Updates from: 11/04/2024 02:04:47
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azure-netapp-files Configure Network Features https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-netapp-files/configure-network-features.md
Previously updated : 10/24/2024 Last updated : 11/01/2024
You can edit the network features option of existing volumes from *Basic* to *St
* You should only use the edit network features option for an [application volume group for SAP HANA](application-volume-group-introduction.md) if you have enrolled in the [extension one preview](application-volume-group-introduction.md#extension-1-features), which adds support for Standard network features. * If you enabled both the `ANFStdToBasicNetworkFeaturesRevert` and `ANFBasicToStdNetworkFeaturesUpgrade` AFECs and are using 1 or 2-TiB capacity pools, see [Resize a capacity pool or a volume](azure-netapp-files-resize-capacity-pools-or-volumes.md) for information about sizing your capacity pools.
-* <a name="no-downtime"></a> Azure NetApp Files supports a non-disruptive upgrade to Standard network features and a revert to Basic network features. This operation is expected to take at least 25 minutes. You can't create a regular or data protection volume or application volume group while the edit network feature operation is underway. This feature is currently in **preview** in the Australia East, Central India, North Central US, and Switzerland North regions. In all other regions, updating network features can cause a network disruption on the volumes for up to 5 minutes.
+* <a name="no-downtime"></a> Azure NetApp Files supports a non-disruptive upgrade to Standard network features and a revert to Basic network features. This operation is expected to take at least 25 minutes. You can't create a regular or data protection volume or application volume group while the edit network feature operation is underway. This feature is currently in **preview** in the Australia East, Central India, East Asia, North Central US, and Switzerland North regions. In all other regions, updating network features can cause a network disruption on the volumes for up to 5 minutes.
> [!NOTE] > You need to submit a waitlist request for accessing the feature through the **[Azure NetApp Files standard networking features (edit volumes) Request Form](https://aka.ms/anfeditnetworkfeaturespreview)**. The feature can take approximately one week to be enabled after you submit the waitlist request. You can check the status of feature registration by using the following command:
azure-netapp-files Whats New https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-netapp-files/whats-new.md
Azure NetApp Files is updated regularly. This article provides a summary about t
Azure NetApp Files now supports the ability to edit network features (that is, upgrade from Basic to Standard network features) with no downtime for Azure NetApp Files volumes. Standard Network Features provide you with an enhanced virtual networking experience for a seamless and consistent experience along with security posture for Azure NetApp Files.
- This feature is currently in preview in the Australia East, Central India, North Central US, and Switzerland North regions.
+ This feature is currently in preview in the Australia East, Central India, East Asia, North Central US, and Switzerland North regions.
## September 2024
healthcare-apis Configure Storage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/healthcare-apis/deidentification/configure-storage.md
+ Title: Learn how to configure Azure Storage to de-identify documents with the de-identification service
+description: "Learn how to configure Azure Storage to de-identify documents with the de-identification service."
+++++ Last updated : 11/01/2024+
+#customer intent: As an IT admin, I want to know how to configure an Azure Storage account to allow access to the de-identification service to de-identify documents.
+# Tutorial: Configure Azure Storage to de-identify documents
+The Azure Health Data Services de-identification service (preview) can de-identify documents in Azure Storage via an asynchronous job. If you have many documents that you would like
+to de-identify, using a job is a good option. Jobs also provide consistent surrogation, meaning that surrogate values in the de-identified output will match across
+all documents. For more information about de-identification, including consistent surrogation, see [What is the de-identification service (preview)?](overview.md)
+When you choose to store documents in Azure Blob Storage, you're charged based on Azure Storage pricing. This cost isn't included in the
+ de-identification service pricing. [Explore Azure Blob Storage pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/storage/blobs).
+In this tutorial, you:
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> * Create a storage account and container
+> * Upload a sample document
+> * Grant the de-identification service access
+> * Configure network isolation
+## Prerequisites
+* An Azure account with an active subscription. [Create an account for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F).
+* A de-identification service with system-assigned managed identity. [Deploy the de-identification service (preview)](quickstart.md).
+## Open Azure CLI
+Install [Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) and open your terminal of choice. In this tutorial, we're using PowerShell.
+## Create a storage account and container
+1. Set your context, substituting the subscription name containing your de-identification service for the `<subscription_name>` placeholder:
+ ```powershell
+ az account set --subscription "<subscription_name>"
+ ```
+1. Save a variable for the resource group, substituting the resource group containing your de-identification service for the `<resource_group>` placeholder:
+ ```powershell
+ $ResourceGroup = "<resource_group>"
+ ```
+1. Create a storage account, providing a value for the `<storage_account_name>` placeholder:
+ ```powershell
+ $StorageAccountName = "<storage_account_name>"
+ $StorageAccountId = $(az storage account create --name $StorageAccountName --resource-group $ResourceGroup --sku Standard_LRS --kind StorageV2 --min-tls-version TLS1_2 --allow-blob-public-access false --query id --output tsv)
+ ```
+1. Assign yourself a role to perform data operations on the storage account:
+ ```powershell
+ $UserId = $(az ad signed-in-user show --query id -o tsv)
+ az role assignment create --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --assignee $UserId --scope $StorageAccountId
+ ```
+1. Create a container to hold your sample document:
+ ```powershell
+ az storage container create --account-name $StorageAccountName --name deidtest --auth-mode login
+ ```
+## Upload a sample document
+Next, you upload a document that contains synthetic PHI:
+$DocumentContent = "The patient came in for a visit on 10/12/2023 and was seen again November 4th at Contoso Hospital."
+az storage blob upload --data $DocumentContent --account-name $StorageAccountName --container-name deidtest --name deidsample.txt --auth-mode login
+## Grant the de-identification service access to the storage account
+In this step, you grant the de-identification service's system-assigned managed identity role-based access to the container. You grant the **Storage Blob
+Data Contributor** role because the de-identification service will both read the original document and write de-identified output documents. Substitute the name of
+your de-identification service for the `<deid_service_name>` placeholder:
+$DeidServicePrincipalId=$(az resource show -n <deid_service_name> -g $ResourceGroup --resource-type microsoft.healthdataaiservices/deidservices --query identity.principalId --output tsv)
+az role assignment create --assignee $DeidServicePrincipalId --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scope $StorageAccountId
+## Configure network isolation on the storage account
+Next, you update the storage account to disable public network access and only allow access from trusted Azure services such as the de-identification service.
+After running this command, you won't be able to view the storage container contents without setting a network exception.
+Learn more at [Configure Azure Storage firewalls and virtual networks](/azure/storage/common/storage-network-security).
+az storage account update --name $StorageAccountName --public-network-access Disabled --bypass AzureServices
+## Clean up resources
+Once you're done with the storage account, you can delete the storage account and role assignments:
+az role assignment delete --assignee $DeidServicePrincipalId --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scope $StorageAccountId
+az role assignment delete --assignee $UserId --role "Storage Blob Data Contributor" --scope $StorageAccountId
+az storage account delete --ids $StorageAccountId --yes
+## Next step
+> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
+> [Quickstart: Azure Health De-identification client library for .NET](quickstart-sdk-net.md)
healthcare-apis Quickstart https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/healthcare-apis/deidentification/quickstart.md
If you no longer need them, delete the resource group and de-identification serv
## Related content
-[De-identification service overview](overview.md)
+> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
+> [Tutorial: Configure Azure Storage to de-identify documents](configure-storage.md)
iot-operations Howto Configure Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-operations/manage-mqtt-broker/howto-configure-authentication.md
Title: Configure MQTT broker authentication
description: Configure MQTT broker authentication. + - ignite-2023 Previously updated : 08/29/2024 Last updated : 11/02/2024 #CustomerIntent: As an operator, I want to configure authentication so that I have secure MQTT broker communications.- # Configure MQTT broker authentication
To link a BrokerListener to a *BrokerAuthentication* resource, specify the `auth
## Default BrokerAuthentication resource
-Azure IoT Operations Preview deploys a default *BrokerAuthentication* resource named `authn` linked with the *default* listener named `listener` in the `azure-iot-operations` namespace. It's configured to only use Kubernetes Service Account Tokens (SATs) for authentication. To inspect it, run:
+Azure IoT Operations Preview deploys a default *BrokerAuthentication* resource named `default` linked with the *default* listener in the `azure-iot-operations` namespace. It's configured to only use Kubernetes Service Account Tokens (SATs) for authentication.
+> The service account token (SAT) authentication method in the default *BrokerAuthentication* resource is required for components in the Azure IoT Operations to function correctly. Avoid updating or deleting the default *BrokerAuthentication* resource.
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select the **Authentication** tab.
+1. From authentication policy list, select the **default** policy name.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/howto-configure-authentication/authentication-policy-default.png" alt-text="Screenshot using Azure portal to view the default MQTT broker authentication policy.":::
+To add new authentication methods, select **Add method**.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+To edit the default endpoint, create a Bicep `.bicep` file with the following content. Update the settings as needed, and replace the placeholder values like `<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>` with your own.
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource defaultBrokerAuthentication 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/authentications@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: 'default'
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ authenticationMethods: [
+ {
+ method: 'ServiceAccountToken'
+ serviceAccountTokenSettings: {
+ audiences: [
+ 'aio-internal'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+To inspect the default broker authentication resource, run:
-kubectl get brokerauthentication authn -n azure-iot-operations -o yaml
+kubectl get brokerauthentication default -n azure-iot-operations -o yaml
``` The output shows the default *BrokerAuthentication* resource, with metadata removed for brevity:
The output shows the default *BrokerAuthentication* resource, with metadata remo
apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1 kind: BrokerAuthentication metadata:
- name: authn
+ name: default
namespace: azure-iot-operations spec: authenticationMethods:
- aio-internal ```
-> The service account token (SAT) authentication method in the default *BrokerAuthentication* resource is required for components in the Azure IoT Operations to function correctly. Avoid updating or deleting the default *BrokerAuthentication* resource. If you need to make changes, modify the `authenticationMethods` field in this resource while retaining the SAT authentication method with the `aio-internal` audience. Preferably, you can create a new *BrokerAuthentication* resource with a different name and deploy it using `kubectl apply`.
+If you need to make changes, modify the `authenticationMethods` field in this resource while retaining the SAT authentication method with the `aio-internal` audience. Then, deploy it using `kubectl apply`.
-To change the configuration, modify the `authenticationMethods` setting in this *BrokerAuthentication* resource or create new brand new *BrokerAuthentication* resource with a different name. Then, deploy it using `kubectl apply`.
+ ## Authentication flow
With multiple authentication methods, MQTT broker has a fallback mechanism. For
apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1 kind: BrokerAuthentication metadata:
- name: authn
+ name: default
namespace: azure-iot-operations spec: authenticationMethods:
The earlier example specifies custom and SAT. When a client connects, MQTT broker attempts to authenticate the client using the specified methods in the given order *custom* then *SAT*. 1. MQTT broker checks if the client's credentials are valid for custom authentication. Since custom authentication relies on an external server to determine validity of credentials, the broker considers all credentials relevant to custom auth and forwards them to the custom authentication server.- 1. If the custom authentication server responds with `Pass` or `Fail` result, the authentication flow ends. However, if the custom authentication server isn't available, then MQTT broker falls back to the remaining specified methods, with SAT being next.- 1. MQTT broker tries to authenticate the credentials as SAT credentials. If the MQTT username starts with `K8S-SAT`, MQTT broker evaluates the MQTT password as a SAT. If the custom authentication server is unavailable and all subsequent methods determined that the provided credentials aren't relevant, then the broker denies the client connection.
-## Disable authentication
+## Configure authentication method
-For testing, you can disable authentication by omitting `authenticationRef` in the `ports` setting of a BrokerListener resource.
+You can add authentication methods such as X.509, SAT, or custom to authentication policies.
+To add an authentication method to a policy:
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select the **Authentication** tab.
+1. Choose an existing authentication policy or create a new one.
+1. Add a new method by selecting **Add method**.
