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commerce Cancel Your Subscription https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/subscriptions/cancel-your-subscription.md
Last updated 01/20/2022
# Cancel your subscription
-You can cancel your subscription at any time in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 356 admin center</a>. However, to receive a refund, you must meet certain refund eligibility requirements. For more information, see [Understand refund eligibility](#understand-refund-eligibility).
+You can cancel your subscription at any time in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a>. However, to receive a refund, you must meet certain refund eligibility requirements. For more information, see [Understand refund eligibility](#understand-refund-eligibility).
If you have multiple subscriptions to the same product, such as Microsoft 365 Business Premium, canceling one subscription wonΓÇÖt impact the purchased licenses or services inside the others.
compliance Communication Compliance Reports Audits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-reports-audits.md
## Reports
-The new **Reports** dashboard is the central location for viewing all communication compliance reports. Report widgets provide a quick view of insights most commonly needed for an overall assessment of the status of communication compliance activities. Information contained in the report widgets is not exportable. Detailed reports provide in-depth information related to specific communication compliance areas and offer the ability to filter, group, sort, and export information while reviewing.
+The new **Reports** dashboard is the central location for viewing all communication compliance reports. Report widgets provide a quick view of insights most commonly needed for an overall assessment of the status of communication compliance activities. Information contained in the report widgets isn't exportable. Detailed reports provide in-depth information related to specific communication compliance areas and offer the ability to filter, group, sort, and export information while reviewing.
For the date range filter, the date and time for events are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When filtering messages for reports, the requesting user's local date/time determines the results based on the conversion of the user's local date/time to UTC. For example, if a user in U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) filters a report from 8/30/2021 to 8/31/2021 at 00:00, the report includes messages from 8/30/2021 07:00 UTC to 8/31/2021 07:00 UTC. If the same user was in U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) when filtering at 00:00, the report includes messages from 8/30/2021 04:00 UTC to 8/31/2021 04:00 UTC.
For the date range filter, the date and time for events are listed in Coordinate
The **Reports dashboard** contains the following report widgets and detailed reports links: -- **Recent policy matches** widget: displays the number of matches by active policy over time.-- **Resolved items by policy** widget: displays the number of policy match alerts resolved by policy over time.-- **Users with most policy match** widget: displays the users (or anonymized usernames) and number of policy matches for a given period.-- **Policy with most matches** widget: displays the policies and the number of matches for a given period, ranked highest to lowest for matches.-- **Escalations by policy** widget: displays the number of escalations per policy over a given time.-- **Policy settings and status** detailed report: provides a detailed look at policy configuration and settings, as well as the general status for each of the policy (matches and actions) on messages. Includes policy information and how policies are associated with users and groups, locations, review percentages, reviewers, status, and when the policy was last modified. Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details.-- **Items and actions per policy** detailed report: Review and export matching items and remediation actions per policy. Includes policy information and how policies are associated with:
+### Report widgets
+- **Recent policy matches**: displays the number of matches by active policy over time.
+- **Resolved items by policy**: displays the number of policy match alerts resolved by policy over time.
+- **Users with most policy match**: displays the users (or anonymized usernames) and number of policy matches for a given period.
+- **Policy with most matches**: displays the policies and the number of matches for a given period, ranked highest to lowest for matches.
+- **Escalations by policy**: displays the number of escalations per policy over a given time.
+### Detailed reports
+Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details for any detailed report.
+- **Policy settings and status**: provides a detailed look at policy configuration and settings, as well as the general status for each of the policy (matches and actions) on messages. Includes policy information and how policies are associated with users and groups, locations, review percentages, reviewers, status, and when the policy was last modified. Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details.
+- **Items and actions per policy**: Review and export matching items and remediation actions per policy. Includes policy information and how policies are associated with:
- Items matched - Escalated items
The **Reports dashboard** contains the following report widgets and detailed rep
- User notified - Case created
- Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details.
-- **Item and actions per location** detailed report: Review and export matching items and remediation actions per Microsoft 365 location. Includes information about how workload platforms are associated with:
+- **Item and actions per location**: Review and export matching items and remediation actions per Microsoft 365 location. Includes information about how workload platforms are associated with:
- Items matched - Escalated items
The **Reports dashboard** contains the following report widgets and detailed rep
- User notified - Case created
- Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details.
-- **Activity by user** detailed report: Review and export matching items and remediation actions per user. Includes information about how users are associated with:
+- **Activity by user**: Review and export matching items and remediation actions per user. Includes information about how users are associated with:
- Items matched - Escalated items
The **Reports dashboard** contains the following report widgets and detailed rep
- User notified - Case created
- Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details.
--- **Sensitive information type per location** detailed report (preview): Review and export information about the detection of sensitive information types and the associated sources in communication compliance policies. Includes the overall total and the specific breakdown of sensitive information type instances in the sources configured in your organization. Examples are:
+- **Sensitive information type per location** (preview): Review and export information about the detection of sensitive information types and the associated sources in communication compliance policies. Includes the overall total and the specific breakdown of sensitive information type instances in the sources configured in your organization. The values for each third-party source are displayed in separate columns in the .csv file. Examples are:
- **Email**: Sensitive information types detected in Exchange email messages. - **Teams**: Sensitive information types detected in Microsoft Teams channels and chat messages. - **Skype for Business**: Sensitive information types detected in Skype for business communications. - **Yammer**: Sensitive information types detected in Yammer inboxes, posts, chats, and replies. - **Third-party sources**: Sensitive information types detected for activities associated with third-party connectors configured in your organization. To view the breakdown of third-party sources for a specific sensitive information type in the report, hover your mouse over the value for the sensitive information type in the Third-party source column.
- - **Other**: Sensitive information types used for internal system processing. Selecting or deselecting this source for the report will not affect any values.
- Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details. The values for each third-party source are displayed in separate columns in the .csv file.
+ - **Other**: Sensitive information types used for internal system processing. Selecting or deselecting this source for the report won't affect any values.
+### Message details report (preview)
+Create custom reports and review details for messages contained in specific policies on the **Policies** tab. These reports can be used for all-up reviews of messages and for creating a report snapshot for the status of messages for a customizable time period. After creating a report, you can view and download the details report as a .csv file on the **Message details reports** tab.
+![Communication compliance message detail report.](../media/communication-compliance-message-detail-report.png)
+To create a new message details report, complete the following steps:
+1. Sign into the Microsoft 365 compliance center with an account that is a member of the *Communication Compliance Investigators* role group.
+2. Navigate to the **Policies** tab, select a policy, and then select **Create message details report**.
+3. On the **Create message details report** pane, enter a name for the report in the **Report name** field.
+4. In **Choose a date range**, select a *Start date* and *End date* for the report.
+5. Select **Create**.
+6. The report creation confirmation is displayed.
+Depending on the number of items in the report, it can take a few minutes to hours before the report is ready to be downloaded. You can check progress on the Message details reports tab. Report status is *In progress* or *Ready to download*. You can have up to 15 separate reports processing simultaneously. To download a report, select a report in the *Ready to download* state and select **Download report**.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If your selected time period doesn't return any message results in the report, there were not any messages for the selected time period. The report will be blank.
+Message details reports contain the following information for each message item in the policy:
+- **Match ID**: unique ID for the message in the policy.
+- **Sender**: the sender of the message.
+- **Recipients**: the recipients included for the message.
+- **Date Sent**: the date the message was sent.
+- **Match Date**: the date the message was a match for the policy conditions.
+- **Subject**: the subject of the message.
+- **Contains Attachments**: the status of any attachments for the message. Values are either Yes or No.
+- **Policy Name**: the name of the policy associated with the message. This value will be the same for all messages in the report.
+- **Item Status**: the status of the message item in the policy. Values are Pending or Resolved.
+- **Tags**: the tags assigned to the message. Values are Questionable, Compliant, or Non-compliant.
+- **Keyword Matches**: keyword matches for the message.
+- **Reviewers**: reviewers assigned to message.
+- **Pending for (days)**: the number of days the message has been in a pending state. For resolved messages, the value is 0.
+- **Comment for resolved**: the comments for the message entered when resolved.
+- **Resolved Date**: the date and time the message was resolved.
+- **Last Updated By**: the user name of the last updater.
+- **Last Updated On**: the date and time the message was last updated.
+- **History of comments**: list of all comments for the message alert, including comment author and date/time of the comment.
## Audit
compliance Create Info Mgmt Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/create-info-mgmt-policies.md
Adding an information management policy to a content type makes it easy to assoc
3. The **Start a workflow** option is available only if you are defining a policy for a list, library, or content type that already has a workflow associated with it. You will then be given a choice of workflows to choose from.
- 4. In the **Recurrence** section, select **Repeat this stage's action…**and enter how often you want the action to reoccur.
+ 4. In the **Recurrence** section, select **Repeat this stage's action…**, and then enter how often you want the action to reoccur.
> [!NOTE] > This option is only available if the action you selected can be repeated. For example, you cannot set recurrence for the action **Permanently Delete**.
- 5. Chose **OK**.
+ 5. Choose **OK**.
8. To enable auditing for the documents and items that are subject to this policy, choose **Enable Auditing**, and then specify the events you want to audit.
You need at least the Manage Lists permission to change the information manageme
8. The **Start a workflow** option is available only if you are defining a policy for a list, library, or content type that already has a workflow associated with it. You will then be given a choice of workflows to choose from.
-9. Under **Recurrence**, choose **Repeat this stage's action…**and enter how often you want the action to reoccur.
+9. Under **Recurrence**, choose **Repeat this stage's action…** and enter how often you want the action to reoccur.
> [!NOTE] > This option is only available if the action you selected can be repeated. For example, you cannot set recurrence for the action **Permanently Delete**.
You need at least the Manage Lists permission to change the information manageme
If information management policies have already been created for your site as site collection policies, you can apply one of the policies to a content type. By doing this, you can apply the same policy to multiple content types in a site collection that do not share the same parent content type.
- If you want to apply policies to multiple content types in a site collection, and you have a Managed Metadata Service configured, you can use Content Type Publishing to publish out information management polices to multiple site collections. See the section [Apply a policy across site collections](#apply-a-policy-across-site-collections) for more information.
+ If you want to apply policies to multiple content types in a site collection, and you have a Managed Metadata Service configured, you can use Content Type Publishing to publish out information management policies to multiple site collections. See the section [Apply a policy across site collections](#apply-a-policy-across-site-collections) for more information.
1. Navigate to the list or library that contains the content type to which you want to apply a policy.
compliance Create Retention Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/create-retention-policies.md
When you have more than one retention policy, and when you also use retention la
- **Teams chats**: Messages from private 1:1 chats, group chats, and meeting chats. - **Teams private channel messages**: Messages from private channel chats and private channel meetings.
- By default, [all teams and all users are selected](retention-settings.md#a-policy-that-applies-to-entire-locations), but you can refine this by selecting the [**Choose** and **Exclude** options](retention-settings.md#a-policy-with-specific-inclusions-or-exclusions). However, before you change the default, be aware of the following consequences for a retention policy that deletes messages when it's configured for includes or excludes:
- - For group chat messages and private channel messages, because a copy of messages are saved in each user's mailbox who are included in the conversation, copies of messages will continue to be returned in eDiscovery results from users who weren't assigned the policy.
- - For users who weren't assigned the policy, deleted messages as a result of the policy will be returned in their Teams search results but won't display the contents of the message.
+ By default, [all teams and all users are selected](retention-settings.md#a-policy-that-applies-to-entire-locations), but you can refine this by selecting the [**Choose** and **Exclude** options](retention-settings.md#a-policy-with-specific-inclusions-or-exclusions).
5. For **Decide if you want to retain content, delete it, or both** page, specify the configuration options for retaining and deleting content.
compliance Device Onboarding Configure Proxy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-configure-proxy.md
However, if the connectivity check results indicate a failure, an HTTP error is
> [!NOTE] >
-> The Connectivity Analyzer tool is not compatible with ASR rule [Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-exploit-guard/attack-surface-reduction#attack-surface-reduction-rules). You will need to temporarily disable this rule to run the connectivity tool.
+> The Connectivity Analyzer tool is not compatible with attack surface reduction rule [Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference#block-process-creations-originating-from-psexec-and-wmi-commands). You will need to temporarily disable this rule to run the connectivity tool.
> > When the TelemetryProxyServer is set, in Registry or via Group Policy, Defender for Endpoint will fall back to direct if it canΓÇÖt access the defined proxy. Related topics: >
compliance Device Onboarding Mdm https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-mdm.md
For security reasons, the package used to Offboard devices will expire 30 days a
5. Extract the contents of the .zip file to a shared, read-only location that can be accessed by the network administrators who will deploy the package. You should have a file named *DeviceCompliance_valid_until_YYYY-MM-DD.offboarding*. -- 6. Use the Microsoft Intune custom configuration policy to deploy the following supported OMA-URI settings. ```text
compliance Device Onboarding Offboarding Macos Intune https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-offboarding-macos-intune.md
Onboarding a macOS device into Compliance solutions is a six phase process.
|accessibility |[accessibility.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/accessibility.mobileconfig)| full disk access |[fulldisk.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/fulldisk.mobileconfig)| |Network filer| [netfilter.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/netfilter.mobileconfig)]
-|System extensions |[sysext.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/systext.mobileconfig)
+|System extensions |[sysext.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/mobileconfig/profiles/sysext.mobileconfig)
|MDE preference |[com.microsoft.wdav.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/settings/data_loss_prevention/com.microsoft.wdav.mobileconfig)| |MAU preference|[com.microsoft.autoupdate2.mobileconfig](https://github.com/microsoft/mdatp-xplat/blob/master/macos/settings/microsoft_auto_update/com.microsoft.autoupdate2.mobileconfig)| |Installation package |downloaded from the compliance portal **Installation package**, file name *\*wdav.pkg*\* |
compliance Device Onboarding Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/device-onboarding-overview.md
Make sure that the Windows devices that you need to onboard meet these requireme
5. A supported version of Microsoft Office is installed and up to date. For the most robust protection and user experience, ensure Microsoft 365 Apps version 16.0.14701.0 or newer is installed. > [!NOTE]
- >If you are running Office 265 - KB 4577063 is required
- >If you are on Monthly Enterprise Channel of Microsoft 365 Apps versions 2004-2008, you need to update to version 2009 or later. See [Update history for Microsoft 365 Apps (listed by date)](/officeupdates/update-history-microsoft365-apps-by-date) for current versions. To learn more about known issue, see the Office Suite section of [Release notes for Current Channel releases in 2020](/officeupdates/current-channel#version-2010-october-27).
