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admin Microsoft Teams Apps Usage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-apps-usage.md
description: "Learn how to get the Microsoft Teams app usage report and gain ins
# Microsoft 365 Reports in the admin center - Microsoft Teams apps usage reports
-The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the products in your organization. It enables you to drill in to individual product level reports to give you more granular insight about the activities within each product. Check out [the Reports overview topic](activity-reports.md). In the **Microsoft Teams app usage report**, you can gain insights into the Teams apps activity in your organization. This article explains how to access the report and view and interpret the various metrics within the report.
+The Microsoft 365 Reports dashboard shows you the activity overview across the products in your organization. It enables you to drill in to individual product level reports to give you more granular insight about the activities within each product. Check out [the Reports overview topic](activity-reports.md). In the **Microsoft Teams app usage report**, you can gain insights into the Teams apps activity in your organization. This article explains how to access the report and view and interpret the various metrics within the report.
You can use this report to understand who is installing/using apps, and deep dive on a per-app and per-user level.
You can use this report to understand who is installing/using apps, and deep div
The Teams app usage report is available in the Microsoft 365 admin center and the data is provided through two separate reports: **App usage** - This report helps you answer:-- How many apps have users in your environment installed? -- How many apps have at least one active user in your environment? -- How many apps are being used by platform (Windows, Mac, Web, or mobile)? +
+- How many apps have users in your environment installed?
+- How many apps have at least one active user in your environment?
+- How many apps are being used by platform (Windows, Mac, Web, or mobile)?
- How many active users and active teams are using the app?
-**User activity** - This report helps you answer:
-- How many users in your environment have installed at least one app? -- How many users in your environment have used at least one app? -- How many users are using an app across platforms (Windows, Mac, Web, etc)?
+**User activity** - This report helps you answer:
+- How many users in your environment have installed at least one app?
+- How many users in your environment have used at least one app?
+- How many users are using an app across platforms (Windows, Mac, Web, etc)?
- How many apps has each user used? ## How to get to the Microsoft Teams apps usage report 1. In the admin center, go to the **Reports** \> <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2074756" target="_blank">Usage</a> page.
-2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Microsoft Teams apps activity card.
+2. From the dashboard homepage, click on the **View more** button on the Microsoft Teams apps activity card.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/teams-apps-tile.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams app."::: ## Considerations -- Usage/installs data for a newly published app can take about five days to show up in the report. Data for a given day will show up within 48 hours. For example, data for January 10th should show up in the report by around January 12th.
+- Usage/installs data for a newly published app can take about five days to show up in the report. Data for a given day will show up within 48 hours. For example, data for January 10th should show up in the report by around January 12th.
-- The start date for all installs metrics is October 2021. Only apps installed after that date will be counted.
+- The start date for all installs metrics is October 2021. Only apps installed after that date will be counted.
-- App IDs in this report are the External (manifest) App IDs. For more information on how to tie this ID to an app in the Manage Apps experience in Teams Admin Center, see [Manage app setup policies in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies#install-apps.md). --- You can export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the Export link. This exports data for all users/apps and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
+- App IDs in this report are the External (manifest) App IDs. For more information on how to tie this ID to an app in the Manage Apps experience in Teams Admin Center, see [Manage app setup policies in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies#install-apps.md).
+- You can export the report data into an Excel .csv file by selecting the Export link. This exports data for all users/apps and enables you to do simple sorting and filtering for further analysis.
## Exploring the report - App usage tab
On the top of the report, you will see three charts describing cross-app trends
- Apps used - Platform
-You can filter all charts by the time range picker in the top right.
+You can filter all charts by the time range picker in the top right.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/teams-apps-usage-filter.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams apps usage time filter."::: ### Apps installed
-This chart shows you the total number of app installs across your organization up to each date within the selected period. For example ΓÇô if you select January 28th 2022, the chart will show you the total number of installs from October 2021 up to January 28th 2022.
+This chart shows you the total number of app installs across your organization up to each date within the selected period. For example ΓÇô if you select January 28th 2022, the chart will show you the total number of installs from October 2021 up to January 28th 2022.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/apps-installed.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams apps installed."::: ### Apps used+ This chart shows you the number of apps used across your organization on each date within the selected period. For example ΓÇô if you select January 28th, the chart will show you the total number of apps used on January 28th. :::image type="content" source="../../media/apps-used.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams Apps used.":::
-### Platform
+### Platform
+ This chart shows you the number of apps used across your organization by platform for the selected period. Available platforms are Windows, Mac, Mobile (across iOS and Android), and Web. :::image type="content" source="../../media/platform.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams platform."::: ### Apps usage details table
-This table shows you per-app view with the following metrics for each app. A subset of the metric columns are included by default, and you can select/edit the column list by clicking on **Choose columns**ΓÇ¥** in the top right.
+This table shows you per-app view with the following metrics for each app. A subset of the metric columns are included by default, and you can select/edit the column list by clicking on **Choose columns** in the top right.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/apps-usage-details.png" alt-text="Apps usage details." lightbox="../../media/apps-usage-details.png":::
-|**Metric**|**Definition**|**Included by default?**|
-|App ID <br/> |The external App identifier present in the app manifest. <br/> |Yes |
-|Last used date <br/> |The date when that app was last used by anyone in your organization. <br/> |Yes |
-|Teams using this app <br/> |The number of distinct Teams teams that have at least one user using this app. <br/> |Yes |
-|Users using this app <br/> |The number of distinct users in your organization that are using this app. <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Windows <br/> | This indicates whether that app has been used on Windows by at least one user in your organization. <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Mobile <br/> |This indicates whether that app has been used on Mobile by at least one user in your organization. <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Web <br/> | This indicates whether that app has been used on Web by at least one user in your organization. <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Mac <br/> |The number of ad hoc meetings a user organized during the specified time period. <br/>|No |
-|App name <br/> |The Name of this application as present in the app manifest. <br/>|No |
-|Publisher <br/> |The publisher of this application as present in the app manifest. This is only available for apps published to the global Store. <br/>|No |
+|Metric|Definition|Included by default?|
+|App ID|The external App identifier present in the app manifest.|Yes|
+|Last used date|The date when that app was last used by anyone in your organization.|Yes|
+|Teams using this app|The number of distinct Teams teams that have at least one user using this app.|Yes|
+|Users using this app|The number of distinct users in your organization that are using this app.|Yes|
+|Used on Windows| This indicates whether that app has been used on Windows by at least one user in your organization.|Yes|
+|Used on Mobile|This indicates whether that app has been used on Mobile by at least one user in your organization.|Yes|
+|Used on Web| This indicates whether that app has been used on Web by at least one user in your organization.|Yes|
+|Used on Mac|The number of ad hoc meetings a user organized during the specified time period.|No|
+|App name|The Name of this application as present in the app manifest.|No|
+|Publisher|The publisher of this application as present in the app manifest. This is only available for apps published to the global Store.|No|
## Exploring the report - Teams apps usage user activity tab
-You can view the **user activity** in the Teams app usage report by choosing the **User activity** tab. <br/>
+You can view the **user activity** in the Teams app usage report by choosing the **User activity** tab.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/teams-apps-user-activity.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams user activity." lightbox="../../media/teams-apps-user-activity.png":::
On the top of the report, you will see three charts describing cross-app trends
- User who have used apps - Platform
-You can filter all charts by the time range picker in the top right.
+You can filter all charts by the time range picker in the top right.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/teams-apps-usage-filter.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams user activity time filter."::: ### Users who have installed apps
-This chart shows you the total number of unique users that have installed an app up to each date within the selected period. For example ΓÇô if you select January 28th 2022 the chart will show you the total number of users from October 2021 up to January 28th 2022.
+This chart shows you the total number of unique users that have installed an app up to each date within the selected period. For example ΓÇô if you select January 28th 2022 the chart will show you the total number of users from October 2021 up to January 28th 2022.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/users-who-installed-apps.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams apps Users who have installed apps chart."::: ### User who have used apps
-This chart shows you the number of unique users that have used any app on each date within the selected period. For example ΓÇô if you select January 28th, the chart will show you the total number of users on January 28th.
+This chart shows you the number of unique users that have used any app on each date within the selected period. For example ΓÇô if you select January 28th, the chart will show you the total number of users on January 28th.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/users-who-used-apps.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams apps Users who have used apps chart.":::
-### Platform
-This chart shows you the number of apps used across your organization by platform for the selected period. Available platforms are Windows, Mac, Mobile (across iOS and Android), and Web.
+### Platform
+This chart shows you the number of apps used across your organization by platform for the selected period. Available platforms are Windows, Mac, Mobile (across iOS and Android), and Web.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/user-activity-platform.png" alt-text="Microsoft Teams usage user activity platform.":::
+ ### User activity details table
-This table shows you per-user view with the following metrics for each app. A subset of the metric columns are included by default, and you can select/edit the column list by clicking on **Choose columns** in the top right.
+This table shows you per-user view with the following metrics for each app. A subset of the metric columns are included by default, and you can select/edit the column list by clicking on **Choose columns** in the top right.
:::image type="content" source="../../media/user-activity-details.png" alt-text="User activity details." lightbox="../../media/user-activity-details.png":::
-|**Metric**|**Definition**|**Included by default?**|
-|User name <br/> |The User name for a unique user. Value is concealed by default. <br/> |Yes |
-|Apps installed <br/> |The number of unique apps (across Store and custom) that the user has installed. <br/> |Yes |
-|Apps used <br/> |The number of unique apps (across Store and custom) that the user has opened and/or used. <br/> |Yes |
-|Apps used in a Team <br/> |The number of unique apps (across Store and custom) that the user has opened and/or used in a Teams Team. <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Windows <br/> | This indicates whether that user has used any app on Windows. <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Mobile <br/> |This indicates whether that user has used any app on Mobile (iOS or Android). <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Web <br/> | This indicates whether that user has used any app on Web. <br/> |Yes |
-|Used on Mac <br/> |This indicates whether that user has used any app on Mac. <br/>|No |
+|Metric|Definition|Included by default?|
+|User name|The User name for a unique user. Value is concealed by default.|Yes|
+|Apps installed|The number of unique apps (across Store and custom) that the user has installed.|Yes|
+|Apps used|The number of unique apps (across Store and custom) that the user has opened and/or used.|Yes|
+|Apps used in a Team|The number of unique apps (across Store and custom) that the user has opened and/or used in a Teams Team.|Yes|
+|Used on Windows| This indicates whether that user has used any app on Windows.|Yes|
+|Used on Mobile|This indicates whether that user has used any app on Mobile (iOS or Android).|Yes|
+|Used on Web| This indicates whether that user has used any app on Web.|Yes|
+|Used on Mac|This indicates whether that user has used any app on Mac.|No|
## Managing apps in the Teams Admin Center
To link an app in this report to the Manage Apps experience in Teams Admin Cente
- External App ID External App IDs are equivalent to the ID in the Manage apps page for Store apps. For custom apps, to view External App ID in the Manage Apps page, follow the instructions on [Manage apps setup policies in Microsoft Teams](/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies) to add the column in the column settings. You can also view it on the app details page for a custom app-
admin Meetings New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/meetings-new.md
- M365-subscription-management - scotvorg - highpri-+ search.appverid: MET150 description: "Details of new Meetings insights score - people experiences Adoption Score."
To get started with Meetings insights, people in your organization need to be li
- Microsoft Teams
-For more information, seeΓÇ»[assign licenses to users](../manage/assign-licenses-to-users.md).
+For more information, see [assign licenses to users](../manage/assign-licenses-to-users.md).
After people have been active in Teams at least once in the last 28 days, you will start to see the insights.
admin Experience Insights Dashboard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/experience-insights-dashboard.md
If youΓÇÖre a member of the reports reader role, once you sign into the admin ce
:::image type="content" source="../../media/experience-insights-dashboard2.png" alt-text="Screenshot: Image showing an overview of the experience insights dashboard":::
-To learn more, see [About admin roles](../add-users/about-admin-roles.md) andΓÇ»[Assign admin roles](../add-users/assign-admin-roles.md).
+To learn more, see [About admin roles](../add-users/about-admin-roles.md) and [Assign admin roles](../add-users/assign-admin-roles.md).
## Apps and services data
admin Support Contact Info https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/support-contact-info.md
Chinese and English: Monday through Friday, 9 AM-6 PM
:::column-end::: :::column::: **Technical support hours:**\
-Chinese and English phone support: Monday through Friday, 9 AM-9 PM\
+Chinese and English phone support: Monday through Friday, 9 AM-6 PM\
Chinese and English online support (through the admin center): 24 hours a day, 7 days a week :::column-end::: :::row-end:::
English: Sunday through Friday, 8 PM-4 AM
French: Monday through Friday, 7 PM-8 AM\ English: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week :::column-end:::
compliance Apply Sensitivity Label Automatically https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md
There are two different methods for automatically applying a sensitivity label t
- When the label applies encryption, the [Rights Management issuer and Rights Management owner](/azure/information-protection/configure-usage-rights#rights-management-issuer-and-rights-management-owner) is the person who sends the email when the sender is from your own organization. When the sender is outside your organization, you can specify a Rights Management owner for incoming email that's labeled and encrypted by your policy. - If the label is configured to apply [dynamic markings](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#dynamic-markings-with-variables), be aware that for incoming email, this configuration can result in displaying the names of people outside your organization.
-> [!TIP]
+> [!NOTE]
> For some new customers, we're offering the automatic configuration of default auto-labeling settings for both client-side labeling and service-side labeling. Even if you're not eligible for this automatic configuration, you might find it useful to reference their configuration. For example, you can manually configure existing labels and create your own auto-labeling policies with the same settings to help accelerate your labeling deployment. > > For more information, see [Default labels and policies for Microsoft Purview Information Protection](mip-easy-trials.md).
Use the following table to help you identify the differences in behavior for the
## How multiple conditions are evaluated when they apply to more than one label
-The labels are ordered for evaluation according to their position that you specify in the policy: The label positioned first has the lowest position (least sensitive) and the label positioned last has the highest position (most sensitive). For more information on priority, see [Label priority (order matters)](sensitivity-labels.md#label-priority-order-matters).
+The labels are ordered for evaluation according to their position that you specify in the compliance portal: The label positioned first has the lowest position (least sensitive, so lowest priority) and the label positioned last has the highest position (most sensitive, so highest priority). The label with the highest order number is selected.
+This behavior is also true for service-side auto-labeling (auto-labeling policies) when sublabels share the same parent label: If, after evaluation and ordering, more than one sublabel from the same parent label meets the auto-labeling conditions, the sublabel with the highest order number is selected and applied.
+However, the behavior is a little different for client-side auto-labeling (auto-labeling settings in the label). If multiple sublabels from the same parent label match the conditions:
+- If a file is not already labeled, the highest order sublabel that's configured for automatic labeling is always selected, rather than the highest order sublabel that's configured for recommended labeling. If none of these sublabels are configured for automatic labeling but only recommended labeling, the highest order sublabel is selected and recommended.
+- If a file is already labeled with a sublabel from the same parent, no action is taken and the existing sublabel remains. This behavior applies even if the existing sublabel was a default label or automatically applied.
+For more information about label priority, see [Label priority (order matters)](sensitivity-labels.md#label-priority-order-matters).
## Don't configure a parent label to be applied automatically or recommended
For email auto-labeling policies only, you can select a setting to always overri
|Existing label |Override with label setting: Auto-labeling for files and emails |Override with policy: Auto-labeling| |:--|:--|:--| |Manually applied, any priority|Word, Excel, PowerPoint: No <br /><br> Outlook: No |SharePoint and OneDrive: No <br /><br> Exchange: No by default, but configurable |
-|Automatically applied or default label from policy, lower priority |Word, Excel, PowerPoint: Yes <br /><br> Outlook: Yes | SharePoint and OneDrive: Yes <br /><br> Exchange: Yes |
+|Automatically applied or default label from policy, lower priority |Word, Excel, PowerPoint: Yes \* <br /><br> Outlook: Yes \* | SharePoint and OneDrive: Yes <br /><br> Exchange: Yes |
|Automatically applied or default label from policy, higher priority |Word, Excel, PowerPoint: No <br /><br> Outlook: No |SharePoint and OneDrive: No <br /><br> Exchange: No by default, but configurable |
+\* There's an [exception for sublabels that share the same parent label](#how-multiple-conditions-are-evaluated-when-they-apply-to-more-than-one-label)
+ The configurable setting for email auto-labeling policies is on the **Additional settings for email** page. This page displays after you've selected a sensitivity label for an auto-labeling policy that includes the Exchange location. ## How to configure auto-labeling for Office apps
compliance Communication Compliance Case Study https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study.md
# Case study - Contoso configures a communication compliance policy to identify potentially inappropriate text for Microsoft Teams, Exchange, and Yammer communications > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
[Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on messages with potentially inappropriate text in your organization. Potentially inappropriate text may include profanity, threats, harassment, and adult content. Pre-defined and custom [policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies) allow you to review internal and external communications for policy matches, so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can [investigate alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate#investigate-alerts) for email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications throughout your organization and take appropriate [remediation actions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate#remediate-alerts) to make sure they're compliant with your organization's message standards.
compliance Communication Compliance Channels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels.md
# Detect channel signals with communication compliance
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
With communication compliance policies, you can choose to analyze messages in one or more of the following communication platforms as a group or as standalone sources. Original messages captured across these platforms are retained in the original platform location in accordance with your organization's [retention and hold policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/information-governance). Copies of messages used by communication compliance policies for analysis and investigation are retained for as long as policy is in place, even if users leave your organization and their mailboxes are deleted. When a communication policy is deleted, copies of messages associated with the policy are also deleted.
compliance Communication Compliance Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium -- highpri
+- highpri
- tier1 - purview-compliance - m365solution-insiderrisk
# Get started with communication compliance
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
Use communication compliance policies to identify user communications for analysis by internal or external reviewers. For more information about how communication compliance policies can help you detect communications in your organization, see [communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies). If you'd like to review how Contoso quickly configured a communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate content in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications, check out this [case study](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study).
For more information about configuring Yammer in Native Mode, see:
## Step 5 (required): Create a communication compliance policy
->Using PowerShell to create and manage communication compliance policies isn't supported. To create and manage these policies, you must use the policy management controls in the [communication compliance solution](https://compliance.microsoft.com/supervisoryreview).
+> Using PowerShell to create and manage communication compliance policies isn't supported. To create and manage these policies, you must use the policy management controls in the [communication compliance solution](https://compliance.microsoft.com/supervisoryreview).
->Want to see an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a new communication compliance policy and remediating an alert? Check out [this 15-minute video](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan#creating-a-communication-compliance-policy-walkthrough) to see a demonstration of how communication compliance policies can help you detect potentially inappropriate messages, investigate potential violations, and remediate compliance issues.
+> [!TIP]
+> Want to see an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a new communication compliance policy and remediating an alert? Check out [this 15-minute video](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan#creating-a-communication-compliance-policy-walkthrough) to see a demonstration of how communication compliance policies can help you detect potentially inappropriate messages, investigate potential violations, and remediate compliance issues.
1. Sign into the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization.
compliance Communication Compliance Investigate Remediate https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate.md
# Investigate and remediate communication compliance alerts
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
After you've configured your [communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies), you'll begin receiving alerts in the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) for message issues that match your policy conditions. To view and act on alerts, users must be assigned to the following permissions:
compliance Communication Compliance Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan.md
# Plan for communication compliance
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
Before getting started with [communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) in your organization, there are important planning activities and considerations that should be reviewed by your information technology and compliance management teams. Thoroughly understanding and planning for deployment in the following areas will help ensure that your implementation and use of communication compliance features goes smoothly and is aligned with the best practices for the solution.
compliance Communication Compliance Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies.md
# Create and manage communication compliance policies > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
During the review process, communication compliance reviewers can perform all th
![Communication compliance user-reported messages policy](../media/communication-compliance-user-reported-messages-policy.png)
-User reported messages from Teams chats are the only messages processed by the User-reported message policy and only the assigned reviewers for the policy can be modified. All other policy properties aren't editable. When the policy is created, the initial reviewers assigned to the policy are all members of the *Communication Compliance Admins* role group (if populated with at least one user) or all members of your organization's *Global Admin* role group. The policy creator is a randomly selected user from the *Communication Compliance Admins* role group (if populated with at least one user) or a randomly selected user from your organization's *Global Admin* role group.
+User reported messages from Teams chats are the only messages processed by the User-reported message policy and only the assigned reviewers for the policy can be modified. All other policy properties aren't editable. When the policy is created, the initial reviewers assigned to the policy are all members of the *Communication Compliance Admins* role group (if populated with at least one user) or all members of your organization's *Global Admin* role group. The policy creator is a randomly selected user from the *Communication Compliance Admins* role group (if populated with at least one user) or a randomly selected user from your organization's *Global Admin* role group.
Admins should immediately assign custom reviewers to this policy as appropriate for your organization. This may include reviewers such as your Compliance Officer, Risk Officer, or members of your Human Resources department. To customize the reviewers for chat messages submitted as user-reported messages, complete the following steps:
Admins should immediately assign custom reviewers to this policy as appropriate
4. On the **Monitor for user-reported messages** pane, assign reviewers for the policy. Reviewers must have mailboxes hosted on Exchange Online. When reviewers are added to a policy, they automatically receive an email message that notifies them of the assignment to the policy and provides links to information about the review process. 5. Select **Save**.
-The *Report a concern* option is enabled by default and can be controlled via Teams messaging policies in the [Teams Admin Center](/microsoftteams/manage-teams-in-modern-portal). Users in your organization will automatically get the global policy, unless you create and assign a custom policy. Edit the settings in the global policy or create and assign one or more custom policies to turn on or turn off the *Report a concern* option. To learn more, see [Manage messaging policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/messaging-policies-in-teams).
+The *Report a concern* option is enabled by default and can be controlled via Teams messaging policies in the [Teams Admin Center](/microsoftteams/manage-teams-in-modern-portal). Users in your organization will automatically get the global policy, unless you create and assign a custom policy. Edit the settings in the global policy or create and assign one or more custom policies to turn on or turn off the *Report a concern* option. To learn more, see [Manage messaging policies in Teams](/microsoftteams/messaging-policies-in-teams).
>[!IMPORTANT] >If you're using PowerShell to turn on or turn off the **End user reporting** option in the Teams Admin Center, you must use [Microsoft Teams cmdlets module version 4.2.0](/MicrosoftTeams/teams-powershell-release-notes) or later.
The *Report a concern* option is enabled by default and can be controlled via Te
When users experience employment stressors, they may become disgruntled. This feeling may lead to uncharacteristic or malicious behavior by some users that could surface as potentially inappropriate behavior on your organization's messaging systems. Communication compliance can provide disgruntlement signals detected in applicable messages to [insider risk management](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management) disgruntlement policies by using a dedicated [Detect inappropriate text](#policy-templates) policy. This policy is automatically created (if selected as an option) during configuration of a [Data leaks by disgruntled employees](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies#data-leaks-by-disgruntled-users-preview) or [Security policy violations by disgruntled employees](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies#security-policy-violations-by-disgruntled-users-preview) policy in insider risk management.
-When configured for an insider risk management disgruntlement policy, a dedicated policy named *Disgruntlement in messages - (date created)* is created in communication compliance and automatically includes all organization users in the policy. This policy starts detecting disgruntlement behavior in messages by using the built-in [Threat, Harassment, and Discrimination classifiers](#classifiers) and automatically sends these signals to insider risk management. If needed, this policy can be edited to update the scope of included users and the policy conditions and classifiers.
+When configured for an insider risk management disgruntlement policy, a dedicated policy named *Disgruntlement in messages - (date created)* is created in communication compliance and automatically includes all organization users in the policy. This policy starts detecting disgruntlement behavior in messages by using the built-in [Threat, Harassment, and Discrimination classifiers](#classifiers) and automatically sends these signals to insider risk management. If needed, this policy can be edited to update the scope of included users and the policy conditions and classifiers.
Users that send 5 or more messages classified as disgruntled within 24 hours are automatically brought in-scope for insider risk management policies that include this option. Once in-scope, the insider risk management detect risky activities configured in the policy and generate alerts as applicable. It may take up to 48 hours from the time disgruntlement messages are sent until the time a user is brought in-scope in an insider risk management policy. If an alert is generated for a risky activity detected by the insider risk management policy, the triggering event for the alert is identified as being sourced from the communication compliance disgruntlement activity.
To manage policies approaching the storage and message limits, consider making a
- Consider reducing the number of users assigned to the policy. Removing users from the policy or creating different policies for different groups of users can help slow the growth of policy size and total messages. - Examine the policy for excessive false positive alerts. Consider adding exceptions or changes to the policy conditions to ignore common false positive alerts.-- If a policy has reached the storage or message limits and has been deactivated, make a copy of the policy to continue to detect and take action for the same conditions and users.
+- If a policy has reached the storage or message limits and has been deactivated, make a copy of the policy to continue to detect and take action for the same conditions and users.
## Policy settings
Configure custom keyword dictionaries (or lexicons) to provide simple management
### Classifiers
-[Built-in trainable and global classifiers](/microsoft-365/compliance/classifier-learn-about) inspect sent or received messages across all communication channels in your organization for different types of compliance issues. Classifiers use a combination of artificial intelligence and keywords to identify language in messages likely to violate anti-harassment policies.
+[Built-in trainable and global classifiers](/microsoft-365/compliance/classifier-learn-about) inspect sent or received messages across all communication channels in your organization for different types of compliance issues. Classifiers use a combination of artificial intelligence and keywords to identify language in messages likely to violate anti-harassment policies.
Policies using classifiers will inspect and evaluate messages with a word count of six or greater. Messages containing fewer than six words aren't evaluated in policies using classifiers. To identify and take action on shorter messages containing inappropriate content, we recommend including a custom keyword dictionary to communication compliance policies detecting this type of content.
Communication compliance can use specific built-in trainable and global classifi
|**Classifier**|**Description**| |:-|:--| | **Adult images** | Detects images that are potentially sexually explicit in nature. |
-| **Corporate sabotage (preview)** | Detects messages that may mention acts to damage or destroy corporate assets or property. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection standards or state by state regulations like Chapter 9.05 RCW in Washington state. |
-| **Customer complaints (preview)** | Detects messages that may suggest customer complaints made on your organization's products or services, as required by law for regulated industries. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as FINRA Rule 4530, FINRA 4513, FINRA 2111, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Code of Federal Regulations Title 21: Food and Drugs, and the Federal Trade Commission Act. |
+| **Corporate sabotage (preview)** | Detects messages that may mention acts to damage or destroy corporate assets or property. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as NERC Critical Infrastructure Protection standards or state by state regulations like Chapter 9.05 RCW in Washington state. |
+| **Customer complaints (preview)** | Detects messages that may suggest customer complaints made on your organization's products or services, as required by law for regulated industries. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as FINRA Rule 4530, FINRA 4513, FINRA 2111, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Code of Federal Regulations Title 21: Food and Drugs, and the Federal Trade Commission Act. |
| **Discrimination** | Detects potentially explicit discriminatory language and is particularly sensitive to discriminatory language against the African American/Black communities when compared to other communities. |
-| **Gifts & entertainment (preview)** | Detects messages that may suggest exchanging gifts or entertainment in return for service, which violates regulations related to bribery. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), UK Bribery Act, and FINRA Rule 2320. |
+| **Gifts & entertainment (preview)** | Detects messages that may suggest exchanging gifts or entertainment in return for service, which violates regulations related to bribery. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), UK Bribery Act, and FINRA Rule 2320. |
| **Gory images** | Detects images that potentially depict violence and gore. | | **Harassment** | Detects potentially offensive conduct targeting people regarding race, color, religion, national origin. | | **Money laundering (preview)** | Detects signs that may suggest money laundering or engagement in acts to conceal or disguise the origin or destination of proceeds. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as the Bank Secrecy Act, the USA Patriot Act, FINRA Rule 3310, and the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020. |
Communication compliance can use specific built-in trainable and global classifi
| **Regulatory collusion (preview)** | Detects messages that may violate regulatory anti-collusion requirements such as an attempted concealment of sensitive information. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as the Sherman Antitrust Act, Securities Exchange Act 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Investment Advisers Act of 1940, Federal Commission Act, and the Robinson-Patman Act. | | **Stock manipulation (preview)** | Detects signs of possible stock manipulation, such as recommendations to buy, sell or hold stocks that may suggest an attempt to manipulate the stock price. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, FINRA Rule 2372, and FINRA Rule 5270. | | **Threat** | Detects potential threats to commit violence or physical harm to a person or property. |
-| **Unauthorized disclosure (preview)** | Detects sharing of information containing content that is explicitly designated as confidential or internal to unauthorized individuals. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as FINRA Rule 2010 and SEC Rule 10b-5. |
+| **Unauthorized disclosure (preview)** | Detects sharing of information containing content that is explicitly designated as confidential or internal to unauthorized individuals. This classifier can help customers manage regulatory compliance obligations such as FINRA Rule 2010 and SEC Rule 10b-5. |
> [!IMPORTANT] > Preview classifiers may detect a large volume of bulk sender/newsletter content due to a known issue. While these classifiers are in preview, you can mitigate the detection of large volumes of bulk sender/newsletter content by adding the [*Message is not sent to any of these domains* condition](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#conditional-settings) to your polices with a list of domains to exclude.