+1. Choose the method type from the dropdown list then select **Add details** to configure the method.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/howto-configure-authentication/create-authentication-policy.png" alt-text="Screenshot using the Azure portal to add an MQTT broker authentication policy method.":::
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param policyName string = '<POLICY_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource myBrokerAuthentication 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/authentications@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: policyName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ authenticationMethods: [
+ {
+ method: 'Custom'
+ customSettings: {
+ endpoint: 'https://auth-server-template'
+ caCertConfigMap: 'custom-auth-ca'
+ auth: {
+ x509: {
+ secretRef: 'custom-auth-client-cert'
+ }
+ }
+ headers: {
+ header_key: 'header_value'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ method: 'ServiceAccountToken'
+ serviceAccountTokenSettings: {
+ audiences: [
+ 'aio-internal'
+ 'my-audience'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ method: 'X509'
+ x509Settings: {
+ authorizationAttributes: {
+ root: {
+ attributes: {
+ organization: 'contoso'
+ }
+ subject: 'CN = Contoso Root CA Cert, OU = Engineering, C = US'
+ }
+ intermediate: {
+ attributes: {
+ city: 'seattle'
+ foo: 'bar'
+ }
+ subject: 'CN = Contoso Intermediate CA'
+ }
+ smartfan: {
+ attributes: {
+ building: '17'
+ }
+ subject: 'CN = smart-fan'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
-## Configure authentication method
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+Modify the *BrokerAuthentication* resource for an authentication policy by adding new methods to the `authenticationMethods` section. The following example shows multiple authentication methods for a *BrokerAuthentication* resource:
+apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1
+kind: BrokerAuthentication
+ name: my-policy
+ namespace: azure-iot-operations
+ authenticationMethods:
+ - method: Custom
+ customSettings:
+ endpoint: https://auth-server-template
+ caCertConfigMap: custom-auth-ca
+ auth:
+ x509:
+ secretRef: custom-auth-client-cert
+ headers:
+ header_key: header_value
+ - method: ServiceAccountToken
+ serviceAccountTokenSettings:
+ audiences:
+ - aio-internal
+ - my-audience
+ - method: X509
+ x509Settings:
+ authorizationAttributes:
+ trustedClientCaCert: client-ca
+ root:
+ attributes:
+ organization: contoso
+ subject: CN = Contoso Root CA Cert, OU = Engineering, C = US
+ intermediate:
+ attributes:
+ city: seattle
+ foo: bar
+ subject: CN = Contoso Intermediate CA
+ smart-fan:
+ attributes:
+ building: "17"
+ subject: CN = smart-fan
+To change the configuration, modify the `authenticationMethods` setting in this *BrokerAuthentication* resource then deploy it using `kubectl apply`.
++ To learn more about each of the authentication options, see the next sections for each method. For more information about enabling secure settings by configuring an Azure Key Vault and enabling workload identities, see [Enable secure settings in Azure IoT Operations Preview deployment](../deploy-iot-ops/howto-enable-secure-settings.md).
-## X.509
+### X.509
A trusted root CA certificate is required to validate the client certificate. Client certificates must be rooted in this CA for MQTT broker to authenticate them. Both EC and RSA keys are supported, but all certificates in the chain must use the same key algorithm. If you're importing your own CA certificates, ensure that the client certificate uses the same key algorithm as the CAs. To import a root certificate that can be used to validate client certificates, import the certificate PEM as *ConfigMap* under the key `client_ca.pem`. For example:
==== ```
-Once the trusted client root CA certificate and the certificate-to-attribute mapping are imported, enable X.509 client authentication by adding it as one of the authentication methods as part of a *BrokerAuthentication* resource linked to a TLS-enabled listener. For example:
+Once the trusted client root CA certificate and the certificate-to-attribute mapping are imported, enable X.509 client authentication by adding it as one of the authentication methods as part of a *BrokerAuthentication* resource linked to a TLS-enabled listener.
+#### Certificate attributes for authorization
+X.509 attributes can be specified in the *BrokerAuthentication* resource, and they're used to authorize clients based on their certificate properties. The attributes are defined in the `authorizationAttributes` field.
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select the **Authentication** tab.
+1. Choose an existing authentication policy or create a new one.
+1. Add a new method by selecting **Add method**.
+1. Choose the method type **X.509** from the dropdown list then select **Add details** to configure the method.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/howto-configure-authentication/x509-method.png" alt-text="Screenshot using Azure portal to set MQTT broker X.509 authentication method.":::
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param policyName string = '<POLICY_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource myBrokerAuthentication 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/authentications@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: policyName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ authenticationMethods: [
+ {
+ method: 'X509'
+ x509Settings: {
+ authorizationAttributes: {
+ root: {
+ subject: 'CN = Contoso Root CA Cert, OU = Engineering, C = US'
+ attributes: {
+ organization: 'contoso'
+ }
+ }
+ intermediate: {
+ subject: 'CN = Contoso Intermediate CA'
+ attributes: {
+ city: 'seattle'
+ foo: 'bar'
+ }
+ }
+ smartfan: {
+ subject: 'CN = smart-fan'
+ attributes: {
+ building: '17'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- authenticationMethods:
- - method: X509
- x509Settings:
- trustedClientCaCert: client-ca
- authorizationAttributes:
- # ...
-### Certificate attributes for authorization
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
-X.509 attributes can be specified in the *BrokerAuthentication* resource, and they're used to authorize clients based on their certificate properties. The attributes are defined in the `authorizationAttributes` field. For example:
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
```yaml spec:
building = 17 ``` ++ In this example, every client that has a certificate issued by the root CA `CN = Contoso Root CA Cert, OU = Engineering, C = US` or an intermediate CA `CN = Contoso Intermediate CA` receives the attributes listed. In addition, the smart fan receives attributes specific to it. The matching for attributes always starts from the leaf client certificate and then goes along the chain. The attribute assignment stops after the first match. In previous example, even if `smart-fan` has the intermediate certificate `CN = Contoso Intermediate CA`, it doesn't get the associated attributes. Authorization rules can be applied to clients using X.509 certificates with these attributes. To learn more, see [Authorize clients that use X.509 authentication](./howto-configure-authorization.md).
-### Connect mosquitto client to MQTT broker with X.509 client certificate
+#### Connect mosquitto client to MQTT broker with X.509 client certificate
A client like mosquitto needs three files to be able to connect to MQTT broker with TLS and X.509 client authentication. For example:
In the example:
- When mosquitto client connects to MQTT broker over TLS, it validates the server certificate. It searches for root certificates in the database to create a trusted chain to the server certificate. Because of this, the server root certificate needs to be copied into this file. - When the MQTT broker requests a client certificate from mosquitto client, it also requires a valid certificate chain to send to the server. The `--cert` parameter tells mosquitto which certificate to send, but it's not enough. MQTT broker can't verify this certificate alone because it also needs the intermediate certificate. Mosquitto uses the database file to build the necessary certificate chain. To support this, the `cafile` must contain both the intermediate and root certificates.
-### Understand MQTT broker X.509 client authentication flow
+#### Understand MQTT broker X.509 client authentication flow
![Diagram of the X.509 client authentication flow.](./media/howto-configure-authentication/x509-client-auth-flow.svg)
The following are the steps for client authentication flow:
1. Authentication service returns decision to frontend broker. 1. The frontend broker knows the client attributes and if it's allowed to connect. If so, then the MQTT connection is completed and the client can continue to send and receive MQTT packets determined by its authorization rules.
-## Kubernetes Service Account Tokens
+### Kubernetes Service Account Tokens
Kubernetes Service Account Tokens (SATs) are JSON Web Tokens associated with Kubernetes Service Accounts. Clients present SATs to the MQTT broker to authenticate themselves.
Launched in Kubernetes 1.13, and becoming the default format in 1.21, bound toke
The broker verifies tokens using the [Kubernetes Token Review API](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/authentication-resources/token-review-v1/). Enable Kubernetes `TokenRequestProjection` feature to specify `audiences` (default since 1.21). If this feature isn't enabled, SATs can't be used.
-### Create a service account
+#### Create a service account
To create SATs, first create a service account. The following command creates a service account called `mqtt-client`.
To create SATs, first create a service account. The following command creates a
kubectl create serviceaccount mqtt-client -n azure-iot-operations ```
-### Add attributes for authorization
+#### Add attributes for authorization
Clients authentication via SAT can optionally have their SATs annotated with attributes to be used with custom authorization policies. To learn more, see [Authorize clients that use Kubernetes Service Account Tokens](./howto-configure-authentication.md).
-### Enable Service Account Token (SAT) authentication
+#### Enable Service Account Token (SAT) authentication
Modify the `authenticationMethods` setting in a *BrokerAuthentication* resource to specify `ServiceAccountToken` as a valid authentication method. The `audiences` specifies the list of valid audiences for tokens. Choose unique values that identify the MQTT broker service. You must specify at least one audience, and all SATs must match one of the specified audiences.
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select the **Authentication** tab.
+1. Choose an existing authentication policy or create a new one.
+1. Add a new method by selecting **Add method**.
+1. Choose the method type **Kubernetes SAT** from the dropdown list then select **Add details** to configure the method.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param policyName string = '<POLICY_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource myBrokerAuthentication 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/authentications@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: policyName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ authenticationMethods: [
+ {
+ method: 'ServiceAccountToken'
+ serviceAccountTokenSettings: {
+ audiences: [
+ 'aio-internal'
+ 'my-audience'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+ ```yaml spec: authenticationMethods: - method: ServiceAccountToken serviceAccountTokenSettings: audiences:
- - "aio-internal"
- - "my-audience"
+ - aio-internal
+ - my-audience
``` Apply your changes with `kubectl apply`. It might take a few minutes for the changes to take effect.
-### Test SAT authentication
+#### Test SAT authentication
SAT authentication must be used from a client in the same cluster as MQTT broker. Only enhanced authentication fields are permitted. Set authentication method to `K8S-SAT` and authentication data to the token.
Client (null) sending DISCONNECT
The mosquitto client uses the service account token mounted at `/var/run/secrets/tokens/broker-sat` to authenticate with the broker. The token is valid for 24 hours. The client also uses the default root CA cert mounted at `/var/run/certs/ca.crt` to verify the broker's TLS certificate chain.
-### Refresh service account tokens
+#### Refresh service account tokens
Service account tokens are valid for a limited time and configured with `expirationSeconds`. However, Kubernetes [automatically refreshes the token before it expires](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/service-accounts-admin/). The token is refreshed in the background, and the client doesn't need to do anything other than to fetch it again.
# The broker may present X.509 credentials or no credentials to the server. auth: x509:
- secretName: custom-auth-client-cert
+ secretRef: custom-auth-client-cert
namespace: azure-iot-operations # Optional additional HTTP headers that the broker will send to the # custom authentication server.
header_key: header_value ```
+## Disable authentication
+For testing, you can disable authentication for a broker listener port. Disabling authentication isn't recommended for production environments.
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select the broker listener you want to edit from the list.
+1. On the port you want to disable authentication, select **None** in the authentication dropdown.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+To disable authentication, omit the `authenticationRef` in the `ports` setting of your *BrokerListener* resource.
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+To disable authentication, omit the `authenticationRef` in the `ports` setting of your *BrokerListener* resource.
+++ ## Client disconnect after credentials expire MQTT broker disconnects clients when their credentials expire. Disconnect after credential expiration applies to all clients that connect to the MQTT broker frontends including:
MQTT broker disconnects clients when their credentials expire. Disconnect after
On disconnect, the client's network connection is closed. The client won't receive an MQTT DISCONNECT packet, but the broker logs a message that it disconnected the client.
-MQTT v5 clients authenticated with SATs and custom authentication can reauthenticate with a new credential before their initial credential expires. X.509 clients cannot reauthenticate and must re-establish the connection since authentication is done at the TLS layer.
+MQTT v5 clients authenticated with SATs and custom authentication can reauthenticate with a new credential before their initial credential expires. X.509 clients can't reauthenticate and must re-establish the connection since authentication is done at the TLS layer.
Clients can reauthenticate by sending an MQTT v5 AUTH packet.
