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admin Turn Pronouns On Or Off https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/turn-pronouns-on-or-off.md
+ Title: "Turn pronouns on or off for your organization in the Microsoft 365 admin center"
+f1.keywords: CSH
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier2
+- M365-subscription-management
+- scotvorg
+- Adm_O365
+- Adm_TOC
+- okr_smb
+- AdminTemplateSet
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: "Learn how to turn the pronouns feature on or off in the Microsoft 365 admin center."
+# Turn pronouns on or off for your organization in the Microsoft 365 admin center
+> This is prerelease documentation. The capabilities for this article are associated with [roadmap IDs 83382 and 115511](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=&searchterms=pronouns) and are not currently available in production environments. For availability information, refer to the [Microsoft 365 roadmap](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=&searchterms=pronouns).
+As a Microsoft 365 administrator, you can turn on a feature that lets all users in your organization add their pronouns on their profile cards in Microsoft 365. The pronouns feature is off by default and requires configuration to turn on. Before you decide to turn the feature on or off, see [Pronouns on your profile in Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/232c3bfb-a947-4310-86db-b22d63663d85), [Frequently asked questions about pronouns in Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/48135f04-e822-49b5-ba6b-e9bae2ce503a), and [Pronouns best practices](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/ef1701ad-711d-4c6e-b664-64c3ee188d68).
+Pronouns are stored with other data in the user's Exchange mailbox. For more information, see [Data Residency for Exchange Online](../../enterprise/m365-dr-workload-exo.md#how-can-i-determine-customer-data-location).
+>- Knowing someoneΓÇÖs pronouns doesn't always equate to knowing their gender identity. We encourage you to understand any applicable local laws, regulations, and cultural norms that might pose extra risk to employees should their pronouns be publicly displayed and take this into consideration when you decide whether to turn on this feature.
+>- If you decide to use the pronouns feature, we recommend that you engage with internal and/or external subject matter experts in transgender inclusion to consider how pronoun display can complement, not substitute, more comprehensive efforts to support transgender communities in your organization.
+## Before you begin
+You must be a Global admin to do the task in this article. For more information, see [About admin roles](about-admin-roles.md).
+> Before you decide to turn the pronouns feature on or off, consider the following:
+>- When you turn the pronouns feature on or off, it can take up to six hours for users to see changes. For example, if you turn on the pronouns feature, users can't see the option to add pronouns on their profile for up to six hours. If you turn off the pronouns feature, any previously set pronouns might stay visible in Microsoft 365 (for example, on profiles) for up to six hours.
+>- When you turn the pronouns feature off, all the pronouns data created by users is deleted. The data deletion process could take up to 30 days to complete. If you turn the pronouns feature back on within that period, any hidden pronouns that haven't yet been deleted from Microsoft servers become visible in Microsoft 365 experiences, such as profiles.
+>- After a user adds pronouns to their profile, the pronouns are visible to everyone in your organization. Users can't control who can see their pronouns in Microsoft 365 in your organization. However, pronouns aren't visible to people outside the organization.
+## Turn the pronouns feature on or off
+Use the following steps to turn the pronouns feature on or off in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
+1. In the admin center, go to the **Settings** > **Org settings** page, and select the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2072756" target="_blank">Security & privacy</a> tab.
+2. Select **Pronouns**.
+3. To turn on the pronouns feature, in the **Pronouns** pane, select the **Turn on and allow pronouns** checkbox. To turn off the pronouns feature, clear the checkbox.
+4. Select **Save**.
+## Next steps
+Consider notifying your users about the availability of the pronouns feature. We suggest that you share the following article with your users: [Pronouns on your profile in Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/232c3bfb-a947-4310-86db-b22d63663d85).
+## Related content
+[Pronouns best practices](https://support.microsoft.com/office/pronouns-best-practices-ef1701ad-711d-4c6e-b664-64c3ee188d68) (article)\
+[Frequently asked questions about pronouns in Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/frequently-asked-questions-about-pronouns-in-microsoft-365-48135f04-e822-49b5-ba6b-e9bae2ce503a) (article)\
+[Profile cards in Microsoft 365](https://support.microsoft.com/office/profile-cards-in-microsoft-365-e80f931f-5fc4-4a59-ba6e-c1e35a85b501) (article)
business-premium Index https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/index.md
Completing all six missions is the most effective way to thwart hackers, protect
## Cybersecurity playbook
-The guidance in these missions is based upon the [Zero Trust security model](../security/office-365-security/microsoft-365-policies-configurations.md), and is summarized in a downloadable [Cybersecurity playbook](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf).
+The guidance in these missions is based upon the [Zero Trust security model](/security/zero-trust/guidance-smb-partner), and is summarized in a downloadable [Cybersecurity playbook](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf).
[:::image type="content" source="media/m365bp-cyber-security-playbook.png" alt-text="Cybersecurity playbook. Download this guide.":::](https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/1/9c167271-8209-492e-acc2-38a39d1834c2/m365bp-cybersecurity-playbook.pdf)
business-premium M365bp Maintain Environment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-maintain-environment.md
audience: Admin
Previously updated : 09/15/2022 Last updated : 02/08/2023 ms.localizationpriority: high - M365-Campaigns
description: "Maintain your systems, user accounts, and policies to help protect
# Maintain your environment
-As you know, security incident management is important. As threats are detected, those threats must be reviewed and addressed. Your business also needs a maintenance and operations plan. The missions you completed during the setup and configuration process were all about getting your systems, users, and data secured. Now, you'll need to perform certain tasks, such as adding or removing users, resetting passwords, and resetting devices to factory settings as needed. This is what maintaining your environment is all about.
+As you know, security incident management is important. As threats are detected, those threats must be reviewed and addressed. Your business also needs a maintenance and operations plan.
