Updates from: 01/25/2023 02:13:27
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active-directory-b2c Partner Datawiza https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory-b2c/partner-datawiza.md
Previously updated : 12/12/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
active-directory Concept Authentication Methods Manage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/authentication/concept-authentication-methods-manage.md
Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) allows the use of a range of authentication me
## Authentication methods policy
-The Authentication methods policy is the recommended way to manage authentication methods, including modern methods like passwordless authentication. [Authentication Policy Administrators](../roles/permissions-reference.md#authentication-policy-administrator) can edit this policy to enable authentication methods for specific users and groups.
+The Authentication methods policy is the recommended way to manage authentication methods, including modern methods like passwordless authentication. [Authentication Policy Administrators](../roles/permissions-reference.md#authentication-policy-administrator) can edit this policy to enable authentication methods for all users or specific groups.
Methods enabled in the Authentication methods policy can typically be used anywhere in Azure AD - for both authentication and password reset scenarios. The exception is that some methods are inherently limited to use in authentication, such as FIDO2 and Windows Hello for Business, and others are limited to use in password reset, such as security questions. For more control over which methods are usable in a given authentication scenario, consider using the **Authentication Strengths** feature.
Tenants are set to either Pre-migration or Migration in Progress by default, dep
> > In the future, both of these features will be integrated with the Authentication methods policy.
-## Known issues
-Some customers may see the control to enable Voice call grayed out due to a licensing requirement, despite having a premium license. This is a known issue that we are actively working to fix.
+## Known issues and limitations
+- Some customers may see the control to enable Voice call grayed out due to a licensing requirement, despite having a premium license. This is a known issue that we are actively working to fix.
+- As a part of the public preview we removed the ability to target individual users. Previously targeted users will remain in the policy but we recommend moving them to a targeted group.
## Next steps
active-directory What Is Cloud Sync https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/cloud-sync/what-is-cloud-sync.md
The following table provides a comparison between Azure AD Connect and Azure AD
| Allow removing attributes from flowing from AD to Azure AD |ΓùÅ |ΓùÅ | | Allow advanced customization for attribute flows |ΓùÅ | | | Support for password writeback |ΓùÅ |ΓùÅ |
-| Support for device writeback|ΓùÅ | |
+| Support for device writeback|ΓùÅ |Customers should use [Cloud kerberose trust](https://learn.microsoft.com/windows/security/identity-protection/hello-for-business/hello-hybrid-cloud-kerberos-trust?tabs=intune) for this moving forward|
| Support for group writeback|ΓùÅ | | | Support for merging user attributes from multiple domains|ΓùÅ | | | Azure AD Domain Services support|ΓùÅ | |
active-directory Concept Conditional Access Conditions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/conditional-access/concept-conditional-access-conditions.md
Previously updated : 09/12/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Azure AD Conditional Access supports the following device platforms:
If you block legacy authentication using the **Other clients** condition, you can also set the device platform condition.
+We don't support selecting macOS or Linux device platforms when selecting **Require approved client app** or **Require app protection policy** as the only grant controls or when you choose **Require all the selected controls**.
+ > [!IMPORTANT] > Microsoft recommends that you have a Conditional Access policy for unsupported device platforms. As an example, if you want to block access to your corporate resources from **Chrome OS** or any other unsupported clients, you should configure a policy with a Device platforms condition that includes any device and excludes supported device platforms and Grant control set to Block access.
active-directory Concept Conditional Access Report Only https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/conditional-access/concept-conditional-access-report-only.md
Previously updated : 05/01/2020 Last updated : 01/24/2023
# What is Conditional Access report-only mode?
-Conditional Access is widely used by our customers to stay secure by applying the right access controls in the right circumstances. However one of the challenges with deploying a Conditional Access policy in your organization is determining the impact to end users. It can be difficult to anticipate the number and names of users impacted by common deployment initiatives such as blocking legacy authentication, requiring multi-factor authentication for a population of users, or implementing sign-in risk policies.
+Conditional Access is widely used by our customers to stay secure by applying the right access controls in the right circumstances. However one of the challenges with deploying a Conditional Access policy in your organization is determining the impact to end users. It can be difficult to anticipate the number and names of users impacted by common deployment initiatives such as blocking legacy authentication, requiring multifactor authentication for a population of users, or implementing sign-in risk policies.
Report-only mode is a new Conditional Access policy state that allows administrators to evaluate the impact of Conditional Access policies before enabling them in their environment. With the release of report-only mode: -- Conditional Access policies can be enabled in report-only mode, this is not applicable with the "User Actions" scope.
+- Conditional Access policies can be enabled in report-only mode, this isn't applicable with the "User Actions" scope.
- During sign-in, policies in report-only mode are evaluated but not enforced. - Results are logged in the **Conditional Access** and **Report-only** tabs of the Sign-in log details. - Customers with an Azure Monitor subscription can monitor the impact of their Conditional Access policies using the Conditional Access insights workbook.
When a policy in report-only mode is evaluated for a given sign-in, there are fo
| Result | Description | | | |
-| Report-only: Success | All configured policy conditions, required non-interactive grant controls, and session controls were satisfied. For example, a multi-factor authentication requirement is satisfied by an MFA claim already present in the token, or a compliant device policy is satisfied by performing a device check on a compliant device. |
+| Report-only: Success | All configured policy conditions, required non-interactive grant controls, and session controls were satisfied. For example, a multifactor authentication requirement is satisfied by an MFA claim already present in the token, or a compliant device policy is satisfied by performing a device check on a compliant device. |
| Report-only: Failure | All configured policy conditions were satisfied but not all the required non-interactive grant controls or session controls were satisfied. For example, a policy applies to a user where a block control is configured, or a device fails a compliant device policy. |
-| Report-only: User action required | All configured policy conditions were satisfied but user action would be required to satisfy the required grant controls or session controls. With report-only mode, the user is not prompted to satisfy the required controls. For example, users are not prompted for multi-factor authentication challenges or terms of use. |
+| Report-only: User action required | All configured policy conditions were satisfied but user action would be required to satisfy the required grant controls or session controls. With report-only mode, the user isn't prompted to satisfy the required controls. For example, users aren't prompted for multifactor authentication challenges or terms of use. |
| Report-only: Not applied | Not all configured policy conditions were satisfied. For example, the user is excluded from the policy or the policy only applies to certain trusted named locations. | ## Conditional Access Insights workbook
-Administrators have the capability to create multiple policies in report-only mode, so it is necessary to understand both the individual impact of each policy and the combined impact of multiple policies evaluated together. The new Conditional Access Insights workbook enables administrators to visualize Conditional Access queries and monitor the impact of a policy for a given time range, set of applications, and users.
+Administrators have the capability to create multiple policies in report-only mode, so it's necessary to understand both the individual impact of each policy and the combined impact of multiple policies evaluated together. The new Conditional Access Insights workbook enables administrators to visualize Conditional Access queries and monitor the impact of a policy for a given time range, set of applications, and users.
## Next steps
active-directory Controls https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/conditional-access/controls.md
Previously updated : 08/26/2020 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Custom controls can't be used with Identity Protection's automation requiring Az
## Next steps - [Conditional Access common policies](concept-conditional-access-policy-common.md)- - [Report-only mode](concept-conditional-access-report-only.md)- - [Simulate sign in behavior using the Conditional Access What If tool](troubleshoot-conditional-access-what-if.md)
active-directory Howto Conditional Access Insights Reporting https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/conditional-access/howto-conditional-access-insights-reporting.md
Users also need one of the following Log Analytics workspace roles:
### Stream sign-in logs from Azure AD to Azure Monitor logs
-If you have not integrated Azure AD logs with Azure Monitor logs, you will need to take the following steps before the workbook will load:
+If you haven't integrated Azure AD logs with Azure Monitor logs, you'll need to take the following steps before the workbook will load:
1. [Create a Log Analytics workspace in Azure Monitor](../../azure-monitor/logs/quick-create-workspace.md). 1. [Integrate Azure AD logs with Azure Monitor logs](../reports-monitoring/howto-integrate-activity-logs-with-log-analytics.md).
Once the parameters have been set, the impact summary loads. The summary shows h
**Failure**: The number of users or sign-ins during the time period where the result of at least one of the selected policies was ΓÇ£FailureΓÇ¥ or ΓÇ£Report-only: FailureΓÇ¥.
-**User action required**: The number of users or sign-ins during the time period where the combined result of the selected policies was ΓÇ£Report-only: User action requiredΓÇ¥. User action is required when an interactive grant control, such as multi-factor authentication is required by a report-only Conditional Access policy. Since interactive grant controls are not enforced by report-only policies, success or failure cannot be determined.
+**User action required**: The number of users or sign-ins during the time period where the combined result of the selected policies was ΓÇ£Report-only: User action requiredΓÇ¥. User action is required when an interactive grant control, such as multifactor authentication is required by a report-only Conditional Access policy. Since interactive grant controls aren't enforced by report-only policies, success or failure can't be determined.
**Not applied**: The number of users or sign-ins during the time period where none of the selected policies applied.
To configure a Conditional Access policy in report-only mode:
### Why are queries failing due to a permissions error?
-In order to access the workbook, you need the proper Azure AD permissions as well as Log Analytics workspace permissions. To test whether you have the proper workspace permissions by running a sample log analytics query:
+In order to access the workbook, you need the proper Azure AD permissions and Log Analytics workspace permissions. To test whether you have the proper workspace permissions by running a sample log analytics query:
1. Sign in to the **Azure portal**. 1. Browse to **Azure Active Directory** > **Log Analytics**. 1. Type `SigninLogs` into the query box and select **Run**.
-1. If the query does not return any results, your workspace may not have been configured correctly.
+1. If the query doesn't return any results, your workspace may not have been configured correctly.
![Troubleshoot failing queries](./media/howto-conditional-access-insights-reporting/query-troubleshoot-sign-in-logs.png)
For more information about how to stream Azure AD sign-in logs to a Log Analytic
### Why are the queries in the workbook failing?
-Customers have noticed that queries sometimes fail if the wrong or multiple workspaces are associated with the workbook. To fix this problem, click **Edit** at the top of the workbook and then the Settings gear. Select and then remove workspaces that are not associated with the workbook. There should be only one workspace associated with each workbook.
+Customers have noticed that queries sometimes fail if the wrong or multiple workspaces are associated with the workbook. To fix this problem, click **Edit** at the top of the workbook and then the Settings gear. Select and then remove workspaces that aren't associated with the workbook. There should be only one workspace associated with each workbook.
### Why is the Conditional Access policies parameter is empty?
When the volume of sign-ins exceeds the query capacity of Log Analytics, the wor
### Can I save my parameter selections?
-You can save your parameter selections at the top of the workbook by going to **Azure Active Directory** > **Workbooks** > **Conditional Access Insights and reporting**. Here you will find the workbook template, where you can edit the workbook and save a copy to your workspace, including the parameter selections, in **My reports** or **Shared reports**.
+You can save your parameter selections at the top of the workbook by going to **Azure Active Directory** > **Workbooks** > **Conditional Access Insights and reporting**. Here you'll find the workbook template, where you can edit the workbook and save a copy to your workspace, including the parameter selections, in **My reports** or **Shared reports**.
### Can I edit and customize the workbook with additional queries?
-You can edit and customize the workbook by going to **Azure Active Directory** > **Workbooks** > **Conditional Access Insights and reporting**. Here you will find the workbook template, where you can edit the workbook and save a copy to your workspace, including the parameter selections, in **My reports** or **Shared reports**. To start editing the queries, click **Edit** at the top of the workbook.
+You can edit and customize the workbook by going to **Azure Active Directory** > **Workbooks** > **Conditional Access Insights and reporting**. Here you'll find the workbook template, where you can edit the workbook and save a copy to your workspace, including the parameter selections, in **My reports** or **Shared reports**. To start editing the queries, click **Edit** at the top of the workbook.
## Next steps
active-directory Consent Types Developer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/develop/consent-types-developer.md
Title: Microsoft identity platform developers' guide to requesting permissions t
description: Learn how developers can request for permissions through consent in the Microsoft identity platform endpoint. --+
active-directory Customize Webviews https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/develop/customize-webviews.md
-+ Previously updated : 08/28/2019 Last updated : 01/24/2023
# Customize browsers and WebViews for iOS/macOS
-A web browser is required for interactive authentication. On iOS and macOS 10.15+, the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) uses the system web browser by default (which might appear on top of your app) to do interactive authentication to sign in users. Using the system browser has the advantage of sharing the Single Sign On (SSO) state with other applications and with web applications.
+A web browser is required for interactive authentication. On iOS and macOS 10.15+, the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) uses the system web browser by default (which might appear on top of your app) to do interactive authentication to sign in users. Using the system browser has the advantage of sharing the single sign-on (SSO) state with other applications and with web applications.
You can change the experience by customizing the configuration to other options for displaying web content, such as: For iOS only: -- [SFAuthenticationSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfauthenticationsession?language=objc)
+- [SFAuthenticationSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfauthenticationsession?language=objc)
- [SFSafariViewController](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfsafariviewcontroller?language=objc) For iOS and macOS:
For iOS and macOS:
- [ASWebAuthenticationSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/authenticationservices/aswebauthenticationsession?language=objc) - [WKWebView](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkwebview?language=objc).
-MSAL for macOS only supports `WKWebView` on older OS versions. `ASWebAuthenticationSession` is only supported on macOS 10.15 and above.
+MSAL for macOS only supports `WKWebView` on older OS versions. `ASWebAuthenticationSession` is only supported on macOS 10.15 and above.
## System browsers For iOS, `ASWebAuthenticationSession`, `SFAuthenticationSession`, and `SFSafariViewController` are considered system browsers. For macOS, only `ASWebAuthenticationSession` is available. In general, system browsers share cookies and other website data with the Safari browser application.
-By default, MSAL will dynamically detect iOS version and select the recommended system browser available on that version. On iOS 12+ it will be `ASWebAuthenticationSession`.
+By default, MSAL will dynamically detect iOS version and select the recommended system browser available on that version. On iOS 12+ it will be `ASWebAuthenticationSession`.
### Default configuration for iOS
-| Version | Web browser |
+| Version | Web browser |
+| :--: | :: |
| iOS 12+ | ASWebAuthenticationSession |
-| iOS 11 | SFAuthenticationSession |
-| iOS 10 | SFSafariViewController |
+| iOS 11 | SFAuthenticationSession |
+| iOS 10 | SFSafariViewController |
### Default configuration for macOS
-| Version | Web browser |
-| macOS 10.15+ | ASWebAuthenticationSession |
-| other versions | WKWebView |
+| Version | Web browser |
+| :: | :: |
+| macOS 10.15+ | ASWebAuthenticationSession |
+| other versions | WKWebView |
Developers can also select a different system browser for MSAL apps:
Developers can also select a different system browser for MSAL apps:
[WKWebView](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/webkit/wkwebview) is an in-app browser that displays web content. It doesn't share cookies or web site data with other **WKWebView** instances, or with the Safari browser. WKWebView is a cross-platform browser that is available for both iOS and macOS.
-## Cookie sharing and Single sign-on (SSO) implications
+## Cookie sharing and SSO implications
The browser you use impacts the SSO experience because of how they share cookies. The following tables summarize the SSO experiences per browser.
-| Technology | Browser Type | iOS availability | macOS availability | Shares cookies and other data | MSAL availability | SSO |
-| [ASWebAuthenticationSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/authenticationservices/aswebauthenticationsession) | System | iOS12 and up | macOS 10.15 and up | Yes | iOS and macOS 10.15+ | w/ Safari instances
-| [SFAuthenticationSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfauthenticationsession) | System | iOS11 and up | N/A | Yes | iOS only | w/ Safari instances
-| [SFSafariViewController](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfsafariviewcontroller) | System | iOS11 and up | N/A | No | iOS only | No**
-| **SFSafariViewController** | System | iOS10 | N/A | Yes | iOS only | w/ Safari instances
-| **WKWebView** | In-app | iOS8 and up | macOS 10.10 and up | No | iOS and macOS | No**
+| Technology | Browser Type | iOS availability | macOS availability | Shares cookies and other data | MSAL availability | SSO |
+| :--: | :-: | :--: | :-: | :: | :: | : |
+| [ASWebAuthenticationSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/authenticationservices/aswebauthenticationsession) | System | iOS12 and up | macOS 10.15 and up | Yes | iOS and macOS 10.15+ | w/ Safari instances |
+| [SFAuthenticationSession](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfauthenticationsession) | System | iOS11 and up | N/A | Yes | iOS only | w/ Safari instances |
+| [SFSafariViewController](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/sfsafariviewcontroller) | System | iOS11 and up | N/A | No | iOS only | No\*\* |
+| **SFSafariViewController** | System | iOS10 | N/A | Yes | iOS only | w/ Safari instances |
+| **WKWebView** | In-app | iOS8 and up | macOS 10.10 and up | No | iOS and macOS | No\*\* |
-** For SSO to work, tokens need to be shared between apps. This requires a token cache, or broker application, such as Microsoft Authenticator for iOS.
+\*\* For SSO to work, tokens need to be shared between apps. This requires a token cache, or broker application, such as Microsoft Authenticator for iOS.
## Change the default browser for the request
Additionally, MSAL supports passing in a custom `WKWebView` by setting the `MSAL
For example: Objective-C+ ```objc UIViewController *myParentController = ...; WKWebView *myCustomWebView = ...;
MSALWebviewParameters *webViewParameters = [[MSALWebviewParameters alloc] initWi
webViewParameters.webviewType = MSALWebviewTypeWKWebView; webViewParameters.customWebview = myCustomWebView; MSALInteractiveTokenParameters *interactiveParameters = [[MSALInteractiveTokenParameters alloc] initWithScopes:@[@"myscope"] webviewParameters:webViewParameters];
+ [app acquireTokenWithParameters:interactiveParameters completionBlock:completionBlock]; ```+ Swift+ ```swift let myParentController: UIViewController = ... let myCustomWebView: WKWebView = ...
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MSALWebviewType)
For older macOS versions uses WKWebView */ MSALWebviewTypeDefault,
+ /** Use ASWebAuthenticationSession where available. On older iOS versions uses SFAuthenticationSession Doesn't allow any other webview type, so if either of these are not present, fails the request*/ MSALWebviewTypeAuthenticationSession,
+ /** Use SFSafariViewController for all versions. */ MSALWebviewTypeSafariViewController,
+ #endif /** Use WKWebView */ MSALWebviewTypeWKWebView,
active-directory Delegated Access Primer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/develop/delegated-access-primer.md
Title: Microsoft identity platform delegated access scenario
description: Learn about delegated access in the Microsoft identity platform endpoint. --+
active-directory Permissions Consent Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/develop/permissions-consent-overview.md
description: Learn the foundational concepts and scenarios around consent and pe
There are other ways in which applications can be granted authorization for app-
### Comparison of delegated and application permissions
-| | Delegated permissions | Application permissions |
+| Permission types | Delegated permissions | Application permissions |
|--|--|--| | Types of apps | Web / Mobile / single-page app (SPA) | Web / Daemon | | Access context | Get access on behalf of a user | Get access without a user |
active-directory Quickstart V2 Python Webapp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/develop/quickstart-v2-python-webapp.md
Previously updated : 11/22/2021 Last updated : 01/24/2023
active-directory Scopes Oidc https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/develop/scopes-oidc.md
description: Learn about openID connect scopes and permissions in the Microsoft
active-directory Azuread Join Sso https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/azuread-join-sso.md
This article explains how this works.
## How it works
-With an Azure AD joined device, your users already have an SSO experience to the cloud apps in your environment. If your environment has an Azure AD and an on-premises AD, you may want to expand the scope of your SSO experience to your on-premises Line Of Business (LOB) apps, file shares, and printers.
+With an Azure AD joined device, your users already have an SSO experience to the cloud apps in your environment. If your environment has Azure AD and on-premises AD DS, you may want to expand the scope of your SSO experience to your on-premises Line Of Business (LOB) apps, file shares, and printers.
-Azure AD joined devices have no knowledge about your on-premises AD environment because they aren't joined to it. However, you can provide additional information about your on-premises AD to these devices with Azure AD Connect.
+Azure AD joined devices have no knowledge about your on-premises AD DS environment because they aren't joined to it. However, you can provide additional information about your on-premises AD to these devices with Azure AD Connect.
-If you have a hybrid environment, with both Azure AD and on-premises AD, it's likely that you already have Azure AD Connect or Azure AD Connect cloud sync deployed to synchronize your on-premises identity information to the cloud. As part of the synchronization process, on-premises user and domain information is synchronized to Azure AD. When a user signs in to an Azure AD joined device in a hybrid environment:
+If you have a hybrid environment, with both Azure AD and on-premises AD DS, it's likely that you already have Azure AD Connect or Azure AD Connect cloud sync deployed to synchronize your on-premises identity information to the cloud. As part of the synchronization process, on-premises user and domain information is synchronized to Azure AD. When a user signs in to an Azure AD joined device in a hybrid environment:
1. Azure AD sends the details of the user's on-premises domain back to the device, along with the [Primary Refresh Token](concept-primary-refresh-token.md) 1. The local security authority (LSA) service enables Kerberos and NTLM authentication on the device.
All apps that are configured for **Windows-Integrated authentication** seamlessl
With SSO, on an Azure AD joined device you can: - Access a UNC path on an AD member server-- Access an AD member web server configured for Windows-integrated security
+- Access an AD DS member web server configured for Windows-integrated security
If you want to manage your on-premises AD from a Windows device, install the [Remote Server Administration Tools](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=45520).
You can use:
## What you should know - You may have to adjust your [domain-based filtering](../hybrid/how-to-connect-sync-configure-filtering.md#domain-based-filtering) in Azure AD Connect to ensure that the data about the required domains is synchronized if you have multiple domains.-- Apps and resources that depend on Active Directory machine authentication don't work because Azure AD joined devices don't have a computer object in AD.
+- Apps and resources that depend on Active Directory machine authentication don't work because Azure AD joined devices don't have a computer object in AD DS.
- You can't share files with other users on an Azure AD-joined device. - Applications running on your Azure AD joined device may authenticate users. They must use the implicit UPN or the NT4 type syntax with the domain FQDN name as the domain part, for example: user@contoso.corp.com or contoso.corp.com\user.
- - If applications use the NETBIOS or legacy name like contoso\user, the errors the application gets would be either, NT error STATUS_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS - 0xc00000a7, or Windows error ERROR_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS - 1348 ΓÇ£The validation information class requested was invalid.ΓÇ¥ This happens even if you can resolve the legacy domain name.
+ - If applications use the NETBIOS or legacy name like contoso\user, the errors the application gets would be either, NT error STATUS_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS - 0xc00000a7, or Windows error ERROR_BAD_VALIDATION_CLASS - 1348 ΓÇ£The validation information class requested was invalid.ΓÇ¥ This error happens even if you can resolve the legacy domain name.
## Next steps
active-directory Azureadjoin Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/azureadjoin-plan.md
Previously updated : 02/15/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Choose **Selected** and selects the users you want to add to the local administr
![Additional local administrators on Azure AD joined devices](./media/azureadjoin-plan/02.png)
-### Require multi-factor authentication (MFA) to join devices
+### Require multifactor authentication (MFA) to join devices
Select **ΓÇ£Yes** if you require users to do MFA while joining devices to Azure AD.
-![Require multi-factor Auth to join devices](./media/azureadjoin-plan/03.png)
+![Require multifactor Auth to join devices](./media/azureadjoin-plan/03.png)
**Recommendation:** Use the user action [Register or join devices](../conditional-access/concept-conditional-access-cloud-apps.md#user-actions) in Conditional Access for enforcing MFA for joining devices.
active-directory Concept Azure Ad Join Hybrid https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/concept-azure-ad-join-hybrid.md
Previously updated : 02/15/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Hybrid Azure AD joined devices require network line of sight to your on-premises
| | Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2008 R2 - Require MSI | | **Device sign in options** | Organizational accounts using: | | | Password |
-| | Windows Hello for Business for Win10 and above |
+| | Windows Hello for Business for Windows 10 or newer |
| **Device management** | [Group Policy](/mem/configmgr/comanage/faq#my-environment-has-too-many-group-policy-objects-and-legacy-authenticated-apps--do-i-have-to-use-hybrid-azure-ad-) | | | [Configuration Manager standalone or co-management with Microsoft Intune](/mem/configmgr/comanage/overview) | | **Key capabilities** | SSO to both cloud and on-premises resources |
active-directory Concept Azure Ad Join https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/concept-azure-ad-join.md
Previously updated : 02/07/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
active-directory Device Registration How It Works https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/device-registration-how-it-works.md
Previously updated : 02/15/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
active-directory Enterprise State Roaming Troubleshooting https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/enterprise-state-roaming-troubleshooting.md
Previously updated : 02/25/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
# Troubleshooting Enterprise State Roaming settings in Azure Active Directory
-This topic provides information on how to troubleshoot and diagnose issues with Enterprise State Roaming, and provides a list of known issues.
+This article provides information on how to troubleshoot and diagnose issues with Enterprise State Roaming, and provides a list of known issues.
[!INCLUDE [updated-for-az](../../../includes/updated-for-az.md)]
Before you start troubleshooting, verify that the user and device have been conf
1. The device must be restarted and the user must sign in again to access Enterprise State Roaming features. ## Information to include when you need help
-If you cannot solve your issue with the guidance below, you can contact our support engineers. When you contact them, include the following information:
+If you can't solve your issue with the guidance that follows, you can contact our support engineers. When you contact them, include the following information:
* **General description of the error**: Are there error messages seen by the user? If there was no error message, describe the unexpected behavior you noticed, in detail. What features are enabled for sync and what is the user expecting to sync? Are multiple features not syncing or is it isolated to one? * **Users affected** ΓÇô Is sync working/failing for one user or multiple users? How many devices are involved per user? Are all of them not syncing or are some of them syncing and some not syncing?
This section gives suggestions on how to troubleshoot and diagnose problems rela
## Verify sync, and the ΓÇ£Sync your settingsΓÇ¥ settings page
-1. After joining your Windows 10 or newer PC to a domain that is configured to allow Enterprise State Roaming, sign on with your work account. Go to **Settings** > **Accounts** > **Sync Your Settings** and confirm that sync and the individual settings are on, and that the top of the settings page indicates that you are syncing with your work account. Confirm the same account is also used as your login account in **Settings** > **Accounts** > **Your Info**.
+1. After joining your Windows 10 or newer PC to a domain that is configured to allow Enterprise State Roaming, sign on with your work account. Go to **Settings** > **Accounts** > **Sync Your Settings** and confirm that sync and the individual settings are on, and that the top of the settings page indicates that you're syncing with your work account. Confirm the same account is also used as your login account in **Settings** > **Accounts** > **Your Info**.
1. Verify that sync works across multiple machines by making some changes on the original machine, such as moving the taskbar to the right or top side of the screen. Watch the change propagate to the second machine within five minutes. * Locking and unlocking the screen (Win + L) can help trigger a sync. * You must be signing in with the same account on both PCs for sync to work ΓÇô as Enterprise State Roaming is tied to the user account and not the machine account.
-**Potential issue**: If the controls in the **Settings** page are not available, and you see the message ΓÇ£Some Windows features are only available if you are using a Microsoft account or work account.ΓÇ¥ This issue might arise for devices that are set up to be domain-joined and registered to Azure AD, but the device has not yet successfully authenticated to Azure AD. A possible cause is that the device policy must be applied, but this application happens asynchronously, and could be delayed by a few hours.
+**Potential issue**: If the controls in the **Settings** page aren't available, and you see the message ΓÇ£Some Windows features are only available if you're using a Microsoft account or work account.ΓÇ¥ This issue might arise for devices that are set up to be domain-joined and registered to Azure AD, but the device hasn't yet successfully authenticated to Azure AD. A possible cause is that the device policy must be applied, but this application happens asynchronously, and could be delayed by a few hours.
### Verify the device registration status
-Enterprise State Roaming requires the device to be registered with Azure AD. Although not specific to Enterprise State Roaming, following the instructions below can help confirm that the Windows 10 or newer Client is registered, and confirm thumbprint, Azure AD settings URL, NGC status, and other information.
+Enterprise State Roaming requires the device to be registered with Azure AD. Although not specific to Enterprise State Roaming, using the following instructions can help confirm that the Windows 10 or newer Client is registered, and confirm thumbprint, Azure AD settings URL, NGC status, and other information.
1. Open the command prompt unelevated. To do this in Windows, open the Run launcher (Win + R) and type ΓÇ£cmdΓÇ¥ to open. 1. Once the command prompt is open, type ΓÇ£*dsregcmd.exe /status*ΓÇ¥. 1. For expected output, the **AzureAdJoined** field value should be ΓÇ£YESΓÇ¥, **WamDefaultSet** field value should be ΓÇ£YESΓÇ¥, and the **WamDefaultGUID** field value should be a GUID with ΓÇ£(AzureAd)ΓÇ¥ at the end.
-**Potential issue**: **WamDefaultSet** and **AzureAdJoined** both have ΓÇ£NOΓÇ¥ in the field value, the device was domain-joined and registered with Azure AD, and the device does not sync. If it is showing this, the device may need to wait for policy to be applied or the authentication for the device failed when connecting to Azure AD. The user may have to wait a few hours for the policy to be applied. Other troubleshooting steps may include retrying autoregistration by signing out and back in, or launching the task in Task Scheduler. In some cases, running ΓÇ£*dsregcmd.exe /leave*ΓÇ¥ in an elevated command prompt window, rebooting, and trying registration again may help with this issue.
+**Potential issue**: **WamDefaultSet** and **AzureAdJoined** both have ΓÇ£NOΓÇ¥ in the field value, the device was domain-joined and registered with Azure AD, and the device doesn't sync. If it's showing this, the device may need to wait for policy to be applied or the authentication for the device failed when connecting to Azure AD. The user may have to wait a few hours for the policy to be applied. Other troubleshooting steps may include retrying autoregistration by signing out and back in, or launching the task in Task Scheduler. In some cases, running ΓÇ£*dsregcmd.exe /leave*ΓÇ¥ in an elevated command prompt window, rebooting, and trying registration again may help with this issue.
-**Potential issue**: The field for **SettingsUrl** is empty and the device does not sync. The user may have last logged in to the device before Enterprise State Roaming was enabled in the Azure Active Directory Portal. Restart the device and have the user login. Optionally, in the portal, try having the IT Admin navigate to **Azure Active Directory** > **Devices** > **Enterprise State Roaming** disable and re-enable **Users may sync settings and app data across devices**. Once re-enabled, restart the device and have the user login. If this does not resolve the issue, **SettingsUrl** may be empty if there is a bad device certificate. In this case, running ΓÇ£*dsregcmd.exe /leave*ΓÇ¥ in an elevated command prompt window, rebooting, and trying registration again may help with this issue.
+**Potential issue**: The field for **SettingsUrl** is empty and the device doesn't sync. The user may have last logged in to the device before Enterprise State Roaming was enabled in the Azure Active Directory Portal. Restart the device and have the user login. Optionally, in the portal, try having the IT Admin navigate to **Azure Active Directory** > **Devices** > **Enterprise State Roaming** disable and re-enable **Users may sync settings and app data across devices**. Once re-enabled, restart the device and have the user login. If this doesn't resolve the issue, **SettingsUrl** may be empty if there's a bad device certificate. In this case, running ΓÇ£*dsregcmd.exe /leave*ΓÇ¥ in an elevated command prompt window, rebooting, and trying registration again may help with this issue.
-## Enterprise State Roaming and Multi-Factor Authentication
+## Enterprise State Roaming and multifactor authentication
-Under certain conditions, Enterprise State Roaming can fail to sync data if Azure AD Multi-Factor Authentication is configured. For more information on these symptoms, see the support document [KB3193683](https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3193683).
+Under certain conditions, Enterprise State Roaming can fail to sync data if Azure AD Multifactor Authentication is configured. For more information on these symptoms, see the support document [KB3193683](https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3193683).
-**Potential issue**: If your device is configured to require Multi-Factor Authentication on the Azure Active Directory portal, you may fail to sync settings while signing in to a Windows 10 or newer device using a password. This type of Multi-Factor Authentication configuration is intended to protect an Azure administrator account. Admin users may still be able to sync by signing in to their Windows 10 or newer devices with their Windows Hello for Business PIN or by completing Multi-Factor Authentication while accessing other Azure services like Microsoft 365.
+**Potential issue**: If your device is configured to require Multifactor Authentication on the Azure Active Directory portal, you may fail to sync settings while signing in to a Windows 10 or newer device using a password. This type of Multifactor Authentication configuration is intended to protect an Azure administrator account. Admin users may still be able to sync by signing in to their Windows 10 or newer devices with their Windows Hello for Business PIN or by completing Multifactor Authentication while accessing other Azure services like Microsoft 365.
-**Potential issue**: Sync can fail if the admin configures the Active Directory Federation Services Multi-Factor Authentication Conditional Access policy and the access token on the device expires. Ensure that you sign in and sign out using the Windows Hello for Business PIN or complete Multi-Factor Authentication while accessing other Azure services like Microsoft 365.
+**Potential issue**: Sync can fail if the admin configures the Active Directory Federation Services Multifactor Authentication Conditional Access policy and the access token on the device expires. Ensure that you sign in and sign out using the Windows Hello for Business PIN or complete Multifactor Authentication while accessing other Azure services like Microsoft 365.
### Event Viewer
Make sure the Windows 10 v1607 client has the August 23, 2016 Cumulative Update
### Date, Time, and Region settings do not sync on domain-joined device
-Devices that are domain-joined will not experience sync for the setting Date, Time, and Region: automatic time. Using automatic time may override the other Date, Time, and Region settings and cause those settings not to sync.
+Devices that are domain-joined won't experience sync for the setting Date, Time, and Region: automatic time. Using automatic time may override the other Date, Time, and Region settings and cause those settings not to sync.
**Recommended action** None.
Connect the device to a corporate network so that sync can resume.
If the user has a mixed case UPN (for example, UserName instead of username) and the user is on an Azure AD Joined device, which has upgraded from Windows 10 Build 10586 to 14393, the user's device may fail to sync. **Recommended action**
-The user will need to unjoin and rejoin the device to the cloud. To do this, login as the Local Administrator user and unjoin the device by going to **Settings** > **System** > **About** and select "Manage or disconnect from work or school". Clean up the files below, and then Azure AD Join the device again in **Settings** > **System** > **About** and selecting "Connect to Work or School". Continue to join the device to Azure Active Directory and complete the flow.
+The user will need to unjoin and rejoin the device to the cloud. To do this, login as the Local Administrator user and unjoin the device by going to **Settings** > **System** > **About** and select "Manage or disconnect from work or school". Clean up the following files, and then Azure AD Join the device again in **Settings** > **System** > **About** and selecting "Connect to Work or School". Continue to join the device to Azure Active Directory and complete the flow.
In the cleanup step, clean up the following files: - Settings.dat in `C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_cw5n1h2txyewy\Settings\`
In the cleanup step, clean up the following files:
### Event ID 6065: 80070533 This user canΓÇÖt sign in because this account is currently disabled
-In Event Viewer under the SettingSync/Debug logs, this error can be seen when the user's credentials have expired. In addition, it can occur when the tenant did not automatically have AzureRMS provisioned.
+In Event Viewer under the SettingSync/Debug logs, this error can be seen when the user's credentials have expired. In addition, it can occur when the tenant didn't automatically have AzureRMS provisioned.
**Recommended action** In the first case, have the user update their credentials and login to the device with the new credentials. To solve the AzureRMS issue, proceed with the steps listed in [KB3193791](https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3193791).
In the first case, have the user update their credentials and login to the devic
### Event ID 1098: Error: 0xCAA5001C Token broker operation failed
-In Event Viewer under the AAD/Operational logs, this error may be seen with Event 1104: AAD Cloud AP plugin call Get token returned error: 0xC000005F. This issue occurs if there are missing permissions or ownership attributes.
+In Event Viewer under the AAD/Operational logs, this error may be seen with `Event 1104: AAD Cloud AP plugin call Get token returned error: 0xC000005F`. This issue occurs if there are missing permissions or ownership attributes.
**Recommended action** Proceed with the steps listed [KB3196528](https://support.microsoft.com/kb/3196528). ## Next steps
-For an overview, see [enterprise state roaming overview](enterprise-state-roaming-overview.md).
+For an overview, see [enterprise state roaming overview](enterprise-state-roaming-overview.md).
active-directory Howto Hybrid Join Downlevel https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/howto-hybrid-join-downlevel.md
Previously updated : 01/20/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
active-directory Hybrid Azuread Join Plan https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/hybrid-azuread-join-plan.md
Previously updated : 02/15/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
This article assumes that you're familiar with the [Introduction to device ident
Hybrid Azure AD joined devices require network line of sight to your domain controllers periodically. Without this connection, devices become unusable.
-Scenarios that break without line of sight to your domain controllers:
+Scenarios that break without line of sight to your domain controllers include:
- Device password change - User password change (Cached credentials)
As a first planning step, you should review your environment and determine wheth
If your Windows 10 or newer domain joined devices are [Azure AD registered](concept-azure-ad-register.md) to your tenant, it could lead to a dual state of hybrid Azure AD joined and Azure AD registered device. We recommend upgrading to Windows 10 1803 (with KB4489894 applied) or newer to automatically address this scenario. In pre-1803 releases, you'll need to remove the Azure AD registered state manually before enabling hybrid Azure AD join. In 1803 and above releases, the following changes have been made to avoid this dual state: -- Any existing Azure AD registered state for a user would be automatically removed <i>after the device is hybrid Azure AD joined and the same user logs in</i>. For example, if User A had an Azure AD registered state on the device, the dual state for User A is cleaned up only when User A logs in to the device. If there are multiple users on the same device, the dual state is cleaned up individually when those users log in. After removing the Azure AD registered state, Windows 10 will unenroll the device from Intune or other MDM, if the enrollment happened as part of the Azure AD registration via auto-enrollment.
+- Any existing Azure AD registered state for a user would be automatically removed <i>after the device is hybrid Azure AD joined and the same user logs in</i>. For example, if User A had an Azure AD registered state on the device, the dual state for User A is cleaned up only when User A logs in to the device. If there are multiple users on the same device, the dual state is cleaned up individually when those users log in. After an admin removes the Azure AD registered state, Windows 10 will unenroll the device from Intune or other MDM, if the enrollment happened as part of the Azure AD registration via auto-enrollment.
- Azure AD registered state on any local accounts on the device isnΓÇÖt impacted by this change. Only applicable to domain accounts. Azure AD registered state on local accounts isn't removed automatically even after user logon, since the user isn't a domain user. - You can prevent your domain joined device from being Azure AD registered by adding the following registry value to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WorkplaceJoin: "BlockAADWorkplaceJoin"=dword:00000001. - In Windows 10 1803, if you have Windows Hello for Business configured, the user needs to reconfigure Windows Hello for Business after the dual state cleanup. This issue has been addressed with KB4512509.
Beginning with version 1.1.819.0, Azure AD Connect provides you with a wizard to
Sometimes, on-premises AD users UPNs are different from your Azure AD UPNs. In these cases, Windows 10 or newer hybrid Azure AD join provides limited support for on-premises AD UPNs based on the [authentication method](../hybrid/choose-ad-authn.md), domain type, and Windows version. There are two types of on-premises AD UPNs that can exist in your environment: -- Routable users UPN: A routable UPN has a valid verified domain, that is registered with a domain registrar. For example, if contoso.com is the primary domain in Azure AD, contoso.org is the primary domain in on-premises AD owned by Contoso and [verified in Azure AD](../fundamentals/add-custom-domain.md).
+- Routable users UPN: A routable UPN has a valid verified domain that is registered with a domain registrar. For example, if contoso.com is the primary domain in Azure AD, contoso.org is the primary domain in on-premises AD owned by Contoso and [verified in Azure AD](../fundamentals/add-custom-domain.md).
- Non-routable users UPN: A non-routable UPN doesn't have a verified domain and is applicable only within your organization's private network. For example, if contoso.com is the primary domain in Azure AD and contoso.local is the primary domain in on-premises AD but isn't a verifiable domain in the internet and only used within Contoso's network. > [!NOTE]
active-directory Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/overview.md
Previously updated : 02/07/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 -+
active-directory Troubleshoot Hybrid Join Windows Legacy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/devices/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-legacy.md
Previously updated : 02/15/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
This article provides you with troubleshooting guidance on how to resolve potent
**What you should know:** -- Hybrid Azure AD join for downlevel Windows devices works slightly differently than it does in Windows 10 or newer. Many customers do not realize that they need AD FS (for federated domains) or Seamless SSO configured (for managed domains).
+- Hybrid Azure AD join for downlevel Windows devices works slightly differently than it does in Windows 10 or newer. Many customers don't realize that they need AD FS (for federated domains) or Seamless SSO configured (for managed domains).
- Seamless SSO doesn't work in private browsing mode on Firefox and Microsoft Edge browsers. It also doesn't work on Internet Explorer if the browser is running in Enhanced Protected mode or if Enhanced Security Configuration is enabled.-- For customers with federated domains, if the Service Connection Point (SCP) was configured such that it points to the managed domain name (for example, contoso.onmicrosoft.com, instead of contoso.com), then Hybrid Azure AD Join for downlevel Windows devices will not work.
+- For customers with federated domains, if the Service Connection Point (SCP) was configured such that it points to the managed domain name (for example, contoso.onmicrosoft.com, instead of contoso.com), then Hybrid Azure AD Join for downlevel Windows devices won't work.
- The same physical device appears multiple times in Azure AD when multiple domain users sign-in the downlevel hybrid Azure AD joined devices. For example, if *jdoe* and *jharnett* sign-in to a device, a separate registration (DeviceID) is created for each of them in the **USER** info tab. - You can also get multiple entries for a device on the user info tab because of a reinstallation of the operating system or a manual re-registration. - The initial registration / join of devices is configured to perform an attempt at either sign-in or lock / unlock. There could be 5-minute delay triggered by a task scheduler task. -- Make sure [KB4284842](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4284842) is installed, in case of Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. This update prevents future authentication failures due to customer's access loss to protected keys after changing password.-- Hybrid Azure AD join may fail after a user has their UPN changed, breaking the Seamless SSO authentication process. During the join process you may see that it is still sending the old UPN to Azure AD, unless, browser session cookies are cleared or user explicitly signs-out and removes old UPN.
+- Make sure [KB4284842](https://support.microsoft.com/help/4284842) is installed on Windows 7 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. This update prevents future authentication failures due to customer's access loss to protected keys after changing password.
+- Hybrid Azure AD join may fail after a user has their UPN changed, breaking the Seamless SSO authentication process. During the join process, you may see that it's still sending the old UPN to Azure AD, unless, browser session cookies are cleared or user explicitly signs-out and removes old UPN.
## Step 1: Retrieve the registration status
This command displays a dialog box that provides you with details about the join
## Step 2: Evaluate the hybrid Azure AD join status
-If the device was not hybrid Azure AD joined, you can attempt to do hybrid Azure AD join by clicking on the "Join" button. If the attempt to do hybrid Azure AD join fails, the details about the failure will be shown.
+If the device wasn't hybrid Azure AD joined, you can attempt to do hybrid Azure AD join by clicking on the "Join" button. If the attempt to do hybrid Azure AD join fails, the details about the failure will be shown.
**The most common issues are:**
If the device was not hybrid Azure AD joined, you can attempt to do hybrid Azure
:::image type="content" source="./media/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-legacy/02.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Workplace Join for Windows dialog box. Text reports that an error occurred during account authentication." border="false":::
- - Autoworkplace.exe is unable to silently authenticate with Azure AD or AD FS. This could be caused by missing or misconfigured AD FS (for federated domains) or missing or misconfigured Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On (for managed domains) or network issues.
- - It could be that multi-factor authentication (MFA) is enabled/configured for the user and WIAORMULTIAUTHN is not configured at the AD FS server.
+ - Autoworkplace.exe is unable to silently authenticate with Azure AD or AD FS. This issue could be caused by missing or misconfigured AD FS (for federated domains) or missing or misconfigured Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On (for managed domains) or network issues.
+ - It could be that multifactor authentication (MFA) is enabled/configured for the user and WIAORMULTIAUTHN isn't configured at the AD FS server.
- Another possibility is that home realm discovery (HRD) page is waiting for user interaction, which prevents **autoworkplace.exe** from silently requesting a token. - It could be that AD FS and Azure AD URLs are missing in IE's intranet zone on the client. - Network connectivity issues may be preventing **autoworkplace.exe** from reaching AD FS or the Azure AD URLs. - **Autoworkplace.exe** requires the client to have direct line of sight from the client to the organization's on-premises AD domain controller, which means that hybrid Azure AD join succeeds only when the client is connected to organization's intranet.
- - Your organization uses Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On, `https://autologon.microsoftazuread-sso.com` or `https://aadg.windows.net.nsatc.net` are not present on the device's IE intranet settings.
-- You are not signed on as a domain user
+ - If your organization uses Azure AD Seamless Single Sign-On, `https://autologon.microsoftazuread-sso.com` or `https://aadg.windows.net.nsatc.net` aren't present on the device's IE intranet settings.
+- You aren't signed on as a domain user
:::image type="content" source="./media/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-legacy/03.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Workplace Join for Windows dialog box. Text reports that an error occurred during account verification." border="false":::
- There are a few different reasons why this can occur:
+ There are a few different reasons why this issue can occur:
- - The signed in user is not a domain user (for example, a local user). Hybrid Azure AD join on down-level devices is supported only for domain users.
- - The client is not able to connect to a domain controller.
+ - The signed in user isn't a domain user (for example, a local user). Hybrid Azure AD join on down-level devices is supported only for domain users.
+ - The client isn't able to connect to a domain controller.
- A quota has been reached :::image type="content" source="./media/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-legacy/04.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Workplace Join for Windows dialog box. Text reports an error because the user has reached the maximum number of joined devices." border="false"::: -- The service is not responding
+- The service isn't responding
- :::image type="content" source="./media/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-legacy/05.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Workplace Join for Windows dialog box. Text reports that an error occurred because the server did not respond." border="false":::
+ :::image type="content" source="./media/troubleshoot-hybrid-join-windows-legacy/05.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Workplace Join for Windows dialog box. Text reports that an error occurred because the server didn't respond." border="false":::
You can also find the status information in the event log under: **Applications and Services Log\Microsoft-Workplace Join** **The most common causes for a failed hybrid Azure AD join are:** -- Your computer is not connected to your organizationΓÇÖs internal network or to a VPN with a connection to your on-premises AD domain controller.-- You are logged on to your computer with a local computer account.
+- Your computer isn't connected to your organizationΓÇÖs internal network or to a VPN with a connection to your on-premises AD domain controller.
+- You're logged on to your computer with a local computer account.
- Service configuration issues:
- - The AD FS server has not been configured to support **WIAORMULTIAUTHN**.
+ - The AD FS server hasn't been configured to support **WIAORMULTIAUTHN**.
- Your computer's forest has no Service Connection Point object that points to your verified domain name in Azure AD
- - Or if your domain is managed, then Seamless SSO was not configured or working.
+ - Or if your domain is managed, then Seamless SSO wasn't configured or working.
- A user has reached the limit of devices. ## Next steps
active-directory Groups Bulk Download https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/enterprise-users/groups-bulk-download.md
You can download a list of all the groups in your organization to a comma-separa
## To download a list of groups
+> The columns downloaded are pre-defined
+ 1. Sign in to [the Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com) with an account in your organization. 1. In Azure AD, select **Groups** > **Download groups**. 1. On the **Groups download** page, select **Start** to receive a CSV file listing your groups.
active-directory Active Directory How Subscriptions Associated Directory https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/fundamentals/active-directory-how-subscriptions-associated-directory.md
Previously updated : 08/17/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
# Associate or add an Azure subscription to your Azure Active Directory tenant
-An Azure subscription has a trust relationship with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). A subscription trusts Azure AD to authenticate users, services, and devices.
-Multiple subscriptions can trust the same Azure AD directory. Each subscription can only trust a single directory.
-One or more Azure subscriptions can establish a trust relationship with an instance of Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) in order to authenticate and authorize security principals and devices against Azure services. When a subscription expires, the trusted instance of the Azure AD service remains, but the security principals lose access to Azure resources.
+All Azure subscriptions have a trust relationship with an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) instance. Subscriptions rely on their trusted Azure AD to authenticate and authorize security principals and devices. When a subscription expires, the trusted instance of the Azure AD service remains, but the security principals lose access to Azure resources. Subscriptions can only trust a single directory while one Azure AD may be trusted by multiple subscriptions.
When a user signs up for a Microsoft cloud service, a new Azure AD tenant is created and the user is made a member of the Global Administrator role. However, when an owner of a subscription joins their subscription to an existing tenant, the owner isn't assigned to the Global Administrator role.
-All of your users have a single *home* directory for authentication. Your users can also be guests in other directories. You can see both the home and guest directories for each user in Azure AD.
+While users may only have a single authentication *home* directory, users may participate as guests in multiple directories. You can see both the home and guest directories for each user in Azure AD.
:::image type="content" source="media/active-directory-how-subscriptions-associated-directory/trust-relationship-azure-ad.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the trust relationship between Azure subscriptions and Azure active directories."::: > [!Important]
-> When you associate a subscription with a different directory, users that have roles assigned using [Azure role-based access control](../../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md) lose their access. Classic subscription administrators, including Service Administrator and Co-Administrators, also lose access.
+> When a subscription is associated with a different directory, users who have roles assigned using [Azure role-based access control](../../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md) lose their access. Classic subscription administrators, including Service Administrator and Co-Administrators, also lose access.
> > Moving your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster to a different subscription, or moving the cluster-owning subscription to a new tenant, causes the cluster to lose functionality due to lost role assignments and service principal's rights. For more information about AKS, see [Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)](../../aks/index.yml). ## Before you begin
-Before you can associate or add your subscription, do the following tasks:
--- Review the following list of changes that will occur after you associate or add your subscription, and how you might be affected:
+Before you can associate or add your subscription, do the following steps:
- - Users that have been assigned roles using Azure RBAC will lose their access.
- - Service Administrator and Co-Administrators will lose access.
- - If you have any key vaults, they'll be inaccessible, and you'll have to fix them after association.
- - If you have any managed identities for resources such as Virtual Machines or Logic Apps, you must re-enable or recreate them after the association.
- - If you have a registered Azure Stack, you'll have to re-register it after association.
- - For more information, see [Transfer an Azure subscription to a different Azure AD directory](../../role-based-access-control/transfer-subscription.md).
+- Review the following list of changes that will occur after you associate or add your subscription, and how you might be affected:
+ - Users that have been assigned roles using Azure RBAC will lose their access.
+ - Service Administrator and Co-Administrators will lose access.
+ - If you have any key vaults, they'll be inaccessible, and you'll have to fix them after association.
+ - If you have any managed identities for resources such as Virtual Machines or Logic Apps, you must re-enable or recreate them after the association.
+ - If you have a registered Azure Stack, you'll have to re-register it after association.
+ For more information, see [Transfer an Azure subscription to a different Azure AD directory](../../role-based-access-control/transfer-subscription.md).
- Sign in using an account that:-
- - Has an [Owner](../../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md#owner) role assignment for the subscription. For information about how to assign the Owner role, see [Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal](../../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md).
- - Exists in both the current directory and in the new directory. The current directory is associated with the subscription. You'll associate the new directory with the subscription. For more information about getting access to another directory, see [Add Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration users in the Azure portal](../external-identities/add-users-administrator.md).
--- Make sure that you're not using an Azure Cloud Service Providers (CSP) subscription (MS-AZR-0145P, MS-AZR-0146P, MS-AZR-159P), a Microsoft Internal subscription (MS-AZR-0015P), or a Microsoft Azure for Students Starter subscription (MS-AZR-0144P).
+ - Has an [Owner](../../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md#owner) role assignment for the subscription. For information about how to assign the Owner role, see [Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal](../../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md).
+ - Exists in both the current directory and in the new directory. The current directory is associated with the subscription. You'll associate the new directory with the subscription. For more information about getting access to another directory, see [Add Azure Active Directory B2B collaboration users in the Azure portal](../external-identities/add-users-administrator.md).
+ - Make sure that you're not using an Azure Cloud Service Providers (CSP) subscription (MS-AZR-0145P, MS-AZR-0146P, MS-AZR-159P), a Microsoft Internal subscription (MS-AZR-0015P), or a Microsoft Azure for Students Starter subscription (MS-AZR-0144P).
## Associate a subscription to a directory<a name="to-associate-an-existing-subscription-to-your-azure-ad-directory"></a>
-To associate an existing subscription to your Azure AD directory, follow these steps:
+To associate an existing subscription with your Azure AD, follow these steps:
1. Sign in and select the subscription you want to use from the [Subscriptions page in Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade).
Changing the subscription directory is a service-level operation, so it doesn't
## Post-association steps
-After you associate a subscription to a different directory, you might need to do the following tasks to resume operations:
+After you associate a subscription with a different directory, you might need to do the following tasks to resume operations:
- If you have any key vaults, you must change the key vault tenant ID. For more information, see [Change a key vault tenant ID after a subscription move](../../key-vault/general/move-subscription.md).
active-directory Active Directory How To Find Tenant https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/fundamentals/active-directory-how-to-find-tenant.md
Previously updated : 08/17/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
# How to find your Azure Active Directory tenant ID
-Azure subscriptions have a trust relationship with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Azure AD is trusted to authenticate users, services, and devices for the subscription. Each subscription has a tenant ID associated with it, and there are a few ways you can find the tenant ID for your subscription.
+Azure subscriptions have a trust relationship with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Azure AD is trusted to authenticate the subscription's users, services, and devices. Each subscription has a tenant ID associated with it, and there are a few ways you can find the tenant ID for your subscription.
## Find tenant ID through the Azure portal
Azure subscriptions have a trust relationship with Azure Active Directory (Azure
1. Select **Properties**.
-1. Scroll down to the **Tenant ID** field. Your tenant ID will be in the box.
+1. Scroll down to the **Tenant ID** section and you can find your tenant ID in the box.
:::image type="content" source="media/active-directory-how-to-find-tenant/portal-tenant-id.png" alt-text="Azure Active Directory - Properties - Tenant ID - Tenant ID field":::
Get-AzTenant ```
-For more information, see this Azure PowerShell cmdlet reference for [Get-AzTenant](/powershell/module/az.accounts/get-aztenant).
+For more information, see the [Get-AzTenant](/powershell/module/az.accounts/get-aztenant) cmdlet reference.
## Find tenant ID with CLI+ The [Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) or [Microsoft 365 CLI](https://pnp.github.io/cli-microsoft365/) can be used to find the tenant ID.
-For Azure CLI, use one of the commands **az login**, **az account list**, or **az account tenant list** as shown in the following example. Notice the **tenantId** property for each of your subscriptions in the output from each command.
+For Azure CLI, use one of the commands **az login**, **az account list**, or **az account tenant list**. All of command's included below return the **tenantId** property for each of your subscriptions.
```azurecli-interactive az login
active-directory Active Directory Users Reset Password Azure Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/fundamentals/active-directory-users-reset-password-azure-portal.md
Previously updated : 08/17/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
# Reset a user's password using Azure Active Directory
-As an administrator, you can reset a user's password if the password is forgotten, if the user gets locked out of a device, or if the user never received a password.
+Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) administrators can reset a user's password if the password is forgotten, if the user gets locked out of a device, or if the user never received a password.
>[!Note] >Unless your Azure AD tenant is the home directory for a user, you won't be able reset their password. This means that if your user is signing in to your organization using an account from another organization, a Microsoft account, or a Google account, you won't be able to reset their password.
As an administrator, you can reset a user's password if the password is forgotte
>If your user has a source of authority as Windows Server Active Directory, you'll only be able to reset the password if you've turned on password writeback and the user domain is managed. Changing the user password from Azure Active Directory for federated domains is not supported. In this case, you should change the user password in the on-premises Active Directory.<br><br>If your user has a source of authority as External Azure AD, you won't be able to reset the password. Only the user, or an administrator in External Azure AD, can reset the password. >[!Note]
->If you're not an administrator and are instead looking for instructions about how to reset your own work or school password, see [Reset your work or school password](https://support.microsoft.com/account-billing/reset-your-work-or-school-password-using-security-info-23dde81f-08bb-4776-ba72-e6b72b9dda9e).
+>If you're not an administrator and you need instructions on how to reset your own work or school password, see [Reset your work or school password](https://support.microsoft.com/account-billing/reset-your-work-or-school-password-using-security-info-23dde81f-08bb-4776-ba72-e6b72b9dda9e).
## To reset a password
As an administrator, you can reset a user's password if the password is forgotte
>The temporary password never expires. The next time the user signs in, the password will still work, regardless how much time has passed since the temporary password was generated. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> If an administrator is unable to reset the user's password, and in the Application Event Logs on the Azure AD Connect server the following error code hr=80231367 is seen, review the user's attributes in Active Directory. If the attribute **AdminCount** is set to 1, this will prevent an administrator from resetting the user's password. The attribute **AdminCount** must be set to 0, in order for an administrators to reset the user's password.
+> If an administrator is unable to reset the user's password, and the Application Event Logs on the Azure AD Connect server has error code hr=80231367, review the user's attributes in Active Directory. If the attribute **AdminCount** is set to 1, this will prevent an administrator from resetting the user's password. The attribute **AdminCount** must be set to 0, in order for an administrators to reset the user's password.
## Next steps
active-directory Active Directory Whatis https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/fundamentals/active-directory-whatis.md
Previously updated : 08/17/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
# What is Azure Active Directory?
-Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management service. This service helps your employees access external resources, such as Microsoft 365, the Azure portal, and thousands of other SaaS applications. Azure Active Directory also helps them access internal resources like apps on your corporate intranet network, along with any cloud apps developed for your own organization. For more information about creating a tenant for your organization, see [Quickstart: Create a new tenant in Azure Active Directory](active-directory-access-create-new-tenant.md).
+Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a cloud-based identity and access management service. Azure AD enables your employees access external resources, such as Microsoft 365, the Azure portal, and thousands of other SaaS applications. Azure Active Directory also helps them access internal resources like apps on your corporate intranet, and any cloud apps developed for your own organization. To learn how to create a tenant, see [Quickstart: Create a new tenant in Azure Active Directory](active-directory-access-create-new-tenant.md).
To learn the differences between Active Directory and Azure Active Directory, see [Compare Active Directory to Azure Active Directory](active-directory-compare-azure-ad-to-ad.md). You can also refer [Microsoft Cloud for Enterprise Architects Series](/microsoft-365/solutions/cloud-architecture-models) posters to better understand the core identity services in Azure like Azure AD and Microsoft-365. ## Who uses Azure AD?
-Azure AD is intended for:
+Azure AD provides different benefits to members of your organization based on their role:
-- **IT admins**: As an IT admin, use Azure AD to control access to your apps and your app resources, based on your business requirements. For example, you can use Azure AD to require multi-factor authentication when accessing important organizational resources. You can also use Azure AD to automate user provisioning between your existing Windows Server AD and your cloud apps, including Microsoft 365. Finally, Azure AD gives you powerful tools to automatically help protect user identities and credentials and to meet your access governance requirements. To get started, sign up for a [free 30-day Azure Active Directory Premium trial](https://azure.microsoft.com/trial/get-started-active-directory/).
+- **IT admins** use Azure AD to control access to apps and app resources, based on business requirements. For example, as an IT admin, you can use Azure AD to require multi-factor authentication when accessing important organizational resources. You could also use Azure AD to automate user provisioning between your existing Windows Server AD and your cloud apps, including Microsoft 365. Finally, Azure AD gives you powerful tools to automatically help protect user identities and credentials and to meet your access governance requirements. To get started, sign up for a [free 30-day Azure Active Directory Premium trial](https://azure.microsoft.com/trial/get-started-active-directory/).
-- **App developers**: As an app developer, you can use Azure AD as a standards-based approach for adding single sign-on (SSO) to your app, allowing it to work with a user's pre-existing credentials. Azure AD also provides APIs that can help you build personalized app experiences using existing organizational data. To get started, sign up for a [free 30-day Azure Active Directory Premium trial](https://azure.microsoft.com/trial/get-started-active-directory/). For more information, you can also see [Azure Active Directory for developers](../develop/index.yml).
+- **App developers** can use Azure AD as a standards-based authentication provider that helps them add single sign-on (SSO) to apps that works with a user's existing credentials. Developers can also use Azure AD APIs to build personalized experiences using organizational data. To get started, sign up for a [free 30-day Azure Active Directory Premium trial](https://azure.microsoft.com/trial/get-started-active-directory/). For more information, you can also see [Azure Active Directory for developers](../develop/index.yml).
-- **Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, or Dynamics CRM Online subscribers**: As a subscriber, you're already using Azure AD. Each Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics CRM Online tenant is automatically an Azure AD tenant. You can immediately start to manage access to your integrated cloud apps.
+- **Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, or Dynamics CRM Online subscribers** already use Azure AD as every Microsoft 365, Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics CRM Online tenant is automatically an Azure AD tenant. You can immediately start managing access to your integrated cloud apps.
## What are the Azure AD licenses?
-Microsoft Online business services, such as Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Azure, require Azure AD for sign-in activities and to help with identity protection. If you subscribe to any Microsoft Online business service, you automatically get Azure AD with access to all the free features.
+Microsoft Online business services, such as Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Azure, use Azure AD for sign-in activities and to help protect your identities. If you subscribe to any Microsoft Online business service, you automatically get access to [Azure AD free](https://www.microsoft.com/security/business/identity-access/azure-active-directory-pricing).
-To enhance your Azure AD implementation, you can also add paid capabilities by upgrading to Azure Active Directory Premium P1 or Premium P2 licenses. Azure AD paid licenses are built on top of your existing free directory. The licenses provide self-service, enhanced monitoring, security reporting, and secure access for your mobile users.
+To enhance your Azure AD implementation, you can also add paid features by upgrading to Azure Active Directory Premium P1 or Premium P2 licenses. Azure AD paid licenses are built on top of your existing free directory. The licenses provide self-service, enhanced monitoring, security reporting, and secure access for your mobile users.
>[!Note] >For the pricing options of these licenses, see [Azure Active Directory Pricing](https://www.microsoft.com/security/business/identity-access-management/azure-ad-pricing).
To enhance your Azure AD implementation, you can also add paid capabilities by u
- **Azure Active Directory Premium P2.** In addition to the Free and P1 features, P2 also offers [Azure Active Directory Identity Protection](../identity-protection/overview-identity-protection.md) to help provide risk-based Conditional Access to your apps and critical company data and [Privileged Identity Management](../privileged-identity-management/pim-getting-started.md) to help discover, restrict, and monitor administrators and their access to resources and to provide just-in-time access when needed. -- **"Pay as you go" feature licenses.** You can also get additional feature licenses, such as Azure Active Directory Business-to-Customer (B2C). B2C can help you provide identity and access management solutions for your customer-facing apps. For more information, see [Azure Active Directory B2C documentation](../../active-directory-b2c/index.yml).
+- **"Pay as you go" feature licenses.** You can also get licenses for features such as, Azure Active Directory Business-to-Customer (B2C). B2C can help you provide identity and access management solutions for your customer-facing apps. For more information, see [Azure Active Directory B2C documentation](../../active-directory-b2c/index.yml).
For more information about associating an Azure subscription to Azure AD, see [Associate or add an Azure subscription to Azure Active Directory](active-directory-how-subscriptions-associated-directory.md). For more information about assigning licenses to your users, see [How to: Assign or remove Azure Active Directory licenses](license-users-groups.md). ## Which features work in Azure AD?
-After you choose your Azure AD license, you'll get access to some or all of the following features for your organization:
+After you choose your Azure AD license, you'll get access to some or all of the following features:
|Category|Description| |-|--|
active-directory Add Custom Domain https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/fundamentals/add-custom-domain.md
Previously updated : 08/17/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
# Add your custom domain name using the Azure Active Directory portal
-Every new Azure AD tenant comes with an initial domain name, *\<domainname>.onmicrosoft.com*. You can't change or delete the initial domain name, but you can add your organization's names. Adding custom domain names helps you to create user names that are familiar to your users, such as *alain\@contoso.com*.
+Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenants come with an initial domain name, *\<domainname>.onmicrosoft.com*. You can't change or delete the initial domain name, but you can add your organization's names. Adding custom domain names helps you to create user names that are familiar to your users, such as *alain\@contoso.com*.
## Before you begin
After you create your directory, you can add your custom domain name.
![Custom domain names page, with Add custom domain page](media/add-custom-domain/add-custom-domain-blade.png) >[!IMPORTANT]
- >You must include *.com*, *.net*, or any other top-level extension for this to work properly.
- >
- >When adding a custom domain, the Password Policy values will be inherited from the initial domain.
+ >You must include *.com*, *.net*, or any other top-level extension for this to work. When adding a custom domain, the Password Policy values will be inherited from the initial domain.
The unverified domain is added. The **contoso.com** page appears showing your DNS information. Save this information. You need it later to create a TXT record to configure DNS.
If Azure AD can't verify a custom domain name, try the following suggestions:
- **Wait at least an hour and try again.** DNS records must propagate before Azure AD can verify the domain. This process can take an hour or more. -- **If you are trying to verify a child domain, verify the parent domain first.** Make sure the parent domain is created and verified first before you try to verify child domain.
+- **If you are trying to verify a child domain, verify the parent domain first.** Make sure the parent domain is created and verified first before you try to verify a child domain.
- **Make sure the DNS record is correct.** Go back to the domain name registrar site. Make sure the entry is there, and that it matches the DNS entry information provided by Azure AD.
active-directory License Users Groups https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/fundamentals/license-users-groups.md
Previously updated : 08/17/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
Many Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) services require you to license each of y
## Available license plans
-There are several license plans available for the Azure AD service, including:
+There are several Azure AD license plans:
- Azure AD Free
You can view your available service plans, including the individual licenses, ch
## Assign licenses to users or groups
-Make sure that anyone needing to use a licensed Azure AD service has the appropriate license. You can add the licensing rights to users or to an entire group.
+Anyone who has a business need to use a licensed Azure AD service must have the required licenses. You can add licensing rights to users or to an entire group.
### To assign a license to a user
active-directory How To Connect Configure Ad Ds Connector Account https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/hybrid/how-to-connect-configure-ad-ds-connector-account.md
By default, all the set permissions cmdlets will try to set AD DS permissions on
You can also set permissions on a specific OU or AD DS object by using the parameter `-ADobjectDN` followed by the DN of the target object where you want to set permissions. When using a target ADobjectDN, the cmdlet will set permissions on this object only and not on the domain root or AdminSDHolder container. This parameter can be useful when you have certain OUs or AD DS objects that have permission inheritance disabled (see Locate AD DS objects with permission inheritance disabled)
-Exceptions to these common parameters are the `Set-ADSyncRestrictedPermissions` cmdlet which is used to set the permissions on the AD DS Connector Account itself, and the `Set-ADSyncPasswordHashSyncPermissions` cmdlet since the permissions required for Password Hash Sync are only set at the domain root, hence this cmdlet does not include the `-ObjectDN` or `-SkipAdminSdHolders` parameters.
+Exceptions to these common parameters are the `Set-ADSyncRestrictedPermissions` cmdlet which is used to set the permissions on the AD DS Connector Account itself, and the `Set-ADSyncPasswordHashSyncPermissions` cmdlet since the permissions required for Password Hash Sync are only set at the domain root, hence this cmdlet does not include the `-ObjectDN` or `-IncludeAdminSdHolders` parameters.
### Determine your AD DS Connector Account In case Azure AD Connect is already installed and you want to check what is the AD DS Connector Account currently in use by Azure AD Connect, you can execute the cmdlet:
Show-ADSyncADObjectPermissions -ADobjectDN '<DistinguishedName>'
To set basic read-only permissions for the AD DS Connector account when not using any Azure AD Connect feature, run: ``` powershell
-Set-ADSyncBasicReadPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-SkipAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
+Set-ADSyncBasicReadPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-IncludeAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet will set the following permissions:
To set permissions for the AD DS Connector account when using the ms-Ds-Consistency-Guid attribute as the source anchor (also known as ΓÇ£Let Azure manage the source anchor for meΓÇ¥ option), run: ``` powershell
-Set-ADSyncMsDsConsistencyGuidPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-SkipAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
+Set-ADSyncMsDsConsistencyGuidPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-IncludeAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
``` or;
This cmdlet will set the following permissions:
To set permissions for the AD DS Connector account when using Password Writeback, run: ``` powershell
-Set-ADSyncPasswordWritebackPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-SkipAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
+Set-ADSyncPasswordWritebackPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-IncludeAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet will set the following permissions:
To set permissions for the AD DS Connector account when using Group Writeback, run: ``` powershell
-Set-ADSyncUnifiedGroupWritebackPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-SkipAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
+Set-ADSyncUnifiedGroupWritebackPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-IncludeAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
``` or;
This cmdlet will set the following permissions:
To set permissions for the AD DS Connector account when using Exchange Hybrid deployment, run: ``` powershell
-Set-ADSyncExchangeHybridPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-SkipAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
+Set-ADSyncExchangeHybridPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-IncludeAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
This cmdlet will set the following permissions:
To set permissions for the AD DS Connector account when using Exchange Mail Public Folders feature, run: ``` powershell
-Set-ADSyncExchangeMailPublicFolderPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-SkipAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
+Set-ADSyncExchangeMailPublicFolderPermissions -ADConnectorAccountName <String> -ADConnectorAccountDomain <String> [-IncludeAdminSdHolders] [<CommonParameters>]
active-directory Howto Export Risk Data https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/identity-protection/howto-export-risk-data.md
Previously updated : 02/18/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
# How To: Export risk data
-Azure AD stores reports and security signals for a defined period of time. When it comes to risk information, that may not be long enough.
+Azure AD stores reports and security signals for a defined period of time. When it comes to risk information that period may not be long enough.
| Report / Signal | Azure AD Free | Azure AD Premium P1 | Azure AD Premium P2 | | | | | |
Once enabled you'll find access to Log Analytics in the **Azure portal** > **Azu
[ ![Log Analytics view showing a query against the AADUserRiskEvents table showing the top 5 events](./media/howto-export-risk-data/log-analytics-view-query-user-risk-events.png) ](./media/howto-export-risk-data/log-analytics-view-query-user-risk-events.png#lightbox)
-In the image above, the following query was run to show the most recent five risk detections triggered.
+In the previous image, the following query was run to show the most recent five risk detections triggered.
```kusto AADUserRiskEvents
active-directory Access Panel Collections https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/access-panel-collections.md
Title: Create collections for My Apps portals description: Use My Apps collections to Customize My Apps pages for a simpler My Apps experience for your users. Organize applications into groups with separate tabs. -+ Last updated 09/02/2021-+ + #customer intent: As an admin, I want to enable and create collections for My Apps portal in Azure AD so that I can create a simpler My Apps experience for users.
active-directory Add Application Portal Setup Oidc Sso https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/add-application-portal-setup-oidc-sso.md
Title: 'Add an OpenID Connect-based single sign-on application' description: Learn how to add OpenID Connect-based single sign-on application in Azure Active Directory. -+ Last updated 04/14/2022-++ # Add an OpenID Connect-based single sign-on application
active-directory Admin Consent Workflow Faq https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/admin-consent-workflow-faq.md
Title: Frequently asked questions about the admin consent workflow description: Find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the admin consent workflow. -+ Last updated 05/27/2022-+
active-directory Admin Consent Workflow Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/admin-consent-workflow-overview.md
Title: Overview of admin consent workflow description: Learn about the admin consent workflow in Azure Active Directory -+ Last updated 11/02/2022-++ #customer intent: As an admin, I want to learn about the admin consent workflow and how it affects end-user and admin consent experience
active-directory Application List https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-list.md
Title: Viewing apps using your tenant for identity management description: Understand how to view all applications using your Azure Active Directory tenant for identity management. -+ Last updated 01/07/2022-++ # Applications listed in Enterprise applications
active-directory Application Properties https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-properties.md
Title: 'Properties of an enterprise application' description: Learn about the properties of an enterprise application in Azure Active Directory. -+ Last updated 09/06/2022-++ #Customer intent: As an administrator of an Azure AD tenant, I want to learn more about the properties of an enterprise application that I can configure.
active-directory Application Sign In Other Problem Access Panel https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-sign-in-other-problem-access-panel.md
Title: Troubleshoot problems signing in to an application from My Apps portal description: Troubleshoot problems signing in to an application from Azure AD My Apps -+ Last updated 02/01/2022-++
active-directory Application Sign In Problem Application Error https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-sign-in-problem-application-error.md
Title: Error message appears on app page after you sign in description: How to resolve issues with Azure AD sign in when the app returns an error message. -+ Last updated 09/06/2022-++
active-directory Application Sign In Problem First Party Microsoft https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-sign-in-problem-first-party-microsoft.md
Title: Problems signing in to a Microsoft application description: Troubleshoot common problems faced when signing in to first-party Microsoft Applications using Azure AD (like Microsoft 365). -+ Last updated 09/10/2018-++ # Problems signing in to a Microsoft application
-Microsoft Applications (like Exchange, SharePoint, Yammer, etc.) are assigned and managed a bit differently than 3rd party SaaS applications or other applications you integrate with Azure AD for single sign on.
+Microsoft Applications (like Exchange, SharePoint, Yammer, etc.) are assigned and managed a bit differently than third-party SaaS applications or other applications you integrate with Azure AD for single sign-on.
There are three main ways that a user can get access to a Microsoft-published application.
There are three main ways that a user can get access to a Microsoft-published ap
- For applications that Microsoft or a Third Party publishes freely for anyone to use, users may be granted access through **user consent**. This means that they sign in to the application with their Azure AD Work or School account and allow it to have access to some limited set of data on their account. -- For applications that Microsoft or a 3rd party publishes freely for anyone to use, users may also be granted access through **administrator consent**. This means that an administrator has determined the application may be used by everyone in the organization, so they sign in to the application with a Global Administrator account and grant access to everyone in the organization.
+- For applications that Microsoft or a third-party publishes freely for anyone to use, users may also be granted access through **administrator consent**. This means that an administrator has determined the application may be used by everyone in the organization, so they sign in to the application with a Global Administrator account and grant access to everyone in the organization.
To troubleshoot your issue, start with the [General Problem Areas with Application Access to consider](#general-problem-areas-with-application-access-to-consider) and then read the Walkthrough: Steps to troubleshoot Microsoft Application access to get into the details.
Following is a list of the general problem areas that you can drill into if you
## Steps to troubleshoot Microsoft Application access
-Following are some common issues folks run into when their users cannot sign in to a Microsoft application.
+Following are some common issues folks run into when their users can't sign in to a Microsoft application.
- General issues to check first
Following are some common issues folks run into when their users cannot sign in
* Make sure the userΓÇÖs **password is not expired or forgotten.** [Reset a userΓÇÖs password](#reset-a-users-password) or [Enable self-service password reset](../authentication/tutorial-enable-sspr.md)
- * Make sure **Multi-Factor Authentication** is not blocking user access. [Check a userΓÇÖs multi-factor authentication status](#check-a-users-multi-factor-authentication-status) or [Check a userΓÇÖs authentication contact info](#check-a-users-authentication-contact-info)
+ * Make sure **Multi-Factor Authentication** isn't blocking user access. [Check a userΓÇÖs multi-factor authentication status](#check-a-users-multi-factor-authentication-status) or [Check a userΓÇÖs authentication contact info](#check-a-users-authentication-contact-info)
- * Make sure a **Conditional Access policy** or **Identity Protection** policy is not blocking user access. [Check a specific Conditional Access policy](#problems-with-conditional-access-policies) or [Check a specific applicationΓÇÖs Conditional Access policy](#check-a-specific-applications-conditional-access-policy) or [Disable a specific Conditional Access policy](#disable-a-specific-conditional-access-policy)
+ * Make sure a **Conditional Access policy** or **Identity Protection** policy isn't blocking user access. [Check a specific Conditional Access policy](#problems-with-conditional-access-policies) or [Check a specific applicationΓÇÖs Conditional Access policy](#check-a-specific-applications-conditional-access-policy) or [Disable a specific Conditional Access policy](#disable-a-specific-conditional-access-policy)
* Make sure that a userΓÇÖs **authentication contact info** is up to date to allow Multi-Factor Authentication or Conditional Access policies to be enforced. [Check a userΓÇÖs multi-factor authentication status](#check-a-users-multi-factor-authentication-status) or [Check a userΓÇÖs authentication contact info](#check-a-users-authentication-contact-info) -- For **Microsoft** **applications that require a license** (like Office365), here are some specific issues to check once you have ruled out the general issues above:
+- For **Microsoft** **applications that require a license** (like Office365), here are some specific issues to check once you've ruled out the general issues above:
* Ensure the user or has a **license assigned.** [Check a userΓÇÖs assigned licenses](#check-a-users-assigned-licenses) or [Check a groupΓÇÖs assigned licenses](#check-a-groups-assigned-licenses)
Following are some common issues folks run into when their users cannot sign in
* Once you make sure the license is assigned, make sure the license is **not expired**.
- * Make sure the license is **for the application** they are accessing.
+ * Make sure the license is **for the application** they're accessing.
- For **Microsoft** **applications that donΓÇÖt require a license**, here are some other things to check:
To check if a userΓÇÖs account is present, follow these steps:
5. Select **All users**.
-6. **Search** for the user you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the user you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Check the properties of the user object to be sure that they look as you expect and no data is missing.
To check a userΓÇÖs account status, follow these steps:
5. Select **All users**.
-6. **Search** for the user you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the user you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Profile**.
To reset a userΓÇÖs password, follow these steps:
5. Select **All users**.
-6. **Search** for the user you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the user you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select the **Reset password** button at the top of the user pane.
To reset a userΓÇÖs password, follow these steps:
9. Copy the **temporary password** or **enter a new password** for the user.
-10. Communicate this new password to the user, they be required to change this password during their next sign in to Azure Active Directory.
+10. Communicate this new password to the user, they be required to change this password during their next sign-in to Azure Active Directory.
### Enable self-service password reset
To check a userΓÇÖs multi-factor authentication status, follow these steps:
9. Select the user from the list of users and **Enable**, **Disable**, or **Enforce** multi-factor authentication as desired.
- * **Note**: If a user is in an **Enforced** state, you may set them to **Disabled** temporarily to let them back into their account. Once they are back in, you can then change their state to **Enabled** again to require them to re-register their contact information during their next sign in. Alternatively, you can follow the steps in the [Check a userΓÇÖs authentication contact info](#check-a-users-authentication-contact-info) to verify or set this data for them.
+ * **Note**: If a user is in an **Enforced** state, you may set them to **Disabled** temporarily to let them back into their account. Once they're back in, you can then change their state to **Enabled** again to require them to re-register their contact information during their next sign-in. Alternatively, you can follow the steps in the [Check a userΓÇÖs authentication contact info](#check-a-users-authentication-contact-info) to verify or set this data for them.
### Check a userΓÇÖs authentication contact info
To check a userΓÇÖs authentication contact info used for Multi-factor authentica
5. Select **All users**.
-6. **Search** for the user you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the user you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Profile**.
To check a userΓÇÖs group memberships, follow these steps:
5. Select **All users**.
-6. **Search** for the user you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the user you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Groups** to see which groups the user is a member of.
To check a userΓÇÖs assigned licenses, follow these steps:
5. Select **All users**.
-6. **Search** for the user you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the user you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Licenses** to see which licenses the user currently has assigned.
To assign a license to a user, follow these steps:
5. Select **All users**.
-6. **Search** for the user you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the user you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Licenses** to see which licenses the user currently has assigned.
To assign a license to a user, follow these steps:
9. Select **one or more products** from the list of available products.
-10. **Optional** click the **assignment options** item to granularly assign products. Click **Ok** when this is completed.
+10. **Optional** select the **assignment options** item to granularly assign products. Select **Ok** when this is completed.
11. Select the **Assign** button to assign these licenses to this user.
To check a groupΓÇÖs membership, follow these steps:
5. Select **All groups**.
-6. **Search** for the group you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the group you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Members** to review the list of users assigned to this group.
To check a dynamic groupΓÇÖs membership criteria, follow these steps:
5. Select **All groups**.
-6. **Search** for the group you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the group you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Dynamic membership rules.**
To check a groupΓÇÖs assigned licenses, follow these steps:
5. Select **All groups**.
-6. **Search** for the group you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the group you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Licenses** to see which licenses the group currently has assigned.
To reprocess a groupΓÇÖs assigned licenses, follow these steps:
5. Select **All groups**.
-6. **Search** for the group you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the group you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Licenses** to see which licenses the group currently has assigned.
To assign a license to a group, follow these steps:
5. Select **All groups**.
-6. **Search** for the group you are interested in and **click the row** to select.
+6. **Search** for the group you're interested in and **click the row** to select.
7. Select **Licenses** to see which licenses the group currently has assigned.
To assign a license to a group, follow these steps:
9. Select **one or more products** from the list of available products.
-10. **Optional** click the **assignment options** item to granularly assign products. Click **Ok** when this is completed.
+10. **Optional** select the **assignment options** item to granularly assign products. Select **Ok** when this is completed.
11. Select the **Assign** button to assign these licenses to this group. This may take a long time, depending on the size and complexity of the group.
To check or validate a single Conditional Access policy:
5. Select the **Conditional Access** navigation item.
-6. Select the policy you are interested in inspecting.
+6. Select the policy you're interested in inspecting.
7. Review that there are no specific conditions, assignments, or other settings that may be blocking user access.
To check or validate a single applicationΓÇÖs currently configured Conditional A
5. Select **All applications**.
-6. Search for the application you are interested in, or the user is attempting to sign in to by application display name or application ID.
+6. Search for the application you're interested in, or the user is attempting to sign in to by application display name or application ID.
>[!NOTE] >If you donΓÇÖt see the application you are looking for, click the **Filter** button and expand the scope of the list to **All applications**. If you want to see more columns, click the **Columns** button to add additional details for your applications.
To check or validate a single applicationΓÇÖs currently configured Conditional A
7. Select the **Conditional Access** navigation item.
-8. Select the policy you are interested in inspecting.
+8. Select the policy you're interested in inspecting.
-9. Review that there are no specific conditions, assignments, or other settings which may be blocking user access.
+9. Review that there are no specific conditions, assignments, or other settings that may be blocking user access.
>[!NOTE] >You may wish to temporarily disable this policy to ensure it is not affecting sign-ins. To do this, set the **Enable policy** toggle to **No** and click the **Save** button.
To check or validate a single Conditional Access policy:
5. Select the **Conditional Access** navigation item.
-6. Select the policy you are interested in inspecting.
+6. Select the policy you're interested in inspecting.
-7. Disable the policy by setting the **Enable policy** toggle to **No** and click the **Save** button.
+7. Disable the policy by setting the **Enable policy** toggle to **No** and select the **Save** button.
## Problems with application consent
-Application access can be blocked because the proper permissions consent operation has not occurred. Following are some ways you can troubleshoot and solve application consent issues:
+Application access can be blocked because the proper permissions consent operation hasn't occurred. Following are some ways you can troubleshoot and solve application consent issues:
- [Perform a user-level consent operation](#perform-a-user-level-consent-operation)
Application access can be blocked because the proper permissions consent operati
### Perform a user-level consent operation -- For any Open ID Connect-enabled application that requests permissions, navigating to the applicationΓÇÖs sign in screen performs a user level consent to the application for the signed-in user.
+- For any Open ID Connect-enabled application that requests permissions, navigating to the applicationΓÇÖs sign-in screen performs a user level consent to the application for the signed-in user.
- If you wish to do this programmatically, see [Requesting individual user consent](../develop/v2-permissions-and-consent.md#requesting-individual-user-consent). ### Perform administrator-level consent operation for any application -- For **only applications developed using the V1 application model**, you can force this administrator level consent to occur by adding ΓÇ£**?prompt=admin\_consent**ΓÇ¥ to the end of an applicationΓÇÖs sign in URL.
+- For **only applications developed using the V1 application model**, you can force this administrator level consent to occur by adding ΓÇ£**?prompt=admin\_consent**ΓÇ¥ to the end of an applicationΓÇÖs sign-in URL.
- For **any application developed using the V2 application model**, you can enforce this administrator-level consent to occur by following the instructions under the **Request the permissions from a directory admin** section of [Using the admin consent endpoint](../develop/v2-permissions-and-consent.md#using-the-admin-consent-endpoint). ### Perform administrator-level consent for a single-tenant application -- For **single-tenant applications** that request permissions (like those you are developing or own in your organization), you can perform an **administrative-level consent** operation on behalf of all users by signing in as a Global Administrator and clicking on the **Grant permissions** button at the top of the **Application Registry -&gt; All Applications -&gt; Select an App -&gt; Required Permissions** pane.
+- For **single-tenant applications** that request permissions (like those you're developing or own in your organization), you can perform an **administrative-level consent** operation on behalf of all users by signing in as a Global Administrator and clicking on the **Grant permissions** button at the top of the **Application Registry -&gt; All Applications -&gt; Select an App -&gt; Required Permissions** pane.
- For **any application developed using the V1 or V2 application model**, you can enforce this administrator-level consent to occur by following the instructions under the **Request the permissions from a directory admin** section of [Using the admin consent endpoint](../develop/v2-permissions-and-consent.md#using-the-admin-consent-endpoint).
active-directory Application Sign In Unexpected User Consent Error https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-sign-in-unexpected-user-consent-error.md
Title: Unexpected error when performing consent to an application description: Discusses errors that can occur during the process of consenting to an application and what you can do about them -+ Last updated 09/06/2022-+ # Unexpected error when performing consent to an application
-This article discusses errors that can occur during the process of consenting to an application. If you are troubleshooting unexpected consent prompts that do not contain any error messages, see [Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD](../develop/authentication-vs-authorization.md).
+This article discusses errors that can occur during the process of consenting to an application. If you're troubleshooting unexpected consent prompts that don't contain any error messages, see [Authentication Scenarios for Azure AD](../develop/authentication-vs-authorization.md).
-Many applications that integrate with Azure Active Directory require permissions to access other resources in order to function. When these resources are also integrated with Azure Active Directory, permissions to access them is often requested using the common consent framework. A consent prompt is displayed, which generally occurs the first time an application is used but can also occur on a subsequent use of the application.
+Many applications that integrate with Azure Active Directory require permissions to access other resources in order to function. When these resources are also integrated with Azure Active Directory, the permission to access them is often requested using the common consent framework. A consent prompt is displayed, which generally occurs the first time an application is used but can also occur on a subsequent use of the application.
-Certain conditions must be true for a user to consent to the permissions an application requires. If these conditions are not met, the following errors can occur.
+Certain conditions must be true for a user to consent to the permissions an application requires. If these conditions aren't met, the following errors can occur.
## Requesting not authorized permissions error
-* **AADSTS90093:** &lt;clientAppDisplayName&gt; is requesting one or more permissions that you are not authorized to grant. Contact an administrator, who can consent to this application on your behalf.
-* **AADSTS90094:** &lt;clientAppDisplayName&gt; needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Please ask an admin to grant permission to this app before you can use it.
+* **AADSTS90093:** &lt;clientAppDisplayName&gt; is requesting one or more permissions that you aren't authorized to grant. Contact an administrator, who can consent to this application on your behalf.
+* **AADSTS90094:** &lt;clientAppDisplayName&gt; needs permission to access resources in your organization that only an admin can grant. Ask an admin to grant permission to this app before you can use it.
-This error occurs when a user who is not a Global Administrator attempts to use an application that is requesting permissions that only an administrator can grant. This error can be resolved by an administrator granting access to the application on behalf of their organization.
+This error occurs when a user who isn't a Global Administrator attempts to use an application that is requesting permissions that only an administrator can grant. This error can be resolved by an administrator granting access to the application on behalf of their organization.
This error can also occur when a user is prevented from consenting to an application due to Microsoft detecting that the permissions request is risky. In this case, an audit event will also be logged with a Category of "ApplicationManagement", Activity Type of "Consent to application" and Status Reason of "Risky application detected".
Another scenario in which this error might occur is when the user assignment is
## Policy prevents granting permissions error
-* **AADSTS90093:** An administrator of &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt; has set a policy that prevents you from granting &lt;name of app&gt; the permissions it is requesting. Contact an administrator of &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt;, who can grant permissions to this app on your behalf.
+* **AADSTS90093:** An administrator of &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt; has set a policy that prevents you from granting &lt;name of app&gt; the permissions it's requesting. Contact an administrator of &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt;, who can grant permissions to this app on your behalf.
This error can occur when a Global Administrator turns off the ability for users to consent to applications, then a non-administrator user attempts to use an application that requires consent. This error can be resolved by an administrator granting access to the application on behalf of their organization.
This error indicates that an intermittent service side issue has occurred. It ca
## Resource not available in tenant error
-* **AADSTS65005:** &lt;clientAppDisplayName&gt; is requesting access to a resource &lt;resourceAppDisplayName&gt; that is not available in your organization &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt;.
+* **AADSTS65005:** &lt;clientAppDisplayName&gt; is requesting access to a resource &lt;resourceAppDisplayName&gt; that isn't available in your organization &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt;.
-Ensure that these resources that provide the permissions requested are available in your tenant or contact an administrator of &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt;. Otherwise, there is a misconfiguration in how the application requests resources, and you should contact the application developer.
+Ensure that these resources that provide the permissions requested are available in your tenant or contact an administrator of &lt;tenantDisplayName&gt;. Otherwise, there's a misconfiguration in how the application requests resources, and you should contact the application developer.
## Permissions mismatch error
-* **AADSTS65005:** The app requested consent to access resource &lt;resourceAppDisplayName&gt;. This request failed because it does not match how the app was pre-configured during app registration. Contact the app vendor.**
+* **AADSTS65005:** The app requested consent to access resource &lt;resourceAppDisplayName&gt;. This request failed because it doesn't match how the app was pre-configured during app registration. Contact the app vendor.**
-These errors all occur when the application a user is trying to consent to is requesting permissions to access a resource application that cannot be found in the organizationΓÇÖs directory (tenant). This situation can occur for several reasons:
+These errors all occur when the application a user is trying to consent to is requesting permissions to access a resource application that can't be found in the organizationΓÇÖs directory (tenant). This situation can occur for several reasons:
* The client application developer has configured their application incorrectly, causing it to request access to an invalid resource. In this case, the application developer must update the configuration of the client application to resolve this issue.
-* A Service Principal representing the target resource application does not exist in the organization, or existed in the past but has been removed. To resolve this issue, a Service Principal for the resource application must be provisioned in the organization so the client application can request permissions to it. The Service Principal can be provisioned in a number of ways, depending on the type of application, including:
+* A Service Principal representing the target resource application doesn't exist in the organization, or existed in the past but has been removed. To resolve this issue, a Service Principal for the resource application must be provisioned in the organization so the client application can request permissions to it. The Service Principal can be provisioned in many ways, depending on the type of application, including:
* Acquiring a subscription for the resource application (Microsoft published applications)
These errors all occur when the application a user is trying to consent to is re
## Risky app error and warning * **AADSTS900941:** Administrator consent is required. App is considered risky. (AdminConsentRequiredDueToRiskyApp)
-* This app may be risky. If you trust this app, please ask your admin to grant you access.
+* This app may be risky. If you trust this app, ask your admin to grant you access.
* **AADSTS900981:** An admin consent request was received for a risky app. (AdminConsentRequestRiskyAppWarning) * This app may be risky. Only continue if you trust this app.
-Both of these messages will be displayed when Microsoft has determined that the consent request may be risky. Among a number of other factors, this may occur if a [verified publisher](../develop/publisher-verification-overview.md) has not been added to the app registration. The first error code and message will be shown to end-users when the [Admin consent workflow](configure-admin-consent-workflow.md) is disabled. The second code and message will be shown to end-users when the admin consent workflow is enabled and to admins.
+Both of these messages will be displayed when Microsoft has determined that the consent request may be risky. Among many other factors, this may occur if a [verified publisher](../develop/publisher-verification-overview.md) hasn't been added to the app registration. The first error code and message will be shown to end-users when the [Admin consent workflow](configure-admin-consent-workflow.md) is disabled. The second code and message will be shown to end-users when the admin consent workflow is enabled and to admins.
-End-users will not be able to grant consent to apps that have been detected as risky. Admins are able to, but should evaluate the app very carefully and proceed with caution. If the app seems suspicious upon further review, it can be reported to Microsoft from the consent screen.
+End-users won't be able to grant consent to apps that have been detected as risky. Admins are able to, but should evaluate the app carefully and proceed with caution. If the app seems suspicious upon further review, it can be reported to Microsoft from the consent screen.
## Next steps
active-directory Application Sign In Unexpected User Consent Prompt https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/application-sign-in-unexpected-user-consent-prompt.md
Title: Unexpected consent prompt when signing in to an application
-description: How to troubleshoot when a user sees a consent prompt for an application you have integrated with Azure AD that you did not expect
+description: How to troubleshoot when a user sees a consent prompt for an application you've integrated with Azure AD that you didn't expect
-+ Last updated 09/07/2022-+ # Unexpected consent prompt when signing in to an application
-Many applications that integrate with Azure Active Directory require permissions to various resources in order to run. When these resources are also integrated with Azure Active Directory, permissions to access them is requested using the Azure AD consent framework. These requests result in a consent prompt being shown the first time an application is used, which is often a one-time operation.
+Many applications that integrate with Azure Active Directory require permissions to various resources in order to run. When these resources are also integrated with Azure Active Directory, the permission to access them is requested using the Azure AD consent framework. These requests result in a consent prompt being shown the first time an application is used, which is often a one-time operation.
-In certain scenarios, additional consent prompts can appear when a user attempts to sign-in. In this article, we will diagnose the reason for the unexpected consent prompts showing, and how to troubleshoot.
+In certain scenarios, additional consent prompts can appear when a user attempts to sign-in. In this article, we'll diagnose the reason for the unexpected consent prompts showing, and how to troubleshoot.
> [!VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/embed/a1AjdvNDda4]
In certain scenarios, additional consent prompts can appear when a user attempts
Further prompts can be expected in various scenarios:
-* The application has been configured to require assignment. Individual user consent is not currently supported for apps which require assignment; thus the permissions must be granted by an admin for the whole directory. If you configure an application to require assignment, be sure to also grant tenant-wide admin consent so that assigned user can sign-in.
+* The application has been configured to require assignment. Individual user consent isn't currently supported for apps that require assignment; thus the permissions must be granted by an admin for the whole directory. If you configure an application to require assignment, be sure to also grant tenant-wide admin consent so that assigned user can sign-in.
* The set of permissions required by the application has changed by the developer and needs to be granted again.
-* The user who originally consented to the application was not an administrator, and now a different (non-admin) user is using the application for the first time.
+* The user who originally consented to the application wasn't an administrator, and now a different (non-admin) user is using the application for the first time.
* The user who originally consented to the application was an administrator, but they didn't consent on-behalf of the entire organization.
Further prompts can be expected in various scenarios:
* Consent was revoked after being granted initially.
-* The developer has configured the application to require a consent prompt every time it is used (note: this behavior isn't best practice).
+* The developer has configured the application to require a consent prompt every time it's used (note: this behavior isn't best practice).
> [!NOTE] > Following Microsoft's recommendations and best practices, many organizations have disabled or limited users' permission to grant consent to apps. If an application forces users to grant consent every time they sign in, most users will be blocked from using these applications even if an administrator grants tenant-wide admin consent. If you encounter an application which is requiring user consent even after admin consent has been granted, check with the app publisher to see if they have a setting or option to stop forcing user consent on every sign in.
To ensure the permissions granted for the application are up-to-date, you can co
3. Select the application in question from the list. 4. Under Security in the left-hand navigation, choose **Permissions** 5. View the list of already granted permissions from the table on the Permissions page
-6. To view the requested permissions, click on the **Grant admin consent** button. (NOTE: This will open a consent prompt listing all of the requested permissions. Don't click accept on the consent prompt unless you are sure you want to grant tenant-wide admin consent.)
+6. To view the requested permissions, select the **Grant admin consent** button. (NOTE: This will open a consent prompt listing all of the requested permissions. Don't click accept on the consent prompt unless you're sure you want to grant tenant-wide admin consent.)
7. Within the consent prompt, expand the listed permissions and compare with the table on the permissions page. If any are present in the consent prompt but not the permissions page, that permission has yet to be consented to. Unconsented permissions may be the cause for unexpected consent prompts showing for the application. ### View user assignment settings
active-directory Assign App Owners https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/assign-app-owners.md
Title: Assign enterprise application owners
description: Learn how to assign owners to applications in Azure Active Directory documentationcenter: ''-+ Last updated 12/05/2022-++ #Customer intent: As an Azure AD administrator, I want to assign owners to enterprise applications.
active-directory Assign User Or Group Access Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/assign-user-or-group-access-portal.md
Title: Assign users and groups description: Learn how to assign and unassign users, and groups, for an app using Azure Active Directory for identity management. -+ Last updated 11/22/2022-++ zone_pivot_groups: enterprise-apps-all
active-directory Configure Admin Consent Workflow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-admin-consent-workflow.md
Title: Configure the admin consent workflow description: Learn how to configure a way for end users to request access to applications that require admin consent. -+ Last updated 09/02/2022-++ #customer intent: As an admin, I want to configure the admin consent workflow.
active-directory Configure Authentication For Federated Users Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-authentication-for-federated-users-portal.md
Title: Configure sign-in auto-acceleration using Home Realm Discovery description: Learn how to force federated IdP acceleration for an application using Home Realm Discovery policy. -+ Last updated 01/02/2023-++ zone_pivot_groups: home-realm-discovery
active-directory Configure Linked Sign On https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-linked-sign-on.md
Title: Add linked single sign-on to an application description: Add linked single sign-on to an application in Azure Active Directory. -+ Last updated 09/22/2021-++ # Customer intent: As an IT admin, I need to know how to implement linked single sign-on in Azure Active Directory.
active-directory Configure Password Single Sign On Non Gallery Applications https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-password-single-sign-on-non-gallery-applications.md
Title: Add password-based single sign-on to an application description: Add password-based single sign-on to an application in Azure Active Directory. -+ Last updated 09/22/2021-++ # Customer intent: As an IT admin, I need to know how to implement password-based single sign-on in Azure Active Directory.
active-directory Configure Permission Classifications https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-permission-classifications.md
Title: Configure permission classifications description: Learn how to manage delegated permission classifications. -+ Last updated 10/23/2021--++ #customer intent: As an admin, I want configure permission classifications for applications in Azure AD
active-directory Configure Risk Based Step Up Consent https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-risk-based-step-up-consent.md
Title: Configure risk-based step-up consent description: Learn how to disable and enable risk-based step-up consent to reduce user exposure to malicious apps that make illicit consent requests. -+ Last updated 11/17/2021-++ #customer intent: As an admin, I want to configure risk-based step-up consent.
active-directory Configure User Consent Groups https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-user-consent-groups.md
Title: Configure group owner consent to apps accessing group data description: Learn manage whether group and team owners can consent to applications that will have access to the group or team's data. -+ Last updated 09/06/2022--++ #customer intent: As an admin, I want to configure group owner consent to apps accessing group data using Azure AD
active-directory Configure User Consent https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/configure-user-consent.md
Title: Configure how users consent to applications description: Learn how to manage how and when users can consent to applications that will have access to your organization's data. -+ Last updated 10/12/2022--++ zone_pivot_groups: enterprise-apps-minus-aad-powershell
active-directory Custom Security Attributes Apps https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/custom-security-attributes-apps.md
Title: Assign or remove custom security attributes for an application (Preview) - Azure Active Directory description: Assign or remove custom security attributes for an application that has been registered with your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant. -+ Last updated 02/03/2022-++ # Assign or remove custom security attributes for an application (Preview)
active-directory Disable User Sign In Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/disable-user-sign-in-portal.md
Title: Disable user sign-in for application description: How to disable an enterprise application so that no users may sign in to it in Azure Active Directory -+ Last updated 09/06/2022-++ #customer intent: As an admin, I want to disable user sign-in for an application so that no user can sign in to it in Azure Active Directory. # Disable user sign-in for an application
-There may be situations while configuring or managing an application where you don't want tokens to be issued for an application. Or, you may want to preemptively block an application that you do not want your employees to try to access. To accomplish this, you can disable user sign-in for the application, which will prevent all tokens from being issued for that application.
+There may be situations while configuring or managing an application where you don't want tokens to be issued for an application. Or, you may want to block an application that you don't want your employees to try to access. To block user access to an application, you can disable user sign-in for the application, which will prevent all tokens from being issued for that application.
-In this article, you will learn how to prevent users from signing in to an application in Azure Active Directory through both the Azure portal and PowerShell. If you are looking for how to block specific users from accessing an application, use [user or group assignment](./assign-user-or-group-access-portal.md).
+In this article, you'll learn how to prevent users from signing in to an application in Azure Active Directory through both the Azure portal and PowerShell. If you're looking for how to block specific users from accessing an application, use [user or group assignment](./assign-user-or-group-access-portal.md).
To disable user sign-in, you need:
## Use Azure AD PowerShell to disable an unlisted app
-Ensure you have installed the AzureAD module (use the command Install-Module -Name AzureAD). In case you are prompted to install a NuGet module or the new Azure Active Directory V2 PowerShell module, type Y and press ENTER.
+Ensure you've installed the AzureAD module (use the command Install-Module -Name AzureAD). In case you're prompted to install a NuGet module or the new Azure Active Directory V2 PowerShell module, type Y and press ENTER.
-If you know the AppId of an app that doesn't appear on the Enterprise apps list (for example, because you deleted the app or the service principal hasn't yet been created due to the app being pre-authorized by Microsoft), you can manually create the service principal for the app and then disable it by using the cmdlet below.
+You may know the AppId of an app that doesn't appear on the Enterprise apps list. For example, you may have deleted the app or the service principal hasn't yet been created due to the app being pre-authorized by Microsoft), you can manually create the service principal for the app and then disable it by using the following cmdlet.
```PowerShell # The AppId of the app to be disabled
active-directory End User Experiences https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/end-user-experiences.md
Title: End-user experiences for applications description: Learn about the customizable ways to deploy applications to end users in your organization with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) -+ Last updated 12/08/2022-++ # End-user experiences for applications
active-directory Grant Admin Consent https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/grant-admin-consent.md
Title: Grant tenant-wide admin consent to an application description: Learn how to grant tenant-wide consent to an application so that end-users aren't prompted for consent when signing in to an application. -+ Last updated 11/07/2022-++ zone_pivot_groups: enterprise-apps-minus-aad-powershell
active-directory Grant Consent Single User https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/grant-consent-single-user.md
Title: Grant consent on behalf of a single user description: Learn how to grant consent on behalf of a single user when user consent is disabled or restricted. -+ Last updated 12/09/2022-++ zone_pivot_groups: enterprise-apps-ms-graph-ms-powershell #customer intent: As an admin, I want to grant consent on behalf of a single user
active-directory Hide Application From User Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/hide-application-from-user-portal.md
Title: Hide an Enterprise application description: How to hide an Enterprise application from user's experience in Azure Active Directory access portals or Microsoft 365 launchers. -+ Last updated 08/17/2022--++ zone_pivot_groups: enterprise-apps-all
active-directory Home Realm Discovery Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/home-realm-discovery-policy.md
Title: Home Realm Discovery policy description: Learn how to manage Home Realm Discovery policy for Azure Active Directory authentication for federated users, including auto-acceleration and domain hints. -+ Last updated 01/02/2023--++ # Home Realm Discovery for an application
active-directory Howto Enforce Signed Saml Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/howto-enforce-signed-saml-authentication.md
Title: Enforce signed SAML authentication requests description: Learn how to enforce signed SAML authentication requests. -+ Last updated 06/29/2022 -++
active-directory Howto Saml Token Encryption https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/howto-saml-token-encryption.md
Title: SAML token encryption description: Learn how to configure Azure Active Directory SAML token encryption. -+ Last updated 07/21/2022-++
active-directory Manage App Consent Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/manage-app-consent-policies.md
Title: Manage app consent policies description: Learn how to manage built-in and custom app consent policies to control when consent can be granted. -++ Last updated 09/02/2021--++ #customer intent: As an admin, I want to manage app consent policies for enterprise applications in Azure AD
active-directory Manage Consent Requests https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/manage-consent-requests.md
Title: Manage consent to applications and evaluate consent requests description: Learn how to manage consent requests when user consent is disabled or restricted, and how to evaluate a request for tenant-wide admin consent to an application in Azure Active Directory. -+ Last updated 07/14/2022-++ # Manage consent to applications and evaluate consent requests
active-directory Methods For Removing User Access https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/methods-for-removing-user-access.md
Title: How to remove a user's access to an application in Azure Active Directory description: Understand how to remove a user's access to an application in Azure Active Directory -+ Last updated 11/17/2021-++ # Remove user access to applications
active-directory Migrate Application Authentication To Azure Active Directory https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/migrate-application-authentication-to-azure-active-directory.md
Title: 'Migrate application authentication to Azure Active Directory' description: Describes in detail the benefits and what you need to do to migrate your application authentication to Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). -+ Last updated 01/06/2023-++
active-directory Myapps Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/myapps-overview.md
Title: My Apps portal overview description: Learn about how to manage applications in the My Apps portal. -+ Last updated 11/24/2022-++ #Customer intent: As an Azure AD administrator, I want to make applications available to users in the My Apps portal.
active-directory One Click Sso Tutorial https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/one-click-sso-tutorial.md
Title: One-click, single sign-on (SSO) configuration of your Azure Marketplace application description: Steps for one-click configuration of SSO for your application from the Azure Marketplace. -+ Last updated 06/11/2019-++
active-directory Overview Application Gallery https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/overview-application-gallery.md
Title: Overview of the Azure Active Directory application gallery description: An overview of using the Azure Active Directory application gallery. -+ Last updated 01/22/2022-++ # Overview of the Azure Active Directory application gallery
active-directory Overview Assign App Owners https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/overview-assign-app-owners.md
Title: Overview of enterprise application ownership description: Learn about enterprise application ownership in Azure Active Directory -+ Last updated 12/05/2022-++ #Customer intent: As an Azure AD administrator, I want to learn about enterprise application ownership.
active-directory Plan An Application Integration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/plan-an-application-integration.md
Title: Get started integrating Azure Active Directory with apps description: This article is a getting started guide for integrating Azure Active Directory (AD) with on-premises applications, and cloud applications. -+ Last updated 04/05/2021-++ # Integrating Azure Active Directory with applications getting started guide
active-directory Plan Sso Deployment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/plan-sso-deployment.md
Title: Plan a single sign-on deployment description: Plan the deployment of single sign-on in Azure Active Directory. -+ Last updated 12/07/2022-++ # Customer intent: As an IT admin, I need to learn what it takes to plan a single-sign on deployment for my application in Azure Active Directory.
active-directory Prevent Domain Hints With Home Realm Discovery https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/prevent-domain-hints-with-home-realm-discovery.md
Title: Prevent sign-in auto-acceleration using Home Realm Discovery policy description: Learn how to prevent domain_hint auto-acceleration to federated IDPs. -+ Last updated 02/09/2022-++ zone_pivot_groups: home-realm-discovery #customer intent: As an admin, I want to disable auto-acceleration to federated IDP during sign in using Home Realm Discovery policy
active-directory Protect Against Consent Phishing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/protect-against-consent-phishing.md
Title: Protect against consent phishing description: Learn ways of mitigating against application-based consent phishing attacks using Azure Active Directory. -+
Last updated 06/17/2022 -+ #Customer intent: As a developer, I want to learn how to protect against application-based consent phishing attacks so I can protect my users from malicious threat actors.
active-directory Review Admin Consent Requests https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/review-admin-consent-requests.md
Title: Review and take action on admin consent requests description: Learn how to review and take action on admin consent requests that were created after you were designated as a reviewer. -+ Last updated 07/21/2022-+
active-directory Tenant Restrictions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/tenant-restrictions.md
Title: Use tenant restrictions to manage access to SaaS apps description: How to use tenant restrictions to manage which users can access apps based on their Azure AD tenant.-+ Last updated 12/6/2021-++
active-directory Troubleshoot Password Based Sso https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/troubleshoot-password-based-sso.md
Title: Troubleshoot password-based single sign-on description: Troubleshoot issues with an Azure AD app that's configured for password-based single sign-on.-+ Last updated 07/11/2017-++ # Troubleshoot password-based single sign-on
active-directory Troubleshoot Saml Based Sso https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/troubleshoot-saml-based-sso.md
Title: Troubleshoot SAML-based single sign-on description: Troubleshoot issues with an Azure AD app that's configured for SAML-based single sign-on. -+ Last updated 07/11/2017-++ # Troubleshoot SAML-based single sign-on
active-directory Tutorial Govern Monitor https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/tutorial-govern-monitor.md
Last updated 07/19/2022++ # Customer intent: As an administrator of an Azure AD tenant, I want to govern and monitor my applications.
active-directory Tutorial Manage Access Security https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/tutorial-manage-access-security.md
description: In this tutorial, you learn how to manage access to an application
active-directory Tutorial Manage Certificates For Federated Single Sign On https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/tutorial-manage-certificates-for-federated-single-sign-on.md
Title: "Tutorial: Manage federation certificates" description: In this tutorial, you'll learn how to customize the expiration date for your federation certificates, and how to renew certificates that will soon expire. -+ Last updated 05/27/2022-+
active-directory User Admin Consent Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/user-admin-consent-overview.md
Title: Overview of user and admin consent description: Learn about the fundamental concepts of user and admin consent in Azure AD --++ Last updated 09/28/2022-++
active-directory V2 Howto App Gallery Listing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/v2-howto-app-gallery-listing.md
Title: Submit a request to publish your application description: Learn how to publish your application in Azure Active Directory application gallery. -+ Last updated 6/2/2022-++
active-directory View Applications Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/view-applications-portal.md
Title: 'Quickstart: View enterprise applications' description: View the enterprise applications that are registered to use your Azure Active Directory tenant. -+ Last updated 03/24/2022-++ #Customer intent: As an administrator of an Azure AD tenant, I want to search for and view the enterprise applications in the tenant.
active-directory Ways Users Get Assigned To Applications https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/ways-users-get-assigned-to-applications.md
Title: Understand how users are assigned to apps description: Understand how users get assigned to an app that is using Azure Active Directory for identity management. -+ Last updated 01/07/2021-++ # Understand how users are assigned to apps
active-directory What Is Access Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/what-is-access-management.md
Title: Manage access to apps description: Describes how Azure Active Directory enables organizations to specify the apps to which each user has access. -+ Last updated 07/20/2022-++ # Manage access to an application
active-directory What Is Application Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/active-directory/manage-apps/what-is-application-management.md
Last updated 12/07/2022 + # What is application management in Azure Active Directory?
advisor Advisor Reference Operational Excellence Recommendations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/advisor/advisor-reference-operational-excellence-recommendations.md
This cluster is not using ephemeral OS disks which can provide lower read/write
Learn more about [Kubernetes service - UseEphemeralOSdisk (Use Ephemeral OS disk)](../aks/cluster-configuration.md#ephemeral-os).
-### Use Uptime SLA
+### Free and Standard pricing tiers for AKS control plane management
-This cluster has not enabled Uptime SLA, and it limited to an SLO of 99.5%
+This cluster has not enabled the Standard pricing tier with the Uptime SLA feature, and is limited to an SLO of 99.5%.
-Learn more about [Kubernetes service - UseUptimeSLA (Use Uptime SLA)](../aks/uptime-sla.md).
+Learn more about [Kubernetes service - UseUptimeSLA (Use Uptime SLA)](../aks/free-standard-pricing-tiers.md).
### Deprecated Kubernetes API in 1.22 has been found
aks Faq https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/aks/faq.md
Yes, you can use different virtual machine sizes in your AKS cluster by creating
## Are security updates applied to AKS agent nodes?
-AKS patches CVEΓÇÖs that have a "vendor fix" every week. CVE's without a fix are waiting on a "vendor fix" before it can be remediated. The AKS images will get automatically updated inside of 30 days and it recommended that customer apply an updated Node Image on a regular cadence to ensure that latest patched images and OS patches are all applied and current:
+AKS patches CVEs that have a "vendor fix" every week. CVEs without a fix are waiting on a "vendor fix" before it can be remediated. The AKS images will get automatically updated inside of 30 days. We recommend you apply an updated Node Image on a regular cadence to ensure that latest patched images and OS patches are all applied and current. You can do this using one of the following methods:
- Manually, through the Azure portal or the Azure CLI. - By upgrading your AKS cluster. The cluster upgrades [cordon and drain nodes][cordon-drain] automatically and then bring a new node online with the latest Ubuntu image and a new patch version or a minor Kubernetes version. For more information, see [Upgrade an AKS cluster][aks-upgrade].
AKS patches CVEΓÇÖs that have a "vendor fix" every week. CVE's without a fix are
## What is the size limit on a container image in AKS?
-AKS does not set a limit on the container image size. However, it is important to understand that the larger the image, the higher the memory demand. This could potentially exceed resource limits or the overall available memory of worker nodes. By default, memory for VM size Standard_DS2_v2 for an AKS cluster is set to 7 GiB.
+AKS does not set a limit on the container image size. However, it is important to understand that the larger the image, the higher the memory demand. A larger size could potentially exceed resource limits or the overall available memory of worker nodes. By default, memory for VM size Standard_DS2_v2 for an AKS cluster is set to 7 GiB.
When a container image is excessively large, as in the Terabyte (TBs) range, kubelet might not be able to pull it from your container registry to a node due to lack of disk space.
AKS uses a secure tunnel communication to allow the api-server and individual no
## Why are two resource groups created with AKS?
-AKS builds upon many Azure infrastructure resources, including virtual machine scale sets, virtual networks, and managed disks. This enables you to apply many of the core capabilities of the Azure platform within the managed Kubernetes environment provided by AKS. For example, most Azure virtual machine types can be used directly with AKS and Azure Reservations can be used to receive discounts on those resources automatically.
+AKS builds upon many Azure infrastructure resources, including Virtual Machine Scale Sets, virtual networks, and managed disks, which enables you to apply many of the core capabilities of the Azure platform within the managed Kubernetes environment provided by AKS. For example, most Azure virtual machine types can be used directly with AKS and Azure Reservations can be used to receive discounts on those resources automatically.
To enable this architecture, each AKS deployment spans two resource groups: 1. You create the first resource group. This group contains only the Kubernetes service resource. The AKS resource provider automatically creates the second resource group during deployment. An example of the second resource group is *MC_myResourceGroup_myAKSCluster_eastus*. For information on how to specify the name of this second resource group, see the next section.
-1. The second resource group, known as the *node resource group*, contains all of the infrastructure resources associated with the cluster. These resources include the Kubernetes node VMs, virtual networking, and storage. By default, the node resource group has a name like *MC_myResourceGroup_myAKSCluster_eastus*. AKS automatically deletes the node resource group whenever the cluster is deleted, so it should only be used for resources that share the cluster's lifecycle.
+2. The second resource group, known as the *node resource group*, contains all of the infrastructure resources associated with the cluster. These resources include the Kubernetes node VMs, virtual networking, and storage. By default, the node resource group has a name like *MC_myResourceGroup_myAKSCluster_eastus*. AKS automatically deletes the node resource group whenever the cluster is deleted, so it should only be used for resources that share the cluster's lifecycle.
## Can I provide my own name for the AKS node resource group? Yes. By default, AKS will name the node resource group *MC_resourcegroupname_clustername_location*, but you can also provide your own name.
-To specify your own resource group name, install the [aks-preview][aks-preview-cli] Azure CLI extension version *0.3.2* or later. When you create an AKS cluster by using the [az aks create][az-aks-create] command, use the `--node-resource-group` parameter and specify a name for the resource group. If you [use an Azure Resource Manager template][aks-rm-template] to deploy an AKS cluster, you can define the resource group name by using the *nodeResourceGroup* property.
+To specify your own resource group name, install the [aks-preview][aks-preview-cli] Azure CLI extension version *0.3.2* or later. When you create an AKS cluster by using the [`az aks create`][az-aks-create] command, use the `--node-resource-group` parameter and specify a name for the resource group. If you [use an Azure Resource Manager template][aks-rm-template] to deploy an AKS cluster, you can define the resource group name by using the *nodeResourceGroup* property.
* The secondary resource group is automatically created by the Azure resource provider in your own subscription. * You can specify a custom resource group name only when you're creating the cluster.
As you work with the node resource group, keep in mind that you can't:
## Can I modify tags and other properties of the AKS resources in the node resource group?
-If you modify or delete Azure-created tags and other resource properties in the node resource group, you could get unexpected results such as scaling and upgrading errors. AKS allows you to create and modify custom tags created by end users, and you can add those tags when [creating a node pool](use-multiple-node-pools.md#specify-a-taint-label-or-tag-for-a-node-pool). You might want to create or modify custom tags, for example, to assign a business unit or cost center. This can also be achieved by creating Azure Policies with a scope on the managed resource group.
+If you modify or delete Azure-created tags and other resource properties in the node resource group, you could get unexpected results, such as scaling and upgrading errors. AKS allows you to create and modify custom tags created by end users, and you can add those tags when [creating a node pool](use-multiple-node-pools.md#specify-a-taint-label-or-tag-for-a-node-pool). You might want to create or modify custom tags, for example, to assign a business unit or cost center. Another option is to create Azure Policies with a scope on the managed resource group.
However, modifying any **Azure-created tags** on resources under the node resource group in the AKS cluster is an unsupported action, which breaks the service-level objective (SLO). For more information, see [Does AKS offer a service-level agreement?](#does-aks-offer-a-service-level-agreement)
Currently, you can't modify the list of admission controllers in AKS.
## Can I use admission controller webhooks on AKS?
-Yes, you may use admission controller webhooks on AKS. It's recommended you exclude internal AKS namespaces, which are marked with the **control-plane label.** For example, by adding the below to the webhook configuration:
+Yes, you may use admission controller webhooks on AKS. It's recommended you exclude internal AKS namespaces, which are marked with the **control-plane label.** For example:
``` namespaceSelector:
AKS firewalls the API server egress so your admission controller webhooks need t
To protect the stability of the system and prevent custom admission controllers from impacting internal services in the kube-system, namespace AKS has an **Admissions Enforcer**, which automatically excludes kube-system and AKS internal namespaces. This service ensures the custom admission controllers don't affect the services running in kube-system.
-If you have a critical use case for deploying something on kube-system (not recommended) in support of your custom admission webhook, you may add the below label or annotation so that Admissions Enforcer ignores it.
+If you have a critical use case for deploying something on kube-system (not recommended) in support of your custom admission webhook, you may add the following label or annotation so that Admissions Enforcer ignores it.
Label: ```"admissions.enforcer/disabled": "true"``` or Annotation: ```"admissions.enforcer/disabled": true```
Windows Server support for node pool includes some limitations that are part of
## Does AKS offer a service-level agreement?
-AKS provides SLA guarantees as an optional feature with [Uptime SLA][uptime-sla].
+AKS provides SLA guarantees in the [Standard pricing tier with the Uptime SLA feature][pricing-tiers].
-The Free SKU offered by default doesn't have a associated Service Level *Agreement*, but has a Service Level *Objective* of 99.5%. Transient connectivity issues are observed if there was an upgrade, unhealthy underlay nodes, platform maintenance, or an application overwhelms the API Server with requests, etc. If your workload doesn't tolerate API Server restarts, then we suggest using Uptime SLA.
+The Free pricing tier doesn't have an associated Service Level *Agreement*, but has a Service Level *Objective* of 99.5%. Transient connectivity issues are observed if there was an upgrade, unhealthy underlay nodes, platform maintenance, or an application overwhelms the API Server with requests, etc. For mission-critical and production workloads, or if your workload doesn't tolerate API Server restarts, we recommend using the Standard tier, which includes Uptime SLA.
## Can I apply Azure reservation discounts to my AKS agent nodes?
Most clusters are deleted upon user request; in some cases, especially where cus
## If I have pod / deployments in state 'NodeLost' or 'Unknown' can I still upgrade my cluster?
-You can, but AKS doesn't recommend this. Upgrades should be performed when the state of the cluster is known and healthy.
+You can, but we don't recommend it. Upgrades should be performed when the state of the cluster is known and healthy.
## If I have a cluster with one or more nodes in an Unhealthy state or shut down, can I perform an upgrade?
Confirm your service principal hasn't expired. See: [AKS service principal](./k
You can completely [stop a running AKS cluster](start-stop-cluster.md), saving on the respective compute costs. Additionally, you may also choose to [scale or autoscale all or specific `User` node pools](scale-cluster.md#scale-user-node-pools-to-0) to 0, maintaining only the necessary cluster configuration. You can't directly scale [system node pools](use-system-pools.md) to zero.
-## Can I use the virtual machine scale set APIs to scale manually?
+## Can I use the Virtual Machine Scale Set APIs to scale manually?
-No, scale operations by using the virtual machine scale set APIs aren't supported. Use the AKS APIs (`az aks scale`).
+No, scale operations by using the Virtual Machine Scale Set APIs aren't supported. Use the AKS APIs (`az aks scale`).
-## Can I use virtual machine scale sets to manually scale to zero nodes?
+## Can I use Virtual Machine Scale Sets to manually scale to zero nodes?
-No, scale operations by using the virtual machine scale set APIs aren't supported. You can use the AKS API to scale to zero non-system node pools or [stop your cluster](start-stop-cluster.md) instead.
+No, scale operations by using the Virtual Machine Scale Set APIs aren't supported. You can use the AKS API to scale to zero non-system node pools or [stop your cluster](start-stop-cluster.md) instead.
## Can I stop or de-allocate all my VMs?
As the name suggests, bridge mode Azure CNI, in a "just in time" fashion, will c
:::image type="content" source="media/faq/bridge-mode.png" alt-text="Bridge mode topology":::
-Below is an example of how the ip route setup looks like in Bridge mode. Regardless of how many pods the node has, there will only ever be two routes. The first one saying, all traffic excluding local on azure0 will go to the default gateway of the subnet through the interface with ip "src" (which is Node primary IP) and the second one saying "10.20.x.x" Pod space to kernel for kernel to decide.
+The following example shows what the ip route setup looks like in Bridge mode. Regardless of how many pods the node has, there will only ever be two routes. The first one saying, all traffic excluding local on azure0 will go to the default gateway of the subnet through the interface with ip "src" (which is Node primary IP) and the second one saying "10.20.x.x" Pod space to kernel for kernel to decide.
```bash default via dev azure0 proto dhcp src metric 100
Transparent mode takes a straight forward approach to setting up Linux networkin
:::image type="content" source="media/faq/transparent-mode.png" alt-text="Transparent mode topology":::
-Below is an example ip route setup of transparent mode, each Pod's interface will get a static route attached so that traffic with dest IP as the Pod will be sent directly to the Pod's host side `veth` pair interface.
+The following example shows a ip route setup of transparent mode. Each Pod's interface will get a static route attached so that traffic with dest IP as the Pod will be sent directly to the Pod's host side `veth` pair interface.
```bash dev azv79d05038592 proto static
The issue has been resolved with Kubernetes version 1.20. For more information,
## Can I use FIPS cryptographic libraries with deployments on AKS?
-FIPS-enabled nodes are currently are now supported on Linux-based node pools. For more information, see [Add a FIPS-enabled node pool](use-multiple-node-pools.md#add-a-fips-enabled-node-pool).
+FIPS-enabled nodes are now supported on Linux-based node pools. For more information, see [Add a FIPS-enabled node pool](use-multiple-node-pools.md#add-a-fips-enabled-node-pool).
## Can I configure NSGs with AKS? AKS doesn't apply Network Security Groups (NSGs) to its subnet and doesn't modify any of the NSGs associated with that subnet. AKS only modifies the network interfaces NSGs settings. If you're using CNI, you also must ensure the security rules in the NSGs allow traffic between the node and pod CIDR ranges. If you're using kubenet, you must also ensure the security rules in the NSGs allow traffic between the node and pod CIDR. For more information, see [Network security groups](concepts-network.md#network-security-groups).
-## How does Time syncronization work in AKS?
+## How does Time synchronization work in AKS?
-AKS nodes run the "chrony" service which pulls time from the localhost. Containers running on pods get the time from the AKS nodes. Applications launched inside a container use time from the container of the pod.
+AKS nodes run the "chrony" service, which pulls time from the localhost. Containers running on pods get the time from the AKS nodes. Applications launched inside a container use time from the container of the pod.
## How are AKS addons updated?
Any patch, including security patches, is automatically applied to the AKS clust
[bcdr-bestpractices]: ./operator-best-practices-multi-region.md#plan-for-multiregion-deployment [availability-zones]: ./availability-zones.md [az-regions]: ../availability-zones/az-region.md
-[uptime-sla]: ./uptime-sla.md
+[pricing-tiers]: ./free-standard-pricing-tiers.md
[aks-keyvault-provider]: ./csi-secrets-store-driver.md <!-- LINKS - external -->
aks Free Standard Pricing Tiers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/aks/free-standard-pricing-tiers.md
+ Title: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Free and Standard pricing tiers for control plane management
+description: Learn about the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Free and Standard pricing tiers for control plane management
++ Last updated : 01/20/2023+++
+# Free and Standard pricing tiers for Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) control plane management
+Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is now offering two pricing tiers for control plane management: the **Free tier** and the **Standard tier**.
+| |Free tier|Standard tier|
+|**When to use**|ΓÇó You want to experiment with AKS at no extra cost <br> ΓÇó You're new to AKS and Kubernetes|ΓÇó You're running production or mission-critical workloads and need high availability and reliability <br> ΓÇó You need a financially backed SLA|
+|**Supported cluster types**|ΓÇó Development clusters or small scale testing environments <br> ΓÇó Clusters with fewer than 10 nodes|ΓÇó Enterprise-grade or production workloads <br> ΓÇó Clusters with up to 5,000 nodes|
+|**Pricing**|ΓÇó Free cluster management <br> ΓÇó Pay-as-you-go for resources you consume|ΓÇó Pay-as-you-go for resources you consume|
+|**Feature comparison**|ΓÇó Recommended for clusters with fewer than 10 nodes, but can support up to 1,000 nodes <br> ΓÇó Includes all current AKS features|ΓÇó Uptime SLA is enabled by default <br> ΓÇó Greater control plane reliability and resources <br> ΓÇó Can support up to 5,000 nodes in a cluster <br> ΓÇó Includes all current AKS features
+For more information on pricing, see the [AKS pricing details](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/kubernetes-service/).
+## Uptime SLA
+> Uptime SLA has been repositioned as a default feature included with the Standard tier.
+> The repositioning will result in the following API changes:
+> | |Prior to 2023-01-01 API|Starting from 2023-01-01 API| Starting from 2023-07-01 API|
+> |-|--|||
+> |ManagedClusterSKUName|"Basic"|"Basic" <br> "Base"|"Base"|
+> |ManagedClusterSKUTier|"Free" <br> "Paid"|"Free" <br> "Paid" <br> "Standard"|"Free" <br> "Standard"|
+> "Basic" and "Paid" will be removed in the 2023-07-01 API version, and this will be a breaking change in API version 2023-07-01 or newer. If you use automated scripts, CD pipelines, ARM templates, Terraform, or other third-party tooling that relies on the above parameters, please be sure to make the necessary changes before upgrading to the 2023-07-01 or newer API version. From API version 2023-01-01 and newer, you can start transitioning to the new API parameters "Base" and "Standard".
+For more information, see [SLA for AKS](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/sla/kubernetes-service/v1_1/).
+### Uptime SLA terms and conditions
+The Uptime SLA feature is included in the Standard tier and is enabled per cluster. For more information on pricing, see the [AKS pricing details](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/kubernetes-service/).
+## Region availability
+* Uptime SLA is available in public regions and Azure Government regions where [AKS is supported](https://azure.microsoft.com/global-infrastructure/services/?products=kubernetes-service).
+* Uptime SLA is available for [private AKS clusters][private-clusters] in all public regions where AKS is supported.
+## Before you begin
+[Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) version 2.8.0 or later and configured. Run `az --version` to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see [Install Azure CLI][install-azure-cli].
+## Creating a new cluster in the Free tier or Standard tier
+Use the Azure CLI to create a new cluster on an AKS pricing tier. You can create your cluster in an existing resource group or create a new one. To learn more about resource groups and working with them, see [managing resource groups using the Azure CLI][manage-resource-group-cli].
+Use the [`az aks create`][az-aks-create] command to create an AKS cluster. The commands below show you how to create a new resource group named *myResourceGroup* and a cluster named *myAKSCluster* in that resource group in each tier.
+# Create a new AKS cluster in the Free tier
+az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --no-uptime-sla
+# Create a new AKS cluster in the Standard tier
+az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --uptime-sla
+> [!NOTE]
+> The outputs to `--no-uptime-sla` and `--uptime-sla` correspond to API properties prior to the 2023-01-01 API version. Starting in Azure CLI 2.46.0:
+> * `--tier free` will correspond to the existing `--no-uptime-sla` parameter.
+> * `--tier standard` will correspond to the existing `--uptime-sla` parameter.
+> * The CLI output "Basic" for ManagedClusterSKUName will correspond to the API property: "Base".
+> * The CLI output "Free" or "Paid" for ManagerClusterSKUTier will correspond to the API properties: "Free" or "Standard".
+Once the deployment completes, it returns JSON-formatted information about your cluster:
+# Sample output for `--no-uptime-sla`
+ },
+ "sku": {
+ "name": "Basic",
+ "tier": "Free"
+ },
+# Sample output for `uptime-sla`
+ },
+ "sku": {
+ "name": "Basic",
+ "tier": "Paid"
+ },
+## Update the tier of an existing cluster
+The following example uses the [`az aks update`][az-aks-update] command to update the existing cluster.
+# Update an existing cluster to the Free tier
+az aks update --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --no-uptime-sla
+# Update an existing cluster to the Standard tier
+az aks update --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --uptime-sla
+This process takes several minutes to complete. When finished, the following example JSON snippet shows the paid tier for the SKU, indicating your cluster is enabled with Uptime SLA.
+ },
+ "sku": {
+ "name": "Basic",
+ "tier": "Paid"
+ },
+## Next steps
+* Use [Availability Zones][availability-zones] to increase high availability with your AKS cluster workloads.
+* Configure your cluster to [limit egress traffic](limit-egress-traffic.md).
+<!-- LINKS - External -->
+[azure-support]: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade/newsupportrequest
+[region-availability]: https://azure.microsoft.com/global-infrastructure/services/?products=kubernetes-service
+<!-- LINKS - Internal -->
+[vm-skus]: ../virtual-machines/sizes.md
+[paid-sku-tier]: /rest/api/aks/managed-clusters/create-or-update#managedclusterskutier
+[nodepool-upgrade]: use-multiple-node-pools.md#upgrade-a-node-pool
+[manage-resource-group-cli]: ../azure-resource-manager/management/manage-resource-groups-cli.md
+[faq]: ./faq.md
+[availability-zones]: ./availability-zones.md
+[az-aks-create]: /cli/azure/aks?#az_aks_create
+[limit-egress-traffic]: ./limit-egress-traffic.md
+[az-extension-add]: /cli/azure/extension#az_extension_add
+[az-extension-update]: /cli/azure/extension#az_extension_update
+[az-aks-update]: /cli/azure/aks#az_aks_update
+[az-group-delete]: /cli/azure/group#az_group_delete
+[private-clusters]: private-clusters.md
+[install-azure-cli]: /cli/azure/install-azure-cli
aks Operator Best Practices Run At Scale https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/aks/operator-best-practices-run-at-scale.md
Last updated 10/04/2022
# Best practices for creating and running Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters at scale
-If your AKS clusters satisfy any of the following criteria, we recommend using the [Uptime SLA][Uptime SLA] feature for higher reliability and scalability of the Kubernetes control plane:
+If your AKS clusters satisfy any of the following criteria, we recommend using the [Standard tier that comes with the Uptime SLA feature][standard-tier] for higher reliability and scalability of the Kubernetes control plane:
+* Clusters running production workloads or availability-sensitive, mission-critical workloads
* Clusters running more than 10 nodes on average * Clusters that need to scale beyond 1000 nodes
-* Clusters running production workloads
-* Cluster running availability-sensitive, mission-critical workloads
-To scale AKS clusters beyond 1000 nodes, ***with a hard limit of 5000 nodes per cluster***, you need to request a node limit quota increase by raising a support ticket in the [Azure portal][Azure portal]. Increasing the node limit doesn't increase other AKS service quota limits, like the number of pods per node. For more information, see [Limits, quotas, and restrictions for AKS resources][quotas-skus-regions].
+To scale AKS clusters beyond 1000 nodes, you need to request a node limit quota increase by raising a support ticket in the [Azure portal][Azure portal] up to a maximum of 5000 nodes per cluster. Increasing the node limit doesn't increase other AKS service quota limits, like the number of pods per node. For more information, see [Limits, quotas, and restrictions for AKS resources][quotas-skus-regions].
To increase the node limit beyond 1000, you must have the following pre-requisites: * An existing AKS cluster that needs the node limit increase. This cluster shouldn't be deleted as that will remove the limit increase.
-* Uptime SLA enabled on your cluster.
+* Clusters using the Standard tier.
* Clusters using Kubernetes version 1.23 or above. > [!NOTE]
To increase the node limit beyond 1000, you must have the following pre-requisit
[Configure Azure CNI networking for dynamic allocation of IPs and enhanced subnet support in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)]: configure-azure-cni-dynamic-ip-allocation.md [max surge]: upgrade-cluster.md?tabs=azure-cli#customize-node-surge-upgrade [Azure portal]: https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.Support/Parameters/%7B%0D%0A%09%22subId%22%3A+%22%22%2C%0D%0A%09%22pesId%22%3A+%225a3a423f-8667-9095-1770-0a554a934512%22%2C%0D%0A%09%22supportTopicId%22%3A+%2280ea0df7-5108-8e37-2b0e-9737517f0b96%22%2C%0D%0A%09%22contextInfo%22%3A+%22AksLabelDeprecationMarch22%22%2C%0D%0A%09%22caller%22%3A+%22Microsoft_Azure_ContainerService+%2B+AksLabelDeprecationMarch22%22%2C%0D%0A%09%22severity%22%3A+%223%22%0D%0A%7D
-[uptime SLA]: uptime-sla.md
+[standard-tier]: free-standard-pricing-tiers.md
[throttling-policies]: https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/api-management-advanced-caching-and-throttling-policies/ <!-- LINKS - Internal -->
aks Uptime Sla https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/aks/uptime-sla.md
- Title: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Uptime SLA
-description: Learn about the optional Uptime SLA offering for the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) API Server.
-- Previously updated : 06/29/2022---
-# Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Uptime SLA
-Uptime SLA is a tier to enable a financially backed, higher SLA for an AKS cluster. Clusters with Uptime SLA, also referred to as [Paid SKU tier][paid-sku-tier] in AKS REST APIs, come with greater amount of control plane resources and automatically scale to meet the load of your cluster. Uptime SLA guarantees 99.95% availability of the Kubernetes API server endpoint for clusters that use [Availability Zones][availability-zones], and 99.9% of availability for clusters that don't use Availability Zones. AKS uses master node replicas across update and fault domains to ensure SLA requirements are met.
-AKS recommends use of Uptime SLA in production workloads to ensure availability of control plane components. By contrast, clusters on the **Free SKU tier** support fewer replicas and limited resources for the control plane and are not suitable for production workloads.
-You can still create unlimited number of free clusters with a service level objective (SLO) of 99.5% and opt for the preferred SLO.
-> For clusters with egress lockdown, see [limit egress traffic](limit-egress-traffic.md) to open appropriate ports.
-## Region availability
-* Uptime SLA is available in public regions and Azure Government regions where [AKS is supported](https://azure.microsoft.com/global-infrastructure/services/?products=kubernetes-service).
-* Uptime SLA is available for [private AKS clusters][private-clusters] in all public regions where AKS is supported.
-## SLA terms and conditions
-Uptime SLA is a paid feature and is enabled per cluster. Uptime SLA pricing is determined by the number of discrete clusters, and not by the size of the individual clusters. You can view [Uptime SLA pricing details](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/kubernetes-service/) for more information.
-## Before you begin
-[Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) version 2.8.0 or later and configured. Run `az --version` to find the version. If you need to install or upgrade, see [Install Azure CLI][install-azure-cli].
-## Creating a new cluster with Uptime SLA
-To create a new cluster with the Uptime SLA, you use the Azure CLI. Create a new cluster in an existing resource group or create a new one. To learn more about resource groups and working with them, see [managing resource groups using the Azure CLI][manage-resource-group-cli].
-Use the [az aks create][az-aks-create] command to create an AKS cluster. The following example creates a cluster named *myAKSCluster* with one node enables the Uptime SLA. This operation takes several minutes to complete:
-az aks create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --uptime-sla --node-count 1
-After a few minutes, the command completes and returns JSON-formatted information about the cluster. The following example output of the JSON snippet shows the paid tier for the SKU, indicating your cluster is enabled with Uptime SLA:
- },
- "sku": {
- "name": "Basic",
- "tier": "Paid"
- },
-## Modify an existing cluster to use Uptime SLA
-You can update your existing clusters to use Uptime SLA.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Updating your cluster to enable the Uptime SLA does not disrupt its normal operation or impact its availability.
-The following command uses the [az aks update][az-aks-update] command to update the existing cluster:
-# Update an existing cluster to use Uptime SLA
-az aks update --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --uptime-sla
-This process takes several minutes to complete. When finished, the following example JSON snippet shows the paid tier for the SKU, indicating your cluster is enabled with Uptime SLA:
- },
- "sku": {
- "name": "Basic",
- "tier": "Paid"
- },
-## Opt out of Uptime SLA
-At any time you can opt out of using the Uptime SLA by updating your cluster to change it back to the free tier.
-> [!NOTE]
-> Updating your cluster to stop using the Uptime SLA does not disrupt its normal operation or impact its availability.
-The following command uses the [az aks update][az-aks-update] command to update the existing cluster:
- az aks update --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myAKSCluster --no-uptime-sla
-This process takes several minutes to complete.
-## Next steps
--- Use [Availability Zones][availability-zones] to increase high availability with your AKS cluster workloads.-- Configure your cluster to [limit egress traffic](limit-egress-traffic.md).-
-<!-- LINKS - External -->
-[azure-support]: https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Support/HelpAndSupportBlade/newsupportrequest
-[region-availability]: https://azure.microsoft.com/global-infrastructure/services/?products=kubernetes-service
-<!-- LINKS - Internal -->
-[vm-skus]: ../virtual-machines/sizes.md
-[paid-sku-tier]: /rest/api/aks/managed-clusters/create-or-update#managedclusterskutier
-[nodepool-upgrade]: use-multiple-node-pools.md#upgrade-a-node-pool
-[manage-resource-group-cli]: ../azure-resource-manager/management/manage-resource-groups-cli.md
-[faq]: ./faq.md
-[availability-zones]: ./availability-zones.md
-[az-aks-create]: /cli/azure/aks?#az_aks_create
-[limit-egress-traffic]: ./limit-egress-traffic.md
-[az-extension-add]: /cli/azure/extension#az_extension_add
-[az-extension-update]: /cli/azure/extension#az_extension_update
-[az-aks-update]: /cli/azure/aks#az_aks_update
-[az-group-delete]: /cli/azure/group#az_group_delete
-[private-clusters]: private-clusters.md
-[install-azure-cli]: /cli/azure/install-azure-cli
api-management Api Management Howto App Insights https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/api-management/api-management-howto-app-insights.md
To use Application Insights, [create an instance of the Application Insights ser
* This setting regularly validates whether the API Management gateway endpoint is responding. * Results appear in the **Availability** pane of the Application Insights instance. 1. Select **Create**.
-1. Check that the new Application Insights logger with an instrumentation key now appears in the list.
- :::image type="content" source="media/api-management-howto-app-insights/apim-app-insights-logger-2.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows where to view the newly created Application Insights logger with instrumentation key":::
+1. Check that the new Application Insights logger now appears in the list.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/api-management-howto-app-insights/apim-app-insights-logger-2.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows where to view the newly created Application Insights logger.":::
> [!NOTE] > Behind the scenes, a [Logger](/rest/api/apimanagement/current-ga/logger/create-or-update) entity is created in your API Management instance, containing the instrumentation key of the Application Insights instance.
+> [!TIP]
+> If you need to update the instrumentation key configured in the Application Insights logger, select the logger's row in the list (not the name of the logger). Enter the instrumentation key, and select **Save**.
+ ## Enable Application Insights logging for your API 1. Navigate to your **Azure API Management service instance** in the **Azure portal**.
api-management Authentication Managed Identity Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/api-management/authentication-managed-identity-policy.md
Both system-assigned identity and any of the multiple user-assigned identities c
| Attribute | Description | Required | Default | | -- | | -- | - |
-|resource|String. The application ID of the target web API (secured resource) in Azure Active Directory.|Yes|N/A|
-|client-id|String. The client ID of the user-assigned identity in Azure Active Directory.|No|system-assigned identity|
-|output-token-variable-name|String. Name of the context variable that will receive token value as an object of type `string`. |No|N/A|
+|resource|String. The application ID of the target web API (secured resource) in Azure Active Directory. Policy expressions are allowed. |Yes|N/A|
+|client-id|String. The client ID of the user-assigned identity in Azure Active Directory. Policy expressions are not allowed. |No|system-assigned identity|
+|output-token-variable-name|String. Name of the context variable that will receive token value as an object of type `string`. Policy expresssions are not allowed. |No|N/A|
|ignore-error|Boolean. If set to `true`, the policy pipeline will continue to execute even if an access token is not obtained.|No|`false`|
Both system-assigned identity and any of the multiple user-assigned identities c
* [API Management authentication policies](api-management-authentication-policies.md)
app-service Migrate Wordpress https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/app-service/migrate-wordpress.md
+ Title: Migrate WordPress to App Service on Linux
+description: Migrate WordPress to App Service on Linux.
+++ Last updated : 01/20/2023+
+ms.devlang: php
+# Migrate WordPress on App Service on Linux
+This article describes two ways to migrate WordPress from App Service on Windows or external hosting providers to App Service on Linux.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Migrate the content to a test instance, validate all scenarios, and if everything works as expected, swap this instance to the production slot.
+ You can migrate your site to WordPress on Azure App Service in two ways:
+ 1. WordPress plugin: All-In-One WP Migration
+ 2. Manual process of migration
+## Migrate WordPress with All-In-One WP Migration plugin
+This plugin is popular for migrating sites with ease. This approach is recommended for sites less than 256MB. If it's more, you can either **purchase the premium version** of the plugin or **migrate manually** using the steps outlined in [manual migration process](#manual-migration-process).
+By default, the file upload size for WordPress on Linux App Services is limited to 50MB, and it can be increased up to 256MB (Maximum Limit). To change the file upload limit, add the following [Application Settings](configure-common.md?tabs=portal) in the App Service and save it.
+| Application Setting Name | Default Value | New Value |
+| POST_MAX_SIZE | 128M | 256M |
+> Install All-In-One Migration plugin on both source and target sites.
+### Export the data at source site
+1. Launch WordPress Admin page.
+1. Open All-In-One WP Migration plugin.
+1. Click on 'Export' option and specify the export type as file.
+1. Download the bundle.
+### Import the data at destination site
+1. Launch WordPress Admin page
+1. Open All-In-One WP Migration plugin
+1. Click on import option on the destination site, and upload the file downloaded in previous section
+1. Empty the caches in W3TC plugin (or any other caches) and validate the content of the site.
+ - Click on the **Performance** option given in the left sidebar of the admin panel to open the W3TC plugin.
+ - Then click on the **Dashboard** option shown below it.
+ - On the dashboard, you will see a button with the label **Empty All Caches**.
+## Manual migration process
+The prerequisite is that the WordPress on Linux Azure App Service must have been created with an appropriate hosting plan from here: [WordPress on Linux App Service](https://aka.ms/linux-wordpress).
+### Manually export the data at source site
+> [!NOTE]
+> Depending on the size of your content and your internet connection, this operation could take several minutes.
+1. Download the **wp-content** folder from the source site. You can use popular FTP tools like [FileZilla](https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client) to connect to the web server and download the content.
+1. Export the contents of the source database into an SQL file. You can perform this task either using MySQL client tools like HeidiSQL, [MySQL workbench](https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/workbench/), [PhpMyAdmin](https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/setup.html) or through command line interface. For more information on exporting the database, refer to the following [documentation](https://dev.mysql.com/doc/workbench/en/wb-admin-export-import-management.html).
+### Manually import the data at destination site
+1. Create a new Wordpress app using our [WordPress on Linux App Service template](https://aka.ms/linux-wordpress)
+2. Open an SSH session using **WebSSH** from the Azure portal.
+![Web SSH](./media/app-service-migrate-wordpress/post-startup-script-1.png)
+3. Delete the existing content of **/home/site/wwwroot/wp-content** folder using the following command.
+ ```bash
+ rm -rf /home/site/wwwroot/wp-content/*
+ ```
+4. Upload the new contents of **wp-content** folder using the File Manager. Click on the label that says '**Drag a File/Folder here to upload, or click to select one**'.
+5. You can either [use an existing MySQL database](https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/using_an_existing_mysql_database.md) or migrate the content to a new Azure MySQL Flexible Server created by App Service on Linux.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server is on the road to retirement by 16 September 2024. If your existing MySQL database is hosted on Azure Database for MySQL - Single Server, consider migrating to Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server using the following steps, or using [Azure Database Migration Service (DMS)](/mysql/single-server/whats-happening-to-mysql-single-server#migrate-from-single-server-to-flexible-server).
+6. If you migrate the database, import the SQL file downloaded from the source database into the database of your newly created WordPress site. You can do it via the PhpMyAdmin dashboard available at **\<sitename\>.azurewebsites.net/phpmyadmin**. If you're unable to one single large SQL file, separate the files into parts and try uploading again. Steps to import the database through phpmyadmin are described [here](https://docs.phpmyadmin.net/en/latest/import_export.html#import).
+7. Launch the Azure Portal and navigate to your **App Service -> Configuration** blade. Update the database name in the **Application Settings** of App Service and save it. This will restart your App and the new changes will get reflected. [Learn more: WordPress Application Settings](https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_application_settings.md)
+ | Application Setting Name | Update Required? |
+ |--||
+ | DATABASE_NAME | Yes, replace with the source (exported) database name |
+ | DATABASE_HOST | Not Required |
+ | DATABASE_USERNAME | Not Required |
+ | DATABASE_PASSWORD | Not Required |
+ ![Database Application Settings](./media/app-service-migrate-wordpress/wordpress-database-application-settings.png)
+## Post migration actions
+### Install recommended plugins
+It's an optional step, after the site migration it is recommended to validate that you have the default recommended/equivalent plugins activated and configured accurate as before. If you're prohibited from not configuring them as per your organization governing policies, then you can uninstall the plugins.
+- The W3TC plugin should be activated and configured properly to use the local Redis cache server and Azure CDN/Blob Storage (if it was configured to use them originally). For more information on how to configure these, refer to the following documentations:
+ - [Local Redis Cache](https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_local_redis_cache.md)
+ - [Azure CDN](https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_azure_cdn.md)
+ - [Azure Blob Storage](https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_azure_blob_storage.md)
+- WP Smush plugin is activated and configured properly for image optimization. See [Image Compression](https://github.com/Azure/wordpress-linux-appservice/blob/main/WordPress/wordpress_image_compression.md) for more information on configuration.
+### Recommended WordPress settings
+The following WordPress settings are recommended. However, when the users migrate their custom sites, is it up to them to decide whether to use these settings or not.
+1. Open the WordPress Admin dashboard.
+2. Set the permalink structure to 'day and name', as it performs better compared to the plain permalinks that use the format **?p=123**.
+3. Under the comment settings, enable the option to break comments into pages.
+4. Show excerpts instead of the full post in the feed.
+## Search and replace (paths and domains)
+One common issue that users face during migration is that some of the contents of their old site use absolute urls/paths instead of relative ones. To resolve this issue, you can use plugins like [Search and Replace](https://wordpress.org/plugins/search-replace/) to update the database records.
+## Configuring custom domain
+To configure your site with a custom domain follow the steps described here: Tutorial: [Map existing custom DNS name](app-service-web-tutorial-custom-domain.md?tabs=a%2Cazurecli)
+## Migrating custom domain
+When you migrate a live site and its DNS domain name to App Service, that DNS name is already serving live traffic. You can avoid DNS resolution downtime by binding the active DNS name to your app as described in [Migrate an active DNS name](manage-custom-dns-migrate-domain.md).
+## Updating SSL certificates
+If your site is configured with SSL certs, then follow [Add and manage TLS/SSL certificates](configure-ssl-certificate.md?tabs=apex%2Cportal) to configure SSL.
+Next steps:
+[At-scale assessment of .NET web apps](/training/modules/migrate-app-service-migration-assistant/)
app-service Reference App Settings https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/app-service/reference-app-settings.md
The following table shows environment variables prefixes that App Service uses f
| `SQLAZURECONNSTR_` | Signifies an Azure SQL Database connection string in the app configuration. It's injected into a .NET app as a connection string. | | `POSTGRESQLCONNSTR_` | Signifies a PostgreSQL connection string in the app configuration. It's injected into a .NET app as a connection string. | | `CUSTOMCONNSTR_` | Signifies a custom connection string in the app configuration. It's injected into a .NET app as a connection string. |
-| `MYSQLCONNSTR_` | Signifies an Azure SQL Database connection string in the app configuration. It's injected into a .NET app as a connection string. |
+| `MYSQLCONNSTR_` | Signifies a MySQL Database connection string in the app configuration. It's injected into a .NET app as a connection string. |
| `AZUREFILESSTORAGE_` | A connection string to a custom share for a custom container in Azure Files. | | `AZUREBLOBSTORAGE_` | A connection string to a custom storage account for a custom container in Azure Blob Storage. | | `NOTIFICATIONHUBCONNSTR_` | Signifies a connection string to a notification hub in Azure Notification Hubs. |
- -->
+ -->
application-gateway Ingress Controller Install Existing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/application-gateway/ingress-controller-install-existing.md
Apply the Helm changes: 1. Ensure the `AzureIngressProhibitedTarget` CRD is installed with: ```bash
- kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/ae695ef9bd05c8b708cedf6ff545595d0b7022dc/crds/AzureIngressProhibitedTarget.yaml
+ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/7b55ad194e7582c47589eb9e78615042e00babf3/crds/AzureIngressProhibitedTarget-v1-CRD-v1.yaml
``` 2. Update Helm: ```bash
applied-ai-services Form Recognizer Container Image Tags https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/applied-ai-services/form-recognizer/containers/form-recognizer-container-image-tags.md
Previously updated : 11/29/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023 monikerRange: 'form-recog-2.1.0' recommendations: false
Form Recognizer features are supported by seven containers:
| **Custom API** | mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/custom-api | | **Custom Supervised** | mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/custom-supervised |
-## Microsoft container registry
+## Microsoft container registry (MCR)
-Form Recognizer container images can be found on the Microsoft Container Registry **mcr.microsoft.** **<span></span>com** container registry syndicate, the primary registry for all Microsoft Published Docker images.
+Form Recognizer container images can be found within the [**Microsoft Container Registry Catalog**](https://mcr.microsoft.com/v2/_catalog) listing, the primary registry for all Microsoft Published Docker images:
-* The discovery experience for MCR is provided through [docker hub](https://hub.docker.com/publishers/microsoftowner).
-* You can also query [the list of repositories within mcr](https://mcr.microsoft.com/v2/_catalog).
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/containers/microsoft-container-registry-catalog.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) catalog list.":::
## Form Recognizer tags
applied-ai-services Form Recognizer Container Install Run https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/applied-ai-services/form-recognizer/containers/form-recognizer-container-install-run.md
Previously updated : 01/04/2023 Last updated : 01/23/2023 monikerRange: 'form-recog-2.1.0' recommendations: false
Azure Form Recognizer is an Azure Applied AI Service that lets you build automat
In this article you'll learn how to download, install, and run Form Recognizer containers. Containers enable you to run the Form Recognizer service in your own environment. Containers are great for specific security and data governance requirements. Form Recognizer features are supported by six Form Recognizer feature containersΓÇö**Layout**, **Business Card**,**ID Document**, **Receipt**, **Invoice**, and **Custom** (for Receipt, Business Card and ID Document containers you'll also need the **Read** OCR container).
+> * To use Form Recognizer containers, you must submit an online request, and have it approved. For more information, _see_ [Request approval to run container](#request-approval-to-run-container) below.
+ ## Prerequisites To get started, you'll need an active [**Azure account**](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/cognitive-services/). If you don't have one, you can [**create a free account**](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/).
You'll also need the following to use Form Recognizer containers:
|**Azure CLI (command-line interface)** | The [Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) enables you to use a set of online commands to create and manage Azure resources. It's available to install in Windows, macOS, and Linux environments and can be run in a Docker container and Azure Cloud Shell. | |||
+## Request approval to run container
+Complete and submit the [**Azure Cognitive Services Application for Gated Services**](https://aka.ms/csgate) to request access to the container.
++ ## Host computer requirements The host is a x64-based computer that runs the Docker container. It can be a computer on your premises or a Docker hosting service in Azure, such as:
The host is a x64-based computer that runs the Docker container. It can be a com
### Container requirements and recommendations
-#### Required containers
+#### Required supporting containers
The following table lists the supporting container(s) for each Form Recognizer container you download. For more information, see the [Billing](#billing) section.
applied-ai-services Form Recognizer Disconnected Containers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/applied-ai-services/form-recognizer/containers/form-recognizer-disconnected-containers.md
+ Title: Use Form Recognizer containers in disconnected environments
+description: Learn how to run Azure Cognitive Services Docker containers disconnected from the internet.
+++++ Last updated : 01/23/2023+++
+# Use Form Recognizer containers in disconnected environments
+<!-- markdownlint-disable MD036 -->
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+Azure Cognitive Services Form Recognizer containers allow you to use Form Recognizer APIs with the benefits of containerization. Disconnected containers are offered through commitment tier pricing offered at a discounted rate compared to pay-as-you-go pricing. With commitment tier pricing, you can commit to using Form Recognizer features for a fixed fee, at a predictable total cost, based on the needs of your workload.
+## Get started
+Before attempting to run a Docker container in an offline environment, make sure you're familiar with the following requirements to successfully download and use the container:
+* Host computer requirements and recommendations.
+* The Docker `pull` command you'll use to download the container.
+* How to validate that a container is running.
+* How to send queries to the container's endpoint, once it's running.
+## Request access to use containers in disconnected environments
+Complete and submit the [request form](https://aka.ms/csdisconnectedcontainers) to request access to the containers disconnected from the Internet.
+Access is limited to customers that meet the following requirements:
+* Your organization should be identified as strategic customer or partner with Microsoft.
+* Disconnected containers are expected to run fully offline, hence your use cases must meet one of the following or similar requirements:
+ * Environment or device(s) with zero connectivity to internet.
+ * Remote location that occasionally has internet access.
+ * Organization under strict regulation of not sending any kind of data back to cloud.
+* Application completed as instructed - Pay close attention to guidance provided throughout the application to ensure you provide all the necessary information required for approval.
+## Create a new resource and purchase a commitment plan
+1. Create a new [Form Recognizer resource](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesFormRecognizer) in the Azure portal.
+1. Enter the applicable information to create your resource. Be sure to select **Commitment tier disconnected containers** as your pricing tier.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ >
+ > * You will only see the option to purchase a commitment tier if you have been approved by Microsoft.
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/create-resource-offline-container.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing resource creation on the Azure portal.":::
+1. Select **Review + Create** at the bottom of the page. Review the information, and select **Create**.
+## Gather required parameters
+There are three required parameters for all Cognitive Services' containers:
+* The end-user license agreement (EULA) must be present with a value of *accept*.
+* The endpoint URL for your resource from the Azure portal.
+* The API key for your resource from the Azure portal.
+Both the endpoint URL and API key are needed when you first run the container to configure it for disconnected usage. You can find the key and endpoint on the **Key and endpoint** page for your resource in the Azure portal:
+ :::image type="content" source="../media/containers/keys-and-endpoint.png" alt-text="Screenshot: Azure portal keys and endpoint page.":::
+> You will only use your key and endpoint to configure the container to run in a disconnected environment. After you configure the container, you won't need the key and endpoint values to send API requests. Store them securely, for example, using Azure Key Vault. Only one key is necessary for this process.
+## Download a Docker container with `docker pull`
+Download the Docker container that has been approved to run in a disconnected environment. For example:
+|Docker pull command | Value |Format|
+|&bullet; **`docker pull [image]`**</br>&bullet; **`docker pull [image]:latest`**|The latest container image.|&bullet; mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/layout</br> </br>&bullet; mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/invoice: latest |
+|&bullet; **`docker pull [image]:[version]`** | A specific container image |dockers pull mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/receipt:2.1-preview |
+ **Example Docker pull command**
+docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/invoice:latest
+## Configure the container to be run in a disconnected environment
+Now that you've downloaded your container, you'll need to execute the `docker run` command with the following parameter:
+* **`DownloadLicense=True`**. This parameter will download a license file that will enable your Docker container to run when it isn't connected to the internet. It also contains an expiration date, after which the license file will be invalid to run the container. You can only use the license file in corresponding approved container.
+>The `docker run` command will generate a template that you can use to run the container. The template contains parameters you'll need for the downloaded models and configuration file. Make sure you save this template.
+The following example shows the formatting for the `docker run` command you'll use, with placeholder values. Replace these placeholder values with your own values.
+| Placeholder | Value | Format or example |
+| `{IMAGE}` | The container image you want to use. | `mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/invoice` |
+| `{LICENSE_MOUNT}` | The path where the license will be downloaded, and mounted. | `/host/license:/path/to/license/directory` |
+| `{ENDPOINT_URI}` | The endpoint for authenticating your service request. You can find it on your resource's **Key and endpoint** page, on the Azure portal. | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
+| `{API_KEY}` | The key for your Text Analytics resource. You can find it on your resource's **Key and endpoint** page, on the Azure portal. |`{string}`|
+| `{CONTAINER_LICENSE_DIRECTORY}` | Location of the license folder on the container's local filesystem. | `/path/to/license/directory` |
+ **Example `docker run` command**
+docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 \
+{IMAGE} \
+eula=accept \
+billing={ENDPOINT_URI} \
+apikey={API_KEY} \
+DownloadLicense=True \
+After you've configured the container, use the next section to run the container in your environment with the license, and appropriate memory and CPU allocations.
+## Form Recognizer container models and configuration
+> If you're using the Translator, Neural text-to-speech, or Speech-to-text containers, read the **Additional parameters** section for information on commands or additional parameters you will need to use.
+After you've [configured the container](#configure-the-container-to-be-run-in-a-disconnected-environment), the values for the downloaded translation models and container configuration will be generated and displayed in the container output:
+-e MODELS= /path/to/model1/, /path/to/model2/
+-e TRANSLATORSYSTEMCONFIG=/path/to/model/config/translatorsystemconfig.json
+## Run the container in a disconnected environment
+Once the license file has been downloaded, you can run the container in a disconnected environment with your license, appropriate memory, and suitable CPU allocations. The following example shows the formatting of the `docker run` command with placeholder values. Replace these placeholders values with your own values.
+Whenever the container is run, the license file must be mounted to the container and the location of the license folder on the container's local filesystem must be specified with `Mounts:License=`. In addition, an output mount must be specified so that billing usage records can be written.
+Placeholder | Value | Format or example |
+| `{IMAGE}` | The container image you want to use. | `mcr.microsoft.com/azure-cognitive-services/form-recognizer/invoice` |
+ `{MEMORY_SIZE}` | The appropriate size of memory to allocate for your container. | `4g` |
+| `{NUMBER_CPUS}` | The appropriate number of CPUs to allocate for your container. | `4` |
+| `{LICENSE_MOUNT}` | The path where the license will be located and mounted. | `/host/license:/path/to/license/directory` |
+| `{OUTPUT_PATH}` | The output path for logging [usage records](#usage-records). | `/host/output:/path/to/output/directory` |
+| `{CONTAINER_LICENSE_DIRECTORY}` | Location of the license folder on the container's local filesystem. | `/path/to/license/directory` |
+| `{CONTAINER_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY}` | Location of the output folder on the container's local filesystem. | `/path/to/output/directory` |
+ **Example `docker run` command**
+docker run --rm -it -p 5000:5000 --memory {MEMORY_SIZE} --cpus {NUMBER_CPUS} \
+{IMAGE} \
+eula=accept \
+## Other parameters and commands
+Here are a few more parameters and commands you may need to run the container.
+#### Usage records
+When operating Docker containers in a disconnected environment, the container will write usage records to a volume where they're collected over time. You can also call a REST API endpoint to generate a report about service usage.
+#### Arguments for storing logs
+When run in a disconnected environment, an output mount must be available to the container to store usage logs. For example, you would include `-v /host/output:{OUTPUT_PATH}` and `Mounts:Output={OUTPUT_PATH}` in the following example, replacing `{OUTPUT_PATH}` with the path where the logs will be stored:
+docker run -v /host/output:{OUTPUT_PATH} ... <image> ... Mounts:Output={OUTPUT_PATH}
+#### Get records using the container endpoints
+The container provides two endpoints for returning records about its usage.
+#### Get all records
+The following endpoint will provide a report summarizing all of the usage collected in the mounted billing record directory.
+ **Example HTTPS endpoint**
+ `http://localhost:5000/records/usage-logs`
+The usage-log endpoint will return a JSON response similar to the following example:
+ "apiType": "string",
+ "serviceName": "string",
+ "meters": [
+ {
+ "name": "string",
+ "quantity": 256345435
+ }
+ ]
+#### Get records for a specific month
+The following endpoint will provide a report summarizing usage over a specific month and year.
+This usage-logs endpoint will return a JSON response similar to the following example:
+ "apiType": "string",
+ "serviceName": "string",
+ "meters": [
+ {
+ "name": "string",
+ "quantity": 56097
+ }
+ ]
+### Purchase a different commitment plan for disconnected containers
+Commitment plans for disconnected containers have a calendar year commitment period. When you purchase a plan, you'll be charged the full price immediately. During the commitment period, you can't change your commitment plan, however you can purchase more unit(s) at a pro-rated price for the remaining days in the year. You have until midnight (UTC) on the last day of your commitment, to end a commitment plan.
+You can choose a different commitment plan in the **Commitment tier pricing** settings of your resource under the **Resource Management** section.
+### End a commitment plan
+If you decide that you don't want to continue purchasing a commitment plan, you can set your resource's auto-renewal to **Do not auto-renew**. Your commitment plan will expire on the displayed commitment end date. After this date, you won't be charged for the commitment plan. You'll be able to continue using the Azure resource to make API calls, charged at pay-as-you-go pricing. You have until midnight (UTC) on the last day of the year to end a commitment plan for disconnected containers. If you cancel at or before that time, you won't be charged for the following year.
+## Troubleshooting
+Run the container with an output mount and logging enabled. These settings will enable the container generates log files that are helpful for troubleshooting issues that occur while starting or running the container.
+> [!TIP]
+> For more troubleshooting information and guidance, see [Disconnected containers Frequently asked questions (FAQ)](../../../cognitive-services/containers/disconnected-container-faq.yml).
+## Next steps
+[Deploy the Sample Labeling tool to an Azure Container Instance (ACI)](../deploy-label-tool.md#deploy-with-azure-container-instances-aci)
attestation Claim Sets https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/claim-sets.md
# Claim sets
-Claims generated in the process of attesting enclaves using Microsoft Azure Attestation can be divided into the below categories:
+Claims generated in the process of attesting enclaves using Microsoft Azure Attestation can be divided into these categories:
- **Incoming claims**: The claims generated by Microsoft Azure Attestation after parsing the attestation evidence and can be used by policy authors to define authorization rules in a custom policy
Claims generated in the process of attesting enclaves using Microsoft Azure Atte
- **Property claims**: The claims created as an output by Azure Attestation. It contains all the claims that represent properties of the attestation token, such as encoding of the report, validity duration of the report, and so on.
-## Incoming claims
+## Incoming claims
### SGX attestation
Claims to be used by policy authors to define authorization rules in an SGX atte
When an enclave author prefers to rotate MRSIGNER for security reasons, Azure Attestation policy must be updated to support the new and old MRSIGNER values before the binaries are updated. Otherwise authorization checks will fail resulting in attestation failures.
- Attestation policy must be updated using the below format.
+ Attestation policy must be updated using the format below.
#### Before key rotation
Claims to be used by policy authors to define authorization rules in an SGX atte
The enclave author assigns a Security Version Number (SVN) to each version of the SGX enclave. When a security issue is discovered in the enclave code, enclave author increments the SVN value post vulnerability fix. To prevent interacting with insecure enclave code, customers can add a validation rule in the attestation policy. If the SVN of the enclave code does not match the version recommended by the enclave author, attestation will fail.
-Below claims are considered deprecated but are fully supported and will continue to be included in the future. It is recommended to use the non-deprecated claim names.
+These claims are considered deprecated but are fully supported and will continue to be included in the future. It is recommended to use the non-deprecated claim names:
Deprecated claim | Recommended claim
- |
+ | |
$is-debuggable | x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable $product-id | x-ms-sgx-product-id $sgx-mrsigner | x-ms-sgx-mrsigner
Claims to be used by policy authors to define authorization rules in a TPM attes
### VBS attestation
-In addition to the TPM attestation policy claims, below claims can be used by policy authors to define authorization rules in a VBS attestation policy.
+In addition to the TPM attestation policy claims, these claims can be used by policy authors to define authorization rules in a VBS attestation policy:
- **enclaveAuthorId**: String value containing the Base64Url encoded value of the enclave author id-The author identifier of the primary module for the enclave - **enclaveImageId**: String value containing the Base64Url encoded value of the enclave Image id-The image identifier of the primary module for the enclave
In addition to the TPM attestation policy claims, below claims can be used by po
- **enclavePlatformSvn**: Integer value containing the security version number of the platform that hosts the enclave - **enclaveFlags**: The enclaveFlags claim is an Integer value containing Flags that describe the runtime policy for the enclave
-## Outgoing claims
+## Outgoing claims
### Common for all attestation types
-Azure Attestation includes the below claims in the attestation token for all attestation types.
+Azure Attestation includes these claims in the attestation token for all attestation types:
- **x-ms-ver**: JWT schema version (expected to be "1.0") - **x-ms-attestation-type**: String value representing attestation type
Below claim names are used from [IETF JWT specification](https://tools.ietf.org/
- **"exp" (Expiration Time) Claim** - Expiration time after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing - **"nbf" (Not Before) Claim** - Not Before time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
-Below claim names are used from [IETF EAT draft specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-rats-eat-03#page-9)
+These claim names are used from [IETF EAT draft specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-rats-eat-03#page-9):
- **"Nonce claim" (nonce)** - An untransformed direct copy of an optional nonce value provided by a client
rp_data | nonce
### SGX attestation
-Below claims are generated and included in the attestation token by the service for SGX attestation.
+These caims are generated and included in the attestation token by the service for SGX attestation:
- **x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable**: A Boolean, which indicates whether or not the enclave has debugging enabled or not - **x-ms-sgx-product-id**: Product ID value of the SGX enclave
Below claims are generated and included in the attestation token by the service
- **tcbinfohash**: SHA256 value of the TCB Info collateral - **x-ms-sgx-report-data**: SGX enclave report data field (usually SHA256 hash of x-ms-sgx-ehd)
-Below claims will appear only in the attestation token generated for Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor-based server platforms. The claims will not appear if the SGX enclave is not configured with [Key Separation and Sharing Support](https://github.com/openenclave/openenclave/issues/3054). The claim definitions can be found [here](https://github.com/openenclave/openenclave/issues/3054)
+These claims will appear only in the attestation token generated for Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor-based server platforms. The claims will not appear if the SGX enclave is not configured with [Key Separation and Sharing Support](https://github.com/openenclave/openenclave/issues/3054). The claim definitions can be found [here](https://github.com/openenclave/openenclave/issues/3054):
- **x-ms-sgx-config-id** - **x-ms-sgx-config-svn** - **x-ms-sgx-isv-extended-product-id** - **x-ms-sgx-isv-family-id**
-Below claims are considered deprecated but are fully supported and will continue to be included in the future. It is recommended to use the non-deprecated claim names.
+These claims are considered deprecated, but are fully supported and will continue to be included in the future. It is recommended to use the non-deprecated claim names:
Deprecated claim | Recommended claim
- |
+ | |
$is-debuggable | x-ms-sgx-is-debuggable $product-id | x-ms-sgx-product-id $sgx-mrsigner | x-ms-sgx-mrsigner
attestation Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/overview.md old mode 100755new mode 100644
-# Microsoft Azure Attestation
+# Microsoft Azure Attestation
Microsoft Azure Attestation is a unified solution for remotely verifying the trustworthiness of a platform and integrity of the binaries running inside it. The service supports attestation of the platforms backed by Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) alongside the ability to attest to the state of Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) such as [Intel® Software Guard Extensions](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/architecture-and-technology/software-guard-extensions.html) (SGX) enclaves, [Virtualization-based Security](/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/oem-vbs) (VBS) enclaves, [Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs)](/windows/security/information-protection/tpm/trusted-platform-module-overview), [Trusted launch for Azure VMs](../virtual-machines/trusted-launch.md) and [Azure confidential VMs](../confidential-computing/confidential-vm-overview.md).
Azure Attestation enables cutting-edge security paradigms such as [Azure Confide
Azure Attestation receives evidence from compute entities, turns them into a set of claims, validates them against configurable policies, and produces cryptographic proofs for claims-based applications (for example, relying parties and auditing authorities).
+Azure Attestation supports both platform- and guest-attestation of AMD SEV-SNP based Confidential VMs (CVMs). Azure Attestation-based platform attestation happens automatically during critical boot path of CVMs, with no customer action needed. For more details on guest attestation, see [Announcing general availability of guest attestation for confidential VMs](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-confidential-computing/announcing-general-availability-of-guest-attestation-for/ba-p/3648228).