Successful reauthentication updates the client's credential expiry with the expi
- About [BrokerListener resource](howto-configure-brokerlistener.md) - [Configure authorization for a BrokerListener](./howto-configure-authorization.md)-- [Configure TLS with manual certificate management](./howto-configure-tls-manual.md)-- [Configure TLS with automatic certificate management](./howto-configure-tls-auto.md)
iot-operations Howto Configure Authorization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-operations/manage-mqtt-broker/howto-configure-authorization.md
- ignite-2023 Previously updated : 09/09/2024 Last updated : 11/02/2024 #CustomerIntent: As an operator, I want to configure authorization so that I have secure MQTT broker communications.
To configure authorization, create a *BrokerAuthorization* resource in your Kube
The following example shows how to create a *BrokerAuthorization* resource using both usernames and attributes:
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select the **Authorization** tab.
+1. Choose an existing authentication policy or create a new one by selecting **Create authorization policy**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/howto-configure-authorization/authorization-rules.png" alt-text="Screenshot using Azure portal to create broker authorization rules.":::
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+To edit the default endpoint, create a Bicep `.bicep` file with the following content. Update the settings as needed, and replace the placeholder values like `<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>` with your own.
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param policyName string = '<POLICY_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource brokerAuthorization 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/authorizations@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: policyName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ authorizationPolicies: {
+ cache: 'Enabled'
+ rules: [
+ {
+ principals: {
+ usernames: [
+ 'temperature-sensor'
+ 'humidity-sensor'
+ ]
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ city: 'seattle'
+ organization: 'contoso'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ brokerResources: [
+ {
+ method: 'Connect'
+ }
+ {
+ method: 'Publish'
+ topics: [
+ '/telemetry/{principal.username}'
+ '/telemetry/{principal.attributes.organization}'
+ ]
+ }
+ {
+ method: 'Subscribe'
+ topics: [
+ '/commands/{principal.attributes.organization}'
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+ ```yaml apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1 kind: BrokerAuthorization
- "/commands/{principal.attributes.organization}" ```
+To create this *BrokerAuthorization* resource, apply the YAML manifest to your Kubernetes cluster.
+++ This broker authorization allows clients with usernames `temperature-sensor` or `humidity-sensor`, or clients with attributes `organization` with value `contoso` and `city` with value `seattle`, to: - Connect to the broker.
This broker authorization allows clients with usernames `temperature-sensor` or
- `temperature-sensor` can subscribe to `/commands/contoso`. - `some-other-username` can subscribe to `/commands/contoso`.
-To create this *BrokerAuthorization* resource, apply the YAML manifest to your Kubernetes cluster.
- ### Further limit access based on client ID Because the `principals` field is a logical OR, you can further restrict access based on client ID by adding the `clientIds` field to the `brokerResources` field. For example, to allow clients with client IDs that start with its building number to connect and publish telemetry to topics scoped with their building, use the following configuration:
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+In the **Broker authorization details** for your authorization policy, use the following configuration:
+ {
+ "brokerResources": [
+ {
+ "clientIds": [
+ "{principal.attributes.building}*"
+ ],
+ "method": "Connect",
+ "topics": []
+ },
+ {
+ "clientIds": [],
+ "method": "Publish",
+ "topics": [
+ "sensors/{principal.attributes.building}/{principal.clientId}/telemetry"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "principals": {
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ "building": "building22"
+ },
+ {
+ "building": "building23"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param policyName string = '<POLICY_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource brokerAuthorization 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/authorizations@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: policyName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ authorizationPolicies: {
+ cache: 'Enabled'
+ rules: [
+ {
+ principals: {
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ building: 'building22'
+ }
+ {
+ building: 'building23'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ brokerResources: [
+ {
+ method: 'Connect'
+ clientIds: [
+ '{principal.attributes.building}*' // client IDs must start with building22
+ ]
+ }
+ {
+ method: 'Publish'
+ topics: [
+ 'sensors/{principal.attributes.building}/{principal.clientId}/telemetry'
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+ ```yaml apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1 kind: BrokerAuthorization
- "sensors/{principal.attributes.building}/{principal.clientId}/telemetry" ```
-Here, if the `clientIds` were not set under the `Connect` method, a client with any client ID could connect as long as it had the `building` attribute set to `building22` or `building23`. By adding the `clientIds` field, only clients with client IDs that start with `building22` or `building23` can connect. This ensures not only that the client has the correct attribute but also that the client ID matches the expected pattern.
+Here, if the `clientIds` weren't set under the `Connect` method, a client with any client ID could connect as long as it had the `building` attribute set to `building22` or `building23`. By adding the `clientIds` field, only clients with client IDs that start with `building22` or `building23` can connect. This ensures not only that the client has the correct attribute but also that the client ID matches the expected pattern.
## Authorize clients that use X.509 authentication
Attribute annotations must begin with `aio-broker-auth/` to distinguish them fro
As the application has an authorization attribute called `authz-sat`, there's no need to provide a `clientId` or `username`. The corresponding *BrokerAuthorization* resource uses this attribute as a principal, for example:
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+In the **Broker authorization details** for your authorization policy, use the following configuration:
+ {
+ "brokerResources": [
+ {
+ "clientIds": [],
+ "method": "Connect",
+ "topics": []
+ },
+ {
+ "clientIds": [],
+ "method": "Publish",
+ "topics": [
+ "odd-numbered-orders"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "clientIds": [],
+ "method": "Subscribe",
+ "topics": [
+ "orders"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "principals": {
+ "attributes": [
+ {
+ "group": "authz-sat"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param policyName string = '<POLICY_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource brokerAuthorization 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/authorizations@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: policyName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ authorizationPolicies: {
+ rules: [
+ {
+ principals: {
+ attributes: [
+ {
+ group: 'authz-sat'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ brokerResources: [
+ {
+ method: 'Connect'
+ }
+ {
+ method: 'Publish'
+ topics: [
+ 'odd-numbered-orders'
+ ]
+ }
+ {
+ method: 'Subscribe'
+ topics: [
+ 'orders'
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+ ```yaml apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1 kind: BrokerAuthorization
- "orders" ``` ++ To learn more with an example, see [Set up Authorization Policy with Dapr Client](../create-edge-apps/howto-develop-dapr-apps.md). ## Distributed state store
kubectl edit brokerauthorization my-authz-policies
## Disable authorization
-To disable authorization, omit `authorizationRef` in the `ports` setting of a *BrokerListener* resource.
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select the broker listener you want to edit from the list.
+1. On the port you want to disable authorization, select **None** in the authorization dropdown.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+To disable authorization, omit `authorizationRef` in the `ports` setting of your *BrokerListener* resource.
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+To disable authorization, omit `authorizationRef` in the `ports` setting of your *BrokerListener* resource.
++ ## Unauthorized publish in MQTT 3.1.1
With MQTT 3.1.1, when a publish is denied, the client receives the PUBACK with n
- About [BrokerListener resource](howto-configure-brokerlistener.md) - [Configure authentication for a BrokerListener](./howto-configure-authentication.md)-- [Configure TLS with manual certificate management](./howto-configure-tls-manual.md)-- [Configure TLS with automatic certificate management](./howto-configure-tls-auto.md)
iot-operations Howto Configure Availability Scale https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-operations/manage-mqtt-broker/howto-configure-availability-scale.md
- ignite-2023 Previously updated : 10/18/2024 Last updated : 11/01/2024 #CustomerIntent: As an operator, I want to understand the settings for the MQTT broker so that I can configure it for high availability and scale.
For a list of the available settings, see the [Broker](/rest/api/iotoperationsmq
> [!IMPORTANT] > At this time, the *Broker* resource can only be configured at initial deployment time using the Azure CLI, Portal or GitHub Action. A new deployment is required if *Broker* configuration changes are needed.
-To configure the scaling settings MQTT broker, you need to specify the `cardinality` fields in the specification of the *Broker* custom resource. For more information on setting the mode and cardinality settings using Azure CLI, see [az iot ops init](/cli/azure/iot/ops#az-iot-ops-init).
+To configure the scaling settings MQTT broker, you need to specify the `cardinality` fields in the specification of the *Broker* custom resource. For more information on setting the mode and cardinality settings using Azure CLI, see [az iot ops create](/cli/azure/iot/ops#az-iot-ops-create).
### Automatic deployment cardinality
When you increase these values, the broker's capacity to handle more connections
> [!IMPORTANT] > At this time, the *Broker* resource can only be configured at initial deployment time using the Azure CLI, Portal or GitHub Action. A new deployment is required if *Broker* configuration changes are needed.
-To configure the memory profile settings MQTT broker, specify the `memoryProfile` fields in the spec of the *Broker* custom resource. For more information on setting the memory profile setting using Azure CLI, see [az iot ops init](/cli/azure/iot/ops#az-iot-ops-init).
+To configure the memory profile settings MQTT broker, specify the `memoryProfile` fields in the spec of the *Broker* custom resource. For more information on setting the memory profile setting using Azure CLI, see [az iot ops create](/cli/azure/iot/ops#az-iot-ops-create).
`memoryProfile`: This subfield defines the settings for the memory profile. There are a few profiles for the memory usage you can choose:
Here's an example of a *Broker* custom resource with metrics and tracing enabled
apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1 kind: Broker metadata:
- name: broker
+ name: default
namespace: azure-iot-operations spec: diagnostics:
iot-operations Howto Configure Brokerlistener https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-operations/manage-mqtt-broker/howto-configure-brokerlistener.md
Title: Secure MQTT broker communication using BrokerListener
description: Understand how to use the BrokerListener resource to secure MQTT broker communications including authorization, authentication, and TLS. + - ignite-2023 Previously updated : 10/18/2024 Last updated : 10/30/2024 #CustomerIntent: As an operator, I want understand options to secure MQTT communications for my IoT Operations solution.- # Secure MQTT broker communication using BrokerListener
Each listener port can have its own authentication and authorization rules that
Listeners have the following characteristics: -- You can have up to three listeners. One listener per service type of `loadBalancer`, `clusterIp`, or `nodePort`. The default *BrokerListener* named *listener* is service type `clusterIp`.
+- You can have up to three listeners. One listener per service type of `loadBalancer`, `clusterIp`, or `nodePort`. The default *BrokerListener* named *default* is service type `clusterIp`.
- Each listener supports multiple ports - BrokerAuthentication and BrokerAuthorization references are per port - TLS configuration is per port - Service names must be unique-- Ports cannot conflict over different listeners
+- Ports can't conflict over different listeners
For a list of the available settings, see the [Broker Listener](/rest/api/iotoperationsmq/broker-listener) API reference. ## Default BrokerListener
-When you deploy Azure IoT Operations Preview, the deployment also creates a *BrokerListener* resource named `default` in the `azure-iot-operations` namespace. This listener is linked to the default *Broker* resource named `default` that's also created during deployment. The default listener exposes the broker on port 18883 with TLS and SAT authentication enabled. The TLS certificate is [automatically managed](howto-configure-tls-auto.md) by cert-manager. Authorization is disabled by default.
+When you deploy Azure IoT Operations Preview, the deployment also creates a *BrokerListener* resource named `default` in the `azure-iot-operations` namespace. This listener is linked to the default *Broker* resource named `default` that's also created during deployment. The default listener exposes the broker on port 18883 with TLS and SAT authentication enabled. The TLS certificate is [automatically managed](#configure-tls-with-automatic-certificate-management) by cert-manager. Authorization is disabled by default.
To view or edit the listener:
To view or edit the listener:
1. Review the listener settings and make any changes as needed.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+You shouldn't modify the default listener using Bicep. Instead, create a new listener and configure it as needed.