-See the following articles for more details:
+The missions you completed during the setup and configuration process were all about getting your systems, users, and data secured. Now, you'll need to perform certain tasks, such as adding or removing users, resetting passwords, and resetting devices to factory settings as needed. These kinds of tasks are what maintaining your environment is all about.
+For more information, see the following articles:
- [Review the Microsoft 365 Business Premium security operations guide](m365bp-security-incident-quick-start.md). - [Add new users](m365bp-add-users.md).
business-premium M365bp Review Remediation Actions Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-review-remediation-actions-devices.md
Title: Review remediation actions in Microsoft 365 Business Premium
+ Title: Review remediation actions in Microsoft 365 Defender
description: See how to view remediations that were taken automatically or that are awaiting approval in the Action center. search.appverid: MET150
- tier1
-# Review remediation actions in Microsoft 365 Business Premium
+# Review remediation actions in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal
Okay, you've discovered a security breach, but what do you do? It depends on the nature of it.
+Microsoft 365 Business Premium includes remediation actions. Some actions are taken automatically when threats are detected, and other actions can be taken manually by your security team.
+ Examples of remediation actions include sending a file to quarantine, stopping a process from running, or completely removing a scheduled task. All remediation actions are tracked in the Action center, which is located at [https://security.microsoft.com/action-center](https://security.microsoft.com/action-center). :::image type="content" source="../medib-actioncenter.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Action Center in M365.":::
business-premium M365bp Review Threats Take Action https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-review-threats-take-action.md
When you view details about specific threats or devices, you'll see recommendati
1. In the table, you can filter the alerts according to a number of criteria.
-## Manage threat detections in Microsoft InTune
+## Manage threat detections in Microsoft Intune
You can use Microsoft Endpoint Manager to manage threat detections as well. First, all devices whether Windows, iOS or Android, must be [enrolled in Intune](/mem/intune/enrollment/windows-enrollment-methods) (part of Microsoft Endpoint Manager).
business-premium M365bp Trial Playbook Microsoft Business Premium https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business-premium/m365bp-trial-playbook-microsoft-business-premium.md
- tier1 Previously updated : 10/18/2022 Last updated : 02/08/2023+ ms.localizationpriority: high search.appverid: - MOE150
When you [start a trial or purchase Microsoft 365 Business Premium](get-microsof
After you've initiated the trial and completed the setup process, it can take up to two hours for changes to take effect.
-2. Use your [preset security policies](/security/office-365-security/preset-security-policies.md). These policies represent a baseline protection profile that's suitable for most users. Standard protection includes:
+2. [Turn on Multi-Factor Authentication](m365bp-conditional-access.md) (MFA). You can use security defaults to get set up right away, or use Conditional Access policies to meet more stringent requirements.
+3. Use your [preset security policies](../security/office-365-security/preset-security-policies.md). These policies represent a baseline protection profile that's suitable for most users. Standard protection includes:
- [Safe Links](../security/office-365-security/safe-links-about.md), [Safe Attachments](../security/office-365-security/safe-attachments-about.md) and [Anti-Phishing](../security/office-365-security/anti-phishing-protection-about.md) policies that are scoped to the entire tenant or the subset of users you may have chosen during the trial setup process. (Your trial subscription is for up to 25 users.)
compliance Communication Compliance Reports Audits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-reports-audits.md
To create a new message details report, complete the following steps:
1. Sign into the Microsoft Purview compliance portal with an account that is a member of the *Communication Compliance Investigators* role group. 2. Navigate to the **Policies** tab, select a policy, and then select **Create message details report**. 3. On the **Create message details report** pane, enter a name for the report in the **Report name** field.
-4. In **Choose a date range**, select a *Start date* and *End date* for the report.
-5. Select **Create**.
-6. The report creation confirmation is displayed.
+4. Under **Users in report**, select one of the following:
+ - **All users**. Select this option if you want to create a report with message information for all users in the policy.
+ - **Select users**. Select this option, and then select specific users from the list to create a report with messages sent by those specific users. Only the users who have sent a message that has been flagged will be available in the list.
+5. In **Choose a date range**, select a *Start date* and *End date* for the report.
+6. Select **Create**.
+7. The report creation confirmation is displayed.
Depending on the number of items in the report, it can take a few minutes to hours before the report is ready to be downloaded. You can check progress on the Message details reports tab. Report status is *In progress* or *Ready to download*. You can have up to 15 separate reports processing simultaneously. To download a report, select a report in the *Ready to download* state and select **Download report**.
compliance Create Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/create-sensitivity-labels.md
In comparison, when you delete a label:
- For containers, such as sites in SharePoint and Teams: The label is removed and any settings that were configured with that label are no longer enforced. This action typically takes between 48-72 hours for SharePoint sites, and can be quicker for Teams and Microsoft 365 Groups.
+- Be aware that without a GUID-to-name mapping available after you delete a label, deleted labels can display as GUIDs rather than label names in applications such as [activity explorer](data-classification-activity-explorer.md).
+ As with all label changes, removing a sensitivity label from a label policy or deleting a sensitivity label takes time to replicate to all users and services. ## Next steps
compliance Ediscovery Create Holds https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-create-holds.md
After a mailbox, SharePoint site, or OneDrive account is removed from an eDiscov
For more information, see [Managing mailboxes on delay hold](ediscovery-identify-a-hold-on-an-exchange-online-mailbox.md#managing-mailboxes-on-delay-hold). -- **SharePoint and OneDrive sites:** Any SharePoint or OneDrive content that's being retained in the Preservation Hold library isn't deleted during the 30-day delay hold period after a site is removed from an eDiscovery hold. This is similar to what happens when a site is released from a retention policy. Additionally, you can't manually delete this content in the Preservation Hold library during the 30-day delay hold period.
