Updates from: 02/26/2022 02:16:42
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compliance Apply Sensitivity Label Automatically https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md
In all cases, matched files are labeled until the OneDrive account is permanentl
5. For the page **Name your auto-labeling policy**: Provide a unique name, and optionally a description to help identify the automatically applied label, locations, and conditions that identify the content to label.
-6. For the page **Choose locations where you want to apply the label**: Select and specify locations for Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive. If you don't want to keep the default of **All** for your chosen locations, select the link to choose specific instances. Then select **Next**.
+6. For the page **Choose locations where you want to apply the label**: Select and specify locations for Exchange, SharePoint, and OneDrive. If you don't want to keep the default of **All** for your chosen locations, select the link to choose specific instances to include, or select the link to choose specific instances to exclude. Then select **Next**.
![Choose locations page for auto-labeling configuration.](../media/locations-auto-labeling-wizard.png)
compliance Compliance Extensibility https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-extensibility.md
Many of the data connectors available in the Microsoft 365 compliance center to
For data connectors in the Microsoft 365 compliance center provided by one of Microsoft's partners, your organization will need a business relationship with the partner before you can deploy a connector.
-For licensing requirements for third-party data connectors, see the "Data connectors" section in [Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance).
+For guidance and requirements for third-party data connectors, see the "Data connectors" section in [Microsoft 365 guidance for security & compliance - Service Descriptions | Microsoft Docs](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance).
## APIs
compliance Encryption Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md
Encrypting your most sensitive documents and emails helps to ensure that only au
- When authorized users open encrypted documents in their Office apps, they see the label name and description in a yellow message bar at the top of their app. When the encryption permissions extend to people outside your organization, carefully review the label names and descriptions that will be visible in this message bar when the document is opened. -- For multiple users to edit an encrypted file at the same time, they must all be using Office for the web. Or, for Windows and Mac, you have [enabled co-authoring for files encrypted with sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md) and users have the [required minimum versions](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#sensitivity-label-capabilities-in-word-excel-and-powerpoint) of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. If this isn't the case, and the file is already open:
+- For multiple users to edit an encrypted file at the same time, they must all be using Office for the web or you've [enabled co-authoring for files encrypted with sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md) and all users have [Office apps that support this feature](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md#prerequisites). If this isn't the case, and the file is already open:
- In Office apps (Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS), users see a **File In Use** message with the name of the person who has checked out the file. They can then view a read-only copy or save and edit a copy of the file, and receive notification when the file is available. - In Office for the web, users see an error message that they can't edit the document with other people. They can then select **Open in Reading View**.
compliance Get Started Core Ediscovery https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/get-started-core-ediscovery.md
Licensing for Core eDiscovery requires the appropriate organization subscription
For information about how to assign licenses, see [Assign licenses to users](../admin/manage/assign-licenses-to-users.md).
-For information about licensing:
+For information and guidance on security and compliance:
-- Download and see the eDiscovery and auditing section in the [Microsoft 365 Comparison table](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139145).
+- Download and see the eDiscovery and auditing section in the [Microsoft 365 Comparison table](https://aka.ms/M365EnterprisePlans).
-- See the [Security & Compliance Center service description](/office365/servicedescriptions/office-365-platform-service-description/office-365-securitycompliance-center).
+- See the [Microsoft 365 guidance for security & compliance - Service Descriptions | Microsoft Docs](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance).
## Step 2: Assign eDiscovery permissions
If you create a case in Step 3 and you're the only person who will use the case,
You can also choose to add role groups as members of a case. Under **Role groups**, click **Add**. You can only assign the role groups that you are a member of to a case. That's because role groups control who can assign members to an eDiscovery case.
-4. In the list of people or role groups that can be added as members of the case, click to the left of the name of the people (or role groups) that you want to add. If you have a large list of people or role groups who can added as members, use the **Search** box to search for a specific person or role group in the list.
+4. In the list of people or role groups that can be added as members of the case, click to the left of the name of the people (or role groups) that you want to add. If you have a large list of people or role groups who can be added as members, use the **Search** box to search for a specific person or role group in the list.
5. After you select the people or role groups to add as members of the case, click **Save** to save the new members or role groups.
To get you started using core eDiscovery, here's a simple workflow of creating e
- Revise a query and rerun the search.
-3. **[Export and download search results](export-content-in-core-ediscovery.md)**. After you search for and find data that's relevant to your investigation, you can export it out of Office 365 for review by people outside of the investigation team. Exporting data is a two-step process. The first step is to export the results of a search in the case out of Office 365. This is accomplished by copying the results of a search to a Microsoft-provided Azure Storage location. The next step is to use the eDiscovery Export tool to download the content to a local computer. In addition to the exported data files, the contains of the export package also contains an export report, a summary report, and an error report.
+3. **[Export and download search results](export-content-in-core-ediscovery.md)**. After you search for and find data that's relevant to your investigation, you can export it out of Office 365 for review by people outside of the investigation team. Exporting data is a two-step process. The first step is to export the results of a search in the case out of Office 365. This is accomplished by copying the results of a search to a Microsoft-provided Azure Storage location. The next step is to use the eDiscovery Export tool to download the content to a local computer. In addition to the exported data files, the export package contains an export report, a summary report, and an error report.
compliance Retention Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-settings.md
Before you configure your adaptive scope, use the previous section to identify w
- For **User** and **Microsoft 365 Group** scopes, use [OPATH filtering syntax](/powershell/exchange/recipient-filters). For example, to create a user scope that defines its membership by department, country, and state: ![Example adaptive scope with advanced query.](../media/example-adaptive-scope-advanced-query.png)
+ One of the advantages of using the advanced query builder for these scopes is a wider choice of query operators:
+ - **and**
+ - **or**
+ - **not**
+ - **eq** (equals)
+ - **ne** (not equals)
+ - **lt** (less than)
+ - **gt** (greater than)
+ - **like** (string comparison
+ - **notlike** (string comparison
- For **SharePoint sites** scopes, use Keyword Query Language (KQL). You might already be familiar with using KQL to search SharePoint by using indexed site properties. To help you specify these KQL queries, see [Keyword Query Language (KQL) syntax reference](/sharepoint/dev/general-development/keyword-query-language-kql-syntax-reference).
- One of the advantages of using the advanced query builder is a wider choice of query operators:
- - **and**
- - **or**
- - **not**
- - **eq** (equals)
- - **ne** (not equals)
- - **lt** (less than)
- - **gt** (greater than)
- - **like** (string comparison
- - **notlike** (string comparison
+ For example, because SharePoint sites scopes automatically include all SharePoint site types, which include Microsoft 365 group-connected and OneDrive sites, you can use the indexed site property **SiteTemplate** to include or exclude specific site types. The templates you can specify:
+ - SITEPAGEPUBLISHING for modern communication sites
+ - GROUP for Microsoft 365 group-connected sites
+ - TEAMCHANNEL for Microsoft Teams private channel sites
+ - STS for a classic SharePoint team site
+ - SPSPERS for OneDrive sites
+ So to create an adaptive scope that includes only modern communication sites and excludes Microsoft 365 goup-connected and OneDrive sites, specify the following KQL query:
+ ````console
+ ````
You can [validate these advanced queries](#validating-advanced-queries) independently from the scope configuration.
compliance Sensitivity Labels Aip https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-aip.md
+ Title: "Understand and choose between Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) built-in labeling for Office apps and the Azure Information Protection (AIP) client"
+- CSH
+++ Last updated :
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+- M365-security-compliance
+- m365initiative-compliance
+- MOE150
+- MET150
+description: Understand whether to use the AIP client for Windows computers or built-in labeling for Office apps.
+# Why choose MIP built-in labeling over the AIP add-in for Office apps
+>*[Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance).*
+When you use [sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels.md) in Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows computers, you have a choice of using labeling that's built into Office apps, or an add-in from the [Azure Information Protection (AIP) unified labeling client](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/aip-clientv2).
+Built-in labeling forms the cornerstone of a [Microsoft Information Protection (MIP) deployment](information-protection-solution.md) because this labeling technology extends across platforms (Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and web), as well as across Microsoft apps and services, and beyond. Built-in labeling is also designed to work with other MIP capabilities, such as data classification and data loss prevention (DLP).
+Because built-in labels don't use an Office add-in, they benefit from more stability and better performance. They also support the latest MIP features, such as advanced classifiers.
+By default, built-in labeling is turned off in Office for Windows apps when the AIP client is installed. You can change this default behavior by using the instructions in the following section, [How to disable the AIP add-in to use built-in labeling for Office apps](#how-to-disable-the-aip-add-in-to-use-built-in-labeling-for-office-apps).
+When you keep the AIP client installed but disabled in Office apps, the other capabilities of the AIP client remain supported:
+- Right-click options in File Explorer for users to apply labels to all file types.
+- A viewer to display encrypted files for text, images, or PDF documents.
+- A PowerShell module to discover sensitive information in files on premises, and apply or remove labels and encryption from these files.
+- A scanner to discover sensitive information that's stored in on-premises data stores, and then optionally, label that content.
+For more information about these capabilities that extend labeling beyond Office apps, see the [Azure Information Protection unified labeling client administrator guide](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/clientv2-admin-guide) from the AIP documentation.
+Independently from labeling, you can continue to use the [AIPService](/powershell/module/aipservice) PowerShell module for tenant-level management of the encryption service. For example, configure super user access when you need to remove encryption for data recovery, track and revoke documents that have been opened by the AIP client, and configure the use license validity period for offline access. For more information, see [Administering protection from Azure Information Protection by using PowerShell](/azure/information-protection/administer-powershell).
+## Decide whether to use built-in labeling for Office apps or the AIP add-in
+Now that the AIP client is in [maintenance mode](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/announcing-aip-unified-labeling-client-maintenance-mode-and/ba-p/3043613), we don't recommend you use the AIP add-in for Office apps for the following reasons:
+- No new labeling features will be supported.
+- Add-ins are less stable because they can conflict with other add-ins that can result in Office apps hanging, crashing, or automatically disabling the add-in.
+- As an add-in, it runs more slowly, and can be disabled by users to bypass labeling requirements.
+- Any bug fixes will require reinstalling the Azure Information Protection client.
+- The labeling experience for users is slightly different from built-in labels that users have on their other devices (macOS, iOS, Android), and when they use Office for the web. This difference can increase costs for training and support.
+- There are already new Office labeling features released that are [only supported by built-in labeling](#features-supported-only-by-built-in-labeling-for-office-apps), and the list is growing all the time.
+Use the AIP add-in for your Windows Office apps only if you've already deployed it to users and you need time to migrate them to built-in labeling. Or, users need a feature that isn't supported by built-in labeling. Use the [feature parity information](#feature-parity-for-built-in-labeling-and-the-aip-add-in-for-office-apps) on this page to help you identify these features.
+## Features supported only by built-in labeling for Office apps
+> [!NOTE]
+> Many new labeling features are in planning or development, so expect the list in this section to grow over time.
+Some features are only supported by built-in labeling for Office apps, and won't be supported by the AIP add-in. These include:
+- For automatic and recommended labeling:
+ - Access to intelligent classification services that include [trainable classifiers](classifier-learn-about.md), [Exact Data Match (EDM)](sit-learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sits.md), and [named entities](named-entities-learn.md)
+ - Detection of sensitive information as users type
+ - In Word, users can review and remove the identified sensitive content
+- For labels that let users assign permissions, different permissions (Read or Change) can be granted to users or groups
+- Encrypt-Only for emails
+- Visibility of labels on the status bar
+- Support for account switching
+- Users can't disable labeling
+Example showing how users can review and optionally remove identified sensitive content in Word:
+![Credit card numbers identified to users as sensitivity content with an option to remove.](../media/detect-sensitive-content.png)
+To keep informed when new labeling capabilities become available for built-in labeling, see [What's new in Microsoft 365 compliance](whats-new.md) and the **Sensitivity labels** sections.
+## How to disable the AIP add-in to use built-in labeling for Office apps
+When you've installed the AIP client to extend labeling beyond Office apps but want to prevent the client's add-in from loading in Office apps, use the Group Policy setting **List of managed add-ins** as documented in [No Add-ins loaded due to group policy settings for Office 2013 and Office 2016 programs](https://support.microsoft.com/help/2733070/no-add-ins-loaded-due-to-group-policy-settings-for-office-2013-and-off).
+For your Windows Office apps that support built-in labeling, use the configuration for Microsoft Word 2016, Excel 2016, PowerPoint 2016, and Outlook 2016, specify the following programmatic identifiers (ProgID) for the AIP client, and set the option to **0: The add-in is always disabled (blocked)**
+|Application |ProgID |
+|Word | `MSIP.WordAddin` |
+|Excel | `MSIP.ExcelAddin` |
+|PowerPoint | `MSIP.PowerPointAddin` |
+|Outlook | `MSIP.OutlookAddin` |
+| | |
+Deploy this setting by using Group Policy, or by using the [Office cloud policy service](/DeployOffice/overview-office-cloud-policy-service).
+> If you use the Group Policy setting **Use the Sensitivity feature in Office to apply and view sensitivity labels** and set this to **1**, there are some situations where the AIP add-in might still load in Office apps. Blocking the add-in from loading in each app prevents this happening.
