Updates from: 08/02/2023 01:10:09
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active-directory-b2c Enable Authentication Python Web App https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory-b2c/enable-authentication-python-web-app.md
In the root folder of your web app, create the `templates` folder. In the templa
Add the following templates under the templates folder. These templates extend the `base.html` template: -- **https://docsupdatetracker.net/index.html**: the home page of the web app. The templates use the following logic: if a user doesn't sign-in, it renders the sing-in button. If users sings-in, it renders the access token's claims, link to edit profile, and call a Graph API.
+- **https://docsupdatetracker.net/index.html**: the home page of the web app. The templates use the following logic: if a user doesn't sign in, it renders the sign-in button. If a user signs in, it renders the access token's claims, link to edit profile, and call a Graph API.
```html {% extends "base.html" %}
active-directory Howto Vm Sign In Azure Ad Linux https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/howto-vm-sign-in-azure-ad-linux.md
There are two ways to configure role assignments for a VM:
- Azure Cloud Shell experience > [!NOTE]
-> The Virtual Machine Administrator Login and Virtual Machine User Login roles use `dataActions` and can be assigned at the management group, subscription, resource group, or resource scope. We recommend that you assign the roles at the management group, subscription, or resource level and not at the individual VM level. This practice avoids the risk of reaching the [Azure role assignments limit](../../role-based-access-control/troubleshoot-limits.md) per subscription.
+> The Virtual Machine Administrator Login and Virtual Machine User Login roles use `dataActions` and can be assigned at the management group, subscription, resource group, or resource scope. We recommend that you assign the roles at the management group, subscription, or resource group level and not at the individual VM level. This practice avoids the risk of reaching the [Azure role assignments limit](../../role-based-access-control/troubleshoot-limits.md) per subscription.
### Azure AD portal
azure-large-instances Onboarding Requirements https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-large-instances/onboarding-requirements.md
This article explains the actions to take after you receive an environment from
## Azure portal Use the Azure portal to:
- * Create Azure Virtual Network (or networks) and ExpressRoute Gateway or Gateways with High or Ultra Performance Reference.
- * Link them with Azure Large Instances stamps using the Circuit/peer ID and Authorization Keys provided by Microsoft team.ΓÇ»
+* Create Azure Virtual Network (or networks) and ExpressRoute Gateway or Gateways with High or Ultra Performance Reference.
+* Link them with Azure Large Instances stamps using the Circuit/peer ID and Authorization Keys provided by Microsoft team.ΓÇ»
## VNET address space
Setup time synchronization with NTP server.ΓÇ»
## Satellite server
-Install a red hat satellite server in a VM for RHEL 8.4 and patch download.
+Install a Red Hat satellite server in a VM for RHEL 8.4 and patch download.
## Azure Large Instances stamps
The recommended subnet size is a /24 CIDR block. If needed, it can be smaller, w
From this range, the first 30 IP addresses are reserved for use by Microsoft. Make sure that you account for this when you choose the size of the range.
-This range must NOT overlap with your on-premises or other Azure IP addresses.
+This range must *not* overlap with your on-premises or other Azure IP addresses.
Your corporate network team or service provider should provide an IP address range that's not currently being used inside your network. This range is an IP address range, which must be submitted to Microsoft when asking for an initial deployment.
To see the learned routes from Azure Large Instances, one of the options is look
> A storage snapshot should only be set up after all data-intensive work (for example, Endian conversions) are complete in order to avoid creating unnecessary snapshots while build work is in progress The Azure subscription you use for Azure Large Instances deployments is already registered with the Azure Large Instances resource provider by the Microsoft Operations team during the provisioning process.
