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azure-app-configuration Howto Integrate Azure Managed Service Identity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-app-configuration/howto-integrate-azure-managed-service-identity.md
Last updated 04/08/2021
+zone_pivot_groups: appconfig-provider
# Use managed identities to access App Configuration
Azure Active Directory [managed identities](../active-directory/managed-identiti
Azure App Configuration and its .NET Core, .NET Framework, and Java Spring client libraries have managed identity support built into them. Although you aren't required to use it, the managed identity eliminates the need for an access token that contains secrets. Your code can access the App Configuration store using only the service endpoint. You can embed this URL in your code directly without exposing any secret. + This article shows how you can take advantage of the managed identity to access App Configuration. It builds on the web app introduced in the quickstarts. Before you continue, [Create an ASP.NET Core app with App Configuration](./quickstart-aspnet-core-app.md) first. ++
+This article shows how you can take advantage of the managed identity to access App Configuration. It builds on the web app introduced in the quickstarts. Before you continue, [Create a Java Spring app with Azure App Configuration](./quickstart-java-spring-app.md) first.
++ > [!IMPORTANT] > Managed Identity cannot be used to authenticate locally-running applications. Your application must be deployed to an Azure service that supports Managed Identity. This article uses Azure App Service as an example, but the same concept applies to any other Azure service that supports managed identity, for example, [Azure Kubernetes Service](../aks/use-azure-ad-pod-identity.md), [Azure Virtual Machine](../active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/qs-configure-portal-windows-vm.md), and [Azure Container Instances](../container-instances/container-instances-managed-identity.md). If your workload is hosted in one of those services, you can leverage the service's managed identity support, too.
In this article, you learn how to:
> * Grant a managed identity access to App Configuration. > * Configure your app to use a managed identity when you connect to App Configuration. - ## Prerequisites To complete this tutorial, you must have: + * [.NET Core SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download). * [Azure Cloud Shell configured](../cloud-shell/quickstart.md). ++
+- Azure subscription - [create one for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/)
+- A supported [Java Development Kit (JDK)](/java/azure/jdk) with version 11.
+- [Apache Maven](https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi) version 3.0 or above.
++ [!INCLUDE [quickstarts-free-trial-note](../../includes/quickstarts-free-trial-note.md)] ## Add a managed identity
The following steps describe how to assign the App Configuration Data Reader rol
1. On the **Role** tab, select the **App Configuration Data Reader** role.
- ![Add role assignment page with Role tab selected.](../../includes/role-based-access-control/media/add-role-assignment-role-generic.png)
+ ![Add role assignment page with Role tab selected.](./media/add-role-assignment-role.png)
1. On the **Members** tab, select **Managed identity**, and then select **Select members**.
-1. Select your Azure subscription, select **System-assigned managed identity**, and then select **App Service**.
+1. Select your Azure subscription, for Managed Identity select **App Service**, then select your App Service name.
1. On the **Review + assign** tab, select **Review + assign** to assign the role. ## Use a managed identity + 1. Add a reference to the *Azure.Identity* package: ```bash
The following steps describe how to assign the App Configuration Data Reader rol
> }); >``` >As explained in the [Managed Identities for Azure resources FAQs](../active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/known-issues.md), there is a default way to resolve which managed identity is used. In this case, the Azure Identity library enforces you to specify the desired identity to avoid posible runtime issues in the future (for instance, if a new user-assigned managed identity is added or if the system-assigned managed identity is enabled). So, you will need to specify the clientId even if only one user-assigned managed identity is defined, and there is no system-assigned managed identity.
+1. Find the endpoint to your App Configuration store. This URL is listed on the **Overview** tab for the store in the Azure portal.
+1. Open `bootstrap.properties`, remove the connection-string property and replace it with endpoint:
+> [!NOTE]
+> If you want to use **user-assigned managed identity** the property `spring.cloud.azure.appconfiguration.stores[0].managed-identity.client-id`, be sure to specify the clientId when creating the [ManagedIdentityCredential](/java/api/com.azure.identity.managedidentitycredential).
+ ## Deploy your application + Using managed identities requires you to deploy your app to an Azure service. Managed identities can't be used for authentication of locally-running apps. To deploy the .NET Core app that you created in the [Create an ASP.NET Core app with App Configuration](./quickstart-aspnet-core-app.md) quickstart and modified to use managed identities, follow the guidance in [Publish your web app](../app-service/quickstart-dotnetcore.md?pivots=development-environment-vs&tabs=netcore31#publish-your-web-app). ++
+Using managed identities requires you to deploy your app to an Azure service. Managed identities can't be used for authentication of locally-running apps. To deploy the Spring app that you created in the [Create a Java Spring app with Azure App Configuration](./quickstart-java-spring-app.md) quickstart and modified to use managed identities, follow the guidance in [Publish your web app](../app-service/quickstart-java.md?tabs=javase&pivots=platform-linux).
