoft-365/business-premium/index?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Glossary of security terms for Microsoft 365 security capabilities](/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-glossary?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Use AllowSelfServicePurchase for the MSCommerce PowerShell module](/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/allowselfservicepurchase-powershell?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure and manage Microsoft Threat Experts capabilities](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-microsoft-threat-experts?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Device Installation](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mde-device-control-device-installation?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Review audit logs in Microsoft 365 Lighthouse](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-review-audit-logs?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management Public Preview](/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-vulnerability-management?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Upload Application Binaries](/microsoft-365/test-base/binaries?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Functional testing on Test Base](/microsoft-365/test-base/functional?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Memory regression analysis](/microsoft-365/test-base/memory?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Run your test on-demand](/microsoft-365/test-base/ondemandrun?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Test Base SDK for Python](/microsoft-365/test-base/pythonsdkoverview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Set your test tasks](/microsoft-365/test-base/testtask?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Preset security policies](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/preset-security-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Use Power Automate connectors to build Bookings workflows](/microsoft-365/bookings/power-automate-integration?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Learn about archive mailboxes for Microsoft Purview](/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-mailboxes?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Share DLP alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-share-alerts?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Enable auto-expanding archiving](/microsoft-365/compliance/enable-autoexpanding-archiving?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Azure AD configuration for content encrypted by Microsoft Purview Information Protection](/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-azure-ad-configuration?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create exact data match sensitive information type workflow classic experience](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-create-edm-sit-classic-ux-workflow?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create EDM SIT sample file for the new experience](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-create-edm-sit-unified-ux-sample-file?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create EDM SIT using the new experience](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-create-edm-sit-unified-ux-schema-rule-package?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create exact data match sensitive information type workflow new experience](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-create-edm-sit-unified-ux-workflow?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Get started with exact data match based sensitive information types](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-get-started-exact-data-match-based-sits-overview?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create the schema for exact data match based sensitive information types](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-get-started-exact-data-match-create-schema?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Export source data for exact data match based sensitive information type](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-get-started-exact-data-match-export-data?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Hash and upload the sensitive information source table for exact data match sensitive information types](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-get-started-exact-data-match-hash-upload?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Learn about exact data match based sensitive information types](/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sits?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Suspicious password-spray-related IP address activity alert](/microsoft-365/security/defender/alert-grading-password-spray?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [View and edit your security settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-configure-security-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Get help and support for Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-get-help?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Visit the Microsoft 365 Defender portal](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-get-started?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Understand next-generation protection configuration settings in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-next-gen-configuration-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Use setup wizard in Microsoft Defender for Business](/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-use-wizard?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Set preferences for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-preferences?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Introduction to Microsoft Whiteboard](/microsoft-365/whiteboard/index?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Detect and Remediate Illicit Consent Grants](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/detect-and-remediate-illicit-consent-grants?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Set up and configure the Moodle LMS plugins](/microsoft-365/lti/moodle-plugin-configuration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Set up and configure the Moodle LMS plugins for Open LMS](/microsoft-365/lti/open-lms-plugin-configuration?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Top 10 ways to secure your data - Best practices for small and medium-sized businesses](/microsoft-365/admin/security-and-compliance/secure-your-business-data?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Migrating servers from Microsoft Monitoring Agent to the unified solution](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/application-deployment-via-mecm?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard devices and configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-configure?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Supported Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities by platform](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/supported-capabilities-by-platform?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on iOS features](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on iOS](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-whatsnew?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Microsoft Defender Offline in Windows](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-offline?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Go to the Action center to view and approve your automated investigation and remediation tasks](/microsoft-365/security/defender/m365d-action-center?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Automated investigation and response in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/m365d-autoir?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Apply encryption using sensitivity labels](/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Onboard devices without Internet access to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-offline-machines?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure Microsoft 365 user account properties with PowerShell](/microsoft-365/enterprise/configure-user-account-properties-with-microsoft-365-powershell?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Configure and validate exclusions based on extension, name, or location](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-extension-file-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Data Residency for Other Microsoft 365 Services](/microsoft-365/enterprise/m365-dr-workload-other?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Manage Office Scripts settings](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/manage-office-scripts-settings?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Create and publish sensitivity labels](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-sensitivity-labels?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Delete items in the Recoverable Items folder of cloud-based mailboxes on hold - Admin Help](/microsoft-365/compliance/delete-items-in-the-recoverable-items-folder-of-mailboxes-on-hold?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Sensitivity labels in Office apps](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-office-apps?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Overview of sensitivity labels](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Enable sensitivity labels for Office files in SharePoint and OneDrive](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Test and deploy Microsoft 365 Apps](/microsoft-365/admin/manage/test-and-deploy-microsoft-365-apps?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Data loss prevention and Microsoft Teams](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-microsoft-teams?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/2/2023 | [Alert policies in the security and compliance centers](/microsoft-365/compliance/alert-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointments Call Quality Dashboard](/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments-call-quality?view=o365-worldwide) | added |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Configure alert notifications in Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/configure-email-notifications?view=o365-worldwide) | renamed |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Microsoft Teams Virtual Appointments usage report](/microsoft-365/frontline/virtual-appointments-usage-report?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Microsoft 365 Lighthouse frequently asked questions (FAQs)](/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-faq?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Advanced deployment guides for Microsoft 365 and Office 365 services](/microsoft-365/enterprise/setup-guides-for-microsoft-365?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/3/2023 | Data Loss Prevention Reference | removed |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Data loss prevention and Microsoft Teams](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-microsoft-teams?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Get started with the Microsoft Service Trust Portal](/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-with-service-trust-portal?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
+| 2/3/2023 | [Set up the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS policies in Jamf Pro](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-jamfpro-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
++ ## Week of January 23, 2023
| 1/6/2023 | [Switch to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Prepare](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/switch-to-mde-phase-1?view=o365-worldwide) | modified | | 1/6/2023 | [Common Zero Trust identity and device access policies - Microsoft 365 for enterprise](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/identity-access-policies?view=o365-worldwide) | modified | | 1/6/2023 | [Top 12 tasks for security teams to support working from home](/microsoft-365/security/top-security-tasks-for-remote-work?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |--
-## Week of December 26, 2022
-| Published On |Topic title | Change |
-| 12/28/2022 | [Working with improvement actions in Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-improvement-actions?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 12/28/2022 | [Get started with Microsoft Purview Compliance Manager](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-setup?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 12/28/2022 | [Deploy and manage Removable Storage Access Control using Intune](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deploy-manage-removable-storage-intune?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
-| 12/29/2022 | [Manage submissions](/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/submissions-admin?view=o365-worldwide) | modified |
security Mdb Asr https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-asr.md
description: Get an overview of attack surface reduction capabilities in Microso
Previously updated : 01/26/2023 Last updated : 02/03/2023
ms.localizationpriority: medium
- m365-security - tier1-+ search.appverid: MET150 f1.keywords: NOCSH audience: Admin
If you prefer, you can set up your ASR rules by using Microsoft Intune.