+ # [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes) To view the default *BrokerListener* resource, use the following command: ```bash
-kubectl get brokerlistener listener -n azure-iot-operations -o yaml
+kubectl get brokerlistener default -n azure-iot-operations -o yaml
``` The output should look similar to this, with most metadata removed for brevity:
The output should look similar to this, with most metadata removed for brevity:
apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1 kind: BrokerListener metadata:
- name: listener
+ name: default
namespace: azure-iot-operations spec: brokerRef: default serviceName: aio-broker serviceType: ClusterIp ports:
- - authenticationRef: authn
+ - authenticationRef: default
port: 18883 protocol: Mqtt tls:
To learn more about the default BrokerAuthentication resource linked to this lis
The default *BrokerListener* uses the service type *ClusterIp*. You can have only one listener per service type. If you want to add more ports to service type *ClusterIp*, you can update the default listener to add more ports. For example, you could add a new port 1883 with no TLS and authentication off with the following kubectl patch command: ```bash
-kubectl patch brokerlistener listener -n azure-iot-operations --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/ports/", "value": {"port": 1883, "protocol": "Mqtt"}}]'
+kubectl patch brokerlistener default -n azure-iot-operations --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/ports/", "value": {"port": 1883, "protocol": "Mqtt"}}]'
This example shows how to create a new *BrokerListener* resource named *loadbala
| Port | Port number on which the BrokerListener listens for MQTT connections. | | Authentication | The [authentication resource reference](howto-configure-authentication.md). | | Authorization | The [authorization resource reference](howto-configure-authorization.md). |
- | TLS | Indicates whether TLS is enabled for secure communication. Can be set to [automatic](howto-configure-tls-auto.md) or [manual](howto-configure-tls-manual.md). |
+ | TLS | Indicates whether TLS is enabled for secure communication. Can be set to [automatic](#configure-tls-with-automatic-certificate-management) or [manual](#configure-tls-with-manual-certificate-management). |
1. Select **Create listener**.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param listenerServiceName string = '<LISTENER_SERVICE_NAME>'
+param listenerName string = '<LISTENER_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource loadBalancerListener 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/listeners@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: listenerName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ serviceName: listenerServiceName
+ serviceType: 'LoadBalancer'
+ ports: [
+ {
+ authenticationRef: 'default'
+ port: 18883
+ protocol: 'Mqtt'
+ tls: {
+ certManagerCertificateSpec: {
+ issuerRef: {
+ group: 'cert-manager.io'
+ kind: 'Issuer'
+ name: 'mq-dmqtt-frontend'
+ }
+ }
+ mode: 'Automatic'
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+ # [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes) To create these *BrokerListener* resources, apply this YAML manifest to your Kubernetes cluster:
- port: 1883 protocol: Mqtt - port: 18883
- authenticationRef: authn
+ authenticationRef: default
protocol: Mqtt tls: mode: Automatic
group: cert-manager.io ```
-For more information about authentication, see [Configure MQTT broker authentication](howto-configure-authentication.md). For more information about authorization, see [Configure MQTT broker authorization](howto-configure-authorization.md). For more information about TLS, see [Configure TLS with automatic certificate management to secure MQTT communication in MQTT broker](howto-configure-tls-auto.md) or [Configure TLS with manual certificate management to secure MQTT communication in MQTT broker](howto-configure-tls-manual.md).
+For more information about authentication, see [Configure MQTT broker authentication](howto-configure-authentication.md). For more information about authorization, see [Configure MQTT broker authorization](howto-configure-authorization.md). For more information about TLS, see [Configure TLS with automatic certificate management](#configure-tls-with-automatic-certificate-management) or [Configure TLS with manual certificate management](#configure-tls-with-manual-certificate-management) sections.
+## Configure TLS with automatic certificate management
+To enable TLS with automatic certificate management, specify the TLS settings on a listener port.
+### Verify cert-manager installation
+With automatic certificate management, you use cert-manager to manage the TLS server certificate. By default, cert-manager is installed alongside Azure IoT Operations Preview in the `azure-iot-operations` namespace already. Verify the installation before proceeding.
+1. Use `kubectl` to check for the pods matching the cert-manager app labels.
+ ```bash
+ kubectl get pods --namespace azure-iot-operations -l 'app in (cert-manager,cainjector,webhook)'
+ ```
+ ```Output
+ aio-cert-manager-64f9548744-5fwdd 1/1 Running 4 (145m ago) 4d20h
+ aio-cert-manager-cainjector-6c7c546578-p6vgv 1/1 Running 4 (145m ago) 4d20h
+ aio-cert-manager-webhook-7f676965dd-8xs28 1/1 Running 4 (145m ago) 4d20h
+ ```
+1. If you see the pods shown as ready and running, cert-manager is installed and ready to use.
+> [!TIP]
+> To further verify the installation, check the cert-manager documentation [verify installation](https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/kubernetes/#verifying-the-installation). Remember to use the `azure-iot-operations` namespace.
+### Create an Issuer for the TLS server certificate
+The cert-manager *Issuer* resource defines how certificates are automatically issued. Cert-manager [supports several Issuers types natively](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/). It also supports an [external](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/external/) issuer type for extending functionality beyond the natively supported issuers. MQTT broker can be used with any type of cert-manager issuer.
+> During initial deployment, Azure IoT Operations is installed with a default Issuer for TLS server certificates. You can use this issuer for development and testing. For more information, see [Default root CA and issuer with Azure IoT Operations](#default-root-ca-and-issuer). The steps below are only required if you want to use a different issuer.
+The approach to create the issuer is different depending on your scenario. The following sections list examples to help you get started.
+# [Development or test](#tab/test)
+The CA issuer is useful for development and testing. It must be configured with a certificate and private key stored in a Kubernetes secret.
+#### Set up the root certificate as a Kubernetes secret
+If you have an existing CA certificate, create a Kubernetes secret with the CA certificate and private key PEM files. Run the following command and you have set up the root certificate as a Kubernetes secret and can skip the next section.
+kubectl create secret tls test-ca --cert tls.crt --key tls.key -n azure-iot-operations
+If you don't have a CA certificate, cert-manager can generate a root CA certificate for you. Using cert-manager to generate a root CA certificate is known as [bootstrapping](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/selfsigned/#bootstrapping-ca-issuers) a CA issuer with a self-signed certificate.
+1. Start by creating `ca.yaml`:
+ ```yaml
+ apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
+ kind: Issuer
+ metadata:
+ name: selfsigned-ca-issuer
+ namespace: azure-iot-operations
+ spec:
+ selfSigned: {}
+ apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
+ kind: Certificate
+ metadata:
+ name: selfsigned-ca-cert
+ namespace: azure-iot-operations
+ spec:
+ isCA: true
+ commonName: test-ca
+ secretName: test-ca
+ issuerRef:
+ # Must match Issuer name above
+ name: selfsigned-ca-issuer
+ # Must match Issuer kind above
+ kind: Issuer
+ group: cert-manager.io
+ # Override default private key config to use an EC key
+ privateKey:
+ rotationPolicy: Always
+ algorithm: ECDSA
+ size: 256
+ ```
+1. Create the self-signed CA certificate with the following command:
+ ```bash
+ kubectl apply -f ca.yaml
+ ```
+Cert-manager creates a CA certificate using its defaults. The properties of this certificate can be changed by modifying the Certificate specification. See [cert-manager documentation](https://cert-manager.io/docs/reference/api-docs/#cert-manager.io/v1.CertificateSpec) for a list of valid options.
+#### Distribute the root certificate
+The prior example stores the CA certificate in a Kubernetes secret called `test-ca`. The certificate in PEM format can be retrieved from the secret and stored in a file `ca.crt` with the following command:
+kubectl get secret test-ca -n azure-iot-operations -o json | jq -r '.data["tls.crt"]' | base64 -d > ca.crt
+This certificate must be distributed and trusted by all clients. For example, use `--cafile` flag for a mosquitto client.
+#### Create issuer based on CA certificate
+Cert-manager needs an issuer based on the CA certificate generated or imported in the earlier step. Create the following file as `issuer-ca.yaml`:
+apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
+kind: Issuer
+ name: my-issuer
+ namespace: azure-iot-operations
+ ca:
+ # Must match secretName of generated or imported CA cert
+ secretName: test-ca
+Create the issuer with the following command:
+kubectl apply -f issuer-ca.yaml
+The prior command creates an issuer for issuing the TLS server certificates. Note the name and kind of the issuer. In the example, name `my-issuer` and kind `Issuer`. These values are set in the BrokerListener resource later.
+# [Production](#tab/prod)
+For production, check cert-manager documentation to see which issuer works best for you. For example, with [Vault Issuer](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/kubernetes/kubernetes-cert-manager):
+1. Deploy the vault in an environment of choice, like [Kubernetes](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/kubernetes/kubernetes-raft-deployment-guide). Initialize and unseal the vault accordingly.
+1. Create and configure the PKI secrets engine by importing your CA certificate.
+1. Configure vault with role and policy for issuing server certificates.
+ The following is an example role. Note `ExtKeyUsageServerAuth` makes the server certificate work:
+ ```bash
+ vault write pki/roles/my-issuer \
+ allow_any_name=true \
+ client_flag=false \
+ ext_key_usage=ExtKeyUsageServerAuth \
+ no_store=true \
+ max_ttl=240h
+ ```
+ Example policy for the role:
+ ```hcl
+ path "pki/sign/my-issuer" {
+ capabilities = ["create", "update"]
+ }
+ ```
+1. Set up authentication between cert-manager and vault using a method of choice, like [SAT](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/auth/kubernetes).
+1. [Configure the cert-manager Vault Issuer](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/vault/).
+### Enable TLS automatic certificate management for a port
+The following is an example of a BrokerListener resource that enables TLS on port 8884 with automatic certificate management.
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select or create a listener. You can only create one listener per service type. If you already have a listener of the same service type, you can add more ports to the existing listener.
+1. You can add TLS settings to the listener by selecting the **TLS** on an existing port or by adding a new port.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/howto-configure-brokerlistener/tls-auto.png" alt-text="Screenshot using Azure portal to create MQTT broker for load balancer listener with automatic TLS certificates." lightbox="media/howto-configure-brokerlistener/tls-auto.png":::
+ Enter the following settings:
+ | Setting | Description |
+ | -- | |
+ | Port | Port number on which the BrokerListener listens for MQTT connections. Required. |
+ | Authentication | The [authentication resource reference](howto-configure-authentication.md). |
+ | Authorization | The [authorization resource reference](howto-configure-authorization.md). |
+ | TLS | Select the *Add* button. |
+ | Issuer name | Name of the cert-manager issuer. Required. |
+ | Issuer kind | Kind of the cert-manager issuer. Required. |
+ | Issuer group | Group of the cert-manager issuer. Required. |
+ | Private key algorithm | Algorithm for the private key. |
+ | Private key rotation policy | Policy for rotating the private key. |
+ | DNS names | DNS subject alternate names for the certificate. |
+ | IP addresses | IP addresses of the subject alternate names for the certificate. |
+ | Secret name | Kubernetes secret containing an X.509 client certificate. |
+ | Duration | Total lifetime of the TLS server certificate Defaults to 90 days. |
+ | Renew before | When to begin renewing the certificate. |
+1. Select **Save** to save the TLS settings.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param listenerServiceName string = '<LISTENER_SERVICE_NAME>'
+param listenerName string = '<LISTENER_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource loadBalancerListener 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/listeners@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: listenerName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ serviceName: listenerServiceName
+ serviceType: 'LoadBalancer'
+ ports: [
+ {
+ authenticationRef: 'default'
+ port: 8884
+ tls: {
+ mode: 'Manual'
+ manual: {
+ secretRef: 'server-cert-secret'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+#### Optional: Configure server certificate parameters
+The only required parameters are `issuerRef.name` and `issuerRef.kind`. All properties of the generated TLS server certificates are automatically chosen. However, MQTT broker allows certain properties to be customized by specifying them in the BrokerListener resource, under `tls.automatic.issuerRef`. The following is an example of all supported properties:
+ ports: [
+ {
+ port: 8884
+ tls: {
+ mode: 'Automatic'
+ certManagerCertificateSpec: {
+ issuerRef: {
+ // Name of issuer. Required.
+ name: 'my-issuer'
+ // 'Issuer' or 'ClusterIssuer'. Required.
+ kind: 'Issuer'
+ // Issuer group. Optional; defaults to 'cert-manager.io'.