++ In addition to App Service, many other Azure services support managed identities. For more information, see [Services that support managed identities for Azure resources](../active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/services-support-managed-identities.md). ## Clean up resources
azure-arc Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-arc/overview.md
Currently, Azure Arc allows you to manage the following resource types hosted ou
* [Azure data services](dat): Run Azure data services on-premises, at the edge, and in public clouds using Kubernetes and the infrastructure of your choice. SQL Managed Instance and PostgreSQL Hyperscale (preview) services are currently available. * [SQL Server](/sql/sql-server/azure-arc/overview): Extend Azure services to SQL Server instances hosted outside of Azure.
-* Virtual machines (preview): Provision, resize, delete and manage virtual machines based on [VMware vSphere](/vmware-vsphere/overview.md) or [Azure Stack HCI](/azure-stack/hci/manage/azure-arc-enabled-virtual-machines) and enable VM self-service through role-based access.
+* Virtual machines (preview): Provision, resize, delete and manage virtual machines based on [VMware vSphere](/azure/azure-arc/vmware-vsphere/overview) or [Azure Stack HCI](/azure-stack/hci/manage/azure-arc-enabled-virtual-machines) and enable VM self-service through role-based access.
## Key features and benefits
Some of the key scenarios that Azure Arc supports are:
* Create [custom locations](./kubernetes/custom-locations.md) on top of your [Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes](./kubernetes/overview.md) clusters, using them as target locations for deploying Azure services instances. Deploy your Azure service cluster extensions for [Azure Arc-enabled Data Services](./dat).
-* Perform virtual machine lifecycle and management operations for [VMware vSphere](/vmware-vsphere/overview.md) and [Azure Stack HCI](/azure-stack/hci/manage/azure-arc-enabled-virtual-machines) environments.
+* Perform virtual machine lifecycle and management operations for [VMware vSphere](/azure/azure-arc/vmware-vsphere/overview) and [Azure Stack HCI](/azure-stack/hci/manage/azure-arc-enabled-virtual-machines) environments.
* A unified experience viewing your Azure Arc-enabled resources, whether you are using the Azure portal, the Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, or Azure REST API.
For information, see the [Azure pricing page](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricin
* Learn about [Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes](./kubernetes/overview.md). * Learn about [Azure Arc-enabled data services](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/azure-arc/hybrid-data-services/). * Learn about [SQL Server on Azure Arc-enabled servers](/sql/sql-server/azure-arc/overview).
-* Learn about [Azure Arc-enabled VMware vSphere](vmware-vsphere/overview.md) and [Azure Arc-enabled Azure Stack HCI](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure-stack/hci/manage/azure-arc-enabled-virtual-machines)
+* Learn about [Azure Arc-enabled VMware vSphere](vmware-vsphere/overview.md) and [Azure Arc-enabled Azure Stack HCI](/azure-stack/hci/manage/azure-arc-enabled-virtual-machines)
* Experience Azure Arc-enabled services by exploring the [Jumpstart proof of concept](https://azurearcjumpstart.io/azure_arc_jumpstart/).
azure-monitor Itsmc Definition https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/itsmc-definition.md
Before you can create a connection, you need to install ITSMC.
1. In the Azure portal, select **Create a resource**:
- ![Screenshot that shows the menu item for creating a resource.](media/itsmc-overview/azure-add-new-resource.png)
+ ![Screenshot of the menu item for creating a resource.](media/itsmc-overview/azure-add-new-resource.png)
-2. Search for **IT Service Management Connector** in Azure Marketplace. Then select **Create**:
+1. Search for **IT Service Management Connector** in Azure Marketplace. Then select **Create**:
![Screenshot that shows the Create button in Azure Marketplace.](media/itsmc-overview/add-itsmc-solution.png)
-3. In the **LA Workspace** section, select the Log Analytics workspace where you want to install ITSMC.
+1. In the **LA Workspace** section, select the Log Analytics workspace where you want to install ITSMC.
> [!NOTE] > You can install ITSMC in Log Analytics workspaces only in the following regions: East US, West US 2, South Central US, West Central US, US Gov Arizona, US Gov Virginia, Canada Central, West Europe, South UK, Southeast Asia, Japan East, Central India, and Australia Southeast.
-4. In the **Log Analytics workspace** section, select the resource group where you want to create the ITSMC resource:
+1. In the **Log Analytics workspace** section, select the resource group where you want to create the ITSMC resource:
![Screenshot that shows the Log Analytics workspace section.](media/itsmc-overview/itsmc-solution-workspace.png)
After you've installed ITSMC, you must prep your ITSM tool to allow the connecti
- [ServiceNow](./itsmc-connections-servicenow.md) - [System Center Service Manager](./itsmc-connections-scsm.md)-- [Cherwell](./itsmc-connections-cherwell.md)-- [Provance](./itsmc-connections-provance.md) After you've prepped your ITSM tool, complete these steps to create a connection:
After you've prepped your ITSM tool, complete these steps to create a connection
1. Select **Add Connection**.
-1. Specify the connection settings according to the ITSM product that you're using:
+1. Specify the connection settings for the ITSM product that you're using:
- [ServiceNow](./itsmc-connections-servicenow.md) - [System Center Service Manager](./itsmc-connections-scsm.md)
- - [Cherwell](./itsmc-connections-cherwell.md)
- - [Provance](./itsmc-connections-provance.md)
> [!NOTE] > By default, ITSMC refreshes the connection's configuration data once every 24 hours. To refresh your connection's data instantly to reflect any edits or template updates that you make, select the **Sync** button on your connection's pane:
Certain work item types can use templates that you define in the ITSM tool. By u
To create an action group:
-1. In the Azure portal, select **Alerts**.