-If you don't see your deployed Azure Large Instances under your subscription, register the resource provider with your subscription. For more information, see Register the resource provider in [What is Azure Large Instances?](what-is-azure-large-instances.md)
+If you don't see your Azure Large Instances deployment under your subscription, register the resource provider with your subscription. For more information, see [What is Azure Large Instances?](work-with-azure-large-instances-in-azure-portal.md#register-the-resource-provider)
### Enable ExpressRoute Fast Path
azure-maps Tutorial Load Geojson File Android https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-maps/tutorial-load-geojson-file-android.md
Title: 'Tutorial: Load GeoJSON data into Azure Maps Android SDK | Microsoft Azure Maps'
+ Title: 'Tutorial: Load GeoJSON data into Azure Maps Android SDK'
+ description: Tutorial on how to load GeoJSON data file into the Azure Maps Android map SDK.
zone_pivot_groups: azure-maps-android
This tutorial guides you through the process of importing a GeoJSON file of location data into the Azure Maps Android SDK. In this tutorial, you learn how to: > [!div class="checklist"]
> * Add Azure Maps to an Android application. > * Create a data source and load in a GeoJSON file from a local file or the web. > * Display the data on the map.
This tutorial guides you through the process of importing a GeoJSON file of loca
## Prerequisites
-1. Complete the [Quickstart: Create an Android app](quick-android-map.md). This tutorial extends the code used in that quickstart.
-2. Download the [Sample Points of Interest](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureMapsCodeSamples/blob/master/Static/data/geojson/SamplePoiDataSet.json) GeoJSON file.
+1. Complete the [Quickstart: Create an Android app]. This tutorial extends the code used in that quickstart.
+2. Download the [Sample Points of Interest] GeoJSON file.
### Import GeoJSON data from web or assets folder
Most GeoJSON files wrap all data within a `FeatureCollection`. With this scenari
The following steps show you how to import a GeoJSON file into the application and deserialize it as a GeoJSON `FeatureCollection` object.
-1. Complete the [Quickstart: Create an Android app](quick-android-map.md) as the following steps build on top of this application.
+1. Complete the [Quickstart: Create an Android app] as the following steps build on top of this application.
2. In the project panel of Android studio, right-click on the **app** folder and go to `New > Folder > Assets Folder`.
-3. Drag and drop the [Sample Points of Interest](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureMapsCodeSamples/blob/master/Static/data/geojson/SamplePoiDataSet.json) GeoJSON file into the assets folder.
+3. Drag and drop the [Sample Points of Interest] GeoJSON file into the assets folder.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-java-android"
-4. Go into the **MainActivity.java** file and add the following code inside the callback for the `mapControl.onReady` event, inside the `onCreate` method. This code loads the **SamplePoiDataSet.json** file from the assets folder into a data source using `importDataFromUrl` method and then adds it to the map.
+4. Go into the _MainActivity.java_ file and add the following code inside the callback for the `mapControl.onReady` event, inside the `onCreate` method. This code loads the _SamplePoiDataSet.json_ file from the assets folder into a data source using `importDataFromUrl` method and then adds it to the map.
```java //Create a data source and add it to the map.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-kotlin"
-4. Go into the **MainActivity.kt** file and add the following code inside the callback for the `mapControl.onReady` event, inside the `onCreate` method. This code loads the **SamplePoiDataSet.json** file from the assets folder into a data source using `importDataFromUrl` method and then adds it to the map.
+4. Go into the _MainActivity.kt_ file and add the following code inside the callback for the `mapControl.onReady` event, inside the `onCreate` method. This code loads the _SamplePoiDataSet.json_ file from the assets folder into a data source using `importDataFromUrl` method and then adds it to the map.
```kotlin //Create a data source and add it to the map.
::: zone-end
-5. Using the code to load the GeoJSON data a data source, we now need to specify how that data should be displayed on the map. There are several different rendering layers for point data; [Bubble layer](map-add-bubble-layer-android.md), [Symbol layer](how-to-add-symbol-to-android-map.md), and [Heat map layer](map-add-heat-map-layer-android.md) are the most commonly used layers. Add the following code to render the data in a bubble layer in the callback for the `mapControl.onReady` event after the code for importing the data.