The following table explains more about each condition.
|:--|:--| | **Content matches any of these classifiers** | Apply to the policy when any classifiers are included or excluded in a message. Some classifiers are pre-defined in your organization, and custom classifiers must be configured separately before they're available for this condition. Only one classifier can be defined as a condition in a policy. For more information about configuring classifiers, see [Learn about trainable classifiers (preview)](/microsoft-365/compliance/classifier-learn-about). | | **Content contains any of these sensitive info types** | Apply to the policy when any sensitive information types are included or excluded in a message. Some classifiers are pre-defined in your tenant, and custom classifiers can be configured separately or as part of the condition assignment process. Each sensitive information type you choose is applied separately and only one of these sensitive information types must apply for the policy to apply to the message. For more information about custom sensitive information types, see [Learn about sensitive information types](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitive-information-type-learn-about). |
-| **Message is received from any of these domains** <br><br> **Message is not received from any of these domains** | Apply the policy to include or exclude specific domains in received messages. Enter each domain and separate multiple domains with a comma. Each domain entered is applied separately, only one domain must apply for the policy to apply to the message. If you want to use **Message is received from any of these domains** to look for messages from specific emails address you need to combine this with another condition like **Message contains any of these words** or **Content matches any of these classifiers** or you might get unexpected results. <br><br> If you want to scan all email from a specific domain, but want to exclude messages that don't need review (newsletters, announcements, and so on), you must configure a **Message is not received from any of these domains** condition that excludes the email address (example newsletter@contoso.com). |
-| **Message is sent to any of these domains** <br><br> **Message is not sent to any of these domains** | Apply the policy to include or exclude specific domains in sent messages. Enter each domain and separate multiple domains with a comma. Each domain is applied separately, only one domain must apply for the policy to apply to the message. <br><br> If you want to exclude all emails sent to two specific domains, you'd configure the **Message is not sent to any of these domains** condition with the two domains (example 'contoso.com,wingtiptoys.com'). |
-| **Message is classified with any of these labels** <br><br> **Message is not classified with any of these labels** | To apply the policy when certain retention labels are included or excluded in a message. Retention labels must be configured separately and configured labels are chosen as part of this condition. Each label you choose is applied separately (only one of these labels must apply for the policy to apply to the message). For more information about retention labels, see [Learn about retention policies and retention labels](/microsoft-365/compliance/retention).|
-| **Message contains any of these words** <br><br> **Message contains none of these words** | To apply the policy when certain words or phrases are included or excluded in a message, enter each word separated with a comma. For phrases of two words or more, use quotation marks around the phrase. Each word or phrase you enter is applied separately (only one word must apply for the policy to apply to the message). For more information about entering words or phrases, see the next section [Matching words and phrases to emails or attachments](#matching-words-and-phrases-to-emails-or-attachments).|
-| **Attachment contains any of these words** <br><br> **Attachment contains none of these words** | To apply the policy when certain words or phrases are included or excluded in a message attachment (such as a Word document), enter each word separated with a comma. For phrases of two words or more, use quotation marks around the phrase. Each word or phrase you enter is applied separately (only one word must apply for the policy to apply to the attachment). For more information about entering words or phrases, see the next section [Matching words and phrases to emails or attachments](#matching-words-and-phrases-to-emails-or-attachments).|
-| **Attachment is any of these file types** <br><br> **Attachment is none of these file types** | To supervise communications that include or exclude specific types of attachments, enter the file extensions (such as .exe or .pdf). If you want to include or exclude multiple file extensions, enter file types separated by a comma (example *.exe,.pdf,.zip*). Only one attachment extension must match for the policy to apply.|
-| **Message size is larger than** <br><br> **Message size is not larger than** | To review messages based on a certain size, use these conditions to specify the maximum or minimum size a message can be before it's subject to review. For example, if you specify **Message size is larger than** \> **1.0 MB**, all messages that are 1.01 MB and larger are subject to review. You can choose bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes for this condition.|
-| **Attachment is larger than** <br><br> **Attachment is not larger than** | To review messages based on the size of their attachments, specify the maximum or minimum size an attachment can be before the message and its attachments are subject to review. For example, if you specify **Attachment is larger than** \> **2.0 MB**, all messages with attachments 2.01 MB and over are subject to review. You can choose bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes for this condition.|
+| **Message is received from any of these domains** <br><br> **Message is not received from any of these domains** | Apply the policy to include or exclude specific domains in received messages. Enter each domain and separate multiple domains with a comma. Each domain entered is applied separately, only one domain must apply for the policy to apply to the message. If you want to use **Message is received from any of these domains** to look for messages from specific emails address you need to combine this with another condition like **Message contains any of these words** or **Content matches any of these classifiers** or you might get unexpected results. <br><br> If you want to scan all email from a specific domain, but want to exclude messages that don't need review (newsletters, announcements, and so on), you must configure a **Message is not received from any of these domains** condition that excludes the email address (example newsletter@contoso.com). |
+| **Message is sent to any of these domains** <br><br> **Message is not sent to any of these domains** | Apply the policy to include or exclude specific domains in sent messages. Enter each domain and separate multiple domains with a comma. Each domain is applied separately, only one domain must apply for the policy to apply to the message. <br><br> If you want to exclude all emails sent to two specific domains, you'd configure the **Message is not sent to any of these domains** condition with the two domains (example 'contoso.com,wingtiptoys.com'). |
+| **Message is classified with any of these labels** <br><br> **Message is not classified with any of these labels** | To apply the policy when certain retention labels are included or excluded in a message. Retention labels must be configured separately and configured labels are chosen as part of this condition. Each label you choose is applied separately (only one of these labels must apply for the policy to apply to the message). For more information about retention labels, see [Learn about retention policies and retention labels](/microsoft-365/compliance/retention).|
+| **Message contains any of these words** <br><br> **Message contains none of these words** | To apply the policy when certain words or phrases are included or excluded in a message, enter each word separated with a comma. For phrases of two words or more, use quotation marks around the phrase. Each word or phrase you enter is applied separately (only one word must apply for the policy to apply to the message). For more information about entering words or phrases, see the next section [Matching words and phrases to emails or attachments](#matching-words-and-phrases-to-emails-or-attachments).|
+| **Attachment contains any of these words** <br><br> **Attachment contains none of these words** | To apply the policy when certain words or phrases are included or excluded in a message attachment (such as a Word document), enter each word separated with a comma. For phrases of two words or more, use quotation marks around the phrase. Each word or phrase you enter is applied separately (only one word must apply for the policy to apply to the attachment). For more information about entering words or phrases, see the next section [Matching words and phrases to emails or attachments](#matching-words-and-phrases-to-emails-or-attachments).|
+| **Attachment is any of these file types** <br><br> **Attachment is none of these file types** | To supervise communications that include or exclude specific types of attachments, enter the file extensions (such as .exe or .pdf). If you want to include or exclude multiple file extensions, enter file types separated by a comma (example *.exe,.pdf,.zip*). Only one attachment extension must match for the policy to apply.|
+| **Message size is larger than** <br><br> **Message size is not larger than** | To review messages based on a certain size, use these conditions to specify the maximum or minimum size a message can be before it's subject to review. For example, if you specify **Message size is larger than** \> **1.0 MB**, all messages that are 1.01 MB and larger are subject to review. You can choose bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes for this condition.|
+| **Attachment is larger than** <br><br> **Attachment is not larger than** | To review messages based on the size of their attachments, specify the maximum or minimum size an attachment can be before the message and its attachments are subject to review. For example, if you specify **Attachment is larger than** \> **2.0 MB**, all messages with attachments 2.01 MB and over are subject to review. You can choose bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes for this condition.|
#### Matching words and phrases to emails or attachments
compliance Communication Compliance Reports Audits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-reports-audits.md
# Use communication compliance reports and audits
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
compliance Communication Compliance Siem https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-siem.md
# Use communication compliance with SIEM solutions
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
[Communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) is an insider risk solution in Microsoft Purview that helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on potentially inappropriate messages in your organization. Security information and event management (SIEM) solutions such as [Microsoft Sentinel](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-sentinel) or [Splunk](https://www.splunk.com/) are commonly used to aggregate and track threats within an organization.
-A common need for organizations is to integrate communication compliance alerts and their SIEM solutions. With this integration, organizations can view communication compliance alerts in their SIEM solution and then remediate alerts within the communication compliance workflow and user experience.
+A common need for organizations is to integrate communication compliance alerts and their SIEM solutions. With this integration, organizations can view communication compliance alerts in their SIEM solution and then remediate alerts within the communication compliance workflow and user experience.
For example, an employee sends an offensive message to another employee and that message is detected by a communication compliance policy for potentially inappropriate content. Events such as this are tracked in Microsoft 365 Audit (also known as "unified audit log") by the communication compliance solution and are then imported into the SIEM solution. Alerts triggered in the SIEM solution that are included in the Microsoft 365 Audit are then associated with communication compliance alerts. Investigators are notified of these alerts in their SIEM solution, and then they can then investigate and remediate the corresponding alerts in the communication compliance dashboard.
The following table shows sample search results for different policy types:
| Policy types | Example search results | | : | : | | Policy detecting a custom sensitive information type keyword list | { <br> CreationTime: 2022-09-17T16:29:57 <br> ID: 4b9ce23d-ee60-4f66-f38d-08d979f8631f <br> IsPolicyHit: true <br> ObjectId: <CY1PR05MB27158B96AF7F3AFE62E1F762CFDD9@CY1PR05MB2715.namprd05.prod.outlook.com> <br> Operation: SupervisionRuleMatch <br> OrganizationId: d6a06676-95e8-4632-b949-44bc00f0793f <br> RecordType: 68 <br> ResultStatus: {"ItemClass":"IPM.Note","CcsiResults":"leak"} <br> SRPolicyMatchDetails: { [+] } <br> UserId: user1@contoso.OnMicrosoft.com <br> UserKey: SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent <br> UserType: 0 <br> Version: 1 <br> Workload: Exchange <br> } |
-| Policy detecting potentially inappropriate language | { <br> CreationTime: 2022-09-17T23:44:35 <br> ID: e0ef6f54-9a52-4e4c-9584-08d97a351ad0 <br> IsPolicyHit: true <br> ObjectId: <BN6PR05MB3571AD9FBB85C4E12C1F66B4CCDD9@BN6PR05MB3571.namprd05.prod.outlook.com> <br> Operation: SupervisionRuleMatch <br> OrganizationId: d6a06676-95e8-4632-b949-44bc00f0793f <br> RecordType: 68 <br> ResultStatus: {"ItemClass":"IPM.Yammer.Message","CcsiResults":""} <br> SRPolicyMatchDetails: { [+] } <br> UserId: user1@contoso.com <br> UserKey: SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent <br> UserType: 0 <br> Version: 1 <br> } |
+| Policy detecting potentially inappropriate language | { <br> CreationTime: 2022-09-17T23:44:35 <br> ID: e0ef6f54-9a52-4e4c-9584-08d97a351ad0 <br> IsPolicyHit: true <br> ObjectId: <BN6PR05MB3571AD9FBB85C4E12C1F66B4CCDD9@BN6PR05MB3571.namprd05.prod.outlook.com> <br> Operation: SupervisionRuleMatch <br> OrganizationId: d6a06676-95e8-4632-b949-44bc00f0793f <br> RecordType: 68 <br> ResultStatus: {"ItemClass":"IPM.Yammer.Message","CcsiResults":""} <br> SRPolicyMatchDetails: { [+] } <br> UserId: user1@contoso.com <br> UserKey: SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent <br> UserType: 0 <br> Version: 1 <br> } |
## Configure communication compliance with other SIEM solutions
For example, the following is a sample search using the **Operations** parameter
```powershell Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -Operations SupervisionRuleMatch | ft CreationDate,UserIds,AuditData ```+ The following is a sample search using the **RecordsType** parameter and the *ComplianceSupervisionExchange* value: ```powershell Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -RecordType ComplianceSuperVisionExchange | ft CreationDate,UserIds,AuditData ```+ ## Resources - [Communication compliance auditing](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-reports-audits#audit)
compliance Communication Compliance Solution Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-solution-overview.md
# Communication compliance
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
Protecting sensitive information and detecting and acting on workplace harassment incidents is an important part of compliance with internal policies and standards. Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance helps minimize these risks by helping you quickly detect, capture, and take remediation actions for email and Microsoft Teams communications. These include potentially inappropriate communications containing profanity, threats, and harassment and communications that share sensitive information inside and outside of your organization.
compliance Communication Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance.md
# Learn about communication compliance > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance is an insider risk solution that helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on potentially inappropriate messages in your organization. Pre-defined and custom policies allow you to check internal and external communications for policy matches so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can investigate email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications in your organization and take appropriate actions to make sure they're compliant with your organization's message standards.
compliance Import Hr Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/import-hr-data.md
The type of HR data to import depends on the insider risk management policy and
| Data theft by departing users | Employee resignations| | General data leaks | Not applicable| | Data leaks by priority users | Not applicable |
-| Data leaks by disgruntled users | Job level changes, Performance reviews, Performance improvement plans|
+| Data leaks by risky users | Job level changes, Performance reviews, Performance improvement plans|
| General security policy violations | Not applicable | | Security policy violations by departing users | Employee resignations| | Security policy violations by priority users | Not applicable|
-| Security policy violations by disgruntled users| Job level changes, Performance reviews, Performance improvement plans |
+| Security policy violations by risky users| Job level changes, Performance reviews, Performance improvement plans |
| Offensive language in email | Not applicable | | Healthcare policy| Employee profile | |||
compliance Insider Risk Management Activities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-activities.md
Use the following sections and tabs on the Alert detail page for more informatio
This section contains general information about the user and alert. This information is available for context while reviewing detailed information about the detected risk management activity included in the alert for the user: - **Activity that generated this alert**: Displays the top potentially risky activity and policy match during the activity evaluation period that led to the alert being generated.-- **Triggering event**: Displays the most recent triggering event that prompted the policy to start assigning risk scores to the user's activity. If you've configured [integration with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#integration-with-insider-risk-management-preview) for *Data leaks by disgruntled users* or *Security policy violations by disgruntled users* policies, the triggering event for these alerts will be scoped to communication compliance activity.
+- **Triggering event**: Displays the most recent triggering event that prompted the policy to start assigning risk scores to the user's activity. If you've configured [integration with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#integration-with-insider-risk-management-preview) for *Data leaks by risky users* or *Security policy violations by risky users* policies, the triggering event for these alerts will be scoped to communication compliance activity.
- **User profile**: Displays general information about the user assigned to the alert. If anonymization is enabled, the username, email address, alias, and organization fields are anonymized. - **User alert history**: Displays a list of alerts for the user for the last 30 days. Includes a link to view the complete alert history for the user.
compliance Insider Risk Management Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure.md
Insider risk management supports importing user and log data imported from 3rd-p
The Microsoft 365 HR connector is required when using the following policy templates: -- Data leaks by disgruntled users
+- Data leaks by risky users
- Departing user data theft - General patient data misuse - Security policy violations by departing users-- Security policy violations by disgruntled users
+- Security policy violations by risky users
See the [Set up a connector to import HR data](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector for your organization. After you've configured the HR connector, return to these configuration steps.
Insider risk management policies include assigned users and define which types o
If you've selected other policy templates, custom triggering events aren't supported. The built-in policy triggering events apply and you'll continue to Step 23 without defining policy attributes.
-14. If you've selected the *Data leaks by disgruntled users* or *Security policy violations by disgruntled users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for integration with communication compliance and HR data connector events. You have the choice to assign risk scores when users send messages that contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language or to bring users into the the policy scope after disgruntlement events are reported in your HR system. If you select the **Disgruntlement triggers from communication compliance (preview)** option, you can accept the default communication compliance policy (automatically created), choose a previously created policy scope for this trigger, or create another scoped policy. If you select **HR data connector events**, you must configure a HR data connector for your organization.
+14. If you've selected the *Data leaks by risky users* or *Security policy violations by risky users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for integration with communication compliance and HR data connector events. You have the choice to assign risk scores when users send messages that contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language or to bring users into the the policy scope after risky user events are reported in your HR system. If you select the **Risk triggers from communication compliance (preview)** option, you can accept the default communication compliance policy (automatically created), choose a previously created policy scope for this trigger, or create another scoped policy. If you select **HR data connector events**, you must configure a HR data connector for your organization.
15. Select **Next** to continue. 16. If you've selected the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates and have selected the **User performs an exfiltration activity and associated indicators**, you can choose custom or default thresholds for the indicator triggering events that you've selected. Choose either the **Use default thresholds (Recommended)** or **Use custom thresholds for the triggering events**. 17. Select **Next** to continue.
compliance Insider Risk Management Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-plan.md
If you don't have an existing Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try i
- When using the **Data theft by departing users** template, you must configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import resignation and termination date information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector. - When using the **Data leaks** template, you must configure at least one Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy to define sensitive information in your organization and to receive insider risk alerts for High Severity DLP policy alerts. See the [Create, test, and tune a DLP policy](create-test-tune-dlp-policy.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure DLP policies. - When using the **Security policy violation** template, you must enable Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defender Security Center to import security violation alerts. For step-by-step guidance to enable Defender for Endpoint integration with insider risk management, see [Configure advanced features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features).-- When using the **Disgruntled user** template, you must configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import performance or demotion status information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector.
+- When using the **Risky user** template, you must configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import performance or demotion status information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector.
## Test with a small group of users in a production environment
compliance Insider Risk Management Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies.md
Protecting data and preventing data leaks for users in your organization may dep
As with the **General data leaks template**, you can choose a DLP policy to trigger indicators in the insider risk policy for high severity alerts in your organization. Follow the Data leaks policy guidelines for DLP policies when creating a policy with the DLP option when using this template. You can also choose to assign selected indicators as triggering events for a policy. This flexibility and customization help scope the policy to only the activities covered by the indicators. Additionally, you'll need to assign priority user groups created in **Insider risk management** > **Settings** > **Priority user groups** to the policy.
-### Data leaks by disgruntled users (preview)
+### Data leaks by risky users (preview)
-When users experience employment stressors, they may become disgruntled, which may increase the chances of insider risk activity. This template starts scoring user activity when an indicator associated with disgruntlement is identified. Examples may include performance improvement notifications, poor performance reviews, changes to job level status, or email and other messages that may signal disgruntlement. Data leaks for disgruntled users may include downloading files from SharePoint Online and copying data to personal cloud messaging and storage services.
+When users experience employment stressors, they may become risky users, which may increase the chances of insider risk activity. This template starts scoring user activity when an indicator associated with risky user is identified. Examples may include performance improvement notifications, poor performance reviews, changes to job level status, or email and other messages that may signal risk activities. Data leaks for risky users may include downloading files from SharePoint Online and copying data to personal cloud messaging and storage services.
-When using this template, you must either configure a HR connector, select the option to [integrate communication compliance disgruntlement signals](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) from user messages, or choose both. The HR connector enables the periodic import of performance improvement notifications, poor performance review statuses, or job level change information for users in your organization. Communication compliance disgruntlement integration imports signals for user messages that may contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory text content. Associated alerts generated in Communication Compliance do not need to be triaged, remediated, or changed in status to be integrated with the insider risk management policy.
+When using this template, you must either configure a HR connector, select the option to [integrate communication compliance risk signals](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) from user messages, or choose both. The HR connector enables the periodic import of performance improvement notifications, poor performance review statuses, or job level change information for users in your organization. Communication compliance risk integration imports signals for user messages that may contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory text content. Associated alerts generated in Communication Compliance do not need to be triaged, remediated, or changed in status to be integrated with the insider risk management policy.
To configure a HR connector, see the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article. To configure integration with communication compliance, you'll select this option in the wizard when you configure the policy.
When using this policy template, you'll need several prerequisites. For more inf
Departing users, whether leaving on positive or negative terms, may be higher risks for security policy violations. To help protect against inadvertent or malicious security violations for departing users, this policy template uses Defender for Endpoint alerts to provide insights into security-related activities. These activities include the user installing malware or other potentially harmful applications and disabling security features on their devices. By using either the [Microsoft HR connector](import-hr-data.md) or the option to automatically check for user account deletion in Azure Active Directory for your organization, this template starts scoring for risk indicators relating to these security activities and how they correlate with user employment status.
-You'll need to have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configured in your organization and enable Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defender Security Center to import security violation alerts. For more information on configuring Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration, see [Configure advanced features in Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features#share-endpoint-alerts-with-microsoft-compliance-center).
+You'll need to have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configured in your organization and enable Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defenfder Security Center to import security violation alerts. For more information on configuring Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration, see [Configure advanced features in Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features#share-endpoint-alerts-with-microsoft-compliance-center).
### Security policy violations by priority users (preview)
Protecting against security violations for users in your organization may depend
You'll need to have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configured in your organization and enable Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defender Security Center to import security violation alerts. For more information on configuring Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration, see [Configure advanced features in Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features#share-endpoint-alerts-with-microsoft-compliance-center). Additionally, you'll need to assign priority user groups created in **Insider risk management** > **Settings** > **Priority user groups** to the policy.
-### Security policy violations by disgruntled users (preview)
+### Security policy violations by risky users (preview)
-Users that experience employment stressors may be at a higher risk for inadvertent or malicious security policy violations. These stressors may result in behaviors that result in the user being placed on a performance improvement plan, a poor performance review status, being demoted from their current position, or the user sending email and other messages that may signal disgruntlement. This policy template starts risk scoring based on these indicators and activities associated with these events for these users.
+Users that experience employment stressors may be at a higher risk for inadvertent or malicious security policy violations. These stressors may result in behaviors that result in the user being placed on a performance improvement plan, a poor performance review status, being demoted from their current position, or the user sending email and other messages that may signal risky behavior. This policy template starts risk scoring based on these indicators and activities associated with these events for these users.
-When using this template, you must configure a HR connector, or select the option to [integrate communication compliance disgruntlement signals](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) from user messages, or both. The HR connector enables the periodic import of performance improvement notifications, poor performance review statuses, or job level change information for users in your organization. Communication compliance disgruntlement integration imports signals for user messages that may contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory text content. Associated alerts generated in communication compliance do not need to be triaged, remediated, or changed in status to be integrated with the insider risk management policy. To configure a HR connector, see the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article. To configure integration with communication compliance, you'll select this option in wizard when you configure the policy.
+When using this template, you must configure a HR connector, or select the option to [integrate communication compliance risk signals](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) from user messages, or both. The HR connector enables the periodic import of performance improvement notifications, poor performance review statuses, or job level change information for users in your organization. Communication compliance risk integration imports signals for user messages that may contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory text content. Associated alerts generated in communication compliance do not need to be triaged, remediated, or changed in status to be integrated with the insider risk management policy. To configure a HR connector, see the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article. To configure integration with communication compliance, you'll select this option in wizard when you configure the policy.
You'll also need to have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configured in your organization and enable Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defender Security Center to import security violation alerts. For more information on configuring Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration, see [Configure advanced features in Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features#share-endpoint-alerts-with-microsoft-compliance-center).
The following table lists the triggering events and prerequisites for policies c
| **Data theft by departing users** | Resignation or termination date indicator from HR connector or Azure Active Directory account deletion | (optional) Microsoft 365 HR connector configured for termination and resignation date indicators | | **General data leaks** | Data leak policy activity that creates a *High severity* alert or built-in exfiltration event triggers | DLP policy configured for *High severity* alerts <br><br> OR <br><br> Customized triggering indicators | | **Data leaks by priority users** | Data leak policy activity that creates a *High severity* alert or built-in exfiltration event triggers | DLP policy configured for *High severity* alerts <br><br> OR <br><br> Customized triggering indicators <br><br> Priority user groups configured in insider risk settings |
-| **Data leaks by disgruntled users** | - Performance improvement, poor performance, or job level change indicators from HR connector. <br> - Messages containing potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language | Microsoft 365 HR connector configured for disgruntlement indicators <br><br> AND/OR <br><br> Communication Compliance integration and dedicated disgruntlement policy |
+| **Data leaks by risky users** | - Performance improvement, poor performance, or job level change indicators from HR connector. <br> - Messages containing potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language | Microsoft 365 HR connector configured for risk indicators <br><br> AND/OR <br><br> Communication Compliance integration and dedicated risky user policy |
| **General security policy violations** | Defense evasion of security controls or unwanted software detected by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint | Active Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription <br><br> Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Microsoft Purview compliance portal configured | | **General patient data misuse** | Defense evasion of security controls from EMR systems <br><br> User and patient address matching indicators from HR systems | Healthcare access indicators selected in policy or insider risk settings <br><br> Microsoft 365 HR connector configured for address matching <br><br> Microsoft Healthcare or Epic connector configured | | **General risky browser usage** | User browsing activity related to security that matches at least one selected *Browsing indicator* | See the complete list of prerequisites in the [browser signal detection article](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-browser-support) | | **Security policy violations by departing users** | Resignation or termination date indicators from HR connector or Azure Active Directory account deletion | (optional) Microsoft 365 HR connector configured for termination and resignation date indicators <br><br> Active Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription <br><br> Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Microsoft Purview compliance portal configured | | **Security policy violations by priority users** | Defense evasion of security controls or unwanted software detected by Microsoft Defender for Endpoint | Active Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription <br><br> Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Microsoft Purview compliance portal configured <br><br> Priority user groups configured in insider risk settings |
-| **Security policy violations by disgruntled user** | - Performance improvement, poor performance, or job level change indicators from HR connector. <br> - Messages containing potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language | Microsoft 365 HR connector configured for disgruntlement indicators <br><br> AND/OR <br><br> Communication Compliance integration and dedicated disgruntlement policy <br><br> AND <br><br> Active Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription <br><br> Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Microsoft Purview compliance portal configured |
+| **Security policy violations by risky users** | - Performance improvement, poor performance, or job level change indicators from HR connector. <br> - Messages containing potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language | Microsoft 365 HR connector configured for risk indicators <br><br> AND/OR <br><br> Communication Compliance integration and dedicated risky user policy <br><br> AND <br><br> Active Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription <br><br> Microsoft Defender for Endpoint integration with Microsoft Purview compliance portal configured |
## Prioritize content in policies
Risk management activities may not occur as isolated events. These risks are fre
- Data theft by departing users - General data leaks - Data leaks by priority users-- Data leaks by disgruntled users
+- Data leaks by risky users
These insider risk management policies can use specific indicators and the order that they occur to detect each step in a sequence of risk. For policies created from the *General data leaks* and *Data leaks by priority user* templates, you can also select which sequences trigger the policy. File names are used when mapping activities across a sequence. These risks are organized into four main sequence detection types:
Cumulative exfiltration detection is enabled by default when using the following
- Data theft by departing users - General data leaks - Data leaks by priority users-- Data leaks by disgruntled users
+- Data leaks by risky users
> [!NOTE] > Cumulative exfiltration detection uses exfiltration indicators that are enabled in the global settings for insider risk management and exfiltration indicators that are selected in a policy. As such, cumulative exfiltration detection is only evaluated for the necessary exfiltration indicators selected. Cumulative exfiltration activities for [sensitivity labels](sensitivity-labels.md) configured in priority content generate higher risk scores.
Use the following table to learn more about recommendations and warning notifica
|**No indicators have been selected for this policy**| All policy templates | Indicators haven't been selected for the policy <br><br> Edit your policy and select appropriate policy indicators for the policy.| |**No priority user groups are included in this policy**|- Data leaks by priority users <br> - Security policy violations by priority users|Priority user groups aren't assigned to the policy. <br><br> Configure priority user groups in Insider risk management settings and assign priority user groups to the policy.| |**No triggering event has been selected for this policy**| All policy templates | A triggering event isn't configured for the policy <br><br> Risk scores won't be assigned to user activities until you edit the policy and select a triggering event.|
-|**HR connector isn't configured or working as expected**|- Data theft by departing user <br> - Security policy violations by departing user <br> - Data leaks by disgruntled users <br> - Security policy violations by disgruntled users|There's an issue with the HR connector. <br><br> 1. If you're using an HR connector, check that your HR connector is sending correct data <br><br> OR <br><br> 2. Select the Azure AD account deleted triggering event.|
-|**No devices are onboarded**|- Data theft by departing users <br> - General data leaks <br> - Data leaks by disgruntled users <br> - Data Leaks by priority users|Device indicators are selected but there aren't any devices onboarded to the compliance portal <br><br> Check whether devices are onboarded and meet requirements.|
-|**HR connector hasn't uploaded data recently**|- Data theft by departing user <br> - Security policy violations by departing user <br> - Data leaks by disgruntled users <br> - Security policy violations by disgruntled users|HR connector hasn't imported data in more than 7 days. <br><br> Check that your HR connector is configured correctly and sending data.|
-|**We're unable to check the status of your HR connector right now, please check again later**|- Data theft by departing user <br> - Security policy violations by departing user <br> - Data leaks by disgruntled users <br> - Security policy violations by disgruntled users|The insider risk management solution is unable to check the status of your HR connector. <br><br> Check that your HR connector is configured correctly and sending data, or come back and check the policy status.|
+|**HR connector isn't configured or working as expected**|- Data theft by departing user <br> - Security policy violations by departing user <br> - Data leaks by risky users <br> - Security policy violations by risky users|There's an issue with the HR connector. <br><br> 1. If you're using an HR connector, check that your HR connector is sending correct data <br><br> OR <br><br> 2. Select the Azure AD account deleted triggering event.|
+|**No devices are onboarded**|- Data theft by departing users <br> - General data leaks <br> - Data leaks by risky users <br> - Data Leaks by priority users|Device indicators are selected but there aren't any devices onboarded to the compliance portal <br><br> Check whether devices are onboarded and meet requirements.|
+|**HR connector hasn't uploaded data recently**|- Data theft by departing user <br> - Security policy violations by departing user <br> - Data leaks by risky users <br> - Security policy violations by risky users|HR connector hasn't imported data in more than 7 days. <br><br> Check that your HR connector is configured correctly and sending data.|
+|**We're unable to check the status of your HR connector right now, please check again later**|- Data theft by departing user <br> - Security policy violations by departing user <br> - Data leaks by risky users <br> - Security policy violations by risky users|The insider risk management solution is unable to check the status of your HR connector. <br><br> Check that your HR connector is configured correctly and sending data, or come back and check the policy status.|
|**DLP policy isn't selected as the triggering event**|- General Data leaks <br> - Data leaks by priority users|A DLP policy hasn't been selected as a triggering event or the selected DLP policy has been deleted. <br><br> Edit the policy and either select an active DLP policy or 'User performs an exfiltration activity' as the triggering event in the policy configuration.| |**DLP policy used in this policy is turned off** |- General Data leaks <br> - Data leaks by priority users|DLP policy used in this policy is turned off. <br><br> 1. Turn the DLP policy assigned to this policy on. <br><br> OR <br><br> 2. Edit this policy and either select a new DLP policy or 'User performs an exfiltration activity' as the triggering event in the policy configuration.| |**DLP policy doesn't meet requirements**|- General Data leaks <br> - Data leaks by priority users|DLP policies used as triggering events must be configured to generate high severity alerts. <br><br> 1. Edit your DLP policy to assign applicable alerts as *High severity*. <br><br> OR <br><br> 2. Edit this policy and select *User performs an exfiltration activity* as the triggering event.|
-|**Your organization doesn't have a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription**|- General security policy violations <br> - Security policy violations by departing users <br> - Security policy violations by disgruntled users <br> - Security policy violations by priority users|An active Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription wasn't detected for your organization. <br><br> Until a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription is added, these policies won't assign risk scores to user activity.|
-|**Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts aren't being shared with the compliance portal**|- General security policy violations <br> - Security policy violations by departing users <br> - Security policy violations by disgruntled users <br> - Security policy violations by priority users|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts aren't being shared with the compliance portal. <br><br> Configure sharing of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts.|
+|**Your organization doesn't have a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription**|- General security policy violations <br> - Security policy violations by departing users <br> - Security policy violations by risky users <br> - Security policy violations by priority users|An active Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription wasn't detected for your organization. <br><br> Until a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint subscription is added, these policies won't assign risk scores to user activity.|
+|**Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts aren't being shared with the compliance portal**|- General security policy violations <br> - Security policy violations by departing users <br> - Security policy violations by risky users <br> - Security policy violations by priority users|Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts aren't being shared with the compliance portal. <br><br> Configure sharing of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts.|
|**You're approaching the maximum limit of users being actively scored for this policy template**|All policy templates|Each policy template has a maximum number of in-scope users. See the template limit section details. <br><br> Review the users in the Users tab and remove any users who don't need to be scored anymore.| |**Triggering event is repeatedly occurring for over 15% of users in this policy**|All policy templates|Adjust the triggering event to help reduce how often users are brought into the policy scope.|
Use the following table to determine the maximum number of in-scope users suppor
|**Policy template**|**Current in-scope user maximum**| |:|:--| |General data leak|15,000|
-|Data leak by disgruntled users|7,500|
+|Data leak by risky users|7,500|
|Data leak by priority users|1,000| |Data theft by departing users|20,000| |General security policy violations|1,000|
Use the following table to determine the maximum number of in-scope users suppor
|General risky browser usage|7,000| |Security policy violation by priority users|1,000| |Security policy violations by departing users|15,000|
-|Security policy violations by disgruntled users|7,500|
+|Security policy violations by risky users|7,500|
|Forensic evidence|5 users for preview release| ## Create a new policy
Complete the following steps to create a new policy using the policy wizard:
If you've selected other policy templates, custom triggering events aren't supported. The built-in policy triggering events apply and you'll continue to Step 23 without defining policy attributes.
