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bookings Add Staff https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/bookings/add-staff.md
Although Bookings is a feature of Microsoft 365, not all of your staff members a
By deselecting this box, staff can be given custom hours that further limit when they can be booked. This is helpful for scenarios where a staff member may only be on site Tuesdays and Wednesdays, or they dedicate their mornings for one type of appointments, and their afternoons for other types. > [!NOTE]
- > The first 100 staff members that you add to your staff page will appear when you assign staff members to a service.
+ > Bookings supports up to 100 staff members in a Bookings Calendar.
## Make a Bookings user a super user without adding them as Staff in Bookings
compliance Apply Retention Labels Automatically https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-retention-labels-automatically.md
After you select a policy template, you can add or remove any types of sensitive
For more information about these options, see the following guidance from the DLP documentation [Tuning rules to make them easier or harder to match](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#tuning-rules-to-make-them-easier-or-harder-to-match).
+> Sensitive information types have two different ways of defining the max unique instance count parameters. To learn more, see [Instance count supported values for SIT](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type.md#instance-count-supported-values-for-sit).
+ To consider when using sensitive information types to auto-apply retention labels: - If you use custom sensitive information types, these can't auto-label existing items in SharePoint and OneDrive.
compliance Apply Sensitivity Label Automatically https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md
There are two different methods for automatically applying a sensitivity label t
- For these Office files, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel are supported. If the label applies encryption, they are encrypted by using [Office 365 Message Encryption (OME)](ome.md). - If you have Exchange mail flow rules or data loss prevention (DLP) policies that apply IRM encryption: When content is identified by these rules or policies and an auto-labeling policy, the label is applied. If that label applies encryption, the IRM settings from the Exchange mail flow rules or DLP policies are ignored. However, if that label doesn't apply encryption, the IRM settings from the mail flow rules or DLP policies are applied in addition to the label. - Email that has IRM encryption with no label will be replaced by a label with any encryption settings when there is a match by using auto-labeling.
- - Incoming email is labeled when there is a match with your auto-labeling conditions:
- - If the label is configured for [encryption](encryption-sensitivity-labels.md), that encryption isn't applied.
+ - Incoming email is labeled when there is a match with your auto-labeling conditions. If the label is configured for [encryption](encryption-sensitivity-labels.md), that encryption is applied when the sender is from your organization but not applied when the sender is outside your organization.
- If the label is configured to apply [dynamic markings](sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md#dynamic-markings-with-variables), be aware that this configuration can result in the names of people outside your organization.
- - When the label applies encryption, the [Rights Management issuer and Rights Management owner](/azure/information-protection/configure-usage-rights#rights-management-issuer-and-rights-management-owner) is the person who sends the email. There currently isn't a way to set a Rights Manager owner for all incoming email messages that are automatically encrypted.
+ - When the label applies encryption, the [Rights Management issuer and Rights Management owner](/azure/information-protection/configure-usage-rights#rights-management-issuer-and-rights-management-owner) is the person who sends the email.
## Compare auto-labeling for Office apps with auto-labeling policies
Similarly to when you configure DLP policies, you can then refine your condition
You can learn more about these configuration options from the DLP documentation: [Tuning rules to make them easier or harder to match](data-loss-prevention-policies.md#tuning-rules-to-make-them-easier-or-harder-to-match).
+> Sensitive information types have two different ways of defining the max unique instance count parameters. To learn more, see [Instance count supported values for SIT](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type.md#instance-count-supported-values-for-sit).
+ Also similarly to DLP policy configuration, you can choose whether a condition must detect all sensitive information types, or just one of them. And to make your conditions more flexible or complex, you can add [groups and use logical operators between the groups](data-loss-prevention-policies.md). > [!NOTE]
compliance Archiving Third Party Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/archiving-third-party-data.md
Title: "Archive third-party data"
+ Title: "Use data connectors to import and archive third-party data in Microsoft 365"
f1.keywords: - NOCSH
description: "Learn how to import and archive third-party data from social media platforms, instant messaging platforms, and document collaboration platforms to Microsoft 365 mailboxes."
-# Archive third-party data in Microsoft 365
+# Learn about connectors for third-party data
-Microsoft 365 lets administrators use data connectors to import and archive third-party data from social media platforms, instant messaging platforms, and document collaboration platforms, to mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization. One primary benefit of using data connectors to import and archive third-party data in Microsoft 365 is that you can apply various Microsoft 365 compliance solutions to that after it's been imported. This helps you ensure that your organization's non-Microsoft data is in compliance with the regulations and standards that affect your organization.
+Microsoft 365 lets administrators use data connectors to import and archive non-Microsoft, third-party data from social media platforms, instant messaging platforms, and document collaboration platforms, to mailboxes in your Microsoft 365 organization. One primary benefit of using data connectors to import and archive third-party data in Microsoft 365 is that you can apply various Microsoft 365 compliance solutions to the data after it's been imported. This helps you ensure that your organization's non-Microsoft data is in compliance with the regulations and standards that affect your organization.
-Watch this interactive guide that demonstrates how to create data connectors to archive third-party data and examples of applying compliance solutions to data after it's imported to Microsoft 365.
+Watch this interactive guide that demonstrates how to create data connectors to import and archive third-party data and examples of applying compliance solutions to data after it's imported to Microsoft 365.
> [!VIDEO https://mslearn.cloudguides.com/guides/Archive%20data%20from%20non-Microsoft%20sources%20in%20Microsoft%20365]
compliance Create A Custom Sensitive Information Type https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type.md
Use this procedure to create a new sensitive information type that you fully def
13. On the **Data classification** page, you'll see all the sensitive information types listed. Choose **Refresh** and then browse for or use the search tool to find the sensitive information type you created.
+### Copy and modify a sensitive information type
+Use this procedure to create a new sensitive information type that is based on an existing sensitive information type.
+1. In the Compliance Center, go to **Data classification** \> **Sensitive info types** and choose the sensitive information type that you want to copy.
+2. In the flyout, choose **Copy**.
+3. Choose **Refresh** in the list of sensitive information types and either browse or search for the copy you just made. Partial sting searches work, so you could just search for `copy` and search would return all the sensitive information types with the word `copy` in the name.
+4. Fill in values for **Name** and **Description** and choose **Next**.
+5. Choose your sensitive information type copy and choose **Edit**.
+6. Give your new sensitive information type a new **Name** and **Description**.
+7. You can choose to edit or remove the existing patterns and add new ones. Choose the default confidence level for the new pattern. The values are **Low confidence**, **Medium confidence**, and **High confidence**.
+8. Choose and define **Primary element**. The primary element can be a **Regular expression**, a **Keyword list**, a **Keyword dictionary**, or one of the pre-configured **Functions**. See, [What the DLP functions look for](what-the-dlp-functions-look-for.md).
