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active-directory Identity Governance Automation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/governance/identity-governance-automation.md
# Automate Azure AD Identity Governance tasks via Azure Automation and Microsoft Graph
-[Azure Automation](../../automation/overview.md) is an Azure cloud service that allows you to automate common or repetitive systems management and processes. Microsoft Graph is the Microsoft unified API endpoint for Azure AD features that manage users, groups, access packages, access reviews, and other resources in the directory. You can manage Azure AD at scale from the PowerShell command line, using the [Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/graph/powershell/get-started). You can also include the Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets from a [PowerShell-based runbook in Azure Automation](/azure/automation/automation-intro), so that you can automate Azure AD tasks from a simple script.
+[Azure Automation](../../automation/overview.md) is an Azure cloud service that allows you to automate common or repetitive systems management and processes. Microsoft Graph is the Microsoft unified API endpoint for Azure AD features that manage users, groups, access packages, access reviews, and other resources in the directory. You can manage Azure AD at scale from the PowerShell command line, using the [Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK](/powershell/microsoftgraph/get-started). You can also include the Microsoft Graph PowerShell cmdlets from a [PowerShell-based runbook in Azure Automation](/azure/automation/automation-intro), so that you can automate Azure AD tasks from a simple script.
Azure Automation and the PowerShell Graph SDK supports certificate-based authentication and application permissions, so you can have Azure Automation runbooks authenticate to Azure AD without needing a user context.
azure-maps Geographic Scope https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-maps/geographic-scope.md
+ Title: Azure Maps service geographic scope
+description: Learn about Azure Maps service's geographic mappings
++ Last updated : 04/18/2022++++++
+# Azure Maps service geographic scope
+Azure Maps is a global service that supports specifying a geographic scope, which allows you to limit data residency to the European (EU) or United States (US) geographic areas (geos). All requests (including input data) are stored exclusively in the specified geographic area. For more information on Azure regions and geographies, see [Azure geographies](https://azure.microsoft.com/global-infrastructure/geographies).
+## Data locations
+For disaster recovery and high availability, Microsoft may replicate customer data to other regions within the same geographic area. For example, if you use the Azure Maps Europe API geographic endpoint, your requests (including input data) are kept in an Azure datacenter in Europe. This only impacts where request data is saved, it doesn't limit the locations from which the customers, or their end users, may access customer data via Azure Maps API.
+## Geographic API endpoint mapping
+The table below describes the mapping between geography and supported Azure geographic API endpoint. For example, if you want all Azure Maps Search Address requests to be processed and stored within the European Azure geography, use the `eu.atlas.microsoft.com` endpoint.
+| Azure Geographic areas (geos) | API geographic endpoint |
+| Europe | `eu.atlas.microsoft.com` |
+| United States | `us.atlas.microsoft.com` |
+> [!TIP]
+> When using the Azure Government cloud, use the `atlas.azure.us` endpoint. For more information, see [Azure Government cloud support](how-to-use-map-control.md#azure-government-cloud-support).
+### URL example for geographic mapping
+The following is the [Search - Get Search Address](/rest/api/maps/search/get-search-address) command:
+GET https://{geography}.atlas.microsoft.com/search/address/{format}?api-version=1.0&query={query}
+In the previous URL, to ensure data residency remains in Europe for the Azure Maps API calls (and input data) replace {geography} with `eu`:
+GET https://eu.atlas.microsoft.com/search/address/{format}?api-version=1.0&query={query}
+## Additional information
+- For information on limiting what regions a SAS token is allowed to be used in see [Authentication with Azure Maps](azure-maps-authentication.md#create-sas-tokens)
+- [Azure geographies](https://azure.microsoft.com/global-infrastructure/geographies)
+- [Azure Government cloud support](how-to-use-map-control.md#azure-government-cloud-support)
azure-monitor Autoscale Common Scale Patterns https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/autoscale/autoscale-common-scale-patterns.md
Title: Overview of common autoscale patterns description: Learn some of the common patterns to auto scale your resource in Azure. Previously updated : 05/07/2017 Last updated : 04/22/2022 # Overview of common autoscale patterns
You have a web app (/VMSS/cloud service role) and
- Additionally, you want to ensure there is a minimum number of instances. - Also, you want to ensure that you set a maximum limit to the number of instances you can scale to.
-![Scale based on CPU][2]
+[![Scale based on CPU](./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-based-on-cpu.png)](./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-based-on-cpu.png#lightbox)
## Scale differently on weekdays vs weekends
You have a web app (/VMSS/cloud service role) and
- You want 3 instances by default (on weekdays) - You don't expect traffic on weekends and hence you want to scale down to 1 instance on weekends.
-![Scale differently on weekdays vs weekends][3]
+[![Scale differently on weekdays vs weekends](./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-differently-on-weekends.png)](./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-differently-on-weekends.png#lightbox)
## Scale differently during holidays
You have a web app (/VMSS/cloud service role) and
- You want to scale up/down based on CPU usage by default - However, during holiday season (or specific days that are important for your business) you want to override the defaults and have more capacity at your disposal.
-![Scale differently on holidays][4]
+[![Scale differently on holidays](./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-for-holiday.png)](./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-for-holiday.png#lightbox)
## Scale based on custom metric
azure-monitor Logs Data Export https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/logs/logs-data-export.md
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs | | | AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs | | | AADProvisioningLogs | |
+| AADRiskyServicePrincipals | |
| AADRiskyUsers | |
+| AADServicePrincipalRiskEvents | |
| AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs | | | AADUserRiskEvents | | | ABSBotRequests | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| ACSCallDiagnostics | | | ACSCallSummary | | | ACSChatIncomingOperations | |
+| ACSNetworkTraversalIncomingOperations | |
| ACSSMSIncomingOperations | | | ADAssessmentRecommendation | | | ADFActivityRun | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| ADFSSignInLogs | | | ADFTriggerRun | | | ADPAudit | |
-| ADPDiagnostics | |
| ADPRequests | | | ADReplicationResult | | | ADSecurityAssessmentRecommendation | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| ADTQueryOperation | | | ADXCommand | | | ADXQuery | |
-| AEWAuditLogs | |
-| ATCExpressRouteCircuitIpfix | |
-| AWSCloudTrail | |
-| AWSGuardDuty | |
-| AWSVPCFlow | |
+| AegDataPlaneRequests | |
| AegDeliveryFailureLogs | | | AegPublishFailureLogs | |
+| AEWAuditLogs | |
| AgriFoodApplicationAuditLogs | | | AgriFoodFarmManagementLogs | | | AgriFoodFarmOperationLogs | | | AgriFoodJobProcessedLogs | |
-| AgriFoodProviderAuthLogs | |
+| AGSGrafanaLoginEvents | |
| Alert | Partial support ΓÇô Data ingestion for Zabbix alerts isn't supported. | | AlertEvidence | | | AlertInfo | |
+| AmlOnlineEndpointConsoleLog | |
| ApiManagementGatewayLogs | | | AppCenterError | | | AppPlatformSystemLogs | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| AppServiceFileAuditLogs | | | AppServiceHTTPLogs | | | AppServicePlatformLogs | |
+| ASimDnsActivityLogs | |
+| ATCExpressRouteCircuitIpfix | |
| AuditLogs | | | AutoscaleEvaluationsLog | | | AutoscaleScaleActionsLog | |
+| AWSCloudTrail | |
+| AWSGuardDuty | |
+| AWSVPCFlow | |
| AzureAssessmentRecommendation | |
+| AzureAttestationDiagnostics | |
| AzureDevOpsAuditing | | | BehaviorAnalytics | |
+| CassandraLogs | |
| CDBCassandraRequests | | | CDBControlPlaneRequests | | | CDBDataPlaneRequests | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| CDBQueryRuntimeStatistics | | | CIEventsAudit | | | CIEventsOperational | |
-| CassandraLogs | |
| CloudAppEvents | | | CommonSecurityLog | | | ComputerGroup | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| ContainerNodeInventory | | | ContainerServiceLog | | | CoreAzureBackup | |
-| DSMAzureBlobStorageLogs | |
| DatabricksAccounts | | | DatabricksClusters | | | DatabricksDBFS | | | DatabricksInstancePools | | | DatabricksJobs | | | DatabricksNotebook | |
+| DatabricksSecrets | |
| DatabricksSQLPermissions | | | DatabricksSSH | |
-| DatabricksSecrets | |
| DatabricksWorkspace | | | DnsEvents | | | DnsInventory | |
+| DSMAzureBlobStorageLogs | |
+| DSMDataClassificationLogs | |
+| DSMDataLabelingLogs | |
| Dynamics365Activity | | | EmailAttachmentInfo | | | EmailEvents | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| FunctionAppLogs | | | HDInsightAmbariClusterAlerts | | | HDInsightAmbariSystemMetrics | |
-| HDInsightHBaseLogs | |
-| HDInsightHBaseMetrics | |
| HDInsightHadoopAndYarnLogs | | | HDInsightHadoopAndYarnMetrics | |
+| HDInsightHBaseLogs | |
+| HDInsightHBaseMetrics | |
| HDInsightHiveAndLLAPLogs | | | HDInsightHiveAndLLAPMetrics | | | HDInsightHiveQueryAppStats | | | HDInsightHiveTezAppStats | |
-| HDInsightJupyterNotebookEvents | |
| HDInsightKafkaLogs | | | HDInsightKafkaMetrics | | | HDInsightOozieLogs | |
-| HDInsightRangerAuditLogs | |
| HDInsightSecurityLogs | | | HDInsightSparkApplicationEvents | | | HDInsightSparkBlockManagerEvents | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| KubePodInventory | | | KubeServices | | | LAQueryLogs | |
-| MCCEventLogs | |
-| MCVPOperationLogs | |
| McasShadowItReporting | |
+| MCVPAuditLogs | |
+| MCVPOperationLogs | |
| MicrosoftAzureBastionAuditLogs | | | MicrosoftDataShareReceivedSnapshotLog | | | MicrosoftDataShareSentSnapshotLog | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| NWConnectionMonitorPathResult | | | NWConnectionMonitorTestResult | | | OfficeActivity | Partial support in government clouds ΓÇô some of the data to ingested via webhooks from O365 into LA. This portion is missing in export currently. |
+| OLPSupplyChainEntityOperations | |
+| OLPSupplyChainEvents | |
| Operation | Partial support ΓÇô some of the data is ingested through internal services that aren't supported in export. This portion is missing in export currently. | | Perf | Partial support ΓÇô only windows perf data is currently supported. The Linux perf data is missing in export currently. |
+| PowerBIActivity | |
| PowerBIDatasetsWorkspace | |
+| ProjectActivity | |
| PurviewDataSensitivityLogs | | | PurviewScanStatusLogs | |
+| ResourceManagementPublicAccessLogs | |
| SCCMAssessmentRecommendation | | | SCOMAssessmentRecommendation | |
-| SQLAssessmentRecommendation | |
-| SQLSecurityAuditEvents | |
| SecurityAlert | | | SecurityBaseline | | | SecurityBaselineSummary | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| SecurityIoTRawEvent | | | SecurityNestedRecommendation | | | SecurityRecommendation | |
+| SentinelAudit | |
| SentinelHealth | | | SfBAssessmentRecommendation | |
+| SfBOnlineAssessmentRecommendation | |
| SharePointOnlineAssessmentRecommendation | | | SignalRServiceDiagnosticLogs | | | SigninLogs | |
+| SPAssessmentRecommendation | |
+| SQLAssessmentRecommendation | |
+| SQLSecurityAuditEvents | |
+| StorageCacheOperationEvents | |
| SucceededIngestion | | | SynapseBigDataPoolApplicationsEnded | | | SynapseBuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded | |
All data from the table will be exported unless limitations are specified. This
| SynapseSqlPoolWaits | | | Syslog | Partial support ΓÇô data arriving from Log Analytics agent (MMA) or Azure Monitor Agent (AMA) is fully supported in export. Data arriving via Diagnostics extension agent is collected through storage while this path isnΓÇÖt supported in export. | | ThreatIntelligenceIndicator | |
+| UCClient | |
| UCClientUpdateStatus | |
+| UCDeviceAlert | |
+| UCServiceUpdateStatus | |
+| UCUpdateAlert | |
| Update | Partial support ΓÇô some of the data is ingested through internal services that aren't supported in export. This portion is missing in export currently. | | UpdateRunProgress | | | UpdateSummary | | | Usage | |
+| UserAccessAnalytics | |
| UserPeerAnalytics | |
+| Watchlist | |
+| WindowsEvent | |
+| WindowsFirewall | |
+| WireData | Partial support ΓÇô some of the data is ingested through internal services that aren't supported in export. This portion is missing in export currently. |
+| WorkloadDiagnosticLogs | |
| WVDAgentHealthStatus | | | WVDCheckpoints | | | WVDConnections | | | WVDErrors | | | WVDFeeds | | | WVDManagement | |
-| Watchlist | |
-| WindowsEvent | |
-| WindowsFirewall | |
-| WireData | Partial support ΓÇô some of the data is ingested through internal services that aren't supported in export. This portion is missing in export currently. |
-| WorkloadDiagnosticLogs | |
+ ## Next steps
azure-resource-manager Resource Name Rules https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-resource-manager/management/resource-name-rules.md
In the following tables, the term alphanumeric refers to:
> | servers / databases | server | 1-128 | Can't use:<br>`<>*%&:\/?` or control characters<br><br>Can't end with period or space. | > | servers / databases / syncGroups | database | 1-150 | Alphanumerics, hyphens, and underscores. | > | servers / elasticPools | server | 1-128 | Can't use:<br>`<>*%&:\/?` or control characters<br><br>Can't end with period or space. |
-> | servers / failoverGroups | global | 1-63 | Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.<br><br>Can't start or end with hyphen. |
+> | servers / failoverGroups | global | 1-63 | Lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.<br><br>Can't start or end with hyphen. <br><br> Can't have hyphen twice in both third and fourth place. For example, `ab--cde` is not allowed. |
> | servers / firewallRules | server | 1-128 | Can't use:<br>`<>*%&:;\/?` or control characters<br><br>Can't end with period. | > | servers / keys | server | | Must be in format:<br>`VaultName_KeyName_KeyVersion`. |
azure-signalr Signalr Howto Diagnostic Logs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-signalr/signalr-howto-diagnostic-logs.md
Title: Resource Logs for Azure SignalR Service description: Learn how to set up resource logs for Azure SignalR Service and how to utilize it to self-troubleshoot.-+ Previously updated : 12/17/2019- Last updated : 04/20/2022+ # Resource logs for Azure SignalR Service
-This tutorial discusses what resource logs for Azure SignalR Service are, how to set them up, and how to troubleshoot with them.
+This tutorial discusses what resource logs for Azure SignalR Service are, how to set them up, and how to troubleshoot with them.
## Prerequisites+ To enable resource logs, you'll need somewhere to store your log data. This tutorial uses Azure Storage and Log Analytics. * [Azure storage](../azure-monitor/essentials/resource-logs.md#send-to-azure-storage) - Retains resource logs for policy audit, static analysis, or backup.
To enable resource logs, you'll need somewhere to store your log data. This tuto
## Set up resource logs for an Azure SignalR Service
-You can view resource logs for Azure SignalR Service. These logs provide richer view of connectivity to your Azure SignalR Service instance. The resource logs provide detailed information of every connection. For example, basic information (user ID, connection ID and transport type and so on) and event information (connect, disconnect and abort event and so on) of the connection. resource logs can be used for issue identification, connection tracking and analysis.
+You can view resource logs for Azure SignalR Service. These logs provide richer view of connectivity to your Azure SignalR Service instance. The resource logs provide detailed information of every connection. For example, basic information (user ID, connection ID and transport type, and so on) and event information (connect, disconnect and abort event, and so on) of the connection. resource logs can be used for issue identification, connection tracking and analysis.
### Enable resource logs Resource logs are disabled by default. To enable resource logs, follow these steps:
-1. In the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com), under **Monitoring**, click **Diagnostic settings**.
+1. In the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com), under **Monitoring**, select **Diagnostic settings**.
![Pane navigation to diagnostic settings](./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/diagnostic-settings-menu-item.png)
-1. Then click **Add diagnostic setting**.
- ![Add resource logs](./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/add-diagnostic-setting.png)
+1. Then you'll get a full view of the diagnostic settings.
-1. Set the archive target that you want. Currently, we support **Archive to a storage account** and **Send to Log Analytics**.
+ ![Diagnostic settings' full view](./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/azure-signalr-diagnostic-settings.png)
-1. Select the logs you want to archive.
+1. Configure the log source settings.
+ 1. In **Log Source Settings** section, a table shows collecting behaviors for each log type.
+ 2. Check the specific log type you want to collect for all connections. Otherwise the log will be collected only for [diagnostic clients](#diagnostic-client).
+2. Configure the log destination settings.
+ 1. In **Log Destination Settings** section, a table of diagnostic settings displays the existing diagnostic settings. You can select the link in the table to get access to the log destination to view the collected resource logs.
+ 2. In this section, select the button **Configure Log Destination Settings** to add, update, or delete diagnostic settings.
+ 3. Select **Add diagnostic setting** to add a new diagnostic setting, or select **Edit** to modify an existing diagnostic setting.
+ 4. Set the archive target that you want. Currently, SignalR service supports **Archive to a storage account** and **Send to Log Analytics**.
