Updates from: 01/05/2022 02:13:55
Service Microsoft Docs article Related commit history on GitHub Change details
v1.0 Externalmeetingregistrant Delete https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/beta/api/externalmeetingregistrant-delete.md
To remove an external meeting registrant with delegated (`/me`) and app (`/users
<!-- { "blockType": "ignored" } --> ```http DELETE /me/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/registration/registrants/{registrantId}
-DELETE /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings{meetingId}/registration/registrants/{registrantId}
+DELETE /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/registration/registrants/{registrantId}
``` > [!TIP]
v1.0 Externalmeetingregistrant List https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/beta/api/externalmeetingregistrant-list.md
To get a list of all external meeting registrants with delegated (`/me`) and app
<!-- { "blockType": "ignored" } --> ```http GET /me/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/registration/registrants
-GET /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings{meetingId}/registration/registrants
+GET /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/registration/registrants
``` > [!TIP]
v1.0 Externalmeetingregistrant Post https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/beta/api/externalmeetingregistrant-post.md
To create an external meeting registrant with delegated (`/me`) and app (`/users
<!-- { "blockType": "ignored" } --> ```http POST /me/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/registration/registrants
-POST /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings{meetingId}/registration/registrants
+POST /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings/{meetingId}/registration/registrants
``` > [!TIP]
v1.0 Audio https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/beta/resources/audio.md
The **Audio** resource groups audio-related properties on an item into a single
If a [**DriveItem**](driveitem.md) has a non-null **audio** facet, the item represents an audio file. The properties of the **Audio** resource are populated by extracting metadata from the file.
+The **Audio** resource is only supported on OneDrive Personal.
+ ## JSON representation <!-- { "blockType": "resource", "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.audio" } -->
v1.0 Driveitem https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/beta/resources/driveitem.md
Items with the **folder** facet act as containers of items and therefore have a
| Property | Type | Description |:|:-|:
-| audio | [audio][] | Audio metadata, if the item is an audio file. Read-only.
+| audio | [audio][] | Audio metadata, if the item is an audio file. Read-only. Only on OneDrive Personal.
| content | Stream | The content stream, if the item represents a file. | createdBy | [identitySet][] | Identity of the user, device, and application which created the item. Read-only. | createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Date and time of item creation. Read-only. | cTag | String | An eTag for the content of the item. This eTag is not changed if only the metadata is changed. **Note** This property is not returned if the item is a folder. Read-only. | deleted | [deleted][] | Information about the deleted state of the item. Read-only.
-| description | String | Provides a user-visible description of the item. Read-write. Only on OneDrive Personal
+| description | String | Provides a user-visible description of the item. Read-write. Only on OneDrive Personal.
| eTag | String | eTag for the entire item (metadata + content). Read-only. | file | [file][] | File metadata, if the item is a file. Read-only. | fileSystemInfo | [fileSystemInfo][] | File system information on client. Read-write.
v1.0 Office365groupsactivitydetail https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/beta/resources/office365groupsactivitydetail.md
doc_type: resourcePageType
Namespace: microsoft.graph + ## Properties | Property | Type | Description |
v1.0 Conversationmember Add https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/v1.0/api/conversationmember-add.md
Title: "Add conversationMember"
-description: "Add conversationMember to a channel."
+description: "Add a conversationMember to a channel."
doc_type: "apiPageType" ms.localizationpriority: medium
If successful, this method returns a `201 Created` response code and a [conversa
### Request
-Here is an example of the request.
+The following is an example of a request.
# [HTTP](#tab/http)
content-length: 26
### Response
-Here is an example of the response.
+The following is an example of the response.
>**Note:** The response object shown here might be shortened for readability. <!-- {
v1.0 Meetingattendancereport Get https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/v1.0/api/meetingattendancereport-get.md
The following example shows how to get the attendance report for an online meeti
}--> ```http
-GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/onlineMeetings/MSpkYzE3Njc0Yy04MWQ5LTRhZGItYmZ/attendanceReports/c9b6db1c-d5eb-427d-a5c0-20088d9b22d7?$expand=attendanceRecords
+GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onlineMeetings/MSpkYzE3Njc0Yy04MWQ5LTRhZGItYmZ/attendanceReports/c9b6db1c-d5eb-427d-a5c0-20088d9b22d7?$expand=attendanceRecords
``` ### Response
v1.0 Audio https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/v1.0/resources/audio.md
The **Audio** resource groups audio-related properties on an item into a single
If a [**DriveItem**](driveitem.md) has a non-null **audio** facet, the item represents an audio file. The properties of the **Audio** resource are populated by extracting metadata from the file.
+The **Audio** resource is only supported on OneDrive Personal.
+ ## JSON representation <!-- { "blockType": "resource", "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.audio" } -->
v1.0 Driveitem https://github.com/microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-docs/commits/master/api-reference/v1.0/resources/driveitem.md
Items with the **folder** facet act as containers of items and therefore have a
| Property | Type | Description |:|:-|:
-| audio | [audio][] | Audio metadata, if the item is an audio file. Read-only.
+| audio | [audio][] | Audio metadata, if the item is an audio file. Read-only. Only on OneDrive Personal.
| content | Stream | The content stream, if the item represents a file. | createdBy | [identitySet][] | Identity of the user, device, and application which created the item. Read-only. | createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Date and time of item creation. Read-only. | cTag | String | An eTag for the content of the item. This eTag is not changed if only the metadata is changed. **Note** This property is not returned if the item is a folder. Read-only. | deleted | [deleted][] | Information about the deleted state of the item. Read-only.
-| description | String | Provides a user-visible description of the item. Read-write. Only on OneDrive Personal
+| description | String | Provides a user-visible description of the item. Read-write. Only on OneDrive Personal.
| eTag | String | eTag for the entire item (metadata + content). Read-only. | file | [file][] | File metadata, if the item is a file. Read-only. | fileSystemInfo | [fileSystemInfo][] | File system information on client. Read-write.