+Alternatively, you can interactively disable or remove the **Microsoft Azure Information Protection** Office add-in from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. This method is suitable for a single computer, and ad-hoc testing. For instructions, see [View, manage, and install add-ins in Office programs](https://support.office.com/article/16278816-1948-4028-91e5-76dca5380f8d).
+Whichever method you choose, the changes take effect when Office apps restart.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Built-in labels require a subscription edition of Office apps. If you have standalone editions of Office, sometimes called "Office Perpetual", we recommend you upgrade to Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise to benefit from the [latest labeling capabilities](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#support-for-sensitivity-label-capabilities-in-apps).
+Remember, when you use this method to disable the AIP add-in, you can still use the AIP client to extend labeling beyond Office apps.
+## Feature parity for built-in labeling and the AIP add-in for Office apps
+Many of the labeling features supported by the AIP add-in are now supported by built-in labeling. For a more detailed list of capabilities, minimum versions that might be needed, and configuration information, see [Manage sensitivity labels in Office apps](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md).
+More features are planned and in development. If there's a specific feature that you're interested in, check the [Microsoft 365 roadmap](https://aka.ms/MIPC/Roadmap) and consider joining the [Microsoft Information Protection in Office Private Preview](https://aka.ms/MIP/PreviewRing).
+Use the following information to help you identify if you're using a feature from the AIP add-in that isn't yet supported by built-in labeling:
+|AIP add-in feature or capability|Built-in labeling |
+|**Category: General** ||
+|Central reporting and auditing|![Supported.](../medi#auditing-labeling-activities) |
+|Government Cloud|![Supported.](../media/yes-icon.png)|
+|Admin can disable labeling <br> - All apps| ![Supported.](../medi#office-built-in-labeling-client-and-other-labeling-solutions)|
+|Admin can disable labeling <br> - Per app| In planning or development|
+|**Category: User Experience** ||
+|Labeling button on the ribbon|![Supported.](../media/yes-icon.png)|
+|Multilanguage support for label names and tooltips| ![Supported.](../medi#example-configuration-to-configure-a-sensitivity-label-for-different-languages) |
+|Label colors| In planning or development |
+|Visibility of labels on the toolbar| In planning or development |
+|**Category: Labeling actions** ||
+|Manual labeling | ![Supported.](../media/yes-icon.png) <br>[Learn more](https://support.microsoft.com/office/apply-sensitivity-labels-to-your-files-and-email-in-office-2f96e7cd-d5a4-403b-8bd7-4cc636bae0f9) |
+|Mandatory labeling | ![Supported.](../medi#what-label-policies-can-do)|
+|Default labeling <br> - New and existing items <br> - Separate settings for email| ![Supported.](../medi#what-label-policies-can-do) |
+|Recommended or automatic |![Supported.](../medi#how-to-configure-auto-labeling-for-office-apps) |
+|Downgrade justification | ![Supported.](../medi#what-label-policies-can-do)|
+| **Category: Visual markings** | |
+|Headers, footers, watermark| ![Supported.](../medi#what-label-policies-can-do)|
+|Dynamic markings| ![Supported.](../medi#dynamic-markings-with-variables)|
+|Per app visual marking| ![Supported.](../medi#setting-different-visual-markings-for-word-excel-powerpoint-and-outlook)|
+| **Category: Encryption** | |
+|Admin-defined permissions | ![Supported.](../medi#assign-permissions-now) |
+|User-defined permissions <br> - Do Not Forward for Outlook <br> - User and group custom permissions for Word, Excel, PowerPoint| ![Supported.](../medi#let-users-assign-permissions)|
+|User-defined permissions <br> - Organization-wide custom permissions by specifying domains for Word, Excel, PowerPoint | In planning or development |
+|Co-authoring and AutoSave | ![Supported.](../medi) |
+|Double key encryption | In planning or development |
+|Document revocation for users | Under review |
+| | |
+### Support for PowerShell advanced settings
+The AIP client supports many customizations by using [PowerShell advanced settings](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/clientv2-admin-guide-customizations#configuring-advanced-settings-for-the-client-via-powershell). Some of these advanced settings are now supported by built-in labeling, as documented in [New-Label](/powershell/module/exchange/new-label) or [Set-Label](/powershell/module/exchange/set-label), and [New-LabelPolicy](/powershell/module/exchange/new-labelpolicy) or [Set-LabelPolicy](/powershell/module/exchange/set-labelpolicy).
+However, you might find you don't need to use PowerShell to configure the supported settings because they're included in the standard configuration from the Microsoft 365 compliance center. For example, the ability to turn off mandatory labeling for Outlook and set a different default label.
+The following configurations from the AIP add-in aren't yet supported by built-in labeling include:
+- [Label inheritance from email attachments](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/clientv2-admin-guide-customizations#for-email-messages-with-attachments-apply-a-label-that-matches-the-highest-classification-of-those-attachments)
+- [S/MIME for Outlook](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/clientv2-admin-guide-customizations#configure-a-label-to-apply-smime-protection-in-outlook)
+- [Oversharing popup messages for Outlook](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/clientv2-admin-guide-customizations#implement-pop-up-messages-in-outlook-that-warn-justify-or-block-emails-being-sent)
+- [Default sublabel for a parent label](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/clientv2-admin-guide-customizations#specify-a-default-sublabel-for-a-parent-label)
+- [Remove external content markings](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/clientv2-admin-guide-customizations#remove-headers-and-footers-from-other-labeling-solution )
+## Features not planned to be supported by built-in labeling for Office apps
+Although new capabilities for built-in labeling are being added all the time, the AIP Office add-in supports the following capabilities that aren't planned to be available in future releases for built-in labeling:
+- Application of labels to Microsoft Office 97-2003 formats, such as .doc files
+- Permanently disconnected computers
+- Standalone editions of Office (sometimes called "Office Perpetual") rather than subscription-based
+## Next steps
+For instructions to create and configure these labeling capabilities, see [Create and configure sensitivity labels and their policies](create-sensitivity-labels.md).
+> [!TIP]
+> If you already have sensitivity labels in the Microsoft 365 compliance center, you won't be eligible for the automatic creation of default labels. However, you might still find it useful to reference their configuration: [Default sensitivity labels](mip-easy-trials.md#default-sensitivity-labels).
compliance Sensitivity Labels Coauthoring https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md
To read the release announcement, see the blog post [Co-authoring on Microsoft I
Before you enable the setting to support co-authoring for Office desktop apps, it's important to understand that this action makes changes to the labeling metadata that is saved to and read from Office files.
-The labeling metadata includes information that identifies your tenant and applied sensitivity label. The change that this setting makes is the metadata format and location for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. You do not need to take any action for encrypted files or emails; the metadata change for encrypted files is backward-compatible and there are no changes for emails. However, you do need to be aware of the metadata changes for encrypted files that can be automatically upgraded but aren't backward-compatible.
+The labeling metadata includes information that identifies your tenant and applied sensitivity label. The change that this setting makes is the metadata format and location for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. You don't need to take any action for encrypted files or emails because the metadata change for encrypted files is backward-compatible, and there are no changes for emails. However, you do need to be aware of the metadata changes for encrypted files that can be automatically upgraded but aren't backward-compatible.
This change affects both files that are newly labeled and files that are already labeled. When you use apps and services that support the co-authoring setting: - For files that are newly labeled, only the new format and location is used for the labeling metadata.-- For files that are already labeled, the next time the file is opened and saved, if the file has metadata in the old format and location, it is copied to the new format and location.
+- For files that are already labeled, the next time the file is opened and saved, if the file has metadata in the old format and location, that information is copied to the new format and location.
You can read more about this metadata change from the following resources:
Make sure you understand the following prerequisites before you turn on this fea
- Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise: - **Windows**: Minimum version 2107 from Current Channel or Monthly Enterprise Channel - **macOS**: Minimum version 16.51
- - **iOS**: Not yet supported
- - **Android**: Not yet supported
+ - **iOS**: Now in preview when you [opt in](#opt-in-to-the-preview-of-co-authoring-for-ios-and-android) with minimum version 2.58
+ - **Android**: Now in preview when you [opt in](#opt-in-to-the-preview-of-co-authoring-for-ios-and-android) with minimum version 16.0.14931
- All apps, services, and operational tools in your tenant must support the new [labeling metadata](#metadata-changes-for-sensitivity-labels). If you use any of the following, check the minimum versions required:
Microsoft 365 services automatically support the new labeling metadata when you
- [DLP policies that use sensitivity labels as conditions](dlp-sensitivity-label-as-condition.md) - [Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps configured to apply sensitivity labels](/cloud-app-security/best-practices#discover-classify-label-and-protect-regulated-and-sensitive-data-stored-in-the-cloud)
+### Opt in to the preview of co-authoring for iOS and Android
+To try the preview of co-authoring for iOS and Android, you must have the minimum versions stated in the previous section, and also request your tenant is added to the preview: [Consent to Enable co-authoring for files encrypted with sensitivity labels on mobile](https://ncv.microsoft.com/5Oob3oDj1O)
+ ## Limitations Before you enable the tenant setting for co-authoring for files encrypted with sensitivity labels, make sure you understand the following limitations of this feature.
Before you enable the tenant setting for co-authoring for files encrypted with s
Specific to Excel: Metadata for a sensitivity label that doesn't apply encryption can be deleted from a file if somebody edits and saves that file by using a version of Excel that doesn't support the metadata changes for sensitivity labels. -- Office apps for iOS and Android are not currently supported.
+- Supporting Office apps for iOS and Android are currently in [preview](https://office.com/insider).
- Co-authoring and AutoSave aren't supported and don't work for labeled and encrypted Office documents that use any of the following [configurations for encryption](encryption-sensitivity-labels.md#configure-encryption-settings): - **Let users assign permissions when they apply the label** and the checkbox **In Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, prompt users to specify permissions** is selected. This configuration is sometimes referred to as "user-defined permissions". - **User access to content expires** is set to a value other than **Never**. - **Double Key Encryption** is selected.
- For labels with any of these encryption configurations, the labels display in Office apps. However, when users select these labels and nobody else is editing the document, they are warned that co-authoring and AutoSave won't be available. If somebody else is editing the document, users see a message that the labels can't be applied.
+ For labels with any of these encryption configurations, the labels display in Office apps. However, when users select these labels and nobody else is editing the document, they're warned that co-authoring and AutoSave won't be available. If somebody else is editing the document, users see a message that the labels can't be applied.
- If you use the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client: Check the documentation for this labeling client for [more requirements or limitations](/azure/information-protection/known-issues#known-issues-for-co-authoring). > [!NOTE]
Before you enable the tenant setting for co-authoring for files encrypted with s
> [!CAUTION] > Turning on this setting is a one-way action. Enable it only after you have read and understood the metadata changes, prerequisites, limitations, and any known issues documented on this page.
-If you have already turned on this setting during the preview period, no further action is needed and you can skip this procedure.
+If you've already turned on this setting during the preview period, no further action is needed and you can skip this procedure.
1. Sign in to the [Microsoft 365 compliance center](https://compliance.microsoft.com) as a global admin for your tenant.
After you've enabled co-authoring for files with sensitivity labels for your ten
![Option that shows co-authoring turned on for sensitivity labels.](../media/co-authoring-tenant-option-set-for-sensitivity-labels.png)
-As you see from the screenshot when this setting has been turned on, you can contact [Microsoft Support](../admin/get-help-support.md) and request to turn off this setting. This request might take several days and you will need to prove that you are a global administrator for your tenant. Expect usual support charges to apply.
+As you see from the screenshot when this setting has been turned on, you can contact [Microsoft Support](../admin/get-help-support.md) and request to turn off this setting. This request might take several days and you'll need to prove that you're a global administrator for your tenant. Expect usual support charges to apply.
If a support engineer disables this setting for your tenant:
compliance Sensitivity Labels Office Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md
Use the information in this article to help you successfully manage sensitivity
## Labeling client for desktop apps
-To use sensitivity labels that are built into Office desktop apps for Windows and Mac, you must use a subscription edition of Office. This labeling client doesn't support standalone editions of Office, such as Office 2016 or Office 2019.
+To use sensitivity labels that are built into Office desktop apps for Windows and Mac, you must use a subscription edition of Office. This labeling client doesn't support standalone editions of Office, sometimes called "Office Perpetual".
-To use sensitivity labels with these standalone editions of Office on Windows computers, install the [Azure Information Protection unified labeling client](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/aip-clientv2).
+If you can't upgrade to Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise for the subscription versions of Office, for Windows computers, you can use the [Azure Information Protection unified labeling client](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/aip-clientv2).
## Support for sensitivity label capabilities in apps
The numbers listed are the minimum Office application versions required for each
|[Require users to apply a label to their email and documents](#require-users-to-apply-a-label-to-their-email-and-documents) | Current Channel: 2101+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2101+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2108+ | 16.45+ | 2.47+ | 16.0.13628+ | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |[Apply a sensitivity label to content automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md) <br /> - Using sensitive info types | Current Channel: 2009+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2009+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2102+ | 16.44+ | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) | |[Apply a sensitivity label to content automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md) <br /> - Using trainable classifiers | Current Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2018+ | 16.49+ | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |
-|[Support co-authoring and AutoSave](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md) for labeled and encrypted documents | Current Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2202+ | 16.51+ | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |
+|[Support co-authoring and AutoSave](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md) for labeled and encrypted documents | Current Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2202+ | 16.51+ | Preview: 2.58+ when you [opt-in](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md#opt-in-to-the-preview-of-co-authoring-for-ios-and-android) | Preview: 16.0.14931+ when you [opt-in](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md#opt-in-to-the-preview-of-co-authoring-for-ios-and-android) | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |
Because this setting is specific to Windows Office apps, it has no impact on oth
### Office built-in labeling client and the Azure Information Protection client
-If users have the [Azure Information Protection client](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/aip-clientv2) installed on their Windows computers, by default, built-in labels are turned off in [Windows Office apps that support them](#labeling-client-for-desktop-apps). Because built-in labels don't use an Office add-in, as used by the Azure Information Protection client, they have the benefit of more stability and better performance. They also support the latest features, such as advanced classifiers.