+ 5. Select the logs you want to archive. Only `AllLogs` is available for resource log. It only controls whether you want to archive the logs. To configure which log types need to be generated in SignalR service, configure in **Log Source Settings** section.
![Diagnostics settings pane](./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/diagnostics-settings-pane.png)
+ 6. Save the new diagnostics setting. The new setting takes effect in about 10 minutes. After that, logs will be sent to configured archival target. For more information about configuring log destination settings, see the [overview of Azure resource logs](../azure-monitor/essentials/platform-logs-overview.md).
+### Resource logs categories
-1. Save the new diagnostics settings.
+Azure SignalR supports three types of logs: connectivity log and messaging log.
-New settings take effect in about 10 minutes. After that, logs appear in the configured archival target, in the **Diagnostics logs** pane.
+#### Connectivity Logs
-For more information about configuring diagnostics, see the [overview of Azure resource logs](../azure-monitor/essentials/platform-logs-overview.md).
+Connectivity logs provide detailed information for SignalR hub connections. For example, basic information (user ID, connection ID and transport type, etc.) and event information (connect, disconnect and abort event, etc.). Therefore, connectivity log is helpful to troubleshoot connection related issues. For typical connection related troubleshooting guide, see [connection related issue](#connection-related-issues).
-### Resource logs categories
+#### Messaging Logs
+Messaging logs provide tracing information for the SignalR hub messages received and sent via SignalR service. For example, tracing ID and message type of the message. The tracing ID and message type is also logged in app server. Typically the message is recorded when it arrives at or leaves from service or server. Therefore messaging logs are helpful for troubleshooting message related issues. For typical message related troubleshooting guide, see [message related issues](#message-related-issues).
-Azure SignalR Service captures resource logs in one category:
+> [!NOTE]
+> This type of logs is generated for every message, if the messages are sent frequently, messaging logs might impact the performance of SignalR service. However, you can choose different collecting behaviors to minimize the performance impact. See [resource logs collecting behaviors](#resource-logs-collecting-behaviors) below.
+#### Http request logs
-* **All Logs**: Track connections that connect to Azure SignalR Service. The logs provide information about the connect/disconnect, authentication and throttling. For more information, see the next section.
+Http request logs provide detailed information for the http requests received by Azure Web PubSub. For example, status code and URL of the request. Http request log is helpful to troubleshoot request-related issues.
### Archive to a storage account
The following code is an example of an archive log JSON string:
To view resource logs, follow these steps:
-1. Click `Logs` in your target Log Analytics.
+1. Select `Logs` in your target Log Analytics.
+ :::image type="content" alt-text="Log Analytics menu item" source="./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/log-analytics-menu-item.png" lightbox="./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/log-analytics-menu-item.png"::: 2. Enter `SignalRServiceDiagnosticLogs` and select time range to query resource logs. For advanced query, see [Get started with Log Analytics in Azure Monitor](../azure-monitor/logs/log-analytics-tutorial.md)
To use sample query for SignalR service, please follow the steps below:
2. Select `Queries` to open query explorer. 3. Select `Resource type` to group sample queries in resource type. 4. Select `Run` to run the script.+ :::image type="content" alt-text="Sample query in Log Analytics" source="./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/log-analytics-sample-query.png" lightbox="./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/log-analytics-sample-query.png":::
ConnectionId | Identity of the connection
ConnectionType | Type of the connection. Allowed values are: `Server` \| `Client`. `Server`: connection from server side; `Client`: connection from client side TransportType | Transport type of the connection. Allowed values are: `Websockets` \| `ServerSentEvents` \| `LongPolling`
-### Troubleshooting with resource logs
+## Troubleshooting with resource logs
-To troubleshoot for Azure SignalR Service, you can enable server/client side logs to capture failures. At present, Azure SignalR Service exposes resource logs, you can also enable logs for service side.
+To troubleshoot for Azure SignalR Service, you can enable server/client side logs to capture failures. Now, Azure SignalR Service exposes resource logs, you can also enable logs for service side.
When encountering connection unexpected growing or dropping situation, you can take advantage of resource logs to troubleshoot. Typical issues are often about connections' unexpected quantity changes, connections reach connection limits and authorization failure. See the next sections about how to troubleshoot.
-#### Unexpected connection number changes
+#### Connection related issues
+When encountering connection unexpected growing or dropping situation, you can take advantage of connectivity logs to troubleshoot.
-##### Unexpected connection dropping
+Typical issues are often about connections' unexpected quantity changes, connections reach connection limits authorization failure and message loss. See the next sections about how to troubleshoot.
+##### Unexpected connection number changes
+###### Unexpected connection dropping
If you encounter unexpected connections drop, firstly enable logs in service, server and client sides.
-If a connection disconnects, the resource logs will record this disconnecting event, you will see `ConnectionAborted` or `ConnectionEnded` in `operationName`.
+If a connection disconnects, the resource logs will record this disconnecting event, you'll see `ConnectionAborted` or `ConnectionEnded` in `operationName`.
The difference between `ConnectionAborted` and `ConnectionEnded` is that `ConnectionEnded` is an expected disconnecting which is triggered by client or server side. While the `ConnectionAborted` is usually an unexpected connection dropping event, and aborting reason will be provided in `message`. The abort reasons are listed in the following table: Reason | Description-- | -
+- | -
Connection count reaches limit | Connection count reaches limit of your current price tier. Consider scale up service unit Application server closed the connection | App server triggers the abortion. It can be considered as an expected abortion
-Connection ping timeout | Usually it is caused by network issue. Consider checking your app server's availability from the internet
-Service reloading, reconnect | Azure SignalR Service is reloading. Azure SignalR supports auto-reconnecting, you can wait until reconnected or manually reconnect to Azure SignalR Service
+Connection ping timeout | Usually it's caused by network issue. Consider checking your app server's availability from the internet
+Service reloading, please reconnect | Azure SignalR Service is reloading. Azure SignalR support auto-reconnecting, you can wait until reconnected or manually reconnect to Azure SignalR Service
Internal server transient error | Transient error occurs in Azure SignalR Service, should be auto-recovered
-Server connection dropped | Server connection drops with unknown error, consider self-troubleshooting with service/server/client side log first. Try to exclude basic issues (e.g Network issue, app server side issue and so on). If the issue isn't resolved, contact us for further help. For more information, see [Get help](#get-help) section.
+Server connection dropped | Server connection drops with unknown error, consider self-troubleshooting with service/server/client side log first. Try to exclude basic issues (e.g Network issue, app server side issue, etc.). If the issue isn't resolved, contact us for further help. For more information, see [Get help](#get-help) section.
+###### Unexpected connection growing
+To troubleshoot about unexpected connection growing, the first thing you need to do is filter out the extra connections. You can add unique test user ID to your test client connection. Then verify it in with resource logs, you see more than one client connections have the same test user ID or IP, then it's likely the client side create and establish more connections than expectation. Check your client side.
+##### Authorization failure
+If you get 401 Unauthorized returned for client requests, check your resource logs. If you encounter `Failed to validate audience. Expected Audiences: <valid audience>. Actual Audiences: <actual audience>`, it means your all audiences in your access token is invalid. Try to use the valid audiences suggested in the log.
+##### Throttling
+If you find that you can't establish SignalR client connections to Azure SignalR Service, check your resource logs. If you encounter `Connection count reaches limit` in resource log, you establish too many connections to SignalR Service, which reach the connection count limit. Consider scaling up your SignalR Service. If you encounter `Message count reaches limit` in resource log, it means you use free tier, and you use up the quota of messages. If you want to send more messages, consider changing your SignalR Service to standard tier to send additional messages. For more information, see [Azure SignalR Service Pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/signalr-service/).
+#### Message related issues
-##### Unexpected connection growing
+When encountering message related problem, you can take advantage of messaging logs to troubleshoot. Firstly, [enable resource logs](#enable-resource-logs) in service, logs for server and client.
-To troubleshoot about unexpected connection growing, the first thing you need to do is to filter out the extra connections. You can add unique test user ID to your test client connection. Then verify it in with resource logs, if you see more than one client connections have the same test user ID or IP, then it is likely the client side create and establish more connections than expectation. Check your client side.
+> [!NOTE]
+> For ASP.NET Core, see [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/signalr/diagnostics) to enable logging in server and client.
+> For ASP.NET, see [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/aspnet/signalr/overview/testing-and-debugging/enabling-signalr-tracing) to enable logging in server and client.
+If you don't mind potential performance impact and no client-to-server direction message, check the `Messaging` in `Log Source Settings/Types` to enable *collect-all* log collecting behavior. For more information about this behavior, see [collect all section](#collect-all).
+Otherwise, uncheck the `Messaging` to enable *collect-partially* log collecting behavior. This behavior requires configuration in client and server to enable it. For more information, see [collect partially section](#collect-partially).
+##### Message loss
+If you encounter message loss problem, the key is to locate the place where you lose the message. Basically, you have three components when using SignalR service: SignalR service, server and client. Both server and client are connected to SignalR service, they don't connect to each other directly once negotiation is completed. Therefore, we need to consider two directions for messages, for each direction, we need to consider two paths:
+* From client to server via SignalR service
+ * Path 1: Client to SignalR service
+ * Path 2: SignalR service to server
+* From server to client via SignalR service
+ * Path 3: Server to SignalR service
+ * Path 4: SignalR service to client
+![Message path](./media/signalr-tutorial-diagnostic-logs/message-path.png)
+For **collect all** collecting behavior:
+SignalR service only trace messages in direction **from server to client via SignalR service**. The tracing ID will be generated in server, the message will carry the tracing ID to SignalR service.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you want to trace message and [send messages from outside a hub](https://docs.microsoft.com/aspnet/core/signalr/hubcontext) in your app server, you need to enable **collect all** collecting behavior to collect message logs for the messages which are not originated from diagnostic clients.
+> Diagnostic clients works for both **collect all** and **collect partially** collecting behaviors. It has higher priority to collect logs. For more information, see [diagnostic client section](#diagnostic-client).
+By checking the sign in server and service side, you can easily find out whether the message is sent from server, arrives at SignalR service, and leaves from SignalR service. Basically, by checking if the *received* and *sent* message are matched or not based on message tracing ID, you can tell whether the message loss issue is in server or SignalR service in this direction. For more information, see the [details](#message-flow-detail-for-path3) below.
-#### Authorization failure
+For **collect partially** collecting behavior:
+Once you mark the client as diagnostic client, SignalR service will trace messages in both directions.
+By checking the sign in server and service side, you can easily find out whether the message is pass the server or SignalR service successfully. Basically, by checking if the *received* and *sent* message are matched or not based on message tracing ID, you can tell whether the message loss issue is in server or SignalR service. For more information, see the details below.
+**Details of the message flow**
+For the direction **from client to server via SignalR service**, SignalR service will **only** consider the invocation that is originated from diagnostic client, that is, the message generated directly in diagnostic client, or service message generated due to the invocation of diagnostic client indirectly.
+The tracing ID will be generated in SignalR service once the message arrives at SignalR service in **Path 1**. SignalR service will generate a log `Received a message <MessageTracingId> from client connection <ConnectionId>.` for each message in diagnostic client. Once the message leaves from the SignalR to server, SignalR service will generate a log `Sent a message <MessageTracingId> to server connection <ConnectionId> successfully.` If you see these two logs, you can be sure that the message passes through SignalR service successfully.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Due to the limitation of ASP.NET Core SignalR, the message comes from client doesn't contains any message level ID. But ASP.NET SignalR generate *invocation ID* for each message, you can use it to map with the tracing ID.
+Then the message carries the tracing ID Server in **Path 2**. Server will generate a log `Received message <messagetracingId> from client connection <connectionId>` once the message arrives.
+<span id="message-flow-detail-for-path3"></span>
+Once the message invokes the hub method in server, a new service message will be generated with a *new tracing ID*. Once the service message is generated, server will generate a sign in template `Start to broadcast/send message <MessageTracingId> ...`, the actual log will be based on your scenario. Then the message will be delivered to SignalR service in **Path 3**, once the service message leaves from server, a log called `Succeeded to send message <MessageTracingId>` will be generated.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The tracing ID of the message from client cannot map to the tracing ID of the service message to be sent to SignalR service.
-If you get 401 Unauthorized returned for client requests, check your resource logs. If you encounter `Failed to validate audience. Expected Audiences: <valid audience>. Actual Audiences: <actual audience>`, it means all audiences in your access token are invalid. Try to use the valid audiences suggested in the log.
+Once the service message arrives at SignalR service, a log called `Received a <MessageType> message <MessageTracingId> from server connection <ConnectionId>.` will be generated. Then SignalR service processes the service message and deliver to the target client(s). Once the message is sent to client(s) in **Path 4**, log `Sent a message <MessageTracingId> to client connection <ConnectionId> successfully.` will be generated.
+In summary, the message log will be generated when message goes in and out the SignalR service and server. You can use these logs to validate whether the message is lost in these components or not.
-#### Throttling
+Below is a typical message loss issue.
-If you find that you cannot establish SignalR client connections to Azure SignalR Service, check your resource logs. If you encounter `Connection count reaches limit` in resource log, you establish too many connections to SignalR Service, which reach the connection count limit. Consider scaling up your SignalR Service. If you encounter `Message count reaches limit` in resource log, it means you use free tier, and you use up the quota of messages. If you want to send more messages, consider changing your SignalR Service to standard tier to send additional messages. For more information, see [Azure SignalR Service Pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/signalr-service/).
+###### A client fails to receive messages in a group
+The typical story in this issue is that the client joins a group **after** sending a group message.
+``` C#
+Class Chat : Hub
+ public void JoinAndSendGroup(string name, string groupName)
+ {
+ Groups.AddToGroupAsync(Context.ConnectionId, groupName); // join group
+ Clients.Group(groupName).SendAsync("ReveiceGroupMessage", name, "I'm in group"); // send group message
+ }
+For example, someone may make invocations of *join group* and *send group message* in the same hub method. The problem here's the `AddToGroupAsync` is an `async` method. There's no `await` for the `AddToGroupAsync` to wait it finishes, the group message sent before `AddToGroupAsync` completes. Due to network delay, and the delay of the process of joining client to some group, the join group action may complete later than group message delivery. If so, the first group message won't have any client as receiver, since no client has joined the group. So it will become a message lost issue.
+Without resource logs, you're unable to find out when the client joins the group and when the group message is sent.
+Once you enable messaging logs, you're able to compare the message arriving time in SignalR service. Follow the below steps to troubleshoot:
+1. Find the message logs in server to find when the client joined the group and when the group message is sent.
+1. Get the message tracing ID A of joining the group and the message tracing ID B of group message from the message logs.
+1. Filter these message tracing ID among messaging logs in your log archive target, then compare their arriving timestamps, you'll find which message is arrived first in SignalR service.
+1. If message tracing ID A's arriving time later than B's, then you must be sending group message **before** the client joining the group.Then you need to make sure the client is in the group before sending group messages.
+If a message get lost in SignalR or server, try to get the warning logs based on the message tracing ID to get the reason. If you need further help, see the [get help section](#get-help).
+## Advanced topic
+### Resource logs collecting behaviors
+There are two typical scenarios on using resource logs, especially for messaging logs.
+Someone may care about the quality of each message. For example, they're sensitive on whether the message got sent/received successfully, or they want to record every message that is delivered via SignalR service.
+In the meantime, others may care about the performance. They're sensitive on the latency of the message, and sometimes they need to track the message in a few connections instead of all the connections for some reason.
+Therefore, SignalR service provides two kinds of collecting behaviors
+* **collect all**: collect logs in all connections
+* **collect partially**: collect logs in some specific connections
+> [!NOTE]
+> To distinguish the connections between those collect logs and those don't collect logs, SignalR service will treat some client as diagnostic client based on the diagnostic client configurations of server and client, in which the resource logs always get collected, while the others don't. For more information, see [collect partially section](#collect-partially).
+#### Collect all
+Resource logs are collected by all the connections. Take messaging logs for example. When this behavior is enabled, SignalR service will send a notification to server to start generating tracing ID for each message. The tracing ID will be carried in the message to the service, the service will also log the message with tracing ID.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Note that to ensure the performance of SignalR service, SignalR service doesn't await and parse the whole message sent from client, therefore, the client messages isn't get logged. But if the client is marked as a diagnostic client, then client message will get logged in SignalR service.
+##### Configuration guide
+To enable this behavior, check the checkbox in the *Types* section in the *Log Source Settings*.
+This behavior doesn't require you to update server side configurations. This configuration change will always be sent to server automatically.
+#### Collect partially
+Resource logs are **only** collected by [diagnostic clients](#diagnostic-client). All messages get logged including client messages and connectivity events in the diagnostic clients.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The limit of the diagnostic clients' number is 100. If the number of diagnostic clients exceeds 100, the outnumbered diagnostic clients will get throttled by SignalR service. The new but outnumbered clients will be failed to connect to SignalR service, and throw `System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException` which has message `Response status code does not indicate success: 429 (Too Many Requests)`, while the already connected ones work without getting impacted by the throttling policy.
+##### Diagnostic client
+Diagnostic client is a logical concept, any client can be a diagnostic client. The server controls which client can be a diagnostic client. Once a client is marked as a diagnostic client, all resource logs will be enabled in this client. To set a client be a diagnostic client, see the [configuration guide](#configuration-guide-1) below.
+##### Configuration guide
+To enable this behavior, you need to configure service, server, client side.