+ ## Use cases Azure Attestation provides comprehensive attestation services for multiple environments and distinctive use cases.
Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors only support [ECDSA-based attestation solutio
OE standardizes specific requirements for verification of an enclave evidence. This qualifies OE as a highly fitting attestation consumer of Azure Attestation.
-### TPM attestation
+### TPM attestation
[Trusted Platform Modules (TPM)](/windows/security/information-protection/tpm/trusted-platform-module-overview) based attestation is critical to provide proof of a platform's state. A TPM acts as the root of trust and the security coprocessor to provide cryptographic validity to the measurements (evidence). Devices with a TPM can rely on attestation to prove that boot integrity is not compromised and use the claims to detect feature state enablement during boot. Client applications can be designed to take advantage of TPM attestation by delegating security-sensitive tasks to only take place after a platform has been validated to be secure. Such applications can then make use of Azure Attestation to routinely establish trust in the platform and its ability to access sensitive data.
-### AMD SEV-SNP attestation
+### AMD SEV-SNP attestation
Azure [Confidential VM](../confidential-computing/confidential-vm-overview.md) (CVM) is based on [AMD processors with SEV-SNP technology](../confidential-computing/virtual-machine-solutions-amd.md). CVM offers VM OS disk encryption option with platform-managed keys or customer-managed keys and binds the disk encryption keys to the virtual machine's TPM. When a CVM boots up, SNP report containing the guest VM firmware measurements will be sent to Azure Attestation. The service validates the measurements and issues an attestation token that is used to release keys from [Managed-HSM](../key-vault/managed-hsm/overview.md) or [Azure Key Vault](../key-vault/general/basic-concepts.md). These keys are used to decrypt the vTPM state of the guest VM, unlock the OS disk and start the CVM. The attestation and key release process is performed automatically on each CVM boot, and the process ensures the CVM boots up only upon successful attestation of the hardware.
-### Trusted Launch attestation
+### Trusted Launch attestation
Azure customers can [prevent bootkit and rootkit infections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQqu_rTSi0Q) by enabling [trusted launch](../virtual-machines/trusted-launch.md) for their virtual machines (VMs). When the VM is Secure Boot and vTPM enabled with guest attestation extension installed, vTPM measurements get submitted to Azure Attestation periodically for monitoring boot integrity. An attestation failure indicates potential malware, which is surfaced to customers via Microsoft Defender for Cloud, through Alerts and Recommendations.
Azure Attestation is the preferred choice for attesting TEEs as it offers the fo
- Unified framework for attesting multiple environments such as TPMs, SGX enclaves and VBS enclaves - Allows creation of custom attestation providers and configuration of policies to restrict token generation-- Protects its data while-in use with implementation in an SGX enclave
+- Protects its data while-in use with implementation in an SGX enclave or Confidential Virtual Macine based on AMD SEV-SNP
- Highly available service ## How to establish trust with Azure Attestation
attestation Quickstart Azure Cli https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/quickstart-azure-cli.md
Previously updated : 11/20/2020 Last updated : 11/14/2022 ms.devlang: azurecli
attestation Quickstart Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/quickstart-portal.md
Previously updated : 08/31/2020 Last updated : 11/14/2022
Follow this quickstart to get started with Azure Attestation. Learn how to manag
## Prerequisites
-If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a [free account](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F) before you begin. The user creating an attestation provider should have sufficient access levels on the subscription to create a resource (e.g: owner/contributor). Please refer [Azure built-in roles](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md) for more information.
+If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a [free account](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F) before you begin. The user creating an attestation provider should have sufficient access levels on the subscription to create a resource (e.g: owner/contributor). For more information, see [Azure built-in roles](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md).
## Attestation provider
In this section, you'll create an attestation provider and configure it with eit
- **Policy signer certificates file**: Don't upload the policy signer certificates file to configure the provider with unsigned policies. 1. After you provide the required inputs, select **Review+Create**.
-1. If there are validation issues, fix them and then select **Create**.
+1. Fix any validation issues and select **Create**.
### Create and configure the provider with signed policies
In this section, you'll create an attestation provider and configure it with eit
- **Policy signer certificates file**: Upload the policy signer certificates file to configure the attestation provider with signed policies. [See examples of policy signer certificates](./policy-signer-examples.md). 1. After you provide the required inputs, select **Review+Create**.
-1. If there are validation issues, fix them and then select **Create**.
+1. Fix any validation issues and select **Create**.
### View the attestation provider
Follow the steps in this section to view, add, and delete policy signer certific
1. Go to the Azure portal menu or the home page and select **All resources**. 1. In the filter box, enter the attestation provider name. 1. Select the attestation provider and go to the overview page.
-1. Select **Policy signer certificates** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, please click cancel to proceed.
+1. Select **Policy signer certificates** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, select cancel to proceed.
1. Select **Download policy signer certificates**. The button will be disabled for attestation providers created without the policy signing requirement. 1. The downloaded text file will have all certificates in a JWS format. 1. Verify the certificate count and the downloaded certificates.
Follow the steps in this section to view, add, and delete policy signer certific
1. Go to the Azure portal menu or the home page and select **All resources**. 1. In the filter box, enter the attestation provider name. 1. Select the attestation provider and go to the overview page.
-1. Select **Policy signer certificates** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, please click cancel to proceed.
+1. Select **Policy signer certificates** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, select cancel to proceed.
1. Select **Add** on the upper menu. The button will be disabled for attestation providers created without the policy signing requirement. 1. Upload the policy signer certificate file and select **Add**. [See examples of policy signer certificates](./policy-signer-examples.md).
Follow the steps in this section to view, add, and delete policy signer certific
1. Go to the Azure portal menu or the home page and select **All resources**. 1. In the filter box, enter the attestation provider name. 1. Select the attestation provider and go to the overview page.
-1. Select **Policy signer certificates** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, please click cancel to proceed.
+1. Select **Policy signer certificates** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, Select **Cancel** to proceed.
1. Select **Delete** on the upper menu. The button will be disabled for attestation providers created without the policy signing requirement. 1. Upload the policy signer certificate file and select **Delete**. [See examples of policy signer certificates](./policy-signer-examples.md).
This section describes how to view an attestation policy and how to configure po
1. Go to the Azure portal menu or the home page and select **All resources**. 1. In the filter box, enter the attestation provider name. 1. Select the attestation provider and go to the overview page.
-1. Select **Policy** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, please click cancel to proceed.
+1. Select **Policy** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, select **Cancel** to proceed.
1. Select the preferred **Attestation Type** and view the **Current policy**. ### Configure an attestation policy
Follow these steps to upload a policy in JWT or text format if the attestation p
1. Go to the Azure portal menu or the home page and select **All resources**. 1. In the filter box, enter the attestation provider name. 1. Select the attestation provider and go to the overview page.
-1. Select **Policy** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, please click cancel to proceed.
+1. Select **Policy** on the resource menu on the left side of the window or on the lower pane. If you see a prompt to select certificate for authentication, select **Cancel** proceed.
1. Select **Configure** on the upper menu. 1. Select **Policy Format** as **JWT** or as **Text**.
attestation Quickstart Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/quickstart-powershell.md
Previously updated : 08/31/2020 Last updated : 11/14/2022
Follow the below steps to create and configure an attestation provider using Azure PowerShell. See [Overview of Azure PowerShell](/powershell/azure/) for information on how to install and run Azure PowerShell. > [!NOTE]
-> Az.Attestation module is now integrated into Az PowerShell module. Minimum version of Az module required to support attestation operations:
- - Az 6.5.0
+> The Az.Attestation PowerShell module is now integrated into Az PowerShell module. Minimum version of Az module required to support attestation operations:
+ - Az PowerShell module 6.5.0
The PowerShell Gallery has deprecated Transport Layer Security (TLS) versions 1.0 and 1.1. TLS 1.2 or a later version is recommended. Hence you may receive the following errors:
Set-AzContext -Subscription <subscription id>
## Register Microsoft.Attestation resource provider
-Register the Microsoft.Attestation resource provider in subscription. For more information about Azure resource providers and how to configure and manage resources providers, see [Azure resource providers and types](../azure-resource-manager/management/resource-providers-and-types.md). Note that registering a resource provider is required only once for a subscription.
+Register the Microsoft.Attestation resource provider in subscription. For more information about Azure resource providers and how to configure and manage resources providers, see [Azure resource providers and types](../azure-resource-manager/management/resource-providers-and-types.md). Registering a resource provider is required only once for a subscription.
```powershell Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Attestation
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Attestation
## Create an Azure resource group
-Create a resource group for the attestation provider. Note that other Azure resources (including a virtual machine with client application instance) can be put in the same resource group.
+Create a resource group for the attestation provider. Other Azure resources (including a virtual machine with client application instance) can be put in the same resource group.
```powershell $location = "uksouth"
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $attestationResourceGroup -Location $location
``` > [!NOTE]
- > Once an attestation provider is created in this resource group, an Azure AD user must have **Attestation Contributor** role on the provider to perform operations like policy configuration/ policy signer certificates management. These permissions can be also be inherited with roles such as **Owner** (wildcard permissions)/ **Contributor** (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
+ > Once an attestation provider is created in this resource group, an Azure AD user must have **Attestation Contributor** role on the provider to perform operations like policy configuration/ policy signer certificates management. These permissions can also be inherited with roles such as **Owner** (wildcard permissions)/ **Contributor** (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
## Create and manage an attestation provider
Get-AzAttestation retrieves the attestation provider properties like status and
Get-AzAttestation -Name $attestationProvider -ResourceGroupName $attestationResourceGroup ```
-The above command should produce an output like the one below:
+The above command should produce output in this format:
``` Id:/subscriptions/MySubscriptionID/resourceGroups/MyResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/MyAttestationProvider
In order to manage policies, an Azure AD user requires the following permissions
- Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/write - Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/delete
- To perform these actions, an Azure AD user must have **Attestation Contributor** role on the attestation provider. These permissions can be also be inherited with roles such as **Owner** (wildcard permissions)/ **Contributor** (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
+ To perform these actions, an Azure AD user must have **Attestation Contributor** role on the attestation provider. These permissions can also be inherited with roles such as **Owner** (wildcard permissions)/ **Contributor** (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
In order to read policies, an Azure AD user requires the following permission for "Actions": - Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/read
- To perform this action, an Azure AD user must have **Attestation Reader** role on the attestation provider. The read permission can be also be inherited with roles such as **Reader** (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
+ To perform this action, an Azure AD user must have **Attestation Reader** role on the attestation provider. The read permissions can also be inherited with roles such as **Reader** (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
-Below PowerShell cmdlets provide policy management for an attestation provider (one TEE at a time).
+These PowerShell cmdlets provide policy management for an attestation provider (one TEE at a time).
Get-AzAttestationPolicy returns the current policy for the specified TEE. The cmdlet displays policy in both text and JWT format of the policy.
Reset-AzAttestationPolicy -Name $attestationProvider -ResourceGroupName $attesta
## Policy signer certificates management
-Below PowerShell cmdlets provide policy signer certificates management for an attestation provider:
+These PowerShell cmdlets provide policy signer certificates management for an attestation provider:
```powershell Get-AzAttestationPolicySigners -Name $attestationProvider -ResourceGroupName $attestationResourceGroup
Add-AzAttestationPolicySigner -Name $attestationProvider -ResourceGroupName $att
Remove-AzAttestationPolicySigner -Name $attestationProvider -ResourceGroupName $attestationResourceGroup -Signer <signer> ```
-Policy signer certificate is a signed JWT with claim named "maa-policyCertificate". Value of the claim is a JWK which contains the trusted signing key to add. The JWT must be signed with private key corresponding to any of the existing policy signer certificates.
+Policy signer certificate is a signed JWT with claim named "maa-policyCertificate". Value of the claim is a JWK, which contains the trusted signing key to add. The JWT must be signed with private key corresponding to any of the existing policy signer certificates.
-Note that all semantic manipulation of the policy signer certificate must be done outside of PowerShell. As far as PowerShell is concerned, it is a simple string.
+All semantic manipulation of the policy signer certificate must be done outside of PowerShell. As far as PowerShell is concerned, it is a simple string.
For policy signer certificate sample, see [examples of policy signer certificate](policy-signer-examples.md).
attestation Quickstart Template https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/quickstart-template.md
Previously updated : 05/20/2021 Last updated : 01/23/2023 # Quickstart: Create an Azure Attestation provider with an ARM template
attestation Tpm Attestation Sample Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/tpm-attestation-sample-policies.md
# Examples of an attestation policy for TPM endpoint
-Attestation policy is used to process the attestation evidence and determine whether Azure Attestation will issue an attestation token. Attestation token generation can be controlled with custom policies. Below are some examples of an attestation policy.
+Attestation policy is used to process the attestation evidence and determine whether Azure Attestation will issue an attestation token. Attestation token generation can be controlled with custom policies.
## Sample policy for TPM using Policy version 1.0
attestation Troubleshoot Guide https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/troubleshoot-guide.md
Previously updated : 07/20/2020 Last updated : 01/23/2023 - # Microsoft Azure Attestation troubleshooting guide Error handling in Azure Attestation is implemented following [Microsoft REST API guidelines](https://github.com/microsoft/api-guidelines/blob/vNext/Guidelines.md#7102-error-condition-responses). The error response returned by Azure Attestation APIs contains HTTP status code and name/value pairs with the names ΓÇ£codeΓÇ¥ and ΓÇ£messageΓÇ¥. The value of ΓÇ£codeΓÇ¥ is human-readable and is an indicator of the type of error. The value of ΓÇ£messageΓÇ¥ intends to aid the user and provides error details.
-If your issue is not addressed in this article, you can also submit an Azure support request on the [Azure support page](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/options/).
-Below are some examples of the errors returned by Azure Attestation:
+If your issue isn't addressed in this article, you can also submit an Azure support request on the [Azure support page](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/options/).
-## 1. HTTPΓÇô401 : Unauthorized exception
+## HTTPΓÇô401: Unauthorized exception
### HTTP status code 401
Below are some examples of the errors returned by Azure Attestation:
Unauthorized **Scenario examples**
- - Unable to manage attestation policies as the user is not assigned with appropriate roles
- - Unable to manage attestation policy signers as the user is not assigned with appropriate roles
+ - Unable to manage attestation policies as the user isn't assigned with appropriate roles
+ - Unable to manage attestation policy signers as the user isn't assigned with appropriate roles
User with Reader role trying to edit an attestation policy in PowerShell
In order to manage policies, an Azure AD user requires the following permissions
- Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/write - Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/delete
- To perform these actions, an Azure AD user must have "Attestation Contributor" role on the attestation provider. These permissions can be also be inherited with roles such as "Owner" (wildcard permissions), "Contributor" (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
+ To perform these actions, an Azure AD user must have "Attestation Contributor" role on the attestation provider. These permissions can also be inherited with roles such as "Owner" (wildcard permissions), "Contributor" (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
In order to read policies, an Azure AD user requires the following permission for "Actions": - Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders/attestation/read
- To perform this action, an Azure AD user must have "Attestation Reader" role on the attestation provider. The read permission can be also be inherited with roles such as "Reader" (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
+ To perform this action, an Azure AD user must have "Attestation Reader" role on the attestation provider. Read permissions are also part of roles such as "Reader" (wildcard permissions) on the subscription/ resource group.
To verify the roles in PowerShell, run the below steps: a. Launch PowerShell and log into Azure via the "Connect-AzAccount" cmdlet
-b. Please refer the guidance [here](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-list-powershell.md) to verify your Azure role assignment on the attestation provider
+b. Refer to the guidance [here](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-list-powershell.md) to verify your Azure role assignment on the attestation provider
c. If you don't find an appropriate role assignment, follow the instructions in [here](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-powershell.md)
-## 2. HTTP ΓÇô 400 errors
+## HTTP ΓÇô 400 errors
### HTTP status code 400
-There are different reasons why a request may return 400. Below are some examples of errors returned by Azure Attestation APIs:
+There are different reasons why a request may return 400. Here are some examples of errors returned by Azure Attestation APIs.
-### 2.1. Attestation failure due to policy evaluation errors
+### Attestation failure due to policy evaluation errors
-Attestation policy includes authorization rules and issuance rules. Enclave evidence is evaluated based on the authorization rules. Issuance rules define the claims to be included in attestation token. If claims in enclave evidence do not comply with authorization rules, attest calls will return policy evaluation error.
+Attestation policy includes authorization rules and issuance rules. Enclave evidence is evaluated based on the authorization rules. Issuance rules define the claims to be included in attestation token. If claims in enclave evidence don't comply with authorization rules, attest calls will return policy evaluation error.
**Error code** PolicyEvaluationError **Scenario examples**
-When claims in the enclave quote do not match with the authorization rules of attestation policy
+When claims in the enclave quote don't match with the authorization rules of attestation policy
``` Native operation failed with 65518: G:\Az\security\Attestation\src\AttestationServices\Instance\NativePolicyWrapper\NativePolicyEngine.cpp(168)\(null)!00007FF801762308: (caller: 00007FF80143DCC8) Exception(0) 83FFFFEE Policy Evaluation Error has occurred Msg:[Policy Engine Exception: A Deny claim was issued, authorization failed.]
Send a request to attest API by providing policy text in ΓÇ£draftPolicyForAttest
See [attestation policy examples](./policy-examples.md)
-### 2.2. Attestation failure due to invalid input
+### Attestation failure due to invalid input
**Error code** InvalidParameter **Scenario examples**
-SGX attestation failure due to invalid input. Below are some of the examples for error messages:
+SGX attestation failure due to invalid input. Here are some examples of error messages:
- The specified quote was invalid due to an error in the quote collateral - The specified quote was invalid because the device on which the quote was generated does not meet the Azure baseline requirements - The specified quote was invalid because the TCBInfo or QEID provided by the PCK Cache Service was invalid
Microsoft Azure Attestation supports attestation of SGX quotes generated by Inte
Refer to [code samples](/samples/browse/?expanded=azure&terms=attestation) for performing attestation using Open Enclave SDK/ Intel SDK
-### 2.3. Invalid certificate chain error while uploading policy/policy signer
+### Invalid certificate chain error while uploading policy/policy signer
**Error code** InvalidParameter
Else the certificate chain is considered to be invalid.
See [policy signer](./policy-signer-examples.md) and [policy](./policy-examples.md) examples
-### 2.4. Add/Delete policy signer failure
+### Add/Delete policy signer failure
**Error code** InvalidOperation
At line:1 char:1
**Troubleshooting steps** To add/delete a new policy signer certificate, use RFC7519 JSON Web Token (JWT) with a claim named "x-ms-policyCertificate". Value of the claim is an RFC7517 JSON Web Key, which contains the certificate to be added. JWT must be signed with private key of any of the valid policy signer certificates associated with the provider. See [policy signer examples](./policy-signer-examples.md).
-### 2.5. Attestation policy configuration failure
+### Attestation policy configuration failure
**Error code** PolicyParsingError
Invalid content provided (for example, upload policy/ unsigned policy when policy signing is required) ```+ Native operation failed with 74: ..\Shared\base64url.h(226)\(null)!: (caller: ) Exception(0) 83FF004A Bad message Msg:[Unknown base64 character: 41 (')')] ..\Enclave\api.cpp(618)\(null)!: (caller: ) LogHr(0) 83FF004A Bad message Msg:[Unhandled Enclave Exception: "Bad message"] At line:1 char:1
Ensure that the policy in Text format is UTF-8 encoded.
If policy signing is required, attestation policy must be configured only in RFC7519 JSON Web Token (JWT) format. If policy signing is not required, policy can be configured in text or JWT format.
-To configure a policy in JWT format, use JWT with a claim named "AttestationPolicy". Value of the claim is Base64URL encoded version of the policy text. If the attestation provider is configured with policy signer certificates, the JWT must be signed with private key of any of the valid policy signer certificates associated with the provider.
+To configure a policy in JWT format, use JWT with a claim named "AttestationPolicy". Value of the claim is Base64URL encoded version of the policy text. If the attestation provider is configured with policy signer certificates, the JWT must be signed with private key of any of the valid policy signer certificates associated with the provider.
To configure a policy in text format, specify policy text directly.
In PowerShell, specify PolicyFormat as JWT to configure policy in JWT format. De
See attestation [policy examples](./policy-examples.md) and [how to author an attestation policy](./author-sign-policy.md)
-## 3. Az.Attestation installation issues in PowerShell
+## Az.Attestation installation issues in PowerShell
-Unable to install Az or Az.Attestation modules in PowerShell
+Unable to install the Az PowerShell module or Az.Attestation PowerShell module in PowerShell.
### Error WARNING: Unable to resolve package source 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/api/v2'
-PackageManagement\Install-Package : No match was found for the specified search criteria and module name
+PackageManagement\Install-Package: No match was found for the specified search criteria and module name
### Troubleshooting steps
To continue to interact with the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command b
**[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12**
-## 4. Policy access/configuration issues in PowerShell
+## Policy access/configuration issues in PowerShell
User assigned with appropriate roles. But facing authorization issues while managing attestation policies through PowerShell. ### Error
-The client with object ID &lt;object Id&gt; does not have authorization to perform action Microsoft.Authorization/roleassignments/write over scope ΓÇÿsubcriptions/&lt;subscriptionId&gt;resourcegroups/secure_enclave_poc/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleassignments/&lt;role assignmentId&gt;ΓÇÖ or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, please refresh your credentials
+The client with object ID &lt;object Id&gt; does not have authorization to perform action Microsoft.Authorization/roleassignments/write over scope ΓÇÿsubcriptions/&lt;subscriptionId&gt;resourcegroups/secure_enclave_poc/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleassignments/&lt;role assignmentId&gt;ΓÇÖ or the scope is invalid. If access was recently granted, refresh your credentials
### Troubleshooting steps
-Minimum version of Az modules required to support attestation operations are the below:
+The minimum version of the Az PowerShell modules required to support attestation operations are:
- **Az 4.5.0**
- **Az.Accounts 1.9.2**
- **Az.Attestation 0.1.8**
+- **Az 4.5.0**
+- **Az.Accounts 1.9.2**
+- **Az.Attestation 0.1.8**
Run the below command to verify the installed version of all Az modules
Get-InstalledModule ```
-If the versions are not matching with the minimum requirement, run Update-Module commands
+If the versions do not meet the minimum requirement, run the Update-Module PowerShell cmdlet.
-e.g. - Update-Module -Name Az.Attestation
+Update-Module -Name Az.Attestation
attestation View Logs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/view-logs.md
Previously updated : 11/23/2020 Last updated : 01/23/2023 - # Azure Attestation logging
-If you create one or more Azure Attestation resources, youΓÇÖll want to monitor how and when your attestation instance is accessed, and by whom. You can do this by enabling logging for Microsoft Azure Attestation, which saves information in an Azure storage account you provide.
+If you create one or more Azure Attestation resources, youΓÇÖll want to monitor how and when your attestation instance is accessed, and by whom. You can do so by enabling logging for Microsoft Azure Attestation, which saves information in an Azure storage account you provide.
-Logging information will be available up to 10 minutes after the operation occurred (in most cases, it will be quicker than this). Since you provide the storage account, you can secure your logs via standard Azure access controls and delete logs you no longer want to keep in your storage account.
+Logging information will be available up to 10 minutes after the operation occurred (in most cases, it will be quicker). Since you provide the storage account, you can secure your logs via standard Azure access controls and delete logs you no longer want to keep in your storage account.
## Interpret your Azure Attestation logs
When logging is enabled, up to three containers may be automatically created for
**Insights-logs-operational** contains generic information across all TEE types.
-**Insights-logs-notprocessed** contains requests which the service was unable to process, typically due to malformed HTTP headers, incomplete message bodies, or similar issues.
+**Insights-logs-notprocessed** contains requests that the service was unable to process, typically due to malformed HTTP headers, incomplete message bodies, or similar issues.
Individual blobs are stored as text, formatted as a JSON blob. LetΓÇÖs look at an example log entry:
Most of these fields are documented in the [Top-level common schema](../azure-mo
| traceContext | JSON blob representing the W3C trace-context | | uri | Request URI |
-The properties contain additional Azure attestation specific context:
+The properties contain additional Azure attestation specific context:
| Field Name | Description | ||--|
-| failureResourceId | Resource ID of component which resulted in request failure |
+| failureResourceId | Resource ID of component that resulted in request failure |
| failureCategory | Broad category indicating category of a request failure. Includes categories such as AzureNetworkingPhysical, AzureAuthorization etc. | | failureDetails | Detailed information about a request failure, if available | | infoDataReceived | Information about the request received from the client. Includes some HTTP headers, the number of headers received, the content type and content length |
attestation Virtualization Based Security Protocol https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/virtualization-based-security-protocol.md
Previously updated : 07/20/2020 Last updated : 01/23/2023 -
-# Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Virtualization based Security(VBS) enclave attestation protocol
+# Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and Virtualization based Security(VBS) enclave attestation protocol
-Microsoft Azure Attestation to provide a strong security guarantee relies on verifying a chain of trust is maintained from a root of trust (TPM) to the launch of the hypervisor and secure kernel. To achieve this Azure Attestation must attest to the boot state of the machine before we can establish trust in the secure enclave. The operating system, hypervisor, and secure kernel binaries must be signed by the correct official Microsoft authorities and configured in a secure way. Once we have bound trust between the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and the health of the hypervisor, we can trust the Virtualization Based Security(VBS) enclave IDKs provided in the Measured Boot Log, with this we can validate that a key pair was generated by the enclave and mint an attestation report that binds trust in that key and contains other claims such as the security level and boot attestation properties.
+Microsoft Azure Attestation guarantees strong security by verifying a chain of trust, maintained from a root of trust (TPM) to the launch of the hypervisor and secure kernel. To do so, Azure Attestation must attest to the boot state of the machine before we can establish trust in the secure enclave. The operating system, hypervisor, and secure kernel binaries must be signed by the correct official Microsoft authorities and configured in a secure way. Once we have bound trust between the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) and the health of the hypervisor, we can trust the Virtualization Based Security(VBS) enclave IDKs provided in the Measured Boot Log, with this we can validate that a key pair was generated by the enclave and mint an attestation report that binds trust in that key and contains other claims such as the security level and boot attestation properties.
VBS enclaves require a TPM to provide the measurement to validate the security foundation. VBS enclaves are attested by the TPM endpoint with an addition to the request object in the protocol. ## Protocol messages
-The protocol has 2 messages exchanges:
+The protocol has two messages exchanges:
* Init Message * Request Message
Azure Attestation -> Client
**service_context** (BASE64URL(OCTETS)): Opaque context created by the service. - ## Request Message Payload containing the data that is to be attested by the attestation service.
BASE64URL(JWS Signature)
JWS payload can be of type basic or VBS. Basic is used when attestation evidence does not include VBS data.
-TPM only sample:
+TPM-only sample:
``` {
TPM + VBS enclave example:
- ***current_attestation*** (Object): Contains logs and TPM quote for the current state of the system (either boot or resume). The nonce received from the service must be passed to the TPM2_Quote command in the 'qualifyingData' parameter. -- ***boot_attestation*** (Object): This is optional and contains logs and the TPM quote saved before the system hibernated and resumed. boot_attestation info must be associated with the same cold boot cycle (i.e. the system was only hibernated and resumed between them).
+- ***boot_attestation*** (Object): This is optional and contains logs and the TPM quote saved before the system hibernated and resumed. boot_attestation info must be associated with the same cold boot cycle (that is, the system was only hibernated and resumed between them).
- ***logs*** (Array(Object)): Array of logs. Each element of the array contains a log and the array must be in the order used for measurements.
TPM + VBS enclave example:
**request_key** (Key object): Key used to sign the request. If a TPM is present (request contains TPM quote), request_key must either be bound to the TPM via quote or be resident in the TPM (see KEY OBJECT).
-**other_keys** (Array(Key object)): Array of keys to be sent to the service. Maximum of 2 keys.
+**other_keys** (Array(Key object)): Array of keys to be sent to the service. Maximum of two keys.
**custom_claims** (Array(Object)): Array of custom enclave claims sent to the service that can be evaluated by the policy.
TPM + VBS enclave example:
- ***value_type*** (String): Data type of the claimΓÇÖs value.
-**service_context** (BASE64URL(OCTETS)): Opaque, encrypted context created by the service which includes, among others, the challenge and an expiration time for that challenge.
+**service_context** (BASE64URL(OCTETS)): Opaque, encrypted context created by the service that includes, among others, the challenge and an expiration time for that challenge.
## Key object
attestation Workflow https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/attestation/workflow.md
Previously updated : 08/31/2020 Last updated : 01/23/2023
Microsoft Azure Attestation receives evidence from enclaves and evaluates the ev
The following actors are involved in an Azure Attestation work flow: -- **Relying party**: The component which relies on Azure Attestation to verify enclave validity. -- **Client**: The component which collects information from an enclave and sends requests to Azure Attestation. -- **Azure Attestation**: The component which accepts enclave evidence from client, validates it and returns attestation token to the client-
+- **Relying party**: The component that relies on Azure Attestation to verify enclave validity.
+- **Client**: The component that collects information from an enclave and sends requests to Azure Attestation.
+- **Azure Attestation**: The component that accepts enclave evidence from client, validates it and returns attestation token to the client
## Intel® Software Guard Extensions (SGX) enclave validation work flow Here are the general steps in a typical SGX enclave attestation workflow (using Azure Attestation): 1. Client collects evidence from an enclave. Evidence is information about the enclave environment and the client library running inside the enclave
-1. The client has an URI which refers to an instance of Azure Attestation. The client sends evidence to Azure Attestation. Exact information submitted to the provider depends on the enclave type
+1. The client has an URI that refers to an instance of Azure Attestation. The client sends evidence to Azure Attestation. Exact information submitted to the provider depends on the enclave type
1. Azure Attestation validates the submitted information and evaluates it against a configured policy. If the verification succeeds, Azure Attestation issues an attestation token and returns it to the client. If this step fails, Azure Attestation reports an error to the client 1. The client sends the attestation token to relying party. The relying party calls public key metadata endpoint of Azure Attestation to retrieve signing certificates. The relying party then verifies the signature of the attestation token and ensures the enclave trustworthiness
Here are the general steps in a typical SGX enclave attestation workflow (using
Here are the general steps in a typical TPM enclave attestation workflow (using Azure Attestation):
-1. On device/platform boot, various boot loaders and boot services measure events backed by TPM and securely store them as TCG logs. Client collects the TCG logs from the device and TPM quote which acts evidence for attestation
-2. The client authenticates to Azure AD and obtains a access token
-3. The client has an URI which refers to an instance of Azure Attestation. The client sends the evidence and the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access token to Azure Attestation. Exact information submitted to the provider depends on the platform
-4. Azure Attestation validates the submitted information and evaluates it against a configured policy. If the verification succeeds, Azure Attestation issues an attestation token and returns it to the client. If this step fails, Azure Attestation reports an error to the client. The communication between the client and attestation service is dictated by the Azure attestation TPM protocol
-5. The client then sends the attestation token to relying party. The relying party calls public key metadata endpoint of Azure Attestation to retrieve signing certificates. The relying party then verifies the signature of the attestation token and ensures the platforms trustworthiness
+1. On device/platform boot, various boot loaders and boot services measure events backed by TPM and securely store them as TCG logs. Client collects the TCG logs from the device and TPM quote, which acts evidence for attestation.
+2. The client authenticates to Azure AD and obtains an access token.
+3. The client has an URI, which refers to an instance of Azure Attestation. The client sends the evidence and the Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) access token to Azure Attestation. Exact information submitted to the provider depends on the platform.
+4. Azure Attestation validates the submitted information and evaluates it against a configured policy. If the verification succeeds, Azure Attestation issues an attestation token and returns it to the client. If this step fails, Azure Attestation reports an error to the client. The communication between the client and attestation service is dictated by the Azure attestation TPM protocol.
+5. The client then sends the attestation token to relying party. The relying party calls public key metadata endpoint of Azure Attestation to retrieve signing certificates. The relying party then verifies the signature of the attestation token and ensures the platform's trustworthiness.
![TPM validation flow](./media/tpm-validation-flow.png)
automation Manage Runbooks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/automation/manage-runbooks.md
Title: Manage runbooks in Azure Automation
description: This article tells how to manage runbooks in Azure Automation. Previously updated : 11/02/2021 Last updated : 01/16/2022
If your runbook normally runs within a time constraint, have the script implemen
> [!NOTE] > The local time on the Azure sandbox process is set to UTC. Calculations for date and time in your runbooks must take this fact into consideration.
+## Retry logic in runbook to avoid transient failures
+Runbooks often make calls to remote systems such as Azure via ARM, Azure Resource Graph, SQL services and other web services.
+When the system that the runbooks are calling is busy, temporary unavailable or implementing throttling under load, the calls are vulnerable to have runtime errors. To build resiliency in the runbooks, you must implement retry logic when making the calls so that the runbooks can handle a transient problem without failing.
+For more information, refer [Retry pattern](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/architecture/patterns/retry) and [General REST and retry guidelines](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/architecture/best-practices/retry-service-specific#general-rest-and-retry-guidelines).
+### Example 1: If your runbook makes only one or two calls
+$searchServiceURL = "https://$searchServiceName.search.windows.net"
+$resource = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Search/searchServices" -ResourceGroupName $searchResourceGroupName -ResourceName $searchServiceName -ApiVersion 2015-08-19
+$searchAPIKey = (Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -Action listAdminKeys -ResourceId $resource.ResourceId -ApiVersion 2015-08-19 -Force).PrimaryKey
+When you call `Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction`, you may observe transient failures. In such scenario, we recommend that you implement the following basic pattern around the call to the cmdlet.
+$searchServiceURL = "https://$searchServiceName.search.windows.net"
+$resource = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceType "Microsoft.Search/searchServices" -ResourceGroupName $searchResourceGroupName -ResourceName $searchServiceName -ApiVersion 2015-08-19
+ # Adding in a retry
+ $Stoploop = $false
+ $Retrycount = 0
+ do {
+ try {
+ $searchAPIKey = (Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -Action listAdminKeys -ResourceId $resource.ResourceId -ApiVersion 2015-08-19 -Force).PrimaryKey
+ write-verbose "Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction on $resource.ResourceId completed"
+ $Stoploop = $true
+ }
+ catch {
+ if ($Retrycount -gt 3)
+ {
+ Write-verbose "Could not Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction on $resource.ResourceId after 3 retrys."
+ $Stoploop = $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-verbose "Could not Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction on $resource.ResourceId retrying in 30 seconds..."
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
+ $Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ While ($Stoploop -eq $false)
+>The attempt to retry the call is up to three times, sleeping for 30 seconds each time.
+### Example 2 : If the runbook is making frequent remote calls
+If the runbook is making frequent remote calls then it could experience transient runtime issues. Create a function that implements the retry logic for each call that is made and pass the call to be made in as a script block to execute.
+Function ResilientRemoteCall {
+ param(
+ $scriptblock
+ )
+ $Stoploop = $false
+ $Retrycount = 0
+ do {
+ try {
+ Invoke-Command -scriptblock $scriptblock
+ write-verbose "Invoked $scriptblock completed"
+ $Stoploop = $true
+ }
+ catch {
+ if ($Retrycount -gt 3)
+ {
+ Write-verbose "Invoked $scriptblock failed 3 times and we will not try again."
+ $Stoploop = $true
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Write-verbose "Invoked $scriptblock failed retrying in 30 seconds..."
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
+ $Retrycount = $Retrycount + 1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ While ($Stoploop -eq $false)
+You can then pass each remote call into the function as </br>
+`ResilientRemoteCall { Get-AzVm }` </br> or </br>
+`ResilientRemoteCall { $searchAPIKey = (Invoke-AzureRmResourceAction -Action listAdminKeys -ResourceId $resource.ResourceId -ApiVersion 2015-08-19 -Force).PrimaryKey}`
++ ## Work with multiple subscriptions Your runbook must be able to work with [subscriptions](automation-runbook-execution.md#subscriptions). For example, to handle multiple subscriptions, the runbook uses the [Disable-AzContextAutosave](/powershell/module/Az.Accounts/Disable-AzContextAutosave) cmdlet. This cmdlet ensures that the authentication context isn't retrieved from another runbook running in the same sandbox.
azure-arc Validation Program https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-arc/data/validation-program.md
To see how all Azure Arc-enabled components are validated, see [Validation progr
|Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--|
-|DataON AZS-6224|1.23.8|v1.12.0_2022-10-11|16.0.537.5223|
+|DataON AZS-6224|1.23.8|1.12.0_2022-10-11|16.0.537.5223| postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) |
### Dell |Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--|
-| Dell EMC PowerFlex |1.21.5|v1.4.1_2022-03-08|15.0.2255.119 | Not validated |
-| PowerFlex version 3.6 |v1.21.5|v1.4.1_2022-03-08|15.0.2255.119 | Not validated |
-| PowerFlex CSI version 1.4 |1.21.5|1.4.1_2022-03-08 | Not validated |
+| Dell EMC PowerFlex |1.21.5|1.4.1_2022-03-08|15.0.2255.119 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) |
+| PowerFlex version 3.6 |1.21.5|1.4.1_2022-03-08|15.0.2255.119 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) |
+| PowerFlex CSI version 1.4 |1.21.5|1.4.1_2022-03-08 | 15.0.2255.119 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) |
| PowerStore X|1.20.6|1.0.0_2021-07-30|15.0.2148.140 |postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) | | PowerStore T|1.23.5|1.9.0_2022-07-12|16.0.312.4243 |postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
To see how all Azure Arc-enabled components are validated, see [Validation progr
|Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--| |HPE Superdome Flex 280|1.20.0|1.8.0_2022-06-14||12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)
-|HPE Apollo 4200 Gen10 Plus | 1.22.6 | v1.11.0_2022-09-13 |16.0.312.4243|12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
+|HPE Apollo 4200 Gen10 Plus | 1.22.6 | 1.11.0_2022-09-13 |16.0.312.4243|12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
### Kublr |Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--|
-|Kublr |1.22.3 / 1.22.10 | 1.9.0_2022-07-12 |15.0.2195.191 |PostgreSQL 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) |
+|Kublr 1.21.2 | 1.22.10 | 1.9.0_2022-07-12 | 16.0.312.4243 |PostgreSQL 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) |
### Lenovo |Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--|
-|Lenovo ThinkAgile MX3520 |AKS on Azure Stack HCI 21H2|v1.10.0_2022-08-09 |16.0.312.4243|Not validated|
+|Lenovo ThinkAgile MX3520 |AKS on Azure Stack HCI 21H2| 1.10.0_2022-08-09 |16.0.312.4243|postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
### Nutanix
To see how all Azure Arc-enabled components are validated, see [Validation progr
|Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--| | Portworx Enterprise 2.7 1.22.5 | 1.20.7 | 1.1.0_2021-11-02 | 15.0.2148.140 | Not validated |
+| Portworx Enterprise 2.9 | 1.22.5 | 1.1.0_2021-11-02 | 15.0.2195.191 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1) |
### Red Hat |Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--|
-| OpenShift 4.10.16 | v1.23.5 | v1.11.0_2022-09-13 | 16.0.312.4243 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
+| OpenShift 4.10.16 | 1.23.5 | 1.11.0_2022-09-13 | 16.0.312.4243 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
### VMware |Solution and version | Kubernetes version | Azure Arc-enabled data services version | SQL engine version | PostgreSQL server version |--|--|--|--|--|
-| TKGm v1.5.3 | 1.22.8 | 1.9.0_2022-07-12 |16.0.312.4243|postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
+| TKGm v1.5.3 | 1.22.8 | 1.9.0_2022-07-12 | 16.0.312.4243 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)|
+| TKG-1.6.0 | 1.23.8 | 1.11.0_2022-09-13 | 16.0.312.4243 | postgres 12.3 (Ubuntu 12.3-1)
### Wind River
azure-maps How To Creator Wayfinding https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-maps/how-to-creator-wayfinding.md
To check the status of the routeset creation process and retrieve the routesetId
1. Execute the following **HTTP GET request**: ```http
- https://us.atlas.microsoft.com/routsets/operations/{operationId}?api-version=2022-09-01-preview0&subscription-key={Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key}
+ https://us.atlas.microsoft.com/routesets/operations/{operationId}?api-version=2022-09-01-preview&subscription-key={Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key}
``` > [!NOTE] > Get the `operationId` from the Operation-Location key in the response header when creating a new routeset.
-1. Copy the value of the **Resource-Location** key from the responses header. This is the resource location URL and contains the `routsetId`, as shown below:
+1. Copy the value of the **Resource-Location** key from the responses header. This is the resource location URL and contains the `routesetId`, as shown below:
> https://us.atlas.microsoft.com/routesets/**675ce646-f405-03be-302e-0d22bcfe17e8**?api-version=2022-09-01-preview
The `facilityId`, a property of the routeset, is a required parameter when searc
1. Execute the following **HTTP GET request**: ```http
- https://us.atlas.microsoft.com/routsets/{routesetId}?api-version=2022-09-01-preview0&subscription-key={Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key}
+ https://us.atlas.microsoft.com/routesets/{routesetId}?api-version=2022-09-01-preview&subscription-key={Your-Azure-Maps-Subscription-key}
azure-monitor Agents Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/agents/agents-overview.md
description: Overview of the Azure Monitor Agent, which collects monitoring data
Previously updated : 1/18/2023 Last updated : 1/23/2023
View [supported operating systems for Azure Arc Connected Machine agent](../../a
| Oracle Linux 6 | | X | | | Oracle Linux 6.4+ | | X | X | | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8.6 | X<sup>3</sup> | X | |
-| Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8 | X | X | |
+| Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8+ | X | X | |
| Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7 | X | X | X |
-| Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 | | X | |
| Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.7+ | | X | X |
+| Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 | | X | |
| Rocky Linux 8 | X | X | | | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP4 | X<sup>3</sup> | | | | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3 | X | | |
azure-monitor Azure Monitor Agent Transformation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/agents/azure-monitor-agent-transformation.md
+ Title: Transform text logs during ingestion in Azure Monitor Logs
+description: Write a KQL query that transforms text log data and add the transformation to a data collection rule in Azure Monitor Logs.
+ Last updated : 01/23/2023++++
+# Tutorial: Transform text logs during ingestion in Azure Monitor Logs
+Ingestion-time transformations let you filter or modify incoming data before it's stored in a Log Analytics workspace. This article explains how to write a KQL query that transforms text log data and add the transformation to a data collection rule.
+The procedure described here assumes you've already ingested some data from a text file, as described in [Collect text logs with Azure Monitor Agent](../agents/data-collection-text-log.md). In this tutorial, you'll:
+1. Write a KQL query to transform ingested data.
+1. Modify the target table schema.
+1. Add the transformation to your data collection rule.
+1. Verify that the transformation works correctly.
+## Prerequisites
+To complete this procedure, you need:
+- Log Analytics workspace where you have at least [contributor rights](../logs/manage-access.md#azure-rbac).
+- [Data collection rule](../essentials/data-collection-rule-overview.md), [data collection endpoint](../essentials/data-collection-endpoint-overview.md#create-a-data-collection-endpoint), and [custom table](../logs/create-custom-table.md#create-a-custom-table), as described in [Collect text logs with Azure Monitor Agent](../agents/data-collection-text-log.md).
+- A VM, Virtual Machine Scale Set, or Arc-enabled on-premises server that writes logs to a text file.
+ Text file requirements:
+ - Store on the local drive of the machine on which Azure Monitor Agent is running.
+ - Delineate with an end of line.
+ - Use ASCII or UTF-8 encoding. Other formats such as UTF-16 aren't supported.
+ - Don't allow circular logging, log rotation where the file is overwritten with new entries, or renaming where a file is moved and a new file with the same name is opened.
+## Write a KQL query to transform ingested data
+1. View the data in the target custom table in Log Analytics:
+ 1. In the Azure portal, select **Log Analytics workspaces** > your Log Analytics workspace > **Logs**.
+ 1. Run a basic query the custom logs table to view table data.
+1. Use the query window to write and test a query that transforms the raw data in your table.
+ For information about the KQL operators that transformations support, see [Structure of transformation in Azure Monitor](../essentials/data-collection-transformations-structure.md#kql-limitations).
+ **Example**
+ The sample uses [basic KQL operators](/azure/data-explorer/kql-quick-reference) to parse the data in the `RawData` column into three new columns, called `Time Ingested`, `RecordNumber`, and `RandomContent`:
+ - The `extend` operator adds new columns.
+ - The `project` operator formats the output to match the columns of the target table schema:
+ ```kusto
+ MyTable_CL
+ | extend d=todynamic(RawData)
+ | project TimeGenerated,TimeIngested=tostring(d.Time),
+ RecordNumber=tostring(d.RecordNumber),
+ RandomContent=tostring(d.RandomContent),
+ RawData
+ ```
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Information the user should notice even if skimmingQuerying table data in this way doesn't actually modify the data in the table. Azure Monitor applies the transformation in the [data ingestion pipeline](../essentials/data-collection-transformations.md#how-transformations-work) after you [add your transformation query to the data collection rule](#apply-the-transformation-to-your-data-collection-rule).
+1. Format the query into a single line and replace the table name in the first line of the query with the word `source`.
+ For example:
+ ```kusto
+ source | extend d=todynamic(RawData) | project TimeGenerated,TimeIngested=tostring(d.Time),RecordNumber=tostring(d.RecordNumber), RandomContent=tostring(d.RandomContent), RawData
+ ```
+1. Copy the formatted query so you can paste it into the data collection rule configuration.
+## Modify the custom table to include the new columns
+[Add or delete columns in your custom table](../logs/create-custom-table.md#add-or-delete-a-custom-column), based on your transformation query.
+The example transformation query above adds three new columns of type `string`:
+- `TimeIngested`
+- `RecordNumber`
+- `RandomContent`
+To support this transformation, add these three new columns to your custom table.
+## Apply the transformation to your data collection rule
+1. On the **Monitor** menu, select **Data Collection Rules** > your data collection rule.
+1. Select **Data sources** > your data source.
+1. Paste the formatted transformation query in the **Transform** field on the **Data source** tab of the **Add data source** screen.
+1. Select **Save**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/azure-monitor-agent-transformation/add-transformation-to-data-collection-rule.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Add data sources pane with the Transform field highlighted." lightbox="media/azure-monitor-agent-transformation/add-transformation-to-data-collection-rule.png":::
+## Check that the transformation works
+View the data in the target custom table and check that data is being ingested correctly into the modified table:
+1. In the Azure portal, select **Log Analytics workspaces** > your Log Analytics workspace > **Logs**.
+1. Run a basic query the custom logs table to view table data.
+## Next steps
+Learn more about:
+- [Data collection transformations](../essentials/data-collection-rule-structure.md).
+- [Data collection rules](../essentials/data-collection-rule-overview.md).
+- [Data collection endpoints](../essentials/data-collection-endpoint-overview.md).
azure-monitor App Insights Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/app/app-insights-overview.md
Supported platforms and frameworks are listed here.
* [React](./javascript-react-plugin.md) * [React Native](./javascript-react-native-plugin.md) * [Angular](./javascript-angular-plugin.md)
-* [Windows desktop applications, services, and worker roles](./windows-desktop.md)
-* [Universal Windows app](../app/mobile-center-quickstart.md) (App Center)
-* [Android](../app/mobile-center-quickstart.md) (App Center)
-* [iOS](../app/mobile-center-quickstart.md) (App Center)
+* [Windows desktop applications, services, and worker roles](https://github.com/Microsoft/appcenter)
+* [Universal Windows app](https://github.com/Microsoft/appcenter) (App Center)
+* [Android](https://github.com/Microsoft/appcenter) (App Center)
+* [iOS](https://github.com/Microsoft/appcenter) (App Center)
> [!NOTE] > OpenTelemetry-based instrumentation is available in preview for [C#, Node.js, and Python](opentelemetry-enable.md). Review the limitations noted at the beginning of each language's official documentation. If you require a full-feature experience, use the existing Application Insights SDKs.
azure-monitor Java In Process Agent https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/app/java-in-process-agent.md
Download the [applicationinsights-agent-3.4.8.jar](https://github.com/microsoft/
> [!WARNING] >
-> If you're upgrading from an earlier 3.x version:
-> Starting from 3.4.0:
-> - Rate-limited sampling is now the default, if you haven't configured a fixed percentage previously. By default, it will capture at most around five requests per second, along with their dependencies, traces, and custom events. See [fixed-percentage sampling](./java-standalone-config.md#fixed-percentage-sampling) if you want to revert to the previous behavior of capturing 100% of requests.
-> Starting from 3.3.0:
-> - `LoggingLevel` isn't captured by default as part of Traces' custom dimension because that data is already captured in the `SeverityLevel` field. For information on how to reenable it, see the [config options](./java-standalone-config.md#logging-level-as-a-custom-dimension).
-> - Exception records are no longer recorded for failed dependencies. They're only recorded for failed requests.
-> Starting from 3.2.0:
-> - Controller `InProc` dependencies are no longer captured by default. For information on how to reenable these dependencies, see the [config options](./java-standalone-config.md#autocollect-inproc-dependencies-preview).
-> - Database dependency names are now more concise with the full (sanitized) query still present in the `data` field. HTTP dependency names are now more descriptive.
-> This change can affect custom dashboards or alerts if they relied on the previous values.
-> For more information, see the [3.2.0 release notes](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/releases/tag/3.2.0).
-> Starting from 3.1.0:
-> - The operation names and request telemetry names are now prefixed by the HTTP method, such as `GET` and `POST`.
-> This change can affect custom dashboards or alerts if they relied on the previous values.
-> For more information, see the [3.1.0 release notes](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/releases/tag/3.1.0).
+> If you are upgrading from an earlier 3.x version, you may be impacted by changing defaults or slight differences in the data we collect. See the migration notes at the top of the release notes for
+> [3.4.0](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/releases/tag/3.4.0),
+> [3.3.0](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/releases/tag/3.3.0),
+> [3.2.0](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/releases/tag/3.2.0), and
+> [3.1.0](https://github.com/microsoft/ApplicationInsights-Java/releases/tag/3.1.0)
+> for more details.
#### Point the JVM to the jar file
azure-monitor Mobile Center Quickstart https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/app/mobile-center-quickstart.md
- Title: Monitor mobile or Universal Windows Platform apps with Azure Monitor Application Insights
-description: This tutorial provides instructions to quickly set up a mobile or Universal Windows Platform app for monitoring with Azure Monitor Application Insights and App Center.
- Previously updated : 11/15/2022---
-# Start analyzing your mobile or UWP app with App Center and Application Insights
-This tutorial guides you through connecting your app's App Center instance to Application Insights. With Application Insights, you can query, segment, filter, and analyze your telemetry with more powerful tools than are available from the [Analytics](/mobile-center/analytics/) service of App Center.
-In this tutorial, you learn how to:
-> [!div class="checklist"]
-> * Connect an app's App Center instance to Application Insights.
-> * Modify your app to send custom telemetry to Application Insights.
-> * Query custom telemetry in Log Analytics.
-> * Analyze conversion, retention, and navigation patterns in your app.
-## Prerequisites
-To complete this tutorial, you need:
--- An Azure subscription.-- An iOS, Android, Xamarin, Universal Windows Platform (UWP), or React Native app.-
-If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a [free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/) account before you begin.
-## Sign up with App Center
-To begin, create an account and [sign up with App Center](https://appcenter.ms/signup?utm_source=ApplicationInsights&utm_medium=Azure&utm_campaign=docs).
-## Onboard to App Center
-Before you can use Application Insights with your mobile app, you need to onboard your app to [App Center](/mobile-center/). Application Insights doesn't receive telemetry from your mobile app directly. Instead, your app sends custom event telemetry to App Center. Then, App Center continuously exports copies of these custom events into Application Insights as the events are received. (This description doesn't apply to the [Application Insights JS SDK](https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-JS) or the [React Native plug-in](https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-JS/tree/master/extensions/applicationinsights-react-native) where telemetry is sent directly to Application Insights.)
-To onboard your app, follow the App Center quickstart for each platform your app supports. Create separate App Center instances for each platform:
-* [iOS](/mobile-center/sdk/getting-started/ios)
-* [Android](/mobile-center/sdk/getting-started/android)
-* [Xamarin](/mobile-center/sdk/getting-started/xamarin)
-* [Universal Windows](/mobile-center/sdk/getting-started/uwp)
-* [React Native](/mobile-center/sdk/getting-started/react-native)
-## Track events in your app
-After your app is onboarded to App Center, it needs to be modified to send custom event telemetry by using the App Center SDK.
-To send custom events from iOS apps, use the `trackEvent` or `trackEvent:withProperties` methods in the App Center SDK. Learn more about [tracking events from iOS apps](/mobile-center/sdk/analytics/ios).
-MSAnalytics.trackEvent("Video clicked")
-To send custom events from Android apps, use the `trackEvent` method in the App Center SDK. Learn more about [tracking events from Android apps](/mobile-center/sdk/analytics/android).
-Analytics.trackEvent("Video clicked")
-To send custom events from other app platforms, use the `trackEvent` methods in their App Center SDKs.
-To make sure your custom events are being received, go to the **Events** tab under the **Analytics** section in App Center. It can take a couple minutes for events to show up after they're sent from your app.
-## Create an Application Insights resource
-After your app sends custom events and these events are received by App Center, you need to create an App Center-type Application Insights resource in the Azure portal:
-1. Sign in to the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/).
-1. Select **Create a resource** > **Developer tools** > **Application Insights**.
- > [!NOTE]
- > If this is your first time creating an Application Insights resource, you can learn more by reading [Create an Application Insights resource](../app/create-new-resource.md).
- A configuration box appears. Use the following table to fill out the input fields.
- | Settings | Value | Description |
- | - |:-|:--|
- | Name | Some globally unique value, like "myApp-iOS" | Name that identifies the app you're monitoring. |
- | Resource group | A new resource group, or an existing one from the menu | The resource group in which to create the new Application Insights resource. |
- | Location | A location from the menu | Choose a location near you, or near where your app is hosted. |
-1. Select **Create**.
-If your app supports multiple platforms like iOS and Android, it's best to create separate Application Insights resources. Create one for each platform.
-## Export to Application Insights
-In your new Application Insights resource on the **Overview** page, copy the instrumentation key from your resource.
-In the [App Center](https://appcenter.ms/) instance for your app:
-1. On the **Settings** page, select **Export**.
-1. Select **New Export** > **Application Insights** > **Customize**.
-1. Paste your Application Insights instrumentation key into the box.
-1. Consent to increasing the usage of the Azure subscription that contains your Application Insights resource. Each Application Insights resource is free for the first 1 GB of data received per month. Learn more about [Application Insights pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/application-insights/).
-Remember to repeat this process for each platform your app supports.
-After [export](/mobile-center/analytics/export) is set up, each custom event received by App Center is copied into Application Insights. It can take several minutes for events to reach Application Insights, so if they don't show up immediately, wait a few minutes before you diagnose further.
-To give you more data when you first connect, the most recent 48 hours of custom events in App Center are automatically exported to Application Insights.
-## Start monitoring your app
-Application Insights can query, segment, filter, and analyze the custom event telemetry from your apps, beyond the analytics tools that App Center provides.
-### Query your custom event telemetry
-1. On the Application Insights **Overview** page, select **Logs**.
- The Application Insights Logs portal associated with your Application Insights resource will open. The Logs portal lets you directly query your data by using the Log Analytics query language, so you can ask arbitrarily complex questions about your app and its users.
-1. Open a new tab in the Logs portal and paste in the following query. It returns a count of how many distinct users have sent each custom event from your app in the last 24 hours, sorted by these distinct counts.
- ```AIQL
- customEvents
- | where timestamp >= ago(24h)
- | summarize dcount(user_Id) by name
- | order by dcount_user_Id desc
- ```
- ![Screenshot that shows the Logs portal.](./media/mobile-center-quickstart/analytics-portal-001.png)
- 1. Select the query by clicking anywhere on the query in the text editor.
- 1. Then select **Run** to run the query.
- Learn more about [Application Insights Analytics](../logs/log-query-overview.md) and the [Log Analytics query language](/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/).
-### Segment and filter your custom event telemetry
-On the Application Insights **Overview** page, select **Users** in the table of contents.
- ![Screenshot that shows the Users tool icon.](./media/mobile-center-quickstart/users-icon-001.png)
- The Users tool shows how many users of your app clicked certain buttons, visited certain screens, or performed any other action that you're tracking as an event with the App Center SDK. If you've been looking for a way to segment and filter your App Center events, the Users tool is a great choice.
- ![Screenshot that shows the Users tool.](./media/mobile-center-quickstart/users-001.png)
- For example, segment your usage by geography by selecting **Country or region** in the **Split by** dropdown box.
-### Analyze conversion, retention, and navigation patterns in your app
-On the Application Insights **Overview** page, select **User Flows** in the table of contents.
- ![Screenshot that shows the User Flows tool.](./media/mobile-center-quickstart/user-flows-001.png)
- The User Flows tool visualizes which events users send after some starting event. It's useful for getting an overall picture of how users navigate through your app. It can also reveal places where many users are churning from your app or repeating the same actions over and over.
- In addition to User Flows, Application Insights has several other user behavior analytics tools to answer specific questions:
- * **Funnels**: Analyze and monitor conversion rates.
- * **Retention**: Analyze how well your app retains users over time.
- * **Workbooks**: Combine visualizations and text into a shareable report.
- * **Cohorts**: Name and save specific groups of users or events so they can be easily referenced from other analytics tools.
-## Clean up resources
-If you don't want to continue using Application Insights with App Center, turn off export in App Center and delete the Application Insights resource. This step will prevent you from being charged further by Application Insights for this resource.
-To turn off export in App Center:
-1. In App Center, go to **Settings** and select **Export**.
-1. Select the Application Insights export you want to delete. Then select **Delete export** at the bottom and confirm.
-To delete the Application Insights resource:
-1. On the left menu in the Azure portal, select **Resource groups**. Then choose the resource group in which your Application Insights resource was created.
-1. Open the Application Insights resource you want to delete. Then select **Delete** on the top menu of the resource and confirm. This action permanently deletes the copy of the data that was exported to Application Insights.
-## Next steps
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> [Understand how customers are using your app](../app/usage-overview.md)
azure-monitor Usage Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/app/usage-overview.md
The best experience is obtained by installing Application Insights both in your
To learn more advanced configurations for monitoring websites, check out the [JavaScript SDK reference article](./javascript.md).
-1. **Mobile app code:** Use the App Center SDK to collect events from your app. Then send copies of these events to Application Insights for analysis by [following this guide](../app/mobile-center-quickstart.md).
+1. **Mobile app code:** Use the App Center SDK to collect events from your app. Then send copies of these events to Application Insights for analysis by [following this guide](https://github.com/Microsoft/appcenter).
1. **Get telemetry:** Run your project in debug mode for a few minutes. Then look for results in the **Overview** pane in Application Insights.
azure-monitor Windows Desktop https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/app/windows-desktop.md
- Title: Monitoring usage and performance for Windows desktop apps
-description: Analyze usage and performance of your Windows desktop app with Application Insights.
- Previously updated : 06/11/2020----
-# Monitoring usage and performance in Classic Windows Desktop apps
-Applications hosted on premises, in Azure, and in other clouds can all take advantage of Application Insights. The only limitation is the need to [allow communication](./ip-addresses.md) to the Application Insights service. For monitoring Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications, we recommend [Visual Studio App Center](../app/mobile-center-quickstart.md).
-## To send telemetry to Application Insights from a Classic Windows application
-1. In the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com), [create an Application Insights resource](./create-new-resource.md).
-2. Take a copy of the Instrumentation Key.
-3. In Visual Studio, edit the NuGet packages of your app project, and add Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.WindowsServer. (Or choose Microsoft.ApplicationInsights if you just want the base API, without the standard telemetry collection modules.)
-4. Set the instrumentation key either in your code:
- `TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = "`*your key*`";`
- or in ApplicationInsights.config (if you installed one of the standard telemetry packages):
- `<InstrumentationKey>`*your key*`</InstrumentationKey>`
- If you use ApplicationInsights.config, make sure its properties in Solution Explorer are set to **Build Action = Content, Copy to Output Directory = Copy**.
-5. [Use the API](./api-custom-events-metrics.md) to send telemetry.
-6. Run your app, and see the telemetry in the resource you created in the Azure portal.
-## <a name="telemetry"></a>Example code
-using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights;
- public partial class Form1 : Form
- {
- private TelemetryClient tc = new TelemetryClient();
- ...
- private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- // Alternative to setting ikey in config file:
- tc.InstrumentationKey = "key copied from portal";
- // Set session data:
- tc.Context.Session.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
- tc.Context.Device.OperatingSystem = Environment.OSVersion.ToString();
- // Log a page view:
- tc.TrackPageView("Form1");
- ...
- }
- protected override void OnFormClosing(System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs e)
- {
- if (tc != null)
- {
- tc.Flush(); // only for desktop apps
- // Allow time for flushing:
- System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);
- }
- base.OnFormClosing(e);
- }
- ...
-## Override storage of computer name
-By default this SDK will collect and store the computer name of the system emitting telemetry.
-Computer name is used by Application Insights [Legacy Enterprise (Per Node) pricing tier](../logs/cost-logs.md#legacy-pricing-tiers) for internal billing purposes. By default if you use a telemetry initializer to override `telemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance`, a separate property `ai.internal.nodeName` will be sent which will still contain the computer name value. This value will not be stored with your Application Insights telemetry, but is used internally at ingestion to allow for backwards compatibility with the legacy node-based billing model.
-If you are on the Legacy Enterprise (Per Node) pricing tier and simply need to override storage of the computer name, use a telemetry Initializer:
-**Write custom TelemetryInitializer as below.**
-using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel;
-using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
-namespace CustomInitializer.Telemetry
- public class MyTelemetryInitializer : ITelemetryInitializer
- {
- public void Initialize(ITelemetry telemetry)
- {
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(telemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance))
- {
- // Set custom role name here. Providing an empty string will result
- // in the computer name still be sent via this property.
- telemetry.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance = "Custom RoleInstance";
- }
- }
- }
-Instantiate the initializer in the `Program.cs` `Main()` method below setting the instrumentation key:
- using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
- using CustomInitializer.Telemetry;
- static void Main()
- {
- TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = "{Instrumentation-key-here}";
- TelemetryConfiguration.Active.TelemetryInitializers.Add(new MyTelemetryInitializer());
- //...
- }
-## Override transmission of computer name
-If you aren't on the Legacy Enterprise (Per Node) pricing tier and wish to completely prevent any telemetry containing computer name from being sent, you need to use a telemetry processor.
-### Telemetry processor
-using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Channel;
-using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
-namespace WindowsFormsApp2
- public class CustomTelemetryProcessor : ITelemetryProcessor
- {
- private readonly ITelemetryProcessor _next;
- public CustomTelemetryProcessor(ITelemetryProcessor next)
- {
- _next = next;
- }
- public void Process(ITelemetry item)
- {
- if (item != null)
- {
- item.Context.Cloud.RoleInstance = string.Empty;
- }
- _next.Process(item);
- }
- }
-Instantiate the telemetry processor in the `Program.cs` `Main()` method below setting the instrumentation key:
-using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility;
-namespace WindowsFormsApp2
- static class Program
- {
- static void Main()
- {
- TelemetryConfiguration.Active.InstrumentationKey = "{Instrumentation-key-here}";
- var builder = TelemetryConfiguration.Active.DefaultTelemetrySink.TelemetryProcessorChainBuilder;
- builder.Use((next) => new CustomTelemetryProcessor(next));
- builder.Build();
- //...
- }
- }
-> [!NOTE]
-> While you can technically use a telemetry processor as described above even if you are on the Legacy Enterprise (Per Node) pricing tier, this will result in the potential for over-billing due to the inability to properly distinguish nodes for per node pricing.
-## Next steps
-* [Create a dashboard](./overview-dashboard.md)
-* [Diagnostic Search](./diagnostic-search.md)
-* [Explore metrics](../essentials/metrics-charts.md)
-* [Write Analytics queries](../logs/log-query-overview.md)
azure-monitor Autoscale Common Scale Patterns https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/autoscale/autoscale-common-scale-patterns.md
The image below shows a scale rule that is scaling a Virtual Machine Scale Set b
## Scale differently on weekends
-You can scale your resources differently on different days of the week..
-For example, you have a web app and want to:
-- Set a minimum of 3 instances on weekdays.-- Scale down to 1 instance on weekends when there's less traffic.
+You can scale your resources differently on different days of the week.
+For example, you have a Virtual Machine Scale Set and want to:
+- Set a minimum of 3 instances on weekdays, scaling based on inbound flows.
+- Scale-in to a fixed 1 instance on weekends when there's less traffic.
+In this example:
++ The weekend profile starts at 00:01, Saturday morning and ends at 04:00 on Monday morning.++ The end times are left blank. The weekday profile will end when the weekend profile starts and vice-versa.++ There's no need for a default profile as there's no time that isn't covered by the other profiles. :::image type="content" source="./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-differently-on-weekends.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing two autoscale profiles, one default and one for weekends." lightbox="./media/autoscale-common-scale-patterns/scale-differently-on-weekends.png":::
For example, you have a web front end and an API tier that communicates with the
Next steps
-Learn more about autoscale by referring to the following articles :
+Learn more about autoscale by referring to the following articles:
* [Azure Monitor autoscale common metrics](./autoscale-common-metrics.md) * [Azure Monitor autoscale custom metrics](./autoscale-custom-metric.md)
azure-monitor Container Insights Enable Aks https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/containers/container-insights-enable-aks.md
To enable monitoring of your AKS cluster in the Azure portal from Azure Monitor:
| Log Analytics workspace | Select a [Log Analytics workspace](../logs/log-analytics-workspace-overview.md) from the dropdown list or select **Create new** to create a default Log Analytics workspace. The Log Analytics workspace must be in the same subscription as the AKS container. | | Enable Prometheus metrics | Select this option to collect Prometheus metrics for the cluster in [Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus](../essentials/prometheus-metrics-overview.md). | | Azure Monitor workspace | If you select **Enable Prometheus metrics**, you must select an [Azure Monitor workspace](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md). The Azure Monitor workspace must be in the same subscription as the AKS container and the Log Analytics workspace. |
- | Grafana workspace | To use the collected Prometheus metrics with dashboards in [Azure-managed Grafana](../../managed-grafan#link-a-grafana-workspace) to the Azure Monitor workspace if it isn't already. |
+ | Grafana workspace | To use the collected Prometheus metrics with dashboards in [Azure-managed Grafana](../../managed-grafan#enable-prometheus-metric-collection) to the Azure Monitor workspace if it isn't already. |
1. Select **Use managed identity** if you want to use [managed identity authentication with Azure Monitor Agent](container-insights-onboard.md#authentication).
azure-monitor Azure Monitor Workspace Manage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-manage.md
+ Title: Manage an Azure Monitor workspace (preview)
+description: How to create and delete Azure Monitor workspaces.
++++ Last updated : 01/19/2023++
+# Manage an Azure Monitor workspace
+This article shows you how to create and delete an Azure Monitor workspace. When you configure Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus, you can select an existing Azure Monitor workspace or create a new one.
+## Create an Azure Monitor workspace
+### [Azure portal](#tab/azure-portal)
+1. Open the **Azure Monitor workspaces** menu in the Azure portal.
+2. Select **Create**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/view-azure-monitor-workspaces.png" lightbox="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/view-azure-monitor-workspaces.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Azure Monitor workspaces menu and page.":::
+3. On the **Create an Azure Monitor Workspace** page, select a **Subscription** and **Resource group** where the workspace should be created.
+4. Provide a **Name** and a **Region** for the workspace.
+5. Select **Review + create** to create the workspace.
+### [CLI](#tab/cli)
+Use the following command to create an Azure Monitor workspace using Azure CLI.
+az resource create --resource-group <resource-group-name> --namespace microsoft.monitor --resource-type accounts --name <azure-monitor-workspace-name> --location <location> --properties {}
+### [Resource Manager](#tab/resource-manager)
+Use one of the following Resource Manager templates with any of the [standard deployment options](../resource-manager-samples.md#deploy-the-sample-templates) to create an Azure Monitor workspace.
+ "$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
+ "contentVersion": "",
+ "parameters": {
+ "name": {
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "location": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "defaultValue": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "resources": [
+ {
+ "type": "microsoft.monitor/accounts",
+ "apiVersion": "2021-06-03-preview",
+ "name": "[parameters('name')]",
+ "location": "[if(empty(parameters('location')), resourceGroup().location, parameters('location'))]"
+ }
+ ]
+@description('Specify the name of the workspace.')
+param workspaceName string
+@description('Specify the location for the workspace.')
+param location string = resourceGroup().location
+resource workspace 'microsoft.monitor/accounts@2021-06-03-preview' = {
+ name: workspaceName
+ location: location
+To connect your Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus to your Azure Monitor workspace, see [Collect Prometheus metrics from AKS cluster](./prometheus-metrics-enable.md)
+## Delete an Azure Monitor workspace
+When you delete an Azure Monitor workspace, no soft-delete operation is performed like with a [Log Analytics workspace](../logs/delete-workspace.md). The data in the workspace is immediately deleted, and there's no recovery option.
+### [Azure portal](#tab/azure-portal)
+1. Open the **Azure Monitor workspaces** menu in the Azure portal.
+2. Select your workspace.
+4. Select **Delete**.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/delete-azure-monitor-workspace.png" lightbox="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/delete-azure-monitor-workspace.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Azure Monitor workspaces delete button.":::
+### [CLI](#tab/cli)
+To delete an AzureMonitor workspace use [az resource delete](https://learn.microsoft.com/cli/azure/resource#az-resource-delete)
+For example:
+ az resource delete --ids /subscriptions/abcdef01-2345-6789-0abc-def012345678/resourcegroups/rg-azmon/providers/microsoft.monitor/accounts/prometheus-metrics-workspace
+ az resource delete -g rg-azmon -n prometheus-metrics-workspace --resource-type Microsoft.Monitor/accounts
+### [Resource Manager](#tab/resource-manager)
+For information on deleting resources and Azure Resource Manager, see [Azure Resource Manager resource group and resource deletion](../../azure-resource-manager/management/delete-resource-group.md)
+## Link a Grafana workspace
+Connect an Azure Monitor workspace to an [Azure Managed Grafana](../../managed-grafan) workspace to allow Grafana to use the Azure Monitor workspace data in a Grafana dashboard. An Azure Monitor workspace can be connected to multiple Grafana workspaces, and a Grafana workspace can be connected to multiple Azure Monitor workspaces.
+> [!NOTE]
+> When you add the Azure Monitor workspace as a data source to Grafana, it will be listed in form `Managed_Prometheus_<azure-workspace-name>`.
+### [Azure portal](#tab/azure-portal)
+1. Open the **Azure Monitor workspace** menu in the Azure portal.
+2. Select your workspace.
+3. Select **Linked Grafana workspaces**.
+4. Select a Grafana workspace.
+### [CLI](#tab/cli)
+Create a link between the Azure Monitor workspace and the Grafana workspace by updating the Azure Kubernetes Service cluster that you're monitoring.
+az aks update --enable-azuremonitormetrics -n <cluster-name> -g <cluster-resource-group> --azure-monitor-workspace-resource-id
+<azure-monitor-workspace-name-resource-id> --grafana-resource-id <grafana-workspace-name-resource-id>
+If your cluster is already configured to send data to an Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus, disable it first using the following command:
+az aks update --disable-azuremonitormetrics -g <cluster-resource-group> -n <cluster-name>
+"azureMonitorProfile": {
+ "metrics": {
+ "enabled": true,
+ "kubeStateMetrics": {
+ "metricAnnotationsAllowList": "",
+ "metricLabelsAllowlist": ""
+ }
+ }
+### [Resource Manager](#tab/resource-manager)
+To set up an Azure monitor workspace as a data source for Grafana using a Resource Manager template, see [Collect Prometheus metrics from AKS cluster (preview)](prometheus-metrics-enable.md?tabs=resource-manager#enable-prometheus-metric-collection)
+If your Grafana Instance is self managed see [Use Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus (preview) as data source for self-managed Grafana using managed system identity](./prometheus-self-managed-grafana-azure-active-directory.md)
+## Next steps
+- [Links a Grafana instance to your Azure monitor Workspace](./prometheus-metrics-enable.md#enable-prometheus-metric-collection)
+- Learn more about the [Azure Monitor data platform](../data-platform.md).
+- [Azure Monitor Workspace Overview](./azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md)
azure-monitor Azure Monitor Workspace Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md
Title: Azure Monitor workspace overview (preview) description: Overview of Azure Monitor workspace, which is a unique environment for data collected by Azure Monitor.-+++ - Previously updated : 10/05/2022 Last updated : 01/22/2023 # Azure Monitor workspace (preview)
An Azure Monitor workspace is a unique environment for data collected by Azure M
## Contents of Azure Monitor workspace
-Azure Monitor workspaces will eventually contain all metric data collected by Azure Monitor. Currently, the only data hosted by an Azure Monitor workspace is Prometheus metrics.
+Azure Monitor workspaces will eventually contain all metric data collected by Azure Monitor. Currently, only Prometheus metrics are data hosted in an Azure Monitor workspace.
-The following table lists the contents of Azure Monitor workspaces. This table will be updated as other types of data are stored in them.
+## Azure Monitor workspace architecture
-| Current contents | Future contents |
-| Prometheus metrics | Native platform metrics<br>Native custom metrics<br>Prometheus metrics |
+While a single Azure Monitor workspace may be sufficient for many use cases using Azure Monitor, many organizations create multiple workspaces to better meet their needs. This article presents a set of criteria for deciding whether to use a single Azure Monitor workspace, multiple Azure Monitor workspaces, and the configuration and placement of those workspaces.
+### Design criteria
-## Workspace design
-A single Azure Monitor workspace can collect data from multiple sources, but there may be circumstances where you require multiple workspaces to address your particular business requirements. Azure Monitor workspace design is similar to [Log Analytics workspace design](../logs/workspace-design.md), and you choose to match that design. Since Azure Monitor workspaces currently only contain Prometheus metrics, and metric data is typically not as sensitive as log data, you may choose to further consolidate your Azure Monitor workspaces for simplicity.
+As you identify the right criteria to create additional Azure Monitor workspaces, your design should use the lowest number of workspaces that will match your requirements, while optimizing for minimal administrative management overhead.
-There are several reasons that you may consider creating additional workspaces including the following.
+The following table presents criteria to consider when designing an Azure Monitor workspace architecture.
-| Criteria | Description |
-| Azure tenants | If you have multiple Azure tenants, you'll usually create a workspace in each because several data sources can only send monitoring data to a workspace in the same Azure tenant. |
-| Azure regions | Each workspace resides in a particular Azure region, and you may have regulatory or compliance requirements to store data in particular locations. |
-| Data ownership | You may choose to create separate workspaces to define data ownership, for example by subsidiaries or affiliated companies. |
-| Multiple environments | You may have Azure Monitor workspaces supporting different environments such as test, pre-production, and production. |
-| Logical boundaries | You may choose to separate your data based on logical boundaries such as application team or company division. |
-| Workspace limits | See [Azure Monitor service limits](../service-limits.md#prometheus-metrics) for current capacity limits related to Azure Monitor workspaces. If your capacity reaches 80%, you should consider creating multiple workspaces according to logical boundaries that make sense for your organization. |
+|Segregate by logical boundaries |Create separate Azure Monitor workspaces for operational data based on logical boundaries, for example, a role, application type, type of metric etc.|
+|Azure tenants | For multiple Azure tenants, create an Azure Monitor workspace in each tenant. Data sources can only send monitoring data to an Azure Monitor workspace in the same Azure tenant. |
+|Azure regions |Each Azure Monitor workspace resides in a particular Azure region. Regulatory or compliance requirements may dictate the storage of data in particular locations. |
+|Data ownership |Create separate Azure Monitor workspaces to define data ownership, for example by subsidiaries or affiliated companies.|
+### Considerations when creating an Azure Monitor workspace
-> [!NOTE]
-> You cannot currently query across multiple Azure Monitor workspaces.
+* Azure Monitor workspaces are regional. When you create a new Azure Monitor workspace, you provide a region, setting the location in which the data is stored.
+* Start with a single workspace to reduce the complexity of managing and querying data from multiple Azure resources.
-## Limitations
-See [Azure Monitor service limits](../service-limits.md#prometheus-metrics) for performance related service limits for Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus.
-- Private Links aren't supported for Prometheus metrics collection into Azure monitor workspace.-- Azure monitor workspaces are currently only supported in public clouds.-- Azure monitor workspaces do not currently support being moved into a different subscription or resource group once created.--
-## Create an Azure Monitor workspace
-In addition to the methods below, you may be given the option to create a new Azure Monitor workspace in the Azure portal as part of a configuration that requires one. For example, when you configure Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus, you can select an existing Azure Monitor workspace or create a new one.
-### [Azure portal](#tab/azure-portal)
-1. Open the **Azure Monitor workspaces** menu in the Azure portal.
-2. Click **Create**.
- :::image type="content" source="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/view-azure-monitor-workspaces.png" lightbox="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/view-azure-monitor-workspaces.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Azure Monitor workspaces menu and page.":::
-3. On the **Create an Azure Monitor Workspace** page, select a **Subscription** and **Resource group** where the workspace should be created.
-4. Provide a **Name** and a **Region** for the workspace.
-5. Click **Review + create** to create the workspace.
-### [CLI](#tab/cli)
-Use the following command to create an Azure Monitor workspace using Azure CLI.
-az resource create --resource-group <resource-group-name> --namespace microsoft.monitor --resource-type accounts --name <azure-monitor-workspace-name> --location <location> --properties {}
-### [Resource Manager](#tab/resource-manager)
-Use one of the following Resource Manager templates with any of the [standard deployment options](../resource-manager-samples.md#deploy-the-sample-templates) to create an Azure Monitor workspace.
- "$schema": "http://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
- "contentVersion": "",
- "parameters": {
- "name": {
- "type": "string"
- },
- "location": {
- "type": "string",
- "defaultValue": ""
- }
- },
- "resources": [
- {
- "type": "microsoft.monitor/accounts",
- "apiVersion": "2021-06-03-preview",
- "name": "[parameters('name')]",
- "location": "[if(empty(parameters('location')), resourceGroup().location, parameters('location'))]"
- }
- ]
-@description('Specify the name of the workspace.')
-param workspaceName string
-@description('Specify the location for the workspace.')
-param location string = resourceGroup().location
-resource workspace 'microsoft.monitor/accounts@2021-06-03-preview' = {
- name: workspaceName
- location: location
+* The default Azure Monitor workspace limit is 1 million active times series and 1 million events per minute ingested.
+* There's no reduction in performance due to the amount of data in your Azure Monitor workspace. Multiple services can send data to the same account simultaneously. There is, however, a limit on how large an Azure Monitor workspace can scale as explained below.
-## Delete an Azure Monitor workspace
-When you delete an Azure Monitor workspace, no soft-delete operation is performed like with a [Log Analytics workspace](../logs/delete-workspace.md). The data in the workspace is immediately deleted, and there is no recovery option.
-### [Azure portal](#tab/azure-portal)
-1. Open the **Azure Monitor workspaces** menu in the Azure portal.
-2. Select your workspace.
-4. Click **Delete**.
- :::image type="content" source="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/delete-azure-monitor-workspace.png" lightbox="media/azure-monitor-workspace-overview/delete-azure-monitor-workspace.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Azure Monitor workspaces delete button.":::
-### [CLI](#tab/cli)
-To be completed.
-### [Resource Manager](#tab/resource-manager)
-To be completed.
+### Growing account capacity
-## Link a Grafana workspace
-Connect an Azure Monitor workspace to an [Azure Managed Grafana](../../managed-grafan) workspace to authorize Grafana to use the Azure Monitor workspace as a resource type in a Grafana dashboard. An Azure Monitor workspace can be connected to multiple Grafana workspaces, and a Grafana workspace can be connected to multiple Azure Monitor workspaces.
+Azure Monitor workspaces have default quotas and limitations for metrics. As your product grows and you need more metrics, you can request an increase to 50 million events or active time series. If your capacity needs grow exceptionally large, and your data ingestion needs can no longer be met by a single Azure Monitor workspace, consider creating multiple Azure Monitor workspaces.
-> [!NOTE]
-> When you add the Azure Monitor workspace as a data source to Grafana, it will be listed in form `Managed_Prometheus_<azure-workspace-name>`.
+### Multiple Azure Monitor workspaces
-### [Azure portal](#tab/azure-portal)
+When an Azure Monitor workspace reaches 80% of its maximum capacity, or depending on your current and forecasted metrics volume, it's recommended to split the Azure Monitor workspace into multiple workspaces. Split the workspace based on how the data in the workspace is used by your applications and business processes, and how you want to access that data in the future.
+In certain circumstances, splitting Azure Monitor workspace into multiple workspaces can be necessary. For example:
+* Monitoring data in sovereign clouds ΓÇô Create Azure Monitor workspace(s) in each sovereign cloud.
+* Compliance or regulatory requirements that mandate storage of data in specific regions ΓÇô Create an Azure Monitor workspace per region as per requirements. There may be a need to manage the scale of metrics for large services or financial institutions with regional accounts.
+* Separating metric data in test, pre-production, and production environments
-1. Open the **Azure Monitor workspace** menu in the Azure portal.
-2. Select your workspace.
-3. Click **Linked Grafana workspaces**.
-4. Select a Grafana workspace.
+> A single query cannot access multiple Azure Monitor workspaces. Keep data that you want to retrieve in a single query in same workspace. For presentation purposes, setting up Grafana with each workspace as a dedicated data source will allow for querying multiple workspaces in a single Grafana panel.
-### [CLI](#tab/cli)
-To be completed.
-### [Resource Manager](#tab/resource-manager)
-To be completed.
+## Limitations
+See [Azure Monitor service limits](../service-limits.md#prometheus-metrics) for performance related service limits for Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus.
+- Private Links aren't supported for Prometheus metrics collection into Azure monitor workspace.
+- Azure monitor workspaces are currently only supported in public clouds.
+- Azure monitor workspaces don't currently support being moved into a different subscription or resource group once created.
## Next steps - Learn more about the [Azure Monitor data platform](../data-platform.md).
+- [Manage an Azure Monitor workspace (preview)](./azure-monitor-workspace-manage.md)
azure-monitor Metrics Supported https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/metrics-supported.md
Title: Azure Monitor supported metrics by resource type description: List of metrics available for each resource type with Azure Monitor.-+ Previously updated : 11/21/2022- Last updated : 01/24/2023+
> [!NOTE] > This list is largely auto-generated. Any modification made to this list via GitHub might be written over without warning. Contact the author of this article for details on how to make permanent updates.
+Date list was last updated: 01/24/2023.
+ Azure Monitor provides several ways to interact with metrics, including charting them in the Azure portal, accessing them through the REST API, or querying them by using PowerShell or the Azure CLI (Command Line Interface). This article is a complete list of all platform (that is, automatically collected) metrics currently available with the consolidated metric pipeline in Azure Monitor. Metrics changed or added after the date at the top of this article might not yet appear in the list. To query for and access the list of metrics programmatically, use the [2018-01-01 api-version](/rest/api/monitor/metricdefinitions). Other metrics not in this list might be available in the portal or through legacy APIs.
The Azure Monitor agent replaces the Azure Diagnostics extension and Log Analyti
This latest update adds a new column and reorders the metrics to be alphabetical. The additional information means that the tables might have a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom, depending on the width of your browser window. If you seem to be missing information, use the scroll bar to see the entirety of the table. -
-## Microsoft.AAD/DomainServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|\DirectoryServices(NTDS)\LDAP Searches/sec|Yes|NTDS - LDAP Searches/sec|CountPerSecond|Average|This metric indicates the average number of searches per second for the NTDS object. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\DirectoryServices(NTDS)\LDAP Successful Binds/sec|Yes|NTDS - LDAP Successful Binds/sec|CountPerSecond|Average|This metric indicates the number of LDAP successful binds per second for the NTDS object. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\DNS\Total Query Received/sec|Yes|DNS - Total Query Received/sec|CountPerSecond|Average|This metric indicates the average number of queries received by DNS server in each second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\DNS\Total Response Sent/sec|Yes|Total Response Sent/sec|CountPerSecond|Average|This metric indicates the average number of responses sent by DNS server in each second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use|Yes|% Committed Bytes In Use|Percent|Average|This metric indicates the ratio of Memory\Committed Bytes to the Memory\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\Process(dns)\% Processor Time|Yes|% Processor Time (dns)|Percent|Average|This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that all of dns process threads used the processor to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\Process(lsass)\% Processor Time|Yes|% Processor Time (lsass)|Percent|Average|This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that all of lsass process threads used the processor to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time|Yes|Total Processor Time|Percent|Average|This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). On today's fast processors, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval. Workload based timer applications are one example of applications which are more likely to be measured inaccurately as timers are signaled just after the sample is taken. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\Security System-Wide Statistics\Kerberos Authentications|Yes|Kerberos Authentications|CountPerSecond|Average|This metric indicates the number of times that clients use a ticket to authenticate to this computer per second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
-|\Security System-Wide Statistics\NTLM Authentications|Yes|NTLM Authentications|CountPerSecond|Average|This metric indicates the number of NTLM authentications processed per second for the Active Directory on this domain contrller or for local accounts on this member server. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or split by role instance.|No Dimensions|
+## Microsoft.AAD/DomainServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|\DirectoryServices(NTDS)\LDAP Searches/sec |Yes |NTDS - LDAP Searches/sec |CountPerSecond |Average |This metric indicates the average number of searches per second for the NTDS object. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\DirectoryServices(NTDS)\LDAP Successful Binds/sec |Yes |NTDS - LDAP Successful Binds/sec |CountPerSecond |Average |This metric indicates the number of LDAP successful binds per second for the NTDS object. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\DNS\Total Query Received/sec |Yes |DNS - Total Query Received/sec |CountPerSecond |Average |This metric indicates the average number of queries received by DNS server in each second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\DNS\Total Response Sent/sec |Yes |Total Response Sent/sec |CountPerSecond |Average |This metric indicates the average number of responses sent by DNS server in each second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use |Yes |% Committed Bytes In Use |Percent |Average |This metric indicates the ratio of Memory\Committed Bytes to the Memory\Commit Limit. Committed memory is the physical memory in use for which space has been reserved in the paging file should it need to be written to disk. The commit limit is determined by the size of the paging file. If the paging file is enlarged, the commit limit increases, and the ratio is reduced. This counter displays the current percentage value only; it is not an average. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\Process(dns)\% Processor Time |Yes |% Processor Time (dns) |Percent |Average |This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that all of dns process threads used the processor to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\Process(lsass)\% Processor Time |Yes |% Processor Time (lsass) |Percent |Average |This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that all of lsass process threads used the processor to execute instructions. An instruction is the basic unit of execution in a computer, a thread is the object that executes instructions, and a process is the object created when a program is run. Code executed to handle some hardware interrupts and trap conditions are included in this count. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time |Yes |Total Processor Time |Percent |Average |This metric indicates the percentage of elapsed time that the processor spends to execute a non-Idle thread. It is calculated by measuring the percentage of time that the processor spends executing the idle thread and then subtracting that value from 100%. (Each processor has an idle thread that consumes cycles when no other threads are ready to run). This counter is the primary indicator of processor activity, and displays the average percentage of busy time observed during the sample interval. It should be noted that the accounting calculation of whether the processor is idle is performed at an internal sampling interval of the system clock (10ms). On todays fast processors, % Processor Time can therefore underestimate the processor utilization as the processor may be spending a lot of time servicing threads between the system clock sampling interval. Workload based timer applications are one example of applications which are more likely to be measured inaccurately as timers are signaled just after the sample is taken. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\Security System-Wide Statistics\Kerberos Authentications |Yes |Kerberos Authentications |CountPerSecond |Average |This metric indicates the number of times that clients use a ticket to authenticate to this computer per second. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+|\Security System-Wide Statistics\NTLM Authentications |Yes |NTLM Authentications |CountPerSecond |Average |This metric indicates the number of NTLM authentications processed per second for the Active Directory on this domain controller or for local accounts on this member server. It is backed by performance counter data from the domain controller, and can be filtered or splitted by role instance. |DataCenter, Tenant, Role, RoleInstance, ScaleUnit |
+## microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CACompliantDeviceSuccessCount |Yes |CACompliantDeviceSuccessCount |Count |Count |CA compliant device scuccess count for Azure AD |No Dimensions |
+|CAManagedDeviceSuccessCount |No |CAManagedDeviceSuccessCount |Count |Count |CA domain join device success count for Azure AD |No Dimensions |
+|MFAAttemptCount |No |MFAAttemptCount |Count |Count |MFA attempt count for Azure AD |No Dimensions |
+|MFAFailureCount |No |MFAFailureCount |Count |Count |MFA failure count for Azure AD |No Dimensions |
+|MFASuccessCount |No |MFASuccessCount |Count |Count |MFA success count for Azure AD |No Dimensions |
+|SamlFailureCount |Yes |SamlFailureCount |Count |Count |Saml token failure count for relying party scenario |No Dimensions |
+|SamlSuccessCount |Yes |SamlSuccessCount |Count |Count |Saml token success count for relying party scenario |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CleanerCurrentPrice |Yes |Memory: Cleaner Current Price |Count |Average |Current price of memory, $/byte/time, normalized to 1000. |ServerResourceType |
+|CleanerMemoryNonshrinkable |Yes |Memory: Cleaner Memory nonshrinkable |Bytes |Average |Amount of memory, in bytes, not subject to purging by the background cleaner. |ServerResourceType |
+|CleanerMemoryShrinkable |Yes |Memory: Cleaner Memory shrinkable |Bytes |Average |Amount of memory, in bytes, subject to purging by the background cleaner. |ServerResourceType |
+|CommandPoolBusyThreads |Yes |Threads: Command pool busy threads |Count |Average |Number of busy threads in the command thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|CommandPoolIdleThreads |Yes |Threads: Command pool idle threads |Count |Average |Number of idle threads in the command thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|CommandPoolJobQueueLength |Yes |Command Pool Job Queue Length |Count |Average |Number of jobs in the queue of the command thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|CurrentConnections |Yes |Connection: Current connections |Count |Average |Current number of client connections established. |ServerResourceType |
+|CurrentUserSessions |Yes |Current User Sessions |Count |Average |Current number of user sessions established. |ServerResourceType |
+|LongParsingBusyThreads |Yes |Threads: Long parsing busy threads |Count |Average |Number of busy threads in the long parsing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|LongParsingIdleThreads |Yes |Threads: Long parsing idle threads |Count |Average |Number of idle threads in the long parsing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|LongParsingJobQueueLength |Yes |Threads: Long parsing job queue length |Count |Average |Number of jobs in the queue of the long parsing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|mashup_engine_memory_metric |Yes |M Engine Memory |Bytes |Average |Memory usage by mashup engine processes |ServerResourceType |
+|mashup_engine_private_bytes_metric |Yes |M Engine Private Bytes |Bytes |Average |Private bytes usage by mashup engine processes. |ServerResourceType |
+|mashup_engine_qpu_metric |Yes |M Engine QPU |Count |Average |QPU usage by mashup engine processes |ServerResourceType |
+|mashup_engine_virtual_bytes_metric |Yes |M Engine Virtual Bytes |Bytes |Average |Virtual bytes usage by mashup engine processes. |ServerResourceType |
+|memory_metric |Yes |Memory |Bytes |Average |Memory. Range 0-25 GB for S1, 0-50 GB for S2 and 0-100 GB for S4 |ServerResourceType |
+|memory_thrashing_metric |Yes |Memory Thrashing |Percent |Average |Average memory thrashing. |ServerResourceType |
+|MemoryLimitHard |Yes |Memory: Memory Limit Hard |Bytes |Average |Hard memory limit, from configuration file. |ServerResourceType |
+|MemoryLimitHigh |Yes |Memory: Memory Limit High |Bytes |Average |High memory limit, from configuration file. |ServerResourceType |
+|MemoryLimitLow |Yes |Memory: Memory Limit Low |Bytes |Average |Low memory limit, from configuration file. |ServerResourceType |
+|MemoryLimitVertiPaq |Yes |Memory: Memory Limit VertiPaq |Bytes |Average |In-memory limit, from configuration file. |ServerResourceType |
+|MemoryUsage |Yes |Memory: Memory Usage |Bytes |Average |Memory usage of the server process as used in calculating cleaner memory price. Equal to counter Process\PrivateBytes plus the size of memory-mapped data, ignoring any memory which was mapped or allocated by the xVelocity in-memory analytics engine (VertiPaq) in excess of the xVelocity engine Memory Limit. |ServerResourceType |
+|private_bytes_metric |Yes |Private Bytes |Bytes |Average |Private bytes. |ServerResourceType |
+|ProcessingPoolBusyIOJobThreads |Yes |Threads: Processing pool busy I/O job threads |Count |Average |Number of threads running I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|ProcessingPoolBusyNonIOThreads |Yes |Threads: Processing pool busy non-I/O threads |Count |Average |Number of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|ProcessingPoolIdleIOJobThreads |Yes |Threads: Processing pool idle I/O job threads |Count |Average |Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|ProcessingPoolIdleNonIOThreads |Yes |Threads: Processing pool idle non-I/O threads |Count |Average |Number of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs. |ServerResourceType |
+|ProcessingPoolIOJobQueueLength |Yes |Threads: Processing pool I/O job queue length |Count |Average |Number of I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|ProcessingPoolJobQueueLength |Yes |Processing Pool Job Queue Length |Count |Average |Number of non-I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|qpu_metric |Yes |QPU |Count |Average |QPU. Range 0-100 for S1, 0-200 for S2 and 0-400 for S4 |ServerResourceType |
+|QueryPoolBusyThreads |Yes |Query Pool Busy Threads |Count |Average |Number of busy threads in the query thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|QueryPoolIdleThreads |Yes |Threads: Query pool idle threads |Count |Average |Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|QueryPoolJobQueueLength |Yes |Threads: Query pool job queue length |Count |Average |Number of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|Quota |Yes |Memory: Quota |Bytes |Average |Current memory quota, in bytes. Memory quota is also known as a memory grant or memory reservation. |ServerResourceType |
+|QuotaBlocked |Yes |Memory: Quota Blocked |Count |Average |Current number of quota requests that are blocked until other memory quotas are freed. |ServerResourceType |
+|RowsConvertedPerSec |Yes |Processing: Rows converted per sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Rate of rows converted during processing. |ServerResourceType |
+|RowsReadPerSec |Yes |Processing: Rows read per sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Rate of rows read from all relational databases. |ServerResourceType |
+|RowsWrittenPerSec |Yes |Processing: Rows written per sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Rate of rows written during processing. |ServerResourceType |
+|ShortParsingBusyThreads |Yes |Threads: Short parsing busy threads |Count |Average |Number of busy threads in the short parsing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|ShortParsingIdleThreads |Yes |Threads: Short parsing idle threads |Count |Average |Number of idle threads in the short parsing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|ShortParsingJobQueueLength |Yes |Threads: Short parsing job queue length |Count |Average |Number of jobs in the queue of the short parsing thread pool. |ServerResourceType |
+|SuccessfullConnectionsPerSec |Yes |Successful Connections Per Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Rate of successful connection completions. |ServerResourceType |
+|TotalConnectionFailures |Yes |Total Connection Failures |Count |Average |Total failed connection attempts. |ServerResourceType |
+|TotalConnectionRequests |Yes |Total Connection Requests |Count |Average |Total connection requests. These are arrivals. |ServerResourceType |
+|VertiPaqNonpaged |Yes |Memory: VertiPaq Nonpaged |Bytes |Average |Bytes of memory locked in the working set for use by the in-memory engine. |ServerResourceType |
+|VertiPaqPaged |Yes |Memory: VertiPaq Paged |Bytes |Average |Bytes of paged memory in use for in-memory data. |ServerResourceType |
+|virtual_bytes_metric |Yes |Virtual Bytes |Bytes |Average |Virtual bytes. |ServerResourceType |
+## Microsoft.ApiManagement/service
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BackendDuration |Yes |Duration of Backend Requests |MilliSeconds |Average |Duration of Backend Requests in milliseconds |Location, Hostname |
+|Capacity |Yes |Capacity |Percent |Average |Utilization metric for ApiManagement service. Note: For skus other than Premium, 'Max' aggregation will show the value as 0. |Location |
+|ConnectionAttempts |Yes |WebSocket Connection Attempts (Preview) |Count |Total |Count of WebSocket connection attempts based on selected source and destination |Location, Source, Destination, State |
+|Duration |Yes |Overall Duration of Gateway Requests |MilliSeconds |Average |Overall Duration of Gateway Requests in milliseconds |Location, Hostname |
+|EventHubDroppedEvents |Yes |Dropped EventHub Events |Count |Total |Number of events skipped because of queue size limit reached |Location |
+|EventHubRejectedEvents |Yes |Rejected EventHub Events |Count |Total |Number of rejected EventHub events (wrong configuration or unauthorized) |Location |
+|EventHubSuccessfulEvents |Yes |Successful EventHub Events |Count |Total |Number of successful EventHub events |Location |
+|EventHubThrottledEvents |Yes |Throttled EventHub Events |Count |Total |Number of throttled EventHub events |Location |
+|EventHubTimedoutEvents |Yes |Timed Out EventHub Events |Count |Total |Number of timed out EventHub events |Location |
+|EventHubTotalBytesSent |Yes |Size of EventHub Events |Bytes |Total |Total size of EventHub events in bytes |Location |
+|EventHubTotalEvents |Yes |Total EventHub Events |Count |Total |Number of events sent to EventHub |Location |
+|EventHubTotalFailedEvents |Yes |Failed EventHub Events |Count |Total |Number of failed EventHub events |Location |
+|FailedRequests |Yes |Failed Gateway Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of failures in gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead |Location, Hostname |
+|NetworkConnectivity |Yes |Network Connectivity Status of Resources (Preview) |Count |Average |Network Connectivity status of dependent resource types from API Management service |Location, ResourceType |
+|OtherRequests |Yes |Other Gateway Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of other gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead |Location, Hostname |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |Gateway request metrics with multiple dimensions |Location, Hostname, LastErrorReason, BackendResponseCode, GatewayResponseCode, BackendResponseCodeCategory, GatewayResponseCodeCategory |
+|SuccessfulRequests |Yes |Successful Gateway Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of successful gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead |Location, Hostname |
+|TotalRequests |Yes |Total Gateway Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead |Location, Hostname |
+|UnauthorizedRequests |Yes |Unauthorized Gateway Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of unauthorized gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead |Location, Hostname |
+|WebSocketMessages |Yes |WebSocket Messages (Preview) |Count |Total |Count of WebSocket messages based on selected source and destination |Location, Source, Destination |
+## Microsoft.App/containerapps
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CoresQuotaUsed |Yes |Reserved Cores |Count |Maximum |Number of reserved cores for container app revisions |revisionName |
+|Replicas |Yes |Replica Count |Count |Maximum |Number of replicas count of container app |revisionName |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |Requests processed |revisionName, podName, statusCodeCategory, statusCode |
+|RestartCount |Yes |Replica Restart Count |Count |Maximum |Restart count of container app replicas |revisionName, podName |
+|RxBytes |Yes |Network In Bytes |Bytes |Total |Network received bytes |revisionName, podName |
+|TotalCoresQuotaUsed |Yes |Total Reserved Cores |Count |Average |Number of total reserved cores for the container app |No Dimensions |
+|TxBytes |Yes |Network Out Bytes |Bytes |Total |Network transmitted bytes |revisionName, podName |
+|UsageNanoCores |Yes |CPU Usage |NanoCores |Average |CPU consumed by the container app, in nano cores. 1,000,000,000 nano cores = 1 core |revisionName, podName |
+|WorkingSetBytes |Yes |Memory Working Set Bytes |Bytes |Average |Container App working set memory used in bytes. |revisionName, podName |
+## Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|EnvCoresQuotaLimit |Yes |Cores Quota Limit |Count |Average |The cores quota limit of managed environment |No Dimensions |
+|EnvCoresQuotaUtilization |Yes |Percentage Cores Used Out Of Limit |Percent |Average |The cores quota utilization of managed environment |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|DailyStorageUsage |Yes |DailyStorageUsage |Percent |Maximum |Total storage usage of the store in percentage. Updated at minimum every 24 hours. |No Dimensions |
+|HttpIncomingRequestCount |Yes |HttpIncomingRequestCount |Count |Total |Total number of incoming http requests. |StatusCode, Authentication, Endpoint |
+|HttpIncomingRequestDuration |Yes |HttpIncomingRequestDuration |Count |Average |Latency on an http request. |StatusCode, Authentication, Endpoint |
+|ThrottledHttpRequestCount |Yes |ThrottledHttpRequestCount |Count |Total |Throttled http requests. |Endpoint |
+## Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active-timer-count |Yes |active-timer-count |Count |Average |Number of timers that are currently active |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|alloc-rate |Yes |alloc-rate |Bytes |Average |Number of bytes allocated in the managed heap |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|AppCpuUsage |Yes |App CPU Usage (Deprecated) |Percent |Average |The recent CPU usage for the app. This metric is being deprecated. Please use "App CPU Usage" with metric id "PodCpuUsage". |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|assembly-count |Yes |assembly-count |Count |Average |Number of Assemblies Loaded |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|cpu-usage |Yes |cpu-usage |Percent |Average |% time the process has utilized the CPU |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|current-requests |Yes |current-requests |Count |Average |Total number of requests in processing in the lifetime of the process |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|exception-count |Yes |exception-count |Count |Total |Number of Exceptions |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|failed-requests |Yes |failed-requests |Count |Average |Total number of failed requests in the lifetime of the process |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|GatewayHttpServerRequestsMilliSecondsMax |Yes |Max time of requests |Milliseconds |Maximum |The max time of requests |Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod |
+|GatewayHttpServerRequestsMilliSecondsSum |Yes |Total time of requests |Milliseconds |Total |The total time of requests |Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod |
+|GatewayHttpServerRequestsSecondsCount |Yes |Request count |Count |Total |The number of requests |Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod |
+|GatewayJvmGcLiveDataSizeBytes |Yes |jvm.gc.live.data.size |Bytes |Average |Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmGcMaxDataSizeBytes |Yes |jvm.gc.max.data.size |Bytes |Maximum |Max size of old generation memory pool |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmGcMemoryAllocatedBytesTotal |Yes |jvm.gc.memory.allocated |Bytes |Maximum |Incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool after one GC to before the next |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmGcMemoryPromotedBytesTotal |Yes |jvm.gc.memory.promoted |Bytes |Maximum |Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsCount |Yes |jvm.gc.pause.total.count |Count |Total |GC Pause Count |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsMax |Yes |jvm.gc.pause.max.time |Seconds |Maximum |GC Pause Max Time |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsSum |Yes |jvm.gc.pause.total.time |Seconds |Total |GC Pause Total Time |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmMemoryCommittedBytes |Yes |jvm.memory.committed |Bytes |Average |Memory assigned to JVM in bytes |Pod |
+|GatewayJvmMemoryUsedBytes |Yes |jvm.memory.used |Bytes |Average |Memory Used in bytes |Pod |
+|GatewayProcessCpuUsage |Yes |process.cpu.usage |Percent |Average |The recent CPU usage for the JVM process |Pod |
+|GatewayRatelimitThrottledCount |Yes |Throttled requests count |Count |Total |The count of the throttled requests |Pod |
+|GatewaySystemCpuUsage |Yes |system.cpu.usage |Percent |Average |The recent CPU usage for the whole system |Pod |
+|gc-heap-size |Yes |gc-heap-size |Count |Average |Total heap size reported by the GC (MB) |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|gen-0-gc-count |Yes |gen-0-gc-count |Count |Average |Number of Gen 0 GCs |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|gen-0-size |Yes |gen-0-size |Bytes |Average |Gen 0 Heap Size |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|gen-1-gc-count |Yes |gen-1-gc-count |Count |Average |Number of Gen 1 GCs |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|gen-1-size |Yes |gen-1-size |Bytes |Average |Gen 1 Heap Size |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|gen-2-gc-count |Yes |gen-2-gc-count |Count |Average |Number of Gen 2 GCs |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|gen-2-size |Yes |gen-2-size |Bytes |Average |Gen 2 Heap Size |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|IngressBytesReceived |Yes |Bytes Received |Bytes |Average |Count of bytes received by Azure Spring Apps from the clients |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|IngressBytesReceivedRate |Yes |Throughput In (bytes/s) |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes received per second by Azure Spring Apps from the clients |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|IngressBytesSent |Yes |Bytes Sent |Bytes |Average |Count of bytes sent by Azure Spring Apps to the clients |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|IngressBytesSentRate |Yes |Throughput Out (bytes/s) |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes sent per second by Azure Spring Apps to the clients |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|IngressFailedRequests |Yes |Failed Requests |Count |Average |Count of failed requests by Azure Spring Apps from the clients |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|IngressRequests |Yes |Requests |Count |Average |Count of requests by Azure Spring Apps from the clients |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|IngressResponseStatus |Yes |Response Status |Count |Average |HTTP response status returned by Azure Spring Apps. The response status code distribution can be further categorized to show responses in 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx categories |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|IngressResponseTime |Yes |Response Time |Seconds |Average |Http response time return by Azure Spring Apps |Hostname, HttpStatus |
+|jvm.gc.live.data.size |Yes |jvm.gc.live.data.size |Bytes |Average |Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.gc.max.data.size |Yes |jvm.gc.max.data.size |Bytes |Average |Max size of old generation memory pool |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.gc.memory.allocated |Yes |jvm.gc.memory.allocated |Bytes |Maximum |Incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool after one GC to before the next |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.gc.memory.promoted |Yes |jvm.gc.memory.promoted |Bytes |Maximum |Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.gc.pause.total.count |Yes |jvm.gc.pause.total.count |Count |Total |GC Pause Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.gc.pause.total.time |Yes |jvm.gc.pause.total.time |Milliseconds |Total |GC Pause Total Time |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.memory.committed |Yes |jvm.memory.committed |Bytes |Average |Memory assigned to JVM in bytes |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.memory.max |Yes |jvm.memory.max |Bytes |Maximum |The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|jvm.memory.used |Yes |jvm.memory.used |Bytes |Average |App Memory Used in bytes |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|loh-size |Yes |loh-size |Bytes |Average |LOH Heap Size |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|monitor-lock-contention-count |Yes |monitor-lock-contention-count |Count |Average |Number of times there were contention when trying to take the monitor lock |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|PodCpuUsage |Yes |App CPU Usage |Percent |Average |The recent CPU usage for the app |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|PodMemoryUsage |Yes |App Memory Usage |Percent |Average |The recent Memory usage for the app |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|PodNetworkIn |Yes |App Network In |Bytes |Average |Cumulative count of bytes received in the app |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|PodNetworkOut |Yes |App Network Out |Bytes |Average |Cumulative count of bytes sent from the app |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|process.cpu.usage |Yes |process.cpu.usage |Percent |Average |The recent CPU usage for the JVM process |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|requests-per-second |Yes |requests-rate |Count |Average |Request rate |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|system.cpu.usage |Yes |system.cpu.usage |Percent |Average |The recent CPU usage for the whole system |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|threadpool-completed-items-count |Yes |threadpool-completed-items-count |Count |Average |ThreadPool Completed Work Items Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|threadpool-queue-length |Yes |threadpool-queue-length |Count |Average |ThreadPool Work Items Queue Length |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|threadpool-thread-count |Yes |threadpool-thread-count |Count |Average |Number of ThreadPool Threads |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|time-in-gc |Yes |time-in-gc |Percent |Average |% time in GC since the last GC |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.global.error |Yes |tomcat.global.error |Count |Total |Tomcat Global Error |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.global.received |Yes |tomcat.global.received |Bytes |Total |Tomcat Total Received Bytes |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.global.request.avg.time |Yes |tomcat.global.request.avg.time |Milliseconds |Average |Tomcat Request Average Time |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.global.request.max |Yes |tomcat.global.request.max |Milliseconds |Maximum |Tomcat Request Max Time |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.global.request.total.count |Yes |tomcat.global.request.total.count |Count |Total |Tomcat Request Total Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.global.request.total.time |Yes |tomcat.global.request.total.time |Milliseconds |Total |Tomcat Request Total Time |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.global.sent |Yes |tomcat.global.sent |Bytes |Total |Tomcat Total Sent Bytes |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.sessions.active.current |Yes |tomcat.sessions.active.current |Count |Total |Tomcat Session Active Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.sessions.active.max |Yes |tomcat.sessions.active.max |Count |Total |Tomcat Session Max Active Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.sessions.alive.max |Yes |tomcat.sessions.alive.max |Milliseconds |Maximum |Tomcat Session Max Alive Time |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.sessions.created |Yes |tomcat.sessions.created |Count |Total |Tomcat Session Created Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.sessions.expired |Yes |tomcat.sessions.expired |Count |Total |Tomcat Session Expired Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.sessions.rejected |Yes |tomcat.sessions.rejected |Count |Total |Tomcat Session Rejected Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.threads.config.max |Yes |tomcat.threads.config.max |Count |Total |Tomcat Config Max Thread Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|tomcat.threads.current |Yes |tomcat.threads.current |Count |Total |Tomcat Current Thread Count |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|total-requests |Yes |total-requests |Count |Average |Total number of requests in the lifetime of the process |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+|working-set |Yes |working-set |Count |Average |Amount of working set used by the process (MB) |Deployment, AppName, Pod |
+## Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|HybridWorkerPing |Yes |Hybrid Worker Ping |Count |Count |The number of pings from the hybrid worker |HybridWorkerGroup, HybridWorker, HybridWorkerVersion |
+|TotalJob |Yes |Total Jobs |Count |Total |The total number of jobs |Runbook, Status |
+|TotalUpdateDeploymentMachineRuns |Yes |Total Update Deployment Machine Runs |Count |Total |Total software update deployment machine runs in a software update deployment run |Status, TargetComputer, SoftwareUpdateConfigurationName, SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunId |
+|TotalUpdateDeploymentRuns |Yes |Total Update Deployment Runs |Count |Total |Total software update deployment runs |Status, SoftwareUpdateConfigurationName |
+## microsoft.avs/privateClouds
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CapacityLatest |Yes |Datastore Disk Total Capacity |Bytes |Average |The total capacity of disk in the datastore |dsname |
+|DiskUsedPercentage |Yes | Percentage Datastore Disk Used |Percent |Average |Percent of available disk used in Datastore |dsname |
+|EffectiveCpuAverage |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |Percentage of Used CPU resources in Cluster |clustername |
+|EffectiveMemAverage |Yes |Average Effective Memory |Bytes |Average |Total available amount of machine memory in cluster |clustername |
+|OverheadAverage |Yes |Average Memory Overhead |Bytes |Average |Host physical memory consumed by the virtualization infrastructure |clustername |
+|TotalMbAverage |Yes |Average Total Memory |Bytes |Average |Total memory in cluster |clustername |
+|UsageAverage |Yes |Average Memory Usage |Percent |Average |Memory usage as percentage of total configured or available memory |clustername |
+|UsedLatest |Yes |Datastore Disk Used |Bytes |Average |The total amount of disk used in the datastore |dsname |
+## Microsoft.Batch/batchaccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CoreCount |No |Dedicated Core Count |Count |Total |Total number of dedicated cores in the batch account |No Dimensions |
+|CreatingNodeCount |No |Creating Node Count |Count |Total |Number of nodes being created |No Dimensions |
+|IdleNodeCount |No |Idle Node Count |Count |Total |Number of idle nodes |No Dimensions |
+|JobDeleteCompleteEvent |Yes |Job Delete Complete Events |Count |Total |Total number of jobs that have been successfully deleted. |jobId |
+|JobDeleteStartEvent |Yes |Job Delete Start Events |Count |Total |Total number of jobs that have been requested to be deleted. |jobId |
+|JobDisableCompleteEvent |Yes |Job Disable Complete Events |Count |Total |Total number of jobs that have been successfully disabled. |jobId |
+|JobDisableStartEvent |Yes |Job Disable Start Events |Count |Total |Total number of jobs that have been requested to be disabled. |jobId |
+|JobStartEvent |Yes |Job Start Events |Count |Total |Total number of jobs that have been successfully started. |jobId |
+|JobTerminateCompleteEvent |Yes |Job Terminate Complete Events |Count |Total |Total number of jobs that have been successfully terminated. |jobId |
+|JobTerminateStartEvent |Yes |Job Terminate Start Events |Count |Total |Total number of jobs that have been requested to be terminated. |jobId |
+|LeavingPoolNodeCount |No |Leaving Pool Node Count |Count |Total |Number of nodes leaving the Pool |No Dimensions |
+|LowPriorityCoreCount |No |LowPriority Core Count |Count |Total |Total number of low-priority cores in the batch account |No Dimensions |
+|OfflineNodeCount |No |Offline Node Count |Count |Total |Number of offline nodes |No Dimensions |
+|PoolCreateEvent |Yes |Pool Create Events |Count |Total |Total number of pools that have been created |poolId |
+|PoolDeleteCompleteEvent |Yes |Pool Delete Complete Events |Count |Total |Total number of pool deletes that have completed |poolId |
+|PoolDeleteStartEvent |Yes |Pool Delete Start Events |Count |Total |Total number of pool deletes that have started |poolId |
+|PoolResizeCompleteEvent |Yes |Pool Resize Complete Events |Count |Total |Total number of pool resizes that have completed |poolId |
+|PoolResizeStartEvent |Yes |Pool Resize Start Events |Count |Total |Total number of pool resizes that have started |poolId |
+|PreemptedNodeCount |No |Preempted Node Count |Count |Total |Number of preempted nodes |No Dimensions |
+|RebootingNodeCount |No |Rebooting Node Count |Count |Total |Number of rebooting nodes |No Dimensions |
+|ReimagingNodeCount |No |Reimaging Node Count |Count |Total |Number of reimaging nodes |No Dimensions |
+|RunningNodeCount |No |Running Node Count |Count |Total |Number of running nodes |No Dimensions |
+|StartingNodeCount |No |Starting Node Count |Count |Total |Number of nodes starting |No Dimensions |
+|StartTaskFailedNodeCount |No |Start Task Failed Node Count |Count |Total |Number of nodes where the Start Task has failed |No Dimensions |
+|TaskCompleteEvent |Yes |Task Complete Events |Count |Total |Total number of tasks that have completed |poolId, jobId |
+|TaskFailEvent |Yes |Task Fail Events |Count |Total |Total number of tasks that have completed in a failed state |poolId, jobId |
+|TaskStartEvent |Yes |Task Start Events |Count |Total |Total number of tasks that have started |poolId, jobId |
+|TotalLowPriorityNodeCount |No |Low-Priority Node Count |Count |Total |Total number of low-priority nodes in the batch account |No Dimensions |
+|TotalNodeCount |No |Dedicated Node Count |Count |Total |Total number of dedicated nodes in the batch account |No Dimensions |
+|UnusableNodeCount |No |Unusable Node Count |Count |Total |Number of unusable nodes |No Dimensions |
+|WaitingForStartTaskNodeCount |No |Waiting For Start Task Node Count |Count |Total |Number of nodes waiting for the Start Task to complete |No Dimensions |
-## microsoft.aadiam/azureADMetrics
+## microsoft.bing/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ThrottledRequests|No|ThrottledRequests|Count|Average|azureADMetrics type metric|No Dimensions|
+|BlockedCalls |Yes |Blocked Calls |Count |Total |Number of calls that exceeded the rate or quota limit |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|ClientErrors |Yes |Client Errors |Count |Total |Number of calls with any client error (HTTP status code 4xx) |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|DataIn |Yes |Data In |Bytes |Total |Incoming request Content-Length in bytes |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|DataOut |Yes |Data Out |Bytes |Total |Outgoing response Content-Length in bytes |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|Latency |Yes |Latency |Milliseconds |Average |Latency in milliseconds |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|ServerErrors |Yes |Server Errors |Count |Total |Number of calls with any server error (HTTP status code 5xx) |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|SuccessfulCalls |Yes |Successful Calls |Count |Total |Number of successful calls (HTTP status code 2xx) |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|TotalCalls |Yes |Total Calls |Count |Total |Total number of calls |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
+|TotalErrors |Yes |Total Errors |Count |Total |Number of calls with any error (HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx) |ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode |
-## Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers
+## microsoft.botservice/botservices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|CleanerCurrentPrice|Yes|Memory: Cleaner Current Price|Count|Average|Current price of memory, $/byte/time, normalized to 1000.|ServerResourceType|
-|CleanerMemoryNonshrinkable|Yes|Memory: Cleaner Memory nonshrinkable|Bytes|Average|Amount of memory, in bytes, not subject to purging by the background cleaner.|ServerResourceType|
-|CleanerMemoryShrinkable|Yes|Memory: Cleaner Memory shrinkable|Bytes|Average|Amount of memory, in bytes, subject to purging by the background cleaner.|ServerResourceType|
-|CommandPoolBusyThreads|Yes|Threads: Command pool busy threads|Count|Average|Number of busy threads in the command thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|CommandPoolIdleThreads|Yes|Threads: Command pool idle threads|Count|Average|Number of idle threads in the command thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|CommandPoolJobQueueLength|Yes|Command Pool Job Queue Length|Count|Average|Number of jobs in the queue of the command thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|CurrentConnections|Yes|Connection: Current connections|Count|Average|Current number of client connections established.|ServerResourceType|
-|CurrentUserSessions|Yes|Current User Sessions|Count|Average|Current number of user sessions established.|ServerResourceType|
-|LongParsingBusyThreads|Yes|Threads: Long parsing busy threads|Count|Average|Number of busy threads in the long parsing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|LongParsingIdleThreads|Yes|Threads: Long parsing idle threads|Count|Average|Number of idle threads in the long parsing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|LongParsingJobQueueLength|Yes|Threads: Long parsing job queue length|Count|Average|Number of jobs in the queue of the long parsing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|mashup_engine_memory_metric|Yes|M Engine Memory|Bytes|Average|Memory usage by mashup engine processes|ServerResourceType|
-|mashup_engine_private_bytes_metric|Yes|M Engine Private Bytes|Bytes|Average|Private bytes usage by mashup engine processes.|ServerResourceType|
-|mashup_engine_qpu_metric|Yes|M Engine QPU|Count|Average|QPU usage by mashup engine processes|ServerResourceType|
-|mashup_engine_virtual_bytes_metric|Yes|M Engine Virtual Bytes|Bytes|Average|Virtual bytes usage by mashup engine processes.|ServerResourceType|
-|memory_metric|Yes|Memory|Bytes|Average|Memory. Range 0-25 GB for S1, 0-50 GB for S2 and 0-100 GB for S4|ServerResourceType|
-|memory_thrashing_metric|Yes|Memory Thrashing|Percent|Average|Average memory thrashing.|ServerResourceType|
-|MemoryLimitHard|Yes|Memory: Memory Limit Hard|Bytes|Average|Hard memory limit, from configuration file.|ServerResourceType|
-|MemoryLimitHigh|Yes|Memory: Memory Limit High|Bytes|Average|High memory limit, from configuration file.|ServerResourceType|
-|MemoryLimitLow|Yes|Memory: Memory Limit Low|Bytes|Average|Low memory limit, from configuration file.|ServerResourceType|
-|MemoryLimitVertiPaq|Yes|Memory: Memory Limit VertiPaq|Bytes|Average|In-memory limit, from configuration file.|ServerResourceType|
-|MemoryUsage|Yes|Memory: Memory Usage|Bytes|Average|Memory usage of the server process as used in calculating cleaner memory price. Equal to counter Process\PrivateBytes plus the size of memory-mapped data, ignoring any memory which was mapped or allocated by the xVelocity in-memory analytics engine (VertiPaq) in excess of the xVelocity engine Memory Limit.|ServerResourceType|
-|private_bytes_metric|Yes|Private Bytes|Bytes|Average|Private bytes.|ServerResourceType|
-|ProcessingPoolBusyIOJobThreads|Yes|Threads: Processing pool busy I/O job threads|Count|Average|Number of threads running I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|ProcessingPoolBusyNonIOThreads|Yes|Threads: Processing pool busy non-I/O threads|Count|Average|Number of threads running non-I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|ProcessingPoolIdleIOJobThreads|Yes|Threads: Processing pool idle I/O job threads|Count|Average|Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|ProcessingPoolIdleNonIOThreads|Yes|Threads: Processing pool idle non-I/O threads|Count|Average|Number of idle threads in the processing thread pool dedicated to non-I/O jobs.|ServerResourceType|
-|ProcessingPoolIOJobQueueLength|Yes|Threads: Processing pool I/O job queue length|Count|Average|Number of I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|ProcessingPoolJobQueueLength|Yes|Processing Pool Job Queue Length|Count|Average|Number of non-I/O jobs in the queue of the processing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|qpu_metric|Yes|QPU|Count|Average|QPU. Range 0-100 for S1, 0-200 for S2 and 0-400 for S4|ServerResourceType|
-|QueryPoolBusyThreads|Yes|Query Pool Busy Threads|Count|Average|Number of busy threads in the query thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|QueryPoolIdleThreads|Yes|Threads: Query pool idle threads|Count|Average|Number of idle threads for I/O jobs in the processing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|QueryPoolJobQueueLength|Yes|Threads: Query pool job queue lengt|Count|Average|Number of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|Quota|Yes|Memory: Quota|Bytes|Average|Current memory quota, in bytes. Memory quota is also known as a memory grant or memory reservation.|ServerResourceType|
-|QuotaBlocked|Yes|Memory: Quota Blocked|Count|Average|Current number of quota requests that are blocked until other memory quotas are freed.|ServerResourceType|
-|RowsConvertedPerSec|Yes|Processing: Rows converted per sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Rate of rows converted during processing.|ServerResourceType|
-|RowsReadPerSec|Yes|Processing: Rows read per sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Rate of rows read from all relational databases.|ServerResourceType|
-|RowsWrittenPerSec|Yes|Processing: Rows written per sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Rate of rows written during processing.|ServerResourceType|
-|ShortParsingBusyThreads|Yes|Threads: Short parsing busy threads|Count|Average|Number of busy threads in the short parsing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|ShortParsingIdleThreads|Yes|Threads: Short parsing idle threads|Count|Average|Number of idle threads in the short parsing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|ShortParsingJobQueueLength|Yes|Threads: Short parsing job queue length|Count|Average|Number of jobs in the queue of the short parsing thread pool.|ServerResourceType|
-|SuccessfullConnectionsPerSec|Yes|Successful Connections Per Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Rate of successful connection completions.|ServerResourceType|
-|TotalConnectionFailures|Yes|Total Connection Failures|Count|Average|Total failed connection attempts.|ServerResourceType|
-|TotalConnectionRequests|Yes|Total Connection Requests|Count|Average|Total connection requests. These are arrivals.|ServerResourceType|
-|VertiPaqNonpaged|Yes|Memory: VertiPaq Nonpaged|Bytes|Average|Bytes of memory locked in the working set for use by the in-memory engine.|ServerResourceType|
-|VertiPaqPaged|Yes|Memory: VertiPaq Paged|Bytes|Average|Bytes of paged memory in use for in-memory data.|ServerResourceType|
-|virtual_bytes_metric|Yes|Virtual Bytes|Bytes|Average|Virtual bytes.|ServerResourceType|
-## Microsoft.ApiManagement/service
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BackendDuration|Yes|Duration of Backend Requests|Milliseconds|Average|Duration of Backend Requests in milliseconds|Location, Hostname|
-|Capacity|Yes|Capacity|Percent|Average|Utilization metric for ApiManagement service|Location|
-|Duration|Yes|Overall Duration of Gateway Requests|Milliseconds|Average|Overall Duration of Gateway Requests in milliseconds|Location, Hostname|
-|EventHubDroppedEvents|Yes|Dropped EventHub Events|Count|Total|Number of events skipped because of queue size limit reached|Location|
-|EventHubRejectedEvents|Yes|Rejected EventHub Events|Count|Total|Number of rejected EventHub events (wrong configuration or unauthorized)|Location|
-|EventHubSuccessfulEvents|Yes|Successful EventHub Events|Count|Total|Number of successful EventHub events|Location|
-|EventHubThrottledEvents|Yes|Throttled EventHub Events|Count|Total|Number of throttled EventHub events|Location|
-|EventHubTimedoutEvents|Yes|Timed Out EventHub Events|Count|Total|Number of timed out EventHub events|Location|
-|EventHubTotalBytesSent|Yes|Size of EventHub Events|Bytes|Total|Total size of EventHub events in bytes|Location|
-|EventHubTotalEvents|Yes|Total EventHub Events|Count|Total|Number of events sent to EventHub|Location|
-|EventHubTotalFailedEvents|Yes|Failed EventHub Events|Count|Total|Number of failed EventHub events|Location|
-|FailedRequests|Yes|Failed Gateway Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Number of failures in gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead|Location, Hostname|
-|NetworkConnectivity|Yes|Network Connectivity Status of Resources (Preview)|Count|Average|Network Connectivity status of dependent resource types from API Management service|Location, ResourceType|
-|OtherRequests|Yes|Other Gateway Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Number of other gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead|Location, Hostname|
-|Requests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|Gateway request metrics with multiple dimensions|Location, Hostname, LastErrorReason, BackendResponseCode, GatewayResponseCode, BackendResponseCodeCategory, GatewayResponseCodeCategory|
-|SuccessfulRequests|Yes|Successful Gateway Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Number of successful gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead|Location, Hostname|
-|TotalRequests|Yes|Total Gateway Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Number of gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead|Location, Hostname|
-|UnauthorizedRequests|Yes|Unauthorized Gateway Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Number of unauthorized gateway requests - Use multi-dimension request metric with GatewayResponseCodeCategory dimension instead|Location, Hostname|
-## Microsoft.App/containerapps
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Replicas|Yes|Replica Count|Count|Maximum|Number of replicas count of container app|revisionName|
-|Requests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|Requests processed|revisionName, podName, statusCodeCategory, statusCode|
-|RestartCount|Yes|Replica Restart Count|Count|Maximum|Restart count of container app replicas|revisionName, podName|
-|RxBytes|Yes|Network In Bytes|Bytes|Total|Network received bytes|revisionName, podName|
-|TxBytes|Yes|Network Out Bytes|Bytes|Total|Network transmitted bytes|revisionName, podName|
-|UsageNanoCores|Yes|CPU Usage|NanoCores|Average|CPU consumed by the container app, in nano cores. 1,000,000,000 nano cores = 1 core|revisionName, podName|
-|WorkingSetBytes|Yes|Memory Working Set Bytes|Bytes|Average|Container App working set memory used in bytes.|revisionName, podName|
-## Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|HttpIncomingRequestCount|Yes|HttpIncomingRequestCount|Count|Count|Total number of incoming http requests.|StatusCode, Authentication|
-|HttpIncomingRequestDuration|Yes|HttpIncomingRequestDuration|Count|Average|Latency on an http request.|StatusCode, Authentication|
-|ThrottledHttpRequestCount|Yes|ThrottledHttpRequestCount|Count|Count|Throttled http requests.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|active-timer-count|Yes|active-timer-count|Count|Average|Number of timers that are currently active|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|alloc-rate|Yes|alloc-rate|Bytes|Average|Number of bytes allocated in the managed heap|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|AppCpuUsage|Yes|App CPU Usage |Percent|Average|The recent CPU usage for the app|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|assembly-count|Yes|assembly-count|Count|Average|Number of Assemblies Loaded|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|cpu-usage|Yes|cpu-usage|Percent|Average|% time the process has utilized the CPU|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|current-requests|Yes|current-requests|Count|Average|Total number of requests in processing in the lifetime of the process|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|exception-count|Yes|exception-count|Count|Total|Number of Exceptions|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|failed-requests|Yes|failed-requests|Count|Average|Total number of failed requests in the lifetime of the process|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|GatewayHttpServerRequestsMilliSecondsMax|Yes|Max time of requests|Milliseconds|Maximum|The max time of requests|Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod|
-|GatewayHttpServerRequestsMilliSecondsSum|Yes|Total time of requests|Milliseconds|Total|The total time of requests|Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod|
-|GatewayHttpServerRequestsSecondsCount|Yes|Request count|Count|Total|The number of requests|Pod, httpStatusCode, outcome, httpMethod|
-|GatewayJvmGcLiveDataSizeBytes|Yes|jvm.gc.live.data.size|Bytes|Average|Size of old generation memory pool after a full GC|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmGcMaxDataSizeBytes|Yes|jvm.gc.max.data.size|Bytes|Maximum|Max size of old generation memory pool|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmGcMemoryAllocatedBytesTotal|Yes|jvm.gc.memory.allocated|Bytes|Maximum|Incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool after one GC to before the next|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmGcMemoryPromotedBytesTotal|Yes|jvm.gc.memory.promoted|Bytes|Maximum|Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsCount|Yes|jvm.gc.pause.total.count|Count|Total|GC Pause Count|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsMax|Yes|jvm.gc.pause.max.time|Seconds|Maximum|GC Pause Max Time|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmGcPauseSecondsSum|Yes|jvm.gc.pause.total.time|Seconds|Total|GC Pause Total Time|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmMemoryCommittedBytes|Yes|jvm.memory.committed|Bytes|Average|Memory assigned to JVM in bytes|Pod|
-|GatewayJvmMemoryUsedBytes|Yes|jvm.memory.used|Bytes|Average|Memory Used in bytes|Pod|
-|GatewayProcessCpuUsage|Yes|process.cpu.usage|Percent|Average|The recent CPU usage for the JVM process|Pod|
-|GatewayRatelimitThrottledCount|Yes|Throttled requests count|Count|Total|The count of the throttled requests|Pod|
-|GatewaySystemCpuUsage|Yes|system.cpu.usage|Percent|Average|The recent CPU usage for the whole system|Pod|
-|gc-heap-size|Yes|gc-heap-size|Count|Average|Total heap size reported by the GC (MB)|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|gen-0-gc-count|Yes|gen-0-gc-count|Count|Average|Number of Gen 0 GCs|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|gen-0-size|Yes|gen-0-size|Bytes|Average|Gen 0 Heap Size|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|gen-1-gc-count|Yes|gen-1-gc-count|Count|Average|Number of Gen 1 GCs|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|gen-1-size|Yes|gen-1-size|Bytes|Average|Gen 1 Heap Size|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|gen-2-gc-count|Yes|gen-2-gc-count|Count|Average|Number of Gen 2 GCs|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|gen-2-size|Yes|gen-2-size|Bytes|Average|Gen 2 Heap Size|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|IngressBytesReceived|Yes|Bytes Received|Bytes|Average|Count of bytes received by Azure Spring Cloud from the clients|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|IngressBytesReceivedRate|Yes|Throughput In (bytes/s)|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes received per second by Azure Spring Cloud from the clients|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|IngressBytesSent|Yes|Bytes Sent|Bytes|Average|Count of bytes sent by Azure Spring Cloud to the clients|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|IngressBytesSentRate|Yes|Throughput Out (bytes/s)|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes sent per second by Azure Spring Cloud to the clients|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|IngressFailedRequests|Yes|Failed Requests|Count|Average|Count of failed requests by Azure Spring Cloud from the clients|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|IngressRequests|Yes|Requests|Count|Average|Count of requests by Azure Spring Cloud from the clients|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|IngressResponseStatus|Yes|Response Status|Count|Average|HTTP response status returned by Azure Spring Cloud. The response status code distribution can be further categorized to show responses in 2xx, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx categories|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|IngressResponseTime|Yes|Response Time|Seconds|Average|Http response time return by Azure Spring Cloud|Hostname, HttpStatus|
-|jvm.gc.max.data.size|Yes|jvm.gc.max.data.size|Bytes|Average|Max size of old generation memory pool|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|jvm.gc.memory.allocated|Yes|jvm.gc.memory.allocated|Bytes|Maximum|Incremented for an increase in the size of the young generation memory pool after one GC to before the next|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|jvm.gc.memory.promoted|Yes|jvm.gc.memory.promoted|Bytes|Maximum|Count of positive increases in the size of the old generation memory pool before GC to after GC|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|jvm.gc.pause.total.count|Yes|jvm.gc.pause.total.count|Count|Total|GC Pause Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|jvm.gc.pause.total.time|Yes|jvm.gc.pause.total.time|Milliseconds|Total|GC Pause Total Time|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|jvm.memory.committed|Yes|jvm.memory.committed|Bytes|Average|Memory assigned to JVM in bytes|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|jvm.memory.max|Yes|jvm.memory.max|Bytes|Maximum|The maximum amount of memory in bytes that can be used for memory management|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|jvm.memory.used|Yes|jvm.memory.used|Bytes|Average|App Memory Used in bytes|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|loh-size|Yes|loh-size|Bytes|Average|LOH Heap Size|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|monitor-lock-contention-count|Yes|monitor-lock-contention-count|Count|Average|Number of times there were contention when trying to take the monitor lock|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|PodCpuUsage|Yes|App CPU Usage|Percent|Average|The recent CPU usage for the app|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|PodMemoryUsage|Yes|App Memory Usage|Percent|Average|The recent Memory usage for the app|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|PodNetworkIn|Yes|App Network In|Bytes|Average|Cumulative count of bytes received in the app|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|PodNetworkOut|Yes|App Network Out|Bytes|Average|Cumulative count of bytes sent from the app|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|process.cpu.usage|Yes|process.cpu.usage|Percent|Average|The recent CPU usage for the JVM process|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|requests-per-second|Yes|requests-rate|Count|Average|Request rate|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|system.cpu.usage|Yes|system.cpu.usage|Percent|Average|The recent CPU usage for the whole system|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|threadpool-completed-items-count|Yes|threadpool-completed-items-count|Count|Average|ThreadPool Completed Work Items Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|threadpool-queue-length|Yes|threadpool-queue-length|Count|Average|ThreadPool Work Items Queue Length|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|threadpool-thread-count|Yes|threadpool-thread-count|Count|Average|Number of ThreadPool Threads|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|time-in-gc|Yes|time-in-gc|Percent|Average|% time in GC since the last GC|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.global.error|Yes|tomcat.global.error|Count|Total|Tomcat Global Error|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.global.received|Yes|tomcat.global.received|Bytes|Total|Tomcat Total Received Bytes|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.global.request.avg.time|Yes|tomcat.global.request.avg.time|Milliseconds|Average|Tomcat Request Average Time|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.global.request.max|Yes|tomcat.global.request.max|Milliseconds|Maximum|Tomcat Request Max Time|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.global.request.total.count|Yes|tomcat.global.request.total.count|Count|Total|Tomcat Request Total Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.global.request.total.time|Yes|tomcat.global.request.total.time|Milliseconds|Total|Tomcat Request Total Time|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.global.sent|Yes|tomcat.global.sent|Bytes|Total|Tomcat Total Sent Bytes|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.sessions.active.current|Yes|tomcat.sessions.active.current|Count|Total|Tomcat Session Active Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.sessions.active.max|Yes|tomcat.sessions.active.max|Count|Total|Tomcat Session Max Active Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.sessions.alive.max|Yes|tomcat.sessions.alive.max|Milliseconds|Maximum|Tomcat Session Max Alive Time|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.sessions.created|Yes|tomcat.sessions.created|Count|Total|Tomcat Session Created Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.sessions.expired|Yes|tomcat.sessions.expired|Count|Total|Tomcat Session Expired Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.sessions.rejected|Yes|tomcat.sessions.rejected|Count|Total|Tomcat Session Rejected Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.threads.config.max|Yes|tomcat.threads.config.max|Count|Total|Tomcat Config Max Thread Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|tomcat.threads.current|Yes|tomcat.threads.current|Count|Total|Tomcat Current Thread Count|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|total-requests|Yes|total-requests|Count|Average|Total number of requests in the lifetime of the process|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-|working-set|Yes|working-set|Count|Average|Amount of working set used by the process (MB)|Deployment, AppName, Pod|
-## Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|TotalJob|Yes|Total Jobs|Count|Total|The total number of jobs|Runbook, Status|
-|TotalUpdateDeploymentMachineRuns|Yes|Total Update Deployment Machine Runs|Count|Total|Total software update deployment machine runs in a software update deployment run|SoftwareUpdateConfigurationName, Status, TargetComputer, SoftwareUpdateConfigurationRunId|
-|TotalUpdateDeploymentRuns|Yes|Total Update Deployment Runs|Count|Total|Total software update deployment runs|SoftwareUpdateConfigurationName, Status|
-|HybridWorkerPing|Yes|Hybrid Worker Ping|Count|Total|Total number of pings from hybrid worker|HybridWorkerGroup, HybridWorker, HybridWorkerVersion|
-## microsoft.avs/privateClouds
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|CapacityLatest|Yes|Datastore Disk Total Capacity|Bytes|Average|The total capacity of disk in the datastore|dsname|
-|DiskUsedPercentage|Yes| Percentage Datastore Disk Used|Percent|Average|Percent of available disk used in Datastore|dsname|
-|EffectiveCpuAverage|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|Percentage of Used CPU resources in Cluster|clustername|
-|EffectiveMemAverage|Yes|Average Effective Memory|Bytes|Average|Total available amount of machine memory in cluster|clustername|
-|OverheadAverage|Yes|Average Memory Overhead|Bytes|Average|Host physical memory consumed by the virtualization infrastructure|clustername|
-|TotalMbAverage|Yes|Average Total Memory|Bytes|Average|Total memory in cluster|clustername|
-|UsageAverage|Yes|Average Memory Usage|Percent|Average|Memory usage as percentage of total configured or available memory|clustername|
-|UsedLatest|Yes|Datastore Disk Used|Bytes|Average|The total amount of disk used in the datastore|dsname|
-## Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|CoreCount|No|Dedicated Core Count|Count|Total|Total number of dedicated cores in the batch account|No Dimensions|
-|CreatingNodeCount|No|Creating Node Count|Count|Total|Number of nodes being created|No Dimensions|
-|IdleNodeCount|No|Idle Node Count|Count|Total|Number of idle nodes|No Dimensions|
-|JobDeleteCompleteEvent|Yes|Job Delete Complete Events|Count|Total|Total number of jobs that have been successfully deleted.|jobId|
-|JobDeleteStartEvent|Yes|Job Delete Start Events|Count|Total|Total number of jobs that have been requested to be deleted.|jobId|
-|JobDisableCompleteEvent|Yes|Job Disable Complete Events|Count|Total|Total number of jobs that have been successfully disabled.|jobId|
-|JobDisableStartEvent|Yes|Job Disable Start Events|Count|Total|Total number of jobs that have been requested to be disabled.|jobId|
-|JobStartEvent|Yes|Job Start Events|Count|Total|Total number of jobs that have been successfully started.|jobId|
-|JobTerminateCompleteEvent|Yes|Job Terminate Complete Events|Count|Total|Total number of jobs that have been successfully terminated.|jobId|
-|JobTerminateStartEvent|Yes|Job Terminate Start Events|Count|Total|Total number of jobs that have been requested to be terminated.|jobId|
-|LeavingPoolNodeCount|No|Leaving Pool Node Count|Count|Total|Number of nodes leaving the Pool|No Dimensions|
-|LowPriorityCoreCount|No|LowPriority Core Count|Count|Total|Total number of low-priority cores in the batch account|No Dimensions|
-|OfflineNodeCount|No|Offline Node Count|Count|Total|Number of offline nodes|No Dimensions|
-|PoolCreateEvent|Yes|Pool Create Events|Count|Total|Total number of pools that have been created|poolId|
-|PoolDeleteCompleteEvent|Yes|Pool Delete Complete Events|Count|Total|Total number of pool deletes that have completed|poolId|
-|PoolDeleteStartEvent|Yes|Pool Delete Start Events|Count|Total|Total number of pool deletes that have started|poolId|
-|PoolResizeCompleteEvent|Yes|Pool Resize Complete Events|Count|Total|Total number of pool resizes that have completed|poolId|
-|PoolResizeStartEvent|Yes|Pool Resize Start Events|Count|Total|Total number of pool resizes that have started|poolId|
-|PreemptedNodeCount|No|Preempted Node Count|Count|Total|Number of preempted nodes|No Dimensions|
-|RebootingNodeCount|No|Rebooting Node Count|Count|Total|Number of rebooting nodes|No Dimensions|
-|ReimagingNodeCount|No|Reimaging Node Count|Count|Total|Number of reimaging nodes|No Dimensions|
-|RunningNodeCount|No|Running Node Count|Count|Total|Number of running nodes|No Dimensions|
-|StartingNodeCount|No|Starting Node Count|Count|Total|Number of nodes starting|No Dimensions|
-|StartTaskFailedNodeCount|No|Start Task Failed Node Count|Count|Total|Number of nodes where the Start Task has failed|No Dimensions|
-|TaskCompleteEvent|Yes|Task Complete Events|Count|Total|Total number of tasks that have completed|poolId, jobId|
-|TaskFailEvent|Yes|Task Fail Events|Count|Total|Total number of tasks that have completed in a failed state|poolId, jobId|
-|TaskStartEvent|Yes|Task Start Events|Count|Total|Total number of tasks that have started|poolId, jobId|
-|TotalLowPriorityNodeCount|No|Low-Priority Node Count|Count|Total|Total number of low-priority nodes in the batch account|No Dimensions|
-|TotalNodeCount|No|Dedicated Node Count|Count|Total|Total number of dedicated nodes in the batch account|No Dimensions|
-|UnusableNodeCount|No|Unusable Node Count|Count|Total|Number of unusable nodes|No Dimensions|
-|WaitingForStartTaskNodeCount|No|Waiting For Start Task Node Count|Count|Total|Number of nodes waiting for the Start Task to complete|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.BatchAI/workspaces
-|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
-## microsoft.bing/accounts
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BlockedCalls|Yes|Blocked Calls|Count|Total|Number of calls that exceeded the rate or quota limit|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|ClientErrors|Yes|Client Errors|Count|Total|Number of calls with any client error (HTTP status code 4xx)|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|DataIn|Yes|Data In|Bytes|Total|Incoming request Content-Length in bytes|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|DataOut|Yes|Data Out|Bytes|Total|Outgoing response Content-Length in bytes|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|Latency|Yes|Latency|Milliseconds|Average|Latency in milliseconds|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|ServerErrors|Yes|Server Errors|Count|Total|Number of calls with any server error (HTTP status code 5xx)|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|SuccessfulCalls|Yes|Successful Calls|Count|Total|Number of successful calls (HTTP status code 2xx)|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|TotalCalls|Yes|Total Calls|Count|Total|Total number of calls|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-|TotalErrors|Yes|Total Errors|Count|Total|Number of calls with any error (HTTP status code 4xx or 5xx)|ApiName, ServingRegion, StatusCode|
-## Microsoft.Blockchain/blockchainMembers
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BroadcastProcessedCount|Yes|BroadcastProcessedCountDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of transactions processed.|Node, channel, type, status|
-|ChaincodeExecuteTimeouts|Yes|ChaincodeExecuteTimeoutsDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of chaincode executions (Init or Invoke) that have timed out.|Node, chaincode|
-|ChaincodeLaunchFailures|Yes|ChaincodeLaunchFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of chaincode launches that have failed.|Node, chaincode|
-|ChaincodeLaunchTimeouts|Yes|ChaincodeLaunchTimeoutsDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of chaincode launches that have timed out.|Node, chaincode|
-|ChaincodeShimRequestsCompleted|Yes|ChaincodeShimRequestsCompletedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of chaincode shim requests completed.|Node, type, channel, chaincode, success|
-|ChaincodeShimRequestsReceived|Yes|ChaincodeShimRequestsReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of chaincode shim requests received.|Node, type, channel, chaincode|
-|ClusterCommEgressQueueCapacity|Yes|ClusterCommEgressQueueCapacityDisplayName|Count|Average|Capacity of the egress queue.|Node, host, msg_type, channel|
-|ClusterCommEgressQueueLength|Yes|ClusterCommEgressQueueLengthDisplayName|Count|Average|Length of the egress queue.|Node, host, msg_type, channel|
-|ClusterCommEgressQueueWorkers|Yes|ClusterCommEgressQueueWorkersDisplayName|Count|Average|Count of egress queue workers.|Node, channel|
-|ClusterCommEgressStreamCount|Yes|ClusterCommEgressStreamCountDisplayName|Count|Average|Count of streams to other nodes.|Node, channel|
-|ClusterCommEgressTlsConnectionCount|Yes|ClusterCommEgressTlsConnectionCountDisplayName|Count|Average|Count of TLS connections to other nodes.|Node|
-|ClusterCommIngressStreamCount|Yes|ClusterCommIngressStreamCountDisplayName|Count|Average|Count of streams from other nodes.|Node|
-|ClusterCommMsgDroppedCount|Yes|ClusterCommMsgDroppedCountDisplayName|Count|Average|Count of messages dropped.|Node, host, channel|
-|ConnectionAccepted|Yes|Accepted Connections|Count|Total|Accepted Connections|Node|
-|ConnectionActive|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Average|Active Connections|Node|
-|ConnectionHandled|Yes|Handled Connections|Count|Total|Handled Connections|Node|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftActiveNodes|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftActiveNodesDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of active nodes in this channel.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftClusterSize|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftClusterSizeDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of nodes in this channel.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftCommittedBlockNumber|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftCommittedBlockNumberDisplayName|Count|Average|The block number of the latest block committed.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftConfigProposalsReceived|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftConfigProposalsReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|The total number of proposals received for config type transactions.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftIsLeader|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftIsLeaderDisplayName|Count|Average|The leadership status of the current node: 1 if it is the leader else 0.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftLeaderChanges|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftLeaderChangesDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of leader changes since process start.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftNormalProposalsReceived|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftNormalProposalsReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|The total number of proposals received for normal type transactions.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftProposalFailures|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftProposalFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of proposal failures.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusEtcdraftSnapshotBlockNumber|Yes|ConsensusEtcdraftSnapshotBlockNumberDisplayName|Count|Average|The block number of the latest snapshot.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusKafkaBatchSize|Yes|ConsensusKafkaBatchSizeDisplayName|Count|Average|The mean batch size in bytes sent to topics.|Node, topic|
-|ConsensusKafkaCompressionRatio|Yes|ConsensusKafkaCompressionRatioDisplayName|Count|Average|The mean compression ratio (as percentage) for topics.|Node, topic|
-|ConsensusKafkaIncomingByteRate|Yes|ConsensusKafkaIncomingByteRateDisplayName|Count|Average|Bytes/second read off brokers.|Node, broker_id|
-|ConsensusKafkaLastOffsetPersisted|Yes|ConsensusKafkaLastOffsetPersistedDisplayName|Count|Average|The offset specified in the block metadata of the most recently committed block.|Node, channel|
-|ConsensusKafkaOutgoingByteRate|Yes|ConsensusKafkaOutgoingByteRateDisplayName|Count|Average|Bytes/second written to brokers.|Node, broker_id|
-|ConsensusKafkaRecordSendRate|Yes|ConsensusKafkaRecordSendRateDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of records per second sent to topics.|Node, topic|
-|ConsensusKafkaRecordsPerRequest|Yes|ConsensusKafkaRecordsPerRequestDisplayName|Count|Average|The mean number of records sent per request to topics.|Node, topic|
-|ConsensusKafkaRequestLatency|Yes|ConsensusKafkaRequestLatencyDisplayName|Count|Average|The mean request latency in ms to brokers.|Node, broker_id|
-|ConsensusKafkaRequestRate|Yes|ConsensusKafkaRequestRateDisplayName|Count|Average|Requests/second sent to brokers.|Node, broker_id|
-|ConsensusKafkaRequestSize|Yes|ConsensusKafkaRequestSizeDisplayName|Count|Average|The mean request size in bytes to brokers.|Node, broker_id|
-|ConsensusKafkaResponseRate|Yes|ConsensusKafkaResponseRateDisplayName|Count|Average|Requests/second sent to brokers.|Node, broker_id|
-|ConsensusKafkaResponseSize|Yes|ConsensusKafkaResponseSizeDisplayName|Count|Average|The mean response size in bytes from brokers.|Node, broker_id|
-|CpuUsagePercentageInDouble|Yes|CPU Usage Percentage|Percent|Maximum|CPU Usage Percentage|Node|
-|DeliverBlocksSent|Yes|DeliverBlocksSentDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of blocks sent by the deliver service.|Node, channel, filtered, data_type|
-|DeliverRequestsCompleted|Yes|DeliverRequestsCompletedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of deliver requests that have been completed.|Node, channel, filtered, data_type, success|
-|DeliverRequestsReceived|Yes|DeliverRequestsReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of deliver requests that have been received.|Node, channel, filtered, data_type|
-|DeliverStreamsClosed|Yes|DeliverStreamsClosedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of GRPC streams that have been closed for the deliver service.|Node|
-|DeliverStreamsOpened|Yes|DeliverStreamsOpenedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of GRPC streams that have been opened for the deliver service.|Node|
-|EndorserChaincodeInstantiationFailures|Yes|EndorserChaincodeInstantiationFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of chaincode instantiations or upgrade that have failed.|Node, channel, chaincode|
-|EndorserDuplicateTransactionFailures|Yes|EndorserDuplicateTransactionFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of failed proposals due to duplicate transaction ID.|Node, channel, chaincode|
-|EndorserEndorsementFailures|Yes|EndorserEndorsementFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of failed endorsements.|Node, channel, chaincode, chaincodeerror|
-|EndorserProposalAclFailures|Yes|EndorserProposalAclFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of proposals that failed ACL checks.|Node, channel, chaincode|
-|EndorserProposalSimulationFailures|Yes|EndorserProposalSimulationFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of failed proposal simulations.|Node, channel, chaincode|
-|EndorserProposalsReceived|Yes|EndorserProposalsReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of proposals received.|Node|
-|EndorserProposalValidationFailures|Yes|EndorserProposalValidationFailuresDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of proposals that have failed initial validation.|Node|
-|EndorserSuccessfulProposals|Yes|EndorserSuccessfulProposalsDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of successful proposals.|Node|
-|FabricVersion|Yes|FabricVersionDisplayName|Count|Average|The active version of Fabric.|Node, version|
-|GossipCommMessagesReceived|Yes|GossipCommMessagesReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of messages received.|Node|
-|GossipCommMessagesSent|Yes|GossipCommMessagesSentDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of messages sent.|Node|
-|GossipCommOverflowCount|Yes|GossipCommOverflowCountDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of outgoing queue buffer overflows.|Node|
-|GossipLeaderElectionLeader|Yes|GossipLeaderElectionLeaderDisplayName|Count|Average|Peer is leader (1) or follower (0).|Node, channel|
-|GossipMembershipTotalPeersKnown|Yes|GossipMembershipTotalPeersKnownDisplayName|Count|Average|Total known peers.|Node, channel|
-|GossipPayloadBufferSize|Yes|GossipPayloadBufferSizeDisplayName|Count|Average|Size of the payload buffer.|Node, channel|
-|GossipStateHeight|Yes|GossipStateHeightDisplayName|Count|Average|Current ledger height.|Node, channel|
-|GrpcCommConnClosed|Yes|GrpcCommConnClosedDisplayName|Count|Average|gRPC connections closed. Open minus closed is the active number of connections.|Node|
-|GrpcCommConnOpened|Yes|GrpcCommConnOpenedDisplayName|Count|Average|gRPC connections opened. Open minus closed is the active number of connections.|Node|
-|GrpcServerStreamMessagesReceived|Yes|GrpcServerStreamMessagesReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of stream messages received.|Node, service, method|
-|GrpcServerStreamMessagesSent|Yes|GrpcServerStreamMessagesSentDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of stream messages sent.|Node, service, method|
-|GrpcServerStreamRequestsCompleted|Yes|GrpcServerStreamRequestsCompletedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of stream requests completed.|Node, service, method, code|
-|GrpcServerUnaryRequestsReceived|Yes|GrpcServerUnaryRequestsReceivedDisplayName|Count|Average|The number of unary requests received.|Node, service, method|
-|IOReadBytes|Yes|IO Read Bytes|Bytes|Total|IO Read Bytes|Node|
-|IOWriteBytes|Yes|IO Write Bytes|Bytes|Total|IO Write Bytes|Node|
-|LedgerBlockchainHeight|Yes|LedgerBlockchainHeightDisplayName|Count|Average|Height of the chain in blocks.|Node, channel|
-|LedgerTransactionCount|Yes|LedgerTransactionCountDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of transactions processed.|Node, channel, transaction_type, chaincode, validation_code|
-|LoggingEntriesChecked|Yes|LoggingEntriesCheckedDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of log entries checked against the active logging level.|Node, level|
-|LoggingEntriesWritten|Yes|LoggingEntriesWrittenDisplayName|Count|Average|Number of log entries that are written.|Node, level|
-|MemoryLimit|Yes|Memory Limit|Bytes|Average|Memory Limit|Node|
-|MemoryUsage|Yes|Memory Usage|Bytes|Average|Memory Usage|Node|
-|MemoryUsagePercentageInDouble|Yes|Memory Usage Percentage|Percent|Average|Memory Usage Percentage|Node|
-|PendingTransactions|Yes|Pending Transactions|Count|Average|Pending Transactions|Node|
-|ProcessedBlocks|Yes|Processed Blocks|Count|Total|Processed Blocks|Node|
-|ProcessedTransactions|Yes|Processed Transactions|Count|Total|Processed Transactions|Node|
-|QueuedTransactions|Yes|Queued Transactions|Count|Average|Queued Transactions|Node|
-|RequestHandled|Yes|Handled Requests|Count|Total|Handled Requests|Node|
-|StorageUsage|Yes|Storage Usage|Bytes|Average|Storage Usage|Node|
-## Microsoft.BotService/botServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|RequestLatency|Yes|Requests Latencies|Milliseconds|Average|How long it takes to get request response|Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region|
-|RequestsTraffic|Yes|Requests Traffic|Count|Average|Number of requests within a given period of time|Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText|
-## Microsoft.Cache/redis
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|allcachehits|Yes|Cache Hits (Instance Based)|Count|Total||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allcachemisses|Yes|Cache Misses (Instance Based)|Count|Total||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allcacheRead|Yes|Cache Read (Instance Based)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allcacheWrite|Yes|Cache Write (Instance Based)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allconnectedclients|Yes|Connected Clients (Instance Based)|Count|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allevictedkeys|Yes|Evicted Keys (Instance Based)|Count|Total||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allexpiredkeys|Yes|Expired Keys (Instance Based)|Count|Total||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allgetcommands|Yes|Gets (Instance Based)|Count|Total||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|alloperationsPerSecond|Yes|Operations Per Second (Instance Based)|Count|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allpercentprocessortime|Yes|CPU (Instance Based)|Percent|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allserverLoad|Yes|Server Load (Instance Based)|Percent|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allsetcommands|Yes|Sets (Instance Based)|Count|Total||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|alltotalcommandsprocessed|Yes|Total Operations (Instance Based)|Count|Total||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|alltotalkeys|Yes|Total Keys (Instance Based)|Count|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allusedmemory|Yes|Used Memory (Instance Based)|Bytes|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allusedmemorypercentage|Yes|Used Memory Percentage (Instance Based)|Percent|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|allusedmemoryRss|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Instance Based)|Bytes|Maximum||ShardId, Port, Primary|
-|cachehits|Yes|Cache Hits|Count|Total||ShardId|
-|cachehits0|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 0)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits1|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 1)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits2|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 2)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits3|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 3)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits4|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 4)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits5|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 5)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits6|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 6)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits7|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 7)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits8|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 8)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachehits9|Yes|Cache Hits (Shard 9)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cacheLatency|Yes|Cache Latency Microseconds (Preview)|Count|Average||ShardId|
-|cachemisses|Yes|Cache Misses|Count|Total||ShardId|
-|cachemisses0|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 0)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses1|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 1)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses2|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 2)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses3|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 3)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses4|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 4)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses5|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 5)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses6|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 6)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses7|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 7)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses8|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 8)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemisses9|Yes|Cache Misses (Shard 9)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cachemissrate|Yes|Cache Miss Rate|Percent|cachemissrate||ShardId|
-|cacheRead|Yes|Cache Read|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||ShardId|
-|cacheRead0|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 0)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead1|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 1)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead2|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 2)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead3|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 3)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead4|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 4)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead5|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 5)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead6|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 6)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead7|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 7)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead8|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 8)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheRead9|Yes|Cache Read (Shard 9)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite|Yes|Cache Write|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||ShardId|
-|cacheWrite0|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 0)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite1|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 1)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite2|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 2)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite3|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 3)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite4|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 4)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite5|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 5)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite6|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 6)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite7|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 7)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite8|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 8)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|cacheWrite9|Yes|Cache Write (Shard 9)|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients|Yes|Connected Clients|Count|Maximum||ShardId|
-|connectedclients0|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 0)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients1|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 1)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients2|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 2)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients3|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 3)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients4|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 4)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients5|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 5)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients6|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 6)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients7|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 7)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients8|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 8)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|connectedclients9|Yes|Connected Clients (Shard 9)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|errors|Yes|Errors|Count|Maximum||ShardId, ErrorType|
-|evictedkeys|Yes|Evicted Keys|Count|Total||ShardId|
-|evictedkeys0|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 0)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys1|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 1)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys2|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 2)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys3|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 3)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys4|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 4)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys5|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 5)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys6|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 6)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys7|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 7)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys8|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 8)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|evictedkeys9|Yes|Evicted Keys (Shard 9)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys|Yes|Expired Keys|Count|Total||ShardId|
-|expiredkeys0|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 0)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys1|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 1)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys2|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 2)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys3|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 3)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys4|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 4)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys5|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 5)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys6|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 6)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys7|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 7)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys8|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 8)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys9|Yes|Expired Keys (Shard 9)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands0|Yes|Gets (Shard 0)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands1|Yes|Gets (Shard 1)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands2|Yes|Gets (Shard 2)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands3|Yes|Gets (Shard 3)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands4|Yes|Gets (Shard 4)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands5|Yes|Gets (Shard 5)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands6|Yes|Gets (Shard 6)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands7|Yes|Gets (Shard 7)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands8|Yes|Gets (Shard 8)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands9|Yes|Gets (Shard 9)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond|Yes|Operations Per Second|Count|Maximum||ShardId|
-|operationsPerSecond0|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 0)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond1|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 1)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond2|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 2)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond3|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 3)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond4|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 4)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond5|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 5)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond6|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 6)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond7|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 7)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond8|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 8)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond9|Yes|Operations Per Second (Shard 9)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime0|Yes|CPU (Shard 0)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime1|Yes|CPU (Shard 1)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime2|Yes|CPU (Shard 2)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime3|Yes|CPU (Shard 3)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime4|Yes|CPU (Shard 4)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime5|Yes|CPU (Shard 5)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime6|Yes|CPU (Shard 6)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime7|Yes|CPU (Shard 7)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime8|Yes|CPU (Shard 8)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|percentProcessorTime9|Yes|CPU (Shard 9)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad|Yes|Server Load|Percent|Maximum||ShardId|
-|serverLoad0|Yes|Server Load (Shard 0)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad1|Yes|Server Load (Shard 1)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad2|Yes|Server Load (Shard 2)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad3|Yes|Server Load (Shard 3)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad4|Yes|Server Load (Shard 4)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad5|Yes|Server Load (Shard 5)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad6|Yes|Server Load (Shard 6)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad7|Yes|Server Load (Shard 7)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad8|Yes|Server Load (Shard 8)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad9|Yes|Server Load (Shard 9)|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands0|Yes|Sets (Shard 0)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands1|Yes|Sets (Shard 1)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands2|Yes|Sets (Shard 2)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands3|Yes|Sets (Shard 3)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands4|Yes|Sets (Shard 4)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands5|Yes|Sets (Shard 5)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands6|Yes|Sets (Shard 6)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands7|Yes|Sets (Shard 7)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands8|Yes|Sets (Shard 8)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands9|Yes|Sets (Shard 9)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed|Yes|Total Operations|Count|Total||ShardId|
-|totalcommandsprocessed0|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 0)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed1|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 1)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed2|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 2)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed3|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 3)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed4|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 4)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed5|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 5)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed6|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 6)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed7|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 7)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed8|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 8)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed9|Yes|Total Operations (Shard 9)|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys|Yes|Total Keys|Count|Maximum||ShardId|
-|totalkeys0|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 0)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys1|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 1)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys2|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 2)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys3|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 3)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys4|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 4)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys5|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 5)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys6|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 6)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys7|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 7)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys8|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 8)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys9|Yes|Total Keys (Shard 9)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory|Yes|Used Memory|Bytes|Maximum||ShardId|
-|usedmemory0|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 0)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory1|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 1)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory2|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 2)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory3|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 3)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory4|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 4)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory5|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 5)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory6|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 6)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory7|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 7)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory8|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 8)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory9|Yes|Used Memory (Shard 9)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemorypercentage|Yes|Used Memory Percentage|Percent|Maximum||ShardId|
-|usedmemoryRss|Yes|Used Memory RSS|Bytes|Maximum||ShardId|
-|usedmemoryRss0|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 0)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss1|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 1)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss2|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 2)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss3|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 3)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss4|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 4)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss5|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 5)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss6|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 6)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss7|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 7)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss8|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 8)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemoryRss9|Yes|Used Memory RSS (Shard 9)|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|cachehits|Yes|Cache Hits|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|cacheLatency|Yes|Cache Latency Microseconds (Preview)|Count|Average||InstanceId|
-|cachemisses|Yes|Cache Misses|Count|Total||InstanceId|
-|cacheRead|Yes|Cache Read|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||InstanceId|
-|cacheWrite|Yes|Cache Write|BytesPerSecond|Maximum||InstanceId|
-|connectedclients|Yes|Connected Clients|Count|Maximum||InstanceId|
-|errors|Yes|Errors|Count|Maximum||InstanceId, ErrorType|
-|evictedkeys|Yes|Evicted Keys|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|expiredkeys|Yes|Expired Keys|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|geoReplicationHealthy|Yes|Geo Replication Healthy|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|getcommands|Yes|Gets|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|operationsPerSecond|Yes|Operations Per Second|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|serverLoad|Yes|Server Load|Percent|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|setcommands|Yes|Sets|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalcommandsprocessed|Yes|Total Operations|Count|Total||No Dimensions|
-|totalkeys|Yes|Total Keys|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemory|Yes|Used Memory|Bytes|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|usedmemorypercentage|Yes|Used Memory Percentage|Percent|Maximum||InstanceId|
-## Microsoft.Cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|WebApplicationFirewallRequestCount|Yes|Web Application Firewall Request Count|Count|Total|The number of client requests processed by the Web Application Firewall|PolicyName, RuleName, Action|
-## Microsoft.Cdn/profiles
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ByteHitRatio|Yes|Byte Hit Ratio|Percent|Average|This is the ratio of the total bytes served from the cache compared to the total response bytes|Endpoint|
-|OriginHealthPercentage|Yes|Origin Health Percentage|Percent|Average|The percentage of successful health probes from AFDX to backends.|Origin, OriginGroup|
-|OriginLatency|Yes|Origin Latency|MilliSeconds|Average|The time calculated from when the request was sent by AFDX edge to the backend until AFDX received the last response byte from the backend.|Origin, Endpoint|
-|OriginRequestCount|Yes|Origin Request Count|Count|Total|The number of requests sent from AFDX to origin.|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, Origin, Endpoint|
-|Percentage4XX|Yes|Percentage of 4XX|Percent|Average|The percentage of all the client requests for which the response status code is 4XX|Endpoint, ClientRegion, ClientCountry|
-|Percentage5XX|Yes|Percentage of 5XX|Percent|Average|The percentage of all the client requests for which the response status code is 5XX|Endpoint, ClientRegion, ClientCountry|
-|RequestCount|Yes|Request Count|Count|Total|The number of client requests served by the HTTP/S proxy|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint|
-|RequestSize|Yes|Request Size|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to AFDX.|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint|
-|ResponseSize|Yes|Response Size|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP/S proxy to clients|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint|
-|TotalLatency|Yes|Total Latency|MilliSeconds|Average|The time calculated from when the client request was received by the HTTP/S proxy until the client acknowledged the last response byte from the HTTP/S proxy|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint|
-|WebApplicationFirewallRequestCount|Yes|Web Application Firewall Request Count|Count|Total|The number of client requests processed by the Web Application Firewall|PolicyName, RuleName, Action|
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Request Latency |Milliseconds |Total |Time taken by the server to process the request |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, DataCenter |
+|RequestsTraffic |Yes |Requests Traffic |Percent |Count |Number of Requests Made |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, DataCenter |
-## Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles
+## Microsoft.BotService/botServices/channels
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Disk Read Bytes/Sec|No|Disk Read|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period.|RoleInstanceId|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Read IOPS.|RoleInstanceId|
-|Disk Write Bytes/Sec|No|Disk Write|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period.|RoleInstanceId|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Write IOPS.|RoleInstanceId|
-|Network In|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic).|RoleInstanceId|
-|Network Out|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic).|RoleInstanceId|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s).|RoleInstanceId|
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Requests Latencies |Milliseconds |Average |How long it takes to get request response |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region |
+|RequestsTraffic |Yes |Requests Traffic |Count |Average |Number of requests within a given period of time |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
-## Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines
+## Microsoft.BotService/botServices/connections
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Disk Read Bytes/Sec|No|Disk Read|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period.|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Read IOPS.|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Bytes/Sec|No|Disk Write|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period.|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Write IOPS.|No Dimensions|
-|Network In|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic).|No Dimensions|
-|Network Out|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic).|No Dimensions|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s).|No Dimensions|
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Requests Latencies |Milliseconds |Average |How long it takes to get request response |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region |
+|RequestsTraffic |Yes |Requests Traffic |Count |Average |Number of requests within a given period of time |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
-## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts
+## Microsoft.BotService/checknameavailability
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|UsedCapacity|No|Used capacity|Bytes|Average|Account used capacity|No Dimensions|
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Requests Latencies |Milliseconds |Average |How long it takes to get request response |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region |
+|RequestsTraffic |Yes |Requests Traffic |Count |Average |Number of requests within a given period of time |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
+## Microsoft.BotService/hostsettings
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Requests Latencies |Milliseconds |Average |How long it takes to get request response |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region |
+|RequestsTraffic |Yes |Requests Traffic |Count |Average |Number of requests within a given period of time |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
+## Microsoft.BotService/listauthserviceproviders
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Requests Latencies |Milliseconds |Average |How long it takes to get request response |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region |
+|RequestsTraffic |Yes |Requests Traffic |Count |Average |Number of requests within a given period of time |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
+## Microsoft.BotService/listqnamakerendpointkeys
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Requests Latencies |Milliseconds |Average |How long it takes to get request response |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region |
+|RequestsTraffic |Yes |Requests Traffic |Count |Average |Number of requests within a given period of time |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, ResourceId, Region, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
+## Microsoft.Cache/redis
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|allcachehits |Yes |Cache Hits (Instance Based) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allcachemisses |Yes |Cache Misses (Instance Based) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allcacheRead |Yes |Cache Read (Instance Based) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allcacheWrite |Yes |Cache Write (Instance Based) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allconnectedclients |Yes |Connected Clients (Instance Based) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allConnectionsClosedPerSecond |Yes |Connections Closed Per Second (Instance Based) |CountPerSecond |Maximum |The number of instantaneous connections closed per second on the cache via port 6379 or 6380 (SSL). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Primary, Ssl |
+|allConnectionsCreatedPerSecond |Yes |Connections Created Per Second (Instance Based) |CountPerSecond |Maximum |The number of instantaneous connections created per second on the cache via port 6379 or 6380 (SSL). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Primary, Ssl |
+|allevictedkeys |Yes |Evicted Keys (Instance Based) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allexpiredkeys |Yes |Expired Keys (Instance Based) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allgetcommands |Yes |Gets (Instance Based) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|alloperationsPerSecond |Yes |Operations Per Second (Instance Based) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allpercentprocessortime |Yes |CPU (Instance Based) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allserverLoad |Yes |Server Load (Instance Based) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allsetcommands |Yes |Sets (Instance Based) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|alltotalcommandsprocessed |Yes |Total Operations (Instance Based) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|alltotalkeys |Yes |Total Keys (Instance Based) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allusedmemory |Yes |Used Memory (Instance Based) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allusedmemorypercentage |Yes |Used Memory Percentage (Instance Based) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|allusedmemoryRss |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Instance Based) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, Port, Primary |
+|cachehits |Yes |Cache Hits |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|cachehits0 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 0) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits1 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 1) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits2 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 2) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits3 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 3) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits4 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 4) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits5 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 5) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits6 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 6) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits7 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 7) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits8 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 8) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachehits9 |Yes |Cache Hits (Shard 9) |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheLatency |Yes |Cache Latency Microseconds (Preview) |Count |Average |The latency to the cache in microseconds. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|cachemisses |Yes |Cache Misses |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|cachemisses0 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 0) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses1 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 1) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses2 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 2) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses3 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 3) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses4 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 4) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses5 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 5) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses6 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 6) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses7 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 7) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses8 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 8) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemisses9 |Yes |Cache Misses (Shard 9) |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cachemissrate |Yes |Cache Miss Rate |Percent |Total |The % of get requests that miss. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|cacheRead |Yes |Cache Read |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|cacheRead0 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 0) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead1 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 1) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead2 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 2) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead3 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 3) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead4 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 4) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead5 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 5) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead6 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 6) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead7 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 7) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead8 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 8) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheRead9 |Yes |Cache Read (Shard 9) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite |Yes |Cache Write |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|cacheWrite0 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 0) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite1 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 1) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite2 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 2) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite3 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 3) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite4 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 4) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite5 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 5) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite6 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 6) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite7 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 7) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite8 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 8) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheWrite9 |Yes |Cache Write (Shard 9) |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients |Yes |Connected Clients |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|connectedclients0 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 0) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients1 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 1) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients2 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 2) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients3 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 3) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients4 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 4) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients5 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 5) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients6 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 6) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients7 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 7) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients8 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 8) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|connectedclients9 |Yes |Connected Clients (Shard 9) |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|errors |Yes |Errors |Count |Maximum |The number errors that occurred on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId, ErrorType |
+|evictedkeys |Yes |Evicted Keys |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|evictedkeys0 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 0) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys1 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 1) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys2 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 2) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys3 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 3) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys4 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 4) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys5 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 5) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys6 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 6) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys7 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 7) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys8 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 8) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|evictedkeys9 |Yes |Evicted Keys (Shard 9) |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys |Yes |Expired Keys |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|expiredkeys0 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 0) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys1 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 1) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys2 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 2) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys3 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 3) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys4 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 4) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys5 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 5) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys6 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 6) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys7 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 7) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys8 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 8) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys9 |Yes |Expired Keys (Shard 9) |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|GeoReplicationConnectivityLag |Yes |Geo-replication Connectivity Lag |Seconds |Average |[Preview] Time in seconds since last successful data synchronization with geo-primary cache. Value will continue to increase if the link status is down. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/georeplicationmetrics. |ShardId |
+|GeoReplicationDataSyncOffset |Yes |Geo-replication Data Sync Offset |Bytes |Average |[Preview] Approximate amount of data in bytes that needs to be synchronized to geo-secondary cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/georeplicationmetrics. |ShardId |
+|GeoReplicationFullSyncEventFinished |Yes |Geo-replication Full Sync Event Finished |Count |Count |[Preview] Fired on completion of a full synchronization event between geo-replicated caches. This metric reports 0 most of the time because geo-replication uses partial resynchronizations for any new data added after the initial full synchronization. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/georeplicationmetrics. |ShardId |
+|GeoReplicationFullSyncEventStarted |Yes |Geo-replication Full Sync Event Started |Count |Count |[Preview] Fired on initiation of a full synchronization event between geo-replicated caches. This metric reports 0 most of the time because geo-replication uses partial resynchronizations for any new data added after the initial full synchronization. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/georeplicationmetrics. |ShardId |
+|GeoReplicationHealthy |Yes |Geo-replication Healthy |Count |Minimum |[Preview] The health status of geo-replication link. 1 if healthy and 0 if disconnected or unhealthy. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/georeplicationmetrics. |ShardId |
