Updates from: 10/12/2022 03:03:06
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admin About Shared Mailboxes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/admin/email/about-shared-mailboxes.md
Before you [create a shared mailbox](create-a-shared-mailbox.md), here are some
> [!NOTE]
-> To access a shared mailbox, a user must have an Exchange Online license, but the shared mailbox doesn't require a separate license. Every shared mailbox has a corresponding user account. Notice how you weren't asked to provide a password when you created the shared mailbox? The account has a password, but it's system-generated (unknown). You shouldn't use the account to log in to the shared mailbox. Without a license, shared mailboxes are limited to 50 GB. To increase the size limit to 100 GB, the shared mailbox must be assigned an Exchange Online Plan 2 license. The Exchange Online Plan 1 license with an Exchange Online Archiving add-on license will only increase the size of the archive mailbox. This will also let you enable auto-expanding archiving for additional archive storage capacity. Similarly, if you want to place a shared mailbox on litigation hold, the shared mailbox must have an Exchange Online Plan 2 license or an Exchange Online Plan 1 license with an Exchange Online Archiving add-on license. If you want to apply advanced features such as Microsoft Defender for Office 365, eDiscovery (Premium), or automatic retention policies, the shared mailbox must be licensed for those features.
+> To access a shared mailbox, a user must have an Exchange Online license, but the shared mailbox doesn't require a separate license. Every shared mailbox has a corresponding user account. Notice how you weren't asked to provide a password when you created the shared mailbox? The account has a password, but it's system-generated (unknown). You shouldn't use the account to log in to the shared mailbox. Without a license, shared mailboxes are limited to 50 GB. To increase the size limit to 100 GB, the shared mailbox must be assigned an Exchange Online Plan 2 license. The Exchange Online Plan 1 license with an Exchange Online Archiving add-on license will only increase the size of the archive mailbox. This will also let you enable auto-expanding archiving for additional archive storage capacity. Similarly, if you want to place a shared mailbox on litigation hold, the shared mailbox must have an Exchange Online Plan 2 license or an Exchange Online Plan 1 license with an Exchange Online Archiving add-on license. If you want to apply advanced features such as Microsoft Defender for Office 365, eDiscovery (Premium), or retention policies, the shared mailbox must be licensed for those features.
> [!NOTE] > Prior to July 2018, all unlicensed shared mailboxes were provisioned with a size of 100 GB. For more information, see [Correcting Shared Mailbox provisioning and sizing](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/correcting-shared-mailbox-provisioning-and-sizing/ba-p/607991).
security Configure Proxy Internet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/configure-proxy-internet.md
> Want to experience Defender for Endpoint? [Sign up for a free trial.](https://www.microsoft.com/WindowsForBusiness/windows-atp?ocid=docs-wdatp-configureendpointsscript-abovefoldlink)
-The Defender for Endpoint sensor requires Microsoft Windows HTTP (WinHTTP) to report sensor data and communicate with the Defender for Endpoint service. The embedded Defender for Endpoint sensor runs in system context using the LocalSystem account. The sensor uses Microsoft Windows HTTP Services (WinHTTP) to enable communication with the Defender for Endpoint cloud service.
+The Defender for Endpoint sensor requires Microsoft Windows HTTP (WinHTTP) to report sensor data and communicate with the Defender for Endpoint service. The embedded Defender for Endpoint sensor runs in system context using the LocalSystem account.
> [!TIP] > For organizations that use forward proxies as a gateway to the Internet, you can use network protection to [investigate connection events that occur behind forward proxies](investigate-behind-proxy.md).
security Admin Submission https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/admin-submission.md
After a few moments, the allow entry will appear on the **Domains & addresses**
> - When you override the verdict in the spoof intelligence insight, the spoofed sender becomes a manual allow or block entry that only appears on the **Spoofed senders** tab in the Tenant Allow/Block List. > - If the sender has not already been blocked, submitting the email message to Microsoft won't create an allow entry in the Tenant Allow/Block List. > - Allows are added during mail flow, based on which filters determined the message to be malicious. For example, if the sender and a URL in the message were determined to be bad, an allow entry is created for the sender, and an allow entry is created for the URL.
-> - When that entity (domain or email address, URL, file) is encountered again, all filters associated with that entity are skipped.
+> - When that entity (domain or email address, URL, file) is encountered again, all filters associated with that entity are skipped. For an email, all other entities are still evaluated by the filtering system before making a decision.