-14. If you've selected the *Data leaks by disgruntled users* or *Security policy violations by disgruntled users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for integration with communication compliance and HR data connector events. You have the choice to assign risk scores when users send messages that contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language or to bring users into the the policy scope after disgruntlement events are reported in your HR system. If you select the **Disgruntlement triggers from communication compliance (preview)** option, you can accept the default communication compliance policy (automatically created), choose a previously created policy scope for this trigger, or create another scoped policy. If you select **HR data connector events**, you must configure a HR data connector for your organization.
+14. If you've selected the *Data leaks by risky users* or *Security policy violations by risky users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for integration with communication compliance and HR data connector events. You have the choice to assign risk scores when users send messages that contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language or to bring users into the the policy scope after risky user events are reported in your HR system. If you select the **Risk triggers from communication compliance (preview)** option, you can accept the default communication compliance policy (automatically created), choose a previously created policy scope for this trigger, or create another scoped policy. If you select **HR data connector events**, you must configure a HR data connector for your organization.
15. Select **Next** to continue. 16. If you've selected the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates and have selected the **User performs an exfiltration activity and associated indicators**, you can choose custom or default thresholds for the indicator triggering events that you've selected. Choose either the **Use default thresholds (Recommended)** or **Use custom thresholds for the triggering events**. 17. Select **Next** to continue.
Complete the following steps to manage an existing policy:
If you've selected other policy templates, custom triggering events aren't supported. The built-in policy triggering events apply and you'll continue to Step 23 without defining policy attributes.
-14. If you've selected the *Data leaks by disgruntled users* or *Security policy violations by disgruntled users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for [integration with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) and HR data connector events. You have the choice to assign risk scores when users send messages that contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language or to bring users into the the policy scope after disgruntlement events are reported in your HR system. If you select the **Disgruntlement triggers from communication compliance (preview)** option, you can accept the default communication compliance policy (automatically created), choose a previously created policy scope for this trigger, or create another scoped policy. If you select **HR data connector events**, you must configure a HR data connector for your organization.
+14. If you've selected the *Data leaks by risky users* or *Security policy violations by risky users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for [integration with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) and HR data connector events. You have the choice to assign risk scores when users send messages that contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language or to bring users into the the policy scope after risky user events are reported in your HR system. If you select the **Risk triggers from communication compliance (preview)** option, you can accept the default communication compliance policy (automatically created), choose a previously created policy scope for this trigger, or create another scoped policy. If you select **HR data connector events**, you must configure a HR data connector for your organization.
15. Select **Next** to continue. 16. If you've selected the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates and have selected the **User performs an exfiltration activity and associated indicators**, you can choose custom or default thresholds for the indicator triggering events that you've selected. Choose either the **Use default thresholds (Recommended)** or **Use custom thresholds for the triggering events**. 17. Select **Next** to continue.
compliance Insider Risk Management Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings.md
For each of the following domain settings, you can enter up to 500 domains:
### Sensitive info types exclusion
-By excluding sensitive info types, you can specify which types map to indicators and triggers involving file-related activities for Endpoint, SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, and Exchange. For those files that contain any sensitive info types identified here, they will be risk scored but not shown as activities involving content related to sensitive info types. For a complete list, see [Sensitive information type entity definitions](sensitive-information-type-entity-definitions.md).
+Sensitive info types excluded in settings map to indicators and triggers involving file-related activities for Endpoint, SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, and Exchange. These types will be treated as non-sensitive info types. For those files that contain any sensitive info types identified here, they will be risk scored but not shown as activities involving content related to sensitive info types. For a complete list, see [Sensitive information type entity definitions](sensitive-information-type-entity-definitions.md).
-You can select the sensitive info types to be excluded from the list of all available (out-of-box and custom) types available in the tenant. Insider risk management excludes several sensitive info types by default, such as ABA Routing Number. You can choose up to 100 sensitive info types to be excluded.
+You can select the sensitive info types to be excluded from the list of all available (out-of-box and custom) types available in the tenant. Insider risk management excludes several sensitive info types by default, such as ABA Routing Number. You can choose up to 500 sensitive info types to be excluded.
> [!NOTE] > The exclusion list of sensitive info types takes precedence over the [priority content](insider-risk-management-policies.md#prioritize-content-in-policies) list.
compliance Insider Risk Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management.md
You can select from the following policy templates to quickly get started with i
- [Data theft by departing users](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-theft-by-departing-users) - [General data leaks](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-data-leaks) - [Data leaks by priority users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-priority-users-preview)-- [Data leaks by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-disgruntled-users-preview)
+- [Data leaks by risky users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-risky-users-preview)
- [General security policy violations (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-security-policy-violations-preview) - [General patient data misuse (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-patient-data-misuse-preview) - [Security policy violations by departing users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-departing-users-preview) - [Security policy violations by priority users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-priority-users-preview)-- [Security policy violations by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-disgruntled-users-preview)
+- [Security policy violations by risky users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-risky-users-preview)
![Insider risk management policy dashboard.](../media/insider-risk-policy-dashboard.png)
In most cases, users try their best to properly handle sensitive or confidential
- [General data leaks](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-data-leaks) - [Data leaks by priority users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-priority-users-preview)-- [Data leaks by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-disgruntled-users-preview)
+- [Data leaks by risky users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-risky-users-preview)
### Intentional or unintentional security policy violations (preview)
Users typically have a large degree of control when managing their devices in th
- [General security policy violations (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-security-policy-violations-preview) - [Security policy violations by departing users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-departing-users-preview) - [Security policy violations by priority users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-priority-users-preview)-- [Security policy violations by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-disgruntled-users-preview)
+- [Security policy violations by risky users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-risky-users-preview)
### Policies for users based on position, access level, or risk history (preview)
For organizations in the healthcare industry, recent studies have found a very h
- [General patient data misuse (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-patient-data-misuse-preview)
-### Actions and behaviors by disgruntled users (preview)
+### Actions and behaviors by risky users (preview)
Employment stressor events can impact user behavior in several ways that relate to insider risks. These stressors may be a poor performance review, a position demotion, or the user being placement on a performance review plan. Stressors may also result in potentially inappropriate behavior such as users sending potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language in email and other messages. Though most users don't respond maliciously to these events, the stress of these actions may result in some users to behave in ways they may not normally consider during normal circumstances. To help identify these types of potentially risky activities, the following insider risk management policy templates can use the HR connector and/or integration with a [dedicated communication compliance policy](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#integration-with-insider-risk-management-preview) to bring users into scope for insider risk management policies and start scoring risk indicators relating to behaviors that may occur: -- [Data leaks by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-disgruntled-users-preview)-- [Security policy violations by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-disgruntled-users-preview)
+- [Data leaks by risky users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-risky-users-preview)
+- [Security policy violations by risky users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-risky-users-preview)
### Visual context for potentially risky user activities with forensic evidence (preview)
compliance Keyword Queries And Search Conditions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md
Title: "Keyword queries and search conditions for eDiscovery"
-description: "Learn about email and document properties that you can search by using the eDiscovery search tools in Microsoft 365."
+description: "Learn about email and document properties that you can search by using the eDiscovery search tools in Microsoft Purview."
f1.keywords: - NOCSH
The following table lists email message properties that can be searched by using
|Bcc|The Bcc field of an email message.<sup>1</sup>|`bcc:pilarp@contoso.com` <p> `bcc:pilarp` <p> `bcc:"Pilar Pinilla"`|All examples return messages with *Pilar Pinilla* included in the Bcc field.<br>([See Recipient Expansion](keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md#recipient-expansion))| |Category|The categories to search. Categories can be defined by users by using Outlook or Outlook on the web (formerly known as Outlook Web App). The possible values are: <ul><li>blue<li>green<li>orange<li>purple<li>red<li>yellow</li></ul>|`category:"Red Category"`|Messages that have been assigned the *red* category in the source mailboxes.| |Cc|The Cc field of an email message.<sup>1</sup>|`cc:pilarp@contoso.com` <p> `cc:"Pilar Pinilla"`|In both examples, messages with *Pilar Pinilla* specified in the Cc field.<br>([See Recipient Expansion](keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md#recipient-expansion))|
-|Folderid|The folder ID (GUID) of a specific mailbox folder. If you use this property, be sure to search the mailbox that the specified folder is located in. Only the specified folder will be searched. Any subfolders in the folder won't be searched. To search subfolders, you need to use the *Folderid* property for the subfolder you want to search. <p> For more information about searching for the *Folderid* property and using a script to obtain the folder IDs for a specific mailbox, see [Use Content search for targeted collections](use-content-search-for-targeted-collections.md).|`folderid:4D6DD7F943C29041A65787E30F02AD1F00000000013A0000` <p> `folderid:2370FB455F82FC44BE31397F47B632A70000000001160000 AND participants:garthf@contoso.com`|The first example returns all items in the specified mailbox folder. The second example returns all items in the specified mailbox folder that were sent or received by *garthf@contoso.com*.|
+|Folderid|The folder ID (GUID) of a specific mailbox folder in 48-character format. If you use this property, be sure to search the mailbox that the specified folder is located in. Only the specified folder will be searched. Any subfolders in the folder won't be searched. To search subfolders, you need to use the *Folderid* property for the subfolder you want to search. <p> For more information about searching for the *Folderid* property and using a script to obtain the folder IDs for a specific mailbox, see [Use Content search for targeted collections](use-content-search-for-targeted-collections.md).|`folderid:4D6DD7F943C29041A65787E30F02AD1F00000000013A0000` <p> `folderid:2370FB455F82FC44BE31397F47B632A70000000001160000 AND participants:garthf@contoso.com`|The first example returns all items in the specified mailbox folder. The second example returns all items in the specified mailbox folder that were sent or received by *garthf@contoso.com*.|
|From|The sender of an email message.<sup>1</sup>|`from:pilarp@contoso.com` <p> `from:contoso.com`|Messages sent by the specified user or sent from a specified domain.<br>([See Recipient Expansion](keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md#recipient-expansion))| |HasAttachment|Indicates whether a message has an attachment. Use the values **true** or **false**.|`from:pilar@contoso.com AND hasattachment:true`|Messages sent by the specified user that have attachments.| |Importance|The importance of an email message, which a sender can specify when sending a message. By default, messages are sent with normal importance, unless the sender sets the importance as **high** or **low**.|`importance:high` <p> `importance:medium` <p> `importance:low`|Messages that are marked as high importance, medium importance, or low importance.|
compliance Retention Limits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-limits.md
A maximum of 1,000 retention labels are supported per tenant.
## Maximum number of policies per tenant
-A single tenant can have a maximum of 10,000 policies (any configuration). This maximum number includes the different policies for retention, and other policies for compliance such as policies for DLP, information barriers, eDiscovery holds, Litigation holds, In-Place Holds, and sensitivity labels. However, this maximum excludes:
+A single tenant can have a maximum of 10,000 policies (any configuration). This maximum number includes the different policies for retention, and other policies for compliance such as policies for DLP, information barriers, eDiscovery holds, In-Place Holds, and sensitivity labels. However, this maximum excludes:
- Auto-labeling policies for SharePoint and OneDrive, unless they are for cloud attachments. - Published label policies for SharePoint and OneDrive that delete-only, rather than retain-only, or retain and then delete. - Exchange retention policies from [messaging records management (MRM)](/exchange/security-and-compliance/messaging-records-management/messaging-records-management).
+- Litigation holds
Within this 10,000 policies limit, there are also some limits on the maximum number of policies for retention per workload:
Within this 10,000 policies limit, there are also some limits on the maximum num
- SharePoint or OneDrive (specific locations included or excluded): 2,600 > [!NOTE]
-> These maximum numbers for Exchange and SharePoint are not exclusive to retention but are shared with other types of hold policies that include eDiscovery holds, Litigation holds, and In-Place Holds.
+> These maximum numbers for Exchange and SharePoint are not exclusive to retention but are shared with other types of hold policies that include eDiscovery holds and In-Place Holds.
Although retention policies for Microsoft Teams and Yammer use mailboxes to store data for retention purposes, the maximum number of policies for Exchange Online exclude retention policies for Teams and Yammer.
compliance Sensitivity Labels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels.md
When you create your sensitivity labels in the Microsoft Purview compliance port
You can apply just one sensitivity label to an item such as a document, email, or container. If you set an option that requires your users to provide a justification for changing a label to a lower classification, the order of this list identifies the lower classifications. However, this option does not apply to sublabels that share the priority of their parent label.
-The ordering of sublabels is used with [auto-labeling policies](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md#how-to-configure-auto-labeling-policies-for-sharepoint-onedrive-and-exchange), though. When you configure more than one auto-labeling policy for the same location, multiple matches can result for more than one label. To determine the label to apply, the label ordering is used even with sublabels: The last sensitive label is selected, and then if applicable, the last sublabel.
+The ordering of sublabels is used with [automatic labeling](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md), though. When you configure auto-labeling policies, multiple matches can result for more than one label. Then, the last sensitive label is selected, and then if applicable, the last sublabel. When you configure sublabels themselves (rather than auto-labeling policies) for automatic or recommended labeling, the behavior is a little different when sublabels share the same parent label. For example, a sublabel configured for automatic labeling is preferred over a sublabel configured for recommended labeling. For more information, see [How multiple conditions are evaluated when they apply to more than one label](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md#how-multiple-conditions-are-evaluated-when-they-apply-to-more-than-one-label).
![Option to create a sublabel.](../media/Sensitivity-label-sublabel-options.png)
enterprise Microsoft 365 Ediscovery Throttling Service Advisory https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/microsoft-365-ediscovery-throttling-service-advisory.md
These service advisories are displayed in the Microsoft 365 admin center. To vie
## What does this service advisory indicate?
-The service advisories for eDiscovery throttling inform admins about their tenant being throttled due to number of Search and Export jobs exceeding the limit set by Microsoft. Various limits are applied to eDiscovery search tools in the [Microsoft Purview](/compliance/index.yml) compliance portal. This includes searches run on the [Content Search](/compliance/search-for-content) page and searches that are associated with an eDiscovery case on the [eDiscovery (Standard)](/compliance/get-started-core-ediscovery) page. These limits help to maintain the health and quality of services provided to organizations. These advisories provide awareness so that you can take these limits into consideration when planning, running, and troubleshooting eDiscovery searches and exports.
+The service advisories for eDiscovery throttling inform admins about their tenant being throttled due to number of Search and Export jobs exceeding the limit set by Microsoft. Various limits are applied to eDiscovery search tools in the [Microsoft Purview](~/compliance/index.yml) compliance portal. This includes searches run on the [Content Search](~/compliance/search-for-content.md) page and searches that are associated with an eDiscovery case on the [eDiscovery (Standard)](~/compliance/get-started-core-ediscovery.md) page. These limits help to maintain the health and quality of services provided to organizations. These advisories provide awareness so that you can take these limits into consideration when planning, running, and troubleshooting eDiscovery searches and exports.
-For limits related to the Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Standard) tool, see [Limits for Content search and eDiscovery (Standard) in the compliance center](/compliance/limits-for-content-search?viewFallbackFrom=o365-worldwide%20for%20service%20limits).
+For limits related to the Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Standard) tool, see [Limits for Content search and eDiscovery (Standard) in the compliance center](~/compliance/limits-for-content-search.md?viewFallbackFrom=o365-worldwide%20for%20service%20limits).
### How often will I see these service advisories?
You can expect to see this type of advisory until the time where the Search and
- For information about troubleshooting and resolving eDiscovery compliance issues, see [Microsoft Purview troubleshooting](/troubleshoot/microsoft-365-compliance-welcome). - For information about Microsoft Purview, see [What is Microsoft Purview?](/purview/purview)-- To learn more about Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions, see [Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions](/compliance/ediscovery)
+- To learn more about Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions, see [Microsoft Purview eDiscovery solutions](~/compliance/ediscovery.md)
lti Onedrive Lti Brightspace https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/lti/onedrive-lti-brightspace.md
Title: Integrate Microsoft OneDrive LTI with Desire2Learn Brightspace
-+ audience: admin
The steps to add the OneDrive LTI app are:
1. Sign into the [Microsoft OneDrive LTI Registration Portal](https://onedrivelti.microsoft.com/admin). 1. Select the **Admin Consent** button and accept the permissions.
- >If **Admin Consent** isn't accepted, the next step will give you an error, and you'll have to wait an hour before you can continue.
+ > If **Admin Consent** isn't accepted, the next step will give you an error, and you'll have to wait an hour before you can continue.
+ 1. Select the **Create new LTI Tenant** button. 1. In the **LTI Consumer Platform** list, select **D2L Brightspace**. 1. In the **D2L Brightspace Base URL** field, enter your Brightspace base URL, like `https://myschool.brightspace.com`.
The steps to add the OneDrive LTI app are:
1. Enter a name for the app, like `Microsoft OneDrive LTI App`. 1. In the **Domain** field, enter `https://onedrivelti.microsoft.com`. 1. Navigate to the browser tab with the Microsoft OneDrive LTI Registration Portal to copy the other required values:
- 1. Paste the `ToolOIDCLaunchRedirectUri` value into the **Redirect URLs** field.
+ 1. Paste the `ToolOIDCLaunchRedirectUri` value into the **Redirect URLs** field.
>You'll use this **Redirect URL** value in later steps. 1. Paste the ``OIDCLoginInitiationUri` value into the **OpenID Connect Login URL** field. 1. Paste the `ToolPublicJwksUri` value into the **Keyset URL** field.
To add the OneDrive LTI app to Brightspace's activity bar for quick access, you'
The OneDrive LTI app will now show up in the **Add Existing Content**, **QuickLinks**, and **Insert Stuff** menus in Brightspace.
-Users will see a generic link icon rather than a OneDrive cloud icon. The name shown in the menu will be the name provided in the app's LTI link settings.
+Users will see a generic link icon rather than a OneDrive cloud icon. The name shown in the menu will be the name provided in the app's LTI link settings.
These links can be turned off and on as desired and targeted to specific Orgs and decedents by configuration.
Yes, personal accounts are allowed to open OneDrive to upload the files. There's
### Does the FilePicker support multiple languages?
-The OneDrive LTI FilePicker looks at the LTI language setting parameter passed from the LMS, and (as backup) the browser setting (since the former is an optional claim) to determine the language to use.
+The OneDrive LTI FilePicker looks at the LTI language setting parameter passed from the LMS, and (as backup) the browser setting (since the former is an optional claim) to determine the language to use.
security Android Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-configure.md
Defender for Endpoint on Android allows IT Administrators the ability to configu
> For more information, see [Configure web protection on devices that run Android](/mem/intune/protect/advanced-threat-protection-manage-android). ## Network Protection
->Network Protection on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is now in public preview. The following information relates to prereleased product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
This feature provides protection against rogue Wi-Fi related threats and rogue certificates which are the primary attack vector for Wi-Fi networks. Admins can list the root Certificate Authority (CA) and private root CA certificates in Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin center and establish trust with endpoints. It provides the user a guided experience to connect to secure networks and also notifies them if a related threat is detected. It includes several admin controls to offer flexibility, such as the ability to configure the feature from within the Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin center as well as add trusted certificates. Admins can also enable [privacy controls](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-configure#privacy-controls) to configure the data that is sent by Defender for Endpoint from Android devices.
-Network protection in Microsoft Defender for endpoint is enabled by default. Admins can use the following steps to **configure Network protection in Android devices.**
+Network protection in Microsoft Defender for endpoint is disabled by default. Admins can use the following steps to **configure Network protection in Android devices.**
1. In Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin, navigate to Apps > App configuration policies. Create a new App configuration policy. > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
Network protection in Microsoft Defender for endpoint is enabled by default. Adm
1. Provide a name and description to uniquely identify the policy. Select **'Android Enterprise'** as the platform and **'Personally-owned work profile only'** as the profile type and **'Microsoft Defender'** as the Targeted app. > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![Image of policy details.](images/appconfigdetails.png)
-1. In Settings page, select **'Use configuration designer'** and add **'Enable Network Protection in Microsoft Defender'** as the key and value as **'0'** to disable Network Protection. (Network protection is enabled by default)
+1. In Settings page, select **'Use configuration designer'** and add **'Enable Network Protection in Microsoft Defender'** as the key and value as **'1'** to enable Network Protection. (Network protection is enabled by default)
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![Image of how to select enable network protection policy](images/selectnp.png)
Network protection in Microsoft Defender for endpoint is enabled by default. Adm
> ![Image of add configuration policy.](images/npvalue.png) 1. If your organization uses root CA's which could be private in nature, explicit trust needs to be established between Intune (MDM solution) and user's devices so that defender doesn't detect flag them as rogue certificates.
- To establish trust for the root CAs use **'Trusted CA certificate list for Network Protection (Preview)'** as the key and in value add the **'comma separated list of certificate thumbprints'**.
- > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ To establish trust for the root CAs use **'Trusted CA certificate list for Network Protection'** as the key and in value add the **'comma separated list of certificate thumbprints (SHA 1)'**.
+ **Example of Thumbprint format to added will be**
+ 50 30 06 09 1d 97 d4 f5 ae 39 f7 cb e7 92 7d 7d 65 2d 34 31,
+ 503006091d97d4f5ae39f7cbe7927d7d652d3431
+ > Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint characters should be with either white space saperated, or non separated.
+> This format is invalid
+> 50:30:06:09:1d:97:d4:f5:ae:39:f7:cb:e7:92:7d:7d:65:2d:34:31
+Any other separation characters are invalid.
> ![Image of trusted CA certificate.](images/trustca.png)
-1. For other configurations related to Network protection, add the following keys and appropriate corresponding value.
+5. For other configurations related to Network protection, add the following keys and appropriate corresponding value.
<br> | Configuration Key| Description| |||
- |Enable Network Protection Privacy|1 - Enable , 0 - Disable ; This setting is managed by IT admins to enable or disable privacy in network protection.|
- |Enable Users to Trust Networks and Certificates|1 - Enable , 0 - Disable ; This setting is used by IT admins to enable or disable the end user in-app experience to trust and untrust the unsecure and suspicious networks and malicious certificates.|
- |Automatic Remediation of Network Protection Alerts|1 - Enable , 0 - Disable ; This setting is used by IT admins to enable or disable the remediation alerts that is sent when a user performs remediation activities, such as switching to a safer Wi-Fi access points or deleting suspicious certificates detected by Defender|
-1. Add the required groups on which the policy will have to be applied. Review and create the policy.
+ |Trusted CA certificate list for Network Protection|This setting is managed by a security admin to establish trust for root CA and self-signed certificates|
+ |Enable Network protection in Microsoft Defender|1 - Enable, 0- Disable (default) ; This setting is used by the IT admin to enable or disable the network protection capabilities in the defender app|
+ |Enable Network Protection Privacy|1 - Enable (default) , 0 - Disable ; This setting is managed by IT admins to enable or disable privacy in network protection.|
+ |Enable Users to Trust Networks and Certificates|1 - Enable , 0 - Disable (default) ; This setting is used by IT admins to enable or disable the end user in-app experience to trust and untrust the unsecure and suspicious networks and malicious certificates.|
+ |Automatic Remediation of Network Protection Alerts|1 - Enable (default) , 0 - Disable ; This setting is used by IT admins to enable or disable the remediation alerts that are sent when a user performs remediation activities, such as switching to a safer Wi-Fi access points or deleting suspicious certificates detected by Defender|
+ |Manage Network Protection detection for Open Networks|0 - Disable (default), 1 - Audit Mode; This setting is managed by IT Admin to enable or disable open network detection|
+ |Manage Network protection Detection for Certificates|0 - Disable , 1 - Audit mode (default) , 2 - Enable ; When network protection is enabled, Audit mode for certificate detection is enabled by default. In audit mode, notification alerts are sent to SOC admins, but no end user notifications is displayed to the user when defender detects a bad certificate.Admins can however disable this detection with 0 as the value and enable full feature functionality by setting 2 as the value ,when the feature is enabled with value as 2, end user notifications are sent to the user when defender detects a bad certificate and alerts are also sent to the SOC Admin|
+6. Add the required groups on which the policy will have to be applied. Review and create the policy.
## Privacy Controls
security Android Whatsnew https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-whatsnew.md
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Android enables **Optional Permissions** in t
Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is now supported on Android Enterprise personal profile (BYOD only) with all the key features including malware scanning, protection from phishing links, network protection and vulnerability management. This support is coupled with [privacy controls](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-configure#privacy-controls) to ensure user privacy on personal profile. For more information, read the [announcement](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/announcing-the-public-preview-of-defender-for-endpoint-personal/ba-p/3370979) and the [deployment guide](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/android-intune#set-up-microsoft-defender-in-personal-profile-on-android-enterprise-in-byod-mode). ## Network protection
-Network Protection on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is now in public preview. Network protection provides protection against rogue Wi-Fi related threats, rogue hardware like pineapple devices and notifies the user if a related threat is detected. Users will also see a guided experience to connect to secure networks and change networks when they are connected to an unsecure connection.
+Network Protection on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is now available. Network protection provides protection against rogue Wi-Fi related threats, rogue hardware like pineapple devices and notifies the user if a related threat is detected. Users will also see a guided experience to connect to secure networks and change networks when they are connected to an unsecure connection.
It includes several admin controls to offer flexibility, such as the ability to configure the feature from within the Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin center. Admins can also enable privacy controls to configure the data that is sent by Defender for Endpoint from Android devices.
security Device Health Export Antivirus Health Report Api https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-health-export-antivirus-health-report-api.md
Title: Microsoft Defender Antivirus Device Health export device antivirus health reporting
-description: Presents methods to retrieve Microsoft Defender Antivirus device health details.
-keywords: apis, graph api, supported apis, get, device health api, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint report api microsoft defender reports api, microsoft defender for endpoint reporting api, windows defender reporting api, defender for endpoint reporting api, windows defender report api
+description: Presents methods to retrieve Microsoft Defender Antivirus device health details.
+keywords: apis, graph api, supported apis, get, device health api, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint report api microsoft defender reports api, microsoft defender for endpoint reporting api, windows defender reporting api, defender for endpoint reporting api, windows defender report api
-ms.sitesec: library
-ms.pagetype: security
+ms.mktglfcycl: deploy
+ms.sitesec: library
+ms.pagetype: security
++ ms.localizationpriority: medium Previously updated : 09/01/2022 - Last updated : 09/01/2022+
+audience: ITPro
- m365-security - tier2-+ -+ search.appverid: met150
+<!-- v-jweston/jweston-1 is scheduled to resume authorship Apr/May 2023.-->
+ # Export device antivirus health report [!INCLUDE [Microsoft 365 Defender rebranding](../../includes/microsoft-defender.md)]
This API retrieves a list of Microsoft Defender Antivirus device antivirus healt
#### OData supported operators -- ```$filter```  on: ```machineId```, ```computerDnsName```, ```osKind```, ```osPlatform```, ```osVersion```, ```avMode```, ```avSignatureVersion```, ```avEngineVersion```, ```avPlatformVersion```, ```quickScanResult```, ```quickScanError```, ```fullScanResult```, ```fullScanError```, ```avIsSignatureUpToDate```, ```avIsEngineUpToDate```, ```avIsPlatformUpToDate```, ```rbacGroupId```-- ```$top```  with max value of 10,000.-- ```$skip```.