+|getcommands |Yes |Gets |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|getcommands0 |Yes |Gets (Shard 0) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands1 |Yes |Gets (Shard 1) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands2 |Yes |Gets (Shard 2) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands3 |Yes |Gets (Shard 3) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands4 |Yes |Gets (Shard 4) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands5 |Yes |Gets (Shard 5) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands6 |Yes |Gets (Shard 6) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands7 |Yes |Gets (Shard 7) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands8 |Yes |Gets (Shard 8) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands9 |Yes |Gets (Shard 9) |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond |Yes |Operations Per Second |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|operationsPerSecond0 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 0) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond1 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 1) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond2 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 2) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond3 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 3) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond4 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 4) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond5 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 5) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond6 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 6) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond7 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 7) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond8 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 8) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond9 |Yes |Operations Per Second (Shard 9) |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime |Yes |CPU |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|percentProcessorTime0 |Yes |CPU (Shard 0) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime1 |Yes |CPU (Shard 1) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime2 |Yes |CPU (Shard 2) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime3 |Yes |CPU (Shard 3) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime4 |Yes |CPU (Shard 4) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime5 |Yes |CPU (Shard 5) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime6 |Yes |CPU (Shard 6) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime7 |Yes |CPU (Shard 7) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime8 |Yes |CPU (Shard 8) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime9 |Yes |CPU (Shard 9) |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad |Yes |Server Load |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|serverLoad0 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 0) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad1 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 1) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad2 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 2) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad3 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 3) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad4 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 4) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad5 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 5) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad6 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 6) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad7 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 7) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad8 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 8) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|serverLoad9 |Yes |Server Load (Shard 9) |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands |Yes |Sets |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|setcommands0 |Yes |Sets (Shard 0) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands1 |Yes |Sets (Shard 1) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands2 |Yes |Sets (Shard 2) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands3 |Yes |Sets (Shard 3) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands4 |Yes |Sets (Shard 4) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands5 |Yes |Sets (Shard 5) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands6 |Yes |Sets (Shard 6) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands7 |Yes |Sets (Shard 7) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands8 |Yes |Sets (Shard 8) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands9 |Yes |Sets (Shard 9) |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed |Yes |Total Operations |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|totalcommandsprocessed0 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 0) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed1 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 1) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed2 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 2) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed3 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 3) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed4 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 4) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed5 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 5) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed6 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 6) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed7 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 7) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed8 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 8) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed9 |Yes |Total Operations (Shard 9) |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys |Yes |Total Keys |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|totalkeys0 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 0) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys1 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 1) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys2 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 2) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys3 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 3) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys4 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 4) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys5 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 5) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys6 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 6) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys7 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 7) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys8 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 8) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys9 |Yes |Total Keys (Shard 9) |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory |Yes |Used Memory |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|usedmemory0 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 0) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory1 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 1) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory2 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 2) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory3 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 3) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory4 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 4) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory5 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 5) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory6 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 6) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory7 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 7) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory8 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 8) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory9 |Yes |Used Memory (Shard 9) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemorypercentage |Yes |Used Memory Percentage |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|usedmemoryRss |Yes |Used Memory RSS |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |ShardId |
+|usedmemoryRss0 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 0) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss1 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 1) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss2 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 2) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss3 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 3) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss4 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 4) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss5 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 5) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss6 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 6) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss7 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 7) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss8 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 8) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemoryRss9 |Yes |Used Memory RSS (Shard 9) |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used in MB, including fragmentation and metadata. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|cachehits |Yes |Cache Hits |Count |Total |The number of successful key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|cacheLatency |Yes |Cache Latency Microseconds (Preview) |Count |Average |The latency to the cache in microseconds. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId |
+|cachemisses |Yes |Cache Misses |Count |Total |The number of failed key lookups. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId |
+|cacheRead |Yes |Cache Read |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data read from the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId |
+|cacheWrite |Yes |Cache Write |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |The amount of data written to the cache in Megabytes per second (MB/s). For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId |
+|connectedclients |Yes |Connected Clients |Count |Maximum |The number of client connections to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId |
+|errors |Yes |Errors |Count |Maximum |The number errors that occurred on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId, ErrorType |
+|evictedkeys |Yes |Evicted Keys |Count |Total |The number of items evicted from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|expiredkeys |Yes |Expired Keys |Count |Total |The number of items expired from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|geoReplicationHealthy |Yes |Geo Replication Healthy |Count |Maximum |The health of geo replication in an Active Geo-Replication group. 0 represents Unhealthy and 1 represents Healthy. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|getcommands |Yes |Gets |Count |Total |The number of get operations from the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|operationsPerSecond |Yes |Operations Per Second |Count |Maximum |The number of instantaneous operations per second executed on the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|percentProcessorTime |Yes |CPU |Percent |Maximum |The CPU utilization of the Azure Redis Cache server as a percentage. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId |
+|serverLoad |Yes |Server Load |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cycles in which the Redis server is busy processing and not waiting idle for messages. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|setcommands |Yes |Sets |Count |Total |The number of set operations to the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalcommandsprocessed |Yes |Total Operations |Count |Total |The total number of commands processed by the cache server. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|totalkeys |Yes |Total Keys |Count |Maximum |The total number of items in the cache. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemory |Yes |Used Memory |Bytes |Maximum |The amount of cache memory used for key/value pairs in the cache in MB. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |No Dimensions |
+|usedmemorypercentage |Yes |Used Memory Percentage |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of cache memory used for key/value pairs. For more details, see https://aka.ms/redis/enterprise/metrics. |InstanceId |
+## Microsoft.Cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|WebApplicationFirewallRequestCount |Yes |Web Application Firewall Request Count |Count |Total |The number of client requests processed by the Web Application Firewall |PolicyName, RuleName, Action |
+## Microsoft.Cdn/profiles
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ByteHitRatio |Yes |Byte Hit Ratio |Percent |Average |This is the ratio of the total bytes served from the cache compared to the total response bytes |Endpoint |
+|OriginHealthPercentage |Yes |Origin Health Percentage |Percent |Average |The percentage of successful health probes from AFDX to backends. |Origin, OriginGroup |
+|OriginLatency |Yes |Origin Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The time calculated from when the request was sent by AFDX edge to the backend until AFDX received the last response byte from the backend. |Origin, Endpoint |
+|OriginRequestCount |Yes |Origin Request Count |Count |Total |The number of requests sent from AFDX to origin. |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, Origin, Endpoint |
+|Percentage4XX |Yes |Percentage of 4XX |Percent |Average |The percentage of all the client requests for which the response status code is 4XX |Endpoint, ClientRegion, ClientCountry |
+|Percentage5XX |Yes |Percentage of 5XX |Percent |Average |The percentage of all the client requests for which the response status code is 5XX |Endpoint, ClientRegion, ClientCountry |
+|RequestCount |Yes |Request Count |Count |Total |The number of client requests served by the HTTP/S proxy |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint |
+|RequestSize |Yes |Request Size |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to AFDX. |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint |
+|ResponseSize |Yes |Response Size |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP/S proxy to clients |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint |
+|TotalLatency |Yes |Total Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The time calculated from when the client request was received by the HTTP/S proxy until the client acknowledged the last response byte from the HTTP/S proxy |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry, Endpoint |
+|WebApplicationFirewallRequestCount |Yes |Web Application Firewall Request Count |Count |Total |The number of client requests processed by the Web Application Firewall |PolicyName, RuleName, Action |
-## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/blobServices
+## Microsoft.ClassicCompute/domainNames/slots/roles
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|BlobCapacity|No|Blob Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the storage account's Blob service in bytes.|BlobType, Tier|
-|BlobCount|No|Blob Count|Count|Average|The number of Blob in the storage account's Blob service.|BlobType, Tier|
-|ContainerCount|No|Blob Container Count|Count|Average|The number of containers in the storage account's Blob service.|No Dimensions|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|IndexCapacity|No|Index Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by ADLS Gen2 (Hierarchical) Index in bytes.|No Dimensions|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
+|Disk Read Bytes/Sec |No |Disk Read |BytesPerSecond |Average |Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period. |RoleInstanceId |
+|Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Read IOPS. |RoleInstanceId |
+|Disk Write Bytes/Sec |No |Disk Write |BytesPerSecond |Average |Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period. |RoleInstanceId |
+|Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Write IOPS. |RoleInstanceId |
+|Network In |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic). |RoleInstanceId |
+|Network Out |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic). |RoleInstanceId |
+|Percentage CPU |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s). |RoleInstanceId |
-## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/fileServices
+## Microsoft.ClassicCompute/virtualMachines
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|FileCapacity|No|File Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the storage account's File service in bytes.|FileShare|
-|FileCount|No|File Count|Count|Average|The number of file in the storage account's File service.|FileShare|
-|FileShareCount|No|File Share Count|Count|Average|The number of file shares in the storage account's File service.|No Dimensions|
-|FileShareQuota|No|File share quota size|Bytes|Average|The upper limit on the amount of storage that can be used by Azure Files Service in bytes.|FileShare|
-|FileShareSnapshotCount|No|File Share Snapshot Count|Count|Average|The number of snapshots present on the share in storage account's Files Service.|FileShare|
-|FileShareSnapshotSize|No|File Share Snapshot Size|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the snapshots in storage account's File service in bytes.|FileShare|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
+|Disk Read Bytes/Sec |No |Disk Read |BytesPerSecond |Average |Average bytes read from disk during monitoring period. |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Read IOPS. |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Write Bytes/Sec |No |Disk Write |BytesPerSecond |Average |Average bytes written to disk during monitoring period. |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Write IOPS. |No Dimensions |
+|Network In |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic). |No Dimensions |
+|Network Out |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic). |No Dimensions |
+|Percentage CPU |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s). |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/queueServices
+## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|QueueCapacity|Yes|Queue Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the storage account's Queue service in bytes.|No Dimensions|
-|QueueCount|Yes|Queue Count|Count|Average|The number of queue in the storage account's Queue service.|No Dimensions|
-|QueueMessageCount|Yes|Queue Message Count|Count|Average|The approximate number of queue messages in the storage account's Queue service.|No Dimensions|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|UsedCapacity |No |Used capacity |Bytes |Average |Account used capacity |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/tableServices
+## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/blobServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|TableCapacity|No|Table Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the storage account's Table service in bytes.|No Dimensions|
-|TableCount|No|Table Count|Count|Average|The number of table in the storage account's Table service.|No Dimensions|
-|TableEntityCount|No|Table Entity Count|Count|Average|The number of table entities in the storage account's Table service.|No Dimensions|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|BlobCapacity |No |Blob Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the storage account's Blob service in bytes. |BlobType, Tier |
+|BlobCount |No |Blob Count |Count |Average |The number of Blob in the storage account's Blob service. |BlobType, Tier |
+|ContainerCount |No |Blob Container Count |Count |Average |The number of containers in the storage account's Blob service. |No Dimensions |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|IndexCapacity |No |Index Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by ADLS Gen2 (Hierarchical) Index in bytes. |No Dimensions |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
-## Microsoft.Cloudtest/hostedpools
+## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/fileServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Allocated|Yes|Allocated|Count|Average|Resources that are allocated|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|AllocationDurationMs|Yes|AllocationDurationMs|Milliseconds|Average|Average time to allocate requests (ms)|PoolId, Type, ResourceRequestType, Image|
-|Count|Yes|Count|Count|Count|Number of requests in last dump|RequestType, Status, PoolId, Type, ErrorCode, FailureStage|
-|NotReady|Yes|NotReady|Count|Average|Resources that are not ready to be used|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|PendingReimage|Yes|PendingReimage|Count|Average|Resources that are pending reimage|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|PendingReturn|Yes|PendingReturn|Count|Average|Resources that are pending return|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Provisioned|Yes|Provisioned|Count|Average|Resources that are provisioned|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Ready|Yes|Ready|Count|Average|Resources that are ready to be used|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Starting|Yes|Starting|Count|Average|Resources that are starting|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Total|Yes|Total|Count|Average|Total Number of Resources|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|FileCapacity |No |File Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the storage account's File service in bytes. |FileShare |
+|FileCount |No |File Count |Count |Average |The number of file in the storage account's File service. |FileShare |
+|FileShareCount |No |File Share Count |Count |Average |The number of file shares in the storage account's File service. |No Dimensions |
+|FileShareQuota |No |File share quota size |Bytes |Average |The upper limit on the amount of storage that can be used by Azure Files Service in bytes. |FileShare |
+|FileShareSnapshotCount |No |File Share Snapshot Count |Count |Average |The number of snapshots present on the share in storage account's Files Service. |FileShare |
+|FileShareSnapshotSize |No |File Share Snapshot Size |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the snapshots in storage account's File service in bytes. |FileShare |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
-## Microsoft.Cloudtest/pools
+## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/queueServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Allocated|Yes|Allocated|Count|Average|Resources that are allocated|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|AllocationDurationMs|Yes|AllocationDurationMs|Milliseconds|Average|Average time to allocate requests (ms)|PoolId, Type, ResourceRequestType, Image|
-|Count|Yes|Count|Count|Count|Number of requests in last dump|RequestType, Status, PoolId, Type, ErrorCode, FailureStage|
-|NotReady|Yes|NotReady|Count|Average|Resources that are not ready to be used|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|PendingReimage|Yes|PendingReimage|Count|Average|Resources that are pending reimage|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|PendingReturn|Yes|PendingReturn|Count|Average|Resources that are pending return|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Provisioned|Yes|Provisioned|Count|Average|Resources that are provisioned|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Ready|Yes|Ready|Count|Average|Resources that are ready to be used|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Starting|Yes|Starting|Count|Average|Resources that are starting|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
-|Total|Yes|Total|Count|Average|Total Number of Resources|PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|QueueCapacity |Yes |Queue Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the storage account's Queue service in bytes. |No Dimensions |
+|QueueCount |Yes |Queue Count |Count |Average |The number of queue in the storage account's Queue service. |No Dimensions |
+|QueueMessageCount |Yes |Queue Message Count |Count |Average |The approximate number of queue messages in the storage account's Queue service. |No Dimensions |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
-## Microsoft.ClusterStor/nodes
+## Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/tableServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|TotalCapacityAvailable|No|TotalCapacityAvailable|Bytes|Average|The total capacity available in lustre file system|filesystem_name, category, system|
-|TotalCapacityUsed|No|TotalCapacityUsed|Bytes|Average|The total capacity used in lustre file system|filesystem_name, category, system|
-|TotalRead|No|TotalRead|BytesPerSecond|Average|The total lustre file system read per second|filesystem_name, category, system|
-|TotalWrite|No|TotalWrite|BytesPerSecond|Average|The total lustre file system writes per second|filesystem_name, category, system|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data, in bytes. This number includes egress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The latency used by Azure Storage to process a successful request, in milliseconds. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|TableCapacity |No |Table Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the storage account's Table service in bytes. |No Dimensions |
+|TableCount |No |Table Count |Count |Average |The number of table in the storage account's Table service. |No Dimensions |
+|TableEntityCount |No |Table Entity Count |Count |Average |The number of table entities in the storage account's Table service. |No Dimensions |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
-## Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts
+## Microsoft.Cloudtest/hostedpools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BlockedCalls|Yes|Blocked Calls|Count|Total|Number of calls that exceeded rate or quota limit.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|CharactersTrained|Yes|Characters Trained|Count|Total|Total number of characters trained.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|CharactersTranslated|Yes|Characters Translated|Count|Total|Total number of characters in incoming text request.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|ClientErrors|Yes|Client Errors|Count|Total|Number of calls with client side error (HTTP response code 4xx).|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|DataIn|Yes|Data In|Bytes|Total|Size of incoming data in bytes.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|DataOut|Yes|Data Out|Bytes|Total|Size of outgoing data in bytes.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|Latency|Yes|Latency|MilliSeconds|Average|Latency in milliseconds.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|LearnedEvents|Yes|Learned Events|Count|Total|Number of Learned Events.|IsMatchBaseline, Mode, RunId|
-|MatchedRewards|Yes|Matched Rewards|Count|Total| Number of Matched Rewards.|Mode, RunId|
-|ObservedRewards|Yes|Observed Rewards|Count|Total|Number of Observed Rewards.|Mode, RunId|
-|ProcessedCharacters|Yes|Processed Characters|Count|Total|Number of Characters.|ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region|
-|ProcessedTextRecords|Yes|Processed Text Records|Count|Total|Count of Text Records.|ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region|
-|ServerErrors|Yes|Server Errors|Count|Total|Number of calls with service internal error (HTTP response code 5xx).|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|SpeechSessionDuration|Yes|Speech Session Duration|Seconds|Total|Total duration of speech session in seconds.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|SuccessfulCalls|Yes|Successful Calls|Count|Total|Number of successful calls.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|TotalCalls|Yes|Total Calls|Count|Total|Total number of calls.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|TotalErrors|Yes|Total Errors|Count|Total|Total number of calls with error response (HTTP response code 4xx or 5xx).|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|TotalTokenCalls|Yes|Total Token Calls|Count|Total|Total number of token calls.|ApiName, OperationName, Region|
-|TotalTransactions|Yes|Total Transactions|Count|Total|Total number of transactions.|No Dimensions|
+|Allocated |Yes |Allocated |Count |Average |Resources that are allocated |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|AllocationDurationMs |Yes |AllocationDurationMs |Milliseconds |Average |Average time to allocate requests (ms) |PoolId, Type, ResourceRequestType, Image |
+|Count |Yes |Count |Count |Count |Number of requests in last dump |RequestType, Status, PoolId, Type, ErrorCode, FailureStage |
+|NotReady |Yes |NotReady |Count |Average |Resources that are not ready to be used |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|PendingReimage |Yes |PendingReimage |Count |Average |Resources that are pending reimage |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|PendingReturn |Yes |PendingReturn |Count |Average |Resources that are pending return |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Provisioned |Yes |Provisioned |Count |Average |Resources that are provisioned |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Ready |Yes |Ready |Count |Average |Resources that are ready to be used |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Starting |Yes |Starting |Count |Average |Resources that are starting |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Total |Yes |Total |Count |Average |Total Number of Resources |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
-## Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices
+## Microsoft.Cloudtest/pools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Allocated |Yes |Allocated |Count |Average |Resources that are allocated |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|AllocationDurationMs |Yes |AllocationDurationMs |Milliseconds |Average |Average time to allocate requests (ms) |PoolId, Type, ResourceRequestType, Image |
+|Count |Yes |Count |Count |Count |Number of requests in last dump |RequestType, Status, PoolId, Type, ErrorCode, FailureStage |
+|NotReady |Yes |NotReady |Count |Average |Resources that are not ready to be used |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|PendingReimage |Yes |PendingReimage |Count |Average |Resources that are pending reimage |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|PendingReturn |Yes |PendingReturn |Count |Average |Resources that are pending return |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Provisioned |Yes |Provisioned |Count |Average |Resources that are provisioned |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Ready |Yes |Ready |Count |Average |Resources that are ready to be used |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Starting |Yes |Starting |Count |Average |Resources that are starting |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+|Total |Yes |Total |Count |Average |Total Number of Resources |PoolId, SKU, Images, ProviderName |
+## Microsoft.ClusterStor/nodes
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|TotalCapacityAvailable |No |TotalCapacityAvailable |Bytes |Average |The total capacity available in lustre file system |filesystem_name, category, system |
+|TotalCapacityUsed |No |TotalCapacityUsed |Bytes |Average |The total capacity used in lustre file system |filesystem_name, category, system |
+|TotalRead |No |TotalRead |BytesPerSecond |Average |The total lustre file system read per second |filesystem_name, category, system |
+|TotalWrite |No |TotalWrite |BytesPerSecond |Average |The total lustre file system write per second |filesystem_name, category, system |
+## Microsoft.CodeSigning/codesigningaccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|SignCompleted |Yes |SignCompleted |Count |Count |Completed Sign Request |CertType, Region, TenantId |
+|SignFailed |Yes |SignFailed |Count |Count |Failed Sign Request |CertType, Region, TenantId |
+## Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActionFeatureIdOccurrences |Yes |Action Feature Occurrences |Count |Total |Number of times each action feature appears. |FeatureId, Mode, RunId |
+|ActionFeaturesPerEvent |Yes |Action Features Per Event |Count |Average |Average number of action features per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|ActionIdOccurrences |Yes |Action Occurrences |Count |Total |Number of times each action appears. |ActionId, Mode, RunId |
+|ActionNamespacesPerEvent |Yes |Action Namespaces Per Event |Count |Average |Average number of action namespaces per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|ActionsPerEvent |Yes |Actions Per Event |Count |Average |Number of actions per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|AdaFineTunedTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Ada FineTuned Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on an Ada FineTuned Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|AdaFineTunedTrainingHours |Yes |Processed Ada FineTuned Training Hours |Count |Total |Number of Training Hours Processed on an Ada FineTuned Model |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|AdaTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Ada Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on an Ada Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|AudioSecondsTranscribed |Yes |Audio Seconds Transcribed |Count |Total |Number of seconds transcribed |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|AudioSecondsTranslated |Yes |Audio Seconds Translated |Count |Total |Number of seconds translated |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|BabbageFineTunedTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Babbage FineFuned Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens processed on a Babbage FineFuned Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|BabbageFineTunedTrainingHours |Yes |Processed Babbage FineTuned Training Hours |Count |Total |Number of Training Hours Processed on a Babbage FineTuned Model |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|BabbageTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Babbage Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a Babbage Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|BaselineEstimatorSlotReward |Yes |Baseline Estimator Slot Reward |Count |Average |Baseline Estimator Reward by slot. |SlotId, SlotIndex, Mode, RunId |
+|BaselineRandomEstimatorSlotReward |Yes |Baseline Random Estimator Slot Reward |Count |Average |Baseline Random Estimator Reward by slot. |SlotId, SlotIndex, Mode, RunId |
+|BaselineRandomEventCount |Yes |Baseline Random Event count |Count |Total |Estimation for baseline random event count. |Mode, RunId |
+|BaselineRandomReward |Yes |Baseline Random Reward |Count |Total |Estimation for baseline random reward. |Mode, RunId |
+|BlockedCalls |Yes |Blocked Calls |Count |Total |Number of calls that exceeded rate or quota limit. |ApiName, OperationName, Region, RatelimitKey |
+|CharactersTrained |Yes |Characters Trained (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total number of characters trained. |ApiName, OperationName, Region |
+|CharactersTranslated |Yes |Characters Translated (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total number of characters in incoming text request. |ApiName, OperationName, Region |
+|ClientErrors |Yes |Client Errors |Count |Total |Number of calls with client side error (HTTP response code 4xx). |ApiName, OperationName, Region, RatelimitKey |
+|CodeCushman001FineTunedTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Code-Cushman-001 FineTuned Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a Code-Cushman-001 FineTuned Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|CodeCushman001FineTunedTrainingHours |Yes |Processed Code-Cushman-001 FineTuned Training Hours |Count |Total |Number of Training Hours Processed on a Code-Cushman-001 FineTuned Model |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|CodeCushman001TokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Code-Cushman-001 Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a Code-Cushman-001 Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ComputerVisionTransactions |Yes |Computer Vision Transactions |Count |Total |Number of Computer Vision Transactions |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ContextFeatureIdOccurrences |Yes |Context Feature Occurrences |Count |Total |Number of times each context feature appears. |FeatureId, Mode, RunId |
+|ContextFeaturesPerEvent |Yes |Context Features Per Event |Count |Average |Number of context features per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|ContextNamespacesPerEvent |Yes |Context Namespaces Per Event |Count |Average |Number of context namespaces per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|CurieFineTunedTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Curie FineTuned Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens processed on a Curie FineTuned Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|CurieFineTunedTrainingHours |Yes |Processed Curie FineTuned Training Hours |Count |Total |Number of Training Hours Processed on a Curie FineTuned Model |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|CurieTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Curie Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a Curie Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|CustomVisionTrainingTime |Yes |Custom Vision Training Time |Seconds |Total |Custom Vision training time |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|CustomVisionTransactions |Yes |Custom Vision Transactions |Count |Total |Number of Custom Vision prediction transactions |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|DataIn |Yes |Data In |Bytes |Total |Size of incoming data in bytes. |ApiName, OperationName, Region |
+|DataOut |Yes |Data Out |Bytes |Total |Size of outgoing data in bytes. |ApiName, OperationName, Region |
+|DavinciFineTunedTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Davinci FineTuned Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a Davinci FineTuned Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|DavinciFineTunedTrainingHours |Yes |Processed Davinci FineTuned Training Hours |Count |Total |Number of Training Hours Processed on a Davinci FineTuned Model |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|DavinciTokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Davinci Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a Davinci Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|DocumentCharactersTranslated |Yes |Document Characters Translated |Count |Total |Number of characters in document translation request. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|DocumentCustomCharactersTranslated |Yes |Document Custom Characters Translated |Count |Total |Number of characters in custom document translation request. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|FaceImagesTrained |Yes |Face Images Trained |Count |Total |Number of images trained. 1,000 images trained per transaction. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|FacesStored |Yes |Faces Stored |Count |Total |Number of faces stored, prorated daily. The number of faces stored is reported daily. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|FaceTransactions |Yes |Face Transactions |Count |Total |Number of API calls made to Face service |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|FeatureCardinality_Action |Yes |Feature Cardinality by Action |Count |Average |Feature Cardinality based on Action. |FeatureId, Mode, RunId |
+|FeatureCardinality_Context |Yes |Feature Cardinality by Context |Count |Average |Feature Cardinality based on Context. |FeatureId, Mode, RunId |
+|FeatureCardinality_Slot |Yes |Feature Cardinality by Slot |Count |Average |Feature Cardinality based on Slot. |FeatureId, Mode, RunId |
+|FineTunedTrainingHours |Yes |Processed FineTuned Training Hours |Count |Total |Number of Training Hours Processed on an OpenAI FineTuned Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ImagesStored |Yes |Images Stored |Count |Total |Number of Custom Vision images stored. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|Latency |Yes |Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Latency in milliseconds. |ApiName, OperationName, Region, RatelimitKey |
+|LearnedEvents |Yes |Learned Events |Count |Total |Number of Learned Events. |IsMatchBaseline, Mode, RunId |
+|LUISSpeechRequests |Yes |LUIS Speech Requests |Count |Total |Number of LUIS speech to intent understanding requests |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|LUISTextRequests |Yes |LUIS Text Requests |Count |Total |Number of LUIS text requests |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|MatchedRewards |Yes |Matched Rewards |Count |Total |Number of Matched Rewards. |Mode, RunId |
+|NonActivatedEvents |Yes |Non Activated Events |Count |Total |Number of skipped events. |Mode, RunId |
+|NumberOfSlots |Yes |Slots |Count |Average |Number of slots per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|NumberofSpeakerProfiles |Yes |Number of Speaker Profiles |Count |Total |Number of speaker profiles enrolled. Prorated hourly. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ObservedRewards |Yes |Observed Rewards |Count |Total |Number of Observed Rewards. |Mode, RunId |
+|OnlineEstimatorSlotReward |Yes |Online Estimator Slot Reward |Count |Average |Online Estimator Reward by slot. |SlotId, SlotIndex, Mode, RunId |
+|OnlineEventCount |Yes |Online Event Count |Count |Total |Estimation for online event count. |Mode, RunId |
+|OnlineReward |Yes |Online Reward |Count |Total |Estimation for online reward. |Mode, RunId |
+|ProcessedCharacters |Yes |Processed Characters |Count |Total |Number of Characters processed by Immersive Reader. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ProcessedHealthTextRecords |Yes |Processed Health Text Records |Count |Total |Number of health text records processed |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ProcessedImages |Yes |Processed Images |Count |Total |Number of images processed |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ProcessedPages |Yes |Processed Pages |Count |Total |Number of pages processed |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|ProcessedTextRecords |Yes |Processed Text Records |Count |Total |Count of Text Records. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|QuestionAnsweringTextRecords |Yes |QA Text Records |Count |Total |Number of text records processed |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|Ratelimit |Yes |Ratelimit |Count |Total |The current ratelimit of the ratelimit key. |Region, RatelimitKey |
+|Reward |Yes |Average Reward Per Event |Count |Average |Average reward per event. |BaselineAction, ChosenActionId, MatchesBaseline, NonDefaultReward, Mode, RunId |
+|ServerErrors |Yes |Server Errors |Count |Total |Number of calls with service internal error (HTTP response code 5xx). |ApiName, OperationName, Region, RatelimitKey |
+|SlotFeatureIdOccurrences |Yes |Slot Feature Occurrences |Count |Total |Number of times each slot feature appears. |FeatureId, Mode, RunId |
+|SlotFeaturesPerEvent |Yes |Slot Features Per Event |Count |Average |Average number of slot features per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|SlotIdOccurrences |Yes |Slot Occurrences |Count |Total |Number of times each slot appears. |SlotId, SlotIndex, Mode, RunId |
+|SlotNamespacesPerEvent |Yes |Slot Namespaces Per Event |Count |Average |Average number of slot namespaces per event. |Mode, RunId |
+|SlotReward |Yes |Slot Reward |Count |Average |Reward per slot. |BaselineActionId, ChosenActionId, MatchesBaseline, NonDefaultReward, SlotId, SlotIndex, Mode, RunId |
+|SpeakerRecognitionTransactions |Yes |Speaker Recognition Transactions |Count |Total |Number of speaker recognition transactions |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|SpeechModelHostingHours |Yes |Speech Model Hosting Hours |Count |Total |Number of speech model hosting hours |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|SpeechSessionDuration |Yes |Speech Session Duration (Deprecated) |Seconds |Total |Total duration of speech session in seconds. |ApiName, OperationName, Region |
+|SuccessfulCalls |Yes |Successful Calls |Count |Total |Number of successful calls. |ApiName, OperationName, Region, RatelimitKey |
+|SynthesizedCharacters |Yes |Synthesized Characters |Count |Total |Number of Characters. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextAda001TokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Text Ada 001 Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens processed on a text-ada-001 model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextBabbage001TokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Text Babbage 001 Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens processed on a text-babbage-001 model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextCharactersTranslated |Yes |Text Characters Translated |Count |Total |Number of characters in incoming text translation request. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextCurie001TokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Text Curie 001 Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a text-curie-001 Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextCustomCharactersTranslated |Yes |Text Custom Characters Translated |Count |Total |Number of characters in incoming custom text translation request. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextDavinci001TokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Text Davinci 001 Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a text-davinci-001 Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextDavinci002TokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Text Davinci 002 Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on a text-davinci-002 Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TextTrainedCharacters |Yes |Text Trained Characters |Count |Total |Number of characters trained using text translation. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TokenTransaction |Yes |Processed Inference Tokens |Count |Total |Number of Inference Tokens Processed on an OpenAI Model |ApiName, ModelDeploymentName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|TotalCalls |Yes |Total Calls |Count |Total |Total number of calls. |ApiName, OperationName, Region, RatelimitKey |
+|TotalErrors |Yes |Total Errors |Count |Total |Total number of calls with error response (HTTP response code 4xx or 5xx). |ApiName, OperationName, Region, RatelimitKey |
+|TotalEvents |Yes |Total Events |Count |Total |Number of events. |Mode, RunId |
+|TotalTokenCalls |Yes |Total Token Calls |Count |Total |Total number of token calls. |ApiName, OperationName, Region |
+|TotalTransactions |Yes |Total Transactions (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total number of transactions. |No Dimensions |
+|UserBaselineEventCount |Yes |User Baseline Event Count |Count |Total |Estimation for user defined baseline event count. |Mode, RunId |
+|UserBaselineReward |Yes |User Baseline Reward |Count |Total |Estimation for user defined baseline reward. |Mode, RunId |
+|VoiceModelHostingHours |Yes |Voice Model Hosting Hours |Count |Total |Number of Hours. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+|VoiceModelTrainingMinutes |Yes |Voice Model Training Minutes |Count |Total |Number of Minutes. |ApiName, FeatureName, UsageChannel, Region |
+## Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|APIRequestAuthentication |No |Authentication API Requests |Count |Count |Count of all requests against the Communication Services Authentication endpoint. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|APIRequestCallAutomation |Yes |Call Automation API Requests |Count |Count |Count of all requests against the Communication Call Automation endpoint. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|APIRequestCallRecording |Yes |Call Recording API Requests |Count |Count |Count of all requests against the Communication Services Call Recording endpoint. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|APIRequestChat |Yes |Chat API Requests |Count |Count |Count of all requests against the Communication Services Chat endpoint. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|APIRequestNetworkTraversal |No |Network Traversal API Requests |Count |Count |Count of all requests against the Communication Services Network Traversal endpoint. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|ApiRequestRooms |Yes |Rooms API Requests |Count |Count |Count of all requests against the Communication Services Rooms endpoint. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|ApiRequests |Yes |Email Service API Requests |Count |Count |Email Communication Services API request metric for the data-plane API surface. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusCodeReason |
+|APIRequestSMS |Yes |SMS API Requests |Count |Count |Count of all requests against the Communication Services SMS endpoint. |Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, ErrorCode, NumberType |
+|DeliveryStatusUpdate |Yes |Email Service Delivery Status Updates |Count |Count |Email Communication Services message delivery results. |MessageStatus, Result |
+|UserEngagement |Yes |Email Service User Engagement |Count |Count |Email Communication Services user engagement metrics. |EngagementType |
+## Microsoft.Compute/cloudservices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Available Memory Bytes |Yes |Available Memory Bytes (Preview) |Bytes |Average |Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Read Bytes |Yes |Disk Read Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes read from disk during monitoring period |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Read IOPS |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Write Bytes |Yes |Disk Write Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes written to disk during monitoring period |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Write IOPS |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Network In Total |Yes |Network In Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Network Out Total |Yes |Network Out Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Percentage CPU |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+## Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roles
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Available Memory Bytes |Yes |Available Memory Bytes (Preview) |Bytes |Average |Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Read Bytes |Yes |Disk Read Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes read from disk during monitoring period |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Read IOPS |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Write Bytes |Yes |Disk Write Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes written to disk during monitoring period |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Write IOPS |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Network In Total |Yes |Network In Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Network Out Total |Yes |Network Out Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+|Percentage CPU |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) |RoleInstanceId, RoleId |
+## microsoft.compute/disks
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Composite Disk Read Bytes/sec |No |Disk Read Bytes/sec(Preview) |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/sec read from disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available |No Dimensions |
+|Composite Disk Read Operations/sec |No |Disk Read Operations/sec(Preview) |CountPerSecond |Average |Number of read IOs performed on a disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available |No Dimensions |
+|Composite Disk Write Bytes/sec |No |Disk Write Bytes/sec(Preview) |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/sec written to disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available |No Dimensions |
+|Composite Disk Write Operations/sec |No |Disk Write Operations/sec(Preview) |CountPerSecond |Average |Number of Write IOs performed on a disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available |No Dimensions |
+|DiskPaidBurstIOPS |No |Disk On-demand Burst Operations(Preview) |Count |Average |The accumulated operations of burst transactions used for disks with on-demand burst enabled. Emitted on an hour interval |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Available Memory Bytes |Yes |Available Memory Bytes (Preview) |Bytes |Average |Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine |No Dimensions |
+|CPU Credits Consumed |Yes |CPU Credits Consumed |Count |Average |Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |No Dimensions |
+|CPU Credits Remaining |Yes |CPU Credits Remaining |Count |Average |Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |No Dimensions |
+|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute |LUN |
+|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute |LUN |
+|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Yes |Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Count |Average |Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS |Yes |Data Disk Max Burst IOPS |Count |Average |Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Queue Depth |Yes |Data Disk Queue Depth |Count |Average |Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |LUN |
+|Data Disk Read Bytes/sec |Yes |Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Data Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Data Disk Target Bandwidth |Yes |Data Disk Target Bandwidth |Count |Average |Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Target IOPS |Yes |Data Disk Target IOPS |Count |Average |Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far |LUN |
+|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far |LUN |
+|Data Disk Write Bytes/sec |Yes |Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Data Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Disk Read Bytes |Yes |Disk Read Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes read from disk during monitoring period |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Read IOPS |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Write Bytes |Yes |Disk Write Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes written to disk during monitoring period |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Write IOPS |No Dimensions |
+|Inbound Flows |Yes |Inbound Flows |Count |Average |Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |Yes |Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Network In |Yes |Network In Billable (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|Network In Total |Yes |Network In Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) |No Dimensions |
+|Network Out |Yes |Network Out Billable (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|Network Out Total |Yes |Network Out Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute |LUN |
+|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute |LUN |
+|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Yes |OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Count |Average |Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS |Yes |OS Disk Max Burst IOPS |Count |Average |Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Queue Depth |Yes |OS Disk Queue Depth |Count |Average |OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Read Bytes/sec |Yes |OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |OS Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Target Bandwidth |Yes |OS Disk Target Bandwidth |Count |Average |Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Target IOPS |Yes |OS Disk Target IOPS |Count |Average |Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far |LUN |
+|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far |LUN |
+|OS Disk Write Bytes/sec |Yes |OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |OS Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|Outbound Flows |Yes |Outbound Flows |Count |Average |Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |Yes |Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Percentage CPU |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) |No Dimensions |
+|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |Yes |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |Percent |Average |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |LUN |
+|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |Yes |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |Percent |Average |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |LUN |
+|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |Yes |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |Percent |Average |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |No Dimensions |
+|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |Yes |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |Percent |Average |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |No Dimensions |
+|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+|VM Local Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Cached Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Cached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM. |No Dimensions |
+|VM Local Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Cached Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Cached Burst IO Credits used by the VM. |No Dimensions |
+|VM Remote Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Uncached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM. |No Dimensions |
+|VM Remote Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Uncached Burst IO Credits used by the VM. |No Dimensions |
+|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+|VmAvailabilityMetric |Yes |VM Availability Metric (Preview) |Count |Average |Measure of Availability of Virtual machines over time. |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Compute/virtualmachineScaleSets
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Available Memory Bytes |Yes |Available Memory Bytes (Preview) |Bytes |Average |Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine |VMName |
+|CPU Credits Consumed |Yes |CPU Credits Consumed |Count |Average |Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |No Dimensions |
+|CPU Credits Remaining |Yes |CPU Credits Remaining |Count |Average |Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |No Dimensions |
+|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Yes |Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Count |Average |Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS |Yes |Data Disk Max Burst IOPS |Count |Average |Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Queue Depth |Yes |Data Disk Queue Depth |Count |Average |Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Read Bytes/sec |Yes |Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Data Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Target Bandwidth |Yes |Data Disk Target Bandwidth |Count |Average |Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Target IOPS |Yes |Data Disk Target IOPS |Count |Average |Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Write Bytes/sec |Yes |Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period |LUN, VMName |
+|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Data Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN, VMName |
+|Disk Read Bytes |Yes |Disk Read Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes read from disk during monitoring period |VMName |
+|Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Read IOPS |VMName |
+|Disk Write Bytes |Yes |Disk Write Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes written to disk during monitoring period |VMName |
+|Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Write IOPS |VMName |
+|Inbound Flows |Yes |Inbound Flows |Count |Average |Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM) |VMName |
+|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |Yes |Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM) |VMName |
+|Network In |Yes |Network In Billable (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated) |VMName |
+|Network In Total |Yes |Network In Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) |VMName |
+|Network Out |Yes |Network Out Billable (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated) |VMName |
+|Network Out Total |Yes |Network Out Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) |VMName |
+|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Yes |OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Count |Average |Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS |Yes |OS Disk Max Burst IOPS |Count |Average |Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk Queue Depth |Yes |OS Disk Queue Depth |Count |Average |OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |VMName |
+|OS Disk Read Bytes/sec |Yes |OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |VMName |
+|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |OS Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |VMName |
+|OS Disk Target Bandwidth |Yes |OS Disk Target Bandwidth |Count |Average |Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk Target IOPS |Yes |OS Disk Target IOPS |Count |Average |Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far |LUN, VMName |
+|OS Disk Write Bytes/sec |Yes |OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |VMName |
+|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |OS Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |VMName |
+|Outbound Flows |Yes |Outbound Flows |Count |Average |Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM) |VMName |
+|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |Yes |Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM) |VMName |
+|Percentage CPU |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) |VMName |
+|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |Yes |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |Percent |Average |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |LUN, VMName |
+|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |Yes |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |Percent |Average |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |LUN, VMName |
+|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |Yes |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |Percent |Average |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |VMName |
+|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |Yes |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |Percent |Average |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |VMName |
+|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |VMName |
+|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |VMName |
+|VM Local Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Cached Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Cached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM. |VMName |
+|VM Local Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Cached Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Cached Burst IO Credits used by the VM. |VMName |
+|VM Remote Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Uncached Burst BPS Credits used by the VM. |VMName |
+|VM Remote Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Uncached Burst IO Credits used by the VM. |VMName |
+|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |VMName |
+|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |VMName |
+|VmAvailabilityMetric |Yes |VM Availability Metric (Preview) |Count |Average |Measure of Availability of Virtual machines over time. |VMName |
+## Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Available Memory Bytes |Yes |Available Memory Bytes (Preview) |Bytes |Average |Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine |No Dimensions |
+|CPU Credits Consumed |Yes |CPU Credits Consumed |Count |Average |Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |No Dimensions |
+|CPU Credits Remaining |Yes |CPU Credits Remaining |Count |Average |Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs |No Dimensions |
+|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute |LUN |
+|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute |LUN |
+|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Yes |Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Count |Average |Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS |Yes |Data Disk Max Burst IOPS |Count |Average |Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Queue Depth |Yes |Data Disk Queue Depth |Count |Average |Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |LUN |
+|Data Disk Read Bytes/sec |Yes |Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Data Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Data Disk Target Bandwidth |Yes |Data Disk Target Bandwidth |Count |Average |Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Target IOPS |Yes |Data Disk Target IOPS |Count |Average |Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far |LUN |
+|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far |LUN |
+|Data Disk Write Bytes/sec |Yes |Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Data Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period |LUN |
+|Disk Read Bytes |Yes |Disk Read Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes read from disk during monitoring period |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Read IOPS |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Write Bytes |Yes |Disk Write Bytes |Bytes |Total |Bytes written to disk during monitoring period |No Dimensions |
+|Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Disk Write IOPS |No Dimensions |
+|Inbound Flows |Yes |Inbound Flows |Count |Average |Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |Yes |Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Network In |Yes |Network In Billable (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|Network In Total |Yes |Network In Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) |No Dimensions |
+|Network Out |Yes |Network Out Billable (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|Network Out Total |Yes |Network Out Total |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute |LUN |
+|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute |LUN |
+|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Yes |OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth |Count |Average |Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS |Yes |OS Disk Max Burst IOPS |Count |Average |Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Queue Depth |Yes |OS Disk Queue Depth |Count |Average |OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length) |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Read Bytes/sec |Yes |OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec |Yes |OS Disk Read Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Target Bandwidth |Yes |OS Disk Target Bandwidth |Count |Average |Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Target IOPS |Yes |OS Disk Target IOPS |Count |Average |Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting |LUN |
+|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far |LUN |
+|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Yes |OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far |LUN |
+|OS Disk Write Bytes/sec |Yes |OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec |BytesPerSecond |Average |Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec |Yes |OS Disk Write Operations/Sec |CountPerSecond |Average |Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk |No Dimensions |
+|Outbound Flows |Yes |Outbound Flows |Count |Average |Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |Yes |Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM) |No Dimensions |
+|Percentage CPU |Yes |Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s) |No Dimensions |
+|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |Yes |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |Percent |Average |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit |LUN |
+|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |Yes |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |Percent |Average |Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss |LUN |
+|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |Yes |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |Percent |Average |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit |No Dimensions |
+|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |Yes |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |Percent |Average |Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss |No Dimensions |
+|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Yes |VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.ConnectedCache/CacheNodes
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|egressbps |Yes |Egress Mbps |BitsPerSecond |Average |Egress Throughput |cachenodeid |
+|hitRatio |Yes |Cache Efficiency |Percent |Average |Cache Efficiency |cachenodeid |
+|hits |Yes |Hits |Count |Count |Count of hits |cachenodeid |
+|hitsbps |Yes |Hit Mbps |BitsPerSecond |Average |Hit Throughput |cachenodeid |
+|misses |Yes |Misses |Count |Count |Count of misses |cachenodeid |
+|missesbps |Yes |Miss Mbps |BitsPerSecond |Average |Miss Throughput |cachenodeid |
+## Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|egressbps |Yes |Egress Mbps |BitsPerSecond |Average |Egress Throughput |cachenodeid |
+|hitRatio |Yes |Hit Ratio |Percent |Average |Cache hit ratio is a measurement of how many content requests a cache is able to fill successfully, compared to how many requests it receives. |cachenodeid |
+|hits |Yes |Hits |Count |Count |Count of hits |cachenodeid |
+|hitsbps |Yes |Hit Mbps |BitsPerSecond |Average |Hit Throughput |cachenodeid |
+|inboundbps |Yes |Inbound |BitsPerSecond |Average |Inbound Throughput |cachenodeid |
+|misses |Yes |Misses |Count |Count |Count of misses |cachenodeid |
+|missesbps |Yes |Miss Mbps |BitsPerSecond |Average |Miss Throughput |cachenodeid |
+|outboundbps |Yes |Outbound |BitsPerSecond |Average |Outbound Throughput |cachenodeid |
+## Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|APIRequestAuthentication|No|Authentication API Requests|Count|Count|Count of all requests against the Communication Services Authentication endpoint.|Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass|
-|APIRequestCallRecording|Yes|Call Recording API Requests|Count|Count|Count of all requests against the Communication Services Call Recording endpoint.|Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass|
-|APIRequestChat|Yes|Chat API Requests|Count|Count|Count of all requests against the Communication Services Chat endpoint.|Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass|
-|APIRequestNetworkTraversal|No|Network Traversal API Requests|Count|Count|Count of all requests against the Communication Services Network Traversal endpoint.|Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass|
-|ApiRequests|Yes|Email Service API Requests|Count|Count|Email Communication Services API request metric for the data-plane API surface.|Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusCodeReason|
-|APIRequestSMS|Yes|SMS API Requests|Count|Count|Count of all requests against the Communication Services SMS endpoint.|Operation, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, ErrorCode, NumberType|
-|DeliveryStatusUpdate|Yes|Email Service Delivery Status Updates|Count|Count|Email Communication Services message delivery results.|MessageStatus, Result|
-|UserEngagement|Yes|Email Service User Engagement|Count|Count|Email Communication Services user engagement metrics.|EngagementType|
+|ClaimsProviderRequestLatency |Yes |Claims request execution time |Milliseconds |Average |The average execution time of requests to the customer claims provider endpoint in milliseconds. |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|ClaimsProviderRequests |Yes |Claims provider requests |Count |Total |Number of requests to claims provider |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|ConnectionServiceRequestRuntime |Yes |Vehicle connection service request execution time |Milliseconds |Average |Vehicle connection request execution time average in milliseconds |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|ConnectionServiceRequests |Yes |Vehicle connection service requests |Count |Total |Total number of vehicle connection requests |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|DataPipelineMessageCount |Yes |Data pipeline message count |Count |Total |The total number of messages sent to the MCVP data pipeline for storage. |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|ExtensionInvocationCount |Yes |Extension invocation count |Count |Total |Total number of times an extension was called. |ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|ExtensionInvocationRuntime |Yes |Extension invocation execution time |Milliseconds |Average |Average execution time spent inside an extension in milliseconds. |ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|MessagesInCount |Yes |Messages received count |Count |Total |The total number of vehicle-sourced publishes. |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|MessagesOutCount |Yes |Messages sent count |Count |Total |The total number of cloud-sourced publishes. |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|ProvisionerServiceRequestRuntime |Yes |Vehicle provision execution time |Milliseconds |Average |The average execution time of vehicle provision requests in milliseconds |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|ProvisionerServiceRequests |Yes |Vehicle provision service requests |Count |Total |Total number of vehicle provision requests |IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|StateStoreReadRequestLatency |Yes |State store read execution time |Milliseconds |Average |State store read request execution time average in milliseconds. |ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|StateStoreReadRequests |Yes |State store read requests |Count |Total |Number of read requests to state store |ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|StateStoreWriteRequestLatency |Yes |State store write execution time |Milliseconds |Average |State store write request execution time average in milliseconds. |ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
+|StateStoreWriteRequests |Yes |State store write requests |Count |Total |Number of write requests to state store |ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory |
-## Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices
+## Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Available Memory Bytes|Yes|Available Memory Bytes (Preview)|Bytes|Average|Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Read Bytes|Yes|Disk Read Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes read from disk during monitoring period|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Read IOPS|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Write Bytes|Yes|Disk Write Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes written to disk during monitoring period|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Write IOPS|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Network In Total|Yes|Network In Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Network Out Total|Yes|Network Out Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
+|CpuUsage |Yes |CPU Usage |Count |Average |CPU usage on all cores in millicores. |containerName |
+|MemoryUsage |Yes |Memory Usage |Bytes |Average |Total memory usage in byte. |containerName |
+|NetworkBytesReceivedPerSecond |Yes |Network Bytes Received Per Second |Bytes |Average |The network bytes received per second. |No Dimensions |
+|NetworkBytesTransmittedPerSecond |Yes |Network Bytes Transmitted Per Second |Bytes |Average |The network bytes transmitted per second. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Compute/cloudServices/roles
+## Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Available Memory Bytes|Yes|Available Memory Bytes (Preview)|Bytes|Average|Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Read Bytes|Yes|Disk Read Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes read from disk during monitoring period|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Read IOPS|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Write Bytes|Yes|Disk Write Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes written to disk during monitoring period|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Write IOPS|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Network In Total|Yes|Network In Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Network Out Total|Yes|Network Out Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)|RoleInstanceId, RoleId|
-## microsoft.compute/disks
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Composite Disk Read Bytes/sec|No|Disk Read Bytes/sec(Preview)|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/sec read from disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available|No Dimensions|
-|Composite Disk Read Operations/sec|No|Disk Read Operations/sec(Preview)|CountPerSecond|Average|Number of read IOs performed on a disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available|No Dimensions|
-|Composite Disk Write Bytes/sec|No|Disk Write Bytes/sec(Preview)|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/sec written to disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available|No Dimensions|
-|Composite Disk Write Operations/sec|No|Disk Write Operations/sec(Preview)|CountPerSecond|Average|Number of Write IOs performed on a disk during monitoring period, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available|No Dimensions|
-|DiskPaidBurstIOPS|No|Disk On-demand Burst Operations(Preview)|Count|Average|The accumulated operations of burst transactions used for disks with on-demand burst enabled. Emitted on an hour interval|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Available Memory Bytes|Yes|Available Memory Bytes (Preview)|Bytes|Average|Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine|No Dimensions|
-|CPU Credits Consumed|Yes|CPU Credits Consumed|Count|Average|Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs|No Dimensions|
-|CPU Credits Remaining|Yes|CPU Credits Remaining|Count|Average|Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs|No Dimensions|
-|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute|LUN|
-|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute|LUN|
-|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Yes|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Count|Average|Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS|Yes|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS|Count|Average|Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Queue Depth|Yes|Data Disk Queue Depth|Count|Average|Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)|LUN|
-|Data Disk Read Bytes/sec|Yes|Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Data Disk Target Bandwidth|Yes|Data Disk Target Bandwidth|Count|Average|Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Target IOPS|Yes|Data Disk Target IOPS|Count|Average|Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far|LUN|
-|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far|LUN|
-|Data Disk Write Bytes/sec|Yes|Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Disk Read Bytes|Yes|Disk Read Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes read from disk during monitoring period|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Read IOPS|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Bytes|Yes|Disk Write Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes written to disk during monitoring period|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Write IOPS|No Dimensions|
-|Inbound Flows|Yes|Inbound Flows|Count|Average|Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|Yes|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Network In|Yes|Network In Billable (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|Network In Total|Yes|Network In Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)|No Dimensions|
-|Network Out|Yes|Network Out Billable (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|Network Out Total|Yes|Network Out Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute|LUN|
-|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute|LUN|
-|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Yes|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Count|Average|Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS|Yes|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS|Count|Average|Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Queue Depth|Yes|OS Disk Queue Depth|Count|Average|OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Read Bytes/sec|Yes|OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Target Bandwidth|Yes|OS Disk Target Bandwidth|Count|Average|Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Target IOPS|Yes|OS Disk Target IOPS|Count|Average|Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far|LUN|
-|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far|LUN|
-|OS Disk Write Bytes/sec|Yes|OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|Outbound Flows|Yes|Outbound Flows|Count|Average|Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|Yes|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)|No Dimensions|
-|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|Yes|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|Percent|Average|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|LUN|
-|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|Yes|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|Percent|Average|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|LUN|
-|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|Yes|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|Percent|Average|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|No Dimensions|
-|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|Yes|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|Percent|Average|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|No Dimensions|
-|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Available Memory Bytes|Yes|Available Memory Bytes (Preview)|Bytes|Average|Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine|VMName|
-|CPU Credits Consumed|Yes|CPU Credits Consumed|Count|Average|Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs|No Dimensions|
-|CPU Credits Remaining|Yes|CPU Credits Remaining|Count|Average|Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs|No Dimensions|
-|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Yes|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Count|Average|Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS|Yes|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS|Count|Average|Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Queue Depth|Yes|Data Disk Queue Depth|Count|Average|Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Read Bytes/sec|Yes|Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Target Bandwidth|Yes|Data Disk Target Bandwidth|Count|Average|Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Target IOPS|Yes|Data Disk Target IOPS|Count|Average|Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Write Bytes/sec|Yes|Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period|LUN, VMName|
-|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN, VMName|
-|Disk Read Bytes|Yes|Disk Read Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes read from disk during monitoring period|VMName|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Read IOPS|VMName|
-|Disk Write Bytes|Yes|Disk Write Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes written to disk during monitoring period|VMName|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Write IOPS|VMName|
-|Inbound Flows|Yes|Inbound Flows|Count|Average|Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM)|VMName|
-|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|Yes|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM)|VMName|
-|Network In|Yes|Network In Billable (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated)|VMName|
-|Network In Total|Yes|Network In Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)|VMName|
-|Network Out|Yes|Network Out Billable (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated)|VMName|
-|Network Out Total|Yes|Network Out Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)|VMName|
-|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Yes|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Count|Average|Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS|Yes|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS|Count|Average|Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk Queue Depth|Yes|OS Disk Queue Depth|Count|Average|OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)|VMName|
-|OS Disk Read Bytes/sec|Yes|OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|VMName|
-|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|VMName|
-|OS Disk Target Bandwidth|Yes|OS Disk Target Bandwidth|Count|Average|Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk Target IOPS|Yes|OS Disk Target IOPS|Count|Average|Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far|LUN, VMName|
-|OS Disk Write Bytes/sec|Yes|OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|VMName|
-|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|VMName|
-|Outbound Flows|Yes|Outbound Flows|Count|Average|Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM)|VMName|
-|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|Yes|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM)|VMName|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)|VMName|
-|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|Yes|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|Percent|Average|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|LUN, VMName|
-|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|Yes|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|Percent|Average|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|LUN, VMName|
-|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|Yes|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|Percent|Average|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|VMName|
-|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|Yes|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|Percent|Average|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|VMName|
-|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|VMName|
-|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|VMName|
-|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|VMName|
-|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|VMName|
-## Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualMachines
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Available Memory Bytes|Yes|Available Memory Bytes (Preview)|Bytes|Average|Amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use in the Virtual Machine|No Dimensions|
-|CPU Credits Consumed|Yes|CPU Credits Consumed|Count|Average|Total number of credits consumed by the Virtual Machine. Only available on B-series burstable VMs|No Dimensions|
-|CPU Credits Remaining|Yes|CPU Credits Remaining|Count|Average|Total number of credits available to burst. Only available on B-series burstable VMs|No Dimensions|
-|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of data disk bandwidth consumed per minute|LUN|
-|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|Data Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of data disk I/Os consumed per minute|LUN|
-|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Yes|Data Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Count|Average|Maximum bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS|Yes|Data Disk Max Burst IOPS|Count|Average|Maximum IOPS Data Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Queue Depth|Yes|Data Disk Queue Depth|Count|Average|Data Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)|LUN|
-|Data Disk Read Bytes/sec|Yes|Data Disk Read Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Data Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Data Disk Target Bandwidth|Yes|Data Disk Target Bandwidth|Count|Average|Baseline bytes per second throughput Data Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Target IOPS|Yes|Data Disk Target IOPS|Count|Average|Baseline IOPS Data Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of Data Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far|LUN|
-|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Yes|Data Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of Data Disk burst I/O credits used so far|LUN|
-|Data Disk Write Bytes/sec|Yes|Data Disk Write Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Data Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period|LUN|
-|Disk Read Bytes|Yes|Disk Read Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes read from disk during monitoring period|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Read IOPS|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Bytes|Yes|Disk Write Bytes|Bytes|Total|Bytes written to disk during monitoring period|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Disk Write IOPS|No Dimensions|
-|Inbound Flows|Yes|Inbound Flows|Count|Average|Inbound Flows are number of current flows in the inbound direction (traffic going into the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|Yes|Inbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|The maximum creation rate of inbound flows (traffic going into the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Network In|Yes|Network In Billable (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|The number of billable bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic) (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|Network In Total|Yes|Network In Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes received on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Incoming Traffic)|No Dimensions|
-|Network Out|Yes|Network Out Billable (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|The number of billable bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic) (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|Network Out Total|Yes|Network Out Total|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes out on all network interfaces by the Virtual Machine(s) (Outgoing Traffic)|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of operating system disk bandwidth consumed per minute|LUN|
-|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|OS Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of operating system disk I/Os consumed per minute|LUN|
-|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Yes|OS Disk Max Burst Bandwidth|Count|Average|Maximum bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS|Yes|OS Disk Max Burst IOPS|Count|Average|Maximum IOPS OS Disk can achieve with bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Queue Depth|Yes|OS Disk Queue Depth|Count|Average|OS Disk Queue Depth(or Queue Length)|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Read Bytes/sec|Yes|OS Disk Read Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec read from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|OS Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Read IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Target Bandwidth|Yes|OS Disk Target Bandwidth|Count|Average|Baseline bytes per second throughput OS Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Target IOPS|Yes|OS Disk Target IOPS|Count|Average|Baseline IOPS OS Disk can achieve without bursting|LUN|
-|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Used Burst BPS Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of OS Disk burst bandwidth credits used so far|LUN|
-|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Yes|OS Disk Used Burst IO Credits Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of OS Disk burst I/O credits used so far|LUN|
-|OS Disk Write Bytes/sec|Yes|OS Disk Write Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Bytes/Sec written to a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|OS Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|Write IOPS from a single disk during monitoring period for OS disk|No Dimensions|
-|Outbound Flows|Yes|Outbound Flows|Count|Average|Outbound Flows are number of current flows in the outbound direction (traffic going out of the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|Yes|Outbound Flows Maximum Creation Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|The maximum creation rate of outbound flows (traffic going out of the VM)|No Dimensions|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of allocated compute units that are currently in use by the Virtual Machine(s)|No Dimensions|
-|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|Yes|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|Percent|Average|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Hit|LUN|
-|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|Yes|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|Percent|Average|Premium Data Disk Cache Read Miss|LUN|
-|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|Yes|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|Percent|Average|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Hit|No Dimensions|
-|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|Yes|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|Percent|Average|Premium OS Disk Cache Read Miss|No Dimensions|
-|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Yes|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.ConnectedCache/CacheNodes
+|AgentPoolCPUTime |Yes |AgentPool CPU Time |Seconds |Total |AgentPool CPU Time in seconds |No Dimensions |
+|RunDuration |Yes |Run Duration |MilliSeconds |Total |Run Duration in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+|StorageUsed |Yes |Storage used |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the container registry. For a registry account, it's the sum of capacity used by all the repositories within a registry. It's sum of capacity used by shared layers, manifest files, and replica copies in each of its repositories. |Geolocation |
+|SuccessfulPullCount |Yes |Successful Pull Count |Count |Total |Number of successful image pulls |No Dimensions |
+|SuccessfulPushCount |Yes |Successful Push Count |Count |Total |Number of successful image pushes |No Dimensions |
+|TotalPullCount |Yes |Total Pull Count |Count |Total |Number of image pulls in total |No Dimensions |
+|TotalPushCount |Yes |Total Push Count |Count |Total |Number of image pushes in total |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+ |Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|egressbps|Yes|Egress Mbps|BitsPerSecond|Average|Egress Throughput|cachenodeid|
-|hitRatio|Yes|Cache Efficiency|Percent|Average|Cache Efficiency|cachenodeid|
-|hits|Yes|Hits|Count|Count|Count of hits|cachenodeid|
-|hitsbps|Yes|Hit Mbps|BitsPerSecond|Average|Hit Throughput|cachenodeid|
-|misses|Yes|Misses|Count|Count|Count of misses|cachenodeid|
-|missesbps|Yes|Miss Mbps|BitsPerSecond|Average|Miss Throughput|cachenodeid|
+|apiserver_current_inflight_requests |No |Inflight Requests |Count |Average |Maximum number of currently used inflight requests on the apiserver per request kind in the last second |requestKind |
+|cluster_autoscaler_cluster_safe_to_autoscale |No |Cluster Health |Count |Average |Determines whether or not cluster autoscaler will take action on the cluster |No Dimensions |
+|cluster_autoscaler_scale_down_in_cooldown |No |Scale Down Cooldown |Count |Average |Determines if the scale down is in cooldown - No nodes will be removed during this timeframe |No Dimensions |
+|cluster_autoscaler_unneeded_nodes_count |No |Unneeded Nodes |Count |Average |Cluster auotscaler marks those nodes as candidates for deletion and are eventually deleted |No Dimensions |
+|cluster_autoscaler_unschedulable_pods_count |No |Unschedulable Pods |Count |Average |Number of pods that are currently unschedulable in the cluster |No Dimensions |
+|kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores |No |Total number of available cpu cores in a managed cluster |Count |Average |Total number of available cpu cores in a managed cluster |No Dimensions |
+|kube_node_status_allocatable_memory_bytes |No |Total amount of available memory in a managed cluster |Bytes |Average |Total amount of available memory in a managed cluster |No Dimensions |
+|kube_node_status_condition |No |Statuses for various node conditions |Count |Average |Statuses for various node conditions |condition, status, status2, node |
+|kube_pod_status_phase |No |Number of pods by phase |Count |Average |Number of pods by phase |phase, namespace, pod |
+|kube_pod_status_ready |No |Number of pods in Ready state |Count |Average |Number of pods in Ready state |namespace, pod, condition |
+|node_cpu_usage_millicores |Yes |CPU Usage Millicores |MilliCores |Average |Aggregated measurement of CPU utilization in millicores across the cluster |node, nodepool |
+|node_cpu_usage_percentage |Yes |CPU Usage Percentage |Percent |Average |Aggregated average CPU utilization measured in percentage across the cluster |node, nodepool |
+|node_disk_usage_bytes |Yes |Disk Used Bytes |Bytes |Average |Disk space used in bytes by device |node, nodepool, device |
+|node_disk_usage_percentage |Yes |Disk Used Percentage |Percent |Average |Disk space used in percent by device |node, nodepool, device |
+|node_memory_rss_bytes |Yes |Memory RSS Bytes |Bytes |Average |Container RSS memory used in bytes |node, nodepool |
+|node_memory_rss_percentage |Yes |Memory RSS Percentage |Percent |Average |Container RSS memory used in percent |node, nodepool |
+|node_memory_working_set_bytes |Yes |Memory Working Set Bytes |Bytes |Average |Container working set memory used in bytes |node, nodepool |
+|node_memory_working_set_percentage |Yes |Memory Working Set Percentage |Percent |Average |Container working set memory used in percent |node, nodepool |
+|node_network_in_bytes |Yes |Network In Bytes |Bytes |Average |Network received bytes |node, nodepool |
+|node_network_out_bytes |Yes |Network Out Bytes |Bytes |Average |Network transmitted bytes |node, nodepool |
-## Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts
+## Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ClaimsProviderRequestLatency|Yes|Claims request execution time|Milliseconds|Average|The average execution time of requests to the customer claims provider endpoint in milliseconds.|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|ClaimsProviderRequests|Yes|Claims provider requests|Count|Total|Number of requests to claims provider|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|ConnectionServiceRequestRuntime|Yes|Vehicle connection service request execution time|Milliseconds|Average|Vehicle conneciton request execution time average in milliseconds|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|ConnectionServiceRequests|Yes|Vehicle connection service requests|Count|Total|Total number of vehicle connection requests|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|DataPipelineMessageCount|Yes|Data pipeline message count|Count|Total|The total number of messages sent to the MCVP data pipeline for storage.|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|ExtensionInvocationCount|Yes|Extension invocation count|Count|Total|Total number of times an extension was called.|VehicleId, DeviceName, ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|ExtensionInvocationRuntime|Yes|Extension invocation execution time|Milliseconds|Average|Average execution time spent inside an extension in milliseconds.|VehicleId, DeviceName, ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|MessagesInCount|Yes|Messages received count|Count|Total|The total number of vehicle-sourced publishes.|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|MessagesOutCount|Yes|Messages sent count|Count|Total|The total number of cloud-sourced publishes.|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|ProvisionerServiceRequestRuntime|Yes|Vehicle provision execution time|Milliseconds|Average|The average execution time of vehicle provision requests in milliseconds|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|ProvisionerServiceRequests|Yes|Vehicle provision service requests|Count|Total|Total number of vehicle provision requests|VehicleId, DeviceName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|StateStoreReadRequestLatency|Yes|State store read execution time|Milliseconds|Average|State store read request execution time average in milliseconds.|VehicleId, DeviceName, ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|StateStoreReadRequests|Yes|State store read requests|Count|Total|Number of read requests to state store|VehicleId, DeviceName, ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|StateStoreWriteRequestLatency|Yes|State store write execution time|Milliseconds|Average|State store write request execution time average in milliseconds.|VehicleId, DeviceName, ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
-|StateStoreWriteRequests|Yes|State store write requests|Count|Total|Number of write requests to state store|VehicleId, DeviceName, ExtensionName, IsSuccessful, FailureCategory|
+|FailedRequests |Yes |Failed Requests |Count |Total |Gets the available logs for Custom Resource Providers |HttpMethod, CallPath, StatusCode |
+|SuccessfullRequests |Yes |Successful Requests |Count |Total |Successful requests made by the custom provider |HttpMethod, CallPath, StatusCode |
-## Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups
+## Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|CpuUsage|Yes|CPU Usage|Count|Average|CPU usage on all cores in millicores.|containerName|
-|MemoryUsage|Yes|Memory Usage|Bytes|Average|Total memory usage in byte.|containerName|
-|NetworkBytesReceivedPerSecond|Yes|Network Bytes Received Per Second|Bytes|Average|The network bytes received per second.|No Dimensions|
-|NetworkBytesTransmittedPerSecond|Yes|Network Bytes Transmitted Per Second|Bytes|Average|The network bytes transmitted per second.|No Dimensions|
+|HttpRequestCount |No |HttpRequestCount |Count |Count |Number of HTTP requests to Azure Managed Grafana server |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries
+## Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AgentPoolCPUTime|Yes|AgentPool CPU Time|Seconds|Total|AgentPool CPU Time in seconds|No Dimensions|
-|RunDuration|Yes|Run Duration|Milliseconds|Total|Run Duration in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|SuccessfulPullCount|Yes|Successful Pull Count|Count|Average|Number of successful image pulls|No Dimensions|
-|SuccessfulPushCount|Yes|Successful Push Count|Count|Average|Number of successful image pushes|No Dimensions|
-|TotalPullCount|Yes|Total Pull Count|Count|Average|Number of image pulls in total|No Dimensions|
-|TotalPushCount|Yes|Total Push Count|Count|Average|Number of image pushes in total|No Dimensions|
+|AvailableCapacity |Yes |Available Capacity |Bytes |Average |The available capacity in bytes during the reporting period. |No Dimensions |
+|BytesUploadedToCloud |Yes |Cloud Bytes Uploaded (Device) |Bytes |Average |The total number of bytes that is uploaded to Azure from a device during the reporting period. |No Dimensions |
+|BytesUploadedToCloudPerShare |Yes |Cloud Bytes Uploaded (Share) |Bytes |Average |The total number of bytes that is uploaded to Azure from a share during the reporting period. |Share |
+|CloudReadThroughput |Yes |Cloud Download Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The cloud download throughput to Azure during the reporting period. |No Dimensions |
+|CloudReadThroughputPerShare |Yes |Cloud Download Throughput (Share) |BytesPerSecond |Average |The download throughput to Azure from a share during the reporting period. |Share |
+|CloudUploadThroughput |Yes |Cloud Upload Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The cloud upload throughput to Azure during the reporting period. |No Dimensions |
+|CloudUploadThroughputPerShare |Yes |Cloud Upload Throughput (Share) |BytesPerSecond |Average |The upload throughput to Azure from a share during the reporting period. |Share |
+|HyperVMemoryUtilization |Yes |Edge Compute - Memory Usage |Percent |Average |Amount of RAM in Use |InstanceName |
+|HyperVVirtualProcessorUtilization |Yes |Edge Compute - Percentage CPU |Percent |Average |Percent CPU Usage |InstanceName |
+|NICReadThroughput |Yes |Read Throughput (Network) |BytesPerSecond |Average |The read throughput of the network interface on the device in the reporting period for all volumes in the gateway. |InstanceName |
+|NICWriteThroughput |Yes |Write Throughput (Network) |BytesPerSecond |Average |The write throughput of the network interface on the device in the reporting period for all volumes in the gateway. |InstanceName |
+|TotalCapacity |Yes |Total Capacity |Bytes |Average |The total capacity of the device in bytes during the reporting period. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters
+## Microsoft.DataCollaboration/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|kube_node_status_allocatable_cpu_cores|No|Total number of available cpu cores in a managed cluster|Count|Average|Total number of available cpu cores in a managed cluster|No Dimensions|
-|kube_node_status_allocatable_memory_bytes|No|Total amount of available memory in a managed cluster|Bytes|Average|Total amount of available memory in a managed cluster|No Dimensions|
-|kube_node_status_condition|No|Statuses for various node conditions|Count|Average|Statuses for various node conditions|condition, status, status2, node|
-|kube_pod_status_phase|No|Number of pods by phase|Count|Average|Number of pods by phase|phase, namespace, pod|
-|kube_pod_status_ready|No|Number of pods in Ready state|Count|Average|Number of pods in Ready state|namespace, pod, condition|
+|ComputationCount |Yes |Created Computations |Count |Maximum |Number of created computations |ComputationName |
+|DataAssetCount |Yes |Created Data Assets |Count |Maximum |Number of created data assets |DataAssetName |
+|PipelineCount |Yes |Created Pipelines |Count |Maximum |Number of created pipelines |PipelineName |
+|PipelineCount |Yes |Created Pipelines |Count |Maximum |Number of created pipelines |PipelineName |
+|ProposalCount |Yes |Created Proposals |Count |Maximum |Number of created proposals |ProposalName |
+|ScriptCount |Yes |Created Scripts |Count |Maximum |Number of created scripts |ScriptName |
-## Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders
+## Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|FailedRequests|Yes|Failed Requests|Count|Total|Gets the available logs for Custom Resource Providers|HttpMethod, CallPath, StatusCode|
-|SuccessfullRequests|Yes|Successful Requests|Count|Total|Successful requests made by the custom provider|HttpMethod, CallPath, StatusCode|
+|FailedRuns |Yes |Failed Runs |Count |Total |Failed Runs |pipelineName, activityName |
+|SuccessfulRuns |Yes |Successful Runs |Count |Total |Successful Runs |pipelineName, activityName |
-## Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana
+## Microsoft.DataFactory/factories
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|HttpRequestCount|No|HttpRequestCount|Count|Count|Number of HTTP requests to Azure Managed Grafana server|No Dimensions|
+|ActivityCancelledRuns |Yes |Cancelled activity runs metrics |Count |Total |Cancelled activity runs metrics |ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name |
+|ActivityFailedRuns |Yes |Failed activity runs metrics |Count |Total |Failed activity runs metrics |ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name |
+|ActivitySucceededRuns |Yes |Succeeded activity runs metrics |Count |Total |Succeeded activity runs metrics |ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name |
+|FactorySizeInGbUnits |Yes |Total factory size (GB unit) |Count |Maximum |Total factory size (GB unit) |No Dimensions |
+|IntegrationRuntimeAvailableMemory |Yes |Integration runtime available memory |Bytes |Average |Integration runtime available memory |IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName |
+|IntegrationRuntimeAvailableNodeNumber |Yes |Integration runtime available node count |Count |Average |Integration runtime available node count |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|IntegrationRuntimeAverageTaskPickupDelay |Yes |Integration runtime queue duration |Seconds |Average |Integration runtime queue duration |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|IntegrationRuntimeCpuPercentage |Yes |Integration runtime CPU utilization |Percent |Average |Integration runtime CPU utilization |IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName |
+|IntegrationRuntimeQueueLength |Yes |Integration runtime queue length |Count |Average |Integration runtime queue length |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|MaxAllowedFactorySizeInGbUnits |Yes |Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit) |Count |Maximum |Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit) |No Dimensions |
+|MaxAllowedResourceCount |Yes |Maximum allowed entities count |Count |Maximum |Maximum allowed entities count |No Dimensions |
+|PipelineCancelledRuns |Yes |Cancelled pipeline runs metrics |Count |Total |Cancelled pipeline runs metrics |FailureType, CancelledBy, Name |
+|PipelineElapsedTimeRuns |Yes |Elapsed Time Pipeline Runs Metrics |Count |Total |Elapsed Time Pipeline Runs Metrics |RunId, Name |
+|PipelineFailedRuns |Yes |Failed pipeline runs metrics |Count |Total |Failed pipeline runs metrics |FailureType, Name |
+|PipelineSucceededRuns |Yes |Succeeded pipeline runs metrics |Count |Total |Succeeded pipeline runs metrics |FailureType, Name |
+|ResourceCount |Yes |Total entities count |Count |Maximum |Total entities count |No Dimensions |
+|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartCancel |Yes |Cancelled SSIS integration runtime start metrics |Count |Total |Cancelled SSIS integration runtime start metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartFailed |Yes |Failed SSIS integration runtime start metrics |Count |Total |Failed SSIS integration runtime start metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartSucceeded |Yes |Succeeded SSIS integration runtime start metrics |Count |Total |Succeeded SSIS integration runtime start metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopStuck |Yes |Stuck SSIS integration runtime stop metrics |Count |Total |Stuck SSIS integration runtime stop metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopSucceeded |Yes |Succeeded SSIS integration runtime stop metrics |Count |Total |Succeeded SSIS integration runtime stop metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|SSISPackageExecutionCancel |Yes |Cancelled SSIS package execution metrics |Count |Total |Cancelled SSIS package execution metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|SSISPackageExecutionFailed |Yes |Failed SSIS package execution metrics |Count |Total |Failed SSIS package execution metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|SSISPackageExecutionSucceeded |Yes |Succeeded SSIS package execution metrics |Count |Total |Succeeded SSIS package execution metrics |IntegrationRuntimeName |
+|TriggerCancelledRuns |Yes |Cancelled trigger runs metrics |Count |Total |Cancelled trigger runs metrics |Name, FailureType |
+|TriggerFailedRuns |Yes |Failed trigger runs metrics |Count |Total |Failed trigger runs metrics |Name, FailureType |
+|TriggerSucceededRuns |Yes |Succeeded trigger runs metrics |Count |Total |Succeeded trigger runs metrics |Name, FailureType |
-## Microsoft.DataBoxEdge/dataBoxEdgeDevices
+## Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AvailableCapacity|Yes|Available Capacity|Bytes|Average|The available capacity in bytes during the reporting period.|No Dimensions|
-|BytesUploadedToCloud|Yes|Cloud Bytes Uploaded (Device)|Bytes|Average|The total number of bytes that is uploaded to Azure from a device during the reporting period.|No Dimensions|
-|BytesUploadedToCloudPerShare|Yes|Cloud Bytes Uploaded (Share)|Bytes|Average|The total number of bytes that is uploaded to Azure from a share during the reporting period.|Share|
-|CloudReadThroughput|Yes|Cloud Download Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The cloud download throughput to Azure during the reporting period.|No Dimensions|
-|CloudReadThroughputPerShare|Yes|Cloud Download Throughput (Share)|BytesPerSecond|Average|The download throughput to Azure from a share during the reporting period.|Share|
-|CloudUploadThroughput|Yes|Cloud Upload Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The cloud upload throughput to Azure during the reporting period.|No Dimensions|
-|CloudUploadThroughputPerShare|Yes|Cloud Upload Throughput (Share)|BytesPerSecond|Average|The upload throughput to Azure from a share during the reporting period.|Share|
-|HyperVMemoryUtilization|Yes|Edge Compute - Memory Usage|Percent|Average|Amount of RAM in Use|InstanceName|
-|HyperVVirtualProcessorUtilization|Yes|Edge Compute - Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|Percent CPU Usage|InstanceName|
-|NICReadThroughput|Yes|Read Throughput (Network)|BytesPerSecond|Average|The read throughput of the network interface on the device in the reporting period for all volumes in the gateway.|InstanceName|
-|NICWriteThroughput|Yes|Write Throughput (Network)|BytesPerSecond|Average|The write throughput of the network interface on the device in the reporting period for all volumes in the gateway.|InstanceName|
-|TotalCapacity|Yes|Total Capacity|Bytes|Average|The total capacity of the device in bytes during the reporting period.|No Dimensions|
+|JobAUEndedCancelled |Yes |Cancelled AU Time |Seconds |Total |Total AU time for cancelled jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|JobAUEndedFailure |Yes |Failed AU Time |Seconds |Total |Total AU time for failed jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|JobAUEndedSuccess |Yes |Successful AU Time |Seconds |Total |Total AU time for successful jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|JobEndedCancelled |Yes |Cancelled Jobs |Count |Total |Count of cancelled jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|JobEndedFailure |Yes |Failed Jobs |Count |Total |Count of failed jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|JobEndedSuccess |Yes |Successful Jobs |Count |Total |Count of successful jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|JobStage |Yes |Jobs in Stage |Count |Total |Number of jobs in each stage. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DataCollaboration/workspaces
+## Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ComputationCount|Yes|Created Computations|Count|Maximum|Number of created computations|ComputationName|
-|DataAssetCount|Yes|Created Data Assets|Count|Maximum|Number of created data assets|DataAssetName|
-|PipelineCount|Yes|Created Pipelines|Count|Maximum|Number of created pipelines|PipelineName|
-|ProposalCount|Yes|Created Proposals|Count|Maximum|Number of created proposals|ProposalName|
-|ScriptCount|Yes|Created Scripts|Count|Maximum|Number of created scripts|ScriptName|
+|DataRead |Yes |Data Read |Bytes |Total |Total amount of data read from the account. |No Dimensions |
+|DataWritten |Yes |Data Written |Bytes |Total |Total amount of data written to the account. |No Dimensions |
+|ReadRequests |Yes |Read Requests |Count |Total |Count of data read requests to the account. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalStorage |Yes |Total Storage |Bytes |Maximum |Total amount of data stored in the account. |No Dimensions |
+|WriteRequests |Yes |Write Requests |Count |Total |Count of data write requests to the account. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DataFactory/datafactories
+## Microsoft.DataProtection/BackupVaults
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|FailedRuns|Yes|Failed Runs|Count|Total||pipelineName, activityName|
-|SuccessfulRuns|Yes|Successful Runs|Count|Total||pipelineName, activityName|
+|BackupHealthEvent |Yes |Backup Health Events (preview) |Count |Count |The count of health events pertaining to backup job health |dataSourceURL, backupInstanceUrl, dataSourceType, healthStatus, backupInstanceName |
+|RestoreHealthEvent |Yes |Restore Health Events (preview) |Count |Count |The count of health events pertaining to restore job health |dataSourceURL, backupInstanceUrl, dataSourceType, healthStatus, backupInstanceName |
-## Microsoft.DataFactory/factories
+## Microsoft.DataShare/accounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ActivityCancelledRuns|Yes|Cancelled activity runs metrics|Count|Total||ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name|
-|ActivityFailedRuns|Yes|Failed activity runs metrics|Count|Total||ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name|
-|ActivitySucceededRuns|Yes|Succeeded activity runs metrics|Count|Total||ActivityType, PipelineName, FailureType, Name|
-|FactorySizeInGbUnits|Yes|Total factory size (GB unit)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|IntegrationRuntimeAvailableMemory|Yes|Integration runtime available memory|Bytes|Average||IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName|
-|IntegrationRuntimeAvailableNodeNumber|Yes|Integration runtime available node count|Count|Average||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|IntegrationRuntimeAverageTaskPickupDelay|Yes|Integration runtime queue duration|Seconds|Average||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|IntegrationRuntimeCpuPercentage|Yes|Integration runtime CPU utilization|Percent|Average||IntegrationRuntimeName, NodeName|
-|IntegrationRuntimeQueueLength|Yes|Integration runtime queue length|Count|Average||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|MaxAllowedFactorySizeInGbUnits|Yes|Maximum allowed factory size (GB unit)|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|MaxAllowedResourceCount|Yes|Maximum allowed entities count|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|PipelineCancelledRuns|Yes|Cancelled pipeline runs metrics|Count|Total||FailureType, Name|
-|PipelineElapsedTimeRuns|Yes|Elapsed Time Pipeline Runs Metrics|Count|Total||RunId, Name|
-|PipelineFailedRuns|Yes|Failed pipeline runs metrics|Count|Total||FailureType, Name|
-|PipelineSucceededRuns|Yes|Succeeded pipeline runs metrics|Count|Total||FailureType, Name|
-|ResourceCount|Yes|Total entities count|Count|Maximum||No Dimensions|
-|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartCancel|Yes|Cancelled SSIS integration runtime start metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartFailed|Yes|Failed SSIS integration runtime start metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStartSucceeded|Yes|Succeeded SSIS integration runtime start metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopStuck|Yes|Stuck SSIS integration runtime stop metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|SSISIntegrationRuntimeStopSucceeded|Yes|Succeeded SSIS integration runtime stop metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|SSISPackageExecutionCancel|Yes|Cancelled SSIS package execution metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|SSISPackageExecutionFailed|Yes|Failed SSIS package execution metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|SSISPackageExecutionSucceeded|Yes|Succeeded SSIS package execution metrics|Count|Total||IntegrationRuntimeName|
-|TriggerCancelledRuns|Yes|Cancelled trigger runs metrics|Count|Total||Name, FailureType|
-|TriggerFailedRuns|Yes|Failed trigger runs metrics|Count|Total||Name, FailureType|
-|TriggerSucceededRuns|Yes|Succeeded trigger runs metrics|Count|Total||Name, FailureType|
+|FailedShareSubscriptionSynchronizations |Yes |Received Share Failed Snapshots |Count |Count |Number of received share failed snapshots in the account |No Dimensions |
+|FailedShareSynchronizations |Yes |Sent Share Failed Snapshots |Count |Count |Number of sent share failed snapshots in the account |No Dimensions |
+|ShareCount |Yes |Sent Shares |Count |Maximum |Number of sent shares in the account |ShareName |
+|ShareSubscriptionCount |Yes |Received Shares |Count |Maximum |Number of received shares in the account |ShareSubscriptionName |
+|SucceededShareSubscriptionSynchronizations |Yes |Received Share Succeeded Snapshots |Count |Count |Number of received share succeeded snapshots in the account |No Dimensions |
+|SucceededShareSynchronizations |Yes |Sent Share Succeeded Snapshots |Count |Count |Number of sent share succeeded snapshots in the account |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts
+## Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active_connections |Yes |Active Connections |Count |Average |Active Connections |No Dimensions |
+|backup_storage_used |Yes |Backup Storage used |Bytes |Average |Backup Storage used |No Dimensions |
+|connections_failed |Yes |Failed Connections |Count |Total |Failed Connections |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percent |Percent |Average |CPU percent |No Dimensions |
+|io_consumption_percent |Yes |IO percent |Percent |Average |IO percent |No Dimensions |
+|memory_percent |Yes |Memory percent |Percent |Average |Memory percent |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_egress |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |Network Out across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_ingress |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |Network In across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|seconds_behind_master |Yes |Replication lag in seconds |Count |Maximum |Replication lag in seconds |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_limit |Yes |Server Log storage limit |Bytes |Maximum |Server Log storage limit |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_percent |Yes |Server Log storage percent |Percent |Average |Server Log storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_usage |Yes |Server Log storage used |Bytes |Average |Server Log storage used |No Dimensions |
+|storage_limit |Yes |Storage limit |Bytes |Maximum |Storage limit |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Storage percent |Percent |Average |Storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|storage_used |Yes |Storage used |Bytes |Average |Storage used |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|aborted_connections |Yes |Aborted Connections |Count |Total |Aborted Connections |No Dimensions |
+|active_connections |Yes |Active Connections |Count |Maximum |Active Connections |No Dimensions |
+|backup_storage_used |Yes |Backup Storage Used |Bytes |Maximum |Backup Storage Used |No Dimensions |
+|Com_alter_table |Yes |Com Alter Table |Count |Total |The number of times ALTER TABLE statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_create_db |Yes |Com Create DB |Count |Total |The number of times CREATE DB statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_create_table |Yes |Com Create Table |Count |Total |The number of times CREATE TABLE statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_delete |Yes |Com Delete |Count |Total |The number of times DELETE statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_drop_db |Yes |Com Drop DB |Count |Total |The number of times DROP DB statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_drop_table |Yes |Com Drop Table |Count |Total |The number of times DROP TABLE statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_insert |Yes |Com Insert |Count |Total |The number of times INSERT statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_select |Yes |Com Select |Count |Total |The number of times SELECT statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|Com_update |Yes |Com Update |Count |Total |The number of times UPDATE statement has been executed. |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_credits_consumed |Yes |CPU Credits Consumed |Count |Maximum |CPU Credits Consumed |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_credits_remaining |Yes |CPU Credits Remaining |Count |Maximum |CPU Credits Remaining |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |Host CPU Percent |Percent |Maximum |Host CPU Percent |No Dimensions |
+|HA_IO_status |Yes |HA IO Status |Count |Maximum |Status for replication IO thread running |No Dimensions |
+|HA_SQL_status |Yes |HA SQL Status |Count |Maximum |Status for replication SQL thread running |No Dimensions |
+|Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data |Yes |InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages Data |Count |Total |The number of pages in the InnoDB buffer pool containing data. |No Dimensions |
+|Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty |Yes |InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages Dirty |Count |Total |The current number of dirty pages in the InnoDB buffer pool. |No Dimensions |
+|Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free |Yes |InnoDB Buffer Pool Pages Free |Count |Total |The number of free pages in the InnoDB buffer pool. |No Dimensions |
+|Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests |Yes |InnoDB Buffer Pool Read Requests |Count |Total |The number of logical read requests. |No Dimensions |
+|Innodb_buffer_pool_reads |Yes |InnoDB Buffer Pool Reads |Count |Total |The number of logical reads that InnoDB could not satisfy from the buffer pool, and had to read directly from disk. |No Dimensions |
+|io_consumption_percent |Yes |IO Percent |Percent |Maximum |IO Percent |No Dimensions |
+|memory_percent |Yes |Host Memory Percent |Percent |Maximum |Host Memory Percent |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_egress |Yes |Host Network Out |Bytes |Total |Host Network egress in bytes |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_ingress |Yes |Host Network In |Bytes |Total |Host Network ingress in bytes |No Dimensions |
+|Queries |Yes |Queries |Count |Total |Queries |No Dimensions |
+|Replica_IO_Running |No |Replica IO Status |Count |Maximum |Status for replication IO thread running |No Dimensions |
+|Replica_SQL_Running |No |Replica SQL Status |Count |Maximum |Status for replication SQL thread running |No Dimensions |
+|replication_lag |Yes |Replication Lag In Seconds |Seconds |Maximum |Replication lag in seconds |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_limit |Yes |Serverlog Storage Limit |Bytes |Maximum |Serverlog Storage Limit |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_percent |Yes |Serverlog Storage Percent |Percent |Maximum |Serverlog Storage Percent |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_usage |Yes |Serverlog Storage Used |Bytes |Maximum |Serverlog Storage Used |No Dimensions |
+|Slow_queries |Yes |Slow Queries |Count |Total |The number of queries that have taken more than long_query_time seconds. |No Dimensions |
+|storage_io_count |Yes |IO Count |Count |Total |The number of I/O consumed. |No Dimensions |
+|storage_limit |Yes |Storage Limit |Bytes |Maximum |Storage Limit |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Storage Percent |Percent |Maximum |Storage Percent |No Dimensions |
+|storage_throttle_count |Yes |Storage Throttle Count |Count |Maximum |Storage throttle count. |No Dimensions |
+|storage_used |Yes |Storage Used |Bytes |Maximum |Storage Used |No Dimensions |
+|total_connections |Yes |Total Connections |Count |Total |Total Connections |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active_connections |Yes |Active Connections |Count |Average |Active Connections |No Dimensions |
+|backup_storage_used |Yes |Backup Storage used |Bytes |Average |Backup Storage used |No Dimensions |
+|connections_failed |Yes |Failed Connections |Count |Total |Failed Connections |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percent |Percent |Average |CPU percent |No Dimensions |
+|io_consumption_percent |Yes |IO percent |Percent |Average |IO percent |No Dimensions |
+|memory_percent |Yes |Memory percent |Percent |Average |Memory percent |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_egress |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |Network Out across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_ingress |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |Network In across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|seconds_behind_master |Yes |Replication lag in seconds |Count |Maximum |Replication lag in seconds |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_limit |Yes |Server Log storage limit |Bytes |Maximum |Server Log storage limit |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_percent |Yes |Server Log storage percent |Percent |Average |Server Log storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_usage |Yes |Server Log storage used |Bytes |Average |Server Log storage used |No Dimensions |
+|storage_limit |Yes |Storage limit |Bytes |Maximum |Storage limit |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Storage percent |Percent |Average |Storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|storage_used |Yes |Storage used |Bytes |Average |Storage used |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active_connections |Yes |Active Connections |Count |Average |Active Connections |No Dimensions |
+|backup_storage_used |Yes |Backup Storage Used |Bytes |Average |Backup Storage Used |No Dimensions |
+|blks_hit |Yes |Disk Blocks Hit (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary |DatabaseName |
+|blks_read |Yes |Disk Blocks Read (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of disk blocks read in this database |DatabaseName |
+|connections_failed |Yes |Failed Connections |Count |Total |Failed Connections |No Dimensions |
+|connections_succeeded |Yes |Succeeded Connections |Count |Total |Succeeded Connections |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_credits_consumed |Yes |CPU Credits Consumed |Count |Average |Total number of credits consumed by the database server |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_credits_remaining |Yes |CPU Credits Remaining |Count |Average |Total number of credits available to burst |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percent |Percent |Average |CPU percent |No Dimensions |
+|deadlocks |Yes |Deadlocks (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of deadlocks detected in this database |DatabaseName |
+|disk_bandwidth_consumed_percentage |Yes |Disk Bandwidth Consumed Percentage (Preview) |Percent |Average |Percentage of disk bandwidth consumed per minute |No Dimensions |
+|disk_iops_consumed_percentage |Yes |Disk IOPS Consumed Percentage (Preview) |Percent |Average |Percentage of disk I/Os consumed per minute |No Dimensions |
+|disk_queue_depth |Yes |Disk Queue Depth |Count |Average |Number of outstanding I/O operations to the data disk |No Dimensions |
+|iops |Yes |IOPS |Count |Average |IO Operations per second |No Dimensions |
+|logical_replication_delay_in_bytes |Yes |Max Logical Replication Lag (Preview) |Bytes |Maximum |Maximum lag across all logical replication slots |No Dimensions |
+|longest_query_time_sec |Yes |Oldest Query (Preview) |Seconds |Maximum |The age in seconds of the longest query that is currently running |No Dimensions |
+|longest_transaction_time_sec |Yes |Oldest Transaction (Preview) |Seconds |Maximum |The age in seconds of the longest transaction (including idle transactions) |No Dimensions |
+|max_connections |Yes |Max Connections (Preview) |Count |Maximum |Max connections |No Dimensions |
+|maximum_used_transactionIDs |Yes |Maximum Used Transaction IDs |Count |Average |Maximum Used Transaction IDs |No Dimensions |
+|memory_percent |Yes |Memory percent |Percent |Average |Memory percent |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_egress |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |Network Out across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_ingress |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |Network In across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|numbackends |Yes |Backends (Preview) |Count |Maximum |Number of backends connected to this database |DatabaseName |
+|oldest_backend_time_sec |Yes |Oldest Backend (Preview) |Seconds |Maximum |The age in seconds of the oldest backend (irrespective of the state) |No Dimensions |
+|oldest_backend_xmin |Yes |Oldest xmin (Preview) |Count |Maximum |The actual value of the oldest xmin. |No Dimensions |
+|oldest_backend_xmin_age |Yes |Oldest xmin Age (Preview) |Count |Maximum |Age in units of the oldest xmin. It indicated how many transactions passed since oldest xmin |No Dimensions |
+|physical_replication_delay_in_bytes |Yes |Max Physical Replication Lag (Preview) |Bytes |Maximum |Maximum lag across all asynchronous physical replication slots |No Dimensions |
+|physical_replication_delay_in_seconds |Yes |Read Replica Lag (Preview) |Seconds |Maximum |Read Replica lag in seconds |No Dimensions |
+|read_iops |Yes |Read IOPS |Count |Average |Number of data disk I/O read operations per second |No Dimensions |
+|read_throughput |Yes |Read Throughput Bytes/Sec |Count |Average |Bytes read per second from the data disk during monitoring period |No Dimensions |
+|sessions_by_state |Yes |Sessions by State (Preview) |Count |Maximum |Overall state of the backends |State |
+|sessions_by_wait_event_type |Yes |Sessions by WaitEventType (Preview) |Count |Maximum |Sessions by the type of event for which the backend is waiting |WaitEventType |
+|storage_free |Yes |Storage Free |Bytes |Average |Storage Free |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Storage percent |Percent |Average |Storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|storage_used |Yes |Storage used |Bytes |Average |Storage used |No Dimensions |
+|temp_bytes |Yes |Temporary Files Size (Preview) |Bytes |Total |Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database |DatabaseName |
+|temp_files |Yes |Temporary Files (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of temporary files created by queries in this database |DatabaseName |
+|tup_deleted |Yes |Tuples Deleted (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of rows deleted by queries in this database |DatabaseName |
+|tup_fetched |Yes |Tuples Fetched (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of rows fetched by queries in this database |DatabaseName |
+|tup_inserted |Yes |Tuples Inserted (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of rows inserted by queries in this database |DatabaseName |
+|tup_returned |Yes |Tuples Returned (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of rows returned by queries in this database |DatabaseName |
+|tup_updated |Yes |Tuples Updated (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of rows updated by queries in this database |DatabaseName |
+|txlogs_storage_used |Yes |Transaction Log Storage Used |Bytes |Average |Transaction Log Storage Used |No Dimensions |
+|write_iops |Yes |Write IOPS |Count |Average |Number of data disk I/O write operations per second |No Dimensions |
+|write_throughput |Yes |Write Throughput Bytes/Sec |Count |Average |Bytes written per second to the data disk during monitoring period |No Dimensions |
+|xact_commit |Yes |Transactions Committed (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of transactions in this database that have been committed |DatabaseName |
+|xact_rollback |Yes |Transactions Rolled Back (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back |DatabaseName |
+|xact_total |Yes |Total Transactions (Preview) |Count |Total |Number of total transactions executed in this database |DatabaseName |
+## Microsoft.DBForPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active_connections |Yes |Active Connections |Count |Average |Active Connections |ServerName |
+|apps_reserved_memory_percent |Yes |Reserved Memory percent |Percent |Average |Percentage of Commit Memory Limit Reserved by Applications |ServerName |
+|cpu_credits_consumed |Yes |CPU Credits Consumed |Count |Average |Total number of credits consumed by the node. Only available when burstable compute is provisioned on the node. |ServerName |
+|cpu_credits_remaining |Yes |CPU Credits Remaining |Count |Average |Total number of credits available to burst. Only available when burstable compute is provisioned on the node. |ServerName |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percent |Percent |Average |CPU percent |ServerName |
+|iops |Yes |IOPS |Count |Average |IO operations per second |ServerName |
+|memory_percent |Yes |Memory percent |Percent |Average |Memory percent |ServerName |
+|network_bytes_egress |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |Network Out across active connections |ServerName |
+|network_bytes_ingress |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |Network In across active connections |ServerName |
+|replication_lag |Yes |Replication lag |MilliSeconds |Average |Allows to see how much read replica nodes are behind their counterparts in the primary cluster |ServerName |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Storage percent |Percent |Average |Storage percent |ServerName |
+|storage_used |Yes |Storage used |Bytes |Average |Storage used |ServerName |
+|vm_cached_bandwidth_percent |Yes |VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |ServerName |
+|vm_cached_iops_percent |Yes |VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |ServerName |
+|vm_uncached_bandwidth_percent |Yes |VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM |ServerName |
+|vm_uncached_iops_percent |Yes |VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM |ServerName |
+## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active_connections |Yes |Active Connections |Count |Average |Active Connections |No Dimensions |
+|backup_storage_used |Yes |Backup Storage Used |Bytes |Average |Backup Storage Used |No Dimensions |
+|connections_failed |Yes |Failed Connections |Count |Total |Failed Connections |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percent |Percent |Average |CPU percent |No Dimensions |
+|io_consumption_percent |Yes |IO percent |Percent |Average |IO percent |No Dimensions |
+|memory_percent |Yes |Memory percent |Percent |Average |Memory percent |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_egress |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |Network Out across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_ingress |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |Network In across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|pg_replica_log_delay_in_bytes |Yes |Max Lag Across Replicas |Bytes |Maximum |Lag in bytes of the most lagging replica |No Dimensions |
+|pg_replica_log_delay_in_seconds |Yes |Replica Lag |Seconds |Maximum |Replica lag in seconds |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_limit |Yes |Server Log storage limit |Bytes |Maximum |Server Log storage limit |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_percent |Yes |Server Log storage percent |Percent |Average |Server Log storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|serverlog_storage_usage |Yes |Server Log storage used |Bytes |Average |Server Log storage used |No Dimensions |
+|storage_limit |Yes |Storage limit |Bytes |Maximum |Storage limit |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Storage percent |Percent |Average |Storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|storage_used |Yes |Storage used |Bytes |Average |Storage used |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active_connections |Yes |Active Connections |Count |Average |Active Connections |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percent |Percent |Average |CPU percent |No Dimensions |
+|iops |Yes |IOPS |Count |Average |IO Operations per second |No Dimensions |
+|memory_percent |Yes |Memory percent |Percent |Average |Memory percent |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_egress |Yes |Network Out |Bytes |Total |Network Out across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|network_bytes_ingress |Yes |Network In |Bytes |Total |Network In across active connections |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Storage percent |Percent |Average |Storage percent |No Dimensions |
+|storage_used |Yes |Storage used |Bytes |Average |Storage used |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success |Yes |C2D messages abandoned |Count |Total |Number of cloud-to-device messages abandoned by the device |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.commands.egress.complete.success |Yes |C2D message deliveries completed |Count |Total |Number of cloud-to-device message deliveries completed successfully by the device |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.commands.egress.reject.success |Yes |C2D messages rejected |Count |Total |Number of cloud-to-device messages rejected by the device |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.methods.failure |Yes |Failed direct method invocations |Count |Total |The count of all failed direct method calls. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.methods.requestSize |Yes |Request size of direct method invocations |Bytes |Average |The average, min, and max of all successful direct method requests. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.methods.responseSize |Yes |Response size of direct method invocations |Bytes |Average |The average, min, and max of all successful direct method responses. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.methods.success |Yes |Successful direct method invocations |Count |Total |The count of all successful direct method calls. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.twin.read.failure |Yes |Failed twin reads from back end |Count |Total |The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.twin.read.size |Yes |Response size of twin reads from back end |Bytes |Average |The average, min, and max of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.twin.read.success |Yes |Successful twin reads from back end |Count |Total |The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.twin.update.failure |Yes |Failed twin updates from back end |Count |Total |The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.twin.update.size |Yes |Size of twin updates from back end |Bytes |Average |The average, min, and max size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates. |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.twin.update.success |Yes |Successful twin updates from back end |Count |Total |The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates. |No Dimensions |
+|C2DMessagesExpired |Yes |C2D Messages Expired |Count |Total |Number of expired cloud-to-device messages |No Dimensions |
+|configurations |Yes |Configuration Metrics |Count |Total |Metrics for Configuration Operations |No Dimensions |
+|connectedDeviceCount |No |Connected devices |Count |Average |Number of devices connected to your IoT hub |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.egress.builtIn.events |Yes |Routing: messages delivered to messages/events |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to the built-in endpoint (messages/events). |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.egress.eventHubs |Yes |Routing: messages delivered to Event Hub |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Event Hub endpoints. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusQueues |Yes |Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Queue |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus queue endpoints. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusTopics |Yes |Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Topic |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus topic endpoints. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage |Yes |Routing: messages delivered to storage |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to storage endpoints. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.blobs |Yes |Routing: blobs delivered to storage |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered blobs to storage endpoints. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.bytes |Yes |Routing: data delivered to storage |Bytes |Total |The amount of data (bytes) IoT Hub routing delivered to storage endpoints. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.latency.builtIn.events |Yes |Routing: message latency for messages/events |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events). |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.latency.eventHubs |Yes |Routing: message latency for Event Hub |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into an Event Hub endpoint. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusQueues |Yes |Routing: message latency for Service Bus Queue |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus queue endpoint. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusTopics |Yes |Routing: message latency for Service Bus Topic |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus topic endpoint. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.endpoints.latency.storage |Yes |Routing: message latency for storage |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a storage endpoint. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped |Yes |Routing: telemetry messages dropped |Count |Total |The number of times messages were dropped by IoT Hub routing due to dead endpoints. This value does not count messages delivered to fallback route as dropped messages are not delivered there. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback |Yes |Routing: messages delivered to fallback |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered messages to the endpoint associated with the fallback route. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid |Yes |Routing: telemetry messages incompatible |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub routing failed to deliver messages due to an incompatibility with the endpoint. This value does not include retries. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned |Yes |Routing: telemetry messages orphaned |Count |Total |The number of times messages were orphaned by IoT Hub routing because they didn't match any routing rules (including the fallback rule). |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.egress.success |Yes |Routing: telemetry messages delivered |Count |Total |The number of times messages were successfully delivered to all endpoints using IoT Hub routing. If a message is routed to multiple endpoints, this value increases by one for each successful delivery. If a message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times, this value increases by one for each successful delivery. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol |Yes |Telemetry message send attempts |Count |Total |Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.ingress.sendThrottle |Yes |Number of throttling errors |Count |Total |Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.ingress.success |Yes |Telemetry messages sent |Count |Total |Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.twin.read.failure |Yes |Failed twin reads from devices |Count |Total |The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.twin.read.size |Yes |Response size of twin reads from devices |Bytes |Average |The average, min, and max of all successful device-initiated twin reads. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.twin.read.success |Yes |Successful twin reads from devices |Count |Total |The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.twin.update.failure |Yes |Failed twin updates from devices |Count |Total |The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.twin.update.size |Yes |Size of twin updates from devices |Bytes |Average |The average, min, and max size of all successful device-initiated twin updates. |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.twin.update.success |Yes |Successful twin updates from devices |Count |Total |The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates. |No Dimensions |
+|dailyMessageQuotaUsed |Yes |Total number of messages used |Count |Maximum |Number of total messages used today |No Dimensions |
+|deviceDataUsage |Yes |Total device data usage |Bytes |Total |Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub |No Dimensions |
+|deviceDataUsageV2 |Yes |Total device data usage (preview) |Bytes |Total |Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub |No Dimensions |
+|devices.connectedDevices.allProtocol |Yes |Connected devices (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of devices connected to your IoT hub |No Dimensions |
+|devices.totalDevices |Yes |Total devices (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of devices registered to your IoT hub |No Dimensions |
+|EventGridDeliveries |Yes |Event Grid deliveries |Count |Total |The number of IoT Hub events published to Event Grid. Use the Result dimension for the number of successful and failed requests. EventType dimension shows the type of event (https://aka.ms/ioteventgrid). |Result, EventType |
+|EventGridLatency |Yes |Event Grid latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency (milliseconds) from when the Iot Hub event was generated to when the event was published to Event Grid. This number is an average between all event types. Use the EventType dimension to see latency of a specific type of event. |EventType |
+|jobs.cancelJob.failure |Yes |Failed job cancellations |Count |Total |The count of all failed calls to cancel a job. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.cancelJob.success |Yes |Successful job cancellations |Count |Total |The count of all successful calls to cancel a job. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.completed |Yes |Completed jobs |Count |Total |The count of all completed jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.createDirectMethodJob.failure |Yes |Failed creations of method invocation jobs |Count |Total |The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.createDirectMethodJob.success |Yes |Successful creations of method invocation jobs |Count |Total |The count of all successful creation of direct method invocation jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.failure |Yes |Failed creations of twin update jobs |Count |Total |The count of all failed creation of twin update jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.success |Yes |Successful creations of twin update jobs |Count |Total |The count of all successful creation of twin update jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.failed |Yes |Failed jobs |Count |Total |The count of all failed jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.listJobs.failure |Yes |Failed calls to list jobs |Count |Total |The count of all failed calls to list jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.listJobs.success |Yes |Successful calls to list jobs |Count |Total |The count of all successful calls to list jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.queryJobs.failure |Yes |Failed job queries |Count |Total |The count of all failed calls to query jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|jobs.queryJobs.success |Yes |Successful job queries |Count |Total |The count of all successful calls to query jobs. |No Dimensions |
+|RoutingDataSizeInBytesDelivered |Yes |Routing Delivery Message Size in Bytes (preview) |Bytes |Total |The total size in bytes of messages delivered by IoT hub to an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to view the size of the messages in bytes delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases for every message delivered, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times. |EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource |
+|RoutingDeliveries |Yes |Routing Deliveries (preview) |Count |Total |The number of times IoT Hub attempted to deliver messages to all endpoints using routing. To see the number of successful or failed attempts, use the Result dimension. To see the reason of failure, like invalid, dropped, or orphaned, use the FailureReasonCategory dimension. You can also use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand how many messages were delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases by one for each delivery attempt, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times. |EndpointType, EndpointName, FailureReasonCategory, Result, RoutingSource |
+|RoutingDeliveryLatency |Yes |Routing Delivery Latency (preview) |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand the latency to your different endpoints. |EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource |
+|totalDeviceCount |No |Total devices |Count |Average |Number of devices registered to your IoT hub |No Dimensions |
+|twinQueries.failure |Yes |Failed twin queries |Count |Total |The count of all failed twin queries. |No Dimensions |
+|twinQueries.resultSize |Yes |Twin queries result size |Bytes |Average |The average, min, and max of the result size of all successful twin queries. |No Dimensions |
+|twinQueries.success |Yes |Successful twin queries |Count |Total |The count of all successful twin queries. |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AttestationAttempts |Yes |Attestation attempts |Count |Total |Number of device attestations attempted |ProvisioningServiceName, Status, Protocol |
+|DeviceAssignments |Yes |Devices assigned |Count |Total |Number of devices assigned to an IoT hub |ProvisioningServiceName, IotHubName |
+|RegistrationAttempts |Yes |Registration attempts |Count |Total |Number of device registrations attempted |ProvisioningServiceName, IotHubName, Status |
+## Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ApiRequests |Yes |API Requests |Count |Total |The number of API requests made for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations. |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
+|ApiRequestsFailureRate |Yes |API Requests Failure Rate |Percent |Average |The percentage of API requests that the service receives for your instance that return an internal error (500) response code for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations. |Operation, Authentication, Protocol |
+|ApiRequestsLatency |Yes |API Requests Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The response time for API requests, i.e. from when the request is received by Azure Digital Twins until the service sends a success/fail result for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations. |Operation, Authentication, Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText |
+|BillingApiOperations |Yes |Billing API Operations |Count |Total |Billing metric for the count of all API requests made against the Azure Digital Twins service. |MeterId |
+|BillingMessagesProcessed |Yes |Billing Messages Processed |Count |Total |Billing metric for the number of messages sent out from Azure Digital Twins to external endpoints. |MeterId |
+|BillingQueryUnits |Yes |Billing Query Units |Count |Total |The number of Query Units, an internally computed measure of service resource usage, consumed to execute queries. |MeterId |
+|BulkOperationEntityCount |Yes |Bulk Operation Entity Count (preview) |Count |Total |The number of twins, models, or relationships processed by a bulk operation. |Operation, Result |
+|BulkOperationLatency |Yes |Bulk Operation Latency (preview) |Milliseconds |Average |Total time taken for a bulk operation to complete. |Operation, Authentication, Protocol |
+|DataHistoryRouting |Yes |Data History Messages Routed (preview) |Count |Total |The number of messages routed to a time series database. |EndpointType, Result |
+|DataHistoryRoutingFailureRate |Yes |Data History Routing Failure Rate (preview) |Percent |Average |The percentage of events that result in an error as they are routed from Azure Digital Twins to a time series database. |EndpointType |
+|DataHistoryRoutingLatency |Yes |Data History Routing Latency (preview) |Milliseconds |Average |Time elapsed between an event getting routed from Azure Digital Twins to when it is posted to a time series database. |EndpointType, Result |
+|IngressEvents |Yes |Ingress Events |Count |Total |The number of incoming telemetry events into Azure Digital Twins. |Result |
+|IngressEventsFailureRate |Yes |Ingress Events Failure Rate |Percent |Average |The percentage of incoming telemetry events for which the service returns an internal error (500) response code. |No Dimensions |
+|IngressEventsLatency |Yes |Ingress Events Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The time from when an event arrives to when it is ready to be egressed by Azure Digital Twins, at which point the service sends a success/fail result. |Result |
+|ModelCount |Yes |Model Count |Count |Total |Total number of models in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you are approaching the service limit for max number of models allowed per instance. |No Dimensions |
+|Routing |Yes |Messages Routed |Count |Total |The number of messages routed to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid. |EndpointType, Result |
+|RoutingFailureRate |Yes |Routing Failure Rate |Percent |Average |The percentage of events that result in an error as they are routed from Azure Digital Twins to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid. |EndpointType |
+|RoutingLatency |Yes |Routing Latency |Milliseconds |Average |Time elapsed between an event getting routed from Azure Digital Twins to when it is posted to the endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid. |EndpointType, Result |
+|TwinCount |Yes |Twin Count |Count |Total |Total number of twins in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you are approaching the service limit for max number of twins allowed per instance. |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.DocumentDB/cassandraClusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|cassandra_cache_capacity |No |capacity |Bytes |Total |Cache capacity in bytes. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name |
+|cassandra_cache_entries |No |entries |Count |Total |Total number of cache entries. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name |
+|cassandra_cache_hit_rate |No |hit rate |Percent |Average |All time cache hit rate. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name |
+|cassandra_cache_hits |No |hits |Count |Total |Total number of cache hits. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name |
+|cassandra_cache_miss_latency_histogram |No |cache miss latency average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average cache miss latency (in microseconds). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile |
+|cassandra_cache_miss_latency_p99 |No |cache miss latency p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Latency of misses. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name |
+|cassandra_cache_requests |No |requests |Count |Total |Total number of cache requests. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name |
+|cassandra_cache_size |No |occupied cache size |Bytes |Total |Total size of occupied cache, in bytes. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name |
+|cassandra_client_auth_failure |No |auth failure (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of failed client authentication requests. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node |
+|cassandra_client_auth_failure2 |No |auth failure |Count |Total |Number of failed client authentication requests. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node |
+|cassandra_client_auth_success |No |auth success |Count |Total |Number of successful client authentication requests. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node |
+|cassandra_client_request_condition_not_met |No |condition not met |Count |Total |Number of transaction preconditions did not match current values. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_contention_histogram |No |contention average |Count |Average |How many contended reads/writes were encountered in average. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_contention_histogram_p99 |No |contention p99 |Count |Average |p99 How many contended writes were encountered. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_failures |No |failures (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of transaction failures encountered. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_failures2 |No |failures |Count |Total |Number of transaction failures encountered. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_latency_histogram |No |client request latency average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average client request latency (in microseconds). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_latency_p99 |No |client request latency p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 client request latency (in microseconds). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_timeouts |No |timeouts (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of timeouts encountered. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_timeouts2 |No |timeouts |Count |Total |Number of timeouts encountered. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_client_request_unfinished_commit |No |unfinished commit |Count |Total |Number of transactions that were committed on write. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type |
+|cassandra_commit_log_waiting_on_commit_latency_histogram |No |commit latency on waiting average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average time spent waiting on CL fsync (in microseconds); for Periodic this is only occurs when the sync is lagging its sync interval. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile |
+|cassandra_cql_prepared_statements_executed |No |prepared statements executed |Count |Total |Number of prepared statements executed. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node |
+|cassandra_cql_regular_statements_executed |No |regular statements executed |Count |Total |Number of non prepared statements executed. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node |
+|cassandra_jvm_gc_count |No |gc count |Count |Total |Total number of collections that have occurred. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node |
+|cassandra_jvm_gc_time |No |gc time |MilliSeconds |Average |Approximate accumulated collection elapsed time. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node |
+|cassandra_table_all_memtables_live_data_size |No |all memtables live data size |Bytes |Total |Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_all_memtables_off_heap_size |No |all memtables off heap size |Bytes |Total |Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_disk_space_used |No |bloom filter disk space used |Bytes |Total |Disk space used by bloom filter (in bytes). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_false_positives |No |bloom filter false positives |Count |Total |Number of false positives on table's bloom filter. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_false_ratio |No |bloom filter false ratio |Percent |Average |False positive ratio of table's bloom filter. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_off_heap_memory_used |No |bloom filter off-heap memory used |Bytes |Total |Off-heap memory used by bloom filter. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_bytes_flushed |No |bytes flushed |Bytes |Total |Total number of bytes flushed since server [re]start. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_cas_commit |No |cas commit average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average latency of paxos commit round. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_cas_commit_p99 |No |cas commit p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Latency of paxos commit round. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_cas_prepare |No |cas prepare average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average latency of paxos prepare round. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_cas_prepare_p99 |No |cas prepare p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Latency of paxos prepare round. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_cas_propose |No |cas propose average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average latency of paxos propose round. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_cas_propose_p99 |No |cas propose p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Latency of paxos propose round. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_col_update_time_delta_histogram |No |col update time delta average |Count |Average |Average column update time delta on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_col_update_time_delta_histogram_p99 |No |col update time delta p99 |Count |Average |p99 Column update time delta on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_compaction_bytes_written |No |compaction bytes written |Bytes |Total |Total number of bytes written by compaction since server [re]start. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_compression_metadata_off_heap_memory_used |No |compression metadata off-heap memory used |Bytes |Total |Off-heap memory used by compression metadata. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_compression_ratio |No |compression ratio |Percent |Average |Current compression ratio for all SSTables. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_coordinator_read_latency |No |coordinator read latency average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average coordinator read latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_coordinator_read_latency_p99 |No |coordinator read latency p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Coordinator read latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_coordinator_scan_latency |No |coordinator scan latency average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average coordinator range scan latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_coordinator_scan_latency_p99 |No |coordinator scan latency p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Coordinator range scan latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_dropped_mutations |No |dropped mutations (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of dropped mutations on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_dropped_mutations2 |No |dropped mutations |Count |Total |Number of dropped mutations on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_estimated_column_count_histogram |No |estimated column count average |Count |Average |Estimated number of columns in average. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_estimated_column_count_histogram_p99 |No |estimated column count p99 |Count |Average |p99 Estimated number of columns. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_estimated_partition_count |No |estimated partition count |Count |Total |Approximate number of keys in table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_estimated_partition_size_histogram |No |estimated partition size average |Bytes |Average |Estimated partition size in average. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_estimated_partition_size_histogram_p99 |No |estimated partition size p99 |Bytes |Average |p99 Estimated partition size (in bytes). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_index_summary_off_heap_memory_used |No |index summary off-heap memory used |Bytes |Total |Off-heap memory used by index summary. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_key_cache_hit_rate |No |key cache hit rate |Percent |Average |Key cache hit rate for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_live_disk_space_used |No |live disk space used |Bytes |Total |Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table (in bytes). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_live_scanned_histogram |No |live scanned average |Count |Average |Average live cells scanned in queries on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_live_scanned_histogram_p99 |No |live scanned p99 |Count |Average |p99 Live cells scanned in queries on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_live_sstable_count |No |live sstable count |Count |Total |Number of SSTables on disk for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_max_partition_size |No |max partition size |Bytes |Maximum |Size of the largest compacted partition (in bytes). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_mean_partition_size |No |mean partition size |Bytes |Average |Size of the average compacted partition (in bytes). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_memtable_columns_count |No |memtable columns count |Count |Total |Total number of columns present in the memtable. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_memtable_off_heap_size |No |memtable off heap size |Bytes |Total |Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_memtable_on_heap_size |No |memtable on heap size |Bytes |Total |Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_memtable_switch_count |No |memtable switch count |Count |Total |Number of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_min_partition_size |No |min partition size |Bytes |Minimum |Size of the smallest compacted partition (in bytes). |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_pending_compactions |No |pending compactions (deprecated) |Count |Total |Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_pending_compactions2 |No |pending compactions |Count |Total |Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_pending_flushes |No |pending flushes (deprecated) |Count |Total |Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_pending_flushes2 |No |pending flushes |Count |Total |Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_percent_repaired |No |percent repaired |Percent |Average |Percent of table data that is repaired on disk. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_range_latency |No |range latency average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average local range scan latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_range_latency_p99 |No |range latency p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Local range scan latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_read_latency |No |read latency average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average local read latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_read_latency_p99 |No |read latency p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Local read latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_row_cache_hit |No |row cache hit |Count |Total |Number of table row cache hits. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_row_cache_hit_out_of_range |No |row cache hit out of range |Count |Total |Number of table row cache hits that do not satisfy the query filter, thus went to disk. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_row_cache_miss |No |row cache miss |Count |Total |Number of table row cache misses. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_speculative_retries |No |speculative retries |Count |Total |Number of times speculative retries were sent for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_sstables_per_read_histogram |No |sstables per read average |Count |Average |Average number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read. SSTables skipped due to Bloom Filters, min-max key or partition index lookup are not taken into account. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_sstables_per_read_histogram_p99 |No |sstables per read p99 |Count |Average |p99 Number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read. SSTables skipped due to Bloom Filters, min-max key or partition index lookup are not taken into account. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_tombstone_scanned_histogram |No |tombstone scanned average |Count |Average |Average tombstones scanned in queries on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_tombstone_scanned_histogram_p99 |No |tombstone scanned p99 |Count |Average |p99 Tombstones scanned in queries on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_total_disk_space_used |No |total disk space used (deprecated) |Bytes |Total |Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_total_disk_space_used2 |No |total disk space used |Bytes |Total |Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_view_lock_acquire_time |No |view lock acquire time average |Count |Average |Average time taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_view_lock_acquire_time_p99 |No |view lock acquire time p99 |Count |Average |p99 Time taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_view_read_time |No |view read time average |Count |Average |Average time taken during the local read of a materialized view update. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_view_read_time_p99 |No |view read time p99 |Count |Average |p99 Time taken during the local read of a materialized view update. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_waiting_on_free_memtable_space |No |waiting on free memtable space average |Count |Average |Average time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_waiting_on_free_memtable_space_p99 |No |waiting on free memtable space p99 |Count |Average |p99 Time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_write_latency |No |write latency average (microseconds) |Count |Average |Average local write latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_table_write_latency_p99 |No |write latency p99 (microseconds) |Count |Average |p99 Local write latency for this table. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace |
+|cassandra_thread_pools_active_tasks |No |active tasks |Count |Total |Number of tasks being actively worked on by this pool. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type |
+|cassandra_thread_pools_currently_blocked_tasks |No |currently blocked tasks (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type |
+|cassandra_thread_pools_currently_blocked_tasks2 |No |currently blocked tasks |Count |Total |Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type |
+|cassandra_thread_pools_max_pool_size |No |max pool size |Count |Maximum |The maximum number of threads in this pool. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type |
+|cassandra_thread_pools_pending_tasks |No |pending tasks |Count |Total |Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type |
+|cassandra_thread_pools_total_blocked_tasks |No |total blocked tasks |Count |Total |Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation. |cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type |
+|cpu |No |CPU usage active |Percent |Average |CPU active usage rate |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind, CPU |
+|disk_utilization |Yes |disk utilization |Percent |Average |Disk utilization rate |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address |
+|diskio_merged_reads |No |disk I/O merged reads |Count |Total |disk I/O merged reads |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|diskio_merged_writes |No |disk I/O merged writes |Count |Total |disk I/O merged writes |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|diskio_read_bytes |No |disk I/O read bytes |Bytes |Total |disk I/O read bytes |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|diskio_read_time |No |disk I/O read time (milliseconds) |MilliSeconds |Total |disk I/O read time (milliseconds) |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|diskio_reads |No |disk I/O read counts |Count |Total |disk I/O read counts |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|diskio_write_bytes |No |disk I/O write bytes |Bytes |Total |disk I/O write bytes |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|diskio_write_time |No |disk I/O write time (milliseconds) |MilliSeconds |Total |disk I/O write time (milliseconds) |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|diskio_writes |No |disk I/O write counts |Count |Total |disk I/O write counts |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|ethtool_rx_bytes |No |network received bytes |Bytes |Total |network received bytes |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|ethtool_rx_packets |No |network received packets |Count |Total |network received packets |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|ethtool_tx_bytes |No |network transmitted bytes |Bytes |Total |network transmitted bytes |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|ethtool_tx_packets |No |network transmitted packets |Count |Total |network transmitted packets |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address, Kind |
+|percent_mem |Yes |memory utilization |Percent |Average |Memory utilization rate |ClusterResourceName, DataCenterResourceName, Address |
+## Microsoft.DocumentDB/DatabaseAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AddRegion |Yes |Region Added |Count |Count |Region Added |Region |
+|AutoscaleMaxThroughput |No |Autoscale Max Throughput |Count |Maximum |Autoscale Max Throughput |DatabaseName, CollectionName |
+|AvailableStorage |No |(deprecated) Available Storage |Bytes |Total |"Available Storage"will be removed from Azure Monitor at the end of September 2023. Cosmos DB collection storage size is now unlimited. The only restriction is that the storage size for each logical partition key is 20GB. You can enable PartitionKeyStatistics in Diagnostic Log to know the storage consumption for top partition keys. For more info about Cosmos DB storage quota, please check this doc https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/concepts-limits. After deprecation, the remaining alert rules still defined on the deprecated metric will be automatically disabled post the deprecation date. |CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region |
+|CassandraConnectionClosures |No |Cassandra Connection Closures |Count |Total |Number of Cassandra connections that were closed, reported at a 1 minute granularity |APIType, Region, ClosureReason |
+|CassandraConnectorAvgReplicationLatency |No |Cassandra Connector Average ReplicationLatency |MilliSeconds |Average |Cassandra Connector Average ReplicationLatency |No Dimensions |
+|CassandraConnectorReplicationHealthStatus |No |Cassandra Connector Replication Health Status |Count |Count |Cassandra Connector Replication Health Status |NotStarted, ReplicationInProgress, Error |
+|CassandraKeyspaceCreate |No |Cassandra Keyspace Created |Count |Count |Cassandra Keyspace Created |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|CassandraKeyspaceDelete |No |Cassandra Keyspace Deleted |Count |Count |Cassandra Keyspace Deleted |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|CassandraKeyspaceThroughputUpdate |No |Cassandra Keyspace Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Cassandra Keyspace Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|CassandraKeyspaceUpdate |No |Cassandra Keyspace Updated |Count |Count |Cassandra Keyspace Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|CassandraRequestCharges |No |Cassandra Request Charges |Count |Total |RUs consumed for Cassandra requests made |APIType, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, OperationType, ResourceType |
+|CassandraRequests |No |Cassandra Requests |Count |Count |Number of Cassandra requests made |APIType, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, OperationType, ResourceType, ErrorCode |
+|CassandraTableCreate |No |Cassandra Table Created |Count |Count |Cassandra Table Created |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|CassandraTableDelete |No |Cassandra Table Deleted |Count |Count |Cassandra Table Deleted |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|CassandraTableThroughputUpdate |No |Cassandra Table Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Cassandra Table Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|CassandraTableUpdate |No |Cassandra Table Updated |Count |Count |Cassandra Table Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|CreateAccount |Yes |Account Created |Count |Count |Account Created |No Dimensions |
+|DataUsage |No |Data Usage |Bytes |Total |Total data usage reported at 5 minutes granularity |CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region |
+|DedicatedGatewayAverageCPUUsage |No |DedicatedGatewayAverageCPUUsage |Percent |Average |Average CPU usage across dedicated gateway instances |Region, MetricType |
+|DedicatedGatewayAverageMemoryUsage |No |DedicatedGatewayAverageMemoryUsage |Bytes |Average |Average memory usage across dedicated gateway instances, which is used for both routing requests and caching data |Region |
+|DedicatedGatewayCPUUsage |No |DedicatedGatewayCPUUsage |Percent |Average |CPU usage across dedicated gateway instances |Region, ApplicationType |
+|DedicatedGatewayMaximumCPUUsage |No |DedicatedGatewayMaximumCPUUsage |Percent |Average |Average Maximum CPU usage across dedicated gateway instances |Region, MetricType |
+|DedicatedGatewayMemoryUsage |No |DedicatedGatewayMemoryUsage |Bytes |Average |Memory usage across dedicated gateway instances |Region, ApplicationType |
+|DedicatedGatewayRequests |Yes |DedicatedGatewayRequests |Count |Count |Requests at the dedicated gateway |DatabaseName, CollectionName, CacheExercised, OperationName, Region, CacheHit |
+|DeleteAccount |Yes |Account Deleted |Count |Count |Account Deleted |No Dimensions |
+|DocumentCount |No |Document Count |Count |Total |Total document count reported at 5 minutes, 1 hour and 1 day granularity |CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region |
+|DocumentQuota |No |Document Quota |Bytes |Total |Total storage quota reported at 5 minutes granularity |CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region |
+|GremlinDatabaseCreate |No |Gremlin Database Created |Count |Count |Gremlin Database Created |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|GremlinDatabaseDelete |No |Gremlin Database Deleted |Count |Count |Gremlin Database Deleted |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|GremlinDatabaseThroughputUpdate |No |Gremlin Database Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Gremlin Database Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|GremlinDatabaseUpdate |No |Gremlin Database Updated |Count |Count |Gremlin Database Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|GremlinGraphCreate |No |Gremlin Graph Created |Count |Count |Gremlin Graph Created |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|GremlinGraphDelete |No |Gremlin Graph Deleted |Count |Count |Gremlin Graph Deleted |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|GremlinGraphThroughputUpdate |No |Gremlin Graph Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Gremlin Graph Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|GremlinGraphUpdate |No |Gremlin Graph Updated |Count |Count |Gremlin Graph Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|GremlinRequestCharges |No |Gremlin Request Charges |Count |Total |Request Units consumed for Gremlin requests made |APIType, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region |
+|GremlinRequests |No |Gremlin Requests |Count |Count |Number of Gremlin requests made |APIType, DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ErrorCode |
+|IndexUsage |No |Index Usage |Bytes |Total |Total index usage reported at 5 minutes granularity |CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region |
+|IntegratedCacheEvictedEntriesSize |No |IntegratedCacheEvictedEntriesSize |Bytes |Average |Size of the entries evicted from the integrated cache |Region |
+|IntegratedCacheItemExpirationCount |No |IntegratedCacheItemExpirationCount |Count |Average |Number of items evicted from the integrated cache due to TTL expiration |Region, CacheEntryType |
+|IntegratedCacheItemHitRate |No |IntegratedCacheItemHitRate |Percent |Average |Number of point reads that used the integrated cache divided by number of point reads routed through the dedicated gateway with eventual consistency |Region, CacheEntryType |
+|IntegratedCacheQueryExpirationCount |No |IntegratedCacheQueryExpirationCount |Count |Average |Number of queries evicted from the integrated cache due to TTL expiration |Region, CacheEntryType |
+|IntegratedCacheQueryHitRate |No |IntegratedCacheQueryHitRate |Percent |Average |Number of queries that used the integrated cache divided by number of queries routed through the dedicated gateway with eventual consistency |Region, CacheEntryType |
+|MaterializedViewCatchupGapInMinutes |No |Materialized View Catchup Gap In Minutes |Count |Maximum |Maximum time difference in minutes between data in source container and data propagated to materialized view |Region, TargetContainerName, BuildType |
+|MaterializedViewsBuilderAverageCPUUsage |No |Materialized Views Builder Average CPU Usage |Percent |Average |Average CPU usage across materialized view builder instances, which are used for populating data in materialized views |Region, MetricType |
+|MaterializedViewsBuilderAverageMemoryUsage |No |Materialized Views Builder Average Memory Usage |Bytes |Average |Average memory usage across materialized view builder instances, which are used for populating data in materialized views |Region |
+|MaterializedViewsBuilderMaximumCPUUsage |No |Materialized Views Builder Maximum CPU Usage |Percent |Average |Average Maximum CPU usage across materialized view builder instances, which are used for populating data in materialized views |Region, MetricType |
+|MetadataRequests |No |Metadata Requests |Count |Count |Count of metadata requests. Cosmos DB maintains system metadata collection for each account, that allows you to enumerate collections, databases, etc, and their configurations, free of charge. |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, Role |
+|MongoCollectionCreate |No |Mongo Collection Created |Count |Count |Mongo Collection Created |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|MongoCollectionDelete |No |Mongo Collection Deleted |Count |Count |Mongo Collection Deleted |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|MongoCollectionThroughputUpdate |No |Mongo Collection Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Mongo Collection Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|MongoCollectionUpdate |No |Mongo Collection Updated |Count |Count |Mongo Collection Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|MongoDatabaseDelete |No |Mongo Database Deleted |Count |Count |Mongo Database Deleted |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|MongoDatabaseThroughputUpdate |No |Mongo Database Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Mongo Database Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|MongoDBDatabaseCreate |No |Mongo Database Created |Count |Count |Mongo Database Created |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|MongoDBDatabaseUpdate |No |Mongo Database Updated |Count |Count |Mongo Database Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|MongoRequestCharge |Yes |Mongo Request Charge |Count |Total |Mongo Request Units Consumed |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, CommandName, ErrorCode, Status |
+|MongoRequests |Yes |Mongo Requests |Count |Count |Number of Mongo Requests Made |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, CommandName, ErrorCode, Status |
+|NormalizedRUConsumption |No |Normalized RU Consumption |Percent |Maximum |Max RU consumption percentage per minute |CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region, PartitionKeyRangeId, CollectionRid, PhysicalPartitionId |
+|OfflineRegion |No |Region Offlined |Count |Count |Region Offlined |Region, StatusCode, Role, OperationName |
+|OnlineRegion |No |Region Onlined |Count |Count |Region Onlined |Region, StatusCode, Role, OperationName |
+|PhysicalPartitionSizeInfo |No |Physical Partition Size |Bytes |Maximum |Physical Partition Size in bytes |CollectionName, DatabaseName, PhysicalPartitionId, OfferOwnerRid, Region |
+|PhysicalPartitionThroughputInfo |No |Physical Partition Throughput |Count |Maximum |Physical Partition Throughput |CollectionName, DatabaseName, PhysicalPartitionId, OfferOwnerRid, Region |
+|ProvisionedThroughput |No |Provisioned Throughput |Count |Maximum |Provisioned Throughput |DatabaseName, CollectionName, AllowWrite |
+|RegionFailover |Yes |Region Failed Over |Count |Count |Region Failed Over |No Dimensions |
+|RemoveRegion |Yes |Region Removed |Count |Count |Region Removed |Region |
+|ReplicationLatency |Yes |P99 Replication Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |P99 Replication Latency across source and target regions for geo-enabled account |SourceRegion, TargetRegion |
+|ServerSideLatency |No |Server Side Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Server Side Latency |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ConnectionMode, OperationType, PublicAPIType |
+|ServerSideLatencyDirect |No |Server Side Latency Direct |MilliSeconds |Average |Server Side Latency in Direct Connection Mode |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ConnectionMode, OperationType, PublicAPIType, APIType |
+|ServerSideLatencyGateway |No |Server Side Latency Gateway |MilliSeconds |Average |Server Side Latency in Gateway Connection Mode |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ConnectionMode, OperationType, PublicAPIType, APIType |
+|ServiceAvailability |No |Service Availability |Percent |Average |Account requests availability at one hour, day or month granularity |No Dimensions |
+|SqlContainerCreate |No |Sql Container Created |Count |Count |Sql Container Created |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|SqlContainerDelete |No |Sql Container Deleted |Count |Count |Sql Container Deleted |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|SqlContainerThroughputUpdate |No |Sql Container Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Sql Container Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|SqlContainerUpdate |No |Sql Container Updated |Count |Count |Sql Container Updated |ResourceName, ChildResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|SqlDatabaseCreate |No |Sql Database Created |Count |Count |Sql Database Created |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|SqlDatabaseDelete |No |Sql Database Deleted |Count |Count |Sql Database Deleted |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|SqlDatabaseThroughputUpdate |No |Sql Database Throughput Updated |Count |Count |Sql Database Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|SqlDatabaseUpdate |No |Sql Database Updated |Count |Count |Sql Database Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|TableTableCreate |No |AzureTable Table Created |Count |Count |AzureTable Table Created |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|TableTableDelete |No |AzureTable Table Deleted |Count |Count |AzureTable Table Deleted |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, OperationType |
+|TableTableThroughputUpdate |No |AzureTable Table Throughput Updated |Count |Count |AzureTable Table Throughput Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest |
+|TableTableUpdate |No |AzureTable Table Updated |Count |Count |AzureTable Table Updated |ResourceName, ApiKind, ApiKindResourceType, IsThroughputRequest, OperationType |
+|TotalRequests |Yes |Total Requests |Count |Count |Number of requests made |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, OperationType, Status, CapacityType |
+|TotalRequestsPreview |No |Total Requests (Preview) |Count |Count |Number of requests |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, OperationType, Status, IsExternal |
+|TotalRequestUnits |Yes |Total Request Units |Count |Total |Request Units consumed |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, OperationType, Status, CapacityType |
+|TotalRequestUnitsPreview |No |Total Request Units (Preview) |Count |Total |Request Units consumed with CapacityType |DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, OperationType, Status, CapacityType |
+|UpdateAccountKeys |Yes |Account Keys Updated |Count |Count |Account Keys Updated |KeyType |
+|UpdateAccountNetworkSettings |Yes |Account Network Settings Updated |Count |Count |Account Network Settings Updated |No Dimensions |
+|UpdateAccountReplicationSettings |Yes |Account Replication Settings Updated |Count |Count |Account Replication Settings Updated |No Dimensions |
+|UpdateDiagnosticsSettings |No |Account Diagnostic Settings Updated |Count |Count |Account Diagnostic Settings Updated |DiagnosticSettingsName, ResourceGroupName |
+## microsoft.edgezones/edgezones
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|DiskStorageIOPSUsage |No |Disk IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |The total IOPS generated by Managed Disks in Azure Edge Zone Enterprise site. |No Dimensions |
+|DiskStorageUsedSizeUsage |Yes |Disk Usage Percentage |Percent |Average |The utilization of the Managed Disk capacity in Azure Edge Zone Enterprise site. |No Dimensions |
+|RegionSiteConnectivity |Yes |Region Site Connectivity |Count |Average |The status of an Edge Zone Enterprise link connection to its Azure region |No Dimensions |
+|TotalDiskStorageSizeCapacity |Yes |Total Disk Capacity |Bytes |Average |The total capacity of Managed Disk in Azure Edge Zone Enterprise site. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalVcoreCapacity |Yes |Total VCore Capacity |Count |Average |The total capacity of the General-Purpose Compute vcore in Edge Zone Enterprise site. |No Dimensions |
+|VcoresUsage |Yes |Vcore Usage Percentage |Percent |Average |The utilization of the General-Purpose Compute vcores in Edge Zone Enterprise site |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/domains
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount |Yes |Advanced Filter Evaluations |Count |Total |Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this topic. |Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName |
+|DeadLetteredCount |Yes |Dead Lettered Events |Count |Total |Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription |Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName, DeadLetterReason |
+|DeliveryAttemptFailCount |No |Delivery Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription |Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName, Error, ErrorType |
+|DeliverySuccessCount |Yes |Delivered Events |Count |Total |Total events delivered to this event subscription |Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName |
+|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs |No |Destination Processing Duration |MilliSeconds |Average |Destination processing duration in milliseconds |Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName |
+|DroppedEventCount |Yes |Dropped Events |Count |Total |Total dropped events matching to this event subscription |Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName, DropReason |
+|MatchedEventCount |Yes |Matched Events |Count |Total |Total events matched to this event subscription |Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName |
+|PublishFailCount |Yes |Publish Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to publish to this topic |Topic, ErrorType, Error |
+|PublishSuccessCount |Yes |Published Events |Count |Total |Total events published to this topic |Topic |
+|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs |Yes |Publish Success Latency |MilliSeconds |Total |Publish success latency in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|DeadLetteredCount |Yes |Dead Lettered Events |Count |Total |Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription |DeadLetterReason |
+|DeliveryAttemptFailCount |No |Delivery Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription |Error, ErrorType |
+|DeliverySuccessCount |Yes |Delivered Events |Count |Total |Total events delivered to this event subscription |No Dimensions |
+|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs |No |Destination Processing Duration |Milliseconds |Average |Destination processing duration in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+|DroppedEventCount |Yes |Dropped Events |Count |Total |Total dropped events matching to this event subscription |DropReason |
+|MatchedEventCount |Yes |Matched Events |Count |Total |Total events matched to this event subscription |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/extensionTopics
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|JobAUEndedCancelled|Yes|Cancelled AU Time|Seconds|Total|Total AU time for cancelled jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|JobAUEndedFailure|Yes|Failed AU Time|Seconds|Total|Total AU time for failed jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|JobAUEndedSuccess|Yes|Successful AU Time|Seconds|Total|Total AU time for successful jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|JobEndedCancelled|Yes|Cancelled Jobs|Count|Total|Count of cancelled jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|JobEndedFailure|Yes|Failed Jobs|Count|Total|Count of failed jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|JobEndedSuccess|Yes|Successful Jobs|Count|Total|Count of successful jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|JobStage|Yes|Jobs in Stage|Count|Total|Number of jobs in each stage.|No Dimensions|
+|PublishFailCount |Yes |Publish Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to publish to this topic |ErrorType, Error |
+|PublishSuccessCount |Yes |Published Events |Count |Total |Total events published to this topic |No Dimensions |
+|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs |Yes |Publish Success Latency |Milliseconds |Total |Publish success latency in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+|UnmatchedEventCount |Yes |Unmatched Events |Count |Total |Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|DataRead|Yes|Data Read|Bytes|Total|Total amount of data read from the account.|No Dimensions|
-|DataWritten|Yes|Data Written|Bytes|Total|Total amount of data written to the account.|No Dimensions|
-|ReadRequests|Yes|Read Requests|Count|Total|Count of data read requests to the account.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalStorage|Yes|Total Storage|Bytes|Maximum|Total amount of data stored in the account.|No Dimensions|
-|WriteRequests|Yes|Write Requests|Count|Total|Count of data write requests to the account.|No Dimensions|
+|PublishFailCount |Yes |Publish Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to publish to this partner namespace |ErrorType, Error |
+|PublishSuccessCount |Yes |Published Events |Count |Total |Total events published to this partner namespace |No Dimensions |
+|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs |Yes |Publish Success Latency |MilliSeconds |Total |Publish success latency in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+|UnmatchedEventCount |Yes |Unmatched Events |Count |Total |Total events not matching any of the partner topics |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DataProtection/BackupVaults
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BackupHealthEvent|Yes|Backup Health Events (preview)|Count|Count|The count of health events pertaining to backup job health|dataSourceURL, backupInstanceUrl, dataSourceType, healthStatus, backupInstanceName|
-|RestoreHealthEvent|Yes|Restore Health Events (preview)|Count|Count|The count of health events pertaining to restore job health|dataSourceURL, backupInstanceUrl, dataSourceType, healthStatus, backupInstanceName|
+|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount |Yes |Advanced Filter Evaluations |Count |Total |Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this partner topic. |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeadLetteredCount |Yes |Dead Lettered Events |Count |Total |Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription |DeadLetterReason, EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeliveryAttemptFailCount |No |Delivery Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription |Error, ErrorType, EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeliverySuccessCount |Yes |Delivered Events |Count |Total |Total events delivered to this event subscription |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs |No |Destination Processing Duration |MilliSeconds |Average |Destination processing duration in milliseconds |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DroppedEventCount |Yes |Dropped Events |Count |Total |Total dropped events matching to this event subscription |DropReason, EventSubscriptionName |
+|MatchedEventCount |Yes |Matched Events |Count |Total |Total events matched to this event subscription |EventSubscriptionName |
+|PublishSuccessCount |Yes |Published Events |Count |Total |Total events published to this partner topic |No Dimensions |
+|UnmatchedEventCount |Yes |Unmatched Events |Count |Total |Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this partner topic |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DataShare/accounts
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|FailedShareSubscriptionSynchronizations|Yes|Received Share Failed Snapshots|Count|Count|Number of received share failed snapshots in the account|No Dimensions|
-|FailedShareSynchronizations|Yes|Sent Share Failed Snapshots|Count|Count|Number of sent share failed snapshots in the account|No Dimensions|
-|ShareCount|Yes|Sent Shares|Count|Maximum|Number of sent shares in the account|ShareName|
-|ShareSubscriptionCount|Yes|Received Shares|Count|Maximum|Number of received shares in the account|ShareSubscriptionName|
-|SucceededShareSubscriptionSynchronizations|Yes|Received Share Succeeded Snapshots|Count|Count|Number of received share succeeded snapshots in the account|No Dimensions|
-|SucceededShareSynchronizations|Yes|Sent Share Succeeded Snapshots|Count|Count|Number of sent share succeeded snapshots in the account|No Dimensions|
+|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount |Yes |Advanced Filter Evaluations |Count |Total |Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this topic. |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeadLetteredCount |Yes |Dead Lettered Events |Count |Total |Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription |DeadLetterReason, EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeliveryAttemptFailCount |No |Delivery Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription |Error, ErrorType, EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeliverySuccessCount |Yes |Delivered Events |Count |Total |Total events delivered to this event subscription |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs |No |Destination Processing Duration |Milliseconds |Average |Destination processing duration in milliseconds |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DroppedEventCount |Yes |Dropped Events |Count |Total |Total dropped events matching to this event subscription |DropReason, EventSubscriptionName |
+|MatchedEventCount |Yes |Matched Events |Count |Total |Total events matched to this event subscription |EventSubscriptionName |
+|PublishFailCount |Yes |Publish Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to publish to this topic |ErrorType, Error |
+|PublishSuccessCount |Yes |Published Events |Count |Total |Total events published to this topic |No Dimensions |
+|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs |Yes |Publish Success Latency |Milliseconds |Total |Publish success latency in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+|UnmatchedEventCount |Yes |Unmatched Events |Count |Total |Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/topics
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|active_connections|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Average|Active Connections|No Dimensions|
-|backup_storage_used|Yes|Backup Storage used|Bytes|Average|Backup Storage used|No Dimensions|
-|connections_failed|Yes|Failed Connections|Count|Total|Failed Connections|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percent|Percent|Average|CPU percent|No Dimensions|
-|io_consumption_percent|Yes|IO percent|Percent|Average|IO percent|No Dimensions|
-|memory_percent|Yes|Memory percent|Percent|Average|Memory percent|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_egress|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|Network Out across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_ingress|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|Network In across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|seconds_behind_master|Yes|Replication lag in seconds|Count|Maximum|Replication lag in seconds|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_limit|Yes|Server Log storage limit|Bytes|Maximum|Server Log storage limit|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_percent|Yes|Server Log storage percent|Percent|Average|Server Log storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_usage|Yes|Server Log storage used|Bytes|Average|Server Log storage used|No Dimensions|
-|storage_limit|Yes|Storage limit|Bytes|Maximum|Storage limit|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Storage percent|Percent|Average|Storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|storage_used|Yes|Storage used|Bytes|Average|Storage used|No Dimensions|
+|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount |Yes |Advanced Filter Evaluations |Count |Total |Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this topic. |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeadLetteredCount |Yes |Dead Lettered Events |Count |Total |Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription |DeadLetterReason, EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeliveryAttemptFailCount |No |Delivery Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription |Error, ErrorType, EventSubscriptionName |
+|DeliverySuccessCount |Yes |Delivered Events |Count |Total |Total events delivered to this event subscription |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs |No |Destination Processing Duration |MilliSeconds |Average |Destination processing duration in milliseconds |EventSubscriptionName |
+|DroppedEventCount |Yes |Dropped Events |Count |Total |Total dropped events matching to this event subscription |DropReason, EventSubscriptionName |
+|MatchedEventCount |Yes |Matched Events |Count |Total |Total events matched to this event subscription |EventSubscriptionName |
+|PublishFailCount |Yes |Publish Failed Events |Count |Total |Total events failed to publish to this topic |ErrorType, Error |
+|PublishSuccessCount |Yes |Published Events |Count |Total |Total events published to this topic |No Dimensions |
+|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs |Yes |Publish Success Latency |MilliSeconds |Total |Publish success latency in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+|UnmatchedEventCount |Yes |Unmatched Events |Count |Total |Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers
+## Microsoft.EventHub/clusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|aborted_connections|Yes|Aborted Connections|Count|Total|Aborted Connections|No Dimensions|
-|active_connections|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Maximum|Active Connections|No Dimensions|
-|backup_storage_used|Yes|Backup Storage Used|Bytes|Maximum|Backup Storage Used|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_credits_consumed|Yes|CPU Credits Consumed|Count|Maximum|CPU Credits Consumed|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_credits_remaining|Yes|CPU Credits Remaining|Count|Maximum|CPU Credits Remaining|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|Host CPU Percent|Percent|Maximum|Host CPU Percent|No Dimensions|
-|io_consumption_percent|Yes|IO Percent|Percent|Maximum|IO Percent|No Dimensions|
-|memory_percent|Yes|Host Memory Percent|Percent|Maximum|Host Memory Percent|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_egress|Yes|Host Network Out|Bytes|Total|Host Network egress in bytes|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_ingress|Yes|Host Network In|Bytes|Total|Host Network ingress in bytes|No Dimensions|
-|Queries|Yes|Queries|Count|Total|Queries|No Dimensions|
-|replication_lag|Yes|Replication Lag In Seconds|Seconds|Maximum|Replication lag in seconds|No Dimensions|
-|storage_limit|Yes|Storage Limit|Bytes|Maximum|Storage Limit|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Storage Percent|Percent|Maximum|Storage Percent|No Dimensions|
-|storage_used|Yes|Storage Used|Bytes|Maximum|Storage Used|No Dimensions|
-|total_connections|Yes|Total Connections|Count|Total|Total Connections|No Dimensions|
+|ActiveConnections |No |ActiveConnections |Count |Average |Total Active Connections for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|AvailableMemory |No |Available Memory |Percent |Maximum |Available memory for the Event Hub Cluster as a percentage of total memory. |Role |
+|CaptureBacklog |No |Capture Backlog. |Count |Total |Capture Backlog for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|CapturedBytes |No |Captured Bytes. |Bytes |Total |Captured Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|CapturedMessages |No |Captured Messages. |Count |Total |Captured Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|ConnectionsClosed |No |Connections Closed. |Count |Average |Connections Closed for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|ConnectionsOpened |No |Connections Opened. |Count |Average |Connections Opened for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|CPU |No |CPU |Percent |Maximum |CPU utilization for the Event Hub Cluster as a percentage |Role |
+|IncomingBytes |Yes |Incoming Bytes. |Bytes |Total |Incoming Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|IncomingMessages |Yes |Incoming Messages |Count |Total |Incoming Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|IncomingRequests |Yes |Incoming Requests |Count |Total |Incoming Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|OutgoingBytes |Yes |Outgoing Bytes. |Bytes |Total |Outgoing Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|OutgoingMessages |Yes |Outgoing Messages |Count |Total |Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|QuotaExceededErrors |No |Quota Exceeded Errors. |Count |Total |Quota Exceeded Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. |OperationResult |
+|ServerErrors |No |Server Errors. |Count |Total |Server Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. |OperationResult |
+|Size |No |Size |Bytes |Average |Size of an EventHub in Bytes. |Role |
+|SuccessfulRequests |No |Successful Requests |Count |Total |Successful Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. |OperationResult |
+|ThrottledRequests |No |Throttled Requests. |Count |Total |Throttled Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. |OperationResult |
+|UserErrors |No |User Errors. |Count |Total |User Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. |OperationResult |
-## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers
+## Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|active_connections|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Average|Active Connections|No Dimensions|
-|backup_storage_used|Yes|Backup Storage used|Bytes|Average|Backup Storage used|No Dimensions|
-|connections_failed|Yes|Failed Connections|Count|Total|Failed Connections|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percent|Percent|Average|CPU percent|No Dimensions|
-|io_consumption_percent|Yes|IO percent|Percent|Average|IO percent|No Dimensions|
-|memory_percent|Yes|Memory percent|Percent|Average|Memory percent|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_egress|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|Network Out across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_ingress|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|Network In across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|seconds_behind_master|Yes|Replication lag in seconds|Count|Maximum|Replication lag in seconds|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_limit|Yes|Server Log storage limit|Bytes|Maximum|Server Log storage limit|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_percent|Yes|Server Log storage percent|Percent|Average|Server Log storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_usage|Yes|Server Log storage used|Bytes|Average|Server Log storage used|No Dimensions|
-|storage_limit|Yes|Storage limit|Bytes|Maximum|Storage limit|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Storage percent|Percent|Average|Storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|storage_used|Yes|Storage used|Bytes|Average|Storage used|No Dimensions|
+|ActiveConnections |No |ActiveConnections |Count |Maximum |Total Active Connections for Microsoft.EventHub. |No Dimensions |
+|CaptureBacklog |No |Capture Backlog. |Count |Total |Capture Backlog for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|CapturedBytes |No |Captured Bytes. |Bytes |Total |Captured Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|CapturedMessages |No |Captured Messages. |Count |Total |Captured Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|ConnectionsClosed |No |Connections Closed. |Count |Maximum |Connections Closed for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|ConnectionsOpened |No |Connections Opened. |Count |Maximum |Connections Opened for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|EHABL |Yes |Archive backlog messages (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Event Hub archive messages in backlog for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHAMBS |Yes |Archive message throughput (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |Event Hub archived message throughput in a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHAMSGS |Yes |Archive messages (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Event Hub archived messages in a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHINBYTES |Yes |Incoming bytes (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHINMBS |Yes |Incoming bytes (obsolete) (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming bytes metric instead (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHINMSGS |Yes |Incoming Messages (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total incoming messages for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHOUTBYTES |Yes |Outgoing bytes (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHOUTMBS |Yes |Outgoing bytes (obsolete) (Deprecated) |Bytes |Total |Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing bytes metric instead (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|EHOUTMSGS |Yes |Outgoing Messages (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total outgoing messages for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|FAILREQ |Yes |Failed Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total failed requests for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|IncomingBytes |Yes |Incoming Bytes. |Bytes |Total |Incoming Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|IncomingMessages |Yes |Incoming Messages |Count |Total |Incoming Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|IncomingRequests |Yes |Incoming Requests |Count |Total |Incoming Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|INMSGS |Yes |Incoming Messages (obsolete) (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total incoming messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming Messages metric instead (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|INREQS |Yes |Incoming Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total incoming send requests for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|INTERR |Yes |Internal Server Errors (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total internal server errors for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|MISCERR |Yes |Other Errors (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total failed requests for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|NamespaceCpuUsage |No |CPU |Percent |Maximum |CPU usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces. |Replica |
+|NamespaceMemoryUsage |No |Memory Usage |Percent |Maximum |Memory usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces. |Replica |
+|OutgoingBytes |Yes |Outgoing Bytes. |Bytes |Total |Outgoing Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|OutgoingMessages |Yes |Outgoing Messages |Count |Total |Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName |
+|OUTMSGS |Yes |Outgoing Messages (obsolete) (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total outgoing messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing Messages metric instead (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|QuotaExceededErrors |No |Quota Exceeded Errors. |Count |Total |Quota Exceeded Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|ServerErrors |No |Server Errors. |Count |Total |Server Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|Size |No |Size |Bytes |Average |Size of an EventHub in Bytes. |EntityName |
+|SuccessfulRequests |No |Successful Requests |Count |Total |Successful Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|SUCCREQ |Yes |Successful Requests (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total successful requests for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|SVRBSY |Yes |Server Busy Errors (Deprecated) |Count |Total |Total server busy errors for a namespace (Deprecated) |No Dimensions |
+|ThrottledRequests |No |Throttled Requests. |Count |Total |Throttled Requests for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|UserErrors |No |User Errors. |Count |Total |User Errors for Microsoft.EventHub. |EntityName, OperationResult |
-## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers
+## Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|active_connections|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Average|Active Connections|No Dimensions|
-|backup_storage_used|Yes|Backup Storage Used|Bytes|Average|Backup Storage Used|No Dimensions|
-|connections_failed|Yes|Failed Connections|Count|Total|Failed Connections|No Dimensions|
-|connections_succeeded|Yes|Succeeded Connections|Count|Total|Succeeded Connections|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_credits_consumed|Yes|CPU Credits Consumed|Count|Average|Total number of credits consumed by the database server|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_credits_remaining|Yes|CPU Credits Remaining|Count|Average|Total number of credits available to burst|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percent|Percent|Average|CPU percent|No Dimensions|
-|disk_queue_depth|Yes|Disk Queue Depth|Count|Average|Number of outstanding I/O operations to the data disk|No Dimensions|
-|iops|Yes|IOPS|Count|Average|IO Operations per second|No Dimensions|
-|maximum_used_transactionIDs|Yes|Maximum Used Transaction IDs|Count|Average|Maximum Used Transaction IDs|No Dimensions|
-|memory_percent|Yes|Memory percent|Percent|Average|Memory percent|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_egress|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|Network Out across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_ingress|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|Network In across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|read_iops|Yes|Read IOPS|Count|Average|Number of data disk I/O read operations per second|No Dimensions|
-|read_throughput|Yes|Read Throughput Bytes/Sec|Count|Average|Bytes read per second from the data disk during monitoring period|No Dimensions|
-|storage_free|Yes|Storage Free|Bytes|Average|Storage Free|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Storage percent|Percent|Average|Storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|storage_used|Yes|Storage used|Bytes|Average|Storage used|No Dimensions|
-|txlogs_storage_used|Yes|Transaction Log Storage Used|Bytes|Average|Transaction Log Storage Used|No Dimensions|
-|write_iops|Yes|Write IOPS|Count|Average|Number of data disk I/O write operations per second|No Dimensions|
-|write_throughput|Yes|Write Throughput Bytes/Sec|Count|Average|Bytes written per second to the data disk during monitoring period|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.DBForPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|active_connections|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Average|Active Connections|ServerName|
-|apps_reserved_memory_percent|Yes|Reserved Memory percent|Percent|Average|Percentage of Commit Memory Limit Reserved by Applications|ServerName|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percent|Percent|Average|CPU percent|ServerName|
-|iops|Yes|IOPS|Count|Average|IO operations per second|ServerName|
-|memory_percent|Yes|Memory percent|Percent|Average|Memory percent|ServerName|
-|network_bytes_egress|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|Network Out across active connections|ServerName|
-|network_bytes_ingress|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|Network In across active connections|ServerName|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Storage percent|Percent|Average|Storage percent|ServerName|
-|storage_used|Yes|Storage used|Bytes|Average|Storage used|ServerName|
-|vm_cached_bandwidth_percent|Yes|VM Cached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|ServerName|
-|vm_cached_iops_percent|Yes|VM Cached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of cached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|ServerName|
-|vm_uncached_bandwidth_percent|Yes|VM Uncached Bandwidth Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk bandwidth consumed by the VM|ServerName|
-|vm_uncached_iops_percent|Yes|VM Uncached IOPS Consumed Percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of uncached disk IOPS consumed by the VM|ServerName|
-## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|active_connections|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Average|Active Connections|No Dimensions|
-|backup_storage_used|Yes|Backup Storage Used|Bytes|Average|Backup Storage Used|No Dimensions|
-|connections_failed|Yes|Failed Connections|Count|Total|Failed Connections|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percent|Percent|Average|CPU percent|No Dimensions|
-|io_consumption_percent|Yes|IO percent|Percent|Average|IO percent|No Dimensions|
-|memory_percent|Yes|Memory percent|Percent|Average|Memory percent|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_egress|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|Network Out across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_ingress|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|Network In across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|pg_replica_log_delay_in_bytes|Yes|Max Lag Across Replicas|Bytes|Maximum|Lag in bytes of the most lagging replica|No Dimensions|
-|pg_replica_log_delay_in_seconds|Yes|Replica Lag|Seconds|Maximum|Replica lag in seconds|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_limit|Yes|Server Log storage limit|Bytes|Maximum|Server Log storage limit|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_percent|Yes|Server Log storage percent|Percent|Average|Server Log storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|serverlog_storage_usage|Yes|Server Log storage used|Bytes|Average|Server Log storage used|No Dimensions|
-|storage_limit|Yes|Storage limit|Bytes|Maximum|Storage limit|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Storage percent|Percent|Average|Storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|storage_used|Yes|Storage used|Bytes|Average|Storage used|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|active_connections|Yes|Active Connections|Count|Average|Active Connections|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percent|Percent|Average|CPU percent|No Dimensions|
-|iops|Yes|IOPS|Count|Average|IO Operations per second|No Dimensions|
-|memory_percent|Yes|Memory percent|Percent|Average|Memory percent|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_egress|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|Network Out across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|network_bytes_ingress|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|Network In across active connections|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Storage percent|Percent|Average|Storage percent|No Dimensions|
-|storage_used|Yes|Storage used|Bytes|Average|Storage used|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|elasticPool.requestedUsageRate|Yes|requested usage rate|Percent|Average|requested usage rate|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|broker.msgs.delivered|Yes|Broker: Messages Delivered (Preview)|Count|Total|Total number of messages delivered by the broker|Result, FailureReasonCategory, QoS, TopicSpaceName|
-|broker.msgs.delivery.throttlingLatency|Yes|Broker: Message delivery latency from throttling (Preview)|Milliseconds|Average|The average egress message delivery latency due to throttling|No Dimensions|
-|broker.msgs.published|Yes|Broker: Messages Published (Preview)|Count|Total|Total number of messages published to the broker|Result, FailureReasonCategory, QoS|
-|c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success|Yes|C2D messages abandoned|Count|Total|Number of cloud-to-device messages abandoned by the device|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.commands.egress.complete.success|Yes|C2D message deliveries completed|Count|Total|Number of cloud-to-device message deliveries completed successfully by the device|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.commands.egress.reject.success|Yes|C2D messages rejected|Count|Total|Number of cloud-to-device messages rejected by the device|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.failure|Yes|Failed direct method invocations|Count|Total|The count of all failed direct method calls.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.requestSize|Yes|Request size of direct method invocations|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful direct method requests.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.responseSize|Yes|Response size of direct method invocations|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful direct method responses.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.success|Yes|Successful direct method invocations|Count|Total|The count of all successful direct method calls.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.read.failure|Yes|Failed twin reads from back end|Count|Total|The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.read.size|Yes|Response size of twin reads from back end|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.read.success|Yes|Successful twin reads from back end|Count|Total|The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.update.failure|Yes|Failed twin updates from back end|Count|Total|The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.update.size|Yes|Size of twin updates from back end|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.update.success|Yes|Successful twin updates from back end|Count|Total|The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|C2DMessagesExpired|Yes|C2D Messages Expired|Count|Total|Number of expired cloud-to-device messages|No Dimensions|
-|configurations|Yes|Configuration Metrics|Count|Total|Metrics for Configuration Operations|No Dimensions|
-|connectedDeviceCount|Yes|Connected devices|Count|Average|Number of devices connected to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.builtIn.events|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to messages/events|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to the built-in endpoint (messages/events).|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.eventHubs|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to Event Hub|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Event Hub endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusQueues|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Queue|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus queue endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusTopics|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Topic|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus topic endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to storage|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to storage endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.blobs|Yes|Routing: blobs delivered to storage|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered blobs to storage endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.bytes|Yes|Routing: data delivered to storage|Bytes|Total|The amount of data (bytes) IoT Hub routing delivered to storage endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.builtIn.events|Yes|Routing: message latency for messages/events|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events).|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.eventHubs|Yes|Routing: message latency for Event Hub|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into an Event Hub endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusQueues|Yes|Routing: message latency for Service Bus Queue|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus queue endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusTopics|Yes|Routing: message latency for Service Bus Topic|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus topic endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.storage|Yes|Routing: message latency for storage|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a storage endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages dropped|Count|Total|The number of times messages were dropped by IoT Hub routing due to dead endpoints. This value does not count messages delivered to fallback route as dropped messages are not delivered there.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to fallback|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered messages to the endpoint associated with the fallback route.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages incompatible|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing failed to deliver messages due to an incompatibility with the endpoint. This value does not include retries.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages orphaned|Count|Total|The number of times messages were orphaned by IoT Hub routing because they didn't match any routing rules (including the fallback rule).|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.success|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages delivered|Count|Total|The number of times messages were successfully delivered to all endpoints using IoT Hub routing. If a message is routed to multiple endpoints, this value increases by one for each successful delivery. If a message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times, this value increases by one for each successful delivery.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol|Yes|Telemetry message send attempts|Count|Total|Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.sendThrottle|Yes|Number of throttling errors|Count|Total|Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.success|Yes|Telemetry messages sent|Count|Total|Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.read.failure|Yes|Failed twin reads from devices|Count|Total|The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.read.size|Yes|Response size of twin reads from devices|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful device-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.read.success|Yes|Successful twin reads from devices|Count|Total|The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.update.failure|Yes|Failed twin updates from devices|Count|Total|The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.update.size|Yes|Size of twin updates from devices|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max size of all successful device-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.update.success|Yes|Successful twin updates from devices|Count|Total|The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|dailyMessageQuotaUsed|Yes|Total number of messages used|Count|Maximum|Number of total messages used today|No Dimensions|