+9. Fill in a value for **Character proximity**.
+10. (Optional) If you have **Supporting elements** or any [**Additional checks**](#more-information-on-additional-checks) add them. If needed you can group your **Supporting elements**.
+11. Choose **Create**.
+12. Choose **Next**.
+13. Choose the **recommended confidence level** for this sensitive information type.
+14. Check your setting and choose **Submit**.
+ ## Test a sensitive information type You can test any sensitive information type in the list. We suggest that you test every sensitive information type that you create before using it in a policy.
For example, if you want the rule to trigger a match when at least 500 unique in
2. In the fly-out that opens, choose **Delete**.
-## Copy and modify a sensitive information type
-Use this procedure to create a new sensitive information type that is based on an existing sensitive information type.
-1. In the Compliance Center, go to **Data classification** \> **Sensitive info types** and choose the sensitive information type that you want to copy.
-2. In the flyout, choose **Copy**.
-3. Choose **Refresh** in the list of sensitive information types and either browse or search for the copy you just made. Partial sting searches work, so you could just search for `copy` and search would return all the sensitive information types with the word `copy` in the name.
-4. Fill in values for **Name** and **Description** and choose **Next**.
-5. Choose your sensitive information type copy and choose **Edit**.
-6. Give your new sensitive information type a new **Name** and **Description**.
-7. You can choose to edit or remove the existing patterns and add new ones. Choose the default confidence level for the new pattern. The values are **Low confidence**, **Medium confidence**, and **High confidence**.
-8. Choose and define **Primary element**. The primary element can be a **Regular expression**, a **Keyword list**, a **Keyword dictionary**, or one of the pre-configured **Functions**. See, [What the DLP functions look for](what-the-dlp-functions-look-for.md).
-9. Fill in a value for **Character proximity**.
-10. (Optional) If you have **Supporting elements** or any [**Additional checks**](#more-information-on-additional-checks) add them. If needed you can group your **Supporting elements**.
-11. Choose **Create**.
-12. Choose **Next**.
-13. Choose the **recommended confidence level** for this sensitive information type.
-14. Check your setting and choose **Submit**.
- > [!NOTE] > These SITs can't be copied: > - Canada driver's license number
compliance Detailed Properties In The Office 365 Audit Log https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/detailed-properties-in-the-office-365-audit-log.md
The following table describes the properties that are included (depending on the
|TeamName|The name of a team in Microsoft Teams.|Microsoft Teams| |UserAgent|Information about the user's browser. This information is provided by the browser.|SharePoint| |UserDomain|Identity information about the tenant organization of the user (actor) who performed the action.|Azure Active Directory|
-|UserId|The user who performed the action (specified in the **Operation** property) that resulted in the record being logged. Audit records for activity performed by system accounts (such as SHAREPOINT\system or NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) are also included in the audit log. Another common value for the UserId property is app@sharepoint. This indicates that the "user" who performed the activity was an application that has the necessary permissions in SharePoint to perform organization-wide actions (such as search a SharePoint site or OneDrive account) on behalf of a user, admin, or service. For more information, see [The app\@sharepoint user in audit records](search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance.md#the-appsharepoint-user-in-audit-records). |All|
+|UserId|The user who performed the action (specified in the **Operation** property) that resulted in the record being logged. Audit records for activity performed by system accounts (such as SHAREPOINT\system or NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) are also included in the audit log. Another common value for the UserId property is app@sharepoint. This indicates that the "user" who performed the activity was an application that has the necessary permissions in SharePoint to perform organization-wide actions (such as search a SharePoint site or OneDrive account) on behalf of a user, admin, or service. <br/><br/>For more information, see:<br/> [The app\@sharepoint user in audit records](search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance.md#the-appsharepoint-user-in-audit-records)<br/> or <br/>[System accounts in Exchange mailbox audit records](search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance.md#system-accounts-in-exchange-mailbox-audit-records). |All|
|UserKey|An alternative ID for the user identified in the **UserID** property. For example, this property is populated with the passport unique ID (PUID) for events performed by users in SharePoint. This property also might specify the same value as the **UserID** property for events occurring in other services and events performed by system accounts.|All| |UserSharedWith|The user that a resource was shared with. This property is included if the value for the **Operation** property is **SharingSet**. This user is also listed in the **Shared with** column in the report.|SharePoint| |UserType|The type of user that performed the operation. The following values indicate the user type. <br/> <br/> **0** - A regular user. <br/>**2** - An administrator in your Microsoft 365 organization.<sup>1</sup> <br/>**3** - A Microsoft datacenter administrator or datacenter system account. <br/>**4** - A system account. <br/>**5** - An application. <br/>**6** - A service principal.<br/>**7** - A custom policy.<br/>**8** - A system policy.|All|
compliance Encryption Office 365 Tls Certificates Changes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/encryption-office-365-tls-certificates-changes.md
+ Title: Office TLS Certificate Changes
+description: How to prepare for upcoming changes to Office TLS certificates.
+audience: Developer
Last updated : 1/7/2021+
+ms.localizationpriority: medium
+# Office TLS Certificate Changes
+Microsoft 365 is updating services powering messaging, meetings, telephony, voice, and video to use TLS certificates from a different set of Root Certificate Authorities (CAs). This change is being made because the current Root CA will expire in May 2025.
+Affected products include:
+- Microsoft Teams
+- Skype
+- Skype for Business Online
+- Microsoft Dynamics 365
+- GroupMe
+- Kaizala
+- Azure Communication Services
+Affected endpoints include (but are not limited to):
+- *.teams.microsoft.com
+- *.skype.com
+- *.skypeforbusiness.com
+- *.groupme.com
+- *.communication.azure.com
+- *.operatorconnect.microsoft.com
+This change will not affect certificates, domains, or services used in the US Government, China, or Germany national cloud instances of Microsoft 365.
+All certificate information in this article was previously provided in [Microsoft 365 encryption chains](./encryption-office-365-certificate-chains.md) no later than October 2020.
+## When will this change happen?
+Services will begin transitioning to the new Root CAs beginning in Jan 2022, possibly continuing into the third quarter (July-Sept) 2022.
+## What is changing?
