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admin Office 365 Groups https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/create-groups/office-365-groups.md
The following limits apply to Microsoft 365 Groups:
|:|:-| |Owners per group|100| |Groups a user can create|250|
-|Groups an admin can create|There are no Microsoft 365 group specific limits. There's an overall Azure AD object limit specific to each organization. An Azure AD admin who can manage groups in the organization can create an unlimited number of Microsoft 365 groups up to the Azure AD object limit. See [AAD service limits and restrictions](/active-directory/enterprise-users/directory-service-limits-restrictions).|
+|Groups an admin can create|There are no Microsoft 365 group specific limits. There's an overall Azure AD object limit specific to each organization. An Azure AD admin who can manage groups in the organization can create an unlimited number of Microsoft 365 groups up to the Azure AD object limit. See [AAD service limits and restrictions](/azure/active-directory/enterprise-users/directory-service-limits-restrictions).|
|Number of members|More than 1,000, though only 1,000 can access the Group conversations concurrently. <br>Users might notice delays when accessing the calendar and conversations in large groups in Outlook.| |Number of Groups a user can be a member of|7,000| |File storage|1 Terabyte + 10 GB per subscribed user + any other storage purchased. You can purchase an unlimited amount of extra storage.|
admin Servicenow Aad Oauth Token V1 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-aad-oauth-token-v1.md
+ Title: "Configure Microsoft 365 support integration with Azure AD Auth Token"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_TOC
+- MET150
+description: "Scoped Certified application installation and configuration guide for ServiceNow."
+# Configure Microsoft 365 support integration with Azure AD Auth Token
+## Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token)
+These prerequisites are necessary to set up the Microsoft 365 support integration.
+1. \[AAD Admin\] Create Azure AD Application for Outbound under your Microsoft 365 tenant.
+ 1. Log on to the Azure Portal with your Microsoft 365 tenant credentials and go to the [App registrations page](https://portal.azure.com/?Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps=true#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade) to create a new application.
+ 2. Select **Accounts in this organizational directory only ({Microsoft-365-tenant-name} only ΓÇô Single tenant)** and select **Register**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image3.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image3.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. Go to **Authentication** and select **Add a platform**. Select the **Web** option and enter the redirect URL: `https://{your-servicenow-instance``}.service-now.com/oauth_redirect.do`
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image4.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image4.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. Get the Application Client ID and create a Client secret and get that value.
+1. \[AAD Admin\] Create an Azure AD Application for Rest API under your Microsoft 365 tenant.
+ 1. Log on to the [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com/) with your Microsoft 365 tenant credentials and go to the App registrations page to create a new application.
+ 1. Select **Accounts in this organizational directory only {(Microsoft-365-tenant-name} only ΓÇô Single tenant)**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image22.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image22.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. Get the Application Client ID and create a Client secret and get that value.
+1. \[AAD Admin\] Create an Azure AD Application for Rest User under your Microsoft 365 tenant.
+ 1. Log on to the [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com/) with your Microsoft 365 tenant credentials and go to the App registrations page to create a new application.
+ 1. Select **Accounts in this organizational directory only {(Microsoft-365-tenant-name} only ΓÇô Single tenant)**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/ServiceNow-guide-image23.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/ServiceNow-guide-image23.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. Get the Application Client ID and create a Client secret and get that value.
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Set up the Outbound OAuth Provider in ServiceNow.
+ If the scope is not set to **Global**, do so by navigating to **Settings &gt; Developer &gt; Applications** and switching to **Global**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated":::
+1. Go to **System OAuth &gt; Application Registry**.
+1. Create a new application using the **Connect to a third party OAuth Provider** option and entering these values:
+ - Client ID: This is the Client ID of the application created in Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token) step \#1.
+ - Client Secret: This is the Client Secret value of the application created in Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token) step \#1.
+ - Default Grant type: Client Credentials
+ - Token URL: `https://login.microsoftonline.com/{microsoft-365-tenant-name}/oauth2/token`
+ - Redirect URL: `https://{your-servicenow-instance}.service-now.com/oauth_redirect.do`
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image6.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image6.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] To configure the OIDC provider in ServiceNow, see the [online documentation](https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-platform-administration/page/administer/security/task/add-OIDC-entity.html).
+ If the scope is not set to **Global**, go to **Settings &gt; Developer &gt; Applications** and switch to **Global**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated":::
+1. Go to **System OAuth &gt; Application Registry**.
+1. Select **New**, and then select **Configure and OIDC provider to verify ID tokens**.
+1. In **OAuth OIDC Provider Configuration**, select **Search** and create a new OIDC provider configuration under **oidc\_provider\_configuration.list** with these values:
+ - OIDC Provider: **{Tenant\_Name} Azure** (example: Contoso Azure)
+ - OIDC Metadata URL: `https://login.microsoftonline.com/{microsoft-365-tenant-name}/.well-known/openid-configuration`
+ - UserClaim: **appid**
+ - UserField: **User ID**
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image24.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image24.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated":::
+1. In this new application, fill the fields with these values:
+ - Name: **{Tenant\_Name}\_application\_inbound\_api** (example: contoso\_applicaiton\_inbound\_api)
+ - Client ID: The Client ID of the application created in Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token) step \#3.
+ - Client Secret: The App Secret of the application created in Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token) step \#3.
+ - OAuth OIDC Provider Configuration: The OIDC provider created in the previous step
+ - Redirect URL: `https://{service-now-instance-name}.service-now.com/oauth_redirect.do`
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image25.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image25.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Create Integration Users.
+ You must specify an integration user. If you donΓÇÖt have an existing integration user or if you want to create one specifically for this integration, go to **Organization &gt; Users** to create a new user. The value of the **User ID** is the application Client ID created in [Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token)](#prerequisites-azure-ad-auth-token).
+ If you are creating a new integration user, check the **Web service access only** option. You must also grant this user with the **incident\_manager** role.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image26.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image26.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated":::
+## \[OPTIONAL\] Allow the serviceΓÇÖs IP addresses to Microsoft 365 support integration
+If your company is limiting internet access with your own policies, enable network access for the service of Microsoft 365 support integration by allowing the IP addresses below for both inbound and outbound API access.
+> [!NOTE]
+> This terminal command lists all active IPs of the service for Microsoft 365 support integration: `nslookup`` connector.rave.microsoft.com`
+## Configure the Microsoft 365 support integration Application
+The Microsoft 365 support integration application can be set up under Microsoft 365 support.
+These steps are required to set up the integration between your ServiceNow instance and Microsoft 365 support.
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Switch the scope to **Microsoft 365 support integration**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image9.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image9.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, table Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Go to **Microsoft 365 Support &gt; Setup** to open the integration workflow.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > If you see the error "Read operation against 'oauth\_entity' from scope 'x\_mioms\_m365\_assis' has been refused due to the tableΓÇÖs cross-scope access policy," it was caused by your table access policy. You must make sure **All application scopes &gt; Can read** is checked for the table oauth\_entity.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image27.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image27.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Select **Agree** to the consent prompt to continue.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-1.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-1.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Configure the environment and setup type.
+ If this installation is on a test environment, select the option This is a test environment. You will be able to quickly disable this option after the setup and all of your tests are completed later.
+ If your instance allows Basic Authentication for inbound connections, select Yes and refer to the [Basic Auth setup process](servicenow-basic-authentication.md). Otherwise, select **No** and click **Start setup**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-2.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-2.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Enter your Microsoft 365 tenant domain.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-3.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-3.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Configure Outbound OAuth provider.
+ 1. Configure Outbound OAuth provider.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, click Done. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the wizard to create the necessary application registration in AAD.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-4.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-4.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Register the ServiceNow OAuth App.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, select the newly created OAuth application registration and click Next. Otherwise, follow the instructions to create the entity in ServiceNow and then select the new application registration.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-5.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-5.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Configure Inbound settings.
+ 1. Configure the Inbound AAD App.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, click Done to go to the next step. Otherwise, follow the instructions to create the AAD App Registration for inbound connectivity.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-6.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-6.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Configure the ServiceNow External OpenID Connect Provider (OIDC Provider).
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, select the newly created entity and click Done. Otherwise, follow the instructions to create the entity in ServiceNow and then select the new External OIDC Provider app registration.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-7.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-7.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Configure the AAD App Registration for Inbound Integration User.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, click Done to go to the next step. Otherwise, follow the instructions to create the AAD App Registration for inbound REST user (integration user).
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-8.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-8.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Configure the Integration User.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, select the newly created entity and click Next. Otherwise follow the instructions to create the integration user in ServiceNow, and then select the entity.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-9.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-9.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[Microsoft 365 Tenant Admin\] Complete the integration.
+ Verify the information below is correct. DO NOT select **Next** at this time.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image40.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image40.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Go to **Microsoft 365 Admin Portal &gt; Settings &gt; Org settings &gt; Organization profiles**.
+ 1. Configure the support integration settings:
+ Select the **Basic information** tab > **Internal support tool** > **ServiceNow**, and enter the **Outbound App ID** value in the **Application ID to issue Auth Token** field. This Outbound App ID is on Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration, which was created in [Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token)](#prerequisites-azure-ad-auth-token).
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image18.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image18.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. On the **Repositories** tab, select **New repository** and update it with the following settings:
+ - Repository: The **Repository ID** value from "Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration".
+ - Endpoint: The **Endpoint** value from "Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration".
+ - Authentication type: Select **AAD Auth**.
+ - Client ID: The **Client ID** value from Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration.