+5. Using the code to load the GeoJSON data a data source, we now need to specify how that data should be displayed on the map. There are several different rendering layers for point data; [Bubble layer], [Symbol layer], and [Heat map layer] are the most commonly used layers. Add the following code to render the data in a bubble layer in the callback for the `mapControl.onReady` event after the code for importing the data.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-java-android"
::: zone-end
-6. In the project panel of Android studio, right-click on the **layout** folder under the path `app > res > layout` and go to `New > File`. Create a new file called **popup_text.xml**.
-7. Open the **popup_text.xml** file. If the file opens in a designer view, right-click on the screen and select "Go to XML". Copy and paste the following XML into this file. This XML creates a simple layout that can be used with a popup and contains a text view.
+6. In the project panel of Android studio, right-click on the **layout** folder under the path `app > res > layout` and go to `New > File`. Create a new file called _popup_text.xml_.
+7. Open the _popup_text.xml_ file. If the file opens in a designer view, right-click on the screen and select **Go to XML**. Copy and paste the following XML into this file. This XML creates a simple layout that can be used with a popup and contains a text view.
```xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
::: zone pivot="programming-language-java-android"
-8. Go back into the **MainActivity.java** file and after the code for the bubble layer, add the following code to create a reusable popup.
+8. Go back into the _MainActivity.java_ file and after the code for the bubble layer, add the following code to create a reusable popup.
```java //Create a popup and add it to the map.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-kotlin"
-8. Go back into the **MainActivity.kt** file and after the code for the bubble layer, add the following code to create a reusable popup.
+8. Go back into the _MainActivity.kt_ file and after the code for the bubble layer, add the following code to create a reusable popup.
```kotlin //Create a popup and add it to the map.
::: zone-end
-9. Add the following code to attach a click event to the bubble layer. When a bubble in the bubble layer is tapped, the event will fire and retrieve some details from the properties of the selected feature, create a view using the **popup_text.xml** layout file, pass it in as content into the popup, then show the popup at the features position.
+9. Add the following code to attach a `click` event to the bubble layer. When a bubble in the bubble layer is tapped, the event fires and retrieves details from the properties of the selected feature, create a view using the _popup_text.xml_ layout file, pass it in as content into the popup, then show the popup at the features position.
::: zone pivot="programming-language-java-android"
Take the following steps to clean up the resources from this tutorial:
To see more code examples and an interactive coding experience: > [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Use data-driven style expressions](data-driven-style-expressions-android-sdk.md)
+> [Use data-driven style expressions]
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Display feature information](display-feature-information-android.md)
+> [Display feature information]
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Add a symbol layer](how-to-add-symbol-to-android-map.md)
+> [Add a symbol layer]
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Add a line layer](android-map-add-line-layer.md)
+> [Add a line layer]
> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Add a polygon layer](how-to-add-shapes-to-android-map.md)
+> [Add a polygon layer]
+[Add a line layer]: android-map-add-line-layer.md
+[Add a polygon layer]: how-to-add-shapes-to-android-map.md
+[Add a symbol layer]: how-to-add-symbol-to-android-map.md
+[Bubble layer]: map-add-bubble-layer-android.md
+[Display feature information]: display-feature-information-android.md
+[Heat map layer]: map-add-heat-map-layer-android.md
+[Quickstart: Create an Android app]: quick-android-map.md
+[Sample Points of Interest]: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureMapsCodeSamples/blob/master/Static/data/geojson/SamplePoiDataSet.json
+[Symbol layer]: how-to-add-symbol-to-android-map.md
+[Use data-driven style expressions]: data-driven-style-expressions-android-sdk.md
azure-vmware Enable Sql Azure Hybrid Benefit https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-vmware/enable-sql-azure-hybrid-benefit.md
In this article, youΓÇÖll learn how to configure SQL Azure hybrid benefits to an
For example, if each host in Azure VMware Solution has 36 cores and you signal that two hosts run SQL, then SQL Azure hybrid benefit will apply to 72 cores irrespective of the number of SQL or other virtual machines on that host.
+You can also choose to view a video tutorial for configuring SQL Azure hybrid benefits for Azure VMware Solution [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJIQ1K2KTa0).
