Updates from: 10/26/2022 01:22:16
Category Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
admin Active Users Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/active-users-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Activity Reports https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/activity-reports.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Email Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/email-activity-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Email Apps Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/email-apps-usage-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Forms Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/forms-activity-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Forms Pro Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/forms-pro-activity-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Mailbox Usage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/mailbox-usage.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Microsoft Office Activations Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-office-activations-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Microsoft Teams Apps Usage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-apps-usage.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365 - Adm_NonTOC
admin Microsoft Teams Device Usage Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-device-usage-preview.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Microsoft Teams Usage Activity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-usage-activity.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Microsoft Teams User Activity Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft-teams-user-activity-preview.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Microsoft365 Apps Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/microsoft365-apps-usage-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Office 365 Groups Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/office-365-groups-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Onedrive For Business Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/onedrive-for-business-activity-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Onedrive For Business Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/onedrive-for-business-usage-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Project Activity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/project-activity.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Sharepoint Activity Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/sharepoint-activity-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Sharepoint Site Usage Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/sharepoint-site-usage-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Viva Insights Activity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/viva-insights-activity.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Viva Learning Activity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/viva-learning-activity.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Yammer Activity Report Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/yammer-activity-report-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Yammer Device Usage Report Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/yammer-device-usage-report-ww.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Yammer Groups Activity Report Ww https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/activity-reports/yammer-groups-activity-report-ww.md
audience: Admin
ms.localizationpriority: medium-+
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin About Exchange Online Admin Role https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/about-exchange-online-admin-role.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Add New Employee https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/add-new-employee.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Add Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/add-users.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Create And Use A Template To Add Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/add-users/create-and-use-a-template-to-add-users.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Admin Center Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/admin-overview/admin-center-overview.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Sign Up For Office 365 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/admin-overview/sign-up-for-office-365.md
audience: Admin
ms.localizationpriority: medium-+
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin What Is Microsoft 365 For Business https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/admin-overview/what-is-microsoft-365-for-business.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin What Subscription Do I Have https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/admin-overview/what-subscription-do-i-have.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Adoption Score https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/adoption-score.md
ms.localizationpriority: high monikerRange: 'o365-worldwide'
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Apps Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/apps-health.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - Microsoft 365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Communication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/communication.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Content Collaboration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/content-collaboration.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Mobility https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/mobility.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Privacy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/privacy.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium monikerRange: 'o365-worldwide'
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Teamwork https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/adoption/teamwork.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Office 365 Groups https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/create-groups/office-365-groups.md
The following limits apply to Microsoft 365 Groups:
|:|:-| |Owners per group|100| |Groups a user can create|250|
-|Groups an admin can create|Up to default tenant limit of 500 K|
+|Groups an admin can create|There are no Microsoft 365 group specific limits. There's an overall Azure AD object limit specific to each organization. An Azure AD admin who can manage groups in the organization can create an unlimited number of Microsoft 365 groups up to the Azure AD object limit. See [AAD service limits and restrictions](/active-directory/enterprise-users/directory-service-limits-restrictions).|
|Number of members|More than 1,000, though only 1,000 can access the Group conversations concurrently. <br>Users might notice delays when accessing the calendar and conversations in large groups in Outlook.| |Number of Groups a user can be a member of|7,000| |File storage|1 Terabyte + 10 GB per subscribed user + any other storage purchased. You can purchase an unlimited amount of extra storage.| |Group Mailbox size|50 GB|
-The default maximum number of Microsoft 365 groups that an organization can have is 500,000. To go beyond the default limit, you must contact Microsoft Support. For more information on Microsoft 365 Groups limits, see [Microsoft 365 Groups - Admin help](https://support.microsoft.com/office/b565caa1-5c40-40ef-9915-60fdb2d97fa2).
Managing your Microsoft 365 groups is more effective when you have actionable information about groups usage. The Microsoft 365 admin center has a reporting tool that lets you see storage use, how many active groups you have, and how users are using the groups. See: [Microsoft 365 Reports in the admin center](../activity-reports/office-365-groups.md) for more information.
admin Create Dns Records At 1 1 Internet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-1-1-internet.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At 123 Reg Co Uk https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-123-reg-co-uk.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Aws https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-aws.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Cloudflare https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-cloudflare.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Godaddy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-godaddy.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Namecheap https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-namecheap.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Network Solutions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-network-solutions.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Ovh https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-ovh.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Web Com https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-web-com.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records At Wix https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-at-wix.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Create Dns Records Using Windows Based Dns https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/create-dns-records-using-windows-based-dns.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Update Dns Records To Retain Current Hosting Provider https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/dns/update-dns-records-to-retain-current-hosting-provider.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Change Email Address https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/email/change-email-address.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Get Help Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-support.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - highpri - Adm_O365
admin Buy A Domain Name https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/buy-a-domain-name.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Change Nameservers At Any Domain Registrar https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/change-nameservers-at-any-domain-registrar.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Create Dns Records At Any Dns Hosting Provider https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/create-dns-records-at-any-dns-hosting-provider.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Dns Basics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/dns-basics.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Find And Fix Issues https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/find-and-fix-issues.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Find Your Domain Registrar https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/find-your-domain-registrar.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Information For Dns Records https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/information-for-dns-records.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Remove A Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/remove-a-domain.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Transfer A Domain From Microsoft To Another Host https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/transfer-a-domain-from-microsoft-to-another-host.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Transfer Data Manually https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/transfer-data-manually.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin What Is A Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/get-help-with-domains/what-is-a-domain.md
audience: Admin
ms.localizationpriority: medium-+
+- Tier2
- ContentEngagementFY23 - scotvorg - highpri
admin Assign Licenses To Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/assign-licenses-to-users.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Centralized Deployment Of Add Ins https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/centralized-deployment-of-add-ins.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Change Address Contact And More https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/change-address-contact-and-more.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Find Your Partner Or Reseller https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/find-your-partner-or-reseller.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Language Translation For Message Center Posts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/language-translation-for-message-center-posts.md
description: "Message center posts are in English only but can be displayed auto
# Language translation for Microsoft 365 Message center posts
-Message center posts are written in English-only due to the timeliness of the information we are posting, but can be automatically displayed in the language specified by your personal language settings for Microsoft 365. If you set your preferred language to anything other than English, you'll see an option in Message center to automatically translate posts. The messages is machine translated to your preferred language, meaning that a computer did the translation. This option controls the default view, but you can also use the drop-down menu to translate and display posts in any of the languages we support for translation. If you select English, we'll revert the message to the original English version.
+Message center posts are written in English-only due to the timeliness of the information we are posting, but can be automatically displayed in the language specified by your personal language settings for Microsoft 365. If you set your preferred language to anything other than English, you'll see an option in Message center to automatically translate posts. The messages are machine translated to your preferred language, meaning that a computer did the translation. This option controls the default view, but you can also use the drop-down menu to translate and display posts in any of the languages we support for translation. If you select English, we'll revert the message to the original English version.
## Before you begin
admin Manage Addins In The Admin Center https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/manage-addins-in-the-admin-center.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Manage Industry News https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/manage-industry-news.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_TOC
admin Minors And Acquiring Addins From The Store https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/minors-and-acquiring-addins-from-the-store.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier3
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Remove Licenses From Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/remove-licenses-from-users.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Servicenow Aad Oauth Token https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-aad-oauth-token.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_TOC
admin Servicenow Basic Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-basic-authentication.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_TOC
admin Servicenow Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-overview.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_TOC
admin Servicenow Testing The Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-testing-the-configuration.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_TOC
admin Servicenow Troubleshooting https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-troubleshooting.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_TOC
admin Servicenow Virtual Agent Integration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/servicenow-virtual-agent-integration.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_TOC
admin Test And Deploy Microsoft 365 Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/manage/test-and-deploy-microsoft-365-apps.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - Adm_TOC
admin Add Partner https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/add-partner.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Become The Admin https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/become-the-admin.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Icann Verification Of Contact Information https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/icann-verification-of-contact-information.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Mailbox Not Found Error https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/mailbox-not-found-error.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management
admin Move Email And Data To Office 365 Business Premium https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/move-email-and-data-to-office-365-business-premium.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
admin Pilot Microsoft 365 From My Custom Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/pilot-microsoft-365-from-my-custom-domain.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - Adm_O365 - Adm_TOC
admin Remove A Domain From Another Account https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/remove-a-domain-from-another-account.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Self Service Sign Up https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/self-service-sign-up.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
admin Set Up Dns Records Vsb https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/misc/set-up-dns-records-vsb.md
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admin Apply For A Fapiao https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/services-in-china/apply-for-a-fapiao.md
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admin Create Dns Records When You Manage Your Dns Records https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/services-in-china/create-dns-records-when-you-manage-your-dns-records.md
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admin Purpose Of Cname https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/services-in-china/purpose-of-cname.md
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admin Files To Onedrive https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/files-to-onedrive.md
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admin Files To Sharepoint https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/setup/files-to-sharepoint.md
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To enable Microsoft 365 usage analytics in a Microsoft 365 US Government Communi
## Before you begin
-To get started with Microsoft 365 usage analytics you must first make the data available in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a>, then initiate the template app in Power BI.
+To get started with Microsoft 365 usage analytics you must first make the data available in the <a href="https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339" target="_blank">Microsoft 365 admin center</a>, then select **Reports** > **Usage** and initiate the template app in Power BI.
## Get Power BI
admin Get The Latest Version Of Usage Analytics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/usage-analytics/get-the-latest-version-of-usage-analytics.md
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audience: Admin -+
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+- scotvorg
ms.localizationpriority: medium ms.assetid: fd6b7587-5055-4bcd-83a4-13bd4929bfff description: "If you need to ask customers questions when they book an appointment with you online, you can add custom questions and required questions to the booking page."
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audience: Admin
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+- scotvorg
description: "Use this page to create your staff list and to manage staff member details such as name, phone number, and email address."
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ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ROBOTS: NO INDEX, NO FOLLOW description: "Use Bookings with me to let others schedule meetings with you in Outlook."
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ms.localizationpriority: medium ms.assetid: 47403d64-a067-4754-9ae9-00157244c27d
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ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg description: "Learn how to configure SMS text notifications for clients, customers and partners in Microsoft Bookings."
bookings Campaign Id https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/campaign-id.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg description: "How to add a campaign ID to a Bookings page URL"
bookings Comparison Chart https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/comparison-chart.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: d586eb28-b752-4c46-bf92-00a0c5ad781d description: "A comparison chart that shows the feature differences between the Bookings web app and the Bookings Teams app."
bookings Create A Manual Booking https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/create-a-manual-booking.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 03a9acc9-f29c-456b-9fb2-0f49474b2708 description: "Follow these instructions to create an appointment and assign an employee."
bookings Customize Booking Page https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/customize-booking-page.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 116d7a84-a7a0-4911-a1e9-debb2cca7c43 description: "Change the color theme of your booking page."
bookings Define Service Offerings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/define-service-offerings.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 4a1c391e-524f-48e0-bef8-185df3a9634b description: "Instructions for entering service offerings information, including service name, description, location, duration, and pricing. You can also tag the employees who are qualified to provide the service."
bookings Delete Calendar https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/delete-calendar.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 8c3a913c-2247-4519-894d-b6263eeb9920 description: "Use the Microsoft 365 admin center or Windows PowerShell to delete Bookings calendars."
bookings Employee Hours https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/employee-hours.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 0968717e-b61f-4b06-987c-6c1464541782 description: "Set employee working hours and availability in Microsoft Bookings."
bookings Enter Business Information https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/enter-business-information.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 828a17db-956a-401e-bb62-d153b6dffd53 description: "Follow these instructions to create your About Us page with business name, address, phone number, website URL, logo, and business hours in Microsoft Bookings."
bookings Get Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/get-access.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 5382dc07-aaa5-45c9-8767-502333b214ce description: "Learn how to get access to the Bookings feature in Microsoft 365."
bookings Manage Attendees Bookings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/manage-attendees-bookings.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg description: "Follow these instructions to create your About Us page, including business name, address, phone number, website URL, logo, and business hours in Microsoft Bookings."
bookings Metrics And Activity Tracking https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/metrics-and-activity-tracking.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier2
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 060a9781-c8a2-4e85-a769-31e6417d05b3 description: "Various metrics are available on the main Bookings page, allowing you to easily track revenue and customer activity."
bookings Power Automate Integration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/power-automate-integration.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg description: "Use Power Automate Bookings Connectors to create custom workflows with appointment triggers."
bookings Reporting Info https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/reporting-info.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 03a9acc9-f29c-456b-9fb2-0f49474b2708 description: "Learn how you can see a 4 month view of your Bookings activity"
bookings Schedule Closures Time Off Vacation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/schedule-closures-time-off-vacation.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: e3c0a4ee-e3d8-4fbe-bd8f-16d1c712d1f4 description: "Schedule office closures and employee time off from the Bookings calendar so that employees are marked as unavailable for bookings during the specified times."
bookings Set Buffer Time https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/set-buffer-time.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 271f43e4-b8f7-4d63-8059-b5747679bb7e description: "Set buffer time before or after an appointment in Microsoft Bookings to allow time for cleaning up or resetting equipment."
bookings Set Language Time Zones https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/set-language-time-zones.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 94af3e22-aca6-4e91-8b91-1cd5a02a9ea8 description: "Change your language and time zone settings in Microsoft Bookings. If bookings are created at the wrong time, Bookings might be set for the wrong time zone."
bookings Set Scheduling Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/set-scheduling-policies.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 4b2c84ec-64d3-4027-af4c-40f69e7b37c9 description: "Learn how to set scheduling policies for your business. Scheduling policies include the length of appointments, as well as acceptable lead and cancellation times."
bookings Turn Bookings On Or Off https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/turn-bookings-on-or-off.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg ms.assetid: 5382dc07-aaa5-45c9-8767-502333b214ce description: "Learn how to get access to Microsoft Bookings in Microsoft 365."
business Get Microsoft 365 Business https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business/get-microsoft-365-business.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - Adm_O365 - M365-subscription-management
business Manage Protected Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business/manage-protected-devices.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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business Mam And Mdm https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/business/ui/mam-and-mdm.md
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ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Add Storage Space https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/add-storage-space.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Change Payment Frequency https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/change-payment-frequency.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Change Your Billing Addresses https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/change-your-billing-addresses.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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ms.localizationpriority: medium
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ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Manage Billing Profiles https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/manage-billing-profiles.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Manage Multi Tenant Billing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/manage-multi-tenant-billing.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Manage Payment Methods https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/manage-payment-methods.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
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commerce Mexico Billing Info https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/mexico-billing-info.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Pay For Subscription Billing Profile https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/pay-for-subscription-billing-profile.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Pay For Your Subscription https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/pay-for-your-subscription.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
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- ContentEngagementFY23 - scotvorg - highpri
commerce Tax Information https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/tax-information.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
commerce Understand Your Invoice https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/understand-your-invoice.md
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commerce Understand Your Invoice2 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/understand-your-invoice2.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
commerce View Your Bill Or Invoice https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/view-your-bill-or-invoice.md
ms.localizationpriority: high search.appverid: GEA150
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commerce Withholding Tax Credit Global https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/withholding-tax-credit-global.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Withholding Tax Credit India https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/billing-and-payments/withholding-tax-credit-india.md
ms.localizationpriority: null
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commerce Buy Or Edit An Add On https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/buy-or-edit-an-add-on.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Close Your Account https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/close-your-account.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Enter Your Product Key https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/enter-your-product-key.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
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- scotvorg - highpri - M365-subscription-management
commerce Buy Licenses https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/buy-licenses.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_o365
commerce Manage Auto Claim Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/manage-auto-claim-policies.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Manage License Requests https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/manage-license-requests.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Manage Licenses For Devices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/manage-licenses-for-devices.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Manage Third Party App Licenses https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/manage-third-party-app-licenses.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
commerce Subscriptions And Licenses https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/licenses/subscriptions-and-licenses.md
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- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
commerce Manage Billing Accounts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/manage-billing-accounts.md
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commerce Manage Partners https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/manage-partners.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
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commerce Manage Saas Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/commerce/manage-saas-apps.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
+- Tier1
- scotvorg - M365-subscription-management - Adm_O365
App providers sell their apps either at a flat rate, or by purchasing licenses f
- **Flat rate** ΓÇô Also called site-based pricing, apps are priced with a monthly or annual price. On the app page, license quantity is listed at Unlimited. - **Licenses** ΓÇô Apps are priced by license. Customers assign licenses to each user in their organization
-## Supported regions
-Support for third-party apps is available in these regions:
--- Argentina-- Australia-- Canada-- Chile-- France-- Germany-- Greece-- Puerto Rico-- South Africa-- United Kingdom-- United States-- Western Europe
+## Supported geographic locations
+Commercial marketplace offerings can be purchased in 141 geographies as defined by the customer's billing address, and transactions can be completed in 17 currencies. The following table lists each supported geographic location, its [ISO 3166 two-digit alpha code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_3166_country_codes), and the assigned currency.
+A CSP can purchase an offer in Partner Center in their end customer's currency so they can bill them in that same currency. For additional information on this, refer to [these FAQs](https://partner.microsoft.com/resources/detail/eu-efta-change-of-partner-billing-currency-faq-pdf).
+| Country/Region Name | ISO-2 | Currency</br>(All offer types) | Currency</br>(Consulting service offers only) |
+| Afghanistan | AF | USD | AFN, EUR, USD |
+| Albania | AL | USD | ALL, EUR, USD |
+| Algeria | DZ | USD | DZD, EUR, USD |
+| Andorra | AD | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Angola | AO | USD | AOA, EUR, USD |
+| Argentina | AR | USD | ARS, EUR, USD |
+| Armenia | AM | USD | AMD, EUR, USD |
+| Australia | AU | AUD | AUD, EUR, USD |
+| Austria | AT | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Azerbaijan | AZ | USD | AZN, EUR, USD |
+| Bahrain | BH | USD | BHD, EUR, USD |
+| Bangladesh | BD | USD | BDT, EUR, USD |
+| Barbados | BB | USD | BBD, EUR, USD |
+| Belarus | BY | USD | BYN, EUR, USD |
+| Belgium | BE | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Belize | BZ | USD | BZD, EUR, USD |
+| Bermuda | BM | USD | BMD, EUR, USD |
+| Bolivia | BO | USD | BOB, EUR, USD |
+| Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | USD | BAM, EUR, USD |
+| Botswana | BW | USD | BWP, EUR, USD |
+| Brazil | BR | BRL\* | BRL, EUR, USD |
+| Brunei | BN | USD | BND, EUR, SGD, USD |
+| Bulgaria | BG | EUR | BGN, EUR, USD |
+| Cabo Verde | CV | USD | CVE, EUR, USD |
+| Cameroon | CM | USD | EUR, USD, XAF |
+| Canada | CA | CAD | CAD, EUR, USD |
+| Cayman Islands | KY | USD | EUR, KYD, USD |
+| Chile | CL | USD | CLP, EUR, USD |
+| China\** | CN | N/A | N/A |
+| Colombia | CO | USD | COP, EUR, USD |
+| Costa Rica | CR | USD | CRC, EUR, USD |
+| C├┤te d'Ivoire | CI | USD | EUR, USD, XOF |
+| Croatia | HR | EUR | EUR, HRK, USD |
+| Curaçao | CW | USD | ANG, EUR, USD |
+| Cyprus | CY | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Czechia | CZ | EUR | CZK, EUR, USD |
+| Denmark | DK | DKK | DKK, EUR, USD |
+| Dominican Republic | DO | USD | DOP, EUR, USD |
+| Ecuador | EC | USD | EUR, USD |
+| Egypt | EG | USD | EGP, EUR, USD |
+| El Salvador | SV | USD | EUR, USD |
+| Estonia | EE | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Ethiopia | ET | USD | ETB, EUR, USD |
+| Faroe Islands | FO | DKK | DKK, EUR, USD |
+| Fiji | FJ | AUD | AUD, EUR, FJD, USD |
+| Finland | FI | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| France | FR | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Georgia | GE | USD | EUR, GEL, USD |
+| Germany | DE | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Ghana | GH | USD | EUR, GHS, USD |
+| Greece | GR | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Guatemala | GT | USD | EUR, GTQ, USD |
+| Honduras | HN | USD | EUR, HNL, USD |
+| Hong Kong SAR | HK | USD | EUR, HKD, USD |
+| Hungary | HU | EUR | EUR, HUF, USD |
+| Iceland | IS | EUR | EUR, ISK, USD |
+| India | IN | INR | EUR, INR, USD |
+| Indonesia | ID | USD | EUR, IDR, USD |
+| Iraq | IQ | USD | EUR, IQD, USD |
+| Ireland | IE | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Israel | IL | USD | EUR, ILS, USD |
+| Italy | IT | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Jamaica | JM | USD | EUR, JMD, USD |
+| Japan | JP | JPY | EUR, JPY, USD |
+| Jordan | JO | USD | EUR, JOD, USD |
+| Kazakhstan | KZ | USD | EUR, KZT, USD |
+| Kenya | KE | USD | EUR, KES, USD |
+| Korea (South) | KR | KRW | EUR, KRW, USD |
+| Kuwait | KW | USD | EUR, KWD, USD |
+| Kyrgyzstan | KG | USD | EUR, KGS, USD |
+| Latvia | LV | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Lebanon | LB | USD | EUR, LBP, USD |
+| Libya | LY | USD | EUR, LYD, USD |
+| Liechtenstein | LI | EUR | CHF, EUR, USD |
+| Lithuania | LT | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Luxembourg | LU | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Macao SAR | MO | USD | EUR, MOP, USD |
+| Malaysia | MY | USD | EUR, MYR, USD |
+| Malta | MT | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Mauritius | MU | USD | EUR, MUR, USD |
+| Mexico | MX | USD | EUR, MXN, USD |
+| Moldova | MD | USD | EUR, MDL, USD |
+| Monaco | MC | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Mongolia | MN | USD | EUR, MNT, USD |
+| Montenegro | ME | USD | EUR, USD |
+| Morocco | MA | USD | EUR, MAD, USD |
+| Namibia | NA | USD | EUR, NAD, USD, ZAR |
+| Nepal | NP | USD | EUR, NPR, USD |
+| Netherlands | NL | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| New Zealand | NZ | NZD | EUR, NZD, USD |
+| Nicaragua | NI | USD | EUR, NIO, USD |
+| Nigeria | NG | USD | EUR, NGN, USD |
+| North Macedonia | MK | USD | EUR, MKD, USD |
+| Norway | NO | NOK | EUR, NOK, USD |
+| Oman | OM | USD | EUR, OMR, USD |
+| Pakistan | PK | USD | EUR, PKR, USD |
+| Palestinian Authority | PS | USD | EUR, ILS, JOD, USD |
+| Panama | PA | USD | EUR, PAB, USD |
+| Paraguay | PY | USD | EUR, PYG, USD |
+| Peru | PE | USD | EUR, PEN, USD |
+| Philippines | PH | USD | EUR, PHP, USD |
+| Poland | PL | EUR | EUR, PLN, USD |
+| Portugal | PT | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Puerto Rico | PR | USD | EUR, USD |
+| Qatar | QA | USD | EUR, QAR, USD |
+| Romania | RO | EUR | EUR, RON, USD |
+| Russia | RU | RUB | EUR, RUB, USD |
+| Rwanda | RW | USD | EUR, RWF, USD |
+| Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | USD | EUR, USD, XCD |
+| Saudi Arabia | SA | USD | EUR, SAR, USD |
+| Senegal | SN | USD | EUR, USD, XOF |
+| Serbia | RS | USD | EUR, RSD, USD |
+| Singapore | SG | USD | BND, EUR, SGD, USD |
+| Slovakia | SK | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Slovenia | SI | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| South Africa | ZA | USD | EUR, USD, ZAR |
+| Spain | ES | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Sri Lanka | LK | USD | EUR, LKR, USD |
+| Sweden | SE | SEK | EUR, SEK, USD |
+| Switzerland | CH | CHF | CHF, EUR, USD |
+| Taiwan | TW | TWD | EUR, TWD, USD |
+| Tajikistan | TJ | USD | EUR, TJS, USD |
+| Tanzania | TZ | USD | EUR, TZS, USD |
+| Thailand | TH | USD | EUR, THB, USD |
+| Trinidad and Tobago | TT | USD | EUR, TTD, USD |
+| Tunisia | TN | USD | EUR, TND, USD |
+| Turkey | TR | USD | EUR, TRY, USD |
+| Turkmenistan | TM | USD | EUR, TMT, USD |
+| Uganda | UG | USD | EUR, UGX, USD |
+| Ukraine | UA | USD | EUR, RUB, UAH, USD |
+| United Arab Emirates | AE | USD | AED, EUR, USD |
+| United Kingdom | GB | GBP | EUR, GBP, USD |
+| United States | US | USD | EUR, USD |
+| U.S. Virgin Islands | VI | USD | EUR, USD|
+| Uruguay | UY | USD | EUR, USD, UYU |
+| Uzbekistan | UZ | USD | EUR, USD, UZS |
+| Vatican City (Holy See) | VA | EUR | EUR, USD |
+| Venezuela | VE | USD | EUR, USD, VES |
+| Vietnam | VN | USD | EUR, USD, VND |
+| Yemen | YE | USD | EUR, USD, YER |
+| Zambia | ZM | USD | EUR, USD, ZMW |
+| Zimbabwe | ZW | USD | EUR, USD |
+\* For customers in Brazil, the commercial marketplace through Cloud Solution Providers (CSP) uses USD.
+\** Free and BYOL VM images only.
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compliance Communication Compliance Case Study https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study.md
Title: "Case study - Contoso configures an inappropriate text policy"
-description: "A case study for Contoso and how they quickly configure a communication compliance policy to detect inappropriate text in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications."
+ Title: "Case study - Contoso configures a communication compliance policy to identify potentially inappropriate text"
+description: "A case study for Contoso and how they quickly configure a communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate text in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications."
keywords: Microsoft 365, Microsoft Purview, compliance, communication compliance f1.keywords: - NOCSH
- MOE150
-# Case study - Contoso quickly configures an inappropriate text policy for Microsoft Teams, Exchange, and Yammer communications
+# Case study - Contoso configures a communication compliance policy to identify potentially inappropriate text for Microsoft Teams, Exchange, and Yammer communications
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-[Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on messages with inappropriate text in your organization. inappropriate text may include profanity, threats, harassment, and inappropriate images. Pre-defined and custom [policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies) allow you to scan internal and external communications for policy matches so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can [investigate alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate#investigate-alerts) for email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications in your organization and take appropriate [remediation actions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate#remediate-alerts) to make sure they're compliant with your organization's message standards.
+[Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on messages with potentially inappropriate text in your organization. Potentially inappropriate text may include profanity, threats, harassment, and adult content. Pre-defined and custom [policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies) allow you to review internal and external communications for policy matches, so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can [investigate alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate#investigate-alerts) for email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications throughout your organization and take appropriate [remediation actions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate#remediate-alerts) to make sure they're compliant with your organization's message standards.
-The Contoso Corporation is a fictional organization that needs to quickly configure a policy to detect inappropriate text. They have been using Microsoft 365 primarily for email, Microsoft Teams, and Yammer support for their users but have new requirements to enforce company policy around workplace harassment. Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of working with Microsoft 365 and are looking for end-to-end guidance for how to quickly get started with communication compliance.
+The Contoso Corporation is a fictional organization that needs to quickly configure a policy to detect potentially inappropriate text. They have been using Microsoft 365 primarily for email, Microsoft Teams, and Yammer support for their users, but have new requirements to enforce company policy around workplace harassment. Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of working with Microsoft 365 and are looking for end-to-end guidance for how to quickly get started with communication compliance.
-This case study will cover the basics for quickly configuring a communication compliance policy to detect inappropriate text. This guidance includes:
+This case study covers the basics for quickly configuring a communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate text. This guidance includes:
- [Step 1: Planning for communication compliance](#step-1-planning-for-communication-compliance) - [Step 2: Accessing communication compliance](#step-2-accessing-communication-compliance)
This case study will cover the basics for quickly configuring a communication co
## Step 1: Planning for communication compliance
-Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists attended online webinars about compliance solutions in Microsoft 365 and decided that communication compliance policies will help them meet the updated corporate policy requirements for reducing workplace harassment. Working together, they've developed a plan to create and enable a communication compliance policy that will detect inappropriate messages. This configuration includes detecting text for chats sent in Microsoft Teams, private messages and community conversations in Yammer, and in email messages sent in Exchange Online. Their plan includes identifying:
+Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists attended online webinars about compliance solutions in Microsoft Purview and decided that communication compliance policies will help them meet the updated corporate policy requirements for reducing workplace harassment. Working together, they've developed a plan to create and enable a communication compliance policy that will detect potentially inappropriate messages. This configuration includes detecting text for chats sent in Microsoft Teams, private messages and community conversations in Yammer, and in email messages sent in Exchange Online.
+Their plan includes identifying the:
-- The IT administrators that need access to communication compliance features.-- The compliance specialists that need to create and manage communication policies.-- The compliance specialists and other colleague in other departments (Human Resources, Legal, etc.) that need to investigate and remediate communication compliance alerts.-- The users that will be in-scope for the communication compliance inappropriate text policy.
+- IT administrators who need access to communication compliance features.
+- Compliance specialists who need to create and manage communication compliance policies.
+- Compliance specialists and other colleague in other departments (Human Resources, Legal, etc.) who need to investigate and remediate communication compliance alerts.
+- Users who will be in-scope for the communication compliance potentially inappropriate text policy.
### Licensing
-The first step is to confirm Contoso's Microsoft 365 licensing includes support for the communication compliance solution. To access and use communication compliance, Contoso IT administrators need to verify Contoso has one of the following:
+The first step is to confirm whether Contoso's Microsoft 365 licensing includes support for the communication compliance solution. To access and use communication compliance, Contoso IT administrators need to verify Contoso has one of the following:
- Microsoft 365 E5/A5/F5/G5 subscription (paid or trial version) - Microsoft 365 E3/A3/F3/G5 subscription + the Microsoft 365 E5/A5/F5/G5 Compliance add-on
Contoso IT administrators take the following steps to verify the licensing suppo
There are five role groups used to configure permissions to manage communication compliance features. To make **Communication compliance** available as a menu option in Microsoft Purview compliance portal and to continue with these configuration steps, Contoso administrators are assigned the *Communication Compliance Admins* role.
-Contoso decides to use the *Communication Compliance* role group assign all the communication compliance administrators, analysts, investigators, and viewers to the group. This role group configuration makes it easier for Contoso to get started quickly and best fits their compliance management requirements.
+Contoso decides to use the *Communication Compliance* role group assign all the communication compliance administrators, analysts, investigators, and viewers to the group. This role group configuration makes it easier for Contoso to get started quickly and best fits their compliance management requirements.
|**Role**|**Role permissions**| |:--|:--|
After selecting **Show all**, the Contoso IT administrators can access the commu
## Step 3: Configuring prerequisites and creating a communication compliance policy
-To get started with a communication compliance policy, there are several prerequisites that Contoso IT administrators need to configure before setting up the new policy to detect inappropriate text. After these prerequisites have been completed, Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists can configure the new policy, and compliance specialists can start investigation and remediating any generated alerts.
+To get started with a communication compliance policy, there are several prerequisites that Contoso IT administrators need to configure before setting up the new policy to detect potentially inappropriate text. After these prerequisites have been completed, Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists can configure the new policy, and compliance specialists can start investigating and remediating any generated alerts.
### Enabling auditing in Microsoft 365
Contoso IT administrators review and complete the [step-by-step instructions](/m
### Configuring Yammer tenant for Native Mode
-Communication compliance requires that the Yammer tenant for an organization is in Native Mode to detect inappropriate text in private messages and public community conversations.
+Communication compliance requires that the Yammer tenant for an organization is in Native Mode to detect potentially inappropriate text in private messages and public community conversations.
Contoso IT administrators make sure they review the information in the [Overview of Yammer Native Mode in Microsoft 365 article](/yammer/configure-your-yammer-network/overview-native-mode) and follow the steps for running the migration tool in the [Configure your Yammer network for Native Mode for Microsoft 365](/yammer/configure-your-yammer-network/native-mode) article. ### Setting up a group for in-scope users
-Contoso compliance specialists want to add all users to the communication policy that will detect inappropriate text. They could decide to add each user account to the policy separately, but they've decided it's much easier and saves time to use an **All Users** distribution group for the users for this policy.
+Contoso compliance specialists want to add all users to the communication policy that will detect potentially inappropriate text. They could decide to add each user account to the policy separately, but they've decided it's much easier and saves time to use an **All Users** distribution group for the users for this policy.
They need to create a new group to include all Contoso users, so they take the following steps:
They need to create a new group to include all Contoso users, so they take the f
![Exchange admin center.](../media/communication-compliance-case-eac.png)
-### Creating the policy to detect inappropriate text
+### Creating the policy to detect potentially inappropriate text
-With all the prerequisites completed, the IT administrators and the compliance specialists for Contoso are ready to configure the communication compliance policy to detect inappropriate text. Using the new inappropriate text policy template, configuring this policy is simple and quick.
+With all the prerequisites completed, the IT administrators and the compliance specialists for Contoso are ready to configure the communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate text. Using the text policy template, configuring this new policy is simple and quick.
-1. The Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists sign into the **Microsoft Purview compliance portal** and select **Communication compliance** from the left navigation pane. This action opens the **Overview** dashboard that has quick links for communication compliance policy templates. They choose the **Monitor for inappropriate text** template by selecting **Get started** for the template.
+1. The Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists sign into the **Microsoft Purview compliance portal** and select **Communication compliance** from the left navigation pane. This action opens the dashboard that has quick links for communication compliance policy templates. They choose **Policies**, scroll to the **Detect inappropriate text** template, and then select the **Create policy** template.
- ![Communication compliance inappropriate text template.](../media/communication-compliance-case-template.png)
+ ![Communication compliance detect inappropriate text template](../media/communication-compliance-case-template.png)
2. On the policy template wizard, the Contoso IT administrators and compliance specialists work together to complete the three required fields: **Policy name**, **Users or groups to supervise**, and **Reviewers**. 3. Since the policy wizard has already suggested a name for the policy, the IT administrators and compliance specialists decide to keep the suggested name and focus on the remaining fields. They select the *All users* group for the **Users or groups to supervise** field and select the compliance specialists that should investigate and remediate policy alerts for the **Reviewers** field. The last step to configure the policy and start gathering alert information is to select **Create policy**.
- ![Communication compliance inappropriate text wizard.](../media/communication-compliance-case-wizard.png)
+ ![Communication compliance detect inappropriate text wizard](../media/communication-compliance-case-wizard.png)
## Step 4: Investigate and remediate alerts
-Now that the communication compliance policy to detect inappropriate text is configured, the next step for the Contoso compliance specialists will be to investigate and remediate any alerts generated by the policy. It will take up to an hour for the policy to fully process communications in all the communication source channels and for alerts to show up in the **Alert dashboard**.
+Now that the communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate text is configured, the next step for the Contoso compliance specialists will be to investigate and remediate any alerts generated by the policy. It will take up to an hour for the policy to fully process communications in all the communication source channels and for alerts to show up in the **Alert dashboard**.
-After alerts are generated, Contoso compliance specialists will follow the [workflow instructions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate) to investigate and remediate inappropriate text issues.
+After alerts are generated, Contoso compliance specialists will continue to follow the [workflow instructions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate) to investigate and remediate potentially inappropriate text issues.
compliance Communication Compliance Channels https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels.md
# Detect channel signals with communication compliance >[!IMPORTANT]
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+>Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-With communication compliance policies, you can choose to scan messages in one or more of the following communication platforms as a group or as standalone sources. Original messages captured across these platforms are retained in the original platform location in accordance with your organization's [retention and hold policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/information-governance). Copies of messages used by communication compliance policies for analysis and investigation are retained for as long as policy is in place, even if users leave your organization and their mailboxes are deleted. When a communication policy is deleted, copies of messages associated with the policy are also deleted.