+ - Client secret: The secret of the inbound OAuth provider that was created in Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token) step \#2.
+ - Rest username: The **User Name** value from Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration, which is the **Client ID** of the application created in Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token) step \#3.
+ - Rest user password: The App Secret of the application that was created in Prerequisites (Azure AD Auth Token) step \#3.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image31.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image31.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Go back to ServiceNow.
+ 1. Select **Next** to complete the integration.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-10.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-10.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ The Microsoft 365 support integration app will execute tests to ensure the integration is working. If there is a problem with the configuration, an error message will explain what needs to be fixed. Otherwise, the application is ready.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-11.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowaadoauth-11.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Enable Microsoft support integration for an existing user.
+ Microsoft 365 support integration is enabled for the user with one of these roles:
+ - x\_mioms\_m365\_assis.insights\_user
+ - x\_mioms\_m365\_assis.administrator
+1. \[OPTIONAL\] \[The user with role x\_mioms\_m365\_assis.administrator link\] Link Microsoft 365 admin account.
+ If any user has the role x\_mioms\_m365\_assis.administrator and is using different Microsoft 365 accounts to manage a Microsoft 365 support case, they must go to Microsoft 365 support &gt; Link Account to set up their Microsoft 365 admin email.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image21.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image21.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated":::
admin Servicenow Basic Authentication V1 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-basic-authentication-v1.md
+ Title: "Configure support integration with ServiceNow - Basic Authentication"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_TOC
+- MET150
+description: "Scoped Certified application installation and configuration guide for ServiceNow."
+# Configure support integration with ServiceNow - Basic Authentication
+## Prerequisites (Basic Authentication)
+These prerequisites are necessary to set up the **Microsoft 365 support integration**.
+1. \[AAD Admin\] Create Azure AD Application under your Microsoft 365 tenant.
+ 1. Log on to the Azure Portal with your Microsoft 365 tenant credentials and go to the [App registrations page](https://portal.azure.com/?Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps=true#blade/Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps/ApplicationsListBlade) to create a new application.
+ 1. Select **Accounts in this organizational directory only ({Microsoft-365-tenant-name} only ΓÇô Single tenant)** and select **Register**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image3.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image3.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. Go to **Authentication** and select **Add a platform**. Select the **Web** option and enter the redirect URL: `https://{your-servicenow-instance``}.service-now.com/oauth_redirect.do`
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image4.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image4.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. Get the Application Client ID and create a Client secret and get that value.
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Set up the Outbound OAuth Provider in ServiceNow.
+ If the scope is not set to **Global**, go to **Settings &gt; Developer &gt; Applications** and switch to **Global**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated":::
+1. Go to **System OAuth &gt; Application Registry**.
+1. Create a new application by using the **Connect to a third party OAuth Provider** option and entering these values:
+ - Client ID: This is the Client ID of the application created in step \#1.
+ - Client Secret: This is the Client Secret value of the application created in step \#1.
+ - Default Grant type: Client Credentials
+ - Token URL: `https://login.microsoftonline.com/{microsoft-365-tenant-name}/oauth2/token`
+ - Redirect URL: `https://{service-now-instance-name``}.service-now.com/auth_redirect.do`
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image6.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image6.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Set up the Inbound OAuth Provider.
+ If the scope is not set to **Global**, do so by going to **Settings &gt; Developer &gt; Applications** and switching to **Global**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image5.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, chat or text message Description automatically generated":::
+1. Go to **System OAuth &gt; Application Registry**.
+1. Create a new application by using the **Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients** option. Name the inbound OAuth provider and leave all other fields with their default values.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image7.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image7.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Create an integration user.
+ You must specify an integration user. If you donΓÇÖt have an existing integration user or if you want to create one specifically for this integration, go to **Organization &gt; Users** to create a new user.
+ If you're creating a new integration user, check the **Web service access only** option. You must also grant this user with the **incident\_manager** role.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image8.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image8.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated":::
+## \[OPTIONAL\] Allow the serviceΓÇÖs IP addresses to Microsoft 365 support integration
+If your company is limiting internet access with your own policies, enable network access for the service of Microsoft 365 support integration by allowing the IP addresses below for both inbound and outbound API access:
+> [!NOTE]
+> This terminal command lists all active IPs of the service for Microsoft 365 support integration: `nslookup`` connector.rave.microsoft.com`
+## Configure the Microsoft 365 support Integration Application
+The Microsoft 365 support integration application can be set up under Microsoft 365 support.
+These steps are required to set up the integration between your ServiceNow instance and Microsoft 365 support.
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Switch the scope to **Microsoft 365 support integration**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image9.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image9.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, table Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Go to **Microsoft 365 Support &gt; Setup** to open the integration workflow.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > If you see the error "Read operation against 'oauth\_entity' from scope 'x\_mioms\_m365\_assis' has been refused due to the tableΓÇÖs cross-scope access policy," it was caused by your table access policy. You must make sure **All application scopes &gt; Can read** is checked for the table oauth\_entity.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image10.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image10.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Select **Agree** to continue.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-1.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-1.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Configure the environment and setup type.
+ If this installation is on a test environment, select the option This is a test environment. You will be able to quickly disable this option after the setup and all of your tests are completed later.
+ If your instance allows Basic Authentication for inbound connections, select Yes, otherwise please refer to the [Advanced Setup with AAD](servicenow-aad-oauth-token.md). :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-2.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-2.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Enter your Microsoft 365 tenant domain.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-3.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-3.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Configure Outbound settings.
+ 1. Register the Azure Active Directory (AAD) App.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, click **Done**. Otherwise, follow the instructions in the wizard to create the necessary application registration in AAD.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-4.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-4.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Register the ServiceNow OAuth App.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, select the newly created OAuth application registration and click Next. Otherwise, follow the instructions to create the entity in ServiceNow and then select the new application registration.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-5.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-5.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Configure Inbound settings.
+ 1. Configure the Inbound OAuth API endpoint.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, select the newly created OAuth application registration and click Done. Otherwise, follow the instructions to create the entity in then select the new REST endpoint registration.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-6.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-6.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ 1. Configure the Integration User.
+ 1. After completing the instructions in the prerequisites section, select the newly created integration user and click Next. Otherwise, follow the instructions to create the entity in ServiceNow and then select the new integration user.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-7.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-7.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[Microsoft 365 Tenant Admin\] Complete the integration in the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal.
+ Verify the information below is correct. DO NOT select **Next** at this time.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image17.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image17.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated":::
+1. Go to **Microsoft 365 Admin Portal &gt; Settings &gt; Org settings &gt; Organization profiles**.
+1. Configure the support integration settings:
+ Select the **Basic information** tab > **Internal support tool** > **ServiceNow**, and enter the **Outbound App ID** value in the **Application ID to issue Auth Token** field. This Outbound App ID is on Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration, which was created in [Prerequisite (Basic Authentication) step \#1](#prerequisites-basic-authentication).
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image18.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image18.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. On the **Repositories** tab, select **New repository** and update it with the following settings:
+ - Repository: The **Repository ID** value from Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration.
+ - Endpoint: The **Endpoint** value from Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration.
+ - Authentication type: Select **Basic Auth**.
+ - Client ID: The **Client ID** value from Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration.
+ - Client secret: The secret of the inbound OAuth provider that was created in Prerequisites (Basic Authentication) step \#3.
+ - Refresh token expiry: 864000
+ - Rest username: The **User Name** value from Step 6 ΓÇô Complete the Integration.
+ - Rest user password: The password of the integration user that was created in [Prerequisites (Basic Authentication) step \#4](#prerequisites-basic-authentication).
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image19.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image19.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generate":::
+1. Go back to ServiceNow.
+1. Select **Next** to complete the integration.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image20.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image20.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application, website Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Test the connection
+ After completing the previous step, click **Test connection**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-8.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-8.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+ The Microsoft 365 support integration app will execute tests to ensure the integration is working. If there is a problem with the configuration, an error message will explain what needs to be fixed. Otherwise, the application is ready.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-9.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/snowbasic-9.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application, email Description automatically generated":::
+1. \[ServiceNow Admin\] Enable Microsoft support integration for an existing user.
+ Microsoft 365 support integration is enabled for the user with one of these roles:
+ - x\_mioms\_m365\_assis.insights\_user
+ - x\_mioms\_m365\_assis.administrator
+1. \[OPTIONAL\] [The user with role x_mioms_m365_assis.administrator link] Link Microsoft 365 Admin account.
+ If any user has the role x_mioms_m365_assis.administrator and is using different Microsoft 365 accounts to manage a Microsoft 365 support case, they must go to Microsoft 365 support > Link Account to set up their Microsoft 365 admin email.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/ServiceNow-guide-image21.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated":::
admin Servicenow Overview V1 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-overview-v1.md
+ Title: "Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow configuration overview"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_TOC
+- MET150
+description: "Scoped Certified application installation and configuration guide for ServiceNow."
+# Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow configuration overview
+The following content applies to the Microsoft 365 support integration app with a minimum version of **1.0.7**.
+**Microsoft 365 support integration** enables you to integrate Microsoft 365 help, support, and service health with your ServiceNow instances. You can research Microsoft known and reported issues, resolve incidents, complete tasks by using Microsoft recommended solutions, and, if necessary, escalate to Microsoft human-assisted support.
+For the **Microsoft 365 support integration** app from the ServiceNow store, go to the [ServiceNow Store](https://store.servicenow.com/sn_appstore_store.do#!/store/application/6d05c93f1b7784507ddd4227cc4bcb9f).