+ ## Configure host-VM placement policy 1. From your Azure VMware Solution private cloud, select Azure hybrid benefit, then Create host-VM placement policy. :::image type="content" source="media/sql-azure-hybrid-benefit/azure-hybrid-benefit.png" alt-text="Diagram that shows how to create a host new virtual machine placement policy.":::
baremetal-infrastructure Supported Instances And Regions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/baremetal-infrastructure/workloads/nc2-on-azure/supported-instances-and-regions.md
Learn about instances and regions supported for NC2 on Azure.
Nutanix Clusters on Azure supports: * Minimum of three bare metal nodes per cluster.
-* Maximum of 28 bare metal nodes.
+* Maximum of 28 bare metal nodes per cluster.
* Only the Nutanix AHV hypervisor on Nutanix clusters running in Azure. * Prism Central instance deployed on Nutanix Clusters on Azure to manage the Nutanix clusters in Azure.
event-hubs Use Log Compaction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/event-hubs/use-log-compaction.md
In this article you'll, follow these key steps:
> [!NOTE] > Log compaction feature isn't supported in the **Basic** tier.
-> Use of the Log Compaction feature is **not eligible for product support through Microsoft Azure**.
## Create a compacted event hub/Kafka topic This section shows you how to create a compacted event hub using Azure portal and an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template.
machine-learning Get Started Prompt Flow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/prompt-flow/get-started-prompt-flow.md
At the right, it's the graph view for visualization only. You can zoom in, zoom
:::image type="content" source="./media/get-started-prompt-flow/graph-view.png" alt-text="Screenshot of web classification highlighting graph view area." lightbox = "./media/get-started-prompt-flow/graph-view.png":::
-In this guide, we use **Web Classification** sample to walk you through the main user journey. Web Classification is a flow demonstrating multi-class classification with LLM. Given a URL, it will classify the URL into a web category with just a few shots, simple summarization and classification prompts. For example, given \"https://www.imbd.com/\", it will classify this URL into \"Movie\".
+In this guide, we use **Web Classification** sample to walk you through the main user journey. Web Classification is a flow demonstrating multi-class classification with LLM. Given a URL, it will classify the URL into a web category with just a few shots, simple summarization and classification prompts. For example, given \"https://www.imdb.com/\", it will classify this URL into \"Movie\".
In the graph view, you can see how the sample flow looks like. The input is a URL to classify, then it uses a Python script to fetch text content from the URL, use LLM to summarize the text content within 100 words, then classify based on the URL and summarized text content, last use Python script to convert LLM output into a dictionary. The prepare_examples node is to feed few-shot examples to classification node's prompt.
When unfolding **Inputs** section, you can create and view inputs. For Web Class
:::image type="content" source="./media/get-started-prompt-flow/flow-input.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Web classification highlighting the inputs." lightbox = "./media/get-started-prompt-flow/flow-input.png":::
-The input schema (name: url; type: string) and value are already set when cloning samples. You can change to another value manually, for example \"https://www.imbd.com/\".
+The input schema (name: url; type: string) and value are already set when cloning samples. You can change to another value manually, for example \"https://www.imdb.com/\".
### Set up LLM nodes
search Semantic Search Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/search/semantic-search-overview.md
By default, semantic search is disabled on all services. To enable semantic sear
Semantic Search's free plan is capped at 1,000 queries per month. After the first 1,000 queries in the free plan, you'll receive an error message letting you know you've exhausted your quota whenever you issue a semantic query. When this happens, you need to upgrade to the standard plan to continue using semantic search.
-Alternatively, you can also enable semantic search using the [Create or Update Service API](/rest/api/searchmanagement/2021-04-01-preview/services/create-or-update#searchsemanticsearch) that's described in the next section.
+Alternatively, you can also enable semantic search using the REST API that's described in the next section.
-## Disable semantic search
+## Enable semantic search using the REST API
-To reverse feature enablement, or for full protection against accidental usage and charges, you can [disable semantic search](/rest/api/searchmanagement/2021-04-01-preview/services/create-or-update#searchsemanticsearch) using the Create or Update Service API on your search service. After the feature is disabled, any requests that include the semantic query type will be rejected.