+- `$filter` on: `machineId`, `computerDnsName`, `osKind`, `osPlatform`, `osVersion`, `avMode`, `avSignatureVersion`, `avEngineVersion`, `avPlatformVersion`, `quickScanResult`, `quickScanError`, `fullScanResult`, `fullScanError`, `avIsSignatureUpToDate`, `avIsEngineUpToDate`, `avIsPlatformUpToDate`, `rbacGroupId`
+- `$top` with max value of 10,000.
+- `$skip`
### 1.2 Permissions
-One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs for details.
+One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see Use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs for details.
| Permission type | Permission | Permission display name | |:|:|:|
-| Application | Machine.Read.All | ΓÇÿRead all machine profilesΓÇÖ |
-|Delegated (work or school account) | Machine.Read | ΓÇÿRead machine informationΓÇÖ |
+| Application | Machine.Read.All | 'Read all machine profiles' |
+|Delegated (work or school account) | Machine.Read | 'Read machine information' |
### 1.3 URL (HTTP request) ```http
-URL: GET: /api/deviceavinfo
+URL: GET: /api/deviceavinfo
``` #### 1.3.1 Request headers | Name | Type | Description | |:|:|:|
-| Authorization | String | Bearer {token}. Required. |
+| Authorization | String | Bearer {token}. Required. |
#### 1.3.2 Request body
If successful, this method returns 200 OK with a list of device health details.
### 1.4 Parameters - Default page size is 20-- See examples atΓÇ»[OData queries with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](exposed-apis-odata-samples.md).
+- See examples at [OData queries with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](exposed-apis-odata-samples.md).
### 1.5 Properties See: [1.2 Export device antivirus health details API properties (JSON response)](device-health-api-methods-properties.md#12-export-device-antivirus-health-details-api-properties-json-response)
-SupportsΓÇ»[OData V4 queries](https://www.odata.org/documentation/).
+Supports [OData V4 queries](https://www.odata.org/documentation/).
### 1.6 Example
SupportsΓÇ»[OData V4 queries](https://www.odata.org/documentation/).
Here's an example request: ```http
-GET https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/deviceavinfo
+GET https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/deviceavinfo
``` #### Response example
GET https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/deviceavinfo
Here's an example response: ```json
- @odata.context: "https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/$metadata#DeviceAvInfo",
+ @odata.context: "https://api.securitycenter.microsoft.com/api/$metadata#DeviceAvInfo",
-"value": [{
+"value": [{
- "id": "Sample Guid",
+ "id": "Sample Guid",
- "machineId": "Sample Machine Guid",
+ "machineId": "Sample Machine Guid",
- "computerDnsName": "appblockstg1",
+ "computerDnsName": "appblockstg1",
- "osKind": "windows",
+ "osKind": "windows",
- "osPlatform": "Windows10",
+ "osPlatform": "Windows10",
- "osVersion": "10.0.19044.1865",
+ "osVersion": "10.0.19044.1865",
- "avMode": "0",
+ "avMode": "0",
- "avSignatureVersion": "1.371.1279.0",
+ "avSignatureVersion": "1.371.1279.0",
- "avEngineVersion": "1.1.19428.0",
+ "avEngineVersion": "1.1.19428.0",
- "avPlatformVersion": "4.18.2206.108",
+ "avPlatformVersion": "4.18.2206.108",
- "lastSeenTime": "2022-08-02T19:40:45Z",
+ "lastSeenTime": "2022-08-02T19:40:45Z",
- "quickScanResult": "Completed",
+ "quickScanResult": "Completed",
- "quickScanError": "",
+ "quickScanError": "",
- "quickScanTime": "2022-08-02T18:40:15.882Z",
+ "quickScanTime": "2022-08-02T18:40:15.882Z",
- "fullScanResult": "",
+ "fullScanResult": "",
- "fullScanError": "",
+ "fullScanError": "",
- "fullScanTime": null,
+ "fullScanTime": null,
- "dataRefreshTimestamp": "2022-08-02T21:16:23Z",
+ "dataRefreshTimestamp": "2022-08-02T21:16:23Z",
- "avEngineUpdateTime": "2022-08-02T00:03:39Z",
+ "avEngineUpdateTime": "2022-08-02T00:03:39Z",
- "avSignatureUpdateTime": "2022-08-02T00:03:39Z",
+ "avSignatureUpdateTime": "2022-08-02T00:03:39Z",
- "avPlatformUpdateTime": "2022-06-20T16:59:35Z",
+ "avPlatformUpdateTime": "2022-06-20T16:59:35Z",
- "avIsSignatureUpToDate": "True",
+ "avIsSignatureUpToDate": "True",
- "avIsEngineUpToDate": "True",
+ "avIsEngineUpToDate": "True",
- "avIsPlatformUpToDate": "True",
+ "avIsPlatformUpToDate": "True",
- "avSignaturePublishTime": "2022-08-02T00:03:39Z",
+ "avSignaturePublishTime": "2022-08-02T00:03:39Z",
- "rbacGroupName": "TVM1",
+ "rbacGroupName": "TVM1",
- "rbacGroupId": 4415
+ "rbacGroupId": 4415
- },
+ },
- ...
+ ...
- ]
+ ]
``` ## 2 Export health reporting (via files)
One of the following permissions is required to call this API.
| Permission type | Permission | Permission display name | |:|:|:|
-| Application | Vulnerability.Read.All | 'Read "threat and vulnerability management" vulnerability informationΓÇÖ |
-| Delegated (work or school account) | Vulnerability.Read | 'Read "threat and vulnerability management" vulnerability informationΓÇÖ |
+| Application | Vulnerability.Read.All | 'Read "threat and vulnerability management" vulnerability information' |
+| Delegated (work or school account) | Vulnerability.Read | 'Read "threat and vulnerability management" vulnerability information' |
To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint APIs for details](apis-intro.md). ### 2.3 URL ```http
-GET /api/machines/InfoGatheringExport
+GET /api/machines/InfoGatheringExport
``` ### 2.4 Parameters -- ```sasValidHours```: The number of hours that the download URLs will be valid for (Maximum 24 hours).
+- `sasValidHours`: The number of hours that the download URLs will be valid for (Maximum 24 hours).
### 2.5 Properties
See: [1.3 Export device antivirus health details API properties \(via files\)](d
Here's an example request: ```HTTP
-GET https://api-us.securitycenter.contoso.com/api/machines/InfoGatheringExport
+GET https://api-us.securitycenter.contoso.com/api/machines/InfoGatheringExport
-#### 2.6.2 Response example
+#### 2.6.2 Response example
Here's an example response:
Here's an example response:
"exportFiles": [
- "https://tvmexportexternalprdeus.blob.core.windows.net/temp-../2022-08-02/2201/InfoGatheringExport/json/OrgId=../_RbacGroupId=../part-00055-12fc2fcd-8f56-4e09-934f-e8efe7ce74a0.c000.json.gz?sv=2020-08-04&st=2022-08-02T22%3A47%3A11Z&se=2022-08-03T01%3A47%3A11Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=..",
+ "https://tvmexportexternalprdeus.blob.core.windows.net/temp-../2022-08-02/2201/InfoGatheringExport/json/OrgId=../_RbacGroupId=../part-00055-12fc2fcd-8f56-4e09-934f-e8efe7ce74a0.c000.json.gz?sv=2020-08-04&st=2022-08-02T22%3A47%3A11Z&se=2022-08-03T01%3A47%3A11Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=..",
security Device Health Microsoft Defender Antivirus Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/device-health-microsoft-defender-antivirus-health.md
To Assign these permissions:
For more information about user role management, see [Create and manage roles for role-based access control](user-roles.md).
-## Microsoft Defender Antivirus health tab
+## Microsoft Defender Antivirus health tab
The Microsoft Defender Antivirus health tab contains eight cards that report on several aspects of Microsoft Defender Antivirus in your organization: Two cards, [Antivirus mode card](#antivirus-mode-card) and [Recent antivirus scan results card](#recent-antivirus-scan-results-card), report about Microsoft Defender Antivirus functions.
Up to date reporting generates information for devices that meet the following c
- Cloud protection enabled - Windows OS*
-*Currently up to date reporting is only available for Windows devices. Cross platform devices such as Mac and Linux are listed under ΓÇ£No data availableΓÇ¥/Unknown
+*Currently up to date reporting is only available for Windows devices. Cross platform devices such as Mac and Linux are listed under "No data available"/Unknown
>:::image type="content" source="images/device-health-defender-antivirus-health-tab.png" alt-text="Shows the Microsoft Defender Antivirus Health tab." lightbox="images/device-health-defender-antivirus-health-tab.png":::
If the version number that you clicked on is:
- A current version, then **Remediation required** and **Security recommendation** aren't present - An outdated version, a notification at the top of the report is present, indicating **Remediation required**, and a **Security recommendation** link is present. Select the security recommendation link to navigate to the threat and vulnerability management console, which can recommend appropriate antivirus updates.
-To add or remove specific types of information on the **Microsoft Defender Antivirus details** flyout, select **Customize Columns**. In **Customize Columns**, select or clear items to specify what you want included in the Microsoft Defender Antivirus details report.
+To add or remove specific types of information on the **Microsoft Defender Antivirus details** flyout, select **Customize Columns**. In **Customize Columns**, select or clear items to specify what you want included in the Microsoft Defender Antivirus details report.
>:::image type="content" source="images/device-health-defender-antivirus-engine-version-details-custom-columns.png" alt-text="Shows custom column options for Microsoft Defender Antivirus health reporting." lightbox="images/device-health-defender-antivirus-engine-version-details-custom-columns.png":::
The following table contains a list of terms that are new to Microsoft Defender
| Column name | Description | |:|:|
-| Security intelligence publish time | Indicates MicrosoftΓÇÖs release date of the security intelligence update version on the device. Devices with a security intelligence publish time greater than seven days are considered out of date in the reports. |
+| Security intelligence publish time | Indicates Microsoft's release date of the security intelligence update version on the device. Devices with a security intelligence publish time greater than seven days are considered out of date in the reports. |
| Last seen | Indicates date when device last had connection. |
-| Data refresh timestamp | Indicates when client events were last received for reporting on: AV mode, AV engine version, AV platform version, AV security intelligence version, and scan information. |
+| Data refresh timestamp | Indicates when client events were last received for reporting on: AV mode, AV engine version, AV platform version, AV security intelligence version, and scan information. |
| Signature refresh time | Indicates when client events were last received for reporting on engine, platform, and signature up to date status. | Within the flyout: clicking on the name of the device will redirect you to the "Device page" for that device, where you can access detailed reports.
There are two levels of reports that you can export:
There are two different export csv functionalities through the portal: -- **Top-level export** You can use the top level **Export** button to gather an all-up Microsoft Defender Antivirus health report (500-K limit).
+- **Top-level export** You can use the top level **Export** button to gather an all-up Microsoft Defender Antivirus health report (500-K limit).
>:::image type="content" source="images/device-health-defender-antivirus-health-tab-export.png" alt-text="Shows the top-level export report button" lightbox="images/device-health-defender-antivirus-health-tab-export.png":::
Following are descriptions for each mode:
- **Active** mode - In active mode, Microsoft Defender Antivirus is used as the primary antivirus app on the device. Files are scanned, threats are remediated, and detected threats are listed in your organization's security reports and in your Windows Security app. - **Passive** mode - In passive mode, Microsoft Defender Antivirus isn't used as the primary antivirus app on the device. Files are scanned, and detected threats are reported, but threats aren't remediated by Microsoft Defender Antivirus. IMPORTANT: Microsoft Defender Antivirus can run in passive mode only on endpoints that are onboarded to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. See [Requirements for Microsoft Defender Antivirus to run in passive mode](microsoft-defender-antivirus-compatibility.md#requirements-for-microsoft-defender-antivirus-to-run-in-passive-mode).-- **Disabled** mode - synonymous with: uninstalled, disabled, sideBySidePassive, and Low Periodic Scan. When disabled, Microsoft Defender Antivirus isn't used. Files aren't scanned, and threats aren't remediated. In general, Microsoft doesn't recommend disabling or uninstalling Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
+- **Disabled** mode - synonymous with: uninstalled, disabled, sideBySidePassive, and Low Periodic Scan. When disabled, Microsoft Defender Antivirus isn't used. Files aren't scanned, and threats aren't remediated. In general, Microsoft doesn't recommend disabling or uninstalling Microsoft Defender Antivirus.
- **Others** mode - Not running, Unknown - **EDR in Block** mode - In endpoint detection and response (EDR) blocked mode. See [Endpoint detection and response in block mode](edr-in-block-mode.md)
For more information on the current versions and how to update the different Mic
#### Antivirus security intelligence version card Lists the most common _Microsoft Defender Antivirus security intelligence_ versions installed on devices on your network.
-Microsoft continually updates Microsoft Defender security intelligence to address the latest threats, and to refine detection logic. These refinements to security intelligence enhance Microsoft Defender AntivirusΓÇÖ (and other Microsoft anti-malware solutionsΓÇÖ) ability to accurately identify potential threats. This security intelligence works directly with cloud-based protection to deliver AI-enhanced, next-generation protection that is fast and powerful.
+Microsoft continually updates Microsoft Defender security intelligence to address the latest threats, and to refine detection logic. These refinements to security intelligence enhance Microsoft Defender Antivirus' (and other Microsoft anti-malware solutions') ability to accurately identify potential threats. This security intelligence works directly with cloud-based protection to deliver AI-enhanced, next-generation protection that is fast and powerful.
##### Antivirus platform version card
For more information on the current versions and how to update the different Mic
#### Up-to-date cards
-The up-to-date cards show the up-to-date status for **Antivirus engine**, **Antivirus platform**, and **Security intelligence** update versions. There are three possible states: _Up to date_ (‘True’), _out of date_ (‘False’), and _no data available_ (‘Unknown’).
+The up-to-date cards show the up-to-date status for **Antivirus engine**, **Antivirus platform**, and **Security intelligence** update versions. There are three possible states: _Up to date_ ('True'), _out of date_ ('False'), and _no data available_ ('Unknown').
> [!IMPORTANT] > > The logic used to make up-to-date determination has recently been enhanced and simplified. The new behavior is documented in this section.
-Definitions for  _Up to date_, _out of date_, and _no data available_ are provided for each card below.
+Definitions for _Up to date_, _out of date_, and _no data available_ are provided for each card below.
-Microsoft Defender Antivirus uses the additional criteria of ΓÇ£Signature refresh timeΓÇ¥ (the last time device communicated with up to date reports) to make up-to-date reports and determinations for engine, platform, and security intelligence updates.
+Microsoft Defender Antivirus uses the additional criteria of "Signature refresh time" (the last time device communicated with up to date reports) to make up-to-date reports and determinations for engine, platform, and security intelligence updates.
-The up-to-date status is automatically marked as ΓÇ£unknownΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£no data availableΓÇ¥ if the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7).
+The up-to-date status is automatically marked as "unknown" or "no data available" if the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7).
For more information about the aforementioned terms, refer back to the section: [New Microsoft Defender Antivirus filter definitions](#new-microsoft-defender-antivirus-filter-definitions)
For more information about the aforementioned terms, refer back to the section:
> - Cloud protection enabled > - Windows OS* >
->*Currently up to date reporting is only available for Windows devices. Cross platform devices such as Mac and Linux are listed under ΓÇ£no data availableΓÇ¥
+>*Currently up to date reporting is only available for Windows devices. Cross platform devices such as Mac and Linux are listed under "no data available"
> ##### Up-to-date definitions
Following are up-to-date definitions for engine and platform:
| The engine/platform on the device is considered: | If: | |:|:|
-| **up-to-date** | the device communicated with the Defender report event (‘Signature refresh time’) within last seven days, and the Engine or Platform version build time is within last 60 days. |
-| **out-of-date** | the device communicated with the Defender report event (‘Signature refresh time’) within last seven days, but Engine or Platform version build time is older than 60 days. |
-| **unknown (no data available)** | the device hasn't communicated with the report event (ΓÇÿSignature refresh timeΓÇÖ) for more than seven days. |
+| **up-to-date** | the device communicated with the Defender report event ('Signature refresh time') within last seven days, and the Engine or Platform version build time is within last 60 days. |
+| **out-of-date** | the device communicated with the Defender report event ('Signature refresh time') within last seven days, but Engine or Platform version build time is older than 60 days. |
+| **unknown (no data available)** | the device hasn't communicated with the report event ('Signature refresh time') for more than seven days. |
Following are up-to-date definitions for security intelligence:
For more information, see:
This card identifies devices that have antivirus engine versions that are up to date versus out of date.
-**The general definition of ΓÇÿ_Up to date_ΓÇÖ** - The engine version on the device is the most recent engine release. The engine is _typically_ released monthly, via Windows Update (WU)). There's a three-day grace period given from the day when Windows Update (WU) is released.
+**The general definition of '_Up to date_'** - The engine version on the device is the most recent engine release. The engine is _typically_ released monthly, via Windows Update (WU)). There's a three-day grace period given from the day when Windows Update (WU) is released.
-The following table lays out the possible values for up to date reports for **Antivirus Engine**. Reported Status is based on the last time reporting event was received (_signature refresh time_). If the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7 days), then the status is automatically marked as ΓÇÿUnknownΓÇÖ / ΓÇÿNo Data AvailableΓÇÖ.
+The following table lays out the possible values for up to date reports for **Antivirus Engine**. Reported Status is based on the last time reporting event was received (_signature refresh time_). If the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7 days), then the status is automatically marked as 'Unknown' / 'No Data Available'.
-| EventΓÇÖs Last Refresh Time (also known as ΓÇ£Signature Refresh TimeΓÇ¥ in reports) | _Reported Status_: |
+| Event's Last Refresh Time (also known as "Signature Refresh Time" in reports) | _Reported Status_: |
|:-|:-| | < 7 days (new) | whatever client reports (_Up to date <br/> Out of date <br/> Unknown)_ | | > 7 days (old) | _Unknown_ |
-For information about Manage Microsoft Defender Antivirus update versions, see:ΓÇ»[Monthly platform and engine versions](manage-updates-baselines-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#monthly-platform-and-engine-versions)
+For information about Manage Microsoft Defender Antivirus update versions, see: [Monthly platform and engine versions](manage-updates-baselines-microsoft-defender-antivirus.md#monthly-platform-and-engine-versions)
#### Antivirus platform updates card This card identifies devices that have Antivirus platform versions that are up to date versus out of date.
-**The general definition of ‘Up to date’** The platform version on the device is the most recent platform release. Platform is _typically_ released monthly, via Windows Update (WU). There's a three-day grace period from the day when WU is released.
+**The general definition of 'Up to date'** The platform version on the device is the most recent platform release. Platform is _typically_ released monthly, via Windows Update (WU). There's a three-day grace period from the day when WU is released.
-The following table lays out the possible up to date report values for **Antivirus Platform**. Reported values are based on the last time reporting event was received (signature refresh time). If the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7 days) then the status is automatically marked as ΓÇÿUnknownΓÇÖ/ ΓÇÿNo Data AvailableΓÇÖ.
+The following table lays out the possible up to date report values for **Antivirus Platform**. Reported values are based on the last time reporting event was received (signature refresh time). If the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7 days) then the status is automatically marked as 'Unknown'/ 'No Data Available'.
-| EventΓÇÖs Last Refresh Time (also known as ΓÇ£Signature Refresh TimeΓÇ¥ in reports) | _Reported Status_: |
+| Event's Last Refresh Time (also known as "Signature Refresh Time" in reports) | _Reported Status_: |
|:-|:-| | < 7 days (new) | whatever client reports (_Up to date <br/> Out of date <br/> Unknown)_ | | > 7 days (old) | _Unknown_ |
For information about Manage Microsoft Defender Antivirus update versions, see:
This card identifies devices that have security intelligence versions that are up to date versus out of date.
-**The general definition of ΓÇÿUp to dateΓÇÖ** ΓÇô the security intelligence version on the device was written in the past 7 days.
+**The general definition of 'Up to date'** ΓÇô the security intelligence version on the device was written in the past 7 days.
-The following table lays out the possible up to date report values for **Security Intelligence** updates. Reported values are based on the last time reporting event was received, and the security intelligence publish time. If the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7 days), then the status is automatically marked as ΓÇÿUnknown/ No Data AvailableΓÇÖ. Otherwise, the determination is made based on whether the security intelligence publish time is within seven days.
+The following table lays out the possible up to date report values for **Security Intelligence** updates. Reported values are based on the last time reporting event was received, and the security intelligence publish time. If the device hasn't communicated with reports for more than seven days (signature refresh time >7 days), then the status is automatically marked as 'Unknown/ No Data Available'. Otherwise, the determination is made based on whether the security intelligence publish time is within seven days.
-| EventΓÇÖs Last Refresh Time <br/> (Also known as ΓÇ£Signature Refresh TimeΓÇ¥ in reports) | Security Intelligence Publish Time | _Reported Status_: |
+| Event's Last Refresh Time <br/> (Also known as "Signature Refresh Time" in reports) | Security Intelligence Publish Time | _Reported Status_: |
|:-|:-|:-| | >7 days (old) | >7 days (old) | _Unknown_ | | <7 days (new) | >7 days (old) | _Out of date_ |
-| >7 days (old) | <7 days (new) | _Unknown_ |
+| >7 days (old) | <7 days (new) | _Unknown_ |
| <7 days (new) | <7 days (new) | Up to date | ## See also
security Health Status https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/health-status.md
The following table provides information on the values returned when you run the
|real_time_protection_subsystem|Subsystem used to serve real-time protection. If real-time protection isn't operating as expected, this prints unavailable.| |release_ring|Release ring. For more information, see [Deployment rings](deployment-rings.md).| |+
+## Component specific health
+You can get more detailed health information for different Defender's features with `mdatp health --details <feature>`. For example:
+ ```bash
+ mdatp health --details edr
+ ```
+ ```
+ edr_early_preview_enabled : "disabled"
+ edr_device_tags : []
+ edr_group_ids : ""
+ edr_configuration_version : "20.199999.main.2022.10.25.03-514032a834557bdd31ac415be6df278d9c2a4c25"
+ edr_machine_id : "a47ba049f43319ac669b6291ce73275cd445c9cd"
+ edr_sense_guid : "298a1a8c-04dd-4929-8efd-3bb14cb54b94"
+ edr_preferred_geo : "unitedstates"
+ ```
+You can run `mdatp health --help` on recent versions to list all supported `feature`s.
security Indicator Ip Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/indicator-ip-domain.md
Threat and vulnerability management's block vulnerable application features uses
## Policy precedence
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint policy has precedence over Microsoft Defender Antivirus policy. In situations when Defender for Endpoint is set to **Allow**, but Microsoft Defender Antivirus is set to **Block**, the policy will default to **Allow**.
+Microsoft Defender for Endpoint policy has precedence over Microsoft Defender Antivirus policy. In situations when Defender for Endpoint is set to **Allow**, but Microsoft Defender Antivirus is set to **Block**, the policy will default to **Allow**.
-#### Precedence for multiple active policies
+### Precedence for multiple active policies
Applying multiple different web content filtering policies to the same device will result in the more restrictive policy applying for each category. Consider the following scenario:
security Investigate Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/investigate-domain.md
search.appverid: met150
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-investigatedomain-abovefoldlink)
-Investigate a domain to see if the devices and servers in your enterprise network have been communicating with a known malicious domain.
+Investigate a domain to see if the devices and servers in your enterprise network have been communicating with a known malicious domain.
-You can investigate a URL or domain by using the search feature, from the incident experience (in evidence tab, or from the alert story) or by clicking on the URL or domain link from theΓÇ»**Device timeline**.
+You can investigate a URL or domain by using the search feature, from the incident experience (in evidence tab, or from the alert story) or by clicking on the URL or domain link from the **Device timeline**.
-You can see information from the following sections in the URL and domain view:
+You can see information from the following sections in the URL and domain view:
- Domain details, registrant contact information -- Microsoft verdict
+- Microsoft verdict
-- Incidents related to this URL or domain
+- Incidents related to this URL or domain
- Prevalence of the URL or domain in the organization
You can see information from the following sections in the URL and domain view:
![The overview section of the new URL & domain page at a glance.](media/domain-url-overview.png)
-### Domain entity
+## Domain entity
-You can pivot to the domain page from the domain details in the URL page or side panel, just click on **View domain page** link. The domain entity shows an aggregation of all the data from the URLs with the FQDN (Fully qualified domain name). For example, if one device is observed communicating with `sub.domain.tld/path1`, and another device is observed communicating with `sub.domain.tld/path2`, each URL of the above will show one device observation, and the domain will show the two device observations. In this case, a device that communicated with `othersub.domain.tld/path` won't correlate to this domain page, but to `othersub.domain.tld`.
+You can pivot to the domain page from the domain details in the URL page or side panel, just click on **View domain page** link. The domain entity shows an aggregation of all the data from the URLs with the FQDN (Fully qualified domain name). For example, if one device is observed communicating with `sub.domain.tld/path1`, and another device is observed communicating with `sub.domain.tld/path2`, each URL of the above will show one device observation, and the domain will show the two device observations. In this case, a device that communicated with `othersub.domain.tld/path` won't correlate to this domain page, but to `othersub.domain.tld`.
-## URL and Domain overview
+## URL and Domain overview
-The URL worldwide section lists the URL, a link to further details at Whois, the number of related open incidents, and the number of active alerts.
+The URL worldwide section lists the URL, a link to further details at Whois, the number of related open incidents, and the number of active alerts.
-### URL summary details
+### URL summary details
-Displays the original URL (existing URL information), with the query parameters and the application-level protocol. Below that you can find the full domain details, such as registration date, modification date and registrant contact info.
+Displays the original URL (existing URL information), with the query parameters and the application-level protocol. Below that you can find the full domain details, such as registration date, modification date and registrant contact info.
-Microsoft verdict of the URL or domain and a devices prevalence section. In this area, you can see the number of devices that communicated with the URL or domain in the last 30 days, and pivot to the first or last event in the device timeline right away. To investigate initial access or if there's still a malicious activity in your environment.
+Microsoft verdict of the URL or domain and a devices prevalence section. In this area, you can see the number of devices that communicated with the URL or domain in the last 30 days, and pivot to the first or last event in the device timeline right away. To investigate initial access or if there's still a malicious activity in your environment.
-### Incidents and alerts
+### Incidents and alerts
-The Incident and alerts section displays a bar chart of all active alerts in incidents over the past 180 days.
+The Incident and alerts section displays a bar chart of all active alerts in incidents over the past 180 days.
-### Microsoft Verdict
+### Microsoft Verdict
-The Microsoft verdict section displays the verdict of the URL or domain from Microsoft TI library. It shows if the URL or domain is already known as phishing or malicious entity.
+The Microsoft verdict section displays the verdict of the URL or domain from Microsoft TI library. It shows if the URL or domain is already known as phishing or malicious entity.
-### Prevalence
+### Prevalence
-The Prevalence section provides the details on the prevalence of the URL within the organization, over the last 30 days, such and trend chart – which shows the number of distinct devices that communicated with the URL or domain over a specific period of time. Below if you can find details of the first and last device observations communicated with the URL in the last 30 days, where you can pivot to the device timeline right away, to investigate initial access from the phish link, or if there’s still a malicious communication in your environment.
+The Prevalence section provides the details on the prevalence of the URL within the organization, over the last 30 days, such and trend chart ΓÇô which shows the number of distinct devices that communicated with the URL or domain over a specific period of time. Below if you can find details of the first and last device observations communicated with the URL in the last 30 days, where you can pivot to the device timeline right away, to investigate initial access from the phish link, or if there's still a malicious communication in your environment.
-## Incident and alerts
+## Incident and alerts
-![The incident and alerts tab provides a list of incidents that are associated with the URL or domain.](media/domain-incidents.png)
+![The incident and alerts tab provides a list of incidents that are associated with the URL or domain.](media/domain-incidents.png)
-The incident and alerts tab provides a list of incidents that are associated with the URL or domain. The table shown here is a filtered version of the incidents visible on the Incident queue screen, showing only incidents associated with the URL or domain, their severity, impacted assets and more.
+The incident and alerts tab provides a list of incidents that are associated with the URL or domain. The table shown here is a filtered version of the incidents visible on the Incident queue screen, showing only incidents associated with the URL or domain, their severity, impacted assets and more.
-The incidents and alerts tab can be adjusted to show more or less information, by selecting **Customize columns** from the action menu above the column headers. The number of items displayed can also be adjusted, by selecting items per page on the same menu.
+The incidents and alerts tab can be adjusted to show more or less information, by selecting **Customize columns** from the action menu above the column headers. The number of items displayed can also be adjusted, by selecting items per page on the same menu.
## Devices ![The device tab displays the number of distinct devices that communicated with the URL or domain over a specific period of time.](media/domain-device-overview.png)
-The Devices tab provides a chronological view of all the devices that were observed for a specific URL or a domain. This tab includes a trend chart and a customizable table listing device details, such as risk level, domain and more. Beyond that, you can see the first and last event times where the device interacted with the URL or domain, and the action type of this event. Using the menu next to the device name, you can quickly pivot to the device timeline to further investigate what happened before or after the event that involved this URL or domain.
+The Devices tab provides a chronological view of all the devices that were observed for a specific URL or a domain. This tab includes a trend chart and a customizable table listing device details, such as risk level, domain and more. Beyond that, you can see the first and last event times where the device interacted with the URL or domain, and the action type of this event. Using the menu next to the device name, you can quickly pivot to the device timeline to further investigate what happened before or after the event that involved this URL or domain.
-Although the default time period is the past 30 days, you can customize this from the drop-down available at the corner of the card. The shortest range available is for prevalence over the past day, while the longest range is over the past six months.
+Although the default time period is the past 30 days, you can customize this from the drop-down available at the corner of the card. The shortest range available is for prevalence over the past day, while the longest range is over the past six months.