+###### Service side
+To enable this behavior, uncheck the checkbox for a specific log type in the *Types* section in the *Log Source Settings*.
+###### Server side
+Also set up `ServiceOptions.DiagnosticClientFilter` to define a filter of diagnostic clients based on the http context comes from clients. For example, make client with hub URL `<HUB_URL>?diag=yes`, then set up `ServiceOptions.DiagnosticClientFilter` to filter the diagnostic client. If it returns `true`, the client will be marked as diagnostic client; otherwise, it keeps as normal client. The `ServiceOptions.DiagnosticClientFilter` can be set in your startup class like this:
+``` C#
+// sample: mark a client as diagnostic client when it has query string "?diag=yes" in hub URL
+public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
+ services.AddMvc();
+ services
+ .AddSignalR()
+ .AddAzureSignalR(o =>
+ {
+ o.ConnectionString = "<YOUR_ASRS_CONNECTION_STRING>";
+ o.DiagnosticClientFilter = context => context.Request.Query["diag"] == "yes";
+ });
+ return services.BuildServiceProvider();
+###### Client side
+Mark the client as diagnostic client by configuring the http context. For example, the client is marked as diagnostic client by adding the query string `diag=yes`.
+``` C#
+var connection = new HubConnectionBuilder()
+ .WithUrl("<HUB_URL>?diag=yes")
+ .Build();
-### Get help
+## Get help
We recommend you troubleshoot by yourself first. Most issues are caused by app server or network issues. Follow [troubleshooting guide with resource log](#troubleshooting-with-resource-logs) and [basic trouble shooting guide](https://github.com/Azure/azure-signalr/blob/dev/docs/tsg.md) to find the root cause. If the issue still can't be resolved, then consider open an issue in GitHub or create ticket in Azure portal. Provide: 1. Time range about 30 minutes when the issue occurs 2. Azure SignalR Service's resource ID
-3. Issue details, as specific as possible: For example, appserver doesn't send messages, client connection drops and so on
+3. Issue details, as specific as possible: For example, appserver doesn't send messages, client connection drops, and so on
4. Logs collected from server/client side, and other material that might be useful 5. [Optional] Repro code
azure-sql Active Geo Replication Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-sql/database/active-geo-replication-overview.md
Active geo-replication is a feature that lets you to create a continuously synch
Active geo-replication is designed as a business continuity solution that lets you perform quick disaster recovery of individual databases in case of a regional disaster or a large scale outage. Once geo-replication is set up, you can initiate a geo-failover to a geo-secondary in a different Azure region. The geo-failover is initiated programmatically by the application or manually by the user. > [!NOTE]
-> Active geo-replication for Azure SQL Hyperscale is [now in public preview](https://aka.ms/hsgeodr). Current limitations include:
+> Active geo-replication for Azure SQL Hyperscale is [now in public preview](service-tier-hyperscale-replicas.md#geo-replica-in-preview). Current limitations include:
> - Primary can have only one geo-secondary replica. > - Restore or database copy from geo-secondary is not supported. > - Can't use geo-secondary as a source for geo-replication to another database.
azure-sql Auto Failover Group Configure Sql Db https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-sql/database/auto-failover-group-configure-sql-db.md
The following table lists specific permission scopes for Azure SQL Database:
## Remarks - Removing a failover group for a single or pooled database does not stop replication, and it does not delete the replicated database. You will need to manually stop geo-replication and delete the database from the secondary server if you want to add a single or pooled database back to a failover group after it's been removed. Failing to do either may result in an error similar to `The operation cannot be performed due to multiple errors` when attempting to add the database to the failover group.
+- Auto-failover group name is subject to [naming restrictions](../../azure-resource-manager/management/resource-name-rules.md).
## Next steps
azure-sql Dns Alias Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-sql/database/dns-alias-overview.md
Presently, a DNS alias has the following limitations:
- _Table auditing is not supported:_ You cannot use a DNS alias on a server that has *table auditing* enabled on a database. - Table auditing is deprecated. - We recommend that you move to [Blob Auditing](../../azure-sql/database/auditing-overview.md).
+- DNS alias is subject to [naming restrictions](../../azure-resource-manager/management/resource-name-rules.md).
## Related resources
azure-sql High Availability Sla https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-sql/database/high-availability-sla.md
Zone redundancy for the Azure SQL Database Hyperscale service tier is [now in pu
Consider the following limitations: -- Currently, only the following Azure regions are supported: UK South, Brazil South, West US 2, Japan East, North Europe, and Southeast Asia.-- Zone redundant configuration can only be specified during database creation. This setting cannot be modified once the resource is provisioned. Use [Database copy](database-copy.md), [point-in-time restore](recovery-using-backups.md#point-in-time-restore), or create a [geo-replica](active-geo-replication-overview.md) to update the zone redundant configuration for an existing Hyperscale database. When using one of these update options, if the target database is in a different region than the source or if the database backup storage redundancy from the target differs from the source database, the [copy operation](database-copy.md#database-copy-for-azure-sql-hyperscale) will be a size of data operation.
+- Currently, only the following Azure regions are supported: UK South, Brazil South, West US 2, Japan East, North Europe, Southeast Asia, Canada Central, Central US, South Central US, France Central, Australia East, Germany West Central, East Asia, Korea Central, Norway East, and West US 3.
+- Zone redundant configuration can only be specified during database creation. This setting cannot be modified once the resource is provisioned. Use [Database copy](database-copy.md), [point-in-time restore](recovery-using-backups.md#point-in-time-restore), or create a [geo-replica](active-geo-replication-overview.md) to update the zone redundant configuration for an existing Hyperscale database. When using one of these update options, if the target database is in a different region than the source or if the database backup storage redundancy from the target differs from the source database, the [copy operation](database-copy.md#database-copy-for-azure-sql-hyperscale) will be a size of data operation. Additionally, when using one of these update options the target database will not have the historical backup data from the source database for point-in-time restore.
- Named replicas are not supported. - Only [zone-redundant backup](automated-backups-overview.md) is supported. - Only Gen5 hardware is supported.
Specify the `-zone-redundant parameter` to enable zone redundancy for your Hyper
To enable zone redundancy using the Azure CLI, use the following example command: ```azurecli
-az sql db replica create -g mygroup -s myserver -n originalDb --partner-server newDb ΓÇôha-replicas 1 ΓÇôzone-redundant ΓÇôbackup-storage-redundancy Zone
+az sql db replica create -g mygroup -s myserver -n originalDb --partner-server newDb -ΓÇôha-replicas 1 -ΓÇôzone-redundant -ΓÇôbackup-storage-redundancy Zone
+* * *
+### Create a zone redundant Hyperscale database by creating a database copy
+To make an existing Hyperscale database zone redundant, use Azure PowerShell or the Azure CLI to create a zone redundant Hyperscale database using database copy. The database copy can be in the same or different region as the existing Hyperscale database.
+# [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+Specify the `-ZoneRedundant` parameter to enable zone redundancy for your Hyperscale database copy. The database copy must have at least 1 high availability replica and zone-redundant backup storage must be specified.
+To create your zone redundant database using Azure PowerShell, use the following example command:
+New-AzSqlDatabaseCopy -ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" -ServerName $sourceserver -DatabaseName "databaseName" -CopyResourceGroupName "myCopyResourceGroup" -CopyServerName $copyserver -CopyDatabaseName "zoneRedundantCopyOfMySampleDatabaseΓÇ¥ -ZoneRedundant -BackupStorageRedundancy Zone
+# [Azure CLI](#tab/azure-cli)
+Specify the `-zone-redundant parameter` to enable zone redundancy for your Hyperscale database copy. The database copy must have at least 1 high availability replica and zone-redundant backup storage.
+To enable zone redundancy using the Azure CLI, use the following example command:
+az sql db copy --dest-name "CopyOfMySampleDatabase" --dest-resource-group "myResourceGroup" --dest-server $targetserver --name "<databaseName>" --resource-group "<resourceGroup>" --server $sourceserver -ΓÇôha-replicas 1 -ΓÇôzone-redundant -ΓÇôbackup-storage-redundancy Zone
``` * * *
azure-web-pubsub Reference Server Sdk Csharp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-web-pubsub/reference-server-sdk-csharp.md
Use this library to:
[Source code](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/webpubsub/Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub/src) | [Package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub) |
-[API reference documentation](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/messaging.webpubsub-readme-pre) |
+[API reference documentation](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/messaging.webpubsub-readme) |
[Product documentation](./index.yml) | [Samples][samples_ref]
azure-web-pubsub Reference Server Sdk Java https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-web-pubsub/reference-server-sdk-java.md
reduce the dependency size, refer to the [performance tuning][performance_tuning
[coc]: https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/ [coc_faq]: https://opensource.microsoft.com/codeofconduct/faq/ [coc_contact]: mailto:opencode@microsoft.com
+[api]: /java/api/overview/azure/messaging-webpubsub-readme
azure-web-pubsub Reference Server Sdk Python https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-web-pubsub/reference-server-sdk-python.md
Use this library to:
- Close connections - Grant, revoke, and check permissions for an existing connection
-[Source code](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/webpubsub/azure-messaging-webpubsubservice) | [Package (Pypi)][package] | [API reference documentation](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/main/sdk/webpubsub/azure-messaging-webpubsubservice) | [Product documentation][webpubsubservice_docs]
+[Source code](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/main/sdk/webpubsub/azure-messaging-webpubsubservice) | [Package (Pypi)][package] | [API reference documentation](/python/api/overview/azure/messaging-webpubsubservice-readme) | [Product documentation][webpubsubservice_docs]
> [!IMPORTANT] > Azure SDK Python packages support for Python 2.7 is ending 01 January 2022. For more information and questions, please refer to https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/issues/20691.
cognitive-services Speech Container Howto https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cognitive-services/Speech-Service/speech-container-howto.md
With Speech containers, you can build a speech application architecture that's o
| Container | Features | Latest | Release status | |--|--|--|--|
-| Speech-to-text | Analyzes sentiment and transcribes continuous real-time speech or batch audio recordings with intermediate results. | 3.1.0 | Generally available |
-| Custom speech-to-text | Using a custom model from the [Custom Speech portal](https://speech.microsoft.com/customspeech), transcribes continuous real-time speech or batch audio recordings into text with intermediate results. | 3.1.0 | Generally available |
+| Speech-to-text | Analyzes sentiment and transcribes continuous real-time speech or batch audio recordings with intermediate results. | 3.2.0 | Generally available |
+| Custom speech-to-text | Using a custom model from the [Custom Speech portal](https://speech.microsoft.com/customspeech), transcribes continuous real-time speech or batch audio recordings into text with intermediate results. | 3.2.0 | Generally available |
| Speech language identification | Detects the language spoken in audio files. | 1.5.0 | Preview |
-| Neural text-to-speech | Converts text to natural-sounding speech by using deep neural network technology, which allows for more natural synthesized speech. | 2.0.0 | Generally available |
+| Neural text-to-speech | Converts text to natural-sounding speech by using deep neural network technology, which allows for more natural synthesized speech. | 2.1.0 | Generally available |
## Prerequisites
cognitive-services Container Image Tags https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cognitive-services/containers/container-image-tags.md
The [Custom Speech-to-text][sp-cstt] container image can be found on the `mcr.mi
# [Latest version](#tab/current)
-Release note for `3.1.0-amd64`:
+Release note for `3.2.0-amd64`:
-* Support Full Display Process. The final display outcomes is expected highly improved if this feature is enabled.
-* Security Upgrade.
+* Security upgrade.
+* HTTP Proxy support.
+* Improve custom speech model download output message.
+* Speech components upgrade.
Note that due to the phrase lists feature, the size of this container image has increased. | Image Tags | Notes | Digest | |-|:|:-|
-| `latest` | | `sha256:7a3d08885cb65eb42d4ad085a54853fb057cca0cffecff7708a241afcb2c110a`|
-| `3.1.0-amd64` | | `sha256:7a3d08885cb65eb42d4ad085a54853fb057cca0cffecff7708a241afcb2c110a`|
+| `latest` | | `sha256:90e5d8c1675571de926bfffd0e9844fabe8d763cc881bdbccb5bb4faa0258122`|
+| `3.1.0-amd64` | | `sha256:90e5d8c1675571de926bfffd0e9844fabe8d763cc881bdbccb5bb4faa0258122`|
# [Previous version](#tab/previous)
+Release note for `3.1.0-amd64`:
+* Support Full Display Process. The final display outcomes is expected highly improved if this feature is enabled.
+* Security Upgrade.
+ Release note for `3.0.0-amd64`: **Features**
Release note for `2.5.0-amd64`:
| Image Tags | Notes | |-|:--|
+| `3.1.0-amd64` | |
| `3.0.0-amd64` | | | `2.18.0-amd64` | | | `2.17.0-amd64` | |
Since Speech-to-text v2.5.0, images are supported in the *US Government Virginia
# [Latest version](#tab/current)
-Release note for `3.1.0-amd64-<locale>`:
+Release note for `3.2.0-amd64-<locale>`:
-* Support Full Display Process and this feature is enabled by default on all listed locales. The size of images increases 2-5 Gb because of full display models. And for `en-US`, the container takes extra 150 Mb memory usage.
-* Security Upgrade.
+* Security upgrade.
+* Speech components upgrade.
+* HTTP Proxy support.
Note that due to the phrase lists feature, the size of this container image has increased. | Image Tags | Notes | |-|:--| | `latest` | Container image with the `en-US` locale. |
-| `3.1.0-amd64-<locale>` | Replace `<locale>` with one of the available locales, listed below. For example `3.1.0-amd64-en-us`. |
+| `3.2.0-amd64-<locale>` | Replace `<locale>` with one of the available locales, listed below. For example `3.2.0-amd64-en-us`. |
This container has the following locales available.
