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ai-services Concept Custom Label Tips https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/ai-services/document-intelligence/concept-custom-label-tips.md
This article highlights the best methods for labeling custom model datasets in t
* The following video is the second of two presentations intended to help you build custom models with higher accuracy (the first presentation explores [How to create a balanced data set](concept-custom-label.md#video-custom-label-tips-and-pointers)).
-* Here, we examine best practices for labeling your selected documents. With semantically relevant and consistent labeling, you should see an improvement in model performance.</br></br>
+* Here, we examine best practices for labeling your selected documents. With semantically relevant and consistent labeling, you should see an improvement in model performance.
- [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RE5fZKB]
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RE5fZKB]
## Search
ai-services Concept Custom Label https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/ai-services/document-intelligence/concept-custom-label.md
A labeled dataset consists of several files:
* The following video is the first of two presentations intended to help you build custom models with higher accuracy (The second presentation examines [Best practices for labeling documents](concept-custom-label-tips.md#video-custom-labels-best-practices)).
-* Here, we explore how to create a balanced data set and select the right documents to label. This process sets you on the path to higher quality models.</br></br>
+* Here, we explore how to create a balanced data set and select the right documents to label. This process sets you on the path to higher quality models.
- [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RWWHru]
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RWWHru]
## Create a balanced dataset
ai-services Build A Custom Model https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/ai-services/document-intelligence/how-to-guides/build-a-custom-model.md
Once you've put together the set of forms or documents for training, you need to
## Video: Train your custom model
-* Once you've gathered and uploaded your training dataset, you're ready to train your custom model. In the following video, we create a project and explore some of the fundamentals for successfully labeling and training a model.</br></br>
+* Once you've gathered and uploaded your training dataset, you're ready to train your custom model. In the following video, we create a project and explore some of the fundamentals for successfully labeling and training a model.
- [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RE5fX1c]
+> [!VIDEO https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/videoplayer/embed/RE5fX1c]
## Create a project in the Document Intelligence Studio
ai-services Embeddings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/ai-services/openai/how-to/embeddings.md
foreach (float item in returnValue.Value.Data[0].Embedding.ToArray())
} ```
+# [PowerShell](#tab/PowerShell)
+# Azure OpenAI metadata variables
+$openai = @{
+ api_key = $Env:AZURE_OPENAI_KEY
+ api_base = $Env:AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT # your endpoint should look like the following https://YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME.openai.azure.com/
+ api_version = '2023-05-15' # this may change in the future
+ name = 'YOUR-DEPLOYMENT-NAME-HERE' #This will correspond to the custom name you chose for your deployment when you deployed a model.
+$headers = [ordered]@{
+ 'api-key' = $openai.api_key
+$text = 'Your text string goes here'
+$body = [ordered]@{
+ input = $text
+} | ConvertTo-Json
+$url = "$($openai.api_base)/openai/deployments/$($openai.name)/embeddings?api-version=$($openai.api_version)"
+$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Body $body -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json'
+return $response.data.embedding
+ ## Best practices
ai-services Whisper Quickstart https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/ai-services/openai/whisper-quickstart.md
Last updated 09/15/2023 recommendations: false
+zone_pivot_groups: openai-whisper
# Quickstart: Speech to text with the Azure OpenAI Whisper model
``` +++ [!INCLUDE [REST API quickstart](includes/whisper-rest.md)] ## Clean up resources
If you want to clean up and remove an OpenAI resource, you can delete the resour
## Next steps * Learn more about how to work with Whisper models with the Azure AI Speech [batch transcription](../speech-service/batch-transcription-create.md) API.