+ > - If you are running Office 365 - KB 4577063 is required.
+ > - If you are on Monthly Enterprise Channel of Microsoft 365 Apps versions 2004-2008, you need to update to version 2009 or later. See [Update history for Microsoft 365 Apps (listed by date)](/officeupdates/update-history-microsoft365-apps-by-date) for current versions. To learn more about known issue, see the Office Suite section of [Release notes for Current Channel releases in 2020](/officeupdates/current-channel#version-2010-october-27).
6. If you have endpoints that use a device proxy to connect to the internet, follow the procedures in [Configure device proxy and internet connection settings for Information Protection](device-onboarding-configure-proxy.md#configure-device-proxy-and-internet-connection-settings-for-information-protection).
compliance Protect Access To Data And Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/protect-access-to-data-and-services.md
Multi-factor authentication (MFA) and conditional access policies are powerful t
- Intune device compliance - Azure AD Identity Protection
-Implementing Intune device compliance requires device enrollment. Managing devices allows you to ensure that they are healthy and compliant before allowing them access to resources in your environment. See [Enroll devices for management in Intune](/intune-classic/deploy-use/enroll-devices-in-microsoft-intune)
+Implementing Intune device compliance requires device enrollment. Managing devices allows you to ensure that they are healthy and compliant before allowing them access to resources in your environment. See [Enroll devices for management in Intune](/mem/intune/user-help/enroll-windows-10-device)
## Step 4: Configure SharePoint device access policies
compliance Retention Policies Sharepoint https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-policies-sharepoint.md
Users also see an error message if they try to delete a labeled item in any of t
- The records management setting that allows users to delete labeled items is turned off.
- To check or change this setting, go to the **Records management** node in the Microsoft 365 compliance center > **Records management** > **Records management settings** > **Retention labels** > **Deletion of items**. There are separate settings for SharePoint and OneDrive.
+ To check or change this setting, go to the **Records management** solution in the Microsoft 365 compliance center > **Records management** > **Records management settings** > **Retention labels** > **Deletion of items**. There are separate settings for SharePoint and OneDrive.
+ Alternatively, and if you don't have access to the **Records management** solution, you can use *AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedSPO* and *AllowFilesWithKeepLabelToBeDeletedODB* from [Get-PnPTenant](/powershell/module/sharepoint-pnp/get-pnptenant) and [Set-PnPTenant](/powershell/module/sharepoint-pnp/set-pnptenant).
- The retention label marks items as a record and it's [locked](record-versioning.md).
The copy that's stored in the Preservation Hold library is typically created wit
## How retention works with OneNote content
-When you apply a retention policy to a location that includes OneNote content, or a retention label to a OneNote folder, behind the scenes, the different OneNote sections are individual files that inherit the retention settings. This means that each section will be individually retained and deleted, according to the retention settings you specify.
+When you apply a retention policy to a location that includes OneNote content, or a retention label to a OneNote folder, behind the scenes, the different OneNote pages and sections are individual files that inherit the retention settings. This means that each section within a page will be individually retained and deleted, according to the retention settings you specify.
-The modified date of the OneNote page itself doesn't change after it's created.
+Only pages and sections are impacted by the retention settings that you specify. For example, although you see a **Modified** date for each individual notebook, this date is not used by Microsoft 365 retention.
## How retention works with document versions
compliance Retention Policies Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-policies-teams.md
Although this data from Teams chats and channel messages are stored in mailboxes
> [!NOTE] > If a user is included in an active retention policy that retains Teams messages and you delete a mailbox of a user who is included in this policy, the mailbox is converted into an [inactive mailbox](inactive-mailboxes-in-office-365.md) to retain the Teams data. If you don't need to retain this Teams data for the user, exclude the user account from the retention policy and [wait for this change to take effect](create-retention-policies.md#how-long-it-takes-for-retention-policies-to-take-effect) before you delete their mailbox.
-After a retention policy is configured for chat and channel messages, a timer job from the Exchange service periodically evaluates items in the hidden folder where these Teams messages are stored. The timer job typically takes 1-7 days to run. When these items have expired their retention period, they are moved to the SubstrateHolds folderΓÇöanother hidden folder that's in every user or group mailbox to store "soft-deleted" items before they are permanently deleted.
+After a retention policy is configured for chat and channel messages, a timer job from the Exchange service periodically evaluates items in the hidden mailbox folder where these Teams messages are stored. The timer job typically takes 1-7 days to run. When these items have expired their retention period, they are moved to the SubstrateHolds folderΓÇöanother hidden folder that's in every user or group mailbox to store "soft-deleted" items before they are permanently deleted.
Messages remain in the SubstrateHolds folder for at least 1 day, and then if they are eligible for deletion, the timer job permanently deletes them the next time it runs.
For the two paths in the diagram:
> [!NOTE] > Messages stored in mailboxes, including the hidden folders, are searchable by eDiscovery tools. Until messages are permanently deleted from the SubstrateHolds folder, they remain searchable by eDiscovery tools.
-When messages are permanently deleted from the SubstrateHolds folder, a delete operation is communicated to the backend Azure chat service, that then relays the same operation to the Teams client app. Delays in this communication or caching can explain why, for a short period of time, users might still see these messages in their Teams app, but data from these messages isn't returned in eDiscovery searches. Messages visible in the Teams app are not an accurate reflection of whether they are retained or permanently deleted for compliance requirements.
+When messages are permanently deleted from the SubstrateHolds folder, a delete operation is communicated to the backend Azure chat service, that then relays the same operation to the Teams client app. Delays in this communication or caching can explain why, for a short period of time, users who are assigned the policy might still see these messages in their Teams app, but data from these messages isn't returned in eDiscovery searches.
+In this scenario where the Azure chat service receives a delete command because of a retention policy, the corresponding message in the Teams client app is deleted for all users in the conversation. Some of these users might be from another organization, have a retention policy with a longer retention period, or no retention policy assigned to them. For these users, copies of the messages are still stored in their mailboxes and remain searchable for eDiscovery until the messages are permanently deleted by another retention policy.
+> Messages visible in the Teams app are not an accurate reflection of whether they are retained or permanently deleted for compliance requirements.
When the retention policy is retain-only, or delete-only, the content's paths are variations of retain and delete.
compliance Retention Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-settings.md
The property names for sites are based on SharePoint site managed properties, an
The attributes and properties listed in the table can be easily specified when you configure an adaptive scope by using the simple query builder. Additional attributes and properties are supported with the advanced query builder, as described in the following section. > [!TIP]
-> For additional information about using the advanced query builder, see the following webinar: [Building Advanced Queries for Users and Groups with Adaptive Policy Scopes](https://mipc.eventbuilder.com/event/52683/occurrence/49452/recording?rauth=853.3181650.1f2b6e8b4a05b4441f19b890dfeadcec24c4325e90ac492b7a58eb3045c546ea)
+> For additional information about using the advanced query builder, see the following webinars:
+> - [Building Advanced Queries for Users and Groups with Adaptive Policy Scopes](https://mipc.eventbuilder.com/event/52683/occurrence/49452/recording?rauth=853.3181650.1f2b6e8b4a05b4441f19b890dfeadcec24c4325e90ac492b7a58eb3045c546ea)
+> - [Building Advanced Queries for SharePoint Sites with Adaptive Policy Scopes](https://aka.ms/AdaptivePolicyScopes-AdvancedSharePoint)
A single policy for retention can have one or many adaptive scopes.
enterprise Setup Guides For Microsoft 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/setup-guides-for-microsoft-365.md
The setup guides are accessible from the [Setup guidance](https://aka.ms/setupgu
![Training & guides card in the Microsoft 365 admin center](../media/setup-guides-for-microsoft-365/adminportal-trainingandguides.png)
-3. Select **Step-by-step guides**.
+3. Select **Advanced deployment guides** and then select **All guides**.
![Screenshot of the Setup guidance page in the Microsoft 365 admin center](../media/setup-guides-for-microsoft-365/adminportal-setupguidance.png)
The [Email setup guide](https://aka.ms/office365setup) provides you with the ste
When you migrate a Gmail user's mailbox to Microsoft 365, email messages are migrated, but contacts and calendar items are not. The [Gmail contacts and calendar advisor](https://aka.ms/gmailcontactscalendar) provides steps for importing Google contacts and Google calendar items to Microsoft 365 using import and export methods with Outlook.com, the Outlook client, or PowerShell.
-### Microsoft 365 deployment advisor
+### Microsoft 365 setup guide
-The [Microsoft 365 deployment advisor](https://aka.ms/microsoft365setupguide) provides you with guidance when setting up productivity tools, security policies, and device management capabilities. With a Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft 365 for enterprise subscription, you can use this advisor to set up and configure your organization's devices.
+The [Microsoft 365 setup guide](https://aka.ms/microsoft365setupguide) provides you with guidance when setting up productivity tools, security policies, and device management capabilities. With a Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft 365 for enterprise subscription, you can use this advisor to set up and configure your organization's devices.
You'll receive guidance and access to resources to enable your cloud services, update devices to the latest supported version of Windows 10, and join devices to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), all in one central location.
The [Remote work setup guide](https://aka.ms/remoteworksetup) provides organizat
You'll receive guidance to optimize remote workers' device traffic to both Microsoft 365 resources in the cloud and your organization's network, which will reduce the strain on your remote access VPN infrastructure.
-### Windows Virtual Desktop setup guide
-Windows Virtual Desktop is a comprehensive desktop and app virtualization service running in the cloud. It's the only virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) that delivers simplified management, multi-session Windows 10, optimizations for Microsoft 365 Apps, and support for Remote Desktop Services (RDS) environments. Deploy and scale your Windows desktops and apps to Azure in minutes and get built-in security and compliance features.
-The [Windows Virtual Desktop setup guide](https://aka.ms/wvdsetupguide) provides administrators with planning resources and the prerequisites for deployment, setup guidance, and other resources.
- ### Microsoft Edge setup guide Microsoft Edge has been rebuilt from the ground up to bring you world-class compatibility and performance, the security and privacy you deserve, and new features designed to bring you the best of the web.
Microsoft Search helps your organization find what they need to complete what th
The [Microsoft Search setup guide](https://aka.ms/MicrosoftSearchSetup) helps you configure Microsoft Search whether you want to pilot it to a group of users or roll it out to everyone in your org. You'll assign Search admins and Search editors and then customize the search experience for your users with answers and more options, like adding the Bing extension to Chrome or setting Bing as your default search engine.
-### Intune Configuration Manager co-management setup guide
+## Guides for authentication and access
-Use the [Intune Configuration Manager co-management setup guide](https://aka.ms/comanagementsetup) for existing Configuration Manager client devices and new internet-based devices that your org wants to co-manage with both Microsoft Intune and Configuration Manager. This co-management deployment guide allows you to manage Windows 10 devices and adds new functionality to your org's devices, while receiving the benefits of both solutions.
+### Configure multifactor authentication (MFA)
-## Guides for authentication and access
+The [Configure multifactor authentication (MFA) guide](https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?source=applauncher#/featureexplorer/security/ConditionalAccess) provides information to secure your organization against breaches due to lost or stolen credentials. MFA immediately increases account security by prompting for multiple forms of verification to prove a user's identity when they sign in to an app or other company resource. This prompt could be to enter a code on the user's mobile device or to provide a fingerprint scan. MFA is enabled through Conditional Access, security defaults, or per-user MFA. This guide will provide the recommended MFA option for your org, based on your licenses and existing configuration.
+### Identity security for Teams
+The [Identity security for teams guide](https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?source=applauncher#/teamsidentity) helps you with some basic security steps you can take to ensure your users are safe and have the most productive time using **Teams**.
+### Add or sync users to Microsoft 365
+[This guide](https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?source=applauncher#/modernonboarding/identitywizard) will help streamline the process of getting your user accounts set up in **Microsoft 365**. Based on your environment and needs, you can choose to add users individually, migrate your on-premises directory with Azure AD cloud sync or Azure AD Connect, or troubleshoot existing sync problems when necessary.
### Azure AD setup guide
Upgrade to an alternative sign-in approach that allows users to access their dev
Use the [Plan your passwordless deployment](https://aka.ms/passwordlesssetup) guide to discover the best passwordless authentication methods to use and receive guidance on how to deploy them.
+### Integrate a third-party cloud app with Azure AD
+[This guide](https://admin.microsoft.com/Adminportal/Home?source=applauncher#/azureadappintegration) helps IT admins to select and configure the App.
+ ### Plan your self-service password reset (SSPR) deployment Give users the ability to change or reset their password independently, if their account is locked, or they forget their password without the need to contact a helpdesk engineer.
The [Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps setup guide](https://aka.ms/cloudappsecur
Transform how your employees work together with the [Employee experience dashboard](https://aka.ms/EmployeeExperienceDashboard). For seamless teamwork, use Microsoft 365 to create productive, aligned teams, and keep employees engaged with leadership and the rest of the organization. Help your employees be effective in all work activities. These guides will provide instructions on how to use SharePoint, Teams, and Yammer to build collaboration across your org to help drive productivity.
-### Microsoft 365 Apps deployment advisor
+### Microsoft 365 Apps setup guide
-The [Microsoft 365 Apps deployment advisor](https://aka.ms/OPPquickstartguide) helps you get your users' devices running the latest version of Office products like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. You'll get guidance on the various deployment methods that include easy self-install options to enterprise deployments with management tools. The instructions will help you assess your environment, figure out your specific deployment requirements, and implement the necessary support tools to ensure a successful install.
+The [Microsoft 365 Apps setup guide](https://aka.ms/OPPquickstartguide) helps you get your users' devices running the latest version of Office products like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. You'll get guidance on the various deployment methods that include easy self-install options to enterprise deployments with management tools. The instructions will help you assess your environment, figure out your specific deployment requirements, and implement the necessary support tools to ensure a successful installation.
### Mobile apps setup guide
The [Mobile apps setup guide](https://aka.ms/officeappguidance) provides instruc
The [Microsoft Teams setup guide](https://aka.ms/teamsguidance) provides your organization with guidance to set up team workspaces that host real-time conversations through messaging, calls, and audio or video meetings for both team and private communication. Use the tools in this guide to configure Guest access, set who can create teams, and add team members from a .csv file, all without the need to open a PowerShell session. You'll also get best practices for determining your organization's network requirements and ensuring a successful Teams deployment.