+- **SharePoint and OneDrive sites:** Any SharePoint or OneDrive content that's being retained in the Preservation Hold library isn't deleted during the 30-day delay hold period after a site is removed from an eDiscovery hold. This is similar to what happens when a site is released from a retention policy. Additionally, you can't manually delete this content in the Preservation Hold library during the 30-day delay hold period. To release a site from the 30-day delay hold/grace period hold, see the [Can't delete a site because of an invalid retention policy or eDiscovery hold](/sharepoint/troubleshoot/sites/compliance-policy-blocking-site-deletion) troubleshooting article.
For more information, see [Releasing a policy for retention](retention.md#releasing-a-policy-for-retention).
compliance Ediscovery Search And Delete Teams Chat Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery-search-and-delete-teams-chat-messages.md
For information about using Graph Explorer, see [Use Graph Explorer to try Micro
1. Go to <https://developer.microsoft.com/graph/graph-explorer> and sign in to the Graph Explorer with an account that's assigned the *Search And Purge* role in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.
-2. Run the following GET request to retrieve the ID for the eDiscovery (Premium) case. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/compliance/ediscovery/cases` in the address bar of the request query. Be sure to select **v1.0** in the API version dropdown list.
+2. Run the following GET request to retrieve the ID for the eDiscovery (Premium) case. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases` in the address bar of the request query. Be sure to select **v1.0** in the API version dropdown list.
![GET request for case Id.](..\media\ediscovery-GraphGetRequestForCaseId.png)
For information about using Graph Explorer, see [Use Graph Explorer to try Micro
> [!TIP] > Instead of using the previous procedure to obtain the case Id, you can open the case in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal and copy the case Id from the URL.
-### Get the collection ID
+### Get the eDiscoverySearchID
-1. In Graph Explorer, run the following GET request to retrieve the ID for the collection that you created in Step 2, and contains the items you want to purge. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/compliance/ediscovery/cases('caseId')/sourceCollections` in the address bar of the request query, where *CaseId* is the ID that you obtained in the previous procedure. Be sure to surround the case ID with parentheses and single quotation marks.
- ![GET request for collection Id.](..\media\ediscovery-GraphGetRequestForCollectionId.png)
- This request returns information about all collections in the case on the **Response preview** tab.
+1. In Graph Explorer, run the following GET request to retrieve the ID for the collection that you created in Step 2, and contains the items you want to purge. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases('ediscoverySearchID')/searches` in the address bar of the request query, where *ediscoverySearchID* is the ID that you obtained in the previous procedure. Be sure to surround the ediscoverySearchID with parentheses and single quotation marks.
2. Scroll through the response to locate the collection that contains the items that you want to purge. Use the *displayName* property to identify the collection that you created in Step 3.
For information about using Graph Explorer, see [Use Graph Explorer to try Micro
3. Copy the corresponding ID (or copy and paste it to a text file). You'll use this ID in the next task to purge the chat messages. > [!TIP]
-> Instead of using the previous procedure to obtain the collection Id, you can open the case in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. Open the case and navigate to the Jobs tab. Select the relevant collection and under Support information, find the job ID (the job ID displayed here is the same as the collection ID).
+> Instead of using the previous procedure to obtain the search Id, you can open the case in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. Open the case and navigate to the Jobs tab. Select the relevant collection and under Support information, find the job ID (the job ID displayed here is the same as the collection ID).
### Purge the chat messages
-1. In Graph Explorer, run the following POST request to purge the items returned by the collection that you created in Step 2. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/compliance/ediscovery/cases('caseId')/sourceCollections('collectionId')/purgeData` in the address bar of the request query, where *caseId* and *collectionId* are the IDs that you obtained in the previous procedures. Be sure to surround the ID values with parentheses and single quotation marks.
+1. In Graph Explorer, run the following POST request to purge the items returned by the collection that you created in Step 2. Use the value `https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/('ediscoveryCaseID')/searches/('ediscoverySearchID')/purgeData` in the address bar of the request query, where *ediscoveryCaseID* and *ediscoverySearchID* are the IDs that you obtained in the previous procedures. Be sure to surround the ID values with parentheses and single quotation marks.
![POST request to delete items returned by the collection.](..\media\ediscovery-GraphPOSTRequestToPurgeItems.png)
You can also purge chat messages using PowerShell. For example, to purge message
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes "ediscovery.ReadWrite.All" -Environment USGov ``
-``Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method POST -Uri '/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/<case ID>/searches/<collection ID>/purgeData'
+``Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method POST -Uri '/v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/<ediscoverySearchID>/searches/<search ID>/purgeData'
-For more information on using PowerShell to purge chat messages, see [ediscoverySearch: purgeData](/graph/api/security-ediscoverysearch-purgedata).
+For more information on using PowerShell to purge chat messages, see [ediscoverySearch: purgeData](/graph/api/security-ediscoverysearch-purgedata?view=graph-rest-1.0).
## Step 6: Verify chat messages are purged
compliance Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels.md
You can use sensitivity labels to:
- **Protect content in Office apps across different platforms and devices.** Supported by Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook on the Office desktop apps and Office on the web. Supported on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. -- **Protect content in third-party apps and services** by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. With Defender for Cloud Apps, you can detect, classify, label, and protect content in third-party apps and services, such as SalesForce, Box, or DropBox, even if the third-party app or service does not read or support sensitivity labels.
+- **Protect content in third-party apps and services** by using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps. With Defender for Cloud Apps, you can detect, classify, label, and protect content in third-party apps and services, such as SalesForce, Box, or DropBox, even if the third-party app or service doesn't read or support sensitivity labels.
- **Protect containers** that include Teams, Microsoft 365 Groups, and SharePoint sites. For example, set privacy settings, external user access and external sharing, and access from unmanaged devices.