+## Key features
+These are the key features you'll get with the Microsoft 365 support integration app in your ServiceNow instance:
+- Service Health Incidents: Information about known Microsoft service health incidents, including user impact, scope, current status, and next expected update. Using machine learning, ServiceNow incidents are matched to Microsoft service health incidents based on the short description field.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow_service_health_incidents.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow_service_health_incidents.png" alt-text="Service Health Incidents description field.":::
+- Recommended solutions: Descriptions of tasks and incidents are used to recommend precise targeted solutions and relevant articles from Microsoft powered by machine learning. You can also use Search to find other solutions, if needed.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow_recommended_articles.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow_recommended_articles.png" alt-text="Recommended solutions description field.":::
+- Microsoft service request: Escalate issues to Microsoft support agents and receive status updates for your request. With an updated workflow, you can now create a service request by adding your preferred title, description, and contact information similar to what is found in the Microsoft 365 admin portal.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/SNOW_escalation.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/SNOW_escalation.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the recommended solutions description field.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/SNOW_escalation2.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/SNOW_escalation2.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the recommended solutions description field.":::
+## Prerequisites
+### Permissions requirements
+To proceed with this guide, make sure that the following permissions are available and configured for your environments during the whole process:
+- Azure Active Directory (AAD) admin who can create Azure AD Applications
+- ServiceNow admin
+- Microsoft 365 tenant admin
+### Configuration highlights
+To set up **Microsoft 365 support integration**:
+- Register applications in Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) for authentication of both outbound and inbound API calls.
+- Create ServiceNow entities with Microsoft Azure AD Application for both outbound and inbound data flow.
+- Integrate ServiceNow instance with Microsoft support through the Microsoft 365 admin portal.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-overview-integration-diagram.png" alt-text="ServiceNow integration diagram.":::
+### Application dependencies in your ServiceNow environments
+Permissions required:
+- oauth\_entity
+- oauth\_entity\_profile
+After the Microsoft 365 Support Integration app has been installed, two Application Cross-Scope accesses are created. If they're not created successfully, create them manually.
+## Set up the integration
+After you've downloaded the app, navigate to the Microsoft 365 setup wizard in your SNOW environment to complete the setup process.
+You can learn more about the steps by visiting the following pages:
+- If you would like to get started without setting up the Microsoft 365 support integration app, you can select the **Continue without any setup** option. This option will continue to provide basic recommended solutions.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/No_setup.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/No_setup.png" alt-text="Recommended solutions description field.":::
+- If your ServiceNow environment allows Basic Authentication (access with ServiceNow user credential) for inbound webservice calls, then follow instructions in [Set up Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow Basic Authentication](servicenow-basic-authentication.md).
+- If your ServiceNow environment does NOT allows Basic Authentication (access with ServiceNow user credential) for inbound webservice calls, then follow instructions in [Set up Microsoft 365 support integration with Azure AD Auth Token](servicenow-aad-oauth-token.md).
+ - This configuration will require an SSO tenant in order for the AAD Auth Token to work correctly.
+To understand each feature, see [Microsoft 365 support integration](https://store.servicenow.com/sn_appstore_store.do#!/store/application/6d05c93f1b7784507ddd4227cc4bcb9f).
+> [!NOTE]
+> This app is not supported in regulated or restricted environments.
+> The Microsoft 365 support integration app will occasionally prompt users for feedback about the app. If you donΓÇÖt want users to be prompted for feedback, turn off this functionality in the app settings. For more information about Microsoft feedback policies, see [Learn about Microsoft feedback for your organization](/microsoft-365/admin/misc/feedback-user-control). To change the feedback settings, follow the steps in the installation process.
admin Servicenow Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-overview.md
For the **Microsoft 365 support integration** app from the ServiceNow store, go
These are the key features you'll get with the Microsoft 365 support integration app in your ServiceNow instance: + - Service Health Incidents: Information about known Microsoft service health incidents, including user impact, scope, current status, and next expected update. Using machine learning, ServiceNow incidents are matched to Microsoft service health incidents based on the short description field. :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow_service_health_incidents.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow_service_health_incidents.png" alt-text="Service Health Incidents description field.":::
admin Servicenow Testing The Configuration V1 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-testing-the-configuration-v1.md
+ Title: "Testing the ServiceNow configuration"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_TOC
+- MET150
+description: "Scoped Certified application installation and configuration guide for ServiceNow."
+# Testing the ServiceNow configuration
+If your application requires successful communication with external systems, outline how to test the connection to ensure a successful configuration.
+Follow these steps to test the configuration of Microsoft 365 support integration:
+1. Log into your ServiceNow portal as admin.
+2. Open any incident.
+3. Focus on the **Microsoft 365 Support** tab and select **Microsoft 365 Insights** to determine if the recommended solutions were returned successfully.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-guide-image38.png" alt-text="Graphical user interface, application, website Description automatically generated":::
admin Servicenow Troubleshooting V1 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-troubleshooting-v1.md
+ Title: "Troubleshooting Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_TOC
+- MET150
+description: "Scoped Certified application installation and configuration guide for ServiceNow."
+# Troubleshooting Microsoft 365 support integration with ServiceNow
+| \# | Problem | Diagnostics action |
+| 1 | CanΓÇÖt see **Microsoft 365 support** tab | Verify the current view and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 2 | Select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but get error "Please contact your ServiceNow admin and ask them to complete the setup steps for the app." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 3 | Select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but get error "Please contact your ServiceNow admin and ask them to complete the final set up step for the app." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 4 | Type the problem in search box and select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but get error "Please contact your ServiceNow admin and ask them to complete the setup steps for the app." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 5 | Type problem in search box and select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but get error "Please contact your ServiceNow admin and ask them to complete the final set up step for the app." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 6 | Select **Contact Microsoft support**, but get the error "Please contact your ServiceNow admin and ask them to complete the setup steps for the app." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 7 | Select **Contact Microsoft support**, but get the error "Please contact your ServiceNow admin and ask them to complete the final set up step for the app." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 8 | Select **Contact Microsoft support** but get the error "{EmailAddress} is not a valid Microsoft 365 admin account. You need Microsoft 365 admin privileges to open a service request. In the app, link the admin account." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 9 | Select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but nothing shows up | Check **System Logs ΓÇô Outbound HTTP logs** with filter login.microsoftonline.com and connector.rave.microsoft.com |
+| 10 | Select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but get error "Please contact app support." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 11 | Type problem in search box and select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but nothing shows up | Check **System Logs ΓÇô Outbound HTTP logs** with filter login.microsoftonline.com and connector.rave.microsoft.com |
+| 12 | Type problem in search box and select **Microsoft recommended solutions** but get error "Please contact app support." | Check the error message on top of the form and **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 13 | User selects **Contact Microsoft support**, but nothing happens | Check **System Logs ΓÇô Outbound HTTP logs** with filter login.microsoftonline.com and connector.rave.microsoft.com |
+| 14 | CanΓÇÖt see Microsoft recommended solution after reopening the incident | Check **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 15 | CanΓÇÖt see Microsoft cases when reopening the incident that was transferred to Microsoft support | Check **System Logs** &gt; **All** with filter x\_mioms\_m365\_assit |
+| 16 | CanΓÇÖt save ticket details, get error "Unable to save ticket details. Please contact App support." | Check the error message on top of form |
admin Servicenow Virtual Agent Integration V1 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-virtual-agent-integration-v1.md
+ Title: "Integrate Microsoft 365 with ServiceNow Virtual Agent"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
+- scotvorg
+- M365-subscription-management
+- Adm_TOC
+- MET150
+description: "Configure support integration to test and provide the Microsoft 365 support integration team with feedback."
+# Integrate Microsoft 365 with ServiceNow Virtual Agent
+When you configure the Microsoft 365 support integration app to work with ServiceNow Virtual Agent, you access the self-help created by Microsoft 365 product teams through two different user experiences:
+- Microsoft 365 step-by-step and walk-through solutions.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-support-integration-2.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-support-integration-1.png" alt-text="Quick Insights.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-support-integration-2b.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-support-integration-2b.png" alt-text="Quick Insights.":::
+- Top web search results from Microsoft 365 knowledge base articles.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-support-integration-1.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-support-integration-1.png" alt-text="Knowledge base article search results.":::
+## Before you begin
+- Enable Virtual Agent in ServiceNow. For details, see [Activate Virtual Agent](https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-now-intelligence/page/administer/virtual-agent/task/activate-virtual-agent.html).
+- Install and complete the setup of the Microsoft 365 support integration app from the ServiceNow Store.
+- Minimum version of ServiceNow: Rome.
+- Role required: ServiceNow admin or virtual_agent_admin.
+## Configure Microsoft 365 support integration to work with ServiceNow Virtual Agent
+### Standalone fallback topic
+Set Microsoft 365 Support as your fallback topic. For details, see [Configure a Virtual Agent chat experience](https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/quebec-now-intelligence/page/administer/virtual-agent/task/configure-default-chat-experience.html).
+### Topic blocks
+If you donΓÇÖt have any topic created, you can use the standalone fallback topic as above or [create your own virtual agent topic](https://docs.servicenow.com/bundle/rome-now-intelligence/page/administer/virtual-agent/task/create-virtual-agent-topic.html).