-* For more examples, check out the [Azure OpenAI Samples GitHub repository](https://aka.ms/AOAICodeSamples)
+* For more examples, check out the [Azure OpenAI Samples GitHub repository](https://aka.ms/AOAICodeSamples)
ai-services Personal Voice Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/ai-services/speech-service/personal-voice-overview.md
The following table summarizes the difference between custom neural voice pro an
| Voice quality | Natural | Highly natural | | Multilingual support | Yes. The voice is able to speak about 100 languages, with automatic language detection enabled. | Yes. You need to select the "Neural – cross lingual" feature to train a model that speaks a different language from the training data. | | Availability | The demo on [Speech Studio](https://aka.ms/speechstudio/) is available upon registration. | Access to the API is restricted to eligible customers and approved use cases. Request access through the intake form. You can only train and deploy a CNV Pro model after access is approved. CNV Pro access is limited based on eligibility and usage criteria. Request access through the intake form. |
-| Pricing | To be announced later. | Check the pricing details here. |
+| Pricing | To be announced later. | Check the pricing details [here](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/cognitive-services/speech-services/). |
| RAI requirements | Speaker's verbal statement required. No unapproved use case allowed. | Speaker's verbal statement required. No unapproved use case allowed. | ## Try the demo
app-service Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/app-service/environment/overview.md
App Service Environment has three versions: App Service Environment v1, App Serv
## Next steps > [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Whitepaper on Using App Service Environment v3 in Compliance-Oriented Industries](https://azure.microsoft.com/resources/using-app-service-environment-v3-in-compliance-oriented-industries/)
+> [Whitepaper on Using App Service Environment v3 in Compliance-Oriented Industries](https://gigaom.com/report/using-app-service-environment-v3-in-compliance-oriented-industries/)
azure-monitor Alerts Dynamic Thresholds https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-dynamic-thresholds.md
Title: Create alerts with dynamic thresholds in Azure Monitor metric alerts
+ Title: Create an Azure Monitor metric alerts with dynamic thresholds
description: Create metric alerts with machine learning-based dynamic thresholds.
Last updated 05/28/2023
-# Dynamic thresholds in metric alerts
+# Create a metric alert with dynamic thresholds
-Dynamic thresholds apply advanced machine learning, and use a set of algorithms and methods to:
+Dynamic thresholds apply advanced machine learning and use a set of algorithms and methods to:
- Learn the historical behavior of metrics - Analyze metrics over time and identify patterns such as hourly, daily or weekly patterns - Recognize anomalies that indicate possible service issues
Dynamic thresholds apply advanced machine learning, and use a set of algorithms
When you use dynamic thresholds, you don't have to know the "right" threshold for each metric, because dynamic thresholds calculate the most appropriate thresholds for you.
+We recommend configuring alert rules with dynamic thresholds on these metrics:
+- Virtual machine CPU percentage
+- Application Insights HTTP request execution time
+ Dynamic thresholds help you: - Create scalable alerts for hundreds of metric series with one alert rule. If you have fewer alert rules, you spend less time creating and managing alerts rules. Scalable alerting is especially useful for multiple dimensions or for multiple resources, such as to all resources in a subscription. - Create rules without having to know what threshold to configure. Using dynamic thresholds, you can configure metric alerts using high-level concepts, without having extensive domain knowledge about the metric
You can use dynamic thresholds on:
- metrics with low dispersion, such as availability and error rate See [metrics not supported by dynamic thresholds](#metrics-not-supported-by-dynamic-thresholds) for a list of metrics that aren't supported by dynamic thresholds.
-The system automatically recognizes prolonged outages and removes them from the threshold learning algorithm. If there's a prolonged outage, dynamic thresholds understand the data, and detect system issues with the same level of sensitivity as before the outage occurred.
- You can configure dynamic thresholds using: - [the Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/) - the fully automated [Azure Resource Manager API](/rest/api/resources/)
You can configure dynamic thresholds using:
When an alert rule is first created, dynamic thresholds use 10 days of historical data to calculate hourly or daily seasonal patterns. The chart that you see in the alert preview reflects that data. After an alert rule is created, dynamic thresholds continually use all available historical data to learn, and adjust the thresholds to be more accurate. After three weeks, dynamic thresholds have enough data to identify weekly patterns as well, and the model is adjusted to include weekly seasonality. Alert rules that use dynamic thresholds don't trigger an alert before collecting three days and at least 30 samples of metric data.