-### Microsoft Teams for Education setup guide
-The [Microsoft Teams for Education setup guide](https://aka.ms/teamsedusetup) provides your school with guidance that brings collaborative classrooms, conversations, meetings, files, and apps together in one place. The guide also provides instructions to prepare, plan, and configure Teams for your school. After your deployment is complete, use built-in tools to configure who can create teams, and optionally create teams yourself while populating members with a .csv file.
-### Integrate Microsoft LTI apps with your LMS
-For teachers to work effectively and students to stay organized, they need a single sign-on to one place to collaborate with all their learning materials, assignments, and applications at their fingertips. Microsoft Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) apps bring the best of Microsoft tools directly into your learning management system (LMS), so that students and teacher can focus on study, not finding files or building tools.
-If you are an admin of a LMS and want to access Microsoft tools directly from within your LMS, use our [Integrate Microsoft LTI apps with your LMS](https://aka.ms/lmsintegrationguide) Integrate Microsoft LTI apps with your LMS guide to get started. These tools currently include Microsoft Teams classes and Microsoft Teams meetings.
- ### SharePoint setup guide The [SharePoint setup guide](https://aka.ms/spoguidance) helps you set up your SharePoint document storage and content management, create sites, configure external sharing, migrate data and configure advanced settings, and drive user engagement and communication within your organization. You'll follow steps for configuring your content-sharing permission policies, choose your migration sync tools, and enable the security settings for your SharePoint environment.
managed-desktop Edge Browser App https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/edge-browser-app.md
The [Beta Channel](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-channels#beta-channel) is also ava
## Updates to Microsoft Edge
-Microsoft Managed Desktop deploys the [Stable channel](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-channels#stable-channel) of Microsoft Edge, which is auto-updated about every six weeks. Updates on the Stable channel are rolled out [progressively](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-update-progressive-rollout) by the Microsoft Edge product group in order to ensure the best experience for customers.
+Microsoft Managed Desktop deploys the [Stable channel](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-channels#stable-channel) of Microsoft Edge, which is auto-updated about every six weeks. Updates on the Stable channel are rolled out [progressively](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-update-progressive-rollout) by the Microsoft Edge product group in order to ensure the best experience for customers.
The [Beta Channel](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-channels#beta-channel) is deployed to devices in both the Test and First groups for representative validation within the organization. This channel is fully supported and is auto-updated with new features approximately every six weeks. To ensure that Microsoft Edge updates correctly, do not modify the Microsoft Edge [update policies](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-update-policies). -- ## Settings managed by Microsoft Managed Desktop Microsoft Managed Desktop has created a default set of policies for Microsoft Edge to secure the browser. The default browser settings are as follows: ### Microsoft Edge extensions
-The security baseline for Microsoft Edge on Microsoft Managed Desktop devices sets two policies to disable all Chrome extensions and secure users. To enable and deploy extensions in your environment, see Settings you manage.
+The security baseline for Microsoft Edge on Microsoft Managed Desktop devices sets two policies to disable all Chrome extensions and secure users. To enable and deploy extensions in your environment, see Settings you manage.
#### Extension installation blocklist+ **Default value:** All
-Microsoft Managed Desktop sets this policy to prevent Chrome extensions from being installed on managed endpoints. There are known risks associated with the Chromium extension model including data loss protection, privacy, and other risks that can compromise devices.
+Microsoft Managed Desktop sets this policy to prevent Chrome extensions from being installed on managed endpoints. There are known risks associated with the Chromium extension model including data loss protection, privacy, and other risks that can compromise devices.
#### Allow user-level native messaging hosts (installed without admin permissions)
Microsoft Managed Desktop doesn't support Basic or Digest Authentication schemes
#### Automatically import another browser's data and settings at first run
-**Default value:** Automatically import all supported datatypes and settings from the default browser
-With this policy applied, the First Run Experience will skip the import section, minimizing user interaction. The browser data from older versions of Microsoft Edge will always be silently migrated at the first run, regardless of this setting.
+**Default value:** Automatically import all supported datatypes and settings from the default browser.
+With this policy applied, the First Run Experience will skip the import section, minimizing user interaction. The browser data from older versions of Microsoft Edge will always be silently migrated at the first run, regardless of this setting.
## Settings you manage
The Administrative Template offers a setting to deploy particular Chrome extensi
You can also use the Administrative Template to set Microsoft Edge to install extensions without alerting the user. You can find it in **Computer Configuration > Microsoft Edge > Extensions > Control which extensions are installed silently**. ### Microsoft Edge update policies+ To ensure that Microsoft Edge updates correctly, do not modify the Microsoft Edge [update policies](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-update-policies). ### Other common enterprise policies Microsoft Edge offers a great many other policies. These are some of the more common ones:
+ - [Configure Sites on the Enterprise Site List and IE Mode](/deployedge/edge-ie-mode-sitelist) - [Configure start-up, home page, and new tab page settings](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-policies#startup-home-page-and-new-tab-page) - [Configure Surf game setting](/deployedge/microsoft-edge-policies#allowsurfgame)
managed-desktop M365 Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/m365-apps.md
Title: Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise
-description: How to deploy Microsoft 365 Apps, how they are updated, and how settings are managed
+description: How to deploy Microsoft 365 Apps, how they're updated, and how settings are managed
keywords: change history ms.sitesec: library
Microsoft Managed Desktop ensures that Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (64-bit
This approach minimizes network impact and ensures that users can be productive as soon as they receive their device. We then deploy more policies to managed devices to set up the applications for use. > [!NOTE]
-> Microsoft Teams is deployed separately from Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and is not included in the base image.
+> Microsoft Teams is deployed separately from Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and is not included in the base image.
### Available deployment to users
-If a user does not have Microsoft 365 Apps on their device for any reason, you can use a package to return the device to its expected state. Add the user to the **Modern Workplace-Office-Office365_Install** group and the apps will become available to them in the Company Portal.
+If a user doesn't have Microsoft 365 Apps on their device for any reason, you can use a package to return the device to its expected state. Add the user to the **Modern Workplace-Office-Office365_Install** group and the apps will become available to them in the Company Portal.
### Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (32-bit)
-Microsoft Managed Desktop doesn't support the deployment of the 32-bit version of M365 Apps for enterprise.
+Microsoft Managed Desktop doesn't support the deployment of the 32-bit version of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise.
## Updates to Microsoft 365 Apps Microsoft 365 Apps are set to update on the [Monthly Enterprise Channel](/deployoffice/overview-update-channels#monthly-enterprise-channel-overview). This practice provides your users with new Office features each month, but they'll receive just one update per month on a predictable release schedule. Updates are released on the second Tuesday of the month; these updates can include feature, security, and quality updates. These updates occur automatically and are pulled directly from the Office CDN for that specific channel.
-Microsoft Managed Desktop staggers each release to identify any potential issues in your environment. We complete the rollout 28 days after the release from the Microsoft 365 App product group. Microsoft Managed Desktop schedules update releases to different groups to allow time for validation and testing as follows:
+Microsoft Managed Desktop staggers each release to identify any potential issues in your environment. We complete the rollout 28 days after the release from the Microsoft 365 App product group. Microsoft Managed Desktop schedules update releases to different groups to allow time for validation and testing as follows:
- Test: zero days - First: zero days-- Fast: 3 days-- Broad: 7 days
+- Fast: three days
+- Broad: seven days
Microsoft Managed Desktop sets a seven-day [update deadline](/deployoffice/configure-update-settings-microsoft-365-apps) for devices. Once the update is available, it must be installed within seven days. Users are [notified](/deployoffice/end-user-update-notifications-microsoft-365-apps#notifications-your-users-see-when-you-set-an-update-deadline-for-microsoft-365-apps) that updates are required in several locations: the application, in the system tray 12 hours prior to the deadline, and they receive a 15-minute warning prior to the deadline. All Microsoft 365 Apps must be closed for the update to complete.
Microsoft Managed Desktop sets a seven-day [update deadline](/deployoffice/confi
If you need to pause or roll back Microsoft 365 App update for any reason, file an [admin support request](../working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md) through the Microsoft Managed Desktop portal.
-During a release, Microsoft Managed Desktop monitors the error rates of all Microsoft 365 Apps. If we note a significant difference in quality between the new release and its predecessor, we might contact you through the Microsoft Managed Desktop Admin portal. Depending on the severity, we will either ask if you want to pause the release or inform you that we have taken action to mitigate an issue.
+During a release, Microsoft Managed Desktop monitors the error rates of all Microsoft 365 Apps. If we see a significant difference in quality between the new release and the previous release, we might contact you through the Microsoft Managed Desktop Admin portal.
+Depending on the severity, we'll either:
+- Ask if you want to pause the release, or
+- Inform you we've taken action to mitigate an issue.
### Delivery optimization
-Delivery Optimization is a peer-to-peer distribution technology available in Windows 10. It allows devices to share content, such as updates, that the devices have downloaded from Microsoft over the internet. Using it can help reduce network bandwidth because a device can get portions of the update from another device on its local network instead of having to download the update completely from Microsoft.
+Delivery Optimization is a peer-to-peer distribution technology available in Windows 10. It allows devices to share content, such as updates, that the devices downloaded from Microsoft over the internet. Us Delivery Optimization can help reduce network bandwidth, because a device can get portions of the update from another device on its local network instead downloading the update completely from Microsoft.
-[Delivery Optimization](/deployoffice/delivery-optimization) is enabled by default on devices running the Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Education editions.
+[Delivery Optimization](/deployoffice/delivery-optimization) is enabled by default on devices running the Windows 10 Enterprise or Windows 10 Education editions.
## Settings managed by Microsoft Managed Desktop
-Microsoft manages some settings as a part of the service. Microsoft Managed Desktop doesn't manage an Office Security baseline but you can set one yourself by following the guidance in the [Settings you manage](#settings-you-manage) section.
+Microsoft manages some settings as a part of the service. Microsoft Managed Desktop doesn't manage an Office Security baseline. However, you can set one yourself by following the guidance in the [Settings you manage](#settings-you-manage) section.
### Update settings Microsoft Managed Desktop maintains all [update settings](/deployoffice/configure-update-settings-microsoft-365-apps) for managed devices and you should modify these settings.
-### Set updates to occur automatically
-**Default value**: Enabled
-This policy is configured in order to ensure that all Office devices can be kept up to date from the cloud.
-### Set a deadline when updates have to be applied
-**Default value**: 7 days
-The **UpdateDeadline** policy is used to configure the grace period which users have before an update is enforced on the device. This deadline policy also triggers [notifications](/deployoffice/end-user-update-notifications-microsoft-365-apps#notifications-your-users-see-when-you-set-an-update-deadline-for-microsoft-365-apps) to the user to inform them of the changes required on their device.
-### Defer updates on a device for a period
-This policy is configured differently for each update management device group and is required for Microsoft Managed Desktop to meet its update targets:
--- Test: zero days-- First: zero days-- Fast 7 days-- Broad: 21 days-
-### Update notifications settings
-**Default value**: False
-The "hide update notifications" setting is set to **False** on Microsoft Managed Desktop devices to provide the best update experience for users by [notifying](/deployoffice/end-user-update-notifications-microsoft-365-apps#notifications-your-users-see-when-you-set-an-update-deadline-for-microsoft-365-apps) them when updates are required.
-### Specify a location to look for updates
-**Default value**: Monthly Enterprise Channel
-A combination of the **UpdatePath** and **UpdateChannel** policies is used as needed to achieve the update schedule. These policies are set to ensure that all Office devices receive updates directly from the CDN for the Monthly Enterprise Channel.
-### Specify the Target Version of Microsoft 365 Apps
-The Target Version policy is sometimes used by Microsoft Managed Desktop in order to roll back or pin a specific version of Office.
-### Hide the option to enable or disable Office automatic updates
-**Default value**: Enabled
-This setting is required for Microsoft Managed Desktop to meet its update targets for Microsoft 365 Applications.
-### First run settings
-There are several settings that affect the behavior the first time Office is run.
-### Accept the license terms on behalf of the end user
-**Default value**: Disabled
-The first time a user opens a Microsoft 365 App, they are prompted to accept the license terms. If you want to accept the license terms on behalf of your users, file a service request with the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team asking for this setting to be enabled.
-### Suppress Outlook mobile check box
-**Default value**: Disabled
-The first time a user opens Outlook they are prompted to install Outlook Mobile. If you donΓÇÖt want your users to see that check box, file a service request with the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team asking for this setting to be enabled for your devices.
+| Setting | Default value | Description |
+| | | |
+| Set updates to occur automatically | Enabled | This policy is configured in order to ensure that all Office devices can be kept up to date from the cloud. |
+| Set a deadline when updates must be applied | Seven days | The **UpdateDeadline** policy is used to configure the grace period which users have before an update is enforced on the device. This deadline policy also triggers [notifications](/deployoffice/end-user-update-notifications-microsoft-365-apps#notifications-your-users-see-when-you-set-an-update-deadline-for-microsoft-365-apps) to the user to inform them of the changes required on their device. |
+| Defer updates on a device for a period | See description | This policy is configured differently for each update management device group. It's required for Microsoft Managed Desktop to meet its update targets: <ul> <li> Test: zero days </li> <li>First: zero days</li><li>Fast seven days</li><li>Broad: 21 days</li></ul> |
+| Update notification settings | False | The "hide update notifications" setting is set to **False** on Microsoft Managed Desktop devices to provide the best update experience for users by [notifying](/deployoffice/end-user-update-notifications-microsoft-365-apps#notifications-your-users-see-when-you-set-an-update-deadline-for-microsoft-365-apps) them when updates are required.|
+| Specify a location to look for updates | Monthly Enterprise Channel | A combination of the **UpdatePath** and **UpdateChannel** policies is used as needed to achieve the update schedule. These policies are set to ensure that all Office devices receive updates directly from the CDN for the Monthly Enterprise Channel.|
+| Specify the Target Version of Microsoft 365 Apps | See description | The Target Version policy is sometimes used by Microsoft Managed Desktop in order to roll back or pin a specific version of Office.|
+| Hide the option to enable or disable Office automatic updates | Enabled | This setting is required for Microsoft Managed Desktop to meet its update targets for Microsoft 365 Applications. |
+| First run settings | See description | There are several settings that affect the behavior the first time Office is run. |
+| Accept the license terms on behalf of the end user | Disabled | The first time a user opens a Microsoft 365 App, they're prompted to accept the license terms. If you want to accept the license terms on behalf of your users, file a support request with the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team, and ask for this setting to be enabled. |
+| Suppress Outlook mobile checkbox | Disabled | The first time a user opens Outlook, they're prompted to install Outlook Mobile. If you don't want your users to see that checkbox, file a support request with the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team, and ask for this setting to be enabled for your devices. |
## Other settings
-There are other Microsoft 365 App settings which Microsoft Managed Desktop can optionally configure on your behalf.