-2. On the menu at the top of the screen, select **Manage actions**:
+1. In the Azure portal, select **Monitor** and then **Alerts**.
+1. On the menu at the top of the screen, select **Manage actions**:
![Screenshot that shows the Manage actions menu item.](media/itsmc-overview/action-groups-selection-big.png)
+1. In the **Action groups** window, select **+Create**.
The **Create action group** window appears.
-3. Select the **Subscription** and **Resource group** where you want to create your action group. Provide values in **Action group name** and **Display name** for your action group. Then select **Next: Notifications**.
+1. Select the **Subscription** and **Resource group** where you want to create your action group. Provide values in **Action group name** and **Display name** for your action group. Then select **Next: Notifications**.
![Screenshot that shows the Create action group window.](media/itsmc-overview/action-groups-details.png)
-4. On the **Notifications** tab, select **Next: Actions**.
-5. On the **Actions** tab, select **ITSM** in the **Action Type** list. For **Name**, provide a name for the action. Then select the pen button that represents **Edit details**.
+1. In the **Notifications** tab, select **Next: Actions**.
+1. In the **Actions** tab, select **ITSM** in the **Action Type** list. For **Name**, provide a name for the action. Then select the pen button that represents **Edit details**.
![Screenshot that shows selections for creating an action group.](media/itsmc-definition/action-group-pen.png)
-6. In the **Subscription** list, select the subscription that contains your Log Analytics workspace. In the **Connection** list, select your ITSM connector name. It will be followed by your workspace name. An example is *MyITSMConnector(MyWorkspace)*.
+1. In the **Subscription** list, select the subscription that contains your Log Analytics workspace. In the **Connection** list, select your ITSM connector name. It will be followed by your workspace name. An example is *MyITSMConnector(MyWorkspace)*.
-7. Select a **Work Item** type.
+1. Select a **Work Item** type.
-8. In the last section of the interface for creating an ITSM action group, you can define how many work items will be created for each alert.
+1. In the last section of the interface for creating an ITSM action group, you can define how many work items will be created for each alert.
> [!NOTE] > This section is relevant only for log search alerts. For all other alert types, you'll create one work item per alert.
To create an action group:
* **Use default fields**: Using a set of fields and values that will be sent automatically as a part of the payload to ServiceNow. Those fields are not flexible and the values are defined in ServiceNow lists. * **Use saved templates from ServiceNow**: Using a predefine set of fields and values that was defined as a part of a template definition in ServiceNow. If you already defined the template in ServiceNow you can use it from the **Template** list otherwise you can define it in ServiceNow, for more [details](#define-a-template).
-10. Select **OK**.
+1. Select **OK**.
When you create or edit an Azure alert rule, use an action group, which has an ITSM action. When the alert triggers, the work item is created or updated in the ITSM tool.
azure-monitor Activity Logs Insights https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/activity-logs-insights.md
Before using Activity log insights, you'll have to [enable sending logs to your
## How does Activity logs insights work?
-Activity logs you send to a [Log Analytics workspace](/articles/azure-monitor/logs/log-analytics-workspace-overview.md) are stored in a table called AzureActivity.
+Activity logs you send to a [Log Analytics workspace](/azure/azure-monitor/logs/log-analytics-workspace-overview) are stored in a table called AzureActivity.
-Activity logs insights are a curated [Log Analytics workbook](/articles/azure-monitor/visualize/workbooks-overview.md) with dashboards that visualize the data in the AzureActivity table. For example, which administrators deleted, updated or created resources, and whether the activities failed or succeeded.
+Activity logs insights are a curated [Log Analytics workbook](/azure/azure-monitor/visualize/workbooks-overview) with dashboards that visualize the data in the AzureActivity table. For example, which administrators deleted, updated or created resources, and whether the activities failed or succeeded.
:::image type="content" source="media/activity-log/activity-logs-insights-main.png" lightbox="media/activity-log/activity-logs-insights-main.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing Azure Activity logs insights dashboards":::
To view Activity logs insights on a resource level:
1. At the top of the **Activity Logs Insights** page, select: 1. A time range for which to view data from the **TimeRange** dropdown.
- * **Azure Activity Logs Entries** shows the count of Activity log records in each [activity log category](/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/activity-log-schema#categories).
+ * **Azure Activity Logs Entries** shows the count of Activity log records in each [activity log category](/azure/azure-monitor/essentials/activity-log-schema#categories).