+With communication compliance policies, you can choose to analyze messages in one or more of the following communication platforms as a group or as standalone sources. Original messages captured across these platforms are retained in the original platform location in accordance with your organization's [retention and hold policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/information-governance). Copies of messages used by communication compliance policies for analysis and investigation are retained for as long as policy is in place, even if users leave your organization and their mailboxes are deleted. When a communication policy is deleted, copies of messages associated with the policy are also deleted.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)] ## Microsoft Teams
-Chat communications in both public and private Microsoft Teams channels and individual chats can be scanned. When users are assigned to a communication compliance policy with Microsoft Teams coverage selected, chat communications for the users are automatically detected across all Microsoft Teams where the users are a member. Microsoft Teams coverage is automatically included for pre-defined policy templates and is selected by default in the custom policy template. Teams chats matching communication compliance policy conditions may take up to 48 hours to process.
+Chats in both public and private Microsoft Teams channels and individual communications can be analyzed. When users are assigned to a communication compliance policy with Microsoft Teams coverage selected, chat communications for the users are automatically detected across all Microsoft Teams where users are a member.
-For private chat and private channels, communication compliance policies support [Shared Channels](/MicrosoftTeams/shared-channels) and Modern attachment scanning. Shared Channels support in Teams is handled automatically and don't require additional communication compliance configuration changes. The following table summarizes communication compliance behavior when sharing Teams channels with groups and users:
+Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance automatically includes Microsoft Teams coverage for pre-defined policy templates and is selected as the default in the custom policy template. Teams chats matching communication compliance policy conditions may take up to 48 hours to process.
+For Teams private chat and private channels, communication compliance policies support [Shared Channels](/MicrosoftTeams/shared-channels) and modern attachment analysis. Shared Channels support in Teams is handled automatically and don't require additional communication compliance configuration changes. The following table summarizes communication compliance behavior when sharing Teams channels with groups and users:
|**Scenario**|**Communication compliance behavior**| |:--|:| | **Share a channel with an internal team** | Communication compliance policies apply to in-scope users and all messages in the shared channel | | **Share a channel with an external team** | Communication compliance policies apply to internal in-scope users and messages in the shared channel for the internal organization |
-Modern attachments are files sourced from [OneDrive](/onedrive/plan-onedrive-enterprise#modern-attachments) or [SharePoint](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/modern-experience-customizations) sites that are included in Teams messages. Text is automatically extracted from these attachments for automated processing and potential matches with active communication compliance policy conditions and classifiers. There isn't any additional configuration necessary for Modern attachment detection and processing. Text is only extracted for attachments matching policy conditions at the time the message was sent. Text isn't extracted for attachments for messages with policy matches, even if the attachment also has a policy match.
+Modern attachments are files sourced from [OneDrive](/onedrive/plan-onedrive-enterprise#modern-attachments) or [SharePoint](/sharepoint/dev/solution-guidance/modern-experience-customizations) sites that are included in Teams messages. Text is automatically extracted from these attachments for automated processing and potential matches with active communication compliance policy conditions and classifiers. There isn't any additional configuration necessary for modern attachment detection and processing. Text is only extracted for attachments matching policy conditions at the time the message is sent. Text isn't extracted for attachments for messages with policy matches, even if the attachment also has a policy match.
-Modern attachment scanning is supported for the following file types:
+Modern attachment analysis is supported for the following file types:
- Microsoft Word (.docx) - Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)
Modern attachment scanning is supported for the following file types:
- Text (.txt) - Portable Document Format (.pdf)
-Extracted text for Modern attachments is included with the associated message on the **Pending** alerts dashboard for a policy. The extracted text for an attachment is named as the attachment file name (and format extension) and the .txt extension. For example, the extracted text for an attachment named *ContosoBusinessPlan.docx* would appear as *ContosoBusinessPlan.docx.txt* in the **Pending** alerts dashboard for a policy.
+Extracted text for modern attachments is included with the associated message on the **Pending** tab of the policy's dashboard. The extracted text for an attachment is named as the attachment file name (and format extension) and the .txt extension. For example, the extracted text for an attachment named *ContosoBusinessPlan.docx* would appear as *ContosoBusinessPlan.docx.txt* in the **Pending** tab of the policy's dashboard.
Select the extracted attachment text to view the details in the *Source* and *Plain text* views. After reviewing, you can resolve or take action on the attachment text using the command bar controls. You also have the option to download the attachment for review outside of the communication compliance review process. Use the following group management configurations to supervise individual user chats and channel communications in Teams: -- **For Teams chat communications:** Assign individual users or assign a [distribution group](https://support.office.com/article/Distribution-groups-E8BA58A8-FAB2-4AAF-8AA1-2A304052D2DE) to the communication compliance policy. This setting is for one-to-one or one-to-many user/chat relationships.-- **For Teams Channel communications:** Assign every Microsoft Teams channel or Microsoft 365 group you want to scan that contains a specific user to the communication compliance policy. If you add the same user to other Microsoft Teams channels or Microsoft 365 groups, be sure to add these new channels and groups to the communication compliance policy. If any member of the channel is a supervised user within a policy and the *Inbound* direction is configured in a policy, all messages sent within the channel are subject to review, and potential policy matches (even for users in the channel that aren't explicitly supervised). For example, User A is the owner or a member of a channel. User B and User C are members of the same channel and use language that is matched to the inappropriate content policy that supervises only User A. User B and User C create policy matches for conversations within the channel even though they aren't directly supervised in the inappropriate content policy. Teams conversations between User B and User C that are outside of the channel that includes User A wouldn't be subject to the inappropriate content policy that includes User A. To exclude channel members from supervision when other members of the channel are explicitly supervised, turn off the *Inbound* communication direction setting in the applicable communication compliance policy.-- **For Teams chat communications with hybrid email environments**: Communication compliance can detect chat messages for users for organizations with an Exchange on-premises deployment or an external email provider that have enabled Microsoft Teams. You must create a distribution group for the users with on-premises or external mailboxes. When creating a communication compliance policy, you'll assign this distribution group as the **Supervised users and groups** selection in the policy wizard. For more information about the requirements and limitations for enabling cloud-based storage and Teams support for on-premises users, see [Search for Teams chat data for on-premises users](/microsoft-365/compliance/search-cloud-based-mailboxes-for-on-premises-users).
+- **For Teams chats:** Assign individual users or assign a [distribution group](https://support.office.com/article/Distribution-groups-E8BA58A8-FAB2-4AAF-8AA1-2A304052D2DE) to the communication compliance policy. This setting is for one-to-one or one-to-many user/chat relationships.
+- **For Teams channel communications:** Assign every Microsoft Teams channel or Microsoft 365 group you want to analyze that contains a specific user to the communication compliance policy. If you add the same user to other Microsoft Teams channels or Microsoft 365 groups, be sure to add these new channels and groups to the communication compliance policy. If any member of the channel is a supervised user within a policy and the *Inbound* direction is configured in a policy, all messages sent within the channel are subject to review, and potential policy matches (even for users in the channel that aren't explicitly supervised). For example, User A is the owner or a member of a channel. User B and User C are members of the same channel and use language that is matched to the potentially inappropriate content policy that supervises only User A. User B and User C create policy matches for conversations within the channel even though they aren't directly supervised in the potentially inappropriate content policy. Teams conversations between User B and User C that are outside of the channel and include User A wouldn't be subject to the potentially inappropriate content policy that includes User A. To exclude channel members from supervision when other members of the channel are explicitly supervised, turn off the *Inbound* communication direction setting in the applicable communication compliance policy.
+- **For Teams chats with hybrid email environments**: Communication compliance can detect chat messages for organizations with an Exchange on-premises deployment or an external email provider that have enabled Microsoft Teams. You must create a distribution group for the users with on-premises or external mailboxes. When creating a communication compliance policy, you'll assign this distribution group as the **Supervised users and groups** selection in the policy wizard. For more information about the requirements and limitations for enabling cloud-based storage and Teams support for on-premises users, see [Search for Teams chat data for on-premises users](/microsoft-365/compliance/search-cloud-based-mailboxes-for-on-premises-users).
-## Exchange email
+## Exchange
-Mailboxes hosted on Exchange Online as part of your Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscription are all eligible for message scanning. Exchange email messages and attachments matching communication compliance policy conditions may take approximately 24 hours to process. Supported attachment types for communication compliance are the same as the [file types supported for Exchange mail flow rule content inspections](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/inspect-message-attachments#supported-file-types-for-mail-flow-rule-content-inspection).
+Mailboxes hosted on Microsoft Exchange Online as part of your Microsoft 365 or Office 365 subscription are all eligible for message analysis. Exchange email messages and attachments matching communication compliance policy conditions may take approximately 24 hours to process. Supported attachment types for communication compliance are the same as the [file types supported for Exchange mail flow rule content inspections](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/inspect-message-attachments#supported-file-types-for-mail-flow-rule-content-inspection).
## Yammer
-Private messages and public conversations and associated attachments in Yammer communities can be scanned. When a user is added to communication compliance policy that includes Yammer as a defined channel, communications across all Yammer communities that the user is a member of are included in the scanning process. Yammer chats and attachments matching communication compliance policy conditions may take up to 24 hours to process.
+Private messages and public conversations and associated attachments in Microsoft Yammer communities can also be analyzed. When users are added to a communication compliance policy that includes Yammer as a defined channel, communications across all Yammer communities that a user is a member of are included in the analysis. Yammer chats and attachments matching communication compliance policy conditions may take up to 24 hours to process.
-Yammer must be in [Native Mode](/yammer/configure-your-yammer-network/overview-native-mode) for communication compliance policies to detect Yammer communications and attachments. In Native Mode, all Yammer users are in Azure Active Directory (AAD), all groups are Office 365 Groups, and all files are stored in SharePoint Online.
+Yammer must be configured in [Native Mode](/yammer/configure-your-yammer-network/overview-native-mode) for communication compliance policies to detect Yammer communications and attachments. In Native Mode, all Yammer users are in Azure Active Directory (AAD), all groups are Office 365 Groups, and all files are stored in SharePoint Online.
## Third-party sources
-You can scan communications for data imported into mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization from third-party sources like [Instant Bloomberg](/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-instant-bloomberg-data), [Slack](/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-slack-data), [Zoom](/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-zoommeetings-data), SMS, and many others. For a full list of connectors supported in communication compliance, see [Archive third-party data](/microsoft-365/compliance/archiving-third-party-data).
+You can analyze communications for data imported into all mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization from third-party sources like [Instant Bloomberg](/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-instant-bloomberg-data), [Slack](/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-slack-data), [Zoom](/microsoft-365/compliance/archive-zoommeetings-data), SMS, and many others. For a full list of connectors supported in communication compliance, see [Learn about connectors for third-party data](/microsoft-365/compliance/archiving-third-party-data).
-You must configure a third-party connector for your Microsoft 365 organization before you can assign the connector to a communication compliance policy. The **Third-Party Sources** section of the communication compliance policy wizard only displays currently configured third-party connectors.
+You must configure a [third-party connector](/microsoft-365/compliance/archiving-third-party-data) for your Microsoft 365 organization before you can assign the connector to a communication compliance policy. The **Third-Party Sources** section of the communication compliance policy wizard only displays currently configured third-party connectors.
compliance Communication Compliance Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure.md
# Get started with communication compliance >[!IMPORTANT]
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+>Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Use communication compliance policies to identify user communications for examination by internal or external reviewers. For more information about how communication compliance policies can help you detect communications in your organization, see [communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies). If you'd like to review how Contoso quickly configured a communication compliance policy to detect inappropriate content in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications, check out this [case study](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study).
+Use communication compliance policies to identify user communications for analysis by internal or external reviewers. For more information about how communication compliance policies can help you detect communications in your organization, see [communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies). If you'd like to review how Contoso quickly configured a communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate content in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications, check out this [case study](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study).
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)] ## Subscriptions and licensing
-Before you get started with communication compliance, you should confirm your [Microsoft 365 subscription](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/compare-all-microsoft-365-plans) and any add-ons. To access and use communication compliance, your organization must have one of the following subscriptions or add-ons:
+Before getting started with communication compliance, you should confirm your [Microsoft 365 subscription](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/compare-all-microsoft-365-plans) and any add-ons. To access and use communication compliance, your organization must have one of the following subscriptions or add-ons:
- Microsoft 365 E5/A5/F5/G5 subscription (paid or trial version) - Microsoft 365 E3/A3/F3/G5 subscription + the Microsoft 365 E5/A5/F5/G5 Compliance add-on
Before you get started with communication compliance, you should confirm your [M
Users included in communication compliance policies must be assigned one of the licenses above. For more information about subscriptions and licensing, see [Microsoft 365 guidance for security & compliance](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance#communication-compliance). > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Communication compliance is currently available in tenants hosted in geographical regions and countries supported by Azure service dependencies. To verify that communication compliance is supported for your organization, see [Azure dependency availability by country/region](/troubleshoot/azure/general/dependency-availability-by-country).
+> Communication compliance is currently available for tenants hosted in geographical regions and countries supported by Azure service dependencies. To verify that communication compliance is supported for your organization, see [Azure dependency availability by country/region](/troubleshoot/azure/general/dependency-availability-by-country).
If you don't have an existing Office 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try communication compliance, you can [add Microsoft 365](/office365/admin/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Office 365 Enterprise E5.
If you don't have an existing Office 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try comm
Recommended actions can help your organization quickly get started with communication compliance. Included on the **Overview** page, recommended actions will help guide you through the steps to configure and deploy policies.
-The following recommendations are available to help you get started with or maximize your communication compliance configuration:
+The following recommendations are available to help you get started and maximize your communication compliance configuration:
-- **Get to know communication compliance**: Before setting up things, review our official documentation to learn about, plan for, and deploy communication compliance in your organization.-- **Assign permissions to ensure your team can get their jobs done**: Ensure that only the appropriate stakeholders can access the solution, by assigning team members responsible for managing communication compliance features and investigating and reviewing alerts.-- **Create distribution groups for users' whose communications you want to detect**: We recommend creating distribution groups containing users who will be included in communication compliance policies.-- **Create your first policy to start detecting communications**: To investigate potential regulatory compliance violations, you must first set up a policy that detects potential violations across your organization's internal and/or external communications.-- **Review alerts to investigate detected messages and take action**: Messages that match a policy's conditions will trigger alerts that provide context around a policy violation so you can investigate and take action if needed.-- **Review reports for quick insights into how policies are performing**: Get quick insights into how your policies are performing, view detailed reports to drill down further, and export results for further analysis.
+- **Get to know communication compliance**: Before completing set up, review our official documentation to learn about, plan for, and deploy communication compliance in your organization.
+- **Assign permissions to ensure your team can get their jobs done**: Ensure that only the appropriate stakeholders can access the solution by assigning team members responsible for managing communication compliance features and investigating and reviewing alerts.
+- **Create distribution groups for users' whose communications you want to detect**: Create distribution groups containing users who will be included in communication compliance policies.
+- **Create your first policy to start detecting communications**: Detect and investigate potential regulatory compliance violations by first setting up a policy that identifies potential violations across your organization's internal and/or external communications.
+- **Review alerts to investigate detected messages and take action**: Identify and analyze messages that match a policy's conditions to trigger alerts that provide context around a policy violation, so you can investigate and take action if needed.
+- **Review reports for quick insights into how policies are performing**: Get quick insights into how your policies are performing, view detailed reports to drill down further, and export results for further analyses.
-Each recommended action included in this experience has three attributes:
+Each action in communication compliance has three attributes:
- **Action**: The name and description of the recommended action. - **Recommended, required or optional**: Whether the recommended action is highly recommended, required, or optional for communication compliance features to function as expected. - **Estimated time to complete**: Estimated time to complete the recommended action in minutes.
-Select a recommendation from the list to get started with configuring communication compliance. Each recommended action guides you through the required activities for the recommendation, including any requirements, what to expect, and the impact of configuring the feature in your organization. Some recommended actions will be automatically marked as complete when configured. If not, you'll need to manually select the action as complete when configured.
+Select recommendations from the list to get started with configuring communication compliance. Each recommended action guides you through the required activities for the recommendation, including any requirements, what to expect, and the impact of configuring the feature in your organization. Some recommended actions will be automatically marked as complete when configured. If not, you'll need to manually select the action as complete when configured.
Also included on the Policies page, recommended actions insights help summarize current sensitive information types and potential regulatory compliance violations in communications in your organization. Insights are supported by [data classification](/microsoft-365/compliance/data-classification-overview) and the application of sensitivity labels, retention labels, and sensitive information type classification. These insights are aggregated and don't include any personally identifiable information (PII) for users in your organization.
Members of the following roles have the same solution permissions included with
> [!IMPORTANT] > Make sure you always have at least one user in the *Communication Compliance* or *Communication Compliance Admins* role groups (depending on the option you choose) so that your communication compliance configuration doesn't get in to a 'zero administrator' scenario if specific users leave your organization.
-Depending on how you wish to manage communication compliance policies and alerts, you'll need to assign users to specific role groups to manage different sets of communication compliance features. You have the option to assign users with different compliance responsibilities to specific role groups to manage different areas of communication compliance features. Or you may decide to assign all user accounts for designated administrators, analysts, investigators, and viewers to the *Communication Compliance* role group. Use a single role group or multiple role groups to best fit your compliance management requirements.
+Depending on how you want to manage communication compliance policies and alerts, you'll need to assign users to specific role groups to manage different sets of communication compliance features. You have the option of assigning users with different compliance responsibilities to specific role groups to manage different areas of communication compliance features. Or you may decide to assign all user accounts for designated administrators, analysts, investigators, and viewers to the *Communication Compliance* role group. Use a single role group or multiple role groups to best fit your compliance management requirements.
Choose from these solution role group options when configuring and managing communication compliance:
For more information about setting up groups, see:
## Step 4 (optional): Verify your Yammer tenant is in Native Mode
-In Native Mode, all Yammer users are in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), all groups are Office 365 Groups, and all files are stored in SharePoint Online. Your Yammer tenant must be in Native Mode for communication compliance policies to scan and identify risky conversations in private messages and community conversations in Yammer.
+In Native Mode, all Yammer users are in Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), all groups are Office 365 Groups, and all files are stored in SharePoint Online. Your Yammer tenant must be in Native Mode for communication compliance policies to check and identify risky conversations in private messages and community conversations in Yammer.
For more information about configuring Yammer in Native Mode, see:
For more information about configuring Yammer in Native Mode, see:
>Using PowerShell to create and manage communication compliance policies isn't supported. To create and manage these policies, you must use the policy management controls in the [communication compliance solution](https://compliance.microsoft.com/supervisoryreview). >[!TIP]
->Want to see an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a new communication compliance policy and remediating an alert? Check out [this 15-minute video](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan#creating-a-communication-compliance-policy-walkthrough) to see a demonstration of how communication compliance policies can help you detect inappropriate messages, investigate potential violations, and remediate compliance issues.
+>Want to see an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a new communication compliance policy and remediating an alert? Check out [this 15-minute video](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan#creating-a-communication-compliance-policy-walkthrough) to see a demonstration of how communication compliance policies can help you detect potentially inappropriate messages, investigate potential violations, and remediate compliance issues.
1. Sign into the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization.
For more information about configuring Yammer in Native Mode, see:
- Choose a limited condition field, usually a sensitive info type or keyword dictionary to apply to the policy. > [!NOTE]
- > If you want to enable [optical character recognition (OCR)](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#optical-character-recognition-ocr) to scan embedded or attached images in messages for printed or handwritten text that match policy conditions, select **Customize policy** > **Conditions and percentage** and enable **Extract printed or handwritten text from images for evaluation**.
+ > If you want to enable [optical character recognition (OCR)](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#optical-character-recognition-ocr) to identify embedded or attached images in messages for printed or handwritten text that match policy conditions, select **Customize policy** > **Conditions and percentage** and enable **Extract printed or handwritten text from images for evaluation**.
If you choose to use the policy wizard to create a custom policy, you will:
For more information about configuring Yammer in Native Mode, see:
- Choose the reviewers for the policy. Reviewers are individual users and all reviewers must have mailboxes hosted on Exchange Online. Reviewers added here are the reviewers that you can choose from when escalating an alert in the investigation and remediation workflow. When reviewers are added to a policy, they automatically receive an email message that notifies them of the assignment to the policy and provides links to information about the review process.
- - Choose the communication channels to scan, including Exchange, Microsoft Teams, or Yammer. You'll also choose to scan third-party sources if you've configured a connector in Microsoft 365.
+ - Choose the communication channels to check, including Exchange, Microsoft Teams, or Yammer. You'll also choose to check third-party sources if you've configured a connector in Microsoft 365.
- Choose the communication direction to detect, including inbound, outbound, or internal communications.
For more information about configuring Yammer in Native Mode, see:
- Choose if you'd like to include sensitive information types. This step is where you can select default and custom sensitive info types. Pick from existing custom sensitive information types or custom keyword dictionaries in the communication compliance policy wizard. You can create these items before running the wizard if needed. You can also create new sensitive information types from within the communication compliance policy wizard.
- - Choose if you'd like to enable classifiers. Classifiers can detect potentially inappropriate language and images sent or received in the body of email messages or other types of text. You can choose [built-in classifiers specific to communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#classifiers).
+ - Choose if you'd like to enable classifiers. Classifiers can detect potentially inappropriate language and images sent or received in the body of email messages or other types of text. You can choose the following built-in classifiers: *Threat*, *Profanity*, *Targeted harassment*, *Adult images*, *Racy images*, and *Gory images*.
- - Enable [optical character recognition (OCR)](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#optical-character-recognition-ocr) to scan embedded or attached images in messages for printed or handwritten text that match policy conditions. For custom policies, one or more conditional settings associated with text, keywords, classifiers, or sensitive info types must be configured in the policy to enable the selection of optical character recognition scanning.
+ - Enable [optical character recognition (OCR)](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#optical-character-recognition-ocr) to identify embedded or attached images in messages for printed or handwritten text that match policy conditions. For custom policies, one or more conditional settings associated with text, keywords, classifiers, or sensitive info types must be configured in the policy to enable the selection of optical character recognition (OCR) documents.
- Define the percentage of communications to review.
compliance Communication Compliance Investigate Remediate https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate.md
# Investigate and remediate communication compliance alerts >[!IMPORTANT]
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+>Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-After you've configured your [communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies), you'll start to receive alerts in the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) for message issues that match your policy conditions. To view and act on alerts, users must have the following permissions:
+After you've configured your [communication compliance policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies), you'll begin receiving alerts in the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) for message issues that match your policy conditions. To view and act on alerts, users must be assigned to the following permissions:
-- Be assigned to the *Communication Compliance Analysts* or the *Communication Compliance Investigators* role group-- Be assigned as a reviewer in the policy associated with the alert
+- The *Communication Compliance Analysts* or the *Communication Compliance Investigators* role group
+- Reviewer in the policy that is associated with the alert
-After you have the required permissions, follow the workflow instructions here to investigate and remediate alert issues.
+After you establish required permissions, follow the workflow instructions below to investigate and remediate alert issues.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)] ## Investigate alerts
-The first step to investigate issues detected by your policies is to review communication compliance alerts in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. There are several areas in the communication compliance solution area to help you to quickly investigate alerts, depending on how you prefer to view alert grouping:
+The first step to investigate issues detected by your policies is to review alerts in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. There are several areas in the communication compliance area to help you to quickly investigate alerts, depending on how you prefer to view alert grouping:
-- **Communication compliance policy page**: When you sign into the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, select **Communication compliance** to display the communication compliance **Policy** page. This page displays communication compliance policies configured for your Microsoft 365 organization and links to recommended policy templates. Each policy listed includes the count of alerts that need review, the number of escalated and resolved items, status of the policy, and the date and time of the last policy scan. Selecting a policy displays all the pending alerts for matches to the policy, select a specific alert to launch the policy details page and to start remediation actions.-- **Alerts**: Navigate to **Communication compliance** > **Alerts** to display the last 30 days of alerts grouped by policy matches. This view allows you to quickly see which communication compliance policies are generating the most alerts ordered by severity. To start remediation actions, select the policy associated with the alert to launch the **Policy details** page. From the **Policy details** page, you can review a summary of the activities on the **Overview** page, review and act on alert messages on the **Pending** page, or review the history of closed alerts on the **Resolved** page.
+- **Communication compliance policy page**: When you sign into the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) using credentials for an admin account in your Microsoft 365 organization, select **Communication compliance** to display the communication compliance **Policy** page. This page displays communication compliance policies configured for your Microsoft 365 organization and links to recommended policy templates. Each policy listed includes the count of alerts that need review, the number of escalated and resolved items, status of the policy, and the date and time of the last policy check. Select a policy to display all pending alerts for matches to the policy, then select a specific alert to launch the policy details page and to start remediation actions.
+- **Alerts**: Navigate to **Communication compliance** > **Alerts** to display the last 30 days of alerts grouped by policy matches. This view allows you to quickly see which communication compliance policies are generating the most alerts ordered by severity. To start remediation actions, select the policy associated with the alert to launch the **Policy details** page. From the **Policy details** page, you can review a summary of the activities on the **Overview** page, review and act on alert messages on the **Pending** tab, or review the history of closed alerts on the **Resolved** tab.
- **Reports**: Navigate to **Communication compliance** > **Reports** to display communication compliance report widgets. Each widget provides an overview of communication compliance activities and statuses, including access to deeper insights about policy matches and remediation actions. ### Using filters
-The next step is to sort the messages so that it's easier for you to investigate alerts. From the **Policy details** page, communication compliance supports multi-level filtering for several message fields to help you quickly investigate and review messages with policy matches. Filtering is available for pending and resolved items for each configured policy. You can configure filter queries for a policy or configure and save custom and default filter queries for use in each specific policy. After configuring fields for a filter, you'll see the filter fields displayed on the top of the alert message queue that you can configure for specific filter values.
+The next step is to sort the messages so it's easier for you to investigate alerts. From the **Policy details** page, communication compliance supports multi-level filtering for several message fields to help you quickly investigate and review messages with policy matches. Filtering is available for pending and resolved items for each configured policy. You can configure filter queries for a policy or configure and save custom and default filter queries for use in each specific policy. After configuring fields for a filter, you'll see the filter fields displayed on the top of the alert message queue that you can configure for specific filter values.
For the date filter, the date and time for events are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When filtering messages for views, the requesting user's local date/time determines the results based on the conversion of the user's local date/time to UTC. For example, if a user in U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) filters a report from 8/30/2021 to 8/31/2021 at 00:00, the report includes messages from 8/30/2021 07:00 UTC to 8/31/2021 07:00 UTC. If the same user was in U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) when filtering at 00:00, the report includes messages from 8/30/2021 04:00 UTC to 8/31/2021 04:00 UTC.
The following table outlines filter details:
| **Date** | The date the message was sent or received by a user in your organization. To filter for a single day, select a date range that starts with the day you want results for and end with the following day. For example, if you wanted to filter results for 9/20/2020, you would choose a filter date range of 9/20/2020-9/21/2020.| | **File class** | The class of the message based on the message type, either *message* or *attachment*. | | **Has attachment** | The attachment presence in the message. |
-| **Item class** | The source of the message based on the message type, email, Microsoft Team chat, Bloomberg, etc. For more information on common Item Types and Message Classes, see [Item Types and Message Classes](/office/vba/outlook/concepts/forms/item-types-and-message-classes). |
-| **Recipient domains** | The domain to which the message was sent. This domain is normally your Microsoft 365 subscription domain by default. |
+| **Item class** | The source of the message based on the message type, email, Microsoft Teams chat, Bloomberg, etc. For more information, see [Item Types and Message Classes](/office/vba/outlook/concepts/forms/item-types-and-message-classes). |
+| **Recipient domains** | The domain to which the message was sent; typically your Microsoft 365 subscription domain by default. |
| **Recipient** | The user to which the message was sent. | | **Sender** | The person who sent the message. | | **Sender domain** | The domain that sent the message. |
The following table outlines filter details:
8. If you'd like to save the selected filters as a filter query, select **Save the query** control after you've configured at least one filter value. Enter a name for the filter query and select **Save**. This filter is available to use for only this policy and is listed in the **Saved filter queries** section of the **Filters** details page.
- ![Communication compliance filter detail controls.](../media/communication-compliance-filter-detail-controls.png)
+ ![Communication compliance filter detail controls](../media/communication-compliance-filter-detail-controls.png)
## Remediate alerts
No matter where you start to review alerts or the filtering you configure, the n
Sometimes it's obvious from the source or subject that a message can be immediately remediated. It may be that the message is spurious or incorrectly matched to a policy and it should be resolved as misclassified. Select the **Report as misclassified** control to share misclassified content with Microsoft, immediately resolve the alert, and remove from the pending alert queue. From the source or sender information, you may already know how the message should be routed or handled in these circumstances. Consider using the **Tag as** or **Escalate** controls to assign a tag to applicable messages or to send messages to a designated reviewer.
-![Communication compliance remediation controls.](../media/communication-compliance-remediation-controls.png)
+![Communication compliance remediation controls](../media/communication-compliance-remediation-controls.png)
### Step 2: Examine the message details
-After reviewing the message basics, it's time to open a message to examine the details and to determine further remediation actions. Select a message to view the complete message header and body information. Several different options and views are available to help you decide the proper course of action:
+After reviewing the message basics, now you can open a message to examine the details and determine further remediation actions. Select a message to view the complete message header and body information. Several different options and views are available to help you decide the proper course of action:
-- **Attachments**: This option allows you to examine Modern attachments that match policy conditions. Modern attachments content is extracted as text and is viewable on the Pending alerts dashboard for a policy. For more information, see the [Communication compliance feature reference](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels).
+- **Attachments**: This option allows you to examine modern attachments that match policy conditions. Modern attachments content is extracted as text and is viewable on the policy's **Pending** alerts tab. For more information, see the [Communication compliance feature reference](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels).
- **Source**: This view is the standard message view commonly seen in most web-based messaging platforms. The header information is formatted in the normal style and the message body supports imbedded graphic files and word-wrapped text. If [optical character recognition (OCR)](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#optical-character-recognition-ocr) is enabled for the policy, images containing printed or handwritten text that match policy conditional are viewed as a child item for the associated message in this view. - **Plain text**: Text view that displays a line-numbered text-only view of the message and includes keyword highlighting in messages and attachments for sensitive info type terms, terms identified by built-in classifiers assigned to a policy, or for terms included in a dedicated keyword dictionary assigned to a policy. Keyword highlighting, which is currently available for English language only, can help direct you to the area of interest in long messages and attachments. In some cases, highlighted text might be only in attachments for messages matching policy conditions. Embedded files aren't displayed and the line numbering in this view is helpful for referencing pertinent details among multiple reviewers. - **Conversation**: Available for Microsoft Teams chat messages, this view displays up to five messages before and after an alert message to help reviewers view the activity in the conversational context. This context helps reviewers to quickly evaluate messages and make more informed message resolution decisions. Real-time message additions to conversations are displayed, including all inline images, emojis, and stickers available in Teams. Image or text file attachments to messages aren't displayed. Notifications are automatically displayed for messages that have been edited or for messages that have been deleted from the conversation window. When a message is resolved, the associated conversational messages aren't retained with the resolved message. Conversation messages are available for up to 60 days after the alert message is identified.
Now that you've reviewed the details of the message for the alert, you can choos
- **Notify**: You can use the **Notify** control to assign a custom notice template to the alert and to send a warning notice to the user. Choose the appropriate notice template configured in the **Communication compliance settings** area and select **Send** to email a reminder to the user that sent the message and to resolve the issue. - **Escalate**: Using the **Escalate** control, you can choose who else in your organization should review the message. Choose from a list of reviewers configured in the communication compliance policy to send an email notification requesting additional review of the message alert. The selected reviewer can use a link in the email notification to go directly to items escalated to them for review. - **Escalate for investigation**: Using the **Escalate for investigation** control, you can create a new [eDiscovery (Premium) case](/microsoft-365/compliance/overview-ediscovery-20) for single or multiple messages. You'll provide a name and notes for the new case, and user who sent the message matching the policy is automatically assigned as the case custodian. You don't need any additional permissions to manage the case. Creating a case doesn't resolve or create a new tag for the message. You can select a total of 100 messages when creating an eDiscovery (Premium) case during the remediation process. Messages in all communication channels included in communication compliance are supported. For example, you could select 50 Microsoft Teams chats, 25 Exchange Online email messages, and 25 Yammer messages when you open a new eDiscovery (Premium) case for a user.-- **Remove message in Teams**: Using the **Remove message in Teams** control, you can block inappropriate messages and content identified in alerts from Microsoft Teams channels and 1:1 and group chats. This includes Teams chat messages reported by users and chat messages detected using machine-learning and classifier-based communication compliance policies. Removed messages and content are replaced with a policy tip that explains that it's blocked and the policy that applies to its removal from view. Recipients are provided a link in the policy tip to learn more about the applicable policy and the review process. The sender receives a policy tip for the blocked message and content but can review the details of the blocked message and content for context regarding the removal.
+- **Remove message in Teams**: Using the **Remove message in Teams** control, you can block potentially inappropriate messages and content identified in alerts from Microsoft Teams channels and 1:1 and group chats. This includes Teams chat messages reported by users and chat messages detected using machine-learning and classifier-based communication compliance policies. Removed messages and content are replaced with a policy tip that explains that it's blocked and the policy that applies to its removal from view. Recipients are provided a link in the policy tip to learn more about the applicable policy and the review process. The sender receives a policy tip for the blocked message and content but can review the details of the blocked message and content for context regarding the removal.
### Step 4: Determine if message details should be archived outside of communication compliance
Message details can be exported or downloaded if you need to archive the message
Customers with Microsoft 365 subscriptions that include communication compliance don't need additional Power Automate licenses to use the recommended default communication compliance Power Automate template. The default template can be customized to support your organization and cover core communication compliance scenarios. If you choose to use premium Power Automate features in these templates, create a custom template using the Microsoft Purview connector, or use Power Automate templates for other compliance areas in Microsoft Purview, you may need additional Power Automate licenses. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Are you receiving prompts for additional license validation when testing Power Automate flows? Your organization may not have received service updates for this preview feature yet. Updates are being deployed and all organizations with Microsoft 365 subscriptions that include communication compliance should have license support for flows created from the recommended Power Automate templates by October 30, 2020.
+> Are you receiving prompts for additional license validation when testing Power Automate flows? Your organization may not have received service updates for this preview feature yet. Updates are being deployed and all organizations with Microsoft 365 subscriptions that include communication compliance should have license support for flows created from the recommended Power Automate templates before October 30, 2020.
![Communication compliance Power Automate.](../media/communication-compliance-power-automate.png)
The following Power Automate template is provided to customers to support proces
To create a Power Automate flow from a recommended default template, you'll use the **Manage Power Automate flows** option from the **Automate** control when working directly in an alert. To create a Power Automate flow with **Manage Power Automate flows**, you must be a member of at least one communication compliance role group.
-Complete the following steps to create a Power Automate flow from a default template:
+Follow these steps to create a Power Automate flow from a default template:
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Communication compliance** > **Policies** and select the policy with the alert you want review. 2. From the policy, select the **Pending** tab and select a pending alert. 3. Select **Power Automate** from the alert action menu. 4. On the **Power Automate** page, select a default template from the **Communication compliance templates you may like** section on the page.
-5. The flow will list the embedded connections needed for the flow and will display if the connection statuses are available. If needed, update any connections that aren't displayed as available. Select **Continue**.
+5. The flow lists the embedded connections needed for the flow and displays if the connection statuses are available. If needed, update any connections that aren't displayed as available. Select **Continue**.
6. By default, the recommended flows are pre-configured with the recommended communication compliance and Microsoft 365 service data fields required to complete the assigned task for the flow. If needed, customize the flow components by using the **Show advanced options** control and configuring the available properties for the flow component. 7. If needed, add any additional steps to the flow by selecting the **New step** button. In most cases, this change shouldn't be needed for the recommended default templates. 8. Select **Save draft** to save the flow for further configuration later, or select **Save** to complete the configuration for the flow.