2. Under **Endpoints**, choose **Attack surface reduction rules**. The report opens and includes three tabs: - **Detections**, where you can view detections that occurred as a result of attack surface reduction rules
- - **Configuration**, where you can apply attack surface reduction rules to devices
+ - **Configuration**, where you can view data for standard protection rules or additional ASR rules
- **Add exclusions**, where you can add items to be excluded from attack surface reduction rules (use these sparingly; every exclusion reduces your level of security protection) To learn more about ASR rules, see the following articles:
security Mdb Reports https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-business/mdb-reports.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium Previously updated : 10/28/2022- Last updated : 02/03/2023+ f1.keywords: NOCSH - SMB
Several reports are available in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal ([https://sec
| **Web protection** | The web protection report shows attempts to access phishing sites, malware vectors, exploit sites, untrusted or low-reputation sites, and sites that are explicitly blocked. Categories of blocked sites include adult content, leisure sites, legal liability sites, and more. To access this report, in the navigation pane, choose **Reports** > **Endpoints** > **Web protection**.<br/><br/>If you haven't yet configured web protection for your company, choose the **Settings** button in a report view. Then, under **Rules**, choose **Web content filtering**. To learn more about web content filtering, see [Web content filtering](../defender-endpoint/web-content-filtering.md). | | **Firewall** | The firewall report shows blocked inbound, outbound, and app connections. This report also shows remote IPs connected by multiple devices, and remote IPs with the most connection attempts. <br/><br/>If you haven't yet configured your firewall protection, in the navigation pane, choose **Endpoints** > **Configuration management** > **Device configuration**. To learn more, see [Firewall in Defender for Business](mdb-firewall.md). | | **Device control** | The device control report shows information about media usage, such as the use of removable storage devices in your organization. |
-| **Attack surface reduction rules** <br/>*(NEW!)* | The attack surface reduction rules report has three tabs: **Detections** (to show blocked or audited detections); **Configuration** (enabling you to implement standard protection rules quickly, by using a single toggle); and **Add exclusions** (enabling you to define exclusions, if needed). To access this report, in the navigation pane, choose **Reports** > **Endpoints** > Attack surface reduction rules**. <br/><br/>To learn more, see [Attack surface reduction capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Business](mdb-asr.md). |
+| **Attack surface reduction rules** <br/>*(NEW!)* | The attack surface reduction rules report has three tabs: **Detections** (to show blocked or audited detections); **Configuration** (enabling you to filter on standard protection rules or additional ASR rules); and **Add exclusions** (enabling you to define exclusions, if needed). To access this report, in the navigation pane, choose **Reports** > **Endpoints** > Attack surface reduction rules**. <br/><br/>To learn more, see [Attack surface reduction capabilities in Microsoft Defender for Business](mdb-asr.md). |
## See also
security Configure Advanced Scan Types Microsoft Defender Antivirus https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-advanced-scan-types-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
-+ Previously updated : 12/03/2021 Last updated : 02/06/2023 - m365-security - tier2
For details on configuring Microsoft Endpoint Manager (current branch), see [How
|Scan [reparse points](/windows/win32/fileio/reparse-points) <p> **Scan** \> **Turn on reparse point scanning**|Disabled|Not available <p>See [Reparse points](/windows/win32/fileio/reparse-points)| |Scan mapped network drives <p> **Scan** \> **Run full scan on mapped network drives**|Disabled|`-DisableScanningMappedNetworkDrivesForFullScan`| |Scan archive files (such as .zip or .rar files). <p> **Scan** \> **Scan archive files**|Enabled|`-DisableArchiveScanning` <p>The [extensions exclusion list](configure-extension-file-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) will take precedence over this setting.|
-|Scan files on the network <p> **Scan** \> **Scan network files**|Disabled|`-DisableScanningNetworkFiles`|
+|Scan files on the network <p> **Scan** \> **Scan network files**|Enabled|`-DisableScanningNetworkFiles`|
|Scan packed executables <p> **Scan** \> **Scan packed executables**|Enabled|Not available| |Scan removable drives during full scans only <p> **Scan** \> **Scan removable drives**|Disabled|`-DisableRemovableDriveScanning`| |Specify the level of subfolders within an archive folder to scan <p>**Scan** \> **Specify the maximum depth to scan archive files**|0|Not available|
security Configure Endpoints Gp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-endpoints-gp.md
Browse to **Computer Configuration** \> **Policies** \> **Administrative Templat
2. Browse to **Computer Configuration** > **Policies** > **Administrative Templates** > **Windows Components** > **Windows Defender SmartScreen** > **Microsoft Edge**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/config-windows-def-smartscr-explorer.png" alt-text="Configure windows defender smart screen Edge" lightbox="images/config-windows-def-smartscr-explorer.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/config-windows-def-smartscr-edge.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows configure windows defender smart screen Edge." lightbox="images/config-windows-def-smartscr-edge.png":::
### Configure Potentially Unwanted Applications
security Mac Jamfpro Device Groups https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-jamfpro-device-groups.md
Set up the device groups similar to Group policy organizational unite (OUs), Mi
:::image type="content" source="images/contoso-machine-group.png" alt-text="The Jamf Pro3 page" lightbox="images/contoso-machine-group.png":::
+> [!NOTE]
+> You are not required to use static groups. It is often more convenient and flexible to use e.g. [JAMF Pro's smart groups](https://docs.jamf.com/10.40.0/jamf-pro/documentation/Smart_Groups.html) instead.
+ ## Next step - [Set up Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS policies in Jamf Pro](mac-jamfpro-policies.md)
security Mac Jamfpro Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-jamfpro-policies.md
You'll need to take the following steps:
7. [Approve Kernel extension for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](#step-7-approve-kernel-extension-for-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint) 8. [Approve System extensions for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](#step-8-approve-system-extensions-for-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint) 9. [Configure Network Extension](#step-9-configure-network-extension)
-10. [Schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/mac-schedule-scan-atp)
-11. [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS](#step-11-deploy-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-on-macos)
+10. [Configure Background Services](#step-10-configure-background-services)
+11. [Schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/mac-schedule-scan-atp)
+12. [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS](#step-12-deploy-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-on-macos)
## Step 1: Get the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint onboarding package
You'll need to take the following steps:
2. Select macOS as the operating system and Mobile Device Management / Microsoft Intune as the deployment method.
- :::image type="content" source="images/onboarding-macos.png" alt-text="The Settings page of the Microsoft Defender Security Center" lightbox="images/onboarding-macos.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/onboarding-macos.png" alt-text="The Settings page of the Microsoft Defender Security Center." lightbox="images/onboarding-macos.png":::
3. Select **Download onboarding package** (WindowsDefenderATPOnboardingPackage.zip).
You'll need to take the following steps:
1. Locate the file `WindowsDefenderATPOnboarding.plist` from the previous section.
- :::image type="content" source="images/plist-onboarding-file.png" alt-text="The Windows Defender ATP Onboarding file" lightbox="images/plist-onboarding-file.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/plist-onboarding-file.png" alt-text="The Windows Defender ATP Onboarding file." lightbox="images/plist-onboarding-file.png":::
2. Sign in to Jamf Pro, navigate to **Computers** > **Configuration Profiles**, and select **New**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamf-pro-configure-profile.png" alt-text="The page on which you create a new Jamf Pro dashboard" lightbox="images/jamf-pro-configure-profile.png":::
-3. Enter the following details:
- **General**:
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamf-pro-configure-profile.png" alt-text="The page on which you create a new Jamf Pro dashboard." lightbox="images/jamf-pro-configure-profile.png":::
+3. Enter the following details in the **General** tab:
- Name: MDE onboarding for macOS - Description: MDE EDR onboarding for macOS - Category: None
You'll need to take the following steps:
4. Navigate to the **Application & Custom Settings** page and select **Upload** > **Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-mac-profile.png" alt-text="The configurate app and custom settings" lightbox="images/jamfpro-mac-profile.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-mac-profile.png" alt-text="The configurate app and custom settings." lightbox="images/jamfpro-mac-profile.png":::
5. Select **Upload File (PLIST file)** then in **Preference Domain** enter: `com.microsoft.wdav.atp`.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-plist-upload.png" alt-text="The jamfpro plist upload file" lightbox="images/jamfpro-plist-upload.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-plist-upload.png" alt-text="The jamfpro plist upload file." lightbox="images/jamfpro-plist-upload.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-plist-file.png" alt-text="The upload file property List file" lightbox="images/jamfpro-plist-file.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-plist-file.png" alt-text="The upload file property List file." lightbox="images/jamfpro-plist-file.png":::
6. Select **Open** and select the onboarding file.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-plist-file-onboard.png" alt-text="The onboarding file" lightbox="images/jamfpro-plist-file-onboard.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-plist-file-onboard.png" alt-text="The onboarding file." lightbox="images/jamfpro-plist-file-onboard.png":::
7. Select **Upload**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-upload-plist.png" alt-text="The uploading plist file" lightbox="images/jamfpro-upload-plist.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-upload-plist.png" alt-text="The uploading plist file." lightbox="images/jamfpro-upload-plist.png":::
8. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-scope-tab.png" alt-text="The Scope tab" lightbox="images/jamfpro-scope-tab.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-scope-tab.png" alt-text="The Scope tab." lightbox="images/jamfpro-scope-tab.png":::
9. Select the target computers.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-target-computer.png" alt-text="The target computers" lightbox="images/jamfpro-target-computer.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-target-computer.png" alt-text="The target computers." lightbox="images/jamfpro-target-computer.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-targets.png" alt-text="The targets" lightbox="images/jamfpro-targets.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-targets.png" alt-text="The targets." lightbox="images/jamfpro-targets.png":::
10. Select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-deployment-target.png" alt-text="The deployment of target computers" lightbox="images/jamfpro-deployment-target.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-deployment-target.png" alt-text="The deployment of target computers." lightbox="images/jamfpro-deployment-target.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-target-selected.png" alt-text="The selection of target computers" lightbox="images/jamfpro-target-selected.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-target-selected.png" alt-text="The selection of target computers." lightbox="images/jamfpro-target-selected.png":::
11. Select **Done**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-target-group.png" alt-text="The computers of a target group" lightbox="images/jamfpro-target-group.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-target-group.png" alt-text="The computers of a target group." lightbox="images/jamfpro-target-group.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-configuration-policies.png" alt-text="The list of configuration profiles" lightbox="images/jamfpro-configuration-policies.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/jamfpro-configuration-policies.png" alt-text="The list of configuration profiles." lightbox="images/jamfpro-configuration-policies.png":::
## Step 3: Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint settings
Note that you must use exact `com.microsoft.wdav` as the **Preference Domain**,
2. Create a new Configuration Profile under Computers -> Configuration Profiles, enter the following details on the **General** tab:
- :::image type="content" source="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png" alt-text="A new profile" lightbox="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png" alt-text="A new profile." lightbox="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png":::
- Name: MDATP MDAV configuration settings - Description:\<blank\>
Note that you must use exact `com.microsoft.wdav` as the **Preference Domain**,
3. Scroll down to the **Application & Custom Settings** tab, select **External Applications**, click **Add** and use **Custom Schema** as Source to use for the preference domain.