-|deviceDataUsage|Yes|Total device data usage|Bytes|Total|Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub|No Dimensions|
-|deviceDataUsageV2|Yes|Total device data usage (preview)|Bytes|Total|Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub|No Dimensions|
-|devices.connectedDevices.allProtocol|Yes|Connected devices (deprecated) |Count|Total|Number of devices connected to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|devices.totalDevices|Yes|Total devices (deprecated)|Count|Total|Number of devices registered to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|EventGridDeliveries|Yes|Event Grid deliveries|Count|Total|The number of IoT Hub events published to Event Grid. Use the Result dimension for the number of successful and failed requests. EventType dimension shows the type of event (https://aka.ms/ioteventgrid).|Result, EventType|
-|EventGridLatency|Yes|Event Grid latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) from when the Iot Hub event was generated to when the event was published to Event Grid. This number is an average between all event types. Use the EventType dimension to see latency of a specific type of event.|EventType|
-|jobs.cancelJob.failure|Yes|Failed job cancellations|Count|Total|The count of all failed calls to cancel a job.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.cancelJob.success|Yes|Successful job cancellations|Count|Total|The count of all successful calls to cancel a job.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.completed|Yes|Completed jobs|Count|Total|The count of all completed jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createDirectMethodJob.failure|Yes|Failed creations of method invocation jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createDirectMethodJob.success|Yes|Successful creations of method invocation jobs|Count|Total|The count of all successful creation of direct method invocation jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.failure|Yes|Failed creations of twin update jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed creation of twin update jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.success|Yes|Successful creations of twin update jobs|Count|Total|The count of all successful creation of twin update jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.failed|Yes|Failed jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.listJobs.failure|Yes|Failed calls to list jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed calls to list jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.listJobs.success|Yes|Successful calls to list jobs|Count|Total|The count of all successful calls to list jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.queryJobs.failure|Yes|Failed job queries|Count|Total|The count of all failed calls to query jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.queryJobs.success|Yes|Successful job queries|Count|Total|The count of all successful calls to query jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|mqtt.connections|Yes|MQTT: New Connections (Preview)|Count|Total|The number of new connections per IoT Hub|SessionType, MqttEndpoint|
-|mqtt.sessions|Yes|MQTT: New Sessions (Preview)|Count|Total|The number of new sessions per IoT Hub|SessionType, MqttEndpoint|
-|mqtt.sessions.dropped|Yes|MQTT: Dropped Sessions (Preview)|Percent|Average|The rate of dropped sessions per IoT Hub|DropReason|
-|mqtt.subscriptions|Yes|MQTT: New Subscriptions (Preview)|Count|Total|The number of subscriptions|Result, FailureReasonCategory, OperationType, TopicSpaceName|
-|RoutingDataSizeInBytesDelivered|Yes|Routing Delivery Message Size in Bytes (preview)|Bytes|Total|The total size in bytes of messages delivered by IoT hub to an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to view the size of the messages in bytes delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases for every message delivered, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.|EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource|
-|RoutingDeliveries|Yes|Routing Deliveries (preview)|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub attempted to deliver messages to all endpoints using routing. To see the number of successful or failed attempts, use the Result dimension. To see the reason of failure, like invalid, dropped, or orphaned, use the FailureReasonCategory dimension. You can also use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand how many messages were delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases by one for each delivery attempt, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.|EndpointType, EndpointName, FailureReasonCategory, Result, RoutingSource|
-|RoutingDeliveryLatency|Yes|Routing Delivery Latency (preview)|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand the latency to your different endpoints.|EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource|
-|tenantHub.requestedUsageRate|Yes|requested usage rate|Percent|Average|requested usage rate|No Dimensions|
-|totalDeviceCount|Yes|Total devices|Count|Average|Number of devices registered to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|twinQueries.failure|Yes|Failed twin queries|Count|Total|The count of all failed twin queries.|No Dimensions|
-|twinQueries.resultSize|Yes|Twin queries result size|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of the result size of all successful twin queries.|No Dimensions|
-|twinQueries.success|Yes|Successful twin queries|Count|Total|The count of all successful twin queries.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|broker.msgs.delivered|Yes|Broker: Messages Delivered (Preview)|Count|Total|Total number of messages delivered by the broker|Result, FailureReasonCategory, QoS, TopicSpaceName|
-|broker.msgs.delivery.throttlingLatency|Yes|Broker: Message delivery latency from throttling (Preview)|Milliseconds|Average|The average egress message delivery latency due to throttling|No Dimensions|
-|broker.msgs.published|Yes|Broker: Messages Published (Preview)|Count|Total|Total number of messages published to the broker|Result, FailureReasonCategory, QoS|
-|c2d.commands.egress.abandon.success|Yes|C2D messages abandoned|Count|Total|Number of cloud-to-device messages abandoned by the device|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.commands.egress.complete.success|Yes|C2D message deliveries completed|Count|Total|Number of cloud-to-device message deliveries completed successfully by the device|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.commands.egress.reject.success|Yes|C2D messages rejected|Count|Total|Number of cloud-to-device messages rejected by the device|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.failure|Yes|Failed direct method invocations|Count|Total|The count of all failed direct method calls.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.requestSize|Yes|Request size of direct method invocations|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful direct method requests.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.responseSize|Yes|Response size of direct method invocations|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful direct method responses.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.methods.success|Yes|Successful direct method invocations|Count|Total|The count of all successful direct method calls.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.read.failure|Yes|Failed twin reads from back end|Count|Total|The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.read.size|Yes|Response size of twin reads from back end|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.read.success|Yes|Successful twin reads from back end|Count|Total|The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.update.failure|Yes|Failed twin updates from back end|Count|Total|The count of all failed back-end-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.update.size|Yes|Size of twin updates from back end|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max size of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.twin.update.success|Yes|Successful twin updates from back end|Count|Total|The count of all successful back-end-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|C2DMessagesExpired|Yes|C2D Messages Expired|Count|Total|Number of expired cloud-to-device messages|No Dimensions|
-|configurations|Yes|Configuration Metrics|Count|Total|Metrics for Configuration Operations|No Dimensions|
-|connectedDeviceCount|No|Connected devices|Count|Average|Number of devices connected to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.builtIn.events|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to messages/events|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to the built-in endpoint (messages/events).|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.eventHubs|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to Event Hub|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Event Hub endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusQueues|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Queue|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus queue endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.serviceBusTopics|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to Service Bus Topic|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to Service Bus topic endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to storage|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing successfully delivered messages to storage endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.blobs|Yes|Routing: blobs delivered to storage|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered blobs to storage endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.egress.storage.bytes|Yes|Routing: data delivered to storage|Bytes|Total|The amount of data (bytes) IoT Hub routing delivered to storage endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.builtIn.events|Yes|Routing: message latency for messages/events|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into the built-in endpoint (messages/events).|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.eventHubs|Yes|Routing: message latency for Event Hub|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and message ingress into an Event Hub endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusQueues|Yes|Routing: message latency for Service Bus Queue|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus queue endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.serviceBusTopics|Yes|Routing: message latency for Service Bus Topic|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a Service Bus topic endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.endpoints.latency.storage|Yes|Routing: message latency for storage|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into a storage endpoint.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.dropped|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages dropped|Count|Total|The number of times messages were dropped by IoT Hub routing due to dead endpoints. This value does not count messages delivered to fallback route as dropped messages are not delivered there.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.fallback|Yes|Routing: messages delivered to fallback|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing delivered messages to the endpoint associated with the fallback route.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.invalid|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages incompatible|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub routing failed to deliver messages due to an incompatibility with the endpoint. This value does not include retries.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.orphaned|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages orphaned|Count|Total|The number of times messages were orphaned by IoT Hub routing because they didn't match any routing rules (including the fallback rule).|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.egress.success|Yes|Routing: telemetry messages delivered|Count|Total|The number of times messages were successfully delivered to all endpoints using IoT Hub routing. If a message is routed to multiple endpoints, this value increases by one for each successful delivery. If a message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times, this value increases by one for each successful delivery.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol|Yes|Telemetry message send attempts|Count|Total|Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.sendThrottle|Yes|Number of throttling errors|Count|Total|Number of throttling errors due to device throughput throttles|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.success|Yes|Telemetry messages sent|Count|Total|Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages sent successfully to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.read.failure|Yes|Failed twin reads from devices|Count|Total|The count of all failed device-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.read.size|Yes|Response size of twin reads from devices|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of all successful device-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.read.success|Yes|Successful twin reads from devices|Count|Total|The count of all successful device-initiated twin reads.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.update.failure|Yes|Failed twin updates from devices|Count|Total|The count of all failed device-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.update.size|Yes|Size of twin updates from devices|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max size of all successful device-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.twin.update.success|Yes|Successful twin updates from devices|Count|Total|The count of all successful device-initiated twin updates.|No Dimensions|
-|dailyMessageQuotaUsed|Yes|Total number of messages used|Count|Maximum|Number of total messages used today|No Dimensions|
-|deviceDataUsage|Yes|Total device data usage|Bytes|Total|Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub|No Dimensions|
-|deviceDataUsageV2|Yes|Total device data usage (preview)|Bytes|Total|Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IotHub|No Dimensions|
-|devices.connectedDevices.allProtocol|Yes|Connected devices (deprecated) |Count|Total|Number of devices connected to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|devices.totalDevices|Yes|Total devices (deprecated)|Count|Total|Number of devices registered to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|EventGridDeliveries|Yes|Event Grid deliveries|Count|Total|The number of IoT Hub events published to Event Grid. Use the Result dimension for the number of successful and failed requests. EventType dimension shows the type of event (https://aka.ms/ioteventgrid).|Result, EventType|
-|EventGridLatency|Yes|Event Grid latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) from when the Iot Hub event was generated to when the event was published to Event Grid. This number is an average between all event types. Use the EventType dimension to see latency of a specific type of event.|EventType|
-|jobs.cancelJob.failure|Yes|Failed job cancellations|Count|Total|The count of all failed calls to cancel a job.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.cancelJob.success|Yes|Successful job cancellations|Count|Total|The count of all successful calls to cancel a job.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.completed|Yes|Completed jobs|Count|Total|The count of all completed jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createDirectMethodJob.failure|Yes|Failed creations of method invocation jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed creation of direct method invocation jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createDirectMethodJob.success|Yes|Successful creations of method invocation jobs|Count|Total|The count of all successful creation of direct method invocation jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.failure|Yes|Failed creations of twin update jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed creation of twin update jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.createTwinUpdateJob.success|Yes|Successful creations of twin update jobs|Count|Total|The count of all successful creation of twin update jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.failed|Yes|Failed jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.listJobs.failure|Yes|Failed calls to list jobs|Count|Total|The count of all failed calls to list jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.listJobs.success|Yes|Successful calls to list jobs|Count|Total|The count of all successful calls to list jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.queryJobs.failure|Yes|Failed job queries|Count|Total|The count of all failed calls to query jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|jobs.queryJobs.success|Yes|Successful job queries|Count|Total|The count of all successful calls to query jobs.|No Dimensions|
-|mqtt.connections|Yes|MQTT: New Connections (Preview)|Count|Total|The number of new connections per IoT Hub|SessionType, MqttEndpoint|
-|mqtt.sessions|Yes|MQTT: New Sessions (Preview)|Count|Total|The number of new sessions per IoT Hub|SessionType, MqttEndpoint|
-|mqtt.sessions.dropped|Yes|MQTT: Dropped Sessions (Preview)|Percent|Average|The rate of dropped sessions per IoT Hub|DropReason|
-|mqtt.subscriptions|Yes|MQTT: New Subscriptions (Preview)|Count|Total|The number of subscriptions|Result, FailureReasonCategory, OperationType, TopicSpaceName|
-|RoutingDataSizeInBytesDelivered|Yes|Routing Delivery Message Size in Bytes (preview)|Bytes|Total|The total size in bytes of messages delivered by IoT hub to an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to view the size of the messages in bytes delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases for every message delivered, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.|EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource|
-|RoutingDeliveries|Yes|Routing Deliveries (preview)|Count|Total|The number of times IoT Hub attempted to deliver messages to all endpoints using routing. To see the number of successful or failed attempts, use the Result dimension. To see the reason of failure, like invalid, dropped, or orphaned, use the FailureReasonCategory dimension. You can also use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand how many messages were delivered to your different endpoints. The metric value increases by one for each delivery attempt, including if the message is delivered to multiple endpoints or if the message is delivered to the same endpoint multiple times.|EndpointType, EndpointName, FailureReasonCategory, Result, RoutingSource|
-|RoutingDeliveryLatency|Yes|Routing Delivery Latency (preview)|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency (milliseconds) between message ingress to IoT Hub and telemetry message ingress into an endpoint. You can use the EndpointName and EndpointType dimensions to understand the latency to your different endpoints.|EndpointType, EndpointName, RoutingSource|
-|totalDeviceCount|No|Total devices|Count|Average|Number of devices registered to your IoT hub|No Dimensions|
-|twinQueries.failure|Yes|Failed twin queries|Count|Total|The count of all failed twin queries.|No Dimensions|
-|twinQueries.resultSize|Yes|Twin queries result size|Bytes|Average|The average, min, and max of the result size of all successful twin queries.|No Dimensions|
-|twinQueries.success|Yes|Successful twin queries|Count|Total|The count of all successful twin queries.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|AttestationAttempts|Yes|Attestation attempts|Count|Total|Number of device attestations attempted|ProvisioningServiceName, Status, Protocol|
-|DeviceAssignments|Yes|Devices assigned|Count|Total|Number of devices assigned to an IoT hub|ProvisioningServiceName, IotHubName|
-|RegistrationAttempts|Yes|Registration attempts|Count|Total|Number of device registrations attempted|ProvisioningServiceName, IotHubName, Status|
-## Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ApiRequests|Yes|API Requests|Count|Total|The number of API requests made for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations.|Operation, Authentication, Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText|
-|ApiRequestsFailureRate|Yes|API Requests Failure Rate|Percent|Average|The percentage of API requests that the service receives for your instance that return an internal error (500) response code for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations.|Operation, Authentication, Protocol|
-|ApiRequestsLatency|Yes|API Requests Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The response time for API requests, i.e. from when the request is received by Azure Digital Twins until the service sends a success/fail result for Digital Twins read, write, delete and query operations.|Operation, Authentication, Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusText|
-|BillingApiOperations|Yes|Billing API Operations|Count|Total|Billing metric for the count of all API requests made against the Azure Digital Twins service.|MeterId|
-|BillingMessagesProcessed|Yes|Billing Messages Processed|Count|Total|Billing metric for the number of messages sent out from Azure Digital Twins to external endpoints.|MeterId|
-|BillingQueryUnits|Yes|Billing Query Units|Count|Total|The number of Query Units, an internally computed measure of service resource usage, consumed to execute queries.|MeterId|
-|DataHistoryRouting|Yes|Data History Messages Routed (preview)|Count|Total|The number of messages routed to a time series database.|EndpointType, Result|
-|DataHistoryRoutingFailureRate|Yes|Data History Routing Failure Rate (preview)|Percent|Average|The percentage of events that result in an error as they are routed from Azure Digital Twins to a time series database.|EndpointType|
-|DataHistoryRoutingLatency|Yes|Data History Routing Latency (preview)|Milliseconds|Average|Time elapsed between an event getting routed from Azure Digital Twins to when it is posted to a time series database.|EndpointType, Result|
-|IngressEvents|Yes|Ingress Events|Count|Total|The number of incoming telemetry events into Azure Digital Twins.|Result|
-|IngressEventsFailureRate|Yes|Ingress Events Failure Rate|Percent|Average|The percentage of incoming telemetry events for which the service returns an internal error (500) response code.|No Dimensions|
-|IngressEventsLatency|Yes|Ingress Events Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The time from when an event arrives to when it is ready to be egressed by Azure Digital Twins, at which point the service sends a success/fail result.|Result|
-|ModelCount|Yes|Model Count|Count|Total|Total number of models in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you are approaching the service limit for max number of models allowed per instance.|No Dimensions|
-|Routing|Yes|Messages Routed|Count|Total|The number of messages routed to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid.|EndpointType, Result|
-|RoutingFailureRate|Yes|Routing Failure Rate|Percent|Average|The percentage of events that result in an error as they are routed from Azure Digital Twins to an endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid.|EndpointType|
-|RoutingLatency|Yes|Routing Latency|Milliseconds|Average|Time elapsed between an event getting routed from Azure Digital Twins to when it is posted to the endpoint Azure service such as Event Hub, Service Bus or Event Grid.|EndpointType, Result|
-|TwinCount|Yes|Twin Count|Count|Total|Total number of twins in the Azure Digital Twins instance. Use this metric to determine if you are approaching the service limit for max number of twins allowed per instance.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.DocumentDB/cassandraClusters
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|cassandra_cache_capacity|No|capacity|Bytes|Average|Cache capacity in bytes.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name|
-|cassandra_cache_entries|No|entries|Count|Average|Total number of cache entries.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name|
-|cassandra_cache_hit_rate|No|hit rate|Percent|Average|All time cache hit rate.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name|
-|cassandra_cache_hits|No|hits|Count|Average|Total number of cache hits.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name|
-|cassandra_cache_miss_latency_histogram|No|cache miss latency histogram|Count|Average|Histogram of cache miss latency (in microseconds).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile|
-|cassandra_cache_miss_latency_p99|No|miss latency p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Latency of misses.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name|
-|cassandra_cache_requests|No|requests|Count|Average|Total number of cache requests.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name|
-|cassandra_cache_size|No|size|Bytes|Average|Total size of occupied cache, in bytes.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, cache_name|
-|cassandra_client_auth_failure|No|auth failure|Count|Average|Number of failed client authentication requests.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_client_auth_success|No|auth success|Count|Average|Number of successful client authentication requests.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_client_request_condition_not_met|No|condition not met|Count|Average|Number of transaction preconditions did not match current values.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type|
-|cassandra_client_request_contention_histogram|No|contention|Count|Average|How many contended reads/writes were encountered.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type|
-|cassandra_client_request_contention_histogram_p99|No|contention histogram p99|Count|Average|p99 How many contended writes were encountered.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type|
-|cassandra_client_request_failures|No|failures|Count|Average|Number of transaction failures encountered.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type|
-|cassandra_client_request_latency_histogram|No|client request latency histogram|Count|Average|Histogram of client request latency (in microseconds).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile, request_type|
-|cassandra_client_request_latency_p99|No|latency p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Latency.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type|
-|cassandra_client_request_timeouts|No|timeouts|Count|Average|Number of timeouts encountered.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type|
-|cassandra_client_request_unfinished_commit|No|unfinished commit|Count|Average|Number of transactions that were committed on write.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, request_type|
-|cassandra_commit_log_waiting_on_commit_latency_histogram|No|waiting on commit latency histogram|Count|Average|Histogram of the time spent waiting on CL fsync (in microseconds); for Periodic this is only occurs when the sync is lagging its sync interval.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile|
-|cassandra_cql_prepared_statements_executed|No|prepared statements executed|Count|Average|Number of prepared statements executed.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_cql_regular_statements_executed|No|regular statements executed|Count|Average|Number of non prepared statements executed.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_jvm_gc_count|No|gc count|Count|Average|Total number of collections that have occurred.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_jvm_gc_time|No|gc time|MilliSeconds|Average|Approximate accumulated collection elapsed time.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_table_all_memtables_live_data_size|No|all memtables live data size|Count|Average|Total amount of live data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap, excluding any data structure overhead.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_all_memtables_off_heap_size|No|all memtables off heap size|Count|Average|Total amount of data stored in the memtables (2i and pending flush memtables included) that resides off-heap.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_disk_space_used|No|bloom filter disk space used|Bytes|Average|Disk space used by bloom filter (in bytes).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_false_positives|No|bloom filter false positives|Count|Average|Number of false positives on table's bloom filter.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_false_ratio|No|bloom filter false ratio|Percent|Average|False positive ratio of table's bloom filter.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_bloom_filter_off_heap_memory_used|No|bloom filter off-heap memory used|Count|Average|Off-heap memory used by bloom filter.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_bytes_flushed|No|bytes flushed|Bytes|Average|Total number of bytes flushed since server [re]start.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_table_cas_commit|No|cas commit (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Latency of paxos commit round.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_cas_commit_p99|No|cas commit p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Latency of paxos commit round.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_cas_prepare|No|cas prepare (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Latency of paxos prepare round.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_cas_prepare_p99|No|cas prepare p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Latency of paxos prepare round.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_cas_propose|No|cas propose (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Latency of paxos propose round.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_cas_propose_p99|No|cas propose p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Latency of paxos propose round.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_col_update_time_delta_histogram|No|col update time delta|Count|Average|Column update time delta on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_col_update_time_delta_histogram_p99|No|col update time delta p99|Count|Average|p99 Column update time delta on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_compaction_bytes_written|No|compaction bytes written|Bytes|Average|Total number of bytes written by compaction since server [re]start.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_table_compression_metadata_off_heap_memory_used|No|compression metadata off heap memory used|Count|Average|Off-heap memory used by compression meta data.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_compression_ratio|No|compression ratio|Percent|Average|Current compression ratio for all SSTables.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_coordinator_read_latency|No|coordinator read latency (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Coordinator read latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_coordinator_read_latency_p99|No|coordinator read latency p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Coordinator read latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_coordinator_scan_latency|No|coordinator scan latency (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Coordinator range scan latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_coordinator_scan_latency_p99|No|coordinator scan latency p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Coordinator range scan latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_dropped_mutations|No|dropped mutations|Count|Average|Number of dropped mutations on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_estimated_column_count_histogram|No|estimated column count|Count|Average|Estimated number of columns.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_estimated_column_count_histogram_p99|No|estimated column count p99|Count|Average|p99 Estimated number of columns.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_estimated_partition_count|No|estimated partition count|Count|Average|Approximate number of keys in table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_estimated_partition_size_histogram|No|estimated partition size histogram|Bytes|Average|Histogram of estimated partition size.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, quantile|
-|cassandra_table_estimated_partition_size_histogram_p99|No|estimated partition size p99|Bytes|Average|p99 Estimated partition size (in bytes).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_index_summary_off_heap_memory_used|No|index summary off heap memory used|Count|Average|Off-heap memory used by index summary.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_key_cache_hit_rate|No|key cache hit rate|Percent|Average|Key cache hit rate for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_live_disk_space_used|No|live disk space used|Bytes|Average|Disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table (in bytes).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_live_scanned_histogram|No|live scanned|Count|Average|Live cells scanned in queries on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_live_scanned_histogram_p99|No|live scanned p99|Count|Average|p99 Live cells scanned in queries on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_live_sstable_count|No|live sstable count|Count|Average|Number of SSTables on disk for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_max_partition_size|No|max partition size|Bytes|Average|Size of the largest compacted partition (in bytes).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_mean_partition_size|No|mean partition size|Bytes|Average|Size of the average compacted partition (in bytes).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_memtable_columns_count|No|memtable columns count|Count|Average|Total number of columns present in the memtable.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_memtable_off_heap_size|No|memtable off heap size|Count|Average|Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides off-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_memtable_on_heap_size|No|memtable on heap size|Count|Average|Total amount of data stored in the memtable that resides on-heap, including column related overhead and partitions overwritten.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_memtable_switch_count|No|memtable switch count|Count|Average|Number of times flush has resulted in the memtable being switched out.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_min_partition_size|No|min partition size|Bytes|Average|Size of the smallest compacted partition (in bytes).|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_pending_compactions|No|pending compactions|Count|Average|Estimate of number of pending compactions for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_pending_flushes|No|pending flushes|Count|Average|Estimated number of flush tasks pending for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_percent_repaired|No|percent repaired|Percent|Average|Percent of table data that is repaired on disk.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_range_latency|No|range latency (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Local range scan latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_range_latency_p99|No|range latency p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Local range scan latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_read_latency|No|read latency (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Local read latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_read_latency_p99|No|read latency p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Local read latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_row_cache_hit|No|row cache hit|Count|Average|Number of table row cache hits.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node|
-|cassandra_table_row_cache_hit_out_of_range|No|row cache hit out of range|Count|Average|Number of table row cache hits that do not satisfy the query filter, thus went to disk.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_row_cache_miss|No|row cache miss|Count|Average|Number of table row cache misses.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_speculative_retries|No|speculative retries|Count|Average|Number of times speculative retries were sent for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_sstables_per_read_histogram|No|sstables per read|Count|Average|Number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read. SSTables skipped due to Bloom Filters, min-max key or partition index lookup are not taken into account.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_sstables_per_read_histogram_p99|No|sstables per read p99|Count|Average|p99 Number of sstable data files accessed per single partition read. SSTables skipped due to Bloom Filters, min-max key or partition index lookup are not taken into account.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_tombstone_scanned_histogram|No|tombstone scanned|Count|Average|Tombstones scanned in queries on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_tombstone_scanned_histogram_p99|No|tombstone scanned p99|Count|Average|p99 Tombstones scanned in queries on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_total_disk_space_used|No|total disk space used|Count|Average|Total disk space used by SSTables belonging to this table, including obsolete ones waiting to be GC'd.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_view_lock_acquire_time|No|view lock acquire time|Count|Average|Time taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_view_lock_acquire_time_p99|No|view lock acquire time p99|Count|Average|p99 Time taken acquiring a partition lock for materialized view updates on this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_view_read_time|No|view read time|Count|Average|Time taken during the local read of a materialized view update.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_view_read_time_p99|No|view read time p99|Count|Average|p99 Time taken during the local read of a materialized view update.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_waiting_on_free_memtable_space|No|waiting on free memtable space|Count|Average|Time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_waiting_on_free_memtable_space_p99|No|waiting on free memtable space p99|Count|Average|p99 Time spent waiting for free memtable space, either on- or off-heap.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_write_latency|No|write latency (in microseconds)|Count|Average|Local write latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_table_write_latency_p99|No|write latency p99 (in microseconds)|Count|Average|p99 Local write latency for this table.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, table, keyspace|
-|cassandra_thread_pools_active_tasks|No|active tasks|Count|Average|Number of tasks being actively worked on by this pool.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type|
-|cassandra_thread_pools_currently_blocked_tasks|No|currently blocked tasks|Count|Average|Number of tasks that are currently blocked due to queue saturation but on retry will become unblocked.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type|
-|cassandra_thread_pools_max_pool_size|No|max pool size|Count|Average|The maximum number of threads in this pool.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type|
-|cassandra_thread_pools_pending_tasks|No|pending tasks|Count|Average|Number of queued tasks queued up on this pool.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type|
-|cassandra_thread_pools_total_blocked_tasks|No|total blocked tasks|Count|Average|Number of tasks that were blocked due to queue saturation.|cassandra_datacenter, cassandra_node, pool_name, pool_type|
-## Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|AddRegion|Yes|Region Added|Count|Count|Region Added|Region|
-|AutoscaleMaxThroughput|No|Autoscale Max Throughput|Count|Maximum|Autoscale Max Throughput|DatabaseName, CollectionName|
-|AvailableStorage|No|(deprecated) Available Storage|Bytes|Total|"Available Storage" will be removed from Azure Monitor at the end of September 2023. Azure Cosmos DB collection storage size is now unlimited. The only restriction is that the storage size for each logical partition key is 20GB. You can enable PartitionKeyStatistics in Diagnostic Log to know the storage consumption for top partition keys. For more information, see [Azure Cosmos DB service quotas](../../cosmos-db/concepts-limits.md). After deprecation, the remaining alert rules still defined on the deprecated metric will be automatically disabled post the deprecation date.|CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region|
-|CassandraConnectionClosures|No|Cassandra Connection Closures|Count|Total|Number of Cassandra connections that were closed, reported at a 1 minute granularity|Region, ClosureReason|
-|CassandraConnectorAvgReplicationLatency|No|Cassandra Connector Average ReplicationLatency|MilliSeconds|Average|Cassandra Connector Average ReplicationLatency|No Dimensions|
-|CassandraConnectorReplicationHealthStatus|No|Cassandra Connector Replication Health Status|Count|Count|Cassandra Connector Replication Health Status|NotStarted, ReplicationInProgress, Error|
-|CassandraKeyspaceCreate|No|Cassandra Keyspace Created|Count|Count|Cassandra Keyspace Created|ResourceName, |
-|CassandraKeyspaceDelete|No|Cassandra Keyspace Deleted|Count|Count|Cassandra Keyspace Deleted|ResourceName, |
-|CassandraKeyspaceThroughputUpdate|No|Cassandra Keyspace Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Cassandra Keyspace Throughput Updated|ResourceName, |
-|CassandraKeyspaceUpdate|No|Cassandra Keyspace Updated|Count|Count|Cassandra Keyspace Updated|ResourceName, |
-|CassandraRequestCharges|No|Cassandra Request Charges|Count|Total|RUs consumed for Cassandra requests made|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, OperationType, ResourceType|
-|CassandraRequests|No|Cassandra Requests|Count|Count|Number of Cassandra requests made|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, OperationType, ResourceType, ErrorCode|
-|CassandraTableCreate|No|Cassandra Table Created|Count|Count|Cassandra Table Created|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|CassandraTableDelete|No|Cassandra Table Deleted|Count|Count|Cassandra Table Deleted|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|CassandraTableThroughputUpdate|No|Cassandra Table Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Cassandra Table Throughput Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|CassandraTableUpdate|No|Cassandra Table Updated|Count|Count|Cassandra Table Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|CreateAccount|Yes|Account Created|Count|Count|Account Created|No Dimensions|
-|DataUsage|No|Data Usage|Bytes|Total|Total data usage reported at 5 minutes granularity|CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region|
-|DedicatedGatewayAverageCPUUsage|No|DedicatedGatewayAverageCPUUsage|Percent|Average|Average CPU usage across dedicated gateway instances|Region, |
-|DedicatedGatewayAverageMemoryUsage|No|DedicatedGatewayAverageMemoryUsage|Bytes|Average|Average memory usage across dedicated gateway instances, which is used for both routing requests and caching data|Region|
-|DedicatedGatewayMaximumCPUUsage|No|DedicatedGatewayMaximumCPUUsage|Percent|Average|Average Maximum CPU usage across dedicated gateway instances|Region, |
-|DedicatedGatewayRequests|Yes|DedicatedGatewayRequests|Count|Count|Requests at the dedicated gateway|DatabaseName, CollectionName, CacheExercised, OperationName, Region|
-|DeleteAccount|Yes|Account Deleted|Count|Count|Account Deleted|No Dimensions|
-|DocumentCount|No|Document Count|Count|Total|Total document count reported at 5 minutes granularity|CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region|
-|DocumentQuota|No|Document Quota|Bytes|Total|Total storage quota reported at 5 minutes granularity|CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region|
-|GremlinDatabaseCreate|No|Gremlin Database Created|Count|Count|Gremlin Database Created|ResourceName, |
-|GremlinDatabaseDelete|No|Gremlin Database Deleted|Count|Count|Gremlin Database Deleted|ResourceName, |
-|GremlinDatabaseThroughputUpdate|No|Gremlin Database Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Gremlin Database Throughput Updated|ResourceName, |
-|GremlinDatabaseUpdate|No|Gremlin Database Updated|Count|Count|Gremlin Database Updated|ResourceName, |
-|GremlinGraphCreate|No|Gremlin Graph Created|Count|Count|Gremlin Graph Created|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|GremlinGraphDelete|No|Gremlin Graph Deleted|Count|Count|Gremlin Graph Deleted|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|GremlinGraphThroughputUpdate|No|Gremlin Graph Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Gremlin Graph Throughput Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|GremlinGraphUpdate|No|Gremlin Graph Updated|Count|Count|Gremlin Graph Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|IndexUsage|No|Index Usage|Bytes|Total|Total index usage reported at 5 minutes granularity|CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region|
-|IntegratedCacheEvictedEntriesSize|No|IntegratedCacheEvictedEntriesSize|Bytes|Average|Size of the entries evicted from the integrated cache|Region|
-|IntegratedCacheItemExpirationCount|No|IntegratedCacheItemExpirationCount|Count|Average|Number of items evicted from the integrated cache due to TTL expiration|Region, |
-|IntegratedCacheItemHitRate|No|IntegratedCacheItemHitRate|Percent|Average|Number of point reads that used the integrated cache divided by number of point reads routed through the dedicated gateway with eventual consistency|Region, |
-|IntegratedCacheQueryExpirationCount|No|IntegratedCacheQueryExpirationCount|Count|Average|Number of queries evicted from the integrated cache due to TTL expiration|Region, |
-|IntegratedCacheQueryHitRate|No|IntegratedCacheQueryHitRate|Percent|Average|Number of queries that used the integrated cache divided by number of queries routed through the dedicated gateway with eventual consistency|Region, |
-|MetadataRequests|No|Metadata Requests|Count|Count|Count of metadata requests. Cosmos DB maintains system metadata collection for each account, that allows you to enumerate collections, databases, etc, and their configurations, free of charge.|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, |
-|MongoCollectionCreate|No|Mongo Collection Created|Count|Count|Mongo Collection Created|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|MongoCollectionDelete|No|Mongo Collection Deleted|Count|Count|Mongo Collection Deleted|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|MongoCollectionThroughputUpdate|No|Mongo Collection Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Mongo Collection Throughput Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|MongoCollectionUpdate|No|Mongo Collection Updated|Count|Count|Mongo Collection Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|MongoDatabaseDelete|No|Mongo Database Deleted|Count|Count|Mongo Database Deleted|ResourceName, |
-|MongoDatabaseThroughputUpdate|No|Mongo Database Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Mongo Database Throughput Updated|ResourceName, |
-|MongoDBDatabaseCreate|No|Mongo Database Created|Count|Count|Mongo Database Created|ResourceName, |
-|MongoDBDatabaseUpdate|No|Mongo Database Updated|Count|Count|Mongo Database Updated|ResourceName, |
-|MongoRequestCharge|Yes|Mongo Request Charge|Count|Total|Mongo Request Units Consumed|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, CommandName, ErrorCode, Status|
-|MongoRequests|Yes|Mongo Requests|Count|Count|Number of Mongo Requests Made|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, CommandName, ErrorCode, Status|
-|MongoRequestsCount|No|(deprecated) Mongo Request Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Mongo request Count per second|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ErrorCode|
-|MongoRequestsDelete|No|(deprecated) Mongo Delete Request Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Mongo Delete request per second|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ErrorCode|
-|MongoRequestsInsert|No|(deprecated) Mongo Insert Request Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Mongo Insert count per second|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ErrorCode|
-|MongoRequestsQuery|No|(deprecated) Mongo Query Request Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Mongo Query request per second|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ErrorCode|
-|MongoRequestsUpdate|No|(deprecated) Mongo Update Request Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Mongo Update request per second|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ErrorCode|
-|NormalizedRUConsumption|No|Normalized RU Consumption|Percent|Maximum|Max RU consumption percentage per minute|CollectionName, DatabaseName, Region, PartitionKeyRangeId|
-|ProvisionedThroughput|No|Provisioned Throughput|Count|Maximum|Provisioned Throughput|DatabaseName, CollectionName|
-|RegionFailover|Yes|Region Failed Over|Count|Count|Region Failed Over|No Dimensions|
-|RemoveRegion|Yes|Region Removed|Count|Count|Region Removed|Region|
-|ReplicationLatency|Yes|P99 Replication Latency|MilliSeconds|Average|P99 Replication Latency across source and target regions for geo-enabled account|SourceRegion, TargetRegion|
-|ServerSideLatency|No|Server Side Latency|MilliSeconds|Average|Server Side Latency|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, ConnectionMode, OperationType, PublicAPIType|
-|ServiceAvailability|No|Service Availability|Percent|Average|Account requests availability at one hour, day or month granularity|No Dimensions|
-|SqlContainerCreate|No|Sql Container Created|Count|Count|Sql Container Created|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|SqlContainerDelete|No|Sql Container Deleted|Count|Count|Sql Container Deleted|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|SqlContainerThroughputUpdate|No|Sql Container Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Sql Container Throughput Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|SqlContainerUpdate|No|Sql Container Updated|Count|Count|Sql Container Updated|ResourceName, ChildResourceName, |
-|SqlDatabaseCreate|No|Sql Database Created|Count|Count|Sql Database Created|ResourceName, |
-|SqlDatabaseDelete|No|Sql Database Deleted|Count|Count|Sql Database Deleted|ResourceName, |
-|SqlDatabaseThroughputUpdate|No|Sql Database Throughput Updated|Count|Count|Sql Database Throughput Updated|ResourceName, |
-|SqlDatabaseUpdate|No|Sql Database Updated|Count|Count|Sql Database Updated|ResourceName, |
-|TableTableCreate|No|AzureTable Table Created|Count|Count|AzureTable Table Created|ResourceName, |
-|TableTableDelete|No|AzureTable Table Deleted|Count|Count|AzureTable Table Deleted|ResourceName, |
-|TableTableThroughputUpdate|No|AzureTable Table Throughput Updated|Count|Count|AzureTable Table Throughput Updated|ResourceName, |
-|TableTableUpdate|No|AzureTable Table Updated|Count|Count|AzureTable Table Updated|ResourceName, |
-|TotalRequests|Yes|Total Requests|Count|Count|Number of requests made|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, OperationType, Status|
-|TotalRequestUnits|Yes|Total Request Units|Count|Total|Request Units consumed|DatabaseName, CollectionName, Region, StatusCode, OperationType, Status|
-|UpdateAccountKeys|Yes|Account Keys Updated|Count|Count|Account Keys Updated|KeyType|
-|UpdateAccountNetworkSettings|Yes|Account Network Settings Updated|Count|Count|Account Network Settings Updated|No Dimensions|
-|UpdateAccountReplicationSettings|Yes|Account Replication Settings Updated|Count|Count|Account Replication Settings Updated|No Dimensions|
-|UpdateDiagnosticsSettings|No|Account Diagnostic Settings Updated|Count|Count|Account Diagnostic Settings Updated|DiagnosticSettingsName, ResourceGroupName|
-## microsoft.edgezones/edgezones
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|DiskStorageIOPSUsage|No|Disk IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|The total IOPS generated by Managed Disks in Azure Edge Zone Enterprise site.|No Dimensions|
-|DiskStorageUsedSizeUsage|Yes|Disk Usage Percentage|Percent|Average|The utilization of the Managed Disk capacity in Azure Edge Zone Enterprise site.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalDiskStorageSizeCapacity|Yes|Total Disk Capacity|Bytes|Average|The total capacity of Managed Disk in Azure Edge Zone Enterprise site.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalVcoreCapacity|Yes|Total VCore Capacity|Count|Average|The total capacity of the General-Purpose Compute vcore in Edge Zone Enterprise site. |No Dimensions|
-|VcoresUsage|Yes|Vcore Usage Percentage|Percent|Average|The utilization of the General-Purpose Compute vcores in Edge Zone Enterprise site |No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/domains
+|CategorizedGatewayRequests |Yes |Categorized Gateway Requests |Count |Total |Number of gateway requests by categories (1xx/2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx) |HttpStatus |
+|GatewayRequests |Yes |Gateway Requests |Count |Total |Number of gateway requests |HttpStatus |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequest.m1_delta |Yes |REST proxy Consumer RequestThroughput |CountPerSecond |Total |Number of consumer requests to Kafka REST proxy |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequestFail.m1_delta |Yes |REST proxy Consumer Unsuccessful Requests |CountPerSecond |Total |Consumer request exceptions |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequestTime.p95 |Yes |REST proxy Consumer RequestLatency |Milliseconds |Average |Message latency in a consumer request through Kafka REST proxy |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequestWaitingInQueueTime.p95 |Yes |REST proxy Consumer Request Backlog |Milliseconds |Average |Consumer REST proxy queue length |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.MessagesIn.m1_delta |Yes |REST proxy Producer MessageThroughput |CountPerSecond |Total |Number of producer messages through Kafka REST proxy |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.MessagesOut.m1_delta |Yes |REST proxy Consumer MessageThroughput |CountPerSecond |Total |Number of consumer messages through Kafka REST proxy |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.OpenConnections |Yes |REST proxy ConcurrentConnections |Count |Total |Number of concurrent connections through Kafka REST proxy |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequest.m1_delta |Yes |REST proxy Producer RequestThroughput |CountPerSecond |Total |Number of producer requests to Kafka REST proxy |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequestFail.m1_delta |Yes |REST proxy Producer Unsuccessful Requests |CountPerSecond |Total |Producer request exceptions |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequestTime.p95 |Yes |REST proxy Producer RequestLatency |Milliseconds |Average |Message latency in a producer request through Kafka REST proxy |Machine, Topic |
+|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequestWaitingInQueueTime.p95 |Yes |REST proxy Producer Request Backlog |Milliseconds |Average |Producer REST proxy queue length |Machine, Topic |
+|NumActiveWorkers |Yes |Number of Active Workers |Count |Maximum |Number of Active Workers |MetricName |
+|PendingCPU |Yes |Pending CPU |Count |Maximum |Pending CPU Requests in YARN |No Dimensions |
+|PendingMemory |Yes |Pending Memory |Count |Maximum |Pending Memory Requests in YARN |No Dimensions |
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount|Yes|Advanced Filter Evaluations|Count|Total|Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this topic.|Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName|
-|DeadLetteredCount|Yes|Dead Lettered Events|Count|Total|Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription|Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName, DeadLetterReason|
-|DeliveryAttemptFailCount|No|Delivery Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription|Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName, Error, ErrorType|
-|DeliverySuccessCount|Yes|Delivered Events|Count|Total|Total events delivered to this event subscription|Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName|
-|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs|No|Destination Processing Duration|Milliseconds|Average|Destination processing duration in milliseconds|Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName|
-|DroppedEventCount|Yes|Dropped Events|Count|Total|Total dropped events matching to this event subscription|Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName, DropReason|
-|MatchedEventCount|Yes|Matched Events|Count|Total|Total events matched to this event subscription|Topic, EventSubscriptionName, DomainEventSubscriptionName|
-|PublishFailCount|Yes|Publish Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to publish to this topic|Topic, ErrorType, Error|
-|PublishSuccessCount|Yes|Published Events|Count|Total|Total events published to this topic|Topic|
-|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs|Yes|Publish Success Latency|Milliseconds|Total|Publish success latency in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/eventSubscriptions
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|DeadLetteredCount|Yes|Dead Lettered Events|Count|Total|Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription|DeadLetterReason|
-|DeliveryAttemptFailCount|No|Delivery Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription|Error, ErrorType|
-|DeliverySuccessCount|Yes|Delivered Events|Count|Total|Total events delivered to this event subscription|No Dimensions|
-|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs|No|Destination Processing Duration|Milliseconds|Average|Destination processing duration in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|DroppedEventCount|Yes|Dropped Events|Count|Total|Total dropped events matching to this event subscription|DropReason|
-|MatchedEventCount|Yes|Matched Events|Count|Total|Total events matched to this event subscription|No Dimensions|
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The availability rate of the service. |No Dimensions |
+|CosmosDbCollectionSize |Yes |Cosmos DB Collection Size |Bytes |Total |The size of the backing Cosmos DB collection, in bytes. |No Dimensions |
+|CosmosDbIndexSize |Yes |Cosmos DB Index Size |Bytes |Total |The size of the backing Cosmos DB collection's index, in bytes. |No Dimensions |
+|CosmosDbRequestCharge |Yes |Cosmos DB RU usage |Count |Total |The RU usage of requests to the service's backing Cosmos DB. |Operation, ResourceType |
+|CosmosDbRequests |Yes |Service Cosmos DB requests |Count |Sum |The total number of requests made to a service's backing Cosmos DB. |Operation, ResourceType |
+|CosmosDbThrottleRate |Yes |Service Cosmos DB throttle rate |Count |Sum |The total number of 429 responses from a service's backing Cosmos DB. |Operation, ResourceType |
+|IoTConnectorDeviceEvent |Yes |Number of Incoming Messages |Count |Sum |The total number of messages received by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR prior to any normalization. |Operation, ConnectorName |
+|IoTConnectorDeviceEventProcessingLatencyMs |Yes |Average Normalize Stage Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The average time between an event's ingestion time and the time the event is processed for normalization. |Operation, ConnectorName |
+|IoTConnectorMeasurement |Yes |Number of Measurements |Count |Sum |The number of normalized value readings received by the FHIR conversion stage of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR. |Operation, ConnectorName |
+|IoTConnectorMeasurementGroup |Yes |Number of Message Groups |Count |Sum |The total number of unique groupings of measurements across type, device, patient, and configured time period generated by the FHIR conversion stage. |Operation, ConnectorName |
+|IoTConnectorMeasurementIngestionLatencyMs |Yes |Average Group Stage Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The time period between when the IoT Connector received the device data and when the data is processed by the FHIR conversion stage. |Operation, ConnectorName |
+|IoTConnectorNormalizedEvent |Yes |Number of Normalized Messages |Count |Sum |The total number of mapped normalized values outputted from the normalization stage of the the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR. |Operation, ConnectorName |
+|IoTConnectorTotalErrors |Yes |Total Error Count |Count |Sum |The total number of errors logged by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR |Name, Operation, ErrorType, ErrorSeverity, ConnectorName |
+|TotalErrors |Yes |Total Errors |Count |Sum |The total number of internal server errors encountered by the service. |Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusCodeText |
+|TotalLatency |Yes |Total Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The response latency of the service. |Protocol |
+|TotalRequests |Yes |Total Requests |Count |Sum |The total number of requests received by the service. |Protocol |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/extensionTopics
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/analyticsconnectors
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|PublishFailCount|Yes|Publish Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to publish to this topic|ErrorType, Error|
-|PublishSuccessCount|Yes|Published Events|Count|Total|Total events published to this topic|No Dimensions|
-|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs|Yes|Publish Success Latency|Milliseconds|Total|Publish success latency in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|UnmatchedEventCount|Yes|Unmatched Events|Count|Total|Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic|No Dimensions|
+|AnalyticsConnectorHealthStatus |Yes |Analytics Connector Health Status |Count |Sum |The health status of analytics connector |Operation, ResourceName, HealthCheckName |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|PublishFailCount|Yes|Publish Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to publish to this topic|ErrorType, Error|
-|PublishSuccessCount|Yes|Published Events|Count|Total|Total events published to this topic|No Dimensions|
-|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs|Yes|Publish Success Latency|Milliseconds|Total|Publish success latency in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|UnmatchedEventCount|Yes|Unmatched Events|Count|Total|Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic|No Dimensions|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The availability rate of the service. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalDataSize |Yes |Total Data Size |Bytes |Total |Total size of the data in the backing database, in bytes. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalErrors |Yes |Total Errors |Count |Sum |The total number of internal server errors encountered by the service. |Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusCodeText |
+|TotalLatency |Yes |Total Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The response latency of the service. |Protocol |
+|TotalRequests |Yes |Total Requests |Count |Sum |The total number of requests received by the service. |Protocol |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount|Yes|Advanced Filter Evaluations|Count|Total|Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this topic.|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeadLetteredCount|Yes|Dead Lettered Events|Count|Total|Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription|DeadLetterReason, EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeliveryAttemptFailCount|No|Delivery Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription|Error, ErrorType, EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeliverySuccessCount|Yes|Delivered Events|Count|Total|Total events delivered to this event subscription|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs|No|Destination Processing Duration|Milliseconds|Average|Destination processing duration in milliseconds|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DroppedEventCount|Yes|Dropped Events|Count|Total|Total dropped events matching to this event subscription|DropReason, EventSubscriptionName|
-|MatchedEventCount|Yes|Matched Events|Count|Total|Total events matched to this event subscription|EventSubscriptionName|
-|PublishSuccessCount|Yes|Published Events|Count|Total|Total events published to this topic|No Dimensions|
-|UnmatchedEventCount|Yes|Unmatched Events|Count|Total|Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic|No Dimensions|
+|DeviceEvent |Yes |Number of Incoming Messages |Count |Sum |The total number of messages received by the MedTech service prior to any normalization |Operation, ResourceName |
+|DeviceEventProcessingLatencyMs |Yes |Average Normalize Stage Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The average time between an event's ingestion time and the time the event is processed for normalization. |Operation, ResourceName |
+|DroppedEvent |Yes |Number of Dropped Events |Count |Sum |The number of input device events with no normalized events |Operation, ResourceName |
+|FhirResourceSaved |Yes |Number of FHIR resources saved |Count |Sum |The total number of FHIR resources saved by the MedTech service |Operation, ResourceName, Name |
+|IotConnectorStatus |Yes |MedTech Service Health Status |Percent |Average |Health checks which indicate the overall health of the MedTech service |Operation, ResourceName, HealthCheckName |
+|Measurement |Yes |Number of Measurements |Count |Sum |The number of normalized value readings received by the FHIR conversion stage of the MedTech service |Operation, ResourceName |
+|MeasurementGroup |Yes |Number of Message Groups |Count |Sum |The total number of unique groupings of measurements across type, device, patient, and configured time period generated by the FHIR conversion stage. |Operation, ResourceName |
+|MeasurementIngestionLatencyMs |Yes |Average Group Stage Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The time period between when the MedTech service received the device data and when the data is processed by the FHIR conversion stage. |Operation, ResourceName |
+|NormalizedEvent |Yes |Number of Normalized Messages |Count |Sum |The total number of mapped normalized values outputted from the normalization stage of the MedTech service |Operation, ResourceName |
+|TotalErrors |Yes |Total Error Count |Count |Sum |The total number of errors logged by the MedTech service |Name, Operation, ErrorType, ErrorSeverity, ResourceName |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics
+## Microsoft.HybridContainerService/provisionedClusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount|Yes|Advanced Filter Evaluations|Count|Total|Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this topic.|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeadLetteredCount|Yes|Dead Lettered Events|Count|Total|Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription|DeadLetterReason, EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeliveryAttemptFailCount|No|Delivery Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription|Error, ErrorType, EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeliverySuccessCount|Yes|Delivered Events|Count|Total|Total events delivered to this event subscription|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs|No|Destination Processing Duration|Milliseconds|Average|Destination processing duration in milliseconds|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DroppedEventCount|Yes|Dropped Events|Count|Total|Total dropped events matching to this event subscription|DropReason, EventSubscriptionName|
-|MatchedEventCount|Yes|Matched Events|Count|Total|Total events matched to this event subscription|EventSubscriptionName|
-|PublishFailCount|Yes|Publish Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to publish to this topic|ErrorType, Error|
-|PublishSuccessCount|Yes|Published Events|Count|Total|Total events published to this topic|No Dimensions|
-|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs|Yes|Publish Success Latency|Milliseconds|Total|Publish success latency in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|UnmatchedEventCount|Yes|Unmatched Events|Count|Total|Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic|No Dimensions|
+|capacity_cpu_cores |Yes |Total number of cpu cores in a provisioned cluster |Count |Average |Total number of cpu cores in a provisioned cluster |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/topics
+## microsoft.hybridnetwork/networkfunctions
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AdvancedFilterEvaluationCount|Yes|Advanced Filter Evaluations|Count|Total|Total advanced filters evaluated across event subscriptions for this topic.|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeadLetteredCount|Yes|Dead Lettered Events|Count|Total|Total dead lettered events matching to this event subscription|DeadLetterReason, EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeliveryAttemptFailCount|No|Delivery Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to deliver to this event subscription|Error, ErrorType, EventSubscriptionName|
-|DeliverySuccessCount|Yes|Delivered Events|Count|Total|Total events delivered to this event subscription|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DestinationProcessingDurationInMs|No|Destination Processing Duration|Milliseconds|Average|Destination processing duration in milliseconds|EventSubscriptionName|
-|DroppedEventCount|Yes|Dropped Events|Count|Total|Total dropped events matching to this event subscription|DropReason, EventSubscriptionName|
-|MatchedEventCount|Yes|Matched Events|Count|Total|Total events matched to this event subscription|EventSubscriptionName|
-|PublishFailCount|Yes|Publish Failed Events|Count|Total|Total events failed to publish to this topic|ErrorType, Error|
-|PublishSuccessCount|Yes|Published Events|Count|Total|Total events published to this topic|No Dimensions|
-|PublishSuccessLatencyInMs|Yes|Publish Success Latency|Milliseconds|Total|Publish success latency in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|UnmatchedEventCount|Yes|Unmatched Events|Count|Total|Total events not matching any of the event subscriptions for this topic|No Dimensions|
+|HyperVVirtualProcessorUtilization |Yes |Average CPU Utilization |Percent |Average |Total average percentage of virtual CPU utilization at one minute interval. The total number of virtual CPU is based on user configured value in SKU definition. Further filter can be applied based on RoleName defined in SKU. |InstanceName |
-## Microsoft.EventHub/clusters
+## microsoft.hybridnetwork/virtualnetworkfunctions
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ActiveConnections|No|ActiveConnections|Count|Maximum|Total Active Connections for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|AvailableMemory|No|Available Memory|Percent|Maximum|Available memory for the Event Hub Cluster as a percentage of total memory.|Role|
-|CaptureBacklog|No|Capture Backlog.|Count|Total|Capture Backlog for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|CapturedBytes|No|Captured Bytes.|Bytes|Total|Captured Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|CapturedMessages|No|Captured Messages.|Count|Total|Captured Messages for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|ConnectionsClosed|No|Connections Closed.|Count|Maximum|Connections Closed for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|ConnectionsOpened|No|Connections Opened.|Count|Maximum|Connections Opened for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|CPU|No|CPU|Percent|Maximum|CPU utilization for the Event Hub Cluster as a percentage|Role|
-|IncomingBytes|Yes|Incoming Bytes.|Bytes|Total|Incoming Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|IncomingMessages|Yes|Incoming Messages|Count|Total|Incoming Messages for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|IncomingRequests|Yes|Incoming Requests|Count|Total|Incoming Requests for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|OutgoingBytes|Yes|Outgoing Bytes.|Bytes|Total|Outgoing Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|OutgoingMessages|Yes|Outgoing Messages|Count|Total|Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|QuotaExceededErrors|No|Quota Exceeded Errors.|Count|Total|Quota Exceeded Errors for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|ServerErrors|No|Server Errors.|Count|Total|Server Errors for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|Size|No|Size|Bytes|Average|Size of an EventHub in Bytes.|Role|
-|SuccessfulRequests|No|Successful Requests|Count|Total|Successful Requests for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|ThrottledRequests|No|Throttled Requests.|Count|Total|Throttled Requests for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|UserErrors|No|User Errors.|Count|Total|User Errors for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
+|HyperVVirtualProcessorUtilization |Yes |Average CPU Utilization |Percent |Average |Total average percentage of virtual CPU utilization at one minute interval. The total number of virtual CPU is based on user configured value in SKU definition. Further filter can be applied based on RoleName defined in SKU. |InstanceName |
-## Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces
+## microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ActiveConnections|No|ActiveConnections|Count|Maximum|Total Active Connections for Microsoft.EventHub.|No Dimensions|
-|CaptureBacklog|No|Capture Backlog.|Count|Total|Capture Backlog for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|CapturedBytes|No|Captured Bytes.|Bytes|Total|Captured Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|CapturedMessages|No|Captured Messages.|Count|Total|Captured Messages for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|ConnectionsClosed|No|Connections Closed.|Count|Maximum|Connections Closed for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|ConnectionsOpened|No|Connections Opened.|Count|Maximum|Connections Opened for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|EHABL|Yes|Archive backlog messages (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Event Hub archive messages in backlog for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHAMBS|Yes|Archive message throughput (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|Event Hub archived message throughput in a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHAMSGS|Yes|Archive messages (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Event Hub archived messages in a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHINBYTES|Yes|Incoming bytes (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHINMBS|Yes|Incoming bytes (obsolete) (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|Event Hub incoming message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming bytes metric instead (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHINMSGS|Yes|Incoming Messages (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total incoming messages for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHOUTBYTES|Yes|Outgoing bytes (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHOUTMBS|Yes|Outgoing bytes (obsolete) (Deprecated)|Bytes|Total|Event Hub outgoing message throughput for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing bytes metric instead (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|EHOUTMSGS|Yes|Outgoing Messages (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total outgoing messages for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|FAILREQ|Yes|Failed Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total failed requests for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|IncomingBytes|Yes|Incoming Bytes.|Bytes|Total|Incoming Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|IncomingMessages|Yes|Incoming Messages|Count|Total|Incoming Messages for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|IncomingRequests|Yes|Incoming Requests|Count|Total|Incoming Requests for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|INMSGS|Yes|Incoming Messages (obsolete) (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total incoming messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Incoming Messages metric instead (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|INREQS|Yes|Incoming Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total incoming send requests for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|INTERR|Yes|Internal Server Errors (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total internal server errors for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|MISCERR|Yes|Other Errors (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total failed requests for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|NamespaceCpuUsage|No|CPU|Percent|Maximum|CPU usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces.|No Dimensions|
-|NamespaceMemoryUsage|No|Memory Usage|Percent|Maximum|Memory usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces.|No Dimensions|
-|OutgoingBytes|Yes|Outgoing Bytes.|Bytes|Total|Outgoing Bytes for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|OutgoingMessages|Yes|Outgoing Messages|Count|Total|Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName|
-|OUTMSGS|Yes|Outgoing Messages (obsolete) (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total outgoing messages for a namespace. This metric is deprecated. Please use Outgoing Messages metric instead (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|QuotaExceededErrors|No|Quota Exceeded Errors.|Count|Total|Quota Exceeded Errors for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName, |
-|ServerErrors|No|Server Errors.|Count|Total|Server Errors for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName, |
-|Size|No|Size|Bytes|Average|Size of an EventHub in Bytes.|EntityName|
-|SuccessfulRequests|No|Successful Requests|Count|Total|Successful Requests for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName, |
-|SUCCREQ|Yes|Successful Requests (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total successful requests for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|SVRBSY|Yes|Server Busy Errors (Deprecated)|Count|Total|Total server busy errors for a namespace (Deprecated)|No Dimensions|
-|ThrottledRequests|No|Throttled Requests.|Count|Total|Throttled Requests for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName, |
-|UserErrors|No|User Errors.|Count|Total|User Errors for Microsoft.EventHub.|EntityName, |
-## Microsoft.HDInsight/clusters
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|CategorizedGatewayRequests|Yes|Categorized Gateway Requests|Count|Total|Number of gateway requests by categories (1xx/2xx/3xx/4xx/5xx)|HttpStatus|
-|GatewayRequests|Yes|Gateway Requests|Count|Total|Number of gateway requests|HttpStatus|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequest.m1_delta|Yes|REST proxy Consumer RequestThroughput|CountPerSecond|Total|Number of consumer requests to Kafka REST proxy|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequestFail.m1_delta|Yes|REST proxy Consumer Unsuccessful Requests|CountPerSecond|Total|Consumer request exceptions|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequestTime.p95|Yes|REST proxy Consumer RequestLatency|Milliseconds|Average|Message latency in a consumer request through Kafka REST proxy|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ConsumerRequestWaitingInQueueTime.p95|Yes|REST proxy Consumer Request Backlog|Milliseconds|Average|Consumer REST proxy queue length|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.MessagesIn.m1_delta|Yes|REST proxy Producer MessageThroughput|CountPerSecond|Total|Number of producer messages through Kafka REST proxy|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.MessagesOut.m1_delta|Yes|REST proxy Consumer MessageThroughput|CountPerSecond|Total|Number of consumer messages through Kafka REST proxy|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.OpenConnections|Yes|REST proxy ConcurrentConnections|Count|Total|Number of concurrent connections through Kafka REST proxy|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequest.m1_delta|Yes|REST proxy Producer RequestThroughput|CountPerSecond|Total|Number of producer requests to Kafka REST proxy|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequestFail.m1_delta|Yes|REST proxy Producer Unsuccessful Requests|CountPerSecond|Total|Producer request exceptions|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequestTime.p95|Yes|REST proxy Producer RequestLatency|Milliseconds|Average|Message latency in a producer request through Kafka REST proxy|Machine, Topic|
-|KafkaRestProxy.ProducerRequestWaitingInQueueTime.p95|Yes|REST proxy Producer Request Backlog|Milliseconds|Average|Producer REST proxy queue length|Machine, Topic|
-|NumActiveWorkers|Yes|Number of Active Workers|Count|Maximum|Number of Active Workers|MetricName|
-|PendingCPU|Yes|Pending CPU|Count|Maximum|Pending CPU Requests in YARN|No Dimensions|
-|PendingMemory|Yes|Pending Memory|Count|Maximum|Pending Memory Requests in YARN|No Dimensions|
+|MetricThreshold |Yes |Metric Threshold |Count |Average |The configured autoscale threshold when autoscale ran. |MetricTriggerRule |
+|ObservedCapacity |Yes |Observed Capacity |Count |Average |The capacity reported to autoscale when it executed. |No Dimensions |
+|ObservedMetricValue |Yes |Observed Metric Value |Count |Average |The value computed by autoscale when executed |MetricTriggerSource |
+|ScaleActionsInitiated |Yes |Scale Actions Initiated |Count |Total |The direction of the scale operation. |ScaleDirection |
-> [!NOTE]
-> NumActiveWorkers is supported only if YARN is installed, and the Resource Manager is running.
-> Alternatively customers can use Log Analytics for Kafka to get the insight and can write custom query to get the best monitoring experience. For more information, see how to [Use Azure Monitor logs to monitor HDInsight clusters](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/hdinsight/hdinsight-hadoop-oms-log-analytics-tutorial)
-## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services
+## microsoft.insights/components
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The availability rate of the service.|No Dimensions|
-|CosmosDbCollectionSize|Yes|Cosmos DB Collection Size|Bytes|Total|The size of the backing Cosmos DB collection, in bytes.|No Dimensions|
-|CosmosDbIndexSize|Yes|Cosmos DB Index Size|Bytes|Total|The size of the backing Cosmos DB collection's index, in bytes.|No Dimensions|
-|CosmosDbRequestCharge|Yes|Cosmos DB RU usage|Count|Total|The RU usage of requests to the service's backing Cosmos DB.|Operation, ResourceType|
-|CosmosDbRequests|Yes|Service Cosmos DB requests|Count|Sum|The total number of requests made to a service's backing Cosmos DB.|Operation, ResourceType|
-|CosmosDbThrottleRate|Yes|Service Cosmos DB throttle rate|Count|Sum|The total number of 429 responses from a service's backing Cosmos DB.|Operation, ResourceType|
-|IoTConnectorDeviceEvent|Yes|Number of Incoming Messages|Count|Sum|The total number of messages received by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR prior to any normalization.|Operation, ConnectorName|
-|IoTConnectorDeviceEventProcessingLatencyMs|Yes|Average Normalize Stage Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average time between an event's ingestion time and the time the event is processed for normalization.|Operation, ConnectorName|
-|IoTConnectorMeasurement|Yes|Number of Measurements|Count|Sum|The number of normalized value readings received by the FHIR conversion stage of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR.|Operation, ConnectorName|
-|IoTConnectorMeasurementGroup|Yes|Number of Message Groups|Count|Sum|The total number of unique groupings of measurements across type, device, patient, and configured time period generated by the FHIR conversion stage.|Operation, ConnectorName|
-|IoTConnectorMeasurementIngestionLatencyMs|Yes|Average Group Stage Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The time period between when the IoT Connector received the device data and when the data is processed by the FHIR conversion stage.|Operation, ConnectorName|
-|IoTConnectorNormalizedEvent|Yes|Number of Normalized Messages|Count|Sum|The total number of mapped normalized values outputted from the normalization stage of the the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR.|Operation, ConnectorName|
-|IoTConnectorTotalErrors|Yes|Total Error Count|Count|Sum|The total number of errors logged by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR|Name, Operation, ErrorType, ErrorSeverity, ConnectorName|
-|TotalErrors|Yes|Total Errors|Count|Sum|The total number of internal server errors encountered by the service.|Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusCodeText|
-|TotalLatency|Yes|Total Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The response latency of the service.|Protocol|
-|TotalRequests|Yes|Total Requests|Count|Sum|The total number of requests received by the service.|Protocol|
+|availabilityResults/availabilityPercentage |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |Percentage of successfully completed availability tests |availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location |
+|availabilityResults/count |No |Availability tests |Count |Count |Count of availability tests |availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location, availabilityResult/success |
+|availabilityResults/duration |Yes |Availability test duration |MilliSeconds |Average |Availability test duration |availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location, availabilityResult/success |
+|browserTimings/networkDuration |Yes |Page load network connect time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time between user request and network connection. Includes DNS lookup and transport connection. |No Dimensions |
+|browserTimings/processingDuration |Yes |Client processing time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time between receiving the last byte of a document until the DOM is loaded. Async requests may still be processing. |No Dimensions |
+|browserTimings/receiveDuration |Yes |Receiving response time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time between the first and last bytes, or until disconnection. |No Dimensions |
+|browserTimings/sendDuration |Yes |Send request time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time between network connection and receiving the first byte. |No Dimensions |
+|browserTimings/totalDuration |Yes |Browser page load time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time from user request until DOM, stylesheets, scripts and images are loaded. |No Dimensions |
+|dependencies/count |No |Dependency calls |Count |Count |Count of calls made by the application to external resources. |dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName |
+|dependencies/duration |Yes |Dependency duration |MilliSeconds |Average |Duration of calls made by the application to external resources. |dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName |
+|dependencies/failed |No |Dependency call failures |Count |Count |Count of failed dependency calls made by the application to external resources. |dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName |
+|exceptions/browser |No |Browser exceptions |Count |Count |Count of uncaught exceptions thrown in the browser. |client/isServer, cloud/roleName |
+|exceptions/count |Yes |Exceptions |Count |Count |Combined count of all uncaught exceptions. |cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance, client/type |
+|exceptions/server |No |Server exceptions |Count |Count |Count of uncaught exceptions thrown in the server application. |client/isServer, cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance |
+|pageViews/count |Yes |Page views |Count |Count |Count of page views. |operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName |
+|pageViews/duration |Yes |Page view load time |MilliSeconds |Average |Page view load time |operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName |
+|performanceCounters/exceptionsPerSecond |Yes |Exception rate |CountPerSecond |Average |Count of handled and unhandled exceptions reported to windows, including .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that are converted into .NET exceptions. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/memoryAvailableBytes |Yes |Available memory |Bytes |Average |Physical memory immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/processCpuPercentage |Yes |Process CPU |Percent |Average |The percentage of elapsed time that all process threads used the processor to execute instructions. This can vary between 0 to 100. This metric indicates the performance of w3wp process alone. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/processIOBytesPerSecond |Yes |Process IO rate |BytesPerSecond |Average |Total bytes per second read and written to files, network and devices. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/processorCpuPercentage |Yes |Processor time |Percent |Average |The percentage of time that the processor spends in non-idle threads. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/processPrivateBytes |Yes |Process private bytes |Bytes |Average |Memory exclusively assigned to the monitored application's processes. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/requestExecutionTime |Yes |HTTP request execution time |MilliSeconds |Average |Execution time of the most recent request. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/requestsInQueue |Yes |HTTP requests in application queue |Count |Average |Length of the application request queue. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|performanceCounters/requestsPerSecond |Yes |HTTP request rate |CountPerSecond |Average |Rate of all requests to the application per second from ASP.NET. |cloud/roleInstance |
+|requests/count |No |Server requests |Count |Count |Count of HTTP requests completed. |request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName |
+|requests/duration |Yes |Server response time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time between receiving an HTTP request and finishing sending the response. |request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName |
+|requests/failed |No |Failed requests |Count |Count |Count of HTTP requests marked as failed. In most cases these are requests with a response code >= 400 and not equal to 401. |request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, request/success, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName |
+|requests/rate |No |Server request rate |CountPerSecond |Average |Rate of server requests per second |request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName |
+|traces/count |Yes |Traces |Count |Count |Trace document count |trace/severityLevel, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance |
-## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices
+## Microsoft.Insights/datacollectionrules
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The availability rate of the service.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalDataSize|Yes|Total Data Size|Bytes|Total|Total size of the data in the backing database, in bytes.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalErrors|Yes|Total Errors|Count|Sum|The total number of internal server errors encountered by the service.|Protocol, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, StatusCodeText|
-|TotalLatency|Yes|Total Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The response latency of the service.|Protocol|
-|TotalRequests|Yes|Total Requests|Count|Sum|The total number of requests received by the service.|Protocol|
+|TransformationErrors |Yes |Transformation Errors |Count |Count |The number of rows, where the execution of KQL transformation led to an error, KQL transformation service limit exceeds. |InputStreamId, ErrorType |
-## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors
+## Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|DeviceEvent|Yes|Number of Incoming Messages|Count|Sum|The total number of messages received by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR prior to any normalization.|Operation, ResourceName|
-|DeviceEventProcessingLatencyMs|Yes|Average Normalize Stage Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average time between an event's ingestion time and the time the event is processed for normalization.|Operation, ResourceName|
-|FhirResourceSaved|Yes|Number of Fhir resources saved|Count|Sum|The total number of FHIR resources saved by the Azure IoT Connector|Operation, ResourceName, Name|
-|IotConnectorStatus|Yes|IotConnector Health Status|Percent|Average|Health checks which indicate the overall health of the IoT Connector.|Operation, ResourceName, HealthCheckName|
-|Measurement|Yes|Number of Measurements|Count|Sum|The number of normalized value readings received by the FHIR conversion stage of the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR.|Operation, ResourceName|
-|MeasurementGroup|Yes|Number of Message Groups|Count|Sum|The total number of unique groupings of measurements across type, device, patient, and configured time period generated by the FHIR conversion stage.|Operation, ResourceName|
-|MeasurementIngestionLatencyMs|Yes|Average Group Stage Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The time period between when the IoT Connector received the device data and when the data is processed by the FHIR conversion stage.|Operation, ResourceName|
-|NormalizedEvent|Yes|Number of Normalized Messages|Count|Sum|The total number of mapped normalized values outputted from the normalization stage of the the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR.|Operation, ResourceName|
-|TotalErrors|Yes|Total Error Count|Count|Sum|The total number of errors logged by the Azure IoT Connector for FHIR|Name, Operation, ErrorType, ErrorSeverity, ResourceName|
+|c2d.commands.failure |Yes |Failed command invocations |Count |Total |The count of all failed command requests initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.commands.requestSize |Yes |Request size of command invocations |Bytes |Total |Request size of all command requests initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.commands.responseSize |Yes |Response size of command invocations |Bytes |Total |Response size of all command responses initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.commands.success |Yes |Successful command invocations |Count |Total |The count of all successful command requests initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.property.read.failure |Yes |Failed Device Property Reads from IoT Central |Count |Total |The count of all failed property reads initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.property.read.success |Yes |Successful Device Property Reads from IoT Central |Count |Total |The count of all successful property reads initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.property.update.failure |Yes |Failed Device Property Updates from IoT Central |Count |Total |The count of all failed property updates initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|c2d.property.update.success |Yes |Successful Device Property Updates from IoT Central |Count |Total |The count of all successful property updates initiated from IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|connectedDeviceCount |No |Total Connected Devices |Count |Average |Number of devices connected to IoT Central |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.property.read.failure |Yes |Failed Device Property Reads from Devices |Count |Total |The count of all failed property reads initiated from devices |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.property.read.success |Yes |Successful Device Property Reads from Devices |Count |Total |The count of all successful property reads initiated from devices |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.property.update.failure |Yes |Failed Device Property Updates from Devices |Count |Total |The count of all failed property updates initiated from devices |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.property.update.success |Yes |Successful Device Property Updates from Devices |Count |Total |The count of all successful property updates initiated from devices |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol |Yes |Total Telemetry Message Send Attempts |Count |Total |Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to the IoT Central application |No Dimensions |
+|d2c.telemetry.ingress.success |Yes |Total Telemetry Messages Sent |Count |Total |Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages successfully sent to the IoT Central application |No Dimensions |
+|dataExport.error |Yes |Data Export Errors |Count |Total |Number of errors encountered for data export |exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName |
+|dataExport.messages.filtered |Yes |Data Export Messages Filtered |Count |Total |Number of messages that have passed through filters in data export |exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName |
+|dataExport.messages.received |Yes |Data Export Messages Received |Count |Total |Number of messages incoming to data export, before filtering and enrichment processing |exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName |
+|dataExport.messages.written |Yes |Data Export Messages Written |Count |Total |Number of messages written to a destination |exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName |
+|dataExport.statusChange |Yes |Data Export Status Change |Count |Total |Number of status changes |exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName, status |
+|deviceDataUsage |Yes |Total Device Data Usage |Bytes |Total |Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IoT Central application |No Dimensions |
+|provisionedDeviceCount |No |Total Provisioned Devices |Count |Average |Number of devices provisioned in IoT Central application |No Dimensions |
-## microsoft.hybridnetwork/networkfunctions
+## microsoft.keyvault/managedhsms
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|HyperVVirtualProcessorUtilization|Yes|Average CPU Utilization|Percent|Average|Total average percentage of virtual CPU utilization at one minute interval. The total number of virtual CPU is based on user configured value in SKU definition. Further filter can be applied based on RoleName defined in SKU.|InstanceName|
+|Availability |No |Overall Service Availability |Percent |Average |Service requests availability |ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|ServiceApiHit |Yes |Total Service Api Hits |Count |Count |Number of total service api hits |ActivityType, ActivityName |
+|ServiceApiLatency |No |Overall Service Api Latency |Milliseconds |Average |Overall latency of service api requests |ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+## Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Availability |Yes |Overall Vault Availability |Percent |Average |Vault requests availability |ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|SaturationShoebox |No |Overall Vault Saturation |Percent |Average |Vault capacity used |ActivityType, ActivityName, TransactionType |
+|ServiceApiHit |Yes |Total Service Api Hits |Count |Count |Number of total service api hits |ActivityType, ActivityName |
+|ServiceApiLatency |Yes |Overall Service Api Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Overall latency of service api requests |ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+|ServiceApiResult |Yes |Total Service Api Results |Count |Count |Number of total service api results |ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass |
+## microsoft.kubernetes/connectedClusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|capacity_cpu_cores |Yes |Total number of cpu cores in a connected cluster |Count |Total |Total number of cpu cores in a connected cluster |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Kusto/clusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BatchBlobCount |Yes |Batch Blob Count |Count |Average |Number of data sources in an aggregated batch for ingestion. |Database |
+|BatchDuration |Yes |Batch Duration |Seconds |Average |The duration of the aggregation phase in the ingestion flow. |Database |
+|BatchesProcessed |Yes |Batches Processed |Count |Total |Number of batches aggregated for ingestion. Batching Type: whether the batch reached batching time, data size or number of files limit set by batching policy |Database, SealReason |
+|BatchSize |Yes |Batch Size |Bytes |Average |Uncompressed expected data size in an aggregated batch for ingestion. |Database |
+|BlobsDropped |Yes |Blobs Dropped |Count |Total |Number of blobs permanently rejected by a component. |Database, ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|BlobsProcessed |Yes |Blobs Processed |Count |Total |Number of blobs processed by a component. |Database, ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|BlobsReceived |Yes |Blobs Received |Count |Total |Number of blobs received from input stream by a component. |Database, ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|CacheUtilization |Yes |Cache utilization (deprecated) |Percent |Average |Utilization level in the cluster scope. The metric is deprecated and presented for backward compatibility only, you should use the ΓÇÿCache utilization factor' metric instead. |No Dimensions |
+|CacheUtilizationFactor |Yes |Cache utilization factor |Percent |Average |Percentage of utilized disk space dedicated for hot cache in the cluster. 100% means that the disk space assigned to hot data is optimally utilized. No action is needed in terms of the cache size. More than 100% means that the cluster's disk space is not large enough to accommodate the hot data, as defined by your caching policies. To ensure that sufficient space is available for all the hot data, the amount of hot data needs to be reduced or the cluster needs to be scaled out. Enabling auto scale is recommended. |No Dimensions |
+|ContinuousExportMaxLatenessMinutes |Yes |Continuous Export Max Lateness |Count |Maximum |The lateness (in minutes) reported by the continuous export jobs in the cluster |No Dimensions |
+|ContinuousExportNumOfRecordsExported |Yes |Continuous export ΓÇô num of exported records |Count |Total |Number of records exported, fired for every storage artifact written during the export operation |ContinuousExportName, Database |
+|ContinuousExportPendingCount |Yes |Continuous Export Pending Count |Count |Maximum |The number of pending continuous export jobs ready for execution |No Dimensions |
+|ContinuousExportResult |Yes |Continuous Export Result |Count |Count |Indicates whether Continuous Export succeeded or failed |ContinuousExportName, Result, Database |
+|CPU |Yes |CPU |Percent |Average |CPU utilization level |No Dimensions |
+|DiscoveryLatency |Yes |Discovery Latency |Seconds |Average |Reported by data connections (if exist). Time in seconds from when a message is enqueued or event is created until it is discovered by data connection. This time is not included in the Azure Data Explorer total ingestion duration. |ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|EventsDropped |Yes |Events Dropped |Count |Total |Number of events dropped permanently by data connection. An Ingestion result metric with a failure reason will be sent. |ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|EventsProcessed |Yes |Events Processed |Count |Total |Number of events processed by the cluster |ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|EventsProcessedForEventHubs |Yes |Events Processed (for Event/IoT Hubs) |Count |Total |Number of events processed by the cluster when ingesting from Event/IoT Hub |EventStatus |
+|EventsReceived |Yes |Events Received |Count |Total |Number of events received by data connection. |ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|ExportUtilization |Yes |Export Utilization |Percent |Maximum |Export utilization |No Dimensions |
+|FollowerLatency |Yes |FollowerLatency |MilliSeconds |Average |The follower databases synchronize changes in the leader databases. Because of the synchronization, there's a data lag of a few seconds to a few minutes in data availability.This metric measures the length of the time lag. The time lag depends on the overall size of the leader database metadata.This is a cluster level metrics: the followers catch metadata of all databases that are followed. This metric represents the latency of the process. |State, RoleInstance |
+|IngestionLatencyInSeconds |Yes |Ingestion Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of data ingested, from the time the data was received in the cluster until it's ready for query. The ingestion latency period depends on the ingestion scenario. |No Dimensions |
+|IngestionResult |Yes |Ingestion result |Count |Total |Total number of sources that either failed or succeeded to be ingested. Splitting the metric by status, you can get detailed information about the status of the ingestion operations. |IngestionResultDetails, FailureKind |
+|IngestionUtilization |Yes |Ingestion utilization |Percent |Average |Ratio of used ingestion slots in the cluster |No Dimensions |
+|IngestionVolumeInMB |Yes |Ingestion Volume |Bytes |Total |Overall volume of ingested data to the cluster |Database |
+|InstanceCount |Yes |Instance Count |Count |Average |Total instance count |No Dimensions |
+|KeepAlive |Yes |Keep alive |Count |Average |Sanity check indicates the cluster responds to queries |No Dimensions |
+|MaterializedViewAgeMinutes |Yes |Materialized View Age |Count |Average |The materialized view age in minutes |Database, MaterializedViewName |
+|MaterializedViewAgeSeconds |Yes |Materialized View Age |Seconds |Average |The materialized view age in seconds |Database, MaterializedViewName |
+|MaterializedViewDataLoss |Yes |Materialized View Data Loss |Count |Maximum |Indicates potential data loss in materialized view |Database, MaterializedViewName, Kind |
+|MaterializedViewExtentsRebuild |Yes |Materialized View Extents Rebuild |Count |Average |Number of extents rebuild |Database, MaterializedViewName |
+|MaterializedViewHealth |Yes |Materialized View Health |Count |Average |The health of the materialized view (1 for healthy, 0 for non-healthy) |Database, MaterializedViewName |
+|MaterializedViewRecordsInDelta |Yes |Materialized View Records In Delta |Count |Average |The number of records in the non-materialized part of the view |Database, MaterializedViewName |
+|MaterializedViewResult |Yes |Materialized View Result |Count |Average |The result of the materialization process |Database, MaterializedViewName, Result |
+|QueryDuration |Yes |Query duration |MilliSeconds |Average |Queries' duration in seconds |QueryStatus |
+|QueryResult |No |Query Result |Count |Count |Total number of queries. |QueryStatus |
+|QueueLength |Yes |Queue Length |Count |Average |Number of pending messages in a component's queue. |ComponentType |
+|QueueOldestMessage |Yes |Queue Oldest Message |Count |Average |Time in seconds from when the oldest message in queue was inserted. |ComponentType |
+|ReceivedDataSizeBytes |Yes |Received Data Size Bytes |Bytes |Average |Size of data received by data connection. This is the size of the data stream, or of raw data size if provided. |ComponentType, ComponentName |
+|StageLatency |Yes |Stage Latency |Seconds |Average |Cumulative time from when a message is discovered until it is received by the reporting component for processing (discovery time is set when message is enqueued for ingestion queue, or when discovered by data connection). |Database, ComponentType |
+|StreamingIngestDataRate |Yes |Streaming Ingest Data Rate |Bytes |Average |Streaming ingest data rate |No Dimensions |
+|StreamingIngestDuration |Yes |Streaming Ingest Duration |MilliSeconds |Average |Streaming ingest duration in milliseconds |No Dimensions |
+|StreamingIngestResults |Yes |Streaming Ingest Result |Count |Count |Streaming ingest result |Result |
+|TotalNumberOfConcurrentQueries |Yes |Total number of concurrent queries |Count |Maximum |Total number of concurrent queries |No Dimensions |
+|TotalNumberOfExtents |Yes |Total number of extents |Count |Average |Total number of data extents |No Dimensions |
+|TotalNumberOfThrottledCommands |Yes |Total number of throttled commands |Count |Total |Total number of throttled commands |CommandType |
+|TotalNumberOfThrottledQueries |Yes |Total number of throttled queries |Count |Maximum |Total number of throttled queries |No Dimensions |
+|WeakConsistencyLatency |Yes |Weak consistency latency |Seconds |Average |The max latency between the previous metadata sync and the next one (in DB/node scope) |Database, RoleInstance |
+## Microsoft.Logic/IntegrationServiceEnvironments
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActionLatency |Yes |Action Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of completed workflow actions. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsCompleted |Yes |Actions Completed |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions completed. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsFailed |Yes |Actions Failed |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions failed. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsSkipped |Yes |Actions Skipped |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions skipped. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsStarted |Yes |Actions Started |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions started. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsSucceeded |Yes |Actions Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions succeeded. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionSuccessLatency |Yes |Action Success Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of succeeded workflow actions. |No Dimensions |
+|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentConnectorMemoryUsage |Yes |Connector Memory Usage for Integration Service Environment |Percent |Average |Connector memory usage for integration service environment. |No Dimensions |
+|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentConnectorProcessorUsage |Yes |Connector Processor Usage for Integration Service Environment |Percent |Average |Connector processor usage for integration service environment. |No Dimensions |
+|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentWorkflowMemoryUsage |Yes |Workflow Memory Usage for Integration Service Environment |Percent |Average |Workflow memory usage for integration service environment. |No Dimensions |
+|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentWorkflowProcessorUsage |Yes |Workflow Processor Usage for Integration Service Environment |Percent |Average |Workflow processor usage for integration service environment. |No Dimensions |
+|RunLatency |Yes |Run Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of completed workflow runs. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsCancelled |Yes |Runs Cancelled |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs cancelled. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsCompleted |Yes |Runs Completed |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs completed. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsFailed |Yes |Runs Failed |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs failed. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsStarted |Yes |Runs Started |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs started. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsSucceeded |Yes |Runs Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs succeeded. |No Dimensions |
+|RunSuccessLatency |Yes |Run Success Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of succeeded workflow runs. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggerFireLatency |Yes |Trigger Fire Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of fired workflow triggers. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggerLatency |Yes |Trigger Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of completed workflow triggers. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersCompleted |Yes |Triggers Completed |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers completed. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersFailed |Yes |Triggers Failed |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers failed. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersFired |Yes |Triggers Fired |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers fired. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersSkipped |Yes |Triggers Skipped |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers skipped. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersStarted |Yes |Triggers Started |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers started. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersSucceeded |Yes |Triggers Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers succeeded. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggerSuccessLatency |Yes |Trigger Success Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of succeeded workflow triggers. |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Logic/Workflows
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActionLatency |Yes |Action Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of completed workflow actions. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsCompleted |Yes |Actions Completed |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions completed. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsFailed |Yes |Actions Failed |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions failed. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsSkipped |Yes |Actions Skipped |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions skipped. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsStarted |Yes |Actions Started |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions started. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionsSucceeded |Yes |Actions Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of workflow actions succeeded. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionSuccessLatency |Yes |Action Success Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of succeeded workflow actions. |No Dimensions |
+|ActionThrottledEvents |Yes |Action Throttled Events |Count |Total |Number of workflow action throttled events.. |No Dimensions |
+|BillableActionExecutions |Yes |Billable Action Executions |Count |Total |Number of workflow action executions getting billed. |No Dimensions |
+|BillableTriggerExecutions |Yes |Billable Trigger Executions |Count |Total |Number of workflow trigger executions getting billed. |No Dimensions |
+|BillingUsageNativeOperation |Yes |Billing Usage for Native Operation Executions |Count |Total |Number of native operation executions getting billed. |No Dimensions |
+|BillingUsageStandardConnector |Yes |Billing Usage for Standard Connector Executions |Count |Total |Number of standard connector executions getting billed. |No Dimensions |
+|BillingUsageStorageConsumption |Yes |Billing Usage for Storage Consumption Executions |Count |Total |Number of storage consumption executions getting billed. |No Dimensions |
+|RunFailurePercentage |Yes |Run Failure Percentage |Percent |Total |Percentage of workflow runs failed. |No Dimensions |
+|RunLatency |Yes |Run Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of completed workflow runs. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsCancelled |Yes |Runs Cancelled |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs cancelled. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsCompleted |Yes |Runs Completed |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs completed. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsFailed |Yes |Runs Failed |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs failed. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsStarted |Yes |Runs Started |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs started. |No Dimensions |
+|RunsSucceeded |Yes |Runs Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of workflow runs succeeded. |No Dimensions |
+|RunStartThrottledEvents |Yes |Run Start Throttled Events |Count |Total |Number of workflow run start throttled events. |No Dimensions |
+|RunSuccessLatency |Yes |Run Success Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of succeeded workflow runs. |No Dimensions |
+|RunThrottledEvents |Yes |Run Throttled Events |Count |Total |Number of workflow action or trigger throttled events. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalBillableExecutions |Yes |Total Billable Executions |Count |Total |Number of workflow executions getting billed. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggerFireLatency |Yes |Trigger Fire Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of fired workflow triggers. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggerLatency |Yes |Trigger Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of completed workflow triggers. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersCompleted |Yes |Triggers Completed |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers completed. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersFailed |Yes |Triggers Failed |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers failed. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersFired |Yes |Triggers Fired |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers fired. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersSkipped |Yes |Triggers Skipped |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers skipped. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersStarted |Yes |Triggers Started |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers started. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggersSucceeded |Yes |Triggers Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of workflow triggers succeeded. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggerSuccessLatency |Yes |Trigger Success Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency of succeeded workflow triggers. |No Dimensions |
+|TriggerThrottledEvents |Yes |Trigger Throttled Events |Count |Total |Number of workflow trigger throttled events. |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Active Cores |Yes |Active Cores |Count |Average |Number of active cores |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Active Nodes |Yes |Active Nodes |Count |Average |Number of Active nodes. These are the nodes which are actively running a job. |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Cancel Requested Runs |Yes |Cancel Requested Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs where cancel was requested for this workspace. Count is updated when cancellation request has been received for a run. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Cancelled Runs |Yes |Cancelled Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs cancelled for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is successfully cancelled. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Completed Runs |Yes |Completed Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs completed successfully for this workspace. Count is updated when a run has completed and output has been collected. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|CpuCapacityMillicores |Yes |CpuCapacityMillicores |Count |Average |Maximum capacity of a CPU node in millicores. Capacity is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|CpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes |Yes |CpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes |Count |Average |Maximum memory utilization of a CPU node in megabytes. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|CpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes |Yes |CpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes |Count |Average |Memory utilization of a CPU node in megabytes. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage |Yes |CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage |Count |Average |Memory utilization percentage of a CPU node. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|CpuUtilization |Yes |CpuUtilization |Count |Average |Percentage of utilization on a CPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |Scenario, runId, NodeId, ClusterName |
+|CpuUtilizationMillicores |Yes |CpuUtilizationMillicores |Count |Average |Utilization of a CPU node in millicores. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|CpuUtilizationPercentage |Yes |CpuUtilizationPercentage |Count |Average |Utilization percentage of a CPU node. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|DiskAvailMegabytes |Yes |DiskAvailMegabytes |Count |Average |Available disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|DiskReadMegabytes |Yes |DiskReadMegabytes |Count |Average |Data read from disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|DiskUsedMegabytes |Yes |DiskUsedMegabytes |Count |Average |Used disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|DiskWriteMegabytes |Yes |DiskWriteMegabytes |Count |Average |Data written into disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|Errors |Yes |Errors |Count |Total |Number of run errors in this workspace. Count is updated whenever run encounters an error. |Scenario |
+|Failed Runs |Yes |Failed Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs failed for this workspace. Count is updated when a run fails. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Finalizing Runs |Yes |Finalizing Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs entered finalizing state for this workspace. Count is updated when a run has completed but output collection still in progress. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|GpuCapacityMilliGPUs |Yes |GpuCapacityMilliGPUs |Count |Average |Maximum capacity of a GPU device in milli-GPUs. Capacity is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName |
+|GpuEnergyJoules |Yes |GpuEnergyJoules |Count |Total |Interval energy in Joules on a GPU node. Energy is reported at one minute intervals. |Scenario, runId, rootRunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName |
+|GpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes |Yes |GpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes |Count |Average |Maximum memory capacity of a GPU device in megabytes. Capacity aggregated in at one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName |
+|GpuMemoryUtilization |Yes |GpuMemoryUtilization |Count |Average |Percentage of memory utilization on a GPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |Scenario, runId, NodeId, DeviceId, ClusterName |
+|GpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes |Yes |GpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes |Count |Average |Memory utilization of a GPU device in megabytes. Utilization aggregated in at one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName |
+|GpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage |Yes |GpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage |Count |Average |Memory utilization percentage of a GPU device. Utilization aggregated in at one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName |
+|GpuUtilization |Yes |GpuUtilization |Count |Average |Percentage of utilization on a GPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |Scenario, runId, NodeId, DeviceId, ClusterName |
+|GpuUtilizationMilliGPUs |Yes |GpuUtilizationMilliGPUs |Count |Average |Utilization of a GPU device in milli-GPUs. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName |
+|GpuUtilizationPercentage |Yes |GpuUtilizationPercentage |Count |Average |Utilization percentage of a GPU device. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName |
+|IBReceiveMegabytes |Yes |IBReceiveMegabytes |Count |Average |Network data received over InfiniBand in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId |
+|IBTransmitMegabytes |Yes |IBTransmitMegabytes |Count |Average |Network data sent over InfiniBand in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId |
+|Idle Cores |Yes |Idle Cores |Count |Average |Number of idle cores |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Idle Nodes |Yes |Idle Nodes |Count |Average |Number of idle nodes. Idle nodes are the nodes which are not running any jobs but can accept new job if available. |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Leaving Cores |Yes |Leaving Cores |Count |Average |Number of leaving cores |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Leaving Nodes |Yes |Leaving Nodes |Count |Average |Number of leaving nodes. Leaving nodes are the nodes which just finished processing a job and will go to Idle state. |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Model Deploy Failed |Yes |Model Deploy Failed |Count |Total |Number of model deployments that failed in this workspace |Scenario, StatusCode |
+|Model Deploy Started |Yes |Model Deploy Started |Count |Total |Number of model deployments started in this workspace |Scenario |
+|Model Deploy Succeeded |Yes |Model Deploy Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of model deployments that succeeded in this workspace |Scenario |
+|Model Register Failed |Yes |Model Register Failed |Count |Total |Number of model registrations that failed in this workspace |Scenario, StatusCode |
+|Model Register Succeeded |Yes |Model Register Succeeded |Count |Total |Number of model registrations that succeeded in this workspace |Scenario |
+|NetworkInputMegabytes |Yes |NetworkInputMegabytes |Count |Average |Network data received in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId |
+|NetworkOutputMegabytes |Yes |NetworkOutputMegabytes |Count |Average |Network data sent in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId |
+|Not Responding Runs |Yes |Not Responding Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs not responding for this workspace. Count is updated when a run enters Not Responding state. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Not Started Runs |Yes |Not Started Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs in Not Started state for this workspace. Count is updated when a request is received to create a run but run information has not yet been populated. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Preempted Cores |Yes |Preempted Cores |Count |Average |Number of preempted cores |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Preempted Nodes |Yes |Preempted Nodes |Count |Average |Number of preempted nodes. These nodes are the low priority nodes which are taken away from the available node pool. |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Preparing Runs |Yes |Preparing Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs that are preparing for this workspace. Count is updated when a run enters Preparing state while the run environment is being prepared. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Provisioning Runs |Yes |Provisioning Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs that are provisioning for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is waiting on compute target creation or provisioning. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Queued Runs |Yes |Queued Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs that are queued for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is queued in compute target. Can occure when waiting for required compute nodes to be ready. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Quota Utilization Percentage |Yes |Quota Utilization Percentage |Count |Average |Percent of quota utilized |Scenario, ClusterName, VmFamilyName, VmPriority |
+|Started Runs |Yes |Started Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs running for this workspace. Count is updated when run starts running on required resources. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|Starting Runs |Yes |Starting Runs |Count |Total |Number of runs started for this workspace. Count is updated after request to create run and run info, such as the Run Id, has been populated |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName |
+|StorageAPIFailureCount |Yes |StorageAPIFailureCount |Count |Total |Azure Blob Storage API calls failure count. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|StorageAPISuccessCount |Yes |StorageAPISuccessCount |Count |Total |Azure Blob Storage API calls success count. |RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName |
+|Total Cores |Yes |Total Cores |Count |Average |Number of total cores |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Total Nodes |Yes |Total Nodes |Count |Average |Number of total nodes. This total includes some of Active Nodes, Idle Nodes, Unusable Nodes, Preempted Nodes, Leaving Nodes |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Unusable Cores |Yes |Unusable Cores |Count |Average |Number of unusable cores |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Unusable Nodes |Yes |Unusable Nodes |Count |Average |Number of unusable nodes. Unusable nodes are not functional due to some unresolvable issue. Azure will recycle these nodes. |Scenario, ClusterName |
+|Warnings |Yes |Warnings |Count |Total |Number of run warnings in this workspace. Count is updated whenever a run encounters a warning. |Scenario |
+## Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ConnectionsActive |No |Connections Active |Count |Average |The total number of concurrent TCP connections active from clients. |No Dimensions |
+|DataCollectionErrorsPerMinute |No |Data Collection Errors Per Minute |Count |Average |The number of data collection events dropped per minute. |deployment, reason, type |
+|DataCollectionEventsPerMinute |No |Data Collection Events Per Minute |Count |Average |The number of data collection events processed per minute. |deployment, type |
+|NetworkBytes |No |Network Bytes |BytesPerSecond |Average |The bytes per second served for the endpoint. |No Dimensions |
+|NewConnectionsPerSecond |No |New Connections Per Second |CountPerSecond |Average |The average number of new TCP connections per second established from clients. |No Dimensions |
+|RequestLatency |Yes |Request Latency |Milliseconds |Average |The average complete interval of time taken for a request to be responded in milliseconds |deployment |
+|RequestLatency_P50 |Yes |Request Latency P50 |Milliseconds |Average |The average P50 request latency aggregated by all request latency values collected over the selected time period |deployment |
+|RequestLatency_P90 |Yes |Request Latency P90 |Milliseconds |Average |The average P90 request latency aggregated by all request latency values collected over the selected time period |deployment |
+|RequestLatency_P95 |Yes |Request Latency P95 |Milliseconds |Average |The average P95 request latency aggregated by all request latency values collected over the selected time period |deployment |
+|RequestLatency_P99 |Yes |Request Latency P99 |Milliseconds |Average |The average P99 request latency aggregated by all request latency values collected over the selected time period |deployment |
+|RequestsPerMinute |No |Requests Per Minute |Count |Average |The number of requests sent to online endpoint within a minute |deployment, statusCode, statusCodeClass |
+## Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints/deployments
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage |Yes |CPU Memory Utilization Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of memory utilization on an instance. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |instanceId |
+|CpuUtilizationPercentage |Yes |CPU Utilization Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of CPU utilization on an instance. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |instanceId |
+|DataCollectionErrorsPerMinute |No |Data Collection Errors Per Minute |Count |Average |The number of data collection events dropped per minute. |instanceId, reason, type |
+|DataCollectionEventsPerMinute |No |Data Collection Events Per Minute |Count |Average |The number of data collection events processed per minute. |instanceId, type |
+|DeploymentCapacity |No |Deployment Capacity |Count |Average |The number of instances in the deployment. |instanceId, State |
+|DiskUtilization |Yes |Disk Utilization |Percent |Maximum |Percentage of disk utilization on an instance. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |instanceId, disk |
+|GpuEnergyJoules |No |GPU Energy in Joules |Count |Average |Interval energy in Joules on a GPU node. Energy is reported at one minute intervals. |instanceId |
+|GpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage |Yes |GPU Memory Utilization Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of GPU memory utilization on an instance. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |instanceId |
+|GpuUtilizationPercentage |Yes |GPU Utilization Percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of GPU utilization on an instance. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals. |instanceId |
+## Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CpuUtilizationMax |Yes |Cpu Utilization Max |Percent |Average |Max cpu utilization. The maximum value of the percentage measure of the statistic over the time interval. |FabricId, RegionName, ComponentName |
+|CpuUtilizationMin |Yes |Cpu Utilization Min |Percent |Average |Min cpu utilization. The minimum value of the percentage measure of the statistic over the time interval. |FabricId, RegionName, ComponentName |
+|FanSpeed |Yes |Fan Speed |Count |Average |Current fan speed. |FabricId, RegionName, ComponentName |
+|IfEthInCrcErrors |Yes |Ethernet Interface In CRC Errors |Count |Average |The total number of frames received that had a length (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) of between 64 and 1518 octets, inclusive, but had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error) |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfEthInFragmentFrames |Yes |Ethernet Interface In Fragment Frames |Count |Average |The total number of frames received that were less than 64 octets in length (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets) and had either a bad Frame Check Sequence (FCS) with an integral number of octets (FCS Error) or a bad FCS with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error). |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfEthInJabberFrames |Yes |Ethernet Interface In Jabber Frames |Count |Average |Number of jabber frames received on the interface. Jabber frames are typically defined as oversize frames which also have a bad CRC. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfEthInMacControlFrames |Yes |Ethernet Interface In MAC Control Frames |Count |Average |MAC layer control frames received on the interface |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfEthInMacPauseFrames |Yes |Ethernet Interface In MAC Pause Frames |Count |Average |MAC layer PAUSE frames received on the interface |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfEthInOversizeFrames |Yes |Ethernet Interface In Oversize Frames |Count |Average |The total number of frames received that were longer than 1518 octets (excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfEthOutMacControlFrames |Yes |Ethernet Interface Out MAC Control Frames |Count |Average |MAC layer control frames sent on the interface. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfEthOutMacPauseFrames |Yes |Ethernet Interface Out MAC Pause Frames |Count |Average |MAC layer PAUSE frames sent on the interface. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfInBroadcastPkts |Yes |Interface In Broadcast Pkts |Count |Average |The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfInDiscards |Yes |Interface In Discards |Count |Average |The number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfInErrors |Yes |Interface In Errors |Count |Average |For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfInFcsErrors |Yes |Interface In FCS Errors |Count |Average |Number of received packets which had errors in the frame check sequence (FCS), i.e., framing errors. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfInMulticastPkts |Yes |Interface In Multicast Pkts |Count |Average |The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, that were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer. For a MAC-layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfInOctets |Yes |Interface In Octets |Count |Average |The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfInUnicastPkts |Yes |Interface In Unicast Pkts |Count |Average |The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a higher (sub-)layer, that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfOutBroadcastPkts |Yes |Interface Out Broadcast Pkts |Count |Average |The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and that were addressed to a broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfOutDiscards |Yes |Interface Out Discards |Count |Average |The number of outbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfOutErrors |Yes |Interface Out Errors |Count |Average |For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfOutMulticastPkts |Yes |Interface Out Multicast Pkts |Count |Average |The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested be transmitted, and that were addressed to a multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. For a MAC-layer protocol, this includes both Group and Functional addresses. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfOutOctets |Yes |Interface Out Octets |Count |Average |The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|IfOutUnicastPkts |Yes |Interface Out Unicast Pkts |Count |Average |The total number of packets that higher-level requested be transmitted, and that were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|LacpInPkts |Yes |Lacp In Pkts |Count |Average |Number of LACPDUs received. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|LacpOutPkts |Yes |Lacp Out Pkts |Count |Average |Number of LACPDUs transmitted. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|LacpRxErrors |Yes |Lacp Rx Errors |Count |Average |Number of LACPDU receive packet errors. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|LldpFrameIn |Yes |Lldp Frame In |Count |Average |The number of lldp frames received. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|LldpFrameOut |Yes |Lldp Frame Out |Count |Average |The number of frames transmitted out. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|LldpTlvUnknown |Yes |Lldp Tlv Unknown |Count |Average |The number of frames received with unknown TLV. |FabricId, RegionName, InterfaceName |
+|MemoryAvailable |Yes |Memory Available |Bytes |Average |The available memory physically installed, or logically allocated to the component. |FabricId, RegionName, ComponentName |
+|MemoryUtilized |Yes |Memory Utilized |Bytes |Average |The memory currently in use by processes running on the component, not considering reserved memory that is not available for use. |FabricId, RegionName, ComponentName |
-## microsoft.hybridnetwork/virtualnetworkfunctions
+## Microsoft.Maps/accounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|HyperVVirtualProcessorUtilization|Yes|Average CPU Utilization|Percent|Average|Total average percentage of virtual CPU utilization at one minute interval. The total number of virtual CPU is based on user configured value in SKU definition. Further filter can be applied based on RoleName defined in SKU.|InstanceName|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |Availability of the APIs |ApiCategory, ApiName |
+|CreatorUsage |No |Creator Usage |Bytes |Average |Azure Maps Creator usage statistics |ServiceName |
+|Usage |No |Usage |Count |Count |Count of API calls |ApiCategory, ApiName, ResultType, ResponseCode |
-## Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings
+## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|MetricThreshold|Yes|Metric Threshold|Count|Average|The configured autoscale threshold when autoscale ran.|MetricTriggerRule|
-|ObservedCapacity|Yes|Observed Capacity|Count|Average|The capacity reported to autoscale when it executed.|No Dimensions|
-|ObservedMetricValue|Yes|Observed Metric Value|Count|Average|The value computed by autoscale when executed|MetricTriggerSource|
-|ScaleActionsInitiated|Yes|Scale Actions Initiated|Count|Total|The direction of the scale operation.|ScaleDirection|
+|AssetCount |Yes |Asset count |Count |Average |How many assets are already created in current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|AssetQuota |Yes |Asset quota |Count |Average |How many assets are allowed for current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|AssetQuotaUsedPercentage |Yes |Asset quota used percentage |Percent |Average |Asset used percentage in current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|ChannelsAndLiveEventsCount |Yes |Live event count |Count |Average |The total number of live events in the current media services account |No Dimensions |
+|ContentKeyPolicyCount |Yes |Content Key Policy count |Count |Average |How many content key policies are already created in current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|ContentKeyPolicyQuota |Yes |Content Key Policy quota |Count |Average |How many content key polices are allowed for current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|ContentKeyPolicyQuotaUsedPercentage |Yes |Content Key Policy quota used percentage |Percent |Average |Content Key Policy used percentage in current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|JobQuota |Yes |Job quota |Count |Average |The Job quota for the current media service account. |No Dimensions |
+|JobsScheduled |Yes |Jobs Scheduled |Count |Average |The number of Jobs in the Scheduled state. Counts on this metric only reflect jobs submitted through the v3 API. Jobs submitted through the v2 (Legacy) API are not counted. |No Dimensions |
+|KeyDeliveryRequests |No |Key request time |Count |Average |The key delivery request status and latency in milliseconds for the current Media Service account. |KeyType, HttpStatusCode |
+|MaxChannelsAndLiveEventsCount |Yes |Max live event quota |Count |Average |The maximum number of live events allowed in the current media services account |No Dimensions |
+|MaxRunningChannelsAndLiveEventsCount |Yes |Max running live event quota |Count |Average |The maximum number of running live events allowed in the current media services account |No Dimensions |
+|RunningChannelsAndLiveEventsCount |Yes |Running live event count |Count |Average |The total number of running live events in the current media services account |No Dimensions |
+|StreamingPolicyCount |Yes |Streaming Policy count |Count |Average |How many streaming policies are already created in current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|StreamingPolicyQuota |Yes |Streaming Policy quota |Count |Average |How many streaming policies are allowed for current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|StreamingPolicyQuotaUsedPercentage |Yes |Streaming Policy quota used percentage |Percent |Average |Streaming Policy used percentage in current media service account |No Dimensions |
+|TransformQuota |Yes |Transform quota |Count |Average |The Transform quota for the current media service account. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Insights/Components
+## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|availabilityResults/availabilityPercentage|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|Percentage of successfully completed availability tests|availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location|
-|availabilityResults/count|No|Availability tests|Count|Count|Count of availability tests|availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location, availabilityResult/success|
-|availabilityResults/duration|Yes|Availability test duration|MilliSeconds|Average|Availability test duration|availabilityResult/name, availabilityResult/location, availabilityResult/success|
-|browserTimings/networkDuration|Yes|Page load network connect time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time between user request and network connection. Includes DNS lookup and transport connection.|No Dimensions|
-|browserTimings/processingDuration|Yes|Client processing time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time between receiving the last byte of a document until the DOM is loaded. Async requests may still be processing.|No Dimensions|
-|browserTimings/receiveDuration|Yes|Receiving response time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time between the first and last bytes, or until disconnection.|No Dimensions|
-|browserTimings/sendDuration|Yes|Send request time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time between network connection and receiving the first byte.|No Dimensions|
-|browserTimings/totalDuration|Yes|Browser page load time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time from user request until DOM, stylesheets, scripts and images are loaded.|No Dimensions|
-|dependencies/count|No|Dependency calls|Count|Count|Count of calls made by the application to external resources.|dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName|
-|dependencies/duration|Yes|Dependency duration|MilliSeconds|Average|Duration of calls made by the application to external resources.|dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/success, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName|
-|dependencies/failed|No|Dependency call failures|Count|Count|Count of failed dependency calls made by the application to external resources.|dependency/type, dependency/performanceBucket, dependency/target, dependency/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName|
-|exceptions/browser|No|Browser exceptions|Count|Count|Count of uncaught exceptions thrown in the browser.|cloud/roleName|
-|exceptions/count|Yes|Exceptions|Count|Count|Combined count of all uncaught exceptions.|cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance, client/type|
-|exceptions/server|No|Server exceptions|Count|Count|Count of uncaught exceptions thrown in the server application.|cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance|
-|pageViews/count|Yes|Page views|Count|Count|Count of page views.|operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName|
-|pageViews/duration|Yes|Page view load time|MilliSeconds|Average|Page view load time|operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName|
-|performanceCounters/exceptionsPerSecond|Yes|Exception rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Count of handled and unhandled exceptions reported to windows, including .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that are converted into .NET exceptions.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/memoryAvailableBytes|Yes|Available memory|Bytes|Average|Physical memory immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/processCpuPercentage|Yes|Process CPU|Percent|Average|The percentage of elapsed time that all process threads used the processor to execute instructions. This can vary between 0 to 100. This metric indicates the performance of w3wp process alone.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/processIOBytesPerSecond|Yes|Process IO rate|BytesPerSecond|Average|Total bytes per second read and written to files, network and devices.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/processorCpuPercentage|Yes|Processor time|Percent|Average|The percentage of time that the processor spends in non-idle threads.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/processPrivateBytes|Yes|Process private bytes|Bytes|Average|Memory exclusively assigned to the monitored application's processes.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/requestExecutionTime|Yes|HTTP request execution time|MilliSeconds|Average|Execution time of the most recent request.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/requestsInQueue|Yes|HTTP requests in application queue|Count|Average|Length of the application request queue.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|performanceCounters/requestsPerSecond|Yes|HTTP request rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Rate of all requests to the application per second from ASP.NET.|cloud/roleInstance|
-|requests/count|No|Server requests|Count|Count|Count of HTTP requests completed.|request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName|
-|requests/duration|Yes|Server response time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time between receiving an HTTP request and finishing sending the response.|request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName|
-|requests/failed|No|Failed requests|Count|Count|Count of HTTP requests marked as failed. In most cases these are requests with a response code >= 400 and not equal to 401.|request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, cloud/roleName|
-|requests/rate|No|Server request rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Rate of server requests per second|request/performanceBucket, request/resultCode, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleInstance, request/success, cloud/roleName|
-|traces/count|Yes|Traces|Count|Count|Trace document count|trace/severityLevel, operation/synthetic, cloud/roleName, cloud/roleInstance|
+|IngestBitrate |Yes |Live Event ingest bitrate |BitsPerSecond |Average |The incoming bitrate ingested for a live event, in bits per second. |TrackName |
+|IngestDriftValue |Yes |Live Event ingest drift value |Seconds |Maximum |Drift between the timestamp of the ingested content and the system clock, measured in seconds per minute. A non zero value indicates that the ingested content is arriving slower than system clock time. |TrackName |
+|IngestLastTimestamp |Yes |Live Event ingest last timestamp |Milliseconds |Maximum |Last timestamp ingested for a live event. |TrackName |
+|LiveOutputLastTimestamp |Yes |Last output timestamp |Milliseconds |Maximum |Timestamp of the last fragment uploaded to storage for a live event output. |TrackName |
-## Microsoft.IoTCentral/IoTApps
+## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/streamingEndpoints
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|c2d.commands.failure|Yes|Failed command invocations|Count|Total|The count of all failed command requests initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.commands.requestSize|Yes|Request size of command invocations|Bytes|Total|Request size of all command requests initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.commands.responseSize|Yes|Response size of command invocations|Bytes|Total|Response size of all command responses initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.commands.success|Yes|Successful command invocations|Count|Total|The count of all successful command requests initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.property.read.failure|Yes|Failed Device Property Reads from IoT Central|Count|Total|The count of all failed property reads initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.property.read.success|Yes|Successful Device Property Reads from IoT Central|Count|Total|The count of all successful property reads initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.property.update.failure|Yes|Failed Device Property Updates from IoT Central|Count|Total|The count of all failed property updates initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|c2d.property.update.success|Yes|Successful Device Property Updates from IoT Central|Count|Total|The count of all successful property updates initiated from IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|connectedDeviceCount|No|Total Connected Devices|Count|Average|Number of devices connected to IoT Central|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.property.read.failure|Yes|Failed Device Property Reads from Devices|Count|Total|The count of all failed property reads initiated from devices|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.property.read.success|Yes|Successful Device Property Reads from Devices|Count|Total|The count of all successful property reads initiated from devices|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.property.update.failure|Yes|Failed Device Property Updates from Devices|Count|Total|The count of all failed property updates initiated from devices|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.property.update.success|Yes|Successful Device Property Updates from Devices|Count|Total|The count of all successful property updates initiated from devices|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.allProtocol|Yes|Total Telemetry Message Send Attempts|Count|Total|Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages attempted to be sent to the IoT Central application|No Dimensions|
-|d2c.telemetry.ingress.success|Yes|Total Telemetry Messages Sent|Count|Total|Number of device-to-cloud telemetry messages successfully sent to the IoT Central application|No Dimensions|
-|dataExport.error|Yes|Data Export Errors|Count|Total|Number of errors encountered for data export|exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName|
-|dataExport.messages.filtered|Yes|Data Export Messages Filtered|Count|Total|Number of messages that have passed through filters in data export|exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName|
-|dataExport.messages.received|Yes|Data Export Messages Received|Count|Total|Number of messages incoming to data export, before filtering and enrichment processing|exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName|
-|dataExport.messages.written|Yes|Data Export Messages Written|Count|Total|Number of messages written to a destination|exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName|
-|dataExport.statusChange|Yes|Data Export Status Change|Count|Total|Number of status changes|exportId, exportDisplayName, destinationId, destinationDisplayName, status|
-|deviceDataUsage|Yes|Total Device Data Usage|Bytes|Total|Bytes transferred to and from any devices connected to IoT Central application|No Dimensions|
-|provisionedDeviceCount|No|Total Provisioned Devices|Count|Average|Number of devices provisioned in IoT Central application|No Dimensions|
+|CPU |Yes |CPU usage |Percent |Average |CPU usage for premium streaming endpoints. This data is not available for standard streaming endpoints. |No Dimensions |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of Egress data, in bytes. |OutputFormat |
+|EgressBandwidth |No |Egress bandwidth |BitsPerSecond |Average |Egress bandwidth in bits per second. |No Dimensions |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |Requests to a Streaming Endpoint. |OutputFormat, HttpStatusCode, ErrorCode |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success end to end Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average latency for successful requests in milliseconds. |OutputFormat |
-## Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ServiceApiHit|Yes|Total Service Api Hits|Count|Count|Number of total service api hits|ActivityType, ActivityName|
-## Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Availability|Yes|Overall Vault Availability|Percent|Average|Vault requests availability|ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass|
-|SaturationShoebox|No|Overall Vault Saturation|Percent|Average|Vault capacity used|ActivityType, ActivityName, TransactionType|
-|ServiceApiHit|Yes|Total Service Api Hits|Count|Count|Number of total service api hits|ActivityType, ActivityName|
-|ServiceApiLatency|Yes|Overall Service Api Latency|Milliseconds|Average|Overall latency of service api requests|ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass|
-|ServiceApiResult|Yes|Total Service Api Results|Count|Count|Number of total service api results|ActivityType, ActivityName, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass|
-## microsoft.kubernetes/connectedClusters
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|capacity_cpu_cores|Yes|Total number of cpu cores in a connected cluster|Count|Total|Total number of cpu cores in a connected cluster|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BatchBlobCount|Yes|Batch Blob Count|Count|Average|Number of data sources in an aggregated batch for ingestion.|Database|
-|BatchDuration|Yes|Batch Duration|Seconds|Average|The duration of the aggregation phase in the ingestion flow.|Database|
-|BatchesProcessed|Yes|Batches Processed|Count|Total|Number of batches aggregated for ingestion. Batching Type: whether the batch reached batching time, data size or number of files limit set by batching policy|Database, SealReason|
-|BatchSize|Yes|Batch Size|Bytes|Average|Uncompressed expected data size in an aggregated batch for ingestion.|Database|
-|BlobsDropped|Yes|Blobs Dropped|Count|Total|Number of blobs permanently rejected by a component.|Database, ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|BlobsProcessed|Yes|Blobs Processed|Count|Total|Number of blobs processed by a component.|Database, ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|BlobsReceived|Yes|Blobs Received|Count|Total|Number of blobs received from input stream by a component.|Database, ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|CacheUtilization|Yes|Cache utilization|Percent|Average|Utilization level in the cluster scope|No Dimensions|
-|CacheUtilizationFactor|Yes|Cache utilization factor|Percent|Average|Percentage difference between the current number of instances and the optimal number of instances (per cache utilization)|No Dimensions|
-|ContinuousExportMaxLatenessMinutes|Yes|Continuous Export Max Lateness|Count|Maximum|The lateness (in minutes) reported by the continuous export jobs in the cluster|No Dimensions|
-|ContinuousExportNumOfRecordsExported|Yes|Continuous export - num of exported records|Count|Total|Number of records exported, fired for every storage artifact written during the export operation|ContinuousExportName, Database|
-|ContinuousExportPendingCount|Yes|Continuous Export Pending Count|Count|Maximum|The number of pending continuous export jobs ready for execution|No Dimensions|
-|ContinuousExportResult|Yes|Continuous Export Result|Count|Count|Indicates whether Continuous Export succeeded or failed|ContinuousExportName, Result, Database|
-|CPU|Yes|CPU|Percent|Average|CPU utilization level|No Dimensions|
-|DiscoveryLatency|Yes|Discovery Latency|Seconds|Average|Reported by data connections (if exist). Time in seconds from when a message is enqueued or event is created until it is discovered by data connection. This time is not included in the Azure Data Explorer total ingestion duration.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|EventsDropped|Yes|Events Dropped|Count|Total|Number of events dropped permanently by data connection. An Ingestion result metric with a failure reason will be sent.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|EventsProcessed|Yes|Events Processed|Count|Total|Number of events processed by the cluster|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|EventsProcessedForEventHubs|Yes|Events Processed (for Event/IoT Hubs)|Count|Total|Number of events processed by the cluster when ingesting from Event/IoT Hub|EventStatus|
-|EventsReceived|Yes|Events Received|Count|Total|Number of events received by data connection.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|ExportUtilization|Yes|Export Utilization|Percent|Maximum|Export utilization|No Dimensions|
-|IngestionLatencyInSeconds|Yes|Ingestion Latency|Seconds|Average|Latency of data ingested, from the time the data was received in the cluster until it's ready for query. The ingestion latency period depends on the ingestion scenario.|No Dimensions|
-|IngestionResult|Yes|Ingestion result|Count|Total|Total number of sources that either failed or succeeded to be ingested. Splitting the metric by status, you can get detailed information about the status of the ingestion operations.|IngestionResultDetails, FailureKind|
-|IngestionUtilization|Yes|Ingestion utilization|Percent|Average|Ratio of used ingestion slots in the cluster|No Dimensions|
-|IngestionVolumeInMB|Yes|Ingestion Volume|Bytes|Total|Overall volume of ingested data to the cluster|Database|
-|InstanceCount|Yes|Instance Count|Count|Average|Total instance count|No Dimensions|
-|KeepAlive|Yes|Keep alive|Count|Average|Sanity check indicates the cluster responds to queries|No Dimensions|
-|MaterializedViewAgeMinutes|Yes|Materialized View Age|Count|Average|The materialized view age in minutes|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewAgeSeconds|Yes|Materialized View Age|Seconds|Average|The materialized view age in seconds|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewDataLoss|Yes|Materialized View Data Loss|Count|Maximum|Indicates potential data loss in materialized view|Database, MaterializedViewName, Kind|
-|MaterializedViewExtentsRebuild|Yes|Materialized View Extents Rebuild|Count|Average|Number of extents rebuild|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewHealth|Yes|Materialized View Health|Count|Average|The health of the materialized view (1 for healthy, 0 for non-healthy)|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewRecordsInDelta|Yes|Materialized View Records In Delta|Count|Average|The number of records in the non-materialized part of the view|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewResult|Yes|Materialized View Result|Count|Average|The result of the materialization process|Database, MaterializedViewName, Result|
-|QueryDuration|Yes|Query duration|Milliseconds|Average|Queries' duration in seconds|QueryStatus|
-|QueryResult|No|Query Result|Count|Count|Total number of queries.|QueryStatus|
-|QueueLength|Yes|Queue Length|Count|Average|Number of pending messages in a component's queue.|ComponentType|
-|QueueOldestMessage|Yes|Queue Oldest Message|Count|Average|Time in seconds from when the oldest message in queue was inserted.|ComponentType|
-|ReceivedDataSizeBytes|Yes|Received Data Size Bytes|Bytes|Average|Size of data received by data connection. This is the size of the data stream, or of raw data size if provided.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|StageLatency|Yes|Stage Latency|Seconds|Average|Cumulative time from when a message is discovered until it is received by the reporting component for processing (discovery time is set when message is enqueued for ingestion queue, or when discovered by data connection).|Database, ComponentType|
-|SteamingIngestRequestRate|Yes|Streaming Ingest Request Rate|Count|RateRequestsPerSecond|Streaming ingest request rate (requests per second)|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingIngestDataRate|Yes|Streaming Ingest Data Rate|Count|Average|Streaming ingest data rate (MB per second)|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingIngestDuration|Yes|Streaming Ingest Duration|Milliseconds|Average|Streaming ingest duration in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingIngestResults|Yes|Streaming Ingest Result|Count|Count|Streaming ingest result|Result|
-|TotalNumberOfConcurrentQueries|Yes|Total number of concurrent queries|Count|Maximum|Total number of concurrent queries|No Dimensions|
-|TotalNumberOfExtents|Yes|Total number of extents|Count|Average|Total number of data extents|No Dimensions|
-|TotalNumberOfThrottledCommands|Yes|Total number of throttled commands|Count|Total|Total number of throttled commands|CommandType|
-|TotalNumberOfThrottledQueries|Yes|Total number of throttled queries|Count|Maximum|Total number of throttled queries|No Dimensions|
-|WeakConsistencyLatency|Yes|Weak consistency latency|Seconds|Average|The max latency between the previous metadata sync and the next one (in DB/node scope)|Database, RoleInstance|
-## Microsoft.Logic/integrationServiceEnvironments
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ActionLatency|Yes|Action Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of completed workflow actions.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsCompleted|Yes|Actions Completed |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions completed.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsFailed|Yes|Actions Failed |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions failed.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsSkipped|Yes|Actions Skipped |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions skipped.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsStarted|Yes|Actions Started |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions started.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsSucceeded|Yes|Actions Succeeded |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions succeeded.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionSuccessLatency|Yes|Action Success Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of succeeded workflow actions.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionThrottledEvents|Yes|Action Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow action throttled events..|No Dimensions|
-|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentConnectorMemoryUsage|Yes|Connector Memory Usage for Integration Service Environment|Percent|Average|Connector memory usage for integration service environment.|No Dimensions|
-|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentConnectorProcessorUsage|Yes|Connector Processor Usage for Integration Service Environment|Percent|Average|Connector processor usage for integration service environment.|No Dimensions|
-|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentWorkflowMemoryUsage|Yes|Workflow Memory Usage for Integration Service Environment|Percent|Average|Workflow memory usage for integration service environment.|No Dimensions|
-|IntegrationServiceEnvironmentWorkflowProcessorUsage|Yes|Workflow Processor Usage for Integration Service Environment|Percent|Average|Workflow processor usage for integration service environment.|No Dimensions|
-|RunFailurePercentage|Yes|Run Failure Percentage|Percent|Total|Percentage of workflow runs failed.|No Dimensions|
-|RunLatency|Yes|Run Latency|Seconds|Average|Latency of completed workflow runs.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsCancelled|Yes|Runs Cancelled|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs cancelled.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsCompleted|Yes|Runs Completed|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs completed.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsFailed|Yes|Runs Failed|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs failed.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsStarted|Yes|Runs Started|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs started.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsSucceeded|Yes|Runs Succeeded|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs succeeded.|No Dimensions|
-|RunStartThrottledEvents|Yes|Run Start Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow run start throttled events.|No Dimensions|
-|RunSuccessLatency|Yes|Run Success Latency|Seconds|Average|Latency of succeeded workflow runs.|No Dimensions|
-|RunThrottledEvents|Yes|Run Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow action or trigger throttled events.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerFireLatency|Yes|Trigger Fire Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of fired workflow triggers.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerLatency|Yes|Trigger Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of completed workflow triggers.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersCompleted|Yes|Triggers Completed |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers completed.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersFailed|Yes|Triggers Failed |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers failed.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersFired|Yes|Triggers Fired |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers fired.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersSkipped|Yes|Triggers Skipped|Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers skipped.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersStarted|Yes|Triggers Started |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers started.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersSucceeded|Yes|Triggers Succeeded |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers succeeded.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerSuccessLatency|Yes|Trigger Success Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of succeeded workflow triggers.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerThrottledEvents|Yes|Trigger Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow trigger throttled events.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Logic/workflows
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ActionLatency|Yes|Action Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of completed workflow actions.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsCompleted|Yes|Actions Completed |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions completed.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsFailed|Yes|Actions Failed |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions failed.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsSkipped|Yes|Actions Skipped |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions skipped.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsStarted|Yes|Actions Started |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions started.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionsSucceeded|Yes|Actions Succeeded |Count|Total|Number of workflow actions succeeded.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionSuccessLatency|Yes|Action Success Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of succeeded workflow actions.|No Dimensions|
-|ActionThrottledEvents|Yes|Action Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow action throttled events..|No Dimensions|
-|BillableActionExecutions|Yes|Billable Action Executions|Count|Total|Number of workflow action executions getting billed.|No Dimensions|
-|BillableTriggerExecutions|Yes|Billable Trigger Executions|Count|Total|Number of workflow trigger executions getting billed.|No Dimensions|
-|BillingUsageNativeOperation|Yes|Billing Usage for Native Operation Executions|Count|Total|Number of native operation executions getting billed.|No Dimensions|
-|BillingUsageStandardConnector|Yes|Billing Usage for Standard Connector Executions|Count|Total|Number of standard connector executions getting billed.|No Dimensions|
-|BillingUsageStorageConsumption|Yes|Billing Usage for Storage Consumption Executions|Count|Total|Number of storage consumption executions getting billed.|No Dimensions|
-|RunFailurePercentage|Yes|Run Failure Percentage|Percent|Total|Percentage of workflow runs failed.|No Dimensions|
-|RunLatency|Yes|Run Latency|Seconds|Average|Latency of completed workflow runs.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsCancelled|Yes|Runs Cancelled|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs cancelled.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsCompleted|Yes|Runs Completed|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs completed.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsFailed|Yes|Runs Failed|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs failed.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsStarted|Yes|Runs Started|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs started.|No Dimensions|
-|RunsSucceeded|Yes|Runs Succeeded|Count|Total|Number of workflow runs succeeded.|No Dimensions|
-|RunStartThrottledEvents|Yes|Run Start Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow run start throttled events.|No Dimensions|
-|RunSuccessLatency|Yes|Run Success Latency|Seconds|Average|Latency of succeeded workflow runs.|No Dimensions|
-|RunThrottledEvents|Yes|Run Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow action or trigger throttled events.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalBillableExecutions|Yes|Total Billable Executions|Count|Total|Number of workflow executions getting billed.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerFireLatency|Yes|Trigger Fire Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of fired workflow triggers.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerLatency|Yes|Trigger Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of completed workflow triggers.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersCompleted|Yes|Triggers Completed |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers completed.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersFailed|Yes|Triggers Failed |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers failed.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersFired|Yes|Triggers Fired |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers fired.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersSkipped|Yes|Triggers Skipped|Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers skipped.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersStarted|Yes|Triggers Started |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers started.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggersSucceeded|Yes|Triggers Succeeded |Count|Total|Number of workflow triggers succeeded.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerSuccessLatency|Yes|Trigger Success Latency |Seconds|Average|Latency of succeeded workflow triggers.|No Dimensions|
-|TriggerThrottledEvents|Yes|Trigger Throttled Events|Count|Total|Number of workflow trigger throttled events.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Active Cores|Yes|Active Cores|Count|Average|Number of active cores|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Active Nodes|Yes|Active Nodes|Count|Average|Number of Acitve nodes. These are the nodes which are actively running a job.|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Cancel Requested Runs|Yes|Cancel Requested Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs where cancel was requested for this workspace. Count is updated when cancellation request has been received for a run.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Cancelled Runs|Yes|Cancelled Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs cancelled for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is successfully cancelled.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Completed Runs|Yes|Completed Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs completed successfully for this workspace. Count is updated when a run has completed and output has been collected.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|CpuCapacityMillicores|Yes|CpuCapacityMillicores|Count|Average|Maximum capacity of a CPU node in millicores. Capacity is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|CpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes|Yes|CpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes|Count|Average|Maximum memory utilization of a CPU node in megabytes. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|CpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes|Yes|CpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes|Count|Average|Memory utilization of a CPU node in megabytes. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage|Yes|CpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage|Count|Average|Memory utilization percentage of a CPU node. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|CpuUtilization|Yes|CpuUtilization|Count|Average|Percentage of utilization on a CPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals.|Scenario, runId, NodeId, ClusterName|
-|CpuUtilizationMillicores|Yes|CpuUtilizationMillicores|Count|Average|Utilization of a CPU node in millicores. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|CpuUtilizationPercentage|Yes|CpuUtilizationPercentage|Count|Average|Utilization percentage of a CPU node. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|DiskAvailMegabytes|Yes|DiskAvailMegabytes|Count|Average|Available disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|DiskReadMegabytes|Yes|DiskReadMegabytes|Count|Average|Data read from disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|DiskUsedMegabytes|Yes|DiskUsedMegabytes|Count|Average|Used disk space in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|DiskWriteMegabytes|Yes|DiskWriteMegabytes|Count|Average|Data written into disk in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|Errors|Yes|Errors|Count|Total|Number of run errors in this workspace. Count is updated whenever run encounters an error.|Scenario|
-|Failed Runs|Yes|Failed Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs failed for this workspace. Count is updated when a run fails.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Finalizing Runs|Yes|Finalizing Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs entered finalizing state for this workspace. Count is updated when a run has completed but output collection still in progress.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|GpuCapacityMilliGPUs|Yes|GpuCapacityMilliGPUs|Count|Average|Maximum capacity of a GPU device in milli-GPUs. Capacity is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName|
-|GpuEnergyJoules|Yes|GpuEnergyJoules|Count|Total|Interval energy in Joules on a GPU node. Energy is reported at one minute intervals.|Scenario, runId, rootRunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName|
-|GpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes|Yes|GpuMemoryCapacityMegabytes|Count|Average|Maximum memory capacity of a GPU device in megabytes. Capacity aggregated in at one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName|
-|GpuMemoryUtilization|Yes|GpuMemoryUtilization|Count|Average|Percentage of memory utilization on a GPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals.|Scenario, runId, NodeId, DeviceId, ClusterName|
-|GpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes|Yes|GpuMemoryUtilizationMegabytes|Count|Average|Memory utilization of a GPU device in megabytes. Utilization aggregated in at one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName|
-|GpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage|Yes|GpuMemoryUtilizationPercentage|Count|Average|Memory utilization percentage of a GPU device. Utilization aggregated in at one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName|
-|GpuUtilization|Yes|GpuUtilization|Count|Average|Percentage of utilization on a GPU node. Utilization is reported at one minute intervals.|Scenario, runId, NodeId, DeviceId, ClusterName|
-|GpuUtilizationMilliGPUs|Yes|GpuUtilizationMilliGPUs|Count|Average|Utilization of a GPU device in milli-GPUs. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName|
-|GpuUtilizationPercentage|Yes|GpuUtilizationPercentage|Count|Average|Utilization percentage of a GPU device. Utilization is aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, DeviceId, ComputeName|
-|IBReceiveMegabytes|Yes|IBReceiveMegabytes|Count|Average|Network data received over InfiniBand in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId|
-|IBTransmitMegabytes|Yes|IBTransmitMegabytes|Count|Average|Network data sent over InfiniBand in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId|
-|Idle Cores|Yes|Idle Cores|Count|Average|Number of idle cores|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Idle Nodes|Yes|Idle Nodes|Count|Average|Number of idle nodes. Idle nodes are the nodes which are not running any jobs but can accept new job if available.|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Leaving Cores|Yes|Leaving Cores|Count|Average|Number of leaving cores|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Leaving Nodes|Yes|Leaving Nodes|Count|Average|Number of leaving nodes. Leaving nodes are the nodes which just finished processing a job and will go to Idle state.|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Model Deploy Failed|Yes|Model Deploy Failed|Count|Total|Number of model deployments that failed in this workspace|Scenario, StatusCode|
-|Model Deploy Started|Yes|Model Deploy Started|Count|Total|Number of model deployments started in this workspace|Scenario|
-|Model Deploy Succeeded|Yes|Model Deploy Succeeded|Count|Total|Number of model deployments that succeeded in this workspace|Scenario|
-|Model Register Failed|Yes|Model Register Failed|Count|Total|Number of model registrations that failed in this workspace|Scenario, StatusCode|
-|Model Register Succeeded|Yes|Model Register Succeeded|Count|Total|Number of model registrations that succeeded in this workspace|Scenario|
-|NetworkInputMegabytes|Yes|NetworkInputMegabytes|Count|Average|Network data received in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId|
-|NetworkOutputMegabytes|Yes|NetworkOutputMegabytes|Count|Average|Network data sent in megabytes. Metrics are aggregated in one minute intervals.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName, DeviceId|
-|Not Responding Runs|Yes|Not Responding Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs not responding for this workspace. Count is updated when a run enters Not Responding state.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Not Started Runs|Yes|Not Started Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs in Not Started state for this workspace. Count is updated when a request is received to create a run but run information has not yet been populated. |Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Preempted Cores|Yes|Preempted Cores|Count|Average|Number of preempted cores|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Preempted Nodes|Yes|Preempted Nodes|Count|Average|Number of preempted nodes. These nodes are the low priority nodes which are taken away from the available node pool.|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Preparing Runs|Yes|Preparing Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs that are preparing for this workspace. Count is updated when a run enters Preparing state while the run environment is being prepared.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Provisioning Runs|Yes|Provisioning Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs that are provisioning for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is waiting on compute target creation or provisioning.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Queued Runs|Yes|Queued Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs that are queued for this workspace. Count is updated when a run is queued in compute target. Can occure when waiting for required compute nodes to be ready.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Quota Utilization Percentage|Yes|Quota Utilization Percentage|Count|Average|Percent of quota utilized|Scenario, ClusterName, VmFamilyName, VmPriority|
-|Started Runs|Yes|Started Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs running for this workspace. Count is updated when run starts running on required resources.|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|Starting Runs|Yes|Starting Runs|Count|Total|Number of runs started for this workspace. Count is updated after request to create run and run info, such as the Run Id, has been populated|Scenario, RunType, PublishedPipelineId, ComputeType, PipelineStepType, ExperimentName|
-|StorageAPIFailureCount|Yes|StorageAPIFailureCount|Count|Total|Azure Blob Storage API calls failure count.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|StorageAPISuccessCount|Yes|StorageAPISuccessCount|Count|Total|Azure Blob Storage API calls success count.|RunId, InstanceId, ComputeName|
-|Total Cores|Yes|Total Cores|Count|Average|Number of total cores|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Total Nodes|Yes|Total Nodes|Count|Average|Number of total nodes. This total includes some of Active Nodes, Idle Nodes, Unusable Nodes, Premepted Nodes, Leaving Nodes|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Unusable Cores|Yes|Unusable Cores|Count|Average|Number of unusable cores|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Unusable Nodes|Yes|Unusable Nodes|Count|Average|Number of unusable nodes. Unusable nodes are not functional due to some unresolvable issue. Azure will recycle these nodes.|Scenario, ClusterName|
-|Warnings|Yes|Warnings|Count|Total|Number of run warnings in this workspace. Count is updated whenever a run encounters a warning.|Scenario|
+## Microsoft.Media/videoanalyzers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|IngressBytes |Yes |Ingress Bytes |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes ingressed by the pipeline node. |PipelineKind, PipelineTopology, Pipeline, Node |
+|Pipelines |Yes |Pipelines |Count |Total |The number of pipelines of each kind and state |PipelineKind, PipelineTopology, PipelineState |
+## Microsoft.MixedReality/remoteRenderingAccounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActiveRenderingSessions |Yes |Active Rendering Sessions |Count |Average |Total number of active rendering sessions |SessionType, SDKVersion |
+|AssetsConverted |Yes |Assets Converted |Count |Total |Total number of assets converted |SDKVersion |
+## Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AnchorsCreated |Yes |Anchors Created |Count |Total |Number of Anchors created |DeviceFamily, SDKVersion |
+|AnchorsDeleted |Yes |Anchors Deleted |Count |Total |Number of Anchors deleted |DeviceFamily, SDKVersion |
+|AnchorsQueried |Yes |Anchors Queried |Count |Total |Number of Spatial Anchors queried |DeviceFamily, SDKVersion |
+|AnchorsUpdated |Yes |Anchors Updated |Count |Total |Number of Anchors updated |DeviceFamily, SDKVersion |
+|PosesFound |Yes |Poses Found |Count |Total |Number of Poses returned |DeviceFamily, SDKVersion |
+|TotalDailyAnchors |Yes |Total Daily Anchors |Count |Average |Total number of Anchors - Daily |DeviceFamily, SDKVersion |
-## Microsoft.Maps/accounts
+## Microsoft.Monitor/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|Availability of the APIs|ApiCategory, ApiName|
-|CreatorUsage|No|Creator Usage|Bytes|Average|Azure Maps Creator usage statistics|ServiceName|
-|Usage|No|Usage|Count|Count|Count of API calls|ApiCategory, ApiName, ResultType, ResponseCode|
+|ActiveTimeSeries |No |Active Time Series |Count |Maximum | The number of unique time series recently ingested into the account over the previous 12 hours |StampColor |
+|ActiveTimeSeriesLimit |No |Active Time Series Limit |Count |Maximum |The limit on the number of unique time series which can be actively ingested into the account |StampColor |
+|ActiveTimeSeriesPercentUtilization |No | Active Time Series % Utilization |Percent |Average |The percentage of current active time series account limit being utilized |StampColor |
+|EventsPerMinuteIngested |No |Events Per Minute Ingested |Count |Maximum |The number of events per minute recently received |StampColor |
+|EventsPerMinuteIngestedLimit |No |Events Per Minute Ingested Limit |Count |Maximum |The maximum number of events per minute which can be received before events become throttled |StampColor |
+|EventsPerMinuteIngestedPercentUtilization |No |Events Per Minute Ingested % Utilization |Percent |Average |The percentage of the current metric ingestion rate limit being utilized |StampColor |
-## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices
+## Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AssetCount|Yes|Asset count|Count|Average|How many assets are already created in current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|AssetQuota|Yes|Asset quota|Count|Average|How many assets are allowed for current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|AssetQuotaUsedPercentage|Yes|Asset quota used percentage|Percent|Average|Asset used percentage in current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|ChannelsAndLiveEventsCount|Yes|Live event count|Count|Average|The total number of live events in the current media services account|No Dimensions|
-|ContentKeyPolicyCount|Yes|Content Key Policy count|Count|Average|How many content key policies are already created in current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|ContentKeyPolicyQuota|Yes|Content Key Policy quota|Count|Average|How many content key polices are allowed for current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|ContentKeyPolicyQuotaUsedPercentage|Yes|Content Key Policy quota used percentage|Percent|Average|Content Key Policy used percentage in current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|MaxChannelsAndLiveEventsCount|Yes|Max live event quota|Count|Average|The maximum number of live events allowed in the current media services account|No Dimensions|
-|MaxRunningChannelsAndLiveEventsCount|Yes|Max running live event quota|Count|Average|The maximum number of running live events allowed in the current media services account|No Dimensions|
-|RunningChannelsAndLiveEventsCount|Yes|Running live event count|Count|Average|The total number of running live events in the current media services account|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingPolicyCount|Yes|Streaming Policy count|Count|Average|How many streaming policies are already created in current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingPolicyQuota|Yes|Streaming Policy quota|Count|Average|How many streaming policies are allowed for current media service account|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingPolicyQuotaUsedPercentage|Yes|Streaming Policy quota used percentage|Percent|Average|Streaming Policy used percentage in current media service account|No Dimensions|
+|VolumePoolAllocatedSize |Yes |Pool Allocated Size |Bytes |Average |Provisioned size of this pool |No Dimensions |
+|VolumePoolAllocatedToVolumeThroughput |Yes |Pool allocated throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Sum of the throughput of all the volumes belonging to the pool |No Dimensions |
+|VolumePoolAllocatedUsed |Yes |Pool Allocated To Volume Size |Bytes |Average |Allocated used size of the pool |No Dimensions |
+|VolumePoolProvisionedThroughput |Yes |Provisioned throughput for the pool |BytesPerSecond |Average |Provisioned throughput of this pool |No Dimensions |
+|VolumePoolTotalLogicalSize |Yes |Pool Consumed Size |Bytes |Average |Sum of the logical size of all the volumes belonging to the pool |No Dimensions |
+|VolumePoolTotalSnapshotSize |Yes |Total Snapshot size for the pool |Bytes |Average |Sum of snapshot size of all volumes in this pool |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents
+## Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|IngestBitrate|Yes|Live Event ingest bitrate|BitsPerSecond|Average|The incoming bitrate ingested for a live event, in bits per second.|TrackName|
-|IngestDriftValue|Yes|Live Event ingest drift value|Seconds|Maximum|Drift between the timestamp of the ingested content and the system clock, measured in seconds per minute. A non zero value indicates that the ingested content is arriving slower than system clock time.|TrackName|
-|IngestLastTimestamp|Yes|Live Event ingest last timestamp|Milliseconds|Maximum|Last timestamp ingested for a live event.|TrackName|
-|LiveOutputLastTimestamp|Yes|Last output timestamp|Milliseconds|Maximum|Timestamp of the last fragment uploaded to storage for a live event output.|TrackName|
+|AverageReadLatency |Yes |Average read latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Average read latency in milliseconds per operation |No Dimensions |
+|AverageWriteLatency |Yes |Average write latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Average write latency in milliseconds per operation |No Dimensions |
+|CbsVolumeBackupActive |Yes |Is Volume Backup suspended |Count |Average |Is the backup policy suspended for the volume? 0 if yes, 1 if no. |No Dimensions |
+|CbsVolumeLogicalBackupBytes |Yes |Volume Backup Bytes |Bytes |Average |Total bytes backed up for this Volume. |No Dimensions |
+|CbsVolumeOperationBackupTransferredBytes |Yes |Volume Backup Operation Last Transferred Bytes |Bytes |Average |Total bytes transferred for last backup operation. |No Dimensions |
+|CbsVolumeOperationComplete |Yes |Is Volume Backup Operation Complete |Count |Average |Did the last volume backup or restore operation complete successfully? 1 if yes, 0 if no. |No Dimensions |
+|CbsVolumeOperationRestoreTransferredBytes |Yes |Volume Backup Restore Operation Last Transferred Bytes |Bytes |Average |Total bytes transferred for last backup restore operation. |No Dimensions |
+|CbsVolumeOperationTransferredBytes |Yes |Volume Backup Last Transferred Bytes |Bytes |Average |Total bytes transferred for last backup or restore operation. |No Dimensions |
+|CbsVolumeProtected |Yes |Is Volume Backup Enabled |Count |Average |Is backup enabled for the volume? 1 if yes, 0 if no. |No Dimensions |
+|OtherThroughput |Yes |Other throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Other throughput (that is not read or write) in bytes per second |No Dimensions |
+|ReadIops |Yes |Read iops |CountPerSecond |Average |Read In/out operations per second |No Dimensions |
+|ReadThroughput |Yes |Read throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Read throughput in bytes per second |No Dimensions |
+|TotalThroughput |Yes |Total throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Sum of all throughput in bytes per second |No Dimensions |
+|VolumeAllocatedSize |Yes |Volume allocated size |Bytes |Average |The provisioned size of a volume |No Dimensions |
+|VolumeConsumedSizePercentage |Yes |Percentage Volume Consumed Size |Percent |Average |The percentage of the volume consumed including snapshots. |No Dimensions |
+|VolumeCoolTierDataReadSize |Yes |Volume cool tier data read size |Bytes |Average |Data read in using GET per volume |No Dimensions |
+|VolumeCoolTierDataWriteSize |Yes |Volume cool tier data write size |Bytes |Average |Data tiered out using PUT per volume |No Dimensions |
+|VolumeCoolTierSize |Yes |Volume cool tier size |Bytes |Average |Volume Footprint for Cool Tier |No Dimensions |
+|VolumeLogicalSize |Yes |Volume Consumed Size |Bytes |Average |Logical size of the volume (used bytes) |No Dimensions |
+|VolumeSnapshotSize |Yes |Volume snapshot size |Bytes |Average |Size of all snapshots in volume |No Dimensions |
+|WriteIops |Yes |Write iops |CountPerSecond |Average |Write In/out operations per second |No Dimensions |
+|WriteThroughput |Yes |Write throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Write throughput in bytes per second |No Dimensions |
+|XregionReplicationHealthy |Yes |Is volume replication status healthy |Count |Average |Condition of the relationship, 1 or 0. |No Dimensions |
+|XregionReplicationLagTime |Yes |Volume replication lag time |Seconds |Average |The amount of time in seconds by which the data on the mirror lags behind the source. |No Dimensions |
+|XregionReplicationLastTransferDuration |Yes |Volume replication last transfer duration |Seconds |Average |The amount of time in seconds it took for the last transfer to complete. |No Dimensions |
+|XregionReplicationLastTransferSize |Yes |Volume replication last transfer size |Bytes |Average |The total number of bytes transferred as part of the last transfer. |No Dimensions |
+|XregionReplicationRelationshipProgress |Yes |Volume replication progress |Bytes |Average |Total amount of data transferred for the current transfer operation. |No Dimensions |
+|XregionReplicationRelationshipTransferring |Yes |Is volume replication transferring |Count |Average |Whether the status of the Volume Replication is 'transferring'. |No Dimensions |
+|XregionReplicationTotalTransferBytes |Yes |Volume replication total transfer |Bytes |Average |Cumulative bytes transferred for the relationship. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/streamingEndpoints
+## Microsoft.Network/applicationgateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|CPU|Yes|CPU usage|Percent|Average|CPU usage for premium streaming endpoints. This data is not available for standard streaming endpoints.|No Dimensions|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of Egress data, in bytes.|OutputFormat|
-|EgressBandwidth|No|Egress bandwidth|BitsPerSecond|Average|Egress bandwidth in bits per second.|No Dimensions|
-|Requests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|Requests to a Streaming Endpoint.|OutputFormat, HttpStatusCode, ErrorCode|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success end to end Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average latency for successful requests in milliseconds.|OutputFormat|
+|ApplicationGatewayTotalTime |No |Application Gateway Total Time |MilliSeconds |Average |Average time that it takes for a request to be processed and its response to be sent. This is calculated as average of the interval from the time when Application Gateway receives the first byte of an HTTP request to the time when the response send operation finishes. It's important to note that this usually includes the Application Gateway processing time, time that the request and response packets are traveling over the network and the time the backend server took to respond. |Listener |
+|AvgRequestCountPerHealthyHost |No |Requests per minute per Healthy Host |Count |Average |Average request count per minute per healthy backend host in a pool |BackendSettingsPool |
+|AzwafBotProtection |Yes |WAF Bot Protection Matches |Count |Total |Matched Bot Rules |Action, Category, Mode, CountryCode, PolicyName, PolicyScope |
+|AzwafCustomRule |Yes |WAF Custom Rule Matches |Count |Total |Matched Custom Rules |Action, CustomRuleID, Mode, CountryCode, PolicyName, PolicyScope |
+|AzwafSecRule |Yes |WAF Managed Rule Matches |Count |Total |Matched Managed Rules |Action, Mode, RuleGroupID, RuleID, CountryCode, PolicyName, PolicyScope, RuleSetName |
+|AzwafTotalRequests |Yes |WAF Total Requests |Count |Total |Total number of requests evaluated by WAF |Action, CountryCode, Method, Mode, PolicyName, PolicyScope |
+|BackendConnectTime |No |Backend Connect Time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time spent establishing a connection with a backend server |Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting |
+|BackendFirstByteResponseTime |No |Backend First Byte Response Time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the first byte of the response header, approximating processing time of backend server |Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting |
+|BackendLastByteResponseTime |No |Backend Last Byte Response Time |MilliSeconds |Average |Time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the last byte of the response body |Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting |
+|BackendResponseStatus |Yes |Backend Response Status |Count |Total |The number of HTTP response codes generated by the backend members. This does not include any response codes generated by the Application Gateway. |BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting, HttpStatusGroup |
+|BackendTlsNegotiationError |Yes |Backend TLS Connection Errors |Count |Total |TLS Connection Errors for Application Gateway Backend |BackendHttpSetting, BackendPool, ErrorType |
+|BlockedCount |Yes |Web Application Firewall Blocked Requests Rule Distribution |Count |Total |Web Application Firewall blocked requests rule distribution |RuleGroup, RuleId |
+|BytesReceived |Yes |Bytes Received |Bytes |Total |The total number of bytes received by the Application Gateway from the clients |Listener |
+|BytesSent |Yes |Bytes Sent |Bytes |Total |The total number of bytes sent by the Application Gateway to the clients |Listener |
+|CapacityUnits |No |Current Capacity Units |Count |Average |Capacity Units consumed |No Dimensions |
+|ClientRtt |No |Client RTT |MilliSeconds |Average |Average round trip time between clients and Application Gateway. This metric indicates how long it takes to establish connections and return acknowledgements |Listener |
+|ComputeUnits |No |Current Compute Units |Count |Average |Compute Units consumed |No Dimensions |
+|ConnectionLifetime |No |Connection Lifetime |MilliSeconds |Average |Average time duration from the start of a new connection to its termination |Listener |
+|CpuUtilization |No |CPU Utilization |Percent |Average |Current CPU utilization of the Application Gateway |No Dimensions |
+|CurrentConnections |Yes |Current Connections |Count |Total |Count of current connections established with Application Gateway |No Dimensions |
+|EstimatedBilledCapacityUnits |No |Estimated Billed Capacity Units |Count |Average |Estimated capacity units that will be charged |No Dimensions |
+|FailedRequests |Yes |Failed Requests |Count |Total |Count of failed requests that Application Gateway has served |BackendSettingsPool |
+|FixedBillableCapacityUnits |No |Fixed Billable Capacity Units |Count |Average |Minimum capacity units that will be charged |No Dimensions |
+|GatewayUtilization |No |Gateway Utilization |Percent |Average |Denotes overall utilization of the Application Gateway resource. This is an aggregate report of all the underlying instances. In general, one should consider scaling out when the value exceeds 70%. However, the threshold could differ for different workloads and hence it is recommended to choose a limit that suits your requirements. |No Dimensions |
+|HealthyHostCount |Yes |Healthy Host Count |Count |Average |Number of healthy backend hosts |BackendSettingsPool |
+|MatchedCount |Yes |Web Application Firewall Total Rule Distribution |Count |Total |Web Application Firewall Total Rule Distribution for the incoming traffic |RuleGroup, RuleId |
+|NewConnectionsPerSecond |No |New connections per second |CountPerSecond |Average |New connections per second established with Application Gateway |No Dimensions |
+|RejectedConnections |Yes |Rejected Connections |Count |Total |Count of rejected connections for Application Gateway Frontend |No Dimensions |
+|ResponseStatus |Yes |Response Status |Count |Total |Http response status returned by Application Gateway |HttpStatusGroup |
+|Throughput |No |Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Number of bytes per second the Application Gateway has served |No Dimensions |
+|TlsProtocol |Yes |Client TLS Protocol |Count |Total |The number of TLS and non-TLS requests initiated by the client that established connection with the Application Gateway. To view TLS protocol distribution, filter by the dimension TLS Protocol. |Listener, TlsProtocol |
+|TotalRequests |Yes |Total Requests |Count |Total |Count of successful requests that Application Gateway has served |BackendSettingsPool |
+|UnhealthyHostCount |Yes |Unhealthy Host Count |Count |Average |Number of unhealthy backend hosts |BackendSettingsPool |
-## Microsoft.Media/videoanalyzers
+## Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|IngressBytes|Yes|Ingress Bytes|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes ingressed by the pipeline node.|PipelineKind, PipelineTopology, Pipeline, Node|
-|Pipelines|Yes|Pipelines|Count|Total|The number of pipelines of each kind and state|PipelineKind, PipelineTopology, PipelineState|
+|ApplicationRuleHit |Yes |Application rules hit count |Count |Total |Number of times Application rules were hit |Status, Reason, Protocol |
+|DataProcessed |Yes |Data processed |Bytes |Total |Total amount of data processed by this firewall |No Dimensions |
+|FirewallHealth |Yes |Firewall health state |Percent |Average |Indicates the overall health of this firewall |Status, Reason |
+|NetworkRuleHit |Yes |Network rules hit count |Count |Total |Number of times Network rules were hit |Status, Reason, Protocol |
+|SNATPortUtilization |Yes |SNAT port utilization |Percent |Average |Percentage of outbound SNAT ports currently in use |Protocol |
+|Throughput |No |Throughput |BitsPerSecond |Average |Throughput processed by this firewall |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.MixedReality/remoteRenderingAccounts
+## microsoft.network/bastionHosts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ActiveRenderingSessions|Yes|Active Rendering Sessions|Count|Average|Total number of active rendering sessions|SessionType, SDKVersion|
-|AssetsConverted|Yes|Assets Converted|Count|Total|Total number of assets converted|SDKVersion|
+|pingmesh |No |Bastion Communication Status |Count |Average |Communication status shows 1 if all communication is good and 0 if its bad. |No Dimensions |
+|sessions |No |Session Count |Count |Total |Sessions Count for the Bastion. View in sum and per instance. |host |
+|total |Yes |Total Memory |Count |Average |Total memory stats. |host |
+|usage_user |No |CPU Usage |Count |Average |CPU Usage stats. |cpu, host |
+|used |Yes |Memory Usage |Count |Average |Memory Usage stats. |host |
-## Microsoft.MixedReality/spatialAnchorsAccounts
+## Microsoft.Network/connections
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AnchorsCreated|Yes|Anchors Created|Count|Total|Number of Anchors created|DeviceFamily, SDKVersion|
-|AnchorsDeleted|Yes|Anchors Deleted|Count|Total|Number of Anchors deleted|DeviceFamily, SDKVersion|
-|AnchorsQueried|Yes|Anchors Queried|Count|Total|Number of Spatial Anchors queried|DeviceFamily, SDKVersion|
-|AnchorsUpdated|Yes|Anchors Updated|Count|Total|Number of Anchors updated|DeviceFamily, SDKVersion|
-|PosesFound|Yes|Poses Found|Count|Total|Number of Poses returned|DeviceFamily, SDKVersion|
-|TotalDailyAnchors|Yes|Total Daily Anchors|Count|Average|Total number of Anchors - Daily|DeviceFamily, SDKVersion|
+|BitsInPerSecond |Yes |BitsInPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits ingressing Azure per second |No Dimensions |
+|BitsOutPerSecond |Yes |BitsOutPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits egressing Azure per second |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools
+## Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|VolumePoolAllocatedSize|Yes|Pool Allocated Size|Bytes|Average|Provisioned size of this pool|No Dimensions|
-|VolumePoolAllocatedToVolumeThroughput|Yes|Pool allocated throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Sum of the throughput of all the volumes belonging to the pool|No Dimensions|
-|VolumePoolAllocatedUsed|Yes|Pool Allocated To Volume Size|Bytes|Average|Allocated used size of the pool|No Dimensions|
-|VolumePoolProvisionedThroughput|Yes|Provisioned throughput for the pool|BytesPerSecond|Average|Provisioned throughput of this pool|No Dimensions|
-|VolumePoolTotalLogicalSize|Yes|Pool Consumed Size|Bytes|Average|Sum of the logical size of all the volumes belonging to the pool|No Dimensions|
-|VolumePoolTotalSnapshotSize|Yes|Total Snapshot size for the pool|Bytes|Average|Sum of snapshot size of all volumes in this pool|No Dimensions|
+|ForwardingRuleCount |No |Forwarding Rule Count |Count |Maximum |This metric indicates the number of forwarding rules present in each DNS forwarding ruleset. |No Dimensions |
+|VirtualNetworkLinkCount |No |Virtual Network Link Count |Count |Maximum |This metric indicates the number of associated virtual network links to a DNS forwarding ruleset. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes
+## Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AverageReadLatency|Yes|Average read latency|MilliSeconds|Average|Average read latency in milliseconds per operation|No Dimensions|
-|AverageWriteLatency|Yes|Average write latency|MilliSeconds|Average|Average write latency in milliseconds per operation|No Dimensions|
-|CbsVolumeBackupActive|Yes|Is Volume Backup suspended|Count|Average|Is the backup policy suspended for the volume? 0 if yes, 1 if no.|No Dimensions|
-|CbsVolumeLogicalBackupBytes|Yes|Volume Backup Bytes|Bytes|Average|Total bytes backed up for this Volume.|No Dimensions|
-|CbsVolumeOperationComplete|Yes|Is Volume Backup Operation Complete|Count|Average|Did the last volume backup or restore operation complete successfully? 1 if yes, 0 if no.|No Dimensions|
-|CbsVolumeOperationTransferredBytes|Yes|Volume Backup Last Transferred Bytes|Bytes|Average|Total bytes transferred for last backup or restore operation.|No Dimensions|
-|CbsVolumeProtected|Yes|Is Volume Backup Enabled|Count|Average|Is backup enabled for the volume? 1 if yes, 0 if no.|No Dimensions|
-|OtherThroughput|Yes|Other throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Other throughput (that is not read or write) in bytes per second|No Dimensions|
-|ReadIops|Yes|Read iops|CountPerSecond|Average|Read In/out operations per second|No Dimensions|
-|ReadThroughput|Yes|Read throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Read throughput in bytes per second|No Dimensions|
-|TotalThroughput|Yes|Total throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Sum of all throughput in bytes per second|No Dimensions|
-|VolumeAllocatedSize|Yes|Volume allocated size|Bytes|Average|The provisioned size of a volume|No Dimensions|
-|VolumeConsumedSizePercentage|Yes|Percentage Volume Consumed Size|Percent|Average|The percentage of the volume consumed including snapshots.|No Dimensions|
-|VolumeCoolTierDataReadSize|Yes|Volume cool tier data read size|Bytes|Average|Data read in using GET per volume|No Dimensions|
-|VolumeCoolTierDataWriteSize|Yes|Volume cool tier data write size|Bytes|Average|Data tiered out using PUT per volume|No Dimensions|
-|VolumeCoolTierSize|Yes|Volume cool tier size|Bytes|Average|Volume Footprint for Cool Tier|No Dimensions|
-|VolumeLogicalSize|Yes|Volume Consumed Size|Bytes|Average|Logical size of the volume (used bytes)|No Dimensions|
-|VolumeSnapshotSize|Yes|Volume snapshot size|Bytes|Average|Size of all snapshots in volume|No Dimensions|
-|WriteIops|Yes|Write iops|CountPerSecond|Average|Write In/out operations per second|No Dimensions|
-|WriteThroughput|Yes|Write throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Write throughput in bytes per second|No Dimensions|
-|XregionReplicationHealthy|Yes|Is volume replication status healthy|Count|Average|Condition of the relationship, 1 or 0.|No Dimensions|
-|XregionReplicationLagTime|Yes|Volume replication lag time|Seconds|Average|The amount of time in seconds by which the data on the mirror lags behind the source.|No Dimensions|
-|XregionReplicationLastTransferDuration|Yes|Volume replication last transfer duration|Seconds|Average|The amount of time in seconds it took for the last transfer to complete.|No Dimensions|
-|XregionReplicationLastTransferSize|Yes|Volume replication last transfer size|Bytes|Average|The total number of bytes transferred as part of the last transfer.|No Dimensions|
-|XregionReplicationRelationshipProgress|Yes|Volume replication progress|Bytes|Average|Total amount of data transferred for the current transfer operation.|No Dimensions|
-|XregionReplicationRelationshipTransferring|Yes|Is volume replication transferring|Count|Average|Whether the status of the Volume Replication is 'transferring'.|No Dimensions|
-|XregionReplicationTotalTransferBytes|Yes|Volume replication total transfer|Bytes|Average|Cumulative bytes transferred for the relationship.|No Dimensions|
+|InboundEndpointCount |No |Inbound Endpoint Count |Count |Maximum |This metric indicates the number of inbound endpoints created for a DNS Resolver. |No Dimensions |
+|OutboundEndpointCount |No |Outbound Endpoint Count |Count |Maximum |This metric indicates the number of outbound endpoints created for a DNS Resolver. |No Dimensions |
+|QPS |No |Queries Per Second |Count |Average |This metric indicates the queries per second for a DNS Resolver. (Can be aggregated per EndpointId) |EndpointId |
-## Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways
+## Microsoft.Network/dnszones
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ApplicationGatewayTotalTime|No|Application Gateway Total Time|MilliSeconds|Average|Average time that it takes for a request to be processed and its response to be sent. This is calculated as average of the interval from the time when Application Gateway receives the first byte of an HTTP request to the time when the response send operation finishes. It's important to note that this usually includes the Application Gateway processing time, time that the request and response packets are traveling over the network and the time the backend server took to respond.|Listener|
-|AvgRequestCountPerHealthyHost|No|Requests per minute per Healthy Host|Count|Average|Average request count per minute per healthy backend host in a pool|BackendSettingsPool|
-|BackendConnectTime|No|Backend Connect Time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time spent establishing a connection with a backend server|Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting|
-|BackendFirstByteResponseTime|No|Backend First Byte Response Time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the first byte of the response header, approximating processing time of backend server|Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting|
-|BackendLastByteResponseTime|No|Backend Last Byte Response Time|MilliSeconds|Average|Time interval between start of establishing a connection to backend server and receiving the last byte of the response body|Listener, BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting|
-|BackendResponseStatus|Yes|Backend Response Status|Count|Total|The number of HTTP response codes generated by the backend members. This does not include any response codes generated by the Application Gateway.|BackendServer, BackendPool, BackendHttpSetting, HttpStatusGroup|
-|BlockedCount|Yes|Web Application Firewall Blocked Requests Rule Distribution|Count|Total|Web Application Firewall blocked requests rule distribution|RuleGroup, RuleId|
-|BytesReceived|Yes|Bytes Received|Bytes|Total|The total number of bytes received by the Application Gateway from the clients|Listener|
-|BytesSent|Yes|Bytes Sent|Bytes|Total|The total number of bytes sent by the Application Gateway to the clients|Listener|
-|CapacityUnits|No|Current Capacity Units|Count|Average|Capacity Units consumed|No Dimensions|
-|ClientRtt|No|Client RTT|MilliSeconds|Average|Average round trip time between clients and Application Gateway. This metric indicates how long it takes to establish connections and return acknowledgements|Listener|
-|ComputeUnits|No|Current Compute Units|Count|Average|Compute Units consumed|No Dimensions|
-|CpuUtilization|No|CPU Utilization|Percent|Average|Current CPU utilization of the Application Gateway|No Dimensions|
-|CurrentConnections|Yes|Current Connections|Count|Total|Count of current connections established with Application Gateway|No Dimensions|
-|EstimatedBilledCapacityUnits|No|Estimated Billed Capacity Units|Count|Average|Estimated capacity units that will be charged|No Dimensions|
-|FailedRequests|Yes|Failed Requests|Count|Total|Count of failed requests that Application Gateway has served|BackendSettingsPool|
-|FixedBillableCapacityUnits|No|Fixed Billable Capacity Units|Count|Average|Minimum capacity units that will be charged|No Dimensions|
-|HealthyHostCount|Yes|Healthy Host Count|Count|Average|Number of healthy backend hosts|BackendSettingsPool|
-|MatchedCount|Yes|Web Application Firewall Total Rule Distribution|Count|Total|Web Application Firewall Total Rule Distribution for the incoming traffic|RuleGroup, RuleId|
-|NewConnectionsPerSecond|No|New connections per second|CountPerSecond|Average|New connections per second established with Application Gateway|No Dimensions|
-|ResponseStatus|Yes|Response Status|Count|Total|Http response status returned by Application Gateway|HttpStatusGroup|
-|Throughput|No|Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Number of bytes per second the Application Gateway has served|No Dimensions|
-|TlsProtocol|Yes|Client TLS Protocol|Count|Total|The number of TLS and non-TLS requests initiated by the client that established connection with the Application Gateway. To view TLS protocol distribution, filter by the dimension TLS Protocol.|Listener, TlsProtocol|
-|TotalRequests|Yes|Total Requests|Count|Total|Count of successful requests that Application Gateway has served|BackendSettingsPool|
-|UnhealthyHostCount|Yes|Unhealthy Host Count|Count|Average|Number of unhealthy backend hosts|BackendSettingsPool|
+|QueryVolume |No |Query Volume |Count |Total |Number of queries served for a DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|RecordSetCapacityUtilization |No |Record Set Capacity Utilization |Percent |Maximum |Percent of Record Set capacity utilized by a DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|RecordSetCount |No |Record Set Count |Count |Maximum |Number of Record Sets in a DNS zone |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls
+## Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ApplicationRuleHit|Yes|Application rules hit count|Count|Total|Number of times Application rules were hit|Status, Reason, Protocol|
-|DataProcessed|Yes|Data processed|Bytes|Total|Total amount of data processed by this firewall|No Dimensions|
-|FirewallHealth|Yes|Firewall health state|Percent|Average|Indicates the overall health of this firewall|Status, Reason|
-|NetworkRuleHit|Yes|Network rules hit count|Count|Total|Number of times Network rules were hit|Status, Reason, Protocol|
-|SNATPortUtilization|Yes|SNAT port utilization|Percent|Average|Percentage of outbound SNAT ports currently in use|Protocol|
-|Throughput|No|Throughput|BitsPerSecond|Average|Throughput processed by this firewall|No Dimensions|
+|ArpAvailability |Yes |Arp Availability |Percent |Average |ARP Availability from MSEE towards all peers. |PeeringType, Peer |
+|BgpAvailability |Yes |Bgp Availability |Percent |Average |BGP Availability from MSEE towards all peers. |PeeringType, Peer |
+|BitsInPerSecond |Yes |BitsInPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits ingressing Azure per second |PeeringType, DeviceRole |
+|BitsOutPerSecond |Yes |BitsOutPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits egressing Azure per second |PeeringType, DeviceRole |
+|FastPathRoutesCountForCircuit |Yes |FastPathRoutesCount |Count |Maximum |Count of fastpath routes configured on circuit |No Dimensions |
+|GlobalReachBitsInPerSecond |No |GlobalReachBitsInPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits ingressing Azure per second |PeeredCircuitSKey |
+|GlobalReachBitsOutPerSecond |No |GlobalReachBitsOutPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits egressing Azure per second |PeeredCircuitSKey |
+|QosDropBitsInPerSecond |Yes |DroppedInBitsPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Ingress bits of data dropped per second |No Dimensions |
+|QosDropBitsOutPerSecond |Yes |DroppedOutBitsPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Egress bits of data dropped per second |No Dimensions |
-## microsoft.network/bastionHosts
+## Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|pingmesh|No|Bastion Communication Status|Count|Average|Communication status shows 1 if all communication is good and 0 if its bad.|No Dimensions|
-|sessions|No|Session Count|Count|Total|Sessions Count for the Bastion. View in sum and per instance.|host|
-|total|Yes|Total Memory|Count|Average|Total memory stats.|host|
-|usage_user|No|CPU Usage|Count|Average|CPU Usage stats.|cpu, host|
-|used|Yes|Memory Usage|Count|Average|Memory Usage stats.|host|
+|BitsInPerSecond |Yes |BitsInPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits ingressing Azure per second |No Dimensions |
+|BitsOutPerSecond |Yes |BitsOutPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits egressing Azure per second |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/connections
+## microsoft.network/expressroutegateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BitsInPerSecond|Yes|BitsInPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits ingressing Azure per second|No Dimensions|
-|BitsOutPerSecond|Yes|BitsOutPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits egressing Azure per second|No Dimensions|
+|ErGatewayConnectionBitsInPerSecond |No |Bits In Per Second |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits per second ingressing Azure via ExpressRoute Gateway which can be further split for specific connections |ConnectionName |
+|ErGatewayConnectionBitsOutPerSecond |No |Bits Out Per Second |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits per second egressing Azure via ExpressRoute Gateway which can be further split for specific connections |ConnectionName |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayBitsPerSecond |No |Bits Received Per second |BitsPerSecond |Average |Total Bits received on ExpressRoute Gateway per second |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesAdvertisedToPeer |Yes |Count Of Routes Advertised to Peer |Count |Maximum |Count Of Routes Advertised To Peer by ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesLearnedFromPeer |Yes |Count Of Routes Learned from Peer |Count |Maximum |Count Of Routes Learned From Peer by ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization |Yes |CPU utilization |Percent |Average |CPU Utilization of the ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayFrequencyOfRoutesChanged |No |Frequency of Routes change |Count |Total |Frequency of Routes change in ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayNumberOfVmInVnet |No |Number of VMs in the Virtual Network |Count |Maximum |Number of VMs in the Virtual Network |No Dimensions |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayPacketsPerSecond |No |Packets received per second |CountPerSecond |Average |Total Packets received on ExpressRoute Gateway per second |roleInstance |
-## Microsoft.Network/dnsForwardingRulesets
+## Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ForwardingRuleCount|Yes|Forwarding Rule Count|Count|Maximum|This metric indicates the number of forwarding rules present in each DNS forwarding ruleset.|No Dimensions|
-|VirtualNetworkLinkCount|Yes|Virtual Network Link Count|Count|Maximum|This metric indicates the number of associated virtual network links to a DNS forwarding ruleset.|No Dimensions|
+|AdminState |Yes |AdminState |Count |Average |Admin state of the port |Link |
+|FastPathRoutesCountForDirectPort |Yes |FastPathRoutesCount |Count |Maximum |Count of fastpath routes configured on port |No Dimensions |
+|LineProtocol |Yes |LineProtocol |Count |Average |Line protocol status of the port |Link |
+|PortBitsInPerSecond |No |BitsInPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits ingressing Azure per second |Link |
+|PortBitsOutPerSecond |No |BitsOutPerSecond |BitsPerSecond |Average |Bits egressing Azure per second |Link |
+|RxLightLevel |Yes |RxLightLevel |Count |Average |Rx Light level in dBm |Link, Lane |
+|TxLightLevel |Yes |TxLightLevel |Count |Average |Tx light level in dBm |Link, Lane |
-## Microsoft.Network/dnsResolvers
+## Microsoft.Network/frontdoors
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|InboundEndpointCount|No|Inbound Endpoint Count|Count|Maximum|This metric indicates the number of inbound endpoints created for a DNS Resolver.|No Dimensions|
-|OutboundEndpointCount|No|Outbound Endpoint Count|Count|Maximum|This metric indicates the number of outbound endpoints created for a DNS Resolver.|No Dimensions|
+|BackendHealthPercentage |Yes |Backend Health Percentage |Percent |Average |The percentage of successful health probes from the HTTP/S proxy to backends |Backend, BackendPool |
+|BackendRequestCount |Yes |Backend Request Count |Count |Total |The number of requests sent from the HTTP/S proxy to backends |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, Backend |
+|BackendRequestLatency |Yes |Backend Request Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The time calculated from when the request was sent by the HTTP/S proxy to the backend until the HTTP/S proxy received the last response byte from the backend |Backend |
+|BillableResponseSize |Yes |Billable Response Size |Bytes |Total |The number of billable bytes (minimum 2KB per request) sent as responses from HTTP/S proxy to clients. |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry |
+|RequestCount |Yes |Request Count |Count |Total |The number of client requests served by the HTTP/S proxy |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry |
+|RequestSize |Yes |Request Size |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to the HTTP/S proxy |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry |
+|ResponseSize |Yes |Response Size |Bytes |Total |The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP/S proxy to clients |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry |
+|TotalLatency |Yes |Total Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The time calculated from when the client request was received by the HTTP/S proxy until the client acknowledged the last response byte from the HTTP/S proxy |HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry |
+|WebApplicationFirewallRequestCount |Yes |Web Application Firewall Request Count |Count |Total |The number of client requests processed by the Web Application Firewall |PolicyName, RuleName, Action |
-## Microsoft.Network/dnszones
+## Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|QueryVolume|No|Query Volume|Count|Total|Number of queries served for a DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|RecordSetCapacityUtilization|No|Record Set Capacity Utilization|Percent|Maximum|Percent of Record Set capacity utilized by a DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|RecordSetCount|No|Record Set Count|Count|Maximum|Number of Record Sets in a DNS zone|No Dimensions|
+|AllocatedSnatPorts |No |Allocated SNAT Ports |Count |Average |Total number of SNAT ports allocated within time period |FrontendIPAddress, BackendIPAddress, ProtocolType, IsAwaitingRemoval |
+|ByteCount |Yes |Byte Count |Bytes |Total |Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period |FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, Direction |
+|DipAvailability |Yes |Health Probe Status |Count |Average |Average Load Balancer health probe status per time duration |ProtocolType, BackendPort, FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, BackendIPAddress |
+|GlobalBackendAvailability |Yes |Health Probe Status |Count |Average |Azure Cross-region Load Balancer backend health and status per time duration |FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, BackendIPAddress, ProtocolType, FrontendRegion, BackendRegion |
+|PacketCount |Yes |Packet Count |Count |Total |Total number of Packets transmitted within time period |FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, Direction |
+|SnatConnectionCount |Yes |SNAT Connection Count |Count |Total |Total number of new SNAT connections created within time period |FrontendIPAddress, BackendIPAddress, ConnectionState |
+|SYNCount |Yes |SYN Count |Count |Total |Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period |FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, Direction |