Complete the following steps to create a Power Automate flow from a default temp
#### Share a Power Automate flow
-By default, Power Automate flows created by a user are only available to that user. For other communication compliance users to have access and use a flow, the flow must be shared by the flow creator. To share a flow, you'll use the **Power Automate** control when working directly in an alert.
+By default, Power Automate flows created by a user are only available to that user. For other communication compliance users to have access and use a flow, the flow must be shared by the flow creator. To share a flow, use the **Power Automate** control when working directly in an alert.
To share a Power Automate flow, you must be a member of at least one communication compliance role group.
-Complete the following steps to share a Power Automate flow:
+Follow these steps to share a Power Automate flow:
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Communication compliance** > **Policies** and select the policy with the alert you want review. 2. From the policy, select the **Pending** tab and select a pending alert. 3. Select **Power Automate** from the alert action menu. 4. On the **Power Automate flows** page, select the **My flows** or **Team flows** tab.
-5. Select the flow to share, then select **Share** from the flow options menu.
+5. Select the flow to share, then select **Share** from the **Flow Options** menu.
6. On the flow sharing page, enter the name of the user or group you want to add as an owner for the flow. 7. On the **Connection Used** dialog, select **OK** to acknowledge that the added user or group will have full access to the flow.
Complete the following steps to share a Power Automate flow:
If you need to edit a flow, you'll use the **Power Automate** control when working directly in an alert. To edit a Power Automate flow, you must be a member of at least one communication compliance role group.
-Complete the following steps to edit a Power Automate flow:
+Follow these steps to edit a Power Automate flow:
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Communication compliance** > **Policies** and select the policy with the alert you want review. 2. From the policy, select the **Pending** tab and select a pending alert.
Complete the following steps to edit a Power Automate flow:
#### Delete a Power Automate flow
-If you need to delete a flow, you'll use the **Power Automate** control when working directly in an alert. To delete a Power Automate flow, you must be a member of at least one communication compliance role group.
+If you need to delete a flow, use the **Power Automate** control when working directly in an alert. To delete a Power Automate flow, you must be a member of at least one communication compliance role group.
-Complete the following steps to delete a Power Automate flow:
+Follow these steps to delete a Power Automate flow:
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Communication compliance** > **Policies** and select the policy with the alert you want review. 2. From the policy, select the **Pending** tab and select a pending alert.
Notices templates are custom email templates where you can define the following
|**Field**|**Required**| **Details** | |:--|:--|:--| |**Template name** | Yes | Friendly name for the notice template that you'll select in the notify workflow during remediation, supports text characters. |
-| **Sender address** | Yes | The address of one or more users or groups that send the message to the user with a policy match, selected from the Active Directory for your subscription. |
+| **Sender address** | Yes | Address of one or more users or groups that send the message to the user with a policy match, selected from the Active Directory for your subscription. |
| **CC and BCC addresses** | No | Optional users or groups to be notified of the policy match, selected from the Active Directory for your subscription. | | **Subject** | Yes | Information that appears in the subject line of the message, supports text characters. | | **Message body** | Yes | Information that appears in the message body, supports text or HTML values. |
If you'd like to create more than a simple text-based email message for notifica
## Unresolve messages (preview)
-When messages are resolved, they're removed from the **Pending** tab view and displayed in the **Resolved** tab view. Investigation and remediation actions aren't available for messages in the *Resolved* view. However, there may be instances where you need to take additional action on a message that was mistakenly resolved or that needs further investigation after initial resolution. You can use the unresolve command feature move one or more messages from the *Resolved* view back to the *Pending* view.
+When messages are resolved, they're removed from the **Pending** tab view and displayed in the **Resolved** tab. Investigation and remediation actions aren't available for messages in the *Resolved* view. However, there may be instances where you need to take additional action on a message that was mistakenly resolved or that needs further investigation after initial resolution. You can use the unresolve command feature move one or more messages from the *Resolved* view back to the *Pending* view.
-To unresolve messages, complete the following steps:
+Follow these steps to unresolve messages:
1. Sign into the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com) using credentials for a user assigned to the *Communication Compliance Analysts* or *Communication Compliance Investigators* role groups in your Microsoft 365 organization. 2. In the Microsoft Purview compliance portal, go to **Communication compliance**.
compliance Communication Compliance Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan.md
# Plan for communication compliance >[!IMPORTANT]
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+>Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
Before getting started with [communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) in your organization, there are important planning activities and considerations that should be reviewed by your information technology and compliance management teams. Thoroughly understanding and planning for deployment in the following areas will help ensure that your implementation and use of communication compliance features goes smoothly and is aligned with the best practices for the solution. For more information and an overview of the planning process to address compliance and risky activities in your organization, see [Starting an insider risk management program](https://download.microsoft.com/download/b/2/0/b208282a-2482-4986-ba07-15a9b9286df0/pwc-starting-an-insider-risk-management-program-with-pwc-and-microsoft.pdf).
-You can also check out the [Microsoft Mechanics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynkfu8OF0wQ) on how insider risk management and communication compliance work together to help minimize data risks from users in your organization.
+You can also check out the [Microsoft Mechanics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynkfu8OF0wQ) for how insider risk management and communication compliance work together to help minimize data risks from users in your organization.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Communication compliance is currently available in tenants hosted in geographical regions and countries supported by Azure service dependencies. To verify that communication compliance is supported for your organization, see [Azure dependency availability by country/region](/troubleshoot/azure/general/dependency-availability-by-country). [!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
-## Transitioning from Supervision in Office 365
+## Transition from Supervision in Office 365
For organizations using supervision policies in Office 365, you should immediately plan to transition to communication compliance policies in Microsoft Purview and need to understand these important points:
Identify the appropriate stakeholders in your organization to collaborate for ta
## Plan for the investigation and remediation workflow
-### Permissions
- Select dedicated stakeholders to investigate and review the alerts and cases on a regular cadence in the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com/). Make sure you understand how you'll assign users and stakeholders to different communication compliance role groups in your organization. > [!IMPORTANT] > After configuring your role groups, it may take up to 30 minutes for the role group permissions to apply to assigned users across your organization.
+### Configure permissions
+ There are six role groups used to configure initial permissions to manage communication compliance features. To make **Communication compliance** available as a menu option in Microsoft Purview compliance portal and to continue with these configuration steps, you must be assigned to one of the following roles or role groups: - Azure Active Directory [*Global Administrator*](/azure/active-directory/roles/permissions-reference#global-administrator) role
Choose from these solution role group options when configuring and managing comm
### Supervised users
-Before you start using communication compliance, you must determine who needs their communications reviewed. In the policy, user email addresses identify individuals or groups of people to supervise. Some examples of these groups are Microsoft 365 Groups, Exchange-based distribution lists, Yammer communities, and Microsoft Teams channels. You also can exclude specific users or groups from scanning with a specific exclusion group or a list of groups. For more information about groups types supported in communication compliance policies, see [Get started with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#step-3-optional-set-up-groups-for-communication-compliance).
+Before you start using communication compliance, you must determine who needs their communications reviewed. In the policy, user email addresses identify individuals or groups of people to supervise. Some examples of these groups are Microsoft 365 Groups, Exchange-based distribution lists, Yammer communities, and Microsoft Teams channels. You also can exclude specific users or groups from checking with a specific exclusion group or a list of groups. For more information about groups types supported in communication compliance policies, see [Get started with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#step-3-optional-set-up-groups-for-communication-compliance).
> [!IMPORTANT] > Users covered by communication compliance policies must have either a Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance license, an Office 365 Enterprise E3 license with the Advanced Compliance add-on, or be included in an Office 365 Enterprise E5 subscription. If you don't have an existing Enterprise E5 plan and want to try communication compliance, you can [sign up for a trial of Office 365 Enterprise E5](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkID=698279).
When you create a communication compliance policy, you must determine who review
### Groups for supervised users and reviewers
-To simplify your setup, create groups for people who need their communications reviewed and groups for people who review those communications. If you're using groups, you might need several. For example, if you want to scan communications between two distinct groups of people, or if you want to specify a group that isn't supervised. When you assign a Distribution group in the policy, the policy detects all emails from each user in Distribution group. When you assign a Microsoft 365 group in the policy, the policy detects all emails sent to that group, not the individual emails received by each group member.
+To simplify your setup, we recommend you create groups for people who need their communications reviewed and groups for people who review those communications. If you're using groups, you might need several. For example, if you want to identify communications between two distinct groups of people, or if you want to specify a group that isn't supervised. When you assign a Distribution group in the policy, the policy detects all emails from each user in Distribution group. When you assign a Microsoft 365 group in the policy, the policy detects all emails sent to that group, not the individual emails received by each group member.
Adding groups and distribution lists to communication compliance policies are part of the overall conditions and rules set, so the maximum number of groups and distribution lists that a policy supports varies depending on the number of conditions also added to the policy. Each policy should support approximately 20 groups or distribution lists, depending on the number of additional conditions present in the policy.
-Use the following chart to help you configure groups in your organization for communication compliance policies:
+The following chart can help you configure groups in your organization for communication compliance policies:
| **Policy Member** | **Supported Groups** | **Unsupported Groups** | |:--|:--|:--|
For users with a communication compliance match, you can choose one of the follo
- **Show anonymized versions of usernames**: User names are anonymized to prevent users in *Communication Compliance Analysts* role group from seeing who is associated with policy alerts. Users in the *Communication Compliance Investigators* role group will always see user names, not the anonymized versions. For example, a user 'Grace Taylor' would appear with a randomized pseudonym such as 'AnonIS8-988' in all areas of the communication compliance experience. Choosing this setting anonymizes all users with current and past policy matches and applies to all policies. User profile information in the communication compliance alert details won't be available when this option is chosen. However, user names are displayed when adding new users to existing policies or when assigning users to new policies. If you choose to turn off this setting, user names are displayed for all users that have current or past policy matches. - **Do not show anonymized versions of usernames**: User names are displayed for all current and past policy matches for communication compliance alerts. User profile information (the name, title, alias, and organization or department) is displayed for the user for all communication compliance alerts.
-## Plan for policies
+## Plan for communication compliance policies
-Creating communication compliance policies is quick and easy with the [pre-defined templates](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-templates) for inappropriate content, sensitive information, and regulatory compliance. Custom communication compliance policies allow the flexibility for detecting and investigation issues specific to your organization and requirements.
+Creating communication compliance policies is quick and easy with the [pre-defined templates](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-templates) for analyzing potentially inappropriate content, sensitive information, and regulatory compliance issues. Custom communication compliance policies allow the flexibility for detecting and investigation issues specific to your organization and requirements.
When planning for communication compliance policies, consider the following areas: - Consider adding all users in your organization as in-scope for your communication compliance policies. Identifying specific users as in-scope for individual policies are useful in some circumstances, however most organizations should include all users in communication compliance policies optimized for harassment or discrimination detection. - Configure the percentage of communications to review at 100% to ensure that policies are catching all issues of concern in communications for your organization.-- You can scan communications from [third-party sources](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels#third-party-sources) for data imported into mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization. To include review of communications in these platforms, you'll need to configure a connector to these services before messages meeting policy conditions are detected by communication policy.
+- You can analyze communications from [third-party sources](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels#third-party-sources) for data imported into mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization. To include review of communications in these platforms, you'll need to configure a third-party connector to these services before messages meeting policy conditions are detected by a communication policy.
- Policies can support detecting languages other than English in custom communication compliance policies. Build a [custom keyword dictionary](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#custom-keyword-dictionaries) of offensive words in the language of your choice or build your own machine learning model using [trainable classifiers](/microsoft-365/compliance/classifier-get-started-with) in Microsoft 365. - All organizations have different communication standards and policy needs. Detect specific keywords using communication compliance [policy conditions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#conditional-settings) or detect specific types of information with [custom sensitive information types](/microsoft-365/compliance/create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type).
-## Creating a communication compliance policy walkthrough
+## Create a communication compliance policy walkthrough
-Want to see an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a new communication compliance policy and remediating an alert? Check out the following 15-minute video to see a demonstration of how communication compliance policies can help you detect inappropriate messages, investigate potential violations, and remediate compliance issues.
+Want to see an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a new communication compliance policy and remediating an alert? Check out the following 15-minute video to see a demonstration of how communication compliance policies can help you detect potentially inappropriate messages, investigate potential violations, and remediate compliance issues.
<br> <br>
Want to see an in-depth walkthrough of setting up a new communication compliance
## Ready to get started?
-To configure communication compliance for your Microsoft 365 organization, see [Configure communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure) or check out the [case study for Contoso](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study) and how they quickly configured a communication compliance policy to detect inappropriate content in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications.
+To configure communication compliance for your Microsoft 365 organization, see [Configure communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure) or check out the [case study for Contoso](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study) and how they quickly configured a communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate content in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications.
compliance Communication Compliance Reports Audits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-reports-audits.md
# Use communication compliance reports and audits >[!IMPORTANT]
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+>Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
Report widgets provide a quick view of insights most commonly needed for an over
For the date range filter, the date and time for events are listed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). When filtering messages for reports, the requesting user's local date/time determines the results based on the conversion of the user's local date/time to UTC. For example, if a user in U.S. Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) filters a report from 8/30/2021 to 8/31/2021 at 00:00, the report includes messages from 8/30/2021 07:00 UTC to 8/31/2021 07:00 UTC. If the same user was in U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) when filtering at 00:00, the report includes messages from 8/30/2021 04:00 UTC to 8/31/2021 04:00 UTC.
-![Communication compliance reports dashboard.](../media/communication-compliance-reports-dashboard.png)
+![Communication compliance reports dashboard](../media/communication-compliance-reports-dashboard.png)
The **Reports dashboard** contains the following report widgets and detailed reports links: ### Report widgets -- **Recent policy matches**: displays the number of matches by active policy over time.-- **Resolved items by policy**: displays the number of policy match alerts resolved by policy over time.
+- **Recent policy matches**: displays the number of matches by active policies over time.
+- **Resolved items by policy**: displays the number of policy match alerts resolved by policies over time.
- **Users with most policy match**: displays the users (or anonymized usernames) and number of policy matches for a given period. - **Policy with most matches**: displays the policies and the number of matches for a given period, ranked highest to lowest for matches. - **Escalations by policy**: displays the number of escalations per policy over a given time.
Use the *Export* option to create a .csv file containing the report details for
Create custom reports and review details for messages contained in specific policies on the **Policies** tab. These reports can be used for all-up reviews of messages and for creating a report snapshot for the status of messages for a customizable time period. After creating a report, you can view and download the details report as a .csv file on the **Message details reports** tab.
-![Communication compliance message detail report.](../media/communication-compliance-message-detail-report.png)
+![Communication compliance message detail report](../media/communication-compliance-message-detail-report.png)
To create a new message details report, complete the following steps:
Depending on the number of items in the report, it can take a few minutes to hou
Message details reports contain the following information for each message item in the policy: -- **Match ID**: unique ID for the message in the policy.-- **Sender**: the sender of the message.-- **Recipients**: the recipients included for the message.-- **Date Sent**: the date the message was sent.-- **Match Date**: the date the message was a match for the policy conditions.-- **Subject**: the subject of the message.-- **Contains Attachments**: the status of any attachments for the message. Values are either Yes or No.-- **Policy Name**: the name of the policy associated with the message. This value will be the same for all messages in the report.-- **Item Status**: the status of the message item in the policy. Values are Pending or Resolved.-- **Tags**: the tags assigned to the message. Values are Questionable, Compliant, or Non-compliant.-- **Keyword Matches**: keyword matches for the message.-- **Reviewers**: reviewers assigned to message.-- **Pending for (days)**: the number of days the message has been in a pending state. For resolved messages, the value is 0.-- **Comment for resolved**: the comments for the message entered when resolved.-- **Resolved Date**: the date and time the message was resolved.-- **Last Updated By**: the user name of the last updater.-- **Last Updated On**: the date and time the message was last updated.-- **History of comments**: list of all comments for the message alert, including comment author and date/time of the comment.
+- **Match ID**: Unique ID for the message in the policy.
+- **Sender**: Sender of the message.
+- **Recipients**: Recipients included for the message.
+- **Date Sent**: Date the message was sent.
+- **Match Date**: Date the message was a match for the policy conditions.
+- **Subject**: Subject of the message.
+- **Contains Attachments**: Status of any attachments for the message. Values are either *Yes* or *No*.
+- **Policy Name**: Name of the policy associated with the message. This value will be the same for all messages in the report.
+- **Item Status**: Status of the message item in the policy. Values are *Pending* or *Resolved*.
+- **Tags**: Tags assigned to the message. Values are *Questionable, Compliant*, or *Non-compliant*.
+- **Keyword Matches**: Keyword matches for the message.
+- **Reviewers**: Reviewers assigned to message.
+- **Pending for (days)**: Number of days the message has been in a pending state. For resolved messages, the value is 0.
+- **Comment for resolved**: Comments for the message entered when resolved.
+- **Resolved Date**: Date and time the message was resolved.
+- **Last Updated By**: User name of the last updater.
+- **Last Updated On**: Date and time the message was last updated.
+- **History of comments**: List of all comments for the message alert, including comment author and date/time of the comment.
## Audit
To view communication compliance policy update activities, select the **Export p
|Field|Details| |||
-| **CreationDate** | The date the update activity was performed in a policy. |
-| **UserIds** | The user that performed the update activity in a policy. |
-| **Operations** | The update operations performed on the policy. |
-| **AuditData** | This field is the main data source for all policy update activities. All update activities are recorded and separated by comma delimiters. |
+| **CreationDate** | Date the update activity was performed in a policy. |
+| **UserIds** | User that performed the update activity in a policy. |
+| **Operations** | Update operations performed on the policy. |
+| **AuditData** | Main data source for all policy update activities. All update activities are recorded and separated by comma delimiters. |
To view communication compliance review activities for a policy, select the **Export review activities** control on the **Overview** page for a specific policy. You must be assigned the *Global Admin* or *Communication Compliance Admins* roles to export review activities. This action generates an audit file in the .csv format that contains the following information: |Field|Details| |||
-| **CreationDate** | The date the review activity was performed in a policy. |
-| **UserIds** | The user that performed the review activity in a policy. |
-| **Operations** | The review operations performed on the policy. |
-| **AuditData** | This field is the main data source for all policy review activities. All review activities are recorded and separated by comma delimiters. |
+| **CreationDate** | Date the review activity was performed in a policy. |
+| **UserIds** | User that performed the review activity in a policy. |
+| **Operations** | Review operations performed on the policy. |
+| **AuditData** | Main data source for all policy review activities. All review activities are recorded and separated by comma delimiters. |
You can also view audit activities in the unified audit log or with the [Search-UnifiedAuditLog](/powershell/module/exchange/search-unifiedauditlog) PowerShell cmdlet. To learn more about audit log retention policies, see [Manage audit log retention policies](/microsoft-365/compliance/audit-log-retention-policies).
compliance Communication Compliance Siem https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-siem.md
# Use communication compliance with SIEM solutions >[!IMPORTANT]
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+>Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-[Communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) is an insider risk solution in Microsoft Purview that helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on inappropriate messages in your organization. Security information and event management (SIEM) solutions such as [Microsoft Sentinel](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-sentinel) or [Splunk](https://www.splunk.com/) are commonly used to aggregate and track threats within an organization.
+[Communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) is an insider risk solution in Microsoft Purview that helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on potentially inappropriate messages in your organization. Security information and event management (SIEM) solutions such as [Microsoft Sentinel](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-sentinel) or [Splunk](https://www.splunk.com/) are commonly used to aggregate and track threats within an organization.
-A common need for organizations is to integrate communication compliance alerts and these SIEM solutions. With this integration, organizations can view communication compliance alerts in their SIEM solution and then remediate alerts within the communication compliance workflow and user experience. For example, an employee sends an offensive message to another employee and that message is detected by a communication compliance policy for inappropriate content. These events are tracked in Microsoft 365 Audit (also known as "unified audit log") by the communication compliance solution and imported into the SIEM solution. An alert is then triggered in the SIEM solution for the organization from events included in Microsoft 365 Audit that are associated with communication compliance alerts. Investigators are notified of the alert in the SIEM solutions and then they investigate and remediate the alert in the communication compliance solution.
+A common need for organizations is to integrate communication compliance alerts and their SIEM solutions. With this integration, organizations can view communication compliance alerts in their SIEM solution and then remediate alerts within the communication compliance workflow and user experience.
+For example, an employee sends an offensive message to another employee and that message is detected by a communication compliance policy for potentially inappropriate content. Events such as this are tracked in Microsoft 365 Audit (also known as "unified audit log") by the communication compliance solution and are then imported into the SIEM solution. Alerts triggered in the SIEM solution that are included in the Microsoft 365 Audit are then associated with communication compliance alerts. Investigators are notified of these alerts in their SIEM solution, and then they can then investigate and remediate the corresponding alerts in the communication compliance dashboard.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
All communication compliance policy matches are captured in Microsoft 365 Audit.
```xml RunspaceId: 5c7bc9b0-7672-4091-a112-0635bd5f7732 RecordType: ComplianceSupervisionExchange
-CreationDate: 7/7/2021 5:30:11 AM
+CreationDate: 7/7/2022 5:30:11 AM
UserIds: user1@contoso.onmicrosoft.com Operations: SupervisionRuleMatch
-AuditData: {"CreationTime":"2021-07-07T05:30:11","Id":"44e98a7e-57fd-4f89-79b8-08d941084a35","Operation":"SupervisionRuleMatch","OrganizationId":"338397e6\-697e-4dbe-a66b-2ea3497ef15c","RecordType":68,"ResultStatus":"{\\"ItemClass\\":\\"IPM.Note\\",\\"CcsiResults\\":\\"\\"}","UserKey":"SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent","UserType":0,"Version":1,"Workload":"Exchange","ObjectId":"\<HE1P190MB04600526C0524C75E5750C5AC61A9@HE1P190MB0460.EURP190.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM\>","UserId":"user1@contoso.onmicrosoft.com","IsPolicyHit":true,"SRPolicyMatchDetails":{"SRPolicyId":"53be0bf4-75ee-4315-b65d-17d63bdd53ae","SRPolicyName":"Adult images","SRRuleMatchDetails":\[\]}}
+AuditData: {"CreationTime":"2022-07-07T05:30:11","Id":"44e98a7e-57fd-4f89-79b8-08d941084a35","Operation":"SupervisionRuleMatch","OrganizationId":"338397e6\-697e-4dbe-a66b-2ea3497ef15c","RecordType":68,"ResultStatus":"{\\"ItemClass\\":\\"IPM.Note\\",\\"CcsiResults\\":\\"\\"}","UserKey":"SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent","UserType":0,"Version":1,"Workload":"Exchange","ObjectId":"\<HE1P190MB04600526C0524C75E5750C5AC61A9@HE1P190MB0460.EURP190.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM\>","UserId":"user1@contoso.onmicrosoft.com","IsPolicyHit":true,"SRPolicyMatchDetails":{"SRPolicyId":"53be0bf4-75ee-4315-b65d-17d63bdd53ae","SRPolicyName":"Adult images","SRRuleMatchDetails":\[\]}}
ResultIndex: 24 ResultCount: 48 Identity: 44e98a7e-57fd-4f89-79b8-08d941084a35
ObjectState: Unchanged
```xml RunspaceId: 5c7bc9b0-7672-4091-a112-0635bd5f7732 RecordType: ComplianceSupervisionExchange
-CreationDate: 7/6/2021 9:50:12 PM
+CreationDate: 7/6/2022 9:50:12 PM
UserIds: user2@contoso.onmicrosoft.com Operations: SupervisionRuleMatch
-AuditData: {"CreationTime":"2021-07-06T21:50:12","Id":"5c61aae5-26fc-4c8e-0791-08d940c8086f","Operation":"SupervisionRuleMatch","OrganizationId":"338397e6\-697e-4dbe-a66b-2ea3497ef15c","RecordType":68,"ResultStatus":"{\\"ItemClass\\":\\"IPM.Note\\",\\"CcsiResults\\":\\"public\\"}","UserKey":"SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent","UserType":0,"Version":1,"Workload":"Exchange","ObjectId":"\<20210706174831.24375086.807067@sailthru.com\>","UserId":"user2@contoso.onmicrosoft.com","IsPolicyHit":true,"SRPolicyMatchDetails":{"SRPolicyId":"a97cf128-c0fc-42a1-88e3-fd3b88af9941","SRPolicyName":"Insiders","SRRuleMatchDetails":\[{"SRCategoryName":"New insiders lexicon"}\]}}
+AuditData: {"CreationTime":"2022-07-06T21:50:12","Id":"5c61aae5-26fc-4c8e-0791-08d940c8086f","Operation":"SupervisionRuleMatch","OrganizationId":"338397e6\-697e-4dbe-a66b-2ea3497ef15c","RecordType":68,"ResultStatus":"{\\"ItemClass\\":\\"IPM.Note\\",\\"CcsiResults\\":\\"public\\"}","UserKey":"SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent","UserType":0,"Version":1,"Workload":"Exchange","ObjectId":"\<20210706174831.24375086.807067@sailthru.com\>","UserId":"user2@contoso.onmicrosoft.com","IsPolicyHit":true,"SRPolicyMatchDetails":{"SRPolicyId":"a97cf128-c0fc-42a1-88e3-fd3b88af9941","SRPolicyName":"Insiders","SRRuleMatchDetails":\[{"SRCategoryName":"New insiders lexicon"}\]}}
ResultIndex: 46 ResultCount: 48 Identity: 5c61aae5-26fc-4c8e-0791-08d940c8086f
The following table shows sample search results for different policy types:
| Policy types | Example search results | | : | : |
-| Policy detecting a custom sensitive information type keyword list | { <br> CreationTime: 2021-09-17T16:29:57 <br> ID: 4b9ce23d-ee60-4f66-f38d-08d979f8631f <br> IsPolicyHit: true <br> ObjectId: <CY1PR05MB27158B96AF7F3AFE62E1F762CFDD9@CY1PR05MB2715.namprd05.prod.outlook.com> <br> Operation: SupervisionRuleMatch <br> OrganizationId: d6a06676-95e8-4632-b949-44bc00f0793f <br> RecordType: 68 <br> ResultStatus: {"ItemClass":"IPM.Note","CcsiResults":"leak"} <br> SRPolicyMatchDetails: { [+] } <br> UserId: user1@contoso.OnMicrosoft.com <br> UserKey: SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent <br> UserType: 0 <br> Version: 1 <br> Workload: Exchange <br> } |
-| Policy detecting inappropriate language | { <br> CreationTime: 2021-09-17T23:44:35 <br> ID: e0ef6f54-9a52-4e4c-9584-08d97a351ad0 <br> IsPolicyHit: true <br> ObjectId: <BN6PR05MB3571AD9FBB85C4E12C1F66B4CCDD9@BN6PR05MB3571.namprd05.prod.outlook.com> <br> Operation: SupervisionRuleMatch <br> OrganizationId: d6a06676-95e8-4632-b949-44bc00f0793f <br> RecordType: 68 <br> ResultStatus: {"ItemClass":"IPM.Yammer.Message","CcsiResults":""} <br> SRPolicyMatchDetails: { [+] } <br> UserId: user1@contoso.com <br> UserKey: SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent <br> UserType: 0 <br> Version: 1 <br> } |
+| Policy detecting a custom sensitive information type keyword list | { <br> CreationTime: 2022-09-17T16:29:57 <br> ID: 4b9ce23d-ee60-4f66-f38d-08d979f8631f <br> IsPolicyHit: true <br> ObjectId: <CY1PR05MB27158B96AF7F3AFE62E1F762CFDD9@CY1PR05MB2715.namprd05.prod.outlook.com> <br> Operation: SupervisionRuleMatch <br> OrganizationId: d6a06676-95e8-4632-b949-44bc00f0793f <br> RecordType: 68 <br> ResultStatus: {"ItemClass":"IPM.Note","CcsiResults":"leak"} <br> SRPolicyMatchDetails: { [+] } <br> UserId: user1@contoso.OnMicrosoft.com <br> UserKey: SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent <br> UserType: 0 <br> Version: 1 <br> Workload: Exchange <br> } |
+| Policy detecting potentially inappropriate language | { <br> CreationTime: 2022-09-17T23:44:35 <br> ID: e0ef6f54-9a52-4e4c-9584-08d97a351ad0 <br> IsPolicyHit: true <br> ObjectId: <BN6PR05MB3571AD9FBB85C4E12C1F66B4CCDD9@BN6PR05MB3571.namprd05.prod.outlook.com> <br> Operation: SupervisionRuleMatch <br> OrganizationId: d6a06676-95e8-4632-b949-44bc00f0793f <br> RecordType: 68 <br> ResultStatus: {"ItemClass":"IPM.Yammer.Message","CcsiResults":""} <br> SRPolicyMatchDetails: { [+] } <br> UserId: user1@contoso.com <br> UserKey: SupervisionStoreDeliveryAgent <br> UserType: 0 <br> Version: 1 <br> } |
## Configure communication compliance with other SIEM solutions
compliance Communication Compliance Solution Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-solution-overview.md
# Communication compliance >[!IMPORTANT]
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+>Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Protecting sensitive information and detecting and acting on workplace harassment incidents is an important part of compliance with internal policies and standards. Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance helps minimize these risks by helping you quickly detect, capture, and take remediation actions for email and Microsoft Teams communications. These include inappropriate communications containing profanity, threats, and harassment and communications that share sensitive information inside and outside of your organization.
+Protecting sensitive information and detecting and acting on workplace harassment incidents is an important part of compliance with internal policies and standards. Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance helps minimize these risks by helping you quickly detect, capture, and take remediation actions for email and Microsoft Teams communications. These include potentially inappropriate communications containing profanity, threats, and harassment and communications that share sensitive information inside and outside of your organization.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
compliance Communication Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance.md
# Learn about communication compliance
->Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance provides the tools to help organizations detect regulatory compliance violations (for example SEC or FINRA), such as sensitive or confidential information, harassing or threatening language, and sharing of adult content. Built with privacy by design, usernames are pseudonymized by default, role-based access controls are built in, investigators are opted in by an admin, and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance is an insider risk solution that helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on inappropriate messages in your organization. Pre-defined and custom policies allow you to scan internal and external communications for policy matches so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can investigate scanned email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications in your organization and take appropriate actions to make sure they're compliant with your organization's message standards.
+Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance is an insider risk solution that helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on potentially inappropriate messages in your organization. Pre-defined and custom policies allow you to check internal and external communications for policy matches so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can investigate email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications in your organization and take appropriate actions to make sure they're compliant with your organization's message standards.
Communication compliance policies in Microsoft 365 help you overcome many modern challenges associated with compliance and internal and external communications, including: -- Scanning increasing types of communication channels
+- Checking increasing types of communication channels
- The increasing volume of message data - Regulatory enforcement and the risk of fines
Additionally, there may be a separation of duties between your IT admins and you
For more information and an overview of the planning process to address compliance and risky activities in your organization, see [Starting an insider risk management program](https://download.microsoft.com/download/b/2/0/b208282a-2482-4986-ba07-15a9b9286df0/pwc-starting-an-insider-risk-management-program-with-pwc-and-microsoft.pdf).
-For the latest Ignite presentations for communication compliance, see the following videos:
+For the latest Ignite videos for communication compliance, see the following:
- [Foster a culture of safety and inclusion with communication compliance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLVzxcaef3w) - [Learn how to reduce communication risks within your organization](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzARb1YaxGo)
Communication compliance policies can assist with reviewing messages in your org
- **Corporate policies**
- Users must comply with acceptable use, ethical standards, and other corporate policies in all their business-related communications. Communication compliance policies can detect policy matches and help you take corrective actions to help mitigate these types of incidents. For example, you could scan user communications in your organization for potential human resources concerns such as harassment or the use of inappropriate or offensive language.
+ Users must comply with acceptable use, ethical standards, and other corporate policies in all their business-related communications. Communication compliance policies can detect policy matches and help you take corrective actions to help mitigate these types of incidents. For example, you could check user communications in your organization for human resources concerns such as harassment or the use of potentially inappropriate or offensive language.
- **Risk management**
- Organizations are responsible to all communications distributed throughout their infrastructure and corporate network systems. Using communication compliance policies to help identify and manage potential legal exposure and risk can help minimize risks before they can damage corporate operations. For example, you could scan messages in your organization for unauthorized communications and conflicts of interest about confidential projects such as upcoming acquisitions, mergers, earnings disclosures, reorganizations, or leadership team changes.
+ Organizations are responsible to all communications distributed throughout their infrastructure and corporate network systems. Using communication compliance policies to help identify and manage potential legal exposure and risk can help minimize risks before they can damage corporate operations. For example, you could check messages in your organization for unauthorized communications and conflicts of interest about confidential projects such as upcoming acquisitions, mergers, earnings disclosures, reorganizations, or leadership team changes.
- **Regulatory compliance**
- Most organizations must comply with some type of regulatory compliance standards as part of their normal operating procedures. These regulations often require organizations to implement some type of supervisory or oversight process for messaging that is appropriate for their industry. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Rule 3110 is a good example of a requirement for organizations to have supervisory procedures in place to scan user communications and the types of businesses in which it engages. Another example may be a need to review broker-dealer communications in your organization to safeguard against potential money laundering, insider trading, collusion, or bribery activities. Communication compliance policies can help your organization meet these requirements by providing a process to both scan and report on corporate communications. For more information on support for financial organizations, see [Key compliance and security considerations for US banking and capital markets](../solutions/financial-services-secure-collaboration.md).
+ Most organizations must comply with some type of regulatory compliance standards as part of their normal operating procedures. These regulations often require organizations to implement some type of supervisory or oversight process for messaging that is appropriate for their industry. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Rule 3110 is a good example of a requirement for organizations to have supervisory procedures in place to check user communications and the types of businesses in which it engages. Another example may be a need to review broker-dealer communications in your organization to safeguard against potential insider trading, collusion, or bribery activities. Communication compliance policies can help your organization meet these requirements by providing a process to both analyze and report on corporate communications. For more information on support for financial organizations, see [Key compliance and security considerations for US banking and capital markets](../solutions/financial-services-secure-collaboration.md).
## Key feature areas
Communication compliance offers several important features to help address compl
Intelligent customizable templates in communication compliance allow you to apply machine learning to intelligently detect communication violations in your organization. -- **Customizable pre-configured templates**: Policy templates help address the most common communications risks. Initial policy creation and follow-on updating are now quicker with pre-defined inappropriate content, sensitive information, conflict of interest, and regulatory compliance templates.-- **New machine learning support**: Built-in discrimination, threat, harassment, profanity, and image [classifiers](/microsoft-365/compliance/classifier-get-started-with) help reduce misclassified content in scanned messages, saving reviewers time during the investigation and remediation process.-- **Improved condition builder**: Configuring policy conditions is now streamlined into a single, integrated experience in the policy wizard, reducing confusion in how conditions are applied for policies.
+- **Customizable pre-configured templates**: Policy templates help address the most common communications risks. Initial policy creation and follow-on updating are now quicker with pre-defined templates to analyze and mitigate potentially inappropriate content, sensitive information, conflict of interest, and regulatory compliance issues.
+- **New machine learning support**: Built-in [classifiers](/microsoft-365/compliance/classifier-get-started-with) to analyze and mitigate discrimination, threats, harassment, profanity, and potentially inappropriate images and help reduce misclassified content in communication messages, saving reviewers time during the investigation and remediation process.
+- **Improved condition builder**: Configure policy conditions that are now streamlined into a single, integrated experience in the policy wizard, reducing confusion in how conditions are applied for policies.