-| Locale for v3.1.0 | Notes | Digest |
+| Locale for v3.2.0 | Notes | Digest |
-| `ar-ae` | Container image with the `ar-AE` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
-| `ar-bh` | Container image with the `ar-BH` locale. | `sha256:644e871429b75a0168e6a3d893a12de719e58a1a95d99c4a82bfeced634eeefd` |
-| `ar-eg` | Container image with the `ar-EG` locale. | `sha256:82a9affeae9379b0503be0fce64f6844e0afffa7b24ad8813c2c8ce8390c452a` |
-| `ar-iq` | Container image with the `ar-IQ` locale. | `sha256:161278801bce4fdf34eb4d9569d814266ec59f5e951b625d39d493d1208f12d0` |
-| `ar-jo` | Container image with the `ar-JO` locale. | `sha256:9d833b3f3d3fc773a25e667b15f41856922c6ae862cc09ae9b64857a4fb23824` |
-| `ar-kw` | Container image with the `ar-KW` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
-| `ar-lb` | Container image with the `ar-LB` locale. | `sha256:bc8e49cbb6eef0bc268e8f8bfa0f41a1730aa9e38d79d91232226ddcc41a417e` |
-| `ar-om` | Container image with the `ar-OM` locale. | `sha256:2bbe8d69f1042f71d92fa66a768b538d116a2db87e0f024d0a61999325507a9f` |
-| `ar-qa` | Container image with the `ar-QA` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
-| `ar-sa` | Container image with the `ar-SA` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
-| `ar-sy` | Container image with the `ar-SY` locale. | `sha256:cc7d1d5272637104966e0acd290881a19e17d6466599d2dde853cf81c5dd249b` |
-| `bg-bg` | Container image with the `bg-BG` locale. | `sha256:9af266e51be11dbcf116e19ded5fd39848aeee800f0366125c4b635535dc2b2b` |
-| `ca-es` | Container image with the `ca-ES` locale. | `sha256:ab8c80b66404d2720d086b32a413b87064b7884240e8fbfbc5ee2f8c9ca9b174` |
-| `cs-cz` | Container image with the `cs-CZ` locale. | `sha256:c24b56ad144600bf301b3960b4b829afffec2d7d7cc64e707aa1f34de8e48e79` |
-| `da-dk` | Container image with the `da-DK` locale. | `sha256:52cb5fc8660adb4e92e7b1f886f19c529367733543c8df05c9db5f87e1a8c08f` |
-| `de-at` | Container image with the `de-AT` locale. | `sha256:cb8a8febd76d831d9505c7f61c841499f097c0a2c09aae1374668f9bc38fb952` |
-| `de-ch` | Container image with the `de-CH` locale. | `sha256:d9d6624f14dc0f35fe9b20da5fe601b40abfc98b89092b40a934532d3cfe6dc9` |
-| `de-de` | Container image with the `de-DE` locale. | `sha256:0c9da57b2c5312de859de1ad53e244bdb68103ce072e0ea42ab3078ff0339132` |
-| `el-gr` | Container image with the `el-GR` locale. | `sha256:f9c2a3172bd5671c590ae309d4ae49ea45ec696c112f6d9bf3b6007e94f0bdc5` |
-| `en-au` | Container image with the `en-AU` locale. | `sha256:6df7313d6900b847ef29a44e967cac4e9a013e7b89493041b7a2e45f1e3fbba8` |
-| `en-ca` | Container image with the `en-CA` locale. | `sha256:39896bc91b15c5fe6c1f17cc79ff6c391c0b2051135a206ac64ae2a590b37fe9` |
-| `en-gb` | Container image with the `en-GB` locale. | `sha256:c251b61c54fc9e0b269901e8c9b12447f3a4facc8688aded07eed378b35b2e48` |
-| `en-hk` | Container image with the `en-HK` locale. | `sha256:767fa5f3668692de9f1913786b1a7e343dc359c4c0c3275f6823b3bb4934e278` |
-| `en-ie` | Container image with the `en-IE` locale. | `sha256:24dabb8ecf0d06e0a4d67b72dda7e436bd31ee27e28370fc2f9cbed790f716ff` |
-| `en-in` | Container image with the `en-IN` locale. | `sha256:662f6a8119eee2ed3093b65d70b0bb2301723dece4bfa270ecb8e007ac102a76` |
-| `en-nz` | Container image with the `en-NZ` locale. | `sha256:3ba5b5d4f6fd68f242ceea8640545ab520f704d315672c9631e7ad151d75f1b7` |
-| `en-ph` | Container image with the `en-PH` locale. | `sha256:374e48220c590cc8d89805d35a10b6a8e8a46ae16b5199775b75289b8f58c636` |
-| `en-sg` | Container image with the `en-SG` locale. | `sha256:c084a1ccd2efcabcd260be4c0c22ced90f8666f56f16e31ea039d677b74597d7` |
-| `en-us` | Container image with the `en-US` locale. | `sha256:1aab9d20a7bef256e5140a94c7fb6662a4ada2c8c5cb5ed75836f4e9101f2d13` |
-| `en-za` | Container image with the `en-ZA` locale. | `sha256:8dc4c73b7100b9f115f1707a2021874866ae4e1024d2ea2db7b1f3734b1121fc` |
-| `es-ar` | Container image with the `es-AR` locale. | `sha256:8f0735b84d9e8aef4e8fc9eb30d263c871b2de93080744b086bf97de1c0aa21b` |
-| `es-bo` | Container image with the `es-BO` locale. | `sha256:b6e1d56befb6279c6937b9eb0530426ca2fbb2b94e0b06bf442a72ca7d2db1f8` |
-| `es-cl` | Container image with the `es-CL` locale. | `sha256:74bc32f5853a70bf26707bea6815f31b593335f73693c940fac66cc00a17b4ea` |
-| `es-co` | Container image with the `es-CO` locale. | `sha256:58c12bd3ed9876665a08b221e483f233e2096e9f4364fffd24487412dde3939a` |
-| `es-cr` | Container image with the `es-CR` locale. | `sha256:12da366cc0d126bd5831994348acb255a9cd05a3929af7affa513458d981352d` |
-| `es-cu` | Container image with the `es-CU` locale. | `sha256:edb533d5cddb0188b900b70a71b95c759b8f4f2d17da12c4959621644af0a92e` |
-| `es-do` | Container image with the `es-DO` locale. | `sha256:cdf27024a777d00c776df3c3175f5fe4778de8fa6da77658d6dc538a6bf64f57` |
-| `es-ec` | Container image with the `es-EC` locale. | `sha256:20c6c5cf52f75b178c5ff9ef2d5d1990ca8fcce0056ff3939ccbb7a10fbdca1f` |
-| `es-es` | Container image with the `es-ES` locale. | `sha256:0de092a826f3e847ff60629837cb06949afde6690cbe8da8805998d114f477c2` |
-| `es-gt` | Container image with the `es-GT` locale. | `sha256:1e3d2dad7350fcd91c6db64fde8375c83fff2ed34ad2e1758773400d6b42c0b3` |
-| `es-hn` | Container image with the `es-HN` locale. | `sha256:0bd284e5edbdb93ab2e802d2f05ab44cf484e884b3bca72171ee8f72b19cdb4a` |
-| `es-mx` | Container image with the `es-MX` locale. | `sha256:aa033f75eb4abf13e9f40b452140780cb8c416881f512a2b9c18ce7d46032bc0` |
-| `es-ni` | Container image with the `es-NI` locale. | `sha256:6f15f6fd2ef3d029bf8f508268cf26e22b67b4f02fcde4c06414a47c57817f6d` |
-| `es-pa` | Container image with the `es-PA` locale. | `sha256:4d99d615ea7b0e33acbf69c593c4cfd03a83bb15f30e7d71ee9d9c606870408e` |
-| `es-pe` | Container image with the `es-PE` locale. | `sha256:9ba5fbb172e32c526a9662190a1c106a635f0637dd44a00bf0b4927b7388c31f` |
-| `es-pr` | Container image with the `es-PR` locale. | `sha256:7419eed485084b99dc527a5ecc48b130bbf9a13807c9dff0fe9097655fcb6ea7` |
-| `es-py` | Container image with the `es-PY` locale. | `sha256:485a0b0c5831973358249e084dee285e0ae9c960e3f550f7d971b89e3d1e3d91` |
-| `es-sv` | Container image with the `es-SV` locale. | `sha256:56108b647909b60053053369907eb46f23049fbf7296135165f58e10dc218214` |
-| `es-us` | Container image with the `es-US` locale. | `sha256:eb68916713f83c4bc8ae9a621b022d73f7737b9c9479ad79acb76657fd8f6c0f` |
-| `es-uy` | Container image with the `es-UY` locale. | `sha256:779199a5133d8690d5c983baa8aac8088a30eb746ba80d90d91b7c54eb4396de` |
-| `es-ve` | Container image with the `es-VE` locale. | `sha256:c3bc655c9bc2d4d44aca7a0c9bfe0be68f2640fd48c3112ccde4667553282a79` |
-| `et-ee` | Container image with the `et-EE` locale. | `sha256:bd11b40b81920c3796ceb9ba8d6bf61be1aff4f16bffb6100d8ca860d40d8552` |
-| `fi-fi` | Container image with the `fi-FI` locale. | `sha256:6df492b55b7934f207b1c6d047e57c2cb13a10147e26c2b4864f4d02f8a4e786` |
-| `fr-ca` | Container image with the `fr-CA` locale. | `sha256:75e756cfc34e335eaed8bcf12aaaad54043e3727129fddd0e260818680fbb987` |
-| `fr-fr` | Container image with the `fr-FR` locale. | `sha256:2e88bcbc57355244eb8a543f32805252ffee8d20f8724e106a7eeae6d9c41d33` |
-| `ga-ie` | Container image with the `ga-IE` locale. | `sha256:e77f9716f2db3ea8dc98dfb8edbb2a6c9cbb11137d0a46d592dc4079b4797c8c` |
-| `gu-in` | Container image with the `gu-IN` locale. | `sha256:1c1ba6d7af9d69e9b5beeb3a1a2502e2747bf7f5350a4dbee14508698806542b` |
-| `hi-in` | Container image with the `hi-IN` locale. | `sha256:29f270a67e87e57643cf6b3e6407547becc94ffd7d7c32f5c466feab9f43df9e` |
-| `hr-hr` | Container image with the `hr-HR` locale. | `sha256:6c3b8b8ea8d0f04b486efce72c061569dd993c251ca1c874ee7b75cfe28e078b` |
-| `hu-hu` | Container image with the `hu-HU` locale. | `sha256:0db167fa90de896318b56d6a534f7ea5241f6e4414081b0b1f07b60aaeacd211` |
-| `it-it` | Container image with the `it-IT` locale. | `sha256:1bcca1c51d282f5f78a5323df0d927cd6161a49fded1e0c0ce83a999a60a0cec` |
-| `ja-jp` | Container image with the `ja-JP` locale. | `sha256:4b9ba7b007d9dc0872976768a44604c31e5f671648082cfdb3f395bd8d52e3a8` |
-| `ko-kr` | Container image with the `ko-KR` locale. | `sha256:1fd625c589dde9547db32232f7151f073851e84764e439bb48928bf3697dc280` |
-| `lt-lt` | Container image with the `lt-LT` locale. | `sha256:a6aaacb60377fd137d52251b6855cbf6f584b6c2407cde7ef4be9f0315293ddf` |
-| `lv-lv` | Container image with the `lv-LV` locale. | `sha256:3d9feeb98a4650164704161b9c38aa4eb441505b7ef45b227fe471026224c590` |
-| `mr-in` | Container image with the `mr-IN` locale. | `sha256:03fe81b7a7da4573a012400955e3f9505e2cfee5b40b1e59c32abd7d65a84636` |
-| `mt-mt` | Container image with the `mt-MT` locale. | `sha256:0c76e4a8695421a80b87b5ed348c7ba4771486dc7befcb8c13b0f8216018e360` |
-| `nb-no` | Container image with the `nb-NO` locale. | `sha256:c617c263f7b090591d347148b3c9970cbde3b5864e602f7eb54361bcdbad80a8` |
-| `nl-nl` | Container image with the `nl-NL` locale. | `sha256:db8c0341e7d7995dda288fe7232f7ce810994317738759bbc7adb0ed93050701` |
-| `pl-pl` | Container image with the `pl-PL` locale. | `sha256:5393a0c72d49b50836a8820f2a7fa7c381606cbf1ea03e19b60c48cad320dd29` |
-| `pt-br` | Container image with the `pt-BR` locale. | `sha256:fc888ddc056bba30be9aebbf94fbcdf322ee35f20805d80914ddd1b9fe146510` |
-| `pt-pt` | Container image with the `pt-PT` locale. | `sha256:10ac67830ef5fa49c8bbeef1bb6becbbb34875d6fdfcc8bd78abef030b71853b` |
-| `ro-ro` | Container image with the `ro-RO` locale. | `sha256:44195bab625e430089a333ae25348ddbb7052e1ce9c223e2bb1c444a4add25ea` |
-| `ru-ru` | Container image with the `ru-RU` locale. | `sha256:bb5ead4296e76463b2f54108afa8c4cb5a12f65470012763fa973af466960400` |
-| `sk-sk` | Container image with the `sk-SK` locale. | `sha256:d6922755249be4c85a1e119366e5044e62986c0e065abfc4cec8ec5d788b1f28` |
-| `sl-si` | Container image with the `sl-SI` locale. | `sha256:5f3225b01d023eb99711033f1531d32b8627207ebf9cdb560f3429106677eb85` |
-| `sv-se` | Container image with the `sv-SE` locale. | `sha256:9fd69d7b18579e9813d69a53fa008e4e43521e81c3b8db0f91df047f7f85d53f` |
-| `ta-in` | Container image with the `ta-IN` locale. | `sha256:a2c4ced531ebcf41e6653d72eaa689b665748d1fbce428ed1542d2183a0c23c3` |
-| `te-in` | Container image with the `te-IN` locale. | `sha256:8e9df83624627f58cebb0b0654035e746b60f4fd30eeb44d9bf30733ace02886` |
-| `th-th` | Container image with the `th-TH` locale. | `sha256:060ea9db2f153e5c3296e3280616f6c4c24423a352237e91db8ffc5939db5038` |
-| `tr-tr` | Container image with the `tr-TR` locale. | `sha256:fffe495ae24885a69447f553ad0c8a8fec7fc805163f0aae6f27374c9c5f7ae6` |
-| `uk-ua` | Container image with the `uk-UA` locale. | `sha256:8ee7118a2a4e3aa9d7d9fd21770d274dd4081a6c7290374db8892dbc604ea819` |
-| `zh-cn` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale. | `sha256:fea665892e189ff3778cb2ff35865da9c7aa5c62a2711d359203ae0f288dadc0` |
-| `zh-hk` | Container image with the `zh-HK` locale. | `sha256:b46dd6bbcf01ce28d10279bd4c6a749f0f5871b293c059f35db43314b4e7a4a8` |
-| `zh-tw` | Container image with the `zh-TW` locale. | `sha256:ff98176465d574d4eede6339605dbd21d1197ca82d33b86b961d86d114283927` |
+| `ar-ae` | Container image with the `ar-AE` locale. | `sha256:d63c13880627778742e42e00e25fd61aef1c4ee713e5def90642c68ddebc33c6` |
+| `ar-bh` | Container image with the `ar-BH` locale. | `sha256:22e8d931602bb91a86a68caac2c81e323ee9039b0bbd6bb19db35997b7fbd359` |
+| `ar-eg` | Container image with the `ar-EG` locale. | `sha256:80e8e9c6cfec8e53f9b04dcf20d1ee555bd89e72f8c0cdef88b1fbfbd83d6c6c` |
+| `ar-iq` | Container image with the `ar-IQ` locale. | `sha256:4a4810d2c3c0be63787994db412845909f10582d428620c70afb41bbeac1d034` |
+| `ar-jo` | Container image with the `ar-JO` locale. | `sha256:acca38a880c5ef6575647d372769acaaa7f14de848b3d07daa05138a27b51d96` |
+| `ar-kw` | Container image with the `ar-KW` locale. | `sha256:d63c13880627778742e42e00e25fd61aef1c4ee713e5def90642c68ddebc33c6` |
+| `ar-lb` | Container image with the `ar-LB` locale. | `sha256:3522d12e3be5eff50b4b33f41c51a137f0efe86aa9a7070ce3b84c78057804c7` |
+| `ar-om` | Container image with the `ar-OM` locale. | `sha256:2a586ff0be16883091e4853f1a15ce0c412e75936db57ad8e6b1a1d8321e2a46` |
+| `ar-qa` | Container image with the `ar-QA` locale. | `sha256:d63c13880627778742e42e00e25fd61aef1c4ee713e5def90642c68ddebc33c6` |
+| `ar-sa` | Container image with the `ar-SA` locale. | `sha256:d63c13880627778742e42e00e25fd61aef1c4ee713e5def90642c68ddebc33c6` |
+| `ar-sy` | Container image with the `ar-SY` locale. | `sha256:082ae364aaffd636676ed0cea755fcc3d0c2654ccd1a5659dada7dc135d43196` |
+| `bg-bg` | Container image with the `bg-BG` locale. | `sha256:e6639b807c3988f39b8a9478d043b847cc6e6223892840323ddd81883a8519c1` |
+| `ca-es` | Container image with the `ca-ES` locale. | `sha256:56570074924735a5952e280aab4e369be4c16b5d8fef14d1f2a6aa7946018e7b` |
+| `cs-cz` | Container image with the `cs-CZ` locale. | `sha256:bc8661627ce501091f0754d7062686882c5084cfbd9cb76670cd4e83a04f1834` |
+| `da-dk` | Container image with the `da-DK` locale. | `sha256:2843edc7b98bc189ded859d17ce8f92a650c73caa4e3ebb6752ea06241ce3bdf` |
+| `de-at` | Container image with the `de-AT` locale. | `sha256:e6b55644ebf9e0e9cf5072725a331a688c65f5b0e3a4257aea11470110c4aa71` |
+| `de-ch` | Container image with the `de-CH` locale. | `sha256:57fe70566d02e2dee1078fd7b1effdf82ebad01aed9195051b3fc27f81239e09` |
+| `de-de` | Container image with the `de-DE` locale. | `sha256:f6d46be11e09e01ccf99de0c643fefb38ed2d705ec693d797bc7543202b34007` |
+| `el-gr` | Container image with the `el-GR` locale. | `sha256:e5182ee56f28f43dafe9d503a659bc80e569a7fd6fbc57bc47465feea516c4fc` |
+| `en-au` | Container image with the `en-AU` locale. | `sha256:1e400d993fe59757fc4cf3de67d6b27654a9f53e21cb274145432ad6b880a7c6` |
+| `en-ca` | Container image with the `en-CA` locale. | `sha256:49c5bf1b0d5c83ddd85574005fb56b6e13c11fbc0590af7e731d8b5a603adee1` |
+| `en-gb` | Container image with the `en-GB` locale. | `sha256:d716caaf2e3699ef48e68cc5835b4fbcc8da756076efa30db1ba931cf995bf72` |
+| `en-hk` | Container image with the `en-HK` locale. | `sha256:5a9973801f79fec0faa591de42bd33e32c5b06b157d70ae7a5131cdcc05ea4e8` |
+| `en-ie` | Container image with the `en-IE` locale. | `sha256:c370b14c5fc0121201f6a14c7b713970ae02e6fce1d94b6768f9e301d793cb6f` |