You can use sensitivity labels to:
- **Extend sensitivity labels to third-party apps and services.** Using the Microsoft Information Protection SDK, third-party apps can read sensitivity labels and apply protection settings. -- **Label content without using any protection settings.** You can also simply apply a label as a result of identifying the sensitivity of the data. This provides users with a visual mapping of your organization's data sensitivity, and can use the labels to generate usage reports and see activity data for data that has different levels of sensitivity. Based on this information, you can always choose to apply protection settings later.
+- **Label content without using any protection settings.** You can also just apply a label as a result of identifying the sensitivity of the data. This action provides users with a visual mapping of your organization's data sensitivity, and the labels can generate usage reports and activity data for data that has different levels of sensitivity. Based on this information, you can always choose to apply protection settings later.
In all these cases, sensitivity labels from Microsoft Purview can help you take the right actions on the right content. With sensitivity labels, you can identify the sensitivity of data across your organization, and the label can enforce protection settings that are appropriate for the sensitivity of that data. That protection then stays with the content.
After a sensitivity label is applied to an email, meeting invite (in preview), o
If you have templates or workflows that are based on specific documents, test those documents with your chosen content markings before you make the label available for users. Some string length restrictions to be aware of:
- Watermarks are limited to 255 characters. Headers and footers are limited to 1024 characters, except in Excel. Excel has a total limit of 255 characters for headers and footers but this limit includes characters that aren't visible, such as formatting codes. If that limit is reached, the string you enter is not displayed in Excel.
+ Watermarks are limited to 255 characters. Headers and footers are limited to 1024 characters, except in Excel. Excel has a total limit of 255 characters for headers and footers but this limit includes characters that aren't visible, such as formatting codes. If that limit is reached, the string you enter isn't displayed in Excel.
- **Protect content in containers such as sites and groups** when you enable the capability to [use sensitivity labels with Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 groups, and SharePoint sites](sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md).
After a sensitivity label is applied to an email, meeting invite (in preview), o
- **Set the default sharing link type** for SharePoint sites and individual documents. To help prevent users oversharing, set the [default scope and permissions](sensitivity-labels-default-sharing-link.md) for when users share documents from SharePoint and OneDrive.
+For more label configurations, see [Manage sensitivity labels for Office apps](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md).
+ ### Label scopes
-When you create a sensitivity label, you're asked to configure the label's scope which determines two things:
+When you create a sensitivity label, you're asked to configure the label's scope, which determines two things:
- Which label settings you can configure for that label - Where the label will be visible to users
For these pages that have unavailable options, select **Next** to continue. Or,
When you create your sensitivity labels in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, they appear in a list on the **Sensitivity** tab on the **Labels** page. In this list, the order of the labels is important because it reflects their priority. You want your most restrictive sensitivity label, such as Highly Confidential, to appear at the **bottom** of the list, and your least restrictive sensitivity label, such as Public, to appear at the **top**.
-You can apply just one sensitivity label to an item such as a document, email, or container. If you set an option that requires your users to provide a justification for changing a label to a lower classification, the order of this list identifies the lower classifications. However, this option does not apply to sublabels that share the priority of their parent label.
+You can apply just one sensitivity label to an item such as a document, email, or container. If you set an option that requires your users to provide a justification for changing a label to a lower classification, the order of this list identifies the lower classifications. However, this option doesn't apply to sublabels that share the priority of their parent label.
The ordering of sublabels is used with [automatic labeling](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md), though. When you configure auto-labeling policies, multiple matches can result for more than one label. Then, the last sensitive label is selected, and then if applicable, the last sublabel. When you configure sublabels themselves (rather than auto-labeling policies) for automatic or recommended labeling, the behavior is a little different when sublabels share the same parent label. For example, a sublabel configured for automatic labeling is preferred over a sublabel configured for recommended labeling. For more information, see [How multiple conditions are evaluated when they apply to more than one label](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md#how-multiple-conditions-are-evaluated-when-they-apply-to-more-than-one-label).
When you configure a label policy, you can:
![Learn more link on Sensitivity button on Ribbon.](../media/Sensitivity-label-learn-more.png)
+For more label policy configurations, see [Manage sensitivity labels for Office apps](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md).
+ After you create a label policy that assigns new sensitivity labels to users and groups, users start to see those labels in their Office apps. Allow up to 24 hours for the latest changes to replicate throughout your organization.
-There is no limit to the number of sensitivity labels that you can create and publish, with one exception: If the label applies encryption that specifies the users and permissions, there is a maximum of 500 labels supported with this configuration. However, as a best practice to lower admin overheads and reduce complexity for your users, try to keep the number of labels to a minimum. Real-world deployments have proved effectiveness to be noticeably reduced when users have more than five main labels or more than five sublabels per main label.
+There's no limit to the number of sensitivity labels that you can create and publish, with one exception: If the label applies encryption that specifies the users and permissions, there's a maximum of 500 labels supported with this configuration. However, as a best practice to lower admin overheads and reduce complexity for your users, try to keep the number of labels to a minimum. Real-world deployments have proved effectiveness to be noticeably reduced when users have more than five main labels or more than five sublabels per main label.
### Label policy priority (order matters)
A label policy consists of:
- The users and groups that will be assigned the policy with labels. - The scope of the policy and policy settings for that scope (such as default label for files and emails).
-You can include a user in multiple label policies, and the user will get all the sensitivity labels and settings from those policies. If there is a conflict in settings from multiple policies, the settings from the policy with the highest priority (highest order number) is applied. In other words, the highest priority wins for each setting.
+You can include a user in multiple label policies, and the user will get all the sensitivity labels and settings from those policies. If there's a conflict in settings from multiple policies, the settings from the policy with the highest priority (highest order number) is applied. In other words, the highest priority wins for each setting.