-### Disable Personal OneDrive
-**Default value**: Disabled
+There are other Microsoft 365 App settings which Microsoft Managed Desktop can optionally configure on your behalf.
-Some organizations are concerned about users having access to both corporate and personal files on their devices. You can file a service request with the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team asking for this setting to be enabled.
+| Setting | Default value | Description |
+| | | |
+| Disable personal OneDrive | Disabled | Some organizations are concerned about users having access to both corporate and personal files on their devices. You can file a support request with the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team and ask for this setting to be enabled. |
## Settings you manage
-There are many other policies which Microsoft Managed Desktop does not yet set as a part of our service. You can configure these policies by using Microsoft Intune, which uses the [Office Cloud Policy](/DeployOffice/overview-office-cloud-policy-service#how-the-policy-configuration-is-applied) service. To set these policies, follow these steps:
+There are many other policies which Microsoft Managed Desktop doesn't yet set as a part of our service. You can configure these policies by using Microsoft Intune, which uses the [Office Cloud Policy](/DeployOffice/overview-office-cloud-policy-service#how-the-policy-configuration-is-applied) service. To set these policies, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center.
-2. Select **Apps > Policies for Office apps > Create**
-3. On the **Create policy** configuration page, do the following:
+1. Select **Apps**.
+1. Select **Policies for Office apps** then select **Create**.
+1. In the **Create policy** configuration page, do the following:
- Enter a name.
- - Provide a description (optional).
- - In **assignments**, choose whether this policy applies to all users of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, or just to users who anonymously access documents using Office for the web.
- - Select the AAD-based security group that is assigned to the policy configuration. Each policy configuration can only be assigned to one group, and each group can only be assigned one policy configuration.
- - Configure the policy settings to be included in the policy configuration. You can search on the policy setting name to find the policy setting that you want to configure. You can also filter on the application, on whether the policy is a recommended security baseline, and on whether the policy has been configured. The platform column indicates whether the policy is applied to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise for Windows devices, Office for the web, or all.
-4. After you have made your selections, choose **Create**.
+ - Provide an optional description.
+ - Under **assignments**, choose whether this policy applies to all users of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, or just to users who anonymously access documents using Office for the web.
+ - Select the **AAD-based security group** that is assigned to the policy configuration. Each policy configuration can only be assigned to one group. Each group can only be assigned one policy configuration.
+ - Configure the policy settings to be included in the policy configuration. You can search on the policy setting name to find the policy setting that you want to configure. You can also filter if the policy is a recommended security baseline, and if the policy has been configured. The platform column indicates whether the policy is applied to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise for Windows devices, Office for the web, or all.
+1. After you have made your selections, select **Create**.
> [!NOTE] > Office Configuration Policies only support user-based deployment
managed-desktop Onedrive https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/onedrive.md
# Microsoft OneDrive
-Microsoft Managed Desktop uses [OneDrive for Business](/onedrive/plan-onedrive-enterprise) as a cloud storage service for all Microsoft Managed Desktop devices to ensure that the devices are as stateless as possible. User will be able to find their files no matter which device they sign into. For example, if you replace a Microsoft Managed Desktop device with a new one, files will automatically sync to the new device.
+Microsoft Managed Desktop uses [OneDrive for Business](/onedrive/plan-onedrive-enterprise) as a cloud storage service for all Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. It ensures that the devices are as stateless as possible. Users will be able to find their files no matter which device they sign into. For example, if you replace a Microsoft Managed Desktop device with a new one, the files will automatically sync to the new device.
We automatically configure these settings by default on Microsoft Managed Devices: -- OneDrive is silently configured with the user account and automatically signed in (without user interaction) to the user account that was used to sign into Windows. For more information, see [Silently configure user accounts - OneDrive](/onedrive/use-silent-account-configuration)--- The Files-On-Demand feature is enabled so that users can access files from their cloud storage in OneDrive without having to use disk space unnecessarily. For more information, see [Save disk space with OneDrive Files On-Demand for Windows 10](https://support.microsoft.com/office/save-disk-space-with-onedrive-files-on-demand-for-windows-10-0e6860d3-d9f3-4971-b321-7092438fb38e).--- The Known Folder Move feature is enabled silently to back up usersΓÇÖ data in the cloud, which gives them access to their files from any device. For more information, see [Back up your Documents, Pictures, and Desktop folders with OneDrive](https://support.microsoft.com/office/back-up-your-documents-pictures-and-desktop-folders-with-onedrive-d61a7930-a6fb-4b95-b28a-6552e77c3057).--- Users cannot disable the Known Folder Move feature or change the location of known folders to ensure a consistent experience across Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.
+| Feature | Description |
+| | |
+| Silent configuration | OneDrive is silently configured with the user account. It automatically signs in, without user interaction, to the user account that was used to sign into Windows. For more information, see [Silently configure user accounts - OneDrive](/onedrive/use-silent-account-configuration) |
+| Files-On-Demand | The Files-On-Demand feature enables users to access files from their cloud storage in OneDrive without having to use disk space unnecessarily. For more information, see [Save disk space with OneDrive Files On-Demand for Windows 10](https://support.microsoft.com/office/save-disk-space-with-onedrive-files-on-demand-for-windows-10-0e6860d3-d9f3-4971-b321-7092438fb38e). |
+| Known Folder Move | The Known Folder Move feature is enabled silently to back up usersΓÇÖ data in the cloud, which gives them access to their files from any device. For more information, see [Back up your Documents, Pictures, and Desktop folders with OneDrive](https://support.microsoft.com/office/back-up-your-documents-pictures-and-desktop-folders-with-onedrive-d61a7930-a6fb-4b95-b28a-6552e77c3057). <p> Users can't disable the Known Folder Move feature or change the location of known folders to ensure a consistent experience across Microsoft Managed Desktop devices.</p>|
## User experience
-When Microsoft Managed Desktop users receive a new device, they go through a first-run experience by entering their Azure credentials while setting up the device. After this process is completed, they can access their desktop and have the OneDrive experience.
-1. The system tells users that OneDrive has been configured and that they have been automatically signed into OneDrive.
+When Microsoft Managed Desktop users receive a new device, they go through a first-run experience, by entering their Azure credentials, while setting up the device. After this process is completed, they can access their desktop and have the OneDrive experience.
+1. The system tells users that OneDrive has been configured and that they've been automatically signed into OneDrive.
2. The system tells users that OneDrive Known Folder Move has been configured for them.- :::image type="content" source="media/onedrive-folders.png" alt-text="Notification reading Your IT department backed up your important folders. The folders are now backed up to OneDrive and available from other devices.":::
-3. To prevent duplicate icons on the desktop when devices are being reset or reimaged, the system automatically removes Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Teams icons from the OneDrive sync, as shown in this view in File Explorer.
+3. To prevent duplicate icons on the desktop when devices are reset or reimaged, the system automatically removes Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Teams icons from the OneDrive sync. This information is shown in File Explorer.
:::image type="content" source="media/onedrive-teams.png" alt-text="File Explorer showing Teams and Edge listings with cleared check boxes and hover text reading Excluded from sync."::: - ## OneDrive sync restrictions
-If you need to restrict OneDrive sync, we recommend that you control access with an Azure Active Directory conditional access policy. For more information, see
+If you need to restrict the OneDrive sync, we recommend that you control access with an Azure Active Directory conditional access policy. For more information, see
[Enable conditional access support in the OneDrive sync app](/onedrive/enable-conditional-access). If you can't use an Azure AD conditional access policy in your organization, your IT Admin should follow these steps: 1. If you don't already know it, look up your tenant ID, as described in [Find your Microsoft 365 tenant ID](/onedrive/find-your-office-365-tenant-id).
-2. Sign in to the OneDrive admin center, and then select **Sync** in the left pane. Select the **Allow syncing only on PCs joined to specific domains** check box, and then add the tenant ID to the list of domains. For more information, see [Allow syncing only on computers joined to specific domains](/onedrive/allow-syncing-only-on-specific-domains).
+1. Sign in to the OneDrive admin center.
+1. In the left pane, select **Sync**.
+1. Select the **Allow syncing only on PCs joined to specific domains** checkbox, and then add the tenant ID to the list of domains. For more information, see [Allow syncing only on computers joined to specific domains](/onedrive/allow-syncing-only-on-specific-domains).
> [!NOTE]
-> This guidance applies only to tenants in Microsoft Managed Desktop. There are other settings in use that aren't discussed in this article.
+> This guidance applies only to tenants in Microsoft Managed Desktop. There are other settings in use that aren't discussed in this article.
managed-desktop Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/teams.md
audience: ITPro
# Microsoft Teams
-[Teams](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software) is a [messaging app](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-teams-basics-6d5f52e6-5306-4096-ac24-c3082b79eaf0) for your organization that also provides a workspace for real-time collaboration and communication, meetings, and file and app sharing.
+[Teams](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software) is a [messaging app](https://support.microsoft.com/office/microsoft-teams-basics-6d5f52e6-5306-4096-ac24-c3082b79eaf0) that also provides a workspace for real-time collaboration and communication, meetings, and file and app sharing.
## Initial deployment
-Most hardware vendors don't yet include Teams as a part of their images, so Microsoft Managed Desktop deploys Teams to your devices by using Microsoft Intune. All managed devices have the [Teams .msi package](/MicrosoftTeams/msi-deployment#how-the-microsoft-teams-msi-package-works) installed, ensuring that all users who sign in to a device have Microsoft Teams ready to use. When the package first finishes installing, Teams automatically starts and adds a shortcut to the desktop.
+Most hardware vendors don't yet include Teams as a part of their images. Microsoft Managed Desktop deploys Teams to your devices by using Microsoft Intune. All managed devices have the [Teams .msi package](/MicrosoftTeams/msi-deployment#how-the-microsoft-teams-msi-package-works) installed. The .msi package ensures all users, who sign in to a device, have Microsoft Teams ready to use. When the package first finishes installing, Teams automatically starts and adds a shortcut to the desktop.
### Microsoft Intune changes
-Microsoft Managed Desktop adds two applications to your Azure AD organization for Microsoft Teams. They are deployed to either 64-bit or 32-bit clients as appropriate for the device:
+Microsoft Managed Desktop adds two applications to your Azure AD organization for Microsoft Teams. They're deployed to either 64-bit or 32-bit clients as appropriate for the device:
- Modern Workplace ΓÇô Teams Machine Wide Installer x64 - Modern Workplace ΓÇô Teams Machine Wide Installer x32 ## Updates
-Teams follows a separate update path from Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise and the desktop client updates itself automatically. Teams checks for updates every few hours, downloads them, and then waits for the computer to be idle before silently installing the update.
+Teams follows a separate update path from Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. The desktop client updates itself automatically. Teams checks for updates every few hours, downloads them, and then waits for the computer to be idle before silently installing the update.
The Teams product group doesn't allow admins to control updates, so Microsoft Managed Desktop uses the [standard automatic update channel](/microsoftteams/teams-client-update#can-admins-deploy-updates-instead-of-teams-auto-updating). ### Manually updating Teams
-Individual users can also download updates by selecting **Check for updates** on the **Profile** drop-down menu at the top right of the app. If an update is available, it will be downloaded and silently installed when the computer is idle.
+Individual users can also download updates. At the top right of the app, in the Profile dropdown, select **Check for updates**. If an update is available, it will be downloaded and silently installed when the computer is idle.
## Delivery optimization of updates
-Delivery optimization for Teams updates is turned on by default and requires no action from admins or users.
+Delivery optimization for Teams updates is turned on by default and requires no action from admins or users.
managed-desktop Admin Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md
# Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop
-You can submit support tickets or feedback requests to Microsoft using the Microsoft Managed Desktop Admin portal. Support requests are always prioritized over feedback submissions.
+You can submit support tickets or feedback requests to Microsoft using the Microsoft Managed Desktop Admin portal. Support requests are always prioritized over feedback submissions.
## Open a new support request
Support requests are triaged and managed according to severity outlined in the [
| Support request type | When to use | | -- | -- |
-Incident | You require the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team to investigate a user issue caused by, for example, a widespread impact of a change or service outage.
+Incident | You require the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team to investigate a user issue. For example, a widespread impact of a change or service outage.
Request for information | You're planning a change in networking, proxy configuration, VPN systems, certificate expiration, or just need some information about the service. A response from the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team is advised when communicating a change within your organization. Change request | You require the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team to make a change, such as moving devices between update groups.
The primary contact for a case (and any [Admin contact](../get-started/add-admin
### View all your active cases
-While email is the recommended approach to interact with our team, you may want to see the summary status of all your support requests. At any time, you can use the portal to see all Active support requests in the last six months.
+Email is the recommended approach to interact with our team. You can see the summary status of all your support requests. At any time, you can use the portal to see all Active support requests in the last six months.
**To view all your active cases:**
When you're the primary contact on for a support request, you'll receive an emai
## Support request severity definitions
-The initial response time is the period from when you submit your support request until a Microsoft Managed Desktop engineer contacts you, and starts working on your support request. The initial response time varies with the business impact of the request. It is based on the severity of the request.
+The initial response time is the period from when you submit your support request until a Microsoft Managed Desktop engineer contacts you, and starts working on your support request. The initial response time varies with the business impact of the request. It's based on the severity of the request.
> [!NOTE] > In this table, "admin support hours" means, that Microsoft Managed Desktop support for admins is available, for most countries, 24 hours a day **Monday through Friday**. Severity A issues can be worked 24 hours a day all seven days of the week. | Severity level | Situation | Initial response time | Expected response from you | | -- | -- |-- | -- |
-| **Severity A: <br> Critical Impact** | **Critical business impact** <br>Your business has significant loss or degradation of services and requires immediate attention.<p>**Major application compatibility impact**<br>Your entire business is experiencing financial impact due to devices not responding or loss of critical functionality. | **Initial:** < 1 hour<p>**Update**: 60 minutes<br>24-hour support every day is available. | When you select Severity A, you confirm that the issue has critical business impact, with severe loss and degradation of services. <p>The issue demands an immediate response, and you commit to continuous engagement every day with the Microsoft team until resolution. Otherwise, Microsoft can, at its discretion, decrease the Severity to level B.<p> You also ensure that Microsoft has your accurate contact information.