+|UsedSnatPorts |No |Used SNAT Ports |Count |Average |Total number of SNAT ports used within time period |FrontendIPAddress, BackendIPAddress, ProtocolType, IsAwaitingRemoval |
+|VipAvailability |Yes |Data Path Availability |Count |Average |Average Load Balancer data path availability per time duration |FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort |
-## Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits
+## Microsoft.Network/natGateways
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ArpAvailability|Yes|Arp Availability|Percent|Average|ARP Availability from MSEE towards all peers.|PeeringType, Peer|
-|BgpAvailability|Yes|Bgp Availability|Percent|Average|BGP Availability from MSEE towards all peers.|PeeringType, Peer|
-|BitsInPerSecond|Yes|BitsInPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits ingressing Azure per second|PeeringType, DeviceRole|
-|BitsOutPerSecond|Yes|BitsOutPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits egressing Azure per second|PeeringType, DeviceRole|
-|GlobalReachBitsInPerSecond|No|GlobalReachBitsInPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits ingressing Azure per second|PeeredCircuitSKey|
-|GlobalReachBitsOutPerSecond|No|GlobalReachBitsOutPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits egressing Azure per second|PeeredCircuitSKey|
-|QosDropBitsInPerSecond|Yes|DroppedInBitsPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Ingress bits of data dropped per second|No Dimensions|
-|QosDropBitsOutPerSecond|Yes|DroppedOutBitsPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Egress bits of data dropped per second|No Dimensions|
+|ByteCount |No |Bytes |Bytes |Total |Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period |Protocol, Direction |
+|DatapathAvailability |No |Datapath Availability (Preview) |Count |Average |NAT Gateway Datapath Availability |No Dimensions |
+|PacketCount |No |Packets |Count |Total |Total number of Packets transmitted within time period |Protocol, Direction |
+|PacketDropCount |No |Dropped Packets |Count |Total |Count of dropped packets |No Dimensions |
+|SNATConnectionCount |No |SNAT Connection Count |Count |Total |Total concurrent active connections |Protocol, ConnectionState |
+|TotalConnectionCount |No |Total SNAT Connection Count |Count |Total |Total number of active SNAT connections |Protocol |
-## Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits/peerings
+## Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BitsInPerSecond|Yes|BitsInPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits ingressing Azure per second|No Dimensions|
-|BitsOutPerSecond|Yes|BitsOutPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits egressing Azure per second|No Dimensions|
+|BytesReceivedRate |Yes |Bytes Received |Bytes |Total |Number of bytes the Network Interface received |No Dimensions |
+|BytesSentRate |Yes |Bytes Sent |Bytes |Total |Number of bytes the Network Interface sent |No Dimensions |
+|PacketsReceivedRate |Yes |Packets Received |Count |Total |Number of packets the Network Interface received |No Dimensions |
+|PacketsSentRate |Yes |Packets Sent |Count |Total |Number of packets the Network Interface sent |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/expressRouteGateways
+## Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ErGatewayConnectionBitsInPerSecond|No|BitsInPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits ingressing Azure per second|ConnectionName|
-|ErGatewayConnectionBitsOutPerSecond|No|BitsOutPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits egressing Azure per second|ConnectionName|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesAdvertisedToPeer|Yes|Count Of Routes Advertised to Peer|Count|Maximum|Count Of Routes Advertised To Peer by ExpressRouteGateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesLearnedFromPeer|Yes|Count Of Routes Learned from Peer|Count|Maximum|Count Of Routes Learned From Peer by ExpressRouteGateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization|Yes|CPU utilization|Percent|Average|CPU Utilization of the ExpressRoute Gateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayFrequencyOfRoutesChanged|No|Frequency of Routes change|Count|Total|Frequency of Routes change in ExpressRoute Gateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayNumberOfVmInVnet|No|Number of VMs in the Virtual Network|Count|Maximum|Number of VMs in the Virtual Network|No Dimensions|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayPacketsPerSecond|No|Packets per second|CountPerSecond|Average|Packet count of ExpressRoute Gateway|roleInstance|
+|AverageRoundtripMs |Yes |Avg. Round-trip Time (ms) (classic) |MilliSeconds |Average |Average network round-trip time (ms) for connectivity monitoring probes sent between source and destination |No Dimensions |
+|ChecksFailedPercent |Yes |Checks Failed Percent |Percent |Average |% of connectivity monitoring checks failed |SourceAddress, SourceName, SourceResourceId, SourceType, Protocol, DestinationAddress, DestinationName, DestinationResourceId, DestinationType, DestinationPort, TestGroupName, TestConfigurationName, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourceSubnet, DestinationSubnet |
+|ProbesFailedPercent |Yes |% Probes Failed (classic) |Percent |Average |% of connectivity monitoring probes failed |No Dimensions |
+|RoundTripTimeMs |Yes |Round-Trip Time (ms) |MilliSeconds |Average |Round-trip time in milliseconds for the connectivity monitoring checks |SourceAddress, SourceName, SourceResourceId, SourceType, Protocol, DestinationAddress, DestinationName, DestinationResourceId, DestinationType, DestinationPort, TestGroupName, TestConfigurationName, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourceSubnet, DestinationSubnet |
+|TestResult |Yes |Test Result |Count |Average |Connection monitor test result |SourceAddress, SourceName, SourceResourceId, SourceType, Protocol, DestinationAddress, DestinationName, DestinationResourceId, DestinationType, DestinationPort, TestGroupName, TestConfigurationName, TestResultCriterion, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourceSubnet, DestinationSubnet |
-## Microsoft.Network/expressRoutePorts
+## microsoft.network/p2svpngateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AdminState|Yes|AdminState|Count|Average|Admin state of the port|Link|
-|LineProtocol|Yes|LineProtocol|Count|Average|Line protocol status of the port|Link|
-|PortBitsInPerSecond|No|BitsInPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits ingressing Azure per second|Link|
-|PortBitsOutPerSecond|No|BitsOutPerSecond|BitsPerSecond|Average|Bits egressing Azure per second|Link|
-|RxLightLevel|Yes|RxLightLevel|Count|Average|Rx Light level in dBm|Link, Lane|
-|TxLightLevel|Yes|TxLightLevel|Count|Average|Tx light level in dBm|Link, Lane|
+|P2SBandwidth |Yes |Gateway P2S Bandwidth |BytesPerSecond |Average |Point-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second |Instance |
+|P2SConnectionCount |Yes |P2S Connection Count |Count |Total |Point-to-site connection count of a gateway |Protocol, Instance |
+|UserVpnRouteCount |No |User Vpn Route Count |Count |Total |Count of P2S User Vpn routes learned by gateway |RouteType, Instance |
-## Microsoft.Network/frontdoors
+## Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BackendHealthPercentage|Yes|Backend Health Percentage|Percent|Average|The percentage of successful health probes from the HTTP/S proxy to backends|Backend, BackendPool|
-|BackendRequestCount|Yes|Backend Request Count|Count|Total|The number of requests sent from the HTTP/S proxy to backends|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, Backend|
-|BackendRequestLatency|Yes|Backend Request Latency|MilliSeconds|Average|The time calculated from when the request was sent by the HTTP/S proxy to the backend until the HTTP/S proxy received the last response byte from the backend|Backend|
-|BillableResponseSize|Yes|Billable Response Size|Bytes|Total|The number of billable bytes (minimum 2KB per request) sent as responses from HTTP/S proxy to clients.|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry|
-|RequestCount|Yes|Request Count|Count|Total|The number of client requests served by the HTTP/S proxy|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry|
-|RequestSize|Yes|Request Size|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes sent as requests from clients to the HTTP/S proxy|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry|
-|ResponseSize|Yes|Response Size|Bytes|Total|The number of bytes sent as responses from HTTP/S proxy to clients|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry|
-|TotalLatency|Yes|Total Latency|MilliSeconds|Average|The time calculated from when the client request was received by the HTTP/S proxy until the client acknowledged the last response byte from the HTTP/S proxy|HttpStatus, HttpStatusGroup, ClientRegion, ClientCountry|
-|WebApplicationFirewallRequestCount|Yes|Web Application Firewall Request Count|Count|Total|The number of client requests processed by the Web Application Firewall|PolicyName, RuleName, Action|
+|QueryVolume |No |Query Volume |Count |Total |Number of queries served for a Private DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|RecordSetCapacityUtilization |No |Record Set Capacity Utilization |Percent |Maximum |Percent of Record Set capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|RecordSetCount |No |Record Set Count |Count |Maximum |Number of Record Sets in a Private DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|VirtualNetworkLinkCapacityUtilization |No |Virtual Network Link Capacity Utilization |Percent |Maximum |Percent of Virtual Network Link capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|VirtualNetworkLinkCount |No |Virtual Network Link Count |Count |Maximum |Number of Virtual Networks linked to a Private DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationCapacityUtilization |No |Virtual Network Registration Link Capacity Utilization |Percent |Maximum |Percent of Virtual Network Link with auto-registration capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone |No Dimensions |
+|VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationLinkCount |No |Virtual Network Registration Link Count |Count |Maximum |Number of Virtual Networks linked to a Private DNS zone with auto-registration enabled |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
+## Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AllocatedSnatPorts|No|Allocated SNAT Ports|Count|Average|Total number of SNAT ports allocated within time period|FrontendIPAddress, BackendIPAddress, ProtocolType, |
-|ByteCount|Yes|Byte Count|Bytes|Total|Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period|FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, Direction|
-|DipAvailability|Yes|Health Probe Status|Count|Average|Average Load Balancer health probe status per time duration|ProtocolType, BackendPort, FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, BackendIPAddress|
-|PacketCount|Yes|Packet Count|Count|Total|Total number of Packets transmitted within time period|FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, Direction|
-|SnatConnectionCount|Yes|SNAT Connection Count|Count|Total|Total number of new SNAT connections created within time period|FrontendIPAddress, BackendIPAddress, ConnectionState|
-|SYNCount|Yes|SYN Count|Count|Total|Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period|FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort, Direction|
-|UsedSnatPorts|No|Used SNAT Ports|Count|Average|Total number of SNAT ports used within time period|FrontendIPAddress, BackendIPAddress, ProtocolType, |
-|VipAvailability|Yes|Data Path Availability|Count|Average|Average Load Balancer data path availability per time duration|FrontendIPAddress, FrontendPort|
+|PEBytesIn |Yes |Bytes In |Count |Total |Total number of Bytes Out |No Dimensions |
+|PEBytesOut |Yes |Bytes Out |Count |Total |Total number of Bytes Out |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/natGateways
+## Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ByteCount|No|Bytes|Bytes|Total|Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period|Protocol, Direction|
-|DatapathAvailability|No|Datapath Availability (Preview)|Count|Average|NAT Gateway Datapath Availability|No Dimensions|
-|PacketCount|No|Packets|Count|Total|Total number of Packets transmitted within time period|Protocol, Direction|
-|PacketDropCount|No|Dropped Packets|Count|Total|Count of dropped packets|No Dimensions|
-|SNATConnectionCount|No|SNAT Connection Count|Count|Total|Total concurrent active connections|Protocol, ConnectionState|
-|TotalConnectionCount|No|Total SNAT Connection Count|Count|Total|Total number of active SNAT connections|Protocol|
+|PLSBytesIn |Yes |Bytes In |Count |Total |Total number of Bytes Out |PrivateLinkServiceId |
+|PLSBytesOut |Yes |Bytes Out |Count |Total |Total number of Bytes Out |PrivateLinkServiceId |
+|PLSNatPortsUsage |Yes |Nat Ports Usage |Percent |Average |Nat Ports Usage |PrivateLinkServiceId, PrivateLinkServiceIPAddress |
-## Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces
+## Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BytesReceivedRate|Yes|Bytes Received|Bytes|Total|Number of bytes the Network Interface received|No Dimensions|
-|BytesSentRate|Yes|Bytes Sent|Bytes|Total|Number of bytes the Network Interface sent|No Dimensions|
-|PacketsReceivedRate|Yes|Packets Received|Count|Total|Number of packets the Network Interface received|No Dimensions|
-|PacketsSentRate|Yes|Packets Sent|Count|Total|Number of packets the Network Interface sent|No Dimensions|
+|ByteCount |Yes |Byte Count |Bytes |Total |Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period |Port, Direction |
+|BytesDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound bytes dropped DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound bytes dropped DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|BytesForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|BytesInDDoS |Yes |Inbound bytes DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound bytes DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|DDoSTriggerSYNPackets |Yes |Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |No Dimensions |
+|DDoSTriggerTCPPackets |Yes |Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |No Dimensions |
+|DDoSTriggerUDPPackets |Yes |Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |No Dimensions |
+|IfUnderDDoSAttack |Yes |Under DDoS attack or not |Count |Maximum |Under DDoS attack or not |No Dimensions |
+|PacketCount |Yes |Packet Count |Count |Total |Total number of Packets transmitted within time period |Port, Direction |
+|PacketsDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound packets dropped DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound packets dropped DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|PacketsForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound packets forwarded DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound packets forwarded DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|PacketsInDDoS |Yes |Inbound packets DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound packets DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|SynCount |Yes |SYN Count |Count |Total |Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period |Port, Direction |
+|TCPBytesDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|TCPBytesForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|TCPBytesInDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP bytes DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP bytes DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|TCPPacketsDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|TCPPacketsForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|TCPPacketsInDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP packets DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|UDPBytesDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|UDPBytesForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|UDPBytesInDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP bytes DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP bytes DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|UDPPacketsDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|UDPPacketsForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|UDPPacketsInDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP packets DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets DDoS |No Dimensions |
+|VipAvailability |Yes |Data Path Availability |Count |Average |Average IP Address availability per time duration |Port |
-## Microsoft.Network/networkWatchers/connectionMonitors
+## Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AverageRoundtripMs|Yes|Avg. Round-trip Time (ms) (classic)|MilliSeconds|Average|Average network round-trip time (ms) for connectivity monitoring probes sent between source and destination|No Dimensions|
-|ChecksFailedPercent|Yes|Checks Failed Percent|Percent|Average|% of connectivity monitoring checks failed|SourceAddress, SourceName, SourceResourceId, SourceType, Protocol, DestinationAddress, DestinationName, DestinationResourceId, DestinationType, DestinationPort, TestGroupName, TestConfigurationName, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourceSubnet, DestinationSubnet|
-|ProbesFailedPercent|Yes|% Probes Failed (classic)|Percent|Average|% of connectivity monitoring probes failed|No Dimensions|
-|RoundTripTimeMs|Yes|Round-Trip Time (ms)|MilliSeconds|Average|Round-trip time in milliseconds for the connectivity monitoring checks|SourceAddress, SourceName, SourceResourceId, SourceType, Protocol, DestinationAddress, DestinationName, DestinationResourceId, DestinationType, DestinationPort, TestGroupName, TestConfigurationName, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourceSubnet, DestinationSubnet|
-|TestResult|Yes|Test Result|Count|Average|Connection monitor test result|SourceAddress, SourceName, SourceResourceId, SourceType, Protocol, DestinationAddress, DestinationName, DestinationResourceId, DestinationType, DestinationPort, TestGroupName, TestConfigurationName, TestResultCriterion, SourceIP, DestinationIP, SourceSubnet, DestinationSubnet|
+|ProbeAgentCurrentEndpointStateByProfileResourceId |Yes |Endpoint Status by Endpoint |Count |Maximum |1 if an endpoint's probe status is "Enabled", 0 otherwise. |EndpointName |
+|QpsByEndpoint |Yes |Queries by Endpoint Returned |Count |Total |Number of times a Traffic Manager endpoint was returned in the given time frame |EndpointName |
-## Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways
+## Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|P2SBandwidth|Yes|Gateway P2S Bandwidth|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average point-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second|Instance|
-|P2SConnectionCount|Yes|P2S Connection Count|Count|Total|Point-to-site connection count of a gateway|Protocol, Instance|
+|BgpPeerStatus |No |Bgp Peer Status |Count |Maximum |1 - Connected, 0 - Not connected |routeserviceinstance, bgppeerip, bgppeertype |
+|CountOfRoutesAdvertisedToPeer |No |Count Of Routes Advertised To Peer |Count |Maximum |Total number of routes advertised to peer |routeserviceinstance, bgppeerip, bgppeertype |
+|CountOfRoutesLearnedFromPeer |No |Count Of Routes Learned From Peer |Count |Maximum |Total number of routes learned from peer |routeserviceinstance, bgppeerip, bgppeertype |
+|VirtualHubDataProcessed |No |Data Processed by the Virtual Hub Router |Bytes |Total |Data Processed by the Virtual Hub Router |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones
+## microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|QueryVolume|No|Query Volume|Count|Total|Number of queries served for a Private DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|RecordSetCapacityUtilization|No|Record Set Capacity Utilization|Percent|Maximum|Percent of Record Set capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|RecordSetCount|No|Record Set Count|Count|Maximum|Number of Record Sets in a Private DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|VirtualNetworkLinkCapacityUtilization|No|Virtual Network Link Capacity Utilization|Percent|Maximum|Percent of Virtual Network Link capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|VirtualNetworkLinkCount|No|Virtual Network Link Count|Count|Maximum|Number of Virtual Networks linked to a Private DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationCapacityUtilization|No|Virtual Network Registration Link Capacity Utilization|Percent|Maximum|Percent of Virtual Network Link with auto-registration capacity utilized by a Private DNS zone|No Dimensions|
-|VirtualNetworkWithRegistrationLinkCount|No|Virtual Network Registration Link Count|Count|Maximum|Number of Virtual Networks linked to a Private DNS zone with auto-registration enabled|No Dimensions|
+|AverageBandwidth |Yes |Gateway S2S Bandwidth |BytesPerSecond |Average |Site-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second |Instance |
+|BgpPeerStatus |No |BGP Peer Status |Count |Average |Status of BGP peer |BgpPeerAddress, Instance |
+|BgpRoutesAdvertised |Yes |BGP Routes Advertised |Count |Total |Count of Bgp Routes Advertised through tunnel |BgpPeerAddress, Instance |
+|BgpRoutesLearned |Yes |BGP Routes Learned |Count |Total |Count of Bgp Routes Learned through tunnel |BgpPeerAddress, Instance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayBitsPerSecond |No |Bits Received Per second |BitsPerSecond |Average |Total Bits received on ExpressRoute Gateway per second |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesAdvertisedToPeer |Yes |Count Of Routes Advertised to Peer |Count |Maximum |Count Of Routes Advertised To Peer by ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesLearnedFromPeer |Yes |Count Of Routes Learned from Peer |Count |Maximum |Count Of Routes Learned From Peer by ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization |Yes |CPU utilization |Percent |Average |CPU Utilization of the ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayFrequencyOfRoutesChanged |No |Frequency of Routes change |Count |Total |Frequency of Routes change in ExpressRoute Gateway |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayNumberOfVmInVnet |No |Number of VMs in the Virtual Network |Count |Maximum |Number of VMs in the Virtual Network |roleInstance |
+|ExpressRouteGatewayPacketsPerSecond |No |Packets received per second |CountPerSecond |Average |Total Packets received on ExpressRoute Gateway per second |roleInstance |
+|MmsaCount |Yes |Tunnel MMSA Count |Count |Total |MMSA Count |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|P2SBandwidth |Yes |Gateway P2S Bandwidth |BytesPerSecond |Average |Point-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second |Instance |
+|P2SConnectionCount |Yes |P2S Connection Count |Count |Total |Point-to-site connection count of a gateway |Protocol, Instance |
+|QmsaCount |Yes |Tunnel QMSA Count |Count |Total |QMSA Count |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelAverageBandwidth |Yes |Tunnel Bandwidth |BytesPerSecond |Average |Average bandwidth of a tunnel in bytes per second |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressBytes |Yes |Tunnel Egress Bytes |Bytes |Total |Outgoing bytes of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressPacketDropCount |Yes |Tunnel Egress Packet Drop Count |Count |Total |Count of outgoing packets dropped by tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch |Yes |Tunnel Egress TS Mismatch Packet Drop |Count |Total |Outgoing packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressPackets |Yes |Tunnel Egress Packets |Count |Total |Outgoing packet count of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressBytes |Yes |Tunnel Ingress Bytes |Bytes |Total |Incoming bytes of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressPacketDropCount |Yes |Tunnel Ingress Packet Drop Count |Count |Total |Count of incoming packets dropped by tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch |Yes |Tunnel Ingress TS Mismatch Packet Drop |Count |Total |Incoming packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressPackets |Yes |Tunnel Ingress Packets |Count |Total |Incoming packet count of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatAllocations |No |Tunnel NAT Allocations |Count |Total |Count of allocations for a NAT rule on a tunnel |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatedBytes |No |Tunnel NATed Bytes |Bytes |Total |Number of bytes that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatedPackets |No |Tunnel NATed Packets |Count |Total |Number of packets that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatFlowCount |No |Tunnel NAT Flows |Count |Total |Number of NAT flows on a tunnel by flow type and NAT rule |NatRule, FlowType, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatPacketDrop |No |Tunnel NAT Packet Drops |Count |Total |Number of NATed packets on a tunnel that dropped by drop type and NAT rule |NatRule, DropType, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelPeakPackets |Yes |Tunnel Peak PPS |Count |Maximum |Tunnel Peak Packets Per Second |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelReverseNatedBytes |No |Tunnel Reverse NATed Bytes |Bytes |Total |Number of bytes that were reverse NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelReverseNatedPackets |No |Tunnel Reverse NATed Packets |Count |Total |Number of packets on a tunnel that were reverse NATed by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelTotalFlowCount |Yes |Tunnel Total Flow Count |Count |Total |Total flow count on a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|UserVpnRouteCount |No |User Vpn Route Count |Count |Total |Count of P2S User Vpn routes learned by gateway |RouteType, Instance |
+|VnetAddressPrefixCount |Yes |VNet Address Prefix Count |Count |Total |Count of Vnet address prefixes behind gateway |Instance |
+## Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BytesDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound bytes dropped DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound bytes dropped DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|BytesForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|BytesInDDoS |Yes |Inbound bytes DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound bytes DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|DDoSTriggerSYNPackets |Yes |Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|DDoSTriggerTCPPackets |Yes |Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|DDoSTriggerUDPPackets |Yes |Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|IfUnderDDoSAttack |Yes |Under DDoS attack or not |Count |Maximum |Under DDoS attack or not |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|PacketsDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound packets dropped DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound packets dropped DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|PacketsForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound packets forwarded DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound packets forwarded DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|PacketsInDDoS |Yes |Inbound packets DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound packets DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|PingMeshAverageRoundtripMs |Yes |Round trip time for Pings to a VM |MilliSeconds |Average |Round trip time for Pings sent to a destination VM |SourceCustomerAddress, DestinationCustomerAddress |
+|PingMeshProbesFailedPercent |Yes |Failed Pings to a VM |Percent |Average |Percent of number of failed Pings to total sent Pings of a destination VM |SourceCustomerAddress, DestinationCustomerAddress |
+|TCPBytesDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|TCPBytesForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|TCPBytesInDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP bytes DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP bytes DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|TCPPacketsDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|TCPPacketsForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|TCPPacketsInDDoS |Yes |Inbound TCP packets DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound TCP packets DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|UDPBytesDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|UDPBytesForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|UDPBytesInDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP bytes DDoS |BytesPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP bytes DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|UDPPacketsDroppedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|UDPPacketsForwardedDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+|UDPPacketsInDDoS |Yes |Inbound UDP packets DDoS |CountPerSecond |Maximum |Inbound UDP packets DDoS |ProtectedIPAddress |
+## Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|PeeringAvailability |Yes |Bgp Availability |Percent |Average |BGP Availability between VirtualRouter and remote peers |Peer |
+## microsoft.network/vpngateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AverageBandwidth |Yes |Gateway S2S Bandwidth |BytesPerSecond |Average |Site-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second |Instance |
+|BgpPeerStatus |No |BGP Peer Status |Count |Average |Status of BGP peer |BgpPeerAddress, Instance |
+|BgpRoutesAdvertised |Yes |BGP Routes Advertised |Count |Total |Count of Bgp Routes Advertised through tunnel |BgpPeerAddress, Instance |
+|BgpRoutesLearned |Yes |BGP Routes Learned |Count |Total |Count of Bgp Routes Learned through tunnel |BgpPeerAddress, Instance |
+|MmsaCount |Yes |Tunnel MMSA Count |Count |Total |MMSA Count |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|QmsaCount |Yes |Tunnel QMSA Count |Count |Total |QMSA Count |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelAverageBandwidth |Yes |Tunnel Bandwidth |BytesPerSecond |Average |Average bandwidth of a tunnel in bytes per second |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressBytes |Yes |Tunnel Egress Bytes |Bytes |Total |Outgoing bytes of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressPacketDropCount |Yes |Tunnel Egress Packet Drop Count |Count |Total |Count of outgoing packets dropped by tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch |Yes |Tunnel Egress TS Mismatch Packet Drop |Count |Total |Outgoing packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelEgressPackets |Yes |Tunnel Egress Packets |Count |Total |Outgoing packet count of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressBytes |Yes |Tunnel Ingress Bytes |Bytes |Total |Incoming bytes of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressPacketDropCount |Yes |Tunnel Ingress Packet Drop Count |Count |Total |Count of incoming packets dropped by tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch |Yes |Tunnel Ingress TS Mismatch Packet Drop |Count |Total |Incoming packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelIngressPackets |Yes |Tunnel Ingress Packets |Count |Total |Incoming packet count of a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatAllocations |No |Tunnel NAT Allocations |Count |Total |Count of allocations for a NAT rule on a tunnel |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatedBytes |No |Tunnel NATed Bytes |Bytes |Total |Number of bytes that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatedPackets |No |Tunnel NATed Packets |Count |Total |Number of packets that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatFlowCount |No |Tunnel NAT Flows |Count |Total |Number of NAT flows on a tunnel by flow type and NAT rule |NatRule, FlowType, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelNatPacketDrop |No |Tunnel NAT Packet Drops |Count |Total |Number of NATed packets on a tunnel that dropped by drop type and NAT rule |NatRule, DropType, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelPeakPackets |Yes |Tunnel Peak PPS |Count |Maximum |Tunnel Peak Packets Per Second |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelReverseNatedBytes |No |Tunnel Reverse NATed Bytes |Bytes |Total |Number of bytes that were reverse NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelReverseNatedPackets |No |Tunnel Reverse NATed Packets |Count |Total |Number of packets on a tunnel that were reverse NATed by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|TunnelTotalFlowCount |Yes |Tunnel Total Flow Count |Count |Total |Total flow count on a tunnel |ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance |
+|VnetAddressPrefixCount |Yes |VNet Address Prefix Count |Count |Total |Count of Vnet address prefixes behind gateway |Instance |
+## Microsoft.NetworkFunction/azureTrafficCollectors
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|count |Yes |Flow Records |Count |Total |Flow Records Processed by ATC. |RoleInstance |
+|usage_active |Yes |CPU Usage |Percent |Average |CPU Usage Percentage. |Hostname |
+|used_percent |Yes |Memory Usage |Percent |Average |Memory Usage Percentage. |Hostname |
+## Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|incoming |Yes |Incoming Messages |Count |Total |The count of all successful send API calls. |No Dimensions |
+|incoming.all.failedrequests |Yes |All Incoming Failed Requests |Count |Total |Total incoming failed requests for a notification hub |No Dimensions |
+|incoming.all.requests |Yes |All Incoming Requests |Count |Total |Total incoming requests for a notification hub |No Dimensions |
+|incoming.scheduled |Yes |Scheduled Push Notifications Sent |Count |Total |Scheduled Push Notifications Sent |No Dimensions |
+|incoming.scheduled.cancel |Yes |Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled |Count |Total |Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled |No Dimensions |
+|installation.all |Yes |Installation Management Operations |Count |Total |Installation Management Operations |No Dimensions |
+|installation.delete |Yes |Delete Installation Operations |Count |Total |Delete Installation Operations |No Dimensions |
+|installation.get |Yes |Get Installation Operations |Count |Total |Get Installation Operations |No Dimensions |
+|installation.patch |Yes |Patch Installation Operations |Count |Total |Patch Installation Operations |No Dimensions |
+|installation.upsert |Yes |Create or Update Installation Operations |Count |Total |Create or Update Installation Operations |No Dimensions |
+|notificationhub.pushes |Yes |All Outgoing Notifications |Count |Total |All outgoing notifications of the notification hub |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.allpns.badorexpiredchannel |Yes |Bad or Expired Channel Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the channel/token/registrationId in the registration was expired or invalid. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.allpns.channelerror |Yes |Channel Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the channel was invalid not associated with the correct app throttled or expired. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.allpns.invalidpayload |Yes |Payload Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the PNS returned a bad payload error. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.allpns.pnserror |Yes |External Notification System Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because there was a problem communicating with the PNS (excludes authentication problems). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.allpns.success |Yes |Successful notifications |Count |Total |The count of all successful notifications. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.apns.badchannel |Yes |APNS Bad Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the token is invalid (APNS status code: 8). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.apns.expiredchannel |Yes |APNS Expired Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of token that were invalidated by the APNS feedback channel. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.apns.invalidcredentials |Yes |APNS Authorization Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.apns.invalidnotificationsize |Yes |APNS Invalid Notification Size Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (APNS status code: 7). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.apns.pnserror |Yes |APNS Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with APNS. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.apns.success |Yes |APNS Successful Notifications |Count |Total |The count of all successful notifications. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.authenticationerror |Yes |GCM Authentication Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials the credentials are blocked or the SenderId is not correctly configured in the app (GCM result: MismatchedSenderId). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.badchannel |Yes |GCM Bad Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was not recognized (GCM result: Invalid Registration). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.expiredchannel |Yes |GCM Expired Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was expired (GCM result: NotRegistered). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.invalidcredentials |Yes |GCM Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials) |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationformat |Yes |GCM Invalid Notification Format |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the payload was not formatted correctly (GCM result: InvalidDataKey or InvalidTtl). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationsize |Yes |GCM Invalid Notification Size Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (GCM result: MessageTooBig). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.pnserror |Yes |GCM Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with GCM. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.success |Yes |GCM Successful Notifications |Count |Total |The count of all successful notifications. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.throttled |Yes |GCM Throttled Notifications |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because GCM throttled this app (GCM status code: 501-599 or result:Unavailable). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.gcm.wrongchannel |Yes |GCM Wrong Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration is not associated to the current app (GCM result: InvalidPackageName). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.authenticationerror |Yes |MPNS Authentication Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.badchannel |Yes |MPNS Bad Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (MPNS status: 404 not found). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.channeldisconnected |Yes |MPNS Channel Disconnected |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was disconnected (MPNS status: 412 not found). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.dropped |Yes |MPNS Dropped Notifications |Count |Total |The count of pushes that were dropped by MPNS (MPNS response header: X-NotificationStatus: QueueFull or Suppressed). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.invalidcredentials |Yes |MPNS Invalid Credentials |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.invalidnotificationformat |Yes |MPNS Invalid Notification Format |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the payload of the notification was too large. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.pnserror |Yes |MPNS Errors |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with MPNS. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.success |Yes |MPNS Successful Notifications |Count |Total |The count of all successful notifications. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.mpns.throttled |Yes |MPNS Throttled Notifications |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because MPNS is throttling this app (WNS MPNS: 406 Not Acceptable). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.authenticationerror |Yes |WNS Authentication Errors |Count |Total |Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with Windows Live invalid credentials or wrong token. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.badchannel |Yes |WNS Bad Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (WNS status: 404 not found). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.channeldisconnected |Yes |WNS Channel Disconnected |Count |Total |The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.channelthrottled |Yes |WNS Channel Throttled |Count |Total |The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-NotificationStatus:channelThrottled). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.dropped |Yes |WNS Dropped Notifications |Count |Total |The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (X-WNS-NotificationStatus: dropped but not X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.expiredchannel |Yes |WNS Expired Channel Error |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI is expired (WNS status: 410 Gone). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.invalidcredentials |Yes |WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials) |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. (Windows Live does not recognize the credentials). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationformat |Yes |WNS Invalid Notification Format |Count |Total |The format of the notification is invalid (WNS status: 400). Note that WNS does not reject all invalid payloads. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationsize |Yes |WNS Invalid Notification Size Error |Count |Total |The notification payload is too large (WNS status: 413). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.invalidtoken |Yes |WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Token) |Count |Total |The token provided to WNS is not valid (WNS status: 401 Unauthorized). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.pnserror |Yes |WNS Errors |Count |Total |Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with WNS. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.success |Yes |WNS Successful Notifications |Count |Total |The count of all successful notifications. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.throttled |Yes |WNS Throttled Notifications |Count |Total |The count of pushes that failed because WNS is throttling this app (WNS status: 406 Not Acceptable). |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.tokenproviderunreachable |Yes |WNS Authorization Errors (Unreachable) |Count |Total |Windows Live is not reachable. |No Dimensions |
+|outgoing.wns.wrongtoken |Yes |WNS Authorization Errors (Wrong Token) |Count |Total |The token provided to WNS is valid but for another application (WNS status: 403 Forbidden). This can happen if the ChannelURI in the registration is associated with another app. Check that the client app is associated with the same app whose credentials are in the notification hub. |No Dimensions |
+|registration.all |Yes |Registration Operations |Count |Total |The count of all successful registration operations (creations updates queries and deletions). |No Dimensions |
+|registration.create |Yes |Registration Create Operations |Count |Total |The count of all successful registration creations. |No Dimensions |
+|registration.delete |Yes |Registration Delete Operations |Count |Total |The count of all successful registration deletions. |No Dimensions |
+|registration.get |Yes |Registration Read Operations |Count |Total |The count of all successful registration queries. |No Dimensions |
+|registration.update |Yes |Registration Update Operations |Count |Total |The count of all successful registration updates. |No Dimensions |
+|scheduled.pending |Yes |Pending Scheduled Notifications |Count |Total |Pending Scheduled Notifications |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Average_% Available Memory |Yes |% Available Memory |Count |Average |Average_% Available Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Available Swap Space |Yes |% Available Swap Space |Count |Average |Average_% Available Swap Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Committed Bytes In Use |Yes |% Committed Bytes In Use |Count |Average |Average_% Committed Bytes In Use. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% DPC Time |Yes |% DPC Time |Count |Average |Average_% DPC Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Free Inodes |Yes |% Free Inodes |Count |Average |Average_% Free Inodes. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Free Space |Yes |% Free Space |Count |Average |Average_% Free Space. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Idle Time |Yes |% Idle Time |Count |Average |Average_% Idle Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Interrupt Time |Yes |% Interrupt Time |Count |Average |Average_% Interrupt Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% IO Wait Time |Yes |% IO Wait Time |Count |Average |Average_% IO Wait Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Nice Time |Yes |% Nice Time |Count |Average |Average_% Nice Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Privileged Time |Yes |% Privileged Time |Count |Average |Average_% Privileged Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Processor Time |Yes |% Processor Time |Count |Average |Average_% Processor Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Used Inodes |Yes |% Used Inodes |Count |Average |Average_% Used Inodes. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Used Memory |Yes |% Used Memory |Count |Average |Average_% Used Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Used Space |Yes |% Used Space |Count |Average |Average_% Used Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% Used Swap Space |Yes |% Used Swap Space |Count |Average |Average_% Used Swap Space. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_% User Time |Yes |% User Time |Count |Average |Average_% User Time. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Available MBytes |Yes |Available MBytes |Count |Average |Average_Available MBytes. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Available MBytes Memory |Yes |Available MBytes Memory |Count |Average |Average_Available MBytes Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Available MBytes Swap |Yes |Available MBytes Swap |Count |Average |Average_Available MBytes Swap. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read |Yes |Avg. Disk sec/Read |Count |Average |Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer |Yes |Avg. Disk sec/Transfer |Count |Average |Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write |Yes |Avg. Disk sec/Write |Count |Average |Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Bytes Received/sec |Yes |Bytes Received/sec |Count |Average |Average_Bytes Received/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Bytes Sent/sec |Yes |Bytes Sent/sec |Count |Average |Average_Bytes Sent/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Bytes Total/sec |Yes |Bytes Total/sec |Count |Average |Average_Bytes Total/sec. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Current Disk Queue Length |Yes |Current Disk Queue Length |Count |Average |Average_Current Disk Queue Length. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec |Yes |Disk Read Bytes/sec |Count |Average |Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Disk Reads/sec |Yes |Disk Reads/sec |Count |Average |Average_Disk Reads/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Disk Transfers/sec |Yes |Disk Transfers/sec |Count |Average |Average_Disk Transfers/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec |Yes |Disk Write Bytes/sec |Count |Average |Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Disk Writes/sec |Yes |Disk Writes/sec |Count |Average |Average_Disk Writes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Free Megabytes |Yes |Free Megabytes |Count |Average |Average_Free Megabytes. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Free Physical Memory |Yes |Free Physical Memory |Count |Average |Average_Free Physical Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Free Space in Paging Files |Yes |Free Space in Paging Files |Count |Average |Average_Free Space in Paging Files. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Free Virtual Memory |Yes |Free Virtual Memory |Count |Average |Average_Free Virtual Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec |Yes |Logical Disk Bytes/sec |Count |Average |Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Page Reads/sec |Yes |Page Reads/sec |Count |Average |Average_Page Reads/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Page Writes/sec |Yes |Page Writes/sec |Count |Average |Average_Page Writes/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Pages/sec |Yes |Pages/sec |Count |Average |Average_Pages/sec. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Pct Privileged Time |Yes |Pct Privileged Time |Count |Average |Average_Pct Privileged Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Pct User Time |Yes |Pct User Time |Count |Average |Average_Pct User Time. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec |Yes |Physical Disk Bytes/sec |Count |Average |Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Processes |Yes |Processes |Count |Average |Average_Processes. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Processor Queue Length |Yes |Processor Queue Length |Count |Average |Average_Processor Queue Length. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Size Stored In Paging Files |Yes |Size Stored In Paging Files |Count |Average |Average_Size Stored In Paging Files. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Bytes |Yes |Total Bytes |Count |Average |Average_Total Bytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Bytes Received |Yes |Total Bytes Received |Count |Average |Average_Total Bytes Received. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Bytes Transmitted |Yes |Total Bytes Transmitted |Count |Average |Average_Total Bytes Transmitted. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Collisions |Yes |Total Collisions |Count |Average |Average_Total Collisions. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Packets Received |Yes |Total Packets Received |Count |Average |Average_Total Packets Received. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Packets Transmitted |Yes |Total Packets Transmitted |Count |Average |Average_Total Packets Transmitted. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Rx Errors |Yes |Total Rx Errors |Count |Average |Average_Total Rx Errors. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Total Tx Errors |Yes |Total Tx Errors |Count |Average |Average_Total Tx Errors. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Uptime |Yes |Uptime |Count |Average |Average_Uptime. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Used MBytes Swap Space |Yes |Used MBytes Swap Space |Count |Average |. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Used Memory kBytes |Yes |Used Memory kBytes |Count |Average |Average_Used Memory kBytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Used Memory MBytes |Yes |Used Memory MBytes |Count |Average |Average_Used Memory MBytes. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Users |Yes |Users |Count |Average |Average_Users. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Average_Virtual Shared Memory |Yes |Virtual Shared Memory |Count |Average |Average_Virtual Shared Memory. Supported for: Linux. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem |
+|Event |Yes |Event |Count |Average |Event. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Source, EventLog, Computer, EventCategory, EventLevel, EventLevelName, EventID |
+|Heartbeat |Yes |Heartbeat |Count |Total |Heartbeat. Supported for: Linux, Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, OSType, Version, SourceComputerId |
+|Update |Yes |Update |Count |Average |Update. Supported for: Windows. Part of [metric alerts for logs feature](https://aka.ms/am-log-to-metric). |Computer, Product, Classification, UpdateState, Optional, Approved |
-## Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints
+## Microsoft.Orbital/contactProfiles
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|PEBytesIn|Yes|Bytes In|Count|Total|Total number of Bytes In |No Dimensions|
-|PEBytesOut|Yes|Bytes Out|Count|Total|Total number of Bytes Out|No Dimensions|
+|ContactFailure |Yes |Contact Failure Count |Count |Count |Denotes the number of failed Contacts for a specific Contact Profile |No Dimensions |
+|ContactSuccess |Yes |Contact Success Count |Count |Count |Denotes the number of successful Contacts for a specific Contact Profile |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/privateLinkServices
+## Microsoft.Orbital/l2Connections
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|PLSBytesIn|Yes|Bytes In|Count|Total|Total number of Bytes Out|PrivateLinkServiceId|
-|PLSBytesOut|Yes|Bytes Out|Count|Total|Total number of Bytes Out|PrivateLinkServiceId|
-|PLSNatPortsUsage|Yes|Nat Ports Usage|Percent|Average|Nat Ports Usage|PrivateLinkServiceId, PrivateLinkServiceIPAddress|
+|InBitsRate |Yes |In Bits Rate |BitsPerSecond |Average |Ingress Bit Rate for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InBroadcastPktCount |Yes |In Broadcast Packet Count |Count |Average |Ingress Broadcast Packet Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InBytesPerVLAN |Yes |In Bytes Count Per Vlan |Count |Average |Ingress Subinterface Byte Count for the L2 connection |VLANID |
+|InInterfaceBytes |Yes |In Bytes Count |Count |Average |Ingress Bytes Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InMulticastPktCount |Yes |In Multicast Packet Count |Count |Average |Ingress Multicast Packet Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InPktErrorCount |Yes |In Packet Error Count |Count |Average |Ingress Packet Error Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InPktsRate |Yes |In Packets Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |Ingress Packet Rate for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InTotalPktCount |Yes |In Packet Count |Count |Average |Ingress Packet Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InUcastPktCount |Yes |In Unicast Packet Count |Count |Average |Ingress Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|InUCastPktsPerVLAN |Yes |In Unicast Packet Count Per Vlan |Count |Average |Ingress Subinterface Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection |VLANID |
+|OutBitsRate |Yes |Out Bits Rate |BitsPerSecond |Average |Egress Bit Rate for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|OutBroadcastPktCount |Yes |Out Broadcast Packet Count Per Vlan |Count |Average |Egress Broadcast Packet Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|OutBytesPerVLAN |Yes |Out Bytes Count Per Vlan |Count |Average |Egress Subinterface Byte Count for the L2 connection |VLANID |
+|OutInterfaceBytes |Yes |Out Bytes Count |Count |Average |Egress Bytes Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|OutMulticastPktCount |Yes |Out Multicast Packet Count |Count |Average |Egress Multicast Packet Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|OutPktErrorCount |Yes |Out Packet Error Count |Count |Average |Egress Packet Error Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|OutPktsRate |Yes |Out Packets Rate |CountPerSecond |Average |Egress Packet Rate for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|OutUcastPktCount |Yes |Out Unicast Packet Count |Count |Average |Egress Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection |No Dimensions |
+|OutUCastPktsPerVLAN |Yes |Out Unicast Packet Count Per Vlan |Count |Average |Egress Subinterface Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection |VLANID |
-## Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
+## Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ByteCount|Yes|Byte Count|Bytes|Total|Total number of Bytes transmitted within time period|Port, Direction|
-|BytesDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound bytes dropped DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound bytes dropped DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|BytesForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|BytesInDDoS|Yes|Inbound bytes DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound bytes DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|DDoSTriggerSYNPackets|Yes|Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|No Dimensions|
-|DDoSTriggerTCPPackets|Yes|Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|No Dimensions|
-|DDoSTriggerUDPPackets|Yes|Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|No Dimensions|
-|IfUnderDDoSAttack|Yes|Under DDoS attack or not|Count|Maximum|Under DDoS attack or not|No Dimensions|
-|PacketCount|Yes|Packet Count|Count|Total|Total number of Packets transmitted within time period|Port, Direction|
-|PacketsDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound packets dropped DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound packets dropped DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|PacketsForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound packets forwarded DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound packets forwarded DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|PacketsInDDoS|Yes|Inbound packets DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound packets DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|SynCount|Yes|SYN Count|Count|Total|Total number of SYN Packets transmitted within time period|Port, Direction|
-|TCPBytesDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|TCPBytesForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|TCPBytesInDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP bytes DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP bytes DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|TCPPacketsDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|TCPPacketsForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|TCPPacketsInDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP packets DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|UDPBytesDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|UDPBytesForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|UDPBytesInDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP bytes DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP bytes DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|UDPPacketsDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|UDPPacketsForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|UDPPacketsInDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP packets DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets DDoS|No Dimensions|
-|VipAvailability|Yes|Data Path Availability|Count|Average|Average IP Address availability per time duration|Port|
+|ContactFailure |Yes |Contact Failure Count |Count |Count |Denotes the number of failed Contacts for a specific Spacecraft |No Dimensions |
+|ContactSuccess |Yes |Contact Success Count |Count |Count |Denotes the number of successful Contacts for a specific Spacecraft |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles
+## Microsoft.Peering/peerings
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ProbeAgentCurrentEndpointStateByProfileResourceId|Yes|Endpoint Status by Endpoint|Count|Maximum|1 if an endpoint's probe status is "Enabled", 0 otherwise.|EndpointName|
-|QpsByEndpoint|Yes|Queries by Endpoint Returned|Count|Total|Number of times a Traffic Manager endpoint was returned in the given time frame|EndpointName|
+|EgressTrafficRate |Yes |Egress Traffic Rate |BitsPerSecond |Average |Egress traffic rate in bits per second |ConnectionId, SessionIp, TrafficClass |
+|FlapCounts |Yes |Connection Flap Events Count |Count |Sum |Flap Events Count in all the connection |ConnectionId, SessionIp |
+|IngressTrafficRate |Yes |Ingress Traffic Rate |BitsPerSecond |Average |Ingress traffic rate in bits per second |ConnectionId, SessionIp, TrafficClass |
+|PacketDropRate |Yes |Packets Drop Rate |BitsPerSecond |Average |Packets Drop rate in bits per second |ConnectionId, SessionIp, TrafficClass |
+|SessionAvailability |Yes |Session Availability |Count |Average |Availability of the peering session |ConnectionId, SessionIp |
-## Microsoft.Network/virtualHubs
+## Microsoft.Peering/peeringServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BgpPeerStatus|No|Bgp Peer Status|Count|Maximum|1 - Connected, 0 - Not connected|routeserviceinstance, bgppeerip, bgppeertype|
-|CountOfRoutesAdvertisedToPeer|No|Count Of Routes Advertised To Peer|Count|Maximum|Total number of routes advertised to peer|routeserviceinstance, bgppeerip, bgppeertype|
-|CountOfRoutesLearnedFromPeer|No|Count Of Routes Learned From Peer|Count|Maximum|Total number of routes learned from peer|routeserviceinstance, bgppeerip, bgppeertype|
-|VirtualHubDataProcessed|No|Data Processed by the Virtual Hub Router|Bytes|Total|Data Processed by the Virtual Hub Router|No Dimensions|
+|RoundTripTime |Yes |Round Trip Time |Milliseconds |Average |Average round trip time |ConnectionMonitorTestName |
-## Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways
+## Microsoft.PlayFab/titles
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AverageBandwidth|Yes|Gateway S2S Bandwidth|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average site-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second|Instance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesAdvertisedToPeer|Yes|Count Of Routes Advertised to Peer|Count|Maximum|Count Of Routes Advertised To Peer by ExpressRouteGateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayCountOfRoutesLearnedFromPeer|Yes|Count Of Routes Learned from Peer|Count|Maximum|Count Of Routes Learned From Peer by ExpressRouteGateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayCpuUtilization|Yes|CPU utilization|Percent|Average|CPU Utilization of the ExpressRoute Gateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayFrequencyOfRoutesChanged|No|Frequency of Routes change|Count|Total|Frequency of Routes change in ExpressRoute Gateway|roleInstance|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayNumberOfVmInVnet|No|Number of VMs in the Virtual Network|Count|Maximum|Number of VMs in the Virtual Network|No Dimensions|
-|ExpressRouteGatewayPacketsPerSecond|No|Packets per second|CountPerSecond|Average|Packet count of ExpressRoute Gateway|roleInstance|
-|P2SBandwidth|Yes|Gateway P2S Bandwidth|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average point-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second|Instance|
-|P2SConnectionCount|Yes|P2S Connection Count|Count|Maximum|Point-to-site connection count of a gateway|Protocol, Instance|
-|TunnelAverageBandwidth|Yes|Tunnel Bandwidth|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average bandwidth of a tunnel in bytes per second|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelEgressBytes|Yes|Tunnel Egress Bytes|Bytes|Total|Outgoing bytes of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch|Yes|Tunnel Egress TS Mismatch Packet Drop|Count|Total|Outgoing packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelEgressPackets|Yes|Tunnel Egress Packets|Count|Total|Outgoing packet count of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelIngressBytes|Yes|Tunnel Ingress Bytes|Bytes|Total|Incoming bytes of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch|Yes|Tunnel Ingress TS Mismatch Packet Drop|Count|Total|Incoming packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelIngressPackets|Yes|Tunnel Ingress Packets|Count|Total|Incoming packet count of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatAllocations|No|Tunnel NAT Allocations|Count|Total|Count of allocations for a NAT rule on a tunnel|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatedBytes|No|Tunnel NATed Bytes|Bytes|Total|Number of bytes that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatedPackets|No|Tunnel NATed Packets|Count|Total|Number of packets that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatFlowCount|No|Tunnel NAT Flows|Count|Total|Number of NAT flows on a tunnel by flow type and NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, FlowType, Instance|
-|TunnelNatPacketDrop|No|Tunnel NAT Packet Drops|Count|Total|Number of NATed packets on a tunnel that dropped by drop type and NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, DropType, Instance|
-|TunnelReverseNatedBytes|No|Tunnel Reverse NATed Bytes|Bytes|Total|Number of bytes that were reverse NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelReverseNatedPackets|No|Tunnel Reverse NATed Packets|Count|Total|Number of packets on a tunnel that were reverse NATed by a NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
+|PlayerLoggedInCount |Yes |PlayerLoggedInCount |Count |Count |Number of logins by any player in a given title |TitleId |
-## Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
+## Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BytesDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound bytes dropped DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound bytes dropped DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|BytesForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound bytes forwarded DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|BytesInDDoS|Yes|Inbound bytes DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound bytes DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|DDoSTriggerSYNPackets|Yes|Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound SYN packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|DDoSTriggerTCPPackets|Yes|Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|DDoSTriggerUDPPackets|Yes|Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets to trigger DDoS mitigation|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|IfUnderDDoSAttack|Yes|Under DDoS attack or not|Count|Maximum|Under DDoS attack or not|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|PacketsDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound packets dropped DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound packets dropped DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|PacketsForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound packets forwarded DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound packets forwarded DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|PacketsInDDoS|Yes|Inbound packets DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound packets DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|PingMeshAverageRoundtripMs|Yes|Round trip time for Pings to a VM|MilliSeconds|Average|Round trip time for Pings sent to a destination VM|SourceCustomerAddress, DestinationCustomerAddress|
-|PingMeshProbesFailedPercent|Yes|Failed Pings to a VM|Percent|Average|Percent of number of failed Pings to total sent Pings of a destination VM|SourceCustomerAddress, DestinationCustomerAddress|
-|TCPBytesDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP bytes dropped DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|TCPBytesForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP bytes forwarded DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|TCPBytesInDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP bytes DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP bytes DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|TCPPacketsDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets dropped DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|TCPPacketsForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets forwarded DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|TCPPacketsInDDoS|Yes|Inbound TCP packets DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound TCP packets DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|UDPBytesDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP bytes dropped DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|UDPBytesForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP bytes forwarded DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|UDPBytesInDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP bytes DDoS|BytesPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP bytes DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|UDPPacketsDroppedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets dropped DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|UDPPacketsForwardedDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets forwarded DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-|UDPPacketsInDDoS|Yes|Inbound UDP packets DDoS|CountPerSecond|Maximum|Inbound UDP packets DDoS|ProtectedIPAddress|
-## Microsoft.Network/virtualRouters
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|PeeringAvailability|Yes|Bgp Availability|Percent|Average|BGP Availability between VirtualRouter and remote peers|Peer|
-## Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|AverageBandwidth|Yes|Gateway S2S Bandwidth|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average site-to-site bandwidth of a gateway in bytes per second|Instance|
-|TunnelAverageBandwidth|Yes|Tunnel Bandwidth|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average bandwidth of a tunnel in bytes per second|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelEgressBytes|Yes|Tunnel Egress Bytes|Bytes|Total|Outgoing bytes of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch|Yes|Tunnel Egress TS Mismatch Packet Drop|Count|Total|Outgoing packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelEgressPackets|Yes|Tunnel Egress Packets|Count|Total|Outgoing packet count of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelIngressBytes|Yes|Tunnel Ingress Bytes|Bytes|Total|Incoming bytes of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch|Yes|Tunnel Ingress TS Mismatch Packet Drop|Count|Total|Incoming packet drop count from traffic selector mismatch of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelIngressPackets|Yes|Tunnel Ingress Packets|Count|Total|Incoming packet count of a tunnel|ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatAllocations|No|Tunnel NAT Allocations|Count|Total|Count of allocations for a NAT rule on a tunnel|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatedBytes|No|Tunnel NATed Bytes|Bytes|Total|Number of bytes that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule |NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatedPackets|No|Tunnel NATed Packets|Count|Total|Number of packets that were NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelNatFlowCount|No|Tunnel NAT Flows|Count|Total|Number of NAT flows on a tunnel by flow type and NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, FlowType, Instance|
-|TunnelNatPacketDrop|No|Tunnel NAT Packet Drops|Count|Total|Number of NATed packets on a tunnel that dropped by drop type and NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, DropType, Instance|
-|TunnelReverseNatedBytes|No|Tunnel Reverse NATed Bytes|Bytes|Total|Number of bytes that were reverse NATed on a tunnel by a NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-|TunnelReverseNatedPackets|No|Tunnel Reverse NATed Packets|Count|Total|Number of packets on a tunnel that were reverse NATed by a NAT rule|NatRule, ConnectionName, RemoteIP, Instance|
-## Microsoft.NetworkFunction/azureTrafficCollectors
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|count|Yes|Flow Records|Count|Average|Flow Records Processed by ATC.|RoleInstance|
-|usage_active|Yes|CPU Usage|Percent|Average|CPU Usage Percentage.|Hostname|
-|used_percent|Yes|Memory Usage|Percent|Average|Memory Usage Percentage.|Hostname|
-## Microsoft.NotificationHubs/Namespaces/NotificationHubs
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|incoming|Yes|Incoming Messages|Count|Total|The count of all successful send API calls. |No Dimensions|
-|incoming.all.failedrequests|Yes|All Incoming Failed Requests|Count|Total|Total incoming failed requests for a notification hub|No Dimensions|
-|incoming.all.requests|Yes|All Incoming Requests|Count|Total|Total incoming requests for a notification hub|No Dimensions|
-|incoming.scheduled|Yes|Scheduled Push Notifications Sent|Count|Total|Scheduled Push Notifications Sent|No Dimensions|
-|incoming.scheduled.cancel|Yes|Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled|Count|Total|Scheduled Push Notifications Cancelled|No Dimensions|
-|installation.all|Yes|Installation Management Operations|Count|Total|Installation Management Operations|No Dimensions|
-|installation.delete|Yes|Delete Installation Operations|Count|Total|Delete Installation Operations|No Dimensions|
-|installation.get|Yes|Get Installation Operations|Count|Total|Get Installation Operations|No Dimensions|
-|installation.patch|Yes|Patch Installation Operations|Count|Total|Patch Installation Operations|No Dimensions|
-|installation.upsert|Yes|Create or Update Installation Operations|Count|Total|Create or Update Installation Operations|No Dimensions|
-|notificationhub.pushes|Yes|All Outgoing Notifications|Count|Total|All outgoing notifications of the notification hub|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.allpns.badorexpiredchannel|Yes|Bad or Expired Channel Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the channel/token/registrationId in the registration was expired or invalid.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.allpns.channelerror|Yes|Channel Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the channel was invalid not associated with the correct app throttled or expired.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.allpns.invalidpayload|Yes|Payload Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the PNS returned a bad payload error.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.allpns.pnserror|Yes|External Notification System Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because there was a problem communicating with the PNS (excludes authentication problems).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.allpns.success|Yes|Successful notifications|Count|Total|The count of all successful notifications.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.apns.badchannel|Yes|APNS Bad Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the token is invalid (APNS status code: 8).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.apns.expiredchannel|Yes|APNS Expired Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of token that were invalidated by the APNS feedback channel.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.apns.invalidcredentials|Yes|APNS Authorization Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.apns.invalidnotificationsize|Yes|APNS Invalid Notification Size Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (APNS status code: 7).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.apns.pnserror|Yes|APNS Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with APNS.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.apns.success|Yes|APNS Successful Notifications|Count|Total|The count of all successful notifications.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.authenticationerror|Yes|GCM Authentication Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials the credentials are blocked or the SenderId is not correctly configured in the app (GCM result: MismatchedSenderId).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.badchannel|Yes|GCM Bad Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was not recognized (GCM result: Invalid Registration).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.expiredchannel|Yes|GCM Expired Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration was expired (GCM result: NotRegistered).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.invalidcredentials|Yes|GCM Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationformat|Yes|GCM Invalid Notification Format|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the payload was not formatted correctly (GCM result: InvalidDataKey or InvalidTtl).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.invalidnotificationsize|Yes|GCM Invalid Notification Size Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the payload was too large (GCM result: MessageTooBig).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.pnserror|Yes|GCM Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with GCM.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.success|Yes|GCM Successful Notifications|Count|Total|The count of all successful notifications.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.throttled|Yes|GCM Throttled Notifications|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because GCM throttled this app (GCM status code: 501-599 or result:Unavailable).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.gcm.wrongchannel|Yes|GCM Wrong Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the registrationId in the registration is not associated to the current app (GCM result: InvalidPackageName).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.authenticationerror|Yes|MPNS Authentication Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.badchannel|Yes|MPNS Bad Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (MPNS status: 404 not found).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.channeldisconnected|Yes|MPNS Channel Disconnected|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was disconnected (MPNS status: 412 not found).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.dropped|Yes|MPNS Dropped Notifications|Count|Total|The count of pushes that were dropped by MPNS (MPNS response header: X-NotificationStatus: QueueFull or Suppressed).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.invalidcredentials|Yes|MPNS Invalid Credentials|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.invalidnotificationformat|Yes|MPNS Invalid Notification Format|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the payload of the notification was too large.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.pnserror|Yes|MPNS Errors|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because of errors communicating with MPNS.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.success|Yes|MPNS Successful Notifications|Count|Total|The count of all successful notifications.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.mpns.throttled|Yes|MPNS Throttled Notifications|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because MPNS is throttling this app (WNS MPNS: 406 Not Acceptable).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.authenticationerror|Yes|WNS Authentication Errors|Count|Total|Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with Windows Live invalid credentials or wrong token.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.badchannel|Yes|WNS Bad Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI in the registration was not recognized (WNS status: 404 not found).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.channeldisconnected|Yes|WNS Channel Disconnected|Count|Total|The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.channelthrottled|Yes|WNS Channel Throttled|Count|Total|The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (WNS response header: X-WNS-NotificationStatus:channelThrottled).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.dropped|Yes|WNS Dropped Notifications|Count|Total|The notification was dropped because the ChannelURI in the registration is throttled (X-WNS-NotificationStatus: dropped but not X-WNS-DeviceConnectionStatus: disconnected).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.expiredchannel|Yes|WNS Expired Channel Error|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the ChannelURI is expired (WNS status: 410 Gone).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.invalidcredentials|Yes|WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Credentials)|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because the PNS did not accept the provided credentials or the credentials are blocked. (Windows Live does not recognize the credentials).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationformat|Yes|WNS Invalid Notification Format|Count|Total|The format of the notification is invalid (WNS status: 400). Note that WNS does not reject all invalid payloads.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.invalidnotificationsize|Yes|WNS Invalid Notification Size Error|Count|Total|The notification payload is too large (WNS status: 413).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.invalidtoken|Yes|WNS Authorization Errors (Invalid Token)|Count|Total|The token provided to WNS is not valid (WNS status: 401 Unauthorized).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.pnserror|Yes|WNS Errors|Count|Total|Notification not delivered because of errors communicating with WNS.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.success|Yes|WNS Successful Notifications|Count|Total|The count of all successful notifications.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.throttled|Yes|WNS Throttled Notifications|Count|Total|The count of pushes that failed because WNS is throttling this app (WNS status: 406 Not Acceptable).|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.tokenproviderunreachable|Yes|WNS Authorization Errors (Unreachable)|Count|Total|Windows Live is not reachable.|No Dimensions|
-|outgoing.wns.wrongtoken|Yes|WNS Authorization Errors (Wrong Token)|Count|Total|The token provided to WNS is valid but for another application (WNS status: 403 Forbidden). This can happen if the ChannelURI in the registration is associated with another app. Check that the client app is associated with the same app whose credentials are in the notification hub.|No Dimensions|
-|registration.all|Yes|Registration Operations|Count|Total|The count of all successful registration operations (creations updates queries and deletions). |No Dimensions|
-|registration.create|Yes|Registration Create Operations|Count|Total|The count of all successful registration creations.|No Dimensions|
-|registration.delete|Yes|Registration Delete Operations|Count|Total|The count of all successful registration deletions.|No Dimensions|
-|registration.get|Yes|Registration Read Operations|Count|Total|The count of all successful registration queries.|No Dimensions|
-|registration.update|Yes|Registration Update Operations|Count|Total|The count of all successful registration updates.|No Dimensions|
-|scheduled.pending|Yes|Pending Scheduled Notifications|Count|Total|Pending Scheduled Notifications|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Average_% Available Memory|Yes|% Available Memory|Count|Average|Average_% Available Memory|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Available Swap Space|Yes|% Available Swap Space|Count|Average|Average_% Available Swap Space|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Committed Bytes In Use|Yes|% Committed Bytes In Use|Count|Average|Average_% Committed Bytes In Use|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% DPC Time|Yes|% DPC Time|Count|Average|Average_% DPC Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Free Inodes|Yes|% Free Inodes|Count|Average|Average_% Free Inodes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Free Space|Yes|% Free Space|Count|Average|Average_% Free Space|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Idle Time|Yes|% Idle Time|Count|Average|Average_% Idle Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Interrupt Time|Yes|% Interrupt Time|Count|Average|Average_% Interrupt Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% IO Wait Time|Yes|% IO Wait Time|Count|Average|Average_% IO Wait Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Nice Time|Yes|% Nice Time|Count|Average|Average_% Nice Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Privileged Time|Yes|% Privileged Time|Count|Average|Average_% Privileged Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Processor Time|Yes|% Processor Time|Count|Average|Average_% Processor Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Used Inodes|Yes|% Used Inodes|Count|Average|Average_% Used Inodes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Used Memory|Yes|% Used Memory|Count|Average|Average_% Used Memory|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Used Space|Yes|% Used Space|Count|Average|Average_% Used Space|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% Used Swap Space|Yes|% Used Swap Space|Count|Average|Average_% Used Swap Space|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_% User Time|Yes|% User Time|Count|Average|Average_% User Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Available MBytes|Yes|Available MBytes|Count|Average|Average_Available MBytes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Available MBytes Memory|Yes|Available MBytes Memory|Count|Average|Average_Available MBytes Memory|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Available MBytes Swap|Yes|Available MBytes Swap|Count|Average|Average_Available MBytes Swap|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read|Yes|Avg. Disk sec/Read|Count|Average|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Read|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer|Yes|Avg. Disk sec/Transfer|Count|Average|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Transfer|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write|Yes|Avg. Disk sec/Write|Count|Average|Average_Avg. Disk sec/Write|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Bytes Received/sec|Yes|Bytes Received/sec|Count|Average|Average_Bytes Received/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Bytes Sent/sec|Yes|Bytes Sent/sec|Count|Average|Average_Bytes Sent/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Bytes Total/sec|Yes|Bytes Total/sec|Count|Average|Average_Bytes Total/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Current Disk Queue Length|Yes|Current Disk Queue Length|Count|Average|Average_Current Disk Queue Length|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec|Yes|Disk Read Bytes/sec|Count|Average|Average_Disk Read Bytes/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Disk Reads/sec|Yes|Disk Reads/sec|Count|Average|Average_Disk Reads/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Disk Transfers/sec|Yes|Disk Transfers/sec|Count|Average|Average_Disk Transfers/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec|Yes|Disk Write Bytes/sec|Count|Average|Average_Disk Write Bytes/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Disk Writes/sec|Yes|Disk Writes/sec|Count|Average|Average_Disk Writes/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Free Megabytes|Yes|Free Megabytes|Count|Average|Average_Free Megabytes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Free Physical Memory|Yes|Free Physical Memory|Count|Average|Average_Free Physical Memory|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Free Space in Paging Files|Yes|Free Space in Paging Files|Count|Average|Average_Free Space in Paging Files|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Free Virtual Memory|Yes|Free Virtual Memory|Count|Average|Average_Free Virtual Memory|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec|Yes|Logical Disk Bytes/sec|Count|Average|Average_Logical Disk Bytes/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Page Reads/sec|Yes|Page Reads/sec|Count|Average|Average_Page Reads/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Page Writes/sec|Yes|Page Writes/sec|Count|Average|Average_Page Writes/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Pages/sec|Yes|Pages/sec|Count|Average|Average_Pages/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Pct Privileged Time|Yes|Pct Privileged Time|Count|Average|Average_Pct Privileged Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Pct User Time|Yes|Pct User Time|Count|Average|Average_Pct User Time|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec|Yes|Physical Disk Bytes/sec|Count|Average|Average_Physical Disk Bytes/sec|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Processes|Yes|Processes|Count|Average|Average_Processes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Processor Queue Length|Yes|Processor Queue Length|Count|Average|Average_Processor Queue Length|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Size Stored In Paging Files|Yes|Size Stored In Paging Files|Count|Average|Average_Size Stored In Paging Files|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Bytes|Yes|Total Bytes|Count|Average|Average_Total Bytes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Bytes Received|Yes|Total Bytes Received|Count|Average|Average_Total Bytes Received|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Bytes Transmitted|Yes|Total Bytes Transmitted|Count|Average|Average_Total Bytes Transmitted|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Collisions|Yes|Total Collisions|Count|Average|Average_Total Collisions|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Packets Received|Yes|Total Packets Received|Count|Average|Average_Total Packets Received|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Packets Transmitted|Yes|Total Packets Transmitted|Count|Average|Average_Total Packets Transmitted|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Rx Errors|Yes|Total Rx Errors|Count|Average|Average_Total Rx Errors|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Total Tx Errors|Yes|Total Tx Errors|Count|Average|Average_Total Tx Errors|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Uptime|Yes|Uptime|Count|Average|Average_Uptime|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Used MBytes Swap Space|Yes|Used MBytes Swap Space|Count|Average|Average_Used MBytes Swap Space|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Used Memory kBytes|Yes|Used Memory kBytes|Count|Average|Average_Used Memory kBytes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Used Memory MBytes|Yes|Used Memory MBytes|Count|Average|Average_Used Memory MBytes|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Users|Yes|Users|Count|Average|Average_Users|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Average_Virtual Shared Memory|Yes|Virtual Shared Memory|Count|Average|Average_Virtual Shared Memory|Computer, ObjectName, InstanceName, CounterPath, SourceSystem|
-|Event|Yes|Event|Count|Average|Event|Source, EventLog, Computer, EventCategory, EventLevel, EventLevelName, EventID|
-|Heartbeat|Yes|Heartbeat|Count|Total|Heartbeat|Computer, OSType, Version, SourceComputerId|
-|Update|Yes|Update|Count|Average|Update|Computer, Product, Classification, UpdateState, Optional, Approved|
+|cpu_metric |Yes |CPU (Gen2) |Percent |Average |CPU Utilization. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 2 resources. |No Dimensions |
+|overload_metric |Yes |Overload (Gen2) |Count |Average |Resource Overload, 1 if resource is overloaded, otherwise 0. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 2 resources. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Orbital/contactProfiles
+## microsoft.purview/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ContactFailure|Yes|Contact Failure Count|Count|Count|Denotes the number of failed Contacts for a specific Contact Profile|No Dimensions|
-|ContactSuccess|Yes|Contact Success Count|Count|Count|Denotes the number of successful Contacts for a specific Contact Profile|No Dimensions|
+|DataMapCapacityUnits |Yes |Data Map Capacity Units |Count |Total |Indicates Data Map Capacity Units. |No Dimensions |
+|DataMapStorageSize |Yes |Data Map Storage Size |Bytes |Total |Indicates the data map storage size. |No Dimensions |
+|ScanCancelled |Yes |Scan Cancelled |Count |Total |Indicates the number of scans cancelled. |No Dimensions |
+|ScanCompleted |Yes |Scan Completed |Count |Total |Indicates the number of scans completed successfully. |No Dimensions |
+|ScanFailed |Yes |Scan Failed |Count |Total |Indicates the number of scans failed. |No Dimensions |
+|ScanTimeTaken |Yes |Scan time taken |Seconds |Total |Indicates the total scan time in seconds. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Orbital/l2Connections
+## Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|InBitsRate|Yes|In Bits Rate|BitsPerSecond|Average|Ingress Bit Rate for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InBroadcastPktCount|Yes|In Broadcast Packet Count|Count|Average|Ingress Broadcast Packet Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InBytesPerVLAN|Yes|In Bytes Count Per Vlan|Count|Average|Ingress Subinterface Byte Count for the L2 connection|VLANID|
-|InInterfaceBytes|Yes|In Bytes Count|Count|Average|Ingress Bytes Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InMulticastPktCount|Yes|In Multicast Packet Count|Count|Average|Ingress Multicast Packet Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InPktErrorCount|Yes|In Packet Error Count|Count|Average|Ingress Packet Error Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InPktsRate|Yes|In Packets Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Ingress Packet Rate for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InTotalPktCount|Yes|In Packet Count|Count|Average|Ingress Packet Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InUcastPktCount|Yes|In Unicast Packet Count|Count|Average|Ingress Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|InUCastPktsPerVLAN|Yes|In Unicast Packet Count Per Vlan|Count|Average|Ingress Subinterface Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection|VLANID|
-|OutBitsRate|Yes|Out Bits Rate|BitsPerSecond|Average|Egress Bit Rate for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|OutBroadcastPktCount|Yes|Out Broadcast Packet Count Per Vlan|Count|Average|Egress Broadcast Packet Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|OutBytesPerVLAN|Yes|Out Bytes Count Per Vlan|Count|Average|Egress Subinterface Byte Count for the L2 connection|VLANID|
-|OutInterfaceBytes|Yes|Out Bytes Count|Count|Average|Egress Bytes Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|OutMulticastPktCount|Yes|Out Multicast Packet Count|Count|Average|Egress Multicast Packet Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|OutPktErrorCount|Yes|Out Packet Error Count|Count|Average|Egress Packet Error Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|OutPktsRate|Yes|Out Packets Rate|CountPerSecond|Average|Egress Packet Rate for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|OutUcastPktCount|Yes|Out Unicast Packet Count|Count|Average|Egress Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection|No Dimensions|
-|OutUCastPktsPerVLAN|Yes|Out Unicast Packet Count Per Vlan|Count|Average|Egress Subinterface Unicast Packet Count for the L2 connection|VLANID|
+|BackupHealthEvent |Yes |Backup Health Events (preview) |Count |Count |The count of health events pertaining to backup job health |dataSourceURL, backupInstanceUrl, dataSourceType, healthStatus, backupInstanceName |
+|RestoreHealthEvent |Yes |Restore Health Events (preview) |Count |Count |The count of health events pertaining to restore job health |dataSourceURL, backupInstanceUrl, dataSourceType, healthStatus, backupInstanceName |
-## Microsoft.Orbital/spacecrafts
+## Microsoft.Relay/namespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ContactFailure|Yes|Contact Failure Count|Count|Count|Denotes the number of failed Contacts for a specific Spacecraft|No Dimensions|
-|ContactSuccess|Yes|Contact Success Count|Count|Count|Denotes the number of successful Contacts for a specific Spacecraft|No Dimensions|
+|ActiveConnections |No |ActiveConnections |Count |Total |Total ActiveConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName |
+|ActiveListeners |No |ActiveListeners |Count |Total |Total ActiveListeners for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName |
+|BytesTransferred |Yes |BytesTransferred |Bytes |Total |Total BytesTransferred for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName |
+|ListenerConnections-ClientError |No |ListenerConnections-ClientError |Count |Total |ClientError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|ListenerConnections-ServerError |No |ListenerConnections-ServerError |Count |Total |ServerError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|ListenerConnections-Success |No |ListenerConnections-Success |Count |Total |Successful ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|ListenerConnections-TotalRequests |No |ListenerConnections-TotalRequests |Count |Total |Total ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName |
+|ListenerDisconnects |No |ListenerDisconnects |Count |Total |Total ListenerDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName |
+|SenderConnections-ClientError |No |SenderConnections-ClientError |Count |Total |ClientError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|SenderConnections-ServerError |No |SenderConnections-ServerError |Count |Total |ServerError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|SenderConnections-Success |No |SenderConnections-Success |Count |Total |Successful SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|SenderConnections-TotalRequests |No |SenderConnections-TotalRequests |Count |Total |Total SenderConnections requests for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName |
+|SenderDisconnects |No |SenderDisconnects |Count |Total |Total SenderDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay. |EntityName |
-## Microsoft.Peering/peerings
+## microsoft.resources/subscriptions
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|EgressTrafficRate|Yes|Egress Traffic Rate|BitsPerSecond|Average|Egress traffic rate in bits per second|ConnectionId, SessionIp, TrafficClass|
-|IngressTrafficRate|Yes|Ingress Traffic Rate|BitsPerSecond|Average|Ingress traffic rate in bits per second|ConnectionId, SessionIp, TrafficClass|
-|SessionAvailability|Yes|Session Availability|Count|Average|Availability of the peering session|ConnectionId, SessionIp|
+|Latency |No |Latency |Seconds |Average |Latency data for all requests to Azure Resource Manager |IsCustomerOriginated, Method, Namespace, RequestRegion, ResourceType, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, Microsoft.SubscriptionId |
+|Traffic |No |Traffic |Count |Count |Traffic data for all requests to Azure Resource Manager |IsCustomerOriginated, Method, Namespace, RequestRegion, ResourceType, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, Microsoft.SubscriptionId |
-## Microsoft.Peering/peeringServices
+## Microsoft.Search/searchServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|PrefixLatency|Yes|Prefix Latency|Milliseconds|Average|Median prefix latency|PrefixName|
-|RoundTripTime|Yes|Round Trip Time|Milliseconds|Average|Average round trip time|ConnectionMonitorTestName|
+|DocumentsProcessedCount |Yes |Document processed count |Count |Total |Number of documents processed |DataSourceName, Failed, IndexerName, IndexName, SkillsetName |
+|SearchLatency |Yes |Search Latency |Seconds |Average |Average search latency for the search service |No Dimensions |
+|SearchQueriesPerSecond |Yes |Search queries per second |CountPerSecond |Average |Search queries per second for the search service |No Dimensions |
+|SkillExecutionCount |Yes |Skill execution invocation count |Count |Total |Number of skill executions |DataSourceName, Failed, IndexerName, SkillName, SkillsetName, SkillType |
+|ThrottledSearchQueriesPercentage |Yes |Throttled search queries percentage |Percent |Average |Percentage of search queries that were throttled for the search service |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities
+## microsoft.securitydetonation/chambers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|cpu_metric|Yes|CPU (Gen2)|Percent|Average|CPU Utilization. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 2 resources.|No Dimensions|
-|overload_metric|Yes|Overload (Gen2)|Count|Average|Resource Overload, 1 if resource is overloaded, otherwise 0. Supported only for Power BI Embedded Generation 2 resources.|No Dimensions|
+|CapacityUtilization |No |Capacity Utilization |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of the allocated capacity the resource is actively using. |Region |
+|CpuUtilization |No |CPU Utilization |Percent |Average |The percentage of the CPU that is being utilized across the resource. |Region |
+|CreateSubmissionApiResult |No |CreateSubmission Api Results |Count |Count |The total number of CreateSubmission API requests, with return code. |OperationName, ServiceTypeName, Region, HttpReturnCode |
+|PercentFreeDiskSpace |No |Available Disk Space |Percent |Average |The percent amount of available disk space across the resource. |Region |
+|SubmissionDuration |No |Submission Duration |MilliSeconds |Maximum |The submission duration (processing time), from creation to completion. |Region |
+|SubmissionsCompleted |No |Completed Submissions / Hr |Count |Maximum |The number of completed submissions / Hr. |Region |
+|SubmissionsFailed |No |Failed Submissions / Hr |Count |Maximum |The number of failed submissions / Hr. |Region |
+|SubmissionsOutstanding |No |Outstanding Submissions |Count |Average |The average number of outstanding submissions that are queued for processing. |Region |
+|SubmissionsSucceeded |No |Successful Submissions / Hr |Count |Maximum |The number of successful submissions / Hr. |Region |
-## Microsoft.Purview/accounts
+## Microsoft.SecurityDetonation/SecurityDetonationChambers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ScanBillingUnits|Yes|Scan Billing Units|Count|Total|Indicates the scan billing units.|ResourceId|
-|ScanCancelled|Yes|Scan Cancelled|Count|Total|Indicates the number of scans cancelled.|ResourceId|
-|ScanCompleted|Yes|Scan Completed|Count|Total|Indicates the number of scans completed successfully.|ResourceId|
-|ScanFailed|Yes|Scan Failed|Count|Total|Indicates the number of scans failed.|ResourceId|
-|ScanTimeTaken|Yes|Scan time taken|Seconds|Total|Indicates the total scan time in seconds.|ResourceId|
+|% Processor Time |Yes |% CPU |Percent |Average |Percent CPU utilization |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults
+## Microsoft.ServiceBus/Namespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|BackupHealthEvent|Yes|Backup Health Events (preview)|Count|Count|The count of health events pertaining to backup job health|dataSourceURL, backupInstanceUrl, dataSourceType, healthStatus, backupInstanceName|
-|RestoreHealthEvent|Yes|Restore Health Events (preview)|Count|Count|The count of health events pertaining to restore job health|dat
+|AbandonMessage |Yes |Abandoned Messages |Count |Total |Count of messages abandoned on a Queue/Topic. |EntityName |
+|ActiveConnections |No |ActiveConnections |Count |Total |Total Active Connections for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |No Dimensions |
+|ActiveMessages |No |Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic. |Count |Average |Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic. |EntityName |
+|CompleteMessage |Yes |Completed Messages |Count |Total |Count of messages completed on a Queue/Topic. |EntityName |
+|ConnectionsClosed |No |Connections Closed. |Count |Average |Connections Closed for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName |
+|ConnectionsOpened |No |Connections Opened. |Count |Average |Connections Opened for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName |
+|CPUXNS |No |CPU (Deprecated) |Percent |Maximum |Service bus premium namespace CPU usage metric. This metric is deprecated. Please use the CPU metric (NamespaceCpuUsage) instead. |Replica |
+|DeadletteredMessages |No |Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic. |Count |Average |Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic. |EntityName |
+|IncomingMessages |Yes |Incoming Messages |Count |Total |Incoming Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName |
+|IncomingRequests |Yes |Incoming Requests |Count |Total |Incoming Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName |
+|Messages |No |Count of messages in a Queue/Topic. |Count |Average |Count of messages in a Queue/Topic. |EntityName |
+|NamespaceCpuUsage |No |CPU |Percent |Maximum |Service bus premium namespace CPU usage metric. |Replica |
+|NamespaceMemoryUsage |No |Memory Usage |Percent |Maximum |Service bus premium namespace memory usage metric. |Replica |
+|OutgoingMessages |Yes |Outgoing Messages |Count |Total |Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName |
+|PendingCheckpointOperationCount |No |Pending Checkpoint Operations Count. |Count |Total |Pending Checkpoint Operations Count. |No Dimensions |
+|ScheduledMessages |No |Count of scheduled messages in a Queue/Topic. |Count |Average |Count of scheduled messages in a Queue/Topic. |EntityName |
+|ServerErrors |No |Server Errors. |Count |Total |Server Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|ServerSendLatency |Yes |Server Send Latency. |MilliSeconds |Average |Latency of Send Message operations for Service Bus resources. |EntityName |
+|Size |No |Size |Bytes |Average |Size of an Queue/Topic in Bytes. |EntityName |
+|SuccessfulRequests |No |Successful Requests |Count |Total |Total successful requests for a namespace |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|ThrottledRequests |No |Throttled Requests. |Count |Total |Throttled Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName, OperationResult, MessagingErrorSubCode |
+|UserErrors |No |User Errors. |Count |Total |User Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus. |EntityName, OperationResult |
+|WSXNS |No |Memory Usage (Deprecated) |Percent |Maximum |Service bus premium namespace memory usage metric. This metric is deprecated. Please use the Memory Usage (NamespaceMemoryUsage) metric instead. |Replica |
-## Microsoft.Relay/namespaces
+## Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ActiveConnections|No|ActiveConnections|Count|Total|Total ActiveConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName|
-|ActiveListeners|No|ActiveListeners|Count|Total|Total ActiveListeners for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName|
-|BytesTransferred|Yes|BytesTransferred|Bytes|Total|Total BytesTransferred for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName|
-|ListenerConnections-ClientError|No|ListenerConnections-ClientError|Count|Total|ClientError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName, |
-|ListenerConnections-ServerError|No|ListenerConnections-ServerError|Count|Total|ServerError on ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName, |
-|ListenerConnections-Success|No|ListenerConnections-Success|Count|Total|Successful ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName, |
-|ListenerConnections-TotalRequests|No|ListenerConnections-TotalRequests|Count|Total|Total ListenerConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName|
-|ListenerDisconnects|No|ListenerDisconnects|Count|Total|Total ListenerDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName|
-|SenderConnections-ClientError|No|SenderConnections-ClientError|Count|Total|ClientError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName, |
-|SenderConnections-ServerError|No|SenderConnections-ServerError|Count|Total|ServerError on SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName, |
-|SenderConnections-Success|No|SenderConnections-Success|Count|Total|Successful SenderConnections for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName, |
-|SenderConnections-TotalRequests|No|SenderConnections-TotalRequests|Count|Total|Total SenderConnections requests for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName|
-|SenderDisconnects|No|SenderDisconnects|Count|Total|Total SenderDisconnects for Microsoft.Relay.|EntityName|
+|ConnectionCloseCount |Yes |Connection Close Count |Count |Total |The count of connections closed by various reasons. |Endpoint, ConnectionCloseCategory |
+|ConnectionCount |Yes |Connection Count |Count |Maximum |The amount of user connection. |Endpoint |
+|ConnectionOpenCount |Yes |Connection Open Count |Count |Total |The count of new connections opened. |Endpoint |
+|ConnectionQuotaUtilization |Yes |Connection Quota Utilization |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of connection connected relative to connection quota. |No Dimensions |
+|InboundTraffic |Yes |Inbound Traffic |Bytes |Total |The inbound traffic of service |No Dimensions |
+|MessageCount |Yes |Message Count |Count |Total |The total amount of messages. |No Dimensions |
+|OutboundTraffic |Yes |Outbound Traffic |Bytes |Total |The outbound traffic of service |No Dimensions |
+|ServerLoad |No |Server Load |Percent |Maximum |SignalR server load. |No Dimensions |
+|SystemErrors |Yes |System Errors |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of system errors |No Dimensions |
+|UserErrors |Yes |User Errors |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of user errors |No Dimensions |
-## microsoft.resources/subscriptions
+## Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Latency|No|Latency|Seconds|Average|Latency data for all requests to Azure Resource Manager|IsCustomerOriginated, Method, Namespace, RequestRegion, ResourceType, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, Microsoft.SubscriptionId|
-|Traffic|No|Traffic|Count|Count|Traffic data for all requests to Azure Resource Manager|IsCustomerOriginated, Method, Namespace, RequestRegion, ResourceType, StatusCode, StatusCodeClass, Microsoft.SubscriptionId|
+|ConnectionCloseCount |Yes |Connection Close Count |Count |Total |The count of connections closed by various reasons. |ConnectionCloseCategory |
+|ConnectionOpenCount |Yes |Connection Open Count |Count |Total |The count of new connections opened. |No Dimensions |
+|ConnectionQuotaUtilization |Yes |Connection Quota Utilization |Percent |Maximum |The percentage of connection connected relative to connection quota. |No Dimensions |
+|InboundTraffic |Yes |Inbound Traffic |Bytes |Total |The traffic originating from outside to inside of the service. It is aggregated by adding all the bytes of the traffic. |No Dimensions |
+|OutboundTraffic |Yes |Outbound Traffic |Bytes |Total |The traffic originating from inside to outside of the service. It is aggregated by adding all the bytes of the traffic. |No Dimensions |
+|ServerLoad |No |Server Load |Percent |Maximum |SignalR server load. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalConnectionCount |Yes |Connection Count |Count |Maximum |The number of user connections established to the service. It is aggregated by adding all the online connections. |No Dimensions |
+## microsoft.singularity/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|GpuUtilizationPercentage |Yes |GpuUtilizationPercentage |Percent |Average |GPU utilization percentage |accountname, ClusterName, Environment, instance, jobContainerId, jobInstanceId, jobname, Region |
+## Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|avg_cpu_percent |Yes |Average CPU percentage |Percent |Average |Average CPU percentage |No Dimensions |
+|io_bytes_read |Yes |IO bytes read |Bytes |Average |IO bytes read |No Dimensions |
+|io_bytes_written |Yes |IO bytes written |Bytes |Average |IO bytes written |No Dimensions |
+|io_requests |Yes |IO requests count |Count |Average |IO requests count |No Dimensions |
+|reserved_storage_mb |Yes |Storage space reserved |Count |Average |Storage space reserved |No Dimensions |
+|storage_space_used_mb |Yes |Storage space used |Count |Average |Storage space used |No Dimensions |
+|virtual_core_count |Yes |Virtual core count |Count |Average |Virtual core count |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|active_queries |Yes |Active queries |Count |Total |Active queries across all workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|allocated_data_storage |Yes |Data space allocated |Bytes |Average |Allocated data storage. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|app_cpu_billed |Yes |App CPU billed |Count |Total |App CPU billed. Applies to serverless databases. |No Dimensions |
+|app_cpu_billed_ha_replicas |Yes |App CPU billed HA replicas |Count |Total |Sum of app CPU billed across all HA replicas associated with the primary replica or a named replica. |No Dimensions |
+|app_cpu_percent |Yes |App CPU percentage |Percent |Average |App CPU percentage. Applies to serverless databases. |No Dimensions |
+|app_memory_percent |Yes |App memory percentage |Percent |Average |App memory percentage. Applies to serverless databases. |No Dimensions |
+|base_blob_size_bytes |Yes |Data storage size |Bytes |Maximum |Data storage size. Applies to Hyperscale databases. |No Dimensions |
+|blocked_by_firewall |Yes |Blocked by Firewall |Count |Total |Blocked by Firewall |No Dimensions |
+|cache_hit_percent |Yes |Cache hit percentage |Percent |Maximum |Cache hit percentage. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|cache_used_percent |Yes |Cache used percentage |Percent |Maximum |Cache used percentage. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|connection_failed |Yes |Failed Connections : System Errors |Count |Total |Failed Connections |Error |
+|connection_failed_user_error |Yes |Failed Connections : User Errors |Count |Total |Failed Connections : User Errors |Error |
+|connection_successful |Yes |Successful Connections |Count |Total |Successful Connections |SslProtocol |
+|cpu_limit |Yes |CPU limit |Count |Average |CPU limit. Applies to vCore-based databases. |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percentage |Percent |Average |CPU percentage |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_used |Yes |CPU used |Count |Average |CPU used. Applies to vCore-based databases. |No Dimensions |
+|deadlock |Yes |Deadlocks |Count |Total |Deadlocks. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|diff_backup_size_bytes |Yes |Differential backup storage size |Bytes |Maximum |Cumulative differential backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based databases. Not applicable to Hyperscale databases. |No Dimensions |
+|dtu_consumption_percent |Yes |DTU percentage |Percent |Average |DTU Percentage. Applies to DTU-based databases. |No Dimensions |
+|dtu_limit |Yes |DTU Limit |Count |Average |DTU Limit. Applies to DTU-based databases. |No Dimensions |
+|dtu_used |Yes |DTU used |Count |Average |DTU used. Applies to DTU-based databases. |No Dimensions |
+|dwu_consumption_percent |Yes |DWU percentage |Percent |Maximum |DWU percentage. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|dwu_limit |Yes |DWU limit |Count |Maximum |DWU limit. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|dwu_used |Yes |DWU used |Count |Maximum |DWU used. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|full_backup_size_bytes |Yes |Full backup storage size |Bytes |Maximum |Cumulative full backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based databases. Not applicable to Hyperscale databases. |No Dimensions |
+|ledger_digest_upload_failed |Yes |Failed Ledger Digest Uploads |Count |Count |Ledger digests that failed to be uploaded. |No Dimensions |
+|ledger_digest_upload_success |Yes |Successful Ledger Digest Uploads |Count |Count |Ledger digests that were successfully uploaded. |No Dimensions |
+|local_tempdb_usage_percent |Yes |Local tempdb percentage |Percent |Average |Local tempdb percentage. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|log_backup_size_bytes |Yes |Log backup storage size |Bytes |Maximum |Cumulative log backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based and Hyperscale databases. |No Dimensions |
+|log_write_percent |Yes |Log IO percentage |Percent |Average |Log IO percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|memory_usage_percent |Yes |Memory percentage |Percent |Maximum |Memory percentage. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|physical_data_read_percent |Yes |Data IO percentage |Percent |Average |Data IO percentage |No Dimensions |
+|queued_queries |Yes |Queued queries |Count |Total |Queued queries across all workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|sessions_count |Yes |Sessions count |Count |Average |Number of active sessions. Not applicable to Synapse DW Analytics. |No Dimensions |
+|sessions_percent |Yes |Sessions percentage |Percent |Average |Sessions percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|snapshot_backup_size_bytes |Yes |Data backup storage size |Bytes |Maximum |Cumulative data backup storage size. Applies to Hyperscale databases. |No Dimensions |
+|sqlserver_process_core_percent |Yes |SQL Server process core percent |Percent |Maximum |CPU usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|sqlserver_process_memory_percent |Yes |SQL Server process memory percent |Percent |Maximum |Memory usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|storage |Yes |Data space used |Bytes |Maximum |Data space used. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Data space used percent |Percent |Maximum |Data space used percent. Not applicable to data warehouses or hyperscale databases. |No Dimensions |
+|tempdb_data_size |Yes |Tempdb Data File Size Kilobytes |Count |Maximum |Space used in tempdb data files in kilobytes. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|tempdb_log_size |Yes |Tempdb Log File Size Kilobytes |Count |Maximum |Space used in tempdb transaction log file in kilobytes. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|tempdb_log_used_percent |Yes |Tempdb Percent Log Used |Percent |Maximum |Space used percentage in tempdb transaction log file. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|wlg_active_queries |Yes |Workload group active queries |Count |Total |Active queries within the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses. |WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined |
+|wlg_active_queries_timeouts |Yes |Workload group query timeouts |Count |Total |Queries that have timed out for the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses. |WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined |
+|wlg_allocation_relative_to_system_percent |Yes |Workload group allocation by system percent |Percent |Maximum |Allocated percentage of resources relative to the entire system per workload group. Applies only to data warehouses. |WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined |
+|wlg_allocation_relative_to_wlg_effective_cap_percent |Yes |Workload group allocation by cap resource percent |Percent |Maximum |Allocated percentage of resources relative to the specified cap resources per workload group. Applies only to data warehouses. |WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined |
+|wlg_effective_cap_resource_percent |Yes |Effective cap resource percent |Percent |Maximum |A hard limit on the percentage of resources allowed for the workload group, taking into account Effective Min Resource Percentage allocated for other workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses. |WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined |
+|wlg_effective_min_resource_percent |Yes |Effective min resource percent |Percent |Maximum |Minimum percentage of resources reserved and isolated for the workload group, taking into account the service level minimum. Applies only to data warehouses. |WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined |
+|wlg_queued_queries |Yes |Workload group queued queries |Count |Total |Queued queries within the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses. |WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined |
+|workers_percent |Yes |Workers percentage |Percent |Average |Workers percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
+|xtp_storage_percent |Yes |In-Memory OLTP storage percent |Percent |Average |In-Memory OLTP storage percent. Not applicable to data warehouses. |No Dimensions |
-## Microsoft.Search/searchServices
+## Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticpools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|SearchLatency|Yes|Search Latency|Seconds|Average|Average search latency for the search service|No Dimensions|
-|SearchQueriesPerSecond|Yes|Search queries per second|CountPerSecond|Average|Search queries per second for the search service|No Dimensions|
-|ThrottledSearchQueriesPercentage|Yes|Throttled search queries percentage|Percent|Average|Percentage of search queries that were throttled for the search service|No Dimensions|
+|allocated_data_storage |Yes |Data space allocated |Bytes |Average |Data space allocated |No Dimensions |
+|allocated_data_storage_percent |Yes |Data space allocated percent |Percent |Maximum |Data space allocated percent |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_limit |Yes |CPU limit |Count |Average |CPU limit. Applies to vCore-based elastic pools. |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_percent |Yes |CPU percentage |Percent |Average |CPU percentage |No Dimensions |
+|cpu_used |Yes |CPU used |Count |Average |CPU used. Applies to vCore-based elastic pools. |No Dimensions |
+|dtu_consumption_percent |Yes |DTU percentage |Percent |Average |DTU Percentage. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools. |No Dimensions |
+|eDTU_limit |Yes |eDTU limit |Count |Average |eDTU limit. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools. |No Dimensions |
+|eDTU_used |Yes |eDTU used |Count |Average |eDTU used. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools. |No Dimensions |
+|log_write_percent |Yes |Log IO percentage |Percent |Average |Log IO percentage |No Dimensions |
+|physical_data_read_percent |Yes |Data IO percentage |Percent |Average |Data IO percentage |No Dimensions |
+|sessions_count |Yes |Sessions Count |Count |Average |Number of active sessions |No Dimensions |
+|sessions_percent |Yes |Sessions percentage |Percent |Average |Sessions percentage |No Dimensions |
+|sqlserver_process_core_percent |Yes |SQL Server process core percent |Percent |Maximum |CPU usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Applies to elastic pools. |No Dimensions |
+|sqlserver_process_memory_percent |Yes |SQL Server process memory percent |Percent |Maximum |Memory usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Applies to elastic pools. |No Dimensions |
+|storage_limit |Yes |Data max size |Bytes |Average |Data max size |No Dimensions |
+|storage_percent |Yes |Data space used percent |Percent |Average |Data space used percent |No Dimensions |
+|storage_used |Yes |Data space used |Bytes |Average |Data space used |No Dimensions |
+|tempdb_data_size |Yes |Tempdb Data File Size Kilobytes |Count |Maximum |Space used in tempdb data files in kilobytes. |No Dimensions |
+|tempdb_log_size |Yes |Tempdb Log File Size Kilobytes |Count |Maximum |Space used in tempdb transaction log file in kilobytes. |No Dimensions |
+|tempdb_log_used_percent |Yes |Tempdb Percent Log Used |Percent |Maximum |Space used percentage in tempdb transaction log file |No Dimensions |
+|workers_percent |Yes |Workers percentage |Percent |Average |Workers percentage |No Dimensions |
+|xtp_storage_percent |Yes |In-Memory OLTP storage percent |Percent |Average |In-Memory OLTP storage percent |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, TransactionType |
+|UsedCapacity |No |Used capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the storage account. For standard storage accounts, it's the sum of capacity used by blob, table, file, and queue. For premium storage accounts and Blob storage accounts, it is the same as BlobCapacity or FileCapacity. |No Dimensions |
-## microsoft.securitydetonation/chambers
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|CapacityUtilization|No|Capacity Utilization|Percent|Maximum|The percentage of the allocated capacity the resource is actively using.|Region|
-|CpuUtilization|No|CPU Utilization|Percent|Average|The percentage of the CPU that is being utilized across the resource.|Region|
-|CreateSubmissionApiResult|No|CreateSubmission Api Results|Count|Count|The total number of CreateSubmission API requests, with return code.|OperationName, ServiceTypeName, Region, HttpReturnCode|
-|PercentFreeDiskSpace|No|Available Disk Space|Percent|Average|The percent amount of available disk space across the resource.|Region|
-|SubmissionDuration|No|Submission Duration|MilliSeconds|Maximum|The submission duration (processing time), from creation to completion.|Region|
-|SubmissionsCompleted|No|Completed Submissions / Hr|Count|Maximum|The number of completed submissions / Hr.|Region|
-|SubmissionsFailed|No|Failed Submissions / Hr|Count|Maximum|The number of failed submissions / Hr.|Region|
-|SubmissionsOutstanding|No|Outstanding Submissions|Count|Average|The average number of outstanding submissions that are queued for processing.|Region|
-|SubmissionsSucceeded|No|Successful Submissions / Hr|Count|Maximum|The number of successful submissions / Hr.|Region|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|BlobCapacity |No |Blob Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the storage account's Blob service in bytes. |BlobType, Tier |
+|BlobCount |No |Blob Count |Count |Average |The number of blob objects stored in the storage account. |BlobType, Tier |
+|BlobProvisionedSize |No |Blob Provisioned Size |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage provisioned in the storage account's Blob service in bytes. |BlobType, Tier |
+|ContainerCount |Yes |Blob Container Count |Count |Average |The number of containers in the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|IndexCapacity |No |Index Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 hierarchical index. |No Dimensions |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, TransactionType |
-## Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|AbandonMessage|Yes|Abandoned Messages|Count|Total|Abandoned Messages|EntityName|
-|ActiveConnections|No|ActiveConnections|Count|Total|Total Active Connections for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|No Dimensions|
-|ActiveMessages|No|Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic.|Count|Average|Count of active messages in a Queue/Topic.|EntityName|
-|CompleteMessage|Yes|Completed Messages|Count|Total|Completed Messages|EntityName|
-|ConnectionsClosed|No|Connections Closed.|Count|Average|Connections Closed for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName|
-|ConnectionsOpened|No|Connections Opened.|Count|Average|Connections Opened for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName|
-|CPUXNS|No|CPU (Deprecated)|Percent|Maximum|Service bus premium namespace CPU usage metric. This metric is depricated. Please use the CPU metric (NamespaceCpuUsage) instead.|No Dimensions|
-|DeadletteredMessages|No|Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic.|Count|Average|Count of dead-lettered messages in a Queue/Topic.|EntityName|
-|IncomingMessages|Yes|Incoming Messages|Count|Total|Incoming Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName|
-|IncomingRequests|Yes|Incoming Requests|Count|Total|Incoming Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName|
-|Messages|No|Count of messages in a Queue/Topic.|Count|Average|Count of messages in a Queue/Topic.|EntityName|
-|NamespaceCpuUsage|No|CPU|Percent|Maximum|CPU usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces.|No Dimensions|
-|NamespaceMemoryUsage|No|Memory Usage|Percent|Maximum|Memory usage metric for Premium SKU namespaces.|No Dimensions|
-|OutgoingMessages|Yes|Outgoing Messages|Count|Total|Outgoing Messages for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName|
-|PendingCheckpointOperationCount|No|Pending Checkpoint Operations Count.|Count|Total|Pending Checkpoint Operations Count.|No Dimensions|
-|ScheduledMessages|No|Count of scheduled messages in a Queue/Topic.|Count|Average|Count of scheduled messages in a Queue/Topic.|EntityName|
-|ServerErrors|No|Server Errors.|Count|Total|Server Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName, |
-|ServerSendLatency|Yes|Server Send Latency.|Milliseconds|Average|Server Send Latency.|EntityName|
-|Size|No|Size|Bytes|Average|Size of an Queue/Topic in Bytes.|EntityName|
-|SuccessfulRequests|No|Successful Requests|Count|Total|Total successful requests for a namespace|EntityName, |
-|ThrottledRequests|No|Throttled Requests.|Count|Total|Throttled Requests for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName, MessagingErrorSubCode|
-|UserErrors|No|User Errors.|Count|Total|User Errors for Microsoft.ServiceBus.|EntityName, |
-|WSXNS|No|Memory Usage (Deprecated)|Percent|Maximum|Service bus premium namespace memory usage metric. This metric is deprecated. Please use the Memory Usage (NamespaceMemoryUsage) metric instead.|No Dimensions|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|FileCapacity |No |File Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of File storage used by the storage account. |FileShare, Tier |
+|FileCount |No |File Count |Count |Average |The number of files in the storage account. |FileShare, Tier |
+|FileShareCapacityQuota |No |File Share Capacity Quota |Bytes |Average |The upper limit on the amount of storage that can be used by Azure Files Service in bytes. |FileShare |
+|FileShareCount |No |File Share Count |Count |Average |The number of file shares in the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|FileShareProvisionedIOPS |No |File Share Provisioned IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |The baseline number of provisioned IOPS for the premium file share in the premium files storage account. This number is calculated based on the provisioned size (quota) of the share capacity. |FileShare |
+|FileShareSnapshotCount |No |File Share Snapshot Count |Count |Average |The number of snapshots present on the share in storage account's Files Service. |FileShare |
+|FileShareSnapshotSize |No |File Share Snapshot Size |Bytes |Average |The amount of storage used by the snapshots in storage account's File service in bytes. |FileShare |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare, TransactionType |
-## Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/objectReplicationPolicies
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ConnectionCount|Yes|Connection Count|Count|Maximum|The amount of user connection.|Endpoint|
-|ConnectionQuotaUtilization|Yes|Connection Quota Utilization|Percent|Maximum|The percentage of connection connected relative to connection quota.|No Dimensions|
-|InboundTraffic|Yes|Inbound Traffic|Bytes|Total|The inbound traffic of service|No Dimensions|
-|MessageCount|Yes|Message Count|Count|Total|The total amount of messages.|No Dimensions|
-|OutboundTraffic|Yes|Outbound Traffic|Bytes|Total|The outbound traffic of service|No Dimensions|
-|SystemErrors|Yes|System Errors|Percent|Maximum|The percentage of system errors|No Dimensions|
-|UserErrors|Yes|User Errors|Percent|Maximum|The percentage of user errors|No Dimensions|
+|PendingBytesForReplication |No |Pending Bytes for Replication (PREVIEW) |Bytes |Average |The size in bytes of the blob object pending for replication, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available |TimeBucket |
+|PendingOperationsForReplication |No |Pending Operations for Replication (PREVIEW) |Count |Average |The count of pending operations for replication, please note, this metric is in preview and is subject to change before becoming generally available |TimeBucket |
-## Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|InboundTraffic|Yes|Inbound Traffic|Bytes|Total|The inbound traffic of service|No Dimensions|
-|OutboundTraffic|Yes|Outbound Traffic|Bytes|Total|The outbound traffic of service|No Dimensions|
-|TotalConnectionCount|Yes|Connection Count|Count|Maximum|The amount of user connection.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|avg_cpu_percent|Yes|Average CPU percentage|Percent|Average|Average CPU percentage|No Dimensions|
-|io_bytes_read|Yes|IO bytes read|Bytes|Average|IO bytes read|No Dimensions|
-|io_bytes_written|Yes|IO bytes written|Bytes|Average|IO bytes written|No Dimensions|
-|io_requests|Yes|IO requests count|Count|Average|IO requests count|No Dimensions|
-|reserved_storage_mb|Yes|Storage space reserved|Count|Average|Storage space reserved|No Dimensions|
-|storage_space_used_mb|Yes|Storage space used|Count|Average|Storage space used|No Dimensions|
-|virtual_core_count|Yes|Virtual core count|Count|Average|Virtual core count|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|active_queries|Yes|Active queries|Count|Total|Active queries across all workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|allocated_data_storage|Yes|Data space allocated|Bytes|Average|Allocated data storage. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|app_cpu_billed|Yes|App CPU billed|Count|Total|App CPU billed. Applies to serverless databases.|No Dimensions|
-|app_cpu_percent|Yes|App CPU percentage|Percent|Average|App CPU percentage. Applies to serverless databases.|No Dimensions|
-|app_memory_percent|Yes|App memory percentage|Percent|Average|App memory percentage. Applies to serverless databases.|No Dimensions|
-|base_blob_size_bytes|Yes|Data storage size|Bytes|Maximum|Data storage size. Applies to Hyperscale databases.|No Dimensions|
-|blocked_by_firewall|Yes|Blocked by Firewall|Count|Total|Blocked by Firewall|No Dimensions|
-|cache_hit_percent|Yes|Cache hit percentage|Percent|Maximum|Cache hit percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|cache_used_percent|Yes|Cache used percentage|Percent|Maximum|Cache used percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|connection_failed|Yes|Failed Connections|Count|Total|Failed Connections|No Dimensions|
-|connection_successful|Yes|Successful Connections|Count|Total|Successful Connections|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_limit|Yes|CPU limit|Count|Average|CPU limit. Applies to vCore-based databases.|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percentage|Percent|Average|CPU percentage|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_used|Yes|CPU used|Count|Average|CPU used. Applies to vCore-based databases.|No Dimensions|
-|deadlock|Yes|Deadlocks|Count|Total|Deadlocks. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|delta_num_of_bytes_read|Yes|Remote data reads|Bytes|Total|Remote data reads in bytes|No Dimensions|
-|delta_num_of_bytes_total|Yes|Total remote bytes read and written|Bytes|Total|Total remote bytes read and written by compute|No Dimensions|
-|delta_num_of_bytes_written|Yes|Remote log writes|Bytes|Total|Remote log writes in bytes|No Dimensions|
-|diff_backup_size_bytes|Yes|Differential backup storage size|Bytes|Maximum|Cumulative differential backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based databases. Not applicable to Hyperscale databases.|No Dimensions|
-|dtu_consumption_percent|Yes|DTU percentage|Percent|Average|DTU Percentage. Applies to DTU-based databases.|No Dimensions|
-|dtu_limit|Yes|DTU Limit|Count|Average|DTU Limit. Applies to DTU-based databases.|No Dimensions|
-|dtu_used|Yes|DTU used|Count|Average|DTU used. Applies to DTU-based databases.|No Dimensions|
-|dwu_consumption_percent|Yes|DWU percentage|Percent|Maximum|DWU percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|dwu_limit|Yes|DWU limit|Count|Maximum|DWU limit. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|dwu_used|Yes|DWU used|Count|Maximum|DWU used. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|full_backup_size_bytes|Yes|Full backup storage size|Bytes|Maximum|Cumulative full backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based databases. Not applicable to Hyperscale databases.|No Dimensions|
-|local_tempdb_usage_percent|Yes|Local tempdb percentage|Percent|Average|Local tempdb percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|log_backup_size_bytes|Yes|Log backup storage size|Bytes|Maximum|Cumulative log backup storage size. Applies to vCore-based and Hyperscale databases.|No Dimensions|
-|log_write_percent|Yes|Log IO percentage|Percent|Average|Log IO percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|memory_usage_percent|Yes|Memory percentage|Percent|Maximum|Memory percentage. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|physical_data_read_percent|Yes|Data IO percentage|Percent|Average|Data IO percentage|No Dimensions|
-|queued_queries|Yes|Queued queries|Count|Total|Queued queries across all workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|sessions_percent|Yes|Sessions percentage|Percent|Average|Sessions percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|snapshot_backup_size_bytes|Yes|Data backup storage size|Bytes|Maximum|Cumulative data backup storage size. Applies to Hyperscale databases.|No Dimensions|
-|sqlserver_process_core_percent|Yes|SQL Server process core percent|Percent|Maximum|CPU usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|sqlserver_process_memory_percent|Yes|SQL Server process memory percent|Percent|Maximum|Memory usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|storage|Yes|Data space used|Bytes|Maximum|Data space used. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Data space used percent|Percent|Maximum|Data space used percent. Not applicable to data warehouses or hyperscale databases.|No Dimensions|
-|tempdb_data_size|Yes|Tempdb Data File Size Kilobytes|Count|Maximum|Space used in tempdb data files in kilobytes. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|tempdb_log_size|Yes|Tempdb Log File Size Kilobytes|Count|Maximum|Space used in tempdb transaction log file in kilobytes. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|tempdb_log_used_percent|Yes|Tempdb Percent Log Used|Percent|Maximum|Space used percentage in tempdb transaction log file. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|wlg_active_queries|Yes|Workload group active queries|Count|Total|Active queries within the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.|WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined|
-|wlg_active_queries_timeouts|Yes|Workload group query timeouts|Count|Total|Queries that have timed out for the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.|WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined|
-|wlg_allocation_relative_to_system_percent|Yes|Workload group allocation by system percent|Percent|Maximum|Allocated percentage of resources relative to the entire system per workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.|WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined|
-|wlg_allocation_relative_to_wlg_effective_cap_percent|Yes|Workload group allocation by cap resource percent|Percent|Maximum|Allocated percentage of resources relative to the specified cap resources per workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.|WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined|
-|wlg_effective_cap_resource_percent|Yes|Effective cap resource percent|Percent|Maximum|A hard limit on the percentage of resources allowed for the workload group, taking into account Effective Min Resource Percentage allocated for other workload groups. Applies only to data warehouses.|WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined|
-|wlg_effective_min_resource_percent|Yes|Effective min resource percent|Percent|Maximum|Minimum percentage of resources reserved and isolated for the workload group, taking into account the service level minimum. Applies only to data warehouses.|WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined|
-|wlg_queued_queries|Yes|Workload group queued queries|Count|Total|Queued queries within the workload group. Applies only to data warehouses.|WorkloadGroupName, IsUserDefined|
-|workers_percent|Yes|Workers percentage|Percent|Average|Workers percentage. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-|xtp_storage_percent|Yes|In-Memory OLTP storage percent|Percent|Average|In-Memory OLTP storage percent. Not applicable to data warehouses.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Sql/servers/elasticPools
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|allocated_data_storage|Yes|Data space allocated|Bytes|Average|Data space allocated|No Dimensions|
-|allocated_data_storage_percent|Yes|Data space allocated percent|Percent|Maximum|Data space allocated percent|No Dimensions|
-|app_cpu_billed|Yes|App CPU billed|Count|Total|App CPU billed. Applies to serverless databases.|No Dimensions|
-|app_cpu_percent|Yes|App CPU percentage|Percent|Average|App CPU percentage. Applies to serverless databases.|No Dimensions|
-|app_memory_percent|Yes|App memory percentage|Percent|Average|App memory percentage. Applies to serverless databases.|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_limit|Yes|CPU limit|Count|Average|CPU limit. Applies to vCore-based elastic pools.|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_percent|Yes|CPU percentage|Percent|Average|CPU percentage|No Dimensions|
-|cpu_used|Yes|CPU used|Count|Average|CPU used. Applies to vCore-based elastic pools.|No Dimensions|
-|database_allocated_data_storage|No|Data space allocated|Bytes|Average|Data space allocated|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_cpu_limit|No|CPU limit|Count|Average|CPU limit|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_cpu_percent|No|CPU percentage|Percent|Average|CPU percentage|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_cpu_used|No|CPU used|Count|Average|CPU used|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_dtu_consumption_percent|No|DTU percentage|Percent|Average|DTU percentage|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_eDTU_used|No|eDTU used|Count|Average|eDTU used|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_log_write_percent|No|Log IO percentage|Percent|Average|Log IO percentage|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_physical_data_read_percent|No|Data IO percentage|Percent|Average|Data IO percentage|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_sessions_percent|No|Sessions percentage|Percent|Average|Sessions percentage|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_storage_used|No|Data space used|Bytes|Average|Data space used|DatabaseResourceId|
-|database_workers_percent|No|Workers percentage|Percent|Average|Workers percentage|DatabaseResourceId|
-|dtu_consumption_percent|Yes|DTU percentage|Percent|Average|DTU Percentage. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools.|No Dimensions|
-|eDTU_limit|Yes|eDTU limit|Count|Average|eDTU limit. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools.|No Dimensions|
-|eDTU_used|Yes|eDTU used|Count|Average|eDTU used. Applies to DTU-based elastic pools.|No Dimensions|
-|log_write_percent|Yes|Log IO percentage|Percent|Average|Log IO percentage|No Dimensions|
-|physical_data_read_percent|Yes|Data IO percentage|Percent|Average|Data IO percentage|No Dimensions|
-|sessions_percent|Yes|Sessions percentage|Percent|Average|Sessions percentage|No Dimensions|
-|sqlserver_process_core_percent|Yes|SQL Server process core percent|Percent|Maximum|CPU usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Applies to elastic pools.|No Dimensions|
-|sqlserver_process_memory_percent|Yes|SQL Server process memory percent|Percent|Maximum|Memory usage as a percentage of the SQL DB process. Applies to elastic pools.|No Dimensions|
-|storage_limit|Yes|Data max size|Bytes|Average|Data max size|No Dimensions|
-|storage_percent|Yes|Data space used percent|Percent|Average|Data space used percent|No Dimensions|
-|storage_used|Yes|Data space used|Bytes|Average|Data space used|No Dimensions|
-|tempdb_data_size|Yes|Tempdb Data File Size Kilobytes|Count|Maximum|Space used in tempdb data files in kilobytes.|No Dimensions|
-|tempdb_log_size|Yes|Tempdb Log File Size Kilobytes|Count|Maximum|Space used in tempdb transaction log file in kilobytes.|No Dimensions|
-|tempdb_log_used_percent|Yes|Tempdb Percent Log Used|Percent|Maximum|Space used percentage in tempdb transaction log file|No Dimensions|
-|workers_percent|Yes|Workers percentage|Percent|Average|Workers percentage|No Dimensions|
-|xtp_storage_percent|Yes|In-Memory OLTP storage percent|Percent|Average|In-Memory OLTP storage percent|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|UsedCapacity|No|Used capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the storage account. For standard storage accounts, it's the sum of capacity used by blob, table, file, and queue. For premium storage accounts and Blob storage accounts, it is the same as BlobCapacity or FileCapacity.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|BlobCapacity|No|Blob Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the storage account's Blob service in bytes.|BlobType, Tier|
-|BlobCount|No|Blob Count|Count|Average|The number of blob objects stored in the storage account.|BlobType, Tier|
-|BlobProvisionedSize|No|Blob Provisioned Size|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage provisioned in the storage account's Blob service in bytes.|BlobType, Tier|
-|ContainerCount|No|Blob Container Count|Count|Average|The number of containers in the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|IndexCapacity|No|Index Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 hierarchical index.|No Dimensions|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|FileCapacity|No|File Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of File storage used by the storage account.|FileShare|
-|FileCount|No|File Count|Count|Average|The number of files in the storage account.|FileShare|
-|FileShareCapacityQuota|No|File Share Capacity Quota|Bytes|Average|The upper limit on the amount of storage that can be used by Azure Files Service in bytes.|FileShare|
-|FileShareCount|No|File Share Count|Count|Average|The number of file shares in the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|FileShareProvisionedIOPS|No|File Share Provisioned IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|The baseline number of provisioned IOPS for the premium file share in the premium files storage account. This number is calculated based on the provisioned size (quota) of the share capacity.|FileShare|
-|FileShareSnapshotCount|No|File Share Snapshot Count|Count|Average|The number of snapshots present on the share in storage account's Files Service.|FileShare|
-|FileShareSnapshotSize|No|File Share Snapshot Size|Bytes|Average|The amount of storage used by the snapshots in storage account's File service in bytes.|FileShare|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, FileShare|
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|QueueCapacity|Yes|Queue Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of Queue storage used by the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|QueueCount|Yes|Queue Count|Count|Average|The number of queues in the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|QueueMessageCount|Yes|Queue Message Count|Count|Average|The number of unexpired queue messages in the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Availability|Yes|Availability|Percent|Average|The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Egress|Yes|Egress|Bytes|Total|The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|Ingress|Yes|Ingress|Bytes|Total|The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessE2ELatency|Yes|Success E2E Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|SuccessServerLatency|Yes|Success Server Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency.|GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-|TableCapacity|No|Table Capacity|Bytes|Average|The amount of Table storage used by the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|TableCount|No|Table Count|Count|Average|The number of tables in the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|TableEntityCount|No|Table Entity Count|Count|Average|The number of table entities in the storage account.|No Dimensions|
-|Transactions|Yes|Transactions|Count|Total|The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response.|ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication|
-## Microsoft.StorageCache/caches
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ClientIOPS|Yes|Total Client IOPS|Count|Average|The rate of client file operations processed by the Cache.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientLatency|Yes|Average Client Latency|Milliseconds|Average|Average latency of client file operations to the Cache.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientLockIOPS|Yes|Client Lock IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|Client file locking operations per second.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientMetadataReadIOPS|Yes|Client Metadata Read IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|The rate of client file operations sent to the Cache, excluding data reads, that do not modify persistent state.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientMetadataWriteIOPS|Yes|Client Metadata Write IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|The rate of client file operations sent to the Cache, excluding data writes, that modify persistent state.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientReadIOPS|Yes|Client Read IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|Client read operations per second.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientReadThroughput|Yes|Average Cache Read Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Client read data transfer rate.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientStatus|Yes|Client Status|Count|Total|Client connection information.|ClientSource, CacheAddress, ClientAddress, Protocol, ConnectionType|
-|ClientWriteIOPS|Yes|Client Write IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|Client write operations per second.|No Dimensions|
-|ClientWriteThroughput|Yes|Average Cache Write Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Client write data transfer rate.|No Dimensions|
-|FileOps|Yes|File Operations|CountPerSecond|Average|Number of file operations per second.|SourceFile, Rank, FileType|
-|FileReads|Yes|File Reads|BytesPerSecond|Average|Number of bytes per second read from a file.|SourceFile, Rank, FileType|
-|FileUpdates|Yes|File Updates|CountPerSecond|Average|Number of directory updates and metadata operations per second.|SourceFile, Rank, FileType|
-|FileWrites|Yes|File Writes|BytesPerSecond|Average|Number of bytes per second written to a file.|SourceFile, Rank, FileType|
-|StorageTargetAsyncWriteThroughput|Yes|StorageTarget Asynchronous Write Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The rate the Cache asynchronously writes data to a particular StorageTarget. These are opportunistic writes that do not cause clients to block.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetBlocksRecycled|Yes|Storage Target Blocks Recycled|Count|Average|Total number of 16k cache blocks recycled (freed) per Storage Target.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetFillThroughput|Yes|StorageTarget Fill Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The rate the Cache reads data from the StorageTarget to handle a cache miss.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetFreeReadSpace|Yes|Storage Target Free Read Space|Bytes|Average|Read space available for caching files associated with a storage target.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetFreeWriteSpace|Yes|Storage Target Free Write Space|Bytes|Average|Write space available for dirty data associated with a storage target.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetHealth|Yes|Storage Target Health|Count|Average|Boolean results of connectivity test between the Cache and Storage Targets.|No Dimensions|
-|StorageTargetIOPS|Yes|Total StorageTarget IOPS|Count|Average|The rate of all file operations the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetLatency|Yes|StorageTarget Latency|Milliseconds|Average|The average round trip latency of all the file operations the Cache sends to a partricular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetMetadataReadIOPS|Yes|StorageTarget Metadata Read IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|The rate of file operations that do not modify persistent state, and excluding the read operation, that the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetMetadataWriteIOPS|Yes|StorageTarget Metadata Write IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|The rate of file operations that do modify persistent state and excluding the write operation, that the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetReadAheadThroughput|Yes|StorageTarget Read Ahead Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The rate the Cache opportunisticly reads data from the StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetReadIOPS|Yes|StorageTarget Read IOPS|CountPerSecond|Average|The rate of file read operations the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetRecycleRate|Yes|Storage Target Recycle Rate|BytesPerSecond|Average|Cache space recycle rate associated with a storage target in the HPC Cache. This is the rate at which existing data is cleared from the cache to make room for new data.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetSyncWriteThroughput|Yes|StorageTarget Synchronous Write Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The rate the Cache synchronously writes data to a particular StorageTarget. These are writes that do cause clients to block.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetTotalReadThroughput|Yes|StorageTarget Total Read Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The total rate that the Cache reads data from a particular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetTotalWriteThroughput|Yes|StorageTarget Total Write Throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|The total rate that the Cache writes data to a particular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetUsedReadSpace|Yes|Storage Target Used Read Space|Bytes|Average|Read space used by cached files associated with a storage target.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetUsedWriteSpace|Yes|Storage Target Used Write Space|Bytes|Average|Write space used by dirty data associated with a storage target.|StorageTarget|
-|StorageTargetWriteIOPS|Yes|StorageTarget Write IOPS|Count|Average|The rate of the file write operations the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget.|StorageTarget|
-|TotalBlocksRecycled|Yes|Total Blocks Recycled|Count|Average|Total number of 16k cache blocks recycled (freed) for the HPC Cache.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalFreeReadSpace|Yes|Free Read Space|Bytes|Average|Total space available for caching read files.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalFreeWriteSpace|Yes|Free Write Read Space|Bytes|Average|Total write space available to store changed data in the cache.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalRecycleRate|Yes|Recycle Rate|BytesPerSecond|Average|Total cache space recycle rate in the HPC Cache. This is the rate at which existing data is cleared from the cache to make room for new data.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalUsedReadSpace|Yes|Used Read Space|Bytes|Average|Total read space used by dirty data for the HPC Cache.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalUsedWriteSpace|Yes|Used Write Space|Bytes|Average|Total write space used by dirty data for the HPC Cache.|No Dimensions|
-|Uptime|Yes|Uptime|Count|Average|Boolean results of connectivity test between the Cache and monitoring system.|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ServerSyncSessionResult|Yes|Sync Session Result|Count|Average|Metric that logs a value of 1 each time the Server Endpoint successfully completes a Sync Session with the Cloud Endpoint|SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection|
-|StorageSyncBatchTransferredFileBytes|Yes|Bytes synced|Bytes|Total|Total file size transferred for Sync Sessions|SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection|
-|StorageSyncComputedCacheHitRate|Yes|Cloud tiering cache hit rate|Percent|Average|Percentage of bytes that were served from the cache|SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName|
-|StorageSyncRecallComputedSuccessRate|Yes|Cloud tiering recall success rate|Percent|Average|Percentage of all recalls that were successful|SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName|
-|StorageSyncRecalledNetworkBytesByApplication|Yes|Cloud tiering recall size by application|Bytes|Total|Size of data recalled by application|SyncGroupName, ServerName, ApplicationName|
-|StorageSyncRecalledTotalNetworkBytes|Yes|Cloud tiering recall size|Bytes|Total|Size of data recalled|SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName|
-|StorageSyncRecallThroughputBytesPerSecond|Yes|Cloud tiering recall throughput|BytesPerSecond|Average|Size of data recall throughput|SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName|
-|StorageSyncServerHeartbeat|Yes|Server Online Status|Count|Maximum|Metric that logs a value of 1 each time the resigtered server successfully records a heartbeat with the Cloud Endpoint|ServerName|
-|StorageSyncSyncSessionAppliedFilesCount|Yes|Files Synced|Count|Total|Count of Files synced|SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection|
-|StorageSyncSyncSessionPerItemErrorsCount|Yes|Files not syncing|Count|Average|Count of files failed to sync|SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection|
-|StorageSyncTieringCacheSizeBytes|Yes|Server cache size|Bytes|Average|Size of data cached on the server|SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName|
-## Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|AMLCalloutFailedRequests|Yes|Failed Function Requests|Count|Total|Failed Function Requests|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|AMLCalloutInputEvents|Yes|Function Events|Count|Total|Function Events|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|AMLCalloutRequests|Yes|Function Requests|Count|Total|Function Requests|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|ConversionErrors|Yes|Data Conversion Errors|Count|Total|Data Conversion Errors|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|DeserializationError|Yes|Input Deserialization Errors|Count|Total|Input Deserialization Errors|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|DroppedOrAdjustedEvents|Yes|Out of order Events|Count|Total|Out of order Events|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|EarlyInputEvents|Yes|Early Input Events|Count|Total|Early Input Events|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|Errors|Yes|Runtime Errors|Count|Total|Runtime Errors|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|InputEventBytes|Yes|Input Event Bytes|Bytes|Total|Input Event Bytes|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|InputEvents|Yes|Input Events|Count|Total|Input Events|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|InputEventsSourcesBacklogged|Yes|Backlogged Input Events|Count|Maximum|Backlogged Input Events|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|InputEventsSourcesPerSecond|Yes|Input Sources Received|Count|Total|Input Sources Received|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|LateInputEvents|Yes|Late Input Events|Count|Total|Late Input Events|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|OutputEvents|Yes|Output Events|Count|Total|Output Events|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds|Yes|Watermark Delay|Seconds|Maximum|Watermark Delay|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|ProcessCPUUsagePercentage|Yes|CPU % Utilization|Percent|Maximum|CPU % Utilization|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-|ResourceUtilization|Yes|SU (Memory) % Utilization|Percent|Maximum|SU (Memory) % Utilization|LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName|
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BuiltinSqlPoolDataProcessedBytes|No|Data processed (bytes)|Bytes|Total|Amount of data processed by queries|No Dimensions|
-|BuiltinSqlPoolLoginAttempts|No|Login attempts|Count|Total|Count of login attempts that succeded or failed|Result|
-|BuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded|No|Requests ended|Count|Total|Count of Requests that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled|Result|
-|IntegrationActivityRunsEnded|No|Activity runs ended|Count|Total|Count of integration activities that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled|Result, FailureType, Activity, ActivityType, Pipeline|
-|IntegrationPipelineRunsEnded|No|Pipeline runs ended|Count|Total|Count of integration pipeline runs that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled|Result, FailureType, Pipeline|
-|IntegrationTriggerRunsEnded|No|Trigger Runs ended|Count|Total|Count of integration triggers that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled|Result, FailureType, Trigger|
-|SQLStreamingBackloggedInputEventSources|No|Backlogged input events (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources backlogged.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingConversionErrors|No|Data conversion errors (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events that could not be converted to the expected output schema. Error policy can be changed to 'Drop' to drop events that encounter this scenario.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingDeserializationError|No|Input deserialization errors (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events that could not be deserialized.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingEarlyInputEvents|No|Early input events (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered early compared to arrival time, according to early arrival policy.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingInputEventBytes|No|Input event bytes (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Amount of data received by the streaming job, in bytes. This can be used to validate that events are being sent to the input source.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingInputEvents|No|Input events (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingInputEventsSourcesPerSecond|No|Input sources received (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources per second.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingLateInputEvents|No|Late input events (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered late compared to arrival time, according to late arrival policy.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingOutOfOrderEvents|No|Out of order events (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of Event Hub Events (serialized messages) received by the Event Hub Input Adapter, received out of order that were either dropped or given an adjusted timestamp, based on the Event Ordering Policy.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingOutputEvents|No|Output events (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingOutputWatermarkDelaySeconds|No|Watermark delay (preview)|Count|Maximum|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Output watermark delay in seconds.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingResourceUtilization|No|Resource % utilization (preview)|Percent|Maximum|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe.
- Resource utilization expressed as a percentage. High utilization indicates that the job is using close to the maximum allocated resources.|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-|SQLStreamingRuntimeErrors|No|Runtime errors (preview)|Count|Total|This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Total number of errors related to query processing (excluding errors found while ingesting events or outputting results).|SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance|
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BigDataPoolAllocatedCores|No|vCores allocated|Count|Maximum|Allocated vCores for an Apache Spark Pool|SubmitterId|
-|BigDataPoolAllocatedMemory|No|Memory allocated (GB)|Count|Maximum|Allocated Memory for Apach Spark Pool (GB)|SubmitterId|
-|BigDataPoolApplicationsActive|No|Active Apache Spark applications|Count|Maximum|Total Active Apache Spark Pool Applications|JobState|
-|BigDataPoolApplicationsEnded|No|Ended Apache Spark applications|Count|Total|Count of Apache Spark pool applications ended|JobType, JobResult|
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BatchBlobCount|Yes|Batch Blob Count|Count|Average|Number of data sources in an aggregated batch for ingestion.|Database|
-|BatchDuration|Yes|Batch Duration|Seconds|Average|The duration of the aggregation phase in the ingestion flow.|Database|
-|BatchesProcessed|Yes|Batches Processed|Count|Total|Number of batches aggregated for ingestion. Batching Type: whether the batch reached batching time, data size or number of files limit set by batching policy|Database, SealReason|
-|BatchSize|Yes|Batch Size|Bytes|Average|Uncompressed expected data size in an aggregated batch for ingestion.|Database|
-|BlobsDropped|Yes|Blobs Dropped|Count|Total|Number of blobs permanently rejected by a component.|Database, ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|BlobsProcessed|Yes|Blobs Processed|Count|Total|Number of blobs processed by a component.|Database, ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|BlobsReceived|Yes|Blobs Received|Count|Total|Number of blobs received from input stream by a component.|Database, ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|CacheUtilization|Yes|Cache utilization|Percent|Average|Utilization level in the cluster scope|No Dimensions|
-|ContinuousExportMaxLatenessMinutes|Yes|Continuous Export Max Lateness|Count|Maximum|The lateness (in minutes) reported by the continuous export jobs in the cluster|No Dimensions|
-|ContinuousExportNumOfRecordsExported|Yes|Continuous export - num of exported records|Count|Total|Number of records exported, fired for every storage artifact written during the export operation|ContinuousExportName, Database|
-|ContinuousExportPendingCount|Yes|Continuous Export Pending Count|Count|Maximum|The number of pending continuous export jobs ready for execution|No Dimensions|
-|ContinuousExportResult|Yes|Continuous Export Result|Count|Count|Indicates whether Continuous Export succeeded or failed|ContinuousExportName, Result, Database|
-|CPU|Yes|CPU|Percent|Average|CPU utilization level|No Dimensions|
-|DiscoveryLatency|Yes|Discovery Latency|Seconds|Average|Reported by data connections (if exist). Time in seconds from when a message is enqueued or event is created until it is discovered by data connection. This time is not included in the Azure Data Explorer total ingestion duration.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|EventsDropped|Yes|Events Dropped|Count|Total|Number of events dropped permanently by data connection. An Ingestion result metric with a failure reason will be sent.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|EventsProcessed|Yes|Events Processed|Count|Total|Number of events processed by the cluster|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|EventsProcessedForEventHubs|Yes|Events Processed (for Event/IoT Hubs)|Count|Total|Number of events processed by the cluster when ingesting from Event/IoT Hub|EventStatus|
-|EventsReceived|Yes|Events Received|Count|Total|Number of events received by data connection.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|ExportUtilization|Yes|Export Utilization|Percent|Maximum|Export utilization|No Dimensions|
-|IngestionLatencyInSeconds|Yes|Ingestion Latency|Seconds|Average|Latency of data ingested, from the time the data was received in the cluster until it's ready for query. The ingestion latency period depends on the ingestion scenario.|No Dimensions|
-|IngestionResult|Yes|Ingestion result|Count|Total|Total number of sources that either failed or succeeded to be ingested. Splitting the metric by status, you can get detailed information about the status of the ingestion operations.|IngestionResultDetails, FailureKind|
-|IngestionUtilization|Yes|Ingestion utilization|Percent|Average|Ratio of used ingestion slots in the cluster|No Dimensions|
-|IngestionVolumeInMB|Yes|Ingestion Volume|Bytes|Total|Overall volume of ingested data to the cluster|Database|
-|InstanceCount|Yes|Instance Count|Count|Average|Total instance count|No Dimensions|
-|KeepAlive|Yes|Keep alive|Count|Average|Sanity check indicates the cluster responds to queries|No Dimensions|
-|MaterializedViewAgeMinutes|Yes|Materialized View Age|Count|Average|The materialized view age in minutes|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewDataLoss|Yes|Materialized View Data Loss|Count|Maximum|Indicates potential data loss in materialized view|Database, MaterializedViewName, Kind|
-|MaterializedViewExtentsRebuild|Yes|Materialized View Extents Rebuild|Count|Average|Number of extents rebuild|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewHealth|Yes|Materialized View Health|Count|Average|The health of the materialized view (1 for healthy, 0 for non-healthy)|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewRecordsInDelta|Yes|Materialized View Records In Delta|Count|Average|The number of records in the non-materialized part of the view|Database, MaterializedViewName|
-|MaterializedViewResult|Yes|Materialized View Result|Count|Average|The result of the materialization process|Database, MaterializedViewName, Result|
-|QueryDuration|Yes|Query duration|Milliseconds|Average|Queries' duration in seconds|QueryStatus|
-|QueryResult|No|Query Result|Count|Count|Total number of queries.|QueryStatus|
-|QueueLength|Yes|Queue Length|Count|Average|Number of pending messages in a component's queue.|ComponentType|
-|QueueOldestMessage|Yes|Queue Oldest Message|Count|Average|Time in seconds from when the oldest message in queue was inserted.|ComponentType|
-|ReceivedDataSizeBytes|Yes|Received Data Size Bytes|Bytes|Average|Size of data received by data connection. This is the size of the data stream, or of raw data size if provided.|ComponentType, ComponentName|
-|StageLatency|Yes|Stage Latency|Seconds|Average|Cumulative time from when a message is discovered until it is received by the reporting component for processing (discovery time is set when message is enqueued for ingestion queue, or when discovered by data connection).|Database, ComponentType|
-|SteamingIngestRequestRate|Yes|Streaming Ingest Request Rate|Count|RateRequestsPerSecond|Streaming ingest request rate (requests per second)|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingIngestDataRate|Yes|Streaming Ingest Data Rate|Count|Average|Streaming ingest data rate (MB per second)|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingIngestDuration|Yes|Streaming Ingest Duration|Milliseconds|Average|Streaming ingest duration in milliseconds|No Dimensions|
-|StreamingIngestResults|Yes|Streaming Ingest Result|Count|Count|Streaming ingest result|Result|
-|TotalNumberOfConcurrentQueries|Yes|Total number of concurrent queries|Count|Maximum|Total number of concurrent queries|No Dimensions|
-|TotalNumberOfExtents|Yes|Total number of extents|Count|Total|Total number of data extents|No Dimensions|
-|TotalNumberOfThrottledCommands|Yes|Total number of throttled commands|Count|Total|Total number of throttled commands|CommandType|
-|TotalNumberOfThrottledQueries|Yes|Total number of throttled queries|Count|Maximum|Total number of throttled queries|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|QueueCapacity |Yes |Queue Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of Queue storage used by the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|QueueCount |Yes |Queue Count |Count |Average |The number of queues in the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|QueueMessageCount |Yes |Queue Message Count |Count |Average |The number of unexpired queue messages in the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, TransactionType |
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/storageTasks
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ObjectsOperatedCount |Yes |Objects operated count |Count |Total |The number of objects operated in storage task |AccountName, TaskAssignmentId |
+|ObjectsOperationFailedCount |Yes |Objects failed count |Count |Total |The number of objects failed in storage task |AccountName, TaskAssignmentId |
+|ObjectsTargetedCount |Yes |Objects targeted count |Count |Total |The number of objects targeted in storage task |AccountName, TaskAssignmentId |
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ActiveQueries|No|Active queries|Count|Total|The active queries. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system|IsUserDefined|
-|AdaptiveCacheHitPercent|No|Adaptive cache hit percentage|Percent|Maximum|Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache hit percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache|No Dimensions|
-|AdaptiveCacheUsedPercent|No|Adaptive cache used percentage|Percent|Maximum|Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache used percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache|No Dimensions|
-|Connections|Yes|Connections|Count|Total|Count of Total logins to the SQL pool|Result|
-|ConnectionsBlockedByFirewall|No|Connections blocked by firewall|Count|Total|Count of connections blocked by firewall rules. Revisit access control policies for your SQL pool and monitor these connections if the count is high|No Dimensions|
-|CPUPercent|No|CPU used percentage|Percent|Maximum|CPU utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool|No Dimensions|
-|DWULimit|No|DWU limit|Count|Maximum|Service level objective of the SQL pool|No Dimensions|
-|DWUUsed|No|DWU used|Count|Maximum|Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by DWU limit * DWU percentage|No Dimensions|
-|DWUUsedPercent|No|DWU used percentage|Percent|Maximum|Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by taking the maximum between CPU percentage and Data IO percentage|No Dimensions|
-|LocalTempDBUsedPercent|No|Local tempdb used percentage|Percent|Maximum|Local tempdb utilization across all compute nodes - values are emitted every five minute|No Dimensions|
-|MemoryUsedPercent|No|Memory used percentage|Percent|Maximum|Memory utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool|No Dimensions|
-|QueuedQueries|No|Queued queries|Count|Total|Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached|IsUserDefined|
-|WLGActiveQueries|No|Workload group active queries|Count|Total|The active queries within the workload group. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system|IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup|
-|WLGActiveQueriesTimeouts|No|Workload group query timeouts|Count|Total|Queries for the workload group that have timed out. Query timeouts reported by this metric are only once the query has started executing (it does not include wait time due to locking or resource waits)|IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup|
-|WLGAllocationByEffectiveCapResourcePercent|No|Workload group allocation by max resource percent|Percent|Maximum|Displays the percentage allocation of resources relative to the Effective cap resource percent per workload group. This metric provides the effective utilization of the workload group|IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup|
-|WLGAllocationBySystemPercent|No|Workload group allocation by system percent|Percent|Maximum|The percentage allocation of resources relative to the entire system|IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup|
-|WLGEffectiveCapResourcePercent|No|Effective cap resource percent|Percent|Maximum|The effective cap resource percent for the workload group. If there are other workload groups with min_percentage_resource > 0, the effective_cap_percentage_resource is lowered proportionally|IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup|
-|WLGEffectiveMinResourcePercent|No|Effective min resource percent|Percent|Maximum|The effective min resource percentage setting allowed considering the service level and the workload group settings. The effective min_percentage_resource can be adjusted higher on lower service levels|IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup|
-|WLGQueuedQueries|No|Workload group queued queries|Count|Total|Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached|IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup|
-## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedBytes|Yes|Ingress Received Bytes|Bytes|Total|Count of bytes read from all event sources|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedInvalidMessages|Yes|Ingress Received Invalid Messages|Count|Total|Count of invalid messages read from all Event hub or IoT hub event sources|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedMessages|Yes|Ingress Received Messages|Count|Total|Count of messages read from all Event hub or IoT hub event sources|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedMessagesCountLag|Yes|Ingress Received Messages Count Lag|Count|Average|Difference between the sequence number of last enqueued message in the event source partition and sequence number of messages being processed in Ingress|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedMessagesTimeLag|Yes|Ingress Received Messages Time Lag|Seconds|Maximum|Difference between the time that the message is enqueued in the event source and the time it is processed in Ingress|No Dimensions|
-|IngressStoredBytes|Yes|Ingress Stored Bytes|Bytes|Total|Total size of events successfully processed and available for query|No Dimensions|
-|IngressStoredEvents|Yes|Ingress Stored Events|Count|Total|Count of flattened events successfully processed and available for query|No Dimensions|
-|WarmStorageMaxProperties|Yes|Warm Storage Max Properties|Count|Maximum|Maximum number of properties used allowed by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and maximum number of properties allowed by Warm Store for PAYG SKU|No Dimensions|
-|WarmStorageUsedProperties|Yes|Warm Storage Used Properties |Count|Maximum|Number of properties used by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and number of properties used by Warm Store for PAYG SKU|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventsources
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedBytes|Yes|Ingress Received Bytes|Bytes|Total|Count of bytes read from the event source|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedInvalidMessages|Yes|Ingress Received Invalid Messages|Count|Total|Count of invalid messages read from the event source|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedMessages|Yes|Ingress Received Messages|Count|Total|Count of messages read from the event source|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedMessagesCountLag|Yes|Ingress Received Messages Count Lag|Count|Average|Difference between the sequence number of last enqueued message in the event source partition and sequence number of messages being processed in Ingress|No Dimensions|
-|IngressReceivedMessagesTimeLag|Yes|Ingress Received Messages Time Lag|Seconds|Maximum|Difference between the time that the message is enqueued in the event source and the time it is processed in Ingress|No Dimensions|
-|IngressStoredBytes|Yes|Ingress Stored Bytes|Bytes|Total|Total size of events successfully processed and available for query|No Dimensions|
-|IngressStoredEvents|Yes|Ingress Stored Events|Count|Total|Count of flattened events successfully processed and available for query|No Dimensions|
-|WarmStorageMaxProperties|Yes|Warm Storage Max Properties|Count|Maximum|Maximum number of properties used allowed by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and maximum number of properties allowed by Warm Store for PAYG SKU|No Dimensions|
-|WarmStorageUsedProperties|Yes|Warm Storage Used Properties |Count|Maximum|Number of properties used by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and number of properties used by Warm Store for PAYG SKU|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.VMwareCloudSimple/virtualMachines
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|Disk Read Bytes|Yes|Disk Read Bytes|Bytes|Total|Total disk throughput due to read operations over the sample period.|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Read Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Read Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|The average number of IO read operations in the previous sample period. Note that these operations may be variable sized.|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Bytes|Yes|Disk Write Bytes|Bytes|Total|Total disk throughput due to write operations over the sample period.|No Dimensions|
-|Disk Write Operations/Sec|Yes|Disk Write Operations/Sec|CountPerSecond|Average|The average number of IO write operations in the previous sample period. Note that these operations may be variable sized.|No Dimensions|
-|DiskReadBytesPerSecond|Yes|Disk Read Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average disk throughput due to read operations over the sample period.|No Dimensions|
-|DiskReadLatency|Yes|Disk Read Latency|Milliseconds|Average|Total read latency. The sum of the device and kernel read latencies.|No Dimensions|
-|DiskReadOperations|Yes|Disk Read Operations|Count|Total|The number of IO read operations in the previous sample period. Note that these operations may be variable sized.|No Dimensions|
-|DiskWriteBytesPerSecond|Yes|Disk Write Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average disk throughput due to write operations over the sample period.|No Dimensions|
-|DiskWriteLatency|Yes|Disk Write Latency|Milliseconds|Average|Total write latency. The sum of the device and kernel write latencies.|No Dimensions|
-|DiskWriteOperations|Yes|Disk Write Operations|Count|Total|The number of IO write operations in the previous sample period. Note that these operations may be variable sized.|No Dimensions|
-|MemoryActive|Yes|Memory Active|Bytes|Average|The amount of memory used by the VM in the past small window of time. This is the "true" number of how much memory the VM currently has need of. Additional, unused memory may be swapped out or ballooned with no impact to the guest's performance.|No Dimensions|
-|MemoryGranted|Yes|Memory Granted|Bytes|Average|The amount of memory that was granted to the VM by the host. Memory is not granted to the host until it is touched one time and granted memory may be swapped out or ballooned away if the VMkernel needs the memory.|No Dimensions|
-|MemoryUsed|Yes|Memory Used|Bytes|Average|The amount of machine memory that is in use by the VM.|No Dimensions|
-|Network In|Yes|Network In|Bytes|Total|Total network throughput for received traffic.|No Dimensions|
-|Network Out|Yes|Network Out|Bytes|Total|Total network throughput for transmitted traffic.|No Dimensions|
-|NetworkInBytesPerSecond|Yes|Network In Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average network throughput for received traffic.|No Dimensions|
-|NetworkOutBytesPerSecond|Yes|Network Out Bytes/Sec|BytesPerSecond|Average|Average network throughput for transmitted traffic.|No Dimensions|
-|Percentage CPU|Yes|Percentage CPU|Percent|Average|The CPU utilization. This value is reported with 100% representing all processor cores on the system. As an example, a 2-way VM using 50% of a four-core system is completely using two cores.|No Dimensions|
-|PercentageCpuReady|Yes|Percentage CPU Ready|Milliseconds|Total|Ready time is the time spend waiting for CPU(s) to become available in the past update interval.|No Dimensions|
+|Availability |Yes |Availability |Percent |Average |The percentage of availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. Availability is calculated by taking the TotalBillableRequests value and dividing it by the number of applicable requests, including those that produced unexpected errors. All unexpected errors result in reduced availability for the storage service or the specified API operation. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Egress |Yes |Egress |Bytes |Total |The amount of egress data. This number includes egress to external client from Azure Storage as well as egress within Azure. As a result, this number does not reflect billable egress. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|Ingress |Yes |Ingress |Bytes |Total |The amount of ingress data, in bytes. This number includes ingress from an external client into Azure Storage as well as ingress within Azure. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessE2ELatency |Yes |Success E2E Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average end-to-end latency of successful requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation, in milliseconds. This value includes the required processing time within Azure Storage to read the request, send the response, and receive acknowledgment of the response. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|SuccessServerLatency |Yes |Success Server Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average time used to process a successful request by Azure Storage. This value does not include the network latency specified in SuccessE2ELatency. |GeoType, ApiName, Authentication |
+|TableCapacity |Yes |Table Capacity |Bytes |Average |The amount of Table storage used by the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|TableCount |Yes |Table Count |Count |Average |The number of tables in the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|TableEntityCount |Yes |Table Entity Count |Count |Average |The number of table entities in the storage account. |No Dimensions |
+|Transactions |Yes |Transactions |Count |Total |The number of requests made to a storage service or the specified API operation. This number includes successful and failed requests, as well as requests which produced errors. Use ResponseType dimension for the number of different type of response. |ResponseType, GeoType, ApiName, Authentication, TransactionType |
-## Microsoft.Web/connections
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageTasks
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ApiConnectionRequests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|API Connection Requests|HttpStatusCode, ClientIPAddress|
+|ObjectsOperatedCount |Yes |Objects operated count |Count |Total |The number of objects operated in storage task |AccountName, TaskAssignmentId |
+|ObjectsOperationFailedCount |Yes |Objects failed count |Count |Total |The number of objects failed in storage task |AccountName, TaskAssignmentId |
+|ObjectsTargetedCount |Yes |Objects targed count |Count |Total |The number of objects targeted in storage task |AccountName, TaskAssignmentId |
-## Microsoft.Web/containerapps
+## Microsoft.StorageCache/amlFilesystems
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|Replicas|Yes|Replica Count|Count|Maximum|Number of replicas count of container app|revisionName, deploymentName|
-|Requests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|Requests processed|revisionName, podName, statusCodeCategory, statusCode|
-|RestartCount|Yes|Replica Restart Count|Count|Maximum|Restart count of container app replicas|revisionName, podName|
-|RxBytes|Yes|Network In Bytes|Bytes|Total|Network received bytes|revisionName, podName|
-|TxBytes|Yes|Network Out Bytes|Bytes|Total|Network transmitted bytes|revisionName, podName|
-|UsageNanoCores|Yes|CPU Usage Nanocores|NanoCores|Average|CPU consumed by the container app, in nano cores. 1,000,000,000 nano cores = 1 core|revisionName, podName|
-|WorkingSetBytes|Yes|Memory Working Set Bytes|Bytes|Average|Container App working set memory used in bytes.|revisionName, podName|
+|ClientReadOps |No |Client Read Ops |Count |Average |Number of client read ops performed. |ostnum |
+|ClientReadThroughput |No |Client Read Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Client read data transfer rate. |ostnum |
+|ClientWriteOps |No |Client Write Ops |Count |Average |Number of client write ops performed. |ostnum |
+|ClientWriteThroughput |No |Client Write Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Client write data transfer rate. |ostnum |
+|MDTBytesAvailable |No |MDT Bytes Available |Bytes |Average |Number of bytes marked as available on the MDT. |mdtnum |
+|MDTBytesTotal |No |MDT Bytes Total |Bytes |Average |Total number of bytes supported on the MDT. |mdtnum |
+|MDTBytesUsed |No |MDT Bytes Used |Bytes |Average |Number of bytes available for use minus the number of bytes marked as free on the MDT. |mdtnum |
+|MDTClientLatency |No |MDT Client Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Client latency for all operations to MDTs. |mdtnum, operation |
+|MDTClientOps |No |Client MDT Ops |Count |Average |Number of client MDT metadata ops performed. |mdtnum, operation |
+|MDTConnectedClients |No |MDT Connected Clients |Count |Average |Number of client connections (exports) to the MDT |mdtnum |
+|MDTFilesFree |No |MDT Files Free |Count |Average |Count of free files (inodes) on the MDT. |mdtnum |
+|MDTFilesTotal |No |MDT Files Total |Count |Average |Total number of files supported on the MDT. |mdtnum |
+|MDTFilesUsed |No |MDT Files Used |Count |Average |Number of total supported files minus the number of free files on the MDT. |mdtnum |
+|OSTBytesAvailable |No |OST Bytes Available |Bytes |Average |Number of bytes marked as available on the OST. |ostnum |
+|OSTBytesTotal |No |OST Bytes Total |Bytes |Average |Total number of bytes supported on the OST. |ostnum |
+|OSTBytesUsed |No |OST Bytes Used |Bytes |Average |Number of bytes available for use minus the number of bytes marked as free on the OST. |ostnum |
+|OSTClientLatency |No |OST Client Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Client latency for all operations to OSTs. |ostnum, operation |
+|OSTClientOps |No |Client OST Ops |Count |Average |Number of client OST metadata ops performed. |ostnum, operation |
+|OSTConnectedClients |No |OST Connected Clients |Count |Average |Number of client connections (exports) to the OST |ostnum |
+|OSTFilesFree |No |OST Files Free |Count |Average |Count of free files (inodes) on the OST. |ostnum |
+|OSTFilesTotal |No |OST Files Total |Count |Average |Total number of files supported on the OST. |ostnum |
+|OSTFilesUsed |No |OST Files Used |Count |Average |Number of total supported files minus the number of free files on the OST. |ostnum |
-## Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments
+## Microsoft.StorageCache/caches
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions| ||||||||
-|ActiveRequests|Yes|Active Requests (deprecated)|Count|Total|ActiveRequests|Instance|
-|AverageResponseTime|Yes|Average Response Time (deprecated)|Seconds|Average|AverageResponseTime|Instance|
-|BytesReceived|Yes|Data In|Bytes|Total|BytesReceived|Instance|
-|BytesSent|Yes|Data Out|Bytes|Total|BytesSent|Instance|
-|CpuPercentage|Yes|CPU Percentage|Percent|Average|CpuPercentage|Instance|
-|DiskQueueLength|Yes|Disk Queue Length|Count|Average|DiskQueueLength|Instance|
-|Http101|Yes|Http 101|Count|Total|Http101|Instance|
-|Http2xx|Yes|Http 2xx|Count|Total|Http2xx|Instance|
-|Http3xx|Yes|Http 3xx|Count|Total|Http3xx|Instance|
-|Http401|Yes|Http 401|Count|Total|Http401|Instance|
-|Http403|Yes|Http 403|Count|Total|Http403|Instance|
-|Http404|Yes|Http 404|Count|Total|Http404|Instance|
-|Http406|Yes|Http 406|Count|Total|Http406|Instance|
-|Http4xx|Yes|Http 4xx|Count|Total|Http4xx|Instance|
-|Http5xx|Yes|Http Server Errors|Count|Total|Http5xx|Instance|
-|HttpQueueLength|Yes|Http Queue Length|Count|Average|HttpQueueLength|Instance|
-|HttpResponseTime|Yes|Response Time|Seconds|Average|HttpResponseTime|Instance|
-|LargeAppServicePlanInstances|Yes|Large App Service Plan Workers|Count|Average|Large App Service Plan Workers|No Dimensions|
-|MediumAppServicePlanInstances|Yes|Medium App Service Plan Workers|Count|Average|Medium App Service Plan Workers|No Dimensions|
-|MemoryPercentage|Yes|Memory Percentage|Percent|Average|MemoryPercentage|Instance|
-|SmallAppServicePlanInstances|Yes|Small App Service Plan Workers|Count|Average|Small App Service Plan Workers|No Dimensions|
-|TotalFrontEnds|Yes|Total Front Ends|Count|Average|Total Front Ends|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|ActiveRequests|Yes|Active Requests (deprecated)|Count|Total|Active Requests|Instance|
-|AverageResponseTime|Yes|Average Response Time (deprecated)|Seconds|Average|The average time taken for the front end to serve requests, in seconds.|Instance|
-|BytesReceived|Yes|Data In|Bytes|Total|The average incoming bandwidth used across all front ends, in MiB.|Instance|
-|BytesSent|Yes|Data Out|Bytes|Total|The average incoming bandwidth used across all front end, in MiB.|Instance|
-|CpuPercentage|Yes|CPU Percentage|Percent|Average|The average CPU used across all instances of front end.|Instance|
-|DiskQueueLength|Yes|Disk Queue Length|Count|Average|The average number of both read and write requests that were queued on storage. A high disk queue length is an indication of an app that might be slowing down because of excessive disk I/O.|Instance|
-|Http101|Yes|Http 101|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101.|Instance|
-|Http2xx|Yes|Http 2xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 200 but < 300.|Instance|
-|Http3xx|Yes|Http 3xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 300 but < 400.|Instance|
-|Http401|Yes|Http 401|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code.|Instance|
-|Http403|Yes|Http 403|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 403 status code.|Instance|
-|Http404|Yes|Http 404|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 404 status code.|Instance|
-|Http406|Yes|Http 406|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code.|Instance|
-|Http4xx|Yes|Http 4xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 400 but < 500.|Instance|
-|Http5xx|Yes|Http Server Errors|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 500 but < 600.|Instance|
-|HttpQueueLength|Yes|Http Queue Length|Count|Average|The average number of HTTP requests that had to sit on the queue before being fulfilled. A high or increasing HTTP Queue length is a symptom of a plan under heavy load.|Instance|
-|HttpResponseTime|Yes|Response Time|Seconds|Average|The time taken for the front end to serve requests, in seconds.|Instance|
-|LargeAppServicePlanInstances|Yes|Large App Service Plan Workers|Count|Average|Large App Service Plan Workers|No Dimensions|
-|MediumAppServicePlanInstances|Yes|Medium App Service Plan Workers|Count|Average|Medium App Service Plan Workers|No Dimensions|
-|MemoryPercentage|Yes|Memory Percentage|Percent|Average|The average memory used across all instances of front end.|Instance|
-|Requests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code.|Instance|
-|SmallAppServicePlanInstances|Yes|Small App Service Plan Workers|Count|Average|Small App Service Plan Workers|No Dimensions|
-|TotalFrontEnds|Yes|Total Front Ends|Count|Average|Total Front Ends|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments/workerPools
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|CpuPercentage|Yes|CPU Percentage|Percent|Average|The average CPU used across all instances of the worker pool.|Instance|
-|MemoryPercentage|Yes|Memory Percentage|Percent|Average|The average memory used across all instances of the worker pool.|Instance|
-|WorkersAvailable|Yes|Available Workers|Count|Average|Available Workers|No Dimensions|
-|WorkersTotal|Yes|Total Workers|Count|Average|Total Workers|No Dimensions|
-|WorkersUsed|Yes|Used Workers|Count|Average|Used Workers|No Dimensions|
-## Microsoft.Web/serverfarms
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BytesReceived|Yes|Data In|Bytes|Total|The average incoming bandwidth used across all instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|BytesSent|Yes|Data Out|Bytes|Total|The average outgoing bandwidth used across all instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|CpuPercentage|Yes|CPU Percentage|Percent|Average|The average CPU used across all instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|DiskQueueLength|Yes|Disk Queue Length|Count|Average|The average number of both read and write requests that were queued on storage. A high disk queue length is an indication of an app that might be slowing down because of excessive disk I/O.|Instance|
-|HttpQueueLength|Yes|Http Queue Length|Count|Average|The average number of HTTP requests that had to sit on the queue before being fulfilled. A high or increasing HTTP Queue length is a symptom of a plan under heavy load.|Instance|
-|MemoryPercentage|Yes|Memory Percentage|Percent|Average|The average memory used across all instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|SocketInboundAll|Yes|Socket Count for Inbound Requests|Count|Average|The average number of sockets used for incoming HTTP requests across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|SocketLoopback|Yes|Socket Count for Loopback Connections|Count|Average|The average number of sockets used for loopback connections across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|SocketOutboundAll|Yes|Socket Count of Outbound Requests|Count|Average|The average number of sockets used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan irrespective of their TCP states. Having too many outbound connections can cause connectivity errors.|Instance|
-|SocketOutboundEstablished|Yes|Established Socket Count for Outbound Requests|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in ESTABLISHED state used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|SocketOutboundTimeWait|Yes|Time Wait Socket Count for Outbound Requests|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan. High or increasing outbound socket counts in TIME_WAIT state can cause connectivity errors.|Instance|
-|TcpCloseWait|Yes|TCP Close Wait|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpClosing|Yes|TCP Closing|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in CLOSING state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpEstablished|Yes|TCP Established|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in ESTABLISHED state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpFinWait1|Yes|TCP Fin Wait 1|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in FIN_WAIT_1 state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpFinWait2|Yes|TCP Fin Wait 2|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in FIN_WAIT_2 state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpLastAck|Yes|TCP Last Ack|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in LAST_ACK state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpSynReceived|Yes|TCP Syn Received|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in SYN_RCVD state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpSynSent|Yes|TCP Syn Sent|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in SYN_SENT state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-|TcpTimeWait|Yes|TCP Time Wait|Count|Average|The average number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state across all the instances of the plan.|Instance|
-## Microsoft.Web/sites
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|AppConnections|Yes|Connections|Count|Average|The number of bound sockets existing in the sandbox (w3wp.exe and its child processes). A bound socket is created by calling bind()/connect() APIs and remains until said socket is closed with CloseHandle()/closesocket().|Instance|
-|AverageMemoryWorkingSet|Yes|Average memory working set|Bytes|Average|The average amount of memory used by the app, in megabytes (MiB).|Instance|
-|AverageResponseTime|Yes|Average Response Time (deprecated)|Seconds|Average|The average time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds.|Instance|
-|BytesReceived|Yes|Data In|Bytes|Total|The amount of incoming bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB.|Instance|
-|BytesSent|Yes|Data Out|Bytes|Total|The amount of outgoing bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB.|Instance|
-|CpuTime|Yes|CPU Time|Seconds|Total|The amount of CPU consumed by the app, in seconds. For more information about this metric. Please see: https://aka.ms/website-monitor-cpu-time-vs-cpu-percentage (CPU time vs CPU percentage).|Instance|
-|CurrentAssemblies|Yes|Current Assemblies|Count|Average|The current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains in this application.|Instance|
-|FileSystemUsage|Yes|File System Usage|Bytes|Average|Percentage of filesystem quota consumed by the app.|No Dimensions|
-|FunctionExecutionCount|Yes|Function Execution Count|Count|Total|Function Execution Count|Instance|
-|FunctionExecutionUnits|Yes|Function Execution Units|Count|Total|Function Execution Units|Instance|
-|Gen0Collections|Yes|Gen 0 Garbage Collections|Count|Total|The number of times the generation 0 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs.|Instance|
-|Gen1Collections|Yes|Gen 1 Garbage Collections|Count|Total|The number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs.|Instance|
-|Gen2Collections|Yes|Gen 2 Garbage Collections|Count|Total|The number of times the generation 2 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process.|Instance|
-|Handles|Yes|Handle Count|Count|Average|The total number of handles currently open by the app process.|Instance|
-|HealthCheckStatus|Yes|Health check status|Count|Average|Health check status|Instance|
-|Http101|Yes|Http 101|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101.|Instance|
-|Http2xx|Yes|Http 2xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 200 but < 300.|Instance|
-|Http3xx|Yes|Http 3xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 300 but < 400.|Instance|
-|Http401|Yes|Http 401|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code.|Instance|
-|Http403|Yes|Http 403|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 403 status code.|Instance|
-|Http404|Yes|Http 404|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 404 status code.|Instance|
-|Http406|Yes|Http 406|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code.|Instance|
-|Http4xx|Yes|Http 4xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 400 but < 500.|Instance|
-|Http5xx|Yes|Http Server Errors|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 500 but < 600.|Instance|
-|HttpResponseTime|Yes|Response Time|Seconds|Average|The time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds.|Instance|
-|IoOtherBytesPerSecond|Yes|IO Other Bytes Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing bytes to I/O operations that don't involve data, such as control operations.|Instance|
-|IoOtherOperationsPerSecond|Yes|IO Other Operations Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing I/O operations that aren't read or write operations.|Instance|
-|IoReadBytesPerSecond|Yes|IO Read Bytes Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is reading bytes from I/O operations.|Instance|
-|IoReadOperationsPerSecond|Yes|IO Read Operations Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing read I/O operations.|Instance|
-|IoWriteBytesPerSecond|Yes|IO Write Bytes Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is writing bytes to I/O operations.|Instance|
-|IoWriteOperationsPerSecond|Yes|IO Write Operations Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing write I/O operations.|Instance|
-|MemoryWorkingSet|Yes|Memory working set|Bytes|Average|The current amount of memory used by the app, in MiB.|Instance|
-|PrivateBytes|Yes|Private Bytes|Bytes|Average|Private Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that the app process has allocated that can't be shared with other processes.|Instance|
-|Requests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code.|Instance|
-|RequestsInApplicationQueue|Yes|Requests In Application Queue|Count|Average|The number of requests in the application request queue.|Instance|
-|Threads|Yes|Thread Count|Count|Average|The number of threads currently active in the app process.|Instance|
-|TotalAppDomains|Yes|Total App Domains|Count|Average|The current number of AppDomains loaded in this application.|Instance|
-|TotalAppDomainsUnloaded|Yes|Total App Domains Unloaded|Count|Average|The total number of AppDomains unloaded since the start of the application.|Instance|
-## Microsoft.Web/sites/slots
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|AppConnections|Yes|Connections|Count|Average|The number of bound sockets existing in the sandbox (w3wp.exe and its child processes). A bound socket is created by calling bind()/connect() APIs and remains until said socket is closed with CloseHandle()/closesocket().|Instance|
-|AverageMemoryWorkingSet|Yes|Average memory working set|Bytes|Average|The average amount of memory used by the app, in megabytes (MiB).|Instance|
-|AverageResponseTime|Yes|Average Response Time (deprecated)|Seconds|Average|The average time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds.|Instance|
-|BytesReceived|Yes|Data In|Bytes|Total|The amount of incoming bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB.|Instance|
-|BytesSent|Yes|Data Out|Bytes|Total|The amount of outgoing bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB.|Instance|
-|CpuTime|Yes|CPU Time|Seconds|Total|The amount of CPU consumed by the app, in seconds. For more information about this metric. Please see: https://aka.ms/website-monitor-cpu-time-vs-cpu-percentage (CPU time vs CPU percentage).|Instance|
-|CurrentAssemblies|Yes|Current Assemblies|Count|Average|The current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains in this application.|Instance|
-|FileSystemUsage|Yes|File System Usage|Bytes|Average|Percentage of filesystem quota consumed by the app.|No Dimensions|
-|FunctionExecutionCount|Yes|Function Execution Count|Count|Total|Function Execution Count|Instance|
-|FunctionExecutionUnits|Yes|Function Execution Units|Count|Total|Function Execution Units|Instance|
-|Gen0Collections|Yes|Gen 0 Garbage Collections|Count|Total|The number of times the generation 0 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs.|Instance|
-|Gen1Collections|Yes|Gen 1 Garbage Collections|Count|Total|The number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs.|Instance|
-|Gen2Collections|Yes|Gen 2 Garbage Collections|Count|Total|The number of times the generation 2 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process.|Instance|
-|Handles|Yes|Handle Count|Count|Average|The total number of handles currently open by the app process.|Instance|
-|HealthCheckStatus|Yes|Health check status|Count|Average|Health check status|Instance|
-|Http101|Yes|Http 101|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101.|Instance|
-|Http2xx|Yes|Http 2xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 200 but < 300.|Instance|
-|Http3xx|Yes|Http 3xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 300 but < 400.|Instance|
-|Http401|Yes|Http 401|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code.|Instance|
-|Http403|Yes|Http 403|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 403 status code.|Instance|
-|Http404|Yes|Http 404|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 404 status code.|Instance|
-|Http406|Yes|Http 406|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code.|Instance|
-|Http4xx|Yes|Http 4xx|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 400 but < 500.|Instance|
-|Http5xx|Yes|Http Server Errors|Count|Total|The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code = 500 but < 600.|Instance|
-|HttpResponseTime|Yes|Response Time|Seconds|Average|The time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds.|Instance|
-|IoOtherBytesPerSecond|Yes|IO Other Bytes Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing bytes to I/O operations that don't involve data, such as control operations.|Instance|
-|IoOtherOperationsPerSecond|Yes|IO Other Operations Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing I/O operations that aren't read or write operations.|Instance|
-|IoReadBytesPerSecond|Yes|IO Read Bytes Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is reading bytes from I/O operations.|Instance|
-|IoReadOperationsPerSecond|Yes|IO Read Operations Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing read I/O operations.|Instance|
-|IoWriteBytesPerSecond|Yes|IO Write Bytes Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is writing bytes to I/O operations.|Instance|
-|IoWriteOperationsPerSecond|Yes|IO Write Operations Per Second|BytesPerSecond|Total|The rate at which the app process is issuing write I/O operations.|Instance|
-|MemoryWorkingSet|Yes|Memory working set|Bytes|Average|The current amount of memory used by the app, in MiB.|Instance|
-|PrivateBytes|Yes|Private Bytes|Bytes|Average|Private Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that the app process has allocated that can't be shared with other processes.|Instance|
-|Requests|Yes|Requests|Count|Total|The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code.|Instance|
-|RequestsInApplicationQueue|Yes|Requests In Application Queue|Count|Average|The number of requests in the application request queue.|Instance|
-|Threads|Yes|Thread Count|Count|Average|The number of threads currently active in the app process.|Instance|
-|TotalAppDomains|Yes|Total App Domains|Count|Average|The current number of AppDomains loaded in this application.|Instance|
-|TotalAppDomainsUnloaded|Yes|Total App Domains Unloaded|Count|Average|The total number of AppDomains unloaded since the start of the application.|Instance|
-## Microsoft.Web/staticSites
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BytesSent|No|Data Out|Bytes|Total|BytesSent|Instance|
-## Wandisco.Fusion/migrators
-|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
-|BytesPerSecond|Yes|Bytes per Second.|BytesPerSecond|Average|Throughput speed of Bytes/second being utilized for a migrator.|No Dimensions|
-|DirectoriesCreatedCount|Yes|Directories Created Count|Count|Total|This provides a running view of how many directories have been created as part of a migration.|No Dimensions|
-|FileMigrationCount|Yes|Files Migration Count|Count|Total|This provides a running total of how many files have been migrated.|No Dimensions|
-|InitialScanDataMigratedInBytes|Yes|Initial Scan Data Migrated in Bytes|Bytes|Total|This provides the view of the total bytes which have been transferred in a new migrator as a result of the initial scan of the On-Premises file system. Any data which is added to the migration after the initial scan migration, is NOT included in this metric.|No Dimensions|
-|LiveDataMigratedInBytes|Yes|Live Data Migrated in Bytes|Count|Total|Provides a running total of LiveData which has been changed due to Client activity, since the migration started.|No Dimensions|
-|MigratorCPULoad|Yes|Migrator CPU Load|Percent|Average|CPU consumption by the migrator process.|No Dimensions|
-|NumberOfExcludedPaths|Yes|Number of Excluded Paths|Count|Total|Provides a running count of the paths which have been excluded from the migration due to Exclusion Rules.|No Dimensions|
-|NumberOfFailedPaths|Yes|Number of Failed Paths|Count|Total|A count of which paths have failed to migrate.|No Dimensions|
-|SystemCPULoad|Yes|System CPU Load|Percent|Average|Total CPU consumption.|No Dimensions|
-|TotalMigratedDataInBytes|Yes|Total Migrated Data in Bytes|Bytes|Total|This provides a view of the successfully migrated Bytes for a given migrator|No Dimensions|
-|TotalTransactions|Yes|Total Transactions|Count|Total|This provides a running total of the Data Transactions for which the user could be billed.|No Dimensions|
+|ClientIOPS |Yes |Total Client IOPS |Count |Average |The rate of client file operations processed by the Cache. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientLatency |Yes |Average Client Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |Average latency of client file operations to the Cache. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientLockIOPS |Yes |Client Lock IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |Client file locking operations per second. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientMetadataReadIOPS |Yes |Client Metadata Read IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |The rate of client file operations sent to the Cache, excluding data reads, that do not modify persistent state. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientMetadataWriteIOPS |Yes |Client Metadata Write IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |The rate of client file operations sent to the Cache, excluding data writes, that modify persistent state. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientReadIOPS |Yes |Client Read IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |Client read operations per second. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientReadThroughput |Yes |Average Cache Read Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Client read data transfer rate. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientStatus |Yes |Client Status |Count |Total |Client connection information. |ClientSource, CacheAddress, ClientAddress, Protocol, ConnectionType |
+|ClientWriteIOPS |Yes |Client Write IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |Client write operations per second. |No Dimensions |
+|ClientWriteThroughput |Yes |Average Cache Write Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Client write data transfer rate. |No Dimensions |
+|FileOps |Yes |File Operations |CountPerSecond |Average |Number of file operations per second. |SourceFile, Rank, FileType |
+|FileReads |Yes |File Reads |BytesPerSecond |Average |Number of bytes per second read from a file. |SourceFile, Rank, FileType |
+|FileUpdates |Yes |File Updates |CountPerSecond |Average |Number of directory updates and metadata operations per second. |SourceFile, Rank, FileType |
+|FileWrites |Yes |File Writes |BytesPerSecond |Average |Number of bytes per second written to a file. |SourceFile, Rank, FileType |
+|StorageTargetAsyncWriteThroughput |Yes |StorageTarget Asynchronous Write Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The rate the Cache asynchronously writes data to a particular StorageTarget. These are opportunistic writes that do not cause clients to block. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetBlocksRecycled |Yes |Storage Target Blocks Recycled |Count |Average |Total number of 16k cache blocks recycled (freed) per Storage Target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetFillThroughput |Yes |StorageTarget Fill Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The rate the Cache reads data from the StorageTarget to handle a cache miss. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetFreeReadSpace |Yes |Storage Target Free Read Space |Bytes |Average |Read space available for caching files associated with a storage target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetFreeWriteSpace |Yes |Storage Target Free Write Space |Bytes |Average |Write space available for changed files associated with a storage target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetHealth |Yes |Storage Target Health |Count |Average |Boolean results of connectivity test between the Cache and Storage Targets. |No Dimensions |
+|StorageTargetIOPS |Yes |Total StorageTarget IOPS |Count |Average |The rate of all file operations the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetLatency |Yes |StorageTarget Latency |MilliSeconds |Average |The average round trip latency of all the file operations the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetMetadataReadIOPS |Yes |StorageTarget Metadata Read IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |The rate of file operations that do not modify persistent state, and excluding the read operation, that the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetMetadataWriteIOPS |Yes |StorageTarget Metadata Write IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |The rate of file operations that do modify persistent state and excluding the write operation, that the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetReadAheadThroughput |Yes |StorageTarget Read Ahead Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The rate the Cache opportunistically reads data from the StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetReadIOPS |Yes |StorageTarget Read IOPS |CountPerSecond |Average |The rate of file read operations the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetRecycleRate |Yes |Storage Target Recycle Rate |BytesPerSecond |Average |Cache space recycle rate associated with a storage target in the HPC Cache. This is the rate at which existing data is cleared from the cache to make room for new data. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetSpaceAllocation |Yes |Storage Target Space Allocation |Bytes |Average |Total space (read and write) allocated for a storage target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetSyncWriteThroughput |Yes |StorageTarget Synchronous Write Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The rate the Cache synchronously writes data to a particular StorageTarget. These are writes that do cause clients to block. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetTotalReadSpace |Yes |Storage Target Total Read Space |Bytes |Average |Total read space allocated for caching files associated with a storage target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetTotalReadThroughput |Yes |StorageTarget Total Read Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The total rate that the Cache reads data from a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetTotalWriteSpace |Yes |Storage Target Total Write Space |Bytes |Average |Total write space allocated for changed files associated with a storage target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetTotalWriteThroughput |Yes |StorageTarget Total Write Throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |The total rate that the Cache writes data to a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetUsedReadSpace |Yes |Storage Target Used Read Space |Bytes |Average |Read space used by cached files associated with a storage target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetUsedWriteSpace |Yes |Storage Target Used Write Space |Bytes |Average |Write space used by changed files associated with a storage target. |StorageTarget |
+|StorageTargetWriteIOPS |Yes |StorageTarget Write IOPS |Count |Average |The rate of the file write operations the Cache sends to a particular StorageTarget. |StorageTarget |
+|TotalBlocksRecycled |Yes |Total Blocks Recycled |Count |Average |Total number of 16k cache blocks recycled (freed) for the HPC Cache. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalFreeReadSpace |Yes |Free Read Space |Bytes |Average |Total space available for caching read files. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalFreeWriteSpace |Yes |Free Write Read Space |Bytes |Average |Total write space available to store changed data in the cache. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalRecycleRate |Yes |Recycle Rate |BytesPerSecond |Average |Total cache space recycle rate in the HPC Cache. This is the rate at which existing data is cleared from the cache to make room for new data. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalUsedReadSpace |Yes |Used Read Space |Bytes |Average |Total read space used by changed files for the HPC Cache. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalUsedWriteSpace |Yes |Used Write Space |Bytes |Average |Total write space used by changed files for the HPC Cache. |No Dimensions |
+|Uptime |Yes |Uptime |Count |Average |Boolean results of connectivity test between the Cache and monitoring system. |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.StorageMover/storageMovers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|JobRunScanThroughputItems |Yes |Job Run Scan Throughput Items |CountPerSecond |Average |Job Run scan throughput in items/sec |JobRunName |
+|JobRunTransferThroughputBytes |Yes |Job Run Transfer Throughput Bytes |BytesPerSecond |Average |Job Run transfer throughput in bytes/sec |JobRunName |
+|JobRunTransferThroughputItems |Yes |Job Run Transfer Throughput Items |CountPerSecond |Average |Job Run transfer throughput in items/sec |JobRunName |
+## Microsoft.StorageSync/storageSyncServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ServerSyncSessionResult |Yes |Sync Session Result |Count |Average |Metric that logs a value of 1 each time the Server Endpoint successfully completes a Sync Session with the Cloud Endpoint |SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection |
+|StorageSyncBatchTransferredFileBytes |Yes |Bytes synced |Bytes |Total |Total file size transferred for Sync Sessions |SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection |
+|StorageSyncComputedCacheHitRate |Yes |Cloud tiering cache hit rate |Percent |Average |Percentage of bytes that were served from the cache |SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName |
+|StorageSyncRecallComputedSuccessRate |Yes |Cloud tiering recall success rate |Percent |Average |Percentage of all recalls that were successful |SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName |
+|StorageSyncRecalledNetworkBytesByApplication |Yes |Cloud tiering recall size by application |Bytes |Total |Size of data recalled by application |SyncGroupName, ServerName, ApplicationName |
+|StorageSyncRecalledTotalNetworkBytes |Yes |Cloud tiering recall size |Bytes |Total |Size of data recalled |SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName |
+|StorageSyncRecallThroughputBytesPerSecond |Yes |Cloud tiering recall throughput |BytesPerSecond |Average |Size of data recall throughput |SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName |
+|StorageSyncServerHeartbeat |Yes |Server Online Status |Count |Maximum |Metric that logs a value of 1 each time the registered server successfully records a heartbeat with the Cloud Endpoint |ServerName |
+|StorageSyncSyncSessionAppliedFilesCount |Yes |Files Synced |Count |Total |Count of Files synced |SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection |
+|StorageSyncSyncSessionPerItemErrorsCount |Yes |Files not syncing |Count |Average |Count of files failed to sync |SyncGroupName, ServerEndpointName, SyncDirection |
+|StorageSyncTieringCacheSizeBytes |Yes |Server cache size |Bytes |Average |Size of data cached on the server |SyncGroupName, ServerName, ServerEndpointName |
+## Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AMLCalloutFailedRequests |Yes |Failed Function Requests |Count |Total |Failed Function Requests |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|AMLCalloutInputEvents |Yes |Function Events |Count |Total |Function Events |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|AMLCalloutRequests |Yes |Function Requests |Count |Total |Function Requests |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|ConversionErrors |Yes |Data Conversion Errors |Count |Total |Data Conversion Errors |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|DeserializationError |Yes |Input Deserialization Errors |Count |Total |Input Deserialization Errors |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|DroppedOrAdjustedEvents |Yes |Out of order Events |Count |Total |Out of order Events |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|EarlyInputEvents |Yes |Early Input Events |Count |Total |Early Input Events |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|Errors |Yes |Runtime Errors |Count |Total |Runtime Errors |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|InputEventBytes |Yes |Input Event Bytes |Bytes |Total |Input Event Bytes |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|InputEvents |Yes |Input Events |Count |Total |Input Events |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|InputEventsSourcesBacklogged |Yes |Backlogged Input Events |Count |Maximum |Backlogged Input Events |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|InputEventsSourcesPerSecond |Yes |Input Sources Received |Count |Total |Input Sources Received |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|LateInputEvents |Yes |Late Input Events |Count |Total |Late Input Events |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|OutputEvents |Yes |Output Events |Count |Total |Output Events |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|OutputWatermarkDelaySeconds |Yes |Watermark Delay |Seconds |Maximum |Watermark Delay |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|ProcessCPUUsagePercentage |Yes |CPU % Utilization |Percent |Maximum |CPU % Utilization |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+|ResourceUtilization |Yes |SU (Memory) % Utilization |Percent |Maximum |SU (Memory) % Utilization |LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance, NodeName |
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BuiltinSqlPoolDataProcessedBytes |No |Data processed (bytes) |Bytes |Total |Amount of data processed by queries |No Dimensions |
+|BuiltinSqlPoolLoginAttempts |No |Login attempts |Count |Total |Count of login attempts that succeeded or failed |Result |
+|BuiltinSqlPoolRequestsEnded |No |Requests ended |Count |Total |Count of Requests that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled |Result |
+|IntegrationActivityRunsEnded |No |Activity runs ended |Count |Total |Count of integration activities that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled |Result, FailureType, Activity, ActivityType, Pipeline |
+|IntegrationLinkConnectionEvents |No |Link connection events |Count |Total |Number of Synapse Link connection events including start, stop and failure. |EventType, LinkConnectionName |
+|IntegrationLinkProcessedChangedRows |No |Link processed rows |Count |Total |Changed row count processed by Synapse Link. |TableName, LinkConnectionName |
+|IntegrationLinkProcessedDataVolume |No |Link processed data volume (bytes) |Bytes |Total |Data volume in bytes processed by Synapse Link. |TableName, LinkTableStatus, LinkConnectionName |
+|IntegrationLinkProcessingLatencyInSeconds |No |Link latency in seconds |Count |Maximum |Synapse Link data processing latency in seconds. |LinkConnectionName |
+|IntegrationLinkTableEvents |No |Link table events |Count |Total |Number of Synapse Link table events including snapshot, removal and failure. |TableName, EventType, LinkConnectionName |
+|IntegrationPipelineRunsEnded |No |Pipeline runs ended |Count |Total |Count of integration pipeline runs that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled |Result, FailureType, Pipeline |
+|IntegrationTriggerRunsEnded |No |Trigger Runs ended |Count |Total |Count of integration triggers that succeeded, failed, or were cancelled |Result, FailureType, Trigger |
+|SQLStreamingBackloggedInputEventSources |No |Backlogged input events (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources backlogged. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingConversionErrors |No |Data conversion errors (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events that could not be converted to the expected output schema. Error policy can be changed to 'Drop' to drop events that encounter this scenario. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingDeserializationError |No |Input deserialization errors (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events that could not be deserialized. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingEarlyInputEvents |No |Early input events (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered early compared to arrival time, according to early arrival policy. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingInputEventBytes |No |Input event bytes (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Amount of data received by the streaming job, in bytes. This can be used to validate that events are being sent to the input source. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingInputEvents |No |Input events (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingInputEventsSourcesPerSecond |No |Input sources received (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events sources per second. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingLateInputEvents |No |Late input events (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of input events which application time is considered late compared to arrival time, according to late arrival policy. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingOutOfOrderEvents |No |Out of order events (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of Event Hub Events (serialized messages) received by the Event Hub Input Adapter, received out of order that were either dropped or given an adjusted timestamp, based on the Event Ordering Policy. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingOutputEvents |No |Output events (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Number of output events. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingOutputWatermarkDelaySeconds |No |Watermark delay (preview) |Count |Maximum |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Output watermark delay in seconds. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingResourceUtilization |No |Resource % utilization (preview) |Percent |Maximum |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe.