If you're not seeing the label policy setting behavior that you expect for a user or group, check the order of the sensitivity label policies. You might need to move the policy down. To reorder the label policies, select a sensitivity label policy > choose the Actions ellipsis for that entry > **Move down** or **Move up**. For example: ![Move option on the page for sensitivity label policies.](../media/sensitivity-label-policy-priority.png)
-From our screenshot example that shows three label policies, all users are assigned the standard label policy, so it's appropriate that it has the lowest priority (lowest order number of 0). Only users in the IT department are assigned the second policy that has the order number 1. For these users, if there are any conflicts in settings between their policy and the standard policy, the settings from their policy wins because it has a higher order number.
+From our screenshot example that shows three label policies, all users are assigned the standard label policy, so it's appropriate it has the lowest priority (lowest order number of 0). Only users in the IT department are assigned the second policy that has the order number 1. For these users, if there are any conflicts in settings between their policy and the standard policy, the settings from their policy wins because it has a higher order number.
-Similarly for users in the legal department, who are assigned the third policy with distinct settings. It's likely that these users will have more stringent settings, so it's appropriate that their policy has the highest order number. It's unlikely that a user from the legal department will be in a group that's also assigned to the policy for the IT department. But if they are, the order number 2 (highest order number) ensures that the settings from the legal department always take priority if there's a conflict.
+Similarly for users in the legal department, who are assigned the third policy with distinct settings. It's likely these users will have more stringent settings, so it's appropriate that their policy has the highest order number. It's unlikely a user from the legal department will be in a group that's also assigned to the policy for the IT department. But if they are, the order number 2 (highest order number) ensures the settings from the legal department always take priority if there's a conflict.
> [!NOTE] > Remember: If there is a conflict of settings for a user who has multiple policies assigned to them, the setting from the assigned policy with the highest order number is applied.
compliance Sit Defn Canada Drivers License Number https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sit-defn-canada-drivers-license-number.md
Nova Scotia - five letters - optional hyphen-- one digit from 0-3 <!--Please clarify what you mean here: 0 or 1 or 2 or 3? -->
+- one digit; any of 0, 1, 2 or 3
- one digit - one digit zero or one - six digits
- optional hyphen - five digits - one digit-- one digit in 0/1/5/6 <!--Please clarify what you mean here-->
+- one digit; any of 0, 1, 5, or 6
- one digit-- one digit from 0-3 <!--Please clarify what you mean here: 0 or 1 or 2 or 3? -->
+- one digit; any of 0, 1, 2 or 3
- one digit
security Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/alerts.md
Last updated 12/18/2020
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2154037) > [!NOTE]
-> For the full available Alerts API experience across all Microsoft Defenders' products, visit: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> For the full available Alerts API experience across all Microsoft Defenders' products, visit: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
>Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-exposedapis-abovefoldlink)
GET https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/alerts/da637472900382838869_136
## Related articles
-[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
security Attack Surface Reduction Rules Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md
- m365-security - tier2 Previously updated : 1/11/2023 Last updated : 02/09/2023 search.appverid: met150
This rule prevents malware from abusing WMI to attain persistence on a device.
Fileless threats employ various tactics to stay hidden, to avoid being seen in the file system, and to gain periodic execution control. Some threats can abuse the WMI repository and event model to stay hidden.
-Intune name: Not available
+Intune name: `Persistence through WMI event subscription`
Configuration Manager name: Not available
security Configure Siem https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-siem.md
Effective December 31st, 2024, three years after the original deprecation announ
For additional information about the new APIs see the blog announcement: [The new Microsoft 365 Defender APIs in Microsoft Graph are now available in public preview!](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-365-defender-blog/the-new-microsoft-365-defender-apis-in-microsoft-graph-are-now/ba-p/3603099)
-API documentation: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview#alerts-and-incidents-preview)
+API documentation: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview#alerts-and-incidents-preview)
If you are a customer using the SIEM API, we strongly recommend planning and executing the migration. Listed below is information about the options available to migrate to a supported capability:
security Linux Preferences https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-preferences.md
ms.pagetype: security
ms.localizationpriority: medium Previously updated : 11/03/2022 Last updated : 02/09/2023 audience: ITPro
Determines whether behavior monitoring and blocking capability is enabled on the
|**Possible values**|disabled (default) <p> enabled| |**Comments**|Available in Defender for Endpoint version 101.45.00 or higher.|
-#### Configure file hash computation feature
-Enables or disables file hash computation feature. When this feature is enabled, Defender for Endpoint will compute hashes for files it scans. Note that enabling this feature might impact device performance. For more details, please refer to: [Create indicators for files](indicator-file.md).
-|**Data type**|Boolean|
-|**Possible values**|true (default) <p> false|
-|**Comments**|Available in Defender for Endpoint version 101.73.77 or higher.|
#### Run a scan after definitions are updated Specifies whether to start a process scan after new security intelligence updates are downloaded on the device. Enabling this setting will trigger an antivirus scan on the running processes of the device.
security Professional Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/professional-services.md
Last updated 09/28/2022
- Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
The following professional services can be integrated with Microsoft Defenders' products:
Respond to security incidents quickly, effectively and at scale with complete in
|[BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)|BlueVoyant|BlueVoyant's MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of Microsoft's Defender product suite with BlueVoyant's elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate today's most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more.| |[White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)|White Hat IT Security|White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform ΓÇô scalable and adaptive security from true experts.| |[eSentire Managed Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202582)|eSentire|MDR you can trust that provides 24/7 threat investigations and responses via Microsoft 365 Defender suite.|
-|[Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672)|Aujas Cybersecurity|Managed security services that assist organisations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach.|
+|[Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672)|Aujas Cybersecurity|Managed security services that assist organizations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach.|
|[Accenture Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202842)|Accenture|Accenture's Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR) service provides a fully managed service that proactively finds and mitigates advanced cyber-attacks and malicious activity before they cause material business impact across IT and OT environments, both in the cloud and on-premises.| |[Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)|Secureworks|Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.| |[Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)|The Collective|The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch.|
Mature and maintain your internal team's security capabilities to prevent, detec
## Related topics -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
-- [Configure managed service security provider integration](configure-mssp-support.md)
+- [Configure managed service security provider integration](configure-mssp-support.md)
security Run Advanced Query Api https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/run-advanced-query-api.md
Last updated 12/18/2020
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) > [!NOTE]
-> For the full available Advanced Hunting API experience across all Microsoft Defenders' products, visit [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> For the full available Advanced Hunting API experience across all Microsoft Defenders' products, visit [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-exposedapis-abovefoldlink)
Here is an example of the response.
