Updates from: 06/18/2022 01:14:17
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v1.0 Printjob Cancel https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/api/printjob-cancel.md
Cancel a print job. Print jobs can be canceled only on behalf of a user, using d
## Permissions One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Permissions](/graph/permissions-reference).
-In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription and have a permission that grants [Get printer](printer-get.md) access.
+In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription.
|Permission type | Permissions (from least to most privileged) | |:|:--| |Delegated (work or school account)| PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic, PrintJob.ReadWrite, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All, PrintJob.ReadWrite.All |
-|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not Supported.|
-|Application| Not Supported.ΓÇ»|
+|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not supported.|
+|Application| Not supported.ΓÇ»|
+For an app with delegated permissions to cancel other users' jobs, the signed-in user must be a member of one of the following administrator roles:
+- Global Administrator
+- Printer Administrator
## HTTP request <!-- { "blockType": "ignored" } -->
POST /print/printers/{id}/jobs/{id}/cancel
| Authorization | Bearer {token}. Required. | ## Request body
-Request body should be empty.
+Do not supply a request body with this method.
## Response If successful, this method returns a `204 No Content` response code. It does not return anything in the response body.
v1.0 Printjob Get https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/api/printjob-get.md
Retrieve the properties and relationships of a print job.
## Permissions One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Permissions](/graph/permissions-reference).
-In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription and have a permission that grants [Get printer](printer-get.md) or [Get printerShare](printershare-get.md) access depending upon whether printer or printerShare is being used.
+In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription.
|Permission type | Permissions (from least to most privileged) | |:|:--| |Delegated (work or school account)| PrintJob.ReadBasic, PrintJob.Read, PrintJob.ReadBasic.All, PrintJob.Read.All, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic, PrintJob.ReadWrite, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All, PrintJob.ReadWrite.All |
-|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not Supported.|
+|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not supported.|
|Application| PrintJob.ReadBasic.All, PrintJob.Read.All, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All, PrintJob.ReadWrite.AllΓÇ»|
+For an app with delegated permissions to retrieve other users' jobs, the signed-in user must be a member of one of the following administrator roles:
+- Global Administrator
+- Printer Administrator
+For an app with application permissions to retrieve users' jobs, the app needs a permission that grants [Get printer](printer-get.md) access along with one of the application permissions described in the [Permissions](#permissions) table.
+ ## HTTP request <!-- { "blockType": "ignored" } -->
v1.0 Team Post Members https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/api/team-post-members.md
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Add a new [conversation member](../resources/conversationmember.md) to a [team](../resources/team.md).
+> [!NOTE]
+> The **roles** property will be empty by default for all members. This property only contains additional qualifiers when relevant - for example, if the member has `owner` privileges, the roles property contains `owner` as one of the values. Similarly, if the member is a guest, the **roles** property contains `guest` as one of the values. A basic member should not have any values specified in the **roles** property.
+ ## Permissions One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Permissions](/graph/permissions-reference).
v1.0 Archivedprintjob https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/archivedprintjob.md
Title: archivedPrintJob resource type
-description: A record of a "final state" (completed, aborted or failed) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job.
+description: A record of a 'final state' (completed, aborted, or canceled) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job.
ms.localizationpriority: medium ms.prod: cloud-printing
Namespace: microsoft.graph
[!INCLUDE [beta-disclaimer](../../includes/beta-disclaimer.md)]
-A record of a "final state" (completed, aborted or failed) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job.
+A record of a "final state" (completed, aborted, or canceled) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job.