- :::image type="content" source="images/4137189bc3204bb09eed3aabc41afd78.png" alt-text="Add custom schema" lightbox="images/4137189bc3204bb09eed3aabc41afd78.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/4137189bc3204bb09eed3aabc41afd78.png" alt-text="Add custom schema." lightbox="images/4137189bc3204bb09eed3aabc41afd78.png":::
-4. Enter `com.microsoft.wdav` as the Preference Domain, click on **Add Schema** and **Upload** the schema.json file downloaded on Step 1. Click **Save**.
+4. Enter `com.microsoft.wdav` as the Preference Domain, select **Add Schema** and **Upload** the schema.json file downloaded on Step 1. Click **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/a6f9f556037c42fabcfdcb1b697244cf.png" alt-text="Upload schema" lightbox="images/a6f9f556037c42fabcfdcb1b697244cf.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/a6f9f556037c42fabcfdcb1b697244cf.png" alt-text="Upload schema." lightbox="images/a6f9f556037c42fabcfdcb1b697244cf.png":::
5. You can see all supported Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configuration settings below, under **Preference Domain Properties**. Click **Add/Remove properties** to select the settings that you want to be managed, and click **Ok** to save your changes. (Settings left unselected will not be included into the managed configuration, an end user will be able to configure those settings on their machines.)
- :::image type="content" source="images/817b3b760d11467abe9bdd519513f54f.png" alt-text="The chosen managed settings" lightbox="images/817b3b760d11467abe9bdd519513f54f.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/817b3b760d11467abe9bdd519513f54f.png" alt-text="The chosen managed settings." lightbox="images/817b3b760d11467abe9bdd519513f54f.png":::
6. Change values of the settings to desired values. You can click **More information** to get documentation for a particular setting. (You may click **Plist preview** to inspect what the configuration plist will look like. Click **Form editor** to return to the visual editor.)
- :::image type="content" source="images/a14a79efd5c041bb8974cb5b12b3a9b6.png" alt-text="The page on which you change the settings values" lightbox="images/a14a79efd5c041bb8974cb5b12b3a9b6.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/a14a79efd5c041bb8974cb5b12b3a9b6.png" alt-text="The page on which you change the settings values." lightbox="images/a14a79efd5c041bb8974cb5b12b3a9b6.png":::
7. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png" alt-text="The Configuration profile scope" lightbox="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png" alt-text="The Configuration profile scope." lightbox="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png":::
8. Select **Contoso's Machine Group**. 9. Select **Add**, then select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png" alt-text="The page on which you can add the Configuration settings" lightbox="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png" alt-text="The page on which you can add the Configuration settings." lightbox="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png" alt-text="The page on which you can save the Configuration settings" lightbox="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png" alt-text="The page on which you can save the Configuration settings." lightbox="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png":::
10. Select **Done**. You'll see the new **Configuration profile**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png" alt-text="The page on which you complete the Configuration settings" lightbox="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png" alt-text="The page on which you complete the Configuration settings." lightbox="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png":::
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint adds new settings over time. These new settings will be added to the schema, and a new version will be published to GitHub. All you need to do to have updates is to download an updated schema, edit existing configuration profile, and **Edit schema** at the **Application & Custom Settings** tab.
All you need to do to have updates is to download an updated schema, edit existi
3. In the Jamf Pro dashboard, open **Computers**, and their **Configuration Profiles**. Click **New** and switch to the **General** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png" alt-text="The page displaying a new profile" lightbox="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png" alt-text="The page displaying a new profile." lightbox="images/644e0f3af40c29e80ca1443535b2fe32.png":::
-4. Enter the following details:
- **General**
+4. Enter the following details on the **General** tab:
- Name: MDATP MDAV configuration settings - Description:\<blank\> - Category: None (default)
- - Distribution Method: Install Automatically(default)
- - Level: Computer Level(default)
+ - Distribution Method: Install Automatically (default)
+ - Level: Computer Level (default)
- :::image type="content" source="images/3160906404bc5a2edf84d1d015894e3b.png" alt-text="The MDATP MDAV configuration settings" lightbox="images/3160906404bc5a2edf84d1d015894e3b.png":::
+5. In **Application & Custom Settings**, select **Configure**.
-5. In **Application & Custom Settings** select **Configure**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/e1cc1e48ec9d5d688087b4d771e668d2.png" alt-text="The application and custom settings" lightbox="images/e1cc1e48ec9d5d688087b4d771e668d2.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/3160906404bc5a2edf84d1d015894e3b.png" alt-text="The MDATP MDAV configuration settings." lightbox="images/3160906404bc5a2edf84d1d015894e3b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/e1cc1e48ec9d5d688087b4d771e668d2.png" alt-text="The application and custom settings." lightbox="images/e1cc1e48ec9d5d688087b4d771e668d2.png":::
6. Select **Upload File (PLIST file)**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/6f85269276b2278eca4bce84f935f87b.png" alt-text="The configuration settings plist file" lightbox="images/6f85269276b2278eca4bce84f935f87b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6f85269276b2278eca4bce84f935f87b.png" alt-text="The configuration settings plist file." lightbox="images/6f85269276b2278eca4bce84f935f87b.png":::
7. In **Preferences Domain**, enter `com.microsoft.wdav`, then select **Upload PLIST File**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/db15f147dd959e872a044184711d7d46.png" alt-text="The configuration settings preferences domain" lightbox="images/db15f147dd959e872a044184711d7d46.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/db15f147dd959e872a044184711d7d46.png" alt-text="The configuration settings preferences domain." lightbox="images/db15f147dd959e872a044184711d7d46.png":::
8. Select **Choose File**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/526e978761fc571cca06907da7b01fd6.png" alt-text="The prompt to choose the plist file" lightbox="images/526e978761fc571cca06907da7b01fd6.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/526e978761fc571cca06907da7b01fd6.png" alt-text="The prompt to choose the plist file." lightbox="images/526e978761fc571cca06907da7b01fd6.png":::
9. Select the **MDATP_MDAV_configuration_settings.plist**, then select **Open**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/98acea3750113b8dbab334296e833003.png" alt-text="The mdatpmdav configuration settings" lightbox="images/98acea3750113b8dbab334296e833003.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/98acea3750113b8dbab334296e833003.png" alt-text="The mdatpmdav configuration settings." lightbox="images/98acea3750113b8dbab334296e833003.png":::
10. Select **Upload**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0adb21c13206861ba9b30a879ade93d3.png" alt-text="The configuration setting upload" lightbox="images/0adb21c13206861ba9b30a879ade93d3.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0adb21c13206861ba9b30a879ade93d3.png" alt-text="The configuration setting upload." lightbox="images/0adb21c13206861ba9b30a879ade93d3.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/f624de59b3cc86e3e2d32ae5de093e02.png" alt-text="The prompt to upload the image related to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/f624de59b3cc86e3e2d32ae5de093e02.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/f624de59b3cc86e3e2d32ae5de093e02.png" alt-text="The prompt to upload the image related to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/f624de59b3cc86e3e2d32ae5de093e02.png":::
> [!NOTE] > If you happen to upload the Intune file, you'll get the following error: >
- > :::image type="content" source="images/8e69f867664668796a3b2904896f0436.png" alt-text="The prompt to upload the intune file related to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/8e69f867664668796a3b2904896f0436.png":::
+ > :::image type="content" source="images/8e69f867664668796a3b2904896f0436.png" alt-text="The prompt to upload the intune file related to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/8e69f867664668796a3b2904896f0436.png":::
11. Select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/1b6b5a4edcb42d97f1e70a6a0fa48e3a.png" alt-text="The option to save the image related to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/1b6b5a4edcb42d97f1e70a6a0fa48e3a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/1b6b5a4edcb42d97f1e70a6a0fa48e3a.png" alt-text="The option to save the image related to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/1b6b5a4edcb42d97f1e70a6a0fa48e3a.png":::
12. The file is uploaded.
- :::image type="content" source="images/33e2b2a1611fdddf6b5b79e54496e3bb.png" alt-text="The uploaded file related to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/33e2b2a1611fdddf6b5b79e54496e3bb.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/33e2b2a1611fdddf6b5b79e54496e3bb.png" alt-text="The uploaded file related to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/33e2b2a1611fdddf6b5b79e54496e3bb.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/a422e57fe8d45689227e784443e51bd1.png" alt-text="The configuration settings page" lightbox="images/a422e57fe8d45689227e784443e51bd1.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/a422e57fe8d45689227e784443e51bd1.png" alt-text="The configuration settings page." lightbox="images/a422e57fe8d45689227e784443e51bd1.png":::
13. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png" alt-text="The scope for the configuration settings" lightbox="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png" alt-text="The scope for the configuration settings." lightbox="images/9fc17529e5577eefd773c658ec576a7d.png":::
14. Select **Contoso's Machine Group**. 15. Select **Add**, then select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png" alt-text="The configuration settings addsav" lightbox="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png" alt-text="The configuration settings addsav." lightbox="images/cf30438b5512ac89af1d11cbf35219a6.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png" alt-text="The notification of configuration settings" lightbox="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png" alt-text="The notification of configuration settings." lightbox="images/6f093e42856753a3955cab7ee14f12d9.png":::
16. Select **Done**. You'll see the new **Configuration profile**. ![Image of configuration settings config profile image.](images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png)
- :::image type="content" source="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png" alt-text="The config profile's settings" lightbox="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png" alt-text="The config profile's settings." lightbox="images/dd55405106da0dfc2f50f8d4525b01c8.png":::