+Follow these steps to add the Microsoft 365 Support topic block:
+1. Under **Utilities**, select **Topic Block**, and add it to your flow.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-1.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-1.png" alt-text="Add a topic block to your flow.":::
+1. Under **Topic Block Properties**, choose **Microsoft 365 Support Topic Block**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-2.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-2.png" alt-text="Choose the Support Topic Block property.":::
+1. A Microsoft 365 Support Topic Block accesses input text in this order:
+ a. Checks for input variable. If the input variable is not empty, fetches the results for the input variable.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-3.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-3.png" alt-text="Fetches the results for input variable.":::
+ b. If the input variable is empty, checks for text entered by the user in the chat window and fetches results for the text.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-4.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-4.png" alt-text="Checks for text entered in the chat window.":::
+ c. If the user didn't enter text, asks the user to enter text to fetch results.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-5.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-5.png" alt-text="Checks for text entered in the chat window.":::
+1. Microsoft 365 Support Topic Block provides an output variable, which is the userΓÇÖs feedback for the results.
+ a. Output variable name: m365_success
+ b. Possible output variable values: YES/NO
+ :::image type="content" source="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-6.png" lightbox="../../media/ServiceNow-guide/servicenow-topic-block-6.png" alt-text="Output variable name and values.":::
commerce Volume Licensing Invoices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/volume-licensing-invoices.md
+ Title: "Non-Azure Microsoft volume licensing invoices"
+audience: Admin
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier3
+- scotvorg
+- commerce_vl
+- AdminTemplateSet
+search.appverid: MET150
+description: "Learn how to access and view non-Azure volume licensing invoices in the Microsoft 365 admin center."
Last updated : 11/18/2022++
+# Non-Azure Microsoft volume licensing invoices
+This article applies only to non-Azure volume licensing (VL) invoices and explains the format of a new invoice PDF and invoice recon file that
+are available to volume licensing (VL) customers.
+Starting on November 18, 2022, VL customers with non-Azure products purchased **under a direct VL agreement** can access the new invoice format
+in the Microsoft 365 admin center. This invoice applies to all types of VL programs except Microsoft Products & Services Agreements (MPSA),
+Federal Government, Special agreements, and Select Plus agreements.
+This new invoice format is a phased implementation and will roll out to VL customers over the next few months. If you can't see VL invoices in
+the Microsoft 365 admin center yet, continue to refer to your invoice emails.
+> [!NOTE]
+> There are no changes to invoices generated before November 18, 2022.
+## Before you begin
+To access VL invoices in the Microsoft 365 admin center, you must satisfy all three of the following conditions:
+1. You must be the **Bill To contact** for the corresponding contracts.
+2. You must be a Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) user.
+3. You must be a Global or Billing admin or have a non-admin Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) role.
+## View or download your bill
+1. In the Microsoft 365 admin center, go to the **Billing** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=842054" target="_blank"> **Your products**</a> page.
+2. Select the **Volume licensing** tab, then select **Contracts**.
+3. Find the contract you want to see invoices for, select the three dots (more actions), then select **View Invoices**.
+4. On the **Invoices** page, you see the list of invoices generated for that contract, and you can download the invoice PDF and invoice recon file. For information about the invoice recon file, see [Overview of the invoice recon file](#overview-of-the-invoice-recon-file) later in this article.
+## Overview of the invoice PDF
+Your invoice is a PDF that contains at least two pages.
+Page one is the billing summary, and contains general information about the invoice, amount due, and payment instructions, if applicable. It
+also contains address information for your organization and high-level details about your order.
+Page two and beyond lists the individual products in your order. The last page contains the **Net Amount**, **Sales Tax**, and **Total**,
+which correspond with the amounts shown in the **Summary** section on page 1.
+### Understanding your invoice
+At the top of page one of your invoice is the **Summary** section.
+The following table explains the terms in the **Summary** section of your invoice.
+|**Term** |**Description** |
+|Invoice Number |A unique number generated by Microsoft that identifies your spending for the corresponding billing period. |
+|Invoice Date |The date Microsoft generated the invoice. |
+|PO Number |The purchase order (PO) number that you specify. The PO number can't be updated on an invoice that is already paid. |
+|PO Date | Generally, the date when the order was entered into Microsoft systems. |
+|Billing Period |The date range covered by the invoice. |
+|Due Date |The date when the invoice payment is due to Microsoft. |
+|Payment Terms |Explains the arrangement for when the invoice payment is due. |
+|Total Amount Due |The total amount of all charges for the specified billing period. |
+### Addresses
+The addresses shown on your invoice might be different, depending on the size and configuration of your organization.
+The following table explains the terms for the addresses section of your invoice.
+|**Term** |**Description** |
+|Sold To |The name and address of the organization that bought the subscription. |
+|Bill To |The address of your billing department. |
+|Ship To |Contains details of the location where the products are shipped or used for tax exemption, if applicable. |
+|End Customer |The address where the service is used. |
+### Billing Summary
+The **Billing Summary** section gives the breakdown of the total amount due.
+Total=Charges\-Commitment Usage (if applicable)+Sales Tax
+### Payment Instructions
+The **PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS** section contains the account information you need to send your wire transfer or ACH payment.
+> Don't mail a physical check to the Microsoft address shown on your invoice.
+### Billing Details By Product
+Page two lists billing details by product, including unit price, quantity, commitment usage (if applicable), net charge, tax rate, tax
+amount, and total corresponding to each usage charge.
+## Overview of the invoice recon file
+The invoice recon file is a CSV file that includes the same information as the Invoice in a format that facilitates quicker reconciliation. The
+following table explains the line-item details in the invoice recon file.
+|**Line item** |**Definition** |
+|Invoice Number |A unique number generated by Microsoft generated that identifies your spending for the corresponding billing period.|
+|Invoice Date |The date Microsoft created the invoice.|
+|Document Type |Determines whether it's an invoice or credit note.|
+|Agreement Number |The contract number.|
+|Bill To |Customer Number, Bill To Customer Name, and Bill To Customer Country are details of the billing department.|
+|Sold To |Customer Number, Sold To Customer Name and Sold To Customer Country are details of the organization that bought the subscription.|
+|Ship To |Customer Number, Ship To Customer Name, and Ship To Customer Country are details of the location to which the products are shipped or used for tax exemption, if applicable.|
+|End Customer Name and End Customer Country |Details of the final consumer where the service is used.|
+|Purchase Order Number |The purchase order (PO) number that you specify.|
+|Billing Currency |Shows the currency chosen by the end customer in terms of payment.|
+|Transaction Type |Reflects whether it's a debit invoice or a credit memo.|
+|Line Item Number |The line ID for internal reference.|
+|Usage Country |The location where the product is used.|
+|Delivery |Tells how the invoice is delivered.|
+|MS Part Number |A reference number for the product.|
+|Item Name |The description of the purchased product.|
+|Product Family |The logical categorization of products.|
+|License Type |Reflects the terms of buying the product.|
+|Price Level |The price categorization of product.|
+|Billing Option |How frequently the customer is billed. This can be upfront, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.|
+|Taxable |Indicates whether the product is taxable.|
+|Pool |The classification of the product into a system, server, or application.|
+|Service Period Start Date, Service Period End Date |Indicates the eligible service period.|
+|Reason Code |A code used to indicate a credit or return of a product.|
+|Description |The explanation of the reason code.|
+|Quantity |The number of units bought or used.|
+|Unit Price |The price per unit product.|
+|Extended Amount |The quantity multiplied by the unit price.|
+|Commitment Usage |The amount of monetary commitment that was used.|
+|Net Amount |The extended amount minus the commitment usage.|
+|Tax Rate |The tax rate applicable to the product based on the country of billing.|
+|Tax Amount |The net amount multiplied by tax rate.|
+|Total |The sum of the net amount and tax amount.|
+|Is Third Party |Indicates whether the product or service is a third-party product.|
+## What type of invoices can I see?
+You can see two types of invoices: debit invoice and credit memo.
+## Who receives VL invoices by email?
+The **Bill To contact** for the contract receives invoices by email from no-reply@microsoft.com.
+Be sure to add no-reply@microsoft.com to your safe senders list or modify any existing email rules to avoid emails landing in your junk
+## How do I become a Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) user?
+To register on VLSC, follow the steps in [Frequently Asked Questions for sign-in](/licensing/sign-in-faq?source=recommendations).
+## What is the difference between invoice PDF and the invoice recon file?
+The invoice PDF is a tax compliant document that provides a detailed bill for the selected billing period. The invoice recon file provides
+line-item level details for better reconciliation and analysis for the selected billing period.
+## What type of programs can I see invoices for?
+For now, we support all types of VL programs except MPSA, Federal Government, Special agreements, and Select Plus agreements.
+## Why can't I see VL invoices in the Microsoft 365 admin center?
+There are several reasons that you might not see an invoice:
+- The invoice isn't ready yet.
+- You don\'t have the correct role permissions to view invoices for the account you used to sign in to the admin center.
+- The **Invoice created** date must be November 18, 2022, or later.
+- Invoices created before November 18, 2022 aren't displayed.
+- The invoice you're looking for relates to licenses purchased via a License Solution Partner, not directly from Microsoft.
+- Only invoices where you're the **Bill To contact** are visible.
+## Why can I only see invoices for a few agreements?
+You only have access to invoices for which you have the **Bill To contact** role on the corresponding contract.
+## Why can't I see old invoices?
+You can only see invoices posted in the Microsoft 365 admin center starting on November 18, 2022.
+## How do I request permission to view the invoices?
+Only the **Bill To contact** participant on the agreement can view the corresponding invoices. If you want to change anything, it must be
+changed at the agreement participant level. Contact your Microsoft partner for further information.