## Properties | Property | Type | Description |
v1.0 Conversationmember https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/conversationmember.md
Title: "conversationMember resource type" description: "Represents a user in a conversation." ms.localizationpriority: medium
Represents a user in a [team](team.md) or a [channel](channel.md) or a [chat](ch
|:|:--|:-| |id|String| Read-only. Unique ID of the user.| |displayName| string | The display name of the user. |
-|roles| string collection | The roles for that user. |
+|roles| string collection | The roles for that user. This property only contains additional qualifiers when relevant - for example, if the member has `owner` privileges, the **roles** property contains `owner` as one of the values. Similarly, if the member is a guest, the **roles** property contains `guest` as one of the values. A basic member should not have any values specified in the **roles** property. |
|visibleHistoryStartDateTime| DateTimeOffset | The timestamp denoting how far back a conversation's history is shared with the conversation member. This property is settable only for members of a chat. | ## JSON representation
v1.0 Fileattachment https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/fileattachment.md
Title: "fileAttachment resource type"
-description: "A file (such as a text file or Word document) attached to an event,"
+description: "A file (such as a text file or Word document) attached to an event, message, task, or post."
ms.localizationpriority: medium doc_type: resourcePageType ms.prod: "outlook"
Derived from [attachment](attachment.md).
| Method | Return Type |Description| |:|:--|:-|
-|[Get](../api/attachment-get.md) | [fileAttachment](fileattachment.md) |Read the properties, relationships, or raw contents of a fileAttachment object.|
-|[Delete](../api/attachment-delete.md) | None |Delete fileAttachment object. |
+|[Get](../api/attachment-get.md) | [fileAttachment](fileattachment.md) |Read the properties, relationships, or raw contents of a **fileAttachment** object.|
+|[Delete](../api/attachment-delete.md) | None |Delete a **fileAttachment** object. |
## Properties | Property | Type |Description|
Derived from [attachment](attachment.md).
|contentLocation|String|Do not use this property as it is not supported.| |contentType|String|The content type of the attachment.| |id|String|The attachment ID.|
-|isInline|Boolean|Set to true if this is an inline attachment.|
+|isInline|Boolean|Set to `true` if this is an inline attachment.|
|lastModifiedDateTime|DateTimeOffset|The date and time when the attachment was last modified.| |name|String|The name representing the text that is displayed below the icon representing the embedded attachment.This does not need to be the actual file name.| |size|Int32|The size in bytes of the attachment.| ## Relationships
## JSON representation
-Here is a JSON representation of the resource
+The following is a JSON representation of the resource.
<!-- { "blockType": "resource",
Here is a JSON representation of the resource
"isInline": true, "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)", "name": "string",
- "size": 1024
+ "size": "Int32"
} ```
v1.0 Search Api Overview https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/beta/resources/search-api-overview.md
Control pagination of the search results by specifying the following two propert
- **from** - An integer that indicates the 0-based starting point to list search results on the page. The default value is 0. -- **size** - An integer that indicates the number of results to be returned for a page. The default value is 25.
+- **size** - An integer that indicates the number of results to be returned for a page. The default is 25 results. The maximum is 1000 results.
Note the following limits if you're searching the **event** or **message** entity: - **from** must start at zero in the first page request; otherwise, the request results in an HTTP 400 `Bad request`.-- The maximum results per page (**size**) is 25 for **message** and **event**.
+- The maximum number of results per page (**size**) is 25 for **message** and **event**.
There is no upper limit for SharePoint or OneDrive items. A reasonable page size is 200. A larger page size generally incurs higher latency.
v1.0 Printjob Cancel https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/api/printjob-cancel.md
Cancel a print job. Print jobs can be canceled only on behalf of a user, using d
## Permissions One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Permissions](/graph/permissions-reference).
-In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription and have a permission that grants [Get printer](printer-get.md) access.
+In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription.
|Permission type | Permissions (from least to most privileged) | |:|:--| |Delegated (work or school account)| PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic, PrintJob.ReadWrite, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All, PrintJob.ReadWrite.All |
-|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not Supported.|
-|Application| Not Supported.ΓÇ»|
+|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not supported.|
+|Application| Not supported.ΓÇ»|
+For an app with delegated permissions to cancel other users' jobs, the signed-in user must be a member of one of the following administrator roles:
+- Global Administrator
+- Printer Administrator
## HTTP request
POST /print/printers/{printerId}/jobs/{printJobId}/cancel
|Authorization|Bearer {token}. Required.| ## Request body
-Do not supply a request body for this method.