## Step 4: Configure notifications settings
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
1. In the Jamf Pro dashboard, select **Computers**, then **Configuration Profiles**.
-2. Click **New**, and enter the following details for **Options**:
+2. Click **New**, and enter the following details in the **General** tab for **Options**:
- - Tab **General**:
- - **Name**: MDATP MDAV Notification settings
- - **Description**: macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later
- - **Category**: None *(default)*
- - **Distribution Method**: Install Automatically *(default)*
- - **Level**: Computer Level *(default)*
+ - **Name**: MDATP MDAV Notification settings
+ - **Description**: macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later
+ - **Category**: None *(default)*
+ - **Distribution Method**: Install Automatically *(default)*
+ - **Level**: Computer Level *(default)*
- :::image type="content" source="images/c9820a5ff84aaf21635c04a23a97ca93.png" alt-text="The new macOS configuration profile page" lightbox="images/c9820a5ff84aaf21635c04a23a97ca93.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/c9820a5ff84aaf21635c04a23a97ca93.png" alt-text="The new macOS configuration profile page." lightbox="images/c9820a5ff84aaf21635c04a23a97ca93.png":::
- Tab **Notifications**, click **Add**, and enter the following values: - **Bundle ID**: `com.microsoft.wdav.tray`
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
- **Notifications in Notification Center**: Click **Display** - **Badge app icon**: Click **Display**
- :::image type="content" source="images/7f9138053dbcbf928e5182ee7b295ebe.png" alt-text="The configuration settings mdatpmdav notifications tray" lightbox="images/7f9138053dbcbf928e5182ee7b295ebe.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/7f9138053dbcbf928e5182ee7b295ebe.png" alt-text="The configuration settings mdatpmdav notifications tray." lightbox="images/7f9138053dbcbf928e5182ee7b295ebe.png":::
- Tab **Notifications**, click **Add** one more time, scroll down to **New Notifications Settings** - **Bundle ID**: `com.microsoft.autoupdate.fba` - Configure the rest of the settings to the same values as above
- :::image type="content" source="images/4bac6ce277aedfb4a674f2d9fcb2599a.png" alt-text="The configuration settings mdatpmdav notifications mau" lightbox="images/4bac6ce277aedfb4a674f2d9fcb2599a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/4bac6ce277aedfb4a674f2d9fcb2599a.png" alt-text="The configuration settings mdatpmdav notifications mau." lightbox="images/4bac6ce277aedfb4a674f2d9fcb2599a.png":::
Note that now you have two 'tables' with notification configurations, one for **Bundle ID: com.microsoft.wdav.tray**, and another for **Bundle ID: com.microsoft.autoupdate.fba**. While you can configure alert settings per your requirements, Bundle IDs must be exactly the same as described before, and **Include** switch must be **On** for **Notifications**. 3. Select the **Scope** tab, then select **Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/441aa2ecd36abadcdd8aed03556080b5.png" alt-text="The page on which you can add values for the configuration settings" lightbox="images/441aa2ecd36abadcdd8aed03556080b5.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/441aa2ecd36abadcdd8aed03556080b5.png" alt-text="The page on which you can add values for the configuration settings." lightbox="images/441aa2ecd36abadcdd8aed03556080b5.png":::
4. Select **Contoso's Machine Group**. 5. Select **Add**, then select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/09a275e321268e5e3ac0c0865d3e2db5.png" alt-text="The page on which you can save values for the configuration settings contoso machine group" lightbox="images/09a275e321268e5e3ac0c0865d3e2db5.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/09a275e321268e5e3ac0c0865d3e2db5.png" alt-text="The page on which you can save values for the configuration settings contoso machine group." lightbox="images/09a275e321268e5e3ac0c0865d3e2db5.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/4d2d1d4ee13d3f840f425924c3df0d51.png" alt-text="The page that displays the completion notification of the configuration settings" lightbox="images/4d2d1d4ee13d3f840f425924c3df0d51.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/4d2d1d4ee13d3f840f425924c3df0d51.png" alt-text="The page that displays the completion notification of the configuration settings." lightbox="images/4d2d1d4ee13d3f840f425924c3df0d51.png":::
6. Select **Done**. You'll see the new **Configuration profile**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/633ad26b8bf24ec683c98b2feb884bdf.png" alt-text="The completed configuration settings" lightbox="images/633ad26b8bf24ec683c98b2feb884bdf.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/633ad26b8bf24ec683c98b2feb884bdf.png" alt-text="The completed configuration settings." lightbox="images/633ad26b8bf24ec683c98b2feb884bdf.png":::
## Step 5: Configure Microsoft AutoUpdate (MAU)
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
3. In the Jamf Pro dashboard, select **General**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/eaba2a23dd34f73bf59e826217ba6f15.png" alt-text="The configuration settings" lightbox="images/eaba2a23dd34f73bf59e826217ba6f15.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/eaba2a23dd34f73bf59e826217ba6f15.png" alt-text="The configuration settings." lightbox="images/eaba2a23dd34f73bf59e826217ba6f15.png":::
-4. Enter the following details:
- **General**
+4. Enter the following details on the **General** tab:
- Name: MDATP MDAV MAU settings - Description: Microsoft AutoUpdate settings for MDATP for macOS
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
5. In **Application & Custom Settings** select **Configure**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/1f72e9c15eaafcabf1504397e99be311.png" alt-text="The configuration setting application and custom settings" lightbox="images/1f72e9c15eaafcabf1504397e99be311.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/1f72e9c15eaafcabf1504397e99be311.png" alt-text="The configuration setting application and custom settings." lightbox="images/1f72e9c15eaafcabf1504397e99be311.png":::
6. Select **Upload File (PLIST file)**. 7. In **Preference Domain** enter: `com.microsoft.autoupdate2`, then select **Upload PLIST File**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/1213872db5833aa8be535da57653219f.png" alt-text="The configuration setting preference domain" lightbox="images/1213872db5833aa8be535da57653219f.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/1213872db5833aa8be535da57653219f.png" alt-text="The configuration setting preference domain." lightbox="images/1213872db5833aa8be535da57653219f.png":::
8. Select **Choose File**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/335aff58950ce62d1dabc289ecdce9ed.png" alt-text="The prompt to choose the file regarding configuration setting" lightbox="images/335aff58950ce62d1dabc289ecdce9ed.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/335aff58950ce62d1dabc289ecdce9ed.png" alt-text="The prompt to choose the file regarding configuration setting." lightbox="images/335aff58950ce62d1dabc289ecdce9ed.png":::
9. Select **MDATP_MDAV_MAU_settings.plist**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/a26bd4967cd54bb113a2c8d32894c3de.png" alt-text="The mdatpmdavmau settings" lightbox="images/a26bd4967cd54bb113a2c8d32894c3de.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/a26bd4967cd54bb113a2c8d32894c3de.png" alt-text="The mdatpmdavmau settings." lightbox="images/a26bd4967cd54bb113a2c8d32894c3de.png":::
10. Select **Upload**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/4239ca0528efb0734e4ca0b490bfb22d.png" alt-text="The upload of the file regarding configuration setting" lightbox="images/4239ca0528efb0734e4ca0b490bfb22d.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/4239ca0528efb0734e4ca0b490bfb22d.png" alt-text="The upload of the file regarding configuration setting." lightbox="images/4239ca0528efb0734e4ca0b490bfb22d.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/4ec20e72c8aed9a4c16912e01692436a.png" alt-text="The page displaying the upload option for the file regarding configuration setting" lightbox="images/4ec20e72c8aed9a4c16912e01692436a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/4ec20e72c8aed9a4c16912e01692436a.png" alt-text="The page displaying the upload option for the file regarding configuration setting." lightbox="images/4ec20e72c8aed9a4c16912e01692436a.png":::
11. Select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/253274b33e74f3f5b8d475cf8692ce4e.png" alt-text="The page displaying the save option for the file regarding configuration setting" lightbox="images/253274b33e74f3f5b8d475cf8692ce4e.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/253274b33e74f3f5b8d475cf8692ce4e.png" alt-text="The page displaying the save option for the file regarding configuration setting." lightbox="images/253274b33e74f3f5b8d475cf8692ce4e.png":::
12. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/10ab98358b2d602f3f67618735fa82fb.png" alt-text="The Scope tab for the configuration settings" lightbox="images/10ab98358b2d602f3f67618735fa82fb.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/10ab98358b2d602f3f67618735fa82fb.png" alt-text="The Scope tab for the configuration settings." lightbox="images/10ab98358b2d602f3f67618735fa82fb.png":::
13. Select **Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/56e6f6259b9ce3c1706ed8d666ae4947.png" alt-text="The option to add deployment targets" lightbox="images/56e6f6259b9ce3c1706ed8d666ae4947.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/56e6f6259b9ce3c1706ed8d666ae4947.png" alt-text="The option to add deployment targets." lightbox="images/56e6f6259b9ce3c1706ed8d666ae4947.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/38c67ee1905c4747c3b26c8eba57726b.png" alt-text="The page on which you add more values to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/38c67ee1905c4747c3b26c8eba57726b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/38c67ee1905c4747c3b26c8eba57726b.png" alt-text="The page on which you add more values to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/38c67ee1905c4747c3b26c8eba57726b.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/321ba245f14743c1d5d51c15e99deecc.png" alt-text="The page on which you can add more values to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/321ba245f14743c1d5d51c15e99deecc.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/321ba245f14743c1d5d51c15e99deecc.png" alt-text="The page on which you can add more values to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/321ba245f14743c1d5d51c15e99deecc.png":::
14. Select **Done**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/ba44cdb77e4781aa8b940fb83e3c21f7.png" alt-text="The completion notification regarding the configuration settings" lightbox="images/ba44cdb77e4781aa8b940fb83e3c21f7.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/ba44cdb77e4781aa8b940fb83e3c21f7.png" alt-text="The completion notification regarding the configuration settings." lightbox="images/ba44cdb77e4781aa8b940fb83e3c21f7.png":::
## Step 6: Grant full disk access to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 1. In the Jamf Pro dashboard, select **Configuration Profiles**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/264493cd01e62c7085659d6fdc26dc91.png" alt-text="The profile for which settings are to be configured" lightbox="images/264493cd01e62c7085659d6fdc26dc91.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/264493cd01e62c7085659d6fdc26dc91.png" alt-text="The profile for which settings are to be configured." lightbox="images/264493cd01e62c7085659d6fdc26dc91.png":::