+| `en-in` | Container image with the `en-IN` locale. | `sha256:a3fb074743369368233e8028f3c36e335fc04facff9b8700d1a092aba1dff3ac` |
+| `en-nz` | Container image with the `en-NZ` locale. | `sha256:71ed81d050168774f89da32854a0be5dbe4d89636109fc604d11afba313517ea` |
+| `en-ph` | Container image with the `en-PH` locale. | `sha256:0bb215fc8ce0e669add37630f90e42c93d6936e159ccd1a3fb83e9039212c2a5` |
+| `en-sg` | Container image with the `en-SG` locale. | `sha256:7b827a8f75610bc7f4838857e94231d50e4cb2c3602010ad00b0e970da45d6ef` |
+| `en-us` | Container image with the `en-US` locale. | `sha256:8141da6240e78c7b81955ee91c71eb7dec17f345c9b4dbe577494ee9e159bf5a` |
+| `en-za` | Container image with the `en-ZA` locale. | `sha256:9fe15bf9e12fe4185f8f3295f7f2a6a8563f894754537c1d8cd403a60763010f` |
+| `es-ar` | Container image with the `es-AR` locale. | `sha256:a136551dc0d33791deb370ee7af0ce198110467639a56f4e17a926b56808b0a9` |
+| `es-bo` | Container image with the `es-BO` locale. | `sha256:937cbabebf4f03dc0031e6716d6148479f5bba4d5dd9b7563a4dfa154b6eeace` |
+| `es-cl` | Container image with the `es-CL` locale. | `sha256:b0b9a7cdf96ddda5b90067c4efe7d4e8fb11ab2e3df05f5727b4e8aa916ff102` |
+| `es-co` | Container image with the `es-CO` locale. | `sha256:d639e4db6e3c005f76d36079514e2771e2516ebde86ba6594a9c9691453d0667` |
+| `es-cr` | Container image with the `es-CR` locale. | `sha256:01e2de748bd3632b1a4e25ae9a53503dcfbfc6d4f90f1a4ca804ca3045b6d1df` |
+| `es-cu` | Container image with the `es-CU` locale. | `sha256:1c25106375dbc5846a5ff1c5f594f969efeeb81d6fdb520dd41fae52f23dcc27` |
+| `es-do` | Container image with the `es-DO` locale. | `sha256:2f403243e5b7e097708532903777cf65ea95ab901067fe406a6aba81fc54819c` |
+| `es-ec` | Container image with the `es-EC` locale. | `sha256:164a27ae9c122617197ed67f6df3ac8bb1b38347d2f1e6dcd72254ff5c4cc92b` |
+| `es-es` | Container image with the `es-ES` locale. | `sha256:a39b95ffb862a82345780210aa5e7a8991fe271d55bf8c36693ce81a7adb0739` |
+| `es-gt` | Container image with the `es-GT` locale. | `sha256:90c3c225666dc74f6fe74cbbc8bc8c339a469c36c51ee87a9921253366c6ce69` |
+| `es-hn` | Container image with the `es-HN` locale. | `sha256:fc9e3c9e9dfc0bfda67d11fc9dba3edc62d65187bc9f54de68f473305639d147` |
+| `es-mx` | Container image with the `es-MX` locale. | `sha256:f2e15fe3dca24366240f4f20fc683c45d3a59c1150481f9286dedeb1113ec4da` |
+| `es-ni` | Container image with the `es-NI` locale. | `sha256:bdd341e3180888c3e0bd8fe271d1dccb95be82eca4a0b96ccfeba8f849d5c2d7` |
+| `es-pa` | Container image with the `es-PA` locale. | `sha256:065c343fa668f6ecc580c6e0e0284c76921428a458b50a02f0e7c6a0f65ae155` |
+| `es-pe` | Container image with the `es-PE` locale. | `sha256:17e801c032d8259cdd969ae4de492b1bd57aee9fe1f7345b276e69e93e91d8df` |
+| `es-pr` | Container image with the `es-PR` locale. | `sha256:79d846898998a801f3306657b2ef7a03c083684dec4f59700d82a569a293d5bd` |
+| `es-py` | Container image with the `es-PY` locale. | `sha256:f8efedcf1e8a2c078ff6e1e9c8a958a8d87e1390b51d2bbfb8be13c472e1b82b` |
+| `es-sv` | Container image with the `es-SV` locale. | `sha256:e88890fe32e107175f256452301eced892d4db17b29413926540676471b8f870` |
+| `es-us` | Container image with the `es-US` locale. | `sha256:0a7dcd7199629e2c5e3c36dd5adaa1f91ef59d27fca7b3786a62206dea002d77` |
+| `es-uy` | Container image with the `es-UY` locale. | `sha256:dd79516dbaf642ad42d12be89345914b38130e42f16585dd14c53f1de1303b12` |
+| `es-ve` | Container image with the `es-VE` locale. | `sha256:6ad036af7238b80953947f6a50d7838e977bde43fdebed58a26fc88167110cd0` |
+| `et-ee` | Container image with the `et-EE` locale. | `sha256:e9bcb09b2a777e3034509bba624d7fdb9ce3fc2c10195d9373bd53e1ed09646e` |
+| `fi-fi` | Container image with the `fi-FI` locale. | `sha256:2c28e8b15ae8f0797c66c0e3289637a325f573dd0c80f3e40053c57fd7b6ed79` |
+| `fr-ca` | Container image with the `fr-CA` locale. | `sha256:77ea9f489d3e200be8e701a1c26aa1701569c923af3c64444383f7b7533206be` |
+| `fr-fr` | Container image with the `fr-FR` locale. | `sha256:a3772449d4e7f4f720dc83dc4d29416c9e6e5f6b097cc5645cb1c0b3d42454fa` |
+| `ga-ie` | Container image with the `ga-IE` locale. | `sha256:e4019ce8cb3707abf7bc6b04371822d6f524e6dc22144ca3dc6017899162c8da` |
+| `gu-in` | Container image with the `gu-IN` locale. | `sha256:dff44a4aed248f5b908d4dde61eab3b31ae0505b30f9a096f99569c5eba57e06` |
+| `hi-in` | Container image with the `hi-IN` locale. | `sha256:2b94843006eb3648a47f41b0164ad5d2b09c3169a0266895a91ef78e374b8ad3` |
+| `hr-hr` | Container image with the `hr-HR` locale. | `sha256:4f9932479f7d1bf8b27feae12efa94ad850f7cee277007845629b0a3a81ce1b7` |
+| `hu-hu` | Container image with the `hu-HU` locale. | `sha256:73c84a4a1e58e81b064c29c0e1671639b772eecbfb1b0091ce71a4ccde19b0f2` |
+| `it-it` | Container image with the `it-IT` locale. | `sha256:e8f5491a4bfed56ca5316d36ad216c8fd1a9947eb74c3062c3a4f2c22545e3f6` |
+| `ja-jp` | Container image with the `ja-JP` locale. | `sha256:5ef963124f8c9764d2c7b4abf503a185d781ed200de21071cc7326d8e9360d15` |
+| `ko-kr` | Container image with the `ko-KR` locale. | `sha256:07871a0eeab99e99a22c59a5b234f8ff7ade8c52e216d1770c5af4e6d0889304` |
+| `lt-lt` | Container image with the `lt-LT` locale. | `sha256:bc5dc364b127bb0ef76547952f73e8efe6c9bde949566575ba180ecc143187a8` |
+| `lv-lv` | Container image with the `lv-LV` locale. | `sha256:09bcdf3781771e6826cd50463c1cf16e5b05f68e431ace04dfad97bde1cbae3c` |
+| `mr-in` | Container image with the `mr-IN` locale. | `sha256:e30f8d0d222944699afddbf08e28cdfe59e2d6a291f7ee7adbc7322fca495720` |
+| `mt-mt` | Container image with the `mt-MT` locale. | `sha256:69bd4ecc03ceb9beee1e0328ba2f03c0e68d0e5f66bfe0a7147f743dcba41f1b` |
+| `nb-no` | Container image with the `nb-NO` locale. | `sha256:2bce49324c5b50dfaaec6ac62627876130e0819a70c6f97792932eee4a866cd5` |
+| `nl-nl` | Container image with the `nl-NL` locale. | `sha256:87c365f3aa880bf7161895b7e14766473557634f0b2b80cb1caac526c548e3fa` |
+| `pl-pl` | Container image with the `pl-PL` locale. | `sha256:07710d4061204d09a271685464793474c53b7d641bd96ce2e23bdec9ce30102d` |
+| `pt-br` | Container image with the `pt-BR` locale. | `sha256:c41224ecaa09922773181d2af75efbcec670cce31c02bb72f5b83a6221b2707e` |
+| `pt-pt` | Container image with the `pt-PT` locale. | `sha256:017119251b3de7c5bba3f6e94bc6f0ca1c61978816278bd915367776ed063641` |
+| `ro-ro` | Container image with the `ro-RO` locale. | `sha256:a47954801c3a012fec68453200e35d3f90c5ddb501b8e2b2f57d4066bb9a801a` |
+| `ru-ru` | Container image with the `ru-RU` locale. | `sha256:450c847a023508e0ce113363c90bdd68492fb0ebf3505ba25371682f42615ee0` |
+| `sk-sk` | Container image with the `sk-SK` locale. | `sha256:938fc1b1dd4395ddfe3dda5aea74a6e69c1fda42170ac60110429751d93c2afa` |
+| `sl-si` | Container image with the `sl-SI` locale. | `sha256:31e428a55fbc3b09729a2e0ab52dd5e992d370ff16648c26ff4c36deefe9e7ee` |
+| `sv-se` | Container image with the `sv-SE` locale. | `sha256:bdec89e2f318831bc3caf7b2cf27de9f8b339b7482409902b45e363ad0e97d86` |
+| `ta-in` | Container image with the `ta-IN` locale. | `sha256:1b6e6abad2602708c29677c7c51f01f917da74eb46b4a0a0f304b99057b1a5d5` |
+| `te-in` | Container image with the `te-IN` locale. | `sha256:8d91b732895c4813fa1f14abcc45a0fbe6761a7012451fdc73101b06af708a52` |
+| `th-th` | Container image with the `th-TH` locale. | `sha256:6023049982f58bb4482b64ed68a37aacb09303c5769c8b15a85fb859fe091392` |
+| `tr-tr` | Container image with the `tr-TR` locale. | `sha256:b1196fa5e04f0c597a988a34340fc53d8736fd401bfd8c00dcedfa43767a5de4` |
+| `uk-ua` | Container image with the `uk-UA` locale. | `sha256:8b1b3f06dd8061d336de03cdb8b6853f8299ac15b081675337a40a72c02f6b04` |
+| `zh-cn` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale. | `sha256:be65edec8ca921e4706de1d64d80ea59e7e0500dc7c21423fb7c756bc32b99a3` |
+| `zh-hk` | Container image with the `zh-HK` locale. | `sha256:d43398f02b9a607ae4c2352d760e7cba4e6546badc904a06f8a855d27fd730e9` |
+| `zh-tw` | Container image with the `zh-TW` locale. | `sha256:ef47403de6bc723682b316c1d97968c11cf28dedda869e689d4e5eecd8d024b2` |
# [Previous version](#tab/previous)
+Release note for `3.1.0-amd64-<locale>`:
+* Support Full Display Process and this feature is enabled by default on all listed locales. The size of images increases 2-5 Gb because of full display models. And for `en-US`, the container takes extra 150 Mb memory usage.
+* Security Upgrade.
+ Release note for `3.0.1-amd64-<locale>`: **Features**
Release note for `2.5.0-amd64-<locale>`:
**Fixes** * Fixes an issue with running as a non-root user in Diarization mode
+| Locale for v3.1.0 | Notes | Digest |
+| `ar-ae` | Container image with the `ar-AE` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
+| `ar-bh` | Container image with the `ar-BH` locale. | `sha256:644e871429b75a0168e6a3d893a12de719e58a1a95d99c4a82bfeced634eeefd` |
+| `ar-eg` | Container image with the `ar-EG` locale. | `sha256:82a9affeae9379b0503be0fce64f6844e0afffa7b24ad8813c2c8ce8390c452a` |
+| `ar-iq` | Container image with the `ar-IQ` locale. | `sha256:161278801bce4fdf34eb4d9569d814266ec59f5e951b625d39d493d1208f12d0` |
+| `ar-jo` | Container image with the `ar-JO` locale. | `sha256:9d833b3f3d3fc773a25e667b15f41856922c6ae862cc09ae9b64857a4fb23824` |
+| `ar-kw` | Container image with the `ar-KW` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
+| `ar-lb` | Container image with the `ar-LB` locale. | `sha256:bc8e49cbb6eef0bc268e8f8bfa0f41a1730aa9e38d79d91232226ddcc41a417e` |
+| `ar-om` | Container image with the `ar-OM` locale. | `sha256:2bbe8d69f1042f71d92fa66a768b538d116a2db87e0f024d0a61999325507a9f` |
+| `ar-qa` | Container image with the `ar-QA` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
+| `ar-sa` | Container image with the `ar-SA` locale. | `sha256:e01ede581475934ee2873fd28cfabc500aa7334e1a0994bda5f9748f30a85fb5` |
+| `ar-sy` | Container image with the `ar-SY` locale. | `sha256:cc7d1d5272637104966e0acd290881a19e17d6466599d2dde853cf81c5dd249b` |
+| `bg-bg` | Container image with the `bg-BG` locale. | `sha256:9af266e51be11dbcf116e19ded5fd39848aeee800f0366125c4b635535dc2b2b` |
+| `ca-es` | Container image with the `ca-ES` locale. | `sha256:ab8c80b66404d2720d086b32a413b87064b7884240e8fbfbc5ee2f8c9ca9b174` |
+| `cs-cz` | Container image with the `cs-CZ` locale. | `sha256:c24b56ad144600bf301b3960b4b829afffec2d7d7cc64e707aa1f34de8e48e79` |
+| `da-dk` | Container image with the `da-DK` locale. | `sha256:52cb5fc8660adb4e92e7b1f886f19c529367733543c8df05c9db5f87e1a8c08f` |
+| `de-at` | Container image with the `de-AT` locale. | `sha256:cb8a8febd76d831d9505c7f61c841499f097c0a2c09aae1374668f9bc38fb952` |
+| `de-ch` | Container image with the `de-CH` locale. | `sha256:d9d6624f14dc0f35fe9b20da5fe601b40abfc98b89092b40a934532d3cfe6dc9` |
+| `de-de` | Container image with the `de-DE` locale. | `sha256:0c9da57b2c5312de859de1ad53e244bdb68103ce072e0ea42ab3078ff0339132` |
+| `el-gr` | Container image with the `el-GR` locale. | `sha256:f9c2a3172bd5671c590ae309d4ae49ea45ec696c112f6d9bf3b6007e94f0bdc5` |
+| `en-au` | Container image with the `en-AU` locale. | `sha256:6df7313d6900b847ef29a44e967cac4e9a013e7b89493041b7a2e45f1e3fbba8` |
+| `en-ca` | Container image with the `en-CA` locale. | `sha256:39896bc91b15c5fe6c1f17cc79ff6c391c0b2051135a206ac64ae2a590b37fe9` |
+| `en-gb` | Container image with the `en-GB` locale. | `sha256:c251b61c54fc9e0b269901e8c9b12447f3a4facc8688aded07eed378b35b2e48` |
+| `en-hk` | Container image with the `en-HK` locale. | `sha256:767fa5f3668692de9f1913786b1a7e343dc359c4c0c3275f6823b3bb4934e278` |
+| `en-ie` | Container image with the `en-IE` locale. | `sha256:24dabb8ecf0d06e0a4d67b72dda7e436bd31ee27e28370fc2f9cbed790f716ff` |
+| `en-in` | Container image with the `en-IN` locale. | `sha256:662f6a8119eee2ed3093b65d70b0bb2301723dece4bfa270ecb8e007ac102a76` |
+| `en-nz` | Container image with the `en-NZ` locale. | `sha256:3ba5b5d4f6fd68f242ceea8640545ab520f704d315672c9631e7ad151d75f1b7` |
+| `en-ph` | Container image with the `en-PH` locale. | `sha256:374e48220c590cc8d89805d35a10b6a8e8a46ae16b5199775b75289b8f58c636` |
+| `en-sg` | Container image with the `en-SG` locale. | `sha256:c084a1ccd2efcabcd260be4c0c22ced90f8666f56f16e31ea039d677b74597d7` |
+| `en-us` | Container image with the `en-US` locale. | `sha256:1aab9d20a7bef256e5140a94c7fb6662a4ada2c8c5cb5ed75836f4e9101f2d13` |
+| `en-za` | Container image with the `en-ZA` locale. | `sha256:8dc4c73b7100b9f115f1707a2021874866ae4e1024d2ea2db7b1f3734b1121fc` |
+| `es-ar` | Container image with the `es-AR` locale. | `sha256:8f0735b84d9e8aef4e8fc9eb30d263c871b2de93080744b086bf97de1c0aa21b` |
+| `es-bo` | Container image with the `es-BO` locale. | `sha256:b6e1d56befb6279c6937b9eb0530426ca2fbb2b94e0b06bf442a72ca7d2db1f8` |
+| `es-cl` | Container image with the `es-CL` locale. | `sha256:74bc32f5853a70bf26707bea6815f31b593335f73693c940fac66cc00a17b4ea` |
+| `es-co` | Container image with the `es-CO` locale. | `sha256:58c12bd3ed9876665a08b221e483f233e2096e9f4364fffd24487412dde3939a` |
+| `es-cr` | Container image with the `es-CR` locale. | `sha256:12da366cc0d126bd5831994348acb255a9cd05a3929af7affa513458d981352d` |
+| `es-cu` | Container image with the `es-CU` locale. | `sha256:edb533d5cddb0188b900b70a71b95c759b8f4f2d17da12c4959621644af0a92e` |
+| `es-do` | Container image with the `es-DO` locale. | `sha256:cdf27024a777d00c776df3c3175f5fe4778de8fa6da77658d6dc538a6bf64f57` |
+| `es-ec` | Container image with the `es-EC` locale. | `sha256:20c6c5cf52f75b178c5ff9ef2d5d1990ca8fcce0056ff3939ccbb7a10fbdca1f` |
+| `es-es` | Container image with the `es-ES` locale. | `sha256:0de092a826f3e847ff60629837cb06949afde6690cbe8da8805998d114f477c2` |
+| `es-gt` | Container image with the `es-GT` locale. | `sha256:1e3d2dad7350fcd91c6db64fde8375c83fff2ed34ad2e1758773400d6b42c0b3` |
+| `es-hn` | Container image with the `es-HN` locale. | `sha256:0bd284e5edbdb93ab2e802d2f05ab44cf484e884b3bca72171ee8f72b19cdb4a` |
+| `es-mx` | Container image with the `es-MX` locale. | `sha256:aa033f75eb4abf13e9f40b452140780cb8c416881f512a2b9c18ce7d46032bc0` |
+| `es-ni` | Container image with the `es-NI` locale. | `sha256:6f15f6fd2ef3d029bf8f508268cf26e22b67b4f02fcde4c06414a47c57817f6d` |
+| `es-pa` | Container image with the `es-PA` locale. | `sha256:4d99d615ea7b0e33acbf69c593c4cfd03a83bb15f30e7d71ee9d9c606870408e` |
+| `es-pe` | Container image with the `es-PE` locale. | `sha256:9ba5fbb172e32c526a9662190a1c106a635f0637dd44a00bf0b4927b7388c31f` |