## Related topics -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs introduction](apis-intro.md) - [Advanced Hunting from Portal](advanced-hunting-query-language.md)
security Technological Partners https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/technological-partners.md
Last updated 09/28/2022
- Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
Microsoft 365 Defender supports third-party integrations to help secure users with effective threat protection, detection, investigation, and response, in various security fields of endpoints, vulnerability management, email, identities, cloud apps.
The following are the solution's categories:
## Recommended content -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Connect apps to get visibility and control|Microsoft Docs](/defender-cloud-apps/enable-instant-visibility-protection-and-governance-actions-for-your-apps) - [Partner applications in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint|Microsoft Docs](partner-applications.md)
security Threat Indicator Concepts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/threat-indicator-concepts.md
Last updated 12/18/2020
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-threatindicator-abovefoldlink)
-Advanced cybersecurity attacks comprise of multiple complex malicious events, attributes, and contextual information. Identifying and deciding which of these activities qualify as suspicious can be a challenging task. Your knowledge of known attributes and abnormal activities specific to your industry is fundamental in knowing when to call an observed behavior as suspicious.
+Multiple complex malicious events, attributes, and contextual information comprise advanced cybersecurity attacks. Identifying and deciding which of these activities qualify as suspicious can be a challenging task. Your knowledge of known attributes and abnormal activities specific to your industry is fundamental in knowing when to call an observed behavior as suspicious.
With Microsoft 365 Defender, you can create custom threat alerts that can help you keep track of possible attack activities in your organization. You can flag suspicious events to piece together clues and possibly stop an attack chain. These custom threat alerts will only appear in your organization and will flag events that you set it to track.
Before creating custom threat alerts, it's important to know the concepts behind
Alert definitions are contextual attributes that can be used collectively to identify early clues on a possible cybersecurity attack. These indicators are typically a combination of activities, characteristics, and actions taken by an attacker to successfully achieve the objective of an attack. Monitoring these combinations of attributes is critical in gaining a vantage point against attacks and possibly interfering with the chain of events before an attacker's objective is reached. ## Indicators of compromise (IOC)
-IOCs are individually-known malicious events that indicate that a network or device has already been breached. Unlike alert definitions, these indicators are considered as evidence of a breach. They are often seen after an attack has already been carried out and the objective has been reached, such as exfiltration. Keeping track of IOCs is also important during forensic investigations. Although it might not be able to intervene with an attack chain, gathering these indicators can be useful in creating better defenses for possible future attacks.
+IOCs are individually known malicious events that indicate that a network or device has already been breached. Unlike alert definitions, these indicators are considered as evidence of a breach. They are often seen after an attack has already been carried out and the objective has been reached, such as exfiltration. Keeping track of IOCs is also important during forensic investigations. Although it might not be able to intervene with an attack chain, gathering these indicators can be useful in creating better defenses for possible future attacks.
## Relationship between alert definitions and IOCs In the context of Microsoft 365 Defender and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, alert definitions are containers for IOCs and defines the alert, including the metadata that is raised for a specific IOC match. Various metadata is provided as part of the alert definitions. Metadata such as alert definition name of attack, severity, and description is provided along with other options.
IOCs have a many-to-one relationship with alert definitions such that an alert d
## Related topics -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Manage indicators](manage-indicators.md)
security Troubleshoot Siem https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/troubleshoot-siem.md
Last updated 12/18/2020
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-pullalerts-abovefoldlink)
If you encounter an error when trying to enable the SIEM connector application,
## Related topics -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Pull detections to your SIEM tools](configure-siem.md)
security Api Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-access.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Access the Microsoft 365 Defender APIs
Last updated 02/16/2021
- Microsoft 365 Defender > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
For more information, see **[Create an app with partner access to Microsoft 365
## Related articles -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Microsoft 365 Defender APIs overview](api-overview.md) - [OAuth 2.0 authorization for user sign in and API access](/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-protocols-oauth-code)
security Api Advanced Hunting https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-advanced-hunting.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Microsoft 365 Defender Advanced hunting API
Last updated 02/16/2021
- Microsoft 365 Defender > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
In the following example, a user sends the query below and receives an API respo
## Related articles -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Access the Microsoft 365 Defender APIs](api-access.md) - [Learn about API limits and licensing](api-terms.md)
security Api Articles https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-articles.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Other security and threat protection APIs
Last updated 02/16/2021
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
+> [!NOTE]
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+ The following resources provide more information about APIs available for other Microsoft security solutions, beyond the Microsoft 365 Defender API. - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/apis-intro)
security Api Error Codes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-error-codes.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Common Microsoft 365 Defender REST API error codes
Last updated 02/16/2021
- Microsoft 365 Defender > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
Each error response contains a unique ID parameter for tracking. The property na
## Related articles -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Microsoft 365 Defender APIs overview](api-overview.md) - [Supported Microsoft 365 Defender APIs](api-supported.md)
security Api Get Incident https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-get-incident.md
search.appverid: met150 Previously updated : 06/10/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Get incident information API
Last updated 06/10/2021
[!include[Improve request performance](../../includes/improve-request-performance.md)] > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
## API description
GET https://api.security.microsoft.com/api/incidents/{id}
``` ## Related topics
-[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
security Api Incident https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-incident.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Microsoft 365 Defender incidents API and the incidents resource type
Last updated 02/16/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