+## How often and when am I billed?
+Depending on the billing frequency you choose when you bought your subscription, you receive an invoice either upfront, monthly, quarterly,
+semi-annually, or annually. The amount of time since the last invoice date is the **Billing Period** and is on page one of the invoice. This
+time represents the date range during which charges accrue for the current invoice. If you made a change to your subscription outside of
+this date range, like adding or removing licenses, the associated charges appear on the invoice for the next billing period.
+## Why is my total due different from last billing period?
+If the amount billed is different than expected, that can happen for a few reasons:
+- You added or removed licenses from your subscription. Licenses changed mid-term are shown on the next invoice. You might see a credit and rebill for the previous service period to account for this change. For details about what this looks like in your invoice, see page two of the invoice and the recon file.
+- You opted for a ramped pricing model.
+- Your subscription renewed for a new term and the license price changed.
+## What is the tax rate applied to my invoice?
+The tax rate applied to the invoice depends on the country of billing. You can check the invoice recon file for the tax rate applied to each
+item. For more information, contact your Microsoft partner.
+## Who can I contact for questions related to pricing and the coverage period?
+Contact your Microsoft partner for invoice support.
+## How do I report an error in the invoice data?
+Contact your Microsoft partner for invoice support.
+## How can I make a request for the invoice PDF and recon file to be resent by mail?
+This functionality isn't currently available.
+## How can I get help for reconciling credit for multiple invoices?
+Contact your Microsoft partner for invoice support.
+## How do I contact support?
+In the left navigation pane in the Microsoft 365 admin center, customers can create a support request by selecting **Support** \> **New Service request**.
compliance Ediscovery https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/ediscovery.md
Here's a description of each eDiscovery capability.
- **Role-based permissions**. Use role-based access control (RBAC) permissions to control what eDiscovery-related tasks that different users can perform. You can use a built-in eDiscovery-related role group or create custom role groups that assign specific eDiscovery permissions. -- **Case management**. eDiscovery cases in eDiscovery (Standard) and eDiscovery (Premium) let you associate specific searches and exports with a specific investigation. You can also assign members to a case to control who can access the case and view the contents of the case.
+- **Case management**. eDiscovery cases in eDiscovery (Standard) and eDiscovery (Premium) let you associate specific searches and exports with a specific investigation. You can also assign members to a case to control who can access the case and view the contents of the case. eDiscovery (Premium) also supports new case creation integration with [Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management) cases.
- **Place content locations on legal hold**. Preserve content relevant to your investigation by placing a legal hold on the content locations in a case. This lets you secure electronically stored information from inadvertent (or intentional) deletion during your investigation.
See the following articles to help you learn more and get started using Microsof
- [Set up eDiscovery (Premium)](get-started-with-advanced-ediscovery.md) - [Create and manage an eDiscovery (Premium) case](create-and-manage-advanced-ediscoveryv2-case.md)
+## Integration with Insider Risk Management
+Cases in [Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management](https://compliance.microsoft.com/insiderriskmgmt) can be quickly escalated to new cases in Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) when additional legal review is needed for potentially risky user activity. The tight integration between these solutions can help your risk and legal teams work more efficiently and can help provide a complete end-to-end view of user activities under review. Check out how to [get started with Insider Risk Management](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure) and how to easily [escalate an Insider Risk Management case](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-cases#escalate-for-investigation) to an eDiscovery (Premium) case.
+ ## eDiscovery roadmap To see what eDiscovery features have been launched, are rolling out, or in development, see the [Microsoft 365 Roadmap](https://aka.ms/eDiscoRoadMap).
compliance Encryption Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-sensitivity-labels.md
Before you can use encryption, you might need to do some configuration tasks. Wh
Instructions for these settings are in the following [Configure encryption settings](#configure-encryption-settings) section.
+### Editing labels to newly apply encryption or change existing encryption settings
+It's a common deployment strategy to initially configure sensitivity labels without encryption, and later edit some of the existing labels to apply encryption. The labels that you edit will apply that encryption for newly labeled items. Items that are already labeled remain unencrypted, unless you remove the label and reapply it.
+For items that are already labeled with encryption using the assign permissions now option, and you change the users or permissions, the new settings will also be applied for existing items when users authenticate with the encryption service. In most cases, there's no need to remove and reapply the label. However, if users have already opened an encrypted document or email, they won't get the new settings until their use license has expired and they must reauthenticate. For more information about this scenario, see the related [frequently asked question](/azure/information-protection/faqs-rms#ive-protected-a-document-and-now-want-to-change-the-usage-rights-or-add-usersdo-i-need-to-reprotect-the-document) for how the encryption works.
+Whenever you change the encryption options for letting users assign permissions, that change only applies to newly labeled or relabeled items. For example:
+- You change the label from assigning permissions now to let users assign permissions, or the other way around
+- You change the label from Do Not Forward to Encrypt-Only, or the other way around
+ ### What happens to existing encryption when a label's applied If a sensitivity label is applied to unencrypted content, the outcome of the encryption options you can select is self-explanatory. For example, if you didn't select **Encrypt files and emails**, the content remains unencrypted.
compliance Overview Ediscovery 20 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/overview-ediscovery-20.md
There are two quick and easy steps to get started with eDiscovery (Premium).
|[Create and manage cases](create-and-manage-advanced-ediscoveryv2-case.md) | Create cases to manage the eDiscovery (Premium) workflow for all legal and other types of investigations in your organization.| |||
+## Integration with Insider Risk Management
+Cases in [Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management](https://compliance.microsoft.com/insiderriskmgmt) can be quickly escalated to new cases in Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium) when additional legal review is needed for potentially risky user activity. The tight integration between these solutions can help your risk and legal teams work more efficiently and can help provide a complete end-to-end view of user activities under review. Check out how to [get started with Insider Risk Management](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure) and how to easily [escalate an Insider Risk Management case](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-cases#escalate-for-investigation) to an eDiscovery (Premium) case.
+ ## eDiscovery (Premium) architecture Here's an eDiscovery (Premium) architecture diagram that shows the end-to-end workflow in a single-geo environment and in a multi-geo environment, and the end-to-end data flow that's aligned with the [EDRM](#ediscovery-premium-alignment-with-the-electronic-discovery-reference-model).
contentunderstanding Create Syntex Model https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/create-syntex-model.md
On the **Options for model creation** page, there are two sections:
## Train a custom model
-The **Train a custom model** section shows the types of custom models you can create.
+The **Train a custom model** section shows the training method for the type of custom models you want to create.
-![Screenshot of the Build a custom model section on the Options for model creation page.](../media/content-understanding/build-a-custom-model-section.png)
+![Screenshot of the Train a custom model section on the Options for model creation page.](../media/content-understanding/build-a-custom-model-section.png)
- **Teaching method** ΓÇô Creates an [unstructured document processing model](document-understanding-overview.md).
contentunderstanding Set Up Content Understanding https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/set-up-content-understanding.md
For details about Syntex licensing, see [Microsoft Syntex licensing](syntex-lice
For **Power Platform environment**, you can select: - **Use the default environment** to use your default Power Platform environment.
- - **Use a custom environment** to use a custom environment. Choose the environment that you want to use from the list. ([See the requirements for a custom environment](/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/set-up-content-understanding#requirements)).
+ - **Use a custom environment** to use a custom environment. Choose the environment that you want to use from the list. ([See the requirements for a custom environment](/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/set-up-content-understanding#requirements).)
Click **Next**.
lighthouse M365 Lighthouse Setup Gdap https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lighthouse/m365-lighthouse-setup-gdap.md
During the GDAP setup process, you'll assign roles to tiers of job functions for
- You'll need to have specific permissions in your own tenant:
- - To establish GDAP security groups and add users, you'll need Global Administrator, User Administrator, or Groups Administrator to set up users with standing access to GDAP roles. You can assign these roles in Azure Active Directory (ADD).
- - To enable the just-in-time (JIT) Only tier, you'll need to have Global Administrator or a combination of User Administrator and Privilege Role Administrator.
+ - To establish GDAP security groups, add users and create GDAP templates, you will need Global Administrator in your partner tenant. You can assign this role in Azure Active Directory (AAD).
- To create and complete GDAP relationships, you must be a member of the Admin Agents group in Partner Center. - Any customer can be managed by a Lighthouse partner, if they're set up in Partner Center with either a reseller relationship or an existing delegated relationship (DAP or GDAP). -- To enable the JIT Only tier permissions, you'll also need an Azure AD P2 license.
+- To enable the JIT Only tier permissions, you'll also need an Azure AD P2 license for your own tenant.
## Set up GDAP for the first time
security Defender Endpoint Antivirus Exclusions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/defender-endpoint-antivirus-exclusions.md
search.appverid: met150
> [!NOTE] > As a Microsoft MVP, [Fabian Bader](https://cloudbrothers.info) contributed to and provided material feedback for this article.
