Updates from: 07/03/2022 01:03:12
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v1.0 Complianceapioverview https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/complianceapioverview.md
Records management in Microsoft Purview provides the ability to manage regulator
For more details, see [Microsoft Purview records management](/microsoft-365/compliance/records-management). The records management API is defined in the OData subnamespace, microsoft.graph.security.
-Explore the [Microsoft Purview Records Management APIs](security-recordsManagement-overview.md).
+Explore the [Microsoft Purview records management APIs](security-recordsManagement-overview.md).
<!-- ## Labels
v1.0 Security Recordsmanagement Overview https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/security-recordsmanagement-overview.md
Title: "Use the Microsoft Graph records management API"
-description: "The Microsoft Purview Records Management APIs helps organizations manage retention and deletion of data to meet their legal obligations and compliance regulations, and increases efficiency by enabling the regular disposition of items that no longer have to be retained."
+description: "The Microsoft Purview records management APIs helps organizations manage retention and deletion of data to meet their legal obligations and compliance regulations, and increases efficiency by enabling the regular disposition of items that no longer have to be retained."
ms.localizationpriority: medium ms.prod: "compliance"
doc_type: conceptualPageType
[!INCLUDE [beta-disclaimer](../../includes/beta-disclaimer.md)]
-The Microsoft Purview Records Management APIs help organizations manage retention and deletion of data to meet their legal obligations and compliance regulations, and increases efficiency by enabling the regular disposition of items that no longer have to be retained.
+The Microsoft Purview records management APIs help organizations manage retention and deletion of data to meet their legal obligations and compliance regulations, and increases efficiency by enabling the regular disposition of items that no longer have to be retained.
The records mangement solution is a part of the Microsoft Purview compliance center.
v1.0 Addin https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/addin.md
Namespace: microsoft.graph
-Defines custom behavior that a consuming service can use to call an app in specific contexts. For example, applications that can render file streams [may configure addIns](/onedrive/developer/file-handlers/?view=odsp-graph-online) for its "FileHandler" functionality. This will let services like Microsoft 365 call the application in the context of a document the user is working on.
+Defines custom behavior that a consuming service can use to call an app in specific contexts. For example, applications that can render file streams [may configure addIns](/onedrive/developer/file-handlers/) for its "FileHandler" functionality. This will let services like Microsoft 365 call the application in the context of a document the user is working on.
## Properties | Property | Type |Description|
v1.0 Assignedlabel https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/assignedlabel.md
doc_type: resourcePageType
Namespace: microsoft.graph
-Represents a sensitivity label assigned to an Microsoft 365 group. Sensitivity labels allow administrators to enforce specific group settings on a group by assigning a classification to the group (such as Confidential, Highly Confidential or General). Sensitivity labels are published by administrators in Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance Center as part of Microsoft Purview Information Protection capabilities. For more information about sensitivity labels, see [Sensitivity labels overview](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels?view=o365-worldwide).
+Represents a sensitivity label assigned to an Microsoft 365 group. Sensitivity labels allow administrators to enforce specific group settings on a group by assigning a classification to the group (such as Confidential, Highly Confidential or General). Sensitivity labels are published by administrators in Microsoft 365 Security & Compliance Center as part of Microsoft Purview Information Protection capabilities. For more information about sensitivity labels, see [Sensitivity labels overview](/microsoft-365/compliance/sensitivity-labels).
## Properties
v1.0 Directoryobjectpartnerreference https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/directoryobjectpartnerreference.md
doc_type: resourcePageType
Namespace: microsoft.graph
-Represents a reference to a directory object in a partner organization. Inherits from [directoryObject](/graph/api/resources/directoryobject?view=graph-rest-v1.0).
+Represents a reference to a directory object in a partner organization. Inherits from [directoryObject](/graph/api/resources/directoryobject?view=graph-rest-v1.0&preserve-view=true).
## Properties
Represents a reference to a directory object in a partner organization. Inherits
|description|String| Description of the object returned. Read-only. | |displayName|String| Name of directory object being returned, like group or application. Read-only. | |externalPartnerTenantId|Guid| The tenant identifier for the partner tenant. Read-only. |
-|id|String| The unique identifier for the resource. Inherited from [directoryObject](/graph/api/resources/directoryobject?view=graph-rest-v1.0). Read-only. |
+|id|String| The unique identifier for the resource. Inherited from [directoryObject](/graph/api/resources/directoryobject?view=graph-rest-v1.0&preserve-view=true). Read-only. |
|objectType|String| The type of the referenced object in the partner tenant. Read-only. | ## JSON representation
v1.0 Package https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/package.md
Title: package ms.localizationpriority: medium
-description: "Indicates that a driveItem is the top-level item in a "package" or a collection of items that should be treated as a collection instead of individual items."