+ // External issuers may use other groups.
+ group: 'cert-manager.io'
+ }
+ // Namespace of certificate. Optional; omit to use default namespace.
+ namespace: 'az'
+ // Where to store the generated TLS server certificate. Any existing
+ // data at the provided secret will be overwritten.
+ // Optional; defaults to 'my-issuer-{port}'.
+ secret: 'my-issuer-8884'
+ // Parameters for the server certificate's private key.
+ // Optional; defaults to rotationPolicy: Always, algorithm: ECDSA, size: 256.
+ privateKey: {
+ rotationPolicy: 'Always'
+ algorithm: 'ECDSA'
+ size: 256
+ }
+ // Total lifetime of the TLS server certificate. Optional; defaults to '720h' (30 days).
+ duration: '720h'
+ // When to begin renewing the certificate. Optional; defaults to '240h' (10 days).
+ renewBefore: '240h'
+ // Any additional SANs to add to the server certificate. Omit if not required.
+ san: {
+ dns: [
+ 'iotmq.example.com'
+ // To connect to the broker from a different namespace, add the following DNS name:
+ 'aio-broker.azure-iot-operations.svc.cluster.local'
+ ]
+ ip: [
+ ''
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+Modify the `tls` setting in a BrokerListener resource to specify a TLS port and *Issuer* for the frontends.
+apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1
+kind: BrokerListener
+ name: loadbalancer-tls
+ namespace: azure-iot-operations
+ brokerRef: default
+ serviceType: loadBalancer
+ serviceName: aio-broker-loadbalancer-tls # Avoid conflicts with default service name 'aio-broker'
+ ports:
+ - port: 8884 # Avoid conflicts with default port 18883
+ tls:
+ mode: Automatic
+ certManagerCertificateSpec:
+ issuerRef:
+ name: my-issuer
+ kind: Issuer
+Once the BrokerListener resource is configured, MQTT broker automatically creates a new service with the specified port and TLS enabled.
+#### Optional: Configure server certificate parameters
+The only required parameters are `issuerRef.name` and `issuerRef.kind`. All properties of the generated TLS server certificates are automatically chosen. However, MQTT broker allows certain properties to be customized by specifying them in the BrokerListener resource, under `tls.automatic.issuerRef`. The following is an example of all supported properties:
+# cert-manager issuer for TLS server certificate. Required.
+ # Name of issuer. Required.
+ name: my-issuer
+ # 'Issuer' or 'ClusterIssuer'. Required.
+ kind: Issuer
+ # Issuer group. Optional; defaults to 'cert-manager.io'.
+ # External issuers may use other groups.
+ group: cert-manager.io
+# Namespace of certificate. Optional; omit to use default namespace.
+namespace: az
+# Where to store the generated TLS server certificate. Any existing
+# data at the provided secret will be overwritten.
+# Optional; defaults to 'my-issuer-{port}'.
+secret: my-issuer-8884
+# Parameters for the server certificate's private key.
+# Optional; defaults to rotationPolicy: Always, algorithm: ECDSA, size: 256.
+ rotationPolicy: Always
+ algorithm: ECDSA
+ size: 256
+# Total lifetime of the TLS server certificate. Optional; defaults to '720h' (30 days).
+duration: 720h
+# When to begin renewing the certificate. Optional; defaults to '240h' (10 days).
+renewBefore: 240h
+# Any additional SANs to add to the server certificate. Omit if not required.
+ dns:
+ - iotmq.example.com
+ # To connect to the broker from a different namespace, add the following DNS name:
+ - aio-broker.azure-iot-operations.svc.cluster.local
+ ip:
+ -
+#### Verify deployment
+Use kubectl to check that the service associated with the BrokerListener resource is running. From the example above, the service name is `my-new-tls-listener` and the namespace is `azure-iot-operations`. The following command checks the service status:
+$ kubectl get service my-new-tls-listener -n azure-iot-operations
+my-new-tls-listener LoadBalancer 10.X.X.X 172.X.X.X 8884:32457/TCP 33s
+#### Connect to the broker with TLS
+Once the server certificate is configured, TLS is enabled. To test with mosquitto:
+mosquitto_pub -h $HOST -p 8884 -V mqttv5 -i "test" -t "test" -m "test" --cafile ca.crt
+The `--cafile` argument enables TLS on the mosquitto client and specifies that the client should trust all server certificates issued by the given file. You must specify a file that contains the issuer of the configured TLS server certificate.
+Replace `$HOST` with the appropriate host:
+- If connecting from [within the same cluster](howto-test-connection.md#connect-to-the-default-listener-inside-the-cluster), replace with the service name given (`my-new-tls-listener` in example) or the service `CLUSTER-IP`.
+- If connecting from outside the cluster, the service `EXTERNAL-IP`.
+Remember to specify authentication methods if needed.
+### Default root CA and issuer
+To help you get started, Azure IoT Operations is deployed with a default "quickstart" root CA and issuer for TLS server certificates. You can use this issuer for development and testing. For more information, see [Default root CA and issuer for TLS server certificates](../deploy-iot-ops/concept-default-root-ca.md).
+For production, you must configure a CA issuer with a certificate from a trusted CA, as described in the previous sections.
+## Configure TLS with manual certificate management
+To manually configure MQTT broker to use a specific TLS certificate, specify it in a BrokerListener resource with a reference to a Kubernetes secret. Then deploy it using kubectl. This article shows an example to configure TLS with self-signed certificates for testing.
+### Create certificate authority with Step CLI
+[Step](https://smallstep.com/) is a certificate manager that can quickly get you up and running when creating and managing your own private CA.
+1. [Install Step CLI](https://smallstep.com/docs/step-cli/installation/) and create a root certificate authority (CA) certificate and key.
+ ```bash
+ step certificate create --profile root-ca "Example Root CA" root_ca.crt root_ca.key
+ ```
+1. Create an intermediate CA certificate and key signed by the root CA.
+ ```bash
+ step certificate create --profile intermediate-ca "Example Intermediate CA" intermediate_ca.crt intermediate_ca.key \
+ --ca root_ca.crt --ca-key root_ca.key
+ ```
+### Create server certificate
+Use Step CLI to create a server certificate from the signed by the intermediate CA.
+step certificate create mqtts-endpoint mqtts-endpoint.crt mqtts-endpoint.key \
+--profile leaf \
+--not-after 8760h \
+--san mqtts-endpoint \
+--san localhost \
+--ca intermediate_ca.crt --ca-key intermediate_ca.key \
+--no-password --insecure
+Here, `mqtts-endpoint` and `localhost` are the Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for MQTT broker's frontend in Kubernetes and local clients, respectively. To connect over the internet, add a `--san` with [an external IP](#use-external-ip-for-the-server-certificate). The `--no-password --insecure` flags are used for testing to skip password prompts and disable password protection for the private key because it's stored in a Kubernetes secret. For production, use a password and store the private key in a secure location like Azure Key Vault.
+#### Certificate key algorithm requirements
+Both EC and RSA keys are supported, but all certificates in the chain must use the same key algorithm. If you import your own CA certificates, ensure that the server certificate uses the same key algorithm as the CAs.
+### Import server certificate chain as a Kubernetes secret
+1. Create a full server certificate chain, where the order of the certificates matters: the server certificate is the first one in the file, the intermediate is the second.
+ ```bash
+ cat mqtts-endpoint.crt intermediate_ca.crt > server_chain.crt
+ ```
+1. Create a Kubernetes secret with the server certificate chain and server key using kubectl.
+ ```bash
+ kubectl create secret tls server-cert-secret -n azure-iot-operations \
+ --cert server_chain.crt \
+ --key mqtts-endpoint.key
+ ```
+### Enable TLS manual certificate management for a port
+The following is an example of a BrokerListener resource that enables TLS on port 8884 with manual certificate management.
+# [Portal](#tab/portal)
+1. In the Azure portal, navigate to your IoT Operations instance.
+1. Under **Azure IoT Operations resources**, select **MQTT Broker**.
+1. Select or create a listener. You can only create one listener per service type. If you already have a listener of the same service type, you can add more ports to the existing listener.
+1. You can add TLS settings to the listener by selecting the **TLS** on an existing port or by adding a new port.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/howto-configure-brokerlistener/tls-manual.png" alt-text="Screenshot using Azure portal to create MQTT broker for load balancer listener with manual TLS certificates." lightbox="media/howto-configure-brokerlistener/tls-manual.png":::
+ Enter the following settings:
+ | Setting | Description |
+ | -- | |
+ | Port | Port number on which the BrokerListener listens for MQTT connections. Required. |
+ | Authentication | The [authentication resource reference](howto-configure-authentication.md). |
+ | Authorization | The [authorization resource reference](howto-configure-authorization.md). |
+ | TLS | Select the *Add* button. |
+ | Secret name | Kubernetes secret containing an X.509 client certificate. |
+1. Select **Save** to save the TLS settings.
+# [Bicep](#tab/bicep)
+param aioInstanceName string = '<AIO_INSTANCE_NAME>'
+param customLocationName string = '<CUSTOM_LOCATION_NAME>'
+param listenerServiceName string = '<LISTENER_SERVICE_NAME>'
+param listenerName string = '<LISTENER_NAME>'
+resource aioInstance 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ name: aioInstanceName
+resource customLocation 'Microsoft.ExtendedLocation/customLocations@2021-08-31-preview' existing = {
+ name: customLocationName
+resource defaultBroker 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers@2024-09-15-preview' existing = {
+ parent: aioInstance
+ name: 'default'
+resource loadBalancerListener 'Microsoft.IoTOperations/instances/brokers/listeners@2024-09-15-preview' = {
+ parent: defaultBroker
+ name: listenerName
+ extendedLocation: {
+ name: customLocation.id
+ type: 'CustomLocation'
+ }
+ properties: {
+ serviceName: listenerServiceName
+ serviceType: 'LoadBalancer'
+ ports: [
+ {
+ authenticationRef: 'default'
+ port: 8885
+ tls: {
+ mode: 'Manual'
+ manual: {
+ secretRef: 'server-cert-secret'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+Deploy the Bicep file using Azure CLI.
+az deployment group create --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP> --template-file <FILE>.bicep
+# [Kubernetes](#tab/kubernetes)
+Modify the `tls` setting in a *BrokerListener* resource to specify manual TLS configuration referencing the Kubernetes secret. Note the name of the secret used for the TLS server certificate (`server-cert-secret` in the example previously).
+apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1
+kind: BrokerListener
+ name: loadbalancer-tls
+ namespace: azure-iot-operations
+ brokerRef: default
+ serviceType: loadBalancer # Optional, defaults to clusterIP
+ serviceName: aio-broker-loadbalancer-tls # Match the SAN in the server certificate
+ ports:
+ - port: 8885 # Avoid port conflict with default listener at 18883
+ tls:
+ mode: Manual
+ manual:
+ secretRef: server-cert-secret
+Once the *BrokerListener* resource is created, the operator automatically creates a Kubernetes service and deploys the listener. You can check the status of the service by running `kubectl get svc`.
+### Connect to the broker with TLS
+To test the TLS connection with mosquitto client, publish a message and pass the root CA certificate in the parameter `--cafile`.
+mosquitto_pub -d -h localhost -p 8885 -i "my-client" -t "test-topic" -m "Hello" --cafile root_ca.crt
+Client my-client sending CONNECT
+Client my-client received CONNACK (0)
+Client my-client sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'test-topic', ... (5 bytes))
+Client my-client sending DISCONNECT
+> [!TIP]
+> To use localhost, the port must be available on the host machine. For example, `kubectl port-forward svc/mqtts-endpoint 8885:8885 -n azure-iot-operations`. With some Kubernetes distributions like K3d, you can add a forwarded port with `k3d cluster edit $CLUSTER_NAME --port-add 8885:8885@loadbalancer`.
+> [!NOTE]
+> To connect to the broker you need to distribute root of trust to the clients, also known as trust bundle. In this case the root of trust is the self-signed root CA created Step CLI. Distribution of root of trust is required for the client to verify the server certificate chain. If your MQTT clients are workloads on the Kubernetes cluster you also need to create a ConfigMap with the root CA and mount it in your Pod.