+| `es-pr` | Container image with the `es-PR` locale. | `sha256:7419eed485084b99dc527a5ecc48b130bbf9a13807c9dff0fe9097655fcb6ea7` |
+| `es-py` | Container image with the `es-PY` locale. | `sha256:485a0b0c5831973358249e084dee285e0ae9c960e3f550f7d971b89e3d1e3d91` |
+| `es-sv` | Container image with the `es-SV` locale. | `sha256:56108b647909b60053053369907eb46f23049fbf7296135165f58e10dc218214` |
+| `es-us` | Container image with the `es-US` locale. | `sha256:eb68916713f83c4bc8ae9a621b022d73f7737b9c9479ad79acb76657fd8f6c0f` |
+| `es-uy` | Container image with the `es-UY` locale. | `sha256:779199a5133d8690d5c983baa8aac8088a30eb746ba80d90d91b7c54eb4396de` |
+| `es-ve` | Container image with the `es-VE` locale. | `sha256:c3bc655c9bc2d4d44aca7a0c9bfe0be68f2640fd48c3112ccde4667553282a79` |
+| `et-ee` | Container image with the `et-EE` locale. | `sha256:bd11b40b81920c3796ceb9ba8d6bf61be1aff4f16bffb6100d8ca860d40d8552` |
+| `fi-fi` | Container image with the `fi-FI` locale. | `sha256:6df492b55b7934f207b1c6d047e57c2cb13a10147e26c2b4864f4d02f8a4e786` |
+| `fr-ca` | Container image with the `fr-CA` locale. | `sha256:75e756cfc34e335eaed8bcf12aaaad54043e3727129fddd0e260818680fbb987` |
+| `fr-fr` | Container image with the `fr-FR` locale. | `sha256:2e88bcbc57355244eb8a543f32805252ffee8d20f8724e106a7eeae6d9c41d33` |
+| `ga-ie` | Container image with the `ga-IE` locale. | `sha256:e77f9716f2db3ea8dc98dfb8edbb2a6c9cbb11137d0a46d592dc4079b4797c8c` |
+| `gu-in` | Container image with the `gu-IN` locale. | `sha256:1c1ba6d7af9d69e9b5beeb3a1a2502e2747bf7f5350a4dbee14508698806542b` |
+| `hi-in` | Container image with the `hi-IN` locale. | `sha256:29f270a67e87e57643cf6b3e6407547becc94ffd7d7c32f5c466feab9f43df9e` |
+| `hr-hr` | Container image with the `hr-HR` locale. | `sha256:6c3b8b8ea8d0f04b486efce72c061569dd993c251ca1c874ee7b75cfe28e078b` |
+| `hu-hu` | Container image with the `hu-HU` locale. | `sha256:0db167fa90de896318b56d6a534f7ea5241f6e4414081b0b1f07b60aaeacd211` |
+| `it-it` | Container image with the `it-IT` locale. | `sha256:1bcca1c51d282f5f78a5323df0d927cd6161a49fded1e0c0ce83a999a60a0cec` |
+| `ja-jp` | Container image with the `ja-JP` locale. | `sha256:4b9ba7b007d9dc0872976768a44604c31e5f671648082cfdb3f395bd8d52e3a8` |
+| `ko-kr` | Container image with the `ko-KR` locale. | `sha256:1fd625c589dde9547db32232f7151f073851e84764e439bb48928bf3697dc280` |
+| `lt-lt` | Container image with the `lt-LT` locale. | `sha256:a6aaacb60377fd137d52251b6855cbf6f584b6c2407cde7ef4be9f0315293ddf` |
+| `lv-lv` | Container image with the `lv-LV` locale. | `sha256:3d9feeb98a4650164704161b9c38aa4eb441505b7ef45b227fe471026224c590` |
+| `mr-in` | Container image with the `mr-IN` locale. | `sha256:03fe81b7a7da4573a012400955e3f9505e2cfee5b40b1e59c32abd7d65a84636` |
+| `mt-mt` | Container image with the `mt-MT` locale. | `sha256:0c76e4a8695421a80b87b5ed348c7ba4771486dc7befcb8c13b0f8216018e360` |
+| `nb-no` | Container image with the `nb-NO` locale. | `sha256:c617c263f7b090591d347148b3c9970cbde3b5864e602f7eb54361bcdbad80a8` |
+| `nl-nl` | Container image with the `nl-NL` locale. | `sha256:db8c0341e7d7995dda288fe7232f7ce810994317738759bbc7adb0ed93050701` |
+| `pl-pl` | Container image with the `pl-PL` locale. | `sha256:5393a0c72d49b50836a8820f2a7fa7c381606cbf1ea03e19b60c48cad320dd29` |
+| `pt-br` | Container image with the `pt-BR` locale. | `sha256:fc888ddc056bba30be9aebbf94fbcdf322ee35f20805d80914ddd1b9fe146510` |
+| `pt-pt` | Container image with the `pt-PT` locale. | `sha256:10ac67830ef5fa49c8bbeef1bb6becbbb34875d6fdfcc8bd78abef030b71853b` |
+| `ro-ro` | Container image with the `ro-RO` locale. | `sha256:44195bab625e430089a333ae25348ddbb7052e1ce9c223e2bb1c444a4add25ea` |
+| `ru-ru` | Container image with the `ru-RU` locale. | `sha256:bb5ead4296e76463b2f54108afa8c4cb5a12f65470012763fa973af466960400` |
+| `sk-sk` | Container image with the `sk-SK` locale. | `sha256:d6922755249be4c85a1e119366e5044e62986c0e065abfc4cec8ec5d788b1f28` |
+| `sl-si` | Container image with the `sl-SI` locale. | `sha256:5f3225b01d023eb99711033f1531d32b8627207ebf9cdb560f3429106677eb85` |
+| `sv-se` | Container image with the `sv-SE` locale. | `sha256:9fd69d7b18579e9813d69a53fa008e4e43521e81c3b8db0f91df047f7f85d53f` |
+| `ta-in` | Container image with the `ta-IN` locale. | `sha256:a2c4ced531ebcf41e6653d72eaa689b665748d1fbce428ed1542d2183a0c23c3` |
+| `te-in` | Container image with the `te-IN` locale. | `sha256:8e9df83624627f58cebb0b0654035e746b60f4fd30eeb44d9bf30733ace02886` |
+| `th-th` | Container image with the `th-TH` locale. | `sha256:060ea9db2f153e5c3296e3280616f6c4c24423a352237e91db8ffc5939db5038` |
+| `tr-tr` | Container image with the `tr-TR` locale. | `sha256:fffe495ae24885a69447f553ad0c8a8fec7fc805163f0aae6f27374c9c5f7ae6` |
+| `uk-ua` | Container image with the `uk-UA` locale. | `sha256:8ee7118a2a4e3aa9d7d9fd21770d274dd4081a6c7290374db8892dbc604ea819` |
+| `zh-cn` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale. | `sha256:fea665892e189ff3778cb2ff35865da9c7aa5c62a2711d359203ae0f288dadc0` |
+| `zh-hk` | Container image with the `zh-HK` locale. | `sha256:b46dd6bbcf01ce28d10279bd4c6a749f0f5871b293c059f35db43314b4e7a4a8` |
+| `zh-tw` | Container image with the `zh-TW` locale. | `sha256:ff98176465d574d4eede6339605dbd21d1197ca82d33b86b961d86d114283927` |
+ | Locale for v3.0.1 | Notes | Digest | |--|:--|:--| | `uk-ua` | Container image with the `uk-UA` locale. | `sha256:af8c370a7ed3e231a611ea37053e809fa7e52ea514c70f4c85f133c7b28a4fba` |
This container image has the following tags available. You can also find a full
# [Latest version](#tab/current)
-Release notes for `v2.0.0`:
+Release notes for `v2.1.0`:
-* Support for using containers in [disconnected environments](disconnected-containers.md).
-* Support `ar-bh-lailaneural` and `ar-eg-salmaneural` and `ar-eg-shakirneural` and `ar-sa-hamedneural` and `ar-sa-zariyahneural`.
-* `es-MX-Dalia` model upgrade.
+* Security upgrade.
| Image Tags | Notes | ||:| | `latest` | Container image with the `en-US` locale and `en-US-AriaNeural` voice. |
-| `2.0.0-amd64-<locale-and-voice>` | Replace `<locale>` with one of the available locales, listed below. For example `2.0.0-amd64-en-us-arianeural`. |
+| `2.1.0-amd64-<locale-and-voice>` | Replace `<locale>` with one of the available locales, listed below. For example `2.1.0-amd64-en-us-arianeural`. |
-| v2.0.0 Locales and voices | Notes |
+| v2.1.0 Locales and voices | Notes |
|-|:| | `am-et-amehaneural` | Container image with the `am-ET` locale and `am-ET-Amehaneural` voice. | | `am-et-mekdesneural` | Container image with the `am-ET` locale and `am-ET-Mekdesneural` voice. |
Release notes for `v2.0.0`:
# [Previous version](#tab/previous)
+Release notes for `v2.0.0`:
+* Support for using containers in [disconnected environments](disconnected-containers.md).
+* Support `ar-bh-lailaneural` and `ar-eg-salmaneural` and `ar-eg-shakirneural` and `ar-sa-hamedneural` and `ar-sa-zariyahneural`.
+* `es-MX-Dalia` model upgrade.
+ Release notes for `v1.12.0`: **Features**
Release notes for `v1.4.0`:
Release notes for `v1.3.0`: * The Neural Text-to-speech container is now generally available.
+| v2.0.0 Locales and voices | Notes |
+| `am-et-amehaneural` | Container image with the `am-ET` locale and `am-ET-Amehaneural` voice. |
+| `am-et-mekdesneural` | Container image with the `am-ET` locale and `am-ET-Mekdesneural` voice. |
+| `ar-bh-lailaneural` | Container image with the `ar-BH` locale and `ar-BH-Lailaneural` voice. |
+| `ar-eg-salmaneura` | Container image with the `ar-EG` locale and `ar-eg-Salmaneura` voice. |
+| `ar-eg-shakirneural` | Container image with the `ar-EG` locale and `ar-eg-shakirneural` voice. |
+| `ar-sa-hamedneural` | Container image with the `ar-SA` locale and `ar-sa-Hamedneural` voice. |
+| `ar-sa-zariyahneural` | Container image with the `ar-SA` locale and `ar-sa-Zariyahneural` voice. |
+| `cs-cz-antoninneural` | Container image with the `cs-CZ` locale and `cs-CZ-Antoninneural` voice. |
+| `cs-cz-vlastaneural` | Container image with the `cs-CZ` locale and `cs-CZ-Vlastaneural` voice. |
+| `de-ch-janneural` | Container image with the `de-CH` locale and `de-CH-Janneural` voice. |
+| `de-ch-lenineural` | Container image with the `de-CH` locale and `de-CH-Lenineural` voice. |
+| `de-de-conradneural` | Container image with the `de-DE` locale and `de-DE-ConradNeural` voice. |
+| `de-de-katjaneural` | Container image with the `de-DE` locale and `de-DE-KatjaNeural` voice. |
+| `en-au-natashaneural` | Container image with the `en-AU` locale and `en-AU-NatashaNeural` voice. |
+| `en-au-williamneural` | Container image with the `en-AU` locale and `en-AU-WilliamNeural` voice. |
+| `en-ca-claraneural` | Container image with the `en-CA` locale and `en-CA-ClaraNeural` voice. |
+| `en-ca-liamneural` | Container image with the `en-CA` locale and `en-CA-LiamNeural` voice. |
+| `en-gb-libbyneural` | Container image with the `en-GB` locale and `en-GB-LibbyNeural` voice. |
+| `en-gb-ryanneural` | Container image with the `en-GB` locale and `en-GB-RyanNeural` voice. |
+| `en-gb-sonianeural` | Container image with the `en-GB` locale and `en-GB-SoniaNeural` voice. |
+| `en-us-arianeural` | Container image with the `en-US` locale and `en-US-AriaNeural` voice. |
+| `en-us-guyneural` | Container image with the `en-US` locale and `en-US-GuyNeural` voice. |
+| `en-us-jennyneural` | Container image with the `en-US` locale and `en-US-JennyNeural` voice. |
+| `es-es-alvaroneural` | Container image with the `es-ES` locale and `es-ES-AlvaroNeural` voice. |
+| `es-es-elviraneural` | Container image with the `es-ES` locale and `es-ES-ElviraNeural` voice. |
+| `es-mx-dalianeural` | Container image with the `es-MX` locale and `es-MX-DaliaNeural` voice. |
+| `es-mx-jorgeneural` | Container image with the `es-MX` locale and `es-MX-JorgeNeural` voice. |
+| `fr-ca-antoineneural` | Container image with the `fr-CA` locale and `fr-CA-AntoineNeural` voice. |
+| `fr-ca-jeanneural` | Container image with the `fr-CA` locale and `fr-CA-JeanNeural` voice. |
+| `fr-ca-sylvieneural` | Container image with the `fr-CA` locale and `fr-CA-SylvieNeural` voice. |
+| `fr-fr-deniseneural` | Container image with the `fr-FR` locale and `fr-FR-DeniseNeural` voice. |
+| `fr-fr-henrineural` | Container image with the `fr-FR` locale and `fr-FR-HenriNeural` voice. |
+| `hi-in-madhurneural` | Container image with the `hi-IN` locale and `hi-IN-MadhurNeural` voice. |
+| `hi-in-swaraneural` | Container image with the `hi-IN` locale and `hi-IN-Swaraneural` voice. |
+| `it-it-diegoneural` | Container image with the `it-IT` locale and `it-IT-DiegoNeural` voice. |
+| `it-it-elsaneural` | Container image with the `it-IT` locale and `it-IT-ElsaNeural` voice. |
+| `it-it-isabellaneural` | Container image with the `it-IT` locale and `it-IT-IsabellaNeural` voice. |
+| `ja-jp-keitaneural` | Container image with the `ja-JP` locale and `ja-JP-KeitaNeural` voice. |
+| `ja-jp-nanamineural` | Container image with the `ja-JP` locale and `ja-JP-NanamiNeural` voice. |
+| `ko-kr-injoonneural` | Container image with the `ko-KR` locale and `ko-KR-InJoonNeural` voice. |
+| `ko-kr-sunhineural` | Container image with the `ko-KR` locale and `ko-KR-SunHiNeural` voice. |
+| `pt-br-antonioneural` | Container image with the `pt-BR` locale and `pt-BR-AntonioNeural` voice. |
+| `pt-br-franciscaneural` | Container image with the `pt-BR` locale and `pt-BR-FranciscaNeural` voice. |
+| `so-so-muuseneural` | Container image with the `so-SO` locale and `so-SO-Muuseneural` voice. |
+| `so-so-ubaxneural` | Container image with the `so-SO` locale and `so-SO-Ubaxneural` voice. |
+| `tr-tr-ahmetneural` | Container image with the `tr-TR` locale and `tr-TR-AhmetNeural` voice. |
+| `tr-tr-emelneural` | Container image with the `tr-TR` locale and `tr-TR-EmelNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaoxiaoneural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaoyouneural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoYouNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-yunyangneural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-YunYangNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-yunyeneural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-YunYeNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaochenneural-preview` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoChenNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaohanneural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoHanNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaomoneural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoMoNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaoqiuneural-preview` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoQiuNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaoruineural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoRuiNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaoshuangneural-preview` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoShuangNeural` voice.|
+| `zh-cn-xiaoxuanneural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoXuanNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-xiaoyanneural-preview` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-XiaoYanNeural` voice. |
+| `zh-cn-yunxineural` | Container image with the `zh-CN` locale and `zh-CN-YunXiNeural` voice. |
+ | v1.12.0 Locales and voices | Notes | |-|:| | `am-et-amehaneural` | Container image with the `am-ET` locale and `am-ET-Amehaneural` voice. |
defender-for-cloud Managing And Responding Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/managing-and-responding-alerts.md
Title: Manage security alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud | Microsoft Docs description: This document helps you to use Microsoft Defender for Cloud capabilities to manage and respond to security alerts.++ Previously updated : 12/14/2021 Last updated : 04/24/2022 # Manage and respond to security alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
For an overview of how Defender for Cloud generates alerts, see [How Microsoft D
## Manage your security alerts
-1. From Defender for Cloud's overview page, select the **Security alerts** tile at the top of the page, or the link from the sidebar..
+1. From Defender for Cloud's overview page, select the **Security alerts** tile at the top of the page, or the link from the sidebar.