> - During mail flow, if messages from the domain or email address pass other checks in the filtering stack, the messages will be delivered. For example, if [email authentication](email-validation-and-authentication.md) passes, a message from a sender in the allow entry will be delivered. ## Report good email attachments to Microsoft
security Air Review Approve Pending Completed Actions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/air-review-approve-pending-completed-actions.md
As automated investigations on email & collaboration content result in verdicts,
- Soft deleting email messages or clusters - Turning off external mail forwarding
-These remediation actions are not taken unless and until your security operations team approves them. We recommend reviewing and approving any pending actions as soon as possible so that your automated investigations complete in a timely manner. In some cases, you can reconsider submitted actions. You need to be part of Search & purge role before taking any actions.
+These remediation actions are not taken unless and until your security operations team approves them. We recommend reviewing and approving any pending actions as soon as possible so that your automated investigations complete in a timely manner. You need to be part of Search & purge role before taking any actions.
+We've added additional checks for duplicate or overlapping investigations with the same clusters approved multiple times. If the same investigation cluster is already approved in the previous hour, new duplicate remediation will not be processed again. This behavior doesn't remove duplicate investigations or investigation evidence - it simply de-duplicates approved actions to improve remediation processing speed. For the duplicate approved cluster investigations, you won't see action details in the [action center](https://security.microsoft.com/action-center/history) side panel.
## Approve (or reject) pending actions
security Use Dmarc To Validate Email https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/use-dmarc-to-validate-email.md
You can implement DMARC gradually without impacting the rest of your mail flow.
4. How to set up DMARC for subdomain?
- DMARC is implemented by publishing a policy as a TXT record in DNS and is hierarchical (for example, a policy published for contoso.com will apply to sub.domain.contonos.com unless a different policy is explicitly defined for the subdomain). This is useful as organizations may be able to specify a smaller number of high-level DMARC records for wider coverage. Care should be taken to configure explicit subdomain DMARC records where you don't want the subdomains to inherit the top-level domain's DMARC record.
+ DMARC is implemented by publishing a policy as a TXT record in DNS and is hierarchical (for example, a policy published for contoso.com will apply to sub.domain.contoso.com unless a different policy is explicitly defined for the subdomain). This is useful as organizations may be able to specify a smaller number of high-level DMARC records for wider coverage. Care should be taken to configure explicit subdomain DMARC records where you don't want the subdomains to inherit the top-level domain's DMARC record.
Also, you can add a wildcard-type policy for DMARC when subdomains shouldn't be sending email, by adding the `sp=reject` value. For example:
whiteboard Manage Sharing Gcc High https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-sharing-gcc-high.md
This setting applies only to whiteboards and replaces the previously shared sett
> [!NOTE] > This applies only to guests and federated users. It does not apply to anonymous meeting users at this time.
+> If you would like shared device accounts to have access to Whiteboard in Teams meetings but not anonymous users, you can disable **Anonymous users can interact with apps in meetings** while having **AllowAnonymousMeetingParticipantsToAccessWhiteboards** enabled
These changes should take approximately 60 minutes to apply across your tenancy.
whiteboard Manage Sharing Gcc https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-sharing-gcc.md
This setting applies only to whiteboards and replaces the previously shared sett
> [!NOTE] > By default, the Teams meeting setting **Anonymous users can interact with apps in meetings** is enabled by default. If you have disabled it, any anonymous users (as opposed to guests or federated users) will not have access to the whiteboard during the meeting
+> If you would like shared device accounts to have access to Whiteboard in Teams meetings but not anonymous users, you can disable **Anonymous users can interact with apps in meetings** while having **AllowAnonymousMeetingParticipantsToAccessWhiteboards** enabled
These changes should take approximately 60 minutes to apply across your tenancy.
whiteboard Manage Sharing Organizations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/whiteboard/manage-sharing-organizations.md
This setting applies only to whiteboards and replaces the previously shared sett
> [!NOTE] > By default, the Teams meeting setting **Anonymous users can interact with apps in meetings** is enabled. If you have disabled it, any anonymous users (as opposed to guests or federated users) won't have access to the whiteboard during the meeting.
+> If you would like shared device accounts to have access to Whiteboard in Teams meetings but not anonymous users, you can disable **Anonymous users can interact with apps in meetings** while having **AllowAnonymousMeetingParticipantsToAccessWhiteboards** enabled
These changes should take approximately 60 minutes to apply across your tenancy.