+Remember to specify username, password, etc. if MQTT broker authentication is enabled.
+#### Use external IP for the server certificate
+To connect with TLS over the internet, MQTT broker's server certificate must have its external hostname as a SAN. In production, this is usually a DNS name or a well-known IP address. However, during dev/test, you might not know what hostname or external IP is assigned before deployment. To solve this, deploy the listener without the server certificate first, then create the server certificate and secret with the external IP, and finally import the secret to the listener.
+If you try to deploy the example TLS listener `manual-tls-listener` but the referenced Kubernetes secret `server-cert-secret` doesn't exist, the associated service gets created, but the pods don't start. The service is created because the operator needs to reserve the external IP for the listener.
+kubectl get svc mqtts-endpoint -n azure-iot-operations
+mqtts-endpoint LoadBalancer 10.X.X.X 172.X.X.X 8885:30674/TCP 1m15s
+However, this behavior is expected and it's okay to leave it like this while we import the server certificate. The health manager logs mention MQTT broker is waiting for the server certificate.
+kubectl logs -l app=health-manager -n azure-iot-operations
+<6>2023-11-06T21:36:13.634Z [INFO] [1] - Server certificate server-cert-secret not found. Awaiting creation of secret.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Generally, in a distributed system, pods logs aren't deterministic and should be used with caution. The right way for information like this to surface is through Kubernetes events and custom resource status, which is in the backlog. Consider the previous step as a temporary workaround.
+Even though the frontend pods aren't up, the external IP is already available.
+kubectl get svc mqtts-endpoint -n azure-iot-operations
+mqtts-endpoint LoadBalancer 10.X.X.X 172.X.X.X 8885:30674/TCP 1m15s
+From here, follow the same steps as previously to create a server certificate with this external IP in `--san` and create the Kubernetes secret in the same way. Once the secret is created, it's automatically imported to the listener.
+ ## Related content - [Configure MQTT broker authorization](howto-configure-authorization.md) - [Configure MQTT broker authentication](howto-configure-authentication.md)-- [Configure MQTT broker TLS with automatic certificate management](howto-configure-tls-auto.md)-- [Configure MQTT broker TLS with manual certificate management](howto-configure-tls-manual.md)
iot-operations Howto Configure Tls Auto https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-operations/manage-mqtt-broker/howto-configure-tls-auto.md
- Title: Configure TLS with automatic certificate management to secure MQTT communication
-description: Configure TLS with automatic certificate management to secure MQTT communication between the MQTT broker and client.
- - ignite-2023
Previously updated : 10/18/2024-
-#CustomerIntent: As an operator, I want to configure MQTT broker to use TLS so that I have secure communication between the MQTT broker and client.
-# Configure TLS with automatic certificate management to secure MQTT communication in MQTT broker
-You can configure TLS to secure MQTT communication between the MQTT broker and client using a [BrokerListener resource](howto-configure-brokerlistener.md). You can configure TLS with manual or automatic certificate management.
-## Verify cert-manager installation
-With automatic certificate management, you use cert-manager to manage the TLS server certificate. By default, cert-manager is installed alongside Azure IoT Operations Preview in the `azure-iot-operations` namespace already. Verify the installation before proceeding.
-1. Use `kubectl` to check for the pods matching the cert-manager app labels.
- ```bash
- kubectl get pods --namespace azure-iot-operations -l 'app in (cert-manager,cainjector,webhook)'
- ```
- ```Output
- aio-cert-manager-64f9548744-5fwdd 1/1 Running 4 (145m ago) 4d20h
- aio-cert-manager-cainjector-6c7c546578-p6vgv 1/1 Running 4 (145m ago) 4d20h
- aio-cert-manager-webhook-7f676965dd-8xs28 1/1 Running 4 (145m ago) 4d20h
- ```
-1. If you see the pods shown as ready and running, cert-manager is installed and ready to use.
-> [!TIP]
-> To further verify the installation, check the cert-manager documentation [verify installation](https://cert-manager.io/docs/installation/kubernetes/#verifying-the-installation). Remember to use the `azure-iot-operations` namespace.
-## Create an Issuer for the TLS server certificate
-The cert-manager Issuer resource defines how certificates are automatically issued. Cert-manager [supports several Issuers types natively](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/). It also supports an [external](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/external/) issuer type for extending functionality beyond the natively supported issuers. MQTT broker can be used with any type of cert-manager issuer.
-> During initial deployment, Azure IoT Operations is installed with a default Issuer for TLS server certificates. You can use this issuer for development and testing. For more information, see [Default root CA and issuer with Azure IoT Operations](#default-root-ca-and-issuer). The steps below are only required if you want to use a different issuer.
-The approach to create the issuer is different depending on your scenario. The following sections list examples to help you get started.
-# [Development or test](#tab/test)
-The CA issuer is useful for development and testing. It must be configured with a certificate and private key stored in a Kubernetes secret.
-### Set up the root certificate as a Kubernetes secret
-If you have an existing CA certificate, create a Kubernetes secret with the CA certificate and private key PEM files. Run the following command and you have set up the root certificate as a Kubernetes secret and can skip the next section.
-kubectl create secret tls test-ca --cert tls.crt --key tls.key -n azure-iot-operations
-If you don't have a CA certificate, cert-manager can generate a root CA certificate for you. Using cert-manager to generate a root CA certificate is known as [bootstrapping](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/selfsigned/#bootstrapping-ca-issuers) a CA issuer with a self-signed certificate.
-1. Start by creating `ca.yaml`:
- ```yaml
- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
- kind: Issuer
- metadata:
- name: selfsigned-ca-issuer
- namespace: azure-iot-operations
- spec:
- selfSigned: {}
- apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
- kind: Certificate
- metadata:
- name: selfsigned-ca-cert
- namespace: azure-iot-operations
- spec:
- isCA: true
- commonName: test-ca
- secretName: test-ca
- issuerRef:
- # Must match Issuer name above
- name: selfsigned-ca-issuer
- # Must match Issuer kind above
- kind: Issuer
- group: cert-manager.io
- # Override default private key config to use an EC key
- privateKey:
- rotationPolicy: Always
- algorithm: ECDSA
- size: 256
- ```
-1. Create the self-signed CA certificate with the following command:
- ```bash
- kubectl apply -f ca.yaml
- ```
-Cert-manager creates a CA certificate using its defaults. The properties of this certificate can be changed by modifying the Certificate specification. See [cert-manager documentation](https://cert-manager.io/docs/reference/api-docs/#cert-manager.io/v1.CertificateSpec) for a list of valid options.
-### Distribute the root certificate
-The prior example stores the CA certificate in a Kubernetes secret called `test-ca`. The certificate in PEM format can be retrieved from the secret and stored in a file `ca.crt` with the following command:
-kubectl get secret test-ca -n azure-iot-operations -o json | jq -r '.data["tls.crt"]' | base64 -d > ca.crt
-This certificate must be distributed and trusted by all clients. For example, use `--cafile` flag for a mosquitto client.
-### Create issuer based on CA certificate
-Cert-manager needs an issuer based on the CA certificate generated or imported in the earlier step. Create the following file as `issuer-ca.yaml`:
-apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
-kind: Issuer
- name: my-issuer
- namespace: azure-iot-operations
- ca:
- # Must match secretName of generated or imported CA cert
- secretName: test-ca
-Create the issuer with the following command:
-kubectl apply -f issuer-ca.yaml
-The prior command creates an issuer for issuing the TLS server certificates. Note the name and kind of the issuer. In the example, name `my-issuer` and kind `Issuer`. These values are set in the BrokerListener resource later.
-# [Production](#tab/prod)
-For production, check cert-manager documentation to see which issuer works best for you. For example, with [Vault Issuer](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/kubernetes/kubernetes-cert-manager):
-1. Deploy the vault in an environment of choice, like [Kubernetes](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/tutorials/kubernetes/kubernetes-raft-deployment-guide). Initialize and unseal the vault accordingly.
-1. Create and configure the PKI secrets engine by importing your CA certificate.
-1. Configure vault with role and policy for issuing server certificates.
- The following is an example role. Note `ExtKeyUsageServerAuth` makes the server certificate work:
- ```bash
- vault write pki/roles/my-issuer \
- allow_any_name=true \
- client_flag=false \
- ext_key_usage=ExtKeyUsageServerAuth \
- no_store=true \
- max_ttl=240h
- ```
- Example policy for the role:
- ```hcl
- path "pki/sign/my-issuer" {
- capabilities = ["create", "update"]
- }
- ```
-1. Set up authentication between cert-manager and vault using a method of choice, like [SAT](https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs/auth/kubernetes).
-1. [Configure the cert-manager Vault Issuer](https://cert-manager.io/docs/configuration/vault/).
-### Enable TLS for a port
-Modify the `tls` setting in a BrokerListener resource to specify a TLS port and Issuer for the frontends. The following is an example of a BrokerListener resource that enables TLS on port 8884 with automatic certificate management.
-apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1
-kind: BrokerListener
- name: my-new-tls-listener
- namespace: azure-iot-operations
- brokerRef: default
- serviceType: loadBalancer
- serviceName: my-new-tls-listener # Avoid conflicts with default service name 'aio-broker'
- ports:
- - port: 8884 # Avoid conflicts with default port 18883
- tls:
- mode: Automatic
- certManagerCertificateSpec:
- issuerRef:
- name: my-issuer
- kind: Issuer
-Once the BrokerListener resource is configured, MQTT broker automatically creates a new service with the specified port and TLS enabled.
-### Optional: Configure server certificate parameters
-The only required parameters are `issuerRef.name` and `issuerRef.kind`. All properties of the generated TLS server certificates are automatically chosen. However, MQTT broker allows certain properties to be customized by specifying them in the BrokerListener resource, under `tls.automatic.issuerRef`. The following is an example of all supported properties:
-# cert-manager issuer for TLS server certificate. Required.
- # Name of issuer. Required.
- name: my-issuer
- # 'Issuer' or 'ClusterIssuer'. Required.
- kind: Issuer
- # Issuer group. Optional; defaults to 'cert-manager.io'.
- # External issuers may use other groups.
- group: cert-manager.io
-# Namespace of certificate. Optional; omit to use default namespace.
-namespace: az
-# Where to store the generated TLS server certificate. Any existing
-# data at the provided secret will be overwritten.
-# Optional; defaults to 'my-issuer-{port}'.
-secret: my-issuer-8884
-# Parameters for the server certificate's private key.
-# Optional; defaults to rotationPolicy: Always, algorithm: ECDSA, size: 256.
- rotationPolicy: Always
- algorithm: ECDSA
- size: 256
-# Total lifetime of the TLS server certificate. Optional; defaults to '720h' (30 days).
-duration: 720h
-# When to begin renewing the certificate. Optional; defaults to '240h' (10 days).
-renewBefore: 240h
-# Any additional SANs to add to the server certificate. Omit if not required.
- dns:
- - iotmq.example.com
- # To connect to the broker from a different namespace, add the following DNS name:
- - aio-broker.azure-iot-operations.svc.cluster.local
- ip:
- -
-### Verify deployment
-Use kubectl to check that the service associated with the BrokerListener resource is running. From the example above, the service name is `my-new-tls-listener` and the namespace is `azure-iot-operations`. The following command checks the service status:
-$ kubectl get service my-new-tls-listener -n azure-iot-operations
-my-new-tls-listener LoadBalancer XXX.XX.X.X 8884:32457/TCP 33s
-### Connect to the broker with TLS
-Once the server certificate is configured, TLS is enabled. To test with mosquitto:
-mosquitto_pub -h $HOST -p 8884 -V mqttv5 -i "test" -t "test" -m "test" --cafile ca.crt
-The `--cafile` argument enables TLS on the mosquitto client and specifies that the client should trust all server certificates issued by the given file. You must specify a file that contains the issuer of the configured TLS server certificate.