Using the export button above the table, you can export all the data into a .csv file (including the first and last event time and action type), for further investigation and reporting. ### Investigate a URL or domain 1. Select **URL** from the **Search bar** drop-down menu.
+ 2. Enter the URL in the **Search** field.
-3. Click the search icon or press **Enter**. Details about the URL are displayed.
+3. Click the search icon or press **Enter**. Details about the URL are displayed.
> [!NOTE] > Search results will only be returned for URLs observed in communications from devices in the organization.
+ 4. Use the search filters to define the search criteria. You can also use the timeline search box to filter the displayed results of all devices in the organization observed communicating with the URL, the file associated with the communication and the last date observed.
+ 5. Clicking any of the device names will take you to that device's view, where you can continue to investigate reported alerts, behaviors, and events. ## Related articles+ - [View and organize the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Alerts queue](alerts-queue.md) - [Manage Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts](manage-alerts.md) - [Investigate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts](investigate-alerts.md)
security Ios Configure Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features.md
This configuration is available for both the enrolled (MDM) devices as well as u
## Configure Network Protection
->Network Protection on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is now in public preview. The following information relates to prerelease of the product which may be substantially modified before it's commercially released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
-Network protection in Microsoft Defender for endpoint is enabled by default. Admins can use the following steps to configure MAM support for Network protection in iOS devices.
+Network protection in Microsoft Defender for endpoint is disabled by default. Admins can use the following steps to configure MAM support for Network protection in iOS devices. (Authenticator device registration is required for MAM configuration) in iOS devices. Network Protection initialization will require the end user to open the app once.
1. In Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin, navigate to Apps > App configuration policies. Create a new App configuration policy. :::image type="content" source="images/addiosconfig.png" alt-text="Add configuration policy." lightbox="images/addiosconfig.png":::
Network protection in Microsoft Defender for endpoint is enabled by default. Adm
2. Provide a name and description to uniquely identify the policy. Then click on 'Select Public apps' and choose 'Microsoft Defender' for Platform iOS/IPadOS :::image type="content" source="images/nameiosconfig.png" alt-text="Name the configuration." lightbox="images/nameiosconfig.png":::
-3. In Settings page, add 'DefenderNetworkProtectionEnable' as the key and value as 'false' to disable Network Protection. (Network protection is enabled by default)
+3. In Settings page, add 'DefenderNetworkProtectionEnable' as the key and value as 'true' to disable Network Protection. (Network protection is disabled by default)
:::image type="content" source="images/addiosconfigvalue.png" alt-text="Add configuration value." lightbox="images/addiosconfigvalue.png"::: 4. For other configurations related to Network protection, add the following keys and appropriate corresponding value. |Key| Default (true-enable, false-disable)|Description| ||||
+ |DefenderOpenNetworkDetection|0|1- Enable, 0 - Disable; This setting is managed by IT Admin to enable or disable open network detection informational alerts with no end user detection experience|
|DefenderEndUserTrustFlowEnable| false | Enable Users to Trust Networks and Certificates| |DefenderNetworkProtectionAutoRemediation| true |This setting is used by the IT admin to enable or disable the remediation alerts that are sent when a user performs remediation activities like switching to safer WIFI access points or deleting suspicious certificates detected by Defender| |DefenderNetworkProtectionPrivacy| true |This setting is managed by IT admin to enable or disable privacy in network protection|
security Ios Whatsnew https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-whatsnew.md
Vulnerability assessment of apps on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for iOS is n
## Network protection
-Network Protection on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is now in public preview. Network protection provides protection against rogue Wi-Fi related threats, rogue hardware like pineapple devices and notifies the user if a related threat is detected. Users will also see a guided experience to connect to secure networks and change networks when they are connected to an unsecure connection.
+Network Protection on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is now available. Network protection provides protection against rogue Wi-Fi related threats, rogue hardware like pineapple devices and notifies the user if a related threat is detected. Users will also see a guided experience to connect to secure networks and change networks when they are connected to an unsecure connection.
It includes several admin controls to offer flexibility, such as the ability to configure the feature from within the Microsoft Endpoint Manager Admin center. Admins can also enable privacy controls to configure the data that is sent by Defender for Endpoint from iOS devices. For more information, read [Configure Network Protection](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/ios-configure-features#configure-network-protection).
security Linux Support Perf https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/linux-support-perf.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-+ - m365-security - tier3
The following steps can be used to troubleshoot and mitigate these issues:
``` > [!NOTE]
- > Using ```--output json``` (note the double dash) ensures that the output format is ready for parsing.
+ > Using `--output json` (note the double dash) ensures that the output format is ready for parsing.
The output of this command will show all processes and their associated scan activity.
The following steps can be used to troubleshoot and mitigate these issues:
The output of this command should be similar to the following: - ```Output --2020-11-14 11:27:27-- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft.mdatp-xplat/master/linus/diagnostic/high_cpu_parser.py Resolving raw.githubusercontent.com (raw.githubusercontent.com)... 151.101.xxx.xxx
The following steps can be used to troubleshoot and mitigate these issues:
``` The output of the above is a list of the top contributors to performance issues. The first column is the process identifier (PID), the second column is the process name, and the last column is the number of scanned files, sorted by impact.
- For example, the output of the command will be something like the below:
+ For example, the output of the command will be something like the below:
```Output ... > python ~/repo/mdatp-xplat/linux/diagnostic/high_cpu_parser.py <~Downloads/output.json | head -n 10
The following steps can be used to troubleshoot and mitigate these issues:
## Troubleshoot performance issues using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer - **Applies to:**-- Performance issues of all available Defender for Endpoint components such as AV and EDR
+- Performance issues of all available Defender for Endpoint components such as AV and EDR
The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer (MDECA) can collect traces, logs, and diagnostic information in order to troubleshoot performance issues on [onboarded devices](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-configure) on macOS. > [!NOTE]
->- The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer tool is regularly used by Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) to collect information such as (but not limited to) IP addresses, PC names that will help troubleshoot issues you may be experiencing with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. For more information about our privacy statement, see [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement).
->- As a general best practice, it is recommended to update the [ Microsoft Defender for Endpoint agent to latest available version](mac-whatsnew.md)  and confirming that the issue still persists before investigating further.
+> - The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer tool is regularly used by Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) to collect information such as (but not limited to) IP addresses, PC names that will help troubleshoot issues you may be experiencing with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. For more information about our privacy statement, see [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement).
+> - As a general best practice, it is recommended to update the [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint agent to latest available version](mac-whatsnew.md) and confirming that the issue still persists before investigating further.
To run the client analyzer for troubleshooting performance issues, see [Run the client analyzer on macOS and Linux](run-analyzer-macos-linux.md). >[!NOTE]
->In case after following the above steps, the performance problem persists, please contact customer support for further instructions and mitigation.
+>In case after following the above steps, the performance problem persists, please contact customer support for further instructions and mitigation.
## See also
security Mac Install Jamfpro Login https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-install-jamfpro-login.md
Title: Log in to Jamf Pro description: Log in to Jamf Pro
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Install Manually https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-install-manually.md
Title: Manual deployment for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS description: Install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS manually, from the command line.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Install With Intune https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-install-with-intune.md
Title: Intune-based deployment for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac, using Microsoft Intune.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Install With Jamf https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-install-with-jamf.md
Title: Deploying Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS with Jamf Pro description: Deploying Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS with Jamf Pro
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
Learn how to deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS with Jamf Pro.
> [!NOTE] > If you are using macOS Catalina (10.15.4) or newer versions of macOS, see [New configuration profiles for macOS Catalina and newer versions of macOS](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-sysext-policies).
-This is a multi step process. You'll need to complete all of the following steps:
+This is a multi-step process. You'll need to complete all of the following steps:
- [Login to the Jamf Portal](mac-install-jamfpro-login.md) - [Setup the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS device groups in Jamf Pro](mac-jamfpro-device-groups.md)
security Mac Install With Other Mdm https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-install-with-other-mdm.md
Title: Deployment with a different Mobile Device Management (MDM) system for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Install Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac on other management solutions.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde or mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Jamfpro Device Groups https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-jamfpro-device-groups.md
Title: Set up device groups in Jamf Pro description: Learn how to set up device groups in Jamf Pro for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS
-keywords: device, group, microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: device, group, microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Jamfpro Enroll Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-jamfpro-enroll-devices.md
Title: Enroll Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS devices into Jamf Pro description: Enroll Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS devices into Jamf Pro
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Jamfpro Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-jamfpro-policies.md
Title: Set up the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS policies in Jamf Pro description: Learn how to set up the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS policies in Jamf Pro
-keywords: policies, microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: policies, microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamfpro, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Preferences https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-preferences.md
Title: Set preferences for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Configure Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac in enterprise organizations.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, management, preferences, enterprise, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, management, preferences, enterprise, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Privacy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-privacy.md
Title: Privacy for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Privacy controls, how to configure policy settings that impact privacy and information about the diagnostic data collected in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, privacy, diagnostic
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, privacy, diagnostic, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Pua https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-pua.md
Title: Detect and block potentially unwanted applications with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Detect and block Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUA) using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, pua, pus
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, pua, pus, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Resources https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-resources.md
Title: Resources for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Resources for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac, including how to uninstall it, how to collect diagnostic logs, CLI commands, and known issues with the product.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Schedule Scan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-schedule-scan.md
Title: How to schedule scans with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS description: Learn how to schedule an automatic scanning time for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint in macOS to better protect your organization's assets.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, scans, antivirus
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, scans, antivirus, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Support Install https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-support-install.md
Title: Troubleshoot installation issues for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Troubleshoot installation issues in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, install
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, install, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Support License https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-support-license.md
Title: Troubleshoot license issues for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Troubleshoot license issues in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, performance
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, performance, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Support Perf https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-support-perf.md
 Title: Troubleshoot performance issues for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS description: Troubleshoot performance issues in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, performance
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, performance, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
ms.localizationpriority: medium audience: ITPro-+ - m365-security - tier3
This topic provides some general steps that can be used to narrow down performan
Depending on the applications that you're running and your device characteristics, you may experience suboptimal performance when running Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS. In particular, applications or system processes that access many resources over a short timespan can lead to performance issues in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS. >[!WARNING]
->Before starting, please make sure that other security products are not currently running on the device. Multiple security products may conflict and impact the host performance.
+>Before starting, please make sure that other security products are not currently running on the device. Multiple security products may conflict and impact the host performance.
## Troubleshoot performance issues using Real-time Protection Statistics+ **Applies to:** - Only performance issues related to AV
The following steps can be used to troubleshoot and mitigate these issues:
- From the user interface. Open Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS and navigate to **Manage settings**. :::image type="content" source="images/mdatp-36-rtp.png" alt-text=" The Manage real-time protection page" lightbox="images/mdatp-36-rtp.png":::
- From the Terminal. For security purposes, this operation requires elevation.
The following steps can be used to troubleshoot and mitigate these issues:
cat real_time_protection.json | python high_cpu_parser.py > real_time_protection.log ```
- The output of the above is a list of the top contributors to performance issues. The first column is the process identifier (PID), the second column is te process name, and the last column is the number of scanned files, sorted by impact.
+ The output of the above is a list of the top contributors to performance issues. The first column is the process identifier (PID), the second column is the process name, and the last column is the number of scanned files, sorted by impact.
For example, the output of the command will be something like the below:
The following steps can be used to troubleshoot and mitigate these issues:
See [Configure and validate exclusions for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS](mac-exclusions.md) for details. - ## Troubleshoot performance issues using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer **Applies to:**-- Performance issues of all available Defender for Endpoint components such as AV and EDR
+- Performance issues of all available Defender for Endpoint components such as AV and EDR
The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer (MDECA) can collect traces, logs, and diagnostic information in order to troubleshoot performance issues on [onboarded devices](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-configure) on macOS. > [!NOTE]
->- The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer tool is regularly used by Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) to collect information such as (but not limited to) IP addresses, PC names that will help troubleshoot issues you may be experiencing with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. For more information about our privacy statement, see [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement).
->- As a general best practice, it is recommended to update the [ Microsoft Defender for Endpoint agent to latest available version](linux-whatsnew.md)  and confirming that the issue still persists before investigating further.
+> - The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Client Analyzer tool is regularly used by Microsoft Customer Support Services (CSS) to collect information such as (but not limited to) IP addresses, PC names that will help troubleshoot issues you may be experiencing with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. For more information about our privacy statement, see [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement).
+> - As a general best practice, it is recommended to update the [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint agent to latest available version](linux-whatsnew.md) and confirming that the issue still persists before investigating further.
To run the client analyzer for troubleshooting performance issues, see [Run the client analyzer on macOS and Linux](run-analyzer-macos-linux.md).
->In case after following the above steps, the performance problem persists, please contact customer support for further instructions and mitigation.
+> [!NOTE]
+> In case after following the above steps, the performance problem persists, please contact customer support for further instructions and mitigation.
## See also
security Mac Sysext Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-sysext-policies.md
Title: New configuration profiles for macOS Catalina and newer versions of macOS description: This topic describes the changes that are must be made in order to benefit from the system extensions, which are a replacement for kernel extensions on macOS Catalina and newer versions of macOS.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, kernel, system, extensions, catalina
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, kernel, system, extensions, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
search.product: eADQiWindows 10XVcnh search.appverid: met150
> Want to experience Microsoft Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://signup.microsoft.com/create-account/signup?products=7f379fee-c4f9-4278-b0a1-e4c8c2fcdf7e&ru=https://aka.ms/MDEp2OpenTrial?ocid=docs-wdatp-exposedapis-abovefoldlink)
-In alignment with macOS evolution, we are preparing a Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS update that leverages system extensions instead of kernel extensions. This update will only be applicable to macOS Catalina (10.15.4) and newer versions of macOS.
- If you have deployed Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS in a managed environment (through JAMF, Intune, or another MDM solution), you must deploy new configuration profiles. Failure to do these steps will result in users getting approval prompts to run these new components. ## JAMF
security Mac Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-updates.md
Title: Deploy updates for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Control updates for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac in enterprise environments.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, updates, deploy
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, updates, deploy, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Mac Whatsnew https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mac-whatsnew.md
Title: What's new in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Learn about the major changes for previous versions of Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, macos, whatsnew
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, macos, whatsnew, catalina, big sur, monterey, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: security ms.sitesec: library
For more information on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on other operating syste
<br/> </details>
+> This is a minimal recommended MDE version for macOS Ventura.
+ <details> <summary>Oct-2022 (Build: 101.82.21 | Release version: 20.122082.18221.0)</summary>
For more information on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on other operating syste
<br/> </details>
-> This is a minimal MDE version without known issues on macOS Ventura on the day of publishing the release notes. Between now and macOS Ventura GA, Apple may still release Ventura Beta's with platform changes that impact MDE experience. Visit these release notes around Ventura GA date for the final recommended Ventura-compatible MDE version number.
- <details> <summary>Aug-2022 (Build: 101.78.13 | Release version: 20.122072.17813.0)</summary>
security Microsoft Defender Endpoint Mac https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-endpoint-mac.md
Title: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac description: Learn how to install, configure, update, and use Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac.
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, monterey, big sur, catalina, mojave, mde for mac
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, monterey, big sur, catalina, ventura, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
The three most recent major releases of macOS are supported.
> [!IMPORTANT] > On macOS 11 (Big Sur) and above, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint requires additional configuration profiles. If you are an existing customer upgrading from earlier versions of macOS, make sure to deploy the additional configuration profiles listed on [New configuration profiles for macOS Catalina and newer versions of macOS](mac-sysext-policies.md). -- 12 (Monterey), 11 (Big Sur), 10.15 (Catalina)
+- 13 (Ventura), 12 (Monterey), 11 (Big Sur)
- Disk space: 1GB Beta versions of macOS are not supported.
security Network Protection Linux https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection-linux.md
Network protection helps reduce the attack surface of your devices from Internet
- exploits - other malicious content on the Internet
-Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft Defender [SmartScreen](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/microsoft-defender-smartscreen-overview.md) to block all outbound HTTP(s) traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. The blocks on outbound HTTP(s) traffic are based on the domain or hostname.
+Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft Defender [SmartScreen](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/microsoft-defender-smartscreen-overview.md) to block all outbound HTTP(s) traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. The blocks on outbound HTTP(s) traffic are based on the domain or hostname.
## Web content filtering for Linux
Deploy Linux manually, see [Deploy Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Linux manu
The following example shows the sequence of commands needed to the mdatp package on ubuntu 20.04 for insiders-Slow channel. ```bash
-curl -o microsoft.list https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/20.04/insiders-slow.list
-sudo mv ./microsoft.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-insiders-slow.list
-sudo apt-get install gpg
-curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | sudo apt-key add -
-sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
-sudo apt-get update
-sudo apt install -y mdatp
+curl -o microsoft.list https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/20.04/insiders-slow.list
+sudo mv ./microsoft.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-insiders-slow.list
+sudo apt-get install gpg
+curl https://packages.microsoft.com/keys/microsoft.asc | sudo apt-key add -
+sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt install -y mdatp
``` ### Device Onboarding
sudo apt install -y mdatp
To onboard the device, you must download the Python onboarding package for Linux server from Microsoft 365 Defender -> Settings -> Device Management -> Onboarding and run: ```bash
-sudo python3 MicrosoftDefenderATPOnboardingLinuxServer.py
+sudo python3 MicrosoftDefenderATPOnboardingLinuxServer.py
``` ### Manually enable network protection
-1. Turn on the ΓÇ£networkProtectionΓÇ¥ feature, edit the ΓÇ£/etc/opt/microsoft/mdatp/wdavcfgΓÇ¥ and set **networkProtection** to **enabled**.
+1. Turn on the "networkProtection" feature, edit the "/etc/opt/microsoft/mdatp/wdavcfg" and set **networkProtection** to **enabled**.
2. Restart the mdatp service by running the following command: ```bash
-sudo systemctl restart mdatp
+sudo systemctl restart mdatp
```+ > :::image type="content" source="images/network-protection-linux-mdatp-restart.png" alt-text="Shows Linux mdatp restart." lightbox="images/network-protection-linux-mdatp-restart.png"::: ### Configure the enforcement level
sudo mdatp config network-protection enforcement-level --value audit ```
-To confirm Network Protection has successfully started, run the following command from the Terminal; verify that it prints ΓÇ£startedΓÇ¥:
+To confirm Network Protection has successfully started, run the following command from the Terminal; verify that it prints "started":
```bash mdatp health --field network_protection_status
A. Check Network Protection has effect on always blocked sites:
B. Inspect diagnostic logs ```bash
-$ sudo mdatp log level set --level debug
-$ sudo tail -f /var/log/microsoft/mdatp/microsoft_defender_np_ext.logΓÇ»
+$ sudo mdatp log level set --level debug
+$ sudo tail -f /var/log/microsoft/mdatp/microsoft_defender_np_ext.log
``` #### To exit the validation mode
By default, Linux network protection is active on the default gateway; routing a
To customize the network interfaces, change the **networkSetupMode** parameter from the **/opt/microsoft/mdatp/conf/** configuration file and restart the service: ```bash
-sudo systemctl restart mdatp
+sudo systemctl restart mdatp
``` The configuration file also enables the user to customize:
The default values were tested for all distributions as described in [Microsoft
### Microsoft Defender portal
-Also, make sure that in **Microsoft Defender** > **Settings** > **Endpoints** > **Advanced features** that **ΓÇÿCustom network indicatorsΓÇÖ** toggle is set _enabled_.
+Also, make sure that in **Microsoft Defender** \> **Settings** \> **Endpoints** \> **Advanced features** that **'Custom network indicators'** toggle is set _enabled_.
-> The above **ΓÇÿCustom network indicatorsΓÇÖ** toggle controls **Custom Indicators** enablement **for ALL platforms with Network Protection support, including Windows. Reminder that - on Windows - for indicators to be enforced you also must have Network Protection explicitly enabled.
+> The above **'Custom network indicators'** toggle controls **Custom Indicators** enablement **for ALL platforms with Network Protection support, including Windows. Reminder that - on Windows - for indicators to be enforced you also must have Network Protection explicitly enabled.
>:::image type="content" source="images/network-protection-linux-defender-security-center-advanced-features-settings.png" alt-text="MEM Create Profile" lightbox="images/network-protection-linux-defender-security-center-advanced-features-settings.png":::
Also, make sure that in **Microsoft Defender** > **Settings** > **Endpoints** >
- Web threat protection is part of web protection in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. It uses network protection to secure your devices against web threats. 2. Run through the [Custom Indicators of Compromise](indicator-ip-domain.md) flow to get blocks on the Custom Indicator type. 3. Explore [Web content filtering](web-content-filtering.md).+ > [!NOTE] > If you are removing a policy or changing device groups at the same time, this might cause a delay in policy deployment. > Pro tip: You can deploy a policy without selecting any category on a device group. This action will create an audit only policy, to help you understand user behavior before creating a block policy. >
- > Device group creation is supported in Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2.
+ > Device group creation is supported in Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2.
4. [Integrate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Defender for Cloud Apps](/defender-cloud-apps/mde-integration) and your network protection-enabled macOS devices will have endpoint policy enforcement capabilities.+ > [!NOTE] > Discovery and other features are currently not supported on these platforms.
security Network Protection Macos https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/network-protection-macos.md
Title: Use network protection to help prevent macOS connections to bad sites
+ Title: Use network protection to help prevent macOS connections to bad sites
description: Protect your network by preventing macOS users from accessing known malicious and suspicious network addresses keywords: Network protection, MacOS exploits, malicious website, ip, domain, domains, command and control, SmartScreen, toast notification
-+ - m365-security - tier2 Last updated
Microsoft Network protection helps reduce the attack surface of your devices fro
- exploits - other malicious content on the Internet
-Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft 365 Defender [SmartScreen](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/microsoft-defender-smartscreen-overview.md) to block all outbound HTTP(s) traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. The blocks on outbound HTTP(s) traffic are based on the domain or hostname.
+Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft 365 Defender [SmartScreen](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-smartscreen/microsoft-defender-smartscreen-overview.md) to block all outbound HTTP(s) traffic that attempts to connect to low-reputation sources. The blocks on outbound HTTP(s) traffic are based on the domain or hostname.
## New and updated capabilities -- You can run your corporate VPN in tandem or ΓÇ£side by sideΓÇ¥ with network protection. Currently, no VPN conflicts are identified. If you do experience conflicts, you can provide feedback through the feedback channel listed at the bottom of this page.
- - Web content filtering is supported with network protection for macOS.
- - If network protection is configured and active on the device, web content filtering (WCF) policies created in the MDEP Portal are respected in browsers, including Chromium Microsoft Edge for macOS. Web content filtering in Microsoft Edge on Mac currently requires network protection; other E5 feature, such as Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications or Custom Indicators currently also require network protection.
+- You can run your corporate VPN in tandem or "side by side" with network protection. Currently, no VPN conflicts are identified. If you do experience conflicts, you can provide feedback through the feedback channel listed at the bottom of this page.
+ - Web content filtering is supported with network protection for macOS.
+ - If network protection is configured and active on the device, web content filtering (WCF) policies created in the MDEP Portal are respected in browsers, including Chromium Microsoft Edge for macOS. Web content filtering in Microsoft Edge on Mac currently requires network protection; other E5 feature, such as Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications or Custom Indicators currently also require network protection.
### Known issues
Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft 365 Defender [SmartScreen](/
### Important notes -- We donΓÇÖt recommend controlling network protection from System Preferences by using the Disconnect button. Instead, use the mdatp command-line tool or JAMF / Intune to control network protection for macOS.
+- We don't recommend controlling network protection from System Preferences by using the Disconnect button. Instead, use the mdatp command-line tool or JAMF / Intune to control network protection for macOS.
- To evaluate effectiveness of macOS web threat protection, we recommend trying it in browsers other than Microsoft Edge for macOS (for example, Safari). Microsoft Edge for macOS has built-in web threat protection that is enabled regardless of whether the Mac network protection feature you're evaluating, is turned on or not. > [!NOTE]
Network protection expands the scope of Microsoft 365 Defender [SmartScreen](/
- Onboarded Machines: - Minimum macOS version: 11 - Product version 101.78.13 or later
- - Your device must be in either the External (Preview) or InsiderFast (Beta) Microsoft AutoUpdate update channel. You can check the update channel using the following command:
+ - Your device must be in either the External (Preview) or InsiderFast (Beta) Microsoft AutoUpdate update channel. You can check the update channel using the following command:
-mdatp health --field release_ring
+mdatp health --field release_ring
``` If your device isn't already in the External(Preview) update channel, execute the following command from the Terminal. The channel update takes effect next time the product starts (when the next product update is installed or when the device is rebooted).
Alternatively, if you are in a managed environment (JAMF or Intune), you can con
### Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint
-After youΓÇÖve configured your device to be in the External(preview) update channel, install the most recent product version through Microsoft AutoUpdate. To open Microsoft AutoUpdate, run the following command from the Terminal:
+After you've configured your device to be in the External(preview) update channel, install the most recent product version through Microsoft AutoUpdate. To open Microsoft AutoUpdate, run the following command from the Terminal:
```bash open /Library/Application\ Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0/Microsoft\ AutoUpdate.app ```
-Configure the product with your organization information using the instructions in our public documentation.
+Configure the product with your organization information using the instructions in our public documentation.
Network protection is disabled by default, but it can be configured to run in one of the following modes (also called enforcement levels):
For example, to configure network protection to run in blocking mode, execute th
mdatp config network-protection enforcement-level --value block ```
-To confirm that network protection has been started successfully, run the following command from the Terminal, and verify that it prints ΓÇ£startedΓÇ¥:
+To confirm that network protection has been started successfully, run the following command from the Terminal, and verify that it prints "started":
```bash mdatp health --field network_protection_status
mdatp health --field network_protection_status
#### JAMF deployment
-A successful JAMF deployment requires a configuration profile to set the enforcement level of network protection.
+A successful JAMF deployment requires a configuration profile to set the enforcement level of network protection.
After you create this configuration profile, assign it to the devices where you want to enable network protection. ##### Configure the enforcement level
-Note: If youΓÇÖve already configured Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint on Mac using the instructions listed here, then update the plist file you previously deployed with the content listed below and redeploy it from JAMF.
+Note: If you've already configured Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint on Mac using the instructions listed here, then update the plist file you previously deployed with the content listed below and redeploy it from JAMF.
-1. In **Computers** > **Configuration Profiles**, select **Options** > **Applications & Custom Settings**
+1. In **Computers** \> **Configuration Profiles**, select **Options** \> **Applications & Custom Settings**
2. Select **Upload File** (PLIST file) 3. Set preference domain to _com.microsoft.wdav_ 4. Upload the following plist file ```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>networkProtection</key>
- <dict>
- <key>enforcementLevel</key>
- <string>block</string>
- </dict>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>networkProtection</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>enforcementLevel</key>
+ <string>block</string>
+ </dict>
``` #### Intune deployment
-A successful Intune deployment requires a configuration profile to set the enforcement level of network protection.
+A successful Intune deployment requires a configuration profile to set the enforcement level of network protection.
After you create this configuration profile, assign it to the devices where you want to enable network protection. ##### Configure the enforcement level using Intune > [!NOTE]
-> If youΓÇÖve already configured Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac using the instructions listed here, then update the plist file you previously deployed with the content listed below and re-deploy it from Intune.
+> If you've already configured Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on Mac using the instructions listed here, then update the plist file you previously deployed with the content listed below and re-deploy it from Intune.
-1. OpenΓÇ»**Manage**ΓÇ»>ΓÇ»**Device configuration**. SelectΓÇ»**Manage**ΓÇ»>ΓÇ»**Profiles**ΓÇ»>ΓÇ»**Create Profile**.
-2. Specify a name for the profile. Change **Platform=macOS** to **Profile type=Custom**. Select **Configure**.
+1. Open **Manage** \> **Device configuration**. Select **Manage** \> **Profiles** \> **Create Profile**.
+2. Specify a name for the profile. Change **Platform=macOS** to **Profile type=Custom**. Select **Configure**.
3. Save the following payload as _com.microsoft.wdav.xml_-
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
-<plist version="1">
- <dict>
- <key>PayloadUUID</key>
- <string>C4E6A782-0C8D-44AB-A025-EB893987A295</string>
- <key>PayloadType</key>
- <string>Configuration</string>
- <key>PayloadOrganization</key>
- <string>Microsoft</string>
- <key>PayloadIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.microsoft.wdav</string>
- <key>PayloadDisplayName</key>
- <string>Microsoft Defender ATP settings</string>
- <key>PayloadDescription</key>
- <string>Microsoft Defender ATP configuration settings</string>
- <key>PayloadVersion</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>PayloadEnabled</key>
- <true/>
- <key>PayloadRemovalDisallowed</key>
- <true/>
- <key>PayloadScope</key>
- <string>System</string>
- <key>PayloadContent</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>PayloadUUID</key>
- <string>99DBC2BC-3B3A-46A2-A413-C8F9BB9A7295</string>
- <key>PayloadType</key>
- <string>com.microsoft.wdav</string>
- <key>PayloadOrganization</key>
- <string>Microsoft</string>
- <key>PayloadIdentifier</key>
- <string>com.microsoft.wdav</string>
- <key>PayloadDisplayName</key>
- <string>Microsoft Defender ATP configuration settings</string>
- <key>PayloadDescription</key>
- <string/>
- <key>PayloadVersion</key>
- <integer>1</integer>
- <key>PayloadEnabled</key>
- <true/>
- <key>networkProtection</key>
- <dict>
- <key>enforcementLevel</key>
- <string>block</string>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
-4. Verify that the above file was copied correctly. From the Terminal, run the following command and verify that it outputs OK:
-plutil -lint com.microsoft.wdav.xml
-5. Enter _com.microsoft.wdav_ as the custom configuration profile name.
-6. Open the configuration profile and upload the com.microsoft.wdav.xml file. (This file was created in step 3.)
-7. SelectΓÇ»**OK**
-8. Select **Manage** > **Assignments**. In the **Include** tab, select the devices for which you want to enable network protection.