:::image type="content" source="media/activity-log/activity-logs-insights-category-value.png" lightbox= "media/activity-log/activity-logs-insights-category-value.png" alt-text="Azure Activity Logs by Category Value":::
To view Activity logs insights on a resource level:
Learn more about: * [Platform logs](./platform-logs-overview.md) * [Activity log event schema](activity-log-schema.md)
-* [Creating a diagnostic setting to send Activity logs to other destinations](./diagnostic-settings.md)
+* [Creating a diagnostic setting to send Activity logs to other destinations](./diagnostic-settings.md)
communication-services Chat Hero Sample https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/communication-services/samples/chat-hero-sample.md
Below you'll find more information on prerequisites and steps to set up the samp
## Prerequisites
+- [Visual Studio Code (Stable Build)](https://code.visualstudio.com/download)
+- [Node.js (16.14.2 and above)](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
- Create an Azure account with an active subscription. For details, see [Create an account for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F).-- [Node.js (8.11.2 and above)](https://nodejs.org/en/download/)-- [Visual Studio (2017 and above)](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/)-- [.NET Core 3.1](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1) (Make sure to install version that corresponds with your visual studio instance, 32 vs 64 bit)-- Create an Azure Communication Services resource. For details, see [Create an Azure Communication Services resource](../quickstarts/create-communication-resource.md). You'll need to record your resource **connection string** for this quickstart.-
-## Locally deploying the service & client app
-The single threaded chat sample is essentially two "applications" a client and server application.
-Open up Visual Studio on the chat.csproj and run in Debug mode, this will start up the chat front end service. When the server app is visited
-from the browser, it will redirect traffic towards the locally deployed chat front end service.
-You can test the sample locally by opening multiple browser sessions with the URL of your chat to simulate a multi-user chat.
+- Create an Azure Communication Services resource. For details, see [Create an Azure Communication Resource](../quickstarts/create-communication-resource.md). You'll need to record your resource **connection string** for this quickstart.
## Before running the sample for the first time
You can test the sample locally by opening multiple browser sessions with the UR
3. Get the `Connection String` and `Endpoint URL` from the Azure portal. For more information on connection strings, see [Create an Azure Communication Services resources](../quickstarts/create-communication-resource.md) 4. Once you get the `Connection String` and `Endpoint URL`, Add both values to the **Server/appsettings.json** file found under the Chat Hero Sample folder. Input your connection string in the variable: `ResourceConnectionString` and endpoint URL in the variable: `EndpointUrl`.
-### Local run
-1. Go to the Chat folder and open the `Chat.csproj` solution in Visual Studio
-2. Run the project. The browser will open at localhost:5000.
+## Local run
-#### Troubleshooting
+1. Set your connection string in `Server/appsettings.json`
+2. Set your endpoint URL string in `Server/appsettings.json`
+3. `npm run setup` from the root directory
+4. `npm run start` from the root directory
-- Solution doesn't build, it throws errors during NPM installation/build-
- Clean/rebuild the C# solution
+You can test the sample locally by opening multiple browser sessions with the URL of your chat to simulate a multi-user chat.
## Publish the sample to Azure
-1. Right click on the `Chat` project and select Publish.
-2. Create a new publish profile and select your Azure subscription.
-3. Before publishing, add your connection string with `Edit App Service Settings`, and fill in `ResourceConnectionString` as the key and provide your connection string (copied from appsettings.json) as the value.
+1. Under the root director, run these commands:
+npm run setup
+npm run build
+npm run package
+2. Use the Azure extension and deploy the Chat/dist directory to your app service
## Clean up resources
For more information, see the following articles:
- [Redux](https://redux.js.org/) - Client-side state management - [FluentUI](https://aka.ms/fluent-ui) - Microsoft powered UI library - [React](https://reactjs.org/) - Library for building user interfaces-- [ASP.NET Core](/aspnet/core/introduction-to-aspnet-core?preserve-view=true&view=aspnetcore-3.1) - Framework for building web applications
cosmos-db Concepts Limits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cosmos-db/concepts-limits.md
Previously updated : 02/16/2022 Last updated : 04/08/2022 # Azure Cosmos DB service quotas
Cosmos DB supports querying items using [SQL](./sql-query-getting-started.md). T
| Resource | Default limit | | | | | Maximum length of SQL query| 256 KB |
-| Maximum JOINs per query| 5 <sup>*</sup>|
+| Maximum JOINs per query| 10 <sup>*</sup>|
| Maximum UDFs per query| 10 <sup>*</sup>| | Maximum points per polygon| 4096 | | Maximum included paths per container| 500 |
cosmos-db Continuous Backup Restore Resource Model https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cosmos-db/continuous-backup-restore-resource-model.md
Previously updated : 07/29/2021- Last updated : 03/02/2022+ # Resource model for the Azure Cosmos DB point-in-time restore feature
-This article explains the resource model for the Azure Cosmos DB point-in-time restore feature. It explains the parameters that support the continuous backup and resources that can be restored in Azure Cosmos DB API for SQL and MongoDB accounts.
+This article explains the resource model for the Azure Cosmos DB point-in-time restore feature. It explains the parameters that support the continuous backup and resources that can be restored. This feature is supported in Azure Cosmos DB API for SQL and the Cosmos DB API for MongoDB. Currently, this feature is in preview for Azure Cosmos DB Gremlin API and Table API accounts.
## Database account's resource model
-The database account's resource model is updated with a few extra properties to support the new restore scenarios. These properties are **BackupPolicy, CreateMode, and RestoreParameters.**
+The database account's resource model is updated with a few extra properties to support the new restore scenarios. These properties are `BackupPolicy`, `CreateMode`, and `RestoreParameters`.