+ Resource utilization expressed as a percentage. High utilization indicates that the job is using close to the maximum allocated resources. |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+|SQLStreamingRuntimeErrors |No |Runtime errors (preview) |Count |Total |This is a preview metric available in East US, West Europe. Total number of errors related to query processing (excluding errors found while ingesting events or outputting results). |SQLPoolName, SQLDatabaseName, JobName, LogicalName, PartitionId, ProcessorInstance |
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BigDataPoolAllocatedCores |No |vCores allocated |Count |Maximum |Allocated vCores for an Apache Spark Pool |SubmitterId |
+|BigDataPoolAllocatedMemory |No |Memory allocated (GB) |Count |Maximum |Allocated Memory for Apache Spark Pool (GB) |SubmitterId |
+|BigDataPoolApplicationsActive |No |Active Apache Spark applications |Count |Maximum |Total Active Apache Spark Pool Applications |JobState |
+|BigDataPoolApplicationsEnded |No |Ended Apache Spark applications |Count |Total |Count of Apache Spark pool applications ended |JobType, JobResult |
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/scopePools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ScopePoolJobPNMetric |Yes |PN duration of SCOPE job |Milliseconds |Average |PN (process node) duration (Milliseconds) used by each SCOPE job |JobType, JobResult |
+|ScopePoolJobQueuedDurationMetric |Yes |Queued duration of SCOPE job |Milliseconds |Average |Queued duration (Milliseconds) used by each SCOPE job |JobType |
+|ScopePoolJobRunningDurationMetric |Yes |Running duration of SCOPE job |Milliseconds |Average |Running duration (Milliseconds) used by each SCOPE job |JobType, JobResult |
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActiveQueries |No |Active queries |Count |Total |The active queries. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system |IsUserDefined |
+|AdaptiveCacheHitPercent |No |Adaptive cache hit percentage |Percent |Maximum |Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache hit percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache |No Dimensions |
+|AdaptiveCacheUsedPercent |No |Adaptive cache used percentage |Percent |Maximum |Measures how well workloads are utilizing the adaptive cache. Use this metric with the cache used percentage metric to determine whether to scale for additional capacity or rerun workloads to hydrate the cache |No Dimensions |
+|Connections |Yes |Connections |Count |Total |Count of Total logins to the SQL pool |Result |
+|ConnectionsBlockedByFirewall |No |Connections blocked by firewall |Count |Total |Count of connections blocked by firewall rules. Revisit access control policies for your SQL pool and monitor these connections if the count is high |No Dimensions |
+|CPUPercent |No |CPU used percentage |Percent |Maximum |CPU utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool |No Dimensions |
+|DWULimit |No |DWU limit |Count |Maximum |Service level objective of the SQL pool |No Dimensions |
+|DWUUsed |No |DWU used |Count |Maximum |Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by DWU limit * DWU percentage |No Dimensions |
+|DWUUsedPercent |No |DWU used percentage |Percent |Maximum |Represents a high-level representation of usage across the SQL pool. Measured by taking the maximum between CPU percentage and Data IO percentage |No Dimensions |
+|LocalTempDBUsedPercent |No |Local tempdb used percentage |Percent |Maximum |Local tempdb utilization across all compute nodes - values are emitted every five minute |No Dimensions |
+|MemoryUsedPercent |No |Memory used percentage |Percent |Maximum |Memory utilization across all nodes in the SQL pool |No Dimensions |
+|QueuedQueries |No |Queued queries |Count |Total |Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached |IsUserDefined |
+|WLGActiveQueries |No |Workload group active queries |Count |Total |The active queries within the workload group. Using this metric unfiltered and unsplit displays all active queries running on the system |IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup |
+|WLGActiveQueriesTimeouts |No |Workload group query timeouts |Count |Total |Queries for the workload group that have timed out. Query timeouts reported by this metric are only once the query has started executing (it does not include wait time due to locking or resource waits) |IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup |
+|WLGAllocationByEffectiveCapResourcePercent |No |Workload group allocation by max resource percent |Percent |Maximum |Displays the percentage allocation of resources relative to the Effective cap resource percent per workload group. This metric provides the effective utilization of the workload group |IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup |
+|WLGAllocationBySystemPercent |No |Workload group allocation by system percent |Percent |Maximum |The percentage allocation of resources relative to the entire system |IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup |
+|WLGEffectiveCapResourcePercent |No |Effective cap resource percent |Percent |Maximum |The effective cap resource percent for the workload group. If there are other workload groups with min_percentage_resource > 0, the effective_cap_percentage_resource is lowered proportionally |IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup |
+|WLGEffectiveMinResourcePercent |No |Effective min resource percent |Percent |Maximum |The effective min resource percentage setting allowed considering the service level and the workload group settings. The effective min_percentage_resource can be adjusted higher on lower service levels |IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup |
+|WLGQueuedQueries |No |Workload group queued queries |Count |Total |Cumulative count of requests queued after the max concurrency limit was reached |IsUserDefined, WorkloadGroup |
+## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|IngressReceivedBytes |Yes |Ingress Received Bytes |Bytes |Total |Count of bytes read from all event sources |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedInvalidMessages |Yes |Ingress Received Invalid Messages |Count |Total |Count of invalid messages read from all Event hub or IoT hub event sources |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedMessages |Yes |Ingress Received Messages |Count |Total |Count of messages read from all Event hub or IoT hub event sources |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedMessagesCountLag |Yes |Ingress Received Messages Count Lag |Count |Average |Difference between the sequence number of last enqueued message in the event source partition and sequence number of messages being processed in Ingress |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedMessagesTimeLag |Yes |Ingress Received Messages Time Lag |Seconds |Maximum |Difference between the time that the message is enqueued in the event source and the time it is processed in Ingress |No Dimensions |
+|IngressStoredBytes |Yes |Ingress Stored Bytes |Bytes |Total |Total size of events successfully processed and available for query |No Dimensions |
+|IngressStoredEvents |Yes |Ingress Stored Events |Count |Total |Count of flattened events successfully processed and available for query |No Dimensions |
+|WarmStorageMaxProperties |Yes |Warm Storage Max Properties |Count |Maximum |Maximum number of properties used allowed by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and maximum number of properties allowed by Warm Store for PAYG SKU |No Dimensions |
+|WarmStorageUsedProperties |Yes |Warm Storage Used Properties |Count |Maximum |Number of properties used by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and number of properties used by Warm Store for PAYG SKU |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventsources
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|IngressReceivedBytes |Yes |Ingress Received Bytes |Bytes |Total |Count of bytes read from the event source |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedInvalidMessages |Yes |Ingress Received Invalid Messages |Count |Total |Count of invalid messages read from the event source |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedMessages |Yes |Ingress Received Messages |Count |Total |Count of messages read from the event source |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedMessagesCountLag |Yes |Ingress Received Messages Count Lag |Count |Average |Difference between the sequence number of last enqueued message in the event source partition and sequence number of messages being processed in Ingress |No Dimensions |
+|IngressReceivedMessagesTimeLag |Yes |Ingress Received Messages Time Lag |Seconds |Maximum |Difference between the time that the message is enqueued in the event source and the time it is processed in Ingress |No Dimensions |
+|IngressStoredBytes |Yes |Ingress Stored Bytes |Bytes |Total |Total size of events successfully processed and available for query |No Dimensions |
+|IngressStoredEvents |Yes |Ingress Stored Events |Count |Total |Count of flattened events successfully processed and available for query |No Dimensions |
+|WarmStorageMaxProperties |Yes |Warm Storage Max Properties |Count |Maximum |Maximum number of properties used allowed by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and maximum number of properties allowed by Warm Store for PAYG SKU |No Dimensions |
+|WarmStorageUsedProperties |Yes |Warm Storage Used Properties |Count |Maximum |Number of properties used by the environment for S1/S2 SKU and number of properties used by Warm Store for PAYG SKU |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.VoiceServices/CommunicationsGateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActiveCallFailures |No |Active Call Failures |Percent |Average |Percentage of active call failures |PerimetaRegion |
+|ActiveCalls |No |Active Calls |Count |Average |Count of the total number of active calls (signaling sessions) |PerimetaRegion |
+|ActiveEmergencyCalls |No |Active Emergency Calls |Count |Average |Count of the total number of active emergency calls |PerimetaRegion |
+## Microsoft.Web/containerapps
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|Replicas |Yes |Replica Count |Count |Maximum |Number of replicas count of container app |revisionName, deploymentName |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |Requests processed |revisionName, podName, statusCodeCategory, statusCode |
+|RestartCount |Yes |Replica Restart Count |Count |Maximum |Restart count of container app replicas |revisionName, podName |
+|RxBytes |Yes |Network In Bytes |Bytes |Total |Network received bytes |revisionName, podName |
+|TxBytes |Yes |Network Out Bytes |Bytes |Total |Network transmitted bytes |revisionName, podName |
+|UsageNanoCores |Yes |CPU Usage Nanocores |NanoCores |Average |CPU consumed by the container app, in nano cores. 1,000,000,000 nano cores = 1 core |revisionName, podName |
+|WorkingSetBytes |Yes |Memory Working Set Bytes |Bytes |Average |Container App working set memory used in bytes. |revisionName, podName |
+## Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActiveRequests |Yes |Active Requests (deprecated) |Count |Total |Number of requests being actively handled by the App Service Environment at any given time |Instance |
+|AverageResponseTime |Yes |Average Response Time (deprecated) |Seconds |Average |Average time taken for the ASE to serve requests |Instance |
+|BytesReceived |Yes |Data In |Bytes |Total |Incoming bandwidth used across all front end instances |Instance |
+|BytesSent |Yes |Data Out |Bytes |Total |Outgoing bandwidth used across all front end instances |Instance |
+|CpuPercentage |Yes |CPU Percentage |Percent |Average |CPU used across all front end instances |Instance |
+|DiskQueueLength |Yes |Disk Queue Length |Count |Average |Number of both read and write requests that were queued on storage |Instance |
+|Http101 |Yes |Http 101 |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP 101 status code |Instance |
+|Http2xx |Yes |Http 2xx |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 200 but < 300 |Instance |
+|Http3xx |Yes |Http 3xx |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 300 but < 400 |Instance |
+|Http401 |Yes |Http 401 |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP 401 status code |Instance |
+|Http403 |Yes |Http 403 |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP 403 status code |Instance |
+|Http404 |Yes |Http 404 |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP 404 status code |Instance |
+|Http406 |Yes |Http 406 |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP 406 status code |Instance |
+|Http4xx |Yes |Http 4xx |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 400 but < 500 |Instance |
+|Http5xx |Yes |Http Server Errors |Count |Total |Number of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 500 but < 600 |Instance |
+|HttpQueueLength |Yes |Http Queue Length |Count |Average |Number of HTTP requests that had to sit on the queue before being fulfilled |Instance |
+|HttpResponseTime |Yes |Response Time |Seconds |Average |Time taken for the ASE to serve requests |Instance |
+|LargeAppServicePlanInstances |Yes |Large App Service Plan Workers |Count |Average |Number of large App Service Plan worker instances |No Dimensions |
+|MediumAppServicePlanInstances |Yes |Medium App Service Plan Workers |Count |Average |Number of medium App Service Plan worker instances |No Dimensions |
+|MemoryPercentage |Yes |Memory Percentage |Percent |Average |Memory used across all front end instances |Instance |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |Number of web requests served |Instance |
+|SmallAppServicePlanInstances |Yes |Small App Service Plan Workers |Count |Average |Number of small App Service Plan worker instances |No Dimensions |
+|TotalFrontEnds |Yes |Total Front Ends |Count |Average |Number of front end instances |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Web/hostingenvironments/multirolepools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|ActiveRequests |Yes |Active Requests (deprecated) |Count |Total |Active Requests |Instance |
+|AverageResponseTime |Yes |Average Response Time (deprecated) |Seconds |Average |The average time taken for the front end to serve requests, in seconds. |Instance |
+|BytesReceived |Yes |Data In |Bytes |Total |The average incoming bandwidth used across all front ends, in MiB. |Instance |
+|BytesSent |Yes |Data Out |Bytes |Total |The average incoming bandwidth used across all front end, in MiB. |Instance |
+|CpuPercentage |Yes |CPU Percentage |Percent |Average |The average CPU used across all instances of front end. |Instance |
+|DiskQueueLength |Yes |Disk Queue Length |Count |Average |The average number of both read and write requests that were queued on storage. A high disk queue length is an indication of an app that might be slowing down because of excessive disk I/O. |Instance |
+|Http101 |Yes |Http 101 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101. |Instance |
+|Http2xx |Yes |Http 2xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 200 but < 300. |Instance |
+|Http3xx |Yes |Http 3xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 300 but < 400. |Instance |
+|Http401 |Yes |Http 401 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code. |Instance |
+|Http403 |Yes |Http 403 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 403 status code. |Instance |
+|Http404 |Yes |Http 404 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 404 status code. |Instance |
+|Http406 |Yes |Http 406 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code. |Instance |
+|Http4xx |Yes |Http 4xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 400 but < 500. |Instance |
+|Http5xx |Yes |Http Server Errors |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 500 but < 600. |Instance |
+|HttpQueueLength |Yes |Http Queue Length |Count |Average |The average number of HTTP requests that had to sit on the queue before being fulfilled. A high or increasing HTTP Queue length is a symptom of a plan under heavy load. |Instance |
+|HttpResponseTime |Yes |Response Time |Seconds |Average |The time taken for the front end to serve requests, in seconds. |Instance |
+|LargeAppServicePlanInstances |Yes |Large App Service Plan Workers |Count |Average |Large App Service Plan Workers |No Dimensions |
+|MediumAppServicePlanInstances |Yes |Medium App Service Plan Workers |Count |Average |Medium App Service Plan Workers |No Dimensions |
+|MemoryPercentage |Yes |Memory Percentage |Percent |Average |The average memory used across all instances of front end. |Instance |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code. |Instance |
+|SmallAppServicePlanInstances |Yes |Small App Service Plan Workers |Count |Average |Small App Service Plan Workers |No Dimensions |
+|TotalFrontEnds |Yes |Total Front Ends |Count |Average |Total Front Ends |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Web/hostingenvironments/workerpools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|CpuPercentage |Yes |CPU Percentage |Percent |Average |The average CPU used across all instances of the worker pool. |Instance |
+|MemoryPercentage |Yes |Memory Percentage |Percent |Average |The average memory used across all instances of the worker pool. |Instance |
+|WorkersAvailable |Yes |Available Workers |Count |Average |Available Workers |No Dimensions |
+|WorkersTotal |Yes |Total Workers |Count |Average |Total Workers |No Dimensions |
+|WorkersUsed |Yes |Used Workers |Count |Average |Used Workers |No Dimensions |
+## Microsoft.Web/serverfarms
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BytesReceived |Yes |Data In |Bytes |Total |The average incoming bandwidth used across all instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|BytesSent |Yes |Data Out |Bytes |Total |The average outgoing bandwidth used across all instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|CpuPercentage |Yes |CPU Percentage |Percent |Average |The average CPU used across all instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|DiskQueueLength |Yes |Disk Queue Length |Count |Average |The average number of both read and write requests that were queued on storage. A high disk queue length is an indication of an app that might be slowing down because of excessive disk I/O. |Instance |
+|HttpQueueLength |Yes |Http Queue Length |Count |Average |The average number of HTTP requests that had to sit on the queue before being fulfilled. A high or increasing HTTP Queue length is a symptom of a plan under heavy load. |Instance |
+|MemoryPercentage |Yes |Memory Percentage |Percent |Average |The average memory used across all instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|SocketInboundAll |Yes |Socket Count for Inbound Requests |Count |Average |The average number of sockets used for incoming HTTP requests across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|SocketLoopback |Yes |Socket Count for Loopback Connections |Count |Average |The average number of sockets used for loopback connections across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|SocketOutboundAll |Yes |Socket Count of Outbound Requests |Count |Average |The average number of sockets used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan irrespective of their TCP states. Having too many outbound connections can cause connectivity errors. |Instance |
+|SocketOutboundEstablished |Yes |Established Socket Count for Outbound Requests |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in ESTABLISHED state used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|SocketOutboundTimeWait |Yes |Time Wait Socket Count for Outbound Requests |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state used for outbound connections across all the instances of the plan. High or increasing outbound socket counts in TIME_WAIT state can cause connectivity errors. |Instance |
+|TcpCloseWait |Yes |TCP Close Wait |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in CLOSE_WAIT state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpClosing |Yes |TCP Closing |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in CLOSING state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpEstablished |Yes |TCP Established |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in ESTABLISHED state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpFinWait1 |Yes |TCP Fin Wait 1 |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in FIN_WAIT_1 state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpFinWait2 |Yes |TCP Fin Wait 2 |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in FIN_WAIT_2 state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpLastAck |Yes |TCP Last Ack |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in LAST_ACK state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpSynReceived |Yes |TCP Syn Received |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in SYN_RCVD state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpSynSent |Yes |TCP Syn Sent |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in SYN_SENT state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+|TcpTimeWait |Yes |TCP Time Wait |Count |Average |The average number of sockets in TIME_WAIT state across all the instances of the plan. |Instance |
+## Microsoft.Web/sites
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AppConnections |Yes |Connections |Count |Average |The number of bound sockets existing in the sandbox (w3wp.exe and its child processes). A bound socket is created by calling bind()/connect() APIs and remains until said socket is closed with CloseHandle()/closesocket(). For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|AverageMemoryWorkingSet |Yes |Average memory working set |Bytes |Average |The average amount of memory used by the app, in megabytes (MiB). For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|AverageResponseTime |Yes |Average Response Time (deprecated) |Seconds |Average |The average time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|BytesReceived |Yes |Data In |Bytes |Total |The amount of incoming bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|BytesSent |Yes |Data Out |Bytes |Total |The amount of outgoing bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|CpuTime |Yes |CPU Time |Seconds |Total |The amount of CPU consumed by the app, in seconds. For more information about this metric. Please see https://aka.ms/website-monitor-cpu-time-vs-cpu-percentage (CPU time vs CPU percentage). For WebApps only. |Instance |
+|CurrentAssemblies |Yes |Current Assemblies |Count |Average |The current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains in this application. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|FileSystemUsage |Yes |File System Usage |Bytes |Average |Percentage of filesystem quota consumed by the app. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |No Dimensions |
+|FunctionExecutionCount |Yes |Function Execution Count |Count |Total |Function Execution Count. For FunctionApps only. |Instance |
+|FunctionExecutionUnits |Yes |Function Execution Units |Count |Total |Function Execution Units. For FunctionApps only. |Instance |
+|Gen0Collections |Yes |Gen 0 Garbage Collections |Count |Total |The number of times the generation 0 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Gen1Collections |Yes |Gen 1 Garbage Collections |Count |Total |The number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Gen2Collections |Yes |Gen 2 Garbage Collections |Count |Total |The number of times the generation 2 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Handles |Yes |Handle Count |Count |Average |The total number of handles currently open by the app process. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|HealthCheckStatus |Yes |Health check status |Count |Average |Health check status. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http101 |Yes |Http 101 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http2xx |Yes |Http 2xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 200 but < 300. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http3xx |Yes |Http 3xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 300 but < 400. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http401 |Yes |Http 401 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http403 |Yes |Http 403 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 403 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http404 |Yes |Http 404 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 404 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http406 |Yes |Http 406 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http4xx |Yes |Http 4xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 400 but < 500. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Http5xx |Yes |Http Server Errors |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 500 but < 600. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|HttpResponseTime |Yes |Response Time |Seconds |Average |The time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|IoOtherBytesPerSecond |Yes |IO Other Bytes Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing bytes to I/O operations that don't involve data, such as control operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|IoOtherOperationsPerSecond |Yes |IO Other Operations Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing I/O operations that aren't read or write operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|IoReadBytesPerSecond |Yes |IO Read Bytes Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is reading bytes from I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|IoReadOperationsPerSecond |Yes |IO Read Operations Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing read I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|IoWriteBytesPerSecond |Yes |IO Write Bytes Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is writing bytes to I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|IoWriteOperationsPerSecond |Yes |IO Write Operations Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing write I/O operations. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|MemoryWorkingSet |Yes |Memory working set |Bytes |Average |The current amount of memory used by the app, in MiB. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|PrivateBytes |Yes |Private Bytes |Bytes |Average |Private Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that the app process has allocated that can't be shared with other processes. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|RequestsInApplicationQueue |Yes |Requests In Application Queue |Count |Average |The number of requests in the application request queue. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|Threads |Yes |Thread Count |Count |Average |The number of threads currently active in the app process. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|TotalAppDomains |Yes |Total App Domains |Count |Average |The current number of AppDomains loaded in this application. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+|TotalAppDomainsUnloaded |Yes |Total App Domains Unloaded |Count |Average |The total number of AppDomains unloaded since the start of the application. For WebApps and FunctionApps. |Instance |
+## Microsoft.Web/sites/slots
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|AppConnections |Yes |Connections |Count |Average |The number of bound sockets existing in the sandbox (w3wp.exe and its child processes). A bound socket is created by calling bind()/connect() APIs and remains until said socket is closed with CloseHandle()/closesocket(). |Instance |
+|AverageMemoryWorkingSet |Yes |Average memory working set |Bytes |Average |The average amount of memory used by the app, in megabytes (MiB). |Instance |
+|AverageResponseTime |Yes |Average Response Time (deprecated) |Seconds |Average |The average time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds. |Instance |
+|BytesReceived |Yes |Data In |Bytes |Total |The amount of incoming bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB. |Instance |
+|BytesSent |Yes |Data Out |Bytes |Total |The amount of outgoing bandwidth consumed by the app, in MiB. |Instance |
+|CpuTime |Yes |CPU Time |Seconds |Total |The amount of CPU consumed by the app, in seconds. For more information about this metric. Please see https://aka.ms/website-monitor-cpu-time-vs-cpu-percentage (CPU time vs CPU percentage). |Instance |
+|CurrentAssemblies |Yes |Current Assemblies |Count |Average |The current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains in this application. |Instance |
+|FileSystemUsage |Yes |File System Usage |Bytes |Average |Percentage of filesystem quota consumed by the app. |No Dimensions |
+|FunctionExecutionCount |Yes |Function Execution Count |Count |Total |Function Execution Count |Instance |
+|FunctionExecutionUnits |Yes |Function Execution Units |Count |Total |Function Execution Units |Instance |
+|Gen0Collections |Yes |Gen 0 Garbage Collections |Count |Total |The number of times the generation 0 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. |Instance |
+|Gen1Collections |Yes |Gen 1 Garbage Collections |Count |Total |The number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. |Instance |
+|Gen2Collections |Yes |Gen 2 Garbage Collections |Count |Total |The number of times the generation 2 objects are garbage collected since the start of the app process. |Instance |
+|Handles |Yes |Handle Count |Count |Average |The total number of handles currently open by the app process. |Instance |
+|HealthCheckStatus |Yes |Health check status |Count |Average |Health check status |Instance |
+|Http101 |Yes |Http 101 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code 101. |Instance |
+|Http2xx |Yes |Http 2xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 200 but < 300. |Instance |
+|Http3xx |Yes |Http 3xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 300 but < 400. |Instance |
+|Http401 |Yes |Http 401 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 401 status code. |Instance |
+|Http403 |Yes |Http 403 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 403 status code. |Instance |
+|Http404 |Yes |Http 404 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 404 status code. |Instance |
+|Http406 |Yes |Http 406 |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in HTTP 406 status code. |Instance |
+|Http4xx |Yes |Http 4xx |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 400 but < 500. |Instance |
+|Http5xx |Yes |Http Server Errors |Count |Total |The count of requests resulting in an HTTP status code ≥ 500 but < 600. |Instance |
+|HttpResponseTime |Yes |Response Time |Seconds |Average |The time taken for the app to serve requests, in seconds. |Instance |
+|IoOtherBytesPerSecond |Yes |IO Other Bytes Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing bytes to I/O operations that don't involve data, such as control operations. |Instance |
+|IoOtherOperationsPerSecond |Yes |IO Other Operations Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing I/O operations that aren't read or write operations. |Instance |
+|IoReadBytesPerSecond |Yes |IO Read Bytes Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is reading bytes from I/O operations. |Instance |
+|IoReadOperationsPerSecond |Yes |IO Read Operations Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing read I/O operations. |Instance |
+|IoWriteBytesPerSecond |Yes |IO Write Bytes Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is writing bytes to I/O operations. |Instance |
+|IoWriteOperationsPerSecond |Yes |IO Write Operations Per Second |BytesPerSecond |Total |The rate at which the app process is issuing write I/O operations. |Instance |
+|MemoryWorkingSet |Yes |Memory working set |Bytes |Average |The current amount of memory used by the app, in MiB. |Instance |
+|PrivateBytes |Yes |Private Bytes |Bytes |Average |Private Bytes is the current size, in bytes, of memory that the app process has allocated that can't be shared with other processes. |Instance |
+|Requests |Yes |Requests |Count |Total |The total number of requests regardless of their resulting HTTP status code. |Instance |
+|RequestsInApplicationQueue |Yes |Requests In Application Queue |Count |Average |The number of requests in the application request queue. |Instance |
+|Threads |Yes |Thread Count |Count |Average |The number of threads currently active in the app process. |Instance |
+|TotalAppDomains |Yes |Total App Domains |Count |Average |The current number of AppDomains loaded in this application. |Instance |
+|TotalAppDomainsUnloaded |Yes |Total App Domains Unloaded |Count |Average |The total number of AppDomains unloaded since the start of the application. |Instance |
+## Wandisco.Fusion/migrators
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BytesPerSecond |Yes |Bytes per Second. |BytesPerSecond |Average |Throughput speed of Bytes/second being utilised for a migrator. |No Dimensions |
+|DirectoriesCreatedCount |Yes |Directories Created Count |Count |Total |This provides a running view of how many directories have been created as part of a migration. |No Dimensions |
+|FileMigrationCount |Yes |Files Migration Count |Count |Total |This provides a running total of how many files have been migrated. |No Dimensions |
+|InitialScanDataMigratedInBytes |Yes |Initial Scan Data Migrated in Bytes |Bytes |Total |This provides the view of the total bytes which have been transferred in a new migrator as a result of the initial scan of the On-Premises file system. Any data which is added to the migration after the initial scan migration, is NOT included in this metric. |No Dimensions |
+|LiveDataMigratedInBytes |Yes |Live Data Migrated in Bytes |Count |Total |Provides a running total of LiveData which has been changed due to Client activity, since the migration started. |No Dimensions |
+|MigratorCPULoad |Yes |Migrator CPU Load |Percent |Average |CPU consumption by the migrator process. |No Dimensions |
+|NumberOfExcludedPaths |Yes |Number of Excluded Paths |Count |Total |Provides a running count of the paths which have been excluded from the migration due to Exclusion Rules. |No Dimensions |
+|NumberOfFailedPaths |Yes |Number of Failed Paths |Count |Total |A count of which paths have failed to migrate. |No Dimensions |
+|SystemCPULoad |Yes |System CPU Load |Percent |Average |Total CPU consumption. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalMigratedDataInBytes |Yes |Total Migrated Data in Bytes |Bytes |Total |This provides a view of the successfully migrated Bytes for a given migrator |No Dimensions |
+|TotalTransactions |Yes |Total Transactions |Count |Total |This provides a running total of the Data Transactions for which the user could be billed. |No Dimensions |
+## Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/liveDataMigrations
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|BytesMigratedByMigration |Yes |Bytes Migrated by Migration |Bytes |Total |Provides a detailed view of a migration's Bytes Transferred |No Dimensions |
+|DataTransactionsByMigration |Yes |Data Transactions by Migration |Count |Total |Provides a detailed view of a migration's Data Transactions |No Dimensions |
+|DirectoriesCreatedCount |Yes |Directories Created Count |Count |Total |This provides a running view of how many directories have been created as part of a migration. |No Dimensions |
+|FileMigrationCount |Yes |Files Migration Count |Count |Total |This provides a running total of how many files have been migrated. |No Dimensions |
+|InitialScanDataMigratedInBytes |Yes |Initial Scan Data Migrated in Bytes |Bytes |Total |This provides the view of the total bytes which have been transferred in a new migrator as a result of the initial scan of the On-Premises file system. Any data which is added to the migration after the initial scan migration, is NOT included in this metric. |No Dimensions |
+|LiveDataMigratedInBytes |Yes |Live Data Migrated in Bytes |Count |Total |Provides a running total of LiveData which has been changed due to Client activity, since the migration started. |No Dimensions |
+|NumberOfExcludedPaths |Yes |Number of Excluded Paths |Count |Total |Provides a running count of the paths which have been excluded from the migration due to Exclusion Rules. |No Dimensions |
+|NumberOfFailedPaths |Yes |Number of Failed Paths |Count |Total |A count of which paths have failed to migrate. |No Dimensions |
+|TotalBytesTransferred |Yes |Total Bytes Transferred |Bytes |Total |This metric covers how many bytes have been transferred (does not reflect how many have successfully migrated, only how much has been transferred). |No Dimensions |
+## Wandisco.Fusion/migrators/metadataMigrations
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Metric|Exportable via Diagnostic Settings?|Metric Display Name|Unit|Aggregation Type|Description|Dimensions|
+|LiveHiveAddedAfterScan |Yes |Hive Items Added After Scan |Count |Total |Provides a running total of how many items have been added after the initial scan. |No Dimensions |
+|LiveHiveDiscoveredItems |Yes |Discovered Hive Items |Count |Total |Provides a running total of how many items have been discovered. |No Dimensions |
+|LiveHiveInitiallyDiscoveredItems |Yes |Initially Discovered Hive Items |Count |Total |This provides the view of the total items discovered as a result of the initial scan of the On-Premises file system. Any items that are discovered after the initial scan, are NOT included in this metric. |No Dimensions |
+|LiveHiveInitiallyMigratedItems |Yes |Initially Migrated Hive Items |Count |Total |This provides the view of the total items migrated as a result of the initial scan of the On-Premises file system. Any items that are added after the initial scan, are NOT included in this metric. |No Dimensions |
+|LiveHiveMigratedItems |Yes |Migrated Hive Items |Count |Total |Provides a running total of how many items have been migrated. |No Dimensions |
## Next steps
This latest update adds a new column and reorders the metrics to be alphabetical
- [Read about metrics in Azure Monitor](../data-platform.md) - [Create alerts on metrics](../alerts/alerts-overview.md) - [Export metrics to storage, Event Hub, or Log Analytics](../essentials/platform-logs-overview.md)++
+<!--Gen Date: Tue Jan 24 2023 08:57:30 GMT+0200 (Israel Standard Time)-->
azure-monitor Prometheus Grafana https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/prometheus-grafana.md
For information on using Grafana with Active Directory, see [Configure self-mana
The following sections describe how to configure Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus (preview) as a data source for Azure Managed Grafana. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> This section describes the manual process for adding an Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus data source to Azure Managed Grafana. You can achieve the same functionality by linking the Azure Monitor workspace and Grafana workspace as described in [Link a Grafana workspace](azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md#link-a-grafana-workspace).
+> This section describes the manual process for adding an Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus data source to Azure Managed Grafana. You can achieve the same functionality by linking the Azure Monitor workspace and Grafana workspace as described in [Link a Grafana workspace](./azure-monitor-workspace-manage.md#link-a-grafana-workspace).
### Configure system identity Your Grafana workspace requires the following settings:
azure-monitor Prometheus Metrics Enable https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/prometheus-metrics-enable.md
Title: Enable Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus (preview) description: Enable Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus (preview) and configure data collection from your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.++ Previously updated : 09/28/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2022
This article describes how to configure your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clus
## Prerequisites -- You must either have an [Azure Monitor workspace](azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md) or [create a new one](azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md#create-an-azure-monitor-workspace).
+- You must either have an [Azure Monitor workspace](azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md) or [create a new one](azure-monitor-workspace-manage.md#create-an-azure-monitor-workspace).
- The cluster must use [managed identity authentication](../../aks/use-managed-identity.md). - The following resource providers must be registered in the subscription of the AKS cluster and the Azure Monitor Workspace. - Microsoft.ContainerService
The final `azureMonitorWorkspaceResourceId` entry is already in the template and
Deploy the template with the parameter file using any valid method for deploying Resource Manager templates. See [Deploy the sample templates](../resource-manager-samples.md#deploy-the-sample-templates) for examples of different methods.
+### Limitations
+- Ensure that you update the `kube-state metrics` Annotations and Labels list with proper formatting. There's a limitation in the Resource Manager template deployments that require exact values in the `kube-state` metrics pods. If the kuberenetes pod has any issues with malformed parameters and isn't running, then the feature won't work as expected.
+- A data collection rule and data collection endpoint is created with the name `MSProm-\<short-cluster-region\>-\<cluster-name\>`. These names can't currently be modified.
+- You must get the existing Azure Monitor workspace integrations for a Grafana workspace and update the Resource Manager template with it, otherwise it will overwrite and remove the existing integrations from the grafana workspace.
ama-metrics-ksm-5fcf8dffcd 1 1 1 11h
## Limitations -- Ensure that you update the `kube-state metrics` Annotations and Labels list with proper formatting. There's a limitation in the Resource Manager template deployments that require exact values in the `kube-state` metrics pods. If the kuberenetes pod has any issues with malformed parameters and isn't running, then the feature won't work as expected.-- A data collection rule and data collection endpoint is created with the name `MSProm-\<short-cluster-region\>-\<cluster-name\>`. These names can't currently be modified.-- You must get the existing Azure Monitor workspace integrations for a Grafana workspace and update the Resource Manager template with it, otherwise it will overwrite and remove the existing integrations from the grafana workspace. - CPU and Memory requests and limits can't be changed for Container insights metrics addon. If changed, they'll be reconciled and replaced by original values in a few seconds. - Metrics addon doesn't work on AKS clusters configured with HTTP proxy.
When you allow a default Azure Monitor workspace to be created when you install
## Next steps -- [See the default configuration for Prometheus metrics](prometheus-metrics-scrape-default.md).-- [Customize Prometheus metric scraping for the cluster](prometheus-metrics-scrape-configuration.md).
+- [See the default configuration for Prometheus metrics](./prometheus-metrics-scrape-default.md).
+- [Customize Prometheus metric scraping for the cluster](./prometheus-metrics-scrape-configuration.md).
+- [Use Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus (preview) as data source for Grafana](./prometheus-grafana.md)
+- [Configure self-hosted Grafana to use Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus (preview)](./prometheus-self-managed-grafana-azure-active-directory.md)
azure-monitor Prometheus Metrics Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/prometheus-metrics-overview.md
The only requirement to enable Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is t
- To configure remote-write to collect data from your self-managed Prometheus server, see [Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus remote write - managed identity (preview)](prometheus-remote-write-managed-identity.md). ## Grafana integration
-The primary method for visualizing Prometheus metrics is [Azure Managed Grafana](../../managed-grafan#link-a-grafana-workspace) so that it can be used as a data source in a Grafana dashboard. You then have access to multiple prebuilt dashboards that use Prometheus metrics and the ability to create any number of custom dashboards.
+The primary method for visualizing Prometheus metrics is [Azure Managed Grafana](../../managed-grafan#link-a-grafana-workspace) so that it can be used as a data source in a Grafana dashboard. You then have access to multiple prebuilt dashboards that use Prometheus metrics and the ability to create any number of custom dashboards.
## Rules and alerts Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus supports recording rules and alert rules using PromQL queries. Metrics recorded by recording rules are stored back in the Azure Monitor workspace and can be queried by dashboard or by other rules. Alert rules and recording rules can be created and managed using [Azure Managed Prometheus rule groups](prometheus-rule-groups.md). For your AKS cluster, a set of [predefined Prometheus alert rules](../containers/container-insights-metric-alerts.md) and [recording rules](./prometheus-metrics-scrape-default.md#recording-rules) is provided to allow easy quick start.
azure-monitor Prometheus Metrics Scrape Default https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/prometheus-metrics-scrape-default.md
The following metrics are collected by default from each default target. All oth
## Dashboards
-Following are the default dashboards that are automatically provisioned and configured by Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus when you [link your Azure Monitor workspace to an Azure Managed Grafana instance](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md#link-a-grafana-workspace). Source code for these dashboards can be found in [GitHub](https://aka.ms/azureprometheus-mixins)
+Following are the default dashboards that are automatically provisioned and configured by Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus when you [link your Azure Monitor workspace to an Azure Managed Grafana instance](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-manage.md#link-a-grafana-workspace). Source code for these dashboards can be found in [GitHub](https://aka.ms/azureprometheus-mixins)
- Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Cluster - Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Namespace (Pods)
Following are the default dashboards that are automatically provisioned and conf
## Recording rules
-Following are the default recording rules that are automatically configured by Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus when you [link your Azure Monitor workspace to an Azure Managed Grafana instance](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md#link-a-grafana-workspace). Source code for these recording rules can be found in [GitHub](https://aka.ms/azureprometheus-mixins)
+Following are the default recording rules that are automatically configured by Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus when you [link your Azure Monitor workspace to an Azure Managed Grafana instance](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-manage.md#link-a-grafana-workspace). Source code for these recording rules can be found in [GitHub](https://aka.ms/azureprometheus-mixins)
- `cluster:node_cpu:ratio_rate5m`
azure-monitor Prometheus Remote Write https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/prometheus-remote-write.md
Azure Monitor provides a reverse proxy container (Azure Monitor side car contain
- You must have self-managed Prometheus running on your AKS cluster. For example, see [Using Azure Kubernetes Service with Grafana and Prometheus](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/apps-on-azure-blog/using-azure-kubernetes-service-with-grafana-and-prometheus/ba-p/3020459). - You used [Kube-Prometheus Stack](https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/kube-prometheus-stack) when you set up Prometheus on your AKS cluster.-- Data for Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is stored in an [Azure Monitor workspace](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md). You must [create a new workspace](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md#create-an-azure-monitor-workspace) if you don't already have one.
+- Data for Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus is stored in an [Azure Monitor workspace](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-overview.md). You must [create a new workspace](../essentials/azure-monitor-workspace-manage.md#create-an-azure-monitor-workspace) if you don't already have one.
## Configure remote write The process for configuring remote write depends on your cluster configuration and the type of authentication that you use.
The output from this command should look similar to the following:
``` ### Hitting your ingestion quota limit
-With remote write you will typically get started using the remote write endpoint shown on the Azure Monitor workspace overview page. Behind the scenes, this uses a system Data Collection Rule (DCR) and system Data Collection Endpoint (DCE). These resources have an ingestion limit covered in the [Azure Monitor service limits](../service-limits.md#prometheus-metrics) document. You may hit these limits if you setup remote write for several clusters all sending data into the same endpoint in the same Azure Monitor workspace. If this is the case you can create additional DCRs and DCEs and use them to spread out the ingestion loads across a few ingestion endpoints.
+With remote write you will typically get started using the remote write endpoint shown on the Azure Monitor workspace overview page. Behind the scenes, this uses a system Data Collection Rule (DCR) and system Data Collection Endpoint (DCE). These resources have an ingestion limit covered in the [Azure Monitor service limits](../service-limits.md#prometheus-metrics) document. You may hit these limits if you setup remote write for several clusters all sending data into the same endpoint in the same Azure Monitor workspace. If this is the case you can [create additional DCRs and DCEs](https://aka.ms/prometheus/remotewrite/dcrartifacts) and use them to spread out the ingestion loads across a few ingestion endpoints.
The INGESTION-URL uses the following format:
Metrics-Ingestion-URL: can be obtained by viewing DCE JSON body with API version 2021-09-01-preview or newer.
azure-monitor Resource Logs Categories https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/essentials/resource-logs-categories.md
Title: Supported categories for Azure Monitor resource logs description: Understand the supported services and event schemas for Azure Monitor resource logs.+ Previously updated : 10/13/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023+
Some categories might be supported only for specific types of resources. See the
If you think something is missing, you can open a GitHub comment at the bottom of this article.
-## Microsoft.AAD/domainServices
+## Microsoft.AAD/DomainServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|AccountLogon |AccountLogon |No |
+|AccountManagement |AccountManagement |No |
+|DetailTracking |DetailTracking |No |
+|DirectoryServiceAccess |DirectoryServiceAccess |No |
+|LogonLogoff |LogonLogoff |No |
+|ObjectAccess |ObjectAccess |No |
+|PolicyChange |PolicyChange |No |
+|PrivilegeUse |PrivilegeUse |No |
+|SystemSecurity |SystemSecurity |No |
-## microsoft.aadiam/tenants
+## microsoft.aadiam/tenants
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Signin |Signin |Yes |
-## Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats
+## Microsoft.AgFoodPlatform/farmBeats
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ApplicationAuditLogs|Application Audit Logs|Yes|
-|FarmManagementLogs|Farm Management Logs|Yes|
-|FarmOperationLogs|Farm Operation Logs|Yes|
-|InsightLogs|Insight Logs|Yes|
-|JobProcessedLogs|Job Processed Logs|Yes|
-|ModelInferenceLogs|Model Inference Logs|Yes|
-|ProviderAuthLogs|Provider Auth Logs|Yes|
-|SatelliteLogs|Satellite Logs|Yes|
-|SensorManagementLogs|Sensor Management Logs|Yes|
-|WeatherLogs|Weather Logs|Yes|
+|ApplicationAuditLogs |Application Audit Logs |Yes |
+|FarmManagementLogs |Farm Management Logs |Yes |
+|FarmOperationLogs |Farm Operation Logs |Yes |
+|InsightLogs |Insight Logs |Yes |
+|JobProcessedLogs |Job Processed Logs |Yes |
+|ModelInferenceLogs |Model Inference Logs |Yes |
+|ProviderAuthLogs |Provider Auth Logs |Yes |
+|SatelliteLogs |Satellite Logs |Yes |
+|SensorManagementLogs |Sensor Management Logs |Yes |
+|WeatherLogs |Weather Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers
+## Microsoft.AnalysisServices/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Engine |Engine |No |
+|Service |Service |No |
-## Microsoft.ApiManagement/service
+## Microsoft.ApiManagement/service
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|GatewayLogs|Logs related to ApiManagement Gateway|No|
+|GatewayLogs |Logs related to ApiManagement Gateway |No |
+|WebSocketConnectionLogs |Logs related to Websocket Connections |Yes |
-## Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores
+## Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|HttpRequest|HTTP Requests|Yes|
+|ContainerAppConsoleLogs |Container App console logs |Yes |
+|ContainerAppSystemLogs |Container App system logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring
+## Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ApplicationConsole|Application Console|No|
-|BuildLogs|Build Logs|Yes|
-|ContainerEventLogs|Container Event Logs|Yes|
-|IngressLogs|Ingress Logs|Yes|
-|SystemLogs|System Logs|No|
+|Audit |Audit |Yes |
+|HttpRequest |HTTP Requests |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders
+## Microsoft.AppPlatform/Spring
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuditEvent|AuditEvent message log category.|No|
-|ERR|Error message log category.|No|
-|INF|Informational message log category.|No|
-|WRN|Warning message log category.|No|
+|ApplicationConsole |Application Console |No |
+|BuildLogs |Build Logs |Yes |
+|ContainerEventLogs |Container Event Logs |Yes |
+|IngressLogs |Ingress Logs |Yes |
+|SystemLogs |System Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts
+## Microsoft.Attestation/attestationProviders
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DscNodeStatus|Dsc Node Status|No|
-|JobLogs|Job Logs|No|
-|JobStreams|Job Streams|No|
+|AuditEvent |AuditEvent message log category. |No |
+|NotProcessed |Requests which could not be processed. |Yes |
+|Operational |Operational message log category. |Yes |
-## Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts
+## Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|AuditEvent |AuditEvent |Yes |
+|DscNodeStatus |DscNodeStatus |No |
+|JobLogs |JobLogs |No |
+|JobStreams |JobStreams |No |
-## Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/datapools
+## Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Audit |Audit |Yes |
+|Operational |Operational |Yes |
+|Request |Request |Yes |
-## Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces
+## Microsoft.AutonomousDevelopmentPlatform/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Audit |Audit |Yes |
+|Operational |Operational |Yes |
+|Request |Request |Yes |
-## microsoft.avs/privateClouds
+## microsoft.avs/privateClouds
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|vmwaresyslog|VMware VCenter Syslog|Yes|
+|vmwaresyslog |VMware Syslog |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Batch/batchAccounts
+## Microsoft.Batch/batchaccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ServiceLog|Service Logs|No|
+|AuditLog |Audit Logs |Yes |
+|ServiceLog |Service Logs |No |
+|ServiceLogs |Service Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.BatchAI/workspaces
+## microsoft.botservice/botservices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|BotRequest |Requests from the channels to the bot |Yes |
+## Microsoft.Cache/redis
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|ConnectedClientList |Connected client list |Yes |
+## Microsoft.Cache/redisEnterprise/databases
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|ConnectionEvents |Connection events (New Connection/Authentication/Disconnection) |Yes |
+## Microsoft.Cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|WebApplicationFirewallLogs |Web Application Firewall Logs |No |
+## Microsoft.Cdn/profiles
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|AzureCdnAccessLog |Azure Cdn Access Log |No |
+|FrontDoorAccessLog |FrontDoor Access Log |Yes |
+|FrontDoorHealthProbeLog |FrontDoor Health Probe Log |Yes |
+|FrontDoorWebApplicationFirewallLog |FrontDoor WebApplicationFirewall Log |Yes |
+## Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/endpoints
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|CoreAnalytics |Gets the metrics of the endpoint, e.g., bandwidth, egress, etc. |No |
+## Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networksecuritygroups
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|Network Security Group Rule Flow Event |Network Security Group Rule Flow Event |No |
+## Microsoft.CodeSigning/codesigningaccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|SignTransactions |Sign Transactions |Yes |
+## Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|Audit |Audit Logs |No |
+|RequestResponse |Request and Response Logs |No |
+|Trace |Trace Logs |No |
+## Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|AuthOperational |Operational Authentication Logs |Yes |
+|CallAutomationOperational |Operational Call Automation Logs |Yes |
+|CallDiagnostics |Call Diagnostics Logs |Yes |
+|CallRecordingSummary |Call Recording Summary Logs |Yes |
+|CallSummary |Call Summary Logs |Yes |
+|ChatOperational |Operational Chat Logs |No |
+|EmailSendMailOperational |Email Service Send Mail Logs |Yes |
+|EmailStatusUpdateOperational |Email Service Delivery Status Update Logs |Yes |
+|EmailUserEngagementOperational |Email Service User Engagement Logs |Yes |
+|NetworkTraversalDiagnostics |Network Traversal Relay Diagnostic Logs |Yes |
+|NetworkTraversalOperational |Operational Network Traversal Logs |Yes |
+|RoomsOperational |Operational Rooms Logs |Yes |
+|SMSOperational |Operational SMS Logs |No |
+|Usage |Usage Records |No |
+## Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|SoftwareUpdateProfile |SoftwareUpdateProfile |Yes |
+|SoftwareUpdates |SoftwareUpdates |Yes |
+## Microsoft.ConfidentialLedger/ManagedCCF
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|applicationlogs |CCF Application Logs |Yes |
+## Microsoft.ConfidentialLedger/ManagedCCFs
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|applicationlogs |CCF Application Logs |Yes |
+## Microsoft.ConnectedCache/CacheNodes
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+ |Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Events |Events |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Blockchain/blockchainMembers
+## Microsoft.ConnectedCache/ispCustomers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|BlockchainApplication|Blockchain Application|No|
-|FabricOrderer|Fabric Orderer|No|
-|FabricPeer|Fabric Peer|No|
+|Events |Events |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Blockchain/cordaMembers
+## Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+ |Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|BlockchainApplication|Blockchain Application|No|
+|Audit |MCVP Audit Logs |Yes |
+|Logs |MCVP Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.BotService/botServices
+## Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|ContainerRegistryLoginEvents |Login Events |No |
+|ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents |RepositoryEvent logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Cache/redis
+## Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ConnectedClientList|Connected client list|Yes|
+|cloud-controller-manager |Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager |Yes |
+|cluster-autoscaler |Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler |No |
+|csi-azuredisk-controller |csi-azuredisk-controller |Yes |
+|csi-azurefile-controller |csi-azurefile-controller |Yes |
+|csi-snapshot-controller |csi-snapshot-controller |Yes |
+|guard |guard |No |
+|kube-apiserver |Kubernetes API Server |No |
+|kube-audit |Kubernetes Audit |No |
+|kube-audit-admin |Kubernetes Audit Admin Logs |No |
+|kube-controller-manager |Kubernetes Controller Manager |No |
+|kube-scheduler |Kubernetes Scheduler |No |
-## Microsoft.Cdn/cdnwebapplicationfirewallpolicies
+## Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|WebApplicationFirewallLogs|Web Appliation Firewall Logs|No|
+|AuditLogs |Audit logs for MiniRP calls |No |
-## Microsoft.Cdn/profiles
+## Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights/instances
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AzureCdnAccessLog|Azure Cdn Access Log|No|
-|FrontDoorAccessLog|FrontDoor Access Log|Yes|
-|FrontDoorHealthProbeLog|FrontDoor Health Probe Log|Yes|
-|FrontDoorWebApplicationFirewallLog|FrontDoor WebApplicationFirewall Log|Yes|
+|Audit |Audit events |No |
+|Operational |Operational events |No |
-## Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/endpoints
+## Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|CoreAnalytics|Gets the metrics of the endpoint, e.g., bandwidth, egress, etc.|No|
+|GrafanaLoginEvents |Grafana Login Events |Yes |
-## Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/networksecuritygroups
+## Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Network Security Group Rule Flow Event|Network Security Group Rule Flow Event|No|
+|accounts |Databricks Accounts |No |
+|accountsAccessControl |Databricks Accounts Access Control |Yes |
+|capsule8ContainerSecurityScanningReports |Databricks Capsule8 Container Security Scanning Reports |Yes |
+|clamAntiVirusReports |Databricks Clam AntiVirus Reports |Yes |
+|clusterLibraries |Databricks Cluster Libraries |Yes |
+|clusters |Databricks Clusters |No |
+|databrickssql |Databricks DatabricksSQL |Yes |
+|dbfs |Databricks File System |No |
+|deltaPipelines |Databricks Delta Pipelines |Yes |
+|featureStore |Databricks Feature Store |Yes |
+|genie |Databricks Genie |Yes |
+|gitCredentials |Databricks Git Credentials |Yes |
+|globalInitScripts |Databricks Global Init Scripts |Yes |
+|iamRole |Databricks IAM Role |Yes |
+|instancePools |Instance Pools |No |
+|jobs |Databricks Jobs |No |
+|mlflowAcledArtifact |Databricks MLFlow Acled Artifact |Yes |
+|mlflowExperiment |Databricks MLFlow Experiment |Yes |
+|modelRegistry |Databricks Model Registry |Yes |
+|notebook |Databricks Notebook |No |
+|partnerConnect |Databricks Partner Connect |Yes |
+|RemoteHistoryService |Databricks Remote History Service |Yes |
+|repos |Databricks Repos |Yes |
+|secrets |Databricks Secrets |No |
+|serverlessRealTimeInference |Databricks Serverless Real-Time Inference |Yes |
+|sqlanalytics |Databricks SQL Analytics |Yes |
+|sqlPermissions |Databricks SQLPermissions |No |
+|ssh |Databricks SSH |No |
+|unityCatalog |Databricks Unity Catalog |Yes |
+|webTerminal |Databricks Web Terminal |Yes |
+|workspace |Databricks Workspace |No |
-## Microsoft.CognitiveServices/accounts
+## Microsoft.DataCollaboration/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Audit|Audit Logs|No|
-|RequestResponse|Request and Response Logs|No|
-|Trace|Trace Logs|No|
+|CollaborationAudit |Collaboration Audit |Yes |
+|Computations |Computations |Yes |
+|DataAssets |Data Assets |No |
+|Pipelines |Pipelines |No |
+|Pipelines |Pipelines |No |
+|Proposals |Proposals |No |
+|Scripts |Scripts |No |
-## Microsoft.Communication/CommunicationServices
+## Microsoft.DataFactory/factories
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuthOperational|Operational Authentication Logs|Yes|
-|CallDiagnostics|Call Diagnostics Logs|Yes|
-|CallSummary|Call Summary Logs|Yes|
-|ChatOperational|Operational Chat Logs|No|
-|EmailSendMailOperational|Email Service Send Mail Logs|Yes|
-|EmailStatusUpdateOperational|Email Service Delivery Status Update Logs|Yes|
-|EmailUserEngagementOperational|Email Service User Engagement Logs|Yes|
-|NetworkTraversalDiagnostics|Network Traversal Relay Diagnostic Logs|Yes|
-|NetworkTraversalOperational|Operational Network Traversal Logs|Yes|
-|SMSOperational|Operational SMS Logs|No|
-|Usage|Usage Records|No|
+|ActivityRuns |Pipeline activity runs log |No |
+|PipelineRuns |Pipeline runs log |No |
+|SandboxActivityRuns |Sandbox Activity runs log |Yes |
+|SandboxPipelineRuns |Sandbox Pipeline runs log |Yes |
+|SSISIntegrationRuntimeLogs |SSIS integration runtime logs |No |
+|SSISPackageEventMessageContext |SSIS package event message context |No |
+|SSISPackageEventMessages |SSIS package event messages |No |
+|SSISPackageExecutableStatistics |SSIS package executable statistics |No |
+|SSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases |SSIS package execution component phases |No |
+|SSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics |SSIS package execution data statistics |No |
+|TriggerRuns |Trigger runs log |No |
-## Microsoft.ConnectedCache/CacheNodes
+## Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Audit |Audit Logs |No |
+|ConfigurationChange |Configuration Change Event Logs |Yes |
+|JobEvent |Job Event Logs |Yes |
+|JobInfo |Job Info Logs |Yes |
+|Requests |Request Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.ConnectedVehicle/platformAccounts
+## Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Audit|MCVP Audit Logs|Yes|
-|Logs|MCVP Logs|Yes|
+|Audit |Audit Logs |No |
+|Requests |Request Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries
+## Microsoft.DataShare/accounts
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ContainerRegistryLoginEvents|Login Events|No|
-|ContainerRegistryRepositoryEvents|RepositoryEvent logs|No|
+|ReceivedShareSnapshots |Received Share Snapshots |No |
+|SentShareSnapshots |Sent Share Snapshots |No |
+|Shares |Shares |No |
+|ShareSubscriptions |Share Subscriptions |No |
-## Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters
+## Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|admissionsenforcer|AKS Guardrails/Admissions Enforcer|Yes|
-|cloud-controller-manager|Kubernetes Cloud Controller Manager|Yes|
-|cluster-autoscaler|Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler|No|
-|csi-azuredisk-controller|Kubernetes CSI Azuredisk Controller|Yes|
-|csi-azuredisk-controller-v2|Kubernetes CSI Azuredisk V2 Controller|Yes|
-|csi-azurefile-controller|Kubernetes CSI Azurefile Controller|Yes|
-|csi-blob-controller|Kubernetes CSI Blob Controller|Yes|
-|csi-snapshot-controller|Kubernetes CSI Snapshot Controller|Yes|
-|guard|Kubernetes Guard|No|
-|kube-apiserver|Kubernetes API Server|No|
-|kube-audit|Kubernetes Audit|No|
-|kube-audit-admin|Kubernetes Audit Admin Logs|No|
-|kube-controller-manager|Kubernetes Controller Manager|No|
-|kube-scheduler|Kubernetes Scheduler|No|
+|MySqlAuditLogs |MariaDB Audit Logs |No |
+|MySqlSlowLogs |MariaDB Server Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.CustomProviders/resourceproviders
+## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuditLogs|Audit logs for MiniRP calls|No|
+|MySqlAuditLogs |MySQL Audit Logs |No |
+|MySqlSlowLogs |MySQL Slow Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights/instances
+## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Audit|Audit events|No|
-|Operational|Operational events|No|
+|MySqlAuditLogs |MySQL Audit Logs |No |
+|MySqlSlowLogs |MySQL Server Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Dashboard/grafana
+## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|GrafanaLoginEvents|Grafana Login Events|Yes|
+|FSPGPGBouncer |PostgreSQL Flexible Servers PGBouncer Logs |Yes |
+|PiiOBpgbouncerlog |PostgreSQL Flexible Servers PGBouncer Logs |Yes |
+|PostgreSQLLogs |PostgreSQL Server Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Databricks/workspaces
+## Microsoft.DBForPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|accounts|Databricks Accounts|No|
-|clusters|Databricks Clusters|No|
-|databrickssql|Databricks DatabricksSQL|Yes|
-|dbfs|Databricks File System|No|
-|deltaPipelines|Databricks Delta Pipelines|Yes|
-|featureStore|Databricks Feature Store|Yes|
-|genie|Databricks Genie|Yes|
-|gitCredentials|Databricks Git Credentials|Yes|
-|globalInitScripts|Databricks Global Init Scripts|Yes|
-|iamRole|Databricks IAM Role|Yes|
-|instancePools|Instance Pools|No|
-|jobs|Databricks Jobs|No|
-|mlflowAcledArtifact|Databricks MLFlow Acled Artifact|Yes|
-|mlflowExperiment|Databricks MLFlow Experiment|Yes|
-|modelRegistry|Databricks Model Registry|Yes|
-|notebook|Databricks Notebook|No|
-|RemoteHistoryService|Databricks Remote History Service|Yes|
-|repos|Databricks Repos|Yes|
-|secrets|Databricks Secrets|No|
-|sqlanalytics|Databricks SQL Analytics|Yes|
-|sqlPermissions|Databricks SQLPermissions|No|
-|ssh|Databricks SSH|No|
-|unityCatalog|Databricks Unity Catalog|Yes|
-|webTerminal|Databricks Web Terminal|Yes|
-|workspace|Databricks Workspace|No|
+|PostgreSQLLogs |PostgreSQL Server Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DataCollaboration/workspaces
+## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|CollaborationAudit|Collaboration Audit|Yes|
-|DataAssets|Data Assets|No|
+|PostgreSQLLogs |PostgreSQL Server Logs |No |
+|QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics |PostgreSQL Query Store Runtime Statistics |No |
+|QueryStoreWaitStatistics |PostgreSQL Query Store Wait Statistics |No |
-## Microsoft.DataFactory/factories
+## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ActivityRuns|Pipeline activity runs log|No|
-|PipelineRuns|Pipeline runs log|No|
-|SandboxActivityRuns|Sandbox Activity runs log|Yes|
-|SandboxPipelineRuns|Sandbox Pipeline runs log|Yes|
-|SSISIntegrationRuntimeLogs|SSIS integration runtime logs|No|
-|SSISPackageEventMessageContext|SSIS package event message context|No|
-|SSISPackageEventMessages|SSIS package event messages|No|
-|SSISPackageExecutableStatistics|SSIS package executable statistics|No|
-|SSISPackageExecutionComponentPhases|SSIS package execution component phases|No|
-|SSISPackageExecutionDataStatistics|SSIS package exeution data statistics|No|
-|TriggerRuns|Trigger runs log|No|
+|PostgreSQLLogs |PostgreSQL Server Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics/accounts
+## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationgroups
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Audit|Audit Logs|No|
-|Requests|Request Logs|No|
+|Checkpoint |Checkpoint |No |
+|Error |Error |No |
+|Management |Management |No |
-## Microsoft.DataLakeStore/accounts
+## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Audit|Audit Logs|No|
-|Requests|Request Logs|No|
+|AgentHealthStatus |AgentHealthStatus |No |
+|AutoscaleEvaluationPooled |Do not use - internal testing |Yes |
+|Checkpoint |Checkpoint |No |
+|Connection |Connection |No |
+|ConnectionGraphicsData |Connection Graphics Data Logs Preview |Yes |
+|Error |Error |No |
+|HostRegistration |HostRegistration |No |
+|Management |Management |No |
+|NetworkData |Network Data Logs |Yes |
+|SessionHostManagement |Session Host Management Activity Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DataShare/accounts
+## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/scalingplans
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ReceivedShareSnapshots|Received Share Snapshots|No|
-|SentShareSnapshots|Sent Share Snapshots|No|
-|ShareSubscriptions|Share Subscriptions|No|
+|Autoscale |Autoscale logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DBforMariaDB/servers
+## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|MySqlAuditLogs|MariaDB Audit Logs|No|
-|MySqlSlowLogs|MariaDB Server Logs|No|
+|Checkpoint |Checkpoint |No |
+|Error |Error |No |
+|Feed |Feed |No |
+|Management |Management |No |
-## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/flexibleServers
+## Microsoft.DevCenter/devcenters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|MySqlAuditLogs|MySQL Audit Logs|No|
-|MySqlSlowLogs|MySQL Slow Logs|No|
+|DataplaneAuditEvent |Dataplane audit logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers
+## Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|MySqlAuditLogs|MySQL Audit Logs|No|
-|MySqlSlowLogs|MySQL Server Logs|No|
+|C2DCommands |C2D Commands |No |
+|C2DTwinOperations |C2D Twin Operations |No |
+|Configurations |Configurations |No |
+|Connections |Connections |No |
+|D2CTwinOperations |D2CTwinOperations |No |
+|DeviceIdentityOperations |Device Identity Operations |No |
+|DeviceStreams |Device Streams (Preview) |No |
+|DeviceTelemetry |Device Telemetry |No |
+|DirectMethods |Direct Methods |No |
+|DistributedTracing |Distributed Tracing (Preview) |No |
+|FileUploadOperations |File Upload Operations |No |
+|JobsOperations |Jobs Operations |No |
+|Routes |Routes |No |
+|TwinQueries |Twin Queries |No |
-## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers
+## Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|PostgreSQLLogs|PostgreSQL Server Logs|No|
+|DeviceOperations |Device Operations |No |
+|ServiceOperations |Service Operations |No |
-## Microsoft.DBForPostgreSQL/serverGroupsv2
+## Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|PostgreSQLLogs|PostgreSQL Server Logs|Yes|
+|DataHistoryOperation |DataHistoryOperation |Yes |
+|DigitalTwinsOperation |DigitalTwinsOperation |No |
+|EventRoutesOperation |EventRoutesOperation |No |
+|ModelsOperation |ModelsOperation |No |
+|QueryOperation |QueryOperation |No |
+|ResourceProviderOperation |ResourceProviderOperation |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/servers
+## Microsoft.DocumentDB/cassandraClusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|PostgreSQLLogs|PostgreSQL Server Logs|No|
-|QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics|PostgreSQL Query Store Runtime Statistics|No|
-|QueryStoreWaitStatistics|PostgreSQL Query Store Wait Statistics|No|
+|CassandraAudit |CassandraAudit |Yes |
+|CassandraLogs |CassandraLogs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/serversv2
+## Microsoft.DocumentDB/DatabaseAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|PostgreSQLLogs|PostgreSQL Server Logs|No|
+|CassandraRequests |CassandraRequests |No |
+|ControlPlaneRequests |ControlPlaneRequests |No |
+|DataPlaneRequests |DataPlaneRequests |No |
+|GremlinRequests |GremlinRequests |No |
+|MongoRequests |MongoRequests |No |
+|PartitionKeyRUConsumption |PartitionKeyRUConsumption |No |
+|PartitionKeyStatistics |PartitionKeyStatistics |No |
+|QueryRuntimeStatistics |QueryRuntimeStatistics |No |
+|TableApiRequests |TableApiRequests |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/applicationgroups
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/domains
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|DataPlaneRequests |Data plane operations logs |Yes |
+|DeliveryFailures |Delivery Failure Logs |No |
+|PublishFailures |Publish Failure Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/hostpools
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|DataPlaneRequests |Data plane operations logs |Yes |
+|PublishFailures |Publish Failure Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/scalingplans
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Autoscale|Autoscale logs|Yes|
+|DeliveryFailures |Delivery Failure Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization/workspaces
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|DeliveryFailures |Delivery Failure Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Devices/ElasticPools/IotHubTenants
+## Microsoft.EventGrid/topics
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|C2DCommands|C2D Commands|No|
-|C2DTwinOperations|C2D Twin Operations|No|
-|DeviceIdentityOperations|Device Identity Operations|No|
-|DeviceStreams|Device Streams (Preview)|No|
-|DeviceTelemetry|Device Telemetry|No|
-|DirectMethods|Direct Methods|No|
-|DistributedTracing|Distributed Tracing (Preview)|No|
-|FileUploadOperations|File Upload Operations|No|
-|JobsOperations|Jobs Operations|No|
-|TwinQueries|Twin Queries|No|
+|DataPlaneRequests |Data plane operations logs |Yes |
+|DeliveryFailures |Delivery Failure Logs |No |
+|PublishFailures |Publish Failure Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Devices/IotHubs
+## Microsoft.EventHub/Namespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|C2DCommands|C2D Commands|No|
-|C2DTwinOperations|C2D Twin Operations|No|
-|DeviceIdentityOperations|Device Identity Operations|No|
-|DeviceStreams|Device Streams (Preview)|No|
-|DeviceTelemetry|Device Telemetry|No|
-|DirectMethods|Direct Methods|No|
-|DistributedTracing|Distributed Tracing (Preview)|No|
-|FileUploadOperations|File Upload Operations|No|
-|JobsOperations|Jobs Operations|No|
-|TwinQueries|Twin Queries|No|
+|ApplicationMetricsLogs |Application Metrics Logs |Yes |
+|ArchiveLogs |Archive Logs |No |
+|AutoScaleLogs |Auto Scale Logs |No |
+|CustomerManagedKeyUserLogs |Customer Managed Key Logs |No |
+|EventHubVNetConnectionEvent |VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs |No |
+|KafkaCoordinatorLogs |Kafka Coordinator Logs |No |
+|KafkaUserErrorLogs |Kafka User Error Logs |No |
+|OperationalLogs |Operational Logs |No |
+|RuntimeAuditLogs |Runtime Audit Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Devices/provisioningServices
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DeviceOperations|Device Operations|No|
-|ServiceOperations|Service Operations|No|
+|AuditLogs |Audit logs |No |
+|DiagnosticLogs |Diagnostic logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DigitalTwins/digitalTwinsInstances
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/analyticsconnectors
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|DiagnosticLogs |Diagnostic logs for Analytics Connector |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DocumentDB/cassandraClusters
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|AuditLogs |Audit logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.DocumentDB/databaseAccounts
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|AuditLogs |FHIR Audit logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/domains
+## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DeliveryFailures|Delivery Failure Logs|No|
-|PublishFailures|Publish Failure Logs|No|
+|DiagnosticLogs |Diagnostic logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerNamespaces
+## microsoft.insights/autoscalesettings
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DeliveryFailures|Delivery Failure Logs|No|
-|PublishFailures|Publish Failure Logs|No|
+|AutoscaleEvaluations |Autoscale Evaluations |No |
+|AutoscaleScaleActions |Autoscale Scale Actions |No |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/partnerTopics
+## microsoft.insights/components
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DeliveryFailures|Delivery Failure Logs|No|
+|AppAvailabilityResults |Availability results |No |
+|AppBrowserTimings |Browser timings |No |
+|AppDependencies |Dependencies |No |
+|AppEvents |Events |No |
+|AppExceptions |Exceptions |No |
+|AppMetrics |Metrics |No |
+|AppPageViews |Page views |No |
+|AppPerformanceCounters |Performance counters |No |
+|AppRequests |Requests |No |
+|AppSystemEvents |System events |No |
+|AppTraces |Traces |No |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/systemTopics
+## Microsoft.Insights/datacollectionrules
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DeliveryFailures|Delivery Failure Logs|No|
+|DCRErrorLogs |DCR Error Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.EventGrid/topics
+## microsoft.keyvault/managedhsms
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DeliveryFailures|Delivery Failure Logs|No|
-|PublishFailures|Publish Failure Logs|No|
+|AuditEvent |Audit Event |No |
-## Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces
+## Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ApplicationMetricsLogs|Application Metrics Logs|Yes|
-|ArchiveLogs|Archive Logs|No|
-|AutoScaleLogs|Auto Scale Logs|No|
-|CustomerManagedKeyUserLogs|Customer Managed Key Logs|No|
-|EventHubVNetConnectionEvent|VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs|No|
-|KafkaCoordinatorLogs|Kafka Coordinator Logs|No|
-|KafkaUserErrorLogs|Kafka User Error Logs|No|
-|OperationalLogs|Operational Logs|No|
-|RuntimeAuditLogs|Runtime Audit Logs|Yes|
+|AuditEvent |Audit Logs |No |
+|AzurePolicyEvaluationDetails |Azure Policy Evaluation Details |Yes |
-## microsoft.experimentation/experimentWorkspaces
+## microsoft.kubernetesconfiguration/extensions
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|KubernetesAudit |Kubernetes Audit Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/services
+## Microsoft.Kusto/clusters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuditLogs|Audit logs|No|
-|DiagnosticLogs|Diagnostic logs|Yes|
+|Command |Command |No |
+|FailedIngestion |Failed ingestion |No |
+|IngestionBatching |Ingestion batching |No |
+|Journal |Journal |Yes |
+|Query |Query |No |
+|SucceededIngestion |Succeeded ingestion |No |
+|TableDetails |Table details |No |
+|TableUsageStatistics |Table usage statistics |No |
-## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/dicomservices
+## microsoft.loadtestservice/loadtests
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuditLogs|Audit logs|Yes|
+|OperationLogs |Azure Load Testing Operations |Yes |
-## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/fhirservices
+## Microsoft.Logic/IntegrationAccounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuditLogs|FHIR Audit logs|Yes|
+|IntegrationAccountTrackingEvents |Integration Account track events |No |
-## Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces/iotconnectors
+## Microsoft.Logic/Workflows
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DiagnosticLogs|Diagnostic logs|Yes|
+|WorkflowRuntime |Workflow runtime diagnostic events |No |
-## Microsoft.Insights/AutoscaleSettings
+## Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AutoscaleEvaluations|Autoscale Evaluations|No|
-|AutoscaleScaleActions|Autoscale Scale Actions|No|
+|AmlComputeClusterEvent |AmlComputeClusterEvent |No |
+|AmlComputeClusterNodeEvent |AmlComputeClusterNodeEvent |Yes |
+|AmlComputeCpuGpuUtilization |AmlComputeCpuGpuUtilization |No |
+|AmlComputeJobEvent |AmlComputeJobEvent |No |
+|AmlRunStatusChangedEvent |AmlRunStatusChangedEvent |No |
+|ComputeInstanceEvent |ComputeInstanceEvent |Yes |
+|DataLabelChangeEvent |DataLabelChangeEvent |Yes |
+|DataLabelReadEvent |DataLabelReadEvent |Yes |
+|DataSetChangeEvent |DataSetChangeEvent |Yes |
+|DataSetReadEvent |DataSetReadEvent |Yes |
+|DataStoreChangeEvent |DataStoreChangeEvent |Yes |
+|DataStoreReadEvent |DataStoreReadEvent |Yes |
+|DeploymentEventACI |DeploymentEventACI |Yes |
+|DeploymentEventAKS |DeploymentEventAKS |Yes |
+|DeploymentReadEvent |DeploymentReadEvent |Yes |
+|EnvironmentChangeEvent |EnvironmentChangeEvent |Yes |
+|EnvironmentReadEvent |EnvironmentReadEvent |Yes |
+|InferencingOperationACI |InferencingOperationACI |Yes |
+|InferencingOperationAKS |InferencingOperationAKS |Yes |
+|ModelsActionEvent |ModelsActionEvent |Yes |
+|ModelsChangeEvent |ModelsChangeEvent |Yes |
+|ModelsReadEvent |ModelsReadEvent |Yes |
+|PipelineChangeEvent |PipelineChangeEvent |Yes |
+|PipelineReadEvent |PipelineReadEvent |Yes |
+|RunEvent |RunEvent |Yes |
+|RunReadEvent |RunReadEvent |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Insights/Components
+## Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces/onlineEndpoints
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AppAvailabilityResults|Availability results|No|
-|AppBrowserTimings|Browser timings|No|
-|AppPageViews|Page views|No|
-|AppPerformanceCounters|Performance counters|No|
-|AppSystemEvents|System events|No|
+|AmlOnlineEndpointConsoleLog |AmlOnlineEndpointConsoleLog |Yes |
+|AmlOnlineEndpointEventLog |AmlOnlineEndpointEventLog (preview) |Yes |
+|AmlOnlineEndpointTrafficLog |AmlOnlineEndpointTrafficLog (preview) |Yes |
-## Microsoft.KeyVault/managedHSMs
+## Microsoft.ManagedNetworkFabric/networkDevices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuditEvent|Audit Logs|No|
+|AppAvailabilityResults |Availability results |Yes |
+|AppBrowserTimings |Browser timings |Yes |
-## Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
+## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AuditEvent|Audit Logs|No|
-|AzurePolicyEvaluationDetails|Azure Policy Evaluation Details|Yes|
+|KeyDeliveryRequests |Key Delivery Requests |No |
+|MediaAccount |Media Account Health Status |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Kusto/Clusters
+## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/liveEvents
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|FailedIngestion|Failed ingest operations|No|
-|IngestionBatching|Ingestion batching|No|
-|SucceededIngestion|Successful ingest operations|No|
-|TableDetails|Table details|No|
-|TableUsageStatistics|Table usage statistics|No|
+|LiveEventState |Live Event Operations |Yes |
-## microsoft.loadtestservice/loadtests
+## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices/streamingEndpoints
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|OperationLogs|Azure Load Testing Operations|Yes|
+|StreamingEndpointRequests |Streaming Endpoint Requests |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Logic/integrationAccounts
+## Microsoft.Media/videoanalyzers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|IntegrationAccountTrackingEvents|Integration Account track events|No|
+|Audit |Audit Logs |Yes |
+|Diagnostics |Diagnostics Logs |Yes |
+|Operational |Operational Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Logic/workflows
+## Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|WorkflowRuntime|Workflow runtime diagnostic events|No|
+|Autoscale |Capacity Pool Autoscaled |Yes |
-## Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/workspaces
+## Microsoft.NetApp/netAppAccounts/capacityPools/volumes
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|ANFFileAccess |ANF File Access |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Media/mediaservices
+## Microsoft.Network/applicationgateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|KeyDeliveryRequests|Key Delivery Requests|No|
+|ApplicationGatewayAccessLog |Application Gateway Access Log |No |
+|ApplicationGatewayFirewallLog |Application Gateway Firewall Log |No |
+|ApplicationGatewayPerformanceLog |Application Gateway Performance Log |No |
-## Microsoft.Media/videoanalyzers
+## Microsoft.Network/azureFirewalls
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Audit|Audit Logs|Yes|
-|Diagnostics|Diagnostics Logs|Yes|
-|Operational|Operational Logs|Yes|
+|AZFWApplicationRule |Azure Firewall Application Rule |Yes |
+|AZFWApplicationRuleAggregation |Azure Firewall Network Rule Aggregation (Policy Analytics) |Yes |
+|AZFWDnsQuery |Azure Firewall DNS query |Yes |
+|AZFWFatFlow |Azure Firewall Fat Flow Log |Yes |
+|AZFWFlowTrace |Azure Firewall Flow Trace Log |Yes |
+|AZFWFqdnResolveFailure |Azure Firewall FQDN Resolution Failure |Yes |
+|AZFWIdpsSignature |Azure Firewall IDPS Signature |Yes |
+|AZFWNatRule |Azure Firewall Nat Rule |Yes |
+|AZFWNatRuleAggregation |Azure Firewall Nat Rule Aggregation (Policy Analytics) |Yes |
+|AZFWNetworkRule |Azure Firewall Network Rule |Yes |
+|AZFWNetworkRuleAggregation |Azure Firewall Application Rule Aggregation (Policy Analytics) |Yes |
+|AZFWThreatIntel |Azure Firewall Threat Intelligence |Yes |
+|AzureFirewallApplicationRule |Azure Firewall Application Rule (Legacy Azure Diagnostics) |No |
+|AzureFirewallDnsProxy |Azure Firewall DNS Proxy (Legacy Azure Diagnostics) |No |
+|AzureFirewallNetworkRule |Azure Firewall Network Rule (Legacy Azure Diagnostics) |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/applicationGateways
+## microsoft.network/bastionHosts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ApplicationGatewayAccessLog|Application Gateway Access Log|No|
-|ApplicationGatewayFirewallLog|Application Gateway Firewall Log|No|
-|ApplicationGatewayPerformanceLog|Application Gateway Performance Log|No|
+|BastionAuditLogs |Bastion Audit Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/azurefirewalls
+## Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AzureFirewallApplicationRule|Azure Firewall Application Rule|No|
-|AzureFirewallDnsProxy|Azure Firewall DNS Proxy|No|
-|AzureFirewallNetworkRule|Azure Firewall Network Rule|No|
+|PeeringRouteLog |Peering Route Table Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts
+## Microsoft.Network/frontdoors
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|BastionAuditLogs|Bastion Audit Logs|No|
+|FrontdoorAccessLog |Frontdoor Access Log |No |
+|FrontdoorWebApplicationFirewallLog |Frontdoor Web Application Firewall Log |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/expressRouteCircuits
+## Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|PeeringRouteLog|Peering Route Table Logs|No|
+|LoadBalancerAlertEvent |Load Balancer Alert Events |No |
+|LoadBalancerProbeHealthStatus |Load Balancer Probe Health Status |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/frontdoors
+## Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|FrontdoorAccessLog|Frontdoor Access Log|No|
-|FrontdoorWebApplicationFirewallLog|Frontdoor Web Application Firewall Log|No|
+|NetworkSecurityGroupEvent |Network Security Group Event |No |
+|NetworkSecurityGroupFlowEvent |Network Security Group Rule Flow Event |No |
+|NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter |Network Security Group Rule Counter |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers
+## Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|LoadBalancerAlertEvent|Load Balancer Alert Events|No|
-|LoadBalancerProbeHealthStatus|Load Balancer Probe Health Status|No|
+|NspIntraPerimeterInboundAllowed |Inbound access allowed within same perimeter. |Yes |
+|NspIntraPerimeterOutboundAllowed |Outbound attempted to same perimeter. |Yes |
+|NspPrivateInboundAllowed |Private endpoint traffic allowed. |Yes |
+|NspPublicInboundPerimeterRulesAllowed |Public inbound access allowed by NSP access rules. |Yes |
+|NspPublicInboundPerimeterRulesDenied |Public inbound access denied by NSP access rules. |Yes |
+|NspPublicInboundResourceRulesAllowed |Public inbound access allowed by PaaS resource rules. |Yes |
+|NspPublicInboundResourceRulesDenied |Public inbound access denied by PaaS resource rules. |Yes |
+|NspPublicOutboundPerimeterRulesAllowed |Public outbound access allowed by NSP access rules. |Yes |
+|NspPublicOutboundPerimeterRulesDenied |Public outbound access denied by NSP access rules. |Yes |
+|NspPublicOutboundResourceRulesAllowed |Public outbound access allowed by PaaS resource rules. |Yes |
+|NspPublicOutboundResourceRulesDenied |Public outbound access denied by PaaS resource rules |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Network/networksecuritygroups
+## Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters/profiles
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|NetworkSecurityGroupEvent|Network Security Group Event|No|
-|NetworkSecurityGroupFlowEvent|Network Security Group Rule Flow Event|No|
-|NetworkSecurityGroupRuleCounter|Network Security Group Rule Counter|No|
+|NSPInboundAccessAllowed |NSP Inbound Access Allowed. |Yes |
+|NSPInboundAccessDenied |NSP Inbound Access Denied. |Yes |
+|NSPOutboundAccessAllowed |NSP Outbound Access Allowed. |Yes |
+|NSPOutboundAccessDenied |NSP Outbound Access Denied. |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityPerimeters
+## microsoft.network/p2svpngateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|NspIntraPerimeterInboundAllowed|Inbound access allowed within same perimeter.|Yes|
-|NspIntraPerimeterOutboundAllowed|Outbound attempted to same perimeter.|Yes|
-|NspPrivateInboundAllowed|Private endpoint traffic allowed.|Yes|
-|NspPublicInboundPerimeterRulesAllowed|Public inbound access allowed by NSP access rules.|Yes|
-|NspPublicInboundPerimeterRulesDenied|Public inbound access denied by NSP access rules.|Yes|
-|NspPublicInboundResourceRulesAllowed|Public inbound access allowed by PaaS resource rules.|Yes|
-|NspPublicInboundResourceRulesDenied|Public inbound access denied by PaaS resource rules.|Yes|
-|NspPublicOutboundPerimeterRulesAllowed|Public outbound access allowed by NSP access rules.|Yes|
-|NspPublicOutboundPerimeterRulesDenied|Public outbound access denied by NSP access rules.|Yes|
-|NspPublicOutboundResourceRulesAllowed|Public outbound access allowed by PaaS resource rules.|Yes|
-|NspPublicOutboundResourceRulesDenied|Public outbound access denied by PaaS resource rules|Yes|
+|GatewayDiagnosticLog |Gateway Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|IKEDiagnosticLog |IKE Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|P2SDiagnosticLog |P2S Diagnostic Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/p2sVpnGateways
+## Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|GatewayDiagnosticLog|Gateway Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|IKEDiagnosticLog|IKE Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|P2SDiagnosticLog|P2S Diagnostic Logs|No|
+|DDoSMitigationFlowLogs |Flow logs of DDoS mitigation decisions |No |
+|DDoSMitigationReports |Reports of DDoS mitigations |No |
+|DDoSProtectionNotifications |DDoS protection notifications |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses
+## Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DDoSMitigationFlowLogs|Flow logs of DDoS mitigation decisions|No|
-|DDoSMitigationReports|Reports of DDoS mitigations|No|
-|DDoSProtectionNotifications|DDoS protection notifications|No|
+|ProbeHealthStatusEvents |Traffic Manager Probe Health Results Event |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/trafficManagerProfiles
+## microsoft.network/virtualnetworkgateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ProbeHealthStatusEvents|Traffic Manager Probe Health Results Event|No|
+|GatewayDiagnosticLog |Gateway Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|IKEDiagnosticLog |IKE Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|P2SDiagnosticLog |P2S Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|RouteDiagnosticLog |Route Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|TunnelDiagnosticLog |Tunnel Diagnostic Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworkGateways
+## Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|GatewayDiagnosticLog|Gateway Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|IKEDiagnosticLog|IKE Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|P2SDiagnosticLog|P2S Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|RouteDiagnosticLog|Route Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|TunnelDiagnosticLog|Tunnel Diagnostic Logs|No|
+|VMProtectionAlerts |VM protection alerts |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks
+## microsoft.network/vpngateways
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|VMProtectionAlerts|VM protection alerts|No|
+|GatewayDiagnosticLog |Gateway Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|IKEDiagnosticLog |IKE Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|RouteDiagnosticLog |Route Diagnostic Logs |No |
+|TunnelDiagnosticLog |Tunnel Diagnostic Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Network/vpnGateways
+## Microsoft.NetworkFunction/azureTrafficCollectors
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|GatewayDiagnosticLog|Gateway Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|IKEDiagnosticLog|IKE Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|RouteDiagnosticLog|Route Diagnostic Logs|No|
-|TunnelDiagnosticLog|Tunnel Diagnostic Logs|No|
+|ExpressRouteCircuitIpfix |Express Route Circuit IPFIX Flow Records |Yes |
-## Microsoft.NetworkFunction/azureTrafficCollectors
+## Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|ExpressRouteCircuitIpfix|Express Route Circuit IPFIX Flow Records|Yes|
+|OperationalLogs |Operational Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.NotificationHubs/namespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|OperationalLogs|Operational Logs|No|
+|AirFlowTaskLogs |Air Flow Task Logs |Yes |
+|ElasticOperatorLogs |Elastic Operator Logs |Yes |
+|ElasticsearchLogs |Elasticsearch Logs |Yes |
+## Microsoft.OpenLogisticsPlatform/Workspaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AirFlowTaskLogs|Air Flow Task Logs|Yes|
-|ElasticOperatorLogs|Elastic Operator Logs|Yes|
-|ElasticsearchLogs|Elasticsearch Logs|Yes|
+|SupplyChainEntityOperations |Supply Chain Entity Operations |Yes |
+|SupplyChainEventLogs |Supply Chain Event logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.OpenLogisticsPlatform/Workspaces
+## Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|SupplyChainEntityOperations|Supply Chain Entity Operations|Yes|
-|SupplyChainEventLogs|Supply Chain Event logs|Yes|
+|Audit |Audit |No |
-## Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces
+## Microsoft.PlayFab/titles
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Audit|Audit Logs|No|
+|AuditLogs |AuditLogs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants
+## Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Engine |Engine |No |
-## Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces
+## Microsoft.PowerBI/tenants/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Engine |Engine |No |
-## Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities
+## Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated/capacities
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Engine |Engine |No |
-## Microsoft.Purview/accounts
+## microsoft.purview/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|DataSensitivityLogEvent |DataSensitivity |Yes |
+|ScanStatusLogEvent |ScanStatus |No |
+|Security |PurviewAccountAuditEvents |Yes |
-## Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults
+## Microsoft.RecoveryServices/Vaults
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AddonAzureBackupAlerts|Addon Azure Backup Alert Data|No|
-|AddonAzureBackupJobs|Addon Azure Backup Job Data|No|
-|AddonAzureBackupPolicy|Addon Azure Backup Policy Data|No|
-|AddonAzureBackupProtectedInstance|Addon Azure Backup Protected Instance Data|No|
-|AddonAzureBackupStorage|Addon Azure Backup Storage Data|No|
-|AzureBackupReport|Azure Backup Reporting Data|No|
-|AzureSiteRecoveryEvents|Azure Site Recovery Events|No|
-|AzureSiteRecoveryJobs|Azure Site Recovery Jobs|No|
-|AzureSiteRecoveryProtectedDiskDataChurn|Azure Site Recovery Protected Disk Data Churn|No|
-|AzureSiteRecoveryRecoveryPoints|Azure Site Recovery Recovery Points|No|
-|AzureSiteRecoveryReplicatedItems|Azure Site Recovery Replicated Items|No|
-|AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationDataUploadRate|Azure Site Recovery Replication Data Upload Rate|No|
-|AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationStats|Azure Site Recovery Replication Stats|No|
-|CoreAzureBackup|Core Azure Backup Data|No|
+|AddonAzureBackupAlerts |Addon Azure Backup Alert Data |No |
+|AddonAzureBackupJobs |Addon Azure Backup Job Data |No |
+|AddonAzureBackupPolicy |Addon Azure Backup Policy Data |No |
+|AddonAzureBackupProtectedInstance |Addon Azure Backup Protected Instance Data |No |
+|AddonAzureBackupStorage |Addon Azure Backup Storage Data |No |
+|AzureBackupReport |Azure Backup Reporting Data |No |
+|AzureSiteRecoveryEvents |Azure Site Recovery Events |No |
+|AzureSiteRecoveryJobs |Azure Site Recovery Jobs |No |
+|AzureSiteRecoveryProtectedDiskDataChurn |Azure Site Recovery Protected Disk Data Churn |No |
+|AzureSiteRecoveryRecoveryPoints |Azure Site Recovery Recovery Points |No |
+|AzureSiteRecoveryReplicatedItems |Azure Site Recovery Replicated Items |No |
+|AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationDataUploadRate |Azure Site Recovery Replication Data Upload Rate |No |
+|AzureSiteRecoveryReplicationStats |Azure Site Recovery Replication Stats |No |
+|CoreAzureBackup |Core Azure Backup Data |No |
-## Microsoft.Relay/namespaces
+## Microsoft.Relay/namespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|HybridConnectionsEvent|HybridConnections Events|No|
+|HybridConnectionsEvent |HybridConnections Events |No |
+|HybridConnectionsLogs |HybridConnectionsLogs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Search/searchServices
+## Microsoft.Search/searchServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|OperationLogs|Operation Logs|No|
+|OperationLogs |Operation Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.Security/antiMalwareSettings
+## Microsoft.Security/antiMalwareSettings
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|ScanResults |AntimalwareScanResults |Yes |
-## microsoft.securityinsights/settings
+## Microsoft.Security/defenderForStorageSettings
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DataConnectors|Data Collection - Connectors|Yes|
+|ScanResults |AntimalwareScanResults |Yes |
-## Microsoft.ServiceBus/namespaces
+## microsoft.securityinsights/settings
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|OperationalLogs|Operational Logs|No|
-|VNetAndIPFilteringLogs|VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs|No|
+|Automation |Automation |Yes |
+|DataConnectors |Data Collection - Connectors |Yes |
-## Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR
+## Microsoft.ServiceBus/Namespaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AllLogs|Azure SignalR Service Logs.|No|
+|ApplicationMetricsLogs |Application Metrics Logs(Unused) |Yes |
+|OperationalLogs |Operational Logs |No |
+|RuntimeAuditLogs |Runtime Audit Logs |Yes |
+|VNetAndIPFilteringLogs |VNet/IP Filtering Connection Logs |No |
-## Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub
+## Microsoft.SignalRService/SignalR
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AllLogs|Azure Web PubSub Service Logs.|Yes|
+|AllLogs |Azure SignalR Service Logs. |No |
-## microsoft.singularity/accounts
+## Microsoft.SignalRService/WebPubSub
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|Execution|Execution Logs|Yes|
+|ConnectivityLogs |Connectivity logs for Azure Web PubSub Service. |Yes |
+|HttpRequestLogs |Http Request logs for Azure Web PubSub Service. |Yes |
+|MessagingLogs |Messaging logs for Azure Web PubSub Service. |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances
+## microsoft.singularity/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DevOpsOperationsAudit|Devops operations Audit Logs|No|
-|ResourceUsageStats|Resource Usage Statistics|No|
-|SQLSecurityAuditEvents|SQL Security Audit Event|No|
+|Activity |Activity Logs |Yes |
+|Execution |Execution Logs |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases
+## Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics|Query Store Runtime Statistics|No|
-|QueryStoreWaitStatistics|Query Store Wait Statistics|No|
-|SQLInsights|SQL Insights|No|
+|DevOpsOperationsAudit |Devops operations Audit Logs |No |
+|ResourceUsageStats |Resource Usage Statistics |No |
+|SQLSecurityAuditEvents |SQL Security Audit Event |No |
-## Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases
+## Microsoft.Sql/managedInstances/databases
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AutomaticTuning|Automatic tuning|No|
-|DatabaseWaitStatistics|Database Wait Statistics|No|
-|DevOpsOperationsAudit|Devops operations Audit Logs|No|
-|DmsWorkers|Dms Workers|No|
-|ExecRequests|Exec Requests|No|
-|QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics|Query Store Runtime Statistics|No|
-|QueryStoreWaitStatistics|Query Store Wait Statistics|No|
-|RequestSteps|Request Steps|No|
-|SQLInsights|SQL Insights|No|
-|SqlRequests|Sql Requests|No|
-|SQLSecurityAuditEvents|SQL Security Audit Event|No|
+|Errors |Errors |No |
+|QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics |Query Store Runtime Statistics |No |
+|QueryStoreWaitStatistics |Query Store Wait Statistics |No |
+|SQLInsights |SQL Insights |No |
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices
+## Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|AutomaticTuning |Automatic tuning |No |
+|Blocks |Blocks |No |
+|DatabaseWaitStatistics |Database Wait Statistics |No |
+|Deadlocks |Deadlocks |No |
+|DevOpsOperationsAudit |Devops operations Audit Logs |No |
+|DmsWorkers |Dms Workers |No |
+|Errors |Errors |No |
+|ExecRequests |Exec Requests |No |
+|QueryStoreRuntimeStatistics |Query Store Runtime Statistics |No |
+|QueryStoreWaitStatistics |Query Store Wait Statistics |No |
+|RequestSteps |Request Steps |No |
+|SQLInsights |SQL Insights |No |
+|SqlRequests |Sql Requests |No |
+|SQLSecurityAuditEvents |SQL Security Audit Event |No |
+|Timeouts |Timeouts |No |
+|Waits |Waits |No |
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|StorageDelete |StorageDelete |Yes |
+|StorageRead |StorageRead |Yes |
+|StorageWrite |StorageWrite |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|StorageDelete |StorageDelete |Yes |
+|StorageRead |StorageRead |Yes |
+|StorageWrite |StorageWrite |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/queueServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|StorageDelete |StorageDelete |Yes |
+|StorageRead |StorageRead |Yes |
+|StorageWrite |StorageWrite |Yes |
-## Microsoft.StorageCache/caches
+## Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/tableServices
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AscCacheOperationEvent|HPC Cache operation event|Yes|
-|AscUpgradeEvent|HPC Cache upgrade event|Yes|
-|AscWarningEvent|HPC Cache warning|Yes|
+|StorageDelete |StorageDelete |Yes |
+|StorageRead |StorageRead |Yes |
+|StorageWrite |StorageWrite |Yes |
-## Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs
+## Microsoft.StorageCache/caches
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|AscCacheOperationEvent |HPC Cache operation event |Yes |
+|AscUpgradeEvent |HPC Cache upgrade event |Yes |
+|AscWarningEvent |HPC Cache warning |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces
+## Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|BuiltinSqlReqsEnded|Built-in Sql Pool Requests Ended|No|
-|GatewayApiRequests|Synapse Gateway Api Requests|No|
-|IntegrationActivityRuns|Integration Activity Runs|Yes|
-|IntegrationPipelineRuns|Integration Pipeline Runs|Yes|
-|IntegrationTriggerRuns|Integration Trigger Runs|Yes|
-|SQLSecurityAuditEvents|SQL Security Audit Event|No|
-|SynapseRbacOperations|Synapse RBAC Operations|No|
+|Authoring |Authoring |No |
+|Execution |Execution |No |
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|BigDataPoolAppsEnded|Big Data Pool Applications Ended|No|
+|BuiltinSqlReqsEnded |Built-in Sql Pool Requests Ended |No |
+|GatewayApiRequests |Synapse Gateway Api Requests |No |
+|IntegrationActivityRuns |Integration Activity Runs |Yes |
+|IntegrationPipelineRuns |Integration Pipeline Runs |Yes |
+|IntegrationTriggerRuns |Integration Trigger Runs |Yes |
+|SQLSecurityAuditEvents |SQL Security Audit Event |No |
+|SynapseLinkEvent |Synapse Link Event |Yes |
+|SynapseRbacOperations |Synapse RBAC Operations |No |
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/bigDataPools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|FailedIngestion|Failed ingest operations|Yes|
-|IngestionBatching|Ingestion batching|Yes|
-|SucceededIngestion|Successful ingest operations|Yes|
-|TableDetails|Table details|Yes|
-|TableUsageStatistics|Table usage statistics|Yes|
+|BigDataPoolAppEvents |Big Data Pool Applications Execution Metrics |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolAppsEnded |Big Data Pool Applications Ended |No |
+|BigDataPoolBlockManagerEvents |Big Data Pool Block Manager Events |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolDriverLogs |Big Data Pool Driver Logs |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolEnvironmentEvents |Big Data Pool Environment Events |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolExecutorEvents |Big Data Pool Executor Events |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolExecutorLogs |Big Data Pool Executor Logs |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolJobEvents |Big Data Pool Job Events |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolSqlExecutionEvents |Big Data Pool Sql Execution Events |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolStageEvents |Big Data Pool Stage Events |Yes |
+|BigDataPoolTaskEvents |Big Data Pool Task Events |Yes |
-## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/kustoPools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|DmsWorkers|Dms Workers|No|
-|ExecRequests|Exec Requests|No|
-|RequestSteps|Request Steps|No|
-|SqlRequests|Sql Requests|No|
-|SQLSecurityAuditEvents|Sql Security Audit Event|No|
+|Command |Synapse Data Explorer Command |Yes |
+|FailedIngestion |Synapse Data Explorer Failed Ingestion |Yes |
+|IngestionBatching |Synapse Data Explorer Ingestion Batching |Yes |
+|Query |Synapse Data Explorer Query |Yes |
+|SucceededIngestion |Synapse Data Explorer Succeeded Ingestion |Yes |
+|TableDetails |Synapse Data Explorer Table Details |Yes |
+|TableUsageStatistics |Synapse Data Explorer Table Usage Statistics |Yes |
-## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/scopePools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|ScopePoolScopeJobsEnded |Scope Pool Scope Jobs Ended |Yes |
+|ScopePoolScopeJobsStateChange |Scope Pool Scope Jobs State Change |Yes |
-## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventsources
+## Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces/sqlPools
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|DmsWorkers |Dms Workers |No |
+|ExecRequests |Exec Requests |No |
+|RequestSteps |Request Steps |No |
+|SqlRequests |Sql Requests |No |
+|SQLSecurityAuditEvents |Sql Security Audit Event |No |
+|Waits |Waits |No |
-## microsoft.videoindexer/accounts
+## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
+|Ingress |Ingress |No |
+|Management |Management |No |
-## microsoft.web/hostingenvironments
+## Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights/environments/eventsources
+<!-- Data source : arm-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AppServiceEnvironmentPlatformLogs|App Service Environment Platform Logs|No|
+|Ingress |Ingress |No |
+|Management |Management |No |
-## microsoft.web/sites
+## microsoft.videoindexer/accounts
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs|Report Antivirus Audit Logs|No|
-|AppServiceAppLogs|App Service Application Logs|No|
-|AppServiceAuditLogs|Access Audit Logs|No|
-|AppServiceConsoleLogs|App Service Console Logs|No|
-|AppServiceFileAuditLogs|Site Content Change Audit Logs|No|
-|AppServiceHTTPLogs|HTTP logs|No|
-|AppServiceIPSecAuditLogs|IPSecurity Audit logs|No|
-|AppServicePlatformLogs|App Service Platform logs|No|
-|FunctionAppLogs|Function Application Logs|No|
+|Audit |Audit |Yes |
+|IndexingLogs |Indexing Logs |Yes |
-## microsoft.web/sites/slots
+## Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export| ||||
-|AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs|Report Antivirus Audit Logs|No|
-|AppServiceAppLogs|App Service Application Logs|No|
-|AppServiceAuditLogs|Access Audit Logs|No|
-|AppServiceConsoleLogs|App Service Console Logs|No|
-|AppServiceFileAuditLogs|Site Content Change Audit Logs|No|
-|AppServiceHTTPLogs|HTTP logs|No|
-|AppServiceIPSecAuditLogs|IPSecurity Audit Logs|No|
-|AppServicePlatformLogs|App Service Platform logs|No|
-|FunctionAppLogs|Function Application Logs|No|
+|AppServiceEnvironmentPlatformLogs |App Service Environment Platform Logs |No |
+## Microsoft.Web/sites
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs |Report Antivirus Audit Logs |No |
+|AppServiceAppLogs |App Service Application Logs |No |
+|AppServiceAuditLogs |Access Audit Logs |No |
+|AppServiceConsoleLogs |App Service Console Logs |No |
+|AppServiceFileAuditLogs |Site Content Change Audit Logs |No |
+|AppServiceHTTPLogs |HTTP logs |No |
+|AppServiceIPSecAuditLogs |IPSecurity Audit logs |No |
+|AppServicePlatformLogs |App Service Platform logs |No |
+|FunctionAppLogs |Function Application Logs |No |
+|WorkflowRuntime |Workflow Runtime Logs |Yes |
+## Microsoft.Web/sites/slots
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|AppServiceAntivirusScanAuditLogs |Report Antivirus Audit Logs |No |
+|AppServiceAppLogs |App Service Application Logs |No |
+|AppServiceAuditLogs |Access Audit Logs |No |
+|AppServiceConsoleLogs |App Service Console Logs |No |
+|AppServiceFileAuditLogs |Site Content Change Audit Logs |No |
+|AppServiceHTTPLogs |HTTP logs |No |
+|AppServiceIPSecAuditLogs |IPSecurity Audit logs |No |
+|AppServicePlatformLogs |App Service Platform logs |No |
+|FunctionAppLogs |Function Application Logs |No |
+## microsoft.workloads/sapvirtualinstances
+<!-- Data source : naam-->
+|Category|Category Display Name|Costs To Export|
+|ChangeDetection |Change Detection |Yes |
## Next Steps
If you think something is missing, you can open a GitHub comment at the bottom o
* [Stream resource resource logs to **Event Hubs**](./resource-logs.md#send-to-azure-event-hubs) * [Change resource log diagnostic settings using the Azure Monitor REST API](/rest/api/monitor/diagnosticsettings) * [Analyze logs from Azure storage with Log Analytics](./resource-logs.md#send-to-log-analytics-workspace)++
+<!--Gen Date: Tue Jan 24 2023 08:57:30 GMT+0200 (Israel Standard Time)-->
azure-monitor Custom Logs Migrate https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/logs/custom-logs-migrate.md
If the table that you're targeting with DCR-based log collection fits the criter
1. Issue the following API call against your table. This call is idempotent, so there will be no effect if the table has already been migrated. ```rest
- POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/microsoft.operationalinsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}/tables/{tableName}/migrate?api-version=2021-03-01-privatepreview
+ POST https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourcegroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{workspaceName}/tables/{tableName}/migrate?api-version=2021-12-01-preview
``` 1. Discontinue use of the Data Collector API and start using the new Logs ingestion API.
If the table that you're targeting with DCR-based log collection fits the criter
## Next steps - [Walk through a tutorial sending custom logs using the Azure portal.](tutorial-logs-ingestion-portal.md)-- [Walk through a tutorial sending custom logs using Resource Manager templates and REST API.](tutorial-logs-ingestion-api.md)
+- [Walk through a tutorial sending custom logs using Resource Manager templates and REST API.](tutorial-logs-ingestion-api.md)
azure-monitor Migrate Splunk To Azure Monitor Logs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/logs/migrate-splunk-to-azure-monitor-logs.md
To export your historical data from Splunk:
## Next steps - Learn more about using [Log Analytics](../logs/log-analytics-overview.md) and the [Log Analytics Query API](../logs/api/overview.md).-- [Enable Sentinel on your Log Analytics workspace](../../sentinel/quickstart-onboard.md).
+- [Enable Microsoft Sentinel on your Log Analytics workspace](../../sentinel/quickstart-onboard.md).
- Take the [Analyze logs in Azure Monitor with KQL training module](/training/modules/analyze-logs-with-kql/).
azure-monitor Monitor Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/monitor-reference.md
The services and [older monitoring solutions](insights/solutions.md) in the foll
| Network [Traffic Analytics](../network-watcher/traffic-analytics.md) | Analyze Network Watcher network security group flow logs to provide insights into traffic flow in your Azure cloud. | | [System Center Operations Manager](/system-center/scom) | Collect data from Operations Manager agents by connecting their management group to Azure Monitor. See [Connect Operations Manager to Azure Monitor](agents/om-agents.md).<br> Assess the risk and health of your System Center Operations Manager management group with the [Operations Manager Assessment](insights/scom-assessment.md) solution. | | [Microsoft Teams Rooms](/microsoftteams/room-systems/azure-monitor-deploy) | Integrated, end-to-end management of Microsoft Teams Rooms devices. |
-| [Visual Studio App Center](/appcenter/) | Build, test, and distribute applications and then monitor their status and usage. See [Start analyzing your mobile app with App Center and Application Insights](app/mobile-center-quickstart.md). |
+| [Visual Studio App Center](/appcenter/) | Build, test, and distribute applications and then monitor their status and usage. See [Start analyzing your mobile app with App Center and Application Insights](https://github.com/Microsoft/appcenter). |
| Windows | [Windows Update Compliance](/windows/deployment/update/update-compliance-get-started) - Assess your Windows desktop upgrades.<br>[Desktop Analytics](/configmgr/desktop-analytics/overview) - Integrates with Configuration Manager to provide insight and intelligence to make more informed decisions about the update readiness of your Windows clients. | | **The following solutions also integrate with parts of Azure Monitor. Note that solutions, which are based on Azure Monitor Logs and Log Analytics, are no longer under active development. Use [Insights](insights/insights-overview.md) instead.** | | | Network - [Network Performance Monitor solution](insights/network-performance-monitor.md) |
azure-monitor Snapshot Debugger Vm https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-monitor/snapshot-debugger/snapshot-debugger-vm.md
If your application runs in Azure Service Fabric, Cloud Service, Virtual Machine
## Configure snapshot collection for other .NET applications
-1. If your application isn't already instrumented with Application Insights, get started by [enabling Application Insights and setting the instrumentation key](../app/windows-desktop.md).
+1. If your application isn't already instrumented with Application Insights, get started by [enabling Application Insights and setting the instrumentation key](https://github.com/Microsoft/appcenter).
1. Add the [Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.SnapshotCollector) NuGet package in your app.
azure-netapp-files Azure Netapp Files Introduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-netapp-files/azure-netapp-files-introduction.md
na Previously updated : 10/04/2021 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # What is Azure NetApp Files
-The Azure NetApp Files service is an enterprise-class, high-performance, metered file storage service. Azure NetApp Files supports any workload type and is highly available by default. You can select service and performance levels, create NetApp accounts, capacity pools, volumes, and manage data protection.
+Azure NetApp Files is an Azure native, first-party, enterprise-class, high-performance file storage service. You can select service and performance levels, create NetApp accounts, capacity pools, volumes, and manage data protection.
The Azure NetApp Files documentation provides instructions on creating and managing volumes by using Azure NetApp Files.
The Azure NetApp Files documentation provides instructions on creating and manag
* [Understand the storage hierarchy of Azure NetApp Files](azure-netapp-files-understand-storage-hierarchy.md) * [Quickstart: Set up Azure NetApp Files and create an NFS volume](azure-netapp-files-quickstart-set-up-account-create-volumes.md)
-* [Create an Azure support request](../azure-portal/supportability/how-to-create-azure-support-request.md)
+* [Create an Azure support request](../azure-portal/supportability/how-to-create-azure-support-request.md)
azure-resource-manager Deployment Script Bicep https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-resource-manager/bicep/deployment-script-bicep.md
Previously updated : 11/01/2022 Last updated : 01/18/2023 # Use deployment scripts in Bicep
-Learn how to use deployment scripts in Bicep. With [Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts](/azure/templates/microsoft.resources/deploymentscripts), users can execute scripts in Bicep deployments and review execution results. These scripts can be used for performing custom steps such as:
+Learn how to use deployment scripts in Bicep. With the [`deploymentScripts`](/azure/templates/microsoft.resources/deploymentscripts) resource, users can execute scripts in Bicep deployments and review execution results.
+These scripts can be used for performing custom steps such as:
- add users to a directory - perform data plane operations, for example, copy blobs or seed database
The benefits of deployment script:
The deployment script resource is only available in the regions where Azure Container Instance is available. See [Resource availability for Azure Container Instances in Azure regions](../../container-instances/container-instances-region-availability.md). > [!IMPORTANT]
-> A storage account and a container instance are needed for script execution and troubleshooting. You have the options to specify an existing storage account, otherwise the storage account along with the container instance are automatically created by the script service. The two automatically created resources are usually deleted by the script service when the deployment script execution gets in a terminal state. You are billed for the resources until the resources are deleted. To learn more, see [Clean-up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
+> The deployment script service requires two supporting resources for script execution and troubleshooting: a storage account and a container instance. You can specify an existing storage account, otherwise the script service creates one for you. The two automatically-created supporting resources are usually deleted by the script service when the deployment script execution gets in a terminal state. You are billed for the supporting resources until they are deleted. For the price information, see [Container Instances pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/container-instances/) and [Azure Storage pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/storage/). To learn more, see [Clean-up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
> [!NOTE] > Retry logic for Azure sign in is now built in to the wrapper script. If you grant permissions in the same Bicep file as your deployment scripts, the deployment script service retries sign in for 10 minutes with 10-second interval until the managed identity role assignment is replicated.
Property value details:
- `primaryScriptUri`: Specify a publicly accessible URL to the primary deployment script with supported file extensions. For more information, see [Use external scripts](#use-external-scripts). - `supportingScriptUris`: Specify an array of publicly accessible URLs to supporting files that are called in either `scriptContent` or `primaryScriptUri`. For more information, see [Use external scripts](#use-external-scripts). - `timeout`: Specify the maximum allowed script execution time specified in the [ISO 8601 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). Default value is **P1D**.-- `cleanupPreference`. Specify the preference of cleaning up deployment resources when the script execution gets in a terminal state. Default setting is **Always**, which means deleting the resources despite the terminal state (Succeeded, Failed, Canceled). To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).-- `retentionInterval`: Specify the interval for which the service retains the deployment script resources after the deployment script execution reaches a terminal state. The deployment script resources will be deleted when this duration expires. Duration is based on the [ISO 8601 pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). The retention interval is between 1 and 26 hours (PT26H). This property is used when `cleanupPreference` is set to **OnExpiration**. To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
+- `cleanupPreference`. Specify the preference of cleaning up the two supporting deployment resources, the storage account and the container instance, when the script execution gets in a terminal state. Default setting is **Always**, which means deleting the supporting resources despite the terminal state (Succeeded, Failed, Canceled). To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
+- `retentionInterval`: Specify the interval for which the service retains the deployment script resource after the deployment script execution reaches a terminal state. The deployment script resource will be deleted when this duration expires. Duration is based on the [ISO 8601 pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). The retention interval is between 1 and 26 hours (PT26H). This property is used when `cleanupPreference` is set to **OnExpiration**. To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
### Additional samples
Deployment script outputs must be saved in the `AZ_SCRIPTS_OUTPUT_PATH` location
## Use existing storage account
-A storage account and a container instance are needed for script execution and troubleshooting. You have the options to specify an existing storage account, otherwise the storage account along with the container instance are automatically created by the script service. The requirements for using an existing storage account:
+Two supporting resources, a storage account and a container instance, are needed for script execution and troubleshooting. You have the options to specify an existing storage account, otherwise the storage account along with the container instance are automatically created by the script service. The requirements for using an existing storage account:
- Supported storage account kinds are:
The max allowed size for environment variables is 64 KB.
## Monitor and troubleshoot deployment scripts
-The script service creates a [storage account](../../storage/common/storage-account-overview.md) and a [container instance](../../container-instances/container-instances-overview.md) for script execution (unless you specify an existing storage account and/or an existing container instance). If these resources are automatically created by the script service, both resources have the `azscripts` suffix in the resource names.
+The script service creates two supporting resources, a [storage account](../../storage/common/storage-account-overview.md) and a [container instance](../../container-instances/container-instances-overview.md), for script execution (unless you specify an existing storage account and/or an existing container instance). If these supporting resources are automatically created by the script service, both resources have the `azscripts` suffix in the resource names.
![Resource Manager template deployment script resource names](./media/deployment-script-bicep/resource-manager-template-deployment-script-resources.png)
To see the deploymentScripts resource in the portal, select **Show hidden types*
## Clean up deployment script resources
-A storage account and a container instance are needed for script execution and troubleshooting. You have the options to specify an existing storage account, otherwise a storage account along with a container instance are automatically created by the script service. The two automatically created resources are deleted by the script service when the deployment script execution gets in a terminal state. You're billed for the resources until the resources are deleted. For the price information, see [Container Instances pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/container-instances/) and [Azure Storage pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/storage/).
+The two automatically created supporting resources can never outlive the `deploymentScript` resource, unless there are failures deleting them. The life cycle of the supporting resources is controlled by the `cleanupPreference` property, the life cycle of the `deploymentScript` resource is controlled by the `retentionInterval` property:
+- `cleanupPreference`: Specify the clean-up preference of the two supporting resources when the script execution gets in a terminal state. The supported values are:
-The life cycle of these resources is controlled by the following properties in the Bicep file:
+ - **Always**: Delete the two supporting resources once script execution gets in a terminal state. If an existing storage account is used, the script service deletes the file share created by the service. Because the `deploymentScripts` resource may still be present after the supporting resources are cleaned up, the script service persists the script execution results, for example, stdout, outputs, and return value before the resources are deleted.
+ - **OnSuccess**: Delete the two supporting resources only when the script execution is successful. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share only when the script execution is successful.
-- `cleanupPreference`: Clean up preference when the script execution gets in a terminal state. The supported values are:
+ If the script execution is not successful, the script service waits until the `retentionInterval` expires before it cleans up the supporting resources and then the deployment script resource.
+ - **OnExpiration**: Delete the two supporting resources only when the `retentionInterval` setting is expired. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share, but retains the storage account.
- - **Always**: Delete the automatically created resources once script execution gets in a terminal state. If an existing storage account is used, the script service deletes the file share created in the storage account. Because the `deploymentScripts` resource may still be present after the resources are cleaned up, the script service persists the script execution results, for example, stdout, outputs, and return value before the resources are deleted.
- - **OnSuccess**: Delete the automatically created resources only when the script execution is successful. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share only when the script execution is successful. You can still access the resources to find the debug information.
- - **OnExpiration**: Delete the automatically created resources only when the `retentionInterval` setting is expired. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share, but retains the storage account.
+ The container instance and storage account are deleted according to the `cleanupPreference`. However, if the script fails and `cleanupPreference` isn't set to **Always**, the deployment process automatically keeps the container running for one hour or until the container is cleaned up. You can use the time to troubleshoot the script. If you want to keep the container running after successful deployments, add a sleep step to your script. For example, add [Start-Sleep](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/start-sleep) to the end of your script. If you don't add the sleep step, the container is set to a terminal state and can't be accessed even if it hasn't been deleted yet.
-- `retentionInterval`: Specify the time interval that a script resource will be retained and after which will be expired and deleted.
+- `retentionInterval`: Specify the time interval that a `deploymentScript` resource will be retained and after which will be expired and deleted.
> [!NOTE] > It is not recommended to use the storage account and the container instance that are generated by the script service for other purposes. The two resources might be removed depending on the script life cycle.
-The container instance and storage account are deleted according to the `cleanupPreference`. However, if the script fails and `cleanupPreference` isn't set to **Always**, the deployment process automatically keeps the container running for one hour. You can use this hour to troubleshoot the script. If you want to keep the container running after successful deployments, add a sleep step to your script. For example, add [Start-Sleep](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/start-sleep) to the end of your script. If you don't add the sleep step, the container is set to a terminal state and can't be accessed even if it hasn't been deleted yet.
- ## Run script more than once Deployment script execution is an idempotent operation. If none of the `deploymentScripts` resource properties (including the inline script) are changed, the script doesn't execute when you redeploy the Bicep file. The deployment script service compares the resource names in the Bicep file with the existing resources in the same resource group. There are two options if you want to execute the same deployment script multiple times:
azure-resource-manager Manage Resources Powershell https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-resource-manager/management/manage-resources-powershell.md
$ctx = $storageAccount.Context
### Deploy a template
-The following script creates deploy a Quickstart template to create a storage account. For more information, see [Quickstart: Create Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code](../templates/quickstart-create-templates-use-visual-studio-code.md?tabs=PowerShell).
+The following script deploys a Quickstart template to create a storage account. For more information, see [Quickstart: Create Azure Resource Manager templates by using Visual Studio Code](../templates/quickstart-create-templates-use-visual-studio-code.md?tabs=PowerShell).
```azurepowershell-interactive $resourceGroupName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Resource Group name"
Tagging helps organizing your resource group and resources logically. For inform
- To learn Azure Resource Manager, see [Azure Resource Manager overview](overview.md). - To learn the Resource Manager template syntax, see [Understand the structure and syntax of Azure Resource Manager templates](../templates/syntax.md). - To learn how to develop templates, see the [step-by-step tutorials](../index.yml).-- To view the Azure Resource Manager template schemas, see [template reference](/azure/templates/).
+- To view the Azure Resource Manager template schemas, see [template reference](/azure/templates/).
azure-resource-manager Deployment Script Template https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-resource-manager/templates/deployment-script-template.md
Previously updated : 11/01/2022 Last updated : 01/19/2022 # Use deployment scripts in ARM templates
-Learn how to use deployment scripts in Azure Resource templates (ARM templates). With a new resource type called `Microsoft.Resources/deploymentScripts`, users can execute scripts in template deployments and review execution results. These scripts can be used for performing custom steps such as:
+Learn how to use deployment scripts in Bicep. With the [`deploymentScripts`](/azure/templates/microsoft.resources/deploymentscripts) resource, users can execute scripts in Bicep deployments and review execution results.
+These scripts can be used for performing custom steps such as:
- Add users to a directory. - Perform data plane operations, for example, copy blobs or seed database.
The benefits of deployment script:
The deployment script resource is only available in the regions where Azure Container Instance is available. See [Resource availability for Azure Container Instances in Azure regions](../../container-instances/container-instances-region-availability.md). > [!IMPORTANT]
-> A storage account and a container instance are needed for script execution and troubleshooting. You have the options to specify an existing storage account, otherwise the storage account along with the container instance are automatically created by the script service. The two automatically created resources are usually deleted by the script service when the deployment script execution gets in a terminal state. You are billed for the resources until the resources are deleted. To learn more, see [Clean-up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
+> The deployment script service requires two supporting resources for script execution and troubleshooting: a storage account and a container instance. You can specify an existing storage account, otherwise the script service creates one for you. The two automatically-created supporting resources are usually deleted by the script service when the deployment script execution gets in a terminal state. You are billed for the supporting resources until they are deleted. For the price information, see [Container Instances pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/container-instances/) and [Azure Storage pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/storage/). To learn more, see [Clean-up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
> [!NOTE] > Retry logic for Azure sign in is now built in to the wrapper script. If you grant permissions in the same template as your deployment scripts, the deployment script service retries sign in for 10 minutes with 10-second interval until the managed identity role assignment is replicated.
Property value details:
- `primaryScriptUri`: Specify a publicly accessible URL to the primary deployment script with supported file extensions. For more information, see [Use external scripts](#use-external-scripts). - `supportingScriptUris`: Specify an array of publicly accessible URLs to supporting files that are called in either `scriptContent` or `primaryScriptUri`. For more information, see [Use external scripts](#use-external-scripts). - `timeout`: Specify the maximum allowed script execution time specified in the [ISO 8601 format](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). Default value is **P1D**.-- `cleanupPreference`. Specify the preference of cleaning up deployment resources when the script execution gets in a terminal state. Default setting is **Always**, which means deleting the resources despite the terminal state (Succeeded, Failed, Canceled). To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).-- `retentionInterval`: Specify the interval for which the service retains the deployment script resources after the deployment script execution reaches a terminal state. The deployment script resources will be deleted when this duration expires. Duration is based on the [ISO 8601 pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). The retention interval is between 1 and 26 hours (PT26H). This property is used when `cleanupPreference` is set to **OnExpiration**. To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
+- `cleanupPreference`. Specify the preference of cleaning up the two supporting deployment resources, the storage account and the container instance, when the script execution gets in a terminal state. Default setting is **Always**, which means deleting the supporting resources despite the terminal state (Succeeded, Failed, Canceled). To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
+- `retentionInterval`: Specify the interval for which the service retains the deployment script resource after the deployment script execution reaches a terminal state. The deployment script resource will be deleted when this duration expires. Duration is based on the [ISO 8601 pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601). The retention interval is between 1 and 26 hours (PT26H). This property is used when `cleanupPreference` is set to **OnExpiration**. To learn more, see [Clean up deployment script resources](#clean-up-deployment-script-resources).
++ ### Additional samples
To see the deploymentScripts resource in the portal, select **Show hidden types*
## Clean up deployment script resources
-A storage account and a container instance are needed for script execution and troubleshooting. You have the options to specify an existing storage account, otherwise a storage account along with a container instance are automatically created by the script service. The two automatically created resources are deleted by the script service when the deployment script execution gets in a terminal state. You're billed for the resources until the resources are deleted. For the price information, see [Container Instances pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/container-instances/) and [Azure Storage pricing](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/storage/).
+The two automatically created supporting resources can never outlive the `deploymentScript` resource, unless there are failures deleting them. The life cycle of the supporting resources is controlled by the `cleanupPreference` property, the life cycle of the `deploymentScript` resource is controlled by the `retentionInterval` property:
-The life cycle of these resources is controlled by the following properties in the template:
+- `cleanupPreference`: Specify the clean-up preference of the two supporting resources when the script execution gets in a terminal state. The supported values are:
-- `cleanupPreference`: Clean up preference when the script execution gets in a terminal state. The supported values are:
+ - **Always**: Delete the two supporting resources once script execution gets in a terminal state. If an existing storage account is used, the script service deletes the file share created by the service. Because the `deploymentScripts` resource may still be present after the supporting resources are cleaned up, the script service persists the script execution results, for example, stdout, outputs, and return value before the resources are deleted.
+ - **OnSuccess**: Delete the two supporting resources only when the script execution is successful. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share only when the script execution is successful.
- - **Always**: Delete the automatically created resources once script execution gets in a terminal state. If an existing storage account is used, the script service deletes the file share created in the storage account. Because the `deploymentScripts` resource may still be present after the resources are cleaned up, the script service persists the script execution results, for example, stdout, outputs, and return value before the resources are deleted.
- - **OnSuccess**: Delete the automatically created resources only when the script execution is successful. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share only when the script execution is successful. You can still access the resources to find the debug information.
- - **OnExpiration**: Delete the automatically created resources only when the `retentionInterval` setting is expired. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share, but retains the storage account.
+ If the script execution is not successful, the script service waits until the `retentionInterval` expires before it cleans up the supporting resources and then the deployment script resource.
+ - **OnExpiration**: Delete the two supporting resources only when the `retentionInterval` setting is expired. If an existing storage account is used, the script service removes the file share, but retains the storage account.
-- `retentionInterval`: Specify the time interval that a script resource will be retained and after which will be expired and deleted.
+ The container instance and storage account are deleted according to the `cleanupPreference`. However, if the script fails and `cleanupPreference` isn't set to **Always**, the deployment process automatically keeps the container running for one hour or until the container is cleaned up. You can use the time to troubleshoot the script. If you want to keep the container running after successful deployments, add a sleep step to your script. For example, add [Start-Sleep](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/start-sleep) to the end of your script. If you don't add the sleep step, the container is set to a terminal state and can't be accessed even if it hasn't been deleted yet.
+- `retentionInterval`: Specify the time interval that a `deploymentScript` resource will be retained and after which will be expired and deleted.
> [!NOTE] > It is not recommended to use the storage account and the container instance that are generated by the script service for other purposes. The two resources might be removed depending on the script life cycle.
-The container instance and storage account are deleted according to the `cleanupPreference`. However, if the script fails and `cleanupPreference` isn't set to **Always**, the deployment process automatically keeps the container running for one hour. You can use this hour to troubleshoot the script. If you want to keep the container running after successful deployments, add a sleep step to your script. For example, add [Start-Sleep](/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.utility/start-sleep) to the end of your script. If you don't add the sleep step, the container is set to a terminal state and can't be accessed even if it hasn't been deleted yet.
- The automatically created storage account and container instance can't be deleted if the deployment script is deployed to a resource group with a [CanNotDelete lock](../management/lock-resources.md). To solve this problem, you can deploy the deployment script to another resource group without locks. See Sample 4 and Sample 5 in [Sample templates](#sample-templates). ## Run script more than once
azure-video-indexer Detect Textual Logo https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-video-indexer/detect-textual-logo.md
+ Title: Detect textual logo with Azure Video Indexer
+description: This article gives an overview of Azure Video Indexer textual logo detection.
+ Last updated : 01/22/2023+++
+# How to detect textual logo (preview)
+> [!NOTE]
+> Textual logo detection (preview) creation process is currently available through API. The result can be viewed through the Azure Video Indexer [website](https://www.videoindexer.ai/).
+**Textual logo detection** insights are based on the OCR textual detection, which matches a specific predefined text.
+For example, if a user would create a textual logo: ΓÇ£MicrosoftΓÇ¥, different appearances of the word ΓÇÿMicrosoftΓÇÖ will be detected as the ΓÇÿMicrosoftΓÇÖ logo. A logo can have different variations, these variations can be associated with the main logo name. For example, user might have under the ΓÇÿMicrosoftΓÇÖ logo the following variations: ΓÇÿMSΓÇÖ, ΓÇÿMSFTΓÇÖ etc.
+ "name": "Microsoft",
+ "wikipediaSearchTerm": "Microsoft",
+ "textVariations": [{
+ "text": "Microsoft",
+ "caseSensitive": false
+ }, {
+ "text": "MSFT",
+ "caseSensitive": true
+ }]
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> :::image type="content" source="./media/textual-logo-detection/microsoft-example.png" alt-text="Diagram of logo detection.":::
+## Prerequisite
+The Azure Video Index account must have (at the very least) the `contributor` role assigned to the resource.
+## How to use
+In order to use textual logo detection, follow these steps, described in this article:
+1. Create a logo instance using with the [Create logo](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Create-Logo) API (with variations).
+ * Save the logo ID.
+1. Create a logo group using the [Create Logo Group](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Create-Logo-Group) API.
+ * Associate the logo instance with the group when creating the new group (by pasting the ID in the logos array).
+1. Upload a video using: **Advanced video** or **Advance video + audio** preset, use the `logoGroupId` parameter to specify the logo group you would like to index the video with.
+## Create a logo instance
+Use the [Create logo](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Create-Logo) API to create your logo. You can use the **try it** button.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> :::image type="content" source="./media/textual-logo-detection/logo-api.png" alt-text="Diagram of logo API.":::
+In this tutorial we use the example supplied as default:
+Insert the following:
+* `Location`: The location of the Azure Video Indexer account.
+* `Account ID`: The ID of the Azure Video Indexer account.
+* `Access token`: The token, at least at a contributor level permission.
+The default body is:
+ "name": "Microsoft",
+ "wikipediaSearchTerm": "Microsoft",
+ "textVariations": [{
+ "text": "Microsoft",
+ "caseSensitive": false
+ }, {
+ "text": "MSFT",
+ "caseSensitive": true
+ }]
+|Name|Name of the logo, would be used in the Azure Video Indexer website.|
+|wikipediaSearchTerm|Used to create a description in the Video Indexer website.|
+|text|The text the model will compare too, make sure to add the obvious name as part of the variations. (e.g Microsoft)|
+|caseSensitive| true/false according to the variation.|
+The response should return **201 Created**.
+HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
+ "id": "id"
+ "creationTime": "2023-01-15T13:08:14.9518235Z",
+ "lastUpdateTime": "2023-01-15T13:08:14.9518235Z",
+ "lastUpdatedBy": "Jhon Doe",
+ "createdBy": "Jhon Doe",
+ "name": "Microsoft",
+ "wikipediaSearchTerm": "Microsoft",
+ "textVariations": [{
+ "text": "Microsoft",
+ "caseSensitive": false,
+ "creationTime": "2023-01-15T13:08:14.9518235Z",
+ "createdBy": "Jhon Doe"
+ }, {
+ "text": "MSFT",
+ "caseSensitive": true,
+ "creationTime": "2023-01-15T13:08:14.9518235Z",
+ "createdBy": "Jhon Doe"
+ }]
+## Create a new textual logo group
+Use the [Create Logo Group](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Create-Logo-Group) API to create a logo group. Use the **try it** button.
+Insert the following:
+* `Location`: The location of the Azure Video Indexer account.
+* `Account ID`: The ID of the Azure Video Indexer account.
+* `Access token`: The token, at least at a contributor level permission.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> :::image type="content" source="./media/textual-logo-detection/logo-group-api.png" alt-text="Diagram of logo group API.":::
+In the **Body** paste the logo ID from the previous step.
+ "logos": [{
+ "logoId": "id"
+ }],
+ "name": "Technology",
+ "description": "A group of logos of technology companies."
+* The default example has two logo IDs, we have created the first group with only one logo ID.
+ The response should return **201 Created**.
+ ```
+ HTTP/1.1 201 Created
+ content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8
+ {
+ "id": "id",
+ "creationTime": "2023-01-15T14:41:11.4860104Z",
+ "lastUpdateTime": "2023-01-15T14:41:11.4860104Z",
+ "lastUpdatedBy": "Jhon Doe",
+ "createdBy": "Jhon Doe",
+ "logos": [{
+ "logoId": " e9d609b4-d6a6-4943-86ff-557e724bd7c6"
+ }],
+ "name": "Technology",
+ "description": "A group of logos of technology companies."
+ }
+ ```
+## Upload from URL
+Use the upload API call:
+Specify the following:
+* `Location`: The location of the Azure Video Indexer account.
+* `Account`: The ID of the Azure Video Indexer account.
+* `Name`: The name of the media file you're indexing.
+* `Language`: `en-US`. For more information, see [Language support](language-support.md)
+* `IndexingPreset`: Select **Advanced Video/Audio+video**.
+* `Videourl`: The url.
+* `LogoGroupID`: GUID representing the logo group (you got it in the response when creating it).
+* `Access token`: The token, at least at a contributor level permission.
+## Inspect the output
+Assuming the textual logo model has found a match, you'll be able to view the result in the [Azure Video Indexer website](https://www.videoindexer.ai/).
+### Insights
+A new section would appear in the insights panel showing the number of custom logos that were detected. One representative thumbnail will be displayed representing the new logo.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> :::image type="content" source="./media/textual-logo-detection/logo-insight.png" alt-text="Diagram of logo insight.":::
+### Timeline
+When switching to the Timeline view, under the **View**, mark the **Logos** checkbox. All detected thumbnails will be displayed according to their time stamp.
+> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+> :::image type="content" source="./media/textual-logo-detection/logo-timeline.png" alt-text="Diagram of logo timeline.":::
+All logo instances that were recognized with a certainty above 80% present will be displayed, the extended list of detection including low certainty detection are available in the [Artifacts](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Get-Video-Artifact-Download-Url) file.
+## Next steps
+### Adding a logo to an existing logo group
+In the first part of this article, we had one instance of a logo and we have associated it to the right logo group upon the creation of the logo group. If all logo instances are created before the logo group is created, they can be associated with logo group on the creation phase. However, if the group was already created, the new instance should be associated to the group following these steps:
+1. Create the logo.
+ 1. Copy the logo ID.
+1. [Get logo groups](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Get-Logo-Groups).
+ 1. Copy the logo group ID of the right group.
+1. [Get logo group](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Get-Logo-Group).
+ 1. Copy the response the list of logos IDs:
+ Logo list sample:
+ ```json
+ "logos": [{
+ "logoId": "id"
+ }],
+ ```
+1. [Update logo group](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Update-Logo-Group).
+ 1. Logo group ID is the output received at step 2.
+ 1. At the ΓÇÿBodyΓÇÖ of the request, paste the existing list of logos from step 3.
+ 1. Then add to the list the logo ID from step 1.
+1. Validate the response of the [Update logo group](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Get-Logo-Groups) making sure the list contains the previous IDs and the new.
+### Additional information and limitations
+* A logo group can contain up to 50 logos.
+* One logo can be linked to more than one group.
+* Use the [Update logo group](https://api-portal.videoindexer.ai/api-details#api=Operations&operation=Get-Logo-Groups) to add the new logo to an existing group.
azure-video-indexer Insights Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-video-indexer/insights-overview.md
Here some common insights:
|Scenes, shots, and keyframes|Selects the frame(s) that best represent each shot. Keyframes are the representative frames selected from the entire video based on aesthetic properties (for example, contrast and stableness). Scenes, shots, and keyframes are merged into one insight for easier consumption and navigation. When you select the desired scene you can see what shots and keyframes it consists of. For more information, see [Scenes, shots, and keyframes](scenes-shots-keyframes.md).| |Emotions|Identifies emotions based on speech and audio cues.| |Faces|For more information, see [Faces detection](/legal/azure-video-indexer/face-detection-transparency-note?context=/azure/azure-video-indexer/context/context).|
+|Textual logo detection|Matches a specific predefined text using Azure Video Indexer OCR. For example, if a user created a textual logo: "Microsoft", different appearances of the word *Microsoft* will be detected as the "Microsoft" logo. For more information, see [Detect textual logo](detect-textual-logo.md).
|Keywords|For more information, see [Keywords extraction](/legal/azure-video-indexer/keywords-transparency-note?context=/azure/azure-video-indexer/context/context).| |Labels|For more information, see [Labels identification](/legal/azure-video-indexer/labels-identification-transparency-note?context=/azure/azure-video-indexer/context/context)| |Named entities|For more information, see [Named entities](/legal/azure-video-indexer/named-entities-transparency-note?context=/azure/azure-video-indexer/context/context).|
azure-video-indexer Release Notes https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-video-indexer/release-notes.md
To stay up-to-date with the most recent Azure Video Indexer developments, this a
## January 2023
+### Textual logo detection
+A **textual logo detection** insight is an OCR-based textual detection which matches a specific predefined text. For example, if a user created a textual logo: "Microsoft", different appearances of the word *Microsoft* will be detected as the "Microsoft" logo. For more information, see [Detect textual logo](detect-textual-logo.md).
+ ### Language support * New languages are now supported: Irish, Bulgarian, Catalan, Greek, Estonian, Croatian, Latvian, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Icelandic, Armenian, Gujarati, Malay, and Tamil.
azure-video-indexer Video Indexer Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-video-indexer/video-indexer-overview.md
Unless specified otherwise, a model is generally available.
* Textless slate detection, including scene matching. For details, see [Slate detection](slate-detection-insight.md).
+* **Textual logo detection** (preview): Matches a specific predefined text using Azure Video Indexer OCR. For example, if a user created a textual logo: "Microsoft", different appearances of the word *Microsoft* will be detected as the "Microsoft" logo. For more information, see [Detect textual logo](detect-textual-logo.md).
### Audio models
azure-web-pubsub Howto Develop Reliable Clients https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-web-pubsub/howto-develop-reliable-clients.md
Previously updated : 12/15/2021 Last updated : 01/12/2023 # Create reliable Websocket with subprotocol
-Websocket client connections may drop due to intermittent network issue and when connections drop, messages will also be lost. In a pubsub system, publishers are decoupled from subscribers, so publishers hard to detect subscribers' drop or message loss. It's crucial for clients to overcome intermittent network issue and keep the reliability of message delivery. To achieve that, you can create a reliable Websocket client with the help of reliable subprotocols.
+When Websocket client connections drop due to intermittent network issues, messages can be lost. In a pub/sub system, publishers are decoupled from subscribers, so publishers may not detect a subscribers' dropped connection or message loss. It's crucial for clients to overcome intermittent network issues and maintain reliable message delivery. To achieve that, you can create a reliable Websocket client with the help of reliable Azure Web PubSub subprotocols.
> [!NOTE]
-> Reliable protocols are still in preview. Some changes are expected in future.
+> Reliable protocols are still in preview. Some changes are expected in the future.
## Reliable Protocol
-Service supports two reliable subprotocols `json.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1` and `protobuf.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1`. Clients must follow the protocol, mainly including the part of reconnection, publisher and subscriber to achieve the reliability, or the message delivery may not work as expected or the service may terminate the client as it violates the protocol spec.
+The Web PubSub service supports two reliable subprotocols `json.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1` and `protobuf.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1`. Clients must follow the publisher, subscriber, and reconnection parts of the subprotocol to achieve reliability. Failing to properly implement the subprotocol may result in the message delivery not working as expected or the service terminating the client due to protocol violations.
## Initialization
-To use reliable subprotocols, you must set subprotocol when constructing Websocket connections. In JavaScript, you can use as following:
+To use reliable subprotocols, you must set the subprotocol when constructing Websocket connections. In JavaScript, you can use the following code:
+- Use Json reliable subprotocol:
-- Use Json reliable subprotocol ```js var pubsub = new WebSocket('wss://test.webpubsub.azure.com/client/hubs/hub1', 'json.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1'); ``` -- Use Protobuf reliable subprotocol
+- Use Protobuf reliable subprotocol:
+ ```js var pubsub = new WebSocket('wss://test.webpubsub.azure.com/client/hubs/hub1', 'protobuf.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1'); ``` ## Reconnection
-Websocket connections relay on TCP, so if the connection doesn't drop, all messages should be lossless and in order. When facing network issue and connections drop, all the status such as group and message info are kept by the service and wait for reconnection to recover. A Websocket connection owns a session in the service and the identifier is `connectionId`. Reconnection is the basis of achieving reliability and must be implemented. When a new connection connects to the service using reliable subprotocols, the connection will receive a `Connected` message contains `connectionId` and `reconnectionToken`.
+Reconnection is the basis of achieving reliability and must be implemented when using the `json.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1` and `protobuf.reliable.webpubsub.azure.v1` protocols.
+Websocket connections rely on TCP. When the connection doesn't drop, messages are lossless and delivered in order. To prevent message loss over dropped connections, the Web PubSub service retains the connection status information, including group and message information. This information is used to restore the client on reconnection
+When the client reconnects to the service using reliable subprotocols, the client will receive a `Connected` message containing the `connectionId` and `reconnectionToken`. The `connectionId` identifies the session of the connection in the service.
```json {
Websocket connections relay on TCP, so if the connection doesn't drop, all messa
} ```
-Once the WebSocket connection dropped, the client should first try to reconnect with the same `connectionId` to keep the session. Clients don't need to negotiate with server and obtain the `access_token`. Instead, reconnection should make a websocket connect request to service directly with `connection_id` and `reconnection_token` with the following uri:
+Once the WebSocket connection drops, the client should try to reconnect with the same `connectionId` to restore the same session. Clients don't need to negotiate with the server and obtain the `access_token`. Instead, on reconnection the client should make a WebSocket connect request directly to the service with the service host name, `connection_id`, and `reconnection_token`:
wss://<service-endpoint>/client/hubs/<hub>?awps_connection_id=<connection_id>&awps_reconnection_token=<reconnection_token> ```
-Reconnection may fail as network issue hasn't been recovered yet. Client should keep retrying reconnecting until
-1. Websocket connection closed with status code 1008. The status code means the connectionId has been removed from the service.
-2. Reconnection failure keeps more than 1 minute.
+Reconnection may fail if the network issue hasn't been recovered yet. The client should keep retrying to reconnect until:
+1. The Websocket connection is closed with status code 1008. The status code means the connectionId has been removed from the service.
+2. A reconnection failure continues to occur for more than 1 minute.
## Publisher
-Clients who send events to event handler or publish message to other clients are called publishers in the document. Publishers should set `ackId` to the message to get acknowledged from the service about whether the message publishing success or not. The `ackId` in message is the identifier of the message, which means different messages should use different `ackId`s, while resending message should keep the same `ackId` for the service to de-duplicate.
+Clients that send events to event handlers or publish messages to other clients are called publishers. Publishers should set `ackId` in the message to receive an acknowledgment from the Web PubSub service that publishing the message was successful or not.
+The `ackId` is the identifier of the message, each new message should use a unique ID. The original `ackId` should be used when resending a message.
A sample group send message:+ ```json { "type": "sendToGroup",
A sample group send message:
``` A sample ack response:+ ```json { "type": "ack",
A sample ack response:
} ```
-If the service returns ack with `success: true`, the message has been processed by the service and the client can expect the message will be delivered to all subscribers.
+When the Web PubSub service returns an ack response with `success: true`, the message has been processed by the service, and the client can expect the message will be delivered to all subscribers.
+When the service experiences a transient internal error and the message can't be sent to subscriber, the publisher will receive an ack with `success: false`. The publisher should read the error to determine whether or not to resend the message. If the message is resent, the same `ackId` should be used.
-However, In some cases, Service meets some transient internal error and the message can't be sent to subscriber. In such case, publisher will receive an ack like following and should resend message with the same `ackId` if it's necessary based on business logic.
```json { "type": "ack",
However, In some cases, Service meets some transient internal error and the mess
![Message Failure](./media/howto-develop-reliable-clients/message-failed.png)
-Service's ack may be dropped because of WebSockets connection dropped. So, publishers should get notified when Websocket connection drops and resend message with the same `ackId` after reconnection. If the message has actually processed by the service, it will response ack with `Duplicate` and publishers should stop resending this message again.
+If the service's ack response is lost because the WebSocket connection dropped, the publisher should resend the message with the same `ackId` after reconnection. When the message was previously processed by the service, it will send an ack containing a `Duplicate` error. The publisher should stop resending this message.
```json {
Service's ack may be dropped because of WebSockets connection dropped. So, publi
## Subscriber
-Clients who receive messages sent from event handlers or publishers are called subscriber in the document. When connections drop by network issues, the service doesn't know how many messages are actually sent to subscribers. So subscribers should tell the service which message has been received. Data Messages contains `sequenceId` and subscribers must ack the sequence-id with sequence ack message:
+Clients that receive messages from event handlers or publishers are called subscribers. When connections drop due to network issues, the Web PubSub service doesn't know how many messages were sent to subscribers. To determine the last message received by the subscriber, the service sends a data message containing a `sequenceId`. The subscriber responds with a sequence ack message:
A sample sequence ack:+ ```json { "type": "sequenceAck",
A sample sequence ack:
} ```
-The sequence-id is a uint64 incremental number with-in a connection-id session. Subscribers should record the largest sequence-id it ever received and accept all messages with larger sequence-id and drop all messages with smaller or equal sequence-id. The sequence ack supports cumulative ack, which means if you ack `sequence-id=5`, the service will treat all messages with sequence-id smaller than 5 have already been received by subscribers. Subscribers should ack with the largest sequence-id it recorded, so that the service can skip redelivering messages that subscribers have already received.
+The `sequenceId` is a uint64 incremental number in a connection-id session. Subscribers should record the largest `sequenceId` it has received, accept only messages with a larger `sequenceId`, and drop messages with a smaller or equal `sequenceId`. The subscriber should ack with the largest `sequenceId` it recorded, so that the service can skip redelivering messages that subscribers have already received. For example, if the subscriber responds with a `sequenceAck` with `sequenceId: 5`, the service will only resend messages with a `sequenceId` larger than 5.
-All messages are delivered to subscribers in order until the WebSockets connection drops. With sequence-id, the service can have the knowledge about how many messages subscribers have actually received across WebSockets connections with-in a connection-id session. After a WebSockets connection drop, the service will redeliver messages it should deliver but not ack-ed by the subscriber. The service hold messages that are not ack-ed with limit, if messages exceed the limit, the service will close the WebSockets connection and remove the connection-id session. Thus, subscribers should ack the sequence-id as soon as possible.
+All messages are delivered to subscribers in order until the WebSocket connection drops. With `sequenceId`, the service can know how many messages subscribers have received across WebSocket connections in a session. After a WebSocket connection drops, the service will redeliver messages not acknowledged by the subscriber. The service stores a limited number of unacknowledged messages. When the number of messages exceed the limit, the service will close the WebSocket connection and remove the session. Thus, subscribers should ack the `sequenceId` as soon as possible.
azure-web-pubsub Quickstart Use Sdk https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-web-pubsub/quickstart-use-sdk.md
Title: Quickstart - Publish messages using the service SDK for the Azure Web PubSub instance
-description: Quickstart showing how to use the service SDK
+ Title: Quickstart - Publish messages using Azure Web PubSub service SDK
+description: Quickstart showing how to use the Azure Web PubSub service SDK
Previously updated : 11/01/2021 Last updated : 01/17/2023 ms.devlang: azurecli
-# Quickstart: Publish messages using the service SDK for the Azure Web PubSub instance
+# Quickstart: Publish messages using the Azure Web PubSub service SDK
-This quickstart shows you how to publish messages to the clients using service SDK.
+Azure Web PubSub helps you manage WebSocket clients. This quickstart shows you how to publish messages to WebSocket clients using Azure Web PubSub service SDK.
+## Prerequisites
-- This quickstart requires version 2.22.0 or higher of the Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.
+- An Azure subscription, if you don't have one, create a [free account](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F).
+- a Bash and PowerShell command shell. The Python, Javascript and Java samples require a Bash command shell.
+- A file editor such as VSCode.
+- Azure CLI: [install the Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli)
-## Create a resource group
+If creating the project on a local machine, you'll need to install the dependencies for the language you're using:
+# [C#](#tab/csharp)
-## Create a Web PubSub instance
+Install both the .NET Core SDK and the `aspnetcore` and dotnet runtime.
+[.NET Core](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download)
-## Get the ConnectionString for future use
+# [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
-Copy the fetched **ConnectionString** and it will be used later when using service SDK as the value of `<connection_string>`.
+# [Python](#tab/python)
-## Connect to the instance
+# [Java](#tab/java)
+* [Java Development Kit (JDK)](/java/openjdk/install/)
+* [Apache Maven](https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
-## Publish messages using service SDK
-Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
-### Prerequisites
+## 1. Setup
-# [C#](#tab/csharp)
+To sign in to Azure from the CLI, run the following command and follow the prompts to complete the authentication process. If you are using Cloud Shell it is not necessary to sign in.
-* [.NET Core 2.1 or above](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download)
+az login
-# [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
+Ensure you're running the latest version of the CLI via the upgrade command.
-* [Node.js 12.x or above](https://nodejs.org)
+az upgrade
-# [Python](#tab/python)
-* [Python](https://www.python.org/)
+Next, install or update the Azure Web PubSub extension for the CLI if it wasn't installed with `az upgrade`.
-# [Java](#tab/java)
-- [Java Development Kit (JDK)](/java/azure/jdk/) version 8 or above.-- [Apache Maven](https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi).
+az extension add --name webpubsub --upgrade
+## 1. Create a resource group
+Set the following environment variables. Replace the \<placeholder\> with a unique Web PubSub name.
+# [Bash](#tab/bash)
+# [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+$ResourceGroupName = 'webpubsub-resource-group'
+$Location = 'EastUS'
+$WebPubSubName = '<YourUniqueName>'
+Create a resource group for the Web PubSub project.
+# [Bash](#tab/bash)
+az group create \
+ --name $RESOURCE_GROUP \
+ --location $LOCATION
+# [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+az group create --location $Location --name $ResourceGroupName
+## 2. Deploy a Web PubSub service instance
+Use the `az webpubsub create` command to create and deploy a Web PubSub service instance.
+# [Bash](#tab/bash)
+az webpubsub create \
+ --name $WEB_PUBSUB_NAME \
+ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
+ --location $LOCATION \
+ --sku Free_F1
+# [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+az webpubsub create `
+ --name $WebPubSubName `
+ --location $Location `
+ --resource-group $ResourceGroupName `
+ --sku Free_F1
+Save the service's connection string. The connection string is used by the service SDK to publish messages.
+> In a production environment, you should securely store connection strings using Azure Key Vault.
+# [Bash](#tab/bash)
+az webpubsub key show --name $WEB_PUBSUB_NAME --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP --query primaryConnectionString
+# [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+az webpubsub key show --name $WebPubSubName --resource-group $ResourceGroupName --query primaryConnectionString
+## 3. Connect a client to the service instance
+Create a Web PubSub client. The client maintains a connection to the service until it's terminated.
+Use the `az webpubsub client` command to start a WebSocket client connection to the service. The clients always connect to a hub, so provide a hub name for the client to connect to.
+# [Bash](#tab/bash)
+az webpubsub client start \
+ --name $WEB_PUBSUB_NAME \
+ --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
+ --hub-name "myHub1" \
+ --user-id "user1"
+# [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+az webpubsub client start `
+ --name $WebPubSubName `
+ --resource-group $ResourceGroupName `
+ --hub-name 'myHub1' `
+ --user-id 'user1'
+The connection to the Web PubSub service is established when you see a JSON message indicating that the client is now successfully connected, and is assigned a unique `connectionId`:
+## 4. Publish messages using service SDK
+You'll use the Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to all the clients connected to the hub.
+You can choose between C#, JavaScript, Python and Java. The dependencies for each language are installed in the steps for that language. Note that Python, JavaScript and Java require a bash shell to run the commands in this quickstart.
+ ### Set up the project to publish messages
+1. Open a new command shell for this project.
+1. Save the connection string from the client shell:
+ # [Bash](#tab/bash)
+ ```azurecli
+ Connection_String="<your_connection_string>"
+ ```
+ # [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+ ```azurepowershell
+ $connection_string = "<your_connection_string>"
+ ```
+1. Now, select the language for your project.
+ # [C#](#tab/csharp)
-1. Add a new project `publisher` and add the SDK package `package Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub`.
+1. Add a new project named `publisher` and the SDK package `Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub`.
```bash mkdir publisher
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub ```
-2. Update the `Program.cs` file to use the `WebPubSubServiceClient` class and send messages to the clients.
+1. Update the `Program.cs` file to use the `WebPubSubServiceClient` class to send messages to the clients. Replace the code in the `Program.cs` file with the following code.
```csharp using System;
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
The `service.SendToAllAsync()` call simply sends a message to all connected clients in the hub.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Run the following command to publish a message to the service.
- dotnet run "<connection_string>" "myHub1" "Hello World"
+ dotnet run $connection_string "myHub1" "Hello World"
-4. You can see that the previous CLI client received the message.
+1. The previous command shell containing the Web PubSub client shows the received message.
+ ```json {"type":"message","from":"server","dataType":"text","data":"Hello World"} ``` # [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
-1. First let's create a new folder `publisher` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. Create a new folder named `publisher` for this project and install required dependencies:
```bash mkdir publisher
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
npm install --save @azure/web-pubsub ```
-2. Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.js` file with the below code:
+1. Use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.js` file containing the code:
```javascript const { WebPubSubServiceClient } = require('@azure/web-pubsub');
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
The `sendToAll()` call simply sends a message to all connected clients in a hub.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Run the following command to publish a message to the service:
- export WebPubSubConnectionString="<connection-string>"
+ export WebPubSubConnectionString=$connection_string
node publish "Hello World" ```
-4. You can see that the previous CLI client received the message.
+1. The previous command shell containing the Web PubSub client shows the received message.
+ ```json {"type":"message","from":"server","dataType":"text","data":"Hello World"} ``` # [Python](#tab/python)
-1. First let's create a new folder `publisher` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. Create a new folder named `publisher` for this project and install required dependencies:
+ ```bash mkdir publisher cd publisher
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
python -m venv env # Active venv source ./env/bin/activate- pip install azure-messaging-webpubsubservice- ```
-2. Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.py` file with the below code:
+1. Use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.py` file with the below code:
```python import sys
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
The `service.send_to_all()` method sends the message to all connected clients in a hub.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Run the following command to publish a message to the service:
- python publish.py "<connection_string>" "myHub1" "Hello World"
+ python publish.py $connection_string "myHub1" "Hello World"
-4. You can see that the previous CLI client received the message.
+1. The previous command shell containing the Web PubSub client shows the received message.
+ ```json {"type":"message","from":"server","dataType":"text","data":"Hello World"} ``` # [Java](#tab/java)
-1. First let's use Maven to create a new console app `webpubsub-quickstart-publisher` and switch into the *webpubsub-quickstart-publisher* folder:
+1. Use Maven to create a new console app named `webpubsub-quickstart-publisher` and go to the *webpubsub-quickstart-publisher* directory:
+ ```console mvn archetype:generate --define interactiveMode=n --define groupId=com.webpubsub.quickstart --define artifactId=webpubsub-quickstart-publisher --define archetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart --define archetypeVersion=1.4 cd webpubsub-quickstart-publisher ```
-2. Let's add Azure Web PubSub SDK dependency into the `dependencies` node of `pom.xml`:
+1. Add the Azure Web PubSub SDK to the `dependencies` node of `pom.xml`:
```xml <dependency>
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
</dependency> ```
-3. Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Let's navigate to the */src/main/java/com/webpubsub/quickstart* directory, open the *App.java* file in your editor and replace code with the below:
+1. Go to the *src/main/java/com/webpubsub/quickstart* directory.
+1. Replace the contents in the *App.java* file with the following code:
```java package com.webpubsub.quickstart;
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
- The `service.sendToAll()` call simply sends a message to all connected clients in a hub.
+ This code uses the Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. The `service.sendToAll()` call sends a message to all connected clients in a hub.
-4. Navigate to the directory containing the *pom.xml* file and compile the project by using the following `mvn` command.
+1. Return t the *webpubsub-quickstart-publisher* directory containing the *pom.xml* file and compile the project by using the following `mvn` command.
```console mvn compile ```
-5. Then build the package
+1. Build the package.
```console mvn package ```
-6. Run the following `mvn` command to execute the app, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Run the following `mvn` command to execute the app to publish a message to the service:
- mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.webpubsub.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args="'<connection_string>' 'myHub1' 'Hello World'"
+ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.webpubsub.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args=" '$connection_string' 'myHub1' 'Hello World'"
-7. You can see that the previous CLI client received the message.
+1. The previous command shell containing the Web PubSub client shows the received message.
+ ```json {"type":"message","from":"server","dataType":"text","data":"Hello World"} ```
+## Cleanup
+You can delete the resources that you created in this quickstart by deleting the resource group that contains them.
+# [Bash](#tab/bash)
+az group delete --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --yes
+# [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
+az group delete --name $ResourceGroup --yes
+ ## Next steps This quickstart provides you a basic idea of how to connect to the Web PubSub service and how to publish messages to the connected clients.
azure-web-pubsub Tutorial Pub Sub Messages https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/azure-web-pubsub/tutorial-pub-sub-messages.md
Previously updated : 11/01/2021 Last updated : 01/17/2023 # Tutorial: Publish and subscribe messages using WebSocket API and Azure Web PubSub service SDK
-The Azure Web PubSub service helps you build real-time messaging web applications using WebSockets and the publish-subscribe pattern easily. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to subscribe to the service using WebSocket API and publish messages and using the service SDK.
+The Azure Web PubSub service helps you to easily build real-time web messaging applications. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to subscribe to the service using WebSocket API and publish messages using the Web PubSub service SDK.
In this tutorial, you learn how to: > [!div class="checklist"] > * Create a Web PubSub service instance > * Generate the full URL to establish the WebSocket connection
-> * Subscribe messages using standard WebSocket protocol
-> * Publish messages using service SDK
+> * Create a Web PubSub subscriber client to receive messages using standard WebSocket protocol
+> * Create a Web PubSub publisher client to publish messages using Web PubSub service SDK
+If creating the project on a local machine, you'll need to install the dependencies for the language you're using:
-- This setup requires version 2.22.0 or higher of the Azure CLI. If using Azure Cloud Shell, the latest version is already installed.
+# [C#](#tab/csharp)
-## Create an Azure Web PubSub instance
+[.NET Core](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download)
-### Create a resource group
+# [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
-### Create a Web PubSub instance
+# [Python](#tab/python)
-### Get the ConnectionString for future use
+# [Java](#tab/java)
+* [Java Development Kit (JDK)](/java/openjdk/install/).
+* [Apache Maven](https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
-Copy the fetched **ConnectionString** and it will be used later in this tutorial as the value of `<connection_string>`.
-## Set up the project
-### Prerequisites
+## Setup
-# [C#](#tab/csharp)
+# [Local Azure CLI](#tab/LocalBash)
-* [.NET Core 2.1 or above](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download)
-# [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
+# [Azure Cloud Shell ](#tab/Cloud)
-* [Node.js 12.x or above](https://nodejs.org)
+[![Launch Cloud Shell in a new window](../../includes/media/cloud-shell-try-it/hdi-launch-cloud-shell.png)](https://shell.azure.com)
-# [Python](#tab/python)
-* [Python](https://www.python.org/)
-# [Java](#tab/java)
-- [Java Development Kit (JDK)](/java/azure/jdk/) version 8 or above-- [Apache Maven](https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi)
+### Create a resource group
-## Set up the subscriber
+## 1. Create an Azure Web PubSub instance
-Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket protocol using [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication. The service SDK provides helper methods to generate the token. In this tutorial, the subscriber directly generates the token from *ConnectionString*. In real applications, we usually use a server-side application to handle the authentication/authorization workflow. Try the [Build a chat app](./tutorial-build-chat.md) tutorial to better understand the workflow.
+### Create a Web PubSub instance
+### Get the connection string
+## Create a subscriber client
+Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket protocol using [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication. The service SDK provides helper methods to generate the token. In this tutorial, the subscriber directly generates the token from *ConnectionString*. In real applications, a server-side application usually handles the authentication/authorization workflow. To better understand the workflow, see the tutorial [Build a chat app](./tutorial-build-chat.md).
# [C#](#tab/csharp)
-1. First let's create a new folder `subscriber` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. First, create a project directory named `subscriber` for this project and install required dependencies:
+ * The package [Websocket.Client](https://github.com/Marfusios/websocket-client) is a third-party package supporting WebSocket connection. You can use any API/library that supports WebSocket to do so. * The SDK package `Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub` helps to generate the JWT token.
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub --version 1.0.0 ```
-2. Update the `Program.cs` file to connect to the service:
+1. Replace the code in the `Program.cs` with the following code that will connect to the service:
```csharp using System;
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
- The code above creates a WebSocket connection to connect to a hub in Azure Web PubSub. Hub is a logical unit in Azure Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Azure Web PubSub.
- Azure Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication, so in the code sample we use `WebPubSubServiceClient.GetClientAccessUri()` in Web PubSub SDK to generate a url to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
- After the connection is established, you'll receive messages through the WebSocket connection. So we use `client.MessageReceived.Subscribe(msg => ...));` to listen to incoming messages.
+ The code creates a WebSocket connection that is connected to a hub in Web PubSub. A hub is a logical unit in Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Web PubSub.
+ The Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication. The sample code uses `WebPubSubServiceClient.GetClientAccessUri()` in Web PubSub SDK to generate a URL to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+ After the connection is established, your client receives messages through the WebSocket connection. The client uses `client.MessageReceived.Subscribe(msg => ...));` to listen for incoming messages.
+1. Run the following command:
- dotnet run "<connection_string>" "myHub1"
+ dotnet run $connection_string "myHub1"
``` # [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
-1. First let's create a new folder `subscriber` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. First, create a project directory named `subscriber` and install required dependencies:
```bash mkdir subscriber
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
npm install --save @azure/web-pubsub ```
-2. Then use WebSocket API to connect to service. Create a `subscribe.js` file with the below code:
+1. Use the WebSocket API to connect to the Web PubSub service. Create a `subscribe.js` file with the following code:
```javascript const WebSocket = require('ws');
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
main(); ```
- The code above creates a WebSocket connection to connect to a hub in Azure Web PubSub. Hub is a logical unit in Azure Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Azure Web PubSub.
- Azure Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication, so in the code sample we use `WebPubSubServiceClient.getClientAccessToken()` in Web PubSub SDK to generate a url to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
- After connection is established, you'll receive messages through the WebSocket connection. So we use `WebSocket.on('message', ...)` to listen to incoming messages.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+ The code creates a WebSocket connection that is connected to a hub in Web PubSub. A hub is a logical unit in Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Web PubSub.
+ The Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication. The sample code uses `WebPubSubServiceClient.GetClientAccessUri()` in Web PubSub SDK to generate a URL to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
+ After the connection is established, your client receives messages through the WebSocket connection. The client uses `client.MessageReceived.Subscribe(msg => ...));` to listen for incoming messages.
+1. Run the following command:
- export WebPubSubConnectionString="<connection-string>"
+ export WebPubSubConnectionString=$connection_string
node subscribe ``` # [Python](#tab/python)
-1. First let's create a new folder `subscriber` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. First, create a project directory named `subscriber` and install required dependencies:
```bash mkdir subscriber
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
-2. Then use WebSocket API to connect to service. Create a `subscribe.py` file with the below code:
+1. Use the WebSocket API to connect to the Web PubSub service. Create a `subscribe.py` file with the following code:
```python import asyncio
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
- The code above creates a WebSocket connection to connect to a hub in Azure Web PubSub. Hub is a logical unit in Azure Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Azure Web PubSub.
- Azure Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication, so in the code sample we use `service.get_client_access_token()` provided by the SDK to generate a url to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
- After connection is established, you'll receive messages through the WebSocket connection. So we use `await ws.recv()` to listen to incoming messages.
+ The code creates a WebSocket connection that is connected to a hub in Web PubSub. A hub is a logical unit in Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Web PubSub.
+ The Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication. The sample code uses `WebPubSubServiceClient.GetClientAccessUri()` in Web PubSub SDK to generate a URL to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+ After the connection is established, your client will receive messages through the WebSocket connection. Use `await ws.recv()` to listen for incoming messages.
+1. Run the following command:
- python subscribe.py "<connection_string>" "myHub1"
+ python subscribe.py $connection_string "myHub1"
``` # [Java](#tab/java)
-1. First let's create a new folder `pubsub` for this tutorial
+1. First, create a project directory named `pubsub` for this tutorial.
+ ```cmd mkdir pubsub cd pubsub ```
-1. Then inside this `pubsub` folder let's use Maven to create a new console app `webpubsub-quickstart-subscriber` and switch into the *webpubsub-quickstart-subscriber* folder:
+1. Inside the `pubsub` directory, use Maven to create a new console app called `webpubsub-quickstart-subscriber`, then go to the *webpubsub-quickstart-subscriber* directory:
```console mvn archetype:generate --define interactiveMode=n --define groupId=com.webpubsub.quickstart --define artifactId=webpubsub-quickstart-subscriber --define archetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart --define archetypeVersion=1.4 cd webpubsub-quickstart-subscriber ```
-2. Let's add WebSocket and Azure Web PubSub SDK dependency into the `dependencies` node of `pom.xml`:
+1. Add WebSocket and Azure Web PubSub SDK to the `dependencies` node in `pom.xml`:
* `azure-messaging-webpubsub`: Web PubSub service SDK for Java * `Java-WebSocket`: WebSocket client SDK for Java
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
-3. In Azure Web PubSub, you can connect to the service and subscribe to messages through WebSocket connections. WebSocket is a full-duplex communication channel so service can push messages to your client in real time. You can use any API/library that supports WebSocket to do so. For this sample, we use package [Java-WebSocket](https://github.com/TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket). Let's navigate to the */src/main/java/com/webpubsub/quickstart* directory, open the *App.java* file in your editor, and replace code with the below:
+ In Web PubSub, you can connect to the service and subscribe to messages through WebSocket connections. WebSocket is a full-duplex communication channel allowing the service to push messages to your client in real time. You can use any API or library that supports WebSocket. For this sample, we use package [Java-WebSocket](https://github.com/TooTallNate/Java-WebSocket).
+1. Go to the */src/main/java/com/webpubsub/quickstart* directory.
+1. Edit replace the contents of the *App.java* file with the following code:
```java package com.webpubsub.quickstart;
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
/** * Connect to Azure Web PubSub service using WebSocket protocol
- *
*/ public class App {
Clients connect to the Azure Web PubSub service through the standard WebSocket p
- The code above creates a WebSocket connection to connect to a hub in Azure Web PubSub. Hub is a logical unit in Azure Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Azure Web PubSub.
- Azure Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication, so in the code sample we use `WebPubSubServiceClient.getClientAccessToken(new GetClientAccessTokenOptions())` in Web PubSub SDK to generate a url to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
- After connection is established, you'll receive messages through the WebSocket connection. So we use `onMessage(String message)` to listen to incoming messages.
+ This code creates a WebSocket connection that is connected to a hub in Azure Web PubSub. A hub is a logical unit in Azure Web PubSub where you can publish messages to a group of clients. [Key concepts](./key-concepts.md) contains the detailed explanation about the terms used in Azure Web PubSub.