+To enable Semantic Search using the REST API, you can use the [Create or Update Service API](/rest/api/searchmanagement/2021-04-01-preview/services/create-or-update#searchsemanticsearch).
+> [!NOTE]
+> Create or Update supports two HTTP methods: PUT and PATCH. Both PUT and PATCH can be used to update existing services, but only PUT can be used to create a new service. If PUT is used to update an existing service, it replaces all properties in the service with their defaults if they are not specified in the request. When PATCH is used to update an existing service, it only replaces properties that are specified in the request. When using PUT to update an existing service, it's possible to accidentally introduce an unexpected scaling or configuration change. When enabling semantic search on an existing service, it's recommended to use PATCH instead of PUT.
+* Management REST API version 2021-04-01-Preview provides the semantic search property
-* Management REST API version 2021-04-01-Preview provides this option
+* Owner or Contributor permissions are required to enable or disable features
-* Owner or Contributor permissions are required to disable features
+PATCH https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourcegroups/{{resource-group}}/providers/Microsoft.Search/searchServices/{{search-service-name}}?api-version=2021-04-01-Preview
+ {
+ "properties": {
+ "semanticSearch": "standard"
+ }
+ }
+## Disable semantic search using the REST API
+To reverse feature enablement, or for full protection against accidental usage and charges, you can [disable semantic search](/rest/api/searchmanagement/2021-04-01-preview/services/create-or-update#searchsemanticsearch) using the Create or Update Service API on your search service. After the feature is disabled, any requests that include the semantic query type will be rejected.
-PUT https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourcegroups/{{resource-group}}/providers/Microsoft.Search/searchServices/{{search-service-name}}?api-version=2021-04-01-Preview
+PATCH https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{{subscriptionId}}/resourcegroups/{{resource-group}}/providers/Microsoft.Search/searchServices/{{search-service-name}}?api-version=2021-04-01-Preview
- "location": "{{region}}",
- "sku": {
- "name": "standard"
- },
"properties": { "semanticSearch": "disabled" }
site-recovery Deploy Vmware Azure Replication Appliance Modernized https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/site-recovery/deploy-vmware-azure-replication-appliance-modernized.md
Ensure the following URLs are allowed and reachable from the Azure Site Recovery
| **URL** | **Details** | | - | -| | portal.azure.com | Navigate to the Azure portal. |
- | `*.login.windows.net `<br>`*.graph.windows.net `<br>`*.msftauth.net`<br>`*.msauth.net`<br>`*.microsoft.com`<br>`*.live.com `<br>`*.office.com ` | To sign-in to your Azure subscription. |
+ | `login.windows.net `<br>`graph.windows.net `<br>`*.msftauth.net`<br>`*.msauth.net`<br>`*.microsoft.com`<br>`*.live.com `<br>`*.office.com ` | To sign-in to your Azure subscription. |
|`*.microsoftonline.com `|Create Azure Active Directory (AD) apps for the appliance to communicate with Azure Site Recovery. | |management.azure.com |Create Azure AD apps for the appliance to communicate with the Azure Site Recovery service. | |`*.services.visualstudio.com `|Upload app logs used for internal monitoring. |
site-recovery Vmware Physical Mobility Service Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/site-recovery/vmware-physical-mobility-service-overview.md
Locate the installer files for the serverΓÇÖs operating system using the followi
``` 2. Run the following command to extract the installer file: ```cmd
- .\Microsoft-ASR_UA*Windows*release.exe /q /x:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery
+ .\Microsoft-ASR_UA*Windows*release.exe /q /x:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Azure Site Recovery"
``` 3. To proceed with the installation, run the following command:
storage Storage Use Azurite https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/common/storage-use-azurite.md
The following table shows the location of the Azurite executable for different v
| Visual Studio version | Azurite executable location | | | |
+| Visual Studio Community 2022 | `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Azure Storage Emulator` |
| Visual Studio Professional 2022 | `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Azure Storage Emulator` | | Visual Studio Enterprise 2022 | `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Microsoft\Azure Storage Emulator` |