2. Select **+ New**.
-3. Enter the following details:
+3. Enter the following details on the **General** tab:
- **General**
- Name: MDATP MDAV - grant Full Disk Access to EDR and AV - Description: On macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later, the new Privacy Preferences Policy Control - Category: None - Distribution method: Install Automatically - Level: Computer level
- :::image type="content" source="images/ba3d40399e1a6d09214ecbb2b341923f.png" alt-text="The configuration setting in general" lightbox="images/ba3d40399e1a6d09214ecbb2b341923f.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/ba3d40399e1a6d09214ecbb2b341923f.png" alt-text="The configuration setting in general." lightbox="images/ba3d40399e1a6d09214ecbb2b341923f.png":::
4. In **Configure Privacy Preferences Policy Control** select **Configure**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/715ae7ec8d6a262c489f94d14e1e51bb.png" alt-text="The configuration privacy policy control" lightbox="images/715ae7ec8d6a262c489f94d14e1e51bb.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/715ae7ec8d6a262c489f94d14e1e51bb.png" alt-text="The configuration privacy policy control." lightbox="images/715ae7ec8d6a262c489f94d14e1e51bb.png":::
5. In **Privacy Preferences Policy Control**, enter the following details:
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
- Identifier Type: Bundle ID - Code Requirement: `identifier "com.microsoft.wdav" and anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] /* exists */ and certificate leaf[subject.OU] = UBF8T346G9`
- :::image type="content" source="images/22cb439de958101c0a12f3038f905b27.png" alt-text="The configuration setting privacy preference policy control details" lightbox="images/22cb439de958101c0a12f3038f905b27.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/22cb439de958101c0a12f3038f905b27.png" alt-text="The configuration setting privacy preference policy control details." lightbox="images/22cb439de958101c0a12f3038f905b27.png":::
6. Select **+ Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/bd93e78b74c2660a0541af4690dd9485.png" alt-text="The configuration setting add system policy all files option" lightbox="images/bd93e78b74c2660a0541af4690dd9485.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/bd93e78b74c2660a0541af4690dd9485.png" alt-text="The configuration setting add system policy all files option." lightbox="images/bd93e78b74c2660a0541af4690dd9485.png":::
- Under App or service: Set to **SystemPolicyAllFiles**
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
7. Select **Save** (not the one at the bottom right).
- :::image type="content" source="images/6de50b4a897408ddc6ded56a09c09fe2.png" alt-text="The save operation for the configuration setting" lightbox="images/6de50b4a897408ddc6ded56a09c09fe2.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6de50b4a897408ddc6ded56a09c09fe2.png" alt-text="The save operation for the configuration setting." lightbox="images/6de50b4a897408ddc6ded56a09c09fe2.png":::
8. Click the `+` sign next to **App Access** to add a new entry.
- :::image type="content" source="images/tcc-add-entry.png" alt-text="The save operation relating to the configuration setting" lightbox="images/tcc-add-entry.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/tcc-add-entry.png" alt-text="The save operation relating to the configuration setting." lightbox="images/tcc-add-entry.png":::
9. Enter the following details:
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
10. Select **+ Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/tcc-epsext-entry.png" alt-text="The configuration setting tcc epsext entry" lightbox="images/tcc-epsext-entry.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/tcc-epsext-entry.png" alt-text="The configuration setting tcc epsext entry." lightbox="images/tcc-epsext-entry.png":::
- Under App or service: Set to **SystemPolicyAllFiles**
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
11. Select **Save** (not the one at the bottom right).
- :::image type="content" source="images/tcc-epsext-entry2.png" alt-text="The other instance of configuration setting tcc epsext" lightbox="images/tcc-epsext-entry2.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/tcc-epsext-entry2.png" alt-text="The other instance of configuration setting tcc epsext." lightbox="images/tcc-epsext-entry2.png":::
12. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/2c49b16cd112729b3719724f581e6882.png" alt-text="The page depicting the scope for the configuration setting" lightbox="images/2c49b16cd112729b3719724f581e6882.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/2c49b16cd112729b3719724f581e6882.png" alt-text="The page depicting the scope for the configuration setting." lightbox="images/2c49b16cd112729b3719724f581e6882.png":::
13. Select **+ Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/57cef926d1b9260fb74a5f460cee887a.png" alt-text="The page depicting the configuration setting" lightbox="images/57cef926d1b9260fb74a5f460cee887a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/57cef926d1b9260fb74a5f460cee887a.png" alt-text="The page depicting the configuration setting." lightbox="images/57cef926d1b9260fb74a5f460cee887a.png":::
14. Select **Computer Groups** > under **Group Name** > select **Contoso's MachineGroup**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/368d35b3d6179af92ffdbfd93b226b69.png" alt-text="The configuration setting contoso machine group" lightbox="images/368d35b3d6179af92ffdbfd93b226b69.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/368d35b3d6179af92ffdbfd93b226b69.png" alt-text="The configuration setting contoso machine group." lightbox="images/368d35b3d6179af92ffdbfd93b226b69.png":::
15. Select **Add**.
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
17. Select **Done**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/809cef630281b64b8f07f20913b0039b.png" alt-text="The configuration setting contoso machine-group" lightbox="images/809cef630281b64b8f07f20913b0039b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/809cef630281b64b8f07f20913b0039b.png" alt-text="The configuration setting contoso machine-group." lightbox="images/809cef630281b64b8f07f20913b0039b.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png" alt-text="The configuration setting illustration" lightbox="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png" alt-text="The configuration setting illustration." lightbox="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png":::
Alternatively, you can download [fulldisk.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/fulldisk.mobileconfig) and upload it to JAMF Configuration Profiles as described in [Deploying Custom Configuration Profiles using Jamf Pro|Method 2: Upload a Configuration Profile to Jamf Pro](https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/articles/648/deploying-custom-configuration-profiles-using-jamf-pro).
Alternatively, you can download [fulldisk.mobileconfig](https://github.com/micro
1. In the **Configuration Profiles**, select **+ New**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png" alt-text="The social media post Description automatically generated" lightbox="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png":::
-2. Enter the following details:
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png" alt-text="The social media post Description automatically generated." lightbox="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png":::
- **General**
+2. Enter the following details on the **General** tab:
- Name: MDATP MDAV Kernel Extension - Description: MDATP kernel extension (kext)
Alternatively, you can download [fulldisk.mobileconfig](https://github.com/micro
- Distribution Method: Install Automatically - Level: Computer Level
- :::image type="content" source="images/24e290f5fc309932cf41f3a280d22c14.png" alt-text="The configuration settings mdatpmdav kernel" lightbox="images/24e290f5fc309932cf41f3a280d22c14.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/24e290f5fc309932cf41f3a280d22c14.png" alt-text="The configuration settings mdatpmdav kernel." lightbox="images/24e290f5fc309932cf41f3a280d22c14.png":::
3. In **Configure Approved Kernel Extensions** select **Configure**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/30be88b63abc5e8dde11b73f1b1ade6a.png" alt-text="The page displaying the configuration settings approved kernel extensions" lightbox="images/30be88b63abc5e8dde11b73f1b1ade6a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/30be88b63abc5e8dde11b73f1b1ade6a.png" alt-text="The page displaying the configuration settings approved kernel extensions." lightbox="images/30be88b63abc5e8dde11b73f1b1ade6a.png":::
-4. In **Approved Kernel Extensions** Enter the following details:
+4. In **Approved Kernel Extensions**, enter the following details:
- Display Name: Microsoft Corp. - Team ID: UBF8T346G9
- :::image type="content" source="images/39cf120d3ac3652292d8d1b6d057bd60.png" alt-text="The Approved Kernel Extensions pane" lightbox="images/39cf120d3ac3652292d8d1b6d057bd60.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/39cf120d3ac3652292d8d1b6d057bd60.png" alt-text="The Approved Kernel Extensions pane." lightbox="images/39cf120d3ac3652292d8d1b6d057bd60.png":::
5. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png" alt-text="The Scope tab for the configuration" lightbox="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png" alt-text="The Scope tab for the configuration." lightbox="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png":::