+Do not supply a request body with this method.
## Response If successful, this method returns a `204 No Content` response code. It does not return anything in the response body.
If successful, this method returns a `204 No Content` response code. It does not
### Request
+The following is an example of a request.
+ # [HTTP](#tab/http) <!-- { "blockType": "request",
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/print/printers/{printerId}/jobs/{printJobI
### Response+
+The following is an example of the response.
+ <!-- { "blockType": "response", "truncated": true
v1.0 Printjob Get https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/api/printjob-get.md
Retrieve the properties and relationships of a print job.
## Permissions One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Permissions](/graph/permissions-reference).
-In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription and have a permission that grants [Get printer](printer-get.md) or [Get printerShare](printershare-get.md) access depending upon whether printer or printerShare is being used.
+In addition to the following permissions, the user or app's tenant must have an active Universal Print subscription.
|Permission type | Permissions (from least to most privileged) | |:|:--| |Delegated (work or school account)| PrintJob.ReadBasic, PrintJob.Read, PrintJob.ReadBasic.All, PrintJob.Read.All, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic, PrintJob.ReadWrite, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All, PrintJob.ReadWrite.All |
-|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not Supported.|
+|Delegated (personal Microsoft account)|Not supported.|
|Application| PrintJob.ReadBasic.All, PrintJob.Read.All, PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All, PrintJob.ReadWrite.AllΓÇ»|
+For an app with delegated permissions to retrieve other users' jobs, the signed-in user must be a member of one of the following administrator roles:
+- Global Administrator
+- Printer Administrator
+For an app with application permissions to retrieve users' jobs, the app needs a permission that grants [Get printer](printer-get.md) access along with one of the application permissions described in the [Permissions](#permissions) table.
+ ## HTTP request <!-- { "blockType": "ignored" } -->
v1.0 Team Post Members https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/api/team-post-members.md
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Add a new [conversationMember](../resources/conversationmember.md) to a [team](../resources/team.md).
+> [!NOTE]
+> The **roles** property will be empty by default for all members. This property only contains additional qualifiers when relevant - for example, if the member has `owner` privileges, the roles property contains `owner` as one of the values. Similarly, if the member is a guest, the **roles** property contains `guest` as one of the values. A basic member should not have any values specified in the **roles** property.
+ ## Permissions One of the following permissions is required to call this API. To learn more, including how to choose permissions, see [Permissions](/graph/permissions-reference).
v1.0 Archivedprintjob https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/archivedprintjob.md
Title: archivedPrintJob resource type
-description: A record of a "final state" (completed, aborted or failed) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job.
+description: A record of a 'final state' (completed, aborted, or canceled) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job."
ms.localizationpriority: medium ms.prod: cloud-printing
doc_type: resourcePageType
Namespace: microsoft.graph
-A record of a "final state" (completed, aborted or failed) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job.
+A record of a "final state" (completed, aborted, or canceled) print job that is used for reporting purposes. This is not an active print job.
## Properties | Property | Type | Description |
v1.0 Conversationmember https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/conversationmember.md
See also [aadUserConversationMember](aaduserconversationmember.md).
|:|:--|:-| |id|String| Read-only. Unique ID of the user.| |displayName| string | The display name of the user. |
-|roles| string collection | The roles for that user. |
+|roles| string collection | The roles for that user. This property only contains additional qualifiers when relevant - for example, if the member has `owner` privileges, the **roles** property contains `owner` as one of the values. Similarly, if the member is a guest, the **roles** property contains `guest` as one of the values. A basic member should not have any values specified in the **roles** property. |
|visibleHistoryStartDateTime| DateTimeOffset | The timestamp denoting how far back a conversation's history is shared with the conversation member. This property is settable only for members of a chat. | ## JSON representation
v1.0 Fileattachment https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/fileattachment.md
Title: "fileAttachment resource type"
-description: "A file (such as a text file or Word document) attached to an event, message or post. The **contentBytes** "
+description: "A file (such as a text file or Word document) attached to an event, message, or post."