-**Severity B: <br> Moderate Impact** | **Moderate business impact**<br>Your business has moderate loss or degradation of services, but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.<p>**Moderate application compatibility impact**<br>A specific business group is no longer productive, due to devices not responding or loss of critical functionality.| **Initial**: < 4 hours. <p> **Update**: 12 hours; 24 hours a day during admin support hours (Monday through Friday).| When you select Severity B, you confirm that the issue has moderate impact to your business with loss and degradation of services. However, workarounds enable reasonable, albeit temporary, business continuity. <p>The issue demands an urgent response. If you select all day every day support when you submit the support request, you commit to continuous engagement every day with the Microsoft team until resolution. Otherwise, Microsoft might, at its discretion, decrease the severity to level C. If you select admin support-hours support when you submit a Severity B incident, Microsoft will contact you during admin support hours only.<p>You also ensure that Microsoft has your accurate contact information.
-**Severity C: <br> Minimal Impact** | **Minimum business impact**<br> Your business is functioning with minor impediments of services.<p>**Minor application compatibility impact**<br>Potentially unrelated users experience minor compatibility issues that don't prevent productivity. | **Initial**: < 8 hours.<p> **Update**: 24 hours; Support 24 hours a day during admin support hours (Monday through Friday). | When you select Severity C, you confirm that the issue has minimum impact to your business with minor impediment of service.<p>For a Severity C incident, Microsoft will contact you during admin support hours only.<p>You also ensure that Microsoft has your accurate contact information.
+| **Severity A: <br> Critical Impact** | **Critical business impact** <br>Your business has significant loss or degradation of services and requires immediate attention.<p>**Major application compatibility impact**<br>Your entire business is experiencing financial impact due to devices not responding or loss of critical functionality. | **Initial:** < 1 hour <p> **Update**: 60 minutes <br> 24-hour support every day is available.</p> | When you select Severity A, you confirm that the issue has critical business impact, with severe loss and degradation of services. <p> The issue demands an immediate response, and you commit to continuous engagement every day with the Microsoft team until resolution. Otherwise, Microsoft can, at its discretion, decrease the Severity to level B.</p><p> You also ensure that Microsoft has your accurate contact information.</p>
+**Severity B: <br> Moderate Impact** | **Moderate business impact**<br>Your business has moderate loss or degradation of services, but work can reasonably continue in an impaired manner.<p>**Moderate application compatibility impact**<br>A specific business group is no longer productive, due to devices not responding or loss of critical functionality.| **Initial**: < 4 hours. <p> **Update**: 12 hours; 24 hours a day during admin support hours (Monday through Friday).| When you select Severity B, you confirm that the issue has moderate impact to your business with loss and degradation of services. However, workarounds enable reasonable, albeit temporary, business continuity. <p> The issue demands an urgent response. If you select all day every day support when you submit the support request, you commit to continuous engagement every day with the Microsoft team until resolution. Otherwise, Microsoft might, at its discretion, decrease the severity to level C. If you select admin support-hours support when you submit a Severity B incident, Microsoft will contact you during admin support hours only.</p> <p>You also ensure that Microsoft has your accurate contact information.</p>
+**Severity C: <br> Minimal Impact** | **Minimum business impact**<br> Your business is functioning with minor impediments of services.<p>**Minor application compatibility impact**<br>Potentially unrelated users experience minor compatibility issues that don't prevent productivity. | **Initial**: < 8 hours.<p> **Update**: 24 hours; Support 24 hours a day during admin support hours (Monday through Friday). | When you select Severity C, you confirm that the issue has minimum impact to your business with minor impediment of service.<p> For a Severity C incident, Microsoft will contact you during admin support hours only.</p> <p> You also ensure that Microsoft has your accurate contact information.</p>
### More support request information Below is a list of extra conditions to be aware of when submitting a support request.
-| | |
+| Request condition | Description |
| | | | Support languages | All support is provided in English. | | Severity level changes | Microsoft might downgrade the severity level if you aren't able to provide adequate resources, or responses for us to continue to resolve the problem. |
-| Application compatibility | For an application compatibility issue to be considered, there must be a reproducible error, using the same version of the application, between the previous and current version of Windows, or Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. <p>To resolve application compatibility issues, we require a point of contact in your organization to work with. The contact must work directly with our Fast Track team to investigate and resolve the issue. |
-| Customer response time | If you aren't able to meet the expected response requirements, we'll downgrade the request by one severity level to the minimum severity level (Severity C). If you're unresponsive to requests for action, we'll mitigate and close the support request within 48 hours of the last request. |
+| Application compatibility | For an application compatibility issue to be considered, there must be a reproducible error. The error must use the same version of the application, between the previous and current version of Windows, or Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise. <p> To resolve application compatibility issues, we require a point of contact in your organization to work with. The contact must work directly with our Fast Track team to investigate and resolve the issue.</p> |
+| Customer response time | If you aren't able to meet the expected response requirements, we'll downgrade the request by one severity level to the minimum severity level (Severity C). <p> If you're unresponsive to requests for action, we'll mitigate and close the support request within 48 hours of the last request.</p> |
## More resources
managed-desktop Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/working-with-managed-desktop/index.md
# Working with Microsoft Managed Desktop
-This section includes information about your day-to-day life with the service, such as how your IT admins can get support if needed, how your users get support, managing your apps once deployed, and how to work the customizable settings on devices.
+This section includes information about your day-to-day life with the service:
- [Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop](admin-support.md) - [Getting help for users](end-user-support.md)
security TOC https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/TOC.md
#### [Attack surface reduction overview](overview-attack-surface-reduction.md) #### [Attack surface reduction (ASR) rules]() ##### [Learn about ASR rules](attack-surface-reduction.md)
-##### [ASR rules deployment overview](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md)
-###### [Phase 1: Plan](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-1.md)
-###### [Phase 2: Test](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-2.md)
-###### [Phase 3: Implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md)
-###### [Phase 4: Operationalize](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-4.md)
+##### [ASR rules deployment guide]()
+###### [ASR rules deployment overview](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md)
+###### [Phase 1: Plan](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-plan.md)
+###### [Phase 2: Test](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md)
+###### [Phase 3: Implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md)
+###### [Phase 4: Operationalize](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize.md)
##### [ASR rules reference](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md) ##### [Enable ASR rules alternate configuration methods](enable-attack-surface-reduction.md) ##### [Attack surface reduction FAQ](attack-surface-reduction-faq.yml)
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Implement https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md
+ Title: Attack surface reduction rules deployment Phase 3 - implement
+description: Provides guidance to implement your attack surface reduction rules deployment.
+keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules
+search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh
+ms.mktglfcycl: manage
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.pagetype: security
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: ITPro
+ms.technology: mde
++ Last updated : 1/18/2022++
+# Phase 3 - implement
+The implementation phase moves the ring from testing into functional state.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![ASR rules implementation steps](images/asr-rules-implementation-steps.png)
+## Step 1: Transition ASR Rules from Audit to Block
+1. After all exclusions are determined while in audit mode, start setting some ASR rules to "block" mode, starting with the rule that has the fewest triggered events. SeeΓÇ¥ [Enable attack surface reduction rules](enable-attack-surface-reduction.md).
+2. Review the reporting page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal; see [Threat protection report in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](threat-protection-reports.md). Also review feedback from your ASR champions.
+3. Refine exclusions or create new exclusions as determined necessary.
+4. Switch problematic rules back to Audit.
+ >[!Note]
+ >For problematic rules (rules creating too much noise), it is better to create exclusions than to turn rules off or switching back to Audit. You will have to determine what is best for your environment.
+ >[!Tip]
+ >When available, take advantage of the Warn mode setting in rules to limit disruptions. Enabling ASR rules in Warn mode enables you to capture triggered events and view their potential disruptions, without actually blocking end-user access. Learn more: [Warn mode for users](attack-surface-reduction.md#warn-mode-for-users).
+### How does Warn mode work?
+Warn mode is effectively a Block instruction, but with the option for the user to ΓÇ£UnblockΓÇ¥ subsequent executions of the given flow or app. Warn mode unblocks on a per device, user, file and process combination. The warn mode information is stored locally and has a duration of 24 hours.
+### Step 2: Expand deployment to ring n + 1
+When you are confident that you have correctly configured the ASR rules for ring 1, you can widen the scope of your deployment to the next ring (ring n + 1).
+The deployment process, steps 1 ΓÇô 3, is essentially the same for each subsequent ring:
+1. Test rules in Audit
+2. Review ASR-triggered audit events in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
+3. Create exclusions
+4. Review: refine, add, or remove exclusions as necessary
+5. Set rules to ΓÇ£blockΓÇ¥
+6. Review the reporting page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
+7. Create exclusions.
+8. Disable problematic rules or switch them back to Audit.
+#### Customize attack surface reduction rules
+As you continue to expand your attack surface reduction rules deployment, you may find it necessary or beneficial to customize the attack surface reduction rules that you have enabled.
+##### Exclude files and folders
+You can choose to exclude files and folders from being evaluated by attack surface reduction rules. When excluded, the file won't be blocked from running even if an attack surface reduction rule detects that the file contains malicious behavior.
+For example, consider the ransomware rule:
+The ransomware rule is designed to help enterprise customers reduce risks of ransomware attacks while ensuring business continuity. By default, the ransomware rule errors on the side of caution and protect against files that haven't yet attained sufficient reputation and trust. To reemphasize, the ransomware rule only triggers on files that have not gained enough positive reputation and prevalence, based on usage metrics of millions of our customers. Usually, the blocks are self resolved, because each file's "reputation and trust" values are incrementally upgraded as non-problematic usage increases.
+In cases in which blocks aren't self resolved in a timely manner, customers can - _at their own risk_ - make use of either the self-service mechanism or an Indicator of Compromise (IOC)-based "allow list" capability to unblock the files themselves.
+> Excluding or unblocking files or folders could potentially allow unsafe files to run and infect your devices. Excluding files or folders can severely reduce the protection provided by attack surface reduction rules. Files that would have been blocked by a rule will be allowed to run, and there will be no report or event recorded.
+An exclusion applies to all rules that allow exclusions. You can specify an individual file, folder path, or the fully qualified domain name for a resource. However, you cannot limit an exclusion to a specific rule.
+An exclusion is applied only when the excluded application or service starts. For example, if you add an exclusion for an update service that is already running, the update service will continue to trigger events until the service is stopped and restarted.
+Attack surface reduction supports environment variables and wildcards. For information about using wildcards, see [use wildcards in the file name and folder path or extension exclusion lists](configure-extension-file-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#use-wildcards-in-the-file-name-and-folder-path-or-extension-exclusion-lists).
+If you are encountering problems with rules detecting files that you believe should not be detected, [use audit mode to test the rule](evaluate-attack-surface-reduction.md).
+See the [attack surface reduction rules reference](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md) topic for details on each rule.
+##### Use Group Policy to exclude files and folders
+1. On your Group Policy management computer, open the [Group Policy Management Console](https://technet.microsoft.com/library/cc731212.aspx), right-click the Group Policy Object you want to configure and select **Edit**.
+2. In the **Group Policy Management Editor**, go to **Computer configuration** and click **Administrative templates**.
+3. Expand the tree to **Windows components** \> **Microsoft Defender Antivirus** \> **Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard** \> **Attack surface reduction**.
+4. Double-click the **Exclude files and paths from Attack surface reduction Rules** setting and set the option to **Enabled**. Select **Show** and enter each file or folder in the **Value name** column. Enter **0** in the **Value** column for each item.
+> Do not use quotes as they are not supported for either the **Value name** column or the **Value** column.
+##### Use PowerShell to exclude files and folders
+1. Type **powershell** in the Start menu, right-click **Windows PowerShell** and select **Run as administrator**.
+2. Enter the following cmdlet:
+ ```PowerShell
+ Add-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions "<fully qualified path or resource>"
+ ```
+ Continue to use `Add-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions` to add more folders to the list.
+ > Use `Add-MpPreference` to append or add apps to the list. Using the `Set-MpPreference` cmdlet will overwrite the existing list.
+##### Use MDM CSPs to exclude files and folders
+Use the [./Vendor/MSFT/Policy/Config/Defender/AttackSurfaceReductionOnlyExclusions](/windows/client-management/mdm/policy-csp-defender#defender-attacksurfacereductiononlyexclusions) configuration service provider (CSP) to add exclusions.
+##### Customize the notification
+You can customize the notification for when a rule is triggered and blocks an app or file. See the [Windows Security](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-security-center/windows-defender-security-center#customize-notifications-from-the-windows-defender-security-center) article.
+## Additional topics in this deployment collection
+[ASR rules deployment overview](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md)
+[Phase 1: Plan](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-plan.md)
+[Phase 2: Test](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md)
+[Phase 4: Operationalize](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize.md)
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Operationalize https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize.md
+ Title: Attack surface reduction rules deployment Phase 4 - operationalize
+description: Provides guidance to operationalize your attack surface reduction rules deployment.
+keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules
+search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh
+ms.mktglfcycl: manage
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.pagetype: security
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: ITPro
+ms.technology: mde
++ Last updated : 1/18/2022++
+# Phase 4 - operationalize
+After you've fully deployed ASR rules, it's vital that you have processes in place to monitor and respond to ASR-related activities.
+## Manage false positives
+False positives/negatives can occur with any threat protection solution. False positives are cases in which an entity (such as a file or process) is detected and identified as malicious, although the entity isn't actually a threat. In contrast, a false negative is an entity that wasn't detected as a threat but is malicious. For more information about false positives and false negatives, see: [Address false positives/negatives in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md)
+## Keeping up with reports
+Consistent, regular review of reports is an essential aspect of maintaining your ASR rules deployment and keeping abreast of newly emerging threats. Your organization should have scheduled reviews of ASR rules events on a cadence that will keep current with ASR rules-reported events. Depending on the size of your organization, reviews might be daily, hourly, or continuous monitoring.
+## Hunting
+One of the most powerful features of [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://security.microsoft.com) is advanced hunting. If you're not familiar with advanced hunting, see: [Proactively hunt for threats with advanced hunting](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-hunting-overview).
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced hunting](images/asr-defender365-advanced-hunting2.png)
+Advanced hunting is a query-based (Kusto Query Language) threat-hunting tool that lets you explore up to 30 days of the captured (raw) data that Microsoft Defender ATP Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) collects from all your machines. Through advanced hunting, you can proactively inspect events in order to locate interesting indicators and entities. The flexible access to data facilitates unconstrained hunting for both known and potential threats.