-Replace `$HOST` with the appropriate host:
--- If connecting from [within the same cluster](howto-test-connection.md#connect-to-the-default-listener-inside-the-cluster), replace with the service name given (`my-new-tls-listener` in example) or the service `CLUSTER-IP`.-- If connecting from outside the cluster, the service `EXTERNAL-IP`.-
-Remember to specify authentication methods if needed.
-## Default root CA and issuer
-To help you get started, Azure IoT Operations is deployed with a default "quickstart" root CA and issuer for TLS server certificates. You can use this issuer for development and testing. For more information, see [Default root CA and issuer for TLS server certificates](../secure-iot-ops/concept-default-root-ca.md).
-For production, you must configure a CA issuer with a certificate from a trusted CA, as described in the previous sections.
-## Related content
--- About [BrokerListener resource](howto-configure-brokerlistener.md)-- [Configure authorization for a BrokerListener](./howto-configure-authorization.md)-- [Configure authentication for a BrokerListener](./howto-configure-authentication.md)-- [Configure TLS with manual certificate management](./howto-configure-tls-manual.md)
iot-operations Howto Configure Tls Manual https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-operations/manage-mqtt-broker/howto-configure-tls-manual.md
- Title: Configure TLS with manual certificate management to secure MQTT communication
-description: Configure TLS with manual certificate management to secure MQTT communication between the MQTT broker and client.
- - ignite-2023
Previously updated : 08/03/2024-
-#CustomerIntent: As an operator, I want to configure MQTT broker to use TLS so that I have secure communication between the MQTT broker and client.
-# Configure TLS with manual certificate management to secure MQTT communication in MQTT broker
-You can configure TLS to secure MQTT communication between the MQTT broker and client using a [BrokerListener resource](howto-configure-brokerlistener.md). You can configure TLS with manual or automatic certificate management.
-To manually configure MQTT broker to use a specific TLS certificate, specify it in a BrokerListener resource with a reference to a Kubernetes secret. Then deploy it using kubectl. This article shows an example to configure TLS with self-signed certificates for testing.
-## Create certificate authority with Step CLI
-[Step](https://smallstep.com/) is a certificate manager that can quickly get you up and running when creating and managing your own private CA.
-1. [Install Step CLI](https://smallstep.com/docs/step-cli/installation/) and create a root certificate authority (CA) certificate and key.
- ```bash
- step certificate create --profile root-ca "Example Root CA" root_ca.crt root_ca.key
- ```
-1. Create an intermediate CA certificate and key signed by the root CA.
- ```bash
- step certificate create --profile intermediate-ca "Example Intermediate CA" intermediate_ca.crt intermediate_ca.key \
- --ca root_ca.crt --ca-key root_ca.key
- ```
-## Create server certificate
-Use Step CLI to create a server certificate from the signed by the intermediate CA.
-step certificate create mqtts-endpoint mqtts-endpoint.crt mqtts-endpoint.key \
profile leaf \not-after 8760h \san mqtts-endpoint \san localhost \ca intermediate_ca.crt --ca-key intermediate_ca.key \no-password --insecure
-Here, `mqtts-endpoint` and `localhost` are the Subject Alternative Names (SANs) for MQTT broker's frontend in Kubernetes and local clients, respectively. To connect over the internet, add a `--san` with [an external IP](#use-external-ip-for-the-server-certificate). The `--no-password --insecure` flags are used for testing to skip password prompts and disable password protection for the private key because it's stored in a Kubernetes secret. For production, use a password and store the private key in a secure location like Azure Key Vault.
-### Certificate key algorithm requirements
-Both EC and RSA keys are supported, but all certificates in the chain must use the same key algorithm. If you import your own CA certificates, ensure that the server certificate uses the same key algorithm as the CAs.
-## Import server certificate chain as a Kubernetes secret
-1. Create a full server certificate chain, where the order of the certificates matters: the server certificate is the first one in the file, the intermediate is the second.
- ```bash
- cat mqtts-endpoint.crt intermediate_ca.crt > server_chain.crt
- ```
-1. Create a Kubernetes secret with the server certificate chain and server key using kubectl.
- ```bash
- kubectl create secret tls server-cert-secret -n azure-iot-operations \
- --cert server_chain.crt \
- --key mqtts-endpoint.key
- ```
-## Enable TLS for a listener
-Modify the `tls` setting in a BrokerListener resource to specify manual TLS configuration referencing the Kubernetes secret. Note the name of the secret used for the TLS server certificate (`server-cert-secret` in the example previously).
-apiVersion: mqttbroker.iotoperations.azure.com/v1beta1
-kind: BrokerListener
- name: manual-tls-listener
- namespace: azure-iot-operations
- brokerRef: default
- serviceType: loadBalancer # Optional, defaults to clusterIP
- serviceName: mqtts-endpoint # Match the SAN in the server certificate
- ports:
- - port: 8885 # Avoid port conflict with default listener at 18883
- tls:
- mode: Manual
- manual:
- secretRef: server-cert-secret
-Once the BrokerListener resource is created, the operator automatically creates a Kubernetes service and deploys the listener. You can check the status of the service by running `kubectl get svc`.
-## Connect to the broker with TLS
-To test the TLS connection with mosquitto client, publish a message and pass the root CA certificate in the parameter `--cafile`.
-mosquitto_pub -d -h localhost -p 8885 -i "my-client" -t "test-topic" -m "Hello" --cafile root_ca.crt
-Client my-client sending CONNECT
-Client my-client received CONNACK (0)
-Client my-client sending PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m1, 'test-topic', ... (5 bytes))
-Client my-client sending DISCONNECT
-> [!TIP]
-> To use localhost, the port must be available on the host machine. For example, `kubectl port-forward svc/mqtts-endpoint 8885:8885 -n azure-iot-operations`. With some Kubernetes distributions like K3d, you can add a forwarded port with `k3d cluster edit $CLUSTER_NAME --port-add 8885:8885@loadbalancer`.
-> [!NOTE]
-> To connect to the broker you need to distribute root of trust to the clients, also known as trust bundle. In this case the root of trust is the self-signed root CA created Step CLI. Distribution of root of trust is required for the client to verify the server certificate chain. If your MQTT clients are workloads on the Kubernetes cluster you also need to create a ConfigMap with the root CA and mount it in your Pod.
-Remember to specify username, password, etc. if MQTT broker authentication is enabled.
-### Use external IP for the server certificate
-To connect with TLS over the internet, MQTT broker's server certificate must have its external hostname as a SAN. In production, this is usually a DNS name or a well-known IP address. However, during dev/test, you might not know what hostname or external IP is assigned before deployment. To solve this, deploy the listener without the server certificate first, then create the server certificate and secret with the external IP, and finally import the secret to the listener.
-If you try to deploy the example TLS listener `manual-tls-listener` but the referenced Kubernetes secret `server-cert-secret` doesn't exist, the associated service gets created, but the pods don't start. The service is created because the operator needs to reserve the external IP for the listener.
-kubectl get svc mqtts-endpoint -n azure-iot-operations
-mqtts-endpoint LoadBalancer 8885:30674/TCP 1m15s
-However, this behavior is expected and it's okay to leave it like this while we import the server certificate. The health manager logs mention MQTT broker is waiting for the server certificate.
-kubectl logs -l app=health-manager -n azure-iot-operations
-<6>2023-11-06T21:36:13.634Z [INFO] [1] - Server certificate server-cert-secret not found. Awaiting creation of secret.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Generally, in a distributed system, pods logs aren't deterministic and should be used with caution. The right way for information like this to surface is through Kubernetes events and custom resource status, which is in the backlog. Consider the previous step as a temporary workaround.
-Even though the frontend pods aren't up, the external IP is already available.
-kubectl get svc mqtts-endpoint -n azure-iot-operations
-mqtts-endpoint LoadBalancer 8885:30674/TCP 1m15s
-From here, follow the same steps as previously to create a server certificate with this external IP in `--san` and create the Kubernetes secret in the same way. Once the secret is created, it's automatically imported to the listener.
-## Related content
--- About [BrokerListener resource](howto-configure-brokerlistener.md)-- [Configure authorization for a BrokerListener](./howto-configure-authorization.md)-- [Configure authentication for a BrokerListener](./howto-configure-authentication.md)-- [Configure TLS with automatic certificate management](./howto-configure-tls-auto.md)
operator-nexus Troubleshoot Accepted Cluster Hydration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/operator-nexus/troubleshoot-accepted-cluster-hydration.md
If the Cluster resource maintains the state after a period of time, more than 5
## Further information Learn more about how resources are hydrated with [Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes](/azure/azure-arc/kubernetes/overview).+
+If you still have questions, [contact support](https://portal.azure.com/?#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade).
+For more information about Support plans, see [Azure Support plans](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/plans/response/).
operator-nexus Troubleshoot Control Plane Quorum https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/operator-nexus/troubleshoot-control-plane-quorum.md
testuser@<servername> [ ~ ]$ sudo crictl ps -a |grep -i ironic-conductor
:::image type="content" source="media\troubleshoot-control-plane-quorum\graceful-power-on.png" alt-text="Screenshot of an iDRAC GUI and the button to perform power on command." lightbox="media\troubleshoot-control-plane-quorum\graceful-power-on.png":::
-5. The servers should now be restored. If not, engage Microsoft support.
+5. The servers should now be restored.
+If you still have questions, [contact support](https://portal.azure.com/?#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade).
+For more information about Support plans, see [Azure Support plans](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/plans/response/).
operator-nexus Troubleshoot Csn Storage Pod Container Stuck In Creating https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/operator-nexus/troubleshoot-csn-storage-pod-container-stuck-in-creating.md
for podname in $pods; do
kubectl cordon $nodename -n nc-system;kubectl delete po -n nc-system $podname done ```
-The command retrieves the pvc from the pod and then deletes the `volumeattachment` object. It then deletes the pod. The pod later gets recreated on another node along with a successful volume attachment object.
+The command retrieves the pvc from the pod and then deletes the `volumeattachment` object. It then deletes the pod. The pod later gets recreated on another node along with a successful volume attachment object.
+If you still have questions, [contact support](https://portal.azure.com/?#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade).
+For more information about Support plans, see [Azure Support plans](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/plans/response/).
operator-nexus Troubleshoot Hardware Validation Failure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/operator-nexus/troubleshoot-hardware-validation-failure.md
Expanding `result_detail` for a given category shows detailed results.
After Hardware is fixed, run BMM Replace following instructions from the following page [BMM actions](howto-baremetal-functions.md). --
+If you still have questions, [contact support](https://portal.azure.com/?#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade).
+For more information about Support plans, see [Azure Support plans](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/plans/response/).
operator-nexus Troubleshoot Kubernetes Cluster Dual Stack Configuration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/operator-nexus/troubleshoot-kubernetes-cluster-dual-stack-configuration.md
Scrutinize logs and error messages for indicators of configuration issues.
## Conclusion Setting up a dual-stack configuration involves enabling both IPv4 and IPv6 on your network, and ensuring services can communicate over both. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to identify and resolve common configuration issues related to setting up a dual stack cluster. If you continue to experience difficulties, consider seeking further assistance from your network administrator or consulting platform-specific support resources.
+If you still have questions, [contact support](https://portal.azure.com/?#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade).
+For more information about Support plans, see [Azure Support plans](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/plans/response/).
operator-nexus Troubleshoot Memory Limits https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/operator-nexus/troubleshoot-memory-limits.md
+ Title: Troubleshoot container memory limits
+description: Troubleshooting Kubernetes container limits
+++ Last updated : 11/01/2024++++
+# Troubleshoot container memory limits
+## Alerting for memory limits
+It's recommended to have alerts set up for the Operator Nexus cluster to look for Kubernetes pods restarting from OOMKill errors. These alerts allow customers to know if a component on a server is working appropriately.
+Metrics exposed to identify memory limits:
+| Metric Name | Description |
+| | |
+| Container Restarts | `kube_pod_container_status_restarts_total` |
+| Container Status Terminated Reason | `kube_pod_container_status_terminated_reason` |
+| Container Resource Limits | `kube_pod_container_resource_limits` |
+`Container Status Terminated Reason` displays the OOMKill reason for impacted pods.