-## Understand dynamic thresholds charts
-The following chart shows a metric, its dynamic thresholds limits, and some alerts that fired when the value was outside the allowed thresholds.
-Use the following information to interpret the chart:
--- **Blue line**: The actual measured metric over time.-- **Blue shaded area**: Shows the allowed range for the metric. If the metric values stay within this range, no alert is triggered.-- **Blue dots**: If you left select on part of the chart and then hover over the blue line, a blue dot appears under your cursor that shows an individual aggregated metric value.-- **Pop-up with blue dot**: Shows the measured metric value (the blue dot) and the upper and lower values of the allowed range. -- **Red dot with a black circle**: Shows the first metric value out of the allowed range. This value fires a metric alert and puts it in an active state.-- **Red dots**: Indicate other measured values outside of the allowed range. They don't trigger more metric alerts, but the alert stays in the active state.-- **Red area**: Shows the time when the metric value was outside of the allowed range. The alert remains in the active state as long as subsequent measured values are out of the allowed range, but no new alerts are fired.-- **End of red area**: When the blue line is back inside the allowed values, the red area stops and the measured value line turns blue. The status of the metric alert fired at the time of the red dot with black outline is set to resolved.
+The system automatically recognizes prolonged outages and removes them from the threshold learning algorithm. If there's a prolonged outage, dynamic thresholds understand the data, and detect system issues with the same level of sensitivity as before the outage occurred.
## Considerations when using dynamic thresholds
Use the following information to interpret the chart:
- The metric exhibits an irregular behavior with high variance, which appears as spikes or dips in the data. Consider making the model less sensitive by choosing a higher sensitivity or selecting a larger **Lookback period**. You can also use the **Ignore data before** option to exclude a recent irregularity from the historical data used to build the model.
-## Configuring dynamic thresholds
-We recommend configuring alert rules with dynamic thresholds on these metrics:
-- Virtual machine CPU percentage-- Application Insights HTTP request execution time
+## Configure dynamic thresholds
-When configuring alert rules in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com), follow the procedure to [Create a new alert rule in the Azure portal](alerts-create-new-alert-rule.md#create-or-edit-an-alert-rule-in-the-azure-portal), with these settings
+Follow the procedure to [create or edit an alert rule](alerts-create-new-alert-rule.md#create-or-edit-an-alert-rule-in-the-azure-portal), using these settings
1. In the **Conditions** tab, 1. In the **Thresholds** field, select **Dynamic**. 1. In the **Aggregation type**, we recommend that you don't select **Maximum**.
When configuring alert rules in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com), fo
> [!NOTE] > Metric alert rules created through the portal are created in the same resource group as the target resource.+
+## Understand dynamic thresholds charts
+The following chart shows a metric, its dynamic thresholds limits, and some alerts that fired when the value was outside the allowed thresholds.
+Use the following information to interpret the chart:
+- **Blue line**: The actual measured metric over time.
+- **Blue shaded area**: Shows the allowed range for the metric. If the metric values stay within this range, no alert is triggered.
+- **Blue dots**: If you left select on part of the chart and then hover over the blue line, a blue dot appears under your cursor that shows an individual aggregated metric value.
+- **Pop-up with blue dot**: Shows the measured metric value (the blue dot) and the upper and lower values of the allowed range.
+- **Red dot with a black circle**: Shows the first metric value out of the allowed range. This value fires a metric alert and puts it in an active state.
+- **Red dots**: Indicate other measured values outside of the allowed range. They don't trigger more metric alerts, but the alert stays in the active state.
+- **Red area**: Shows the time when the metric value was outside of the allowed range. The alert remains in the active state as long as subsequent measured values are out of the allowed range, but no new alerts are fired.
+- **End of red area**: When the blue line is back inside the allowed values, the red area stops and the measured value line turns blue. The status of the metric alert fired at the time of the red dot with black outline is set to resolved.
++ ## Metrics not supported by dynamic thresholds Dynamic thresholds are supported for most metrics, but some metrics can't use dynamic thresholds.
azure-monitor Alerts Log Webhook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-log-webhook.md
Title: Webhook actions for log alerts in Azure alerts
-description: This article describes how to configure log alert pushes with webhook action and available customizations.