-Rather than uninstalling the Azure Information Protection client, we recommend you prevent the Azure Information Protection add-in from loading in Office apps. Then, you get the benefits of built-in labeling in Office apps, and the benefits of the Azure Information Protection client labeling files outside Office apps. For example, the Azure Information Protection client can label all file types by using File Explorer and PowerShell. For more information about the labeling features supported outside Office apps, see [Sensitivity labels and Azure Information Protection](sensitivity-labels.md#sensitivity-labels-and-azure-information-protection).
-To prevent the Azure Information Protection client add-in loading in Windows Office apps, use the Group Policy setting **List of managed add-ins** as documented in [No Add-ins loaded due to group policy settings for Office 2013 and Office 2016 programs](https://support.microsoft.com/help/2733070/no-add-ins-loaded-due-to-group-policy-settings-for-office-2013-and-off).
-For your Windows Office apps that support built-in labeling, use the configuration for Microsoft Word 2016, Excel 2016, PowerPoint 2016, and Outlook 2016, specify the following programmatic identifiers (ProgID) for the Azure Information Protection client, and set the option to **0: The add-in is always disabled (blocked)**
-|Application |ProgID |
-|Word | `MSIP.WordAddin` |
-|Excel | `MSIP.ExcelAddin` |
-|PowerPoint | `MSIP.PowerPointAddin` |
-|Outlook | `MSIP.OutlookAddin` |
-| | |
-Deploy this setting by using Group Policy, or by using the [Office cloud policy service](/DeployOffice/overview-office-cloud-policy-service).
-> If you use the Group Policy setting **Use the Sensitivity feature in Office to apply and view sensitivity labels** and set this to **1**, there are some situations where the Azure Information Protection client might still load in Office apps. Blocking the add-in from loading in each app prevents this happening.
-Alternatively, you can interactively disable or remove the **Microsoft Azure Information Protection** Office add-in from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. This method is suitable for a single computer, and ad-hoc testing. For instructions, see [View, manage, and install add-ins in Office programs](https://support.office.com/article/16278816-1948-4028-91e5-76dca5380f8d).
-Whichever method you choose, the changes take effect when Office apps restart.
+If users have the [Azure Information Protection (AIP) client](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/aip-clientv2) installed on their Windows computers, by default, built-in labels are turned off in [Windows Office apps that support them](#labeling-client-for-desktop-apps). Because built-in labels don't use an Office add-in, as used by the AIP client, they have the benefit of more stability and better performance. They also support the latest features, such as advanced classifiers.
-For detailed information about which features are supported by the Azure Information Protection client and the Office built-in labeling client, see [Choose your Windows labeling solution](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/use-client#choose-your-windows-labeling-solution) from the Azure Information Protection documentation.
+To learn more about labeling choices with the AIP client, see [Why choose MIP built-in labeling over the AIP add-in for Office apps](sensitivity-labels-aip.md).
## Office file types supported
compliance Sensitivity Labels Sharepoint Onedrive Files https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md
Use the OneDrive sync app version 19.002.0121.0008 or later on Windows, and vers
## Limitations -- SharePoint and OneDrive can't process some files that are labeled and encrypted from Office desktop apps when these files contain PowerQuery data, data stored by custom add-ins, or custom XML parts such as Cover Page Properties, content type schemas, custom Document Information Panel, and Custom XSN. This limitation also applies to files that include a [bibliography](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-bibliography-citations-and-references-17686589-4824-4940-9c69-342c289fa2a5), and a [Document ID](https://support.microsoft.com/office/enable-and-configure-unique-document-ids-ea7fee86-bd6f-4cc8-9365-8086e794c984) added when they are uploaded.
+- SharePoint and OneDrive can't process some files that are labeled and encrypted from Office desktop apps when these files contain PowerQuery data, data stored by custom add-ins, or custom XML parts such as Cover Page Properties, content type schemas, custom Document Information Panel, and Custom XSN. This limitation also applies to files that include a [bibliography](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-bibliography-citations-and-references-17686589-4824-4940-9c69-342c289fa2a5), and to files that have a [Document ID](https://support.microsoft.com/office/enable-and-configure-unique-document-ids-ea7fee86-bd6f-4cc8-9365-8086e794c984) added when they are uploaded.
For these files, either apply a label without encryption so that they can later be opened in Office on the web, or instruct users to open the files in their desktop apps. Files that are labeled and encrypted only in Office on the web aren't affected.
compliance Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels.md
If you're not seeing the label or label policy setting behavior that you expect
## Sensitivity labels and Azure Information Protection
-When you use sensitivity labels in Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows computers, you have a choice of using labeling that's built into Office apps, or the [Azure Information Protection client](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/aip-clientv2).
+The sensitivity labels that are built into Microsoft 365 Apps on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android look and behave very similarly across these devices to provide users with a consistent labeling experience. However, on Windows computers, you can also use the [Azure Information Protection (AIP) client](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/aip-clientv2). This client is now in [maintenance mode](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/announcing-aip-unified-labeling-client-maintenance-mode-and/ba-p/3043613).
-Because built-in labels don't use an Office add-in, as used by the Azure Information Protection client, they have the benefit of more stability and better performance. They also support the latest features, such as advanced classifiers.
-By default, built-in labeling is turned off in these apps when the Azure Information Protection client is installed. To change this default behavior and use built-in labels for your Office apps, see [Office built-in labeling client and the Azure Information Protection client](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#office-built-in-labeling-client-and-the-azure-information-protection-client).
-When you keep the Azure Information Protection client installed but disabled in Office apps, you get the benefit of using the Azure Information Protection client with sensitivity labels for the following:
--- A scanner to discover sensitive information that's stored on-premises, and then optionally, label that content--- Right-click options in File Explorer for users to apply labels to all file types--- A viewer to display encrypted files for text, images, or PDF documents--- A PowerShell module to discover sensitive information in files on premises, and apply or remove labels and encryption from these files.-
-If you are new to Azure Information Protection, see [Choose your Windows labeling solution](/azure/information-protection/rms-client/use-client#choose-your-windows-labeling-solution) from the Azure Information Protection documentation.
+If you're using the AIP client, see [Why choose MIP built-in labeling over the AIP add-in for Office apps](sensitivity-labels-aip.md) to understand and manage your labeling choices for Windows computers.
### Azure Information Protection labels > [!NOTE] > Label management for Azure Information Protection labels in the Azure portal was deprecated **March 31, 2021**. Learn more from the official [deprecation notice](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-information-protection/announcing-timelines-for-sunsetting-label-management-in-the/ba-p/1226179).
-If your tenant isn't yet on the [unified labeling platform](/azure/information-protection/faqs#how-can-i-determine-if-my-tenant-is-on-the-unified-labeling-platform), you must first activate unified labeling before you can use sensitivity labels. For instructions, see [How to migrate Azure Information Protection labels to unified sensitivity labels](/azure/information-protection/configure-policy-migrate-labels).
+If your tenant isn't yet on the [unified labeling platform](/azure/information-protection/faqs#how-can-i-determine-if-my-tenant-is-on-the-unified-labeling-platform), you must first activate unified labeling before you can use sensitivity labels. For instructions, see [How to migrate Azure Information Protection labels to unified sensitivity labels](/azure/information-protection/configure-policy-migrate-labels).
## Sensitivity labels and the Microsoft Information Protection SDK
enterprise Microsoft 365 Vpn Implement Split Tunnel https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-vpn-implement-split-tunnel.md
Significantly more efficient for an enterprise to operate under. This model allo
### 3. VPN Forced Tunnel with broad exceptions
-Broadens the scope of model 2. Rather than just sending a small group of defined endpoints direct, it instead sends all traffic directly to trusted services such Microsoft 365 and SalesForce. This further reduces the load on the corporate VPN infrastructure and improves the performance of the services defined. As this model is likely to take more time to assess the feasibility of and implement, It's likely a step that can be taken iteratively at a later date once model two is successfully in place.
+Broadens the scope of model 2. Rather than just sending a small group of defined endpoints direct, it instead sends all traffic directly to trusted services such Microsoft 365 and SalesForce. This further reduces the load on the corporate VPN infrastructure and improves the performance of the services defined. As this model is likely to take more time to assess the feasibility of and implement, it's likely a step that can be taken iteratively at a later date once model two is successfully in place.
![Split Tunnel VPN model 3.](../media/vpn-split-tunneling/vpn-model-3.png)
The current Optimize URLs can be found in the table below. Under most circumstan
| <https://outlook.office.com> | TCP 443 | This URL is used for Outlook Online Web Access to connect to Exchange Online server, and is sensitive to network latency. Connectivity is particularly required for large file upload and download with SharePoint Online. | | https://\<tenant\>.sharepoint.com | TCP 443 | This is the primary URL for SharePoint Online and has high-bandwidth usage. | | https://\<tenant\>-my.sharepoint.com | TCP 443 | This is the primary URL for OneDrive for Business and has high bandwidth usage and possibly high connection count from the OneDrive for Business Sync tool. |
-| Teams Media IPs (no URL) | UDP 3478, 3479, 3480, and 3481 | Relay Discovery allocation and real-time traffic (3478), Audio (3479), Video (3480), and Video Screen Sharing (3481). These are the endpoints used for Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams Media traffic (calls, meetings, etc.). Most endpoints are provided when the Microsoft Teams client establishes a call (and are contained within the required IPs listed for the service). Use of the UDP protocol is required for optimal media quality. |
+| Teams Media IPs (no URL) | UDP 3478, 3479, 3480, and 3481 | Relay Discovery allocation and real-time traffic. These are the endpoints used for Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams Media traffic (calls, meetings, etc.). Most endpoints are provided when the Microsoft Teams client establishes a call (and are contained within the required IPs listed for the service). Use of the UDP protocol is required for optimal media quality. |
In the above examples, **tenant** should be replaced with your Microsoft 365 tenant name. For example, **contoso.onmicrosoft.com** would use _contoso.sharepoint.com_ and _contoso-my.sharepoint.com_.
includes Security Config Mgt Prerequisites https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/includes/security-config-mgt-prerequisites.md
Devices must have access to the following endpoints:
Policies for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint security management are supported for the following device platforms: -- Windows 10 Professional/Enterprise (with [KB5006738](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/october-26-2021-kb5006738-os-builds-19041-1320-19042-1320-and-19043-1320-preview-ccbce6bf-ae00-4e66-9789-ce8e7ea35541))
+- Windows 10 Pro/Enterprise (with [KB5006738](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/october-26-2021-kb5006738-os-builds-19041-1320-19042-1320-and-19043-1320-preview-ccbce6bf-ae00-4e66-9789-ce8e7ea35541))
+- Windows 11 Pro/Enterprise
- Windows Server 2012 R2 with [Microsoft Defender for Down-Level Devices](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints#new-functionality-in-the-modern-unified-solution-for-windows-server-2012-r2-and-2016-preview) - Windows Server 2016 with [Microsoft Defender for Down-Level Devices](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-server-endpoints#new-functionality-in-the-modern-unified-solution-for-windows-server-2012-r2-and-2016-preview) - Windows Server 2019 (with [KB5006744](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/october-19-2021-kb5006744-os-build-17763-2268-preview-e043a8a3-901b-4190-bb6b-f5a4137411c0))
managed-desktop Device Registration Methods https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/device-registration-methods.md
+ Title: Device registration methods in Microsoft Managed Desktop
+description: Information on the device registration methods in Microsoft Managed Desktop
+keywords: Microsoft Managed Desktop, Microsoft 365, service, documentation
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+audience: Admin
+# Device registration methods
+Before Microsoft can manage your devices in Microsoft Managed Desktop, you must have devices registered with the service.
+## Registration process
+Microsoft Managed Desktop is powered by the Windows Autopilot service for the device registration workflow. Successful device registration requires a two-step process:
+1. The device's unique hardware identity, known as the hardware hash, is captured and uploaded to the Autopilot service.
+1. The device is associated to an Azure Active Directory tenant ID.
+Ideally, both steps are performed by the OEM, reseller, or distributor where the devices were purchased. An OEM, or other device provider, uses the registration authorization process to perform device registration on your behalf.
+## Registration methods
+Registration can also be performed within your organization by collecting the hardware identity from new or existing devices and uploading it manually. Below are the device registration methods Microsoft Managed Desktop supports:
+- OEM registration
+ - [Using the Partner portal](partner-registration.md#register-devices-using-the-partner-center)
+ - [Using OEM APIs](partner-registration.md#register-devices-by-using-the-oem-api)
+- [Manual registration](manual-registration.md)
+- [Manual registration for existing devices](manual-registration-existing-devices.md)
+## Recommended resources
+- [Overview of Windows Autopilot](/mem/autopilot/windows-autopilot)
+- [Windows Autopilot registration overview](/mem/autopilot/registration-overview)
+## Steps to get started with Microsoft Managed Desktop
+1. Access [admin portal](access-admin-portal.md).