+## Identifying Out of Memory (OOM) pods
+Start by identifying any components that are restarting or show OOMKill.
+az networkcloud baremetalmachine run-read-command --name "<bareMetalMachineName>" \
+ --limit-time-seconds 60 \
+ --commands "[{command:'kubectl get',arguments:[pods,-n,nc-system]}]" \
+ --resource-group "<cluster_MRG>" \
+ --subscription "<subscription>"
+Once identified, a `describe pod` command can determine the status and restart count.
+az networkcloud baremetalmachine run-read-command --name "<bareMetalMachineName>" \
+ --limit-time-seconds 60 \
+ --commands "[{command:'kubectl describe',arguments:[pod,<podName>,-n,nc-system]}]" \
+ --resource-group "<cluster_MRG>" \
+ --subscription "<subscription>"
+At the same time, a `get events` command can provide history to see the frequency of pod restarts.
+az networkcloud baremetalmachine run-read-command --name "<bareMetalMachineName>" \
+ --limit-time-seconds 60 \
+ --commands "[{command:'kubectl get',arguments:[events,-n,nc-system,|,grep,<podName>]}]" \
+ --resource-group "<cluster_MRG>" \
+ --subscription "<subscription>"
+The data from these commands identify whether a pod is restarting due to `OOMKill`.
+## Patching memory limits
+Raise a Microsoft support request for all memory limit changes for adjustments and support.
+> Patching memory limits to a pod are not permanent and can be overwritten if the pod restarts.
+## Confirm memory limit changes
+When memory limits change, the pods should return to `Ready` state and stop restarting.
+The following commands can be used to confirm the behavior.
+az networkcloud baremetalmachine run-read-command --name "<bareMetalMachineName>" \
+ --limit-time-seconds 60 \
+ --commands "[{command:'kubectl get',arguments:[pods,-n,nc-system]}]" \
+ --resource-group "<cluster_MRG>" \
+ --subscription "<subscription>"
+az networkcloud baremetalmachine run-read-command --name "<bareMetalMachineName>" \
+ --limit-time-seconds 60 \
+ --commands "[{command:'kubectl describe',arguments:[pod,<podName>,-n,nc-system]}]" \
+ --resource-group "<cluster_MRG>" \
+ --subscription "<subscription>"
+## Known services susceptible to OOM issues
+* cdi-operator
+* vulnerability-operator
+* cluster-metadata-operator
sentinel Customize Alert Details https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/customize-alert-details.md
Follow the procedure detailed below to use the alert details feature. These step
1. When you have finished customizing your alert details, if you're now creating the rule, continue to the next tab in the wizard. If you're editing an existing rule, select the **Review and create** tab. Once the rule validation is successful, select **Save**.
- > [!NOTE]
- >
- > **Service limits**
- > - You can override a field with **up to 50 values**. Values past the 50th are dropped.
- > - The size limit for the AlertName field, and any other non-collection properties, is **256 bytes**.
- > - The size limit for the Description field, and any other collection properties, is **5 KB**.
- > - Values exceeding the size limits are dropped.
+## Service limits
+- You can override a field with **up to 50 values** in a single query. When your query exceeds 50 customized values, **all** customized values are dropped, and in all query results the field reverts to its default value. Tune your query to yield no more than 50 values to ensure no customized values are dropped.
+- The size limit for the `AlertName` field, and any other non-collection properties, is **256 bytes**.
+- The size limit for the `Description` field, and any other collection properties, is **5 KB**.
+- Values exceeding the size limits are dropped.
## Next steps
storage Storage Files How To Mount Nfs Shares https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/files/storage-files-how-to-mount-nfs-shares.md
The following mount options are recommended or required when mounting NFS Azure
| `sec` | sys | Required. Specifies the type of security to use when authenticating an NFS connection. Setting `sec=sys` uses the local UNIX UIDs and GIDs that use AUTH_SYS to authenticate NFS operations. | | `rsize` | 1048576 | Recommended. Sets the maximum number of bytes to be transferred in a single NFS read operation. Specifying the maximum level of 1048576 bytes will usually result in the best performance. | | `wsize` | 1048576 | Recommended. Sets the maximum number of bytes to be transferred in a single NFS write operation. Specifying the maximum level of 1048576 bytes will usually result in the best performance. |
-| `noresvport` | n/a | Recommended. Tells the NFS client to use a non-privileged source port when communicating with an NFS server for the mount point. Using the `noresvport` mount option helps ensure that your NFS share has uninterrupted availability after a reconnection. Using this option is strongly recommended for achieving high availability. |
+| `noresvport` | n/a | Recommended for kernels below 5.18. Tells the NFS client to use a non-privileged source port when communicating with an NFS server for the mount point. Using the `noresvport` mount option helps ensure that your NFS share has uninterrupted availability after a reconnection. Using this option is strongly recommended for achieving high availability. |
| `actimeo` | 30-60 | Recommended. Specifying `actimeo` sets all of `acregmin`, `acregmax`, `acdirmin`, and `acdirmax` to the same value. Using a value lower than 30 seconds can cause performance degradation because attribute caches for files and directories expire too quickly. We recommend setting `actimeo` between 30 and 60 seconds. | ## Step 4: Validate connectivity
storage Storage Files Identity Auth Linux Kerberos Enable https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/files/storage-files-identity-auth-linux-kerberos-enable.md
Previously updated : 05/10/2024 Last updated : 11/01/2024
After you've enabled AD (or Microsoft Entra ID) Kerberos authentication and doma
For detailed mounting instructions, see [Mount the Azure file share on-demand with mount](storage-how-to-use-files-linux.md?tabs=smb311#mount-the-azure-file-share-on-demand-with-mount).
-Use the following additional mount option with all access control models to enable Kerberos security: `sec=krb5`
+Use the following additional mount option with all access control models to enable Kerberos security: `sec=krb5`. Username and password must be omitted when sec=krb5 is in use.
> [!NOTE] > This feature only supports a server-enforced access control model using NT ACLs with no mode bits. Linux tools that update NT ACLs are minimal, so update ACLs through Windows. Client-enforced access control (`modefromsid,idsfromsid`) and client-translated access control (`cifsacl`) models aren't currently supported.
trusted-signing Quickstart https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/trusted-signing/quickstart.md
You can complete your own identity validation by filling in the request form wit
> [!NOTE] > You can't create an identity validation request if you aren't assigned the appropriate role. If the **New identity** button on the menu bar appears dimmed in the Azure portal, ensure that you are assigned the Trusted Signing Identity Verifier roler to proceed with identity validation.
+# [Identity Validation - Organization](#tab/orgvalidation)
To create an identity validation request for an Organization:
To create an identity validation request for an Organization:
| Processing time | Processing your identity validation request takes from 1 to 7 business days (possibly longer if we need to request more documentation from you). | | More documentation | If we need more documentation to process the identity validation request, you're notified through email. You can upload the documents in the Azure portal. The documentation request email contains information about file size requirements. Ensure that any documents you provide are the most current. <br>- All documents submitted must be issued within the previous 12 months or where the expiration date is a future date that is at least two months away. <br> - If it isn't possible to provide additional documentation, update your account information to match any legal documents already provided or your official Company registration details. <br> - When providing official business document, such as business registration form, business charter, or articles of incorporation that list the company name and address as it is provided at the time of Identity Validation request creation. <br> - Ensure the domain registration or domain invoice from registration or renewal that lists the entity/contact name and domain as it is state on the request.|
+# [Identity Validation - Individual Developer](#tab/indiedevvalidation)
+To create an Individual identity validation request for an Individual Developer:
+1. In the Azure portal, go to your new Trusted Signing account.
+2. Confirm that you're assigned the Trusted Signing Identity Verifier role.
+ To learn how to manage, access by using role-based access control (RBAC), see [Tutorial: Assign roles in Trusted Signing](tutorial-assign-roles.md).
+3. On the Trusted Signing account **Overview** pane or on the resource menu under **Objects**, select **Identity validations**.
+4. Select **Organization**, in the dropdown select **Individual** and then select **Public**.
+ - Public identity validation applies to these certificate profile types: Public Trust, Public Trust Test, VBS Enclave.
+ - Private identity validation is only for Organizations.
+5. On **New identity validation**, provide the following information:
+ | Fields | Details |
+ | :- | :- |
+ | **First Name** | Use the exact name as it appears on your government-issued identification document for the Identity Validation process. |
+ | **Last Name** | Use the exact name as it appears on your government-issued identification document for the Identity Validation process. |
+ | **Primary Email** | Enter the email address that is going to receive the Identity Validation link. Make sure to this same email address when logging into the Microsoft Account to access the Identity Validation link. |
+ | **Street, City, Country, State, Postal code** | Enter the address as it appears on your government issued identification document or utility bill or bank statement. The city, state, and country from the address entered here's displayed on the certificate. |
+6. Select **Certificate subject preview** to see the preview of the information that appears in the certificate.
+- Your email address and street address aren't included in the certificate by default.
+7. Select **I accept Microsoft terms of use for trusted signing services**. You can download the Terms of Use to review or save them.
+8. Select the **Create** button.
+9. When the request is successfully created, the identity validation request status changes to **In Progress**.
+10. When the status changes to **Action Required**. Click on your name, a blade opens on the right-hand side. Click on the link under ΓÇ£Please complete your verification hereΓÇ¥.
+11. Follow the link to complete the Identity Validation process. Use the email address provided at the time of request creation to create a Microsoft account. Enter the credentials when prompted, and you'll be navigated to the next screen.
+12. Click on **Start** under our Trusted Partner > Au10tix to begin the validation process. You will be navigated to a 3rd party website.
+13. You need to switch to your mobile device to complete the process and present the relevant documentation when prompted.
+14. On your mobile device, open the Authenticator app, select Verified IDs, on bottom right youΓÇÖll see the QR code in blue. Click on that.
+15. In Azure portal, click on the link that you used to perform identity validation, scan the QR code under Present Verified ID from your mobile device, this completes the process.
+For successful completion it says: **Verification Successful**
+16. It takes a couple of minutes for the Identity Validation status on Azure portal to update. For a successful Verified ID the status on Azure portal changes to **Completed**.
+### Important information for public identity validation for individuals
+1. Minimum Requirements for Mobile OSes and supported Browsers:
+2. Types of ID Accepted:
+- Government-issued IDs such as passports, driving licenses, or ID cards.
+- Photo IDs (or a US Social Security Card).
+- Official government-issued IDs such as a passport, driverΓÇÖs license, or state ID.
+- Do not submit privately issued IDs such as library cards, school IDs, club membership cards, etc.
+3. Visibility/Low Light/Bright Light:
+- Do not use flash.
+- Do not place the ID in direct sunlight.
+- Hold the camera or mobile device steady while taking the picture.
+4. Best Practices for Supplemental Docs:
+- Utility Bills: Electricity, water, gas, or telephone bills (should be recent, typically within the last three months).
+- Bank Statements: Official statements from banks or credit card companies that show the individualΓÇÖs address.
+- The POA document must have the address, name, and date appear on the main page (first page), so multiple pages are not required.
+5. General best practices:
+- Single picture per file, if two-sided, create one file per side.
+- Handwritten documents are not accepted.
+- Do not crop the image (cut corners, miss parts) try to have margins on all sides of the captured image prior to capturing.
+- Do not use Photoshop or other editing software; do not alter the document in any way.
+- Do not use flash.
+- Take the photo from directly above the document while it is on a flat surface.
+- Avoid colored and noisy background.
+- Do not obstruct the ID (no fingers covering part of the document).
+- Use color images not lower than 200 DPI. The ideal image size is 500Kb. AU10TIX best practice is to accept images with 400 DPI and above.
+- The minimum threshold for the image size for an OK result is 600 W X 370 H pixels.
+- Accepted file types: .bmp .jpg .gif .tif .pdf.
+- Users cannot upload images smaller than 30kb or larger than 5MB.
++ ## Create a certificate profile