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v1.0 Post Post Attachments https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/api/post-post-attachments.md
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Add an [attachment](../resources/attachment.md) when creating a group post.
-This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 4 MB.
+This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.
An attachment can be one of the following types:
v1.0 Attachment https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/attachment.md
Outlook tasks do not support reference attachments.
* An item (contact, event or message, represented by an [itemAttachment](../resources/itemattachment.md) resource) * A link to a file ([referenceAttachment](../resources/referenceattachment.md) resource)
->**Note**: There is a limit to the size of the file or item attachment you can add to under 4 MB.
+>**Note**: If you're attaching a file to a group post, or attaching an item to an event, message, or group post, limit the size of the attachment to 3 MB.
-> However, if you're attaching to a message a file that is between 3MB and 150MB, you can [create an upload session](../api/attachment-createuploadsession.md) and iteratively upload ranges of the file to attach it. See [attach large files to Outlook messages](/graph/outlook-large-attachments) for an example.
+> If you're attaching a file under 3 MB, you can [add the file attachment to a user event](../api/event-post-attachments.md), [to a message](../api/message-post-attachments.md), or [to a group post](../api/post-post-attachments.md).
+> If you're attaching a file between 3 MB and 150 MB to an event or message, you can [create an upload session](../api/attachment-createuploadsession.md) and iteratively upload ranges of the file to attach it. See [attach large files to Outlook messages](/graph/outlook-large-attachments) for an example.
+ ## Methods
The following methods apply to any of the derived types of attachments (**fileAt
| Method | Return Type |Description| |:|:--|:-| |[Get attachment](../api/attachment-get.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Read the properties, relationships, or raw contents of an attachment, attached to a user event, message, Outlook task, or post.|
-|[Add attachment to a user event](../api/event-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to an event in a user calendar.|
-|[Add attachment to a message](../api/message-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a message. This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 4 MB.|
-|[Create session to attach large file](../api/attachment-createuploadsession.md)| [uploadSession](uploadsession.md) | Create an upload session that allows an app to iteratively upload ranges of a file, so as to attach the file to the specified **message**. The file size must be between 3MB and 150MB.|
+|[Add attachment to a user event](../api/event-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to an event in a user calendar. This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.|
+|[Add attachment to a message](../api/message-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a message. This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.|
+|[Create session to attach large file](../api/attachment-createuploadsession.md)| [uploadSession](uploadsession.md) | Create an upload session that allows an app to iteratively upload ranges of a file, so as to attach the file to the specified **message** or **event**. The file size must be between 3 MB and 150 MB.|
|[Add attachment to an Outlook task](../api/outlooktask-post-attachments.md) (deprecated) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file or item attachment to an Outlook task.|
-|[Add attachment to a post](../api/post-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a group post.|
+|[Add attachment to a post](../api/post-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a group post. This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.|
|[List attachments of a user event](../api/event-list-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) collection | Get a list of attachments for an event in a user calendar. | |[List attachments of a message](../api/message-list-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) collection | Get a list of attachments for a message. | |[List attachments of an Outlook task](../api/outlooktask-list-attachments.md) (deprecated) | [attachment](attachment.md) collection | Get a list of attachments for an Outlook task. |
v1.0 Post Post Attachments https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/api/post-post-attachments.md
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Add an [attachment](../resources/attachment.md) when creating a group post.
-This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 4 MB.
+This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.
An attachment can be one of the following types:
v1.0 Attachment https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/attachment.md
Namespace: microsoft.graph
You can add related content to a user [event](../resources/event.md), [message](../resources/message.md), or [post](../resources/post.md) in the form of an attachment.
+Events in group calendars do not support attachments.
+ **attachment** is the base resource for the following derived types of attachments: * A file ([fileAttachment](../resources/fileattachment.md) resource) * An item (contact, event or message, represented by an [itemAttachment](../resources/itemattachment.md) resource) * A link to a file ([referenceAttachment](../resources/referenceattachment.md) resource)
-Events in group calendars do not support attachments.
+>**Note**: If you're attaching a file to a group post, or attaching an item to an event, message, or group post, limit the size of the attachment to 3 MB.
+> If you're attaching a file under 3 MB, you can [add the file attachment to a user event](../api/event-post-attachments.md), [to a message](../api/message-post-attachments.md), or [to a group post](../api/post-post-attachments.md).
+> If you're attaching a file between 3 MB and 150 MB to an event or message, you can [create an upload session](../api/attachment-createuploadsession.md) and iteratively upload ranges of the file to attach it. See [attach large files to Outlook messages](/graph/outlook-large-attachments) for an example.
## Methods
The following methods apply to any of the derived types of attachments (**fileAt
| Method | Return Type |Description| |:|:--|:-| |[Get attachment](../api/attachment-get.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Read the properties, relationships, or raw contents of an attachment, attached to a user event, message, or post.|
-|[Add attachment to a user event](../api/event-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to an event in a user calendar.|
-|[Add attachment to a message](../api/message-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a message.|
-|[Add attachment to a post](../api/post-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a post.|
+|[Add attachment to a user event](../api/event-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to an event in a user calendar. This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.|
+|[Add attachment to a message](../api/message-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a message. This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.|
+|[Create session to attach large file](../api/attachment-createuploadsession.md)| [uploadSession](uploadsession.md) | Create an upload session that allows an app to iteratively upload ranges of a file, so as to attach the file to the specified **message** or **event**. The file size must be between 3 MB and 150 MB.|
+|[Add attachment to a post](../api/post-post-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) |Add a file, item, or link attachment to a post. This operation limits the size of the attachment you can add to under 3 MB.|
|[List attachments of a user event](../api/event-list-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) collection | Get a list of attachments for an event in a user calendar. | |[List attachments of a message](../api/message-list-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) collection | Get a list of attachments for a message. | |[List attachments of a post](../api/post-list-attachments.md) | [attachment](attachment.md) collection | Get a list of attachments for a post. |