6. Select **+ Add**.
Alternatively, you can download [fulldisk.mobileconfig](https://github.com/micro
8. Select **+ Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png" alt-text="The page on which you define additional values for the configuration settings" lightbox="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png" alt-text="The page on which you define additional values for the configuration settings." lightbox="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png":::
9. Select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0add8019b85a453b47fa5c402c72761b.png" alt-text="The MDATP MDAV Kernel extension" lightbox="images/0add8019b85a453b47fa5c402c72761b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0add8019b85a453b47fa5c402c72761b.png" alt-text="The MDATP MDAV Kernel extension." lightbox="images/0add8019b85a453b47fa5c402c72761b.png":::
10. Select **Done**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/1c9bd3f68db20b80193dac18f33c22d0.png" alt-text="The Configuration Profiles details page" lightbox="images/1c9bd3f68db20b80193dac18f33c22d0.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/1c9bd3f68db20b80193dac18f33c22d0.png" alt-text="The Configuration Profiles details page." lightbox="images/1c9bd3f68db20b80193dac18f33c22d0.png":::
Alternatively, you can download [kext.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/kext.mobileconfig) and upload it to JAMF Configuration Profiles as described in [Deploying Custom Configuration Profiles using Jamf Pro|Method 2: Upload a Configuration Profile to Jamf Pro](https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/articles/648/deploying-custom-configuration-profiles-using-jamf-pro).
Alternatively, you can download [kext.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft
1. In the **Configuration Profiles**, select **+ New**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png" alt-text="The automatically generated social media post's description" lightbox="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png" alt-text="The automatically generated social media post's description." lightbox="images/6c8b406ee224335a8c65d06953dc756e.png":::
-2. Enter the following details:
- **General**
+2. Enter the following details on the **General** tab:
- Name: MDATP MDAV System Extensions - Description: MDATP system extensions
Alternatively, you can download [kext.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft
- Distribution Method: Install Automatically - Level: Computer Level
- :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-new-profile.png" alt-text="The configuration settings sysext new profile" lightbox="images/sysext-new-profile.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-new-profile.png" alt-text="The configuration settings sysext new profile." lightbox="images/sysext-new-profile.png":::
3. In **System Extensions** select **Configure**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-configure.png" alt-text="The pane with the Configure option for the system extensions" lightbox="images/sysext-configure.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-configure.png" alt-text="The pane with the Configure option for the system extensions." lightbox="images/sysext-configure.png":::
-4. In **System Extensions** enter the following details:
+4. In **System Extensions**, enter the following details:
- Display Name: Microsoft Corp. System Extensions - System Extension Types: Allowed System Extensions
Alternatively, you can download [kext.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft
- **com.microsoft.wdav.epsext** - **com.microsoft.wdav.netext**
- :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-configure2.png" alt-text="The MDATP MDAV system extensions pane" lightbox="images/sysext-configure2.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-configure2.png" alt-text="The MDATP MDAV system extensions pane." lightbox="images/sysext-configure2.png":::
5. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png" alt-text="The Target Computers selection pane" lightbox="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png" alt-text="The Target Computers selection pane." lightbox="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png":::
6. Select **+ Add**.
Alternatively, you can download [kext.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft
8. Select **+ Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png" alt-text="The New macOS Configuration Profile pane" lightbox="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png" alt-text="The New macOS Configuration Profile pane." lightbox="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png":::
9. Select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-scope.png" alt-text="The display of options regarding MDATP MDAV System Extensions" lightbox="images/sysext-scope.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-scope.png" alt-text="The display of options regarding MDATP MDAV System Extensions." lightbox="images/sysext-scope.png":::
10. Select **Done**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-final.png" alt-text="The configuration settings sysext - final" lightbox="images/sysext-final.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/sysext-final.png" alt-text="The configuration settings sysext - final." lightbox="images/sysext-final.png":::
## Step 9: Configure Network Extension
As part of the Endpoint Detection and Response capabilities, Microsoft Defender
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later. - 1. In the Jamf Pro dashboard, select **Computers**, then **Configuration Profiles**. 2. Click **New**, and enter the following details for **Options**:
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
Note that **Identifier**, **Socket Filter** and **Socket Filter Designated Requirement** exact values as specified above.
- :::image type="content" source="images/netext-create-profile.png" alt-text="The mdatpmdav configuration setting" lightbox="images/netext-create-profile.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/netext-create-profile.png" alt-text="The mdatpmdav configuration setting." lightbox="images/netext-create-profile.png":::
3. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png" alt-text="The configuration settings sco tab" lightbox="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png" alt-text="The configuration settings sco tab." lightbox="images/0df36fc308ba569db204ee32db3fb40a.png":::
4. Select **+ Add**.
These steps are applicable on macOS 11 (Big Sur) or later.
6. Select **+ Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png" alt-text="The configuration settings adim" lightbox="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png" alt-text="The configuration settings adim." lightbox="images/0dde8a4c41110dbc398c485433a81359.png":::
7. Select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/netext-scope.png" alt-text="The Content Filter pane" lightbox="images/netext-scope.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/netext-scope.png" alt-text="The Content Filter pane." lightbox="images/netext-scope.png":::
8. Select **Done**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/netext-final.png" alt-text="The configuration settings netext - final" lightbox="images/netext-final.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/netext-final.png" alt-text="The configuration settings netext - final." lightbox="images/netext-final.png":::
Alternatively, you can download [netfilter.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/netfilter.mobileconfig) and upload it to JAMF Configuration Profiles as described in [Deploying Custom Configuration Profiles using Jamf Pro|Method 2: Upload a Configuration Profile to Jamf Pro](https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/articles/648/deploying-custom-configuration-profiles-using-jamf-pro).
Download [**background_services.mobileconfig**](https://raw.githubusercontent.co
Upload downloaded mobileconfig to JAMF Configuration Profiles as described in [Deploying Custom Configuration Profiles using Jamf Pro|Method 2: Upload a Configuration Profile to Jamf Pro](https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/articles/648/deploying-custom-configuration-profiles-using-jamf-pro).
-## Step 10: Schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS
+## Step 11: Schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS
Follow the instructions on [Schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/mac-schedule-scan-atp).
-## Step 11: Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS
+## Step 12: Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS
> [!NOTE] > In the steps that follow, the name of the `.pkg` file and the **Display Name** values are examples. In these examples, `200329` represents the date on which the
Follow the instructions on [Schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
1. Navigate to where you saved `wdav.pkg`.
- :::image type="content" source="images/8dde76b5463047423f8637c86b05c29d.png" alt-text="The file explorer wdav package" lightbox="images/8dde76b5463047423f8637c86b05c29d.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/8dde76b5463047423f8637c86b05c29d.png" alt-text="The file explorer wdav package." lightbox="images/8dde76b5463047423f8637c86b05c29d.png":::
2. Rename it to `wdav_MDM_Contoso_200329.pkg`.
- :::image type="content" source="images/fb2220fed3a530f4b3ef36f600da0c27.png" alt-text="The file explorer1 wdavmdm package" lightbox="images/fb2220fed3a530f4b3ef36f600da0c27.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/fb2220fed3a530f4b3ef36f600da0c27.png" alt-text="The file explorer1 wdavmdm package." lightbox="images/fb2220fed3a530f4b3ef36f600da0c27.png":::
3. Open the Jamf Pro dashboard.
- :::image type="content" source="images/990742cd9a15ca9fdd37c9f695d1b9f4.png" alt-text="The configuration settings for jamfpro" lightbox="images/990742cd9a15ca9fdd37c9f695d1b9f4.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/990742cd9a15ca9fdd37c9f695d1b9f4.png" alt-text="The configuration settings for jamfpro." lightbox="images/990742cd9a15ca9fdd37c9f695d1b9f4.png":::
4. Select your computer and click the gear icon at the top, then select **Computer Management**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/b6d671b2f18b89d96c1c8e2ea1991242.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - computer management" lightbox="images/b6d671b2f18b89d96c1c8e2ea1991242.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/b6d671b2f18b89d96c1c8e2ea1991242.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - computer management." lightbox="images/b6d671b2f18b89d96c1c8e2ea1991242.png":::
5. In **Packages**, select **+ New**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/57aa4d21e2ccc65466bf284701d4e961.png" alt-text="The bird Description for an automatically generated package" lightbox="images/57aa4d21e2ccc65466bf284701d4e961.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/57aa4d21e2ccc65466bf284701d4e961.png" alt-text="The bird Description for an automatically generated package." lightbox="images/57aa4d21e2ccc65466bf284701d4e961.png":::
-6. In **New Package** Enter the following details:
+6. In the **General tab**, enter the following details in **New Package**:
- **General tab**
- Display Name: Leave it blank for now. Because it will be reset when you choose your pkg. - Category: None (default) - Filename: Choose File
- :::image type="content" source="images/21de3658bf58b1b767a17358a3f06341.png" alt-text="The General tab for configuration settings" lightbox="images/21de3658bf58b1b767a17358a3f06341.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/21de3658bf58b1b767a17358a3f06341.png" alt-text="The General tab for configuration settings." lightbox="images/21de3658bf58b1b767a17358a3f06341.png":::
Open the file and point it to `wdav.pkg` or `wdav_MDM_Contoso_200329.pkg`.