+Through advanced hunting, it is possible to extract ASR rules information, create reports, and get in-depth information on the context of a given ASR rule audit or block event.
+ You can query ASR rules events from the DeviceEvents table in the advanced hunting section of the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. For example, a simple query such as the one below can report all the events that have ASR rules as data source, for the last 30 days, and will summarize them by the ActionType count, that in this case it will be the actual codename of the ASR rule.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced hunting query command line](images/asr-defender365-advanced-hunting3.png)
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced hunting query results](images/asr-defender365-advanced-hunting4.png)
+The above shows that 187 events were registered for AsrLsassCredentialTheft:
+- 102 for Blocked
+- 85 for Audited
+- 2 events for AsrOfficeChildProcess (1 for Audited and 1 for Block)
+- 8 events for AsrPsexecWmiChildProcessAudited
+If you want to focus on the AsrOfficeChildProcess rule and get details on the actual files and processes involved, change the filter for ActionType and replace the summarize line with a projection of the wanted fields (in this case they are DeviceName, FileName, FolderPath, etc.).
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced hunting query focused](images/asr-defender365-advanced-hunting4b.png)
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced hunting query focused results](images/asr-defender365-advanced-hunting5b.png)
+The true benefit of advanced hunting is that you can shape the queries to your liking. By shaping your query you can see the exact story of what was happening, regardless of whether you want to pinpoint something on an individual machine, or you want to extract insights from your entire environment.
+For more information about hunting options, see: [Demystifying attack surface reduction rules - Part 3](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/demystifying-attack-surface-reduction-rules-part-3/ba-p/1360968).
+## Topics in this deployment collection
+[ASR rules deployment overview](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md)
+[Phase 1: Plan](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-plan.md)
+[Phase 2: Test](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md)
+[Phase 3: Implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md)
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-plan.md
+ Title: Attack surface reduction rules deployment Phase 1 - plan
+description: Provides guidance to plan your attack surface reduction rules deployment.
+keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules
+search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh
+ms.mktglfcycl: manage
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.pagetype: security
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: ITPro
+ms.technology: mde
++ Last updated : 1/18/2022++
+# Phase 1: plan
+Starting to test ASR rules involves starting with the right business unit. YouΓÇÖll want to start with a small group of people in a specific business unit. You can identify some ASR champions within a particular business unit who can provide real-world impact to the ASR rules and help you tune your implementation.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![ASR rules planning steps](images/asr-rules-planning-steps.png)
+## Start with the right business unit
+How you select the business unit to roll out your ASR rules deployment will depend on factors such as:
+- Size of business unit
+- Availability of ASR rules champions
+- Distribution and usage of:
+ - Software
+ - Shared folders
+ - Use of scripts
+ - Office macros
+ - Other entities affected by ASR rules
+Depending on your business needs, you might decide to include multiple business units to get a broad sampling of software, shared folders, scripts, macros, etc. Conversely, you might decide to limit the scope of your first ASR rules rollout to a single business unit, then repeat the entire ASR rules rollout process to your other business units, one-at-a-time.
+## Identify ASR rules champions
+ASR rules champions are members in your organization that will help with your initial ASR rules rollout during the preliminary testing and implementation phases. Your champions are typically employees who are more technically adept, and who are not derailed by intermittent work-flow outages. The champions' involvement will continue throughout the broader expansion of ASR rules deployment to your organization. Your ASR rules champions will be first to experience each level of the ASR rules rollout.
+It is important to provide a feedback and response channel for your ASR rules champions to alert you to ASR rules-related work disruptions and receive ASR rules-rollout related communications.
+## Get inventory of line-of-business apps and understand the business unit processes
+Having a full understanding of the applications and per-business-unit processes that are used across your organization is critical to a successful ASR rules deployment. Additionally, it is imperative that you understand how those apps are used within the various business units in your organization.
+To start, you should get an inventory of the apps that are approved for use across the breadth of the organization. You can use tools such as the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center to help you inventory software applications. See: [Overview of inventory in the Microsoft 365 Apps admin center](/deployoffice/admincenter/inventory).
+## Define reporting and response team roles and responsibilities
+Clearly articulating roles and responsibilities of persons responsible for monitoring and communicating ASR rules status and activity is a core activity of ASR maintenance. Therefore, it is important to determine:
+- The person or team responsible for gathering reports
+- How and with whom reports are shared
+- How escalation is addressed for newly identified threats or unwanted blockages caused by ASR rules
+Typical roles and responsibilities include:
+- IT admins: Implement ASR rules, manage exclusions. Work with different business units on apps and processes. Assembling and sharing reports to stakeholders
+- Certified security operations center (CSOC) analyst: Responsible for investing high-priority, blocked processes, to determine wither the threat is valid or not
+- Chief information security officer (CISO): Responsible for the overall security posture and health of the organization
+## Ring deployment
+For large enterprises, Microsoft recommends deploying ASR rules in ΓÇ£rings.ΓÇ¥ Rings are groups of devices that are visually represented as concentric circles that radiate outward like non-overlapping tree rings. When the innermost ring is successfully deployed, you can transition the next ring into the testing phase. Thorough assessment of your business units, ASR rules champions, apps, and processes is imperative to defining your rings.
+In most cases, your organization will have designed deployment rings for phased rollouts of Windows updates. You can use your existing ring design to implement ASR rules.
+See: [Create a deployment plan for Windows](/windows/deployment/update/create-deployment-plan)
+## Additional topics in this deployment collection
+[ASR rules deployment overview](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md)
+[Phase 2: Test](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md)
+[Phase 3: Implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md)
+[Phase 4: Operationalize](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize.md)
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment Test https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md
+ Title: Attack surface reduction rules deployment Phase 2 - test
+description: Provides guidance to test your attack surface reduction rules deployment.
+keywords: Attack surface reduction rules deployment, ASR deployment, enable asr rules, configure ASR, host intrusion prevention system, protection rules, anti-exploit rules, anti-exploit, exploit rules, infection prevention rules, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, configure ASR rules
+search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh
+ms.mktglfcycl: manage
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.pagetype: security
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: ITPro
+ms.technology: mde
++ Last updated : 1/18/2022++
+# Phase 2 - test
+Begin your ASR rules deployment with ring 1.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![ASR rules testing steps](images/asr-rules-testing-steps.png)
+## Step 1: Test ASR rules using Audit
+Begin the testing phase by turning on the ASR rules with the rules set to Audit, starting with your champion users or devices in ring 1. Typically, the recommendation is that you enable all the rules (in Audit) so that you can determine which rules are triggered during the testing phase. Note that rules that are set to Audit do not generally impact functionality of the entity or entities to which the rule is applied but do generate logged events for the evaluation; there is no effect on end users.
+### Configure ASR Rules using MEM
+You can use Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM) Endpoint Security to configure custom ASR rules.
+1. Open [Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center](https://endpoint.microsoft.com/#home)
+2. Go to **Endpoint Security** > **Attack surface reduction**.
+3. Select **Create Policy**.
+4. In **Platform**, select **Windows 10 and later**, and in **Profile**, select **Attack surface reduction rules**.
+ > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ > ![Configure ASR rules profile](images/asr-mem-create-profile.png)
+5. Click **Create**.
+6. In the **Basics** tab of the **Create profile** pane, in **Name** add a name for your policy. In **Description** add a description for your ASR rules policy.
+7. In the **Configuration settings** tab, under **Attack Surface Reduction Rules**, set all rules to **Audit mode**.
+ > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ > ![Set ASR rules to Audit mode](images/asr-mem-configuration-settings.png)
+ >[!Note]
+ >There are variations in some ASR rules mode listings; _Blocked_ and _Enabled_ provide the same functionality.
+8. [Optional] In the **Scope tags** pane, you can add tag information to specific devices. You can also use role-based access control and scope tags to make sure that the right admins have the right access and visibility to the right Intune objects. Learn more: [Use role-based access control (RBAC) and scope tags for distributed IT in Intune](/mem/intune/fundamentals/scope-tags).
+9. In the **Assignments** pane, you can deploy or "assign" the profile to your user or device groups. Learn more: [Assign device profiles in Microsoft Intune](/mem/intune/configuration/device-profile-assign#exclude-groups-from-a-profile-assignment)
+10. Review your settings in the **Review + create** pane. Click **Create** to apply the rules.
+ > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ > ![Activate ASR rules policy](images/asr-mem-review-create.png)
+Your new attack surface reduction policy for ASR rules is listed in **Endpoint security | Attack surface reduction**.
+ > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ > ![Listed ASR rule policy](images/asr-mem-my-asr-rules.png)
+## Step 2: Understand the Attack surface reduction rules reporting page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
+The ASR rules reporting page is found in **Microsoft 365 Defender portal** > **Reports** > **Attack surface reduction rules**. This page has three tabs:
+- Detections
+- Configuration
+- Add exclusions
+### Detections tab
+Provides a 30-day timeline of detected audit and blocked events.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules detections tab](images/asr-defender365-01.png)
+The Attack Surface reduction rules pane provides an overview of detected events on a per-rule basis.
+>There are some variations in ASR rules reports. Microsoft is in the process of updating the behavior of the ASR rules reports to provide a consistent experience.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules rule detections](images/asr-defender365-01b.png)
+Click **View detections** to open the **Detections** tab.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules detections](images/asr-defender365-reports-detections.png)
+The **GroupBy** and **Filter** pane provide the following options:
+The **GroupBy** returns results set to the following groups:
+- No grouping
+- Detected file
+- Audit or block
+- Rule
+- Source app
+- Device
+- User
+- Publisher
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules detections GroupBy filter](images/asr-defender365-reports-detections.png)
+**Filter** opens the **Filter on rules** page, which enables you to scope the results to only the selected ASR rules:
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules detections filter on rules](images/asr-defender365-filter.png)
+>If you have a Microsoft Microsoft 365 Security E5 or A5, Windows E5 or A5 license, the following link opens the Microsoft Defender 365 Reports > [Attack surface reductions](https://security.microsoft.com/asr?viewid=detections) > Detections tab.
+### Configuration tab
+Lists ΓÇô on a per-computer basis ΓÇô the aggregate state of ASR rules: Off, Audit, Block.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules Configuration tab](images/asr-defender365-configurations.png)
+On the Configurations tab, you can check ΓÇô on a per-device basis ΓÇô which ASR rules are enabled, and in which mode, by selecting the device for which you want to review ASR rules.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules enabled and mode](images/asr-defender365-configurations.settings.png)
+The **Get started** link opens the Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center, where you can create or modify an endpoint protection policy for ASR:
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction rules in MEM](images/asr-defender365-05b-mem1.png)
+In Endpoint security | Overview, select **Attack surface reduction**:
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Attack surface reduction in MEM](images/asr-defender365-05b-mem2.png)
+The Endpoint Security | Attack surface reduction pane opens:
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Endpoint security Asr pane](images/asr-defender365-05b-mem3.png)
+>If you have a Microsoft Defender 365 E5 (or Windows E5?) license, this link will open the Microsoft Defender 365 Reports > Attack surface reductions > [Configurations](https://security.microsoft.com/asr?viewid=configuration) tab.
+### Add exclusions
+This tab provides a method to select detected entities (for example, false positives) for exclusion. When exclusions are added, the report provides a summary of the expected impact.
+> Microsoft Defender Antivirus AV exclusions are honored by ASR rules. See [Configure and validate exclusions based on extension, name, or location](configure-extension-file-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md).
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> ![Endpoint security Asr tool](Images/asr-defender365-06d.png)
+> [!Note]
+>If you have a Microsoft Defender 365 E5 (or Windows E5?) license, this link will open the Microsoft Defender 365 Reports > Attack surface reductions > [Exclusions](https://security.microsoft.com/asr?viewid=exclusions) tab.
+### Use PowerShell as an alternative method to enable ASR rules
+You can use PowerShell - as an alternative to MEM - to enable ASR rules in audit mode to view a record of apps that would have been blocked if the feature was fully enabled. You can also get an idea of how often the rules will fire during normal use.
+To enable an attack surface reduction rule in audit mode, use the following PowerShell cmdlet:
+Add-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids <rule ID> -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions AuditMode
+Where `<rule ID>` is a [GUID value of the attack surface reduction rule](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md).
+To enable all the added attack surface reduction rules in audit mode, use the following PowerShell cmdlet:
+(Get-MpPreference).AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids | Foreach {Add-MpPreference -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Ids $_ -AttackSurfaceReductionRules_Actions AuditMode}
+> [!TIP]
+> If you want to fully audit how attack surface reduction rules will work in your organization, you'll need to use a management tool to deploy this setting to devices in your network(s).
+You can also use Group Policy, Intune, or mobile device management (MDM) configuration service providers (CSPs) to configure and deploy the setting. Learn more in the main [Attack surface reduction rules](attack-surface-reduction.md) article.
+## Use Windows Event Viewer Review as an alternative to the attack surface reduction rules reporting page in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
+To review apps that would have been blocked, open Event Viewer and filter for Event ID 1121 in the Microsoft-Windows-Windows Defender/Operational log. The following table lists all network protection events.
+Event ID | Description
+ 5007 | Event when settings are changed
+ 1121 | Event when an attack surface reduction rule fires in block mode
+ 1122 | Event when an attack surface reduction rule fires in audit mode
+## Additional topics in this deployment collection
+[ASR rules deployment overview](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md)
+[Phase 1: Plan](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-plan.md)
+[Phase 3: Implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md)
+[Phase 4: Operationalize](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize.md)
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Deployment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment.md
As with any new, wide-scale implementation which could potentially impact your l
## Additional topics in this deployment collection
-[Phase 1: Plan](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-1.md)
+[Phase 1: Plan](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-plan.md)
-[Phase 2: Test](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-2.md)
+[Phase 2: Test](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md)
-[Phase 3: Implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md)
+[Phase 3: Implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md)
-[Phase 4: Operationalize](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-4.md)
+[Phase 4: Operationalize](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-operationalize.md)
## Reference
security Attack Surface Reduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction.md
Last updated 1/18/2022
-# Use attack surface reduction rules to prevent malware infection
+# Attack surface reduction rules overview
**Applies to:**
Also, warn mode isn't supported on devices running older versions of Windows. In
## Notifications and alerts
-Whenever an attack surface reduction rule is triggered, a notification is displayed on the device. You can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your company details and contact information.
+Whenever an attack surface reduction rule is triggered, a notification is displayed on the device. You can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your company details and contact information.