+1. [Add and verify admin contacts in the Admin portal](add-admin-contacts.md).
+1. [Adjust settings after enrollment](conditional-access.md).
+1. Deploy and assign [Intune Company Portal](company-portal.md).
+1. [Assign licenses](assign-licenses.md).
+1. [Deploy apps](deploy-apps.md).
+1. [Prepare devices](prepare-devices.md).
+1. Set up [first-run experience with Autopilot and the Enrollment Status Page](esp-first-run.md).
+1. [Enable user support features](enable-support.md).
+1. [Get your users ready to use devices](get-started-devices.md).
+1. [Get started with app control](get-started-app-control.md).
managed-desktop Manual Registration Existing Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/manual-registration-existing-devices.md
audience: Admin
-# Manual registration for existing devices
+# Manual registration for existing devices
>[!NOTE] >This article describes the steps for you to reuse devices you already have, and register them in Microsoft Managed Desktop. If you are working with brand-new devices, follow the steps in [Register new devices in Microsoft Managed Desktop yourself](manual-registration.md) instead. <br> <br> The process for Partners is documented in [Steps for Partners to register devices](partner-registration.md).
managed-desktop Manual Registration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/manual-registration.md
audience: Admin
-# Manual registration
+# Manual registration
Microsoft Managed Desktop can work with brand-new devices, or you can reuse devices you might already have. If you reuse devices, you must reimage them. You're able to register devices with Microsoft Managed Desktop in the Microsoft Endpoint Manager portal.
managed-desktop Partner Registration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/partner-registration.md
audience: Admin
-# Partner registration
+# Partner registration
This article describes the steps for Partners to register devices. The process for registering devices yourself is documented in [Manual registration](manual-registration.md).
managed-desktop Prepare Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/get-started/prepare-devices.md
audience: Admin
-# Prepare devices
+# Prepare devices
You can use both new and existing devices in Microsoft Managed Desktop.
managed-desktop Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/intro/compliance.md
-# Compliance
+# Compliance
When you use Microsoft Managed Desktop, Microsoft provides you with a comprehensive set of compliance offerings. This effort helps your organization comply with the various compliance requirements.
Microsoft Managed Desktop has achieved the following certifications:
## Auditor reports and compliance certificates
-You can find relevant information, including control and technical requirements, in the [Service Trust Portal (STP)](https://servicetrust.microsoft.com/), the central repository for such information about Microsoft Cloud Service offerings. You can download auditor reports, compliance certificates, and more from the [Audit Reports](https://servicetrust.microsoft.com/ViewPage/MSComplianceGuide) section of the STP.
+You can find relevant information, including control and technical requirements, in the [Service Trust Portal (STP)](https://servicetrust.microsoft.com/). This portal is the central repository for such information about Microsoft Cloud Service offerings. You can download auditor reports, compliance certificates, and more from the [Audit Reports](https://servicetrust.microsoft.com/ViewPage/MSComplianceGuide) section of the STP.
> [!NOTE] > Because Microsoft Managed Desktop runs on Azure, relevant documents usually have file names such as "Microsoft Azure, Dynamics 365, and other Online Services". In those documents, you can usually find Microsoft Managed Desktop under the category "Microsoft Online Services" or "Monitoring + Management".
managed-desktop Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/intro/index.md
-# What is Microsoft Managed Desktop?
+# What is Microsoft Managed Desktop?
Microsoft Managed Desktop is a cloud-based service that brings together [Microsoft 365 Enterprise](../../enterprise/microsoft-365-overview.md) (including [Windows 10](/windows/windows-10/) Enterprise and [Office 365 Enterprise](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/business/compare-more-office-365-for-business-plans)) and adds these features:
Microsoft Managed Desktop is a cloud-based service that brings together [Microso
- Security monitoring and response Microsoft Managed Desktop offers a solution for several of the challenges facing businesses and their people today:+ - The transition to the agile world of software as a service is daunting. - Users want an empowered, connected work experience. - Many current IT management and security processes are outdated, time-intensive, and expensive. - Businesses want to focus on what makes them uniquely successful, rather than maintaining digital infrastructure.
-Your users will enjoy the latest versions of Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise apps (and more besides), using devices and software that are curated and rigorously tested for best performance and reliability. Also, you'll never have to worry about keeping any of this software up to date because that happens automatically, following a careful rollout sequence that is monitored every step of the way. And registered devices are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week for technical and security issues, so if something goes wrong, help will be on the way.
+Your users will enjoy the latest versions of Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise apps (and more), using devices and software that are curated and rigorously tested for best performance and reliability.
+Also, you'll never have to worry about keeping any of this software up to date because that happens automatically. The updates follow a careful rollout sequence that is monitored every step of the way. Registered devices are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week for technical and security issues. If something goes wrong, help will be on the way.
## Unique to Microsoft Managed Desktop
-Of course, there's nothing stopping you from obtaining and managing your own devices and Microsoft 365 deployments yourself. So what does Microsoft Managed Desktop offer beyond those things?
+Of course, there's nothing stopping you from obtaining and managing your own devices and Microsoft 365 deployments yourself. So what does Microsoft Managed Desktop offer?
Our policies and security baseline offers your users these benefits: - Boot times for Microsoft Managed Desktop devices about one-fourth as long.-- At least twice the battery life-- About one-third as many device crashes per year-- Device mobility through [Enterprise State Roaming](/azure/active-directory/devices/enterprise-state-roaming-overview), allowing users to have the same experience no matter what device they sign into
+- At least twice the battery life.
+- About one-third as many device crashes per year.
+- Device mobility through [Enterprise State Roaming](/azure/active-directory/devices/enterprise-state-roaming-overview) to allow users to have the same experience no matter what device they sign into.
Your IT admins benefit from these features: -- Insights dashboards constantly keeping you up to date on usage, reliability, device health, and other data on devices and users-- About *one-tenth* the amount of time needed to update 95% of devices
+- Insights dashboards constantly keeping you up to date on usage, reliability, device health, and other data on devices and users.
+- About *one-tenth* the amount of time needed to update 95% of devices.
- More time to focus on other IT admin activities, thanks to [device management](#device-management) provided by the service. - Better awareness of device and app performance and early warning of security issues from [device monitoring](#device-monitoring). ## Device management
-Microsoft Managed Desktop takes on the burden of managing registered devices and the Microsoft software they use.
-- **Hardware:** Instead of your IT department having to research and figure out if a device is compatible with the service, we've provided specific hardware and software requirements, tools, and processes to streamline selection so you can choose devices with confidence. You can find recommended devices by filtering for Microsoft Managed Desktop on the [Shop Windows Pro business devices](https://www.microsoft.com/windows/business/devices) site. You can either obtain devices yourself (or work with a partner) or reuse devices you already have. Registering devices is easy and straightforward, and before they're deployed, you can also [customize](../working-with-managed-desktop/config-setting-overview.md) certain aspects of the device experience for your users.--- **Updates:** Microsoft Managed Desktop sets up and manages all aspects of [deployment groups](../service-description/updates.md) for Windows 10 quality and feature updates, drivers, firmware, anti-virus definitions, and Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise updates. This includes extensive testing and verification of all updates, assuring that registered devices are always up to date and minimizing disruptions, freeing your IT department from that ongoing task.--- **Apps:** As part of Microsoft 365 Enterprise, Microsoft provides (and manages) several key Microsoft apps for you. But you probably also have other apps that you need for your business. Instead of your IT department having to test, package, and deploy those apps, Microsoft helps you deploy them through the [FastTrack](https://www.microsoft.com/FastTrack) program. Additionally, Microsoft's [App Assure](/fasttrack/products-and-capabilities#app-assuree) program can help remediate any app compatibility issues that arise when migrating to the latest versions of our products. Learn more at [Apps in Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/apps.md).
+Microsoft Managed Desktop takes on the burden of managing registered devices and the Microsoft software they use.
+| Management | Description |
+| -- | -- |
+| Hardware management| Instead of your IT department researching and figuring out if a device is compatible with the service, we've provided specific hardware and software requirements, tools, and processes to streamline selection so you can choose devices with confidence.<br><br>You can find recommended devices by filtering for Microsoft Managed Desktop on the [Shop Windows Pro business devices](https://www.microsoft.com/windows/business/devices) site. You can either obtain devices yourself, work with a partner, or reuse devices you already have. Registering devices is easy and straightforward. Before they're deployed, you can also [customize](../working-with-managed-desktop/config-setting-overview.md) certain aspects of the device experience for your users. |
+| Update management | Microsoft Managed Desktop sets up and manages all aspects of [deployment groups](../service-description/updates.md) for Windows 10 quality and feature updates, drivers, firmware, anti-virus definitions, and Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise updates.<br><br>This includes extensive testing and verification of all updates, assuring that registered devices are always up to date and minimizing disruptions, freeing your IT department from that ongoing task. |
+| Apps | As part of Microsoft 365 Enterprise, Microsoft provides and manages several key Microsoft apps for you.<br><br>However, you may also have other apps that you need for your business. Instead of your IT department having to test, package, and deploy those apps, Microsoft helps you deploy them through the [FastTrack](https://www.microsoft.com/FastTrack) program.<br><br>Additionally, Microsoft's [App Assure](/fasttrack/products-and-capabilities#app-assuree) program can help remediate any app compatibility issues that arise when migrating to the latest versions of our products. Learn more at [Apps in Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/apps.md).
## Device monitoring We help maintain the security of your devices with a dedicated security operations center that monitors your devices and uses data from the unique threats that Microsoft analyzes each month. These security features are built in instead of added on later.
-We also monitor device health and provide you with insights about device performance. Learn more at [Microsoft Managed Desktop operations and monitoring](../service-description/operations-and-monitoring.md).
+We also monitor device health and provide you with insights about device performance. For more information, see [Microsoft Managed Desktop operations and monitoring](../service-description/operations-and-monitoring.md).
## Need more details?
-For more about the value of Microsoft Managed Desktop, including customer stories, see [Microsoft Managed Desktop](https://aka.ms/mmd). Great places to get started with more are the [Roadmap](https://aka.ms/AA6jiam), a [Forrester Total Economic Impact case study](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/raw/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/intro/downloads/forrester-tei-study.pdf), and a downloadable [one-page summary](https://aka.ms/AA6ob3h). You can find the latest news at the Microsoft Managed Desktop [blog](https://aka.ms/AA6l2dd).
-If Microsoft Managed Desktop seems right for your organization, you can delve into further documentation that explains more about the service, how to prepare your organization to enroll, how to get started with the service, and ongoing operations thereafter, including how you and your users can easily get help if needed. If you're already ready to come on board, start with contacting your [local account team](https://pages.email.office.com/contactmmd/).
-**More overview and background**
-Primarily for technical and business decision makers, these articles detail the division of roles and responsibilities between your organization and Microsoft, more about the technologies used in Microsoft Managed Desktop, and how the service fits into a broader strategy as part of the ITIL framework.
--- [Microsoft Managed Desktop roles and responsibilities](roles-and-responsibilities.md)-- [Microsoft Managed Desktop technologies](technologies.md)-- [Microsoft Managed Desktop and ITIL](../MMD-and-ITSM.md)-- [Compliance](compliance.md)-- [Microsoft Managed Desktop service description](../service-description/index.md)-
-**Get ready for enrollment**
-These topics describe the steps you'll need to take in your organization to prepare for enrollment, including checking that your environment meets key prerequisites, configuring networks, setting up certificates, and preparing your apps.
--- [Prerequisites for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/prerequisites.md)-- [Network configuration for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/network.md)-- [Prepare on-premises resources access for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/authentication.md)-- [Prepare mapped drives for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/mapped-drives.md)-- [Prepare certificates and network profiles for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/certs-wifi-lan.md)-- [Apps in Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/apps.md)
+For more information about the value of Microsoft Managed Desktop, including customer stories, see [Microsoft Managed Desktop](https://aka.ms/mmd).
-**Get started**
-Once you're ready to enroll, this section includes the steps to follow to actually join the service, obtain and set up devices, prep your users, and deploy apps.
+Great places to get started:
-- [Add and verify admin contacts in the Admin portal](../get-started/add-admin-contacts.md)-- [Adjust conditional access](../get-started/conditional-access.md)-- [Assign licenses](../get-started/assign-licenses.md)-- [Install Intune Company Portal on on devices](../get-started/company-portal.md)-- [Enable Enterprise State Roaming](../get-started/enterprise-state-roaming.md)-- [Prepare devices](../get-started/prepare-devices.md)-- [Get your users ready to use devices](../get-started/get-started-devices.md)-- [Deploy apps to devices](../get-started/deploy-apps.md)
+- [Roadmap](https://aka.ms/AA6jiam)
+- [Forrester Total Economic Impact case study](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/raw/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/intro/downloads/forrester-tei-study.pdf)
+- Downloadable [one-page summary](https://aka.ms/AA6ob3h)
-**Working with Microsoft Managed Desktop**
-This section includes information about your day-to-day life with the service, such as how your IT admins can get support if needed, how your users get support, managing your apps once deployed, and how to work the customizable settings on devices.