### Flexible remediation workflows Built-in remediation workflows allow you to quickly identify and take action on messages with policy matches in your organization. The following new features increase efficiency for investigation and remediation activities: - **Flexible remediation workflow**: New remediation workflow helps you quickly take action on policy matches, including new options to escalate messages to other reviewers and to send email notifications to users with policy matches.-- **Conversation policy matching**: Messages in conversations are grouped by policy matches to give you more visibility about how conversations relate to your communication policies. For example, conversation policy matching in the *Pending Alerts* view will automatically show all messages in a Teams channel that have matches for your Inappropriate Content policy. Other messages in the conversation that don't match the Inappropriate Content policy wouldn't be displayed.-- **Keyword highlighting**: Terms matching policy conditions are highlighted in the message text view to help reviewers quickly locate and remediate policy alerts.-- **Optical character recognition (OCR) (preview)**: Scan, detect, and investigate printed and handwritten text within images embedded or attached to email or Microsoft Teams chat messages.
+- **Conversation policy matching**: Messages in conversations are grouped by policy matches to give you more visibility about how conversations relate to your communication policies. For example, conversation policy matching in the *Pending Alerts* view will automatically show all messages in a Teams channel that have matches for your communications policies for analyzing and mitigating potentially inappropriate messages. Other messages in conversations that don't match your communications policies wouldn't be displayed.
+- **Keyword highlighting**: Terms matching policy conditions are highlighted in the message text view to help reviewers quickly analyze and remediate policy alerts.
+- **Optical character recognition (OCR) (preview)**: Check, detect, and investigate printed and handwritten text within images embedded or attached to email or Microsoft Teams chat messages.
- **New filters**: Investigate and remediate policy alerts faster with message filters for several fields, including sender, recipient, date, domains, and many more. - **Improved message views**: Investigation and remediation actions are now quicker with new message source and text views. Message attachments are now viewable to provide complete context when taking remediation actions. - **User history**: Historical view of all user message remediation activities, such as past notifications and escalations for policy matches, now provides reviewers with more context during the remediation workflow process. First-time or repeat instances of policy matches for users are now archived and easily viewable.-- **Pattern detected notification**: Many harassing and bullying actions take place over time and involve reoccurring instances of the same behavior by a user. The new pattern detected notification displayed in alert details helps raise attention to these alerts and this type of behavior.
+- **Pattern detected notification**: Many harassing and bullying actions take place over time and involve reoccurring instances of the same behavior by a user. The pattern detected notification displayed in alert details helps raise attention to these alerts and this type of behavior.
- **Translation**: Quickly investigate message details in eight languages using translate support in the remediation workflow. Messages in other languages are automatically converted to the display language of the reviewer.-- **Attachment detection**: Detect, identify, and investigate linked content (Modern attachments) from OneDrive and Microsoft Teams that match policy classifiers and conditions for Microsoft Teams messages. Attachment content is automatically extracted to a text file for detailed review and action.
+- **Attachment detection**: Check, detect, and investigate linked content (Modern attachments) from OneDrive and Microsoft Teams that match policy classifiers and conditions for Microsoft Teams messages. Attachment content is automatically extracted to a text file for detailed review and action.
### Actionable insights
New interactive dashboards for alerts, policy matches, actions, and trends help
## Integration with Microsoft 365 services
-Communication compliance policies scan and capture messages across several communication channels to help you quickly review and remediate compliance issues:
+Communication compliance policies check, detect, and capture messages across several communication channels to help you quickly review and remediate compliance issues:
-- **Microsoft Teams**: Chat communications for public and private [Microsoft Teams](/MicrosoftTeams/Teams-overview) channels and individual chats are supported in communication compliance as a standalone channel source or with other Microsoft 365 services. You'll need to manually add individual users, distribution groups, or specific Microsoft Teams channels when you select users and groups to supervise in a communication compliance policy. Teams users can also self-report inappropriate messages in private and group channels and chats for review and remediation.-- **Exchange Online**: All mailboxes hosted on [Exchange Online](/Exchange/exchange-online) in your Microsoft 365 organization are eligible for scanning. Emails and attachments matching communication compliance policy conditions are instantly available for investigation and in compliance reports. Exchange Online is now an optional source channel and is no longer required in communication compliance policies.-- **Yammer**: Private messages and public community conversations in [Yammer](/yammer/yammer-landing-page) are supported in communication compliance policies. Yammer is an optional channel and must be in [native mode](/yammer/configure-your-yammer-network/overview-native-mode) to support scanning of messages and attachments.-- **Third-party sources**: You can scan messages from [third-party sources](/microsoft-365/compliance/archiving-third-party-data) for data imported into mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization. Communication compliance supports connections to several popular platforms, including Instant Bloomberg and others.
+- **Microsoft Teams**: Chat communications for public and private [Microsoft Teams](/MicrosoftTeams/Teams-overview) channels and individual chats are supported in communication compliance as a standalone channel source or with other Microsoft 365 services. You'll need to manually add individual users, distribution groups, or specific Microsoft Teams channels when you select users and groups to supervise in a communication compliance policy. Teams users can also self-report potentially inappropriate messages in private and group channels and chats for review and remediation.
+- **Exchange Online**: All mailboxes hosted on [Exchange Online](/Exchange/exchange-online) in your Microsoft 365 organization are eligible for analyses. Emails and attachments matching communication compliance policy conditions are instantly available for investigation and in compliance reports. Exchange Online is now an optional source channel and is no longer required in communication compliance policies.
+- **Yammer**: Private messages and public community conversations in [Yammer](/yammer/yammer-landing-page) are supported in communication compliance policies. Yammer is an optional channel and must be in [native mode](/yammer/configure-your-yammer-network/overview-native-mode) to support checking of messages and attachments.
+- **Third-party sources**: You can check messages from [third-party sources](/microsoft-365/compliance/archiving-third-party-data) for data imported into mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization. Communication compliance supports connections to several popular platforms, including Instant Bloomberg and others.
To learn more about messaging channel support in communication compliance policies, see [Detect channel signals with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-channels).
To learn more about insider risk management, see [Learn about insider risk manag
## Get started with recommended actions (preview)
-Whether you're setting up communication compliance for the first time or getting started with creating new policies, the new [recommended actions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#recommended-actions-preview) experience can help you get the most out of communication compliance capabilities. Recommended actions include setting up permissions, creating distribution groups, creating a policy, and more
+Whether you're setting up communication compliance for the first time or getting started with creating new policies, the new [recommended actions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#recommended-actions-preview) experience can help you get the most out of communication compliance capabilities. Recommended actions include setting up permissions, creating distribution groups, creating policies, and more.
## Workflow
Identifying and resolving compliance issues with communication compliance uses t
### Configure
-In this workflow step, you identify your compliance requirements and configure applicable communication compliance policies. Policy templates are a great way to not only quickly configure a new compliance policy, but to also quickly modify and update policies as your requirements change. For example, you may want to quickly test a policy for inappropriate content on communications for a small group of users before configuring a policy for all users in your organization.
+In this workflow step, you identify your compliance requirements and configure applicable communication compliance policies. Policy templates are a great way to not only quickly configure a new compliance policy, but to also quickly modify and update policies as your requirements change. For example, you may want to quickly test a policy for potentially inappropriate content on communications for a small group of users before configuring a policy for all users in your organization.
->By default, Global Administrators do not have access to communication compliance features. To enable permissions for communication compliance features, see [Make communication compliance available in your organization](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#step-1-required-enable-permissions-for-communication-compliance).
+>By default Global Administrators do not have access to communication compliance features. To enable permissions for communication compliance features, see [Make communication compliance available in your organization](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#step-1-required-enable-permissions-for-communication-compliance).
You can choose from the following policy templates in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal: - **Detect inappropriate text**: Use this template to quickly create a policy that uses built-in classifiers to automatically detect text in messages that may be considered inappropriate, abusive, or offensive. - **Detect inappropriate images**: Use this template to quickly create a policy that uses built-in classifiers to automatically detect content that contains adult and racy images that may be considered as inappropriate in your organization.-- **Monitor for sensitive information**: Use this template to quickly create a policy to scan communications containing defined sensitive information types or keywords to help make sure that important data isn't shared with people that shouldn't have access.-- **Monitor for financial regulatory compliance**: Use this template to quickly create a policy to scan communications for references to standard financial terms associated with regulatory standards.
+- **Monitor for sensitive information**: Use this template to quickly create a policy to check communications containing defined sensitive information types or keywords to help make sure that important data isn't shared with people that shouldn't have access.
+- **Monitor for financial regulatory compliance**: Use this template to quickly create a policy to check communications for references to standard financial terms associated with regulatory standards.
- **Monitor for conflict of interest**: Use this template to quickly create a policy to detect communications between two groups or two users to help avoid conflicts of interest. - **Custom policy**: Use this template to configure specific communication channels, individual detection conditions, and the amount of content to detect and review in your organization. - **User-reported messages policy**: This system policy supports user reported messages from channel, group, and private chat messages. Enabled by default in the Teams admin center.
->Use [recommended actions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#recommended-actions) to help you determine if you need a sensitive information type policy or if you need to update existing inappropriate content policies.
+> [!TIP]
+> Use [recommended actions](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure#recommended-actions) to help you determine if you need a sensitive information type policy or if you need to update existing inappropriate content policies.
### Investigate
-In this step, you look deeper into the issues detected as matching your communication compliance policies. This step includes the following actions available in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal:
+In this step, you can look deeper into the issues detected as matching your communication compliance policies. This step includes the following actions available in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal:
- **Alerts**: When a message matches a policy condition, an alert is automatically generated. For each alert, you can see the status, the severity, the time detected, and if an eDiscovery (Premium) case is assigned and its status. New alerts are displayed on the communication compliance home page and the **Alerts** page and are listed in order of severity. - **Issue management**: For each alert, you can take investigative actions to help remediate the issue detected in the message.
The next step is to remediate communication compliance issues you've investigate
- **Notify the user**: Often, users accidentally or inadvertently violate a communication compliance policy. You can use the notify feature to provide a warning notice to the user and to resolve the issue. - **Escalate to another reviewer**: Sometimes, the initial reviewer of an issue needs input from other reviewers to help resolve the incident. You can easily escalate message issues to reviewers in other areas of your organization as part of the resolution process. - **Report as misclassified**: Messages incorrectly detected as matches of compliance policies will occasionally slip through to the review process. You can mark these types of alerts as misclassified, submit feedback to Microsoft about the misclassification to help improve global classifiers, and automatically resolve the issue.-- **Remove message in Teams (preview)**: Inappropriate messages may be removed from displaying in Microsoft Teams channels or personal and group chat messages. Inappropriate messages that are removed are replaced with a notification that the message has been removed for a policy violation.
+- **Remove message in Teams (preview)**: Potentially inappropriate messages may be removed from displaying in Microsoft Teams channels or personal and group chat messages. Those identified messages that are removed are replaced with a notification that the message has been removed for a policy violation.
- **Escalate for investigation**: In the most serious situations, you may need to share communication compliance information with other reviewers in your organization. Communication compliance is tightly integrated with other Microsoft Purview features to help you with end-to-end risk resolution. Escalating a case for investigation allows you to transfer data and management of the case to Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium). eDiscovery (Premium) provides an end-to-end workflow to preserve, collect, review, analyze, and export content that's responsive to your organization's internal and external investigations. It allows legal teams to manage the entire legal hold notification workflow. To learn more about eDiscovery (Premium) cases, see [Overview of Microsoft Purview eDiscovery (Premium)](/microsoft-365/compliance/overview-ediscovery-20). ### Maintain
-Keeping track and managing compliance issues identified by communication compliance policies spans the entire workflow process. As alerts are generated and investigation and remediation actions are implemented, existing policies may need review and updates, and new policies may need to be created.
+Keeping track and mitigating compliance issues identified by communication compliance policies spans the entire workflow process. As alerts are generated and investigation and remediation actions are implemented, existing policies may need review and updates, and new policies may need to be created.
- **Review and report**: Use communication compliance dashboard widgets, export logs, and events recorded in the unified audit logs to continually evaluate and improve your compliance posture. ## Ready to get started? - For planning information, see [Plan for communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan).-- Check out the [case study for Contoso](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study) and see how they quickly configured a communication compliance policy to detect inappropriate content in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications.
+- Check out the [case study for Contoso](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-case-study) and see how they quickly configured a communication compliance policy to detect potentially inappropriate content in Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online, and Yammer communications.
- To configure communication compliance for your Microsoft 365 organization, see [Configure communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure).
compliance Compliance Easy Trials Compliance Manager Assessment Playbook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-easy-trials-compliance-manager-assessment-playbook.md
Our [Compliance Manager overview page](compliance-manager.md) is the best first
1. [Filter your dashboard view](compliance-manager-setup.md#filtering-your-dashboard-view) 1. [Learn about improvement actions](compliance-manager-setup.md#improvement-actions-page) 1. [Understand assessments](compliance-manager.md#assessments)
-1. [Do a quick scan of your environment using the Microsoft Compliance Configuration Manager](compliance-manager-mcca.md)
+1. [Do a quick check of your environment using the Microsoft Compliance Configuration Manager](compliance-manager-mcca.md)
## Step 2: Configure Compliance Manager
compliance Compliance Easy Trials Compliance Playbook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-easy-trials-compliance-playbook.md
You may also want to jump right to key sections of our documentation using the l
- [Filter your dashboard view](compliance-manager-setup.md#filtering-your-dashboard-view) - [Learn about improvement actions](compliance-manager-setup.md#improvement-actions-page) - [Understand assessments](compliance-manager.md#assessments)-- [Do a quick scan of your environment using the Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer for Compliance Manager (preview)](compliance-manager-mcca.md)
+- [Do a quick check of your environment using the Microsoft Compliance Configuration Analyzer for Compliance Manager (preview)](compliance-manager-mcca.md)
:::image type="content" source="../media/compliance-trial/compliance-portal.png" alt-text="Compliance Manager - dashboard":::
For step-by-step instructions to turn on auditing, see [Turn audit log search on
### Step 3 (recommended): Enable and view Insider Risk Management analytics insights
-Analytics within Insider Risk Management enables you to conduct an evaluation of potential insider risks that may lead to a data security incident in your organization without configuring any insider risk policies. Analytics scan results may take up to 48 hours before insights are available as reports for review. These assessment results are aggregated and anonymized, and offer organization-wide insights, like the percentage of users performing potential sensitive data exfiltration activities.
+Analytics within Insider Risk Management enables you to conduct an evaluation of potential insider risks that may lead to a data security incident in your organization without configuring any insider risk policies. Analytics check results may take up to 48 hours before insights are available as reports for review. These assessment results are aggregated and anonymized, and offer organization-wide insights, like the percentage of users performing potential sensitive data exfiltration activities.
To learn more about analytics insights, see [Insider risk management settings: Analytics](insider-risk-management-settings.md#analytics) and check out the [Insider risk management analytics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c0P5MCXNXk) to help you understand your insider risk posture and help you take action by setting up appropriate policies to identify risky users.
compliance Compliance Manager Quickstart https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-quickstart.md
Our [Compliance Manager overview page](compliance-manager.md) is the best first
- [Filter your dashboard view](compliance-manager-setup.md#filtering-your-dashboard-view) - [Learn about improvement actions](compliance-manager-setup.md#improvement-actions-page) - [Understand assessments](compliance-manager.md#assessments)-- [Do a quick scan of your environment using the Configuration Analyzer for Microsoft Purview](compliance-manager-mcca.md)
+- [Do a quick check of your environment using the Configuration Analyzer for Microsoft Purview](compliance-manager-mcca.md)
## Ramping up: configure Compliance Manager to manage your compliance activities
compliance Compliance Manager Setup https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-setup.md
The Compliance Manager dashboard is designed to provide you an at-a-glance view
Your compliance score is featured prominently at the top. It shows a percentage based on points achievable for completing improvement actions that address key data protection standards and regulations. Points from [Microsoft actions](compliance-manager-assessments.md#microsoft-actions-tab), which are managed my Microsoft, also count toward your compliance score.
-When you come to Compliance Manager for the first time, your initial score is based on the [Microsoft 365 data protection baseline](compliance-manager-assessments.md#data-protection-baseline-default-assessment). This baseline assessment, which is available to all organizations, is a set of controls that includes common industry regulations and standards. Compliance Manager scans your existing Microsoft 365 solutions and gives you an initial assessment based on your current privacy and security settings. As you add assessments that are relevant to your organization, your score becomes more meaningful for you.
+When you come to Compliance Manager for the first time, your initial score is based on the [Microsoft 365 data protection baseline](compliance-manager-assessments.md#data-protection-baseline-default-assessment). This baseline assessment, which is available to all organizations, is a set of controls that includes common industry regulations and standards. Compliance Manager checks your existing Microsoft 365 solutions and gives you an initial assessment based on your current privacy and security settings. As you add assessments that are relevant to your organization, your score becomes more meaningful for you.
**Learn more:** [Understand how your compliance score is calculated](compliance-score-calculation.md).
compliance Compliance Quick Tasks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-quick-tasks.md
For step-by-step guidance to configure retention policies, see [Create and confi
Protecting sensitive information and detecting and acting on workplace harassment incidents is an important part of compliance with internal policies and standards. [Communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance) in Microsoft Purview helps minimize these risks by helping you quickly detect, capture, and take remediation actions for email and Microsoft Teams communications. These include inappropriate communications containing profanity, threats, and harassment and communications that share sensitive information inside and outside of your organization.
-A pre-defined *Detect inappropriate text* policy template allows you to scan internal and external communications for policy matches so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can investigate scanned email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications in your organization and take appropriate remediation actions to make sure they're compliant with your organization's standards.
+A pre-defined *Detect inappropriate text* policy template allows you to check internal and external communications for policy matches so they can be examined by designated reviewers. Reviewers can investigate email, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, or third-party communications in your organization and take appropriate remediation actions to make sure they're compliant with your organization's standards.
-The pre-defined *Detect sensitive info* policy template helps you quickly create a policy to scan email and Microsoft Teams communications containing defined sensitive information types or keywords to help make sure that important data isn't shared with people that shouldn't have access. These activities could include unauthorized communication about confidential projects or industry-specific rules on insider trading or other collusion activities.
+The pre-defined *Detect sensitive info* policy template helps you quickly create a policy to check email and Microsoft Teams communications containing defined sensitive information types or keywords to help make sure that important data isn't shared with people that shouldn't have access. These activities could include unauthorized communication about confidential projects or industry-specific rules on insider trading or other collusion activities.
For step-by-step guidance to plan and configure communication compliance, see [Plan for communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-plan) and [Get started with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure). For communication compliance licensing information, see [Microsoft 365 licensing guidance for security & compliance](/office365/servicedescriptions/microsoft-365-service-descriptions/microsoft-365-tenantlevel-services-licensing-guidance/microsoft-365-security-compliance-licensing-guidance#communication-compliance).
compliance Event Driven Retention https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/event-driven-retention.md
When you create the event, choose the same event type specified in the retention
Alternatively, if you need to create an event for multiple retention labels that have different event types, select the **Choose Existing Labels** option. Then, select the labels that are configured for the event types you want to associate with this event.
-### Step 7: Enter keywords or query for Exchange, asset ID for SharePoint and OneDrive
+### Step 7: Enter keywords or a query, or asset ID for SharePoint and OneDrive
-Now you narrow the scope of the content. For Exchange content, you do this by specifying keywords or a query. For SharePoint and OneDrive content, you do this by specifying asset IDs.
+Now you narrow the scope of the content. You do this by specifying keywords or a query. For SharePoint and OneDrive content, you can also do this by specifying asset IDs.
-For Exchange items, use keywords or a query that uses Keyword Query Language (KQL). For more information about the query syntax, see [Keyword Query Language (KQL) syntax reference](/sharepoint/dev/general-development/keyword-query-language-kql-syntax-reference). For more information about the searchable properties that you can use for Exchange, see [Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search](keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md).
+Queries use Keyword Query Language (KQL). For more information about the query syntax, see [Keyword Query Language (KQL) syntax reference](/sharepoint/dev/general-development/keyword-query-language-kql-syntax-reference). For more information about the searchable properties that you can use, see [Keyword queries and search conditions for Content Search](keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md).
For asset IDs, retention will be enforced only on content with the specified *property:value* pair. For example, if you're using the Asset ID property, enter `ComplianceAssetID:<value>` in the box for asset IDs shown in the following picture.
compliance Insider Risk Management Activities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-activities.md
>[!IMPORTANT] >Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Investigating risky user activities is an important first step in minimizing insider risks for your organization. These risks may be activities that generate alerts from insider risk management policies, or risks from activities that are detected by policies but don't immediately create an insider risk management alert for users. You can investigate these types of activities by using the **User activity reports** or with the **Alert dashboard**.
+Investigating potentially risky user activities is an important first step in minimizing insider risks for your organization. These risks may be activities that generate alerts from insider risk management policies. They can also be risks from compliance-related activities that are detected by policies, but don't immediately create insider risk management alerts for users. You can investigate these types of activities by using the **User activity reports (preview)** or with the **Alert dashboard**.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)] ## User activity reports
-User activity reports allow you to examine activities for specific users for a defined time period without having to assign them temporarily or explicitly to an insider risk management policy. In most insider risk management scenarios, users are explicitly defined in policies, and they may have policy alerts (depending on triggering events) and risk scores associated with the activities. But in some scenarios, you may want to examine the activities for users that aren't explicitly defined in a policy. These activities may be for users that you've received a tip about the user and potentially risky activities, or users that typically don't need to be assigned to an insider risk management policy.
+User activity reports allow you to examine potentially risky activities (for specific users and for a defined time period) without having to assign these activities, temporarily or explicitly, to an insider risk management policy. In most insider risk management scenarios, users are explicitly defined in policies, and they may have policy alerts (depending on triggering events) and risk scores associated with the activities. But in some scenarios, you may want to examine the activities for users that aren't explicitly defined in a policy. These activities may be for users that you've received a tip about the user and potentially risky activities, or users that typically don't need to be assigned to an insider risk management policy.
-After you've configured indicators on the insider risk management **Settings** page, user activity is detected for risky activity associated with the selected indicators. You don't have to configure a policy for user activity reports to detect and report risky activities by users in your organization. Activities included in user activity reports don't require triggering events for the activities to be displayed. This configuration means that all detected activity for the user is available for review, regardless if it has a triggering event or if it creates an alert. Reports are created on a per-user basis and can include all activities for a custom 90-day period. Multiple reports for the same user aren't supported.
+After you've configured indicators on the insider risk management **Settings** page, user activity is detected for potentially risky activity associated with the selected indicators. This configuration means that all detected activity for users is available for review, regardless if it has a triggering event or if it creates an alert. Reports are created on a per-user basis and can include all activities for a custom 90-day period. Multiple reports for the same user aren't supported.
-After examining activities for a user, investigators can dismiss individual activities as benign, share or email a link to the report with other investigators, or choose to assign the user temporarily or explicitly to an insider risk management policy. Users must be assigned to the *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role group to view the **User activity reports** page.
+After examining potentially risky activities, investigators can dismiss individual user's activities as benign. They can also share or email a link to the report with other investigators, or choose to assign users (temporarily or explicitly) to an insider risk management policy. Users must be assigned to the *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role group to view the **User activity reports** page.
![Insider risk management user activity report overview.](../media/insider-risk-user-activity-report-overview.png)
-You can get started by selecting **Manage reports** in the **Investigate user activity** section on the insider risk management **Overview** page. To view activities for a user, first select **Create user activity report** and complete the following fields in the **New user activity report** pane:
+To get started, select **Manage reports** in the **Investigate user activity** section on the insider risk management **Overview** page.
-- **User**: Search for a user by name or email address
+To view activities for a user, first select **Create user activity report** and complete the following fields in the **New user activity report** pane:
+- **User**: Search for a user by name or email address.
- **Start date**: Use the calendar control to select the start date for user activities. - **End date**: Use the calendar control to select the end date for user activities. The end date selected must be greater than two days after the selected start date and no greater than 90 days from the selected start date.
New reports typically take up to 10 hours before they're ready for review. When the report is ready, you'll see *Report ready* in the **Status** column on the User activity report page. Select the user to view the detailed report:
-![Insider risk management user activity report.](../media/insider-risk-user-activity-report.png)
+![Insider risk management user activity report](../media/insider-risk-user-activity-report.png)
The **User activity report** for the selected user contains the **User activity**, **Activity explorer**, and **Forensic evidence (preview)** tabs: -- **User activity**: Use this chart view to investigate activities and view potential activities that occur in sequences. This tab is structured to enable quick review of a case, including a historical timeline of all activities, activity details, the current risk score for the user in the case, the sequence of risk events, and filtering controls to help with investigative efforts.-- **Activity explorer**: The **Activity explorer** tab provides risk investigators with a comprehensive analytic tool that provides detailed information about activities. With the Activity explorer, reviewers can quickly review a timeline of detected risky activity and identify and filter all risk activities associated with alerts. To learn more about using the Activity explorer, see the *Activity explorer* section later in this article.-- **Forensic evidence (preview)**: The **Forensic evidence (preview)** tab provides access to forensic evidence captures associated with activities that may result in security incidents for users. Forensic evidence enables customizable visual capturing across devices to help your organization better mitigate, understand, and respond to potential data risks like unauthorized data exfiltration of sensitive data. To learn more about using forensic evidence, see [Learn about insider risk management forensic evidence](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-forensic-evidence).
+- **User activity**: Use this chart view to investigate potentially risky activities and view potentially related activities that occur in sequences. This tab is structured to enable quick review of a case, including a historical timeline of all activities, activity details, the current risk score for the user in the case, the sequence of risk events, and filtering controls to help with investigative efforts.
+- **Activity explorer**: This tab provides risk investigators with a comprehensive analytics tool that provides detailed information about activities. With the Activity explorer, reviewers can quickly review a timeline of detected risky activity and identify and filter all potentially risky activities associated with alerts. To learn more about using the Activity explorer, see the *Activity explorer* section later in this article.
## Alert dashboard
-Insider risk management alerts are automatically generated by risk indicators defined in insider risk management policies. These alerts give compliance analysts and investigators an all-up view of the current risk status and allow your organization to triage and take actions for discovered risks. By default, policies generate a certain amount of low, medium, and high severity alerts, but you can [increase or decrease the alert volume](insider-risk-management-settings.md#alert-volume) to suit your needs. Additionally, you can configure the [alert threshold for policy indicators](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicator-level-settings-preview) when creating a new policy with the policy creation tool.
+Insider risk management alerts are automatically generated by risk indicators that are defined in insider risk management policies. These alerts give compliance analysts and investigators an all-up view of the current risk status and allow your organization to triage and take actions for discovered potential risks. By default, policies generate a certain amount of low, medium, and high severity alerts, but you can [increase or decrease the alert volume](insider-risk-management-settings.md#alert-volume) to suit your needs. Additionally, you can configure the [alert threshold for policy indicators](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicator-level-settings-preview) when creating a new policy with the policy creation tool.
Check out the [Insider Risk Management Alerts Triage Experience video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgmpxBLJLPI) for an overview of how alerts provide details, context, and related content for risky activity and how to make your investigation process more effective.
The insider risk **Alert dashboard** allows you to view and act on alerts genera
- Average time to resolve medium severity alerts, listed in hours, days, or months. - Average time to resolve low severity alerts, listed in hours, days, or months.
-![Insider risk management alert dashboard.](../media/insider-risk-alerts-dashboard.png)
+![Insider risk management alert dashboard](../media/insider-risk-alerts-dashboard.png)
> [!NOTE]
-> Insider risk management uses built-in alert throttling to help protect and optimize your risk investigation and review experience. This throttling guards against issues that might result in an overload of policy alerts, such as misconfigured data connectors or DLP policies. As a result, there might be a delay in displaying new alerts for a user.
+> Insider risk management uses built-in alert throttling to help protect and optimize your risk investigation and review experience. This throttling guards against issues that might result in an overload of policy alerts, such as misconfigured data connectors or data loss prevention policies. As a result, there might be a delay in displaying new alerts for a user.
## Alert status and severity You can triage alerts into one of the following statuses: - **Confirmed**: An alert confirmed and assigned to a new or existing case.-- **Dismissed**: An alert dismissed as benign in the triage process. You can provide a reason for the alert dismissal and include notes that are available in the user's alert history to provide additional context for future reference or for other reviewers. These reasons could range from expected activities, non-impactful events, simply reducing the number of alert activities for the user, or a reason related to the alert notes. Reason classification choices include *Activity is expected for this user*, *Activity is impactful enough for me to investigate further*, and *Alerts for this user contain too much activity*.
+- **Dismissed**: An alert dismissed as benign in the triage process. You can provide a reason for the alert dismissal and include notes that are available in the user's alert history to provide additional context for future reference or for other reviewers. Reasons could range from expected activities, non-impactful events, simply reducing the number of alert activities for the user, or a reason related to the alert notes. Reason classification choices include *Activity is expected for this user*, *Activity is impactful enough for me to investigate further*, and *Alerts for this user contain too much activity*.
- **Needs review**: A new alert where triage actions haven't yet been taken. - **Resolved**: An alert that is part of a closed and resolved case.
-Alert risk scores are automatically calculated from several risk activity indicators. These indicators include the type of risk activity, the number and frequency of the activity occurrence, the history of user risk activity, and the addition of activity risks that may boost the seriousness of the activity. The alert risk score drives the programmatic assignment of a risk severity level for each alert and can't be customized. If alerts remain untriaged and risk activities continue to accrue to the alert, the risk severity level can increase. Risk analysts and investigators can use alert risk severity to help triage alerts in accordance with your organization's risk policies and standards.
+Alert risk scores are automatically calculated from several risk activity indicators. These indicators include the type of risk activity, the number and frequency of the activity occurrence, the history of users' risk activity, and the addition of activity risks that may boost the seriousness of the potentially risky activity. The alert risk score drives the programmatic assignment of a risk severity level for each alert and can't be customized. If alerts remain untriaged and risk activities continue to accrue to the alert, the risk severity level can increase. Risk analysts and investigators can use alert risk severity to help triage alerts in accordance with your organization's risk policies and standards.
Alert risk severity levels are: -- **High severity**: The activities and indicators for the alert pose significant risk. The associated risk activities are serious, repetitive, and corelate strongly to other significant risk factors.-- **Medium severity**: The activities and indicators for the alert pose a moderate risk. The associated risk activities are moderate, frequent, and have some correlation to other risk factors.-- **Low severity**: The activities and indicators for the alert pose a minor risk. The associated risk activities are minor, more infrequent, and don't corelate to other significant risk factors.
+- **High severity**: The potentially risky activities and indicators for the alert pose significant risk. The associated risk activities are serious, repetitive, and corelate strongly to other significant risk factors.
+- **Medium severity**: The potentially risky activities and indicators for the alert pose a moderate risk. The associated risk activities are moderate, frequent, and have some correlation to other risk factors.
+- **Low severity**: The potentially risky activities and indicators for the alert pose a minor risk. The associated risk activities are minor, more infrequent, and don't corelate to other significant risk factors.
## Filter alerts on the Alert dashboard
-Depending on the number and type of active insider risk management policies in your organization, reviewing a large queue of alerts can be challenging. Using alert filters can help analysts and investigators sort alerts by several attributes. To filter alerts on the **Alerts dashboard**, select the **Filter** control. You can filter alerts by one or more attributes:
+Depending on the number and type of active insider risk management policies in your organization, reviewing a large queue of alerts can be challenging. Using alert filters can help analysts and investigators sort alerts by several attributes.
+To filter alerts on the **Alerts dashboard**, select the **Filter** control. You can filter alerts by one or more attributes:
- **Status**: Select one or more status values to filter the alert list. The options are *Confirmed*, *Dismissed*, *Needs review*, and *Resolved*.-- **Severity**: Select one or more alert risk severity levels to filter the alert list. The options are *High*, *Medium*, and *Low*.
+- **Severity**: Select one or more alert risk severity levels to filter the alert list The options are *High*, *Medium*, and *Low*.
- **Time detected**: Select the start and end dates for when the alert was created. This filter searches for alerts between UTC 00:00 on the start date and UTC 00:00 on the end date. To filter alerts for a specific day, enter the date for the day in the **Start date** field and the date of the following day in the **End date** field. - **Policy**: Select one or more policies to filter the alerts generated by the selected policies. - **Risk factors**: Select one of more risk factors to filter the alert list. The options are *Cumulative exfiltration activities*, *Activities include priority content*, *Sequence activities*, and *Activities include unallowed domains*.
Use the following sections and tabs on the Alert detail page for more informatio
### Header/Summary section
-This section contains general information about the user and alert. This information is available for context while reviewing detailed information about the detected activity included in the alert for the user:
+This section contains general information about the user and alert. This information is available for context while reviewing detailed information about the detected risk management activity included in the alert for the user:
-- **Activity that generated this alert**: Displays the top risk activity and policy match during the activity evaluation period that led to the alert being generated.
+- **Activity that generated this alert**: Displays the top potentially risky activity and policy match during the activity evaluation period that led to the alert being generated.
- **Triggering event**: Displays the most recent triggering event that prompted the policy to start assigning risk scores to the user's activity. If you've configured [integration with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#integration-with-insider-risk-management-preview) for *Data leaks by disgruntled users* or *Security policy violations by disgruntled users* policies, the triggering event for these alerts will be scoped to communication compliance activity. - **User profile**: Displays general information about the user assigned to the alert. If anonymization is enabled, the username, email address, alias, and organization fields are anonymized. - **User alert history**: Displays a list of alerts for the user for the last 30 days. Includes a link to view the complete alert history for the user.
Alerts generated from policies scoped to only activities that include [priority
### All risk factors
-This tab opens the summary of risk factors for the user's alert activity. Risk factors can help you determine how risky this user's activity is during your review. The risk factors include summaries for:
+This tab opens the summary of risk factors for the user's alert activity. Risk factors can help you determine how risky this user's risk management activity is during your review. The risk factors include summaries for:
- **Top exfiltration activities**: Displays exfiltration activities with the highest number or events for the alert. - **Cumulative exfiltration activities**: Displays events associated with cumulative exfiltration activities.-- **Sequences of activities**: Displays the detected activities associated with risk sequences.-- **Unusual activity for this user**: Displays activities for the user that are considered unusual and a departure from their usual activities.-- **Priority content**: Displays activities associated with priority content.-- **Unallowed domains**: Displays activities for events associated with unallowed domains.-- **Health record access**: Displays activities for events associated with accessing health records.-- **Risky browser usage**: Displays activities for events associated with browsing to potentially inappropriate websites.
+- **Sequences of activities**: Displays the detected potentially risky activities associated with risk sequences.
+- **Unusual activity for this user**: Displays specific activities for the user that are considered potentially risky, as they are unusual and a departure from their typical activities.
+- **Priority content**: Displays potentially risky activities associated with priority content.
+- **Unallowed domains**: Displays potentially risky activities for events associated with unallowed domains.
+- **Health record access**: Displays potentially risky activities for events associated with accessing health records.
+- **Risky browser usage**: Displays potentially risky activities for events associated with browsing to potentially inappropriate websites.
-With these filters, you'll only see alerts with these risk factors, but the activity that generated an alert might not fall into any of these categories. For example, an alert containing sequence activities might have been generated simply because the user copied a file to a USB device.
+With these filters, you'll only see alerts with the above risk factors, but the activity that generated an alert might not fall into any of these categories. For example, an alert containing sequence activities might have been generated simply because the user copied a file to a USB device.
### Content detected
This tab opens the Activity explorer. For more information, see the Activity exp
### User activity
-The **User activity** chart is one of the most powerful tools for internal risk analysis and investigation for alerts and cases in the insider risk management solution. This tab is structured to enable quick review of all activities for a user, including a historical timeline of all alerts, alert details, the current risk score for the user, and the sequence of risk events.
+The **User activity** chart is one of the most powerful tools for internal risk analysis and investigation for alerts and cases in the insider risk management solution. This tab is structured to enable quick review of all activities for a user, including a historical timeline of all alerts, alert details, the current risk score for the user, and the sequence of risk events.
-![Insider risk management user activity.](../media/insider-risk-user-activities.png)
+![Insider risk management user activity](../media/insider-risk-user-activities.png)
-1. **Time filters**: By default, the last three months of activities displayed in the User activity chart. You can easily filter the chart view by selecting the *6 Months*, *3 Months*, or *1 Month* tabs on the bubble chart.