+Today, most of the TLS certificates used by Microsoft 365 services chain up to the following Root CA:
+| Common Name of the CA | Thumbprint (SHA1) |
+| [Baltimore CyberTrust Root](https://cacerts.digicert.com/BaltimoreCyberTrustRoot.crt) | d4de20d05e66fc53fe1a50882c78db2852cae474 |
+with one of the following Intermediate CAs:
+| Common Name of the CA | Thumbprint (SHA1) |
+| [Microsoft RSA TLS CA 01](http://www.microsoft.com/pki/mscorp/Microsoft%20RSA%20TLS%20CA%2001.crt) | 703d7a8f0ebf55aaa59f98eaf4a206004eb2516a |
+| [Microsoft RSA TLS CA 02](http://www.microsoft.com/pki/mscorp/Microsoft%20RSA%20TLS%20CA%2002.crt) | b0c2d2d13cdd56cdaa6ab6e2c04440be4a429c75 |
+New TLS certificates used by Microsoft 365 services will now chain up to one of the following Root CAs:
+| Common Name of the CA | Thumbprint (SHA1) |
+| [DigiCert Global Root G2](https://cacerts.digicert.com/DigiCertGlobalRootG2.crt) | df3c24f9bfd666761b268073fe06d1cc8d4f82a4 |
+| [Microsoft RSA Root Certificate Authority 2017](https://www.microsoft.com/pkiops/certs/Microsoft%20RSA%20Root%20Certificate%20Authority%202017.crt) | 73a5e64a3bff8316ff0edccc618a906e4eae4d74 |
+| [Microsoft ECC Root Certificate Authority 2017](https://www.microsoft.com/pkiops/certs/Microsoft%20ECC%20Root%20Certificate%20Authority%202017.crt) | 999a64c37ff47d9fab95f14769891460eec4c3c5 |
+with one of the following Intermediate CAs:
+| Common Name of the CA | Thumbprint (SHA1) |
+| [Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 01](http://www.microsoft.com/pkiops/certs/Microsoft%20Azure%20TLS%20Issuing%20CA%2001%20-%20xsign.crt) | 2f2877c5d778c31e0f29c7e371df5471bd673173 |
+| [Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 02](http://www.microsoft.com/pkiops/certs/Microsoft%20Azure%20TLS%20Issuing%20CA%2002%20-%20xsign.crt) | e7eea674ca718e3befd90858e09f8372ad0ae2aa |
+| [Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 05](http://www.microsoft.com/pkiops/certs/Microsoft%20Azure%20TLS%20Issuing%20CA%2005%20-%20xsign.crt) | 6c3af02e7f269aa73afd0eff2a88a4a1f04ed1e5 |
+| [Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 06](http://www.microsoft.com/pkiops/certs/Microsoft%20Azure%20TLS%20Issuing%20CA%2006%20-%20xsign.crt) | 30e01761ab97e59a06b41ef20af6f2de7ef4f7b0 |
+## Will this change affect me?
+The Root CA "DigiCert Global Root G2" is widely trusted by operating systems including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS and by browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox. We expect that **most Microsoft 365 customers will not be impacted**.
+However, **your application may be impacted if it explicitly specifies a list of acceptable CAs**. This practice is known as "certificate pinning". Customers who do not have the new Root CAs in their list of acceptable CAs will receive certificate validation errors, which may impact the availability or function of your application.
+Here are some ways to detect if your application may be impacted:
+- Search your source code for the thumbprint, Common Name, or other properties of any of the Intermediate CAs found [here](https://www.microsoft.com/pki/mscorp/cps/default.htm). If there is a match, then your application will be impacted. To resolve this problem, update the source code to add the properties of the new CAs. As a best practice, ensure that CAs can be added or edited on short notice. Industry regulations require CA certificates to be replaced within seven days in some circumstances, so applications that implement certificate pinning must react to these changes swiftly.
+- .NET exposes the `System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback` and the `System.Net.HttpWebRequest.ServerCertificateValidationCallback` callback functions, which allow developers to use custom logic to determine if certificates are valid rather than relying on the standard Windows certificate store. A developer can add logic that checks for a specific Common Name or thumbprint or only allows a specific Root CA such as "Baltimore CyberTrust Root". If your application uses these callback functions, you should make sure that it accepts both the old and new Root and Intermediate CAs.
+- Native applications may be using `WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_SENDING_REQUEST`, which allows native applications to implement custom certificate validation logic. Usage of this notification is rare and requires a significant amount of custom code to implement. Similar to the above, ensure that your application accepts both the old and new Root and Intermediate CAs.
+- If you use an application that integrates with Microsoft Teams, Skype, Skype for Business Online, or Microsoft Dynamics APIs and you are unsure if it uses certificate pinning, check with the application vendor.
+- Different operating systems and language runtimes that communicate with Azure services may require other steps to correctly build and validate the new certificate chains:
+ - **Linux**: Many distributions require you to add CAs to `/etc/ssl/certs`. For specific instructions, refer to the distribution's documentation.
+ - **Java**: Ensure that the Java key store contains the CAs listed above.
+ - **Windows running in disconnected environments**: Systems running in disconnected environments will need to have the new Root CAs added to their `Trusted Root Certification Authorities` store and the new Intermediate CAs added to their `Intermediate Certification Authorities` store.
+ - **Android**: Check the documentation for your device and version of Android.
+ - **IoT or embedded devices**: Embedded devices such as TV set top boxes often ship with a limited set of root authority certificates and have no easy way to update the certificate store. If you write code for, or manage deployments of, custom embedded or IoT devices, make sure the devices trust the new Root CAs. You may need to contact the device manufacturer.
+- If you have an environment where firewall rules allow outbound calls only to specific endpoints, allow the following Certificate Revocation List (CRL) or Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) URLs:
+ - http://crl3.digicert.com
+ - http://crl4.digicert.com
+ - http://ocsp.digicert.com
+ - http://crl.microsoft.com
+ - http://oneocsp.microsoft.com
+ - http://ocsp.msocsp.com
+ - http://www.microsoft.com/pkiops
+- If you are impacted by this change, you may see error messages dependent on the type of environment you are running in and scenario you are impacted by. Check Windows Application event logs, CAPI2 event logs, and custom application logs for messages that look like:
+ ```
+ An operation failed because the following certificate has validation errors:
+ Subject Name: CN=teams.microsoft.com
+ Issuer Name: CN=Microsoft Azure TLS Issuing CA 01, O=Microsoft Corporation, C=US
+ Errors:
+ The root of the certificate chain is not a trusted root authority.
+ ```
+## When can I retire the old CA information?