+You can find the latest news at the Microsoft Managed Desktop [blog](https://aka.ms/AA6l2dd).
-- [Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md)-- [Getting help for users](../working-with-managed-desktop/end-user-support.md)-- [Configurable settings - Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/config-setting-overview.md)
+If Microsoft Managed Desktop seems right for your organization, you can delve into further documentation that explains:
+- More about the service.
+- How to prepare your organization to enroll.
+- How to get started with the service
+- Ongoing operations thereafter, including how you and your users can easily get help if needed.
+If you're already ready to come on board, start with contacting your [local account team](https://pages.email.office.com/contactmmd/).
+### More information
+| Information | Description |
+| -- | -- |
+| More overview and background | Primarily for technical and business decision makers, these articles detail the division of roles and responsibilities between your organization and Microsoft, technologies used in Microsoft Managed Desktop, and how the service fits into a broader strategy as part of the ITIL framework.<br><ul><li>[Microsoft Managed Desktop roles and responsibilities](roles-and-responsibilities.md)</li><li>[Microsoft Managed Desktop technologies](technologies.md)</li><li>[Microsoft Managed Desktop and ITIL](../MMD-and-ITSM.md)</li><li>[Compliance](compliance.md)</li><li>[Microsoft Managed Desktop service description](../service-description/index.md)</li></ul> |
+| Get ready for enrollment | These articles describe the steps you must take in your organization to prepare for enrollment, including checking that your environment meets key prerequisites, configuring networks, setting up certificates, and preparing your apps.<ul><li>[Prerequisites for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/prerequisites.md)</li><li>[Network configuration for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/network.md)</li><li>[Prepare on-premises resources access for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/authentication.md)</li><li>[Prepare mapped drives for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/mapped-drives.md)</li><li>[Prepare certificates and network profiles for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/certs-wifi-lan.md)</li><li>[Apps in Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/apps.md)</li></ul> |
+| Get started | Once you're ready to enroll, this section includes the steps to follow to actually join the service, obtain and set up devices, prep your users, and deploy apps.<ul><li>[Add and verify admin contacts in the Admin portal](../get-started/add-admin-contacts.md)</li><li>[Adjust conditional access](../get-started/conditional-access.md)</li><li>[Assign licenses](../get-started/assign-licenses.md)</li><li>[Install Intune Company Portal on on devices](../get-started/company-portal.md)</li><li>[Enable Enterprise State Roaming](../get-started/enterprise-state-roaming.md)</li><li>[Prepare devices](../get-started/prepare-devices.md)</li><li>[Get your users ready to use devices](../get-started/get-started-devices.md)</li><li>[Deploy apps to devices](../get-started/deploy-apps.md)</li></ul> |
+| Working with Microsoft Managed Desktop | This section includes information about your day-to-day life with the service, such as how your IT admins can get support if needed, how your users get support, managing your apps once deployed, and how to work the customizable settings on devices.<ul><li>[Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md)</li><li>[Getting help for users](../working-with-managed-desktop/end-user-support.md)</li><li>[Configurable settings - Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/config-setting-overview.md)</li><ul> |
-<!--When you enroll in Microsoft Managed Desktop, Microsoft provides you with devices that are configured to join your Azure Active Directory tenant. Windows 10, Office 365, and some apps and features associated with [Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/compare-all-microsoft-365-plans) are installed (by Microsoft) on your devices. When your employees who are using these devices need help, they contact Microsoft Managed Desktop support (provided by Microsoft) through a custom chat app.-->
+<!--When you enroll in Microsoft Managed Desktop, Microsoft provides you with devices that are configured to join your Azure Active Directory tenant. Windows 10, Office 365, and some apps and features associated with [Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/compare-all-microsoft-365-plans) are installed (by Microsoft) on your devices. When your employees who are using these devices need help, they contact Microsoft Managed Desktop support (provided by Microsoft) through a custom chat app.-->
-<!--With Microsoft Managed Desktop, you get **software as a service** (Microsoft 365 E5), **Device as a service** (Microsoft Surface devices ready to use), and **IT support as a service** (Help desk and more).-->
+<!--With Microsoft Managed Desktop, you get **software as a service** (Microsoft 365 E5), **Device as a service** (Microsoft Surface devices ready to use), and **IT support as a service** (Help desk and more).-->
managed-desktop Roles And Responsibilities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/intro/roles-and-responsibilities.md
-# Microsoft Managed Desktop roles and responsibilities
+# Microsoft Managed Desktop roles and responsibilities
<!--This topic is the target for a "Learn more" link in the Admin Portal (aka.ms/admin-access); do not delete.--> <!-- from Roles and responsibilities -->
When your organization is enrolled in Microsoft Managed Desktop, what does Micro
Microsoft provides these key roles and responsibilities:
-Role or responsibility | Description
- |
-MDM policy management | Microsoft will apply MDM policies according to best practices and consider requests for policy changes. We'll also make changes to your tenant as prescribed in [Device policies](../service-description/device-policies.md).
-User support | We provide a mechanism for elevated access to devices and for issues to get escalated through a support request if necessary. For more information, see [User support](../service-description/user-support.md).
-Microsoft Managed Desktop service support | Microsoft will provide support to your IT department through a Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations Team. This team will support technical troubleshooting, change requests, and incident management for the customerΓÇÖs Microsoft Managed Desktop environment. For more information, see [Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md).
-Security monitoring | Microsoft will monitor your Microsoft Managed Desktop devices using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. If the Microsoft Managed Desktop Security Operations Center (SOC) detects a threat, we will notify you, isolate the device, and rectify the issue remotely. For more information, see [Security](../service-description/security.md).
-Update monitoring and management | We actively monitor your Microsoft Managed Desktop devices to ensure that the latest quality and feature updates are installed for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. For more information, see [How updates are handled](../service-description/updates.md).
-User and device grouping | Microsoft Managed Desktop operations team will create and manage required device and user groups as part of IT operations. No membership or configuration changes are allowed to these groups. Altering these groups can lead to unexpected configuration of devices and loss of functionality. For any issues or questions around these groups once established, IT administrators can contact Microsoft Managed Desktop operations. For more information, see [Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md).
+| Role or responsibility | Description |
+| -- | -- |
+| MDM policy management | Microsoft will apply MDM policies according to best practices and consider requests for policy changes. We'll also make changes to your tenant as prescribed in [Device policies](../service-description/device-policies.md). |
+| User support | We provide a mechanism for elevated access to devices and for issues to get escalated through a support request if necessary. For more information, see [User support](../service-description/user-support.md).
+| Microsoft Managed Desktop service support | Microsoft will provide support to your IT department through a Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations Team. This team will support technical troubleshooting, change requests, and incident management for the customer's Microsoft Managed Desktop environment. For more information, see [Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md). |
+| Security monitoring | Microsoft will monitor your Microsoft Managed Desktop devices using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. If the Microsoft Managed Desktop Security Operations Center (SOC) detects a threat, we'll notify you, isolate the device, and rectify the issue remotely. For more information, see [Security](../service-description/security.md). |
+| Update monitoring and management | We actively monitor your Microsoft Managed Desktop devices to ensure that the latest quality and feature updates are installed for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. For more information, see [How updates are handled](../service-description/updates.md). |
+| User and device grouping | Microsoft Managed Desktop operations team will create and manage required device and user groups as part of IT operations. No membership or configuration changes are allowed to these groups. Altering these groups can lead to unexpected configuration of devices and loss of functionality. For any issues or questions around these groups once established, IT administrators can contact Microsoft Managed Desktop operations. For more information, see [Admin support for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/admin-support.md). |
## Your roles and responsibilities
-This set of common roles and responsibilities is required for deployment, but aren't provided by Microsoft. ItΓÇÖs not exhaustive but is applicable for most organizations. There are a few items that both you and Microsoft share responsibility for.
-Role or responsibility | Description
- |
-Change management | Microsoft will notify customers, in advance, when changes need to be made to their Microsoft Managed Desktop environment. For more information, see [service changes and communication](../service-description/servicechanges.md).<br><br>You must have your own change management process and have a contact established with Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team. You also must have resources to review and approve these changes. For more information, see [Operations and monitoring](../service-description/operations-and-monitoring.md).
-Identity management | You are responsible for creating user accounts, assigning users to groups, and keeping metadata up to date.
-Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise configuration and management | Microsoft is responsible for ensuring Office applications are deployed to users and those applications are kept up to date. <br><br> You are responsible for managing Microsoft 365 services and policies, including Exchange Online administration responsibilities:<br>- Email administration<br>- Mailbox and rule configuration<br>- Exchange on-premises management<br><br>You are also responsible for collaboration tools, SharePoint server administration, domain management, and security and information policies that are set in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
-User support | Providing all user support and technical assistance from first contact through to resolution for the user, either by you or through a designated support partner. You must either provide user support directly or work with a partner to provide support for these areas: <br><br>- On-site infrastructure: all network and internet connectivity, VPN infrastructure and client configuration, local conference room equipment, printers, proxy server and configuration, and firewalls.<br><br>- Company-wide cloud resources: email, SharePoint, collaboration services, and other cloud infrastructure that relates to the company-wide technology footprint.<br><br>- Line of business and any other company-specific applications.
-Apps | Roles and responsibilities vary somewhat for the apps provided as part of Microsoft Managed Desktop versus the apps you provide. <br><br>For apps provided by Microsoft (Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise comprising Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Skype for Business, Teams, and OneNote), **Microsoft** will provide full service for the deployment, update, and support. **You** must obtain and assign licenses for these apps, add users to security groups, and manage end of life and deploy any add-ons you need.<br><br>For apps you provide (such as your line-of-business apps), whether you package them yourself or engage a non-Microsoft vendor to do so, **you** are responsible for these actions: <br><br>- Identifying applications needed for targeted user groups<br>- Creating and managing Azure AD groups for app deployment<br>- Packaging apps to meet Microsoft Intune deployment standards<br>- Uploading apps to Microsoft Intune<br>- Testing apps in Microsoft Managed Desktop environment<br>- Testing apps with your users<br>- Managing and assigning users to applications<br>- Identify and deploy application updates through Microsoft Intune<br>- Uninstalling and removing applications when they have been retired<br>- Procuring and assigning licenses<br>- Providing user support for line-of-business apps<br>- Managing app settings remotely<br><br>**Microsoft** will provide Microsoft Intune deployment tools to deliver the applications to remote clients.<br><br>For more information, see [Apps](../get-ready/apps.md).
-Security monitoring and response | You are responsible for investigating and resolving incidents for devices that aren't Microsoft Managed Desktop devices and ensuring that the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations Team is informed of any issues that may impact the service.
-Operations support | You must provide a list of preferred contacts and subject matter experts in your organization. We need these contacts if there is an operational incident unrelated to Microsoft Managed Desktop. <br><br>You're also responsible for investigating and resolving incidents for devices and services that aren't in Microsoft Managed Desktop and ensuring that the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations Team is always informed.
-Network infrastructure, including VPN | You're responsible for setup, configuration, and management (including troubleshooting and debugging) of all networking-related infrastructure and services, including internet connectivity, network controls, proxy configuration, and remote connectivity infrastructure.<br><br>If a proxy is configured (in hardware or software), there is a collection of URLs that must be allowed by the proxy. You're responsible for troubleshooting any conflicts or incompatibilities due to multiple proxies. You can add network proxies specific to your organization using configurable settings. For more information, see [Configurable settings](../working-with-managed-desktop/config-setting-ref.md#proxy).<br><br>For more information, see [Proxy Configuration](../get-ready/network.md).
-Printing | You're responsible for installing, maintaining, and administering printers and print queues. Cloud printing is a recommended solution, but it isn't required.
+This set of common roles and responsibilities is required for deployment, but aren't provided by Microsoft. It's not exhaustive but is applicable for most organizations. There are a few items that both you and Microsoft share responsibility for.
+| Role or responsibility | Description |
+| -- | -- |
+| Change management | Microsoft will notify customers, in advance, when changes need to be made to their Microsoft Managed Desktop environment. For more information, see [service changes and communication](../service-description/servicechanges.md).<br><br>You must have your own change management process and have a contact established with Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations team. You also must have resources to review and approve these changes. For more information, see [Operations and monitoring](../service-description/operations-and-monitoring.md). |
+| Identity management | You're responsible for creating user accounts, assigning users to groups, and keeping metadata up to date. |
+| Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise configuration and management | Microsoft is responsible for ensuring Office applications are deployed to users and those applications are kept up to date. <br><br> You're responsible for managing Microsoft 365 services and policies, including Exchange Online administration responsibilities:<br><ul><li>Email administration</li><li> Mailbox and rule configuration</li><li>Exchange on-premises management</li></ul><br>You're also responsible for collaboration tools, SharePoint server administration, domain management, and security and information policies that are set in the Microsoft 365 admin center. |
+| User support | Provide all user support and technical assistance from first contact through to resolution for the user, either by you or through a designated support partner. You must either provide user support directly or work with a partner to provide support for these areas: <br><ul><li>On-site infrastructure: all network and internet connectivity, VPN infrastructure and client configuration, local conference room equipment, printers, proxy server and configuration, and firewalls.</li><li>Company-wide cloud resources: email, SharePoint, collaboration services, and other cloud infrastructure that relates to the company-wide technology footprint.</li><li>Line of business and any other company-specific applications.</li></ul>
+| Apps | Roles and responsibilities vary somewhat for the apps provided as part of Microsoft Managed Desktop versus the apps you provide. <br><br>For apps provided by Microsoft (Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise comprising Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Skype for Business, Teams, and OneNote), **Microsoft** will provide full service for the deployment, update, and support. **You** must obtain and assign licenses for these apps, add users to security groups, and manage end of life and deploy any add-ons you need.<br><br>For apps you provide (such as your line-of-business apps), whether you package them yourself or engage a non-Microsoft vendor to do so, **you** are responsible for these actions: <br><ul><li>Identifying applications needed for targeted user groups</li><li>Creating and managing Azure AD groups for app deployment</li><li>Packaging apps to meet Microsoft Intune deployment standards</li><li> Uploading apps to Microsoft Intune</li><li>Testing apps in Microsoft Managed Desktop environment</li><li>Testing apps with your users</li><li>Managing and assigning users to applications</li><li>Identify and deploy application updates through Microsoft Intune</li><li>Uninstalling and removing applications when they've been retired</li><li>Procuring and assigning licenses</li><li>Providing user support for line-of-business apps</li><li> Managing app settings remotely</li></ul><br>**Microsoft** will provide Microsoft Intune deployment tools to deliver the applications to remote clients.<br><br>For more information, see [Apps](../get-ready/apps.md).