+ ```xml
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+ <plist version="1">
+ <dict>
+ <key>PayloadUUID</key>
+ <string>C4E6A782-0C8D-44AB-A025-EB893987A295</string>
+ <key>PayloadType</key>
+ <string>Configuration</string>
+ <key>PayloadOrganization</key>
+ <string>Microsoft</string>
+ <key>PayloadIdentifier</key>
+ <string>com.microsoft.wdav</string>
+ <key>PayloadDisplayName</key>
+ <string>Microsoft Defender ATP settings</string>
+ <key>PayloadDescription</key>
+ <string>Microsoft Defender ATP configuration settings</string>
+ <key>PayloadVersion</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>PayloadEnabled</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>PayloadRemovalDisallowed</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>PayloadScope</key>
+ <string>System</string>
+ <key>PayloadContent</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PayloadUUID</key>
+ <string>99DBC2BC-3B3A-46A2-A413-C8F9BB9A7295</string>
+ <key>PayloadType</key>
+ <string>com.microsoft.wdav</string>
+ <key>PayloadOrganization</key>
+ <string>Microsoft</string>
+ <key>PayloadIdentifier</key>
+ <string>com.microsoft.wdav</string>
+ <key>PayloadDisplayName</key>
+ <string>Microsoft Defender ATP configuration settings</string>
+ <key>PayloadDescription</key>
+ <string/>
+ <key>PayloadVersion</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>PayloadEnabled</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>networkProtection</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>enforcementLevel</key>
+ <string>block</string>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </plist>
+ ```
+4. Verify that the above file was copied correctly. From the Terminal, run the following command and verify that it outputs OK:
+ ```bash
+ plutil -lint com.microsoft.wdav.xml
+ ```
+5. Enter _com.microsoft.wdav_ as the custom configuration profile name.
+6. Open the configuration profile and upload the com.microsoft.wdav.xml file. (This file was created in step 3.)
+7. Select **OK**
+8. Select **Manage** \> **Assignments**. In the **Include** tab, select the devices for which you want to enable network protection.
## How to explore the features
plutil -lint com.microsoft.wdav.xml
> If you are removing a policy or changing device groups at the same time, this might cause a delay in policy deployment. > Pro tip: You can deploy a policy without selecting any category on a device group. This action will create an audit only policy, to help you understand user behavior before creating a block policy. >
- > Device group creation is supported in Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2.
+ > Device group creation is supported in Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 and Plan 2.
4. [Integrate Microsoft Defender for Endpoint with Defender for Cloud Apps](/defender-cloud-apps/mde-integration) and your network protection-enabled macOS devices will have endpoint policy enforcement capabilities. > [!NOTE]
Web threat protection is part of web protection in Microsoft 365 Defender for En
For more information, see [Protect your organization against web threat](web-threat-protection.md)
-### Custom Indicators of Compromise
+### Custom Indicators of Compromise
Indicator of compromise (IoCs) matching is an essential feature in every endpoint protection solution. This capability gives SecOps the ability to set a list of indicators for detection and for blocking (prevention and response).
If the end user encounters a _block_, the user will have two possible resolution
- **For toast message experience**: Press the toast message itself. End user will be redirected to a custom redirect URL set globally in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications (More information at the bottom of this page) > [!NOTE]
-> Tracking bypasses per app** ΓÇô You can track how many users have bypassed the warning in the _Application_ page in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications.
+> Tracking bypasses per app** ΓÇô You can track how many users have bypassed the warning in the _Application_ page in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications.
:::image type="content" source="images/network-protection-macos-mcas-cloud-app-security.png" alt-text="Shows network protection cloud app security overview.":::
If the end user encounters a _block_, the user will have two possible resolution
### End user education center SharePoint site template
-For many organizations, it's important to take the cloud controls provided by Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications, and to not only set limitations on end users when needed, but to also educate and coach them about:
+For many organizations, it's important to take the cloud controls provided by Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications, and to not only set limitations on end users when needed, but to also educate and coach them about:
- the specific incident - why it has happened - what is the thinking behind this decision - how encountering block sites can be mitigated
-Upon facing an unexpected behavior, usersΓÇÖ confusion may be reduced by providing them as much information as possible, not only to explain about what has happened but to also educate them to be more aware the next time they choose a cloud app to complete their job. For example, this information can include:
+Upon facing an unexpected behavior, users' confusion may be reduced by providing them as much information as possible, not only to explain about what has happened but to also educate them to be more aware the next time they choose a cloud app to complete their job. For example, this information can include:
- Organization security and compliance policies and guidelines for internet and cloud use - Approved/recommended cloud apps for use - Restricted/blocked cloud apps for use
-For this page, we recommend that your organization uses a basic SharePoint site.
+For this page, we recommend that your organization uses a basic SharePoint site.
### Important things to know
-1. It can take up to two hours (typically less) for app domains to propagate and to be update in the endpoint devices, after it's marked as _Monitored_.
-2. By default, action will be taken for all apps and domains that were marked as Monitored in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications portal for all the onboarded endpoints in the organization.
-3. Full URLs are currently not supported and won't be sent from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications to Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint, if any full URLs are listed under Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications monitored apps, hence, user wonΓÇÖt get warned on access attempt (for example, google.com/drive isn't supported, while drive.google.com is supported).
+1. It can take up to two hours (typically less) for app domains to propagate and to be update in the endpoint devices, after it's marked as _Monitored_.
+2. By default, action will be taken for all apps and domains that were marked as Monitored in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications portal for all the onboarded endpoints in the organization.
+3. Full URLs are currently not supported and won't be sent from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications to Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint, if any full URLs are listed under Microsoft Defender for Cloud Applications monitored apps, hence, user won't get warned on access attempt (for example, google.com/drive isn't supported, while drive.google.com is supported).
No End-user notification on third party browsers? Check your toast message settings
security Professional Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/professional-services.md
search.appverid: met150
- Microsoft Defender for Identity - Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps
-The following professional services can be integrated with Microsoft DefendersΓÇÖ products:
+The following professional services can be integrated with Microsoft Defenders' products:
## Manage Managed security services that assist organizations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach.
-| Service name | Vendor | Description |
-| -- | | |
-| [Microsoft Defender Experts](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2203232)| Microsoft | Defender Experts for Hunting is a proactive threat hunting service for Microsoft 365 Defender. |
-| [Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671) | glueckkanja-gab AG| Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, responds to threats on your behalf and works closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
-| [Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480)| Wortell| Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models|
-| [CRITICALSTART® Managed Detection & Response Services for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202761)| CRITICALSTART| Critical Start Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services for Microsoft 365 Defender (M365D) extends security defenses to provide cross-domain threat protection and simplify breach prevention. Their team of Microsoft security experts leverages integration with M365D to detect, investigate and respond with the right actions to alerts from identity, to email and cloud – before they disrupt business operations.  |
-| [CRITICALSTART® Managed Detection & Response Services for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202844)  | CRITICALSTART| Critical Start Managed Detection & Response (MDR) service for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) simplifies security across an expanded attack surface by combining Microsoft’s cross-enterprise visibility threat detection and auto investigation capabilities with optimized threat detection and response to deliver an 80% reduction in false positives on the first day of production monitoring.  |
-| [InSpark Cloud Security Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202387) | InSpark| InSparks' Cloud Security Center is a 24x7 Managed Security Solution including SOC services. It continuously provides your Microsoft cloud platform with the highest level of security.   |
-| [Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)| Mandiant, Inc. | Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations. |
-| [Onevinn MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202390) | Onevinn| Onevinn MDR, Managed Detection and Response, built on Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Sentinel is a unified pre- and post-breach enterprise defense suite that natively coordinates detection, prevention, investigation and response across endpoints, identities, email, and applications to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks. |
-| [SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677) | Sepago GmbH  | SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel. They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
-| [MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762) | Red Canary | MDR for Microsoft provides 24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.  |
-| [Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843)  | BDO | BDO’s Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don’t. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don’t. |
-| [DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580) | DXC | DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. It's powered by Microsoft’s Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats, |
-| [Managed Security Services for Microsoft Defender Suite](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202476)  | Dell Technologies | Dell Technologies is a Global services delivery company with a distributed Security Operations Center that is available 24 by 7 to serve customers with security monitoring and management. They help onboard customers and improve their security posture and offload the burden of hiring and managing a full security team while reaping the benefits of 24 hour detection and response. |
-| [CSIS Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202385) | CSIS | Provides 24/7 monitoring and analysis of security alerts giving companies actionable insights into what, when, and how security incidents have taken place. |
-| [MDR for Endpoints](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202676)| NTT Ltd. | MDR for Endpoints helps increase your cyber resilience with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service. Combines 24/7 human & machine expertise, best-of-breed technologies, and global threat intelligence to detect and disrupt hard-to-find attacks, making it more secure. |
-| [BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673) | BlueVoyant | BlueVoyantΓÇÖs MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of MicrosoftΓÇÖs Defender product suite with BlueVoyantΓÇÖs elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate todayΓÇÖs most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more. |
-| [White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)  | White Hat IT Security| White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform – scalable and adaptive security from true experts. |
-| [eSentire Managed Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202582) | eSentire| MDR you can trust that provides 24/7 threat investigations and responses via Microsoft 365 Defender suite.  |
-| [Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672)| Aujas Cybersecurity   | Managed security services that assist organizations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach.|
-| [Expel for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202477) | Expel | Provides 24/7 detection and response for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Azure, and Office 365.|
-| [Managed XDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202386)  | CyberProof | CyberProof’s Managed XDR (Extended Detection and Response) for Microsoft identifies intrusions across your enterprise as you migrate to the cloud – from applications to endpoints, identities and data - enabling timely response to reduce the impact of the attack.   The combination of their human expertise and experience in security operations with Microsoft’s 365 Defender and Microsoft Sentinel technology reduces the costs and complexity of adopting and operating a cloud-native cyber defense architecture. |
-| [Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848) | Secureworks | Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.  |
-| [Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)  | The Collective| The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch. |
-| [Nedscaper Managed XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202478) | Nedscaper | Nedscaper Manager XDR (MDR) is a Managed Detect and Respond SaaS solution, which provides 24/7 Threat Protection, continues Vulnerability Management and combined Threat Intelligence built on Azure. The Microsoft (365 & Azure) Defender products, plus any non-Microsoft / 3P Security solution, is connected to Microsoft Sentinel as the core platform for the Security analysts. |
-| [dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581)| dinext AG | Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, dinext AG accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment. |
-| [Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392)| Synergy Advisors LLC | E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance. |
-| [Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846) | Quorum Cyber | Quorum Cyber’s Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security. |
-|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)| Patriot Consulting | SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
-|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895) | Open Systems| Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24×7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
+|Service name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Microsoft Defender Experts](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2203232)|Microsoft|Defender Experts for Hunting is a proactive threat hunting service for Microsoft 365 Defender.|
+|[Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671)|glueckkanja-gab AG|Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, responds to threats on your behalf and works closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
+|[Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480)|Wortell|Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models|
+|[CRITICALSTART® Managed Detection & Response Services for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202761)|CRITICALSTART|Critical Start Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services for Microsoft 365 Defender (M365D) extends security defenses to provide cross-domain threat protection and simplify breach prevention. Their team of Microsoft security experts leverages integration with M365D to detect, investigate and respond with the right actions to alerts from identity, to email and cloud – before they disrupt business operations.|
+|[CRITICALSTART® Managed Detection & Response Services for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202844)|CRITICALSTART|Critical Start Managed Detection & Response (MDR) service for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE) simplifies security across an expanded attack surface by combining Microsoft's cross-enterprise visibility threat detection and auto investigation capabilities with optimized threat detection and response to deliver an 80% reduction in false positives on the first day of production monitoring.|
+|[InSpark Cloud Security Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202387)|InSpark|InSparks' Cloud Security Center is a 24x7 Managed Security Solution including SOC services. It continuously provides your Microsoft cloud platform with the highest level of security.|
+|[Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)|Mandiant, Inc.|Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations.|
+|[Onevinn MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202390)|Onevinn|Onevinn MDR, Managed Detection and Response, built on Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Sentinel is a unified pre- and post-breach enterprise defense suite that natively coordinates detection, prevention, investigation and response across endpoints, identities, email, and applications to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks.|
+|[SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)|Sepago GmbH|SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel. They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
+|[MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762)|Red Canary|MDR for Microsoft provides 24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.|
+|[Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843)|BDO|BDO's Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don't. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don't.|
+|[DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580)|DXC|DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. It's powered by Microsoft's Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats,|
+|[Managed Security Services for Microsoft Defender Suite](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202476)|Dell Technologies|Dell Technologies is a Global services delivery company with a distributed Security Operations Center that is available 24 by 7 to serve customers with security monitoring and management. They help onboard customers and improve their security posture and offload the burden of hiring and managing a full security team while reaping the benefits of 24 hour detection and response.|
+|[CSIS Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202385)|CSIS|Provides 24/7 monitoring and analysis of security alerts giving companies actionable insights into what, when, and how security incidents have taken place.|
+|[MDR for Endpoints](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202676)|NTT Ltd.|MDR for Endpoints helps increase your cyber resilience with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service. Combines 24/7 human & machine expertise, best-of-breed technologies, and global threat intelligence to detect and disrupt hard-to-find attacks, making it more secure.|
+|[BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)|BlueVoyant|BlueVoyant's MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of Microsoft's Defender product suite with BlueVoyant's elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate today's most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more.|
+|[White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)|White Hat IT Security|White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform ΓÇô scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
+|[eSentire Managed Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202582)|eSentire|MDR you can trust that provides 24/7 threat investigations and responses via Microsoft 365 Defender suite.|
+|[Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672)|Aujas Cybersecurity|Managed security services that assist organizations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach.|
+|[Expel for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202477)|Expel|Provides 24/7 detection and response for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, Azure, and Office 365.|
+|[Managed XDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202386)|CyberProof|CyberProof's Managed XDR (Extended Detection and Response) for Microsoft identifies intrusions across your enterprise as you migrate to the cloud ΓÇô from applications to endpoints, identities and data - enabling timely response to reduce the impact of the attack. The combination of their human expertise and experience in security operations with Microsoft's 365 Defender and Microsoft Sentinel technology reduces the costs and complexity of adopting and operating a cloud-native cyber defense architecture.|
+|[Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)|Secureworks|Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.|
+|[Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)|The Collective|The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch.|
+|[Nedscaper Managed XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202478)|Nedscaper|Nedscaper Manager XDR (MDR) is a Managed Detect and Respond SaaS solution, which provides 24/7 Threat Protection, continues Vulnerability Management and combined Threat Intelligence built on Azure. The Microsoft (365 & Azure) Defender products, plus any non-Microsoft / 3P Security solution, is connected to Microsoft Sentinel as the core platform for the Security analysts.|
+|[dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581)|dinext AG|Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, dinext AG accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment.|
+|[Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392)|Synergy Advisors LLC|E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance.|
+|[Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)|Quorum Cyber|Quorum Cyber's Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security.|
+|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)|Patriot Consulting|SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
+|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895)|Open Systems|Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24x7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
## Respond Respond to security incidents quickly, effectively and at scale with complete incident response including investigation, containment, remediation, and crisis management.
-| Service name | Vendor| Description|
-| -| | |
-| [Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2203105) | Microsoft | The Cybersecurity Incident Response service is an effective way to respond to incidents due to the activities of todayΓÇÖs adversaries and sophisticated criminal organizations. This service seeks to determine whether systems are under targeted exploitation via investigation for signs of advanced implants and anomalous behavior. |
-| [Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)| Quorum Cyber| Quorum CyberΓÇÖs Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security. |
-| [Trustwave MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202849)| Trustwave | Trustwave offers a security service (Gartner Leader) for endpoint using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. |
-| [Active Remediation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=) | Red Canary | Red Canary security experts respond to remediate threats on your endpoints, 24x7. Requires Red Canary MDR for Microsoft. |
-| [Onevinn DFIR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584)  | Onevinn| Onevinn DFIR, Digital Defense and Incident Response team, when you're having a breach and you need urgent assistance to gain back control of your IT Environment. |
-| [Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671) | glueckkanja-gab AG| Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, respond to threats on your behalf and work closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
-| [Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480) | Wortell| Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models |
-| [InSpark Cloud Security Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202387) | InSpark| InSparks' Cloud Security Center is a 24x7 Managed Security Solution including SOC services. It continuously provides your Microsoft cloud platform with the highest level of security. |
-| [Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)| Mandiant, Inc. | Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations. |
-| [Onevinn MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202390) | Onevinn| Onevinn MDR, Managed Detection and Response, built on Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Sentinel is a unified pre- and post-breach enterprise defense suite that natively coordinates detection, prevention, investigation and response across endpoints, identities, email, and applications to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks. |
-| [MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762) | Red Canary | 24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.|
-| [Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843) | BDO | BDO’s Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don’t. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don’t.  |
-| [DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580) | DXC | DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. Powered by Microsoft’s Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats,  |
-| [Managed Security Services for Microsoft Defender Suite](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202476)  | Dell Technologies | Dell Technologies is a Global services delivery company with a distributed Security Operations Center that is available 24/7 to serve customers with security monitoring and management. They help onboard customers and improve their security posture and offload the burden of hiring and managing a full security team while reaping the benefits of 24 hour detection and response.|
-| [CSIS Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202385) | CSIS | 24/7 monitoring and analysis of security alerts giving companies actionable insights into what, when, and how security incidents have taken place. |
-| [MDR for Endpoints](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202676)  | NTT Ltd. | Increase your cyber resilience with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service. Combining 24/7 human & machine expertise, best-of-breed technologies, and global threat intelligence to detect and disrupt hard-to-find attacks, making you more secure. |
-| [BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673) | BlueVoyant | BlueVoyantΓÇÖs MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of MicrosoftΓÇÖs Defender product suite with BlueVoyantΓÇÖs elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate todayΓÇÖs most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more. |
-| [White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)  | White Hat IT Security| White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform – scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
-| [eSentire Managed Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202582)| eSentire | MDR you can trust that provides 24/7 threat investigations and responses via Microsoft 365 Defender suite.  |
-| [Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672)| Aujas Cybersecurity   | Managed security services that assist organisations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach. |
-| [Accenture Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202842)  | Accenture | Accenture's Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR) service provides a fully managed service that proactively finds and mitigates advanced cyber-attacks and malicious activity before they cause material business impact across IT and OT environments, both in the cloud and on-premises. |
-| [Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)  | Secureworks | Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.  |
-| [Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)  | The Collective | The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch. |
-| [dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581) | dinext AG | Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, dinext AG accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment. |
-| [Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392) | Synergy Advisors LLC | E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance.  |
-| [SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)| Sepago GmbH  | SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel. They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
-|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)| Patriot Consulting | SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
-|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895) | Open Systems| Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24×7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
+|Service name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2203105)|Microsoft|The Cybersecurity Incident Response service is an effective way to respond to incidents due to the activities of today's adversaries and sophisticated criminal organizations. This service seeks to determine whether systems are under targeted exploitation via investigation for signs of advanced implants and anomalous behavior.|
+|[Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)|Quorum Cyber|Quorum Cyber's Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security.|
+|[Trustwave MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202849)|Trustwave|Trustwave offers a security service (Gartner Leader) for endpoint using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.|
+|[Active Remediation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=)|Red Canary|Red Canary security experts respond to remediate threats on your endpoints, 24x7. Requires Red Canary MDR for Microsoft.|
+|[Onevinn DFIR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584)|Onevinn|Onevinn DFIR, Digital Defense and Incident Response team, when you're having a breach and you need urgent assistance to gain back control of your IT Environment.|
+|[Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671)|glueckkanja-gab AG|Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, respond to threats on your behalf and work closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
+|[Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480)|Wortell|Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models|
+|[InSpark Cloud Security Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202387)|InSpark|InSparks' Cloud Security Center is a 24x7 Managed Security Solution including SOC services. It continuously provides your Microsoft cloud platform with the highest level of security.|
+|[Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)|Mandiant, Inc.|Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations.|
+|[Onevinn MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202390)|Onevinn|Onevinn MDR, Managed Detection and Response, built on Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Sentinel is a unified pre- and post-breach enterprise defense suite that natively coordinates detection, prevention, investigation and response across endpoints, identities, email, and applications to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks.|
+|[MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762)|Red Canary|24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.|
+|[Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843)|BDO|BDO's Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don't. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don't.|
+|[DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580)|DXC|DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. Powered by Microsoft's Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats.|
+|[Managed Security Services for Microsoft Defender Suite](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202476)|Dell Technologies|Dell Technologies is a Global services delivery company with a distributed Security Operations Center that is available 24/7 to serve customers with security monitoring and management. They help onboard customers and improve their security posture and offload the burden of hiring and managing a full security team while reaping the benefits of 24 hour detection and response.|
+|[CSIS Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202385)|CSIS|24/7 monitoring and analysis of security alerts giving companies actionable insights into what, when, and how security incidents have taken place.|
+|[MDR for Endpoints](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202676)|NTT Ltd.|Increase your cyber resilience with Managed Detection and Response (MDR) service. Combining 24/7 human & machine expertise, best-of-breed technologies, and global threat intelligence to detect and disrupt hard-to-find attacks, making you more secure.|
+|[BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)|BlueVoyant|BlueVoyant's MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of Microsoft's Defender product suite with BlueVoyant's elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate today's most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more.|
+|[White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)|White Hat IT Security|White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform ΓÇô scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
+|[eSentire Managed Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202582)|eSentire|MDR you can trust that provides 24/7 threat investigations and responses via Microsoft 365 Defender suite.|
+|[Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672)|Aujas Cybersecurity|Managed security services that assist organisations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach.|
+|[Accenture Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202842)|Accenture|Accenture's Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR) service provides a fully managed service that proactively finds and mitigates advanced cyber-attacks and malicious activity before they cause material business impact across IT and OT environments, both in the cloud and on-premises.|
+|[Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)|Secureworks|Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.|
+|[Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)|The Collective|The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch.|
+|[dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581)|dinext AG|Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, dinext AG accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment.|
+|[Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392)|Synergy Advisors LLC|E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance.|
+|[SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)|Sepago GmbH|SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel.They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
+|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)|Patriot Consulting|SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
+|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895)|Open Systems|Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24x7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
## Protect
-Protect your organization proactively by evaluating your organizationΓÇÖs ability to effectively prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats before they disrupt your business.
-| Service name | Vendor| Description|
-| - | - | -- |
-| [Microsoft Defender Experts](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2203232) | Microsoft | Defender Experts for Hunting is a proactive threat hunting service for Microsoft 365 Defender.|
-| [Microsoft Consulting Services - Security Operations and Threat Protection Services](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/industrysolutions/solutions/security?activetab=pivot1:primaryr4) | Microsoft | The Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) Security Operations and Threat Protection Services (SOTPS), provides a structured approach to modern Security Operations Center (SOC) design and implementation using effective change management techniques so your security professionals can detect attacks faster and respond more effectively. |
-| [Onevinn Threat Hunting](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584)  | Onevinn| If your Internal SOC needs an extra pair of eyes looking for threats, Onevinn´s Threat Hunters can be purchased as your extended hunting team.  |
-| [Microsoft 365 Security Assessment](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202389)  | Nedscaper | The Microsoft 365 Security assessment provides a risk-based approach to scan and analyze the security baseline (prevention is better than the cure) and settings of the Microsoft 365 Security products, from Microsoft 365 E3 security products like Azure AD Conditional Access and Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Microsoft Defender Antivirus policies) to the Microsoft 365 E5 Security products like Microsoft 365 Defender, Azure AD identity Protection and Microsoft Defender for Identity, Devices, Office 365 and Cloud Apps.|
-| [Invoke Monthly Microsoft 365 Security Assessments](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202583)  | Invoke LLC | Provides monthly detailed assessment reports of active threats, vulnerabilities active and Phishing/malware campaigns targeted on your Microsoft 365 Environment. Helps with prescribed mitigations for active threats and improvement actions for recurring threats if any. Monitor Secure score and recommendations, giving your security teams an extra set of eyes to stay on top of risks. |
-| [Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671)| glueckkanja-gab AG| Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, respond to threats on your behalf and work closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
-| [Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480) | Wortell| Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models |
-| [InSpark Cloud Security Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202387)| InSpark| InSparks' Cloud Security Center is a 24x7 Managed Security Solution including SOC services. It continuously provides your Microsoft cloud platform with the highest level of security. |
-| [Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)| Mandiant, Inc. | Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations. |
-| [Onevinn MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202390)| Onevinn| Onevinn MDR, Managed Detection and Response, built on Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Sentinel is a unified pre- and post-breach enterprise defense suite that natively coordinates detection, prevention, investigation and response across endpoints, identities, email, and applications to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks. |
-| [MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762)| Red Canary | 24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.|
-| [Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843) | BDO | BDO’s Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don’t. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don’t.  |
-| [DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580)| DXC | DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. Powered by Microsoft’s Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats,  |
-| [Managed Security Services for Microsoft Defender Suite](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202476) | Dell Technologies | Dell Technologies is a Global services delivery company with a distributed Security Operations Center that is available 24 by 7 to serve customers with security monitoring and management. Help onboard customers and improve their security posture and offload the burden of hiring and managing a full security team while reaping the benefits of 24 hour detection and response.|
-| [BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)| BlueVoyant | BlueVoyantΓÇÖs MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of MicrosoftΓÇÖs Defender product suite with BlueVoyantΓÇÖs elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate todayΓÇÖs most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more. |
-| [White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)  | White Hat IT Security| White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform – scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
-| [eSentire Managed Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202582)  | eSentire | MDR you can trust that provides 24/7 threat investigations and responses via Microsoft 365 Defender suite.  |
-| [Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672) | Aujas Cybersecurity   | Managed security services that assist organizations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach. |
-| [Accenture Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202842) | Accenture | Accenture's Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR) service provides a fully managed service that proactively finds and mitigates advanced cyber-attacks and malicious activity before they cause material business impact across IT and OT environments, both in the cloud and on-premises. |
-| [Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)  | Secureworks | Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.  |
-| [Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)  | The Collective | The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch. |
-| [dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581) | dinext AG | Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, dinext AG accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment. |
-| [Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392) | Synergy Advisors LLC | E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance.  |
-| [Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)  | Quorum Cyber| Quorum Cyber’s Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security. |
-| [SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)  | Sepago GmbH  | SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel. They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
-|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)| Patriot Consulting | SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
-|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895) | Open Systems| Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24×7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
+Protect your organization proactively by evaluating your organization's ability to effectively prevent, detect, and respond to cyber threats before they disrupt your business.
+|Service name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Microsoft Defender Experts](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2203232)|Microsoft|Defender Experts for Hunting is a proactive threat hunting service for Microsoft 365 Defender.|
+|[Microsoft Consulting Services - Security Operations and Threat Protection Services](https://www.microsoft.com/industrysolutions/solutions/security?activetab=pivot1:primaryr4)|Microsoft|The Microsoft Consulting Services (MCS) Security Operations and Threat Protection Services (SOTPS), provides a structured approach to modern Security Operations Center (SOC) design and implementation using effective change management techniques so your security professionals can detect attacks faster and respond more effectively.|
+|[Onevinn Threat Hunting](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584)|Onevinn|If your Internal SOC needs an extra pair of eyes looking for threats, Onevinn's Threat Hunters can be purchased as your extended hunting team.|
+|[Microsoft 365 Security Assessment](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202389)|Nedscaper|The Microsoft 365 Security assessment provides a risk-based approach to scan and analyze the security baseline (prevention is better than the cure) and settings of the Microsoft 365 Security products, from Microsoft 365 E3 security products like Azure AD Conditional Access and Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Microsoft Defender Antivirus policies) to the Microsoft 365 E5 Security products like Microsoft 365 Defender, Azure AD identity Protection and Microsoft Defender for Identity, Devices, Office 365 and Cloud Apps.|
+|[Invoke Monthly Microsoft 365 Security Assessments](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202583)|Invoke LLC|Provides monthly detailed assessment reports of active threats, vulnerabilities active and Phishing/malware campaigns targeted on your Microsoft 365 Environment. Helps with prescribed mitigations for active threats and improvement actions for recurring threats if any.Monitor Secure score and recommendations, giving your security teams an extra set of eyes to stay on top of risks.|
+|[Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671)|glueckkanja-gab AG|Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, respond to threats on your behalf and work closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
+|[Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480)|Wortell|Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models|
+|[InSpark Cloud Security Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202387)|InSpark|InSparks' Cloud Security Center is a 24x7 Managed Security Solution including SOC services. It continuously provides your Microsoft cloud platform with the highest level of security.|
+|[Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)|Mandiant, Inc.|Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations.|
+|[Onevinn MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202390)|Onevinn|Onevinn MDR, Managed Detection and Response, built on Microsoft Defender and Microsoft Sentinel is a unified pre- and post-breach enterprise defense suite that natively coordinates detection, prevention, investigation and response across endpoints, identities, email, and applications to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks.|
+|[MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762)|Red Canary|24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.|
+|[Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843)|BDO|BDO's Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don't. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don't.|
+|[DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580)|DXC|DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. Powered by Microsoft's Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats,|
+|[Managed Security Services for Microsoft Defender Suite](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202476)|Dell Technologies|Dell Technologies is a Global services delivery company with a distributed Security Operations Center that is available 24 by 7 to serve customers with security monitoring and management. Help onboard customers and improve their security posture and offload the burden of hiring and managing a full security team while reaping the benefits of 24 hour detection and response.|
+|[BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)|BlueVoyant|BlueVoyant's MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of Microsoft's Defender product suite with BlueVoyant's elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate today's most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more.|
+|[White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)|White Hat IT Security|White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform ΓÇô scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
+|[eSentire Managed Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202582)|eSentire|MDR you can trust that provides 24/7 threat investigations and responses via Microsoft 365 Defender suite.|
+|[Aujas Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202672)|Aujas Cybersecurity|Managed security services that assist organizations to detect threats early and help minimize the impact of a breach.|
+|[Accenture Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202842)|Accenture|Accenture's Managed Extended Detection & Response (MxDR) service provides a fully managed service that proactively finds and mitigates advanced cyber-attacks and malicious activity before they cause material business impact across IT and OT environments, both in the cloud and on-premises.|
+|[Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)|Secureworks|Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.|
+|[Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)|The Collective|The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch.|
+|[dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581)|dinext AG|Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, dinext AG accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment.|
+|[Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392)|Synergy Advisors LLC|E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance.|
+|[Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)|Quorum Cyber|Quorum Cyber's Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security.|
+|[SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)|Sepago GmbH|SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel. They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
+|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)|Patriot Consulting|SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
+|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895)|Open Systems|Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24x7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
## Evolve
-Evolve your organizationΓÇÖs security posture through improved processes and technologies that will up-level threat detection, containment, and remediation capabilities.