:::image type="content" source="media/managing-and-responding-alerts/overview-page-alerts-links.png" alt-text="Getting to the security alerts page from Microsoft Defender for Cloud's overview page":::
For an overview of how Defender for Cloud generates alerts, see [How Microsoft D
![Suggestions for what to do about security alerts.](./media/managing-and-responding-alerts/security-center-alert-remediate.png) Also in the right pane is the **Take action** tab. Use this tab to take further actions regarding the security alert. Actions such as:
+ - *Inspect resource context* - sends you to the resource's activity logs that support the security alert
- *Mitigate the threat* - provides manual remediation steps for this security alert - *Prevent future attacks* - provides security recommendations to help reduce the attack surface, increase security posture, and thus prevent future attacks - *Trigger automated response* - provides the option to trigger a logic app as a response to this security alert
defender-for-cloud Release Notes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/release-notes.md
Updates in April include:
- [PowerShell script to stream alerts to Splunk and QRadar](#powershell-script-to-stream-alerts-to-splunk-and-ibm-qradar) - [Deprecated the Azure Cache for Redis recommendation](#deprecated-the-azure-cache-for-redis-recommendation) - [New alert variant for Microsoft Defender for Storage (preview) to detect exposure of sensitive data](#new-alert-variant-for-microsoft-defender-for-storage-preview-to-detect-exposure-of-sensitive-data)-- [Container scan alert title augmented with IP address reputation](#container-scan-alert-title-augmented-with-ip-address-reputation)
+- [Container scan alert title augmented with IP address reputation](#container-scan-alert-title-augmented-with-ip-address-reputation)
+- [See the activity logs that relate to a security alert](#see-the-activity-logs-that-relate-to-a-security-alert)
### New Defender for Servers plans
While Microsoft Defender for Servers Plan 2 continues to provide, complete prot
If you have been using Defender for Servers until now ΓÇô no action is required.
-In addition, Defender for Cloud also begins gradual support for the [Defender for Endpoint unified agent for Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 (Preview)](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/defending-windows-server-2012-r2-and-2016/ba-p/2783292). Defender for Servers Plan 1 deploys the new unified agent to Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 workloads. Defender for Servers Plan 2 deploys the legacy agent to Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 workloads, and will deploy the unified agent soon after it's approved for general use.
+In addition, Defender for Cloud also begins gradual support for the [Defender for Endpoint unified agent for Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-defender-for-endpoint/defending-windows-server-2012-r2-and-2016/ba-p/2783292). Defender for Servers Plan 1 deploys the new unified agent to Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 workloads. Defender for Servers Plan 2 deploys the legacy agent to Windows Server 2012 R2 and 2016 workloads, and will start deploying the unified agent soon.
### Relocation of custom recommendations
For example, the added information to the title of the `Publicly accessible stor
All of the alerts for Microsoft Defender for Storage will continue to include threat intelligence information in the IP entity under the alert's Related Entities section.
+### See the activity logs that relate to a security alert
+As part of the actions you can take to [triage a security alert](managing-and-responding-alerts.md#respond-to-security-alerts), you can find the related platform logs in **Inspect resource context** to gain context about the affected resource.
+Microsoft Defender for Cloud identifies platform logs that are within one day of the alert.
+The platform logs can help you evaluate the security threat and identify steps that you can take to mitigate risk.
+ ## March 2022 Updates in March include:
defender-for-cloud Supported Machines Endpoint Solutions Clouds Containers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/supported-machines-endpoint-solutions-clouds-containers.md
The **tabs** below show the features that are available, by environment, for Mic
| Aspect | Details | |--|--|
-| Registries and images | **Supported**<br> ΓÇó [ACR registries protected with Azure Private Link](../container-registry/container-registry-private-link.md) (Private registries requires access to Trusted Services) <br> ΓÇó Windows images (Preview). This is free while it's in preview, and will incur charges (based on the Defender for Containers plan) when it becomes generally available.<br><br>**Unsupported**<br> ΓÇó Super-minimalist images such as [Docker scratch](https://hub.docker.com/_/scratch/) images<br> ΓÇó "Distroless" images that only contain an application and its runtime dependencies without a package manager, shell, or OS<br> ΓÇó Images with [Open Container Initiative (OCI) Image Format Specification](https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/master/spec.md) |
+| Registries and images | **Supported**<br> ΓÇó [ACR registries protected with Azure Private Link](../container-registry/container-registry-private-link.md) (Private registries requires access to Trusted Services) <br> ΓÇó Windows images using Windows OS version 1709 and above (Preview). This is free while it's in preview, and will incur charges (based on the Defender for Containers plan) when it becomes generally available.<br><br>**Unsupported**<br> ΓÇó Super-minimalist images such as [Docker scratch](https://hub.docker.com/_/scratch/) images<br> ΓÇó "Distroless" images that only contain an application and its runtime dependencies without a package manager, shell, or OS<br> ΓÇó Images with [Open Container Initiative (OCI) Image Format Specification](https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/master/spec.md) |
### Kubernetes distributions and configurations
defender-for-iot Agent Based Recommendations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/agent-based-recommendations.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Security recommendations for IoT devices
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Tutorial: Investigate security recommendations](tutorial-investigate-security-recommendations.md).
-- Defender for IoT scans your Azure resources and IoT devices and provides security recommendations to reduce your attack surface. Security recommendations are actionable and aim to aid customers in complying with security best practices.
defender-for-iot Agent Based Security Custom Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/agent-based-security-custom-alerts.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Defender for IoT devices custom security alerts
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Tutorial: Investigate security alerts](tutorial-investigate-security-alerts.md).
-- Defender for IoT continuously analyzes your IoT solution using advanced analytics and threat intelligence to alert you to malicious activity. We encourage you to create custom alerts based on your knowledge of expected device behavior to ensure alerts act as the most efficient indicators of potential compromise in your unique organizational deployment and landscape.
defender-for-iot Azure Iot Security Local Configuration C https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/azure-iot-security-local-configuration-c.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Understanding the LocalConfiguration.json file - C agent
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Defender for IoT micro agent troubleshooting (Preview)](troubleshoot-defender-micro-agent.md).
- The Defender for IoT security agent uses configurations from a local configuration file. The security agent reads the configuration once, at agent start-up. The configuration found in the local configuration file contains authentication configuration and other agent related configurations.
defender-for-iot Azure Iot Security Local Configuration Csharp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/azure-iot-security-local-configuration-csharp.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Understanding the local configuration file (C# agent)
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Defender for IoT micro agent troubleshooting (Preview)](troubleshoot-defender-micro-agent.md).
- The Defender for IoT security agent uses configurations from a local configuration file. The security agent reads the configuration file once when the agent starts running. Configurations found in the local configuration file contain both authentication configuration and other agent related configurations.
defender-for-iot Concept Baseline https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/concept-baseline.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Microsoft Defender for IoT baseline and custom checks
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Create custom alerts](quickstart-create-custom-alerts.md) and [Defender for IoT Hub custom security alerts](concept-customizable-security-alerts.md).
-- This article explains Defender for IoT baseline, and summarizes all associated properties of baseline custom checks. ## Baseline
defender-for-iot Concept Recommendations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/concept-recommendations.md
Security recommendations are actionable and aim to aid customers in complying wi
In this article, you will find a list of recommendations, which can be triggered on your IoT Hub.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy experience under IoT Hub has been replaced by our new Defender for IoT standalone experience, in the Defender for IoT area of the Azure portal. The legacy experience under IoT Hub will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**.
+ ## Built in recommendations in IoT Hub Recommendation alerts provide insight and suggestions for actions to improve the security posture of your environment.
defender-for-iot Concept Security Agent Authentication Methods https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/concept-security-agent-authentication-methods.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Security agent authentication methods
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Authenticate the micro agent](tutorial-standalone-agent-binary-installation.md#authenticate-the-micro-agent).
-- This article explains the different authentication methods you can use with the AzureIoTSecurity agent to authenticate with the IoT Hub. For each device onboarded to Defender for IoT in the IoT Hub, a Defender-IoT-micro-agent is required. To authenticate the device, Defender for IoT can use one of two methods. Choose the method that works best for your existing IoT solution.
defender-for-iot Concept Security Module https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/concept-security-module.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Defender-IoT-micro-agent
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Tutorial: Create a DefenderIotMicroAgent module twin (Preview)](tutorial-create-micro-agent-module-twin.md).
-- This article explains how Defender for IoT uses device twins and modules. ## Device twins
defender-for-iot Edge Security Module Deprecation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/edge-security-module-deprecation.md
For more information, see [Tutorial: Create a DefenderIotMicroAgent module twin
### Timeline
-Microsoft Defender for IoT will continue to support the legacy agent until March 31, 2023.
+Microsoft Defender for IoT will continue to support the legacy Microsoft Defender for IoT experience under IoT hub until March 31, 2023.
## Defender for IoT C, C#, and Edge Defender-IoT-micro-agent deprecation
defender-for-iot Event Aggregation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/event-aggregation.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Defender-IoT-micro-agent legacy event aggregation
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Micro agent event collection (Preview)](concept-event-aggregation.md).
-- Defender for IoT security agents collects data and system events from your local device and send this data to the Azure cloud for processing and analytics. The security agent collects many types of device events including new process and new connection events. Both new process and new connection events may legitimately occur frequently on a device within a second, and while important for robust and comprehensive security, the number of messages the security agents are forced to send may quickly reach or exceed your IoT Hub quota and cost limits. However, these events contain highly valuable security information that is crucial to protecting your device. To reduce the extra quota, and costs while keeping your devices protected, Defender for IoT Agents aggregates these types of events.
defender-for-iot How To Agent Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-agent-configuration.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Tutorial: Configure security agents
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Tutorial: Configure Microsoft Defender for IoT agent-based solution](tutorial-configure-agent-based-solution.md).
- This article explains Defender for IoT security agents, and details how to change and configure them. > [!div class="checklist"]
defender-for-iot How To Deploy Agent https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-deploy-agent.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Select and deploy a security agent on your IoT device
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Select and deploy a security agent on your IoT device](how-to-deploy-agent.md).
-- Defender for IoT provides reference architectures for security agents that monitor and collect data from IoT devices. To learn more, see [Security agent reference architecture](security-agent-architecture.md).
defender-for-iot How To Deploy Edge https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-deploy-edge.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Deploy a security module on your IoT Edge device
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Install Defender for IoT micro agent for Edge (Preview)](how-to-install-micro-agent-for-edge.md).
- **Defender for IoT** module provides a comprehensive security solution for your IoT Edge devices. The security module collects, aggregates, and analyzes raw security data from your Operating System and Container system into actionable security recommendations and alerts. To learn more, see [Security module for IoT Edge](security-edge-architecture.md). In this article, you'll learn how to deploy a security module on your IoT Edge device.
defender-for-iot How To Deploy Linux C https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-deploy-linux-c.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Deploy Defender for IoT C based security agent for Linux
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Standalone micro agent overview (Preview)](concept-standalone-micro-agent-overview.md).
- This guide explains how to install and deploy the Defender for IoT C-based security agent on Linux. - Install
defender-for-iot How To Deploy Linux Cs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-deploy-linux-cs.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Deploy Defender for IoT C# based security agent for Linux
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Standalone micro agent overview (Preview)](concept-standalone-micro-agent-overview.md).
-- This guide explains how to install and deploy the Defender for IoT C#-based security agent on Linux. In this guide, you learn how to:
defender-for-iot How To Deploy Windows Cs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-deploy-windows-cs.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Deploy a Defender for IoT C#-based security agent for Windows
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Standalone micro agent overview (Preview)](concept-standalone-micro-agent-overview.md).
-- This guide explains how to install the Defender for IoT C#-based security agent on Windows. In this guide, you learn how to:
defender-for-iot How To Investigate Cis Benchmark https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-investigate-cis-benchmark.md
Perform basic and advanced investigations based on OS baseline recommendations.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy experience under IoT Hub has been replaced by our new Defender for IoT standalone experience, in the Defender for IoT area of the Azure portal. The legacy experience under IoT Hub will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**.
+ ## Basic OS baseline security recommendation investigation You can investigate OS baseline recommendations by navigating to [Defender for IoT in the Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_IoT_Defender/IoTDefenderDashboard/Getting_Started). For more information, see how to [Investigate security recommendations](quickstart-investigate-security-recommendations.md).
defender-for-iot How To Investigate Device https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-investigate-device.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Investigate a suspicious IoT device
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Tutorial: Investigate security recommendations](tutorial-investigate-security-recommendations.md).
- Defender for IoT service alerts provides clear indications when IoT devices are suspected of involvement in suspicious activities or when indications exist that a device is compromised. In this guide, use the investigation suggestions provided to help determine the potential risks to your organization, decide how to remediate, and discover the best ways to prevent similar attacks in the future.
In this guide, use the investigation suggestions provided to help determine the
> * Find your device data > * Investigate using kql queries
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy experience under IoT Hub has been replaced by our new Defender for IoT standalone experience, in the Defender for IoT area of the Azure portal. The legacy experience under IoT Hub will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**.
+> For more information, see [Tutorial: Investigate security recommendations](tutorial-investigate-security-recommendations.md) and [Tutorial: Investigate security alerts](tutorial-investigate-security-alerts.md).
+ ## How can I access my data? By default, Defender for IoT stores your security alerts and recommendations in your Log Analytics workspace. You can also choose to store your raw security data.
defender-for-iot How To Security Data Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-security-data-access.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Access your security data
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Tutorial: Configure Microsoft Defender for IoT agent-based solution](tutorial-configure-agent-based-solution.md).
- Defender for IoT stores security alerts, recommendations, and raw security data (if you choose to save it) in your Log Analytics workspace.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy experience under IoT Hub has been replaced by our new Defender for IoT standalone experience, in the Defender for IoT area of the Azure portal. The legacy experience under IoT Hub will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**.
+> For more information, see [Tutorial: Configure Microsoft Defender for IoT agent-based solution](tutorial-configure-agent-based-solution.md).
## Log Analytics To configure which Log Analytics workspace is used:
defender-for-iot How To Send Security Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/how-to-send-security-messages.md
# Send security messages SDK
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Create custom alerts](quickstart-create-custom-alerts.md).
- This how-to guide explains the Defender for IoT service capabilities when you choose to collect and send your device security messages without using a Defender for IoT agent, and explains how to do so. In this guide, you learn how to:
defender-for-iot Overview Security Agents https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/overview-security-agents.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Get started with Microsoft Defender for IoT device micro agents
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Tutorial: Install the Defender for IoT micro agent (Preview)](tutorial-standalone-agent-binary-installation.md).
- Defender for IoT security agents offers enhanced security capabilities, such as monitoring operating system configuration best practices. Take control of your device field threat protection and security posture with a single service.
defender-for-iot Quickstart Create Custom Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/quickstart-create-custom-alerts.md
Last updated 11/09/2021
Using custom security groups and alerts, takes full advantage of the end-to-end security information and categorical device knowledge to ensure better security across your IoT solution.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy experience under IoT Hub has been replaced by our new Defender for IoT standalone experience, in the Defender for IoT area of the Azure portal. The legacy experience under IoT Hub will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**.
## Why use custom alerts? You know your IoT devices best.
defender-for-iot Quickstart Create Security Twin https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/quickstart-create-security-twin.md
# Quickstart: Create an azureiotsecurity module twin
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Configure a micro agent twin](how-to-configure-micro-agent-twin.md).
- This quickstart explains how to create individual _azureiotsecurity_ module twins for new devices, or batch create module twins for all devices in an IoT Hub. ## Prerequisites
defender-for-iot Security Agent Architecture https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/security-agent-architecture.md
# Quickstart: Security agent reference architecture
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Agent portfolio overview and OS support (Preview)](concept-agent-portfolio-overview-os-support.md).
-- Microsoft Defender for IoT provides reference architecture for security agents that log, process, aggregate, and send security data through IoT Hub. Security agents are designed to work in a constrained IoT environment, and are highly customizable in terms of values they provide when compared to the resources they consume.
defender-for-iot Security Edge Architecture https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/security-edge-architecture.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Microsoft Defender for IoT Edge azureiotsecurity
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Install Defender for IoT micro agent for Edge (Preview)](how-to-install-micro-agent-for-edge.md).
-- [Azure IoT Edge](../../iot-edge/index.yml) provides powerful capabilities to manage and perform business workflows at the edge. The key part that IoT Edge plays in IoT environments make it particularly attractive for malicious actors. Defender for IoT azureiotsecurity provides a comprehensive security solution for your IoT Edge devices. Defender for IoT module collects, aggregates and analyzes raw security data from your Operating System and container system into actionable security recommendations and alerts.
defender-for-iot Troubleshoot Agent https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/troubleshoot-agent.md
Last updated 03/28/2022
# Security agent troubleshoot guide (Linux)
-> [!NOTE]
-> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy agent has been replaced by our new micro-agent experience, and will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**. For more information, see [Defender for IoT micro agent troubleshooting (Preview)](troubleshoot-defender-micro-agent.md).
- This article explains how to solve potential problems in the security agent start-up process. Microsoft Defender for IoT agent self-starts immediately after installation. The agent start up process includes reading local configuration, connecting to Azure IoT Hub, and retrieving the remote twin configuration. Failure in any one of these steps may cause the security agent to fail.
defender-for-iot Tutorial Investigate Security Alerts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/tutorial-investigate-security-alerts.md
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
> - Investigate security alert details > - Investigate alerts in Log Analytics workspace
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy experience under IoT Hub has been replaced by our new Defender for IoT standalone experience, in the Defender for IoT area of the Azure portal. The legacy experience under IoT Hub will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**.