+ Title: Sample payloads for Azure Monitor log alerts using webhook actions
+description: This article describes how to configure log alert rules with webhook actions and available customizations.
- Previously updated : 05/02/2023+ Last updated : 11/23/2023
-# Webhook actions for log alert rules
+# Sample payloads for log alerts using webhook actions
-[Log alerts](alerts-log.md) support [configuring action groups to use webhooks](./action-groups.md). In this article, we describe the properties that are available. You can use webhook actions to invoke a single HTTP POST request. The service that's called should support webhooks and know how to use the payload it receives.
+You can use webhook actions in a log alert rule to invoke a single HTTP POST request. In this article, we describe the properties that are available when you [configure action groups to use webhooks](./action-groups.md). The service that's called must support webhooks and know how to use the payload it receives.
We recommend that you use [common alert schema](../alerts/alerts-common-schema.md) for your webhook integrations. The common alert schema provides the advantage of having a single extensible and unified alert payload across all the alert services in Azure Monitor.
For log alert rules that have a custom JSON payload defined, enabling the common
Alerts with the common schema enabled have an upper size limit of 256 KB per alert. A bigger alert doesn't include search results. When the search results aren't included, use `LinkToFilteredSearchResultsAPI` or `LinkToSearchResultsAPI` to access query results via the Log Analytics API.
-## Sample payloads
-This section shows sample payloads for webhooks for log alerts. The sample payloads include examples when the payload is standard and when it's custom.
+The sample payloads include examples when the payload is standard and when it's custom.
-### Log alert for all resources logs (from API version `2021-08-01`)
+## Log alert for all resources logs (from API version `2021-08-01`)
The following sample payload is for a standard webhook when it's used for log alerts based on resources logs:
The following sample payload is for a standard webhook when it's used for log al
} ```
-### Log alert for Log Analytics (up to API version `2018-04-16`)
+## Log alert for Log Analytics (up to API version `2018-04-16`)
The following sample payload is for a standard webhook action that's used for alerts based on Log Analytics: > [!NOTE]
The following sample payload is for a standard webhook action that's used for al
} ```
-### Log alert for Application Insights (up to API version `2018-04-16`)
+## Log alert for Application Insights (up to API version `2018-04-16`)
The following sample payload is for a standard webhook when it's used for log alerts based on Application Insights resources: ```json
The following sample payload is for a standard webhook when it's used for log al
} ```
-### Log alert with a custom JSON payload (up to API version `2018-04-16`)
+## Log alert with a custom JSON payload (up to API version `2018-04-16`)
> [!NOTE] > A custom JSON-based webhook isn't supported from API version `2021-08-01`.
The following sample payload is for a custom webhook action for any log alert:
``` ## Next steps-- Learn about [log alerts in Azure alerts](./alerts-unified-log.md).-- Understand how to [manage log alerts in Azure](alerts-log.md).
+- Learn about [Azure Monitor alerts](./alerts-overview.md).
- Create and manage [action groups in Azure](./action-groups.md).-- Learn more about [Application Insights](../logs/log-query-overview.md). - Learn more about [log queries](../logs/log-query-overview.md).
azure-monitor Alerts Metric Logs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-metric-logs.md
Last updated 11/16/2023
-# Create Metric Alerts for Logs in Azure Monitor
+# Create a metric alert on a set of Azure Monitor Logs
## Overview
azure-monitor Alerts Metric Near Real Time https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-metric-near-real-time.md
Title: Supported resources for metric alerts in Azure Monitor
description: Reference on support metrics and logs for metric alerts in Azure Monitor Previously updated : 3/8/2023 Last updated : 11/22/2023 ms.reviwer: harelbr
-# Supported resources for metric alerts in Azure Monitor
+# Supported resources for Azure Monitor metric alerts
-Azure Monitor now supports a [new metric alert type](./alerts-overview.md), which has significant benefits over the older [classic metric alerts](./alerts-classic.overview.md). Metrics are available for a [large list of Azure services](../essentials/metrics-supported.md). The newer alerts support a growing subset of the resource types. This article lists that subset.