### BackupPolicy
The `RestoreParameters` resource contains the restore operation details includin
|restoreSource | The instanceId of the source account from which the restore will be initiated. | |restoreTimestampInUtc | Point in time in UTC to which the account should be restored to. | |databasesToRestore | List of `DatabaseRestoreResource` objects to specify which databases and containers should be restored. Each resource represents a single database and all the collections under that database, see the [restorable SQL resources](#restorable-sql-resources) section for more details. If this value is empty, then the entire account is restored. |
+|gremlinDatabasesToRestore | List of `GremlinDatabaseRestoreResource` objects to specify which databases and graphs should be restored. Each resource represents a single database and all the graphs under that database. See the [restorable Gremlin resources](#restorable-graph-resources) section for more details. If this value is empty, then the entire account is restored. |
+|tablesToRestore | List of `TableRestoreResource` objects to specify which tables should be restored. Each resource represents a table under that database, see the [restorable Table resources](#restorable-table-resources) section for more details. If this value is empty, then the entire account is restored. |
### Sample resource
The following JSON is a sample database account resource with continuous backup
"databaseAccountOfferType": "Standard", "locations": [ {
- "failoverPriority": 0,
+ "failoverPriority": "0",
"locationName": "southcentralus",
- "isZoneRedundant": false
+ "isZoneRedundant": "false"
} ], "createMode": "Restore",
The following JSON is a sample database account resource with continuous backup
"backupPolicy": { "type": "Continuous" }
+ }
} ``` + ## Restorable resources A set of new resources and APIs is available to help you discover critical information about resources, which can be restored, locations where they can be restored from, and the timestamps when key operations were performed on these resources.
Each resource represents a single database and all the collections under that da
To get a list of all MongoDB database and collection combinations that exist on the account at the given timestamp and location, see [Restorable Mongodb Resources - List](/rest/api/cosmos-db-resource-provider/2021-04-01-preview/restorable-mongodb-resources/list) article.
+### Restorable Graph resources
+Each resource represents a single database and all the graphs under that database.
+|Property Name |Description |
+| gremlinDatabaseName | The name of the Graph database. |
+| graphNames | The list of Graphs under this database. |
+To get a list of all Gremlin database and graph combinations that exist on the account at the given timestamp and location, see [Restorable Graph Resources - List](/rest/api/cosmos-db-resource-provider/2021-11-15-preview/restorable-gremlin-resources/list) article.
+### Restorable Graph database
+Each resource contains information about a mutation event, such as a creation and deletion, that occurred on the Graph database. This information can help in the scenario where the database was accidentally deleted and user needs to find out when that event happened.
+|Property Name |Description |
+|eventTimestamp| The time in UTC when this database event happened.|
+| ownerId| The name of the Graph database. |
+| ownerResourceId | The resource ID of the Graph database. |
+| operationType | The operation type of this database event. Here are the possible values:<br/><ul><li> Create: database creation event</li><li> Delete: database deletion event</li><li> Replace: database modification event</li><li> SystemOperation: database modification event triggered by the system. This event is not initiated by the user. </li></ul> |
+To get a event feed of all mutations on the Gremlin database for the account, see theΓÇ»[Restorable Graph Databases - List]( /rest/api/cosmos-db-resource-provider/2021-11-15-preview/restorable-gremlin-databases/list) article.
+### Restorable Graphs
+Each resource contains information of a mutation event such as creation and deletion that occurred on the Graph. This information can help in scenarios where the graph was modified or deleted, and if you need to find out when that event happened.
+|Property Name |Description |
+| eventTimestamp |The time in UTC when this collection event happened. |
+| ownerId| The name of the Graph collection. |
+| ownerResourceId | The resource ID of the Graph collection. |
+| operationType |The operation type of this collection event. Here are the possible values:<br/><ul><li>Create: Graph creation event</li><li>Delete: Graph deletion event</li><li>Replace: Graph modification event</li><li>SystemOperation: collection modification event triggered by the system. This event is not initiated by the user.</li></ul> |
+To get a list of all container mutations under the same database, see graph [Restorable Graphs - List](/rest/api/cosmos-db-resource-provider/2021-11-15-preview/restorable-gremlin-graphs/list) article.
+### Restorable Table resources
+Lists all the restorable Azure Cosmos DB Tables available for a specific database account at a given time and location. Note the Table API does not specify an explicit database.
+|Property Name |Description |
+| TableNames | The list of Table containers under this account. |
+To get a list of Table that exist on the account at the given timestamp and location, see [Restorable Table Resources - List](/rest/api/cosmos-db-resource-provider/2021-11-15-preview/restorable-table-resources/list) article.
+### Restorable Table
+Each resource contains information of a mutation event such as creation and deletion that occurred on the Table. This information can help in scenarios where the table was modified or deleted, and if you need to find out when that event happened.
+|Property Name |Description |
+|eventTimestamp| The time in UTC when this database event happened.|
+| ownerId| The name of the Table database. |
+| ownerResourceId | The resource ID of the Table resource. |
+| operationType | The operation type of this Table event. Here are the possible values:<br/><ul><li> Create: Table creation event</li><li> Delete: Table deletion event</li><li> Replace: Table modification event</li><li> SystemOperation: database modification event triggered by the system. This event is not initiated by the user </li></ul> |
+To get a list of all table mutations under the same database, see [Restorable Table - List](/rest/api/cosmos-db-resource-provider/2021-11-15-preview/restorable-tables/list) article.