-[Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) includes a wide range of capabilities to prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to advanced cyberthreats. As with any endpoint protection or antivirus solution, sometimes files, folders, or processes that aren't a threat can be detected as malicious by Defender for Endpoint or Microsoft Defender Antivirus. These entities can be blocked or sent to quarantine, even though theyΓÇÖre not actually a threat. You can take certain actions to prevent false positives and similar issues from occurring. These actions include:
+[Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) includes a wide range of capabilities to prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to advanced cyberthreats. As with any endpoint protection or antivirus solution, sometimes files, folders, or processes that aren't a threat can be detected as malicious by Defender for Endpoint or Microsoft Defender Antivirus. These entities can be blocked or sent to quarantine, even though they're not actually a threat. You can take certain actions to prevent false positives and similar issues from occurring. These actions include:
- [Submitting a file to Microsoft for analysis](#submitting-files-for-analysis) - [Suppressing an alert](#suppressing-alerts)
This article explains how these actions work, and describes the various types of
## Submissions, suppressions, and exclusions
-When youΓÇÖre dealing with false positives, or known entities that are generating alerts, you don't necessarily need to add an exclusion. Sometimes classifying and suppressing an alert is enough. We recommend submitting false positives (and false negatives) to Microsoft for analysis as well. The following table describes some scenarios and what steps to take with respect to file submissions, alert suppressions, and exclusions.
+When you're dealing with false positives, or known entities that are generating alerts, you don't necessarily need to add an exclusion. Sometimes classifying and suppressing an alert is enough. We recommend submitting false positives (and false negatives) to Microsoft for analysis as well. The following table describes some scenarios and what steps to take with respect to file submissions, alert suppressions, and exclusions.
| Scenario | Steps to consider | |:|:-| | [False positive](defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md): An entity, such as a file or a process, was detected and identified as malicious, even though the entity isn't a threat. | 1. [Review and classify alerts](defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md#part-1-review-and-classify-alerts) that were generated as a result of the detected entity. <br/><br/>2. [Suppress an alert](defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md#suppress-an-alert) for a known entity. <br/><br/>3. [Review remediation actions](defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md#part-2-review-remediation-actions) that were taken for the detected entity. <br/><br/>4. [Submit the false positive to Microsoft](/microsoft-365/security/intelligence/submission-guide.md) for analysis. <br/><br/>5. [Define an exclusion](defender-endpoint-false-positives-negatives.md#part-3-review-or-define-exclusions) for the entity (only if necessary). |
-| [Performance issues](troubleshoot-performance-issues.md) such as one of the following issues: <br/>- A system is having high CPU usage or other performance issues. <br/>- A system is having memory leak issues. <br/>- An app is slow to load on devices. <br/>- An app is slow to open a file on devices. | 1. [Collect diagnostic data](collect-diagnostic-data.md) for Microsoft Defender Antivirus. <br/><br/>2. If youΓÇÖre using a non-Microsoft antivirus solution, [check with the vendor for any needed exclusions](troubleshoot-performance-issues.md#check-with-vendor-for-antivirus-exclusions). <br/><br/>3. [Analyze the Microsoft Protection Log](troubleshoot-performance-issues.md#analyze-the-microsoft-protection-log) to see the estimated performance impact. <br/><br/>4. Define an exclusion for Microsoft Defender Antivirus](configure-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) (if necessary). <br/><br/>5. [Create an indicator for Defender for Endpoint](manage-indicators.md) (only if necessary). |
-| [Compatibility issues](microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility.md) with non-Microsoft antivirus products. <br/>Example: Defender for Endpoint relies on security intelligence updates for devices, whether theyΓÇÖre running Microsoft Defender Antivirus or a non-Microsoft antivirus solution. | 1. If youΓÇÖre using a non-Microsoft antivirus product as your primary antivirus/antimalware solution, [set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive mode](microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility.md#requirements-for-microsoft-defender-antivirus-to-run-in-passive-mode). <br/><br/>2. If youΓÇÖre switching from a non-Microsoft antivirus/antimalware solution to Defender for Endpoint, see [Make the switch to Defender for Endpoint](switch-to-mde-overview.md). This guidance includes: <br/> - [Exclusions you might need to define for the non-Microsoft antivirus/antimalware solution](switch-to-mde-phase-2.md#add-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-to-the-exclusion-list-for-your-existing-solution); <br/> - [Exclusions you might need to define for Microsoft Defender Antivirus](switch-to-mde-phase-2.md#add-your-existing-solution-to-the-exclusion-list-for-microsoft-defender-antivirus); and <br/> - [Troubleshooting information](switch-to-mde-troubleshooting.md) (just in case something goes wrong while migrating). |
+| [Performance issues](troubleshoot-performance-issues.md) such as one of the following issues: <br/>- A system is having high CPU usage or other performance issues. <br/>- A system is having memory leak issues. <br/>- An app is slow to load on devices. <br/>- An app is slow to open a file on devices. | 1. [Collect diagnostic data](collect-diagnostic-data.md) for Microsoft Defender Antivirus. <br/><br/>2. If you're using a non-Microsoft antivirus solution, [check with the vendor for any needed exclusions](troubleshoot-performance-issues.md#check-with-vendor-for-antivirus-exclusions). <br/><br/>3. [Analyze the Microsoft Protection Log](troubleshoot-performance-issues.md#analyze-the-microsoft-protection-log) to see the estimated performance impact. <br/><br/>4. Define an exclusion for Microsoft Defender Antivirus](configure-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) (if necessary). <br/><br/>5. [Create an indicator for Defender for Endpoint](manage-indicators.md) (only if necessary). |
+| [Compatibility issues](microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility.md) with non-Microsoft antivirus products. <br/>Example: Defender for Endpoint relies on security intelligence updates for devices, whether they're running Microsoft Defender Antivirus or a non-Microsoft antivirus solution. | 1. If you're using a non-Microsoft antivirus product as your primary antivirus/antimalware solution, [set Microsoft Defender Antivirus to passive mode](microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility.md#requirements-for-microsoft-defender-antivirus-to-run-in-passive-mode). <br/><br/>2. If you're switching from a non-Microsoft antivirus/antimalware solution to Defender for Endpoint, see [Make the switch to Defender for Endpoint](switch-to-mde-overview.md). This guidance includes: <br/> - [Exclusions you might need to define for the non-Microsoft antivirus/antimalware solution](switch-to-mde-phase-2.md#add-microsoft-defender-for-endpoint-to-the-exclusion-list-for-your-existing-solution); <br/> - [Exclusions you might need to define for Microsoft Defender Antivirus](switch-to-mde-phase-2.md#add-your-existing-solution-to-the-exclusion-list-for-microsoft-defender-antivirus); and <br/> - [Troubleshooting information](switch-to-mde-troubleshooting.md) (just in case something goes wrong while migrating). |
-> An ΓÇ£allowΓÇ¥ indicator is the strongest type of exclusion you can define in Defender for Endpoint. Make sure to use indicators sparinglyΓÇöonly when necessaryΓÇöand review all exclusions periodically.
+> An "allow" indicator is the strongest type of exclusion you can define in Defender for Endpoint. Make sure to use indicators sparinglyΓÇöonly when necessaryΓÇöand review all exclusions periodically.
## Submitting files for analysis
-If you have a file that you think is wrongly detected as malware (a false positive), or a file that you suspect might be malware even though it wasnΓÇÖt detected (a false negative), you can submit the file to Microsoft for analysis. Your submission will be scanned immediately, and will then be reviewed by Microsoft security analysts. YouΓÇÖll be able to check the status of your submission on the [submission history page](https://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/submissionhistory).
+If you have a file that you think is wrongly detected as malware (a false positive), or a file that you suspect might be malware even though it wasn't detected (a false negative), you can submit the file to Microsoft for analysis. Your submission will be scanned immediately, and will then be reviewed by Microsoft security analysts. You'll be able to check the status of your submission on the [submission history page](https://www.microsoft.com/wdsi/submissionhistory).
Submitting files for analysis helps reduce false positives and false negatives for all customers. To learn more, see the following articles:
Submitting files for analysis helps reduce false positives and false negatives f
## Suppressing alerts
-If youΓÇÖre getting alerts in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal for tools or processes that you know aren't actually a threat, you can suppress those alerts. To suppress an alert, you create a suppression rule, and specify what actions to take for that on other, identical alerts. You can create suppression rules for a specific alert on a single device, or for all alerts that have the same title across your organization.
+If you're getting alerts in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal for tools or processes that you know aren't actually a threat, you can suppress those alerts. To suppress an alert, you create a suppression rule, and specify what actions to take for that on other, identical alerts. You can create suppression rules for a specific alert on a single device, or for all alerts that have the same title across your organization.
-To learn more, see the following articles:
+To learn more, see the following articles:
- [Suppress alerts](manage-alerts.md#suppress-alerts) - [Introducing the new alert suppression experience](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/introducing-the-new-alert-suppression-experience/ba-p/3562719) (for Defender for Endpoint)
To learn more, see the following articles:
Sometimes, the term *exclusions* is used to refer to exceptions that apply across Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Defender Antivirus. A more accurate way to describe these exceptions is as follows: -- [Indicators for Defender for Endpoint](manage-indicators.md); (which apply across Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Defender Antivirus); and
+- [Indicators for Defender for Endpoint](manage-indicators.md); (which apply across Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Defender Antivirus); and
- [Exclusions for Microsoft Defender Antivirus](configure-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md). The following table summarizes exclusion types that can be defined for Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Defender Antivirus. > [!TIP]
-> - [Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](defender-endpoint-plan-1.md) is available as a standalone plan, and is included in Microsoft 365 E3.
-> - [Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) is available as a standalone plan, and is included in Microsoft 365 E5.
+> - [Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](defender-endpoint-plan-1.md) is available as a standalone plan, and is included in Microsoft 365 E3.
+> - [Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) is available as a standalone plan, and is included in Microsoft 365 E5.