-2. **Risk alert activity and details**: Risk activities are visually displayed as colored bubbles in the User activity chart. Bubbles are created for different categories of risk and. Select a bubble to display the details for each risk activity. Details include:
+1. **Time filters**: By default, the last three months of potentially risky activities displayed in the User activity chart. You can easily filter the chart view by selecting the *6 Months*, *3 Months*, or *1 Month* tabs on the bubble chart.
+2. **Risk alert activity and details**: Potentially risky activities are visually displayed as colored bubbles in the User activity chart. Bubbles are created for different categories of risk and. Select a bubble to display the details for each potentially risky activity. Details include:
- **Date** of the risk activity. - The **risk activity category**. For example, *Email(s) with attachments sent outside the organization* or *File(s) downloaded from SharePoint Online*. - **Risk score** for the alert. This score is the numerical score for the alert risk severity level.
The **User activity** chart is one of the most powerful tools for internal risk
3. **Filters and sorting (preview)**: - **Risk category**: Filter activities by the following risk categories: *Activities with risk scores > 15 (unless in a sequence)* and *Sequence activities*. - **Activity Type**: Filter activities by the following types: *Access*, *Deletion*, *Collection*, *Exfiltration*, *Infiltration*, *Obfuscation*, and *Security*.
- - **Sort by**: List the timeline activities by *Date occurred* or *Risk score*.
-4. **Risk sequence**: The chronological order of risky activities is an important aspect of risk investigation and identifying these related activities is an important part of evaluating overall risk for your organization. Alert activities that are related are displayed with connecting lines to highlight that these activities are associated with a larger risk area. Sequences are also identified in this view by an icon positioned above the sequence activities relative to the risk score for the sequence. Hover over the icon to see the date and time of the risky activity associated with this sequence. This view of activities can help investigators literally 'connect the dots' for risk activities that could have been viewed as isolated or one-off events. Select the icon or any bubble in the sequence to display details for all the associated risk activities. Details include:
+ - **Sort by**: List the timeline of potentially risky activities by *Date occurred* or *Risk score*.
+4. **Risk sequence**: The chronological order of potentially risky activities is an important aspect of risk investigation and identifying these related activities is an important part of evaluating overall risk for your organization. Alert activities that are related are displayed with connecting lines to highlight that these activities are associated with a larger risk area. Sequences are also identified in this view by an icon positioned above the sequence activities relative to the risk score for the sequence. Hover over the icon to see the date and time of the risky activity associated with this sequence. This view of activities can help investigators literally 'connect the dots' for risk activities that could have been viewed as isolated or one-off events. Select the icon or any bubble in the sequence to display details for all the associated risk activities. Details include:
- **Name** of the sequence. - **Date** or **Date range** of the sequence. - **Risk score** for the sequence. This score is the numerical score for the sequence of the combined alert risk severity levels for each related activity in the sequence.
- - **Number of events associated with each alert in the sequence**. Links to each file or email associated with each risk activity are also available.
+ - **Number of events associated with each alert in the sequence**. Links to each file or email associated with each potentially risky activity are also available.
- **Show activities in sequence**. Displays sequence as a highlight line on the bubble chart and expands the alert details to display all related alerts in the sequence. 5. **Risk activity legend**: Across the bottom of the user activity chart, a color-coded legend helps you quickly determine risk category for each alert.
The **User activity** chart is one of the most powerful tools for internal risk
> [!NOTE] > Activity explorer is available in the alert management area for users with triggering events after this feature is available in your organization.
-The Activity explorer provides risk investigators and analysts with a comprehensive analytic tool that provides detailed information about alerts. With the Activity explorer, reviewers can quickly review a timeline of detected risky activity and identify and filter all risk activities associated with alerts.
+The Activity explorer provides risk investigators and analysts with a comprehensive analytics tool that provides detailed information about alerts. With the Activity explorer, reviewers can quickly review a timeline of detected potentially risky activity and identify and filter all risk activities associated with alerts.
To filter alerts on the Activity explorer for column information, select the Filter control. You can filter alerts by one or more attributes listed in the details pane for the alert. Activity explorer also supports customizable columns to help investigators and analysts focus the dashboard on the information most important to them.
Use the *Activity scope* and *Risk insight* filters to display and sort activiti
- Health record access activities - Risky browser usage
-![Insider risk management activity explorer overview.](../media/insider-risk-activity-explorer.png)
+![Insider risk management activity explorer overview](../media/insider-risk-activity-explorer.png)
To use the **Activity explorer**, complete the following steps:
When reviewing activities in the Activity explorer, investigators and analysts c
When selecting an activity's events from the activity timeline, the number of activities displayed in the explorer might not match the number of activity events listed in the timeline. Examples of why this difference may occur: -- **Cumulative exfiltration detection**: Cumulative exfiltration detection analyzes event logs, but applies a model that includes de-duplicating similar activities to compute cumulative exfiltration risk. Additionally, there may also be a difference in the number of activities displayed in the Activity explorer if you have made changes to your existing policy or settings. For example, if you modify allowed/unallowed domains or add new file type exclusions after a policy has been created and activity matches have occurred, the cumulative exfiltration detection activities will differ from the results before the policy or settings changes. Cumulative exfiltration detection activity totals are based on the policy and settings configuration at the time of computation and don't include activities prior to the policy and settings changes-- **Emails to external recipients**: Activity for emails sent to external recipients is assigned a risk score based on the number of emails sent, which may not match the activity event logs.
+- **Cumulative exfiltration detection**: Cumulative exfiltration detection analyzes event logs, but applies a model that includes de-duplicating similar activities to compute cumulative exfiltration risk. Additionally, there may also be a difference in the number of potentially risky activities displayed in the Activity explorer if you have made changes to your existing policy or settings. For example, if you modify allowed/unallowed domains or add new file type exclusions after a policy has been created and potentially risky activity matches have occurred, the cumulative exfiltration detection activities will differ from the results before the policy or settings changes. Cumulative exfiltration detection activity totals are based on the policy and settings configuration at the time of computation and don't include activities prior to the policy and settings changes
+- **Emails to external recipients**: Potentially risky activity for emails sent to external recipients is assigned a risk score based on the number of emails sent, which may not match the activity event logs.
![Insider risk management activity explorer details.](../media/insider-risk-activity-explorer-details.png) ## Create a case for an alert
-As alert is reviewed and triaged, you can create a new case to further investigate the risk activity. To create a case for an alert, follow these steps:
+As alert is reviewed and triaged, you can create a new case to further investigate the potentially risky activity. To create a case for an alert, follow these steps:
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Insider risk management** and select the **Alerts** tab. 2. On the **Alerts dashboard**, select the alert you want to confirm and create a new case for.
After the case is created, investigators and analysts can manage and act on the
## Retention and item limits
-As insider risk management alerts age, their value to minimize risky activity diminishes for most organizations. Conversely, active cases and associated artifacts (alerts, insights, activities) are always valuable to organizations and shouldn't have an automatic expiration date. This includes all future alerts and artifacts in an active status for any user associated with an active case.
+As insider risk management alerts age, their value to minimize potentially risky activity diminishes for most organizations. Conversely, active cases and associated artifacts (alerts, insights, activities) are always valuable to organizations and shouldn't have an automatic expiration date. This includes all future alerts and artifacts in an active status for any user associated with an active case.
-To help minimize the number of older items that provide limited current value, the following retention and limits apply for insider risk management alerts, cases, and user activity reports:
+To help minimize the number of older items that provide limited current value, the following retention and limits apply for insider risk management alerts, cases, and user reports:
|**Item**|**Retention/Limit**| |:-|:|
To help minimize the number of older items that provide limited current value, t
## Get help managing your insider risk alert queue
-Reviewing, investigating, and acting on insider risk alerts are important parts of minimizing insider risks in your organization. Quickly taking action to minimize the impact of these risks can potentially save time, money, and regulatory or legal ramifications for your organization. In this remediation process, the first step of reviewing alerts can seem like the most difficult task for many analysts and investigators. Depending on your circumstances, you may be facing some minor obstacles when acting on insider risk alerts. Review the following recommendations and learn how to optimize the alert review process.
+Reviewing, investigating, and acting on potentially risky insider alerts are important parts of minimizing insider risks in your organization. Quickly taking action to minimize the impact of these risks can potentially save time, money, and regulatory or legal ramifications for your organization. In this remediation process, the first step of reviewing alerts can seem like the most difficult task for many analysts and investigators. Depending on your circumstances, you may be facing some minor obstacles when acting on potentially risky insider alerts. Review the following recommendations and learn how to optimize the alert review process.
### Too many alerts to review
Investigating and acting on alerts in insider risk management is straightforward
1. **Review the [Alert dashboard](insider-risk-management-activities.md#alert-dashboard) for alerts with a status of Needs review**. [Filter](insider-risk-management-activities.md#filter-alerts-on-the-alert-dashboard) by alert *Status* if needed to help locate these types of alerts. 2. **Start with the alerts with the highest severity**. [Filter](insider-risk-management-activities.md#filter-alerts-on-the-alert-dashboard) by alert *Severity* if needed to help locate these types of alerts.
-3. **Select an alert to discover more information and to review the alert details**. If needed, use the [Activity explorer](insider-risk-management-activities.md#activity-explorer) to review a timeline of the associated risky behavior and to identify all risk activities for the alert.
+3. **Select an alert to discover more information and to review the alert details**. If needed, use the [Activity explorer](insider-risk-management-activities.md#activity-explorer) to review a timeline of the associated potentially risky behavior and to identify all risk activities for the alert.
4. **Act on the alert**. You can either confirm and [create a case](insider-risk-management-activities.md#create-a-case-for-an-alert) for the alert or dismiss and resolve the alert. ### Resource constraints in my organization Modern workplace users often have a wide variety of responsibilities and demands on their time. There are several actions you can take to help address resource constraints: -- **Focus analyst and investigator efforts on the highest risk alerts first**. Depending on your policies, you may be capturing activities and generating alerts with varying degrees of potential impact to your risk mitigation efforts. [Filter alerts](insider-risk-management-activities.md#filter-alerts-on-the-alert-dashboard) by severity and prioritize *High severity* alerts.
+- **Focus analyst and investigator efforts on the highest risk alerts first**. Depending on your policies, you may be capturing user activities and generating alerts with varying degrees of potential impact to your risk mitigation efforts. [Filter alerts](insider-risk-management-activities.md#filter-alerts-on-the-alert-dashboard) by severity and prioritize *High severity* alerts.
- **Assign users as analysts and investigators**. Having the right user assigned to the proper roles is an important part of the insider risk alert review process. Make sure you've assigned the appropriate users to the *Insider Risk Management Analysts* and *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role groups. -- **Use automated insider risk features to help discover the highest risk activities**. Insider risk management [sequence detection](insider-risk-management-policies.md#sequence-detection-preview) and [cumulative exfiltration detection](insider-risk-management-policies.md#cumulative-exfiltration-detection-preview) features can help you quickly discover harder to find risks in your organization. Consider fine-tuning your [risk score boosters](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicators), [file type exclusions](insider-risk-management-settings.md#file-type-exclusions), [domains](insider-risk-management-settings.md#domains), and the minimum [indicator threshold settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicator-level-settings-preview) for your policies.
+- **Use automated insider risk features to help discover the highest risk activities**. Insider risk management [sequence detection](insider-risk-management-policies.md#sequence-detection-preview) and [cumulative exfiltration detection](insider-risk-management-policies.md#cumulative-exfiltration-detection-preview) features can help you quickly discover harder to find potential risks in your organization. Consider fine-tuning your [risk score boosters](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicators), [file activity detection](insider-risk-management-settings.md#file-activity-detection), [domains](insider-risk-management-settings.md#domains), and the minimum [indicator threshold settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md#indicator-level-settings-preview) for your policies.
compliance Insider Risk Management Audit Log https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-audit-log.md
>[!IMPORTANT] >Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-The insider risk management audit log enables you to stay informed on the actions that were taken on insider risk management features. This log allows independent review of the actions taken by users assigned to one or more insider risk management role groups. The insider risk management audit log is automatically enabled in your organization and cannot be disabled.
+The insider risk management audit log enables you to stay informed on the actions taken on insider risk management features. This log allows independent review of the actions taken by users assigned to one or more insider risk management role groups. The insider risk management audit log is automatically enabled in your organization and cannot be disabled.
![Insider risk management audit log.](../media/insider-risk-audit-log.png)
-The audit log is automatically and immediately updated whenever detected activities occur and the log retains information about the activity for 180 days (about six months). After 180 days, the data for the activity is permanently deleted from the log.
+The audit log is automatically and immediately updated whenever detected identified risk activities occur. The audit log retains information for 180 days (about six months). After 180 days, data is permanently deleted from the log.
-Areas included in activity detection include:
+Areas in identified risk activity detection include:
- Policies - Cases
Areas included in activity detection include:
To view and export data from the audit log, users must be assigned to the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Auditors* role groups. To learn more about insider risk management role groups, see [Getting started with insider risk management Step 1: Enabling permissions](insider-risk-management-configure.md#step-1-required-enable-permissions-for-insider-risk-management). > [!NOTE]
-> The insider risk management audit log isn't associated with the Microsoft 365 audit log, they are independent auditing systems and capture information on separate activities. Disabling Microsoft 365 auditing doesn't impact activity auditing within insider risk management.
+> The insider risk management audit log isn't associated with the Microsoft 365 audit log, as they are independent auditing systems and capture information on separate areas. Disabling Microsoft 365 auditing doesn't impact activity auditing within insider risk management.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
To view and export data from the audit log, users must be assigned to the *Insid
To view feature activity detected for insider risk management, navigate to, and select the **Insider risk audit log** link in the top-right area of any insider risk management tab. By default, you'll see the following information displayed for insider risk management activities: -- **Activity:** A description of the activity taken within the insider risk management solution by a user.-- **Category:** The area or item where the activity was performed. For example, you'll see *Policies* as the category when policy change activities were performed.-- **Activity performed by:** The user name of the user that performed the activity.-- **Date:** The date and time the activity was performed. The date and time are the local date and time for your organization.
+- **Activity:** A description of the identified risk activity taken within the insider risk management solution by a user.
+- **Category:** The area or item where the identified risk activity was performed. For example, you'll see *Policies* as the category when policy change activities were performed.
+- **Activity performed by:** The user name of the user that performed the identified risk activity.
+- **Date:** The date and time the identified risk activity was performed. The date and time are the local date and time for your organization.
-For more information about a logged activity, select the activity to display the activity details pane. This pane includes additional information about the activity.
+For more information about a logged activity, select the activity to display the activity details pane. This pane includes additional information about the identified risk activity.
## Columns and filtering
-To make it easier for auditors to review logged activity, filtering is supported in the **Insider risk audit log**. For basic filtering, queue columns are available to add to the view to provide different pivots on the files and messages. You can filter activities by the **Category, Date range,** and **Activity performed by** fields.
+To make it easier for auditors to review audit logs, filtering is supported in the **Insider risk audit log**. For basic filtering, queue columns are available to add to the view to provide different pivots on the files and messages. You can filter identified risk activities by the **Category, Date range,** and **Activity performed by** fields.
-To add or remove column headings for the activity queue, use the **Customize columns** control and select from the column options. These columns map to common conditions supported in the **Insider risk audit log** and are listed later in this article.
+To add or remove column headings for the queue, use the **Customize columns** control and select from the column options. These columns map to common conditions supported in the **Insider risk audit log** and are listed later in this article.
## Audit log export
-Users assigned to the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Auditors* role groups can export all activity in the audit log to a .csv (comma-separated values) file by selecting **Export** on the **Insider risk audit log** page. Depending on the activity, some fields for an activity may not be applicable to the activity and these fields will appear as blank in the exported file.
+Users assigned to the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Auditors* role groups can export audit log activity to a .csv (comma-separated values) file by selecting **Export** on the **Insider risk audit log** page. Depending on the audit log activity, some fields may not be included in the filtered queue, and therefore those fields will appear as blank in the exported file.
-The file contains activity information for the following fields:
+The file contains audit log activity information for the following fields:
-- **Activity performed by:** The user name of the user modifying an item value. Users listed here were assigned to one or more of the following role [insider risk management role groups](insider-risk-management-configure.md#step-1-required-enable-permissions-for-insider-risk-management): *Insider Risk Management*, *Insider Risk Management Admins*, *Insider Risk Management Analysts*, *Insider Risk Management Investigators*. Each role group has different permission levels for managing insider risk features.-- **Activity:** The activity taken on an item. Values are *Viewed, Deleted, Added, Edited policy, Case, User, Alert,* and *Settings.*-- **Added**: Objects that were added during the activity, such as users, file types, or domains.-- **Alert volume**: The level of alert volume defined in insider risk management settings.-- **Amount**: The currently selected custom indicator amounts for a policy.-- **Asset ID**: The asset ID of the priority physical asset the activity was performed on.-- **Category:** The category of the item modified. Values are *Policies, Cases, Users, Alerts, Settings,* and *Notice templates.*
+- **Activity performed by:** Name of the user modifying an item value. Users listed here have been assigned to one or more of the following role [insider risk management role groups](insider-risk-management-configure.md#step-1-required-enable-permissions-for-insider-risk-management): *Insider Risk Management*, *Insider Risk Management Admins*, *Insider Risk Management Analysts*, *Insider Risk Management Investigators*. Each role group has different permission levels for managing insider risk features.
+- **Activity:** Type of activity taken on an item. Values are *Viewed, Deleted, Added, Edited policy, Case, User, Alert,* and *Settings.*
+- **Added**: Objects that were added during the identified risk activity, such as users, file types, or domains.
+- **Alert volume**: Level of alert volume defined in insider risk management settings.
+- **Amount**: Currently selected custom indicator amounts for a policy.
+- **Asset ID**: Asset ID of the priority physical asset the activity was performed on.
+- **Category:** Category of the item modified. Values are *Policies, Cases, Users, Alerts, Settings,* and *Notice templates.*
- **Date:** Date and time, listed in your organization's local date and time.-- **Description**: The description input by the user for the object being acted on (such as a policy or a priority user group).
+- **Description**: Description input by the user for the object being acted on (such as a policy or a priority user group).
- **DLP policy**: The Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy selected to trigger inclusion in an insider risk management policy.-- **Indicator**: The indicator in the within insider risk settings that the activity was performed on (such as adding or removing an indicator).-- **Notice template**: The notice template the activity was performed on.-- **Number of days**: The policy activation window defined in insider risk settings.-- **Number of files**: The file volume limit defined in insider risk management settings.-- **Policy template**: The policy template that the indicators acted on belongs to.-- **Previous amount**: The previously selected custom indicator amounts for a policy.-- **Priority user group**: The priority user group the activity was performed on.-- **Removed**: Objects that were removed during the activity, such as users, file types, or domains.-- **Sender**: The sender field of the notice template the activity was performed on.-- **Target policy**: The policy the activity was performed on (such as adding a user to or removing a user from).-- **Template message body**: The message body of the notice template the activity was performed on.-- **Template subject**: The subject field of the notice template the activity was performed on.-- **User:** User the activity was performed on.
+- **Indicator**: Indicator in the within insider risk settings that the activity was performed on (such as adding or removing an indicator).
+- **Notice template**: Notice template that the identified risk activity was performed on.
+- **Number of days**: Policy activation window defined in insider risk settings.
+- **Number of files**: File volume limit defined in insider risk management settings.
+- **Policy template**: Policy template that the indicators acted on belongs to.
+- **Previous amount**: Previously selected custom indicator amounts for a policy.
+- **Priority user group**: Priority user group the identified risk activity was performed on.
+- **Removed**: Objects that were removed during the identified risk activity, such as users, file types, or domains.
+- **Sender**: Sender field of the notice template the identified risk activity was performed on.
+- **Target policy**: The policy the identified risk activity was performed on (such as adding a user to or removing a user from).
+- **Template message body**: The message body of the notice template the identified risk activity was performed on.
+- **Template subject**: The subject field of the notice template the identified risk activity was performed on.
+- **User:** User the identified risk activity was performed on.
compliance Insider Risk Management Browser Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-browser-support.md
>[!IMPORTANT] >Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Web browsers are often used by users to access both sensitive and non-sensitive files within an organization. Insider risk management allows your organization to detect and act on browser exfiltration signals for all non-executable files viewed in [Microsoft Edge](https://www.microsoft.com/edge) and [Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome) browsers. With these signals, analysts and investigators can quickly act when any of the following activities are performed by in-scope policy users when using these browsers:
+Web browsers are often used by users to access both sensitive and non-sensitive files within an organization. Insider risk management allows your organization to detect and act on browser exfiltration signals for all non-executable files viewed in [Microsoft Edge](https://www.microsoft.com/edge) and [Google Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome) browsers. With these signals, analysts and investigators can quickly act when any of the following risk activities are performed by in-scope policy users when using these browsers:
- Files copied to personal cloud storage - Files printed to local or network devices - Files transferred or copied to a network share - Files copied to USB devices - Browsing risky websites
+- Browsing potentially risky websites
Signals for these events are detected in Microsoft Edge using built-in browser capabilities and using the *Microsoft Compliance Extension* add-on. In Google Chrome, customers use the *Microsoft Compliance Extension* for signal detection.
-The following table summarizes detected activities and extension support for each browser:
+The following table summarizes identified risk activities and extension support for each browser:
-| **Detected activities** | **Microsoft Edge** | **Google Chrome** |
-| - | | -- |
-| Files copied to personal cloud storage | Native | Extension |
-| Files printed to local or network devices | Native | Extension |
-| Files transferred or copied to a network share | Extension | Extension |
-| Files copied to USB devices | Extension | Extension |
-| Browsing risky websites | Extension | Extension |
+| **Detected activities** | **Microsoft Edge** | **Google Chrome** |
+| -- | | -- |
+| Files copied to personal cloud storage | Native | Extension |
+| Files printed to local or network devices | Native | Extension |
+| Files transferred or copied to a network share | Extension | Extension |
+| Files copied to USB devices | Extension | Extension |
+| Browsing risky websites | Extension | Extension |
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
If you're using policies based on the *Risky browser usage* template, at least o
### Option 1: Basic setup (recommended for testing with Edge)
-Use this option to configure a single machine selfhost for each device in your organization when testing browser signal detection.
+Use this option to configure a single machine self-host for each device in your organization when testing browser signal detection.
For the basic setup option, complete the following steps:
Insider risk management browser signal detection support for Google Chrome is en
### Option 1: Basic setup (recommended for testing with Chrome)
-Use this option to configure single machine selfhost for each device in your organization when testing browser signal detection.
+Use this option to configure single machine self-host for each device in your organization when testing browser signal detection.
For the basic setup option, complete the following steps:
For the basic setup option, complete the following steps:
Get-Item -path "HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows Defender\\Miscellaneous Configuration" | New-ItemProperty -Name DlpDisableBrowserCache -Value 0 -Force ```
->These registry keys are required to ensure proper functionality of the extension. You must enable these registry keys before testing any signals.*
+> [!Important]
+> These registry keys are required to ensure proper functionality of the extension. You must enable these registry keys before testing any signals.*
**Step 2: Install the *Microsoft Compliance Extension***
compliance Insider Risk Management Cases https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-cases.md
Cases are the heart of insider risk management and allow you to deeply investiga
After investigating the details of a case, you can take action by: -- sending the user a notice-- resolving the case as benign-- sharing the case with your ServiceNow instance or with an email recipient-- escalating the case for an eDiscovery (Premium) investigation
+- Sending the user a notice
+- Resolving the case as benign
+- Sharing the case with your ServiceNow instance or with an email recipient
+- Escalating the case for an eDiscovery (Premium) investigation
Check out the [Insider Risk Management Investigation and Escalation video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UONUSmkRC8s) for an overview of how cases are investigated and managed in insider risk management.
The **Case overview** tab summarizes the case details for risk analysts and inve
- **Manager name**: The name of the user's manager. - **Manager email**: The email alias of the user's manager.
-![Insider risk management case details.](../media/insider-risk-case-details.png)
+![Insider risk management case details](../media/insider-risk-case-details.png)
The **Case overview** tab also includes an **Alerts** section that includes the following information about policy match alerts associated with the case: -- **Policy matches**: The name of the insider risk management policy associated with the match alerts for user activity.
+- **Policy matches**: The name of the insider risk management policy associated with the match alerts for potentially risky user activity that may lead to a security incident.
- **Status**: Status of the alert. - **Severity**: Severity of the alert. - **Time detected**: The time that has passed since the alert was generated.
Use the search control to search alert names for specific text and use the alert
Use the filter control to filter alerts by several attributes, including: + - **Status**: Select one or more status values to filter the alert list. The options are *Confirmed*, *Dismissed*, *Needs review*, and *Resolved*. - **Severity**: Select one or more alert risk severity levels to filter the alert list. The options are *High*, *Medium*, and *Low*. - **Time detected**: Select the start and end dates for when the alert was created.
Use the filter control to filter alerts by several attributes, including:
### User activity
-The **User activity** tab allows risk analysts and investigators to review activity details and use a visual representation of all the activities associated with risk alerts and cases. For example, as part of the alert triage process, analysts may need to review all the risk activities associated with the case for more details. In cases, risk investigators can review user activity details and the bubble chart to help understand the overall scope of the activities associated with the case. For more information about the User activity chart, see the [Insider risk management activities](insider-risk-management-activities.md#user-activity) article.
+The **User activity** tab allows risk analysts and investigators to review user activity details and use a visual representation of all the potentially risky activities associated with risk alerts and cases to determine whether those risky activities may lead to a security incident. For example, as part of the alert triage process, analysts may need to review all the risk activities associated with the case for more details. In cases, risk investigators can review user activity details and the bubble chart to help understand the overall scope of the risk activities associated with the case. For more information about the User activity chart, see the [Insider risk management activities](insider-risk-management-activities.md#user-activity) article.
### Activity explorer (preview)
-The **Activity explorer** tab allows risk analysts and investigators to review activity details associated with risk alerts. For example, as part of the case management actions, investigators and analysts may need to review all the risk activities associated with the case for more details. With the **Activity explorer**, reviewers can quickly review a timeline of detected risky activity and identify and filter all risk activities associated with alerts.
+The **Activity explorer** tab allows risk analysts and investigators to review case activity details associated with risk alerts. For example, as part of the case management actions, investigators and analysts may need to review all the risk activities associated with the case for more details. With the **Activity explorer**, reviewers can quickly examine a timeline of detected potentially risky activity and identify and filter all risk activities associated with alerts.
For more information about the Activity explorer, see the [Insider risk management activities](insider-risk-management-activities.md#activity-explorer) article.
-### Forensic evidence (preview)
+## Forensic evidence (preview)
The **Forensic evidence (preview)** tab allows risk investigators to review visual captures associated with risk activities included in cases. For example, as part of the case management actions, investigators may need to help clarify the context of the user activity under review. Viewing the actual clips of the activity can help the investigator determine if the user activity is potentially risky and may lead to a security incident.
After the insider risk management case has been escalated to a new user investig
Using recommended Power Automate flows, risk investigators and analysts can quickly take action to: -- Request information from HR or business about a user in an insider risk case-- Notify manager when a user has an insider risk alert-- Create a record for an insider risk management case in ServiceNow-- Notify users when they're added to an insider risk policy
+- Request information from HR or business about a user in an insider risk case.
+- Notify manager when a user has an insider risk alert.
+- Create a record for an insider risk management case in ServiceNow.
+- Notify users when they're added to an insider risk policy.
To run, manage, or create Power Automate flows for an insider risk management case:
-1. Select **Automate** on the case action toolbar.
-2. Choose the Power Automate flow to run, then select **Run flow**.
+1. Select **Automate** on the case action toolbar.
+2. Choose the Power Automate flow to run, then select **Run flow**.
3. After the flow has completed, select **Done**. To learn more about Power Automate flows for insider risk management, see [Getting started with insider risk management settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md#power-automate-flows-preview).
-### View or create a Microsoft Teams team for the case
+ ### View or create a Microsoft Teams team for the case
When Microsoft Teams integration for insider risk management is enabled in settings, a Microsoft Teams team is automatically created every time an alert is confirmed and a case is created. Risk investigators and analysts can quickly open Microsoft Teams and navigate directly to the team for a case by selecting **View Microsoft Teams team** on the case action toolbar.
compliance Insider Risk Management Configure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-configure.md
The following recommendations are available to help you get started with or maxi
- **Turn on auditing**: When turned on, user and admin activity in your organization is recorded to the Microsoft 365 audit log. Insider risk policies and analytics scans use this log to detect risk activities. - **Get permissions to user risk management**: The level of access you have to insider risk management features depends on which role group you were assigned. To access and configure recommended actions, users must be assigned to the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admins* role groups.-- **Choose policy indicators**: Indicators are essentially the user activities you want to detect and investigate. You can choose indicators to track activity across several Microsoft 365 locations and services.
+- **Choose policy indicators**: Indicators are essentially the risk management activities you want to detect and investigate. You can choose indicators to track activity across several Microsoft 365 locations and services.
- **Scan for potential insider risks**: Run an analytics scan to discover potential insider risks occurring in your org. After evaluating results, review recommended policies to set up. - **Assign permissions to others**: If there are additional team members who will be responsible for managing insider risk features, you'll need to assign them to the appropriate role groups. - **Create your first policy**: To receive alerts on potentially risky activities, you must set up policies based on predefined templates that define the user activities you want to detect and investigate. Each recommended action included in this experience has four attributes: -- **Action**: The name and description of the recommended action.-- **Status**: The status of the recommended action. Values are *Not started*, *In progress*, *Saved for later*, or *Completed*.
+- **Action**: Name and description of the recommended action.
+- **Status**: Status of the recommended action. Values are *Not started*, *In progress*, *Saved for later*, or *Completed*.
- **Required or optional**: Whether the recommended action is required or optional for insider risk management features to function as expected. - **Estimated time to complete**: Estimated time to complete the recommended action in minutes.
-Select a recommendation from the list to get started with configuring insider risk management. Each recommended action guides you through the required activities for the recommendation, including any requirements, what to expect, and the impact of configuring the feature in your organization. Each recommended action is automatically marked as complete when configured or you'll need to manually select the action as complete when configured.
+Select a recommendation from the list to get started with configuring insider risk management. Each recommended action guides you through the required action for the recommendation, including any requirements, what to expect, and the impact of configuring the feature in your organization. Each recommended action is automatically marked as complete when configured or you'll need to manually select the action as complete when configured.
## Step 1 (required): Enable permissions for insider risk management
Complete the following steps to add users to an insider risk management role gro
## Step 2 (required): Enable the Microsoft 365 audit log
-Insider risk management uses Microsoft 365 audit logs for user insights and activities identified in policies and analytics insights. The Microsoft 365 audit logs are a summary of all activities within your organization and insider risk management policies may use these activities for generating policy insights.
+Insider risk management uses Microsoft 365 audit logs for user insights and risk management activities identified in policies and analytics insights. The Microsoft 365 audit logs are a summary of all activities within your organization and insider risk management policies may use these activities for generating policy insights.
Auditing is enabled for Microsoft 365 organizations by default. Some organizations may have disabled auditing for specific reasons. If auditing is disabled for your organization, it might be because another administrator has turned it off. We recommend confirming that it's OK to turn auditing back on when completing this step.
For step-by-step instructions to turn on auditing, see [Turn audit log search on
Insider risk management analytics enables you to conduct an evaluation of potential insider risks in your organization without configuring any insider risk policies. This evaluation can help your organization identify potential areas of higher user risk and help determine the type and scope of insider risk management policies you may consider configuring. This evaluation may also help you determine needs for additional licensing or future optimization of existing policies. Analytics scan results may take up to 48 hours before insights are available as reports for review. To learn more about analytics insights, see [Insider risk management settings: Analytics](insider-risk-management-settings.md#analytics) and check out the [Insider Risk Management Analytics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c0P5MCXNXk) to help understand how analytics can help accelerate the identification of potential insider risks and help you to quickly take action.
-To enable insider risk Analytics, you must be a member of the *Insider Risk Management*, *Insider Risk Management Admin*, or Microsoft 365 *Global admin* role group.
+To enable insider risk analytics, you must be a member of the *Insider Risk Management*, *Insider Risk Management Admin*, or Microsoft 365 *Global admin* role group.
Complete the following steps to enable insider risk analytics:
The Microsoft 365 HR connector is required when using the following policy templ
See the [Set up a connector to import HR data](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector for your organization. After you've configured the HR connector, return to these configuration steps.
-### Configure a healthcare-specific data connector
+### Configure a healthcare-specific data connector
-Insider risk management supports importing user and log data imported from 3rd-party on existing electronic medical record (EMR) systems. The Microsoft Healthcare and Epic data connectors allow you to pull in activity data from your EMR system with CSV files, including improper patient record access, suspicious volume activities, and editing and export activities. This data helps drive alert indicators in insider risk management policies and is an important part of configuring full risk management coverage in your organization.
+Insider risk management supports importing user and log data imported from 3rd-party on existing electronic medical record (EMR) systems. The Microsoft Healthcare and Epic data connectors allow you to pull in activity data from your EMR system with CSV files, including improper patient record access, suspicious volume activities, and editing and exporting activities. This data helps drive alert indicators in insider risk management policies and is an important part of configuring full risk management coverage in your organization.
-If you configure more than one Healthcare or Epic connector for your organization, insider risk management automatically supports event and activities signals from all Healthcare and Epic connectors.
-The Microsoft 365 Healthcare or Epic connector is required when using the following policy templates:
+If you configure more than one Healthcare or Epic connector for your organization, insider risk management automatically supports event and activities signals from all Healthcare and Epic connectors. The Microsoft 365 Healthcare or Epic connector is required when using the following policy templates:
- General patient data misuse
See the [Set up a connector to import healthcare data](import-healthcare-data.md
Insider risk management supports using DLP policies to help identify the intentional or accidental exposure of sensitive information to unwanted parties for High severity level DLP alerts. When configuring an insider risk management policy with any of the **Data leaks** templates, you have the option to assign a specific DLP policy to the policy for these types of alerts.
-DLP policies help identify users to activate risk scoring in insider risk management for high severity DLP alerts for sensitive information and are an important part of configuring full risk management coverage in your organization. For more information about insider risk management and DLP policy integration and planning considerations, see [Insider risk management policies](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-data-leaks).
+Data loss policies help identify users to activate risk scoring in insider risk management for high severity DLP alerts for sensitive information and are an important part of configuring full risk management coverage in your organization. For more information about insider risk management and DLP policy integration and planning considerations, see [Insider risk management policies](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-data-leaks).
->Make sure you've completed the following:
+> Make sure you've completed the following:
> > - You understand and properly configure the in-scope users in both the DLP and insider risk management policies to produce the policy coverage you expect.
-> - Make sure the **Incident reports** setting in the DLP policy for insider risk management used with these templates are configured for *High* severity level alerts. Insider risk management alerts won't be generated from DLP policies with the **Incident reports** field set at *Low* or *Medium*.
+> - The **Incident reports** setting in the DLP policy for insider risk management used with these templates are configured for *High* severity level alerts. Insider risk management alerts won't be generated from DLP policies with the **Incident reports** field set at *Low* or *Medium*.
A DLP policy is optional when using the following policy templates:
See the [Get started with insider risk management forensic evidence](/microsoft-
[Insider risk settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md) apply to all insider risk management policies, regardless of the template you chose when creating a policy. Settings are configured using the **Insider risk settings** control located at the top of all insider risk management tabs. These settings control privacy, indicators, intelligent detections, and more. Before configuring a policy, define the following insider risk settings:- 1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Insider risk management** and select **Insider risk settings** from the top-right corner of any page. 2. On the **Privacy** page, select a privacy setting for displaying usernames for policy alerts. 3. On the **Indicators** page, select the alert indicators you want to apply to all insider risk policies. > [!IMPORTANT]
- > In order to receive alerts for risky activity defined in your policies, you must select one or more indicators. If indicators aren't configured in Settings, the indicators won't be selectable in insider risk policies.