+| Security monitoring and response | You're responsible for investigating and resolving incidents for devices that aren't Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. You must ensure that the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations Team is informed of any issues that may impact the service.
+| Operations support | You must provide a list of preferred contacts and subject matter experts in your organization. We need these contacts if there's an operational incident unrelated to Microsoft Managed Desktop. <br><br>You're also responsible for investigating and resolving incidents for devices and services that aren't in Microsoft Managed Desktop. You must ensure that the Microsoft Managed Desktop Operations Team is always informed.
+| Network infrastructure, including VPN | You're responsible for setup, configuration, and management (including troubleshooting and debugging) of all networking-related infrastructure and services. This also includes internet connectivity, network controls, proxy configuration, and remote connectivity infrastructure.<br><br>If a proxy is configured (in hardware or software), there's a collection of URLs that must be allowed by the proxy. You're responsible for troubleshooting any conflicts or incompatibilities due to multiple proxies. You can add network proxies specific to your organization using configurable settings. For more information, see [Configurable settings](../working-with-managed-desktop/config-setting-ref.md#proxy).<br><br>For more information, see [Proxy Configuration](../get-ready/network.md).
+| Printing | You're responsible for installing, maintaining, and administering printers and print queues. Cloud printing is a recommended solution, but it isn't required.
managed-desktop Technologies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/intro/technologies.md
-# Microsoft Managed Desktop technologies
+# Microsoft Managed Desktop technologies
This article lists the technologies and apps used in Microsoft Managed Desktop.
This article lists the technologies and apps used in Microsoft Managed Desktop.
Microsoft 365 Enterprise licensing is required for all Microsoft Managed Desktop users. For more information on licensing requirements for the service, see [Prerequisites for Microsoft Managed Desktop](../get-ready/prerequisites.md).
-This article summarizes the components included in the required Enterprise licenses, with a description of how the service uses each component with Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. Specific roles and responsibilities for each area are detailed throughout Microsoft Managed Desktop documentation.
+This article summarizes the components included in the required Enterprise licenses, and how the service uses each component with Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. Specific roles and responsibilities for each area are detailed throughout Microsoft Managed Desktop documentation.
## Office 365 E3 or E5
-| Product |Information |
- |
-Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (64-bit) | These Office applications will be shipped with the device: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher, Access, Skype for Business, OneNote.<br><br>The 64-bit full versions of Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio aren't included. However, since the installation of these applications depends on the Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise installation, Microsoft Managed Desktop has created default Microsoft Intune deployments and security groups that you can then use to deploy these applications to licensed users. For more information, see [Install Microsoft Project or Microsoft Visio on Microsoft Managed Desktop devices](../get-started/project-visio.md).
-OneDrive |Azure Active Directory Single Sign On is enabled for users when they first sign in to OneDrive.<br><br>Known Folder Redirection for "Desktop", "Document", and "Pictures" folders is included; enabled and configured by Microsoft Managed Desktop.
-Store Apps | Microsoft Sway and Power BI aren't shipped with the device. These apps are available for download from Microsoft Store.
-Win32 Applications | Teams isn't shipped with the device, but is packaged and provided by Microsoft for Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. Azure Information Protection Client isn't shipped with the device, but you can have it packaged for deployment.
-Web Applications | Yammer, Office in a browser, Delve, Flow, StaffHub, Power Apps, and Planner aren't shipped with the device. Users can access the web version of these applications with a browser.
+| Product | Information |
+| -- | -- |
+| Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise (64-bit) | The following Office applications will be shipped with the device:<br><ul><li>Word</li><li>Excel</li><li>PowerPoint</li><li>Outlook</li><li>Publisher</li><li>Access</li><li>Skype for Business</li><li>OneNote</li></ul><br>The 64-bit full versions of Microsoft Project and Microsoft Visio aren't included. However, since the installation of these applications depends on the Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise installation, Microsoft Managed Desktop created default Microsoft Intune deployments, and security groups that you can use to deploy these applications to licensed users. For more information, see [Install Microsoft Project or Microsoft Visio on Microsoft Managed Desktop devices](../get-started/project-visio.md). |
+| OneDrive | Azure Active Directory Single Sign On is enabled for users when they first sign in to OneDrive.<br><br>Known Folder Redirection for Desktop, Document, and Pictures folders are included. These folders are enabled and configured by Microsoft Managed Desktop. |
+| Store Apps | Microsoft Sway and Power BI aren't shipped with the device. These apps are available for download from Microsoft Store. |
+| Win32 Applications | Teams isn't shipped with the device, but it's packaged and provided by Microsoft for Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. Azure Information Protection Client isn't shipped with the device, but you can have it packaged for deployment. |
+| Web Applications | The following web applications aren't shipped with the device: <ul><li>Yammer</li><li>Office in a browser</li><li>Delve</li><li>Flow</li><li>StaffHub</li><li>Power Apps</li><li>Planner</li></ul> <br>Users can access the web version of these applications with a browser. |
## Windows 10 Enterprise E5 or E3 with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
-We recommend that your IT admins configure the following settings. These settings aren't included or managed as part of Microsoft Managed Desktop.
+We recommend that your IT admins configure the following settings.
-Product |Information
- |
-Windows Hello for Business | You should implement Windows Hello for Business to replace passwords with strong two-factor authentication for Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. For more information, see [Windows Hello for Business](/windows/security/identity-protection/hello-for-business/hello-identity-verification).
-Application Virtualization | You can deploy Application Virtualization (App-V) packages using the Intune Win32 app management client. For more information, see [Application Virtualization](/windows/application-management/app-v/appv-technical-reference).
-Microsoft 365 data loss prevention | You should implement Microsoft 365 data loss prevention to monitor the actions that are being taken on items you've determined to be sensitive and to help prevent the unintentional sharing of those items. For more information, see [Microsoft 365 data loss prevention](../../compliance/endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md).
+> [!NOTE]
+> These settings aren't included or managed as part of Microsoft Managed Desktop.
-Features included and managed as part of Microsoft Managed Desktop:
+| Product | Information |
+| -- | -- |
+| Windows Hello for Business | You should implement Windows Hello for Business to replace passwords with strong two-factor authentication for Microsoft Managed Desktop devices. For more information, see [Windows Hello for Business](/windows/security/identity-protection/hello-for-business/hello-identity-verification). |
+| Application Virtualization | You can deploy Application Virtualization (App-V) packages using the Intune Win32 app management client. For more information, see [Application Virtualization](/windows/application-management/app-v/appv-technical-reference). |
+| Microsoft 365 data loss prevention | You should implement Microsoft 365 data loss prevention to monitor the actions taken on items you've determined to be sensitive, and to help prevent the unintentional sharing of those items. For more information, see [Microsoft 365 data loss prevention](../../compliance/endpoint-dlp-learn-about.md). |
-Product |Information
- |
-BitLocker Drive Encryption | BitLocker Drive Encryption is used to encrypt all system drives. For more information, see [BitLocker Drive Encryption](/windows/security/information-protection/bitlocker/bitlocker-overview).
-Windows Defender System Guard | Protects the integrity of the system at startup and validates that system integrity has truly been maintained. For more information, see [Windows Defender System Guard](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-system-guard/system-guard-how-hardware-based-root-of-trust-helps-protect-windows).
-Windows Defender Credential Guard | Windows Defender Credential Guard uses virtualization-based security to isolate secrets so that only privileged system software can access them. For more information, see [Windows Defender System Guard](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-system-guard/system-guard-how-hardware-based-root-of-trust-helps-protect-windows).
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Endpoint Detection and Response | Microsoft Managed Desktop Security Operations responds to alerts and takes action to remediate threats using Endpoint Detection and Response. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Endpoint Detection and Response](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/overview-endpoint-detection-response).
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat Experts | Microsoft Managed Desktop integrates with Threat Experts insights and data through targeted attack notifications. You will have to provide additional consent before this service is enabled. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat Experts](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/microsoft-threat-experts).
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat and Vulnerability Management | Required for future use in the Microsoft Managed Desktop service plan. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat and Vulnerability Management](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/next-gen-threat-and-vuln-mgt).
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Attack Surface Reduction | Attack surface reduction targets risky software behaviors that are often abused by attackers. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Attack Surface Reduction](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/attack-surface-reduction).
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Exploit Protection | Protects against malware that uses exploits to infect devices and spread by automatically applying exploit mitigation techniques to both operating system processes and apps. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Exploit Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/exploit-protection).
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Network Protection | Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to block all outbound HTTP and HTTPS traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Network Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/network-protection).
-Microsoft Defender Tamper Protection | Windows Tamper Protection is used to prevent security settings such as anti-virus protection from being changed. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Tamper Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection).
-Microsoft Defender Antivirus Behavior-based, heuristic, and real-time antivirus protection | Always on scanning for file and process threats which may not be detected as malware. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Antivirus Behavior-based, heuristic, and real-time antivirus protection](../../security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-antivirus-in-windows-10.md).
-Microsoft Defender Antivirus Cloud-delivered Protection | Provides dynamic near-instant, automated protection against new and emerging threats. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Antivirus Cloud-delivered Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/utilize-microsoft-cloud-protection-microsoft-defender-antivirus).
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - "Block at first sight" | Provides detection and blocking of new malware when Windows detects a suspicious or unknown file. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Block at first sight](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/configure-block-at-first-sight-microsoft-defender-antivirus).
-Microsoft Defender Antivirus Potentially Unwanted Applications | Potentially unwanted applications is used to block apps that can cause your machine to run slowly, display unexpected ads, or at worst, install other software which might be unexpected or unwanted. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Antivirus Potentially Unwanted Applications](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/detect-block-potentially-unwanted-apps-microsoft-defender-antivirus).
-Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security | Host-based, two-way network traffic filtering for a device, Windows Defender Firewall blocks unauthorized network traffic flowing into or out of the local device. For more information, see [Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-firewall/windows-firewall-with-advanced-security).
-User Account Control | User Account Control switches to the Secure Desktop when a task or action requires the administrator account-type access. Microsoft Managed Desktop users are assigned Standard user access at enrollment. For more information, see [User Account Control](/windows/security/identity-protection/user-account-control/how-user-account-control-works).