+This article lists the subset of [Azure Monitor metrics](../essentials/metrics-supported.md) that are supported by metric alerts.
-You can also use newer metric alerts on popular log data stored in a Log Analytics workspace extracted as metrics. For more information, see [Metric Alerts for Logs](./alerts-metric-logs.md).
+You can also use newer alerts on popular log data stored in a Log Analytics workspace extracted as metrics. For more information, see [Metric Alerts for Logs](./alerts-metric-logs.md).
-## Portal, PowerShell, CLI, and REST support
-Currently, you can create newer metric alerts only in the Azure portal, the [REST API](/rest/api/monitor/metricalerts/), or [Azure Resource Manager templates](./alerts-metric-create-templates.md). Support for configuring newer alerts by using PowerShell and the Azure CLI versions 2.0 and higher is coming soon.
+You can create metric alerts in the Azure portal, the [REST API](/rest/api/monitor/metricalerts/), or [Azure Resource Manager templates](./alerts-metric-create-templates.md).
## Metrics and dimensions supported
-Newer metric alerts support alerting for metrics that use dimensions. You can use dimensions to filter your metric to the proper level. All supported metrics along with applicable dimensions can be explored and visualized from [Azure Monitor - Metrics explorer](../essentials/metrics-charts.md).
+Metric alerts support alerting for metrics that use dimensions. You can use dimensions to filter your metric to the proper level. All supported metrics along with applicable dimensions can be explored and visualized using the [Azure Monitor metrics explorer](../essentials/metrics-charts.md).
-Here's the full list of Azure Monitor metric sources supported by the newer alerts:
+Here's the full list of Azure Monitor metric sources supported by metric alerts:
|Resource type |Dimensions supported |Multi-resource alerts| Metrics available| |||--|-|
Here's the full list of Azure Monitor metric sources supported by the newer aler
## Payload schema
-> [!NOTE]
-> You can also use the [common alert schema](./alerts-common-schema.md), which provides the advantage of having a single extensible and unified alert payload across all the alert services in Azure Monitor, for your webhook integrations.ΓÇï
-The POST operation contains the following JSON payload and schema for all near newer metric alerts when an appropriately configured [action group](./action-groups.md) is used:
+Use the [common alert schema](./alerts-common-schema.md), which uses a single extensible and unified alert payload across all the alert services in Azure Monitor, for your webhook integrations.ΓÇï
- "schemaId": "AzureMonitorMetricAlert",
- "data": {
- "version": "2.0",
- "status": "Activated",
- "context": {
- "timestamp": "2018-02-28T10:44:10.1714014Z",
- "id": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/Contoso/providers/microsoft.insights/metricAlerts/StorageCheck",
- "name": "StorageCheck",
- "description": "",
- "conditionType": "SingleResourceMultipleMetricCriteria",
- "severity":"3",
- "condition": {
- "windowSize": "PT5M",
- "allOf": [
- {
- "metricName": "Transactions",
- "metricNamespace":"microsoft.storage/storageAccounts",
- "dimensions": [
- {
- "name": "AccountResourceId",
- "value": "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/Contoso/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/diag500"
- },
- {
- "name": "GeoType",
- "value": "Primary"
- }
- ],
- "operator": "GreaterThan",
- "threshold": "0",
- "timeAggregation": "PT5M",
- "metricValue": 1
- }
- ]
- },
- "subscriptionId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
- "resourceGroupName": "Contoso",
- "resourceName": "diag500",
- "resourceType": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts",
- "resourceId": "/subscriptions/1e3ff1c0-771a-4119-a03b-be82a51e232d/resourceGroups/Contoso/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/diag500",
- "portalLink": "https://portal.azure.com/#resource//subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/Contoso/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/diag500"
- },
- "properties": {
- "key1": "value1",
- "key2": "value2"
- }
- }
## Next steps
-* Learn more about the new [alerts experience](./alerts-overview.md).
-* Learn about [log alerts in Azure](./alerts-unified-log.md).