> - If you have Microsoft 365 E3 or E5, make sure to [set up your Defender for Endpoint capabilities](deployment-strategy.md). | Product/service | Exclusion types | |:|:-|
-| [Microsoft Defender Antivirus](microsoft-defender-antivirus-windows.md) <br/>[Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 or Plan 2](defender-endpoint-plan-1-2.md) | - [Automatic exclusions](#automatic-exclusions) (for Windows Server 2016 and later) <br/>- [Custom exclusions](#custom-exclusions), such as process-based exclusions, folder location-based exclusions, file extension exclusions, or contextual file and folder exclusions<br/>- [Custom remediation actions](#custom-remediation-actions) based on threat severity or for specific threats <br/><br/> *The standalone versions of Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2 don't include server licenses. To onboard servers, youΓÇÖll need another license, such as [Microsoft Defender for Servers Plan 1 or 2](/azure/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-servers-introduction). If you're a small or medium-sized business using [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md), you can get [Microsoft Defender for Business servers](../defender-business/get-defender-business-servers.md).* |
+| [Microsoft Defender Antivirus](microsoft-defender-antivirus-windows.md) <br/>[Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 or Plan 2](defender-endpoint-plan-1-2.md) | - [Automatic exclusions](#automatic-exclusions) (for Windows Server 2016 and later) <br/>- [Custom exclusions](#custom-exclusions), such as process-based exclusions, folder location-based exclusions, file extension exclusions, or contextual file and folder exclusions<br/>- [Custom remediation actions](#custom-remediation-actions) based on threat severity or for specific threats <br/><br/> *The standalone versions of Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2 don't include server licenses. To onboard servers, you'll need another license, such as [Microsoft Defender for Servers Plan 1 or 2](/azure/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-servers-introduction). If you're a small or medium-sized business using [Microsoft Defender for Business](../defender-business/mdb-overview.md), you can get [Microsoft Defender for Business servers](../defender-business/get-defender-business-servers.md).* |
| [Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 or Plan 2](defender-endpoint-plan-1-2.md) | - [Indicators](#defender-for-endpoint-indicators) for files, certificates, or IP addresses, URLs/domains<br/>- [Attack surface reduction exclusions](#attack-surface-reduction-exclusions)<br/>- [Controlled folder access exclusions](#controlled-folder-access-exclusions) | | [Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](microsoft-defender-endpoint.md) | - [Automation folder exclusions](#automation-folder-exclusions) (for automated investigation and remediation) | - The following sections describe these exclusions in more detail: - [Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions](#microsoft-defender-antivirus-exclusions)
Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions can apply to antivirus scans and/or to r
### Automatic exclusions
-[Automatic exclusions](configure-server-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#the-list-of-automatic-exclusions) include operating system files and server roles and features. These exclusions wonΓÇÖt be scanned by [real-time protection](configure-protection-features-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) but are still subject to [quick, full, or on-demand antivirus scans](schedule-antivirus-scans.md#quick-scan-full-scan-and-custom-scan). The following table provides some examples and includes links to learn more.
+[Automatic exclusions](configure-server-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#the-list-of-automatic-exclusions) include operating system files and server roles and features. These exclusions won't be scanned by [real-time protection](configure-protection-features-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) but are still subject to [quick, full, or on-demand antivirus scans](schedule-antivirus-scans.md#quick-scan-full-scan-and-custom-scan). The following table provides some examples and includes links to learn more.
| Automatic exclusion type | Examples | |:|:-|
-| Operating system files <br/>(See [Automatic exclusions](configure-server-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#the-list-of-automatic-exclusions).) | `%windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Datastore\*\Datastore.edb` <br/> `%allusersprofile%\NTUser.pol` <br/> Windows Update files <br/> Windows Security files <br/> … and more |
-| Server roles and features <br/>(See [Default exclusions for roles](configure-server-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#default-exclusions-for-all-roles).) | File Replication Service (FRS) <br/> Hyper-V <br/> SYSVOL <br/> Active Directory <br/> DNS Server <br/> Print Server <br/> Web Server <br/> Windows Server Update Services |
+| Operating system files <br/>(See [Automatic exclusions](configure-server-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#the-list-of-automatic-exclusions).) | `%windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Datastore\*\Datastore.edb` <br/> `%allusersprofile%\NTUser.pol` <br/> Windows Update files <br/> Windows Security files <br/> ... and more |
+| Server roles and features <br/>(See [Default exclusions for roles](configure-server-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#default-exclusions-for-all-roles).) | File Replication Service (FRS) <br/> Hyper-V <br/> SYSVOL <br/> Active Directory <br/> DNS Server <br/> Print Server <br/> Web Server <br/> Windows Server Update Services |
### Custom exclusions
-[Custom exclusions](configure-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) include files and folders that you specify. Exclusions for files, folders, and processes will be skipped by scheduled scans, on-demand scans, and real-time protection. Exclusions for process-opened files wonΓÇÖt be scanned by [real-time protection](configure-protection-features-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) but are still subject to [quick, full, or on-demand antivirus scans](schedule-antivirus-scans.md#quick-scan-full-scan-and-custom-scan).
+[Custom exclusions](configure-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) include files and folders that you specify. Exclusions for files, folders, and processes will be skipped by scheduled scans, on-demand scans, and real-time protection. Exclusions for process-opened files won't be scanned by [real-time protection](configure-protection-features-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md) but are still subject to [quick, full, or on-demand antivirus scans](schedule-antivirus-scans.md#quick-scan-full-scan-and-custom-scan).
### Custom remediation actions
You can define [indicators](manage-indicators.md) with specific actions for enti
- **Allow** ΓÇô Defender for Endpoint won't block files, IP addresses, URLs/domains, or certificates that have Allow indicators. (*Use this action with caution.*) -- **Audit** ΓÇô Files, IP addresses, and URLs/domains with Audit indicators are monitored, and when theyΓÇÖre accessed by users, informational alerts are generated in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
+- **Audit** ΓÇô Files, IP addresses, and URLs/domains with Audit indicators are monitored, and when they're accessed by users, informational alerts are generated in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal.
- **Block and Remediate** ΓÇô Files or certificates with Block and Remediate indicators are blocked and quarantined when detected. - **Block Execution** ΓÇô IP addresses and URLs/domains with Block Execution indicators are completely blocked. Users can't access those locations. -- **Warn** ΓÇô IP addresses and URLs/domains with Warn indicators cause a warning message to be displayed when a user attempts to access those locations. Users can choose to bypass the warning and proceed to the IP address or URL/domain.
+- **Warn** ΓÇô IP addresses and URLs/domains with Warn indicators cause a warning message to be displayed when a user attempts to access those locations. Users can choose to bypass the warning and proceed to the IP address or URL/domain.
> [!IMPORTANT] > You can have up to 15,000 indicators in your tenant.
The following table summarizes IoC types and available actions:
> [!TIP] > See the following resources to learn more about indicators:
> - [Create indicators](manage-indicators.md) > - [Create indicators for files](indicator-file.md) > - [Create indicators for IP addresses and URLs/domains](indicator-ip-domain.md)
The following table summarizes IoC types and available actions:
- Running scripts that seem to be obfuscated or otherwise suspicious - Performing behaviors that apps don't usually initiate during normal day-to-day work
-Sometimes, legitimate applications exhibit software behaviors that could be blocked by attack surface reduction rules. If thatΓÇÖs occurring in your organization, you can define exclusions for certain files and folders. Such exclusions are applied to all attack surface reduction rules. See [Enable attack surface reduction (ASR) rules](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#exclude-files-and-folders).
+Sometimes, legitimate applications exhibit software behaviors that could be blocked by attack surface reduction rules. If that's occurring in your organization, you can define exclusions for certain files and folders. Such exclusions are applied to all attack surface reduction rules. See [Enable attack surface reduction (ASR) rules](attack-surface-reduction-rules-deployment-implement.md#exclude-files-and-folders).
Also note that while most ASR rules exclusions are independent from Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions, some ASR rules do honor some Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions. See [Attack surface reduction rules reference - Microsoft Defender Antivirus exclusions and ASR rules](attack-surface-reduction-rules-reference.md#microsoft-defender-antivirus-exclusions-and-asr-rules).
Also note that while most ASR rules exclusions are independent from Microsoft De
Automation folder exclusions apply to [automated investigation and remediation](automated-investigations.md) in Defender for Endpoint, which is designed to examine alerts and take immediate action to resolve detected breaches. As alerts are triggered, and an automated investigation runs, a verdict (Malicious, Suspicious, or No threats found) is reached for each piece of evidence investigated. Depending on the [automation level](automation-levels.md) and other security settings, remediation actions can occur automatically or only upon approval by your security operations team.
-You can specify folders, file extensions in a specific directory, and file names to be excluded from automated investigation and remediation capabilities. Such automation folder exclusions will apply to all devices onboarded to Defender for Endpoint. These exclusions are still subject to antivirus scans. See [Manage automation folder exclusions](manage-automation-folder-exclusions.md).
+You can specify folders, file extensions in a specific directory, and file names to be excluded from automated investigation and remediation capabilities. Such automation folder exclusions will apply to all devices onboarded to Defender for Endpoint. These exclusions are still subject to antivirus scans. See [Manage automation folder exclusions](manage-automation-folder-exclusions.md).
## How exclusions and indicators are evaluated
-Most organizations have several different types of exclusions and indicators to determine whether users should be able to access and use a file or process. Exclusions and indicators are processed in a particular order so that [policy conflicts are handled systematically](indicator-file.md#policy-conflict-handling).