+description: Indicates that a driveItem is the top-level item in a package or a collection of items that should be treated as a collection instead of individual items.
ms.prod: files doc_type: resourcePageType
v1.0 Place https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/place.md
The following is a JSON representation of the resource.
``` ## See also-- For administrators to create a room list, use the Exchange PowerShell cmdlet [New-DistributionGroup](/powershell/module/exchange/users-and-groups/new-distributiongroup?view=exchange-ps).-- For administrators to add a room to a room list, use the Exchange Powershell cmdlet [Add-DistributionGroupMember](/powershell/module/exchange/users-and-groups/add-distributiongroupmember?view=exchange-ps).
+- For administrators to create a room list, use the Exchange PowerShell cmdlet [New-DistributionGroup](/powershell/module/exchange/users-and-groups/new-distributiongroup?view=exchange-ps&preserve-view=true).
+- For administrators to add a room to a room list, use the Exchange Powershell cmdlet [Add-DistributionGroupMember](/powershell/module/exchange/users-and-groups/add-distributiongroupmember?view=exchange-ps&preserve-view=true).
<!-- uuid: 16cd6b66-4b1a-43a1-adaf-3a886856ed98 2019-02-04 14:57:30 UTC -->
v1.0 Usersettings https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/usersettings.md
This resource supports:
| Property | Type |Description| |:|:--|:-|
-|contributionToContentDiscoveryDisabled|Boolean|When set to true, the delegate access to the user's [trending](/graph/api/resources/insights-trending?view=graph-rest-beta) API is disabled. When set to true, documents in the user's Office Delve are disabled. When set to true, the relevancy of the content displayed in Microsoft 365, for example in Suggested sites in SharePoint Home and the Discover view in OneDrive for Business is affected. Users can control this setting in [Office Delve](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/are-my-documents-safe-in-office-delve-f5f409a2-37ed-4452-8f61-681e5e1836f3?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US#bkmk_optout). |
-|contributionToContentDiscoveryAsOrganizationDisabled|Boolean|Reflects the [organization level setting](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/office-delve-for-office-365-admins-54f87a42-15a4-44b4-9df0-d36287d9531b#bkmk_delveonoff) controlling delegate access to the [trending](/graph/api/resources/insights-trending?view=graph-rest-beta) API. When set to true, the organization doesn't have access to Office Delve. The relevancy of the content displayed in Microsoft 365, for example in Suggested sites in SharePoint Home and the Discover view in OneDrive for Business is affected for the whole organization. This setting is read-only and can only be changed by administrators in the [SharePoint admin center](https://support.office.com/article/about-the-office-365-admin-center-758befc4-0888-4009-9f14-0d147402fd23?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US).|
+|contributionToContentDiscoveryDisabled|Boolean|When set to true, the delegate access to the user's [trending](/graph/api/resources/insights-trending) API is disabled. When set to true, documents in the user's Office Delve are disabled. When set to true, the relevancy of the content displayed in Microsoft 365, for example in Suggested sites in SharePoint Home and the Discover view in OneDrive for Business is affected. Users can control this setting in [Office Delve](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/are-my-documents-safe-in-office-delve-f5f409a2-37ed-4452-8f61-681e5e1836f3?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US#bkmk_optout). |
+|contributionToContentDiscoveryAsOrganizationDisabled|Boolean|Reflects the [organization level setting](https://support.office.com/en-us/article/office-delve-for-office-365-admins-54f87a42-15a4-44b4-9df0-d36287d9531b#bkmk_delveonoff) controlling delegate access to the [trending](/graph/api/resources/insights-trending) API. When set to true, the organization doesn't have access to Office Delve. The relevancy of the content displayed in Microsoft 365, for example in Suggested sites in SharePoint Home and the Discover view in OneDrive for Business is affected for the whole organization. This setting is read-only and can only be changed by administrators in the [SharePoint admin center](https://support.office.com/article/about-the-office-365-admin-center-758befc4-0888-4009-9f14-0d147402fd23?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US).|
|id|String|Unique identifier of the user setting. Read-only. Inherited from [entity](entity.md).|