Updates from: 08/13/2022 01:37:42
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v1.0 Search Api Overview https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/search-api-overview.md
The following table describes the types available to query and the supported per
| EntityType | Permission scope required to access the items| Source| Comment| |:|:|:|:|
+|[chatMessage](chatmessage.md)|Chat.Read, Chat.ReadWrite, ChannelMessage.Read.All|Teams|Teams messages.|
|[message](message.md)|Mail.Read, Mail.ReadWrite| Exchange Online| Email messages.| |[event](event.md) |Calendars.Read, Calendars.ReadWrite| Exchange Online|Calendar events. | |[drive](drive.md)|Files.Read.All, Files.ReadWrite.All, Sites.Read.All, Sites.ReadWrite.All| SharePoint | Document libraries.|
For backward compatibility, the original properties and types are accessible and
## See also - Learn more about a few key use cases:
+ - [Search Teams messages](/graph/search-concept-chat-messages)
- [Search Outlook messages](/graph/search-concept-messages) - [Search calendar events](/graph/search-concept-events) - [Search person](/graph/search-concept-person)
v1.0 Accesspackageassignmentrequest Filterbycurrentuser https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/api/accesspackageassignmentrequest-filterbycurrentuser.md
Content-Type: application/json
"state": "delivered", "status": "Delivered", "createdDateTime": "2021-01-19T20:02:23.907Z",
- "completedDate": "2021-01-19T20:02:40.97Z",
+ "completedDateTime": "2021-01-19T20:02:40.97Z",
"schedule": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.entitlementManagementSchedule" }
v1.0 Entitlementmanagement List Assignmentrequests https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/api/entitlementmanagement-list-assignmentrequests.md
GET /identityGovernance/entitlementManagement/assignmentRequests
## Query parameters
-This method supports the `$select`, `$expand` and `$filter` OData query parameters to help customize the response.
+This method supports the `$select`, `$expand` and `$filter` OData query parameters to help customize the response. Not all attributes of an [accessPackageAssignmentRequest](../resources/accesspackageassignmentrequest.md) are supported for filtering.
If the user or application only has permissions within a specific catalog or catalogs, you must include in the query a filter which specifies an access package, such as `$expand=accessPackage&$filter=accessPackage/id eq '9bbe5f7d-f1e7-4eb1-a586-38cdf6f8b1ea'`. ### Example scenarios for using query parameters
+- To retrieve requests created after a specific date, include `$filter=createdDateTime gt 2022-04-01T00:00:01Z` in the query.
- To retrieve the access package of each request, include `$expand=accessPackage` in the query. - To retrieve the resulting assignment, include `$expand=assignment` in the query. - To obtain more details on the requestor, include `$expand=requestor` in the query.
v1.0 Accesspackageassignmentrequest https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/accesspackageassignmentrequest.md
In [Azure AD Entitlement Management](entitlementmanagement-overview.md), an acce
|Property|Type|Description| |:|:|:| |completedDateTime|DateTimeOffset|The date of the end of processing, either successful or failure, of a request. The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is `2014-01-01T00:00:00Z`. Read-only.|
-|createdDateTime|DateTimeOffset|The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is `2014-01-01T00:00:00Z`. Read-only.|
+|createdDateTime|DateTimeOffset|The Timestamp type represents date and time information using ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 is `2014-01-01T00:00:00Z`. Read-only. Supports `$filter`.|
|id|String|Read-only.| |requestType|accessPackageRequestType|The type of the request. The possible values are: `notSpecified`, `userAdd`, `userUpdate`, `userRemove`, `adminAdd`, `adminUpdate`, `adminRemove`, `systemAdd`, `systemUpdate`, `systemRemove`, `onBehalfAdd`, `unknownFutureValue`. A request from the user themselves would have requestType of `UserAdd` or `UserRemove`. This property cannot be changed once set.| |schedule|[entitlementManagementSchedule](../resources/entitlementmanagementschedule.md)|The range of dates that access is to be assigned to the requestor. This property cannot be changed once set.|
-|state|accessPackageRequestState|The state of the request. The possible values are: `submitted`, `pendingApproval`, `delivering`, `delivered`, `deliveryFailed`, `denied`, `scheduled`, `canceled`, `partiallyDelivered`, `unknownFutureValue`. Read-only.|
+|state|accessPackageRequestState|The state of the request. The possible values are: `submitted`, `pendingApproval`, `delivering`, `delivered`, `deliveryFailed`, `denied`, `scheduled`, `canceled`, `partiallyDelivered`, `unknownFutureValue`. Read-only. Supports `$filter` (`eq`). |
|status|String|More information on the request processing status. Read-only.| ## Relationships