+The current Root CA, Intermediate CA, and leaf certificates will not be revoked. The existing CA Common Names and/or thumbprints will be required through at least Feb 2023 based on the lifetime of existing certificates.
compliance Keyword Queries And Search Conditions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/keyword-queries-and-search-conditions.md
Create a condition using mail properties when searching mailboxes or public fold
|Condition|Description| |||
-|Message kind|The message type to search. This is the same property as the Kind email property. Possible values: <ul><li>contacts</li><li>docs</li><li>email</li><li>externaldata</li><li>faxe</li><li>im</li><li>journals</li><li>meetings</li><li>microsoftteams</li><li>notes</li><li>posts</li><li>rssfeeds</li><li>tasks</li><li>voicemail</li></ul>|
+|Message kind|The message type to search. This is the same property as the Kind email property. Possible values: <ul><li>contacts</li><li>docs</li><li>email</li><li>externaldata</li><li>fax</li><li>im</li><li>journals</li><li>meetings</li><li>microsoftteams</li><li>notes</li><li>posts</li><li>rssfeeds</li><li>tasks</li><li>voicemail</li></ul>|
|Participants|All the people fields in an email message. These fields are From, To, Cc, and Bcc.| |Type|The message class property for an email item. This is the same property as the ItemClass email property. It's also a multi-value condition. So to select multiple message classes, hold the **CTRL** key and then click two or more message classes in the drop-down list that you want to add to the condition. Each message class that you select in the list will be logically connected by the **OR** operator in the corresponding search query. <p> For a list of the message classes (and their corresponding message class ID) that are used by Exchange and that you can select in the **Message class** list, see [Item Types and Message Classes](/office/vba/outlook/Concepts/Forms/item-types-and-message-classes).| |Received|The date that an email message was received by a recipient. This is the same property as the Received email property.|
When you add a condition, you can select an operator that is relevant to type of
|Doesn't contain any of|`-property:value` <p> `NOT property:value`|Used with conditions for properties that specify a string value. Returns items that don't contain any part of the specified string value.| |Doesn't equal any of|`-property=value` <p> `NOT property=value`|Used with conditions for properties that specify a string value. Returns items that don't contain the specific string.| |Equals|`size=value`|Returns items that are equal to the specified size.<sup>1</sup>|
-|Equals any of|`(property=value) OR (property=value)`|Used with conditions for properties that specify a string value. Returns items that are an exact match of one or more specified string values.|
+|Equals any of|`(property=value) OR (property=value)`|Used with conditions for properties that specify a string value. Returns items that are a match of one or more specified string values.|
|Greater|`size>value`|Returns items where the specified property is greater than the specified value.<sup>1</sup>| |Greater or equal|`size>=value`|Returns items where the specified property is greater than or equal to the specified value.<sup>1</sup>| |Less|`size<value`|Returns items that are greater than or equal to the specific value.<sup>1</sup>|
Keep the following in mind when using search conditions.
- If you add multiple values (separated by commas or semi-colons) to a single condition, those values are connected by the **OR** operator. That means items are returned if they contain any of the specified values for the property in the condition.
+- Any condition that uses an operator with **Contains** and **Equals** logic will return similar search results for simple string searches. A simple string search is a string in the condition that doesn't include a wildcard). For example, a condition that uses **Equals any of** will return the same items as a condition that uses **Contains any of**.
+ - The search query that is created by using the keywords box and conditions is displayed on the **Search** page, in the details pane for the selected search. In a query, everything to the right of the notation `(c:c)` indicates conditions that are added to the query. - Conditions only add properties to the search query; the don't add operators. This is why the query displayed in the detail pane doesn't show operators to the right of the `(c:c)` notation. KQL adds the logical operators (according to the previously explained rules) when the executing the query.
compliance Search The Audit Log In Security And Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/search-the-audit-log-in-security-and-compliance.md
The following table lists the activities that can be logged by mailbox audit log
|Friendly name|Operation|Description| |:--|:--|:--| |Accessed mailbox items|MailItemsAccessed|Messages were read or accessed in mailbox. Audit records for this activity are triggered in one of two ways: when a mail client (such as Outlook) performs a bind operation on messages or when mail protocols (such as Exchange ActiveSync or IMAP) sync items in a mail folder. This activity is only logged for users with an Office 365 or Microsoft 365 E5 license. Analyzing audit records for this activity is useful when investigating compromised email account. For more information, see the "Advanced Audit events" section in [Advanced Audit](advanced-audit.md#advanced-audit-events). |
-|Added delegate mailbox permissions|Add-MailboxPermission|An administrator assigned the FullAccess mailbox permission to a user (known as a delegate) to another person's mailbox. The FullAccess permission allows the delegate to open the other person's mailbox, and read and manage the contents of the mailbox.|
+|Added delegate mailbox permissions|Add-MailboxPermission|An administrator assigned the FullAccess mailbox permission to a user (known as a delegate) to another person's mailbox. The FullAccess permission allows the delegate to open the other person's mailbox, and read and manage the contents of the mailbox. The audit record for this activity is also generated when a system account in the Microsoft 365 service periodically performs maintenance tasks in behalf of your organization. A common task performed by a system account is updating the permissions for system mailboxes. For more information, see [System accounts in Exchange mailbox audit records](#system-accounts-in-exchange-mailbox-audit-records).|
|Added or removed user with delegate access to calendar folder|UpdateCalendarDelegation|A user was added or removed as a delegate to the calendar of another user's mailbox. Calendar delegation gives someone else in the same organization permissions to manage the mailbox owner's calendar.| |Added permissions to folder|AddFolderPermissions|A folder permission was added. Folder permissions control which users in your organization can access folders in a mailbox and the messages located in those folders.| |Copied messages to another folder|Copy|A message was copied to another folder.|
The following table lists the activities that can be logged by mailbox audit log
|Label message as a record||A user applied a retention label to an email message and that label is configured to mark the item as a record. | ||||
+#### System accounts in Exchange mailbox audit records
+In audit records for some mailbox activities (especially **Add-MailboxPermissions**), you may notice the user who performed the activity (and is identified in the User and UserId fields) is NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM or NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM(Microsoft.Exchange.Servicehost). This indicates that the "user" who performed the activity was a system account in Exchange service in the Microsoft cloud. This system account often performs scheduled maintenance tasks on behalf of your organization. For example, a common audited activity performed by the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM(Microsoft.Exchange.ServiceHost) account is to update the permissions on the DiscoverySearchMailbox, which is a system mailbox. The purpose of this update is to verify that the FullAccess permission (which is the default) is assigned to the Discovery Management role group for the DiscoverySearchMailbox. This ensures that eDiscovery administrators can perform necessary tasks in their organization.
+Another system user account that may be identified in an audit record for **Add-MailboxPermission** is Administrator@apcprd03.prod.outlook.com. This service account is also included in mailbox audit records related to verifying and updating the FullAccess permission is assigned to the Discovery Management role group for the DiscoverySearchMailbox system mailbox. Specifically, audit records that identify the Administrator@apcprd03.prod.outlook.com account are typically triggered when Microsoft support personnel run an RBAC role diagnostic tool on behalf of your organization.