++ ## Next steps * Provision continuous backup using [Azure portal](provision-account-continuous-backup.md#provision-portal), [PowerShell](provision-account-continuous-backup.md#provision-powershell), [CLI](provision-account-continuous-backup.md#provision-cli), or [Azure Resource Manager](provision-account-continuous-backup.md#provision-arm-template).
cosmos-db Introduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cosmos-db/introduction.md
Last updated 08/26/2021
+adobe-target: true
# Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB
data-factory Data Factory Private Link https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/data-factory/data-factory-private-link.md
For the illustrated example above, the DNS resource records for the data factory
| Name | Type | Value | | - | -- | |
-| DataFactoryA.{region}.datafactory.azure.net | CNAME | DataFactoryA.{region}.datafactory.azure.net |
| DataFactoryA.{region}.datafactory.azure.net | CNAME | < data factory service public endpoint > | | < data factory service public endpoint > | A | < data factory service public IP address > |
ddos-protection Ddos Protection Reference Architectures https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/ddos-protection/ddos-protection-reference-architectures.md
DDoS Protection Standard is designed [for services that are deployed in a virtual network](../virtual-network/virtual-network-for-azure-services.md). The following reference architectures are arranged by scenarios, with architecture patterns grouped together. > [!NOTE]
-> Protected resources include public IPs attached to an IaaS VM, Load Balancer (Classic & Standard Load Balancers), Application Gateway (including WAF) cluster, Firewall, Bastion, VPN Gateway, Service Fabric or an IaaS based Network Virtual Appliance (NVA). PaaS services (multitenant) are not supported at present. This includes Azure App Service Environment for Power Apps or API management in a virtual network with a public IP.
+> Protected resources include public IPs attached to an IaaS VM, Load Balancer (Classic & Standard Load Balancers), Application Gateway (including WAF) cluster, Firewall, Bastion, VPN Gateway, Service Fabric or an IaaS based Network Virtual Appliance (NVA). Protection also covers public IP ranges brought to Azure via Custom IP Prefixes (BYOIPs). PaaS services (multitenant), which includes Azure App Service Environment for Power Apps or API management in a virtual network with a public IP, are not supported at present.
## Virtual machine (Windows/Linux) workloads
guides Azure Developer Guide https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/guides/developer/azure-developer-guide.md
Along with REST APIs, many Azure services also let you programmatically manage r
* [Go](/azure/go) Services such as [Mobile Apps](/previous-versions/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-dotnet-how-to-use-client-library)
-and [Azure Media Services](/media-services/previous/media-services-dotnet-how-to-use) provide client-side SDKs to let you access services from web and mobile client apps.
+and [Azure Media Services](/azure/media-services/previous/media-services-dotnet-how-to-use) provide client-side SDKs to let you access services from web and mobile client apps.
### Azure Resource Manager
sentinel Investigate Cases https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/investigate-cases.md
An incident can include multiple alerts. It's an aggregation of all the relevant
1. Select **Incidents**. The **Incidents** page lets you know how many incidents you have, how many are open, how many you've set to **In progress**, and how many are closed. For each incident, you can see the time it occurred, and the status of the incident. Look at the severity to decide which incidents to handle first.
- ![View incident severity](media/investigate-cases/incident-severity.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="media/investigate-cases/incident-severity.png" alt-text="Screenshot of view of incident severity." lightbox="media/investigate-cases/incident-severity.png":::
1. You can filter the incidents as needed, for example by status or severity. For more information, see [Search for incidents](#search-for-incidents).
An incident can include multiple alerts. It's an aggregation of all the relevant
1. To view more details about the alerts and entities in the incident, select **View full details** in the incident page and review the relevant tabs that summarize the incident information.
- ![View alert details](media/investigate-cases/incident-timeline.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="media/investigate-cases/incident-timeline.png" alt-text="Screenshot of view of alert details." lightbox="media/investigate-cases/incident-timeline.png":::
For example:
An incident can include multiple alerts. It's an aggregation of all the relevant
1. Incidents can be assigned to a specific user or to a group. For each incident you can assign an owner, by setting the **Owner** field. All incidents start as unassigned. You can also add comments so that other analysts will be able to understand what you investigated and what your concerns are around the incident.
- ![Assign incident to user](media/investigate-cases/assign-incident-to-user.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="media/investigate-cases/assign-incident-to-user.png" alt-text="Screenshot of assigning incident to user.":::
Recently selected users and groups will appear at the top of the pictured drop-down list.
To use the investigation graph:
1. Select an incident, then select **Investigate**. This takes you to the investigation graph. The graph provides an illustrative map of the entities directly connected to the alert and each resource connected further.
- [ ![View map.](media/investigate-cases/investigation-map.png) ](media/investigate-cases/investigation-map.png#lightbox)
+ [![View map.](media/investigate-cases/investigation-map.png)](media/investigate-cases/investigation-map.png#lightbox)
> [!IMPORTANT] > - You'll only be able to investigate the incident if you used the entity mapping fields when you set up your analytics rule. The investigation graph requires that your original incident includes entities.