+ ## Prerequisites - An Azure account with an active subscription. [Create an account for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F).
defender-for-iot Tutorial Investigate Security Recommendations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/device-builders/tutorial-investigate-security-recommendations.md
In this tutorial you will learn how to:
> - Investigate security recommendation details > - Investigate recommendations in Log Analytics workspace
+> [!NOTE]
+> The Microsoft Defender for IoT legacy experience under IoT Hub has been replaced by our new Defender for IoT standalone experience, in the Defender for IoT area of the Azure portal. The legacy experience under IoT Hub will not be supported after **March 31, 2023**.
+ ## Prerequisites - An Azure account with an active subscription. [Create an account for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F).
healthcare-apis Import Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/healthcare-apis/fhir/import-data.md
Previously updated : 04/20/2022 Last updated : 04/22/2022
The bulk-import feature enables importing FHIR data to the FHIR server at high throughput using the $import operation. This feature is suitable for initial data load into the FHIR server. > [!NOTE]
-> You must have the **FHIR Data Contributor** role on the FHIR server to use $import.
+> You must have the **FHIR Data Importer** role on the FHIR server to use $import.
## Current limitations * Conditional references in resources aren't supported. * If multiple resources share the same resource ID, then only one of those resources will be imported at random and an error will be logged corresponding to the remaining resources sharing the ID. * The data to be imported must be in the same Tenant as that of the FHIR service.
+* Maximum number of files to be imported per operation is 1,000.
## Using $import operation
iot-edge Tutorial Develop For Linux https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-edge/tutorial-develop-for-linux.md
Use Visual Studio Code to develop and deploy code to devices running IoT Edge.
-In the quickstart, you created an IoT Edge device and deployed a module from the Azure Marketplace. This tutorial walks through developing and deploying your own code to an IoT Edge device. This article is a useful prerequisite for the other tutorials, which go into more detail about specific programming languages or Azure services.
+In the [Deploy code to a Linux device](quickstart-linux.md) quickstart, you created an IoT Edge device and deployed a module from the Azure Marketplace. This tutorial walks through developing and deploying your own code to an IoT Edge device. This article is a useful prerequisite for the other tutorials, which go into more detail about specific programming languages or Azure services.
-This tutorial uses the example of deploying a **C# module to a Linux device**. This example was chosen because it's the most common developer scenario for IoT Edge solutions. Even if you plan on using a different language or deploying an Azure service, this tutorial is still useful to learn about the development tools and concepts. Complete this introduction to the development process, then choose your preferred language or Azure service to dive into the details.
+This tutorial uses the example of deploying a **C# module to a Linux device**, the most common developer scenario for IoT Edge solutions. Even if you plan on using a different language or deploying an Azure service, this tutorial is still useful to learn about the development tools and concepts.
In this tutorial, you learn how to:
In this tutorial, you learn how to:
> > * Set up your development machine. > * Use the IoT Edge tools for Visual Studio Code to create a new project.
-> * Build your project as a container and store it in an Azure container registry.
+> * Build your project as a [Docker container](/dotnet/architecture/microservices/container-docker-introduction) and store it in an Azure container registry.
> * Deploy your code to an IoT Edge device. ## Prerequisites A development machine:
-* You can use your own computer or a virtual machine, depending on your development preferences.
- * Make sure that your development machine supports nested virtualization. This capability is necessary for running a container engine, which you install in the next section.
+* You can use your own computer or a virtual machine.
+* Make sure your development machine supports [nested virtualization](/virtualization/hyper-v-on-windows/user-guide/nested-virtualization). This capability is necessary for running a container engine, which you'll install in the next section.
* Most operating systems that can run a container engine can be used to develop IoT Edge modules for Linux devices. This tutorial uses a Windows computer, but points out known differences on macOS or Linux. * Install [Git](https://git-scm.com/), to pull module template packages later in this tutorial. * [C# for Visual Studio Code (powered by OmniSharp) extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csharp).
-* [.NET Core 2.1 SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/2.1).
+* [.NET Core 6.0 SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/6.0).
An Azure IoT Edge device: * We recommend that you don't run IoT Edge on your development machine, but instead use a separate device. This distinction between development machine and IoT Edge device more accurately mirrors a true deployment scenario, and helps to keep the different concepts straight.
-* If you don't have a second device available, use the quickstart article to create an IoT Edge device in Azure with a [Linux virtual machine](quickstart-linux.md).
+* If you don't have a second device available, use the quickstart article [Deploy code to a Linux Device](quickstart-linux.md) to create an IoT Edge device in Azure.
Cloud resources:
This tutorial teaches the development steps for Visual Studio Code. If you would
## Install container engine
-IoT Edge modules are packaged as containers, so you need a container engine on your development machine to build and manage them. We recommend Docker Desktop for development because of its feature support and popularity. Docker Desktop on Windows lets you switch between Linux containers and Windows containers so that you can easily develop modules for different types of IoT Edge devices.
+IoT Edge modules are packaged as containers, so you need a container engine on your development machine to build and manage them. We recommend Docker Desktop for development because of its feature support and popularity. Docker Desktop on Windows lets you switch between Linux containers and Windows containers so that you can easily develop modules for different types of IoT Edge devices.
Use the Docker documentation to install on your development machine:
Once your new solution loads in the Visual Studio Code window, take a moment to
* The **.env** file holds the credentials to your container registry. These credentials are shared with your IoT Edge device so that it has access to pull the container images. * The **deployment.debug.template.json** file and **deployment.template.json** file are templates that help you create a deployment manifest. A *deployment manifest* is a file that defines exactly which modules you want deployed on a device, how they should be configured, and how they can communicate with each other and the cloud. The template files use pointers for some values. When you transform the template into a true deployment manifest, the pointers are replaced with values taken from other solution files. Locate the two common placeholders in your deployment template:
- * In the registry credentials section, the address is autofilled from the information you provided when you created the solution. However, the username and password reference the variables stored in the .env file. This configuration is for security, as the .env file is git ignored, but the deployment template is not.
+ * In the registry credentials section, the address is auto-filled from the information you provided when you created the solution. However, the username and password reference the variables stored in the .env file. This configuration is for security, as the .env file is git ignored, but the deployment template is not.
* In the SampleModule section, the container image isn't filled in even though you provided the image repository when you created the solution. This placeholder points to the **module.json** file inside the SampleModule folder. If you go to that file, you'll see that the image field does contain the repository, but also a tag value that is made up of the version and the platform of the container. You can iterate the version manually as part of your development cycle, and you select the container platform using a switcher that we introduce later in this section. ### Set IoT Edge runtime version
After selecting a new runtime version, your deployment manifest is dynamically u
The environment file stores the credentials for your container registry and shares them with the IoT Edge runtime. The runtime needs these credentials to pull your container images onto the IoT Edge device. >[!NOTE]
->If you didn't replace the **localhost:5000** value with the login server value from your Azure container registry, in the [**Create a project template**](#create-a-project-template) step, the **.env** file and the registryCredentials section of the deployment manifest will be missing.
+>If you didn't replace the **localhost:5000** value with the login server value from your Azure container registry, in the [**Create a project template**](#create-a-project-template) step, the **.env** file and the `registryCredentials` section of the deployment manifest will be missing. If that section is missing, return to the **Provide Docker image repository for the module** prompt to see how to replace the **localhost:5000** value.
The IoT Edge extension tries to pull your container registry credentials from Azure and populate them in the environment file. Check to see if your credentials are already included. If not, add them now:
Provide your container registry credentials to Docker so that it can push your c
You may receive a security warning recommending the use of `--password-stdin`. While that best practice is recommended for production scenarios, it's outside the scope of this tutorial. For more information, see the [docker login](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/login/#provide-a-password-using-stdin) reference.
-3. Log in to Azure Container Registry
+3. Log in to Azure Container Registry. [Install Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) to use the `az` command.
```azurecli az acr login -n <ACR registry name> ```
+>If you get logged out at any point in this tutorial, repeat the Docker and Azure Container Registry sign in steps above to continue.
### Build and push
purview Quickstart Create Collection https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/purview/quickstart-create-collection.md
To create your collection, we'll start in the [Microsoft Purview governance port
1. Select Data Map > Collections from the left pane to open collection management page.
- :::image type="content" source="./media/quickstart-create-collection/find-collections-2.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Microsoft Purview governance portal window, opened to the Data Map, with the Collections tab selected." border="true":::
+ :::image type="content" source="./media/quickstart-create-collection/find-collections.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Microsoft Purview governance portal window, opened to the Data Map, with the Collections tab selected." border="true":::
1. Select **+ Add a collection**.
sentinel Normalization Common Fields https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/normalization-common-fields.md
The currently supported list of vendors and products used in the [EventVendor](#
| GCP | Cloud DNS | | Infoblox | NIOS | | Microsoft | - AAD<br> - Azure Firewall<br> - Azure File Storage<br> - Azure NSG flows<br> - DNS Server<br> - Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint<br> - Microsoft Defender for IoT<br> - Security Events<br> - Sharepoint 365<br>- Sysmon<br> - Sysmon for Linux<br> - VMConnection<br> - Windows Firewall<br> - WireData <br>
-| Okta | Okta |
+| Okta | - Okta<BR> - Auth0<br> |
| Palo Alto | - PanOS<br> - CDL<br> | | Squid | Squid Proxy | | Vectra AI | Vectra Steam |
+| WatchGuard | Fireware |
| Zscaler | - ZIA DNS<br> - ZIA Firewall<br> - ZIA Proxy |
virtual-machines Scheduled Events https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-machines/linux/scheduled-events.md
In the case where there are scheduled events, the response contains an array of
|Property | Description | | - | - | | EventId | Globally unique identifier for this event. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li>602d9444-d2cd-49c7-8624-8643e7171297 |
-| EventType | Impact this event causes. <br><br> Values: <br><ul><li> `Freeze`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to pause for a few seconds. CPU and network connectivity may be suspended, but there is no impact on memory or open files.<li>`Reboot`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled for reboot (non-persistent memory is lost). <li>`Redeploy`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to move to another node (ephemeral disks are lost). <li>`Preempt`: The Spot Virtual Machine is being deleted (ephemeral disks are lost). <li> `Terminate`: The virtual machine is scheduled to be deleted. |
+| EventType | Impact this event causes. <br><br> Values: <br><ul><li> `Freeze`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to pause for a few seconds. CPU and network connectivity may be suspended, but there is no impact on memory or open files.<li>`Reboot`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled for reboot (non-persistent memory is lost). This event is made available on a best effort basis <li>`Redeploy`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to move to another node (ephemeral disks are lost). <li>`Preempt`: The Spot Virtual Machine is being deleted (ephemeral disks are lost). <li> `Terminate`: The virtual machine is scheduled to be deleted. |
| ResourceType | Type of resource this event affects. <br><br> Values: <ul><li>`VirtualMachine`| | Resources| List of resources this event affects. The list is guaranteed to contain machines from at most one [update domain](../availability.md), but it might not contain all machines in the UD. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li> ["FrontEnd_IN_0", "BackEnd_IN_0"] | | EventStatus | Status of this event. <br><br> Values: <ul><li>`Scheduled`: This event is scheduled to start after the time specified in the `NotBefore` property.<li>`Started`: This event has started.</ul> No `Completed` or similar status is ever provided. The event is no longer returned when the event is finished.
virtual-machines Scheduled Events https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-machines/windows/scheduled-events.md
In the case where there are scheduled events, the response contains an array of
### Event properties |Property | Description | | - | - |
+| Document Incarnation | Integer that increases when the events contained in the array of scheduled events changes. Documents with the same incarnation contain the same event information, and the incarnation will be incremented when an event changes. |
| EventId | Globally unique identifier for this event. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li>602d9444-d2cd-49c7-8624-8643e7171297 |
-| EventType | Impact this event causes. <br><br> Values: <br><ul><li> `Freeze`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to pause for a few seconds. CPU and network connectivity may be suspended, but there is no impact on memory or open files.<li>`Reboot`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled for reboot (non-persistent memory is lost). <li>`Redeploy`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to move to another node (ephemeral disks are lost). <li>`Preempt`: The Spot Virtual Machine is being deleted (ephemeral disks are lost). <li> `Terminate`: The virtual machine is scheduled to be deleted. |
+| EventType | Impact this event causes. <br><br> Values: <br><ul><li> `Freeze`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to pause for a few seconds. CPU and network connectivity may be suspended, but there is no impact on memory or open files.<li>`Reboot`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled for reboot (non-persistent memory is lost). <li>`Redeploy`: The Virtual Machine is scheduled to move to another node (ephemeral disks are lost). <li>`Preempt`: The Spot Virtual Machine is being deleted (ephemeral disks are lost). This event is made available on a best effort basis <li> `Terminate`: The virtual machine is scheduled to be deleted. |
| ResourceType | Type of resource this event affects. <br><br> Values: <ul><li>`VirtualMachine`| | Resources| List of resources this event affects. The list is guaranteed to contain machines from at most one [update domain](../availability.md), but it might not contain all machines in the UD. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li> ["FrontEnd_IN_0", "BackEnd_IN_0"] | | EventStatus | Status of this event. <br><br> Values: <ul><li>`Scheduled`: This event is scheduled to start after the time specified in the `NotBefore` property.<li>`Started`: This event has started.</ul> No `Completed` or similar status is ever provided. The event is no longer returned when the event is finished.
-| NotBefore| Time after which this event can start. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li> Mon, 19 Sep 2016 18:29:47 GMT |
+| NotBefore| Time after which this event can start. The event is guaranteed to not start before this time. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li> Mon, 19 Sep 2016 18:29:47 GMT |
| Description | Description of this event. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li> Host server is undergoing maintenance. | | EventSource | Initiator of the event. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li> `Platform`: This event is initiated by platform. <li>`User`: This event is initiated by user. | | DurationInSeconds | The expected duration of the interruption caused by the event. <br><br> Example: <br><ul><li> `9`: The interruption caused by the event will last for 9 seconds. <li>`-1`: The default value used if the impact duration is either unknown or not applicable. |
vpn-gateway Vpn Gateway About Vpn Gateway Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/vpn-gateway/vpn-gateway-about-vpn-gateway-settings.md
az network vnet-gateway create --name VNet1GW --public-ip-address VNet1GWPIP --r
### <a name="resizechange"></a>Resizing or changing a SKU
-If you have a VPN gateway and you want to use a different gateway SKU, your options are to either resize your gateway SKU, or to change to another SKU. When you change to another gateway SKU, you delete the existing gateway entirely and build a new one. Creating a gateway can often take 45 minutes or more, depending on the selected gateway SKU. In comparison, when you resize a gateway SKU, there isn't much downtime because you don't have to delete and rebuild the gateway. If you have the option to resize your gateway SKU, rather than change it, you will want to do that. However, there are rules regarding resizing:
+If you have a VPN gateway and you want to use a different gateway SKU, your options are to either resize your gateway SKU, or to change to another SKU. When you change to another gateway SKU, you delete the existing gateway entirely and build a new one. Creating a gateway can often take 45 minutes or more, depending on the selected gateway SKU. In comparison, when you resize a gateway SKU, there isn't much downtime because you don't have to delete and rebuild the gateway. If you have the option to resize your gateway SKU, rather than change it, you'll want to do that. However, there are rules regarding resizing:
-1. With the exception of the Basic SKU, you can resize a VPN gateway SKU to another VPN gateway SKU within the same generation (Generation1 or Generation2). For example, VpnGw1 of Generation1 can be resized to VpnGw2 of Generation1 but not to VpnGw2 of Generation2.
+1. Except for the Basic SKU, you can resize a VPN gateway SKU to another VPN gateway SKU within the same generation (Generation1 or Generation2). For example, VpnGw1 of Generation1 can be resized to VpnGw2 of Generation1 but not to VpnGw2 of Generation2.
2. When working with the old gateway SKUs, you can resize between Standard and HighPerformance SKUs. 3. You **cannot** resize from Basic/Standard/HighPerformance SKUs to VpnGw SKUs. You must instead, [change](#change) to the new SKUs.
When you create the virtual network gateway for a VPN gateway configuration, you
The VPN type you select must satisfy all the connection requirements for the solution you want to create. For example, if you want to create a S2S VPN gateway connection and a P2S VPN gateway connection for the same virtual network, you would use VPN type *RouteBased* because P2S requires a RouteBased VPN type. You would also need to verify that your VPN device supported a RouteBased VPN connection.
-Once a virtual network gateway has been created, you can't change the VPN type. You have to delete the virtual network gateway and create a new one.
+Once a virtual network gateway has been created, you can't change the VPN type. You have to delete the virtual network gateway and create a new one.
There are two VPN types: [!INCLUDE [vpn-gateway-vpntype](../../includes/vpn-gateway-vpntype-include.md)]
New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway -Name vnetgw1 -ResourceGroupName testrg `
-GatewayType Vpn -VpnType RouteBased ```
-## <a name="requirements"></a>Gateway requirements
-- ## <a name="gwsub"></a>Gateway subnet Before you create a VPN gateway, you must create a gateway subnet. The gateway subnet contains the IP addresses that the virtual network gateway VMs and services use. When you create your virtual network gateway, gateway VMs are deployed to the gateway subnet and configured with the required VPN gateway settings. Never deploy anything else (for example, additional VMs) to the gateway subnet. The gateway subnet must be named 'GatewaySubnet' to work properly. Naming the gateway subnet 'GatewaySubnet' lets Azure know that this is the subnet to deploy the virtual network gateway VMs and services to.