alerts | alert list | List of related alerts. See examples at [List incidents](a
## Related articles -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Microsoft 365 Defender APIs overview](api-overview.md) - [Incidents overview](incidents-overview.md)
security Api List Incidents https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-list-incidents.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # List incidents API in Microsoft 365 Defender
Last updated 02/16/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
GET https://api.security.microsoft.com/api/incidents
## Related articles -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Access the Microsoft 365 Defender APIs](api-access.md) - [Learn about API limits and licensing](api-terms.md)
security Api Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-overview.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Overview of Microsoft 365 Defender APIs
Last updated 02/16/2021
- Microsoft 365 Defender > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
Watch this short video to learn how you can use Microsoft 365 Defender to automa
| **Understand how to access the APIs** | |-|
-| [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview) |
+| [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview) |
| [Learn about API quotas and licensing](api-terms.md) | | [Access the Microsoft 365 Defender APIs](api-access.md) | | **Build apps** |
security Api Supported https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-supported.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023
-# Supported Microsoft 365 Defender APIs
+# Supported Microsoft 365 Defender APIs
[!INCLUDE [Microsoft 365 Defender rebranding](../includes/microsoft-defender.md)]
Last updated 02/16/2021
- Microsoft 365 Defender > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
All APIs along the `/api` path use the [OData](/odata/overview) Protocol; for ex
## Related articles -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Microsoft 365 Defender APIs overview](api-overview.md) - [Access the Microsoft 365 Defender APIs](api-access.md)
security Api Update Incidents https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/api-update-incidents.md
- MOE150 - MET150 Previously updated : 02/16/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Update incidents API
Last updated 02/16/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview). For information about the new _update incident_ API using MS Graph security API, see [Update incident](/graph/api/resources/security-incident-update).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Some information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
Here's an example of the request.
## Related articles -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Access the Microsoft 365 Defender APIs](api-access.md) - [Learn about API limits and licensing](api-terms.md)
security Configure Event Hub https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/configure-event-hub.md
- tier2 Previously updated : 06/08/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Configure your Event Hubs
Last updated 06/08/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
Learn how to configure your Event Hubs so that it can ingest events from Microsoft 365 Defender.
for your custom app to ingest.
## Related topics
-[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
security Configure Siem Defender https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/configure-siem-defender.md
Last updated 10/25/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
## Pull Microsoft 365 Defender incidents and streaming event data using security information and events management (SIEM) tools
Last updated 10/25/2021
> - [Microsoft 365 Defender Incidents](incident-queue.md) consists of collections of correlated alerts and their evidence. > - [Microsoft 365 Defender Streaming API](streaming-api.md) streams event data from Microsoft 365 Defender to event hubs or Azure storage accounts.
-Microsoft 365 Defender supports security information and event management (SIEM) tools ingesting information from your enterprise tenant in Azure Active Directory (AAD) using the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol for a registered AAD application representing the specific SIEM solution or connector installed in your environment.
+Microsoft 365 Defender supports security information and event management (SIEM) tools ingesting information from your enterprise tenant in Azure Active Directory (AAD) using the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol for a registered AAD application representing the specific SIEM solution or connector installed in your environment.
For more information, see:
For more information on Microsoft 365 Defender incident properties including con
### Splunk
-Using the new, fully-supported Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Security that supports:
+Using the new, fully supported Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Security that supports:
- Ingesting incidents that contain alerts from the following products, which are mapped onto Splunk's Common Information Model (CIM):
For more information on the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Cloud Services, see the
## Related topics
-[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
security Fetch Incidents https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/fetch-incidents.md
Last updated 10/25/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
> [!NOTE] > This action is taken by the MSSP.
For information on how to fetch alerts using REST API, see [Pull alerts using RE
## Related topics
-[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
security Streaming Api Event Hub https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/streaming-api-event-hub.md
- tier3 Previously updated : 06/02/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Configure Microsoft 365 Defender to stream Advanced Hunting events to your Azure Event Hub
Last updated 06/02/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
[!include[Prerelease information](../../includes/prerelease.md)]
For more information, see [Log Analytics workspace data export in Azure Monitor]
## Related topics -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Overview of Advanced Hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md) - [Microsoft 365 Defender streaming API](streaming-api.md)
security Streaming Api Storage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/streaming-api-storage.md
- tier3 Previously updated : 06/02/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Configure Microsoft 365 Defender to stream Advanced Hunting events to your Storage account
Last updated 06/02/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
[!include[Prerelease information](../../includes/prerelease.md)]
For more information, see [Monitor destinations - Azure Monitor | Microsoft Docs
## Related topics -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Overview of Advanced Hunting](../defender/advanced-hunting-overview.md) - [Microsoft 365 Defender Streaming API](streaming-api.md)
security Streaming Api https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/streaming-api.md
- m365-security - tier3 Previously updated : 06/02/2021 Last updated : 02/08/2023 # Streaming API
Last updated 06/02/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
[!include[Prerelease information](../../includes/prerelease.md)]
Watch this short video to learn how to set up the streaming API to ship event in
## Related topics -- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+- [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
- [Overview of Advanced Hunting](../defender/advanced-hunting-overview.md) - [Azure Event Hubs documentation](/azure/event-hubs/)
security Supported Event Types https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/supported-event-types.md
Last updated 09/09/2021
- [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804) > [!NOTE]
-> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
+> **Try our new APIs using MS Graph security API**. Find out more at: [Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview).