- :::image type="content" source="images/1aa5aaa0a387f4e16ce55b66facc77d1.png" alt-text="The computer screen displaying the description for an automatically generated package" lightbox="images/1aa5aaa0a387f4e16ce55b66facc77d1.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/1aa5aaa0a387f4e16ce55b66facc77d1.png" alt-text="The computer screen displaying the description for an automatically generated package." lightbox="images/1aa5aaa0a387f4e16ce55b66facc77d1.png":::
7. Select **Open**. Set the **Display Name** to **Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection and Microsoft Defender Antivirus**.
Follow the instructions on [Schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
**Limitations tab**: Keep default values.
- :::image type="content" source="images/56dac54634d13b2d3948ab50e8d3ef21.png" alt-text="The limitation tab for the configuration settings" lightbox="images/56dac54634d13b2d3948ab50e8d3ef21.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/56dac54634d13b2d3948ab50e8d3ef21.png" alt-text="The limitation tab for the configuration settings." lightbox="images/56dac54634d13b2d3948ab50e8d3ef21.png":::
8. Select **Save**. The package is uploaded to Jamf Pro.
- :::image type="content" source="images/33f1ecdc7d4872555418bbc3efe4b7a3.png" alt-text="The configuration settings pack uploading process for the package related to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/33f1ecdc7d4872555418bbc3efe4b7a3.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/33f1ecdc7d4872555418bbc3efe4b7a3.png" alt-text="The configuration settings pack uploading process for the package related to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/33f1ecdc7d4872555418bbc3efe4b7a3.png":::
It can take a few minutes for the package to be available for deployment.
- :::image type="content" source="images/1626d138e6309c6e87bfaab64f5ccf7b.png" alt-text="An instance of uploading the package for configuration settings" lightbox="images/1626d138e6309c6e87bfaab64f5ccf7b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/1626d138e6309c6e87bfaab64f5ccf7b.png" alt-text="An instance of uploading the package for configuration settings." lightbox="images/1626d138e6309c6e87bfaab64f5ccf7b.png":::
9. Navigate to the **Policies** page.
- :::image type="content" source="images/f878f8efa5ebc92d069f4b8f79f62c7f.png" alt-text="The configuration settings policies" lightbox="images/f878f8efa5ebc92d069f4b8f79f62c7f.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/f878f8efa5ebc92d069f4b8f79f62c7f.png" alt-text="The configuration settings policies." lightbox="images/f878f8efa5ebc92d069f4b8f79f62c7f.png":::
10. Select **+ New** to create a new policy.
- :::image type="content" source="images/847b70e54ed04787e415f5180414b310.png" alt-text="The configuration settings new policy" lightbox="images/847b70e54ed04787e415f5180414b310.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/847b70e54ed04787e415f5180414b310.png" alt-text="The configuration settings new policy." lightbox="images/847b70e54ed04787e415f5180414b310.png":::
+11. In **General**, enter the Display name **MDATP Onboarding Contoso 200329 v100.86.92 or later**.
-11. In **General** Enter the following details:
- - Display name: MDATP Onboarding Contoso 200329 v100.86.92 or later
- :::image type="content" source="images/625ba6d19e8597f05e4907298a454d28.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - MDATP onboard" lightbox="images/625ba6d19e8597f05e4907298a454d28.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/625ba6d19e8597f05e4907298a454d28.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - MDATP onboard." lightbox="images/625ba6d19e8597f05e4907298a454d28.png":::
12. Select **Recurring Check-in**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/68bdbc5754dfc80aa1a024dde0fce7b0.png" alt-text="The recurring check-in for the configuration settings" lightbox="images/68bdbc5754dfc80aa1a024dde0fce7b0.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/68bdbc5754dfc80aa1a024dde0fce7b0.png" alt-text="The recurring check-in for the configuration settings." lightbox="images/68bdbc5754dfc80aa1a024dde0fce7b0.png":::
13. Select **Save**. 14. Select **Packages > Configure**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/8fb4cc03721e1efb4a15867d5241ebfb.png" alt-text="The option to configure packages" lightbox="images/8fb4cc03721e1efb4a15867d5241ebfb.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/8fb4cc03721e1efb4a15867d5241ebfb.png" alt-text="The option to configure packages." lightbox="images/8fb4cc03721e1efb4a15867d5241ebfb.png":::
15. Select the **Add** button next to **Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection and Microsoft Defender Antivirus**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/526b83fbdbb31265b3d0c1e5fbbdc33a.png" alt-text="The option to add more settings to MDATP MDA" lightbox="images/526b83fbdbb31265b3d0c1e5fbbdc33a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/526b83fbdbb31265b3d0c1e5fbbdc33a.png" alt-text="The option to add more settings to MDATP MDA." lightbox="images/526b83fbdbb31265b3d0c1e5fbbdc33a.png":::
16. Select **Save**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/9d6e5386e652e00715ff348af72671c6.png" alt-text="The save option for the configuration settings" lightbox="images/9d6e5386e652e00715ff348af72671c6.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/9d6e5386e652e00715ff348af72671c6.png" alt-text="The save option for the configuration settings." lightbox="images/9d6e5386e652e00715ff348af72671c6.png":::
+17. Create a smart group for machines with Microsoft Defender profiles.
+ For better user experience, configuration profiles to enrolled machines must be installed before Microsoft Defender's package.
+ In most cases JAMF Prof pushes configuration profiles immediately, which policies are executed after some time (i.e. during check-in).
-17. Select the **Scope** tab.
+ However, in some cases, configuration profiles deployment can be deployed with a significant delay (i.e. if a user's machine is locked).
- :::image type="content" source="images/8d80fe378a31143db9be0bacf7ddc5a3.png" alt-text="The Scope tab related to the configuration settings" lightbox="images/8d80fe378a31143db9be0bacf7ddc5a3.png":::
+ JAMF Pro provides a way to ensure the correct order.
+ You can create a smart group for machines that already received Microsoft Defender's configuration profile, and install Microsoft Defender's package only to those machines (and as soon as they receive this profile!)
-18. Select the target computers.
+ To do it, create a smart group first. In the new browser window open **Smart Computers Groups** from the left menu, click **New**.
+ Assign some name, switch to the **Criteria** tab, click **Add** and **Show Advanced Criteria**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/6eda18a64a660fa149575454e54e7156.png" alt-text="The option to add computer groups" lightbox="images/6eda18a64a660fa149575454e54e7156.png":::
+ Select **Profile Name** as a criterion, and use the name of a previously created configuration profile as Value:
- **Scope**
+ :::image type="content" source="images/ffae2332be230870f865585c84733225.png" alt-text="Creating a smart group." lightbox="images/ffae2332be230870f865585c84733225.png":::
- Select **Add**.
+ Click **Save**. Return back to the window where you configure a package policy.
- :::image type="content" source="images/1c08d097829863778d562c10c5f92b67.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - ad1" lightbox="images/1c08d097829863778d562c10c5f92b67.png":::
+18. Select the **Scope** tab.
- :::image type="content" source="images/216253cbfb6ae738b9f13496b9c799fd.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - ad2" lightbox="images/216253cbfb6ae738b9f13496b9c799fd.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/8d80fe378a31143db9be0bacf7ddc5a3.png" alt-text="The Scope tab related to the configuration settings." lightbox="images/8d80fe378a31143db9be0bacf7ddc5a3.png":::
- **Self-Service**
+19. Select the target computers.
- :::image type="content" source="images/c9f85bba3e96d627fe00fc5a8363b83a.png" alt-text="The Self Service tab for configuration settings" lightbox="images/c9f85bba3e96d627fe00fc5a8363b83a.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/6eda18a64a660fa149575454e54e7156.png" alt-text="The option to add computer groups." lightbox="images/6eda18a64a660fa149575454e54e7156.png":::
-19. Select **Done**.
+ Under **Scope**, select **Add**.
- :::image type="content" source="images/99679a7835b0d27d0a222bc3fdaf7f3b.png" alt-text="The Contoso onboarding status with an option to complete it" lightbox="images/99679a7835b0d27d0a222bc3fdaf7f3b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/1c08d097829863778d562c10c5f92b67.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - ad1." lightbox="images/1c08d097829863778d562c10c5f92b67.png":::
- :::image type="content" source="images/632aaab79ae18d0d2b8e0c16b6ba39e2.png" alt-text="The policies page" lightbox="images/632aaab79ae18d0d2b8e0c16b6ba39e2.png":::
+ Switch to the **Computer Groups** tab. Find the smart group you created, and **Add** it.