ms.localizationpriority: high ms.prod: "outlook"
Derived from [attachment](attachment.md).
| Method | Return Type |Description| |:|:--|:-|
-|[Get](../api/attachment-get.md) | [fileAttachment](fileattachment.md) |Read properties, relationships, or raw contents of a fileAttachment object.|
-|[Delete](../api/attachment-delete.md) | None |Delete fileAttachment object. |
+|[Get](../api/attachment-get.md) | [fileAttachment](fileattachment.md) |Read properties, relationships, or raw contents of a **fileAttachment** object.|
+|[Delete](../api/attachment-delete.md) | None |Delete a **fileAttachment** object. |
## Properties | Property | Type |Description|
Derived from [attachment](attachment.md).
|contentLocation|String|Do not use this property as it is not supported.| |contentType|String|The content type of the attachment.| |id|String|The attachment ID.|
-|isInline|Boolean|Set to true if this is an inline attachment.|
+|isInline|Boolean|Set to `true` if this is an inline attachment.|
|lastModifiedDateTime|DateTimeOffset|The date and time when the attachment was last modified.| |name|String|The name representing the text that is displayed below the icon representing the embedded attachment.This does not need to be the actual file name.| |size|Int32|The size in bytes of the attachment.| ## Relationships
## JSON representation
-Here is a JSON representation of the resource
+The following is a JSON representation of the resource
<!-- { "blockType": "resource",
Here is a JSON representation of the resource
"isInline": true, "lastModifiedDateTime": "String (timestamp)", "name": "string",
- "size": 1024
+ "size": "Int32"
} ```
v1.0 Search Api Overview https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/resources/search-api-overview.md
Control pagination of the search results by specifying the following two propert
- **from** - An integer that indicates the 0-based starting point to list search results on the page. The default value is 0. -- **size** - An integer that indicates the number of results to be returned for a page. The default value is 25.
+- **size** - An integer that indicates the number of results to be returned for a page. The default is 25 results. The maximum is 1000 results.
Note the following limits if you're searching the **event** or **message** entity: - **from** must start at zero in the first page request; otherwise, the request results in an HTTP 400 `Bad request`.-- The maximum results per page (**size**) is 25 for **message** and **event**.
+- The maximum number of results per page (**size**) is 25 for **message** and **event**.
There is no upper limit for SharePoint or OneDrive items. A reasonable page size is 200. A larger page size generally incurs higher latency.
Best practices:
- Specify a smaller first page in the initial request. For example, specify **from** as 0, **size** as 25. - Paginate subsequent pages by updating the **from** and **size** properties. You can increase the page size in each subsequent request. The following table shows an example.-- The maximum page size is 1000.+ | Page | from | size | |:--|:--|:--|
v1.0 Toc.Yml https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/main/api-reference/v1.0/toc.yml a/api-reference/v1.0/toc.yml
href: api/chat-list.md - name: To-do tasks items:
- - name: Task
+ - name: To-do task
href: resources/todotask.md - name: Create task href: api/todotasklist-post-tasks.md
items: - name: Overview href: resources/todo-overview.md
- - name: Task list
- href: resources/todotasklist.md
+ - name: To-do task list
+ - name: To-do task list
+ href: resources/todotasklist.md
- name: List task lists href: api/todo-list-lists.md - name: Create task list
href: api/opentypeextension-post-opentypeextension.md - name: Get open extension href: api/opentypeextension-get.md
- - name: Task
- href: resources/todotask.md
+ - name: To-do task
+ - name: To-do task
+ href: resources/todotask.md
- name: List tasks href: api/todotasklist-list-tasks.md - name: Create task