+ > In order to receive alerts for potentially risky activities as defined in your policies, you must select one or more indicators. If indicators aren't configured in Settings, the indicators won't be selectable in insider risk policies.
4. On the **Policy timeframes** page, select the [policy timeframes](insider-risk-management-settings.md#policy-timeframes) to go into effect for a user when they trigger a match for an insider risk policy. 5. On the **Intelligent detections** page, configure the following settings for insider risk policies:
Before configuring a policy, define the following insider risk settings:
- [File path exclusions](insider-risk-management-settings.md#file-path-exclusions) - [Site exclusions](insider-risk-management-settings.md#site-exclusions) - [Keyword exclusion](insider-risk-management-settings.md#keyword-exclusion)
6. On the **Export alerts** page, enable export of insider risk alert information using the Office 365 Management APIs if needed. 7. On the **Priority user groups** page, create a priority user group and add users if not created in **Step 3**. 8. On the **Power Automate flows** page, configure a flow from insider risk flow templates or create a new flow. See the [Getting started with insider risk management settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md#power-automate-flows-preview) article for step-by-step guidance. 9. On the **Priority assets page**, configure priority assets to use data from your physical control and access platform imported by the Physical badging connector. See the [Getting started with insider risk management settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md#priority-physical-assets-preview) article for step-by-step guidance. 10. On the **Microsoft Teams** page, enable Microsoft Teams integration with insider risk management to automatically create a team for case or user collaboration. See the [Getting started with insider risk management settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md#microsoft-teams-preview) article for step-by-step guidance.
-12. Select **Save** to enable these settings for your insider risk policies.
+11. Select **Save** to enable these settings for your insider risk policies.
## Step 6 (required): Create an insider risk management policy
-Insider risk management policies include assigned users and define which types of risk indicators are configured for alerts. Before activities can trigger alerts, a policy must be configured. Use the policy wizard to create new insider risk management policies.
+Insider risk management policies include assigned users and define which types of risk indicators are configured for alerts. Before potentially risky activities can trigger alerts, a policy must be configured. Use the policy wizard to create new insider risk management policies.
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Insider risk management** and select the **Policies** tab. 2. Select **Create policy** to open the policy wizard.
Insider risk management policies include assigned users and define which types o
11. If you've selected **I want to prioritize content** in the previous step, you'll see the detail pages for *SharePoint sites*, *sensitive info types*, *sensitivity labels*, *file extensions*, and *Scoring*. Use these detail pages to define the SharePoint, sensitive info types, sensitivity labels, and file extensions to prioritize in the policy. The *Scoring* detail page allows you to scope the policy to only assign risk scores and generate alerts for specified activities that include priority content.
- - **SharePoint sites**: Select **Add SharePoint site** and select the SharePoint sites you have access to and want to prioritize. For example, *"group1@contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/group1"*.
+ - **SharePoint sites**: Select **Add SharePoint site** and select the SharePoint sites you have access to and want to prioritize. For example, *"group1@contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/group1"*.
- **Sensitive info type**: Select **Add sensitive info type** and select the sensitivity types you want to prioritize. For example, *"U.S. Bank Account Number"* and *"Credit Card Number"*. - **Sensitivity labels**: Select **Add sensitivity label** and select the labels you want to prioritize. For example, *"Confidential"* and *"Secret"*. - **File extensions**: Add up to 50 file extensions. You can include or omit the '.' with the file extension. For example, *.py* or *py* would prioritize Python files.
- - **Scoring**: Decide whether to assign risk scores to all activities detected by this policy or only for activities that include priority content. Choose **Get alerts for all activity** or **Get alerts only for activity that includes priority content**.
+ - **Scoring**: Decide whether to assign risk scores to all risk management activities detected by this policy or only for activities that include priority content. Choose **Get alerts for all activity** or **Get alerts only for activity that includes priority content**.
> [!NOTE] > Users configuring the policy and selecting priority SharePoint sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
compliance Insider Risk Management Content Explorer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-content-explorer.md
# Insider risk management Content explorer
->Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-The insider risk management **Content explorer** allows users assigned the *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role to examine the context and details of content associated with activity in alerts. The case data in Content explorer is refreshed daily to include new activity. For all alerts that are confirmed to a case, copies of data and message files are archived as a snapshot in time of the items, while maintaining the original files and messages in the storage sources. If needed, case data files may be exported as a portable document file (PDF) or in the original file format.
+The insider risk management **Content explorer** allows users assigned the *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role to examine the context and details of content associated with activity in alerts. The case data in Content explorer is refreshed daily to include new risk activity. For all alerts that are confirmed to a case, copies of data and message files are archived as a snapshot in time of the items, while maintaining the original files and messages in the storage sources. If needed, case data files may be exported as a portable document file (PDF) or in the original file format.
For new cases, it usually takes about an hour for content to populate in Content explorer. For cases with large amounts of content, it may take longer to create a snapshot. If content is still loading in Content explorer, you will see a progress indicator that displays the completion percentage.
You can use one or more filters to narrow the scope of a search and return a mor
| **Filters** | **Description** | |:|:-|
-| **Compliance labels** | Compliance labels applied in Office 365. |
+| **Compliance labels** | Compliance labels applied in Microsoft 365. |
| **Created time (UTC)** | The date and time the file or email message was created. The date and time are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). | | **Last modified date (UTC)** | The date that a document was last changed. The date and time are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). | | **File extension** | The extension type of the file. |
compliance Insider Risk Management Notices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-notices.md
# Insider risk management notice templates
->Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Insider risk management notice templates allow you to automatically send email messages to users when a case is created for activities that have generated a policy match and confirmed alert. For most alerts that generate cases, user actions are the result of mistakes or inadvertent activities without ill intent. Notices serve as simple reminders to users to be more careful, to provide links to information for refresher training, or to corporate policy resources. Notices can be an important part of your internal compliance training program and can help create a documented audit trail for users with recurring risk activities.
+Insider risk management notice templates allow you to automatically send email messages to users when a case is created for risk activities that have generated a policy match and confirmed alert. For most alerts that generate cases, user actions are the result of mistakes or inadvertent actions without ill intent. Notices serve as simple reminders to users to be more careful, to provide links to information for refresher training, or to corporate policy resources. Notices can be an important part of your internal compliance training program and can help create a documented audit trail for users with recurring risk activities.
-Create notice templates if you want to send users an email reminder notice for policy matches as part of the case resolution process. Notices can only be sent to the user email address associated with the specific case being reviewed. When selecting a notice template to apply to a policy match, you can choose to accept the field values defined in the template or overwrite the fields as needed
+Create notice templates if you want to send users an email reminder notice for policy matches as part of the case resolution process. Notices can only be sent to the user email address associated with the specific case being reviewed. When selecting a notice template to apply to a policy match, you can choose to accept the field values defined in the template or overwrite the fields as needed.
[!INCLUDE [purview-preview](../includes/purview-preview.md)]
To update an existing insider risk management notice template, complete the foll
1. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Insider risk management** and select the **Notice templates** tab. 2. On the notice dashboard, select the notice template you want to manage.
-3. On the notice details page, select **Edit**
+3. On the notice details page, select **Edit**.
4. On the **Edit** page, you can edit the following fields: - **Template name**: Enter a new friendly name for the notice. This name appears on the list of notices on the notice dashboard and in the notice selection list when sending notices from a case. - **Send from**: Update the sender email address for the notice. This address will appear in the **From:** field in all notices sent to users unless changed when sending a notice from a case.
compliance Insider Risk Management Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-plan.md
# Plan for insider risk management
->Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Before getting started with [insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md) in your organization, there are important planning activities and considerations that should be reviewed by your information technology and compliance management teams. Thoroughly understanding and planning for deployment in the following areas will help ensure that your implementation and use of insider risk management features goes smoothly and is aligned with the best practices for the solution.
+Before getting started with [insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md) in your organization, there are important planning activities and considerations that should be reviewed by your information technology and compliance management teams. Thoroughly understanding and planning for deployment in the following areas will help ensure that your implementation and use of insider risk management features goes smoothly and is aligned with best practices.
For more information and an overview of the planning process to address risky activities in your organization, see [Starting an insider risk management program](https://download.microsoft.com/download/b/2/0/b208282a-2482-4986-ba07-15a9b9286df0/pwc-starting-an-insider-risk-management-program-with-pwc-and-microsoft.pdf). Watch the video below to learn how the insider risk management workflow can help your organization prevent, detect, and contain risks while prioritizing your organization values, culture, and user experience:
+ >[!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4OUXB]
Identify the appropriate stakeholders in your organization to collaborate for ta
Different geographic and organizational areas may have compliance and privacy requirements that are different from other areas of your organization. Work with the stakeholders in these areas to ensure they understand the compliance and privacy controls in insider risk management and how they should be used across different areas of your organization. In some scenarios, compliance and privacy requirements might require policies that designate or restrict some stakeholders from investigations and cases based on the case for a user or regulatory or policy requirements for the area.
-If you have requirements for specific stakeholders to be involved in case investigations that involve users in certain regions, roles, or divisions, you may want to implement separate (even if identical) [insider risk management policies](insider-risk-management-policies.md) targeting the different regions and populations. This configuration will make it easier for the right stakeholders to triage and manage cases that are relevant to their roles and regions. Additionally, you may want to consider creating processes and policies for regions where investigators and reviewers speak the same language as the users to help streamline the escalation process for insider risk management alerts and cases.
+If you have requirements for specific stakeholders to be involved in case investigations that involve users in certain regions, roles, or divisions, you may want to implement separate (even if identical) [insider risk management policies](insider-risk-management-policies.md) targeting the different regions and populations. This configuration makes it easier for the right stakeholders to triage and manage cases that are relevant to their roles and regions. You may want to consider creating processes and policies for regions where investigators and reviewers speak the same language as the users, which can help streamline the escalation process for insider risk management alerts and cases.
## Plan for the review and investigation workflow
-Depending on how you wish to manage insider risk management policies and alerts, you'll need to assign users to specific role groups to manage different sets of insider risk management features. You have the option to assign users with different compliance responsibilities to specific role groups to manage different areas of insider risk management features. Or you may decide to assign all user accounts for designated administrators, analysts, investigators, and viewers to the Insider Risk Management role group. Use a single role group or multiple role groups to best fit your compliance management requirements.
+Depending on how you want to manage insider risk management policies and alerts, you'll need to assign users to specific role groups to manage different sets of insider risk management features. You have the option to assign users with different compliance responsibilities to specific role groups to manage different areas of insider risk management features. Or you may decide to assign all user accounts for designated administrators, analysts, investigators, and viewers to the Insider Risk Management role group. Use a single role group or multiple role groups to best fit your compliance management requirements.
-You'll choose from these role group options and solution actions when working with insider risk management:
+Choose from the following role group options and solution actions when working with insider risk management:
|**Actions**|**Insider Risk Management**|**Insider Risk Management Admin**|**Insider Risk Management Analysts**|**Insider Risk Management Investigators**|**Insider Risk Management Auditors**|**Insider Risk Management Approvers**| |||||||| |Configure policies and settings|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No| |Access analytics insights|Yes|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|
-|Access & investigate alerts|Yes|No|Yes|Yes|No|No|
-|Access & investigate cases|Yes|No|Yes|Yes|No|No|
-|Access & view the Content Explorer|Yes|No|No|Yes|No|No|
+|Access and investigate alerts|Yes|No|Yes|Yes|No|No|
+|Access and investigate cases|Yes|No|Yes|Yes|No|No|
+|Access and view the Content Explorer|Yes|No|No|Yes|No|No|
|Configure notice templates|Yes|No|Yes|Yes|No|No|
-|View & export audit logs|Yes|No|No|No|Yes|No|
-|Access & view forensic evidence captures|Yes|No|No|Yes|No|No|
+|View and export audit logs|Yes|No|No|No|Yes|No|
+|Access and view forensic evidence captures|Yes|No|No|Yes|No|No|
|Create forensic evidence capturing request|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No| |Approve forensic evidence capturing requests|Yes|No|No|No|No|Yes| |View device health report|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|No|
->Make sure you always have at least one user in the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admin* role groups (depending on the option you choose) so that your insider risk management configuration doesn't get in to a 'zero administrator' scenario if specific users leave your organization.
+> Make sure you always have at least one user in the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admin* role groups (depending on the option you choose) so that your insider risk management configuration doesn't get in to a 'zero administrator' scenario if specific users leave your organization.
Members of the following roles can assign users to insider risk management role groups and have the same solution permissions included with the *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group:
Depending on how you plan to implement insider risk management policies, you nee
If you don't have an existing Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try insider risk management, you can [add Microsoft 365](/office365/admin/try-or-buy-microsoft-365) to your existing subscription or [sign up for a trial](https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/enterprise) of Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5.
-**Policy template requirements:** Depending on the policy template you choose, there are requirements that you need to understand and plan for prior to configuring insider risk management in your organization:
+**Policy template requirements:** Depending on the policy template you choose, you need to be sure you understand the following requirements and plan accordingly prior to configuring insider risk management in your organization:
-- When using the **Data theft by departing users** template, you must configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import resignation and termination date information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector for your organization.-- When using **Data leaks** templates, you must configure at least one Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy to define sensitive information in your organization and to receive insider risk alerts for High Severity DLP policy alerts. See the [Create, test, and tune a DLP policy](create-test-tune-dlp-policy.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure DLP policies for your organization.-- When using **Security policy violation** templates, you must enable Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defender Security Center to import security violation alerts. For step-by-step guidance to enable Defender for Endpoint integration with insider risk management, see [Configure advanced features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features).-- When using **Disgruntled user** templates, you must configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import performance or demotion status information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector for your organization.
+- When using the **Data theft by departing users** template, you must configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import resignation and termination date information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector.
+- When using the **Data leaks** template, you must configure at least one Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policy to define sensitive information in your organization and to receive insider risk alerts for High Severity DLP policy alerts. See the [Create, test, and tune a DLP policy](create-test-tune-dlp-policy.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure DLP policies.
+- When using the **Security policy violation** template, you must enable Microsoft Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defender Security Center to import security violation alerts. For step-by-step guidance to enable Defender for Endpoint integration with insider risk management, see [Configure advanced features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features).
+- When using the **Disgruntled user** template, you must configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import performance or demotion status information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector.
## Test with a small group of users in a production environment
-Before enabling the solution broadly in your production environment, you may consider testing the policies with a small set of production users while conducting for the necessary compliance, privacy, and legal reviews in your organization. Evaluating insider risk management in a test environment would require that you generate simulated user actions and other signals to create alerts for triage and cases for processing. This approach isn't practical for most organizations, so testing insider risk management with a small group of users in a production environment is preferred.
+Before enabling this solution broadly in your production environment, you should consider testing the policies with a small set of production users while conducting for the necessary compliance, privacy, and legal reviews in your organization. Evaluating insider risk management in a test environment requires that you generate simulated user actions and other signals to create alerts for triage and cases for processing. This approach may not be practical for many organizations, so we recommended that you test insider risk management with a small group of users in a production environment.
Keep the anonymization feature in policy settings enabled to anonymize user display names in the insider risk management console during this testing to maintain privacy within the tool. This setting helps protect the privacy of users that have policy matches and can help promote objectivity in data investigation and analysis reviews for insider risk alerts.
-If you don't see any alerts immediately after configuring an insider risk management policy, it may mean the minimum risk threshold hasn't been met yet. A good way to check if the policy is triggered and working as expected is to see if the user is in-scope for the policy on the **Users** page.
+If you don't see any alerts immediately after configuring an insider risk management policy, it may mean the minimum risk threshold hasn't been met yet. Check the **Users** page to verify that the policy is triggered and working as expected and to see if users are in-scope for the policy.
## Resources for stakeholders
Share insider risk management documentation with the stakeholders in your organi
## Ready to get started?
-Ready to configure insider risk management for your organization? Review the following articles:
+Ready to configure insider risk management for your organization? We recommend that you review the following articles:
- [Get started with insider risk management settings](insider-risk-management-settings.md) to configure global policy settings. - [Get started with insider risk management](insider-risk-management-configure.md) to configure prerequisites, create policies, and start receiving alerts.
compliance Insider Risk Management Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies.md
# Insider risk management policies
->Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potentially malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider Risk Management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potentially malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider Risk Management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+Insider risk management policies determine which users are in-scope and which types of risk indicators are configured for alerts. You can quickly create a security policy that applies to all users in your organization or define individual users or groups for management in a policy. Policies support content priorities to focus policy conditions on multiple or specific Microsoft Teams, SharePoint sites, data sensitivity types, and data labels. Using templates, you can select specific risk indicators and customize event thresholds for policy indicators, effectively customizing risk scores, and level and frequency of alerts.
-Insider risk management policies determine which users are in-scope and which types of risk indicators are configured for alerts. You can quickly create a security policy that applies to all users in your organization or define individual users or groups for management in a policy. Policies support content priorities to focus policy conditions on multiple or specific Microsoft Teams, SharePoint sites, data sensitivity types, and data labels. Using templates, you can select specific risk indicators and customize event thresholds for policy indicators, effectively customizing risk scores, and level and frequency of alerts. Using quick policies, you can even create data leaks or data theft by departing user policies that automatically define policy conditions based on results from the latest analytics scans. Additionally, risk score boosters and anomaly detections help identify risky user activity that is of higher importance or more unusual. Policy windows allow you to define the time frame to apply the policy to alert activities and are used to determine the duration of the policy once activated.
+You can also configure quick data leak and data theft policies by departing user policies that automatically define policy conditions based on results from the latest analytics. Also, risk score boosters and anomaly detections help identify potentially risky user activity that is of higher importance or unusual. Policy windows allow you to define the time frame to apply the policy to alert activities and are used to determine the duration of the policy once activated.
Check out the [Insider Risk Management Policies Configuration video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kudK5ajZTUo) for an overview of how policies created with built-in policy templates can help you to quickly act on potential risks.
Check out the [Insider Risk Management Policies Configuration video](https://www
The **Policy dashboard** allows you to quickly see the policies in your organization, the health of the policy, manually add users to security policies, and to view the status of alerts associated with each policy. -- **Policy name**: The name assigned to the policy in the policy wizard.-- **Status**: The health status for each policy. Displays number of policy warnings and recommendations, or a status of *Healthy* for policies without issues. You can select the policy to see the health status details for any warnings or recommendations.-- **Active alerts**: The number of active alerts for each policy.-- **Confirmed alerts**: The total number of alerts that resulted in cases from the policy in the last 365 days.-- **Actions taken on alerts**: The total number of alerts that were confirmed or dismissed for the last 365 days.-- **Policy alert effectiveness**: The percentage determined by total confirmed alerts divided by total actions taken on alerts (which is the sum of alerts that were confirmed or dismissed over the past year).
+- **Policy name**: Name assigned to the policy in the policy wizard.
+- **Status**: Health status for each policy. Displays number of policy warnings and recommendations, or a status of *Healthy* for policies without issues. You can select the policy to see the health status details for any warnings or recommendations.
+- **Active alerts**: Number of active alerts for each policy.
+- **Confirmed alerts**: Total number of alerts that resulted in cases from the policy in the last 365 days.
+- **Actions taken on alerts**: Total number of alerts that were confirmed or dismissed for the last 365 days.
+- **Policy alert effectiveness**: Percentage determined by total confirmed alerts divided by total actions taken on alerts (which is the sum of alerts that were confirmed or dismissed over the past year).
-![Insider risk management policy dashboard.](../media/insider-risk-policy-dashboard.png)
+![Insider risk management policy dashboard](../media/insider-risk-policy-dashboard.png)
## Policy recommendations from analytics
-Insider risk analytics gives you an aggregate view of anonymized user activities related to security and compliance, enabling you to evaluate potential insider risks in your organization without configuring any insider risk policies. This evaluation can help your organization identify potential areas of higher risk and help determine the type and scope of insider risk management policies you may consider configuring. If you decide to act on analytics scan results for general data leaks or data theft by departing users policies, you even have the option to configure a quick policy based on these results.
+Insider risk analytics gives you an aggregate view of anonymized user activities related to security and compliance, enabling you to evaluate potential insider risks in your organization without configuring any insider risk policies. This evaluation can help your organization identify potential areas of higher risk and help determine the type and scope of insider risk management policies you may consider configuring. If you decide to act on analytics results for general data leaks or data theft by departing users policies, you even have the option to configure a quick policy based on these results.
To learn more about insider risk analytics and policy recommendations, see [Insider risk management settings: Analytics](insider-risk-management-settings.md#analytics). ## Quick policies from recommended actions (preview)
-For some organizations, getting started with an initial policy can be a challenge. If you're new to insider risk management and using the Recommended actions to get started, you can use a quick policy to expedite the configuration of a *General data leaks* or *Data theft by departing users* policy. Quick policy settings are automatically populated based on results from the latest analytics scan in your organization. For example, if the scan detected potential data leak activities, the quick policy would include the indicators used to detect those activities. You'll just need to review the quick policy settings and configure the policy with a single selection. If you need to customize a quick policy, you can change the conditions during the initial configuration or after the policy has been created. Additionally, you can stay up to date with the detection results for a quick policy by configuring email notifications each time you have a policy warning or each time the policy generates a high severity alert.
+For many organizations, getting started with an initial policy can be a challenge. If you're new to insider risk management and are using the recommended actions to get started, you can configure a quick policy to expedite a *General data leaks* or *Data theft by departing users* policy. Quick policy settings are automatically populated based on results from the latest analytics scan in your organization. For example, if the scan detected potential data leak activities, the quick policy would include the indicators used to detect those activities.
+To get started, review the quick policy settings and configure the policy with a single selection. If you need to customize a quick policy, you can change the conditions during the initial configuration or after the policy has been created. Also, you can stay up to date with the detection results for a quick policy by configuring email notifications each time you have a policy warning or each time the policy generates a high severity alert.
## Policy templates
-Insider risk management templates are pre-defined policy conditions that define the types of risk indicators and risk scoring model used by the policy. Each policy must have a template assigned in the policy creation wizard before the policy is created. Insider risk management supports up to five policies for each policy template. When you create a new insider risk policy with the policy wizard, you'll choose from one of the following policy templates:
+Insider risk management templates are pre-defined policy conditions that define the types of risk indicators and risk scoring model used by the policy. Each policy must have a template assigned in the policy creation wizard before the policy is created. Insider risk management supports up to five policies for each policy template. When you create a new insider risk policy with the policy wizard, choose from one of the following policy templates:
### Data theft by departing users
-When users leave your organization, there are specific risk indicators typically associated with data theft by departing users. This policy template uses exfiltration indicators for risk scoring and focuses on detection and alerts in this risk area. Data theft for departing users may include downloading files from SharePoint Online, printing files, and copying data to personal cloud messaging and storage services near their employment resignation and end dates. By using either the Microsoft HR connector or the option to automatically check for user account deletion in Azure Active Directory for your organization, this template starts scoring for risk indicators relating to these activities and how they correlate with user employment status.
+When users leave your organization, there are specific risk indicators typically associated with potential data theft by departing users. This policy template uses exfiltration indicators for risk scoring and focuses on detection and alerts in this risk area. Data theft for departing users may include downloading files from SharePoint Online, printing files, and copying data to personal cloud messaging and storage services near their employment resignation and end dates. By using either the Microsoft HR connector or the option to automatically check for user account deletion in Azure Active Directory for your organization, this template starts scoring for risk indicators relating to these activities and how they correlate with user employment status.
-> When using this template, you can configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import resignation and termination date information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector for your organization. If you choose not to use the HR connector, you must select the User account deleted from Azure AD option when configuring trigger events in the policy wizard.
+> When using this template, you can configure a Microsoft 365 HR connector to periodically import resignation and termination date information for users in your organization. See the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector. If you choose not to use the HR connector, you must select the User account deleted from Azure Active Directory option when configuring trigger events in the policy wizard.
### General data leaks
When using a *Data leaks* template, you can assign a DLP policy to trigger indic
#### Data leaks policy guidelines
-When creating or modifying DLP policies for use with insider risk management policies, consider the following guidelines:
+When creating or modifying data loss prevention policies for use with insider risk management policies, consider the following guidelines:
- Prioritize data exfiltration events and be selective when assigning **Incident reports** settings to *High* when configuring rules in your DLP policies. For example, emailing sensitive documents to a known competitor should be a *High* alert level exfiltration event. Over-assigning the *High* level in the **Incident reports** settings in other DLP policy rules can increase the noise in the insider risk management alert workflow and make it more difficult for your data investigators and analysts to properly evaluate these alerts. For example, assigning *High* alert levels to access denial activities in DLP policies makes it more challenging to evaluate truly risky user behavior and activities. - When using a DLP policy as the triggering event, make sure you understand and properly configure the in-scope users in both the DLP and insider risk management policies. Only users defined as in-scope for insider risk management policies using the **Data leaks** template will have high severity DLP policy alerts processed. Additionally, only users defined as in-scope in a rule for a high severity DLP alert will be analyzed by the insider risk management policy for consideration. It's important that you don't unknowingly configure in-scope users in both your DLP and insider risk policies in a conflicting manner.
- For example, if your DLP policy rules are scoped to only users on the Sales Team and the insider risk policy created from the **Data leaks** template has defined all users as in-scope, the insider risk policy will only actually process high severity DLP alerts for the users on the Sales Team. The insider risk policy won't receive any high priority DLP alerts for users to process that aren't defined in the DLP rules in this example. Conversely, if your insider risk management policy created from **Data leaks** templates is scoped to only users on the Sales Team and the assigned DLP policy is scoped to all users, the insider risk policy will only process high severity DLP alerts for members of the Sales Team. The insider risk management policy will ignore high severity DLP alerts for all users not on the Sales Team.
+ For example, if your DLP policy rules are scoped to only users on the Sales Team and the insider risk policy created from the **Data leaks** template has defined all users as in-scope, the insider risk policy will only process high severity DLP alerts for the users on the Sales Team. The insider risk policy won't receive any high priority DLP alerts for users to process that aren't defined in the DLP rules in this example. Conversely, if your insider risk management policy created from **Data leaks** templates is scoped to only users on the Sales Team and the assigned DLP policy is scoped to all users, the insider risk policy will only process high severity DLP alerts for members of the Sales Team. The insider risk management policy will ignore high severity DLP alerts for all users not on the Sales Team.
- Make sure the **Incident reports** rule setting in the DLP policy used for this insider risk management template is configured for *High* severity level alerts. The *High* severity level is the triggering events and insider risk management alerts won't be generated from rules in DLP policies with the **Incident reports** field set at *Low* or *Medium*.
As with the **General data leaks template**, you can choose a DLP policy to trig
### Data leaks by disgruntled users (preview)
-When users experience employment stressors, they may become disgruntled, which may increase the chances of insider risk activity. This template starts scoring user activity when an indicator associated with disgruntlement is identified. Examples may include performance improvement notifications, poor performance reviews, changes to job level status, or email and other messages that may signal disgruntlement. Data leaks for disgruntled users may include downloading files from SharePoint Online and copying data to personal cloud messaging and storage services near employment stressor events.
+When users experience employment stressors, they may become disgruntled, which may increase the chances of insider risk activity. This template starts scoring user activity when an indicator associated with disgruntlement is identified. Examples may include performance improvement notifications, poor performance reviews, changes to job level status, or email and other messages that may signal disgruntlement. Data leaks for disgruntled users may include downloading files from SharePoint Online and copying data to personal cloud messaging and storage services.
When using this template, you must either configure a HR connector, select the option to [integrate communication compliance disgruntlement signals](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) from user messages, or choose both. The HR connector enables the periodic import of performance improvement notifications, poor performance review statuses, or job level change information for users in your organization. Communication compliance disgruntlement integration imports signals for user messages that may contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory text content. Associated alerts generated in Communication Compliance do not need to be triaged, remediated, or changed in status to be integrated with the insider risk management policy.
Protecting healthcare record data and preventing the misuse of patient personal
This policy template enables risk scoring for internal users that detects suspicious activities associated with records hosted on existing electronic medical record (EMR) systems. Detection focuses on unauthorized access, viewing, modification, and export of patient data. You'll need to configure a connector the [Microsoft Healthcare connector](import-healthcare-data.md) or [Epic connector](import-epic-data.md) to support detection of access, exfiltration, or obfuscation activities in your EMR system.
-When using this template, you must also configure a Microsoft HR connector to periodically import organization profile data for users in your organization. See the [Set up a connector to import HR data](/microsoft-365/compliance/import-hr-data) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector for your organization.
+When using this template, you must also configure a Microsoft HR connector to periodically import organization profile data for users in your organization. See the [Set up a connector to import HR data](/microsoft-365/compliance/import-hr-data) article for step-by-step guidance to configure the Microsoft 365 HR connector.
### General risky browser usage (preview)
-Identifying user visitation to inappropriate or unacceptable web sites on organization devices and networks is an important part of minimizing security, legal, and regulatory risks. Users that inadvertently or purposefully visit these types of websites may expose the organization to legal actions from other users, violate regulatory requirements, elevate network security risks, or jeopardize current and future business operations and opportunities. This misuse is often defined in an organization's acceptable use policy for user devices and organization network resources but is often difficult to quickly identify and act upon.
+Identifying user visitation to potentially inappropriate or unacceptable web sites on organization devices and networks is an important part of minimizing security, legal, and regulatory risks. Users that inadvertently or purposefully visit these types of websites may expose the organization to legal actions from other users, violate regulatory requirements, elevate network security risks, or jeopardize current and future business operations and opportunities. This misuse is often defined in an organization's acceptable use policy for user devices and organization network resources but is often difficult to quickly identify and act upon.
To help protect against these risks, this policy can help detect and enable risk scoring for web browsing that might be in violation of your organization's acceptable use policy, such as visiting sites that pose a threat (for example phishing sites) or contain adult content. Several types of categories are available for automatic categorization of web browsing activities by in-scope users.
You'll need to have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configured in your organizat
Users that experience employment stressors may be at a higher risk for inadvertent or malicious security policy violations. These stressors may result in behaviors that result in the user being placed on a performance improvement plan, a poor performance review status, being demoted from their current position, or the user sending email and other messages that may signal disgruntlement. This policy template starts risk scoring based on these indicators and activities associated with these events for these users.
-When using this template, you must configure a HR connector, or select the option to [integrate communication compliance disgruntlement signals](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) from user messages, or both. The HR connector enables the periodic import of performance improvement notifications, poor performance review statuses, or job level change information for users in your organization. Communication compliance disgruntlement integration imports signals for user messages that may contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory text content. Associated alerts generated in Communication Compliance do not need to be triaged, remediated, or changed in status to be integrated with the insider risk management policy. To configure a HR connector, see the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article. To configure integration with communication compliance, you'll select this option in wizard when you configure the policy.
+When using this template, you must configure a HR connector, or select the option to [integrate communication compliance disgruntlement signals](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#policy-for-insider-risk-management-integration-preview) from user messages, or both. The HR connector enables the periodic import of performance improvement notifications, poor performance review statuses, or job level change information for users in your organization. Communication compliance disgruntlement integration imports signals for user messages that may contain potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory text content. Associated alerts generated in communication compliance do not need to be triaged, remediated, or changed in status to be integrated with the insider risk management policy. To configure a HR connector, see the [Import data with the HR connector](import-hr-data.md) article. To configure integration with communication compliance, you'll select this option in wizard when you configure the policy.
You'll also need to have Microsoft Defender for Endpoint configured in your organization and enable Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration in the Defender Security Center to import security violation alerts. For more information on configuring Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration, see [Configure advanced features in Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features#share-endpoint-alerts-with-microsoft-compliance-center).
For example, your organization has a dedicated SharePoint site for a highly conf
Additionally, you can choose to focus this policy for SharePoint site activity that only includes priority content for this project. Risk scores will be assigned and alerts will be generated only when specified activities include priority content. Activities without priority content won't be scored, but you'll still be able to review them if an alert is generated.
->If you configure a policy to generate alerts only for activity that includes priority content, no changes are applied to risk score boosters.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you configure a policy to generate alerts only for activity that includes priority content, no changes are applied to risk score boosters.
When you create an insider risk management policy in the policy wizard, you can choose from the following priorities:
When you create an insider risk management policy in the policy wizard, you can
## Sequence detection (preview)
-Risky activities may not occur as isolated events. These risks are frequently part of a larger sequence of events. A sequence is a group of two or more user activities performed one after the other that might suggest an elevated risk. Identifying these related activities is an important part of evaluating overall risk. When sequence detection is selected for data theft or data leaks policies, insights from sequence information activities are displayed on the **User activity** tab within an insider risk management case. The following policy templates support sequence detection:
+Risk management activities may not occur as isolated events. These risks are frequently part of a larger sequence of events. A sequence is a group of two or more potentially risky activities performed one after the other that might suggest an elevated risk. Identifying these related user activities is an important part of evaluating overall risk. When sequence detection is selected for data theft or data leaks policies, insights from sequence information activities are displayed on the **User activity** tab within an insider risk management case. The following policy templates support sequence detection:
- Data theft by departing users - General data leaks - Data leaks by priority users - Data leaks by disgruntled users
-These insider risk management policies can use specific indicators and the order that they occur to detect each step in a sequence of risk. For policies created from the *General data leaks* and *Data leaks by priority user* templates, you can also select which sequences trigger the policy. File names are used when mapping activities across a sequence. These risks are organized into four main categories of activity:
+These insider risk management policies can use specific indicators and the order that they occur to detect each step in a sequence of risk. For policies created from the *General data leaks* and *Data leaks by priority user* templates, you can also select which sequences trigger the policy. File names are used when mapping activities across a sequence. These risks are organized into four main sequence detection types:
-- **Collection**: These category signals focus on download activities by in-scope policy users. Some example activities in this category would be downloading files from SharePoint sites or moving files into a compressed folder.-- **Exfiltration**: These category signals focus on sharing or extraction activities to internal and external sources by in-scope policy users. An example activity in this category would be sending emails with attachments from your organization to external recipients.-- **Obfuscation**: These category signals focus on the masking of risky activities by in-scope policy users. Some example activities in this category would be renaming files on a device or removing or downgrading sensitivity labels on SharePoint files.-- **Clean-up**: These category signals focus on deletion activities by in-scope policy users. An example activity in this category would be deleting files from a device.
+- **Collection**: Detects download activities by in-scope policy users. Example risk management activities include downloading files from SharePoint sites or moving files into a compressed folder.
+- **Exfiltration**: Detects sharing or extraction activities to internal and external sources by in-scope policy users. An example risk management activity includes sending emails with attachments from your organization to external recipients.
+- **Obfuscation**: Detects the masking of potentially risky activities by in-scope policy users. Example risk management activities include renaming files on a device or removing or downgrading sensitivity labels on SharePoint files.
+- **Clean-up**: Detects deletion activities by in-scope policy users. An example risk management activity includes deleting files from a device.
> [!NOTE] > Sequence detection uses indicators that are enabled in the global settings for insider risk management. If appropriate indicators are not selected, you'll be able to turn on these indicators in the sequence detection step in the policy wizard.
-You can customize individual threshold settings for each sequence detection type when configured in the policy. These threshold settings adjust alerts based on the volume of files associated with the sequence.
+You can customize individual threshold settings for each sequence detection type when configured in the policy. These threshold settings adjust alerts based on the volume of files associated with the sequence type.
To learn more about sequence detection management in the **User activity** view, see [Insider risk management cases: User activity](insider-risk-management-cases.md#user-activity).
If there are issues with a policy, the policy health status displays notificatio
To quickly view the health status for a policy, navigate the **Policy** tab and the **Status** column. Here you'll see the following policy health status options for each policy: - *Healthy*: No issues have been identified with the policy.-- *Recommendations*: There are some issues with the policy that may prevent the policy from operating as expected.-- *Warnings*: There are issues with the policy that will prevent it from identifying risky activities.
+- *Recommendations*: An issue with the policy that may prevent the policy from operating as expected.
+- *Warnings*: An issue with the policy that may prevent it from identifying potentially risky activities.