Also, when certain attack surface reduction rules are triggered, alerts are generated.
security Automated Investigations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/automated-investigations.md
Your organization must have Defender for Endpoint (see [Minimum requirements for
Currently, AIR only supports the following OS versions:
+- Windows Server 2012 R2 (Preview)
+- Windows Server 2016 (Preview)
- Windows Server 2019 - Windows Server 2022 - Windows 10, version 1709 (OS Build 16299.1085 with [KB4493441](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4493441/windows-10-update-kb4493441)) or later
security Configure Endpoints Gp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-endpoints-gp.md
Check for the latest virus and spyware security intelligence before running a sc
**Policy location:** \Windows Components\Microsoft Defender Antivirus\Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard\Attack Surface Reduction
-Get the current list of attack surface reduction GUIDs from [Attack surface reduction rules deployment phase 3: implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md)
+Get the current list of attack surface reduction rules GUIDs from [Attack surface reduction rules deployment phase 3: implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md). For additional, per rules details, see [Attack surface reduction rules reference](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md)
1. Open the **Configure Attack Surface Reduction** policy.
security Configure Proxy Internet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-proxy-internet.md
The following downloadable spreadsheet lists the services and their associated U
<br> ****
-|Spreadsheet of domains list|Description|
+|Spreadsheet of domains list| Description|
-|![Thumb image for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URLs spreadsheet.](images/mdatp-urls.png)|Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/e-urls.xlsx)|
+|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for commercial customers| Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for commercial customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/b/f/6bfff670-47c3-4e45-b01b-64a2610eaefa/mde-urls-commercial.xlsx)
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for Gov/GCC/DoD customers | Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for Gov/GCC/DoD customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/e-urls-gov.xlsx)
If a proxy or firewall has HTTPS scanning (SSL inspection) enabled, exclude the domains listed in the above table from HTTPS scanning. In your firewall, open all the URLs where the geography column is WW. For rows where the geography column isn't WW, open the URLs to your specific data location. To verify your data location setting, see [Verify data storage location and update data retention settings for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/data-retention-settings).
If any one of the connectivity options returns a (200) status, then the Defender
However, if the connectivity check results indicate a failure, an HTTP error is displayed (see HTTP Status Codes). You can then use the URLs in the table shown in [Enable access to Defender for Endpoint service URLs in the proxy server](#enable-access-to-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-service-urls-in-the-proxy-server). The URLs available for use will depend on the region selected during the onboarding procedure. > [!NOTE]
-> The Connectivity Analyzer tool's cloud connectivity checks are not compatible with Attack Surface Reduction rule [Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md#block-process-creations-originating-from-psexec-and-wmi-commands). You will need to temporarily disable this rule, to run the connectivity tool. Alternatively, you can temporarily add [ASR exclusions](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) when running the analyzer.
+> The Connectivity Analyzer tool's cloud connectivity checks are not compatible with Attack Surface Reduction rule [Block process creations originating from PSExec and WMI commands](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md#block-process-creations-originating-from-psexec-and-wmi-commands). You will need to temporarily disable this rule, to run the connectivity tool. Alternatively, you can temporarily add [ASR exclusions](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) when running the analyzer.
> > When the TelemetryProxyServer is set in Registry or via Group Policy, Defender for Endpoint will fall back, it fails to access the defined proxy.
security Configure Server Exclusions Microsoft Defender Antivirus https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md
Previously updated : 11/15/2021 Last updated : 02/02/2022
Keep the following important points in mind:
- Automatic exclusions only apply to Real-time protection (RTP) scanning. Automatic exclusions are not honored during a full, quick, or on-demand scan. - Custom and duplicate exclusions do not conflict with automatic exclusions. - Microsoft Defender Antivirus uses the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tools to determine which roles are installed on your computer.-- Automatic exclusions for server roles don't work on Windows Server 2012 R2 unless those servers are onboarded to Defender for Endpoint. (See [Onboard Windows servers to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](configure-server-endpoints.md).)
+- Windows Server 2012 R2 does not automatically include Microsoft Defender Antivirus. When you onboard those servers to Defender for Endpoint, you will install Windows Defender Antivirus, and exclusions for operating system files are included by default. However, automatic exclusions for server roles don't work, and you should add exclusions as appropriate. To learn more, see [Onboard Windows servers to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](configure-server-endpoints.md).
This article provides an overview of exclusions for Microsoft Defender Antivirus on Windows Server 2016 or later.
security Controlled Folders https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/controlled-folders.md
Apps can also be added manually to the trusted list by using Configuration Manag
## Why controlled folder access is important
-Controlled folder access is especially useful in helping to protect your documents and information from [ransomware](https://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/threats/ransomware). In a ransomware attack, your files can get encrypted and held hostage. With controlled folder access in place, a notification appears on the computer where an app attempted to make changes to a file in a protected folder. You can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your company details and contact information. You can also enable the rules individually to customize what techniques the feature monitors.
+Controlled folder access is especially useful in helping to protect your documents and information from [ransomware](https://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/threats/ransomware). In a ransomware attack, your files can get encrypted and held hostage. With controlled folder access in place, a notification appears on the computer where an app attempted to make changes to a file in a protected folder. You can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your company details and contact information. You can also enable the rules individually to customize what techniques the feature monitors.
The [protected folders](#review-controlled-folder-access-events-in-windows-event-viewer) include common system folders (including boot sectors), and you can [add more folders](customize-controlled-folders.md#protect-additional-folders). You can also [allow apps](customize-controlled-folders.md#allow-specific-apps-to-make-changes-to-controlled-folders) to give them access to the protected folders.
Controlled folder access requires enabling [Microsoft Defender Antivirus real-ti
Defender for Endpoint provides detailed reporting into events and blocks as part of its [alert investigation scenarios](investigate-alerts.md) in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal. (See [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in Microsoft 365 Defender](../defender/microsoft-365-security-center-mde.md).)
-You can query Microsoft Defender for Endpoint data by using [Advanced hunting](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/advanced-hunting-overview?view=o365-worldwide). If you're using [audit mode](audit-windows-defender.md), you can use [advanced hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md) to see how controlled folder access settings would affect your environment if they were enabled.
+You can query Microsoft Defender for Endpoint data by using [Advanced hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md). If you're using [audit mode](audit-windows-defender.md), you can use [advanced hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md) to see how controlled folder access settings would affect your environment if they were enabled.
Example query:
security Deployment Vdi Microsoft Defender Antivirus https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/deployment-vdi-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md
To do this:
For this example, the file share is:
- \\fileserver.fqdn\mdatp$\wdav-update
+ \\\fileserver.fqdn\mdatp$\wdav-update
### Set a scheduled task to run the PowerShell script
security Device Discovery Faq https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-discovery-faq.md
In this mode endpoints onboarded to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can actively
## Can I control which devices perform Standard discovery?
-You can customize the list of devices that are used to perform Standard discovery. You can either enable Standard discovery on all the onboarded devices that also support this capability (currently Windows 10 devices only) or select a subset or subsets of your devices by specifying their device tags. In this case, all other devices will be configured to run Basic discovery only. The configuration is available in the device discovery settings page.
+You can customize the list of devices that are used to perform Standard discovery. You can either enable Standard discovery on all the onboarded devices that also support this capability (currently Windows 10 or later and Windows Server 2019 or later devices only) or select a subset or subsets of your devices by specifying their device tags. In this case, all other devices will be configured to run Basic discovery only. The configuration is available in the device discovery settings page.
## Can I exclude unmanaged devices from the device inventory list?
Yes, you can apply filters to exclude unmanaged devices from the device inventor
## Which onboarded devices can perform discovery?
-Onboarded devices running on Windows 10 version 1809 or later, or Windows 11 can perform discovery. Servers cannot perform discovery at this point.
+Onboarded devices running on Windows 10 version 1809 or later, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022 can perform discovery.
## What happens if my onboarded devices is connected to my home network, or to public access point?
The discovery engine distinguishes between network events that are received in t
## What protocols are you capturing and analyzing?
-By default, all onboarded devices running on Windows 10 version 1809 or later, or Windows 11 are capturing and analyzing the following protocols:
+By default, all onboarded devices running on Windows 10 version 1809 or later, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, or Windows Server 2022 are capturing and analyzing the following protocols:
ARP, CDP, DHCP, DHCPv6, IP (headers), LLDP, LLMNR, mDNS, MNDP, NBNS, SSDP, TCP (SYN headers), UDP (headers), WSD ## Which protocols do you use for active probing in Standard discovery?
security Enable Attack Surface Reduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-attack-surface-reduction.md
You can use Microsoft Endpoint Manager (MEM) OMA-URI to configure custom ASR rul
- In **Name**, type a name for the rule. - In **Description**, type a brief description.
- - In **OMA-URI**, type or paste the specific OMA-URI link for the rule that you are adding. Refer to the MEM section earlier in this article for the OMA-URI to use for this example rule. For attack surface reduction rule GUIDS, see [Per rule descriptions](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md#per-rule-descriptions) in the topic: Attack surface reduction rules.
+ - In **OMA-URI**, type or paste the specific OMA-URI link for the rule that you are adding. Refer to the MDM section in this article for the OMA-URI to use for this example rule. For attack surface reduction rule GUIDS, see [Per rule descriptions](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md#per-rule-descriptions) in the topic: Attack surface reduction rules.
- In **Data type**, select **String**. - In **Value**, type or paste the GUID value, the \= sign and the State value with no spaces (_GUID=StateValue_). Where:
security Evaluation Lab https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/evaluation-lab.md
Automated investigation settings will be dependent on tenant settings. It will b
1. From the dashboard, select **Add device**.
-2. Choose the type of device to add. You can choose to add Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, and Linux (Ubuntu).
- :::image type="content" source="../../media/add-machine-optionsnew.png" alt-text="lab setup with device options.":::
+2. Choose the type of device to add. You can choose to add Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016, and Linux (Ubuntu).
> [!NOTE] > If something goes wrong with the device creation process, you'll be notified and you'll need to submit a new request. If the device creation fails, it will not be counted against the overall allowed quota.
Automated investigation settings will be dependent on tenant settings. It will b
> [!TIP] > In the **Simulator status** column, you can hover over the information icon to know the installation status of an agent. + ## Request for more devices When all existing devices are used and deleted, you can request for more devices. You can request for lab resources once a month.
If you are looking for a pre-made simulation, you can use our ["Do It Yourself"
![Image of the connect button for test devices.](images/test-machine-table.png)
-2. Save the RDP file and launch it by selecting **Connect**.
+2. For **Windows devices**: save the RDP file and launch it by selecting **Connect**.<br>
![Image of remote desktop connection.](images/remote-connection.png)
+ For **Linux devices**: you'll need to use a local SSH client and the provided command.
++ > [!NOTE] > If you don't have a copy of the password saved during the initial setup, you can reset the password by selecting **Reset password** from the menu: >
security Exploit Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/exploit-protection.md
Exploit protection works best with [Defender for Endpoint](microsoft-defender-en
You can [enable exploit protection](enable-exploit-protection.md) on an individual device, and then use [Group Policy](import-export-exploit-protection-emet-xml.md) to distribute the XML file to multiple devices at once.
-When a mitigation is found on the device, a notification will be displayed from the Action Center. You can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your company details and contact information. You can also enable the rules individually to customize what techniques the feature monitors.
+When a mitigation is found on the device, a notification will be displayed from the Action Center. You can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your company details and contact information. You can also enable the rules individually to customize what techniques the feature monitors.
You can also use [audit mode](evaluate-exploit-protection.md) to evaluate how exploit protection would affect your organization if it were enabled.
security Gov https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/gov.md
If a proxy or firewall is blocking all traffic by default and allowing only spec
The following downloadable spreadsheet lists the services and their associated URLs your network must be able to connect to. Verify there are no firewall or network-filtering rules that would deny access to these URLs, or create an *allow* rule specifically for them.
-Spreadsheet of domains list|Description
-![Thumb image for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URLs spreadsheet.](images/mdatp-urls.png)|Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/e-urls.xlsx)
+|Spreadsheet of domains list| Description|
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for Gov/GCC/DoD customers | Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for Gov/GCC/DoD customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/e-urls-gov.xlsx)
For more information, see [Configure device proxy and Internet connectivity settings](configure-proxy-internet.md).
security Linux Install Manually https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-install-manually.md
Download the onboarding package from Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
```bash mdatp health --field real_time_protection_enabled ```
+ If it is not enabled, execute the following command:
+ ```bash
+ mdatp config real-time-protection --value enabled
+ ```
- Open a Terminal window and execute the following command:
security Manage Protection Updates Microsoft Defender Antivirus https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-protection-updates-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md
Set up a network file share (UNC/mapped drive) to download security intelligence
6. Extract the file.
-7. Copy the file SignatureDownloadCustomTask.ps1 to the folder you previously created, C:\Tool\PS-Scripts\ .
+7. Copy the file SignatureDownloadCustomTask.ps1 to the folder you previously created, `C:\Tool\PS-Scripts\` .
8. Use the command line to set up the scheduled task.
Set up a network file share (UNC/mapped drive) to download security intelligence
``` > [!NOTE]
- > When the scheduled tasks are created, you can find these in the Task Scheduler under Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender
+ > When the scheduled tasks are created, you can find these in the Task Scheduler under `Microsoft\Windows\Windows Defender`.
-9. Run each task manually and verify that you have data (mpam-d.exe, mpam-fe.exe, and nis_full.exe) in the following folders (you might have chosen different locations):
+9. Run each task manually and verify that you have data (`mpam-d.exe`, `mpam-fe.exe`, and `nis_full.exe`) in the following folders (you might have chosen different locations):
- - C:\Temp\TempSigs\x86
- - C:\Temp\TempSigs\x64
+ - `C:\Temp\TempSigs\x86`
+ - `C:\Temp\TempSigs\x64`
If the scheduled task fails, run the following commands:
Set up a network file share (UNC/mapped drive) to download security intelligence
> [!NOTE] > Issues could also be due to execution policy.
-10. Create a share pointing to C:\Temp\TempSigs (e.g., \\server\updates).
+10. Create a share pointing to `C:\Temp\TempSigs` (e.g., `\\server\updates`).
> [!NOTE]
- > At a minimum, authenticated users must have "Read" access.
+ > At a minimum, authenticated users must have "Read" access. This requirement also applies to domain computers, the share, and NTFS (security).