-* Learn about [alerts in Azure](./alerts-overview.md).
+* Learn more about [Azure Monitor alerts](./alerts-overview.md).
+* See the [alerts payload](./alerts-common-schema.md).
azure-monitor Alerts Resource Move https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-resource-move.md
Last updated 05/28/2023
-# How to update alert rules or alert processing rules when their target resource moves to a different Azure region
+# Update alert rules or alert processing rules when their target resource moves to a different Azure region
This article describes why existing [alert rules](./alerts-overview.md) and [alert processing rules](./alerts-action-rules.md) may be impacted when you move other Azure resources between regions, and how to identify and resolve those issues. Check the main [resource move documentation](../../azure-resource-manager/management/move-resources-overview.md) for additional information on when is resource move between regions useful and a checklist of designing a move process.
azure-monitor Azure Cli Metrics Alert Sample https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/azure-cli-metrics-alert-sample.md
-# Create metric alert monitors in Azure CLI
+# Create metric alert in Azure CLI
These samples create metric alert monitors in Azure Monitor by using Azure CLI commands. The first sample creates an alert for a virtual machine. The second command creates an alert that includes a dimension for an App Service Plan.
azure-monitor Itsmc Connections Servicenow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/itsmc-connections-servicenow.md
The payload that is sent to ServiceNow has a common structure. The structure has
The structure of the payload for all alert types except log search alert is [common schema](./alerts-common-schema.md).
-For Log Search Alerts, the structure is:
+For Log Search Alerts (V1 and V2), the structure is:
- Alert (alert rule name) : \<value> - Search Query : \<value>
azure-monitor Itsmc Definition https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/itsmc-definition.md
To create an action group:
> [!NOTE] > As of September 2022, we are starting the 3-year process of deprecating support for using ITSM actions to send alerts and events to ServiceNow. For information on the deprecated behavior, see [Use Azure alerts to create a ServiceNow alert or event work item](https://learn.microsoft.com/previous-versions/azure/azure-monitor/alerts/alerts-create-itsm-work-items).
+ > As of October 2023, we are not supporting UI creation of connector for using ITSM actions to send alerts and events to ServiceNow. Until full deprecation the action creation should be by [API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/monitor/action-groups/create-or-update?view=rest-monitor-2021-09-01&tabs=HTTP).
1. In the last section of the interface for creating an ITSM action group, if the alert is a log alert, you can define how many work items will be created for each alert. For all other alert types, one work item is created per alert.
azure-monitor Itsmc Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/alerts/itsmc-overview.md
Depending on your integration, start connecting to your ITSM tool with these ste
> [!NOTE] > As of September 2022, we are starting the 3-year process of deprecating support for using ITSM actions to send alerts and events to ServiceNow. For information about legal terms and the privacy policy, see the [Microsoft privacy statement](https://go.microsoft.com/fwLink/?LinkID=522330&clcid=0x9).-
+ > As of October 2023, we are not supporting UI creation of connector for using ITSM actions to send alerts and events to ServiceNow. Until full deprecation the action creation should be by [API](https://learn.microsoft.com/rest/api/monitor/action-groups/create-or-update?view=rest-monitor-2021-09-01&tabs=HTTP).
1. Connect to your ITSM. For more information, see the [ServiceNow connection instructions](./itsmc-connections-servicenow.md). 1. (Optional) Set up the IP ranges. To list the ITSM IP addresses to allow ITSM connections from partner ITSM tools, list the whole public IP range of an Azure region where the Log Analytics workspace belongs. For more information, see the [Microsoft Download Center](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56519). For regions EUS/WEU/WUS2/US South Central, the customer can list the ActionGroup network tag only.
azure-monitor Logs Dedicated Clusters https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/logs/logs-dedicated-clusters.md
The managed identity service generates the *principalId* GUID when you create th
- ## Link a workspace to a cluster When a Log Analytics workspace is linked to a dedicated cluster, the workspace billing plan in workspace is changed to cluster plan, new data ingested to the workspace is routed to your dedicated cluster, and existing data remains in Log Analytics cluster. Linking a workspace has no effect on data ingestion and query experiences. Log Analytics query engine stitches data from old and new clusters automatically, and the results of queries are complete and accurate. When dedicated cluster is configured with customer-managed key (CMK), new ingested data is encrypted with your key, while older data remains encrypted with Microsoft-managed key (MMK). The key configuration is abstracted by Log Analytics and the query across old and new data encryptions is performed seamlessly.