To use the investigation graph:
For example, on a computer you can request related alerts. If you select an exploration query, the resulting entitles are added back to the graph. In this example, selecting **Related alerts** returned the following alerts into the graph:
- ![View related alerts](media/investigate-cases/related-alerts.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="media/investigate-cases/related-alerts.png" alt-text="Screenshot: view related alerts" lightbox="media/investigate-cases/related-alerts.png":::
1. For each exploration query, you can select the option to open the raw event results and the query used in Log Analytics, by selecting **Events\>**. 1. In order to understand the incident, the graph gives you a parallel timeline.
- ![View timeline in map](media/investigate-cases/map-timeline.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="media/investigate-cases/map-timeline.png" alt-text="Screenshot: view timeline in map." lightbox="media/investigate-cases/map-timeline.png":::
1. Hover over the timeline to see which things on the graph occurred at what point in time.
- ![Use timeline in map to investigate alerts](media/investigate-cases/use-timeline.png)
+ :::image type="content" source="media/investigate-cases/use-timeline.png" alt-text="Screenshot: use timeline in map to investigate alerts.'" lightbox="media/investigate-cases/use-timeline.png":::
## Comment on incidents
sentinel Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/overview.md
While Workbooks are displayed differently in Microsoft Sentinel, it may be usefu
To help you reduce noise and minimize the number of alerts you have to review and investigate, Microsoft Sentinel uses [analytics to correlate alerts into incidents](detect-threats-built-in.md). **Incidents** are groups of related alerts that together create an actionable possible-threat that you can investigate and resolve. Use the built-in correlation rules as-is, or use them as a starting point to build your own. Microsoft Sentinel also provides machine learning rules to map your network behavior and then look for anomalies across your resources. These analytics connect the dots, by combining low fidelity alerts about different entities into potential high-fidelity security incidents.
## Security automation & orchestration
sentinel Ueba Enrichments https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/ueba-enrichments.md
While the initial synchronization may take a few days, once the data is fully sy
- Group and role information is synchronized between the **IdentityInfo** table and Azure AD daily. -- Every 21 days, Microsoft Sentinel re-synchronizes with your entire Azure AD to ensure that stale records are fully updated.
+- Every 14 days, Microsoft Sentinel re-synchronizes with your entire Azure AD to ensure that stale records are fully updated.
- Default retention time in the **IdentityInfo** table is 30 days.
site-recovery Azure To Azure How To Enable Replication Private Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/site-recovery/azure-to-azure-how-to-enable-replication-private-endpoints.md
Last updated 07/14/2020-+ # Replicate machines with private endpoints
following role permissions depending on the type of storage account:
- [Classic Storage Account Contributor](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md#classic-storage-account-contributor) - [Classic Storage Account Key Operator Service Role](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md#classic-storage-account-key-operator-service-role)
-The following steps describe how to add a role-assignment to your storage accounts, one at a time:
+The following steps describe how to add a role assignment to your storage accounts, one at a time. For detailed steps, see [Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md).
-1. Go to the storage account and navigate to **Access control (IAM)** on the left side of the page.
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your Azure SQL Server page.
-1. Once on **Access control (IAM)**, in the "Add a role assignment" box select **Add**.
+1. Select **Access control (IAM)**.
- :::image type="content" source="./media/azure-to-azure-how-to-enable-replication-private-endpoints/storage-role-assignment.png" alt-text="Shows the Access control (IAM) page on a storage account and the 'Add a role assignment' button in the Azure portal.":::
+1. Select **Add > Add role assignment**.
-1. In the "Add a role assignment" side page, choose the role from the list above in the **Role**
- drop-down. Enter the **name** of the vault and select **Save**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../includes/role-based-access-control/media/add-role-assignment-menu-generic.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows Access control (IAM) page with Add role assignment menu open.":::
- :::image type="content" source="./media/azure-to-azure-how-to-enable-replication-private-endpoints/storage-role-assignment-select-role.png" alt-text="Shows the Access control (IAM) page on a storage account and the options to select a Role and which principal to grant that role to in the Azure portal.":::
+1. On the **Roles** tab, select one of the roles listed in the beginning of this section.
-In addition to these permissions, MS trusted services need to be allowed access as well. Go to
-"Firewalls and virtual networks" and select "Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage
-account" checkbox in **Exceptions**.
+1. On the **Members** tab, select **Managed identity**, and then select **Select members**.
+1. Select **System-assigned managed identity**, search for a vault, and then select it.
+1. On the **Review + assign** tab, select **Review + assign** to assign the role.
+In addition to these permissions, you need to allow access to Microsoft trusted services. To do so, follow these steps:
+1. Go to **Firewalls and virtual networks**.
+1. In **Exceptions**, select **Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account**.
## Protect your virtual machines
site-recovery Hybrid How To Enable Replication Private Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/site-recovery/hybrid-how-to-enable-replication-private-endpoints.md
Last updated 07/14/2020+ # Replicate on-premises machines by using private endpoints
following role permissions, depending on the type of storage account.