[!include[Prerelease information](../../includes/prerelease.md)]
The following table only includes the list of the tables supported in the stream
## Related topics
-[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph beta | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
+[Use the Microsoft Graph security API - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn](/graph/api/resources/security-api-overview)
security Anti Spam Protection About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/anti-spam-protection-about.md
description: Admins can learn about the anti-spam settings and filters that will help prevent spam in Exchange Online Protection (EOP). Previously updated : 12/01/2022 Last updated : 02/09/2023 # Anti-spam protection in EOP
Here are some best practices that apply to either scenario:
### Prevent the delivery of spam to the Inbox
+For steps to help prevent false negatives, see [How to handle malicious emails that are delivered to recipients (False Negatives), using Microsoft Defender for Office 365](step-by-step-guides/how-to-handle-false-negatives-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365.md).
+You can also use the following suggestions to help prevent false negatives:
+ - **Verify your organization settings**: Watch out for settings that allow messages to skip spam filtering (for example, if you add your own domain to the allowed domains list in anti-spam policies). For our recommended settings, see [Recommended settings for EOP and Microsoft Defender for Office 365 security](recommended-settings-for-eop-and-office365.md) and [Create safe sender lists](create-safe-sender-lists-in-office-365.md). - **Use the available blocked sender lists**: For information, see [Create blocked sender lists](create-block-sender-lists-in-office-365.md).
Here are some best practices that apply to either scenario:
### Prevent good email from being identified as spam
-Here are some steps that you can take to help prevent false positives:
+For steps to help prevent false positives, see [How to handle Legitimate emails getting blocked (False Positive), using Microsoft Defender for Office 365](step-by-step-guides/how-to-handle-false-positives-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365.md).
-- **Verify the user's Outlook Junk Email Filter settings**:-
- - **Verify the Outlook Junk Email Filter is disabled**: When the Outlook Junk Email Filter is set to the default value **No automatic filtering**, Outlook doesn't attempt to classify messages as spam. When it's set to **Low** or **High**, the Outlook Junk Email Filter uses its own SmartScreen filter technology to identify and move spam to the Junk Email folder, so you could get false positives. Note that Microsoft stopped producing spam definition updates for the SmartScreen filters in Exchange and Outlook in November, 2016. The existing SmartScreen spam definitions were left in place, but their effectiveness will likely degrade over time.
+You can also use the following suggestions to help prevent false positives:
+- **Verify the user's Outlook Junk Email Filter settings**:
+ - **Verify the Outlook Junk Email Filter is disabled**: When the Outlook Junk Email Filter is set to the default value **No automatic filtering**, Outlook doesn't attempt to classify messages as spam. When it's set to **Low** or **High**, the Outlook Junk Email Filter uses its own SmartScreen filter technology to identify and move spam to the Junk Email folder, so you could get false positives. Microsoft stopped producing spam definition updates for the SmartScreen filters in Exchange and Outlook in November 2016. The existing SmartScreen spam definitions were left in place, but their effectiveness is likely degraded.
- **Verify the Outlook 'Safe Lists Only' setting is disabled**: When this setting is enabled, only messages from senders in the user's Safe Senders list or Safe Recipients list are delivered to the Inbox; email from everyone else is automatically moved to the Junk Email folder. For more information about these settings, see [Configure junk email settings on Exchange Online mailboxes in Microsoft 365](configure-junk-email-settings-on-exo-mailboxes.md).
Here are some steps that you can take to help prevent false positives:
- **Verify users are within the sending and receiving limits** as described in [Receiving and sending limits](/office365/servicedescriptions/exchange-online-service-description/exchange-online-limits#receiving-and-sending-limits) in the Exchange Online service description. -- **Standalone EOP: use directory synchronization**: If you use standalone EOP to help protect your on-premises Exchange organization, you should sync user settings with the service by using directory synchronization. Doing this ensures that your users' Safe Senders lists are respected by EOP. For more information, see [Use directory synchronization to manage mail users](/exchange/standalone-eop/manage-mail-users-in-eop#synchronize-directories-with-azure-active-directory-connect-aad-connect).
+- **Standalone EOP: use directory synchronization**: If you use standalone EOP to help protect your on-premises Exchange organization, you should sync user settings with the service by using directory synchronization. This configuration ensures that your users' Safe Senders lists are respected by EOP. For more information, see [Use directory synchronization to manage mail users](/exchange/standalone-eop/manage-mail-users-in-eop#synchronize-directories-with-azure-active-directory-connect-aad-connect).
## Anti-spam legislation
security Campaigns https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/campaigns.md
The tabs in the campaign details view allow you to further investigate the campa
<sup>\*</sup> Clicking on this value opens a new flyout that contains more details about the specified item (user, URL, etc.) on top of the campaign details view. To return to the campaign details view, click **Done** in the new flyout.
-### Attitional Actions
+### Additional Actions
The buttons at the bottom the campaign details view allows you to investigate and record details about the campaign:
solutions Limit Guest Sharing To Specific Organization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/limit-guest-sharing-to-specific-organization.md
Once you have added the organization, you need to update the organization's inbo
1. Under **Target**, choose to allow all users. 1. Select **Save** and close the **Outbound access settings** blade.
-## Turn off one-time passcode authentication
-Even after you've limited B2B collaboration to certain organizations, people can still share files and folders with people in other organizations - they just won't be given a guest account in your directory.
-If you wish to prevent sharing entirely with other organizations, you have to disable the one-time passcode feature in Azure AD. This will prevent people outside your organization from being sent a one-time passcode for authentication to shared files or folders.
-To disable the email one-time passcode feature
-1. Sign in to the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/) as an Azure AD global administrator.
-1. In the navigation pane, select **Azure Active Directory**.
-1. Select **External Identities** > **All identity providers**.
-1. Select **Email one-time passcode**, and then under **Email one-time passcode for guests**, select **Disable email one-time passcode for guests** (or **No** if the feature was previously enabled, disabled, or opted into during preview).
-1. Select **Save**.
- ## Related topics [B2B direct connect overview](/azure/active-directory/external-identities/b2b-direct-connect-overview)