+ :::image type="content" source="images/216253cbfb6ae738b9f13496b9c799fd.png" alt-text="The configuration settings - ad2." lightbox="images/216253cbfb6ae738b9f13496b9c799fd.png":::
+ Select **Self-Service**, if you want users to install Microsoft Defender voluntarily, on demand.
+ :::image type="content" source="images/c9f85bba3e96d627fe00fc5a8363b83a.png" alt-text="The Self Service tab for configuration settings." lightbox="images/c9f85bba3e96d627fe00fc5a8363b83a.png":::
+20. Select **Done**.
+ :::image type="content" source="images/99679a7835b0d27d0a222bc3fdaf7f3b.png" alt-text="The Contoso onboarding status with an option to complete it." lightbox="images/99679a7835b0d27d0a222bc3fdaf7f3b.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="images/632aaab79ae18d0d2b8e0c16b6ba39e2.png" alt-text="The policies page." lightbox="images/632aaab79ae18d0d2b8e0c16b6ba39e2.png":::
## Configuration profile scope
JAMF requires you to define a set of machines for a configuration profile.
You need to make sure that all machines receiving Defender's package, also receive *all* configuration profiles listed above. > [!WARNING]
-> JAMF supports so called Smart Computer Groups, that allow deployoing e.g. configuration profiles to all machines matching certain criteria evaluated dynamically.
+> JAMF supports Smart Computer Groups, that allow deployoing e.g. configuration profiles or policies to all machines matching certain criteria evaluated dynamically.
> It is a powerful concept that is widely used for configuration profiles distribution. > > However, keep in mind that these criteria should not include presence of Defender on a machine.
You need to make sure that all machines receiving Defender's package, also recei
> > Defender relies on all these profiles at the moment of its installation. > Making configuration profiles depending on Defender's presence effectively delays deployment of configuration profiles, and results in an initially unhealthy product and/or prompts for manual approval of certian application permissions, that are otherwise auto approved by profiles.+
+Deploying a policy with Microsoft Defender's package *after* deploying configuration profiles ensures the end user's best experience, because all required configurations will be applied before the package installs.
security Production Deployment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/production-deployment.md
In this deployment scenario, you'll be guided through the steps on:
## Check license state
-Checking for the license state and whether it got properly provisioned, can be done through the admin center or through the **Microsoft Azure portal**.
+Checking for the license state and whether it was properly provisioned can be done through the admin center or through the **Microsoft Azure portal**.
1. To view your licenses, go to the **Microsoft Azure portal** and navigate to the [Microsoft Azure portal license section](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/LicensesMenuBlade/Products).
security Microsoft 365 Defender https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-365-defender.md
ms.sitesec: library
ms.pagetype: security f1.keywords: - NOCSH--++ ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro
Here's a list of the different Microsoft 365 Defender products and solutions:
- [**Azure Active Directory Identity Protection**](/azure/active-directory/identity-protection/overview-identity-protection) - [**Microsoft Data Loss Prevention**](/microsoft-365/compliance/dlp-learn-about-dlp) - [**App Governance**](/defender-cloud-apps/app-governance-manage-app-governance)-- [**Microsoft Defender for Cloud**](/azure/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-cloud-introduction) Note that Azure Active Directory Identity Protection (AAD IP) is in public preview and may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. AAD IP is available to customers only if they already have Microsoft 365 Defender.
solutions Data Privacy Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/data-privacy-protection.md
The steps in this solution are:
- [Microsoft Privacy](/privacy) - [Microsoft Purview risk and compliance solutions](../compliance/purview-compliance.md) - [Microsoft compliance offerings](/compliance/regulatory/offering-home)
+- [Data privacy thought paper: From privacy vulnerability to privacy resilience](https://aka.ms/dataprivacyresearch)
+- [Priva Privacy Risk Management eBook](https://aka.ms/privaPRMeBook)
solutions Limit Guest Sharing To Specific Organization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/limit-guest-sharing-to-specific-organization.md
description: Learn how to limit guest sharing to specific Azure AD or Microsoft
# Limit guest sharing to specific organizations
-By default, users can invite people outside the organization as guests. This includes inviting them to teams in Microsoft Team, SharePoint sites, and sharing individual files and folders with them.
+By default, users can invite people outside the organization as guests. This includes adding them to teams in Microsoft Team, SharePoint sites, and sharing individual files and folders with them.
-If you only want your users to invite guests from specific organizations, you can specify these organizations in the Azure Active Directory cross-tenant access settings for [B2B collaboration](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/what-is-b2b).
+If you only want to allow guests from specific organizations, you can specify these organizations in the Azure Active Directory cross-tenant access settings for [B2B collaboration](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/what-is-b2b). Note that guest invitations can still be sent to all organizations, but only guests from organizations that you allow will have access to shared resources.
+> [!NOTE]
+> This article assumes that you have [SharePoint and OneDrive integration with Azure AD B2B](/sharepoint/sharepoint-azureb2b-integration) turned on.
## Configure cross-tenant access settings
-The first step in limiting guest sharing is to change the default settings in the Azure AD cross-tenant access settings to block inviting guests by default. Then you can allow guest invitations for specific organizations. Note that this will block access for existing guests whose domains are not specifically allowed.
+The first step in limiting guest sharing is to change the default settings in the Azure AD cross-tenant access settings to block inviting guests by default. Then you can allow guests from specific organizations. Note that this will block access for existing guests whose domains are not specifically allowed.
> [!NOTE] > Changes to cross-tenant access settings may take two hours to take effect. ### Set the default B2B collaboration settings to block inviting guests
-Because inviting guests is enabled by default, limiting guest invitations to certain organizations requires blocking inbound B2B collaboration by default.
+Because guest access is enabled by default, limiting guests to certain organizations requires blocking inbound B2B collaboration by default.
To block inbound B2B collaboration by default 1. Sign in to [Azure Active Directory](https://aad.portal.azure.com) using a Global administrator or Security administrator account.
To block inbound B2B collaboration by default
1. Select **Save**. 1. Close the **Default settings** blade.
-### Add the organization where you want to allow guest invitations
+### Add the organization from which you want to allow guests
-Next, add the organizations where you want to allow your users to invite guests to the Azure AD cross-tenant access list.
+Next, add the organizations from which you want to allow guests to the Azure AD cross-tenant access list.
To add an organization 1. In [Azure Active Directory](https://aad.portal.azure.com), select **External Identities**, and then select **Cross-tenant access settings (preview)**.
At this point, all access settings for this organization are inherited from your
### Configure inbound settings for the organization to allow all users
-Once you have added the organization, you need to update the organization's inbound settings to allow B2B collaboration users to be invited as guests. Do this for each organization where you want to allow your users to be able to invite guests.
+Once you have added the organization, you need to update the organization's inbound settings to allow B2B collaboration users access as guests. Do this for each organization where you want to allow guests.
1. In [Azure Active Directory](https://aad.portal.azure.com), select **External Identities**, and then select **Cross-tenant access settings (preview)**. 1. Select the inbound access link for the organization that you want to modify.
solutions Microsoft 365 Limit Sharing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/microsoft-365-limit-sharing.md
- admindeeplinkMAC - admindeeplinkTEAMS - admindeeplinkSPO
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
recommendations: false description: "Learn about the options to limit or disable sharing in Microsoft 365."
To turn off guest sharing in Microsoft 365 Groups
You can limit guest sharing to users from specific domains by allowing or blocking domains in Azure Active Directory. This will also affect guest sharing in SharePoint if you have enabled [SharePoint and OneDrive integration with Azure AD B2B](/sharepoint/sharepoint-azureb2b-integration-preview). To allow sharing invitations only from specified domains
-1. In Azure Active Directory, on the Overview page, click **Organizational relationships**.
-2. Click **Settings**.
-3. Under **Collaboration restrictions**, select **Deny invitations to the specified domains** or **Allow invitations only to the specified domains**, and then type the domains that you want to use.
-4. Click **Save**.
+1. In Azure Active Directory, on the Overview page, expand **External identities**, and then choose **External collaboration settings**.
+1. Under **Collaboration restrictions**, select **Deny invitations to the specified domains** or **Allow invitations only to the specified domains**, and then type the domains that you want to use.
+1. Click **Save**.
![Screenshot of collaboration restrictions settings in Azure Active Directory.](../media/azure-ad-allow-only-specified-domains.png)
+You can also use **Cross-tenant access settings** in Azure AD to limit sharing to specific organizations. See [Limit guest sharing to specific organizations](limit-guest-sharing-to-specific-organization.md).
+ ## SharePoint site You can limit SharePoint site sharing to site owners only. This prevents site members from sharing the site. Keep in mind that if the site is connected to a Microsoft 365 group, group members can invite others to the group and those users will have site access.
syntex Create A Form Processing Model https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/syntex/create-a-form-processing-model.md
description: Learn how to train a structured document processing model in Micros
# Train a structured document processing model in Microsoft Syntex
+> [!NOTE]
+> For structured document processing models, there's a known issue where extracted tables aren't being processed into the corresponding list. A fix for this issue is rolling out. In the meantime, you'll need to reapply the model to the document library.
+ <! </br>