+ ### User administration activities The following table lists user administration activities that are logged when an admin adds or changes a user account by using the [Microsoft 365 admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2024339) or the Azure management portal.
compliance Sensitive Information Type Learn About https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitive-information-type-learn-about.md
Every sensitive information type entity is defined by these fields:
- name: how the sensitive information type is referred to - description: describes what the sensitive information type is looking for-- pattern: A pattern defines what a sensitive information type detects. It consists of the following components
- - Primary element ΓÇô the main element that the sensitive information type is looking for. It can be a **regular expression** with or without a checksum validation, a **keyword list**, a **keyword dictionary**, or a **function**.
- - Supporting element ΓÇô elements that act as supporting evidence that help in increasing the confidence of the match. For example, keyword "SSN" in proximity of an SSN number. It can be a regular expression with or without a checksum validation, keyword list, keyword dictionary.
+- pattern: A pattern defines what a sensitive information type detects. It consists of the following components.
+ - Primary element ΓÇô The main element that the sensitive information type is looking for. It can be a **regular expression** with or without a checksum validation, a **keyword list**, a **keyword dictionary**, or a **function**.
+ - Supporting element ΓÇô Elements that act as supporting evidence that help in increasing the confidence of the match. For example, keyword "SSN" in proximity to an SSN number. It can be a regular expression with or without a checksum validation, keyword list, keyword dictionary.
- Confidence Level - Confidence levels (high, medium, low) reflect how much supporting evidence was detected along with the primary element. The more supporting evidence an item contains, the higher the confidence that a matched item contains the sensitive info you're looking for.
- - Proximity ΓÇô Number of characters between primary and supporting element
+ - Proximity ΓÇô Number of characters between primary and supporting element.
![Diagram of corroborative evidence and proximity window.](../media/dc68e38e-dfa1-45b8-b204-89c8ba121f96.png)
A DLP policy has medium confidence that it's detected this type of sensitive inf
### More on confidence levels
-In a sensitive information type entity definition, **confidence level** reflects how much supporting evidence is detected in addition to the primary element. The more supporting evidence an item contains, the higher the confidence that a matched item contains the sensitive info you're looking for. For example, matches with a high confidence level will contain more supporting evidence in close proximity of the primary element, whereas matches with a low confidence level would contain little to no supporting evidence in close proximity.
+In a sensitive information type entity definition, **confidence level** reflects how much supporting evidence is detected in addition to the primary element. The more supporting evidence an item contains, the higher the confidence that a matched item contains the sensitive info you're looking for. For example, matches with a high confidence level will contain more supporting evidence in close proximity to the primary element, whereas matches with a low confidence level would contain little to no supporting evidence in close proximity.
A high confidence level returns the fewest false positives but might result in more false negatives. Low or medium confidence levels returns more false positives but few to zero false negatives. -- **low confidence**: Value of 65, matched items will contain the fewest false negatives but the most false positives. Low confidence returns all low, medium, and high confidence matches.-- **medium confidence**: Value of 75, matched items will contain an average amount of false positives and false negatives. Medium confidence returns all medium, and high confidence matches. -- **high confidence**: Value of 85, matched items will contain the fewest false positives but the most false negatives. High confidence only returns high confidence matches.
+- **low confidence**: Matched items will contain the fewest false negatives but the most false positives. Low confidence returns all low, medium, and high confidence matches. The low confidence level has a value of 65.
+- **medium confidence**: Matched items will contain an average amount of false positives and false negatives. Medium confidence returns all medium, and high confidence matches. The medium confidence level has a value of 75.
+- **high confidence**: Matched items will contain the fewest false positives but the most false negatives. High confidence only returns high confidence matches and has a value of 85.
You should use high confidence level patterns with low counts, say five to ten, and low confidence patterns with higher counts, say 20 or more.
You should use high confidence level patterns with low counts, say five to ten,
## Creating custom sensitive information types
-To create custom sensitive information types in the Security & Compliance Center, you can choose from several options:
+You can choose from several options to create custom sensitive information types in the Compliance Center.
-- **Use the UI** You can set up a custom sensitive information type using the Security & Compliance Center UI. With this method, you can use regular expressions, keywords, and keyword dictionaries. To learn more, see [Create a custom sensitive information type](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type.md).--- **Use EDM** You can set up custom sensitive information types using Exact Data Match (EDM)-based classification. This method enables you to create a dynamic sensitive information type using a secure database that you can refresh periodically. See [Learn about exact data match based sensitive information types](sit-learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sits.md#learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sensitive-information-types).--- **Use PowerShell** You can set up custom sensitive information types using PowerShell. Although this method is more complex than using the UI, you have more configuration options. See [Create a custom sensitive information type in Security & Compliance Center PowerShell](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type-in-scc-powershell.md).
+- **Use the UI** - You can set up a custom sensitive information type using the Compliance Center UI. With this method, you can use regular expressions, keywords, and keyword dictionaries. To learn more, see [Create a custom sensitive information type](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type.md).
+- **Use EDM** - You can set up custom sensitive information types using Exact Data Match (EDM)-based classification. This method enables you to create a dynamic sensitive information type using a secure database that you can refresh periodically. See [Learn about exact data match based sensitive information types](sit-learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sits.md#learn-about-exact-data-match-based-sensitive-information-types).
+- **Use PowerShell** - You can set up custom sensitive information types using PowerShell. Although this method is more complex than using the UI, you have more configuration options. See [Create a custom sensitive information type in Security & Compliance Center PowerShell](create-a-custom-sensitive-information-type-in-scc-powershell.md).
> [!NOTE] > Improved confidence levels are available for immediate use within Data Loss Prevention for Microsoft 365 services, Microsoft Information Protection for Microsoft 365 services, Communication Compliance, Information Governance, and Records Management.
To create custom sensitive information types in the Security & Compliance Center
> - Korean > - Japanese >
-> This support is available for sensitive information types. See, [Information protection support for double byte character sets release notes (preview)](mip-dbcs-relnotes.md) for more information.
+> This support is available for sensitive information types. See, [Information protection support for double byte character sets release notes](mip-dbcs-relnotes.md) for more information.
> [!TIP] > To detect patterns containing Chinese/Japanese characters and single byte characters or to detect patterns containing Chinese/Japanese and English, define two variants of the keyword or regex. > - For example, to detect a keyword like "机密的document", use two variants of the keyword; one with a space between the Japanese and English text and another without a space between the Japanese and English text. So, the keywords to be added in the SIT should be "机密的 document" and "机密的document". Similarly, to detect a phrase "東京オリンピック2020", two variants should be used; "東京オリンピック 2020" and "東京オリンピック2020". >
-> Along with Chinese/Japanese/double byte characters, if the list of keywords/phrases also contain non Chinese/Japanese words also (like English only), it is recommended to create two dictionaries/keyword lists. One for keywords containing Chinese/Japanese/double byte characters and another one for English only.