-| Service name | Vendor | Description|
-| -- | -- | |
-| [CRITICALSTART® Cybersecurity Consulting
-| [Sepago Adapt](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)   | Sepago GmbH | Working with the full range of Microsoft Defender solutions requires a change in processes. Combining Microsoft and sepago best practices and your company-knowledge, together we'll build and establish processes for your organization to enable you to fully utilize the Defender solutions.|
-| [Zero Trust by Onevinn](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584) | Onevinn | Get started with Zero Trust by fully utilize your investment in Microsoft 365 Security Features |
-| [Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671) | glueckkanja-gab AG | Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, respond to threats on your behalf and work closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
-| [Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480) | Wortell | Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models |
-| [Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388) | Mandiant, Inc.  | Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations. |
-| [MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762) | Red Canary| 24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.|
-| [Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843)  | BDO| BDO’s Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don’t. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don’t.  |
-| [DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580) | DXC| DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. Powered by Microsoft’s Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats,  |
-| [BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673) | BlueVoyant| BlueVoyantΓÇÖs MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of MicrosoftΓÇÖs Defender product suite with BlueVoyantΓÇÖs elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate todayΓÇÖs most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more. |
-| [White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)  | White Hat IT Security  | White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform – scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
-| [Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)| Secureworks | Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.  |
-| [Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)   | The Collective | The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch. |
-| [dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581)| dinext AG| Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, it accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment. |
-| [Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846) | Quorum Cyber | Quorum Cyber’s Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security. |
-| [SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677) | Sepago GmbH | SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel. They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
-|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)| Patriot Consulting | SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
-|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895) | Open Systems| Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24×7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
+Evolve your organization's security posture through improved processes and technologies that will up-level threat detection, containment, and remediation capabilities.
+|Service name|Vendor|Description|
+|[CRITICALSTART® Cybersecurity Consulting
+|[Sepago Adapt](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)|Sepago GmbH|Working with the full range of Microsoft Defender solutions requires a change in processes. Combining Microsoft and sepago best practices and your company-knowledge, together we'll build and establish processes for your organization to enable you to fully utilize the Defender solutions.|
+|[Zero Trust by Onevinn](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584)|Onevinn|Get started with Zero Trust by fully utilize your investment in Microsoft 365 Security Features|
+|[Cloud Security Operations Center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202671)|glueckkanja-gab AG|Monitors your Microsoft Security Solutions 24/7, respond to threats on your behalf and work closely with your IT to continuously improve your security posture.|
+|[Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480)|Wortell|Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models|
+|[Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)|Mandiant, Inc.|Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations.|
+|[MDR for Microsoft](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202762)|Red Canary|24x7 managed detection, investigation, and response to threats across your Microsoft environment.|
+|[Security Operations & MDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202843)|BDO|BDO's Security Operations Center (SOC) provides continuous detection, protection and response for organizations globally. BDO MDR is like having eyes where you don't. It's modern technology and experts make hunting, detecting and responding one less thing to keep up with. Because they have eyes where we don't.|
+|[DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202580)|DXC|DXC Managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response gives your organization the capability to successfully detect and respond to threats in your environment. Powered by Microsoft's Defender for Endpoint and DXC Technology security experts with unparalleled knowledge of global threats,|
+|[BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)|BlueVoyant|BlueVoyant's MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of Microsoft's Defender product suite with BlueVoyant's elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate today's most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more.|
+|[White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)|White Hat IT Security|White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform ΓÇô scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
+|[Taegis XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202848)|Secureworks|Taegis™ ManagedXDR is Secureworks® 24x7 managed detection and response service, which helps you detect advanced threats and take the right action. Included threat hunting and incident response capabilities help you scale your security operations as Secureworks uses threat data collected across thousands of customers to improve your security posture. Secureworks' combination of proprietary security analytics software, SecOps expertise, incident response and threat hunting experience, threat intelligence capabilities, and 20-year history of service excellence helps reduce risk to your business.|
+|[Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)|The Collective|The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch.|
+|[dinext. pi-SOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202581)|dinext AG|Through a close integration of deployment support, security operations and consulting in hardening and architectural improvements, it accompanies customers holistically on their way to a modern security environment.|
+|[Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)|Quorum Cyber|Quorum Cyber's Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security.|
+|[SepagoSOC](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202677)|Sepago GmbH|SepagoSOC experts ensure that your environment is constantly monitored and protected utilizing the complete range of Microsoft 365 Defender solutions and Microsoft Sentinel. They help you to constantly evolve your security landscape with both technical and organizational experience.|
+|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)|Patriot Consulting|SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
+|[Open Systems MDR+](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2208895)|Open Systems|Built for Microsoft security customers, MDR+ combines certified experts, exemplary processes, and seamless technology to deliver tailored, 24x7 protection while reducing attack surfaces and MTTR.|
## Educate
-Mature and maintain your internal teamΓÇÖs security capabilities to prevent, detect, contain, and remediate threats.
-| Service name | Vendor | Description|
-| | -- | -- |
-| [CRITICALSTART® Cybersecurity Advisory
-| [Chief 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584) | Onevinn | This course is aimed at IT security professionals and IT architects who want to get "Best Practices From the Field" within Microsoft 365 security and management of the Microsoft 365 Defender security suite.|
-| [Onevinn Chief Hunter](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584) | Onevinn | Onevinn Chief Hunter is a detection training on how to build proper detection in Microsoft Sentinel together with Microsoft 365 Defender.  |
-| [Defend Against Threats with SIEM Plus XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)  | Netrix | Enable customers with visibility into immediate threats across email, identity & data & how Microsoft Sentinel & Defender detect & quickly stop active threats|
-| [Defend Against Threats with SIEM Plus XDR Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)| Netrix | Organizations today are managing a growing volume of data and alerts while dealing with tight budgets and vulnerable legacy systems. Get help achieving your broader security objectivesΓÇöand identify current and real threatsΓÇöby scheduling a Defend Against Threats with SIEM Plus XDR Workshop |
-| [Secure Multi-Cloud Environments Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)  | Netrix | As the use of cloud services continues to grow, cyber risks and threats continue to evolve. Get help achieving your hybrid and multi-cloud security objectives—and identify current and real threats—by scheduling a Secure Multi-Cloud Environments Workshop. |
-| [Mitigate Compliance & Privacy Risks Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)| Netrix | As your business-critical data expands and your workforce shifts to remote work, having an integrated approach that can help quickly identify, triage, and act on risky insider user activity is more important than ever. The Mitigate Compliance & Privacy Risks Workshop gives you the insights you need to understand insider and privacy risks in your organization. |
-| [Secure Identities & Access Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)  | Netrix | Given the complexity of identities, data, applications, and devices, it’s essential to learn how to ensure the right people are accessing the right information, securely. In this workshop, we’ll show you how identity is the fundamental pillars of an integrated security philosophy and end-to-end security strategy. |
-| [Microsoft 365 Defender Professional Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202675)   | Netwoven | Consulting and deployment services for the Defender suite |
-| [Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480) | Wortell | Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models |
-| [Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)| Mandiant, Inc.  | Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations.  |
-| [BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)| BlueVoyant| BlueVoyantΓÇÖs MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of MicrosoftΓÇÖs Defender product suite with BlueVoyantΓÇÖs elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate todayΓÇÖs most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more. |
-| [White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)  | White Hat IT Security  | White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform – scalable and adaptive security from true experts. |
-| [Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)  | The Collective | The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch. |
-| [Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392) | Synergy Advisors LLC | E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance.|
-| [Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)  | Quorum Cyber | Quorum Cyber’s Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security. |
-|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)| Patriot Consulting | SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
+Mature and maintain your internal team's security capabilities to prevent, detect, contain, and remediate threats.
+|Service name|Vendor|Description|
+|[CRITICALSTART® Cybersecurity Advisory
+|[Chief 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584)|Onevinn|This course is aimed at IT security professionals and IT architects who want to get "Best Practices From the Field" within Microsoft 365 security and management of the Microsoft 365 Defender security suite.|
+|[Onevinn Chief Hunter](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202584)|Onevinn|Onevinn Chief Hunter is a detection training on how to build proper detection in Microsoft Sentinel together with Microsoft 365 Defender.|
+|[Defend Against Threats with SIEM Plus XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)|Netrix|Enable customers with visibility into immediate threats across email, identity & data & how Microsoft Sentinel & Defender detect & quickly stop active threats|
+|[Defend Against Threats with SIEM Plus XDR Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)|Netrix|Organizations today are managing a growing volume of data and alerts while dealing with tight budgets and vulnerable legacy systems. Get help achieving your broader security objectivesΓÇöand identify current and real threatsΓÇöby scheduling a Defend Against Threats with SIEM Plus XDR Workshop|
+|[Secure Multi-Cloud Environments Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)|Netrix|As the use of cloud services continues to grow, cyber risks and threats continue to evolve. Get help achieving your hybrid and multi-cloud security objectivesΓÇöand identify current and real threatsΓÇöby scheduling a Secure Multi-Cloud Environments Workshop.|
+|[Mitigate Compliance & Privacy Risks Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)|Netrix|As your business-critical data expands and your workforce shifts to remote work, having an integrated approach that can help quickly identify, triage, and act on risky insider user activity is more important than ever. The Mitigate Compliance & Privacy Risks Workshop gives you the insights you need to understand insider and privacy risks in your organization.|
+|[Secure Identities & Access Workshop](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202479)|Netrix|Given the complexity of identities, data, applications, and devices, it's essential to learn how to ensure the right people are accessing the right information, securely. In this workshop, we'll show you how identity is the fundamental pillars of an integrated security philosophy and end-to-end security strategy.|
+|[Microsoft 365 Defender Professional Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202675)|Netwoven|Consulting and deployment services for the Defender suite|
+|[Wortell Protect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202480)|Wortell|Wortell offers a 24.7.365 Managed Detection and Response service, SOC-as-a-service, to secure your Azure subscriptions and Microsoft 365 environment. With this managed service, Wortell will provide security monitoring and incident response, and operate Microsoft Defender and (optionally) Microsoft Sentinel on your behalf. The service also includes threat intelligence feeds and custom machine learning models|
+|[Mandiant MDR for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202388)|Mandiant, Inc.|Mandiant Managed Defense protects your business with a managed detection and response (MDR) service fueled by dedicated and frontline IR experts who protect against motivated adversaries with a combination of up-to-the-minute threat intelligence, data science and real-world expertise. Managed Defense helps customers optimize investments in Microsoft technology, maximize resources and accelerate investigations.|
+|[BlueVoyant MDR for Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202673)|BlueVoyant|BlueVoyant's MDR (Managed Detection and Response) for Microsoft 365 Defender combines the power of Microsoft's Defender product suite with BlueVoyant's elite 24x7 security operations team to identify, investigate and eradicate today's most sophisticated and advanced cyberattacks. In addition to MDR, services can include implementation, assessments, training, concierge, third party integrations, and more.|
+|[White Hat Managed Security Services](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202391)|White Hat IT Security|White Hat MSS offers zero trust approach to managed security on every platform ΓÇô scalable and adaptive security from true experts.|
+|[Cloud Control - Managed Detection & Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202678)|The Collective|The Collective's Cloud Control Managed Protection, Detection and Response services is an enterprise grade managed service, delivering true Security Operations Center-as-a-Service (SOC) experience with a personal touch.|
+|[Synergy Advisors Teams App](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202392)|Synergy Advisors LLC|E-Visor Teams App is a centralized place to involve and empower your end-users in the security and productivity of the organization by presenting unique information using data from Microsoft Defenders and Azure Active Directory while ensuring identity governance, and compliance.|
+|[Managed Microsoft XDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202846)|Quorum Cyber|Quorum Cyber's Managed Microsoft XDR, a solution designed to enable customers to unleash the power of Microsoft security to reduce cyber risk and maximize return of investment in security.|
+|[SecureShield365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2209718)|Patriot Consulting|SecureShield365 includes a full deployment of all Microsoft 365 Defender products including Intune plus 12 months of support. Microsoft XDR including Sentinel, Defender for Cloud, and MDR are available options.|
## Related topics
security Tamperprotection Macos https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/tamperprotection-macos.md
You can configure the tamper protection mode by providing the mode name as enfor
## Before you begin -- Supported macOS versions: Monterey (12), Big Sur (11), Catalina (10.15+).
+- Supported macOS versions: Big Sur (11), or later.
- Minimum required version for Defender for Endpoint: 101.70.19. **Highly recommended settings:**
security Technological Partners https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/technological-partners.md
The following are the solutionΓÇÖs categories:
### Security information and event management (SIEM)
-| Product name | Vendor | Description |
-| |||
-| [Microsoft Sentinel](/azure/sentinel/microsoft-365-defender-sentinel-integration) | Microsoft| Microsoft Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information and event management (SIEM) and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solution. Microsoft Sentinel delivers intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence across the enterprise, providing a single solution for attack detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response. |
-| [Splunk](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201963) | Splunk | The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Add-on allows Splunk users to ingest all of the alerts and supporting information to their Splunk.|
-| [ArcSight](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202142)| Micro Focus | ArcSight allows multiple analytics capabilities for correlation, search, UEBA, enhanced and automated response, and log management. |
-| [Elastic Security](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201772) | Elastic| Elastic Security combines SIEM threat detection features with endpoint prevention and response capabilities in one solution. |
-| [IBM Security QRadar SIEM](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201876) | IBM| IBM Security QRadar SIEM enables centralized visibility and intelligent security analytics to detect, investigate and respond to your critical cybersecurity threats. |
-| [AttackIQ Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201971)| AttackIQ | AttackIQ Platform validates whether MDE is configured properly by launching continuous attacks safely on production assets.|
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Microsoft Sentinel](/azure/sentinel/microsoft-365-defender-sentinel-integration)|Microsoft|Microsoft Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information and event management (SIEM) and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solution. Microsoft Sentinel delivers intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence across the enterprise, providing a single solution for attack detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response.|
+|[Splunk](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201963)|Splunk|The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Add-on allows Splunk users to ingest all of the alerts and supporting information to their Splunk.|
+|[ArcSight](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202142)|Micro Focus|ArcSight allows multiple analytics capabilities for correlation, search, UEBA, enhanced and automated response, and log management.|
+|[Elastic Security](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201772)|Elastic|Elastic Security combines SIEM threat detection features with endpoint prevention and response capabilities in one solution.|
+|[IBM Security QRadar SIEM](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201876)|IBM|IBM Security QRadar SIEM enables centralized visibility and intelligent security analytics to detect, investigate and respond to your critical cybersecurity threats.|
+|[AttackIQ Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201971)|AttackIQ|AttackIQ Platform validates whether MDE is configured properly by launching continuous attacks safely on production assets.|
### Security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR)
-| Product name | Vendor | Description |
-| - | - | - |
-| [Microsoft Sentinel](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201962)| Microsoft| Microsoft Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information and event management (SIEM) and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solution. Microsoft Sentinel delivers intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence across the enterprise, providing a single solution for attack detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response. |
-| [ArcSight](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202142)| Micro Focus  | ArcSight provides multiple analytics capabilities for correlation, search, UEBA, enhanced and automated response, and log management. |
-| [Splunk SOAR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201773) | Splunk | Splunk SOAR orchestrates workflows and automates tasks in seconds to work smarter and respond faster. |
-| [Security Incident Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201874)| ServiceNow | The ServiceNow® Security Incident Response application tracks the progress of security incidents from discovery and initial analysis, through containment, eradication, and recovery, and into the final post-incident review, knowledge base article creation, and closure.|
-| [Swimlane](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202140)| Swimlane Inc | Automates your incident response capabilities with Swimlane (SOAR) and Microsoft Defender.  |
-| [InsightConnect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201877)  | Rapid7 | InsightConnect provides security orchestration, automation and response solution that accelerates incident response and vulnerability management processes. |
-| [Demisto, a Palo Alto Networks Company](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201777) | Palo Alto Networks | Demisto integrates with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to enable security teams to orchestrate and automate endpoint security monitoring, enrichment and response. |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Microsoft Sentinel](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201962)|Microsoft|Microsoft Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information and event management (SIEM) and security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) solution. Microsoft Sentinel delivers intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence across the enterprise, providing a single solution for attack detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response.|
+|[ArcSight](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202142)|Micro Focus|ArcSight provides multiple analytics capabilities for correlation, search, UEBA, enhanced and automated response, and log management.|
+|[Splunk SOAR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201773)|Splunk|Splunk SOAR orchestrates workflows and automates tasks in seconds to work smarter and respond faster.|
+|[Security Incident Response](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201874)|ServiceNow|The ServiceNow® Security Incident Response application tracks the progress of security incidents from discovery and initial analysis, through containment, eradication, and recovery, and into the final post-incident review, knowledge base article creation, and closure.|
+|[Swimlane](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202140)|Swimlane Inc|Automates your incident response capabilities with Swimlane (SOAR) and Microsoft Defender.|
+|[InsightConnect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201877)|Rapid7|InsightConnect provides security orchestration, automation and response solution that accelerates incident response and vulnerability management processes.|
+|[Demisto, a Palo Alto Networks Company](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201777)|Palo Alto Networks|Demisto integrates with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to enable security teams to orchestrate and automate endpoint security monitoring, enrichment and response.|
### Breach and attack simulation (BAS)
-| Product name | Vendor| Description|
-| --| -- | -- |
-| [SafeBreach](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201775)| SafeBreach| SafeBreach continuously executes attacks, correlates results to help visualize security gaps, and leverages contextual insights to highlight remediation efforts. With its Hacker’s Playbook™, the industry’s most extensive collection of attack data enabled by state-of-the-art threat intelligence research, SafeBreach empowers organizations to get proactive about security with a simple approach that replaces hope with data.  |
-| [Extended Security Posture Management (XSPM)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201771) | Cymulate| Cymulate's Extended Security Posture Management enables companies to challenge, assess, and optimize their cybersecurity posture.  |
-| [Vulnerability Control](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201967) | SkyBox| Develops a vulnerability program strategy that accurately analyzes exposure risk across hybrid attack surface and prioritize the remediation. |
-| [Attack Path Management](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201774)| XM Cyber| Attack Path Management is a hybrid cloud security company providing attack path management changing the ways organizations approach cyber risk.  |
-| [Better Mobile Security Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202043) | Better Mobile Security Inc. | Provides solution for Threat, Phishing and Privacy Protection and Simulation. |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[SafeBreach](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201775)|SafeBreach|SafeBreach continuously executes attacks, correlates results to help visualize security gaps, and leverages contextual insights to highlight remediation efforts. With its HackerΓÇÖs PlaybookΓäó, the industryΓÇÖs most extensive collection of attack data enabled by state-of-the-art threat intelligence research, SafeBreach empowers organizations to get proactive about security with a simple approach that replaces hope with data.|
+|[Extended Security Posture Management (XSPM)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201771)|Cymulate|Cymulate's Extended Security Posture Management enables companies to challenge, assess, and optimize their cybersecurity posture.|
+|[Vulnerability Control](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201967)|SkyBox|Develops a vulnerability program strategy that accurately analyzes exposure risk across hybrid attack surface and prioritize the remediation.|
+|[Attack Path Management](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201774)|XM Cyber|Attack Path Management is a hybrid cloud security company providing attack path management changing the ways organizations approach cyber risk.|
+|[Better Mobile Security Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202043)|Better Mobile Security Inc.|Provides solution for Threat, Phishing and Privacy Protection and Simulation.|
### Threat intelligence
-| Product name | Vendor | Description|
-| - | - | |
-| [ArcSight](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202142)| Micro Focus  | Provides multiple analytics capabilities for correlation, search, UEBA, enhanced and automated response, and log management.  |
-| [MineMeld](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202044)| Palo Alto Networks | Enriches your endpoint protection by extending Autofocus and other threat feeds to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint using MineMeld. |
-| [MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202247) | MISP | Integrates threat indicators from the Open Source Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform into your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment. |
-| [ThreatConnect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202246) | ThreatConnect| Alerts and/or blocks on custom threat intelligence from ThreatConnect Playbooks using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint indicators.|
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[ArcSight](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202142)|Micro Focus|Provides multiple analytics capabilities for correlation, search, UEBA, enhanced and automated response, and log management.|
+|[MineMeld](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202044)|Palo Alto Networks|Enriches your endpoint protection by extending Autofocus and other threat feeds to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint using MineMeld.|
+|[MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202247)|MISP|Integrates threat indicators from the Open Source Threat Intelligence Sharing Platform into your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment.|
+|[ThreatConnect](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202246)|ThreatConnect|Alerts and/or blocks on custom threat intelligence from ThreatConnect Playbooks using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint indicators.|
### Network security/ DNS security
-| Product name | Vendor | Description|
-| | - | - |
-| [Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201878)| Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company  | Network Access Control applies consistent policies and granular security controls to wired and wireless networks |
-| [Vectra Network Detection and Response (NDR)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201969) | Vectra | Vectra applies AI & security research to detect and respond to cyber-attacks in real time. |
-| [Blue Hexagon for Network](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201780)| Blue Hexagon | Blue Hexagon has built the industry's first real-time deep learning platform for network threat protection.|
-| [CyberMDX](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201880)| CyberMDX | Cyber MDX integrates comprehensive healthcare assets visibility, threat prevention and repose into your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment. |
-| [HYAS Protect](https://www.hyas.com/hyas-protect) | HYAS | HYAS Protect utilizes authoritative knowledge of attacker infrastructure to proactively protect MDE endpoints from cyber attacks. |
-| [Better Mobile Security Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202043) | Better Mobile Security Inc.| Provides solution for Threat, Phishing and Privacy Protection and Simulation. |
-| [Vulnerability Control](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201965) | Skybox security| Global security posture management leader with solutions for vulnerability management and network security policy management.  |
-| [Open NDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201964)| Corelight| Augment device inventory in Microsoft 365 Defender with network evidence for complete visibility.  |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201878)|Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company|Network Access Control applies consistent policies and granular security controls to wired and wireless networks|
+|[Vectra Network Detection and Response (NDR)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201969)|Vectra|Vectra applies AI & security research to detect and respond to cyber-attacks in real time.|
+|[Blue Hexagon for Network](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201780)|Blue Hexagon|Blue Hexagon has built the industry's first real-time deep learning platform for network threat protection.|
+|[CyberMDX](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201880)|CyberMDX|Cyber MDX integrates comprehensive healthcare assets visibility, threat prevention and repose into your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint environment.|
+|[HYAS Protect](https://www.hyas.com/hyas-protect)|HYAS|HYAS Protect utilizes authoritative knowledge of attacker infrastructure to proactively protect MDE endpoints from cyber attacks.|
+|[Better Mobile Security Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202043)|Better Mobile Security Inc.|Provides solution for Threat, Phishing and Privacy Protection and Simulation.|
+|[Vulnerability Control](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201965)|Skybox security|Global security posture management leader with solutions for vulnerability management and network security policy management.|
+|[Open NDR](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201964)|Corelight|Augment device inventory in Microsoft 365 Defender with network evidence for complete visibility.|
### Identity security
-| Product name| Vendor | Description|
-| - | | - |
-| [Illusive Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201778)  | Illusive Networks  | Illusive continuously discovers and automatically remediates identity vulnerabilities, and it detects attacks using deceptive controls.  |
-| [Silverfort](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201873) | Silverfort | Enforces Azure AD Conditional Access and MFA across any user system and environment on-prem and in the cloud.  |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Illusive Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201778)|Illusive Networks|Illusive continuously discovers and automatically remediates identity vulnerabilities, and it detects attacks using deceptive controls.|
+|[Silverfort](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201873)|Silverfort|Enforces Azure AD Conditional Access and MFA across any user system and environment on-prem and in the cloud.|
### Cross platform
-| Product name | Vendor | Description |
-| - | - | |
-| [Corrata Mobile Security](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201879) | Corrata | Corrata is an immune system for mobile devices and tablets that detects & protects mobile devices from the full spectrum of security threats like phishing, malware, man-in-the-middle attacks and data loss. |
-| [Better Mobile Security Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202043)  | Better Mobile Security Inc. | Provides solution for Threat, Phishing and Privacy Protection and Simulation.|
-| [Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202141)  | Zimperuim | Extends your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to iOS and Android with Machine Learning-based Mobile Threat Defense. |
-| [Bitdefender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201968)  | Bitdefender  | Bitdefender GravityZone is a layered next generation endpoint protection platform offering comprehensive protection against the full spectrum of sophisticated cyber threats. |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Corrata Mobile Security](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201879)|Corrata|Corrata is an immune system for mobile devices and tablets that detects & protects mobile devices from the full spectrum of security threats like phishing, malware, man-in-the-middle attacks and data loss.|
+|[Better Mobile Security Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202043)|Better Mobile Security Inc.|Provides solution for Threat, Phishing and Privacy Protection and Simulation.|
+|[Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202141)|Zimperuim|Extends your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to iOS and Android with Machine Learning-based Mobile Threat Defense.|
+|[Bitdefender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201968)|Bitdefender|Bitdefender GravityZone is a layered next generation endpoint protection platform offering comprehensive protection against the full spectrum of sophisticated cyber threats.|
### Business cloud applications
-| Product name | Vendor | Description|
-| - | | --|
-| [Atlassian](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202039)| Atlassian | Atlassian provides collaboration, development, and issue tracking software for teams. |
-| [Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202040) | Microsoft | Microsoft Azure provides tools and services to help you reach and scale to a global audience with cloud gaming services. |
-| [AWS](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202041)| Amazon | Amazon Web Services provides information technology infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web services. |
-| [Box](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202042)| Box | Box is an online file sharing and cloud content management service offering unlimited storage, custom branding, and administrative controls. |
-| [DocuSign](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201767) | DocuSign| DocuSign is an Electronic Signature and Agreement Cloud enabling employees to securely send, sign and manage agreements. |
-| [Dropbox](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202139) | Dropbox| Dropbox is a smart workspace company that provides secure file sharing, collaboration, and storage solutions. |
-| [Egnyte](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201956) | Egnyte | Egnyte delivers secure content collaboration, compliant data protection and simple infrastructure modernization. |
-| [GITHUB](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201957) | Microsoft | GitHub is a code hosting platform for collaboration and version control. It allows developers to work together on their projects right from planning and coding to shipping the software. |
-| [Google Workspace](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201958)| Alphabet| Google Workspace plans provide a custom email for your business and includes collaboration tools like Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites, and more. |
-| [Google Cloud Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202244) | Alphabet| Google Cloud Platform is a set of modular cloud-based services that allows you to create anything from simple websites to complex applications.|
-| [NetDocuments](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201768) | NetDocuments | NetDocuments enables businesses of all sizes to create, secure, manage, access, and collaborate on documents and email anywhere, anytime. |
-| [Office 365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201959) | Microsoft | Microsoft Office 365 is a subscription-based online office and software services suite, which offers access to various services and software built around the Microsoft Office platform. |
-| [OKTA](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201867)| OKTA | Okta is a management platform that secures critical resources from cloud to ground for workforce and customers. |
-| [OneLogin](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201868) | OneLogin| OneLogin is a cloud identity and access management solution that enables enterprises to secure all apps for their users on all devices. |
-| [Salesforce](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201869) | Salesforce | Salesforce is a global cloud computing company that offers customer relationship management (CRM) software & cloud computing for businesses of all sizes. |
-| [ServiceNow](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201769) | ServiceNow | ServiceNow provides cloud-based solutions that define, structure, manage, and automate services for enterprise operations. |
-| [Slack](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201870) | Slack| Slack is an enterprise software platform that allows teams and businesses of all sizes to communicate effectively. |
-| [SmartSheet](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201871) | SmartSheet | Smartsheet is a cloud-based work management platform that empowers collaboration, drives better decision making, and accelerates innovation. |
-| [Webex](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201872) | Cisco| Webex, a Cisco company, provides on-demand applications for businesses to conduct web conferencing, telework and application remote control. |
-| [Workday](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201960) | Workday| Workday offers enterprise-level software solutions for human resource and financial management.|
-| [Zendesk](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201961) | Zendesk| Zendesk is a customer service platform that develops software to empower organization and customer relationships.|
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Atlassian](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202039)|Atlassian|Atlassian provides collaboration, development, and issue tracking software for teams.|
+|[Azure](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202040)|Microsoft|Microsoft Azure provides tools and services to help you reach and scale to a global audience with cloud gaming services.|
+|[AWS](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202041)|Amazon|Amazon Web Services provides information technology infrastructure services to businesses in the form of web services.|
+|[Box](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202042)|Box|Box is an online file sharing and cloud content management service offering unlimited storage, custom branding, and administrative controls.|
+|[DocuSign](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201767)|DocuSign|DocuSign is an Electronic Signature and Agreement Cloud enabling employees to securely send, sign and manage agreements.|
+|[Dropbox](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202139)|Dropbox|Dropbox is a smart workspace company that provides secure file sharing, collaboration, and storage solutions.|
+|[Egnyte](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201956)|Egnyte|Egnyte delivers secure content collaboration, compliant data protection and simple infrastructure modernization.|
+|[GITHUB](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201957)|Microsoft|GitHub is a code hosting platform for collaboration and version control. It allows developers to work together on their projects right from planning and coding to shipping the software.|
+|[Google Workspace](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201958)|Alphabet|Google Workspace plans provide a custom email for your business and includes collaboration tools like Gmail, Calendar, Meet, Chat, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Sites, and more.|
+|[Google Cloud Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202244)|Alphabet|Google Cloud Platform is a set of modular cloud-based services that allows you to create anything from simple websites to complex applications.|
+|[NetDocuments](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201768)|NetDocuments|NetDocuments enables businesses of all sizes to create, secure, manage, access, and collaborate on documents and email anywhere, anytime.|
+|[Office 365](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201959)|Microsoft|Microsoft Office 365 is a subscription-based online office and software services suite, which offers access to various services and software built around the Microsoft Office platform.|
+|[OKTA](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201867)|OKTA|Okta is a management platform that secures critical resources from cloud to ground for workforce and customers.|
+|[OneLogin](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201868)|OneLogin|OneLogin is a cloud identity and access management solution that enables enterprises to secure all apps for their users on all devices.|
+|[Salesforce](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201869)|Salesforce|Salesforce is a global cloud computing company that offers customer relationship management (CRM) software & cloud computing for businesses of all sizes.|
+|[ServiceNow](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201769)|ServiceNow|ServiceNow provides cloud-based solutions that define, structure, manage, and automate services for enterprise operations.|
+|[Slack](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201870)|Slack|Slack is an enterprise software platform that allows teams and businesses of all sizes to communicate effectively.|
+|[SmartSheet](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201871)|SmartSheet|Smartsheet is a cloud-based work management platform that empowers collaboration, drives better decision making, and accelerates innovation.|
+|[Webex](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201872)|Cisco|Webex, a Cisco company, provides on-demand applications for businesses to conduct web conferencing, telework and application remote control.|
+|[Workday](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201960)|Workday|Workday offers enterprise-level software solutions for human resource and financial management.|
+|[Zendesk](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201961)|Zendesk|Zendesk is a customer service platform that develops software to empower organization and customer relationships.|
### Threat and vulnerability management
-| Product name| Vendor | Description |
-| | -- | -- |
-| [Attack Path Management](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201774) | XM Cyber| Hybrid cloud security company providing attack path management changing the ways organizations approach cyber risk.  |
-| [Corrata Mobile Security](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201879) | Corrata | Corrata is an immune system for mobile devices and tablets that detects & protects mobile devices from the full spectrum of security threats like phishing, malware, man-in-the-middle attacks and data loss.  |
-| [Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202141)  | Zimperuim| Extend your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to iOS and Android with Machine Learning-based Mobile Threat Defense.  |
-| [RiskAnalyzer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202245)   | DeepSurface Security  | DeepSurface RiskAnalyzer helps quickly and efficiently discover, analyze and prioritize cybersecurity risk  |
-| [Vulnerability Control](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201965)| Skybox security| Global security posture management leader with solutions for vulnerability management and network security policy management.  |
-| [Vulcan Cyber risk management platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201770)  | Vulcan Cyber  | Vulcan Cyber gives you the tools to effectively manage the vulnerability and risk lifecycle for all your cyber assets, including application, cloud, and infrastructure.  |
-| [Extended Security Posture Management (XSPM)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201771) | Cymulate| Cymulate's Extended Security Posture Management enables companies to challenge, assess, and optimize their cybersecurity posture. |
-| [Illusive Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201778)  | Illusive Networks  | Illusive continuously discovers and automatically remediates identity vulnerabilities, and it detects attacks using deceptive controls. |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Attack Path Management](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201774)|XM Cyber|Hybrid cloud security company providing attack path management changing the ways organizations approach cyber risk.|
+|[Corrata Mobile Security](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201879)|Corrata|Corrata is an immune system for mobile devices and tablets that detects & protects mobile devices from the full spectrum of security threats like phishing, malware, man-in-the-middle attacks and data loss.|
+|[Zimperium Mobile Threat Defense](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202141)|Zimperuim|Extend your Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to iOS and Android with Machine Learning-based Mobile Threat Defense.|
+|[RiskAnalyzer](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2202245)|DeepSurface Security|DeepSurface RiskAnalyzer helps quickly and efficiently discover, analyze and prioritize cybersecurity risk.|
+|[Vulnerability Control](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201965)|Skybox security|Global security posture management leader with solutions for vulnerability management and network security policy management.|
+|[Vulcan Cyber risk management platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201770)|Vulcan Cyber|Vulcan Cyber gives you the tools to effectively manage the vulnerability and risk lifecycle for all your cyber assets, including application, cloud, and infrastructure.|
+|[Extended Security Posture Management (XSPM)](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201771)|Cymulate|Cymulate's Extended Security Posture Management enables companies to challenge, assess, and optimize their cybersecurity posture.|
+|[Illusive Platform](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201778)|Illusive Networks|Illusive continuously discovers and automatically remediates identity vulnerabilities, and it detects attacks using deceptive controls.|
### Secure service edge
-| Product name | Vendor | Description |
-| | - | |
-| [Zscaler Internet Access](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201779)  | Zscaler | Zscaler Internet Access is a cloud native security service edge (SSE) solution that builds on a decade of secure web gateway leadership. Offered as a scalable SaaS platform from the world’s largest security cloud, it replaces legacy network security solutions to stop advanced attacks and prevent data loss with a comprehensive zero trust approach. |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Zscaler Internet Access](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201779)|Zscaler|Zscaler Internet Access is a cloud native security service edge (SSE) solution that builds on a decade of secure web gateway leadership. Offered as a scalable SaaS platform from the worldΓÇÖs largest security cloud, it replaces legacy network security solutions to stop advanced attacks and prevent data loss with a comprehensive zero trust approach.|
### Additional integrations
-| Product name | Vendor | Description |
-| - | | -- |
-| [Morphisec](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201966) | Morphisec | Provides Moving Target Defense-powered advanced threat prevention and integrates forensics data directly into WD Security Center dashboards to help prioritize alerts, determine device at-risk score and visualize full attack timeline including internal memory information. |
-| [THOR Cloud](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201875) | Nextron systems | Provides on-demand live forensics scans using a signature base focused on persistent threats.  |
+|Product name|Vendor|Description|
+|[Morphisec](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201966)|Morphisec|Provides Moving Target Defense-powered advanced threat prevention and integrates forensics data directly into WD Security Center dashboards to help prioritize alerts, determine device at-risk score and visualize full attack timeline including internal memory information.|
+|[THOR Cloud](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2201875)|Nextron systems|Provides on-demand live forensics scans using a signature base focused on persistent threats.|
## Recommended content -- [Connect apps to get visibility and control | Microsoft Docs](/defender-cloud-apps/enable-instant-visibility-protection-and-governance-actions-for-your-apps)-- [Partner applications in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint | Microsoft Docs](partner-applications.md)
+- [Connect apps to get visibility and control|Microsoft Docs](/defender-cloud-apps/enable-instant-visibility-protection-and-governance-actions-for-your-apps)
+- [Partner applications in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint|Microsoft Docs](partner-applications.md)
security Troubleshoot Cloud Connect Mdemac https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/troubleshoot-cloud-connect-mdemac.md
Title: Troubleshoot cloud connectivity issues for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS description: This topic describes how to troubleshoot cloud connectivity issues for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint on macOS
-keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, mojave, high sierra
+keywords: microsoft, defender, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint, mac, installation, deploy, uninstallation, intune, jamf, macos, catalina, monterey, ventura, bigsur, mde for mac
ms.mktglfcycl: deploy ms.sitesec: library
security Whats New In Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-vulnerability-management/whats-new-in-microsoft-defender-vulnerability-management.md
[!include[Prerelease information](../../includes/prerelease.md)]
+> [!NOTE]
> Want to experience Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management? Learn more about how you can sign up to the [Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management public preview trial](../defender-vulnerability-management/get-defender-vulnerability-management.md). This article provides information about new features and important product updates for the latest release of Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management public preview. ## August 2022+ - Defender Vulnerability Management is now supported for Amazon Linux 2 and Fedora 33 or higher. -- [Broswer extensions APIs](../defender-endpoint/get-assessment-browser-extensions.md)</br>
- You can now use the new broswer extenstions APIs to view all browser extensions installed in your organization, including installed versions, permissions requested, and associated risk.