-For more details about any recommendations or warnings, select a policy on the **Policy** tab to open the policy details card. More information about the recommendations and warnings, including guidance on how to address these issues, will be displayed in the **Notifications** section of the details card.
+For more details about any recommendations or warnings, select a policy on the **Policy** tab to open the policy details card. More information about the recommendations and warnings, including guidance on how to address these issues, is displayed in the **Notifications** section of the details card.
![Insider risk management policy health.](../media/insider-risk-policy-health.png)
Use the following table to learn more about recommendations and warning notifica
## Policy template limits
-Insider risk management policy templates use limits to manage the volume and rate of processing for in-scope user risk activities and how this process is integrated with supporting Microsoft 365 services. Each policy template has a maximum number of users that can be actively assigned risk scores for the policy that it can support and effectively process and report risk activities. In-scope users are users with triggering events for the policy.
+Insider risk management policy templates use limits to manage the volume and rate of processing for in-scope user risk activities and how this process is integrated with supporting Microsoft 365 services. Each policy template has a maximum number of users that can be actively assigned risk scores for the policy that it can support and effectively process and report potentially risky activities. In-scope users are users with triggering events for the policy.
The limit for each policy is calculated based on the total number of unique users receiving risk scores per policy template type. If the number of users for a policy template type is near or exceeds the user limit, the policy performance will be reduced. To view the current number of users for a policy, navigate to the Policy tab and the Users in scope column. You may have up to five policies for any policy template. These maximum limits apply to users across all policies using a given policy template.
Use the following table to determine the maximum number of in-scope users suppor
## Create a new policy
-To create a new insider risk management policy, you'll generally use the policy wizard in **Insider risk management** solution in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. You can also create quick policies for general data leaks and data theft by departing users from Analytics scans if applicable.
+To create a new insider risk management policy, you'll generally use the policy wizard in the **Insider risk management** solution in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. You can also create quick policies for general data leaks and data theft by departing users from Analytics scans if applicable.
Complete the following steps to create a new policy using the policy wizard:
Complete the following steps to create a new policy using the policy wizard:
- **File extensions**: Add up to 50 file extensions. You can include or omit the '.' with the file extension. For example, *.py* or *py* would prioritize Python files. - **Scoring**: Decide whether to assign risk scores to all activities detected by this policy or only for activities that include priority content. Choose **Get alerts for all activity** or **Get alerts only for activity that includes priority content**.
- >[!NOTE]
- >Users configuring the policy and selecting priority SharePoint sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Users configuring the policy and determining priority SharePoint sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
12. Select **Next** to continue. 13. If you've selected the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for custom triggering events and policy indicators. You have the choice to select a DLP policy or indicators for triggering events that bring users assigned to the policy in-scope for activity scoring. If you select the **User matches a data loss prevention (DLP) policy triggering event** option, you must select a DLP policy from the DLP policy dropdown list to enable triggering indicators for the DLP Policy for this insider risk management policy. If you select the **User performs an exfiltration activity triggering event** option, you must select one or more of the listed indicators for the policy triggering event.
Complete the following steps to manage an existing policy:
- **File extensions**: Add up to 50 file extensions. You can include or omit the '.' with the file extension. For example, *.py* or *py* would prioritize Python files. - **Scoring**: Decide whether to assign risk scores to all activities detected by this policy or only for activities that include priority content. Choose **Get alerts for all activity** or **Get alerts only for activity that includes priority content**.
- >[!NOTE]
- >Users configuring the policy and selecting priority SharePoint sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Users configuring the policy and selecting priority SharePoint sites can select SharePoint sites that they have permission to access. If SharePoint sites aren't available for selection in the policy by the current user, another user with the required permissions can select the sites for the policy later or the current user should be given access to the required sites.
12. Select **Next** to continue. 13. If you've selected the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates, you'll see options on the **Triggers for this policy** page for custom triggering events and policy indicators. You have the choice to select a DLP policy or indicators for triggering events that bring users assigned to the policy in-scope for activity scoring. If you select the **User matches a data loss prevention (DLP) policy triggering event** option, you must select a DLP policy from the DLP policy dropdown list to enable triggering indicators for the DLP Policy for this insider risk management policy. If you select the **User performs an exfiltration activity triggering event** option, you must select one or more of the listed indicators for the policy triggering event.
- >If you're unable to select a listed indicator, it's because they aren't enabled for your organization. To make them available to select and assign to the policy, enable the indicators in **Insider risk management** > **Settings** > **Policy indicators**.
+ > If you're unable to select a listed indicator, it's because they aren't enabled for your organization. To make them available to select and assign to the policy, enable the indicators in **Insider risk management** > **Settings** > **Policy indicators**.
If you've selected other policy templates, custom triggering events aren't supported. The built-in policy triggering events apply and you'll continue to Step 23 without defining policy attributes.
There may be scenarios where you need to immediately start assigning risk scores
Some scenarios where you may want to immediately start scoring user activities: -- When users are identified with risk concerns and you want to immediately start assigning risk scores to their activity for one or more of your policies-- When there's an incident that may require you to immediately start assigning risk scores to involved users' activity for one or more of your policies-- When you haven't configured your HR connector yet, but you want to start assigning risk scores to user activities for HR events by uploading a .csv file for the users
+- When users are identified with risk concerns and you want to immediately start assigning risk scores to their activity for one or more of your policies.
+- When there's an incident that may require you to immediately start assigning risk scores to involved users' activity for one or more of your policies.
+- When you haven't configured your HR connector yet, but you want to start assigning risk scores to user activities for HR events by uploading a .csv file for the users.
> [!NOTE] > It may take several hours for new manually-added users to appear in the **Users** dashboard. Activities for the previous 90 days for these users may take up to 24 hours to display. To view activities for manually added users, navigate to the **Users** tab and select the user on the **Users** dashboard and open the **User activity** tab on the details pane.
compliance Insider Risk Management Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-settings.md
# Get started with insider risk management settings
->Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
Insider risk management settings apply to all insider risk management policies, regardless of the template you choose when creating a policy. Settings are configured using the **Insider risk settings** control located at the top of all insider risk management pages. These settings control policy components for the following areas:
Protecting the privacy of users that have policy matches is important and can he
- **Show anonymized versions of usernames**: Names of users are anonymized to prevent admins, data investigators, and reviewers from seeing who is associated with policy alerts. For example, a user 'Grace Taylor' would appear with a randomized pseudonym such as 'AnonIS8-988' in all areas of the insider risk management experience. Choosing this setting anonymizes all users with current and past policy matches and applies to all policies. User profile information in the insider risk alert and case details won't be available when this option is chosen. However, usernames are displayed when adding new users to existing policies or when assigning users to new policies. If you choose to turn off this setting, usernames will be displayed for all users that have current or past policy matches.
- >To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts. Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert.
+ > To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts. Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert.
- **Do not show anonymized versions of usernames**: Usernames are displayed for all current and past policy matches for alerts and cases. User profile information (the name, title, alias, and organization or department) is displayed for the user for all insider risk management alerts and cases.
Insider risk policy templates define the type of risk activities that you want t
Signals are collected and alerts are triggered by policies when users perform activities related to indicators. Insider risk management uses different types of events and indicators to collect signals and create alerts: -- **Triggering events**: Events that determine if a user is active in an insider risk management policy. If a user is added to an insider risk management policy doesn't have a triggering event, the user activity isn't evaluated by the policy. For example, User A is added to a policy created from the *Data theft by departing users* policy template and the policy and Microsoft 365 HR connector are properly configured. Until User A has a termination date reported by the HR connector, User A activities aren't evaluated by this insider risk management policy for risk. Another example of a triggering event is if a user has a *High* severity DLP policy alert when using *Data leaks* policies.-- **Global settings indicators**: Indicators enabled in global settings for insider risk management define both the indicators available for configuration in policies and the types of user activity signals collected by insider risk management. For example, if a user copies data to personal cloud storage services or portable storage devices and these indicators are selected only in global settings, this activity will be available for review in the Activity explorer. However, since this activity wasn't defined in an insider risk management policy, the activity won't be assigned a risk score or generate an alert.
+- **Triggering events**: Events that determine if a user is active in an insider risk management policy. If a user is added to an insider risk management policy doesn't have a triggering event, the user isn't evaluated by the policy as a potential risk. For example, User A is added to a policy created from the *Data theft by departing users* policy template and the policy and Microsoft 365 HR connector are properly configured. Until User A has a termination date reported by the HR connector, User A isn't evaluated by this insider risk management policy for potential risk. Another example of a triggering event is if a user has a *High* severity DLP policy alert when using *Data leaks* policies.
+- **Global settings indicators**: Indicators enabled in global settings for insider risk management define both the indicators available for configuration in policies and the types of events signals collected by insider risk management. For example, if a user copies data to personal cloud storage services or portable storage devices and these indicators are selected only in global settings, the user's potentially risky activity will be available for review in the Activity explorer. However, if this user wasn't defined in an insider risk management policy, the user isn't evaluated by the policy as a potential risk and therefore won't be assigned a risk score or generate an alert.
- **Policy indicators**: Indicators included in insider risk management policies are used to determine a risk score for an in-scope user. Policy indicators are enabled from indicators defined in global settings and are only activated after a triggering event occurs for a user. Some examples of policy indicators are when a user copies data to personal cloud storage services or portable storage devices, if a user account is removed from Azure Active Directory, or if a user shares internal files and folders with unauthorized external parties.
-Certain policy indicators and sequences may also be used for customizing triggering events for specific policy templates. When configured in the policy wizard for the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates, these indicators or sequences allow you more flexibility and customization for your policies and when users are in-scope for a policy. Additionally, you can define individual activity thresholds for these triggering indicators for more fine-grained control in a policy.
+Certain policy indicators and sequences may also be used for customizing triggering events for specific policy templates. When configured in the policy wizard for the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates, these indicators or sequences allow you more flexibility and customization for your policies and when users are in-scope for a policy. Also, you can define risk management activity thresholds for these triggering indicators for more fine-grained control in a policy.
Policy indicators are segmented into the following areas. You can choose the indicators to activate and customize indicator event limits for each indicator level when creating an insider risk policy:
Policy indicators are segmented into the following areas. You can choose the ind
- **Security policy violation indicator (preview)**: These include indicators from Microsoft Defender for Endpoint related to unapproved or malicious software installation or bypassing security controls. To receive alerts in insider risk management, you must have an active Defender for Endpoint license and insider risk integration enabled. For more information on configuring Defender for Endpoint for insider risk management integration, see [Configure advanced features in Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/advanced-features\#share-endpoint-alerts-with-microsoft-compliance-center). - **Health record access indicators (preview)**: These include policy indicators for patient medical record access. For example, attempted access to patient medical records in your electronic medical records (EMR) system logs can be shared with insider risk management healthcare policies. To receive these types of alerts in insider risk management, you must have a healthcare-specific data connector and the HR data connector configured. - **Physical access indicators (preview)**: These include policy indicators for physical access to sensitive assets. For example, attempted access to a restricted area in your physical badging system logs can be shared with insider risk management policies. To receive these types of alerts in insider risk management, you must have priority physical assets enabled in insider risk management and the [Physical badging data connector](import-physical-badging-data.md) configured. To learn more about configuring physical access, see the [Priority physical access section](#priority-physical-assets-preview) in this article.-- **Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps indicators (preview)**: These include policy indicators from shared alerts from Defender for Cloud Apps. Automatically enabled anomaly detection in Defender for Cloud Apps immediately starts detecting and collating results, targeting numerous behavioral anomalies across your users and the machines and devices connected to your network. To include these activities in insider risk management policy alerts, select one or more indicators in this section. To learn more about Defender for Cloud Apps analytics and anomaly detection, see [Get behavioral analytics and anomaly detection](/cloud-app-security/anomaly-detection-policy).-- **Risk score boosters**: These include raising the risk score for activity that is above user's usual activity for a day or for users with previous cases resolved as a policy violation. Enabling risk score boosters increase risk scores and the likelihood of alerts for these types of activities. For activity that is above user's usual activity for a day, scores are boosted if the detected activity deviates from the user's typical behavior. For users with previous cases resolved as a policy violation, scores are boosted if a user had more than one case previously resolved as a confirmed policy violation. Risk score boosters can only be selected if one or more indicators are selected.
+- **Microsoft Defender for Cloud Apps indicators (preview)**: These include policy indicators from shared alerts from Defender for Cloud Apps. Automatically enabled anomaly detection in Defender for Cloud Apps immediately starts detecting and collating results, targeting numerous behavioral anomalies across your users and the machines and devices connected to your network. To include these risk management activities in policy alerts, select one or more indicators in this section. To learn more about Defender for Cloud Apps analytics and anomaly detection, see [Get behavioral analytics and anomaly detection](/cloud-app-security/anomaly-detection-policy).
+- **Risk score boosters**: These include raising the risk score for potentially risky activity that is above what is typical or for users with previous cases resolved as a policy violation. Enabling risk score boosters increase risk scores and the likelihood of alerts for these types of activities. For risk management activity that is above what is typical, scores are boosted if the detected potentially risky activity deviates from activities that are considered compliant. For users with previous cases resolved as a policy violation, scores are boosted if a user had more than one case previously resolved as a confirmed policy violation. Risk score boosters can only be selected if one or more indicators are selected.
In some cases, you may want to limit the insider risk policy indicators that are applied to insider risk policies in your organization. You can turn off the policy indicators for specific areas by disabling them from all insider risk policies in global settings. Triggering events can only be modified for policies created from the *General data leaks* or *Data leaks by priority users* templates. Policies created from all other templates don't have customizable triggering indicators or events.
Make sure that the Windows 10 devices that you plan on reporting in insider risk
#### Step 2: Onboarding devices <a name="OnboardStep2"> </a>
-You must enable device monitoring and onboard your endpoints before you can detect insider risk management activities on a device. Both actions are taken in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.
+You must enable device checking and onboard your endpoints before you can detect insider risk management activities on a device. Both actions are taken in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal.
-When you want to onboard devices that haven't been onboarded yet, you'll download the appropriate script and deploy as outlined in the following steps.
+When you want to enable devices that haven't been onboarded yet, you need to download the appropriate script and deploy it as outlined below.
If you already have devices onboarded into [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/windows/security/threat-protection/), they'll already appear in the managed devices list. Follow [Step 3: If you have devices onboarded into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](insider-risk-management-settings.md#OnboardStep3) in the next section.
-In this deployment scenario, you'll onboard devices that haven't been onboarded yet, and you just want to detect insider risk activities on Windows 10 devices.
+In this deployment scenario, you'll enable devices that haven't been onboarded yet, and you just want to detect insider risk activities on Windows devices.
1. Open the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com). 2. Open the compliance portal settings page and choose **Onboard devices**.
In this deployment scenario, you'll onboard devices that haven't been onboarded
3. Choose **Device management** to open the **Devices** list. The list will be empty until you onboard devices. 4. Choose **Onboarding** to begin the onboarding process. 5. Choose the way you want to deploy to these more devices from the **Deployment method** list and then **download package**.
-6. Follow the appropriate procedures in [Onboarding tools and methods for Windows 10 machines](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/configure-endpoints). This link takes you to a landing page where you can access Microsoft Defender for Endpoint procedures that match the deployment package you selected in step 5:
- - Onboard Windows 10 machines using Group Policy
+6. Follow the appropriate procedures in [Onboarding tools and methods for Windows machines](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/configure-endpoints). This link takes you to a landing page where you can access Microsoft Defender for Endpoint procedures that match the deployment package you selected in step 5:
+ - Onboard Windows machines using Group Policy
- Onboard Windows machines using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
- - Onboard Windows 10 machines using Mobile Device Management tools
- - Onboard Windows 10 machines using a local script
+ - Onboard Windows machines using Mobile Device Management tools
+ - Onboard Windows machines using a local script
- Onboard non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) machines. Once done and endpoint is onboarded, it should be visible in the devices list and the endpoint will start reporting audit activity logs to insider risk management.
If Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is already deployed and there are endpoints r
3. Choose **Device management** to open the **Devices** list. You should see the list of devices that are already reporting into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. 4. Choose **Onboarding** if you need to onboard more devices. 5. Choose the way you want to deploy to these more devices from the **Deployment method** list and then **Download package**.
-6. Follow the appropriate procedures in [Onboarding tools and methods for Windows 10 machines](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/configure-endpoints). This link takes you to a landing page where you can access Microsoft Defender for Endpoint procedures that match the deployment package you selected in step 5:
- - Onboard Windows 10 machines using Group Policy
+6. Follow the appropriate procedures in [Onboarding tools and methods for Windows machines](/windows/security/threat-protection/microsoft-defender-atp/configure-endpoints). This link takes you to a landing page where you can access Microsoft Defender for Endpoint procedures that match the deployment package you selected in step 5:
+ - Onboard Windows machines using Group Policy
- Onboard Windows machines using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager
- - Onboard Windows 10 machines using Mobile Device Management tools
- - Onboard Windows 10 machines using a local script
+ - Onboard Windows machines using Mobile Device Management tools
+ - Onboard Windows machines using a local script
- Onboard non-persistent virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) machines. Once done and endpoint is onboarded, it should be visible under the **Devices** table and the endpoint will start reporting audit activity logs to insider risk management. > [!NOTE]
->This experience is under license enforcement. Without the required license, data will not be visible or accessible.
+> This experience is under license enforcement. Without the required license, data will not be visible or accessible.
### Enable device indicators and onboard macOS devices
macOS devices (Catalina 10.15 or later) can be onboarded into Microsoft 365 to s
### Indicator level settings (preview)
-When creating a policy in the policy wizard, you can configure how the daily number of risk events should influence the risk score for insider risk alerts. These indicator settings help you control how the number of occurrences of risk events in your organization should affect the risk score, and so the associated alert severity, for these events. If you prefer, you can also choose to keep the default event threshold levels recommended by Microsoft for all enabled indicators.
+When creating a policy using the policy wizard, you can configure how the daily number of risk events should influence the risk score for insider risk alerts. These indicator settings help you control how the number of occurrences of risk events in your organization should affect the risk score, and so the associated alert severity, for these events. If you prefer, you can also choose to keep the default event threshold levels recommended by Microsoft for all enabled indicators.
For example, you decide to enable SharePoint indicators in the insider risk policy settings and to **set custom thresholds** for SharePoint events when configuring indicators for a new insider risk *Data leaks* policy. While in the insider risk policy wizard, you configure three different daily event levels for each SharePoint indicator to influence the risk score for alerts associated with these events.
-![Insider risk management custom indicator settings.](../media/insider-risk-custom-indicators.png)
+![Insider risk management custom indicator settings](../media/insider-risk-custom-indicators.png)
For the first daily event level, you set the threshold at *10 or more events per day* for a lower impact to the risk score for the events, *20 or more events per day* for a medium impact to the risk score for the events, and *30 or more events per day* a higher impact to the risk score for the events. These settings effectively mean:
For the first daily event level, you set the threshold at *10 or more events per
- If there are 20-29 SharePoint events that take place after a triggering, the risk score is inherently higher and alert severity levels would tend to be at a medium level. - If there are 30 or more SharePoint events that take place after a triggering, the risk score is inherently higher and alert severity levels would tend to be at a high level.
-Another option for policy thresholds is to assign the policy triggering event to activity that is above the usual amount of daily activity for users. Instead of being defined by specific threshold settings, each threshold is dynamically customized for anomalous activities detected for in-scope policy users. If threshold activity for anomalous activities is supported for an individual indicator, you can select **Activity is above user's usual activity for the day** in the policy wizard for that indicator. If this option isn't listed, anomalous activity triggering isn't available for the indicator. If the **Activity is above user's usual activity for the day** option is listed for an indicator, but not selectable, you need to enable this option in **Insider risk settings** > **Policy indicators**.
+Another option for policy thresholds is to assign the policy triggering event to risk management activity that is above the typical daily amount of users. Instead of being defined by specific threshold settings, each threshold is dynamically customized for anomalous activities detected for in-scope policy users. If threshold activity for anomalous activities is supported for an individual indicator, you can select **Activity is above user's usual activity for the day** in the policy wizard for that indicator. If this option isn't listed, anomalous activity triggering isn't available for the indicator. If the **Activity is above user's usual activity for the day** option is listed for an indicator, but not selectable, you need to enable this option in **Insider risk settings** > **Policy indicators**.
## Policy timeframes
Policy timeframes allow you to define past and future review periods that are tr
## Intelligent detections
-Intelligent detection settings help refine how the detections of risky activities are processed for alerts. In certain circumstances, you may need to define file types to ignore, or you want to enforce a detection level for daily events to boost risk scores for users. Use these settings to control file type exclusions, boosting risk score for unusual activity, and file volume limits.
+Intelligent detection settings help refine how the detections of risky activities are processed for alerts. In certain circumstances, you may need to define file types to ignore, or you want to enforce a detection level for daily events to boost risk scores for users. Use these settings to control file type exclusions, boosting risk score for potentially risky activity, and file volume limits.
### File activity detection
To exclude specific file types from all insider risk management policy matching,
### Alert volume
-User activities detected by insider risk policies are assigned a specific risk score, which in turn determines the alert severity (low, medium, high). By default, we'll generate a certain amount of low, medium, and high severity alerts, but you can increase or decrease the volume to suit your needs. To adjust the volume of alerts for all insider risk management policies, choose one of the following settings:
+Potentially risky activities detected by insider risk policies are assigned a specific risk score, which in turn determines the alert severity (low, medium, high). By default, we'll generate a certain amount of low, medium, and high severity alerts, but you can increase or decrease the volume to suit your needs. To adjust the volume of alerts for all insider risk management policies, choose one of the following settings:
- **Fewer alerts**: You'll see all high severity alerts, fewer medium severity alerts, and no low severity ones. This setting level means you might miss some true positives. - **Default volume**: You'll see all high severity alerts and a balanced amount of medium and low severity alerts.
For example, if you select *New*, *In progress*, and *Resolved* for this setting
### Domains
-Domain settings help you define risk levels for activities to specific domains. These activities include sharing files, sending email messages, downloading, or uploading content. By specifying domains in these settings, you can increase or decrease the risk scoring for activity that takes place with these domains.
+Domain settings help you define risk levels for risk management activities to specific domains. These activities include sharing files, sending email messages, downloading, or uploading content. By specifying domains in these settings, you can increase or decrease the risk scoring for risk management activity that takes place with these domains.
Use Add domain to define a domain for each of the domain settings. Additionally, you can use wildcards to help match variations of root domains or subdomains. For example, to specify sales.wingtiptoys.com and support.wingtiptoys.com, you use the wildcard entry '*.wingtiptoys.com' to match these subdomains (and any other subdomain at the same level). To specify multi-level subdomains for a root domain, you must select the **Include Multi-Level Subdomains** checkbox. For each of the following domain settings, you can enter up to 500 domains: -- **Unallowed domains:** By specifying unallowed domains, activity that takes place with these domains will have *higher* risk scores. Some examples are activities involving sharing content with someone (such as sending email to someone with a gmail.com address) and when users download content to a device from one of these unallowed domains.-- **Allowed domains:** Certain activity related to allowed domains will be ignored by your policies and won't generate alerts. These activities include:
+- **Unallowed domains:** By specifying unallowed domains, risk management activity that takes place with these domains will have *higher* risk scores. Some examples are activities involving sharing content with someone (such as sending email to someone with a gmail.com address) and when users download content to a device from one of these unallowed domains.
+- **Allowed domains:** Certain risk management activity related to allowed domains will be ignored by your policies and won't generate alerts. These activities include:
- Email sent to external domains - Files, folders, sites shared with external domains - Files uploaded to external domains (using Microsoft Edge browser)
- By specifying allowed domains in settings, this activity with these domains is treated similarly to how internal organization activity is treated. For example, domains added here map to activities may involve sharing content with someone outside your organization (such as sending email to someone with a gmail.com address).
+ By specifying allowed domains in settings, the risk management activity with these domains is treated similarly to how internal organizational activity is treated. For example, domains added here map to activities may involve sharing content with someone outside your organization (such as sending email to someone with a gmail.com address).
-- **Third party domains:** If your organization uses third-party domains for business purposes (such as cloud storage), include them here so you can receive alerts for activity related to the device indicator *Use a browser to download content from a third-party site*.
+- **Third party domains:** If your organization uses third-party domains for business purposes (such as cloud storage), include them here so you can receive alerts for potentially risky activity related to the device indicator *Use a browser to download content from a third-party site*.
### Sensitive info types exclusion
The wildcards in these paths denote that all folder levels between the \Users an
### Site exclusions
-Configure site URL exclusions to prevent potential risk activities that occur in SharePoint (and SharePoint sites associated with Team channel sites) from generating policy alerts. You might want to consider excluding sites and channels that contain non-sensitive files and data that can be shared with stakeholders or the public. You can enter up to 500 site URL paths to exclude.
+Configure site URL exclusions to prevent potential risky activities that occur in SharePoint (and SharePoint sites associated with Team channel sites) from generating policy alerts. You might want to consider excluding sites and channels that contain non-sensitive files and data that can be shared with stakeholders or the public. You can enter up to 500 site URL paths to exclude.
To add site URL paths to exclude, complete the following steps:
To delete a Site URL exclusion, select the site URL exclusion and select **Delet
### Keyword exclusion
-Configure exclusions for keywords that appear in file names, file paths, or email message subject lines. This allows flexibility for organizations that need to reduce potential alert noise due to flagging of benign terms specified for your organization. Such activities related to files or email subjects containing the keyword will be ignored by your insider risk management policies and won't generate alerts. You can enter up to 500 keywords to exclude.
+Configure exclusions for keywords that appear in file names, file paths, or email message subject lines. This allows flexibility for organizations that need to reduce potential alert frequency due to flagging of benign terms specified for your organization. Such activities related to files or email subjects containing the keyword will be ignored by your insider risk management policies and won't generate alerts. You can enter up to 500 keywords to exclude.
Use the **Exclude only if it does not contain** field to define specific groupings of terms to ignore for exclusion, For example, if you want to exclude the keyword 'training,' but not exclude 'compliance training,' you would enter 'compliance' (or 'compliance training') in the **Exclude only if it does not contain** field and 'training' in the **But does contain** field.
Insider risk management alert information is exportable to security information
If your organization uses Microsoft Sentinel, you can also use the out-of-the-box insider risk management data connector to import insider risk alert information to Sentinel. For more information, see [Insider Risk Management (IRM) (Preview)](/azure/sentinel/data-connectors-reference#microsoft-365-insider-risk-management-irm-preview) in the Microsoft Sentinel article.
->To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts. Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert.
+> To maintain referential integrity for users who have insider risk alerts or cases in Microsoft 365 or other systems, anonymization of usernames isn't preserved for exported alerts. Exported alerts will display usernames for each alert.
To use the APIs to review insider risk alert information:
The following fields and values are exported for insider risk management alerts
Users in your organization may have different levels of risk depending on their position, level of access to sensitive information, or risk history. Prioritizing the examination and scoring of the activities of these users can help alert you to potential risks that may have higher consequences for your organization. Priority user groups in insider risk management help define the users in your organization that need closer inspection and more sensitive risk scoring. Coupled with the *Security policy violations by priority users* and *Data leaks by priority users* policy templates, users added to a priority user group have an increased likelihood of insider risk alerts and alerts with higher severity levels.
-![Insider risk management priority user group settings.](../media/insider-risk-settings-priority-users.png)
+![Insider risk management priority user group settings](../media/insider-risk-settings-priority-users.png)
-Instead of being open to review by all analysts and investigators, Priority users groups may also need to restrict review activities to specific users or insider risk role groups. You can choose to assign individual users and role groups to review users, alerts, cases, and reports for each priority user group. Priority user groups can have review permissions assigned to the built-in *Insider Risk Management*, *Insider Risk Management Analysts*, and *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role groups, one or more of these role groups, or to a custom selection of users.
+Instead of being open to review by all analysts and investigators, priority users groups may also need to restrict review activities to specific users or insider risk role groups. You can choose to assign individual users and role groups to review users, alerts, cases, and reports for each priority user group. Priority user groups can have review permissions assigned to the built-in *Insider Risk Management*, *Insider Risk Management Analysts*, and *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role groups, one or more of these role groups, or to a custom selection of users.
-For example, you need to protect against data leaks for a highly confidential project where users have access to sensitive information. You choose to create *Confidential Project* *Users* priority user group for users in your organization that work on this project. Additionally, this priority user group shouldn't have users, alerts, cases, and reports associated with group visible to all the default insider risk management admins, analysts, and investigators. In **Settings**, you create the *Confidential Project Users* priority users group and assign two users as reviewer that can view data related to the groups. Using the policy wizard and the *Data leaks by priority users* policy template, you create a new policy and assign the *Confidential Project Users* priority users group to the policy. Activities examined by the policy for members of the *Confidential Project Users* priority user group are more sensitive to risk and activities by these users will be more likely to generate an alert and have alerts with higher severity levels.
+For example, you need to protect against data leaks for a highly confidential project where users have access to sensitive information. You choose to create *Confidential Project* *Users* priority user group for users in your organization that work on this project. Also, this priority user group shouldn't have users, alerts, cases, and reports associated with group visible to all the default insider risk management admins, analysts, and investigators. In **Settings**, you create the *Confidential Project Users* priority users group and assign two users as reviewer that can view data related to the groups. Use the policy wizard and the *Data leaks by priority users* policy template to create a new policy and assign the *Confidential Project Users* priority users group to the policy. Activities examined by the policy for members of the *Confidential Project Users* priority user group are more sensitive to risk and activities by these users will be more likely to generate an alert and have alerts with higher severity levels.
### Create a priority user group
-To create a new priority user group, you'll use setting controls in the **Insider risk management** solution in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. To create a priority user group, you must be a member of the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group.
+To create a new priority user group, use the setting controls in the **Insider risk management** solution in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. To create a priority user group, you must be a member of the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group.
Complete the following steps to create a priority user group:
Complete the following steps to edit a priority user group:
### Delete a priority user group
-To delete an existing priority user group, you'll use setting controls in the **Insider risk management** solution in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. To delete a priority user group, you must be a member of the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group.
+To delete an existing priority user group, use setting controls in the **Insider risk management** solution in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. To delete a priority user group, you must be a member of the *Insider Risk Management* or *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Deleting a priority user group will remove it from any active policy to which it is assigned. If you delete a priority user group that is assigned to an active policy, the policy will not contain any in-scope users and will effectively be idle and will not create alerts.
Complete the following steps to configure priority physical assets:
2. In the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](https://compliance.microsoft.com), go to **Insider risk management** and select **Insider risk settings** > **Priority physical assets**. 3. On the **Priority physical assets** page, you can either manually add the physical asset IDs you want to detect asset events imported by the Physical badging connector or import a .csv file of all physical assets IDs imported by the Physical badging connector: a) To manually add physical assets IDs, choose **Add priority physical assets**, enter a physical asset ID, then select **Add**. Enter other physical asset IDs and then select **Add priority physical assets** to save all the assets entered.
- b) To add a list of physical asset IDs from a .csv file, choose **Import priority physical assets**. From the file explorer dialog, select the .csv file you wish to import, then select **Open**. The physical asset IDs from the .csv files are added to the list.
+ b) To add a list of physical asset IDs from a .csv file, choose **Import priority physical assets**. From the file explorer dialog, select the CSV file you wish to import, then select **Open**. The physical asset IDs from the CSV files are added to the list.
4. Navigate to the **Policy indicators** page in **Settings**. 5. On the **Policy indicators** page, navigate to the **Physical access indicators** section and select the checkbox for **Physical access after termination or failed access to sensitive asset**. 6. Select **Save** to configure and exit.
Insider risk analytics enables you to conduct an evaluation of potential insider
Check out the [Insider Risk Management Analytics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5c0P5MCXNXk) to help understand how analytics can help accelerate the identification of potential insider risks and help you to quickly take action.
-Analytics scans for risk activity events from several sources to help identify insights into potential areas of risk. Depending on your current configuration, analytics looks for qualifying risk activities in the following areas:
+Analytics scans for risk management activity from several sources to help identify insights into potential areas of risk. Depending on your current configuration, analytics looks for qualifying risk activities in the following areas:
- **Microsoft 365 audit logs**: Included in all scans, this is the primary source for identifying most of the potentially risky activities. - **Exchange Online**: Included in all scans, Exchange Online activity helps identify activities where data in attachments are emailed to external contacts or services. - **Azure Active Directory**: Included in all scans, Azure Active Directory history helps identify risky activities associated with users with deleted user accounts. - **Microsoft 365 HR data connector**: If configured, HR connector events help identify risky activities associated with users that have resignation or upcoming termination dates.
-Analytics insights from scans are based on the same risk activity signals used by insider risk management policies and report results based on both single and sequence user activities. However, the risk scoring for analytics is based on up to 10 days of activity while insider risk policies use daily activity for insights. When you first enable and run analytics in your organization, you'll see the scan results for one day. If you leave analytics enabled, you'll see the results of each daily scan added to the insight reports for a maximum range of the previous 10 days of activity.
+Analytics insights from scans are based on the same risk management activity signals used by insider risk management policies and report results based on both single and sequence user activities. However, the risk scoring for analytics is based on up to 10 days of activity while insider risk policies use daily activity for insights. When you first enable and run analytics in your organization, you'll see the scan results for one day. If you leave analytics enabled, you'll see the results of each daily scan added to the insight reports for a maximum range of the previous 10 days of activity.
### Enable analytics and start your scan
Complete the following steps to enable insider risk analytics:
2. Select **Run scan** on the **Scan for insider risks in your organization** card on the insider risk management **Overview** tab. This turns on analytics scanning for your organization. You can also turn on scanning in your organization by navigating to **Insider risk settings** > **Analytics** and enabling **Scan your tenant's user activity to identify potential insider risks**. 3. On the **Analytics details** pane, select **Run scan** to start the scan for your organization. Analytics scan results may take up to 48 hours before insights are available as reports for review.
-![Insider risk management analytics settings.](../media/insider-risk-settings-analytics-enable.png)
+![Insider risk management analytics settings](../media/insider-risk-settings-analytics-enable.png)
### Viewing analytics insights and creating new policies
-After the first analytics scan is complete for your organization, members of the *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group will automatically receive an email notification and can view the initial insights and recommendations for potentially risky activities by your users. Daily scans continue unless you turn off analytics for your organization. Email notifications to admins are provided for each of the three in-scope categories for analytics (data leaks, theft, and exfiltration) after the first instance of activity in your organization. Email notifications aren't sent to admins for follow-up activity detection resulting from the daily scans. If analytics in **Insider risk management** > **Settings** > **Analytics** are disabled and then re-enabled in your organization, automatic email notifications are reset and emails are sent to members of the *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group for new scanning insights.
+After the first analytics scan is complete for your organization, members of the *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group will automatically receive an email notification and can view the initial insights and recommendations for potentially risky activities by your users. Daily scans continue unless you turn off analytics for your organization. Email notifications to admins are provided for each of the three in-scope categories for analytics (data leaks, theft, and exfiltration) after the first instance of potentially risky activity in your organization. Email notifications aren't sent to admins for follow-up risk management activity detection resulting from the daily scans. If analytics in **Insider risk management** > **Settings** > **Analytics** are disabled and then re-enabled in your organization, automatic email notifications are reset and emails are sent to members of the *Insider Risk Management Admin* role group for new scanning insights.
To view potential risks for your organization, go to the **Overview** tab and select **View results** on the **Insider risk analytics** card. If the scan for your organization isn't complete, you'll see a message that the scan is still active.
-![Insider risk management analytics report ready card.](../media/insider-risk-analytics-ready-card.png)
+![Insider risk management analytics report ready card](../media/insider-risk-analytics-ready-card.png)
-For completed scans, you'll see the potential risks discovered in your organization and insights and recommendations to address these risks. Identified risks and specific insights are included in reports grouped by area, the total number of users with identified risks, the percentage of these users with potentially risky activities, and a recommended insider risk policy to help mitigate these risks. The reports include:
+For completed analyses, you'll see the potential risks discovered in your organization and insights and recommendations to address these risks. Identified risks and specific insights are included in reports grouped by area, the total number of users with identified risks, the percentage of these users with potentially risky activities, and a recommended insider risk policy to help mitigate these risks. The reports include:
-- **Data leaks insights**: Activities for all users that may include accidental oversharing of information outside your organization or data leaks by users with malicious intent.-- **Data theft insights**: Activities for departing users or users with deleted Azure Active Directory accounts that may include risky sharing of information outside your organization or data theft by users with malicious intent.-- **Top exfiltration insights**: Activities by all users that may include sharing data outside of your organization.