-> - For example, if you want to create a keyword dictionary/list with three phrases "Highly confidential", "機密性が高い" and "机密的document", the it you should create two keyword lists.
+> Along with Chinese/Japanese/double byte characters, if the list of keywords/phrases also contain non Chinese/Japanese words also (like English only), you should create two dictionaries/keyword lists. One for keywords containing Chinese/Japanese/double byte characters and another one for English only.
+> - For example, if you want to create a keyword dictionary/list with three phrases "Highly confidential", "機密性が高い" and "机密的document", the you should create two keyword lists.
> 1. Highly confidential > 2. 機密性が高い, 机密的document and 机密的 document >
compliance Sensitivity Labels Office Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels-office-apps.md
The numbers listed are the minimum Office application versions required for each
|[Require users to apply a label to their email and documents](#require-users-to-apply-a-label-to-their-email-and-documents) | Current Channel: 2101+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2101+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2108+ | 16.45+ | 2.47+ | 16.0.13628+ | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |[Apply a sensitivity label to content automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md) <br /> - Using sensitive info types | Current Channel: 2009+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2009+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2102+ | 16.44+ | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) | |[Apply a sensitivity label to content automatically](apply-sensitivity-label-automatically.md) <br /> - Using trainable classifiers | Current Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2105+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2018+ | Under review | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |
-|[Support co-authoring and AutoSave](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md) for labeled and encrypted documents | Current Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: Under review | 16.51+ | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |
+|[Support co-authoring and AutoSave](sensitivity-labels-coauthoring.md) for labeled and encrypted documents | Current Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Monthly Enterprise Channel: 2107+ <br /><br> Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel: 2202+ | 16.51+ | Under review | Under review | [Yes - opt-in](sensitivity-labels-sharepoint-onedrive-files.md) |
| **Footnotes:**
contentunderstanding Syntex Licensing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/contentunderstanding/syntex-licensing.md
The following tasks require a [SharePoint Syntex license](https://www.microsoft.
- Creating a form processing model via the entry point in a library - Uploading content to a library where a document understanding or form processing model has been applied - Running a document understanding model on-demand-- Viewing the metadata extracted from files using a document understanding or forms processing model. (Users must be licensed to access and use metadata associated with processed files, regardless of where the files are moved.) - Use premium taxonomy services. (Premium taxonomy services comprise SKOS-based term set import, pushing enterprise content types to hub-associated sites, and term store reports.) Unlicensed users can be granted access to a content center and can create document understanding models there but can't apply them to a document library.
security Microsoft 365 Zero Trust https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/Microsoft-365-zero-trust.md
ms.localizationpriority: medium
search.appverid: - MET150 -- deploy zero trust-- zero trust strategy-- M365-security-compliance - m365solution-zerotrust - m365solution-overview
+- M365-security-compliance
# Microsoft 365 Zero Trust deployment plan
security Mde Device Control Device Installation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mde-device-control-device-installation.md
ms.technology: mde
- [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037) - [Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Plan 2](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=2154037)
-Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Removable Storage Access Control enables you to do the following task:
+Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Device Control Device Installation enables you to do the following task:
- Prevent people from installing specific devices. - Allow people to install specific devices but prevent other devices.
security Mde P1 Setup Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/mde-p1-setup-configuration.md
audience: ITPro Previously updated : 01/03/2022 Last updated : 01/14/2022 ms.prod: m365-security ms.technology: mdep1 ms.localizationpriority: medium
The following table lists the basic requirements for Defender for Endpoint Plan
| Requirement | Description | |:|:|
-| Licensing requirements | Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 |
+| Licensing requirements | Defender for Endpoint Plan 1 (formerly referred to as Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Lite)|
| Browser requirements | Microsoft Edge <br/> Internet Explorer version 11 <br/> Google Chrome | | Operating systems | Windows 10, version 1709 or later <br/>macOS: 11.5 (Big Sur), 10.15.7 (Catalina), or 10.14.6 (Mojave) <br/>iOS <br/>Android OS | | Datacenter | One of the following datacenter locations: <br/>- European Union <br/>- United Kingdom <br/>- United States |
To help with planning your WDAC deployment, see the following resources:
Now that you have gone through the setup and configuration process, your next step is to get started using Defender for Endpoint. -- [Get started with Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](mde-plan1-getting-started.md)
+- [Get started with Defender for Endpoint Plan 1](mde-plan1-getting-started.md)
security Microsoft Defender Antivirus On Windows Server https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/microsoft-defender-antivirus-on-windows-server.md
ms.technology: mde Previously updated : 10/18/2021 Last updated : 01/14/2022
sc query Windefend
The `sc query` command returns information about the Microsoft Defender Antivirus service. When Microsoft Defender Antivirus is running, the `STATE` value displays `RUNNING`.
+To view all the services that are not running, run the following Powershell cmdlet:
+sc query state= all
+ ## Update antimalware Security intelligence To get updated antimalware security intelligence, you must have the Windows Update service running. If you use an update management service, like Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), make sure that updates for Microsoft Defender Antivirus Security intelligence are approved for the computers you manage.
security Prevent Changes To Security Settings With Tamper Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/prevent-changes-to-security-settings-with-tamper-protection.md
- nextgen - admindeeplinkDEFENDER ms.technology: mde Previously updated : 12/23/2021 Last updated : 01/14/2022
If you are part of your organization's security team, and your subscription incl
### Requirements for managing tamper protection in Intune
+- Your devices must be [onboarded to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/onboarding).
+ - You must have appropriate [permissions](/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoint/assign-portal-access) assigned, such as global admin, security admin, or security operations. - Your organization uses [Intune to manage devices](/intune/fundamentals/what-is-device-management). ([Intune licenses](/intune/fundamentals/licenses) are required; Intune is included in Microsoft 365 E5/E3, Enterprise Mobility + Security E5/E3, Microsoft 365 Business Premium, Microsoft 365 F1/F3, Microsoft 365 Government G5/G3, and Intune for Education.)
If you're using [version 2006 of Configuration Manager](/mem/configmgr/core/plan
> [!NOTE] > The procedure can be used to extend tamper protection to devices running Windows 10, Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session, Windows 11, Windows 11 Enterprise multi-session, Windows Server 2019, and Windows Server 2022. Make sure to review the prerequisites and other information in the resources mentioned in this procedure.
-1. Set up tenant attach. To learn more, see [Microsoft Endpoint Manager tenant attach: Device sync and device actions](/mem/configmgr/tenant-attach/device-sync-actions).