-4. Navigate to the directory containing the *pom.xml* file and run the app with below code, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+ The Web PubSub service uses [JSON Web Token (JWT)](../active-directory/develop/security-tokens.md#json-web-tokens-and-claims) authentication. The sample code uses `WebPubSubServiceClient.GetClientAccessUri()` in Web PubSub SDK to generate a URL to the service that contains the full URL with a valid access token.
+ After connection is established, your client will receive messages through the WebSocket connection. Use `onMessage(String message)` to listen for incoming messages.
+1. Navigate to the *webpubsub-quickstart-subscriber* directory and run the app with following command:
- mvn compile & mvn package & mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.webpubsub.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args="'<connection_string>' 'myHub1'"
+ mvn compile & mvn package & mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.webpubsub.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args="$connection_string 'myHub1'"
-## Publish messages using service SDK
+## 2. Publish messages using service SDK
-Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
+Create a publisher using the Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client. For this project, you'll need to open another command shell.
# [C#](#tab/csharp)
-1. First let's create a new folder `publisher` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. First, create a project directory named `publisher` and install required dependencies:
```bash mkdir publisher
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
dotnet add package Azure.Messaging.WebPubSub ```
-2. Now let's update the `Program.cs` file to use the `WebPubSubServiceClient` class and send messages to the clients.
+1. Update the `Program.cs` file to use the `WebPubSubServiceClient` class and send messages to the clients.
```csharp using System;
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
The `SendToAllAsync()` call simply sends a message to all connected clients in the hub.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Send a message by running the command:
- dotnet run "<connection_string>" "myHub1" "Hello World"
+ dotnet run $connection_string "myHub1" "Hello World"
-4. You can see that the previous subscriber received the below message:
- ```
+1. Check the command shell of the previous subscriber to see that it received the message:
+ ```text
Message received: Hello World ``` # [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
-1. First let's create a new folder `publisher` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. First, create a project directory named `publisher` and install required dependencies:
```bash mkdir publisher
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
npm install --save @azure/web-pubsub ```
-2. Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.js` file with the below code:
+1. Use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.js` file with the below code:
```javascript const { WebPubSubServiceClient } = require('@azure/web-pubsub');
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
The `service.sendToAll()` call simply sends a message to all connected clients in a hub.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Send a message by running the command:
- export WebPubSubConnectionString="<connection-string>"
+ export WebPubSubConnectionString=$connection_string
node publish "Hello World" ```
-4. You can see that the previous subscriber received the below message:
- ```
+1. You can see that the previous subscriber received the message:
+ ```text
Message received: Hello World ``` # [Python](#tab/python)
-1. First let's create a new folder `publisher` for this project and install required dependencies:
+1. First, create a project directory named `publisher` and install required dependencies:
+ ```bash mkdir publisher cd publisher
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
pip install azure-messaging-webpubsubservice ```
-2. Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.py` file with the below code:
+1. Use the Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Create a `publish.py` file with the below code:
```python import sys
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
The `send_to_all()` send the message to all connected clients in a hub.
-3. Run the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Run the following command:
- python publish.py "<connection_string>" "myHub1" "Hello World"
+ python publish.py $connection_string "myHub1" "Hello World"
-4. You can see that the previous subscriber received the below message:
- ```
+1. Check the previous command shell to that the subscriber received the message:
+ ```text
Received message: Hello World ``` # [Java](#tab/java)
-1. Let's use another terminal and go back to the `pubsub` folder to create a publisher console app `webpubsub-quickstart-publisher` and switch into the *webpubsub-quickstart-publisher* folder:
+1. Go to the `pubsub` directory. Use Maven to create a publisher console app `webpubsub-quickstart-publisher` and go to the *webpubsub-quickstart-publisher* directory:
+ ```console mvn archetype:generate --define interactiveMode=n --define groupId=com.webpubsub.quickstart --define artifactId=webpubsub-quickstart-publisher --define archetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart --define archetypeVersion=1.4 cd webpubsub-quickstart-publisher ```
-2. Let's add Azure Web PubSub SDK dependency into the `dependencies` node of `pom.xml`:
+1. Add the Azure Web PubSub SDK dependency into the `dependencies` node of `pom.xml`:
```xml <dependency>
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
</dependency> ```
-3. Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Let's navigate to the */src/main/java/com/webpubsub/quickstart* directory, open the *App.java* file in your editor, and replace code with the below:
+1. Use the Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the service. Go to the */src/main/java/com/webpubsub/quickstart* directory, open the *App.java* file in your editor, and replace the contents with the following code:
Now let's use Azure Web PubSub SDK to publish a message to the connected client.
- The `sendToAll()` call simply sends a message to all connected clients in a hub.
+ The `sendToAll()` call sends a message to all connected clients in a hub.
-4. Navigate to the directory containing the *pom.xml* file and run the project using the below command, replacing `<connection_string>` with the **ConnectionString** fetched in [previous step](#get-the-connectionstring-for-future-use):
+1. Go to the *webpubsub-quickstart-publisher* directory and run the project using the following command:
- mvn compile & mvn package & mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.webpubsub.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args="'<connection_string>' 'myHub1' 'Hello World'"
+ mvn compile & mvn package & mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.webpubsub.quickstart.App" -Dexec.cleanupDaemonThreads=false -Dexec.args="$connection_string 'myHub1' 'Hello World'"
-5. You can see that the previous subscriber received the below message:
- ```
+1. You can see that the previous subscriber received the message:
+ ```text
Message received: Hello World ```
+## Cleanup
+You can delete the resources that you created in this quickstart by deleting the resource group that contains them.
+az group delete --name myResourceGroup --yes
+If you aren't planning to continue using Azure Cloud Shell, you can avoid accumulating costs by deleting the resource group that contains the associated the storage account. The resource group is named `cloud-shell-storage-<your-region>`. Run the following command, replacing `<CloudShellResourceGroup>` with the Cloud Shell group name.
+az group delete --name <CloudShellResourceGroup> --yes
+> Deleting resource groups will delete all resources, including resources created outside the scope of this tutorial.
+ ## Next steps
-This tutorial provides you a basic idea of how to connect to the Web PubSub service and how to publish messages to the connected clients.
+This tutorial provides you a basic idea of how to connect to the Web PubSub service and publish messages to the connected clients.
-Check other tutorials to further dive into how to use the service.
+Check other tutorials to dive further into how to use the service.
> [!div class="nextstepaction"] > [Tutorial: Create a chatroom with Azure Web PubSub](./tutorial-build-chat.md)
backup Backup Azure Recovery Services Vault Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/backup/backup-azure-recovery-services-vault-overview.md
Title: Overview of Recovery Services vaults description: An overview of Recovery Services vaults. Previously updated : 08/17/2020
Last updated : 01/24/2023 -+++ # Recovery Services vaults overview
-This article describes the features of a Recovery Services vault. A Recovery Services vault is a storage entity in Azure that houses data. The data is typically copies of data, or configuration information for virtual machines (VMs), workloads, servers, or workstations. You can use Recovery Services vaults to hold backup data for various Azure services such as IaaS VMs (Linux or Windows) and SQL Server in Azure VMs. Recovery Services vaults support System Center DPM, Windows Server, Azure Backup Server, and more. Recovery Services vaults make it easy to organize your backup data, while minimizing management overhead. Recovery Services vaults are based on the Azure Resource Manager model of Azure, which provides features such as:
+This article describes the features of a Recovery Services vault.
+A Recovery Services vault is a storage entity in Azure that houses data. The data is typically copies of data, or configuration information for virtual machines (VMs), workloads, servers, or workstations. You can use Recovery Services vaults to hold backup data for various Azure services such as IaaS VMs (Linux or Windows) and SQL Server in Azure VMs. Recovery Services vaults support System Center DPM, Windows Server, Azure Backup Server, and more. Recovery Services vaults make it easy to organize your backup data, while minimizing management overhead.
+## Key features
+Recovery Services vaults are based on the Azure Resource Manager model of Azure, which provides features such as:
- **Enhanced capabilities to help secure backup data**: With Recovery Services vaults, Azure Backup provides security capabilities to protect cloud backups. The security features ensure you can secure your backups, and safely recover data, even if production and backup servers are compromised. [Learn more](backup-azure-security-feature.md)
Read more about how to encrypt your backup data [using customer-managed keys](en
Azure Advisor provides hourly [recommendations](../advisor/advisor-high-availability-recommendations.md#protect-your-virtual-machine-data-from-accidental-deletion) for VMs that aren't backed up, so you never miss backing up important VMs. You can also control the recommendations by snoozing them. You can select the recommendation and enable backup on VMs in-line by specifying the vault (where backups will be stored) and the backup policy (schedule of backups and retention of backup copies).
-![Azure Advisor](./media/backup-azure-recovery-services-vault-overview/azure-advisor.png)
+![Screenshot shows the Azure Advisor page.](./media/backup-azure-recovery-services-vault-overview/azure-advisor.png)
## Additional resources
backup Offline Backup Server Previous Versions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/backup/offline-backup-server-previous-versions.md
Title: Offline backup for Data Protection Manager (DPM) and Microsoft Azure Backup Server (MABS) - previous versions description: With Azure Backup, you can send data off the network by using the Azure Import/Export service. This article explains the offline backup workflow for previous versions of DPM and Azure Backup Server.- Previously updated : 06/08/2020+ Last updated : 01/23/2023++++ # Offline backup workflow for DPM and Azure Backup Server (previous versions)
+ This article describes about offline backup and how to finish this workflow for System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) and Microsoft Azure Backup Server (MABS).
+ >[!IMPORTANT] >These steps are applicable for DPM 2019 RTM and earlier versions and MABS v3 RTM and earlier versions. Azure Backup has several built-in efficiencies that save network and storage costs during the initial full backups of data to Azure. Initial full backups typically transfer large amounts of data and require more network bandwidth when compared to subsequent backups that transfer only the deltas/incrementals. Azure Backup compresses the initial backups. Through the process of offline seeding, Azure Backup can use disks to upload the compressed initial backup data offline to Azure.
-The offline-seeding process of Azure Backup is tightly integrated with the [Azure Import/Export service](../import-export/storage-import-export-service.md). You can use this service to transfer data to Azure by using disks. If you have terabytes (TBs) of initial backup data that need to be transferred over a high-latency and low-bandwidth network, you can use the offline-seeding workflow to ship the initial backup copy on one or more hard drives to an Azure datacenter. This article provides an overview and further steps that finish this workflow for System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) and Microsoft Azure Backup Server (MABS).
+The offline-seeding process of Azure Backup is tightly integrated with the [Azure Import/Export service](../import-export/storage-import-export-service.md). You can use this service to transfer data to Azure by using disks. If you have terabytes (TBs) of initial backup data that need to be transferred over a high-latency and low-bandwidth network, you can use the offline-seeding workflow to ship the initial backup copy on one or more hard drives to an Azure datacenter.
> [!NOTE] > The process of offline backup for the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services (MARS) Agent is distinct from DPM and MABS. For information on using offline backup with the MARS Agent, see [Offline backup workflow in Azure Backup](backup-azure-backup-import-export.md). Offline backup isn't supported for system state backups done by using the Azure Backup Agent. >
-## Overview
+## Offline backup process
With the offline-seeding capability of Azure Backup and the Azure Import/Export service, it's simple to upload the data offline to Azure by using disks. The offline backup process involves the following steps:
With the offline-seeding capability of Azure Backup and the Azure Import/Export
Offline backup is supported for all deployment models of Azure Backup that back up data from on-premises to the Microsoft cloud. These models include:
-> [!div class="checklist"]
-> * Backup of files and folders with the MARS Agent or the Azure Backup Agent.
-> * Backup of all workloads and files with DPM.
-> * Backup of all workloads and files with MABS.
+- Backup of files and folders with the MARS Agent or the Azure Backup Agent.
+- Backup of all workloads and files with DPM.
+- Backup of all workloads and files with MABS.
>[!NOTE] >Azure CSP subscriptions aren't supported for use with offline seeding for DPM 2019 RTM and earlier versions, and MABS v3 RTM and earlier versions. Online backups over the network are still supported.
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you start the offline bac
* An Azure storage account with the Resource Manager deployment model has been created in the subscription from which you downloaded the publish settings file. In the storage account, create a new blob container, which will be used as the destination.
- ![Create a storage account with Resource Manager development](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/storage-account-resource-manager.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows how to create a storage account with Resource Manager development.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/storage-account-resource-manager.png)
* A staging location, which might be a network share or any additional drive on the computer, internal or external, with enough disk space to hold your initial copy, is created. For example, if you want to back up a 500-GB file server, ensure that the staging area is at least 500 GB. (A smaller amount is used due to compression.) * For disks sent to Azure, ensure that only 2.5-inch SSD or 2.5-inch or 3.5-inch SATA II/III internal hard drives are used. You can use hard drives up to 10 TB. Check the [Azure Import/Export service documentation](../import-export/storage-import-export-requirements.md#supported-hardware) for the latest set of drives that the service supports.
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you start the offline bac
The tool creates an Azure Offline Backup Active Directory Application if one doesn't exist.
- If an application already exists, this executable asks you to manually upload the certificate to the application in the tenant. Follow the steps in [this section](#manually-upload-an-offline-backup-certificate) to upload the certificate manually to the application.
+ If an application already exists, this executable asks you to manually upload the certificate to the application in the tenant. Follow the steps in [this section](#upload-an-offline-backup-certificate-manually) to upload the certificate manually to the application.
* The *AzureOfflineBackupCertGen.exe* tool generates an *OfflineApplicationParams.xml* file. Copy this file to the server with MABS or DPM. * Install the [latest MARS Agent](https://aka.ms/azurebackup_agent) on the DPM instance or the Azure Backup server.
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before you start the offline bac
* The previous command creates the file `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent\Scratch\MicrosoftBackupProvider\OfflineApplicationParams_<Storageaccountname>.xml`.
-## Manually upload an offline backup certificate
+## Upload an offline backup certificate manually
-Follow these steps to manually upload the offline backup certificate to a previously created Azure Active Directory application meant for offline backup.
+To manually upload the offline backup certificate to a previously created Azure Active Directory application meant for offline backup, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to the Azure portal. 1. Go to **Azure Active Directory** > **App registrations**. 1. On the **Owned applications** tab, locate an application with the display name format `AzureOfflineBackup _<Azure User Id`.
- ![Locate application on Owned applications tab](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/owned-applications.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows how to locate application on Owned applications tab.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/owned-applications.png)
1. Select the application. Under **Manage** on the left pane, go to **Certificates & secrets**.
-1. Check for pre-existing certificates or public keys. If there are none, you can safely delete the application by selecting the **Delete** button on the application's **Overview** page. Then you can retry the steps to [prepare the server for the offline backup](#prepare-the-server-for-the-offline-backup-process) process, and skip the following steps. Otherwise, continue to follow these steps from the DPM instance or Azure Backup server where you want to configure offline backup.
+1. Check for pre-existing certificates or public keys. If there's none, you can safely delete the application by selecting the **Delete** button on the application's **Overview** page. Then you can retry the steps to [prepare the server for the offline backup](#prepare-the-server-for-the-offline-backup-process) process, and skip the following steps. Otherwise, continue to follow these steps from the DPM instance or Azure Backup server where you want to configure offline backup.
1. From **Start** ΓÇô **Run**, type *Certlm.msc*. In the **Certificates - Local Computer** window, select the **Certificates ΓÇô Local Computer** > **Personal** tab. Look for the certificate with the name `CB_AzureADCertforOfflineSeeding_<ResourceId>`. 1. Select the certificate, right-click **All Tasks**, and then select **Export**, without a private key, in the .cer format. 1. Go to the Azure offline backup application in the Azure portal. 1. Select **Manage** > **Certificates & secrets** > **Upload certificate**. Upload the certificate exported in the previous step.
- ![Upload the certificate](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/upload-certificate.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows how to upload the certificate.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/upload-certificate.png)
1. On the server, open the registry by entering **regedit** in the run window. 1. Go to the registry entry *Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Azure Backup\Config\CloudBackupProvider*.
Follow these steps to manually upload the offline backup certificate to a previo
1. Right-click the string added in the previous step, and select **Modify**. In the value, provide the thumbprint of the certificate you exported in step 7. Then select **OK**. 1. To get the value of the thumbprint, double-click the certificate. Select the **Details** tab, and scroll down until you see the thumbprint field. Select **Thumbprint**, and copy the value.
- ![Copy value from the thumbprint field](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/thumbprint-field.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows how to copy value from the thumbprint field.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/thumbprint-field.png)
-1. Continue to the [Workflow](#workflow) section to proceed with the offline backup process.
+1. Continue to the [Finish the offline workflow](#finish-the-offline-backup-workflow) section to proceed with the offline backup process.
-## Workflow
+## Finish the offline backup workflow
The information in this section helps you finish the offline backup workflow so that your data can be delivered to an Azure datacenter and uploaded to Azure Storage. If you have questions about the import service or any aspect of the process, see the [Import service overview documentation](../import-export/storage-import-export-service.md) referenced earlier.
The information in this section helps you finish the offline backup workflow so
1. When you schedule a backup, you see the following page in Windows Server, a Windows client, or DPM.
- ![Import page](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/offline-backup-screen-inputs.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows how the import page.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/offline-backup-screen-inputs.png)
Here's the corresponding page in DPM. <br/>
- ![DPM and Azure Backup Server import page](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/dpm-offline.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows the DPM and Azure Backup Server import page.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/dpm-offline.png)
The boxes that you fill in are:
The information in this section helps you finish the offline backup workflow so
1. Finish the workflow. To initiate the offline backup copy, select **Back Up Now** on the Azure Backup Agent management console. The initial backup is written to the staging area as part of this step.
- ![Backup now](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/backup-now.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows how to initiate the offline backup using Backup Now.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/backup-now.png)
- To finish the corresponding workflow in DPM or Azure Backup Server, right-click the **Protection Group**. Select the **Create recovery point** option. Then select the **Online Protection** option.
+ To finish the corresponding workflow in DPM or Azure Backup Server, right-click the **Protection Group**, and then select **Create recovery point** > **Online Protection**.
- ![DPM and MABS Back Up Now](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/dpm-backup-now.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows how to use Back Up Now for DPM and MABS.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/dpm-backup-now.png)
After the operation finishes, the staging location is ready to be used for disk preparation.
- ![Backup progress](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/op-backup-now.png)
+ ![Screenshot shows the backup progress.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/op-backup-now.png)
### Prepare SATA drives and ship to Azure
The *AzureOfflineBackupDiskPrep* utility is used to prepare the SATA drives that
When you run the command, the utility requests the selection of the Azure import job that corresponds to the drives that need to be prepared. If only a single import job is associated with the provided staging location, you see a page like this one.
- ![Azure disk preparation tool input](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/azure-disk-preparation-tool-drive-input.png) <br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows how to add xthe Azure disk preparation tool input.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/azure-disk-preparation-tool-drive-input.png) <br/>
1. Enter the drive letter without the trailing colon for the mounted disk that you want to prepare for transfer to Azure. When prompted, provide confirmation for the formatting of the drive.
The *AzureOfflineBackupDiskPrep* utility is used to prepare the SATA drives that
After the tool finishes successfully, one or more disks that you provided are prepared for shipping to Azure. An import job with the name you provided during the workflow in the "Initiate offline backup" section also is created in Azure. Finally, the tool displays the shipping address to the Azure datacenter where the disks need to be shipped.
- ![Azure disk preparation finished](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/azure-disk-preparation-tool-success.png)<br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows that Azure disk preparation is finished.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/azure-disk-preparation-tool-success.png)<br/>
1. At the end of the command execution, you also see the option to update shipping information.
- ![Update shipping information option](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/update-shipping-utility.png)<br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows the update shipping information option.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/update-shipping-utility.png)<br/>
1. You can enter the details right away. The tool guides you through the process that involves a series of inputs. If you don't have information like the tracking number or other details related to shipping, you can end the session. The steps to update shipping details later are provided in this article.
The *AzureOfflineBackupDiskPrep* utility is used to prepare the SATA drives that
The utility automatically detects the import job that the source computer is waiting on or the import jobs associated with the staging location when the command is run on a different computer. It then provides the option to update shipping information through a series of inputs.
- ![Enter shipping information](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/shipping-inputs.png)<br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows how to enter shipping information.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/shipping-inputs.png)<br/>
1. After all the inputs are provided, review the details carefully and commit the shipping information you provided by entering **yes**.
- ![Review shipping information](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/review-shipping-information.png)<br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows how to review shipping information.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/review-shipping-information.png)<br/>
1. After the shipping information is successfully updated, the utility provides a local location where the shipping details you entered are stored.
- ![Store shipping information](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/storing-shipping-information.png)<br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows how to store shipping information.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/storing-shipping-information.png)<br/>
> [!IMPORTANT] > Ensure that the drives reach the Azure datacenter within two weeks of providing the shipping information by using the *AzureOfflineBackupDiskPrep* utility. Failure to do so can result in the drives not being processed.
To check the import job status:
1. The output shows the current status of the import job.
- ![Check import job status](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/import-job-status-reporting.png)<br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows how to check import job status.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/import-job-status-reporting.png)<br/>
For more information on the various states of the Azure import job, see [View the status of Azure Import/Export jobs](../import-export/storage-import-export-view-drive-status.md).
For more information on the various states of the Azure import job, see [View th
After the import job finishes, initial backup data is available in your storage account. At the time of the next scheduled backup, Azure Backup copies the contents of the data from the storage account to the Recovery Services vault.
- ![Copy data to Recovery Services vault](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/copying-from-storage-account-to-azure-backup.png)<br/>
+ ![Screenshot shows how to copy data to the Recovery Services vault.](./media/offline-backup-dpm-mabs-previous-versions/copying-from-storage-account-to-azure-backup.png)<br/>
At the time of the next scheduled backup, Azure Backup performs incremental backup over the initial backup copy.
bastion Tutorial Protect Bastion Host https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/bastion/tutorial-protect-bastion-host.md
# Tutorial: Protect your Bastion host with Azure DDoS protection
-This tutorial helps you deploy Azure Bastion from the Azure portal using your own specified manual settings. When you use manual settings, you can specify configuration values such as instance counts and the SKU at the time of deployment. After Bastion is deployed, you can connect (SSH/RDP) to virtual machines in the virtual network via Bastion using the private IP address of the VM. When you connect to a VM, it doesn't need a public IP address, client software, agent, or a special configuration.
-In this tutorial, you deploy Bastion using the Standard SKU tier and adjust host scaling (instance count). After the deployment is complete, you'll enable Azure DDoS protection for the Bastion virtual network. Then you'll connect to your VM via private IP address. If your VM has a public IP address that you don't need for anything else, you can remove it.
-Azure Bastion is a PaaS service that's maintained for you, not a bastion host that you install on one of your VMs and maintain yourself. For more information about Azure Bastion, see [What is Azure Bastion?](bastion-overview.md)
+This article helps you create an Azure Bastion host with a DDoS protected virtual network. Azure DDoS protection protects your publicly accessible bastion host from Distributed Denial of Service attacks.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Azure DDoS Protection incurs a cost when you use the Standard SKU. Overages charges only apply if more than 100 public IPs are protected in the tenant. Ensure you delete the resources in this tutorial if you aren't using the resources in the future. For information about pricing, see [Azure DDoS Protection Pricing]( https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/ddos-protection/). For more information about Azure DDoS protection, see [What is Azure DDoS Protection?](../ddos-protection/ddos-protection-overview.md).
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:
> [!div class="checklist"] > * Deploy Bastion to your VNet.
-> * Enable Azure DDoS Protection.
+> * Create a DDoS protection plan and enable DDoS protection.
> * Connect to a virtual machine. > * Remove the public IP address from a virtual machine.
cognitive-services Overview Ocr https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cognitive-services/Computer-vision/overview-ocr.md
The Read OCR model is available in Computer Vision and Form Recognizer with comm
The cloud APIs are the preferred option for most customers because of their ease of integration and fast productivity out of the box. Azure and the Computer Vision service handle scale, performance, data security, and compliance needs while you focus on meeting your customers' needs.
-For on-premises deployment, the [Read Docker container (preview)](./computer-vision-how-to-install-containers.md) enables you to deploy the Computer Vision v3.2 generally available OCR capabilities in your own local environment. Containers are great for specific security and data governance requirements.
+For on-premises deployment, the [Read Docker container](./computer-vision-how-to-install-containers.md) enables you to deploy the Computer Vision v3.2 generally available OCR capabilities in your own local environment. Containers are great for specific security and data governance requirements.
## OCR data privacy and security
cognitive-services How To Pronunciation Assessment https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cognitive-services/Speech-Service/how-to-pronunciation-assessment.md
Pronunciation assessment results for the spoken word "hello" are shown as a JSON
} ```
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=CSHARP&Pillar=Speech&Product=text-to-speech&Page=quickstart&Section=Prerequisites" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
- ## Next steps - Try out [pronunciation assessment in Speech Studio](pronunciation-assessment-tool.md)
cognitive-services Disconnected Containers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cognitive-services/containers/disconnected-containers.md
Containers enable you to run Cognitive Services APIs in your own environment, an
Disconnected container usage is also available for the following Applied AI service:
-* [Form Recognizer](../../applied-ai-services/form-recognizer/containers/form-recognizer-container-install-run.md#required-containers)
+* [Form Recognizer](../../applied-ai-services/form-recognizer/containers/form-recognizer-disconnected-containers.md)
Before attempting to run a Docker container in an offline environment, make sure you know the steps to successfully download and use the container. For example:
communication-services Logging And Diagnostics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/communication-services/concepts/logging-and-diagnostics.md
Azure Communication Services offers logging capabilities that you can use to monitor and debug your Communication Services solution. These capabilities can be configured through the Azure portal.
+ > For Audio/Video/Telephony call data refer to [Call Summary and Call Diagnostic Logs](../concepts/analytics/call-logs-azure-monitor.md)
+ ## Enable diagnostic logs in your resource Logging is turned off by default when a resource is created. To enable logging, navigate to the **Diagnostic settings** blade in the resource menu under the **Monitoring** section. Then click on **Add diagnostic setting**.
communication-services Direct Routing Infrastructure https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/communication-services/concepts/telephony/direct-routing-infrastructure.md
The infrastructure requirements for the supported SBCs, domains, and other netwo
|: |: | |Session Border Controller (SBC)|A supported SBC. For more information, see [Supported SBCs](#supported-session-border-controllers-sbcs).| |Telephony trunks connected to the SBC|One or more telephony trunks connected to the SBC. On one end, the SBC connects to the Azure Communication Service via direct routing. The SBC can also connect to third-party telephony entities, such as PBXs, Analog Telephony Adapters. Any Public Switched Telephony Network (PSTN) connectivity option connected to the SBC works. (For configuration of the PSTN trunks to the SBC, refer to the SBC vendors or trunk providers.)|
-|Azure subscription|An Azure subscription that you use to create Communication Services resource, and the configuration and connection to the SBC.|
+|Azure subscription|An Azure subscription that you use to [create Communication Services resource](../../quickstarts/create-communication-resource.md), and the configuration and connection to the SBC.|
|Communication Services Access Token|To make calls, you need a valid Access Token with `voip` scope. See [Access Tokens](../identity-model.md#access-tokens)| |Public IP address for the SBC|A public IP address that can be used to connect to the SBC. Based on the type of SBC, the SBC can use NAT.| |Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for the SBC|For more information, see [SBC certificates and domain names](#sbc-certificates-and-domain-names).|
confidential-computing Confidential Vm Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/confidential-computing/confidential-vm-overview.md
Confidential VMs *don't support*:
- Ultra disks - Accelerated Networking - Live migration
+- Screenshots under boot diagnostics
## Next steps
container-apps Microservices Dapr https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/container-apps/microservices-dapr.md
az monitor log-analytics query \ --workspace $LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE_CLIENT_ID \ --analytics-query "ContainerAppConsoleLogs_CL | where ContainerAppName_s == 'nodeapp' and (Log_s contains 'persisted' or Log_s contains 'order') | project ContainerAppName_s, Log_s, TimeGenerated | sort by TimeGenerated | take 5" \
- --out table |
+ --out table
``` # [Azure PowerShell](#tab/azure-powershell)
container-apps Scale App https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/container-apps/scale-app.md
Scaling is driven by three different categories of triggers:
- Apache Kafka - Redis
+If you define more than one scale rule, the container app begins to scale once the first condition of any rules is met.
+ ## HTTP With an HTTP scaling rule, you have control over the threshold of concurrent HTTP requests that determines how your container app revision scales.
cost-management-billing Migrate Ea Price Sheet Api https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cost-management-billing/automate/migrate-ea-price-sheet-api.md
description: This article has information to help you migrate from the EA Price Sheet API. Previously updated : 07/15/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2022
[Get for specified Billing Period](/rest/api/consumption/pricesheet/getbybillingperiod) ```http
``` #### Response body changes
cost-management-billing Download Azure Invoice Daily Usage Date https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cost-management-billing/manage/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date.md
tags: billing
Previously updated : 02/17/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
For most subscriptions, you can download your invoice from the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade) or have it sent in email.
-If you're an Azure customer with a direct Enterprise Agreement (EA customer), you download your organization's invoices using the information at [Download or view your Azure billing invoice](direct-ea-azure-usage-charges-invoices.md#download-or-view-your-azure-billing-invoice). For indirect EA customers, see [Azure Enterprise enrollment invoices](ea-portal-enrollment-invoices.md).
+If you're an Azure customer with a direct Enterprise Agreement (EA customer), you can download your organization's invoices using the information at [Download or view your Azure billing invoice](direct-ea-azure-usage-charges-invoices.md#download-or-view-your-azure-billing-invoice). For indirect EA customers, see [Azure Enterprise enrollment invoices](ea-portal-enrollment-invoices.md).
Only certain roles have permission to get billing invoice, like the Account Administrator or Enterprise Administrator. To learn more about getting access to billing information, see [Manage access to Azure billing using roles](manage-billing-access.md).
If you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you must be a billing profile Owner,
## Download your Azure invoices (.pdf)
-For most subscriptions you can download your invoice from the Azure portal. If you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement, see [Download invoices for a Microsoft Customer Agreement](#download-invoices-for-a-microsoft-customer-agreement).
+If you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement, see [Download invoices for a Microsoft Customer Agreement](#download-invoices-for-a-microsoft-customer-agreement).
### Download invoices for an individual subscription 1. Select your subscription from the [Subscriptions page](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade) in the Azure portal as [a user with access to invoices](manage-billing-access.md).-
-2. Select **Invoices**.
+2. Select **Invoices**.
![Screenshot that shows the Billing & usage option](./media/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date/billingandusage.png)-
-3. Select the download symbol to download a copy of your PDF invoice and then select **Download invoice**. If it says **Not available**, see [Why don't I see an invoice for the last billing period?](#noinvoice)
+3. Select the download symbol to download a copy of your PDF invoice and then select **Download invoice**. If it says **Not available**, see [Why don't I see an invoice for the last billing period?](#noinvoice)
![Screenshot that shows billing periods, the download option, and total charges for each billing period](./media/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date/downloadinvoice.png)- 4. You can also download a daily breakdown of consumed quantities and estimated charges by selecting **Download csv**.- ![Screenshot that shows Download invoice and usage page](./media/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date/usageandinvoice.png) For more information about your invoice, see [Understand your bill for Microsoft Azure](../understand/review-individual-bill.md). For help with managing your costs, see [Analyze unexpected charges](../understand/analyze-unexpected-charges.md).
For more information about your invoice, see [Understand your bill for Microsoft
Invoices are generated for each [billing profile](../understand/mca-overview.md#billing-profiles) in the Microsoft Customer Agreement. You must be a billing profile Owner, Contributor, Reader, or Invoice manager to download invoices from the Azure portal.
+> [!NOTE]
+> VAT taxes shown on your invoice might have imprecise decimal point rounding that results in tax that's under or overcharged. For more information, see [What is the Modern Limited Risk Distributor model?](../understand/mca-understand-your-invoice.md#what-is-the-modern-limited-risk-distributor-model)
+ 1. Search for **Cost Management + Billing**. 2. Select a billing profile. 3. Select **Invoices**.
If you don't see an invoice for the last billing period, see the following secti
There could be several reasons that you don't see an invoice: - It's less than 30 days from the day you subscribed to Azure.- - The invoice isn't generated yet. Wait until the end of the billing period.- - You don't have permission to view invoices. If you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you must be the billing profile Owner, Contributor, Reader, or Invoice manager. For other subscriptions, you might not see old invoices if you aren't the Account Administrator. To learn more about getting access to billing information, see [Manage access to Azure billing using roles](manage-billing-access.md).- - If you have a Free Trial or a monthly credit amount with your subscription that you didn't exceed, you won't get an invoice unless you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement. ## Get your invoice in email (.pdf)
-You can opt in and configure additional recipients to receive your Azure invoice in an email. This feature is not available for certain subscriptions such as support offers, Enterprise Agreements, or Azure in Open. If you have a Microsoft Customer agreement, see [Get your billing profile invoices in email](../understand/download-azure-invoice.md#get-your-billing-profiles-invoice-in-email).
+You can opt in and configure other recipients to receive your Azure invoice in an email. This feature isn't available for certain subscriptions such as support offers, Enterprise Agreements, or Azure in Open. If you have a Microsoft Customer agreement, see [Get your billing profile invoices in email](../understand/download-azure-invoice.md#get-your-billing-profiles-invoice-in-email).
### Get your subscription's invoices in email
-1. Select your subscription from the [Subscriptions page](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade). Opt in for each subscription you own. Select **Invoices** then **Email my invoice**.
+1. Select your subscription from the [Subscriptions page](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade). Opt in for each subscription you own. Select **Invoices** then **Email my invoice**.
![Screenshot that shows the opt-in flow](./media/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date/invoicesdeeplink01.png)-
-2. Select **Opt in** and accept the terms.
+2. Select **Opt in** and accept the terms.
![Screenshot that shows the opt-in flow step 2](./media/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date/invoicearticlestep02.png)-
-3. Once you've accepted the agreement, you can configure additional recipients. When a recipient is removed, the email address is no longer stored. If you change your mind, you need to re-add them.
+3. Once you've accepted the agreement, you can configure other recipients. When a recipient is removed, the email address is no longer stored. If you change your mind, you need to readd them.
![Screenshot that shows the opt-in flow step 3](./media/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date/invoicearticlestep03.png) If you don't get an email after following the steps, make sure your email address is correct in the [communication preferences on your profile](https://account.microsoft.com/profile) in the Microsoft Account center. ### Opt out of getting your subscription's invoices in email
-You can opt out of getting your invoice by email by following the steps above and select **Opt out of emailed invoices**. This option removes any email addresses set to receive invoices in email. You can reconfigure recipients if you opt back in.
+You can opt out of getting your invoice by email by following the preceding steps and select **Opt out of emailed invoices**. This option removes any email addresses set to receive invoices in email. You can reconfigure recipients if you opt back in.
![Screenshot that shows the opt-out flow](./media/download-azure-invoice-daily-usage-date/invoicearticlestep04.png) ### Get your Microsoft Customer Agreement invoices in email
-If you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you can opt in to get your invoice in an email. All billing profile Owners, Contributors, Readers, and Invoice managers will get the invoice by email. Readers cannot update the email invoice preference.
+If you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you can opt in to get your invoice in an email. All billing profile Owners, Contributors, Readers, and Invoice managers will get the invoice by email. Readers can't update the email invoice preference.
1. Search for **Cost Management + Billing**. 1. Select a billing profile.
If you have a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you can opt in to get your invoice i
### Opt out of getting your billing profile invoices in email
-You can opt out of getting your invoice by email by following the steps above and select **Opt out**. All Owners, Contributors, Readers, and Invoice managers will be opted out of getting the invoice by email, too. If you are a Reader, you cannot change the email invoice preference.
+You can opt out of getting your invoice by email by following the preceding steps and select **Opt out**. All Owners, Contributors, Readers, and Invoice managers will be opted out of getting the invoice by email, too. If you're a Reader, you can't change the email invoice preference.
## Azure Government support for invoices
Azure Government users use the same agreement types as other Azure users.
Azure Government customers canΓÇÖt request their invoice by email. They can only download it.
-To download your invoice, follow the steps above at [Download invoices for an individual subscription](#download-invoices-for-an-individual-subscription).
+To download your invoice, follow the preceding steps at [Download invoices for an individual subscription](#download-invoices-for-an-individual-subscription).
## Next steps
cost-management-billing Subscription Transfer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cost-management-billing/manage/subscription-transfer.md
tags: billing
Previously updated : 01/06/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Dev/Test products aren't shown in the following table. Transfers for Dev/Test pr
| Previous Azure offer in CSP | Previous Azure offer in CSP | ΓÇó Requires a [billing support ticket](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/create-ticket/).<br><br> ΓÇó Reservations don't automatically transfer and transferring them isn't supported. | | Previous Azure offer in CSP | MPA | For details, see [Transfer a customer's Azure subscriptions to a different CSP (under an Azure plan)](/partner-center/transfer-azure-subscriptions-under-azure-plan). | | MPA | EA | ΓÇó Automatic transfer isn't supported. Any transfer requires resources to move from the existing MPA product manually to a newly created or an existing EA product.<br><br> ΓÇó Use the information in the [Perform resource transfers](#perform-resource-transfers) section. <br><br> ΓÇó Reservations and savings plan don't automatically transfer and transferring them isn't supported. |
-| MPA | MPA | ΓÇó For details, see [Transfer Azure subscription billing ownership for a Microsoft Customer Agreement](mca-request-billing-ownership.md).<br><br> ΓÇó Self-service reservation and savings plan transfers are supported. |
+| MPA | MPA | ΓÇó For details, see [Transfer a customer's Azure subscriptions and/or Reservations (under an Azure plan) to a different CSP](/partner-center/transfer-azure-subscriptions-under-azure-plan).<br><br> ΓÇó Self-service reservation and savings plan transfers are supported. |
| MOSP (PAYG) | MOSP (PAYG) | ΓÇó If you're changing the billing owner of the subscription, see [Transfer billing ownership of an Azure subscription to another account](billing-subscription-transfer.md).<br><br> ΓÇó Reservations don't automatically transfer so you must open a [billing support ticket](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/create-ticket/) to transfer them. | | MOSP (PAYG) | MCA - individual | ΓÇó For details, see [Transfer Azure subscription billing ownership for a Microsoft Customer Agreement](mca-request-billing-ownership.md).<br><br> ΓÇó Self-service reservation transfers are supported. | | MOSP (PAYG) | EA | ΓÇó If you're transferring the subscription to the EA enrollment, see [Transfer a subscription to an EA](mosp-ea-transfer.md#transfer-the-subscription-to-the-ea).<br><br> ΓÇó If you're changing billing ownership, see [Change Azure subscription or account ownership](ea-portal-administration.md#change-azure-subscription-or-account-ownership). |
cost-management-billing Mca Understand Your Invoice https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/cost-management-billing/understand/mca-understand-your-invoice.md
tags: billing
Previously updated : 03/22/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Watch the [Understand your Microsoft Customer Agreement invoice](https://www.you
## Billing period
-You are invoiced on a monthly basis. You can find out which day of the month you receive invoices by checking *invoice date* under billing profile properties in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/). Charges that occur between the end of the billing period and the invoice date are included in the next month's invoice, since they are in the next billing period. The billing period start and end dates for each invoice are listed in the invoice PDF above **Billing Summary**.
+You're invoiced on a monthly basis. You can find out which day of the month you receive invoices by checking *invoice date* under billing profile properties in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/). Charges occurring between the end of the billing period and the invoice date are included in the next month's invoice, since they are in the next billing period. The billing period start and end dates for each invoice are listed in the invoice PDF above **Billing Summary**.
If you're migrating from an EA to a Microsoft Customer Agreement, you continue to receive invoices for your EA until the migration date. The new invoice for your Microsoft Customer Agreement is generated on the fifth day of the month after you migrate. The first invoice shows a partial charge from the migration date. Later invoices are generated every month and show all the charges for each month.
The **Invoice Summary** is at the top of the first page and shows information ab
| P.O. number |An optional purchase order number, assigned by you for tracking | | Invoice number |A unique, Microsoft-generated invoice number used for tracking purposes | | Invoice date |Date that the invoice is generated, typically five to 12 days after end of the Billing cycle. You can check your invoice date in billing profile properties.|
-| Payment terms |How you pay for your Microsoft bill. *Net 30 days* means you pay within 30 days of the invoice date. |
+| Payment terms |How you pay for your Microsoft bill. The *Net 30 days* term means you pay within 30 days of the invoice date. |
### Billing summary
The **Billing Summary** shows the charges against the billing profile since the
| Term | Description | | | |
-| Charges|Total number of Microsoft charges for this billing profile since the last billing period |
+| Charges|Total number of Microsoft charges for the billing profile since the last billing period |
| Credits |Credits you received from returns | | Azure credits applied | Azure credits that are automatically applied to Azure charges each billing period | | Subtotal |The pre-tax amount due |
For each invoice section under your billing profile, you'll see the charges, the
### Details by invoice section
-The details show the cost for each invoice section broken down by product order. Within each product order, cost is broken down by the type of service. You can find daily charges for your products and services in the Azure portal and Azure usage and charges CSV. To learn more see [Understand the charges on your invoice for a Microsoft Customer Agreement](review-customer-agreement-bill.md).
+The details show the cost for each invoice section broken down by product order. Within each product order, cost is broken down by the type of service. You can find daily charges for your products and services in the Azure portal and Azure usage and charges CSV. For more information, see [Understand the charges on your invoice for a Microsoft Customer Agreement](review-customer-agreement-bill.md).
The total amount due for each service family is calculated by subtracting *Azure credits* from *Credits/charges* and adding *Tax*: - ![Details by invoice section](./media/mca-understand-your-invoice/invoicesectiondetails.png) | Term |Description | | | |
-| Unit price | The effective unit price of the service (in pricing currency) that is used to the rate the usage. This is unique for a product, service family, meter, and offer. |
+| Unit price | The effective unit price of the service (in pricing currency) that is used to the rate the usage. It's unique for a product, service family, meter, and offer. |
| Qty | Quantity purchased or consumed during the billing period | | Charges/Credits | Net amount of charges after credits/refunds are applied | | Azure Credit | The amount of Azure credits applied to the Charges/Credits|
At the bottom of the invoice, there are instructions for paying your bill. You c
If you have third-party services in your bill, the name and address of each publisher is listed at the bottom of your invoice.
+## What is the Modern Limited Risk Distributor model?
+A Limited Risk Distributor (LRD) is a subsidiary that Microsoft established as buy-sell distributor who sells directly or indirectly. The model affects customers buying directly from Microsoft through the Microsoft Customer Agreement. It also demonstrates the Microsoft commitment to our business in the following countries/regions:
+- Australia
+- New Zealand
+- Canada
+- France
+- United Kingdom
+- Germany
+- Austria
+- Belgium
+- Denmark
+- Finland
+- Italy
+- Netherlands
+- Norway
+- Sweden
+- Switzerland
+- Spain
+Under the LRD model:
+- The selling entity is the local LRD subsidiary (sales and distribution rights have been extended to the LRDs).
+- The payment methods won't change for customers.
+- The LRD can only sell to customers located in the LRD country/region and agreed territories as defined by Tax.
+- For LRD sales, the Licensor is either MS Corp or MIOL.
+ - For the Americas, the Licensor is MS Corp (1010).
+ - For EMEA and APAC, the Licensor is MIOL (1062).
+For customers not part of the LRD model and for legacy/ regular invoices, the billing entity is:
+- For EMEA, the billing entity is Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited (MIOL).
+- For Americas, the billing entity is Microsoft Corporation.
+- For APAC, the billing entity is Microsoft Regional Sales Pte LTD.
+- For Japan, the billing entity is Microsoft Japan Co., LTD.
+- For Korea, the billing entity is Microsoft Korea Inc.
+- For India, the billing entity is Microsoft Corporation India Private Limited.
+Microsoft has received guidance that due to decimal point rounding, some LRD invoices may show tax that's under or overcharged. The taxes are compared to the amount that should have been calculated based on the local tax regulation.
+*While we work to resolve this issue, you're only required to pay the VAT amount calculated at the subtotal level of the invoice*. Microsoft will be reporting the same amount in its VAT return and will write off the difference for any overcharges. Microsoft is bearing the risk of the undercharged VAT if there are audits. Unfortunately, it's currently impossible for Microsoft to reissue an amended invoice due to a system limitation.
+ ## Check access to a Microsoft Customer Agreement [!INCLUDE [billing-check-mca](../../../includes/billing-check-mca.md)]
data-factory Compute Linked Services https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/data-factory/compute-linked-services.md
See following articles if you are new to Azure Batch service:
[!INCLUDE[ML Studio (classic) retirement](../../includes/machine-learning-studio-classic-deprecation.md)]
-You create an Machine Learning Studio (classic) linked service to register a Machine Learning Studio (classic) batch scoring endpoint to a data factory or Synapse workspace.
+You create a Machine Learning Studio (classic) linked service to register a Machine Learning Studio (classic) batch scoring endpoint to a data factory or Synapse workspace.
### Example
You create an Azure Synapse Analytics linked service and use it with the [Stored
You create a SQL Server linked service and use it with the [Stored Procedure Activity](transform-data-using-stored-procedure.md) to invoke a stored procedure from a pipeline. See [SQL Server connector](connector-sql-server.md#linked-service-properties) article for details about this linked service.
+## Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) linked service
+You create an Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) linked service and use it with the [Synapse Notebook Activity](transform-data-synapse-notebook.md) and [Synapse Spark job definition Activity](transform-data-synapse-spark-job-definition.md) to invoke a stored procedure from a pipeline. See [Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) Connector](connector-azure-synapse-analytics-artifacts.md) article for details about this linked service.
+ ## Azure Function linked service You create an Azure Function linked service and use it with the [Azure Function activity](control-flow-azure-function-activity.md) to run Azure Functions in a pipeline. The return type of the Azure function has to be a valid `JObject`. (Keep in mind that [JArray](https://www.newtonsoft.com/json/help/html/T_Newtonsoft_Json_Linq_JArray.htm) is *not* a `JObject`.) Any return type other than `JObject` fails and raises the user error *Response Content is not a valid JObject*.
data-factory Connector Azure Synapse Analytics Artifacts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/data-factory/connector-azure-synapse-analytics-artifacts.md
+ Title: Copy and transform data in Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) by using Azure Data Factory
+description: Learn how to Linked service "Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts)".
++++++ Last updated : 10/13/2022++
+# Copy and transform data in Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) by using Azure Data Factory
+This article outlines how to use Copy Activity in Azure Data Factory pipelines to copy data to and from Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts).
+## Supported capabilities
+This Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) connector is supported for the following capabilities:
+| Supported capabilities|IR | Managed private endpoint|
+|| --| --|
+|[Copy activity](copy-activity-overview.md) (source/sink)|&#9312; &#9313;|Γ£ô |
+|[Mapping data flow](concepts-data-flow-overview.md) (source/sink)|&#9312; |Γ£ô |
+|[Lookup activity](control-flow-lookup-activity.md)|&#9312; &#9313;|Γ£ô |
+|[GetMetadata activity](control-flow-get-metadata-activity.md)|&#9312; &#9313;|Γ£ô |
+|[Script activity](transform-data-using-script.md)|&#9312; &#9313;|Γ£ô |
+|[Stored procedure activity](transform-data-using-stored-procedure.md)|&#9312; &#9313;|Γ£ô |
+<small>*&#9312; Azure integration runtime &#9313; Self-hosted integration runtime*</small>
+## Create an Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) linked service using UI
+Use the following steps to create an Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) linked service in the Azure Data Factory portal UI.
+1. Browse to the **Manage** tab in your Azure Data Factory and select **Linked Services**, then click **New**:
+ > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ > ![Screenshot of creating a new linked service with Azure Data Factory UI.](./media/connector-azure-synapse-analytics-artifacts/new-linked-service.png)
+2. Search for *Synapse* under the Compute tab, and select the **Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts)** connector.
+ > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ > ![Screenshot of the Azure Synapse Analytics Artifacts connector.](./media/connector-azure-synapse-analytics-artifacts/azure-synapse-analytics-artifacts-connector.png)
+3. Configure the service details, test the connection, and create the new linked service.
+ > [!div class="mx-imgBorder"]
+ > ![Screenshot of the Azure Synapse Analytics Artifacts connector configuration.](./media/connector-azure-synapse-analytics-artifacts/configure-azure-synapse-analytics-artifacts-linked-service.png)
+## Connector configuration details
+The following sections provide details about properties that define Azure Data Factory entities specific to an Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) connector.
+## Linked service properties
+These generic properties are supported for an Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) linked service:
+| Property | Description | Required |
+| : | :- | :-- |
+| Name | Pick a valid name | Yes |
+| Description | Give some description of this linked service | No |
+| type | The type property must be set to **AzureSynapseArtifacts**. | Yes |
+| Connect via integration runtime| The [integration runtime](concepts-integration-runtime.md) to be used to connect to the data store. You can use Azure Integration Runtime or a self-hosted integration runtime (if your data store is located in a private network). If not specified, it uses the default Azure Integration Runtime. | Yes |
+## Linked service example that uses SQL authentication
+ "name": "AzureSynapseArtifacts",
+ "properties": {
+ "annotations": [],
+ "type": "AzureSynapseArtifacts",
+ "typeProperties": {
+ "endpoint": "https://accessibilityverify.dev.azuresynapse.net",
+ "authentication": "MSI"
+ }
+ }
+## Next steps
+For a list of data stores supported as sources and sinks by Copy Activity, see [supported data stores and formats](copy-activity-overview.md#supported-data-stores-and-formats).
data-factory Transform Data Synapse Notebook https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/data-factory/transform-data-synapse-notebook.md
+ Title: Transform data with Synapse Notebook
+description: Learn how to process or transform data by running a Synapse notebook in Azure Data Factory and Synapse Analytics pipelines.
++++++ Last updated : 07/09/2022++
+# Transform data by running a Synapse Notebook
+The Azure Synapse Notebook Activity in a [pipeline](concepts-pipelines-activities.md) runs a Synapse notebook in your Azure Synapse Analytics workspace. This article builds on the [data transformation activities](transform-data.md) article, which presents a general overview of data transformation and the supported transformation activities.
+You can create an Azure Synapse Analytics notebook activity directly through the Azure Data Factory Studio user interface. For a step-by-step walkthrough of how to create a Synapse notebook activity using the user interface, you can refer to the following.
+## Add a Notebook activity for Synapse to a pipeline with UI
+To use a Notebook activity for Synapse in a pipeline, complete the following steps:
+## General settings
+1. Search for _Notebook_ in the pipeline Activities pane, and drag a Notebook activity under the Synapse to the pipeline canvas.
+2. Select the new Notebook activity on the canvas if it is not already selected.
+3. In the General settings, enter sample for Name.
+4. (Option) You can also enter a description.
+5. Timeout: Maximum amount of time an activity can run. Default is 12 hours, and the maximum amount of time allowed is 7 days. Format is in D.HH:MM:SS.
+6. Retry: Maximum number of retry attempts.
+7. Retry interval (sec): The number of seconds between each retry attempt.
+8. Secure output: When checked, output from the activity won't be captured in logging.
+9. Secure input: The number of seconds between each retry attempt
+## Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts) settings
+Select the **Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts)** tab to select or create a new [Azure Synapse Analytics linked service](compute-linked-services.md#azure-synapse-analytics-linked-service) that will execute the Notebook activity.
+## Settings tab
+1. Select the new Synapse Notebook activity on the canvas if it is not already selected.
+2. Select the Settings tab.
+3. Expand the Notebook list, you can select an existing notebook in the linked Azure Synapse Analytics (Artifacts).
+4. Click the Open button to open the page of the linked service where the selected notebook is located.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If the Workspace resource ID in the linked service is empty, the Open button will be disabled.
+> :::image type="content" source="./media/transform-data-synapse-notebook/resource-id-empty.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the open button is disabled." lightbox="./media/transform-data-synapse-notebook/resource-id-empty.png":::
+5. Select the **Settings** tab and choose the notebook, and optional base parameters to pass to the notebook.
+ :::image type="content" source="./media/transform-data-synapse-notebook/notebook-activity-settings.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the Settings tab for a Notebook activity." lightbox="./media/transform-data-synapse-notebook/notebook-activity-settings.png":::
+6. (Optional) You can fill in information for Synapse notebook. If the following settings are empty, the settings of the Synapse notebook itself will be used to run; if the following settings are not empty, these settings will replace the settings of the Synapse notebook itself.
+ | Property | Description |
+ | -- | -- |
+ |Spark pool | Reference to the Spark pool. You can select Apache Spark pool from the list. |
+ |Executor size | Number of cores and memory to be used for executors allocated in the specified Apache Spark pool for the session. For dynamic content, valid values are Small/Medium/Large/XLarge/XXLarge. |
+ |Dynamically allocate executors| This setting maps to the dynamic allocation property in Spark configuration for Spark Application executors allocation.|
+ |Min executors| Min number of executors to be allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job.|
+ |Max executors| Max number of executors to be allocated in the specified Spark pool for the job.|
+ |Driver size| Number of cores and memory to be used for driver given in the specified Apache Spark pool for the job.|
+## Azure Synapse Analytics Notebook activity definition
+Here is the sample JSON definition of an Azure Synapse Analytics Notebook Activity:
+ "activities": [
+ {
+ "name": "demo",
+ "description": "description",
+ "type": "SynapseNotebook",
+ "dependsOn": [],
+ "policy": {
+ "timeout": "7.00:00:00",
+ "retry": 0,
+ "retryIntervalInSeconds": 30,
+ "secureOutput": false,
+ "secureInput": false
+ },
+ "userProperties": [
+ {
+ "name": "testproperties",
+ "value": "test123"
+ }
+ ],
+ "typeProperties": {
+ "notebook": {
+ "referenceName": {
+ "value": "Notebookname",
+ "type": "Expression"
+ },
+ "type": "NotebookReference"
+ },
+ "parameters": {
+ "test": {
+ "value": "testvalue",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "snapshot": true,
+ "sparkPool": {
+ "referenceName": {
+ "value": "SampleSpark",
+ "type": "Expression"
+ },
+ "type": "BigDataPoolReference"
+ }
+ },
+ "linkedServiceName": {
+ "referenceName": "AzureSynapseArtifacts1",
+ "type": "LinkedServiceReference"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+## Azure Synapse Analytics Notebook activity properties
+The following table describes the JSON properties used in the JSON
+|name|Name of the activity in the pipeline.|Yes|
+|description|Text describing what the activity does.|No|
+|type|For Azure Synapse Analytics Notebook Activity, the activity type is SynapseNotebook.|Yes|
+|notebook|The name of the notebook to be run in the Azure Synapse Analytics. |Yes|
+|sparkPool|The spark pool required to run Azure Synapse Analytics Notebook.|No|
+|parameter|Parameter required to run Azure Synapse Analytics Notebook. For more information see [Transform data by running a Synapse notebook](../synapse-analytics/synapse-notebook-activity.md#assign-parameters-values-from-a-pipeline)|No|
+## Designate a parameters cell
+Azure Data Factory looks for the parameters cell and uses the values as defaults for the parameters passed in at execution time. The execution engine will add a new cell beneath the parameters cell with input parameters to overwrite the default values. You can refer to [Transform data by running a Synapse notebook](../synapse-analytics/synapse-notebook-activity.md#designate-a-parameters-cell).
+## Read Synapse notebook cell output value
+You can read notebook cell output value in activity, for this panel, you can refer to [Transform data by running a Synapse notebook](../synapse-analytics/synapse-notebook-activity.md#read-synapse-notebook-cell-output-value).
+## Run another Synapse notebook
+You can reference other notebooks in a Synapse notebook activity via calling [%run magic](../synapse-analytics/spark/apache-spark-development-using-notebooks.md#notebook-reference) or [mssparkutils notebook utilities](../synapse-analytics/spark/microsoft-spark-utilities.md#notebook-utilities). Both support nesting function calls. The key differences of these two methods that you should consider based on your scenario are:
+- [%run magic](../synapse-analytics/spark/apache-spark-development-using-notebooks.md#notebook-reference) copies all cells from the referenced notebook to the %run cell and shares the variable context. When notebook1 references notebook2 via `%run notebook2` and notebook2 calls a [mssparkutils.notebook.exit](../synapse-analytics/spark/microsoft-spark-utilities.md#exit-a-notebook) function, the cell execution in notebook1 will be stopped. We recommend you use %run magic when you want to "include" a notebook file.
+- [mssparkutils notebook utilities](../synapse-analytics/spark/microsoft-spark-utilities.md#notebook-utilities) calls the referenced notebook as a method or a function. The variable context isn't shared. When notebook1 references notebook2 via `mssparkutils.notebook.run("notebook2")` and notebook2 calls a [mssparkutils.notebook.exit](../synapse-analytics/spark/microsoft-spark-utilities.md#exit-a-notebook) function, the cell execution in notebook1 will continue. We recommend you use mssparkutils notebook utilities when you want to "import" a notebook.
+## See Azure Synapse Analytics Notebook activity run history
+Go to Pipeline runs under the **Monitor** tab, you'll see the pipeline you have triggered. Open the pipeline that contains notebook activity to see the run history.
+For Open notebook snapshot, this feature is not currently supported.
+You can see the notebook activity input or output by selecting the input or Output button. If your pipeline failed with a user error, select the output to check the result field to see the detailed user error traceback.
databox Data Box Deploy Picked Up https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/databox/data-box-deploy-picked-up.md
Previously updated : 07/20/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023 zone_pivot_groups: data-box-shipping
If using Microsoft managed shipping, follow these steps.
[!INCLUDE [data-box-shipping-in-uae](../../includes/data-box-shipping-in-uae.md)]
+### [India](#tab/in-india)
++ ::: zone-end
databox Data Box Disk Deploy Picked Up https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/databox/data-box-disk-deploy-picked-up.md
Previously updated : 09/09/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023 zone_pivot_groups: data-box-shipping
Take the following steps if returning the device in China.
|Phone: | 400.889.6066 ext. 3603 | |E-mail: | [739951@fedex.com](mailto:739951@fedex.com) |
+### [India](#tab/in-india)
+1. Once the data validation is complete, unplug the disks and remove the connecting cables.
+2. Place each disk inside an individual bubble-wrap bag and package them along with the connecting cables inside the original box that was used for shipping. Make sure that the fit is snug to reduce any movement within the box.
+ > [!NOTE]
+ > Charges may apply if accessories are missing.
+3. Email Azure Data Box Operations using the following template to receive the e-waybill and delivery challan required for the return shipment.
+ To: adbops@microsoft.com
+ Subject: Request for shipping documents for Azure Data Box Disk order: ΓÇÿorderNameΓÇÖ
+ Body:
+ I am ready to return an Azure Data Box Disk and would like to request the e-waybill and delivery challan for the following order:
+ Order Name:
+ ```
+4. Once the shipping label and other documents are ready, Azure Data Box Operations will schedule a return pick up from your location. Affix the label to the outside of the package.
+5. If an Inbound ID is also required to send the package to the datacenter, the Azure Data Box Operations team will provide this. Write down the Inbound ID number on the packaging box such that it is clearly visible near the return label.
+6. If you encounter any issues or are asked to pay additional fees when scheduling a pickup, reach out to Azure Data Box Operations <adbops@microsoft.com> for assistance. Please provide the Order Name and the issue encountered in the subject line.
+Once the package is picked up and scanned by the carrier, the order status in the Azure portal will be updated to **Picked Up** and a tracking ID will be displayed.
+ ::: zone-end ::: zone pivot="africa"
defender-for-cloud Alert Validation https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/alert-validation.md
Title: Alert validation in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
description: Learn how to validate that your security alerts are correctly configured in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Last updated 10/06/2022-++ # Alert validation in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
You can simulate alerts for both of the control plane, and workload alerts with
**To simulate a a Kubernetes workload security alert**:
-1. Create a pod to run a test command on. This pod can be any of the existing pods in the cluster, or a new pod. You can create created using this sample yaml configuration:
+1. Create a pod to run a test command on. This pod can be any of the existing pods in the cluster, or a new pod. You can create using this sample yaml configuration:
```yaml apiVersion: v1
defender-for-cloud Attack Path Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/attack-path-reference.md
description: This article lists Microsoft Defender for Cloud's list of attack paths based on resource. Previously updated : 12/07/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Reference list of attack paths and cloud security graph components
-This article lists the attack paths, connections and insights you might see in Microsoft Defender for Cloud related to Defender for Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). What you are shown in your environment depends on the resources you're protecting and your customized configuration. You will need to [enable Defender for CSPM](enable-enhanced-security.md#enable-defender-plans-to-get-the-enhanced-security-features) to view your attack paths. Learn more about [the cloud security graph, attack path analysis, and the cloud security explorer?](concept-attack-path.md).
+This article lists the attack paths, connections, and insights you might see in Microsoft Defender for Cloud related to Defender for Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). What you are shown in your environment depends on the resources you're protecting and your customized configuration. You'll need to [enable Defender for CSPM](enable-enhanced-security.md#enable-defender-plans-to-get-the-enhanced-security-features) to view your attack paths. Learn more about [the cloud security graph, attack path analysis, and the cloud security explorer](concept-attack-path.md).
-To learn about how to respond to these attack paths, see [Identify and remediate attack paths](how-to-manage-attack-path.md).
+To learn about how to [Identify and remediate attack paths](how-to-manage-attack-path.md).
## Attack paths ### Azure VMs
-Prerequisite: For a list of prerequisites see the [Availability](how-to-manage-attack-path.md#availability) table for attack paths.
+Prerequisite: For a list of prerequisites, see the [Availability table](how-to-manage-attack-path.md#availability) for attack paths.
| Attack Path Display Name | Attack Path Description | |--|--|
-| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet and has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] |
-| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and high permission to a subscription | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and \[IdentityDescription] with \[PermissionType] permission to subscription '\[SubscriptionName]' |
-| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store with sensitive data | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and \[IdentityDescription] with read permission to \[DatabaseType] '\[DatabaseName]' containing sensitive data. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
-| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and \[IdentityDescription] with read permission to \[DatabaseType] '\[DatabaseName]'. |
-| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a Key Vault | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and \[IdentityDescription] with read permission to Key Vault '\[KVName]' |
-| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and high permission to a subscription | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and has high permission to subscription '\[SubscriptionName]' |
-| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store with sensitive data | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and \[IdentityDescription] with read permission to \[DatabaseType] '\[DatabaseName]' containing sensitive data. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
-| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a Key Vault | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and \[IdentityDescription] with read permission to Key Vault '\[KVName]' |
-| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store | Virtual machine '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities \[RCE] and \[IdentityDescription] with read permission to \[DatabaseType] '\[DatabaseName]' |
+| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities | A virtual machine is reachable from the internet and has high severity vulnerabilities. |
+| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and high permission to a subscription | A virtual machine is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities, and identity and permission to a subscription. |
+| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store with sensitive data | A virtual machine is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store containing sensitive data. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
+| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store | A virtual machine is reachable from the internet and has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store. |
+| Internet exposed VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a Key Vault | A virtual machine is reachable from the internet and has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a key vault. |
+| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and high permission to a subscription | A virtual machine has high severity vulnerabilities and has high permission to a subscription. |
+| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store with sensitive data | A virtual machine has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store containing sensitive data. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
+| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a key vault | A virtual machine has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a key vault. |
+| VM has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store | A virtual machine has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a data store. |
### AWS Instances
Prerequisite: [Enable agentless scanning](enable-vulnerability-assessment-agentl
| Attack Path Display Name | Attack Path Description | |--|--|
-| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and high permission to an account | AWS EC2 instance '\[EC2Name]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has '\[permission]' permission to account '\[AccountName]' |
-| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a DB | AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has '\[permission]' permission to DB '\[DatabaseName]'|
-| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to S3 bucket | Option 1 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached with '\[Rolepermission]' permission via IAM policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' <br> <br> Option 2 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached with '\[S3permission]' permission via bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' <br> <br> Option 3 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached with '\[Rolepermission]' permission via IAM policy and '\[S3permission]' permission via bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]'|
-| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a S3 bucket with sensitive data | Option 1 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached with '\[Rolepermission]' permission via IAM policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' containing sensitive data <br> <br> Option 2 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached with '\[S3permission]' permission via bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' containing sensitive data <br> <br> Option 3 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached with '\[Rolepermission]' permission via IAM policy and '\[S3permission] permission via bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' containing sensitive data <br><br> . For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
-| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a KMS | Option 1 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached with '\[Rolepermission]' permission via IAM policy to AWS Key Management Service (KMS) '\[KeyName]' <br> <br> Option 2 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution and has IAM role attached with '\[Keypermission]' permission via AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policy to key '\[KeyName]' <br> <br> Option 3 <br> AWS EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution and has IAM role attached with '\[Rolepermission]' permission via IAM policy and '\[Keypermission] permission via AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policy to key '\[KeyName]' |
-| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities | AWS EC2 instance '\[EC2Name]' is reachable from the internet and has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] |
-| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has high privileged permissions to an account | EC2 instance '\[EC2Name]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has '\[Permissions]' permissions to account '\[AccountName]' |
-| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has read permissions to a data store | Option 1 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has '\[Permissions]' permissions to database '\[DatabaseName]' <br> <br> Option 2 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[RolePermissions]' permissions through IAM policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' <br><br> Option 3 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[Permissions]' permissions through bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' <br><br> Option 4 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[RolePermissions]' permissions through IAM policy and '\[Permissions]' permissions through bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' |
-| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has read permissions to a data store with sensitive data | Option 1 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[RolePermissions]' permissions through IAM policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' containing sensitive data <br><br> Option 2 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[Permissions]' permissions through bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' containing sensitive data <br><br> Option 3 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[RolePermissions]' permissions through IAM policy and '\[Permissions]' permissions through bucket policy to S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' containing sensitive data |
-| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has read permissions to a KMS key | Option 1 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has high severity vulnerabilities\[RCE] and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[RolePermissions]' permissions through IAM policy to AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key '\[KeyName]' <br><br> option 2 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[KeyPermissions]' permissions through AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policy to key '\[KeyName]' <br><br> Option 3 <br> EC2 instance '\[MachineName]' has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution and has IAM role attached which is granted with '\[RolePermissions]' permissions through IAM policy and '\[KeyPermissions]' permissions through AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policy to key '\[KeyName]' |
+| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and high permission to an account | An AWS EC2 instance is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities and has permission to an account. |
+| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a DB | An AWS EC2 instance is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities and has permission to a database. |
+| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to S3 bucket | An AWS EC2 instance is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities and has an IAM role attached with permission to an S3 bucket via an IAM policy, or via a bucket policy, or via both an IAM policy and a bucket policy.
+| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a S3 bucket with sensitive data | An AWS EC2 instance is reachable from the internet has high severity vulnerabilities and has an IAM role attached with permission to an S3 bucket containing sensitive data via an IAM policy, or via a bucket policy, or via both an IAM policy and bucket policy. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
+| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and read permission to a KMS | An AWS EC2 instance is reachable from the internet, has high severity vulnerabilities and has an IAM role attached with permission to an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) via an IAM policy, or via an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policy, or via both an IAM policy and an AWS KMS policy.|
+| Internet exposed EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities | An AWS EC2 instance is reachable from the internet and has high severity vulnerabilities. |
+| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has high privileged permissions to an account | An AWS EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and has permissions to an account. |
+| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has read permissions to a data store |An AWS EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and has an IAM role attached which is granted with permissions to an S3 bucket via an IAM policy or via a bucket policy, or via both an IAM policy and a bucket policy. |
+| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has read permissions to a data store with sensitive data | An AWS EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and has an IAM role attached which is granted with permissions to an S3 bucket containing sensitive data via an IAM policy or via a bucket policy, or via both an IAM and bucket policy. |
+| EC2 instance with high severity vulnerabilities has read permissions to a KMS key | An AWS EC2 instance has high severity vulnerabilities and has an IAM role attached which is granted with permissions to an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key via an IAM policy, or via an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) policy, or via both an IAM and AWS KMS policy. |
### Azure data
Prerequisite: [Enable Microsoft Defender for SQL servers on machines](defender-f
| Attack Path Display Name | Attack Path Description | |--|--|
-| Internet exposed SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and allows code execution on the VM | SQL on VM '\[SqlVirtualMachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has a local user account with commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has vulnerabilities allowing code execution and lateral movement to the underlying VM |
-| Internet exposed SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and known vulnerabilities | SQL on VM '\[SqlVirtualMachineName]' is reachable from the internet, has a local user account with commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has known vulnerabilities (CVEs) |
-| SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and allows code execution on the VM | SQL on VM '\[SqlVirtualMachineName]' has a local user account with commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has vulnerabilities allowing code execution and lateral movement to the underlying VM |
-| SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and known vulnerabilities | SQL on VM '\[SqlVirtualMachineName]' has a local user account with commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has known vulnerabilities (CVEs) |
+| Internet exposed SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and allows code execution on the VM | SQL on VM is reachable from the internet, has a local user account with a commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has vulnerabilities allowing code execution and lateral movement to the underlying VM. |
+| Internet exposed SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and known vulnerabilities | SQL on VM is reachable from the internet, has a local user account with a commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has known vulnerabilities (CVEs). |
+| SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and allows code execution on the VM | SQL on VM has a local user account with a commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has vulnerabilities allowing code execution and lateral movement to the underlying VM. |
+| SQL on VM has a user account with commonly used username and known vulnerabilities | SQL on VM has a local user account with a commonly used username (which is prone to brute force attacks), and has known vulnerabilities (CVEs). |
### AWS Data
Prerequisite: [Enable Microsoft Defender for SQL servers on machines](defender-f
| Attack Path Display Name | Attack Path Description | |--|--|
-| Internet exposed AWS S3 Bucket with sensitive data is publicly accessible | S3 bucket '\[BucketName]' with sensitive data is reachable from the internet and allows public read access without authorization required. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
+| Internet exposed AWS S3 Bucket with sensitive data is publicly accessible | An S3 bucket with sensitive data is reachable from the internet and allows public read access without authorization required. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). |
### Azure containers Prerequisite: [Enable Defender for Containers](defender-for-containers-enable.md), and install the relevant agents in order to view attack paths that are related to containers. This will also give you the ability to [query](how-to-manage-cloud-security-explorer.md#build-a-query-with-the-cloud-security-explorer) containers data plane workloads in security explorer. | Attack Path Display Name | Attack Path Description |
-| Internet exposed Kubernetes pod is running a container with RCE vulnerabilities | Internet exposed Kubernetes pod '\[pod name]' in namespace '\[namespace]' is running a container '\[container name]' using image '\[image name]' which has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution |
-| Kubernetes pod running on an internet exposed node uses host network is running a container with RCE vulnerabilities | Kubernetes pod '\[pod name]' in namespace '\[namespace]' with host network access enabled is exposed to the internet via the host network. The pod is running container '\[container name]' using image '\[image name]' which has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution |
+| Internet exposed Kubernetes pod is running a container with RCE vulnerabilities | An internet exposed Kubernetes pod in a namespace is running a container using an image that has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution. |
+| Kubernetes pod running on an internet exposed node uses host network is running a container with RCE vulnerabilities | A Kubernetes pod in a namespace with host network access enabled is exposed to the internet via the host network. The pod is running a container using an image that has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution. |
## Cloud security graph components list
-This section lists all of the cloud security graph components (connections & insights) that can be used in queries with the [cloud security explorer](concept-attack-path.md).
+This section lists all of the cloud security graph components (connections and insights) that can be used in queries with the [cloud security explorer](concept-attack-path.md).
### Insights | Insight | Description | Supported entities | |--|--|--|
-| Exposed to the internet | Indicates that a resource is exposed to the internet. Supports port filtering | Azure virtual machine, AWS EC2, Azure storage account, Azure SQL server, Azure Cosmos DB, AWS S3, Kubernetes pod. |
-| Contains sensitive data | Indicates that a resource contains sensitive data based on Microsoft Purview scan and applicable only if Microsoft Purview is enabled. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). | Azure SQL Server, Azure Storage Account, AWS S3 bucket. |
-| Has tags | List the resource tags of the cloud resource | All Azure and AWS resources. |
-| Installed software | List all software installed on the machine. This is applicable only for VMs that have Threat and vulnerability management integration with Defender for Cloud enabled and are connected to Defender for Cloud. | Azure virtual machine, AWS EC2 |
-| Allows public access | Indicates that a public read access is allowed to the data store with no authorization required | Azure storage account, AWS S3 bucjet |
+| Exposed to the internet | Indicates that a resource is exposed to the internet. Supports port filtering | Azure virtual machine, AWS EC2, Azure storage account, Azure SQL server, Azure Cosmos DB, AWS S3, Kubernetes pod |
+| Contains sensitive data | Indicates that a resource contains sensitive data based on Microsoft Purview scan and applicable only if Microsoft Purview is enabled. For more details, you can learn how to [prioritize security actions by data sensitivity](./information-protection.md). | Azure SQL Server, Azure Storage Account, AWS S3 bucket |
+| Has tags | Lists the resource tags of the cloud resource | All Azure and AWS resources |
+| Installed software | Lists all software installed on the machine. This insight is applicable only for VMs that have threat and vulnerability management integration with Defender for Cloud enabled and are connected to Defender for Cloud. | Azure virtual machine, AWS EC2 |
+| Allows public access | Indicates that a public read access is allowed to the data store with no authorization required | Azure storage account, AWS S3 bucket |
| Doesn't have MFA enabled | Indicates that the user account does not have a multi-factor authentication solution enabled | AAD User account, IAM user | | Is external user | Indicates that the user account is outside the organization's domain | AAD User account | | Is managed | Indicates that an identity is managed by the cloud provider | Azure Managed Identity | | Contains common usernames | Indicates that a SQL server has user accounts with common usernames which are prone to brute force attacks. | SQL on VM | | Can execute code on the host | Indicates that a SQL server allows executing code on the underlying VM using a built-in mechanism such as xp_cmdshell. | SQL on VM |
-| Has vulnerabilities | indicates that the resource SQL server has vulnerabilities detected | SQL on VM |
-| DEASM findings | Microsft Defender External Attack Surface Management (DEASM) internet scanning findings | Public IP |
+| Has vulnerabilities | Indicates that the resource SQL server has vulnerabilities detected | SQL on VM |
+| DEASM findings | Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (DEASM) internet scanning findings | Public IP |
| Privileged container | Indicates that a Kubernetes container runs in a privileged mode | Kubernetes container | | Uses host network | Indicates that a Kubernetes pod uses the network namespace of its host machine | Kubernetes pod | | Has high severity vulnerabilities | Indicates that a resource has high severity vulnerabilities | Azure VM, AWS EC2, Kubernetes image | | Vulnerable to remote code execution | Indicates that a resource has vulnerabilities allowing remote code execution | Azure VM, AWS EC2, Kubernetes image |
-| Public IP metadata | List the metadata of an Public IP | Public IP |
-| Identity metadata | List the metadata of an identity | AAD Identity |
+| Public IP metadata | Lists the metadata of an Public IP | Public IP |
+| Identity metadata | Lists the metadata of an identity | AAD Identity |
### Connections | Connection | Description | Source entity types | Destination entity types | |--|--|--|--|
-| Can authenticate as | Indicates that an Azure resource can authenticate to an identity and use its privileges | Azure VM, Azure VMSS, Azure Storage Account, Azure App Services, SQL Servers | AAD Managed identity |
+| Can authenticate as | Indicates that an Azure resource can authenticate to an identity and use its privileges | Azure VM, Azure VMSS, Azure Storage Account, Azure App Services, SQL Servers | AAD managed identity |
| Has permission to | Indicates that an identity has permissions to a resource or a group of resources | AAD user account, Managed Identity, IAM user, EC2 instance | All Azure & AWS resources| | Contains | Indicates that the source entity contains the target entity | Azure subscription, Azure resource group, AWS account, Kubernetes namespace, Kubernetes pod, Kubernetes cluster, GitHub owner, Azure DevOps project, Azure DevOps organization | All Azure & AWS resources, All Kubernetes entities, All DevOps entities | | Routes traffic to | Indicates that the source entity can route network traffic to the target entity | Public IP, Load Balancer, VNET, Subnet, VPC, Internet Gateway, Kubernetes service, Kubernetes pod| Azure VM, Azure VMSS, AWS EC2, Subnet, Load Balancer, Internet gateway, Kubernetes pod, Kubernetes service |
This section lists all of the cloud security graph components (connections & in
## Next steps
-For related information, see the following:
- [What are the cloud security graph, attack path analysis, and the cloud security explorer?](concept-attack-path.md) - [Identify and remediate attack paths](how-to-manage-attack-path.md) - [Cloud security explorer](how-to-manage-cloud-security-explorer.md)
defender-for-cloud Azure Devops Extension https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/azure-devops-extension.md
Title: Configure the Microsoft Security DevOps Azure DevOps extension description: Learn how to configure the Microsoft Security DevOps Azure DevOps extension. Previously updated : 11/03/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Configure the Microsoft Security DevOps Azure DevOps extension
-> [!Note]
+> [!NOTE]
> Effective December 31, 2022, the Microsoft Security Code Analysis (MSCA) extension is retired. MSCA is replaced by the Microsoft Security DevOps Azure DevOps extension. MSCA customers should follow the instructions in this article to install and configure the extension. Microsoft Security DevOps is a command line application that integrates static analysis tools into the development lifecycle. Microsoft Security DevOps installs, configures, and runs the latest versions of static analysis tools (including, but not limited to, SDL/security and compliance tools). Microsoft Security DevOps is data-driven with portable configurations that enable deterministic execution across multiple environments.
The pipeline will run for a few minutes and save the results.
- Learn how to [deploy pipelines to Azure](/azure/devops/pipelines/overview-azure?toc=%2Fazure%2Fdevops%2Fcross-service%2Ftoc.json&bc=%2Fazure%2Fdevops%2Fcross-service%2Fbreadcrumb%2Ftoc.json&view=azure-devops). ## Next steps+ Learn more about [Defender for DevOps](defender-for-devops-introduction.md). Learn how to [connect your Azure DevOps](quickstart-onboard-devops.md) to Defender for Cloud.
defender-for-cloud Concept Attack Path https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/concept-attack-path.md
description: Learn how to prioritize remediation of cloud misconfigurations and
Previously updated : 11/08/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # What are the cloud security graph, attack path analysis, and the cloud security explorer?
Defender for Cloud then uses the generated graph to perform an attack path analy
## What is attack path analysis?
-Attack path analysis is a graph-based algorithm that scans the cloud security graph. The scans expose exploitable paths that attackers may use to breach your environment to reach your high-impact assets. Attack path analysis exposes those attack paths and suggests recommendations as to how best remediate the issues that will break the attack path and prevent successful breach.
+Attack path analysis is a graph-based algorithm that scans the cloud security graph. The scans expose exploitable paths that attackers may use to breach your environment to reach your high-impact assets. Attack path analysis exposes attack paths and suggests recommendations as to how best remediate issues that will break the attack path and prevent successful breach.
-By taking your environment's contextual information into account such as internet exposure, permissions, lateral movement, and more, attack path analysis identifies issues that may lead to a breach on your environment, and helps you to remediate the highest risk ones first.
+When you take your environment's contextual information into account, attack path analysis identifies issues that may lead to a breach on your environment, and helps you to remediate the highest risk ones first. For example its exposure to the internet, permissions, lateral movement, and more.
:::image type="content" source="media/concept-cloud-map/attack-path.png" alt-text="Image that shows a sample attack path from attacker to your sensitive data.":::
Learn how to use [attack path analysis](how-to-manage-attack-path.md).
## What is cloud security explorer?
-Using the cloud security explorer, you can proactively identify security risks in your multicloud environment by running graph-based queries on the cloud security graph. Your security team can use the query builder to search for and locate risks, while taking your organization's specific contextual and conventional information into account.
+By running graph-based queries on the cloud security graph with the cloud security explorer, you can proactively identify security risks in your multicloud environments. Your security team can use the query builder to search for and locate risks, while taking your organization's specific contextual and conventional information into account.
Cloud security explorer provides you with the ability to perform proactive exploration features. You can search for security risks within your organization by running graph-based path-finding queries on top the contextual security data that is already provided by Defender for Cloud, such as cloud misconfigurations, vulnerabilities, resource context, lateral movement possibilities between resources and more.
defender-for-cloud Concept Cloud Security Posture Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/concept-cloud-security-posture-management.md
Title: Overview of Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
description: Learn more about the new Defender CSPM plan and the other enhanced security features that can be enabled for your multicloud environment through the Defender Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) plan. Previously updated : 11/09/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) One of Microsoft Defender for Cloud's main pillars for cloud security is Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM). CSPM provides you with hardening guidance that helps you efficiently and effectively improve your security. CSPM also gives you visibility into your current security situation.
-Defender for Cloud continually assesses your resources, subscriptions, and organization for security issues and shows your security posture in secure score, an aggregated score of the security findings that tells you, at a glance, your current security situation: the higher the score, the lower the identified risk level.
+Defender for Cloud continually assesses your resources, subscriptions and organization for security issues. Defender for Cloud shows your security posture in secure score. The secure score is an aggregated score of the security findings that tells you your current security situation. The higher the score, the lower the identified risk level.
## Availability
Attack path analysis is a graph-based algorithm that scans the cloud security gr
- expose exploitable paths that attackers may use to breach your environment and reach your high-impact assets - provide recommendations for ways to prevent successful breaches
-By taking your environment's contextual information into account such as, internet exposure, permissions, lateral movement, and more, this analysis identifies issues that may lead to a breach on your environment, and helps you to remediate the highest risk ones first.
+When you take your environment's contextual information into account, attack path analysis identifies issues that may lead to a breach on your environment, and helps you to remediate the highest risk ones first. For example its exposure to the internet, permissions, lateral movement, and more.
Learn more about [attack path analysis](concept-attack-path.md#what-is-attack-path-analysis). ## Agentless scanning for machines
-With agentless scanning for VMs, you can get visibility on actionable OS posture issues without installed agents, network connectivity, or machine performance impact.
+With agentless scanning for VMs, you can get visibility on actionable OS posture issues without installed agents, network connectivity, or machine performance.
Learn more about [agentless scanning](concept-agentless-data-collection.md).
defender-for-cloud Concept Easm https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/concept-easm.md
description: Learn how to gain comprehensive visibility and insights over extern
Previously updated : 01/10/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # What is an external attack surface?
defender-for-cloud Custom Security Policies https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/custom-security-policies.md
Title: Create custom Azure security policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
description: Azure custom policy definitions monitored by Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 01/22/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 zone_pivot_groups: manage-asc-initiatives
defender-for-cloud Defender For Cloud Glossary https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-cloud-glossary.md
Title: Defender for Cloud glossary description: The glossary provides a brief description of important Defender for Cloud platform terms and concepts. Previously updated : 10/30/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender for Cloud glossary
-This glossary provides a brief description of important terms and concepts for the Microsoft Defender for Cloud platform. Select the **Learn more** links to go to related terms in the glossary. This will help you to learn and use the product tools quickly and effectively.
+This glossary provides a brief description of important terms and concepts for the Microsoft Defender for Cloud platform. Select the **Learn more** links to go to related terms in the glossary. This glossary can help you to learn and use the product tools quickly and effectively.
<a name="glossary-a"></a>
This glossary provides a brief description of important terms and concepts for t
|--|--|--| |**MDC**| Microsoft Defender for Cloud is a Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) and Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) for all of your Azure, on-premises, and multicloud (Amazon AWS and Google GCP) resources. | [What is Microsoft Defender for Cloud?](defender-for-cloud-introduction.md)| |**MDE**| Microsoft Defender for Endpoint is an enterprise endpoint security platform designed to help enterprise networks prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to advanced threats.|[Protect your endpoints with Defender for Cloud's integrated EDR solution: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint](integration-defender-for-endpoint.md)|
-|**MFA**|multi factor authentication, a process in which users are prompted during the sign-in process for an additional form of identification, such as a code on their cellphone or a fingerprint scan.|[How it works: Azure Multi Factor Authentication](../active-directory/authentication/concept-mfa-howitworks.md)|
-|**MITRE ATT&CK**| a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations.|[MITRE ATT&CK](https://attack.mitre.org/)|
+|**MFA**|multi factor authentication, a process in which users are prompted during the sign-in process for an extra form of identification, such as a code on their cellphone or a fingerprint scan.|[How it works: Azure Multi Factor Authentication](../active-directory/authentication/concept-mfa-howitworks.md)|
+|**MITRE ATT&CK**| A globally accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations.|[MITRE ATT&CK](https://attack.mitre.org/)|
|**MMA**| Microsoft Monitoring Agent, also known as Log Analytics Agent|[Log Analytics Agent Overview](../azure-monitor/agents/log-analytics-agent.md)| ## N
defender-for-cloud Defender For Cloud Planning And Operations Guide https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-cloud-planning-and-operations-guide.md
Title: Defender for Cloud Planning and Operations Guide
description: This document helps you to plan before adopting Defender for Cloud and considerations regarding daily operations. Previously updated : 01/08/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Planning and operations guide
defender-for-cloud Defender For Devops Introduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-devops-introduction.md
Title: Microsoft Defender for DevOps - the benefits and features description: Learn about the benefits and features of Microsoft Defender for Previously updated : 10/24/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
defender-for-cloud Defender For Sql Introduction https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/defender-for-sql-introduction.md
description: Learn how Microsoft Defender for Azure SQL protects your Azure SQL
Last updated 07/28/2022 ++ # Overview of Microsoft Defender for Azure SQL
defender-for-cloud Deploy Vulnerability Assessment Defender Vulnerability Management https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/deploy-vulnerability-assessment-defender-vulnerability-management.md
description: Enable, deploy, and use Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management
Last updated 11/24/2022++ # Investigate weaknesses with Microsoft Defender Vulnerability Management
defender-for-cloud Detect Exposed Secrets https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/detect-exposed-secrets.md
description: Prevent passwords and other secrets that may be stored in your code from being accessed by outside individuals by using Defender for Cloud's secret scanning for Defender for DevOps. Previously updated : 09/11/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Detect exposed secrets in code
The following exit codes are available in CredScan:
| -9000 | Scan failed with unknown error. | ## Next steps
-+ Learn how to [configure pull request annotations](enable-pull-request-annotations.md) in Defender for Cloud to remediate secrets in code before they are shipped to production.
++ Learn how to [configure pull request annotations](enable-pull-request-annotations.md) in Defender for Cloud to remediate secrets in code before they're shipped to production.
defender-for-cloud Enable Enhanced Security https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/enable-enhanced-security.md
Title: Enable Microsoft Defender for Cloud's integrated workload protections
description: Learn how to enable enhanced security features to extend the protections of Microsoft Defender for Cloud to your hybrid and multicloud resources Previously updated : 09/20/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
When you enabled Defender plans on an entire Azure subscription, the protections
1. Select **Enable all** to enable all of the plans for Defender for Cloud.
- :::image type="content" source="media/enable-enhanced-security/enable-all-plans.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows where to select enable all on the plans page." lightbox="media/enable-enhanced-security/enable-all-plans.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/enable-enhanced-security/enable-all-plans.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows where to select the enable all button on the plans page." lightbox="media/enable-enhanced-security/enable-all-plans.png":::
1. Select **Save**. All of the plans are turned on and the monitoring components required by each plan are deployed to the protected resources.
-If you want to disable any of the plans, turn the plan off. The extensions used by the plan are not uninstalled but, after a short time, the extensions stop collecting data.
+If you want to disable any of the plans, turn off the plan. The extensions used by the plan aren't uninstalled but, after a short time, the extensions stop collecting data.
### Enable enhanced security on multiple subscriptions or workspaces
If you want to disable any of the plans, turn the plan off. The extensions used
1. In the Defender for Cloud menu, select **Getting started**.
- The Upgrade tab lists subscriptions and workspaces that you can onboard the Defender plans to.
+ The Upgrade tab lists subscriptions and workspaces that you can onboard the Defender plan to.
:::image type="content" source="./media/enable-enhanced-security/getting-started-upgrade.png" alt-text="Screenshot of enabling Defender plans for multiple subscriptions." lightbox="media/enable-enhanced-security/getting-started-upgrade.png":::
If you want to disable any of the plans, turn the plan off. The extensions used
> - If you select subscriptions and workspaces that aren't eligible for trial, the next step will upgrade them and charges will begin. > - If you select a workspace that's eligible for a free trial, the next step will begin a trial.
-If you want to disable any of the plans, turn the plan off. The extensions used by the plan are not uninstalled but, after a short time, the extensions stop collecting data.
+If you want to disable any of the plans, turn off the plan. The extensions used by the plan aren't uninstalled but, after a short time, the extensions stop collecting data.
## Next steps
defender-for-cloud Enable Pull Request Annotations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/enable-pull-request-annotations.md
Title: Enable pull request annotations in GitHub or in Azure DevOps
description: Add pull request annotations in GitHub or in Azure DevOps. By adding pull request annotations, your SecOps and developer teams so that they can be on the same page when it comes to mitigating issues. Previously updated : 11/07/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Enable pull request annotations in GitHub and Azure DevOps
Before you can enable pull request annotations, your main branch must have enabl
:::image type="content" source="media/tutorial-enable-pr-annotations/validation-policy.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the build validation.":::
-Once you have completed these steps you can select the build pipeline you created previously and customize its settings to suit your needs.
+Once you've completed these steps, you can select the build pipeline you created previously and customize its settings to suit your needs.
### Enable pull request annotations
Once you have completed these steps you can select the build pipeline you create
1. Navigate to **Defender for Cloud** > **DevOps Security**.
-1. Select all relevant repositories to enable pull request annotations on.
+1. Select all relevant repositories to enable the pull request annotations on.
1. Select **Configure**.
- :::image type="content" source="media/tutorial-enable-pr-annotations/select-configure.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows you where to select configure on the screen.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/tutorial-enable-pr-annotations/select-configure.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows you where to select the configure button on the screen.":::
1. Toggle Pull request annotations to **On**.
Once you've configured the scanner, you'll be able to view all issues that were
- **Won't fix** - The finding is noted but won't be fixed. - **Closed** - The discussion in this annotation is closed.
-Defender for DevOps will re-activate an annotation if the security issue is not fixed in a new iteration.
+Defender for DevOps will reactivate an annotation if the security issue isn't fixed in a new iteration.
## Learn more
defender-for-cloud Enhanced Security Features Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/enhanced-security-features-overview.md
Title: Understand the basic and extended security features of Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn about the benefits of enabling enhanced security in Microsoft Defender for Cloud Previously updated : 12/13/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Defender for Cloud offers basic, and many enhanced security features that can he
## Basic features
-When you open Defender for Cloud in the Azure portal for the first time or if you enable it through the API, Defender for Cloud is enabled for free on all your Azure subscriptions. By default, Defender for Cloud provides foundational cloud security and posture management (CSPM) features, including [secure score](secure-score-security-controls.md), [security policy and basic recommendations](security-policy-concept.md), and [network security assessment](protect-network-resources.md) to help you protect your Azure resources.
+When you open Defender for Cloud in the Azure portal for the first time or if you enable it through the API, Defender for Cloud is enabled for free on all your Azure subscriptions. Defender for Cloud provides foundational cloud security and posture management (CSPM) features by default. The foundational CSPM includes, [secure score](secure-score-security-controls.md), [security policy and basic recommendations](security-policy-concept.md), and [network security assessment](protect-network-resources.md) to help you protect your Azure resources.
## Try out enhanced features
The discount will be effective starting from the approval date, and won't take p
### My subscription has Microsoft Defender for Servers enabled, which machines do I pay for?
-When you enable [Microsoft Defender for Servers](defender-for-servers-introduction.md) on a subscription, all machines in that subscription (including machines that are part of PaaS services and reside in this subscription) are billed according to their power state as shown in the following table:
+When you enable [Microsoft Defender for Servers](defender-for-servers-introduction.md) on a subscription, all machines including machines that are part of PaaS services, in that subscription are billed according to their power state as shown in the following table:
| State | Description | Instance usage billed | |--|--|--|
defender-for-cloud Episode Eight https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-eight.md
Title: Microsoft Defender for IoT description: Learn how Defender for IoT discovers devices to monitor and how it fits in the Microsoft Security portfolio. Previously updated : 06/01/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Microsoft Defender for IoT
defender-for-cloud Episode Eighteen https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-eighteen.md
Title: Defender for Azure Cosmos DB | Defender for Cloud in the Field
description: Learn about Defender for Cloud integration with Azure Cosmos DB. Previously updated : 11/03/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender for Azure Cosmos DB | Defender for Cloud in the Field
defender-for-cloud Episode Eleven https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-eleven.md
Title: Threat landscape for Defender for Containers description: Learn about the new detections that are available for different attacks and how Defender for Containers can help to quickly identify malicious activities in containers. Previously updated : 06/01/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Threat landscape for Defender for Containers
defender-for-cloud Episode Fifteen https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-fifteen.md
Title: Remediate security recommendations with governance
description: Learn about the new governance feature in Defender for Cloud, and how to drive security posture improvement. Previously updated : 07/14/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Remediate security recommendations with governance
defender-for-cloud Episode Five https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-five.md
Title: Microsoft Defender for Servers description: Learn all about Microsoft Defender for Servers. Previously updated : 06/28/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Microsoft Defender for Servers
defender-for-cloud Episode Four https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-four.md
Title: Security posture management improvements in Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn how to manage your security posture with Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 06/01/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Security posture management improvements in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
defender-for-cloud Episode Fourteen https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-fourteen.md
Title: Defender for Servers deployment in AWS and GCP
description: Learn about the capabilities available for Defender for Servers deployment within AWS and GCP. Previously updated : 06/26/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender for Servers deployment in AWS and GCP
defender-for-cloud Episode Nine https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-nine.md
Title: Microsoft Defender for Containers in a multicloud environment description: Learn about Microsoft Defender for Containers implementation in AWS and GCP. Previously updated : 06/01/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Microsoft Defender for Containers in a Multicloud Environment
defender-for-cloud Episode Nineteen https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-nineteen.md
Title: Defender for DevOps | Defender for Cloud in the Field
description: Learn about Defender for Cloud integration with Defender for DevOps. Previously updated : 11/08/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender for DevOps | Defender for Cloud in the Field
defender-for-cloud Episode One https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-one.md
Title: New AWS connector in Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn all about the new AWS connector in Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 05/29/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # New AWS connector in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
defender-for-cloud Episode Seven https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-seven.md
Title: New GCP connector in Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn all about the new GCP connector in Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 05/29/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # New GCP connector in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
defender-for-cloud Episode Seventeen https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-seventeen.md
Title: Defender for Cloud integration with Microsoft Entra | Defender for Cloud
description: Learn about Defender for Cloud integration with Microsoft Entra. Previously updated : 09/19/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender for Cloud integration with Microsoft Entra | Defender for Cloud in the Field
defender-for-cloud Episode Six https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-six.md
Title: Lessons learned from the field with Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn how Microsoft Defender for Cloud is used to fill the gap between cloud security posture management and cloud workload protection. Previously updated : 05/25/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Lessons learned from the field with Microsoft Defender for Cloud
defender-for-cloud Episode Sixteen https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-sixteen.md
Title: Defender for Servers integration with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
description: Learn about the integration between Defender for Servers and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint Previously updated : 08/04/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender for Servers integration with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
defender-for-cloud Episode Ten https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-ten.md
Title: Protecting containers in GCP with Defender for Containers description: Learn how to use Defender for Containers, to protect Containers that are located in Google Cloud Projects. Previously updated : 05/29/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Protecting containers in GCP with Defender for Containers
defender-for-cloud Episode Thirteen https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-thirteen.md
Title: Defender for Storage description: Learn about the capabilities available in Defender for Storage. Previously updated : 06/16/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender for Storage
defender-for-cloud Episode Three https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-three.md
Title: Microsoft Defender for Containers description: Learn how about Microsoft Defender for Containers. Previously updated : 05/29/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Microsoft Defender for Containers
defender-for-cloud Episode Twelve https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-twelve.md
Title: Enhanced workload protection features in Defender for Servers description: Learn about the enhanced capabilities available in Defender for Servers, for VMs that are located in GCP, AWS and on-premises. Previously updated : 05/29/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Enhanced workload protection features in Defender for Servers
defender-for-cloud Episode Twenty Five https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-twenty-five.md
Title: AWS ECR coverage in Defender for Containers | Defender for Cloud in the f
description: Learn about AWS ECR coverage in Defender for Containers Previously updated : 01/18/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # AWS ECR Coverage in Defender for Containers | Defender for Cloud in the field
defender-for-cloud Episode Twenty Four https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-twenty-four.md
Title: Enhancements in Defender for SQL vulnerability assessment | Defender for
description: Learn about Enhancements in Defender for SQL Vulnerability Assessment Previously updated : 01/18/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Enhancements in Defender for SQL vulnerability assessment | Defender for Cloud in the field
defender-for-cloud Episode Twenty One https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-twenty-one.md
Title: Latest updates in the regulatory compliance dashboard | Defender for Clou
description: Learn about the latest updates in the regulatory compliance dashboard Previously updated : 11/24/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Latest updates in the regulatory compliance dashboard| Defender for Cloud in the Field
defender-for-cloud Episode Twenty Three https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-twenty-three.md
Title: Defender Threat Intelligence | Defender for Cloud in the field
description: Learn about Microsoft Defender Threat Intelligence (Defender TI) Previously updated : 12/21/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender threat Intelligence | Defender for Cloud in the Field
defender-for-cloud Episode Twenty Two https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-twenty-two.md
Title: Defender EASM | Defender for Cloud in the field
description: Learn about Microsoft Defender External Attack Surface Management (Defender EASM) Previously updated : 12/01/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Defender EASM | Defender for Cloud in the Field
defender-for-cloud Episode Twenty https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-twenty.md
Title: Cloud security explorer and attack path analysis | Defender for Cloud in
description: Learn about cloud security explorer and attack path analysis. Previously updated : 11/24/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Cloud security explorer and attack path analysis | Defender for Cloud in the Field
defender-for-cloud Episode Two https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/episode-two.md
Title: Integrate Azure Purview with Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn how to integrate Azure Purview with Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 05/29/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Integrate Microsoft Purview with Microsoft Defender for Cloud
defender-for-cloud Github Action https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/github-action.md
Title: Configure the Microsoft Security DevOps GitHub action description: Learn how to configure the Microsoft Security DevOps GitHub action. Previously updated : 01/09/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023
defender-for-cloud How To Manage Aws Assessments Standards https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/how-to-manage-aws-assessments-standards.md
Title: Manage AWS assessments and standards
description: Learn how to create custom security assessments and standards for your AWS environment. Previously updated : 12/01/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Manage AWS assessments and standards
You can either use the built-in regulatory compliance standards or create your o
1. Select **Standards** > **Add** > **Standard**.
- :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-manage-assessments-standards/aws-add-standard.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows you where to navigate to in order to add a AWS standard." lightbox="media/how-to-manage-assessments-standards/aws-add-standard-zoom.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-manage-assessments-standards/aws-add-standard.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows you where to navigate to in order to add an AWS standard." lightbox="media/how-to-manage-assessments-standards/aws-add-standard-zoom.png":::
1. Select a built-in standard from the drop-down menu.
defender-for-cloud How To Manage Cloud Security Explorer https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/how-to-manage-cloud-security-explorer.md
description: Learn how to build queries in cloud security explorer to find vulnerabilities that exist on your multicloud environment. Previously updated : 11/08/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Cloud security explorer
defender-for-cloud How To Manage Gcp Assessments Standards https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/how-to-manage-gcp-assessments-standards.md
Title: Manage GCP assessments and standards
description: Learn how to create custom security assessments and standards for your GCP environment. Previously updated : 11/29/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Manage GCP assessments and standards
defender-for-cloud Iac Vulnerabilities https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/iac-vulnerabilities.md
Title: Discover misconfigurations in Infrastructure as Code description: Learn how to use Defender for DevOps to discover misconfigurations in Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Previously updated : 09/20/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
API apps should require the latest TLS version.
**Severity level**: 1
-#### TA-000006: CORS should not allow every resource to access your API App
+#### TA-000006: CORS shouldn't allow every resource to access your API App
-Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) should not allow all domains to access your API app. Allow only required domains to interact with your API app.
+Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) shouldn't allow all domains to access your API app. Allow only required domains to interact with your API app.
-**Recommendation**: To allow only required domains to interact with your API app, in the [Microsoft.Web/sites/config resource cors settings object](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites/config-web?tabs=json#corssettings-object), add (or update) the *allowedOrigins* property, setting its value to an array of allowed origins. Ensure it is *not* set to "*" (asterisks allows all origins).
+**Recommendation**: To allow only required domains to interact with your API app, in the [Microsoft.Web/sites/config resource cors settings object](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites/config-web?tabs=json#corssettings-object), add (or update) the *allowedOrigins* property, setting its value to an array of allowed origins. Ensure it isn't* set to "*" (asterisks allows all origins).
**Severity level**: 3
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) should not allow all domains to access your
For enhanced authentication security, use a managed identity. On Azure, managed identities eliminate the need for developers to have to manage credentials by providing an identity for the Azure resource in Azure AD and using it to obtain Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tokens.
-**Recommendation**: To [use Managed Identity](../app-service/overview-managed-identity.md?tabs=dotnet), in the [Microsoft.Web/sites resource managed identity property](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites?tabs=json#ManagedServiceIdentity), add (or update) the *type* property, setting its value to `"SystemAssigned"` or `"UserAssigned"` and providing any necessary identifiers for the identity if required.
+**Recommendation**: To [use Managed Identity](../app-service/overview-managed-identity.md?tabs=dotnet), in the [Microsoft.Web/sites resource managed identity property](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites?tabs=json#ManagedServiceIdentity), add (or update) the *type* property, setting its value to `"SystemAssigned"` or `"UserAssigned"` and providing any necessary identifiers for the identity if necessary.
**Severity level**: 2
Function apps should require the latest TLS version.
**Severity level**: 1
-#### TA-000012: CORS should not allow every resource to access your Function Apps
+#### TA-000012: CORS shouldn't allow every resource to access your Function Apps
-Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) should not allow all domains to access your function app. Allow only required domains to interact with your function app.
+Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) shouldn't allow all domains to access your function app. Allow only required domains to interact with your function app.
-**Recommendation**: To allow only required domains to interact with your function app, in the [Microsoft.Web/sites/config resource cors settings object](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites/config-web?tabs=json#corssettings-object), add (or update) the *allowedOrigins* property, setting its value to an array of allowed origins. Ensure it is *not* set to "*" (asterisks allows all origins).
+**Recommendation**: To allow only required domains to interact with your function app, in the [Microsoft.Web/sites/config resource cors settings object](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites/config-web?tabs=json#corssettings-object), add (or update) the *allowedOrigins* property, setting its value to an array of allowed origins. Ensure it isn't* set to "*" (asterisks allows all origins).
**Severity level**: 3
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) should not allow all domains to access your
For enhanced authentication security, use a managed identity. On Azure, managed identities eliminate the need for developers to have to manage credentials by providing an identity for the Azure resource in Azure AD and using it to obtain Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tokens.
-**Recommendation**: To [use Managed Identity](../app-service/overview-managed-identity.md?tabs=dotnet), in the [Microsoft.Web/sites resource managed identity property](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites?tabs=json#ManagedServiceIdentity), add (or update) the *type* property, setting its value to `"SystemAssigned"` or `"UserAssigned"` and providing any necessary identifiers for the identity if required.
+**Recommendation**: To [use Managed Identity](../app-service/overview-managed-identity.md?tabs=dotnet), in the [Microsoft.Web/sites resource managed identity property](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites?tabs=json#ManagedServiceIdentity), add (or update) the *type* property, setting its value to `"SystemAssigned"` or `"UserAssigned"` and providing any necessary identifiers for the identity if necessary.
**Severity level**: 2
To [enforce the latest TLS version](../app-service/configure-ssl-bindings.md#enf
**Severity level**: 1
-#### TA-000018: CORS should not allow every resource to access your Web Applications
+#### TA-000018: CORS shouldn't allow every resource to access your Web Applications
-Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) should not allow all domains to access your Web application. Allow only required domains to interact with your web app.
+Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) shouldn't allow all domains to access your Web application. Allow only required domains to interact with your web app.
-**Recommendation**: To allow only required domains to interact with your web app, in the [Microsoft.Web/sites/config resource cors settings object](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites/config-web?tabs=json#corssettings-object), add (or update) the *allowedOrigins* property, setting its value to an array of allowed origins. Ensure it is *not* set to "*" (asterisks allows all origins).
+**Recommendation**: To allow only required domains to interact with your web app, in the [Microsoft.Web/sites/config resource cors settings object](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites/config-web?tabs=json#corssettings-object), add (or update) the *allowedOrigins* property, setting its value to an array of allowed origins. Ensure it isn't* set to "*" (asterisks allows all origins).
**Severity level**: 3
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) should not allow all domains to access your
For enhanced authentication security, use a managed identity. On Azure, managed identities eliminate the need for developers to have to manage credentials by providing an identity for the Azure resource in Azure AD and using it to obtain Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tokens.
-**Recommendation**: To [use Managed Identity](../app-service/overview-managed-identity.md?tabs=dotnet), in the [Microsoft.Web/sites resource managed identity property](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites?tabs=json#ManagedServiceIdentity), add (or update) the *type* property, setting its value to `"SystemAssigned"` or `"UserAssigned"` and providing any necessary identifiers for the identity if required.
+**Recommendation**: To [use Managed Identity](../app-service/overview-managed-identity.md?tabs=dotnet), in the [Microsoft.Web/sites resource managed identity property](/azure/templates/microsoft.web/sites?tabs=json#ManagedServiceIdentity), add (or update) the *type* property, setting its value to `"SystemAssigned"` or `"UserAssigned"` and providing any necessary identifiers for the identity if necessary.
**Severity level**: 2
Audit built-in roles such as 'Owner, Contributer, Reader' instead of custom RBAC
#### TA-000021: Automation account variables should be encrypted
-It is important to enable encryption of Automation account variable assets when storing sensitive data. This step can only be taken at creation time. If you have Automation Account Variables storing sensitive data that are not already encrypted, then you will need to delete them and recreate them as encrypted variables. To apply encryption of the Automation account variable assets, in Azure PowerShell - run [the following command](/powershell/module/az.automation/set-azautomationvariable?view=azps-5.4.0&viewFallbackFrom=azps-1.4.0): `Set-AzAutomationVariable -AutomationAccountName '{AutomationAccountName}' -Encrypted $true -Name '{VariableName}' -ResourceGroupName '{ResourceGroupName}' -Value '{Value}'`
+It's important to enable encryption of Automation account variable assets when storing sensitive data. This step can only be taken at creation time. If you have Automation Account Variables storing sensitive data that aren't already encrypted, then you'll need to delete them and recreate them as encrypted variables. To apply encryption of the Automation account variable assets, in Azure PowerShell - run [the following command](/powershell/module/az.automation/set-azautomationvariable?view=azps-5.4.0&viewFallbackFrom=azps-1.4.0): `Set-AzAutomationVariable -AutomationAccountName '{AutomationAccountName}' -Encrypted $true -Name '{VariableName}' -ResourceGroupName '{ResourceGroupName}' -Value '{Value}'`
**Recommendation**: [Enable encryption of Automation account variable assets](../automation/shared-resources/variables.md?tabs=azure-powershell)
Enable only connections via SSL to Redis Cache. Use of secure connections ensure
#### TA-000023: Authorized IP ranges should be defined on Kubernetes Services
-To ensure that only applications from allowed networks, machines, or subnets can access your cluster, restrict access to your Kubernetes Service Management API server. It is recommended to limit access to authorized IP ranges to ensure that only applications from allowed networks can access the cluster.
+To ensure that only applications from allowed networks, machines, or subnets can access your cluster, restrict access to your Kubernetes Service Management API server. It's recommended to limit access to authorized IP ranges to ensure that only applications from allowed networks can access the cluster.
**Recommendation**: [Restrict access by defining authorized IP ranges](../aks/api-server-authorized-ip-ranges.md) or [set up your API servers as private clusters](../aks/private-clusters.md)
To provide granular filtering on the actions that users can perform, use Role-Ba
#### TA-000025: Kubernetes Services should be upgraded to a non-vulnerable Kubernetes version
-Upgrade your Kubernetes service cluster to a later Kubernetes version to protect against known vulnerabilities in your current Kubernetes version. [Vulnerability CVE-2019-9946](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-9946) has been patched in Kubernetes versions 1.11.9+, 1.12.7+, 1.13.5+, and 1.14.0+. Running on older versions could mean you are not using latest security classes. Usage of such old classes and types can make your application vulnerable.
+Upgrade your Kubernetes service cluster to a later Kubernetes version to protect against known vulnerabilities in your current Kubernetes version. [Vulnerability CVE-2019-9946](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-9946) has been patched in Kubernetes versions 1.11.9+, 1.12.7+, 1.13.5+, and 1.14.0+. Running on older versions could mean you aren't using latest security classes. Usage of such old classes and types can make your application vulnerable.
**Recommendation**: To [upgrade Kubernetes service clusters](../aks/upgrade-cluster.md), in the [Microsoft.ContainerService/managedClusters resource properties](/azure/templates/microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters?tabs=json#managedclusterproperties-object), update the *kubernetesVersion* property, setting its value to one of the following versions (making sure to specify the minor version number): 1.11.9+, 1.12.7+, 1.13.5+, or 1.14.0+.
Transparent data encryption should be enabled to protect data-at-rest and meet c
Set the data retention for your SQL Server's auditing to storage account destination to at least 90 days.
-**Recommendation**: For incident investigation purposes, we recommend setting the data retention for your SQL Server's auditing to storage account destination to at least 90 days, in the [Microsoft.Sql/servers/auditingSettings resource properties](/azure/templates/microsoft.sql/2020-11-01-preview/servers/auditingsettings?tabs=json#serverblobauditingpolicyproperties-object), using the *retentionDays* property. Confirm that you are meeting the necessary retention rules for the regions in which you are operating. This is sometimes required for compliance with regulatory standards.
+**Recommendation**: For incident investigation purposes, we recommend setting the data retention for your SQL Server's auditing to storage account destination to at least 90 days, in the [Microsoft.Sql/servers/auditingSettings resource properties](/azure/templates/microsoft.sql/2020-11-01-preview/servers/auditingsettings?tabs=json#serverblobauditingpolicyproperties-object), using the *retentionDays* property. Confirm that you're meeting the necessary retention rules for the regions in which you're operating. This is sometimes required for compliance with regulatory standards.
**Severity level**: 3
Set the data retention for your SQL Server's auditing to storage account destina
Set the protocols property to only include HTTPS.
-**Recommendation**: To use encrypted protocols only, add (or update) the *protocols* property in the [Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis resource properties](/azure/templates/microsoft.apimanagement/service/apis?tabs=json), to only include HTTPS. Allowing any additional protocols (for example, HTTP, WS) is insecure.
+**Recommendation**: To use encrypted protocols only, add (or update) the *protocols* property in the [Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/apis resource properties](/azure/templates/microsoft.apimanagement/service/apis?tabs=json), to only include HTTPS. Allowing any other protocols (for example, HTTP, WS) is insecure.
**Severity level**: 1
defender-for-cloud Investigate Resource Health https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/investigate-resource-health.md
Title: 'Tutorial: Investigate the health of your resources - Microsoft Defender for Cloud' description: 'Tutorial: Learn how to investigate the health of your resources using Microsoft Defender for Cloud.' Previously updated : 12/28/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Tutorial: Investigate the health of your resources The resource health page provides a snapshot view of the overall health of a single resource. You can review detailed information about the resource and all recommendations that apply to that resource. Also, if you're using any of the [advanced protection plans of Microsoft Defender for Cloud](defender-for-cloud-introduction.md), you can see outstanding security alerts for that specific resource too.
To step through the features covered in this tutorial:
## Access the health information for a resource > [!TIP]
-> In the screenshots below, we're opening a virtual machine, but the resource health page can show you the details for all resource types.
+> In the following screenshots, we're opening a virtual machine, but the resource health page can show you the details for all resource types.
To open the resource health page for a resource:
defender-for-cloud Just In Time Access Usage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/just-in-time-access-usage.md
Title: Just-in-time virtual machine access in Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn how just-in-time VM access (JIT) in Microsoft Defender for Cloud helps you control access to your Azure virtual machines. ++ Last updated 12/11/2022 + # Secure your management ports with just-in-time access You can use Microsoft Defender for Cloud's just-in-time (JIT) access to protect your Azure virtual machines (VMs) from unauthorized network access. Many times firewalls contain allow rules that leave your VMs vulnerable to attack. JIT lets you allow access to your VMs only when the access is needed, on the ports needed, and for the period of time needed.
defender-for-cloud Management Groups Roles https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/management-groups-roles.md
Title: Organize subscriptions into management groups and assign roles to users for Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn how to organize your Azure subscriptions into management groups in Microsoft Defender for Cloud and assign roles to users in your organization Previously updated : 01/09/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023
For visibility into the security posture of all subscriptions linked to an Azure
### Overview of management groups
-Use management groups to efficiently manage access, policies, and reporting on groups of subscriptions, as well as effectively manage the entire Azure estate by performing actions on the root management group. You can organize subscriptions into management groups and apply your governance policies to the management groups. All subscriptions within a management group automatically inherit the policies applied to the management group.
+Use management groups to efficiently manage access, policies, and reporting on groups of subscriptions, and effectively manage the entire Azure estate by performing actions on the root management group. You can organize subscriptions into management groups and apply your governance policies to the management groups. All subscriptions within a management group automatically inherit the policies applied to the management group.
Each Azure AD tenant is given a single top-level management group called the root management group. This root management group is built into the hierarchy to have all management groups and subscriptions fold up to it. This group allows global policies and Azure role assignments to be applied at the directory level.
defender-for-cloud Multi Factor Authentication Enforcement https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/multi-factor-authentication-enforcement.md
Title: Microsoft Defender for Cloud's security recommendations for MFA description: Learn how to enforce multi-factor authentication for your Azure subscriptions using Microsoft Defender for Cloud Previously updated : 01/08/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Manage multi-factor authentication (MFA) enforcement on your subscriptions
defender-for-cloud Onboard Management Group https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/onboard-management-group.md
Title: Onboard a management group to Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn how to use a supplied Azure Policy definition to enable Microsoft Defender for Cloud for all the subscriptions in a management group. Previously updated : 12/07/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Enable Defender for Cloud on all subscriptions in a management group
defender-for-cloud Other Threat Protections https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/other-threat-protections.md
Title: Other threat protections from Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Learn about the threat protections available from Microsoft Defender for Cloud Previously updated : 01/08/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Other threat protections in Microsoft Defender for Cloud In addition to its built-in [advanced protection plans](defender-for-cloud-introduction.md), Microsoft Defender for Cloud also offers the following threat protection capabilities.
defender-for-cloud Partner Integration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/partner-integration.md
Last updated 01/10/2023 + # Integrate security solutions in Microsoft Defender for Cloud This document helps you to manage security solutions already connected to Microsoft Defender for Cloud and add new ones.
defender-for-cloud Permissions https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/permissions.md
Title: Permissions in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
description: This article explains how Microsoft Defender for Cloud uses role-based access control to assign permissions to users and identify the permitted actions for each role. Previously updated : 11/28/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Permissions in Microsoft Defender for Cloud
-Defender for Cloud uses [Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md) to provide [built-in roles](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md). You can assign these roles to users, groups, and services in Azure to give users access to resources according the access defined in the role.
+Defender for Cloud uses [Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC)](../role-based-access-control/role-assignments-portal.md) to provide [built-in roles](../role-based-access-control/built-in-roles.md). You can assign these roles to users, groups, and services in Azure to give users access to resources according to the access defined in the role.
Defender for Cloud assesses the configuration of your resources to identify security issues and vulnerabilities. In Defender for Cloud, you only see information related to a resource when you're assigned one of these roles for the subscription or for the resource group the resource is in: Owner, Contributor, or Reader
The specific role required to deploy monitoring components depends on the extens
## Roles used to automatically provision agents and extensions
-To allow the Security Admin role to automatically provision agents and extensions used in Defender for Cloud plans, Defender for Cloud uses policy remediation in a similar way to [Azure Policy](../governance/policy/how-to/remediate-resources.md). To use remediation, Defender for Cloud needs to create service principals, also called managed identities, that assign roles at the subscription level. For example, the service principals for the Defender for Containers plan are:
+To allow the Security Admin role to automatically provision agents and extensions used in Defender for Cloud plans, Defender for Cloud uses policy remediation in a similar way to [Azure Policy](../governance/policy/how-to/remediate-resources.md). To use remediation, Defender for Cloud needs to create service principals, also called managed identities, that assigns roles at the subscription level. For example, the service principals for the Defender for Containers plan are:
| Service Principal | Roles | |:-|:-| | Defender for Containers provisioning AKS Security Profile | ΓÇó Kubernetes Extension Contributor<br>ΓÇó Contributor<br>ΓÇó Azure Kubernetes Service Contributor<br>ΓÇó Log Analytics Contributor |
-| Defender for Containers provisioning ARC k8s Enabled | ΓÇó Azure Kubernetes Service Contributor<br>ΓÇó Kubernetes Extension Contributor<br>ΓÇó Contributor<br>ΓÇó Log Analytics Contributor |
+| Defender for Containers provisioning ARC K8s Enabled | ΓÇó Azure Kubernetes Service Contributor<br>ΓÇó Kubernetes Extension Contributor<br>ΓÇó Contributor<br>ΓÇó Log Analytics Contributor |
| Defender for Containers provisioning Azure Policy Addon for Kubernetes | ΓÇó Kubernetes Extension Contributor<br>ΓÇó Contributor<br>ΓÇó Azure Kubernetes Service Contributor | | Defender for Containers provisioning Policy extension for Arc-enabled Kubernetes | ΓÇó Azure Kubernetes Service Contributor<br>ΓÇó Kubernetes Extension Contributor<br>ΓÇó Contributor |
defender-for-cloud Policy Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/policy-reference.md
Title: Built-in policy definitions for Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: Lists Azure Policy built-in policy definitions for Microsoft Defender for Cloud. These built-in policy definitions provide common approaches to managing your Azure resources. Previously updated : 01/05/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Azure Policy built-in definitions for Microsoft Defender for Cloud This page is an index of [Azure Policy](../governance/policy/overview.md) built-in policy
- The [default initiative](#defender-for-clouds-default-initiative-microsoft-cloud-security-benchmark) group lists all the Azure Policy definitions that are part of Defender for Cloud's default initiative, [Microsoft cloud security benchmark](/security/benchmark/azure/introduction). This Microsoft-authored, widely respected benchmark builds on controls from the [Center for Internet Security (CIS)](https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/azure/) and the [National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)](https://www.nist.gov/) with a focus on cloud-centric security. - The [category](#microsoft-defender-for-cloud-category) group lists all the Azure Policy definitions in the "Defender for Cloud" category.
-For more information about security policies, see [Working with security policies](./tutorial-security-policy.md). For additional Azure Policy built-ins for other services, see [Azure Policy built-in definitions](../governance/policy/samples/built-in-policies.md).
+For more information about security policies, see [Working with security policies](./tutorial-security-policy.md). For other Azure Policy built-ins for other services, see [Azure Policy built-in definitions](../governance/policy/samples/built-in-policies.md).
The name of each built-in policy definition links to the policy definition in the Azure portal. Use the link in the **Version** column to view the source on the [Azure Policy GitHub repo](https://github.com/Azure/azure-policy).
defender-for-cloud Powershell Onboarding https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/powershell-onboarding.md
Title: Onboard to Microsoft Defender for Cloud with PowerShell description: This document walks you through the process of enabling Microsoft Defender for Cloud with PowerShell cmdlets. Previously updated : 11/24/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Quickstart: Automate onboarding of Microsoft Defender for Cloud using PowerShell You can secure your Azure workloads programmatically, using the Microsoft Defender for Cloud PowerShell module. Using PowerShell enables you to automate tasks and avoid the human error inherent in manual tasks. This is especially useful in large-scale deployments that involve dozens of subscriptions with hundreds and thousands of resources, all of which must be secured from the beginning.
Onboarding Microsoft Defender for Cloud using PowerShell enables you to programm
This article provides a sample PowerShell script that can be modified and used in your environment to roll out Defender for Cloud across your subscriptions.
-In this example, we will enable Defender for Cloud on a subscription with ID: d07c0080-170c-4c24-861d-9c817742786c and apply the recommended settings that provide a high level of protection, by enabling Microsoft Defender for Cloud's enhanced security features, which provides advanced threat protection and detection capabilities:
+In this example, we'll enable Defender for Cloud on a subscription with ID: d07c0080-170c-4c24-861d-9c817742786c and apply the recommended settings that provide a high level of protection, by enabling Microsoft Defender for Cloud's enhanced security features, which provides advanced threat protection and detection capabilities:
1. Enable [the enhanced security in Microsoft Defender for Cloud](enable-enhanced-security.md). 2. Set the Log Analytics workspace to which the Log Analytics agent will send the data it collects on the VMs associated with the subscription ΓÇô in this example, an existing user defined workspace (myWorkspace).
-3. Activate Defender for CloudΓÇÖs automatic agent provisioning which [deploys the Log Analytics agent](working-with-log-analytics-agent.md).
+3. Activate Defender for CloudΓÇÖs automatic agent provisioning, which [deploys the Log Analytics agent](working-with-log-analytics-agent.md).
5. Set the organizationΓÇÖs [CISO as the security contact for Defender for Cloud alerts and notable events](configure-email-notifications.md).
These steps should be performed before you run the Defender for Cloud cmdlets:
> We recommend that you enable auto provisioning to make sure that your Azure virtual machines are automatically protected by Microsoft Defender for Cloud. >
-1. Optional: It is highly recommended that you [define the security contact details](configure-email-notifications.md) for the subscriptions you onboard, which will be used as the recipients of alerts and notifications generated by Defender for Cloud:
+1. Optional: It's highly recommended that you [define the security contact details](configure-email-notifications.md) for the subscriptions you onboard, which will be used as the recipients of alerts and notifications generated by Defender for Cloud:
```powershell Set-AzSecurityContact -Name "default1" -Email "CISO@my-org.com" -AlertAdmin -NotifyOnAlert
To learn more about how you can use PowerShell to automate onboarding to Defende
To learn more about Defender for Cloud, see the following articles:
-* [Setting security policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud](tutorial-security-policy.md) -- Learn how to configure security policies for your Azure subscriptions and resource groups.
-* [Managing and responding to security alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud](managing-and-responding-alerts.md) -- Learn how to manage and respond to security alerts.
+* [Setting security policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud](tutorial-security-policy.md). Learn how to configure security policies for your Azure subscriptions and resource groups.
+* [Managing and responding to security alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud](managing-and-responding-alerts.md). Learn how to manage and respond to security alerts.
defender-for-cloud Protect Network Resources https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/protect-network-resources.md
Title: Protecting your network resources in Microsoft Defender for Cloud description: This document addresses recommendations in Microsoft Defender for Cloud that help you protect your Azure network resources and stay in compliance with security policies. Previously updated : 10/23/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Protect your network resources Microsoft Defender for Cloud continuously analyzes the security state of your Azure resources for network security best practices. When Defender for Cloud identifies potential security vulnerabilities, it creates recommendations that guide you through the process of configuring the needed controls to harden and protect your resources.
To open the Network map:
The default view of the topology map displays: - Currently selected subscriptions - The map is optimized for the subscriptions you selected in the portal. If you modify your selection, the map is regenerated with the new selections.-- VMs, subnets, and VNets of the Resource Manager resource type ("classic" Azure resources are not supported)
+- VMs, subnets, and VNets of the Resource Manager resource type ("classic" Azure resources aren't supported)
- Peered VNets - Only resources that have [network recommendations](review-security-recommendations.md) with a high or medium severity - Internet-facing resources
In the **Topology** view of the networking map, you can view the following insig
- In the inner circle, you can see all the Vnets within your selected subscriptions, the next circle is all the subnets, the outer circle is all the virtual machines. - The lines connecting the resources in the map let you know which resources are associated with each other, and how your Azure network is structured. - Use the severity indicators to quickly get an overview of which resources have open recommendations from Defender for Cloud.-- You can click any of the resources to drill down into them and view the details of that resource and its recommendations directly, and in the context of the Network map.
+- You can select any of the resources to drill down into them and view the details of that resource and its recommendations directly, and in the context of the Network map.
- If there are too many resources being displayed on the map, Microsoft Defender for Cloud uses its proprietary algorithm to 'smart cluster' your resources, highlighting the ones that are in the most critical state, and have the most high severity recommendations. Because the map is interactive and dynamic, every node is clickable, and the view can change based on the filters:
Because the map is interactive and dynamic, every node is clickable, and the vie
- **Recommendations**: You can select which resources are displayed based on which recommendations are active on those resources. For example, you can view only resources for which Defender for Cloud recommends you enable Network Security Groups. - **Network zones**: By default, the map displays only Internet facing resources, you can select internal VMs as well.
-2. You can click **Reset** in top left corner at any time to return the map to its default state.
+2. You can select **Reset** in top left corner at any time to return the map to its default state.
To drill down into a resource:
To drill down into a resource:
### The Traffic view
-The **Traffic** view provides you with a map of all the possible traffic between your resources. This provides you with a visual map of all the rules you configured that define which resources can communicate with whom. This enables you to see the existing configuration of the network security groups as well as quickly identify possible risky configurations within your workloads.
+The **Traffic** view provides you with a map of all the possible traffic between your resources. This provides you with a visual map of all the rules you configured that define which resources can communicate with whom. This enables you to see the existing configuration of the network security groups and quickly identify possible risky configurations within your workloads.
### Uncover unwanted connections
For example, you might detect two machines that you werenΓÇÖt aware could commun
To drill down into a resource: 1. When you select a specific resource on the map, the right pane opens and gives you general information about the resource, connected security solutions if there are any, and the recommendations relevant to the resource. It's the same type of behavior for each type of resource you select.
-2. Click **Traffic** to see the list of possible outbound and inbound traffic on the resource - this is a comprehensive list of who can communicate with the resource and who it can communicate with, and through which protocols and ports. For example, when you select a VM, all the VMs it can communicate with are shown, and when you select a subnet, all the subnets which it can communicate with are shown.
+2. Select **Traffic** to see the list of possible outbound and inbound traffic on the resource - this is a comprehensive list of who can communicate with the resource and who it can communicate with, and through which protocols and ports. For example, when you select a VM, all the VMs it can communicate with are shown, and when you select a subnet, all the subnets, which it can communicate with are shown.
**This data is based on analysis of the Network Security Groups as well as advanced machine learning algorithms that analyze multiple rules to understand their crossovers and interactions.**
defender-for-cloud Quickstart Onboard Devops https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/quickstart-onboard-devops.md
Title: 'Quickstart: Connect your Azure DevOps repositories to Microsoft Defender for Cloud' description: Learn how to connect your Azure DevOps repositories to Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 11/03/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
API calls performed by Defender for Cloud count against the [Azure DevOps Global
The Defender for DevOps service automatically discovers the organizations, projects, and repositories you select and analyzes them for any security issues.
-When auto-discovery is selected during the onbaording process, it can take up to 4 hours for repositories to appear.
+When auto-discovery is selected during the onboarding process, it can take up to 4 hours for repositories to appear.
The Inventory page populates with your selected repositories, and the Recommendations page shows any security issues related to a selected repository.
defender-for-cloud Quickstart Onboard Github https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/quickstart-onboard-github.md
Title: 'Quickstart: Connect your GitHub repositories to Microsoft Defender for Cloud' description: Learn how to connect your GitHub repositories to Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 12/04/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
By connecting your GitHub repositories to Defender for Cloud, you'll extend Defe
| Aspect | Details | |--|--| | Release state: | Preview <br> The [Azure Preview Supplemental Terms](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/) include other legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability. |
-| Pricing: | For pricing please see the Defender for Cloud [pricing page](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/defender-for-cloud/?v=17.23h#pricing).
+| Pricing: | For pricing, see the Defender for Cloud [pricing page](https://azure.microsoft.com/pricing/details/defender-for-cloud/?v=17.23h#pricing).
| Required permissions: | **- Azure account:** with permissions to sign into Azure portal <br> **- Contributor:** on the Azure subscription where the connector will be created <br> **- Security Admin Role:** in Defender for Cloud <br> **- Organization Administrator:** in GitHub | | GitHub supported versions: | GitHub Free, Pro, Team, and GitHub Enterprise Cloud | | Regions: | Central US |
defender-for-cloud Recommendations Reference Aws https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/recommendations-reference-aws.md
Title: Reference table for all Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendations for AWS resources description: This article lists Microsoft Defender for Cloud's security recommendations that help you harden and protect your AWS resources. Previously updated : 11/09/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Security recommendations for AWS resources - a reference guide This article lists the recommendations you might see in Microsoft Defender for Cloud if you've connected an
defender-for-cloud Recommendations Reference Gcp https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/recommendations-reference-gcp.md
Title: Reference table for all Microsoft Defender for Cloud recommendations for GCP resources description: This article lists Microsoft Defender for Cloud's security recommendations that help you harden and protect your GCP resources. Previously updated : 11/09/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Security recommendations for GCP resources - a reference guide This article lists the recommendations you might see in Microsoft Defender for Cloud if you've connected a
defender-for-cloud Recommendations Reference https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/recommendations-reference.md
description: This article lists Microsoft Defender for Cloud's security recommen
Previously updated : 11/02/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
defender-for-cloud Regulatory Compliance Dashboard https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/regulatory-compliance-dashboard.md
Title: 'Tutorial: Regulatory compliance checks - Microsoft Defender for Cloud' description: 'Tutorial: Learn how to Improve your regulatory compliance using Microsoft Defender for Cloud.' Previously updated : 12/26/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 + # Tutorial: Improve your regulatory compliance Microsoft Defender for Cloud helps streamline the process for meeting regulatory compliance requirements, using the **regulatory compliance dashboard**. Defender for Cloud continuously assesses your hybrid cloud environment to analyze the risk factors according to the controls and best practices in the standards that you've applied to your subscriptions. The dashboard reflects the status of your compliance with these standards.
For example, you might want Defender for Cloud to email a specific user when a c
### How do I know which benchmark or standard to use? [Microsoft cloud security benchmark](/security/benchmark/azure/introduction) (MCSB) is the canonical set of security recommendations and best practices defined by Microsoft, aligned with common compliance control frameworks including [CIS Control Framework](https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/azure/), [NIST SP 800-53](https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-53/rev-5/final) and PCI-DSS. MCSB is a comprehensive cloud agnostic set of security principles designed to recommend the most up-to-date technical guidelines for Azure along with other clouds such as AWS and GCP. We recommend MCSB to customers who want to maximize their security posture and align their compliance status with industry standards.
-The [CIS Benchmark](https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/azure/) is authored by an independent entity ΓÇô Center for Internet Security (CIS) ΓÇô and contains recommendations on a subset of core Azure services. We work with CIS to try to ensure that their recommendations are up to date with the latest enhancements in Azure, but they are sometimes delayed and can become outdated. Nonetheless, some customers like to use this objective, third-party assessment from CIS as their initial and primary security baseline.
+The [CIS Benchmark](https://www.cisecurity.org/benchmark/azure/) is authored by an independent entity ΓÇô Center for Internet Security (CIS) ΓÇô and contains recommendations on a subset of core Azure services. We work with CIS to try to ensure that their recommendations are up to date with the latest enhancements in Azure, but they're sometimes delayed and can become outdated. Nonetheless, some customers like to use this objective, third-party assessment from CIS as their initial and primary security baseline.
Since weΓÇÖve released the Microsoft cloud security benchmark, many customers have chosen to migrate to it as a replacement for CIS benchmarks.
You can add other standards such as Azure CIS 1.3.0, NIST SP 800-53, NIST SP 800
**AWS**: When users onboard, every AWS account has the AWS Foundational Security Best Practices assigned. This is the AWS-specific guideline for security and compliance best practices based on common compliance frameworks.
-Users that have one Defender bundle enabled can enable additional standards.
+Users that have one Defender bundle enabled can enable other standards.
Available AWS regulatory standards:
Currently, there's no support for downloading a report for a custom policy; only
### How can I create exceptions for some of the policies in the regulatory compliance dashboard?
-For policies that are built into Defender for Cloud and included in the secure score, you can create exemptions for one or more resources directly in the portal as explained in [Exempting resources and recommendations from your secure score](exempt-resource.md).
+For policies are built into Defender for Cloud and included in the secure score, you can create exemptions for one or more resources directly in the portal as explained in [Exempting resources and recommendations from your secure score](exempt-resource.md).
For other policies, you can create an exemption directly in the policy itself, by following the instructions in [Azure Policy exemption structure](../governance/policy/concepts/exemption-structure.md).
defender-for-cloud Security Policy Concept https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/security-policy-concept.md
Title: Understanding security policies, initiatives, and recommendations in Micr
description: Learn about security policies, initiatives, and recommendations in Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 11/02/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # What are security policies, initiatives, and recommendations?
There are different types of policies in Azure Policy. Defender for Cloud mainly
## What is a security initiative?
-A security initiative is a collection of Azure Policy definitions, or rules, that are grouped together towards a specific goal or purpose. Security initiatives simplify management of your policies by grouping a set of policies together, logically, as a single item.
+A security initiative is a collection of Azure Policy definitions, or rules, are grouped together towards a specific goal or purpose. Security initiatives simplify management of your policies by grouping a set of policies together, logically, as a single item.
A security initiative defines the desired configuration of your workloads and helps ensure you're complying with the security requirements of your company or regulators.
Defender for Cloud offers the following options for working with security initia
Using the policies, Defender for Cloud periodically analyzes the compliance status of your resources to identify potential security misconfigurations and weaknesses. It then provides you with recommendations on how to remediate those issues. Recommendations are the result of assessing your resources against the relevant policies and identifying resources that aren't meeting your defined requirements.
-Defender for Cloud makes its security recommendations based on your chosen initiatives. When a policy from your initiative is compared against your resources and finds one or more that aren't compliant, it is presented as a recommendation in Defender for Cloud.
+Defender for Cloud makes its security recommendations based on your chosen initiatives. When a policy from your initiative is compared against your resources and finds one or more that aren't compliant, it's presented as a recommendation in Defender for Cloud.
Recommendations are actions for you to take to secure and harden your resources. Each recommendation provides you with the following information:
defender-for-cloud Tutorial Security Policy https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-cloud/tutorial-security-policy.md
Title: Working with security policies
description: Learn how to work with security policies in Microsoft Defender for Cloud. Previously updated : 10/31/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Manage security policies
To understand the relationships between initiatives, policies, and recommendatio
## Who can edit security policies?
-Defender for Cloud uses Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC), which provides built-in roles you can assign to Azure users, groups, and services. When users open Defender for Cloud, they see only information related to the resources they can access. Which means users are assigned the role of *owner*, *contributor*, or *reader* to the resource's subscription. There are also two specific Defender for Cloud roles:
+Defender for Cloud uses Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC), which provides built-in roles you can assign to Azure users, groups, and services. When users open Defender for Cloud, they see only information related to the resources they can access. Which means users are assigned the role of *owner*, *contributor*, or *reader* to the resource's subscription. There are also two specific Defenders for Cloud roles:
- **Security reader**: Has rights to view Defender for Cloud items such as recommendations, alerts, policy, and health. Can't make changes. - **Security admin**: Has the same view rights as *security reader*. Can also update the security policy and dismiss alerts.
defender-for-iot How To Set Up High Availability https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/defender-for-iot/organizations/how-to-set-up-high-availability.md
During failover, sensors continue attempts to communicate with the primary appli
Sign back in to the primary appliance after redirection.
-## High availability setup overview
+## Prerequisites
-The installation and configuration procedures are performed in four main stages:
+Before you perform the procedures in this article, verify that you've met the following prerequisites:
-1. Install an on-premises management console primary appliance.
+- Make sure that you have an [on-premises management console installed](/ot-deploy/install-software-on-premises-management-console.md) on both a primary appliance and a secondary appliance.
-1. Configure the on-premises management console primary appliance. For example, scheduled backup settings, VLAN settings. For more information, see [Manage the on-premises management console](how-to-manage-the-on-premises-management-console.md). All settings are applied to the secondary appliance automatically after pairing.
+ - Both your primary and secondary on-premises management console appliances must be running identical hardware models and software versions.
+ - You must be able to access to both the primary and secondary on-premises management consoles as a [privileged user](references-work-with-defender-for-iot-cli-commands.md), for running CLI commands. For more information, see [On-premises users and roles for OT monitoring](roles-on-premises.md).
-1. Install an on-premises management console secondary appliance. For more information, see [About the Defender for IoT Installation](how-to-install-software.md).
+- Make sure that the primary on-premises management console is fully [configured](how-to-manage-the-on-premises-management-console.md), including at least two [OT network sensors connected](how-to-manage-individual-sensors.md#connect-a-sensor-to-the-management-console) and visible in the console UI, and scheduled backups or VLAN settings. All settings are applied to the secondary appliance automatically after pairing.
-1. Pair the primary and secondary on-premises management console appliances. The primary on-premises management console must manage at least two sensors in order to carry out the setup.
+- Make sure that your SSL/TLS certificates meet required criteria. For more information, see [Deploy OT appliance certificates](how-to-deploy-certificates.md).
- For more information, see [Create the primary and secondary pair](#create-the-primary-and-secondary-pair).
+- Make sure that your organizational security policy grants you access to the following services, on the primary and secondary on-premises management console. These services also allow the connection between the sensors and secondary on-premises management console:
-## High availability requirements
-Verify that you've met the following high availability requirements:
--- [Certificate requirements](how-to-manage-the-on-premises-management-console.md#manage-certificates)--- Software and hardware requirements--- Network access requirements-
-### Software and hardware requirements
--- Both the primary and secondary on-premises management console appliances must be running identical hardware models and software versions.--- The high availability system can be set up by Defender for IoT users only, using CLI tools.-
-### Network access requirements
-Verify if your organizational security policy allows you to have access to the following services, on the primary and secondary on-premises management console. These services also allow the connection between the sensors and secondary on-premises management console:
-|**443 or TCP**|HTTPS|Grants access to the on-premises management console web console.|
-|**22 or TCP**|SSH|Syncs the data between the primary and secondary on-premises management console appliances|
-|**123 or UDP**|NTP| The on-premises management console's NTP time sync. Verify that the active and passive appliances are defined with the same timezone.|
+ |Port|Service|Description|
+ |-|-|--|
+ |**443 or TCP**|HTTPS|Grants access to the on-premises management console web console.|
+ |**22 or TCP**|SSH|Syncs the data between the primary and secondary on-premises management console appliances|
+ |**123 or UDP**|NTP| The on-premises management console's NTP time sync. Verify that the active and passive appliances are defined with the same timezone.|
## Create the primary and secondary pair
-Verify that both the primary and secondary on-premises management console appliances are powered on before starting the procedure.
+> Run commands with sudo only where indicated. If not indicated, do not run with sudo.
-### On the primary
+1. Power on both the primary and secondary on-premises management console appliances.
-1. Sign in to the management console.
+1. **On the secondary appliance**, use the following steps to copy the connection string to your clipboard:
-1. Select **System Settings** from the side menu.
+ 1. Sign in to the secondary on-premises management console, and select **System Settings** on the left.
-1. Copy the Connection String.
+ 1. In the **Sensor Setup - Connection String** area, under **Copy Connection String**, select the :::image type="icon" source="media/how-to-troubleshoot-the-sensor-and-on-premises-management-console/eye-icon.png" border="false"::: button to view the full connection string.
- :::image type="content" source="../media/how-to-set-up-high-availability/connection-string.png" alt-text="Copy the connection string to use in the following command.":::
+ 1. The connection string is composed of the IP address and the token. The IP address is before the colon, and the token is after the colon. Copy the IP address and token separately. For example, if your connection string is ``````, copy the IP address `````` and the token ```a2c4gv9de23f56n078a44e12gf2ce77f``` separately.
-1. Run the following command on the primary:
+ :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-set-up-high-availability/copy-connection-string-second-part.png" alt-text="Screenshot showing to copy each part of the connection string to use in the following command." lightbox="media/how-to-set-up-high-availability/copy-connection-string-second-part.png":::
- ```bash
- sudo cyberx-management-trusted-hosts-add -ip <Secondary IP> -token <connection string>
- ```
+1. **On the primary appliance**, use the following steps to connect the secondary appliance to the primary via CLI:
+ 1. Sign in to the primary on-premises management console via SSH to access the CLI, and then run:
-1. Enter the IP address of the secondary appliance in the ```<Secondary ip>``` field and select Enter. The IP address is then validated, and the SSL certificate is downloaded to the primary. Entering the IP address also associates the sensors to the secondary appliance.
+ ```bash
+ sudo cyberx-management-trusted-hosts-add -ip <Secondary IP> -token <Secondary token>
+ ```
-1. Run the following command on the primary to verify that the certificate is installed properly:
+ where `<Secondary IP>` is the IP address of the secondary appliance and `<Secondary token>` is the second part of the connection string after the colon, which you'd copied to the clipboard earlier.
+ For example:
- ```bash
- sudo cyberx-management-trusted-hosts-apply
- ```
+ ```sudo cyberx-management-trusted-hosts-add -ip -token a2c4gv9de23f56n078a44e12gf2ce77f```
-1. Run the following command on the primary. **Do not run with sudo.**
+ The IP address is validated, the SSL/TLS certificate is downloaded to the primary appliance, and all sensors that are connected to the primary appliance are connected to the secondary appliance.
- ```bash
- cyberx-management-deploy-ssh-key <Secondary IP>
- ```
+ 1. Apply your changes on the primary appliance. Run:
- This allows the connection between the primary and secondary appliances for backup and restoration purposes between them.
+ ```bash
+ sudo cyberx-management-trusted-hosts-apply
+ ```
+ 1. Verify that the certificate is installed correctly on the primary appliance. Run:
-1. Enter the IP address of the secondary and select Enter.
+ ```bash
+ cyberx-management-trusted-hosts-list
+ ```
-### On the secondary
+1. Allow the connection between the primary and secondary appliances' backup and restore process:
-1. Sign in to the CLI as a Defender for IoT user.
+ - **On the primary appliance**, run:
+ ```bash
+ cyberx-management-deploy-ssh-key <secondary appliance IP address>
+ ```
+ - **On the secondary appliance**, sign in via SSH to access the CLI, and run:
-1. Run the following command on the secondary. **Do not run with sudo**:
+ ```bash
+ cyberx-management-deploy-ssh-key <primary appliance IP address>
+ ```
+1. Verify that the changes have been applied on the secondary appliance. **On the secondary appliance**, run:
- cyberx-management-deploy-ssh-key <Primary ip>
+ cyberx-management-trusted-hosts-list
- This allows the connection between the Primary and Secondary appliances for backup and restore purposes between them.
-1. Enter the IP address of the primary and press Enter.
- ### Track high availability activity The core application logs can be exported to the Defender for IoT support team to handle any high availability issues. **To access the core logs**:
-1. Select **Export** from the **System Settings** window.
+1. Sign into the on-premises management console and select **System Settings** > **Export**. For more information on exporting logs to send to the support team, see [Export logs from the on-premises management console for troubleshooting](how-to-troubleshoot-the-sensor-and-on-premises-management-console.md#export-logs-from-the-on-premises-management-console-for-troubleshooting).
## Update the on-premises management console with high availability To update an on-premises management console that has high availability configured, you'll need to:
-1. Disconnect the high availability from both the primary and secondary appliances.
-1. Update the appliances to the new version.
+1. Disconnect the high availability from both the primary and secondary appliances.
+1. Update the appliances to the new version.
1. Reconfigure the high availability back onto both appliances. Perform the update in the following order. Make sure each step is complete before you begin a new step.
Perform the update in the following order. Make sure each step is complete befor
1. Find the domain associated with the secondary appliance and copy it to your clipboard. For example:
- :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-set-up-high-availability/update-high-availability-domain.jpg" alt-text="Screenshot showing the domain associated with the secondary appliance.":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-set-up-high-availability/update-high-availability-domain.jpg" alt-text="Screenshot showing the domain associated with the secondary appliance." lightbox="media/how-to-set-up-high-availability/update-high-availability-domain.jpg":::
1. Remove the secondary domain from the list of trusted hosts. Run:
digital-twins How To Use Postman With Digital Twins https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/digital-twins/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins.md
Title: Call the Azure Digital Twins APIs with Postman
-description: Learn how to authorize, configure, and use Postman to call the Azure Digital Twins APIs.
+description: Learn how to authorize, configure, and use Postman to call the Azure Digital Twins APIs. This article shows you how to use both the control and data plane APIs.
Previously updated : 09/06/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
Next, [download the desktop version of the Postman client](https://www.getpostma
Now that you've set up Postman and your Azure Digital Twins instance, you'll need to get a bearer token that Postman requests can use to authorize against the Azure Digital Twins APIs.
-There are several possible ways to obtain this token. This article uses the [Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) to sign into your Azure account and obtain a token that way.
+There are several possible ways to obtain this token. This article uses the [Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) to sign into your Azure account and obtain a token.
If you have an [Azure CLI installed locally](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli), you can start a command prompt on your machine to run the following commands. Otherwise, you can open an [Azure Cloud Shell](https://shell.azure.com) window in your browser and run the commands there.
Otherwise, you can open an [Azure Cloud Shell](https://shell.azure.com) window i
2. Next, use the [az account get-access-token](/cli/azure/account#az-account-get-access-token) command to get a bearer token with access to the Azure Digital Twins service. In this command, you'll pass in the resource ID for the Azure Digital Twins service endpoint, in order to get an access token that can access Azure Digital Twins resources.
- The required context for the token depends on which set of APIs you're using, so use the tabs below to select between [data plane](concepts-apis-sdks.md#data-plane-apis) and [control plane](concepts-apis-sdks.md#control-plane-apis) APIs.
+ The required context for the token depends on which set of APIs you're using, so use the following tabs to select between [data plane](concepts-apis-sdks.md#data-plane-apis) and [control plane](concepts-apis-sdks.md#control-plane-apis) APIs.
# [Data plane](#tab/data-plane)
Otherwise, you can open an [Azure Cloud Shell](https://shell.azure.com) window i
3. Copy the value of `accessToken` in the result, and save it to use in the next section. This value is your **token value** that you'll provide to Postman to authorize your requests.
- :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/console-access-token.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the console showing the result of the az account get-access-token command. The accessToken field and its sample value is highlighted." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/console-access-token.png":::
+ :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/console-access-token.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the console showing the result of the az account get-access-token command. The accessToken field with its sample value highlighted." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/console-access-token.png":::
>[!TIP] >This token is valid for at least five minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes. If you run out of time allotted for the current token, you can repeat the steps in this section to get a new one.
Next, you'll set up Postman to use this token to make API requests to Azure Digi
## About Postman collections
-Requests in Postman are saved in *collections* (groups of requests). When you create a collection to group your requests, you can apply common settings to many requests at once. This can greatly simplify authorization if you plan to create more than one request against the Azure Digital Twins APIs, as you only have to configure these details once for the entire collection.
+Requests in Postman are saved in *collections* (groups of requests). When you create a collection to group your requests, you can apply common settings to many requests at once. Common settings can greatly simplify authorization if you plan to create more than one request against the Azure Digital Twins APIs, as you only have to configure these details once for the entire collection.
-When working with Azure Digital Twins, you can get started by importing a [pre-built collection of all the Azure Digital Twins requests](#import-collection-of-azure-digital-twins-apis). You may want to do this if you're exploring the APIs and want to quickly set up a project with request examples.
+When working with Azure Digital Twins, you can get started by importing a [pre-built collection of all the Azure Digital Twins requests](#import-collection-of-azure-digital-twins-apis). You may want to import this collection if you're exploring the APIs and want to set up a project quickly with request examples.
Alternatively, you can also choose to start from scratch, by [creating your own empty collection](#create-your-own-collection) and populating it with individual requests that call only the APIs you need.
The following sections describe both of these processes. The rest of the article
## Import collection of Azure Digital Twins APIs
-A quick way to get started with Azure Digital Twins in Postman is to import a pre-built collection of requests for the Azure Digital Twins APIs.
-### Download the collection file
-The first step in importing the API set is to download a collection. Choose the tab below for your choice of data plane or control plane to see the pre-built collection options.
-# [Data plane](#tab/data-plane)
-There are currently two Azure Digital Twins data plane collections available for you to choose from:
-* [Azure Digital Twins Postman Collection](https://github.com/microsoft/azure-digital-twins-postman-samples): This collection provides a simple getting started experience for Azure Digital Twins in Postman. The requests include sample data, so you can run them with minimal edits required. Choose this collection if you want a digestible set of key API requests containing sample information.
- - To find the collection, navigate to the repo link and open the file named *postman_collection.json*.
-* [Azure Digital Twins data plane Swagger](https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/tree/main/specification/digitaltwins/data-plane/Microsoft.DigitalTwins): This repo contains complete Swagger files for the Azure Digital Twins API set, which can be downloaded and imported to Postman as a collection. These files provide a comprehensive set of every API request, but with empty data bodies rather than sample data. Choose this collection if you want to have access to every API call and fill in all the data yourself. You should also use this collection if you need a specific version of the APIs (like one that supports a preview feature).
- - To find the collection, navigate to the repo link and choose the folder for your preferred spec version. From here, open the file called *digitaltwins.json*.
-# [Control plane](#tab/control-plane)
-The collection currently available for control plane is the [Azure Digital Twins control plane Swagger](https://github.com/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/tree/main/specification/digitaltwins/data-plane/Microsoft.DigitalTwins). This repo contains the complete Swagger file for the Azure Digital Twins API set, which can be downloaded and imported to Postman as a collection. These files provide a comprehensive set of every API request.
-To find the collection, navigate to the repo link and choose the folder for your preferred spec version. From here, open the file called *digitaltwins.json*.
-Here's how to download your chosen collection to your machine so that you can import it into Postman.
-1. Use the links above to open the collection file in GitHub in your browser.
-1. Select the **Raw** button to open the raw text of the file.
- :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/swagger-raw.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the data plane digitaltwins.json file in GitHub. There's a highlight around the Raw button." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/swagger-raw.png":::
-1. Copy the text from the window, and paste it into a new file on your machine.
-1. Save the file with a .json extension (the file name can be whatever you want, as long as you can remember it to find the file later).
-### Import the collection
-Next, import the collection into Postman.
+A quick way to get started with Azure Digital Twins in Postman is to import a pre-built collection of requests for the APIs. Follow the steps below to import a collection of popular Azure Digital Twins data plane API requests containing sample request data.
1. From the main Postman window, select the **Import** button. :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-import-collection.png" alt-text="Screenshot of a newly opened Postman window. The 'Import' button is highlighted." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-import-collection.png":::
-1. In the **Import** window that follows, select **Upload Files** and navigate to the collection file on your machine that you created earlier. Select Open.
-1. Select the **Import** button to confirm.
+1. In the **Import** window that follows, select **Link** and enter the following URL: `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/azure-digital-twins-postman-samples/main/postman_collection.json`. Then select **Import** to confirm.
:::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-import-collection-2.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Postman's 'Import' window, showing the file to import as a collection and the Import button." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-import-collection-2.png":::
The newly imported collection can now be seen from your main Postman view, in th
:::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-post-collection-imported.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the main Postman window. The newly imported collection is highlighted in the 'Collections' tab." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-post-collection-imported.png":::
+> To import the complete set of API calls for a certain version of the Azure Digital Twins APIs (including control plane or data plane), you can also import Swagger files as collections. For links to the Swagger files for the control plane and data plane APIs, see [Azure Digital Twins APIs and SDKs](concepts-apis-sdks.md).
+ Next, continue on to the next section to add a bearer token to the collection for authorization and connect it to your Azure Digital twins instance. ### Configure authorization
Follow these steps to add a bearer token to the collection for authorization. Us
:::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-paste-token-imported.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Postman edit dialog for the imported collection, on the 'Authorization' tab. Type is 'OAuth 2.0', and Access Token box is highlighted." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-paste-token-imported.png":::
-### Additional configuration
+ > [!TIP]
+ > You must use the correct token for the type of API you're using. There is one access token for data plane APIS and another for control plane APIs.
-# [Data plane](#tab/data-plane)
+### Other configuration
-If you're making a [data plane](concepts-apis-sdks.md#data-plane-apis) collection, help the collection connect easily to your Azure Digital Twins resources by setting some variables provided with the collections. When many requests in a collection require the same value (like the host name of your Azure Digital Twins instance), you can store the value in a variable that applies to every request in the collection. Both of the downloadable collections for Azure Digital Twins come with pre-created variables that you can set at the collection level.
+You can help the collection connect easily to your Azure Digital Twins resources by setting some variables provided with the collection. When many requests in a collection require the same value (like the host name of your Azure Digital Twins instance), you can store the value in a variable that applies to every request in the collection. The Azure Digital Twins collection comes with pre-created variables that you can set at the collection level.
1. Still in the edit dialog for your collection, move to the **Variables** tab.
-1. Use your instance's **host name** from the [Prerequisites section](#prerequisites) to set the CURRENT VALUE field of the relevant variable. Select **Save**.
+1. Use the following table to set the values of the variables in the collection:
+ | Variable | API set | Description |
+ | -- | - | -- |
+ | `digitaltwins-hostname` | Data plane | The host name of your Azure Digital Twins instance. You can find this value on the overview page for your instance in the Portal. |
+ | `subscriptionId` | Control plane | Your Azure subscription ID. |
+ | `digitalTwinInstance` | Control plane | The name of your Azure Digital Twins instance. |
:::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-variables-imported.png" alt-text="Screenshot of the imported collection's edit dialog in Postman, showing the 'Variables' tab. The 'CURRENT VALUE' field is highlighted." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-variables-imported.png"::: 1. If your collection has extra variables, fill and save those values as well.
-When you're finished with the above steps, you're done configuring the collection. You can close the editing tab for the collection if you want.
-# [Control plane](#tab/control-plane)
+1. Select **Save**.
-If you're making a [control plane](concepts-apis-sdks.md#control-plane-apis) collection, you've done everything that you need to configure the collection. You can close the editing tab for the collection if you want, and proceed to the next section.
+When you're finished with the above steps, you're done configuring the collection. You can close the editing tab for the collection if you want.
### Explore requests
You can edit the details of a request in the Postman collection using these step
1. Select it from the list to pull up its editable details.
-1. Fill in values for the variables listed in the **Params** tab under **Path Variables**.
+1. Most of the requests in the sample collection are pre-configured to run without making any further changes.
- :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-request-details-imported.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Postman. The collection is expanded to show a request. The 'Path Variables' section is highlighted in the request details." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-request-details-imported.png":::
+1. The following screenshot shows the **DigitalTwinModels Add** API. On the **Body** tab you can see the JSON payload that defines the new model to add:
+1. Fill in values for the variables listed in the **Params** tab under **Path Variables**.
-1. Provide any necessary **Headers** or **Body** details in the respective tabs.
+ :::image type="content" source="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-request-details-imported.png" alt-text="Screenshot of Postman. The collection is expanded to show the body tab of a request." lightbox="media/how-to-use-postman-with-digital-twins/postman-request-details-imported.png":::
-Once all the required details are provided, you can run the request with the **Send** button.
+1. To run the request, use the **Send** button.
-You can also add your own requests to the collection, using the process described in the [Add an individual request](#add-an-individual-request) section below.
+You can also add your own requests to the collection, using the process described in the [Add an individual request](#add-an-individual-request) section.
## Create your own collection
-Instead of importing the existing collection of all Azure Digital Twins APIs, you can also create your own collection from scratch. You can then populate it with individual requests using the [Azure Digital Twins REST API reference documentation](/rest/api/azure-digitaltwins/).
+Instead of importing the existing collection of Azure Digital Twins APIs, you can also create your own collection from scratch. You can then populate it with individual requests using the [Azure Digital Twins REST API reference documentation](/rest/api/azure-digitaltwins/).
### Create a Postman collection
energy-data-services How To Create Lockbox https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/energy-data-services/how-to-create-lockbox.md
# Use Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Energy Data Services
-Microsoft Energy Data Services is the managed service offering for OSDUTM. There are instances where Microsoft Support may need to access your data or compute layer during a support request. You can use Customer Lockbox as an interface to review and approve or reject these access requests.
+Microsoft Energy Data Services is the managed service offering for OSDU&trade;. There are instances where Microsoft Support may need to access your data or compute layer during a support request. You can use Customer Lockbox as an interface to review and approve or reject these access requests.
This article covers how Customer Lockbox requests are initiated and tracked for Microsoft Energy Data Services.
expressroute Expressroute Howto Linkvnet Classic https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/expressroute/expressroute-howto-linkvnet-classic.md
Last updated 12/06/2019 - + # Connect a virtual network to an ExpressRoute circuit using PowerShell (classic) > [!div class="op_single_selector"] > * [Azure portal](expressroute-howto-linkvnet-portal-resource-manager.md) > * [PowerShell](expressroute-howto-linkvnet-arm.md) > * [Azure CLI](expressroute-howto-linkvnet-cli.md)
-> * [Video - Azure portal](https://azure.microsoft.com/documentation/videos/azure-expressroute-how-to-create-a-connection-between-your-vpn-gateway-and-expressroute-circuit)
> * [PowerShell (classic)](expressroute-howto-linkvnet-classic.md) >
You can link a virtual network to an ExpressRoute circuit by using the following
New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink -ServiceKey "*****************************" -VNetName "MyVNet" Provisioned ```
## Remove a virtual network link to a circuit You can remove a virtual network link to an ExpressRoute circuit by using the following cmdlet. Make sure that the current subscription is selected for the given virtual network. ```powershell Remove-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink -ServiceKey "*****************************" -VNetName "MyVNet" ```
## Connect a virtual network in a different subscription to a circuit You can share an ExpressRoute circuit across multiple subscriptions. The following figure shows a simple schematic of how sharing works for ExpressRoute circuits across multiple subscriptions.
New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLinkAuthorization -ServiceKey "************************
- ```powershell
- Description : Dev-Test Links
- Limit : 2
- LinkAuthorizationId : **********************************
- MicrosoftIds : devtest@contoso.com
- Used : 0
- ```
+Description : Dev-Test Links
+Limit : 2
+LinkAuthorizationId : **********************************
+MicrosoftIds : devtest@contoso.com
+Used : 0
**Reviewing authorizations**
Get-AzureDedicatedCircuitLinkAuthorization -ServiceKey: "***********************
``` Return:
- ```powershell
- Description : EngineeringTeam
- Limit : 3
- LinkAuthorizationId : ####################################
- MicrosoftIds : engadmin@contoso.com
- Used : 1
- Description : MarketingTeam
- Limit : 1
- LinkAuthorizationId : @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- MicrosoftIds : marketingadmin@contoso.com
- Used : 0
- Description : Dev-Test Links
- Limit : 2
- LinkAuthorizationId : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
- MicrosoftIds : salesadmin@contoso.com
- Used : 2
- ```
+Description : EngineeringTeam
+Limit : 3
+LinkAuthorizationId : ####################################
+MicrosoftIds : engadmin@contoso.com
+Used : 1
+Description : MarketingTeam
+Limit : 1
+LinkAuthorizationId : @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
+MicrosoftIds : marketingadmin@contoso.com
+Used : 0
+Description : Dev-Test Links
+Limit : 2
+LinkAuthorizationId : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
+MicrosoftIds : salesadmin@contoso.com
+Used : 2
**Updating authorizations**
Set-AzureDedicatedCircuitLinkAuthorization -ServiceKey "************************
- ```powershell
- Description : Dev-Test Links
- Limit : 5
- LinkAuthorizationId : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
- MicrosoftIds : devtest@contoso.com
- Used : 0
- ```
+Description : Dev-Test Links
+Limit : 5
+LinkAuthorizationId : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
+MicrosoftIds : devtest@contoso.com
+Used : 0
**Deleting authorizations**
- ```powershell
- Bandwidth : 200
- CircuitName : ContosoIT
- Location : Washington DC
- MaximumAllowedLinks : 2
- ServiceKey : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
- ServiceProviderName : equinix
- ServiceProviderProvisioningState : Provisioned
- Status : Enabled
- UsedLinks : 0
- ```
+Bandwidth : 200
+CircuitName : ContosoIT
+Location : Washington DC
+MaximumAllowedLinks : 2
+ServiceKey : &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
+ServiceProviderName : equinix
+ServiceProviderProvisioningState : Provisioned
+Status : Enabled
+UsedLinks : 0
**Redeeming link authorizations**
New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink ΓÇôservicekey "&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&" ΓÇôVnet
- ```powershell
- State VnetName
- -- --
- Provisioned SalesVNET1
- ```
+State VnetName
+-- --
+Provisioned SalesVNET1
Run this command in the newly linked subscription for the virtual network:
New-AzureDedicatedCircuitLink -ServiceKey "*****************************" -VNetN
## Next steps For more information about ExpressRoute, see the [ExpressRoute FAQ](expressroute-faqs.md).+
expressroute Expressroute Locations Providers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/expressroute/expressroute-locations-providers.md
Previously updated : 01/09/2023 Last updated : 01/23/2023
The following table shows connectivity locations and the service providers for e
* **ER Direct** refers to [ExpressRoute Direct](expressroute-erdirect-about.md) support at each peering location. If you want to view the available bandwidth at a location, see [Determine available bandwidth](expressroute-howto-erdirect.md#resources) ### Global commercial Azure
-| **Location** | **Address** | **Zone** | **Local Azure regions** | **ER Direct** | **Service providers** |
+| Location | Address | Zone | Local Azure regions | ER Direct | Service providers |
| | | | | | | | **Abu Dhabi** | Etisalat KDC | 3 | UAE Central | Supported | | | **Amsterdam** | [Equinix AM5](https://www.equinix.com/locations/europe-colocation/netherlands-colocation/amsterdam-data-centers/am5/) | 1 | West Europe | Supported | Aryaka Networks, AT&T NetBond, British Telecom, Colt, Equinix, euNetworks, GÉANT, InterCloud, Interxion, KPN, IX Reach, Level 3 Communications, Megaport, NTT Communications, Orange, Tata Communications, Telefonica, Telenor, Telia Carrier, Verizon, Zayo |
The following table shows connectivity locations and the service providers for e
Azure national clouds are isolated from each other and from global commercial Azure. ExpressRoute for one Azure cloud can't connect to the Azure regions in the others. ### US Government cloud
-| **Location** | **Address** | **Local Azure regions**| **ER Direct** | **Service providers** |
+| Location | Address | Local Azure regions | ER Direct | Service providers |
| | | | | | | **Atlanta** | [Equinix AT1](https://www.equinix.com/locations/americas-colocation/united-states-colocation/atlanta-data-centers/at1/) | n/a | Supported | Equinix | | **Chicago** | [Equinix CH1](https://www.equinix.com/locations/americas-colocation/united-states-colocation/chicago-data-centers/ch1/) | n/a | Supported | AT&T NetBond, British Telecom, Equinix, Level 3 Communications, Verizon |
Azure national clouds are isolated from each other and from global commercial Az
| **Washington DC** | [Equinix DC2](https://www.equinix.com/locations/americas-colocation/united-states-colocation/washington-dc-data-centers/dc2/) | US DoD East, US Gov Virginia | Supported | AT&T NetBond, CenturyLink Cloud Connect, Equinix, Level 3 Communications, Megaport, Verizon | ### China
-| **Location** | **Address** | **Local Azure regions** | **ER Direct** | **Service providers** |
+| Location | Address | Local Azure regions | ER Direct | Service providers |
| | | | | | | **Beijing** | China Telecom | n/a | Supported | China Telecom | | **Beijing2** | GDS | n/a | Supported | China Telecom, China Unicom, GDS |
If you're remote and don't have fiber connectivity or want to explore other conn
* [Viasat](http://www.directcloud.viasatbusiness.com/) ## <a name="c1partners"></a>Connectivity through additional service providers
-| **Location** | **Exchange** | **Connectivity providers** |
+| Location | Exchange | Connectivity providers |
| | | | | **Amsterdam** | Equinix, Interxion, Level 3 Communications | BICS, CloudXpress, Eurofiber, Fastweb S.p.A, Gulf Bridge International, Kalaam Telecom Bahrain B.S.C, MainOne, Nianet, POST Telecom Luxembourg, Proximus, RETN, TDC Erhverv, Telecom Italia Sparkle, Telekom Deutschland GmbH, Telia | | **Atlanta** | Equinix| Crown Castle
If you're remote and don't have fiber connectivity or want to explore other conn
## ExpressRoute system integrators Enabling private connectivity to fit your needs can be challenging, based on the scale of your network. You can work with any of the system integrators listed in the following table to assist you with onboarding to ExpressRoute.
-| **Continent** | **System integrators** |
+| Continent | System integrators |
| | | | **Asia** |Avanade Inc., OneAs1a | | **Australia** | Ensyst, IT Consultancy, MOQdigital, Vigilant.IT |
expressroute Expressroute Locations https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/expressroute/expressroute-locations.md
Title: 'Connectivity providers and locations: Azure ExpressRoute | Microsoft Docs'
-description: This article provides a detailed overview of locations where services are offered and how to connect to Azure regions. Sorted by connectivity provider.
+ Title: Connectivity providers and locations for Azure ExpressRoute
+description: This article provides a detailed overview of peering locations served by each ExpressRoute connectivity provider to connect to Azure.
Previously updated : 08/04/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023 --+ + # ExpressRoute connectivity partners and peering locations > [!div class="op_single_selector"]
The tables in this article provide information on ExpressRoute geographical cove
> [!Note] > Azure regions and ExpressRoute locations are two distinct and different concepts, understanding the difference between the two is critical to exploring Azure hybrid networking connectivity. >
## Azure regions Azure regions are global datacenters where Azure compute, networking, and storage resources are located. When creating an Azure resource, a customer needs to select a resource location. The resource location determines which Azure datacenter (or availability zone) the resource is created in. ## ExpressRoute locations
-ExpressRoute locations (sometimes referred to as peering locations or meet-me-locations) are co-location facilities where Microsoft Enterprise Edge (MSEE) devices are located. ExpressRoute locations are the entry point to Microsoft's network ΓÇô and are globally distributed, providing customers the opportunity to connect to Microsoft's network around the world. These locations are where ExpressRoute partners and ExpressRoute Direct customers issue cross connections to Microsoft's network. In general, the ExpressRoute location does not need to match the Azure region. For example, a customer can create an ExpressRoute circuit with the resource location *East US*, in the *Seattle* Peering location.
+ExpressRoute locations (sometimes referred to as peering locations or meet-me-locations) are co-location facilities where Microsoft Enterprise Edge (MSEE) devices are located. ExpressRoute locations are the entry point to Microsoft's network ΓÇô and are globally distributed, providing customers the opportunity to connect to Microsoft's network around the world. These locations are where ExpressRoute partners and ExpressRoute Direct customers issue cross connections to Microsoft's network. In general, the ExpressRoute location doesn't need to match the Azure region. For example, a customer can create an ExpressRoute circuit with the resource location *East US*, in the *Seattle* Peering location.
-You will have access to Azure services across all regions within a geopolitical region if you connected to at least one ExpressRoute location within the geopolitical region.
+You'll have access to Azure services across all regions within a geopolitical region if you connected to at least one ExpressRoute location within the geopolitical region.
[!INCLUDE [expressroute-azure-regions-geopolitical-region](../../includes/expressroute-azure-regions-geopolitical-region.md)]
The following table shows locations by service provider. If you want to view ava
### Global commercial Azure
-| **Service provider** | **Microsoft Azure** | **Microsoft 365** | **Locations** |
+|Service provider | Microsoft Azure | Microsoft 365 | Locations |
| | | | | | **[AARNet](https://www.aarnet.edu.au/network-and-services/connectivity-services/azure-expressroute)** |Supported |Supported | Melbourne, Sydney | | **[Airtel](https://www.airtel.in/business/#/)** | Supported | Supported | Chennai2, Mumbai2 |
The following table shows locations by service provider. If you want to view ava
| **du datamena** |Supported |Supported | Dubai2 | | **[eir](https://www.eirevo.ie/cloud-services/cloud-connectivity)** |Supported |Supported | Dublin| | **[Epsilon Global Communications](https://epsilontel.com/solutions/cloud-connect/)** |Supported |Supported | Hong Kong2, Singapore, Singapore2 |
-| **[Equinix](https://www.equinix.com/partners/microsoft-azure/)** |Supported |Supported | Amsterdam, Amsterdam2, Atlanta, Berlin, Bogota, Canberra2, Chicago, Dallas, Dubai2, Dublin, Frankfurt, Frankfurt2, Geneva, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong2, London, London2, Los Angeles*, Los Angeles2, Melbourne, Miami, Milan, New York, Osaka, Paris, Paris2, Quebec City, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Seoul, Silicon Valley, Singapore, Singapore2, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Tokyo2, Toronto, Washington DC, Zurich</br></br> **New ExpressRoute circuits are no longer supported with Equinix in Los Angeles. Please create new circuits in Los Angeles2.* |
+| **[Equinix](https://www.equinix.com/partners/microsoft-azure/)** |Supported |Supported | Amsterdam, Amsterdam2, Atlanta, Berlin, Bogota, Canberra2, Chicago, Dallas, Dubai2, Dublin, Frankfurt, Frankfurt2, Geneva, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong2, London, London2, Los Angeles*, Los Angeles2, Melbourne, Miami, Milan, New York, Osaka, Paris, Paris2, Quebec City, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Seattle, Seoul, Silicon Valley, Singapore, Singapore2, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Tokyo2, Toronto, Washington DC, Zurich</br></br> **New ExpressRoute circuits are no longer supported with Equinix in Los Angeles. Create new circuits in Los Angeles2.* |
| **Etisalat UAE** |Supported |Supported | Dubai | | **[euNetworks](https://eunetworks.com/services/solutions/cloud-connect/microsoft-azure-expressroute/)** |Supported |Supported | Amsterdam, Amsterdam2, Dublin, Frankfurt, London | | **[FarEasTone](https://www.fetnet.net/corporate/en/Enterprise.html)** |Supported |Supported | Taipei |
The following table shows locations by service provider. If you want to view ava
| **[PCCW Global Limited](https://consoleconnect.com/clouds/#azureRegions)** |Supported |Supported | Chicago, Hong Kong, Hong Kong2, London, Singapore2, Tokyo2 | | **[REANNZ](https://www.reannz.co.nz/products-and-services/cloud-connect/)** | Supported | Supported | Auckland | | **[Reliance Jio](https://www.jio.com/business/jio-cloud-connect)** | Supported | Supported | Mumbai |
-| **[Retelit](https://www.retelit.it/EN/Home.aspx)** | Supported | Supported | Milan | |
+| **[Retelit](https://www.retelit.it/EN/Home.aspx)** | Supported | Supported | Milan |
| **SCSK** |Supported |Supported | Tokyo3 | | **[Sejong Telecom](https://www.sejongtelecom.net/en/pages/service/cloud_ms)** |Supported |Supported | Seoul | | **[SES](https://www.ses.com/networks/signature-solutions/signature-cloud/ses-and-azure-expressroute)** | Supported |Supported | London2, Washington DC |
The following table shows locations by service provider. If you want to view ava
| **XL Axiata** | Supported | Supported | Jakarta | | **[Zayo](https://www.zayo.com/services/packet/cloudlink/)** |Supported |Supported | Amsterdam, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Dublin, Hong Kong, London, London2, Los Angeles, Montreal, New York, Paris, Phoenix, San Antonio, Seattle, Silicon Valley, Toronto, Vancouver, Washington DC, Washington DC2, Zurich|
- **+** denotes coming soon
- ### National cloud environment
-Azure national clouds are isolated from each other and from global commercial Azure. ExpressRoute for one Azure cloud cannot connect to the Azure regions in the others.