-A cluster can be linked to up to 1,000 workspaces. Linked workspaces must be located in the same region as the cluster. A workspace can't be linked to a cluster more than twice a month, to prevent data fragmentation.
+A cluster can be linked to up to 1,000 workspaces located in the same region as the cluster. A workspace can't be linked to a cluster more than twice a month, to prevent data fragmentation.
+Other than the billing aspects that is governed by the cluster plan, all workspace configurations and query aspects remain unchanged after the link.
+The workspace and the cluster can be in different subscriptions. It's possible for the workspace and cluster to be in different tenants if Azure Lighthouse is used to map both of them to a single tenant.
You need 'write' permissions to both the workspace and the cluster resource for workspace link operation: - In the workspace: *Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/write* - In the cluster resource: *Microsoft.OperationalInsights/clusters/write*
-Other than the billing aspects that is governed by the cluster plan, the linked workspace configuration remain.
-The workspace and the cluster can be in different subscriptions. It's possible for the workspace and cluster to be in different tenants if Azure Lighthouse is used to map both of them to a single tenant.
- > [!NOTE] > Linking a workspace can be performed only after the completion of the Log Analytics cluster provisioning. > Linking a workspace to a cluster involves syncing multiple backend components and cache hydration, which can take up to two hours.
-Use the following commands to link a workspace to a cluster:
+Use the following steps to link a workspace to a cluster. You can automated for linking multiple workspaces:
#### [CLI](#tab/cli)
+> [!NOTE]
+> Use **cluster** value for linked-service ```name```.
+ ```azurecli # Find cluster resource ID az account set --subscription "cluster-subscription-id"
az resource wait --deleted --ids $workspaceResourceId --include-response-body tr
#### [PowerShell](#tab/powershell)
+> [!NOTE]
+> Use **cluster** value for ```LinkedServiceName```.
+ ```powershell Select-AzSubscription "cluster-subscription-id"
Set-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedService -ResourceGroupName "resource-group-name"
Get-Job -Command "Set-AzOperationalInsightsLinkedService" | Format-List -Property * ```
-#### [REST API](#tab/restapi)
+#### [REST API](#tab/restapi)
Use the following REST call to link to a cluster:
Content-type: application/json
+ ### Check workspace link status When a cluster is configured with customer-managed keys, data ingested to the workspaces after the link operation completion is stored encrypted with your managed key. The workspace link operation can take up to 90 minutes to complete and you can check the state by sending Get request to workspace and observe if *clusterResourceId* property is present in the response under *features*.
defender-for-cloud Defender For Storage Malware Scan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-storage-malware-scan.md
Last updated 09/10/2023
+ # Malware scanning in Defender for Storage
Malware Scanning doesn't block access or change permissions to the uploaded blob
- Unsupported storage accounts: Legacy v1 storage accounts aren't supported by malware scanning. - Unsupported service: Azure Files isn't supported by malware scanning.-- Unsupported regions: Australia Central 2, France South, Germany North, Jio India West, Korea South, Switzerland West.
+- Unsupported regions: Australia Central 2, France South, Jio India West, Korea South, Switzerland West.
- Regions that are supported by Defender for Storage but not by malware scanning. Learn more about [availability for Defender for Storage.](/azure/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-storage-introduction) - Unsupported blob types: [Append and Page blobs](/rest/api/storageservices/understanding-block-blobs--append-blobs--and-page-blobs) aren't supported for Malware Scanning. - Unsupported encryption: Client-side encrypted blobs aren't supported as they can't be decrypted before scanning by the service. However, data encrypted at rest by Customer Managed Key (CMK) is supported.