+1. Set up tenant attach. To learn more, see [Get started: Create and deploy endpoint security policies from the admin center](/mem/configmgr/tenant-attach/endpoint-security-get-started).
2. In the [Microsoft Endpoint Manager admin center](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2109431), go to **Endpoint security** \> **Antivirus**, and then choose **+ Create Policy**.
- - In the **Platform** list, select **Windows 10 and Windows Server (ConfigMgr)** or **Windows 11 and Windows Server (ConfigMgr)**.
+ - In the **Platform** list, select **Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server (ConfigMgr)**.
- In the **Profile** list, select **Windows Security experience (preview)**. 3. Deploy the policy to your device collection.
security Office 365 Evaluation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/office-365-evaluation.md
If you don't already have a license that supports Microsoft Defender for Office
## How the evaluation works
-Defender for Office 365 in evaluation mode creates Defender for Office 365 email policies that log verdicts, such as malware, but don't act on messages. You are not required to change your MX record configuration.
+Defender for Office 365 in evaluation mode creates Defender for Office 365 email policies that log verdicts, such as malware, but don't act on messages. You're not required to change your MX record configuration.
-With evaluation mode, [Safe Attachments](safe-attachments.md), [Safe Links](safe-links.md), and [mailbox intelligence in anti-pishing policies](set-up-anti-phishing-policies.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365) are set up on your behalf. All Defender for Office 365 policies is created in non-enforcement mode in the background and are not visible to you.
+With evaluation mode, [Safe Attachments](safe-attachments.md), [Safe Links](safe-links.md), and [mailbox intelligence in anti-pishing policies](set-up-anti-phishing-policies.md#impersonation-settings-in-anti-phishing-policies-in-microsoft-defender-for-office-365) are set up on your behalf. All Defender for Office 365 policies are created in non-enforcement mode in the background and are not visible to you.
-As part of the setup, evaluation mode also configures [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors](/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors) (also known as _skip listing_). It improves filtering accuracy by preserving IP address and sender information, which are otherwise lost when mail passes through an email security gateway (ESG) in front of Defender for Office 365. Enhanced Filtering for Connectors also improves the filtering accuracy for your existing Exchange Online Protection (EOP) anti-spam and anti-phishing policies.
+As part of the setup, evaluation mode also configures [Enhanced Filtering for Connectors](/exchange/mail-flow-best-practices/use-connectors-to-configure-mail-flow/enhanced-filtering-for-connectors) (also known as _skip listing_). This configuration improves filtering accuracy by preserving IP address and sender information, which are otherwise lost when mail passes through an email security gateway (ESG) in front of Defender for Office 365. Enhanced Filtering for Connectors also improves the filtering accuracy for your existing Exchange Online Protection (EOP) anti-spam and anti-phishing policies.
-Enhanced Filtering for Connectors improves filtering accuracy but may alter deliverability for certain messages if you have an ESG in front of Defender for Office 365, and currently do not bypass EOP filtering. The impact is limited to EOP policies; Defender for Office 365 policies set up as part of the evaluation are created in non-enforcement mode. To minimize potential production impact, you can bypass most EOP filtering by creating a mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule) to set the spam confidence level (SCL) of messages to -1. See [Use mail flow rules to set the spam confidence level (SCL) in messages in Exchange Online](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl) for details.
+Enhanced Filtering for Connectors improves filtering accuracy but may alter deliverability for certain messages if you have an ESG in front of Defender for Office 365 and currently don't bypass EOP filtering. The impact is limited to EOP policies; Defender for Office 365 policies set up as part of the evaluation are created in non-enforcement mode. To minimize potential production impact, you can bypass most EOP filtering by creating a mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule) to set the spam confidence level (SCL) of messages to -1. See [Use mail flow rules to set the spam confidence level (SCL) in messages in Exchange Online](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl) for details.
-When the evaluation mode is set up, you will have a report updated daily with up to 90 days of data quantifying the messages that would have been blocked if the policies were implemented (for example, delete, send to junk, quarantine). Reports are generated for all Defender for Office 365 and EOP detections. They are aggregated per detection technology (for example, impersonation) and can be filtered by time range. Additionally, message reports can be created on-demand to create custom pivots or to deep dive messages using Explorer.
+When the evaluation mode is set up, you'll have a daily report with up to 90 days of data quantifying the messages that would have been blocked if the policies were implemented (for example, delete, send to junk, quarantine). Reports are generated for all Defender for Office 365 and EOP detections. Reports are aggregated per detection technology (for example, impersonation) and can be filtered by time range. Additionally, message reports can be created on-demand to create custom pivots or to deep dive messages using Explorer.
-With the simplified set-up experience, you can focus on:
+With the simplified set up experience, you can focus on:
- Running the evaluation - Getting a detailed report
If you don't have one of those licenses, then you'll need to obtain a trial lice
To obtain a trial license for Microsoft Defender for Office 365, you need to have the **Billing admin role** or **Global admin role**. Request permission from someone that has the Global admin role. [Learn about subscriptions and licenses](../../commerce/licenses/subscriptions-and-licenses.md)
-Once you have the proper role, the recommended path is to obtain a trial license for Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2) in the Microsoft 365 admin center by going to Billing > Purchase services. The trial includes a 30-day free trial for 25 licenses. [Get a trial for Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2)](https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/catalog/offer-details/microsoft-defender-for-office-365-plan-2-/223860DC-15D6-42D9-A861-AE05473069FA).
+Once you have the proper role, the recommended path is to obtain a trial license for Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2) in the Microsoft 365 admin center at <https://admin.microsoft.com> and then go to **Billing** \> **Purchase services** and then find and select the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 (Plan 2) trial. Or, to go directly to the trial page, use <https://admin.microsoft.com/AdminPortal/Home#/catalog/offer-details/microsoft-defender-for-office-365-plan-2-/223860DC-15D6-42D9-A861-AE05473069FA)> The trial includes a 30-day free trial for 25 licenses.
You'll have a 30-day window with the evaluation to monitor and report on advanced threats. You'll also have the option to buy a paid subscription if you want the full Defender for Office 365 capabilities. ### Roles
-**Exchange Online roles are required** to set up Defender for Office 365 in evaluation mode. Assigning a Microsoft 365 compliance or security admin role won't work.
+**Exchange Online roles** are required to set up Defender for Office 365 in evaluation mode. Assigning a Microsoft 365 compliance or security admin role won't work.
- [Learn about permissions in Exchange Online](/exchange/permissions-exo/permissions-exo) - [Learn about assigning admin roles](../../admin/add-users/assign-admin-roles.md)
URL links in the email message bodies won't wrap, to lessen customer impact.