+Azure national clouds are isolated from each other and from global commercial Azure. ExpressRoute for one Azure cloud can't connect to the Azure regions in the others.
### US Government cloud
-| **Service provider** | **Microsoft Azure** | **Office 365** | **Locations** |
+| Service provider | Microsoft Azure | Office 365 | Locations |
| | | | | | **[AT&T NetBond](https://www.synaptic.att.com/clouduser/html/productdetail/ATT_NetBond.htm)** |Supported |Supported |Chicago, Phoenix, Silicon Valley, Washington DC | | **[CenturyLink Cloud Connect](https://www.centurylink.com/cloudconnect)** |Supported |Supported |New York, Phoenix, San Antonio, Washington DC |
Azure national clouds are isolated from each other and from global commercial Az
### China
-| **Service provider** | **Microsoft Azure** | **Office 365** | **Locations** |
+| Service provider | Microsoft Azure | Office 365 | Locations |
| | | | | | **China Telecom** |Supported |Not Supported |Beijing, Beijing2, Shanghai, Shanghai2 | | **China Unicom** | Supported | Not Supported | Beijing2, Shanghai2 | | **[GDS](http://www.gds-services.com/en/about_2.html)** |Supported |Not Supported |Beijing2, Shanghai2 |
-To learn more, see [ExpressRoute in China](http://www.windowsazure.cn/home/features/expressroute/).
+To learn more, see [ExpressRoute in China](https://www.azure.cn/home/features/expressroute/).
### Germany
-| **Service provider** | **Microsoft Azure** | **Office 365** | **Locations** |
+| Service provider | Microsoft Azure | Office 365 | Locations |
| | | | | | **[Colt](https://www.colt.net/direct-connect/azure/)** |Supported |Not Supported |Frankfurt | | **[Equinix](https://www.equinix.com/partners/microsoft-azure/)** |Supported |Not Supported |Frankfurt |
To learn more, see [ExpressRoute in China](http://www.windowsazure.cn/home/featu
## Connectivity through Exchange providers
-If your connectivity provider is not listed in previous sections, you can still create a connection.
+If your connectivity provider isn't listed in previous sections, you can still create a connection.
-* Check with your connectivity provider to see if they are connected to any of the exchanges in the table above. You can check the following links to gather more information about services offered by exchange providers. Several connectivity providers are already connected to Ethernet exchanges.
+* Check with your connectivity provider to see if they're connected to any of the exchanges in the table above. You can check the following links to gather more information about services offered by exchange providers. Several connectivity providers are already connected to Ethernet exchanges.
* [Cologix](https://www.cologix.com/) * [CoreSite](https://www.coresite.com/) * [DE-CIX](https://www.de-cix.net/en/de-cix-service-world/cloud-exchange)
If your connectivity provider is not listed in previous sections, you can still
* Follow steps in [Create an ExpressRoute circuit](expressroute-howto-circuit-classic.md) to set up connectivity. ## Connectivity through satellite operators
-If you are remote and do not have fiber connectivity or you want to explore other connectivity options you can check the following satellite operators.
+If you're remote and don't have fiber connectivity, or you want to explore other connectivity options you can check the following satellite operators.
* Intelsat * [SES](https://www.ses.com/networks/signature-solutions/signature-cloud/ses-and-azure-expressroute)
If you are remote and do not have fiber connectivity or you want to explore othe
## Connectivity through additional service providers
-| **Connectivity provider** | **Exchange** | **Locations** |
+| Connectivity provider | Exchange | Locations |
| | | | | **[1CLOUDSTAR](https://www.1cloudstar.com/service/cloudconnect-azure-expressroute/)** | Equinix |Singapore | | **[Airgate Technologies, Inc.](https://www.airgate.ca/)** | Equinix, Cologix | Toronto, Montreal |
If you are remote and do not have fiber connectivity or you want to explore othe
| **[NexGen Networks](https://www.nexgen-net.com/nexgen-networks-direct-connect-microsoft-azure-expressroute.html)** | Interxion | London | | **[Nianet](https://www.globalconnect.dk/)** |Equinix | Amsterdam, Frankfurt | | **[Oncore Cloud Service Inc](https://www.oncore.cloud/services/ue-for-expressroute)**| Equinix | Toronto |
-| **[POST Telecom Luxembourg](https://www.teralinksolutions.com/cloud-connectivity/cloudbridge-to-azure-expressroute/)**|Equinix | Amsterdam |
-| **[Proximus](https://www.proximus.be/en/id_b_cl_proximus_external_cloud_connect/companies-and-public-sector/discover/magazines/expert-blog/proximus-external-cloud-connect.html)**|Equinix | Amsterdam, Dublin, London, Paris |
+| **[POST Telecom Luxembourg](https://www.teralinksolutions.com/cloud-connectivity/cloudbridge-to-azure-expressroute/)**| Equinix | Amsterdam |
+| **[Proximus](https://www.proximus.be/en/id_b_cl_proximus_external_cloud_connect/companies-and-public-sector/discover/magazines/expert-blog/proximus-external-cloud-connect.html)**| Equinix | Amsterdam, Dublin, London, Paris |
| **[QSC AG](https://www2.qbeyond.de/en/)** |Interxion | Frankfurt | | **[RETN](https://retn.net/products/cloud-connect)** | Equinix | Amsterdam | | **Rogers** | Cologix, Equinix | Montreal, Toronto |
If you are remote and do not have fiber connectivity or you want to explore othe
## Connectivity through datacenter providers
-| **Provider** | **Exchange** |
+| Provider | Exchange |
| | | | **[CyrusOne](https://cyrusone.com/enterprise-data-center-services/connectivity-and-interconnection/cloud-connectivity-reaching-amazon-microsoft-google-and-more/microsoft-azure-expressroute/?doing_wp_cron=1498512235.6733090877532958984375)** | Megaport, PacketFabric | | **[Cyxtera](https://www.cyxtera.com/data-center-services/interconnection)** | Megaport, PacketFabric |
If you are remote and do not have fiber connectivity or you want to explore othe
## Connectivity through National Research and Education Networks (NREN)
-| **Provider**|
+| Provider |
| | | **AARNET**| | **DeIC, through GÉANT**|
If you are remote and do not have fiber connectivity or you want to explore othe
| **SINET**| | **Surfnet, through GÉANT**|
-* If your connectivity provider is not listed here, please check to see if they are connected to any of the ExpressRoute Exchange Partners listed above.
+* If your connectivity provider isn't listed here, check to see if they're connected to any of the ExpressRoute Exchange Partners listed above.
## ExpressRoute system integrators Enabling private connectivity to fit your needs can be challenging, based on the scale of your network. You can work with any of the system integrators listed in the following table to assist you with onboarding to ExpressRoute.
-| **System integrator** | **Continent** |
+| System integrator | Continent |
| | | | **[Altogee](https://altogee.be/diensten/express-route/)** | Europe | | **[Avanade Inc.](https://www.avanade.com/)** | Asia, Europe, North America, South America |
firewall Firewall Preview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/firewall/firewall-preview.md
Additional KQL log queries were added to query structured firewall logs.
> [!NOTE] > Existing Workbooks and any Sentinel integration will be adjusted to support the new structured logs when **Resource Specific** mode is selected.
+For more information, see [Exploring the New Resource Specific Structured Logging in Azure Firewall](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-network-security-blog/exploring-the-new-resource-specific-structured-logging-in-azure/ba-p/3620530).
+ ### Policy Analytics (preview) Policy Analytics provides insights, centralized visibility, and control to Azure Firewall. IT teams today are challenged to keep Firewall rules up to date, manage existing rules, and remove unused rules. Any accidental rule updates can lead to a significant downtime for IT teams.
firewall Logs And Metrics https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/firewall/logs-and-metrics.md
You can access some of these logs through the portal. Logs can be sent to [Azure
Metrics are lightweight and can support near real-time scenarios making them useful for alerting and fast issue detection.
+> [!NOTE]
+> Structured firewall logs (preview) is available which offers more control over the logs and faster queries. For more information, see [Azure Firewall preview features](firewall-preview.md#structured-firewall-logs-preview).
+ ## Diagnostic logs The following diagnostic logs are available for Azure Firewall:
governance Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/governance/management-groups/overview.md
Title: Organize your resources with management groups - Azure Governance description: Learn about the management groups, how their permissions work, and how to use them. Previously updated : 01/03/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023
access and policies that other customers within the directory can't bypass. Anyt
root will apply to the entire hierarchy, which includes all management groups, subscriptions, resource groups, and resources within that Azure AD tenant.
-## Trouble seeing all subscriptions
-A few directories that started using management groups early in the preview before June 25, 2018
-could see an issue where not all the subscriptions were within the hierarchy. The process to have
-all subscriptions in the hierarchy was put in place after a role or policy assignment was done on
-the root management group in the directory.
-### How to resolve the issue
-There are two options you can do to resolve this issue.
--- Remove all role and policy assignments from the root management group
- - By removing any policy and role assignments from the root management group, the service
- backfills all subscriptions into the hierarchy the next overnight cycle. This process is so
- there's no accidental access given or policy assignment to all of the tenants subscriptions.
- - The best way to do this process without impacting your services is to apply the role or policy
- assignments one level below the root management group. Then you can remove all assignments from
- the root scope.
-- Call the API directly to start the backfill process
- - Any customer in the directory can call the _TenantBackfillStatusRequest_ or
- _StartTenantBackfillRequest_ APIs. When the StartTenantBackfillRequest API is called, it kicks
- off the initial setup process of moving all the subscriptions into the hierarchy. This process
- also starts the enforcement of all new subscription to be a child of the root management group.
- This process can be done without changing any assignments on the root level. By calling the API,
- you're saying it's okay that any policy or access assignment on the root can be applied to all
- subscriptions.
-If you have questions on this backfill process, contact: `managementgroups@microsoft.com`
- ## Management group access Azure management groups support
healthcare-apis Fhir Faq https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/healthcare-apis/fhir/fhir-faq.md
There are two basic Delete types supported within the FHIR service. These are [D
## Using the FHIR service
+### Can I perform health checks on FHIR service?
+To perform health check on FHIR service , enter `{{fhirurl}}/health/check` in the GET request. You should be able to see Status of FHIR service. HTTP Status code response with 200 and OverallStatus as "Healthy" in response, means your health check is succesful.
+In case of errors, you will recieve error response with HTTP status code 404 (Not Found) or status code 500 (Internal Server Error), and detailed information in response body in some scenarios.
+ ### Where can I see some examples of using the FHIR service within a workflow? We have a collection of reference architectures available on the [Health Architecture GitHub page](https://github.com/microsoft/health-architectures).
In this article, you've learned the answers to frequently asked questions about
>[!div class="nextstepaction"] >[FAQs about Azure API for FHIR](../azure-api-for-fhir/fhir-faq.yml)
-FHIR&#174; is a registered trademark of [HL7](https://hl7.org/fhir/) and is used with the permission of HL7.
+FHIR&#174; is a registered trademark of [HL7](https://hl7.org/fhir/) and is used with the permission of HL7.
healthcare-apis Use Postman https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/healthcare-apis/fhir/use-postman.md
Open Postman, select the **workspace**, **collection**, and **environment** you
[ ![Screenshot of create a new request.](media/postman/postman-create-new-request.png) ](media/postman/postman-create-new-request.png#lightbox)
+To perform health check on FHIR service, enter `{{fhirurl}}/health/check` in the GET request, and select 'Send'. You should be able to see Status of FHIR service - HTTP Status code response with 200 and OverallStatus as "Healthy" in response, means your health check is succesful.
+ ## Get capability statement Enter `{{fhirurl}}/metadata` in the `GET`request, and select `Send`. You should see the capability statement of the FHIR service.
iot-edge How To Provision Devices At Scale Linux Tpm https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-edge/how-to-provision-devices-at-scale-linux-tpm.md
After the runtime is installed on your device, configure the device with the inf
<!-- iotedge-1.4 --> :::moniker range=">=iotedge-1.4"
-1. Optionally, uncomment the `payload` parameter to specify the path to a local JSON file. The contents of the file will be [sent to DPS as additional data](../iot-dps/how-to-send-additional-data.md#iot-edge-support) when the device registers. This is useful for [custom allocation](../iot-dps/how-to-use-custom-allocation-policies.md). For example, if you want to allocate your devices based on an IoT Plug and Play model ID without human intervention.
+Optionally, uncomment the `payload` parameter to specify the path to a local JSON file. The contents of the file will be [sent to DPS as additional data](../iot-dps/how-to-send-additional-data.md#iot-edge-support) when the device registers. This is useful for [custom allocation](../iot-dps/how-to-use-custom-allocation-policies.md). For example, if you want to allocate your devices based on an IoT Plug and Play model ID without human intervention.
:::moniker-end <!-- iotedge-2020-11 --> :::moniker range=">=iotedge-2020-11"
-1. Save and close the file.
+Save and close the file.
:::moniker-end <!-- end iotedge-2020-11 -->
iot-hub-device-update Delta Updates https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-hub-device-update/delta-updates.md
The following table provides a list of the content needed, where to retrieve the
| Binary Name | Where to acquire | How to install | |--|--|--|
-| DiffGen | [Azure/iot-hub-device-update-delta](https://github.com/Azure/iot-hub-device-update-delta) GitHub repo | Select _Microsoft.Azure.DeviceUpdate.Diffs_ under the Packages section on the right side of the page. From there you can install from the cmd line or select _package.nupkg_ under the Assets section on the right side of the page to download the package. [Learn more about NuGet packages](https://learn.microsoft.com/nuget/).|
+| DiffGen | [Azure/iot-hub-device-update-delta](https://github.com/Azure/iot-hub-device-update-delta) GitHub repo | From the root folder, select the _Microsoft.Azure.DeviceUpdate.Diffs.[version].nupkg_ file. [Learn more about NuGet packages](https://learn.microsoft.com/nuget/).|
| .NET (Runtime) | Via Terminal / Package Managers | [Instructions for Linux](/dotnet/core/install/linux). Only the Runtime is required. | ### Dependencies
iot-hub-device-update Import Concepts https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/iot-hub-device-update/import-concepts.md
# Importing updates into Device Update for IoT Hub
-In order to deploy an update to devices from Device Update for IoT Hub, you first have to import that update into the Device Update service. This article provides an overview of some important concepts to understand when it comes to importing updates.
+In order to deploy an update to devices from Device Update for IoT Hub, you first have to import that update into the Device Update service. The imported update will be stored in the Device Update service and can be deployed from there to devices. This article provides an overview of some important concepts to understand when it comes to importing updates.
## Import manifest
key-vault Howto Logging https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/general/howto-logging.md
tags: azure-resource-manager
Previously updated : 10/01/2020 Last updated : 01/20/2023 ms.devlang: azurecli
What is logged:
* Operations on keys and secrets in the key vault, including: * Creating, modifying, or deleting these keys or secrets. * Signing, verifying, encrypting, decrypting, wrapping and unwrapping keys, getting secrets, and listing keys and secrets (and their versions).
-* Unauthenticated requests that result in a 401 response. Examples are requests that don't have a bearer token, that are malformed or expired, or that have an invalid token.
+* Unauthenticated requests that result in a 401 response. Examples are requests that lack a bearer token, are malformed or expired, or have an invalid token.
* Azure Event Grid notification events for the following conditions: expired, near expiration, and changed vault access policy (the new version event isn't logged). Events are logged even if there's an event subscription created on the key vault. For more information, see [Azure Key Vault as Event Grid source](../../event-grid/event-schema-key-vault.md). ## Prerequisites
-To complete this tutorial, you will need an Azure key vault. You can create a new key vault using one of these methods:
+To complete this tutorial, you'll need an Azure key vault. You can create a new key vault using one of these methods:
- [Create a key vault using the Azure CLI](quick-create-cli.md) - [Create a key vault using Azure PowerShell](quick-create-powershell.md) - [Create a key vault using the Azure portal](quick-create-portal.md)
-You will also need a destination for your logs. This can be an existing or new Azure storage account and/or Log Analytics workspace.
+You'll also need a destination for your logs. The destination can be an existing or new Azure storage account and/or Log Analytics workspace.
> [!IMPORTANT] > If you use an existing Azure storage account or Log Analytics workspace, it must be in the same subscription as your key vault. It must also use the Azure Resource Manager deployment model, rather than the classic deployment model.
You can create a new Log Analytics workspace using one of these methods:
## Connect to your Key Vault subscription
-The first step in setting up key logging is connecting to the subscription containing your key vault. This is especially important if you have multiple subscriptions associated with your account.
+The first step in setting up key logging is connecting to the subscription containing your key vault, if you have multiple subscriptions associated with your account.
With the Azure CLI, you can view all your subscriptions by using the [az account list](/cli/azure/account#az-account-list) command. Then you connect to one by using the [az account set](/cli/azure/account#az-account-set) command:
Set-AzContext -SubscriptionId "<subscriptionID>"
## Obtain resource IDs
-To enable logging on a key vault, you will need the resource ID of the key vault, as well as the destination (Azure Storage or Log Analytics account).
+To enable logging on a key vault, you'll need the resource ID of the key vault and the destination (Azure Storage or Log Analytics account).
If you can't remember the name of your key vault, you can use the Azure CLI [az keyvault list](/cli/azure/keyvault#az-keyvault-list) command, or the Azure PowerShell [Get-AzKeyVault](/powershell/module/az.keyvault/get-azkeyvault) cmdlet, to find it.
To configure diagnostic settings in the Azure portal, follow these steps:
:::image type="content" source="../media/diagnostics-portal-2.png" alt-text="Screenshot of diagnostic settings options.":::
-1. When you have selected your desired options, select **Save**.
+1. When you've selected your desired options, select **Save**.
:::image type="content" source="../media/diagnostics-portal-3.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows how to save the options you selected.":::
key-vault Logging https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/general/logging.md
The following table lists the field names and descriptions:
| **durationMs** |Time it took to service the REST API request, in milliseconds. The time does not include the network latency, so the time you measure on the client side might not match this time. | | **callerIpAddress** |IP address of the client that made the request. | | **correlationId** |An optional GUID that the client can pass to correlate client-side logs with service-side (Key Vault) logs. |
-| **identity** | Identity from the token that was presented in the REST API request. Usually a "user," a "service principal," or the combination "user+appId", for instance when the request comes from a Azure PowerShell cmdlet. |
+| **identity** | Identity from the token that was presented in the REST API request. Usually a "user," a "service principal," or the combination "user+appId", for instance when the request comes from an Azure PowerShell cmdlet. |
| **properties** |Information that varies based on the operation (**operationName**). In most cases, this field contains client information (the user agent string passed by the client), the exact REST API request URI, and the HTTP status code. In addition, when an object is returned as a result of a request (for example, **KeyCreate** or **VaultGet**), it also contains the key URI (as `id`), vault URI, or secret URI. | The **operationName** field values are in *ObjectVerb* format. For example:
The following table lists the **operationName** values and corresponding REST AP
## Use Azure Monitor logs
-You can use the Key Vault solution in Azure Monitor logs to review Key Vault `AuditEvent` logs. In Azure Monitor logs, you use log queries to analyze data and get the information you need.
+You can use the Key Vault solution in Azure Monitor logs to review Key Vault `AuditEvent` logs. In Azure Monitor logs, you use log queries to analyze data and get the information you need.
For more information, including how to set it up, see [Azure Key Vault in Azure Monitor](../key-vault-insights-overview.md).
key-vault Network Security https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/general/network-security.md
Previously updated : 10/01/2020 Last updated : 01/20/2023 + # Configure Azure Key Vault firewalls and virtual networks This document will cover the different configurations for an Azure Key Vault firewall in detail. To follow the step-by-step instructions on how to configure these settings, see [Configure Azure Key Vault networking settings](how-to-azure-key-vault-network-security.md).
This section will cover the different ways that an Azure Key Vault firewall can
### Key Vault Firewall Disabled (Default)
-By default, when you create a new key vault, the Azure Key Vault firewall is disabled. All applications and Azure services can access the key vault and send requests to the key vault. Note, this configuration does not mean that any user will be able to perform operations on your key vault. The key vault still restricts access to secrets, keys, and certificates stored in key vault by requiring Azure Active Directory authentication and access policy permissions. To understand key vault authentication in more detail see [Authentication in Azure Key Vault](authentication.md). For more information, see [Access Azure Key Vault behind a firewall](access-behind-firewall.md).
+By default, when you create a new key vault, the Azure Key Vault firewall is disabled. All applications and Azure services can access the key vault and send requests to the key vault. This configuration doesn't mean that any user will be able to perform operations on your key vault. The key vault still restricts access to secrets, keys, and certificates stored in key vault by requiring Azure Active Directory authentication and access policy permissions. To understand key vault authentication in more detail, see [Authentication in Azure Key Vault](authentication.md). For more information, see [Access Azure Key Vault behind a firewall](access-behind-firewall.md).
### Key Vault Firewall Enabled (Trusted Services Only)
-When you enable the Key Vault Firewall, you will be given an option to 'Allow Trusted Microsoft Services to bypass this firewall.' The trusted services list does not cover every single Azure service. For example, Azure DevOps is not on the trusted services list. **This does not imply that services that do not appear on the trusted services list not trusted or insecure.** The trusted services list encompasses services where Microsoft controls all of the code that runs on the service. Since users can write custom code in Azure services such as Azure DevOps, Microsoft does not provide the option to create a blanket approval for the service. Furthermore, just because a service appears on the trusted service list, doesn't mean it is allowed for all scenarios.
+When you enable the Key Vault Firewall, you'll be given an option to 'Allow Trusted Microsoft Services to bypass this firewall.' The trusted services list does not cover every single Azure service. For example, Azure DevOps isn't on the trusted services list. **This does not imply that services that do not appear on the trusted services list not trusted or insecure.** The trusted services list encompasses services where Microsoft controls all of the code that runs on the service. Since users can write custom code in Azure services such as Azure DevOps, Microsoft does not provide the option to create a blanket approval for the service. Furthermore, just because a service appears on the trusted service list, doesn't mean it is allowed for all scenarios.
-To determine if a service you are trying to use is on the trusted service list, please see the following document [Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Key Vault](overview-vnet-service-endpoints.md#trusted-services).
+To determine if a service you are trying to use is on the trusted service list, see [Virtual network service endpoints for Azure Key Vault](overview-vnet-service-endpoints.md#trusted-services).
For how-to guide, follow the instructions here for [Portal, Azure CLI and PowerShell](how-to-azure-key-vault-network-security.md) ### Key Vault Firewall Enabled (IPv4 Addresses and Ranges - Static IPs)
If you would like to authorize a particular service to access key vault through
To allow an IP Address or range of an Azure resource, such as a Web App or Logic App, perform the following steps.
-1. Log in to the Azure portal.
+1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
1. Select the resource (specific instance of the service).
-1. Click on the 'Properties' blade under 'Settings'.
+1. Select on the 'Properties' blade under 'Settings'.
1. Look for the "IP Address" field. 1. Copy this value or range and enter it into the key vault firewall allowlist.
-To allow an entire Azure service, through the Key Vault firewall, use the list of publicly documented data center IP addresses for Azure [here](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=56519). Find the IP addresses associated with the service you would like in the region you want and add those IP addresses to the key vault firewall using the steps above.
+To allow an entire Azure service, through the Key Vault firewall, use the list of publicly documented data center IP addresses for Azure [here](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=56519). Find the IP addresses associated with the service you would like in the region you want and add those IP addresses to the key vault firewall.
### Key Vault Firewall Enabled (Virtual Networks - Dynamic IPs) If you are trying to allow an Azure resource such as a virtual machine through key vault, you may not be able to use Static IP addresses, and you may not want to allow all IP addresses for Azure Virtual Machines to access your key vault.
-In this case, you should create the resource within a virtual network, and then allow traffic from the specific virtual network and subnet to access your key vault. To do this, perform the following steps.
+In this case, you should create the resource within a virtual network, and then allow traffic from the specific virtual network and subnet to access your key vault.
-1. Log in to the Azure portal
+1. Sign in to the Azure portal
1. Select the key vault you wish to configure 1. Select the 'Networking' blade 1. Select '+ Add existing virtual network'
key-vault Quick Create Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/general/quick-create-portal.md
Previously updated : 12/08/2020 Last updated : 01/20/2023 #Customer intent: As a security admin who is new to Azure, I want to use Key Vault to securely store keys and passwords in Azure
Sign in to the Azure portal at https://portal.azure.com.
- Under **Resource Group**, choose **Create new** and enter a resource group name. - In the **Location** pull-down menu, choose a location. - Leave the other options to their defaults.
-6. After providing the information above, select **Create**.
+6. Select **Create**.
-Take note of the two properties listed below:
+Take note of these two properties:
-* **Vault Name**: In the example, this is **Contoso-Vault2**. You will use this name for other steps.
-* **Vault URI**: In the example, this is `https://contoso-vault2.vault.azure.net/`. Applications that use your vault through its REST API must use this URI.
+* **Vault Name**: In the example, this is **Contoso-Vault2**. You'll use this name for other steps.
+* **Vault URI**: In the example, the Vault URI is `https://contoso-vault2.vault.azure.net/`. Applications that use your vault through its REST API must use this URI.
At this point, your Azure account is the only one authorized to perform operations on this new vault.
When no longer needed, delete the resource group, which deletes the Key Vault an
## Next steps
-In this quickstart, you created a Key Vault using the Azure portal. To learn more about Key Vault and how to integrate it with your applications, continue on to the articles below.
+In this quickstart, you created a Key Vault using the Azure portal. To learn more about Key Vault and how to integrate it with your applications, continue on to these articles.
- Read an [Overview of Azure Key Vault](overview.md) - Review the [Azure Key Vault security overview](security-features.md)
key-vault Troubleshooting Access Issues https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/general/troubleshooting-access-issues.md
Title: Troubleshooting Azure key vault access policy issues
description: Troubleshooting Azure key vault access policy issues Previously updated : 01/17/2023 Last updated : 01/20/2023
### I'm not able to list or get secrets/keys/certificate. I'm seeing a "something went wrong" error
-If you are having problem with listing/getting/creating or accessing secret, make sure that you have access policy defined to do that operation: [Key Vault Access Policies](./assign-access-policy-cli.md)
+If you're having problem with listing/getting/creating or accessing secret, make sure that you have access policy defined to do that operation: [Key Vault Access Policies](./assign-access-policy-cli.md)
### How can I identify how and when key vaults are accessed?
After you create one or more key vaults, you'll likely want to monitor how and w
### How can I monitor vault availability, service latency periods or other performance metrics for key vault?
-As you start to scale your service, the number of requests sent to your key vault will rise. Such demand has a potential to increase the latency of your requests and in extreme cases, cause your requests to be throttled which will impact the performance of your service. You can monitor key vault performance metrics and get alerted for specific thresholds, for step-by-step guide to configure monitoring, [read more](./alert.md).
+As you start to scale your service, the number of requests sent to your key vault will rise. Such demand has a potential to increase the latency of your requests and in extreme cases, cause your requests to be throttled which will degrade the performance of your service. You can monitor key vault performance metrics and get alerted for specific thresholds, for step-by-step guide to configure monitoring, [read more](./alert.md).
### I'm not able to modify access policy, how can it be enabled? The user needs to have sufficient Azure AD permissions to modify access policy. In this case, the user would need to have higher contributor role.
-### I am seeing 'Unknown Policy' error. What does that mean?
+### I'm seeing 'Unknown Policy' error. What does that mean?
There are two reasons why you may see an access policy in the Unknown section:
If you're creating an on-premises application, doing local development, or other
Give the AD group permissions to your key vault using the Azure CLI `az keyvault set-policy` command, or the Azure PowerShell Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy cmdlet. See [Assign an access policy - CLI](assign-access-policy-cli.md) and [Assign an access policy - PowerShell](assign-access-policy-powershell.md).
-The application also needs at least one Identity and Access Management (IAM) role assigned to the key vault. Otherwise it will not be able to login and will fail with insufficient rights to access the subscription. Azure AD Groups with Managed Identities may require up to eight hours to refresh tokens and become effective.
+The application also needs at least one Identity and Access Management (IAM) role assigned to the key vault. Otherwise it will not be able to log in and will fail with insufficient rights to access the subscription. Azure AD Groups with Managed Identities may require up to eight hours to refresh tokens and become effective.
### How can I redeploy Key Vault with ARM template without deleting existing access policies?
-Currently Key Vault redeployment deletes any access policy in Key Vault and replaces them with access policy in ARM template. There is no incremental option for Key Vault access policies. To preserve access policies in Key Vault, you need to read existing access policies in Key Vault and populate ARM template with those policies to avoid any access outages.
+Currently Key Vault redeployment deletes any access policy in Key Vault and replaces them with access policy in ARM template. There's no incremental option for Key Vault access policies. To preserve access policies in Key Vault, you need to read existing access policies in Key Vault and populate ARM template with those policies to avoid any access outages.
Another option that can help for this scenario is using Azure RBAC and roles as an alternative to access policies. With Azure RBAC, you can redeploy the key vault without specifying the policy again. You can read more this solution [here](./rbac-guide.md).
key-vault Key Vault Insights Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/key-vault-insights-overview.md
Previously updated : 09/10/2020 Last updated : 01/20/2023 # Monitoring your key vault service with Key Vault insights+ Key Vault insights provides comprehensive monitoring of your key vaults by delivering a unified view of your Key Vault requests, performance, failures, and latency.+ This article will help you understand how to onboard and customize the experience of Key Vault insights. ## Introduction to Key Vault insights
On the Overview workbook for the selected subscription, the table displays inter
* Subscriptions ΓÇô only subscriptions that have key vaults are listed.
-* Key Vaults ΓÇô by default only up to 5 key vaults are pre-selected. If you select all or multiple key vaults in the scope selector, up to 200 key vaults will be returned. For example, if you had a total of 573 key vaults across three subscriptions that you've selected, only 200 vaults will be displayed.
+* Key Vaults ΓÇô by default only up to five key vaults are pre-selected. If you select all or multiple key vaults in the scope selector, up to 200 key vaults will be returned. For example, if you had a total of 573 key vaults across three subscriptions that you've selected, only 200 vaults will be displayed.
* Time Range ΓÇô by default, displays the last 24 hours of information based on the corresponding selections made.
-The counter tile, under the drop-down list, rolls-up the total number of key vaults in the selected subscriptions and reflects how many are selected. There are conditional color-coded heatmaps for the columns of the workbook that report request, failures, and latency metrics. The deepest color has the highest value and a lighter color is based on the lowest values.
+The counter tile, under the drop-down list, rolls-up the total number of key vaults in the selected subscriptions and reflects how many are selected. There are conditional, color-coded heatmaps for the columns of the workbook that report request, failures, and latency metrics. The deepest color has the highest value and a lighter color is based on the lowest values.
## Failures workbook
-Select **Failures** at the top of the page and the Failures tab opens. It shows you the API hits, frequency over time, along with the amount of certain response codes.
+Select **Failures** at the top of the page and the Failures tab opens. It shows you the API hits, frequency over time, and the number of certain response codes.
![Screenshot of failures workbook](./media/key-vaults-insights-overview/failures.png)
-There is conditional color-coding or heatmaps for columns in the workbook that report API hits metrics with a blue value. The deepest color has the highest value and a lighter color is based on the lowest values.
+There's conditional color-coding or heatmaps for columns in the workbook that report API hits metrics with a blue value. The deepest color has the highest value and a lighter color is based on the lowest values.
The workbook displays Successes (2xx status codes), Authentication Errors (401/403 status codes), Throttling (429 status codes), and Other Failures (4xx status codes).
These views are also accessible by selecting the resource name of a key vault fr
![Screenshot of view from a key vault resource](./media/key-vaults-insights-overview/key-vault-resource-view.png)
-On the **Overview** workbook for the key vault, it shows several performance metrics that help you quickly assess:
+On the **Overview** workbook for the key vault, it shows:
- Interactive performance charts showing the most essential details related to key vault transactions, latency, and availability.
The Operations workbook allows users to deep dive into the full details of all t
![Screenshot that shows the Operations workbook that contains full details of all transactions.](./media/key-vaults-insights-overview/info.png)
-Users can also scope out views based on specific transaction types in the upper table, which dynamically updates the lower table, where users can view full operation details in a pop up context pane.
+Users can also scope out views based on specific transaction types in the upper table, which dynamically updates the lower table, where users can view full operation details in a pop-up context pane.
>[!NOTE] > Note that users must have the diagnostic settings enabled to view this workbook. To learn more about enabling diagnostic setting, read more about [Azure Key Vault Logging](./general/logging.md).
You can configure the multi-subscription and key vault Overview or Failures work
2. On the **Overview** workbook, from the command bar select **Edit**. 3. Select from the **Subscriptions** drop-down list one or more subscriptions you want yo use as the default. Remember, the workbook supports selecting up to a total of 10 subscriptions. 4. Select from the **Key Vaults** drop-down list one or more accounts you want it to use as the default. Remember, the workbook supports selecting up to a total of 200 storage accounts.
-5. Select **Save as** from the command bar to save a copy of the workbook with your customizations, and then click **Done editing** to return to reading mode.
+5. Select **Save as** from the command bar to save a copy of the workbook with your customizations, and then select **Done editing** to return to reading mode.
## Troubleshooting For general troubleshooting guidance, refer to the dedicated workbook-based insights [troubleshooting article](../azure-monitor/insights/troubleshoot-workbooks.md).
-This section will help you with the diagnosis and troubleshooting of some of the common issues you may encounter when using Key Vault insights. Use the list below to locate the information relevant to your specific issue.
+This section will help you with the diagnosis and troubleshooting of some of the common issues you may encounter when using Key Vault insights.
### Resolving performance issues or failures
To help troubleshoot any key vault related issues you identify with Key Vault in
### Why can I only see 200 key vaults
-There is a limit of 200 key vaults that can be selected and viewed. Regardless of the number of selected subscriptions, the number of selected key vaults has a limit of 200.
+There's a limit of 200 key vaults that can be selected and viewed. Regardless of the number of selected subscriptions, the number of selected key vaults has a limit of 200.
### Why don't I see all my subscriptions in the subscription picker
We only show subscriptions that contain key vaults, chosen from the selected sub
![Screenshot of subscription filter](./media/key-vaults-insights-overview/Subscriptions.png)
-### I want to make changes or add additional visualizations to Key Vault Insights, how do I do so
+### I want to make changes or add more visualizations to Key Vault Insights, how do I do so
To make changes, select the "Edit Mode" to modify the workbook, then you can save your work as a new workbook that is tied to a designated subscription and resource group.
The time range will depend on the dashboard settings.
### What if I want to see other data or make my own visualizations? How can I make changes to the Key Vault Insights
-You can edit the existing workbook, through the use of the edit mode, and then save your work as a new workbook that will have all your new changes.
+You can edit the existing workbook with edit mode, and then save your work as a new workbook that will have all your new changes.
## Next steps
key-vault About Keys Details https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/keys/about-keys-details.md
Previously updated : 10/22/2020 Last updated : 01/20/2023 # Key types, algorithms, and operations
-Key Vault supports two resource types: vaults and managed HSMs. Both resources types support various encryption keys. To see a summary of supported key types, protection types by each resource type, please see [About keys](about-keys.md).
+Key Vault supports two resource types: vaults and managed HSMs. Both resources types support various encryption keys. To see a summary of supported key types, protection types by each resource type, see [About keys](about-keys.md).
Following table shows a summary of key types and supported algorithms.
Following table shows a summary of key types and supported algorithms.
Key Vault, including Managed HSM, supports the following operations on key objects: - **Create**: Allows a client to create a key in Key Vault. The value of the key is generated by Key Vault and stored, and isn't released to the client. Asymmetric keys may be created in Key Vault. -- **Import**: Allows a client to import an existing key to Key Vault. Asymmetric keys may be imported to Key Vault using a number of different packaging methods within a JWK construct.
+- **Import**: Allows a client to import an existing key to Key Vault. Asymmetric keys may be imported to Key Vault using several different packaging methods within a JWK construct.
- **Update**: Allows a client with sufficient permissions to modify the metadata (key attributes) associated with a key previously stored within Key Vault. - **Delete**: Allows a client with sufficient permissions to delete a key from Key Vault. - **List**: Allows a client to list all keys in a given Key Vault.
For more information, see [Key operations in the Key Vault REST API reference](/
Once a key has been created in Key Vault, the following cryptographic operations may be performed using the key: -- **Sign and Verify**: Strictly, this operation is "sign hash" or "verify hash", as Key Vault doesn't support hashing of content as part of signature creation. Applications should hash the data to be signed locally, then request that Key Vault sign the hash.
+- **Sign and Verify**: Strictly, this operation is "sign hash" or "verify hash", as Key Vault doesn't support hashing of content as part of signature creation. Applications should hash the data to be signed locally, then request that Key Vault sign the hash.
Verification of signed hashes is supported as a convenience operation for applications that may not have access to [public] key material. For best application performance, VERIFY operations should be performed locally. - **Key Encryption / Wrapping**: A key stored in Key Vault may be used to protect another key, typically a symmetric content encryption key (CEK). When the key in Key Vault is asymmetric, key encryption is used. For example, RSA-OAEP and the WRAPKEY/UNWRAPKEY operations are equivalent to ENCRYPT/DECRYPT. When the key in Key Vault is symmetric, key wrapping is used. For example, AES-KW. The WRAPKEY operation is supported as a convenience for applications that may not have access to [public] key material. For best application performance, WRAPKEY operations should be performed locally. - **Encrypt and Decrypt**: A key stored in Key Vault may be used to encrypt or decrypt a single block of data. The size of the block is determined by the key type and selected encryption algorithm. The Encrypt operation is provided for convenience, for applications that may not have access to [public] key material. For best application performance, ENCRYPT operations should be performed locally.
Key vault key auto-rotation can be set by configuring key auto-rotation policy.
In addition to the key material, the following attributes may be specified. In a JSON Request, the attributes keyword and braces, '{' '}', are required even if there are no attributes specified. -- *enabled*: boolean, optional, default is **true**. Specifies whether the key is enabled and useable for cryptographic operations. The *enabled* attribute is used in conjunction with *nbf* and *exp*. When an operation occurs between *nbf* and *exp*, it will only be permitted if *enabled* is set to **true**. Operations outside the *nbf* / *exp* window are automatically disallowed, except for certain operation types under [particular conditions](#date-time-controlled-operations).
+- *enabled*: boolean, optional, default is **true**. Specifies whether the key is enabled and useable for cryptographic operations. The *enabled* attribute is used with *nbf* and *exp*. When an operation occurs between *nbf* and *exp*, it will only be permitted if *enabled* is set to **true**. Operations outside the *nbf* / *exp* window are automatically disallowed, except for certain operation types under [particular conditions](#date-time-controlled-operations).
- *nbf*: IntDate, optional, default is now. The *nbf* (not before) attribute identifies the time before which the key MUST NOT be used for cryptographic operations, except for certain operation types under [particular conditions](#date-time-controlled-operations). The processing of the *nbf* attribute requires that the current date/time MUST be after or equal to the not-before date/time listed in the *nbf* attribute. Key Vault MAY provide for some small leeway, normally no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value MUST be a number containing an IntDate value. - *exp*: IntDate, optional, default is "forever". The *exp* (expiration time) attribute identifies the expiration time on or after which the key MUST NOT be used for cryptographic operation, except for certain operation types under [particular conditions](#date-time-controlled-operations). The processing of the *exp* attribute requires that the current date/time MUST be before the expiration date/time listed in the *exp* attribute. Key Vault MAY provide for some small leeway, typically no more than a few minutes, to account for clock skew. Its value MUST be a number containing an IntDate value.
-There are additional read-only attributes that are included in any response that includes key attributes:
+There are more read-only attributes that are included in any response that includes key attributes:
- *created*: IntDate, optional. The *created* attribute indicates when this version of the key was created. The value is null for keys created prior to the addition of this attribute. Its value MUST be a number containing an IntDate value. - *updated*: IntDate, optional. The *updated* attribute indicates when this version of the key was updated. The value is null for keys that were last updated prior to the addition of this attribute. Its value MUST be a number containing an IntDate value.
For more information on other possible attributes, see the [JSON Web Key (JWK)](
## Key tags
-You can specify additional application-specific metadata in the form of tags. Key Vault supports up to 15 tags, each of which can have a 256 character name and a 256 character value.
+You can specify more application-specific metadata in the form of tags. Key Vault supports up to 15 tags, each of which can have a 256 character name and a 256 character value.
-> [!NOTE]
+> [!NOTE]
> Tags are readable by a caller if they have the *list* or *get* permission to that key. ## Key access control
-Access control for keys managed by Key Vault is provided at the level of a Key Vault that acts as the container of keys. You can control access to keys using Key Vault [role-based access control](../general/rbac-guide.md) (recommended) or old [vault access policy](../general/assign-access-policy.md) permssion model. Role-based permission model has three predefined roles to manage keys: 'Key Vault Crypto Officer', 'Key Vault Crypto User', 'Key Vault Service Encryption User' and can be scoped to subscription, resource group or vault level.
+Access control for keys managed by Key Vault is provided at the level of a Key Vault that acts as the container of keys. You can control access to keys using Key Vault [role-based access control](../general/rbac-guide.md) (recommended) or old [vault access policy](../general/assign-access-policy.md) permission model. Role-based permission model has three predefined roles to manage keys: 'Key Vault Crypto Officer', 'Key Vault Crypto User', 'Key Vault Service Encryption User' and can be scoped to subscription, resource group or vault level.
-Vault access policy permssion model permissions:
+Vault access policy permission model permissions:
- Permissions for key management operations - *get*: Read the public part of a key, plus its attributes
Vault access policy permssion model permissions:
- Permissions for privileged operations - *purge*: Purge (permanently delete) a deleted key
- - *release*: Release a key to a confidential compute environment which matches the release_policy of the key
+ - *release*: Release a key to a confidential compute environment, which matches the release_policy of the key
- Permissions for rotation policy operations - *rotate*: Rotate an existing key by generating new version of the key (Key Vault only)
key-vault About Keys https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/keys/about-keys.md
Key Vault supports RSA and EC keys. Managed HSM supports RSA, EC, and symmetric
|Key type|Vaults (Premium SKU only)|Managed HSMs| |--|--|--|
-|**EC-HSM**: Elliptic Curve key | Supported (P-256, P-384, P-521, P-256K)| Supported (P-256, P-256K, P-384, P-521)|
+|**EC-HSM**: Elliptic Curve key | Supported (P-256, P-384, P-521, secp256k1/P-256K)| Supported (P-256, secp256k1/P-256K, P-384, P-521)|
|**RSA-HSM**: RSA key|Supported (2048-bit, 3072-bit, 4096-bit)|Supported (2048-bit, 3072-bit, 4096-bit)| |**oct-HSM**: Symmetric key|Not supported|Supported (128-bit, 192-bit, 256-bit)| |||
Key Vault supports RSA and EC keys. Managed HSM supports RSA, EC, and symmetric
|Key type|Vaults|Managed HSMs| |--|--|--| **RSA**: "Software-protected" RSA key|Supported (2048-bit, 3072-bit, 4096-bit)|Not supported
-**EC**: "Software-protected" Elliptic Curve key |Supported (P-256, P-384, P-521, P-256K)|Not supported
+**EC**: "Software-protected" Elliptic Curve key |Supported (P-256, P-384, P-521, secp256k1/P-256K)|Not supported
||| ### Compliance
See [Key types, algorithms, and operations](about-keys-details.md) for details a
- [About certificates](../certificates/about-certificates.md) - [Key Vault REST API overview](../general/about-keys-secrets-certificates.md) - [Authentication, requests, and responses](../general/authentication-requests-and-responses.md)-- [Key Vault Developer's Guide](../general/developers-guide.md)
+- [Key Vault Developer's Guide](../general/developers-guide.md)
key-vault Overview Storage Keys https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/key-vault/secrets/overview-storage-keys.md
Previously updated : 01/11/2023 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # Customer intent: As a developer, I want to use Azure Key Vault and Azure CLI for secure management of my storage credentials and shared access signature tokens.
> Key Vault Managed Storage Account Keys (legacy) is supported as-is with no more updates planned. Only Account SAS are supported with SAS definitions signed storage service version no later than 2018-03-28. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> We recommend using Azure Storage integration with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access management service. Azure AD integration is available for [Azure blobs and queues](../../storage/blobs/authorize-access-azure-active-directory.md), and provides OAuth2 token-based access to Azure Storage (just like Azure Key Vault).
+> We recommend using Azure Storage integration with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access management service. Azure AD integration is available for [Azure blobs, queues, and tables](../../storage/blobs/authorize-access-azure-active-directory.md), and provides OAuth2 token-based access to Azure Storage (just like Azure Key Vault).
> Azure AD allows you to authenticate your client application by using an application or user identity, instead of storage account credentials. You can use an [Azure AD managed identity](../../active-directory/managed-identities-azure-resources/index.yml) when you run on Azure. Managed identities remove the need for client authentication and storing credentials in or with your application. Use below solution only when Azure AD authentication is not possible. An Azure storage account uses credentials comprising an account name and a key. The key is auto-generated and serves as a password, rather than an as a cryptographic key. Key Vault manages storage account keys by periodically regenerating them in storage account and provides shared access signature tokens for delegated access to resources in your storage account.
az keyvault storage sas-definition show --id https://<YourKeyVaultName>.vault.az
- Learn more about [keys, secrets, and certificates](/rest/api/keyvault/). - Review articles on the [Azure Key Vault team blog](/archive/blogs/kv/).-- See the [az keyvault storage](/cli/azure/keyvault/storage) reference documentation.
+- See the [az keyvault storage](/cli/azure/keyvault/storage) reference documentation.
kubernetes-fleet Quickstart Create Fleet And Members https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/kubernetes-fleet/quickstart-create-fleet-and-members.md
Get started with Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager (Fleet) by using the Azure CLI t
* [Install or upgrade Azure CLI](/cli/azure/install-azure-cli) to version is at least `2.37.0`
-* Enable the following feature for each subscription where you'll be creating the fleet resource or where your AKS clusters that will be joined as members are located in:
- ```azurecli
- az feature register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService --name FleetResourcePreview
- ```
- * Install the **fleet** Azure CLI extension. Make sure your version is at least `0.1.0`: ```azurecli
lab-services Migrate To 2022 Update https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/lab-services/migrate-to-2022-update.md
A significant part of the August 2022 update is centered around the fact that th
If you're moving from the current version of Azure Lab Services to the August 2022 Update, there's likely to be a time when you're using both your existing lab accounts and using the newer lab plans. And that's ok as both are still supported, can coexist in your Azure subscription, and can even share the same external resources. For a full description of the update, read the article, [What's new in Lab Services?](./lab-services-whats-new.md#lab-plans-replace-lab-accounts).
-## Transition path at-a-glace
+## Transition path at-a-glance
There is a bit of a mental shift to transitioning to the Azure Lab Services Update from August 2022.
load-balancer Cross Region Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/load-balancer/cross-region-overview.md
When you expose the global endpoint of a cross-region load balancer to customers
### Static anycast global IP address Cross-region load balancer comes with a static public IP, which ensures the IP address remains the same. To learn more about static IP, read more [here](../virtual-network/ip-services/public-ip-addresses.md#ip-address-assignment) + ### Client IP Preservation Cross-region load balancer is a Layer-4 pass-through network load balancer. This pass-through preserves the original IP of the packet. The original IP is available to the code running on the virtual machine. This preservation allows you to apply logic that is specific to an IP address.
+### Floating IP
+Floating IP can be configured at both the global IP level and regional IP level. For more information, visit [Multiple frontends for Azure Load Balancer](./load-balancer-multivip-overview.md)
+ ## Build cross region solution on existing Azure Load Balancer The backend pool of cross-region load balancer contains one or more regional load balancers.
Cross-region load balancer routes the traffic to the appropriate regional load b
* A health probe can't be configured currently. A default health probe automatically collects availability information about the regional load balancer every 20 seconds.
-* Currently, regional load balancers with floating IP enabled aren't supported by the cross-region load balancer.
+ ## Pricing and SLA
logic-apps Export From Microsoft Flow Logic App Template https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/logic-apps/export-from-microsoft-flow-logic-app-template.md
ms.suite: integration Previously updated : 08/20/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023 # Export flows from Power Automate and deploy to Azure Logic Apps [!INCLUDE [logic-apps-sku-consumption](../../includes/logic-apps-sku-consumption.md)]
-To extend and expand your flow's capabilities, you can migrate that flow from [Power Automate](https://flow.microsoft.com) to [Azure Logic Apps](../logic-apps/logic-apps-overview.md). You can export your flow as an Azure Resource Manager template for a logic app, deploy that logic app template to an Azure resource group, and then open that logic app in the Logic App Designer.
+To extend and expand your flow's capabilities, you can migrate that flow from [Power Automate](https://flow.microsoft.com) to a Consumption logic app workflow that runs in [multi-tenant Azure Logic Apps](logic-apps-overview.md). You can export your flow as an Azure Resource Manager template for a logic app, deploy that logic app template to an Azure resource group, and then open that logic app in the workflow designer.
-> Export to Logic Apps is unavailable for Power Automate flows created after August 2020. In October 2020, Power Automate
+> Export to Azure Logic Apps is unavailable for Power Automate flows created after August 2020. In October 2020, Power Automate
> standardized new flow creation on the [OpenAPI 2.0 protocol](https://swagger.io/specification/v2/). New flows based on
-> this protocol are incompatible with Logic Apps workflows, so exporting these flows to Logic Apps was disabled. Instead,
-> you must manually [create logic apps](quickstart-create-first-logic-app-workflow.md) for these flows.
+> this protocol are incompatible with Azure Logic Apps workflows, so exporting these flows to Azure Logic Apps was disabled.
+> Instead, you must manually [create a logic app workflow](quickstart-create-first-logic-app-workflow.md) for these flows.
Not all Power Automate connectors are available in Azure Logic Apps. You can migrate only Power Automate flows that have the equivalent connectors in Azure Logic Apps. For example, the Button trigger, the Approval connector, and Notification connector are specific to Power Automate.
-* To find which Power Automate connectors don't have Logic Apps equivalents, see [Power Automate connectors](/connectors/connector-reference/connector-reference-powerautomate-connectors).
+* To find which Power Automate connectors don't have Azure Logic Apps equivalents, see [Power Automate connectors](/connectors/connector-reference/connector-reference-powerautomate-connectors).
-* To find which Logic Apps connectors don't have Power Automate equivalents, see [Logic Apps connectors](/connectors/connector-reference/connector-reference-logicapps-connectors).
+* To find which Azure Logic Apps connectors don't have Power Automate equivalents, see [Managed connectors in Azure Logic Apps](/connectors/connector-reference/connector-reference-logicapps-connectors).
## Prerequisites
If you've set up Visual Studio with the [prerequisites](../logic-apps/quickstart
After deployment finishes, your logic app is published but isn't activated in the Azure portal.
-1. When you're ready to activate your logic app in the Azure portal, find and open your logic app in the Logic App Designer. On the logic app's menu, select **Overview**, and then select **Enable**.
+1. When you're ready to activate your logic app in the Azure portal, find and open your logic app in the workflow designer. On the logic app's menu, select **Overview**, and then select **Enable**.
1. To avoid running duplicate workflows, make sure that you deactivate or delete your original flow.
For more information about these deployment steps, see [Quickstart: Create autom
## Next steps
-* Learn more about [Connectors for Azure Logic Apps](../connectors/apis-list.md)
-* Learn more about [Azure Logic Apps](../logic-apps/logic-apps-overview.md)
+* [Azure Logic Apps](logic-apps-overview.md)
machine-learning Concept Data Encryption https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/concept-data-encryption.md
Previously updated : 10/20/2022 Last updated : 12/20/2022 # Data encryption with Azure Machine Learning
-Azure Machine Learning uses a variety of Azure data storage services and compute resources when training models and performing inference. Each of these has their own story on how they provide encryption for data at rest and in transit. In this article, learn about each one and which is best for your scenario.
+Azure Machine Learning relies on a various of Azure data storage services and compute resources when training models and performing inferences. In this article, learn about the data encryption for each service both at rest and in transit.
> [!IMPORTANT] > For production grade encryption during __training__, Microsoft recommends using Azure Machine Learning compute cluster. For production grade encryption during __inference__, Microsoft recommends using Azure Kubernetes Service.
Azure Machine Learning uses a variety of Azure data storage services and compute
## Encryption at rest
-Azure Machine Learning relies on multiple Azure Services, each of which have their own encryption capabilities.
+Azure Machine Learning end to end projects integrates with services like Azure Blob Storage, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure SQL Database etc. The article describes encryption method of such services.
### Azure Blob storage
If you need to __rotate or revoke__ your key, you can do so at any time. When ro
For information on regenerating the access keys, see [Regenerate storage access keys](how-to-change-storage-access-key.md).
+### Azure Data Lake Storage
+**ADLS Gen2**
+Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2 is built on top of Azure Blob Storage and is designed for enterprise big data analytics. ADLS Gen2 is used as a datastore for Azure Machine Learning. Same as Azure Blob Storage the data at rest is encrypted with Microsoft-managed keys.
+For information on how to use your own keys for data stored in Azure Data Lake Storage, see [Azure Storage encryption with customer-managed keys in Azure Key Vault](../storage/common/customer-managed-keys-configure-key-vault.md).
+### Azure Relational Databases
+Azure Machine Learning services support data from different data sources such as Azure SQL Database, Azure PostgreSQL and Azure MYSQL.
+**Azure SQL Database**
+Transparent Data Encryption protects Azure SQL Database against threat of malicious offline activity by encrypting data at rest. By default, TDE is enabled for all newly deployed SQL Databases with Microsoft managed keys.
+For information on how to use customer managed keys for transparent data encryption, see [Azure SQL Database Transparent Data Encryption](/azure/azure-sql/database/transparent-data-encryption-tde-overview) .
+**Azure Database for PostgreSQL**
+Azure PostgreSQL uses Azure Storage encryption to encrypt data at rest by default using Microsoft managed keys. It is similar to Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) in other databases such as SQL Server.
+For information on how to use customer managed keys for transparent data encryption, see [Azure Database for PostgreSQL Single server data encryption with a customer-managed key](../postgresql/single-server/concepts-data-encryption-postgresql.md).
+**Azure Database for MySQL**
+Azure Database for MySQL is a relational database service in the Microsoft cloud based on the MySQL Community Edition database engine. The Azure Database for MySQL service uses the FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic module for storage encryption of data at-rest.
+To encrypt data using customer managed keys, see [Azure Database for MySQL data encryption with a customer-managed key](../mysql/single-server/concepts-data-encryption-mysql.md) .
++ ### Azure Cosmos DB Azure Machine Learning stores metadata in an Azure Cosmos DB instance. This instance is associated with a Microsoft subscription managed by Azure Machine Learning. All the data stored in Azure Cosmos DB is encrypted at rest with Microsoft-managed keys.
When using your own (customer-managed) keys to encrypt the Azure Cosmos DB insta
All container images in your registry (Azure Container Registry) are encrypted at rest. Azure automatically encrypts an image before storing it and decrypts it when Azure Machine Learning pulls the image.
-To use your own (customer-managed) keys to encrypt your Azure Container Registry, you need to create your own ACR and attach it while provisioning the workspace or encrypt the default instance that gets created at the time of workspace provisioning.
+To use customer-managed keys to encrypt your Azure Container Registry, you need to create your own ACR and attach it while provisioning the workspace. You can encrypt the default instance that gets created at the time of workspace provisioning.
> [!IMPORTANT] > Azure Machine Learning requires the admin account be enabled on your Azure Container Registry. By default, this setting is disabled when you create a container registry. For information on enabling the admin account, see [Admin account](../container-registry/container-registry-authentication.md#admin-account).
This process allows you to encrypt both the Data and the OS Disk of the deployed
**Compute cluster** The OS disk for each compute node stored in Azure Storage is encrypted with Microsoft-managed keys in Azure Machine Learning storage accounts. This compute target is ephemeral, and clusters are typically scaled down when no jobs are queued. The underlying virtual machine is de-provisioned, and the OS disk is deleted. Azure Disk Encryption is not enabled for workspaces by default. If the workspace was created with the `hbi_workspace` parameter set to `TRUE`, then the OS disk is encrypted.
-Each virtual machine also has a local temporary disk for OS operations. If you want, you can use the disk to stage training data. If the workspace was created with the `hbi_workspace` parameter set to `TRUE`, the temporary disk is encrypted. This environment is short-lived (only for the duration of your job,) and encryption support is limited to system-managed keys only.
+Each virtual machine also has a local temporary disk for OS operations. If you want, you can use the disk to stage training data. If the workspace was created with the `hbi_workspace` parameter set to `TRUE`, the temporary disk is encrypted. This environment is short-lived (only during your job,) and encryption support is limited to system-managed keys only.
**Compute instance** The OS disk for compute instance is encrypted with Microsoft-managed keys in Azure Machine Learning storage accounts. If the workspace was created with the `hbi_workspace` parameter set to `TRUE`, the local OS and temporary disks on compute instance are encrypted with Microsoft managed keys. Customer managed key encryption is not supported for OS and temporary disks. For more information, see [Customer-managed keys](concept-customer-managed-keys.md).
+### Azure Data Factory
+The Azure Data Factory pipeline is used to ingest data for use with Azure Machine Learning. Azure Data Factory encrypts data at rest, including entity definitions and any data cached while runs are in progress. By default, data is encrypted with a randomly generated Microsoft-managed key that is uniquely assigned to your data factory.
+For information on how to use customer managed keys for encryption use [Encrypt Azure Data Factory with customer managed keys](../data-factory/enable-customer-managed-key.md) .
++ ### Azure Databricks Azure Databricks can be used in Azure Machine Learning pipelines. By default, the Databricks File System (DBFS) used by Azure Databricks is encrypted using a Microsoft-managed key. To configure Azure Databricks to use customer-managed keys, see [Configure customer-managed keys on default (root) DBFS](/azure/databricks/security/customer-managed-keys-dbfs).
machine-learning Concept Endpoints https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/concept-endpoints.md
The following table highlights the key differences between managed online endpoi
| **Out-of-box logging** | [Azure Logs and Log Analytics at endpoint level](how-to-deploy-managed-online-endpoints.md#optional-integrate-with-log-analytics) | Unsupported | | **Application Insights** | Supported | Supported | | **Managed identity** | [Supported](how-to-access-resources-from-endpoints-managed-identities.md) | Supported |
-| **Virtual Network (VNET)** | [Supported](how-to-secure-online-endpoint.md) | Supported |
+| **Virtual Network (VNET)** | [Supported](how-to-secure-online-endpoint.md) | Supported |
| **View costs** | [Endpoint and deployment level](how-to-view-online-endpoints-costs.md) | Cluster level |
-| **Mirrored traffic** | [Supported](how-to-safely-rollout-online-endpoints.md#test-the-deployment-with-mirrored-traffic-preview) | Unsupported |
+| **Mirrored traffic** | [Supported](how-to-safely-rollout-online-endpoints.md#test-the-deployment-with-mirrored-traffic-preview) (preview) | Unsupported |
| **No-code deployment** | Supported ([MLflow](how-to-deploy-mlflow-models-online-endpoints.md) and [Triton](how-to-deploy-with-triton.md) models) | Supported ([MLflow](how-to-deploy-mlflow-models-online-endpoints.md) and [Triton](how-to-deploy-with-triton.md) models) | ### Managed online endpoints
machine-learning How To Configure Auto Train https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-configure-auto-train.md
description: Learn how to set up an AutoML training run with the Azure Machine Learning Python SDK v2 using Azure Machine Learning automated ML. -+
machine-learning How To Datastore https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-datastore.md
```python from azure.ai.ml.entities import AzureBlobDatastore
-from azure.ai.ml.entities._datastore.credentials import AccountKeyCredentials
+from azure.ai.ml.entities import AccountKeyConfiguration
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient ml_client = MLClient.from_config() store = AzureBlobDatastore( name="blob_protocol_example",
- description="Datastore pointing to a blob container using wasbs protocol.",
+ description="Datastore pointing to a blob container using https protocol.",
account_name="mytestblobstore", container_name="data-container",
- protocol="wasbs",
- credentials=AccountKeyCredentials(
+ protocol="https",
+ credentials=AccountKeyConfiguration(
account_key="XXXxxxXXXxXXXXxxXXXXXxXXXXXxXxxXxXXXxXXXxXXxxxXXxxXXXxXxXXXxxXxxXXXXxxxxxXXxxxxxxXXXxXXX" ), )
```python from azure.ai.ml.entities import AzureBlobDatastore
-from azure.ai.ml.entities._datastore.credentials import SasTokenCredentials
+from azure.ai.ml.entities import SasTokenConfiguration
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient ml_client = MLClient.from_config()
store = AzureBlobDatastore(
description="Datastore pointing to a blob container using SAS token.", account_name="mytestblobstore", container_name="data-container",
- credentials=SasTokenCredentials(
+ credentials=SasTokenConfiguration(
sas_token= "?xx=XXXX-XX-XX&xx=xxxx&xxx=xxx&xx=xxxxxxxxxxx&xx=XXXX-XX-XXXXX:XX:XXX&xx=XXXX-XX-XXXXX:XX:XXX&xxx=xxxxx&xxx=XXxXXXxxxxxXXXXXXXxXxxxXXXXXxxXXXXXxXXXXxXXXxXXxXX" ), )
az ml datastore create --file my_files_datastore.yml
```python from azure.ai.ml.entities import AzureFileDatastore
-from azure.ai.ml.entities._datastore.credentials import AccountKeyCredentials
+from azure.ai.ml.entities import AccountKeyConfiguration
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient ml_client = MLClient.from_config()
store = AzureFileDatastore(
description="Datastore pointing to an Azure File Share.", account_name="mytestfilestore", file_share_name="my-share",
- credentials=AccountKeyCredentials(
+ credentials=AccountKeyConfiguration(
account_key= "XXXxxxXXXxXXXXxxXXXXXxXXXXXxXxxXxXXXxXXXxXXxxxXXxxXXXxXxXXXxxXxxXXXXxxxxxXXxxxxxxXXXxXXX" ), )
```python from azure.ai.ml.entities import AzureFileDatastore
-from azure.ai.ml.entities._datastore.credentials import SasTokenCredentials
+from azure.ai.ml.entities import SasTokenConfiguration
from azure.ai.ml import MLClient ml_client = MLClient.from_config()
store = AzureFileDatastore(
description="Datastore pointing to an Azure File Share using SAS token.", account_name="mytestfilestore", file_share_name="my-share",
- credentials=SasTokenCredentials(
+ credentials=SasTokenConfiguration(
sas_token="?xx=XXXX-XX-XX&xx=xxxx&xxx=xxx&xx=xxxxxxxxxxx&xx=XXXX-XX-XXXXX:XX:XXX&xx=XXXX-XX-XXXXX:XX:XXX&xxx=xxxxx&xxx=XXxXXXxxxxxXXXXXXXxXxxxXXXXXxxXXXXXxXXXXxXXXxXXxXX" ), )
machine-learning How To Interactive Jobs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-interactive-jobs.md
description: Debug or monitor your Machine Learning job as it runs on AzureML co
machine-learning How To Manage Optimize Cost https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-manage-optimize-cost.md
Title: Manage and optimize costs description: Learn tips to optimize your cost when building machine learning models in Azure Machine Learning-+
machine-learning How To Prevent Data Loss Exfiltration https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-prevent-data-loss-exfiltration.md
__Allow__ outbound traffic over __TCP port 443__ to the following FQDNs. Replace
* `<region>.batch.azure.com` * `<region>.service.batch.com`
-> If you use one firewall for multiple Azure services, having outbound storage rules impacts other services. In this case, limit thee source IP of the outbound storage rule to the address space of the subnet that contains your compute instance and compute cluster resources. This limits the rule to the compute resources in the subnet.
+> If you enable the service endpoint on the subnet used by your firewall, you must open outbound traffic to the following hosts:
+> * `*.blob.core.windows.net`
+> * `*.queue.core.windows.net`
+> * `*.table.core.windows.net`
machine-learning How To Read Write Data V2 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-read-write-data-v2.md
-+ Last updated 05/26/2022 #Customer intent: As an experienced Python developer, I need to read in my data to make it available to a remote compute to train my machine learning models.
machine-learning How To Secure Training Vnet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-secure-training-vnet.md
In this article you learn how to secure the following training compute resources
## Compute instance/cluster with no public IP > [!IMPORTANT]
-> If you have been using compute instances configured for no public IP without opting-in to the preview, you will need to delete and recreate them after January 20 (when the feature is generally available).
+> If you have been using compute instances or compute clusters configured for no public IP without opting-in to the preview, you will need to delete and recreate them after January 20 (when the feature is generally available).
-> For existing compute clusters configured for no public IP, once the cluster has been reduced to 0 nodes (requires the minimum nodes to be configured as 0), it will take advantage of the new architecture the next time nodes are allocated after the subscription is allowlisted.
+> If you were previously using the preview of no public IP, you may also need to modify what traffic you allow inbound and outbound, as the requirements have changed for general availability:
+> * Outbound requirements - Two additional outbounds:
+> - `AzureMachineLearning` service tag on UDP port 5831.
+> - `BatchNodeManagement` service tag on TCP port 443.
The following configurations are in addition to those listed in the [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) section, and are specific to **creating** a compute instances/clusters configured for no public IP:
machine-learning How To Setup Mlops Azureml https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-setup-mlops-azureml.md
+ Last updated 11/29/2022
machine-learning How To Troubleshoot Environments https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/how-to-troubleshoot-environments.md
This issue can happen when the name of your custom environment uses terms reserv
### *Docker issues*
-*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1 (Deprecated)*
+*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1*
To create a new environment, you must use one of the following approaches (see [DockerSection](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/environment-docker-section)): - Base image
To create a new environment, you must use one of the following approaches:
- [Sample here](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/create-env-conda-spec-v2) ### Missing Docker definition
-*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1 (Deprecated)*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
<!--issueDescription--> This issue can happen when your environment definition is missing a `DockerSection.` This section configures settings related to the final Docker image built from your environment specification.
myenv.docker.base_dockerfile = dockerfile
**Resources** * [DockerSection](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/environment-docker-section)
-### Missing Docker build context location
-- If you're specifying a Docker build context as part of your environment build, you must provide the path of the build context directory-- See [BuildContext](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/build-context-class)- ### Too many Docker options <!--issueDescription--> **Potential causes:**
-*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
You have more than one of these Docker options specified in your environment definition - `base_image`
You have more than one of these Docker options specified in your environment def
Choose which Docker option you'd like to use to build your environment. Then set all other specified options to None.
-*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
``` from azureml.core import Environment
myenv.docker.base_image = None
**Potential causes:**
-*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
You didn't specify one of the following options in your environment definition - `base_image`
You didn't specify one of the following options in your environment definition
Choose which Docker option you'd like to use to build your environment, then populate that option in your environment definition.
-*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
``` from azureml.core import Environment
myenv = Environment(name="myEnv")
myenv.docker.base_image = "pytorch/pytorch:latest" ```
-*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v2*
``` env_docker_image = Environment(
**Troubleshooting steps**
-*Applies to: Python SDK azureml V1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
Add the missing username or password to your environment definition to fix the issue
ws = Workspace.from_config()
ws.set_connection("connection1", "ACR", "<URL>", "Basic", "{'Username': '<username>', 'Password': '<password>'}") ```
-*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions V1 & V2*
+*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2*
Create a workspace connection from a YAML specification file
az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group
``` > [!NOTE]
-> * Providing credentials in your environment definition is deprecated. Use workspace connections instead.
+> * Providing credentials in your environment definition is no longer supported. Use workspace connections instead.
-* [Python SDK AzureML v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
-* [Python SDK AzureML v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
+* [Python SDK v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
+* [Python SDK v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
* [Azure CLI workspace connections](/cli/azure/ml/connection) ### Multiple credentials for base image registry
az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group
**Troubleshooting steps**
-*Applies to: Python SDK azureml V1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
If you're using workspace connections, view the connections you have set, and delete whichever one(s) you don't want to use
myEnv.docker.base_image_registry.registry_identity = None
``` > [!NOTE]
-> * Providing credentials in your environment definition is deprecated. Use workspace connections instead.
+> * Providing credentials in your environment definition is no longer supported. Use workspace connections instead.
**Resources** * [Delete a workspace connection v1](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/delete-connection-v1)
-* [Python SDK AzureML v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
-* [Python SDK AzureML v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
+* [Python SDK v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
+* [Python SDK v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
* [Azure CLI workspace connections](/cli/azure/ml/connection) ### Secrets in base image registry
myEnv.docker.base_image_registry.registry_identity = None
**Troubleshooting steps**
-Specifying credentials in your environment definition is deprecated. Delete credentials from your environment definition and use workspace connections instead.
+Specifying credentials in your environment definition is no longer supported. Delete credentials from your environment definition and use workspace connections instead.
-*Applies to: Python SDK azureml V1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
Set a workspace connection on your workspace
ws = Workspace.from_config()
ws.set_connection("connection1", "ACR", "<URL>", "Basic", "{'Username': '<username>', 'Password': '<password>'}") ```
-*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions V1 & V2*
+*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2*
Create a workspace connection from a YAML specification file
az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group
``` **Resources**
-* [Python SDK AzureML v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
-* [Python SDK AzureML v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
+* [Python SDK v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
+* [Python SDK v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
* [Azure CLI workspace connections](/cli/azure/ml/connection) ### Deprecated Docker attribute
az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group
**Troubleshooting steps**
-*Applies to: Python SDK azureml V1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
Instead of specifying these attributes in the `DockerSection` of your environment definition, use [DockerConfiguration](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/docker-configuration-class)
Instead of specifying these attributes in the `DockerSection` of your environmen
* See `DockerSection` [deprecated variables](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/docker-section-class) ### Dockerfile length over limit-- The specified Dockerfile can't exceed the maximum Dockerfile size of 100 KB-- Consider shortening your Dockerfile to get it under this limit
+**Potential causes:**
+* Your specified Dockerfile exceeded the maximum size of 100 KB
+**Affected areas (symptoms):**
+* Failure in registering your environment
+**Troubleshooting steps**
+Shorten your Dockerfile to get it under this limit
+* See [best practices](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/)
### *Docker build context issues*
+### Missing Docker build context location
+**Potential causes:**
+* You didn't provide the path of your build context directory in your environment definition
+**Affected areas (symptoms):**
+* Failure in registering your environment
+**Troubleshooting steps**
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
+Include a path in the `build_context` of your [DockerSection](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/docker-section-class)
+* See [DockerBuildContext Class](/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.core.environment.dockerbuildcontext)
+*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2*
+Ensure that you include a path for your build context
+* See [BuildContext class](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/build-context-class)
+* See this [sample](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/create-env-build-context-v2)
+* [Understand build context](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/#understand-build-context)
+ ### Missing Dockerfile path-- In the Docker build context, a Dockerfile path must be specified-- The path should be relative to the root of the Docker build context directory-- See [Build Context class](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/build-context-class)
+This issue can happen when AzureML fails to find your Dockerfile. As a default, AzureML will look for a Dockerfile named 'Dockerfile' at the root of your build context directory unless a Dockerfile path is specified.
+**Potential causes:**
+* Your Dockerfile isn't at the root of your build context directory and/or is named something other than 'Dockerfile,' and you didn't provide its path
+**Affected areas (symptoms):**
+* Failure in registering your environment
+**Troubleshooting steps**
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
+In the `build_context` of your [DockerSection](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/docker-section-class), include a `dockerfile_path`
+* See [DockerBuildContext Class](/python/api/azureml-core/azureml.core.environment.dockerbuildcontext)
+*Applies to: Azure CLI & Python SDK v2*
+Specify a Dockerfile path
+* [See BuildContext class](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/build-context-class)
+* See this [sample](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/create-env-build-context-v2)
+* [Understand build context](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/#understand-build-context)
### Not allowed to specify attribute with Docker build context-- If a Docker build context is specified, then the following items can't also be specified in the
-environment definition:
- - Environment variables
- - Conda dependencies
- - R
- - Spark
+This issue can happen when you've specified properties in your environment definition that can't be included with a Docker build context.
+**Potential causes:**
+* You specified a Docker build context, along with at least one of the following in your environment definition:
+ * Environment variables
+ * Conda dependencies
+ * R
+ * Spark
+**Affected areas (symptoms):**
+* Failure in registering your environment
+**Troubleshooting steps**
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
+If any of the above-listed properties are specified in your environment definition, remove them
+* If you're using a Docker build context and want to specify conda dependencies, your conda specification should reside in your build context directory
+* [Understand build context](https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/dockerfile_best-practices/#understand-build-context)
+* Python SDK v1 [Environment Class](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/environment-class-v1)
### Location type not supported/Unknown location type - The following are accepted location types:
environment definition
version of a package on subsequent builds of an environment. This behavior can lead to unexpected errors - See [conda package pinning](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/how-to-pin-conda-packages)
-### UTF-8 decoding error
-This issue can happen when there's a failure decoding a character in your conda specification. 
-**Potential causes:**
-* Your conda YAML file contains characters that aren't compatible with UTF-8.
-**Affected areas (symptoms):**
-* Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
-* Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
- ### *Pip issues* ### Pip not specified - For reproducibility, pip should be specified as a dependency in your conda specification, and it should be pinned
This issue can happen by failing to access a workspace's associated Azure Contai
**Troubleshooting steps**
-*Applies to: Python SDK azureml V1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
Update the workspace image build compute property using SDK:
ws = Workspace.from_config()
ws.update(image_build_compute = 'mycomputecluster') ```
-*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions V1 & V2*
+*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2*
Update the workspace image build compute property using Azure CLI:
because you can't provide interactive authentication during a build
Provide authentication via workspace connections
-*Applies to: Python SDK azureml V1*
+*Applies to: Python SDK v1*
``` from azureml.core import Workspace
ws = Workspace.from_config()
ws.set_connection("connection1", "PythonFeed", "<URL>", "Basic", "{'Username': '<username>', 'Password': '<password>'}") ```
-*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions V1 & V2*
+*Applies to: Azure CLI extensions v1 & v2*
Create a workspace connection from a YAML specification file
az ml connection create --file connection.yml --resource-group my-resource-group
``` **Resources**
-* [Python SDK AzureML v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
-* [Python SDK AzureML v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
+* [Python SDK v1 workspace connections](https://aka.ms/azureml/environment/set-connection-v1)
+* [Python SDK v2 workspace connections](/python/api/azure-ai-ml/azure.ai.ml.entities.workspaceconnection)
* [Azure CLI workspace connections](/cli/azure/ml/connection) ### Forbidden blob
This issue can happen when a package is specified on the command line using "<"
Add quotes around the package specification * For example, change `conda install -y pip<=20.1.1` to `conda install -y "pip<=20.1.1"`
+### UTF-8 decoding error
+This issue can happen when there's a failure decoding a character in your conda specification. 
+**Potential causes:**
+* Your conda YAML file contains characters that aren't compatible with UTF-8.
+**Affected areas (symptoms):**
+* Failure in building environments from UI, SDK, and CLI.
+* Failure in running jobs because it will implicitly build the environment in the first step.
+ ### *Pip issues during build* ### Failed to install packages <!--issueDescription-->
machine-learning Migrate Rebuild Integrate With Client App https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/migrate-rebuild-integrate-with-client-app.md
-+ Last updated 05/31/2022
Last updated 05/31/2022
[!INCLUDE [ML Studio (classic) retirement](../../includes/machine-learning-studio-classic-deprecation.md)]
-In this article, you learn how to integrate client applications with Azure Machine Learning endpoints. For more information on writing application code, see [Consume an Azure Machine Learning endpoint](v1/how-to-consume-web-service.md).
+In this article, you learn how to integrate client applications with Azure Machine Learning endpoints.
This article is part of the ML Studio (classic) to Azure Machine Learning migration series. For more information on migrating to Azure Machine Learning, see [the migration overview article](migrate-overview.md).
You can call your Azure Machine Learning pipeline as a step in an Azure Data Fac
## Next steps
-In this article, you learned how to find schema and sample code for your pipeline endpoints. For more information on consuming endpoints from the client application, see [Consume an Azure Machine Learning endpoint](v1/how-to-consume-web-service.md).
+In this article, you learned how to find schema and sample code for your pipeline endpoints. For more information on authenticating to an endpoint, see [Authenticate to an online endpoint](how-to-authenticate-online-endpoint.md).
See the rest of the articles in the Azure Machine Learning migration series:
machine-learning Reference Automl Images Hyperparameters https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/reference-automl-images-hyperparameters.md
-+ Last updated 01/18/2022
machine-learning Reference Automl Images Hyperparameters V1 https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/machine-learning/v1/reference-automl-images-hyperparameters-v1.md
-+ Last updated 01/18/2022
orbital Register Spacecraft https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/orbital/register-spacecraft.md
Sign in to the [Azure portal](https://aka.ms/orbital/portal).
> [!NOTE] > TLE stands for Two-Line Element.
+ > Spacecraft resources can be created in any Azure region with a Microsoft ground station and schedule contacts on any ground station. Current eligible regions are West US 2, Sweden Central, and Southeast Asia.
:::image type="content" source="media/orbital-eos-register-bird.png" alt-text="Register Spacecraft Resource Page" lightbox="media/orbital-eos-register-bird.png":::
postgresql Concepts Azure Ad Authentication https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/postgresql/flexible-server/concepts-azure-ad-authentication.md
Once you've authenticated against the Active Directory, you then retrieve a toke
- GA versions of Terraform/CLI/API will be released soon. You can use preview API 2022-12-01 version until then. -- + ## Next steps - To learn how to create and populate Azure AD, and then configure Azure AD with Azure Database for PostgreSQL, see [Configure and sign in with Azure AD for Azure Database for PostgreSQL](how-to-configure-sign-in-azure-ad-authentication.md).
postgresql Concepts Data Encryption https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/postgresql/flexible-server/concepts-data-encryption.md
description: Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible server data encryption with
Previously updated : 11/03/2022 Last updated : 1/24/2023
Follow the steps below to enable CMK while creating Postgres Flexible Server usi
1. Provide required information on Basics and Networking tabs
-1. Navigate to Security(preview) tab. On the screen, provide Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identity that has access to the Key Vault and Key in Key Vault in the same region where you're creating this server
+1. Navigate to Security tab. On the screen, provide Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identity that has access to the Key Vault and Key in Key Vault in the same region where you're creating this server
1. On Review Summary tab, make sure that you provided correct information in Security section and press Create button
-1. Once it's finished, you should be able to navigate to Data Encryption (preview) screen for the server and update identity or key if necessary
+1. Once it's finished, you should be able to navigate to Data Encryption screen for the server and update identity or key if necessary
### CLI:
Follow the steps below to update CMK on CMK enabled Flexible Server using Azure
1. Navigate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server create a page via the Azure portal.
-1. Navigate to Data Encryption (preview) screen under Security tab
+1. Navigate to Data Encryption screen under Security tab
1. Select different identity to connect to Azure Key Vault, remembering that this identity needs to have proper access rights to the Key Vault
postgresql How To Connect With Managed Identity https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/postgresql/flexible-server/how-to-connect-with-managed-identity.md
description: Learn about how to connect and authenticate using Managed Identity
Previously updated : 11/04/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
- devx-track-azurecli
-# Connect with Managed Identity to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server Preview
+# Connect with Managed Identity to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server
[!INCLUDE [applies-to-postgresql-Flexible-server](../includes/applies-to-postgresql-Flexible-server.md)]
-> [!NOTE]
-> Azure Active Directory Authentication for PostgreSQL Flexible Server is currently in preview.
- You can use both system-assigned and user-assigned managed identities to authenticate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL. This article shows you how to use a system-assigned managed identity for an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) to access an Azure Database for PostgreSQL server. Managed Identities are automatically managed by Azure and enable you to authenticate to services that support Azure AD authentication without needing to insert credentials into your code. You learn how to:
Postgres version: PostgreSQL 11.11, compiled by Visual C++ build 1800, 64-bit
## Next steps -- Review the overall concepts for [Azure Active Directory authentication with Azure Database for PostgreSQL](concepts-azure-ad-authentication.md)
+- Review the overall concepts for [Azure Active Directory authentication with Azure Database for PostgreSQL](concepts-azure-ad-authentication.md)
postgresql How To Create Server Customer Managed Key Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/postgresql/flexible-server/how-to-create-server-customer-managed-key-portal.md
Follow the steps below to enable CMK while creating Postgres Flexible Server usi
2. Provide required information on Basics and Networking tabs
-3. Navigate to Security(preview) tab. On the screen, provide Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identity that has access to the Key Vault and Key in Key Vault in the same region where you're creating this server
+3. Navigate to Security tab. On the screen, provide Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) identity that has access to the Key Vault and Key in Key Vault in the same region where you're creating this server
4. On Review Summary tab, make sure that you provided correct information in Security section and press Create button
-5. Once it's finished, you should be able to navigate to Data Encryption (preview) screen for the server and update identity or key if necessary
+5. Once it's finished, you should be able to navigate to Data Encryption screen for the server and update identity or key if necessary
## Update Customer Managed Key on the CMK enabled Flexible Server
Follow the steps below to update CMK on CMK enabled Flexible Server using Azure
1. Navigate to Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server create a page via the Azure portal.
-2. Navigate to Data Encryption (preview) screen under Security tab
+2. Navigate to Data Encryption screen under Security tab
3. Select different identity to connect to Azure Key Vault, remembering that this identity needs to have proper access rights to the Key Vault
postgresql Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/postgresql/flexible-server/overview.md
One advantage of running your workload in Azure is global reach. The flexible se
| East Asia | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: ** | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | East US | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | East US 2 | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: $ | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
-| France Central | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
+| France Central | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: $ | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
| France South | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | | Germany West Central | :x: $$ | :x: $ | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | | Japan East | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
private-5g-core Provision Sims Arm Template https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/private-5g-core/provision-sims-arm-template.md
To begin, collect the values in the following table for each SIM you want to pro
| Value |Parameter name | |--|--| | SIM name. The SIM name must only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores. | `simName` |
-| The Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number (ICCID). The ICCID identifies a specific physical SIM or eSIM, and includes information on the SIM's country and issuer. The ICCID is optional and is a unique numerical value between 19 and 20 digits in length, beginning with 89. | `integratedCircuitCardIdentifier` |
+| The Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number (ICCID). The ICCID identifies a specific physical SIM or eSIM, and includes information on the SIM's country/region and issuer. The ICCID is optional and is a unique numerical value between 19 and 20 digits in length, beginning with 89. | `integratedCircuitCardIdentifier` |
| The international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI). The IMSI is a unique number (usually 15 digits) identifying a device or user in a mobile network. | `internationalMobileSubscriberIdentity` | | The Authentication Key (Ki). The Ki is a unique 128-bit value assigned to the SIM by an operator, and is used with the derived operator code (OPc) to authenticate a user. It must be a 32-character string, containing hexadecimal characters only. | `authenticationKey` | | The derived operator code (OPc). The OPc is taken from the SIM's Ki and the network's operator code (OP). The packet core instance uses it to authenticate a user using a standards-based algorithm. The OPc must be a 32-character string, containing hexadecimal characters only. | `operatorKeyCode` |
private-5g-core Provision Sims Azure Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/private-5g-core/provision-sims-azure-portal.md
To begin, collect the values in the following table for each SIM you want to pro
| Value | Field name in Azure portal | JSON file parameter name | |--|--|--| | SIM name. The SIM name must only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores. | **SIM name** | `simName` |
-| The Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number (ICCID). The ICCID identifies a specific physical SIM or eSIM, and includes information on the SIM's country and issuer. The ICCID is optional and is a unique numerical value between 19 and 20 digits in length, beginning with 89. | **ICCID** | `integratedCircuitCardIdentifier` |
+| The Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number (ICCID). The ICCID identifies a specific physical SIM or eSIM, and includes information on the SIM's country/region and issuer. The ICCID is optional and is a unique numerical value between 19 and 20 digits in length, beginning with 89. | **ICCID** | `integratedCircuitCardIdentifier` |
| The international mobile subscriber identity (IMSI). The IMSI is a unique number (usually 15 digits) identifying a device or user in a mobile network. | **IMSI** | `internationalMobileSubscriberIdentity` | | The Authentication Key (Ki). The Ki is a unique 128-bit value assigned to the SIM by an operator, and is used with the derived operator code (OPc) to authenticate a user. It must be a 32-character string, containing hexadecimal characters only. | **Ki** | `authenticationKey` | | The derived operator code (OPc). The OPc is taken from the SIM's Ki and the network's operator code (OP). The packet core instance uses it to authenticate a user using a standards-based algorithm. The OPc must be a 32-character string, containing hexadecimal characters only. | **Opc** | `operatorKeyCode` |
sentinel Authentication Normalization Schema https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/authentication-normalization-schema.md
The following list mentions fields that have specific guidelines for authenticat
| Field | Class | Type | Description | ||-||--|
-| **EventType** | Mandatory | Enumerated | Describes the operation reported by the record. <br><br>For Authentication records, supported values include: <br>- `Logon` <br>- `Logoff`|
+| **EventType** | Mandatory | Enumerated | Describes the operation reported by the record. <br><br>For Authentication records, supported values include: <br>- `Logon` <br>- `Logoff`<br>- `Elevate`|
| <a name ="eventresultdetails"></a>**EventResultDetails** | Recommended | String | One of the following values: <br><br>- `No such user or password`. This value should be used also when the original event reports that there is no such user, without reference to a password. <br>- `Incorrect password`<br>- `Account expired`<br>- `Password expired`<br>- `User locked`<br>- `User disabled`<br>- `Logon violates policy`. This value should be used when the original event reports, for example: MFA required, logon outside of working hours, conditional access restrictions, or too frequent attempts.<br>- `Session expired`<br>- `Other`<br><br>**Note**: The value may be provided in the source record using different terms, which should be normalized to these values. The original value should be stored in the field [EventOriginalResultDetails](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginalresultdetails)| | **EventSubType** | Optional | String | The sign-in type. Allowed values include: `System`, `Interactive`, `Service`, `RemoteInteractive`, `RemoteService`, `AssumeRole`. <br><br>Example: `Interactive`. Store the original value in [EventOriginalSubType](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginalsubtype). | | **EventSchemaVersion** | Mandatory | String | The version of the schema. The version of the schema documented here is `0.1.2` |
sentinel Bring Your Own Ml https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/bring-your-own-ml.md
With the BYO-ML platform, you can get a jump start on building your own ML model
- The libraries support data movements. Training and scoring notebooks demonstrate the end-to-end experience and serve as a template for you to adapt to your environment. ### Use cases
The BYO-ML platform and package significantly reduce the time and effort you'll need to build your own ML detections, and they unleash the capability to address specific security problems in Microsoft Sentinel. The platform supports the following use cases: **Train an ML algorithm to get a customized model:** You can take an existing ML algorithm (shared by Microsoft or by the user community) and easily train it on your own data to get a customized ML model that better fits your data and environment.
You must be assigned the **Contributor** role in your Log Analytics workspace, y
Here is a sample set of commands to setup automatic exporting: + ```azurecli az ΓÇôversion
az monitor log-analytics cluster list
az account set --subscription "SUBSCRIPTION_NAME" # Export to Storage - all tables
-az monitor log-analytics workspace data-export create --resource-group "RG_NAME" --workspace-name "WS_NAME" -n LAExportCLIStr --destination ΓÇ£DESTINATION_NAME" --enable "true" --tables SecurityEvent
+az monitor log-analytics workspace data-export create --resource-group "RG_NAME" --workspace-name "WS_NAME" -n LAExportCLIStr --destination "DESTINATION_NAME" --enable "true" --tables SecurityEvent
# Export to EventHub - all tables
-az monitor log-analytics workspace data-export create --resource-group "RG_NAME" --workspace-name "WS_NAME" -n LAExportCLIEH --destination ΓÇ£DESTINATION_NAME" --enable "true" --tables SecurityEvent Heartbeat"]
+az monitor log-analytics workspace data-export create --resource-group "RG_NAME" --workspace-name "WS_NAME" -n LAExportCLIEH --destination "DESTINATION_NAME" --enable "true" --tables ["SecurityEvent","Heartbeat"]
# List export settings az monitor log-analytics workspace data-export list --resource-group "RG_NAME" --workspace-name "WS_NAME"
Once you've set up the analytics rule based on the ML results, if there are resu
In this document, you learned how to use Microsoft Sentinel's BYO-ML platform for creating or importing your own machine learning algorithms to analyze data and detect threats. - See posts about machine learning and lots of other relevant topics in the [Microsoft Sentinel Blog](https://aka.ms/azuresentinelblog).+
sentinel Network Normalization Schema https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/network-normalization-schema.md
Fields that appear in the table below are common to all ASIM schemas. Any guidel
| Field | Class | Type | Description | ||-||--|
-| **NetworkApplicationProtocol** | Optional | String | The application layer protocol used by the connection or session. If the [DstPortNumber](#dstportnumber) value is provided, we recommend that you include **NetworkApplicationProtocol** too. If the value isn't available from the source, derive the value from the [DstPortNumber](#dstportnumber) value.<br><br>Example: `FTP` |
+| **NetworkApplicationProtocol** | Optional | String | The application layer protocol used by the connection or session. The value should be in all uppercase.<br><br>Example: `FTP` |
| <a name="networkprotocol"></a> **NetworkProtocol** | Optional | Enumerated | The IP protocol used by the connection or session as listed in [IANA protocol assignment](https://www.iana.org/assignments/protocol-numbers/protocol-numbers.xhtml), which is typically `TCP`, `UDP`, or `ICMP`.<br><br>Example: `TCP` | | **NetworkProtocolVersion** | Optional | Enumerated | The version of [NetworkProtocol](#networkprotocol). When using it to distinguish between IP version, use the values `IPv4` and `IPv6`. | | <a name="networkdirection"></a>**NetworkDirection** | Optional | Enumerated | The direction of the connection or session:<br><br> - For the [EventType](#eventtype) `NetworkSession`, `Flow` or `L2NetworkSession`, **NetworkDirection** represents the direction relative to the organization or cloud environment boundary. Supported values are `Inbound`, `Outbound`, `Local` (to the organization), `External` (to the organization) or `NA` (Not Applicable).<br><br> - For the [EventType](#eventtype) `EndpointNetworkSession`, **NetworkDirection** represents the direction relative to the endpoint. Supported values are `Inbound`, `Outbound`, `Local` (to the system), `Listen` or `NA` (Not Applicable). The `Listen` value indicates that a device has started accepting network connections but isn't actually, necessarily, connected. |
sentinel Normalization About Parsers https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/normalization-about-parsers.md
Each schema has a standard set of filtering parameters documented in the relevan
- [Authentication](authentication-normalization-schema.md) - [DNS](normalization-schema-dns.md#filtering-parser-parameters) - [Network Session](network-normalization-schema.md#filtering-parser-parameters)-- [Web Session](web-normalization-schema.md#filtering-parser-parameters)
+- [Web Session](normalization-schema-web.md#filtering-parser-parameters)
Every schema that supports filtering parameters supports at least the `starttime` and `endtime` parameters and using them is often critical for optimizing performance.
sentinel Normalization About Schemas https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/normalization-about-schemas.md
Schema references outline the fields that comprise each schema. ASIM currently d
| [Process Event](process-events-normalization-schema.md) | 0.1.4 | Preview | | [Registry Event](registry-event-normalization-schema.md) | 0.1.2 | Preview | | [User Management](user-management-normalization-schema.md) | 0.1 | Preview |
-| [Web Session](web-normalization-schema.md) | 0.2.5 | Preview |
+| [Web Session](normalization-schema-web.md) | 0.2.5 | Preview |
Each schema field has a type. Some have built-in, Log Analytics types, such as `
|<a name="devicetype"></a>**DeviceType** | Enumerated | The type of the device stored in DeviceType fields. Possible values include:<br>- `Computer`<br>- `Mobile Device`<br>- `IOT Device`<br>- `Other`. For more information, see [The Device entity](#the-device-entity). | |<a name="username"></a>**Username** | String | A valid username in one of the supported [types](#usernametype). For more information, see [The User entity](#the-user-entity). | |<a name="usernametype"></a>**UsernameType** | Enumerated | The type of username stored in username fields. For more information and list of supported values, see [The User entity](#the-user-entity). |
-|<a name="useridtype"></a>**UserIdType** | Enumerated | The type of the ID stored in user ID fields. <br><br>Supported values are `SID`, `UIS`, `AADID`, `OktaId`, and `AWSId`. For more information, see [The User entity](#the-user-entity). |
+|<a name="useridtype"></a>**UserIdType** | Enumerated | The type of the ID stored in user ID fields. <br><br>Supported values are `SID`, `UIS`, `AADID`, `OktaId`, `AWSId`, and `PUID`. For more information, see [The User entity](#the-user-entity). |
|<a name="usertype"></a>**UserType** | Enumerated | The type of a user. For more information and list of allowed values, see [The User entity](#the-user-entity). | |<a name="apptype"></a>**AppType** | Enumerated | The type of an application. Supported values include: `Process`<br>, `Service`, `Resource`, `URL`, `SaaS application`, `CSP`, and `Other`. | |**Country** | String | A string using [ISO 3166-1](https://www.iso.org/iso-3166-country-codes.html), according to the following priority: <br><br> - Alpha-2 codes, such as `US` for the United States. <br> - Alpha-3 codes, such as `USA` for the United States. <br>- Short name.<br><br>The list of codes can be found on the [International Standards Organization (ISO) website](https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#search).|
Users are central to activities reported by events. The fields listed in this se
| <a name="userscope"></a>**UserScope** | Optional | string | The scope in which [UserId](#userid) and [Username](#username) are defined. For example, an Azure AD tenant domain name. The [UserIdType](#useridtype) field represents also the type of the associated with this field. | | <a name="userscopeid"></a>**UserScopeId** | Optional | string | The ID of the scope in which [UserId](#userid) and [Username](#username) are defined. For example, an Azure AD tenant directory ID. The [UserIdType](#useridtype) field represents also the type of the associated with this field. | | <a name="useridtype"></a>**UserIdType** | Optional | UserIdType | The type of the ID stored in the [UserId](#userid) field. |
-| **UserSid**, **UserUid**, **UserAadId**, **UserOktaId**, **UserAWSId** | Optional | String | Fields used to store specific user IDs. Select the ID most associated with the event as the primary ID stored in [UserId](#userid). Populate the relevant specific ID field, in addition to [UserId](#userid), even if the event has only one ID. |
+| **UserSid**, **UserUid**, **UserAadId**, **UserOktaId**, **UserAWSId**, **UserPuid** | Optional | String | Fields used to store specific user IDs. Select the ID most associated with the event as the primary ID stored in [UserId](#userid). Populate the relevant specific ID field, in addition to [UserId](#userid), even if the event has only one ID. |
| **UserAADTenant**, **UserAWSAccount** | Optional | String | Fields used to store specific scopes. Use the [UserScope](#userscope) field for the scope associated with the ID stored in the [UserId](#userid) field. Populate the relevant specific scope field, in addition to [UserScope](#userscope), even if the event has only one ID. | The allowed values for a user ID type are:
The allowed values for a user ID type are:
| **AADID**| An Azure Active Directory user ID.| `9267d02c-5f76-40a9-a9eb-b686f3ca47aa` | | **OktaId** | An Okta user ID. | `00urjk4znu3BcncfY0h7` | | **AWSId** | An AWS user ID. | `72643944673` |
+| **PUID** | A Microsoft 365 User ID. | `10032001582F435C` |
#### The user name
sentinel Normalization Common Fields https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/normalization-common-fields.md
The currently supported list of vendors and products used in the [EventVendor](#
| Corelight | Zeek | | GCP | Cloud DNS | | Infoblox | NIOS |
-| Microsoft | - AAD<br> - Azure<br> - Azure Firewall<br> - Azure Blob Storage<br> - Azure File Storage<br> - Azure NSG flows<br> - Azure Queue Storage<br> - Azure Table Storage <br> - DNS Server<br> - Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint<br> - Microsoft Defender for IoT<br> - Security Events<br> - Sharepoint 365<br>- Sysmon<br> - Sysmon for Linux<br> - VMConnection<br> - Windows Firewall<br> - WireData <br>
+| Microsoft | - AAD<br> - Azure<br> - Azure Firewall<br> - Azure Blob Storage<br> - Azure File Storage<br> - Azure NSG flows<br> - Azure Queue Storage<br> - Azure Table Storage <br> - DNS Server<br> - Microsoft 365 Defender for Endpoint<br> - Microsoft Defender for IoT<br> - Security Events<br>- SharePoint<br>- OneDrive<br>- Sysmon<br> - Sysmon for Linux<br> - VMConnection<br> - Windows Firewall<br> - WireData <br>
| Okta | - Okta<BR> - Auth0<br> | | Palo Alto | - PanOS<br> - CDL<br> | | PostgreSQL | PostgreSQL |
sentinel Normalization Schema File Event https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/normalization-schema-file-event.md
The following list mentions fields that have specific guidelines for File activi
| **Field** | **Class** | **Type** | **Description** | | | | | |
-| **EventType** | Mandatory | Enumerated | Describes the operation reported by the record. <br><br>For File records, supported values include: <br><br>- `FileAccessed`<br>- `FileCreated`<br>- `FileModified`<br>- `FileDeleted`<br>- `FileRenamed`<br>- `FileCopied`<br>- `FileMoved`<br>- `FolderCreated`<br>- `FolderDeleted` |
+| <a name='eventtype'></a>**EventType** | Mandatory | Enumerated | Describes the operation reported by the record. <br><br>Supported values include: <br><br>- `FileAccessed`<br>- `FileCreated`<br>- `FileModified`<br>- `FileDeleted`<br>- `FileRenamed`<br>- `FileCopied`<br>- `FileMoved`<br>- `FolderCreated`<br>- `FolderDeleted`<br>- `FolderMoved`<br>- `FolderModified`<br>- `FileCreatedOrModified` |
+| **EventSubType** | Optional | Enumerated | Describes details about the operation reported in [EventType](#eventtype). Supported values per event type include:<br>- `FileCreated` - `Upload`, `Checkin`<br>- `FileModified` - `Checkin`<br>- `FileCreatedOrModified` - `Checkin` <br>- `FileAccessed` - `Download`, `Preview`, `Checkout`, `Extended`<br>- `FileDeleted` - `Recycled`, `Versions`, `Site` |
| **EventSchema** | Mandatory | String | The name of the schema documented here is **FileEvent**. | | **EventSchemaVersion** | Mandatory | String | The version of the schema. The version of the schema documented here is `0.2.1` | | **Dvc** fields| - | - | For File activity events, device fields refer to the system on which the file activity occurred. |
The following fields represent information about the target file in a file opera
| **TargetFileSHA512**| Optional| SHA512|The SHA-512 hash of the source file. | | **Hash** | Alias | |Alias to the best available Target File hash. | | **HashType** | Recommended | String | The type of hash stored in the HASH alias field, allowed values are `MD5`, `SHA`, `SHA256`, `SHA512` and `IMPHASH`. Mandatory if `Hash` is populated. |
-| **TargetFileSize** |Optional | Integer|The size of the target file in bytes. |
+| **TargetFileSize** |Optional | Long |The size of the target file in bytes. |
### Source file fields
The following fields represent information about the source file in a file opera
|**SrcFileSHA1**|Optional |SHA1 |The SHA-1 hash of the source file.<br><br>Example:<br>`d55c5a4df19b46db8c54`<br>`c801c4665d3338acdab0` | |**SrcFileSHA256** | Optional|SHA256 |The SHA-256 hash of the source file. <br><br>Example:<br> `e81bb824c4a09a811af17deae22f22dd`<br>`2e1ec8cbb00b22629d2899f7c68da274`| |**SrcFileSHA512** |Optional | SHA512|The SHA-512 hash of the source file. |
-|**SrcFileSize**| Optional|Integer | The size of the source file in bytes.|
+|**SrcFileSize**| Optional| Long | The size of the source file in bytes.|
### Actor fields
The following fields are used to represent that inspection performed by a securi
| **ThreatId** | Optional | String | The ID of the threat or malware identified in the file activity. | | **ThreatName** | Optional | String | The name of the threat or malware identified in the file activity.<br><br>Example: `EICAR Test File` | | **ThreatCategory** | Optional | String | The category of the threat or malware identified in the file activity.<br><br>Example: `Trojan` |
-| **ThreatRiskLevel** | Optional | Integer | The risk level associated with the identified threat. The level should be a number between **0** and **100**.<br><br>**Note**: The value might be provided in the source record by using a different scale, which should be normalized to this scale. The original value should be stored in [ThreatRiskLevelOriginal](#threatoriginalriskleveloriginal). |
-| <a name="threatoriginalriskleveloriginal"></a>**ThreatOriginalRiskLevel** | Optional | String | The risk level as reported by the reporting device. |
+| **ThreatRiskLevel** | Optional | Integer | The risk level associated with the identified threat. The level should be a number between **0** and **100**.<br><br>**Note**: The value might be provided in the source record by using a different scale, which should be normalized to this scale. The original value should be stored in [ThreatRiskLevelOriginal](#threatoriginalrisklevel). |
+| <a name="threatoriginalrisklevel"></a>**ThreatOriginalRiskLevel** | Optional | String | The risk level as reported by the reporting device. |
| **ThreatFilePath** | Optional | String | A file path for which a threat was identified. The field [ThreatField](#threatfield) contains the name of the field **ThreatFilePath** represents. | | <a name="threatfield"></a>**ThreatField** | Optional | Enumerated | The field for which a threat was identified. The value is either `SrcFilePath` or `DstFilePath`. | | **ThreatConfidence** | Optional | Integer | The confidence level of the threat identified, normalized to a value between 0 and a 100.|
sentinel Normalization Schema Web https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/normalization-schema-web.md
+ Title: The Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) Web Session normalization schema reference (Public preview) | Microsoft Docs
+description: This article displays the Microsoft Sentinel Web Session normalization schema.
+cloud: na
+documentationcenter: na
++ Last updated : 11/17/2021++++
+# The Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) Web Session normalization schema reference (Public preview)
+The Web Session normalization schema is used to describe an IP network activity. For example, IP network activities are reported by web servers, web proxies, and web security gateways.
+For more information about normalization in Microsoft Sentinel, see [Normalization and the Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM)](normalization.md).
+> The Network normalization schema is currently in PREVIEW. This feature is provided without a service level agreement, and is not recommended for production workloads.
+> The [Azure Preview Supplemental Terms](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/) include additional legal terms that apply to Azure features that are in beta, preview, or otherwise not yet released into general availability.
+## Schema overview
+The Web Session normalization schema represents any HTTP network session, and is suitable to provide support for common source types, including:
+- Web servers
+- Web proxies
+- Web security gateways
+The ASIM Web Session schema represents HTTP and HTTPS protocol activity. Since the schema represents protocol activity, it is governed by RFCs and officially assigned parameter lists, which are referenced in this article when appropriate.
+The Web Session schema doesn't represent audit events from source devices. For example, an event modifying a Web Security Gateway policy can't be represented by the Web Session schema.
+Since HTTP sessions are application layer sessions that utilize TCP/IP as the underlying network layer session, the Web Session schema is a super set of the [ASIM Network Session schema](network-normalization-schema.md).
+The most important fields in a Web Session schema are:
+- [Url](#url), which reports the url that the client requested from the server.
+- The [SrcIpAddr](network-normalization-schema.md#srcipaddr) (aliased to [IpAddr](network-normalization-schema.md#ipaddr)), which represents the IP address from which the request was generated.
+- [EventResultDetails](#eventresultdetails) field, which typically reports the HTTP Status Code.
+Web Session events may also include [User](network-normalization-schema.md#user) and [Process](process-events-normalization-schema.md) information for the user and process initiating the request.
+## Parsers
+For more information about ASIM parsers, see the [ASIM parsers overview](normalization-parsers-overview.md).
+### Unifying parsers
+To use parsers that unify all ASIM out-of-the-box parsers, and ensure that your analysis runs across all the configured sources, use the `_Im_WebSession` filtering parser or the `_ASim_WebSession` parameter-less parser.
+You can also use workspace-deployed `ImWebSession` and `ASimWebSession` parsers by deploying them from the [Microsoft Sentinel GitHub repository](https://aka.ms/DeployASIM). For more information, see [built-in ASIM parsers and workspace-deployed parsers](normalization-parsers-overview.md#built-in-asim-parsers-and-workspace-deployed-parsers).
+### Out-of-the-box, source-specific parsers
+For the list of the Web Session parsers Microsoft Sentinel provides out-of-the-box refer to the [ASIM parsers list](normalization-parsers-list.md#web-session-parsers)
+### Add your own normalized parsers
+When implementing custom parsers for the Web Session information model, name your KQL functions using the following syntax:
+- `vimWebSession<vendor><Product>` for parametrized parsers
+- `ASimWebSession<vendor><Product>` for regular parsers
+### Filtering parser parameters
+The `im` and `vim*` parsers support [filtering parameters](normalization-about-parsers.md#). While these parsers are optional, they can improve your query performance.
+The following filtering parameters are available:
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| **starttime** | datetime | Filter only Web sessions that **started** at or after this time. |
+| **endtime** | datetime | Filter only Web sessions that **started** running at or before this time. |
+| **srcipaddr_has_any_prefix** | dynamic | Filter only Web sessions for which the [source IP address field](network-normalization-schema.md#srcipaddr) prefix is in one of the listed values. The list of values can include IP addresses and IP address prefixes. Prefixes should end with a `.`, for example: `10.0.`. The length of the list is limited to 10,000 items.|
+| **ipaddr_has_any_prefix** | dynamic | Filter only network sessions for which the [destination IP address field](network-normalization-schema.md#dstipaddr) or [source IP address field](network-normalization-schema.md#srcipaddr) prefix is in one of the listed values. Prefixes should end with a `.`, for example: `10.0.`. The length of the list is limited to 10,000 items.<br><br>The field [ASimMatchingIpAddr](normalization-common-fields.md#asimmatchingipaddr) is set with the one of the values `SrcIpAddr`, `DstIpAddr`, or `Both` to reflect the matching fields or fields. |
+| **url_has_any** | dynamic | Filter only Web sessions for which the [URL field](#url) has any of the values listed. The parser may ignore the schema of the URL passed as a parameter, if the source does not report it. If specified, and the session is not a web session, no result will be returned. The length of the list is limited to 10,000 items.|
+| **httpuseragent_has_any** | dynamic | Filter only web sessions for which the [user agent field](#httpuseragent) has any of the values listed. If specified, and the session is not a web session, no result will be returned. The length of the list is limited to 10,000 items. |
+| **eventresultdetails_in** | dynamic | Filter only web sessions for which the HTTP status code, stored in the [EventResultDetails](#eventresultdetails) field, is any of the values listed. |
+| **eventresult** | string | Filter only network sessions with a specific **EventResult** value. |
+Some parameter can accept both list of values of type `dynamic` or a single string value. To pass a literal list to parameters that expect a dynamic value, explicitly use a [dynamic literal](/azure/data-explorer/kusto/query/scalar-data-types/dynamic#dynamic-literals.md). For example: `dynamic(['192.168.','10.'])`
+For example, to filter only Web sessions for a specified list of domain names, use:
+let torProxies=dynamic(["tor2web.org", "tor2web.com", "torlink.co"]);
+_Im_WebSession (url_has_any = torProxies)
+## Schema details
+The Web Session information model is aligned with the [OSSEM Network entity schema](https://github.com/OTRF/OSSEM/blob/master/docs/cdm/entities/network.md) and the [OSSEM HTTP entity schema](https://github.com/OTRF/OSSEM/blob/master/docs/cdm/entities/http.md).
+To conform with industry best practices, the Web Session schema uses the descriptors **Src** and **Dst** to identify the session source and destination devices, without including the token **Dvc** in the field name.
+So, for example, the source device hostname and IP address are named **SrcHostname** and **SrcIpAddr** respectively, and not **Src*Dvc*Hostname** and **Src*Dvc*IpAddr**. The prefix **Dvc** is only used for the reporting or intermediary device, as applicable.
+Fields that describe the user and application associated with the source and destination devices also use the **Src** and **Dst** descriptors.
+Other ASIM schemas typically use **Target** instead of **Dst**.
+### Common ASIM fields
+> Fields common to all schemas are described in detail in the [ASIM Common Fields](normalization-common-fields.md) article.
+#### Common fields with specific guidelines
+The following list mentions fields that have specific guidelines for Web Session events:
+| Field | Class | Type | Description |
+| <a name='eventtype'></a>**EventType** | Mandatory | Enumerated | Describes the operation reported by the record. Allowed values are:<br> - `HTTPsession`: Denotes a network session used for HTTP or HTTPS, typically reported by an intermediary device, such as a proxy or a Web security gateway.<br> - `WebServerSession`: Denotes an HTTP request reported by a web server. Such an event typically has less network related information. The URL reported should not include a schema and a server name, but only the path and parameters part of the URL. <br> - `Api`: Denotes an HTTP request reported associated with an API call, typically reported by an application server. Such an event typically has less network related information. When reported by the application server, the URL reported should not include a schema and a server name, but only the path and parameters part of the URL. |
+| **EventResult** | Mandatory | Enumerated | Describes the event result, normalized to one of the following values: <br> - `Success` <br> - `Partial` <br> - `Failure` <br> - `NA` (not applicable) <br><br>For an HTTP session, `Success` is defined as a status code lower than `400`, and `Failure` is defined as a status code higher than `400`. For a list of HTTP status codes, refer to [W3 Org](https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html).<br><br>The source may provide only a value for the [EventResultDetails](#eventresultdetails) field, which must be analyzed to get the **EventResult** value. |
+| <a name="eventresultdetails"></a>**EventResultDetails** | Recommended | String | The HTTP status code.<br><br>**Note**: The value may be provided in the source record using different terms, which should be normalized to these values. The original value should be stored in the **EventOriginalResultDetails** field.|
+| **EventSchema** | Mandatory | String | The name of the schema documented here is `WebSession`. |
+| **EventSchemaVersion** | Mandatory | String | The version of the schema. The version of the schema documented here is `0.2.6` |
+| **Dvc** fields| | | For Web Session events, device fields refer to the system reporting the Web Session event. This is typically an intermediary device for `HTTPSession` events, and the destination web or application server for `WebServerSession` and `ApiRequest` events. |
+#### All common fields
+Fields that appear in the table below are common to all ASIM schemas. Any guideline specified above overrides the general guidelines for the field. For example, a field might be optional in general, but mandatory for a specific schema. For further details on each field, refer to the [ASIM Common Fields](normalization-common-fields.md) article.
+| **Class** | **Fields** |
+| | - |
+| Mandatory | - [EventCount](normalization-common-fields.md#eventcount)<br> - [EventStartTime](normalization-common-fields.md#eventstarttime)<br> - [EventEndTime](normalization-common-fields.md#eventendtime)<br> - [EventType](normalization-common-fields.md#eventtype)<br>- [EventResult](normalization-common-fields.md#eventresult)<br> - [EventProduct](normalization-common-fields.md#eventproduct)<br> - [EventVendor](normalization-common-fields.md#eventvendor)<br> - [EventSchema](normalization-common-fields.md#eventschema)<br> - [EventSchemaVersion](normalization-common-fields.md#eventschemaversion)<br> - [Dvc](normalization-common-fields.md#dvc)<br>|
+| Recommended | - [EventResultDetails](normalization-common-fields.md#eventresultdetails)<br>- [EventSeverity](normalization-common-fields.md#eventseverity)<br>- [EventUid](normalization-common-fields.md#eventuid)<br> - [DvcIpAddr](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcipaddr)<br> - [DvcHostname](normalization-common-fields.md#dvchostname)<br> - [DvcDomain](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcdomain)<br>- [DvcDomainType](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcdomaintype)<br>- [DvcFQDN](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcfqdn)<br>- [DvcId](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcid)<br>- [DvcIdType](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcidtype)<br>- [DvcAction](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcaction)|
+| Optional | - [EventMessage](normalization-common-fields.md#eventmessage)<br> - [EventSubType](normalization-common-fields.md#eventsubtype)<br>- [EventOriginalUid](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginaluid)<br>- [EventOriginalType](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginaltype)<br>- [EventOriginalSubType](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginalsubtype)<br>- [EventOriginalResultDetails](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginalresultdetails)<br> - [EventOriginalSeverity](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginalseverity) <br> - [EventProductVersion](normalization-common-fields.md#eventproductversion)<br> - [EventReportUrl](normalization-common-fields.md#eventreporturl)<br> - [EventOwner](normalization-common-fields.md#eventowner)<br>- [DvcZone](normalization-common-fields.md#dvczone)<br>- [DvcMacAddr](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcmacaddr)<br>- [DvcOs](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcos)<br>- [DvcOsVersion](normalization-common-fields.md#dvchostname)<br>- [DvcOriginalAction](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcoriginalaction)<br>- [DvcInterface](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcinterface)<br>- [AdditionalFields](normalization-common-fields.md#additionalfields)<br>- [DvcDescription](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcdescription)<br>- [DvcScopeId](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcscopeid)<br>- [DvcScope](normalization-common-fields.md#dvcscope)|
+### Network session fields
+HTTP sessions are application layer sessions that utilize TCP/IP as the underlying network layer session. The Web Session schema is a super set of [ASIM Network Session schema](network-normalization-schema.md) and all the Network Schema Fields are also included in the Web Session schema.
+The following ASIM Network Session schema fields have specific guidelines when used for a Web Session event:
+- The alias User should refer to the [SrcUsername](network-normalization-schema.md#srcusername) and not to [DstUsername](network-normalization-schema.md#dstusername).
+- The field [EventOriginalResultDetails](normalization-common-fields.md#eventoriginalresultdetails) can hold any result reported by the source in addition to the HTTP status code stored in [EventResultDetails](#eventresultdetails).
+- For Web Sessions, the primary destination field is the [Url Field](#url). The [DstDomain](network-normalization-schema.md#dstdomain) is optional rather than recommended. Specifically, if not available, there is no need to extract it from the URL in the parser.
+- The fields `NetworkRuleName` and `NetworkRuleNumber` are renamed `RuleName` and `RuleNumber` respectively.
+Web Session events are commonly reported by intermediate devices that terminate the HTTP connection from the client and initiate a new connection, acting as a proxy, with the server. To represent the intermediate device, use the [ASIM Network Session schema](network-normalization-schema.md) [Intermediary device fields](network-normalization-schema.md#Intermediary)
+### <a name="http-session-fields"></a>HTTP session fields
+The following are additional fields that are specific to web sessions:
+| Field | Class | Type | Description |
+| | | | |
+| <a name="url"></a>**Url** | Mandatory | String | The HTTP request URL, including parameters. For `HTTPSession` events, the URL should include the schema and server parts. For `WebServerSession` and for `ApiRequest` the URL would typlicaly not include the schema and server, which can be found in the `NetworkApplicationProtocol` and `DstFQDN` fields respectively. <br><br>Example: `https://contoso.com/fo/?k=v&amp;q=u#f` |
+| **UrlCategory** | Optional | String | The defined grouping of a URL or the domain part of the URL. The category is commonly provided by web security gateways and is based on the content of the site the URL points to.<br><br>Example: search engines, adult, news, advertising, and parked domains. |
+| **UrlOriginal** | Optional | String | The original value of the URL, when the URL was modified by the reporting device and both values are provided. |
+| **HttpVersion** | Optional | String | The HTTP Request Version.<br><br>Example: `2.0` |
+| **HttpRequestMethod** | Recommended | Enumerated | The HTTP Method. The values are as defined in [RFC 7231](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7231#section-4) and [RFC 5789](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5789#section-2), and include `GET`, `HEAD`, `POST`, `PUT`, `DELETE`, `CONNECT`, `OPTIONS`, `TRACE`, and `PATCH`.<br><br>Example: `GET` |
+| **HttpStatusCode** | Alias | | The HTTP Status Code. Alias to [EventResultDetails](#eventresultdetails). |
+| <a name="httpcontenttype"></a>**HttpContentType** | Optional | String | The HTTP Response content type header. <br><br>**Note**: The **HttpContentType** field may include both the content format and extra parameters, such as the encoding used to get the actual format.<br><br> Example: `text/html; charset=ISO-8859-4` |
+| **HttpContentFormat** | Optional | String | The content format part of the [HttpContentType](#httpcontenttype) <br><br> Example: `text/html` |
+| **HttpReferrer** | Optional | String | The HTTP referrer header.<br><br>**Note**: ASIM, in sync with OSSEM, uses the correct spelling for *referrer*, and not the original HTTP header spelling.<br><br>Example: `https://developer.mozilla.org/docs` |
+| <a name="httpuseragent"></a>**HttpUserAgent** | Optional | String | The HTTP user agent header.<br><br>Example:<br> `Mozilla/5.0` (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64)<br>`AppleWebKit/537.36` (KHTML, like Gecko)<br>`Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36` |
+| **UserAgent** | Alias | | Alias to [HttpUserAgent](#httpuseragent) |
+| **HttpRequestXff** | Optional | IP Address | The HTTP X-Forwarded-For header.<br><br>Example: `` |
+| **HttpRequestTime** | Optional | Integer | The amount of time, in milliseconds, it took to send the request to the server, if applicable.<br><br>Example: `700` |
+| **HttpResponseTime** | Optional | Integer | The amount of time, in milliseconds, it took to receive a response in the server, if applicable.<br><br>Example: `800` |
+| **HttpHost** | Optional | String | The virtual web server the HTTP request has targeted. This value is typically based on the [HTTP Host header](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Host). |
+| **FileName** | Optional | String | For HTTP uploads, the name of the uploaded file. |
+| **FileMD5** | Optional | MD5 | For HTTP uploads, the MD5 hash of the uploaded file.<br><br>Example: `75a599802f1fa166cdadb360960b1dd0` |
+| **FileSHA1** | Optional | SHA1 | For HTTP uploads, the SHA1 hash of the uploaded file.<br><br>Example:<br>`d55c5a4df19b46db8c54`<br>`c801c4665d3338acdab0` |
+| **FileSHA256** | Optional | SHA256 | For HTTP uploads, the SHA256 hash of the uploaded file.<br><br>Example:<br>`e81bb824c4a09a811af17deae22f22dd`<br>`2e1ec8cbb00b22629d2899f7c68da274` |
+| **FileSHA512** | Optional | SHA512 | For HTTP uploads, the SHA512 hash of the uploaded file. |
+| <a name="hash"></a>**Hash** | Alias || Alias to the available Hash field. |
+| **FileHashType** | Optional | Enumerated | The type of the hash in the [Hash](#hash) field. Possible values include: `MD5`, `SHA1`, `SHA256`, and `SHA512`. |
+| **FileSize** | Optional | Long | For HTTP uploads, the size in bytes of the uploaded file. |
+| **FileContentType** | Optional | String | For HTTP uploads, the content type of the uploaded file. |
+### Other fields
+If the event is reported by one of the endpoints of the web session, it may include information about the process that initiated or terminated the session. In such cases, the [ASIM Process Event schema](process-events-normalization-schema.md) to normalize this information.
+### Schema updates
+The Web Session schema relies on the Network Session schema. Therefore, [Network Session schema updates](network-normalization-schema.md#schema-updates) apply to the Web Session schema as well.
+The following are the changes in version 0.2.5 of the schema:
+- Added the field `HttpHost`.
+The following are the changes in version 0.2.6 of the schema:
+- The type of FileSize was changed from Integer to Long.
+## Next steps
+For more information, see:
+- Watch the [ASIM Webinar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoGD-JeC7ng) or review the [slides](https://1drv.ms/b/s!AnEPjr8tHcNmjDY1cro08Fk3KUj-?e=murYHG)
+- [Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) overview](normalization.md)
+- [Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) schemas](normalization-about-schemas.md)
+- [Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) parsers](normalization-parsers-overview.md)
+- [Advanced Security Information Model (ASIM) content](normalization-content.md)
sentinel Normalization https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/sentinel/normalization.md
ASIM currently defines the following schemas:
- [Process Event](process-events-normalization-schema.md) - [Registry Event](registry-event-normalization-schema.md) - [User Management](user-management-normalization-schema.md)-- [Web Session](web-normalization-schema.md)
+- [Web Session](normalization-schema-web.md)
For more information, see [ASIM schemas](normalization-about-schemas.md).
static-web-apps Deploy Nuxtjs https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/static-web-apps/deploy-nuxtjs.md
### Synchronize changes
-When you created the app, Azure Static Web Apps created a GitHub Actions workflow file in your repository. Return to the terminal and run the following command to pull the commit containing the new file.
+When you created the app, Azure Static Web Apps created a GitHub Actions workflow file in your repository. Return to the terminal and run the following command `git pull origin main` to pull the commit containing the new file.
## Configure dynamic routes
If the page is a dynamic page, for example `_id.vue`, it won't have enough infor
Make changes to the app by updating the code and pushing it to GitHub. GitHub Actions automatically builds and deploys the app.
-For more information, see the Azure Static Web Apps Nuxt 3 deployment preset [documentation](https://v3.nuxtjs.org/guide/deploy/providers/azure/).
+For more information, see the Azure Static Web Apps Nuxt 3 deployment preset [documentation](https://nitro.unjs.io/deploy/providers/azure).
> [!div class="nextstepaction"] > [Set up a custom domain](custom-domain.md)
static-web-apps Get Started Portal https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/static-web-apps/get-started-portal.md
In the _Basics_ section, begin by configuring your new app and linking it to an
| Repository| Select **my-first-web-static-app**. | | Branch | Select **main**. |
+> [!NOTE]
+> Make sure the branch you are using is not protected, and that you have sufficient permissions to issue a `push` command. To verify, browse to your DevOps repository and go to **Repos** -> **Branches** and select **More options**. Next, select your branch, and then **Branch policies** to ensure required policies aren't enabled.
+ ::: zone-end In the _Build Details_ section, add configuration details specific to your preferred front-end framework.
storage Access Tiers Best Practices https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/access-tiers-best-practices.md
The following chart shows the relative impact of packing files for the archive t
> [!div class="mx-imgBorder"] > ![Chart that shows the impact on costs when you pack small files before uploading to the archive access tier.](./media/access-tiers-best-practices/packing-impact-archive.png)
+To model and analyze the cost saving of packing files, see **Packing Saving** tab in this [workbook](https://azure.github.io/Storage/docs/backup-and-archive/azure-archive-storage-cost-estimation/azure-archive-storage-cost-estimation.xlsx).
+ > [!TIP] > To facilitate search and read scenarios, consider creating an index that maps packed file paths with original file paths, and then storing these indexes as block blobs in the hot tier.
storage Monitor Blob Storage https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/monitor-blob-storage.md
Previously updated : 10/06/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023 ms.devlang: csharp
Log entries are created only if there are requests made against the service endp
The [Activity log](../../azure-monitor/essentials/activity-log.md) is a type of platform log located in Azure that provides insight into subscription-level events. You can view it independently or route it to Azure Monitor Logs, where you can do much more complex queries using Log Analytics.
+When you view a storage account in the Azure portal, the operations called by the portal are also logged. For this reason, you may see operations logged in a storage account even though you have not written any data to the account.
+ ### Log authenticated requests The following types of authenticated requests are logged:
Get started with any of these guides.
| [Azure Blob Storage monitoring data reference](monitor-blob-storage-reference.md) | A reference of the logs and metrics created by Azure Blob Storage | | [Troubleshoot performance issues](../common/troubleshoot-storage-performance.md?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json)| Common performance issues and guidance about how to troubleshoot them. | | [Troubleshoot availability issues](../common/troubleshoot-storage-availability.md?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json)| Common availability issues and guidance about how to troubleshoot them.|
-| [Troubleshoot client application errors](../common/troubleshoot-storage-client-application-errors.md?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json)| Common issues with connecting clients and how to troubleshoot them.|
+| [Troubleshoot client application errors](../common/troubleshoot-storage-client-application-errors.md?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json)| Common issues with connecting clients and how to troubleshoot them.|
storage Network File System Protocol Support https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/network-file-system-protocol-support.md
Previously updated : 06/21/2021 Last updated : 01/24/2023
NFS 3.0 protocol support requires blobs to be organized into on a hierarchical n
## Data stored as block blobs
-If you enable NFS 3.0 protocol support, all of the data in your storage account will be stored as block blobs. Block blobs are optimized to efficiently process large amounts of read-heavy data. Block blobs are composed of blocks. Each block is identified by a block ID. A block blob can include up to 50,000 blocks. Each block in a block blob can be a different size, up to the maximum size permitted for the service version that your account uses.
- When your application makes a request by using the NFS 3.0 protocol, that request is translated into combination of block blob operations. For example, NFS 3.0 read Remote Procedure Call (RPC) requests are translated into [Get Blob](/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob) operation. NFS 3.0 write RPC requests are translated into a combination of [Get Block List](/rest/api/storageservices/get-block-list), [Put Block](/rest/api/storageservices/put-block), and [Put Block List](/rest/api/storageservices/put-block-list).
+Block blobs are optimized to efficiently process large amounts of read-heavy data. Block blobs are composed of blocks. Each block is identified by a block ID. A block blob can include up to 50,000 blocks. Each block in a block blob can be a different size, up to the maximum size permitted for the service version that your account uses.
+ ## General workflow: Mounting a storage account container Your Linux clients can mount a container in Blob storage from an Azure Virtual Machine (VM) or a computer on-premises. To mount a storage account container, you'll have to do these things.
storage Storage Blob Container Create Python https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/storage-blob-container-create-python.md
+ Title: Create a blob container with Python
+description: Learn how to create a blob container in your Azure Storage account using the Python client library.
+++++ Last updated : 01/24/2023++
+ms.devlang: python
+# Create a blob container with Python
+Blobs in Azure Storage are organized into containers. Before you can upload a blob, you must first create a container. This article shows how to create containers with the [Azure Storage client library for Python](/python/api/overview/azure/storage).
+## Container names
+A container name must be a valid DNS name, as it forms part of the unique URI used to address the container or its blobs. Follow these rules when naming a container:
+- Container names can be between 3 and 63 characters long.
+- Container names must start with a letter or number, and can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and the dash (-) character.
+- Two or more consecutive dash characters aren't permitted in container names.
+The URI for a container is in this format:
+## Create a container
+To create a container, call the following method from the [BlobServiceClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient) class:
+- [BlobServiceClient.create_container](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient#azure-storage-blob-blobserviceclient-create-container)
+You can also create a container using the following method from the [ContainerClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient) class:
+- [ContainerClient.create_container](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient#azure-storage-blob-containerclient-create-container)
+Containers are created immediately beneath the storage account. It's not possible to nest one container beneath another. An exception is thrown if a container with the same name already exists.
+The following example creates a container from a `BlobServiceClient` object:
+## Create the root container
+A root container serves as a default container for your storage account. Each storage account may have one root container, which must be named *$root*. The root container must be explicitly created or deleted.
+You can reference a blob stored in the root container without including the root container name. The root container enables you to reference a blob at the top level of the storage account hierarchy. For example, you can reference a blob in the root container as follows:
+The following example creates a new `ContainerClient` object with the container name $root, then creates the container if it doesn't already exist in the storage account:
+## Resources
+To learn more about creating a container using the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python, see the following resources.
+### REST API operations
+The Azure SDK for Python contains libraries that build on top of the Azure REST API, allowing you to interact with REST API operations through familiar Python paradigms. The client library methods for creating a container use the following REST API operation:
+- [Create Container](/rest/api/storageservices/create-container) (REST API)
+### Code samples
+- [View code samples from this article (GitHub)](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureStorageSnippets/blob/master/blobs/howto/python/blob-devguide-py/blob-devguide-containers.py)
storage Storage Blob Container Delete Python https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/storage-blob-container-delete-python.md
+ Title: Delete and restore a blob container with Python
+description: Learn how to delete and restore a blob container in your Azure Storage account using the Python client library.
+++++ Last updated : 01/24/2023++
+ms.devlang: python
+# Delete and restore a blob container with Python
+This article shows how to delete containers with the [Azure Storage client library for Python](/python/api/overview/azure/storage). If you've enabled [container soft delete](soft-delete-container-overview.md), you can restore deleted containers.
+## Delete a container
+To delete a container in Python, use the following method from the [BlobServiceClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient) class:
+- [BlobServiceClient.delete_container](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient#azure-storage-blob-blobserviceclient-delete-container)
+You can also delete a container using the following method from the [ContainerClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient) class:
+- [ContainerClient.delete_container](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient#azure-storage-blob-containerclient-delete-container)
+After you delete a container, you can't create a container with the same name for *at least* 30 seconds. Attempting to create a container with the same name will fail with HTTP error code `409 (Conflict)`. Any other operations on the container or the blobs it contains will fail with HTTP error code `404 (Not Found)`.
+The following example uses a `BlobServiceClient` object to delete the specified container:
+The following example shows how to delete all containers that start with a specified prefix:
+## Restore a deleted container
+When container soft delete is enabled for a storage account, a deleted container and its contents may be recovered within a specified retention period. To learn more about container soft delete, see [Enable and manage soft delete for containers](soft-delete-container-enable.md). You can restore a soft deleted container by calling the following method of the `BlobServiceClient` class:
+- [BlobServiceClient.undelete_container](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient#azure-storage-blob-blobserviceclient-undelete-container)
+The following example finds a deleted container, gets the version of that deleted container, and then passes the version into the `undelete_container` method to restore the container.
+## Resources
+To learn more about deleting a container using the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python, see the following resources.
+### REST API operations
+The Azure SDK for Python contains libraries that build on top of the Azure REST API, allowing you to interact with REST API operations through familiar Python paradigms. The client library methods for deleting or restoring a container use the following REST API operations:
+- [Delete Container](/rest/api/storageservices/delete-container) (REST API)
+- [Restore Container](/rest/api/storageservices/restore-container) (REST API)
+### Code samples
+- [View code samples from this article (GitHub)](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureStorageSnippets/blob/master/blobs/howto/python/blob-devguide-py/blob-devguide-containers.py)
+### See also
+- [Soft delete for containers](soft-delete-container-overview.md)
+- [Enable and manage soft delete for containers](soft-delete-container-enable.md)
storage Storage Blob Container Lease Python https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/storage-blob-container-lease-python.md
+ Title: Create and manage container leases with Python
+description: Learn how to manage a lock on a container in your Azure Storage account using the Python client library.
++++++ Last updated : 01/24/2023+
+ms.devlang: python
+# Create and manage container leases with Python
+This article shows how to create and manage container leases using the [Azure Storage client library for Python](/python/api/overview/azure/storage).
+A lease establishes and manages a lock on a container for delete operations. The lock duration can be 15 to 60 seconds, or can be infinite. A lease on a container provides exclusive delete access to the container. A container lease only controls the ability to delete the container using the [Delete Container](/rest/api/storageservices/delete-container) REST API operation. To delete a container with an active lease, a client must include the active lease ID with the delete request. All other container operations will succeed on a leased container without the lease ID. If you've enabled [container soft delete](soft-delete-container-overview.md), you can restore deleted containers.
+You can use the Python client library to acquire, renew, release and break leases. Lease operations are handled by the [BlobLeaseClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobleaseclient) class, which provides a client containing all lease operations for [ContainerClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient) and [BlobClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobclient). To learn more about lease states and when you might perform an operation, see [Lease states and actions](#lease-states-and-actions).
+## Acquire a lease
+When you acquire a lease, you'll obtain a lease ID that your code can use to operate on the container. To acquire a lease, create an instance of the [BlobLeaseClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobleaseclient) class, and then use the following method:
+- [BlobLeaseClient.acquire](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobleaseclient#azure-storage-blob-blobleaseclient-acquire)
+You can also acquire a lease using the following method from the [ContainerClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient) class:
+- [ContainerClient.acquire_lease](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient#azure-storage-blob-containerclient-acquire-lease)
+The following example acquires a 30-second lease on a container:
+## Renew a lease
+If your lease expires, you can renew it. To renew a lease, use the following method:
+- [BlobLeaseClient.renew](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobleaseclient#azure-storage-blob-blobleaseclient-renew)
+The following example renews a lease for a container:
+## Release a lease
+You can either wait for a lease to expire or explicitly release it. When you release a lease, other clients can obtain a lease. You can release a lease by using the following method:
+- [BlobLeaseClient.release](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobleaseclient#azure-storage-blob-blobleaseclient-release)
+The following example releases the lease on a container:
+## Break a lease
+When you break a lease, the lease ends, but other clients can't acquire a lease until the lease period expires. You can break a lease by using the following method:
+- [BlobLeaseClient.break_lease](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobleaseclient#azure-storage-blob-blobleaseclient-break-lease)
+The following example breaks the lease on a container:
+## Lease states and actions
+The following diagram shows the five states of a lease, and the commands or events that cause lease state changes.
+The following table lists the five lease states, gives a brief description of each, and lists the lease actions allowed in a given state. These lease actions cause state transitions, as shown in the diagram.
+| Lease state | Description | Lease actions allowed |
+| | | |
+| **Available** | The lease is unlocked and can be acquired. | `acquire` |
+| **Leased** | The lease is locked. | `acquire` (same lease ID only), `renew`, `change`, `release`, and `break` |
+| **Expired** | The lease duration has expired. | `acquire`, `renew`, `release`, and `break` |
+| **Breaking** | The lease has been broken, but the lease will continue to be locked until the break period has expired. | `release` and `break` |
+| **Broken** | The lease has been broken, and the break period has expired. | `acquire`, `release`, and `break` |
+When a lease expires, the lease ID is maintained by the Blob service until the container is modified or leased again. A client may attempt to renew or release the lease using the expired lease ID. If the request fails, the client knows that the container was leased again, or the container was deleted since the lease was last active.
+If a lease expires rather than being explicitly released, a client may need to wait up to one minute before a new lease can be acquired for the container. However, the client can renew the lease with the expired lease ID immediately.
+## Resources
+To learn more about leasing a container using the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python, see the following resources.
+### REST API operations
+The Azure SDK for Python contains libraries that build on top of the Azure REST API, allowing you to interact with REST API operations through familiar Python paradigms. The client library methods for leasing a container use the following REST API operation:
+- [Lease Container](/rest/api/storageservices/lease-container) (REST API)
+### Code samples
+- [View code samples from this article (GitHub)](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureStorageSnippets/blob/master/blobs/howto/python/blob-devguide-py/blob-devguide-containers.py)
+## See also
+- [Managing Concurrency in Blob storage](concurrency-manage.md)
storage Storage Blob Container Properties Metadata Python https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/storage-blob-container-properties-metadata-python.md
+ Title: Use Python to manage properties and metadata for a blob container
+description: Learn how to set and retrieve system properties and store custom metadata on blob containers in your Azure Storage account using the Python client library.
+++++ Last updated : 01/24/2023+
+ms.devlang: python
+# Manage container properties and metadata with Python
+Blob containers support system properties and user-defined metadata, in addition to the data they contain. This article shows how to manage system properties and user-defined metadata with the [Azure Storage client library for Python](/python/api/overview/azure/storage).
+## About properties and metadata
+- **System properties**: System properties exist on each Blob Storage resource. Some of them can be read or set, while others are read-only. Behind the scenes, some system properties correspond to certain standard HTTP headers. The Azure Storage client library for Python maintains these properties for you.
+- **User-defined metadata**: User-defined metadata consists of one or more name-value pairs that you specify for a Blob storage resource. You can use metadata to store additional values with the resource. Metadata values are for your own purposes only, and don't affect how the resource behaves.
+- **Metadata names**: Metadata name/value pairs are valid HTTP headers and should adhere to all restrictions governing HTTP headers. For more information about metadata naming requirements, see [Metadata names](/rest/api/storageservices/naming-and-referencing-containers--blobs--and-metadata#metadata-names).
+## Retrieve container properties
+To retrieve container properties, use the following method:
+- [ContainerClient.get_container_properties](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient#azure-storage-blob-containerclient-get-container-properties)
+The following code example fetches a container's system properties and writes the property values to a console window:
+## Set and retrieve metadata
+You can specify metadata as one or more name-value pairs on a blob or container resource. To set metadata, use the following method:
+- [ContainerClient.set_container_metadata](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient#azure-storage-blob-containerclient-set-container-metadata)
+Setting container metadata overwrites all existing metadata associated with the container. It's not possible to modify an individual name-value pair.
+The following code example sets metadata on a container:
+To retrieve metadata, call the following method:
+- [ContainerClient.get_container_properties](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient#azure-storage-blob-containerclient-get-container-properties)
+The following example reads in metadata values:
+## Resources
+To learn more about setting and retrieving container properties and metadata using the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python, see the following resources.
+### REST API operations
+The Azure SDK for Python contains libraries that build on top of the Azure REST API, allowing you to interact with REST API operations through familiar Python paradigms. The client library methods for setting and retrieving properties and metadata use the following REST API operations:
+- [Get Container Properties](/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-properties) (REST API)
+- [Set Container Metadata](/rest/api/storageservices/set-container-metadata) (REST API)
+- [Get Container Metadata](/rest/api/storageservices/get-container-metadata) (REST API)
+The `get_container_properties` method retrieves container properties and metadata by calling both the [Get Blob Properties](/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-properties) operation and the [Get Blob Metadata](/rest/api/storageservices/get-blob-metadata) operation.
+### Code samples
+- [View code samples from this article (GitHub)](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureStorageSnippets/blob/master/blobs/howto/python/blob-devguide-py/blob-devguide-containers.py)
storage Storage Blob Containers List Python https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/storage-blob-containers-list-python.md
+ Title: List blob containers with Python
+description: Learn how to list blob containers in your Azure Storage account using the Python client library.
+++++ Last updated : 01/24/2023++
+ms.devlang: python
+# List blob containers with Python
+When you list the containers in an Azure Storage account from your code, you can specify several options to manage how results are returned from Azure Storage. This article shows how to list containers using the [Azure Storage client library for Python](/python/api/overview/azure/storage).
+## Container listing options
+To list containers in your storage account, call the following method:
+- [BlobServiceClient.list_containers](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient#azure-storage-blob-blobserviceclient-list-containers)
+### Manage how many results are returned
+By default, a listing operation returns up to 5000 results at a time. To return a smaller set of results, provide a nonzero value for the size of the page of results to return.
+### Filter results with a prefix
+To filter the list of containers, specify a string or character for the `name_starts_with` parameter. The prefix string can include one or more characters. Azure Storage then returns only the containers whose names start with that prefix.
+## Code examples
+The following example lists all containers and metadata. You can include container metadata by setting `include_metadata` to `True`:
+The following example lists only containers that begin with a prefix specified in the `name_starts_with` parameter:
+You can also specify a limit for the number of results per page. This example passes in `results_per_page` and paginates the results:
+## Resources
+To learn more about listing containers using the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python, see the following resources.
+### REST API operations
+The Azure SDK for Python contains libraries that build on top of the Azure REST API, allowing you to interact with REST API operations through familiar Python paradigms. The client library methods for listing containers use the following REST API operation:
+- [List Containers](/rest/api/storageservices/list-containers2) (REST API)
+### Code samples
+- [View code samples from this article (GitHub)](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/AzureStorageSnippets/blob/master/blobs/howto/python/blob-devguide-py/blob-devguide-containers.py)
+## See also
+- [Enumerating Blob Resources](/rest/api/storageservices/enumerating-blob-resources)
storage Storage Blob Python Get Started https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/storage-blob-python-get-started.md
+ Title: Get started with Azure Blob Storage and Python
+description: Get started developing a Python application that works with Azure Blob Storage. This article helps you set up a project and authorize access to an Azure Blob Storage endpoint.
++++++ Last updated : 01/04/2023++++
+# Get started with Azure Blob Storage and Python
+This article shows you how to connect to Azure Blob Storage by using the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python. Once connected, your code can operate on containers, blobs, and features of the Blob Storage service.
+[API reference documentation](/python/api/azure-storage-blob) | [Library source code](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/tree/master/sdk/storage/azure-storage-blob) | [Package (PyPi)](https://pypi.org/project/azure-storage-blob/) | [Samples](../common/storage-samples-python.md?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json#blob-samples)
+## Prerequisites
+- Azure subscription - [create one for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/)
+- Azure storage account - [create a storage account](../common/storage-account-create.md)
+- [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/) 3.6+
+## Set up your project
+This section walks you through preparing a project to work with the Azure Blob Storage client library for Python.
+From your project directory, install packages for the Azure Blob Storage and Azure Identity client libraries using the `pip install` command. The **azure-identity** package is needed for passwordless connections to Azure services.
+pip install azure-storage-blob azure-identity
+Then open your code file and add the necessary import statements. In this example, we add the following to our *.py* file:
+from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
+from azure.storage.blob import BlobServiceClient, BlobClient, ContainerClient
+Blob client library information:
+- [azure.storage.blob](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob): Contains the primary classes (_client objects_) that you can use to operate on the service, containers, and blobs.
+## Authorize access and connect to Blob Storage
+To connect to Blob Storage, create an instance of the [BlobServiceClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient) class. This object is your starting point. You can use it to operate on the blob service instance and its containers. You can create a `BlobServiceClient` object by using an Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authorization token, an account access key, or a shared access signature (SAS).
+To learn more about each of these authorization mechanisms, see [Authorize access to data in Azure Storage](../common/authorize-data-access.md).
+## [Azure AD](#tab/azure-ad)
+To authorize with Azure AD, you'll need to use a [security principal](/azure/active-directory/develop/app-objects-and-service-principals). Which type of security principal you need depends on where your application runs. Use the following table as a guide:
+| Where the application runs | Security principal | Guidance |
+| | | |
+| Local machine (developing and testing) | Service principal | In this method, dedicated **application service principal** objects are set up using the App registration process for use during local development. The identity of the service principal is then stored as environment variables to be accessed by the app when it's run in local development.<br><br>This method allows you to assign the specific resource permissions needed by the app to the service principal objects used by developers during local development. This approach ensures the application only has access to the specific resources it needs and replicates the permissions the app will have in production.<br><br>The downside of this approach is the need to create separate service principal objects for each developer that works on an application.<br><br>To learn how to register the app, set up an Azure AD group, assign roles, and configure environment variables, see [Authorize access using developer service principals](/azure/developer/python/sdk/authentication-local-development-service-principal?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json&bc=/azure/storage/blobs/breadcrumb/toc.json). To authorize access and connect to Blob Storage using `DefaultAzureCredential`, see the code example in the [next section](#authorize-access-using-defaultazurecredential). |
+| Local machine (developing and testing) | User identity | In this method, a developer must be signed in to Azure from the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell on their local workstation. The application then can access the developer's credentials from the credential store and use those credentials to access Azure resources from the app.<br><br>This method has the advantage of easier setup because a developer only needs to sign in to their Azure account in the Azure CLI. The disadvantage of this approach is that the developer's account likely has more permissions than required by the application. As a result, the application doesn't accurately replicate the permissions it will run with in production.<br><br>To learn how to set up an Azure AD group, assign roles, and sign in to Azure, see [Authorize access using developer credentials](/azure/developer/python/sdk/authentication-local-development-dev-accounts?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json&bc=/azure/storage/blobs/breadcrumb/toc.json). To authorize access and connect to Blob Storage using `DefaultAzureCredential`, see the code example in the [next section](#authorize-access-using-defaultazurecredential). |
+| Hosted in Azure | Managed identity | Apps hosted in Azure should use a **managed identity service principal**. Managed identities are designed to represent the identity of an app hosted in Azure and can only be used with Azure hosted apps.<br><br>For example, a Python web app hosted in Azure App Service would be assigned a managed identity. The managed identity assigned to the app would then be used to authenticate the app to other Azure services.<br><br>To learn how to enable managed identity and assign roles, see [Authorize access from Azure-hosted apps using a managed identity](/azure/developer/python/sdk/authentication-azure-hosted-apps?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json&bc=/azure/storage/blobs/breadcrumb/toc.json). To authorize access and connect to Blob Storage using `DefaultAzureCredential`, see the code example in the [next section](#authorize-access-using-defaultazurecredential). |
+| Hosted outside of Azure (for example, on-premises apps) | Service principal | Apps hosted outside of Azure (for example on-premises apps) that need to connect to Azure services should use an **application service principal**. An application service principal represents the identity of the app in Azure and is created through the application registration process.<br><br>For example, consider a Python web app hosted on-premises that makes use of Azure Blob Storage. You would create an application service principal for the app using the App registration process. The `AZURE_CLIENT_ID`, `AZURE_TENANT_ID`, and `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET` would all be stored as environment variables to be read by the application at runtime and allow the app to authenticate to Azure using the application service principal.<br><br>To learn how to register the app, assign roles, and configure environment variables, see [Authorize access from on-premises apps using an application service principal](/azure/developer/python/sdk/authentication-on-premises-apps?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json&bc=/azure/storage/blobs/breadcrumb/toc.json). To authorize access and connect to Blob Storage using `DefaultAzureCredential`, see the code example in the [next section](#authorize-access-using-defaultazurecredential). |
+#### Authorize access using DefaultAzureCredential
+The easiest way to authorize access and connect to Blob Storage is to obtain an OAuth token by creating a [DefaultAzureCredential](/python/api/azure-identity/azure.identity.defaultazurecredential) instance. You can then use that credential to create a [BlobServiceClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient) object.
+## [Account key](#tab/account-key)
+To use a storage account shared key, provide the key as a string and initialize a [BlobServiceClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient) object.
+You can also create a `BlobServiceClient` object using a connection string.
+For information about how to obtain account keys and best practice guidelines for properly managing and safeguarding your keys, see [Manage storage account access keys](../common/storage-account-keys-manage.md).
+## [SAS token](#tab/sas-token)
+To use a shared access signature (SAS) token, provide the token as a string and initialize a [BlobServiceClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient) object. If your account URL includes the SAS token, omit the credential parameter.
+To generate and manage SAS tokens, see [Grant limited access to Azure Storage resources using shared access signatures (SAS)](../common/storage-sas-overview.md?toc=/azure/storage/blobs/toc.json).
+## Build your application
+As you build your application, your code will primarily interact with three types of resources:
+- The storage account, which is the unique top-level namespace for your Azure Storage data.
+- Containers, which organize the blob data in your storage account.
+- Blobs, which store unstructured data like text and binary data.
+The following diagram shows the relationship between these resources.
+![Diagram of Blob storage architecture.](./media/storage-blobs-introduction/blob1.png)
+Each type of resource is represented by one or more associated Python classes. These are the basic classes:
+| Class | Description |
+| [BlobServiceClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobserviceclient) | Represents the Blob Storage endpoint for your storage account. |
+| [ContainerClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.containerclient) | Allows you to manipulate Azure Storage containers and their blobs. |
+| [BlobClient](/python/api/azure-storage-blob/azure.storage.blob.blobclient) | Allows you to manipulate Azure Storage blobs.|
storage Storage Quickstart Blobs Dotnet https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/blobs/storage-quickstart-blobs-dotnet.md
To interact with Azure Blob Storage, install the Azure Blob Storage client libra
### [.NET CLI](#tab/net-cli)
+Use the following command to install the `Azure.Storage.Blobs` package:
+ ```dotnetcli dotnet add package Azure.Storage.Blobs ```
+If this command to add the package fails, follow these steps:
+- Make sure that `nuget.org` is added as a package source. You can list the package sources using the [dotnet nuget list source](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-nuget-list-source#examples) command:
+ ```dotnetcli
+ dotnet nuget list source
+ ```
+- If you don't see `nuget.org` in the list, you can add it using the [dotnet nuget add source](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-nuget-add-source#examples) command:
+ ```dotnetcli
+ dotnet nuget add source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json -n nuget.org
+ ```
+Now that the package source is updated, run the command to install the package.
+ ### Set up the app code
storage Storage Configure Connection String https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/common/storage-configure-connection-string.md
Previously updated : 10/26/2022 Last updated : 01/23/2023
For example, your connection string might look similar to:
Although Azure Storage supports both HTTP and HTTPS in a connection string, *HTTPS is highly recommended*. > [!TIP]
-> You can find your storage account's connection strings in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com). Navigate to **SETTINGS** > **Access keys** in your storage account's menu blade to see connection strings for both primary and secondary access keys.
+> You can find your storage account's connection strings in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com). Navigate to **Security + networking** > **Access keys** in your storage account's settings to see connection strings for both primary and secondary access keys.
> ## Create a connection string using a shared access signature
storage Storage Files Identity Ad Ds Mount File Share https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/files/storage-files-identity-ad-ds-mount-file-share.md
Previously updated : 11/09/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 recommendations: false
-# Mount a file share from a domain-joined VM
+# Mount an Azure file share
Before you begin this article, make sure you've read [configure directory and file-level permissions over SMB](storage-files-identity-ad-ds-configure-permissions.md).
Before you can mount the Azure file share, make sure you've gone through the fol
- If you're mounting the file share from a client that has previously connected to the file share using your storage account key, make sure that you've disconnected the share, removed the persistent credentials of the storage account key, and are currently using AD DS credentials for authentication. For instructions on how to remove cached credentials with storage account key and delete existing SMB connections before initializing new connection with Azure AD or AD credentials, follow the two-step process on the [FAQ page](./storage-files-faq.md#ad-ds--azure-ad-ds-authentication). - Your client must have line of sight to your AD DS. If your machine or VM is outside of the network managed by your AD DS, you'll need to enable VPN to reach AD DS for authentication.
-## Mount the file share
+## Mount the file share from a domain-joined VM
Run the PowerShell script below or [use the Azure portal](storage-files-quick-create-use-windows.md#map-the-azure-file-share-to-a-windows-drive) to persistently mount the Azure file share and map it to drive Z: on Windows. If Z: is already in use, replace it with an available drive letter. The script will check to see if this storage account is accessible via TCP port 445, which is the port SMB uses. Remember to replace the placeholder values with your own values. For more information, see [Use an Azure file share with Windows](storage-how-to-use-files-windows.md).
if ($connectTestResult.TcpTestSucceeded) {
} ```
+You can also use the `net-use` command from a Windows prompt to mount the file share. Remember to replace `<YourStorageAccountName>` and `<FileShareName>` with your own values.
+net use Z: \\<YourStorageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net\<FileShareName>
+ If you run into issues mounting with AD DS credentials, refer to [Unable to mount Azure Files with AD credentials](storage-troubleshoot-windows-file-connection-problems.md#unable-to-mount-azure-files-with-ad-credentials) for guidance.
+## Mount the file share from a non-domain-joined VM
+Non-domain-joined VMs can access Azure file shares if they have line-of-sight to the domain controllers. The user accessing the file share must have an identity and credentials in the AD domain.
+To mount a file share from a non-domain-joined VM, the user must either:
+- Provide explicit credentials such as **DOMAINNAME\username** where **DOMAINNAME** is the AD domain and **username** is the identityΓÇÖs user name, or
+- Use the notation **username@domainFQDN**, where **domainFQDN** is the fully qualified domain name.
+Using one of these approaches will allow the client to contact the domain controller to request and receive Kerberos tickets.
+For example:
+net use Z: \\<YourStorageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net\<FileShareName> /user:<DOMAINNAME\username>
+net use Z: \\<YourStorageAccountName>.file.core.windows.net\<FileShareName> /user:<username@domainFQDN>
+ ## Next steps If the identity you created in AD DS to represent the storage account is in a domain or OU that enforces password rotation, you might need to [update the password of your storage account identity in AD DS](storage-files-identity-ad-ds-update-password.md).
storage Storage Files Identity Auth Active Directory Enable https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/files/storage-files-identity-auth-active-directory-enable.md
To help you set up identity-based authentication for some common use cases, we p
| [![Screencast of the replacing on-premises file servers video - click to play.](./media/storage-files-identity-auth-active-directory-enable/replace-on-prem-server-thumbnail.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jd49W33DxkQ) | [![Screencast of the Using Azure Files as the profile container video - click to play.](./media/storage-files-identity-auth-active-directory-enable/files-ad-ds-fslogix-thumbnail.png)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S5A1IJqfOQ) |
-## Prerequisites
+## Prerequisites
Before you enable AD DS authentication for Azure file shares, make sure you've completed the following prerequisites:
Before you enable AD DS authentication for Azure file shares, make sure you've c
- Domain-join an on-premises machine or an Azure VM to on-premises AD DS. For information about how to domain-join, refer to [Join a Computer to a Domain](/windows-server/identity/ad-fs/deployment/join-a-computer-to-a-domain).
- If a machine isn't domain joined, you can still use AD DS for authentication if the machine has line of sight to the on-premises AD domain controller and the user types in their AD credentials.
+ If a machine isn't domain joined, you can still use AD DS for authentication if the machine has line of sight to the on-premises AD domain controller and the user provides explicit credentials. For more information, see [Mount the file share from a non-domain-joined VM](storage-files-identity-ad-ds-mount-file-share.md#mount-the-file-share-from-a-non-domain-joined-vm).
- Select or create an Azure storage account. For optimal performance, we recommend that you deploy the storage account in the same region as the client from which you plan to access the share. Then, [mount the Azure file share](storage-how-to-use-files-windows.md) with your storage account key. Mounting with the storage account key verifies connectivity.
storage Storage Files Migration Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/files/storage-files-migration-overview.md
A scenario without a link doesn't yet have a published migration guide. Check th
| Source | Target: </br>Hybrid deployment | Target: </br>Cloud-only deployment | |:|:--|:--| | | Tool combination:| Tool combination: |
-| Windows Server 2012 R2 and later | <ul><li>[Azure File Sync](../file-sync/file-sync-deployment-guide.md)</li><li>[Azure File Sync and Azure DataBox](storage-files-migration-server-hybrid-databox.md)</li></ul> | <ul><li>[Via RoboCopy to a mounted Azure file share](storage-files-migration-robocopy.md)</li><li>Via Azure File Sync</li></ul> |
+| Windows Server 2012 R2 and later | <ul><li>[Azure File Sync](../file-sync/file-sync-deployment-guide.md)</li><li>[Azure File Sync and Azure DataBox](storage-files-migration-server-hybrid-databox.md)</li></ul> | <ul><li>[Via RoboCopy to a mounted Azure file share](storage-files-migration-robocopy.md)</li><li>via Azure File Sync: Follow same steps as [Azure File Sync hybrid deployment](../file-sync/file-sync-deployment-guide.md) and [decommission server endpoint](../file-sync/file-sync-server-endpoint-delete.md) at the end.</li></ul> |
| Windows Server 2012 and earlier | <ul><li>Via DataBox and Azure File Sync to recent server OS</li><li>Via Storage Migration Service to recent server with Azure File Sync, then upload</li></ul> | <ul><li>Via Storage Migration Service to recent server with Azure File Sync</li><li>[Via RoboCopy to a mounted Azure file share](storage-files-migration-robocopy.md)</li></ul> | | Network-attached storage (NAS) | <ul><li>[Via Azure File Sync upload](storage-files-migration-nas-hybrid.md)</li><li>[Via DataBox + Azure File Sync](storage-files-migration-nas-hybrid-databox.md)</li></ul> | <ul><li>[Via DataBox](storage-files-migration-nas-cloud-databox.md)</li><li>[Via RoboCopy to a mounted Azure file share](storage-files-migration-robocopy.md)</li></ul> | | Linux / Samba | <ul><li>[Azure File Sync and RoboCopy](storage-files-migration-linux-hybrid.md)</li></ul> | <ul><li>[Via RoboCopy to a mounted Azure file share](storage-files-migration-robocopy.md)</li></ul> |
storage Understanding Billing https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/files/understanding-billing.md
description: Learn how to interpret the provisioned and pay-as-you-go billing mo
Previously updated : 06/16/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Azure Files supports reservations (also referred to as *reserved instances*), wh
- **Tier**: The tier of Azure Files for the Reservation. Reservations currently are available for the premium, hot, and cool tiers. - **Location**: The Azure region for the Reservation. Reservations are available in a subset of Azure regions. - **Redundancy**: The storage redundancy for the Reservation. Reservations are supported for all redundancies Azure Files supports, including LRS, ZRS, GRS, and GZRS.
+- **Billing frequency**: Indicates how often the account is billed for the Reservation. Options include *Monthly* or *Upfront*.
Once you purchase a Reservation, it will automatically be consumed by your existing storage utilization. If you use more storage than you have reserved, you'll pay list price for the balance not covered by the Reservation. Transaction, bandwidth, data transfer, and metadata storage charges aren't included in the Reservation.
storage Migration Tools Comparison https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/storage/solution-integration/validated-partners/data-management/migration-tools-comparison.md
The following comparison matrix shows basic functionality of different tools tha
- Internal hash validation > [!TIP]
-> Azure File Sync is meant as a permanent, hybrid solution for on-premises caching / sync of a number of Azure file shares. In that function, it provides zero-downtime cloud migration. If you do not plan on caching your Azure file shares on-premises, Azure File Sync is not a recommended migration tool. Refer to the [Azure file share migration overview](../../../files/storage-files-migration-overview.md) or the other partner tools described in this article.
+> Azure File Sync can be utilized for migrating data to Azure Files, even if you don't intend to use a hybrid solution for on-premises caching or syncing. This migration process is efficient and causes no downtime. To use Azure File Sync as a migration tool, [simply deploy it](../../../file-sync/file-sync-deployment-guide.md) and, after the migration is finished, [remove the server endpoint](../../../file-sync/file-sync-server-endpoint-delete.md).
### Datadobi DobiMigrate
synapse-analytics How To Monitor Using Azure Monitor https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/synapse-analytics/monitoring/how-to-monitor-using-azure-monitor.md
Here are some of the metrics emitted by dedicated SQL pools created in Azure Syn
| WLGEffectiveCapResourcePercent | Effective cap resource percent | Percent | Max (default), Min, Avg | The effective cap resource percent for the workload group. If there are other workload groups with min_percentage_resource > 0, the effective_cap_percentage_resource is lowered proportionally | | WLGEffectiveMinResourcePercent | Effective min resource percent | Percent | Max (default), Min, Avg, Sum | The effective min resource percentage setting allowed considering the service level and the workload group settings. The effective min_percentage_resource can be adjusted higher on lower service levels |
+> [!NOTE]
+> Dedicated SQL pool measures performance in compute data warehouse units (cDWUs). Even though we do not surface details of individual nodes such as memory per node or number of CPUs per node, the intent behind emitting metrics such as `MemoryUsedPercent`; `CPUPercent` etc. is to show general usage trend over a period of time. These trends will help administrators understand how an instance of dedicated SQL pool is utilized, and changes in footprint of memory and/or CPU could be a trigger for one or more actions such as scale-up or scale-down cDWUs, investigating a query (or queries) which may require optimization, etcetera.
+ ### Apache Spark pool metrics Here are some of the metrics emitted by Apache Spark pools:
virtual-desktop Configure Device Redirections https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-desktop/configure-device-redirections.md
Configuring device redirection for your Azure Virtual Desktop environment allows
Each client supports different kinds of device redirections. Check out [Compare the clients](compare-remote-desktop-clients.md) for the full list of supported device redirections for each client. >[!IMPORTANT]
->You can only enable redirections with binary settings that apply to both to and from the remote machine. The service doesn't currently support one-way blocking of redirections from only one side of the connection.
+>You can only enable redirections with binary settings that apply to both to and from the remote machine.
## Customizing RDP properties for a host pool
Set the following RDP property to configure WebAuthn redirection:
- `redirectwebauthn:i:1` enables WebAuthn redirection. - `redirectwebauthn:i:0` disables WebAuthn redirection.
-When enabled, WebAuthn requests from the session are sent to the local PC to be completed using the local Windows Hello for Business or security devices like FIDO keys. For more information, see [In-session passwordless authentication](authentication.md#in-session-passwordless-authentication-preview).
+When enabled, WebAuthn requests from the session are sent to the local PC to be completed using the local Windows Hello for Business or security devices like FIDO keys. For more information, see [In-session passwordless authentication](authentication.md#in-session-passwordless-authentication-preview).
virtual-desktop Whats New Client Windows https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-desktop/whats-new-client-windows.md
description: Learn about recent changes to the Remote Desktop client for Windows
Previously updated : 12/14/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023 # What's new in the Remote Desktop client for Windows
The following table lists the current versions available for the public and Insi
| Release | Latest version | Minimum supported version | Download | ||-||--| | Public | 1.2.3770 | 1.2.1672 | [Windows 64-bit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139369) *(most common)*<br />[Windows 32-bit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139456)<br />[Windows ARM64](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139370) |
-| Insider | 1.2.3770 | 1.2.1672 | As above |
+| Insider | 1.2.3916 | 1.2.1672 | [Windows 64-bit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139233) *(most common)*<br />[Windows 32-bit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139144)<br />[Windows ARM64](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139368) |
+## Updates for version 1.2.3916 (Insider)
+*Date published: January 24, 2023*
+Download: [Windows 64-bit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139233), [Windows 32-bit](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139144), [Windows ARM64](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2139368)
+- Added support for Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) for improved User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connectivity.
+- Fixed a bug where refreshes increased memory usage.
+- Improved client logging, diagnostics, and error classification to help admins troubleshoot connection and feed issues.
+- Updates to Teams for Azure Virtual Desktop, including the following:
+ - Bug fix for Background Effects persistence between Teams sessions.
+ - Various bug fixes for multimedia redirection (MMR) video playback redirection.
+>This is the final version of the Remote Desktop client with Windows 7 support. After this version, if you try to use the Remote Desktop client with Windows 7, it may not work as expected. For more information about which versions of Windows the Remote Desktop client currently supports, see [Prerequisites](./users/connect-windows.md?toc=%2Fazure%2Fvirtual-desktop%2Ftoc.json&tabs=subscribe#prerequisites).
## Updates for version 1.2.3770
Download: [Windows 64-bit](https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/bi
In this release, we've made the following changes: -- Added User Datagram Protocol (UDP) support to the client's ARM64 platform.
+- Added User Datagram Protocol support to the client's ARM64 platform.
- Fixed an issue where the tooltip didn't disappear when the user moved the mouse cursor away from the tooltip area. - Fixed an issue where the application crashes when calling reset manually from the command line. - Fixed an issue where the client stops responding when disconnecting, which prevents the user from launching another connection.
virtual-machines Constrained Vcpu https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-machines/constrained-vcpu.md
The available vCPU count can be reduced to one half or one quarter of the origi
For example, the Standard_E32s_v5 VM size comes with 32 vCPUs, 256 GiB RAM, 32 disks, and 80,000 IOPs or 2 GB/s of I/O bandwidth. The pre-defined Standard_E32-16s_v5 and Standard_E32-8s_v5 VM sizes comes with 16 and 8 active vCPUs respectively, while maintaining the memory, storage, and I/O bandwidth specifications of the Standard_E32s_v5.
-The licensing fees charged for SQL Server are based on the avaialble vCPU count. Third party products should count the available vCPU which represents the max to be used and licensed. This results in a 50% to 75% increase in the ratio of the VM specs to available (billable) vCPUs. At this time, the VM pricing, which includes OS licensing, remains the same as the original size. For more information, see [Azure VM sizes for more cost-effective database workloads](https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/announcing-new-azure-vm-sizes-for-more-cost-effective-database-workloads/).
+The licensing fees charged for SQL Server are based on the avaialble vCPU count. Third party products should count the available vCPU which represents the max to be used and licensed. This results in a 50% to 75% increase in the ratio of the VM specs to available (billable) vCPUs. At this time, the VM pricing, remains the same as the original size. For more information, see [Azure VM sizes for more cost-effective database workloads](https://azure.microsoft.com/blog/announcing-new-azure-vm-sizes-for-more-cost-effective-database-workloads/).
| Name | vCPU | Specs |
virtual-machines Migration Classic Resource Manager Errors https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-machines/migration-classic-resource-manager-errors.md
**Applies to:** :heavy_check_mark: Linux VMs :heavy_check_mark: Windows VMs > [!IMPORTANT]
-> Today, about 90% of IaaS VMs are using [Azure Resource Manager](https://azure.microsoft.com/features/resource-manager/). As of February 28, 2020, classic VMs have been deprecated and will be fully retired on March 1, 2023. [Learn more]( https://aka.ms/classicvmretirement) about this deprecation and [how it affects you](classic-vm-deprecation.md#how-does-this-affect-me).
+> Today, about 90% of IaaS VMs are using [Azure Resource Manager](https://azure.microsoft.com/features/resource-manager/). As of February 28, 2020, classic VMs have been deprecated and will be fully retired on September 1, 2023. [Learn more]( https://aka.ms/classicvmretirement) about this deprecation and [how it affects you](classic-vm-deprecation.md#how-does-this-affect-me).
This article catalogs the most common errors and mitigations during the migration of IaaS resources from Azure classic deployment model to the Azure Resource Manager stack.
virtual-machines Disk Encryption Windows https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-machines/windows/disk-encryption-windows.md
Previously updated : 12/07/2022 Last updated : 01/24/2023
Azure Disk Encryption does not work for the following scenarios, features, and t
- Dynamic volumes. - Windows Server containers, which create dynamic volumes for each container. - Ephemeral OS disks.
+- iSCSI disks.
- Encryption of shared/distributed file systems like (but not limited to) DFS, GFS, DRDB, and CephFS. - Moving an encrypted VM to another subscription or region. - Creating an image or snapshot of an encrypted VM and using it to deploy additional VMs.
virtual-network Tutorial Hub Spoke Nat Firewall https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/virtual-network/nat-gateway/tutorial-hub-spoke-nat-firewall.md
The hub virtual network contains the firewall subnet that is associated with the
| Setting | Value | | - | -- |
- | Bastion name | Enter **myFirewall**. |
+ | Firewall name | Enter **myFirewall**. |
| Firewall subnet address space | Enter ****. | | Public IP address | Select **Create new**. </br> In **Name** enter **myPublicIP-Firewall**. </br> Select **OK**. |
web-application-firewall Cdn Overview https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits/main/articles/web-application-firewall/cdn/cdn-overview.md
Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN) from Microsoft provides centralized protection for your web content. WAF defends your web services against common exploits and vulnerabilities. It keeps your service highly available for your users and helps you meet compliance requirements. > [!IMPORTANT]
-> WAF on Azure CDN from Microsoft is currently in public preview and is provided with a preview service level agreement. Certain features may not be supported or may have constrained capabilities. See the [Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/) for details.
+> Azure WAF on Azure CDN from Microsoft preview is no longer accepting new customers. Customers are encouraged to use the [Azure WAF on Azure Front Door](../afds/afds-overview.md) instead. Existing CDN WAF customers are provided with a preview service level agreement. Certain features may not be supported or may have constrained capabilities.  See the [Supplemental Terms of Use for Microsoft Azure Previews](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/) for details.
WAF on Azure CDN is a global and centralized solution. It's deployed on Azure network edge locations around the globe. WAF stops malicious attacks close to the attack sources, before they reach your origin. You get global protection at scale without sacrificing performance.
Custom rules can have match rules and rate control rules.
You can configure the following custom match rules: -- *IP allowlist and blocklist*: You can control access to your web applications based on a list of client IP addresses or IP address ranges. Both IPv4 and IPv6 address types are supported. IP list rules use the RemoteAddress IP contained in the X-Forwarded-For request header and not the SocketAddress that the WAF sees. IP lists can be configured to either block or allow requests where the RemoteAddress IP matches an IP in the list. If you have a requirement to block request on the source IP address that WAF sees, for example the proxy server address if the user is behind a proxy, you should use the Azure Front Door standard or premium tiers. For more information, see [Configure an IP restriction rule with a Web Application Firewall for Azure Front Door](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/web-application-firewall/afds/waf-front-door-configure-ip-restriction) for details.
+- *IP allowlist and blocklist*: You can control access to your web applications based on a list of client IP addresses or IP address ranges. Both IPv4 and IPv6 address types are supported. IP list rules use the RemoteAddress IP contained in the X-Forwarded-For request header and not the SocketAddress that the WAF sees. IP lists can be configured to either block or allow requests where the RemoteAddress IP matches an IP in the list. If you have a requirement to block request on the source IP address that WAF sees, for example the proxy server address if the user is behind a proxy, you should use the Azure Front Door standard or premium tiers. For more information, see [Configure an IP restriction rule with a Web Application Firewall for Azure Front Door](../afds/waf-front-door-configure-ip-restriction.md) for details.
- *Geographic based access control*: You can control access to your web applications based on the country code that's associated with a client's IP address.