Updates from: 11/25/2022 03:02:17
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security Attack Simulation Training https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/attack-simulation-training.md
On the **Target users** page, select who will receive the simulation. Configure
- **Include only specific users and groups**: Choose one of the following options: - ![Add users icon.](../../media/m365-cc-sc-create-icon.png) **Add users**: In the **Add users** flyout that appears, you can find users and groups based on the following criteria:
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > You can't use dynamic distribution groups to target users.
+ - **Search for users or groups**: In box, you can type part of the **Name** or **Email address** of the user or group and then press Enter. You can select some or all of the results. When you're finished, click **Add x users**. > [!NOTE]