+- [Browser extensions APIs](../defender-endpoint/get-assessment-browser-extensions.md)
+ You can now use the new broswer extenstions APIs to view all browser extensions installed in your organization, including installed versions, permissions requested, and associated risk.
+- [Extended software inventory API support for non product code software](../defender-endpoint/get-assessment-non-cpe-software-inventory.md)
-- [Extended software inventory API support for non product code software](../defender-endpoint/get-assessment-non-cpe-software-inventory.md)</br>
- A new API is now available and returns all the data for installed software that doesn't have a [Common Platform Enumeration(CPE)](https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe). The information returned by this API, along with the information returned by the Export software inventory assessment API, for software that does have a CPE, gives you full visibility into the software installed across your organization and the devices itΓÇÖs installed on.
+ A new API is now available and returns all the data for installed software that doesn't have a [Common Platform Enumeration(CPE)](https://nvd.nist.gov/products/cpe). The information returned by this API, along with the information returned by the Export software inventory assessment API, for software that does have a CPE, gives you full visibility into the software installed across your organization and the devices it's installed on.
## May 2022 -- **[Security baselines assessment](tvm-security-baselines.md)**: Create and manage baseline profiles to monitor the posture of your devices against their desired security state. -- **[Blocking vulnerable applicationsΓÇ»(beta)](tvm-block-vuln-apps.md)**: Give security admins the ability to block all currently known vulnerable versions of an application.
+- **[Security baselines assessment](tvm-security-baselines.md)**: Create and manage baseline profiles to monitor the posture of your devices against their desired security state.
+- **[Blocking vulnerable applications (beta)](tvm-block-vuln-apps.md)**: Give security admins the ability to block all currently known vulnerable versions of an application.
- **[Browser extensions assessment](tvm-browser-extensions.md)**: View all browser extensions installed on devices in your organization, including installed versions, permissions requested, and associated risk. - **[Digital certificates assessment](tvm-certificate-inventory.md)**: View certificate details on devices in your organization, including expiration date, algorithm used, and key size. - **[Network shares analysis](tvm-network-share-assessment.md)**: View information about exposed network shares and the recommendations that can help protect against vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.
security Alert Grading For Malicious Exchange Connectors https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/alert-grading-for-malicious-exchange-connectors.md
Title: Alert grading for malicious exchange connectors
-description: Alert grading recipients from malicious exchange connectors activity and protect their network from malicious attack.
+description: Alert grading recipients from malicious exchange connectors activity and protect their network from malicious attack.
keywords: incidents, alerts, investigate, analyze, response, correlation, attack, machines, devices, users, identities, identity, mailbox, email, 365, microsoft, m365
- Microsoft 365 Defender
-Threat actors use compromised exchange connectors for sending out spam and phishing emails in bulk to unsuspecting recipients by masquerading legitimate emails. Since the connector is compromised, the emails would usually be trusted by the recipients. These kinds of phishing emails are common vectors for phishing campaigns, and business email compromise (BEC) scenario. Hence, such emails need to be monitored heavily due to the likelihood of successful recipientsΓÇÖ compromises being high.
+Threat actors use compromised exchange connectors for sending out spam and phishing emails in bulk to unsuspecting recipients by masquerading legitimate emails. Since the connector is compromised, the emails would usually be trusted by the recipients. These kinds of phishing emails are common vectors for phishing campaigns, and business email compromise (BEC) scenario. Hence, such emails need to be monitored heavily due to the likelihood of successful recipients' compromises being high.
The playbook helps in investigating instances, where malicious connectors are setup/deployed by malicious actors. Accordingly, they take necessary steps to remediate the attack and mitigate the security risks arising from it. Playbook is available for security teams like security operations center (SOC) and IT administrators, who review, handle/manage, and grade the alerts. Playbook will help in grading the alerts as either True Positive (TP) or False Positive (FP). If there is TP, playbook will take necessary recommended actions for remediating the attack. Following are the results of using a playbook: -- Determination of the alert as malicious (TP) or benign (FP).
- - If malicious, remediate/remove the malicious connector from the environment.
+- Determination of the alert as malicious (TP) or benign (FP).
+- If malicious, remediate/remove the malicious connector from the environment.
## Exchange Connectors
Connectors are used to route mail traffic between remote email systems and Offic
## Malicious Exchange Connectors
-Attackers may compromise an existing exchange connector or compromise an admin, and set up a new connector by sending phish or spam/bulk emails.
+Attackers may compromise an existing exchange connector or compromise an admin, and set up a new connector by sending phish or spam/bulk emails.
-The typical indicators of a malicious connector can be found when looking at email traffic and its headers. For example, when email traffic is observed from a connector node with a mismatch in P1 (header sender) and P2 (envelope sender) sender addresses along with no information on SenderΓÇÖs AccountObjectId.
+The typical indicators of a malicious connector can be found when looking at email traffic and its headers. For example, when email traffic is observed from a connector node with a mismatch in P1 (header sender) and P2 (envelope sender) sender addresses along with no information on Sender's AccountObjectId.
+This alert tries to identify such instances of mail flow, wherein the mail sending activity seems suspicious adding to that relevant information on sender is unavailable.
-This alert tries to identify such instances of mail flow, wherein the mail sending activity seems suspicious adding to that relevant information on sender is unavailable.
## Playbook workflow You must follow the sequence to identify malicious exchange connectors:
This section describes the steps to investigate an alert and remediate the secur
- Look for events indicating unusual mail traffic and identify, whether any new exchange connector was added recently. - For mail traffic observed, determine if the email accounts are compromised by inspecting whether the accounts are responsible for unusual mail traffic. - Look for mail content containing malicious artifacts (bad links/attachments).
- - Look for domains that are not part of your environment.
+ - Look for domains that are not part of your environment.
- Determine the email accounts are not compromised. Identify the connector that was recently added or modified in the environment.-- Look for:
- - Field values in the P1 sender (email header sender) and P2 sender (envelope sender), and check whether thereΓÇÖs a mismatch.
+- Look for:
+ - Field values in the P1 sender (email header sender) and P2 sender (envelope sender), and check whether there's a mismatch.
- Empty values in the SenderObjectId field. - Use telemetry data to note:
- - The NetworkMessageId (Message ID) of the emails that were sent from the malicious connector.
+ - The NetworkMessageId (Message ID) of the emails that were sent from the malicious connector.
- The connector creation date, last modified date, and last modified by date. - The IP address of the connector from where the email traffic is observed.
+ ## Advanced Hunting Queries
-You can use [advanced hunting](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-overview?) queries to gather information related to an alert and determine whether the activity is suspicious.
+You can use [advanced hunting](/microsoft-365/security/defender/advanced-hunting-overview?) queries to gather information related to an alert and determine whether the activity is suspicious.
Ensure you have access to the following tables:
-|**Table Name** |**Description** |
+|Table Name|Description|
|EmailEvents| Contains information related to email flow.| |CloudAppEvents|Contains audit log of user activities.| |IdentityLogonEvents|Contains login information for all users.|
Ensure you have access to the following tables:
AHQs samples for reference: - Run this KQL to check new connector creation.
- ```
+ ```KQL
//modify timeWindow to modify the lookback. let timeWindow = now(-7d); let timeNow = now(); CloudAppEvents
AHQs samples for reference:
true, false) | where isnotempty( ConnectorName) or IsEnabled | project-reorder ConnectorName, IsEnabled
+ ```
- ``` ΓÇâ
- Run this KQL to check the volume of events from the alerted connector with time window of before and after the alerts.
- ```
+ ```KQL
//modify timeWindow to modify the lookback. let timeWindow = now(-7d); let timeNow = now(); let connectorOperations = pack_array("Set-OutboundConnector",
AHQs samples for reference:
SenderObjectId, bin(Timestamp, 1h) | where MailCount >= mailThreshold ```+ - Run this KQL to check whether emails are being sent to external domains.
- ```
+ ```KQL
//modify timeWindow to modify the lookback. let timeWindow = now(-7d); let timeNow = now(); EmailEvents
AHQs samples for reference:
| where EmailDirection !in ("Intra-org" , "Inbound") //comment this line to look across all mailflow directions ```+ - If sent to external domains, who else in the environment is sending similar emails (Could indicate compromised user if recipient is unknown domain).
- ```
+ ```KQL
//modify timeWindow to modify the lookback. let timeWindow = now(-7d); let timeNow = now(); let countThreshold= 100; //modify count threshold accordingly
AHQs samples for reference:
SenderFromAddress, SenderMailFromAddress , bin(Timestamp, 1h) | where MailCount > countThreshold ```
- - Check the mail content for bad behavior
- - Look at URLs in the email or email having attachments.
+ - Check the mail content for bad behavior
+ - Look at URLs in the email or email having attachments.
## AHQ considerations
Following are the AHQ considerations for protecting the recipients from maliciou
- Check for admin logins for those who frequently manage connectors from unusual locations (generate stats and exclude locations from where most successful logins are observed).
- - Look for login failures from unusual locations.
+- Look for login failures from unusual locations.
``` //modify timeWindow to modify the lookback.
Following are the AHQ considerations for protecting the recipients from maliciou
## Recommended actions
-Once itΓÇÖs determined that the observed alert activities are part of TP, classify those alerts and perform the actions below:
+Once it's determined that the observed alert activities are part of TP, classify those alerts and perform the actions below:
- Disable or remove the connector that was found to be malicious.-- If the admin account was compromised, reset the adminΓÇÖs account credentials. Also, disable/revoke tokens for the compromised admin account and enable multi-factor authentication for all admin accounts.
- - Look for suspicious activities performed by the admin.
+- If the admin account was compromised, reset the admin's account credentials. Also, disable/revoke tokens for the compromised admin account and enable multi-factor authentication for all admin accounts.
+- Look for suspicious activities performed by the admin.
- Check for other suspicious activities across other connectors in the environment.
security Session Cookie Theft Alert https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/session-cookie-theft-alert.md
Title: Alert grading for session cookie theft alert
+ Title: Alert grading for session cookie theft alert
description: Review, manage and grade the session cookie theft alert as True Positive (TP) or False Positive (FP), and if there is TP, take recommended actions to remediate the attack and mitigate the security risks arising because of it. keywords: incidents, alerts, investigate, analyze, response, correlation, attack, machines, devices, users, identities, identity, mailbox, email, 365, microsoft, m365, cookie theft, AiTM, Attacker-in-the-middle, Adversary-in-the-middle, session theft, aitm cookie theft, aitm session theft. search.appverid: met150
-# Alert grading for session cookie theft alert
+# Alert grading for session cookie theft alert
+ [!INCLUDE [Microsoft 365 Defender rebranding](../includes/microsoft-defender.md)] **Applies to:**
Threat actors have started using innovative ways to infiltrate their target envi
This attack works by setting up an intermediate (phishing) site, effectively working as a proxy connection between the user and the legitimate website that the attacker is impersonating. By acting as an intermediary (proxy), the attacker is able to steal the target's password and session cookie. The attacker is therefore able to authenticate to a legitimate session as they're authenticating on behalf of the user.
-This playbook helps in investigating cases where suspicious behavior is observed indicative of an Attack-in-the-middle (AiTM) type of attack for cookie theft. This helps security teams like security operations center (SOC) and IT administrators to review, manage and grade the alerts as True Positive (TP) or False Positive (FP), and if it's TP, take recommended actions to remediate the attack and mitigate the security risks arising because of it.
+This playbook helps in investigating cases where suspicious behavior is observed indicative of an Attack-in-the-middle (AiTM) type of attack for cookie theft. This helps security teams like security operations center (SOC) and IT administrators to review, manage and grade the alerts as True Positive (TP) or False Positive (FP), and if it's TP, take recommended actions to remediate the attack and mitigate the security risks arising because of it.
The results of using this playbook are:
The results of using this playbook are:
## Investigating steps
-1. Investigate whether the affected user has triggered any other security alerts.
+1. Investigate whether the affected user has triggered any other security alerts.
+ - Focus on alerts that are based on geo-location anomalies for sign ins `[AadSignInEventsBeta or IdentityLogonEvents]`. - Investigate for relevant sign-in events by looking at Session ID information `[AadSignInEventsBeta]`.
- - Look for events associated with the identified (stolen) session ID to trace activities performed using the stolen cookie `[CloudAppEvents]`.
- - Look for a time difference between sign-in activities where there's a difference in the geo-location. Multiple sessions shouldn't be possible for the same account with different locations (indicating that the session could be stolen).
- - Check for alerts generated for the account from the corporate host.
- - If the account is compromised, there could be alerts that preceded the compromise indicating attacks, for example, SmartScreen alerts `[NetworkConnectionEvents]`.
+ - Look for events associated with the identified (stolen) session ID to trace activities performed using the stolen cookie `[CloudAppEvents]`.
+ - Look for a time difference between sign-in activities where there's a difference in the geo-location. Multiple sessions shouldn't be possible for the same account with different locations (indicating that the session could be stolen).
+ - Check for alerts generated for the account from the corporate host.
+ - If the account is compromised, there could be alerts that preceded the compromise indicating attacks, for example, SmartScreen alerts `[NetworkConnectionEvents]`.
2. Investigate suspicious behavior. - Look for events indicating unusual patterns to identify suspicious patterns `[CloudAppEvents]` like uncommon properties for Users like ISP/Country/City, etc. - Look for events that indicate new or previously unseen activities, such as sign-in attempts [success/failure] into new or never-before-used services, an increase in mail access activity, a change in Azure resource utilization, etc. - Inspect any recent modifications in your environment starting from:
- - Office 365 applications (like Exchange online permission changes, mail auto forwarding or redirection)
+ - Office 365 applications (like Exchange online permission changes, mail auto forwarding or redirection)
- PowerApps (like configuring automated data transmission through PowerAutomate)
- - Azure environments (for example, Azure portal subscription modifications, etc.)
+ - Azure environments (for example, Azure portal subscription modifications, etc.)
- SharePoint Online (accesses to multiple sites, or for files that have sensitive content like credential info, or financial statements), etc.) - Inspect operations observed in multiple platforms (EXO, SPO, Azure, etc.) within a short time span for the affected user. - For example, timelines for audit events of mail read/send operations and Azure resource allocation/modifications (new machine provisioning or adding to AAD) shouldn't coincide with each other.
+ 3. Investigate possible follow-on attacks. AiTM attacks are usually a means-to-an-end and not the endgame, so inspect your environment for other attacks that follow for the affected accounts.
- - An example would be looking into BEC cases
+ - An example would be looking into BEC cases
- Look for search activities seen on the alerted user account mailbox `[CloudAppEvents]`.
- - Search activities in the mailbox could have keywords observed in financial fraud (for example, invoices, payments, etc.), which are suspicious.
+ - Search activities in the mailbox could have keywords observed in financial fraud (for example, invoices, payments, etc.), which are suspicious.
- Also look for inbox rules created with the intention of moving and marking as read (something along the lines of ActionType in (New-InboxRule, UpdateInboxRules, Set-InboxRule) and RawEventData has_all (MarkAsRead, MoveToFolder, Archive)).
- - Look for mail flow events [EmailEvents & EmailUrlInfo on NetworkMessageId] where the multiple emails are sent with the same Url.
- - Follow up with inspecting whether an increase or a high volume of mail deletion (ActivityType as Trash or Delete) is observed `[CloudAppEvents]` for the mailbox account.
- - Matching behavior could be deemed as highly suspicious.
- - Examine device events for Url events that match click events `[DeviceEvents on AccountName|AccountUpn]` for Office365 emails.
- - Matching the events for click sources (for example, different IP addresses for the same Url) could be an indication of malicious behavior.
+ - Look for mail flow events [EmailEvents & EmailUrlInfo on NetworkMessageId] where the multiple emails are sent with the same Url.
+ - Follow up with inspecting whether an increase or a high volume of mail deletion (ActivityType as Trash or Delete) is observed `[CloudAppEvents]` for the mailbox account.
+ - Matching behavior could be deemed as highly suspicious.
+ - Examine device events for Url events that match click events `[DeviceEvents on AccountName|AccountUpn]` for Office365 emails.
+ - Matching the events for click sources (for example, different IP addresses for the same Url) could be an indication of malicious behavior.
-## Advanced hunting queries
+## Advanced hunting queries
-[Advanced hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md) is a query-based threat hunting tool that lets you inspect events in your network and locate threat indicators.
+[Advanced hunting](advanced-hunting-overview.md) is a query-based threat hunting tool that lets you inspect events in your network and locate threat indicators.
Use these queries to gather more information related to the alert and determine whether the activity is suspicious. Ensure you have access to the following tables:
let OfficeHomeSessionIds =
AADSignInEventsBeta | where Timestamp > ago(1d) | where ErrorCode == 0
-| where ApplicationId == "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca" //OfficeHome application
-| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser"
-| where LogonType has "interactiveUser"
+| where ApplicationId == "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca" //OfficeHome application
+| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser"
+| where LogonType has "interactiveUser"
| summarize arg_min(Timestamp, Country) by SessionId; AADSignInEventsBeta | where Timestamp > ago(1d)
-| where ApplicationId != "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca"
-| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser"
+| where ApplicationId != "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca"
+| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser"
| project OtherTimestamp = Timestamp, Application, ApplicationId, AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName, OtherCountry = Country, SessionId | join OfficeHomeSessionIds on SessionId | where OtherTimestamp > Timestamp and OtherCountry != Country ```+ Use the below query for identifying uncommon countries: ```kusto AADSignInEventsBeta
-| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
-| where ApplicationId == "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca" //OfficeHome application
-| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser"
-| where LogonType has "interactiveUser"
-| summarize Countries = make_set(Country) by AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName
+| where Timestamp > ago(7d)
+| where ApplicationId == "4765445b-32c6-49b0-83e6-1d93765276ca" //OfficeHome application
+| where ClientAppUsed == "Browser"
+| where LogonType has "interactiveUser"
+| summarize Countries = make_set(Country) by AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName
```+ Use this query to find new email Inbox rules created during a suspicious sign-in session: ```kusto
| where RawEventData.SessionId in (suspiciousSessionIds) ```
-## Recommended actions
+## Recommended actions
Once you determine that the alert activities are malicious, classify those alerts as True Positive (TP) and perform the following actions: - Reset the user's account credentials. Also, disable/revoke tokens for the compromised account. - If the artifacts that were found were related to email, configure block based on Sender IP address and Sender domains.
- - Domains that are typo-squatted might either clear DMARC, DKIM, SPF policies (since the domain is different altogether) or they might return ΓÇ£nullΓÇ¥ results (as it's probably not configured by the threat actor).
-- Block URLs or IP addresses (on the network protection platforms) that were identified as malicious during the investigation.
+ - Domains that are typo-squatted might either clear DMARC, DKIM, SPF policies (since the domain is different altogether) or they might return "null results (as it's probably not configured by the threat actor).
+- Block URLs or IP addresses (on the network protection platforms) that were identified as malicious during the investigation.
## See also [From cookie theft to BEC](https://www.microsoft.com/security/blog/2022/07/12/from-cookie-theft-to-bec-attackers-use-aitm-phishing-sites-as-entry-point-to-further-financial-fraud/)-
security Configure Mdo Anti Phishing Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/configure-mdo-anti-phishing-policies.md
Creating a custom anti-phishing policy in the Microsoft 365 Defender portal crea
> [!NOTE] > > - If Microsoft 365 system messages from the following senders are identified as impersonation attempts, you can add the senders to the trusted senders list:
- > - `Γüánoreply@email.teams.microsoft.com`
+ > - `noreply@email.teams.microsoft.com`
> - `noreply@emeaemail.teams.microsoft.com` > - `no-reply@sharepointonline.com` >
security Set Up Anti Phishing Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/set-up-anti-phishing-policies.md
The following impersonation settings are only available in anti-phishing policie
> [!NOTE] > > - If Microsoft 365 system messages from the following senders are identified as impersonation attempts, you can add the senders to the trusted senders list:
- > - `Γüánoreply@email.teams.microsoft.com`
+ > - `noreply@email.teams.microsoft.com`
> - `noreply@emeaemail.teams.microsoft.com` > - `no-reply@sharepointonline.com` >
whiteboard Manage Data Organizations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-data-organizations.md
description: Learn about data retention for Microsoft Whiteboard in Azure and On
# Manage data for Microsoft Whiteboard
-Whiteboard content is stored in OneDrive for Business and Azure. OneDrive for Business is the default storage for all new whiteboards. Whiteboards that were originally created in Azure, and whiteboards that were initiated on a Surface Hub or a Microsoft Teams Rooms device, are stored in Azure.
+Whiteboard content is stored in OneDrive for Business and Azure. OneDrive for Business is the default storage for all new whiteboards. Whiteboards that were originally created in Azure, and whiteboards that were initiated on a Surface Hub or a Microsoft Teams Rooms device, are stored in Azure.
In order to manage data, you must first ensure that Whiteboard is enabled for your organization. For more information, see [Manage access to Whiteboard](manage-whiteboard-access-organizations.md). ## Azure storage overview
+> [!NOTE]
> The following information applies to whiteboards that are stored in Azure. Whiteboard currently stores content securely in Azure. Data might be stored in different locations, depending on the country and when Whiteboard switched to storing new content in those locations. To check where new data is created, see [Where your Microsoft 365 customer data is stored](/microsoft-365/enterprise/o365-data-locations).
Content in Azure doesn't support Data Loss Prevention (DLP), eDiscovery, retenti
We're changing how whiteboards are stored when a user's account is deleted in Azure. Prior to the change, any whiteboards that were owned by a deleted user's account were also deleted. However, whiteboards that were shared with others weren't deleted.
+> [!NOTE]
> Whiteboards stored in OneDrive for Business will be handled like any other content in OneDrive for Business. For more information, see [Set the OneDrive retention for deleted users](/onedrive/set-retention). As of **June 1, 2022**, the behavior of whiteboards on Azure has changed. Any whiteboards shared with other users will be deleted.
-If you want to retain a deleted userΓÇÖs whiteboards, *before* you delete the account, you can transfer ownership. You can transfer a single whiteboard or all of them to another user.
+If you want to retain a deleted user's whiteboards, *before* you delete the account, you can transfer ownership. You can transfer a single whiteboard or all of them to another user.
- Follow these instructions to [transfer all whiteboards](/powershell/module/whiteboard/invoke-transferallwhiteboards).