+- **Data leaks insights**: For all users that may include accidental oversharing of information outside your organization or data leaks by users with malicious intent.
+- **Data theft insights**: For departing users or users with deleted Azure Active Directory accounts that may include risky sharing of information outside your organization or data theft by users with malicious intent.
+- **Top exfiltration insights**: For all users that may include sharing data outside of your organization.
![Insider risk management analytics overview report.](../media/insider-risk-analytics-overview.png)
If you prefer to disable admin and analytics notifications, complete the followi
## Inline alert customization (preview)
-Inline alert customization allows you to quickly tune an insider risk management policy directly from the **Alert dashboard** while reviewing the alert. Alerts are generated when an activity meets the thresholds configured in the related policy. To reduce the number of alerts you get from this activity, you can change the activity's thresholds or remove the activity from the policy altogether.
+Inline alert customization allows you to quickly tune an insider risk management policy directly from the **Alert dashboard** while reviewing the alert. Alerts are generated when a risk management activity meets the thresholds configured in the related policy. To reduce the number of alerts you get from this type of activity, you can change the thresholds or remove the risk management activity from the policy altogether.
You can enable inline alert customization to allow users assigned to the *Insider Risk Management Analysts* and *Insider Risk Management Investigators* role groups to edit policy thresholds and to disable specific indicators. If inline alert customization isn't enabled, only users assigned to the *Insider Risk Management Admin* or *Insider Risk Management* role groups can edit these policy conditions. Inline alert customization is supported for alerts regardless of the current alert status, allowing analysts and investigators to update policies for *Dismissed* and *Resolved* alerts if needed.
Complete the following steps to enable inline alert customization:
> [!NOTE] > Enabling inline alert customization will take approximately one hour before being available in new and existing policy alerts.
-When enabled, analysts and investigators can select **Reduce alerts for this activity** for an alert on the **Alert dashboard** and can view details about the activity and indicators associated with the alert. Additionally, the current policy thresholds are displayed for the number of events used to create low, medium, and high severity alerts. If **Reduce alerts for this activity** is selected and a previous policy edit has been made that changes the threshold or has removed the associated indicator, you'll see a notification message detailing previous changes to the policy.
+When enabled, analysts and investigators can select **Reduce alerts for this activity** for an alert on the **Alert dashboard** and can view details about the risk management activity and indicators associated with the alert. Additionally, the current policy thresholds are displayed for the number of events used to create low, medium, and high severity alerts. If **Reduce alerts for this activity** is selected and a previous policy edit has been made that changes the threshold or has removed the associated indicator, you'll see a notification message detailing previous changes to the policy.
Analysts and investigators can choose from the following options on the **Reduce alerts for this activity** pane to quickly edit the policy that created the alert: - **Reduce alerts using Microsoft's recommended thresholds**: We'll automatically increase the thresholds in the policy for you. You'll be able to review the new recommended threshold settings before changing the policy. - **Reduce alerts by choosing your own thresholds**: You can manually increase the thresholds for this type of activity for the current and future alerts. You'll be able to review the current threshold settings and configure the new threshold settings before changing the policy.-- **Stop getting alerts for this activity**: This removes this indicator from the policy and this activity will no longer be detected by the policy. This applies to all indicators, regardless of if the indicator is threshold-based.
+- **Stop getting alerts for this activity**: This removes this indicator from the policy and this risk management activity will no longer be detected by the policy. This applies to all indicators, regardless of if the indicator is threshold-based.
After choosing an option, analysts and investigators can choose two options to update the policy:
compliance Insider Risk Management Solution Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-solution-overview.md
# Insider risk management
->Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
-Increasingly, employees have more access to create, manage, and share data across a broad spectrum of platforms and services. In most cases, organizations have limited resources and tools to identify and mitigate organization-wide risks while also meeting compliance requirements and employee privacy standards. These risks may include data theft by departing employees and data leaks of information outside your organization by accidental oversharing or malicious intent.
+Employees now have more access to create, manage, and share data across a broad spectrum of platforms and services. In most cases, organizations have limited resources and tools to identify and mitigate organization-wide risks while also meeting compliance requirements and employee privacy standards. These risks include potential data theft by departing employees and risk of data leaks of information outside your organization by accidental oversharing or malicious intent.
-Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management uses the full breadth of service and 3rd-party indicators to help you quickly identify, triage, and act on risky user activity. By using logs from Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Graph, insider risk management allows you to define specific policies to identify risk indicators. After identifying the risks, you can take action to mitigate these risks.
+Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management uses the full breadth of service and 3rd-party indicators to help you quickly identify, triage, and act on potentially risky activity. By using logs from Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Graph, insider risk management allows you to define specific policies to identify risk indicators. After identifying the risks, you can take action to mitigate these risks, and if necessary open investigation cases and take appropriate legal action.
Watch the videos below to learn how insider risk management can help your organization prevent, detect, and contain risks:
+ **Insider risk management solution & development**: >[!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4j9CN]
Watch the videos below to learn how insider risk management can help your organi
Use the following steps to configure insider risk management for your organization:
-![Insider risk solution insider risk management steps.](../media/ir-solution-ir-steps.png)
+![Insider risk solution insider risk management steps](../media/ir-solution-ir-steps.png)
1. Learn about [insider risk management](insider-risk-management.md) 2. Plan for [insider risk management and verify licensing](insider-risk-management-plan.md)
compliance Insider Risk Management Users https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-users.md
# Insider risk management Users dashboard
->Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
+> Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management correlates various signals to identify potential malicious or inadvertent insider risks, such as IP theft, data leakage and security violations. Insider risk management enables customers to create policies to manage security and compliance. Built with privacy by design, users are pseudonymized by default, and role-based access controls and audit logs are in place to help ensure user-level privacy.
The **Users dashboard** is an important tool in the insider risk management workflow and helps investigators and analysts have a more complete understanding of risk activities. This dashboard offers views and management features to meet administrative needs between the creating insider risk management policies and managing insider risk management cases.
In the opposite scenario where the global **Activation window** setting is longe
Each user displayed in the **Users dashboard** has the following information: -- **Users**: The username for a user. This field is anonymized if the global anonymization setting for insider risk management is enabled.-- **Risk level**: The current calculated risk level of the user. This score is calculated every 24 hours and uses the alert risk scores from all active alerts associated to the user. For users with only triggering indicators, the risk level is zero.-- **Active alerts**: The number of active alerts for all policies.-- **Confirmed violations**: The number of cases resolved as *confirmed policy violation* for the user.-- **Case**: The current active case for the user.
+- **Users**: Username for a user. This field is anonymized if the global anonymization setting for insider risk management is enabled.
+- **Risk level**: Current calculated risk level of the user. This score is calculated every 24 hours and uses the alert risk scores from all active alerts associated to the user. For users with only triggering indicators, the risk level is zero.
+- **Active alerts**: Number of active alerts for all policies.
+- **Confirmed violations**: Number of cases resolved as *confirmed policy violation* for the user.
+- **Case**: Current active case for the user.
-To quickly locate a specific user, use **Search** at the top right of the User dashboard. When searching for users, you must use the user principal name (UPN). For example, when searching for a user named 'Tiara Hidayah' that has a UPN of 'thidayah' in your organization, you would enter 'thidayah' or some part of the UPN in **Search**.
+To quickly locate a specific user, use **Search** at the top right of the Users dashboard. When searching for users, you must use the user principal name (UPN). For example, when searching for a user named 'Tiara Hidayah' that has a UPN of 'thidayah' in your organization, you would enter 'thidayah' or some part of the UPN in **Search**.
-![Insider risk management users dashboard.](../media/insider-risk-users-dashboard.png)
+![Insider risk management users dashboard](../media/insider-risk-users-dashboard.png)
> [!NOTE] > The number of users displayed on the **Users dashboard** may be limited in some instances, depending on the volume of active alerts and matching policies. Users with active alerts are displayed on the **Users dashboard** as the alerts are generated, and there may be rare cases when the maximum number of displayed users is reached. If this limit happens, users with active alerts who aren't displayed will be added to the **Users dashboard** as existing user alerts are triaged.
To quickly locate a specific user, use **Search** at the top right of the User d
To view more details about risk activity for a user, open the user details pane by double-clicking a user in the **Users dashboard**. On the details pane, you can view the following information: - **User profile** tab
- - **Name and title**: The name and position title for the user from Azure Active Directory. These user fields will be anonymized or empty if the global anonymization setting for insider risk management is enabled.
- - **User email**: The email address for the user.
- - **Alias**: The network alias for the user.
- - **Organization or department**: The organization or department for the user.
+ - **Name and title**: Name and position title for the user from Azure Active Directory. These user fields will be anonymized or empty if the global anonymization setting for insider risk management is enabled.
+ - **User email**: Email address for the user.
+ - **Alias**: Network alias for the user.
+ - **Organization or department**: Organization or department for the user.
- **User activity** tab
- - **History of recent user activity**: Lists both triggering indicators and insider risk indicators for user activities up to the last 180 days. All activities pertinent to insider risk indicators are also scored, though the activities may or may not have generated an insider risk alert. Triggering indicator examples may be a resignation date or the last scheduled date of work for the user. Insider risk indicators are activities determined to have an element of risk and are defined in policies that the user is included in. Event and risk activities are listed with the most recent item listed first.
+ - **History of recent user activity**: Lists both triggering indicators and insider risk indicators for risk activities up to the last 90 days. All risk activities pertinent to insider risk indicators are also scored, though the activities may or may not have generated an insider risk alert. Triggering indicator examples may be a resignation date or the last scheduled date of work for the user. Insider risk indicators are activities determined to have an element of risk, which may potentially lead to a security incident, and are defined in policies that the user is included in. Event and risk activities are listed with the most recent item listed first.
## Remove users from in-scope assignment to policies
-There may be scenarios where you need to stop assigning risk scores to a user's activity in insider risk management policies. Use **Remove users** on the **Users dashboard** page to stop assigning risk scores for one or more users from all insider risk management policies that they are currently in-scope for. This action does not remove users from the overall policy assignment (when you add users or groups to a policy configuration), but simply removes the users from active processing by policies after current triggering events. If the users have another triggering event in the future, risk scores from policies will automatically begin to be assigned to the users again. Any existing alerts or cases for this user will not be removed.
+There may be scenarios where you need to stop assigning risk scores to users in insider risk management policies. Use **Remove users** on the **Users dashboard** page to stop assigning risk scores for one or more users from all insider risk management policies that they are currently in-scope for. This action does not remove users from the overall policy assignment (when you add users or groups to a policy configuration), but simply removes the users from active processing by policies after current triggering events. If the users have another triggering event in the future, risk scores from policies will automatically begin to be assigned to the users again. Any existing alerts or cases for this user will not be removed.
> [!NOTE]
-> Removing a user from a policy may take several minutes to complete. Once complete, the user will no longer be listed on the Users page. If the removed user has active alerts or cases, then the user will remain on the Users page and the details for the user will show that they are no longer in-scope for a policy.
+> Removing a user from a policy may take several minutes to complete. Once complete, the user no longer is listed on the Users page. If the removed user has active alerts or cases, then the user will remain on the Users page and the details for the user will show that they are no longer in-scope for a policy.
To manually remove users from in-scope status in all insider risk management policies, complete the following steps:
To manually remove users from in-scope status in all insider risk management pol
## Run automated tasks with Power Automate flows for a user
-Using recommended Power Automate flows, risk investigators and analysts can quickly take action to:
+Using recommended Power Automate flows, risk investigators and analysts can quickly take action to notify users when they're added to an insider risk policy.
-- Notify users when they're added to an insider risk policy-
-To run, manage, or create Power Automate flows for an insider risk management user:
+To run, manage, and create Power Automate flows for insider risk management users:
1. Select **Automate** on the user action toolbar. 2. Choose the Power Automate flow to run, then select **Run flow**.
compliance Insider Risk Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management.md
Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management is a compliance solution that helps minimize internal risks by enabling you to detect, investigate, and act on malicious and inadvertent activities in your organization. Insider risk policies allow you to define the types of risks to identify and detect in your organization, including acting on cases and escalating cases to Microsoft eDiscovery (Premium) if needed. Risk analysts in your organization can quickly take appropriate actions to make sure users are compliant with your organization's compliance standards.
-For more information and an overview of the planning process to address risky activities in your organization, see [Starting an insider risk management program](https://download.microsoft.com/download/b/2/0/b208282a-2482-4986-ba07-15a9b9286df0/pwc-starting-an-insider-risk-management-program-with-pwc-and-microsoft.pdf).
+For more information and an overview of the planning process to address potentially risky activities in your organization that may lead to a security incident, see [Starting an insider risk management program](https://download.microsoft.com/download/b/2/0/b208282a-2482-4986-ba07-15a9b9286df0/pwc-starting-an-insider-risk-management-program-with-pwc-and-microsoft.pdf).
Watch the videos below to learn how insider risk management can help your organization prevent, detect, and contain risks while prioritizing your organization values, culture, and user experience:
**Insider risk management solution & development**: >[!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/videoplayer/embed/RE4j9CN]
Check out the [Microsoft Mechanics video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynkfu8
## Modern risk pain points
-Managing and minimizing risk in your organization starts with understanding the types of risks found in the modern workplace. Some risks are driven by external events and factors that are outside of direct control. Other risks are driven by internal events and user activities that can be minimized and avoided. Some examples are risks from illegal, inappropriate, unauthorized, or unethical behavior and actions by users in your organization. These behaviors include a broad range of internal risks from users:
+Managing and minimizing risk in your organization starts with understanding the types of risks found in the modern workplace. Some risks are driven by external events and factors that are outside of direct control. Other risks are driven by internal events and user actions that can be minimized and avoided. Some examples are risks from illegal, inappropriate, unauthorized, or unethical behavior and actions by users in your organization. These behaviors include a broad range of internal risks from users:
- Leaks of sensitive data and data spillage - Confidentiality violations
Alerts are resolved by opening a new case, assigning the alert to an existing ca
### Investigate
-Quickly investigate all activities for a selected user with [User activity reports](insider-risk-management-activities.md#user-activity-reports). These reports allow investigators in your organization to examine activities for specific users for a defined time period without having to assign them temporarily or explicitly to an insider risk management policy. After examining activities for a user, investigators can dismiss individual activities as benign, share or email a link to the report with other investigators, or choose to assign the user temporarily or explicitly to an insider risk management policy.
+Quickly investigate all risk activities for a selected user with [User activity reports (preview)](insider-risk-management-activities.md#user-activity-reports). These reports allow investigators in your organization to examine activities for specific users for a defined time period without having to assign them temporarily or explicitly to an insider risk management policy. After examining activities for a user, investigators can dismiss individual activities as benign, share or email a link to the report with other investigators, or choose to assign the user temporarily or explicitly to an insider risk management policy.
[Cases](insider-risk-management-cases.md) are created for alerts that require deeper review and investigation of the activity details and circumstances around the policy match. The **Case dashboard** provides an all-up view of all active cases, open cases over time, and case statistics for your organization. Reviewers can quickly filter cases by status, the date the case was opened, and the date the case was last updated. Selecting a case on the case dashboard opens the case for investigation and review. This step is the heart of the insider risk management workflow. This area is where risk activities, policy conditions, alerts details, and user details are synthesized into an integrated view for reviewers. The primary investigation tools in this area are: -- **User activity**: User activity is automatically displayed in an interactive chart that plots activities over time and by risk level for current or past risk activities. Reviewers can quickly filter and view the entire risk history for the user and drill into specific activities for more details.
+- **User activity**: User risk activity is automatically displayed in an interactive chart that plots activities over time and by risk level for current or past risk activities. Reviewers can quickly filter and view the entire risk history for the user and drill into specific activities for more details.
- **Content explorer**: All data files and email messages associated with alert activities are automatically captured and displayed in the Content explorer. Reviewers can filter and view files and messages by data source, file type, tags, conversation, and many more attributes. - **Case notes**: Reviewers can provide notes for a case in the Case Notes section. This list consolidates all notes in a central view and includes reviewer and date submitted information.
In most cases, users try their best to properly handle sensitive or confidential
### Intentional or unintentional security policy violations (preview)
-Users typically have a large degree of control when managing their devices in the modern workplace. This control may include permissions to install or uninstall applications needed in the performance of their duties or the ability to temporarily disable device security features. Whether this activity is inadvertent, accidental, or malicious, this conduct can pose risk to your organization and is important to identify and act to minimize. To help identify these risky security activities, the following insider risk management security policy violation templates scores security risk indicators and uses Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts to provide insights for security-related activities:
+Users typically have a large degree of control when managing their devices in the modern workplace. This control may include permissions to install or uninstall applications needed in the performance of their duties or the ability to temporarily disable device security features. Whether this risk activity is inadvertent, accidental, or malicious, this conduct can pose risk to your organization and is important to identify and act to minimize. To help identify these risky security activities, the following insider risk management security policy violation templates scores security risk indicators and uses Microsoft Defender for Endpoint alerts to provide insights for security-related activities:
- [General security policy violations (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#general-security-policy-violations-preview) - [Security policy violations by departing users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-departing-users-preview)
For organizations in the healthcare industry, recent studies have found a very h
### Actions and behaviors by disgruntled users (preview)
-Employment stressor events can impact user behavior in several ways that relate to insider risks. These stressors may be a poor performance review, a position demotion, or the user being placement on a performance review plan. Stressors may also result in potentially inappropriate behavior such as users sending potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language in email and other messages. Though most users don't respond maliciously to these events, the stress of these actions may result in some users to behave in ways they may not normally consider during normal circumstances. To help identify these types of risky activities, the following insider risk management policy templates can use the HR connector and/or integration with a [dedicated communication compliance policy](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#integration-with-insider-risk-management-preview) to bring users into scope for insider risk management policies and start scoring risk indicators relating to behaviors that may occur near employment stressor events:
+Employment stressor events can impact user behavior in several ways that relate to insider risks. These stressors may be a poor performance review, a position demotion, or the user being placement on a performance review plan. Stressors may also result in potentially inappropriate behavior such as users sending potentially threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language in email and other messages. Though most users don't respond maliciously to these events, the stress of these actions may result in some users to behave in ways they may not normally consider during normal circumstances. To help identify these types of potentially risky activities, the following insider risk management policy templates can use the HR connector and/or integration with a [dedicated communication compliance policy](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-policies#integration-with-insider-risk-management-preview) to bring users into scope for insider risk management policies and start scoring risk indicators relating to behaviors that may occur:
- [Data leaks by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#data-leaks-by-disgruntled-users-preview) - [Security policy violations by disgruntled users (preview)](insider-risk-management-policies.md#security-policy-violations-by-disgruntled-users-preview)
compliance Insider Risk Solution Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-solution-overview.md
# Microsoft Purview insider risk solutions
-Insider risks are one of the top concerns of security and compliance professionals in the modern workplace. Industry studies have shown that insider risks are often associated with specific user events or activities. Protecting your organization against these risks can be challenging to identify and difficult to mitigate. Insider risks include vulnerabilities in a variety of areas and can cause major problems for your organization, ranging from the loss of intellectual property to workplace harassment, and more. The following figure outlines common insider risks:
+Insider risks are one of the top concerns of security and compliance professionals in the modern workplace. Industry studies have shown that insider risks are often associated with risky activities. Protecting your organization against these risks can be challenging to identify and difficult to mitigate. Insider risks include vulnerabilities in a variety of areas and can cause major problems for your organization, ranging from the loss of intellectual property to confidential data, and more. The following figure outlines common insider risks:
![Insider risk threats.](../media/ir-solution-threats.png)
To help protect your organization against insider risks, use these Microsoft Pur
### Communication compliance
-[Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance](communication-compliance.md) helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on inappropriate messages in your organization.
+[Microsoft Purview Communication Compliance](communication-compliance.md) helps minimize communication risks by helping you detect, capture, and act on potentially inappropriate messages in your organization.
Communication compliance is available in the following subscriptions:
Communication compliance is available in the following subscriptions:
### Insider risk management
-[Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management](insider-risk-management.md) helps minimize internal risks by enabling you to detect, investigate, and act on malicious and inadvertent activities in your organization.
+[Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management](insider-risk-management.md) helps minimize internal risks by enabling you to detect, investigate, and act on potentially malicious and inadvertent activities in your organization.
Insider risk management is available in the following subscriptions:
compliance Retention Policies Teams https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/retention-policies-teams.md
For other workloads, see:
## What's included for retention and deletion > [!NOTE]
-> Retention policies support [shared channels](/MicrosoftTeams/shared-channels). Any shared channels inherit retention settings from the parent channel.
+> Retention policies support [shared channels](/MicrosoftTeams/shared-channels). Any shared channels inherit retention settings from the parent team.
> > Retention policies also support messages posted with the [chat with yourself](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-a-chat-in-teams-0c71b32b-c050-4930-a887-5afbe742b3d8?storagetype=live#bkmk_chatwithself) feature.
compliance Sensitivity Labels Office Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md
The numbers listed are the minimum Office application versions required for each
|[Audit label-related user activity](#auditing-labeling-activities) | Current Channel: 2011+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2011+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2108+ | 16.43+ | 2.46+ | 16.0.13628+ | Yes | |[Require users to apply a label to their email and documents](#require-users-to-apply-a-label-to-their-email-and-documents) | Current Channel: 2101+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2101+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2108+ | 16.45+ | 2.47+ | 16.0.13628+ | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |[Apply a sensitivity label to content automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md) <br /> - Using sensitive info types | Current Channel: 2009+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2009+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2102+ | 16.44+ | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |
-|[Apply a sensitivity label to content automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md) <br /> - Using trainable classifiers | Current Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2108+ | 16.49+ | Under review | Under review | [Under review |
+|[Apply a sensitivity label to content automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md) <br /> - Using trainable classifiers | Current Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2108+ | 16.49+ | Under review | Under review | Under review |
|[Support co-authoring and AutoSave](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md) for labeled and encrypted documents | Current Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2202+ | 16.51+ | 2.58+ | 16.0.14931+ | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) | |[PDF support](#pdf-support)| Current Channel: 2208+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2208+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: Under review| Under review | Under review | Under review | Under review | |[Sensitivity bar](#sensitivity-bar) and [display label color](#label-colors) | Preview: Rolling out to [Beta Channel](https://office.com/insider) | Under review | Under review | Under review | Under review |
compliance Sensitivity Labels Sharepoint Onedrive Files https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md
Uploading a labeled document, and then extracting and displaying that sensitivit
- For encrypted documents, printing is not supported in Office for the web. -- For encrypted documents in Office for the web, copying to the clipboard and screen captures are not prevented. For more information, see [Can Rights Management prevent screen captures?](/azure/information-protection/faqs-rms#can-rights-management-prevent-screen-captures)
+- For encrypted documents in Office for the web, [screen captures aren't prevented](/azure/information-protection/faqs-rms#can-rights-management-prevent-screen-captures). Until recently, copying to the clipboard also wasn't prevented for these documents. Now rolling out, when documents are labeled and encrypted, and the **Copy** [usage right](/azure/information-protection/configure-usage-rights) isn't granted, Office on the web prevents copying to clipboard in the same way as desktop apps prevent this action. There are currently some exceptions for relabeling scenarios until the browser is refreshed, another session is started, or the document is opened again:
+ - Mid-session, the document changes from unencrypted to encrypted.
+ - Mid-session, the document changes from encrypted and the Copy usage right is granted, to encrypted but the Copy usage right is not granted.
- By default, Office desktop apps and mobile apps don't support co-authoring for files that are labeled with encryption. These apps continue to open labeled and encrypted files in exclusive editing mode.
compliance Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/whats-new.md
Whether it be adding new solutions to the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](
- Security teams are now able to [customize a security trigger](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies#policy-templates) in the 'data leaks' policy to surface when a user performs a sequence, enabling them to respond to user actions that might be considered riskier. - New updates now allow security teams to create [policies with sequences](/microsoft-365/compliance/insider-risk-management-policies#sequence-detection-preview) without any other required underlying policy indicator selections.
+### Data lifecycle management and records management
+- **General availability (GA)**: [Relabeling at the end of the retention period](retention-settings.md#relabeling-at-the-end-of-the-retention-period).
+- **General availability (GA)**: [Starting a record unlocked](declare-records.md#configuring-retention-labels-to-declare-records).
+- **General availability (GA)**: Users can now apply published retention labels to files [directly in Teams](create-apply-retention-labels.md#applying-retention-labels-using-microsoft-365-groups).
+- New retention support statements: Retention policies for Teams supports the [chat with myself](https://support.microsoft.com/office/start-a-chat-in-teams-0c71b32b-c050-4930-a887-5afbe742b3d8?storagetype=live#bkmk_chatwithself) feature and [video clips](https://support.microsoft.com/office/record-a-video-clip-in-teams-0c57dae5-2974-4214-9c46-7a2136386f1c), and retention policies for Yammer support [storyline posts](https://support.microsoft.com/office/overview-of-storyline-for-yammer-and-viva-engage-530e4e66-9f1c-4be1-b371-08ea40dc4b69).
+- Improved in-product experience if retention policies have errors: You'll now see a detailed description of the error in the details pane, with in-product actions to take that can resolve the problem. For example, remove invalid locations and resynchronize the policy.
+### Microsoft Priva
+- **In preview**: [Data transfer policies](/privacy/priva/risk-management-policy-data-transfer) in Privacy Risk Management now offers additional flexible boundary conditions: detecting transfers based on users' Azure Active Directory attributes, transfers between users in different Microsoft 365 groups, and transfers between SharePoint sites.
+### On-premises scanner
+- **In preview**: The Azure Information Protection (AIP) on-premises scanner is being renamed **Microsoft Purview Information Protection scanner** and [configuration is moving to the Microsoft Purview compliance portal](/information-protection/deploy-aip-scanner-configure-install).
+### Sensitivity labels
+- Call to action: [Migration guidance](sensitivity-labels-aip.md) to help you move from the AIP add-in for Office apps, with a [migration playbook](https://microsoft.github.io/ComplianceCxE/playbooks/AIP2MIPPlaybook) from our Customer Experience Engineering (CxE) team
+- **General availability (GA)**: Authentication contexts for label [groups and site settings](sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md#how-to-configure-groups-and-site-settings) that work with Azure AD Conditional Access policies to enforce more stringent access conditions to a site.
+- **General availability (GA)**: [Site sharing permissions by using PowerShell](sensitivity-labels-teams-groups-sites.md#configure-site-sharing-permissions-by-using-powershell-advanced-settings).
+- **Rolling out**: [Preventing copy to clipboard is honored for labeled and encrypted files in SharePoint and OneDrive](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md#limitations), with some exceptions for relabeling scenarios.
+- **In preview**: The AIP add-in for Office apps is [disabled by default](sensitivity-labels-aip.md#how-to-disable-the-aip-add-in-to-use-built-in-labeling-for-office-apps) and requires a new setting to override this default.
+- Support statement: [Files types supported for SharePoint and OneDrive](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md#supported-file-types), after enabling sensitivity labels for these services.
+- New [prerequisite for co-authoring](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md#prerequisites) and the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client and scanner: It's not supported to use Double Key Encryption in the same tenant as the co-authoring feature.
+ ## September 2022 ### Communication compliance
Whether it be adding new solutions to the [Microsoft Purview compliance portal](
- [Get started with communication compliance](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-configure): New updates for recommended actions and accelerated onboarding. Recommended actions can help your organization quickly get started with communication compliance. - [Investigate and remediate communication compliance alerts](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-investigate-remediate): New update for keyword highlighting support for plain text view. Keyword highlighting, which is currently available for English language only, can help direct you to the area of interest in long messages and attachments. - [Use communication compliance reports and audits](/microsoft-365/compliance/communication-compliance-reports-audits): Clarifications on permissions needed to view and manage communication compliance reports. To view and manage reports, users must be assigned to the *Communication Compliance Viewers* role group.
+### Compliance Manager
+- [Compliance Manager templates list](/microsoft-365/compliance/compliance-manager-templates-list): New template added for Australian Information Security Registered Assessor Program (IRAP) with ISM Version 3.5 - Official).
### Data Classification
enterprise Multi Geo Tenant Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/enterprise/multi-geo-tenant-configuration.md
We recommend that you include setting the user's Preferred Data Location as a pa
If the user already has a OneDrive site created in the tenant, setting their PDL will not automatically move their existing OneDrive. To move a user's OneDrive, see [OneDrive for Business Geo Move](move-onedrive-between-geo-locations.md). > [!NOTE]
-> Exchange Online automatically relocates the user's mailbox if the PLD changes and the MailboxRegion no longer matches the Mailbox Database Geo Location code. For more information, see [Administering Exchange Online mailboxes in a multi-geo environment](./administering-exchange-online-multi-geo.md).
+> Exchange Online automatically relocates the user's mailbox if the PDL changes and the MailboxRegion no longer matches the Mailbox Database Geo Location code. For more information, see [Administering Exchange Online mailboxes in a multi-geo environment](./administering-exchange-online-multi-geo.md).
If the user does not have a OneDrive site within the tenant, OneDrive will be provisioned for them in accordance to their PDL value, assuming the PDL for the user matches one of the company's satellite locations.
security Enable Attack Surface Reduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/enable-attack-surface-reduction.md
> [!WARNING] > Do not use quotes as they are not supported for either the **Value name** column or the **Value** column.
+ > The rule ID should not have any leading or trailing spaces.
### PowerShell
security Gov https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/gov.md
ms.pagetype: security
ms.localizationpriority: medium Previously updated : 09/26/2022 Last updated : 10/12/2022 audience: ITPro
security Minimum Requirements https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/minimum-requirements.md
When you run the onboarding wizard for the first time, you must choose where you
Make sure that the diagnostic data service is enabled on all the devices in your organization. By default, this service is enabled. It's good practice to check to ensure that you'll get sensor data from them.
+The display name of this service is _Connected User Experiences and Telemetry_.
+ #### Use the command line to check the Windows diagnostic data service startup type 1. Open an elevated command-line prompt on the device:
security Onboard Windows Server https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboard-windows-server.md
For guidance on how to download and use Windows Security Baselines for Windows s
In order to be eligible to purchase Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server SKU, you must have already purchased a combined minimum of any of the following: Windows E5/A5, Microsoft 365 E5/A5, or Microsoft 365 E5 Security subscription licenses. For more information on licensing, see the [Product Terms](https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/terms/productoffering/MicrosoftDefenderforEndpointServer/all).
-> [!NOTE]
-> As of September 2022, Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Server is no longer generally available for new customers.
- ## Windows Server onboarding overview You'll need to complete the following general steps to successfully onboard servers 2008 R2, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 2022.
security Update Agent Mma Windows https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/update-agent-mma-windows.md
ms.pagetype: security
ms.localizationpriority: medium Previously updated : 10/24/2022 Last updated : 10/25/2022 audience: ITPro
search.appverid: met150
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft 365 Defender](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2118804)
-If you're using the Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) on Windows devices, you should keep this agent updated. With the modern, unified agent for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016, you should migrate to the new solution instead.
+If you're using the Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) on Windows devices, it's important to keep this agent updated. For Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016, Microsoft recommends upgrading to the new, unified agent for Defender for Endpoint. This article describes how to:
-- [Update the Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) on your devices](#option-1-update-mma-on-your-devices)-- [Use a new agent on Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016](#option-2-use-a-new-agent-on-windows-server-2012-r2-or-windows-server-2016)
+- **[Update the MMA on your devices](#update-mma-on-your-devices)** (for devices running Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise, Windows 7 SP1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1).
+- **[Upgrade to the new, unified agent for Defender for Endpoint](#upgrade-to-the-new-unified-agent-for-defender-for-endpoint)** (for devices running Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016).
-This article describes both options and includes links to additional information.
-## Option 1: Update MMA on your devices
+## Update MMA on your devices
*This option applies to devices running Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise, Windows 7 SP1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Pro, Windows 8.1 Enterprise, and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1.*
This article describes both options and includes links to additional information
- **Windows 64-bit agent**: [https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=828603](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=828603) - **Windows 32-bit agent**: [https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=828604](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=828604)
-## Option 2: Use a new agent on Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016
+## Upgrade to the new, unified agent for Defender for Endpoint
*This option applies to servers running Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2016.*
A new agent was released in April 2022 for Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Se
- If you are, however, still using MMA for other purposes (such as Log Analytics), MMA is currently set to retire in August 2024. See [We're retiring the Log Analytics agent in Azure Monitor on 31 August 2024](https://azure.microsoft.com/updates/were-retiring-the-log-analytics-agent-in-azure-monitor-on-31-august-2024/). Depending your particular scenario, this could be a good time to upgrade to [Azure Monitoring Agent, the successor of MMA](/azure/azure-monitor/agents/azure-monitor-agent-migration). > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Devices running Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows Server 2016 that haven't been upgraded to the [new, unified solution](application-deployment-via-mecm.md) will remain dependent on MMA. In such cases, [AMA](/azure/azure-monitor/agents/agents-overview) cannot be used as a substitute for Defender for Endpoint.
+> Devices running Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 R2, or Windows Server 2016 that haven't been upgraded to the [new, unified solution](application-deployment-via-mecm.md) will remain dependent on MMA. In such cases, [AMA](/azure/azure-monitor/agents/agents-overview) cannot be used as a substitute for Defender for Endpoint.
+## See also
+- [Make the switch from non-Microsoft endpoint protection to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](switch-to-mde-overview.md)
+- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint deployment overview](deployment-phases.md)
+- [Onboard to the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint service](onboarding.md)
security Microsoft 365 Defender https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender/microsoft-365-defender.md
With the integrated Microsoft 365 Defender solution, security professionals can
</table> <br>
-Apart from these, Microsoft 365 Defender works closely with Azure Active Directory Identity Protection], App Governance, and Microsoft Data Loss Prevention to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks.
+Apart from these, Microsoft 365 Defender works closely with Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, App Governance, and Microsoft Data Loss Prevention to provide integrated protection against sophisticated attacks.
## Microsoft 365 Defender interactive guide
security Report Junk Email Messages To Microsoft https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/report-junk-email-messages-to-microsoft.md
Watch this video that shows more information about the unified submissions exper
> [!NOTE] > When you report an email entity to Microsoft, we copy everything associated with the email to include it in our continual algorithm reviews. This copy includes the email content, email headers, and related data about email routing. Any message attachments are also included. >
-> Microsoft treats your feedback as your organization's permission for us to analyze all of the previously described information to fine tune the message hygiene algorithms. We hold your message in our secure audited datacenters in the USA. The submission is deleted no later than 30 days after you provide it to us. Microsoft personnel might read your submitted messages and attachments, which is normally not permitted for email in Microsoft 365. However, your email is still treated as confidential between you and Microsoft, and we will not provide your email or attachments to any other party as part of the review process.
+> Microsoft treats your feedback as your organization's permission for us to analyze all of the previously described information to fine tune the message hygiene algorithms. We hold your message in our secure audited datacenters in the USA. The submission is deleted as soon as it's no longer required. Microsoft personnel might read your submitted messages and attachments, which is normally not permitted for email in Microsoft 365. However, your email is still treated as confidential between you and Microsoft, and we will not provide your email or attachments to any other party as part of the review process.
security Safe Links https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/safe-links.md
Safe Links protection is available in the following locations:
> Safe Links does not work on mail-enabled public folders. > > Safe Links supports only HTTP(S) and FTP formats.
+ >
+ > Using another service to wrap links before Defender for Office 365 might invalidate the ability of Safe Links to process links, including wrapping, detonating, or otherwise validating the "maliciousness" of the link.
- **Microsoft Teams**: Safe Links protection for links in Teams conversations, group chats, or from channels is controlled by Safe Links policies.