11. Set the share location in the policy to the share.
security Manage Updates Baselines Microsoft Defender Antivirus https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-updates-baselines-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md
ms.technology: mde Previously updated : 01/06/2022 Last updated : 02/02/2022 - M365-security-compliance - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
# Manage Microsoft Defender Antivirus updates and apply baselines **Applies to:**--- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plans 1 and 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
- Microsoft Defender Antivirus Keeping Microsoft Defender Antivirus up to date is critical to assure your devices have the latest technology and features needed to protect against new malware and attack techniques. Make sure to update your antivirus protection, even if Microsoft Defender Antivirus is running in [passive mode](microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility.md). There are two types of updates related to keeping Microsoft Defender Antivirus up to date:
All our updates contain
- Integration improvements (Cloud, [Microsoft 365 Defender](/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-365-defender)) <br/><br/> <details>
-<summary>November-2021 (Platform: 4.18.2111.5| Engine: 1.1.18800.4)</summary>
+<summary>January-2022 (Platform: 4.18.2201.x | Engine: 1.1.18900.2)</summary>
+&ensp;Security intelligence update version: **1.357.8.0**<br/>
+&ensp;Released: **February 2, 2022**<br/>
+&ensp;Platform: **4.18.2201.x**<br/>
+&ensp;Engine: **1.1.18900.2**<br/>
+&ensp;Support phase: **Security and Critical Updates**<br/>
+Engine version: 1.1.18900.2 <br/>
+Security intelligence update version: 1.357.8.0 <br/>
+### What's new
+- Behavior monitoring improvements in filtering performance
+### Known Issues
+No known issues
+<summary>November-2021 (Platform: 4.18.2111.5 | Engine: 1.1.18800.4)</summary>
&ensp;Security intelligence update version: **1.355.2.0**<br/> &ensp;Released: **December 9th, 2021**<br/>
Security intelligence update version: 1.355.2.0
No known issues <br/> </details><details>
-<summary> October-2021 (Platform: 4.18.2110.6| Engine: 1.1.18700.4)</summary>
+<summary> October-2021 (Platform: 4.18.2110.6 | Engine: 1.1.18700.4)</summary>
&ensp;Security intelligence update version: **1.353.3.0**<br/> &ensp;Released: **October 28th, 2021**<br/>
Security intelligence update version: 1.353.3.0
### Known Issues No known issues <br/>
+### Previous version updates: Technical upgrade support only
+After a new package version is released, support for the previous two versions is reduced to technical support only. Versions older than that are listed in this section, and are provided for technical upgrade support only.<br/><br/>
<summary> September-2021 (Platform: 4.18.2109.6 | Engine: 1.1.18600.4)</summary> &ensp;Security intelligence update version: **1.351.7.0**<br/> &ensp;Released: **October 7th, 2021**<br/> &ensp;Platform: **4.18.2109.6**<br/> &ensp;Engine: **1.1.18600.4**<br/>
-&ensp;Support phase: **Security and Critical Updates**<br/>
+&ensp;Support phase: **Technical upgrade support (only)**<br/>
Engine version: 1.1.18600.4 Security intelligence update version: 1.351.7.0
Security intelligence update version: 1.351.7.0
### Known Issues No known issues <br/>
-### Previous version updates: Technical upgrade support only
-After a new package version is released, support for the previous two versions is reduced to technical support only. Versions older than that are listed in this section, and are provided for technical upgrade support only.<br/><br/>
<summary> August-2021 (Platform: 4.18.2108.7 | Engine: 1.1.18500.10)</summary> &ensp;Security intelligence update version: **1.349.22.0**<br/>
security Mde P1 Setup Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mde-p1-setup-configuration.md
Attack surface reduction rules are available on devices running Windows. We reco
> To learn more about attack surface reduction rules, see the following resources: > - [Use attack surface reduction rules to prevent malware infection](attack-surface-reduction.md) > - [View the list of attack surface reduction rules](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md)
-> - [Attack surface reduction rules deployment phase 3: implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md)
+> - [Attack surface reduction rules deployment phase 3: implement](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md)
### Ransomware mitigation
security Microsoft Defender Endpoint Linux https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-endpoint-linux.md
The following downloadable spreadsheet lists the services and their associated U
-|Spreadsheet of domains list|Description|
+|Spreadsheet of domains list| Description|
-|![Thumb image for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URLs spreadsheet.](images/mdatp-urls.png)|Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS. <p> Download the spreadsheet [here](https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/e-urls.xlsx).|
+|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for commercial customers | Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for commercial customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/b/f/6bfff670-47c3-4e45-b01b-64a2610eaefa/mde-urls-commercial.xlsx)
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for Gov/GCC/DoD customers| Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for Gov/GCC/DoD customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/e-urls-gov.xlsx)
+ > [!NOTE] > For a more specific URL list, see [Configure proxy and internet connectivity settings](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-proxy-internet#enable-access-to-microsoft-defender-atp-service-urls-in-the-proxy-server).
security Microsoft Defender Endpoint Mac https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-endpoint-mac.md
When adding exclusions, be mindful of [common exclusion mistakes for Microsoft D
The following downloadable spreadsheet lists the services and their associated URLs that your network must be able to connect to. You should ensure that there are no firewall or network filtering rules that would deny access to these URLs, or you may need to create an *allow* rule specifically for them.
-|Spreadsheet of domains list|Description|
+|Spreadsheet of domains list| Description|
-|![Thumb image for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URLs spreadsheet.](images/mdatp-urls.png)|Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS. <p> Download the spreadsheet here: [mdatp-urls.xlsx](https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/e-urls.xlsx).
+|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for commercial customers | Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for commercial customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/b/f/6bfff670-47c3-4e45-b01b-64a2610eaefa/mde-urls-commercial.xlsx)
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for Gov/GCC/DoD customers| Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for Gov/GCC/DoD customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/e-urls-gov.xlsx)
+++ Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can discover a proxy server by using the following discovery methods:
security Network Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection.md
For more information about how to enable network protection, see **[Enable netwo
Network protection works best with [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md), which gives you detailed reporting into exploit protection events and blocks as part of [alert investigation scenarios](investigate-alerts.md).
-When network protection blocks a connection, a notification is displayed from the Action Center. Your security operations team can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your organization's details and contact information. In addition, individual attack surface reduction rules can be enabled and customized to suit certain techniques to monitor.
+When network protection blocks a connection, a notification is displayed from the Action Center. Your security operations team can [customize the notification](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules) with your organization's details and contact information. In addition, individual attack surface reduction rules can be enabled and customized to suit certain techniques to monitor.
You can also use [audit mode](audit-windows-defender.md) to evaluate how network protection would impact your organization if it were enabled.
security Offboard Machine Api https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/offboard-machine-api.md
Delegated (work or school account)|Machine.Offboard|'Offboard machine'
POST https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/machines/{id}/offboard ```
+The machine ID can be found in the URL when you select the device. Generally, it is a 40 digit alphanumeric number that can be found in the URL.
+ ## Request headers Name|Type|Description
security Overview Attack Surface Reduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/overview-attack-surface-reduction.md
You can enable audit mode using Group Policy, PowerShell, and configuration serv
| Audit options | How to enable audit mode | How to view events | |||| | Audit applies to all events | [Enable controlled folder access](enable-controlled-folders.md) | [Controlled folder access events](evaluate-controlled-folder-access.md#review-controlled-folder-access-events-in-windows-event-viewer) |
-| Audit applies to individual rules | [Step 1: Test ASR rules using Audit](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-2.md#step-1-test-asr-rules-using-audit) | [Step 2: Understand the Attack surface reduction rules reporting page](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-2.md#step-2-understand-the-attack-surface-reduction-rules-reporting-page-in-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal) |
+| Audit applies to individual rules | [Step 1: Test ASR rules using Audit](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md#step-1-test-asr-rules-using-audit) | [Step 2: Understand the Attack surface reduction rules reporting page](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-test.md#step-2-understand-the-attack-surface-reduction-rules-reporting-page-in-the-microsoft-365-defender-portal) |
| Audit applies to all events | [Enable network protection](enable-network-protection.md) | [Network protection events](evaluate-network-protection.md#review-network-protection-events-in-windows-event-viewer) | | Audit applies to individual mitigations | [Enable exploit protection](enable-exploit-protection.md) | [Exploit protection events](exploit-protection.md#review-exploit-protection-events-in-windows-event-viewer) |
security Portal Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/portal-overview.md
You can use <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2077139" target="
## Microsoft 365 Defender
-When you open the portal, you'll see:
--- (1) Navigation pane (select the horizontal lines at the top of the navigation pane to show or hide it)-- (2) Search, Community center, Localization, Help and support, Feedback
+When you open the portal, you'll see the Navigation pane (select the horizontal lines at the top of the navigation pane to show or hide it).
![Microsoft Defender for Endpoint portal.](images/mdatp-portal-overview.png)
security Production Deployment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/production-deployment.md
The following downloadable spreadsheet lists the services and their associated U
-|Spreadsheet of domains list|Description|
+|Spreadsheet of domains list| Description|
-|![Thumb image for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URLs spreadsheet.](images/mdatp-urls.png)|Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/e-urls.xlsx)|
+|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for commercial customers | Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for commercial customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/b/f/6bfff670-47c3-4e45-b01b-64a2610eaefa/mde-urls-commercial.xlsx)
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint URL list for Gov/GCC/DoD customers| Spreadsheet of specific DNS records for service locations, geographic locations, and OS for Gov/GCC/DoD customers. <p> [Download the spreadsheet here.](https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/e-urls-gov.xlsx)
| ## Next step
security Run Detection Test https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/run-detection-test.md
Run the following PowerShell script on a newly onboarded device to verify that i
powershell.exe -NoExit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle Hidden $ErrorActionPreference = 'silentlycontinue';(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'C:\\test-MDATP-test\\invoice.exe');Start-Process 'C:\\test-MDATP-test\\invoice.exe' ```
-The Command Prompt window will close automatically. If successful, the detection test will be marked as completed and a new alert will appear in the portal for the onboarded device in about 10 minutes.
+The Command Prompt window will close automatically. If successful, a new alert will appear in the portal for the onboarded device in about ten minutes.
## Related topics
security Troubleshoot Asr https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/troubleshoot-asr.md
If you've tested the rule with the demo tool and with audit mode, and attack sur
If the attack surface reduction rule is blocking something that it shouldn't block (also known as a false positive), you can add exclusions to prevent attack surface reduction rules from evaluating the excluded files or folders.
-To add an exclusion, see [Customize Attack surface reduction](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-phase-3.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules).
+To add an exclusion, see [Customize Attack surface reduction](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#customize-attack-surface-reduction-rules).
> [!IMPORTANT] > You can specify individual files and folders to be excluded, but you cannot specify individual rules.
security Whats New In Microsoft Defender Endpoint https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-endpoint.md
For more information on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on other operating syste
- [What's new in Defender for Endpoint on iOS](ios-whatsnew.md) - [What's new in Defender for Endpoint on Linux](linux-whatsnew.md) + ## January 2022
+- Evaluation lab enhancements: You can now add Windows 11 and Linux devices to the lab.
+ - Threat and vulnerability management for Android and iOS is now generally available. [Learn more](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/announcing-general-availability-of-vulnerability-management/ba-p/3071663). ## December 2021
For more information on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on other operating syste
- [Microsoft Tunnel VPN integration](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/announcing-new-capabilities-on-android-and-ios/ba-p/2442730) <br> Microsoft Tunnel VPN capabilities is now integrated with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app for Android. This unification enables organizations to offer a simplified end user experience with one security app ΓÇô offering both mobile threat defense and the ability to access on-prem resources from their mobile device, while security and IT teams are able to maintain the same admin experiences they are familiar with. -- [Jailbreak detection on iOS](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features?view=o365-worldwide#conditional-access-with-defender-for-endpoint-on-ios) <br> Jailbreak detection capability in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on iOS is now generally available. This adds to the phishing protection that already exists. For more information, see [Setup Conditional Access Policy based on device risk signals](https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features?view=o365-worldwide).
+- [Jailbreak detection on iOS](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features#conditional-access-with-defender-for-endpoint-on-ios) <br> Jailbreak detection capability in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on iOS is now generally available. This adds to the phishing protection that already exists. For more information, see [Setup Conditional Access Policy based on device risk signals](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features).
## March 2021
security Configure Anti Phishing Policies Eop https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/configure-anti-phishing-policies-eop.md
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
Multiple values in the same condition use OR logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ or _\<recipient2\>_). Different conditions use AND logic (for example, _\<recipient1\>_ and _\<member of group 1\>_).
- - **Exclude these users, groups, and domains**: To add exceptions for the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recpient exceptions), select this option and configure the exceptions. The settings and behavior are exactly like the conditions.
+ - **Exclude these users, groups, and domains**: To add exceptions for the internal recipients that the policy applies to (recipient exceptions), select this option and configure the exceptions. The settings and behavior are exactly like the conditions.
When you're finished, click **Next**.
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Enroll https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-enroll.md
Whether a device is a personally owned BYOD device or a corporate-owned and full
The device enrollment process establishes a relationship between the user, the device, and the Microsoft Intune service. Using Microsoft Intune as a standalone service enables you to use a single web-based administration console to manage Windows PCs, macOS, and the most popular mobile device platforms.
-This article recommends methods for enrolling devices into management using Intune. For more information about these methods and how to deploy each one, see [Deployment guidance: Enroll devices in Microsoft Intune](/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-overview).
+This article recommends methods for enrolling devices into management using Intune. For more information about these methods and how to deploy each one, see [Deployment guidance: Enroll devices in Microsoft Intune](/mem/intune/fundamentals/deployment-guide-enrollment).
![Steps for managing devices](../medim-steps-1.png#lightbox)
There are several options for enrolling Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices. The m
For additional options, including enrolling BYOD Windows devices, see, [Enroll Windows devices in Microsoft Intune](/mem/intune/fundamentals/deployment-guide-enrollment-windows).
-## iOS/iPadOS and iPadOS enrollment
+## iOS and iPadOS enrollment
For user owned (BYOD) devices, you can let users enroll their personal devices for Intune management using one of the following methods. - Device enrollment is what you may think of as typical BYOD enrollment. It provides admins with a wide range of management options.
test-base Createaccount https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/test-base/createAccount.md
If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a [free account](https://azure.m
![Create a Test Base Account search image.](Media/CreateTestAccount1.png)
-2. Click **'Add'** to create a Test Base account.
+2. Click **'Create'** to create a Test Base account.
![Clicking on add to create the account.](Media/CreateTestAccount2.png)