+Features included and managed as part of Microsoft Managed Desktop:
+| Product | Information |
+| -- | -- |
+| BitLocker Drive Encryption | BitLocker Drive Encryption is used to encrypt all system drives. For more information, see [BitLocker Drive Encryption](/windows/security/information-protection/bitlocker/bitlocker-overview). |
+| Windows Defender System Guard | Protects the integrity of the system at startup, and validates that system integrity has truly been maintained. For more information, see [Windows Defender System Guard](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-system-guard/system-guard-how-hardware-based-root-of-trust-helps-protect-windows). |
+| Windows Defender Credential Guard | Windows Defender Credential Guard uses Virtualization-based security to isolate secrets so that only privileged system software can access them. For more information, see [Windows Defender System Guard](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-defender-system-guard/system-guard-how-hardware-based-root-of-trust-helps-protect-windows). |
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Endpoint Detection and Response | Microsoft Managed Desktop Security Operations responds to alerts and takes action to remediate threats using Endpoint Detection and Response. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Endpoint Detection and Response](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/overview-endpoint-detection-response). |
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat Experts | Microsoft Managed Desktop integrates with Threat Experts insights and data through targeted attack notifications. You must provide additional consent before this service is enabled. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat Experts](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/microsoft-threat-experts). |
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat and Vulnerability Management | Required for future use in the Microsoft Managed Desktop service plan. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Threat and Vulnerability Management](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/next-gen-threat-and-vuln-mgt). |
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Attack Surface Reduction | Targets risky software behaviors that are often abused by attackers. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Attack Surface Reduction](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/attack-surface-reduction). |
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Exploit Protection | Protects against malware that uses exploits to infect devices, and spreads by automatically applying exploit mitigation techniques to operating system processes and apps. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Exploit Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/exploit-protection). |
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Network Protection | Expands the scope of Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to block all outbound HTTP and HTTPS traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Network Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/network-protection). |
+| Microsoft Defender Tamper Protection | Windows Tamper Protection is used to prevent security settings such as anti-virus protection from being changed. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Tamper Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection). |
+| Microsoft Defender Antivirus Behavior-based, heuristic, and real-time antivirus protection | Always on to scan for file and process threats that may not be detected as malware. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Antivirus Behavior-based, heuristic, and real-time antivirus protection](../../security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-antivirus-in-windows-10.md). |
+| Microsoft Defender Antivirus Cloud-delivered Protection | Provides dynamic near-instant, automated protection against new and emerging threats. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Antivirus Cloud-delivered Protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/utilize-microsoft-cloud-protection-microsoft-defender-antivirus). |
+| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - "Block at first sight" | Provides detection and blocking of new malware when Windows detects a suspicious or unknown file. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint - Block at first sight](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/configure-block-at-first-sight-microsoft-defender-antivirus). |
+| Microsoft Defender Antivirus Potentially Unwanted Applications | Used to block apps that can cause your machine to run slowly, display unexpected ads, or, at worst, install other software that might be unexpected or unwanted. For more information, see [Microsoft Defender Antivirus Potentially Unwanted Applications](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/detect-block-potentially-unwanted-apps-microsoft-defender-antivirus). |
+| Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security | Host-based, two-way network traffic filtering for a device, Windows Defender Firewall blocks unauthorized network traffic flowing into or out of the local device. For more information, see [Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security](/windows/security/threat-protection/windows-firewall/windows-firewall-with-advanced-security). |
+| User Account Control | User Account Control switches to the Secure Desktop when a task or action requires the administrator account-type access. Microsoft Managed Desktop users are assigned Standard user access at enrollment. For more information, see [User Account Control](/windows/security/identity-protection/user-account-control/how-user-account-control-works). |
## Enterprise Mobility + Security E5
-Product |Information
- |
-Enterprise Mobility + Security E3<br>Azure Active Directory Premium P2 | You can use all features of Enterprise Mobility + Security E3 to manage MDM devices. You can use Azure Active Directory Premium P2 as an optional feature with Microsoft Managed Desktop.
-Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps | You can use this optional feature with Microsoft Managed Desktop.
-Azure Information Protection P2 | You can use this optional feature with Microsoft Managed Desktop.
+| Product | Information |
+| -- | -- |
+| Enterprise Mobility + Security E3<br><br>Azure Active Directory Premium P2 | You can use all features of Enterprise Mobility + Security E3 to manage MDM devices.<br><br>You can use Azure Active Directory Premium P2 as an optional feature with Microsoft Managed Desktop. |
+| Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps | You can use this optional feature with Microsoft Managed Desktop.
+| Azure Information Protection P2 | You can use this optional feature with Microsoft Managed Desktop.
managed-desktop Win11 Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/intro/win11-overview.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
-# Microsoft Managed Desktop and Windows 11
+# Microsoft Managed Desktop and Windows 11
-Following the announcement of Windows 11, you might have started planning Windows 11 migrations as part of your efforts to keep Windows 10 devices up to date. This article outlines important considerations and how Microsoft Managed Desktop will support smooth transitions in your environments. For information about Windows 11 itself, see [Windows 11 overview](/windows/whats-new/windows-11).
+Following the announcement of Windows 11, you might have started planning Windows 11 migrations as part of your efforts to keep Windows 10 devices up to date.
+This article outlines important considerations and how Microsoft Managed Desktop will support smooth transitions in your environments. For information about Windows 11 itself, see [Windows 11 overview](/windows/whats-new/windows-11).
For specific steps to follow to get Windows 11 installed on your Microsoft Managed Desktop devices, see [Preview and test Windows 11 with Microsoft Managed Desktop](../working-with-managed-desktop/test-win11-mmd.md). ## Timeline for Windows 10 and Windows 11
-Windows 11 became generally available on October 4, 2021. It is ready for consumer and enterprise deployment and is a fully supported platform. We will begin scheduling deployments for all Microsoft Managed Desktop devices starting January 2023, but will provide full support for those that wish to deploy Windows 11 sooner. We'll consult and advise admins to develop and implement migration plans for each tenant based on technical readiness and your business considerations.
-Microsoft Managed Desktop continues to support Windows 10 in parallel until it reaches end of enterprise support. See [Windows 10 release information](/windows/release-health/release-information) for life cycle information.
+Windows 11 became generally available on October 4, 2021. It's ready for consumer and enterprise deployment, and it's a fully supported platform.
+We'll begin scheduling deployments for all Microsoft Managed Desktop devices starting January 2023. However, we'll provide full support for those that wish to deploy Windows 11 sooner. We'll consult and advise admins to develop and implement migration plans for each tenant based on technical readiness and your business considerations.
+Microsoft Managed Desktop continues to support Windows 10 in parallel until it reaches end of enterprise support. See [Windows 10 release information](/windows/release-health/release-information) for life cycle information.
## Assessing pre-release versions of Windows 11
-More than 95% of Microsoft Managed Desktop devices are eligible for Windows 11, so you might want to try the upgrade on test devices prior to production deployment. For more about Windows 11 system requirements, see [Windows 11 requirements](/windows/whats-new/windows-11-requirements).
+More than 95% of Microsoft Managed Desktop devices are eligible for Windows 11. You might want to try the upgrade on test devices prior to production deployment. For more about Windows 11 system requirements, see [Windows 11 requirements](/windows/whats-new/windows-11-requirements).
For Microsoft Managed Desktop devices, you can [add devices to the Windows 11 test device group](/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/working-with-managed-desktop/test-win11-mmd?view=o365-worldwide#add-devices-to-the-windows-11-test-group). This group receives the Windows 11 general availability build along with a Microsoft Managed Desktop baseline configuration. Once added to the device group, allow one to two days for a device to pick up the new settings and be offered Windows 11.
-For your devices that aren't managed by Microsoft Managed Desktop, you can read [Endpoint Manager guidance](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-endpoint-manager-blog/endpoint-manager-simplifies-upgrades-to-windows-11/ba-p/2771886) to learn about deploying Windows 11 yourself. If you have devices running Windows 11 and later, enroll them in Microsoft Managed Desktop; they won't revert back to Windows 10.
+For devices that aren't managed by Microsoft Managed Desktop, you can read [Endpoint Manager guidance](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-endpoint-manager-blog/endpoint-manager-simplifies-upgrades-to-windows-11/ba-p/2771886) to learn about deploying Windows 11. If you have devices running Windows 11 and later and enroll them in Microsoft Managed Desktop, they won't revert back to Windows 10.
## Support for pre-release Windows 11 devices
-For those that opted into Windows 11 testing prior to general availability, devices may have preview builds installed. Microsoft Managed Desktop devices in this state will not be offered the Windows 11 general availability build, but will still be supported in resolving issues encountered. Additionally, Microsoft Managed Desktop monitors all managed devices for security threats and will respond to any alerts regardless of whether the device is running a Windows 11 preview build.
+For those that opted into Windows 11 testing prior to general availability, devices may have preview builds installed.
+Microsoft Managed Desktop devices in this state won't be offered the Windows 11 general availability build. However, the devices will still be supported to resolve encountered issues. Microsoft Managed Desktop monitors all managed devices for security threats, and will respond to any alerts regardless if the device is running a Windows 11 preview build.
-Because we are committed to helping you migrate to Windows 11 while remaining productive, we encourage you to report defects you encounter with the platform. We prioritize defects that will block user productivity upon broad deployment of Windows 11, and defects that block user productivity on Windows 10 devices.
+Because we're committed to helping you migrate to Windows 11 while remaining productive, we encourage you to report defects you encounter with the platform. We prioritize:
+- Defects that block user productivity upon broad deployment of Windows 11.
+- Defects that block user productivity on Windows 10 devices.
## Testing application compatibility
-Application compatibility is one of the most common concerns in any platform migration due to the potential for productivity disruptions. We're using several proactive and reactive measures to help you feel confident about smooth app transitions to Windows 11.
+Application compatibility is one of the most common concerns in any platform migration because of the potential for productivity disruptions. We're using several proactive and reactive measures to help you feel confident about smooth app transitions to Windows 11.
### Proactive measures
-**Common apps:** Microsoft extensively tests the most common enterprise applications and suites deployed on builds of Windows 11. We work with external software publishers and internal product teams to resolve any issues discovered during testing. For more information about our proactive compatibility testing effort, see the [Application Compatibility blog](https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2019/01/15/application-compatibility-in-the-windows-ecosystem/).
+The following are some proactive measures:
-**Line-of-business apps:** [Test Base](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/testbase) is a resource that app publishers and IT admins can use to submit apps and test cases for Microsoft to run on a virtual machine running Windows 11 builds in a secure Azure environment. Results, test insights, and regression analysis for each test execution are available to you on a private Azure portal. Microsoft Managed Desktop will help you prioritize your line-of-business apps for validation based on app usage and reliability data. For more information about Test Base, see [Test Base for Microsoft 365](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/test-base-for-microsoft-365-microsoft-ignite-2021-updates/ba-p/2185566).
+| Proactive measures | Description |
+| -- | -- |
+| Common apps | Microsoft extensively tests the most common enterprise applications and suites deployed on Windows 11 builds. We work with external software publishers and internal product teams to resolve any issues discovered during testing. For more information about our proactive compatibility testing effort, see the [Application Compatibility blog](https://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2019/01/15/application-compatibility-in-the-windows-ecosystem/).
+| Line-of-business apps | [Test Base](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/testbase) is a resource that app publishers and IT admins can use to submit apps and test cases for Microsoft to run on a virtual machine running Windows 11 builds in a secure Azure environment.<br><br>Results, test insights, and regression analysis for each test execution are available to you on a private Azure portal. Microsoft Managed Desktop will help you prioritize your line-of-business apps for validation based on app usage and reliability data. For more information about Test Base, see [Test Base for Microsoft 365](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/test-base-for-microsoft-365-microsoft-ignite-2021-updates/ba-p/2185566). |
### Reactive measures
-If you encounter app compatibility issues in test or production environments, you can receive no-cost support by opening a [service request](/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/working-with-managed-desktop/test-win11-mmd?view=o365-worldwide#report-issues). For Windows 11, this includes any functionality with Office, Microsoft Edge, Teams, and line-of-business applications running on the latest operating system builds. Microsoft App Assure directly engages app publishers to prioritize and resolve app compatibility issues when needed.
+If you encounter app compatibility issues in test or production environments, you can receive no-cost support by opening a [support request](/microsoft-365/managed-desktop/working-with-managed-desktop/test-win11-mmd?view=o365-worldwide#report-issues).
+For Windows 11, support includes any functionality with the following apps that run on the latest operating system builds:
+- Office
+- Microsoft Edge
+- Teams
+- line-of-business applications
+Microsoft App Assure directly engages app publishers to prioritize and resolve app compatibility issues when needed.
security Advanced Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/advanced-features.md
Turn on this feature to take advantage of the automated investigation and remedi
## Live response
+> [!NOTE]
+> Live response requires **Automated investigation** to be turned on before you can enable it in the advanced settings section in the Microsoft for Endpoint portal.
+ Turn on this feature so that users with the appropriate permissions can start a live response session on devices. For more information about role assignments, see [Create and manage roles](user-roles.md).
security Analyzer Feedback https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/analyzer-feedback.md
audience: ITPro - M365-security-compliance -- m365initiative-m365-defender ms.technology: m365d
security Analyzer Report https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/analyzer-report.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ ms.technology: m365d
security Android Whatsnew https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-whatsnew.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
+ ms.technology: mde
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md
The following table lists the supported operating systems for attack surface red
|[Block executable content from email client and webmail](#block-executable-content-from-email-client-and-webmail) | Y | Y | |[Block executable files from running unless they meet a prevalence, age, or trusted list criterion](#block-executable-files-from-running-unless-they-meet-a-prevalence-age-or-trusted-list-criterion) | Y | Y | |[Block execution of potentially obfuscated scripts](#block-execution-of-potentially-obfuscated-scripts) | Y | Y |
-|[Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content](#block-javascript-or-vbscript-from-launching-downloaded-executable-content) | Y | N |
+|[Block JavaScript or VBScript from launching downloaded executable content](#block-javascript-or-vbscript-from-launching-downloaded-executable-content) | N | N |
|[Block Office applications from creating executable content](#block-office-applications-from-creating-executable-content) | Y | Y | |[Block Office applications from injecting code into other processes](#block-office-applications-from-injecting-code-into-other-processes) | Y | Y | |[Block Office communication application from creating child processes](#block-office-communication-application-from-creating-child-processes) | Y | Y |
security Behavioral Blocking Containment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/behavioral-blocking-containment.md
- next-gen - edr - admindeeplinkDEFENDER-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ ms.technology: mde
security Cancel Machine Action https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/cancel-machine-action.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ MS.technology: mde
## API description
-Cancel an already launched machine action that are not yet in final state (completed, canceled, failed).
+Cancel an already launched machine action that is not yet in final state (completed, canceled, failed).