### Email routing
-Prepare the corresponding details that you will need to set up how your email is currently routed, including the name of the inbound connector that routes your mail. If you are just using Exchange Online Protection, you won't have a connector. [Learn about mail flow and email routing](/office365/servicedescriptions/exchange-online-service-description/mail-flow)
+Prepare the corresponding details that you'll need to set up how your email is currently routed, including the name of the inbound connector that routes your mail. If you're just using Exchange Online Protection, you won't have a connector. [Learn about mail flow and email routing](/office365/servicedescriptions/exchange-online-service-description/mail-flow)
Supported email routing scenarios include:
Supported email routing scenarios include:
### Email security gateway
-If you're using a third-party email security gateway (ESG), you'll need to know the provider's name. If you're using an ESG on-premises or non-supported vendors, you'll need to know the public IP address(es) for the devices.
+If you're using a third-party email security gateway (ESG), you'll need to know the provider's name. If you're using an on-premises ESG or non-supported vendors, you'll need to know the public IP address(es) for the devices.
Supported third-party partners include:
Supported third-party partners include:
### Scoping
-You will be able to scope the evaluation to an inbound connector. If there's no connector configured, then the evaluation scope will allow admins to gather data from any user in your tenant to evaluate Defender for Office 365.
+You'll be able to scope the evaluation to an inbound connector. If there's no connector configured, then the evaluation scope will allow admins to gather data from any user in your tenant to evaluate Defender for Office 365.
## Get started with the evaluation
Find the Microsoft Defender for Office 365 evaluation set-up card in the Microso
## Setting up the evaluation
-Once you start the set-up flow for your evaluation, you'll be given two routing options. Depending on your organization's mail routing setup and evaluation needs, you can select whether you are using a third-party and/or on-premises service provider or only Microsoft Exchange Online.
+Once you start the set-up flow for your evaluation, you'll be given two routing options. Depending on your organization's mail routing setup and evaluation needs, you can select whether you're using a third-party and/or on-premises service provider or only Microsoft Exchange Online.
-- If you are using a third-party partner and/or on-premises service provider, you'll need to select the name of the vendor from the drop-down menu. Provide the other connector-related details.
+- If you're using a third-party partner and/or on-premises service provider, you'll need to select the name of the vendor from the drop-down menu. Provide the other connector-related details.
-- Select Microsoft Exchange Online if the MX record points to Microsoft and you have an Exchange Online mailbox.
+- Select **Microsoft Exchange Online** if the MX record points to Microsoft and you have an Exchange Online mailbox.
Review your settings and edit them if necessary. Then, select **Create evaluation**. You should get a confirmation message to indicate that your set-up is complete.
Your Microsoft Defender for Office 365 evaluation report is generated once per d
### Exchange mail flow rules (optional)
-If you have an existing gateway, enabling evaluation mode will activate Enhanced Filtering for Connectors. This feature improves filtering accuracy by altering the incoming sender IP address. This feature might change the filter verdicts, and if you are not bypassing Exchange Online Protection, this may alter deliverability for certain messages. In this case, you might want to temporarily bypass filtering to analyze impact. To bypass filtering, create a mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule) in the Exchange admin center (EAC) at <https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com/#/transportrules> that sets the SCL of messages to -1 (if you don't already have one). For instructions, see [Use mail flow rules to set the spam confidence level (SCL) in messages in Exchange Online](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl).
+If you have an existing gateway, enabling evaluation mode will activate Enhanced Filtering for Connectors. This feature improves filtering accuracy by altering the incoming sender IP address. This feature might change the filter verdicts, and if you're not bypassing Exchange Online Protection, this may alter deliverability for certain messages. In this case, you might want to temporarily bypass filtering to analyze impact. To bypass filtering, create a mail flow rule (also known as a transport rule) in the Exchange admin center (EAC) at <https://admin.exchange.microsoft.com/#/transportrules> that sets the SCL of messages to -1 (if you don't already have one). For instructions, see [Use mail flow rules to set the spam confidence level (SCL) in messages in Exchange Online](/exchange/security-and-compliance/mail-flow-rules/use-rules-to-set-scl).
## Evaluate capabilities
security View Email Security Reports https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/security/office-365-security/view-email-security-reports.md
In the **View data by Email \> Spam** and **Chart breakdown by Detection Technol
- **General filter** - **Mixed analysis detection**: Multiple filters contributed to the verdict for the message. - **Fingerprint matching**: The message was marked as bad due to previous messages.-- **Domain reputation**
+- **Domain reputation**: This message was considered spam based on the sender domain reputation.
- **Bulk**: Items detected as exceeding the bulk setting for the user. - **IP reputation**: The message was considered spam based on the sending IP address reputation.
solutions Manage Devices With Intune App Protection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-app-protection.md
description: Configure mobile app protection with App Protection policies (APP)
ms.prod: microsoft-365-enterprise ms.localizationpriority: high -- Intune App Protection policies-- APP-- mobile application management-- MAM-- set up mobile ap protection
+- M365-security-compliance
- m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-scenario
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Compliance Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-compliance-policies.md
ms.prod: microsoft-365-enterprise ms.localizationpriority: high -- Create compliance policies-- Intune device compliance policy-
+- M365-security-compliance
- m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-scenario
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Configuration Profiles https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-configuration-profiles.md
ms.prod: microsoft-365-enterprise ms.localizationpriority: high -- Configuration profiles-- Windows security baselines for Intune-- customize configuration profiles-
+- M365-security-compliance
- m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-scenario
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Dlp Mip https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-dlp-mip.md
- endpoint dlp - data loss prevention - dlp policies
+- M365-security-compliance
- m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-scenario
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Enroll https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-enroll.md
ms.prod: microsoft-365-enterprise ms.localizationpriority: high -- enroll devices into management-- enroll devices with Intune-- Intune mobile device platforms
+- M365-security-compliance
- m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-scenario
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Monitor Risk https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-monitor-risk.md
ms.prod: microsoft-365-enterprise ms.localizationpriority: high -- Connect Intune to Defender-- monitor device risk-- monitor device compliance
+- M365-security-compliance
- deploy security baselines - m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-scenario
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-overview.md
description: Enroll your endpoint devices in Microsoft Intune as part of your Ze
ms.prod: microsoft-365-enterprise ms.localizationpriority: high -- enroll devices into Intune-- manage device endpoints-- zero trust deployment stack-- device management with zero trust
+- M365-security-compliance
- m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-overview
solutions Manage Devices With Intune Require Compliance https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-docs/commits/public/microsoft-365/solutions/manage-devices-with-intune-require-compliance.md
ms.localizationpriority: high
- Conditional access policy - Microsoft Intune-- Intune device management
+- M365-security-compliance
- m365solution-managedevices - m365solution-scenario