- [Classic Storage Account Contributor](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md#classic-storage-account-contributor) - [Classic Storage Account Key Operator Service Role](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md#classic-storage-account-key-operator-service-role)
-These steps describe how to add a role assignment to your storage account:
+The following steps describe how to add a role assignment to your storage account. For detailed steps, see [Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md).
-1. Go to the storage account. Select **Access control (IAM)** in the left pane.
+1. Go to the storage account.
-1. In the **Add a role assignment** section, select **Add**:
+1. Select **Access control (IAM)**.
- :::image type="content" source="./media/hybrid-how-to-enable-replication-private-endpoints/storage-role-assignment.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the Access control (IAM) page for a storage account.":::
+1. Select **Add > Add role assignment**.
-1. On the **Add a role assignment** page, in the **Role**
- list, select the role from the list at the start of this section. Enter the name of the vault and then select **Save**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../includes/role-based-access-control/media/add-role-assignment-menu-generic.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows Access control (IAM) page with Add role assignment menu open.":::
- :::image type="content" source="./media/hybrid-how-to-enable-replication-private-endpoints/storage-role-assignment-select-role.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the Add role assignment page.":::
+1. On the **Roles** tab, select one of the roles listed in the beginning of this section.
-After you add these permissions, you need to allow access to Microsoft trusted services. Go to
-**Firewalls and virtual networks** and select **Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage
-account** in **Exceptions**.
+1. On the **Members** tab, select **Managed identity**, and then select **Select members**.
+1. Select **System-assigned managed identity**, search for a vault, and then select it.
+1. On the **Review + assign** tab, select **Review + assign** to assign the role.
+In addition to these permissions, you need to allow access to Microsoft trusted services. To do so, follow these steps:
+1. Go to **Firewalls and virtual networks**.
+1. In **Exceptions**, select **Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account**.
### Protect your virtual machines
site-recovery Vmware Azure Multi Tenant Csp Disaster Recovery https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/site-recovery/vmware-azure-multi-tenant-csp-disaster-recovery.md
Last updated 11/27/2018 + # Set up VMware disaster recovery in a multi-tenancy environment with the Cloud Solution Provider (CSP) program
You can now perform and manage all Site Recovery operations for the tenant in th
1. Ensure that the disaster recovery infrastructure is set up. Partners access tenant subscriptions through the CSP portal, regardless of whether disaster recovery is managed or self-service. Set up the vault and register infrastructure to the tenant subscriptions. 1. Provide the tenant with the [account you created](#create-a-tenant-account).
-1. You can add a new user to the tenant subscription through the CSP portal as follows:
- 1. Go to the tenantΓÇÖs CSP subscription page, and then select the **Users and licenses** option.
+You can add a new user to the tenant subscription through the CSP portal as follows:
- ![The tenant's CSP subscription page](./media/vmware-azure-multi-tenant-csp-disaster-recovery/users-and-licences.png)
+1. Go to the tenantΓÇÖs CSP subscription page, and then select the **Users and licenses** option.
- 1. Now create a new user by entering the relevant details and selecting permissions, or by uploading the list of users in a CSV file.
+ ![The tenant's CSP subscription page](./media/vmware-azure-multi-tenant-csp-disaster-recovery/users-and-licences.png)
- 1. After you've created a new user, go back to the Azure portal. In the **Subscription** page, select the relevant subscription.
+1. Create a new user by entering the relevant details and selecting permissions, or by uploading the list of users in a CSV file.
- 1. Select **Access control (IAM)**, and then click **Role assignments**.
+1. After you've created a new user, go back to the Azure portal.
- 1. Click **Add role assignment** to add a user with the relevant access level. The users that were created through the CSP portal are displayed on the Role assignments tab.
+The following steps describe how to assign a role to a user. For detailed steps, see [Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md).
- ![Add a user](./media/vmware-azure-multi-tenant-csp-disaster-recovery/add-user-subscription.png)
+1. In the **Subscription** page, select the relevant subscription.
-- For most management operations, the *Contributor* role is sufficient. Users with this access level can do everything on a subscription except change access levels (for which *Owner*-level access is required).-- Site Recovery also has three [predefined user roles](site-recovery-role-based-linked-access-control.md), that can be used to further restrict access levels as required.
+1. In the navigation menu, select **Access control (IAM)**.
+1. Select **Add** > **Add role assignment**.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../includes/role-based-access-control/media/add-role-assignment-menu-generic.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows Access control (IAM) page with Add role assignment menu open.":::
+1. On the **Role** tab, select a role.
+ For most management operations, the *Contributor* role is sufficient. Users with this access level can do everything on a subscription except change access levels (for which *Owner*-level access is required).
+ Site Recovery also has three [predefined user roles](site-recovery-role-based-linked-access-control.md), that can be used to further restrict access levels as required.
+ :::image type="content" source="../../includes/role-based-access-control/media/add-role-assignment-role-generic.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows Add role assignment page with the Role tab selected.":::
+1. On the **Members** tab, select **User, group, or service principal**, and then select a user with the relevant access level. The users that were created through the CSP portal are displayed here.
+1. On the **Review + assign** tab, select **Review + assign** to assign the role.
## Multi-tenant environments