## Limitations
security Client Behavioral Blocking https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/client-behavioral-blocking.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
- next-gen - edr-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ ms.technology: mde
security Configure Exclusions Microsoft Defender Antivirus https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md
ms.technology: mde ms.audience: ITPro --- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-defender-endpoint+ # Configure and validate exclusions for Microsoft Defender Antivirus scans
security Configure Microsoft Threat Experts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-microsoft-threat-experts.md
audience: ITPro - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ - m365-initiative-defender-endpoint
ms.technology: mde
security Configure Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-updates.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
audience: ITPro -- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender
+- m365-security-compliance
+- m365-initiative-defender-endpoint
ms.technology: m365d
security Controlled Folders https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/controlled-folders.md
ms.technology: mde -+ Last updated
security Customize Exploit Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/customize-exploit-protection.md
ms.technology: mde-+ Last updated
security Data Collection Analyzer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/data-collection-analyzer.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ ms.technology: m365d
security Device Discovery Faq https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-discovery-faq.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance -- m365initiative-m365-defender + ms.technology: m365d
You have the option to turn off device discovery through the [Advanced features]
In this mode endpoints onboarded to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint can actively probe observed devices in the network to enrich collected data (with negligible amount of network traffic). Only devices that were observed by the basic discovery mode will be actively probed in standard mode. This mode is highly recommended for building a reliable and coherent device inventory. If you choose to disable this mode, and select Basic discovery mode, you will likely only gain limited visibility of unmanaged endpoints in your network.
- Standard mode also leverages common discovery protocols that use multicast queries in the network to find even more devices, in addition to the ones that were ovserved using the passive method.
+ Standard mode also leverages common discovery protocols that use multicast queries in the network to find even more devices, in addition to the ones that were observed using the passive method.
## Can I control which devices perform Standard discovery?
security Download Client Analyzer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/download-client-analyzer.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ ms.technology: m365d
security Edr In Block Mode https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/edr-in-block-mode.md
- edr - admindeeplinkDEFENDER Last updated 11/29/2021-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ ms.technology: mde
security Enable Controlled Folders https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-controlled-folders.md
ms.technology: mde-+ Last updated
security Enable Exploit Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-exploit-protection.md
ms.technology: mde -+ Last updated 10/19/2021
security Enable Network Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-network-protection.md
ms.technology: mde-+ Last updated
security Evaluate Controlled Folder Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/evaluate-controlled-folder-access.md
ms.technology: mde-+ Last updated
security Evaluate Exploit Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/evaluate-exploit-protection.md
ms.technology: mde -+ Last updated
security Exploit Protection Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/exploit-protection-reference.md
ms.technology: mde -+ Last updated 10/19/2021
security Get Live Response Result https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/get-live-response-result.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance -- m365initiative-m365-defender + MS.technology: mde
security Investigate Files https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-files.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365-initiative-defender-endpoint
+ Last updated 04/24/2018 ms.technology: mde
security Investigate Ip https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-ip.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ Last updated 04/24/2018 ms.technology: mde
Details about the IP address are displayed, including: registration details (if
Use the search filters to define the search criteria. You can also use the timeline search box to filter the displayed results of all devices in the organization observed communicating with the IP address, the file associated with the communication and the last date observed.
-Clicking any of the device names will take you to that device's view, where you can continue investigate reported alerts, behaviors, and events.
+Clicking any of the device names will take you to that device's view, where you can continue to investigate reported alerts, behaviors, and events.
## Related topics
security Investigate Machines https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-machines.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365-initiative-defender-endpoint
+ ms.technology: mde
security Investigate User https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-user.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365-initiative-defender-endpoint
+ Last updated 04/24/2018 ms.technology: mde
security Investigation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigation.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ MS.technology: mde
security Manage Gradual Rollout https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/manage-gradual-rollout.md
audience: ITPro - M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender
+- m365-initiative-defender-endpoint
ms.technology: m365d
security Non Windows https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/non-windows.md
ms.technology: mde
[!INCLUDE [Microsoft 365 Defender rebranding](../../includes/microsoft-defender.md)] **Applies to:**-- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-exposedapis-abovefoldlink)
security Onboard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard.md
- Title: Configure and manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities-
-description: Configure and manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities such as attack surface reduction and next-generation protection
-keywords: configure, manage, capabilities, attack surface reduction, next-generation protection, security controls, endpoint detection and response, auto investigation and remediation, security controls, controls
-ms.sitesec: library
-ms.pagetype: security
- - M365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-m365-defender
-# Configure and manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint capabilities
-**Applies to:**
-- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)-- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)-
-> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-exposedapis-abovefoldlink)
-Learn how to configure and manage Defender for Endpoint features, to get the best security protection for your organization.
-For practical advice on connecting new devices in your organization, see [Onboard devices to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](./onboard-configure.md).
-## In this section
-Topic | Description
-[Configure Microsoft 365 Defender settings](https://sip.security.microsoft.com/settings) | Configure portal-related settings such as general settings, advanced features, or enable the preview experience.
-[Configure attack surface reduction capabilities](configure-attack-surface-reduction.md) | Configure attack surface reduction capabilities, to ensure that settings are properly applied, and exploit mitigation techniques are set.
-[Configure next-generation protection](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-antivirus/configure-microsoft-defender-antivirus-features) | Configure next-generation protection to catch all types of emerging threats.
-[Configure Microsoft Threat Experts capabilities](configure-microsoft-threat-experts.md) | Configure and manage cybersecurity threat intelligence from Microsoft Threat Experts.
-[Configure Microsoft 365 Defender integration](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/threat-protection-integration) | Configure other solutions that integrate with Defender for Endpoint.
-[Management and API support](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/management-apis) | Pull alerts to your Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) or use APIs to create custom alerts. Create and build Power BI reports.
security Overview Client Analyzer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/overview-client-analyzer.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ ms.technology: m365d
security Run Analyzer Macos Linux https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/run-analyzer-macos-linux.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ ms.technology: m365d
security Run Live Response https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/run-live-response.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ MS.technology: mde
security Threat And Vuln Mgt Event Timeline https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/threat-and-vuln-mgt-event-timeline.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ ms.technology: mde
security Troubleshoot Cloud Connect Mdemac https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/troubleshoot-cloud-connect-mdemac.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-
- - m365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-defender-endpoint
+ ms.technology: mde
security Configure Event Hub https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/configure-event-hub.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro--- M365-security-compliance-- m365initiative-m365-defender+ MS.technology: mde
security Eval Create Eval Environment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-create-eval-environment.md
Title: Create the Microsoft 365 Defender Evaluation Environment
+ Title: Step 1. Create the Microsoft 365 Defender Evaluation Environment
description: Set up your Microsoft 365 Defender trial lab or pilot environment by activating trial licenses. Then set up Microsoft Defender for Identity (MDI) and all other M365D evaluations. search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
ms.technology: m365d
-# Create the Microsoft 365 Defender Evaluation Environment
+# Step 1. Create the Microsoft 365 Defender Evaluation Environment
There are two common ways to do this next step in evaluation. This document assumes you already have a production Microsoft 365 tenant, and will activate E5 trial licenses to evaluate Microsoft 365 Defender in *the current environment*. An in-place evaluation will let you keep any security methods with the purchase of licenses after the evaluation period.
security Eval Defender Endpoint Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-endpoint-overview.md
Title: Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint overview, including reviewing the architecture
+ Title: Step 4. Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint overview, including reviewing the architecture
description: Steps for the set up for a Microsoft 365 Defender trial lab or pilot environment. Test and experience how the security solution is designed to protect devices, identity, data, and apps in your organization. search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
ms.technology: m365d
-# Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint overview
+# Step 4. Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint overview
**Applies to:**
security Eval Defender Identity Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-identity-overview.md
Title: Evaluate Microsoft 365 Defender for Identity overview, set up evaluation
+ Title: Step 2. Evaluate Microsoft 365 Defender for Identity overview, set up evaluation
description: Steps for the evaluation of Microsoft 365 Defender for Identity including requirements, enabling or activating the eval, and set up of the pilot or test. search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
ms.technology: m365d
-# Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Identity overview
+# Step 2. Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Identity overview
**Applies to:**
security Eval Defender Investigate Respond https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-investigate-respond.md
Title: Investigate and respond using Microsoft 365 Defender in a pilot environment
+ Title: Step 6. Investigate and respond using Microsoft 365 Defender in a pilot environment
description: Set up attack simulations in Microsoft 365 Defender trial lab or pilot environment to try out the security solution designed to teach users to protect devices, identity, data, and applications. search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
ms.technology: m365d
-# Investigate and respond using Microsoft 365 Defender in a pilot environment
+# Step 6. Investigate and respond using Microsoft 365 Defender in a pilot environment
**Applies to:** - Microsoft 365 Defender
security Eval Defender Mcas Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-mcas-overview.md
Title: Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps overview
+ Title: Step 5. Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps overview
description: Steps to set up your Microsoft 365 Defender trial lab or pilot environment to try out and experience the security solution designed to protect devices, identity, data, and applications in your organization. search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
ms.technology: m365d
-# Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
+# Step 5. Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
**Applies to:** - Microsoft 365 Defender
security Eval Defender Office 365 Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-office-365-overview.md
Title: Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Office 365 overview
+ Title: Step 3. Evaluate Microsoft Defender for Office 365 overview
description: Use this overview to learn the steps to set up an MDO pilot, including requirements, enabling or activating the eval, and setting up the pilot. search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
ms.technology: m365d
-# Enable and pilot Microsoft Defender for Office 365
+# Step 3. Enable and pilot Microsoft Defender for Office 365
**Applies to:** - Microsoft 365 Defender
security Eval Defender Promote To Production https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/eval-defender-promote-to-production.md
Title: Promote your Microsoft 365 Defender evaluation environment to Production
+ Title: Step 7. Promote your Microsoft 365 Defender evaluation environment to Production
description: Use this article to promote your evals of MDI, MDO, MDE, and Defender for Cloud Apps to your live environment in Microsoft 365 Defender or M365D. search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
ms.technology: m365d
-# Promote your Microsoft 365 Defender evaluation environment to production
+# Step 7. Promote your Microsoft 365 Defender evaluation environment to production
**Applies to:** - Microsoft 365 Defender
security Manage Incidents https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/manage-incidents.md
audience: ITPro - M365-security-compliance
- - m365initiative-m365-defender
+ - m365-initiative-defender-endpoint
solutions Microsoft 365 Guest Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/microsoft-365-guest-settings.md
The Microsoft 365 admin center has organization-level settings for sharing and f
| Setting | Default | Description | |:--|:--|:--|
-|Let users add new guests to the organization|On|When set to **Yes**, Azure AD members can invite guests via Azure AD; when set to **No**, they cannot. When set to **Yes**, Microsoft 365 Group members can invite guests with owner approval; when set to **No**, Microsoft 365 Group members can invite guests with owner approval but owners must be global administrators to approve. <p> Note that **Members can invite** refers to members in Azure AD (as opposed to guests) and not to site or group members in Microsoft 365. <p> This is identical to the **Members can invite** setting in Azure Active Directory Organizational relationships settings.|
+|Let users add new guests to the organization|On|When set to **Yes**, Azure AD members can invite guests via Azure AD; when set to **No**, they cannot. When set to **Yes**, Microsoft 365 group members can invite guests with owner approval; when set to **No**, Microsoft 365 group members can invite guests with owner approval but owners must be global administrators to approve. <p> Note that **Members can invite** refers to members in Azure AD (as opposed to guests) and not to site or group members in Microsoft 365. <p> This is identical to the **Members can invite** setting in Azure Active Directory Organizational relationships settings.|
### Microsoft 365 Groups
The Teams master guest access switch, **Allow guest access in Teams**, must be *
|Delete sent messages|On|When **On**, guests can delete messages they previously sent; when **Off**, they can't.| |Chat|On|When **On**, guests can use chat in Teams; when **Off**, they can't.| |Use Giphys in conversations|On|When **On**, guests can use Giphys in conversations; when **Off**, they can't.|
-|Giphy content rating|Moderate|When set to **Allow all content**, guests will can insert all Giphys in chats, regardless of the content rating. When set to **Moderate** guests can insert Giphys in chats, but will be moderately restricted from adult content. When set to **Strict** guests can insert Giphys in chats, but will be restricted from inserting adult content.|
+|Giphy content rating|Moderate|When set to **Allow all content**, guests can insert all Giphys in chats, regardless of the content rating. When set to **Moderate** guests can insert Giphys in chats, but will be moderately restricted from adult content. When set to **Strict** guests can insert Giphys in chats, but will be restricted from inserting adult content.|
|Use Memes in conversations|On|When **On**, guests can use memes in conversations; when **Off**, they can't.| |User stickers in conversations|On|When **On**, guests can use stickers in conversations; when **Off**, they can't.| |Allow immersive reader for viewing messages|On|When **On**, guests can view messages in Immersive Reader; when **Off**, they can't.|
You can set guest sharing permissions for each site in SharePoint. This setting
If the site has a sensitivity label applied, that label may control the external sharing settings. For more information, see [Use sensitivity labels to protect content in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 groups, and SharePoint sites](../compliance/sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md).
+> [!NOTE]
+> Sharing settings for channel sites can only be changed by using the [Set-SPOSite](/powershell/module/sharepoint-online/set-sposite) PowerShell cmdlet.
+ **Navigation:** SharePoint admin center > <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2185220" target="_blank">**Active sites**</a> > select the site > **Policies** tab > **Edit External sharing** ![Screenshot of SharePoint site external sharing settings.](../media/sharepoint-site-external-sharing-settings.png)