+Most organizations have several different types of exclusions and indicators to determine whether users should be able to access and use a file or process. Exclusions and indicators are processed in a particular order so that [policy conflicts are handled systematically](indicator-file.md#policy-conflict-handling).
The following image summarizes how exclusions and indicators are handled across Defender for Endpoint and Microsoft Defender Antivirus:
The following image summarizes how exclusions and indicators are handled across
Here's how it works:
-1. If a detected file/process isnΓÇÖt allowed by Windows Defender Application Control and AppLocker, itΓÇÖs blocked. Otherwise, it proceeds to Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
+1. If a detected file/process isn't allowed by Windows Defender Application Control and AppLocker, it's blocked. Otherwise, it proceeds to Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
-2. If the detected file/process isnΓÇÖt part of an exclusion for Microsoft Defender Antivirus, itΓÇÖs blocked. Otherwise, Defender for Endpoint checks for a custom indicator for the file/process.
+2. If the detected file/process isn't part of an exclusion for Microsoft Defender Antivirus, it's blocked. Otherwise, Defender for Endpoint checks for a custom indicator for the file/process.
3. If the detected file/process has a Block or Warn indicator, that action is taken. Otherwise, the file/process is allowed, and proceeds to evaluation by attack surface reduction rules, controlled folder access, and SmartScreen protection.
-4. If the detected file/process isnΓÇÖt blocked by attack surface reduction rules, controlled folder access, or SmartScreen protection, it proceeds to Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
+4. If the detected file/process isn't blocked by attack surface reduction rules, controlled folder access, or SmartScreen protection, it proceeds to Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
-5. If the detected file/process isnΓÇÖt allowed by Microsoft Defender Antivirus, itΓÇÖs checked for an action based on its threat ID.
+5. If the detected file/process isn't allowed by Microsoft Defender Antivirus, it's checked for an action based on its threat ID.
## How policy conflicts are handled
-In cases where Defender for Endpoint indicators conflict, hereΓÇÖs what to expect:
+In cases where Defender for Endpoint indicators conflict, here's what to expect:
- If there are conflicting file indicators, the indicator that uses the most secure hash is applied. For example, SHA256 takes precedence over SHA-1, which takes precedence over MD5. - If there are conflicting URL indicators, the more strict indicator is used. For [Microsoft Defender SmartScreen](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/microsoft-defender-smartscreen-overview), an indicator that uses the longest URL path is applied. For example, `www.dom.ain/admin/` takes precedence over `www.dom.ain`. ([Network protection](network-protection.md) applies to domains, rather than subpages within a domain.) -- If there are similar indicators for a file or process that have different actions, the indicator that is scoped to a specific device group takes precedence over an indicator that targets all devices.
+- If there are similar indicators for a file or process that have different actions, the indicator that is scoped to a specific device group takes precedence over an indicator that targets all devices.
## How automated investigation and remediation works with indicators
-[Automated investigation and remediation capabilities](automated-investigations.md) in Defender for Endpoint first determine a verdict for each piece of evidence, and then take an action depending on Defender for Endpoint indicators. Thus, a file/process could get a verdict of ΓÇ£goodΓÇ¥ (which means no threats were found) and still be blocked if thereΓÇÖs an indicator with that action. Similarly, an entity could get a verdict of ΓÇ£badΓÇ¥ (which means itΓÇÖs determined to be malicious) and still be allowed if thereΓÇÖs an indicator with that action.
+[Automated investigation and remediation capabilities](automated-investigations.md) in Defender for Endpoint first determine a verdict for each piece of evidence, and then take an action depending on Defender for Endpoint indicators. Thus, a file/process could get a verdict of "good" (which means no threats were found) and still be blocked if there's an indicator with that action. Similarly, an entity could get a verdict of "bad" (which means it's determined to be malicious) and still be allowed if there's an indicator with that action.
The following diagram shows how [automated investigation and remediation works with indicators](manage-indicators.md#automated-investigation-and-remediation-engine):
The following diagram shows how [automated investigation and remediation works w
## Additional server workloads and exclusions
-If your organization is using other server workloads, such as Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, or SQL Server, be aware that only built-in server roles (that could be prerequisites for software you install later) on Windows Server are excluded by [automatic exclusions](#automatic-exclusions) feature (and only when using their default installation location). YouΓÇÖll likely need to define antivirus exclusions for these additional workloads, or for all workloads if you disable automatic exclusions.
+If your organization is using other server workloads, such as Exchange Server, SharePoint Server, or SQL Server, be aware that only built-in server roles (that could be prerequisites for software you install later) on Windows Server are excluded by [automatic exclusions](#automatic-exclusions) feature (and only when using their default installation location). You'll likely need to define antivirus exclusions for these additional workloads, or for all workloads if you disable automatic exclusions.
-Here are some examples of technical documentation to identify and implement the exclusions you need:
+Here are some examples of technical documentation to identify and implement the exclusions you need:
- [Running antivirus software on Exchange Server](/exchange/antispam-and-antimalware/windows-antivirus-software?view=exchserver-2019&preserve-view=true) - [Folders to exclude from antivirus scans on SharePoint Server](https://support.microsoft.com/office/certain-folders-may-have-to-be-excluded-from-antivirus-scanning-when-you-use-file-level-antivirus-software-in-sharepoint-01cbc532-a24e-4bba-8d67-0b1ed733a3d9) - [Choosing antivirus software for SQL Server](https://support.microsoft.com/topic/how-to-choose-antivirus-software-to-run-on-computers-that-are-running-sql-server-feda079b-3e24-186b-945a-3051f6f3a95b)
-Depending on what you're using, you might need to refer to the documentation for that server workload.
+Depending on what you're using, you might need to refer to the documentation for that server workload.
## See also - [Recommendations for defining exclusions](configure-exclusions-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#recommendations-for-defining-exclusions) - [Common mistakes to avoid when defining exclusions](common-exclusion-mistakes-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md)-- [Blog post: The HitchhikerΓÇÖs Guide to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint exclusions](https://cloudbrothers.info/en/guide-to-defender-exclusions/)
+- [Blog post: The Hitchhiker's Guide to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint exclusions](https://cloudbrothers.info/en/guide-to-defender-exclusions/)
security Device Control Removable Storage Access Control https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-control-removable-storage-access-control.md
Deploy Removable Storage Access Control on Windows 10 and Windows 11 devices tha
- **4.18.2205 or later**: Expand the default enforcement to **Printer**. If you set it to **Deny**, it will block Printer as well, so if you only want to manage storage, make sure to create a custom policy to allow Printer -- **4.18.2207 or later**: Add **File** support, the common use case can be: block people from Read/Write/Execute access specific file on removable storage; add **Network** and **VPN Connection** support, the common use case can be: block people from access removable storage when the machine isn't connecting corporate network.
+- **4.18.2207 or later**: Add **File** support, the common use case can be: block people from Read/Write/Execute access specific file on removable storage; add **Network** and **VPN Connection** support, the common use case can be: block people from access removable storage when the machine isn't connecting corporate network.
:::image type="content" source="images/powershell.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the PowerShell interface" lightbox="images/powershell.png":::
The Removable Storage Access Control includes Removable storage group creation a
- Removable storage group allows you to create group. For example, authorized USB group or encrypted USB group. - Access policy rule allows you to create policy to restrict each removable storage group. For example, only allow authorized user to Write access-authorized USB group.-- To block a specific removable storage class but allow specific media, you can use ΓÇÿ`IncludedIdList` a group through `PrimaryId` and `ExcludedIDList` a group through `DeviceId`\/`HardwareId`/etc.` For more information, see [Deploy Removable Storage Access Control by using Intune OMA-URI](deploy-manage-removable-storage-intune.md#deploy-removable-storage-access-control-by-using-intune-oma-uri).
+- To block a specific removable storage class but allow specific media, you can use `IncludedIdList` a group through `PrimaryId` and `ExcludedIDList` a group through `DeviceId/HardwareId/etc.` For more information, see [Deploy Removable Storage Access Control by using Intune OMA-URI](deploy-manage-removable-storage-intune.md#deploy-removable-storage-access-control-by-using-intune-oma-uri).
Here are the properties you can use when you create the group and policy XML files. ### Group+ Group includes following types:+ - Device: if there's an explicit type setting, this setting is the default, including removable storage and Printer. - Network - VPN Connection
security Microsoft Secure Score Improvement Actions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-secure-score-improvement-actions.md
Choose any statuses and record notes specific to the improvement action.
You won't be able to choose a status for Secure Score recommended actions in the "Device" category, instead, you'll be directed to the associated [Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management security recommendation](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/tvm-security-recommendation) to take action. >[!NOTE]
->If you choose to create a ΓÇÿGlobal exceptionΓÇÖ in the Defender Vulnerability management security recommendation, the status in the Microsoft Secure Score recommended action will be updated with the exception justification. Updates may take up to 2 hours.
+>If you choose to create a 'Global exception' in the Defender Vulnerability management security recommendation, the status in the Microsoft Secure Score recommended action will be updated with the exception justification. Updates may take up to 2 hours.
->If you choose to create an ΓÇÿException per device groupΓÇÖ in the Defender Vulnerability manage security recommendation, Secure Score will not be updated and the recommended action will remain as ΓÇÿTo addressΓÇÖ.
+>If you choose to create an 'Exception per device group' in the Defender Vulnerability manage security recommendation, Secure Score will not be updated and the recommended action will remain as 'To address'.
#### Completed improvement actions